#eleven (self titled album)
diceriadelluntore · 1 year
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Storia Di Musica #296 - Eleven, Eleven, 1993
La storia di oggi è una storia di incroci. Sia emotivi sia scambi di persone e di formazioni. Jack Irons è un batterista che verso la fine degli anni '80 vuole mettere su una band. Lo fa con Alain Johannes, con cui fonda gli Anthym. si uniscono altri due amici, Hiller Slovak e Michael Peter Balzary. Cambiano subito nome in What Is This?. Iniziano a suonare alle feste e nei locali fino a quando un amico comune di Slovak e Balzary, Anthony Kiedis, non chiede a loro due di aiutarlo a trovare musicisti per la sua band. Finiscono per entrarci loro stessi, tanto che Balzary cambia nome in Flea e diventeranno il nucleo originario dei futuri Red Hot Chili Peppers. Tuttavia Slovak e Irons non abbandonarono Johannes e continueranno a suonare con lui, pubblicando un EP prima, Squeezed, un album poi, intitolato come la band What Is This?. Nell'impossibilità di continuare a suonare in due gruppi, la band si scioglie. Johannes però non si dà per vinto e ha lui l'incontro della sua vita. Ad un festival rock incontra una ragazza lettone che anglicizza il suo nome in Natasha Shneider, musicista e attrice. Si piacciono e formano un duo, Walk The Moon. Registrano alcuni brani, aiutati da Irons alla batteria e da un bassista, Chris Hutchinson, che però abbandona poco dopo. Irons nel 1988 lascia i RHCP e i tre, Johannes, Shneider e Irons fondano gli Eleven.
Natasha Shneider è una polistrumentista straordinaria, suona piano, organo e uno strumento particolare, il clavinet, che è un piano elettronico (amatissimo da Stevie Wonder) che lei suona con la mano sinistra in modo particolare come se fosse un basso, riuscendo così a sopperire alla mancanza nel trio di questo strumento. La band si sceglie un logo (un 11 disegnato come due linee, II) e firmato un contratto con una piccola etichetta pubblicano il primo disco, registrato e pubblicato nel 1991. Awake In A Dream è hard rock, certo, e si posiziona nella parte più hard rock della nascente scena alternative americana di quel tempo ,che farà nascere il grunge. Ma ha anche dei particolari davvero unici, tra cui il doppio ruolo di lead vocal tra Alain e Natasha. Tra i brani dell'esordio, Break The Spell fu parte della colonna sonora del film di fantascienza Freejack - In Fuga Dal Futuro, dove tra i protagonisti c'è Mick Jagger. La prova del nove è il loro secondo album, che si intitola Eleven.
I riferimenti sono i canonici (Led Zeppelin, l'hard rock degli anni '70, i nuovi suoni di Seattle) ma sono mischiati in modo del tutto singolare. Eleven esce nel 1993. La chitarra di Johannes passa con disinvoltura tra i riferimenti canonici ad un uso particolare e originale degli effetti, soprattutto del pedale fuzz per esemplari distorsioni armoniche. Il tutto si sposa perfettamente, e termine non fu più adatto dato che presto diventeranno marito e moglie, con la tecnica di Shneider, sfoggiando entrambi vocalità particolarissime per intensità e variazioni. Preceduto dal singolo Reach Out, dal suggestivo video musicale in bianco e nero e dominato da un assolo infinito e memorabile di Johannes, Eleven è un disco compatto e suonato alla grande, secondo me da riscoprire perché molto sottovalutato. A brani corposi e potenti come Crash Today, Tower, Heavy esempi di perfetto nuovo hard rock, a cui si aggiungono brani più particolari, come Hieroymus, dal prezioso intro di fisarmonica e di organo, che accompagna il meraviglioso canto di Natasha Shneider, o la litania di distorsioni di Let Down, o l'atmosfera dark di Ava Tar (scritto così in due parole). Il disco colpisce la critica, che ne parla egregiamente ma poco il pubblico. Mentre il gruppo sta registrando il terzo disco, Thunk, Irons se ne va a suonare con i Pearl Jam, e viene sostituito da Matt Cameron, dei Soundgarden, che il caso volle andrà a prendere le bacchette della band di Eddie Vedder qualche anno più tardi. Cameron si prestò ad aiutare gli Eleven poiché questi ultimi furono la band apripista di tour degli stessi Soundgarden e Pearl Jam e di decine di altre formazioni.
Johannes e Shneider divennero anche un ricercato team di produzione che lavorò su album come Euphoria Morning di Chris Cornell (sul quale scrissero, suonarono e andarono in tournée). ), Return of Saturn dei No Doubt , Revive degli inglesi Steadman e The Desert Sessions 7&8 and 9&10 con Josh Homme, che li conobbe quando gli Eleven suonarono per delle date in apertura ai suoi Queens Of The Stone Age. Con Chris Cornell una Ave Maria di Franz Schubert, riarrangiata da Shneider, che apparve in una compilation speciale natalizia, con il preciso intento di fare avvicinare interessare i giovani alla musica classica. La storia però finisce tristemente, perché nel 2008 una malattia portò via Natasha Shneider. Johannes continua a suonare e produrre, spesso accompagnato nel ricordo della moglie da tutti i grandi artisti che li conobbero, li apprezzarono e ne chiesero la collaborazione.
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majorbaby · 8 months
it takes a conscious effort to break your patterns of consumption and unlearn the notion beauty, interiority, diverse ways of existence aren't exclusive to whiteness or maleness. part of that isn't your fault. certain music is played on the radio, certain shows survive cancellation no matter what, certain people seem to be able to commit the worst possible acts against other human beings and are excused on account of their creative genius. others are selectively punished, with good reason sure, but still, selectively.
now more than ever it's easier to immerse yourself in art made by people outside of the mainstream. reading lists, free resources, playlists... all this stuff is more accessible than ever, but you've got to make an effort to give it a try. it's black history month, the recs are pouring in, go have a look. or take a chance on something absolutely no one has recommended anywhere and if you find something you like, rec it to someone else because the likelihood is they haven't heard of it.
tracy chapman's "fast car" is one of eleven songs that appears on her self-titled debut album. can you name the second hit single from it? if you're american and you fell anywhere left of center as of the 2016 election, it should be on the tip of your tongue if you were engaged in your country's politics at the time, regardless of your level of actual investment in the system. if not, the next time you're doing a task you need both hands with, washing the dishes, having dinner, doing your makeup, put that album on.
there's a post with over 100K notes on here that i see all the time of bruce springsteen and clarence clemons kissing. there's a part of that that is immediately meaningful to many if you're lgbtq, and a part that is harder for non-black lgbtq people to feel the weight of. but it is worth trying to do and was part of the reason why they kissed so often in the first place. clarence clemons was from norfolk, virginia. he released multiple albums outside of his work with the e street band. they may not be for you, but give them a try.
give enough music, or movies, or books that aren't a part of the approved canon a try, and there's no way you won't find something you don't feel as passionate about as you do about springsteen, siken, the beatles, what have you.
james baldwin was a prolific artist. see if you can't find something of his you like more than giovanni's room.
immerse yourself in ringo sheena, who mitski cites as one of her influences.
if you have difficulty paying attention to music you don't recognize, (i get it) make a playlist that alternates tracks you know and love with brand new tracks. start small. 5 faves of all time, 5 you're going to try out. you won't like everything, but you might find yourself looking forward to 6 songs instead of 5 eventually.
for movies, pick an actor whose performance you loved in something and explore their work. last year i picked whoopi goldberg, also a prolific artist, with a vast body of work that's pretty accessible as a result of her constant, intentional effort.
if you're an artist yourself, you can only stand to improve by getting to know your fellow artists better. so expand your notion of what art is. you can do it for free in lots of cases, and you're spending that time listening to music or reading or watching movies or series anyway, what have you got to lose?
anti-racism sometimes means engaging in real-world narratives of pain endured by brown and black people. that pain permeates much of our art, but we're just as three-dimensional as everybody else, and every aspect of our experiences come through in our work. you know that already, because what else is happening when you indulge in various genres. for everything you love or enjoy, there's a brown or black person who's doing something along those lines, in many cases, those genres wouldn't exist in their current form without the influence of our communities, some more than others, depending on where you're from. you can actually keep one foot inside your comfort zone and dip your toe into something else. that choice is both a joy and a luxury.
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doodling-doodle · 6 months
So I like Just Dance
I don't normally make other content but @wainmfis decided to bring this up and give me an excuse to talk about this so thank you :)
Jack Rose with his own Eras Tour, along with many-a-headcanons for Jack and Wanderlust (Wanderrose tee hee) and the aftermath of JD2024
Buckle up, y'all, this is a long ride. I put this post into a word counter and it's almost 3,000 words. So, if you just want The Era's Tour stuff, I marked it in italic, bold, red, ALL CAP LETTERS
Alright, so, I'll get my Jack headcanons first
He started making music when he was fifteen and was allowed to release albums (With songs only approved by Night Swan on the album) when he was sixteen. He was allowed to choose his own genres though, as long as she fully wrote some of the songs.
His debut Album was Self Titled (So it was called Jack Rose)
annnd this is where that most of my inspiration on Jack comes from Taylor Swift and I have zero shame.
So all of his albums are mostly the same as hers, titles, songs, etc. (Except for 1989... how old is Jack right now? 28?? Lets say 28, it would be titled 1996)
However... there is one extra album, that happened between Speak Now and Red.
When he was around seventeen, that's when he finally used his slightly later curfew, when he was allowed to be wandering in Eternyx until eleven o'clock at night, which was insane for him because he used to only be out until nine-thirty at the latest.
He would wander around the streets for hours, running back to Swan Tower when he had about an hour and a half left.
Until the day that he found an abandoned bar turned hidden rap club in the small part of the city that Night Swan didn't go around often.
He had wanted to try putting out rap for a while, but Swan never allowed him, she said he wasn't good at it, it wasn't good music and it wouldn't do well under his name.
He would watch and listen from the outside, scurrying back home just in time for his curfew.
Until the night he decided to go in there. He had paid the servants (Hehe, serve) to not tell Night Swan he was out past curfew, and he went out to the little club in the city.
He would hide in the corner, in a hoodie to hide his face and in the dark. No one could now that he was there.
People came up to talk to him, eventually realizing who he was and quickly swearing that no one would tell a soul. That was the first time he really told anyone about his mothers ways.
They all welcomed him with open arms, and he had real friends for the first time in his life.
He would sneak back into his room through his unlocked window, the servants would fake pictures of him being in his room, either at his desk writing or in his bed on his laptop or asleep.
He eventually started fully making his raps, rather then just keeping them on paper, and he starting singing them at his little club, much to everyone's joy.
To his mother's horror.
He was under an alias (Not sure what to call him yet), and she made him not only drop it, but scaled back his curfew again and made him cancel plans to tour for months.
But she "punished" him by making him release an album full of his raps. That made him so happy, and it ended up becoming his favorite album, cover and all.
Lose Yourself. (So this is where Eminem inspiration comes in, plus NF)
When he got to tour for that album at the age of twenty, dressing how he wanted to dress, he saw his friends from the club, screaming in support. it ended up being his most successful tour before 1996's Danceverse Tour, where he finally got to leave Eternyx for the first time. That was when he was twenty-four. Even then, his mother still made him perform songs that she wrote for him. (Locked out of Heaven and Treasure for 1996)
That was the last album before the events of JD 2023. After that, it got out what Swan Army was doing, and while he wasn't blamed for what happened, he was partially questioned if he had any part in what she did to coaches.
