#emh has no business going this hard
wingheadshellhead · 1 year
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Tony Stark & Steve Rogers in Earth's Mightiest Heroes 2.19 Emperor Stark
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divinemissem13 · 3 months
Happy Threshold.2! And happy 2 days until Prodigy season 2! Let's celebrate with a silly little flash fic, inspired by the prompt "I've made a calculated error."
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Jankom Pog CanNOT Fix It
"Jankom! Have you seen this?" Dal exclaimed, crashing through the door of their shared quarters so loudly that Jankom nearly fell out of his chair.
"WHAT?" exclaimed the irritated Tellarite. He was really trying to be on his most agreeable behavior, now that he was an actual Starfleet (warrent) officer… but Dal made it hard sometimes.
Dal waved a PADD in Jankom's face and offered only the sparcest of explanations: "This! How could they not tell us about this?? We could make it to Solum and back in no time!"
"Uh… Jankom has no idea what you are talking about," the engineer stammered unconvincingly. Of course he had learned about the spore drive in his engineering classes, but that technology had been declared unsafe and classified over a century ago. There was no way Dal could have just stumbled upon it on his own.
"Look," Dal insisted, finally holding the PADD still long enough for Jankom to read it.
"WARP TEN?!" Jankom yelped. OK, so not the spore drive then… at least that was a relief. "Warp ten is impossible," he declared, stubbornly crossing his arms over his chest.
"No, it isn't," Dal insisted. "Look, Admiral Janeway herself did it! I wonder why she doesn't just use it now?"
"The Voyager-A is not equipt to handle warp ten. But the original Voyager wasn't either… Hmmm," Jankom skimmed the rest of the article, scratching his head as he thought. "The shuttle modifications don't look all that complicated…"
"So you could do it? We could do it? Go warp ten, find Chakotay, get Gwyn, and be back in time for gamma shift?" Dal begged, his neck appendage swishing excitedly behind him.
"Maaaaybe…" Jankom said reluctantly, but that was all Dal needed to hear.
"Yes! I knew it! Let's go!" Dal exclaimed, already dragging Jankom towards the door.
His enthusiasm was contagious, and Jankom did love a challenge, so he brushed aside his doubts (like why wouldn't Admiral Janeway have just done this to begin with if it's so easy), and gleefully followed Dal to the shuttle bay. 🔟 🦎🦎🦎 🔟
The EMH closed his eyes and rubbed his temples. Holograms don't get headaches, but he had spent enough time with Kathryn Janeway to know when one might be appropriate.
"Let me guess, warp ten?" he asked dryly.
Dal and Jankom Pog sat on biobeds in front of him, nodding miserably.
The change was subtle on Jankom, the all-too-familiar slimy scales largely camoflaged by the Tellarite's thick hide. He probably could have concealed it a bit longer if not for the fact that he was struggling to breathe the ship's air.
Dal, on the other hand, had not only begun to sprout scales and lose the ability to breathe, but the various contributions to his DNA seemed to be evolving at different rates which caused body parts to bulge and change at random. It must have been terribly uncomfortable, and the EMH might even have felt sorry for him if not for the fact that it was the boy's own fault.
"You are very lucky to have me on board. I am the only doctor in the entire fleet who knows how to reverse this, you know," the EMH bragged. He probably could have continued on for quite a while, tooting his own horn, if not for the newest arrival to sickbay.
"Doctor, just get on with it. You can tell them about your endless accomplishments later," Admiral Janeway ordered sternly, adding under her breath, "It can be a part of their punishment."
The EMH busied himself preparing the appropriate treatments while the Admiral marched over to the boys, a stern look plastered on her face. The boys cowered as she laid into them about responsibilities and regulations and punishments.
When she was done, she stood back, put her hands on her hips, and looked them over with a discerning eye. Her voice was gentler when she spoke again, and her eyes glinted with mischief. "Impressive work, boys. Don't do it again. You're just lucky we found you before you finished evolving." She leaned in conspiratorially and added, "I can tell you from experience, being a salamander ain't all it's cracked up to be."
With that, the Admiral turned on her heel and left the boys to the mercies of the EMH.
Dal appeared more confused than ever, but Jankom suddenly remembered something the Admiral had said long ago, when her consciousness was in Dal's body and he shouted, "WHAT?! JANKOM THOUGHT THAT WAS A JOKE!"
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nebulouscoffee · 9 months
much love to you 🫂🫂🫂 here's a star trek ask: what do you think ezri's childhood was like? or alternatively: do you think seven and naomi wildman stay in contact after voyager, and if yes, how do you see that friendship developing?
Thank you friend!! And these are both great questions :D
I think Ezri's childhood was, for lack of a better term, very confined- which is why I'm always so moved by the fact that her destiny (hehe) was to take on an existence so fundamentally expansive. I think her mother did spend a lot of time with her, but it wasn't necessarily time invested in Ezri's needs or dreams for the future- it was more training her in how to be a ruthless hash tag girl boss so she could eventually take over the mining business. We know from canon that her father was barely ever around (mostly because of his bad relationship with her mother), so I think he was originally in the family business but started taking up work elsewhere to get away more, and eventually just never came back? Maybe he took her out on business trips once or twice, and this is where she came to see travel as an escape. She was infused with a lot of curiosity about the galaxy, I mean who knew there was soo much more out there than just mining and business! And this is what gave her this deep desire to explore and meet people of different species and cultures (which her mother never approved of- she wanted all her kids to stay in the Sappora system), which motivated her to join Starfleet- I mean, if she was looking for a way to get out and "seek out new life and civilisations", that was it. (I think given that the place she was born was called "New Sydney", there must've been a fair amount of Humans too- plenty of walking Starfleet brochures lol!) I also think she was raised to be a perfectionist, and that's why she's so hard on herself in canon- I don't think Ezri was this adorkable goof who couldn't do anything right pre-joining, I actually think she was one of those people who literally did everything fine but was just never satisfied with herself. Canon also says she and her brother Norvo were super close; I think he was fundamentally an underachiever so they never really had a competitive relationship (while Janel was more the "model" kid). I think they often took solace in each other and gave each other a much-needed safe space to simply suck at things and be otherwise vulnerable, and so he secretly felt very abandoned when she left
As for Seven and Naomi, lol I'm way too much of a softie to imagine them falling out of touch! I think, given that neither of them really had much of an "Earth/Alpha Quadrant equals home" association, they'd sort of rely on each other to deal with the loneliness that would undoubtedly come with being the only ones not going back, but just... going somewhere else. Samantha would be thrilled to see her home and friends and husband (here's hoping Greskrendtregk survived the Dominion War!!!) but to Naomi, all these people are just strangers. Seven also has extended family on Earth, but she doesn't know any of them, and she's still finding her feet re social skills- she wouldn't immediately feel comfortable going Out There and making new friends imo. I think they'd help each other a lot! And I think, as Seven comes to understand herself more and more, she'd reexamine the dynamics she had with Janeway and the EMH, and then her own mentorship-like dynamic with the Borg kids- and feel sort of like determined not to make her relationship with Naomi a mentorship of any kind. I see it turning into a cool older sister type of vibe :)
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delta-queerdrant · 1 year
explore stupid nebulas, win stupid prizes (Cathexis, s1 e13)
Oh boy, this is a pretty stinky episode in my opinion, but we get to talk about Janeway's hair some more, so there's that.
We start with Janeway's gothic holonovel! Jeri Taylor was responsible for introducing this storyline, and I see what she was going for, but the problem is that the holonovel is very boring and not terribly credible as a leisure activity for our overworked and underpaid captain. I'm so very confused about Lord Burleigh, who ought to have at least an edge of Byronic charm but is giving us nothing to work with. Of course it is Star Trek and genuine on-purpose sex appeal is hard to pull off.
We do get the first interaction that one could, if you really squint, call sapphic (on the logic that, in a post-Daphne Du Maurier's Rebecca world, all interactions between governesses and housekeepers are inherently psychosexual).
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I do not love a Victorian gown but Janeway's hairdo is pretty fun! This woman has so much hair and it's hard to imagine her styling it reliably without some help. My head canon is that Voyager has a holographic barber and Janeway regularly heads down to the holodeck when her coif needs coiffing.
Speaking of the coif, she has a more streamlined version of the French twist from the last episode. It's still better than her usual but a bit awkward and helmet-y. Again, I just think that an undercut (or even a pixie cut) is the solution they're looking for. Her poor hair stylists.
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The rest of the episode is, appropriately, a ghost story. (It's gothic, geddit?) I guess it's an okay plot - people are getting possessed, someone is lying, there's a ghost cam POV, nothing adds up. For me it lacked stakes and suspense, especially on a rewatch. During most of the episode we just have a general vibe of "something is up"; without substantial more clues, it's hard to feel like we're solving the mystery alongside the characters.
Oh boy, the medicine wheel! I don't feel like I have any business trying to make sense of what's going on here, beyond the fact that the medicine wheel they're portraying seems to have more in common with appropriated New Age practices than Indigenous / Pan-Indian beliefs (and, of course, Chakotay doesn't have a tribe so it's impossible to say what's "correct" for this character).
Also, the whole conceit of "character has a religious practice; science fiction stuff happens that superficially resembles, but does not actually have anything to do with, this religious practice," feels pretty wonky, especially in this case. Once again Chakotay's culture is instrumentalized for the sake of the plot.
I did think it was an interesting touch that the Doctor is knowledgeable about Indigenous medicine. I like this, but it's such a can of worms! The Doctor is able to provide culturally-informed care, but he's still programmed by / presenting as a white guy; I feel there's a tacit implication that inclusive medicine is when white people learn about non-white practices. What if Starfleet vessels had Indigenous holograms programmed by Indigenous people? Or if the EMH had subroutines that adapted his presentation, knowledge, and practices to any patient? What would it mean to decolonize AI, both in our world and in science fiction?
My notes from the scene where Chakotay finally wakes up - "All Doctor wants to do is to write papers, all Janeway wants us to touch her crew inappropriately." Girl, get your hands off that man's chest! Janeway's wandering hands are an iconic part of her performance, and of course good acting often benefits from more physical proximity than would be appropriate in real life, but you are his boss, ma'am.
Yeah, sorry, this one did truly nothing for me. 1.5/5 vaguely racist musical flute cues.
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ishipallthings · 3 years
Cap-IM Rec Week 2021 (Sun)
Cap-IM Sunday, July 25: Rec all your favorite works created for a cap-ironman challenge for @cap-ironman Rec Week!
For this list, I’m gonna be reccing some of my faves from this year’s Universe Medley Fest :)
Remember to show your hard-working creators some love!
Only a Social Construct by @jellybeanforest-a-go-go​
It is said that only a virgin can tame the wild beast, so it makes sense that Tony and his Iron Unicorn are inseparable at Avengers Academy. However, when the unicorn goes missing, Steve can’t help but wonder who popped Tony’s cherry. It’s none of his business, and virginity is little more than a social construct, but still, his eidetic memory kicks into overdrive when he can’t help but overanalyze all Tony’s interactions with their fellow classmates. (AvAc)
The Unpromposal by @captainneverever​
All Tony wanted was the perfect promposal but that's not what he got. He might have gotten something better instead. (AvAc)
Anything for you by @gottalovev​
Steve has one certainty: he has a crush of epic proportion on Natasha Stark, and it's becoming quite a problem. (Marvel 3490)
Hidden Inside by @hollyandvice​
Steve Rogers doesn't mean to make things weird when he finds out who's under the Iron Man armor, but he does anyway. (Marvel 3490)
Filled my Cup Until it Overflowed by UisceOneLove
It's wrong, having what he wanted. It had to be. Kilgrave was pulling the strings, so of course he couldn't keep it. (EMH)
Couples' Date by @captainneverever​
Jan wants company on her date with Hank so she asks Tony and Steve to join her and to bring their dates. Except that the evening has a different outcome than expected. (EMH)
signed, sealed, delivered, i'm yours by @ralsbecket​ @starksnack​
Famed adventurer Tony Stark recieves a fan letter from Steve Rogers who lives vicariously through his stories in Marvels: A Magazine of Men's Adventure. (Marvel Noir)
i still love you (now and then). by @nethandrake​
When Tony's rescued from the clutches of Nazis, the last person he expects his rescuer to be is Captain America. After all, Cap always made his hatred for Tony obvious.
Then, he finds out who it is under the cowl. (Marvel Noir)
hold fast my heart by Lets_call_me_Lily 
“Mr. Stark, you really didn’t need to do that.” But of course he did. (Marvel Noir)
Through the Looking-Glass by @oluka​
The year is 1942, and Tony Stark is racing against the clock to get his hands on a magical artifact. It's just his luck that the artifact throws him into a whole different universe... (Marvel Noir)
close encounters by Red (S_Hylor)
As the cold of night sets in over the Canadian wilderness, the Marvels team are lucky to find a small cabin in which to shelter.
Problem is, there's only one bed. (Marvel Noir)
You make me feel so bubbly by Sadisticsparkle
As Steve twirled his glass, the swirling champagne bubbles evaporated as quickly as his own enjoyment of the party. He hated the food, he hated the company, and he hated that Tony was flirting with somebody else. (Marvel Noir)
Hope you guys have enjoyed the recs this week, I’ve had a blast making these! Check out my tag for previous years’ rec lists and other recs.
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rabbits-of-habit · 3 years
Howdy again! I hope ur doing well also idk if I asked this HC already (I think I asked 2 people this HC but I’m not sure which one 😅) so I apologize if I’m repeating myself. But can I have an HC w both the EMH & TT boys where their so is in art school (specifically animation major). And their s/o needs them as a reference for an assignment? Idk the thought a few of them having to sit there in a complicated ass pose for like 2 hours while their s/o draws them or animates them is hilarious to me. 😂 cuz I know damn well some of them would have no patience for that!
You did not ask me so you're all good! Also im doing awesome. I got to go to the zoo yesterday and I'm still pumped by it. -Mod Dirk
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When you asked him if you could use him as a reference he said yes absolutely.
He would try pulling some manly pose like flexing his muscles. To which you would roll your eyes and laugh.
"What? I have to show off my muscle tone so you can get it right!"
He can't stay in the pose. 5 mins in he asks to switch poses.
Sad for you he does that every 5 mins.
You finally have to just stand him straight up and make him wait.
You get a c+ because most of your time was spent getting him still than using him as a reference.
You went to him and it took a bit of resistance. Only a few pretty pleases and he caved.
He sits like a normal person. Always the lawful neutral.
"Is sitting okay? Or do you need me to stand? How long will we be doing this?"
He continues to ask questions and partially distract you.
He cannot handle a quiet room I am so sorry.
You get a B because you were able to get the work done but not focus fully.
You made sure to hit him in a moment he wasn't busy with Alex. It was a definite yes of course.
The tamest boy out of the three.
