#eee i hope u like it!!
inkykeiji · 1 month
Clari! Might I ask who all you selfship with? 👀 And what the vibes of each ship is?
marq!!! ◟( ˃̶͈◡ ˂̶͈ )◞ ohhh my gosh what a FUN question okay okay SO
⋆₊˚⊹♡ DARI - dabi x clari
the biggest, most prominent and by far most important self ship i have <333 i love him to absolute death and beyond. our vibe is like,,, sugary sweet bratty little ‘good’ girl x majorly fucked up drug-addicted bad boy. we’re extremely possessive, extremely obsessive, and extremely unhealthy. we take the word co-dependent to a new fucking level. that kind of toxic, all-consuming, endlessly insatiable love where we hurt each other but we love each other too much to leave; it’s more than just an addiction, it’s a need on a chemical level, it’s like we’re each missing something only the other has. and even though our love is crazy and chaotic and toxic as hell it’s still real in the truest, purest form of absolute obsession. we are also fiercely protective over one another. i have a dari tag here and a dari tag here c:
⋆₊˚⊹♡ MIKRI / MANRI - mikey x clari [bonten timeline]
mikey is my beloved Daddy and i am his precious little princess. we’re both bratty little sugar fiends who enjoy being doted on—which is great, because i worship him like he’s my lord and saviour and he takes care of me like i’m a piece of him; something that came from him and belongs to him. he is my Strong Scary Yakuza Man and i am his Delicate Dainty Little Baby <3 he is my physical strength and i am his emotional strength. i have a lil write up about how we met n stuff here!
⋆₊˚⊹♡ VLARI - vox x clari
this one’s kinda weird because like,,, he has a television for a head BUT i am so in love with him. our vibe is a lil difficult to explain because he’s technically my boss, and he technically owns my soul; he plucked me off the streets of hell and molded me into his sweet lil star, his precious little moneymaker, and everything i do in the public eye (and in private too, tbh) must be fully vetted and approved by him. our whole aesthetic centers around class, extravagance, and perfectionism. it’s also very 1950s nuclear family breadwinner man housewife woman. we have a son named vander (van for short!) <3
i also selfship with sukuna but we don’t have a name!! the vibe is basically pet gf x owner bf LMAO. and then i have a million selfships with other tokrev boys (esp kazutora + sanzu + rindou!) but the three selfships above are like, my main main ones <3
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modernghostfare · 2 years
More hc's on nikto?
Yes ! any time :)c Nikto:
i think he still has his sense of humor (dark. its always been a dark sense of humor) but his ability to tell a joke has sort of plummeted bc of his rather flat affect. he does still try but hes often just taken serious which leads to uncomfortable situations (for others. he does not pay it much attention bc He thought it was funny)
in old man fashion he keeps every tab on his phone open he does not ever think to close them and assumes they close on their own. he also really misses flip phones he thinks smart phones have too much going on.
actually a prolific photographer w his phone camera, though. it helps him remember things bc his actual memory is so fuzzy and spotty. he also has many, many alarms set to remind him to do things. on silent. sometimes he misses them
he also uses his phone to keep up to date on his family even though he has no desire to contact them. to him, the man they knew truly Did die and to come to them as some sort of zombie would be worse. but he still likes to see how they are doing by checking non-private facebooks
very sensitive to repeating/droning sounds and also water dripping. reminds him of when he was held captive which makes him anxious. he Will unplug anything that is bothering him at a moment's notice
he really likes the cold still. keeps him awake, enjoys the nice and crisp air. if he wasn't suffering from The Horrors he'd be comfortable going around shirtless
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cardboardcranium · 8 months
we should just start dropping whole pianos on people who think that noone should go on medications that didnt help them specifically. flatten those fucks like mario kart. roll their flattened forms and smoke them like joints
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pwouted · 1 month
what inspires you aesthetically / style wise? i've always been in awe with how you've curated your blog! lots of love <33
i tend to draw inspiration frm many different places n things ! tumblr of course, pinterest, my favorite films n mv's, dolls, books n magazines ! ᢉ𓈒. .𓈒ྀིˆ১
a big source of inspo for me for yrs has been larme !! their shoots are always so dreamy ꒰ᐡ。•༝∩ ᐡ꒱♡ n i love the way the outfits are coordinated. so i find myself flipping through it or looking at scans quite often !
i've also rlly admired yurano ochi's style [ esp frm 2014 to abt 2019 ! ] amo has been a big inspiration to me as well !
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kuroosdarling · 1 year
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quirkle2 · 2 years
Ok so i saw art for your fic carved//hollow with a link to it and i clicked and i saw it was 2k so i was like "oh! nice quick read! Yay!! " Except i looked at the scroll bar and then checked the word count again and it was 20k not 2k and i just want to say what the frick, mate /pos
I will def give it a read in a time but holy frivk there is a reason why i fear ao3 authors like you <3
GVIEGVYEA very happy to serve and instill fear in hearts <3 carved // hollowed is actually my longest lu fic to date . feelin good abt that
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write-tama · 2 months
I need more of Francis Mosses x reader fluff tbh and I enjoy reading some of your works with him so here's my request: Reader is stressed about life, college or something of your choice and needed some comfort from him 🥺🤎 thank you in advance aaahshqhs 😭 (tbh I don't see much sfw works of Francis on this app, maybe I'm not searching enough?)
