#and just gleefully indulge in what makes us happy
Funniest thing I've ever done was get commissioned for an elriel piece for a friend's birthday and I posted a wip photo of elain in a yellow floralish dress and bam! The comments were filled with angry elriels about elain always being drawn for lucien and not herself. The silence and watching the comments get deleted after I posted that final photo was great. It's also what pushed me to only make official Canon ship art only to avoid the negative comments so a partial loss for the elucien girlies as I have a NSFW in progress for monstertober that I keep debating on releasing only to remember the hate over a yellow dress.
I'm sorry you feel you can't draw what you'd like because people have decided to be angry over minute, silly things. No one puts Elain in yellow for Lucien- they put her in yellow (and greens) because those are nice, sunny, spring colors which seem like they'd suit her. Just like roses vs sunflowers- because roses are not the only flowers that exist and sunflowers are a nice, sunny flower and Elain likes sunshine.
Having spent enough time with Eluciens, I can say definitively that the prevailing opinion is not "she should make him happy so dress her like him" (in which case you'd see her in oranges and browns), but "this is what we know, let's expand on it", and I'm tired of the straw man arguments and misrepresentations of what we find interesting.
I hope you release your October art. I know how it feels to have people angry at you for just having fun without mistagging/stalking blogs that have you blocked/just minding your own fucking business, and I can say with authority: those people can get fucked.
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babywriter · 1 year
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Janine liked to go to school diapered. It turned her on. It also took quite a bit of courage to do so as she was terrified anybody would find out her little secret. There had been a few close calls, but by now Janine had grown comfortable with her choice of underwear. She had also grown complacent and less worried about hiding it. So what if someone she didn’t know would see the waistband of a medical diaper? This was college and she was free. It did become more problematic when someone she did know ended up seeing it.
While Janine was picking her books up, she carelessly showed the tip of her padded underwear to Brenda. Brenda was not a friend. In High School, she had been a mean girl who had gleefully spread rumors about Janine. Of course, Brenda bursted out laughing when she saw the diaper.
“Oh my god. This is-WOW. You are such a baby, Janine.” A little too loud perhaps as people wondered what was going on. Janine looked troubled when she stood up.
“What?” she asked.
“Oh I think we need to talk.” said Brenda. She grabbed Janine’s hand and led her out of the class.
“What are you doing? Let me go.” Janine remained steadfastly calm as she didn’t want to provoke the other girl.
“I know what I saw.” said Brenda. “You didn’t need diapers before.”
“So what if I didn’t?”
“I’m just saying. It would be a shame if others found out…”
“Please don’t.” asked Janine. In hindsight, this was a terrible reaction as Brenda now held all the cards.
“Oh I shouldn’t, should I? Why not, huh? There’s nothing to be ashamed of by being a little miss pottypants. You know, what I’d love to do? Change your little diaper butt!”
“You won’t.”
“Yes, I will. I should probably check if you’re dry right now…”
“No, stop! Get away from me!”
“My, my. Baby has wet herself. We are definitely going to your place.”
Obviously, this wasn’t really optional, and Janine only begrudginly accepted so that Brenda would go away afterwards. Janine had an apartment to herself, which meant that she could openly indulge. A baby bottle in the kitchen, a few toys scattered here and there, a ridiculous amount of stuffies. Subtle signs that gave it away. Brenda looked at her victim with glee.
“Oh this is much better than my dorm. You must love it here. No mommy to tell you to clean up after yourself.”
The worst part was when Brenda went through Janine’s closet. Onesies, footie pyjamas, loads of diaper packs with adorable prints, little dresses and skirts.
“This is all so cute! I didn’t know you were such a cute little baby! We should tell everyone, don’t you think?”
“Brenda, please. You’ve done enough. Can’t you act like an adult and start minding your own business?”
“I need to start acting like an adult? I’m not the one pissing myself, baby. In fact, I think I should inform everyone.”
“NO!” Janine stomped her foot and laid down the law. This was not going to happen.
“No? YOU don’t get to say no, baby girl.” Brenda wrestled Janine’s pants away from her and put the girl on her lap, spanking her well-padded bottom until she started to cry. Pain was only a small part, there was also the humiliation and a surprising amount of excitement. This strange and contradictory mixture of emotions is what made her cry.
“If you act like a good little girl.” said Brenda. “You will be a very happy baby, but if you make mommy mad, you will NEVER live it down. Is that understood?”
Janine nodded while sobbing.
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Brenda immediately moved in to become Janine’s around-the-clock caregiver. And just as quickly, Janine was forced into the 24/7 lifestyle she had fantasized about. Everything was done for her and an extreme set of rules was also put in place. Like wearing diapers and baby clothes at all times or only being able to “make cummies” if mommy deemed her diaper sufficiently dirty. And she had to beg for them while showing off how used her diaper was. The cummies were mommy’s business too. Only mommy could use the vibrator on Janine’s diaper. While Janine was forced into this lifestyle, she still went about her daily activities. Brenda had wanted them to go on. Thus, Janine went to school diapered and wearing a short girlish dress that barely covered the padding. In the front and in the back, there was a noticeable bulge, revealing that Janine perhaps wasn’t wearing normal underwear.
In the hallways, Janine was forced to hold Brenda’s hand. Not only that, she was constantly flushed from the looks she was getting. She did not relax until she was seated in the massive auditorium, where she could have some privacy by sitting in the back. Yet, when she felt she needed to go, she did not hesitate for one second as Mommy had trained her well. It is unfortunate that after the class, a friend of Janine came to see her. The diaper, well-used, now sagged just under the dress.
“Hi! How...are you?” said the friend.
“I-” Janine began.
“Baby, put your thumb in your mouth. She’s doing super well!” answered Brenda in her place.
The friend nodded and went away immediately after. Whatever this was, she wanted no part of it.
Naturally, Janine began to cry, thumb in her mouth. 
“Do you need your diaper changed?” asked Brenda, loud enough for any passerby to hear. The woman put her hand on Janine’s butt and squished it. “Yes, you do!”
Whispers of “what’s wrong with her” could be heard. For some reason, this broke Janine. It was all in the open so why resist?
“Mommy, I wanna go home.” she said. Teary, her whole thumb in her mouth, raising her dress with the other hand so everyone could see her diaper.
Janine’s reaction was marvelous as far as Brenda was concerned. Now, the girl was all hers.
“We can’t leave yet, baby. You haven’t done your cummies.”
“Please mommy, no…” Janine was absolutely desperate to avoid at least that.
“No, perhaps it’d be better in front of your parents…”
Under this thinly veiled threat, Janine began to rub the front of her diaper with great vigor. The first and only time she had been allowed to touch herself, even if through her underwear. The thick padding made it especially challenging. So did the crowd of onlookers. Perverts in their own rights for watching, and filming, Janine. Finally, she moaned loudly.
“I made cummies mommy!” she nearly screamed in a high pitch lisp.
“Good job, baby! I won’t bring you here again, I promise” Brenda said with a grin.
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Indeed, Janine never went to college again. Instead, she was kept at home. Forced to use her diapers, she grew dependent on them. Forced to ask permission to make cummies, always while wearing a used diaper and often in public. Truly, a baby that was shown off at every opportunity. And all that humiliation just kept making Janine hornier.
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gremlinmodetweeker · 8 days
Dead Weight On A Saturday Morning
So this was inspired by a comment from @callof-beauties on this story I wrote here about König yelling at his soldiers. The thought essentially boiled down to 'but what if he yelled at us like that' and I realized that both due to König not wanting to be that loud without a good reason and the physical limitations to being able to indulge, König wouldn't really be able to yell at you quite like that.
Would he totally have the meanest and nastiest tone as he whispers all sorts of nasty degrading shit into your ear? Absolutely. 100%. There's no doubt about that. But yelling? He can't do that.
Of course, reader doesn't know this, so reader fucks around and finds out just how König'll punish them for trying to make him mad.
Wordcount: 2.1k
Warnings: Reader purposefully trying to anger König, König being a bit heavy, pretty much pure fluff
Art from This Post
Story Below the Cut
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Dead Weight On A Saturday Morning
Ever since you’d seen König at work, you’d been insatiable. You needed König to yell at you like he yelled at his trainees. You were feral, frothing at the mouth and doing everything in your power to drive König up the wall. You needed him more than you needed oxygen at this point. Unfortunately for you, König hadn’t picked up the memo.
Rather, König had just turned into an awful grouch. A part of you knew that the single answer to your problem was the beautiful term ‘communication’ but you couldn’t help yourself. Part of the excitement was getting him to do it spontaneously. After all, that was the whole goal, right? Get him worked up and watch the fireworks fly.
Of course, König was König and whenever König was involved in a plan, things were bound to go awry. You had to wonder how he ever became a colonel when he was a magnet for disaster. That said, König was a disaster for other people, not for himself. He could walk through Hell unscathed yet leave a trail of mass destruction in his wake. It was almost supernatural. You heard the stories from Horangi, how König would be perfectly comfortable sipping his drink while a brawl was wrecking the room around him. König, if he noticed at all, showed no signs.
This of course meant that whenever you planned for a specific reaction with König involved, the Austrian would gleefully (obliviously) throw a wrench into whatever wild machinations you were constructing. It was bizarre how effortlessly he screwed up everything around him. You had to wonder if he was actually oblivious, or if he was perfectly aware yet happily upturning any and all plans he encountered. It was a maddening life of chaos around him, with him sitting all content in the eye of the hurricane as he sipped his morning coffee.
This morning, however, you determined things would be different. You were sure of that. You were perfectly sure in your actions because you’d finally be violating the one rule of the household: don’t disturb König’s coffee time.
It was a simple yet effective rule. König was a coffee snob like no other. You’d tried to make him coffee in the morning when you first lived together, but he’d pretty quickly shooed you away to fix your mistakes. Of course, your greatest offense was using that abhorrent sludge you referred to as ‘instant’ coffee. He’d sniffed and called it instant laxatives, and that was the last day you ever had instant coffee in your house.
Over time, you learned König’s routine and managed to replicate his preferred brew perfectly. It was a strange combination of brewing for a set amount of time using bottled spring water he specially ordered online and steaming milk to a set temperature before cooling it to pour into König’s mug. On special days, he might even go for a spoonful of coconut sugar. Not caster, not brown, heaven forbid refined, but coconut. It had to be coconut or else he’d throw a hissy fit.
Today, of course, you knew König was champing at the bit for that spoonful of sugar and you’d be happy to provide. You choice of sugar, of course, being the dreaded white sugar that he so despised.
Of course, his coffee wasn’t all. König was a beast of habit, and little traits of his stuck with him since childhood. He had to have his orange juice in a small glass (‘I could never have more than a single serving! That would ruin my calorie distribution for the day’) and a cup of milk. Once he drank his milk, he’d wash his glass and fill it with water to chase down the milk. You’d asked him why, and he had only shrugged and told you it was good to stay hydrated. He had then gone into detail about why your morning nutrition was key to a successful day, then proceeded to nitpick your breakfast and accompanying drink until you’d been so sick of his madness that you left back to the bedroom to sleep for another hour.
So, with König’s eccentric tendencies surrounding his morning routine in mind, that morning you placed König’s mug on his special coaster (knit by his Oma to celebrate his entrance into the army) before sitting across the table and waiting.
König was none the wiser, and who could blame him? You were his ever-faithful partner. You’d never dare to betray your beloved husband, would you? Never! Or at least, not until today.