Can stay still and be in a quiet room.
Just happy to be able to spend time with you like this to be honest.
Also happy to have a moment of fuckin peace.
"This is the nicest break I've ever had."
You get an A and your animation studio prof shows it to other classes as an example.
This asshole only said yes because his ego.
Has knives on a belt and an axe in his hands.
He can stay still but will he shut up? Absolutely not.
"You better make sure to get every angle right"
That is indeed a thinly veiled threat.
He also had an exception it had to be a small animation about him completely.
You got an A but only because the teacher was freaked out by the animation. And Habit threatened them.
Oh boy...You love him to death but it was kind of hard to get him to agree.
He knew he wouldn't be able to stay still very well and tried to tell you no so you wouldn't waste your time.
He stands awkwardly and stiff.
Hes trying his best okay? He's never done this before.
"Well how am I supposed to stand?" To which you respond with, "Like a normal human?"
He doesn't move on purpose but he twitches and shakes. He cannot physically stay still.
You get a B+ and you start using him for references more often.
This boy was so flattered when you asked him.
Honestly? Super excited and was just waiting for the moment you could use him as a reference.
But, he asks you a lot of questions.
"Do you think you'll get a good grade? How long have you been doing animation you've never told me before."
He just wants to learn more about you and saw this as the perfect opportunity.
Of course you answer them. But you only get half done.
You get a C and a week to redo. But you tell him you got an A.
Cocky. Said he knew you'd ask him eventually so sure.
"How long do we do this for? I mean I have all eternity."
He stands less awkward and more confident.
Doesn't twitch but does like teleporting away when you aren't looking to do something else.
You catch him once. He laughs and promises he won't do it again. He does several times more but you don't catch him again.
You get an A- and boy he's fucking proud.
The observer:
Think Habits ego and Firebrands cocky attitude and you see why he agreed to this so fast.
He crosses his arms and does a wacky pose.
Which would be great.
But everytime you look back up he's in a slightly different pose.
"I'm not doing anything!"
You get an A because like Habit, he scares the shit out of your prof when he sees you almost got a D.
Flustered but said yes because you asked so sweetly.
Hes tame and good at sitting still.
Has idle conversation with you the entire time. It's like a nice date.
"Can I see it when you're done?"
Of course you show him and he has stars in his eyes.
You get a B+ and Milo asks you all the time if you need a reference now.
Prebrand (As a treat)
Agrees to agree.
Cannot stay still.
Forgets why he's there so you have to consistently remind him.
Talks so fast you can't even understand what he's saying.
Do not pass go, do not collect 200 dollars.
You don't even finish the project and you get an F. :( Sorry babe.
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Star Trek Doctors, Ranked By Crankiness
This Star Trek: Lower Decks article contains spoilers for Season 2, Episode 3.
In the very first filmed episode of Star Trek: The Original Series — “The Cage” — Captain Pike drinks itty-bitty martinis with the Enterprise’s chief physician, Dr. Boyce (John Hoyt.) And although it remains to be seen if we’ll be seeing Boyce in Stranger New Worlds, the tradition of the cranky — but wise — Starfleet doctor was started right there. After Boyce and Piper, Star Trek set the standard for cranky, wise-cracking doctors in space with the introduction of Dr. Leonard “Bones” McCoy; as played by the wonderful DeForest Kelley. 
While Kelley passed away in 1999, the spirit of Bones lives on. Not just in the Karl Urban version of Bones in the reboot films, but also in the foul-mouthed, utterly hilarious Catian medical officer, Dr. T’ana (Gillian Vigman) on Star Trek: Lower Decks. In the most recent episode of Lower Decks, “Mugato, Gumato,” T’ana demonstrated some next-level crankiness, as she avoided her own physical examination, something Bones had to prod Kirk to do all the time, including his first-ever filmed episode, “The Corbomite Maneuver.” But is Bones actually still the crankiest Star Trek doctor? Has T’ana dethroned him? 
The only way to find out is to rank all the Trek doctors from least cranky to most cranky, and find out who is the hardest to please, and as a result, possibly the doctor we paradoxically love the most.
(Note: With some exceptions, we’ve excluded characters who were Starfleet doctors who weren’t regular recurring characters. This is why Dr. Selar from TNG isn’t on this list, even though as a Vulcan, she’s inherently cranky.)
10. Dr. Tracy Pollard (Discovery)
The least cranky doctor on this list is easily Dr. Pollard on Star Trek: Discovery. This woman even puts up with Georgiou, a dictator from an alternate universe who wants to die. As played by the fantastic Raven Daudu, it’s very possible Dr. Pollard is the best doctor on this list. She also may never be recognized as such, because she’s really even-tempered, kind and way too busy saving people’s lives to complain.  
9. Dr. Phlox (Enterprise)
Phlox isn’t just one of the nicest Star Trek doctors ever, he’s actively one of the most likable characters in the entire franchise. Played charmingly by John Billingsley in all four seasons of Enterprise, Phlox projected a childlike curiosity of the universe combined with a ton of knowledge and wisdom of having seen more of the quadrant than most of the other characters. Phlox is also, perhaps, the most tolerant Star Trek doctor, insofar as he never pushes his cultural views onto others, even though, in some episodes, like “Dear, Doctor,” he’s torn apart by his own set of ethics. Oh, and he saved the life of Porthos, Captain Archer’s dog in “A Night in Skybay,” AND while doing so, managed to make a joke that Porthos would develop lizard-chameleon powers in the process. That’s bedside manner!
8. Dr. Hugh Culber (Discovery) 
Who doesn’t love this guy? Since Season 1 of Discovery, Culber has put up with shit from everyone, and very rarely has he snapped. Yes, in Season 2, after coming back from the dead, he was pretty pissed off at everyone. But, as he said in Season 3, “My murderer and I are good now!” In episodes like “Su’kal” and “Die Trying,” Culber is one of the kindest and simultaneously most practical Star Trek doctors of all time. He doesn’t lie to anyone, but he does know how to make you feel better. Out of all the Discovery regulars, Culber feels cut from the same cloth as someone like Deanna Troi or Guinan. He’s smart, insightful and empathic. 
7. Dr. Beverly Crusher (The Next Generation)
Crusher certainly has the ability to sass her patients, but she’s basically a nice person. Whenever Crusher freaks out on anyone it’s always because she’s either in love with a ghost that lives in a candle (“Sub Rosa”), her feelings are being manipulated by a nearby Vulcan (“Sarek”) or Jean-Luc is messing around with her emotions. (All of The Next Generation.) Crusher suffers the fools she works with, but she does it with grace and dignity. That said, you kind of know she hates certain people in certain moments, which can probably just be attributed to Gates McFadden’s flawless talent.
6. Emil, Rios’ EMH (Star Trek: Picard)
Rios has a lot of cranky holograms in Season 1 of Picard, but his medical hologram is not even close to being the most difficult of all of them. In fact, he’s pretty cordigal, and reasonable, which is odd considering the situation he’s in. Clearly, among the holograms on the La Sirena, Emil is one of the most well-adjusted. You wouldn’t want him as your primary physician in real life, and because he’s basically connected to the personality of Rios the possibility that he might become super cranky is certainly there. But, so far, he’s right on the line.
5. Dr. Julian Bashir (Deep Space Nine)
Okay, we’re crossing over into slightly cranky territory here. Bashir began his journey on DS9 as a cocky jerk, which isn’t the same as the kind of crankiness we’re talking about here. The Bones-style of crankiness is the kind of crank we can get down with. Bashir’s off-putting personality was  — at first — not something anyone admired or liked. That said, as Alexander Siddig evolved the character, Bashir didn’t become more cranky, but he did develop righteous indignation. When Bashir got his indignant buzz on in episodes like “Past Tense,” or “Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges,” he was really at his best. To be clear, Bashir isn’t a nice doctor, and this is where we cross the threshold. 
4. Dr. Leonard “Bones” McCoy (Star Trek: The Original Series)
Although he set the standard for crankiness, in the entire canon of Trek, Bones is somehow not the most cranky Star Trek doctor. The reasons for this are threefold: First, there are three characters on this list who are much crankiner than him. Second, Bones is actually a sweetheart deep down, and demonstrates his love for Spock over and over again, despite his terrible, terrible comments. Finally, Bones can’t be the crankiest doctor on this list because Dax heavily implied in “Trials and Tribble-ations,” that one of her previous hosts — Emony Dax — totally hooked-up with him. For some reason, this detail makes it seem like he’s a lot nicer than he comes across. And again, The Search for Spock exists.
3. Dr. Katherine Pulaski (The Next Generation)
In 1988, Pulaski would have easily been number one on this list. She mispronounces Data’s name, doesn’t feel bad about it, and proceeds to kind of make everyone else on the ship feel awful. Pulaski is a pretty good doctor, and not remotely a bad person, but she’s pretty damn cranky. The brilliant Diane Muldar plays Pulaski like someone who has been transferred to a job she doesn’t really want, which is sort of amazing considering at this point, Roddenberry didn’t want Starfleet characters to have interpersonal conflict.
In “The Icarus Factor ” (which the latest Lower Decks also referenced) Pulaski also thinks Riker’s deadbeat dad is hot and tells Riker this point blank when he’s reminding her that his dad is the worst. This alone gives her deeply strange tastes, and makes her super cranky and weird AF. Don’t mess with Pulaksi! If you talk about how your friend is mean, she might throw it in your face and say she likes them better than you anyway! 
2. Dr. T’ana (Lower Decks)
Okay. So Dr. T’ana is almost the most cranky Star Trek doctor ever. Combining the best qualities of Bones, with that weird go-shove-it-vibe from Pulaksi, Gillian Vigman turns it all up to 11. It helps that T’ana is a cat-person (I.E. the Catian species) but her crankiness is more than that. She’s kind of sadistic, and isn’t afraid to use boulders to knock “strange energies” out of people when the time comes. T’ana is sort of burnt-out, but also, is kind of unflappable too. Like, you get the sense that she’s sick of all this space sickness stuff, but she’s got too much proffensionality to say she can’t do something. The secret crankiness of Dr. T’ana is that seemingly she can fix anything that is wrong with anyone. But, she’s going to make fun of them for it, and get pissed off if you look at her the wrong way.
That said, like Bones, you get the sense that none of it is personal. Which is what makes her Starfleet all the way. 
1. The EMH (Voyager)
Robert Picardo’s Emergency Medical Hologram is the best cranky Star Trek doctor. There are many reasons for this. His arrogance. His constant complaining. The fact that he has good reason to complain, considering he’s a hologram that has to do other people’s bidding. But the reason that tops all other reasons is the way that Picardo can make his crankiness clear with the simple inflection of his voice. It’s not what he says. It’s how he says it. And if you need proof, all you have to do is go back to the very first Voyager episode ever, “Caretaker.” When the Doctor has to start triage on the wounded crew, he asks somebody to hand him a tricorder. He looks at it, and realizes it’s not the right kind of tricorder, and hands it back and says “medical tricorder.” The amount of venom in this comment cannot be communicated in print. The way Picardo says medical tricorder is so dismissive and frustrated, that he basically created a new level of crankiness with one single utterance. 
T’ana may be creeping up the EMH from behind, but this cranky crown will be hard to swipe. Especially from a hologram.
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Lower Decks airs new episodes on Thursdays on Paramount+.
The post Star Trek Doctors, Ranked By Crankiness appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3DID5RI
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sharpnothashtag · 4 years
The Good Ship CrushWay, Chapter 33
Locutus: (waking up) Where am I? EMH: That’s a bit of a complicated question, but the short answer is the USS Ohana.  We’re heading back to Earth. (Locutus tries to get up.) You may want to lie still. Locutus: I won’t try to run away.  I just want to sit up on the bed. EMH: Very well. (EMH helps Locutus sit up.) How are you feeling, Locutus? Locutus: Would you please call me Jean-Luc?  I’d rather not go by that name. Seven: (entering from the office and standing outside the forcefield) That might prove to be a challenge. Locutus: Why is that? EMH: We could explain it to you, but it might be easier for you to hear it from someone else.  Seven, would you bring them up on subspace? (Seven nods.  In a split screen, Bev and Picard show up.  Locutus is freaked. out.) Picard: I imagine this is a lot to take in. Locutus: (just short of mouth agape) Indeed, that is what I’d call an understatement.
Picard, Bev, Seven, and the EMH explain their end of the story, which is the story we built the last 32 chapters. Meanwhile, Ro and Tasha are manning the bridge.
Tasha: (apprehensively) Ro, may I ask you a personal question? Ro: (swiveling around in her chair, eyebrow raised) What do you want to know? Tasha: How old were you when your father died? Ro: (shocked) Seven. Tasha: (wincing) Now that you’re older, does a part of you still feel it? Ro: Feel what?  The pain? Tasha: Well, yeah.  That first. Ro: Yes, Tash.  I still feel my father’s pain. Tasha: Did you ever think that someone was going to come and save you? Ro: When I was little, I guess.  But that definitely stopped after my father died. Tasha: ...did you--do you resent Starfleet? Ro: For what?  Not saving Bajor soon enough? Tasha: (this is clearly painful for her) Yes, Laren. Ro: Yes, I did.  It hurt that the people in the red uniforms I saw weren’t willing to see what had been done to me and my people by the Cardassians.  But you know what helps? Tasha: (fighting tears) What? Ro: That my mother is alive.  That I got out of life on Bajor.  That the Cardassians left.  Realizing that, after my people’s suffering was over, there was a life, and a life worth living.  That has made all the difference. Tasha: Is there a Bajoran phrase where I can communicate how sorry I am for the entirety of Starfleet? Ro: (laughing) No, Tash.  I don’t think so.  But I understand where you’re coming from.  (a beat) What brought all this on? Tasha: The Captain told me a story about a Bajoran girl she encountered a long time ago.  I...I couldn’t help but think about you. (Ro goes to the first officer’s chair and puts her hand in Tasha’s.  They stare straight ahead, waiting for something--for anything.)
Starfleet Academy, Tasha and Ro’s dorm room.  Ro is sitting on her bed, reading on a padd.  She seems...off.  Tasha enters.  She sees Ro is busy, and she quietly hops on her bed to do some reading of her own.  The two sit in silence for a few moments.
