#emotional signs
bixels · 4 months
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Posting a sneak-peak of this now because I'm about to be In The Shit school workload-wise, so this'll take me a while to finish.
Doing some character design exploration/expression sheets for Celestia and Luna. Figuring out Celestia's weird ass anatomy while I'm at it.
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juliavaccina · 2 months
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The Sign was beautiful
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did other aroaces ask their friends constantly what crushes and love were? or was that the autism.
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seraphic-saturn · 22 days
Ghosted vs. Ghostee Moon Signs Emotional Reactions.
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Being Ghosted (Moon in Aries):
Initial Reaction: When initially ghosted, individuals with Moon in Aries might feel a surge of emotions, including confusion, frustration, and even anger. Aries is a sign associated with action and independence, so they might struggle with the sudden lack of closure and direct communication.
Resilience: Despite the initial emotional impact, Moon in Aries individuals are resilient and quick to bounce back. They have a proactive approach to life and are unlikely to dwell on the situation for too long. Instead, they prefer to focus on moving forward and pursuing their own goals and interests.
Self-Focus: After being ghosted, individuals with Moon in Aries are likely to prioritize themselves and their own needs. They may channel their energy into activities that boost their confidence and independence, using the experience as motivation to assert themselves even more in other areas of their life.
Direct Communication: While they may initially feel hurt or frustrated, Moon in Aries individuals value honesty and directness. They may eventually seek closure by reaching out to the person who ghosted them or by expressing their feelings openly and assertively.
Being the Ghoster (Moon in Aries):
Assertiveness: When in the position of ghosting someone else, individuals with Moon in Aries are likely to be direct and assertive in their actions. They prioritize their own needs and desires, and if they feel a relationship is no longer serving them, they won't hesitate to cut ties.
Guilt vs. Rationalization: While they may feel a sense of guilt about potentially hurting the other person, Moon in Aries individuals are adept at rationalizing their actions. They may justify ghosting as a necessary step for their own personal growth or independence, especially if they feel the relationship was holding them back.
Moving On Quickly: After ghosting someone, individuals with Moon in Aries are unlikely to dwell on feelings of guilt or remorse for long. They prefer to keep moving forward and may quickly throw themselves into new experiences and opportunities, focusing on what lies ahead rather than dwelling on the past.
Potential Regret: Despite their assertive nature, Moon in Aries individuals may occasionally experience moments of regret or doubt about their decision to ghost someone, especially if they later realize the impact it had on the other person. However, they are unlikely to dwell on these feelings for long, choosing instead to focus on their own personal growth and independence.
Being Ghosted (Moon in Taurus):
Deep Emotional Impact: Moon in Taurus individuals are deeply rooted in their emotions and value stability and security in relationships. Being ghosted can deeply wound their sense of security, leading to feelings of rejection and abandonment.
Slow to Recover: Unlike some other moon signs, Moon in Taurus individuals may take longer to recover from being ghosted. They are slow to adapt to change and may struggle to let go of the emotional attachment they had to the relationship.
Need for Closure: Individuals with Moon in Taurus crave stability and closure. They may find it challenging to move on without understanding why they were ghosted and may seek closure through direct communication or introspection.
Self-Worth Issues: Being ghosted can trigger feelings of self-doubt and inadequacy in Moon in Taurus individuals. They may question their own worthiness and attractiveness, struggling to understand why the other person chose to end the relationship abruptly.
Being the Ghoster (Moon in Taurus):
Struggle with Decision: Moon in Taurus individuals value stability and security in relationships, making the decision to ghost someone challenging for them. They may wrestle with their emotions and feel guilty about causing pain to the other person.
Prioritize Comfort: Despite their guilt, Moon in Taurus individuals may prioritize their own comfort and well-being when choosing to ghost someone. If they feel the relationship is no longer fulfilling their needs or providing emotional security, they may opt for avoidance rather than confrontation.
Avoidance of Conflict: Moon in Taurus individuals dislike confrontation and may choose ghosting as a way to avoid difficult conversations or conflicts. They may struggle to express their true feelings and may opt for silence instead.
Potential Regret: After ghosting someone, individuals with Moon in Taurus may experience feelings of regret or guilt, particularly if they later realize the impact of their actions on the other person. They may seek to reconcile or make amends, but their fear of confrontation could prevent them from reaching out directly.
