#elaborate turtle joke
plum-pitt · 7 months
Now just hang on and try to understand my vision ok?
BadFuture!Donnie running into Kendra for the first time in over a decade while on some random resistance supply run:
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Random Turtle HCs
Based on the Bayverse turts, guys are 25+ SFW
-Donnie listens to 70s/80s funk jams in the lab. Anything with a groovy beat helps keep him focused on his tasks, but sometimes he subconsciously starts dancing when his favorite songs come on the speakers. Mikey caught him once, and he's never heard the end of it.
-When they were tweens Mikey got Raph into animes like Dragonball Z and Bleach. It was something they both really got excited about when the re-runs would come on tv. As they get older, both guys still watch it together for a lil brother bonding time. They're currently binging Jujustu Kaisen and One Punch Man. Donnie will sometimes watch an episode or two with them, but he never really got into it. Leo makes fun of Mikey and Raph for liking such bro-y shows, but secretly watches shojo/shonen animes like Fruits Basket or Oran Host Club. He's re-watching Inuyasha right now (for the third time). He would die of embarrassment if his brothers found out (Donnie knows).
-After seriously pulling a muscle a few years ago, Leo got really into massage therapy. He did a bunch of research on physical therapy and different massage techniques, and figured out how to marry the two ideas so he could help out when his brothers inevitably hurt themselves. Cough *Mikey* Cough.
-Speaking of which, Mikey is literally always hurting himself. He's not clumsy, he's just a wild dude who tends to overestimate the capabilities of his board. He's smacked into the side of a building more times than his brothers can count.
-Raph has a tendency to yap in the weight room. He's serious about working out, but if one of his brothers comes in to work in with him, he'll get reeeaal chatty. It's just the space he feels most comfortable and open, where his walls come down. Mikey doesn't mind, but it bugs the crap out of Leo.
-Donnie has to be dragged to the weight room to lift weights. Leo insists on it, and even gave him a perfectly tailored workout plan, but Donnie will make up every excuse to not go. He's never been able to build muscle like his brothers, and they know that, but Leo still wants him to continue strength training. Once as a teen, he was tossed over Raph's shoulder and brought in. Raph got away mostly unscathed.
-Leo writes Star trek and Battlestar Galactica fanfic. No, I will not elaborate.
-Mikey has been teaching Splinter new slang words, mostly to irritate Leo. The other night at dinner he used "no cap" in a sentence, and Leo got up and left the table. Mikey was cackling.
-Donnie swears. A lot. Raph and Mikey do too, but Don is real bad. Leo tries not to, out of respect and in the name of good manners, but if he gets heated in a videogame against Mikey, watch out.
-Mikey struggles with depression, but uses his sense of humor to cope. His jokes occasionally border on self-depreciating, which is a heads up to his brothers that he's not doing great. They take camping trips or plan fun days to help him out of the funk.
-Leo is the biggest flirt in the world. He doesn't realize he's doing it sometimes, until his victims are more blush than person and a puddle on the floor.
-Donnie is incredibly sassy. Like 1000%. He loved sitcom shows like The Golden Girls growing up, and learned how to deliver absolutely fatal comebacks with ease. He doesn't strike to kill unless he's annoyed, usually.
-Raph loves to sing. Like actually loves it. He won't sing for his brothers, but if you follow him on nights when he sneaks off, he goes to abandoned warehouses for the acoustics. Raph has a beautiful voice, with a little rasp to it, and he likes the way it echoes off the rafters. He usually sings along with 90s/2000s r&b, but sometimes will pull out some classic rock ballads. He's been singing Because of You by Ne-yo the past few nights.
-When Mikey discovers a new artist that he likes, the whole lair knows. He plays the music on full blast, going through the full discography. Donnie usually has to threaten to disconnect the wifi before he'll turn it down. His newest fixation was the Silk Sonic album.
-All the brothers' music tastes are influenced by each other. Raph listens to Rap, Leo likes R&B, Mikey's into Hip Hop, and Donnie's music is soup (there's a bit of literally everything). They all share music with each other, adding to the queue when they're in the garbage truck. The only consensus is that country sucks.
tags: @thelaundrybitch, @sophiacloud28
let me know if you'd like to be added to my tag list!
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cursedcatchild · 28 days
Ok, so I watched TOTTMNT and I am here to rant. Also, SPOILERS ahead!
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So First of all, if I had to sum up my thoughts into a single sentence it would be: For the love of God, put those turtles back together, where they belong!!
I didn’t hate the show, but I didn’t come to like it either. And no, I did not have any prejudgment just because it was a new iteration. Honestly I was super hyped for this version, because the movie was a blast. Yea, I ended up being disappointed. But let me just elaborate on that:
First let’s take a look at our turtles from worst to best in my opinion.
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Yepp, ladies and gentlemen so far I have never seen a single iteration where I didn’t come to like a Mikey. He’s always among my favs. But this version felt super shallow. He had just as much screen time in the series as his brothers and yet I still have no idea who this guy really is. His jokes were lame not really landing, I couldn’t really point out any particular goal or insecurity that anyone could relate to. Also, the guy is super oblivious. Like he took ten minutes to realize he walked into a robbery when he went for groceries. Heck he was having a casual conversation with the robbers. 
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Another kinda shallow guy. Sure we seen a bit of insecurity, he literally quoted Rise Leo saying “ I’m nothing without them!” but it felt irreal. Because Rise Leo had a reason to think that, he wasn’t as much of a functional member of the team and he was always taken for jokes. But right from the beginning of TOTTMNT we see Tales Leo commanding his brothers, they listen to him  and even say it multiple times how planning is Leo’s thing. So at this point this Leo is just fucking blind. ( Also April slaps instant self confidence into the boy.) 
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Ok, this is also the first time, but I never really took a liking to a Raph before Tales Raph. Boy is filled with anger and sass, yet he’s not coming off as a total jerk like 2012 Raph. And of course he's not a super softie like Rise Raph ( I don’t hate Rise Raph for being a softie, he's my second favorite Raph) either. He had some fun pipe up and overall a personality I got. I think he’s the most perfect Raph I have ever seen. 
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The best character of the iteration in my humble opinion. He was relatable, funny, honestly he was stealing Mikey’s job as the comic relief, but at the same time he’s the smart guy. The boy is ranting about not being the IT guy and then goes reprogramming an evil robot. Oh and he saved so many lifes, because he stopped a fucking train crash. He’s epic, I swear.
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(My fave screenshot ever 🤣🤣)
Now story wise:
🔥What the fuck was this dumpster fire?! 🔥Who thought splitting up the turtles would be fine?! 😑Especially in a 12 episode season? Look, I don't mind solo or duo time. There were plenty of good ones, for example Rise. I adored the Mikey vs Leo cook off episode or the Gumbus one, but for the sake of my sanity Rise had twice as many episodes and the turtles were not split up for the majority of the story.
Like I'm not joking when I say they were together in 4 episodes intotal.😨😨
Now I heard rumors left and right that the fact that they need to make a show was thrown at the team at the last minute ( IDK how true is that) , but goodness gracious even if I was presented with the task with a “ Due tomorrow label” I could still write a better story. Especially with the goldmine what the writers decided to ignore.
Yes, something that would've made TOTTMNT be really unique….. School people! We were promised that we will explore the turtles from the teenage side. Ummm….Hate to break it to ya all but I think there is no better way to do that than putting them into school.
It would’ve been fire to see them trying to fit in, balancing all the cool hero stuff with school life, maybe wrecking the school, seeing how other teenangers adjust to the fact that now giant talking turtles are their classmates. It wouldn’t be some crazy mind blowing plot, but I swear it would've been amazing.
Now don’t misunderstand me. Despite the story feeling like being all over the place it wasn’t that super bad, but I’m pissed that it could've been better with ease.
Also another thing that bugged me, is the feeling of something missing. IDK if anyone else who watched it felt like this, but I legit felt like if we just grabbed the for example farm arc from 2012 TMNT and aired it as season 1. The fact that the turtles were split and they kept mentioning that they have always been fighting together made me feel like I should’ve seen them do that.
Anyways, If I did not take your will to watch it away, go and check it out. It's not horrible but not great either. I’m disappointed and I'm gonna need Rise back, thank you very much!
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seat-safety-switch · 5 months
Now that nearly every bit of human social interaction takes place on privately-owned chat platforms, all of our problems have been solved. And by "all," I mean "a negative number." Turns out that some robots have been watching us talk all this time, and started stealing the words right out of our virtual mouths.
