#eddie NEEDS time and he DESERVES time and buck will ABSOLUTELY GIVE IT TO HIM and i'm CRYING ABOUT IT
bekolxeram · 26 days
I'm usually very block happy, but sometimes a couple of hot takes from the opposite side of the fandom manage to slip through. I'm no saint, I admit I do get quite worked up at first, but after some time, I realize they give me new perspectives to scenes I've watched countless times and discover things I didn't pick up before. So this one is for all of you, staunch Tommy haters, thank you for enriching my viewing experience.
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In 7x04, when Tommy goes to Buck's loft to talk things out, this line gives some people the ick, because it echoes what Taylor said in 5x05. In that episode, Buck thought his team was off because they blamed him for Chimney leaving. He talked to Taylor about it, she shared her own experience with her boss being sulky around her, and it turned out her boss was just in a lot of physical pain, she ended the conversation with "maybe not everything is about you". While what she said was absolutely right, and she made an effort to make Buck feel appreciated at the end of the episode, but I can also see Buck not feeling supported emotionally at the time the conversation occurred. In a fashion true to her profession, Taylor delivered it in a very blunt, direct and advisory way. Her being right did not cancel out Buck feeling insecure about everyone acting weird around him and him not knowing why.
What Tommy says here though, is in a a completely different context.
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Before all of this, Tommy has already reassured Buck that he's not trying to replace him, that his place in Eddie and Christopher's life is irreplaceable.
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Look at Buck's smile, he's apparently in a better mood than before. It's like a weight has been lifted off his shoulders.
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So going in this next part, Buck is more receptive to what he frankly needs to hear: Eddie isn't hanging out with Tommy because Buck did something wrong, he just enjoys Tommy's company.
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We've witnessed Buck's growth over 7 seasons, now he can recognize that getting jealous easily is one of his character flaws, he tends to overthink and make other's action personal when he's feeling insecure in a relationship. He's telling Tommy this probably to signal that he understands he messed up and he understands what he did wrong. He never expected Tommy to validate his feelings.
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But Tommy does empathize with his predicament.
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Buck doesn't understand what Tommy, the cool, confident (and hot) pilot would be jealous over. And he almost can't believe Tommy gets what he's been feeling.
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Tommy tells Buck that he's envious of the ride-or-die familial bonds within the 118 nowadays, as if he didn't also put his career and life in danger just to save Athena and Bobby (probably Hen's career as well), after one phone call from Chimney.
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Now it's Buck's turn to reassure Tommy.
Another hot take I've seen from the other side goes like "if Tommy was nicer to Hen and Chimney back in the days, he wouldn't have to be jealous over what the 118 has now". You know what? Judging by Tommy's face here, he probably would agree. This is not the face of a man who is proud of what he did. This is the face of a man who is burdened by guilt and regret, this is a man haunted by his past, this is a man who doesn't think he deserves the praise.
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Buck even cites fake mouth static as an example of Tommy's effort in aiding the 118's clandestine rescue mission, and they naturally fall into a flirty dynamic. I have no explanation for that, except, your honor, this is exhibit A against the "no chemistry" allegation.
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Buck then spells it all out for Tommy that he also put everything on the line just for the 118, without hesitation. Tommy looks like he still has a hard time accepting it as an act worthy of redemption for his past behavior.
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We've all made mistakes, and we all know we can't go back to the past and change what we did, so the best way forward is to change ourselves and be better. Judging by Tommy's "and [Gerrard] didn't make me a better person" line in 7x10, he quite possibly reflected on this a lot. Yet, sometimes you still can't help but doubt yourself over if you've learned enough from your past, if you're a good enough person now. I can't imagine how good it feels hearing Buck say out loud that he actually likes the person Tommy is now.
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Apparently Buck likes Tommy so much that he came up with excuses just to hang out with him and get to know him.
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Tommy is pleasantly surprised, because he did tell Buck to call him when he wants to go up. In fact, Buck can call him for whatever reason, Tommy accepted the Harbor tour request, there's nothing indicating that he would feel weird just hanging out with Buck. Tommy just doesn't know how much of a overthinker and bi disaster Buck truly is yet, but that's the story for another time.
Buck and Tommy really don't know much, if anything, about each other at this stage, as you can see in 7x05, but they're already validating each other's feelings. We've seen Buck get his feelings ignored, hurt, dismissed and kind of fetishized for 6 seasons, now this is something he's been looking for the whole time, for someone to understand what he's going through. At the same time, this interaction must also be quite freeing for Tommy, who's been haunted by demons from his own past.
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intermittent-showers · 2 months
I'm tired of these people who say that Tommy isn't good for Buck. That Tommy "just isn't matching his energy." That Buck needs to stop clinging to relationships and "accept the love he deserves."
Are you all okay? Are you watching the show, or are you watching Buddie scenes?
Buck's past relationships, yes, he clung onto them, I do agree... but his relationship with Tommy is different.
How is Tommy not putting in the same amount of effort that Buck puts into relationships?
Tommy gave Buck a tour of Harbor. This means Buck got Tommy's phone number somehow. Then, we see Tommy absolutely thrilled at Buck's excitement during the tour. Then, if you really watch the scene, we see Buck fumble a bit. When he shrugs and says, "IDK man... i guess it would be kind of different..." and Tommy is fast to make Buck feel better. "There's no rule that says you can't get certified and still work at the 118. I fly for fun on my days off." Buck immediately perks up, and they flirt. Tommy even offers Buck flying lessons. They're then interrupted by plans that Tommy already made. Not the guy's fault. And if you watch, Tommy's facial expressions try to downplay how "exciting" the fight is.
Next, Tommy goes out of his way to talk to Buck in person about the "bad blood" between Buck and Eddie. He's honest with Buck about how it wasn't intentional. They begin to flirt again until Tommy ultimately kisses Buck. I wish Tommy got more credit for the kiss tbf. Because it was brave of him to take that chance. And he checks in with Buck after. He asks if that was "okay?" and then he doesn't make a huge deal out of it. He just asks Buck out before heading to work.
The date happens, and it's awkward af. Tommy knows that Buck is tense, and instead of making him feel stupid for that, Tommy reassures him and even relates to Buck's feelings. Then we see Tommy sitting here listening to Buck word vomit all over the table, AND HE LIKES IT. The "Buck" heard around the world is echoed within the restaurant and Tommy explains they're "grabbing a bite and then thinking about going to see a movie" friends do that... it's not weird. Only, Buck makes it sound like it's the complete opposite. He shoves Tommy in the closet after Tommy opened up to him about lying to himself. So, yeah, Tommy makes a jab at him with that closet comment. But the thing is, Eddie and Marisol have no reason to assume it means anything in regards to Buck's sexuality and they don't take it that way.
And even after being treated like that, Tommy ends the date by understanding what he just witnessed. Buck isn't comfortable with being out. So instead of calling him a coward or something equally as hurtful, Tommy calls him adorable but ends the date since Buck doesn't seem ready.
And Tommy gives Buck space. He doesn't reach out, which gives Buck time to think and make a decision about the direction he wants his love life to take.
Buck ultimately chooses to call Tommy, and they talk. And it's the first time we see Buck taking responsibility for something he did to a significant other. Another important sign here is that up to this point, Buck has not slept with Tommy. An important piece to their relationship.
Tommy shows up to the bachelor party. He's on call and should really be at home taking it easy, but no, he sacrifices sleep and food to show up for Buck. He only leaves because he got called in to work. (Side note here: Tommy didn't wear a costume because when you're on call, you need to be at the ready immediately, so to dress up wouldn't make sense for Tommy).
He tells Buck that he'll try his best to make it to the wedding. To which Buck seems skeptical.
But Tommy does show up. Dirty and in his turnouts, but he's there. And clearly Buck is appreciative because he eats Tommy's face in the lobby.
(Not mentioning the medal ceremony)
Bobby has his heart attack but recovers and we see Buck and Tommy having dinner. Tommy asks about Bobby, watches Buck's facial expressions, asks if he's okay, opens up about his father and Gerrard, then follows Buck's lead to lighten the conversation.
Where in the hell has Tommy been bad for Buck? Where has he NOT matched Buck's energy?
And you think Buck should be with Eddie so he can see what a relationship SHOULD be like? That being with Eddie is "the respect and the dignity and the enthusiasm he deserves from a partner."
Right. Because if Buddie happened in season 7 like some wanted... Eddie definitely wouldn't have cheated on Buck with Kim... right??? The doppelganger of the "love of his life?" How would that have made Buck feel? He realizes he's bisexual, gets in a relationship with his "best friend" who then immediately cheats on him with a woman who looks like Shannon!?
No. Just... no.
And if you think Buck should be with someone who really needs to deal with their repressed grief over a woman... then you don't understand the character of Buck at all.
Buck grew up with two parents who lived in their repressed grief. Do not make that man be in that position again! And don't make him have to fix Eddie. It is not his job.
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diazisms · 5 months
k but rewatching 2x01 and it's gotta be Buck's pov of ugh, this new guy who's all handsome and perfect or whatever
Be curious about Eddie's pov bc I feel like it would be 70% Panic like omg pls don't mess this up and also 30% Gay Panic like why doesn't the pretty guy like me :(
(fair warning, this may have spiraled past 2x01......a lot. bear with me.)
i don't think we've ever gotten eddie's pov the way we've gotten buck's (2x01 and 7x04 for example) HOWEVER i do think we more or less know who buck is from eddie's pov through his actions.
which, considering their characters, tracks so hard.
buck didn't realize he was queer until a man quite literally kissed him on the mouth. seeing eddie from buck's pov is safe because buck has no idea what his feelings are. we watched buck's complicated feelings of jealousy towards eddie unfold TWICE and neither time did he realize what the feelings actually were (physical attraction and y'know. being in love with the guy). buck's pov is one we're allowed to see through as the audience, because it's not actually gonna tell us much, seeing as buck hasn't realized anything.
eddie, though?
reservoir of catholic guilt eddie? the guy who had panic attacks about the idea of being married to his girlfriend? the same man who was diagnosed repressed by a cardiologist?
he knows. he knows and he's been pushing it down since he and buck met, and if we were to ever see buck through eddie's eyes it'd give away everything. the eddie we've seen through buck's pov is just. pure golden sunshine, laughter, love, and buck's best friend in the whole fucking world. buck's best friend that he's in love with, sure, but buck hasn't put those dots together yet, so we, as the audience, won't see that.
buck, to eddie, is home. is family and warmth and comfort. and, obviously, eddie is the same to buck, but eddie knows this. eddie is fully and completely aware of who buck is to him, he's just shoving it all the way down. eddie gave buck a place to land ("it's eddie's house, i'm not really a guest"), eddie trusts buck wish christopher more than he trusts his parents with christopher (ramon and helena saying to eddie 'don't drag him down with you' and him leaving for LA -> eddie saying to buck 'there's nobody in this world i trust with my son more than you' after the tsunami), eddie let buck in when he was at his absolute lowest.
and, you know.
the will.
we've talked about it a half dozen million times in this fandom but we're gonna talk about it again because it's brain melting. we've never seen buck through eddie's eyes but we've seen exactly who he is to eddie through his actions. eddie trusts buck. eddie needs buck to know he has a reason to stay, that eddie and chris are his reasons to stay. eddie told buck flat out that his life means something. that buck thinks he's not worth anything but he's wrong because he means everything to eddie. eddie loves him.
eddie loved him when he held his hand when buck got pinned under a firetruck and eddie loved him when he dropped chris off before the tsunami and he still loved him when the water went back to the sea and eddie loved him when buck sued the city because the worst part of the whole lawsuit was how much he fucking missed him and eddie loved him when he was trapped under a well and all he could think about was his son and how, if he goes too soon, christopher deserves to be with someone who will love him the way eddie does and eddie loved him when he thought buck was the last thing he was ever gonna see, bleeding out on the streets of los angeles and eddie loved him when he told buck in the only way he knew how to (because, evan) and eddie loved him through panic attacks and mental breakdowns and lightning strikes and new girlfriends and a broken ankle and a new boyfriend because there is no version of eddie diaz that isn't in love with evan buckley.
and eddie knows that.
which is why we don't see it.
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queerweewoo · 2 months
100% in the Buddie Team Switch tent over here btw bc these bastards are honestly just far too complex to ever be anything else imo. like Buck with his praise kink, all somebody please tell me i did good as i wasn't told this growing up by the people who were supposed to say it to me and it changed my brain chemistry by denying me of positive affirmations and molded me into a pliable thing that cannot help but take any shape others want me to so i just need need need you to please please tell me that i did good and that i am good and please will you help me to believe that i am as good as you're telling me i am by holding me down and forcing me to take all of you into all of me until I'm fucking convulsing with just how good it feels and how good i am at it, and bc i now know for sure how much you love it too as you're saying it out loud to me, over and over and over again... and Eddie, with absolutely everything in his life (outside of work) feeling so very out of his control and needing to gain some of it back by crushing Buck with his body weight and telling Buck exactly what it is he should be doing and precisely how to do it and have Buck whining and keening with how desperate he is to comply bc Buck has complete trust in Eddie, in Eddie's ability to make the right decision for whatever it is Buck needs, for what they both need, and having that allows Eddie to have the courage in his convictions that he often struggles to have outside of the(ir) bedroom when it comes to his emotions and that just feels so good to Eddie, to be doing it right, to be the one making Buck feel good, so good, and to actually be taking—for once in his life—what it is that he wants and allowing himself to have the things he desires, to have Buck, all for himself, because that is what feels good to him... but then there are those other times in Eddie's life that he has had to and has to be a sure and steady hand, a reliable go-to, be totally unshakeable and unbreakable and in charge of making decisions that affect countless people's lives—victims of war, those he tries his best to serve and save on calls, colleagues, friends, the people he cares for and those he loves the most in his life—and it's, well. it's A Lot. so much, actually, that Eddie sometimes needs to turn it off and just let it all go and allow somebody else take over and tell him what to do and when to do it bc he just needs to not think about it anymore, to not think at all, needs to just be a vessel for somebody else's decisions and desires and put his trust wholly in somebody else, in Buck, bc he doesn't always trust himself but Buck knows Eddie so well and so completely and understands what Eddie needs to get out of his own head and just have somebody tell him (outside of his job) that he did good for once, that he can get matters of the heart right instead of always wrong wrong wrong and have Buck tell him that yes, of course he's good for something, good for this, good for splaying himself wide open and taking everything he is given by Buck... and then there's the whole Buck (outside of work) having zero fucking clue of what he's doing and even tho he is trying his very best all of the time he's getting it wrong A Lot of the time, bc his best isn't always good enough so he has to try harder but then he's trying too hard, too much, which means he still isn't getting it right. and so to be able to be the one in charge of things and have his will and instruction be absolutely the right thing? the very thing that Eddie needs? that's such a heady experience, such a rush, and when he makes Eddie beg and cry with it and Eddie loves loves loves Buck for it—loves Buck for telling him how it should be and for Buck insisting on what he's giving being what Eddie deserves—that is Buck living and thriving and loving loving loving Eddie right back, with all the plundering depth that he has in him and can give and is... and that, all of that, is just. how it is. every facet of it; every logistic; every angle; every way and any way you look at it; every (s)which way.
