#eh whatever who checks the date anyway lol
psykoe100 · 1 year
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Happy pride to my two favorite bois <3
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Sorry if I sent too much asks :<
Can you write something for the Guardian Angel AU?
Maybe… Their first, totally not a romantic date rock concert activity and the aftermath? (Write the after if you want to)
No you're fine!! Send more 😈 lol
You have no idea how much I want to write for this au my friend. Of course I'll do their non-date date concert 😎
Today was the day. Adam could do this he wanted this so badly he woke up early with a mixture of excitement and anxiety swirled around inside of him. Adam had showered, shaved, had a little bit of breakfast, which was just a banana but whatever his stomach was in knots.
Him and Lucifer were going to go to his favorite bands concert tonight, Something he has always wanted to do.
But the people, oh the people! What if there's a lot of people!!
Luci will be there.....
Adam flushed, Lucifer was his first friend in years, he didn't want to ruin it with his silly feelings. Besides..... He's just doing his job as a therapist and being a good friend..... He couldn't possibly like him back.
A knock on his door tore him from his thoughts. Adam answered and Lucifer was standing there smiling at him. "You ready to go? Did you eat?"
"Yes." It wasn't a lie.
"What did you have?"
"A banana."
Damn. Adam just smiled kinda guilty, he knew he should have more but eh. "Not hungry." Of course his stomach chose that moment to growl. Traiter.
"We can get some food there. You still want to go?" Lucifer knew how important this was to Adam and it would be a great milestone if he did it.
Adam felt the claws of his anxiety dig into his skin, a familiar itch crawling up his spine needing to be soothed.
He ignored it.
"Yeah, let's go."
The drive there was good, this was the farthest away from home Adam had been in years. He could feel the excitement start to push for the main feeling but it was hard.
What if something happened like at the supermarket? Adam would die, he'd be so far from home.
When they got there Lucifer and Adam checked in with their tickets. "How are you feeling?"
"I don't know..... There's a lot of people." So many people.......
"Who also love what you love. Rock and roll. They all want the same thing we do, to enjoy the music." Lucifer held out his hand. "If you need to, you can hold my-" Lucifer didn't even finish his sentence before Adam took his hand in his squeezed it. "Hand. It's gonna be okay. Let's go find out seats."
Adam let Lucifer guide him to their seats. Adam nearly had a heart attack when he bumped into a girl.
"Oops! I'm sorry, sir I didn't see you there."
Adam gave a wobbly smile. "It's okay, accidents happen."
Lucifer gave him a thumbs up with his free hand. Adam could feel his heart pounding, there were so many people! He squeezed Lucifer's hand who squeezed back.
When the music started, it was like all of Adams anxiety was washed away. He focused on the performance and lost himself in the music, smiling the whole time.
While Adam watched the singer, Lucifer watched Adam and couldn't feel more proud of him. He felt a warmth bloom in his chest as he saw Adams smile on full display.
A breathtaking view.
Lucifer could see the joy radiating from Adams honey brown eyes, the sides of his eyes crinkled from his smile. The happiest Lucifer had seen him since he came to earth.
After the concert Adam gushed about how amazing it was. "And did you SEE that stage dive!? That guy is insane!" Lucifer just listened intently with a smile of his own on his face.
Happiness suited Adam, he wanted him to be happy always. To see him this animated, eyes so bright, smile so wide and body language open and free. It looked good on him.
When they finally got back to the apartment building Adam turned to Lucifer, his smile never left his face. "Thank-you for tonight, Luci." Adam pulled him into a tight hug.
This was the first time that Adam initiated contact that wasn't his hand. 'Luci' was new too. Lucifer felt his face get warm.
Adam was just too damn cute.
"You're welcome Adam. I'm glad you had a good time." He hugged him back.
Adam had his eyes closed, the scent of Lucifer's shampoo wafted into his nose. How did he always smell like apples?
Adam couldn't remember the last time he had a nice hug like this. He almost didn't want to let go.
But he did.
"Here I'll send you the picture." Adam texted Lucifer's phone. "I'll see you in the morning?"
"Of course, I wouldn't miss it." Lucifer said and Adams cheeks tinted pink. "Sleep well."
"You too, night Lu!" And with that Adam was back in his apartment and Lucifer went to his, he sighed happily when he shut the door. He checked his phone and smiled even wider.
The picture of him and Adam at the rock concert looking overjoyed.
Lucifer was so printing this one out and putting it on the wall.
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suckitsurveys · 10 months
Do you own a pocketknife, or any other kind of multi-tool? Yeah. I don’t carry it with me though.
What did your mother study at university? I believe she was studying to be a counselor.
When was the last time your living situation changed in any way? 2017 when we moved into our apartment.
What was the last thing you took a video of? Kitties.
Has anyone ever tried to convert you to their religion? Uh huh.
Are there any ways in which your childhood was highly atypical? Surely.
What’s something that used to really stress you out, but doesn’t anymore? Bro everything stresses me out all the time always.
Do you prefer to be around introverted or extroverted people? Depends.
Have you ever stayed in a hostel? Nope.
Have you ever been somewhere where you didn’t fluently speak the local language? No.
What’s an interesting fact about the last person you hugged? He’s married to me heheh.
Have you ever dated someone from a very different socioeconomic background? No.
Do you own a disco ball? No.
Were you born before or after the collapse of the Soviet Union? Before.
What is your least favorite kind of weather? I HATE the transitional weather in the midwest between spring and summer. Like when it’s 10F in the morning and then 70F by the afternoon. And then one day it’s 80F and the next is 30F. It’s just like 3 months of being teased by warm weather. I hate that shit. Oddly enough, I do love Fall weather, but for some reason that just hits different. I think it’s because even when it starts to get cool in the fall, it’s still a bit humid, so it’s like, a different kinda cool? Like a crisp cool down instead if a teasing warm up? Idk how to explain it but basically 60F in the Fall > 60F in the Spring.
What was the last housework you did? Kitty boxes.
What was the amount of the last check you wrote? I don’t remember.
Do you have any home exercise equipment? Not really.
What mountain range is closest to your house? Maybe the Catskills? Or whatever is in Pennsylvania? I don’t feel like looking.
Have you ever had famous neighbors? Jeff Tweedy lives in the same neighborhood as my dad.
Describe the ‘look’ you did the last time you wore makeup? I just did a really simple look for the Ren Faire. I had sunglasses on most of the day anyway.
If you got pregnant the 1st time you had sex, how old would the kid be now? Oh Jesus Christ. They’d be 14.
Have you ever polished and waxed your car? Nope.
As a kid, did you have any friends with parents who yelled a lot? I’m sure I did.
If so, did you avoid going to their house because of it? Eh.
Are you competitive? I can be, but not usually.
What’s the biggest risk you’ve ever taken? I don’t know, staying alive?
What was your last received text message about? Lolly confirming my nail appointment for tomorrow.
Have you ever lived in a small community where everyone knew each other? Nope.
What are some of your least favorite foods? Water chestnuts, Cheetos, pork chops.
Do you give your pets gifts and treats for their birthday/adoption day? Treats.
Has anyone ever set you up on a blind date? If so, how did it go? Nope. Are you a procrastinator? I can be.
What was the last thing you said out loud? “Veeeektor” in a weird accent lol.
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bigskydreaming · 3 years
I kinda wanna fucking scream, so here, have a offline bullshit rant post.
So I’ve literally been trying to get my stupid fucking meds for over a MONTH now at this point, which I’m sure you can all see like, my mood is just wooooonderful these days. Not an excuse, casual reminder that yeah you do gotta take care of your own space so if my mood is dragging anyone down, I’m totes on board with blocking or unfollowing or y’know, burning me in effigy or something. Okay maybe not that last part. But still. You get it. And its not even that like, I need mood stabilizers per se, lol, so shout out to the armchair diagnosticians helpfully peppering my inbox still in their quest to oh so slickly be like ‘hey you’re a hot mess, take your hot messness away from tumblr’ like lol, didn’t ask.....nah, its mostly the perpetual lack of sleep and chronic pain issues that I have zero distraction from when my specific combo of meds isn’t able to let me actually weaponize my ADHD properly and power through that. Its a whole thing. Whatever. Just go with it.
POINT IS. So I’ve been trying to do this for over a month now, first obstacle was even just getting the money together for my refill appointment which is a whopping $150, because I have to pay out of pocket for mental health stuff these days because I had to switch my insurance over to something that paid out more heavily for physical benefits like my jaw surgery.....and because of the pandemic, and how many psychiatrists in my area and that I could actually reach aren’t taking new patients during the pandemic since most of them are conducting business virtually still, like, I have barely any resources for seeking out and trying new psychiatrist offices in the meanwhile that might charge less and I’m kinda stuck with the one I have because the last thing I can afford is to have like, NO psychiatrist at the moment, y’know?
So first I had to have that to even BOOK the appointment, which took forever because rent and food are a joy to accrue when you can barely manage to function as an actual employee of the capitalist machine ahfsklhflkahflakf, but so then I did that and like, got an appointment put on the books for August 19th. That was the soonest they could fit me in back when I paid them for my appointment about a week and a half ago. No, two weeks ago now? Eh, time is fake. ANYWAY, so that wasn’t gonna work for me, so basically the entirety of last week was devoted to constantly calling and trying to check in every other hour to see if they had any sooner cancellations I could take, because for whatever fucking reason, they just ‘don’t do’ a cancellation list wherein they call the next person on the list once they have a cancellation. Whatever.
So finally got a cancellation slot with a virtual appointment last Saturday night at random as fuck 8:40. Okay cool. Most of my refills are fairly simple, no real changes, but two are controlled substances so like, they have to do their due diligence and go through the proper protocols before giving me another prescription to one or whatever. Fine. Okay.
So I call the CVS they sent the prescription for my ADHD med to, the very next morning. One of the controlled substances, and the key med to like....making me functional instead of a rambling disjointed whirlibird of a thought emitter. Problem is, that medication is on back order. Won’t be in until Tuesday. Ugh. Okay, fine. Nothing I can do about it, because while the specific provider I spoke to in order to GET my refill prescriptions was taking an appointment the night before, the actual offices that schedule appointments and connect patients through to their providers was closed for the weekend, so I couldn’t even ask for them to send the scrip somewhere else.
SO. I go back to the CVS on Monday, hoping that maybe it came in early because not like I can do much else in the meanwhile. Course its not there, but oh well. I toy with the idea of calling to ask my provider to send the scrip to a different pharmacy (only had it sent to this one cuz its within walking distance to me, and since I can’t drive for medical reasons and Uber’s are expensive as fuck, just for errands, like, even though walking is sooooo not fun for me physically, like it is what it is). I decide against it because here’s another fun fact about this controlled substance....for security reasons, pharmacies don’t have to tell people over the phone if they have it in stock or not. Like, they won’t just say no we don’t have it in stock - I mean, they WILL say that, but that doesn’t actually mean anything because that’s what most of them say about that particular medication no matter whether or not they DO, and then just cite security protocols, so you have to actually GO to the store in question to ask them and even get a real answer to whether or not they even HAVE it in stock to FILL a prescription if its sent over. And no, the provider won’t just send scrips into several different pharmacies at once and just be whichever has it in stock can fill it - because again, controlled substance.
SO. I decide its not worth it to try getting the scrip sent over somewhere else, because I’d have to at least waste money on an Uber to even travel to various pharmacies and even check if they CAN fill it sooner than this one, when at least this place will have it in tomorrow. Its just one more day at this point.
Except then I go back on Tuesday. Oh sorry, don’t know why that other person told you we’d have our order in today, our shipments of that medication don’t come in until Wednesdays.
So I go back Wednesday. Success! They have it in stock. I go to pay, pulling out my goodRx coupon that was just printed out that morning, specifically citing the price for CVS at Target. The pharmacy manager says sorry, we don’t honor that coupon here for controlled substances like this one. I say: record scratch? He’s like yeah, that’s at the discretion of individual pharmacies, and we don’t honor that price for this specific medication, because we don’t want to attract customers only coming here to get that medication filled for that price. (This pharmacy is right at the edge of Inglewood and Culver City, for anyone who is familiar with those neighborhoods. The implications are exactly as they appear to be). So I’m like, what’s the regular generic price? He quotes me something that’s $180 more than the coupon, and thus $180 more than I have since I was focused totally on getting THIS amount ASAP, so I could get these meds so I could do more work and make more money. You see the train of thought. I’m like well that’s awesome, I don’t have anything close to that. Hey. Weird question. Why did nobody I talked to the past three days in a row that I’ve walked into this store in person to request this refill, like, mention this little tidbit about not honoring this coupon so instead of waiting for a backorder that would do me no good, I could have been spending that time having my prescription transferred somewhere that WOULD honor it?
He’s like, well did you mention to any of them that you’d be using a goodRx coupon for this particular medication? I said, yup. He said, you sure? I said well the specific process each time was I came in, I asked if this medication was in, they said what’s your name and date of birth, I provided that info, they said are you paying out of pocket, we don’t have valid insurance info for this on file for you, I said yup paying out of pocket with a goodRx coupon, they said *clickety clack of the keyboard* nope, sorry, we won’t have this medicine in until Tuesday, I mean Wednesday. 
He’s like, well you must be misremembering or they would have told you at the time that we don’t take GoodRx coupons on this medication. I’m like, dude, it was you. It was literally you that I spoke to two of those three times, right here at the counter, in person. I’m gonna go ahead and trust my memory of those interactions and what was said there over yours since you don’t actually remember having talked to me two times in the last three days. He’s like, I gotta go help another customer. There is no other customer. I leave. Fun day for everyone.
So then I call around town to at least check which CVS will actually honor the coupon I have and the price that I can afford to pay it at. I don’t bother asking if they even have the medication in stock because I know its not guaranteed to be a CORRECT answer, but at least I can see who accepts this damn coupon. Also, reason I’m only trying big brand pharmacies instead of smaller, hole in the wall ones is because again, controlled substance, and I know from experience that the bigger brand pharmacies are at least more likely to have that med in stock whereas most smaller ones tend to run out very quickly as they usually only get enough for their existing/regular customers and a little extra.
I find a CVS five miles away - not walkable, gonna have to Uber. Call my psychiatrist office again to ask them to transfer the scrip, front office says they’ll send the request to my provider, who usually checks and fulfills such requests in 24-48 hours. I’m like okay cool, can I get a phone call to let me know when that happens, so at least I know when to check back to follow up if it hasn’t happened yet for whatever reason? They’re like no, the pharmacy will send you a text or call when they get the prescription sent over and you can take it from there with them. I’m like okay, but I’ve done this a bunch of times and know from experience the pharmacy does NOT in fact always call or text, so is there a certain time to follow up to inquire if the provider has already sent the scrip and the pharmacy SHOULD have it by now or if the delay is on the provider’s end? Front office is like yeah no. I’m like, swell.
So that was yesterday. I call the pharmacy (which I still don’t even know if they have the medication IN STOCK to fill the scrip even once they GET the scrip, and won’t until I can actually Uber out there, but one thing at a time at this point) at like 9 pm, they’re a 24 hour pharmacy, and they’re like nope, we got nothing (this is after spending an hour and a half on hold to even TALK to someone at the pharmacy). Called them again today at noon, still nada. Technically I have another 29 hours before the window in which the provider is supposed to send the refill scrip to this new location, before I can be like, okay so they still haven’t done it, can we send him a nudge or another request. The 24-48 hour window will only actually EXPIRE after their offices close on Friday meaning it’ll be Monday before I can even actually REACH someone again to ask them to send the scrip again, if the pharmacy hasn’t ACTUALLY gotten it by Friday night, and pessimistically, I’m not super inclined to assume that they will at this point. 
I’m antsy, irritable, hungry because I don’t even know for SURE sure if the new pharmacy will ACTUALLY honor the coupon or say no sorry we don’t do that here either, whoever told you that was wrong, or if they’ll even actually have it in stock versus I’ll have to have it sent somewhere else AGAIN, so I have to pinch every penny possible in order to ensure I have the most money possible once my prescription IS filled in case the price is more than I expected again or in case I have to take Ubers there or further than I expected or basically....shit happens that I don’t expect. And this is what I’m basically spending all my time doing instead of working, because trying to get work done in this state is like....the harder I try to make it happen, the less it actually gets done, so I try and prioritize this and its roadblock after roadblock dragging out and wasting my time, and like yeah, I can post and shit while I’m doing this aka sitting on hold or walking around town trying to get shit filled because its fine if I ramble incoherently along the way in posts, but actual WORK work requires like....fucking coherency and succinctness and not having to stop and start every five minutes to call someone else, and oh yeah, being able to power through migraine spikes. And just.
I’m very annoyed about anything and everything to do with this shit. The hoops you have to jump through to even get the stuff that like....actualizes your hoop jumping ability, is just....*gnashing of teeth*
Anyway. So that’s my offline bullshit rant. Yay. The end.
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purplerose244 · 3 years
My thoughts on Seabound!!! 🌊🌊🌊 (1/4)
Finally Nya's season! Our queen, our water goddess, our amazing girl gets what she deserves! 😍😍😍
What I know about the season beforehand is that Nya's powers apparently are getting problematic for some reasons? Which is a pretty common topic in other shows but it's a first in Ninjago, usually the elemental powers don't have focus and I LOVE that we now get to see stuff like that 💕💕💕
I know there should be Wojira involved, trusting The Island to deliver that little foreshadowing at the end of the episode 🤷‍♀️ Also Maya is back... MAYA IS FINALLY BACK AFTER SEVEN SEASONS YES!!! 😭😭😭
I have nothing else to say, I have no idea what this will bring, hopefully something as good as Master of the Mountain! 🖤
Alright, here we go!
Warning reader, I might be fangirling to an extreme because I love mah girl Nya and I've been wanting Kai and Nya's parents to be back ever since Hands of Time ended. So yeah... screaming alert 😅
At this point I don't doubt that the intro is great, we reached such a level of animation and we got The Fold 😍😍 Love the marine vibe and how it's similar to The Island, because it's a great intro 👌
NOW I like the writing! Maybe they rushed the dialogue's quality for The Island to get here? It's just fun and in character, maybe it's just me but I'm enjoying it a lot for now
How many episodes are in this? Wiki says ten, then I checked again and it's sixteen like with Master of Mountain... eh, it looks good so far so it's fine whatever happens 🤷‍♀️
Oohhh, new villain! One that uses... flames... huh, does she know there's literally a master of fire in the ninja team? Eh whatever she looks cute, give it up for Miss Demeanor!! 👏👏
Whoa, we're finding out where did the order of the vengestone from season 13 come from?? YAS! CONTINUITY!
Yep, there it is, Nya lost control... her attacks look so cool 😍
Lol that kid trying to be a nindroid and Zane being offended 😂😂 Sorry hun, you're that popular
Aaahhh, thank you Ninjago! You gave me back Nya the perfectionist 😂 I was worried her reaction to her powers wasn't going to be in character but it looks fair so far. Brings me back to Possession, my favorite season 💙💙💙
WE GOT BACK THE FACT THAT SHE CAN MAKE IT RAIN!!! YAS!!! I might be easy to please but I love these details 🤩
🤯🤯🤯 Okay they are definitely going somewhere this time and I LOVE IT, because wow. WOW. Are we actually addressing the forever questioned fact that wind and water weren't elements that Chen needed at the Tournament? Are we giving a reason for them to exist outside the main set of elements and the elemental masters?? Duuuude, season 15 don't let me stop you, keep going 😍
Mm, so water and wind are connected to Wojira (now I see the connection with the special). Are we setting the ground for a new master of wind? 😏😏 It's risky going for a Morro replacement but it's a super intriguing idea! Oooor Edgy Boy TM might come back? WHO KNOWS I'M CURIOUS ANYWAY 🤩
Love how it is universal knowledge that Nya is super indipendent 👌
YES YES FINALLY WE'RE TALKING ABOUT MAYA!!! 😍😍😍 Is it too much hoping into a Ray cameo as well?? Pleaaaase? Also addressing Krux after so many seasons, this feels exciting!! 😊
This is what I'm talking about, training, fighting scenes, show me everything that water goddess can do! 🌊🌊🌊
Aaahhh, Nya flexing her mightiness through anger, just to remind us that she is the descendant of a water master as much as of a fire master 😅
RAY IS THERE TOO HECK YES!!!! 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 I shouldn't get this excited at only the first episode... WHO CARES RAY IS BAAAAACK!!! ❤❤❤
Omg Maya is definitely different from what I expected, turns out Kai's enthusiasm came from her 😂
Oh look at my flame babe 😍
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He's so happy his parents are here, he's a total family man ❤❤❤
Nya is maaaaad... 😅
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WELCOME BACK JILLIAN I MISSED YOU 💚💚💚 Would it be too much having a "Your voice sounds familiar" moment with Maya and Lloyd? 😂
I'm so stoked for this! I want all the interactions I've missed for all of this time, asap!! HECK yes!! 😍😍😍😍
Oh, are we looking over the Miss Demeanor, vengestone situation? Mm... for now at least... WHO CARES FIRE WATER PARENTS!! 🔥🌊🔥🌊🔥🌊
Imma just slow clap for The Fold because this is another amazing intro, one of those things in this show that stays awesome no matter what happens 👍👍
So Maya gave Nya her discipline and perfectionism, but not the passion behind it 😂 I like this, it's not your conventional master of water, although I'd say it's different from the impression she gave me back in HoT. Maybe this is how she is when she's not trapped for fifty years? 😅😅
Is it too much asking for Kai and Ray bonding while the water women get the work done? 😅😅
Is this the sequel of Green Eggs and Ham?