Nobody knows who sent the robots. A lot of folks in my local group think that it was government spies, trying to scoop up all of our poor-quality jokes and puns to use them against us at a later date. Others are just waiting to see those same poor-quality jokes show up on a sitcom about Midwestern families addicted to bad cars.
Either way, one thing had to be done first. We kicked the robots out. Sent each of 'em packing with a different disturbing profanity for their creators. Or we thought we did. See, while we all can acknowledge that some of the obvious robots are now gone, we're not sure when they started showing up. Any of the "people" I routinely talk to, like Untoward Carl or Michelle Turbo-Relational-Model 9500, could also have been robots this entire time. We've started rolling out Voight-Kampff tests, as is industry standard, but so far everyone just posts GIFs of cartoon turtles dancing before continuing the discussion of whether the Dodge Aspen is in fact superior to the Plymouth Volare (no.)
Sometimes, late at night, I start to wonder if I am one of the robots, too. Sounds preposterous, but think about it for yourself. I can't conclusively prove that any point of my existence actually happened, or if it was just the elaborate hallucination of a computer that was taught to feel pain by Silicon Valley engineers. Once in awhile, on the train, I feel the urge to tell my fellow riders about the excitement of purchasing DoritoCoins® from Taco Bell, because they're a great investment. Hold on, the train? We don't have a train in my city.
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faith-forgxtten-land · 7 months
Mikey mikey mikey mikey mikey mikey mikey mikey mikey mikey mikey mikey mikey mikey mikey mikey mikey mikey mikey mikey mikey mikey mikey mikey mikey mikey mikey mikey mikey mikey mikey mikey mikey mikey mikey mikey mikey mikey mikey mikey mikey mikey mikey mikey mikey mikey mikey mikey mikey mikey mikey mikey mikey mikey mikey mikey mikey mikey mikey mikey mikey mikey mikey mikey mikey mikey mikey mikey mikey mikey mik–
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Valentine's Day | Michelangelo
i agree, anon. bayverse again since i might as well complete the set!
warnings: shitty and uninspired title. swearing which i probably should've added to my other pieces too but oh well. everyone is always 18+!! hints of suggestiveness but its very minor. also fem!reader with mention of lady, gal etc. never proofread!!
summary: mikey loves valentine's day; side-note, leo is a communist
word count: 830
Mikey loved Valentine’s Day. He’d woken up early to decorate the Lair with the most garish shades of pink he could find, and he’d covered Raph in flower petals while he slept, having to cover his mouth with his hand to hold back his sniggers. It happened every year, and every year he found it funnier. His brother’s didn’t. Raph would rage, Donnie would roll his eyes (although he would chuckle a little when no one could hear), and Leo would sigh.
He knew they saw the day as the epitome of a life they could never have. Raph especially found it hard so why not have him concentrate his insecurity and anger at the injustice of the world on Mikey for the harmless pranks he pulled? If it helped him forget the pain inside him for a short while, then Mikey would gladly face his ire. Donnie would just lock himself within his lab (how unexpected), and Leo would pretend nothing was wrong. Leo did that a lot.
The smallest turtle privately thought that their oh-so-Fearless Leader was more emotionally constipated than Raph. Especially on Valentine’s Day. Leo would never admit the real reason for his dislike of the day and Mikey could already hear this year’s excuse:
“Valentine’s Day is a capitalistic endeavour reliant on pressure and novelty, designed to scam consumers and perpetuate the relentless commodification of the self and emotions blah blah blah blah blah…”
Leo always got all preachy after reading. He’d go on rants (“calm and factual explanations that you might actually benefit from listening to Michelangelo”) about two dudes called Marks and Angles (who the fuck called themselves Angles?) and the others would tune him out. Maybe Leo was right, but Mikey didn’t really care. Especially not this year. Unlike his loser brothers, he actually had a date. Mikey resisted the urge to giggle at the thought. Of course, he was the most facially blessed so it would make sense as to why he’d have a beautiful lady accompanying him this evening. Plus, Donnie was a raging nerd, Leo was a fucking weeb, and Raph was, well, he was Raph.
He hadn’t told them yet. You wanted to keep things quiet, at least for now, and the terrapin eagerly agreed to your terms. Silence wasn’t exactly his forte, but he knew how to keep secrets even if his family didn’t believe that. He’d planned the date in secret; he couldn’t be too elaborate, he was still a mutant turtle after all, but he’d done everything he could think of to make it special. He frowned in thought at a fuchsia heart that he'd stuck on the wall. You’d like it. You always liked the things Mikey did; you always laughed at his jokes even when everyone else groaned.
“I’ll love anything you plan, Angelo.” He believed when you said that. You were patient and kind in a way his brothers rarely were with him. That didn’t stop the fluttering of butterfly wings in his stomach. He’d never been one to be nervous, he’d quite literally jumped out of an aeroplane on a skateboard, but you made his palms sweat, his heart jump, and his words stutter. He was normally so smooth with women (or, well, woman since he’d only known April before you but that was irrelevant), yet you made him a flustering mess. He’d never let you catch on to that, though; he preferred if you thought he was just feeling extra goofy in your presence.
Speak of the devil. Or angel, he supposed. “ANGELCAKES!” Mikey grinned, hearing Raph curse at the booming shout, then curse again as he no doubt realised what his brother had done for the seventh year running. Last year, Raphael had stayed up all night to avoid the flowers, so Mikey had waited in the shower (also all night) to pop a confetti canon full of petals in his face. He’d probably resigned himself to his fate the night before, but that wouldn’t stop his irritation.
You raised your brow. “Roses again?”
Mikey winked at you. “Carnations. I was on a budget this year, spent all my roses money on this gorgeous gal, you wouldn’t know her.” He grinned wider at your snickers, then somehow even wider as you pressed a kiss to his cheek before anyone could interrupt.
“You’re so…”
“Handsome? Charming? Dashing?”
“Of course, babe.”
God, Mikey loved you.
You rolled your eyes affectionately. “Run, Forrest, run. Just try not to let him bruise your face.”
“Aw, I was hoping you’d kiss it better.”
You smirked and Mikey felt his face flush as you gave him a sultry look, your eyes tracing the length of his body and pausing pointedly. “How about this, I’ll kiss anywhere it hurts on our date tonight.”
If Mikey let Raph catch him quicker than usual and put up less of a fight than normal, well, that was no one else's business, was it?
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j-nope-not-today · 1 year
Hello! I just discovered your page and I love it! 🐢
Could you write something about the guys finding out that s/o (reader, the girl they have a secret crush on) has a pet little turtle in their house?
Perhaps they had to go to the girl's house and since she lives alone there is no problem, but curiosity led them to discover a rather large and beautiful fish tank with a little turtle living there surrounded by many beautiful things and decorations, and she explains that It's a pet that was given to him a couple of years ago before he met them, so it's just a coincidence.
I find the situation very funny and adorable, imagining them, being huge, and seeing a tiny so turtle living its life peacefully in a large fish tank.
I die of loveooooooor :D ✨❤️🧡💙💜
TMNT reaction to s/o with a pet turtle
A/n: hello! Thanks for requesting and sorry it took so long to get done, but I hope you like it!
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Big red was stunned
I mean he was at your house for the first time
He didn't expect to see such an elaborate tank setup and when he got closer and saw the small turtle
He couldn't help but laugh a little and turn to you
"is this a joke?"
Your gonna have to explain your not fucking with him and that you had your turtle long before you met him
Once you do he'll instantly deflate and just be okay with it
He'll laugh to himself "looks like you got a thing for turtles. Don't you think?"
He'll turtle sit for you if need be, but it's a little weird for him
He'll just treat him like a new friend
He's honestly weird about it at first but the small turtle grows on him
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The moment he's in your room and sees this turtle... he's gonna do exactly what's in the pictured gif above 👆
Just gonna look at the turtle then straight at you.
He'll let you explain and then just stare at the turtle
"...you like me more..right?"
Your gonna have to reassure him that yes you prefer his company over your pet's
He'll be so passive aggressive with your turtle and you'll catch him helping care for him
But you'll like see him feed your pet all while mumbling
"look at your stupid cute face..you should know if I wasn't feeding you you would be starving to death."
He probably ends up loving your turtle more than you in the end though he'll never say so
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He was j e a l o u s
He wasn't to surprised you had a pet turtle but he was very jealous
So reassure him that he's your favorite turtle
He has to hear it
Once he does he'll be totally fine with it and probably would even help you care for your pet.
"the ph balance of the water is off..I'll fix it."