"rest a little-- for me at least.."
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ francis mosses x student!stressed!reader
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sypnosis ; reader and francis have been hard at work trying to achieve their ultimate goals for the future. but lately, reader has been burning themselves out, and its up to francis to help realize how tired reader is.
containing ; exhaustion, reader is a college student, francis works double shifts, francis and reader are high school sweethearts (in this au anastacha is not his daughter), francis is worried about reader, TOOTH ACHING FLUFF RAGH
author’s note ; eee thank u anon! also dw, i also experienced the same problem trying to find sfw for francis 😭😭 its lowkey the reason why i had to crawl out of my hiatus hole LOL but ya really hope u enjoy :]
04.15.24 | 1.4k words
Five shots of espresso from the cafe across the block could not fix how fucking exhausted you were.
You and Francis have been together since your highschool days. You have always dreamed of going to college to become a forensic scientist to work in the police force for super interesting crimes— but holy shit— were you tired from the projects and the essays.
You haven’t seen Francis in a few days either, despite living in the same apartment. He’s been working shifts in the morning and night just to make ends meet while also saving up for a house that you two could buy together. It was exhausting, but it was all a part of the plan. You worked a little side job as well delivering papers early in the morning just as a quick cash grab, but that also meant you barely spent mornings with your boyfriend. It’s not like you guys had the time anyway. He had to work in the morning too, which made it all the more frustrating.
After finally reaching your apartment, you immediately kicked off your shoes and threw your bag to the nearest corner before flopping down on the couch. A loud groan rumbled from your throat, finally giving your exhaustion a voice. You looked up from the couch, too tired to even turn on the TV. From the corner of your eye though, you saw in the kitchen a pot on the stove with a bright yellow sticky note on the top of it. Out of curiosity, you lifted yourself from the cushions with all your strength before heading towards the kitchen.
You waddled over to the pot with a curious tilt to your head as read the sticky note:
You left for work before I could tell you, but I’m coming off my shift early today and I’m not working tonight. Here’s some lunch I prepared this morning. Love you honey, get some rest. -Fran
Your grin stretched from ear-to-ear as you opened the lid to be welcomed with the smell of fresh spaghetti and meatballs. You turned on the gas stove to heat up the food, and used a clean wooden spoon to stir the food gradually. As you did, you couldn’t help as yawns escaped your mouth. You thought about taking a nap after your meal, seeing as how later today you needed to take some notes for an upcoming exam.
Your need for success never gave you the permission to give yourself a break every once in a while. In fact, the only times you did take a break was when Francis was sick and he needed someone by his side to take care of him. Other than that, you were always academically focused. Every once in a while, Francis would voice his opinion, telling you that you shouldn’t be burning yourself out so fast, but it was your determination and your vision of a perfect future with him that fueled you. Was this safe for your own mental health? Absolutely not. But you were aware of the consequences, and you pushed yourself anyway.
You felt your body grow increasingly heavy. You quickly jolted your head up, not even realizing that your eyes were fluttered close and you had stopping moving your spoon for a few seconds. You shook yourself awake, quickly grabbing a plate and helping yourself to a serving. You made sure to turn off the stove as well before throwing the spoon in the sink and grabbing a clean metal fork to enjoy your meal. It was best to hurry on and sit down before you became a danger to yourself.
You placed your food down on the coffee table before curling up on the couch. Maybe some TV would wake me up, you thought to yourself. You picked up the TV remote and browsed through the channels, eventually settling on a random game show that was airing live. Feeling a bit more energized, you placed a pillow in your lap before resting your food on top of it.
After each bite you felt your eyelids getting heavy. Your body started slowly giving in, despite your protests. The host’s voice soon turned into muffles as you felt your head nod a little. Each time you felt yourself falling, you immediately jolted up, not wanting to succumb to your body’s need for rest. What you really needed to do was to finish those essays and projects, and to also greet your loving boyfriend once he comes back from work. Your mind started dragging along little plans on how you would be able to accomplish everything before sleeping, but without realizing, your eyes had fallen closed as you leaned back in the couch.
Francis came back home about an hour later, tired from his work. As he placed his work bag down, he barely realized that your bag was set in the corner as well. “(y/n)?” He began to call out, but as soon as he turned around, he noticed your sleeping figure on the couch curled up with your pillow and food next to you. “Oh, (y/n)..” he mumbled, smiling a little in amusement. Francis walked over you, noticing the running TV and the half-eaten food. He first turned off the TV, making sure to not make too much noise to wake you up. He took your plate as well and covered it with a napkin before storing it in the fridge. Once Francis made it back to the living room, he sighed in relief, noticing that you still haven’t woken up. He rolled up his sleeves before carefully sliding his arms under your body, being as gentle as possible as he carried you to the bedroom.
“Mm..” You mumbled, half asleep. “Franci..?” You croaked out, burying yourself into his chest.
“Mhm..” He hummed. “I found you asleep on the couch.. I’m just moving you to the bedroom if you don’t mind..” He chuckled a little. You groaned a little in response, tugging a little at his button-down uniform.
