#emmy babbles about herself
emmyrosee · 3 months
HI EMMY!! CONGRATS ON YOUR MILESTONE!!! <3 i'd like to request family time w atsumu where they visit his childhood home for the weekend, please! <333333 (i am so predictable)
The car tires crunch over familiar concrete as the butterflies in Atsumu’s stomach start to flutter. Nothing has changed, barely down to the businesses that are still standing from when he was a kid. Behind him, Kousei rattles a toy, and Hisako talks his ear off, about how she can’t wait to play with her grandmother’s jewelry box, how her crayons are better then the ones at home, and how she makes the best breakfast ever.
Atsumu’s cheeks hurt from smiling, and he uses his hand closest to you to rest on your thigh, thumb stroking over the muscles happily, more than eager to see his family and be back at home for the next few days, his new family joining him on the trek to become one with his old.
Next to him, you’re encouraging Hisako, only to then rest your hand on top of his, squeezing him lovingly as he turns onto his street.
“Daddy, you think Kousei gon’ walk today?” Hisako asks, and Atsumu looks at her in the rear view mirror, “well, it’s a tossup, honey. But maybe Grammy has that magic to make him walk.”
“Grammy has magic?!” She asks in amazement, and Kousei squeals in excitement. “Grammy magic!”
“You said your first word at Grammy’s house,” you tell your little girl, and atsumu offers you a soft ‘thats right’ in confirmation.
“Really?” She gasps. “What I say?”
“Berry,” he says, and in the mirror, he sees her eyes light up. “Although, when you said it, it was ‘bewwy.’”
Hisako giggles and eagerly looks out the window to stare at the passing trees, bouncing in her seat as you trail down the road before turning a right, and finally the form of Miya Atsumu’s childhood home comes into view, his heart soaring at the sight.
He sees Osamu’s car parked outside, along with his two other Uncles vehicles, and he smirks as he parks behind his brother, trapping him from leaving. On the porch sits his mother in a rocking chair, and he barely opens his own door before Hisako unbuckles herself and lets herself out of the car to dash to the arms of her grandmother. “Hisako!”
You pat his thigh, “let her go. We’ll reinstate the terrors of leaping out of a car later.”
“You’re right,” he sighs, smiling and nodding his head towards the babbling Kousei in the back. “Get the little man, I’ll grab his baby bag.”
“You got it boss,” you giggle, slipping out to grab your son from the back of the car. Atsumu steps out, takes a deep breath of fresh air, and a giant grin splays on his face as he relishes in the feeling of home.
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27helena-solaris · 8 months
I'd Like You To Share A Nightmare With Me
Emerald walked into the café, expecting to see just her aunt-in-law and her younger cousin there. Instead, she was met with the entire family, including her strict, elderly grandmother, Flare. Emerald nervously sat down and ordered a heated gingerbread-flavored glass of cowsmilk from a waitress, which Flare raised an eyebrow on. Emerald said, "I like gingerbread."
Flare huffed, muttering, "Maybe a little too much."
"Mom!" Emerald's mother, Chaos, gasped.
"You can't be serious. Emerald just got a promotion, and you're criticizing her over her gingerbread addiction?" Emerald's Aunt-In-Law, Red, sighed.
"No, no, it's fine. I'm used to this." Emerald waved it off, thanking the waitress as she received her burning-hot glass of cowsmilk. Emerald watched her younger cousin, Seraphina, as Emerald sipped her glass, managing to hide a wince as her venoma instincts tried to kick in to the burning sensation on her tongue.
Seraphina noticed though, and the three-year-old babbled, "Emmy 'kay?"
Emerald chuckled at the adorable toddler, reassuring her, "Emmy's fine, she's used to being served glacier ice at work." It was an excuse, Emerald knew that, but with the venoma outbreaks throughout the Fire Kingdom, she could be killed if she even shared any confirmation that she was one of those venoma, nonetheless she somehow was the queen of the hive. Plus, her lies worked anyway. Her family believed her excuse, and Chaos gave Emerald a sympathetic look. Emerald cleared her throat, asking her grandmother, "So, where are we going after our drinks? You must have something planned for my promotion celebration."
Flare perked up. "Well, we're going to go to a movie theater and watch one of those Pokemon movies you like." Emerald's fear spiked for little Seraphina's safety, sensing something bad will happen to her if they go in there.
Emerald starts to protest. "Grandmother, a lot of us can fight, but I fear that my cousin Seraphina won't be able to defend herself if she gets kidnapped."
Red agreed. "My child needs us to defend her, as she doesn't have much training, despite the fact that she is a werewolf."
Flare dismissed them. "Everything's going to be fine. We walk into the theater, watch the movie, and walk out of there. Nothing bad's going to happen."
Emerald had enough. She told Flare, "Not to sound disrespectful, but this is my celebration, not yours. You came here uninvited, so you have to listen to me. I fear for my cousin's safety, so we're going somewhere else." Emerald was careful not to use any flames or black magic in her anger towards Flare. That was all rendered useless, as Flare blew up on Emerald.
"Well, I am the alpha of this pack and I make the demands. I say that we're going to the movie theater, whether you like it or NOT!!!" Violet flames intertwined with green ones flared in sync of Flare's anger. Customers and staff alike look on in confusion. As the flames grew brighter, the heat licked Emerald's skin, making it crawl uncomfortably. She looked in fear, registering the fact that she has to give in to her grandmother's demands before things could get worse.
Emerald lowered her head submissively, muttering, "Fine, we'll do it your way."
Flare's flames flickered out, to which Emerald sighs in relief for. Flare clapped her hands together, cheerfully saying, "Great! Now, let's finish our food, and let's go to the movie theater!"
As they entered the movie theater, the family were talking amongst each other about some gossip, while Red held her child as she asked Emerald, "What did you get promoted to in that lab?"
Emerald replied happily, "Oh, I got promoted to scientist-level. Which, compared to the security guard night shifts, is a pretty good deal to me!" She was secretly happy that no one's found out about her yet, which usually means that no one suspected her of being a venoma yet.
"Oh…" Red thought for a moment, smiling at Seraphina's subtle demands for attention. "Can you promise something to me secretly?"
Seraphina, surprised, answered. "Of course." She looked around, then Emerald, Red, and Seraphina hid in the corner. Emerald sighed. "What do I have to promise you that no one else can hear?"
Red looked serious. Emerald gulped, thinking she did something wrong. Red said, "I know you're the venoma queen." Emerald mentally cursed. Red continued, "And I see how well you've protected your kind, so I want you to promise me…" she stroked Seraphina's hair gently. "That if I die and Seraphina becomes one of the venoma, you will protect my child with your life."
Emerald said, "I would have done it anyway, but why would you ask -"
"Promise me on one of Simara's children."
"Okay, okay, I promise on behalf of Queen Benji's life that I will protect your daughter." Emerald backtracked. "But if you knew about me, then why didn't you say anything?"
Red said, "Because I know you. Now, let's join the rest of the family."
"Wait, what -"
As the werewolves sat on row E of the theater, Emerald couldn't help but worry about her younger cousin's safety. After all, the movie theater felt unsafe for small children like Seraphina. Emerald looked at her high-tech watch and researched the rate of kidnapping during the venoma pandemic. As the internet revealed the very high rates in this particular movie theater, Emerald's heart dropped. She starts to look around nervously, wondering if any of these people around her would attempt to kidnap Seraphina. Emerald whispered to Flare, "Um, so I did a bit of research about the rate of kidnapping of this place, and we could be in potential danger right now, especially for Seraphina. Can we please leave?"
Flare hissed, "No, I paid for those tickets, and I'm not refunding them for no reason."
Emerald sighed fearfully, knowing that this is not going to go well. "Fine." She kept her senses on high alert, just in case.
About thirty minutes into the movie, Emerald heard someone grab something small, and Red shout, "MY BABY!!!!"
Swerving to look at Red and Seraphina, Emerald's teenage senses registered that Red was somehow tied to her seat with black magic and Seraphina wasn't in her seat and was being carried away by lab agents. Seraphina's muffled screams made Emerald's fear and anger spike. Flare, however, said, "She's still in her seat, Red, so return to the movie and quit worrying."
An illusion. Emerald looked at her mother, who saw the same thing the rest of the family was shouting at Flare angrily for. Chaos nodded. Emerald jumped out her seat and ran for the agents. When she got outside, they were nowhere to be seen. Emerald looked around, then realized that one of her favorite people in the universe was gone. Clenching her fist in anger and tears streaming, Emerald decided right then and there that she'd track this evil organization down and destroy them. Her thirst for revenge spiked a new height.
After about three weeks of searching for Seraphina in fear, Emerald finally hacked into a base called Thunder Base #305. Turns out this was a cult located outside the Fire Kingdom's premises, and near Emerald's venoma hive. Emerald sucked in a breath, tapping on a file with Seraphina's picture on it. As she read the file, Emerald's horror and anger rose. She eventually watched a video of an experiment.
Five minutes later, Emerald saw a familiar scale. She paused the video. "No, it couldn't be…" Emerald zoomed in on the scale. It's her venoma scale. Emerald gasped, a mix of emotions rushing through her. Her? Having her DNA shared with her own cousin? That's terrifying and something Emerald didn't ever wish on Seraphina. Emerald quickly calmed down, a familiar rush of wrath washing over her. She smashed her watch on the ground, walking off to attack the base.
Three hours later, imagine the security's chaos that Emerald caused as she slammed down the door. Stalking down the hallways, numerous cult robe-covered security guards were thrown onto the walls, held by their throats using black magic. Fire spewed from the staff lounge. The door to the base's lab was punched open as a furious, vengeful Emerald roared, "WHERE IN THE NAME OF THE EXES DID YOU TAKE MY COUSIN TO? I KNOW WHAT YOU DID TO -"
Emerald's ears twitched, picked up the sound of a child crying, a familiar voice stuttering brokenly, "E-E-Emmy?"
Emerald looked to her left to see a half-scaly, half-bloody face of her cousin, Seraphina, tied to a chair. Emerald's anger simmered down. Filled with relief that she found Seraphina, Emerald ran over quickly and cupped the three-year-old's face in her hands. Heartbroken, tears started to fall as Emerald whispered, "Oh, Sera, I didn't want things to go this far. I -"
A woman's voice cackled. "Oh, if it isn't the young Venoma Queen herself, come to rescue her cousin from the terrors of our lovely home."
Emerald took her hands away from Seraphina, turning to see a woman in a bright yellow suit. Emerald glared, baring her teeth as she growled, "Who are you? What do you want with me and the rest of us, human?" Seraphina whimpered.
The woman chuckled. "See, I wanted to know more about your kind, so I experimented with some of the Fire Kingdom's younglings, but none of them survived. But when I found your scale, I decided to do one final test. My name's Dr. Belial Wicked, though to my experiments, I will be their Ringleader."
Emerald narrowed her eyes. "You give humanity a bad name."
Dr. Belial chuckled. "Oh, but it's all in the name of science!"
Behind the scientist, Emerald's voice sounded hollow and vengeful as she laughs. "There are other ways to research. Please do pardon me, but you humans do look funny when you're running." Chills went down Dr. Belial's spine as she realized she just had been tricked. "Pray. I dare you. You won't ever come out of here again." Belial's head was then smacked to the side of the wall hard.
Emerald jumped down, landing on her feet as she grabbed Seraphina and ran. Okay, according to my calculations, the human's either's got a concussion or is coming after me right now. I've got five minutes, tops, to get Sera out of the facility. Emerald thought. When they ran into the closet, Emerald shut the door and sat Seraphina down. Seraphina whimpered, which Emerald quickly silenced. Emerald whispered, "Seraphina, I need you to promise me to never talk about what's happening here, or what happened to you. Not even a peek at your new form."
"Why?" Seraphina asked fearfully.
Emerald tried to hide her wavering wisps of hope as she whispered, "Because I love you, and I promised your mommy that I'd keep you safe. Now promise me to not tell anyone or show them anything."
"But -"
"Your safety is more important to me. Promise me."
"I pwomise."
Emerald wiped away any tears that strayed from her eyes as she ordered. "Close your eyes. Don't question." Seraphina quickly obeyed her older cousin's orders. That was…too quick for Emerald's liking. Usually, it'd take Emerald a minute longer to get Seraphina to listen. What did they do to her? Nonetheless, Emerald cast a mixture of a memory-erasing and a sleeping spell on Seraphina. As Seraphina fell asleep, Emerald whispered, "I'm so sorry." Emerald used her black magic to teleport the sleeping Seraphina to her mother.
Belial stalked towards the closet, singing, "Oh, Emerald ~! I'd love to study you, if you'd just come out."
Emerald looked at the door. She'd better end this quickly, or they'd end up harming people again. Emerald silently creeped toward the door, sliding out the two spines she had when she was infected with the venoma virus from her forearms. As the blood dripped down from the two wounds, Emerald said in a dark, reptilian voice, "Well, hope you've learned a lot from life, because I'm about to end you."
"Oooo, an empty-ended threat! I love it! Maybe we'll -"
Emerald punched the door so hard, Belial was slammed onto the wall by the door. A large crater in the wall proved just where the scientist was, along with the door's hole, where Emerald had punched it. Emerging from the dust was a half-dragon, half-werewolf covered in grey scales and fur. Aqua-green eyes glowed in vengeance and rage, sharp teeth dripping with venomous saliva as the creature growled. Emerald scales hung from the wolf-ears, shining blood-red in the twilight. "You messed with the wrong Venoma Queen, human." It hissed.
Belial shook in fear at the powerful creature that stood before her. Was this really the true Venoma Queen? It can't be, venomas are usually smaller -
Emerald spread her wings, chuckling. "Some nightmares never end, do they, weakling?" She showed her evil, unmerciful smirk, adding to the horror she knew she was. "You think you know us? Wrong. You've only got the very tip of the iceberg."  The lines blurred, making Belial shake her head. When she looked up again, aqua-green eyes glared into her own. Belial gulped. Emerald laughed. "You should meet our god. He's much deadlier than I am."
Belial grabbed Emerald's spine on the left forearm. Belial smirked. "I believe I can study you now."
Emerald swung her arm to end the scientist, but Belial blocked it with her own bo. Emerald growled, pressing her weight onto the natural weapons of the venoma, attempting to break the wooden weapon to no avail. Frustrated, the Venoma Queen attempted to bite the human's head off, only to have her face whacked by the spinning stick.
Animal instincts thus arise with that pain.
Emerald grabbed the bo and threw it out of sight. Belial looked at where the weapon went, then at Emerald. Pure fear rushed through the human scientist's body as she realized what this means for her. Emerald screeched, raising her claws for the final -
25 years later…
Seraphina woke up in a cold sweat. That nightmare… It couldn't mean… She's still alive?!
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bestsnow-white · 2 years
Emma shifted a little, having trouble getting to sleep. Before long the blonde savior was having a dream.
She was in a beautiful decorated nursery in a castle, wrapped in the yellow baby blanket. The big baby was contently sucking on her pacifier, without even caring about her rather wet diaper. “ Mommy, daddy” Emma babbled.
Snow and David came back from their date night and Snow smiled as she went to check on Neal and then Emma. "Sweet dreams princess," She whispered before she left she heard her daughter call her mommy and daddy for David.