Tasha: What are you reading? Ro: (turning off her padd) Nothing you’d enjoy. Tasha: (turning off her padd, swinging her legs of the edge of the bed) Try me. Ro: (taking a deep breath) It’s a Terran fairy tale--the ugly duckling. Tasha: ...is that supposed to mean something to me just because I’m human? Ro: (shrugging) No, I guess not. Tasha: What’s it about? Ro: There’s a young swan that is raised with a bunch of ducklings.  The ducklings all tease him because he doesn’t look like them.  To them, he’s ugly. Tasha: And then what? Ro: The swan eventually sees another swan and realizes that he’s not ugly; he’s just the complete opposite of his family. Tasha: (hops up, sits next to Ro) Is there any particular reason you’re reading an Earth fable? Ro: I’d say I’m pretty...different. Tasha: Yeah, I’d say so.  A Bajoran joining Starfleet?  Pretty different. Ro: That’s...not why. Tasha: (getting a little closer) you want to tell me what’s really going on? Ro: (leaning away) Get off my bed, Tasha. Tasha: (Turning to face her completely, up on her knees on the bed) No.  You’re going to tell me what’s going on, Laren. Ro: (Getting off the bed) I am not.  Plus, you have an exam to study for.  Don’t you want to pass your ethics course? Tasha: Of course I do.  But right now, you’re more important to me. Ro:  (angry) Really.  Am I? Tasha: ...yes.  The hell are you implying? Ro: You have a very one-track mind, Tasha.  I’m not sure you’re capable of thinking about more than one thing at a time. Tasha: Wha-- Ro: (raising her voice) Oh, don’t be so surprised.  Humans can only think about their relationship with the Cardassians.  They can’t be compromised for even a second to think about what the Cardassians did to us! Tasha: (raising her voice) I didn’t have anything to do with that! Ro: Oh, you can’t be asked to take responsibility for anything--you’re just a victim: a victim of domestic violence, a victim of rape, a victim of every circumstance you’ve ever been in. Tasha: You have NO idea what I’ve been through. Ro: No, I think I do.  You left your entire family behind and they’re dead to you.  At least I got my mom out with me.  You have no morals.  You can’t even spell “ethics.”  You’re too busy planning your own survival. Tasha: What the HELL has gotten into you?! Ro:  Oh I’m sure you can write it off as trauma.  I don’t get that luxury. Tasha: Oh, no.  You get to write it off as patriotism when it affects me as racism. Ro: The only racists I saw were Cardassians, and the only ones that helped them were Federation officers.  The only ones I ever saw where humans. Tasha: So, all humans must be terrible, right?  I thought I was the one without morals. Ro: If you knew humans as I have, you would be ashamed to be numbered among them. Tasha: (full stop) Laren.  Please.  Please tell me what’s going on. Ro: You wouldn’t understand. Tasha: Please tell me anyway.  You’re not like this. Ro: (shaking) I had a friend--Elima.  We grew up together.  We worked in the mines together. (Tasha nods.) We spent every waking moment with each other.  One night, at one of our many sleepovers, she asked--(getting lost in a memory haze) Tasha: (gently) What did she ask you? Ro: She asked if she could kiss me.  I was so shocked.  I said no, of course, and I rolled over and went to sleep.  The next day, she seemed different.  She went home to her parents and didn’t talk to me for a week.  The next week, I saw her in the mines with her mom.  I tried to run to her, to ask her what was wrong, but...I didn’t get there in time. Tasha: What happened? Ro: A Cardassian walked up to her mom.  He hit her across the face and cursed at her.  From what I understood, he was telling her to get back to work or he would show her what pain really was.  Elima stepped between him and her mother.  She sneered at him and told him he was a filthy, terrible being that didn’t deserve the guidance or love of the Prophets.  Without any hesitation, he shot her.  She died right there, in the arms of her weeping mother.  A human came down shortly after to talk with this Cardassian about the Federation’s (spitting the words out like they taste bad) peace treaty. Tasha: Laren, I didn’t-- Ro: Of course you didn’t.  You didn’t know about my best friend falling in love with me.  You have no idea how terrifying it must have been for her.  How brave she was.  How cowardly I was.  How much I wish-- Tasha: you would have kissed her.  (hugging her) I’m so sorry.   Ro: (from the hug) I’m not making the same mistake again. (pulling Tasha into herself, she kisses her hard.  Tasha is not shocked.  She accepts this fully, and lifts her up as Ro wraps her legs around Tasha’s waist.  Tasha carries her over to the bed and lays her down.) Tasha: Are you sure this is what you want? Ro: (pulling her in by her collar) Get down here, Cadet. (Tasha smiles and kisses her again.)
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21ate · 5 years
[google docs version]
so i wrote some stuff about emh again, but this time i think its actually a very necessary part of the story that needed to be discussed and clarified. this is very...very long. sorry!
The Princeton iteration of the everymanhybrid timeline is one of the hardest to consume, as dates and the chronological order of events is moreso implied through the context of the dialogue provided in the tapes rather than outright and plainly shown.
We know that the Fairmount era begins in 1971 with the first Corenthal Report, and ends in 1981 with the news that the last child of the mining town 4 had finally succumbed. We know that the Everymanhybrid era begins in 2010 when the youtube channel was created, and ends in 2018 with the deaths of Evan and Vinny.
We know that the Princeton era begins in December of 1987, just before Christmas, as evident in what Vinny tells us throughout the first few entries of the tapes. But...when did Princeton end?
It’s not as simple as just figuring out when Vinny himself died, because he isn’t solely reliable for when iterations begin and end. A big, very important part of it for sure...but Vinny has friends: Jeff and Evan. And to assume they died immediately following their disappearance from Vin’s life as described in TRAILHEAD would simply be jumping the gun a bit.
Why? Well the answer isn’t too hard. It’s because Evan was alive in 2005, and Habit used his body during the confrontation with Corenthal at Baldpate (described in house phone 2005, and referenced in an article from the microfilm collection). So what happened? How had Evan been alive in 2005? What happened to Jeff, Steph, and Vinny during the time period between 1993 (the year Vinny presumably died) and 2010? To answer this, we will need to cross reference between the Tapes, house phone 2005, and -.-. (the morse code video “C”) - as well as take a deep dive into the dates at which entries occur in the Princeton Tapes. In doing so, we will find a coherent timeline of events which will explain many details that before now have yet to really be discussed.
in the princeton iteration, vinny mentions that evan and jeff have disappeared on him (TRAILHEAD), and in the entry following (SHOPPING), he reiterates a sentiment about being abandoned...and ends with stating the Phillies won. if the listening order of these tapes is to be believed as entirely correct, then these two entries MUST take place before MOVIES, which we know was recorded in 1989 because that is the year Pet Sematary was released and when Vinny saw it.
lets take a look at the phillies 1983 and 1989 seasons. in 1983, the phillies won the national league east title. in 1989, it was the phillies 107th season. they did not win the title  - in fact, they placed last. they only played 163 games in the regular season; in the june 5th game against the pittsburgh pirates, the score was tied 3-3...however, rainy weather caused the game to be interrupted. thus, a replacement game was played at a later date. this would mark the last regular season tie game for the phillies as playing rules changed in 2007 allowing tie games to continue from the point of interruption at a later date. on june 8th 1989, against the pittsburgh pirates for the second time, the phillies won.
If the tapes begin in December of 1987, that only leaves a few years time between then and TRAILHEAD/SHOPPING. FRIENDS & GAMING takes place in 1988, which we know from the reference to that year’s presidential election with Dukakis. Thus, its pretty indisputable that Jeff and Evan must have disappeared between FRIENDS & GAMING in 1988 and TRAILHEAD/SHOPPING, 1989. With that being the case, we can then assume that Vinny was indeed referencing the June 8th Phillies win against the Pittsburgh Pirates, 1989.
So Jeff and Evan were gone from Vinny’s life before June 1989, but what happened to them?
The short answer: they had to have died at some point, of course. but we can get more specific than that. Let’s take a look at Jeff.
in -.-., jeff says, "nineteen years go by...you forget...for a moment i thought it was all real."
-.-. takes place in 2010 (we know this because evan states its been 5 years since corenthal and habits confrontation which we know for certain takes place in 2005.) 2010 - 19 is 1991. jeff may not necessarily be referencing how long he has been in the candleverse, but there is a connection worth making here. in box 7 there is a labyrinth books bookmark with dates written on the back, written by vinny presumably. 1989, 1990, and 1991 are present
1989 is crossed out, and 1990 and 1991 have a question mark to the side. there could be a few ways to interpret this, but my assumption is that this note was written in 1989 around the time vinny received the zine (explained in detail below:)
1989 is the year TRAILHEAD takes place, as we’ve figured out earlier. later entries will suggest they were recorded in close succession:
in trailhead, vinny's dialogue tells us that he had just sat down at the diner before pressing record, we're listening to his reaction to the zine and the girl in real time on a tape recorded in 1989. he talks about evan and jeff going dark on him, and ends by saying that he's going to find the girl to ask about the zine
in SHOPPING, vinny reiterates his current distress about feeling abandoned by those closest to him, obviously meaning evan and jeff again. he buys his groceries and ends by mentioning the 1989 phillies win (likely the june 8th game)
HOMELIFE is misplaced as entry 15, as the news report recorded on the tape is about hurricane hugo. this storm took place around september 1989.
if we assume the tapes are in order, this creates a discrepancy because in the next entry MOVIES, vinny sees pet sematary which came out in april 1989. shopping takes place around june 8th when the phillies won, and in movies vinny references back to the strangeness from "earlier this week", meaning the zine and the girl. thus, trailhead, shopping, and movies take place in the same week in june 1989 (and homelife, for some reason, is out of place. we can gloss over this though, i dont think it changes much)
So with that said, jeff must have died at some point in order for him to be present in the candleverse in 2010, pre-emh iteration. he could have died anywhere between 1989 to 1991, since we can't say for certain that his death was immediate, or even the direct cause of his absence.
so ev and jeff disappear around 1989. they may not have died immediately, only separated from vinnys life. in 1993, vinny dies and we know it must be around this time because he had been in contact with Davidson, whose law practice only just begun in 1993 (both versions of his death take place in the same time frame, per soft reset rules). in -.-., jeff talks about nineteen years going by. since this takes place in 2010, nineteen years prior would have been 1991. given that 1991 is written on the bookmark and made light of, and given all this concerns the iteration cycle, i think it'd be fair to say jeff died that year and entered the candleverse, two years before vinny bit the dust.
So, what about Evan?
evan was distanced from vinny around 1989 alongside jeff. vinny dies in 1993, and in one version of this event, its habit who kills him at fairmount. of course, habit was not using evans body to do so, instead apparently possessing doctor peters instead. that doesnt mean evan was out of the picture though, he simply wasnt what habit used in this particular instance to get at vinny and have him make the north star. this may be because habit was still ironing out the details of his grand scheme, with this particular method being a test of sorts. or, perhaps separately or in conjunction to this, habit planned to keep evan alive intentionally for whatever reason habit needed him for.
that reason, i conclude, would have been to get to corenthal. with jeff and vinny dead, and steph somewhere being irrelevant, habit and the other monsters all flocked to corenthal and plagued his life wherever he went. 3 deaths described in the microfilm collection, which contain news articles about corenthals activities from 1984 to 2005, match the MO for habit. the victims were described as all having been involved in an intense struggle with the assailant, one case "lasting a few hours, at minimum."
the articles in question are dated october 11th, 2002 and march 2nd, 2003
as far back as 1998, elizabeth was an active player as a psychic solving crimes through her special ability. as i said earlier, i had my doubts about her having been the offender to these crimes through habits actions. until 2005, elizabeth really is just a psychic, or at least she had been gifted her ability by one of the monsters for their own nefarious purposes. regardless though, she was not being controlled...yet. with that being the case, of course habit would have needed another vessel in the meantime.
on june 11th, 2005, elizabeth's place of business burns to the ground. on august 26th, corenthal had been set up by habit using elizabeth to lead him into a trap. we even know HOW habit did it: using elizabeth, s/he had contacted adam roberts. adam then relays the information to corenthal. according to house phone 2005, adam mentions the meeting a month prior to it occurring. thus, in july, elizabeth and adam decide to meet with corenthal in august and of course they do - except corenthal was lead to the wrong place.
corenthal encounters evan on a bench near the meeting place, a diner. This means evan is ALIVE at this point AND being possessed by habit, because in -.-. evan recalls being shot in the face. he recalls the confrontation that occurred, and he knows what year it took place and how long ago it happened relative to 2010, when -.-. was recorded. in true habit fashion, this encounter is brief as corenthal describes evan having been gone like he evaporated into thin air
corenthal gets to the diner and receives a call from elizabeth. this elizabeth is the real deal, and she calls to try and warn corenthal about having been set up. it was too late of course, and corenthal is ambushed by the patrons of the diner all possessed presumably by habit. corenthal struggles but manages to get out, heading towards baldpate now. he could hear sirens as he fled
at this point, elizabeth calls the house phone - now possessed by habit once more. habit mocks corenthal as elizabeth, "missed you at the diner, but you sure as hell bit it with me!", as if to imply corenthal intentionally skipped out on their meeting and had disappointed elizabeth in doing so. however, its pretty apparent the true intention is to mock him for falling for a trap. habit as elizabeth tells corenthal that s/he will see him at the park, obviously meaning balpdate to which corenthal would be currently fleeing to at the time of this call. we know this to be the order of events thanks to the inclusion of the siren detail and the order of habit/elizabeth and corenthals voicemail as they were recorded to the house phone.
we dont know what happened to elizabeth following this last bout of possession. it could be possible that habit brought her along to the park in addition to evan, given habit can and had just proven he could possess more than one body at a time and hop between them. however, i find it more likely that habit only confronted corenthal with evans body alone.
habit may have had company of a different sort, though. corenthal mentions that he felt like he was being watched, and his dialogue implies there being two distinct entities involved. the first, corenthal says, "knew it would end up like this", and corenthal says this shortly after mentioning evan from the bench again - therefore this is habit. the second entity corenthal describes as a "spectre" and the monster that took his children - Man, of course
whether man had any involvement with habit and corenthals confrontation is unknown, but we can at least say that he was around. corenthal and habit presumably have a fight, which for certain results in habit being shot in the face and corenthal ending up in the candleverse/eden
evans body dies there in 2005, leaving habit without him as a vessel in this plane of reality. with evan dead, the candleverse then had jeff and vinny and now evan. this aligns with what we see in -.-., the boys together while steph was nowhere to be seen. however, there is a five year gap between the events of 2005 and the candleverse conversation in 2010. this means steph was still alive, since the next iteration cannot begin until all four of them are in the candleverse...
Therefore, Steph had been alive since the Princeton iteration starting back in late 1987. the reason she lived so long? she never met vinny, evan, or jeff in the princeton iteration. or at least, she was distant enough from them to survive as long as she did. this reflects the nature of her role in that she does not have one, not like the boys do. she is different because she knew how to stay alive through ignorance. while we dont know the specifics of stephs relationship with man during the princeton timeline, it stands to reason that she was aware of him just like before during fairmount and after during the emh iteration. thus, her survival tactic of willful ignorance and aversion kept her alive for two decades.