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redocity · 6 months
Can you do one based on work song by hozier.
Like the episode after he is struck by lightning, and he would do anything to get back to her (the reader) 😭
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after he’d been hit by lighting, buck had been rendered comatose, and he’s just as eager to wake up and see you again as you are for him to be okay.
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WARNINGS: massive spoilers for 06X11, happy ending, established relationship
evan buckley x fem!reader II angst Il 4.6k Il requests open!
a/n: eddie doesn’t deserve to be separated from christopher in any universe so i wrote them back in-
₊ ⊹ masterlist!!
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First it was Daniel.
Then he found out Maddie was still with Doug and hadn’t even met Chimney.
Then it was finding out that Bobby had died.
You were his last shot.
God how he wanted to see you right now. He felt like his whole world had been flipped upside-down, and it had in a way. He was sure of his theory, that this was some alternate reality induced by the lightning strike. That he had to be in a coma. That was the only reasonable explanation for all of this.
The first course of action was to ask Chimney and Hen about you. He had no direct impact in you joining the 118, so you had to still be there right? Your job was your life, and even in a place like this that shouldn’t have changed. You were independently driven, and he just hoped that meant that you weren’t different.
“Oh right,” Hen snapped her fingers at Buck’s description of you. “She went into early retirement to look after the kids,”
“Sad to see her go honestly, she was great,” Chimney nodded along to Hen’s assessment, crossing his arms. “I miss her cooking sometimes,”
“You say that like she’s dead,” Hen rolled her eyes, hitting Chimney’s bicep with the back of her hand. “We see her all the time,”
“Yeah but that’s not the same as coming off a call and having the mastery that is her lasagna waiting in the oven for me to devour the minute we sit down,” Chimney sighs at the thought, his shoulders dropping as he imagines it. “Now we get it maybe once a month if we’re lucky,”
“Wait stop-” Buck holds his hand up to stop the two’s conversation, pushing himself from the dining chair he was sat in at Chimney’s table to stand with a furrowed expression. “Kids?”
You weren’t just not in the 118, you had kids here? Kids plural. Not even just one.
“Yeah,” Hen gives him a short nod with a raised eyebrow, like Buck’s confusion was the weird thing and not you having multiple kids with somebody who wasn’t him. “Chistopher and Nicolas,”
“Well, if we’re being semantic here, Christopher isn’t technically her kid,” Chimney gestures outward with his hands as he corrects Hen’s explanation.
“Oh please she may as well be,” Hen rolls her eyes with a scoff. “He calls her mom doesn’t he?”
“Still, biologically-”
”Guys.” Buck stops the two again, holding up both of his hands this time. “Christopher like Eddie’s Christopher?” There was absolutely no way.
“Yeah,” Chimney nods enthusiastically like Buck had just suggested a good answer for a general knowledge quiz. “They’re not married wherever you come from?”
“They’re married?” Buck swears he’s going to die all over again.
“I’ll take that as a no-”
Buck sat back down on the pulled out chair with his elbows on the table and his head in his hands.
You got married and had a child with his best friend?
This definitely wasn’t where he was supposed to be. Not where you were supposed to be.
You were supposed to be his, he was supposed to be yours. God you’d been through so much together, you’d pledged yourselves to each other. He had a ring waiting for you in his apartment.
You weren’t supposed to be married to anyone else. It was just wrong.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
“Hey,” There’s a gentle hand placed on your shoulder, and you reluctantly tear your eyes away from where Buck is lying towards the origin of the voice.
“You should take a break, you need to eat something and stretch your legs,” Eddie squeezes your shoulder gently as he stands behind you, looking over the top of your head towards the ECMO machine keeping Buck’s breathing regulated. “It’s not good for you to sit here for so long,”
”You know I can’t leave him Eddie,” You sigh softly, dragging your hands over your face to try and rub the fatigue away from your features.
“Please,” He shakes your shoulders gently under his grasp. “You know he wouldn’t want to see you like this, you need to take care of yourself too,”
“I know that…”
“But you’re not going to leave anyway?”
”I just-” You exhale heavily, stretching your back from being hunched over to rest it against the back of the plastic chair you’re sitting in. “What if something happens while I’m not here?”
“Hey,” He tugs on the chair until you’re half-facing him. “If anything happens, I will call you. I promise. Please take a few hours to look after yourself, i’ll watch over him for now,”
You glance back towards Buck’s unmoving body, with a stuttered breath, slowly standing yourself up from your chair with Eddie’s hand behind your back to make sure you don’t stumble with how long you’d been sat there.
“He’ll be okay,” You look up at Eddie with glassy eyes as he tries to reassure you. “He’s a stubborn bastard, he’s not going anywhere,”
“I hope you’re right,”
“When have I ever been wrong?” He tilts his head slightly with a small smile, a lace of joking in his tone in his effort to lighten your mood a little.
It works to an extent, a small breathy laugh leaving your mouth, joined by a small shake of your head as you pull him into a short hug.
“Go and get some food, and then some rest alright?” He pulls away from the hug after a few seconds with his hands braced on your shoulders.
“Yes sir,”
Eddie laughs shortly at your sarcasm, watching you leave the room with a reassuring smile before he takes your place in the chair to watch over Buck until your inevitable return.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
“So what are we doing here exactly?” Chimney calls out to Buck as he power walks into the waiting room of the hospital, just barely able to match pace with Hen as the two follow after him.
“I’m not sure,” Buck stops abruptly once he’s inside, looking around. “I think maybe I’m supposed to come back to where it all started,”
“I guess that makes sense in the rules of this- Alternate universe,” Chimney gestures with his hands, following Buck’s turning head in gazing around the sterile white environment.
“I-I have this weird feeling, like I’m running out of time-” Buck turns to face the two with a furrowed expression and a hand pressed against his chest.
“Ooh, a ticking clock,” Chimney snaps his fingers in amusement, turning his head towards Hen who gives him a dissatisfied look. “Plot twist,”
Hen shakes her head with a roll of her eyes at Chimney, turning her attention back towards Buck. “You were having trouble breathing before right?”
“What if that wasn’t a panic attack?” She shakes her head again, but this time not in disapproval, instead in concern. “You guys are talking about this place as an alternate reality, but it’s not,” She gestures between Buck and the two of them.
“If you’re in a coma then this is all in your head, meaning that this place is still connected to that body.” She continues her theory with fervour, and Buck is increasingly grateful that at least she hasn’t changed at all. “If it can’t breathe, you can’t breathe,”
“So he feels like he’s running out of time-” Chimney’s cut off halfway through his sentence.
“Because my body is…”
Buck drags his hand down his face at the revelation. He was really at risk of dying here if he didn’t figure out how to get back quickly enough. He wanted to get back. He needed to get back. Desperately.
“Oh hey!”
Buck would recognise that voice anywhere. And it was both the most and least thing he wanted to hear right now.
“Chim, Hen, I didn’t know you guys knew Mr. Buckley,” Buck turns almost begrudgingly in the direction of your voice, a flicker of hope in his eyes as he meets your face. A flicker that immediately disappears as his eyes turn to the child in your arms.
He can’t be any older than five, and he looks just like you, except for his nose and his eyes. They matched Eddie’s features perfectly. And it felt like they were ripping his heart in two.
“Yeah uh…” The two look between each other as they question whether to divulge Buck’s predicament to you. “New acquaintances,”
“Mister Buck!” The child in your arms waves enthusiastically in Buck’s direction, a perfect mimicry of your smile on his features. He figures this must be Nicolas.
Mister Buck. That’s right, he was a teacher in this weird purgatory. He taught your’s and Eddie’s child. Like his life couldn’t get any worse.
“Hey little man,” His greeting was more than a little stunted, his attempt at masking his features clearly failing under the way concern blooms across your face. He always hated when you looked at him like that.
“Are you alright? I know you just got out of the hospital recently and you’re looking a little pale, maybe you should sit down,” You place Nicolas on the floor to guide Buck over to one of the chairs to sit down, and your touch against his arm feels both familiar and foreign at the same time.
“I’m fine, I’ll be fine,” He waves you off gently with a raise of his hand before bracing his arms on his knees.
“What are you doing here, everything okay?” Hen mirrors your concern towards Buck back onto you.
“Oh, yeah, everything’s fine,” You give her a short nod as you straighten up from where you were bending to held Buck sit down, taking Nicholas’ hand in yours as he tugs on the hem of your shirt. “Just a routine check for Christopher, Eddie’s in with him at the moment,”
“Okay good, can’t have our favourite squad in duress,” Hen nods, happy with your response as she ruffles Nicolas’ hair, earning a chuckle from the boy and only sending Buck deeper into his pit of misery.
He was angry at a child, how pathetic was that.
“Speak of the devil,” Chimney nods his head down one of the hallways, and the group of you all turn your heads in the same direction.
“Daddy!” Nicholas is off immediately, running in the direction of Eddie and Christopher the second he sees them round the corner, and Eddie scoops the boy into his arms with no effort whatsoever.
He always was suited to be a dad. And that arguably made it worse for Buck to watch.
“Everything’s good?” You walk over to the three boys with your head tilted, gaze flickering between Eddie and Christopher at his side.
“All good Mi Amor, he’s perfectly fine,” Eddie presses a kiss to your temple, his free arm sliding around your waist to hold you securely against his side.
And that’s when Buck decides that he’s had enough.
He physically cannot stand to watch you with Eddie like that.
He has to get out of there.
And so he does, standing up abruptly and practically running down one of the corridors, leaving all of you to watch on after him in a mix of shock and confusion.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
When you return to Buck’s hospital room, Eddie has been replaced by Bobby. You can’t really be mad at that, Eddie has Christopher to worry about, and you know that he’s probably having just as hard of a time with Buck’s situation as you are. You can’t even begin to imagine how difficult it is for Eddie to explain the situation to him. How Buck might not wake up.
You didn’t want to think about that right now.
“Hey…” Bobby turns his head up from his rosary beads as you practically whisper out your greeting, pulling a chair over so that you can sit next to him at the foot of Buck’s hospital bed.
He looks just as wrecked as you do.
“Hey,” His hands fall into his lap, thumbs still rolling over the wooden beads as he looks over your state. “How are you holding up?”
“Not great…” You start tearing up almost immediately, hands cupping your nose and your mouth and you lean forward with your elbows on your knees.
Empathy floods Bobby’s expression as he reaches over to rub a hand up and down your back with a soft sigh, watching as silent tears roll over the back of your hands to leave dark dapple marks on your jeans.
“I’m so scared…”
“I know kid,” Bobby pulls you securely against his side with his hand rubbing lines over your arm in a futile attempt to console you, his eyes locked on Buck’s unconscious features. “I’m scared too,”
“What if he never wakes up?” You lean your head against Bobby’s shoulder with a stuttered exhale.
“He’s strong, I have faith in him,”
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
“Oh hey kid, fancy meeting you here,” Bobby peeks out from behind a stacked shelf of medical supplies, his tone much lighter and less serious than Buck is used to when working with him.
“Thought you were dead,”Taking a moment to catch him breath, Buck steps further into the room slowly, his tone almost accusatory as his eyes narrow, beginning to tire of running around this fictional copy of his own life. “What are you doing here?”
“You tell me, it’s your dream, I’m just living in it,” Bobby shrugs nonchalantly, rifling through some of the bottles one one of the shelves. “Living my best afterlife,”
“Uh-huh, so I am dead,”
“Close but not quite,” Bobby suddenly changes position to come from behind Buck where he was previously stood in front of him. Because apparently that’s something he can do in this version of the world.
“Hey what do you think these do?” Bobby rattles a white tube container with a hum, tipping an unnumbered amount of pills into his mouth.
“This place is way too messed up to be heaven but uh, I don’t really believe in hell,” Buck exhales with furrowed eyebrows as he tries to comprehend everything. He feels like from the moment he woke up in this place he’s been in a constant haze of confusion, and no matter how much he tries to make sense of it, he can never fully grasp what’s happening.
“I- I’m in purgatory,” He exhales sharply as he accepts his own conclusion, laughing at himself ina derogatory fashion at his apparent stupidness. “I never really understood the concept of this, is th- is this a waiting room? Do I just have to hang here until my number is called or is it like, a-a punishment, a time out— do I have to do some type of penance before I’m allowed to move on?”