Being Ghosted (Moon in Gemini):
Curiosity and Analytical Approach: Moon in Gemini individuals are naturally curious and analytical, so when ghosted, they may respond by trying to understand the reasons behind the ghosting. They might analyze past interactions, looking for clues or signs that led to the abrupt end of communication.
Fluctuating Emotions: Gemini is an air sign known for its duality, and individuals with the Moon in Gemini may experience fluctuating emotions when ghosted. They may alternate between feelings of confusion, curiosity, and even indifference as they try to make sense of the situation.
Desire for Closure: Despite their adaptability, Moon in Gemini individuals value communication and intellectual stimulation. They may seek closure by attempting to reach out to the person who ghosted them or by engaging in self-reflection to find their own answers.
Quick to Move On: While being ghosted can initially be upsetting, Moon in Gemini individuals are adept at adapting to change and may quickly shift their focus to other interests and activities. They may view the experience as a learning opportunity and move on without dwelling on the past.
Being the Ghoster (Moon in Gemini):
Rationalization and Detachment: Moon in Gemini individuals are skilled at rationalizing their emotions and may choose ghosting as a way to avoid uncomfortable or confrontational situations. They may detach emotionally from the relationship, prioritizing their own freedom and independence.
Avoidance of Confrontation: Gemini is a sign associated with communication, but individuals with the Moon in Gemini may struggle with direct confrontation when it comes to ending relationships. They may choose ghosting as a way to avoid difficult conversations or conflicts.
Guilt and Inner Conflict: Despite their rationalization, Moon in Gemini individuals may experience inner conflict and guilt about ghosting someone. They may recognize the impact of their actions on the other person but struggle to address their feelings directly.
Potential Regret: After ghosting someone, individuals with Moon in Gemini may experience moments of regret or doubt about their decision, especially if they later realize the emotional toll it took on the other person. However, their adaptable nature may allow them to quickly rationalize their actions and move forward.
Being Ghosted (Moon in Cancer):
Emotional Vulnerability: Moon in Cancer individuals are deeply attuned to their emotions and value emotional security in relationships. Being ghosted can trigger intense feelings of abandonment and rejection, causing them to retreat into their shell to protect themselves from further hurt.
Need for Emotional Connection: Cancer is a sign associated with home and family, and those with the Moon in Cancer prioritize emotional bonds and connections. They may struggle to understand why they were ghosted and may yearn for the emotional closeness they once shared with the other person.
Seeking Comfort: When ghosted, individuals with the Moon in Cancer may seek comfort and support from loved ones. They may turn to close friends or family members for reassurance and validation, needing to feel safe and loved during this vulnerable time.
Difficulty Moving On: Moon in Cancer individuals may find it challenging to move on from being ghosted, as they tend to hold onto memories and emotions deeply. They may ruminate on the relationship and what went wrong, struggling to let go of the emotional attachment they had to the other person.
Being the Ghoster (Moon in Cancer):
Inner Conflict: Despite their nurturing nature, Moon in Cancer individuals may find themselves in a position where they feel compelled to ghost someone. They may experience inner conflict and guilt about hurting the other person, as they value emotional connection and empathy.
Fear of Confrontation: Cancer is a sign associated with sensitivity and avoidance of conflict, and individuals with the Moon in Cancer may choose ghosting as a way to avoid uncomfortable conversations or confrontations. They may struggle to express their true feelings and may opt for silence instead.
Protecting Emotional Boundaries: When ghosting someone, individuals with Moon in Cancer may prioritize their own emotional well-being and boundaries. They may feel overwhelmed by the intensity of their emotions or the demands of the relationship and choose to retreat into their shell as a form of self-protection.
Potential Regret: After ghosting someone, individuals with Moon in Cancer may experience feelings of guilt and regret, especially if they later realize the impact of their actions on the other person. They may struggle with the decision to cut off communication and may seek to reconcile or make amends, but their fear of confrontation could prevent them from reaching out directly.
Being Ghosted (Moon in Leo):
Emotional Impact: Moon in Leo individuals take pride in their relationships and invest a lot of emotional energy into them. Being ghosted can deeply wound their sense of pride and self-worth, triggering feelings of rejection and hurt.