Consistently making sure your turtle is healthy and happy.. because he wants you to smile and maybe because a small
a very, very small part of him actually cares for your pet
Though he wasn't gonna tell you that but he didn't need to
You could see it
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He gets excited when he first sees the small turtle but then gets fake mad
He wants you to tell him he's still your favorite turtle
To console him..maybe even give him a hug
And once you do any of those things immediately he's back to being excited
He'll ask so many questions about your pet..as if your pet could answer the questions
"do you think (t/n) likes me?"
At a certain point it'll be like the turtle isn't even yours.
It's Mikey's turtle now.
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moonlit-escape · 14 days
. ☠︎︎.˖⚝๋࣭⭑ֶָ֢♱ Gene Mystreet headcanons !!
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my third and final favourite mystreet character. he's so silly i need to beat his ass
bisexual (it runs in the family. their mom is bi too)
the eyebags aren't just bc he's has a god awful sleep schedule, they're actually hereditary (dante covers his with cucumbers and a skincare routine)
only speaks in spanish when he's losing his shit (arguing, panicking, tripped and scraped his knee on the sidewalk)
god can that boy dance
honestly just really loves cats
he went through a rough patch in uni and it sort of gave him a major wake up call as to just how he was doing and what kind of person he was and wanted to be
he, zenix, and sasha went their separate ways during uni, but tried to keep mostly in touch until eventually coming back together as roomies
god he would have just. the Worst depression meals. bro eats macaroni cheese dust in a glass with milk like it's a fucking nesquik packet. takes apart oreos and eats all the cream off, then puts pieces of ham in between them like theyre goddamn lunchable crackers. makes mayonnaise and jello sandwiches. takis and sweet relish. sasha and zenix have to make sure they come home on time and cook something before he puts whatever fucking concoction he makes into his body.
but he's actually a pretty damn good cook (when he's Not in a depressive episode)
learned to read fairly quickly, so he would always read dante to sleep
HARD gifted kid burnout like my man crashed and burned at 16
but now he's just a silly little nerd
favourite ninja turtle is donatello (mainly bc his fav color is purple)
he likes anime a lot, honestly. especially from 1990 to 2000s
plays mihoyo games. his mains are, respectively; cyno (genshin), jing yuan (hsr), and anton (zenless). This is a meta joke.
piercings,,, pirericngs,,,,, yesssss ,.
typa guy to use kaomoji and cat emoticons and send you cat videos off of youtube
the only social media he has is tumblr and reddit his punkass doesnt fw any other
he'd probably get a tattoo. maybe for his sweet girl, Apple, the poor thing
wants another cat, but he wants to give sasha and zenix no other choice but to let him take one in, so he's up Praying a stray will find him and follow him home
*opens his wallet and an entire roll of dante's baby pictures fall out* "UHM- UH- FWUH- I WAS HOLDING THESE FOR MY MOM-" dante, travis, and aph tear up on the spot
was never that mean to travis, since he was dante's best friend, but he was never careful around him either, so
him and garroth actually end up being great friends who just spend most of their conversations gushing about mutual interests (their baby brothers, cats, video games) or sassing each other off
no wait bc why would his taste in men absolutely be himbos. (or at least just very sweet, kind-hearted people)
he calls people by specific little terms of endearment, depending on the type of response. that doesnt make sense. let me elaborate.
uses "babe" or "honey" when someone is in distress or upset ("oh, honey,,")
uses "bucko" or "buddy" when someone mouths off at him ("oookay there, buddy." "alright then, bucko.")
you get it now
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banana-pancake5 · 4 months
Sisters a Dimension Apart Chapter 1: An Unexpected Rescue
“Leo never gave up on us, I’m not giving up on him!” Mikey yelled with his arms pushed forward and tears streaming down his face.
Casey had said something about him having magic hands and he was really really hoping he was right because if Casey was wrong… if Mikey couldn’t save Leo… no. He will save Leo.
His finger tips started to burn. He felt his ninpo pulsing through his body. Beginning in his heart, rushing up his arms, and finally surging through his fingers and out in the form of a glowing tear in the sky.
“Mikey whatever you’re doing… don’t stop!” Raph shouted from a few feet away.
Mikey’s memories of Leo all came rushing to his mind. Watching Jupiter Jim together way past their bed time as tots. How he would help when Mikey cut his finger. All of his huge elaborate birthday parties. His dumb skate board tricks that never worked. His confident smile. The constant puns and silly jokes.
He ripped the tear in the sky open even wider. The pain shot up his hands like every atom was set ablaze.
He felt Raph’s palm grip his shoulder. Then Donnie’s joined too. He felt the comfort and stability of his brothers’ ninpo surround him.
His skin split and cracked like he was being ripped apart, just like the portal he was trying so desperately to keep together.
The cracks traveled up his skin in an agonizing race to devour him completely.
Once the cracks reached his shoulders some of the burden was lifted by his brothers’ support. He felt as the cracks stopped in their pursuit and traveled on to other targets.
The portal finally took shape. He could see the other side. He could look into the dark, empty Prison Dimension. And just a few feet away was his fearless brother in blue.
“Leo!” Mikey let out a heart wrenching cry as he saw his brother turn over to face his family.
Leo made a pitiful noise that was presumed to be a laugh, “Heh, took you guys long enough.”
Leo reached forward. He reached with every bit of fleeting strength he had left. He reached toward his family he thought he’d never see again. He reached for the planet he had sacrificed himself for. He reached for the feeling of warmth and of safety radiating off his family.
Without missing a beat Raph summoned a construct arm and thrusted it through the portal. He gripped Leo’s arm like it was his only life line. But right as he began pulling Leo towards him, towards home, a sudden shadow loomed behind him… Krang Prime.
Donnie immediately jumped into action, summoning a ginormous Drill construct and sent it plowing into the Krang.
No way they were about to lose Leo again. They were too close.
The drill’s force pried Krang Prime off of Leo, hurling him into the abyss of the Prison Dimension. The knock back gave Raph just enough time to pull Leo through the threshold and safe onto Staten Island.
Krang Prime hurled himself toward the portal with an enraged roar.
Mikey stared him down, gave him his classic goofy smile, and closed the portal with a wink.
The second Leo had crossed through the portal, the turtle that had gripped his leg seconds before was sent tumbling like a rag-doll across Staten Island.
But no one had noticed.
Not even when Leo let out a scream of pain when her claws tore out of his leg.
They were all in shock. They had Leo back. He was alive. They did it. They beat the Krang. They were all safe.
Meanwhile, Leo was in utter agony. He had several broken bones, ribs, and probably a concussion or two. His leg was actively bleeding from the deep punctures caused by something that had just latched onto his leg literal seconds ago. His shell felt as if it had been smashed to pieces, glued back together, then ripped from his spine twenty times. The only taste in his mouth was from the blood that slowly dripped off his lip. He wanted to do nothing more than to lie down and sob for hours (except for the fact that the act of crying would be excruciating for his broken ribs), but hey, his brothers were here and he knew what that meant… show time.
He put on a goofy grin (Igniting every muscle in a fiery symphony). He held back a wince and a cough (which was harder than he’d ever admit), “ewwww are we on Staten Island!?” His voice rasped and the words ripped through his sore throat. But he showed no signs of pain. Because what else is the face man supposed to do? Let his brothers freak out because he’s half dead!?
Within seconds everyone was in a bone crushing hug with Leo stuck in the middle. Lucky for Leo all his bones were already crushed, Krang Prime saw to that personally. But that didn’t help the pain one bit.
They were all too busy crying over their precious rescued brother to even notice their long lost sister lying only a few yards behind.
Everyone slowly turned their heads to the cry of victory heard from behind them.
A few yards behind them was another turtle, she was screaming out in a scratchy voice directed to no one at all. The turtle quickly delved into a howling laughter rolling across Staten Island with her hands clutching her plastron. The laughs devolved into hacking coughs before cycling back into the same manic laughter as before.
They really needed to process what in pizza supreme just happened, but it seemed like Leo had other plans.
Right after they noticed the hysterical turtle rolling around on the ground, Leo’s suppressed injuries caught up to him in full. He weakly tried to tug on Raph’s mask tails to alert him but only lifted a finger before promptly losing consciousness.
Everyone immediately focused their attention on Leo. Donnie started barking orders. Everything was moving so fast. Raph tore off a bit of his mask tail to dress the punctures in Leo’s leg. Donnie checked Leo’s pulse and then frantically started chest compressions with tears welling in his eyes. Everyone was shouting and rushing and the howling laughter and horrendous coughs from the stranger did not help.