König flipped through his book idly.
“Whatcha reading?” you asked as casually as you could while sipping your orange juice.
“‘A Brief Survey of Austrian History’,” he replied as he turned a page, “by Richard Rickett.”
“Is it any good?” you asked.
“It’s decent. There are some minor inaccuracies scattered throughout, but for the most part it’s a good read,” König said as he skimmed the page before turning the book to you, “here’s a nice drawing of Prince Eugene of Savoy.”
It was a beautiful black and white copy of what was obviously a commissioned portrait, the man in question with a full white wig and a high forehead, a pronounced nose and a subtle smile. He seemed so at ease, very unlike König in just a moment.
“Did he do anything cool?” you asked.
“I’m at the part where they’re discussing what he did on the eastern front,” König explained, skimming the page with a finger, “he apparently became quite the statesman after his success on the fields.”
“That’s interesting,” you sipped your drink a bit too loudly to be accidental.
König’s finger paused on the page as his eyes glanced up from the little book. He stared at you carefully before flicking back to the book, a quiet recognition of your rude behavior and a silent warning to stop. 
“So what’re you doing today? It’s the weekend, so you gotta have some plans, right?” you watched him carefully.
“I was hoping to catch up on some reading today after I cut the grass,” König drawled, “maybe paint a couple of those soldiers my brother gave me at Christmas. It’s been months and I haven’t even touched them! He’d be horrified.”
“You sure do like your armies,” you mused.
“They’re perfect for my dioramas,” König muttered, “but aside from that, I expect Horangi or one of my sisters to bother me about something soon enough. They usually keep me busy.”
“Sounds like you’re pretty busy,” you nodded slowly.
König, polite as ever, made no move to ask about your plans and instead focussed on his reading. Once, you’d have been offended. Now you were just exasperated more than anything else. You should really know better than to try and talk to him when he’s reading, but you still sometimes wished he’d put his book away and actually talk, but that was a lot to ask for the quiet man.
You watched carefully as König made his way through his orange juice. Every so often, he’d dip his soldiered toast into the runny yolk of his egg, take a bite, and then put it away until he turned the page. When dealing with König, patience was key to success.
Soon, König had finished his orange juice (along with his toast) and had pulled a tray of fruits in front of him. He resettled himself on his chair with a grunt and lifted his cup of coffee. He took a sniff, then scrunched his brows.
“Is everything alright?” you asked slyly.
“Should be,” König muttered before taking a slow sip. He pulled his lips into a line. He took another sip. His brows knit tightly together. He took a final sip and put his coffee down.
You were practically vibrating with excitement.
König leveled you with a steely stare and flatly said, “No.”
You raised an eyebrow, “No?”
“No,” he grunted and drew himself up before slumping back in his chair with a huff, “I’m not doing it.”
“Doing what?” your eyes widened, shock and horror making your heart skip a beat in your chest.
He looked at you with an exasperated face, “I’m not yelling at you.”
“What!” you scoffed, “what do you mean? What-what are you talking about!?”
König closed his eyes and took a long breath in before slowly drawing it out his nose, “I know you think it’s hot when I yell, but I can’t do that to you. And again, I don’t want the neighbors to know.”
You groaned. The jig was up, and unfortunately König had played his cards expertly.
“If I raise my voice even just a tiny bit,” König explained with patience that rivaled that of a parent or a saint, “if I yelled, our neighbors would know everything.”
“These walls are pretty well insulated,” you huffed petulantly.
“Maus,” he sighed, “when I yell I can easily fill an entire parade square. If I have an army marching behind me, the farthest man at the back can still hear me yelling at them. I am too loud to yell at you in bed. Anyways, how would that even work? I fuck you and scream in your face? Maus that make no sense.”
“I mean, maybe we could go to an abandoned forest or like…” you trailed off with a sigh, “you’re not gonna do it, are you.”
König shook his head slowly as he took another long sip of coffee. Loudly, you noted.
“Okay but can’t you do something like that?” you whined.
“I can maybe raise my voice a bit,” König relented, “I can try and shift my tone too. I think you’re more after the tone than the volume, I’ll be honest, but I’m not having our neighbors think I’m an abusive husband.”
You paused.
“Oh it would sound like that, wouldn’t it,” you mused.
“If I called you a dirty whore that needs a good slap?” König laughed, “ja! Ja I would! Maus please, I borrowed Austin’s weed whacker to cut our grass today. How could I look him in the eye if he thought I beat you?”
You nodded slowly. That certainly threw a wrench in your plans, but then again, such was König’s specialty. You were thoroughly beat. König was completely right. There was no way he could yell at you like he did his soldiers. Of course you’d accept a compromise, but it just wasn’t quite the same. Well, beggars can’t be choosers, you thought with a sigh.
“But,” König put down his now empty mug, “you can’t just do this,” he gestured to the mug, “and think I’ll just ignore it. You’ve been pestering me all week, and wouldn’t you know? My schedule for the weekend just opened up!”
A thrill raced down your spine.
“You, Maus,” König stated as he picked himself up from his seat, “are coming with me.”
And with that, he hauled over his shoulder. To your surprise, he didn’t make his way back up the stairs to bed, but rather to the plush sofa you’d put in the living room. Without any proper decorum or grace, he threw you down onto the ottoman with a laugh.
You turned to ask what he was doing when he promptly sat down on your gut and kicked his feet up onto the stool. He laughed at your pathetic wheeze as he turned on the television.
“Get the fuck off of me!” you managed to spit out under the 250 lb weight now sat neatly on top of you.
“Oh look!” he commented, “little Maus is squeaking!”
You grumbled and groaned.
"I don't understand why you're so upset," König drawled, "you wanted a big man to punish you, put you in your place, ja? And I did! You're right where you belong! Underneath me."
"I didn't mean it like this!" you whined.
He ignored your desperate please for mercy as he flicked through your subscriptions, finally deciding on a dreaded movie.
“No you’re not making me watch it!” you screeched and flailed under the heavy mass on top of you, but with a scooch he was firmly seated on top, happily ignoring you whinging as the Netflix logo flashed on screen.
“Stoppit!” you spat and hissed, but König was happy to ignore you.
Your deadweight of a husband looked down at you from the corner of his eye, “I’ve been wanting to watch some history documentaries on Netflix, see how good they are. You’re not opposed, are you?”
“Get the fuck off of me you fatass,” you snarled back.
“Oh good,” König turned back to look at the screen, “I’ve got a few lined up that I want to watch.”
König fell into a comfortable silence as the narrator began regaling the stories of Einstein’s involvement in the Heisenberg project, happily ignoring your writhing and squeaking with ease.
“I should’ve gotten some snacks,” König muttered as he ground himself into your bones.
“I hate you so much.”
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Story Masterlist
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puhpandas · 1 year
So for a writing prompt,
Vanessa meeting an ex gf/bf (whatever u want) at a supermarket. While Gregory and Freddy just listen to the tea or have shenanigans around the supermarket.
(915 words)
"Can I have some gushers?"
Vanessa clicks her tongue. "You already have captain crunch in the buggie."
Gregory frowns, and looks longingly at the the package when they pass the shelf it's on. "But..."
Vanessa rolls her eyes. "Why dont you get some broccoli or something? Brussel sprouts?"
Gregory pauses, and gives her a long, hard stare.
"Alright then." She says simply. "Shouldnt you want to eat healthily? You didnt exactly have a very good diet on the streets."
"Isnt that exactly why I should get to have the gushers?" Gregory counters when Vanessa picks off some tortilla chips and cheese dip off of the shelf. "I deserve them!"
Vanessa sighs, and turns to see Gregory using his unnaturally big eyes to his advantage.
"Surely Gregory should be able to have a special treat or two, Vanessa." Freddy says from behind Gregory, muffled by his backpack.
Vanessa sputters. "You're on his side?"
Freddy hums. "I just think that Gregory has a point, that is all."
Vanessa rolls her eyes, and turns the buggie back around with a sigh. "Shouldn't you of all people be advocating for eating your veggies?" She points out.
"Eating some sugary gummies does not equal not eating your vegetables, Vanessa. As long as you keep a balanced diet, indulging in unhealthy snacks is no issue--"
"Yeah, yeah." She cuts him off, and rolls the buggie to a stop in front of some fruit snacks.
"You can have some fruit gummies." She says, and points at a two-pack box of Welch's fruit snacks. "Not the gushers. You can have those next time, when you haven't already picked out an unhealthy snack."
Gregory huffs, but he takes the box anyway and puts it in the buggie.
"Better than nothing." Gregory says, then smiles. "Thanks."
Vanessa smiles back, and leans on the buggie. At least those are healthier than sugary fruit gushers. And Gregory seems happy. Maybe she isnt so crap at this.
The pleasant moment is cut off by a familiar voice behind her.
"Vanessa?" A woman asks, and Vanessa jumps, turning around. "Is that you?"
Oh. Vanessa thinks when she realizes who it is. Oh, no.
"So it really is you." Olivia says, voice unimpressed. "You really had me worried, Vanessa, I mean, what was I supposed to think?"
Gregory is silent beside her, watching the exchange with wide eyes. Vanessa sputters, avoiding eye contact.
"I-- Um-- Listen Olivia I--"
"Dont." Olivia says. "I dont want an apology. I just wish that you would have just told me you weren't interested instead of ghosting me."
Gregory makes a face beside her, eyes wide and mouth open in a small O, and he looks way too into it.
"I--" Vanessa tries, but she cuts herself off. 'I'm sorry, Olivia. I really was interested in you, but a crazy robot using the face of a decades old serial killer took over my mind and forced me to cut off any contact with all other people to complete his evil deeds!' Is what she wants to say, but being seen as a bitch seems like a better option than being seen as an insane freak.
So she just stays silent, and Olivia scoffs, looking insulted.
"Nothing to say to that, huh?" Olivia says, a sour look on her face. "Fine, see if I care. I just hope the next girl to start talking to you doesn't get far enough to be heartbroken like I was."
And with that, Olivia turns and walks briskly away, her brown hair flipping sassily over her shoulder and trailing behind her like a tailcoat.
Its completely silent except for the general milling about of people around them and beeps from self checkout scanners for a moment. Then, she finally tears her eyes away from the spot Olivia walked away from her and looks down when she sees movement.
Gregory looks like something hilarious just occured, and he looks up at her gleefully when she makes eye contact with him.
She rolls her eyes when he starts laughing, and she huffs, eyes dead set in front of her as she tries to push the buggie to get away from him.
"Who was that, Vanessa?" Freddy asks from behind Gregory, who's clumsily following behind her and almost bumping into people and their carts from how hard hes laughing. Vanessa tries not to let her mood sour too much.
"Olivia." She answers. "She was my..." She tries to find the right words. "...we were talking, and were about to start dating, but then..."
She trails off, and Freddy hums and looks at her sympathetically from Gregory's backpack. "I understand, Vanessa. You do not have to continue."
"That was awesome." Gregory finally refills his lungs after almost busting one laughing too hard at her relationship failure. "The drama. It was too good!"
"I'm glad you like my misery, brat." She says, rolling her eyes.
He just has another short burst of laughs, and then tries to quiet down. "I did like it. Very much. Why cant that happen <i>all</i> the time?"
"Because usually," Vanessa says. "I dont ghost people because I had my brain hijacked."