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Green Pancakes and Ham? 😂
Oh it's seaweed nevermind... at breakfast? I'm all for sushi rolls but this is a little 😅 Although since Maya missed their childhood she probably never cooked meals for them... how did I get myself sad 😢
Whoa, Maya is a strict teacher! I got flashbacks from my first and only dance lesson, teachers nitpicking every single pose, uuurrrggg I feel ya waterlily 😡
Again, not a fan of Misako, but coming from her the whole speech about wanting to be there for her child makes a lot of sense
Yes. YES.
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Lol with Kai's new hair they look even more related 🤣
Ray also sounds so happy he gets to have his moment with his son 😢 I feel so blessed in this moment 👍
Also this scene makes a lot of sense. Nya grew up to be indipendent, one that succeed in most of stuff without problems, she built her life without any help and doesn't look for it. Kai grew up more insecure, he got some walls up but loves to take care of others and be taken care of. With a childhood lost he looks forward to a bit of softness ❤❤
Did Maya make real bacon for that sandwich? Do I smell some favoritism? 😅 Or maybe she really wants Nya to get onto the water mind setting idk 🤷‍♀️
Little tiny complain, why isn't Jay doing the fixing? Did he give up mechanics completely? It feels like we haven't seen him do tech stuff in so long, I miss techy boy in action 😞
And no, having to check on the bathroom doesn't count 😅
Aww robot date 💜🤍💜🤍
Oh that was weird, weird magic purple wave thingie?
"Well this is troubling." I love this samurai so freaking much 💜💜💜
Okay Nya admitting that something's wrong looking so apologetic, girl you don't need to do that you already own my heart 😭
Alright, I'm guessing this is Wojira's power or something, and they will have to go down below and find out why... just throwing this in, maybe Maya did something? Because she wanted to finally be with her family and needed an excuse? JUST A THEORY WITH NO BASE I REALLY HOPE I'M WRONG!!!
Okay, two episodes and I'm BEYOND engaged, let's keep it up! 😍
Getting an idea how this episode might end already 😂😂
Look, I love best girl Pixal, but I'm kinda sad that she seems to be the only one tinkering at this point. Like, I saw Nya fix little stuff, while Jay dropped engineering altogether, I miss my engineers team 😭
Aww, the guys didn't want to crush Pixal's dream of an unsinkable boat 💜 But honestly yeah, I agree with Cole, this might end badly 😅😅
Thank goodness
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I was worried they forgot about Jaya ❤💙❤💙 Jay is such a cutie omg
Nya: Mm, going on a potentially dangerous mission with unstable powers in the heart of my element or... mom's tofu pancakes... *yeets herself over the ship*
I'm making too many screenshots of the Smith family... WHO CARES THEY ARE BACK AND THEY ALL LOOK SO GOOD!!! 😍😍😍😍
Aww Ray wants to play with his son and his friends so CUTE ❤❤❤ Still can't believe they play Prime Empire after everything that went down 😂😂
Whoa whoa whoa, Kai and Cole are sitting this one out? That's actually interesting, I'm pretty sure I saw Cole's scuba suit in the sets though so I didn't expect it... lol it's actually kinda fair that the two that used to be afraid of water aren't going 😂😂
Bet Kai is happy to stay behind because he gets to spend time with his dad 😭
Also studying the fire elementals?? Uhm, yes please?? TELL ME EVERYTHING ABOUT MY FLAME BABE!!! 😍😍😍😍
I'm sure this one scene...
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... made so many lavashippers happy ❤🖤❤🖤 Cole you got Ray's blessing
Ninja team acting cool while Jay is being Jay, it's how it always goes, it's the entire show's description and I absolutely love it 😂 That wink though 💙
PIRATE ZANE IS BACK 😂😂😂 Haven't seen him since Possession, and this time he's not even malfunctioning 👌 Pixal is so done with his dorky boyfriend 😝
Of course Jay already has a ghost butler theory going on 😂
To be honest muffins would sold me too 😅 Not sure if she will make them out of tofu again though...
It's actually really interesting that we still haven't met the actual enemies, it does build up excitment! Very curious about these squid guys 👍
Well what do you know, the Unsinkable sank. Who would have thought?
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... yeah same, sorry Pix 😅
Aaaahhh, Nya fixing stuff! That's more like it!! 😍😍
Oww, that one speech, I've been waiting for so long for that! Maya just wants to catch up with her daughter and it's not her fault she was separated from her children, but Nya did everything on her own with Kai. Only fair she isn't seeking for her help right now... still sad 😢
Pff, with this ninja team there's not a moment of privacy 😂😂
Maya cleaning his future son-in-law's laundry what the HECK 😂😂😂 To be fair Jay has a bit of a history of having to change underwears during sea travels 😝
Zane was attached to a battery? When?... are you talking about that one scene in Prime Empire? Cause that's not really a flashback I wanna ha- whoops never mind got the flashback 😱
Maya looks more calm now, I think she's trying to act more reasonable and she's got good points 👍 I know people were a little weirded out by how more cheerful she looks in comparison to Hands of Time, but I think she gets the most serious and rational when time needs. That's actually fascinating of her 🤔
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THIS GIRL IS TOO GORGEOUS MY HEART CAN'T TAKE IT 🤩🤩🤩 Like my gosh that smirk, what the heck Pix 💜💜💜
Okay but Jay looking at Nya until the doors are completely closed?? CAN YOU FEEL MY JAYA HEART BEATING?? ❤💙❤💙
Whoa green gas I thought this was Nya's season 😂
I really REALLY like the atmosphere of the entrante of the temple! Super sealike and ancient! 🌊🌊🌊
Maya: off we go, into the spooky old temple! (Why does it feel like something Kai would say? 😂)
Oh gee, someone sleeping in the deep, who could that be? Coff Wojira coff
Whoa the jellyfishes look pretty lifelike!
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WELCOME BACK GILES!!! ONCE AGAIN ON A LEGO SHOW I MISSED YOU SO MUCH YOU AND YOUR GODLIKE VOICE!!! 😍😍😍😍 Gosh he's a villain but he's got Clay's voice, how can I even try to hate him?? 😅
Alright, knocking down my water girls, that is pretty hateful material... BUT CLAAAYYY 💙💙💙
So they need the two amulets to wake up Wojira? Isn't one on the island? Fire dad and son coming to the rescue? WHO KNOWS BUT I'M ENJOYING THIS A LOT SO FAR KEEP GOING SEABOUND 😍😍😍
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keijislove · 3 years
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I posted 118 times in 2021
104 posts created (88%)
14 posts reblogged (12%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 0.1 posts.
I added 179 tags in 2021
#harry potter - 40 posts
#harry potter x reader - 25 posts
#fluff - 19 posts
#harry potter x you - 17 posts
#angst - 15 posts
#marvel - 14 posts
#anon - 14 posts
#imagine - 13 posts
#mcu - 11 posts
#cute - 11 posts
Longest Tag: 44 characters
#peter is gorgeous change. my. fucking. mind.
My Top Posts in 2021
Dance With Me: Fred Weasley X Reader
A/N: Surprising how Freddie boy’s my favourite but I’ve never written anything for him...
Eh, probably thought I wouldn’t do him any justice lol.
WARNINGS: Friendzoning *shudders*
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The Yule Ball was responsible for breaking many hearts over the many years it had been held and you had hoped with all your might that your experience wouldn’t be the same.
It was the first ball you’d ever been asked to attend in your whole life and you wanted it to be with the boy you’d harboured feelings for ages ago.
Fred Weasley. Your best friend for six years now. The boy that could send your heart on a rollercoaster ride just by looking at you with those goddamn beautiful eyes of his. It brought you agony to admit that that Yule Ball experience would never happen, because you’d been the unlucky victim of the worst possible horror in living memory:
The friendzone.
Here you were, sitting in your transfiguration class, staring at Fred’s mop of vibrant red hair when the boy in question turned abruptly and your eyes locked for a moment.
He looked momentarily taken aback at catching you staring but as he realised it, his lips tugged upwards into a half smirk that sent you to the galaxies even Professor Sinistra wouldn’t be able to navigate.
Fred suggestively wiggled his eyebrows.
You scoffed, blushing as red as his hair.
“Don’t flatter yourself,” you mouthed.
“Whatever you say,” Fred snickered, “I need your help – you, me, talk – after class.”
You were mildly confused – what did he want to talk about to you?
Swallowing, you nodded in agreement.
“You may leave, and hand in that essay soon Pucey or it’s expulsion!” Professor McGonagall shouted after all of you as you jumped out of your seat at her first three words.
Your eyes found Fred again and you beckoned him over. The boy complied, trying to walk towards you without attracting too much attention. He finally stopped, giving you a meaningful look.
“Not here,” Fred whispered, “Alone.”
“What in the name of merlin –” you began but Fred shushed you and pushed you further into the secluded corridor.
“Right,” he said when you finally reached, “I need to ask you something.”
“Go on,” you frowned.
Fred cleared his throat melodramatically, “As you know, Y/N/N, a ball is coming up. And I need a date. So, I wanted to ask you –”
Your eyes widened – was your wish somehow coming true? You were surely dreaming...
To check, you discreetly pinched your inner thigh. It really hurt, but at least you knew you weren’t dreaming. Your grin widened.
“I’d love to,” you cut Fred off with a smile.
“Well, I wasn’t really asking,” Fred snickered, “You’d have to say yes anyway. But are you sure?”
“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?” you asked in surprise.
“Alright,” Fred grinned, “I’m really happy you agreed to this, Y/N/N. You’re honestly the best friend ever.”
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449 notes • Posted 2021-08-17 10:57:07 GMT
Pureblood Mania: Sirius Black X Reader
A/N: Warning: toxic mother-daughter relationship. Mentions of drinking.
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Sirius Black was one of the most arrogant, thick and inconsiderate prats anyone would have the misfortune to meet. He found his pleasure in staying with random girls who truly fell for his charm all while he didn’t even look back once he got what he needed. Which is why to say that he was furious at the moment was a complete understatement.
His ‘beloved’ mother had decided to pounce upon him this very morning and Walburga Black was not one to beat around the bush. Authoritatively, she stormed into his room and snapped her fingers in front of her face, saying, “We’ve got to talk.”
Sirius supressed a massive groan – this couldn’t be good.
“I can see your future is going nowhere, boy!” she snarled, “You shall, under no circumstances, besmirch the ground that my forefathers have bestowed upon me by ending up to be a – a street dweller!”
Sirius rolled his eyes. Trust her to say something dramatic like this.
“Therefore, to improve our situation and get rid of you,” she added nastily, “You will be getting married at the end of this month.”
If there was anything Sirius was expecting, it definitely wasn’t this. He got up so fast that his chair crashed to the ground. He did not care.
“Wha- married?!” he sputtered, “To whom?!”
“You shall see this evening,” his smother snapped, “She’s a lovely girl. They will arrive at around five. Wear something respectable. And fix your hair!”
She stormed out of the room, leaving Sirius mouth agape.
She would probably be some swotty pureblood. The very thought disgusted him. Though, deep down, Sirius always knew he would be married this way, he wasn’t ready for that level of commitment. He was used to variety. Now he’d be stuck with some dull girl for the rest of his life. This day could not get worse.
“I’m ready, mum,” you spoke in a monotonous voice.
This morning, your darling mother had announced that you’d be getting married at the end of this month to a ‘charming’ young man. You knew she didn’t care who you married. Pureblood was the word.
You were wearing a F/C dress and your hair was styled neatly – very unlike you.
Your mother came bustling into the room saying, “Good. We should leave now, they’re expecting us. And don’t embarrass me.”
She glared threateningly at you.
You rolled your eyes.
As you stepped into the car, very much aware of what you were signing up for, it drove ahead through the beautiful town you’d once called home. Your car stopped in front of a handsome manor – one you’d never seen before.
As the front gates opened to reveal a scrawny house elf, you followed your mother inside. The moment you reached the living room, something felt off.
“Ah, Y/M/N!” a richly dressed woman greeted, “And dear Y/N! How lovely to see you!”
It was at that moment that you spotted one of your oldest friends, Regulus Black. Your eyebrows rose. This was better than any random pureblood, however, you were quite incapable of thinking of Regulus that way and you were sure he was too.
You looked at him and he looked back. You pointed to yourself and then him and mouthed, “Seriously?”
Regulus looked sickened and shook his head in disgust, mouthing, “Not me.”
You frowned slightly. Regulus didn’t have a cousin, did he? After all, the only other person in the house was –
Oh. Oh, OH.
Your face morphed into an expression of absolute horror as you registered the other person who had just entered the room, mirroring your expression.
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453 notes • Posted 2021-04-27 04:59:17 GMT
Surprise: Harry Potter x Wife!Reader
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A/N: warning, i guess there is a slight mention of NSFW (i do not write smut btw) and vomiting, sickness, etc.
Your eyes fluttered open as you were snatched out of your sweet dreams.
You looked to your left, where your husband was still sleeping.
Giggling, you got up and dressed for work.
‘Wake up, sleepyhead.’ You spoke. ‘You’re going to be late for work.’
Harry let out a small groan, sitting up in bed.
‘Morning love.’ He said through a yawn.
‘Morning, dork.’
‘Mrs Potter, good morning!’
‘Hello Mrs Potter!’
‘Hi Y/N, alright?’
‘Good day Mrs Potter!’
‘Hello, hello.’ You briskly said, rushing through the stampede of Ministry wizards, making your way to your office.
‘Y/N, thank goodness you’re here!’ Hermione spoke. ‘Samuel Goodman’s having trouble with that spitting guitar again.’
‘Really? Again?’ you whined. ‘I didn’t think to bring lunch! That man’s job is going to take hours.’
‘I’ll tell Ron to get you something.’ Hermione giggled.
You fake gasped. ‘Minister, are you helping an employee?’
Hermione snorted. ‘Very funny, get going, he’s already knee-deep.’
You raised your hands in surrender, running off.
‘Now, Mr Goodman.’ You seriously stated. ‘I do believe I told you to leave this instrument alone?’
The man blushed scarlet, muttering something that sounded like an apology.
You sighed. ‘Well, it’s done. It won’t spit at you anymore. Good day.’
You lead him out of your office.
Minutes later, there was a knock on your door.
‘Come in.’
‘Hey, Y/N.’ Ronald Weasley popped his head in. ‘Mione told me to bring you lunch, here you go. George has fixed this up for you.’
‘Ah, thanks Ron.’ You yawned. ‘Tell him thanks, that looks great.’
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464 notes • Posted 2021-01-19 12:43:17 GMT
Harry Potter Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Tumblr deleted my HP masterlist (AGAIN) so here you go xx
A/N: Hello lovelies, so this is basically every H.P fic I’ve ever written so… enjoy!
Harry Potter:
Happiness: You’re a muggle, but that doesn’t stop The Boy Who Lived from falling for you.
The kiss: You accidentally take an overheard conversation the wrong way.
The strange girl in Hogsmeade: Harry never thought that he would fall for the girl he saved in his Third Year.
Surprise : You, Y/N Potter, have been getting sick for quite some time. After visiting St. Mungo’s, you are astonished at the cause of your poor health.
Friends or more?: Where Harry kissed you in Sixth Year, but you weren’t sure what it meant.
Ammortentia: You, Y/N Diggory, have sworn to hate Harry Potter. But your love potion states otherwise.
Cry for me: Y/N shares her feelings after her breakup with Harry.
The fifth Champion (ongoing) : In which your name comes out of the Goblet of Fire and you’re terrified. Your friend, Harry, for whom you have developed feelings, is much the same.
Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3 , Part 4 , Part 5
Ron Weasley:
Cuddles: Ron gets flustered when his girlfriend shows him affection.
Idiot: When Fred lets your crush on Ron slip by accident, the boy is astonished.
Entranced: Harboring feelings for your best friend isn’t the best way to go - especially if he has a girlfriend. But does he really love her? Or has it been someone else all along?
Draco Malfoy:
None yet! Request and I’ll make it happen :)
Fred Weasley:
Bet (Both): You have a bet with the twins.
Dance With Me: The Yule Ball has been responsible for breaking many hearts, and yours was one that left you convinced it could never be mended.
George Weasley:
Bet (Both): You have a bet with the twins.
Cedric Diggory:
Pretty boy: You’re convinced Cedric is a prat, but a Quidditch match changes your opinion.
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716 notes • Posted 2021-08-25 10:21:48 GMT
Jealousy: James Potter X Reader
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A/N: Sorry for not posting in a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG time I had the WORST case of writer’s block.... Its better now.
I always get yall riled up with my Harry imagines, now here’s one about his dad.
WARNINGS: Swearing, tooth rotting fluff, A N G S T, never written for James before
The Great Hall was its usual subdued self with the occasional clatter of knives and forks that surrounded you and your friends. You were anxiously looking around, refusing to touch your food until the missing boy arrived.
“Come on Y/N!” Sirius yelled through a mouthful of potatoes, “’Oo worry ‘oo much! M’sure ‘e’s fine! Oops – sorry, Moony.”
Remus shot him a disgusted look, reaching out to brush away the crumbs that had landed on his robe sleeves.
“Yes, but you two had Quidditch practice together, right?” you asked anxiously.
“Relax Y/N,” Remus patiently told you, “He’s probably busy in... one thing or the other.”
Sirius snickered, “’Eah, he and Lily are probably shagging in some closet.”
“Padfoot,” Remus snapped, throwing a sidelong glance at you as you pointedly looked away.
It was common knowledge that you and James were the dynamic duo of Hogwarts. James Potter and Y/N L/N – like two peas in a pod. You’d grown up as neighbours, played together, jinxed bullies together, run at the platform wall together – it wasn’t really your fault you’d fallen in love with him by your third year.
Who wouldn’t?
James Potter – athletic, handsome, talented – what was there not to like?
Of course you’d been too chicken to actually tell him that. You were afraid that by admitting your feelings for James, he’d not feel the same way and be weirded out, leaving you practically friendless. You were fine, you thought, as you were – best friends who did everything together.
And soon came the time when you regretted not speaking up when she came along.
Lily Evans.
Beautiful, kind, talented and just unnervingly sweet though she was, you just couldn’t bring yourself to hate her. The way her eye lit up when she saw you, the kindness with which she spoke to you – you hated it, but in your heart, you knew.
You knew James deserved someone like her, never someone like you – spineless enough to lose her first and only love.
It was true, you were quite good at hiding your feelings. Remus was the only one who picked up on your possibly unrequited love for James, leaving Peter, Sirius and heck, even James clueless.
As you sat there, trying your utter best to avoid Remus’s looks of sympathy, the sound of sodden footsteps broke  you out of your little ‘daze’.
You turned with a forced smile to greet him but the sight made you gratefully wipe it off. James was soaking wet (from the rain, no doubt) and his clothes were sticking to his body, giving you the perfect view of his Quidditch-toned body and Merlin’s beard did he look a breathtaking sight. It was not, however, the unnervingly attractive James that made you frown but it was the look his face wore.