Mikey just sat there uselessly trying not to freak out. The glowing cracks on his arms began to fade, leaving behind swollen bleeding cuts all the way up his shoulder. Every slight movement caused pain he couldn’t bear. He couldn’t help anyone. Even if his arms didn’t hurt he’d have do idea where to start. Leo was dying right in front of him and he could do absolutely nothing. It was torture.
A few moments later Donnie seemed to have stabilized Leo but the yelling continued. Now he was shouting something about a van into his broken communicator. Mikey had never heard Donnie this panicked, but not just panicked, Donnie sounded desperate. He wasn’t just barking orders, he was begging for the orders to be followed through. And Mikey couldn’t do a thing.
The constant background noise of howling laughter changed. It turned into a fit of coughs that didn’t circle back to laughs. It just got worse and worse then…
It stopped.
Raph and Donnie definitely noticed but didn’t change what they were doing. And Mikey wasn’t doing anything so… why not check on the stranger?
Mikey carefully stood up trying not to move his arms and approached the turtle on the ground.
And oh my.
Her eyes were closed as she lay there. Her breathes were small and shallow. There were huge scars trailing every inch of her body. Rapidly forming bruises and a few cuts scattered all over her body.
She must have just been in a fight.
Her plastron had a large crack by her right shoulder (kind of like Raph’s new one but bigger). Her shell, though Mikey couldn’t see much, looked like giant chunks were missing. She had little yellow spots on her shoulders and legs and a red spot next to each of her eyes with a large scar covering the left one. She had scraps of some sort of brown fabric wrapped around her legs and used as a belt and sash like his own. She had some sort of gauntlets on her arms and a black top going just under her plastron with a little orange thing on the left side that Mikey was too overwhelmed to think about.
He leaned over her head and looked at her. She was breathing, that was good, but it seemed a little wrong. Too shallow. Too quick. Then she just stopped as if she was holding her breath.
“Um… hey are you alright? You look pretty hurt maybe I could help—“
“Boo!” Her eyes popped open and she waved her hands like jazz hands.
Mikey stood there completely shocked as two large Krangfied eyes stared back at him. He froze. They just defeated the Krang. This couldn’t be happening. His eyes darted to the large gauntlets. It was part of a Krang mech. The orange symbol on the her black top was the symbol of the foot clan. He stumbled backwards. He fell to the ground and instinctively caught himself with his hands—
“AGHH!!” He let out an agonizing scream as his arms tried to support him. They buckled and collapsed immediately and he fell hard to the ground.
His brothers turned to see Mikey on the floor with terror and tears in his eyes. And to the right of him was a stranger, now sitting up, falling over, standing, spinning her arms in an attempt to balance herself and falling again. They had no idea what happened but they didn’t deem the other turtle a threat so Raph rushed over to help Mikey. Donnie was just clutching Leo’s hand with tears begging to fall. He couldn’t leave his Twin’s side.
Raph made it to Mikey and scooped him up from the ground, “What happened Mike, are you okay!? What’s hurt’n? Raph’s here to help ya.”
Mikey raised a shaky hand, he winced in pain as he did, pointing toward the stranger, who was now successfully on her feet looking like a toddler who didn’t know how to walk.
Raph looked but was still confused. Did that stranger hurt him? From the looks of it she doesn’t even know how to move! He looked down at Mikey’s shaking hand and noticed the awful blistering wounds. “Mikey your arms!”
Mikey lowered his hand and attempted to speak in a shaky, unstable voice, “I- I’m fine Raph, b- b— but her! She- she’s—“
Suddenly she was only a few inches away from Raph’s face. She was almost the same height as Raph perhaps an inch or two shorter. They met each other’s gaze.
Face to face with the eyes of Krang.
He hastily stepped back. The feeling of the Krang tendrils writhing on his skin flooded his senses.
She just looked at him with a playful grin, it was sickening. It was almost as if he was staring at Prime’s smug face again but her grin had less hate and malice behind it.
She beamed up at him and spoke in the same scratchy voice that had been screaming about escaping death only minutes ago, “HI! It is a pleasure to meet you. My name is… well I don’t even— HAHA!! I don’t even know my own name!! How funny is that!?” Her manic laughter came back in full only to be immediately stopped by a series of dangerous coughs. Her large gauntlets gripped her carapace as she was sent doubled over from coughing.
In the middle of her coughs she raised a hand to Raph.
Raph stared in horror at the hand raised to him. Was it an attack? What was she doing? Is she infected by Krang!? She has to be, she has their eyes! But where’s the tendrils? He couldn’t come to a single conclusion, but he held onto his baby brother as tight as he could. Whatever happened, she would NOT hurt Mikey anymore.
She looked up once her coughing died down and noticed her own hand still raised in front of Raph. “Huh, I thought you would’ve shaken it by now… do people not shake hands anymore!? Heh that’s kinda funny I look like an idiot now don’t I. Haha…”
“Wh- who are you?” Raph stammered in a shaky voice.
“Ummm hellloooooo? Did you not hear ANYTHING I just sai—“ she made eye contact with Donnie and abruptly stopped in the middle of her sentence. Donnie stared back from a couple yards away still clutching Leo’s hand.
Raph silently backed away and made his way toward his brother.
Donnie looked her up and down. He saw the scars, the gauntlets, the foot symbol, and the eyes. He felt the writhing tendrils crawling up his exposed shell. He remembered the agony from being ripped from the control unit. He blinked. Trying to form a single coherent thought.
“I WIN!” She said as she kept her eyes locked on Donnie.
She ran up to him in the blink of an eye, “I won. You blinked. That means I won.” Her face was inches away from Donnie’s. Her words came out oddly monotone, a stark contrast to seconds ago. Then, she straightened up and stood with a wild grin on her face. She made no move to attack. She just stood.
Raph moved beside Donnie with Mikey standing safely behind both of them. Raph was fully prepared to fight ten Krang before he would let anyone lay another finger on his brothers.
Donnie positioned himself over Leo’s body in a pathetic attempt to protect him.
Donnie’s thoughts were spinning and the sensations of slimy tendrils still seeped into every thought. Why wasn’t she attacking them? They were defenseless. If she were Krangified wouldn’t she have just outright tried to kill them? That’s what… that’s what Raph did when he was Krangified.
She dropped to a crouch in front of Donnie. Raph flinched forward, ready to pummel her if she made any moves.
“Soooo… whatcha doin’? Who’s the dead guy?” She asked as she stared at Leo’s unconscious body.
“He is NOT dead! What do you want with us?!” Raph snapped from behind. Though he looked to Donnie to confirm his first exclamation. Donnie offered a small nod and a grunt.
“Wooooahhhh chill out!! I’m not looking for a fight. Haha I’ve had my fair share for today! And from the looks of it you have too! Hah you guys look awful! I mean absolutely terrible!”
That came as a shock. Well not the part about them looking awful. But why was she here if she was avoiding a fight? Why didn’t she want to fight? Wasn’t she Krangfied? So why was she so different from Raph?
“Then what do you want?” Donnie asked because he was willing to do whatever as long as it kept them all safe. And he was genuinely curious.
“I would KILL to know what’s going on! Hehehe, kill get it because… well I don’t- wait that doesn’t even make sense?? What am I talking about!? HAHAhahahahaaha-” her laughs stopped abruptly. Her face fell to a serious expression, “What is going on though?”
Donnie had no idea how to articulate a summary of the past hours, especially with such short notice. It was hard to think at all when he was face to face with a possibly infected stranger.
She waited as his thoughts spun in circles. She just sat there breathing shallow breathes. It was strange, she seemed oddly patient.
He finally found a way to word everything, hoping that she’d leave once he explained, “Well… the Krang, an alien race—
“Oh yeah, I know the Krang. Heheh you thought I didn’t know who the Krang were! That’s hilarious!!”
“…anyway, they invaded earth,” Donnie spoke slow and careful, “we fought them. We managed to trap them back in the prison dimension,” his eyes flicked to Leo before he continued, “then you came…”
She hopped back to her feet in one swift motion. She looked down at Donnie and Leo as she responded, “Well, I have no clue what this ‘Prison Dimension’ is but… oh… “ her eye contact drifted off and her expression turned blank. Though her wide, frankly scary, grin quickly came back to her face, her eyes stayed unfocused and distant as she playfully shouted, “GOING DOWN!!” And promptly fell to the ground with a small salute before her consciousness completely faded off.