After that, he fully detached himself from her, left nearly everything to his name in Eternyx and started a new life in Dancecity. He had an apartment and everything, he wrote songs but hadn't put out an album. Night Swan was still around, so he was scared about putting out the music that he was writing. He figured he could just get it out of his system and then write the things he'd normally write and put that out.
He got to keep in touch with his new friends, went to explore Danceverse's with all of them and was finally able to let loose- even managed to get back in touch with his old rapping friends.
But... Wanderlust was the one that was around the most, always coming around at some point, even if they just walked through the city together, running across the rooftops, or went to another Danceverse, or something, but Wander was determined to be around him. Maybe to prove a point to his father.
But months went by, writing songs together and going to Scarlet's Palace together...
Until Jack asked him on a date. And he said yes. And they kissed. They started dating about three months after the whole battle in Eternyx.
(Also saying this now, I always thought Jack was the taller one until realizing that Wander was... so I'm just gonna throw canon out the window, Jack is taller now, fight me-)
They kept it hidden, fully hidden, from Wander's parents and their friends, and any media attention.
Then... Well the thing happened.
My explanation for Jack being in Swan tower is that he 1. wanted to try and get some of his things while he knew Night Swan wasn't around, and 2. try and free some of the poor servants. He couldn't hear Wanderlust calling out to him.
So now he has to go on an adventure to free his friends and his lover.
Now... how do I go about describing Jack's powers/magic? Said powers were lying dormant after Swan tried to take it from him when he was young, but she did it wrong, and he still has them, and managed to re-awaken them. Not sure what song he would be dancing to for it, (kinda leaning towards Hope by NF, with the right imagery and maybe a few lyric changes it'd be perfect. Like imagine Jack having a battle with Mirror Jack?? Hell yeah!) but it would be right after Tainted Love when he watched the ship leaving.
So... said powers include, the same thing that Swan did with the water in the pond in the tower, visions, but also memories. Also with that, kind of what Mihaly did with the signal they sent Jack. Another thing is swan wings (Lets be honest Night Swan just jumping to the top of the top of the ship looked a little... weird. So now Jack can look cool while doing it) another thing with water!... I guess you could call it water manipulation? He's able to control waves, and storms to an extent.
I could go on about the adventure he went on, but that's for another time (maybe)
Long story short, Eternyx was collapsed, Jack found out the truth about why his brother (Yes, Cygnus) left, and why his father was never around (Vester), Wanderlust was drug out of Eternyx by The Traveler, screaming for Jack, Brezz and Mihaly ran out of there through a portal Jack made for them before he went to leave a parting shot to Night Swan. Si'ha took him out of there before it collapsed, took him to her palace and tried to help him as much as she could.
Wanderlust had a fight with The Traveler in the SpaceTime Hotel, was essentially disowned by him, and Wander went back to Eternyx to try and find Jack, shit happened, he found a crown that Jack had made for him, found out he was alive but he didn't know where he was, and left to Dancecity.
Like a month goes by, people realize what happened, and Jack is blamed for his friends being in danger (He also blamed himself) and a lot of shit Night Swan did, and Wander is trying to both find him and defend Jack, to no avail.
So Wander, of course, tries to go to Jack's apartment, to their favorite places, to other Danceverse's, to no luck.
Discoball is actually the one to find Jack at Si'ha's palace, and they go to him, show him just how bad Wanderlust was doing while searching for him. Jack immediately goes to find Wanderlust, and he does, taking him back to the palace, where Si'ha was waiting for them to get back so Wander could tell her exactly what his father did.
Anyway, time passes, Jack is still being hounded by media and everyone else other then his friends.
So... Yes, this leads to Reputation and his first tour in four years. No one knows that he and Wanderlust are dating still, have no clue who the person he's singing about in some of the songs are.
While still hounded during it, he managed to actually get the proof of him not being involved in Night Swan's schemes, which finally put a stop to some of the massive hate he was getting. He also got his first proper award from it, that he got to keep instead of Night Swan taking it from him.
A year later, when he finally feels safe to go out, he's seen with Wanderlust a little too much, leading to rumors and eventually, them saying that, yes, they'd been dating for about three years.
That's when Lover came out.
I could go on about headcanons for award shows, but not today.
He just never went on tour for Lover, and his albums went on, and there was something going on in the Danceverse's that stopped everything (Basically the equivalent of the pandemic) So by that point, Jack and Wanderlust had their own home, and they were stuck there. (Their social medias were unhinged during this time) So both of them were writing a lot of songs, leading to the first album of that year, Folklore. He and Wanderlust wrote it together, which was special to him.
But because of how insane they both were going, Jack kept making more music and put out a second album, Evermore, while Wanderlust actually made his own EP with music that he wrote about his dad and about Sara (I may elaborate about it another time)
So, now, lockdowns are lifting, and people are going on tour again but Jack didn't because he now had three albums that he would tour for...
So then two years later, Midnight's comes out, and the next year, he announces his tour.
The Jack Rose Era's Tour.
This is where I mention that... Jack re-recorded his albums, so there's "Jack's Version" Albums. When Eternyx collapsed, so did everything in it, which meant the record label he was under (Night Swan's, which meant she also had the royalty rights to his songs because she's an absolute bitch) was also gone, which meant his old albums existed, but weren't under his name. This is where he got to do all the vault tracks and even some of Wanderlust's music that he never put out.
Let's start with the outfits.
Most of the bodysuits are the mostly same as the real Era's Tour, but I can't really see him wearing heels, at least not the type that Taylor wears, but I can see him in wedged shoes, not full heels but something. As for the dresses, those are replaced with suits and/or jumpsuits (Maybe he could pull off a dress... maybe)
As for songs/lyrics, some have been changed for the sake of context
For the Lover setlist, I'm replacing Miss Americana & The Heartbreak Prince with I Forgot That You Existed (If I can figure out good lyric changes to make it fit, that might change) and The Man with ME!
Fearless setlist is the same, though. (I love Love Story too much, I want to change lyrics/context for it, but if I can't, I'll replace it with something but not sure what yet) He also has something similar to the Junior Jewels shirt for You Belong With Me because it's so cute, and he has variations in the main outfits.
Evermore setlist is the same (MAN do I have headcanons about Champagne Problems, I'm putting Jack through the ringer. And for Marjorie, Oh this poor man.) However, while looking into it, some things said that Evermore's set had 'Tis The Damn Season, while others said it was No body, no crime? so for now, it's No body, no crime. The outfit is a flowy and long Jumpsuit, same color as the dress, and he gets the cape for Willow. (I might make drawings of all the outfits at some point, but don't expect them to be flawless designs because this guy seems hard to draw for some reason)
Reputation is the same, so is the outfit, BUT! This is where Wanderlust comes on stage with him too, singing all the songs with him, plus songs from his EP that fit (A lot of the songs on that EP were written around the time Reputation was written). Wander is wearing the mirror image of the outfit, the asymmetrical sleeve and pant leg on the opposite side. Wander sings the second verse and chorus of every song, except his own, which he sings most of them completely on his own.
Speak now is the same, with the dress(es) replaced with a full suit (That would match the dresses, so there would be one with flowers at the end of the sleeves and the pant legs, a purple one that matches the ballgown, etc.) And Wander is back! Similarly in a suit that would match Jack's, and he sang Enchanted with him, first verse and the bridge.
The extra era, Lose Yourself! His outfit here is basically the outfit from the actual Lose Yourself beta map. Songs would be Not Afraid, (Em, but this one may change) Hope, (NF) 'Till I Collapse, (Em) and of course, Lose Yourself with a slight outfit change. Wanderlust isn't here for this one
Red set is the same, and the outfit, shirts, 22 hat and the coat for All Too Well. No Wanderlust here :(
Folklore set is the same, dress replaced with a long jumpsuit with a vest, plus a bit of a cape (there's been multiple dresses for Folklore, right? I feel like there has been. So there'd be multiple suits) Wanderlust is on stage for Cardigan, singing the first verse and chorus, part of the bridge and the last chorus with Jack. He's in a similar suit to Jack's, just more of sleeves.
1996 set! songs are the same, but the outfit(s), while still a two piece, the skirt is more like shorts. Wanderlust is there for Shake It Off because it's cute. He sings part of each chorus with Jack, plus most of the background vocals and part of the second verse.
Surprise song set, most of the time it's both he and Wanderlust on stage, both in similar full suits, just different colors.
Midnights set, all the shirts, coats and body suits are the same, so are the songs. Lavender Haze and Anti-Hero are performed with Wanderlust. Wander does the first verse and chorus for Anti-Hero, and the second verse, chorus and bridge for Lavender Haze.
The Tour itself goes one for nearly two years, with breaks occasionally. Of course, Brezz and Mihaly are always in VIP seats in stadiums with Wanderlust's parents (It's a little awkward for The Traveler, which Wanderlust kinda enjoys knowing. Has he forgiven him? In the process of it. Not something to elaborate on now)
Jack and Wander are only slightly unhinged on stage together, more during the surprise songs when they normally just talk a little bit and have fun.
The Era's Tour chants are also here, because I love them (so Fearless Heart Hands, 123 Lets Go Bitch, Jack you'll be fine/ Wander you'll be fine, etc.)
But whenever Wanderlust and Jack are seen in public together on breaks, it's normally on a rooftop together on a "date" (COUNTLESS pictures of them just eating together on a rooftop in Dancecity, or writing songs together) Or in Sun Horizon, or in a mall, or a restaurant, Scarlets, just having fun together. Seriously, if their seen somewhere public, there will be multiple times where they are laughing their asses off over the smallest things
There is a new album, but I don't think it's going to be The Tortured Poets Department, since it's not even out as of this post, but maybe another rap album?
Buuuut... the end of the tour?
The very last show, there was an extra segment at the end of the show, after Midnights was over and they were supposed to just go backstage, instead, Jack added like an extra ten minutes to the end... to propose to Wanderlust.
Which he, of course, said yes.
And that concluded The Jack Rose Era's Tour.
I'm honestly not sure if I will do more Just Dance content, at least not consistently. I will probably not make a full out fic, unless people really want it. This was fun to do, I want to do more, I just don't know when I will.
Anyway, hope y'all enjoyed this!
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itsvivace · 3 days
tw: flashing lights !!!
Sad Girls Club is a fictional sub-unit of the fictional thirteen-member girl group, VIVACE, consisting of five members : EUNMI, NOELLE, ARA, YANA, & HAYEON. VIVACE is split into three active sub-units to promote in, and today, we’ll be exploring their first and most famous unit, Sad Girls Club. Sad Girls Club explores more of VIVACE’s mature side, along with heavily Second Gen inspired music, which has captured the hearts of fans all around the world.
— 2019 - 2021 . . ALL EYES ON ME . .
A few weeks after VIVACE’s debut, I-Teen Media announced that they would be debuting their first sub-unit under the name Sad Girls Club. Due to the popularity of ARA, NOELLE, & HAYEON, their debut was hugely anticipated by even non fans of VIVACE. Sad Girls Club debuted on October 2, 2019, with the self-titled mini album “SAD GIRLS CLUB” consisting of five tracks, “Like This” serving as the title track. SAD GIRLS CLUB debuted with 96K album sales, and Like This immediately charted #1 on every South Korean chart within the first week of release, even getting the girls their first win on their second week of promotions.
Sad Girls Club would return six months later on April 4, 2020, with their first single album, “My Attitude”, consisting of two tracks, “Inside Job” serving as the album’s title track. The album debuted with 139K album sales, with Inside Job debuting at #3 on the chart and moving up to #1 a week after release. Inside Job was the start of their slower and more mature sounding music, which gained them a bunch of fans during this era.
A few months later on August 5, 2020, they released their second mini album, “REVOLUTION”, which consists of six tracks including the title track, “VILLAIN”. REVOLUTION is a more noisy and experimental sound than what they usually did but the album still debuted with 194K album sales and debuted #2 on charts.