Need for Recognition: Leo is a sign associated with pride and recognition, and those with the Moon in Leo crave attention and admiration in their relationships. Being ghosted may make them question their own worthiness and desirability.
Dramatic Response: Moon in Leo individuals may have a dramatic response to being ghosted, expressing their emotions openly and seeking validation from others. They may be vocal about their feelings and may even resort to dramatic gestures to get attention.
Seeking Reassurance: When ghosted, individuals with the Moon in Leo may seek reassurance and validation from others. They may turn to friends, family, or even social media for support, needing to feel admired and appreciated during this vulnerable time.
Being the Ghoster (Moon in Leo):
Conflicted Feelings: Despite their outgoing and confident demeanor, Moon in Leo individuals may experience inner conflict when ghosting someone. They may struggle with feelings of guilt and remorse, as they dislike causing pain to others and value emotional connections.
Protecting Pride: When ghosting someone, individuals with Moon in Leo may prioritize their own pride and ego. They may feel the need to assert their independence or protect themselves from perceived rejection, choosing ghosting as a way to maintain control over the situation.
Avoidance of Confrontation: Leo is a sign associated with courage and confidence, but individuals with the Moon in Leo may struggle with direct confrontation when it comes to ending relationships. They may choose ghosting as a way to avoid uncomfortable conversations or conflicts.
Potential Regret: After ghosting someone, individuals with Moon in Leo may experience feelings of regret or guilt, especially if they later realize the impact of their actions on the other person. They may seek to reconcile or make amends, but their pride and fear of rejection could prevent them from reaching out directly.
Being Ghosted (Moon in Virgo):
Analytical Response: Moon in Virgo individuals tend to approach emotions with a logical mindset. When ghosted, they may analyze the situation meticulously, trying to understand the reasons behind the ghosting and scrutinizing past interactions for clues.
Self-Criticism: Virgo is a sign associated with perfectionism, and those with the Moon in Virgo may be prone to self-criticism when faced with rejection. They may question what they did wrong or how they could have prevented being ghosted, leading to feelings of inadequacy.
Desire for Closure: Despite their analytical nature, Moon in Virgo individuals value closure and clarity in relationships. They may seek closure by attempting to reach out to the person who ghosted them or by engaging in introspection to find their own answers.
Emotional Withdrawal: When ghosted, individuals with the Moon in Virgo may withdraw emotionally as a way to protect themselves from further hurt. They may become more reserved and cautious in future relationships, hesitant to open up fully.
Being the Ghoster (Moon in Virgo):
Rationalization of Actions: Moon in Virgo individuals may rationalize ghosting as a logical decision based on practical considerations. They may believe that ending communication abruptly is the most efficient way to avoid conflict or discomfort.
Avoidance of Confrontation: Virgo is a sign associated with modesty and a dislike of confrontation, and individuals with the Moon in Virgo may choose ghosting as a way to avoid difficult conversations or conflicts. They may struggle to express their true feelings and may opt for silence instead.
Self-Protection: When ghosting someone, individuals with Moon in Virgo may prioritize their own emotional well-being and boundaries. They may feel overwhelmed by the intensity of their emotions or the demands of the relationship and choose to retreat as a form of self-protection.
Potential Regret: After ghosting someone, individuals with Moon in Virgo may experience feelings of guilt and regret, especially if they later realize the impact of their actions on the other person. They may seek to reconcile or make amends, but their fear of confrontation and discomfort with emotional expression could prevent them from reaching out directly.
Being Ghosted (Moon in Libra):
Emphasis on Harmony: Moon in Libra individuals prioritize harmony and balance in relationships. Being ghosted can disrupt this sense of harmony and trigger feelings of confusion and imbalance.
Desire for Closure: Individuals with the Moon in Libra value clear communication and fairness in relationships. When ghosted, they may seek closure and understanding, wanting to know why the other person chose to end communication abruptly.
Fear of Rejection: Libra is a sign associated with partnerships and cooperation, and those with the Moon in Libra may fear rejection and abandonment in relationships. Being ghosted can amplify these fears and lead to feelings of insecurity.