The turtles all let out a sigh of relief. They didn’t know what to do with her but at the moment they had much more pressing matters. Immediately the van skidded to a stop right beside them and Casey jr, April, and splinter rushed out. The three of them were stunned by the fifth turtle on the ground but focused their attention on getting Leo in the van.
They all loaded Leo into the van and quickly prepared themselves for departure, but Mikey stared at the fifth turtle. Were they planning to just leave her behind? She was clearly injured and needed help. So he spoke up, “what about her?” He said as he eyed her from the back of the van, “we’re not just gonna leave her here right?”
Raph was sitting with Mikey in his lap. He was the first to respond, “Why wouldn’t we? Didn’t she hurt you?”
“No! No she just… scared me. But don’t you think it’s wrong to just leave her here? She needs help!”
“She’s infected Mike…” Raph softly reminded
“We don’t know that! I mean yeah, she looked like she was, but she didn’t act like it! And if she was would you really just leave her to roam New York?”
Donnie chimed in from the back of the van where he had propped Leo’s head up on his leg, “As much as I hate to admit it, Angelo has a point, Raph. We can’t just leave her here, it’s too dangerous for New York.”
“It’s too dangerous for us! What if she attacks us when she wakes up!?”
Donnie thought for a second before coming up with his response, “I could use my tech to create a sort of quarantine in the Med Bay. That way she couldn’t roam free in the city and we would be safe if she attacked.”
Raph looked down at her, focusing on her numerous scars and already purpling fresh bruises, “Fine. But you better make sure she can’t escape.”
With that they dragged her into the van as well. Donnie examined her injuries and began tending to any he could.
The car ride back to the Lair was hectic and filled with frantic questions from April and many explanations from the conscious turtles.
Arriving was all a blur. They had brought Leo into the Med Bay and Casey immediately started an IV to give him much needed fluids and pain killers. Donnie darted off to the lab immediately to create the quarantine. Splinter stayed with Leo the whole time. April sprinted off to help Donnie. Mikey and Raph stayed in the Med bay chairs and watched their face man, their brother in blue, Leo. They watched his unconscious body hooked up to so many wires and tubes. They also watched as Casey perfectly multi-tasked taking care of Leo and the stranger all while working around Splinter.
This wasn’t the end, there were much too many questions left hanging over every one of them. No, this was just a preview of the change they would have to endure.
Masterpost // Ref for Vita
Boy oh boy this chapter was fun to write! I love writing insane characters >:3
I hope y’all enjoyed it!
Tag list: @jadetheblueartist @exhaustedwriterartist @cookiedoesart64
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headcanons with the rise boys and a reader who is in med school! Graduated high school early and is training to be a doctor! Romantic or platonic, your pick
Rise!Boys with Reader who is in Med School
Relationship status: platonic
Reader prounouns: They/Them
TW: Mention of slicing the frog, Some grammatical errors because english is not my first language.
Author's note: Just so you know, I am not familiar with medicine at the college level, only what I had in high school biology, so I tried to write these headcanons as neutrally as possible. And all in all, even if I learn anything now, it is only in the field of physiotherapy because my friend is going to such studies this year, so sorry if it's not what you wanted, but still, enjoy!
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◇I won't lie, I'm sure this guy admires you.
◇Not everyone gets a chance to get into such a school!
◇But knowing his personality, he'll probably tease you a lot, calling you a 'nerd.'
◇It usually doesn't cross the line, BUT if Leonardo goes too far with his teasing, especially when you're tired after classes, you often threaten to perform a dissection on him like a frog.
◇And when he arrogantly waved it off at first, you and Donnie pulled a prank on him with that theme.
◇Everything was recorded as he lay pinned to the table, and you stood over him with a scalpel.
◇Leo thinks you're very diligent, hardworking, and disciplined, which also means mentally exhausted.
◇Such a school demands a lot, so expect that during study sessions in your cozy home, that idiotic turtle will come and drag you to the hidden city to relax.
◇I'm sure he'll try to make you laugh often using elaborate medical jokes he found on the internet.
◇Sometimes he also feels a bit jealous. He has some basic knowledge when he has to patch himself or his brothers up, but deep down, he would also like to go to such a medical school to enhance his skills. But you see the whole situation.
◇But don't worry! In your free time, you'll give him a bit of education with the knowledge you've acquired so far.
◇Even if he tries to hide it, he's a bit overwhelmed by the vast amount of knowledge and skills you possess.
◇But despite that, he's proud of you for taking on the challenge and fulfilling your dreams! Or at least you're on the right path to doing so.
◇The proudest big bro! You got into that school?? Amazing!
◇Your number one supporter!
◇Raphael truly appreciates your intelligence, hard work, and determination. He never imagined himself getting into a medical school, not only because of the whole situation but also because his knowledge absolutely doesn't go in the same direction as yours. But that his friend managed it? Nice!
◇He admires your selfless need to help other people. He's keeping his green fingers crossed for you to achieve that dream medical title!
◇I'm sure he suggested some ‘experiments’ on himself for you to practice a topic from lectures. In the end, you hit him on the head for such an absurd idea. You didn't intend to do that! That's Donatello's role! Besides, mixed human DNA with turtle DNA would probably mess with your mind more than help.
◇Although their biology sometimes interested you.
◇When he notices you're tired and stressed from all the medical material, he'll gladly take you to their living room, and under a warm blanket, you'll have a Lou Jitsu movie marathon (where you'll eventually fall asleep, lmao) or play a bandana takeover with his brothers, all tricks allowed for your amusement!
◇Hey, don't complain about his support. Many times, you've helped him when he was stressed about being the leader before Leo or after the Kraang invasion. That's all he can do!
◇Sometimes he was confused and a bit unhappy when you started explaining various medical terms or tools to him. Raph is simple; give him a lighter version of all that.
◇Sometimes he wasn't happy that you declined meetings because of studying or lectures. Hey! He also needs attention sometimes D:
◇Donnie is really proud of you, even if he doesn't express it in words every day.
◇But as a reward for your hard work, he'll fine-tune the devices you use for practice or build something helpful.
◇He appreciates your genuine interest in understanding difficult concepts and your ability for critical thinking. You don't even know how much he needed someone like you in his life, looking at his family.
◇Despite your enthusiasm and intelligence, he thinks you might overly stress about grades and perfectionism, which in the long run can lead to stress and burnout. So, he often forces you to take a break in his lab, sipping mint-flavored coffee.
◇It's also his small revenge for taking him away from his work on new inventions when he hasn't slept for two days in a row, lmao.
◇But if it's not spending time with him, the guy will go through all your material at the moment to make cheat sheets with the most important information.
◇You pose an intellectual challenge for him and keep him on his toes, but he always enjoys discussing and exploring different perspectives on a topic with you, even though he leans more towards technological knowledge than biological.
◇However, despite his intelligence, Donnie in those moments can be a bit 'know-it-all' and doesn't always consider the opinions or feelings of other people, or even the actual facts.
◇You won't convince me he wouldn't be initially confused; I mean, he's the least interested in medical topics.
◇But as soon as you start explaining, he'll immediately admit that he's impressed and that he's really proud of you!
◇He'll always mention how much he appreciates your determination to achieve your dreams!
◇Personally, I have a headcanon that Mikey wants to become one of the most recognizable artists, so he roughly knows how frustrating it is when something doesn't work out.
◇In a way, I think Mikey sees you as his role model, so feel proud to be compared to Lou Jitsu :D
◇Mikey sometimes worries a lot about your mental health after lectures. So, expect many long conversations about self-care.
◇Being the youngest of the brothers, he got a lot of attention, so he'll often be jealous of how much time you spend at school and with human friends rather than with him. He knows it's immature behavior, but he can't help it!
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vshushmshu · 10 months
pickup lines
usually the red eared slider’s flirts and compliments were flowery, over the top with heaps of silly, and you would roll your eyes at each and every one. grand sweeping gestures, an arm slung around your neck, or running his thumb over your knuckles with a wiggle of brows that didn’t actually exist. it was entertaining, something you would never actually admit outloud, so you never really shut down his teasing. you only let it happen for the hell of it. yeah.
a wink that looked as if his eye momentarily had an uncontrollable spasm, “i would never play hide and seek with you, because someone like you is impossible to find.”
you grimaced as he walked over to sit beside you on the rooftop, “i honestly wish i could hide from this.”
finger guns, “are you from tennessee?? because you’re the only ten-i-see!”
a huff, looking over the city once more before you stopped patrolling for the night, “new york, buddy.”