Snow looked around and soon found herself standing in a nursery and her daughter in a crib v"Emmy baby wake up I think something happened," She noticed her daughter wetting herself.
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ocenitram · 2 years
Regina chuckled, checking the blonde's diaper. "Oh someone really needed to potty, didn't she?" Regina cooed. The mayor rolled her eyes at Henry. "Henry, I'm kidding. You don't have to worry" she said, handing him Emma. "Of course you and Roland can change her. But be careful." Roland looked at his new baby niece. "How do we change her?" he asked Henry.
Zelena thought about it. "Wanna play hide and seek" the green baby said, in between grunts as she finished. Crawling over to Regina and Robin , Zelena proudly announced. "Dada, I go poo poo in my diaper." Regina smiled. "You know, Snow , you might be on to something. This could work on other villians. I have an idea, why don't we all meet at the diner in a bit?"
Emma baby babbled as her nana cooed at her. " I mades boom boom Nana big boom boom," the blonde baby said giggling. Henry wasn't so sure but he definitely decided to give his mother a chance, " Alright I believe you," He took the big baby into hid arms. " Well first you place a changing mat then we place the big baby down and we make sure to clean bet really good," Henry explained as he demonstrated each step of the process "And finally we tape a brand new diaper for the baby," He told his little brother.
"Emma nodded eagerly"Yeah I wanna play, you hides I count?" Emma asked her friend. Emma crawled after her baby aunt. "I go potty first made big boom boom in my diapey," The blonde boosted herself about her earlier messy diaper. "Well then kets get you changed so you can continue playing with Emmy," Robin dud the same exact thing that Henry did " Regina how do we wash this diaper it seems to be made out of plastic?" Robin asked confused about the disposal diapers. "Thanks mom but why the diner we're all here nevermind we'll meet you at the diner." Snow agreed with Regina.
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Aaaaaand three years later...
Hello friends! This morning I discovered that three years have already passed from the first time I completed a draft of my major WIP, The Left Behind.
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(Look! Evidence! Social media is occasionally good for something! And, yes, I do tragically still use Facebook)
I’m a bit shocked it’s both already and only been three years. I’ve grown incredibly as a writer in the meantime. I’ve also barely begun on the third draft at this point. So, I thought that it just might be nice to put a little something of self-reflection and a note of the journey so far. Maybe because it might help some of you guys to see how I do things (although I don’t fully recommend following my process) and also to be able to remember in the future what the hell I actually did once the memories are inevitably blurred. I’ll, of course, put all that babbling under this lovely little read more so I don’t consume your dash!
Alrighty! So, draft one:
Armed with a few pages of scattered half-development over the series of a few years, I had very little plan. I’d spent a majority of my recent writing producing fanfiction, primarily one-shots, and had never completed more than three, maybe four full chapters in one piece. To say a full novel seemed out of my reach was an overstatement. I’d tried to write The Left Behind once or twice before, and had set it aside for a number of reasons; it felt dry and cliched, stiff and melodramatic (and of course it did! I was all of thirteen when I’d dreamt it up, and most of the media I consumed and adored was edgy and over the top and coarse, but for some reason when it was my creation, it was stale). On a quick bit of passion and a late New Year’s Resolution, I set about to take another crack at it.
I changed the opening scene for what must have been the third or fourth time, finally willing to allow myself to part from previous conceptions of what I had to include, because it had been in my original plans. Realizing I didn’t have to be trapped by my past ideas was refreshing; this was one of the major things I learned through this draft, one I still remind myself to make peace with often.
I nearly quit after the fourth chapter, because I didn’t like the way it was going and I felt frustrated with where it was going. After complaining to a few family members (also recreational writers), I was able to digest a piece of advice I’d heard over and over; don’t edit until you’re done. This doesn’t work for everyone, but it let me write without being hung up on my story. It let me change my mind mid-draft and simply write with the change as though it had never occurred, simply leaving a consistency to repair for the next draft. Or, as I like to always say “It’s a problem for Later Me.”
Draft one took me roughly nineteen months to complete. It was an astounding feeling. The story was bare, inconsistent, and totaled 50,000 words and change. But it was amazing. It still is amazing, really. I managed to write most of it between classes, often in 200 to 500 word bursts.
I didn’t really get back to working on The Left Behind again for another five or six months.
Which leads us into draft two:
To be frank, I consider draft one an extended outline...especially considering that I simply never finished an outline. My “outline” is more of a semi-organized word/idea vomit, and sheet of story related jargon. My intention for draft two was to bulk the story up, establish more consistency, and polish my style, themes, and plot.  Having already managed one draft, I assumed that a second one would be a quick endeavor; surely, I only really took so long because I was learning! Right?
One of the major things I learned in draft two is an unshakable truth: I’m never going to be the writer who churns out thousands of words in one sitting. I charted my word count every single day during draft two, and there were probably no more than 10 days where I wrote over 1000 words in general, let alone in The Left Behind. I agonized over it for a bit, but I’m pretty much over it by now. I carefully craft my words, so of course it’ll take long. It’s like a tapestry, a long, intricate work that needs time to do right.
Of course, I’d be a liar if I said draft two isn’t riddled with flaws.
But it is so much better. The overall writing style finally felt like a decent balance between internal monologue and imagery and storytelling. Some of the lines I wrote are truly beautiful and powerful and inspiring. I read it back and there are only a few scenes or moments or phrases that I find disengaging and lame.
Draft two took me twenty-two months to complete, and clocked in at over one hundred thousand words. It also made me feel some incredible euphoria for months straight when I truly hit my stride, which, naturally, led to an aching burnout once I forced myself to take a break from it.
I’m frankly still recovering from it, and from the depressive spell I had in the meantime. I can’t properly determine how much time passed between drafts, because I kept attempting to pick up draft three and failing to do much actual work.
Which brings us around to draft three:
Draft three is in progress. I’ve figured out my best method for re-outlining: an in-depth re-read of the previous draft, a variety of notes per chapter, a collective overall list of desires for the next draft, and a lot of index cards to scribble plot points on, so as to better move around and reorganize and remove them. (I’ll be making a larger post about this eventually! Just going to give myself more time to get further acquainted with editing and all first)
I’m learning how to edit. I’m starting to understand that my major problem with editing and outlines is the visual clutter of it all, and I’m working around it. I’m loving polishing words and themes and characters. I was primarily going to focus on cutting my word count a good deal, but I’ve decided to throw that out the window in favor of making a great story. As it turns out, my prior draft’s word count is actually even a bit short as many similar novels go, which brings me comfort!
I left the story alone for too long, and returning to it is a breath of fresh air. It truly feels like part of my soul is back. I don’t know if it’s because my depression is getting better, or if my depression is getting better because of it. Either way, I’m glad. And I’m excited. I can’t wait more than anything to share with you guys that the work is complete and ready to be published. I can’t wait to mark my calendar, to finally say that I’ve did it and to keep doing it. (It’s a four book series, so there’s not an option of giving up anyhow aha!)
So it’s been three years. I’ve learned a done a lot. Some writers may have done much more in that time. Many have done less. That’s okay with me. I really, truly believe that The Left Behind is something big, something breathtaking. Hopefully it won’t take too many more years to be able to prove it to you all.
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locktobre · 2 years
I love that Brooklyn is not getting her own show, and that she has to share one with Malibu, bc they're totally bffs and Malibu should totally move across the country into Brooklyn's family's apartment bc they are just that close after spending a summer program together
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huggybug · 2 years
9, 10 & 50 with either Jamie or Z. I absolutely love your dilf day - emmy
happy dilf day!
09. “That’s a naughty word, we don’t say that!”
10. “Well… that’s not what I thought her first word would be”
50. “Why did you teach them that?”
You heard your daughter babbling to herself, nothing out of the ordinary until you heard a distinct word. You heard Jamie come into the house at the perfect time, just getting home from his workout and you smirked. “J? Come here”
“Hi babe” He kissed you and then your daughter’s cheek who was now sitting in your lap, playing with her toys happily.
“Can you tell daddy what you just said?” You ask your daughter who looks up at Jamie.
“Shit” You watch as Jamie’s eyes widen as he looks up at you.
“That’s a naughty word, we don’t say that!” Jamie scolded but he couldn’t stop laughing so it just came out muffled.
“This is not funny Jamie, how did she even hear that?” You made sure there was no swearing around your daughter, it was your biggest rule actually and you were such a stickler about it, Jamie’s teammates actually abided and tried to censor themselves whenever your daughter was around.
“Well… Trevor and I might have been just… testing it out” Sometimes, you really questioned why you married Jamie.
“Why did you guys teach her that?” You shook your head, not understanding how a swear word would encourage her to talk since she didn’t even know what it meant.
“Well… that’s not what I thought her first word would be” He defended and you rolled your eyes.
“You make no sense” You laugh and Jamie grins.
“But you love me for it”
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beware-of-you-98 · 4 years
Emily Watches the Boys for JJ
Okay so the first time she watches Henry is when JJ’s normal sitter said she couldn’t make it last minute
JJ is absolutely freaking out because she doesn’t know what to do
The first person she ends up calling is Emily
And without JJ having to explain why, Emily agrees to take care of Henry for a few hours
I mean, she practically helped raise Declan, right?
She can handle this right?
She ends up calling Garcia 46 times in the span of three hours because she’s an absolute nervous wreck
He’s not just any kid!!
He’s JJ’s son
And the last thing Emily wants to do is fuck up watching him
Henry is actually an angel the entire time Emily watches him tbh
He plays with his toys and babbles
He eats his dinner like a champ
Mostly he spends the night babbling and chewing on his foot
He, like, sniffles once and Emily’s dramatic ass thinks he has the plague or something
Garcia has to calm her down before she goes into a full blown panic attack over it
By the time JJ gets home, Emily is on the love seat in the living room rocking a sleeping Henry
He’s clinging to her sweater so tight it’s adorable
And when JJ finally manages to pry him off Emily, he wakes up and waves bye
Emily becomes Henry’s favorite person hands down
As he grows older, he’ll sometimes literally ask JJ if “Auntie Em” is coming over to watch him
He thinks she’s so cool
“She knows all the words to Where the Wild Things Are without the book!”
She does different voices for all the characters when she reads to him
Auntie Em also knows all the Harry Potter spells by heart
(JJ’s come home on more than one occasion to a “magic battle” taking place in her living room)
(Though the couch cusions are always strewn around the room, it always warms her heart to hear Henry’s shrieking, happy laughter and his wide, bright eyes when he’s playing with Emily so she never can find it in her to ever be mad about the small mess)
(Besides, Emily always stays an hour later than she says she would just to help JJ clean up)
Henry’s favorite movie to watch with Emily is Big Hero 6
Emily knows all of Baymax’s lines
And it makes him giggle when she says them
Emily cannot cook at all
JJ buys boxed mac and cheese and leaves them for the nights Emily watches Henry
And, well, since the instructions are right there on the box, Emily never has trouble cooking that for Henry
(She and Henry both agree the best ones are the noodles shaped like Scooby Doo)
As the years go by and as Emily becomes a natural at watching Henry, she doesn’t find it at all difficult when she has to watch both Henry and Michael
The boys adore Emily
Henry stopped calling her Auntie Em and instead called her just Emily ever since she moved in
Michael couldn’t pronounce Emily when he first starts to talk, and instead called her “Emmy”
The nickname stuck (and Emily nearly cries every single time the boys call her it)
Outside of JJ and Will, Emmy is their favorite person (easily)
(Don’t get me wrong, they love their Auntie Pen and Uncle Spence, but Emmy is still their favorite)
Emmy tells the best bedtime stories
And she makes chocolate chip pancakes!! (Garcia teaches her how to do it one girl’s night while JJ watches on with a warm smile)
One night JJ comes home after a long day at the lawyer’s office, exhausted and pissed off
(It’s not even that Will and his divorce lawyer are being dicks, it’s that her divorce lawyer is trying to convince her to take Will for everything he’s got and it’s frustrating)
She walks in the living room and immediately melts at the sight that greets her
Emily and her boys are all cuddled on the couch, Henry pressed up against her side and Michael squished in her lap with his limbs hanging over her
They’re all sound asleep, the tv softly playing Big Hero 6 in the background
It’s like all of the stress of the day completely falls off JJ’s shoulders
And her heart is full of so much love for these three, it aches
She just reaches out for the remote and flips off the tv before curling herself at Emily’s free side, one hand resting on Michael’s hair
They all stay cuddled up on the couch until morning
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bopbopstyles · 4 years
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Just the Two of Us
RATING: G (pure fluff, harry in a baby bjorn)
CATEGORIES: dad!harry
Y/N promised herself she would never date a musician. It was her one rule–her only rule, actually–when it came to dating. But then, Harry Styles rolled into her life and asked her to break it, just this once. And this is what happened.
a/n: the first of many post-Only Exception extras! here is some blathering about Harry spending the day with Emerson. she’s one year old here. 
pls reblog to spread the word about only exception! 🥰
Emerson sat in the shopping cart as Harry pushed it down the aisle at Whole Foods, her little legs kicking back and forth. It was a Tuesday morning, the usual time Harry shopped because it was quieter, and the aisles were fairly empty, a few people here and there darting around him to grab items off the shelves. For the most part, though, he and his was left alone with Emmy, who he was chattering to. It was something he’d started doing from the moment she was born and Y/N went back to work—he was alone all day with his daughter, so of course he’d talk to her all the time. He told her about music he was writing (its as all about her and her Mama, he told her), about books he was reading, about gifts he was considering buying Y/N, about trips he wanted the to take. He would sit her in her highchair while he cooked and tell her about the food he was making, as if he had a cooking show and she was the audience.
At a year old she couldn’t reply with much more than “Papa” and “Mama” and “No,” the latter of which was quickly becoming her new favorite word. He found it hilarious, except when she was resisting him putting a new diaper on her, in which case it was not amusing in the slightest.
He grabbed the shopping list he had tucked into the cart and looked down at the combination of Y/N and his own scrawled handwriting on the piece of paper, a list of groceries they had put together over the course of the week as they ran out of things. Y/N had told him she was trying out a new recipe, a curry that she saw on a food blog and thought looked delicious. He was supposed to be picking up a curry paste and Y/N had given him a specific brand she wanted too.
His eyes glanced over the shelf, searching for the brand name. However, it was nowhere in sight. He turned to his daughter sitting in the shopping cart watching him with her bright green eyes, a little smile on her lips. “Mama asked us to get this one—can you find it, bubs?”
Emerson’s little hand reached out and grabbed at the shopping list that he showed her as he leaned forward  towards her, his forearms resting on the shopping cart handle. “Mama,” is all she said, and Harry chuckled to himself.
“Yeah, Mama’s sent us here on a mission, but it seems I’m going to have to go home empty handed. Do you think she’ll forgive me?”
His daughter’s lips puckered as if she was thinking, and he wiped at the little bit of drool that escaped the corner of her mouth. “No,” she said, her favorite word falling from her lips.
“No? You don’t think Mama will forgive me?” He was laughing at Emmy’s word, because even though she didn’t know the context she had managed  to make a joke. His daughter had made her first sarcastic comment at the age of one, which meant she was Y/N’s daughter to a tee. “You may be right, peanut.”