Seeking Validation: When ghosted, individuals with the Moon in Libra may seek validation and support from others. They may turn to friends or loved ones for reassurance, needing to feel valued and appreciated during this vulnerable time.
Being the Ghoster (Moon in Libra):
Avoidance of Conflict: Moon in Libra individuals value peace and harmony and may choose ghosting as a way to avoid uncomfortable confrontations or conflicts. They may struggle to express their true feelings and may opt for silence instead.
Inner Conflict: Despite their desire to avoid conflict, individuals with Moon in Libra may experience inner conflict when ghosting someone. They may feel guilty about causing pain to the other person and may wrestle with feelings of indecision and uncertainty.
Idealization of Relationships: Libra is a sign associated with idealism and romance, and individuals with the Moon in Libra may struggle with the reality of ending relationships. They may hold onto idealized notions of love and partnership, making it difficult for them to acknowledge when a relationship is no longer working.
Potential Regret: After ghosting someone, individuals with Moon in Libra may experience feelings of regret and guilt, especially if they later realize the impact of their actions on the other person. They may seek to reconcile or make amends, but their fear of confrontation and discomfort with conflict resolution could prevent them from reaching out directly.
Being Ghosted (Moon in Scorpio):
Intense Emotional Response: Moon in Scorpio individuals experience emotions deeply and intensely. Being ghosted can trigger feelings of betrayal, abandonment, and vulnerability, leading to a profound emotional reaction.
Desire for Truth: Scorpio is a sign associated with depth and investigation, and those with the Moon in Scorpio have a strong desire to uncover the truth. When ghosted, they may obsessively analyze the situation, searching for hidden motives or underlying reasons behind the ghosting.
Fear of Loss of Control: Scorpio is also associated with power and control, and being ghosted can challenge their sense of control in relationships. They may feel powerless and exposed, struggling to accept the sudden loss of connection.
Potential for Vengeful Thoughts: While not all Moon in Scorpio individuals will act on it, being ghosted can sometimes trigger vengeful thoughts or behaviors. They may feel a strong urge to seek revenge or retaliate against the person who ghosted them, especially if they perceive it as an act of betrayal.
Being the Ghoster (Moon in Scorpio):
Guarded Emotions: Moon in Scorpio individuals are highly guarded with their emotions and may choose ghosting as a way to protect themselves from vulnerability. They may fear being hurt or rejected and may use silence as a defensive mechanism.
Fear of Confrontation: Scorpio is a sign associated with intensity and confrontation, but individuals with the Moon in Scorpio may struggle with direct confrontation when it comes to ending relationships. They may choose ghosting as a way to avoid difficult conversations or conflicts.
Desire for Closure: Despite their inclination towards secrecy, Moon in Scorpio individuals may still desire closure in relationships. They may struggle with feelings of guilt and inner turmoil, wanting to end the relationship cleanly but finding it difficult to express their true feelings.
Potential Regret: After ghosting someone, individuals with Moon in Scorpio may experience feelings of guilt and regret, especially if they later realize the impact of their actions on the other person. They may seek to reconcile or make amends, but their fear of vulnerability and emotional exposure could prevent them from reaching out directly.
Being Ghosted (Moon in Sagittarius):
Optimistic Outlook: Moon in Sagittarius individuals tend to have an optimistic and forward-thinking attitude. When ghosted, they may initially feel disappointed, but they are quick to bounce back and maintain a positive outlook on life.
Desire for Freedom: Sagittarius is a sign associated with freedom and independence, and those with the Moon in Sagittarius may not be as emotionally attached to relationships as others. They may see being ghosted as a sign that the relationship wasn't meant to be and may embrace the opportunity for new experiences and adventures.
Seeking Understanding: Despite their optimistic nature, Moon in Sagittarius individuals value truth and understanding. When ghosted, they may seek closure by attempting to understand the other person's perspective or by reflecting on the lessons learned from the experience.
Focus on Personal Growth: After being ghosted, individuals with Moon in Sagittarius are likely to focus on their own personal growth and self-improvement. They may see the experience as a valuable learning opportunity and may channel their energy into pursuing new interests and expanding their horizons.
Being the Ghoster (Moon in Sagittarius):
Desire for Independence: Moon in Sagittarius individuals value their freedom and may choose ghosting as a way to assert their independence. They may feel a need to explore new opportunities and experiences without feeling tied down by a relationship.
