#eluciens eat that shit up
Funniest thing I've ever done was get commissioned for an elriel piece for a friend's birthday and I posted a wip photo of elain in a yellow floralish dress and bam! The comments were filled with angry elriels about elain always being drawn for lucien and not herself. The silence and watching the comments get deleted after I posted that final photo was great. It's also what pushed me to only make official Canon ship art only to avoid the negative comments so a partial loss for the elucien girlies as I have a NSFW in progress for monstertober that I keep debating on releasing only to remember the hate over a yellow dress.
I'm sorry you feel you can't draw what you'd like because people have decided to be angry over minute, silly things. No one puts Elain in yellow for Lucien- they put her in yellow (and greens) because those are nice, sunny, spring colors which seem like they'd suit her. Just like roses vs sunflowers- because roses are not the only flowers that exist and sunflowers are a nice, sunny flower and Elain likes sunshine.
Having spent enough time with Eluciens, I can say definitively that the prevailing opinion is not "she should make him happy so dress her like him" (in which case you'd see her in oranges and browns), but "this is what we know, let's expand on it", and I'm tired of the straw man arguments and misrepresentations of what we find interesting.
I hope you release your October art. I know how it feels to have people angry at you for just having fun without mistagging/stalking blogs that have you blocked/just minding your own fucking business, and I can say with authority: those people can get fucked.
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elrielffs · 3 months
Let's say Elucien/Gwynriel happens. I would be upset because obviously Elriel but I would also be upset because the building blocks just aren't there?
Like for Elucien we don't have Lucien figuring out Elain is a seer, we have Lucien asking TAMLIN to get Elain back, we have Lucien sitting in Spring Court twiddling his thumbs while Elain is in the supposedly EVIL Night Court and ONLY leaves cause Feyre is leaving, we have Lucien stating he wants to see Elain to "see if she's worth fighting for", we have Lucien comparing Elain to his ex. This is not the stuff of romance and why I can't root for them.
For Gywnriel, we have Azriel not caring that Gwyn was in the Blood Rite, we have no idea if Gwyn is interested (seriously, it would have been so easy for Gwyn to mention during the sleepover to Nesta and Emerie SOME hint that she finds Azriel at least attractive?), we don't even have that delicious banter that antis like to say is needed for "good relationships", and no, see you tomorrow Shadowsinger is not banter. We don't have Azriel singling out Gwyn during training, we have nothing. Not even in the BC when Azriel and Gwyn's eyes meet (instead of something charging between them like Elriel) we have BOTH thinking about Gwyn's assault and Azriel has no reaction? For all people think they are mates, he HAS NO REACTION TO THE THOUGHT OF HER ASSAULT other than AWKWARDNESS.
If these ships were to happen I would need MORE. I don't need blatant flirting or anything, but there's NOTHIHG there to root for. Antis say they know this but "see the potential" but that goes for EVERYONE. Any two people can have "potential" but as an author writing romance you want to have the building blocks leading up to a relationship or even INTEREST in the other person and get readers EXCITED but Elucien/Gwynriel don't have that. They just don't.
I would WANT Lucien to know Elain is a seer. (Like Azriel)
I don't want to hear Lucien comparing Elain to Jesminda. (In Azriel's pov he doesn't even THINK of Mor.)
I would WANT Azriel to freak out over Gwyn in the BR. (The man who didn't care if he died to get Elain back but won't break rules for his supposed mate in a tradition he doesn't give a shit about?)
I want Azriel to feeling unbelievable anger at Gwyn's assault (instead of dumping her on Mor immediately but clinging to Elain even when's she's safe and demanding to get chains off her).
I love Elriel. I love both Elain and Az seperately. But the reason I ship them is because the building blocks ARE there that the other ships don't have. There's NOTHING to be excited or root for in the other ships.
Elucien has nothing.
Gwynriel has a BC (which has been debunked and given credit to the Lightsinger theory/just something strange going on) but even if it was supposed to be romantic I would be pissed if I was Gwynriel. Having to read about Az desiring Elain in a holy, down bad, pussy eating way and giving Gwyn a necklace as an afterthought and NOT EVEN DIRECTLY? THAT IS NOT ROMANCE. And the fact that NOTHING CHANGES AFTER. GWYN AND AZ DO NOT BECOME CLOSER. HE STILL DOESN'T GIVE ENOUGH OF A SHIT TO SAVE HER FROM THE BLOOD RITE OR EVEN HAVE A REACTION SPECIFICALLY TO GWYN BEING IN THE BR COMPARED TO EMERIE/NESTA. For all the antis try to say that Azriel is just lusting for Elain in the BC, I feel like what happens with Gwyn is TEN TIMES WORSE if indeed Gwynriel were true.
This is why I think anything but Elriel would be bad writing. Not just for the obvious setup for Elriel but the LACK of set up FOR Elucien/Gwynriel.
Sorry for the messy rant, I just had to get that out.
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areyoudreaminof · 2 months
some word salad behind the cut
I never thought I’d ever get into writing. My self esteem is so minimal it’s nearly non existent, so I had never bothered to try. But I started writing last year and found I was enjoying it. I made grand plans to write more until I didn’t.
My passion became my poison, suddenly.
As I scrolled through endless fics and writers much more talented than I am, my anxiety perched itself on my shoulder like a crow and squawked in my ear.
“The shit you’re putting out? No wonder nobody is reading it. You’re writing boring stuff. Who gives a fuck about kids and one shots?” It would say. I’d reply that I didn’t want to write smut. I don’t like doing it and it felt silly.
“So why are you writing at all?” Anxiety Crow said, “That’s what people want. And you can’t even do that.”
It came to a head right before Elucien Week. Last year, I wrote three fics I am still immensely proud of. One of which opened a door for me with the first Next Gen characters I came up with. I had assumed that I’d have something else lined up for this year's Elucien Week.
But in that year, I had a lot of personal changes and mental health challenges that weren’t getting better. I made the mistake of starting a long fic and it became this beast that I couldn’t tame. Even one shots and snippets became a chore. I’d have to force myself to finish a chapter, to try and translate the images I saw in my head to paper, but it wasn’t working. This coincided with my depression peaking in early 2024, in which I got suicidal and had to seek help.
By January, I’d gotten more frustrated with my writing, by June, I despised writing in its entirety. Three days before Elucien Week was due to begin, I hovered my mouse over DELETE ACCOUNT on AO3 and nearly trashed a year worth of work. I decided to take a step back to clear my head and to put a stop to this toxic competition I had with myself. I didn’t want to lose the hobby I’d grown to love and destroy the new friendships I’d made. I was absolutely terrified of losing those wonderful friends I’ve made and I felt so guilty and angry at myself for fumbling the bag and not writing anything.
I can’t even tell you why I obsessed over it, I may never go back to writing at all, but the weight of that self hatred has eased up from my chest. It’s not eating me alive anymore. That’s not to say it’s gone of course. Just the other day I had another major moment of doubt, and nearly trashed everything, again. I’m trying to parse through my own mind constantly to sort out my own spirals and triggers. Some days it’s working, others it’s not.
I think I’m now telling you about it, because I’m sure you’re feeling it too. People reached out to me to check on me when I left and others to let me know they were having the same problems. The feelings of inferiority among fandom, the nagging expectations we placed on ourselves. Never mind any of the challenges we face in our daily lives. What’s the worth of my mental health and happiness and why the fuck do I keep measuring it like this?
