#edit the text later
awkward-hugs · 3 months
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hghrheshthshdfhsfhsjdfkhsj brain is braining and im drawing past my usual bedtime but the loooooooore
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bruciemilf · 2 years
I feel like Gothamites and Metropolis peeps would have the wildest, juiciest beef on Twitter. That shit is seasoned, spicy, cooked just RIGHT, -
" yeah sure Metropolis is almost crime free but Superman is literally so lame. He just saves your weak ass cat from a tree (why? It's a cat.) Probably says shit like " haha, now THAT was dangerous, huh?" and dips. I asked batman if he wanted to chill at Bat Burger after he gave the Joker brain damage and he was like, bet.''
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" Gothamites can't say shit about Superman. Superman literally takes the time out of his day to help old ladies cross the street. I feel like If he caught me shoplifting Batman would punch me in the face and call me slurs"
And Bruce, from his official Batman account, retweets that with "I wouldn't. I'm not a police officer" and logs off
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wildflowercryptid · 5 months
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happy new years to everyone, but especially these two and their meddling dragons!
and a lil new years message is under the cut!
i wanna say thank you for the all the kindness i've received in the passing year from all of my beloved mutuals and followers. the fact that ya'll have stuck with me through all my fandom hopping and droughts in art uploads means a lot to me. it's been very encouraging to see how much people enjoy my work, along with all the sweet comments people leave in tags, and it really helps motivate me figure out how to do my art full-time. i have a lot i wanna do this year, ( like build my portfolio so i can finally pursue professional work, ) so i hope everyone will continue to support me going forward! 🥳✨
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palaceoftheprophets · 22 days
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I can usually tolerate Mizora’s antics but The Iron Throne mission stressed me out so much that I did not have the energy for her shenanigans.
(Leave poor Wyll alone, he’s been through enough!!)
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vongulli · 6 months
I have a little suggestion/idea if you don’t mind! Can you draw young fem crocbug?
AHH THANK YOU!! They’re so cute to me, I can’t stop drawing them also AH ! Here they are!! If Croc was an apprentice with buggy I feel like they wouldn’t have separated 😭…
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heich0e · 13 days
seasoned cop daichi sees a suspiciously nice car parked on a dark side street one night on his way home, and sighs to himself as he pulls over to investigate. he can't help but remember that awkward encounter all those years ago where he busted his former coach and coach's (now) spouse in this same situation, and he laughs a little bit to himself as he approaches the car, no longer the blushing rookie he used to be.
he raps confidently against the glass, hoping to get this all sorted out quickly so he can get home as soon as possible. he's already lived through the most uncomfortable version possible of this event, after all, so it's not like anything can surprise him anymore this far into his career.
or so he thought, until he sees you inside the car on top of his former kouhai (and current olympian) kageyama tobio.
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ash-and-starlight · 1 year
Do you have any really specific and/or personal Zukka headcanons that you’d be okay with sharing? I eat up every hc you put into your drawings like they’re candy, I was wondering if you had any others :D :D
OH boii i sure have,,, nothing coherent is coming to mind atm so ill just expose my Extensive backstories of zukka bethrotal armbands that idk if i will find a way to sneak into art.
sokka’s armband for zuko is forged back at Piandao’s mansion, and it's one of the most fine stunning pieces of jewelry ever crafted. it’s not the usual southern ivory but metal, more similar to the armbands worn as an accessory in the fire nation. it’s made of intertwining bands of gold and black meteor metal, with patterns of waves and dragon scales that seem to ripple and move when the light catches on them just right. and the pendant is a traditional blue stone from the swt.
There are no particular engagement gifts traditions in the fn, so zuko goes on a deep dive into southern water tribe ones, asking sokka’s family and friends about jewelry making and learning to engrave over the course of several trips to the swt. He makes sokka’s armband with ivory from his own first (successful) solo hunt. i’m not sure abt the material of the pendant lmao maybe gold? but amber would also be cool methinks
as for the pendant engraving they display a unique single braincell moment (untrue i just want them to match). love the fact that both of them are sea savvy navigators, love to think that in their pining era they spent a lot of time watching the stars and showing each other the different constellations and navigation pointers of their nations, so in both of their armbands’ stones are depicted the constellation used to guide sailors back home, sokka engraving the swt’s one on zuko’s armband and vice versa.
if they were sun’s out guns out kinda guys before this only gets worse during the first weeks of their engagement. shirts are banned. everyone look at the bethrotal armbands NOW.
