#edited 'cause I add ting
amethyst-art · 1 year
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Winners Hall
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differentpostrebel · 13 days
Lost and Found: A Pirate's Promise
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The first gif cause Sanji is fine in this Gif, and the second gif adds to the story also lmfaooo
Chapter 28: A Dangerous Gamble
A/N: We are back at it again with another chapter! Don’t worry you guys I’m still creating that masterlist. But when I tell you the next chapters are cooking! Like we getting, all of the action. also Ive been seeing alot of edits on TT with these guys along with a few more I have in store and when I tell you I went FERALLLL!!!! Like someone hold me! Thank you guys so much for the follows, the likes, the comments, the interactions just everything! I cant wait for you guys to read what I have in store! But without further ado, let the adventure begin!
Word Count: 6.2K 
Sanji X Reader, Sanji X Y/N, One Piece X Reader 
Sanji POV.. 
“Yeah, we barely escaped, both the Navy and Doflamingo,” I spoke to Usopp via the transponder snail, my voice tinged with frustration. “Also, have any of you guys seen or even heard from Y/N?” My heart raced with worry.
“Wait, why? What happened?!” Usopp's voice cracked with concern.
“I lost her... and no one knows where she is,” I admitted, my hands tightening around the snail. “Doflamingo has something planned for her, and it pains me that I’m not there with her.”
Usopp’s expression turned grave. “We’ll find her, Sanji. We have to. Don’t lose hope.”
“I’m trying not to,” I said, “but it’s hard when I can’t even get a lead on where she might be. Every moment counts.” 
“What's worse is we’re heading to Zou, so I won’t be able to kick some ass in order to find her,” I said into the transponder snail, taking a drag of my cigarette. My frustration was evident in my voice.
“What? Sanji, you’re not planning on leaving us here?!” Usopp’s voice came through, filled with alarm.
“Hold on a minute,” Franky’s voice interrupted, “What are Luffy and Law up to?”
As I was about to respond, I heard Franky’s question. “Zoro and Kinemon are outside the Colosseum trying to find Luffy so they can bring him up to speed. After that, they’re going to look for Y/N.”
“And Law?” Franky asked.
Law POV… 
With the Sunny crew heading to Zou and the remaining Straw Hats carrying out their plan, I made my way to the bridge with Giolla. The blade was close to her neck, a constant reminder of the precarious situation we were in. My mind kept drifting to Y/N. I can only hope you are safe and far from Doflamingo’s grasp, I thought.
Footsteps echoed closer, the fog obscuring the figure’s approach. I tightened my grip on my sword, preparing for whatever was to come. As Doflamingo emerged from the mist, his mocking tone cut through the air.
“What’s the point in letting half of the Straw Hats escape?” he taunted. “The rest of them are still in Dressrosa. All I have to do is hold them hostage, and they'll hand me Caesar in exchange for them.”
“Many have underestimated them and paid the price,” I replied defiantly. “Do you really want to add your name to that list?”
“At any rate, my pirate alliance with the Straw Hat crew is coming to its natural conclusion. Do I have to spell it out for you? From the moment I met up with them, I was using them. They'll be destroying the SMILE factory, and as much as I want to revel in killing you, Kaido is going to do that anyway.” I retorted, gripping my blade tighter. “Beside, I want to make you pay for what you did thirteen years ago” I said, my anger evident. 
“Make me pay... for what happened to you thirteen years ago?” “Come on, Law. Holding Giolla hostage isn’t going to change anything.” Doflamingo’s laugh was chilling. 
“You're right. That’s not all you lost. With Caesar gone, you no longer have a hold on the SMILE factory,” I said, my voice dripping with contempt.
Doflamingo’s smirk widened. “My, you are still mad. Grudges aren’t good for your health, you know.”
“This isn’t a grudge,” I retorted, my eyes burning with determination. “I’m seeing his dream through to the end!”
With that, I launched a series of relentless attacks at Doflamingo. Each strike was fueled by the anger and frustration I felt
Sanji POV…
“You better protect my sweet Robin, understand, Usopp!” I said into the transponder snail, the urgency in my voice unmistakable. “And also, keep an eye out for my Y/N!” I added, as I took a drag of my cigarette. I hung up the call, letting out a long sigh. “This anxiety is killing me,” I thought, running my fingers through my hair. “Y/N could be hurt, injured, or worse…”
I shook those thoughts out of my head, trying to stay focused. “Is everything okay, Sanji?” Chopper asked, his voice filled with concern.
“I was just making sure that Robin is safe since she’s with Franky and Usopp right now. I wanted to let them know to keep an eye out for Y/N if they see her,” I explained, my voice tinged with worry.
“Okay, so if Kinemon and Zoro are with Luffy, that means they would need to find Y/N, right?” Chopper said, trying to piece things together.
“Well, knowing mosshead, that’s going to take 50 years, since he’s lousy with directions,” I grumbled. “Damn it! I knew I should have stuck with my gut and stayed.” I grabbed at my hair, a habit I developed when smoking didn’t ease my anxiety anymore.
“I’m awfully worried about Traffy and Y/N, though,” Chopper said, his voice low.
“Traffy is a big boy; he can handle it,” I replied. “Y/N, although I know she can handle anything, knowing what that creep wanted to do to her and what he planned on doing to her makes me sick.” I clenched my hands, the frustration and helplessness boiling within me.
 Momo began recounting a memory he had of Doflamingo, but my mind drifted away to thoughts of someone who wasn't Y/N. “Ahh, why are you happy?!” he exclaimed, breaking through my reverie.
“Don’t worry, being taken hostage isn’t all bad, especially when it’s a beautiful woman doing it,” I said, swooning with a blush on my cheeks.
“You’re obviously thinking about something else; at least pretend to care!” Momo chided.
“That reminds me, Violet said she’d be okay too,” I said, as my mind wandered to our last moments together.
“I’ll be fine. I talked to my friend, and I’m certain the government will protect me,” Violet said, as we rode the toy horse together.
“Really?” I asked, still concerned.
“Just trust me,” she said with a reassuring smile.
“Okay, I’d feel better if I could go along with you, but as long as you’re safe, I…” I started to say before Violet reached for my hand.
“You’ve done enough. How can I ever show you my gratitude?” she asked, her eyes filled with sincerity.
I blushed at her words. “Well, you could give me a kiss on the cheek, and then maybe a little kiss on the lips,” I said, my voice tinged with shyness.
With that, I felt the warm impact of Violet’s lips on mine. The kiss was soft but filled with gratitude. I was about to ask for more when Violet suddenly pulled away.
“Oh no, it would seem your ship is under attack by flying fish!” she exclaimed.
“What! What are those?!” I shouted, bewildered.
“No time; you must go!” she urged.
As I skywalked into the sky, leaving Violet behind, I headed back to the Sunny, the urgency of the situation driving me forward.
Flashback end
I sighed deeply, shaking the memory from my mind. “I hope Violet is okay,” I muttered.
Zoro POV… 
Ten minutes before Y/N called…
“Hey!! I’m up here! You guys wanted to talk to me!” Luffy yelled, his voice echoing through the Colosseum.
“Luffy! Quiet down! We don’t want anybody to hear!” I yelled back, trying to keep my frustration in check.
Luffy laughed, clearly unbothered. “Wow, sorry! I was just happy to see you!”
“Ahh, so you met with the green-haired man. At first, I was apprehensive about trusting him, but he seemed quite eager to offer his assistance,” Kinemon said, his gaze scanning the area.
“Where is he now?” I demanded, trying to keep my focus sharp.
“I don’t know. He just, like, passed out…” Luffy said, sounding somewhat unconcerned.
“Passed out?! What the hell is wrong with him?!” I exclaimed, my frustration mounting.
“Hey, by the way, have you seen Y/N yet?” Luffy asked, changing the subject.
“Actually, yeah. She just called,” I said, trying to keep my tone steady.
“Really?!” Luffy’s eyes widened. “What did she say?”
“Something about her being safe and that she’ll call back in a few minutes,” I replied. “I’m worried about her, Luffy. She said she was chased down by three men block after block.”
Luffy’s expression shifted to one of concern. “Three men, huh? That doesn’t sound good. We need to find her as soon as possible.” 
“I agree,” I said, my voice grim. Just then, a call from my transponder snail went through.
“Hello?! Y/N?!” I said urgently.
“Y/N?! Where have you been?!” Luffy’s voice crackled through the line, his grin evident even over the transponder snail.
“Hey, Captain. How’s it going? I was checking on your fight. I wish I was there to kick some ass too!” Y/N said, her laughter coming through, which was oddly comforting.
“Same here, Y/N,” I said, trying to keep my voice calm even though my concern for her was growing.
Y/N began to explain that Doflamingo had been tracking her since she arrived and that three men had been chasing her block after block. My rage spiked with every word.
“Where are you?!” Luffy demanded, his tone sharper than usual. It was one thing to mess with him, but to mess with his crewmate was a whole other story.
“Don’t worry, Luffy. I’m safe. I’m with…” Y/N said, but I couldn’t quite catch the last part. Her voice was muffled, and it sounded like she was with someone, but the connection was poor.
“I have a plan, but I want to ask your permission first,” she continued.
“What’s the plan?” Luffy asked, his focus entirely on the call now. 
“I’m going to have Doflamingo take me to his palace,” Y/N said, calm but with an edge of seriousness that instantly put me on alert.
“Wait... AS IN KIDNAPPED?!” I yelled, my voice immediately rising. “ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR DAMN MIND?!”
“Yes, as in kidnapped,” she replied, unfazed. “I need to draw him away from the Colosseum. Once I’m in the palace, I’ll try to dismantle his operation from the inside. It’ll buy you guys time to get there so we can finish the job.”
“This is insane!” I snapped. “You’re not just walking into a trap—you’re running into it! How many things can go wrong here, Y/N? Do we need to pull out the list? You’re going up against a warlord who is psychotic, you could get thrown in a dungeon, or worse! And we won’t even know where you are!”
There was a pause, then Y/N responded with that annoying calmness. “I know the risks, Zoro. But it’s the only way to distract him long enough for you guys to make your move.”
Luffy, who had been quiet up until now, suddenly chimed in. “Y/N, this is risky, even for you...”
“I know,” she answered, her voice steady. “But I can do this. If I can get him off the streets and into the palace, it’ll give us the upper hand. You just need to trust me.”
“Trust you?” I scoffed, rubbing the back of my neck in frustration. “I trust you, but this plan is reckless even by your standards! Do you even know what you're up against?”
Another pause, and then Y/N let out a small laugh, which irritated me even more. “Zoro, I’ll be fine. Just make sure you guys get to the palace. I’ll be waiting.”
Before I could protest more, Luffy jumped in, cutting me off mid-sentence. “Okay, Y/N. If that’s what you want, we’ll trust you. But you better be careful! We’ll get there as soon as I figure a way out of this Colosseum.”
I clenched my fists, not fully convinced. “This is still a terrible idea... If anything happens to you, I’m coming to drag your reckless ass out of there myself.”
Y/N’s voice lightened, trying to ease the tension. “I know you will, Zoro. But you won’t have to. Just be ready when it’s time.”
The call ended with that, and I stood there, my frustration boiling under the surface.
“Damn it, why does she always have to make things difficult?” I muttered. 
Luffy turned to me, his expression serious. “We gotta trust her. She wouldn’t do this if she didn’t believe it would work.” 
I sighed, still irritated. “I don’t like it. But if Y/N’s already in, we need to make sure we’re ready to follow through. This is going to get messy.”
Law POV… 
I struggled to stay on my feet, each breath feeling heavier than the last. The pain in my knees throbbed with every movement, but the thought of Y/N—captured, helpless—burned in my mind like a raging fire. I couldn’t let her be taken. Not her. Not after everything.
Doflamingo’s laughter grated on my ears, his voice full of mockery. “You look like you’re about to collapse, Law. Just how much longer do you think you can keep this up?”
I glared up at him, blood dripping from my wounds, but my focus was elsewhere—on Y/N. She was out there, trapped in his twisted web, and I was running out of time to save her. My hands tightened around my sword, trembling from the exhaustion.
“You can mock me all you want, Doflamingo,” I growled, my voice low but filled with fury. “But I’m not done yet. I’ll tear you apart before I let you lay another hand on her.”
But my body betrayed me. I could feel my stamina slipping away, the strength in my legs faltering. “Room!” I called out once more, though my powers flickered, weaker now. I felt my ability straining to stay active, but I refused to stop.
Doflamingo smirked, casually flicking away my efforts like they were nothing. “Pathetic,” he said. “But keep struggling, Law. It’s amusing to watch you crawl while I’ve already won.”
His words pierced through the fog of pain in my mind. I knew what he wanted—he wanted to see me suffer, to see me broken before he took Y/N away forever. The thought sent a surge of rage through me. I won’t give him that satisfaction.
I tried again, pushing my body to its limit. My sword swung, aiming for him, but Doflamingo dodged it effortlessly, almost playfully. His string bullets followed, slamming into my legs again, sending me crashing to the ground.
The pain was blinding, but worse than that was the sickening feeling of helplessness creeping in. I bit down hard, forcing myself not to scream, but I could barely move.
Then, his transponder snail rang, cutting through the chaos. I looked up through blurry vision, seeing Doflamingo’s smirk widen as he answered the call.
"Hello, this better be important," he said, his voice dripping with malice. The words that followed made my blood run cold.
"Sir, we got her… we got the girl, young master!" came the voice on the other end.
I froze, my heart pounding so hard it drowned out the sound of everything else. Y/N. No. This can’t be happening. She can’t be in his hands.
Doflamingo's laugh cut through me like a blade. "I knew she couldn’t run forever. Tied up nice and snug, is she?"
“Yeah, she is. She's tied up. Meet us at the Colosseum at the front, so you can take her,” the voice said.
Doflamingo’s eyes glinted with sadistic glee as he hung up. He turned to me, relishing in my helplessness. “You hear that, Law? Looks like your little princess is mine now. And you? You’re going to watch me take her. Let’s head to the Coliseum, I want you to see her all tied up, broken, and realize that you couldn’t save her.”
The weight of those words crushed me. Y/N. My breath hitched, my vision narrowing to a tunnel of fury and desperation. I forced myself to move, despite the pain, despite the exhaustion.
But unfortunately, Doflamingo launched one more attack, his strings cutting through the air with deadly precision, and before I could react, my body gave out and fell to the ground, powerless. As darkness crept in, the last thing I saw was his cruel smile, and the only thought in my mind was that I had failed her. 
Zoro POV…
"Hey, mosshead! Any updates on Y/N?" Sanji's voice crackled through the transponder snail, sounding as impatient as ever.
I rolled my eyes at the snail, which mimicked his curly eyebrow expression. “Now you listen, curly brow…” I started, but then paused. “Actually, yes. She was able to get in contact with us.”
"WHAT? You did?!” Sanji's voice shot up an octave, panic immediately kicking in. “Is she okay? Did Doflamingo do something to her?!”