Whatever comes of this break, I hope that all of us can find our self worth, wherever it is. I see so many incredible artists, writers, and people that inspire me to want to keep going. If you’re reading this, you’re one of them.
Take a breath and take a break. We’ll figure it out.
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nikethestatue · 3 months
Rant incoming.
Maybe I am a bit of a psycho (okay, not a bit) but for the love of God and all that is holy--Sarah, give us the Shadowsinger that you keep hinting at.
I need at least ONE of these men to go dark. Go fucking black.
We keep hearing about the violence, the terror, the sheer presence of them that would make a grown man piss his pants---but we never see it?
The one and ONLY time where I feel it happened (and marginally too) was when Rowan skinned (not gonna say who) alive.
But it's kind of like--if SJM insists on making all these men ruthless warriors, torturers, the most powerful Fae in the kingdom or the world or whatever--then SHOW IT. Show us the men we are supposed to crave and fear.
We had Hunt, the Umbra Mortis, who barely ever 'mortis-nized' anyone ever. He was just a himbo who wanted to eat pizza and watch sunball.
Cassian, the Commander General, had one good run during the war and then became a human dildo.
Azriel cut the Attor a lil bit.
Give me the scary. The unhinged. I don't need cinnamon rolls. I want one of these dudes to rip out someone's heart and then fuck his ladylove on top of the corpse.
I am also so so so tired of the 'girl Power woooo!' thing that SJM keeps writing--where the women always take care of business and need no help, no protection, no revenge, no assistance from the men whatsoever. Why even bother making these men these illustrious warriors, when we know that Nesta can kill a Death God in 10 minutes, and Bryce can kill an Asteri in about 8 minutes.
I am beginning to wonder what is the point of men in SJMs' stories at all?
We had the 'Most Powerful High Lord In History' running around dropping to his knees, looking for a good OBGYN for all of ACOSF. We had the Commander General taking lots and lots of time from his clearly not very busy schedule to train some girlies and have repetitive sex. Lucien, not much of a warrior to begin with, just hangs out at his country manor. Azriel seems to be working at least, but mostly he is just being angsty.
Like there's been a shipwar raging for 3.5 years over these guys, and honestly, for what? Azriel is a spy, a torturer and 'a freak'. If it all ends up being for nothing, and he is just going to be some pining useless follower, carrying Elain's purse, whose 'freakiness' consists of light spanking and a nipple bite, then honestly, GAs or whoever, can have him.
I feel like 90% of all ACOTAR readers came to the series through Rhys. Because Rhys was so shifty. So cold. So unremorseful. Rhys was...INTERESTING.
What happened? Where are the interesting male characters? We know that SJm is not GRR Martin or anything, but come on.
Let's even take Lucien--and I don't give a shit about Lucien--but make Lucien...interesting? If he is so wily and crafty, why can't Lucien at least TRY to trick Elain into liking him, going out with him on a date? ANYTHING. Try to gaslight her, lie to her, trick her--do anything that makes me want to read about you. Eluciens keep whining about 'mean Elain' but like, why are they satisfied with this limp noodle of a painfully boring character? Why no demands of fucking everyone over and going after what he wants? 'Oh, he is so respectful'! Who cares? Why do you want to read that in a fantasy book about supposedly violent and brilliant fairies?
I am reading all kinds of things outside of ACOTAR, and I reflect and I think, OMG, SJMs males are boring AF!!!! Why do they even inspire a glimmer of desire or interest? They literally do nothing memorable or interesting.
Honestly, if the next book is the same, and she murders Azriel's character, it will be a big fat goodbye from me.
I am holding on to hope that she'll write him and even Lucien somehow, somewhat compellingly.
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nikachansstuff · 1 month
You know the one thing I miss severely in ACOTAR?
The bat boys don’t have a last name. Maybe it’s my Jily/Drarry/Dramione roots, but the potential for romance build up when you give a name and last name for your characters?!
The switch up scene when the female character finally refers to the love interest using his first name?!? I’m a sucker for this shit, it never gets old. I know Elain never said Azriel name out loud, but I would love to have the build up for last name > first name interaction.
In fact, it’s the thing that I truly envy in Elucien, they can have this scene in a silver plater. That’s how much I eat this up!
What can I say? I have simple tastes!
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lovemyromance · 6 months
Can people stop saying Elriels are changing Elain & Azriel's personalities to make their ship work?
First of all, SJM wrote a bonus chapter and 3 books of buildup in the background for Elriel already. We didn't just make up the fact that they're very into each other - SJM literally wrote that in the books.
We don't have to change anything about them. They are already attracted to each other and interested in each other in the text at this point.
Could we sit here and argue that Azriel sitting in the garden with Elain, Azriel sensing she's missing and in danger when the Cauldron kidnaps her, Elain looking to Azriel for comfort, Elain getting him solstice gifts, Azriel wanting to beg on his knees for a taste of her, Azriel giving her truth teller, Elain kicking the hounds off him, Azriel making everyone wait for her to eat dinner - We can sit here and argue and say those things are "strictly platonic" or "he's an incel who only lusts after her" (not sure how both can be true but okay). We can do that - but it won't change the fact that it is ON THE PAGE. THEIR MUTUAL ATTRACTION is IN THE TEXT.
Cool? Cool.
Next Point: Nobody is changing shit about Elain or Azriel.
It's like the antis saw one post about "oh Elain could be a cool warrior" all the way back in like 2015 and have held onto that like that one grainy af Elucien Facebook comment that one account keeps posting as responses to elriel posts (y'all know who im talking about right 😂).
Allow me to give you a refresher: It is currently 2024. Nobody is trying to make Elain be a warrior. I think most Elriels are of the opinion that we do NOT want ACOSF 2.0.
What we do want to see, is Elain potentially as a spy. AGAIN - not a warrior. This is not changing her personality. She is already a Seer - it is not a stretch to want to see her delve into her powers in the next book to use them to SEE and gather information. Elain is ready to help, she literally says "Find me when you wish to begin."
If people are complaining about fan arts where she's holding a dagger - I'm like 99% positive that dagger is truthteller and you cannot be complaining about an actual canon scene where she has been the only other person to touch that knife in 500 years, apart from Azriel. Not even Mor, his one time love, has touched that knife.
And Elain holding truthteller is in the official ACOTAR coloring book - BTW. So if you have an issue with Elain being depicted with a dagger - take it up with SJM's team.
Let's talk Azriel:
Genuinely not sure what people are saying we are changing about Azriel to better fit Elain?
People bring up the "oh he's too dark for Elain she will shy away from him" um. No. It's literally in the text how Elain calls his scars beautiful and does not balk from him.
Also .. what darkness? I did an entire post on what the hell is Azriel's darkness even and still, nobody had an answer for me because ??
We can't be reducing this man down to a job he took very very reluctantly and clearly hates. He doesn't like torturing people for answers, guys!! Y'all make it sound like his love interest can only work if she's his literal torture assistant or something 😭😭
"Hi azriel, you have a 11 o'clock coming in for the usual water boarding treatment." <tucks hair behind ear and nods earnestly> "and then afterwards, I will wash the blood off your knife and accept your darkness?"