As an end-of-the-year release, they dropped their third mini album, “WOMAN”, consisting of five tracks, including the title track “Woman”, on December 14, 2020. Woman trended for its second-gen sound and woman-empowering message, which earned the album 482K album sales and #1 across global charts.
Sad Girls Club would only release two things in the year 2021. On May 23, 2021, they put out their first digital single, “Pretty Savage”, which charted #3 on Melon and #2 globally. They would then come back on July 15, 2021, with their fourth mini album, “Movie Star”, consisting of six tracks, including the title track, “N♡︎DE”. They would comment on the unfair standards and sexualization women go through, especially in the music industry, which earned them Album of The Year in 2021. Movie Star would give them their first million-seller album, debuting with 1.3M album sales and all of the songs on the album hitting the top ten on charts.
— 2022 - 2023 . . I LIVE FOR THE APPLAUSE . .
With the hype from Movie Star starting to die down and having no comeback announcements from Sad Girls Club, fans were beginning to get anxious waiting for a new release. They would release their first full album, “SUPERWOMAN”, on January 28, 2022, consisting of twelve tracks, including the pre-release single, “SUPERLADIES”, and the second title track, “I Am The Best”. SUPERWOMAN is a powerful album about empowering women, self-love, and self-appreciation. SUPERLADIES would gain 85 million views within the first 24 hours and earned them six music show wins. As of August 2024, SUPERLADIES is one of Sad Girls Club’s most viewed music videos, with 953 million views. I Am The Best went viral for its second-gen influence and powerful sound, releasing with 294 million views in the first 24 hours and giving Sad Girls Club eleven music show wins. The music video is currently at 1.2 billion views, their most viewed music video ever. SUPERWOMAN debuted with 7.8M album sales and sold out almost instantly, making it Sad Girls Club’s biggest release.
Sad Girls Club would come back on June 23, 2022, with their fifth mini album, “Club 5”, consisting of five tracks including the title track “Live It Up”. Club 5 shows a slower and more mature side to Sad Girls Club which earned the album 4.8M album sales and Live It Up hitting the top five on the South Korean charts.
They would end the year off with the release of their second single album, “Bad Boy”, consisting of three tracks including the title track of the same name, “Bad Boy”. They would continue their slower and mature sounding songs for this album which made it get 4M album sales and debuted first on the Global Charts.
Sad Girls Club released their sixth mini album, “Breakfast At Tiffany’s”, on February 4, 2023, which consists of six tracks, including the title track, “Lion Heart”. Breakfast At Tiffany’s has a '60s aesthetic and is heavily themed around media created from then. It also talks about the downside of Hollywood and the movie industry as a whole and how it treats its actors, which gave the album 7.6M sales and charted in the top ten.
In a huge suprise to fans, they released their second full album, “The Plastics”, on June 3, 2023, consisting of fifteen tracks, including the pre-release singles “Get In, Loser”, “You Can’t Sit With Us”, and the title track, “Queen B”. The album was completely based off the movie “Mean Girls” made in 2004 and is filled to the brim with references to the movie. The album debuted with over 9 million sales, five music show wins, and a performance at the 2023 Grammy Awards, which they were nominated for.
Sad Girls Club released their third full album, “I’m The Drama” on October 16, 2023, consisting of eleven tracks including the title track, “DRAMA”. This album brought many worries of Sad Girls Club being possibly overworked but nothing was outwardly confirmed other than a few hints some of the members made. The album sold 14 million copies overall and is what fans say was the start of their “Reputation” era.
The latest release from Sad Girls Club is their second digital single, “Hopeless Romantic”, released on November 29, 2023. The song charted third on the charts but fans still say it was overall forgettable and earned the group a suprising amount of hate. As of September 2024, Sad Girls Club have not made a comeback despite the members outwardly stating they would like to have one soon.
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jourdepluie91 · 7 months
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Mariah Carey 🦋
Referred to as the "Songbird Supreme" by The Guinness Book of World Records, she is regarded as one of the greatest singers in the history of music and is noted for her songwriting, five-octave vocal range, melismatic singing style and signature use of the whistle register. An influential figure in popular music, Carey is credited with influencing vocal styles, merging hip-hop with R&B and pop through her collaborations and popularizing remixes.
Carey rose to fame in 1990 with her self-titled debut album under the guidance of Columbia Records executive Tommy Mottola, whom she later married in 1993. She is the only artist to date to have their first five singles reach number one on the Billboard Hot 100, from "Vision of Love" to "Emotions". Carey gained worldwide success with her albums Music Box (1993) and Daydream (1995)―both of which rank among the best-selling albums and spawned singles such as "Dreamlover", "Hero", "Without You", "Fantasy", "Always Be My Baby" and "One Sweet Day". The lattermost of these topped the US Billboard Hot 100 decade-end chart (1990s). After separating from Mottola, Carey adopted a new urban image and began incorporating hip-hop and R&B elements with the release of Butterfly (1997) and Rainbow (1999).
Her album Butterfly has been credited for revamping Carey's image as a pop star where she began to embrace hip hop and R&B themes and fully come into her own self, resulting in butterflies becoming a metaphorical symbol of her impact and legacy upon pop and R&B music.
By the end of the 1990s, Billboard ranked Carey as the most successful artist of the decade in the United States. She left Columbia Records in 2001 after eleven consecutive years of US number-one singles and signed a record deal with Virgin Records.
Following a highly publicized breakdown and the failure of her film Glitter and its accompanying soundtrack, Virgin bought out Carey's contract, and she signed with Island Records the following year. After a brief, mildly successful period, Carey returned to the top of the charts with The Emancipation of Mimi (2005) which became one of the best-selling albums of the 21st century. Its second single, "We Belong Together", topped the US Billboard Hot 100 decade-end chart (2000s).
In 2018 she released the album Caution. The lead single With you became Carey's highest-charting non-holiday song on the US Adult Contemporary chart since "We Belong Together" in 2005. It was followed by a second single, A No No, a R&B and hip-hop track which samples Lil' Kim's Crush on You" (1997) . Caution received universal acclaim from critics; it debuted at number five on the Billboard 200.
Her subsequent ventures included roles in the films Precious (2009), The Butler (2013), A Christmas Melody (2015), and The Lego Batman Movie (2017), being an American Idol judge, starring in the docu-series Mariah's World, performing multiple concert residencies, and publishing the memoir The Meaning of Mariah Carey (2020).
Carey has been called a pop icon and has been labeled a "diva" for her stardom and persona. She said, "I have had diva moments, and then people can't handle it. I guess it's a little intense, because I come from a true diva: My mother is an opera singer. And that's a real diva, you know—Juilliard diva. And I mean it as a compliment, or I wouldn't be the person I am without experiencing that."
Her style has often been described as "eccentric" and "over the top". Writer Noah Berlatsky noted that "Carey has always reveled in uber-feminine, girly imagery", with her album titles such as Butterfly, Rainbow, Glitter and Charmbracelet being prime examples.
Carey is one of the best-selling music artists, with over 220 million records sold worldwide and is an inductee of the Songwriters Hall of Fame, the National Recording Registry at the Library of Congress and the Long Island Music and Entertainment Hall of Fame.
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phoebewallerbridge · 1 year
Hosono House: Baked With Emotion, Like Harry's Soul
Mellow, groovy, and warm — Hosono House, released May 25, 1973, sounds reminiscent of Harry’s incandescent soul. When I visualize it, tangerine sunsets, hand-written letters, crackling bread, and candle-lit crafts come to mind. The beauty is in the comforting simplicity. Harry has never needed to be anyone but his authentic self.
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With vintage jazz influences adding depth to folk instrumentals, Hosono House elicits a calmness akin to Harry’s aura. It’s grounding. As soon as I listened to the opening chords of ‘Rock-A-Bye My Baby,’ I knew this was an album to add to my library. There is both nuance and consistency that allows for zero skips. The record spans eleven tracks: a 32-minute languorous trip.
The quirks of a twangy psychedelia will guarantee any fan of Harry’s will enjoy this listen. For lack of better language: it’s so him. Grab a bottle of rouge, your record player, and dim the lights for a stellar experience. I would also recommend this album to any fan of Mac DeMarco, “whose deadpan, lackadaisical sound is one of Hosono’s closest modern analogs,” writes Apple Music.
“When I took that title [and] put it to the songs we were making, it felt like it took on this whole new meaning. It was about: 'Okay, imagine it's a day in my house — what do I go through? A day in my mind — what do I go through?'" Harry told Zane Lowe. I’d like to highlight the “day in his mind” as that’s the core of the album — not only his psyche but his personhood. And what is his third record if not a meditative journey of what he goes through — emotionally, mentally, spiritually?
He invites us into his home, his safe space, his internal monologue. We stay for 42 minutes and internalize what resonates. We bring pieces of him everywhere. He empowers us to express ourselves. In this world, we only get one lifetime with him, but universally, he is everlasting.
P.S. I included the second slide, Hosono House designed by architect Ryan Leidner. The home “blends minimalism, nature, and an awkward plot to craft a modern urban retreat in the middle of San Francisco.” I found the striking similarities between the color palettes of Leidner’s Hosono House and Harry’s House fascinating.
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omegaremix · 3 months
Record Store Victory Tour 2022.
They say that once in a while you should treat yourself. It’s not often I do. After nine months of stay-at-home recovery, I promised myself that, when I was in a better place emotionally and monetarily, I would. So I had a wild idea. I decided to do something for myself I’ve never done before: an island-wide ‘record-store victory tour’. It consisted of hitting up each and every music store I could and buy as many vinyl records, cassettes, and CDs I could.
It started when I received my third paycheck of the month, my tax refund, a monthly store bonus, and our company giving us full-timers an extra $1,000 from national tax breaks and major donations. It was 2018 and the timing was right. I was in a much better place than I was 10 years before and for the first time in a long time I was feeling great.
It was intense and exhausting, but I loved it. It felt great getting back into doing what I loved doing the most; visiting a record store and spending as much as I wanted to on anything and everything I was a fan of or read about. I chased the excitement of finding artists, albums, and sounds I always meant to take home with me and get the most bang for the buck as possible. It became one of the largest excesses of individualism I’ve ever done for myself and I was all the happy for it. In the end, I spent no more than $1,500.00 on 280+ titles across eleven stores. I had fun doing it, and I told myself that if I could, I’d do it again.
It’s now 2022, and a new record-store tour was way overdue.
 I missed the days where I’d get lost in the hunt and have the outside world fall behind me if only for a few hours. I never forgot the fascination of discovering those gems I waited years for and feeling surprised in finding the unexpected. In fact, those feelings never left me. I’m the same way now as I was then. I neglected myself for so long that I had to come back. And I did.
I’d return to all the stops I made last year. Gone are the ones who receded to online selling, and good riddance to the over-priced locations who’d scam anyone for three to four times the price. They would never get my attention from me. I even added a few new locations and then some. From the east end of Long Island to (now) some of Brooklyn and Manhattan’s most appealing stores, this year’s tour would be more extensive than the last - and the most expensive.
I knew I was better off financially than I was four years ago. I had way more in the bank than expected so I knew I could spend and feel guilt-free without the consequences or buyer’s remorse. You cannot even begin to imagine how much I laid out. Chances are it’s more than you ever want to.
And with money comes things I’d ultimately learn about this -tour. I no longer buy blindly and have Discogs at my hip. I’d discover specific albums and remembered searching through certain sections that changed the course of the visit. I’d revisit my Atari / Nintendo childhood via 7” and 12”s and also my alternative days when I told myself all the artists and albums I’ve once dismissed were actually OK. I even quit and cashed it in when I wasn’t feeling a store’s selection. Conversely, I’d go all-in and spend on genres and artists I felt I missed out on, plus insisting on giving my dealers a little extra for free records to keep them in business. That is what you call appreciation.