The transponder snail mimicked Sanji's frantic expression, and I could practically hear the others in the background, freaking out—Chopper, Brook, and Momo wailing in unison.
I sighed, trying to stay calm. “No, she says she’s safe. But…” I hesitated, knowing this was going to cause a scene. “She’s got a reckless plan.”
"RECKLESS PLAN?!" Sanji shouted, his voice nearly causing the snail to vibrate. "Mosshead, what did you say to her? Why didn’t you stop her?!”
“Tch, hey! It’s not my fault, curly brow! She decided this on her own!” I snapped back, gripping the transponder snail like it was his neck.
“Mosshead!” Sanji growled through the snail, his voice dripping with frustration. “What the hell is she thinking?! You didn’t just let her go, did you?! You know how dangerous Doflamingo is!”
I clenched my teeth, trying not to let him get under my skin. “She’s planning to go head-on with Doflamingo,” I said flatly, waiting for the inevitable explosion.
The transponder snail’s eyes widened comically. "SHE'S DOING WHAT?!" Sanji’s voice boomed through the receiver. "Why didn’t you stop her, mosshead?! Do you even understand what Doflamingo is capable of, what he plans on doing to her?!"
I gripped the transponder snail tighter. "You think I didn’t try? She’s as stubborn as hell you idiot! She’s doing this for a reason!"
There was a tense silence, only interrupted by the muffled sounds of Chopper and Brook still panicking in the background. Then Sanji's voice came through again, quieter but no less furious. “If anything happens to her, mosshead… I’ll make you regret not stopping her.”
I closed my eyes, feeling the weight of his words. “I know,” I muttered, my voice low. “But if it comes to that, I’ll be the one to cut down Doflamingo. I won’t let her fall.”
Before Sanji could respond, a deafening crash echoed in the distance. I snapped my eyes open, and the transponder snail mimicked Luffy’s frantic expression as his voice boomed through it. "Doflamingo! And Traffy!" he shouted. "What the hell is going on?! Traffy, why are you fighting Mingo?!"
We barely had time to process what Luffy was saying before we saw it. Doflamingo had his gun drawn, pointing it directly at Law.
Bang! The gunshot rang out, and Law’s body jerked back, blood spraying from the wound. “Damn brat,” Doflamingo growled, taking aim again.
Bang! The second shot tore through the air, hitting Law once more, sending him crashing to the ground. I cursed under my breath. “Not good!”
Just as Doflamingo was about to fire a third time, a sudden, blinding yellow light zipped through the chaos, cutting through the tension in the air.
"Get away from him!" a familiar voice yelled, echoing across the battlefield. The bright light morphed into a swift kick, slamming into Doflamingo’s chest and sending him flying into the nearby buildings. The impact was so powerful that the walls exploded into debris, raining down across the area.
As the dust and debris began to settle, a figure stepped forward, racing toward Law, who lay crumpled on the ground, barely clinging to consciousness. “I’m sorry, guys,” the familiar voice called out, softer now, filled with regret. “I was a bit late.”
The figure knelt beside Law, gently cradling his head, their voice trembling slightly. “I’m sorry, Law,” they repeated. “I couldn’t stop the first bullets... but I’m here now.”
As the last of the dust cleared, the blinding yellow light faded, revealing the face of the person who had saved him. My heart skipped a beat, disbelief and relief flooding through me.
"It’s Y/N!" I shouted, my voice filled with a mix of shock and relief.
As I watched Zoro and Kin'emon from my hidden spot, my heart raced with anxiety. I knew the odds were against me—this plan had a 95% chance of backfiring—but there was still that 5% hope, and I had to cling to it. My eyes flicked to the Colosseum again. “Sabo should be in there by now,” I thought, trying to reassure myself.
I reached for the two small hidden blades strapped to my sides, pulling them out as I remembered the lesson King had given me about these blades. His voice echoed in my mind, calm and mysterious. 
“These blades, although they seem ordinary, can create quite a damaging effect,” he had said as he handed them to me.
I had stared at them skeptically. “So, what do they do?” I had asked, turning them over in my hands.
“They are meant to enhance your skills while helping you channel your abilities,” he explained, leaning back in his chair like it was obvious.
I had been frustrated by his cryptic explanation. “Well, how the hell am I supposed to use this?” I had muttered, annoyed that he was speaking in riddles rather than giving me straight answers.
He had simply smiled. “Once you channel all that energy, you will soon learn of their true purpose.”
End of flashback…
Now, standing in the shadows of the Colosseum, I gripped the blades tighter, trying to channel the energy within me, just as he had instructed. I could feel the familiar warmth building in my hands as a yellow light began to glow faintly around the blades.
Suddenly, a massive impact shook the ground, sending debris flying everywhere. I instinctively covered my face with my arms, the sharp dust and rocks pelting my skin. “Doflamingo must have arrived,” I thought, heart pounding in anticipation.
But when the dust cleared, my breath caught in my throat. Law. He was lying on the ground, bloodied and unmoving.
“Law?!” I whispered, shock and confusion hitting me like a tidal wave. "What the hell happened to the plan with Caesar? Did it fall through?"
The urgency of the situation took over as I heard two gunshots ring out, echoing through the air. Doflamingo had just shot Law again. My heart pounded as I saw him preparing to strike once more. Without thinking, I lifted my left leg, the yellow light around me intensifying, and dashed toward them.
"Get away from him!" I shouted, channeling all my strength into a kick aimed directly at Doflamingo’s chest. The impact sent him flying back, crashing into nearby buildings. Debris exploded across the area, shrouding everything in dust. As the light around me began to fade, I heard Zoro’s voice, full of disbelief.
"What the hell just happened?" he muttered.
Breathing heavily, I looked down at Law’s battered form. His lips trembled as he muttered broken words: "Cora... Y/N…" My heart clenched as I knelt beside him, cradling his head in my hands. My voice cracked as I whispered, "I'm sorry, Law. I wasn’t here in time to stop the first bullets... but I’m here now." The ache in my chest deepened, seeing him like this.
"Tell us what’s going on, please!" Sanji’s voice rang out through the transponder snail. I barely registered it as Zoro approached me, concern etched on his face.
“Y/N...” Zoro said, his tone more gentle than usual.
"What?! What’s going on?!" Sanji demanded again, his voice filled with panic as it crackled through the transponder snail.
Murmurs began to fill the air around us. I could hear the marine soldiers in the distance.
"She struck a warlord!" one of them gasped in disbelief.
"That’s Princess Y/N, she’s with the Strawhats!" another soldier pointed out, his voice trembling with both shock and admiration.
"No way... she actually landed a clean hit!" whispered another.
Kin’emon approached, bowing slightly in my direction. "It would appear that Lady Y/N has now arrived," he said, his tone filled with admiration and respect.
Before I could respond, Sanji’s frantic voice came through the snail once more. "Let me talk to her! Please!"
Kin’emon moved to hand me the transponder snail, but before I could take it, the sharp crack of a gunshot filled the air. My body tensed.
Doflamingo emerged from the dust, walking toward us slowly, a twisted smirk on his face. "My, my, that kick nearly took me out. I’ve got to hand it to you, princess," he sneered, his voice dripping with mockery. "I’m liking this side of you."
I stood up, my heart burning with anger. "Doflamingo…" I muttered, my grip tightening around my blades.
"Y/N, wait!" Zoro called out, his voice filled with warning.
"Y/N!" Law rasped, barely able to speak, his voice weak but desperate. “Tell me what’s going on?!” Luffy’s voice echoed from the Colosseum
I stared down Doflamingo, my mind racing. The tension was thick in the air, and everything seemed to freeze for a moment. Doflamingo’s smirk deepened as he approached, his voice laced with cruel amusement. "Princess, I was told you were captured, bound like a helpless little bird. It seems my subordinates were mistaken."
I grinned defiantly, reaching into the waistband of my skirt and pulling out a small momento I’d taken from the thugs. "Maybe you should hire better help next time," I said, tossing it at him. It struck his chest, and he glanced down, his amusement flickering into irritation.
"So, you’ve got some fight in you after all," he said, his tone mockingly impressed. "I thought you’d be running by now."
I held my ground, my fingers tightening around the blades, the faint yellow light beginning to glow again. "I hear you’ve been looking for me," I said, my voice steady. "Well, here I am."
Before he could respond, Luffy’s shout rang out from behind the bars. "Hey, Mingo! You’re gonna pay for what you did to Traffy!"
Doflamingo turned slightly, glancing back at Luffy with a smirk. "Law? That little brat used to work for me," he said, his voice dripping with malice. "Didn’t he tell you? Some ally you’ve got there."
My breath caught at his words, my gaze flickering to Law, who lay battered and barely conscious. But I couldn’t let this rattle me, not now.
Doflamingo’s attention snapped back to me, his grin widening. "Now, where were we? Ah yes... I was just about to capture you."
He moved forward, his fingers twitching as he prepared his strings. But I wasn’t about to let him think he had control. "Doffy," I said, smirking, "your subordinates—at least the one I knocked out—called you that. Funny, I thought you enjoyed the game of cat and mouse. What’s the fun in capturing me so easily?"
Doflamingo chuckled, clearly entertained by my defiance. "A game, is it? Alright, Princess, let’s play." His fingers twitched, strings flickering in the air. "But remember, I always win."
I clenched my blades tighter, the yellow light flaring to life. "We’ll see about that, Doflamingo. Let’s find out who’s really in control here." 
I gritted my teeth, the glow from my blades flaring even brighter. "Kinemon, Zoro, get Traffy out of here!" I barked, my eyes locked on Doflamingo. I lifted my left leg, ready to dash toward him, determined to land a strike.
But just as my blade was about to meet its mark, I felt an immense force slam into my arm, redirecting my attack into the sky. "What the—?" I gasped, trying to react quickly, but the same weight crashed into me again, this time with enough force to send me flying into the Colosseum wall. The impact knocked the breath from my lungs, and blood dripped from the corner of my mouth as I slid down to the ground, stunned by the sudden assault.
"Y/N!" I heard Zoro shout, his voice full of alarm as he turned his attention toward me. The weight of everyone's gaze shifted to where I lay, struggling to get back on my feet, the air thick with tension. "Y/N!" Luffys voice cut through the chaos, a note of alarm piercing through as he turned his gaze toward me. For a brief, tense moment, it felt like time itself had slowed, all eyes converging on my injured form. "Are you alright?" Luffy’s voice, filled with concern, crackled through.
I struggled to rise, my body shaking with pain. "Yeah, Luffy, I’m okay," I managed to reply, though my voice was weak. "But what the hell was that technique?"
As I fought to regain my balance, I saw Zoro and Kinemon charging toward Doflamingo. "Pirate Hunter Zoro and Foxfire Kinemon," Doflamingo drawled, his tone mocking. "I also noticed that Momonosuke is unguarded aboard your ship." Kinemon’s face tightened at Doflamingo's words. "Don’t listen to that bastard! We would never let him take Momo," Zoro shouted, his anger palpable.
But before Zoro could strike, the blind man from before intervened, delivering a powerful blow that pinned him down. "Zoro!" I cried out, my heart sinking as the sight of him struggling to break free filled me with dread.
Doflamingo smirked, his eyes gleaming with malevolent amusement as he shifted his focus to Kinemon. With a swift, unexpected move, Doflamingo struck Kinemon, sending him crashing into the ground. "Kinemon!" I cried out, my voice trembling with urgency and frustration.
I struggled to push myself upright, clutching my sides where pain radiated. My grip on the blade tightened, the yellow light and electrical charge flaring brightly. "Hey, Doflamingo!" I called out, lifting my left leg. "Forget about them. This is our game."
Doflamingo’s attention snapped back to me, a cruel smirk spreading across his face. "Ah, my defiant princess," he drawled. "Your spirit is truly something to behold. Once I capture you, you’ll discover just how much fun I can have with someone as spirited as you."
"That’s what you think!" I retorted, gathering all my strength. I dashed toward him, using the momentum to leap into the air and aim a tremor kick at Doflamingo. But as I extended my right leg, it suddenly stopped in mid-air, restrained by an invisible force.
I gritted my teeth, trying to break free from the unseen grip. "What’s going on?" I shouted, my frustration mounting. Doflamingo’s laughter rang out as he floated up to my level, his presence imposing and taunting.
As I tried to attack with my right hand, still clutching the blade, another invisible force wrapped around my wrist, pulling it back. I struggled against the restraints, my heart pounding in my chest.
Doflamingo floated closer, his face mere inches from mine. His gaze was cold and calculating as he gently grasped my chin, forcing me to look directly at him. "So close, my princess. The power of the String-String Fruit is quite remarkable, wouldn’t you agree?" he taunted, his voice dripping with mockery. "It allows me to control and manipulate anything I desire." Doflamingo’s smirk widened as he stared into my eyes, his malevolent gaze unwavering. Slowly, he moved his hands from my chin, trailing down to my neck. His touch was cold and commanding, the invisible strings still binding me tightly.
"Ah, such fire," he taunted, his fingers tightening around my throat just enough to remind me of his power. "You really are a fascinating specimen, Princess. The way you fight against the inevitable, it’s almost endearing."
He leaned in closer, his breath warm and disturbing against my skin. "You see, my strings can control everything from the smallest details to the most grandiose displays. And right now, you're tangled in my little game. You're not just my captive; you're my plaything."
I glared at him, the struggle evident in my eyes. "I’m not done yet," I said, my voice resolute despite the pain. "I won’t let you win." 
Summoning the last of my strength, I quickly maneuvered my free hand, still clutching the blade. With a swift, decisive motion, I cut through the strong bindings constricting my right hand. The strings fell away, freeing my arm. Without hesitation, I moved to sever the bindings on my right leg, slicing through them with precision. As I fell from the sky, my body propelled downward by gravity, I saw Zoro emerging from the debris, his face filled with determination.
“I got you!” Zoro shouted as he dashed forward, managing to pull me from the perilous height. He caught me in mid-air, his grip firm and reassuring as he guided me safely to the ground.“Thank you, Zoro,” I said, still feeling the tremors of pain as I tried to stand.
Kinemon hurried over, his expression a mix of concern and disbelief. “What’s a navy admiral doing with Doflamingo?” he asked.
My eyes widened in shock. “You mean to tell me that blind man is a navy admiral?” I asked, the revelation hitting me hard.
“Kinemon, is Y/N okay?” Sanji’s voice crackled through the transponder snail, filled with worry.
“Hey Sanji,” I said, trying to stay calm despite the sharp pain. “I’m okay. Sorry for worrying you.”
“Y/N…” Sanji’s voice choked up, filled with worry, but before he could continue, a sharp, searing pain tore through my left shoulder. I cried out, dropping to my knees as the pain overwhelmed me.
“DAMN IT!” I shouted, gritting my teeth, fighting against the agony. I looked down and saw blood trickling from a fresh wound—a bullet had struck me.