“Listen kid,” Bobby pulls an orange-brown translucent bottle from his pocket. “You need to relax,” He takes a large swig from the bottle, almost animatedly. “None of this is real,”
Buck’s features visibly soften at Bobby’s word, and he lets out a short laugh. “Ah, that’s the good news,”
Bobby turns towards a large white cabinet behind him, pulling the two doors open with both hands to reveal a large medicine cabinet. “The bad news is that it can be real enough to keep you here if you let it.”
“Uh, wh-what do you mean?”
Bobby pushes the clear bottles of pills on the middle shelf to the side to reveal a large glass window behind them, gesturing towards it with his head. “Hey look, you’re alive,”
Buck furrows his eyebrows as he cautiously approaches the window, features only furrowing further as they lock onto the image of the two of you in the darkened hospital room.
“And there’s me. Ooh I busted out the rosary beads, must be serious,” The image of Bobby shows him bent forward in his chair with his hands on his knees and his rosary in his hands, muttering soft prayers under his breath as he holds the beads up to his mouth.
“And a pretty lady, your girlfriend? She doesn’t look so good,” That was an understatement. From what Buck could see of the side of your face it looked like you were crying, the tear stains on your cheeks illuminated under the florescent lighting and making his heart wrench at the sight, wanting nothing more to pull you into his arms and kiss all of those tears away.
Then he noticed himself, lying perfectly still on a hospital bed hooked up to so many different machines he wasn’t even sure if he could name them all. “How- am I there and here?”
“Well, Evan Buckley, this is your deep dark subconscious,” Bobby leans over slightly towards Buck, tone slightly ominous.
Then the sound of a door turns both of them back towards the window as they watch Athena walk into the room and place careful hands on both yours and Bobby’s shoulders. “Oh hey, can we back up for a second? Are you telling me that’s my wife?” He exhales through his nose with a nod of satisfaction. “I mean, some things did work out for me didn’t they?”
“Do you know what’s happening to me in there?” Buck’s eyes lock on to what he can see of himself through furrowed eyebrows.
“Depends on how you look at it,” Bobby’s eyes follow his own, and he shrugs nonchalantly. “You could be dying, you could be fighting for your life. It’s kind of up to you,”
Bobby leans over towards Buck once again as he continues to stare at himself. “Which way you leaning?”
“I- don’t know,” Buck blinks softly, seemingly going over the pros and cons in his head. “This felt pretty great at first but… Then the Doug thing happened, then you, and then…” His eyes flicker towards where your sat once more, a soft sigh leaving his mouth.
“Well, I don’t think you can bring me back from the dead even in here, but…” Bobby crosses his arms loosely over his chest. “I think you can fix the Doug thing, maybe even the Eddie thing,”
“Wo- Would that actually work?”
“I don’t know, I’m not exactly bound by the laws of physics and logic here,” Bobby shrugs again and leans forward slightly. “I know what you know,”
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Athena walks over to Buck’s hospital bed with a sigh, gently laying her hand on Buck’s wrist to rub small circles against his skin. “I don’t know if you can hear me Evan Buckley, but I do know that you never give up. So don’t start now.” She shakes her head with an exasperated exhale, her tone still authoritative despite her obvious emotion towards the situation.
“Bobby has lost… two children. He cannot survive losing you.” She sighs softly, squeezing his wrist just a little. “And your girlfriend, oh the poor girl… She’s distraught over you. You can’t propose to her if you’re like this. So wake up damn it.” She raises her voice ever so slightly at the end of her sentence out of frustration. Mostly at herself, that she cant do anything to help get him out of the situation he’s in.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
“Wake up.”
“Yeah I’m trying.” Buck gestures exasperatedly with his hands as he walks back towards the hospital waiting room with Bobby following after him. “Just need to figure out what to fix to get back.”
“Maybe you should just give up.” Buck glances over his shoulder at Bobby’s ‘suggestion’, his harsh words contrasting his jovial tone. “Did you know that you were clinically dead for three minutes? Things aren’t looking good for you,”
“How come you’re such a jerk in this reality?” Buck’s tone shift to border frustration as he continues to walk with Bobby following after him.
“Because I am loosing patience.” Buck turns around with a furrowed expression, and the two stop in the middle of the corridor, locked in a stalemate.
“When are you gonna learn?” Bobby crosses his arms over his chest. “Brother’s die, children and their wives die, sisters get beat up by their husbands, girlfriends move on and find someone better, you can’t fix everything.”
“Well I fixed you.” Buck borders on shouting in anger at Bobby’s words.
“Oh really? How?” Bobby stares at him blankly as he anticipates an answer.
Buck takes a few seconds to respond, his eyes narrowing once he’s found his answer. “’Cause I joined the 118… And I mad you mad. And I made you cry. And I made you laugh sometimes, you know?” He exhales sharply, gesturing between himself and Bobby.
“I drove you crazy, but I think you spent so much time trying to make sure that I didn’t get myself killed, that it made you remember what it is to live.”
“So basically,” Bobby meets Buck’s gaze with his own. “You were Buck,”
“Yeah,” Buck seems to relax a little once he’d got everything off his chest, features softening. “I was Buck,”
“And that’s enough?”
Buck turns his gaze down to the ground as he takes a few seconds to think about it, a small breath of a laugh leaving his mouth as he makes his decision. “I think it is,”
“Looks like someone just figured out the answers for himself,”
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
A small group of you stand in Buck’s hospital room as they prepare to disconnect Buck from the ventilator. The priority visitors. His parents stood side by side, wrapped up in each other for mutual comfort, Maddie was hugging herself as an act of self-comfort, and Bobby was stood with his hand on your shoulder trying to comfort you.
The nurse carefully removes the ECMO covering Buck’s mouth and steps back towards the foot of his hospital bed. “And now we wait, see if he takes a spontaneous breath on his own,”
There’s about thirty seconds of silence before the regular beeping of Buck’s heart monitor changes to a jarring sharp sound, and Maddie turns towards the nurse with an anxious expression. “What’s wrong?”
“His oxygen is dropping,” The nurse’s tone is not at all reassuring. “If he doesn’t take a breath in the next few seconds we’re gonna have to reconnect him to the ventilator,”
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
“Right uh, this, this is all happening inside my head, which means I’ve been talking to myself this whole time,” Buck takes a sharp breath in as he looks over the perfect mirror of himself in front of him, who gives him a hum with a condescending expression.
“Upside— uh, I don’t have to feel bad about not listening to you anymore-” He shakes his head towards his mirror image before turning to ignore him, swiping all of the bottles off of the shelves to further reveal the glass window, beginning to pull the shelves off of their supports.
“What are you doing?” His mirror laughs sarcastically as he watches.
“I have to get back, I’m running out of time!”
“It’s impossible. There’s no way in there. You’re stuck with me.”
“It’s not impossible!” Buck shouts to be heard over this negative side of himself. “There is not a locked room anywhere that, with the right tools and enough time, you can’t break into.”
He takes a deep breath to regulate his volume, staring at himself with a determined expression. “ I know that.” He lets out a short laugh as he gains a sudden weight in his hand, a bright red fire axe, one that he’d used so many times in the past. “’Cause I’m a firefighter.”
“There’s nothing for you in that room. No one in there needs you.”
“I’m not going back for them. I’m going back for me.” Buck gives the mirror of himself a final look of disgust before turning to swing the axe as hard as he can into the glass, a loud shattering sound verberating through his ears.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
You all watching in a terrible anxious anticipation as the jarring beeps continue to blare with no indication of change, your eyes locked on Buck’s face as you all desperately will for him to take a breath without any assistance.
And then he does, and the whole room immediately falls into tears. His parents cling to each other with loud sobs, Maddie’s shoulders tremble as she cups a hand over her mouth, and your knees almost give out underneath you if not for the added support of Bobby keeping you upright.
To say you were all relieved was a universally large understatement.
You were sure you’d never felt happier in your life to know the love of your life was okay. And god forbid you ever let him leave your side again.
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lemotmo · 2 months
Their downward spiral has been fun 😊. But everything she said is fact.
Q. Your boy wonder blocked those of us who don't love his boy wonder. Class act you got there.
Q. We get it Oliver we say Tommy you say block. Still want us to pretend he's not a brat?
Q. I asked your leader about his onscreen boyfriend and he blocked me. Actually he told me I was getting blocked and then he blocked me. Very mature of him.
Q. What kind of petulant child actually takes the time to go through a comment section of 900 plus comments like that photo had and manually deletes certain comments and then blocks the person who sent the comment? And you want us to respect him????
Q. He's so pathetic 🙃. How are you not mortified by how embarrassing his behavior has been? Nevermind you are you will just pretend you're not.
Q. Oliver is basically giving his fandom the middle finger and yet he has the nerve to get butt hurt because we all like Lou more. What an immature brat.
A. So this is a very small sample of the asks I have received since Oliver went on his blocking spree. I wanted to include a sample because every single person who has sent me a complaint that he blocked you has intentionally not disclosed the question or comment you left that got you blocked. The only thing that's clear is they all involved Tommy in some way. And based on your pattern it's not hard to imagine that most of those comments probably included insults of some kind directed at anybody not Tommy/Lou. Oliver is not a brat. Oliver is tired. They are all tired. The sad thing is if you all had allowed the story to just unfold and taken it for what it was, Oliver would have been very kind to you. Because he's an absolute teddy bear of a man. He never gave you all false hope. He's been the one you should have been paying attention too because he has the one who's been honest with you. He never would have shipped it but he would have been respectful of you shipping it. And when Tommy's part was complete, that character, and you, probably would have even received a thank you post of some kind from Oliver because he loves Buck, and he would have been grateful for the role Tommy played in getting Buck ready for his next chapter. That's the kind of person Oliver is. The Oliver you all are seeing now you brought on yourselves. He is a petty king and once you push him over the line it's over. You all have made it your mission to make him, and his friends miserable because they refuse to encourage your delusion. You deserve being blocked by him and I hope he continues to do it. There's no need for him to subject himself to your abuse. He doesn't have to allow Tommy content if he doesn't want it there.
The real reason you all are so upset today is that you're rapidly running out of delusions to cling too. They have systematically eliminated or debunked every one of your talking points, and that's what actually angers you. Examples:
'OMG Oliver and Lou are total besties look how much they love being together' = Oliver completely ignores anything and everything Tommy/Lou related. Doesn't like any Tommy content, doesn't follow Lou on any social media. Zero BTS interactions. Publicly admits to blocking people who demand he fawn over it.
'Oliver and Ryan clearly hate one another and only tolerate each other because Buddie fans are insane' = Oliver and Ryan take, share, and post amazing b&w photos of one another. Loads of BTS content of the joking around and having a good time together on set. Follow each other on social media. Openly discuss and like Buddie content. Admit to reading Buddie fanfics and watching fan edits. Hang out at each other's houses and play around with Instagram filters.
'Lou's going to be bumped up to main: = release cast lost proving that didn't happen and he didn't even appear on the call sheet
' Buddie will never happen because Ryan said he won't play queer/gay' = Ryan does several interviews openly discussing the Buddie possiblity. Refers to Eddie as queer coded, starts using only gender neutral pronouns. Films a BTS video implying he hooked up with Peter Krause.
'Tim sent us a DM telling us spoilers' = Tim gives an interview flat out dismissing this.
This is the reality and it's making your delusions increasingly difficult to sell. Your own people are starting to wake up and as a result you turned your venom on your own people. And what's insane is if you had just been basic level decent you would have found plenty of fandom people who would have let you fan girl over Tommy. We have all been there. We have all fallen for a minor side character the show was never going to care about. I promise you people would have been kind to you about it. But you followed the lead of a crazy person and believed being horrible and nasty to people would get you what you wanted. You're in the position you are because of yourselves. No one else is responsible or to blame. And that's why no one feels sorry for you. Everyone is exhausted and that clearly includes the cast as well. What they're doing is hilarious and deserved.
Thank you Nonny! I do appreciate you dropping this in my inbox.
All right, Oliver is obviously as fed up with all this craziness as we are. I say 'good for him' that he is actively curating his online spaces. He is just doing what all of us do on social media: blocking the people we don't want to deal with, deleting the comments that contain topics of things we don't want to see, deleting comments with hatred in them, deleting comments where anons are shitting on our friends...
As for the rest of this excellent reply?
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IMPORTANT! Please don't repost this ask and/or a link that leads straight to my Tumblr account on Twitter or any other social media. Thank you!
Heads up! For anyone who is giving me the shifty eyes for reposting Ali's updates instead of reblogging. Read this.
Remember, no hate in comments, reblogs or inboxes. Let's keep it civil and respectful. Thank you.
If you are interested in more of Ali’s posts, you can find all of her posts so far under the tag: anonymous blog I love.
77 notes · View notes
spidermans-l-o-v-e-r · 4 months
Orange Blossoms
Pairing: Buck x Reader
Word count: 5.2
Notes: WOW I can’t believe I have like nothing to say for notes like usually I can’t shut up here okay. Anyway I’m working on that other secret series that I’m really not sure I’m even gonna publish but I kinda want to move to marvel again who KNOWS
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Chapter 2: Backpack, Backpack
Buck changes his screensaver immediately.
 Back to just a photo of all of them, because if Bobby sees that he’d probably skin him alive. He’d already all but threatened him to stay away from you. In a sweet, loving, dad-type way. 
“You go anywhere near her and I kill you” 
Okay, maybe he did threaten him. 
But it was probably just a joke, Buck would be the perfect son-in-law!
“It wasn’t a joke” 
How does Eddie always know what he’s thinking? 