Gregory giggles. "Oh man, i knew people were obsessed with drama but i never knew it was this funny." He says, then tugs on Vanessa's shirt. "Hey, you gotta start a reality show with me soon, alright?"
Vanessa rolls her eyes, but she just ruffles Gregory's hair, and a small smile appears on her face.
"Sure, squirt. Whatever you say."
ao3 link
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aisclosed · 1 year
Match Found ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ - 2. welcome home cheater
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Synopsis: Jungwon is sick of his friends' constant teasing over his lack of gaming skills. Determined to secretly improve and prove enha wrong Jungwon sets out to learn to play, except he has no clue where to begin. Luckily for him, y/n is a girl with too much time on her hands, a desperate need for distraction and is more than happy to indulge him. Only, things are never that simple and Jungwon soon finds it difficult to explain exactly what the pair have become.
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smau + (0.6k) written work (game terms explained in notes)
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Rolling his eyes at his members’ desperation and dramatics, Jungwon locks his phone, slipping it back into his pocket. His eyes slide over to observe your concentrated profile, lips lifting involuntarily at the sight of you. Jungwon regards you curiously, wondering when he had fallen into this feeling of comfort in your presence. 
It’s hard to pinpoint the exact moment when awkward smiles and jokes had slipped into something more endearing and familiar. He’s not sure when shy waves had evolved into playful greetings, a ruffle of your hair as you bat his hands away and reach out to tug the flesh of his cheek. Jungwon would respond with an exaggerated wince and take the seat next to you rubbing his face in a mocking pout, stifling a smile at the sound of your laughter.
Maybe it was sometime during the first time you watched him play, voice soft yet authoritative in his ear, grounding him when the pressure caused his fingers to tremble. Perhaps it was when a particularly toxic player had insulted him and you swiftly leaned in, angrily speaking into Jungwon’s mic with a colorful array of expletives in his defense. Or maybe it was when you met his arrival with an enthusiastic cheer of his name and his favorite drink brandished proudly in your hand, preening as he praised you for remembering correctly
He's not sure, but he does know that instead of the pit of dread that used to swirl in his core at the mention of games, now he thinks of you instead and something foreign pricks at his chest. Rather than dragging his feet as he approaches the PC Bang, Jungwon finds himself bounding out the dance studio as soon as practice ends, leaving in a whirlwind of rushed goodbyes and bewildered stares from his friends. 
In hindsight it's almost unfair, Jungwon muses to himself, how easily you’ve managed to wriggle your way into his life. But as he watches you absentmindedly chew on the end of your chopstick, your noodles swelling with neglect as you analyze the VOD in front of you, Jungwon can’t bring himself to care. 
Glancing over at Jungwon, your eyes narrow as you find his eyes glued to you and not the video where they should have been. You ignore the faint prickle of heat rising up your neck at the weight of his gaze. “Can you please pay attention Jungwon, this match was so winnable, you need to be able to isolate these 1 v 1s, you’re like a sitting duck if you just wait for them to regroup and swing at you together.” you scold him, gesturing at the screen with your half chewed chopstick. 
“Sorry Y/N, it's not my fault that my coach is so distracting,” Jungwon shrugs, wiggling his brows at you teasingly. 
You merely respond with a withering glare, “You’re so lucky you’re cute Yang Jungwon, you have absolutely zero rizz. Now focus. Or I’m gonna ditch you and play minecraft instead.” 
Jungwon chuckles softly, after weeks together he had almost become accustomed to the compliments that seemed to tumble freely from your lips. He tugs on your ear playfully, making sure to emphasize his dimple as he smiled, “I will. You have my full attention now I promise.”
Your discerning eyes flicker back and forth from Jungwon’s dimple to his eyes, as he tries to maintain his innocent expression. “So predictable” he thinks to himself gleefully as your stony resolve visibly crumbles. 
“How dare you use those dimples for evil” you huff in mock exasperation turning back to the screen, “alright, come on tell me what you did wrong here.” 
“Yes ma’am,” Jungwon bites back a smirk and scoots closer to the screen. He feels his phone buzz faintly in his pocket but he can’t bring himself to draw away from you. 
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a/n: chapter two!!! y/n n won are becoming besties <333 . lmk what u guys think and pls search up "valorant accent" on tiktok it's actually so funny. Can y'all tell I rlly tried to up the social media part of this AU. mostly bc the next chapter will most likely be writing based 🫣
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taglist: open! send me an ask to be added!
@woncloudie @itsactuallylina @ifearjwn @fadedluvv @mangowonyo @xiaoderrrr
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starspann · 1 year
wouldn’t it be nice
joe cooper x reader
fem!reader, she/her pronouns are used
warnings: cursing, violence, suggestive themes
notes: just something short bc i LOVE coop
the one where cooper wants remer’s girlfriend.
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cooper wasn’t the jealous type.
he never really considered himself to be one anyway.
in fact, throughout his life, he had prided himself on being the supportive friend, celebrating the successes and happiness of his team and friends, no matter what.
today, cooper stood alone, his gaze fixed upon the boy he grew up with, watching his fingers intertwined with his girlfriends.
he felt different when it came them, and he knew exactly why.
he envied him.
you’d figure it’s because he’s just lonely. because he and jenna didn’t work out, and the fact that he hasn’t gotten laid in months.
if you did, you’d be wrong.
the real reason behind the gnawing ache of jealousy that twisted his insides was caused by the girl currently wrapped in remer’s arms.
he wanted her more than anything.
it was hard for cooper to admit that to himself, even within the private corners of his own mind.
however, there was no denying the truth.
with each passing day, cooper made a conscious effort to suppress the green-eyed monster that threatened to poison their friendship.
that didn’t stop the thoughts of her that constantly ran through his head.
he’d imagine what’d it be like to be in remer’s position. to hold her hand, feel the tender brush of y/n’s lips against his own, the warmth of her embrace.
usually, during a game, as they watched a fellow beers teammate play from the dugout, remer would talk about y/n.
cooper didn’t want to know, yet he’d force the sentence out anyway,
“so, how are things with you and y/n?”
it’s almost like he wanted to outdo him.
remer would make subtle points about how perfect things were between him and y/n while all cooper could do was stare dejectedly, numbly nodding his head and acting like he gave a shit.
he gleefully shared with cooper all the details of her accomplishments, both big and small. he recounted stories of her selflessness and kindness that would bring a proud smile to his face.
but then he’d talk about her in bed.
what pissed coop off was the way remer would talk about it.
he paused, drawing in a deep breath before continuing on to describe some of the more intimate moments from y/n’s life that she most likely may have wanted him to keep to himself. remer seemed determined to tell it all in vivid detail.
“god, coop. she’s unbelievable, really.” he shook his head, “she purrs like a kitten.”
sometimes, this pissed him off so much, he felt like cracking his fist into the brunettes nose, hopefully breaking it and giving his uniform a dark red stain.
yet, he couldn’t help but a feel a little bit grateful for the information about y/n.
then he felt dirty.
he cringes when he remembers the time he heard them through the thin walls of their house and shamefully pleasured himself to their sounds.
cooper can recall countless nights like that. nights he spent tossing and turning, his mind plagued by fantasies he dared not indulge.
so he’d end up taking those feelings to him and remer’s shared bathroom.
it was a ritual at this point.
he’d stumble to the bathroom and hastily lock the door, fiddling with the zipper of his jeans.
one of his porno mag’s lied on the cold, bathroom tile, a well endowed model posing on the front cover.
he’d sigh and pick it up, quickly flipping through before stopping randomly.
he’d stop at some chick staring seductively back at him through the flimsy page.
“okay.. that’s kind of hot.” he thought, palming himself through the rough denim of his jeans.
he’d get off to the magazine but only while thinking of her.
his heart still ached.
walking out of the bathroom, he dragged his feet to his room.
remer is his friend. his best friend since childhood. y/n is his girlfriend. he just had to learn to respect that.
after all, cooper wasn’t the jealous type.
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sleepyrainart · 8 months
Little Bits of Valentine's.
A small series featuring little stories including either OP/JJk characters.
Summary: Just sweet little moments between you and your JJK boyfriend.
Gender neutral reader. Cupcake is used as a pet name. Characters are aged up.
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Handing him a black coffee when he enters the kitchen. He looks slightly concerned as you make your drink. Knowing the habits you've picked up from Yuji and Nobara. He takes a small sip just to test it. The coffee tastes perfectly fine. Actually, it's excellent, like all the things you've made him.
Though he's still suspicious as you settle on the stool. Sipping your drink. A slow morning. Something rare that he cherishes. Settling on the stool beside you. Your knee brushing against his when you turn towards him. “Gumi.”
Pressing your hands together, thumbs up, index fingers curled and pinkies away from the other fingers. Making a dog shadow puppet. It's a poor imitation of his sign and he can't help but find it endearing. Knowing what you want. He doesn't often indulge in frivolous acts. But you both have the day off.
He summons the divine dogs. Both yipping happily, tails wagging, as you hug them. Showering them with kisses and compliments. Because they're good babies and deserve so many treats. Megumi watching from the sidelines. His shikigami happy to receive all your attention. “You know, I've just had the best idea.” You exclaim.
Leaning back on the balls of your feet. “Let's go for a walk. ” Both dogs tilt their heads to the side in confusion. While you giggle and jump up. “Come on,” you say. Rushing down the hall. The two dogs follow.
Megumi finishes his coffee and rinses the cups. While listening to your movements. He's just putting the mugs up as he hears you return. Looking over at you and the dogs, he sighs. Your holding leashes and his shikigami now have collars. "Aren't they cute? The babies chose what one they wanted."
A bright blue collar on the white divine dog. It reminds him a bit too much of Gojo. While the black divine dog chose a hot pink collar. Super bright against the dark fur.
You're slipping on your shoes, looking at him expectantly. Another sigh as he slips on his shoes. Opening the door and entering the bright outside world. You grab his hand with your free hand, linking fingers. You let Megumi lead. Mostly watching the dogs explore the world. Sniffing everything, tails wagging.
Megumi turns, leading you to the park with the giant maple. His phone rings in his back pocket. Interrupting the peace. He takes it out. While you watch with a pout. A quick glance at the caller. He presses ignore, Gojo could wait. He's happy where he is.
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You hear the door open. Rushing to greet Satoru. Throwing yourself at him. He catches you with a giggle, spinning around gleefully. You give him a quick kiss. Hands unbuttoning his stuffy jacket. Pouting as you try to push it down his arms. He's uncooperative.
“Oh, someone's eager,” he teases. Before setting you down. His jacket slipping to the floor. You unbutton his dress shirt. Fingers trailing down his chest and lean torso. He's watching you through his pretty eyelashes, blindfold up. You push his shirt off. Letting it fall to the floor. His lean body on display.
He laughs, caressing your heated face. Breaking you from your trance. Noticing his smug grin, you roll your eyes. Having gotten a little side tracked. You can still enact your plan. Pulling him down for a kiss. Unbuttoning his slacks and unzipping his fly. While your tongue caresses his sweet mouth.
He groans, leaning further into you. Big hands grabbing your hips. Bunching up your top. Breaking the kiss as you push down his pants and boxers. Caressing his now exposed hips. He leans forward for another kiss.
But you laugh as you dodge. Turning to run through the living room. You hear the rustling of fabric. Before he's following. He chases you down the hall, into your shared bedroom. All the way to the en suit. The bathroom warm, steam frosting the mirror. The tub filled with a mound of sparkling bubbles. The subtle scent of soothing lavender in the air.