Doflamingo’s mocking voice echoed through the chaos. “Ah, look at you, princess. Already on your knees for me,” he sneered, his voice dripping with cruel amusement.
My eyes shifted to where Doflamingo was now holding Law,standing behind the Navy Vice Admiral, a smug grin on his face . “Don’t you dare!” Kinemon shouted, his voice filled with fear and frustration.
I managed to stand, determination burning in my eyes. "If he wants to fight dirty, then fine," I muttered, sheathing my blades. My body still ached, and the sting in my left arm reminded me of the situation’s urgency. Turning towards Zoro, I locked eyes with him. "There’s been a slight change of plans," I said quietly, still clutching my injured arm.
Zoro's brows furrowed. "What change of plans?" His hand was already on his sword, sensing something wasn’t right.
"I’m going to let Doflamingo capture me here." I leaned in closer so only he could hear. “I didn’t expect the Navy Vice Admiral to be involved, which complicates things. But the original plan stays. Capturing me here will still keep the plan in motion."
"Like hell it will!" Zoro snapped, his voice low but brimming with frustration. His grip on his sword tightened as if ready to strike. "You're not doing this alone."
Before he could make a move, I had already stepped forward, forcing myself into the spotlight. "Trust me, Zoro. We don’t have a choice."
“Doflamingo!” I shouted, trying to keep my voice steady despite the pain. “I thought this was our game of cat and mouse. Are you scared already?”
Doflamingo’s grin widened, his eyes glinting with cruel amusement. “Princess, such bravado. I must admit, I enjoy this side of you. It makes the victory all the more satisfying.”
As Doflamingo held Law like a puppet, I clenched my left hand, activating the power of my ring. I leaped into the air, raising my right leg, ready to deliver a powerful tremor kick. But just as I was about to strike, the navy admiral used his power to halt my attack mid-air. I was slammed back to the ground, crashing heavily into the dirt.
“Y/N!” Zoro yelled, his voice full of desperation. “Hold on! I’m coming!”
I struggled to rise. The air around me grew heavy, and invisible strings began to wrap around my body, lifting me off the ground. Doflamingo’s laughter echoed around us, cold and mocking.
“Wake up, Sir Law! Lady Y/N, are you alright?” Kinemon shouted, his voice filled with panic.
“Are you kidding me!” Zoro shouted in frustration, his voice crackling with anger and fear.
Doflamingo’s voice carried a sinister edge as he spoke to Fujitora. “Let’s take this conversation back to the palace. There’s much to discuss, and I’m eager to see how this little game ends.”
As Doflamingo’s strings tightened around me, I came face to face with him once more. His grip was unyielding, the pressure making it hard to breathe. I met his gaze, and despite the pain, a smirk formed on my lips. “Phase 1 of the plan is complete,” I thought to myself as the world around me started to darken.
As I began to slip in and out of consciousness, the smirk on my face remained, a silent declaration of our progress.
Zoro, visibly frustrated, prepared to make another move. But before he could act, the navy forces readied their weapons, their presence creating an impenetrable barrier. Doflamingo’s laughter filled the air, mocking and cold. “Look at that,” he said, his voice dripping with malice. “It seems your friends are in quite the predicament, princess.”
I fought against the strings, trying to regain some control, but it was futile. Doflamingo stepped closer, his face twisted into a sinister grin. “I’m going to savor this. I plan to enjoy every moment of it.”
As I was lifted away, the last thing I heard was Kinemon’s determined voice cutting through the chaos. “Both Sir Law and Lady Y/N have been seized.” The words lingered in my mind as consciousness began to slip away, leaving me with a mix of defiance and resignation.
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galvanizedfriend · 2 years
Klaroline Fic: The Wolf III [14/21]
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Summary: Months after their return to New Orleans, Klaus and Caroline try to settle into a semblance of normalcy, while Elijah struggles to forgive his brother's sins. But a mysterious prophecy that foretells the downfall of the Mikaelson family brings them all together in a war that will reopen ancient wounds and see each of the siblings doomed: one by friend, one by foe and one by family.
[It's The Originals Season 3, but Caroline had Klaus' baby, now she's a vampire and they are back in New Orleans after a stint in Mystic Falls. It's mostly about Klaroline, obviously.]
S03E14 An Old Friend Calls
"You collect trophies from all your victims?" Freya’s question comes tinged with reproach. Klaus finds he doesn’t much care for her tone.
"Letters to their loved ones, to be specific," Elijah adds.
Klaus slants a glare at his judgmental elder siblings as he inspects the pile of letters he just got out of the safe. "It was a phase," he grumbles. He wasn't asking for their opinions on his choice of collectibles when he decided to share these mementos with them.
Whenever it was possible, if one of his victims - not the word he would use to describe some of these scoundrels, mind you - was of any particular meaning to him, he'd try to find a souvenir among their personal belongings. Letters to loved ones were always his favorites. It was the closest thing to keeping their hearts preserved.
There's something very intimate about it. Very powerful. As though he still held their lives in his hands, in that precious second right before the light went out in their eyes. If his siblings had a dust more of artistic sensibility, they'd see the poetry of it.
Sadly, Klaus was forced to abandon his hobby. Not only because the technological advances made it harder to find any meaningful written memorabilia - and saving mobiles and laptops simply does not hold the same lyrical value - but also because he has the distinct impression that, few exceptions aside, people have become dreadfully shallow and more boring over time. He doubts the likes of sweet aunt Jenna or Mayor Lockwood ever produced anything worthy of making it into his safe.
Read the full chapter here
First update of 2023! 🥳 Happy new year, folks. :) As always, please mind the authors note and, if you enjoy the update, consider dropping me a comment and/or kudos if you haven't yet and let me know! ✨
@definedareasofuncertainty didn't beta this, but she had a very special cameo fulfilling her life-long dream of being a part of Jackson's murder. 🤧 Thank you, Luiza!
The edit wasn't done for the chapter, but I remembered I had this here cause I have dozens of those I've never used for anything lol Felt like the right time to use. Thank you for reading, hope you enjoy it!
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matchbookarmy · 11 months
The War is Over and We Are... by Hecate
Rating: Teen
Summary: After they beat Thanos, Steve and Tony muddle through what is left of their relationship.
Ending: Open/Ambiguous but hopeful with a hint of Happy for Now.
Why I'm Reccing: So, I'm not sure why this one comes up at the beginning of the alphabet. Maybe there's a space in the title or something, I don't know. But I am so so so pleased that this was the first fic I read upon returning to Stony fic.
I actually almost didn't click on it, and I waffled back and forth for a bit, because while this takes place after Endgame (edit: this was actually published *before* Endgame came out, but after Infinity War, but for me, it still works just fine with canon if we just ignore the last 15-ish minutes of the movie -- which I do!) , it is ultimately a Civil War fix-it. And I'm always so nervous with those, because a lot of them tend to paint Steve as being completely in the wrong and that's just very far from my own take.
But this fic doesn't do that! Steve feels guilt for the role that he played in Civil War, and everything that came after it, feels guilt about not trusting Tony more at the time -- but he also still has his own feelings about the things that Tony did (including in Age of Ultron). Not a lot of CW fix-its focus on the fact that it happened in the wake of AoU, and I'm glad that this one did, because I think it provides another necessary layer and nuance. Not that this dwells on Ultron, but it does come up as Steve is contemplating how they started to fall apart, and what he wants his relationship with Tony to look like in the future.
Y'all, this fic.... I haven't even finished reading it yet, but I had to start typing this up because I knew it was going to be my first rec. It is just an amazing character portrait of Steve (and also Tony, in a way, through Steve's thoughts about Tony) that feels incredibly in character for Steve in a way that stays true to who he is in canon, while also adding more depth to his character.
Since this is ultimately a reconciliation(ish) fic, it kinda gives those early 2012 post-Avengers getting to know one another vibes in parts of the fic (though everything is tinged with heartache and grief -- even the "happy" moments). Which I actually think is sort of a nice bookend to their relationship. And while this fic is short (only 4.5k) and so never actually gives us a complete reconciliation, we are left with hope that they will find their way back into one another's hearts, that they will work through their guilt, and their trust issues, and find a way to make it work this time.
I don't know. It just feels like a very realistic portrayal of where they would be post-Thanos. And the thing that I really like about this fic is that, in staying true to Steve's canonical characterization, we can feel him holding himself back from Tony, keeping his emotions close to his chest, and just how much it's hurting him to do that. In fact, we see a lot of Steve's recklessness in this fic, the way he's almost careless with himself. Steve is not a perfect character, he is flawed, and I wouldn't want him any other way, and this fic hits his flaws perfectly.
And look, I just need to add something. This fic is, in my opinion, extremely underrated. It only has 146 kudos, but whatever. I've read some truly atrocious fics with thousands of kudos, so kudos aren't everything. But when I went into the comments, the very first comments were from people complaining about the fic, about how Steve didn't do enough for Tony in the fic, and frankly being outright argumentative with the author (this argument made up the bulk of the fic's 18 comments), and that.... that really sucks. Cause this was a truly beautiful fic, and the author didn't deserve that. No author does, but it was especially shitty to see it on such a brilliant character study of Steve.
Anyway, if you give the fic a chance, and I really hope you do, especially if you are a Steve fan, please show the author some love.
Follow me on my journey as I make my way alphabetically through every Stony fic on AO3.
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mikyouknow · 3 years
Thinking about how dnf really trust and rely on each other so much 😔 like it seems they have each other’s YouTube passwords (from George updating Dream’s story and Dream uploading a video on George’s channel w/o telling him first) and George with the “I trust my Dream” + “I don’t trust anyone other then Dream to edit my videos”
Also the calls going through silent and do not disturb is just 🥺 true Trust but also supportive as hell just always being open to be of help and be there for each other 🥺
It just.. rly gets to me like, I can’t even wrap my head around being able to trust someone else so blindly w these stuff - and they haven’t even met each other irl 😳
(... also here’s an important note kids, Don’t trust your internet friend who lives an ocean apart from you who you haven’t even seen the face of with your private info and passwords) ((but if George is the one reading this.. you’re definitely insane for that one, but by all means, carry on doing that bestie ! 🤠))
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satinsumu · 3 years
first. || suna r.
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word count: 2.8k
warnings: MINORS DNI, f!reader, slight slight angst but mostly fluff, language, unprotected sex, fingering, virginity loss, dirty talk, praise, creampie, soft suna is romantic, shy baby’s first time ❤️ 
summary: it’s hard not to get self-conscious being intimate with suna for the first time, especially when he’s far more experienced than you are—but your boyfriend is sure to remind you that there’s nothing to be afraid of.
a/n: what did i say about loving the first time trope lol. also didn’t proofread bc that’s how we do it here (edit: this was so much longer than i’d intended and i ended up getting so much more attached than i’d intended lmfao i want a suna in my life Right Now)
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a tingle travels throughout your body as your bare back touches the soft sheets of suna’s bed, your boyfriend’s hands gently moving from your shoulders down to your knees.
he lifts one of your legs up, slender fingers rubbing small circles against your skin, before bending down to press a small kiss to your inner thigh. his greyish, golden eyes—half-lidded and slowly growing darker with desire—flick up to meet yours with such tender intensity that it takes your breath away.
“are you okay?” he asks quietly at your silence, carefully setting your leg back down against the mattress as he leans over you, one hand planted beside your head. 
“yeah,” you reassure him. the reply comes out a bit weaker than you’d intended.
“we don’t have to do this if you don’t want to,” suna murmurs, lowering himself to give you a small kiss, right at edge of your mouth. his lips are warm. gentle.
“i do, i’m just—” you quickly answer, but look away with slight embarrassment. “just a little nervous, that’s all... don’t know if i’ll be good.”
the second half of your sentence is just barely above a whisper, and suna’s expression softens.
“don’t worry about that,” he mumbles, pressing another kiss to your forehead, before slowly moving further down your neck and chest. “just want you to be comfortable.”
you feel him stop just above your left breast, the ghost of his breath lingering on your flesh. a sudden, warm sensation washes over you as suna takes your nipple into his mouth and sucks, his hot, wet tongue swirling circles around the bud. you gasp at the feeling and squeeze your eyes shut while his other hand slides down your stomach, hovering just above the thin, silky fabric of your underwear.
suna releases your nipple from his mouth as he pushes himself back up, licking his lips while studying your expression.
“you’re so warm down here,” he says with a small smile. his finger draws a long, slow stripe along your folds, the pressure through your panties just enough to send another tingle traveling all over your body. “can i take these off?”
you nod and grant him permission, shyness burning in your cheeks at how exposed and vulnerable you feel, but also at how careful suna is being. he smooths his palm against your hip bone and drags the garment of clothing down your legs before it comes back up, teasingly squeezing the flesh of your inner thigh. 
“good girl,” suna hums, straightening himself to pull his own shirt over his head. the words make your heart pound violently in your chest.
without another word, he takes your other breast in his large hand, groping and kneading the flesh while his opposite hand begins to make work of your sex. he presses two fingers against your folds and slowly rubs circles against the skin as you feel your clit grow more and more sensitive to the pseudo-contact. 
you tilt your head back, dipping further into the sheets, while a shaky sigh escapes your lips. a small smile rests on suna’s face at the sight—you seem to be feeling good, and he intends on keeping it that way. 
his movements are growing faster now. you can feel your arousal growing wetter, and you know suna can feel it too, with the way his fingertips are coated with your slick. he takes this as a safe indication to finally slip a digit into you—god knows how fucking badly he wishes it were his cock instead—and the little squeak that rolls off your tongue is like music to his ears.
“so tight, baby,” he murmurs, elated at the sight of you clenching around him while trying to keep his composure. how did he get so lucky? “but you’re taking my fingers so well.”
there’s so much going on.
you can feel your boyfriend watching you, but you’re too distracted to think about how your face must look right now. especially when he’s still squeezing your tits, focusing on your pleasure as he continues pumping his finger in and out of your tiny hole. then he adds another, and you sink your teeth into your bottom lip, surprised that suna’s hands are moving with so much ease and also how good it feels. even more so when his thumb continues to rub at your clit in tandem with his other fingers.
soft, lewd squelching noises can be heard in the quiet of his room as both you and suna realize that this won’t be enough. you need more. your pussy is practically begging for it, even if your mouth isn’t.
“think you’re ready, sweetheart,” suna breathes, willing himself to pull his fingers out of your cunt.
you nod coyly in response, slightly irritated at yourself for feeling uneasy in front of your boyfriend; he’s being so good to you, so patient, but you’ve just never done anything so lewd befo—
your brain short-circuits as you watch suna look you dead in the eye before putting two glistening fingers, still covered in your juices, into his mouth. he slowly pulls out, soft pink lips wrapped around them, tongue lapping shamelessly at whatever he missed on his thumb.
he gives you an alluring smirk, and your hands instinctively fly up to cover your flustered face. your cheeks are burning with both desire and embarrassment, but suna grips your wrist and slowly pulls it away.