It was one of the utmost fury – he looked agitated, a look James rarely wore because he was – well – James Potter!
“What’s up?” you asked automatically.
James gave a humongous sigh and ran a hand through his hair, making it perhaps even messier (if that was possible) than it was.
He plopped into the chair next to you and grabbed a sausage off your plate, cramming it into his mouth before grabbing a fork and stabbing a tomato so hard it slipped from beneath the fork and flew across the table, knocking Peter’s hat off his head.
After muttering a disgruntled sorry, James turned to you with a dead sort of look in his eye.
“It’s Lily,” he finally said, “She’s being... difficult. Says I’ve got my priorities wrong just because I want to hang out with you lot at Hogsmeade.”
“Where’s the problem in that?” you aske din surprise, “She could come along.”
“I said that at first,” James shook his head, “But she told me we never get ‘alone time’ anymore which is completely untrue by the way!” he added angrily to the rest of you, “All I do these days is spend time with her these days – if anything, it’s you four who should be shouting at me for not spending time with you.”
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873 notes • Posted 2021-07-29 16:12:36 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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kunimikat · 3 years
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Keiji Akaashi x Reader
(Sorry if there’s any spelling mistakes EVEN THOUGH I CHECKED LIKE 10 TIMES DHJDKDJD)
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January 5th, 20xx
“Hey! Let’s work together!”
Akashi blinked owlishly as you suddenly talked to him. He’s never even talked to you before yet you’re talking like you’ve known him for years. At a loss for words he just nods his head. Though he kind of regretted it when all you did was talk instead of work.
“You know, you’d probably have an A in English(Japanese?) with how much you talk.” It was your turn to blink in surprise, before you slap his shoulder playfully. “Well you have an A in....Math because you’re smart!” Akaashi dead panned before laughing, realizing you didn’t get the small jab he said. “Well how about we both get an A on this assignment? Start working!” Akaashi poked you in the chest with the back of his pencil. You mumbled but before you both knew it, you were finished with the small project, and enjoyed each other’s company while doing so. The bell rang and as you were leaving you yell, “Cya tomorrow Kaashi!”
Akanashi looked up from packing his bag, “Bye Y/N- wait Kaashi?” But he couldn’t ask since you were already down the hallway. He sighed, having a dopey smile on his face, even when his friends teased him about it.
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“Yo! Kaashi! Check it out!”
Akashi glanced back, not expecting to see the weird kid he met last week to be riding a skateboard. But he did expect the face plant as you crashed to the ground, side stepping before you crashed into him.
“Uughh...I almost had it down too.”
Akaashi rolled his eyes but helped you up in the process. “Yeah sure, you eating shit on the sidewalk is almost getting it down” And just like that you both spent your way to school bickering, Akaashi having a warm feeling in his chest. He checked his phone “January 7th, 7:06am” he felt a thump on his chest, looking up he saw you smiling.
“C’mon Kaashi! There’s this new drink at the vending machine I wanna try, all the thirsty ass kids are gonna drink them before we get there, let’s go!” You grabbed his hand and exitedly started running toward the nearest one. Akaashi heart was beating fast, and not from running.
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January 15th 20XX
“Uughhhh, this project is stupid, can we just copy off the internet.”
You finished with an exaggerated pout. Akaashi tried not to laughing at the face you were making, instead he slightly nudged in your side cause you to flinch and look up at him. “What?” It caught him off guard, the look you now had a neutral look on your face, your skin was shining in the sunset glow, sprawled out on his bed, almost as if it was your own. Akaashi flushed as he felt butterflies in his stomach. He turned around so you couldn’t see his face. “It’s due on the 20th we have 5 days to finish stop whining.” For the second time today you caught him off guard once you put both arms around his waist, snuggling onto his shoulder. He stood frozen, his heart beat fast, though he tried to control his breath, you take it away once you say like is nothing,
“Well as long as I get time with you Kaashi, I don’t care”
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January 27th 20XX
The forest was dense, a game of hide and seek was about to be a missing persons report. Akaashi couldn’t find you and should’ve listened to his gut feeling of ‘this is a stupid idea.’ But of course you always persuaded him into your stupid ideas, and here he was. Looking for you for over an hour. “Y/N! Come Out! C’mon this is childish anyway, let’s just stop!”
He hears a small “hmpf, it’s not childish, I’m just good at this.” Akaashi smiled in relief and your stupidity, as he peers from the opposite side of the tree you were hiding behind. “Found you!” He almost laughed at your expression but decided to lecture you on how stupid this whole thing was, (sliding in a few times he was worried), but ending it with a bop on your head. “You talk like my mom Kaashi, let up, I still have to hear your Highschool lectures too.” Akaashi’s smile faded quickly the sour look on his face was hidden with a deal pan look and another bop on your head. “Yeah, yeah, let’s go”
You started babbling about whatever came to mind, a smile on your face as you walked through the dense forest. Not a care on your face, like this would last forever. Akashi didn’t want to show the look on his face as you walked in front of him.
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January 30, 20XX
Akaashi laid on his back, looking at his ceiling, then to the boxes packed with memories. A small smirk on his face after feeling the adrenaline from bringing all his boxes into his room fade. Akaashi’s notifications went off, but he couldn’t look at them, knowing who it is. He turned them silent as guilt ate him from the inside out. He went from a smirk to an empty look as he looked at the pictures on his drawer. It was you and him. It’s when you and him went to the shrine, wishing for a good future in high school together. You had an arm slinged around his shoulder, making a funny face, while Akaashi looked at you, a confused look on his face.He laughed at the memory, laughing until streams of tears came down his face. Remembering what you said before the photo started,
“You know Kaashi January reminds me of you. Cold but it gives you a warm feeling that a new year started y’know? Something fun always happens when I’m with you.....eh don’t mind me I’m just being cheesy, SAY CHEESE!”
Akaashi couldn’t help but laugh through his tears, his emotions running wild as he remembered everything you did together, then how suddenly he left you. Not saying a word. It would be too painful for him, hell he’d probably would have stayed if he did see you off.
He knows. He knows it selfish but he already couldn’t handle seeing you standing there as the car drove further and further away from you the last time you we’re together. He wipes his tears away as he heard a call for him to come downstairs.
“January...it’s my favorite month too.”
Looking at the picture one last time, he sat it down flat on the drawer and closed the door behind him.
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Heyyy, I know the dates don’t make any sense but it kind of happened over years if that makes sense, that’s why it’s so quick. Also this is my first fanfic on here so sorry if it’s basic/boring . It‘s based on how I met a friend in middle school and it passed so fast, by the time I wanted to ask them out but I had to move, I actually did tell them I was leaving(without confessing) and all I can tell you is that I wish I did what Akashi did and just left lol. But hope you enjoyed. ❤️❤️
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merigreenleaf · 3 years
Colorweaver (Book 1) antagonist fic thing
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(It’s been something like two years since I wrote any new words. I’ve worked on the series off and on, but struggled hard with brain fog, and narrative? Wasn’t happening. But I’m back to working on book 1 and I have a sneaking suspicion that this draft is going to need a lot more pantsing than I, as an obsessive planner, have used before. Today I pushed myself to start at the very beginning, before book 1 actually starts, to pull this from the antagonist’s POV. Probably all spoilers, but eh, that’s okay. I’ve never hid that Feren was an ass lol)
Feren scowled at his once-muse from the other side of the street. It didn't matter that he wasn't trying to hide. Adair was the most oblivious person on the planet. Besides, flirting with that dopey-looking Protectorate would take all of his focus. Once Adair got on a roll with his puns, he wouldn't stop for anything. Feren knew this all too well. He was also pretty sure he knew the Protectorate, but not well enough to remember his name. This guy truly was a nobody.
The Protectorate laughed, obviously trying to get Adair to take him upstairs. Feren's scowl turned into a glare. Adair was his, even if he technically wasn't.
Feren had done everything right. He kept an eye on Adair to make sure none of his dates or friends-- it was never easy to tell which, with Adair-- took advantage of his naivety. He gave Adair space. Not that all the space was intentional. It had taken Feren weeks to find out that Adair was working on his grad project in Silveridge. He'd only found out because something tugged at him one night. He'd dropped the mop in his hands and rushed out the door to see Adair munching away at something as he turned the corner. So Nina had known Adair was around and hadn't bothered to tell him. Typical.
Somehow he always knew when Adair was close. Once he'd assumed it was a sentinel link forming early, but that was disproved when Adair broke up with him. Not the first or second time. Feren still held out hope then. But by the fifth time, he knew. Whatever it was that connected him to Adair wasn't a link. Nina would call it obsession and she would be wrong. It was simply watching out for someone he cared about.
So Feren gave Adair time to come to his senses and come back, like he'd always done before. Only this time he didn't. He was avoiding him. He had to be. That was the only explanation for not staying at the Artisans' guild, where Feren studied. Why pay for a room to rent when the guild was free? Who was paying for it, anyway? Amateur artists couldn't earn money, or at least they weren't supposed to. They were supposed to save their weaving for their project. Adair could be selling his mundane art, but frankly he wasn't that good. Feren could have done better, given the chance. If Nina was giving Adair money for something stupid like this, Feren was going to have words with her. They barely made ends meet at the cafe as it was. Sure, it looked like it was bustling, but it was just a place where low-ranking Protectorates-- like the loser Adair was grinning at-- hung out. She could have been assigned a better place where Feren wouldn't have to work if she'd just waited a few more years. But no. She jumped at the promotion as soon as she'd reached novice.
It wasn't fair. Feren should have had weaving like Adair and Nina. He came from a long line of Colorweavers and Savorweavers, after all. He didn't really want the stupid power and it seemed like it was more trouble than it was worth, but it would have meant more status than working as a glorified busboy and barista. And Adair had no right to be seeing other people, not when he knew Feren was right here. Well, not right here, right here. Feren checked again. No, he and the Protectorate were still giggling.
The flirting didn't matter because Feren had a plan. It was foolproof and a perfect way to get Adair to stay in Silveridge longer, which would give Adair time to come to his senses. If he could take Adair's project-- only to keep it safer than those useless Protectorates could-- Adair would see that he needed a reliable muse to look out for him. He had a plan laid out and everything. It would just be a simple matter of disabling the inn's alarm system. This would be a cinch. For once, Feren being so weaving-null that he practically came around the other side would be something other than a flaw. All he had to do was wait for Adair's "friend" to leave.
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kzuhadovey · 3 years
omg please i beg of you a part 2 of I Love You w Atsumu the amount of times I read it because it was so heart breaking yet just the right amount of yearning of that makes sense. I absolutely loved it 😍
I’m stupid for loving you... aren’t I?
character: miya atsumu x reader
type: angst??? fluff???
warnings: -
song rec: mr loverman - ricky montgomery
click this to read part 1!!
ahhh hello anon!! this is my first ever request, i’m so excited!! this took rlly long for some reason, i’m so scared to disappoint yall with this 😭😭 well here you go, a part 2 to i love you :)
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You were doing fairly great after the incident. Life was peaceful, your grades were skyrocketing, you quit the volleyball team and chose to pursue fashion design- life was good. You graduated Inarizaki as one of the best students in your class and first place in the 49th Japan Fashion Design Contest. You could almost remember the feeling of graduating, on stage, receiving your diploma, being cheered on by your friends and family, with a particular blonde boy eye-ing you with adoring eyes.
The after-party was hectic, never-ending drinks, maybe a make-out or two, but overall, you were ecstatic. An interesting thing that happened during the party, was your interaction with Miya Atsumu. He was still as lively as ever, a bright smile on his face wherever he was. Once he saw you that night, a drink in hand and your arm over your friend’s shoulder, a small smile popped on his face. He went still for a second as all the memories rushed back and you spun around. You were sweaty and drunk, but in his eyes, you looked heavenly. You remember glancing at his eyes for a second, he still had that same honey-toned eyes, a slight lovey-dovey look in his eyes. That was the only interaction you had for the night, and what you thought was for the rest of your life. Or so you’d thought.
Life was pretty much hectic after graduation. College, then joining one of the most successful fashion designers, to actually having your own brand. Who knew design could be so stressful? You slump down in your office only to be greeted by more piles of fabric and paperwork. Another load of presentations to investors and other businesses- yet your company seemed to be going nowhere. “Excuse me, your 4 o’clock meeting is here.” Your assistant suddenly says, making you flinch. “Geez- at least knock first.” You say, standing up and fixing your outfit. This client was particularly important to your brand- they had asked for a possibility of sponsorship. It would be groundbreaking to collab with them- a grade-a sports team would be amazing to collab with. You just weren’t expecting for him to be here. 
“Good afternoon, Mister… Shugo?” You say, looking down at a clipboard with all your materials. Shugo was a familiar name- you’ve probably heard it somewhere on the radio. “Y/N?- I-it’s you.” The man says, standing up. You freeze. You knew that voice- it’s gotten much deeper though. His tone is laced with curiosity- it almost felt like a dream. You look up to be met by him. His honey blonde hair was slicked to the side better, a hint of softness in his brown eyes. “Atsumu?” You mutter unknowingly. A sense of nostalgia hit you as your eyes scanned him. He looks older- and he’s surely gotten buffer. It felt like a dream, really. To see your high school crush almost more than 5 years apart. Then it came back. The sequence of events that happened leading up to the fight. It still hurt, of course, but not as much. I suppose you’ve gotten over it. You snap back into reality when Atsumu coughs awkwardly. “I’m supposed to meet- Shugo. Shugo Meian. Wh- what are you doing here?” You mutter out. “Shugo sent me. I didn’t know- this was your company.” Atsumu says, tucking his hands in his pocket with a small smile. He was still as smug as ever. You nod hesitantly- you had to give him the benefit of the doubt though. “Take a seat, Mr. Miya. We should start talking about the offer.” You say, pointing to the sofa behind him. He nods, giving you a small smile. Gosh- his smile was just as captivating as it did in high school. You feel yourself getting uncomfortable from your own thoughts- after all, you were over him. Right?
“Thank you so much for this opportunity, Mister Miya.” You say, bowing. After around an hour of deliberating and talking, you ended up with a beneficial deal for both of you. Of course, despite your troubles, you stayed professional. It was slightly amusing how Atsumu’s eyes would linger on you- admiring your figure more than a mere business partner would. “I look forward to working with you, Y/N,” Atsumu says, smiling widely. “Hey- uh- do you miss… Suna? and Osamu?” Atsumu asks, a bit hesitant. He’s not sure whether you’d like that because of the incident- but your eyes light up in excitement. “Well, a bit,” That was an understatement, of course. “I assume Osamu became a chef like he always wanted?” You ask curiously. You recall Osamu sharing his dreams of being a chef at lunch, a bright smile on his face every time he thought of it. Atsumu nods and you sigh in relief. “Well- you should catch up with us! Osamu’s finally coming back to town.” Atsumu says- which caught you off guard. Of course, you missed them a lot, but- it would bring back a lot of unpleasant memories. Eh, whatever. Seeing them for a bit wouldn’t hurt. “I mean- sure- but-” “Great! Here’s my number.” Atsumu says, scribbling down his number on a random card. “S-Shugo's number is on there as well- by the way,” Atsumu says, chuckling awkwardly. You nod, taking the card. Would you regret this? I dunno.
That day, you ended up in one of the fanciest nightclubs in town, Energize. It was pretty popular amongst rich people and Atsumu had volunteered to pay for everything anyway. You were seated in a booth, quietly waiting for your ex-teammates. Your heart was beating in anticipation- would they look different? You were sure Osamu still had his signature gray hair and Suna’s soft floofy brown hair. Your main concern was if they would show up or not. It was 15 minutes over what time they agreed, and you were getting hesitant. Was this a mistake? Your mind flashed back to the pile of paperwork and you sighed. You took out your phone, checking your texts.
Y/N This is Atsumu Miya, I presume? Atsumu - High School Y/N!! you texted !! Y/N ヽ( ̄▽ ̄)ノ Are we still meeting up tonight? Atsumu - High School yeah yeah ofc !! suna and osamu already said yes :) Y/N I’m excited to meet them :DD Atsumu - High School they’re excited to meet you too btw u don’t have to be that formal with me lol Y/N Ah, no worries. I like being formal. Where are we meeting up? Atsumu - High School Energize, 8 pm tonight don’t be late :DD Y/N I’ll be there. 
You cringed at some particular parts of your conversations- had you always been this dry? You huff as you look around further, looking for a huddle of boys. There’s no one in sight that looks like them- and with that, you roll your eyes. It was an empty promise anyways- he never meant anything he said anyway. You stuff your phone into your pocket and head off before- you heard something. “Oi Tsumu, where the hell are they? We’ve been looking for them all over the place!” A voice says- Osamu. You would recognize that voice everywhere- were they really that blind? You turn around before being greeted by 3 males, one of them being Atsumu. “Y/N? Is that you?”
The air felt awkward yet soft as you fiddled with your nails. Atsumu had rented out a private booth for the 4 of you, blocking out all the noise and music. You leaned back on your chair, trying to observe your friends. Osamu had darker hair now- with fluffed-up ends. Suna, on the other hand, still has his signature fluffy brown hair, it just has more volume in it. “Osamu, you’re a chef, Atsumu tells me?” You finally speak up, the silence getting overbearing. Osamu’s eyes light up and he puts on a small smile. “Yeah. Osamu’s Onigiris- Doesn’t it sound nice?” Osamu asks excitedly and you nod. “I’m happy for you, Samu.” You slightly cringe- it was too soon to use that nickname. “What about you? What did you end up… becoming?” Suna asks, leaning on his elbow. “I’m a designer now. I own a company- it’s pretty small though.” You say, chuckling. “I knew it. You’ve always been good at drawing and design and… stuff.” Osamu says, a proud smile on his face. You felt a bit comforted by them, a sense of happiness. It felt nice- just to escape reality for a moment and be with your old friends. Atsumu, however, felt a little different. His heart was beating quicker by the second, and you could swear you saw him blush when he saw you. You could say that he was crushing on you.
The loud music was deafening as you made your way through the crowd, hanging on Suna’s shoulder. Everything felt vibrant as you looked around- people dancing, making out, and having fun. It’s been a long time ever since you loosened up and had fun so this was great. Osamu was laughing his head off about something and Atsumu was blabbering about how he was plucking girls from all over the country. After that awkward encounter, Atsumu had volunteered for heavy drinks and well, this was the outcome. “Mmmh- I think I need another drink,” Osamu says, pointing to some chairs. “Yes. Let’s get a few shots- then go home- because I feel like throwing up.” Suna says, a slight smirk playing on his face. “Mister bartender! 4 shots of vodka please!” Atsumu shouts as you all slump against the table. “Yo, Y/N, question… are you single?” Osamu asks as the shots arrive. You nod your head. Your love life so far has been a little boring… just a few hook-ups and dates along the way but no one really stuck. “Ah, you’re the same with Tsumu then!” Osamu says, giggling. Atsumu rolls his eyes and downs the shot in an attempt to push out what Osamu just said. “I mean- ever since you broke up with him, his girlfriend literally broke up with him too- and he never got over you- aFTER 6 YEARS!” Osamu says, chuckling. Atsumu nearly choked on his drink as he processed what Osamu just said- “Excuse me?” You questioned, glaring at Osamu. It takes Osamu a big fat second to realize what he said before a light blush colored his cheeks. “Hey, Suna! Didn’t you say you wanted to check out the toilet earlier?-” Osamu asks suddenly, standing up and picking Suna up by the hoodie. “Wait what?-”
“That was an interesting comment… wasn’t it, Atsumu?” You muttered, downing your shot. Atsumu shoots you a small glare before his cheeks flare in embarrassment. “I mean- Osamu is- a bit correct- I’m still single- but- that wasn’t true, I’m over you- pfft-” Atsumu said, giggling nervously. You chuckled because you’ve noticed that he’s grown more transparent over the years- you can see by the tone of his voice. “Are you sure, Tsumu?” You ask teasingly, leaning in slowly. Atsumu’s eyes widen before downing the rest of his shot. “Y-yes- I’m sure- of course-” Atsumu stutters, a light pink blush on his cheeks. You could just remember that Atsumu did the same thing to you, in high school. The way he made you flutter and smile joyfully- it was amusing. “I’m joking, Atsumu.” You said, giggling as you saw his flustered reaction. “Mmmm- I feel sleepy.” You said as your eyelids feel heavier. “Would you like to go home?” Atsumu asks, fixing your hair a little. He’s grown softer over the years, definitely. Honestly, at first, you’d be very mad at Atsumu if you weren’t drunk, but you were tired. It had been a long day- a small ride home would be okay, right?