I’d tell myself to be patient and take all the time in the world for what I loved doing: staying in touch with myself. I’d build up my identity, to score style points, and separate myself from all the other vanilla people around me who “been there, done that”. Each and every record, tape, and disc I’d buy would be a beacon for me to shine on those who want to relate. They would all be ammunition for future playlists, broadcasts, and back-and-forth discussions on who-knows-what and what they don’t know.
In the end, I felt complete. I bought everything I wanted and did it all with no regrets. It’s the ultimate in self-care and the biggest favor I’ve ever done for myself.
Would I do this again? There’s always a shooting star’s possibility. I got it out of my system and things like these take a few years before I have a renewed urge to go for it. For now, there’s lots of titles I know I’ll never find in stores that I’ll find online. Should you ever have the chance to go all out and do a victory tour, do it. Do something guilt-free and with no regrets. Build yourself up, cross boundaries, take chances, and experience something that will stay with you forever. I promise you’ll be glad you did.
Needle & Groove:
Deodato: Artistry LP
Hank Crawford: We Got A Good Thing Going LP
Ronnie Laws: Friends And Strangers LP
Ron Carter: Blues Farm LP
Grandmaster Flash: “Flash To The Beat” 12”
Melle Mel & Duke Booty: “Message II (Survival)” 12”
Solitair ft. Choclair & Cardinal Offishall: “No Doubt” b/w “S.O.T.” 12”
Nu Shooz: “Point Of No Return” 12”
Techno Animal ft. El-P & Vast Aire: “We Can Build You” 12”
Frankie Goes To Hollywood: “Relax” 7”
System, The: “Don’t Desert This Groove” 7”
Academy Records (Manhattan):
Kool Moe Dee: “Death Blow” 12”
Prime Minister Pete Nice & Daddy Rich: “Kick The Bobo” 12”
Professor Griff & The Last Asiatic Disciples: “Pawns In The Game” 12”
Kool Moe Dee: “They Want Money” 12”
Queen Latifah: “Ladies First” 12”
Public Enemy: “Give It Up” 12”
Kool Moe Dee: “Wild Wild West” 12”
Heavy D. & The Boys ft. various artists: “Don’t Curse” 12”
Spoonie Gee: Godfather Of Rap LP
Original Concept: Straight From The Basement Of Cooley High LP
The Men: Devil Music LP
Stepdad SS: Mad About It LP
Vaaska: Ruido Hasta La Muerte LP
Institute: Re-Adjusting The Locks LP
Test Dept.: Compulsion (Machine Run) LP
Boy Harsher: Country Girl (Uncut) LP
Hubert Laws: Then There Was Light LP
Hank Crawford: Tico Rico LP
Richard ‘Groove’ Holmes: Dancing In The Sun LP
Glam: self-titled 7”
Perdition: self-titled 7”
Soaker: self-titled 7”
Strutter: self-titled 7”
Hombrinus Dudes: self-titled 7”
Deformed Conscience: self-titled 7”
25 Rifles: History Of Flags 7”
Funeral Shock: Paint Thinner 7”
Vagra: Refuse 7”
River City Tanlines: “The Devil Made me Do It” b/w “Nothing Means Nothing Anymore” 7”
Shizuo: “Sweat” b/w “Stop It” 7”
Code-13 b/w DS-13 split 7”
Billy Ocean: “Get Outta My Dreams, Get Into My Car” 7”
Stacey Q: “Two Of Hearts” 7”
Miami Sound Machine: “Bad Boy” 7”
Cameo: “Word Up” 7”
Lord Tariq & Peter Gunz: “Deja Vu” CS
Who’s The Man: motion picture soundtrack CS
Ata Kak: Obaa Sima CS
Captured Tracks:
Jon Lucien: Premonition LP
Ron Carter: Peg Leg LP
Ramsey Lewis: Love Notes LP
Hubert Laws & Earl Klugh: How To Beat The High Cost Of Living LP
Weather Report: Tale Spinnin’ LP
Olympic Runners: Don’t Let Up LP
Bootsy’s Rubber Band: Stretchin’ It Out In… LP
Jeff Lorber Fusion, The: self-titled LP
Blackbyrds: Unfinished Business LP
Herbie Mann: Sunbelt LP
Hank Crawford: Cajun Sunrise LP
Kool Moe Dee: Knowledge Is King LP
Blank Stare: self-titled LP
Police, The: “Every Breath You Take” 7”
Simple Minds: “Don’t You Forget About Me” 7”
Bangles, The: “In Your Room” 7”
Thompson Twins: “Hold Me Now” 7”
Janet Jackson: “Let’s Wait A While” 7”
Kim Carnes: “Bette Davis Eyes” b/w “Miss You Tonight” 7”
Alan Vega: Mutator CD
Marissa Nadler: The Path Of The Clouds CD
Record Stop:
Jon Spencer Blues Explosion: Now I Got Worry
Keelhaul: Subject To Change Without Notice
Outrage: Disharmony Brings Harmony
Lost Highway motion picture soundtrack
Candlebox: Lucy
Heavens To Betsy: Calculated
Lou Reed: The Blue Mask
Type O Negative: Life Is Killing Me
Judgment Night motion picture soundtrack
Stabbing Westward: Darkest Days
Lisa Loeb & Nine Stories: Tails
Goo Goo Dolls: A Boy Named Goo
Candlebox: self-titled
Collective Soul: self-titled (clear yellow case)
Mad Season: Above
Sponge: Wax Ecstatic
Collective Soul: Hints, Allegations, and Things Left Unsaid
Stabbing Westward: Ungod
Stuttering John: self-titled
Lou Reed: Transformer
Wattstax: The Living World
Beat Street Volume 2
Paul Simon: One-Trick Pony
Expose: Exposure
George Benson: The George Benson Collection Volume Two
Richard Marx: self-titled
Cheapo's (Commack):
Crusaders, The: Southern Comfort
Earl Klugh: Dream Come True
George Benson: Bad Benson
Brecker Bros., The: Straphangin’
Hubert Laws: The San Francisco Concert
Crusaders, The: Images
Richard Tee: Strokin’
Chuck Mangione: Feels So Good
Sonny Fortune: Infinity Is
George Benson: In Flight
Earl Klugh: Heart String
Hank Crawford: Don’t You Worry About A Thing
Tom Scott & The L.A. Express: Tom Cat
Crusaders, The: The Best Of The…
Ralph MacDonald: Counterpoint
Force M.D.’s, The: “Itchin’ For A Scratch”
Brecker Bros., The: self-titled
West Street Mob: “Let’s Dance (Make Your Body Move)” b/w “Monster Jam” (ins.)
Earl Klugh: Finger Paintings
Crusaders, The: Those Southern Nights
Sonny Fortune: Awakening
Depeche Mode: Black Celebration
Pig Destroyer: The Octagonal Stairway
Velvet Underground, The & Nico: self-titled
Rollins Band: Nice
Matthew Sweet: Altered Beast
Death: For The Whole World To See
Crowbar: Symmetry In Black
Cure, The: Disintegration
Menace II Society: original motion picture soundtrack
Run DMC: Greatest Hits
Queen Latifah: Nature Of A Sista’
X-Clan: Xodus
Gin Blossoms: New Miserable Experience
Matthew Sweet: 100% Fun
Indecision: To Live And Die In New York City
Rollins Band: Weight
Big Daddy Kane: Looks Like A Job For…
Pig Destroyer: Phantom Limb
Sisters Of Mercy: A Slight Case Of Overbombing
Sonic Youth: “Bull In The Heather”
Disposable Heroes Of Hiphoprisy: Hypocricy Is The Greatest Luxury
Porno For Pyros: self-titled
Ice-T: “Ricochet”
KRS-One: self-titled
Eric B. & Rakim: Let The Rhythm Hit ‘Em
Boogiemonsters: Riders Of The Storm: The Underwater Album
Vision Of Disorder: The Cursed Remain Cursed
Matthew Sweet: Girlfriend
Fugazi: Repeater + 3 Songs
Grandmaster Flash & Grandmaster Melle Mel & The Furious Five: Greatest Hits
Das EFX: Straight Up Sewaside
Jane’s Addiction: Ritual De Lo Habitual (censored)
Sponge: Rotting Pinata
Lost Boyz: Legal Drug Money
Dead Kennedys: Bedtime For Democracy
Rollins Band: Get Some Go Again
Pig Destroyer: Head Cage
Cure, The: Wish
Depeche Mode: Speak & Spell
New Jack City: original motion picture soundtrack
Ice-T: O.G. Original Gangster
EPMD: Business As Usual
Velvet Underground, The: White Light, White Heat
Depeche Mode: A Broken Frame
Higher Learning: original motion picture soundtrack
Pig Destroyer: Book Burner
Looney Tunes:
Halsey: If I Can’t Have Love, I Want Power  
My Bloody Valentine: MBV  
Full Of Hell: Garden Of Burning Apparitions  
Koyo: Painting Words Into Lies  
Every Time I Die: Radical  
Freddie Gibbs & The Alchemist: Alfredo  
Pantera: Far Beyond Driven  
Henry Rollins: Think Tank  
Presidents Of The United States Of America, The: self-titled  
Pharcyde: Bizarre Ride II The Far Side  
Public Image Ltd.: Happy?  