Is that what y'all want 🤨🤨 don't be weird smh
Azriel says it feels wrong to touch Elain because HE FEELS UNDESERVING OF HER?? Have you never read a romance novel? The tortured hero being so reluctant to even touch his love because he's afraid his sins will taint her goodness??
Please people. Listen to like... a Hozier song before you try to understand this man because maybe then you might get a crash course on him. This man is so Hozier coded, it's insane to me that people think of him as some fuckboi incel.
Nobody is changing anything about Azriel and Elain. They are drawn to each other and understand each other without having to say a single word. Their love story is already starting out to be the healthiest: friends to lovers. They have been given a title: death & his lovely fawn.
Their very names mean Azriel "God is my help" or "Angel of Death" and Elain means "Light" or "Fawn" or "God has answered my prayers"
It's already on the pages and if you can't see the writing on the walls, perhaps it's time for a reread my friend.
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unforgivenyunjin · 19 days
i've seen the eluciens get mad about the nyxlin thing because of "toxic puritanical fandom culture" yet say that elriel can't happen because in a story ... cheating is wrong?? so cheating is where we are drawing the line but not shipping a baby with its mother's abuser? and it's not okay for elain to "cheat" on lucien because lucien has done nothing to deserve it in canon. like they are trying to act like the open-minded ones while saying elriel is wrong because of a slight cheating factor (the "cheating" in question is only because both parties know about the mating bond and that's the argument there).
They think Azriel wanting to eat Elain out is toxic and shouldn’t be romanticized (even though it is romantic) but shipping Tamlin with a child that just came out of the womb is completely okay. And I’m going to be controversial here, I don’t give a shit if they’re aging Nyx up. You know nothing about this baby but that he’s a baby. To immediately latch onto a child and fantasize about how he’d be a great match for his mother’s abuser when he’s all grown up is weird and I don’t care if I’m jumped for saying it.
And them saying that Elain is “cheating” on Lucien by being involved with Azriel just tells you that on some subconscious level they do believe that Elain belongs to Lucien because of that mating bond and not because of Elain’s actual feelings. Which is a whole different issue.
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fiercehildr · 1 year
I'm so proud of Eluciens. The elucien tags in every plattform used to be full of anti elucien and el/riel crap. Now it's just them finally being able to celebrate their ship in peace without being attacked. All the el/riels that claim the fandom used to be peaceful without gwynriels can eat shit because there was no peace for eluciens with el/riels going all off on them before acosf.
Their fandom is also growing and I'm so happy for them 🥰
Same! Love that for them! ♥️
I was in the fandom years before ACOSF came out and I can confirm e/riel and elucien were not coexisting peacefully. Everytime I would go into the lucien vanserra tag it would be to see Eluciens complain about how E/riel were purposefully clogging their tags or to see the latter start arguments under posts.
The people who say that the fandom was peaceful before ACOSF and that the gwynriels started it all either:
1- were not actually in the fandom and came with ACOSF and sound like a 60 year old telling you about his time in the trenches during WWI
2- were part of the bullying Elucien campaign that saw so many Elucien accounts be deactivated and are either not self aware enough to see their own shit or trying to cover it up.
3- or are straight up playing the « lie so this side can look uglier » game.
I was just a Nessian shipper back in those days but I remember being like « damn girl dafuq is going on over there? »
Well anyway, the important is that elucien are now free to enjoy their ship and it should have been like this from the beginning. Even years ago.
I might not be the biggest Elucien shipper but I like their aesthetic (hence the comms) and I wish the best for their shippers because among them are the kindest souls I know ♥️
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@sjmnextgenweek​​ Day Seven: Free Day
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Pairing (mentioned): Feysand, Nessian, Gwynriel, Elucien
Summary: Nyx, Val, Indi and Griff decide to break some rules. Surprisingly, they get away with it....or so they think. 
Warnings: Implied underage alcohol use, implied alcohol use
wc: 840
a/n: Valentina is Gwynriel’s daughter, Indigo is Elucien’s daughter, Griffith is Nessian’s son and, of course, Nyx is Feysand’s son. They're all between the ages of 16 and 18. Also...yes, overgrown bat is my favorite insult and I will use it everywhere I can.
“My dad is gonna kill you,” Nyx hissed in a whisper. He was hovering very close behind her as she ventured further into the room.
Valentina flashed him a cocky grin. “Only if he catches me.”
She began rifling through the rows and rows of bottles of his dad’s wine cellar. His special wine cellar. The one for grand parties held in the House of Wind.
“Val, just grab something and get out,” Griffith piped in. He had popped his head into the doorframe.
Val felt Nyx tense behind her as she whipped her head towards Griffith. “Griff, shut up! You’re supposed to keep watch, don’t worry about me,” Val responded. She turned back to her task of choosing the fanciest wine they could all get rip roaring drunk off of.
Bottle after bottle, she scanned each one at length. A sweet berry wine from the Summer Court. One that claimed to taste of the salty sea breeze from Day. A wine infused with peach blossoms from Spring. Each one did not strike her fancy.
Until one did.
She let out an excited huff as she lunged for a sparkling bottle on the shelf above her head. Just as she wrapped her fingers around the shimmering wine, a spiced apple one from Autumn, Val heard a distinct crash from behind her.
Her heart began to hammer loudly. Beside her, Nyx’s face paled with anxiety. Val flung herself around to examine the cause.
Standing there, wet shards at her feet, was Indigo. Her big brown eyes were wide with fear.
“Indi…” Nyx gave a disappointed sigh. They were so screwed.
Flame flickered in Indi’s eyes. “It’s not like I meant to do that,” she threw back in a scathing whisper.
Griff came into the wine cellar, an action that Val knew meant that if they were going down then they'd go down together. They all waited with baited breath for their parents to come bounding down the steps to the cellar and rip them all a new one. They waited a minute. Two. Three.
A breath flew from Val’s lungs. A shit eating grin grew on Griff’s face. Nyx’s eyes twinkled with mischief. Indi’s chin was confidently high.  
They were gonna get away with this.
“Alright,” Val called, a wicked smile spreading on her lips. They turned their heads to her in answer. “To the training ring.”
She sat on the couch in the living room of the House of Wind with her feet tucked under her mate’s thigh. Lady Death swirled the wine in her glass, bringing it to her nose to sniff the sweet notes. Beside her sat her sister-in-arms, Gwyn, snuggled into Azriel’s side. Across them were her sisters, contently draped over their mate’s forms. The fire was roaring and the room was doused in comfortable silence.
Nesta broke it to say, “So we’re really going to let them do this?” Cassian huffed a laugh.
A smirk stretched onto Rhys’s features. “Oh absolutely not,” he told her. “We just have to wait until they crack the bottle open, feel like they really fooled us.”
“I’ve been practicing delivering my speech since they all went suspiciously quiet,” Lucien told them. The look in his eye was wickedly amused.
“Oh yes,” Gwyn supplied. “I’ve got mine well rehearsed.”
Chuckles resounded through the room. They began to settle again, content to wait and let their children stew in their victory. Nesta lifted her wine glass to her lips once more, poised for a sip.
A loud thump sounded.
“Mother’s tits!”
Cassian’s eyes met hers in an instant, an unimpressed look passed between them. That one’s our’s, their stare seemed to say.
“You come stub your pinky toe, Indi, and see how quiet you can be,” was Griffith’s hissed response.