“Aww, my cupcake, this was your plan.” He coos. Hugging you from behind. Kisses scattering up your neck. Your hand finds his silky hair.
“Honey, the water's gonna get cold.” You sigh, tugging on his hair gently.
“Kay, kay.” He says, pressing a loud kiss to your temple.
He struts to the tub. Checking the temperature with his toe. Before sliding into the hot water. He sighs as it eases the tension in his muscles. Taking your time to gather the things you need. He watches you with half lidded eyes. “Watcha doin? Come join me.” He pouts and tries to motion you over.
“Nope.” You say, popping the p. His eyes widen in shock. Pout growing bigger. Your plan is still in play as you walk over to the tub. Kneeling beside him and putting the containers down. He's just so cute. You kiss the tip of his nose.
“Cupcake.” He whines before a mischievous glint enters his eyes. You know what he's going to do, he knows exactly what he's doing. Not moving quick enough. Water splashing you, soaking your top and splashing against your pants. “Well now you're wet, you might as well join me.” He grins.
You're tempted to just strip and stay beside the tub. But a few seconds of thought puts that idea out of your mind. You didn't want to freeze. Stripping quickly as he watches victoriously. He helps you into the tub. Hugging you to his chest. His head resting on your shoulder.
You grin secretly, this was the perfect position to enact your devious plan. You start slow, rubbing comforting circles across his broad shoulders. Trailing up his neck, working out the tension. He groans, snuggling into you. Your fingers delving into his soft locks. The silky strands tickling your fingers.
You massage his scalp. Listening and feeling the little noises he makes, mission success.
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The movie starts with a dark forest, zooming quickly between trees. Following a scared woman. You jump when a masked killer emerges right in front of her. Yuji lets out a short laugh. Before kissing the side of your head, as an apology.
Knowing you hate horror movies. He feels slightly bad. But it's the latest movie from The Killer of Park Valley franchise. Missing his chance to see it in theatres. That's why he picked it for this movie night.
Grabbing the popcorn and setting the bowl on your lap. Crunching on the buttery snack. Yuji's large hand squeezing your hip. A signal you know well. Picking up a few pieces and holding it to his mouth. He gently takes the popcorn, kissing the tips of your fingers. Before licking away the salt. A tingle running down your spine.
Feeding him and yourself more popcorn. Distracting you from the horror on screen. His tongue, always licking the salt away. Oh, how you want to touch him. But you know he’s into the movie and don't want to disturb him.
Your mind wanders to what you would do if you did touch him. Tasting his warm flesh. Nipping to make him moan. Hands slowly trailing down his covered chest. You'd be able to feel his abs through the thin material. Before you finally reach the hem. Eager hands slipping under his shirt. Feeling his warm muscles.
Your mouth on his, chaste at first. Just little pecks, teasing. Before you're sucking on his lower lip. Tongues twirling in a familiar dance.
One of his large hands massaging your ass. While the other caresses up your spine. Before settling on the back of your neck. Keeping you still as his tongue explores every inch of your mouth. You whimper as you feel his bulge rub against your inner thigh. He groans into your mouth.
Your nails digging into him. You're feeling light-headed. Heat surrounding you. Ecstasy pooling in your veins.
Yuji might not be the brightest bulb in the garden. But he knows you well. The dreamy person you are. Looking down at you. Face only lit by the TV. He can see your pretty eyes, pupils big with delight. Noticing the subtle way you're rubbing your thighs together. He knows what you're thinking about, naughty girl.
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Going home after a tiring day of work. Your mind goes through what you could make for dinner. Maybe ordering in would be good. Less of a hassle. Wondering if your boyfriend was joining you tonight. As it would limit your options. He was such a picky eater. Rolling your eyes as you open the door.
The scent of rosemary and thyme greets you. Making your way to the kitchen. You see the hulking figure of your boyfriend. Wearing an apron. The image was so surreal, you giggle a little. His head snapping to you. Scowl prominent, making you giggle more. Clutching your stomach as you struggle to breathe through your laughter.
Folding his arms over his broad chest. Looking more annoyed with every passing second. It should be intimidating, his muscular form. But all you can focus on is the cherry-printed apron he's wearing. Your stomach hurts from laughing so much. It's getting harder to breathe. Your laughs becoming quiet inhales. You feel like you're going to pass out.
It's only then he takes pity on you. Picking you up from your slumped position and gently patting your back. The giggling fit subsides under his care. “You're lucky I like you.” He says offhandedly. “Now go wash up for dinner.” Shooing you away.
You take your time, washing the tears from your face and cleaning your hands. Shrugging the stuffy blazer off and popping open a few buttons on your shirt. You make your way back to the dining room. He's already eating. His steak looking a little too bloody for your liking. The plate he had set for you, had a smaller serve, steak with sides, steamed vegetables and mashed potatoes. A flute of red wine sits nearby. So red it's almost black.
“Thank you for the meal.” You say before trying the food. The steak so tender it almost melts in your mouth. Subtle hints of rosemary, thyme, and pepper flavouring the meat. It was delicious. You look up at your boyfriend, who smirks. Like he can read your mind. You look away from his smugness. Taking a small sip of wine, bitter-sweet and rich on your tongue. Both eating in silence.
After finishing, his smugness remains. “Are you ready for dessert?”
“Oh there's dessert.” You smile, pleasantly surprised.
“Yes, you.”
“I didn't make anything.” You laugh, finishing the flute of wine. Sukuna's smirk grows. His second set of eyes opening. Staring intently as you realize what he means.
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Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed.❤️
PS: Sukuna definitely cooks and wears cute aprons.
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pikapeppa · 9 months
Year-End Writer's Round-Up: 2023
It’s that time of year, writer friends — time to take stock of what we’ve been up to this year! Tagging to literally ANY AND ALL WRITERS who would like to participate, but I’ll throw down some tags from the top of my head: @contrivedchaos @jadefyre @kittynomsdeplume @iamcayc @hollyand-writes @elveny @johaerys-writes @crackinglamb @mogwaei @alyssalenko @about2dance @cthu-boo @chloefraazers @fogsblue @lordofthenerds97, join in if you fancy!! If you're not a smut writer, feel free to leave out those stats, and feel free to add any accomplishments and "metrics" that are significant to you! 🥰
(Blank template at the bottom for convenience!)
Words written (published or not, WIPs totally count too!!): 999 496 — ARGH IT WAS SO CLOSE TO A COOL MILLION. I did this calculation on the evening of Dec 31 and I was like DAMMIT I NEED TO WRITE A DRABBLE LMAO. 😂🙈 Honestly, I’m surprised the word count was so high this year — I could have sworn my word count had dropped because I wrote very little for a few weeks after BG3 first came out LMAO!
Smut scenes: 42 — I've done better LOL. I’ll blame the slow-burn BG3 ships I’m working on currently. 😂
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New things I tried:
I started dabbling in M/M smut this year, in the context of my beloved Horizon F/M/M polycules (Aloy/Drakka with either Kotallo or Nil). Usually when I write F/M/M threesomes, the focus is on the men pleasing the lucky lady of the group, but I headcanon Drakka in particular as being very unapologetically bi, so it’s only fair and right that he get some sweet M/M action. I’m looking forward to putting this M/M practice use on Halsin/Tav/Astarion when my BG3 writing finally gets to that point! 
This was also the first time that I wrote an AU where I gleefully yeeted the canon deaths LMAO. I’m usually a stickler for adhering to significant plot points including character deaths, but the dastardly and darling @iamcayc nudged me into writing Here Come the Dreams, where Varl and Fashav both get to live, and it was a total delight to keep those darling men alive and happy. 
I wrote a smut scene in first-person POV for the first time, using the adorable voice of Karlach from BG3. This was a particularly interesting challenge because I feel that the first-person voice calls for a more urgent in-the-moment kind of narration, which means that I had to alter my usual way of writing smut in terms of phrasing/wording and pacing, so it was a fun challenge! 
With Astarion/Tav/Halsin, this is my first time writing an OC who falls in love simultaneously with two people, and it’s been… interesting trying to negotiate the polycule coming together. Of course I had to get enamoured with (arguably) the two most emotionally complicated male LIs in BG3 and make my own life difficult, LMAO. I’ve been struggling a little with bringing the relationships together and it’s been slowing my writing down over the past month or two, but I’m trucking on because I love both Halsin and Astarion and I really do believe in the dynamics of the OT3. SILVANUS GUIDE MY HAND AS I FIGURE THIS SHIT OUT.
Fic I spent the most time on: 
Even The Hardiest Desert Blooms! I really sank my focus into my beloved Desert boy this year and wrapped up his fic, which is always a bittersweet feeling when you adore the pairing. 😭
Fic I spent the least time on:
Burning Blue (Karlach/Dammon). I was bitten by a sudden bug of adoration for them, and that piece basically came together in a day and a half because I was on fire to get it out. I LOVE THIS PAIRING SO MUCH. 😭🔥
Favourite thing I wrote: 
Even The Hardiest Desert Blooms has always been my self-indulgent pleasure because I just love Drakka to the moon and back, so focusing a lot of this year on his fic was a treat. But Here Come the Dreams was also an enormously fun project because I just went ham and hyperfocused on it for a month and a half. I really wanted to see if I could finish it in a month just for shits and giggles, but AS ALWAYS it ended up being longer than anticipated so I didn’t meet that goal, but it was still a total ball to come up with a fun little project and finish it as quickly as possible. 
Favourite thing I read: 
Hands-down, without a doubt, What’s A Sex Tape Between Friends?  by @auntie-coagulant. I don’t read much fanfic, and when I do, it's only for the ships that I don't write. So when I saw this fic recommended in the Kotallo server and I was like “Travis/Lis?? You have my attention.” My eyes were popping and I was HOWLING by the first chapter, and I’ve been dead in the water for this fic ever since and procrastinating on finishing the fic because MY EMOTIONS ARE NOT READY FOR THE HEARTBREAK.
Writing goals for next year: 
Finish Coming In Like A Western Wind. I’ve been sleeping on this fic since September because Astarion and Halsin turned my head and I feel really bad about it… but I do mean to finish it! 
Just keep on keeping on with my BG3 fics for Astarion and Halsin! I’ve been DYING to write smut for Halsin for months, and I have images living rent-free in my head of Astarion enjoying some very tender sensate focus, so let’s hope I get around to writing these scenes before I explode. 
Template time!
Words written (published or not, WIPs totally count too!)
Smut scenes written (if applicable)
New things I tried
Fic I spent the most time on
Fic I spent the least time on
Favourite thing I wrote
Favourite thing I read
Writing goals for next year
Enjoy, friends!!! And cheers to another fulfilling year of writing! 🥰🥂
-- love from your friendly neighbourhood Pika! xoxo
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fatuismooches · 2 years
I DON'T REMEMBER IF I REPLIED OR NOT BUT HERES A REPLY ANW OMG U BREAK MY HEART SO WELL AAASHHA sorry if I've already said smth so this makes it a double reply ANW dottore angst gets me so hard but I don't hate myself that much so an accompanyinh fluff I'd like to add is like imagine reader is reallyyyy good at chess cus they're established as smart by being in the akademiya and now since you can't rlly do anth all day you challenge the clones to chess often so anw one day dot is just coming as you win a game against one of the clones for the third time in a row and you challenge him to a game and he's so convinced he'll win he deliberates going easy on you and- wait what the fuck why are you so good
also you are quickly becoming my fav creator to interact wit :( 💗
- 🌕
Since your illness prevented you from training your body more than you like, you made your best effort to train your mind instead. You deemed your mind as very important, as the loneliness of it all often weighed down on you more than you liked. So you made sure to keep yourself occupied as much as you could, to try and prevent any negative thoughts from creeping up. And well, you found it to be quite rewarding. There was one time when the clones were struggling with an experiment for quite a while and were reluctant to inform Prime. So you asked them to let you take a look at the notes and everything along those lines. Admittedly, it reminded you of when you researched with your lover back at the Akademiya, so you accidentally got too into it, scribbling all of your thoughts and a possible answer to the problems. The clones were rather shocked when you turned out to be right.