“Does this mean I really have to stay away from her… because I can’t do that Eddie? I’m in love” 
They’re standing together holding a hose, it’s a pretty routine fire thank god it hasn’t gotten too big. Eddie moves over to the side and Buck follows him 
“First of all, you’re not in love, you’re infatuated. You’re not a Disney princess Buck, as much as you’d like to believe you are. It takes time to fall in love.” 
“It takes time to fall in love” Buck mocks him in a high-pitched voice, Eddie snickers knowing he’s absolutely right 
“What’s your second point, jerk.”
“Second of all, she’s Bobby’s niece. And he said to stay away from her” 
“Okay, but she's Athena’s niece!!”
“They’re married? And she calls him Uncle Bobby. Are you really getting all technical on my ass!” 
“I am giving the future Mrs. Y/N Buckley all the respect she deserves!” 
Eddie stops fully, turning to look at his delusional best friend. He doesn’t usually give em his last name. He must really be down bad for you 
“We really… need to talk about how you plan your entire life with someone after knowing them for all of six seconds” 
Buck gives him an incredulous look, like Eddie had never done that before. He kicks at him to turn back around. 
“I can hear the bells” Buck sings “well, do n'tcha hear em chime? Can't you feel my heartbeat keeping perfect time?” 
Eddie’s head falls back as he bursts out laughing, he nearly drops the hose as Buck sings the entire damn song in a silly voice, dramatically acting it out. 
He’s humming it all the way back to the station, he gets weird looks from everyone but he’s in too good of a mood to care. They tease him and try to get a rise out of him but he just shakes his head 
“Nothing you say will ever dampen my spirits, you're all just haters!” He sticks his tongue out at them 
“You’re usually this happy when you’ve got a date… so who is she?”Chim asks from the front seat and Buck stalls a little 
“Uh- no! No, it’s not a date it’s just… uh”
“Buck is talking to my cousin Alicia!” Eddie shrugs, as nonchalantly as possible “Yeah Alicia, he was Insta-stalking her so I just you know told him to…go for it”
“Long distance? That doesn’t sound like you” Bobby narrows his eyes and Buck looks at Eddie frantically 
“She’s coming here! Soon! To visit!” 
“Oh, that’ll be nice!” Bobby seems happy about that and Eddie immediately gets on his phone…he needs to send a text. 
Buck hears the rumble of your engine before he sees you and he’s already sneaking out to come greet you. Eddie notices him being shady and not finishing restocking the engine, so he follows him. 
Buck looks like he’s in dreamland, he watches you park your bike and take off your helmet, shaking out your long pink hair. The sun is shining just for you today he’s sure, the rays illuminating your glowing skin. And boy are you showing quite a bit of it. Your shorts are so tiny Buck isn’t even sure you’re wearing any underneath the sweatshirt you use for riding. You pull that off too and lay it across your seat. His eyes are glued to the orange cropped tank top and how cute it looks with your light blue shorts. He wonders if it’s difficult to drive with all your shoes, the white platform sneakers give you a little extra height but he still towers over you and that’s the way he likes it. 
“Hey, wifey,” Buck says sweetly, his voice soft and breathy. Eddie’s mouth drops open as he walks up to you both and Buck snaps out of it, his eyes wide as saucers as he puts his hands up
“No, god, no I mean… uh… hey wiffle ball??” 
“What” Eddie says under his breath, looking at Buck like he’s crazy. You bite your lip and shake your head trying to control your giggles as the boys lead you inside the station 
“Hey, volleyball?” 
“That’s… that’s not even the same category,” Eddie says, his face scrunched up as he puts his hands in his pockets 
“And you can do better?” You sass him, your hands on your hips. 
“Uh yeah. Pickle ball? Cricket? Dare I say, baseball?” 
“Wait, why cricket?” Buck asks 
“Because there’s a ball and a bat are you guys actually criticizing my thinking skills” 
“I’m just saying it’s kinda out there” You poke at him 
“Yeah, what are we? British?” Buck scoffs and you giggle when Eddie kicks your shoe and flicks Bucks's arm in pure annoyance 
“Why are you even here?” He says through gritted teeth playfully and you laugh, side-bumping him.
“Athena asked me to deliver some paperwork Bobby forgot to fill out” 
“Oh doesn’t she usually do that?” Buck tilts his head and wow he looks cute when he does that. You blush a little and look at your shoes for a second 
“Yeah, but she said I might have more fun” 
“Uh I walked in on them last time” Eddie gags “I don’t think you’ll have more fun”
“I mean she could, I know a great closet” 
Buck just says it, it’s a good joke, a great joke. Your mouth falls open and Eddie slaps his hand over his mouth gleefully 
“Oh my god” 
Buck looks confused for a second “Wha…” His eyes widen and he puts his hands out “Wait no! No, I was kidding! Well, I mean if you-“ He smirks, running his hand through his hair 
“Buck!” Eddie shouts 
You’re all out laughing now as Buck turns a wonderful shade of red 
“I just- I mean it’s not off limits you know it- guys shut up!!! It was a joke!” 
“What was a joke?” Bobby comes over, confused as to why you’re here and why Buck is trying to find the nearest ax 
“Pickleball” Eddie blurts out and you nearly keel over, wheezing. His excuses were not his best today. 
“We uh we gotta go” Eddie grabs Buck, who is holding his head in his hands whining loudly, and drags him away 
“Bye Y/N! See you later!”
Bobby watches them run away, his eyebrow raised 
“You’re not talking to either of them are you?” He asks and you roll your eyes and wipe at the little tears 
“No… we’re just friends Bobby. And they’re nice! I like hanging out with them”
“You’ve gone out with them?” He crosses his arms over his chest and you blush lightly 
“Uh… yeah? J- just to hang out and get to know them. I don’t have any friends in L.A Bobby you know that”
“You have May! She’s a great girl! She can introduce you to all of her friends”
“Bobby, we barely know each other anymore. We haven’t done anything together since we were literal children. And you know, whilst she has offered to take me out next weekend and introduce me to her friends, she and I have already decided that I’m not sticking around that friend group unless it’s an occasional hangout. Those are her friends and her life. So until she and I get closer…neither of us are letting you and Athena force us together.”
Bobby looks at you, struggling for words. He puts his hands on his hips sassily
“You know. You two don’t have to make that much sense. Just- I love Buck and Eddie don’t get me wrong. They’re my kids! But promise me you’ll be careful. Because if someone asked me who I would let my kid date from the team I would absolutely say none of these people” 
You giggle and hand him the papers from Athena, standing on your toes you kiss his cheek and wave goodbye 
“I promise I’ll be careful! We’re all just friends!” 
You walk back outside, a little skip in your step as you walk up to your bike. Buck and Eddie are standing next to it 
“You wanna sit on it?” You call you and Buck fist pumps, eagerly climbing on 
“I was hoping you’d say that!” 
You strut over and stand in front of them as Buck leans forward, pretending to be driving. He makes little car noises and you laugh, your hands behind your back 
“Having fun?” You muse and he sits up 
“Uh- yes. What kind of question is that” he scoffs and you roll your eyes 
“You wanna take her for a spin?” You ask coyly and Buck’s mouth drops open 
“Wait seriously? You’d let me?” 
“Of course, I would! I trust you” 
He starts it up, groaning as it purrs for him. He pats the handlebars and you hand him your helmet 
“Hey,, Buck?” Eddie pokes at his shoulder and he looks up
“Yes, bestie”
“We’re literally in the middle of a shift” 
“I’m sorry I can’t understand your accent. It’s too Texasy” 
“I literally don’t-“
“Buck! Get off that thing! You’re at work” Bobby yells at him from the bay doors and he groans loudly, getting off and handing you back your helmet. You take it from him, giggling and shaking your head 
“Maybe some other time… like this weekend or something! Afterwards, we go bowling with Eddie!” 
Eddie looks between the two of you “We’re going bowling?” 
Bucks behind you, signaling him frantically to say no.
“Yeah! Didn’t Buck ask you?” 
Buck clasps his hands together silently begging Eddie
“Ohhh… uh.. yeah! Yeah, I just totally forgot. Um yeah, I can go bowling this weekend!” 
Buck's mouth drops open and he mimes choking Eddie, you spin around and his hands drop to his sides as he smiles at you sweetly 
“Okay cool!! Well, I’ll see you guys this weekend!” You hop on your bike and Buck helps you put your helmet on. He shyly leans in and kisses the top of it 
“Uh- drive safe! Text me when you know you get wherever you’re going. If you want to that is I mean you don’t have to… you’ll probably text like Athena or Bobby or something yeah yeah you don’t have to text me it’s cool”
He steps back from the bike and you shake your head and he knows you’re laughing at him again. You make a little heart with your hands and wave goodbye to them before driving off.
Buck watches you drive off, your sweatshirt fluttering in the wind. He watches until he can’t see you anymore with his hands in his pockets he turns to Eddie 
“I’ll give you a five-second head start”
“Buck. That’s childish can you just-“
“Buck, let me explain! When have I never not had a plan come on!”
“Buck you can’t be alone with her yet you-“
“Three-two-one!” He shouts and dives for Eddie. Eddie screams and runs towards the station with Buck hot on his heels. He runs around the truck and dodges Hen with a spin 
“That’s cheating and you know it!!”
“Cheating my ass!”
“What on god's green earth are the two of you doing?!” Bobby calls down from the balcony 
“Nothing!” They yell in unison as they run around the station. 
“That doesn’t look like nothing”
“It’s a new training exercise! Just working on stamina!” Eddie yells back, yelping when he feels Buck’s hand brush his belt 
“That the lamest excuse you’ve ever come up with” Hen mumbles as they run past her again 
“Don’t be a snitch” Buck pants and she puts her hands in the air, staying out of their mess
Eventually, Buck corners him, and they’re in the sleeping quarters 
“I’m-“ Buck's hands are on his knees “I’m gonna kick your ass-“ He wheezes “when I can breathe again”
Eddie slumps down in the corner, letting his head fall against the cool wall
“Not if we die first” He pants heavily, running his hands through his hair 
Okay, maybe Buck didn’t think this thing through how is he supposed to kill Eddie if he passes out from lack of oxygen? They take a good six or so minutes to breathe normally again 
“I said yes so that way she could say she was going with both of us not just one of us and then I’d cancel or show up and just say my arm or like back or whatever was hurting so I could just sit back and keep score.”
Buck is laid out on the floor, he looks over at Eddie, his nose scrunched up 
“Wait, why didn’t you just say that?”
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Buck has been staring at the picture you sent him for the last 20 minutes. You’re standing in the full-length mirror at Athena’s house, a little peace sign. You texted him as soon as you got home and after that picture boy does he wish he was better friends with May, he knows she’d “invite” him over. 
He knows it’s just… a little pervy, the way he stares at your thighs in the full-length mirror. He thinks that’s his favorite physical thing about you. Your full, plush thighs, especially in those mini skirts you just love to wear. And these shorts you’re wearing are absolutely no exception. They hug your body like they were tailored to fit you. Actually, he’s pretty sure they are tailored. 
He sighs dreamily hitting the favorites button
“Is that Y/N” 
He jumps so far out of his seat that he fumbles with his phone before slamming it awkwardly into the table 
“Did you just break your phone?!” Hen stares at him 
“I sure as hell hope not! What uh what can I do for you? Need somethin? A smoothie? You want a smoothie I’m gonna make you a smoothie” he runs over to the fridge and starts pulling things out. Hen picks up his phone, looking it over, and thank god it’s not cracked. 
“You didn’t answer my question,” She says, taking his seat and holding out his phone to him. 
“Uh, what question?” He turns on the blender, miming that he can’t hear and Hen crosses her arms over her chest, giving him a look. He smiles sheepishly once it shuts off and pours her smoothie 
“Y-yeah that was her.” He unlocks his phone and hands it over with the smoothie 
“I know!!” Buck squeals he’d joked about proudly showing you off to his coworkers and now he’s actually doing it. 
“She’s a nice girl… Cap knows you’re texting her?” 
“No and neither do you” Buck goes over to his “secret cabinet” pulls out one of his good mini chocolate bars and hands it to Hen. She takes it from him, opens it up, and takes a bite out. She groans softly and her eyes roll back. He always keeps those fully locked up 
“Right.” Hen gives him a double thumbs up and grabs her smoothie
After making sure Hen is gonna stay quiet Buck goes downstairs, there’s literally nothing to do, he’s checked off his entire list and even did the end of Eddie’s. If he’s this bored… Hopefully, someone else is.
“Hello?” You answer on the third ring and he gulps and then clears his throat 
“Uh hey! Hey Y/N it’s me, Buck” 
“I know” you giggle “What’s up?” 
“Oh…nothin just wanted to see if you were busy or anything…kinda boring around here”
“Did you call me just to talk?” You ask and his cheeks flush. Because yeah but like that sounds lame he could have just texted you. 
“…Maybe?” His voice is hesitant and cracks a little. Oh my god why was that happening so freaking much 
“That’s really cute” You laugh and he hears you rustling around for a minute. “Athena is sending me back out on an errand run with May… but we can text! If you wanted” 
“Yeah no! No texting is fine! I should have probably asked if you were busy first… I’m yeah no I’m sorry we can text”
“No it’s okay, I…like hearing your voice” You mutter shyly and he can hear May snickering in the background. His cheeks flush and he bites his lip 
“You do?” 
“Y-yeah I do” 
“Well good… I like hearing yours too, like, a lot” He admits, his heart is pounding in his chest 
“I have to go but, call me back tonight okay? Like…around midnight? When um-“
“When Bobby is asleep?” He says mischievously and it’s your turn to blush 
“Yeah… will you?” He can hear the hesitancy in your voice and it makes him weak, he just wants to kiss you breathless so badly. 