“I wouldn’t stub my toe,” came Indi’s snap. “Because I’m not an uncoordinated toddler, you overgrown bat.”
Nesta spared a glance to Elain and Lucien. Elain’s lips were pursed in an attempt to hold back laughter, Lucien’s eyes were positively ablaze with mirth.
“Both of you shut your mouths, or I swear to the Mother I will throw you off the roof,” was Val’s response.
A glance to Gwyn and Az confirmed they, too, were keeping their snickering at bay.
Nyx’s thoroughly unimpressed drawl reached their ears when he said, “You all are already drunk without even touching the bottle if you think they haven’t heard us by now.”
Rhys couldn’t contain his snort of laughter. Feyre smacked his knee in reprimand.
Their loud footsteps and constant bickering followed all the way until the group reached the door accessing the rooftop training ring, taking them outside and out of earshot. The door slammed shut behind them loudly.
Howling laughter came from the mated pairs.
They laughed until their cheeks were tinged pink and a tear or two had escaped.
Once they had reeled themselves in, Feyre spoke. “I think our reprimands need to be short tonight,” she started. She faced Azriel as she continued. “Spymaster, how about an impromptu lesson on the art of stealth?”
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bookishfeylin · 2 years
Also SPEAKING of Hybern, and i /know/ I'm talking about the series where its magic system is built horribly despite all of it being heavily relevant because of feyres power situation.... but what the fuck is hybern as a concept. They essentially presented us a completely seperate fae culture specifically seperate from the confines of seasons and times the courts are, that could potentially have its own cool culture factoids, that clearly has a completely seperate ruling system, and then they did JACK SHIT with it. They didn't even give the King a name. They've killed most of the royal family and like No Info About That Has Come Up despite the fact that like... there's so much opportunity? Nesta entire books maim villain is some chick who was made ild and wishes to be young meanwhile the kingdom that's been just recently fucking demolished next door is just chilling? Like?
Speaking the courts and cultures overall... idk I think SJM didn't think this through as to how *different* the courts could be, because humans and fae don't have as much difference as they should, let alone fae from diff courts. Like!! It would also be an opportunity to incorporate fae myths more. The fae don't get hurt by iron -- but they consider it bad luck and avoid it, the fae can lie -- but they abhor it more then humans do because they carry grudges longer, and also because of the grudges fae don't like it when u take stuff or eat their food. Just, so many ways SJM could've made them much more *different*. Like ik we spend three seconds total in human lands but out main narrators are human born! Do they not think of human festivals and human songs? Do they not greet and laugh and comfort like humans? Couldn't this have been more incorporated??? There's like five differences between the species and half of them are extreme horniness! Send help!!
Last ask I swear but WHY do the FAE not have TERMS for FAE FEMAKE AND FAE MALE. WHY IS THAT NOT A THING THEY HAVE. Like, we have terms others then female and male for humans in English because we find the distinction important. The fae find the distinction important in ACOTAR also, and yet they don't have terms to refer to themselves? It wouldn't even be HARD to do just do what we did and take fae and make smth of it.
Actually this is the last ask. Why did she preempt the feysand mating bind with Tamlin and Rhysands parents... and then make it absolutely horrible on both parts?? Like, I'm just saying if my previous knowledge of a concept was that one example is a total tyrant and his wife who's obsessed with him to the point of blindness and the other was a dysfunctional almost loveless marriage I would Run. She continues it too with Elucien and Nessian because Nesta and Cassian are mean ad fuck towards ea h other and Elucien is just awkward silence on both parts. Like I'd get it if it was subverted (like maybe her and Tamlin are mates and then it just kinda doesn't work out or snth) but it's nit a subverted concept despite primarily being associated with misery.
I'm reading all of this and just nodding because YES. What it ultimately boils down to is the LACK OF WORLDBUILDING in this series, and the little worldbuilding she DOES establish being retconned from book to book. For example: Calanmai is supposed to be done by ALL the High Lords in ALL courts. But Sarah seemingly forgot this, and now it only occurs in the Spring Court for... some reason. These are all good, valid questions her editor should have asked her to establish about the worldbuilding, but Sarah never did for whatever reason.
(And yes, it's funny Sarah said that both Rhysand's parents and Tamlin's parents were wrong for each other despite being mates and that the mating bond makes the female overlook the male's atrocities... and then expects us to believe Feysand is perfect because Feyre said so).
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lucienarcheron · 8 months
sorry for this dissertation, but i have some Thoughts and as a swiftie and an elucien, you are my target audience bestie
i was listening to ‘gold rush’ and it suddenly hit me that lucien vanserra may as well have written the song himself. i just *takes deep breath* right from the beginning, where it says, i almost jump in, but i don’t like a gold rush bc the temptation is always there, the instincts. but like, as we know, the whole thing with the gold rush was that many people never found gold. it’s the pull of the bond vs. the woman at the other end of it, who has shown no interest in him. plus it reminds me of lucien asking feyre if elain is worth fighting for in acowar. he’s just so so cautious with his heart now 💔
i don’t like that anyone would die to feel your touch / everybody wants you i mean…… 👀 but we don’t have to talk about that rn. also? doesn’t eris ?? say somethin about “my brother’s pretty mate” ???? or do i just read too much fanfic oop either way, they really out here putting elain in an ugly dress so she wouldn’t accidentally catch eris’s eye in the court of nightmares. everybody wants a slice of that elain archeron pie !!
what must it be like to grow up that beautiful? i mean there’s the obvious, as we just discussed. but also, he really would have to wonder what it was like growing up that beautiful, in the sense that she has faced all this adversity and managed to stay kind and soft. he’d have to wonder what it was like to grow up universally loved. 😭😭
at dinner parties, i call you out on your contrarian shit ok so elain’s not exactly a contrarian if anything, lucien is lol BUT i wanna talk about this lyric in relation to the theory that elain gives people the her she thinks they want. and that lucien at the very least, is able to perceive that. he probably has all kinds of fantasies of ruining another awkward dinner by calling her on it. and to take things further, the coastal town we wandered ‘round had never seen a love as pure as it . walking through far-flung streets with her accompanying him on his travels.
BUT, considering the way things are lookin rn, especially from his perspective…. i can’t dare to dream about you anymore
ugh ugh ugh my heart !! and then the twist??? now saying i won’t call you out on your shit at dinner parties, because he’d never actually do that to her at least not AT dinner hehe so they’ll just eat in strained silence forever, probably. and then there’s the coastal town we never found will never see a love as pure as it because it all feels so hopeless !!! like it’s never gonna happen!! it’s a gold rush ):
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As someone who has a whole Elucien (Taylor's Version) playlist with this song on there, I am LOVING this!!! I viewed the song from Elain's POV as she watches Lucien dazzle every crowd he’s in, feeling both proud that he’s her mate (while still nervous and apprehensive around him) but can’t help being slightly annoyed at how many people seem to want his attention. I love how your breakdown and mine are essentially how the two of them would view each other at the same time HKJGUYJG. GREAT MINDS THINK ALIKE 'NONNIE!!!
I made a whole-ass playlist (read: thesis statement) maybe three years ago? I gotta find it and make updates to add Taylor's newer songs on there omg.