“I’m sorry I ended up dragging you to my house.” You said softly, turning on the lights as you stumble into the apartment. Wasted, was the only thing that was right to describe you. Atsumu was right behind you, hoisting your arm up even though he was drunk himself. “No worries Y/N. I wouldn’t want you to stumble over and hit yourself.” Atsumu says as you lay down on the sofa. “Do you want me to get you a cup of water? Some meds, or anything?” Atsumu asks, observing you. You shake your head softly, yawning. “I’ll get you some food, wait here a second,” Atsumu says, standing up. Your head feels heavy against the cushions of the couch- and you feel worn out and tired. “Here you go- some bread, and meds- to avoid headaches,” Atsumu mutters, handing you a pill and a plate of chocolate bread. “Thank you, Tsumu.” You say, starting to eat up the bread. Atsumu’s heart fluttered at your nickname, a visible blush on his cheeks. “Hey, Tsumu, was Osamu really telling the truth? Back at the bar?” You ask softly. You’re currently leaning against Atsumu’s arm, him visibly flustering around your touch. He was definitely caught off guard by your question- a light blush coloring his cheeks. “Yeah. Sure. I guess you could say he was telling the truth.” He chuckles, hoping you wouldn’t kick him off the couch. “Why?”  was the only thing you could say. He sighed softly, sitting you up- a serious conversation, you noted. “I mean… somedays, I just remember how I treated you like shit. How I used you for my own benefit- it’s funny, really, how my feelings have grown over the years. I remember that day, the day you snapped- I was okay with it at first- I saw you as merely a game- but sooner or later I missed you- I missed the way you’d laugh at my cringy jokes, the way you attended every practice I had.” Atsumu mutters, looking down. His tears are threatening to spill and he lets out a breathy chuckle. And it’s so stupid because you can’t love me back. Not after the way, I hurt you and the way you ran off like that- I’m so stupid for loving you… aren’t I?” Atsumu asks. He looks up at you, a small smile playing on his face and he’s on the brink of tears. Back then, he could lie to you so easily- it was as if your feelings didn’t matter to him- but you were surprised to find out that the feelings you had for him… were returned. After all these years, he was willing to give his heart to you. You felt bad for him- of course, he’d think you hate him. You did, really, that day, you cried- you considered moving to another school- but here you were, sitting in front of Atsumu after he had just confessed. “Please say something. I- I won’t be mad if you say you hate me.” Atsumu mutters quietly. You sigh- what do you say?
“Atsumu. Look at me, please?”
He raises his head up to be met by a soft smile. “Tsumu. I don’t hate you, okay?” You say. Even if you’re drunk, your opinion on Atsumu was clear enough. “Yes, I was hurt. You had a girlfriend and you were flirting with me- of course, I was hurt.” You quickly said, looking down. “But I don’t know- you make me feel safe. Even after all those years and I saw you- my feelings all erupted once I saw you. Not gonna lie- it felt shitty- the man who broke my heart stand right then and there.” You gave out a breathy chuckle. Unknowingly, Atsumu was staring right at you with hopeful eyes, hoping for you to say that you loved him back. “Atsumu… I like you, aswell- but I just wanna know if you’re playing games with me. I don’t wanna be some kind of rebound- I don’t wanna raise my hopes up just for you to destroy them.” You muttered softly. “Yes, of course! I- I actually like you this time. You make me so happy, I promise-” Atsumu says, leaping into your arms very suddenly. You yelp at the sudden hug, feeling- inflicted.
“I never got to apologize for my actions- I’m so so sorry- I love you, I love you,” Atsumu mutters into your neck, causing you to giggle. It was amusing- to see Atsumu so flustered over you. “Tsumu. It’s okay, I forgive you.” You mutter softly, petting his hair. Atsumu pulls away, a drunken smile on his face. “C-can I kiss you? I didn’t get a chance to last time…” Atsumu asks slowly, a red blush on his face. You giggle softly- goddamn if he wasn’t cute. “Okay, you can kiss m-” You say slowly, before being interrupted by Atsumu’s lips on yours. His lips are sweet tang against your tongue, and his breath is warm and messy against your lips. You’ve dreamt of this moment since you first laid your eyes on him- his lips against yours, and you’re both a warm ball of happiness. Another life came quicker than expected for Atsumu, but he wasn’t complaining. He got to be with you anyways.
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a-tale-of-legends · 3 years
Funny concept I'm too lazy to write: Date Night(?) but I kinda ended up writing anyway? Writing is weird.
Idk why, but everyone one is out late at a party/event(????) and dressed all fancy like. Yes that includes A and E. Yes A hates it( not dressing fancy, being forced to a crowded party/event). But the plus side is that he can see Leon is a suit....and decent food. The teens seems to be having fun, so he can't fully complain ( and Kabu is watching them to make sure no creep/ whatever they call those people who want to make shady brand deals sneaks up on them). The twins don't understand why they're here, since their bascically random strangers, but eh.
Okay but get this, whatever happens in that party doesn't matter....except maybe Raihan and Piers talking to A, E stuffing her face with food and talking to Leon( I realized they don't interact much) and the teens being genuinely more interested in a sword shish kebab that some weird brand dealer. This generally takes a place when everyone is leaving said party/event.
A managed to step away from Raihan and Piers to sit alone on a bench. It's late, he's tired, but oddly refreshed after the whole thing. He's more glad that Naomi was enjoying herself despite her social anxiety. Then Leon being a fucking Disney prince comes behind him all chivalrous like and ask if he could sit next to A, and it's not like A could say no. And is probably due how late and tired A is( so his usual filter is off), and the man straight up calls Leon cute in the midst of conversation, which takes Leon by surprise. Then, after initial shock from his own words, the man just keeps going: compliments, cute lil' flirts spout out as if there were nothing. Leon is flustered, A is yelling at himself to shut up, and E, Raihan and Piers are watching this from the side ( P: Hey Rai-Rai are you getting this? R*filming*: Oh definitely. E is stuffing her face like she's watching a movie). The conversation naturally comes to an end and it ends on a banger cause A kisses Leon on the forehead and calls him "hotshot", which I feel like is something Leon gets called often, but it was said by Alexis who's been flirting with him all evening, so yeah. That plus the kids broke him. A rushed off with E tailing behind him to make sure he doesn't die of overheat. Raihan and Piers both share a look, before checking on Leon, who's just in shock. The congratulate him on getting on kiss by A( from what they know from E, it's hard to even get acknowledge of any feelings from the guy). Leon is too shocked to speak( P: Wow, he really broke em* pokes Leon's head* R*laughs* You think?). They wait a bit until Leon is able to form words with them, as well as gestures referring back to Alexis. It's really cute. The two share the same look before, before Rai goes on about A hogging all the fun. It confuses Leon but the next thing he knows Raihan and Piers kiss him one cheek each on his face( that's weird wording lol) and the poor man is in shock again. The duo leaves, and when they are enough distance away from they have this short conversation:
R: Hey Piers?
P: Yeah?
R: We're screwed aren't we?
P: Oh definitely....wanna go watch a movie with A and E?
R: Who are you and what have you done with Piers!....and yeah, sure, that sounds cool.
Cut back to Leon but he's now walking toward the teens. They all notice how Leon is smiling ear to ear. That in itself isn't weird, but they're something behind that smile. Not to mention that this was after a party/event that Leon probably had to go to, so all of them assumed that he would be less cheery.
Hoo: Uh, you okay there Lee?
Leon* having been kissed by the three of some of hottest men he knows* Never better.
As Leon walks away, ushering them to follow ( so they could go home together), Naomi and Hop share a look of understanding. They know that look.
That man is scheming.
Okay that's it. Idk why I called this Date Night, but it's at night, everyone is dressed fancy and it ends with kisses. Leon being an aware flirt is my favorite headcanon, so ofc he's scheming ways to tease A and co.
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jiminrings · 4 years
hi so i saw that you're okay with writing blurbs (totally fine if you're not up to it tho) i just wanted to ask about the homebound au, you mention that jimin has a tough love relationship with y/n so can you elaborate more on that?? like how their relationship is? tysm and i love ur writings :((
homebound: tough love
Tumblr media
pairing: best friend!jimin x y/n
glimpse: jimin has a tough love relationship with pit stop crew!y/n, and you’re very determined to get him to smile :D
wordcount: 3k
notes: thank u so much baby!!! ur cute and i love you
this is an in-depth take of jimin and y/n’s friendship from homebound, the racer!yoongi fic and in there originally jimin is sO annoyed by u hehe but there iS this piece as his redemption arc // gif isn’t mine!!
in your very humble opinion
first impressions in first days in literally EVERY setting possible last for a lifetime
yeah sure time and influence would change these relationships built on first days bUt of course they matter!!!!
that would be the first memory someone’s ever gonna have of you and that shit’s crazy if u really think about it
you didn’t really pay mind to first impressions at first because you really thought that it’s whatever the other person makes of you,,, for being yourself
but then jungkook happened
it’s both your first day for work but for different teams and the two of you could still be up on each other’s throats buT it’s just via text
update: jungkook bought FOUR boxes of donuts all in different flavors and that’s just for his fellow crew members
for his crew chief, he deadass bought him a dozen for himself AND jungkook even made a crepe cake for the guy!! from SCRATCH
for jung hoseok the racer? tiny cups of ice cream cake packed in a little cOOLER he specifically bought for this reason alone
even sent pictures of those two large bags with him that he’s gripping in one hand alone....
your heart warms that oH look a selfie that a smiling koo sent AAAAAAAND he’s flipping me off :))
no worries tho you came fully prepared
you’ve baked red velvet crinkle cookies!! just two of em stacked and in the middle is cream cheese icing that tastes sO heavenly
although only 1/4 of them you did yourself because they looked like they were the only good ones from the two batches you’ve made hehe
the rest of those you just ordered and gODDAMN were they v delectable and scrumptious
now min yoongi the racer couldn’t be here for the first day because uh from what you’ve heard, he’s uh somehwere in malta with his girlfriend and the flights out of malta are cANCELLED aha
that just means you have to pour your all to your crew chief
a separate box of red velvet crinkles
get this
a large tupperware you had to buy,,
filled with different types of pstries and bREAD
cream puffs and pretzels and blueberry muffins then buttered croissants and basically everything else that u could check out with a reasonable expiry date
a little sticky note right in the muddle
“let’s get this bread :D”
bread meaning dubs and dubs meaning wins aHa get it?? get it?? do u get it
you’re really aiming to give it to mr. park jimin himself
you’ve actually never met him but you heard his name a handful when you were still a trainee
park jimin sounds so much of a dignified name it’s absolutely intimidating
much more so when you’re knocking at his door and there’s a gentle hum from inside the door and you’re so nervous to differentiate whether that was a signal for you to come in or dON’T
spoiler alert: you came in at what you assume is the middle of the call your crew chief was making and oh-
he’s young!! even looks like he’s just in the same age as you are and you can’t really tel because WOW
you honestly thought mr. park jimin was just an old sack of rice or something
like maybe even fermented rice wine old
you didn’t knOw mr. park jimin is THIS
ok jimin’s peeved because uh that him clearly meant no but also curious at the same time because who r u
he was in the middle of a call with yoongi who’s called him in his office phone which is why he’s sped all the way here, hence why you haven’t seen him in the gathering downstairs
he also acts as yoongi’s manager besides being his crew chief and he’s unknowingly fit into the position
it’s like when a professor groups you and there’s no assigned leader but eVERYONE knows who the leader is even if so
now he’s kinda in the middle of berating yoongi because he should’ve came home tWO days ago but he wanted to extend alright and now look who won’t be coming home for another three days :D
suddenly the door bursts open and he sees an unfamiliar face peeking through and???
“.... can i help you?”
“mr. park!! oR should i call you jimin?? should i call you doc like from cars the movie because i thOught that’s what usually happens???”
who are you
who ARE you
you’re so nervous that you went down the cars movie spiel and that’s jUNGKOOK’S move and maybe you’ve been spending too much time with him that you’re morphing into one person
of all the traits you could absorb it really had to be the nervous cars talk :(((
“i’m y/n y/l/n, a crew member!! i was recruited to be a trainee back in uni and i went straight to here and i heard sO much about you-“
..... hmmmmm
either you really did hear about jimin and his name makes up for some news
or you’re a liar
if he’s being frank, jimin’s only started out as crew chief like a year and a half ago
yes he knows he’s young!!!
much more young compared to the stereotypical balding crew chief with the mustache and the sun spots
there’s still some talk on to how he shouldn’t be crew chief at all because he doesn’t have like 100 years of experience like these dinosaurs do bUT HE KNOWS HE’S STILL QUALIFIED
he may be not as experienced but he knows the math!!! he knows the logistics and he knows the statistics
jimin’s smart and agile and he knOws he could handle being a crew chief!!! yeah although yoongi himself is like two years older than him and bossing him is hilarious at times lol
“-and i just wanted to give you this!! y’know... for the official start of my career and a little goodie bag!!!”
he knows what you’re doing
first impressions amirite
he doesn’t care for this shit at aLL because if he may brag.,., people are immediately whipped for him and all he needs to do is smile to their direction
that’s it
oh you’re kinda embarrassing yourself in his opinion lmao but ok
“oh. i usually find red velvet too sweet.”
cool cool
now you get that not everyone is as passive-aggressive as yOU are and how you’d much rather wait to let that person pass before you talk shit
but jimin is really straightforward as you could tell
“it’s okay because there’s bREAD!!”
who doesn’t like bread :))
not uNLESS jimin hates bread or is allergic to eat it because then that means you officially have butchered your first impression
“... huh... whole container.. filled with bread...”
he’s not even feigning his expression
he looks severely underwhelmed and you wanna suck it up because if you’re gonna look tragically displeased with me boss ATLEAST do it behind my back :(((
anyways jimin stands up from his seat and outsretches his hand and that’s your cue to shake it and then leave
one problem though,,,
you see you’re wearing some rings
and he’s wearing some long-sleeves
and you are gracefully unaware that there’s a loose thread by the cuff of it and jimin over here is sporting sweater paws.,..,.
the handshake’s over but yOUR RING IN HIS CUFF ISN’T
“oH i’m so sorry sir let me just-“
you’re tugging your hand off aND FUCK
“no y/n i’ll just-“
jimin tries to be the one to pluck it out from your ring that’s stuck but that’s too late for it now
and it’s now bunched up and when loosened :))) the thread’s already ran :))) and is very visible on jimin’s slightly expensive shirt :)))
yours and jimin’s dynamic...
it’s uh
it’s unlike no other
jimin is repulsed by you
he finds that you irk him very easily and you don’t know wHY jimin finds you to be in his nerves when you literally do nothing to him
he joins in the team drills to boost morale and let the crew know that not only is he the one heading it, but he’s also with you along the way
“do you want ice cubes in your drink?”
jimin’s sunglasses are perched up just nicely on his nosebridge as he sips on his water that came from the jug
honestly the weather is just sO humid and slightly iced water just won’t cut it
“yeah sure”
he outstretches his hand for you to take the cup and put ice in it but you dON’T
you don’t take it away from him!!!!
jimin sees you plopping down a handful of ice cubes in his cup with your bARE hands
b-buy you’re holding the cooler there mUST be some tongs in there
“they r clean and besides!! friends do that!!”
“who told you that we’re friends?”
he is the one who halts all your plans
“stop snacking” is his signature line for u whenever you’re by the pit
and yoongi isn’t even near the box yet wHY can you not snack???
you can’t even protesy because jimin already has his palm open so he coulf confiscate the gummy bears with the promise that “yea sure i’ll give you them when the race is over hmmmm yea”
of course he isn’t gonna stuff it in his pocket
he just plops them down on the table and when you ask him for them????
they’re all hot and melty and disgusting because they were accidentally left in the sun to disintegrate
“do you want some coffee?”
and then he met jungkook
he’s a bit of a brat but eh jimin finds him more tolerable than you
you’re all done with the workout and your trainer sehun is just sO unforgiving like would another eight second break hurt????
you’re kind of passed out by the bench and so is everyone
“i didn’t have any kids ask me for a picture today :((“
typically after the race some people would ask for your photograph!! along with the other pit stop crew members and they just make your day!!!
yoongi isn’t the only superstaer here ok :((
“well maybe if you did your joob good, they’d actually want to be in the same frame as you are.”
jimin snorts in reply without skipping a beat and ahhhh everyone knows the two of you are gonna start fighting again
usually you just roll your eyes but-
“jimin i don’t kNOW what i ever did to you for you to hate me so much and i’ve literally done nothing but to try and be kind and patient with you!!!”
oh they’re just gonna leave collectively now
“i already know you find me insufferable you dON’T have to rub it in my face every single time.”
you just combusted actually
you’re so over with jimin treating you like a loose thread on his shirt and he discards you every TIME like so
you can’t catch a break and it’s as if you’ve never done anythint good for him ever in your whole career
you don’t make conversation with him not unless it’s for work
you don’t offer him your food
you don’t throw him a smile
he bought a box of red velvet crinkles but then you didn’t even get a piece :((
jimin is shitty at apologies and the guilt’s been eating up at him because yeah he admits that he’s crossed a line there
and most of the times it’s always intentional so that’s even more guilt-tripling
then THE incident happened
and you left
he felt the most apologetic and shitty for that because gOD you’re just so good to everyone and to especially him!!!
he’s treated you so badly and you don’t waver for a single second because up until the last minute, you were still adjusting for him!!!
you were still considering his possible promotion and him in general when he knows to himself that you could’ve easily pinned the blame on him
but you didn’t
you covered for jimin and didn’t want him to be jeopardized by yoongi’s outrage.
“i’m sorry for being an asshole to you all the time.”
the moment the season ended, he’s immediately made his way to kim kradle to apologize to you
again and again
again and again until he wore himself out and cried and you had to stop him sternly just to assure him that you’re not angry at him
he looks out for you in his own ways
jimin’s not very vocal nor showy on how thankful he is to have you as a friend
it’s to when you order a chocolate chip smoothie and then the barista gives you a matcha one and you aBSOLUTELY hate matcha
and u already paid and you don’t want to cause a scene or anything like that
“i thought you hated matcha?”
jimin’s confused because since when did you develop a love for this green thing you’ve vividly described as soggy grass after a rainstorm that tastes like soil and phlegm
“oh i sTILL do!! lmao the barista got it wrong but it’s ok i’ll-“
“absolutely not.”
and then jimin’s immediately taking your cup and the receipt on the table and he’s gOING for the counter and won’t back down even if you’re tugging at his sleeve
not only was your order replaced, you ALSO got a complimentary cookie as the manager’s apology because whew jimin could be scary
it’s when you’re cooking lunch at kim kradle and u are mighty afraid of oil splashes because who wouldn’t????
jimin would nudge you to the side and he’d wordlessly take over for you
you would fall asleep on the floor and he’d prop a pillow underneath your head quietly
if he’s in the mood he’d give you another one underneath your arms
he may call for yoongi to carry you to the couch but ok fine he carried you one time and he’ll never speak of it
he’d let you believe that a ghost carried you there or something
sometimes jimin is just his usual grumpy self and he’s always been that wat
it’s tough love
jimin really drove to kim kradle at 7 in the evening which is out of his way and out of schedule because he should’ve done this errand at the opposite part of the city,,,
but here he is
with some fever medicine and a blanket from your place (he has a spare key) because you’ve been feeling homesick with all the back and forth from kim kradle and yoongi’s place :((
“thanks, minnie. lol if only i don’t love you platonically and u weren’t an asshole to me, you would’ve tOTALLY be my boyfriend rn”
yoongi would like to make it known that HE IS HERE
he IS the boyfriend
“you guys know that i’m-“
“totally. if only i didn’t find u annoying and a bitch, we could be married right now!!”
yoongi just wants to-
jungkook pats yoongi’s head in amusement
lol he too is a lil jealous because yOU’RE his best friend but anyways
“let them be, yoongs.”
aish he’s right
it’s heartwarming to see
jimin’s only warm to a couple of people and that’s including yoongi
he’s not the most open nor affectionate person in the world but he’s trying ok and that’s good enough!!!