“look at me, baby,” he says, his body hovering closely above yours. “nothing to be embarrassed about.”
god, you look so fucking cute, he really doesn’t know what to do with himself.
“can i...?” suna trails off, the hardness in his pants growing more and more difficult to ignore by the second as it presses against your leg.
“p-please, rin,” you whisper. the way your innocent, nervous eyes are asking him to fuck you is honestly enough to make him jizz in his pants. 
without another word, suna pushes himself back up, unzipping his pants so that his erect member can finally spring free. he barely has to give it a few impatient strokes—a trait you rarely see in your boyfriend—before it’s fully hard. the sheer size of his cock causes you to gulp, the tiny beads of precum already leaking out from its tip.
suna takes it in his hand, smearing his own arousal over the head before bending over to rub its heaviness over your folds. your clit is already puffy and sensitive from his fingers earlier, and it feels like it’s twitching in pleasure from the contact. 
“o-oh,” you gasp, and suna smiles at the sound, his eyes glossing over your body like he simply can’t get enough. he slowly moves his cock downwards, using all his self-restraint to ignore the throbbing, aching desire in it to just fuck your brains out already.
lining it up with your entrance, he murmurs, “i’m gonna put it in.”
“okay,” you exhale, chest heaving in anticipation.
your hands travel up beside your head to grip the pillow as a means to brace yourself, and you finally feel suna slide into you with surprising ease. every inch of his cock drags along your walls in slow motion, and you’ve never been so physically close to him before. there’s a soft ache—barely noticeable—but it’s not painful... and yet, it’s not pleasurable either.
an unprecedented panic creeps its way into your head at the realization.
what if this doesn’t end up feeling good? what if he doesn’t end up feeling good? oh god, what if he doesn’t even finish? surely, you’d be the only girl he’ll have slept with that could fuck up this bad—who knows how many girls have come before you? (literally.) what if—
“what’s wrong?” suna’s gentle voice snaps you out of your thoughts, his tone tinged with a slight worry. 
“n-nothing,” you shake your head quickly. ugh, you feel like such... a loser. an idiot, really.
“talk to me, sweetheart,” suna murmurs, towering over you as he’s still balls deep inside your cunt. “does it hurt?”
he wants to pull out in case that’s the problem, but also doesn’t want to make any sudden moves, for fear of hurting you.
“no, i’m okay,” you insist in an attempt to reassure him. “i just, i don’t know, i’m being stupid.”
suna’s expression softens, but before he can say anything, you’re already babbling on again, and you can’t even stop.
“what if you don’t end up feeling good?” you quiver, the question more so directed at yourself than at your boyfriend. “what if you don’t even finish because of how much i suck? i-i don’t want to be the only person you’ve been with who’s bad at sex—”
your heart is racing now and the words are tumbling out of your mouth helplessly. you feel so bad for dumping this on him, and your frustration towards yourself brings small tears to the corners of your eyes—
“baby, listen to me,” suna says quietly but firmly, one hand cupping your cheek and turning your face towards him so that you’re no longer avoiding eye contact. his thumb gently brushes away the dampness at the edge of your lower lashline before he continues,
“first of all, there’s no such thing as being bad at sex—and you’re doing great,” he murmurs, planting a quick kiss to your lips. “you’re the only person i want to do this with, and as long as it’s with you, i’m happy.”
you sniffle a little bit, but your heart soars at his words, the tension in your chest slowly easing.
“second of all, don’t worry about me,” he says gently, his eyes filled with a tender adoration as he gazes at you. “it’s really sweet that you’re thinking of me, but i want you to feel good.”
a warmth blooms in your cheeks. 
“and besides, you’re fucking beautiful,” suna continues, leaning down again to press his lips against your bare shoulder. “i could cum just from the sight of you, but i’m trying to hold back because i want you to finish first.”
the bluntness of his words causes you to look away shyly, and suna smiles down at you. 
“so,” he begins again, before giving you a small suck on your jaw. “can you let me make you feel good?”
you nod slowly, and bring your arms up to wrap them around his neck.
“sorry,” you manage a small giggle at the feeling of his dick still inside you—you really have terrible timing, that much you’ll admit.
“it’s okay,” suna murmurs, turning his head to kiss your cheek. “i love you, you know that.”
he’s said those words before, but the way he’s uttering them into your ear right now, in the quiet intimacy that only you two share, makes your heart race and your head spin.
“just let me know if you want me to stop,” he says, before finally, gradually pulling himself out.
suna slides his cock back into you with ease, your juices still coating his member. he repeats the motion a few more times, each time just a little bit more fluidly and rapidly than the last, until you’ve fully adjusted to his size. the sensation is still foreign, but no longer uncomfortable.
he finally reaches a pace where he thrusts himself into you for the first time with a low grunt, the rough penetration catching you off guard. a small “mmf!” escapes your mouth as you bite your lip, embarrassed at hearing the sound of your own voice.
“don’t hold those precious noises back, sweetheart,” suna breathes seductively into your skin, his low voice causing you to clench harder around him. “wanna hear how good i make you feel. the louder the better.”
you nod at his encouragement as small beads of sweat form along your temple.
he gives you another sharp thrust, followed by another, and then another, until he’s steadily rocking into you as the bed creaks with every movement. this time, you can’t help the wanton moans of his name that fill the air, each one prompting him to continue.
“a-ah!” you cry at a particularly harsh snap of his hips, your cunt sucking him back in every time he pulls out of you. “r-rin! rin! rin!”
suna’s never been one to have a big head or a large ego, but the way you’re chanting his name like a mantra makes pride swell in his chest. you look so angelic, eyes fluttered shut with every time he fucks into you, nipples moving up and down with your breasts, hair splayed out against his bedsheets, sopping wet pussy clamping around his cock as your very first time. how could he not be in love with you?
“f-feeling good, baby?” he pants, trying to hold it together. 
“yes,” you gasp as a small dribble of drool leaks out of the corner of your mouth. but you don’t care. you want him. more of him, more, more, more. “want you so bad.”
suna thinks he’s going to lose his damn mind.
“you like that?” his voice borders on a growl, and his strong arms snake beneath you to pull you into a hug before one of them props his body up against the mattress so he can angle himself into you with even more intensity. lord help him, he wants to cum so fucking bad with how hot you look, your nails digging into his skin as he fucks you into tomorrow.
“n-ngh!” you groan, tossing your head back at the way suna is driving himself in and out of you as his eyes flit down to your heaving chest. “i-i think ‘m c-close...”
that was all suna needed to hear as he laid you back down, flat against the bed as one hand travels urgently down to your heat. he takes two fingers and begins rubbing your folds again, one dipping past them to play with your clit, the stimulation causing you to see stars. suna presses an open mouthed kiss against your lips at the sight of them parting, taking the opportunity to slide his tongue across yours.
he picks up the speed of his thrusts again, his other hand now preoccupied with kneading your breasts and pinching your nipple as you cry out for him, and only him.
“r-rin!” your voice rings in his head, your gasps broken up into needy pants. 
“doin’ so good, angel,” he mutters against your lips, still mercilessly slamming his cock into you. “taking my cock so—ngh!—well, wanna keep this pussy all to myself.”
you don’t even have time to process the lewdness of his words before your back is arching, suna’s fingers rubbing your clit at an unbelievable pace as he simultaneously slides himself in and out of you, the slapping sounds amplified by your juices.
“cum for me sweetheart, you can do it,” suna urges, his eyes fixated on your face. “show me just how good i make you feel—”
a sudden wave of bliss floods over you as you feel the tension in your body release, your clit throbbing with pleasure at the sensation. suna’s eyes widen at the way your jaw grows slack, trying not to cum at the mere sight of your fucked out expression while he helps you ride out your orgasm.
“h-hah,” you gasp, still chasing your climax while suna continues thrusting into your cunt, his cock twitching with arousal. after a few seconds, he picks up his own pace, chasing his own high with your body.
“god, you feel so good around me,” he mutters, clenching his teeth at the way your walls continue to suck him in. 
“want you to cum inside, r-rin,” you whine into his ear, the syllables broken up by how hard he’s fucking you as your whole being practically bounces around his cock, his balls clapping with wet slapping sounds against your ass. “f-fill m-me up?”
you don’t need to say anything else as suna finally snaps, pushing himself so deep into you with an almost primal urge as cum shoots out of his cock. you can feel the warmth all the way in your belly as you look up at your boyfriend, sweaty and out of breath, panting into your neck before finally pulling himself out of you.
he catches your lips with his as he gives you a long, passionate kiss, before breaking away and giving you a quick peck on both cheeks, then your nose, then your forehead.
“you did so good, baby,” he murmurs, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear, that had found its way to stick to your face. an affectionate warmth brings a small smile to your lips as you nuzzle your cheek into suna’s palm, and he feels himself lose his breath at the sight of you.
“be good and stay here, okay?” he mumbles, reluctantly pulling himself off of you. he could stare at you forever. “i’ll go get a towel and clean you up. i love you.”
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Chris Evans: One Shot
Aurthors notes:
This one is a short one, not edited, I don’t feel great about the overall outcome, but I thought I’d share. I want to continue posting everyday. 
warning - mention of sex 
*Pregnancy talk*
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A peaceful glow illuminates your bedroom coaxing you out of your idyllic sleep. Your naked body is intwined with Chris’s as you both collapsed into each other after a passionate night filled with stolen kisses and playful touches. The need for both of you to fill each other’s desires was overwhelming, neither one of you willing to stop until every body part had been lovingly attended to.
  Chris had been away filming for a couple of weeks, the project wrapped early so he deviously surprised you by walking through the front door with no warning with a bunch of flowers and a cheeky grin. Your heart melted at his romantic gesture. You two couldn’t even make it to the bedroom during the first round. A small smile grows on your face as you peer up towards Chris. His arms are firmly wrapped around your waist as light snores escape his parted lips. You snicker to yourself seeing the love bites littered over Chris’s chest and neck.
  The feeling of being wrapped securely in Chris’s arms made your heart feel whole again. Not a day went by that you didn’t miss your boyfriend. You two had moved in together 14 months ago, while the house was lovely and spacious it grew in loneliness as the days fused together without your partner in crime. The silence was loud – even overwhelming at times. The house needed Chris. The hallways missed his booming laughter and cheeky banter. Without his warmth, it was cold.
  Breaking you out of your blissful trance an intruding thought engulfs your brain. “Crap!” Your head shoots up off Chris’s chest as panic fills every atom of your being. Your stomach drops at the realisation. Untangling yourself from Chris’s muscular limbs you fully sit up. Your rapid movement abruptly drags him out of his peaceful coma.
  “What’s wrong beautiful?” Chris muffles into his pillow, his voice still lanced with a sleepy croak.
  Your back stiffens at the sound of Chris’s voice. When he receives no answer, you feel him lazily sit up and gently touch the small of your bare back as he fights the haze of sleepiness.
  “Y/N?” He asks again, a slight tinge of concern floods his voice.
  “I forgot.” You mumble lifelessly. Chris shuffles closer to you, pulling you into his chest to kiss your shoulder.
  “What did you forget?” He asks clearly muddled with confusion at your sudden alternes.
  “Protection.” You turn your head to face Chris as you watch his brows furrow in confusion, “We forgot to use protection.” You whisper. Realisation floods his eyes.  An unidentified emotion quickly flashes over his face, but it disappears in a millisecond.
  “Well, we can stop buy the drugstore and get the morning after pill.” He suggests rubbing sweet patterns into your back with the pad of his thumb. “What if I’m pregnant?” You ask directing you gaze anywhere but his eyes. You can feel an intense heat rush to your ears. The last thing you wanted to do was add pressure to Chris’s life. You weren’t sure where he stood on the issue of kids – you knew he wanted children eventually, but he was so busy with his career. The thought of trapping him in a life he didn’t want made you want to be sick to your stomach.
  “Y/N, look at me.” Chris hums into your shoulder but you refuse, too caught up in the webs of doubt. “Baby please look at me.” With his gentle touch he pushes your chin up so that your forced to look him in his eyes.
  Instead of trepidation your met with a confident spark dancing in his eyes. “Babe, if we are blessed with a child then I will be the happiest man on earth.”
  “But you always use condoms?” You blurt out in total confusion. He shoots you a goofy smile in return causing his beautiful eyes to crinkle.
  “I do that for your benefit.” He explains, “Truth be told I’ve been gleefully willing, well kinda wishing, to have babies with you since the day I met you. The only reason I use protection is because I know you’re not 100% there yet.” He takes his hand in yours and tenderly presses a kiss into your palm.
  You can see amusement twirling in his eyes at your baffled reaction. “It’s up to you gorgeous, I can go get you the morning after pill if that’s what you wish.” He hums into your shoulder as he waits for your reply.
Chris tries to hide the glimmer of hope shining in his eyes, but there was no hiding the radiant shine of anticipation bursting in his iris. His reaction warms your heart, he was willing to wait for you. His actions only reaffirmed how much he was willing to sacrifice for you. He was wholeheartedly selfless; driven purely by your comfort. Of course, you wanted his children, there was never a doubt about it. The realisation that both of you were holding back for the other causes you to smile.
  “I think I’m ready to try.” You shakily breath out. You can see euphoria wash over his whole body. Chris pounces on you, pinning you under his body. He beams down as he showers you with kisses. You laugh trying to swat him off you.
  Every doubt, anxiety or concern you’d ever had about pregnancy and motherhood washes away when you look into Chris’s eyes. A seriousness washes over his eyes, “Promise me that you aren’t just agreeing to try for my benefit.” You press the pad of your thumb in-between his creased eyebrows hoping to absorb his concerns.
“I’m ready, you didn’t pressure me.” You reply offering reassurance. You feel his body immediately relax as his body untenses. “Good.” He hums into your shoulder. A playful look engulfs his eyes as he cheekily nips at your ear.
  “I wanna try now.” He whines sending you a cheeky wink. “There’s no time like the present.” You whisper as you guide his head down to your lips.
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stubbornjerk · 3 years
Why people keep telling you to block them if you support Pholo (Penumbra Edition)
Or: why jitterbug-juno really deactivated
I love when people categorize this as fandom wank. Really makes you feel like you’re putting the onus on either side of the conversation.
I’m making this post not because I want to stir up spoiled milk, but because I want it out there that this wasn’t a purity culture war.
The TL;DR version of this is that fans of color tried to tell Rab (prev. jitterbug-juno) not to post her Omegaverse (or A/B/O) fic. And instead of taking the L, she posted it on Ao3 and deactivated.
But, if you want context, well, buckle in. CW for mentions of racism and transphobia.
What did jitterbug-juno do?
Before I get into this I do want it out there that I will not be linking Rab’s fic, but I will show you this screenshot of the summary of it.
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[ID: It is a screenshot of a fic, “As You Are” by Pholo.
Summary: Peter can hide his scent glands behind cologne; makeup; concealer pads. He can quash his heats with suppressants. He can divert the urge to nest and fawn.