“No..” you protested. “I have work to do.. I have projects due soon..”
Francis laid you gently down onto the soft mattress. You sat up a bit, realizing that you were still in your casual formal clothes you wore for school. You looked over to Francis, who had changed out of his work clothes, but kept his undershirt on and threw on some pajama pants. “Franci, can you—”
“Here you go.” You looked up, not even realizing that he was already handing you your midnight clothes. His tired eyes gazed upon you, but even then, his eyes were dilated with genuine care. You smiled up at him before taking the clothes and changing on the bed, throwing your clothes in a corner.
You sighed a little as you straightened out your shorts, looking down with a wearied face. “You know I need to get back to work.” You quietly muttered. Francis looked at you with a frown as he stood over the bed.
“You can’t just keep working day and night.” He lectured softly. You scoffed a little before looking at him, only to immediately falter to his puppy-eyed look. “Just rest with me this evening, please, dear?” He asked, folding his arms behind his back as he leaned down.
Your face heated up, flustered at how desperate Francis seemed to be just wanting to have a few minutes ago. You smiled softly before reaching up and caressing his face with your hand. “You know I hate it when you look at me like that..” You whispered.
“Well, it's the only way to get you to agree.” He mumbled back, sinking into your embrace. The two of you were locked in eye contact as Francis slowly climbed into the bed. His hands straddled either side of you as you leaned back against the headboard. Gradually, his lips pressed against yours, and immediately you melted. Your hands snaked around his neck, holding him as close as you could. His touch filled you with the warmth you longed for so long after drawn-out lectures and pressure-inducing assignments. All you wanted was him.
He wrapped your arms around your waist before resting himself on your chest— a sigh escaping his nostrils. “I miss this.” he muttered. “When was the last time we got to hold each other like this?”
You ran fingers through his hair, carefully tugging out knots. “Only heaven knows..” You whispered back. The two of you enjoyed the comfortable silence. Only the faint hum of the lamp filled your ears as well as the occasional vehicle rushing down the road in front of your apartment complex. Your chest rose and fell as you breathed as Francis buried himself deeper into your embrace. “I-I’m sorry I’ve been a little difficult lately.” you apologized, feeling the guilt prick at your skin. “I’ve just been so stressed with school lately.. All I could think about is work and it's ruining us—”
“Please don’t apologize for that.” Francis was quick to cut you off. He lifted his head up and now sat up properly in front of you. His eyebrows furrowed a little as he looked at your gentle figure. “Please.. Just don’t. I understand you’ve been working so hard lately. I have been to. But this is all for our future, remember?” He grabbed your hand, holding it with both of his hands before kissing your knuckles. “Mmm.. I miss our evenings together too, I truly do, but what I’m concerned about is your wellbeing. You need to give yourself a breather every once in a while. At least promise me that.”
Your body felt weak with each work he uttered. Your head rushed with stars, remembering that its moments like these that make you want to work so hard. You want nothing but blessings for this man, because if anything, he was your savior. Tears pricked at your eyes, sniffling a little as you nodded your head.
“I promise..” You said in a shaky voice. A sincere smile curled Francis lips as he reached down to kiss your forehead.
Everything is going to be okay, you thought to yourself.
Everything is okay.
thats it! hope you enjoyed :3 sorry i procrastinated on this for a while im def gonna clutch on up writing after school ends (which is end of april). lowk so glad this bc ive been stressed w college work as well so rereading honestly felt SO comforting 😭😭 but anyway ya--
reblogs, likes, even replies are soso appreciated and i hope you enjoyed this story :]
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kniveschaudefender · 7 months
hi !! can you do a gideon graves x male!reader who owns a flowershop? (if you dont do male readers thats ok lol, gn!reader is good too)
Better than Any Boquet
(a Gideon Graves x male flowershop owner! reader)
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Gideon had been acting..strange lately. The league noticed, his employees noticed, even he noticed ! But, nobody could seem to pinpoint what exactly it was.
He had been going out more, being a little bit less harsh on certain people, and the biggest thing people noticed was the amount of flowers around now. Of course nobody dared to ask, heavens no ! But still, it was strange. It’s not like he was a big fan of the flowers himself, but for some reason he had so many around.
Eventually, it had started as a routine. Day after day he would do the exact same thing ! Saying he needs to go do something ‘important’ out, taking his leave, and ending up in the local flowershop. But why ? Its not like he was there for the flowers, no. He had a better reasons.
He walks in, his mind somewhere else before hearing something that completely snapped him out of it. A simple, “Good morning, Mr, Graves!”
< Thats > what he was here for.
The nice owner, thats what he was here for! How could we forget? How could he forget such a nice boy, the same boy who helps him every day no matter how many questions he asks or how many times he ends up repeating them. He even remembered his name! Not by the fact that he’s THE Gideon Graves, but by the fact that he comes in every day to his shop !
Will he ever admit its for him? Maybe later. But right now? Certainly not ! He can’t lose such a ‘friendship’ with this lovely boy he’s met ! For now, he simply comes in, looking for him at the desk in the front. Asking things such as “How do I take care of these?” or “What type of flowers would go best with this event ?” . Simple things to hide the fact that he’s only there to see him and to hear him talk.