“i TOTALLY would’ve been the godfather to their child though lmaooo”
jungkook snickers for a side comment that’s too LOUD and he’s only half-joking if he’s being honest and-
quick question
is that a flying wRENCH
90 notes · View notes
ngame989 · 4 years
“Enough” - TGG SVTFOE Fanfic Collection Ch. 11
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Writing: @ngame989​
Art: @toxicpsychox​
Musical Arrangement: @ubercelloczar​
Editing: @ubercelloczar​, @seddm​
Alternate fic links - FFnet, AO3
Summary: Star, Marco, Tom, and Janna reflect on their pasts, arrive at a crossroads in the present, and make decisions about their futures when Echo Creek Academy hosts a dance with an uncannily familiar theme.
Comic Page
Merry Christmas, happy holidays, happy New Year! This is a very special chapter, slightly breaking the tradition of having its poster be a Polaroid photo (though one of those will be coming soon lol). Also, this was inspired by an actual real life event, Google the date for yourself. MASSIVE thanks to my friend @ubercelloczar​​ for the musical arrangement - I can’t embed it partway through so I’ll just link it when the time comes. Hope you enjoy!
Red. All these years, and she was just now realizing how little red there was in her expansive collection of outfits. Star could probably count on one hand the number of times she’d worn anything in that color besides Marco’s oversized hoodies. Though for all intents and purposes she’d moved into Marco’s room over a year ago, most of her clothes were still kept in her old room at Angie’s insistence. You leave pajamas in the mailbox ONE TIME and suddenly everyone’s all “please use a closet, Star.” Her fingers fondly brushed over the fabrics of dozens of dresses and skirts she owned. The turquoise with the narwhal? Timeless classic, though a bit worse for wear after so many life or death incidents on Mewni. Purple with suspenders? Eh, not so much… for whatever reason she just hadn’t felt like wearing that in a while. Her sleeveless sky blue dress, on the other hand, had made its way back into her rotation after the dimensions cleaved. Why, she couldn’t say, though she tended to skip the leg warmers these days. The pink overalls with the cute skirt were one of her favorite buys on Earthni - the perfect blend of dimensional fashions.
Minutes passed as she reminisced, her wardrobe a library unveiling its stories as her eyes roved its contents. One random winter night came to mind at the sight of her rarely used fuzzy yellow jammies. The heater had been on the fritz, so she and Marco had cuddled up even closer than normal. Her brain had been too frozen to think straight at the time, but in hindsight it was one of her favorite memories - spending all night watching movies with family, hot cocoa by the gallon, and holding Marco tight did more to warm her soul than any heater ever could. Some more notable memories were captured in the attire too, like the lavender dress she’d planned to wear to her first school dance before ditching it to resurrect a clown; the Love Sentence concert tee she’d made; her green dinosaur dress, captured forever on that fateful photo strip.
Experiences shared with Marco stood out among the rest - they usually did anyway, but tonight perhaps more than most, and for good reason. She’d once obsessed over a tattered, stinky hoodie of his as a source of calm and stability for some of the harshest weeks in her life, but tonight she felt like she was at her highest point. When her eyes finally spotted her target, the reason she had even been rummaging around an old closet and choking on enough dust to fell an adult warnicorn, her small, nostalgic smile stretched into a wide grin laden with too many emotions to count. If there’s any night to wear red, this is it, Star thought as she slipped into the silky dress awaiting her.
After all, she and Marco were once again going to a Blood Moon Ball.
Six Weeks Earlier
“Not sure if we’ll be able to pull this off, Diaz. They’ve got us surrounded.” Steam rolled out of Star’s mouth with the words, threatening to give away their location. She shivered despite the warm pink fleece she wore; the wind today was so chilly that even Marco had donned a winter jacket over his hoodie. They were in the midst of a battle, nay, an all-out war. We’ve got one, maybe two dozen? We’re doomed.
Where Star faltered, Marco’s resolve was firm. “Our only option is a last stand. I can lead a strong forward assault and draw fire long enough for you to flank their offense.” They’d found a secure location with solid cover, but it severely limited their scouting ability. Marco lowered his hood and stole a glance above the metal behind them, ducking back down instantly. Snow had already accumulated on his lashes and glittered softly in the sunlight, but Star couldn’t afford to linger on that image. It was do or die.
He took her hands and pulled her close, almost touching their noses. “If I don’t make it, Star, I want you to take care of Nachos for me, OK?” He scooped up his armful of snowballs and moved into position.
She theatrically reached out a hand towards him right as he got to the threshold of safety. “I’ll never forget you Marcoooo…” she whispered loudly. The pair giggled as Star grabbed her ammunition. “Alright, enough of that. Ready?”
Marco dashed around the playground slide and into the fray. Right as Star followed, she heard him yelp and fall into the soft snow coating the playground, three enemy combatants hovering over him and pelting him mercilessly. “Marco!” Star yelled and trudged over with the gleeful cheers of their enemy ringing in her ears. “Speak to me, Marco! Don’t leave me!”
“Star… Remember me...” He grunted and let his head drop into the snow.
“Noooooooooo!” With one final breath, she flopped on top of him and accepted death by a thousand snowballs.
One extra large hunk of snow, far too large to have been thrown by any of the kids, exploded on Star’s back and coated her entirely in soft white fluff. Star heard the warm rumble of Antonio’s hearty chuckles at his successful finishing blow. “Alright, kiddos, your families are here. Have a happy break!” His beefy hand grabbed Star’s own and easily hefted her to her feet before doing the same for Marco. How the heck he was OK in the cold with just an ear-flappy-hat and his usual flannel shirt, she’d never know.
Star dusted herself off and watched the children skip through the snow - a much smaller group than usual, since it was the last evening shift before Christumpmasday break. Most were eager to return to their families, though Star had to help two little girls finish building their snowlizard and take a few pictures before they were willing to leave without bursting into tears; in their defense, it was a ridiculously cute and fun snowlizard. And with that, it was finally holiday break time!
As they walked back to the Center with Antonio, Star took in the sight of the campus covered in fresh snow. The sparkling white planes draped across the pristine Earth architecture contrasted with the raw, natural aesthetic of snow and ice intermingled with remnants of a once-thriving Mewman village, but it all blended together into something unique and beautiful. She caught Marco transfixed with a goofy smile on his face, in awe of her as much as she was with the world, and her cheeks flushed a tiny bit more than they’d already done in the cold. The crunch of snow underfoot and the gentle whooshing of the wind as they swung their joined hands back and forth were the only sounds disturbing this peaceful, perfect moment.
“Merry Christumpmasday, Antonio!” Star shouted as she gave her boss-slash-friend a big hug, and he laughed and returned the gesture with enough strength to lift both Star and Marco off the ground a little.
“Same to you two. Thanks again for staying late, I feel bad about keeping anyone here like this. My husband’s still out of town until tomorrow so home, work, it’s all the same to me, personally. Wish your whole family the best for me.” After saying their goodbyes, Star and Marco walked back out into the cold where their ride was waiting.
“Hey, girl” Marco’s voice was tender as he adjusted Nachos’ cute winter cap and stroked her back. As he was testing his foothold to make sure he wouldn’t slip and faceplant while trying to hop on, Antonio peeked his head out the door.
“Wait, before you go… an elderly lady gave me this flier for some kinda dance.” He scratched his chin through his beard. “Dunno why she brought it here of all places, but since I had it, I thought I might as well pass it along.”
“Oh, is it for that big dance the high school is throwing for all the teens in town?” Marco asked.
“Seems so. Maybe she just got confused about what kinds of kids it was for,” Antonio said, lightly chuckling. “January 30, it says, and it’s an all-nighter; that’s quite the shindig. If Earthni parties are anything like my high school days, it’s probably best I give you the whole next day off,” he said with a wink and a smirk.
All night dance? Even the Bounce Lounge was rarely that crazy - what was so special about this? Antonio handed the flier to Star and Marco who took hold of the other side of it, moving it between them as they gaped in shock at its contents.
“No way, there’s no way, what the-” she and Marco muttered in perfect unison. “Are you- seeing this? It can’t- how did-” They started and stopped as their attempts to stop copying each other canceled each other out.
Marco blinked a few more times to finally pry his eyes away from the page. “Well, eclipses do happen pretty often on Earth, I guess...” They both glanced incredulously back and forth between each other and the flier before the tension in their shoulders finally dropped. An unspoken agreement had been made: they might as well give this dance a shot. Star took one last look at the flier before hopping on Nachos, stuffing it into her jacket and wrapping her arms around Marco’s midriff for the ride home, its words emblazoned in her mind.
January 30-31, 2018. Super Blue Blood Moon Eclipse Extravaganza at Echo Creek Academy! Come dance under the red light of the lunar eclipse!
Present Day
“OK, Diaz, let’s see what you’ve got. Sweat prevention, check,” he noted with a quick whiff of his armpits. “Outfit, check.” Bright red dress shirt, sharp black jacket, sleek black tie. Marco posed in the bathroom mirror a few times, getting everything in order for a night he’d been looking forward to for months. “Hair, check.” It was just his usual style, but it never hurt to make sure it was ready to go. Looking good, Diaz.
His stare lingered in their bedroom mirror for a moment too long as thoughts began racing through his mind. Was he nervous? Marco Diaz, nervous for a big night with the girl he loved? More often than not Star was his reason not to be nervous about anything, but this was their first big formal dance as a couple and he did have a pretty dicey history with those. And what were the odds that it was on the night of the Blood Moon again? He wasn’t exactly worried about the curse, per se - there was some caveat or another in demon lore that the Blood Moon could only impart its curse when shining through a special Underworld crystal, the very same one embedded in the roof of the Lucitor ballroom years ago, Relicor had assured them. And it’s not like it even did anything bad to them in the first place, right? Marco still stood by his own words - it was all baloney. Still though, it did leave him with a decision to make. He experimentally put on his Día de Los Muertos mask and turned his head a bit. Should he?
“I don’t think I ever told you how cute you look in that mask.” He’d gotten pretty good about anticipating Star’s sudden appearances but had been caught up in his own mind enough that he still jumped a bit, much to her amusement. “Buuuuuuuut…” she drawled as she swiftly stepped forward and snatched it off his head. “I like your face more.” She grinned and pinched his cheek before they both stopped to truly look at each other. They hadn’t seen each other’s outfits ahead of time but as always they’d been on the same page. “I like the rest of you, too,” she muttered, biting her lip. Marco felt his cheeks turn the same color as his shirt at the comment, but also at her own appearance. Two wavy strands of hair in front of her ears framed her adorable face, though her hair had otherwise been left down as normal. Her red dress had a lone heart clasp on one shoulder, a pattern of moons and stars on a dark band circling the waist, a knee-length wavy skirt that gently swished as she rocked back and forth, and black high heels.
“Wow,” he uttered.
“You like it?” Star asked hopefully. “I thought, well, I didn’t want to go too over-the-top and wear the old Blood Moon Ball outfit but I still wanted to fit the theme so-”
“You’re beautiful,” Marco stated. Not that she’d needed to be wearing an incredible evening dress for him to think that, and he knew she knew that too, but she was still making him a bit dizzy right now. “Wait-” he stopped her when she tried to move in for a kiss, leaning back to their nightstand. He grabbed her horns and gently placed them on her head, brushing a wayward strand of hair back into place. “Perfect.” He leaned forward to kiss her, seeing her doing the same as his eyelids closed, and-
“Mijos!” Star and Marco’s eyes opened, freezing in place so close together that her breath tickled his lips, staring at each other for a second before turning towards the door. Daaaaad. “Oh, sorry, did we interrupt a moment?” We? Rafael stepped aside to reveal all their parents, plus Eclipsa and Globgor, crammed into the hallway. Star took Marco’s hand as they separated.
“Eeeee!” Eclipsa squealed in delight. “You two are absolutely precious. Come downstairs, loves, we must take your picture.”
“I’ve got two backup rolls of film!” Angie chimed in as Moon herded them all down the stairs and out of the way.
Marco looked at Star, who was goofily smiling at him as she squeezed his hand. It wasn’t that he minded being affectionate with Star around friends and family - heck, his own parents were still the most overtly lovey-dovey couple in the house - but he couldn’t help a bit of embarrassment when they were the center of attention like that. After double checking to make sure they had everything they needed, the pair headed out and walked down the stairs together to the oohs and aahs of their families. Star’s parents merely watched while Marco’s both wielded cameras, snapping pictures fervently. Nachos wasn’t due for another few minutes, so they decided to just endure the gauntlet.
“Didn’t think a sort-of-school dance was such a big deal,” Star murmured. Eclipsa sat down on the arm of the couch next to Globgor while Moon daintily folded her hands in her lap on the opposite side with River squished between her and the size-shifter.
“Well, when Marco left for Mewni, we were worried he’d never get to have a prom,” Angie cheerily responded, having evidently heard Star’s comment. “This is basically the same thing, though. Raf, honey, remember our prom?”
“Oh, yes, it was delightful,” he said, finally lowering the camera and turning to address the others on the couch. “We had actually just broken up that morning and went separately, but your mother just happened to walk directly into me as the slow music started and we ended up waltzing the night away. That was the last time we had to get back together.” How many details about my parents have I missed? Marco wondered to himself, before realizing he likely didn’t want to know quite a few of them and shuddering a bit. Still, it was better than being endlessly fawned over, so Marco stood perfectly still and shut his mouth.
Eclipsa set a hand on Globgor’s shoulder, smiling fondly. “Globgor and I met at a dance too! Well, not quite a ‘dance’, I suppose... he twirled me out of the way of an assassin’s arrow, and I swept him off his feet, but the principle seems about the same to me.”
“I was about to eat a guard until she blasted me to the ground. She cast a spell on me in more ways than one.” Globgor laughed. “Though the literal one was very painful,” he added seriously.
“Well, River and I had been to our share of Silver Bell Balls and other royal festivities,” Moon chimed in. “Though when I was Star’s age we weren’t together yet, and I was very focused on the kingdom by the time things were calm enough to enjoy them properly…”
“And now our little girl is going to big fancy galas with a handsome young man. Next thing you know she’ll be setting out on her own, never needing her parents again!” River wailed, clutching Moon’s arm. Well, the diversion was good while it lasted.
“River, please,” Moon gently chided. “You two are quite the adorable couple, though. Though I never wished to interfere in your personal affairs on Mewni, I am certainly glad things eventually worked out as well as they did.”
Eclipsa strolled over and enveloped both of them in a hug. “You two look positively astonishing together,” she cooed before releasing them to take them in one at a time. “Star, darling, you’re as stunning as I’ve ever seen you. And Marco...” She paused, placing her hands on his shoulders. Her purple eyes were laden with unbridled affection as they looked him up and down, her lips turning upward in as sincere a smile as he’d seen her display. “Marco, you sweet young man… You’re quite lucky to have each other, you know. Perhaps it’s not my place to say, but I’m so proud of how you’ve grown these past few years. Now have fun tonight, this is great practice for a certain other first dance I see in your future,” she finished with a wink, causing his blush to return with a vengeance.
“Picture time!” Rafael singsonged, getting up close and flashing a camera near Marco’s face. “Do some fun poses! Give the people what they want! We are not going to miss any more of our son’s major life moments!” His voice was filled with determination to the point of sounding angry, and Marco’s eyes widened in part sympathy, part stark terror. Minutes flew by as Star and Marco supplied their families’ demands, exhausting both the traditional prom shots and their signature poses: back-to-back, too cool for school, Star pinching his cheeks, drowning in a monster’s stomach acid… the list seemed endless, and though goofing around with Star was always fun, he’d been anticipating the dance so long that every second of delay felt like torture. Finally, Marco breathed a sigh of relief when his dad moaned in dismay at the camera clicking without anything happening; he was out of film.
“Oh dear, only one left,” Angie echoed. “Let’s get a nice one of a kiss. Don’t be shy.”
“Well, Marco? Shall we?” Star threw him a flirtatious grin, wrapping her arms around his neck.
He opened his mouth to respond with a quip of his own when he heard wheels screeching to a stop outside. Sweet freedom. “Well, that’s our ride!” Marco stated a bit too forcefully, breaking away from Star and heading towards the door to greet Nachos. Flying in on a dragoncycle would be a major departure from whatever prom fantasies about picking up Jackie in a limo he’d had as a kid, but he still wanted to do something special with a traditional flair. She snorted and cackled when the door opened and revealed his grand prom surprise: Nachos with a top hat and bow tie.
“Marco, what did you do to her?”
“Well, it’s prom, so our ride needs to be the fanciest it can be,” he giggled as she rolled her eyes. “Only the best for you, m’la-”
When Star’s lips cut him off sweetly as she tugged him closer, suddenly Marco didn’t mind staying a little bit longer, and the snap of his mother’s camera seemed to agree.
Chaos. Compared to any dance Star had been to before, this was the best kind of chaos. The energetic beat of the electronic music thrummed in her ears as her hips swayed and arms waved in the air. She wasn’t sure exactly how many people had shown up, but the gymnasium of Echo Creek Academy was more packed than she’d ever seen it. Still, it wasn’t so cramped that she had no room to get her groove on; when her butt bumped into Marco beside her, it was by choice as she slyly grinned at her boyfriend in his red shirt, now sans jacket. He smirked back at her and set his feet in place, slicing his hands wildly through the air. “I thought you didn’t like the sword-hand dance,” Star loudly spoke into his ear, though it was a whisper relative to the volume of the music and crowd.
“Yeah, but if everyone else is gonna do it anyway, I might as well own it.” They locked eyes as she began to mirror him, mimicking his karate poses in time with the music. He abruptly grabbed both her hands and swung them up and down, laughing as they just shook everything they had without a care in the world. She yanked him towards her and spun them both around, their backs flush against each other as they kept bouncing to the rhythm.
“Woop, woop! Starco in da HOUSE!” Ponyhead stuck her horn between them, forcing them apart as she floated up and down.
Tom also made his way beside them, drink in hand. “Anyone else want punch?” He lowered the plastic cups he’d been levitating over the crowd into Star and Marco’s hands, and Pony’s tongue. “Gotta say, this is pretty good punch. What kind of blood is it? Centaur? Unicorn? Oooooh, I’ve heard that giraffigator blood is hot these days.”
Marco eyed his cup warily. “What the heck is a giraffigat-”
“WHAT’S THIS ‘BOUT UNICORN BLOOD?” Pony screamed, getting up in Tom’s face.
Star quickly separated them, holding her hands up to try and ease her friends. “Guys, guys, there’s no actual blood in it, I think it’s just citrus.” Well, she was fairly sure. She took one trial sip, tasting the sweet flavor of- “Wait, yep, this is blood,” she said disgustedly after she spit it back into the cup.
“More for me, then,” Tom said nonchalantly, as he snatched Marco’s cup and took another swig while Pony floated in circles grumbling. It seemed like the DJ was taking a break from the upbeat dancing music for now, so the group made their way to the outskirts of the gymnasium where they’d left their belongings. Star laid down on the bleachers, resting her head on Marco’s lap after he’d put his jacket back on and sat down. He stroked her hair with his thumb as they relaxed after an intense hour of dancing. It struck her that this was actually the first time she’d ever truly had carefree fun at a formal dance. The original Blood Moon Ball left her with very mixed feelings to say the least, and her one experience with an Earth dance had been a bit of a disaster even though she didn’t actually go. Time had largely expunged the lingering venom she’d directed at herself for her relationship mistakes after returning to Mewni, leaving some life lessons and fond memories; but even some enjoyable fiery dances with Tom didn’t change the fact that the Silver Bell Balls were stuffy political dramafests. She reached up and intertwined her fingers with Marco’s, squeezing his hand and beaming at him - this was more like it.
“You know, I will say, this DJ is killing it tonight,” Pony said as she returned. “I was kinda expectin’ something lame but this is the best party I’ve been to since the Bounce Lounge closed.” Star nodded in agreement.