Verve Pipe, The: Villains  
Velvet Acid Christ: Fun With Knives  
Psychopomps: Six Six Six Nights In Hell  
Kaada & Patton: Romances  
Parquet Courts / Parkay Quarts: Tally All The Things You Broke  
Nurse With Wound: The Sylvie And Babs High-Thigh Companion  
New York Dolls: self-titled  
Pure Disgust: self-titled
Diat: Positive Energy
Rogers Sisters, The: The Invisible Deck
Crusaders, The: Free As The Wind
Ronnie Laws: Flame
Earl Klugh: self-titled
Adrian Belew: Lone Rhino
Kurtis Blow: “The Bronx”
Flora Purim: Open Your Eyes You Can Fly
Bruce Hornsby & The Range: “Mandolin Rain” 7”
Bruce Springsteen: “My Hometown” 7”
Starship: “Sara” 7”
Rolling Stones: “Harlem Shuffle” 7”
Whitney Houston: “Saving All My Love For You” 7”
Robbie Nevil: “C’est La Vie” 7”
Samantha Foxx: “Touch Me (I Want To Feel Your Body)” 7”
Gloria Estefan & The Miami Sound Machine: “Anything For You” 7”
Bananarama: “I Heard A Rumour” 7”
Joan Jett & The Blackhearts: “I Love Rock ‘N Roll” 7”
Bruce Springsteen: “I’m Going Down” 7”
Pressure: Your Rage EP 7”
Plan A Project: 532 Seconds Of… 7”
Truth Inside: self-titled 7”
Record Reserve:
Def Leopard: “Pour Some Sugar On Me” 7”
Cutting Crew: “I Just Died In Your Arms Tonight” 7”
Kim Carnes: “Bette Davis Eyes” 7”
Eurythmics: “Here Comes The Rain Again” 7”
Huey Lewis & The News: “If This Is It” 7”
Janet Jackson: “Nasty” 7”
OMD: “If You Leave” (Pretty In Pink) 7”
Lita Ford: “Kiss Me Deadly” 7”
Don Henley: “The Boys Of Summer” 7”
Berlin: “Take My Breath Away” (Top Gun) 7”
Starship: “Nothing’s Gonna’ Stop Us Now” (Mannequin) 7”
Glenn Frey: “You Belong To The City” 7”
Make Or Break: Down For Life e.p. 7”
Poverty Bay Saints: self-titled e.p. 7”
American Cheeseburger: self-titled e.p. 7”
Riistetyt: Tuomiopaiva e.p. 7”
Transitions b/w After The Fall: split 7”
Insult: self-titled e.p. 7”
Degenerics, The: self-titled 7”
American Nightmare: “Four Song Demo” 7”
Embrace The Kill / In Defence / Hellmouth / Opposition Rising: split 7”
Wreck: Reap What You Sow e.p. 7”
Asinine Solution: My Dad’s A Goat! e.p. 7”
Sex Vid: Tania e.p. 7”
Steve Khan: Evidence 12”
Billy Cobham: Spectrum 12”
Crusaders, The: Chain Reaction 12”
Cheech & Chong: Los Cochinos@#!!* 12”
David Sanborn: Heart To Heart 12”
Spyro Gyra: Free Time 12”
Pat Metheny Group: self-titled 12”
Cars, The: Candy-O 12”
Paula & Carol: In The Magic Garden 12”
High Score: New Fuel 12”
Murder Suicide Pact: self-titled 12”
Insomnio: Happy Loneliness 12”
Ubasute: Tyranny Garden 12”
Terminal Youth: self-titled 12”
Sedatives: self-titled 12”
Sleeper Cell: self-titled 12”
High Card: Generation Y 12”
Massmord b/w Shades Of Grey: split 12”
Intensity: The Ruins Of Our Future 12”
R’N’R: self-titled 12”
Police Bastard: Traumatized 12”
Mrtva Budounost b/w Left In Ruins: split 12”
Still No Future: Under Pressure 12”
High Fidelity (first visit):
Weather Report: Mysterious Traveller LP
Chuck Mangione: Chase The Clouds Away LP
Urbie Green: Senor Blues LP
Sonny Fortune: With Sound Reason LP
Herbie Mann: Waterbed LP
Hubert Laws: Crying Songs LP
David Newman: Mr. Fathead LP
Al DiMeola: Elegant Gypsy LP
Herbie Mann: Bird In A Silver Cage
Richard Tee: Natural Ingredients LP
Grover Washington. Jr.: Feels So Good LP
David Sanborn: Promise Me The Moon LP
David Newman: Newmanism LP
Herbie Mann & Fire Band: self-titled LP
Roy Ayers Ubiquity: Mystic Voyage LP
Jackie Martling: Goin’ Ape LP
Pop Will Eat Itself: Box Frenzy LP
Freur: Doot Doot LP
Treacherous Three: “Gotta Rock” b/w “Get Up” 12”
Terror: One With The Underdogs CD
Every Time I Die: Gutter Phenomenon CD
Throwdown: Vendetta CD
Talking Heads: More Songs About Buildings And Food CD
Parliament: Up For The Downstroke CD
Joy Division: Closer CD
Cage: Hell’s Winter CD
Tha Alkaholiks: Coast To Coast CD
Goodie Mobb: Soul Food CD
Parliament: Trombipulation CD
Squarepusher: Ultavisitor CD
Batman Forever motion picture soundtrack CD
High School High motion picture soundtrack CD
Babes In Toyland: Painkillers CD
Every Time I Die: New Junk Aesthetic CD
Henry Rollins: A Rollins In The Wry CD
Deftones: Minerva CD
Parliament: Mothership Connection CD
Bootsy’s Rubber Band: Bootsy? Player Of The Year CD
Nitzer Ebb: That Total Age CD
Consolidated: Play More Music CD
Excessive Force: Blitzkrieg CD
Tool: 10,000 Days deluxe CD
Godflesh: Merciless CD
devL: self-titled CD
Parliament: Motorbooty Affair CD
Talking Heads: Stop Making Sense CD
Vfanhthore: Tremebunda Calígine RegionalistaCD
Sakrileg: self-titled CD
Sorgelig: Apostate CD
Rotten Age: Upadek ŚwiatłościCD
Tyrant Goatgaldrakona: Horns In The DarkCD
Sepulchral Cries: Misery Exhibits CD
Lihporcen: Illuminate CD
Sagverk: Sahataan Ne KaikkiCD
Sorgelig: Forever Lost CD
VolkeinBlucht:To Consume The Darkness Whole… CD
Tragedy Begins: Kleos Aenaon CD
Unholy Desolation: The Age Of Lost Souls CD
Torvara: Killing Culture CD
Sacristy: 4444 CD
Svartsorg: Agonie Des LichtsCD
Soundbombing (CS)
Kraftwerk: Autobahn (CS)
Poor Righteous Teachers: Holy Intellect (CS)
Dame: self-titled (7”)
High Fidelity (second visit):
Malcomb McLaren: “Double Dutch” b/w “Hobo Scratch (She’s Looking Like A Hobo)” 12”
2 Live Crew: “Me So Horny” 12”
Jackie Martling: What Do You Expect? LP
Kurtis Blow: self-titled LP
Animal Collective: Centipede Hz CD
Garbage: “When I Grow Up” CD
Filter: Anthems For The Damned CD
Pearl Jam: “Dissident”
Talking Heads: True Stories CD
Blind Melon: self-titled CD
Killing Joke: Democracy CD
Singles: motion picture soundtrack CD
Weezer: Pinkerton CD
Temple Of The Dog: self-titled CD
Filter: “Welcome To The Fold” CD
Seven Mary Three: American Standard CD
Folk Implosion, The: Dare To Be Surprised CD
Murs: 3:16, The 9th Edition CD
Double XX: Ruff, Rugged, & Raw CD
Aanomm: Dragging Hurtful Shame CD
Kveste + Neftaraka: Finis Coronat Opus CD
Alter Of Blood: Rehearsal 2018 CD
Cavus: The New Era CD
Darkness + Oltretomba: Horned, Winged And Grim CD
While They Sleep: La Nausee CD
Doden Grotte + Fullmoon Cult: Summon The Wolves Of War CD
Nostalgic War: self-titled CD
Pestem + Occulator: Bastards From Hell CD
Wraith: Shadows CD
Infernal Blast: Wolves Elitism Speech CD
Mordrean: Under The Black Frost CD
Iugulatus: Call Of The Horned God CD
Thantifaxath: self-titled CD
Basilisk: A Joyless March Through The Cold Lands CD
Darkness Creature: Darkness Do Mal CD
Nephilim: Klandestyn CD
Wolfenburg: self-titled CD
Blasphemus Crucifixion: Crude Burial CD
Dead To Earth + VolkeinBlucht + Idvarp: Three Way Split CD
Berzabum: The Compilation To The Infernorum CD
Lich: Cryptic Stench CD
Hatefrost: Frozen Land CD
Bloodrain: De Vermis Mysteriis CD
Nazghor: Diabolical Teachings CD
Graven Dusk: self-titled CD
Neocortex: Es Liegt Die Welt In Scherben ‎CD
Demonification: Obey The Antichrist CD
Cultus Funeris: Revertere Ad Locum Tuum CD
Liturgia Maleficarum: Totus Tuus CD
Mahdyhell: Conquerors of Hell (An Infernal Journey) CD
Neoheresy: Noc Ktora Dniem Sie Stala CD
Misanthrope: Noctivaga Tempestad De Inerme Conocimiento CD
Gestane: Dedicated To Total Devastation CD
Fornace: Deep Melancholic Wrath CD
Cultus Funeris: Revertere Ad Locum Tuum CD
Beheritbras: Goat Worshipping Blasphemic Metal CD
Freezing Blood + Widmo + The Sons Of Perdition: Desecration Rituals CD
Malaflame: Ca Del Diaol CD
* various artists: Nas Chamas Abismais Em Misantropia Luciferiana CD
Anger: Juvenile Anthems CD
25 Ta Life: Haterz Be Damned CD
Shai Hulud: Misanthropy Pure CD
Flipper: Generic CD
Nobodys: Hussy CD
Laughing Hyenas: Life Of Crime CD
Boysetsfire: After The Eulogy CD
Fugazi: Instrument Soundtrack CD
Toll: Christ Knows CD
Noisex: Over And Out CD
Leaether Strip: The Rebirth Of Agony CD
Hocico: Sangre Hirviente CD
Noisex: Serious Killer CD
Cobra Killer: Six Secs CD
Noisex: Groupieshock CD
Controlled Bleeding: Larva Lumps And Baby Bumps CD
Leaether Strip: Serenade For The Dead CD
Noisex: 1920.00 CD
Wolf Eyes + Black Dice: self-titled CD
Kraftwerk: Tour De France Soundtracks CD
Infinity Records:
Black Dice: Load Blown 12”sampler
Buzzcocks: Spiral Scratch 12″ EP
Deodato: Very Together LP
Jon Lucien: The Best Of… LP
David Sanborn: Taking Off LP
Spyro Gyra: Morning Dance LP
Hubert Laws: Family LP
Gary Bartz: Love Affair LP
Richie Cole: Keeper Of The Flame LP
George Benson: Blue Benson LP
Deodato: First Cuckoo LP
Lovebug Starski: “House Rocker” 12″
Robert Palmer: “I Didn’t Mean To Turn You On” 12″
Lou Reed: “No Money Down” 12″
Sugarhill Gang: “Sugarhill Groove” b/w “8th Wonder” 12″
Father MC: “Everything’s Gonna’ Be Alright” 12″
Billy Ocean: “Carribean Queen” 12″
Raveonettes, The: In And Out Of Control CD
Metallica: Garage Inc. CD
Zola Jesus: Versions CD
Sunday Records:
Prince: “1999” b/w “How Come U Don’t Call” 7”
Re-Flex: “The Politics Of Dancing” b/w “Flex It” 7”
Normal, The: “TV Overdose” b/w “Warm Leatherette” 7”
Gary Numan: “I Die: You Die” b/w “Down In The Park” 7”
Pet Shop Boys: “It’s A Sin” b/w “You Know Where You Went Wrong” 7”
Robert Palmer: “Simply Irresistible” b/w “Nova” 7”
Pet Shop Boys: “What Have I Done To Deserve This” b/w “A New Life” 7”
Bananarama: “Cruel Summer” 7”
Belinda Carlisle: “Heaven Is A Place On Earth” 7”
Dead Or Alive: “Brand New Lover” 7”
Joan Jett: “Little Liar” 7”
Killing Joke: “Adorations” b/w “Exile” 7”
Mike & The Mechanics: “Silent Running (On Dangerous Ground) b/w “Par Avion” 7”
Tone Loc: “Funky Cold Medina” 7”
Suzanne Vega: “Luka” 7”
Human League: “Don’t You Want Me” b/w “Seconds” 7”
Escape Club: “Wild Wild West b/w “We Can Run” 7”
Erasure: “Chains Of Love” b/w “Don’t Suppose” 7”
Don Henley: “All She Wants To Do Is Dance” b/w “Building The Perfect Beast” 7”
Starship: “We Built This City” b/w “Private Room” (ins.) 7”
Todd Rundgren: “Hello It’s Me” b/w “Cold Morning Light” 7”
Huey Lewis: “Stuck With You” b/w “Don’t Ever Tell Me That You Love Me” 7”
Stevie Winwood: “The Finer Things” 7”
Wings: “With A Little Luck” b/w “Backwards” 7”
Robert Palmer: “Addicted To Love” b/w “Let’s Fall In Love Tonight” 7”
Bananarama: “Venus” b/w “White Train” 7”
Joan Jett: “I Hate Myself For Loving You” 7”
Mike & The Mechanics: “Through The Living Years” b/w “Too Many Friends” 7”
Stevie Winwood: “Higher Love” 7”
Don Henley: “Dirty Laundry” b/w “Lilah” 7”
J.J. Fad: “Supersonic” 12”
Black Moon: “I Got Cha Opin” b/w “Reality” 12”
Big Daddy Kane: Raw ‘91 12”
Kurtis Blow: “If I Ruled The World” 12”
Jeru The Damaja: “Come Clean” b/w “D. Original Dirty Rotten Scoundrel” 12”
Fu-Schnickens: “Ring The Alarm” 12”
Young MC: “Bust A Move” 12”
Chaka Khan: “Crush Groove (Can’t Stop The Street)” 12”
Big Daddy Kane: “I Get The Job Done” 12”
Double XX Posse, The: “not Gonna Be Able To Do It” b/w “The Pure Thing” 12”
Domino: “Sweet Potato Pie” 12”
Masta Ace Incorporated: “Jeep Ass Niguh” b/w “Saturday Night Live” 12”
Fonda Rae: “Over Like A Fat Rat” 12”
River Ocean ft. India: The Tribal EP
Grandmaster & Melle Mel: “White Lines” b/w “Melle Mel’s Groove” 12”
DMX: “Born Loser” 12”
Grandmaster Flash & The Furious Five: “On The Strength” 12”