“It’s a date. I’ll talk to you later doll” 
“You better text me too, Bye Evan”
He hears May teasing you as you curse at her and hang up, he holds his phone to his chest, wilting into his seat and sighing sweetly. Midnight can’t come fast enough. 
The rest of the day drags and not just because he’s waiting to get off but because there’s literally nothing to do, which is the most surprising part. Really he supposes he should be glad nothing is happening, that means people are safe… besides 
It just gives him more time to talk to you. 
And boy does he, he starts slow with his memes, you have to kinda ease people into your insanity. But the second you send an Optimus Prime thirst trap on TikTok all decency and manners fly out the window and you’re both trying to send each other the worst things you’ve ever seen 
He’s falling faster and faster for you. Just call him Princess Buck. 
“What are you laughing at?” Eddie comes over, lifting Bucks legs up and plopping on the couch with him
“Um…nothin” he mumbles, distracted as he laughs into his fist at the Nick Fox thirst trap he’s sending you “don’t worry I’ve been sending them to you too”
“I already regret being your friend. Who else did you send them to?” He toys with Buck’s pant leg 
“Um… Y/N we’re just…talking” 
Eddie hears the click of a camera and he frowns, looking at Buck who shrugs and doesn’t look away from his phone 
“We’re also snapping” 
“Snapping? You sound like a teenager” He chuckles but puts his feet up on the coffee table and scrolls through his phone too 
“Teens use Instagram nowadays, old ass man. I asked for her snap just to see pictures of her, I just- god hold on” 
He pulls up the picture from earlier and hands his phone over. Eddie lets out a low whistle and Buck wriggles on the couch 
“God I know right! I don’t care if she suffocates me, I’d die happily” He says and Eddie laughs at him, his head falling back on the couch 
“Yeah. You know a closet” 
Buck groans and slaps his hands over his face 
“I can’t believe I said that to her” 
“She thought it was funny” 
“Okay but low-key? I wish she would have like said bet or something”
“I’m pretty sure you would have passed out” 
“Oh I know I would have and she could have given me mouth to mouth”
Eddie rolls his eyes, laughing at Buck again 
“You’ve got it bad my man” 
“Oh you have no damn idea” 
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It’s around 10pm when a call comes in, and Buck is always too distracted by the voice message you sent him to get his stuff on. Eddie swipes the phone from his hands and glares at him, He blushes and gets his stuff on almost faster than he ever has and snatches it back, patting Eddie on the cheek before they load into the truck 
“Apparently a bonfire in a kids backyard got a bit out of hand, everyone be ready to possibly have to cut line but there should already be another team there doing it. Be advised the house is on fire but it’s small for now”
Athena is already there, with a few drunk people in her backseat. She’s talking to someone quite animatedly, her voice is low. 
“Everything oka- May??” Bobby stops, looking between them. Athena stands back, her hands on her hips
“Where’s Y/N?” He asks immediately and May sighs loudly 
“I don’t know. I’ve tried to say it a million times I don’t know! The fire broke out and we got separated!” 
“I’ve tried contacting her but she isn’t answering” Athena looks like she’s ready to rip her hair out. Bobby puts his hands on her shoulders, his voice is full of worry as he kisses her forehead 
“Hey, we’re gonna find her okay? I promise” 
“She’s here for a couple days and I’ve already lost her.”
“You didn’t lose her mom, I did. I should have kept a better eye on her! But she said she’d be okay! And Crystal wanted to show me something and-“ She starts up and Athena sighs, hugging her
“It’s not your fault baby, Y/N is an adult. You were both right, she can take care of herself”
Bobby walks over to Eddie and Buck who are hosing down a section of the yard 
“You two have Y/N’s number right? Can you call her real quick?”
“Uh, yeah sure.” Buck shrugs and pulls out his phone, it takes a second with all his stuff on. 
Bobby takes the hose from him and stands behind Eddie
“Everything okay?” Eddie asks, looking back at him and he shrugs 
“Yeah… just uh. Just call, Buck” 
It rings six times which is the longest its ever taken you to answer 
“Hello?” Your voice is so small it takes him aback. 
“Uh hey, hey Y/N”
Bobby perks up, motioning to keep her talking 
“Where- where are you? You sound funny” He walks away a little, so he can hear you better 
“I’m-” you hesitate and Bucks anxiety skyrockets
“I’m a firefighter Y/N, you can tell me anything” He says soothingly, his voice dropping an octave 
“I’m in the house”
“Where in the house” He turns to it and starts running, the fire is slowing down but not nearly enough. He mutes his phone for a second and alerts everyone on the radios 
“It’s- it’s so stupid”
He stops, smashing the unmute button
“Y/N, please. Fuck, the house is on fire. You do realize that right?!” 
“It’s what?! I-I’m locked in a closet in the basement. N-nothings happening down here!”
“Alright, I’m coming to get you okay? I’m coming, baby” 
He doesn’t even have time to cringe at himself as he runs into the house, Hen and another couple of guys are already shutting doors and putting some of the smaller fires out but it’s definitely staying consistent 
“Where’s the basement?!” He asks you, panting slightly as he frantically looks around
“The kitchen, there’s a doorway” 
He hangs up the phone and shoves it in his pocket
“Y/N??” He yells for you, panic seeping through his veins 
“Have you found her?” Bobby radios him “do you need help?”
“Buck??? Buck, I’m in here!!” You’re pounding on the door as hard as you can to get his attention 
“I’ve got her! I found her!” He calls into the radio as he runs over to the door 
“Y/N? Is there anywhere you can stand to the left or right, away from the door?” 
“I think so?!” You back up into the corner as far as you can, pressing yourself against the wall
“Alright! What now?”
Buck readies his ax, holding it in his hands
“Now I channel my inner Jack Torrance!” 
You shriek as the ax breaks through the door and he begins to create an opening for you. He breaks into the door easily…if he’s being honest he probably could have kicked it in… but this was more fun. 
“Don’t you dare” you say as soon as there’s a clear small hole
“When am I ever going to be able to say it with someone who would actually laugh about it in a completely unprofessional way!!” 
You groan and duck down more as a few wood chips fly
Buck goes just a teeny bit crazy with the axe, most of the fire has been contained so he takes a little more time than necessary. He gleefully smashes the door down, laughing maniacally while screaming “Here’s Johnny!” 
You do laugh, because it’s stupid and it’s so Buck, and watching him enjoying himself is cute. As soon as the hole is big enough for you, you step through and he yanks you into his chest immediately, you let out a little squeak and hold onto him 
“What the hell were you doing in there? You could have died!” 
“I didn’t know! I tried calling May but she didn’t answer the phone and… and I didn’t want to call you and-“
“Wait, why didn’t you wanna call me??” Buck pushes you back a little just by your shoulders and you look down at your feet. He tilts your head up and that’s when he realizes your makeup is a bit ruined. He chalked it up to the heat…but you said there wasn’t any 
“Why didn’t you want to call me? Did something happen?” He asks a little calmer this time
“We should get out of here. The building could collapse” you quickly change the subject and try to pull away from him but he stops you. He bends down to your eye level and forces you to look him in the eyes 
“It’s structurally sound. Trust me. Y/N what happened.”  
You look down at your shoes, wringing your hands together and sighing 
“It’s… childish” 
“No it isn’t. Just tell me.” His voice is firm and he looks upset, you groan and let your head fall back before looking at him again 
“These girls asked me to go downstairs and get some extra buckets from the closet and then they pushed me in and locked the door. Apparently, I was chatting up one of their boyfriends, I didn’t know! I just- I saw his shoes and they were cool and then he told me they were custom from Etsy and I asked for the shop!! And he was so nice Buck, genuinely he was! He asked for my number just to send the link!” 
You unlock your phone and show it to him, the number isn’t even saved, just a link with a little smiley face and a “Demon Slayer shoes” and that’s it. 
“I…I tried calling May and she didn’t answer.. and I was locked in this stupid closet like I was a teenager again or something so I just…put my phone on silent and cried. And I didn’t want to call you because I would seem like such a baby. Like who still locks people in closets!” 
Buck listens to your story and he looks pissed. First of all, no one hurts his baby. Second of all… you could have died if you hadn’t picked up the phone when he called, and you almost didn’t. 
Buck does what any sensible man would do in this situation, he stands up tall, looks around for a moment 
And he kisses you. 
It’s sweet and lingering, he tilts your head up and presses his lips to yours gently. He watches the way your eyes close slowly and you kiss him back and he wishes he could just stay there forever but eventually you have to breathe and he makes you pull away, not him. 
“You want me to go find them?” He spins the ax in his hand and you snicker, shoving at his chest 
“Absolutely, let’s commit murder together!” 
“Sounds good to me sweetness” He winks and you roll your eyes, pulling away from him. He frowns a little at the loss of contact but shakes it off 
“We should probably get out of here, your family is going insane… May is really upset” 
He takes his helmet off and puts it on your head and you giggle while holding it down to tilt your head up 
“Yeah okay” 
He holds out his hand and you take it, he starts to lead you upstairs but you stop for a second, planting your feet 
“Whats wr-“
You let go of his hand and rush past him, going up a few steps and turning around to kiss him. It’s quicker this time, just a peck and he’s spiraling immediately, giggling deliriously as you jog up the stairs pulling him with you now 
The second you step out of the house, Athena is on you, frantically checking you over before crushing you in a hug, May is crying and promising she’ll never leave you alone again and you’re hugging her, trying to console her. Buck takes this time to step away and go find Eddie, you give him a little wave over May’s shoulder and he blushes, waving back. 
He nearly crashes into Eddie when he finally spots him, going running over. He’s standing in front of the truck securing the hoses 
“Eddie Eddie Eddie Eddie” His voice is high pitched and his hands are shaking. He grabs Eddie’s shoulders and starts shaking him
“Buck calm down!” He’s laughing as he pushes him back a bit, he hands him a bottle of water and Buck takes it , chugging it before tossing it into the trash 
“I can’t, oh my god I can’t, guess what?!” He squeals and Eddie snorts, shaking his head 
“We kissed. We kissed, we kissed, we kissed!!!” He practically screams the last one and Eddie yanks him over to the other side of the truck shushing him 
“Okay- first of all, calm down. Because everyone is going to know who you kissed. What happened???”
Buck can hardly contain himself, he holds tightly onto Eddie’s arms just to keep himself from floating off into the clouds 
“Okay well she told me about these girls that bullied her and locked her in a closet. How freaking 90s teen movies is that!! And she didn’t want to call me because she thought that would make her seem like a baby but she’s not a baby Eddie she’s really not and she was starting to tear up and I couldn’t stand to see her cry so I just kissed her!!”
Buck is speaking at a million miles an hour and Eddie is nodding his head along just trying to follow his story 
“No she’s not a baby, but oh my god she could have died”
“That’s what I told her!!! And then guess what oh my god Eddie guess what”
“What?” Eddie chuckles a little at his enthusiasm, it’s endearing 
“I put my helmet on her to make her smile and it worked and I held her hand-“ His voice is becoming squeaky again “and then she let go of my hand and I was like-“ he gasps “what if I went too far??” 
“Because randomly kissing her wasn’t far but holding her hand was” Eddie says sarcastically 
“Exactly!!!” Buck points at him and he squints but goes along with it 
“She went up the stairs because you know she’s short as hell, and she kissed me again” 
Eddie’s mouth drops open and Buck literally starts jumping up and down, he does a little spin, dancing around before shaking Eddie 
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prettyboyeddiemunson · 11 months
and i can't tress this enough!
imagine it’s after a corroded coffin show, one that you & steve both attended. it isn’t steve’s style of music—he’s a pop boy through and through—but he knows how much it means to eddie for him to be there. to his own surprise, he ends up enjoying the music quite a bit, and even slightly headbangs along to some of the covers that he recognizes. eddie is constantly playing the goodies—metallica, ozzy, iron maiden, anthrax, etc.—so steve knows a few. you, however, know them all, and feel no shame in singing along.
eddie notices, absolutely. in fact, he’s so touched by it that it makes him a little bit horny. that’s why after the show, he’s dragging both of you out to his van, throwing the doors open, thrusting both of you inside, and kissing you both as if he were drowning and you were his air supply. he’s ripping your clothes off as steve removes his own, all reservations steve may have had about such public sex being thrown out the dirty van windows.
soon, they both have you on the floor of the van, both of them lying between your legs. they have them spread as widely as they can, absolutely devouring you as they both moan. eddie notices steve rutting against the floor at one point, and can’t help but chuckle as he rubs your clit in slow, barely there circles.
“need some help there, harrington?” eddie asks, smirking as he licks a stripe from your ass up to your clit.
“nah, i got it,” steve says, moaning as he continues to buck.
“come on, man,” eddie says with a chuckle, wrapping his hand around steve’s shaft. “you’re gonna give yourself rug burn, and we can’t have that, now. can we?”
“i-i guess not,” steve stammers, moaning as eddie begins to jerk him off teasingly. “if you’re gonna do that, though, at least do it. don’t tease.”
“eddie, steve,” you mewl, watching as steve starts returning the favor to eddie.
they start moaning against you, with eddie doing most of the fingering and steve doing most of the eating out. they alternate, switching places as steve’s long fingers pump inside of you and eddie’s too-skilled tongue laps at your cunt. all the while, they’re jerking each other off in tandem, their moans filling the air with yours. eddie reaches up with his free hand to squeeze your tits, rolling the nipple between two ringed fingers while steve pulls eddie in for a rough, sloppy kiss.
“im gonna cum,” you whine, bucking toward them desperately as they continue their work. “please…”
“should we let her?” eddie asks. “do you think she deserves it right now?”