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moonverc3x · 1 month
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⭐J will be open for asks for the duration of the tournament!! And Galacta is there too, I guess
⭐J seems relatively approachable, but is quick to butt heads with anyone who disapproves of her!
⭐J is an adult in her early 30s, and thus is potentially romanceable, if you're brave (or stupid) enough!
⭐ She's been around a while, and knows alot! Feel free to ask her about anything. Who knows if shell give you a straightforward answer though!
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acekindaneat · 11 months
Serirei Week !!
Day 3: firsts/love languages
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Reigen finds himself speechless (rare occasion)
continuation below but it's written form !! ↓↓
Serizawa gave him a slight nod, his face unreadable but tense. He gently directed Reigen towards the couches and sat him down. Wordlessly sitting beside him, he opened the first aid kit and rummaged through it.
Reigen watches in cautious silence, eyeing his coworker's rigid movements. The cloth he used to temporarily cover the large scratch left by the spirit was starting to itch. He slowly untied the knot with his uninjured hand and peeled off the blood-soaked makeshift bandage. It was drying off, but it still looked terrible. Four large gashes across his forearm, it almost looks like a scratch from a big cat.
Serizawa shifting closer brought Reigen's attention back to him. Their eyes met for a second before Serizawa looked down at his arm with a wince. Guilt evident on his face as he wet a towel with water and started to wipe off the blood with the lightest touch he could manage. Reigen swallowed the lump in his throat, the tense silence was getting to him so he spoke up.
"This could be part of your training, you know." He lightly joked, shrugging with his unoccupied shoulder. "It's important to know first aid, especially in our line of work." Serizawa's eyebrows furrowed as a frown formed on his face, but didn't take his eyes off his work, nor did he say anything back. As soon as the blood that smeared was gone, he grabbed the disinfectant and a cotton ball.
It was gonna sting, Reigen already knew that, but he still felt his heart flutter when Serizawa glanced up at him with a sorry look and muttered, "This might sting..."
Reigen didn't miss the way Serizawa was holding his hand with his free hand. He didn't miss the way his thumb was soothing the back of his palm with light strokes. He didn't miss the way he could feel the warmth radiating off of Serizawa's body just from how close they were sitting. Reigen felt himself gulp, not sure if it was in preparation for the pain, or to force himself back to retain his composure.
He let out a small hiss and a wince, before letting it dissipate quickly upon seeing Serizawa's face look more like a kicked puppy. He knows the man felt guilty for not arriving quick enough to prevent the spirit from hurting Reigen further. It wasn't his fault though. He can't blame Serizawa, not when he looked this sorry.
Gentle, flitting hands finally wrapped the wound in a bandage and secured it carefully. When it was done, Serizawa didn't move away, but instead let his hand rest on the wrapped arm, slowly rubbing his thumb against it like it would help heal the wound faster. It might, Reigen could hope. He could hope that this moment lasts. He looked up at Serizawa with a soft look, hoping that his message came across. Please.
Serizawa looked up at Reigen's eyes with the same level of fondness. Despite what he feels, it still scares Reigen, to see someone look at him like that. He's scared of seeing it often that he'll get attached to it, attached to the fondness, attached to feeling loved.
He almost felt himself jump when Serizawa gently held his hand up and pressed Reigen's palm against his lips with closed eyes. It's like his heart stopped, his breath hitching as he inhaled sharply.
This seemed to wake Serizawa from whatever trance he was in and pulled away, his face flushed red. His gaze landed everywhere except Reigen's as he cleared his throat and gathered up the used cotton balls and the bloodied washcloth. "I'll, uhm, throw these away. I'll grab some ice for your neck.. and make you some green tea in a bit..." He paused, sparing Reigen a glance and assessing his state.
"I'm glad you're okay, Reigen.." Serizawa spoke again, then escaped to the restroom to clean his hands off. Reigen sat there staring at his palm, dumbfounded and speechless.
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harringroveera · 6 months
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Billy: So you wanna marry me?