“you never humor me…”
“you have no idea.”
an irritatingly wide smile, leo splayed out on your bed, “this might sound cheesy, but i think you’re really grate.”
you turn from your homework to cock a brow at him, “…puns? really? you’re stooping to puns now?”
“hey, a turtle’s gouda do what he’s gouda do.”
“i hate you.”
“awww, i love you too!!!”
you were drawing with mikey when your self-proclaimed bestie barreled in, “i seem to have!! lost my phone number!!!! can i have yours?”
the orange clad turtle seemed to be holding in the fattest cackle, so you ignored him to look at leo with a fairly neutral expression, “i thought you already had my number?”
“yeah, but i kinda… deleted it just to make this work..”
“…you’re stupid. i’m friends with an idiot.”
he pouted, until his phone lit up at an unknown number’s message, “and i’m friends with a meanie pants… oh! thanks!”
you shoved your phone back in your pocket while mikey eyed the two of you, his red striped brother already tapping the number into your contact once more, “sure, mhm.”
nabbing a piece of popcorn from your bowl, eyes scrunched from his simper as he glances at you, then lets his eyes land back on raph and april’s mario kart game once more, “it’s a good thing i have a library card, because i am totally checking you out.”
“…aren’t you illiterate or something? do you even know what a library is?”
“shut the fuck up….”
he looked up from his comic as you flopped onto his bed, just having listened attentively to another one of donnie’s infodumps, “did you just come out an oven?”
you huffed, draping an arm over your eyes, “no, leo.”
said turtle leaned over to poke your cheek with a snicker, “‘cause you’re hot.”
“goddammit, leo.”
“is this hogwarts express, because it feels like you and i are going somewhere magical.“
you stared at him as he gestured to a newly opened portal, “man, i swear, are you getting these from buzzfeed articles?? ain’t no way you pulled a harry potter line out your ass like that.”
“…is your name google? ‘cause you got the answers for everything i’m searching for.”
you swore you saw the face of a slider caught, and your eyes twinkled in amusement, “so, you are.”
“your hand looks lonely. want me to hold it for you?”
you readjust your grip on your weapon, eyeing him in a sort of flabbergasted way, “lee, we are literally in the middle of a FIGHT.”
“right, whatever.”
you both were on your phones, the turtle laying on you scrolling through god-knows what, while you watched a video essay on something you were to inevitably forget about. you snickered at an elaborate joke about something or other, and the slider grinned a little, “roses are red, violets are blue. with a smile like that, looks like i’m doomed.”
you were tempted to kick him off, something inside you churning, but you just refocused on your video once more. his face seemed a little surprised in your peripheral vision, but at what, you couldn’t be sure.
leo sat beside you in blankets, barely conscious in his goofy pajamas during the latter end of a movie night, everyone else already asleep (except for donnie, who could care less about anyone else as his eyes stayed glued to the screen projected on the wall, hyperfixated on a jupiter jim movie he’s no doubt seen a thousand times over), “are you- did you fell from heaven- cause- fuck. i forgot how that one goes.”
you hid a grin behind a facepalm, equally fatigued as his head dipped to rest lightly on your shoulder, neck giving up on keeping it upright, “of course you did.”
sometimes though, those bits of flattery are uttered so quiet, barely above a whisper, the turtle holding such reverence in his tone. like now, just before he drifts off to sleep to no doubt drool all over you, the slider makes himself comfortable buried in your side. you still when his cheek rubs against your shoulder, a content sigh escaping leo while he wraps his arms around you in your shared blanket nest, “hm mwarm… i wish this would last f’rever..”
you can’t doubt that it’s sincere when it’s said like that. you look away from the movie to stare at him with tired eyes, face warm while you fiddled slightly with your fingers, buried under the blankets wrapped around your own body. leo started snoring in record time, light chirps coming from him every time he shifted in his sleep, and you rest your head on his. maybe you wished that too, maybe your mouth twisted into the smallest of frowns, but you decided not to dwell on it.
letting your eyes drift close, and pulling the red eared slider closer, you knew you were going to wake up to dumb pickup lines that held a bit too much sincerity in them. maybe you were glad.
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littlexbunni · 11 months
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⌞collegebf!yunho headcanons⌝
type: headcanons pairing: yunho x reader word count: 1.3k warnings: none really, mild swearing
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always makes sure that you’re well fed and texts you at exactly the same time three times a day to make sure you’re eating your meals
one time you were busy with studying and briefly looked at his message and ignored it because you didn’t want to lie to him to tell him that you forgot to eat a meal… best believe he showed up in less than 10 min to hand feed you himself
study dates are a must!!
even if you study with a group of friends, he is always the first to claim you as a partner and will most certainly pout and huff like a toddler if someone manages to claim you first
“you see her every waking second of the day, Yunho,” your best friend will complain, already swatting at his crossed arms “let me hog her for 1 hour.”
still sulks and mopes but brightens up when you kiss his cheek with a promise of grabbing lunch after
since you both are in different programs for your degrees, you never have the same classes…BUT!!!
you managed to be able to find an extra elective that you both could take this semester so off you both went to your pottery class twice a week in the morning
he got the hang of it so much faster than you did
would always ask you for your permission to touch your project if he noticed you needed help!
every week you got to take home your projects and Yunho would always gift his hand painted and hand carved creations to you
a tall heart-shaped vase- for the flowers he would give you
a mug with cat paws- for the tea/coffee he would make you
a plate with hand painted intricate swirls- for the meals he would make you
a set of candle holders- that will hold the lit candles on your romantic home dinner dates
wonky shaped pots (he insists that it’s totally on purpose and totally not because he was running out of time because he kept having to redo them!!)- used to hold your plants and add character to your home
a turtle-shaped paper weight- because “look at the little guy!!!”
insists that you visit him at work at the campus cafe when you have spare time
always flirts with you when you come up to the counter like you’re not already dating
literally everyone and their mama knows that you’re together so it's honestly entertainment for the people that go there to see your face flush as you reach over the counter to smack him (he knows you secretly love it no matter how many times you whine for him to stop)
he loves to have you taste test the new drinks he comes up with for the seasonal menus so you’re constantly at his dorm and leave pumped up with caffeine
he makes sure to plan elaborate dates at least once a month! he never reveals details except for a cryptic text that says to clear your schedule on a specific day, a specific time, and some clothes recommendations because he never wants you to feel uncomfortable or under/over dressed depending on where he’s taking you
stage 97 clinger, loves to be affectionate even in public. if he doesn’t tackle you at least 7 times a day with a bear hug, something is wrong. would make sure that you’re okay with certain types of public affection! would never put you in a awkward position of being embarrassed or uncomfy so conversations are had beforehand on what you are or are not okay with
you bet your ass you’re constantly fighting with mingi over whose boyfriend he is. obviously it’s all jokes!! mingi absolutely adores you and is really happy that you make his favorite person happy!!
“I texted him good morning at 6 this morning.” mingi grins cockily. “Yeah?” you challenge as you show him your text screen, refusing to lose to yunho’s best friend since childhood. “I texted him at exactly 12:01, try harder.”
“I knew him first,” mingi argued, crossing his arms and trying to intimidate you by looming over you with his height. “Best friends since the womb.” “And look how that worked out for you,” you step up to him, hands on your hips, not at all scared of this chihuahua that’s all bark and no bite. “you’re still friends with him while I’m the one dating him.” “You didn’t have to go there,” he whines, deflating and pouting. “That’s low, even for you.” “I’m sorry, min,” you say, pulling him into a hug and patting him on the back, “You know you’re his favorite best friend.” “He has other best friends??” yunho has no other choice but to escape quickly because he will never hear the end of it from mingi
his favorite thing to do is to wear his college shirts/sweatshirts for a day and then give it to you and watch it pool around you and it just makes him so soft. will melt into a puddle when he sees you wear it without him asking you to. literally becomes jelly as he falls into your arms and kisses everywhere he can reach.
loves, loves, loves to do little weird things with you. it makes him fall in love with you even more every time. like when you’re both doing laundry in the dorm building and the machine plays a song that signals when it’s done and you do a little dance to it and he joins in, but not before spinning you towards him to give a smooch… so yeah, doing lil dancey dances to random sounds you hear. or like when he’s talking to you and a phrase he says instantly triggers you to sing a lyric from a song that has that phrase (or a phrase reminds you of a tik tok sound, you have to say it) and he of course gets used to doing it to you too, it’s a great way to get laughs out of each other.
likes to take you to the home games of your college’s soccer team! even if you know nothing about what’s going on, he loves your company. when it gets colder, will carry a fuzzy blanket and a travel mug filled with your fav hot drink to keep you warm! treats you to dinner after because by the time he’s done catching up with San, who is on the team, it’s about that time and he feels bad that he kept you waiting.
matching outfits are a must!! if it’s not a complete match 100%, he’ll settle for at least having a cohesive color palette in your outfits. Loves to match with you because not only does he think that you both look hella good, he wants everyone to know that you’re both taken. 
he’s a big pupper so he gets super excited when you take those aesthetic couple pictures and post it on your socials. in general, he loves it when you take pictures of him and he loves to take pictures of you. and no, he is not a useless boyfriend that takes horrid pictures, they actually come out super cute and candid?? you never knew you had so many cute angles until he showed you some of the pics in his camera roll.
that being said, he sometimes manages to take pictures of you that are meme worthy. don’t worry, you both laugh at them and they become inside jokes but he would never show/send it to others without your explicit permission. would never want to make you upset/embarrassed.
his friends told you that if he had a tail, it would be wagging so hard whenever he thinks about you, talks about you, or is around you. he blushes so hard but doesn't deny it. you think it’s super cute and honestly you’re also blushing?