Anti Nowhere League, The: The Perfect Crime 12”
Mr. Mister: “Is It Love b/w “Broken Wings” 12”
Thompson Twins: “Lies” 12”
Roxette: “The Look” 12”
T’Pau: “Heart And Soul” 12”
Dire Straits: Extended Dance EP 12”
Flora Purim: “Stories To Tell” 12”
Raveonettes, The: Pe’Ahi 12”
Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark: “If You Leave” b/w “La Femme Accident” 12”
Nu Shooz: “Point Of No Return” 12”
Falco: “Vienna Calling” b/w “Rock Me Amadeus” 12”
Shirts, The: self-titled 12”
Belinda Carlisle: “I Get Weak” 12”
Captain Sensible: “Wot!” 12”
Young Gods, The: self-titled 12”
Men Without Hats: “The Safety Dance” 12”
Level 42: “Something About You” 12”
Killing Joke: “Sanity” b/w “Eighties” 12”
Pere Ubu: The Art Of Walking 12”
Kraftwerk: The Man-Machine 12”
Innocent, The: Livin’ In The Street 12”
XBXRX: Gop Ist Minee 12”
Cabaret Voltaire: The Crackdown 12”
Cars, The: Panorama 12”
Cheapo's (Mineola):
Krush Groove: motion picture soundtrack LP
Spyro Gyra: Carnaval LP
David Sanborn: Taking Off LP 
Lee Ritenour: Captain Fingers LP 
Rasa: Everything You See Is Me LP
Ronnie Laws: Fever LP
Hubert Laws: Say It With Silence LP
Earl Klugh: Living Inside Your Love LP
Billy Cobham: Magic LP 
George Benson: Blue Benson LP    
Nas: Life Is Good CD
Salt-N-Pepa: Very Necessary CD
Craig Mack: Project: Funk Da World CD
Notorious B.I.G., The: Ready To Die CD
Tool: 10,000 Days (non-deluxe) CD
Live: Four Songs CD
Bjork: Selmasongs CD
Henry Rollins: Big Ugly Mouth CD
Hole: Live Through This CD
Dead Kennedys: Fresh Fruit For Rotting Vegetables CD
Bad Brains: self-titled CD
Posies, The: Dear 23 CD
Les Savy Fav: Inches CD
Savages: Adore Life CD
Die Krupps: Odyssey Of The Mind CD
Peaches: The Teaches Of Peaches CD
VNV Nation: Matter + Form CD
Cyberaktif: Temper CD
Indecision: Release The Cure CD
Dead Kennedys: In God We Trust, Inc. / Plastic Surgery Disasters CD
Live: Mental Jewelry CD
John Cougar Mellencamp: “Paper In Fire” 7”
Bangles: “Hazy Shade Of Winter” 7”
Mike & The Mechanics: “All I Need Is A Miracle” 7”
‘Til Tuesday: “Voices Carry” 7”
Loverboy: “Working For The Weekend” 7”
Glenn Frey: “The Heat Is On” 7”
Fabulous Thunderbirds: “Wrap It Up” 7”
John Cougar Mellencamp: “Small Town” 7”
Jackie ‘The Joke Man’ Martling: Hot Dogs And Donuts CS
Madonna: The Immaculate Collection CS
Jackie ‘The Joke Man’ Martling: Rollin’ With The Punches CS
Innersleeve Records:
(No purchase.)
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zestysthoughts · 11 days
Tep Tons: Albums
10. The Break of Dawn (Blue In Green) Smooth all the way through, this is full of music to just kinda vibe to, similarly to what you'd find hosted by Lofi Girl. Along with much of Gramatik's early work, it's the album that helped fuel my initial interest in the hip-hop style, especially with jazz elements. Here's a taste!
9. This Time (Los Lobos) I don't often listen to rock, but it's actually what I grew up with. At the center was AC/DC, Smash Mouth, and Linkin Park. In the periphery and having at most a single album I'd listen to, were Crossfade, 3 Doors Down, Finger Eleven, and Los Lobos. This Time sticks out as being not emo edgy and full of cringe-worthy self-pity. It's got energy, variety, and good vibes all around. Here's a taste!
8. Small Plates (J3PO) Short and sweet, this is one of those sketch albums, filled with some of the many snippets thought up and created by the artist. I love the existence of albums like this, as some of the real banger ideas that never get a full produced song can see the light of day while the artist is still alive, Small Plates (and Sweet Treats) having some of my favorites by J3PO. Here's a taste!
7. Fantastic (Slum Village) I couldn't pick one of the volumes, so I'm going with all of them lol. I love the wonky Dilla-time, as anyone who's seen my music recommendations would know. I love the unfinished feel of Vol. 1 with a bunch of really bumpin' beats that unfortunately never made it past this point, and I love that they revisited and polished a bunch of them and for Vol. 2, then there's the further edited version of 2, complete with hilarious and heartfelt testimonials at the end of some of the tracks. Here's a Taste!
6. Funk Blaster EP (KOAN Sound) While there's no one album that incapsulates my dubstep phase, this one was definitely the most prominent. It's funky, wubby, and well-composed. I'll admit I am "that guy" when it comes to KOAN Sound, I liked them better during their early experimental days, until Polychrome when they made a habit of putting 2 different songs in 1 track. Honorable mention to Risky Endeavors Here's a taste!
6.5. Planet Neutral (Getter)
5. Things Fall Apart (The Roots) One of the newest additions, The Roots has become one of my favorite bands ever. Through and through, this is but one of the masterpieces created in the Soulquarians sessions at Electric Lady Studio, filled with banger after banger. Honorable mention to the Deluxe Edition, featuring some of my favorite Roots songs ever. Here's a taste!
4. Astro Lounge (Smash Mouth) Yes I know, it's the one with All Star. Like I said, Smash Mouth was one of my favorite bands growing up, and Astro Lounge just has a special place in my heart. The title I think sums it up best, feels like you're in a cozy futuristic lounge, or at least the idea of futuristic people had in the late 90's. Here's a taste!
3. Random Album Title (Deadmau5) Another one I'm nostalgic for, this is the ultimate vibe album for me. The somewhat droning and repetitive nature of it, plus the seamless mix between songs, gives it a video game soundtrack quality in that it's great for just putting on in the background while you're doing stuff. Unfortunately Spotify is being weird and there's like 3 slightly different versions of it with the same name. Here's a taste!
2. Plastic Beach (Gorillaz) Aright it's another nostalgic one, this I think is the first physical CD I ever bought. I love the metaphorically nautical/maritime theme, and as per usual with the Gorillaz, there's a great variety in musical styles. Plus there's a kickass music video for Stylo. Here's a taste!
1. Djesse (Jacob Collier) I'm not gonna sugarcoat it, Jacob Collier is the greatest musical mind of our time. This album has such a profound effect on me I can't fully describe. Whenever I sit to listen to any part of it, it feels like a hug that gives you the warm shivers, it tickles my ears, and almost always I well up. Djesse is the work of a man who thoroughly explores the depths of music and sound, travels the world to learn, combines it all in unique ways, and all the while exuding this infectious energy and curiosity. Here's a taste!
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prettyoddfever · 1 year
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Panic was named Spin's Artist of the Day on October 3, 2005... a little over a month after they started touring.
It's almost like Panic! at the Disco knew critics would be ready to hop on their dance punk bandwagon within a few synthy beats of their debut album. 'Well we're just a wet dream for the webzines,' wails Brendon Urie on "London Reckoned Songs About Money Written by Machines," the second track on A Fever You Can't Sweat Out. And they might be just that: Panic's uber-catchy melodies are quite literally some of the most likeable songs you will hear all year, which is hardly shocking considering that they sound like the bastard offspring of the Killers and Fall Out Boy. The comparison to Fall Out Boy is not surprising as it was actually FOB's Pete Wentz who made Panic the first signing to his label Decaydance, an offshoot of Fueled by Ramen. But Urie's emo-tastic vocals and the severity of the group's hooks are where the comparisons stop: Panic's songs are more '80s dance party than Warped Tour fodder. Formed in the Las Vegas suburbs (so the Killers comparison is not off base either), Panic's four members -- Urie on vocals and guitar, Ryan Ross on guitar, Spencer Smith on drums, and Brent Wilson on bass -- are all still remarkably young. While they admit to starting as a blink-182 cover band, Panic has since crafted a debut of smart, prancing songs with titles that would make Minus the Bear proud: 'The Only Difference Between Martyrdom and Suicide Is Press Coverage' and 'There's a Good Reason These Tables Are Numbered Honey, You Just Haven't Thought of It Yet.' Rather than writing all eleven songs exactly the same way, Panic split the album in two, with one half recorded using drum machines and synthesizers and other using Vaudevillian piano, strings, and accordion. That split, however, is not really noticeable unless you know to listen for it: The songs blend together into one seamless aural experience that worms its way into your head and mercilessly nests there. Between Panic's ruthless hooks and their clever, self-aware lyrics, it's pretty much impossible to argue with Urie when he sings, 'Swear we'll shake it up if you swear to listen.' Consider this our solemn promise, boys."
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audioaperture · 2 months
The Dangerous Summer - Chicago 7.12.24
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There are bands that consistently deliver remarkable albums yet somehow slip under the radar. For me, The Dangerous Summer epitomizes this phenomenon. With a flawless discography, they've never released a bad album.
Music hits harder when it comes from a deeply personal place, using real names and locations. This authenticity is why artists like Taylor Swift resonate so widely. AJ Perdomo of The Dangerous Summer channels this approach masterfully, singing with raw, unfiltered emotion. His intensity is palpable—every note, every lyric, you feel it as if it's your own story.
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My journey with The Dangerous Summer began with "No One's Gonna Need You More," a quintessential emo anthem from their 2011 album "War Paint." Delving deeper into "War Paint" and their earlier album "Reach for the Sun," I discovered two masterpieces where every track stands out. By this time I thought for sure I was the last to hear about them, who could ignore such perfection?
Following "War Paint" were the equally stellar "Golden Record" and their self-titled album, which emerged after a hiatus. This album features my favorite track, "This Is Life," a song that captures my feelings better than I ever could (which I expand upon later)
And then came "Mother Nature"—an emo album designed for stadiums. This record not only stands out in their catalog but in the entire genre. It’s innovative and fresh while staying true to their essence. In 2019, it was on constant repeat for me. The transition between "Starting Over / Slow Down" is pure auditory delight, a seamless blend that’s absolutely addictive.