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werewolf-artfriend · 4 months
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hi everyone! im opening up for commissions :D if ur interested then send me a dm!
since this is the first time im doing this ill start with just a couple of slots to see if ive chosen a good price level :) 1/3 slots taken!
vvvvv terms n condishes below ! vvvvv
payment upfront, through ko-fi, once sketch is approved
final pieces are usually around 2000px at 72 dpi, i can do other dimensions and dpi if you want!
no refunds unless i can't complete your commission
1-4 week turnaround time
i reserve the copyright to commissioned pieces, but you can use the piece for personal purposes
you can also repost the piece with credit :)
i may post the commission online myself; if you want then i can include your username or not post it at all, let me know!
i reserve my right to decline a commission for any reason
ill happily draw: animals furry stuff, both feral and anthro ocs fan art violence & gore nsfw: nudity, porn, kink, stuff like that!
i probably wont draw: subjects heavy on mechanical details (guns, mecha, etc) some gory subjects certain fetishes
these terms and prices are intended for private customers commissioning art for personal purposes, professional and commercial inquiries are asked to contact me directly
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phoebonica · 2 years
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kursedmayo · 12 days
This is gonna be a a bit of a controversial take but to me Farcille to me is not very appealing since Falin and Marcille's relationship is a bit too complex to be boxed into a simple ship. There's both gay, platonic and familial implications and I don't think I've seen this type of relationship in media before actually.
In the Anime they really went all in on the yuri domtext- I refuse to call it subtext because its not, in fact sub (jk) but in the manga it's a bit more ambigious. In both media though they're portrayed as close, like way too close just to be friends. I think this might have to do with initial impressions, Marcille treating Falin like a little sister while Falin treats Marcille more like friend.
If you've read the Manga there was an implication that at some point Marcille wanted a younger sibling, but apparently she ended up being the youngest and the last child (if my memory serves correct). When she met Falin, she was a bit shy, tomboy-ish, and seemingly carefree when they met, which can sometimes be perceived as someone being pretty childish. Because of that, in her mind Marcille may have somewhat adopted the idea that Falin is younger than her and such, and then her subconscious childhood desires made her think of Falin as a little sister. I myself is more receptive to receiving or initiating touch with my brothers since I'm comfortable with them, so I can see why they're comfortable being physically close often.
This may also be why she dislikes Toshiro (Shuro) so much, she was particularly defensive of her little sister. I kinda doubt Falin discussed ever wanting to get into a relationship so maybe Marcille wanted to beat back unwanted suitors? At the same time this may just be her being jealous and not wanting to let Falin go, which can be interpreted to be something due to romantic feelings for Falin.
Meanwhile, when Falin met Marcille her impression was that she was a cool academic girl that took interest in her and befriended her. Marcille is most likely her first friend at that point and quickly became her best friend. She clearly admires Marcille and good LORD have you seen that bath house scene?? It was much less yurified in the Manga since Marcille was clearlu tired from using ancient magic and was having delayed reactions but I really dont think that was sisterly in any shape or form, it seems far too intimate. Keep in mind she was the one who initiated the hand locking in the bath house, not Marcille, so that may imply sometjing. So this brings me to my final conclusions.
Marcille probably thinks of Falin like a little sister or at least perceives Falin as someone younger than her that she wants to take care of. At the same time though her relationship with Falin is also hard to define completely by familiar or platonic because Laois is literally there for comparison and their relationships don't seem very similar to me.
On the other hand, Falin most likely sees Marcille as her best friend, someone either her equal or greater in skill or talent. When she has a slightly embarassing problem (like her constant flushed cheeks) she wants help with, she trusted Marcille enough to go straight to her instead of figuring it out herself so that says quite a lot, considering Falin seems to be of the independent type and don't like bothering people. However, there are also some odd vibes regarding her behavior with Marcille that prevents me from also waving Farcille off, so again I hesitate to box their relationship nearly into a single category.
So yeah. No hate to Farcille but I think I'd rather label these two weirdos with "???" instead of just friends, sisters or girlfriends. It feels a bit more accurate that way.
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bubblebaath · 1 year
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it's just rendering at a low resolution with no anti-aliasing + with the texture filtering on the materials set to nothing.
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theres probably a way to upscale the frames in blender afterwards but i find it easier to just render it tiny and then upscale it with ezgif/any other gif editor that supports non blurry gif upscaling
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@ferinsky ah no its not to do with actually rendering the frames, its upscaling the gif afterwards. i use an addon called bligify to export the rendered frames as a gif directly from blender, and then ezgif to upscale it. ezgifs upscaling thing can use nearest neighbor so the upscaled gif doesnt end up blurry
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sheepory · 2 years
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i love my gf <3
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localgardenweed · 9 months
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Completely forgot to share this edit a few days ago but working on their club portrait
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