Tom leaned back and crossed his legs a few rows below them, taking a sip from his second cup so far. “Oh, yeah, I know him, he’s actually the cousin of my old anger management coach. His name’s Kim H. Brian.”
“I thought your coach’s name was Brian,” Marco responded.
“Yeah, Brian Brian.”
“Get outta t- wait, the Kim H. Brian?” Star bolted up at Marco’s words and they stared at each other incredulously.
“The producer of Love Sentence’s most controversial album, Prison Breakup?” Star and Marco said simultaneously.
“That’s the one,” Tom said, chuckling a bit. “Only you two could still say entire sentences at the same time without a demonic curse.” He stared into his drink for a few seconds, his visage suddenly becoming completely somber. All three eyes closed as he took a deep breath before floating up and sitting next to the couple. “Look, about the whole Blood Moon thing-”
Hold on, was he still in a twist about this? “Tom, it’s fine!” Star said, putting a hand on his shoulder. “We broke the Curse, you apologized, it’s all good.”
“I know, but it’s not that- after we went to the Severing Stone, deep down I knew that the Curse wasn’t why you two had those feelings, but I just kept pretending because I still liked you, Star. If I hadn’t been so caught up in that, maybe it wouldn’t have taken so damn long to sort our mess out. I know it doesn’t matter anymore, but… I guess the dance just got me thinking again about friendship and love and stuff. So if you’re OK with it, I actually asked Kim to do a little something special for you two later, to help give you the Blood Moon Ball you deserve,” he finished with a toothy smile.
Star’s eyes started to mist up; Tom had always been supportive of Star and Marco since they’d all sorted themselves out, but it never failed to move her. Star lunged forward, wrapping herself around him in a bear hug, and Marco followed suit. “Toooooom, that’s so sweet!”
“Yeah, man, that’s really-” Marco was stopped by the sudden intrusion of Ponyhead into their little moment.
“Hey, Lucitor, do you know where Janna went? I’ve been TRYING to ask her for the hot deets on totally eligible bachelors here. You know, name, height, bank account balance: the usual business. So anyway she hasn’t been, like, responding at all and I’m starting to worry I might not be able to score a good enough rebound to make Seahorse see that he made the biggest mistake of his life letting me dump him!”
Marco nodded toward the still-in-progress group hug. “Little busy?”
“Yeah, whatever, save your huggy feeltime for later, this is im-por-tant.”
“OK, fine,” Tom said, extricating himself from the embrace. “I haven’t seen her for a while but I can help look. It’s Janna, so she’s probably just splicing some gargoyle DNA to a class hamster or something.”
“Last I saw, she was by the old photobooth.”
Wait, that had survived? Star and Marco exchanged shocked glances at the thought of the site of their first kiss having survived the whole way to Earthni.
“You thinking what I’m thinking?” Marco asked. Star grinned and nodded, grabbing his hand to run off and make even more memories.
Janna Ordonia had never been more scared in her entire life. Okay, maybe that time a monster guy exploded into dust a few feet in front of her was more viscerally terrifying, but Janna was used to freakiness and death even before she’d spent so much time in the literal Underworld. Tonight, though? The pit in her stomach that left her unable to speak, unable to think, was something almost alien to her. She had so much unique expertise in dealing with all things mystical and macabre that it took something completely and utterly human to faze her, and now she found herself staring in a mirror struggling to cope.
Janna Ordonia had caught feelings.
She’d always known she had a thing for the spooky and supernatural, so an attraction to a half-demon with two horns, three eyes, and purple skin was basically inevitable. It hadn’t bothered her like this when she’d had a casual fling with a talking skeleton years ago, either. The only logical conclusion she could draw was that whatever she was feeling now was a different beast altogether. The night had started out so pleasantly: the Lucitors had invited her over for a casual dinner beforehand - whatever meat the Underworld used for burgers was damn good - and they’d taken the carriage together to the dance afterwards.
It just made practical sense, it didn’t mean anything, I don’t WANT it to mean anything. Some variant of this refrain had been repeating in her mind a lot lately, but staring at her own reflection, it felt thinner with every passing second. If it was true, she probably wouldn’t even be here now; she could be doing way cooler things with the night of an ultra-rare eclipse than drinking cheap punch and shuffling awkwardly on the dance floor to chart-topping pop trash. But Tom had seemed excited at the prospect, and the next thing she knew she had picked out a simple black dress with pink highlights - hell, it was even Tom’s nonjudgmental support that had given her the confidence to wear her secret favorite color more in the first place. One way or another, everything seemed to circle back to one simple fact. Each day spent learning about the Underworld and adventuring in its depths was obviously worthwhile on its own merits, but it was always better with him. If she couldn’t stop this storm brewing inside, then the only thing left was to take control of it on her own terms. Well, this is it, Janna. You have a serious crush on Tom Lucitor.
By the time her mind had finished processing its own confession, she’d already made her way back to the gym and meandered to a vacant corner to watch idly by herself, not unlike how she’d spent most of the dance so far. They’d arrived from the Underworld fashionably late and it had only taken a few minutes for Janna to ditch her friends and hide while she moped about her feelings, but of course as soon as she wanted company again there was none to be found. She huffed and pulled out her phone, switching between a few games to occupy the time.
“Hey.” She looked up to find Tom holding two glasses. “Anything fun going on in this empty corner?”
“Yeah, it’s pretty intense over here. Some dust bunnies got in a street fight.” She smirked and stole one of his glasses, raising it to her lips for a sip.
“Wait, don’t, that’s-” It tasted funny, fruity and sweet but with a metallic tang. “Blood.” Ah. She considered it for a moment before deciding to take another sip. She’d had worse. “Anyway, where have you been? We basically haven’t seen you since we got here.”
“Oh, you know, nowhere and everywhere. It’s what I do,” she deflected. “Where’re the others?” Star and Ponyhead were forces of nature when it came to stealing the spotlight, so Janna figured they were her best shot at getting through the night with minimal awkwardness.
“We were taking a break and then they ran off to a photobooth. I still don’t really get the hype, but you know how it is with them.”
“Yeah, it’s gross.”
“Yep…” They both fell silent, continuing to drink what was supposedly some kind of real blood punch as the dance droned on in the background. “Hey, so, uh, can we talk for a sec? About… us?”
She tried her damnedest to suppress the unexpected surge of conflicting emotions, burying her face in her cup until she thought she could reliably answer. One time, when they were in elementary school, she’d poured milk down Marco’s shirt at lunch and a few other girls had teased her, insisting that meant Janna had a crush on him. She never really understood that connection - she just kinda liked pranking Marco - but the taunts had gotten to her. There was a sort of pride she felt in being inscrutable, an enigma that could only be unraveled on her own terms. Had he figured her out so easily when she herself had been in denial? A mumbled “uh, sure” was the best she could as she ran through the last few months in her head trying to figure out if she’d betrayed her feelings.
“It’s pretty loud in here, can we head outside?” Janna only nodded in response, her own racing thoughts drowning out her surroundings. The DJ was announcing some kind of special song request as the gym doors closed behind them and they stepped out into the chilly winter air. “Oh, right, um-” Tom quickly took his jacket off, handing it to her. “Since it’s cold, and I can make my own fire, and-”
“Thanks,” she gruffly said, putting her arms through it. Damn him. She was cold, and he was being thoughtful and helpful, but it only made the upcoming conversation even more difficult for her to have. One hand idly pawed through the enchanted storage compartment she’d fitted in her dress (even in formalwear, she considered function most important). Damnit, she’d left her entire arsenal at home, save for a prototype glass bottle that would harmlessly evaporate on impact, which was filled with some leftover antigravity potion - no easy way out of this, then.
“No problemo,” he drawled, pointing finger guns at her before jamming both hands into his pockets and staring at the ground. “Since Star and I broke up, I’ve been trying really hard to just be my own person. Heck, you’re the one that showed me that’s what I needed to focus on. I had no clue what I was doing.... Honestly, I still don’t.” He paused again, turning back towards the school. “Being here, it just makes it hard to ignore how things have been kinda, you know, weird lately, between…” A little fireball coming off his finger zigzagged back and forth between them.
Why was he so insistent on bringing this up? “Look, Tom, we don’t have to-”
He turned back towards her “Yes, Janna, I think we do! If we don’t deal with it now it’s only going to get worse, and I don’t- I can’t-”
“Dude, drop it, OK? Let’s just go back inside so we can-”
“NO!” A puff of flame shot out of his head but quickly dissipated, leaving only a lingering sizzle and water in his eyes. “I can’t do this anymore! I like you, Janna. I really like you, and it’s screwing everything up.” ...wha? There were a few hundred possible ways Janna thought to respond, but none even made it beyond a guttural yelp in her throat, so Tom continued unabated. “I know you’re you, and you can stay really chill about stuff even when you care a lot, but I can’t, OK? You’re clever and fearless and everything’s more fun with you. You’re one of my best friends and that’s why I couldn’t keep doing this without telling you even if I’m probably making a complete idiot of myself right now.” Every second that Janna remained utterly paralyzed on the spot left Tom’s eyeliner even more streaked as his tears rained down, each tiny splash hissing on the cold pavement and melting the nearby snow and ice. “Yeah, OK, I get it. Look, forget I said anything, I just want to still be friends, OK? I- I totally get if you want some space for a while, so I’ll just- alright, bye.” He wiped off his face with his sleeve and turned around, floating off the ground and flying back into the building, leaving Janna alone on the sidewalk.
The oncoming shivers in Janna’s spine provided the final push to lift the dense fog clouding her mind. He’d just confessed to her, he had a crush on her, and she’d basically just snapped his heart in two. Pangs of guilt and sorrow and joy all ganged up on her; was this how bad things had been for Star and Marco? She almost felt sorry for ribbing them about their romantic struggles now. At this point the only thing left to do was to find Tom, so she sprinted into the building after him, braving the fray of the dance floor once more.
Can’t be that hard to spot a tall set of horns with three eyes. Even though there were all sorts of monsters in attendance, there were very few demons, but that didn’t seem to help her locate him. He wasn’t responding to her texts either, ugh! As Janna kept looking around, she realized she didn’t recognize anyone here. She’d left Echo Creek Academy at the same time as Marco but didn’t go to college, nor had she spent a ton of time with Mewni’s teenage population before the Cleaving. The Underworld was what she knew best; it was where she’d felt most at home, even with two whole dimensions merged together, and that realization spurred her to keep searching. Janna barged through another door into the hallway and rounded a corner, instantly colliding with someone.
“Ex-CUSE me! Watch your freaking face before I pulv-” Ponyhead shouted, shaking her hair back into place after being bumped into the locker. “Oh, it’s you, girl! Where you been? And is that Tom’s jac-”
“Tom. Have you seen him?”
“Oh, I see how it is, first Starco gets their own flipping song and runs outside to go boink under the moonlight or whatever, then my boyfriend runs off to sell a toaster or whatever, then Tom comes in here all moody and doesn’t want to talk to me, and now you’re abandoning me too? I feel like I’ve barely been around you guys lately, why does no one want to spend time with Ponyhead?”
“Wait, didn’t you dump- never mind, Pony, this is important, OK? I seriously blew it, I need to talk to him-”
“Hey, woah, is there some drama going on here? Shoot, why didn’t you say so? OK, so, he was floating around in circles out here for a bit. I came out here to do my bi-hourly makeup check just a minute ago and I do believe he was going back into the gym, mmhm, yes, that is where he was. Go do whatchu gotta do and give me the juicy deets after, mmkay?” Ponyhead winked and whacked Janna on the back with her horn.
Janna ran back into the gym and finally spotted Tom standing in the center of the floor, uninterestedly swaying back and forth to the beat of some crooning couple’s ballad. When his eyes met hers, his gaze became visibly pained as he turned to walk away. “Tom!” Her pleading shout was emphatic enough to keep him from running, but it also attracted an audience and left her standing there, too uncomfortable to speak.
Janna put one foot forward, then another, then another, willing herself forward against her better judgment. She’d frankly had enough: enough talking about her feelings, enough uncertainty about her own relationships, enough giving a single damn about “what-if”s. There’d be plenty of time later to tell him he was her best friend too, to assuage his doubts, and to put more meaningful words to her own feelings, but for now, she had settled on a course of action that began with reaching into her pocket to pull out the lone potion bottle within.
“Uh, Janna, what-” Tom stammered, a different kind of concern than the one he’d been stewing in all night bubbling up in his expression as the crowd backed up slightly. Some tiny voice in the back of her mind registered that they seemed nervous to the point of being frightened, and that comforting feeling pushed her to do the one last thing she needed to do. Before he could react, she slammed the bottle to the ground at her feet and felt the weak antigravity effect take hold. Janna closed the last few steps of distance to Tom, firmly grabbed both his shoulders, and kicked off the ground, crashing her lips into his as she hovered a few inches off the dance floor. Tom unconsciously did the same, letting her momentum carry both of them into the air until the confused, but cheering, audience was beneath them.
As he started to return the kiss, he hesitantly placed one arm on her waist and another behind her back to keep them from drifting apart, and Janna wasn’t sure she’d ever felt so secure.
Alright, that’s the last of them. Marco finished carefully stacking the photo strips in Star’s bag while he waited for her to return from the restroom. The photobooth had thankfully been a much more fun and much less emotionally exhausting experience this time around, though a very smug Ben Photino had still greeted them when they were done, $650 richer than before.
Now’s my chance, Star thought as she snuck up and affectionately pounced on Marco from behind. Nearly everything about tonight had been perfect so far - just her, Marco, and their friends getting a night of dancing and partying she wasn’t sure she’d ever forget. For so much of her life, it had seemed like nothing important could ever happen without a sizable dose of drama and conflict; by comparison, this all seemed like a dream, and she didn’t want to wake up anytime soon. Speaking of her friends, though… “Hey, where are the others?” She felt a bit guilty over ditching everyone else to go back to the booth for corn knows how much time, but she was certain they wouldn’t have gone too far.
“Not sure,” Marco responded, craning his neck and spotting a tuft of pink spiky hair and two brown horns across the gym. Why was he heading for the exit?
Marco started to lead the way across the gym floor when the sound system screeched with audio feedback and boomed with the sound of tapping a microphone. “Echo Creek, are we having fun tonight?” the DJ, Kim H. Brian, asked the cheering crowd. “We’re gonna keep this party flowing, but right now we have a very special song for all the soulmates out there, so get ready to twist and twirl your special guy or girl.” Star and Marco tentatively stopped in their tracks.
“Is that-” Marco started.
“What Tom was talking about?” Star finished. “We have to get him before he misses it!” What did you do this time, Tom?
They had made it to the center of the dance floor when the lights dimmed and tinted red. It was obviously from a stage light, but the effect still flooded them with the same hopes and wants and fears from their run-ins with the Blood Moon. Marco gently smiled and took the lead, keeping one hand in hers and tugging her closer with the other on her waist. Piano chords opened the piece - a slow waltz - and Star and Marco were taking their first steps when the cello started to play a hauntingly familiar melody. It struck them both at the same time - this was the same tune that had played when they danced under the light of the Blood Moon only a few months into her friendship. Their moves grew more daring and flashy as the song went on, spinning and swaying to the rhythm.
“I always forget how good a dancer you are, Marco” Star dreamily sighed when he spun her around and dipped her down.
“My grandma taught me. She says that the only right way to dance is the fun way,” Marco laughed, lingering for half a second too long as the music swelled around them. Somewhere in those blue eyes sparkling with only love for him, he’d lost track of the world around them. Only after he noticed how the blonde curls in front of her ears shimmered in the red light did he snap back to reality and continue the dance, much to Star’s amusement.
“That’s good, because it’s always fun with you.” They stepped in harmony, slowly rotating as they box stepped to the same waltz that had once been a source of apprehension. Star took her hand off his shoulder and lifted it to his face, rubbing her thumb over his cheek. She knew the contours of his face inside and out, could describe every last detail of all the facial hairs that he’d given silly names, could picture every last one of the warm and loving ways his soothing chocolate gaze could pierce her soul, yet it didn’t stop her from being completely enraptured by it now. That intimate knowledge informed her when even the most trivial thing was out of place, which is why she decided to flick a spot just under his mole. “You had a fleck of corn.”
“In my defense, your dad’s cooking is really messy.”
“Yeah… it was cute, though. Like you had a second mole.” Something had changed in the waltz from what they remembered, a different theme slowly building until it led into a refrain that was entirely new yet somehow familiar in a way neither could place. It was a vibrant, comforting melody that felt right for them. Star shifted her hands to the back of his neck as the distance closed between them. Though Marco had grown noticeably taller than her, in her heels she found herself at nearly eye level with him as she rested her forehead on his.
Marco’s arms slithered around her waist, holding her tight as their lively waltz morphed into intimate, formless swaying. “This- this is really nice.”
“Yeah… I love it. I love you, Marco.” She paused a moment, leaning back to get a clear view of as much of him as she could; even after a year and a half of being together and years of friendship before that, she was still giddy over how much she truly loved every bit of him. “Nothing’s ever going to change that.”
“I love you too, Star. I’m not going anywhere.” Their hands joined once more as they resumed their spirited dance, their devotion to one another vaulting their joy to new heights. Neither cared about elegance or form anymore; their steps and spins and lifts came from the deepest places within, as if their very souls were mingling in the air above. Plucked strings accentuated the song as it grew calmer and entered what Marco was fairly sure was its final verse. A bittersweet sensation bubbled up from within his chest; he’d had plenty of moments with Star that he’d never wanted to end, but this one seemed to have an extra significance attached. The final chord of the waltz rung out, the pair both freezing in place in their final waltz pose, stunned at the beauty of what had just transpired.
The crowd’s clapping broke finally them out of their trance. “Woah,” they breathed out in unison. In her breathless state, Star idly wondered if the applause was for them, but she realized how silly that was as the full breadth of the outside world slowly trickled back into her senses. Shortly after, the dance went back to normal; had it been a dream? No, of course not, it had literally just happened mere seconds ago, but the impact it had on them felt otherworldly.
Returning from the daze, Marco finally recalled their goal of finding Tom, and the extent to which Marco wanted to crush Tom in a thankful hug and blubber into his shoulder gave it an additional sense of urgency. He turned to her with a determined look, and had it returned. “We should find Tom.” They went to the gym exit, but it was blocked by... Miss Skullnick.
“Oh, it’s you. Nice to see you, Star,” she saccharinely sneered. “Don’t be trying anything funny, you hear me? We’ve already had four couples’ ‘incidents’.”
A shiver ran through Star at the involuntary thought of Miss Skullnick catching her and Marco in a more... private moment, but she quickly brushed it aside for her own sanity. “Skullzy, we’re just trying to find our friend,” she whined.
“Well, too bad, you can’t use this door. The sidewalk somehow melted and completely iced over, and I don’t wanna be sued for liability!”
“C’mon, Star,” Marco said. “We can just go out the front door.” She was still indignant, but acquiesced and followed Marco into the main building and through a hallway. They rounded the corner to the main entrance and stopped dead in their tracks at the sight of Ponyhead passionately making out with Seahorse.
“Pony?!?” Star shouted.
“Oh, um, why hello Star and Earth Turd!”
“Greetings!” Seahorse added in his usual monotone chipper voice.
Star slapped her hand to her forehead. “I thought you broke up ‘for really-realz’ this time, Pony?”
“Well, yes, mmhmm, I do believe that is how I described the sequence of events that occurred. But then, well, you know how it is with him… we made up while y’all went off to take a bazillion pictures or whatever. That weird old human lady that kinda looks like a troll caught us while we were-”
“Pony!” Star yelled, cutting her off in shock. Really, though, the most surprising part was that Ponyhead had been responsible for only one of the so-called “couple’s incidents.”
“Lilacia gave a very high satisfaction rating to the Reflectacorp™ line of vibrating-”
Marco stepped in and clamping Seahorse’s mouth shut before they could be traumatized any further. Star rolled her eyes and took Marco’s hand once more, heading past the other couple towards the front door.
“Fine, I see how it is. C’mon, Seahorse, let’s go get freak-ay on the dance floor!”