"Way Down," another gem from "Mother Nature," pushes Perdomo’s emotional delivery to new heights, taking that emotional ten to eleven. The album is packed with standout tracks like "Blind Ambition," "Bring Me Back to Life," "Virginia," and "Where Were You When the Sky Opened Up," each one a high point.
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After "Mother Nature" came the EP "All That Is Left of the Blue Sky," featuring "Fuck Them All," ironically one of their most (sonically) uplifting and inspirational songs. Their next album, "Coming Home," continued their streak of excellence, and their latest release, "Gravity," is nothing short of fantastic.
"Gravity" opens with "I Feel More Like Myself When I'm Losing It," a track that speaks to the universal artist experience. It's incredibly relatable content.
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The Dangerous Summer is more than a fantastic band—they're a band that pours their soul into every song, every piece of artwork, every conversation, and every social media post. Their passion and dedication shine through, making every live show an unforgettable experience. If only they could play a 30-song set, the world would be a better place.
Do yourself a favor and spend time listening to the Dangerous Summer.
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Finally, I thought I’d share the video & lyrics to “This is Life,” it’s a short song with no traditional song structure. 3 verses and the chorus is at the end.  It’s concise and shares the sentiment I often feel as an artist and human. For me, the song is about overcoming obstacles, finding your true self, feeling free, letting go of the past, and loving life. I feel inspired after every listen.
There's a change In the wild Shot in waves Pushing time And I see the days Turn to night And taking in all my peripheral thoughts into feeling It's a pulse inside my lungs I see sky where once was ceiling Leaving the fact I can change the world Cause I think I could You used to come my way I used to feel like I could not open up But now I am free
It's a shame This is life With everything at our disposal While we stayed inside Most our lives Hoping to God for a better one until we die I used to hold that chain I used to carry the weight of all my problems here with me But now I come through But now, now I come through
It's awake For the rush The promise of what we all want if we pull from inside Close your eyes The moment is taking me closer, it keeps me alive I used to run away I used to hide from these walls that gave me life But now I can breathe
Do you remember me like I remember you?
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svtminji · 1 year
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An Ode is the third studio album by South Korean co-ed band, Seventeen. It was released on September 16, 2019, through Pledis Entertainment. The album spawned two singles, "Hit" was released as the album's lead single on August 5, 2019, followed by the title track, "Fear", on the release date of the album.
An Ode was released on September 16, 2019, with 5 physical album versions: "Begin", "The Poet", "Hope", "Truth" and "Real". The album also includes a Korean language version of their Japanese single, "Happy Ending". The Japanese single had been previously released on May 29. In contrast to their previous uplifting music style, An Ode showcased a different side of Seventeen, with a darker concept.
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★ hit ❪ track one ❫
하나 되어 oh yeh | [SC/MJ] 오늘부터 해방 뛰어 ❪ 0:54 - 0:57 ❫
☆ lie again ❪ track two ❫
(진심이 아닌 말을) ❪ 2:58 - 3:00 ❫ 또 거짓말을 해 ❪ 3:14 - 3:16 ❫
★ fear ❪ track three ❫
this is love 온몸에 퍼진 | 내 모든 fear 내 속의 상처 ❪ 2:24 - 2:31 ❫ the way i love the way i love ❪ 2:34 - 2:37 ❫
☆ let me hear you say ❪ track four ❫
매일이 오는 기적 같은 | 너의 위로가 나의 하루가 돼 ❪ 0:30 - 0:36 ❫
☆ 247 ❪ track five / performance unit ❫
월화수목 또 금토일 | 매일 너를 찾아가던 길 | 그 위 길 잃은 발자국만 yeh | 남아있어 홀로 외로이 ❪ 1:15 - 1:22 ❫ 247 247 247 247 ❪ 1:45 - 2:00 ❫
☆ second life ❪ track six / vocal unit ❫
☆ network love ❪ track seven / foreign unit ❫
하늘 바다 뚫어 닿게끔 ❪ 0:32 - 0:36 ❫ one time 나랑 춤춰 | two times 눈을 맞춰 ❪ 2:39 - 2:42❫ 기약 없는 말은 함부로 않기로 해요 ❪ 2:59 - 3:02 ❫
☆ back it up ❪ track eight / hip-hop unit ❫
☆ lucky ❪ track nine ❫
oh 겁이 나서 | 비 그친 뒤 life is so beautiful ❪ 2:37 - 2:43 ❫
☆ snap shoot ❪ track ten ❫
너 in 뷰파인더 초점은 auto | 자연스러운 움��임 따라 널 따라가 ❪ 1:20 - 1:26 ❫ 지금 이 순간을 담아 ❪ 2:38 - 2:40 ❫
☆ happy ending kor. ver ❪ track eleven ❫
꼭 말해줘 꼭 말해줘 | 사랑한다고 | woo ❪ 1:05 - 1:12 ❫ happy ending, happy ending ❪ 3:15 - 3:17 ❫
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the song "독: Fear" by SEVENTEEN explores the toxic nature of a relationship and the internal struggle to let go. the lyrics express a sense of despair and longing for love, despite knowing that it is detrimental to one's well-being.
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"독: Fear" delves into the complicated emotions of a toxic relationship, portraying the conflicting feelings of love and fear. it serves as a reflection on the damaging effects of such relationships and the need for self-awareness and strength to break free from them.
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"HIT" by SEVENTEEN is an energetic and empowering song that celebrates the group's ambition, drive, and success. the lyrics convey a determination to reach new heights and defy limitations in order to achieve greatness.
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"HIT" is a song that embodies SEVENTEEN's drive, determination, and artistic growth. it represents their confidence in their abilities and their unrelenting pursuit of success, while also inspiring their audience to join them on their journey.
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MINJI in TRUTH, BEGIN, THE POET, HOPE, & REAL VERSIONS -> snippets of the photobook & photocard
truth ver.
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begin ver.
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the poet ver.
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hope ver.
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real ver.
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FEAR: n. a basic, intense emotion aroused by the detection of imminent threat, involving an immediate alarm reaction that mobilizes the organism by triggering a set of physiological changes. if u made it this far, thank you. svtminji est. 2023
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jqmalikhsgib · 3 months
okay so timeline so i won’t get confused! also, definitely gonna have to change some things up on part two of sea view!
sea view current year: 2021
harry x reader met when they were eleven, dated at twelve, reader pregnant at thirteen and had corbin at fourteen
current ages: harry: 28 reader: 28 corbin: 14 payton: 7 hayden: 4 months (as far as the next chapter goes)
harry- feb 1st, 1994
yn: march 15th, 1994
corbin: april 10th, 2008
payton: june 24th, 2015
hayden: june 27th, 2021
from here on you know about 1 direction forming, you know how they broke up, and hs self titled album…
fine line came out a whole different month to fit the timeline to this story. so did harry’s house
harry began cheating when he was eighteen years old so around 2012 and didn’t stop until 2018 when you finally left. corbin was only two years old when his father became an international superstar and obviously when his father wasn’t being faithful to his mom.
payton was only three when you decided to leave harry and corbin was ten.
i hope this helps others as much as it helps me. i have said before, im terrible with timelines! so for now on i will be giving a timeline to my stories (especially if it involves reader having kids) so i won’t get confused and neither will the audience!
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dailyexo · 2 years
[INTERVIEW] Kai - 230313 Recording Academy GRAMMYs: “K-Pop Veteran KAI Feels Freer Than Ever On 'Rover': ‘It's Going To Be A Very Memorable Period For Me’”
"On KAI's third solo mini album, Rover, out today (March 13), the EXO and SuperM member finds freedom through the multiplicity of sounds and concepts that have defined his 11-year journey.
When K-pop's emblematic group EXO debuted in 2012, each member was assigned a superpower as part of their overarching lore. Kim Jongin, then a fresh-faced 18-year-old, was given the ability to teleport, promptly appearing and disappearing throughout their many music videos. He also received an alias: KAI, whose Chinese character "开" means "to open."
Eleven years later, KAI has manifested his nickname; his individual success has opened doors to three solo albums, countless world tours as part of EXO and supergroup SuperM, and several luxury brand contracts (he is an ambassador for Gucci and a representative for Yves Saint Laurent Beauty). It makes sense that he sees himself as someone who can't be constrained — and that he named his third EP Rover.
As the title insinuates, embodying multiple things at once has always been KAI's specialty. He is notoriously shy off-camera, an introvert who stays silent unless spoken to, but who unravels in winding thoughts and warm laughs when comfortable. At the same time, he is also one of K-pop's most lethal performers, with a voice that is as soft as sinful, and ballet-trained movements that spellbind any audience.
Rover is KAI's latest self-actualization. In a Zoom call with GRAMMY.com, he is all smiles as he mentions that this album is the truest to his creative desires so far. Whether visually or sonically, the six-track collection (plus a second installment of his conceptual video series, FILM : KAI, to be released on March 20) fuses everything that he is known for: the teleporting, the hypnotizing dance moves, the many characters he can embody, and his versatility in approaching rhythms that go from reggaeton to R&B.
He ponders about the limitations of social media and receiving love in tracks like "Black Mirror," and "Say You Love Me," while longing for freedom in "Bomba" and the project's title track. "Here I am in your face/ Focus on every single expression/ Y'all buzzin', catch me if you can," he sings in the latter, making reference to one of his favorite movies. In the music video, he also hints at Billy Elliott, another formative movie in his life, while adopting multiple personalities and namesakes. There are no boundaries to KAI's artistry, after all.
Ahead of the release, GRAMMY.com caught up with KAI about the meaning of freedom, his relationship with social media, and how it feels to be an idol for over a decade.
You ask to be called "Mr. Rover" in the EP's title track. Who is Mr. Rover?
That's me! [Laughs.] [The song] has a story about a wanderer and a message of wanting to be free, and since I want to be free on stage, and as an artist in general, Mr. Rover is me.
What is freedom to you?
I put a lot of thought into that, but honestly, I still don't know. I do feel free, and I do feel freedom when I'm on stage, and in order to feel that true freedom, I think it's not just throwing away something that's inside of you. It's more like trying your best and putting more effort into that freedom that you're seeking.
A lot of my fans say that I seem very happy and free on stage. I really want to be like that. I realized that, in order to be free, there's a lot of things that I have to try harder behind the stage.
Indeed, one of your main characteristics is that on stage you are very confident and charismatic, while off stage you are a little more shy and warm-hearted. What's on your mind when you're on stage?
I don't think that much when I'm on stage. This is intentional, because I try not to think about anything and just do my best. Just enjoy that moment. If I think a lot, then it'd be difficult for me to concentrate. I really want to get to that level where I don't have any thoughts and I can just feel free and do the performance as it is.
On stage, you can usually see me smiling and laughing a lot, but that's because the more I get nervous, the more I start smiling and laughing, and the more I enjoy it. Once I feel a sense of pressure is when I truly start to enjoy [it]. I realized that I must be crazy to be enjoying all this nervousness. [Laughs.]
Besides freedom, what are three main words that you associate with this album?
The first one is "SNS" [Social Networking Service, or what Koreans usually call social media], because it's actually a theme in the album. To add up, the album also has a message of loving yourself and not caring about what others think.
As in one of my tracks, "Black Mirror," when the display screen is black, it tells you to see yourself reflected there and to love yourself more. "Say You Love Me" [is] a song about desiring love. On SNS, we care a lot about likes, followers, and what other people think or how they see us.
The second keyword is "performance." It is a very important part of this album, because I really did what I wanted to do. There are a lot of performances to see and hear altogether, so when I was preparing [them], I tried to show different aspects of myself.
And my third keyword would be "happiness," because that is the emotion I felt the most while preparing for this album. I really enjoyed it, and I felt a lot of happiness in my daily life. I think that it's going to be a very memorable period for me.
Since your first keyword is SNS, what is your personal relationship with social media?