After about an hour of mindless questions and small talk, he comes home, once again with a boquet of flowers in hand. He couldn’t help it ! He HAD to buy flowers every time he’d go in there, or he’d leave feeling a bit bad. So, there he goes, grabbing another empty vase and putting some water in it, then placing the flowers inside.
He sighed, looking around at all the flowers he now had. How long could he keep this up ? How long could he push his feelings for this boy away and just keep going and buying flowers, never making a move?
It honestly didn’t take long, he was running out of room for flowers and was so head over heels he couldn’t help himself anymore.
Though, for the first time he couldn’t help but feel a bit afraid. Would you like him? I mean yeah, he does have quite the name and ego, not to mention the billions he has in cash, but would you really find him attractive? He guessed he’d just have to find out.”
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He spent about a week thinking about this.
Infact, he spent the whole time trying to distract himself, he had forgotten to go to the flowershop. After the week, he had finally decided to go say something. Thats when he remembered. He spent the whole week away from YOUR presence after being there non-stop for a few months!
Now he was really worried. He probably made you sick thinking something must have happened since he stopped coming for a whole week!
So, off he went! Sprinting down the street to the flowershop, holding on to his glasses for life. His plan? Say everything through a letter. He couldnt get himself to say it to your face, no matter how big of an ego he had.
He comes in, pushing the door open, almost falling over as he catches his breath before looking up. And there you were, making direct eye contact with him as you out new fresh flowers in a certain section.
“Mr. Graves! There you are! I was wondering where you’d been.” You say, giving him that same, sweet smile.
“Please..call me Gideon.” He says, closing the door behind him as he comes in entirely. “I have something..a bit more important for you this time.” “Anything! What do you need, Gideon?” He liked how you had listened without a question.
“I need a boquet of roses, the best ones you’ve got, and I need you to put this letter in there. But, I’d like you to read it first.” He says, handing the note to him. “I need these by 5 p.m today, and I’d like for you to write me a reply on the letter of what you think.”
With that he mutters a “Thank you” and runs out quickly, not even giving you a chance to respond.
You stand there, a bit dumbfounded. But, there was no need to go chase him down and question him. It seemed simple enough. So, you grab the roses, picking the best ones as he’d asked. Then, the letter.
You grab the letter, opening it slowly, then is when you get met with something..suprising.
“Sorry about the leave, I couldn’t be here for this. All these visits were never about the flowers, it was about you. I wanted to get closer, but never knew how. I’ve liked you for all these months, and never knew how to truely say it. You were always too kind, and quite the handsome man too, giving me that smile every day I walked in, no matter how clueless I was about anything. Especially the flowers. But you always listened to me. But, I do love you and everything you do a lot. And I would love to have you by my side. Because to me, you’re better than any boquet.”
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tteokdoroki · 11 months
hi aali!! welcome back!!! it’s so lovely to see you on my dash again <3 I saw your ask game and my eyes popped out of my sockets— would it be alright if you could do
❛ i need to come. please, i'll do anything. ❜ + breeding kink + sero hanta ?
I hope you’re having a lovely day!!
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line. ❛ i need to come. please, i'll do anything. ❜
extension. breeding kink + afab!reader + nsfw, mentions of makeup.
things to note. eee thank u baby!! im happy to be back n i hope u enjoy this mwah mwah mwah (also i seem to have a terrible obsession with sero n cowgirl bye)
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sero fucking adores you on top for three reasons in particular. 
the first is that he can see your face when you cry, getting to look directly up at you while you sniffle and sob because he’s fucking you to high heavens and you need some kind of out let to bring you back down from cloud nine. sero will swipe a thumb under your big glossy eyes, and suck the salty tears from the pad of it just to get a reaction out of you. usually it makes you cry harder, until your mascara is nothing but dark tracks on your cheeks and your lips are wet and shiny from your own tears.
the second is that sero gets to feel you up, touch all over you. his finger tips will cascade from the back of your neck to your throat, dragging you down to slot his cheeky mouth against yours. his tongue then prods and pushes past the seam of your lips, toying with the taste of your sugar-coated and ecstasy dipped whimpers (and perhaps the taste of his cock) on your own. sometimes his hands dip lower, thumbing at those sensitive nipples until they’re budding like flowers in bloom, hanta’ll put his mouth on them too, catch your breasts in its hit cavern when they jiggle cutely as you bounce up and down on his curved length.  
you’ve always said that you like how his black rooted hair tickles your skin when he leaves hu kiss across your chest. 
but most of all, he likes it when you use him for your own pleasure — as if he’s nothing but a real life dildo and a sack of emotions. “fuckin’…shit honey. you’re fucking me so good,” sero is love sick, as you sink down on his slender cock and circle your hips to make sure you’ve taken it all. “show me how that pussy takes it, baby. wanna see,” 
he’s running his mouth, slurring over spit and poorly strung together sentences and he knows you’re not listening. you’re too focused on bringing yourself right to the edge again and getting what you want, his cum in your gorgeous cunt until it’s running down both of your thighs. thrusting downward, both of you share a satisfied moan as sero’s leaky tip bullies it’s way up your glistening walls to bare down perfectly against your g-spot — you gush in response, a fresh wave of your nectar beading perfectly down his shaft. only catching on the blue forked veins that spiral around him. 