But your favorite activity by far was chess. The brain teaser was highly favored by those at the Akademiya, and for good reason too. It was a great way to challenge yourself and get your mind working, and the best part? You could sit down comfortably and only move your hand, and enjoy the rather handsome view of a segment's face laced with confusion.
The clones were almost always happy to indulge your wishes, sometimes even fighting over who got to fulfill them. So after you absentmindedly mentioned wanting to play chess, the next day the game was set up in the lab, ready for use. Needless to say, you were quite elated. You had itched for the chance to play again. And of course, your only opponents were the multitude of your lovely segments.
The segments do love you. It is only natural that their creator’s love for you extends to them as well. So they gladly play along with your little game of chess, but they won’t do it too seriously; after all they wouldn’t want to hurt- wait, how did you already beat him?! For all of their wisdom and knowledge, they are baffled when they are taken out that quickly.
It eventually gets to the point where you have a little group of clones watching you battle another. It’s quite endearing to see them hover over you like that, trying to guess what move you’ll play next. But the true fun comes when Zandik appears. There are times where sometimes you do not see him for a few days, but that’s alright. The time spent afterwards always feels the best, and this is one such time. He is unaware of the little show you’ve been putting on, so you gleefully invite him to play you in a game of chess.
He accepts of course. Admittedly, it had been a while since he played, having only laid eyes on the chessboard in which the Gnoses were pieces. And of course, he has the same mentality as his clones - he’ll go easy on his darling, you’re his after all. He knows his genius is incomparable so- wait… you beat him? Since when did you become so good? You must tell him all the details now, he wants to know your thought process and the strategy’s name and how the other matches went and-
You shut him up with a kiss and invite him for some more chess games in your shared bedroom.
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rd0265667 · 2 years
Chaewon X Reader: The Girl I once loved
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Tags: Fluff, Angst at the end, there will be TW but it'll be delayed to avoid spoilers.
TW!: There is some TW stuff, but it'll be indicated later to avoid spoilers
Word Count:3.2k Words
There was a girl I once knew. Her name was Kim Chaewon, she was in my class, the life of the party, the girl every other girl envied, and every guy wanted
And I was lucky enough to be considered her best friend. The one she trusted to always have her back.
We'd hang out during breaks, do homework together, talk for hours complaining about how her string of admirers wouldn't leave her alone again.
I remember her incessant teasing after she'd beat me at a test, insisting I buy her her favourite mint choco ice cream as a reward for beating me, an obsession I never understood, but always indulged in, because the way her eyes lit up and her grin spread across her face made that ice cream worth every cent.
During a holiday break once, the two of us hung out at her place watching some romance film, the name of which had long faded from my memory, but I still remember what she asked me. "Do you believe in true love?" She asked, giggling as she watched the two leads kiss "I think love is just a chemical reaction in your brain tricking you into thinking it's love" I shrugged, dodging a thrown pillow from her "Nerd" She jeered, before turning to see the credits roll, reaching over to start the next movie
Graduation was a huge milestone for the both of us. While happy to be done with school, neither of us knew for sure what to do after Graduation. She was thinking of becoming a singer, while I contemplated a career in Law. The day after graduation, the two of us sat in the diner as she gleefully licked at her mint choco ice cream, before she stuck her pinky out to me. "Hey, let's make a promise. When you become a hotshot lawyer, and or I become a famous Singer, let's promise to never forget each other." She excitedly said, as I smiled at her enthusiasm, interlocking my pinky with hers. How could I ever forget her? You don't just forget your first crush just like that. She gleefully went back to her ice cream, her hair a mess from the screaming after she got her graduation certificate. Somehow, she still looked ethereal. Maybe it was just me. But even a mess, she was perfect.
It was a rainy Thursday night. I remember the confusion I was in as I walked into our diner, seeing Chaewon sitting nervously there, fidgeting as she looked around. "Hey Chae, what's going on? You looked less nervous before our exams!" I said as I ordered my drink "I have something important to tell you Y/N." The tension was palpable the moment Chaewon looked me dead in the eye, sounding more serious than I had ever heard her I nodded in acknowledgment, before she began. "My dad got a Job in America, we're moving there next month. They also enrolled me into a music academy there, so I can finally become a Singer!" She explained, trying her best to sound enthusiastic, but I could see through her facade. "That's great Chae! What's wrong?" I asked, before noticing tears streaming down her face. I ran to her side, kneeling beside her and put my hand on her face, gently wiping her tears away, the same way I had always done whenever lightning struck and Chaewon would get a huge scare. "It's just... I'll be leaving you! We'll drift apart then you'll forget all about me!" She exclaimed, throwing herself at me, she wrapping her hands around my shoulders "Don't worry about that Chae! You're going to be fulfilling your dreams! And I could never forget you Chae! Remember the promise we made?" She looked up at me, a small smile on her tear stained face as she lifted her pinky up, an action I reciprocated, as she said, "Pinky Promises last forever right?" "Of Course Chae." I said with a small smile, as Chaewon quickly wiped her tears away, our food coming and we enjoyed our meals together, discussing how the two of us would always keep in touch. I'm glad I was a good enough actor then, it would have hurt even more to break down in front of her.
The roaring of jet engines proved helpful to stifle my soft whimpers as I stood outside the departure hall with Chaewon, her parent's heading inside for us to say our goodbyes. She still noticed though. She always noticed when I was feeling down. Always She gently took my hand in hers, lightly squeezing as she forced a smile. "Don't worry, we'll keep in touch, I'll message you whenever I can, and we'll meet one day, alright?" I nodded but continued to look down, unwilling to let Chaewon see me like this. She quickly hugged me, whispering a soft goodbye into my ear before turning, about to miss her departure time. It lingered in my throat. The words about to achieve take off but came to a crashing halt. "I love you." That's all I wanted to say, just three simple words, fearing that I would never be able to say it to her ever again, but there I stood. A crying idiot waving at their departing best friend
The next 7 years when by in just a blur, I went to law school, got my certification, and I'm about a year into my job as Associate at a Law Firm. The hustle and bustle of life as a Lawyer certainly got to me, but through it all, I never forgot her, and thankfully, she didn't forget me.
I had just told my secretary to delay any phone calls, to tell them I had an important matter to deal with.
Inside my office, I waited anxiously by my phone, before hearing a chime
Chae<3: It's up!
I turned to the computer, seeing the newest article pop up.
Sony Music Entertainment has announced the debut of a new solo artist, Kim Chaewon, with her debut single, "White Flowers"
The phone then rung, as Chaewon and I cheered in excitement, Chaewon's dream finally coming true. "Thank you so much Y/N! I couldn't have done this without you, or your late night calls whenever I wanted to give up." I only smiled, she didn't know it but the late night calls with her was what kept me going, she was my motivation, my light at the end of the tunnel. "Oh, and Y/N, I have great news! My label wants to expand their music into Korea, and they want me to spearhead the new subsidiary!" I still remember how my secretary looked into the office as if I went insane, but frankly that didn't matter. All that mattered to me was, I was getting her back.
The day she came back to me was perhaps one of the happiest days of my life. There I stood at the arrival hall, excitement brimming with a "Welcome Kim Chaewon" sign and a small brown bag. I waited and waited, till finally, in the crowd, and some bodyguards, I spotted her. Like a bullet, she immediately ran to me, much to the dismay of her bodyguards.
"I missed you" She muttered as she hugged me tight, as I reciprocated, setting the sign down. "Here you go." I said, handing her the small brown bag She opened it, with some mist surfacing as her eyes lit up. "Thank you so much Y/N, let's go!" She said, pulling me along to the van her company chartered. On the van, we talked as if we hadn't talked to each other, despite our daily texts. All the while, she devoured her mint choco ice cream, and the way she smiled after the first bite would always stick out to me. Soon, as if no time had passed, we had reached her new apartment, as the bodyguards dropped her off, me following her into the apartment.
As soon as she got into the apartment, she pulled me to the couch, gesturing for me to sit down. What she did next remains etched deep in my mind till this day. She gently put her hand on my cheek, leaning in as she gave me a gentle kiss on the lips.
It was honestly how funny how stunned I was when that happened, so stunned that Chaewon thought I didn't like it
I could never forget Chaewon's panicked face, fearing that she had jeopardised our relationship.
I told her that the feeling was mutual of course, and she told me she had liked me since the days when we were just classmates, I confirmed the same too, and 2 minutes later, we were dating. Funny how things work.
"Wanna watch a movie?" She asked, cuddling up to my side as she pulled my arms around her, as I smiled at her, nodding.
It's been 5 years since that moment. We were nervous at first, we were both new to relationships, so we tried our best, too hard even. My bank account will never forget when I rented out an entire 5 star hotel for us to have a romantic evening out. God, Chaewon gave me the tongue-lashing of my life. We also didn't know about the honeymoon phase, the first few months where everything was perfect, went absolutely swimmingly, then once we got out of the honeymoon phase, gosh, our first fight, I still chuckle when I remember that. I had forgotten to reply to her message once, and she ignored me till I bought her ice cream. Mild, compared to other stories I had heard. We also had small fights here and there, silly stuff really, it was just us refusing to put our egos aside sometimes, but thankfully, our love helped us pull through. Chaewon had a rule. Never go to sleep angry at the other person. If the other person was angry, the two of us had to sit and discuss it out, only sleeping when we reached an understanding, and it worked, our fights never lasted more than a day, and the two of us were happy.
Our first anniversary was one for the history books. We both wanted to surprise each other, thus ensued shenanigans that would make Modern Family proud. Chaewon even faked a pregnancy to get me to leave the restaurant. Gosh that gave me a fright. It was all worth it though, the two of us finally enjoyed a small picnic under the stars as we held each other.
Meeting her friends were a joy too. Yunjin was a never ending rattle who could never stop talking despite her I- personality type, and Kazuha was a silent E- personality type. Those two are like Yin and Yang. Sakura was like Chaewon's mother some times, which I appreciated, and Eunchae was like our kid. It was nice to meet them, nice to be able to be a small part of Chaewon's artiste life, and nice to know that when I was working, Chaewon was in good hands.
As the days passed, both Chaewon and I excelled in our fields, Chaewon hitting the top of the charts with multiple songs, and me finally made a big enough name for myself to start my own law firm.
The day our relationship became public was, abrupt to say the least. I was rehearsing my closing statement for some case I believe, when my secretary came barging into the office.
"You're dating Kim Chaewon?" She exclaimed, herself a huge fan of Chaewon's work. How she never noticed Chaewon and I hanging out after work is something I'll never understand.
Turns out we got caught by Dispatch, and Chaewon's label soon confirmed the rumours. I was partly relieved too, able to hang out in broad daylight instead of having to hide like forbidden lovers.