Avoidance of Confrontation: Sagittarius is a sign associated with directness and honesty, but individuals with the Moon in Sagittarius may struggle with direct confrontation when it comes to ending relationships. They may choose ghosting as a way to avoid uncomfortable conversations or conflicts.
Rationalization of Actions: After ghosting someone, individuals with Moon in Sagittarius may rationalize their actions as necessary for their own personal growth and freedom. They may see it as a temporary disruption in the pursuit of their goals and may prioritize their own needs and desires.
Potential Regret: Despite their rationalization, Moon in Sagittarius individuals may experience moments of regret or doubt about their decision to ghost someone, especially if they later realize the impact of their actions on the other person. They may seek to reconcile or make amends, but their fear of commitment and need for independence could prevent them from reaching out directly.
Being Ghosted (Moon in Capricorn):
Emphasis on Stability: Moon in Capricorn individuals value stability and security in relationships. Being ghosted can disrupt their sense of stability and trigger feelings of insecurity and abandonment.
Reserved Response: Capricorn is a sign associated with reserve and self-control, and those with the Moon in Capricorn may not openly express their emotions when ghosted. Instead, they may internalize their feelings and may appear stoic on the surface.
Focus on Practicality: When ghosted, individuals with Moon in Capricorn are likely to approach the situation with a practical mindset. They may analyze the relationship for signs of instability or issues that led to the ghosting, seeking to understand the situation logically.
Desire for Control: Capricorn is also associated with control and authority, and being ghosted can challenge their need for control in relationships. They may feel powerless and frustrated by the lack of closure and may seek to regain control by focusing on their own goals and responsibilities.
Being the Ghoster (Moon in Capricorn):
Sense of Duty: Moon in Capricorn individuals are responsible and conscientious, and they may choose ghosting as a way to fulfill their sense of duty or obligation. They may believe that ending communication abruptly is the most efficient way to move on from a relationship that is no longer serving them.
Emotional Reserve: Despite their practical nature, Moon in Capricorn individuals may struggle with expressing their emotions openly. They may choose ghosting as a way to avoid uncomfortable conversations or confrontations, preferring to maintain emotional distance.
Focus on Goals: After ghosting someone, individuals with Moon in Capricorn are likely to redirect their energy toward their own goals and responsibilities. They may prioritize their career or personal ambitions, using the experience as motivation to achieve success.
Potential Regret: Despite their rationalization, Moon in Capricorn individuals may experience feelings of regret or guilt about ghosting someone, especially if they later realize the impact of their actions on the other person. They may seek to reconcile or make amends, but their fear of vulnerability and emotional expression could prevent them from reaching out directly.
Being Ghosted (Moon in Aquarius):
Intellectual Response: Moon in Aquarius individuals tend to approach emotions with a rational and detached mindset. When ghosted, they may analyze the situation objectively, focusing on facts rather than emotions.
Emotional Detachment: Aquarius is a sign associated with independence and detachment, and those with the Moon in Aquarius may not be as emotionally invested in relationships as others. They may respond to being ghosted with a sense of detachment, viewing it as a natural part of life rather than a personal rejection.
Seeking Understanding: Despite their emotional detachment, individuals with Moon in Aquarius value understanding and acceptance. When ghosted, they may seek closure by attempting to understand the other person's perspective or by reflecting on the lessons learned from the experience.
Focus on Individuality: After being ghosted, individuals with Moon in Aquarius are likely to focus on their own individuality and independence. They may see the experience as an opportunity to explore new interests and ideas, embracing their freedom to chart their own path.
Being the Ghoster (Moon in Aquarius):
Desire for Independence: Moon in Aquarius individuals value their freedom and independence, and they may choose ghosting as a way to assert their autonomy. They may feel a need to explore new opportunities and experiences without feeling tied down by a relationship.
Avoidance of Confrontation: Aquarius is a sign associated with detachment and avoidance of emotional expression, and individuals with the Moon in Aquarius may struggle with direct confrontation when it comes to ending relationships. They may choose ghosting as a way to avoid uncomfortable conversations or conflicts.