“I don’t think she does,” steve says with a smirk. “I think we should tease her for a little while longer.”
“please don’t,” you beg.
“I think we should focus on each other,” eddie says with a smirk. “torture her a little.”
“I like that idea,” steve says, shaking his head back and forth against your pussy as you give a long moan. “i like it a lot, actually.”
“so do i,” eddie says, pressing kisses along your groin as he jerks steve off a little bit harder. “but before we do that, we should edge her.”
“you’re reading my mind,” steve replies, looking up at you as he swirls your clit. “let’s see how long she can actually hold out.”
“let’s see how long either of YOU hold out,” you say with a mewl. “doesn’t look like it’ll be long.”
“i’ll bet you won’t last five minutes,” eddie says to you.
“and i’ll bet you won’t last longer than two,” you retort. “in fact—“
but that’s all you can say before both of them start fingering you at the same time.
mini taglist: @littledemondani @andvys @eddieschains @happylilthought @succubusmunson @mothball-munson @wroteclassicaly
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buddiesmutslut · 1 month
Okay, so I want Buddie to get together before Chris comes home, right? So, they get Chris, spend a few days getting everyone settled back into the swing of things, and then either 1) they don't get a chance to tell him, or 2) they do, and it doesn't go great (which I feel like is something that's going to happen regardless, I need Christopher to be an angsty teen with abandonment issues in 4k)
Before they can sit down again and figure everything out, they get a call for another wildfire or a crossover or whatever that requires them to leave town for a little bit.
Obviously, Eddie can't go, because he just got Christopher back home and he really doesn't want to leave him again, even temporarily, but Buck has to go because people need help.
Cue Buck & Eddie spending time apart for the first time since they got together, sleeping in different beds hundreds of miles away from the other, and both spiraling a little bit. Eddie because he's worried that Buck is finally getting some time away from him and the mess that he was in Chris' absence and is worried that he doesn't want to keep wading through Eddie's problems,
And Buck because Chris is back now, and what if Eddie doesn't need him anymore? What if he was just a stand-in or a placeholder for Chris, but now his son is back and Eddie is on his own two feet again and what if he doesn't need Buck anymore, and if he doesn't need him, then why would he keep him around?
Extra points if telling Chris doesn't go well so they're trying to figure that out and cell service is spotty and they don't know what the other is thinking because they're so far away and if they were closer, they would just be together and solve the problem, but they're not so they're relying on delayed messages and downed phone lines and a game of phone tag.
And then, obviously, Buck gets home, and they realize they were spiraling over nothing because they've been building a life together for far longer than the few months they've been kissing, and Buck sits and talks with Christopher, and everything is fine.
AND THEN I NEED TIM TO LEAVE THEIR RELATIONSHIP ALONE. No breakups like in a lot of other main couples (Chenford, Booth & Brennan, I'm looking at you guys.) no! None of that! They've suffered enough, give them plot lines without breaking them up.
Give them better arcs with their parents, BRING US EDDIE'S GODDAMN SISTERS and the drama I K N O W is hiding there. Give us Buck focusing on his career (and also maybe slip in an official ADHD diagnosis, what, who said that?) Give us them talking about raising another kid, kill off an obscure family member and a stroll down memory lane (I absolutely do not mean Isabel Diaz, you keep your filthy paws OFF Eddie's abuela, bitches. I love her so so so so much lol).
Give them character arcs that have nothing to do with them possibly breaking up. They deserve storyline's that are more than just about their love interest. Literally, Buck's coming out wasn't even about him, it was all about Tommy and I'm so sick of it. Buck and Eddie are interesting characters! They are M A I N characters, give them better storylines. (Esp Eddie bc genuinely, wtf have you all done to my boy??)
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acapelladitty · 1 year
It's been a hot minute since I posted Dano Riddler smut. Please enjoy some overstim and pathetic sub Eddie with a f!reader 👀💦
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Also posted to AO3 Commission Info
Tugging the small chain which lay within your grasp, it forces his collared neck to jerk forward an inch as he gives you his full attention.
"You're getting so good at this game, Eddie. Last time you almost made it to two minutes before making a mess."
Seated on his long legs, your knees pinning his lower half into place, the position gave you wonderfully free access to his aching cock as it lays hard against his stomach.
"Do you think you can try to last three minutes for me today?"
It's a mean ask; one which you both know will be almost impossible given how riled up he already is from your earlier teasings but his head nods with enthusiasm as his eyes meet your own.
Palming the chain with open threat, you give him a slight frown.
"Words, Eddie. Remember?"
"Yes, Mistress." He agrees, a bit too quickly.
His words are low and almost pained with how aroused he is and the unashamed need in his tone makes your core clench around nothing as it remains pressing against his legs.
Keeping your left hand wrapped around the metal chain of the leash, the fingers of your right hand dance along his hardened shaft with a teasing softness as you smirk.
"Let's see how you do."
It is pleasant cruelty at its finest, the way you run your hand along his shaft; teasing and pulling at his skin in the many ways you know drive him absolutely wild. With barely two minutes passed, you force him over the edge again as his cock twitches within your grasp and spurts a pathetic release across your fingers.
"I am very disappointed, Eddie.
Shame burns in his face as his arm comes to rest across his nose, blocking his eyes from your gaze.
That won't do.
Bringing your thumb and forefinger to his cockhead, you rub along the skin there with a pressure which is borderline torturous against the ultra sensitive skin. It has the desired effect though, as his arm drops from his face to fist into the sheets while his body jerks under your touch; bucking both into and away from your fingers as they torment him, a pleading whine slipping free of his bitten lips.
"There's my handsome man." You purr, enjoying the mixed look of arousal and desperation which is playing in his watery eyes. "But you know the rules, Eddie, and you didn't last the whole time. So what does that mean?"
"I deserve to be punished." He answers without hesitation.
"Yes. But given just how lovely your little show was, I'll go easy on you."
Snatching up the small rubber cockring which lay on the other side of the bed, you bring it to his lips.
"Get it nice and wet for me."
His tongue is messy, sliding along the material as he also brushes the tips of your fingers in his eagerness to do a good job; pulling away after a moment as a string of saliva connects from the ring to his lips.
Slipping the cockring over the head of his cock, he stiffens in place as he forces his body to remain still to allow you to slide it down his length, all the way to the base as his eyes crinkle at the discomfort. The ring does its job, keeping his cock swollen and hard as you run a finger along it playfully, letting it bob against his stomach as you press at it.
"There. Now, let's see. Three minutes." A look of alarm crosses his features. "Three minutes and I will not be stopping."
Cutting off his spluttering reply before he can vocalise it, your hand wraps around his cock and strokes along him with a rough finality. The velvety weight of him within your grasp, mixed with the keening noises which slip from his lips as his fingers scramble desperately against the bedpost, is intoxicating.
Three minutes.
And you are merciless in your punishment.
After all, a lesson had to be learned.
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eyesofshinigami · 7 months
Loose Tooth
Rating: G
CW: Dental and teeth related things (I guess?)
Tags: Established relationship, kid fic, fluff, parents being parents
It was bound to happen, sooner or later. Steve just didn't expect to get a call about it in the middle of the day.
"Mr. Munson?"
Immediately, Steve was on alert. His Mom Senses (as Eddie so affectionately calls them) were tingling. "Yes, this is he. Can I ask who's calling?"
"This is Mrs. Schwartz, Eleanor's teacher..."
Oh god. It could be anything. They've never had the school call before. What if Eleanor was hurt? What if she was bleeding? Why were they calling him if she was bleeding out on the floor. Why-
He cut himself off. "Is everything okay? Is Eleanor all right? What happened?"
The teacher had the audacity to laugh. "Oh, no, nothing like that, Mr. Munson. I just wanted to call you and let you know that Eleanor's tooth came out!" Silently, Steve let out a breath of relief as the woman on the other line continued to talk, "She was eating crackers for snack and it popped right out! She was so excited!"
"Oh, well, we kind of figured it would soon. I was literally telling her last night that it wouldn't be long now. I'm glad it didn't hurt her or anything," Steve said, trying to keep his voice even. It was true that Eleanor's tooth had been lose for nearly a month now; Eddie had play-threatened more than once to pull it out for her, but Eleanor wasn't having it. Even with the big one showing up behind it, she was adamant. Stubborn, like both of her dads, really.
"Not at all, she was fine. If anything, it's been a distraction because all she wants to do is look at herself in the mirror," the teacher laughed, which made Steve feel a bit better. "I'm sending her home with it in a little envelope. Hopefully the Tooth Fairy comes tonight!"
Oh shit, Steve thought. I guess that's a thing we're going to have to do now.
"What's the going rate for the Tooth Fairy these days, you think?" Steve asked Eddie as they finished clearing up the dinner dishes. Eleanor was busy setting up her room for the impending arrival of the Tooth Fairy, swearing that she needed to change her sheets and find her special cat stuffed animal for the occasion. Who were they to argue with her?
Eddie shrugged. "Hell if I know. I never even got visits from the Tooth Fairy, if I'm honest."
Depressing, but if Steve thought hard about it, well. "Neither did I, now that I think about it." They both got quiet for a minute, lost in their own thoughts. "Kid deserves at least two bucks, right?"
"Oh, absolutely. I'd give her five if I didn't think it would set a dangerous precedent," Eddie said, grinning wide.
Steve rolled his eyes. "Apparently this Tooth Fairy is made of money."
Eddie checks him playfully with his hip. "Come on, only the best for Ms Rigby, right?"
Yeah, okay, maybe Steve could be talked into it. It was her first tooth, after all, and it was pretty amazing.
Ultimately they decided on three, like the chumps they were, but they both knew that it meant ice cream over the weekend. Eleanor was going to insist on paying, like she always did when she had her own money. Steve loved how generous she tried to be, even if her ice cream was always twice the size of theirs.
They waited a couple of hours before they snuck in together, pulling the little tooth out from its hiding place under her pillow and slipping the folded up bills in its place. Eleanor was none the wiser, snoring like a man three times her age. Blissful, but noisy.
Once they made it out and head up to their own room, Steve held up the little baby tooth in his hand. "What the hell are we supposed to do with it now?"
"I guess keep it in your jewelry box? She can't know we have it, it'll ruin the magic for her." Eddie walked over to their dresser, grabbing the stupid fancy box Steve's mom had insisted on getting him for his thirtieth birthday. He never used it, so it just sat there, collecting dust. Maybe they could find a use for it after all. "It's kind of metal, don't you think? We have our kid's face bones in a box on our dresser!"
"Please don't ever call them that again," Steve insisted as he dropped the tooth into the box. "I don't even know why we keep them in the first place. It's kind of weird, don't you think?"
"Who are we to question the bizarre and archaic rituals of our forefathers? Besides, I still think it's pretty fucking cool."
"You would," Steve teased as they puttered around, getting ready for bed. Once he laid down, he rolled over to where Eddie was settling down next to him. "You know what this means, right?" At the shake of Eddie's head, he adds, voice a little wobbly, "It means our baby isn't a baby anymore."
And if they both had a good little cry about that, that's between them and their bedsheets.
(brought to you by my own feels at my kiddo having lost her first tooth. I am Steve, everybody)
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buckera · 2 months
I really hope my ask here doesn't start discourse or like potentially draw angry people to your blog but I too find punch discourse insane because it's absolutely insane that people find Chimney awful and irredeemable for that when so many people move on from that time when Buck tried to refuse care to a teen mom who was hemorrhaging after giving birth. Like I guess the point is it's insane that damn near every character's sins are brought up (especially if Buck is on the opposing side) but so many people are just straight up not willing to ever go as hard on Buck for some of the messed up things he's done. I really do love Buck as a character but man some people in the fandom woobify him so much and it's incredibly frustrating.
first of all, don't worry about stupid people flocking to my blog with drama, i'll just block them if they get annoying <3
and yeah, out of all the characters Buck gets woobiefied the most, hands down. i think it's partially because a lot of people didn't watch or sleepwalked through season 1 and forget that Buck was the deaignated troublemaker character. a lot of people think of him as this co-parent for Eddie and Christopher, this responsible guy who saved Chris in the tsunami and who helped Eddie get the help he needed with childcare.
and not the guy who literally stole ("borrowed") life saving municipal equipment without permission while on shift. i think we giggle a lot about how he stole the truck on multiple occasions just to get his dick wet, but what if there was a call coming in? you know, actual people dying in a fire.
and yeah, he was hotheaded (still is in some cases) and didn't have the best of judgement all the time, but that was part of his journey. people mostly remember the big buddie moments (the shooting and all the crying) and kinda just... forget all the shit he put people through over the years.
and i love him so much, because he's a fucked up character learning to be good and it's interesting to see.
but also, i already went into a rant about Chim's situation, so i won't do that again, but i will say that a lot of people get super high and mighty when it comes to mistakes or wrong-doings of fictional characters, saying that "it makes no sense" or "he wouldn't do that" going off of the thought process that they themselves would not do that — which is also probably false.
most recently we saw how people were saying that Eddie would not go after a woman who looked exactly like Shannon — his dead wife and his life's focal point — just cuz he was in a relationship; which he already wanted to bail on once, mind you. because they can't imagine the effects of grief this character went through or understand his motivations because of it.
and i think that's the same thing with Chim. no nuance, just "violence bad. buck is pookie. he doesn't deserve it." and that's that. nevermind the incredible stress and heartbreak and the feeling of betrayal Chim was actually going through.
also, again. this is a TV drama, which means they gotta do stuff just for the drama. take it or leave it, i guess.
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buddieswhvre · 5 months
Requested by @buddiesmutslut here's number 9 the lawyer Eddie and innocent Buck fic! I tried my best to make things clear but still keep the air of suspense lol. Also, yes Buck is going through it right now.