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do NOT repost, copy, or translate any of my work.
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nardos-primetime · 5 months
what's the most fucked up thing/AU/whatever you made? I wanna desensitize myself to your work before diving in.
Starting out with saying I wouldn't condone any of the bad shit within my stories, often times these are just what ifs I find interesting to look into. I wouldn't look at an actual murderer irl and go "Awesome" but I'll joke around with my villain Mikey like "He hasn't done a thing wrong heart emoji" when he has actively killed and enjoyed the murder of multiple people.
A lot of my aus are more toned down from my regular more personal works, solely because I can't help but go a bit easier on the turtles since they are a comfort for me and I wouldn't find my more personal topics appropriate for the turtles.
Overall, I'd say body horror, disease, self harm, suicide, murder, and mental/physical abuse/child abuse/neglect is something to look out for in a lot of my works, along with gore and injury in general. I also have a tendency to write cannibalism (an interesting motif to me, I would not condone it irl, obviously) and/or autocannibalism (to cope with personal issues I am not comfortable elaborating on, it's some Mental health stuff.) Overall I like putting the turtles through it, lmao.
(Forgot to add animal abuse/death)
I will never directly delve into the topic of sex within my works (as in you'll never see me write any of them doing such acts), but I have a handful of somewhat older Leo's who specifically deal with unhealthy romance, one of these is within my magical boys au where all four experience some level of inappropriateness due to their fame, not once is this a good thing, and this is meant to be a bad thing within the story. The other has a Leo who dates around a lot but always falls short due to his anxieties and commitment issues. He never goes through with it, though he likes to joke about more sexual topics. (He's crude.)
The magical boys au, priorly mentioned, contains underage drinking and smoking, mental health issues, self-harm, and the boys being mistreated and abused within their own workplace, one way or another.
One of my oneshots currently has a younger child get murdered in it, though I've deliberately made the death surrounding it not as detailed, as even if younger children die in my stories it makes me uncomfortable to focus on it the same I would other characters, unless it's an injury a child survives, then it's a 50/50. This is a situation that is conflicting for the main character, but is done out of survival's sake. (In his eyes.)
Viral.Donnie has evolved into a character that focuses on addiction later on, and I do tend to give the turtles addictions depending on the story.
Million Dollar Box/Villain Mikey has hallucinations, vivid, probably not 100% accurate, but these are not his real brothers. Story wise, they are a way to delve into his mental state and look at his conflicting feelings about his family.
Villain Raph is less developed, but he actively is mentally (and physically) abusive to his brothers in his own way.
A lot of the time, my writing style mixes with the thoughts and personality of the main focus, and a lot of these times, the characters are not rational nor moral. Untrustworthy narrators are fun.
You will see I don't like actively splitting up the turtles entirely very much. Normally, I'd be able to do it easily, but I have a soft spot for them. Hell, Viral Donnie, Villain Raph, and Million Dollar Box Mikey's follow-up story gives them a family after losing theirs. Most of the time, if one turtle falls, I take the others, or at least one others with them. For fun.
I try to not go for just shock value, even if I like describing the horrors I like having a reasoning, whether it be some insane deeper meaning I made up, it fitting a character/their personality, or just being interesting for me. I do my best to tag all potentially triggering topics within my works, but I may slip up at times. Apologies for that.
Horror is my main fixation overall outside of TMNT, and I like various types of it. The Nonsense Apocalypse AU is supposed to be a mixture of slice of life and horror, resulting in a world that just doesn't make sense, with some more... serious aspects on top.
I hope this helps, I kinda went on a ramble, but I didn't want too much confusion since most of my actual aus aren't fully out yet in any way.
Hope it helps again, Anon.
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shantechni · 1 year
I'm still not over how slapstick the mutation of Splinter and the turtles is in the '03 series, it's almost like a setup for the world's most elaborate joke.
A blind guy decides to traverse the street without asking for confirmation on whether or not a driver with tunnel vision has an unprecedented goal of ramming him, and one singular good samaritan rushes in to save him. That one singular good samaritan bumps into this loser of a kid who keeps his newly bought turtles in an oversized Mason jar made of the most fragile glass known to man, and the chaos sends the baby turtles careening into the sewers. As for the vehicle, the driver swerves out of the way, loses the can of glowing goop they were gonna somehow dispose of in a humane manner, and goes about their day as the can of glowing goop lands right where the baby turtles ended up.
All of which was witnessed by a weirdly intelligent rat battling depression after the death of his master.
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lazodiac · 5 months
It's time again to look at Thunder Junction's cards and try and divine where each and every one of these bad boys are from.
Also just a note in case people are curious; since Tumblr has a 30 image limit per post, I'll be doing all of The Big Score at the end, after all the colours and stuff. It's my prerogative and I'll do as I please. If you missed the first part, you can find it here! So without further ado, it is time for...
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While I don't think EVERY mount is from Thunder Junction Proper... newts ARE a creature that shows up in the west. I was initially thinking this could be for Eldraine, especially given it belongs to an archmage, but... ultimately, I think this is a native to the plane.
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Another native, and dare I say this is a CHARISMATIC crab. I love the crystals on its back! I also love the blue cacti nearby it? Those are real by the way!
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There aren't many turtle-men in Magic. Three, in fact, before this one; the Lagoon Sage, a Quandrix student, and a Kappa from Kamigawa. The Kappa has a VERY distinct look, the Quandrix is a sea turtle, and the Lagoon Sage is a snapper just like the Thunder-Thief over here... and I'm gonna make a called shot and say this is from Bloomburrow as a result!
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Homarid are a Dominaria specialty, so this racist bastard is absolutely from there.
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Djinn of this type are only found on Tarkir, so this one is easy. He's taken a break from his dragon-infested plane to relax under a waterfall martial artist style, and that's just kinda fun.
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This is a tricky one, since the ability is pretty plane agnostic, and the design doesn't evoke much in it... but her collar DOES have the typical three-fang Dimir tell, and it'd fit both colour and what she's doing, so lets go with Ravnica.
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Sadly a cursory Wiki glance tells me only that this guy is from America.
... okay okay, taking this seriously; the wings and the scroll and the steps, the name, all the flavour suggests this is from Amonkhet for me. It could be from elsewhere, but this feels the most "correct" for lack of a better term. I wish cards like this would get flavor text reprints down the line though...
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These are some home-grown ghosts, and we know from various other stories (Gideon, Elspeth, etc) that when you die you go to the afterlife of the plane you're on... so these are some newly "born" natives.
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These unfortunate individuals are from the dead plane of Oregon.
... what? I already used that joke? Okay fine. There really isn't any actual signifiers here, and the only humanoid in the art is too indistinct to tell. Given the content of the card is trying and failing to ford one of Thunder Junction's mighty rivers, I'm calling this card "native to the plane" for lack of anything else appropriate.
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Oh hey it's everyone's favorite running gag from Ravnica. Fblthp is an easy one, so instead of elaborating more on our mono-eyed friend instead I'll bring up a question I want any of you reading this to answer.
Didn't they say during the initial preview teasers that there was an important plot event happening in the background of this card? That never bore fruit and I can't remember the exact preview stream I heard it, but I swear I did. I want someone to confirm this for me. I'm abusing my power.
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Regrettably, the flavor text makes this spell be sourced from Oko's Home Plane. I do love this weird tumbleweed creature though!
God I hate Oko he's such a scum bag (derogatory).