Rationalization of Actions: After ghosting someone, individuals with Moon in Aquarius may rationalize their actions as necessary for their own personal growth and freedom. They may see it as a natural progression of the relationship or as a way to maintain their independence.
Potential Regret: Despite their rationalization, Moon in Aquarius individuals may experience moments of regret or doubt about their decision to ghost someone, especially if they later realize the impact of their actions on the other person. They may seek to reconcile or make amends, but their fear of vulnerability and emotional expression could prevent them from reaching out directly.
Being Ghosted (Moon in Pisces):
Heightened Emotional Sensitivity: Moon in Pisces individuals are deeply sensitive and emotionally attuned. Being ghosted can deeply wound their sensitive nature, triggering feelings of abandonment, sadness, and confusion.
Tendency to Idealize Relationships: Pisces is a sign associated with idealism and romance, and those with the Moon in Pisces may have a tendency to idealize their relationships. Being ghosted can shatter their romantic illusions, leading to feelings of disillusionment and heartache.
Escape into Fantasy: When ghosted, individuals with Moon in Pisces may retreat into their imagination as a way to cope with the pain. They may indulge in daydreams or fantasies, seeking solace in a world of their own creation.
Desire for Spiritual Connection: Pisces is also associated with spirituality and transcendence, and those with the Moon in Pisces may seek comfort and guidance from spiritual practices or beliefs. They may turn to meditation, prayer, or other forms of spiritual exploration to find healing and peace.
Being the Ghoster (Moon in Pisces):
Avoidance of Conflict: Moon in Pisces individuals are compassionate and empathetic, and they may choose ghosting as a way to avoid causing pain or discomfort to the other person. They may struggle with direct confrontation and may opt for silence instead.
Tendency to Feel Guilt: Despite their compassionate nature, individuals with Moon in Pisces may experience feelings of guilt and remorse after ghosting someone. They may empathize with the other person's feelings and may feel troubled by the thought of causing them pain.
Escapism as Coping Mechanism: After ghosting someone, individuals with Moon in Pisces may turn to escapism as a way to avoid facing their own emotions. They may immerse themselves in distractions such as art, music, or other creative outlets, seeking temporary relief from feelings of guilt or discomfort.
Potential for Self-Sacrifice: Pisces is a sign associated with selflessness and sacrifice, and those with the Moon in Pisces may ghost someone out of a desire to protect the other person from pain. They may believe that ending communication abruptly is for the other person's own good, even if it causes them personal anguish.
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crystalsenergy · 8 months
Moon signs and our recurring habits in times of stress or emotional turmoil
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Knowing our personality possibilities is interesting to detect our flaws and evolve in these points. As a consequence, we can achieve well-being.
⚠️ While Moon signs can influence recurring habits during stress, individuals may also exhibit traits from their Sun sign, Rising sign, and other astrological placements, aspects. It's important to consider the whole birth chart and individual's choices for a comprehensive understanding of one's coping mechanisms. Also, remember that we can evolve.
1. Moon in Aries:
Recurring Habit: When stressed, Moon in Aries individuals often have a habit of reacting impulsively and seeking physical outlets like exercise to release tension.
They don't like to sit on their emotions and prefer to address the issue head-on, seeking quick resolutions.
They may confront challenges head-on but can also become impatient and easily frustrated.
During times of emotional turmoil, they often have a recurring habit of seeking independence and personal space. They want to deal with their emotions on their own terms and resist interference.
They may react without much forethought, which can lead to abrupt decisions, confrontations, or impulsive expressions of their emotions.
These individuals tend to seek physical outlets for emotional release as a recurring habit. Engaging in vigorous exercise, sports, or other physical activities helps them dissipate pent-up energy and frustration.
They don't shy away from conflict and prefer to face issues head-on, even if it means heated arguments.
Despite their fiery reactions, they tend to have a recurring habit of bouncing back quickly from emotional setbacks.
They may actively seek out new experiences or projects to divert their attention from emotional difficulties.
2. Moon in Taurus:
Recurring Habit: Those with Moon in Taurus tend to seek comfort and stability during stressful times. They may have a habit of indulging in comfort foods, seeking physical touch, or retreating to a familiar and secure environment.
Change can be challenging for them. They prefer stability and can become stressed when their routines or environments are disrupted. This resistance can sometimes lead to stubbornness.