The crack in our perfect life happened the day after our third anniversary. Chaewon had insisted on going to practice for her new comeback, even though I had taken leave from work, hoping to spend time with her, but I was more than happy to watch her at work. She was performing a choreography when all of the sudden, she collapsed to the ground. I was shocked out of my mind of course. I remember carrying her down the building, putting her on the stretcher before she was rushed to the hospital.
TW! Warning here: Sickness and Death...
I remember walking out of the hospital in a rage, as Chaewon was chasing behind me. "Jagi, listen to me." She pleaded, pulling me as she tried to get me to stop. "No! How could you not tell me this!" I shouted back. The sad part was that I wasn't mad at her. "I'm mad because the love of my life has a serious illness and she didn't tell me!" I screamed, before crumpling to the ground sobbing, Chaewon consoling me.
At home, I sat at the table, numb as Chaewon sat next to me. The doctor told us that Chaewon had an incurable illness. Something they had no medicine for, no way to slow down either. She had around a year to live.
"Jagi, I'm sorry for not telling you. I just wanted to find a way to break the news to you more gently..." She muttered, to which I didn't react. How was I supposed to react to knowing that in a year, I would lose her.
After sitting at the table for a long time, Chaewon quickly walked up to me, handing me a letter. It was a resignation letter. The choreography she had been working on was going to be her last song, a last song for her fans to enjoy before she quit. She also gave me a proposition. Take an extended leave from my company. After she had released her last song, travel the world with her. It was a tough pill to swallow, but if I was really going to lose her, I wanted to make her the happiest woman for the rest of her life.
So we did. We went to the Antarctic to see the Northern Lights, kissed at the top of the Eiffel Tower, enjoyed a boat ride along the rivers of Venice, we went everywhere. I made sure to cherish every day I had left with her, made sure to shower her with gifts and luxurious days, but she said the best day for her was back in Korea, only a month from the one year mark the doctor had told her about. We both sat at the now old but still bustling diner, our old spot still standing strong as I walked to our table, smiling as I slid her a small brown bag. She hurriedly devoured it, as I watched her enjoy the ice cream. We then went to our house, setting out a small picnic mat as we just enjoyed each other's company. Not a word was uttered. None were necessary. The two of us simply laid under the stars, all we had were each other. and that was enough.
In the last month, we ran around Korea, recreating our favourite dates, like that time I threw up on a merry go round, or when she accidentally fell into a field of flowers and almost got us thrown out. The year I had spent with her was really the happiest I had ever been
The day had to come, of course. We had both anticipated it. We were watching a tv show when Chaewon suddenly fainted, and I knew what was going on. But no amount of anticipation would ever prepare me for what happened on that day.
Chaewon was brought to the hospital, with the doctors trying the usual procedures that we all knew were futile. The doctor came out with a somber look on her face.
"She doesn't have long. Spend her last minutes with her, I'm sure she'd feel better."
I rushed in, seeing Chaewon looking at me with a smile, as I tried my best to force a smile.
"Hey jagi" She coarsely whispered, the pain in her voice almost making me break down, but I stayed strong...for her.
"Hey Chae." I whimpered, trying to will my tears not to fall.
"Don't cry my love. This isn't goodbye forever. You told me you believe in an afterlife right?" She said smiling, holding my hand as I profusely nodded.
"That's right, so this isn't goodbye forever. I promise to find you in our afterlife, and I'll love you in that one too." She said, as I finally gave up, sobbing into the bed.
"I know you didn't want me to do this because you didn't want to be a burden but I really have to." I said, pulling out a small jewelry box from my pocket, kneeling before her as I said, "Kim Chaewon, will you be my lawfully wedded wife?"
With teary eyes, she nodded, as I gently slid the ring onto her ring finger.
"Thank you Chae. Thank you for everything. Thank you for loving me when I didn't think I deserved love, Thank you for always caring for me, and Thank you for always being you." I profusely said, not wanting the last moments with Chaewon to be just the two of us crying.
"No, Thank you Jagi, Thank you for all the midnight calls back then, and all the love you've showered me with all these years. And I'm sorry that I can't love you in this life anymore. I'm sorry for leaving first" She said, her tears dripping down her face too.
"No, you're just going early to get a headstart in building our house in the afterlife. I'll find you there alright? I promise." I said, as Chaewon nodded, smiling as her breath slowly became raggedy.
"I love you Chaewon." I whispered, hugging her as she whispered back, "I love you too Y/N. And I always will"
Then, *beeeeeeeeep*
I shut my eyes tightly, tears silently dripping out, before leaning forward, gently kissing her forehead before the doctor walked in, marking the time of death.
Then, one year later, it brings us to today.
I walked to a sea of stone tablets, the route already memorised, with a small basket in my hand.
As I reached my destination, I looked down, seeing her tombstone.
I gingerly opened the basket, pulling out a white Dahlia. Chaewon always loved white Dahlias. I set it down, her tablet free from dust as I visited her monthly, making sure everything was orderly and then just to talk to her.
"Hey Chae. It's been a year since you left. I wonder how our house looks like now. Maybe we have a house similar to what we had. Hopefully it's close to the diner too! Hehe, also, I finally finished the project. The Kim Chaewon Foundation is up and running internationally. Millions of underprivileged people are receiving help because of you Chae. I hope you're proud of me." I whispered as I sat next to her, tears slowly flowing from my eyes.
I pulled out the last item from my basket, two small brown bags. I gently placed one in front of her, before pulling my own out, eating and remembering all the memories it brought about.
I talked to her for another 20 minutes, before getting up, whispering to her, "I love you Chaewon, I can't wait to see you again." before walking to my car
There was a girl I once knew. Her name was Kim Chaewon, global superstar, the life of the party, the girl every other girl envied, and every guy wanted to be with. But to me, she was just Chaewon. My beloved Chae. My Soulmate She was my everything. And I loved her.
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ladylilithprime · 8 months
Series: Fluffy Faerie Tales
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Sastimmy/Jamstiel (Jimmy Novak/Sam Winchester/Castiel)
Rating: General
Tags/Warnings: Half-Fae Sam Winchester, Jimmy and Castiel Are Twins, Selkie Jack Kline, Sam Winchester Is Jack Kline's Adopted Father, Magical Snow, Non-Canon Mystical Worldbuilding
Summary: The average snowfall per year for southern New Jersey is around ten to fifteen inches. Getting twenty inches overnight leading to an unexpected snow day is bound to raise a few eyebrows.
For: @fluffyfebruary challenge!
Prompt: Day 1: Snow
Read on AO3
IF ANYONE BOTHERED to ask one of the many, many magical beings who had come out in the open at the turn of the millennium, particularly the more long-lived species who tended to measure their lifespans in the hundreds and thousands as a matter of course, the question of global warming would have been put definitively to rest. Several groups had, in fact, asked about it, along with asking if any of the more magically powerful beings could do anything to fix it. (The answer to that was complicated and boiled down to selfishness and the balance of debt versus what could be done without magic and incurred debt, which didn't really make anyone happy.)
It wasn't that snow never fell in or around southern New Jersey - they averaged about ten to fifteen inches a year compared to the more northern parts of the state - but the average was spread out and sporadic, and had been getting moreso in the last twenty years. So it was regarded as somewhat odd by the people of southern New Jersey when the town of Avalon got a solid twenty inches of snow in one night. The National Weather Service remarked on the last time the area received such a heavy snowfall and reminded people to bundle up and drive carefully. Schools and several businesses closed for inclement weather and most everyone just treated the heavy snowfall as slightly unexpected but still within normal bounds.
The kids were much less restrained, running up and down the streets with glee, making snow statues and forts for snowball fights. Many of them darted into Lighthouse CommodiTeas for hot cocoa from Sam and the snowflake shaped iced gingerbread cookies made by Jimmy and Cas. All of them gleefully shouted thanks to the half-faerie man and his boyfriends, and then darted back out into the frozen fray once they had warmed up enough to handle the snow again.
Most of the adults were perfectly willing to go along with that, even the ones who knew better, and the ones that weren't largely kept their grumbling to themselves. Places like Lighthouse CommodiTeas, The Kitchen Witch, and The Black Cats' Kettle stayed open to offer folks hot drinks or hearty soups to warm up with. A few customers even quietly found an excuse to tip extra, though whether it was for the hot sustenance or for the gift of the extra snow and a respite from work was kept to themselves.
And in the thick of it all was Jack, his seal form well insulated against the cold as he galumphed about with the kids. All morning and well into the afternoon, he could be found posing as a model for a snow selkie sculpture for one group of kids, balancing snowballs on his nose for them like a circus act or batting them from one team to another across the street, burrowing into drifts to retrieve lost toys or shoes, and generally having the best time ever under the rotating indulgently watchful eyes of his family.
"Do I even want to know how much effort it really took for you to do this for Jack?" Jimmy asked in an undertone during one of the lulls in the flow of customers.
"Actually boosting the storm so we'd get four times as much snow?" Sam chuckled. "Not as difficult as you might think, though the harder part was balancing the energies to keep it from producing a backlash somewhere else. Rowena helped in exchange for one free drink a day for two weeks, and Tasha traded a bag of hellfire roasted coffee beans for her help."
"She's using them in the brown bread she's baking to go with the soup at the Kettle," Cas spoke up, one of his hands finding Jimmy's to play with the spinning ring. "She usually buys them from Crowley for the autumn and winter seasons, so trading her magic for them to you instead of him lets her keep on top of that while still helping out."
"Besides," Sam murmured, casting a glance out the window at his frolicking son. "They're trades I have no reservations making to see Jack so happy, and I'm positive that both Tasha and Rowena know it."
"Good point," Jimmy conceded. He snickered. "Looks like we're about to get another wave of chilled children and a snow-covered selkie."
"And another round of hot cocoa requests," Sam predicted with his own chuckle, exchanging kisses with his boyfriends before stepping away to get started prepping the cups for the cocoa.
No one was surprised when he was proven right.
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Since phillip is so uncomfortable shopping for adult items in person, I imagine he does his adult shopping online.
What about this scenario, Hyacinth notices a discrete package from a adult online store on their counter top.
She recognizes the senders name because she has ordered from them before.
Hyacinth saddles up to Eloise and teases her about the purchase and asks what she ordered.
Eloise looks Hyacinth dead in the eye and ask what's she talking about.
Phillips ears are bright red.
What is Eloises next move? What about Hyacinth?
Do the sisters end up wrestling on the floor?
What do you think poor Phillip tried to order?
I decided to make this into a little mini fic. So, you know, feel free to read more.
"El, I have that book you were asking for!" Hyacinth said as she waltzed through the door of Phillip's (and she supposed Eloise's, now that her sister had officially moved in) house.
Eloise walked into the entryway from the kitchen, a perplexed look on her face.
"Hyacinth? How did you get in here? Did the twins not lock the door?"
"Oh it was locked, I used the spare," Hyacinth smiled and raised the key in her hand, "You might want to find a better hiding place than behind a wobbly brick on the stoop. Who knows who could just waltz into the house."
"I'll keep that in mind," Eloise said flatly, turning back to the kitchen, "come on in, not that you needed my invitation."
"So, what are you up to? Where are Phillip and the twins?" Hyacinth asked, taking a seat at the kitchen island as Eloise returned to what she had been doing before her sister walked in.