Honestly speaking, if I wasn't a celebrity, I think I wouldn't have been using SNS at all. But since I am, I do have to [use] it, and I think of it as a way to communicate with my fans.
In my album, tracks such as "Black Mirror" or "Rover" have a message of being free and loving yourself, and I [prepared] a lot of curated content to show to my fans. I do have a desire for [my fans] to like that, but I want to say that it doesn't matter because, as a human, it's the same for me. I watch YouTube too, I watch all those [Instagram] Reels at night before I go to sleep. So you know, after all, I'm doing the same thing [as everyone].
Your second keyword is performance, and you seem very happy that you could do everything that you wanted for Rover. What new things were you able to show through your performances this time?
The ["Rover"] music video is very well-made and fun, and another FILM : KAI is coming out soon. The first FILM : KAI was released before my first music video [for "Mmmh"], so the role of it was to explain the whole concept and help the listeners understand what I was trying to say.
This time, FILM : KAI is coming out after the music video [for "Rover"], so I think it could be a chance for the viewers to organize their thoughts and compare with what they have been thinking while watching the music video, so they can realize some different charms [within it].
You talked about your first album, KAI (开), and now you're on your third album. What are some of the differences between them, and what have you improved on since your solo debut?
For the first album, when preparing the songs, it was more about finding what I wanted to do as KAI and what I'd like to show people. For the second album, it was more about focusing on what people would like to see and what they wanted from me. I did feel a bit pressured and stressed, but it was one of the steps in the process of trying to find what I really want to do.
For my third album, I was able to find what I want to do and start doing it. As an artist, I grew a lot, but that's why I think it was a new challenge. It's something new that I'm attempting.
If it wasn't for the first or the second albums, the third one wouldn't even exist. I even had some songs that I saved during the [previous] albums because I thought I wasn't prepared before, but now I'm ready to release them to the world. As a soloist and an artist, I'm just developing and growing. There may be a lot of lacking skills still, but this album is very special to me, and I like it a lot.
You've been an idol for more than a decade now. What is the most important thing you learned so far?
Being an idol is a job too. The line between my daily life and my life as a celebrity is very ambiguous. From time to time, I could feel more stressed out, and as it is a job where I can share emotions with the public, there's a bit of pressure on that too.
The most important thing to do is to take care of my mental [health] and mindset, and this realization was a chance for me to grow. I've been thinking deeply on how to become a better person, how to live a happy life as a human being, and I think that, as KAI, I really want to share more positive and happy thoughts with my fans and the people all around the world.”
Credit: GRAMMY.
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heavenboy09 · 6 months
Carey was born on March 27, 1969, in Huntington, New York. Her name is derived from the song "They Call the Wind Maria", originally from the 1951 Broadway musical Paint Your Wagon. She is the youngest of three children born to Patricia (née Hickey), a former opera singer and vocal coach of Irish descent, and Alfred Roy Carey, an aeronautical engineer of African-American and Afro-Venezuelan lineage. The last name "Carey" was adopted by her Venezuelan grandfather, Francisco Núñez, after he emigrated to New York.
She is an American singer, songwriter, record producer, and actress. Referred to as the "Songbird Supreme" by The Guinness Book of World Records, she is regarded as one of the greatest singers in the history of music and is noted for her songwriting, five-octave vocal range, melismatic singing style and signature use of the whistle register. An influential figure in popular music, Carey is credited with influencing vocal styles, merging hip-hop with pop through her collaborations and popularizing remixes. She has also been dubbed the "Queen of Christmas" for the enduring popularity of her holiday music, particularly the 1994 song "All I Want for Christmas Is You", which is the best-selling holiday song by a female artist.
Carey rose to fame in 1990 with her self-titled debut album under the guidance of Columbia Records executive Tommy Mottola, whom she later married in 1993. She is the only artist to date to have their first five singles reach number one on the Billboard Hot 100, from "Vision of Love" to "Emotions". Carey gained worldwide success with her albums Music Box (1993) and Daydream (1995)―both of which rank among the best-selling albums and spawned singles such as "Dreamlover", "Hero", "Without You", "Fantasy", "Always Be My Baby" and "One Sweet Day". The lattermost of these topped the US Billboard Hot 100 decade-end chart (1990s). After separating from Mottola, Carey adopted a new urban image and began incorporating hip-hop and R&B elements with the release of Butterfly (1997) and Rainbow (1999). By the end of the 1990s, Billboard ranked Carey as the most successful artist of the decade in the United States. She left Columbia Records in 2001 after eleven consecutive years of US number-one singles and signed a record deal with Virgin Records.
Carey is one of the best-selling music artists, with over 220 million records sold worldwide, and is an inductee of the Songwriters Hall of Fame, the National Recording Registry at the Library of Congress and the Long Island Music and Entertainment Hall of Fame. She was ranked as the second-greatest woman in music by VH1 in 2012 and the fifth-greatest singer by Rolling Stone in 2023.
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#MariahCarey #SongbirdSupreme #QueenOfChristmas #Legend
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page-2-ids · 9 months
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[ID: A flag with eleven horizontal stripes, all the same size. The colors are darker at the edges and lighter in the middle, except for the very center which is darker. They are, from top to bottom, black, very dark gray, dark gray, gray, light gray, washed-out red, light gray, gray, dark gray, very dark gray, and black. END ID]
SkidRowalbumic: A gender related to Skid Row’s self-titled album
The colors are inspired by the cover of the related album
No Suggested Pronouns
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kverything-official · 9 months
10 popular Kpop groups to hold up the industry in BTS’ absence
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The rise of Kpop has been dramatic. A genre – that was not even a proper genre in the course of western pop culture until very recently, has become a major part of the Global Music Industry. 90% of this success is brought by BTS alone, after all they are not only the most popular Kpop group but also the biggest boy band of the world right now. But there are other artists who have been working tirelessly to keep up the mark, to heighten the bar even more. 
However, all of the BTS members are now enlisted. Last of the four of them, RM, V, Jimin and Jungkook enlisted last December. And now we have none of them present till June, 2024. In the absence of the King of Kpop, who would keep the Kpop industry moving forward? Who will hold up the industry till they come back? 
I have the answer for you. In this blog we will talk about 10 popular kpop groups that will keep kpop alive in American charts in the absence of the Kings. 
However, please note that this list of most popular kpop groups has been crafted keeping 2023 activities in consideration. This is an unofficial list and should be consumed keeping that in mind. 
10 most popular kpop groups these days
1. Blackpink
Members:  Jisoo, Jennie, Rosé, and Lisa
Label: YG Entertainment 
Debuting in the year of 2016, Blackpink has risen to popularity immediately and became one of the most popular Kpop groups. Their first single album Square One included one of their most popular songs named Boombayah. Currently the girl group is referred to as the “Biggest girl group of the world”. 
The achievement of Blackpink includes Four MTV Video Music Awards, Thirteen Circle Chart Music Awards, Three People’s Choice Awards, One Billboard Music Award, Seven Golden Disc Awards, Eleven Guinness World Records, One MTV Europe Music Award, Five Melon Music Awards, Three Seoul Music Awards, Eleven MAMA Awards, One Teen Choice Award. 
They are also recognized as the first Korean girl group to win an MTV Video Music Award as well as the first to receive a nomination at the Brit Awards. The achievements are a testament of their popularity among global fans, namely Blinks. 
Despite the recent controversy of the youngest member Lisa, the girl group was invited by King Charles III as honorary guests of  Members of the Order of the British Empire (MBE). 
Thus, there is no doubt that in the absence of BTS, Blackpink will be keeping Kpop alive in American charts. Obviously, when they have bangers like How you like that, Pretty savage, whistle and more, it’s tough not to become their fans and retain them as one of the most popular Kpop groups in the year of 2024. 
2. Seventeen
Members: S.Coups (Leader), Jeonghan, Joshua, Jun, Hoshi, Wonwoo, Woozi, DK, Mingyu, The8, Seungkwan, Vernon, and Dino
Label: Pledis Entertainment (currently under Hybe)
In my opinion Seventeen is one of the most underrated Kpop bands to exist on the planet. This thirteen member-ed group debuted in the year of 2015 and finally in 2023 it is considered as one of the most popular kpop groups that you can totally listen to and gradually fall in love with.
Seventeen is considered as a “self-producing” group, which means the members write, produce and compose their songs mostly by themselves. Hence, the authenticity that you will hear in their songs is something you can root for. And this is one of the main reasons why Seventeen deserves to be one of the most popular Kpop groups in recent times. 
The group has always been praised for their extraordinary performance skills. They have also gained titles like “Performance Kings“, “K-Pop Performance Powerhouse” and more. As a result the Seventeen has been winning the Best Dance Performance Award at MAMA ever since 2017.  
Recently the band has glorified Korea’s soft power aka entertainment industry even more by being invited and giving a speech at UNESCO’s Youth Forum. 
So, it’s safe to say that everything you want in your idol, you can find it in Seventeen and that is one of the many reasons why they are one of the most popular Kpop Groups in existence and why you should listen to them while BTS serves in the Military.  
3. Stray kids
Members: Bang Chan (Leader), Lee Know, Changbin, Hyunjin, Han, Felix, Seungmin, and I.N
Label: JYP Entertainment
Featuring in the 3rd number in our list of popular Kpop Groups is Stray Kids. The band debuted in the year of 2017 and has been going strong ever since. Be it hardcore rap numbers like Thunderous or mellow ballads like The View you can find it all in Stray Kids’ discography, making them one of the best idol groups to listen to. 
However, their popularity has not been able to save them from criticism and controversies. Member Hyunjin got involved in a serious case of school bullying and leader Bang Chan had to issue an apology upon receiving criticism regarding some comments he made about young Kpop idols. 
Nevertheless, their popularity has not been tainted, thanks to their loyal fans, Stay. so, if you are thinking of giving their discography a try, then go forward, you won’t be disappointed. They are one of the most popular kpop groups for a reason. 
4. TXT
Members: Yeonjun, Soobin (Leader), Beomgyu, Taehyun, and HueningKai
Label: Big Hit Entertainment
From the house of our Kpop Kings, BTS, here is Tomorrow X Together (TXT), one of the most popular Kpop groups these days. The group debuted in 2019 and they scored big right from their debut. TXT’s debut EP entered US billboard 200 at no. 140. The group has also gained the title of the very first boy group to headline at Lollapalooza. 
Within only four years of debut the group has gained a significant popularity and a very loyal fanbase, MOA. Even though at their initial stage many associated their popularity with BTS (as they were the first boy band Big Hit entertainment introduced after six years of BTS’ debut), the boys proved their talent and established their identity all by themselves. 
One of the many reasons behind TXT’s popularity is their unique discography. I personally like the way their songs stand apart from many fourth generation idols. Songs like Nap of the Star, Run Away, Cats and Dogs, Anti-Romantic are some of the songs you should listen to if you have not already. 
All in all, TXT is a deserving band that certainly deserves a try and should be labeled as one of the most popular kpop groups these days.  
5. Newjeans
Members: Minji, Hanni, Danielle, Haerin, and Hyein
Label: ADOR
It’s been less than 2 years since Newjeans debuted and they are crazy popular already. Even though at some point I question this popularity especially when they are called “The Next BTS”, these girls are definitely doing a lot compared to their age. 
Their popularity soared with their hit number Ditto and OMG. These two songs even got charted in the Billboard Hot 100 as well as the UK singles Chart. And currently Super Shy has been gaining places in charts. As a result they bagged Daesang, Artist of the Year in 2023 MAMA. 
Even though these girls have a long way to go, it has to be admitted that they have already gained a significant amount of popularity and they are certainly one of the most popular kpop groups of the current days.  
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