Moon in Taurus individuals may have a recurring habit of indulging in sensual pleasures to cope with stress. This could involve enjoying a good meal, listening to music, or engaging in physical activities like massage or gardening to soothe their emotions. These activities, such as yoga or meditation, help them reconnect with their inner calm and find a sense of stability amidst emotional turmoil.
Some Moon in Taurus individuals have a recurring habit of expressing their emotions through artistic pursuits. They may turn to painting, music, or other creative outlets to process their feelings and find emotional release.
Moon in Taurus individuals exhibit a recurring habit of patience during challenging times. They may adopt a "wait and see" approach, allowing emotions to settle naturally before making decisions or taking action.
Taurus Moons may have a recurring habit of appearing stoic and unflappable on the surface. They may not readily express their emotions but prefer to internalize and process them in their own time.
3. Moon in Gemini:
Recurring Habit: Moon in Gemini individuals often cope with stress by talking through their feelings.
Gemini is an air sign, and Moon in Gemini individuals may find it challenging to sit still when stressed. They may feel restless and have a strong desire to keep busy or distract themselves from their emotions.
They may have a habit of seeking intellectual stimulation, engaging in diverse social interactions, or distracting themselves with various activities to avoid dwelling on emotional issues.
These individuals tend to analyze their emotions intellectually rather than diving deep into the depths of their feelings.
When under stress, they may try to rationalize their emotions, seeking logical explanations for what they are experiencing. This can sometimes lead to a sense of detachment from their emotions, and this can be bad in terms of emotional health.
These individuals often seek information and knowledge to understand and cope with their emotions. During times of emotional turmoil, they may turn to books, articles, or the internet to gather information that they believe will help them gain insight into their feelings and how to manage them.
When faced with intense emotions, Moon in Gemini individuals may avoid delving too deeply into their feelings. They might use humor, distraction, or intellectualization to keep their emotions at bay.
4. Moon in Cancer:
Recurring Habit: People with Moon in Cancer have a habit of retreating to their emotional shell during times of stress.
Moon in Cancer individuals may turn to food as a source of comfort when stressed. Emotional eating is a common coping mechanism for them, as they find solace in the tastes and textures of familiar foods.
They seek comfort in the company of loved ones, nurturing themselves, and expressing their feelings through tears and emotional conversations. Crying can be a natural way for Moon in Cancer individuals to release pent-up emotions. They may find relief through shedding tears and expressing their feelings openly.
Cancer is symbolized by the crab, which has a hard outer shell. Moon in Cancer individuals may become protective and guarded when stressed, using their emotional defenses to shield themselves from further emotional harm.
Moon in Cancer individuals are highly sensitive to their own emotions and the emotions of others. When stressed, their emotions can become even more intense and overwhelming.
In times of stress, they may turn to taking care of others as a way to cope with their own emotions. This can involve cooking, offering comfort, or simply being there for loved ones.
These individuals can become deeply attached to people, places, and things. When facing stress, they may seek the comfort of loved ones or cherished possessions that hold sentimental value.
While Moon in Cancer individuals often focus on caring for others, they may also recognize the importance of self-care during times of emotional turmoil. They may retreat to take care of their own emotional needs, such as through self-reflection or self-soothing activities.
Cancer is a sign known for its intuition. When under stress, individuals with the Moon in Cancer may rely on their intuitive insights to guide their actions and decisions.
These individuals have a strong connection to their past and may find themselves reminiscing or revisiting memories during times of stress. They may seek comfort in nostalgia and familiar experiences.
Cancer is a water sign, and individuals with the Moon in Cancer may experience mood swings during times of stress. Their emotions can ebb and flow like the tides, making it important for them to find stability and security.
Cancer is associated with the home and family. Moon in Cancer individuals often seek solace and comfort in their homes. They may retreat to their personal space to find emotional security when facing difficult situations.
5. Moon in Leo:
Recurring Habit: Moon in Leo individuals often cope with stress by seeking recognition and appreciation.
They have a habit of expressing their emotions openly, looking for validation, and taking on leadership roles to regain a sense of control and importance.
Moon in Leo individuals tend to have a flair for drama, and during times of stress, this can become more pronounced. They may express their emotions in a dramatic or theatrical manner, seeking attention and recognition for their feelings.