But he can’t feign another gender’s subvocals. He lacks the anatomical capacity. Mag taught him to distract from his silence with fast, flashy words. For longer heists he relies on social convention. Traumatic mutism is uncommon, but remarked upon by enough war vets and soap operas to be widely recognized. Peter’s marks assume he’s been harmed long before they assume he’s a closeted omega. It would take quite the backwater brute to ask why he doesn’t murmur or chuff or growl.
On the 'Blanche there are the usual furtive glances. Juno makes clear to Peter that should he ever want “to talk about what happened,” he’ll be there to listen. The gesture annoys Peter more than comforts him.
‘Nothing happened,’ he wants to scream. ‘There’s nothing to talk about!’
There are 14 comments, 85 kudos, and 11 bookmarks /end]
You decide what you’re doing with that information, but honestly, I’d rather you don’t give it anymore engagement than it deserves.
There was a period earlier this June (yes, even though it’s only the 10th, at time of writing) when Rab was posting snippets of the aforementioned fic on her blog and tagging it appropriately, putting it in the attention of pretty much the entire Penumbra fandom.
What’s Omegaverse or a/b/o and why is everyone so against Rab for it
If you know what Omegaverse is, I don’t have to tell you why it’s controversial. If you don’t know what Omegaverse is, well, Fanlore said it best:
a kink trope wherein some or all people have defined biological roles based on a hierarchical system, with the terms originating from animal behaviour research. There may be werewolf, knotting, or other animalistic elements involved, or the characters may be otherwise purely human.
The term is generally written with slashes (a/b/o). Many fans, particularly ones from Australia and New Zealand, are uncomfortable seeing the term without slashes because it is also an Australian slur for aboriginal people.
I won’t get into the history or the heaps and tons of other discourses (mostly about fictional male pregnancy, homophobia, transphobia, sexual assault, etc.)  that go on within that. We’re here specifically on Rab v. Penumbra fans of color and we’re staying there.
Anyone who’s been in Penumbra enough to realize that everyone draws the Junoverse characters in a certain way knows that a) Juno is black, b) Nureyev is Asian, and c) as a fan you have to be aware of what you’re subjecting or saying about either of them because of the political repercussions that come with it.
And despite that, Rab proceeded to write Peter Nureyev, a gender nonconforming gay Asian male character that is widely headcanon’d as trans, into a fic using a kink trope that relies heavily on animal behavior.
Unlike most people new to fandom, Rab is aware of what Omegaverse is and is very much white. She is (and if she isn’t, should be) aware of the racist undertones that writing him in would get.
I couldn’t get a screenshot of what snippets Rab was sending out into the ether, seeing as a majority of my friends would rather not have seen any at all (I have all of the usual tags blocked so I wouldn’t have seen it either way), but needless to say, Rab got attention for it. Both positive and negative.
Anne (@hopeless-eccentric) even posted a satirical fic, in the odds that Rab was just writing this thing to be “the first” to write Omegaverse fic in the Penumbra tags.
But, I’m assuming more than one fan of color came into Rab’s inbox and messaged her about it, but someone I know (who would like to remain anonymous) was gracious enough to take a screenshot before he sent his in and let me use it for this post:
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[ID: A message to jitterbug-juno about to be sent by a sender whose name is censored with a black bar. His messages says:
“as someone who is a person of color i think the nature of the fic you are writing right now is extremely racist and attributing animal characteristics to lgbt people of color is not at all appropriate, especially when you are someone who is white. i have to ask you to not publish this fic and to reflect as to why you would want to write this in the first place, these tropes are extremely harmful and”
There are 33 characters left to write into the message. /end]
I can’t speak for whoever else sent asks about the fic she was writing. If anyone was actually not-so-gentle with her, well, minorities don’t really owe it to you to be gentle about what they can tell is bigotry-tinged behavior.
But, the message was clear: this is different from your garden variety, lily white straight male character m/m kink fantasy. This is an actual queer Asian character that a lot of queer Asian people feel attached do. Do not post the fic.
What happened next: the beginning of the end
The next morning, I woke up to most of my friends being frustrated by this post on Rab’s account:
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[ID: Dated 5 June, a post by jitterbug-juno:
“Gonna leave the fandom for a while. Wishing you all well.”
The tags say the following: not sure if i’ll be back, thank you so much to everybody who’s read my fics, and who’s sent asks or engaged with my art or any of that, you’re amazing and I’m sending love /end]
That... was not what fans of color wanted, but it was definitely an action they took. Some celebrated, as they were very much wary of Rab for having caused much of the same category of drama in fandoms like Voltron: Legendary Defenders and Warrior Cats. This also meant that she was probably not going to post the fic either.
Some, myself included, were relatively pissed, as they’d wanted even just the measly bit of accountability. An apology or an acknowledgement of having been called out in private and that they’ll take time to consider why. But instead we got Rab leaving in the face of fans of color telling her not to post her Omegaverse fic.
Well. The next day...
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[ID: Dated 6 June. A post by jitterbug-juno titled, “Well... that was short-lived”
“I gave the situation a lot of thought yesterday. The reaction to my omegaverse previews made me figure I should leave the fandom. It seemed like the safest option.
But you know what?
I don’t want to leave. The fic discusses the tropes of omegaverse and I spoke to several POC on Twitter, and I’m going to post it with plenty of tags so people can avoid it if they wish. I’m not going to be chased out of this space.
Thank you to everyone who sent messages yesterday. I shouldn’t have made that post about leaving. It was really reactionary. I’m okay and I appreciate your support so much.
(bolded on the post) To those who are angry and uncomfortable with me: Please block me. If you’re going to talk about this fic on Tumblr and Twitter– and this may sound odd– PLEASE NAME ME as Jitterbug-juno or Pholo. Don’t vague me. That way people who don’t want to see this discourse can add my name to their block lists.“ /end]
That certainly was short-lived, she wasn’t kidding.
This got a lot of outrage. Again, the fic is up on Ao3 and she has not taken it down. A lot of POC were pissed and I didn’t see a single fan of color actively support what she was doing, at least, not in my friend group. Everyone started making those posts to block them if you liked the fic or Rab’s content in general, in accordance to what Rab wanted.
Perseus (@mraudiodrama) noticed/pointed out that Rab deleted the part where she said she spoke to several POC about releasing her fic, as well as the part where she said she refused to be chased out of the fandom. This was an incredibly pointed detail to edit out, according to some.
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[ID: A screenshot of jitterbug-juno's last post taken 11:00PM. Much of it is the same except the following bolded words are removed: "The fic discusses the tropes of omegaverse and I spoke to several POC on Twitter, and I’m going to post it with plenty of tags so people can avoid it if they wish. I’m not going to be chased out of this space." /end]
That same day, Rab deleted her blog. I actually caught this one on tape, believe it or not.
[ID: A screen recording taken at 12:01 PM of someone scrolling down jitterbug-juno's account. The posts and asks about Omegaverse and her post about leaving and coming back are conspicuously absent. /end]
Initially, I thought she deleted all mentions of it. I wanted to see firsthand if the rumors about her deleting portions of it were true. If she added things where she was saying that she wanted to write it because she was autistic and wanted Nureyev to be autistic too, regardless of the numerous QPOC telling her not to do it.
Instead, it turned out, she deleted her blog.
And now, we're here. The fic is still up. Her blog is down. Rab's public Twitter account @nataclinn is quiet about this. Her @cushfuddled Twitter account is on private after her run-in with the Warrior Cats fandom, according to a friend. And her Tumblr @cushfuddled account has nothing but memes.
Again, I didn't make this post to stir up drama. I wasn't even obsessively making this post as a call-out because she isn't in the fandom anymore. I just want it out there that this isn't a purity culture thing that got out of hand in a fandom as niche as Penumbra. This was a case of someone being called out and failing to acknowledge it before running away. And I want all that out of the way before I say:
If you are on Rab's side of this debacle, I, a queer person of color, want nothing to do with you either.
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byneddiedingo · 2 years
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Anna May Wong in Piccadilly (Ewald André Dupont, 1929) Cast: Gilda Gray, Anna May Wong, Jameson Thomas, Cyril Ritchard, King Hou Chang, Hannah Jones, Gordon Begg, Harry Terry, Charles Laughton. Screenplay: Arnold Bennett. Cinematography: Werner Brandes. Art direction: Alfred Junge. Film editing: J.W. McConaughty. I share the opinion of the contemporary reviewer of Piccadilly that Arnold Bennett's screenplay is more interesting than what its director, E.A. Dupont, made of it. Bennett was a major novelist who, like such contemporaries as John Galsworthy and H.G. Wells, fell from favor with the ascendance of modernist writers like James Joyce and Virginia Woolf. It was Woolf's riposte to Bennett, who had written an unfavorable review of her 1922 novel Jacob's Room, that severely damaged his standing among intellectuals. Her essay, "Mr. Bennett and Mrs. Brown" contained the much-quoted observation that "on or about December 1910 human character changed," Woolf's way of saying that an exhibition of Post-Impressionist art indicated a new way of approaching existence through the arts. Bennett's naturalistic fiction began to fall in critical esteem. It may simply be that Bennett was so prolific a writer, with more than 30 novels, scores of stories, a substantial number of plays, and hundreds of essays, that he simply spread himself too thin. But his script for Piccadilly shows his interest in marginalized characters, including the lowlife of Limehouse and the backstage competitiveness of the London theater. And most of all, it gave Anna May Wong one of her most prominent and interesting roles, that of a scullery maid named Shosho who becomes a night-club sensation, but falls victim to jealousy tinged with racism. Unfortunately, Dupont's direction is often a little sluggish, and his staging of Shosho's big dance scene doesn't make it clear why her finger-waving hoochie-koochie -- she's outfitted in a costume more Balinese than Chinese -- causes such a sensation. Still, the film benefits from atmospheric sets by Alfred Junge and cinematography by Werner Brandes. It's also full of watchable actors, including Gilda Gray, who rose to fame for her shimmy, as the dancer Shosho replaces in the interest of the audiences and of the club owner. We first see Gray's Mabel when she's teamed with Victor, played by Cyril Ritchard, in a dance duet modeled on Fred and Adele Astaire. Dupont seems more interested in shots of the audience than in the dancers, partly because the plot is set in motion by an unruly diner complaining about a dirty dish. The diner is played by Charles Laughton in his feature film debut. His complaint leads the club owner, Valentine Wilmot, played by Jameson Thomas, to discover that the dishwashers are goofing off and watching one of them, Shosho, dancing. Though he fires Shosho on the spot, he later takes her to his office where he watches her dance, which gives him the idea to give her a big number in the club. When she succeeds, and Mabel discovers that Valentine has fallen in love with Shosho, the plot, as they say, thickens. Although made as a silent film, Piccadilly was enough of a success that the producers decided to add some scenes with sound and a music score. TCM, however, shows a silent version with a score added in 2004 after the film was restored.
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amethyst-art · 1 year
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Trans-themed wallpaper I made for my sibling :3
If you're going to use it or show it somewhere else, make sure to credit me.
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lyranova · 3 years
Children of the Future:
Chapter 14: Brielle
Hi guys! So here’s the Astelle future child fic, it’s the last canon ship one I have planned for now, but there may be a couple more ‘self indulgent’ ones I may do later 😅. But i hope you guys like this, I’ll be posting picrews of the kids around 10:30 CST so be on the lookout for those. Anyway I hope you all enjoy~!
Edit: Hi guys! Here’s chapter 14 I hope you all enjoy, this is one of the last chapters I have fully written so the next ones will be a while 😅. But I hope you all enjoy and I’m sorry it isn’t very good!
Taglist: @eme-eleff @thoughtfullyrainynightmare @talpup @simpingforthisonedeer @melissa-novachrono @ckjwnnbc @elysianluv @flow3rbudz @crazyclownthanos @bowandcurtsey (if I forgot to add anyone please let me know or if you want to be added!)
Word Count: 1,492
Warnings: None
The Next Morning
Julius was done! He stared at the young girl in front of him, this was the seventh child to come through his office in the last week! He was tired of having to call someone to come get their child, well future child anyway, but as he stared at the young girl who had a bright smile on her face, he could feel his anger slowly dissipate. She was bright, happy, and very energetic. He couldn’t help but smile, she reminded him a lot of someone from the Black Bulls.
“ Marx.” Julius turned to look at the blue haired young man, who suddenly slumped down.
“ Do I have too sir?” He asked in a pleading tone, he had so far had to contact Yami, Charlotte, William, and Nozel over the last week and tell them to bring their squad members. He actually had to contact Yami multiple times! He was dreading it, especially since this would be the third time he called him.
“ I’m sorry Marx, but yes you do.” Julius said in a compassionate tone, he knew how Yami would react and poor Marx would unintentionally be on the receiving end of it. Marx let out a soft sigh before going into his office and contacting Yami, again.
Yami was oozing irritation and annoyance at this point, this was the third time he was being summoned here and he knew that meant it was another kid from the future! He didn’t blame the children for this, but he would for sure blame their parents! It seemed like they were no closer to figuring out where these kids were coming from or why they were being sent here, he did wonder how many more kids would be coming here or if this would be the end of them? He silently hoped so, he couldn’t take being called up here to pick up another kid, he just couldn’t, he was close to ripping his hair out with all of them!
“ Listen up you two,” Yami ordered as they came to stand in front of the office doors, suddenly turning to look at both Noelle and Asta, the two had been confused when Yami first told them that they were going to see the Wizard King. But when he told them that there was someone that they would be meeting, Asta became very excited, Noelle on the other hand, seemed to find it suspicious. “ this is going to be a huge shock to, not only you two, but to the person on the other side of this door. So behave yourselves and try not to freak out too much alright?” He asked, he watched the two salute before walking inside.
Asta was curious to see who he and Noelle were supposed to meet, he thought he had met everyone that was high up in the Kingdom by now, unless it was a Royal from another country? Either way Asta was very excited to meet them, Noelle on the other hand wasn’t. She had met many nobles and royals before so she doubted this person would really impress her. She had to admit though, she was curious as to why they wanted to see her and Asta.
When the two teens walked in they were a little surprised to see a young light blonde haired girl, whose hair was in pigtails and tied with purple ribbons similar to Noelle’s. She seemed to be short for her age, but the way she carried herself showed that she didn’t really care. The minute she laid her pink-purple eyes on them her smile widened and shone as brightly as the sun during the afternoon hours.
“ Mom! Dad!” She shouted before running up to Asta and Noelle gleefully and wrapping the two in her arms. Both teens were shocked, the looks on their faces would be humorous in any other circumstance. But Yami did let out a small chuckle at their expense.
“ I told you that you’d be in for a big shock.” He said before walking over to Julius, leaving the two teens stunned. “ Is this the last kid or are we expecting more?” He asked.