He sighed and pulled away from her, turning back to the jars of curry paste in front of him. He decided to go with another brand but get as close as he could to what Y/N had requested. As he pursued the options, Emerson’s fingers curled into the fabric of his shirt, a green and white striped one with a Mickey Mouse sewn on it that she always noticed (and frequently kissed because she loved Mickey cartoons and thought it was the same thing).
At the feeling of his daughter’s fingers pulling at him, he looked back at her, her short whisps of dark brown curls laying on the crown of her head that resembled his own. “What is it?” She looked up at him with wide eyes, and he surveyed her expression, her body language as she sat in the cart in her pale pink sunsuit that was covered in pastel-colored ice creams. It had been a gift from Jeff and Glenne and Harry thought it was positively adorable.
In Emerson’s eyes he could see the edges of tiredness. She’d gotten better about having enough energy to get through the day, but sometimes it was difficult for her, especially if they were out and about running errands and she had more sensory input and people around. “Papa,” she mumbled, another curl of her fingers that tugged on his heartstrings.
“Oh, bubs.” He set down a jar of curry paste in the cart, and then lifted his daughter out of her seat, bringing her onto his hip and cuddling her close. “You tired?” Her hands curled into the neck of his shirt and head rested against his shoulder. One of her thumbs came up to her mouth, but Harry pulled it away—he was trying to break the habit before it became ingrained in her. Instead, he reached into the small bag that sat on his shoulder, a purse that Harry Lambert had bought him with the explanation that it was a stylish baby bag and purse all in one, and pulled out her pacifier.
Knowing that when she was tired she liked to be close, he grabbed the Baby  Bjorn from the cart. Gently, he returned her to her spot in the cart, quickly pulling on the carrier as he saw some tears begin to form in her eyes. “Shh,” he said, reaching out to pull her back to him, tucking her body into the carrier and snapping it closed. “It’s okay, Ems.”
Her head rested against his sternum and her eyes shut easily. He’d let her rest while he finished shopping, and then in the car ride home, but not for too much longer. With the soft sounds of her sleeping against him, Harry continued through the store, grabbing items from the list and placing them into the cart, trying to avoid jostling her as he moved.
He picked up Y/N and his favorite gelato, as well as some of Emerson’s favorite snacks, which weren’t on the list but he knew they’d want later in the week. In fifteen or so minutes, he was done, and swung his cart into the checkout area. The woman at the checkout commented on how adorable Emerson was and Harry couldn’t help the swell of pride in his chest as he pushed a curl off of her sleeping face, a small smile at his little love.
In the car, she didn’t wake as he tucked her into her car seat, buckling the straps around her body, and then placed the groceries in the trunk of his Range Rover. Y/N hated the car, saying it felt excessive and screamed “I’m famous and have money” but Harry didn’t care—he wanted a car that was safe and wasn’t over the top. Plus, in L.A., it actually blended right in.
On the drive home he played some demos he had made recently on the speakers on low, so it didn’t wake Emerson, but just loud enough so he could hear them. He was loving the home studio he’d cobbled together, and had gotten in the hang of recording some rough demos on his laptop while Emerson played in the corner. Sometimes he sent them to Mitch, but other times he just kept them for himself, still struggling with the words for the feelings racing through his chest.
Even though Emerson was a surprise and not in the plan, she was his whole world. Her little laughs and babbling nonsense, the way she smiled up at him in the morning, even the tears from her tantrums when she was exhausted. The sight of her nose—Y/N’s nose—and his green eyes on her face, the perfect combination of the two of them. Having a child was something he had always wanted, and now that he had a daughter, he couldn’t imagine his life without her. Especially with Y/N at his side thought it all.
When he pulled into the garage, he got Emerson out first, carrying her inside and placing her in the travel crib that was set up in the living room for moments like this, nestling her in with one of her favorite toys at her side. Then, he went back to the car and unloaded the groceries, trying to put them away in the cabinets and fridge without rousing his sleeping daughter.
Once all the groceries were put away, he went over to where she was asleep, and tickled her belly softly to rouse her. A little squeal left her mouth and he smiled as her eyes fluttered open. “Hi, baby,” he said, reaching down to pick her up. “Want to go for a run with me?”
Even though she couldn’t respond, he could see she was perkier than earlier. So he carried her upstairs to Y/N and his bedroom, setting her down while he pulled on his running clothes, keeping an eye on her so she didn’t roll of the bed. Once he was done, his longer hair pushed back with a headband, he picked her back up, and carried her downstairs,  settling her into the stroller. With his AirPods in and his phone tucked into the spot on the stroller, he was off for a solid three mile run.
Emerson babbled in the stroller, one of her toys tucked in there with her, but after a while she fell silent, her eyes darting around their neighborhood as Harry ran. It was one of his favorite routes, with some hills and plenty of trees so it wasn’t too hot, and Emerson liked it too. Frequently she’d fall asleep from the rhythm of the stroller wheels on the pavement sidewalk, and Harry loved it. He enjoyed just being with her, doing mundane things like this. Perhaps it was like he was stocking up on time with her, knowing that whenever he went on tour in a few years and his career kickstarted back into high gear, his time with her would decrease significantly.
As he ran, he thought about what his life would become then. It had been hard touring without Y/N at his side and he couldn’t even imagine what it would be like without her and Emerson. He had gladly taken on the role of stay-at-home dad when Y/N went back to work, and as a result he spent all of his time with his daughter, soaking up her good and bad moments, never missing any of her firsts. He adored it, being close to her. He never wanted that to change.
But it would be impossible for him to do his job without touring—right? The prospect of putting out an album and not performing it was something he had never even considered. Sure, Zayn did it, but he wasn’t Zayn. He had toured for his debut album and the fans expected it.  Plus, he loved it. Loved being in front of the crowds, sharing his music with the world. But at the same time, how did he do what he loved if it meant leaving the people most precious to him behind?
It was something he thought about constantly. It kept him up at night, must to Y/N’s dismay. She’d wake up in the middle of the night to find him sitting on the edge of their bed, head in his hands, his mind running a mile a minute. Her hands would slide around his shoulders and pull him into her, murmuring in his ear about how they would figure it out, about how she loved him, what an incredible father he was, how much she loved him. Her wedding band sat against his bare chest when she touched him, a reminder that she was his, unequivocally, endlessly. It was usually the only thing that roused him—that and her soft promises that they would find a way, that she loved him no matter what.
She and Emerson had become the only things that calmed him. Before, he had had other methods of quieting his mind, but ever since he met her and Emerson entered their lives, they were it. The sound of Emmy’s giggles when he tickled her, Y/N’s morning voice when he woke her up, the sight of his two favorite girls cuddled up on the couch reading a book he’d picked up at the bookstore. Family dinners and backyard barbecues, pool days with Emerson in floaties and massive sunglasses that Gemma had picked out for her, a duck towel that Anne had sent and Emerson adored. Bedtimes with Emerson in his lap as he read, her eyes staring up at him as he sang her to sleep. Curled up against Y/N in their bed under the duvet, her skin bare and touching him, fingers criss-crossing across his chest as they spoke in hushed tones about their days.
Their family was his world, and he never wanted to leave it.
When he reached home, sweat was dripping down his face in beads and Emerson was asleep in the stoller. He pulled her out, chuckling as she made a noise at the feeling of his sweaty skin. All he wanted was to be in the pool, so he walked upstairs with her on his hip, pulling out on of her swimsuits and replacing her clothes it, tickling at her sides as he changed her. The sound of her laughter warmed every inch of his body.
Then, he took her back downstairs, grabbing a cold water bottle from the fridge and a snack for her, carrying them both outside into the sunshine. He placed her in a float that Y/N had bought so she could sit in it, a sun cover ensuring her skin didn’t burn, as he stripped down to just his briefs, his sweaty clothes forgotten on the ground. Then, he got into the pool, the sound of the summer playlist that he and Y/N had made coming from the Bluetooth speaker sitting on the patio.
“Like the water, Em?” He asked, wading towards where she floated in the pool. She looked up at him behind her pink sunglasses and he smiled at his daughter, her adorable cheeks and the smile that reminded him of Y/N.
“Papa!” She said, hands reaching out to him.
He swam close to her, his head leaning on the edge of her float, and blew a raspberry on her belly over her swimsuit. She giggled, the loud sound filling his ears, and he smiled. “Hi, you.”
Nothing, he decided as he listened to her babble in the California sunshine, Y/N due home in an hour or so, could be better than this moment, this life he had created. He was the luckiest man in the world.
thank you so much for reading!!! come talk to me in my ask box about these adorable angels and other concepts you want to read about them.
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wiypt-writes · 4 years
Stark Spangled Forever
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One Shot: Wings
Intro: They say that once you’ve been inked, it kinda becomes an addiction…
Warnings: Bad language.
Pairings: Steve Rogers x OFC Katie Stark
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Katie Stark and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Stark Spangled Forever Masterlist // Main Masterlist
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 “Jamie, ”Katie sighed exasperatedly as her 9 year old looked up from where he was sprawled on the rug of the den, piecing his newest lego kit that Sam and Bucky had bought him for his birthday “You need to get your stuff for school.” “Don’t wanna.” he pouted.
“I don’t feel well.”
“Oh no, really?” Katie bent down, feeling his head. “Hmmmm. You do feel warm. What’s wrong?” “Sort throat.” “Oh, well… that means no soccer practice tomorrow then…and you should go straight back to bed until I can take you to the doctors later today…”
Jamie paused and looked up at her and she raised an eyebrow “Nice try Pal.”  
“Don’t make me shout your father.” she used her ace card.
Jamie gave an exaggerated sigh and stood up, rolling his eyes. Katie bit her lip to stop herself laughing at the utter indignation on his face.
“It’s Friday dude.” she smiled at him. “You got all weekend to play legos if that’s what you wanna do.”
“Does that mean I can stay up late tonight to work on it?” he asked hopefully.
“Define late.” Katie looked at him.
“Hmmmm, I dunno.” she said playfully.
“I’ll speak to your dad.” she said and he smiled at her, the pair of them both knowing full well that Steve was a soft touch when it came to stuff like that. He’d probably be there helping him out with it anyway.
“Ok Mom. Can you make sure Harry doesn’t touch it whilst I’m at school?”
“I’ll keep this door shut, I promise.”  Katie assured him.
He left the room and true to her word Katie shut the door to the den and watched him head up the stairs, passing Aurora who was on her way down with her rucksack, Steve right behind her with their youngest placed on his hip.
“Hi mammamama!” Harry babbled at her and she grinned, taking him off Steve and planting a kiss to his cheek.
“Hi baby!” she grinned as his hand instantly went to grab the chain of her necklace.
“Jamie not planning on going to school today?” Steve asked her with a grin as Rori headed off to find her shoes.
“Tried telling me he was sick so he could stay home and play legos.” she snorted “Soon decided he was ok when I told him that meant no soccer practice tomorrow morning.” Steve shook his head, smiling to himself.
“Daddy?” Rori tugged on his trouser leg and he turned his attention to her.
“What’s up Princess?”
“I can’t find my sneakers.”
“Where did you leave them?” he asked, his hand gently dropping to the back of her head.
“Erm…” she pondered for a moment, before she looked up at her mom bashfully.
“Somebody left them in the middle of the lounge…” Katie looked at her. “So the Fairies put them away.”
“Sorry…” Rori wrinkled her nose and blinked up at her mom.
“It’s ok. They’re on the shoe rack sweetie.” Katie nodded to the kitchen in the direction of the utility room located at the back of the house.  
“Thanks momma.” she said, running off to retrieve them.
“What time does Emmy’s train get in?” Steve looked at Katie.
“Just after twelve.” Katie said, blowing a raspberry on Harry’s cheek. “I’ll meet her and then take her straight to get inked…” Steve let out a breath from his nose. All Emmy had talked about since turning 21st was a tattoo. Steve wasn’t particularly sure he approved but then what could he do? She was an adult now. Katie hadn’t been bothered, but then as she’d pointed out, she had a big enough one on her thigh so it would be fairly hypocritical if she had. Emmy had won Steve over though when she’d asked him to draw it for her. She’d described what she wanted, a small Phoenix type bird that would sit just above her ankle. So after a few designs and sketches she’d finally settled on something she wanted and after a consultation she was having it done this afternoon.  
“You staying with her?” Steve looked at Katie, concern etched across his face. Katie gave a soft laugh.
“She’s a big girl now Steve but yeah, I’m gonna stay.” she said, tugging on his beard playfully.
“Good.” he nodded, jerking his head out of reach. “Do you need me to pick the kids up later or…”
“No, by the time their afterschool clubs are done we’ll have finished so I’ll do it.” she smiled as Rori came back, sneakers in her hand. She sat on the bottom step and proceeded to push her feet into the pink converse, Steve crouching down on one knee to tie her shoelaces for her.
“Thanks daddy.”
“You’re welcome sweetheart.” he said, dropping a kiss to her head before he turned to look up the stairs “Jamie! Come on!”
“I’m coming…” came the surly reply, and no sooner had they heard it he appeared at the top of the steps, rucksack in hand.
“Drop the attitude.” Steve said sternly as Jamie trudged down the stairs, scowling. Steve looked at Katie, raising his eyebrow as their eldest son stalked past them, heading to the door, Rori running behind him.
“Wait for me Jay…” she called, her small feet slapping on the tiles of the hallway as she went.
“Told you…” Katie said, smirking “He’s a mini you…”
“That filthy look he had on his face? That is a Stark expression.” Steve said, looking back at her as he picked Rori’s rucksack up.
“Is not.” Katie laughed “That’s the face you make whenever someone’s pissing you off.”
Steve gave a snort before he dropped a soft kiss to her lips, making Harry shriek.
“Kissy!” he laughed.
“See you later.” Steve smiled against her mouth “Love you.” “You too” she said, and with a last peck and a ruffle of Harry’s hair he headed after Jamie and Rori, barking out an instruction for them to quit their squabble over who was sitting in the front seat.
“Easy solution…” Katie heard Steve say loudly “You can both get in the back. End of discussion.”
Their protest’s died as the door snapped shut.
Katie chuckled to herself and looked at Harry “Shall we get you ready to go too baby boy?”
“Go!” he nodded, grinning. 
Katie’s morning was reasonably easy. A meeting and a manuscript to review which she’d managed to do by half 11. Changing out of her office clothes into a loose pair of sweats, trainers and a hoody she headed out and made her way to Grand Central.
She spotted Emmy emerging into the main terminal and swept her daughter up into a hug.
“Hey mom.” Emmy said, squeezing her back.
“Ready to go get inked?” Katie asked, Emmy grinned and slung her satchel over one shoulder, linking her arm through her mom’s.
“You eaten?” Katie asked as they walked out into the early April sun.
“Yeah, followed the instructions.” Emmy nodded.
“Good.” Katie said. “Nervous?”
“A little.” Emmy shrugged “It’s gonna hurt right?”
“It’s not so bad.” Katie shrugged, “Some places hurt more apparently but…most important thing to remember is if you need a break just ask.”