through the misty veil of lust that clouds your brain, you manage to grasp at sero’s wrist — dragging his hand between your shaky overworked legs to guide him into spreading your pussy lips apart. “y’see me han’, ‘m all wet, all for you.” you tell him earnestly, bathing his throbbing cock in your warmth. you make sure that he gets an eyeful, a chance to observe the crude mix of his milky precum and your juices that run through your parted folds like treacle. “need you.” 
before he has a chance to sing your praises, you brace your hands on the broad scope of sero’s chest — lifting yourself up and down in his lap, working yourself on his cock like it’s all that you’re trained to do. seeing himself smeared over your clit, stringing white glazing your thighs only motivates sero to fuck up into you — chasing your high and his own, desperate to see more of his cream inside of you. 
or maybe he’s desperate to get you knocked up, see you swell with his seed — churn your insides up real good and have you all bred by him. who knows what he wants? sero can’t even tell, already burying himself to the hilt inside of you, grabbing your hips, your ass, your waist and circling you over him so that your eyes roll back. “i need to cum. please, i'll do anything.” he chants like it’s a mantra or a prayer dedicated to you. “wanna fill you up nice ‘n pretty. you want that, right? you wanna cum on me, pretty baby? make me cum deep inside—“ 
hanta can’t help but goad you, coerce you into riding him faster, harder — even if you’d intended to drag this one out. “that’s it, baby. use me, fuck yourself down on me. please,” he stutters out. he could die here, sero thinks, and he’d be so fucking happy — watching your eyes disappear into the dark of your skull, your thighs quiver and your chest sway with your sinful movements. “please, , jus’ wanna make’a’mess of these insides, wanna fuck my cum so deep inside it sticks. gotta have you full of me…”
“then cum, hanta. make me yours,” tip of the iceberg and the key to heaven’s gates is when you flip the script, begging for him to breed you. your slick walls start to twitch around him, your release trickling out of you without even a warning. that’s when hanta knows he’s fucked. 
a pathetic sob nearly knocks his heart and lungs out of place when he finally hits his high, rope after rope of hot white seed flooding your clenching hole — he grabs your hips so tight that you’ll see fingerprints in the morning and keeps you still on top of him through the aftershocks of your orgasms. 
maybe there’s a fourth thing sero loves about having you on top — the way you always beg for his cum in the end.
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꒰ end. — all rights reserved © tteokdoroki 2023. do not copy, repost, translate & recommend elsewhere.
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rzyraffek · 9 months
hey I hope this doesn’t sound like a weird request but could u like slashers (preferably Michael Myers, Jason, maybe Billy loomis or Stu?, and the Sinclair brothers) kidnapping “adopting” reader? Like them kind yknow unaliving (Child) readers family then like having to like care for reader???? Idk if it makes sense but it came to me in a dream about me being a kid and Michael myers becoming my dad 😭
This request is such a cute idea!!! I made so much content about perent!slasher and kid!y/n cuz its way more entertaining for me to write!! Authors note at the end!
They/them, sfw, Request open
Slashers trying to be decent dad figures
Jason Voorhees
First of all, why on earth would your perent take you all the way here??? Your a smal baby and this is dangerous! Not only cuz jason is here, but wolfs? Boars? Huge forest AND lake???
So basically he didnt expect a child here
When he was in one of cabins he heard crying from bathroom, after few seconds of planing a murder he realised that is a child crying
His heart skipped a beat and he kinda begun to panic. HUH??? A CHILD? EEE eee oh god the whole backyard is covered in blood... oh no did I scare them?? Oh no
Dude gets more spooked than a child
After they got along he kinda makes them live in his cabin, he spends good portion of time just hanging around
Y/n gets used to their new mute friend and learns their own ways to understand him
Dude is that type of dad who will let y/n paint his nails and he will dress up in cute outfits just to make his kid happy
100% checks under their bed for monsters (and closet too!)
Wants to teach them all about nature! Which plants are good, how to find animals to eat, how to avoid humans
He dodges the topic of slaughtering y/n perents... where are they?? Ermmm idk didnt see them
Micheal Myers
Dude is pretty passive when it comes to kids
He exists, they exists, but as far as kids don't bother him, he won't bother them
But oh lourd..... your his little girl/boi/kid and he is going to do everything to keep it that way
He sees it differently than others, he helped you, took you away from those horrible people (no matter if y/n past perents were bad or good people) why would you want to leave? Or miss them?
But no matter how he feels, he is still Micheal, he won't be very cuddly or clingy. Then y/n needs comforting he will sit next to them, let them talk, tbh he is okay with them giving him some physical attention but he won't hug them back
Steals dolls, figurines, crayons for y/n
He never gets rid of his stalker nature, he is always there, watching, making sure there's noone in their way. Noone bothering or looking at y/n. He sometimes watches them sleep, just looking, he is the only monster in their closet
Huge fan of stickers btw
After good few months he takes off his mask when with y/n! He knows they accept him and love him! I mean his face is as emotionless as its owner but it still matters(at least now you know where he is staring at)
Billy and Stu
Dudes probably were like "eeeerr billy? That *instert y/n perents name* eee you didn't tell me they had a kid?" "the WHAT"
*stu giving y/n chocolates while billy panics in room next to it wondering wtf to do with y/n*
"We can't just keep it! Who is going to take care of it?"