Tick, tock, tick, tock, the hands of the clock continued moving but Buck was frozen still. This was a warning, this should be a warning, right? He may act as if he wasn't scared but in reality, he was losing his goddamn mind. Coming home to his place being absolutely trashed was a big wake-up call. He needs to stop this. Yes, his loft wasn't his home, never was, but still, it was a place that gave him shelter for so long, and seeing it like this was painful.
There was a time when he was his own person, and had no one who could suffer the consequences of his actions but now it was different. He had Bobby, Chimney, Hen, and Eddie, oh my god Eddie.
It was as if Eddie had some special power when it came to Buck and suddenly his loft opened to reveal Eddie.
“Hey so Bobby was doing some research and I think-”
“I'm withdrawing the case.” Eddie looked at him as if Buck had lost his mind but in reality, today was the first time ever since this all started that he was really thinking.
“What are you talking about and why are you cleaning the loft?” Buck needed the previous Eddie who didn't care about him so much. He needed him to ask less questions and do what he was asked to.
“Because it doesn't matter. It's not like I can practice after this so why even bother?” Some time ago they were standing at the exact place where Buck screamed about how important his job was to him and how he needed Eddie to trust him and today at the same place he's asking, no begging Eddie to leave him alone.
“No Eddie, maybe I deserved it. I mean it was my fault, right? I took an oath to save people and I couldn't so maybe I do deserve it. Or what do you know, maybe I did kill him? Maybe-”
“Buck! If there's one thing I know about you is that you'd never hurt anyone on purpose-”
“What do you even know about me? Nothing. I just want you-” Buck needed Eddie to just go away. If Eddie said anything else Buck would completely break down and tell him everything that happened. And that's what Buck didn't want. He didn't want Eddie to put himself and in turn Chris in more danger because of Buck.
“I know how you act like you like dark coffee when your favorite is oat milk vanilla frappuccino. I know how you feel bad for killing a moth, a literal moth because it did nothing wrong. I know how you give your whole heart for someone without anything in return because that's how selfless you are, Buck. So yeah, I know you. I know you to the core and that's how I know that something is wrong.” One side of Buck wanted to cry in front of Eddie after everything he just said. There was finally someone who saw his whole existence and still thought he was worthy of something and yet he couldn't.
Christopher, the absolute treasure of his life would be in danger and Buck would literally walk through fire alone if it kept Chris safe. And if the fire was Eddie's disappointment and hurt, then so be it.
“Eddie, I want to withdraw the case”
Tags: @smilingbuckley @wikiangela @theotherbuckley @cinematics123 @honestlydarkprincess @cal-daisies-and-briars
Please let me know if you'd like to be added or removed🩷
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inawickedlittletown · 5 months
You Can Find Me Where the Skies are Blue (BuckTommy fic) - 2/4
Soulmates are rare. So rare that it's actually incredible that Buck has two soulmate couples in his life. Statistics tell him it's very unlikely for him to meet his soulmate. Of course, then he meets Tommy. Too bad it happens at the worst possible moment.
Canon compliant soulmate AU where Buck is still a mess and Tommy is still very understanding.
Words: 3,932
Part One
Part Two
Tommy didn’t reach out. Then again, neither did Buck. 
It was just that…well, Tommy was his soulmate. He was a guy and he was Buck’s soulmate. Confusion, shock, and so many other things were going through him. In the moment, he had been so surprised that none of it had really sunk in. It hadn’t been until he was walking into his apartment that it actually dawned on him. 
He, Evan Buckley, had a soulmate. 
Prompt, immediate freak out. Tommy was a guy…a very attractive guy, but a guy nonetheless. He was older — Buck really didn’t care about age. He was a pilot and confident and cool and Buck was…well, he was Buck. A hot mess, a bit of a disaster. Tommy was a guy. 
Buck had never entertained the idea of even dating a man and now…well, now there was one that was supposed to be perfect for him. Buck didn’t even know what that meant. He hardly knew Tommy except that he was willing to risk it all to help them rescue Bobby and Athena and he deserved all the praise for it. Not only had he gone against the chief, but he’d doubled down by not listening to orders. He’d flown into a hurricane and landed on a capsized ship and then spent hours working to help get everyone off it to safety. If ever anyone could be called a hero…well, that was Tommy. 
It made absolutely no sense that he could be Buck’s soulmate. 
Logically, Buck knew that things would be clearer once he spoke to Tommy himself, but he was too nervous to take the leap and call. So, when he got a text from Hen asking if it was alright if she passed on his number to Tommy, he answered in the affirmative and figured when Tommy called, he would answer and they would go from there. 
Except, Tommy didn’t reach out. 
Not that first night, and not even the next day, when Buck was far too attentive to his phone. Even the call to the Bachelor’s mansion hadn’t been enough to keep Buck from pulling his phone out to see if he had missed a text or call. Eddie had looked at him strangely when he made up an excuse to not give any of the contestants the idea that Buck was available even though he kinda was. 
By then Buck thought that maybe Tommy wasn’t actually interested, which he supposed he couldn’t blame him for. Maybe he’d gotten some more info about Buck and decided it wasn’t worth it, that Buck wasn’t worth it. The tightness in his chest didn’t seem to want to go away despite everything he tried.
That night, he tossed and turned all night, waking up far too early and completely unsure of what to do. He needed Maddie. 
He made a stop at his usual coffee place first and then drove to Maddie’s. 
“What’s wrong, Buck?” Maddie asked as soon as she’d opened the door and turned on her heel to head back in, grabbing things as she went and stuffing them in her bag. 
“I brought coffee,” Buck said.
“Which saves me a trip. But what’s going on? I know you have a shift. Chim just left to take Jee to daycare. I’m supposed to be heading out too.” 
He knew his sister would drop everything if Buck really did need her. He didn’t think this would require it, but he did need her input. She had a special kind of understanding about soulmates. 
Buck hadn’t known for a long time that when he introduced Chim to Maddie that he was introducing two soulmates. It happened the day Buck asked Chim and Eddie to help move Maddie into her new apartment and then the two of them had started to hang out without telling anyone. It took weeks for Maddie to finally tell him and then right after that Doug showed up to make everything even more complicated. But in the end it had all worked out. She and Chim were amazing together and they had Jee to show for it as well. They were even getting married soon. 
“Um…what if I told you I met someone,” Buck said. 
“If this is about changing your invitation to add a plus one that’s a conversation for you and Chim,” Maddie said. “I gave all control of the seating chart to him.” 
“Ah…no. Well, maybe it’s about that. No…it’s—”
“You met someone,” Maddie said. “You meet people all the time.”
“This is…this is different,” Buck said. 
Maddie stopped and looked directly at him. “This someone is special?” 
“Yeah,” Buck said. “That’s…that’s one way to describe it.”
Maddie said nothing, just lifted her eyebrow at him. Buck was glad he’d brought the coffee along. It gave him something to hold onto. It gave Maddie something of payment for having to deal with Buck. 
Buck took a breath. “Maddie, I…I met my soulmate.” 
As hard as it was, getting the words out freed him. Someone other than him and Tommy knew. Maddie was gapping at him and he could tell that he’d shocked her, which wasn’t exactly easy. When that shock was suddenly gone, and instead she was grinning at him. Her eyes looked so shiny that it was possible she was going to start crying too. 
“Buck, that’s incredible,” she said. “How did it happen? When do I get to meet her?” 
“The night we went to rescue Bobby and Athena,” Buck said. “I haven’t even gotten to properly meet them. Too much was happening and now it’s been two days and I just haven’t heard from them so maybe they’re not interested.” 
Maddie frowned at him and then reached over and gave his arm a slap. “Seriously, Evan. You’ve kept this poor girl waiting for you to call? She’s your soulmate. Call her. And stop being in your head about things. And I want to meet her. I don’t care what Chim says, you have a plus one.” 
Buck didn’t know why he didn’t correct Maddie about the gender of his soulmate. He just didn’t have it in him to explain that aspect, not when she had the exasperated look that only came out when she thought he was being ridiculous. Maybe Buck was being ridiculous. 
“Fine,” Buck said.
“Good. Go on.” 
“Well I can’t do it while you’re staring at me. And I don’t actually have their number.”
Maddie let out a long sigh. “Do you want me to use dispatch resources to get it for you?” 
Buck shook his head at once. He had no doubt that she would find Tommy’s number immediately if he asked. 
“No. No. I just gotta ask Hen.”  
Maddie shook her head, taking a breath. The next time she looked at him, it was gentler. “Evan, I get it. You know how it was for me and Howie, but the thing about soulmates is that there is a deeper understanding. Not a failsafe or something that will prevent you from hurting each other, but a connection that makes being together not effortless, but certainly easier. For the longest time, Howie and I were just friends because that just made more sense. I know you haven’t had the best of luck with dating, but this is different. I am so happy for you. Truly.”
Her words were exactly what he’d needed. When she hugged him, he leaned into it. Growing up, it was Maddie he’d always turned to. Despite losing that for several years, that did remain now that she was back. He wanted nothing but to tell her about Tommy, to explain it wasn’t a girl…that it was a guy and that Buck — well, Buck didn’t know what it meant. He didn’t though…that would be a conversation for another day. 
They both headed out and Maddie gave him a pointed look as she got in her car. 
Buck didn’t call Hen. He figured it’d be pointless if they were both going to be at work. He immediately found her once he got to work and pulled her aside.
“You okay, Buck?”
“You gave Tommy my number, right?” he asked. 
“Uh, should I not have? You said it was fine,” Hen said looking more than a bit bemused. 
Buck saw her pull out her phone, and then laughed. “Actually…I guess it never sent.”
Something like relief went through him. Hen had never given Tommy his number…Tommy hadn’t reached out because he didn’t have Buck’s number. 
“Hen, can I have his number, please?” 
She eyed him suspiciously. “What’s going on, Buck?” 
He knew that she would give him the number if he asked again, that she would respect it if he told her he didn’t want to talk about it. Buck also knew that talking to Hen would make him feel better. It was a bit like how talking to Maddie had made certain aspects of it better. But he hadn’t told Maddie about Tommy despite how much he wanted to. It was bothering him a little that he hadn’t and that instead he’d just let her believe he’d met some woman. It almost felt like lying and Buck hated lying to anyone he really cared about. 
“You can’t tell anyone,” Buck said to begin with. “Especially not Chimney. He’ll just tell Maddie and I want to tell her myself.”  
“That seems a bit extreme, but alright,” Hen said, her face growing more concerned. “Should I be worried?” 
“No. No. It’s — okay, so the night we went to rescue Bobby and Athena, it was the first time I met Tommy.”
“Yeah, I know that.” 
Buck took a breath. “What you don’t know is…well, that Tommy’s my soulmate.” 
Saying out loud like that, with Tommy’s name in the mix, it left him elated. Buck hadn’t known how freeing it would be to voice it outloud, to have someone else hear it. To have someone else know. He knew he was smiling and it wouldn’t be a smile easy to be rid of. Hen was staring at him and then the next thing Buck knew, her arms were around his shoulders and he lifted his to wrap around her too. 
“I’m so happy for you, Buck,” Hen whispered, giving him a squeeze before she let him go.
“Thanks. I…well, clearly I haven’t talked to him since,” Buck said, ducking his head. “I mean…with everything that happened that night, there wasn’t really any time. I didn’t even…Hen, I’ve always liked women. I’ve never even kissed a guy, not ever.”
Hen pursed her lips. “You do have quite the history,” she said. 
Buck snorted. That was putting it nicely. 
“Come to think of it, I don’t know where Tommy would stand on this. Sexuality is not black or white, alright. I guess it comes down to what the both of you are comfortable with and if this a romantic connection or something different. That’s for the two of you to decide.”
“Right,” Buck said, nodding along. “I mean…I’ve always been an ally. And there are men I’ve thought…that I’ve looked at, checked out. That’s normal though, right? People are attractive and I notice things like that.”  
Hen’s mouth fell open, but then she chuckled. “Buck, I can’t tell you where you land on the Kinsey scale. I can tell you that I have never found men attractive past thinking someone is aesthetically pleasing. Wherever you land on that, I’m on your side. One step at a time, alright?” 
With that, she sent Buck Tommy’s number. Buck stared at the numbers on his screen. 
“The first step is calling him. Do it now. I feel bad enough your number didn’t go through to him when he asked for it days ago. He’s a good guy, Buck, just know that.” 
“Yeah,” Buck said. “Maybe I should get changed first just in case there’s a call or—”
“Stop stalling, Buckley,” Hen said, staring him down. “It’s just a phone call.” 
“Right. Yeah…I can — I should—” 
He walked out to his car for privacy, and took several deep breaths before he finally made the call. It rang a few times before it was picked up. 
“Hi,” Buck said. “It’s Evan. Evan Buckley.”
“Evan,” Tommy said, and there was something amazing about how he said his name that for the first time ever, his instinct wasn’t to correct and ask to be called Buck. 
“Hi,” he repeated. 
Tommy had known it was Evan when he saw it wasn’t a saved number because he recognized the number that Chimney had finally sent him way too early that morning. As tempted as he’d been to just call Evan immediately, he’d made the decision to wait for a more normal time so he wasn’t responsible for waking him. 
“I’m so glad you called,” Tommy said. 
“Yeah, me too,” Evan said and after a small pause. “Sorry it took so long.” 
“Don’t be,” Tommy said. “How, um, how are you?” 
“Good. I’m good. You?” 
“Tired,” Tommy said honestly. 
“Well, I won’t keep you long,” Evan said. 
“No…no, that’s not—” 
“I’m actually sitting outside the firehouse because I have a shift in five minutes, but I didn’t want to wait on calling you.” 