The two women walked a few blocks, catching up. It had been a couple of weeks since Emmy was home, fast approaching the last few weeks of the semester at Harvard before her exams started. All of her marks so far had been sky high, leaving her parents immensely proud, although both had taken great pains to tell her that they didn’t care what the outcome was, as long as she tried her best.
Eventually they reached the place and Emmy opened the door, stepping in. David, the man that had done the consultation a few weeks back beckoned them both through.
“Ok, so…” he said, tilting the screen to show Emmy the picture of her design he’d scanned “I gotta say I’m excited about this one, it’s pretty unique.”
“My dad drew it.” Emmy beamed.
“It’s phenomenal.” David smiled “I had to sharpen some of the lines up but there’s no major changes. Are you happy with it?”
Emmy nodded.
“Ok, and yours Mrs Rogers…” David clicked and the imaged changed. “The touches we’re adding to your thigh are fairly straight forward but this one…this is what I think it is right?”
Katie nodded.
“Awesome…” David smiled, and hit print and stood up to collect both the prints.
“Have you told Dad?” Emmy looked at her. Katie smirked and shook her head.
“Nope.” she popped the p on the word “Thought it would be a nice surprise when he gets to see it later.” “I’m not sure if I should be grossed out by that thought or not.” Emmy mumbled and Katie simply laughed.
Just over 2 and a half hours later they were done, leaving the parlour with strict after care instructions. Emmy had hardly flinched through hers, whereas Katie’s new one had been slightly uncomfortable due to the placing.
“Think that earned us a beer…” Katie said checking her watch. “Come on, we got time before we need to collect the heathens.”
***** “Show me! Show me!”  Rori demanded.
“You can’t see it yet short stuff.” Emmy said fondly “It’s still wrapped up.”
“When can you unwrap it?” Jamie asked.
“Another hour or so yet.” Katie answered “So quit bugging your sister and go put your school bags away.”
“Emmy do you wanna watch Sponge Bob with me?” Rori asked. 
“Only if we can sing the special song…” Emmy grinned, holding her hand out for a hi-five. Rori giggled, and slapped her smaller palm against her sister’s.
“What special song?” Katie looked at her.
“Oh just a variation on the theme tune we made up.” Emmy said, grinning mischievously 
“I dread to think.” Katie muttered, watching Jamie and Rori head up stairs to deposit their rucksacks in their room.
Katie bustled around making dinner, simple spaghetti and meatballs as requested by all 4 kids…well, the elder 3…Harry merely clapped his hands and yelled “getty” in agreement. She was stood stirring the sauce when she heard Steve walk through the door an toss his keys onto the table in the hall little under an hour later. 
“Daddy’s home!” she heard Rori shriek and a moment later Steve chuckled.
“Hey…” he said, sweeping her up and placing a kiss on her cheek. He carried her through to the kitchen where he greeted Harry with a ruffle of the hair as he sat by the table doodling on a pad with Emmy.
“Hi sweetie.” Steve said, as Emmy stood up to give him a hug. “How was the tattooing?”
“Good.” she nodded, “Oh, actually, mom….should I unwrap it now?”
“Errr, yeah.” Katie said, turning the heat down on the stove and accepting the kiss Steve offered. “Can you watch these 2. I’ll go help Emmy out…”
“Sure.” Steve said, “Where’s Jamie?”
“2 guesses” Katie grinned at him and Steve shook his head, smiling, knowing full well that meant he was nose deep in lego.
Katie and Emmy bounded up the stairs and returned about 15 minutes later, Emmy proudly showing off the design on her right ankle. Steve had to admit, it did look pretty good, but then he would say that, he drew it after all.
They dragged Jamie out of the den for dinner, where the boy managed 2 helpings before he ran off again, almost having a meltdown when Katie told him he had to share the den as Rori wanted to watch Cartoons. One stern look from Steve nipped the tantrum in the bud and the 4 kids departed once dishes had been deposited in the sink, Katie waving away Emmy’s offer to help, telling her to go spend some time with her siblings. It didn’t take her and Steve long to clear down and they were heading towards the living room to collapse onto the sofa together, but the shriek and cheers coming from the den made them both stop in their tracks.
“What on Earth are they watching?”  Steve looked at his wife.
“Sponge Bob, apparently…” Katie said. The two looked at one another, before they headed back towards the den and peeked through the door which was open a crack.
Emmy was stood, swaying with Harry held on her hip, the pair of them laughing, whilst Jamie was doing some kind of strange running man dance as Rori bounced up and down on the sofa as the opening credits began to roll. Emmy opened her mouth and started singing along to the opening theme tune in a pirate voice.
Only she wasn’t singing the theme tune. They were completely different words.
“Who lived as a Capsicle under the sea?” Emmy paused to look at Jamie and Rori who both yelled back in chorus, Harry mimicking them as best he could whilst clapping his hands.
Steve blinked, looked at Katie, his mouth dropping open as she burst out laughing at the look of utter confusion and perplexment on his face. She pushed the door open further and all the kids turned to see their parents watching them. But instead of stopping, they continued to sing even louder at Steve as he folded his arms and leaned against the door frame.
“Saluting a hello and killing Nazis…” Emmy continued
“If patriotism be something you wish…”
By this point Katie was laughing that hard she couldn’t breathe. She doubled over, tears pouring from her face as the kids continued their relentless serenade to their father.
“Then throw a big shield and punch with your fist…”
That was it. Steve couldn’t keep his face straight any longer and he too started to laugh, grinning as Rori ran over to him and pulled on his hands dragging him into the room to make him twirl her round.
Eventually the song stopped and the room was simply filled with laughter which died down. Steve wiped his eyes and looked at his kids before he crossed his arms.
“You’re all grounded.” he smirked, and then ran as they started pelting him with throw cushions.
Later that night, as always, Steve couldn’t stop his eyes from roving his wife’s body as she walked out of the en-suite and into the bedroom, dressed in one of his shirts and a pair of sleep shorts ready for bed. As he lounged on top of the duvet, back propped up against the headboard, his gaze travelled down the lines of her body and he frowned as he spotted something on her thigh that looked different.
Suddenly it dawned on him what it was.
“Is that…is that a new tattoo?” Steve sat up, looking at her leg then to her face, and back again.
“Technically it’s an addition to an existing one.” Katie grinned as she made her way to the bed and knelt up in front of Steve. His hands gently fell to her hips as he examined the new ink. The area surrounding one of the 4 stars that formed part of the original tattoo had been shaded with red and gold in a water colour effect. He didn’t need her to explain, but she did anyway.
“That’s for Tony.” she said softly, “And these…” she pointed out 4 additional stars she’d had placed within the existing design “One for each of the kids.”
“Not one for me?” he eventually pouted playfully, looking back up at her.
She bit her lip and grinning slightly, pulled his shirt over her head leaving her top half naked, and she turned her torso slightly the left, holding her arm over her breasts so he could see. His eyes widened as he saw the design that was now etched onto her skin just underneath her left breast on her rib cage.
It was his wings. The wings he had worn on his helmet. The wings adopted by the Howlies as their symbol in the war. And above that sat a star that was the same as the others on her thigh.
“That’s for you…” she said softly.
Steve was struggling for words. There was something he was finding outrageously sexy about the fact she’d had that placed somewhere that no one would really see other than him. And something ridiculously sentimental about the design she had chosen.
“Do you like it Soldier?” she asked softly, biting her lip.
He looked up at her, smiling as his hands gripped her bare waist and he pulled her down with him so she was led on top of him. “I love it.”
“I love you…” she grinned, melting into his arms as his hands ran up her bare back, her nose nudging his softly.
“Back at ya pretty girl.” he smirked, before his lips claimed hers in a heated kiss.
 **Original Posting**
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Stark Spangled Forever: Wings
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Intro: They say that once you’ve been inked, it kinda becomes an addiction…
Warnings: Bad language.
Steve Rogers x OFC Katie Stark
A/N:This takes place in the SSB universe way beyond Endgame. You don’t have to have read that series to understand or enjoy this but feel free to check it out but be warned this kinda reveals a few things...
SSF Masterlist // WIYPT Masterlist
This one shot was written for @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan​ ‘s Follower Celebration writing challenge.  My prompt was “Is that a new tattoo?”
I also can’t claim credit for the song contained within this fic, I just tweaked one line…all will become clear when you read! 
Please re-blog and comment if you enjoy. Tagging all my usual SSB readers. 
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“Jamie…”Katie sighed exasperatedly as her 9 year old looked up from where he was sprawled on the rug of the den, piecing his newest lego kit that Sam and Bucky had bought him for his birthday “You need to get your stuff for school.” “Don’t wanna.” he pouted.
“I don’t feel well.”
“Oh no, really?” Katie bent down, feeling his head. “Hmmmm. You do feel warm. What’s wrong?” “Sort throat.” “Oh, well… that means no soccer practice tomorrow then…and you should go straight back to bed until I can take you to the doctors later today…”
Jamie paused and looked up at her and she raised an eyebrow “Nice try Pal.”  
“Don’t make me shout your father.” she used her ace card.
Jamie gave an exaggerated sigh and stood up, rolling his eyes. Katie bit her lip to stop herself laughing at the utter indignation on his face.
“It’s Friday dude.” she smiled at him. “You got all weekend to play legos if that’s what you wanna do.”
“Does that mean I can stay up late tonight to work on it?” he asked hopefully.
“Define late.” Katie looked at him.
“Hmmmm, I dunno.” she said playfully.
“I’ll speak to your dad.” she said and he smiled at her, the pair of them both knowing full well that Steve was a soft touch when it came to stuff like that. He’d probably be there helping him out with it anyway.
“Ok Mom. Can you make sure Harry doesn’t touch it whilst I’m at school?”
“I’ll keep this door shut, I promise.”  Katie assured him.
He left the room and true to her word Katie shut the door to the den and watched him head up the stairs, passing Aurora who was on her way down with her rucksack, Steve right behind her with their youngest placed on his hip.
“Hi mammamama!” Harry babbled at her and she grinned, taking him off Steve and planting a kiss to his cheek.
“Hi baby!” she grinned as his hand instantly went to grab the chain of her necklace.
“Jamie not planning on going to school today?” Steve asked her with a grin as Rori headed off to find her shoes.
“Tried telling me he was sick so he could stay home and play legos.” she snorted “Soon decided he was ok when I told him that meant no soccer practice tomorrow morning.” Steve shook his head, smiling to himself.
“Daddy?” Rori tugged on his trouser leg and he turned his attention to her.
“What’s up Princess?”
“I can’t find my sneakers.”
“Where did you leave them?” he asked, his hand gently dropping to the back of her head.
“Erm…” she pondered for a moment, before she looked up at her mom bashfully.
“Somebody left them in the middle of the lounge…” Katie looked at her. “So the Fairies put them away.”
“Sorry…” Rori wrinkled her nose and blinked up at her mom.
“It’s ok. They’re on the shoe rack sweetie.” Katie nodded to the kitchen in the direction of the utility room located at the back of the house.  
“Thanks momma.” she said, running off to retrieve them.
“What time does Emmy’s train get in?” Steve looked at Katie.
“Just after twelve.” Katie said, blowing a raspberry on Harry’s cheek. “I’ll meet her and then take her straight to get inked…” Steve let out a breath from his nose. All Emmy had talked about since turning 21st was a tattoo. Steve wasn’t particularly sure he approved but then what could he do? She was an adult now. Katie hadn’t been bothered, but then as she’d pointed out, she had a big enough one on her thigh so it would be fairly hypocritical if she had. Emmy had won Steve over though when she’d asked him to draw it for her. She’d described what she wanted, a small Phoenix type bird that would sit just above her ankle. So after a few designs and sketches she’d finally settled on something she wanted and after a consultation she was having it done this afternoon.  
“You staying with her?” Steve looked at Katie, concern etched across his face. Katie gave a soft laugh.
“She’s a big girl now Steve but yeah, I’m gonna stay.” she said, tugging on his beard playfully.
“Good.” he nodded, jerking his head out of reach. “Do you need me to pick the kids up later or…”
“No, by the time their afterschool clubs are done we’ll have finished so I’ll do it.” she smiled as Rori came back, sneakers in her hand. She sat on the bottom step and proceeded to push her feet into the pink converse, Steve crouching down on one knee to tie her shoelaces for her.
“Thanks daddy.”
“You’re welcome sweetheart.” he said, dropping a kiss to her head before he turned to look up the stairs “Jamie! Come on!”
“I’m coming…” came the surly reply, and no sooner had they heard it he appeared at the top of the steps, rucksack in hand.
“Drop the attitude.” Steve said sternly as Jamie trudged down the stairs, scowling. Steve looked at Katie, raising his eyebrow as their eldest son stalked past them, heading to the door, Rori running behind him.
“Wait for me Jay…” she called, her small feet slapping on the tiles of the hallway as she went.
“Told you…” Katie said, smirking “He’s a mini you…”
“That filthy look he had on his face? That is a Stark expression.” Steve said, looking back at her as he picked Rori’s rucksack up.
“Is not.” Katie laughed “That’s the face you make whenever someone’s pissing you off.”
Steve gave a snort before he dropped a soft kiss to her lips, making Harry shriek.
“Kissy!” he laughed.
“See you later.” Steve smiled against her mouth “Love you.” “You too” she said, and with a last peck and a ruffle of Harry’s hair he headed after Jamie and Rori, barking out an instruction for them to quit their squabble over who was sitting in the front seat.
“Easy solution…” Katie heard Steve say loudly “You can both get in the back. End of discussion.”
Their protest’s died as the door snapped shut.
Katie chuckled to herself and looked at Harry “Shall we get you ready to go too baby boy?”
“Go!” he nodded, grinning. 
Katie’s morning was reasonably easy. A meeting and a manuscript to review which she’d managed to do by half 11. Changing out of her office clothes into a loose pair of sweats, trainers and a hoody she headed out and made her way to Grand Central.
She spotted Emmy emerging into the main terminal and swept her daughter up into a hug.
“Hey mom.” Emmy said, squeezing her back.
“Ready to go get inked?” Katie asked, Emmy grinned and slung her satchel over one shoulder, linking her arm through her mom’s.
“You eaten?” Katie asked as they walked out into the early April sun.
“Yeah, followed the instructions.” Emmy nodded.
“Good.” Katie said. “Nervous?”
“A little.” Emmy shrugged “It’s gonna hurt right?”
“It’s not so bad.” Katie shrugged, “Some places hurt more apparently but…most important thing to remember is if you need a break just ask.”
The two women walked a few blocks, catching up. It had been a couple of weeks since Emmy was home, fast approaching the last few weeks of the semester at Harvard before her exams started. All of her marks so far had been sky high, leaving her parents immensely proud, although both had taken great pains to tell her that they didn’t care what the outcome was, as long as she tried her best.
Eventually they reached the place and Emmy opened the door, stepping in. David, the man that had done the consultation a few weeks back beckoned them both through.
“Ok, so…” he said, tilting the screen to show Emmy the picture of her design he’d scanned “I gotta say I’m excited about this one, it’s pretty unique.”
“My dad drew it.” Emmy beamed.
“It’s phenomenal.” David smiled “I had to sharpen some of the lines up but there’s no major changes. Are you happy with it?”