They kept you btw, Billy will say that they did that only so you don't go and call police but they got really attached
Stu is the fun dad while Billy is the serious dad
"Hi baby we bought you happy meal" "child did you do your homework"
Billy rages over monopoli and stu cheats in uno
Sinclair brothers
"Lester who tf is in your truck?" "Eeee I found it?"
Vince lets y/n sleep in his bed when they have nightmares. He also really wants y/n to do arts like him😊
Lester just vibes, you like cars kid? Let's go on car trip! You like wildlife? I know where deers at!
Bo teaches y/n how to shoot while they are way too young to even hold a gun
Y/n will be extremely spoiled btw
None of them know how to cook full meal
Lester will call y/n buddy, pal, kiddo
Bo will call them child, goblin, spawn on satan, little princes(or a prince)
Vincent will see them as little creature and a baby
Vincent let's y/n play and decorate his hair, they also make wax figurines together and play with dog. He is more like older shy brother than a father figure but if you want you can work with this
Bo lets y/n sleep on him and draw on his arms, he also hopes y/n never grows up cuz they are tiny and cute. He also sometimes gives them his hat
Lester loves showing of his skull collection and driving around forest, just talking. He also enjoys lisening to y/n monologues while he is working
All of them get little heart attack when they hear y/n swear. All bets on Bo accidentally saying bad word next to y/n and them just repeating it
Bo and lester love to just put you on their shoulder! And vince just pickes y/n up like sack of potatos (but gently)
Tickle fights with Vince
Arm wrestling with Lester who pretends that y/n is too strong and lets them win
All x reader tags are here only to reach bigger audience! Im sorry if there's any misstypes or anything weird! I kinda wrote it in rush cuz I feel bad for making yall wait for requests so long! I should make this hc list longer but I am very tired. Goodnight
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s0fti3w1tch · 1 year
For the TD!AU Asks thing:
What was Leo and Hueso's first meeting and/or meetings like?
How did their relationship devlop to a point that Leo feels like he can really open himself up about his Foot Family?
P.S.: Really excited for the next part of the TD Comic! And excited for more of that fic with ur twin (real life twin, or...?)! U don't have to answer that if you don't want to, I was just curious).
Double P.S.: I love Separated AUs and/or Leo Separated AUs, and urs is a very interesting take on it; plus!, ur art and comics are just so nice, cute, and colorful!
Saying that, I am now curious/kind of want more "Leo Corruption" stuff.
(Age 11) Leonardo: *Absolutely awestruck*
Hueso: Whose child is this???
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Leonardo accidentally stumbled into Run of the Mill Pizza while playing with Cassandra and the kid just froze. For the first time in all of his memory, he's actually seen so many yokai/mutants.
Hueso knelt down and decided to talk to this very clearly confused child, asking if he was lost and where his guardian was. To which Leo responded with a barely coherent rush of sentences because his whole world changed.
Meanwhile, for the past 10 minutes, Cassandra tore through an entire alleyway until she herself falls through the wall.
Initially, there had been some panic because, well, a random human showed up— but Hueso's worry was settled when she kicked his shin and stood protectively over Leo.
There's a lot of Hueso and Leo stuff I wanna explore eventually through some doodles, but I hope this gave ya something! ^^
TD!AU Masterpost
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Also, eee I'm glad you're looking forward to the fic update! Yeah, real life twin! + I'm so so so happy you like my take on separated Leo! It's been buzzing around in my mind and I'm just happy to draw it! And I'm even happier knowing that people are genuinely interested in it :)
You have no idea how many Leo AU ideas are in this brain, but I'm trying not to have like 5000 drafts
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sp1rit-realm · 7 months
༻¨*:· 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐋𝐈𝐅𝐓 ·:*¨༺
༻¨*:· summary ·:*¨༺ you hate remus lupin, and he hates you. what happens when you get stuck in a lift together?
༻¨*:· notes ·:*¨༺ 𖦹 IOU!!!!! 𖦹 enemies to ?? 𖦹 fem!reader 𖦹 guys srry this is so short :< 𖦹 BUT biiiiig progress is about to be made in the next chapter 𖦹 also thank you all for waiting so so long for this. lobe u all <33 𖦹 i did not proofread this bc i'm lazy ⎝(ˊᗜˋ)⎠
𖦹 taglist form!!! (hopefully this one works ToT)
༻¨*:· word count ·:*¨༺ 𖦹 613
masterlist / breather << pt. 10 -- IOU >> wedding
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༻¨*:· 𝐈𝐎𝐔 ·:*¨༺
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"Happy one-month anniversary!" Remus walks up to you, and you look at him with a puzzled expression.
"We've been friends for a month!" In his stretched-out hand is a flower. Your favorite kind.
. • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
"They're my favorite flower," You sighed dreamily, staring at the vase in the hotel lobby.
"Yeah?" He asks with a flushed face—he's had a couple too many drinks.
"Yeah. There's something so beautiful about them. I can't quite put my finger on it."
"There doesn't need to be a reason," He slurs, "You can just love them because they're lovely." 