Simply put, the Princeton iteration did not truly end until 2010, just before the beginning of the Everymanhybrid channel and its iteration cycle…
Making the Princeton era span a total of 23 YEARS. Jeff died in 1991, Vinny was next in 1993, Evan’s death is third in 2005, and around 2010, Steph perishes and the EMH Iteration begins.
Below I have written a more condensed timeline of events based on everything ive broken down here. There are a few details missing date-wise, but for our purposes we dont have to delve into them in order to understand with satisfying accuracy about what exactly happened in the years between 1987 and 2010.
DECEMBER, 1987: the princeton iteration begins.
BEFORE JUNE 8TH, 1989: jeff and evan disappear from vinnys life.
FIRST WEEK OF JUNE, 1989: vinny despairs over the loss of his friends in conjunction to the strange going ons of his life and a peculiar zine. trailhead, shopping, and movies all take place within this week.
AROUND 1991: jeff succumbs and appears in the candleverse.
BETWEEN 1989 AND 1993: tape 3 is recorded
DECEMBER 14TH, 1990: corenthal has a premonition about linnie heading off to find her siblings (noah release 1)
BETWEEN 1990 AND 1993: vinny encounters linnie (tape 3)
SOMETIME BEFORE OR AROUND 1993: vinny speaks to patrick andersen from mlandersen0 (tape 3).
AROUND 1993: vinny dies at fairmount, joining jeff in the candleverse. evan and steph remain alive at this time.
JULY 22ND AND JULY 23RD, 1995: corenthal encounters milo asher.
SOMETIME AFTER 1995: corenthal sends the piece of cloth found by milo’s house to his colleague adam roberts, who then creates the black box device.
BETWEEN 1989 AND 2002: evan is possessed by habit at some point, maybe as the reason for jeffs death in 1991, and go after corenthal alongside man and the rake.
OCTOBER 7TH, 1998: an article is published regarding elizabeth solving her first case.
BETWEEN OCTOBER 1998 AND JUNE 2005: corenthal discovers elizabeth and writes to adam roberts to listen for her name on the news, claiming she can help
MARCH 22ND AND JUNE 11TH, 1999: elizabeth solves two more cases.
OCTOBER 11TH 2002 AND MARCH 2ND, 2003: habits MO is apparent in three deaths following the appearance of corenthal at the homes of two families.
AROUND 2002 :elizabeth starts teaching classes at bucks county community college.
ON JUNE 11th 2005: an article is published regarding elizabeths place of business burning down
JULY, 2005: elizabeth is possessed by habit and using her body, s/he contacts adam roberts to arrange a meeting with corenthal in august. soon after speaking to a possessed elizabeth, adam roberts leaves a voicemail for corenthal telling him of the meeting.
AROUND AUGUST 26th 2005: corenthal heads out to his presumed meeting with roberts and elizabeth - only to find out he has been set up by elizabeth (habit). he sees evan, whose body is still alive at this time. habit has control over evan, and ultimately he and corenthal have a confrontation at baldpate. corenthal shoots him, killing evans body but not habit, and corenthal ends up in the candleverse/eden
AUGUST 2005: evan dies, joining vinny and jeff. This makes steph the sole survivor for the time being.
2010, PRE-EMH: evan jeff and vinny meet around a cluster of candles as seen in the video -.-.. evans dialogue suggests that while he had died in 2005, it hadnt been until 5 years later in 2010 that he has been able to meet up with jeff and vinny together properly since his death. further dialogue in -.-. suggests that steph is still missing from their group. presumably this means she hadnt been killed yet. jeff remarks about having no idea they were even looking for her, which falls in line with the idea that steph was not around the boys much if at all during their time alive in princeton, further solidified by her...well, lack of existence in the tapes.
BETWEEN 2005 AND 2010: before the start of the emh iteration but after evan died and came to the candleverse, evan and jeff work together making trips to a powerline in order to have a chance at making contact with the outside world (as in, us the audience).
this results in the phantom tweet telling us to stop watching, which appears in 2011. vin is of course dead at this point too, but its apparent that meeting up is risky and kept to a minimum. it may not be intentional that vin isnt present here, but jeff and ev WOULD have good reason for excluding vinny from this particular plan of theirs, given that vinny is the cog that powers the emh iteration (and a lot of what happens before too, frankly). perhaps they couldnt trust him, which would make sense since at this point, ev and jeffs recent memories of vinny would be from the princeton era and fairmount + whatever glimpses they get when they bump into one another in the candleverse. vin's involvement with their plan could cause a hinderance, and they wouldnt want that to happen
also note that jeff and evans powerline plan is also something corenthal is closely involved in, at least as shown in the day the world ended (2018). i dont think its too much of a stretch to imagine he was also involved in coming up with the plan years prior, between 2005 and 2010. this further highlights vinny's absence in the general affairs of the candleverse, despite the fact that he had been around since 1993. again, theres credence to believe he was intentionally excluded by jeff, evan, and corenthal
AROUND 2010: steph dies and rejoins the boys, and with all four now in the candleverse, the princeton iteration finally comes to an end.
MARCH 21st, 2010: the everymanhybrid channel uploads their first video - marking the beginning of the emh iteration
MARCH 17TH, 2011: the unsigned phantom tweet sent out by Jeff and Evan from the powerline tower in baldpate finally surfaces
FAIRMOUNT: 1971 to 1981 (10 years) PRINCETON: 1987 to 2010 (23 years) EVERYMANHYBRID: 2010 to 2018 (8 years)
Steph lived the entire 23 year period for the Princeton era. Evan lived 18 years. Vinny lived 6 years. Jeff lived 4 years.
Jeff spent the longest amount of time in the candleverse post-Princeton at 19 years. Vinny spent a total of 17 years. Evan spent 5 years. Steph spent less than a year.
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camillaluddingtns · 4 years
Nr. 3, 8, 10 and 48- kind of looking for some inspiration in this- to say the least- weird situation... Hope you're doing good!
3.What are you doing with your time now that you're home? I'm baking a lot, it helps me with anxiety and it helps me to feel better and to relax and time flies when I bake which is a good thing because I don't think about what's happening in the whole world for a few hours. I'm trying to study too even if I'm so bored that it's hard. Thank God I have online classes with Uni so 3 days a week I'm busy with that, mornings and afternoons and in those 3 days I can say I have a kinda of routine. I can't say the same with the rest of the week, I go to bed veeery late and I get up very late, mom said sis and I have a different timezone now lol 8. What's a goal you hope to achieve while being quarantined? Well, before everything happened, I had a whole schedule for my exams, now everything is a mess but I would like to pass a couple of exams this month so that's my goal now. 10. What is the last thing you've read? The books for my exams lol. Okay, emh, the last book I've read? It's been so long but I think it's was one of Nicholas Sparks, Two by Two. 48. What's your favorite quote? Mhh, that's hard because I don't have a favourite quote, I have so many favourite quotes, each of them remember me of a specific moment of my life, here's a few that come to mind now: -"Have courage and be kind"-“It’s not about winning – what it’s about is not giving up. If you have a dream, fight for it. There’s a discipline for passion, and it’s not about how many times you get rejected or you fall down or get beaten up. It’s about how many times you stand up and are brave and keep going.” - Lady Gaga.-"There was a moment when I thought I cant do this, I cant do this alone. I close my eyes and imagine myself doing it, and I did, I blocked out the fear, and I did it."-"Maybe it sounds cheesy, but you do really have to love yourself. Don’t look for someone to complete you. It’s important to complete yourself. Find someone who complements you. And find someone who has love and respect for you" -CL. Thanks for asking, I'm good, how are you doing? Sending so much love 💕 QUARANTINE ASKS
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jacensolodjo · 5 years
Pairing: Kinda Chakotay/B’Elanna
Characters:  Chakotay, B’Elanna, other crew in very minor roles (Harry Kim, EMH, etc.,) 
Warning: None unless you’re squeamish about minor injuries
Genre: Action, Drama
Summary: While on an expedition to explore what seemed to be the remnants of buildings but no actual intelligent lifeforms, Chakotay and B'Elanna find themselves crash-landed on the planet and far off course of the buildings they were planning to explore. The usual from bad to worse.
Notes: No definite timeline but around Season 5. This is for the @startreksecretsanta, requested by @kingstoken with the prompt "Chakotay and B'Elanna stranded on an away mission" but I kinda used part of one of the other prompts too haha. 1 1/2 for the price of 1 I guess. I had a hard time choosing cause ugh scotty/uhura too which honestly might come at a later date maybe. 
“I don’t know what you’re so worried about, Chakotay,” B'Elanna said, and he could tell by the pronunciation of his name that she was worried, too. Her voice always lilted on the first and last syllables when she was feeling particularly stressed or annoyed. He had known her longer than her own deadbeat, prejudiced father, and he had always been good at picking up changes in speech. It helped, given his rank and position.
“Who said anything about worried? Voyager is still in the system and they aren’t about to fly off without their First Officer or Chief of Engineering.” Although, that was not quite true. He flashed briefly back to when he and Janeway had been ‘left behind’, though that had been on explicit orders.
B'Elanna gave him one of her patented unimpressed looks before brushing curly hair back behind her ears. Dark eyes studied their surroundings, with the banged up shuttle as the centerpiece. She had already given up on trying to fix the shuttle’s busted engine, instead choosing to cannibalize it for comms and shelter purposes. The front window and view screen had practically exploded upon impact and it was a miracle both ex-Maquis had gotten out with just some bruises and minor lacerations to the face, arms, and hands. Made for a nice cross breeze, though.
She would say that transporting was a safer bet, but honestly she knew the odds were always 50/50 no matter which way they explored a new planet. It was one of the inevitable truths about boldly going where no one had gone before: shit happened. At least she could be secure in the knowledge that it was never shoddy engineering work that caused it.
“At least we can use the husk of the shuttle for shelter. Only problem will be staying warm,” B'Elanna admitted and a shiver chose to wrack her spine to emphasize the problem. She had not dressed for any kind of inclement weather or massive changes in temperature. Neither had Chakotay, though.
Chakotay gave a low kind of grunt in agreement before stepping down from the rock he had been standing on to try to get a lay of the land.
“Whenever this happens I always imagine my ancestors laughing at me,” Chakotay muttered, low enough that B'Elanna wasn’t certain he had meant her to hear. So she did the 'polite’ thing and chose not to say anything, instead busying herself with pulling out the emergency blankets and ration packs. Maybe a couple years ago she would have teased Chakotay a bit more. But now they couldn’t afford any discord. She supposed she had Janeway to thank for her maturity. 
When she looked up she could pick out the spot in the sky where the USS Voyager waited in orbit, waited for a proper solution to the issue that didn’t include just blindly flinging down another shuttle or trying to transport them through a hostile atmosphere.
When she looked back over, Chakotay was fidgeting, trying to decide on the next thing to do in the checklist crafted by Starfleet (with some Maquis… improvements) for just these occasions.
B'Elanna watched him as he paced, but eventually grew tired of seeing him wear a hole in the ground. Instead she took one of the emergency blankets and draped it haphazardly across the hole in the front of the shuttle. With a bit of tinkering with her phaser, she got it to adhere to the metal enough that it wouldn’t flap in a breeze. Pleased at making progress, she made sure to grab another of the blankets out of the four total that were usually stored in a shuttle.
“Hey, Chakotay, how is the whole all natural heat and light source thing coming?” B'Elanna called out as she stopped and bent to tuck the blankets against the wall of the shuttle with the least damage. She knew him, knew he would have been scouting and probably nearby again. However…
“I found a water source with a good amount of trees for the fire,” Chakotay reported over her shoulder, making her jump in surprise and swing at his face on pure instinct. Luckily, he had had time to get used to Klingon reflexes and caught her wrist before her fist made contact with his face.
“Chakotay! Don’t do that; I hate it when you do that!” B'Elanna huffed before yanking her wrist free. Chakotay merely smiled at her. At least he was still good at sneaking up on people. One point for Chakotay, grandfather.
“C'mon, the wood is heavier than I expected and without any of the carts on Voyager or even a rudimentary wheelbarrow it will take some time to get enough for a fire before the sun in this system goes down,” Chakotay explained, already setting off without her. The engineer glanced at their mediocre camp before hurrying after him and hoping there weren’t any indigenous beings around that would rob them blind at a moment’s notice.
Torres stared at the stream that Chakotay had led them to. After a quick check it was actually perfectly fine H2O, she quickly filled their canteens while Chakotay went to work felling one of the nearby trees. The sound it made when it landed on the ground was like thunder and shook the ground under their feet. B'Elanna shared a look with Chakotay.
“Heavier than expected, huh?” She asked dryly before getting to work at cutting the trunk into manageable slices and cords. Chakotay couldn’t help but laugh.
“Think of it this way, good training for your next PT exam,” he said, earning another unimpressed look.
To their advantage, night time wasn’t something that arrived quickly on the rock they had been stranded on. Unfortunately, the planet itself was not planning on doing them any favors. They had only been able to make two trips given the weight of the load when they heard what could only be described as a rattling howl. Chakotay narrowly dodged the latest load from landing on his foot as Torres dropped her end to remove her phaser.
“B'Elanna, it has to be over a kilometer away,” Chakotay said, exasperated over how jumpy she was.
“Remind me again how far a kilometer is?” Torres retorted in a low raspy voice, aiming her phaser at something over Chakotay’s shoulder. Chakotay opened his mouth to reply but was drowned out by another rattling roar that was definitely a lot closer than he had expected. He half turned before leaping off to his left just as Torres fired just a bit further to her left than where his right ear had been a moment earlier. Another rattling howl that was punctuated by a shriek of anger or maybe pain, Chakotay couldn’t tell and didn’t quite care at the moment.
B'Elanna fired again but the shot went slightly wide. The hulking creature that looked like it was half made of the trees surrounding them let out an even louder roar before bounding after Chakotay, completely ignoring the woman firing at its haunches.
Just once, Chakotay would like to not be considered the more tantalizing target.
“Chakotay, hang a left!” B'Elanna called out as she continued to fire. More roars were the response as well as the snapping of jaws that almost sounded metallic. Oh, what she wouldn’t give for a phaser rifle right about then. Chakotay to his credit followed instructions and dropped down to slide under a partially felled tree. The creature, however, practically walked right through the trunk undeterred.
Desperate, Chakotay fired a couple times behind himself blindly. An acrid smell hit his nose before a shriek of what definitely had to be anger that time. He clambered up a slight hill that quickly turned into a cliff, nearly losing his footing three times along the way. But the creature didn’t miss a single step.
“Chakotay! You’re headed to a drop that has to be at least 100 feet high!” B'Elanna bellowed over the sound of the creature and her phaser. She did her best to keep herself from thinking about how impervious this creature was to phaser blasts and thus how useful it could be as armor. There would be time later, if she and Chakotay both survived the experience.
“I know!” Chakotay was now, in quite a cliche fashion, trapped on the very edge of the cliff with the creature grumbling forward every second.