Emmy nodded.
“Ok, and yours Mrs Rogers…” David clicked and the imaged changed. “The touches we’re adding to your thigh are fairly straight forward but this one…this is what I think it is right?”
Katie nodded.
“Awesome…” David smiled, and hit print and stood up to collect both the prints.
“Have you told Dad?” Emmy looked at her. Katie smirked and shook her head.
“Nope.” she popped the p on the word “Thought it would be a nice surprise when he gets to see it later.” “I’m not sure if I should be grossed out by that thought or not.” Emmy mumbled and Katie simply laughed.
Just over 2 and a half hours later they were done, leaving the parlour with strict after care instructions. Emmy had hardly flinched through hers, whereas Katie’s new one had been slightly uncomfortable due to the placing.
“Think that earned us a beer…” Katie said checking her watch. “Come on, we got time before we need to collect the heathens.”
***** “Show me! Show me!”  Rori demanded.
“You can’t see it yet short stuff.” Emmy said fondly “It’s still wrapped up.”
“When can you unwrap it?” Jamie asked.
“Another hour or so yet.” Katie answered “So quit bugging your sister and go put your school bags away.”
“Emmy do you wanna watch Sponge Bob with me?” Rori asked. 
“Only if we can sing the special song…” Emmy grinned, holding her hand out for a hi-five. Rori giggled, and slapped her smaller palm against her sister’s.
“What special song?” Katie looked at her.
“Oh just a variation on the theme tune we made up.” Emmy said, grinning mischievously 
“I dread to think.” Katie muttered, watching Jamie and Rori head up stairs to deposit their rucksacks in their room.
Katie bustled around making dinner, simple spaghetti and meatballs as requested by all 4 kids...well, the elder 3...Harry merely clapped his hands and yelled “getty” in agreement. She was stood stirring the sauce when she heard Steve walk through the door an toss his keys onto the table in the hall little under an hour later. 
“Daddy’s home!” she heard Rori shriek and a moment later Steve chuckled.
“Hey…” he said, sweeping her up and placing a kiss on her cheek. He carried her through to the kitchen where he greeted Harry with a ruffle of the hair as he sat by the table doodling on a pad with Emmy.
“Hi sweetie.” Steve said, as Emmy stood up to give him a hug. “How was the tattooing?”
“Good.” she nodded, “Oh, actually, mom….should I unwrap it now?”
“Errr, yeah.” Katie said, turning the heat down on the stove and accepting the kiss Steve offered. “Can you watch these 2. I’ll go help Emmy out…”
“Sure.” Steve said, “Where’s Jamie?”
“2 guesses” Katie grinned at him and Steve shook his head, smiling, knowing full well that meant he was nose deep in lego.
Katie and Emmy bounded up the stairs and returned about 15 minutes later, Emmy proudly showing off the design on her right ankle. Steve had to admit, it did look pretty good, but then he would say that, he drew it after all.
They dragged Jamie out of the den for dinner, where the boy managed 2 helpings before he ran off again, almost having a meltdown when Katie told him he had to share the den as Rori wanted to watch Cartoons. One stern look from Steve nipped the tantrum in the bud and the 4 kids departed once dishes had been deposited in the sink, Katie waving away Emmy’s offer to help, telling her to go spend some time with her siblings. It didn’t take her and Steve long to clear down and they were heading towards the living room to collapse onto the sofa together, but the shriek and cheers coming from the den made them both stop in their tracks.
“What on Earth are they watching?”  Steve looked at his wife.
“Sponge Bob, apparently…” Katie said. The two looked at one another, before they headed back towards the den and peeked through the door which was open a crack.
Emmy was stood, swaying with Harry held on her hip, the pair of them laughing, whilst Jamie was doing some kind of strange running man dance as Rori bounced up and down on the sofa as the opening credits began to roll. Emmy opened her mouth and started singing along to the opening theme tune in a pirate voice.
Only she wasn’t singing the theme tune. They were completely different words.
“Who lived as a Capsicle under the sea?” Emmy paused to look at Jamie and Rori who both yelled back in chorus, Harry mimicking them as best he could whilst clapping his hands.
Steve blinked, looked at Katie, his mouth dropping open as she burst out laughing at the look of utter confusion and perplexment on his face. She pushed the door open further and all the kids turned to see their parents watching them. But instead of stopping, they continued to sing even louder at Steve as he folded his arms and leaned against the door frame.
“Saluting a hello and killing Nazis…” Emmy continued
“If patriotism be something you wish…”
By this point Katie was laughing that hard she couldn’t breathe. She doubled over, tears pouring from her face as the kids continued their relentless serenade to their father.
“Then throw a big shield and punch with your fist…”
That was it. Steve couldn’t keep his face straight any longer and he too started to laugh, grinning as Rori ran over to him and pulled on his hands dragging him into the room to make him twirl her round.
Eventually the song stopped and the room was simply filled with laughter which died down. Steve wiped his eyes and looked at his kids before he crossed his arms.
“You’re all grounded.” he smirked, and then ran as they started pelting him with throw cushions.
Later that night, as always, Steve couldn’t stop his eyes from roving his wife’s body as she walked out of the en-suite and into the bedroom, dressed in one of his shirts and a pair of sleep shorts ready for bed. As he lounged on top of the duvet, back propped up against the headboard, his gaze travelled down the lines of her body and he frowned as he spotted something on her thigh that looked different.
Suddenly it dawned on him what it was.
“Is that…is that a new tattoo?” Steve sat up, looking at her leg then to her face, and back again.
“Technically it’s an addition to an existing one.” Katie grinned as she made her way to the bed and knelt up in front of Steve. His hands gently fell to her hips as he examined the new ink. The area surrounding one of the 4 stars that formed part of the original tattoo had been shaded with red and gold in a water colour effect. He didn’t need her to explain, but she did anyway.
“That’s for Tony.” she said softly, “And these…” she pointed out 4 additional stars she’d had placed within the existing design “One for each of the kids.”
“Not one for me?” he eventually pouted playfully, looking back up at her.
She bit her lip and grinning slightly, pulled his shirt over her head leaving her top half naked, and she turned her torso slightly the left, holding her arm over her breasts so he could see. His eyes widened as he saw the design that was now etched onto her skin just underneath her left breast on her rib cage.
It was his wings. The wings he had worn on his helmet. The wings adopted by the Howlies as their symbol in the war. And above that sat a star that was the same as the others on her thigh.
“That’s for you…” she said softly.
Steve was struggling for words. There was something he was finding outrageously sexy about the fact she’d had that placed somewhere that no one would really see other than him. And something ridiculously sentimental about the design she had chosen.
“Do you like it Soldier?” she asked softly, biting her lip.
He looked up at her, smiling as his hands gripped her bare waist and he pulled her down with him so she was led on top of him. “I love it.”
“I love you…” she grinned, melting into his arms as his hands ran up her bare back, her nose nudging his softly.
“Back at ya pretty girl.” he smirked, before his lips claimed hers in a heated kiss.
 @the-omni-princess​  @momobaby227​ @geekofmanythings16​ @angelofhell-666​ @thewackywriter​ @marvelfansworld​  @cobalt-gear​  @asgardlover75​ @jennmurawski13​  @jtargaryen18​ @saiyanprincessswanie​  @navispalace​ @patzammit​  @joannaliceevans-fanficblog​  @icanfeelastormbrewing​ @djeniiscorner​  @ayamenimthiriel​  @coldmuffinbanditshoe​  @disneylovingal​ @madzmilllz​  @sgtjaamesbaarnes​  @official-and-unstable-satan​ @sweater-daddiesdumbdork​
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bestsnow-white · 2 years
Emma quickly finished, smiling in relief. "Okay I done I think" the blonde princess said as Snow changed her. "Hungry, mommy" Emma babbled. Then she loudly announced to everyone "I go poopy in my diapy!"
Belle hugged the overgrown toddler. "Yes that's wonderful, Bae. But I think it's time we get you two something to eat and then home." Belle smiled at Snow. "Oh, so it isn't going to happen. That's a little reassuring. I wonder where we'd be sent anyway."
Regina began changing her green baby. "Zelly, yes you are two. Which means you need your sleep. And home? This is your home with us. Are you feeling all right?" The queen placed Zelena in her highchair.
"That's my good girl okay sweetie let's get you feed then," Snow carried Emma to the banquet room for their guest, and themselves where they would be having a royal meal for the ball. "That you did Emmy and were all so proud of you," David replied as he as he talked to their chief for the royal ball that should be coming out anytime soon "Thank you Remy "you're the best chef we had in years just don't tell the queen that she loves to cook," David exclaimed to the chef.
"Okay mama," Bae replied hugging his stepmother bae seemed to be the online not having a problem with being stuck as a toddler. "No, it isn't we fixed everything Belle, to a place with no magic," Snow replied to the bookworm Although soon he registered the second part of what his mother said "NO!" the toddler yelled and screamed he wanted to stay of course that was his little brain confusing his adult side and thing home was back to the real world not to their cottage castle. Me no go back realm," the boy toddler pouted this of course confused Rumple " Belle do you have any idea what his talking about?" Rumple asked her.
"Me no home me go oz, and me more two," Zelena tried to explain that she was from Oz and that she was older than two, "I big sissy you little sissy," she also tried to explain that Regina and herself are sisters not mother and daughter. "I okays," Zelen claimed. "Oh boy Zelly sure has an imagination doesn't she mom?" Henry replied laugh at his baby sister's claims.
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smkkbert · 4 years
Time for a story - Lost Canary
Beware! This is not a LL/BC fic!
Drumming her fingers onto the steering wheel nervously, Felicity glanced at the time display of her dashboard. There had been a time in her life when she had never been late. She had always been on time because she had been well-organized and a hundred percent responsible when it came to any agreements. Then she had met Oliver and it had turned her life completely upside-down.
Felicity grinned to herself. Oliver loved to accuse him of infecting him with her babbles from time to time, so she loved teasing him with his infectious tardiness. In reality, it was a little different. Oliver babbled from time to time because he felt so utterly comfortable around her. Felicity couldn’t make it in time anymore because arranging a schedule around raising five kids, enjoying her marriage, leading a multi-billion-dollar cooperation, doing charity and saving the city just wasn’t that easy.
Despite all the changes in her life and her inability to make it in time a lot of times, Felicity wouldn’t want her life to be any other way. Every part of her life, as time consuming as each one was, was incredibly important to her. She couldn’t give up any of that. She would never give up on her children, and she needed Oliver like the air to breathe. Working at QI gave her life as it stimulated her intellect. Using so much of the money on charity made her feel good because she knew she could never spend all this fortune on herself. Making sure that this city was going to be a safer place was what let her sleep peacefully at the night.
She just couldn’t give up on any of those things. If that meant that she had to accept being late a lot of times and arranging her life around this crazy schedule she had put on herself, so be it. She’d do it because it was the life she had chosen and would continue to choose.
Parking the car in a free parking lot in front of Emmy’s dance school, Felicity shot another look at the time. She was already ten minutes late which wasn’t good. She preferred to be late to business meetings or even charity occasions, but never to anything that concerned the kids. They were the most important people, the ones she never wanted to be late for.
As Felicity got out of the car, another car stopped in the parking lot right next to hers. Frowning, she watched Oliver getting out.
“What are you doing here?” she asked. “It’s my turn to pick up Emmy from her ballet lessons. Besides, you were supposed to be in that meeting to talk about some budgeting decisions.”
“The meeting was canceled, so I drove home to change and decided to pick up Emmy, so you didn’t have to stress yourself out,” Oliver explained and pointed his thumb to the back of the car, “Addie decided to come with me.”
Felicity shot a look to the back of Oliver’s car where Addie was sitting in her children’s seat indeed. Through the darkened window panes, Felicity couldn’t see much, but it looked like Addie was wearing some kind of costumes. Feathers were moving on top of her head whenever the toddler moved.
Looking back at Olive, Felicity frowned. “Why didn’t you text me, and why are you five minutes late if you had so much time?”
“I am not late but ten minutes early since the lesson takes fifteen minutes longer today for whatever reason,” Oliver said, “and of course I texted you.”
“I didn’t receive a text,” Felicity said, starting to fish for her keys in her purse, “I mean I checked my phone regularly because there can always be reschedules, but- Oh, there it is!”
Puckering her lips, Felicity read Oliver’s short text.
O: Meeting was canceled. I will pick up Emmy, so don’t stress yourself out. Love you.
Felicity lifted her gaze and smiled at Oliver innocently. Dropping her phone into her purse, she crossed the distance towards her husband and pulled at the lapels of his leather jacket. Their lips met in a gentle kiss.
With all the chaos that seemed to surround them most times, Felicity and Oliver always made sure that they kissed each other when they saw each other again and said their I love yous before they parted ways. They knew better than most people that life was short and it could end anytime, so they couldn’t miss an opportunity to show their feelings to one another.
Their kiss was interrupted ungently when Addie opened the door of the car and hitting it right into Oliver’s back. Groaning slightly, he turned his head back over his shoulder. Addie smiled sweetly and somewhat apologizing and it was enough to make Oliver forget everything.
“Done waiting in the car?”
“Yes,” she replied and hugged Felicity’s legs, “hi, mommy.”
“Hi, Baby,” Felicity replied and tugged at some curly strands of hair came out from under the feather-cap, so Addie lifted her gaze and smiled at her mother, “what are you wearing?”
Felicity could feel Oliver’s eyes on her at the choice of words. He probably remembered as well as she did how he had asked her the same question once upon a time. His voice had been a lot darker though, even filled with a little bit of desire as he might have been a little turned on by her appearance although they hadn’t been dating or anything like that.
A warm shiver ran down the length of Felicity’s spine. What she and Oliver had now had started long before they had gotten married or before she had ambushed him with the decision that they would be together now whether he thought he was ready or not. It had started even before they had had their first date that had exploded before they had had a chance to try their lasagna. It had started in the bunker between catching criminals and forming their team of heroes.
“Tilly and Tally been at daycare.”
“Tilly and Tally have been at daycare?” Felicity asked. “Wow, that must have been excited.”
Addie nodded her head, proving that she was more than happy to have been in daycare today. Although they had Raisa, the Millie and Addie were going to daycare once to trice each week. That way, they had an opportunity to form friendships with other kids their age before they would be sent to kindergarten in a couple of days. Sometimes, like today it seemed, the daycare invited some special guests. Today they had probably invited the two old ladies that always dressed up and played the characters Tilly, the canary, and Tally, the cat, who were best friends.
“And where did you get that very cool costume?”
“From Tilly!” Addie exclaimed. “Everyone got a costume.”
“And now she will never ever take it off again,” Oliver whispered, “ever.”
Felicity exchanged a meaningful gaze with Oliver. Addie wasn’t their first child that had threatened to never ever get out of an outfit again. Last year, Millie had received a pair of pink gumboots with unicorns on them, and she had refused to take them off. She had even worn them in bed.
“Do I look like a canary, mommy?”
“Absolutely,” Felicity agreed, nodding her head, “you look exactly like a canary. If you want an expert’s opinion on that, maybe you should ask Aunt Laurel.”
“Because she’s the Black Canary,” Addie whispered so quietly that nobody but Felicity and Oliver could hear her, “right?”