“ As far as I know this is the last one, or at least that's my hope.” Julius sighed, although there was a hint of sadness to his tone, he really enjoyed seeing all of the children, it gave him hope for a better and brighter future. But he was sad as well for many reasons, a part of him hoped that maybe a future child of his would come from the future like the others, but that didn’t seem to be the case thus far.
“ Where did you find this one?” Yami asked as he turned and saw the young girl clinging to her ‘parents’, well, future parents.
“ Actually, she found us just like Aloys did but in a less violent manner. She needed help looking for her sisters, like Aloys and Maelie they were all separated. So she came here for help, but I don’t think she was quite expecting to see me here.” He laughed and scratched the back of his head nervously before turning to look at the scene in front of him.
“ H-Hey! Let go!” Noelle grumbled, trying to pry the young girl's arms off. The shock had seemed to finally wear off on her, but now she was just really confused. She has a child with Asta?! Of all people?! That wasn’t possible, there was no way! She didn’t like him that way at all, so there was no way this could be their kid! Noelle finally pried the girl’s arms away and stepped back, a flash of hurt spread across the girls face and it made Noelle instantly regret her decision.
“ E-Explain! Right now!” Noelle shouted, her face tinged in slight pink from a mixture of shame and embarrassment, the young girl kept her arms wrapped around Asta, she looked up at him with wide innocent eyes before looking at Julius who only nodded and silently urged the girl to speak.
“ My name’s Brielle Silva, I’m the daughter of Asta and Noelle Silva! I came here to look for you two because I need your help.” She announced determinedly, she held her head up high but still kept that same wide bright smile on her face. There was no doubt she was Asta’s daughter, she was just like him; happy, determined, confident, and just a good kid. Even though they only knew the girl for maybe 5-10 minutes they could easily tell that.
Asta stared down at the girl in bewilderment, a kid with Noelle? Huh, he wasn’t expecting that at all. He suddenly looked over at the silver haired girl thoughtfully, he would always admit that she was beautiful, strong, caring, and one of his best friends. The more he thought about it the more it made sense and the happier he got, if he ever did have a child with someone there wasn’t anyone else in the world he’d rather have them with.
“ It’s nice to meet you Brielle! I’m Asta, your papa, although I think you already knew that.” He laughed nervously, Brielle laughed as well and nodded. Her laugh sounded like a mixture of his and Noelle’s, it was absolutely adorable!
“ And that,” Asta suddenly pointed at Noelle. “ is your momma Noelle, but you probably already knew that too!” He laughed nervously again, Noelle’s face turned red again. ‘ Momma? Papa? How is it he just found out he has a kid in the future and he’s still his usual self about it?!’ Noelle thought in bewilderment, he acted as though this didn’t phase him one bit.
The more she watched Asta and Brielle’s exchange, the more she noticed how it warmed her heart. Sure she wasn’t exactly happy finding out that she had a kid. But at the moment she didn’t have much of a choice since they couldn’t send her back to her own time. She watched the two and saw how happy and comfortable they both already were around each other, even though they had just met, it made her smile slightly. He would be an amazing dad someday, she felt herself slightly hope maybe one day, she’d be just as excellent a mom.
“ Asta, Noelle, Captain Yami, and Mr. Wizard king? Would you all help me find my friends and sisters, please?” Brielle suddenly asked, bowing deeply at the four people in front of her. They all looked at each other for a moment before nodding. Noelle gave the young girl her signature smirk before tossing one of her pig tails over her shoulder confidentally.
“ Well, of course we’ll, we’re magic knights after all and it's what we do!” Noelle said proudly before walking towards the girl and crouching down to Brielle’s level. “ Don’t worry, we’ll find all your friends and sisters. Trust us, ok?” Noelle asked softly, she watched the girls eyes widen slightly, she already trusted Noelle completely and she could see that as clear as day. She suddenly leapt forward and wrapped her arms around Noelle’s neck and hugged her.
“ Thank you!” Brielle said happily, Noelle’s widened in surprise at the action and she looked at Asta for some help but all he did was stand slightly behind Brielle and give Noelle one of his signature smiles and a thumbs up, causing her to blush and look away. Of course he was no help, and of course he instantly accepted that this girl was his child without question. But if Noelle were being perfectly honest, there was no doubt that this was his daughter, she acted too much like him.
Asta watched the exchange with a bright smile on his face, sure he was confused about how this girl was his and Noelle’s daughter, but he could push that aside for now. Especially since she needed their help finding her sisters and her friends!
Ah I’m sorry this isn’t very good but I hope you all enjoyed it! Thanks for reading and I hope you all have a good day 💕~!
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evilrevan · 3 years
Ties that Bind
Emet-selch/WoL fic featuring a named WoL.
Contains spoilers pertaining towards of the end of 5.0.
Edited this hastily because I needed to get my feelings out from seeing some videos of Emet-Selch on YT. I GOT SOME HEAVY FEELINGS pertaining to this ship. Not everything is from the game as I took some minor liberties.
Yerenter watched on as the Scions stood before Emet-Selch, listening to his words lanced heavily with a profound sense of anguish as the ancient finally let his mask fall before them all. His mortal body, Solus, moved as if it was a second skin to a man who lived through all eight rejoinings. Golden eyes seemed to falter. To shift.
For the briefest of moments, Yerenter could see they were blue. As blue as the skies above Eorzea.
“Look at me!” a few scions stumbled as the visceral sensation of the ancient’s pain boomed within the chamber, his voice the anchor, “I have lived a thousand thousand of your lives! I have broken bread with you, fought with you, grown old, sired children and yes, welcomed death's sweet embrace!"
Emet-Selch’s voice rose to a fever’s pitch. His aether, his power leaking as old wounds were aired out and left to fester in the wake of them all. And yet as the other voices of the Scions tried to defend their rights to life Yerenter could do very little to add to them. The Au Ra’s mismatched eyes were fixed on the Ascian struggling to control himself as the tension in the air grew to the point one could call it being in the very center of a storm.
As purple and blue eyes met Emet-Selch’s golden orbs, it was then Yerenter felt it.
A singular pulse of searing pain struck the massive Au Ra. His knees wavered, the weight of his body bringing him to his knees as a blue-grey hand clutched at his chest. Long black claws scraped against the metal as they sought to tear out the source of the sheer agony pulsing within his breast. Thin scratch marks marred the Mythril-colored metal, jagged and frenzied in their patterns as the pain swam under every inch of the Xaela’s body. Nothing escaped the hellish torment.
Emet-Selch looked on as the Warrior dropped to the floor in a heap, his chest laboring to fill his lungs with air all mortals needed to sustain their husk-like shells. Bitter disgust crept in. Crawled around in the Ascian’s skull as pain brought the man low. 
Yet as the urge to comment on the state of their frail bodies the words died upon his tongue.
The vulnerability lasted only a moment. As if reminded of the husk pretending to be a long-lost friend. A lover. The unsundered gazed upon him and all those around the incomplete warrior of light, the look of disgust seeping in behind his golden eyes. Pity followed in small measures.
“You were a mistake.” Emet-Selch allows for a moment of silence after to let the words echo within the chamber. To rattle within their primitive brains. “Husks. Broken beings whose lives left me wanting after my many lifetimes. Worthless. Nothing.”
The Au Ra male despite all his suffering, all his pain, forced his head to rise and look at Emet-Selch in the eyes. “D-Don’t. Do. This.” Each word was said between gasps, between swallowed screams of agony caged within flesh and bones.
Emet-Selch scoffed. A gloved hand waving him off just like in the past. “If you do not wish for it, then fight for what you desire, Warrior of Light. But do not doubt my convictions. If you do,” The ancient in mortal flesh took a single step towards them all. Emet-Selch looked past the scions. His gaze focused on one person and one person alone. Yerenter.
Yerenter’s eyes widened as he once again saw the briefest of blue bleed through Emet-Selch’s piercing golden eyes, “I will not consider it murder being as broken and battered as you are.” And in a whirl of emotions ranging from anguish, regret, rage, and robustness- Yerenter saw the briefest look of pity and regret appear at the cracks of ascian’s carefully maintained mask.
That singular name pierced deep into Yerenter’s soul. A scream filling the silence as blinding white filled his senses. He could feel nothing save for the tearing shredding feeling of his skull threatening to shatter like glass.
”My reaper. My Thanatos.” 
A soothing balm broke through the suffering. Soft sweet words crept between the spasms of hell threatening to sunder flesh from soul. Tenderness. Softness. Safety.
And for the briefest of moments, Yerenter saw something in the midst of it all. A face framed with short white hair- eyes the color of the sky and the warmth of the very sun itself.
Something touched him. Fingers or perhaps an arm? It was hard to tell anymore what was real and what wasn’t. “Thanatos.” The disembodied voice kept chanting those two names in rapid succession. Thanatos. Hades.
And for whatever reason Yerenter’s heart ceased to hurt. Air flooded into his lungs as the white receded from his vision, his body renewed with the strength he didn’t think would return so soon.
On instinct Yerenter stood tall, towering above all his friends. A strange sensation compelled him forward. His legs wobbled with each step he took the rattling of his armor clamoring above the noise of the scions calling for him to return to their side. 
Their cries fell on deaf horns as their warrior, their savior, their friend continued ever forward, a single purple and blue eye fixed on the man dressed in red bearing the eyes, not of his creation. 
And yet as the space between the Ascian and the Chosen one of Hydaelyn shrunk, those very same eyes once again flashed blue. The very same eyes Yerenter remembered. But didn’t at the same time. Something else within him remembered. The very same something which screamed at his very core to stop Emet-Selch from sealing both their fates to a fight that would end in suffering.
“Emet-Selch,” Yerenter felt as if his mouth had gone dry, his head now lowered to look upon the shorter Garlean man. A slight spasm caused the Au Ra to flex his right hand, claws digging into the leather of his gauntlet just as something else flickered past his eyes, something no one could see.
A robed figure, taller than anything anyone could imagine stood in place of Emet-Selch. Threads of white hair poked out from the recesses of the hood shrouding what the red mask with circular lines didn’t cover, brilliant blue eyes contrasting between the hue of blood and the darkness of the robe. 
This time Yerenter let the name fall from his mouth, “Hades.” 
His gift was the sight of Emet-Selch’s eyes widening in disbelief. The fissures in his composure growing malms wide as Yerenter spoke Emet-Selch’s true name. Before he became the Architect. Before he took his seat at the Convocation of the 14th.
At the protest of his allies and friends, Yerenter reached out, his clawed fingers inches from the man who caused so much suffering for a cause he believed was righteous, until a thin red thread of his vestments snagged upon a singular black claw; sprung loose from the ties that bound it. Slowly his hand pulled away, the thread still caught on the edge of his clawed finger as it spread out in the space between their bodies.
It didn’t snap. Didn’t break. It simply connected them.
The very next thing Yerenter would recall was a test of aether spanning out from the man named Hades towards the taller, almost draconian, figure before him. 
Where he felt warmth before, Yerenter felt it again for the briefest of moments before his vision faltered. Cold snaked through his limbs, draining the comfort of the warmth and contentment from his very being. Piercing golden eyes widened in surprise only to be tinged with panic as the large Au Ra man began buckling under his weight. 
“Thanatos!” No one heard Emet-Selch cry out in alarm. But the vibrations were felt. The echoes of the name unspoken were loud enough for Yerenter to feel through his horns.
And it was enough.
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washymylifeaway · 4 years
hi! do you have any favourite fantasy/mythology esque sakuatsu fics?
Haikyuu SakuAtsu fanfic recs: Fantasy Edition!!!!
To the anon who requested this, you are an ABSOLUTE GOD. I don’t know if you know, but fantasy AND mythology are some of my FAVORITE genres of ALL TIME. STILL, I saw the esque and I ran with it (cause there isn’t a lot of like pure fantasy or mythological journey fics ie. my poor excuse OOPS LOL and I wasn’t too sure what would be okay on this list AHAHA), so if it’s not the right kind of fics you were looking for, I’M SO SORRY :((((((( May this rec list be up to your expectations!!!!!! (And if it isn’t, feel free to re-request :’))))),,,, ALSO, ignore me switching between Sakusa and Omi LOL.)
As per usual, pls check WARNINGS, TAGS, and SUMMARIES for each fic before reading and make sure you’re taking care of yourselves (since mental health is key!) Stay healthy loves <3
if you make me feel in love / if you make me open up by volchitsae (E) 6.4k // this is a reincarnation AU, and it has a major folklore/japanese-ish mythology (gods) element to it. This honestly MIGHT be my favorite from this list cause it’s just done SO well and I LOVE the reunion after the TRAGEDY :’)))) I’m trying to be vague cause I REALLY don’t want to spoil this fic at ALL, so PLEASE read it heh.
my love, take your time by bastigod (T) 9k // this is another reincarnation AU, but this time it’s with greek-ish mythology :’D However, the fantasy part of it is kinda on the back burner (ahaha oops LOL). It becomes more apparent near the end of the fic, but the build up to it is worth reading, which is why it’s here LOL. I love how they added Sakusa’s own memories concerning certain things, and how he collected pieces of them in the museum! The writing is so good, but also, I’m a sucker for Omi making lists relating to Atsumu hehe.
your flame will not survive in this cold tundra by awkwardedgeworth (T) 26.5k // this is an AtLA AU, but even if you don’t know the show, you’ll still enjoy it! I absolutely love this fic and the plot is really AMAZING and asihfkjahsdkfjak their DEVELOPMENT. Especially with the separation of POV’s in both chapters (and what we get to see which we didn’t previously) UGH,,,, it was so GOOD. (Their other AtLA AU fics are really good too, so don’t be shy, go read them as well LOL.)
one life, one encounter by bastigod (G) 5.7k // this is a japanese-ish mythology AU, with our first appearance of foxsumu. We do stan Kita-san and Sakusa being friends with one another in this house :D This fic was really cute and Sakusa is so baby in this (but in a GOOD WAY), and when he talks to Atsumu at first,,, HE SOUNDED SO LONELY LIKE I’LL BE YOUR FRIEND :((((((
give me a moment so devoted by volchitsae (T) 4.5k // immortals! YES! I really really like this one and I think that their relationship in it was SO cute. I am really into the idea of Atsumu being insufferable throughout Omi’s lifetime and them having INSIDE JOKES AHHHHH. It’s really light and fluffy so if you just want some love in your life, this is the read :)
show you my best disguise by volchitsae (T) 5.1k // this one has NICE Sakusa in it (which I think should be more common fight me) and their relationship with one another is actually good from the beginning :D I love how naturally it progressed and how we get to see the habits slowly build as they spend time with one another. Very good fic, but not lots of magic until the end LOL. (There’s also a lot of poetry LOL.)
both our hands speak for us and complicate it by volchitsae (M) 8.6k // MAGIC/superpowers :D FIRST, the puns are such a nice touch to this fic and SECOND we do love the yachi/yama agenda being pushed here. I really like the conditions Sakusa’s powers have, and how that added to the plot (and the ending for that matter, may there be a universe where they can touch LOL). Honestly, the magic is also kinda back burner for this one and it focuses more on relationship dev. but it’s still a fun read so I added it LOL.