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fimproda · 1 month
if once the book comes out elucien isn't endgame will you keep writing about them? I liked them so much, just discovered your blog and saw you are a writer
Maybe it has happened that some couples you wrote before now you don't like after reading some book, that's why I'm asking
SJM has a peculiar way to make me love things I swore I would never even like, so I can't say how I will react to Elucien not being endgame, even though I strongly suspect I'd end up eating that shit up because that's just how my mind works where Sarah is concerned. As for keeping writing about Elucien, we'll see then, I guess 🤷‍♀️
But you and I both know this is a very remote possibility 🤣
Something similar did happen with the other fandom I write in, Cassandra Clare's The Last Hours, but that's because she killed off a character, not because two characters that I thought would get together chose other partners.
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Random hc but what if instead of the Vanserra brothers having their kids to a random villlage or the Forest house, the kids just show up at Lucien and Elain’s front door.
Like Sienna is wrapped up in a blanket and in a basket, clearly no more than 2 days old when Lucien walks out his front door to see this baby. There’s a note that only says “your brother can’t keep it in his pants around pretty court ladies” and it looks like his moms handwriting. He takes her in and he’s not sure which brother she belongs to until she starts wanting to learn to throw axes.
Then one day, when Sienna still little but old eno ic h to get in trouble his brother Conallis on his doorstep and before he can say anything two kids step out from behind him. One half tree nymph and the other blue skinned and rounded years. Conall only shrugs and says, “Beron won’t find them here”.
Before Lucien can say anything Elain is already sweeping the kids inside and now they are looking after a kid who Lucien is sure is trying to kill him with axes, and two who love to help Elain garden. He’s not sure if more will appear on his doorstep but he wouldn’t be surprised if a kid with white hair showed up because of Cadmus’s affairs after his Kallias heart break.
This is how Lucien starts to mend his relationship with his brothers because now they show up occasionally (without telling the holder their relation to them) and spend time with their kids and Lucien.
(Idk this is what pops into my head when I can’t sleep. Sorry for all the random baby Vanserra hcs lately)
Okay but I am HIGH KEY obsessed with an Elucien foster family. I very much think Elain would be DELIGHTED to take in her sweet nieces and nephews without a word but Lucien is growing alarmed. He's like, hey babe, you know I can't say no to you but uh, these kids eat A LOT and you can only garden so fast. He doesn't know he's heir to Day Court yet and Lucien's not gonna lie, he sort of thought he'd have a solid 50 years of quiet with Elain before they got pregnant and brought young in.
And??? Lucien???? Is????? Particular????? About????? His????? Shit. And all these mini-Vanserra's are just LEAVING COLD DRINKS ON HIS WOODEN COFFEE TABLE?????? OR THROWING AXES IN THE HOUSE AROUND CADMUS' TODDLER??????? BARFING ON THAT RUG VASSA GAVE HIM FOR CHRISTMAS?????????
And Elain is like hey, you know I love you right but I need you to take a deep breath in through your nose (good job) and out through your mouth (incredible, you're amazing). Once Lucien is swaddled tightly in a blanket, Elain reminds him that children are messy and this is just good practice for when he's a father. And BESIDES, she coos sweetly, her head on his shoulder, think of how lucky these little Vanserra's are to grow up here instead of with Beron. If they're throwing things and being careless, it's only because they feel safe to do so.
And Lucien chills out after that. He DOES keep a color-coded chart on the fridge though, with the individual visiting schedules of his brothers because the last time Tanwen and Cadmus came at the same time, a non-minor fire erupted in the backyard.
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nikethestatue · 3 years
My opinion on the previous anon. I'm sorry but elriels on twitter are doing a really great job at defending elain/az/elriel, i mean there's a reason they're so savage they're so done with all the bullshit or every disgusting dumbest takes about elain. It's the only app elriels can live peacefully like did yall see how vile or nasty gwynriels comments can be on booktok/instagram/reddit or sometimes here?? We cant even say we like elain on that apps bcs gwynriels will literally eat you like a fucking piranha. im not defending some of elriels stans on twitter that may have crossed a line but i understand where did their anger coming from and i think it's unfair to blame twitter elriels for this toxic shipwar when there's literally unhinged gwynriels camping everywhere saying nasty shits about elain. Blame it on both sides there's no saint fandom atm
I understand the frustrations, but i try not to opine on things that I don't know much about. So i don't know what 'vicious' means and who it's directed at. But I think that everyone just needs to step back and calm down.
Personally, I am sorry, but I just dont believe that SJM will be writing a Gwynriel book and a Gwynriel romance. Not because of my own personal preferences, but because you cannot base your whole ship on one sentence in a bonus chapter. You simply can't. So there needs to be room for acceptance that Gwynriel might not happen, even for the most rabid of fans.
Like, I allow for a percentage of doubt--that it might be Elucien. A small percentage, but it's healthy to have options.
Militancy just sets you up for disappointment.
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Fiancés, Firebirds, Foxes and Fawns: 4
Author: @exquisitley-obsessed​
Summary: A few weeks after Briallyn's attempt at uniting with Koschei, Lucien opens the door of Lockhart Manor to find Elain, cold from the rain and holding a note from the High Lady of the Night Court demanding her to assist Lucien in building alliances with the human councils. Forced to work together by their exhausted High Lord and Lady, Elain is able to convince anyone to do anything, while Lucien has the acquaintances to go anywhere he likes. Together, they attempt to unite the fae and mortal lands and unravel the deal made between Koschei and Vassa, while Lucien remains haunted by his own promise to Elain's father. ELUCIEN, POST-ACOSF
Pairings: Elain x Lucien, Elucien
Warnings: None.
A/N: This is going to be a long, slow burn fic (hopefully)
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Chapter Four: A Little Lost, A Little Found
Elain was in Lockhart Manor. Elain was currently sleeping a few doors down the hallway. Elain, his mate, was here. Elain-
“Oh, shut up,” Lucien groaned to his own mind, as he rolled over with more vigour than necessary. But there was little hope of sleep finding him tonight, not when he felt so energised and awake. Not only did Lucien feel the bond, taut and invigorated in-between his ribs, but he could still smell Elain, that Spring morning clear in his mind.
What was she doing here? What had changed?
Had she come for him?
Of course not. Right?
Lucien rolled over again, allowing a small snarl of frustration to rip from his lips. If Lucien knew Elain a little better then maybe he’d actually be able to talk to her and ask her these questions. But he didn’t know her, and he wasn’t her friend.
Maybe she’d come to break the bond. That had to be it. Given his luck his entire life it was outrageous to believe that his mate who he hadn’t spoken to for two years had travelled the country to be under the same roof as him, to work alongside him, to go to meetings by his side as his…colleague?
He just wanted to talk to her. One clear conversation where he wasn’t holding back, when he didn’t care about every word both spoken and unspoken. One conversation where he could be the silver-tongued fox he’d been before any Archeron had entered his life. But around Elain he was a fool. A hopeless, romantic fool.
Oh, how Tamlin would’ve goaded him over this. Lucien, who had taken lovers to his bed as though he was being paid, unable to even conjure more than a sentence in front of a female. Well, old Tamlin would’ve laughed at him – with him. Old Tamlin would’ve laughed, period. Now…Now he was another thing in Lucien’s life that had turned to poison.
It was only last week, after Nyx’s arrival, that Lucien received a letter from Rhysand detailing his new assignment in the Spring Court. He’d been able to delay such work thus far, but by the end of the week he was expected in Spring. Following that, the plan was to manipulate his way into alternating weeks between the Spring and Lockhart Manor.