Felicity nodded her head and winked at her youngest daughter. Since Addie seemed to be excited about that idea, Felicity would text Laurel on their way home. That way Laurel was warned about the visit later today, and she could already figure out a reason why it was important that Addie took off her costume before bed tonight. Maybe the feathers needed some rest or something.
As they went inside the school building now, Addie was walking between her parents. Her right hand was safely tugged into Oliver’s fingers, while Felicity was holding her right hand. Addie enjoyed the safety of being held by her parents like that visibly. She was swaying her arms and her parents’ arms back and forth happily.
The dance class was still going when they arrived. Oliver, Felicity and Addie pushed into the room quickly and sat down on one of the benches for visitors. Emmy discovered them there immediately, waving her hand. When they waved back, she beckoned for Addie to come and join them.
“Can I?” Addie asked, turning her head back to look at her mother. “Please.”
“Sure,” Felicity replied, “just let me take of your shoes and jacket.”
As soon as Felicity had pulled the boots from Addie’s feet and she had slipped out of her jacket, Addie ran to join her sister at the ballet bar. Watching the two of them, Felicity slid close to Oliver and rested her head on his shoulder. Quiet moments like these were her favorite, especially after chaotic days like today.
“I have looked into the data we have gathered about the Triad,” Felicity whispered, not lifting her head from Oliver’s shoulder, “and I think I have narrowed the number of possible next targets down to three. I have put all three of them under surveillance.”
Oliver turned his head to place his lips against the crown of her head. Felicity sighed contently, leaning even more against Oliver’s side. If it wasn’t for him, she was sure that her chaotic and stressful life wouldn’t work as well as it did right now. Somehow, they always managed to accommodate all the different things they had to do.
“Thank you,” Oliver whispered, “between all the meetings you had today, I guess that cost a lot of energy.”
Felicity shrugged her shoulders. “That way, we have tonight all for ourselves.”
At that, Oliver started to listen attentively it seemed. He straightened up a little, tightening his arm around Felicity’s waist at the same time.
“Do you have any suggestions what we could do with our time?”
“Oh, I have a lot of ideas.”
“Really?” Oliver’s hand started drifting down her waist towards her hip. “Like what?”
Felicity angled her head back to look at Oliver. She knew exactly what ideas he had in mind for the night, and she couldn’t say that was disinclined to agree with his plans. If her core was asked, she should probably take Oliver to some dark equipment room and let him take her right here. That was how hot she still was for her husband.
Still, she had different plans for tonight.
“Sleep,” Felicity told him, “I really, really want to sleep.”
Oliver chuckled and pecked her lips. They lingered against hers for a moment, and his fingers brushed against the edge of her jaw. When he pulled back, his eyes were sparkling with amusement.
“Sleep sounds great.”
Felicity nodded her head. “It really does, doesn’t it?”
Chuckling, Oliver leaned in to kiss her once more. Before their lips touched, Ms. Voronov ended the class, thanking all participants for giving their best and applauding their progress. Oliver scrunched up his nose, probably about to complain that the class should have last a minute longer, but Felicity just pecked his lips briefly and got up.
Felicity chuckled as she saw Addie trying to imitate the movements she had just learned. She might not look as gracious as her older sister yet, but she could probably join a younger class if she wanted to. So far, Addie had never really shown any interest at ballet. Since she was turning three in less than two months, maybe she was just discovering this hobby for herself.
“You two look great,” Felicity told the kids, “in a couple of years, you can probably dance in Swan Lake.”
“Maybe we can go one down and start with the summer performance.”
Surprised, Felicity turned around to see Mrs. Voronov stepping towards her. The ballet teacher was already in her fifties, but her eyes exuded something very young. There was also a warmth that took away from the strict appearance that was created by her slim figure and the tight bun she had put her hair in.
“Mrs. Voronov, hello,” Felicity said, shaking her hand, “thank you for your class. Emmy loves to be here.”
“I am very glad to hear that.” Mrs. Voronov smiled. “Mrs. Queen, Mayor Queen, I wanted to talk to you about our summer event.”
Oliver stepped right next to Felicity, shaking the ballet teacher’s hand too before he nodded his head for her to tell them what she wanted to say.
“Emmy has got a real talent here,” Mrs. Voronov explained with a look at where Emmy was now trying to teach Addie how to look even more gracious while dancing, “and she is a really compliant student which makes her one of my best in this group.”
Felicity and Oliver exchanged a proud smile. All parents certainly loved to hear that they children were doing great in school or at their hobbies or whatever. It was just a good feeling to know your child had found something they were good at. Every child needed to experience something like that.
“We’ve got a big summer show,” Mrs. Voronov continued, “where my older classes are performing together for one big story. I always invite some of my best younger students to take some smaller roles. We have already started training, but I still have two roles to assign. I would like Emmy to take one of the roles.”
“That sounds great,” Oliver said, “really great actually.”
“Absolutely,” Felicity agreed, “have you already told Emmy?”
“No,” Mrs. Voronov replied, shaking her head, “because I always talk to the parents first. Taking part in this summer show means that Emmy would have to come to additional training lessons, even at the weekends, and she would have to be in Starling the entire August which is when we will perform.”
Oliver and Felicity exchanged a long gaze. Mrs. Voronov’s words proved that there was a lot of work ahead of them. Emmy would need her parents’ support to make it work, and they had to work one more thing into their busy schedules. They wouldn’t be the good parents they were if they let that take away a chance like this.
“I think the only person who can decide this is Emmy,” Oliver said, “so I guess it’s best if we just ask her.”
Felicity nodded her head and looked at where Emmy was still trying to teach Addie. The girls seemed to have so much fun that Felicity honestly considered getting a ballet bar for their playroom. There was so much room there that this might be a great addition. Maybe Millie or Tommy would like to try ballet too.
“Emmy,” she asked, reaching out he hand for Emmy, “come here please.”
Emmy left Addie’s side and quickly ran towards her parents. Felicity pulled her in front of her, so her back was pressed to Felicity’s front. She put her hands to her daughter’s shoulders and looked at her. Emmy angled her head back as much as possible, frowning slightly.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” she asked, frowning slightly. “Am I in trouble?”
“No,” Felicity replied with a chuckle, shaking her head, “there is actually something good happening here because Mrs. Voronov would like you to become a part of her big summer show.”
“Really?” Emmy asked, and her excitement was written all over her face. “But only older kids are allowed to take part.”
“I always have some smaller roles for my younger students,” Mr. Voronov told her, “and I really think you are the right match.”
“That is so cool, I-“
“Before you agree,” Oliver hurried to say and crouched down a little, so his eyes were on one level with Emmy’s, “I want you to think about this carefully. If you agree to this, there is a lot of work ahead of you. You have to be very disciplined, and you cannot just give up. People will count on you to do this, so have to try your best. Can you do that?”
Emmy thought about it carefully, making Felicity smile. Of course Emmy wouldn’t make a rushed decision if Oliver told her to think about it carefully. Emmy might be excited, but she knew what a big decision this was.
“I want to do it,” Emmy said eventually, looking right at Oliver, “and I will always give my best.”
“If that is what you want,” Oliver said and kissed her cheek, “then I already know that you will be great.”
“Thanks, Daddy.”
Felicity squeezed Emmy’s shoulders, making her daughter look at her. She leaned down and kissed Emmy’s lips then. It was all Emmy needed to know that she had both of her parents’ support for this.
“I will send you the training and show plan via email,” Mrs. Voronov said with a smile before she turned to Emmy, “welcome to the team, Emmy.”
“Thank you.”
Mrs. Voronov left them alone to talk to some other parents. While Oliver straightened up, Emmy stepped away from Felicity to turn around and look at both of their parents.
“This really is a big deal,” she said, putting her hands to her hips and taking a deep breath, “a really big deal.”
Oliver nodded his head and put his hand to her shoulder. “You can do this. Mrs. Voronov wouldn’t have chosen you otherwise.”
“I know,” Emmy said, “but I really think I need pizza to get over this shock and celebrate it too. I just really need pizza.”
Oliver turned his head, looking at Felicity with an expression she knew all too well. He blamed her for their daughter’s request for junk food when they all knew that he had probably planned some healthy dinner already. Felicity lifted her hands in a sign of innocence. If Oliver’s facial expression was any indication, he didn’t believe he.
“It wasn’t mom’s idea,” Emmy said, leaning against Oliver’s legs, “I just really want pizza today. Please, daddy, please!”
Felicity rolled her lips into her mouth to bite back her amused laughter. Emmy was really good at coaxing Oliver into doing whatever she wanted. All kids had that talent, and Felicity wasn’t immune of it either. Luckily, Oliver was at the receiving end of Emmy’s angel’s eyes right now though. That she was calling him daddy instead of dad helped to make him crumble instantly. Felicity could see it in Oliver’s eyes.
“Okay, fine,” he said with a groan, “but just today.”
“Thank you, daddy,” Emmy said, “you are the best.”
Again, Oliver just grumbled at that before he turned away. As soon as his back was turned towards them, Felicity held out her flat hand for Emmy. Grinning, Emmy gave her five. They really were a great team when it came to making sure they got their good junk food.
“Now, let’s get Addie and go home to your siblings, so we can take all their orders and-“
When Felicity noticed the expression on Oliver’s face, she stopped. Frowning, she followed his gaze through the dance hall, but there was nothing to be seen there. There was nothing that caught Felicity’s attention or alarmed her in any way.
“What’s wrong?” Felicity asked. “What’s going on?”
“Can you see Addie?”
The question made Felicity’s heart jump up into her throat. She grabbed Emmy’s hand and pulled the girl closer to herself instantly as she was looking around to find her youngest daughter. Between all the little girls that were dressed in their training outfits, it should be easy to find Addie. She significantly smaller than all the other girls, and her yellow costume caught attention easily.
With racing heart, Felicity realized that Addie just wasn’t here. Panic flooded every cell of her body. Her throat felt tight, unable to take in a breath. Her thoughts were spinning, so many ideas of what might have happened already playing out in her head.
Oliver turned around to Felicity, looking at her with what she guessed was supposed to be a comforting or at least a calming gaze. Still, Felicity could see his own turmoil through it because she just knew Oliver like that. She knew that he was just as nervous as she was. Their lives were dangerous, and their kids were more endangered of getting abducted than other kids were. They were rich. Oliver was the mayor. They were vigilantes.
“I will search the rest of the building,” Oliver said, “you go outside and check there.”
Felicity nodded her head. “I will take Emmy with me.”
They both moved at the same time. While Oliver was running out of the hall and down the hallway, Felicity hurried towards the exit. Her fingers were tightened around Emmy’s hand firmly as she pulled her with her.
“Mom, where’s Addie?” Emmy asked worried, having caught up to the fact that her little sister had been nowhere to be seen. “She was here a minute ago.”
“I know,” Felicity replied, trying to hide her nervousness, “so she is probably somewhere around here. Maybe she lost sight of us and tried to search for us.”
“We will certainly find her.”
“Yes, of course we will.”
Although Felicity tried her best to sound hopeful, she doubted that it was enough to convince Emmy. The little girl was smarter than to ask any more questions though. She knew the situation wasn’t an easy one. After all, Emmy had been abducted before too.
A cold shiver ran down the length of Felicity’s spine as she thought about the two times that Emmy had been abducted. The first time, she had still been in Felicity’s belly, the one place where kids were supposed to be safe. That other time, she had been with Felicity, and still they had been in the hands of criminals.
Felicity had lived through being abducted a couple of times now, but it had never been as bad as the one time that Emmy and Tommy had been taken too. Watching out for your own life was hard. Watching out for your children’s life was something entirely else. Everything was more intense when it was about the kids.
That Addie was nowhere to be found outside didn’t help Felicity to relax the least. There were so many possible threats to their family that number of suspects was almost uncountable. She would have to mobilize every force she could to find Addie if she wasn’t going to show up here magically. She would mobilize the team as well as their friends from Starling City. She would ask Bruce to help and bring everyone with a little experience in this business from Gotham too. She’d ask for Supergirl to come help. Anatoli would have to-
“Mom, your phone!”
Felicity flinched at the loud tone of Emmy’s voice. She had been so deep in thought that it cost her a moment before she realized that Emmy was talking to her and probably had been talking to her for a while.
“What?” Felicity asked.
“Your phone beeped,” Emmy replied, “you got a text.”
Taking Emmy’s hand from her left to her right, Felicity pulled her phone from the pocket of her coat and checked for any new texts. She had indeed received a text by Oliver that made her heart jump up into her throat once more before she opened it.
O: Found her! Come to room 25.
“Daddy found Addie,” Felicity said with a sigh of relief and felt like a burden of several tons was taken off her shoulders, “do you know where room twenty-five is?”
“Of course,” Emmy replied immediately, “come on.”
With just as quick steps as Felicity had hurried outside before, Emmy was taking her back in now. She dragged Felicity through several hallways and some stairs up until Felicity could finally see Oliver.
“Where is she?” she asked when she couldn’t see Addie. “Where is-“
“Here,” Oliver said, beckoning for the two of them to come closer, “you gotta watch this.”
Only once they arrived at Oliver’s side, Felicity dared to let go of Emmy’s hand. She looked at Oliver, still not understanding what got him to be so relaxed already. He nodded his chin towards the glass wall they were standing in front of. Frowning, Felicity turned her head-
And finally got what got Oliver to be so amused.
Addie was standing in the middle of an adult dance class. Everyone, including the instructor, was standing around Addie, watching what she was doing and imitating her movements. When Addie stood there with widened legs, bending her knees and alternating what foot to put her weight on, all of them did the same. When Addie moved her butt in tiny circles, everyone else did too. When Addie tried to do some Yoga position that she must have caught up somewhere, the entire class mimicked her movements.
That Addie was still wearing that yellow costume that was made of so many feathers just added something to the funniness of the picture in front of Felicity. A toddler instructing an adult dance group was funny already, but a toddler in a canary costume instructing an adult dance group was just beyond hilarious.
After those last minutes of shock, the laughter that fell from her lips now felt incredibly good to her. It washed over her and took away all the stressful feelings she had gathered before.
“Addie can train me at home now, so I am really fit for the summer show, or she can offer a class here while I am training,” Emmy said with an amused chuckle, “Addie-Dancing.”
“I am sure people will take kindly to it,” Felicity agreed, “I mean just look at this.”
Addie was doing some weirdly wrenching movements with her arms now. No matter how hard it looked to mimic what she was doing there and how ridiculous it looked, the class managed to do the same.
It was obvious how much Addie enjoyed this, and Felicity couldn’t hold it against her. Just watching her was already a joy.
“Maybe we should do dance classes at home,” Felicity suggested, bumping her hip against Oliver’s playfully, “what do you say?”
It was meant as a joke since Felicity knew that Oliver didn’t like to dance and doing whatever it was that Addie was trying to teach the class inside was probably even more horrifying for him. Looking at Oliver, Felicity could see him considering this though. When it came to the kids, he was doing a lot of things he had never thought he would do after all.
Chuckling, Oliver replied, “Hey, if she is our instructor, I am willing to try.”