Rain and Its Incendiary Properties by firtree (M) 24.5k // so we get some Sakusa turning into vampire backstory in this one, and the revelation of more mythical beings LOL. Bless Komori and tbh Suna for being some MVP’s in this fic, we do love the familial bonds :)))) But also, the knowledge at the end does give some second hand embarrassment so brace yourself LOL.
two slow dancers by orphan_account (T) 1.2k // AHHHHHH BLOND SAKUSA! Also, yes another vampire fic. What? Sue me. This is just a load of fluff and sap from Atsumu, and warning: there ARE twilight references in this one ahahahaha. (If you thought that with this many vampire fics on the list, you would be safe from twilight, you obviously thought wrong.)
crimson colored lotus by sieges (M) 16.5k // this was a demon slayer AU LOL. TBH I haven’t watched DS, but you honestly don’t really need to in order to read this LOL. It’s explained really well and the writing is AMAZING! It’s not a linear fic, but you can read it in order if you so choose. I know it’s a stretch for this list, but it’s just that good, okay? LOL.
how can I not be moved (by you) by Ann1215 (T) 26.4k // this has warlock Atsumu (with an actual REASON for his blond-ness that isn’t Osamu) and halfling Sakusa, who is eventually a sap LOL. I really love fics with familiars and animals so this fic was one that I really liked hehe. The ending? Embarrassing but we do love the love LOL. Also the second part with Atsumu’s POV, FLUFF like, yes please give me all the love :DDDDD
enchanted to meet ya by zantetsvkens (T) 4.8k // FAST BURN but it makes sense. I agree with the a/n at the end for the confession, so there’s that LOL. I liked this one because the tactful provoking was SO good and funny for that matter HAH. But Sakusa WOULD be more concerned with the window costs than Atsumu’s wellbeing (it had to have been said).
when morning comes we'll be safe by bestcarrot (T) 2.7k // another demon slayer AU even though I’ve never read or watched ds? Yes. Again, sue me. I know it’s teeeeeeechnically a stretch BUT fox demon Atsumu...... (Also it’s written so well I felt like I needed to add it okay? :’)))))) AND yes, I WAS holding onto the no character death (YOU SHOULD TOO), the close ending was scary.
a boy is a thing with fangs by unthank (T) 3.5k // foxsumu! ngl I’ll just be straight up honest with you all, I added this for the response Sakusa has to Atsumu when they’re watching SunaOsa play shogi in the next fic LOL. I thought it was so funny and perfect for that moment please. Just,,,, forgive me once AHAHAH.
Falling For You (Literally) by Anubis_2701 (T) 6.5k // clumsy Atsumu makes me feel some type of way LOL. This is another NICE, soft Sakusa fic (like i said we need more: me pretending like I don’t see the tag for it LOL) and it’s just really cute. There’s some medical tings that occur (cause Omi is literally a magical medic LOL), but it’s just very FLUFF hehe.
The curse of a blessing by basinnit (E) 7.8k // CHECKING WARNINGS AND TAGS!!!!!!! I felt like I knew what was going to happen, but DENIAL IS NICE OKAY. Honestly, it seems short with it’s 7.8k word count, but with the number of mental breaks you’re gonna need,,,, it’ll seem long. Also, yes Atsumu punching people (one person in particular) because I would’ve too and I love that person >:((((( It looks scary and confusing with the tags, but I’d read it anyway LOL. (If you’re wondering, the magic is that Suna and Sakusa are warlocks LOL.)
The Fox Prince by cinnamonlove (T) 13.1k // okay there are some INSULTS thrown (and lots of cursing LOL) and so TW: LOTTA CURSE WORDS. Aside from that, we see once again MVP Komori making an appearance, but also vulnerable SakuAtsu near the end :0 It’s definitely an interesting fic, so that’s why it’s here LOL. (Also it’s like fake foxsumu but not really,,,, you’ll understand.)
the echoing halls by ohwickedsoul (T) 11.7k // GAH THIS ONE WAS SO GOOD. To read it though, some background knowledge (or google LOL) is needed cause the mythology references are very strong in this one. But I love when Sakusa was so desperate (honor’d light AUAHFKJDHFKJS) and Atsumu was aboutta (basically) punch him LOL. V GOOD V CUTE IN LOVE? I AM.
Did I just take this ask as an excuse to read a crap ton of fantasy/mythology AUs instead of doing any of my other work? Yes, yes I did. Also, I know it’s kinda short (LOL NOT ME SAYING THIS but I did NOT (surprising IK) put some of the fics I liked D:), but I tried to REALLY narrow it down a bit hehe. I hope I didn’t miss too many good ones, and I’m sorry for not really staying on ‘topic’ LOL. I realized while re-reading these that a lot of them are just Atsumu like meeting Sakusa by chance and being like dang, he’s hot. Gotta bother him forever ig? Thank you for the ask, it was really fun and I hope you liked the fics hehe :)
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kutemouse · 4 years
Buzzed (Part Two)
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Disclaimers: I did not create the gorgeous edits in my header, but I did edit them together into the frames, add my title, and my name. Credit for these amazing edits (from left to right) go to @jixio, @yeonkiminsgirl, and @kookbite. I did not touch their edits in any way, and their watermarks are intact. Please check them out, they do great work.
Age Recommendation: 21+ (Not just a recommendation, kuties!)
Genre: Bartender AU w/ Jungkook, Angst, Smut
Warnings: Mentions of consumption of alcohol, swears (duh), Jungkook taking his damn time, making out, dom JK if you squint, hickey giving/receiving, breast play, oral (f. receiving) on the FLOOR (dId ShE vAcUuM tHo), no penetrative sex tho! Saving that for later.
Word Count: 1.6k
Buzzed (Jungkook One-Shot, Smut, Angst) Part Two
As I led Jungkook up to my apartment, I realized just how light I felt. Maybe things would be okay. After all, I had a smokin’ hot guy ready to fuck me into oblivion with a glimmer of hope for more. Between the way this day started and the way it was going to end, I began to realize that maybe my break-up wasn’t a bad thing. What’s that saying again? One door closes, and another one opens?
And boy, was this door definitely opening. Jungkook couldn’t even wait to begin, sliding his large hands up and down my thighs and over my ass, pressing himself into me as I unlocked the door. Anticipation shot shivers through my skin, raising goosebumps and causing a rush that had nothing to do with the alcohol I consumed earlier. I sighed into his touch, enjoying the way his nimble fingers played with the hem of my shirt, grazing over the skin of my navel. “Stop,” I giggled. “That tickles.”
With a smirk, Jungkook did no such thing, continuing to tickle my waist even as we stumbled through the door. I laughed harder, swatting his hands away, his grin growing wider and wider until it practically filled the room.
We fell onto the couch, and the tension in the air switched over from lighthearted fun to something more sensual. Jungkook just looked at me for a moment, brushing my bangs away from my face, his dark eyes wide and bright as he looked up and down my face. “What’re you looking at?” I murmured.
“You,” he replied simply.
He stroked his forefinger down the skin of my cheek, making me swallow hard. “What about me?” I whispered.
Jungkook looked straight into my eyes with his, prying my soul open with every second his stare bore into me. His tongue darted out of his mouth, momentarily distracting me with the way it prodded that perfect cupid’s bow. I looked back up, his pupils blowing as my gaze snagged back onto his eyes. So slowly I almost didn’t realize what was happening, Jungkook’s eyelids fluttered shut and he leaned in, pressing his lips to mine with an intensity that made my head spin.
His kisses started off slow and sensual, his tongue erotically slipping in and out of my mouth. I tasted the spice of whiskey and moaned. He broke apart from me to let out a cocky chuckle. “Good girl,” he murmured, leaning back in and devouring my mouth with his.
The sound of his lips colliding with mine combined with his deep, approving grunts was making me feel some type of way. I suddenly became very aware of the way his body fit in between my legs, the way a couple layers of clothing were the only things separating us, and the way moisture seeped into my panties at the thought of what was to come.
As if he could smell my arousal, Jungkook let out a growl and ramped things up by feverishly pressing hard kisses to my lips, each one getting more and more sloppy as his tongue worked wonders. I came into this feeling mostly sober, but now I was sure I was drunk again.
I grabbed onto the collar of his leather jacket, practically ripping it from his shoulders. Jungkook complied, tossing it onto the floor behind us. The thin, white shirt he had on underneath followed, and I ran my hands all over his newly naked torso, appreciating the muscles that rippled up and down his sinful body. Jungkook stopped ravaging my lips only to nip at the skin of my neck, leaving behind red stains that I knew would fade to a nice, dark purple.
His fingers once again played with the hem of my shirt, raising it above my navel, and I shuddered with pleasure as the bare skin of his stomach touched mine. Jungkook let up wreaking havoc on my previously flawless skin only to raise the shirt over my head and toss it next to where his leather jacket lay. With a heaving chest, he looked me up and down, his dark eyes catching on the curve of my breasts. “Take it off,” he ordered.
Slowly, teasingly, I reached behind me and unclipped my bra. Dragging the straps tantalizingly down the skin of my shoulders, I smirked as his mouth parted open and his pupils widened once more. I held the fabric over my body for a tense few seconds before finally letting it drop to the floor.
Jungkook closed his mouth and swallowed hard, his Adam's apple bobbing. “Fuck,” he groaned. “This is what you were hiding underneath those clothes, and that asshole still let you go?”
He shook his head in disbelief. “I don’t know any guy in their right mind who would choose some bitch over this fine-ass body.”
As he spoke, he stepped close and cupped my breasts before gently tweaking my nipples, causing me to throw my head back and groan from the pleasure he was inciting. “That’s right, sweetheart,” he murmured, an approving smirk sliding across his lips. “Moan for me.”
Jungkook’s hands slid downward, and his fingers slipped through the belt loops of my jeans before he yanked me close. My skin ran flush against his skin, my breasts pressing into his pectorals as he wrapped his arms around me and kissed me once more, his tongue feverishly invading my cavern with an unstoppable force. In turn, I also wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him as close as possible… Yet, I still wanted more.
In one swift, bold move, I dropped to my knees and began fiddling with the button on his jeans. “Uh uh, sweetie,” Jungkook scolded, dropping to his knees as well. “You can suck my dick any other time, but tonight? Tonight is all about you.”
I nearly whined at his denial, but stopped when I saw the look in his eyes. Obediently, I lay on my back, the carpet itching the sensitive skin of my back. Jungkook skillfully popped open the button on my jeans before leaning down and kissing my breasts. His tongue laved at my right nipple as he squeezed and pulled at my left with practiced fingers. Continuing his ministrations down to my navel, Jungkook flicked his tongue over my belly button, making my breath hitch in my throat.
He finally reached my jeans, and I propped myself up on my elbows, curious as to what he would do next. What I didn’t expect was for Jungkook to take my zipper between his perfect, white teeth and drag it downwards, drawing out a loud moan from between my lips, his eyes never leaving mine. He chuckled softly at my reaction. “You like that, sweetheart?”
I could do nothing but nod, my ability to speak impaired by the aching need between my thighs. Grasping the hem of my jeans, Jungkook slid them off me, taking his time with each inch of fabric, relishing in the way I gasped when my skin finally met air. He dragged a finger between my legs, over my folds, and showed me the slick moisture he gathered. “I haven’t even taken off your panties yet and you’re this wet for me,” he said. “Imagine how you’ll be when I get around to fucking you.”
Even more moisture dripped out of me at his words. Deciding he teased me long enough, Jungkook tore the panties from my body and buried his face in my folds. I gasped and moaned, he groaned in response, and the wet sounds his tongue made as it fucked my hole caused fluid to practically gush out of me. “Tastes so good,” he growled before delving back in. This time, his tongue swirled around my clit while his middle finger pushed in and out of me, curling up to hit just the right spot.
“Oh god!” I gasped, arching my back. “Jungkook, I’m gonna… I’m gonna…”
He merely groaned and finger-fucked me faster, his tongue flicking over my clit so fast it was almost painful. I came all over his face, my cum painting his cheeks as ripples of pleasure shuddered through my body. My moans became wails as my muscles continued contracting, Jungkook’s masterful tongue not stopping until I collapsed backwards, all my strength leaving me entirely.
Jungkook lay next to me, sucking on his fingers and running his tongue around his arousal-coated lips. “You came so hard,” he said, surprise tinging his voice.
“Well,” I chuckled, my breath still coming out more as wheezes. “It’s been a long time since I’ve had good sex.”
“What do you mean?”
I grew quiet for a moment before answering. “Obviously my ex was getting his jollies elsewhere, so we hadn’t had sex for months.”
Jungkook scoffed. “Wow. What a scumbag.”
Before the moment grew too awkward, I rolled over and kissed him softly. “Then again,” I murmured. “The sex was never nearly as good as what you just did.”
Jungkook chuckled and clambered on top of me again, kneeing apart my thighs to rest his body between them before kissing me deeply then pulling back. “You ready for round two?” he asked, one of his eyebrows cocked.
My eyes widened. “R-Round two?”
Jungkook smirked. “Oh, baby… I’m gonna fuck you so good you won’t even remember that asshole’s name.”
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angelsfalling16 · 4 years
Sharp Objects and Soft Kisses
Read on ao3
Part of my Christmas Ficlets series
Prompt: "No offense meant, but I don't trust you to carve the turkey."
Word Count: 497
A/N: Just something short and sweet for today. Also, I realized while I was editing this that if you wanted to, you could look at this as almost a prequel to yesterday’s fic.
“No offense meant, but I don’t trust you to carve the turkey.”
Baz’s hand comes to rest over mine as he talks, wrapping around the hand holding the large carving knife as if hoping to prevent me injuring myself like that. I can feel him right behind me, close enough that I can feel his body heat against my back, and I think his presence is more likely to cause me to injure myself than the knife by itself would have.
“What? Why not?” I ask, pouting slightly.
“That knife is awfully sharp, and I’m not sure I trust you not to accidentally injure yourself with it.”
“I carried around a sword for nearly eight years and managed to do minimal damage to myself with it. This knife is nothing compared to that.”
“I distinctly remember you nearly doing damage to me several times when you were swinging that sword wildly around our room. My hair didn’t have minimal damage done to it when you sliced through it and nearly took off my head in fifth year. I swear I’d be dead a thousand times over if the Anathema hadn’t been there to stop you.
He’s pressed up against my back now, and I think about how I’ve said that same thing to Penny countless times about him. I smile even though he can’t see it. Maybe even because he can’t see it. Can’t see how obviously in love with him I am.
“I never would have tried to kill you. Even if I hadn’t been worried about the Anathema,” I add. “Also, your hair was always perfect. Even when you first woke up in the morning and it was sticking out in odd directions, it looked good.”