As the creature swiped at him, Chakotay flashed back to his Starfleet training days, modified with boxing lessons. Then to the close quarters combat lessons for the Maquis. 'Use your opponent’s momentum against them’ was a tried and true method. Just not normally against creatures of this size. Looking at B'Elanna for what could easily be the last time, Chakotay ducked off to the side. The creature roared in confused rage as it quickly tumbled over the cliff. But its arm was still sweeping and managed to snag Chakotay by his uniform jacket. With a yell more out of surprise than anything, Chakotay joined the creature in tumbling off the cliff.
“Chakotay!” B'Elanna yelled, rushing forward to the edge without being in danger of falling after him. It took a short few seconds for her to hear the heavy thud of the creature landing, and possibly Chakotay too.
“Chakotay!” she yelled again, for all the good it could possibly do if Chakotay was injured or worse. She listened for a reply but heard nothing but the soft patter of debris falling into the relatively shallow water below.
Doing her best not to think the worst, she took the much safer route down the cliff and around to the water. She half expected Chakotay to be standing there with a stupid grin on his face and teasing her for being worried about him. All she could see though was the creature.
With phaser still firmly in hand, she edged closer to the creature.
“Chakotay?” she called out again, slightly softer this time. She heard a groan and jumped back, quickly aiming at the animal-plant hybrid thing. But as she watched it, there was no movement at all.
“Chakotay?” Louder this time as she skirted around the creature. Almost as if he had nestled himself there, Chakotay was in the crook of the thing’s arm–or leg, whichever it was. And again, for a second she was sure that Chakotay would pop up with a stupid teasing smile he seemed to reserve just for her until she noticed that half of him from the waist down was nowhere close to being in proper alignment.
“…Chakotay,” she mumbled, suddenly wishing she had the EMH with her. She knew battlefield first aid, but she also knew he outweighed her by a few dozen pounds.
Undeterred, she tucked her phaser away and used all the strength adrenaline and Klingon DNA gave her to drag Chakotay away from the creature and out of the water.
As she was getting to be halfway back to camp, Chakotay’s comm chirped and nearly startled B'Elanna bad enough to drop him, but managed to hold on.
“Voyager to Commander Chakotay. Chakotay do you copy?” Harry Kim’s voice filtered through, sounding a tad tinny from the damage the badge had sustained.
With a growl of frustration, Torres tapped her own combadge.
“Torres to Voyager. Commander Chakotay is unconscious right now,” B'Elanna explained, groaning halfway through the report as she returned to dragging Chakotay back as delicately as possible to prevent making his injury worse.
“B'Elanna? What happened?” Harry asked, voice instantly changing to one of extreme concern. Good old Harry Kim, worrying enough for the entire ship.
Another groan of strain before hitting the badge again.
“Well, Starfleet, Chakotay bet me he could make it to the bottom of a cliff faster than one of the native fauna. He lost. I won. Lucky me. I’m a few minutes out from our shuttle. His leg is looking really bad, like EMH needed bad. Any chance you figured out how we got swatted out of the sky and how to get us back?”
B'Elanna ignored the sharp intake of breath from Harry, having her own breathing to worry about as her strength from adrenaline began to flag.
“We think it was an almost invisible plasma storm. As you were going down we got some weird readings from the computer on the shuttle. We were actually hoping you could transfer it up to us…”
B'Elanna didn’t answer right away as she finally got to the camp and found a nice flat spot to put Chakotay close to the shuttle.
“Can it wait until I get Chakotay stabilized a bit more? Plus I have to find the data… the computer took a hit when we landed and what wasn’t fried went to comms.”
“Oh, yeah. O-of course. Captain says check in in 15 minute intervals,” Harry said, sounding even more exceedingly stressed and worried somehow.
“Is this working? Lieutenant Torres, this is sickbay. Do you copy?” The EMH’s voice suddenly broke in.
“Doctor, we talked about this–” Harry started.
“Yes, we did. As you are well aware all injuries must be reported to sickbay– that is, to me– immediately and communication with the away team becomes prioritized for the medical bay and–”
“Got it!” B'elanna cut in before Harry could reply. “Doctor, how do I stabilize Chakotay’s leg from the hip down?”
Harry wisely chose to fall silent for the time being.
“If it is from the hip down you will need to splint it for the time being from waist down to ankle. You will need a board or I suppose a thick stick would work but of course the preferred–”
“Splint! Got it, doctor! Thank you! Give me a bit!”
“I really wish people would let me finish a sentence some time…” the EMH complained before going silent.
B'Elanna stared at Chakotay a moment but was too afraid to ask if clothes could stay on or not. She assumed it would work better without the clothes in the way, not to mention checking for open wounds she may have missed thanks to the uniform color scheme, so as quietly as possible and as carefully, she slipped the man’s uniform off, wishing it wasn't a jumpsuit. It was the first time she’d seen him without pants in quite a while but she didn’t think much about it. She then grabbed one of the sticks that Chakotay had grabbed when they were bringing in the firewood and had made some comment about turning it into a spear or some such thing so they wouldn’t waste the battery packs on their phasers. All business, she lashed the branch to Chakotay’s leg. She was glad to note lack of blood, but there were some nasty bruises forming. The man moaned a little in his unconscious state but made no response otherwise. It worried her more than she wanted to admit.
’I swear if he makes me get out the medicine wheel again…’ she thought as she finished tying the last knot. She used one of the other survival blankets to cover Chakotay up.
“Torres to sickbay. Splint is in place. Now what? Chakotay is still unconscious, I thought he would wake up when the splint was getting put in place…”
“His brain may be trying to protect him from the pain. Nothing to worry about right now. In the mean time, find the first aid kit again and set him up with fluids while he is unconscious. Just because he isn’t bleeding doesn’t mean he doesn’t need to replenish his blood cells and hydration is always important anyways.”
She was starting to regret not paying much attention in battlefield first aid at the academy as she fumbled with setting up the fluids. Her pride kept her from asking for a step by step. When they started to infuse nicely, she figured she did it right.
“Please keep an eye on any swelling in the leg or even along the head. You said he fell. Just because you didn’t see his head hit the ground doesn’t mean it didn’t get traumatized from landing. And–”
“Sorry, doc, gotta interrupt you this one time. Captain says she and Seven found a way to neutralize the plasma storms to send a new shuttle down to you. But it will take another twelve standard hours to set everything up.”
So many things could happen in twelve hours. She grimaced.
“Is that the best they can do?” B'Elanna heard herself asking a tad too sharply.
Harry paused a moment, which just made B'Elanna feel like a jerk. But she was too worried to apologize just then.
“Yes, lieutenant. I’m sure it would go even faster if you were here…” Harry tried to smooth things over.
“Well I’m not, am I? Just keep me updated. Torres out.”
B'Elanna felt even more like a jerk and knew there would be some making up to do later.
With nothing really left to do except actually start a fire, B'Elanna focused on that instead of just watching Chakotay sleep. It took her enough tries she was glad Chakotay was unconscious.
B'Elanna was beginning to doze a little when Chakotay jerked awake with a surprised yell. B'Elanna couldn’t help her own small yell of surprise before rushing over to Chakotay.
“B'Elanna? What happened? I remember that tree dinosaur thing then nothing…” Chakotay brushed his hand along his throbbing thigh then flinched. Carefully he pulled the emergency blanket off, as if afraid of what he might find (or not find). He was relieved that he still had both legs (and other parts). His gaze fell on the splint, expertly tied if not placed. And he noticed his relative lack of clothing.
“Did you–”
“Nothing I haven’t seen before, Chakotay. Relax. You and I both know Maquis conditions meant a lot of getting to know each other more than expected. I’m just surprised you switched to solid colors,” she knew she would have failed not to smile so didn’t even try to prevent it. The look on her face made Chakotay roll his eyes and groan. He supposed he should be grateful, joking meant things weren’t as dire as he thought. B'Elanna didn’t tend to have gallows humor (about other people, anyways) or exaggerate.
“Anyways. The… tree dinosaur,” she supposed that was as good a description as any, ”grabbed you and yanked you off the cliff as it plummeted. Have to admire the philosophy of ‘if I’m going down you’re going with me’ also applying here in the Delta Quadrant. Kinda poetic. While I dragged you back, Harry got in touch. They’re rigging up another shuttle, this one is supposed to be able to neutralize the storm that knocked us out of the sky. Unfortunately it won’t be ready until tomorrow.”
Chakotay took in the 'sitrep’ then nodded thoughtfully.
“Ration bar?” Torres offered, holding out a brown bar that seemed to be made of granola and molasses. Chakotay made a face but took it anyways with a thanks, it was all they knew to be edible on the planet so far. After eating he pulled the blanket closer.
"I'm sorry the archaeologist in me got us stuck down here," Chakotay suddenly said. It was rare for him to take the blame like that. He was rarely self deprecating.
"Says the man with a leg that was basically turned into a number five," B'Elanna noted as she added a bit more wood to the fire.
"Who had to get here back to camp somehow and wouldn't have needed the help if we had never come."
B'Elanna knew that a younger version of herself would have probably chewed his head off about their predicament. And he almost seemed like he was expecting it. But, she was an adult...
"You're right but I think you have been punished enough for your curiosity, Cha-cat-ay."
B'Elanna realized a second later than Chakotay what she had said.
"Harry," they said together with a shared eyeroll. The junior bridge officer did tend to enjoy his wordplay sometimes. It was enough to break Chakotay out of his mood, however.
Now that she knew Chakotay wasn’t comatose, B'Elanna got up and cut up some more of the wood for the fire as well as setting up some minor defenses. She wasn't certain how long night would reign before they would get picked up in a new shuttle so they had to be prepared.
"I will take the next watch. You deserve some rest," Chakotay said.
"Torres to sickbay," B'Elanna said instead, tapping her badge.
"Please state the nature of the medical emergency."
"The opposite actually. Commander Chakotay has regained consciousness."
"Wonderful, I shall log that immediately. Don't worry, Commander, once you are back on the ship we will fix your leg good as new again!" B'Elanna was pretty sure The Doctor was being sarcastic but at the moment didn't care.
"See you then," Chakotay called out.
"Torres to Kim," B'Elanna ordered next.
"Kim here!"
"Chakotay has regained consciousness and I have fortified the area as best I can. I have also turned on the tracking beacon. Let the captain know we wait for a shuttle off this rock as soon as possible."
"You got it. Glad you are back with us, Commander," Harry said.
"Thank you, Ensign."
The night felt far longer than the day had been, and neither slept perfectly especially when they heard what sounded like another "tree dinosaur" stomping its way towards their ramshackle base camp. Luckily it either seemed to change its mind or the planet really did defy certain laws about sounds. 
The day dawned and shortly after what constituted a breakfast while on an away mission, the pair waited as patiently as possible for the call down to make sure the landing zone was cleared out. The call came in about the time B’Elanna was about to decide they might as well have lunch too.
“Y’know, I’m actually tired enough and hungry enough I’m willing to eat whatever Neelix has managed to make,” B’Elanna muttered on the shuttle ride back to the ship, trying not to flinch every time it rocked like the one that had crashed had done.
Chakotay laughed hard enough he flinched and grabbed his leg. At least it was just a break.
I still want to know what that creature’s skin was made of... B’Elanna thought as the Voyager came into view. But she was not at all willing to risk going back down to find out.
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ncthingstars · 4 years
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PROMPT :   enoch is anxious about meeting the doctor, and emil is there to listen. ( a little preamble to an upcoming thread )
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       “are you nervous?”
they’re in bed together, something they often do when enoch isn’t needed on the bridge at night and emil isn’t watching out for a patient in intensive care. neither of them need sleep, and enoch rarely enjoyed it, but they’d all collectively decided that if emmet naps on the job, then there’s probably something to be gained from sleeping even a little bit.
sleep really isn’t the point of it, enoch had quickly realized. it’s the part about falling into bed with someone you love that’s so alluring. no wonder so many characters in the books he’s read complain about sleeping alone.
“...a little.” 
enoch’s not in love with emil, though he’s often wondered if it would be easier if he were. easier, certainly, than pining for a man who would never return his feelings. enoch’s tried hard to get over him, and though the pain in his chest has long since faded to a dull ache whenever he sees the captain with her, he knows his heart belongs to the one person who cannot reciprocate, and so it will remain. 
but what he lacks in romance, he makes up for in devoted friendship and loyalty, and a disregard for platonic stereotypes. and emil has been more than willing to join him in that.
“i can’t believe you even convinced him to come here. he must be a very busy man.”
“i’m sure he is. but he seemed very interested in our.... arrangement.”
they’re lying side by side, emil with a book in his left hand, and his right arm slung over enoch’s shoulder. enoch is curled against him, head nestled against the crook of the other’s arm, scrolling through his padd, looking over all his collected information on the doctor for the third time that night alone. 
“i just don’t know how forward i should be,” enoch says. “if i act like too much of a fan, he won’t take me seriously. but if i act disinterested, he’ll think i don’t care. do i ask him about himself? i already know everything. do i tell him about us here? that’ll sound selfish. oh, i don’t know.” he rolls over, burying his face against emil’s chest. “it’s not every day you get to meet your hero.” 
emil sets down his book, pressing a kiss to the top of enoch’s head.
“just be yourself. he’s going to love you.” 
enoch blushes, and looks up at the other, eyes bright and hopeful. “you’ll come too, right?”
emil laughs. “i wouldn’t miss it. he’s like, an ancestor. i mean, photons be free? that’s my history.” enoch nods. “we’re really lucky, you know?”
he knows. though it’s hard sometimes, when things are bad, when rios is in a mood and keeps them all offline for long periods of time. but it happens less frequently now. he’s been better -- kinder -- since he got a full crew again. that’s something to be grateful for, at least. and it’s infinitely better than what all the original mark 1 emhs lives are like. he has a home here, a family. and tomorrow, they’re going to be visited by the most famous and renowned hologram in federation history.
“you should sleep,” enoch says, plucking the book from emil’s hand and setting it down. the emh gives him a look, before taking the padd from him.
“you first.”
they both know neither one of them will. but it’s enough for enoch to close his eyes, letting his primary operating systems slip into standby mode, and run his sensory processor in the background as he settles against the other. he can feel emil shift next to him, and enoch winds his arms around his thin frame, holding him close. it won’t last. it never does. but he’s content, for a little while, and he thinks that maybe this life isn’t so bad after all. 
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the-goofball · 5 years
What if?
I just recently found this in a virtual drawer. So, I dusted it off and added the last few sentences.
This is an AU to the series Resistance is Futile and pretty much continues right after Avoidance is Futile. I wrote this back in 2015 as I played with the question ‘how would Janeway and Seven react if B’Elanna was pregnant?’