"I suppose I can," You shrug.
. • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
"I remember you said they were your favorite," He rubs the back of his neck, "And I wanted to celebrate."
"Thank you, Remus." You smile, and he blushes when your fingertips brush as you grab the flower.
"You see those two?" Sirius whispers to Harry, who intently watches him with big, green eyes, "They're friends now. For the past month, they've been friends. They even hung out once by themselves." Harry smiles and claps, squealing with joy. It catches your attention, and you walk over to the young baby.
"Oh, someone's happy," You coo, ruffing up his hair, "So smiley!" You pinch his cheeks.
"Stop trying to steal him from me!" Sirius whines. 
"I'm not stealing him from you," You turn back to Harry, "I'm just showing him all the love he deserves," You tear up when he stares into your eyes. Just such a precious baby born from love and care. You hope it will be the same way when you have a baby. And then you realize that you're still young, and you have nobody to have a baby with, and you shouldn't be having these thoughts right now!
But then you look back into his eyes, and he giggles and reaches in your direction. He wants to be held. Sirius swoops him up before you can, "That's enough of that!" He sneers, "Harry is mine, not yours."
"He's actually mine." Lily smiles as she walks up to her boy. "Hello," She coos, "Who's the cutest in the world?" She asks, taking her child from Sirius's hands, "You are!" She boops him on the nose, and Harry giggles.
"You find that funny?" She asks, tapping his nose again. He giggles harder, and you swear he's the happiest baby in the entire world.
"He's cute, isn't he?" 
The voice sends a shiver down your spine, "You scared me!" You playfully hit Remus on his shoulder.
"Sorry," He laughs, "Promise I didn't mean to."
"You're cruel, Lupin."
And he fears he's right back at the start. You're calling him Lupin—you haven't called him Lupin since… since your feud.
But then you smile at him, and he swears it's like the sun is shining in his face; he is blinded by your beauty, and he knows you're joking.
"Got you a little scared there, did I, Remus?"
"You say my name so nice." He breathes out.
"Remus," You test, and he sighs, "I have a question for you."
"I'm going to use my 'IOU,' okay?"
Remus nods, "Lay it on me."
"Will you be my date to Marly and Cas's wedding?"
"Uh..." Remus's hand goes to the back of his head, and as he scratches, he feels his heart explode. Yes, he will be your date for a wedding. He will be your date anywhere, anytime.
"It's okay if not," You scramble out, "I understand."
"No! No, I'll be your date," He smiles gently, "I'd love to be your date."
"Really?" You smile, and Remus swears you've illuminated the room.
"Of course."
"They are in love," Lily whispers to Harry, who nods importantly.
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again, sorry this is so short, but i promise next one is going to have some big stuff!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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taglist: @djlance-rock
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starryylies · 4 months
Can u write Simon-chan fucking reader anal and she farts in between because she’s not like other girls and Simon just smirks and says I love the way my lovely smells
Omg pookie chan why aren't you in the mental hospital today, I thought I told you it's bad behaviour 😡😡😡☝️☝️☝️
And I gotchu girlie 😈
- after you do that
- truck chan breaks into your building and takes you back to the mental asylum where you belong
Eee I hope you liked this it was my first time writing for a convict 🤪😝😋
I hope your screen time gets lowered bbgeeee
And I hope we never talk again 🤪😜😝🥰😘
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raindropren · 6 months
!!!!!! Secret Life Episode 9 Spoilers !!!!!!
So she was i think 3rd in last life, Won in double life, I think 4th or 5th in limited life, and now, 2nd in Secret life!!
What the F u c k
I love it so much
It really helps all my headcanons tbh, it makes me so happy.
Also why does pearl always survive longer then her allies/teammates(Unless they win)
and by always i mean like, 2 times? 2 and a half? if u count tilly maybe? i do... 2.5 :]
I really do wish joel or bdubs won, mostly joel because it would've been so good but I deffo think scar deserved this win.
I think it wouldve been kind of funny if in the 1v1 battle between scar and pearl.. pearl won... and it's just, awkward cause she... didn't want that. at all.
She wanted scar to win after bdubs and joel died, she wanted to sacrifice her life to scar in the end because she wanted her allies to win.
I also think shiny duo is a tragedy in the end. I really hope someone makes a fanfic about them in secret life cause they just, they, they just, <3 <3 <3
I love them alot
I'm making a theory that Gem might, win the next life seires.
Shiny duo winning their second season, please please please /hj /lh
I've already really loved the pearl fanfics from this season cause omg but I just, i just <3 <3 can't wait to see more!! aaa :D
if i get the motivation i fucking will make a fic about gem and pearl coming back into hermitcraft. They have very similar vibes in the life series(they're fucking crazy, don't mess with them, but also you'd rather be on their side then not(I haven't watched gems life series so if i'm wrong on this one, oopsie) cause they are more loyal then most) and I think it'd be fun to see them coming back and talking to eachother about the season ngl.