Would he leave Elain here? Could he convince her to somehow come with him to Spring?
She’d love it there, not just the proper and neat gardens of the Spring Manor (or what was left of their civilisation) but also the rugged fields and forests. Spring Court was violent with life. It was a pandemonium of flora, every single plant one could possibly find in Prythian could be found somewhere in the battlefield of the Spring lands. The overwhelming, erratic terrain was exactly where Lucien saw Elain thriving.
If he took her maybe she’d love it. She’d most likely take clippings or, or maybe not. Maybe she would just stay for a moment, and enjoy existing in such a place, her gentle hands refusing to intervene with the beautiful, wild course of nature. Maybe she’d lie down in the fields, maybe she’d go swimming with him in the pools of starlight. One day, far, far, far into the future.
Maybe she’d smile – a real, genuine smile. Lucien believed he still had yet to experience the privilege of seeing such a phenomenon.
The voice of the bond had quietened in his mind, along with the voice which seemed to come from deeper down, the one that told Lucien exactly how much shit he was in given the size of the schoolboy crush he’d somehow developed. But still, there was little chance of Lucien finding more than a few hours of sleep.
And so, with his body alive and electric, Lucien did what he had been doing for the past two years. Lucien wrote a letter - one that was never, ever, intended to be read.
Breakfast was awkward. Surely it wasn’t always this awkward, not with the glint in Jurian’s smile and the steel in Vassa’s glare. Lucien seemed…bemused, he appeared to be glaring at his toast and eggs as though they contained some secret prophecy that he needed to decipher.
She was curious about the particulars of Vassa’s curse, about how she knew when the change was coming. Did it happen always at sunrise? How much time did she have to prepare? Was it the workings of the death lord’s magic, or his deal? She was especially curious given that one of her tasks being down here was to help undo Vassa’s ties to the death lord, not that she was sure the Band of Exiles were aware of that given her sister’s ruined letter.
It was Vassa’s stoic silence that kept Elain from opening her mouth. That and a million other worthless reasons.
It was Vassa’s stoic silence that kept Elain from opening her mouth. That and a million other worthless reasons.
“Is there something you wish to ask me, Ms Archeron?” Vassa eventually spoke into the unbearable silence, perhaps aware of the frequency of Elain’s not so inconspicuous side-glances. Elain fought the blush as glared at her plate.
“Elain, please…” maybe she was being paranoid, but the way everyone here kept stressing her title felt like an awful lot like a reminder of the title she was supposed to have in these lands. The life she was supposed to have, the husband, the house, now it all felt so foreign.
“Really, we should be calling her Lady,” Jurian smiled, his own breakfast consisting of a single orange and a small goblet of black coffee, a delicacy of the Night Court he’d bought in bulk.
“Perhaps…if we were in Prythian,” Vassa said non-committedly.
“Titles do not interchange between borders, even human borders,” Lucien spoke up suddenly, his voice sounded causal and polite, but his figure had gone rigid, and his eyes were burning as they rested on Vassa who seemed to shiver slightly under his gaze. Elain adverted her gaze, an ugly feeling flashing through her like lightening. She’d been avoiding looking at him for most of the meal, desperate to ignore how she’d noticed that he’d changed.
“Lady Elain…” Vassa began, her eyes still locked with Lucien’s and Elain felt a furious blush warm her cheeks. God she was so…angry. Stupid mating bond. “Last night you asked me to discuss with you how you maybe be of some use whilst working with us,” Vassa’s eyes found hers from where she was seated at the head of the table, Jurian and Lucien either side of her, Elain next to Jurian. “Well tonight we’re having dinner and talks at the Nolan’s residence-”
“Which of course you won’t be forced to attend,” Lucien ground out, glaring at the queen who just shrugged and reached for the syrup.
“We’ll be discussing all manner of important things; it would be a brilliant opportunity for Elain to familiarise herself with those who she’ll be working in close quarters with for the foreseeable future.”
“These dinners are of little consequence,” Lucien’s eyes flickered to Elain’s for a moment before his gaze returned to the queen and Elain felt something inside her crack. It was as though he couldn’t look at her for more than a second, that or he couldn’t bear to look away from the queen. “I don’t even bother with attending.” Lucien directed at the queen.
“There’s ample opportunity for Elain to make acquaintances elsewhere,” Jurian said through a yawn, leaning back with a stretch. But Elain didn’t miss how his eyes appeared to rove over his two fiery-haired companions. Mother, how she wished they would stop talking about her rather than with her. If she wanted to be discussed at the table as though she were a child she might as well have stayed in the Night Court.
“I’m grateful for the offer but today I was hoping to have a look over the current contracts and ensure they’re meeting the timeline Feyre had drawn for you. Once I can ensure the work you’ve done thus far meets the standards of my High Lady then I’ll know what to both expect and push for with the human councils.” The words flowed out of Elain in an orderly manner, in the exact way she’d practiced as she fell asleep the night prior.
Unlike the Night Court, it was clear Elain was going to have to fight and demand for her own voice and seat at the table. Here, with the Band of Exiles, no one would coddle her. So, she’d either have to stay in the shadows, or step into the light.
Besides, there wasn’t enough gold in the world that would make Elain step a single foot in the Manor that would’ve been her home, once upon a time.
Vassa opened her mouth to say something before shutting it and turning back to her plate, a firm line carved in between her brows. Jurian was glancing around the table with a shit-eating grin and Lucien, the tension in his body had seemed to ease and after a small moment, he took a large mouthful of food.
“Are there, um, any other gatherings I may be able to attend, later in the week?” Elain tried to shake the nervousness from her voice. She couldn’t let these three see her as someone able to be pushed to the side. She needed this.
“There has been weekly meetings with all the human lords,” Lucien said after swallowing, his eyes meeting hers in a way that drew the breath from her body, “Huckleberry Hall is where we’ve been hosting the crowds-”
“The house by the old creek?” Elain couldn’t stop herself from interrupting, her mother would’ve pinched her thigh under the table for such poor manners. But it was just so alarming, to hear the residencies of her childhood come out of Lucien’s mouth. He’d always felt so far and distant, and yet, he was familiar with the lands she’d grown up in. Though she wouldn’t admit it, it made her wish she knew about him. His upbringing.
“That’s the one,” Lucien’s smile was soft and warm and…genuine. “We’re having a meeting there the day after tomorrow. If you wish, you’re most welcome to attend, it’s where the most current information is, and the meeting will give you’re a formal opportunity to meet with our human colleagues. I was heading there today anyways to meet with their cartographer, if you…well, if you’d like to…accompany me?”
“Yes I, uh, I don’t know the way to Huckleberry from here,” Elain was far to aware of two sets of human eyes boring into her at that moment.
“Yes,” Lucien blinked. Not quite a statement. Not quite a question, either. “Yes…good, yes. We’ll set off at first light then...”
Elain just nodded. Not trusting her voice to speak.
They were walking in silence.
As Lucien at promised, at first light he’d met Elain at the Lockhart’s front door, his hands behind his back as he waited at the bottom of the stairs. Elain had taken a moment to assess his clothes before she had to look away. He was wearing a loose brown shirt, dark trousers and brown boots. It was a perfect outfit for the summer morning, with the thick air and dewy sunlight. But it was the sight of his crimson hair, tied in a loose bun at the nape of his neck, a few whisps framing the sharp angles of his face, that had Elain looking away.