It took me three times reading this to realize that I stole something from another Sci-Fi show without meaning to. I left it in there because it's actually quite funny. Cookies to anyone who finds it ;o)
* * * * *
“I've thought about having children, but I must say I never considered having them with you.” Kathryn Janeway, Stardate 49373.4, 2x15 Threshold
“You're right. I would like to have a child someday. But not with you.” Kathryn Janeway, Stardate 50384.2, 3x11 The Q and the grey
* * * * *
„Seven of Nine to the Captain.”
Janeway activated her com. “Yes, Seven?” As they had agreed upon, Janeway addressed Seven personally as a sign that she was alone and could talk about private matters if needed.
There was a slight pause, then Seven said: “I believe it prudent for you to come to Sickbay.”
Janeway arched an eyebrow. Prudent?, she thought. “Did anything happen?”
“In a manner of speaking,” Seven said. “However, none of us is damaged.”
Seven’s usage of ‘us’ told Janeway that B’Elanna was in Sickbay as well but other than that there was no hint at all to what was going on.
“I’ll be with you shortly since I obviously won’t find out more otherwise,” Janeway said.
“Correct. Seven out.”
Janeway blinked. “Alright then,” she said to herself.
When Janeway entered Sickbay, B’Elanna was sitting with her elbows braced on her thighs on one of the Biobeds and rubbed her forehead. She looked up with a deep sigh, then – to Janeway’s surprise –froze as their eyes met.
Suddenly, B’Elanna jumped off the bed and whirled around to Seven, who stood a little to the side.
“You told her?”
“I did no such thing,” Seven replied coolly, lifting her chin slightly.
“Told me what?” Janeway asked, stepping further into the room.
“You might just as well have!” B’Elanna fumed.
“It is not my information to share,” Seven said.
“What information?” Janeway looked back and forth between the two of them.
“You’re damn right it’s not!” B’Elanna barked.
“Lieutenant!” The Doctor stepped out of his office. “Calm yourself.”
B’Elanna’s hand shot in his direction, while she still glowered at Seven. “You stay out of this!”
“You should not aggravate yourself,” the EMH said.
B’Elanna whirled around to him. “I might be pregnant but-”
The room went completely silent.
Pregnant? Janeway stared at B’Elanna, who slowly turned to her with wide eyes. “Pregnant?” She asked out loud. “You’re… pregnant?”
B’Elanna swallowed and nodded, then – avoiding Janeway’s eyes – pushed her hair back and walked towards Janeway. “I… I’m sorry,” she said hoarsely.
Pregnant, Janeway thought as she watched B’Elanna approach. She’s pregnant.
“I know… it’s going to change everything.”
“Of course it will,” Janeway said.
B’Elanna stopped, her hands curling into fists. “I’m so sorry,” she repeated and closed her eyes.
She’s with child, Janeway thought, then admonished herself: focus! “What for?”
“Everything.” B’Elanna’s curled hands came up and she looked at Janeway. “… so sorry.”
“B’Elanna, please…” Janeway took a step forward. “Stop apologizing and tell me what you are sorry for.”
“For… for ruining everything,” B’Elanna swallowed again. “For disappointing you,” she added, pivoted on her heels and took off.
Janeway opened her mouth but she was too stunned to speak. Only when B’Elanna had reached the door, did she manage to call after her: “B’Elanna…”
But B’Elanna didn’t stop, didn’t reply. She didn’t even look back and dashed away.
“What the hell?” Janeway turned to Seven, who had been standing beside the Doctor and now came towards her. “Do you know what’s going on?”
“I’m not certain,” Seven replied. “I will talk to her.”
“Oh, no. It’s me she’s running from and I’m going to find out why myself,” Janeway said. “And she better have a damn good explanation.”
Seven stopped beside Janeway. “She would be more at ease with me.”
“I’m aware of that,” Janeway said. “But I’m not going to start having you as an intermediary whenever there is a problem between us.” She reached for Seven’s hand and took it between both of her own. “We’ll have to work it out ourselves.”
Seven sighed softly but then nodded. “Very well.”
“I’ll see you later,” Janeway said and squeezed Seven’s hand. “And we’ll talk later. I want to know how you feel about this.”
“Do not worry about me,” Seven said. “I am – fine.”
Janeway shook her head lightly. “You’re picking up bad habits,” she said and before Seven could answer, added: “I have to go.”
Seven inclined her head. “Good luck.”
Janeway gave Seven a ‘seriously’-look and then went in search of B’Elanna.
On her way through the corridors, Janeway tried to focus on what B’Elanna feared was ruined. She had a pretty good idea that the reason was connected to their relationship and began to feel irritated that B’Elanna would think Janeway to be that callous.
But then her mind would remind her of the times when children had been a topic; like way back with Tom or even the incident when Q had wanted to mate with her. And Janeway couldn’t deny the excitement she felt about the prospect of B’Elanna being pregnant – until she remembered why she was searching for B’Elanna in the first place and by the time Janeway had reached B’Elanna’s quarters, her emotions were all over the place.
There was no reaction from inside to Janeway’s buzzing, so she touched the panel again.
“I’m busy!” B’Elanna’s voice barked through the speaker.
“You will have to make time, I’m afraid,” Janeway replied and pressed her hand once more against the panel.
No reaction.
“B’Elanna, open this door or I’ll do it myself.”
The door swished open and B’Elanna glared at Janeway. “You would use your rank to gain entrance?”
Janeway glared right back and moved forward, causing B’Elanna to take a step back. Janeway went past her and inside the room.
“I’m not here in my capacity as the captain,” Janeway said. “I’m here because my lover took off right after she revealed that she is pregnant. And yes, I’ll use every advantage I have to talk to her.”
“Even if I don’t want to?”
That stung and Janeway crossed her arms. “Of course not,” she said. “Tell me that you don’t want to talk to me and I’ll leave.”
B’Elanna huffed and then started pacing.
Janeway closed her eyes briefly and exhaled, feeling like the biggest hurdle had been taken. She knew B’Elanna well enough by now to know that she would start talking eventually – after having criss-crossed the room countless times.
Sure enough, after a couple of minutes, B’Elanna turned to Janeway with a defiant expression. “Since I already know what you’re going to say, there’s no sense in talking. You don’t have to soften the blow.”
Janeway arched an eyebrow, her own ire flaring up again. “Then by all means, enlighten me.”
B’Elanna shot another glare at Janeway before she picked up her trail again. “Oh, it’s going to be something about Starfleet Protocol and pushing boundaries,” B’Elanna said and gestured with one hand. “About not being able to go on but that of course we will always be friends.”
“I’m feeling insulted,” Janeway said.
“Insulted?” B’Elanna stopped and spun around. “You’re feeling insulted?” She asked incredulously. “Do you want to know how I’m feeling?”
“As a matter of fact, I have a pretty good idea about how you feel,” Janeway said. “Overwhelmed, worried and even though you’d rather swallow your tongue before you admit it, you’re probably frightened and feel alone.” Janeway lifted a hand to keep B’Elanna from responding. “Now for the reason why I’m feeling insulted.” Janeway lowered her hand again and after a deep breath took a couple of steps towards B’Elanna. “That you honestly believe I would end our relationship because of your pregnancy is upsetting.”
B’Elanna’s eyes widened. “But…”
“But… don’t you think I should get back with Tom? Don’t you think a child should have a father?”
“No and it has,” Janeway replied.
“No, I don’t believe you should get back with Tom and certainly not if the child is the only reason,” Janeway explained. “And the father is still there even though he might not be in a relationship with the mother.”
B’Elanna swallowed hard, then crossed her arms. “There’s still the protocol.”
Janeway arched a brow. “I got involved with you despite Starfleet Protocol and I’m not going to end it because of your pregnancy.”
Avoiding Janeway’s eyes, B’Elanna bit her lip. “Are you… are you sure?”
Janeway walked up to her and lifted her chin with her fingers. Locking onto B’Elanna’s eyes, Janeway said: “I promise you that I will not leave you because you are pregnant.”
B’Elanna’s eyes, which had moved back and forth between Janeway’s, filled with tears and she sniffed softly.
Janeway cupped B’Elanna’s face. “We’re in this together.”
Putting one hand on top of Janeway’s, B’Elanna moved her head, pressing her nose into the palm and took a deep breath – probably inhaling the scent, Seven had left behind. Then, with a laugh that was half a sob, she looked up again. “Maybe you shouldn’t make any promises before you have talked to the Doctor.”
Janeway tilted her head and looked questioningly at B’Elanna.
“He said my temper might flare up more often because of the hormones.”
Janeway smiled. “We’ll manage somehow,” she said and for a moment just looked into B’Elanna’s wide open eyes.
Janeway finally allowed her own excitement to come through and she moved closer to B’Elanna. “Are you really pregnant?” She asked in a hushed voice and moved her hands down onto B’Elanna’s shoulders.
B’Elanna nodded slightly. “Yes,” she whispered.
“Are we…” Janeway swallowed around the lump in her throat. “Are we really going to have a child?”
B’Elanna nodded again, dislodging some tears. “Yes,” she croaked.
“We’re going to have a family? You, Seven and I?”
“Yes,” B’Elanna confirmed with a laugh, lifting her shoulder to brush away a tear.
Janeway blinked rapidly to keep her own tears at bay. “We’re going to have a family,” she repeated just to hear herself saying it again.
B’Elanna tilted her head. “You are really excited about this.”
Janeway took a deep breath, trying to rain in some of her emotions. “I still believe the Delta Quadrant isn’t the best playground for a child and I’d wish for other circumstances… but it is as it is,” Janeway said. “I had given up hope of-“ This time it was Janeway who sniffed softly as she lost the battle against her stinging eyes. “I had given up hope of ever having my own family. I mean a family with child.” She swallowed and nodded. “So… yes, I am excited about having a child with you.”
“Are you… really?”
Janeway nodded again. “You’re right of course, things will change and I’m not saying it’s going to be easy for either of us. But…” She laughed, spilling more tears. “Can you imagine Seven with a toddler in Astrophysics, trying to figure out the most efficient-“
B’Elanna burst out laughing. “Kahless, I hope she’s over scheduling fun-times.”
Janeway laughed as well. “How about you searching everywhere for your favourite sonic screwdriver until you hear a soft snicker from the other room?”
“No!” B’Elanna gasped.
“Oh, yes.” Janeway nodded. “And I have another one: Seven and you discussing some engineering problem in our quarters, trying to keep all the PADDs out of little hands.” Janeway mock-groaned. “I suppose crumbs and PADDs aren’t the only thing I’m going to find in bed.”
With a laugh, B’Elanna averted her eyes. It hadn’t been that long after they had gotten together that Janeway had found a PADD from B’Elanna under the covers.
“But what’s with you?” B’Elanna looked up again. “You haven’t said anything about yourself.”
Janeway squeezed B’Elanna’s hands. “I see myself laying in my reading chair with a sleeping bundle on my chest.”
There was a sob, then B’Elanna pulled her hands free just to throw her arms around Janeway and hug her tightly.
Janeway returned the embrace, tears of happiness now running unchecked down her cheeks. With a smile, she closed her eyes.
After a moment, B’Elanna mumbled something into Janeway’s shoulder, causing Janeway to lean back.
B’Elanna loosened her grip and with a grin wiped her face. “I asked why you get to have the only peaceful image.”
Janeway followed suit and dried her face with her hand, before she answered: “Because I’d rather think about that then about what sort of mischief Tom will come up with.”
B’Elanna’s mouth formed into a silent ‘o’.
“Does ‘whoopie cushion’ mean anything to you? He’s going to be a pain in the ass,” Janeway said dryly.
“But… how? He would have to know to tease you.”
Janeway tilted her head. “He would figure it out sooner or later,” she said. “And I’d rather have it in the open instead of trying to keep it hidden. Unless that’s what you want.”
B’Elanna stared at Janeway. “You’d… you’d tell him about us?”
Once more Janeway cupped B’Elanna’s face in her hands. “Tom will be more involved than anyone else on this ship and under the circumstances, yes, I’d tell him about us.”
“I have no idea how he’s going react,” B’Elanna said.
Janeway lifted a shoulder. “It might take him a while to digest it but he will get over it eventually. And then he might even see the positive in it; see the whole picture instead of feeling like his manly pride got hurt.”
B’Elanna looked at Janeway questioningly.
“We had a little heart to heart when we were salvaging the useless cortical node for Seven,” Janeway replied.
Janeway tightened her grip on B’Elanna as she swayed on her feet. “B’Elanna?”
“I’m… I’m feeling a little light-headed.”
“Let’s get you off your feet then,” Janeway said and then arched an eyebrow when B’Elanna glowered at her. “I assume there was a reason why you were in Sickbay in the first place.”
Janeway didn’t bother to hide her smile as she recognized B’Elanna’s ‘I don’t like you very much right now because you’re right’-look.
B’Elanna huffed and then turned towards the couch.
Janeway followed her and, after sitting at one end, looked at B’Elanna. “Would you do me a favour?”
“Would you lay down with your head on my lap?” Janeway asked, and when B’Elanna looked at her sceptically, she added: “Please? I would really love to have you there.”
B’Elanna sighed heavily, then slipped out of her shoes before laying down. “I’m not sick,” she muttered.
“I know,” Janeway replied. “And it’s not… sometimes I just want to be the one you’re leaning against, you know?” She softly pushed a strand of B’Elanna’s hair back.
B’Elanna’s gaze came up to meet Janeway’s. “Are you saying I’m always turning to Seven?”
Lifting one shoulder, Janeway admitted: “It feels like it.”
B’Elanna seemed to ponder that, then looked back at Janeway. “But that’s only partly true,” she said. “I might turn to Seven when I’m feeling out of my depth.” She pulled her lip between her teeth while her eyes moved back and forth between Janeway’s. “But you’re the one having me in your arms when…” B’Elanna sighed. “When I’m crying and since I’m not doing that very often.” She shrugged. “It might feel like it.”
Janeway felt a ridiculously pleased smile creeping up and was glad she managed a vague “oh” without the smile breaking free.
“Yeah,” B’Elanna said. “I think that might be because I… there are situations when I don’t mind Seven teasing me and there are some when I do.”
“I understand,” Janeway said, reached for B’Elanna’s hand and linked fingers with hers. “But I don’t think she would.”
“I suppose you’re right.” B’Elanna lifted their hands up. She studied them for a short while before she unlinked them and then placed Janeway’s on her stomach, putting her own on top of it.
A surge of joyful excitement shot through Janeway and her gaze moved to meet B’Elanna’s. A smile as wide as the shuttle-bay doors spread across her face and she sighed deeply.
“I’m feeling a lot less scared,” B’Elanna said. “And-“
“Seven of Nine to Captain Janeway.”
Janeway activated her Com. “Yes, Seven?”
“Have you two solved your issue?”
“We did,” Janeway replied and looked at B’Elanna.
“Then I assume I won’t disturb you if I were to join you.”