He chuckles softly, and his breath is warm against my ear. He presses a kiss to the back of my neck, and I release the knife, letting it fall to the counter.
“Thank you, Simon,” he murmurs against my skin, mouthing down my neck until he reaches my shoulder where he bites down lightly.
I gasp before turning and wrapping my arms around his neck, smiling even as I kiss him.
“Can you two not do that around the food we all worked so hard to prepare?” Penny asks with feigned disgust, having walked into the kitchen while we were kissing.
“Don’t pretend like you and Shep weren’t making out against the fridge last night while you were baking together,” Baz says, a smirk on his face as he looks down at me with a look that sets my skin on fire in the best way possible.
“Whatever,” she replies, shaking her head, and I’m almost certain there’s a tinge of pink to her cheeks. “Go set the table. I will carve the turkey. I don’t trust either of you with sharp objects.”
I smile and kiss Baz once more before grabbing the plates, a soft smile lingering on my face as I head into the dining room.
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deadcactuswalking · 3 years
REVIEWING THE CHARTS: 03/04/2021 (Lil Nas X’s “MONTERO”, Mimi Webb, Russ Millions & Tion Wayne)
So, we have a #1 debut, and that’s pretty much the only story here in the UK Top 75 as we get a filler week before Demi Lovato, Olivia Rodrigo and Lil Tjay run in and cause havoc. As for now, “Wellerman” is replaced at the top by Lil Nas X’s controversial “MONTERO (Call Me by Your Name)”, spending its first week at #1 after making pretty sudden gains assisted by the video and alternate versions – the mid-week projection had this at #15. Elsewhere, we just see the fall-out from Bieber. Welcome back to REVIEWING THE CHARTS.
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It’s a quiet week – only seven new entries, and none from Rod Wave, 24kGoldn or AJR as I had predicted. That doesn’t mean there isn’t some stuff to talk about within the chart, or particularly off of the chart, as we have a fair few drop-outs switching their places with returning entries. In particular, we have Justin Bieber’s “As I Am” featuring Khalid being swapped out for “Anyone” at #25, as well as drop-outs for “Arcade” by Duncan Laurence – slightly premature, I’d think – and all of Lana Del Rey’s songs from last week. We also “Anxious” by AJ Tracey, “Heat” by Paul Woodford and Amber Mark and “Toxic” by Digga D exit the chart, but the only real notable loss was “34+35” by Ariana Grande ending its 21-week run on the chart. Returning to the Top 75 in its place – which I cover – we have “Mr. Brightside” by the Killers of course at #73, as well as “Midnight Sky” by Miley Cyrus at #72, “You’ve Done Enough” by Gorgon City and DRAMA at #70 (really hope this one becomes a hit) and “Don’t You Worry About Me” by Bad Boy Chiller Crew at #66. In terms of climbers and fallers, we do have some notable gains and losses. For songs travelling down the chart, we have “Patience” by KSI featuring YUNGBLUD and Polo G tanking a sharp drop in its third week to #18, “Streets” by Doja Cat shaking off the video gains at #22, “drivers license” by Olivia Rodrigo continuing to collapse at #27, another sharp drop for HVME’s remix of Travis Scott’s “Goosebumps” down to #34 probably due to ACR, which was probably the fate for “Get Out My Head” by Shane Codd at #46. The same probably can’t be said for Drake’s losses, as “What’s Next” is at #40, “Lemon Pepper Freestyle” featuring Rick Ross is at #41 and “Wants and Needs” featuring Lil Baby stalls at #55. We also see falls for “Money Talks” by Fredo and Dave at #50, “Bringing it Back” by Digga D and AJ Tracey at #51, “Sweet Melody” by Little Mix on its way out at #57, “Headshot” by Lil Tjay featuring Polo G and Fivio Foreign down to #61 off the debut (although it’ll rebound thanks to the album as soon as the next week rolls around), “Ready” by Fredo featuring Summer Walker at #62, “You’re Mines Still” by Yung Bleu featuring Drake at #63 and “Day in the Life” by Central Cee at #69. Where it gets interesting are our gains, such as outside the top 40 with “What Other People Say” by Demi Lovato and Sam Fischer which could very well get even higher next week thanks to the album. We also have “Track Star” by Mooski at #53 off of the debut and a couple of tracks entering the top 40 for the first time, those being “Heartbreak Anniversary” by Giveon at #39 and Majestic’s remix of “Rasputin” by Boney M. at #38. Elsewhere in the top 40, we have “Let’s Go Home Together” by Ella Henderson and Tom Grennan at #13 and two songs marking their first week in the top 10, those being “Little Bit of Love” by Tom Grennan at #10, a song continuing to sour on me, and “Your Love (9PM)” by ATB, Topic and A7S, an EDM song at #8 that I initially mocked for its soulless repackaging but has honestly got me pretty hooked since. I’m excited to see how this one does. For now, however, let’s get on with our new arrivals.
#64 – “Cloud 9” – Beach Bunny
Produced by Joe Reinhart
Beach Bunny is a power pop band who last year released their album Honeymoon on Mom+Pop and it’s basically a modern r/indieheads staple in that it’s an accessible, airy pop-rock record fronted by a woman. It’s not anything unique, really, or different if you look further into it but that’s fine because there’s a lot of vaguely “indie” or music snob releases pushed out every year that miss the charts entirely. It’s a different story, however, when a year later, it gets viral on TikTok and streams its way onto the chart. In that case, we have “Cloud 9” by Beach Bunny, a pretty simple but sweet love song about a guy who just makes her feel a lot better about herself in times where she can’t pick herself up from the rut she’s in. Again, it’s a simple track but enhanced by the wonderful and unique vocal performance from front-woman Lili Trifilo and some pretty great production making sure no guitar lick is missed in this mix, especially in that chorus which is such an ethereal blend of the electric guitar dubs. I would argue that this actually should end at that second chorus even if it ends feeling abrupt as the transition to the final chorus feels a lot less cathartic than it does awkward, especially if the bridge is going to be a simplistic, quirky instrumental meander that doesn’t go far enough to be a guitar solo and hence feels kind of like a worthless addition. As is, this is a pretty great song still, just not the most fully realised once it loses that initial tight surf groove, though I’ll let it pass if we’re going to get rock this good on the charts again. I know this won’t really get more traction for Beach Bunny – or power pop for that matter – but more of this, please.
#52 – “You All Over Me” (Taylor’s Version) (From the Vault) (Remix) (feat. DaBaby) (Part 2) (Radio Edit) – Taylor Swift featuring Maren Morris
Produced by Taylor Swift and Aaron Dessner
Sadly, this does not feature DaBaby and is not the remix, radio edit or sequel to any previously released song. Jokes aside, I guess brackets are the next big comeback for pop music, which goes hand-in-hands with remixes and re-releases, hence why Taylor Swift is dusting off this leaked Fearless-era cut for a new recording with country singer Maren Morris, who you probably know from her contributions to Zedd’s “The Middle”. Now whilst Swift is a great songwriter, I do often find myself frustrated by how she treads common ground all too frequently without establishing much different with how a song is structured or how it emotionally connects. This is true not just lyrically but especially sonically as of recent, as despite being written in 2008, it has too much in common with the less interesting cuts off of folklore for me to really care that much. That’s especially if Taylor’s going to undercut the clean acoustic guitars with flourishes of harmonica and crow sound effects, showing some genuine intrigue here before refusing to let any of that develop past a couple stray melodies or notes further back in the mix. I’m trying really hard to be compelled by these re-recordings and re-releases of her back catalogue as I do consider myself a fan, but it’s tough to pay attention when any new compositions we get sound like folklore leftovers with Maren Morris only put to use as decoration, much like HAIM on “no body, no crime” – and we already got an album full of folklore leftovers. I’m not a fan of this, sorry – I can see the appeal, and I do think this has enough of a country tinge to it to make it at least somewhat interesting – but this goes in one ear and immediately out of the other.
#48 – “Tonight” – Ghost Killer Track featuring OBOY and D-Block Europe
Produced by Ghost Killer Track and Kenzy
Screw the formalities and screw the analysis because D-Block Europe are back to add another D-Block to their EU collection – and since they’re Londoners, their only – and that’s Paris, and contrary to the British nature, we’ve let French rap chart in the top 50 out of the fact that they collaborated with two of the most comical rappers in British history. They’ve also linked up with producer Ghost Killer Track, also from France, as this is ostensibly his song even if he intends not to prove himself with this dull piano-based beat and oddly-mastered bass and percussion, which are really just DBE staples. Unfortunately, past the initial comedy of that first line in the chorus, neither Young Adz or Dirtbike LB deliver any stupid lyrics or funny inflections, instead just resorting to being as boring as they can in their constant flexing as possible. I guess the French guy here, OBOY, commands a higher energy in his verse if only through his comical “no, no, no” ad-libs, but he’s the only French speaker in an otherwise basic British trap song that I just cannot see the appeal in when we’ve had song after song from these guys for three years now. This won’t be the last we see of cookie-cutter UK rap this week though so brace yourselves for that.
#47 – “Last Time” – Becky Hill
Produced by LOSTBOY
It’s almost as if the charts are trying to send me off to sleep as here we have Becky Hill, a singer hedging the line between a non-presence and mildly annoying, which is arguably more frustrating than downright infuriating as her slightly smokier voice does not sound bad, just lacking in texture in every way, especially if the multi-tracking is going to be this minimal on a royalty-free deep-house beat produced by Getty Images with a pretty worthless drop, a generic and simple melody of piano stabs for major chords, and a whole bunch of reverb on the vocal take... but it still ends up feeling dry as there’s nothing here to quench that thirst for a tighter, bass-heavy house banger or even a more ethereal, dreamy trance track, deciding to stick to a healthy medium of boring and utter garbage. Yes, that was a singular sentence. I’m not awake enough to form a cohesive sentence less than 40 words long, and this new Becky Hill track is just worsening that if anything. Speaking of...
#21 – “Body” – Russ Millions and Tion Wayne
Produced by Gotcha Bxtch
Who’s Russ Millions? He’s Russ. No, not that Russ. British Russ – or Russ Splash, stylised as Russ splash on Spotify and nowhere else. This confusingly-named fellow appeared on the charts a couple times and possibly most famously with “Keisha & Becky”, a song also featuring Tion Wayne that is referenced on this very track. Sigh, I usually like Tion Wayne but even he can’t be bothered to delivery his usual brand of suave charm or sinister menace, instead opting for a more growling but ultimately completely monotone cadence that doesn’t flatter him or Russ, who one of my friends described as sounding like one of the aliens from Toy Story. This is a pretty by-the-numbers drill beat too, and it’s pretty safe to say that neither Russ or Tion Wayne here are going to bother with wordplay, even when they start pretty smoothly trading bars and Tion Wayne goes for a more unique chopper flow in the second verse. This is just not of any note. Once again, speaking of...
#17 – “Good Without” – Mimi Webb                        
Produced by Freedo
I assumed Mimi Webb debuted this high because of a talent show she won or something because I’d never heard her name but instead, she just happened to have a major label deal before her unreleased song just happened to go viral on TikTok and just happened to be supported by one of the women who just happened to be the biggest creator on the platform. Yeah, and this song just happened to be garbage, suffering from every possible millennial pop trope and then some, from the mix dressed rather too overtly in reverb, the ugly guitar pluck, a generic indie-girl voice that you swear you’ve heard before in one of those dreadful piano covers of popular songs they use in adverts, as well as this ballad being undercut by badly-programmed trap percussion. I can tell this label is trying to create somewhat of an Olivia Rodrigo phenomenon from this and I for one am terrified of the Poundland knock-offs to come. Screw this.
#1 – “MONTERO (Call Me by Your Name)” – Lil Nas X
Produced by Roy Lenzo, Omar Fedi and Take a Daytrip
At least Lil Nas X will bring some passion into this chart week? Well, not really, as when I hear this I recall that Pitchfork review of his EP, a much-maligned critique that featured the ever-so pretentious questioning if Lil Nas X really enjoyed making and listening to music. It reminds me because I think I now fully get it – at least when Lil Nas X was making slap-dash pop rock with Travis Barker or meme-worthy country rap with Billy Ray Cyrus for less than two minutes apiece, there was something invigorating in the execution or at least in concept. That 7 EP is still not a bad debut at all, but this new single “MONTERO”, a long-anticipated record that went from constantly-teased demo to Super Bowl commercial to Satanic-panicked videos of Lil Nas giving Satan a lap-dance to own the conservatives, has the same remote dreariness to it as “HOLIDAY” did late last year. The acoustic, Latin-flavoured guitar loop reminds me of his much better track “Rodeo” from that aforementioned EP that used its energy for similarly lighthearted subject matter but with some genuine energy, a Cardi B feature and a lot less subtle moombahton creeping in. With that said, I can’t say Lil Nas X didn’t try, as his vocal performance, whilst largely insufferable and strained, gives some energy to an otherwise aggravatingly stunted beat, and makes it a lot more infectious than it has any right to be. Content-wise, the song is essentially about a full circle where Lil Nas X becomes increasingly desperate for a man who starts off lonely and in a bad place, and the irony is that Lil Nas gets more explicitly sexual and crazed due to a combination of the LA life-style surrounding him and the fact that he’s simply, for lack of a better term, “down bad”, despite the fact that this guy doesn’t seem particularly desirable. Lil Nas knows this, though, and acknowledges it in the pre-chorus where he outright says that this guy is living the cocaine-addled celebrity life, but not living it right without Mr. Bullriding and Boobies in his life. I’m happy about the video and the outrage it seems to cause not just within conservative spaces but also amongst the hip-hop community, particularly Joyner Lucas, and I’m pretty happy with how out and proud Lil Nas X is about his sexuality, even if it leads to lines like “Shoot a child in your mouth while I’m ridin’”. I’m just really not a fan of this song past its content, which could really be interesting but falls flat with this plucking production that wastes time in barely two minutes with humming interludes. It’s not bad at all, just not for me.
And that concludes our week, and wow, what a bad week this was for new arrivals. Admittedly, it’s a filler week so only “MONTERO (Call Me by Your Name)” will probably last – or at least we can hope as even if I don’t like the song, I still have to give out an Honourable Mention to someone, and it may as well be Lil Nas X trying to put the effort in. Best of the Week easily goes to Beach Bunny for “Cloud 9”, far and away the only good song here, with Worst of the Week also going out pretty easily to Mimi Webb’s “Good Without”, which is the type of soulless, unmemorable garbage that makes pop music look uninspired, and as a person who writes about the charts constantly, it’s a misconception I don’t want proven or revisited. Dishonourable Mention is a toss-up but I guess I’ll give it to Russ Millions and Tion Wayne for that sprinkle of drill disappointment that is “Body”, and that’ll be it for this week. I predict some impact from Demi Lovato, Lil Tjay and especially Olivia Rodrigo next week, but for now, here’s our top 10:
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Thank you for reading – sorry for the grouchiness on this one – and I’ll see you next week!
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