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A personal favorite character of mine, Geralf is an Innistradi born and raised, here to investigate the Thunder of the plane- as well as test how mana bonds work for planebound folk now that they have access to planar travel. Good luck, sir.
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An obvious native of the plane. I quite like the flavor of this card as well by the way, it's just a clever way to incorporate the geysers you would occasionally see in the old west.
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Another Thunder Junction native! It's wild how many of these there actually are, but wild animals do make up a bulk of cards in Magic so it's not THAT unreasonable.
Fun lore tidbit; allegedly the Thunder only started after the Omenpaths opened up. No one has lived here before that so no one can confirm that is true, and this flavor text suggests otherwise.
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One of the only cards showcasing the least important members of Oko's gang of ruffians! Kaervek and Satoru busting out of jail thanks to the help of Annie Flash. The framing of the card makes it feel more like Kaervek's doing the real world (valid, Satoru is a loser this entire story) so I'm gonna call it for Zhalfir here- and yes even though technically everyone from Zhalfir is from Dominaria, it's a plane all its own now. I make the rules here!
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The Fomorian made star-key to open up their vault on Thunder Junction, I feel like it is safe to say this was made here. It's got little arcs of Thunder and even looks like a deputy star, so it fits the vibe.
Fun fact; being a six pointed star, plus the fact that in the story they mentioned the sixth slot started glowing purple, I briefly had the idea that they might be implying the Fomorian's know of Purple magic and we'll get it in the big Space set we're getting down the line. Then I remembered Cosmium is purple and a major energy source for the Fomorion people, so nevermind.
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I can't confidently say this is from Bloomburrow, given we don't know how big the people of that plane can get- so far they've maxed out at Badger and Fox- but I really don't know where this guy could be from otherwise! Maybe Ravnica? So lets call this Bloomburrow until corrected otherwise.
Incidentally this is one of my favorite pieces of art in the set. Love this fucking guy.
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Beyond all the art signifiers, I believe it was straight up said on twitter this is a Therosian Sphinx, so she's from Theros. Good for her. Why is she wearing spurs...?
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I'm fairly confident this is meant to depict Stella Lee, and she's from the Atiin people, so that's where this is from! Rundo meanwhile sounds like a Ravnica, but that's just some trivia.
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This one I'm not fully sure on. The little bird like flecks of white in his magic, the watery energy... I feel like I've seen it somewhere before, but I can't quite place it. The red and blue suggests Izzet but then he's a Slickshot, the red-blue faction on Thunder Junction. I'm gonna go with my gut and say Ravnica, though.
Shit like this is why I wish we'd gotten a planeswalker guide...
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Blue, so far, has some of the most easy and obvious ones to place, and for this I'm thankfully. This guy is a Stitcher, so he's from Innistrad. Easy as.
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She's got some of the Sterling Company aesthetic going on, but I'm a stickler for stupid jokes so I'm gonna say she's from Zendikar. The armor could evoke Sea Gate, and they've always been good with ropes so why NOT translate that to combat?
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Like with the earlier ghosts, dead-then-revived means you're native to Thunder Junction... but also this guy is clearly an Obscura from New Capenna, using some of his old magic, so I'mma call it for the big city here.
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Oko's big bad gang preparing for the heist of the life-time. Since it's Oko's big idea it's from Oko's stupid plan.
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The sort of misty blasts of fire and ice we're seeing here is aesthetically similar to the "gunfire" magic of New Capenna. I love this guy by the way.
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Hey wait a second Ashiok can't do stuff like this. They can only read nightmares, not minds!
YEah for those of you who don't know, the Ashiok in this set is actually Jace in disguise! So this is from home-grown celtic Vryn mind-shredding. Our hero(?) ladies and gentlehommes.
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An actual Sterling Company goon, though at least this one has a funny joke to his card. I still really like the work they did in making sure every weapon used in the set has the needed arcing loop for Thunder to channel through it.
Oh right the reason why we're here. I'm gonna say New Capenna again, because there's basically no defining traits here. Also god I just realized he's missing the front brim of his hat and it looks terrible. Graywater pay your men properly they can't even afford complete hats!
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It took me a bit to realize what was happening in this card. The lady in the back is only choosing the final Spree option here, swapping around the Outcaster and the Hellspur's clothing. Rude!
Clothing swap spells seems like a funny prank to pull at magical college, so Arcavios is where this is going.
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I think in cases where I just cannot make any reasonable assumptions based on art, I should look at mechanics. Flashback is usually in Innistrad... but this lady's neckline is WAY too exposed for that Even accounting for the new plane... honestly I give up, the only real identifying factor here is her little lockpick device, which... kinda looks Kamigawan? Lets go with that.
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The vibe, the way she wears her hat, and the little phone cord(?) on her belt makes me think of New Capenna. Look some of these are really difficult and I gotta go by vibes!
And that's the 30 card limit, give me a half second for part two!
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britt-kageryuu · 1 month
The result of a funny thought after watching a video. I don't know what I'm talking about in this, the idea was just funny.
April was slightly annoyed, but still excited as she enters the building in front of her which pushing a rolling cart with a carrier on top.
The building was hosting a Cat Show.
Mikey had heard about it and wanted to enter Sunny, but couldn't get the day off, too many people wanted that day off already. The others had similar schedule problems, and/or they had streaming obligations on top of that.
So he begged April to go in his place. So here she was,entering a cat show as a favor for her Little Brother, who now owes her a Gourmet Lunch Bento everyday for 2 weeks.
She approached the checkin area to ask what she needs to do.
"Name, Breed, and category?" Asked the Receptionist.
April for a second almost said her own name, but caught herself, "This is Sunny, she's a Short Hair, and the category House Cat. She's my brothers cat, but he couldn't get the time off since he just learned about Cat Shows recently." April relays as she fills out the necessary papers, and whatnot.
"Okay, here's your number, just keep your ears and eyes out for when your group is called for judging." The Receptionist says while handing April a couple packets of information, and points toward the room where people were setting up their waiting area.
April gets to her table, and sets up the little popup tent with a letter tray, cat bed, and some small toys. All while giving Sunny pets, treats, and making sure her bandana/collar was on properly. It had one of the 2 or 3 tracking devices in it, you can never be too careful.
The day goes on with April talking with others there, all showing off their cats, showing videos or pictures of said cats, and talking about how things work.
Sunny is fairly popular among, getting lots of compliments, and requests for pictures. Some asking about the lovely feline.
And April would tell them, "My Brother found her after she somehow got into the car in a closed garage. We took her to the vet, clean bill of health, but she had no chip. And after not finding any missing cat posters, or getting responses for our Found Cat. So We kept Sunny and the rest is history. My Little Bro believes it was the cat distribution system choosing us."
Things of course got a bit tense when it was time to bring the cats up for one of the multiple rounds of judging. Some people were more dramatic, and claiming bribery when their Precious Kitty didn't get any ribbons.
April just tried to keep her cool, and be glad that Cass and CJ were to busy to join her, though sadly Sunita was at a family event so had to opt out of this event.
"Is it always like watching one of those kids pageant shows? Or am I just 'Lucky' to witness this drama?" She asked one of her table neighbors while sending an update to Mikey about how things are going.
"Well, it's not always this dramatic, but it happens pretty often. Why did you ask if you were 'Lucky'?" One of them who had a Maincoon.
April sighs with a flat look, "I was known for my weird Luck in school. Once had the sprinkler above me go off, and it was the only one to go off."
Her table neighbors were trying to tell if she was joking or not, but gave her the benefit of the doubt.
Once the next few rounds were done, and the final Judgment. Sunny now proudly had a ribbon, but let's not elaborate on which color or place it was for. They were all proud of Sunny anyway.
I was recommended a video of someone going to a Cat Show for the first time, and remembered that they existed. Then thought 'Any Mikey with a cat would want to enter them in one, but then remember the turtle thing... then ask April for Help'.
But I don't know how Cat Shows work, so I just kinda worked off the video I watched, and some of the comments under it.
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redstringraven · 1 year
i was driving home from work and had Thoughts™ and anyway:
petition for mikey to post-it note enemies more often with increasingly silly and elaborate doodles or stupid jokes or pointed insults or all of the above.
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we only got this once in cousin sid but like... i want more. i need more. get... get turtle-noted, idiot... get... absolutely paper slapped, you're not even worth the paper you're printed on--see you in the funny papers, nimrod... "i didn't deliver the pizza on time" ... foreshadow hun's downfall with a knocked out dragon and a post-it that just ominously reads "yo mama" ... i'm a simple bird with little needs, and i'm not asking for much--
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