"Phillip is doing some school supply shopping with the twins, and I'm cutting orange slices," Eloise said, picking up a knife and gesturing to the cutting board that held a combination of orange slices and uncut oranges.
"And... you are doing that...why?" Hyacinth asked.
"Amanda has a soccer game this afternoon and it's her turn to provide snacks," Eloise said, slicing an orange in half.
"Look at you," Hyacinth grinned, "from independent woman to soccer mom in less than a year."
Eloise looked up and gave her sister an inscrutable look, somewhere between an indulgent smile and a complacent grin.
"If you would have told me nine months ago that I'd be cutting orange slices for a child's soccer game, I wouldn't have believed you," Eloise chuckled, "but I can't say I'm not pleased with how everything's shaken out. I love Phillip and I love the twins. So I'm more than happy to slice up oranges for them."
Hyacinth shifted in her seat, "Well, I'm happy for you El. I'll get out of your hair, I just wanted to return the Chomsky book I borrowed"
Hyacinth really was happy for Eloise. She liked Phillip and the twins were an absolute hoot. But when she looked at how happy Eloise was with Phillip, and how happy her best friend Felicity was with her boyfriend Geoff, she couldn't help but feel a little... empty.
That empty feeling dissipated, however, when Hyacinth went to set the book down by a pile of mail and saw a package with a return address that she recognized.
"Well, what do we have here?" Hyacinth said gleefully, reveling in the opportunity to embarrass her sister.
"What?" Eloise said, looking up from her oranges.
Hyacinth lifted up the package and quirked her brow, "Atlantic innovations?" she inquired.
"That must be something for Phillip, I don't know why you're so interested," Eloise said, shrugging and looking down to quarter an orange.
"Oh I'm sure it's for Phillip," Hyacinth laughed, "Or maybe in place of him? Is he going out of town for a botany symposium or something?"
Eloise put her knife down, "Hy, what the hell are you talking about?"
"I know it's a sex toy, El," she said in an indelicate whisper, "I've received several discreet packages from 'Atlantic Innovations' myself..."
Eloise was about to open her mouth when the front door opened. Phillip came into the kitchen carrying a couple of shopping bags, as the thumps of two pairs of feet clamored up the stairs.
"Hey El, we're back," Phillip said, walking over to place a kiss on Eloise's cheek, "Do you want some help with the oranges?"
Phillip then followed Eloise's line of sight to Hyacinth.
"Oh, hey Hyacinth, to what do we owe the pleasure?" he said, settling his arm around Eloise's waist
"Hy was just dropping off a book she borrowed and snooping through our mail," Eloise answered before her sister could get a word in edgewise.
Eloise felt Phillip's arm tense once he saw the package in Hyacinth's hand. She looked up to see his jaw flex and the tips of his ears start to turn red. Ah, so the package was for Phillip.
"However she was just leaving since she knows we all have a very busy afternoon, and don't have time to answer her probing questions about the household's correspondence, " Eloise continued, knowing that if Hyacinth had a chance to sus out the situation, Phillip wouldn't be able to look her sister in the eye ever again.
"Yup," Hyacinth grinned as she set the package down and gave it a gentle pat, "I'll be on my merry way. Good to see you Phillip, give the twins my love."
Just as she was about to walk through the kitchen doorway she looked over her shoulder with a diabolical grin and added: "Have fun you two."
As soon as she heard the front door shut, Eloise turned to Phillip and immediately asked: "So what's in the box?"
"I'm not sure what you mean," Phillip said, avoiding eye contact and turning more crimson by the minute.
"Hyacinth clocked the fake return address right away and knew it was from an online sex shop," Eloise explained.
"Oh god," Phillip said with a grimace.
"And I know I didn't order anything," Eloise continued, wrapping her arms around Phillip's neck, "so I can't help but be incredibly curious about the contents of this unassuming box."
"It was supposed to be a surprise," Phillip said, leaning his forehead against Eloise's.
"I got all the surprise I needed today by learning about my baby sister's online shopping habits, I don't know if I could handle anymore," Eloise said with a laugh.
"It's uh, saliva-activated lubricant." Phillip let out underneath his breath.
"Saliva-activated lubricant?" Eloise inquired looking up at him, eyes sparkling with curiosity.
"Yeah, so, when it comes into contact with moisture, it starts to tingle," Phillip responded blushing and looking away.
"Interesting...." Eloise said, standing on the tips of her toes to whisper in his ear, "I can't wait to try it tonight."
Phillip smirked and kissed Eloise's ear "Me neither."
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That’s the Real Question
A.N: Happy New Year!! I hope everyone had a great holiday!! 
Came up with two oneshots for Firelit Sky/ Al'ab Nariya event! My second most sought after event after Fairy Gala!! (Halloween would be third)
Mia gets to meet Jamil’s sister!! 
Twisted Wonderland Masterlist  
“Wa!! Are you the Mia Anderson?” 
Mia blinked as she suddenly had Najma standing before her with a huge grin. 
“Uh, yes?” 
“You are famous! Mia Anderson, the only non-magical student at Night Raven College and the only female to boot! I’ve seen you on Magicam. You blew up during Halloween last year!” Najma rattled off. 
Mia blinked, at a lost for words. 
“Najma, take two steps back, you are crowding her!” Jamil snapped. 
Najma obeyed, but still her eyes glittered, “Mia, I’ve always wanted to ask you....what’s it like?” 
“What is?” 
“Being the only female at an all male college, of course?” 
Carter wheezed while Trey’s eyes widened. Malleus only blinked and Grim looked unimpressed. 
Jamil snapped, “Najma! What is wrong with you? Stop asking stupid questions!” 
Mia was a little embarrassed by this, “Uh, I’m not sure how to answer that, actually.”
“Okay, but just answer me this! You are surrounded by all guys, surely you think some of them are cute!” 
“NAJMA!!” Jamil was almost ready to pop a cork while Carter laughed louder. 
“That’s quite a question….” Trey trailed off.  
“My brother is ugly as sin, so we won’t count him. What about the others?” Najma whispered, not being deterred, “My friends and I have always wondered what it would be like to be the only female amidst a bunch of guys. Come on, there has to be some benefits!” 
Jamil had enough and reached out to haul Najma towards him, “You can leave if you insist on being a nuisance.” 
Najma pushed back, “Come on, brother! I just a simple question.” 
“Sounds like a loaded one to me!” Carter cackled, “But now I’m curious! Mia, how is it being surrounded by all guys. I’ve never thought to wonder.” 
Trey shook his head with a sigh, “Don’t encourage this situation!” 
Carter crowed, “Come on, Mia!!” 
Mia glared, “Very tiring, sometimes. Like now….” 
Najma nodded, “I would think so. Having to be the voice of reason amidst a sea of testosterone. As young refined ladies, sometimes it’s asking too much.” 
Mia reached out with a fist bump that Najma gleefully returned. 
Jamil just sighed.  
“Is it truly that troublesome?” Malleus asked, looking distressed at the idea. 
Carter spoke up, “Having sisters, I can say, probably is sometimes. At times, they seem to get mad at me for simply existing.”
Najma glared, “I can promise you, it almost always something you did or didn’t do. But men can be so clueless sometimes that it’s irksome to us women.” 
Mia slid her another fistbump that Najma returned. 
“Why do I feel like I’m being ganged up upon?” questioned Trey. 
“That’s because we are.” sighed Carter. 
“But seriously, Mia, please tell me, do you find any of the guys at college cute?” 
“WHY are we back there again?!” Jamil cried. Why was his sister stuck on this? 
Najma growled, “Ain’t nobody talking about you!”   
Mia heaved a sigh, “Well, I will say…..” 
The boys perked up at this, staring at her intently. 
“You do not have to indulge my sister’s whims.” Jamil stated, providing her an out, he hoped she would take, “She doesn’t understand that she is making this awkward for all parties involved.” 
Carter gave a fleeting smirk, “I’m a bit intrigue, actually.” 
“Not! Helping!” Jamil bit out. 
“Thank you, but it’s not a problem. I am a young lady surrounded by young men. That’s a fact. But I’m not blind, just so you know. I can see…that’s all I have to say on the subject.” Mia gave a lazy ripple of shoulders. 
Najma giggled, “I know, right?! That’s exactly what I was thinking. In this kind of situation, you aren’t blind. It’s makes perfect sense.” 
Malleus blinked and cocked his head, “What...makes sense?” 
“I think I get it….” Trey trailed off. Don’t ask him to explain it though... 
Jamil just grumbled under his breath. 
“It’s girl talk.” said Carter, “Basically, in not so many words, Mia had acknowledged that she finds some of the guys on campus cute because she isn't blind, even if she would never come out and say so directly.”
“Ahh, I see.” Malleus murmured. 
Najma gave a wicked smirk, “But my brother isn’t one of them, correct?”  
Mia giggled.  
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sweetmage · 11 months
Thinking sooo much about Mindflayer!Rhidyl + his relationship with Gale. A lot of this hinges on homebrew and headcanons and self-indulgence, but it's all for fun, right? 😊
Putting below the cut because there are heavy end game spoilers + its REALLY long.
- So in the AU where it's just Rhidyl and Gale (no other companions for their whole journey) Rhidyl makes the sacrifice to become a mindflayer in the end. I was happy to know that Gale is, afaik, the only character that sticks with (and gleefully so) when you make this choice so I knew I had to do it in at least one canon.
-Rhidyl has never expressed emotions strongly to begin with, so the shift in his personality is not a drastic one. However, his ability to convincingly act and take up new, bolder personalities for convenience or comedic effect is diminished.
- Rhidyl, a drow raised as a tool since he was old enough to walk, has never had any concept of love but became fascinated by this bizarre emotion when he came to the surface and read their literature or the notes he found on the corpses of his targets. It was through Gale that he first experienced this and it became a very precious feeling to him. Though he processes and experiences it differently now, the feeling remains (as does his curiosity, another important emotion) so he is rather content with his current status.
- Gale does not prep or warn his mother before introducing Rhidyl to her. Though he trusts his mother, he knows how mindflayers are rightfully viewed and he knows there is much to explain to her and it may not sit well (at first). However, he also acknowledges that Rhidyl cannot help the way that he is or looks and it feels wrong to go around warning people about him as though he's ashamed. Thankfully, after a momentary shock, Morena accepts him readily.
- While Gallus (his owlbear) was very apprehensive to he greeted with Rhidyl's new form, Scratch recognized him instantly and was happy to see him alive. In fact, he couldn't quite place what was so different (new haircut, perhaps?)
- Rhidyl struggles to properly regulate his body temperature after his transformation, so he benefits a lot from warm sweaters and being curled in Gale's arms.
- Just for fun (and so he has a distinct design) Rhidyl's illithid form is also pale skinned with pink eyes. He is also relatively small and lithe, being only a few inches taller than he was preior to ceremorphosis. The fact that he retains some of the traits of his prior body makes Gale feel more hopeful that it's really him in there.
- The idea that it might not be Rhidyl is a constant in the back of Gale's mind, though he has few others in his life and the idea that Rhidyl may have died and been replaced by something else is one he'd rather not consider. Especially when he feels as though his own sacrifice could have spared him. Furthermore, he never lets on that he has these occasional doubts because if this is the real Rhidyl he would never want him to feel unloved or scrutinized.
-The wording of Wither's remark that mindflayers lose their apostolic soul left Gale with some curiosity and a bit of hope. Perhaps his soul wasn't entirely lost, but merely changed in a way not understood to this world.