“Reflectacorp™ disco technology allows you to boogie and/or woogie risk-free, guarantee-!”
The double doors shut behind Star and Marco as they stepped out into the cold. They walked around the building towards the gym and saw that Miss Skullnick had been telling the truth; but there was no one else in sight, only the snowflakes gently drifting through the air and a full moon above in the night sky. Star still wanted to get back to her friends, but the tranquil scene gave her pause as she stood beside him. Something had been subtly gnawing at her all night - though it’d been on her mind longer than that, if she was honest with herself. “Hey Marco?”
“When Eclipsa said earlier about ‘another dance’...” She swallowed, letting the implication hang between them. “Do you think that’s something that will happen?”
He glanced at her quizzically until the meaning sank in and his heart skipped a beat. Was she- did she- is she asking… His eyes blinked rapidly once, twice, three times while he processed the gravity of the question. But his surprise quickly dissolved; after all, he’d been thinking about it too. Maybe he hadn’t drawn that specific connection, but how many times tonight alone had he beheld the wonderful girl beside him and remarked to himself that he’d be happy with her for the rest of his life? He swiveled around to stand in front of her, taking both of her hands into his own. “If you want it to, then I know it will, someday.”
She sighed happily, lacing her fingers through his. It wasn’t even the first time they’d declared their love with permanence, but no matter how far they went, they couldn’t help but be concerned about how the other felt about the next step. “Didn’t a lot of people usually wait until they’re, like, 30 to get married on Earth?”
“A lot of them, yeah,” he admitted, “but, I dunno, I don’t really care about that.”
“Me neither,” she asserted, happily beaming at him.
“So we just… let it happen when we’re ready, I guess.”
“Mmhmm,” Star hummed, feeling a warmth deep inside that combated the chill prickling her skin. One of her hands left his and tangled itself in his hair, as her gaze fondly roved the face she hoped to see as long as she lived before finally settling on his lips. He had the same idea, leaning forward and sweetly kissing her. Their lips were a bit chapped from the cold, but it didn’t bother either of them; this signified something far more than physical gratification. She pressed them closer together until there was no distance left between them, the dual friction of his soft, inviting lips moving against hers and her silky dress rubbing on the coarse fabric of his jacket thrummed through her entire body.
When they separated, his eyes scanned the sky for a moment before sheepishly turning back downwards. “Huh,” he murmured.
“Nothing, it’s stupid.” Star raised an eyebrow insistently, the pair still in each other’s arms. “It’s just, I thought that maybe- maybe the Blood Moon would be shining, or our cheekmarks would glow or something. It’s dumb, I know-”
“Well, that does happen to us a lot,” she conceded. “But I’m pretty sure the eclipse isn’t supposed to start until, like, 3 AM.” “Have you ever thought about when we broke the Curse?”
“What do you mean?”
Star stepped away from their embrace, folding her arms and stuffing her frigid hands under her armpits as she frustratedly tried to piece together her complicated thoughts. “Like, when we were in the Severing Stone, I remember it took us back to the Blood Moon Ball and we started dancing… what happened after that? If it never changed how we feel, what was even the point?”
Marco shrugged; when he’d finally accepted his feelings once and for all, he’d dismissed the entire concept of the Curse as bogus, but since then he had considered it in some new lights. “If it was actually a curse, I’m glad we got rid of it, but… looking back, I’m kinda glad that the Blood Moon Ball went like it did. That was one of the first times I saw how special you are to me.”
“Same. Plus, that’s where I learned you dance good,” she growled with a smirk. “But still… sometimes I wonder if I told you I loved you while we were in there. Because I did love you then, you know. Even if I was trying to push it away.”
“Maybe we’ll never know.”
“I guess I’ll just have to tell you every chance I get from now on, then, because you’re stuck with me, Diaz.”
“So long as we both shall live. Do you accept?” He asked with a cheeky grin.
Her laughter, bubbly and playful and sincere all at once, was answer enough for Marco. Not one to be outdone, though, Star carefully lowered herself onto one knee, lowering her head and closing her eyes solemnly before looking back up at him. “I dooOOOH-” She shrieked as the icy sidewalk took its toll and sent her toppling sideways. Marco reacted quickly, stopping her from hitting the ground and helping her to her feet. “Maaaaybe we should go inside now.”
“Yeah, you’re probably right,” he responded, draping his jacket over both their shoulders like a cape. “Still have to thank Tom.” She clung to him as they hurried back around the school and into its shelter from the cold - even shared body heat and emotional warmth could only do so much. Although they’d removed whatever eternal supernatural soul-binding curse the Blood Moon may have bestowed, Marco mused, they’d still shared a tender first dance and grown as partners under its light, once upon a time. Perhaps, in a roundabout way, it had always been a blessing, too. In a sense, they’d just cleaved their own souls together again with only a simple promise. No magic, no curses, just Star Butterfly and Marco Diaz... and that was more than enough.
They stepped back into the gym, ready for the hours of partying ahead of them, and were greeted by the sight of Janna and Tom floating in the air locked in a passionate kiss. Star and Marco’s eyeballs both nearly bugged out of their heads as their eyes whipped back and forth between each other and the spectacle in front of them, leaving them with only one possible response.
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knightofameris · 4 years
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—𝐭𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬—
◦ 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑟𝑜𝑑𝑢𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 ◦ 𝑠𝑜𝑐𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝑚𝑒𝑑𝑖𝑎 𝑠𝑒𝑙𝑓 𝑠ℎ𝑖𝑝𝑠! ◦ 𝑔𝑒𝑡 𝑡𝑜 𝑘𝑛𝑜𝑤 𝑚𝑦 𝑓𝑜𝑙𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟𝑠! ◦ 𝑔𝑒𝑡 𝑡𝑜 𝑘𝑛𝑜𝑤 𝑚𝑒! ◦ 𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑘𝑠!! (𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑚𝑜𝑜𝑡𝑠 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑠!)
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𝑎𝑚𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑠' 𝑛𝑜𝑡𝑒: blacklist “ameris 500 celebration!” if you don’t want to see any of my posts about this celebration! also if this flops i will cry. jk i won’t but it’ll definitely take a hit on my heart u__u (and if it does flop, you didn’t see this post)
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Ahhhh! I’m so amazed that I got to 500 followers despite the fact that I barely?? Post?? And sometimes I just talk about random shit but even then, I still appreciate all of you guys so much? I have a few options on what I have to celebrate and I am so excited heheh. But before I get started I just,,, Have a few more things I’d like to talk about (cus I like to talk LOL). Feel free to skip though!! 
content continued below the cut!! (warning; introduction is long because I just have a lot of thoughts I want to share LOL. seriously, feel free to just skip) 
I know that I only really started posting Haikyuu!! around my 300 mark, and I feel like the people after my 300 mark are the one’s who are active because of how much I come onto tumblr and then disappear. 
If you don’t know this, I’ve actually been writing on Tumblr since 2015/2016. I’ve just changed blogs so many times that it’s like, hey, this is my new blog. Or like, I would write for a few months, disappear, come back but then everyone who followed me was dead so I was like eh I’ll just start again or whatever. And I think this makes me very very soft because out of all the communities I’ve been in, I’ve truly felt more welcome/at home even?? With everyone in Haikyuu? Like yeah there’s shit that goes down every few days or whatever but it’s always so fun to see people interact with each other and though I was hesitant at first (because before this the only writer I’ve ever interacted with was Scout for marvel oop) I’m really glad I reached out to a few of y’all and vice versa. 
But despite that, Marvel will always hold a place in my heart and to everyone who followed me from my Marvel days, thank you for supporting me way back when. And even to my Narnia days (AHAHAHA). I don’t think I would’ve continued writing on tumblr without your guys’ support. I know that younger me appreciated you all for reading those old works (even if I hate my old writing now). 
And to everyone now, thank you for sending in asks or commenting on my works. I actually think I would’ve disappeared by this time from this blog if you guys didn’t interact. I’m not saying I’m writing for the follows or the notes, if that makes sense. But it’s more like, I feel less of a robot that people expect to churn out works. Idk, it makes me feel like a person? And it just gives me a lot more serotnin than you might think!! 
One last thing though, it’s not me saying I expect you guys to always read my work and always comment. It’s more so, I’d actually rather have you guys comment or whatever because you want to and you want to read it. Like on one hand yes it does make me feel appreciated but I also don’t want you to feel obligated or feel guilty of you don’t read my things. No matter what, I will always be writing. It definitely does feel nice tho LOL 
I promise in the future, if I ever do intros they won’t be this long lol. 
Phew. Anyway. 
For this celebration, this is only for Haikyuu!!
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I love love love self ships SO much. So I want to hear about your guys’ self ships! 
𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐥 𝐫𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬
this will only be open from 12am september 23 — 11:59pm september 25 PST 
any requests received before or after will be deleted (may be extended depending on how many requests I get!)
do keep in mind that i’m starting classes soon so it will take me some time to get through this.
send it in through asks or submissions! 
send in as many asks as you’d like
if you use an emoji to show who you are, include it on all asks :3c
nothing nsfw for this, thanks!
since this is a follower celebration,,, i do have to ask that you be following me! honestly, i won’t check if you are, thats too much work on my part but it would mean a lot if you’re following me to participate in this celebration! ); 
𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐢 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐝𝐨 [example]
i will be creating two instagram posts with one of them having a comment section (3-4 screenshots)
i might also include a screenshot of your profile and/or your s/o if I can put in more pictures!
chats with your s/o ( heheh (; ) (1-2 screenshots)
chats with your s/o’s team! (1-2 screenshots) (this will possibly be with the entire team or just a select few)
take a look at the example as that’s what i’ve done for a friend of mine!!
𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐝𝐨
send in 1-2 headcanons about you and your s/o
send in a little bit about your personality!!
your pronouns! and a name you’d like to go by!
give me your instagram handle! (not your real one, but what it would be within haikyuu) otherwise, i’ll make a random one based off your name!
what are your ~aesthetics~ 
what phone nickname would u have for your s/o (or any other people on the team) so it can be more personalized! or if ur like me where everyone is just their name besides a select few
do u have particular texting habits?
what’s your favorite animal? this is what I will be putting as your profile picture! alternatively if you submit all of this through my submissions and give me a piccrew, I will use that!
you could give me the most BASIC description, you don’t need to do all of these points, and i’d be fine with that. It’s up to you how much you want this to be personalized <3
(also this one’s not necessary, it’ll just be more ~fun~ but lmk if u wanna be a manager of the team! or if u have ur own little AU so u might have other certain details u want to throw in. otherwise i’m gonna make it a sorta free for all lol)
𝑒𝑥𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑙𝑒: hi! my name’s ameris and i ship myself with suga! my pronouns are she/her/hers and i like to think that suga and i have a sort of childhood friends to lovers trope. i also like to think that we go stargazing at least once a month no matter what! my aesthetic is definitely space heh. i’m a little bit like suga where i’m chaos and baby! i curse a lot and i have way too many interests to count but i always like trying new things! my instagram handle would be ameris_stars (dude idk lMAO) and suga’s name in my phone would be Koushi <3 i make a lot of typos and i like using a mix of emojis and emoticons/occasional kaomojis. my favorite animal is a fox or dog!
this,,, is a lot but i’m okay with that! heheh
to protect you, I won’t publish your ask! I will make separate posts titled w/ your name + s/o + emoji (if you use your emoji). If you do it off anon, I will tag you! 
Request List!! If you don’t see your name on here, just submit it again :3c I will not be tagging for the sake of not spamming you guys lol. 
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I would love love love to get to know you! So tell me about yourself! 
what’s your favorite color?
who’re your favorite haikyuu characters?
favorite haikyuu teams?
you got any writers you want to give a shout out to?
maybe a little self promo too?
adsfasdfasdflj i will keep bringing this up but like any,,, spice asks,,, about the haikyuu characters cus like,,, lol
horn knee asks will be tagged with: “ameris needs a drink” which honestly sounds like i need an alcoholic drink and at this point, yeah 
please be 18+ if you do send in any spicey asks!!
This can go on for as long as y’all want really, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  I’ll just answer these like normal and spread them out too lol
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I have a few ask games I’ve reblogged before, so I have a few linked for you LOL 
intrusive asks 👁👄👁
~space~ asks! (this has a lot more!)
zodiac asks (just about my writing!)
writer’s asks
a little game I got from my friend which I think is absolutely so much fun
this is a version of fuck-marry-kill, but send in THREE characters (this one can be from any mix of my interests!) and I’ll choose which one I’d rather have a fanfic trope with: 
“childhood friends-to-lovers” 
and “fake dating”
would definitely prefer haikyuu characters
but doing a mix and match from all my interests is a lotta fun
things i used to or am currently into: haikyuu, marvel, bnha, demon slayer, rwby, sailor moon, voltron, dc, overwatch, tales of vesperia, legend of zelda, bungo stray dogs, narnia (lmao), one piece, uhm, i’ll add more if i can think of more, tbh u can even just say random characters and i’ll just google them 
As always though, feel free to ask me any other questions!!
this will also go on for as long as whenever, i’ll probably spread out this one! 
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AH. It was lookin a little long so here’s the link to the post :3c (will edit post later!!! when I come back from my exam!!!)
to those who got to the end, omg i’m sorry. i talk so much. but thank you for your support and just getting through this block of words hakdfhkasf
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ghostnebula · 4 years
autumnal asks 🌙
I was tagged by @blueeyedrichie! Thank you ily <3
1. what is your favorite autumn scent? apple-cinnamon, caramel, the smell of hot chocolate, that sharp kinda grey cold smell that starts to settle in over everything at some point, cold rain, dead leaves. all of them?
2. would you rather go through a corn maze or go pumpkin picking? joke’s on you i can do BOTH those things because every pumpkin patch around here also has a corn maze! 
3. what is your favorite halloween candy? cruel. how can you make me choose? i really like reese’s peanut butter cups but i also really like the fuzzy peaches in the lil fun-size pack and also rockets? also coffee crisp oh my god. fun-size coffee crisp is where it’s at.
4. favorite autumn holiday? halloween, duh
5. rainy, foggy autumn days or cold, sunny autumn days? cold & sunny
6. favorite horror movie to watch on halloween? not really. whatever’s on TV i guess. if halloweentown is on that’s gonna be the top pick, but that isn’t even horror lol
7. do you like raking leaves? only if i can jump in the pile after
8. do you have any special autumn traditions? every year i make my two (2) friends get together at one of our houses and we make those pillsbury halloween cookies that kill you if you eat too many, and we eat too many, drink hot beverages of our choice, and marathon over the garden wall and then watch whatever horror movies we feel like watching for the rest of the night.
9. do you like carving pumpkins? yes i unironically love the horrible cold feeling of pumpkin guts between my fingers and i truly enjoy tormenting all of the weak bitches in my family/friend group with handfuls of pumpkin goo
10. combat boots or cardigans? cardigans bby
11. yellows, reds and browns or purples, blacks and oranges? purples, blacks, and oranges. it’s gaudy and ugly or gtfo
12. favorite autumn drink? it’s a tie between apple cider and my special tim horton’s order of a white hot chocolate with an apple cinnamon tea bag (literally amazing, please try it next time you’re at timmies)
13. do you like pumpkin spice flavored things? not particularly. i’ll eat/drink it but i’m not a huge fan of pumpkin as a flavour.
14. favorite type of pie? apple, 100%
15. do you have any special halloween traditions? what are they?  yeah! i volunteer for a girls’ youth group which shall not be named but exists pretty much all over the world anyway (think cookie-selling children in uniforms). and every year our pack dresses up during the meeting before halloween and we go “trick-or-treating” at the local nursing home! i go in early to deliver bowls of candy to the residents and then once the girls show up we give them bags and take them around the building to collect candy. sadly we can’t do that this year :(
16. halloween parties or giving out candy to trick or treaters? giving out candy :’) that’s honestly my fave. i love seeing all the cute/cool costumes and seeing how excited the kids are and slipping extra candy into the bags for the tired parents who have been dragged all over the neighbourhood for this shit.
17. hayrides or campfires? campfires all the way. no force on this earth will stop me from singing camp songs at any fire i’m present for. i hope you motherfuckers are ready for the moose song.
18. describe your ideal autumn day? it was yesterday! apple picking with my sister + our friends & their kids, taking all the kids on a hayride, getting cups of hot cider, hanging out in the sun, tasting all the different kinds of apples, checking out the pumpkin patches, taking the kids on the rides and to the playground, buying candy for everyone. we all went out for dinner at one of the most popular locally owned “restaurants” in the area and it was just. really nice :’)))
19. coffee or hot chocolate? mmmm depends on the time of day. coffee is my fave but i will not drink it past 4 p.m. made that mistake too many times.
20. alcoholic or non alcoholic apple cider? non-alcoholic
21. what is your go to autumn outfit(s)? my comfiest jeans and literally any of my sweaters/hoodies. i’m not even picky. i just love the jeans & hoodie combo.
22. do you wear scarves? eh only in the winter tbh to protect my face from frostbite. 
23. describe your dream autumn date? apple picking/pumpkin picking and then either going home to make goodies with the apples or taking the pumpkins home to carve while we watch bad horror movies.
24. scary stories around a camp fire or getting lost in a corn maze with someone? scary stories around the campfire but make them all incredibly dumb because nothing is better than a scary story that ends funny.
25. black cats or bats? uhhh both
26. do you decorate for autumn? don’t really have time tbh. i try but i don’t always get a chance.
27. vampires or witches? this question needs more context. to fuck? vampires. to be? witches. which one is cooler? both, you fools.
28. do you collect crystals? no, but most of my friends do
29. do you like cold weather? to a degree. i can’t really stand the heat, but i’m also chronically anemic so the cold doesn’t quite do it for me either. already, my feet haven’t been warm in almost 3 days. send help. cold weather is only okay if your house is properly insulated.
30. what was your favorite autumn activity as a kid? uh def trick-or-treating and pumpkin carving (and watching halloweentown on the family channel)
My tags:
@stunt-lads @ull-float-too @fuji09 @letskillthisbitchassclown @princessdaddy @edtozier89 
Sorry if u already did this
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izzy-b-hands · 4 years
You Send Me: Chapter Ten
Tag List: @xmxisxforxmaybe
A little bit of a time skip here, because otherwise this fic would have a ridiculous number of chapters if I went through literally every show on the 1978 Canadian/American tour roster lol. 
Warning for some casually transphobic microaggressions from the reader’s mother in a bit of this. Nothing horrible, but it’s based off of how my family acts around me at times and so...it’s also not great either. If you had to put it on a scale of 1-10, 1 being eh not so bad I can ignore it to 10 being oh god jesus the fuck is wrong with these transphobic assholes, it’s about a three. Also some general verbal emotional abuse. Fun fact, some of the dialogue in this are near quotations of things my mother has said to me irl! I never thought I’d get any use out of that hurt, but here we are!
Also, some big conflict, and some difficult decisions to make for Y/N. 
You were grateful, as the tour progressed, that you and Freddie had finally gotten to fuck when you did. Because after? There was simply no time. 
It wasn’t just that stupid little things kept making you late (the van breaking down, a tire deciding it no longer felt like remaining on the van whilst on the highway no less, hotels not finding your reservations, venues with a whole variety of their own issues that made shows...interesting to complete) but that it was the heaviest fever-pitch of the tour cycle. It was about the middle, and things were settling, you in your job and the crew and band all together into a well-oiled concert-giving machine. 
As a result, you were exhausted a good ninety percent of the time, and so was Freddie (along with everyone else.) Conversations at night had dwindled to ‘I love yous’ and ‘fuck me running I could sleep for a year’ before you both passed out, only to get up early and run again. 
“Is it bad that I’m glad it’s nearly over?” you asked in the hotel room in Oakland, cuddled against Freddie as you both sat against the headboard of the bed. 
“No,” Freddie sighed. “It’s great fun, but tiring fun. And eventually, you do get sick of it.” 
“What show did you realize you were absolutely done with touring, this time around?” 
“....Miami?” he said, and laughed. “No, not quite that early, not really.” 
“Early tour jitters, maybe?” 
“That’s more like it,” he replied. “Now, it’s definitely being done with it. For a while, at least. It’ll be nice to go home. To take you home.” 