Murder camel my beloved, shiny duo my beloved
I also think(if I get the motivation) i'd want to make a fic with Pearl and Bdubs, in hermitcraft, afterwards.
ooo so many ideas, so many ideas so little time and motivation.
i wanna know what would happen if pearl accidentally won, despite not wanting too, if she hit scar just alittle to hard and now she was alone, as the sole 2 time winner. I think AU!pearl would have a mental fucking breakdown but i also think it'd be a fun concept aaaa
I want a fic about Pearl just after Bdubs and Joel died, just crying. like tears down her cheeks when she meets back up with scar and aaaa <3
All these would be my au obviously cause i'm way to obsessed with it but my au is set in canon, mostly. or at least alittle, i'm trying LOL
I'm proud of scar :]
like, i'm proud of all the winners but, i really do feel like scar deserved this win
I might watch his pov at some point, i can't wait for people to tear the angst from scars episodes, they already have alittle but with him winning, I can't fucking wait, omg <3
I'm just so excited now
i'm nhjgofubkhgfubkjhdfjl eee
I really hope gem and pearl team next season instead of just being temporary allies because they are so fun omg
I really hope there's another season cause god they are so good /nf
I can't get enough of life series pearl in my au
which is why i keep mentioning her, i've basically only watched her pov cause I have a hard time watching others. I wanna watch gem, lizzies(it's ies right? i'm bad with spelling names aa), and now scars. stars above, i love this series
secret is probably my new favorite season, idk why, maybe it's because of shiny duo alittle, but y'know :]
There's so much i wish i wanna talk about
like how Pearl said "Always Watching" to BigB
Or just any moment with Pearl and Scott, I miss their last life dynamic alot /pos /notneg
Cleo and Pearls pupper alliance breaking and Pearl saying she really wanted to be allies with Cleo, like I need fics of that so much guys omg (Big MoonRot fan!! ee)
Anytime Gem, Impulse, and Pearl were in a trio together, like omg, It's Soup Group!!! Guys!!! it's them!!! omg!!!!!!!! guys!!
Pearl walking the Warden around like a pro, i love that so much LOL
there's deffo more, but i've typed way to much LOL i just love this so much, it's insane.
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teethwitheyes101-blog · 4 months
His name is Rime, he’s a frostscales IceWing, and because of that, he’s able to touch his wife Pompeii, who’s a firescales SkyWing.
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Their child is Pluto, and their grandson is Strato, a Mud/Sky/IceWing.
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Eee here are the lovebirds!
I love the concept of a frostscales icewing!
Here they are! Hope u like it! :))
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yummycrummy · 1 month
p1 hcs becuz I am normal abt characters 
-his real name is Rick but he prefers to go by Dude (I like to think that p2's name is Rick too but we aren't talking abt him rn) 
-in his 20s (like...26 or 28???) he looks older to some people though, if he even goes out
-has severe generalised anxiety disorder, PTSD, hypochondria, schizophrenia, social anxiety, and OCD 
- has Anthropophobia, Ataxophobia, Catagelophobia, Claustrophobia, Daemonophobia, and probably way more
-started to take medication at some point but eventually stopped because he thought they wouldn't work and make him more paranoid 
-he owns guns (A LOT of them) probably like, 25. he keeps them perfectly clean and safe, stocked up on his wall or in his panic room. (we'll get to that part soon) he'd probably have a collection of other weapons too, like a bunch of knives and axes (he also keeps them very clean, obsessively) 
-owns a little radio so he can listen to MTV, music that he's into, like Nickelback, KMFDM, Judas Priest, Oingo Boingo and Black Sabbath. helps him relax when he feels like he's really losing it. (he also tries to listen in on the feds, like if they're spying on him. he's that paranoid.)
-cuddles with champ often. especially when hes in bed. he loves that puppy as much as life itself (he'd kill for him) 
-gets sunspots when hes out in the sun for awhile 🌤
-smokes pot frequently. his house probably reeks of it, and so does he lets be real
-smoking too much of the pot can fuck him up, yet he doesn't stop. he doesn't know what else to do, and he doesn't trust doctors.
-fidgets alot. holds onto his cross when hes scared or in need of comfort. bites his nails too.
-has acne scars
-sensitive to bright lights (why he wears sunglasses all the time)
-gets sick really often. all the time. almost died during a few probably
-has shit posture 🦐
-breaks things when hes overwhelmed or angry
-has a bunker/panic room in his basement. keeps way more weapons down there, including MRE's and dog food as well. he thinks about the world coming to an end and so that's basically why he built it. 
-hardly ever leaves his house. feels like the government is going to come for him, so whenever he sees a black vehicle outside, like a van, he freaks the hell out. If he was going to go out and get the mail that day you can forget it. 
-cant hold down a job for long. Idk how this man even has a house (government probably gives him money) that is until he eventually gets evicted (hope this makes sense enough im sleepy)
-can't drive even though he took his learners as a teen. he just can't. makes him more nervous and unable to focus on a lot of things at once, so he either walks or takes the bus. 
-kids would often call him a demon or pull his hair. they thought he was a freak since he never liked to be around any of the other kids, he was always off in some corner or inside at recess, so he was sadly the target of their taunts. 
-his parents weren't redheads like him (recessive genes) so when he was born his mother thought he was the spawn of the devil. she never wanted anything to do with him, as did his dad, so P1 desperately tried everything to get their attention/approval, but nothing ever worked. he eventually left home when he turned 17. 
k thats mostly it ty for reading if u did eee
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