-The two remain very close as the years wear on, enduring the hardships that come with Rhidyl's condition (especially as it pertains to sustaining himself and avoiding harassment and persecution), engaging in telepathic or weave-guided intimacy, and using their exceptional thinking skills for research into all manners of magic. Of course, Rhidyl remains a rational and guiding hand to keep Gale from falling to his hubris.
- Rhidyl and Omeluum made exceptional strides in their research together into their conditions and managed to help several others who have broken free from their enthrallment seek refuge. The issue of ethical sustainment remains unsolved, unfortunately.
-As Gale regains his magical prowess and continues his own research on Rhidyl, he begins to consider the possibility of trying to restore his soul. He brings it up to him hesitantly under a heavy amount of disclaimers that he would love him and be happy with him either way, but Rhidyl is open and receptive to the idea in a relatively indifferent sort of way.
- Gale plans to restore his soul with a Wish, but a part of him fears that he'll discover he's spent the past few decades with an imposter. He goes through with it anyway, and whatever happens to Rhidyl's body during the alteration causes him to collapse. Gale rushes him to bed where he recovers over a few hours.
-When he comes to, it at first seems the worst has come to pass as Rhidyl claims that he wasn't himself that whole time and seems shocked and disturbed by everything (which Gale can feel telepathically). Though he quickly clarifies that he was aware and present the whole time (though even he isn't sure if this is actually the case or if all those memories are just so well integrated into his current mind that he can't tell the difference) but simply different in a way he didn't recognize. More than anything he feels guilty for how distant and cold he had been during this whole time, but Gale never cared because it was him.
- They continue to live a happy little wizard and squiddy life together for hundreds of years more ❤️
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not--waving--drowning · 6 months
and every transgression
is a step in your direction
my fire becomes a pyre
there may be no resurrection
rituals and sacrifices
they all served as distractions
meant to captivate and exculpate
but bring no satisfaction
heathen words and promises
aimed to ignite your passions
given out in increments
all pleasure must be rationed
I'll soothe your soul and pull you in
you can't see i am an assassin
suddenly we're spinning out
and you don't know what happened
you were sure you knew the story
but this isn't part of cannon
ours is just a one-off
your seat belt should be fastened
we hurtle headlong forward
drive right past the bastions
you stare at me and ask aloud
is this part a new expansion?
i laugh at you and grab your hand
for us to survive this plane
we must jump into the fire
then jump back out again
we hold on tight the fire's a cliff
and soon we find we're falling
but unlike Icarus we live
the wind up here is calming
i look at you and now i see
for some reason you are smiling
of a the souls I've met before
you find me beguiling
i've not tried to be charming
and i've been rather unsmiling
but for some reason you've found in me
a spark you find exciting
now you start making promises
now and forever- i heard you say for eternity
i smile and listen gleefully
will you join me in my perversity
to live forever and live alone
has always been my monstrosity
but you've renounced your mortal life
with no signs of animosity
you simply smile and nod your head
a partner to my atrocities
now you are making suggestions
can we indulge your curiosities
so now i have a partner in crime
i'll make you immortal like me
through flames and space, distance and time
we'll indulge in frivolity
so now together hand in hand
we'll live life with ferocity
happy we'll be together forever
we are the anomaly
with no rules and all the time in the world
we'll run the galaxy together
knowing now we'll never part
our souls they have been tethered
and you don't always have to like me
as long as your love is true
let me tell you a secret
i'd have given up my immortality for you.
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keenvictory · 2 years
Hello Lovely~ : ̗̀➛
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Synopsis: Xyx can’t help the terrible crush he has on you, it demands to be heard, to be seen, and seems intent on embarrassing him at every turn. He isn’t sure if it’s better, or worse, that the two of you are already dating. 
: ̗̀➛ Featured Characters: Xyx x Gn!Reader
̗̀➛ Content Warnings: No warnings needed.
̗̀➛  Additional notes: Happy 2k Bloomini discord community, have this incredibly self-indulgent offering in this time of celebration. Xyx deserves all the love, and I believe I have thoroughly doted on him in this little fic. Have a great rest of your day or night, and thank you for reading. 
Yours Faithfully, V.      
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The way you made his heart flutter was criminal. Xyx had already decided it, had drawn up the exact regulations it broke, making sure to dot his I’s and cross his T’s,  pinpointed all the things you did that broke this little law he made, made a note, a tally, of all the times it happened, cross-compared his findings to find the links. His lists only grew larger by the day. It was the most ridiculous things too, that got his heart pounding, he could find no rhyme or reason to it, in his dedicated research.
Once when you chased cat around with one of those feather chain toys, once when he caught you singing so gleefully out of key in the shower, once when you fiddled with the little chain necklace he’d bought you to get the charm to lay just so.
Once when you smiled at him. It was only a smile. Such a mundane thing, really. He’d passed you a cup of tea, you’d beamed at him over the rim of the mug, and suddenly it was all he could do to stop himself from dropping the damn thing all over the both of you. Heart hammering like a school boy, what was he, twelve? All sweaty hands and nervous glances. At times he felt worse then Toaster, and that poor guy couldn’t flirt with a portrait without stuttering.
Well, he’d only almost embarrassed himself over your smile once. He could live with that. He’d managed to impress you enough with his suave debonair that one little slip up would probably go unnoticed, right? That shake of the hands and a frantic flutter of the heart over the sweet grin on your face was an outlier, an exception to the norm.
Until it wasn’t. It happened twice, and then a third time. By the fifth, when he stumbled over the rug after watching you smile down at Cat, he started to wonder if something was seriously wrong with him. You’d only laughed at him, sure these little slip ups were part of some joke he hadn’t revealed the punchline of just yet, and for that he was… thankful? He didn’t know. Part of him wanted to keep it a tight-lipped secret, breezing off each little incident as nothing, even though his research clearly showed otherwise. But part of him longed to have you know. He couldn’t think why, what he might gain from your realisation that suddenly your every fucking move made him red-faced and sweaty-palmed. At best you’d be infuriatingly smug over your new-found power over him, he knew full well he would be, and at worst you’d be… creeped out. Unnerved. That was one of the last things he wanted, and yet he reveled in the idea of telling you, of having you say the same, that secretly you’d felt the same way all the time and that…that….
The realization struck him late at night, sitting up straight in bed, to the confused mews of cat bundled securely in his arms. It was like a crush. This terrifying hold you’d gained on him suddenly, was nothing more then a crush. Well, what use was that. You’d already expressed your feelings to him years ago, the two of you LIVED together for fucks sake, it was well-established that you loved each other and yet… Here he was, with a stupid, interfering little crush on his partner.
It was ridiculous. And infuriating. He thought he was long past that embarrassing little phase, but here it was, rearing it’s ugly head to remind him how helplessly smitten he was with you. Well, there was nothing to be done about it really. So what if he had a crush on you? You’d had a crush on him once too you know.
Xyx had planned to keep it a cheesy little secret. A sweet thing he muttered when he was certain you were fast asleep, an embarrassing problem he vented to cat when it was only him and the little thief left in the apartment, a secret he definitely did not share with anyone in the server. BigLady would never let him live it down. As much as he wanted to tell you, as much as he loved you, and he desperately, heart-achingly loved you, he still had his pride.
It was exhilarating, in a way. The electric spark in his chest whenever your eyes met, the blaze of heat you leave behind when you nudge his shoulder for more room washing dishes together, the way he thought he’d simply fucking combust and die on your doorstep when you kissed him goodbye each morning. He could let himself indulge in all the quiet, meaningful nothings of a fleeting crush all over again, without fear of your knowing smirk or teasing gaze. Was it so wrong of him to want to admire you?
So he’d keep it a secret. From everyone, for now. Well, everyone except Cat, but he knew if anyone in that house could keep a secret it was that little bastard. Cat had managed to hide a hairball in your bed for hours before the pair of you had found it, and then rolled on their back as innocent as ever, the fiend.
But well, when did things ever go to plan, when it came to the three of you?
It was cats fault, Xyx was certain of it. The two of you were cooking, a domestic little treat that threatened to send his heart into overdrive if he thought too hard about it. You’d been determined to make your own garlic bread, the dough laid out on a flour splattered counter. It was a peaceful, content evening of cooking and relaxation after a long day of work. Until all hell broke lose.
Cat jumped on the counter while your backs were turned, leaving perfect paw-prints in the dusted flour. They’d just sunk their little footsies into the dough when you turned around, your disapproving laughter sending a shockwave of sappy affection through all the parts of his brain that he needed for common sense. He ran a hand through his hair to calm himself, leaving a white trail of flour behind. In turn, your laughter only increased, grabbing his face with your own flour covered hands and leaving white streaks in your wake. Xyx grinned, tilting his head to press a fleeting kiss to your nose.
“Now look what you’ve done, Doll, I’m a mess.” Your sheepish grin did nothing to calm the racing of his heart, and he shook his head affectionately. “You’re lucky you’re so cute you know, I wouldn’t let you get away with half the things I do if I didn’t have this ridiculous crush on you.”
The words were out in the air before he could stop them. He stilled, you stilled, even cat, who was quite contently continuing their art project in your precious dough, went motionless.
“I didn’t… I mean-“ He searched his love-addled brain for a reasonable excuse, but all he could think about was the excited look blooming in your eyes. “I didn’t mean anything by that just forget it- What! Quit laughing at me, bunny, you know, you had a crush on me first so really, if anyone should be embarrassed here it’s you-“
His ramblings were cut short when a fistful of flour hit his chest. His frantic excuses had given you the perfect opportunity to slip your hands from his face and grab a handful of powdery ammunition. His eyes glinted, the familiar thrill of a challenge settling into his skin. He knew you were giving him time to process what he said, what he wanted to tell you, he also knew you’d tease him to hell and back later on, when he was ready. Gods above, he loved you.
“So that’s how it’s gonna be, huh?”
And the flour war began. Like fresh-fallen snow, it coated every surface of the kitchen, no one was left unscathed, and no tactic was too underhand. Luring the other in with a kiss, only to smear flour covered hands down their front, or lifting hands to claim a truce, only to gleefully clap them together, sending a dust cloud of flour across the two of you. All was fair in love and war.
As the dust began to settle, his knees nearly buckled as laughter bubbled up through him. He grabbed you by the waist to hold you close, equally pinning your hands to your sides to save his poor flour-covered body from further warfare, and to gently sway with you to the music from the radio. He tucked your head beneath his chin, if only so you wouldn’t see how stupidly red his face was beneath the streaks and smears of battle. He wondered, absently, if you could feel his heart racing? He felt like he’d run a marathon, or taken one of those lethal expert spin classes.
“I love you.” He said, as the two of you slowly danced across a ruined kitchen.
You shook your head, your smile growing impossibly brighter.
“Love? But If I remember correctly, you said you had a crush on me.”
“Haha very funny. Well I do. I can have a crush on you, and love you, I’m a very three dimensional person, wouldn’t you know.”
He kissed you, sweetly, longingly and contently, all at once. His voice lowered, to an almost inaudible whisper.
“And we both know that’ll never change… but I’d love you more if you helped me clean up the kitchen~?”
Your shared laughter rang through the kitchen, as you finally tore away from each-other, taking in the destruction of your poor kitchen. It was dastardly and criminal, what you did to his poor heart.
Xyx wouldn’t have it any other way.
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