Your heart soared at that. It was common knowledge amongst the rest of the crew now as well, and you’d been lovingly teased over it ever since, that any time they caught you smiling, you must surely have been thinking about the end of the tour and heading to London with Freddie. To be fair to them, you often were thinking about it. It was hard not to, the closer it got. 
The phone at the beside rang, and you both exchanged a look. 
“Maybe a wrong number?” you mused as you picked it up. 
“Where are you?” your mother’s voice was sharp, panicked. “And when can you get here?” 
“Where, exactly?” you asked, slipping out of Freddie’s arms to sit on the side of the bed, stretching the cord of the phone less. 
“Home, where else?” your mother asked exasperatedly. “Your grandparents are both sick, and I can’t do this by myself. I need your help. You said I could always count on you, my good little gi-” 
Your mother stopped herself, then started again. “Child. Good little child, of mine. Anyway, when should I expect you here?” 
You scoffed. “You can’t expect me at all. We only just finished the Oakland show, and then we have three in Los Angeles and one make-up show in Washington, D.C. after those. I can’t come home even after that because-” 
You cut yourself off and turned to look at Freddie, who wore a concerned look on his face. It was sweet, and kind, and it brought tears to your eyes.
“Look, I’ve got to go. I can call you back later, and try and arrange to come out there in maybe a few weeks after the tour is over.” 
“That’ll be fine, I suppose,” your mother sniffed. “If they’re still alive by then. But no worries, I’m used to taking care of everything for you all by my lonesome. Nothing new there.” 
She hung up her end of the phone with a clatter, and that broke you. 
“What is it?” Freddie asked gently, pulling you back onto the bed and into his arms. “Whatever it is, we’ll figure it out.” 
“My grandparents are ill, apparently,” you choked out in between sobs. “And my mother expects me to drop everything and go running back home, because supposedly no one else in the family will help her care for them.” 
“I’m so sorry,” he murmured, and kissed your forehead. “Were they sick when you left?” 
You shook your head. “Not at all. But they’re getting on in years, I suppose it could just happen out of the blue. But why she waits to call me now about it, I don’t understand. And I don’t even know how she found out where I am, I didn’t give her the exact tour dates...” 
A knock at the door, and Roger entered unannounced. 
“Ah. Your mum got a hold of you then?” 
Freddie nodded for you. “How do you know about it?” 
“Because. Crystal is Y/N’s contact here, and that was the only contact number we let Y/N give out to family for while he’s here with us on tour,” Roger said. “He made sure Y/N’s mum had a list of the concert dates, and apparently she knew we were in the city but not which hotel, and god, some of the hotels around here are angry beyond belief that she’s been blowing up their lines so much-” 
You sobbed even harder, unintentionally interrupting him, and Roger winced. 
“I’m sorry. We...maybe shouldn’t have given her the full tour info. We never imagined she’d do that with it, that’s for sure. When she finally got in touch with Crystal here, she said it was an emergency, but she wouldn’t say what about? Is everything okay?” 
“Family is sick,” Freddie said shortly. “And Y/N’s mother expects him home straight away.” 
Roger nodded. “Well, if you must...” 
“I’m not going!” you shouted, half of it coming out as an indignant laugh. “I don’t want them to die, but I know her, and I don’t believe it’s as bad as she says. She just wants me home so I can do whatever she tells me, so I can be another paycheck to help her pay bills after I find another shitty job there.” 
You curled into yourself, your face buried in Freddie’s chest. “I can’t go back. I can never go back. But I have to, or I’ll never forgive myself, But I can’t go now!” 
“Okay,” Freddie soothed, and you heard Roger leave the room by the quiet click of the door as it shut. “We’ll figure this out, remember? Maybe you can’t leave now, but...I mean, it’s really not ideal for you to go back at all, with the way you’ve said they act around you. But if it was me, I don’t think I could stay away, even if it turned out they weren’t really ill.” 
He sighed. “There’s no easy answer to this, I don’t think. And not necessarily a right one either. But you have some time, some days at least, to make a choice on it. And I’ll do my best to support whatever you decide, I promise.” 
You raised your head, and you could see in his eyes that he meant it, even if there was an edge there. 
The edge, like a cliff for the two of you to tumble off of, where you went home and couldn’t leave again. Where you’d never see each other again. Where you’d languish in a city you hated, around people who loved you out of familial obligation but not out of pure emotion and care. And where you’d both miss each other desperately, but would never be able to reconcile that pain. 
The shows after that were a blur. Not an unhappy one exactly, but not the ecstatic rush they had been prior. As you saw it, it was two separate eras: Pre-Phone Call and Post-Phone Call. Even with the troubles the tour had seen, you liked Pre-Phone Call much better. 
“If you need to stop there,” Brian said as you all entered the airport, since there was no way to drive all the way back to D.C. in decent time. “You can. I mean, you could spend a few hours there, then be to Washington right in time for the show, I’m sure.” 
You shook your head. “She’s waited this long, she can wait until this show is over, and that’s if I go at all.” 
Brian nodded, and patted your back before following the rest of the crew as you searched out the area you were meant to be in. 
The waiting at the airport didn’t lend itself well to your anxiety over the whole mess, and finally, you hit a breaking point. 
“Bathroom,” you muttered to Freddie as you stood up from the couch the two of you were lounged on. John and Roger immediately pulled your carry-on bags towards them, and you were grateful for it. That little gesture, a sign of the oddball band and crew family you’d come to love so dearly. 
And now, it might go away forever. 
You pressed him up against the wall before you could even get near a stall; there was the risk of being caught, but you didn’t much give a fuck about it. 
“Y/N,” Freddie murmured, kissing back only for a moment before grabbing you by the waist. “Hold on.” 
“I’ll stop, and you can wait for me out there,” you said. “But then I’m getting off in here on my own. I can’t just sit there, and keep thinking about this, running it over and over and over in my head-” 
He pulled you close, and you let yourself melt against him. “I can’t stand this.” 
“I know,” he said. “I don’t think I know anyone who could. But this isn’t the answer, not right now at least. Maybe later, as stress relief, once you’re home, and it’s all over.” 
“Home with you?” 
“Where else?” Freddie chuckled softly. “We’ll make a day of it, making you feel good and loved and not thinking another thing about anything or anyone else. As soon as the jet lag has worn off of you, that’s when we’ll plan it for.” 
“What if they don’t want me to go?” you asked, keeping your head pressed against his chest. 
“Last time I checked, you’re a grown man, who can come and go as he pleases, wherever he might like,” Freddie replied. “Your family might not see that, or might not want to, but that’s the simple truth of the matter. They can want you to stay all they like, but you can do whatever you want. And what do you want right now?” 
“To see my grandparents, make sure they’re going to be okay, then come home to you.” 
“Then that’s what you’ll do,” Freddie said, and the finality of it soothed the gaping crater of fear and anxiety and frustration that had made its home in your chest. 
It was easier to sit then, waiting for the plane, then waiting for the flight to be over (and watching Freddie fall asleep during it, head back, mouth open, out like a light, utterly adorable.) It almost felt normal again, as you went through the motions you had for the entire tour run. 
Airport to hotel, drop everything, change, and then the run to the final venue. 
This time it was mercifully free of water, rats, and anything else that might have caused a problem, and the owner seemed much happier and calmer for it. 
That made the show feel cleaner too, watching from backstage as it all went off without a hitch. No broken strings, no outfit issues, no broken drum set, nothing wrong at all. 
“You’re Y/N, right?” 
You turned, and saw the venue owner holding a phone receiver, the cord stretched nearly to breaking.
“An emergency call, per the lady on the phone, she said to get you right away-” 
You nodded your thanks, took the phone, and followed the cord back to its home, the venue owner trailing behind you. 
“That’s a lovely way to talk to your mother, when I’m calling to check in and wish you a good concert.” 
“We’re in the middle of it now,” you said through gritted teeth. “I need to go do my job. How did you even get this number?!” 
“I’m sure they can do without you for a bit,” your mother said carelessly, ignoring your question as if you hadn’t asked it at all. “Now, about your coming here, I have some things I’ll need you to do right away when you get in-” 
“Look,” you interrupted forcefully. “I’m only coming to make sure Grandma and Grandpa will be okay. Then I’m leaving. I have another flight to catch, three days after I get to where you are. And I’m not changing it, or missing it, no matter what.” 
She went silent for a moment, and you moved to hang up the phone. 
“You know, it’s a real shame. We didn’t raise you to be so mean. And after all we’ve done for you.” 
“This is not the time for this discussion,” you spat, looking out to the hall only to see Crystal there, giving you a universal ‘what the fuck are you doing?!’ gesture. “I need to go.” 
“No time for your mother, or your grandparents,” your mother tutted. “What must they think of you there, when they hear you on the phone like this?” 
“They don’t hear me, because they’re wondering where the fuck I am, because they need me to be with them, doing my job,” you replied. “I’ll be on a flight to you after the concert; we can talk more when I get to you.” 
“Why won’t you say ‘home’?” your mother asked. “Just say it: ‘when I get home.’“ 
You bit your tongue, and held your breath so you wouldn’t screech in frustration and aggravation. 
“Say it. For me.” 
You couldn’t. ‘Home’ there had only barely ever been a home, only in the slightest sense. ‘Home’ now, was wherever Freddie was, and that was how you liked it, and you couldn’t and wouldn’t say anything to contradict it. 
“Ugh,” your mother scoffed. “Fine then, be that way. Maybe you ought not come anyway; it would probably upset your grandparents and hurt them more, if this is how you’re going to be. We raised you to be considerate of others, but apparently you’ve willfully forgotten that lesson. Just forget all about it.”
She hung up, and you handed the phone to the venue owner, who took it with a solemn look. 
It was like moving in slow motion after that, going through the motions to finish out the concert, but only being able to concentrate on trying not to break down and cry. 
You couldn’t manage to go in the green room after. You wanted Freddie’s comfort, but not at the loss of his own post-concert joy. 
Instead, you bummed a cigarette off of another tech, and went outside to smoke in the cold winter air, which was where he found you. 
“You smoke? Since when?” 
You shook your head. “Not since high school. This is only for tonight. Just getting me through.” 
“Through what?” Freddie asked, and shivered. He was only in his concert get-up and the yellow robe he wore after each show. It was thick, but not much against the December wind. 
“Through my mother telling me not to bother. Saying terrible things that I know aren’t true, but that I can’t convince myself of their falseness all the same,” you replied as you shifted off your jacket, and wrapped it around his shoulders. 
“Put this back on, you’ll freeze otherwise,” Freddie instructed, but you left it on him. 
“I’m not feeling much of anything right now. Hot, or cold, or anything at all.” 
You finished the cigarette, and stamped it out on the snowy ground. “I should go help clean up.” 
“No, Crystal said they’ve got it,” Freddie said, stepping in front of you before you could move. “He figured something had happened when you took a call mid-show.” 
“I didn’t want to,” you said. “It was terribly unprofessional of me, and it won’t happen again.” 
He sighed, and moved again to be beside you, wrapping an arm around your shoulders. “You don’t need to apologize like that. Or at all. It’s fine, everything was okay. Turned out great, in fact. A good show to end the tour on.” 
You knew the tears on your face were warm in contrast to the coldness of your skin, but it barely registered as they fell to the snow. “I wish it hadn’t ended. I mean, I did want it to so we could go home together, but now I have to go...there first and I kept somehow hoping it would all go slower. But it didn’t, and now there’s nothing I can do about it, and I don’t know how I’m going to deal with being around them again.” 
He took your hand, and you let him lead you back inside, ignoring the concerned stares of everyone you passed. You knew they had questions, but they were all kind enough not to ask them right then.
You watched as he changed, sniffling in the one decent chair in the green room that he had deposited you in. You swore he was taking his time, for your sake, and it made you want to run over and kiss him, but you couldn’t seem to move. 
He led you out of the venue again, onto the van, then into the hotel. Not a word passed between you and him to anyone else, even as part of you wanted to explain it all to them, to apologize for your suddenly going cold and quiet and broken. 
“We’ll sleep, and then you can make a final choice tomorrow,” Freddie said as he helped you out of your concert clothes and into the one change of night clothes you had in your bag. You’d barely worn them while with Freddie, it was more comfortable to be just in your underwear, warm skin to warm skin under the covers. 
The cold lingered in your bones now though, and you shivered even after you were dressed, even as he wrapped you in his arms under the covers. 
You weren’t sure you would ever be ready for tomorrow, and you didn’t want it to come. To stay in the bed of the hotel room, intertwined with Freddie, safe and warm and loved, was the only moment you wanted to exist in. 
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eldritchsurveys · 4 years
The last time you were in the fridge, what were you looking for? >> A beverage.
Do you like clowns? >> No.
Have you answered all of these questions honestly so far? >> There have only been two thus far, and I can't imagine lying on a survey question anyway.
What's the third text in your inbox? >> ---
Are you listening to anything at the moment? >> No.
Do you twitch when your falling asleep? >> Yeah, sometimes. Or I have that sudden falling feeling and jerk awake.
Are your dishes in the dishwasher clean or dirty? >> The dishwasher is either still running or finished running, so, either clean or about to be clean.
Are you at home or with friends more often? >> 98% of the time, I’m at home.
When is the last time you were on a bicycle? >> A year ago? At least? I don’t know. I tried to ride for a while but I’m too out of shape to enjoy it and it was discouraging. And by now, I’m worried it needs maintenance from having sat in the garage through a full cycle of seasons and I’m afraid to ride it.
What have you eaten today? >> A veggie burger and chips, a sandwich, and taco mac with Nuggs.
Would you date someone 15 years older than you? >> ---
Do you own a strapless bra? >> No.
Does the person you like know it? >> ---
Do you care if people hate you for no reason? >> I care in some circumstances, but not all.
Did anything brighten up your day today? >> I’m not sure. My day was pretty okay, though. To my pleasant surprise.
How are you feeling at this exact moment? >> Chill. A bit tired.
Are you someone who worries too often? >> I get anxious about things, but I’m not sure “worries too much” is applicable.
If you could date somebody who would it be? >> ---
Do you ever wonder how other people see you? >> Well, yeah.
What is one good thing you're known for? >> ---
How about one bad thing? >> ---
Are you taller than most? >> Most children, yeah. LOL
When was the last time you sang an ENTIRE song? >> Hmm... oh, I sang along to a Journey song while I was in the shower.
Are you the type of person who likes to be out or home? >> I like to be home.
What time do you normally go to bed? >> Between 10p and 12a.
What is one thing that is currently bothering you? >> My neck is still kind of sore, probably from sleeping wrong the other night or something. It’s getting better, but I also keep accidentally twinging it.
What did you do today? >> Read some of the book I’m on, watched a few episodes of Avenue 5, played some Torchlight 2, browsed tumblr, browsed Reddit. Not in that order.
Do you consider yourself to be attractive? >> No.
What was the last thing that you drank? >> A shandy.
Is anything annoying you now? >> No.
Has anyone ever said i love you to you and not meant it? >> How would I know, unless they told me (and in my experience people generally do not tell)?
Do you regret going out with the last person you did? >> Eh. Not really. Like, it sucks and I hate that the trauma from those interactions is still haunting me and affecting my current relationships, but it is what it is. 
Do you realize it when you curse? >> I mean, more or less.
When was the last time you showered? >> This morning.
Who did you last talk to in person? >> Sparrow.
Do you ever have days where you just don't do anything? >> No. Even when I’m deeply depressed I will move my hands to put on Netflix (and then click “yes” when it periodically asks if I’m still watching), lol. That’s something.
Have you ever been extremely tired but refused to go to sleep? >> Yeah.
What is your favorite episode of True Life, if you have one at all? >> ---
Have you ever experienced something paranormal? >> Maybe.
What's the longest amount of time you've been stuck in traffic? >> ---
Best field trip experience? >> ---
Have you ever been to New York City? >> I used to live there.
If so, is it all its cracked up to be? >> What’s it cracked up to be, exactly? People say a lot of things about NYC, not all of it positive. It also depends on, you know... your socioeconomic standing. Wealthy folks’ NYC is a completely different place from poor folks’ or homeless folks’ NYC, despite being on the same patch of land...
What is the most amount of money you've spent on a meal before? >> I have no idea.
What museums have you visited, if any? >> In NYC: MOMA, Museum of Natural History; in Philadelphia: Franklin Institute; in Chicago: Museum of Science & Industry, Adler Planetarium (it’s also an astronomy museum); in Michigan: Grand Rapids Art Museum, Grand Rapids Public Museum. Those are just the ones I remember, mind you. Might have been to a couple of others and just forgotten about them.
Have you ever had a group project and one of your partners bailed on you? >> Maybe when I was in school, idk.
What's your worst traveling experience? >> Probably every time I had to take a Greyhound from Colorado to NYC (or vice versa).
Sims 1, 2, or 3? Why? >> I’ve never played the first one. I like the vast amount of custom content resources for 2, the innovation of 3, and the continued innovation of 4. Otherwise, they’re mostly the same to me except the graphics just get smoother over the years.
Have you ever dealt with noisy neighbors or roommates? How did that go? >> Yes. Poorly, obviously, for me anyway.
Who was (or is) the teacher that gave you the hardest time in school? >> ---
Best muffin you've ever had? >> I don’t like muffins.
Have you ever taken a woodshop class? >> Once.
If so, was it required? >> No, it was an elective.
How much time do you spend on Facebook, if you have one? >> Hardly any. I just check it every few days or whatever, for messages mostly.
What area of math are you best at? Worst? >> I don’t know.
How do you feel when you meet someone with the same music taste as you? >> I don’t care if people like the same music as I do, as long as they’re not rude about genres they don’t care for. I like talking about music with people, but it always ends up being this “this genre is better than that genre” or “this era is better than that era” circle jerk and that’s so fucking boring.
What is the strangest thing you've ever seen outside of your house? >> *shrug*
Do you believe in luck? Why or why not? >> It can be a useful concept.
How often do you "half-ass" things (put little effort in)? >> Whenever I don’t have the energy to whole-ass something, but I don’t want to just not do anything at all.
Do you ever feel self-conscious when you eat around other people? >> No. I feel annoyed when I have to eat around other people, because then I have to hear other people eating.
Has a teacher ever made you hate yourself/your work? >> Probably.
How reliable is your internet connection? >> It’s quite reliable.
Have you ever missed a meeting/event that was required/necessary? >> Yeah.
What's something that makes you incredibly nervous? >> I can’t think of anything off the top of my head.
What's the latest you've ever stayed up to finish homework/a project? >> ---
If you don't have glasses, how would you feel if you had to get them? >> It wouldn’t bother me too much. Unless my vision started failing really badly, because, you know... I like seeing.
If you do have glasses, how would you feel if you didn't need them anymore? >> ---
How many vegetarians do you know? >> I’m not sure.
Have you ever considered going to art school? >> No.
Is there anyone in your life who consistently angers you? >> No.
How quickly can you write an essay? >> I don’t know.
Have you ever had problems falling asleep in class? >> In high school, i was put on multiple psychotropic/anti-depressant drugs, none of which I actually needed, so they all had pretty adverse effects on me. Including making me fall asleep in class almost constantly.
Have you ever been on the barrier or front row at a concert? >> I usually was.
If you have a job, who is your least favorite coworker/manager? >> ---
Favorite episode of Spongebob? >> I don’t like that show.
Do you have any silly/odd emotional connections to anything/anyone? >> I don’t want to call any of my emotional connections silly or odd. Especially since I have a hard enough time making them in the first place -- I want to encourage and support those connections, not disparage them. :/
Are your parents supportive of you? >> I took this survey almost a decade ago, and my answer then was that he was supportive even if he didn’t always approve. I was really on some bullshit then, I guess... because that’s just not true. He only supported what he thought was appropriate for me to be involved in, and when I invariably wanted to do or be other things, he was dismissive and almost derisive. Being supported in my being and endeavours is not a common theme in my life and it starts with that motherfucker.
How often do you take the train to go places? >> I don’t take it much anymore; the last time I took it was to go to Chicago and back, as an experiment (Sparrow wanted to see if it was truly better than driving there and back). When I lived in the City, of course, I took a subway all the time. Really miss that.
Do you play with your phone in awkward situations? >> I guess I would, if I found myself in a situation I thought was awkward. I usually don’t.
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