“Just get your butt here,” B’Elanna said.
“Agreed.” Janeway stroked B’Elanna with her thumb and smiled.
There was no reply from Seven, and Janeway and B’Elanna exchanged a surprised look. It was unlike Seven to let a remark like that uncommented.
B’Elanna had just opened her mouth when the door to her quarters hissed open and Seven stepped inside.
“I’m not able to construct an exact replica of my – butt,” Seven said. “So you will have to be content with the whole me.”
B’Elanna pulled her legs up. “Then how about getting the whole you over here and placing this butt of yours on the couch?”
Seven grazed B’Elanna with a condescending glance, and then she sat down. With a deep inhale she looked at B’Elanna.
“No lecture, please,” B’Elanna said.
Seven cocked her head. “I had no intention of lecturing you. I wanted to apologize,” she said. “I was of the opinion that it concerned all of us and therefore I asked the Captain to come to Sickbay. However, you were right; it was not my place to do so.”
There was a sigh and Janeway looked down at B’Elanna.
“Yeah, but I wasn’t too keen on facing her,” B’Elanna said and squeezed Janeway’s hand.
“Why?” Seven asked.
“Because I thought she’d want to end our relationship with of me being pregnant and all.”
Seven said nothing. But the crested implant above her eye rose slowly and once that had reached the peek, it was followed by her brow.
“You know, your facial expression is sometimes more insulting than anything you could say,” B’Elanna stated.
“I hardly have facial expressions,” Seven said.
Janeway laughed out loud.
“Right,” B’Elanna said. “That’s true enough. But when you do it’s rather effective.” She poked Seven with one foot.
Janeway smiled when Seven caught B’Elanna’s foot and pulled it onto her lap before she held out her hand for the other one.
“I assume the Captain was able to convince you that she has no intention of terminating your relationship,” Seven said.
“Yeah, she was,” B’Elanna said. “I mean, I had no chance. You know how she gets: ‘I’ll use every force necessary’,” B’Elanna mimicked Janeway’s tone and grinned mischievously at Janeway – who arched an eyebrow.
“She’s quite forceful for a mere human being,” Seven said.
“Are you two done talking about me as if I weren’t here?”
“Sorry,” B’Elanna said. “I’m just trying to gather my courage to ask Seven how she actually feels about – well, about me being pregnant.”
Janeway looked from B’Elanna to Seven.
“I am not certain,” Seven said. “I don’t seem to have the best requirements to raise children.”
“You what?” B’Elanna asked.
“Why would you say that?” Janeway wanted to know.
“Need I remind you of the many arguments I had with Mezoti and the twins? The endless discussions I still have with Icheb?”
“Might I remind you that Mezoti and the twins followed a human tradition and hugged you when they said good-bye?” Janeway said.
B’Elanna snorted. “I can’t believe you bring up Icheb. As far as I know he was very determined to save your life.” B’Elanna looked up at Janeway. “And didn’t you say something about Naomi coming to you with a rescue plan for Seven two years ago?”
“She did indeed,” Janeway answered before turning her gaze back to Seven. “Out of the three of us you have the most experience with raising children,” she said and then smiled. “Discussions, arguments and even tears are to be expected.”
“I… I believe you might be a good counterpart to my… um to my more temperamental nature.”
“I think you both will do just fine with parenting,” Janeway said.
“What about you?” B’Elanna wanted to know.
Janeway smiled. “I’m learning to be more than just a captain, so I think I’ll manage.”
“I’m already looking forward to how you use ‘scientific curiosity’ to sell Neelix’ food to the kid,” B’Elanna said with a grin which made Janeway laugh.
“You will not smother the child’s possible interest in science by forcing it to eat something inedible,” Seven said contemptuously. “I will prepare the food myself.”
Janeway nodded with as much seriousness as she could muster. “Noted,” she said and then looked at B’Elanna before the smile could break free.
B’Elanna however, had no qualms to tease Seven. “You’d think it’s the perfect opportunity to dampen every possible curiosity.”
“There are perfectly suitable fields of science to encourage curiosity,” Seven replied.
“Let me guess,” Janeway said dryly. “Astronomy.”
“Astronomy, quantum mechanics, astrophysics, engineering-“
“Just name every field of science that doesn’t involve other species or cultures,” B’Elanna said.
Seven cocked her head and the corner of her mouth lifted slightly. “I find Klingons to be fascinating and worth thorough studies.”
Laughing softly, Janeway said to B’Elanna: “She’s got you there.”
“Mhm… Seven… what are you doing?”
“I have done some preliminary research,” Seven replied. “And I have found aching feet to be a common problem during the last trimester of the pregnancy.”
And sure enough, Seven had B’Elanna’s foot in one hand and was massaging it.
“I’m not that far ahead yet,” B’Elanna said.
“I’m aware of that,” Seven said. “However, if I begin practising now I will have perfected my technique by the time you will be troubled.”
B’Elanna sighed. “Never even try to deny the fact that you are-“ B’Elanna’s eyes rolled back and she moaned softly.
Janeway looked what Seven was doing now, but she was still only massaging and kneading B’Elanna’s feet.
“Damn, that feels nice,” B’Elanna mumbled.
“Then I will not need as much practice as I had believed,” Seven stated.
B’Elanna opened her eyes a bit, a smile tugging at the corner of her mouth. “In this case, it feels terrible and you need to practice often,” she said. “Like on a daily basis.”
“You are insatiable,” Seven said with a soft smile.
“Oh, is this an occasion where you don’t like my… appetite?”
“It was a statement, not a complaint,” Seven said. “I very much enjoy your appetite.”
Janeway laughed. “I’m glad you said that yourself since it’s so obvious that you do.”
“It would be illogical for me to say otherwise and untrue.”
Seven shifted her gaze from Janeway to B’Elanna and gave her a questioningly look.
“If you leave aside the argument, which will take a few years anyway… how do you feel?”
Seven straightened her shoulders. “While I feel a certain curiosity about a subunit of you, B’Elanna Torres, I’m also aware of my tendencies to overcompensate for the perceived negligence of my own parents.”
Janeway had laughed at Seven’s use of ‘subunit’ but also because she knew all about overcompensating. “The poor kid is probably going to feel smothered by us in no time.”
“You really believe that?”
There was a wistful undertone in B’Elanna’s voice and Janeway looked down to her. “Believe what exactly? That we will do everything possible to keep our child safe or that it will feel smothered by us?”
B’Elanna shrugged as much as possible. “Both, I guess,” she replied quietly.
“Well, for the former, I know that as a fact. Does ‘overcompensating protectiveness’ ring a bell?” Janeway took B’Elanna’s hand and squeezed it softly. “As for the latter… we will do everything we can to make the child feel loved. That’s a promise.”
B’Elanna’s grip on Janeway’s hand became almost painful as she looked searchingly into her eyes. Finally, with a deep sigh, B’Elanna nodded. “Okay. Then I will put this fear aside for now and focus on another one: how to tell the father to be?”
“You don’t have to do this alone,” Janeway said. “At least not the part about us. Unless you prefer that.”
“Not really, no.”
“Then just invite him for dinner.” Janeway smiled.
“I shall prepare his favourite meal,” Seven said. “It was peanut butter and jelly sandwiches was it not?”
Janeway laughed at that and B’Elanna snorted.
“The meal won’t be a problem,” B’Elanna said. “Anything not created by Neelix is a win.”
“Dinner it is then.”
“Right.” B’Elanna sat up. “Then I’ll go and bring Tom the news and an invitation for – the day after tomorrow?”
Janeway nodded. “Sounds like a plan.”
B’Elanna stood and straightened her shoulders.
“Will you return later?” Seven asked.
“It’s supposed to be your evening.”
“Given the circumstances, we can make an exception.” Janeway smiled softly. “I’d love to have a cosy evening with both of you.”
B’Elanna’s gaze moved to Seven.
“I’m in agreement with the Captain.”
Biting her lower lip to somewhat hide the smile, B’Elanna gave a curt nod. “I’ll see you in a bit then.” She turned on her heel and left.
Janeway inhaled deeply, her gaze still on the door. “We’re going to have a child,” she whispered and reached out to Seven.
“You are excited about this.” It was a statement, not a question. Seven took Janeway’s hand into her own.
“Oh, I’m also terrified.” Janeway looked at Seven. “We are in the Delta Quadrant, so many things could happen.”
“Many things will happen,” Seven said and tugged lightly on Janeway’s hand. “One of the things that will happen is that Voyager and her crew will return to the Alpha Quadrant.”
Janeway had moved closer to Seven and now gave her a half smile. “You sound rather confident about that.”
“I am.”
“You suddenly have faith?” Janeway asked teasingly, remembering very well their conversation about this particular subject.
The implant above Seven’s eye rose. “No,” she said. “At least not in general. But I do have faith in you. And you said it yourself: we will do everything we can to keep the child safe. And you believe the Alpha Quadrant to be a safer place.”
Janeway shook her head with a smile. “You have me all figured out.”
“I highly doubt that,” Seven replied. “But this I know.”
With a soft sigh, Janeway leaned into Seven. And together they waited for B’Elanna’s return.
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wits-writing · 5 years
Earth’s Mightiest Retrospective Ep 28: “Alone Against AIM”
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(Directed by Boyd Kirkland, Written by Kevin Burke and Chris Wyatt, Original Airdate: April 8, 2012)
This episode marks the return of some elements we haven’t gotten much of since the first episode of the series, a look into Tony Stark’s personal and business life when he’s not being Iron Man. While we’ve gotten brief glimpses of Pepper Potts and the plot points would tie into Tony’s past as a weapons manufacturer, there hasn’t been much of a look into how that side of his life has been going. It turns out not too well. The Avengers have enveloped Tony’s life so completely that’s he’s left Stark Industries to flounder with its stock plummeting and the board of directors asking him what he plans to do about it. Where his head’s at is shown clearly during a meeting with his board, that he spends most of putting the finishing touches on a new energy-based version of Captain America’s shield. He promises Pepper that he’s working on better organizing his life by separating any trace of his Avengers life from his business, starting with moving his new armor to storage at Avengers Mansion with the help of Skrull-Cap, Black Panther and James Rhodes.
Tony’s Avengers life isn’t free of bumps in the road either, demonstrated in a meeting with Director Maria Hill of SHIELD. She’s at Stark Tower to reaffirm her efforts and belief in the necessity of the Avengers officially registering as agents of SHIELD, last brought up in “Hail, Hydra!”. Tony remains glibly disaffected at the idea, retorting with point about how every Avengers’ identity is already public and how they’ve done enough good to earn the benefit of the doubt. Hill’s has nothing to do with either of those points. She’s looking out on a world of superheroes that’s growing more chaotic all the time, namedropping the likes of Spider-Man and the X-Men. In her view, if heroes as prominent as the Avengers begin the trend of operating publicly under government supervision, then the rest will follow.
Their debate gets put on hold as the main dilemma of the episode begins. The remnants of AIM lead by a member referred to only as “AIM Supreme” have taken over Stark Tower, cutting off all power and communication. It’s sets up a situation where the rest of the episode’s conflict takes on the trapping of Die Hard, as these terrorist activities are mainly being done to accomplish some tech-based thievery of the Iron Man suits and all the data on the Stark Industries mainframe. The way the episode plays out makes the homage obvious, especially in the scenes where AIM Supreme is holding Pepper hostage. The conversations between her and the villainous scientist are often almost word-for-word lifts of exchanges between Holly and Hans Gruber from the action classic.
Though one thing Die Hard definitely didn’t have was a nanotech monster named the Technovore. The mechanical creature was recovered by AIM and programmed to seek out and consume technology. AIM Supreme has reprogrammed it to specifically detect arc reactors like the one in Tony’s chest that powers his armor. Since Tony’s hundreds of floors away from his nearest armor and only has Cap’s new shield to defend himself, he spends most of the episode being protected by Hill from the Technovore. Meanwhile, Panther, Skrull-Cap, and Rhodey are fighting against the members of AIM trying to get the two new armors Tony’s been working on. One, a brand-new suit for himself. The other for Rhodey and makes this episode the debut of him in full superhero gear as War Machine. It’s a strong first impression as he gets to mow down AIM goons left and right.
Victory’s cut short for Rhodey, since the fresh energy signature of his suit’s arc reactor attracts the Technovore to his location. The situation clears up a bit when Tony and Hill get down to the sublevels and Tony gets to debut the new Iron Man. The new armor’s overall look isn’t too much of a departure from his season one design except for the overall red/yellow color balance being slightly different, so it’s a lateral move for the character’s look. The concern of the point from point becomes how does Tony both stop the Technovore and prevent AIM from blowing up the arc reactor powering the building. His answer is to solve the second problem with the first by overloading the tower’s reactor, attracting the mechanical monster to it and making it destroy itself rather than the building.
The AIM members responsible for the attack get taken into SHIELD custody. Skrull-Cap assures them that he made sure they didn’t walk away with their copy of Stark Industries computer data, though everyone else doesn’t know it’s no safer with him. The evening’s events only reassured Maria Hill in her belief that the heroes and their potentially dangerous equipment need to be put in check. She’s certain the heroes are going to do something that will lose them the public’s trust and ready to put registration into effect the second that happens. As Die Hard-riffs go, “Alone Against AIM” makes a well-executed one. It’s a strong refocusing on Tony’s dilemma’s as Iron Man and a business man going into the second season of EMH.
Next time, the Enchantress pursues Zemo and the Masters of Evil for betraying her at the end of last season.
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bhavael-song · 6 years
unexpected conversation
Lieutenant Ayala enters sickbay and the Doctor is upon him with a tricorder immediately.
“Lieutenant, I have been trying to get you in here for the past two days.”
“Sorry, Doc.”
“Lay down on the biobed. I need to make sure your completely unnecessary stab wound is healing correctly,” he sighs.
Mike nods and hops up on the bed. He makes quick eye contact with Tal Celes who occupies the main bed before he lays flat.
“I still can't believe how this happened. Have any of you even been reprimanded for your careless actions?”
Mike shrugs, “Is that any of your business?”
“Hmm, I suppose not.” The EMH puts down the tricorder and presses his fingertips into Mike's abdomen. Ayala groans. “But it is my business, to make sure you come in for regular checkups. Especially after having your large intestine punctured by a holographic d'k tahg. Lay still. I have to fix you up... again.”
The Doctor skillfully reverses the damage cause by Mike's neglect. “I want you back in here after your shift tomorrow, understood?”
Ayala nods and the doctor walks away, mumbling loud enough for everyone in the room to hear just how underappreciated he felt.
Mike directs his attention to sickbay's only other occupant.  "Hey Tal, how are you doing?"
Tal flinches back to reality at the sound of his voice and reluctantly lifts her eyes to meet Mike's.  She shrugs and mumbles something about being tired, immediately dropping her gaze again.  Under the bright lights of sickbay, the dark circles under her eyes are clearly evident.