Lucien seemed to still as she came into view, quickly saying goodbye to Nuala who turned and made her way back up the stairs, and Elain turned to watch her go, giving Lucien a chance to look her over. Her dress was a plain cream, and was of a simple cut that could pass in both human and fae realms – a cunning choice of clothing he thought. The neckline was perhaps a little daring for the human communities which was hilarious given that all one could see of Elain was her collarbones, but the full skirts were the same of the women he’d seen in these lands.
It was her hair he lingered on. Even when bouncing with curls it came down to her waist. Intricate braids pulled most of it away from her face and Lucien could spot pale flowers in a variety of sizes perched at the crown of her head. Real flowers, nothing like the faux pieces the humans tended to favour. She was…divine. Impossible. Beyond him, in every conceivable way.
“You ready?” He tried smiling at her, but it felt as though it came across more of a grimace.
“Hm mm,” Elain bowed her head, a faint blush colouring her cheeks as her curls bounced. Gods, he was fucked.
Silence had fallen quickly over the duo, besides the odd ‘watch out for that root’ or ‘duck’ as they made their way into the forestry of the mortal lands. The path was clear until a certain junction, and then it became little more than a dirt path, only wide enough for them to walk single file. Lucien had wanted Elain to go first so that he’d be able to keep an eye on her, to keep her safe, until he remembered that she quite literally didn’t know where she was going.
Lucien had thought Elain would’ve been disgruntled by the shrubbery pulling at her fine dress, but Elain meandered through the forest in an expert fashion. She gathered her skirts in her hands and would hop with a doe-like grace over the greenery and roots. In fact, the only time he heard her disgruntled was when she’d accidentally stepped on some plant or flower – forever a lady of the forest.
It was only when Lucien was finding himself relax in their silence that disaster struck. Lucien’s foot snagged on something under a large fern that had grown over the path, and then there was an audible snap of leather. The noise was enough to set Lucien into action, with one arm, he unsheathed his Autumn sword and with the other he turned and pulled Elain into him, all sense and thought evaporating from his mind and being replaced with the single, overwhelming urge to ‘protect, protect, protect’.
But where Lucien had been prepared for an enemy of mortal body, their attack came from above. Lucien saw a glint of something dropping down on them at a furious pace and pulled Elain tighter to his chest, bending slightly at the waist so he covered her entirely, so that not one inch of Elain was visible to the attack from above.
But the attack never came, not quite. When Lucien span, turning to tuck Elain behind him as he faced the enemy, he came face to face with…a cage…of wood. Ashwood.
The cage arched over Lucien and Elain, and the wood was interwoven in a way that was reminiscent of the dog cages Eris had used for his Dobermans. It was hilarious really. Lucien and Elain, two fae, and highly powerful fae at that, caged in like a common pup.
Lucien was just scoffing at the cage when he felt Elain shift behind him. Turning around, Lucien just caught Elain as she reached out for the cage, perhaps in an attempt to shift the weak structure out of her way.
“Elain, don’t-” But it was too late, Elain had ran her hand along the edge of the meshed cage before pulling her arm back with a pained gasp. “Shit!” Lucien was by her side in a flash, one hand on her arm, tucking her away from the cage as though it were an enemy, and he were blocking her from view. His other hand went to her crumpled hand which was now throbbing as a furious burn puckered across the surface.
Looking down, Elan watched as Lucien turned and, without touching the damaged skin, assessed her injured palm.
“Fae trap,” Lucien growled, “many councils are encouraging their use now that the wall’s gone.”
“How horrible…” Elain whispered before surprise rattled through her. Three years ago she would’ve thought these traps necessary protection against the evil fae. But now, they just seemed cruel.
“Horrible for us and other civilised fae, but there are other creatures, particularly the southern woods of Spring, who one might argue deserve every bit of this treatment.” Lucien turned back to glaring at the cage, and if looks could burn Elain didn’t doubt that the wood – perhaps the whole forest – would be furiously ablaze.
“I…I don’t know if I’d call you civilised…” Elain finally murmured, allowing herself to momentarily give into the urge to soothe him, to let him know that she was okay. Lucien’s head whipped back around to her and, after a moment of assessing her soft expression, a coy smile that showed his perfect teeth pulled at his lips. Not a laugh, but a genuine smile.
“Was that a joke, Lady?”
“An attempt,” Elain couldn’t help but shyly duck away from his warm eyes and dimpled smile. “You know,” she changed the topic, “I can’t image these kinds of things would work.” She nodded up to the cage.
“When there’s Ashwood involved, anything’s possible.”
“I’ve seen fae on a battlefield,” she shuddered involuntarily, “Something like this,” she went to touch the cage before remembering and flinching her hand back, “seems hardly daunting.”
“Ashwood doesn’t work like an Illyrian, they’re all cock and walk, Ashwood is cunning and clever,” Lucien was glaring at the cage, his metal eye clicking and whirring as it roved over the trap.
“How can wood be cunning?”
“It’s a weapon, all weapons have personality.”
“Does your sword have personality?” Elain murmured, nodding at the silver blade she’d never seen him without.
“Well…since it comes from the Autumn Court, it would be safe to assume it’s the metal equivalent of a ruthless git.” Lucien shook his head, his crimson hair shifting in a stream of sunlight. “A human trapping a fae or two in some Ashwood is easy,” Lucien continued, “But then begs the question of what one would do from there.”
“Well, they’d have to lift the cage,”
“They’d be dead in seconds,” Lucien quipped, his head cocking to the side, whisps of his fiery hair following his movement. “Go on, don’t stop, think like a fae hunter.”
“I’d rather not,” Elain shivered slightly, very aware of how close Lucien was standing. Elain also didn’t fail in missing the dark shadow that passed through Lucien’s eye at the nod towards her ex-fiancé.
“Okay, then think like a fae.” Lucien swung his arms across his chest with a catlike grace, “You’re hunting, let’s see...an Attor, clearly feeling a little dangerous today. It’s walked right into your lovey cage of Ashwood, which let me say Lady Archeron, I must compliment you on your excellent lattice work.” Elain giggled and Lucien faltered in his speech, his eyes widening as he looked as though he’d struck gold. “So…” he cleared his throat, “You’ve trapped the Attor in your wonderful cage, then what?”
“Well, it depends on what I want an…At-tor, for?”
“Hm, interesting. Let’s say you need to cut out it’s tongue for a healing tonic.” Elain made a face, “Okay, okay, no tonics.”
“No tongues please.”
“Oh really?” Lucien couldn’t stop his shit-eating grin, especially when Elain began to blush furiously and avoid his eye. Something inside Lucien was racing, entirely giddy at the fact he was bantering with Elain, Elain, Archeron.
“The Attor?” Elain stressed, turning around and perching herself on a fallen trunk.
“Interrogation – you need vital information pronto, or the High Lord will have your head.”
“Well if in this world you, Elain Archeron, are hunting an Attor, I think it’s perfectly reasonable to believe that I might be High Lord.”
“Of which court?”
“None of them. No, all of them. No wait, my own court – the ‘Lucien is incredibly handsome’ court.” Lucien was pushing his luck, that he knew. He was towing that line as always, the one between banter and a step too far. Saying something that would cause the other to retract from him, or carve out his eye. But Elain just tilted her head, her honey hair spilling across her pale dress.