“Oh,” Tommy said. 
He heard Evan shifting. “I’d…I’d like to see you.” 
“I’d like that too,” Tommy said. “Tomorrow?” 
“Yeah,” Evan breathed out. 
Tommy did have to fly out to Vegas with Eddie, and he had to finish out yet another overnight shift before that, but that didn’t mean he didn’t have some time to spare for Evan.  
“Meet at Harbor? I can give you a tour and we can talk. Get to know each other.”
Neither of them used the word. Soulmates. Tommy didn’t mind, he thought that Evan was cute in the way that he was nervous and unsure even over the phone. It was downright adorable. 
“That’s…yeah, that works. I’ll, uh, see you then.” 
“Come around three?”
“Sure. Sure thing.” 
Then, Evan was gone. Tommy set his phone down and then his head fell to his hands. It still didn’t feel real when he had the time to think about it. Soulmates. It was wild to think about the rarity of them and how somehow three members of the 118 and one former member had found and met their soulmates. 
Tommy remembered how shocked he’d been when he’d heard about Hen. Years later it was Chim. Now it was Evan. It was him and Evan. He couldn’t even begin to imagine the kind of conversation it would spark. 
Tommy hadn’t talked to anyone about it, but he was kind of a private guy. It was a habit from when he wasn’t out, when he tried to talk up how nice it was to be single and if pressed about the women that his job as a firefighter impressed. Back then, the only time he was being true to himself was when he hooked up with a guy picked up at a bar whose name he barely caught and who he never gave a real name to and who he had no plans to ever see again. 
Things had changed since then. While he didn’t hide that he was gay anymore, Tommy also just didn’t talk about it or his personal life. His last few relationships hadn’t been kept secret from his coworkers, but Tommy had never gone out of his way to talk about Harry or Matt before him. 
Since breaking up with Harry almost a year earlier, Tommy had gone on a few dates, nothing serious. Nothing that had reason to go further. That just had always seemed his fate. He was never lucky in love, more like prone to being disappointed and hurt because he cared too quickly or got attached before he should have. He was glad for it now, to find himself without any attachment that might complicate everything even more. He had a soulmate. 
Soulmates were something everyone knew about, but it was a thing with no guarantee. A dream. His grandparents on his father’s side were soulmates, and when he was a child he had just assumed that everyone’s grandparents were soulmates even if their parents weren’t just like his. Over time, it had become more and more clear how rare soulmates actually were and more than that, it had cemented that Tommy shouldn’t expect to meet his soulmate. 
He’d never even met Hen’s soulmate, Karen, but he’d heard about her from Chim because Chim claimed responsibility for them meeting in the first place and Tommy remembered a rare phone call because Chim wanted to brag about it. He remembered being thrilled for Hen, knowing that she was absolutely deserving especially after whatever it was that had gone on with the girlfriend she’d had when she first joined the 118. Tommy hadn’t expected it when he heard about Chim finding his soulmate. He would have preferred a phone call from Hen or Chim to inform him, instead of the way that he really found out by walking into the break-room at Harbor and seeing a picture of Chim on the news all because her abusive ex-husband had nearly killed Chim in an effort to get at her. 
As happy as he was for Hen and Chim, he’d never once expected that he would find himself in the situation of knowing his own soulmate. 
For the longest time, he had been sure that he didn’t have one. It was one of the things his mother had said the last time Tommy saw her, when she was yelling other homophobic crap at him. Because despite evidence to the contrary, some people really did still think soulmates were only possible between straight couples. Nevermind that because of the dwindling of soulmate couples it was clear to see that something close to half of the reported soulmate meetings of the last thirty to forty years were queer. 
Somehow, it changed nothing among the bigots who cited their religious beliefs as more important than being a kind and good person, that they were more important than the reality that same sex soulmates existed. It certainly changed nothing when it came to Tommy’s parents. 
He was past it. Hadn’t talked to them in years. Not since he realized that he was internalizing everything they’d said and that it was making him not only an asshole, but absolutely miserable. Cutting them off was probably one of the best things Tommy could have done for himself and the biggest step towards accepting himself. 
Tommy didn’t hear from Evan again, but that didn’t matter considering Evan was on shift. What mattered was that he would be seeing him the next day. Naturally time seemed to slow to crawl, even his overnight shift was slow with very few calls. Tommy spent a big part of it doing some maintenance on the choppers with some of the mechanics. It wasn’t a part of his job, but he loved it. 
He did go out on a med-evac call in between naps. His sleep was uninterrupted after getting back, until morning when something tickled his nose until he awoke. He found Lucy twirling a feather between her fingers with a smirk playing on her lips. 
“Morning, Kinard,” she said. “What’s this I hear about you flying into a hurricane?” 
“That’s why you woke me?” he asked. 
She crossed her arms over her chest. “What, no hello? No, how are you Lucy?” 
“I was sleeping.” 
“I was bored,” Lucy said. “What happened with the hurricane?” 
“Well, you were on leave, someone had to do the reckless thing.”
Lucy smiled easily. “I also heard it was with the 118. Fun bunch, aren’t they?”
“This is the real reason didn’t let me sleep?” Tommy asked. 
She shrugged her shoulders. “Hey, I like those guys. I also brought you coffee and pastries, didn’t want them to get cold.” 
When Lucy transferred to Harbor, Tommy had been sure he wasn’t going to like her. He’d been proven wrong within her first week. Yes, she was a bit impulsive and more than a little reckless, she also knew what she was doing and Tommy couldn’t help but be impressed. 
He’d been less impressed when she hit on him on a night when they had all gone out after a particularly long and harrowing day. That had changed immediately when she took his refusal in stride and then tried to set him up with a male firefighter friend of hers without him ever explaining that he was actually gay. Tommy never did find out if someone else had told her, but he did love how easily she just accepted it and accepted him. Tommy never took her up on the offer to be set up, but he did become her friend. 
“I suppose the coffee will help,” Tommy said. 
“What happened?” 
“Cruise ship lost contact after being boarded by pirates. Hurricane capsized it. Captain Nash and his wife were on it and Hen had a hunch something had gone wrong. When no one listened, she made up paperwork to get a helicopter out there.” 
“Wow,” Lucy said. “Surely it wasn’t that easy?” 
“I don’t think it would have worked if Chim didn’t call me before she got here so I could cover and make it happen,” Tommy admitted. 
“So you flew them out there and then found the ship and became a hero,” Lucy said. “I’m impressed, Kinard. Aside from the whole hurricane thing, anything else happen while I was gone?” 
When he didn’t say anything, her eyebrow shot up. “Something did happen?” 
If there was anyone that Tommy would have wanted to tell, it was Lucy. In some ways, she was his closest friend. Thinking about her that way did a couple of things and one of them was depress him because it was true that he really didn’t have any close friends. Suddenly, the time he’d spent with Eddie and how well they got on, maybe that wasn’t a bad idea. 
“What is it? What happened?” Lucy asked. 
“I met my soulmate,” Tommy said after a sigh. 
Lucy gasped audibly right before she let out a loud squeal. “Holy shit! Kinard! Tell me everything. Who is he? Where did you meet? Have you kissed him yet? This is so exciting.” 
“Nope,” Tommy said. “I told you enough.” 
“I want to meet him. I’m your friend…you introduce your friends to your soulmate.” 
Tommy rolled his eyes. “Look, I’ve barely gotten to talk to him. I’m not letting you at him.” 
Lucy gaped at him. “How are you so calm about this?” 
Internally he wasn’t calm. Internally, he was willing time to go faster so that his shift could officially be over and so that Tommy could finally see Evan again. 
Lucy laughed suddenly, finger poking at his chest. “You’re not calm. You’re freaking out, aren’t you?”
“It’s a good thing, though, isn’t it? I mean…meeting your soulmate—” She trailed off wistfully. “Oh, I know, you should call Hen. Or Chim. They probably know exactly what you’re going through.” 
Tommy shook his head. “Not really an option, I think.”
“Did something else happen on that cruise rescue that you’re not telling me about? Those two owe you one for not only putting your job on the line but your life too. The least they could do is give you advice.” 
“You’ll meet him eventually, okay. Just…leave it alone for now.” 
“Fine,” she said. “But I’m holding you to meeting him when the time is right.” 
Tommy nodded and hoped she wouldn’t be too mad when she found out that she actually already knew him.
Next Part
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gaywriterdude · 6 months
I was asked so here’s some of my favorite post-lawsuit angst recs for you @keepingmyoptionsfluid
Never Say Never by @Buddiesmutslut
11,595 Words | Rated G | Complete
Athena Grant gets a call from the hospital on her day off, claiming that she needs to come in to discuss options for Buck, as his emergency contact.
A lot of information is reveled, and she finally understands what the boy she's come to see as her own has been through.
Or: Buck throws another clot, calls the 118 & Maddie out on their shit, lets Athena hold him as he cries, and then finally talks to Eddie.
I love this fic, I absolutely love angry!buck and the 118 getting the scolding they deserve
there are so many lines that I've crossed unforgiven (i'll tell you the truth, but never goodbye) by @generalbordomnstuff
19,393 Words | Rated T | Complete
Buck loves music. After the lawsuit, he finds the time to express everything that’s happened into song form, building a safety net of lyrical prose. What he doesn’t expect is that his music takes off, skyrocketing him to fame under the alias “Evan Buchanan”. When Bobby forces him to use all of his vacation time, he decides to embark on his North American tour. As his absence in the station grows, the 118 realize how much they ruined Buck. As Buck’s last performance at Dodger Stadium approaches, can the team rectify their mistakes?
I really like this one because it talks so much about how much the 118 hurt Buck (the mass amounts of Taylor Swift lyrics also help)
Think I Forgot How to Be Happy (Something I'm Not, But Something I Can Be) by @renalovestowrite
43,116 Words | Rated M | Complete
Buck should have seen this coming. He only has himself to blame. The lawsuit had been just another thing he can add to the list of impulsive things he has done…another way he caused pain to those he loves. Buck only wanted to get back to the job he loves and the people he found a family in. At the time, he thought hiring a lawyer and filing a lawsuit was the only way to go about getting back to where he belongs.
To not be left behind.
The hurtful, betrayed looks of his team, his family as his lawyer spoke nothing but the truth regarding how utterly different Buck was treated compared to his co-workers was enough to churn Buck’s stomach. He had to physically swallow down the nausea that threatened to escape as every single fact was laid out for all to bare. Nevermind that a majority of the information Buck’s lawyer used was a part of public record; information Mackey had dug up when Buck became hesitant on the amount of details he was asked to share.
I just love this fic. It’s basically “yeah buck sued you guys, Bobby was being a dick, and Buck was prey to that’s scummy lawyer” and I love it so much
A Last Minute Switch, A Lifetime of Relief by @GothRaven89
57,332 Words | Rated T | Complete
Buck is back at work but no longer back in the good graces of his family. Besides Hen, everyone else is still bearing a grudge, especially Bobby and Eddie. Buck decides to take a break and go out of town, but what happens when he comes back to find everything is chaos. A switch at the last second, human error, a switched off phone, and relationships forever changed.
This one hurts fair warning, but there is a happy ending. I really like it, the firefam thinks Buck is dead and realize they never got the chance to make things right.
A New Family by @Angelwingsoffire
124,717 Words | Rated M | Complete
After the lawsuit, Buck wanted to go back to work, back to his family, and put everything behind him. He knew things wouldn't be the same, but he did want them to be good. But they weren't. He wasn't welcome, he wasn't happy, and he didn't want to stay. So when an old friend gives him the chance at a new family, he takes it. Will his old family realize they fucked up?
This is 125k words of Buck choosing himself and his happiness (plus some Eddie groveling) and I love it more than anything
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butraura · 1 year
Just imagining Eddie leaning against the doorframe to Christopher’s room while he sleeps, waiting to see if he’ll have another nightmare. They’re far less frequent now, and he’s doing better. But sometimes, the tsunami will scare him just a little bit too much that day and he’ll still wake up crying.
Eddie waits a while, listens to the rhythmic breathing and watches him fondly.
He thinks about how grateful he is to Buck - and the woman that carried Chris across the city - for keeping his entire world safe. He thinks about how Buck risked everything to protect him.
He’s so indebted to Buck and thankful in ways he couldn’t possibly articulate into words. And he’s glad that, when he couldn’t protect his son, Buck was there to do it. It gets him thinking about what would happen if something happened to him. What would happen to Chris?
His parents would take him, of course. He’d be loved, cared for, protected. But Eddie grew up with his parents - and he doesn’t want that for Chris. He wants someone that would do absolutely everything humanly possibly to give him the childhood and life he deserves. Someone who would love him unconditionally and raise him to be the person he is and not someone that resembles the son Eddie failed to be for his parents. He wants someone that would be his compass when he’s lost and his light when it’s dark. He wants someone to love him the way he Eddie loves him.
He wants Buck.
He should discuss with him. But since he has no plans to die, he has no reason to talk about it with him. It’s just a formality, really. But one that suddenly is the most important thing to Eddie. So he texts his lawyer, something something I need to update my will. And to his surprise, the lawyer answers very quickly, and promises to stop by tomorrow.
Eddie sleeps well for the first time in a while.
And by the next afternoon, Buck is written in more of Eddie’s will than anyone besides Chris. Inheriting property, finances, and personal belongings. But more importantly, he becomes Christopher’s legal guardian in the event of Eddie’s untimely death.
“Are you sure you want to do this without talking to Mr. Buckley first?” the lawyer asks, standing from the table and closing his suitcase formally.
Eddie shakes his head. “Yes, I am.”
“He could refuse, Mr. Diaz. He could say no.”
“He could,” Eddie agrees. “But he won’t.”
“How do you know?”
“I just know.”
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