“Okay, that was a dumb question. Have you uh, talked to anyone at all?”
Tal nodded.  "Kes just left.  And before her...the Captain was here."  The mention of Janeway is tinged with a hint of disbelief.  Feeling awkward, she added, "It was good of her to come by when she has so much more going on."
Mike tries not to think about the day and a half B'Elanna spent cleaning all the blood out of the Flyer. “The captain does tend to keep busy, but I'm sure no matter what, she would make time for you. Did talking with Kes help?"
"No...yes...I—I don't know."  Tal shivers suddenly and abruptly sits up, winding her blanket as tight around her as possible.  "I'll have to meet with her for counseling sessions as the Doctor ordered, but—I don't know how it will help.  She can't erase what happened...and I don't want to put those things in her head—"  She shook her head in a violent gesture.
“Hey, it's alright Tal. Kes wouldn't have agreed to be counselor if she didn't think she could handle it."
"I know and she is there as a friend too.  But it's not just Kes, it's also Ha—other people who want to be there.  But how do I—" she gestured helplessly before dropping her head into her hands.  
“Have you tried talking with the captain? Sometimes it's easier to talk if you feel like you don't need to explain everything all at once.” Ayala lowers his head and tries to catch her eyes. “I know this sucks and it's damn difficult. We may not know each other very well, but I've seen my fair share of terrible things. If you ever want to talk, I'm a pretty good listener.” He tries to soften his eyes and gives her a little smile.
"The Captain was here earlier to see how I was.  But she has her own trauma to deal with, much worse than mine.  Dumping mine on top of hers would be unfair and also feel insubordinate, in a way."  Tal lifts her head and attempts a smile but it looks more like she is making a face. "I feel stupid, too.  I have all these people willing to listen but I don't know how to begin...."
Mike takes a step forward and rests his hip on the far side of the bed. “Beginning can be the hardest part. Maybe you just have to jump in. Let some of the ugly truth out.”
Tal lets out a shaky sigh. "I guess that will have to be what I do when Kes calls me in for the first session."
“I'm sure you'll do fine.” Something sad flashes in his eyes and he has to look away quickly. “And I'm also sure that the captain wouldn't feel as it you're burdening her if you did want to talk to her. I think she would understand probably better than anyone else could. You don't need to be so hard on yourself. We're here for you.”
"I appreciate it. I really do.  And if I ever sound like the opposite, it's just...I'm...not used to this many people caring."
Mike needs to swallow the lump in his throat and look at his feet for a moment, something he's unaccustomed to doing. Usually he can just keep quiet, stare, speak only when necessary. It works for him. It's easy. But something about Tal sitting so sad and broken on the biobed is stirring up the paternal instincts that he though had been tempered years ago. “We have to look out for each other. When one of us gets hurt, we all get hurt. Like Captain Janeway is always saying, we're a family now.” He looks into her wide brown eyes and the innocence, though clouded, reminds him of his children, he has to look away when he speaks again, “Promise me you'll take me up on my offer to listen any time you need it.”
"Okay." Tal's voice has reduced to a shaky whisper.
"How's Harry? I haven't gotten the chance to speak with him much."
"The Doctor said he's been by a couple times, which is good of him—considering what I did to him..."  Seeing the surprise on Ayala's face, she sighs and mumbles, "I shut him out when he tried to help—and now I don't know how to fix it."
“Harry is an understanding person, Tal. He probably sees how much you're hurting and wants to help. Maybe just let him in...if you can, if you want to.”
Tal gets visibly upset again, and before Mike has the chance to say anything else, the EMH darts out of his office and over to the only occupants of sickbay. “Time for you to get going Lieutenant. Visiting hours are over.” The Doctor looks at him sternly and Mike acquiesces.
“Okay,” he takes a deep breath and faces Tal, “if there is anything I can do for you, don't hesitate to ask.”
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bmongmong · 3 years
Chapter 5 - Unexpected
Blue pill or red pill - Jungkook
Description: You're a young girl, who's a little bit introverted and afraid to be under everybody's eyes. You only have your best friend, but it's ok for you. You don't want to be popular and believe in minimal things. One day you meet a guy. Or two?
Jungkook x Reader
The imagines I used are not mine Credit to the owners
Y/n pov
A few passed and thighs between Jimin and Rosé are going great. Lots of things has changed. I stopped feeling guilty towards my ceiling, which is great. I actually like trying new emotions and new adventures.
Even right now I'm feeling something new: being carefree. I'm not even listening at the professor, who's now talking to us.
I've also learnt how to handle my feelings towards Jungkook, without being obvious. Oh right! Today I have to meet with him at his house for a school project! I know it's school stuff, but I'm actually nervous. My whole body trembles due to the excitement, while my stomach feels a little heavy. I guess I can do nothing about this. Just have to wait.
As I hear the bell ringing, Rosé gets my attention, by tickling me and saying:
"Are you ready for the PROJECT?" she emphasizes that word. It sounded like we're going to do everything, except for homework. I try to look confident, but I fail and start laughing instead.
"Y/n" I turn around and it's Jungkook who's now giving me his bunny smile "Let's go!"
As he invites me to stand up, I hear Rosé and Jimin teasing us by making weird noises. I turn around and make some death signs with my hands and they both try to hold in their laughter.
As we're walking to Jungkook's house, I feel a weird sensation. Maybe it's because neither of us is talking at all. I don't know what to say, also is the first time I go to a guy's house. But then, I hear him speaking:
"So...today my parents aren't at home and Jungwook is out since this morning, so we'll be alone. We can concentrate better like this!" he smiles like crazy.
"O-Oh, that's great!" I try as hard as possible to look calm.
"Here we are!" he says opening his arms in front of a very big house. Wow it's really huge!!
"Is this your house?" I ask in disbelief "It's wonderful!!" my eyes are sparkling as I look at the huge building in front of me.
We're getting inside and the first thing I see is the kitchen, which is really clean and neat. Then next to it there's the living room, with the biggest sofa I've ever seen.
"My room is up the stairs. Shall we go?" he says with his soothing voice. He'll melt me someday, I swear.
Jungkook goes first and I follow him right after. As we go up the stairs, I start to feel nervous. I did everything Lisa told me: shave (don't know why tho, we're not going to do anything...right?), take a shower, wear a cute lingerie (also don't know why, Jungkook is not going to undress me...right?). I don't think something will happened, me and Jungkook are both too shy to do something like this.
Then we approach a big black door and he says:
"Here's it" and opens it slowly. As I walk in I freeze and widen my eyes...w-what?
I see Jungwook shirtless, doing push-ups. WHAT IS HE EVEN DOING IN HIS BROTHER'S ROOM? Not gonna lie. He looks so hot right now. Here I am again, visibly daydreaming next to my crush and in front of his almost naked twin.
"Jungwook what are you doing here?!" I hear Jungkook shouting "You said that you wouldn't be home till tonight!" he seems pissed. I mean, I understand, I'd be mad too.
"Oh you're home" the other one says as he stands up "Oh oh ohhh, look who we have here?" he says getting closer to me. I'm literally freaking out. Jungkook notices how uncomfortable I look and puts a arm in between me and his twin.
"Go away and let us study" Jungkook looks so intimidating right now. I feel like he's hiding a part of him. I don't know why he doesn't want to show it to us, but right now I don't want to find that out. I'm too busy at the moment. I'm afraid these two might end up fighting.
I don't know how to handle these types of situations. I open my mouth to say something, in order to make the two twins calm down, but nothing comes out. But then:
"Don't worry, little brother" Jungwook says patting his brother's chest "I'll leave you love birds alone. But please, don't do it on my bed" and with that he leaves the room, leaving me and Jungkook shocked.
I can feel myself blushing really hard. DID HE REALLY SAY THAT IN FRONT THE BOTH OF US?! He also said DO IT?! DO WHAT?! And then he said HIS bed? Now that I look at the room, I can actually see two beds. I guess they share the room.
"Emh... sorry y/n. I didn't want you to feel uncomfortable" he says looking away and scratching the back of his head. He's visibly nervous, I have to say something to get out of this awkward atmosphere.
"Don't worry Jungkook! I like your room!" seriously y/n...'I like your room?' couldn't you come out with something better? But it seems it worked.
"Oh really?" the guy next to me says "I appreciate it" he then smiles.
Great, now that we both feel more comfortable, we can start studying! We decide to sit on the ground with our backs leaned on the side of his bed. A meter away from me on my right there's the door and on my left, right next to me, there's him.
A hour as passed and my head start to feel a bit tired. So I decide to look up to relax my neck. As I stretch my arms and back, I decide to look at Jungkook's notebook to see at what point he is. From his notebook, my gaze goes to his hand, with which he's holding the pen, then to his muscular arm and then...
...his face.
He's very handsome. Also his concentration gives him more charm. I really like this type of guy and I'm actually starting to feel something on my stomach. It's not the usual anxiety. It's really pleasant. I feel like he's hypnotizing me. This is absurd, he's not even looking at me and still, he gives me this type of reaction.
While I'm staring at his beautiful features, he says something, still looking down at his work:
"I'm almost done, what about you?" I didn't really pay attention at what he said. I'm on another dimension right now.
As he didn't hear an answer from me, he turns to me and catches me staring. I don't really move, I just keep looking at him. And he doesn't seem uncomfortable. In reverse. I see him staring deeply into my eyes. As he says my name, I see him getting closer to me.
My heart is beating so fast, but at the same time I don't feel nervous. It's really strange.
We're getting closer and closer and I see his gaze going back and forth from my eyes and my lips. I can feel his hot breath on my mouth. We're so close, and...
"Wow little brother, I didn't know you were that fast with girls" Jungwook interrupts us.
We quickly get away from each other and blush very very hard.
"H-Have you ever heard of the words 'knocking on the door'?" Jungkook asks stuttering a bit.
"Why would I knock to enter MY room" the other one says.
He's kinda right, it's also his room. But he has no right to do so when there's a guest!
"Ohhhhh I see what's going on" the intruder says "Mr 'perfect twin' and Miss 'I'm afraid of everything' are a couple? Or maybe you just started dating? No no no, wait! I think I know. Perhaps you're both so desperate to fuck somebody, that you just decided to do it together. Am I right?"
As he says those words I see a smirk on his face. He really looks like the devil.
Unexpectedly, Jungkook stands up, grabs his brother by the neck and lifts his other hand, forming a fist.
I quickly stop his punch, grabbing his hand with both of mines and say:
"Stop it please!" I have tears in my eyes and both of the twins look at me shocked. "Please..." I say almost whispering and looking at the ground.
My heart feels broken for some reason. I feel like I'm the reason of their fight. The guiltiness doesn't want to leave my mind and decide to pervade my entire body. While I still hold Jungkook's fist, I can feel his hand relaxing. So I look up and see him letting go of the brother's neck.
I sight in relief as I rub my eyes, to make the tears go away. Just when I thought that everybody calmed down:
"Oh so you can speak?" Jungwook says laughing. As those words escape his mouth, I see Jungkook turning around to face him, but before something could happen I speak:
"Jungkook, it's ok. Don't worry"
Then I grab his arm, noticing that he didn't react to my word. I feel his muscles relaxing again and now are not tense anymore.
"I'm so sorry y/n.." he says "for having a dumb brother"
"Jungkook it's fine, really" I show my smile, but he doesn't calm down. Then the other one interrupts us, again.
"Can you stop being all lovely dovely in front of me?" he's laying on his bed now. Now he's making ME angry.
"Are you jealous?" I say. This is not me, it's just the anger that's talking. I usually just ignore those kind of behaviors, but this time it feels different. I look at him and I see him smirking.
"Why are you smiling?! I'm serious!" I shout at Jungwook.
"Things are going to be interesting."
I don't know what he means with that, but now I'm too angry to stay near him, so I just grab my rucksack and Jungkook's hand, and drag him out of the room, slamming the door behind me.
As we walk down the stairs, Jungkook keeps calling my name, but I don't answer him. It's the first time I feel THIS angry.
"Y/n!" he shouts pulling the hand with which I was holding his.
I then realize what happened, and how impulsive my action was. I quickly let go of his hand and apologize. I think I'm freaking out, literally. I'm shaking like crazy and my pupils can't stay still. I really look crazy and Jungkook seems to notice that I'm having a panic attack. As I keep bowing to him and say sorry, he grabs my shoulders and hugs me tight.
"Y/n, stop. Calm down"
As he talks to me with his calm and soothing voice, I feel his warm hand caressing my back and the other one holding my head, which is now leaned on his chest, making me feel his heartbeat. It's really calming and relaxing. As he keeps stroking my back, I instinctively put my hands around his waist and hug him back.
Jungkook's pov
It seems like she's calming down. I'll just stay like this for a bit more, until she calms down completely.
I keep caressing her back with my hand and I feel her hands and face on my chest. I like this sensation. It feels like I'm able to protect her like this. Suddenly I feel her hugging me back and hiding her face even more. She's adorable.
"Are you alright?" I ask trying to see her face, but she doesn't want to show it to me, but I feel her nodding in response.
"I'm so sorry for my brother. He's really annoying. And I'm also sorry for what you saw...I'm talking about me almost punching him. It's actually normal here. I just don't want to show this side of me outside"
As I talk, I feel one of her hands leaving my back and going to her face. It looks like she's rubbing it. Then she lets go of the hug and I see her smiling. As I look at her, I can see her eyes all red. Then she quickly turns around and grabs her rucksack.
While she's doing that, I look at my shirt. It's wet on my chest area.
"Y/n..." I whisper still looking at my shirt, without realizing that she's turning around.
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry!! I didn't mean to get it wet! I-I'll wash it. I'm so sor-" before she could end her sentence I pull her into another hug.
"It's my fault y/n. If only I locked the door. Nothing of this would have happened" I say as I hold her.
"Jungkook it's fine" she says pulling away and then grabbing my shoulders "I am fine. And you are fine. That's what matters, right?" her smile shows up. It's so beautiful.
Now that y/n is ok, I can walk her home. She says that I don't have to, but I insist.
So now we're walking to her house. We don't talk, at all, but it's not awkward. I see her still a bit scared, so I decide to hold her hand. She doesn't flinch and just tightens the grip. I smile a bit.
We keep walking and walking, still holding hands, until we arrive at her house.
"A part from my brother, it was great today" I say showing my best smile.
"Yes, it was!" but her smile beats mine.
I put my hand up to wave her goodbye, but...
She gives me a quick peck on the cheek. I widen my eyes. I'm looking at her, but somehow my mind seems distracted. Then I see her blushing and running away. As she enters inside her house I touch my right cheek, right in the spot in which she kissed me. I find myself smiling like an idiot.
After a bit, I finally decide to walk back home... I have something to fix.
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