* * *
@fannaz @promiseyoullbepatientwithme @bytemegeekette @felicity-said-just-in-case @phanseptiic @orangeisorange @mspotatohead14 @whentheheavenfades @emmaamelia95 @smoakingskye @seaolicity @ourwritinginvein @1022bridgetp @felicityqueenforever @leagueofolicity17 @yryssss @myhauntedblacksoul @sherlock44 @sinceriouslybea @olivyflavescentdeer @olicitys-castle @ofnothingcharming @vaelisamaza @smoakedandcharmed @alexisa1206 @mysaudadespt2 @florence-bubbles @addictiontelly @queens-of-arrows @memcjo @hysterical-for-joshifer-blog @oswinelevenforever @olicitylovemaking @bandanab310 @mymusiclove101 @lynslogic @scarletqueen23 @olicityshipper19 @alex-wesley @arrows-4ever @unabashedlynerdypatrol @louehmysoul @ligiapimenta @chattyyana @charlie-leau @coal000 @samcrowleys @ishippolivia @julianegomesqueen @malafle @miriam1779 @charlinert @melaux @ontheolicityship @myshipperlife @wrightainsley @lexi9515 @ladygreenwood @multi-fandom-crazy-fangirl @morinamel @mje-thomas @kebarry @canadianheartgirl @nannett2307 @almondblossomme @kathrynelizabeth89 @imdfabulous @mrt2501 @arsipaci14 @salasvia @brandis91 @cainc3 @morganmiguess @pr0fessi0nal-fangurl @iamisalima @nessafrancis-blog @jonhdiggle @niki-is-amazing @universed-posts @hopeful-warrior @senoritaswiftie @bellemmie @green-arrows-of-karamel @iheartarrow @olicityovereverything @oliverfel4 @olicity-in-the-heart @fullychippedcreation @geemarie @everything-but-normal-cat @myarroworld @tjmartinez @pleasantfanandstudent @j69confessional2 @scentedcolorpirate @icanica74 @tjmartinez98 @certainmentalityface @tatianadamaceno @ryelew @wildwillowzepplin @missafairy @letsplaymurde-r @lipizette @positivepiper @nuttymilkshakehologram @laksagirl @turnupthemusicandscream @pumpernickle93 @onceuponanolicity @1106angel @jaspertown @fadinglands @morganashimi83 @mochababychristy @omglovechrissie @mariejr88-blog @thetaufactor @onceuponanolicity @speakandseethetruth @bri206 @aglasgo @geemarie @pineprincess @nerdgirljen @eternal-olicity14 @allyouhadtodowas-stay-stay-stay @lovelycssefan @tsseract @flowerandsunshine @dcnmarvelgamergeek @blondeeoneexox @monetsmark @bb-olicity @mashamarty @rulerofsilence @erika-amber @nothingmorethanmyotps @kayleenyc @tonto16 @olicityfluv @olicitea1990 @haahaaa2408 @pattid1 @faegal04 @24karatgem @wrldtravler @readerkas @olicity-beliver @greencoffeecups @snorlaxishere
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Not even a last name?
Not even a last name: What is one thing you’ve never planned for your character?
Height/weight! I almost never think about things like that with most of my characters, and if I do it’s usually a generic descriptor and not a specific number.
40 notes · View notes
agrestenoir · 5 years
linearity is over-rated
Summary: How “I love you” follows the story of Marinette and Adrien over the years. A non-linear love story told in 25 parts.
“Where do you want to start?”
“At the beginning.”
As a hello, Marinette crawls under the covers and sticks her cold feet against the back of his knees. He squirms in response, trying to pull away, and there’s a rustle of sheets and muffled grunts. “Hi,” she tells him, all bright blue eyes and tousled black hair. “I love you.”
Adrien hits her in the face with his pillow. She simply laughs and laughs and laughs.
With a hoarse voice, under the blankets, he reaches across her bare waist to pull her closer, simply staring at the morning sunlight slipping through the window to wash over her soft, pale body. 
“I love you, you know that?” he says, lips pressed against the back of her neck. 
In his arms, she stirs, casting a simple smile over her shoulder. Blue eyes stare at him without the mask, and it’s all so new and beautiful and still so breathtaking. “Of course, I do,” she tells him in response. “I always have.”
A scream that rips through the Paris sky, wind rushing past as they fall to their deaths from thousands of feet up: “If I never get the chance to tell you, I love you, Ladybug!”
Ladybug tightens her arms around her partner, squeezing her eyes shut because she doesn’t want to see what happens next.
Over a cup of tea, Marinette watches Adrien ponder over his pastry at the little table in her parents’ bakery. “When do you feel like it’s the right time to say you love someone?” The question is something he’s been holding in for days now.
With a sigh, she thinks bitterly of Kagami, all dark eyes and rare beauty that moves with a grace Marinette never could muster. She thinks of the look on Adrien’s face when he sees her, of the soft smile that adjourns his face when her name pops up on his phone screen, the laugh that falls from his lips when he’s talking to her. 
“If you mean it,” she says, “then it’s always the right time.”
Over a beer bottle, she’s drunk and screaming at him. “You think it doesn’t kill me when I see the way you look at her? Of course, it hurts!” Marinette throws the empty bottle onto the floor between them, glass shards bouncing across the hardwood. “I love you! I love you!  Of course, it fucking hurts!” 
The words hold him at gunpoint, and Adrien doesn’t dare move.
On a sunny Tuesday afternoon, the late sunlight glowing in his hair, Marinette runs a hand through the golden locks and wonders if this is what angels look like. “You’re so beautiful,” she tells him softly like a whisper caught on the edge of the wind. “I love that about you.”
“The billboards must render you catatonic then,” he teases, green eyes sparkling. She squawks and tackles him in retaliation, but he ducks around her, tight and quick, so good at it because it’s a dance they’ve spent ten years learning.
As a thank you, the words fall from his lips without a second thought. “God, I love you.”
His partner of a month quirks an eyebrow over the rim of her coffee cup. “It’s just from Starbucks,” Ladybug says, but it doesn’t matter. 
Chat Noir’s already gone.
As an apology, he stands in the doorway of her apartment with an intense expression, bangs flustered against his skin from the rain outside, still dripping puddles on the hardwood floor of the hallway. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to leave, I just…” He closes his eyes and shakes his head. “I love you so much, Mari.” 
It’s not what she wants to hear, but it’s enough for now. With a heavy sigh, she reaches forward and grabs his wrist, tugging him back inside. “You forgot your umbrella,” she tells him, like it makes all the difference.
When baking chocolate chip cookies, Adrien stands in a puddle of flour, trying to figure out how long to put them in the oven. From the corner of the kitchen, Marinette covers her mouth with her hand, unable to hide her giggles, because the smartest boy she knows can’t even master the basics of baking.
Her mother, Sabine, pops her head in and smiles at the sight. “So this is the one, huh?” she whispers to her daughter, quirking an eyebrow high. 
Marinette shrugs helplessly. At sixteen, she isn’t sure what she’s found, but she’s pretty sure it’s love.
Not said to her, Adrien holds Kagami’s hand between his, intertwining their fingers in a loose grip, as they hide in the corner of the ballroom as the New Year festivities reach a crescendo. “I know we’ve been together for a long time, and I do love you,” he tells her quietly, a book end to one of the best parts of twenty. “But….” 
“It’s Marinette, isn’t it?” she asks him, dark eyes heavy.
Adrien can only shrug. “I love her. I’m sorry.” 
With a sigh, Kagami gently pulls her hand from his. “It’s okay,” she says. “I think I’ve known for a long time, actually.” 
She lifts up onto her tip-toes and presses a soft kiss to the corner of his lips as a goodbye, but even as she pulls away, Adrien catches sight of Marinette sitting on the opposite of the room. She’s holding a bottle of Coors Light with a white-knuckled grip, blue eyes steely as they watch him and Kagami. When she sees Adrien staring, she pushes herself to her feet and walks away. 
“Go,” Kagami mumbles under her breath. “Go get her. It’s what you want.”
Like he does with most other things in life, Adrien follows Marinette.
With a shuddering gasp after their first time, Chat Noir falls beside her in the darkness, trying to catch his breath. “God, you’re amazing.” 
In the darkness, she can’t see who he is or what he looks like (which was the whole point in the first place), but she wishes she could with a visceral urge that reminds her of something innate, like remembering how to breathe or how to speak.
Ladybug doesn’t know if she’s falling or if he’s already caught her, but all she knows is that she loves him.
When they lay together in the fresh spring grass, Alya nudges Adrien’s side with her elbow and flashes them a wicked smile. “So when are you gonna tell Marinette you’re in love with her?”
Marinette glares at her from the other side of the picnic blanket as Adrien simply laughs and thinks of Ladybug instead. “Marinette?” he says, confused. “No, she’s just my best friend.” 
But as he muses over it later that night before sleep takes hold, he figures that loving Marinette wouldn’t be the worst thing in life. 
Not at all.
In a letter, scrawled hurriedly in the margins of her latest design, are the words: Mrs. Adrien Agreste. A smile sprouts across his face as he catches sight of it, and a warm blush blossoms over the apples of his cheeks. 
“I love you too,” he tells her as he hands her the sketchbook. “But you know I’m taking your name, right?” 
A whisper in the ear as Ladybug stands over Hawkmoth, sweat-tangled hair falls out of its updo, and blood-streaked hands grasp the collar of his shirt. “I loved him, and you tried to kill him.” She bears her teeth, eyes wild. “I’m going to destroy you.” 
Loud, so everyone can hear, Adrien stands on her balcony and screams out into the Paris evening air. “I am in love with Marinette Dupain-Cheng, and I’m not afraid to say it!” 
The twenty-one-year-old has her hands wrapped around his waist, desperately trying to tug him back inside to her bedroom. “No, stop it! I hate you, you asshole! I’m still mad at you, Adrien Agreste!” 
The rain still pours, and she’s getting drenched, but the horrors of the night are simply washing away. Soon, she forgets why she was even mad at him in the first place.
Over and over again, till it’s nothing but a senseless babble, she chatters in his ear, “I love you, I love you, I love you!” He struggles not to drop her, confusion etched across his face, because he doesn’t know what it means to come home and have his wife freak out (albeit in a pleasant, perfect sort of way).
“Are you okay?” he has to ask.
Tears glimmering in her blue eyes, she kisses him firmly on the mouth. “I’ve thought a lot about this,” she says. “And we’re going to name her Emma.”
The pregnancy test lays discarded on the bathroom counter, the pink plus sign shining for all the world to see.
When the broken glass litters the floor, Marinette is on her hands and knees picking up the remnants of the vase and roses, unable to meet his heavy gaze. “If you have to leave, then do it.”
Adrien chews on his bottom lip, all chapped and broken, dark shadows under his eyes like never-healing bruises. It’s been that way since his father was arrested three months prior, and no matter what she does, she can’t make him whole again. She can’t make things okay.
“I love you,” he tells her, and she knows what’s coming. “But I need some time, Marinette.”
“Just go,” she says again, gesturing to the front door of her apartment. Outside, it’s rain and lightning and thunder, echoing the storm brewing in her heart. “I can’t be everything, Adrien. Just go find what you need, and leave me alone.”
There’s silence that lingers, thick but fragile, until the sound of the door closing reverberates through the room.
Adrien’s gone. Marinette sits on the floor and cries.
From very far away, Adrien’s voice sounds over the laptop. “Okay, tell Mama I love her, Emmy. Daddy has to go back to work now.”
Emma giggles in response, and there’s the pitter-patter of little footsteps as she runs back to the camera. ���Mama says you gotta come home soon.”
“I know, baby.” Adrien smiles softly. “I miss my girls too.”
Emma shakes her head. “Nooo. You miss Hugo too, right?”
“My baby brother!” His daughter jumps up and down with unbridled excitement. “Mama’s gonna have another baby!” Suddenly though, her eyes shutter, and she leans close. “But you can’t tell Mama I told you, Daddy, because it’s supposed to be a secret.”
Adrien is silent for a moment, and then… “MARINETTE!!! COME BACK TO THE LAPTOP, RIGHT NOW.”
With no space left between them, the words tumble out, easy and free, “I can’t remember the last time I told you I loved you.” Chat Noir glances at Ladybug with a puzzled expression, unsure how to proceed. “Is that weird?”
His partner sighs and settles against him, the warm Paris night bustling around them. “Probably because it means something different to you now.”
“How so?” he asks.
“Well you’re dating that girl now, right?” She shrugs and shakes her head because there’s not much else to say. “You’re in love with her now.”
“Doesn’t stop me from loving you though,” he tells her honestly, green eyes piercing. She stares at him in bewilderment, and he only laughs. “I mean… I may not be actively pursuing your heart and trying to date the hell out of you anymore, but I just want you to know that you’re still the most important person in my life.”
“…You too, Chat Noir.” Her voice is soft and smooth like glass, and just as easy to break if he wanted too. 
“Ladybug, that’s never going to change.”
As they huddle together, the storm raging outside, fifteen-year-old Ladybug shivers against his side and bites out, “Don’t get any funny ideas, chaton.” Despite her rough words, she snuggles deeper against him as they ride out the horrid weather.
“As if you’d ever let me touch you,” he grumbles with a smile, and Ladybug can’t help the bark of laughter that falls from her lips. “But I swear you’ll fall in love with me someday, Ladybug.”
“Keep dreaming, Chat Noir.”
Over her shoulder, she glances back and him and quirks a brow high. “I love you, but you’re being ridiculous if you think I’m getting into this school.”
Adrien groans and falls back on her bed, her university results clutched in his hand, still sealed in their respective envelopes. “Mari, when are you going to realize how awesome you are? You are singlehandedly the best person I know, so why can’t you see it yourself?”
Marinette simply smiles in response and snatches the letter from his hand, still not opening it. “Careful,” she tells him. “You don’t want Kagami to hear that.”
Adrien doesn’t know what his girlfriend has to do with things, but he pushes Marinette to open the letter from Esmond anyway.
She’s accepted. He’s not surprised.
Muffled, from the other side of the door, his voice comes through. “Come on, Marinette, please let me in. I love you.” She shudders at his words as they echo through their shared bedroom, too afraid to flip the lock and let him in. “I didn’t mean to take the shot for you, but when it’s your life at stake, I’ll do anything. You know that.”
She doesn’t answer because her heart is screaming in her chest, banging against her rib cage like a wild animal desperate to let out. Marinette doesn’t know what she would even say to him though, too caught up in that flash-second of him freefalling and getting hit by the akuma. It’s been two years since Gabriel Agreste was arrested and Adrien almost died, but the newest Hawkmoth, just as clever and chaotic as the last, has a habit of bringing back those dark times.
Adrien bangs against the door again, but Marinette still won’t open it. When his life means everything to her, she can’t speak her peace without their being some sort of repercussions.
So she lets him keep screaming, and she keeps crying, because they are both two souls willing to put their lives on the line when they mean the universe to each other.
It’s a hard hand to deal.
Through a song, his hands dance across the piano keys. “My mom played this at her wedding,” he tells her, eyes distant and lost in a memory. “It’s one of the first songs she ever taught me.”
“It’s beautiful,” Marinette muses, just listening to the soft notes fill the air. “What’s it about?”
“It’s a love story,” he says. “It’s always a love story.”