“You have many devout followers in this court?”
“Maybe, but only one of them matters.” He grinned at her knowingly, testing the waters, seeing how far he could go with her before they remembered they were bonded by destiny. Something shy flickered across Elain’s face as she took in his meaning. And then.
“Are you peacocking right now?” Elain smiled, a real smile.
“I’m always peacocking,” Lucien grinned, a real grin. Then his eye caught on the hand Elain was still cradling to her chest, and something akin to agony tore through his chest.
“Mother, I’m sorry,” He muttered, his amusement having evaporated as he hurried to sit next to Elain, taking her ruined palm into his lap with a featherlight touch. “I can’t ever shut up. I just talk and talk and forget about the important things.”
“What are you doing?” Elain was sure he voice sounded somewhat strangled as Lucien zoned in on her mutilated palm, his metal eye whirring as he ran a single finger along it’s creases.
“I have the ability to heal,” Lucien’s voice also sounded a bit strained as he hunched himself over her hand.
“Oh…” Elain murmured, as a warm sensation prickled across her skin, and she watched as the red splotches clamed back into ivory. “You know,” Elain was practically whispering as Lucien moved to her fingers, “My skin never used to be this colour.”
“Oh?” Lucien seemed to be breathing through his mouth, and with is gaze occupied, Elain allowed herself to rove over his appearance. The knot of crimson hair, the strong yet angled brows, the white webs of his scar, prominent cheekbones, sharp jaw, full and wide lips, and a strong curved nose.
“No…” Elain breathed, “I always used to be so much tanner than my sisters, I was always in the gardens as we were growing up you see. My mother would ring me out for it. She’d love the colour I’m now.” The colour she’d been since the Cauldron. She didn’t know why she was telling him all this, or why it felt so natural to talk to him about these things. But here in the human lands, a world away from the sneers of Nesta or the gossiping of Feyre, Elain found that she didn’t mind the idea of conversing with Lucien.
“I was always the darkest out of my brothers,” Lucien moved to her second finger.
“How many do you have?”
“Seven,” Lucien met her eyes momentarily with a cheeky grin.
“Seven!” Elain smiled back, and then Lucien’s eyes seemed to darken and something in him seemed to rescind as he turned back to her hand.
“Well, I used to have seven…a few of them died.”
“Oh…I’m so sorry,” Lucien seemed to go to say something, his mouth turning into a frown, before he shook his head and moved to the next finger.
“I…my mother told it was because I’d been kissed by the Sun when I was born…that’s why I was so tan. I was born on the Autumn Equinox, it’s the longest day of autumn in the Autumn Court, the sun turns crimson and blesses the lands for the upcoming year.”
“That sounds very beautiful…”
“It is. It’s believed the trees come to life in the night and talk to each other, lovers of the earth able to speak for a few hours of the year. There’s feasts and fires, and we read stories of the sacrifice of the Wyvern.”
“Wyvern?” Elain’s yes turned bright and wide, “As in the animal from adventure novels?”
“Animal is an awfully polite term to describe harbinger’s of fire and death,” a grin flickered across Lucien’s face, “It’s believed that centuries and centuries ago, when the Old Gods still ruled the Earth, the Autumn Court was a nest of Wyverns. When the world changed into what it is today the mother Wyvern, Hermenegilda, scattered her cubs throughout time so that they may survive. Every year those of the Autumn Court gather in the caves to see if a cub will appear, and to praise the mother for her sacrifice.”
“Do they? The cubs, do they appear?”
“They used to, though a cub has not been found since before I was born. Courtiers tend to believe the cubs have run out, that there are no more children of the mother Wyvern, but devout believers still hope for a cub to appear each year.” With that, Lucien finished healing her pinkie finger and turned to peer at her. Their bodies still close, Elain’s palm still resting in his hand in his lap.
“You…what do you believe?” Elain breathed, her voice just a whisper.
“I think…well I…” Lucien’s voice was breathy and low, intimate in a way Elain hadn’t heard before, “...I’d like to believe that anything’s possible.”
Before Elain could have a moment to respond, or even think about what possible double meaning could come from his words, a furious flapping of wings caused her to startle and whip her head around, ripping her hand from Lucien’s lap in the process. There, on the other side of the cage, perched on a tree branch, was a beautiful bird. It was huge, with iridescent feathers and woody eyes, and the air surrounding the bird seemed to thrum with energy and magic.
“Don’t worry, it’s only Vassa.” Lucien nodded at the firebird, “…she’ll get Jurian for us.”
Elain just nodded, aware that her cheeks were still most likely flushed. Unable to meet Lucien’s eye, Elain watched as the firebird took off into the golden, mid-morning sky, a disapproving screech tearing from its throat.
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bookofmirth · 4 years
Do you think is it possible that elucien have been keeping their romance as a secret? Maybe Lucien is afraid of Beron using Elain to hit him... i mean, it makes no sense their mating bond smell being so strong if they haven't had sex yet. Elain could also using Az to cover her romance.. idk, maybe i'm overthinking.
I went to write a simple answer and then my brain went places.... lol sorry
I never really thought about the fact that he would want to hide the Elain mating bond thing from Beron, but it makes sense? Given his history. Since his brothers killed Jesminda for being a “lesser” fae, what would they think about him being mated to a Made woman? I wonder if she would end up having more value to them, if her powers end up being something they could exploit? I would want her to stay far, far the fuck away from Beron and Autumn. I can see Beron claiming that his “dear” son had a mate that Rhys was keeping from him and trying to call in some bullshit law that exists in the Autumn Court and would then cause the other High Lords to take sides and... yeah. It could be a political mess, on top of what we know is already an emotional mess.
So it makes sense that not only would Lucien respect her space on a personal level, as we’ve seen him do, but be afraid that if he does get too close, then Autumn will take that as the go-ahead to do what they wanted with Elain, or at least to posture as if they are going to in order to get something they want from Night. Even Rhys in the extra understood the wider implications of Lucien being their emissary, him being from Autumn, Beron being the asshole High Lord in Autumn, and Elain being mated to him. 
It makes me wonder...... if Eris becoming High Lord would change that situation at all? Would he try to create a different court? idk. 
Basically, Lucien needs to become High Lord of Day (sorry Helion) so that he can free himself from his ties to Autumn. Take his mom with him. And then be actually free to pursue a relationship with Elain in which they can spend time with one another without it turning into an international fucking incident.
Also, just saying, but in acomaf Lucien explicitly tells Feyre that he can’t choose between her and Tamlin because to him, they got what he and Jesminda weren’t able to get - when Amarantha killed Feyre, she came back. He sees that as a second chance for them, the second chance that he and Jesminda never got. (On page 29 fyi.) This is unrelated but I was rereading the bits about Jesminda for this ask and people always harp on how he tried to take Feyre back. On top of being emotionally manipulated and abused, he saw feylin as getting a chance he never had. ANYWAY.
Idk if I’d go so far as to say they’ve been having a secret romance - I would eat that shit up and maybe I’d write it myself haha - but I’d think sjm would want to put all of that on the page where we can see it. And I’d want to see it, too! Even if it’s secret, I want to watch them trying to be sneaky. Although all the political stuff.... that’s a good reason to keep it quiet, like you said!
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