Without really meaning it, as the flour explodes in her face, streaks of white dusting her skin and hair, Adrien erupts into laughter. “Oh my god, you suck at baking too,” he says breathlessly, body shaking. “God, I love you.”
Marinette stills, smile frozen on her face as the weight of it crashes over her. “You love me?” she asks.
He stares at her in confusion. “Don’t sound so surprised.”
The smile on her face grows larger, and all she can think is how much she wants to hear him say it again.
In a blissful sigh as she falls asleep, the sound reaches Chat Noir as he pauses in the doorway of the bathroom. “I love you,” comes Ladybug’s voice.
Suddenly, the bruises on his hips and the marks on his neck ache like something furious. He bites his bottom lip and tries to pretend like he didn’t hear a damn thing. They promised that the sex didn’t mean anything, so the thought of Ladybug without barriers letting that pass makes his pitiful heart jump into overdrive.
What does it even matter if you won’t say it to my face? He closes his eyes and shakes his head and wonders if it’s finally time to move on.
He calls Kagami in the morning.
Broken, as Ladybug clutches the sleeve of his jacket and begs him not to leave, the words fall from pale lips, stammered and rushed. “You can’t just end it like this.”
The winter swells around them in a swirl of blistery air, snow clutching onto the red of her suit and the curls in her hair, and she stands like an ethereal angel, but the sight just breaks his heart. “You know how I feel about you.”
“Chat Noir,” she whispers. “Please don’t go.”
“I’m always going to be your partner,” he tells her. “But I can’t be anything else.” He licks his lips in thought, trying to salvage their fracturing relationship. “There’s a girl outside the mask who’s not afraid to love me, and I could see something real happening with her.”
“Please.” There’s tears now, and he’s at a loss for words.
“Just don’t leave me. Please.”
A taunt, with one eyebrow raised and a grin bubbling at his lips, he stands in the living room with his hands on his hips. “You think just because I love you that I’m going to your stuffy office party? That’s not how this works, my lady.”
Marinette squeals and snatches one of the pillows off the sofa and throws it at him. “I married you, you ass, it’s in our fucking wedding vows. You don’t have a choice.”
He catches the pillow effortlessly. “Look, my father dragged me to one too many of those when I was a kid. I’m not sitting through that torture again.”
“You said in sickness and in health,” she reminds him with a heated glare. She skips around the couch, coming closer to Adrien. “That includes company parties where I have to listen to Chloe Bourgeois for hours and hours. You’re stuck with me.”
“I will never—OH SHIT!” He doesn’t catch his wife this time, as she leaps into the air and tackles him to the ground.
When they’re dead, Paris mourns Ladybug and Chat Noir. Marinette and Adrien watch on television from their dark living room, Hugo and Emma asleep between them, with heavy hearts as the city grieves the loss of their heroes.
“Did we do the right thing?” Adrien asks her, eyes haunted with the ghosts of the last battle.
“I don’t know,” she tells him softly, voice hollow. On screen, people cry, and her own tear drips down her cheek like candlewax, thick and slow. “What I do know is that I love you, and I never want to lose you.”
Outside, it’s raining.
It’s always raining.
 Slowly, the words dripping from his tongue like honey, he spells out the truth she’s waited desperately to hear. “You are my best friend, Marinette, and my partner, Ladybug... and I love you.” He runs a hand through her hair, eyes softening as he presses his forehead against hers. “I just want to be with you.”
Outside, fireworks erupt as it strikes midnight, and Paris rings in the new year with a joyous applause. Inside, they find sanity in the spaces between their shared heartbeats, hot and heavy breathes warming pink, cool skin, as they take comfort in the feeling of finally being together.
Too quick, mumbled into his scarf, she asks him to say it again.
A light pink dusts the tips of his ears as Adrien clears his throat. “I said, ‘I love you, please marry me.’”
Flabbergasted, she can only stare at him. “But we’ve only been dating for a year.”
Instead of answering, Adrien simply shrugs, that stupid scarf falling off one shoulder with the movement. “So? We’ve basically been together since we were fifteen anyway.”
Marinette is silent, and he fingers the frayed ends of his sleeves, refusing to look at her. There’s a short pause, the span of a single heartbeat, and then she’s dragging him close by the scarf to kiss him.
In awe, the first time he realizes it, Ladybug stands on the Eiffel Tower with a proud smile, Paris safe and the world becoming something new. Her blue eyes burn with something bright, dark hair whipping in the wind, and she’s all red and black, just like his heart as it pounds harder and harder for this girl he just met. 
 “I love that girl,” he says like a promise.
In a way she can’t return, Chat Noir leaps in front of her as Hawkmoth strides forward with his rapier, the thin metal piercing through his armor, gleaming red with his blood under the afternoon sun.
Ladybug’s eyes widen with horror as she stares up at him, too shocked to comprehend what she’s seeing. “No…” she whispers, voice cracking.
“I love you,” are the last words he manages before he collapses, broken body barely breathing. 
Ladybug’s screams echo through the city. Hawkmoth continues his rampage.
On a post-it note, his messy handwriting adjourns the neon green paper on their fridge. Holding their sleeping daughter in her arms, she lets a soft smile stretch across her face as she reads it: Have to jet to London for a meeting. Be back soon! Love you both <3
“Silly daddy,” Marinette whispers to the toddler. “I was gonna tell him about your new brother today.”
Before they jump, Chat Noir grabs her hand and yells out above the explosions as Hawkmoth continues his attack on Paris, the Eiffel Tower shuddering beneath them. “If we survive this, I’m gonna marry the hell out of you someday!”
Ladybug shakes her head. “You don’t even know my name!”
“Doesn’t matter if we’re gonna die anyway!”
She squeezes back and screams, “For what it’s worth, it’s Marinette!”
As a goodbye, Adrien smiles that awful broken, cracked thing. “I love you… but there’s so much that we have to deal with, and I don’t know if I can right now.” 
“I’ve loved you for years,” Marinette tells him, eyes glinting angrily form her spot on the sofa. “As Marinette, as Ladybug…”
“But there’s Kagami.” He ducks his head from view, glancing at the exit instead. “She doesn’t know yet, and with everything that just went down, I think I need a little time to… process.” 
She sighs and crosses her arms against her chest, smiling bitterly. “I can’t believe the two people I love are the same person… and I can’t have either of them.”
He doesn’t say anything to that. He just walks away. 
And when she tells him, with that soft, sad smile, wrapped in the sheeting the first morning after. “I’m going to love you forever,” she says to him, asleep and blissfully unaware. “Just try to stop me.”
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chuffyfan87 · 5 years
Hiding. Part 71a
Cowritten with @disastrousintention.
Ever since Emily enrolled in that art and crafts workshop during the holidays, Charlie and Duffy had begun to see a different side to their eldest daughter. Whilst she was still very shy and quiet, she seemed to become a little louder and found herself fighting for the spotlight with her sisters. Her confidence had also grown, the more time she spent doing the thing she loved most. The classes on a Saturday were the best thing ever and Emily’s new found confidence was beautiful to see.
It was the May half term and the family was preparing to attend the first exhibition that Emily was taking part in.
She was so excited, she was giddy. She kept bouncing around the place.
All the kids were ready and running around downstairs but Duffy was still in their bedroom.
“Babe. Are you ready?” Charlie called up the stairs.
"No." Came her frustrated sounding reply.
He came upstairs, “What’s wrong?” He asked.
"The skirt I was planning to wear won't zip up." She sighed.
“Can I try and help?”
"You can give it a go but I'm not optimistic."
Charlie helped her with the zip to her skirt. He'd almost got it done up when she let out a squeal. “What’s wrong?” He asked, concerned he’d pinched her or something.
"Its too tight." She complained.
“Sorry.” He paused, “Is there anything else you can wear?”
She shrugged. She sighed as she walked over to their wardrobe and began flicking through the clothes in there.
“Do you have any dresses you could wear?”
"How about this one?" She held up a navy coloured dress.
“Ooh I like that dress.”
She let out a sigh as she unzipped the skirt, letting it drop to the floor. She then pulled off her tshirt and slipped the dress over her head. She then turned around. "What do you think? Will I do?" She chewed at her bottom lip.
“You’re beautiful.” He smiled, “You look beautiful.”
"Not fat?"
“No darling, not fat.” It really didn’t make her look fat. Enhanced her curves but didn’t make her look fat.
"You're sure?" She asked, running her hands over the fabric.
“Look in the mirror, gorgeous.”
She moved to stand in front of the mirror.
“You look gorgeous.” He reassured.
She smiled softly as she rubbed her hand on her stomach. "We're going to have to tell them soon aren't we?"
“I don’t think we can hide it for much longer, babe.”
"I think you're right. I swear Jake is already giving me funny looks."
“In what way?”
“Daddy! Mummy!” It was Emily who was stood at the bottom of the stairs.
"Like he wants to say something but he's been told not to upset me." She replied, giving Charlie a suspicious look as she headed towards the stairs. "Just coming princess."
“I haven’t been saying anything.” A small smile tugged at the corner of his lips.
She stopped at the top of the stairs and turned back towards him, her arms crossed. "Charlie..." Her tone was suspiciously.
"Have you said something?"
“No.” He smiled.
"I'm not sure I believe you..."
“How about we tell the children later?”
"Who knows?" She gasped.
“Who knows about what?”
"Me being..." She stopped abruptly as she spotted Emily standing at the bottom of the stairs. She unfolded her arms and nervously smoothed out her dress as she made her way downstairs.
He followed her. “We’ll talk later?”
“Mama we be late.” Emily replied with a pout.
"OK." She sighed. "We're just coming. Has everyone got their shoes?"
"Except you mum." Jake pointed out.
Duffy rolled her eyes. "I'm just getting mine."
“Are we all ready?” Charlie asked.
Luckily they arrived at the gallery with a few minutes to spare.
"So where is your work princess?" Duffy asked her eldest daughter.
Emily practically dragged her mum to her piece of art.
"Oh it's amazing!" Duffy smiled.
It was full of bright colours. It was a landscape picture of some buildings and the drawings looked like they’d been done by someone a lot older than she was. “You did this, princess?” Charlie asked Emily.
"Yeh. Took ages!" She replied dramatically.
Duffy couldn't help but giggle at how similar Emily sounded to Tilly when she spoke like that.
She was certainly starting to tell Tilly and Lottie who was boss. Charlie chuckled, thinking exactly the same as Duffy and tapped Emily’s nose. “Well, aren’t you a very clever girl.”
"There's some other small bits but that's the main one." Emily smiled.
"What's that?" Lottie asked pointing at some figures.
“Those people? They’re us!” Emily replied.
"Really?" Tilly broke in. "Which one's me?"
"Urgh, art is boring." Louis complained.
“This one.” Emily replied and pointed to one of the figures.
“Louis!” Charlie said.
"That's so cool, it looks like me! Can I keep it?" Tilly babbled excitedly.
"Is that one me?" Lottie asked, pointing the the figure next to the one of Tilly.
“It is.” Emily nodded, “And this is mama, daddy, Louis, Peter and Jake and the tiny blob is Oli.”
"These are really good Emily." Duffy smiled, squeezing her daughter's shoulder.
"I'm gunna make some more figures of the family soon." Emily replied cryptically.
“Why more figures Princess?” Charlie asked.
"I haven't finished making everyone. I need to make gran and Sarah and..." Her voice trailed off awkwardly.
Charlie picked her up and carried Emily over away from everyone. “And who else?” He stroked her cheek.
"Where are daddy and Emmy going?" Tilly asked.
"I'm not sure." Duffy replied nervously.
"Its a secret." Emily whispered, looking over at her mum.
“Emily, what’ve you heard?” He asked, meeting his daughters gaze.
"You and mama were talking earlier..."
“What did you hear?”
"Mama said she was fat. I haven't told the others I promise!" Emily replied, obviously agitated.
The twins had lost interest in their sister, their attention grabbed by a painting of a cat. "We should get a cat! Can we have a cat?"
“Hey, Hey.” Charlie reassured and kissed Emily's forehead. “It’s ok. It’s ok.” He reassured.
“A cat? Why would you want a cat?” Duffy asked the twins.
"Or a dog?" Lottie mused.
"No! Cats are better!" Tilly retorted.
They continued to argue amongst themselves as Duffy came over to Charlie and Emily. "Everything OK?"
Louis was sat bored in the corner. Peter and Jake were chatting to Sarah who had just arrived.
“We’re ok, aren’t we Emily?” He smiled at his daughter. He kissed her nose and forehead again.
"Yeh. Fine." Emily replied, painting on the fake smile so reminiscent of her mother. "Can I go look at my friends' paintings?"
Charlie put her down on the floor, “Of course you can. Will you show mummy and daddy too?”
"Yeh." Emily smiled as she wandered back to the exhibits.
Duffy placed her hand on Charlie's shoulder to stall him from following. "What did she say?" She asked.
“She knows you're pregnant.” He whispered.
"What? How?"
“She says she heard us talking but it’s a secret.” He smiled sadly, “We should tell them tonight.”
"I'm not sure I'm ready to tell them. I know that sounds silly."
“But we cant keep pretending it’s not happening either.”
"We could try." She shrugged.
“They’re already going to feel... sad... that we didn’t tell them straight away. Never mind, if we keep lying to them.”
"Its not lying to them as such..." Duffy mumbled weakly. "I was hoping to wait another couple of months before telling them."
“How far are we know?” He asked. “Three months-ish?”
"Fourteen weeks." She sighed.
“We do need to tell them soon. So we can deal with their thoughts and feelings over having a new sibling.”
"I can tell you what their thoughts will be. They'll be angry and upset." She sighed. "I guess it was a pipe dream thinking that we could keep it a secret til after I hit twenty weeks."
“Yes they will be angry and upset. They’ll also be terrified.”
"Yeh. I'm not sure I can face their anger."
“Me either. But we have to at some point.”
"And tonight's the night?"
He nodded. “Yes.”
"OK. It'll be interesting to see if the twins still want a pet after they find out." She chuckled darkly.
“Probably.” He smiled sadly.
Duffy shook her head laughing as she wandered off to look at some more of the exhibits.
The twins continued to dash about between the pictures, captivated by the bright colours. Jake tried his best to cheer Louis up who had a face like a smacked arse. Peter was trying to pay attention to what Sarah was saying but his gaze kept drifting to his mum. Something was going on, he could tell!
“You keep watching your mum? What’s the matter?” Sarah asked.
"I'm not sure. Does she seem different to you?"
Sarah shrugged, “A bit. Why?”
"In what way? Be honest."
“Happier, curvier.” Sarah shrugged, “Why?” She touched Peter’s arm, “Are you worried about her?”
"Yeh, something just doesn't feel right. Dad was very quick to take Emily away. Like she knew something she shouldn't."
“Oh my God Peter, what if your mum’s pregnant?” Sarah whispered.
"What?! Oh you have got to be kidding me!" His voice was louder than he'd intended, attracting the attention of those around him.
“Ssh, Peter!”
Duffy swallowed nervously at the look her eldest son was giving her.
“Peter?” Sarah said quietly as she moved him away from the groups.
"This cannot be happening again! Seriously! What are they playing at?!"
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