When they are going through emotional difficulties, they may seek reassurance and compliments from others to boost their self-esteem and confidence.
Leo is a creative sign, and those with the Moon in Leo may turn to creative outlets such as art, music, or writing to channel their emotions. Creating something beautiful or artistic can be a therapeutic way for them to cope with stress.
Loyalty is a significant trait of Leo, and individuals with the Moon in Leo may find comfort and stability in the support of their loved ones during difficult times.
Leo is associated with pride, and individuals with the Moon in Leo may struggle with wounded pride during times of emotional turmoil.
6. Moon in Virgo:
Recurring Habit: Those with Moon in Virgo tend to analyze their emotions when stressed.
Virgo is associated with worry and perfectionism. During times of emotional turmoil, these individuals may tend to overthink and worry excessively about their problems, which can lead to anxiety.
Moon in Virgo individuals tend to look at their emotions in a systematic and practical way. They have a habit of seeking practical solutions, organizing their thoughts, and focusing on self-improvement as a way to regain a sense of order and control. When facing stress, they may dissect their feelings, trying to understand the root causes and find solutions.
To regain a sense of control, Moon in Virgo individuals often turn to organizing and planning. They may create to-do lists, schedules, or checklists to manage their emotions and stressful situations.
Virgo is known for its critical nature, and those with the Moon in Virgo may engage in self-criticism when stressed. They may scrutinize their actions and decisions, which can sometimes lead to self-doubt.
During times of turmoil, they may focus on creating a structured environment to provide stability and a sense of security.
Moon in Virgo individuals often find purpose in helping others. They may turn to acts of service or assistance as a way to distract themselves from their own emotions and find fulfillment in aiding others.
Virgo rules health and wellness, and during times of stress, individuals with this placement may pay extra attention to their physical well-being. They may engage in activities such as exercise, clean eating, or self-care routines to feel better emotionally.
In stressful situations, Moon in Virgo individuals may also analyze and assess the actions and behaviors of others. They may have a tendency to offer constructive criticism, sometimes with the intention of helping but occasionally coming across as judgmental. Be careful with this behavior.
Virgo is associated with learning and knowledge-seeking. When dealing with emotional turmoil, individuals with the Moon in Virgo may seek information and gather facts to make informed decisions and gain a better understanding of their feelings.
These individuals may need alone time to process their emotions. They may withdraw from social activities and seek solitude to reflect on their feelings and find inner clarity.
7. Moon in Libra:
Recurring Habit: Moon in Libra individuals often strive for harmony in times of stress. They have a habit of seeking balance in relationships, avoiding conflicts, and using their charm and diplomacy to navigate emotional turmoil.
Moon in Libra individuals may be sensitive to criticism and may have difficulty handling negative feedback. They prefer constructive and gentle communication when addressing emotional issues.
In times of stress, they may have a heightened sense of injustice and may advocate for fairness and equality in their relationships and situations.
Moon in Libra individuals excel at finding compromises and middle ground solutions. They may actively work to find common ground when dealing with conflicts or emotional challenges.
These individuals often have a strong desire for partnership and companionship. During stressful times, they may seek out a close confidant or partner to share their feelings and provide emotional support.
To cope with stress, they may seek out social activities and gatherings to distract themselves from their emotional troubles. Being in the company of others can help them feel more balanced and supported.
When their own emotions are in turmoil, they may lend a sympathetic ear to others or offer mediation in conflicts to maintain a sense of peace.
To maintain harmony, they may be prone to people-pleasing behaviors. They might prioritize the needs and desires of others over their own, which can lead to neglecting their own emotional well-being.
Moon in Libra individuals may struggle with indecision when faced with emotional turmoil. They may weigh the pros and cons of different courses of action and have difficulty making decisions, leading to procrastination.
Moon in Libra individuals may find comfort in aesthetically pleasing environments. They may redecorate their homes or create beautiful spaces to enhance their sense of emotional well-being.
These individuals can overanalyze social interactions and relationships during stressful times. They may worry about how their actions or words impact others and may seek validation and reassurance from friends and loved ones.
When facing stress, those with the Moon in Libra may go to great lengths to restore balance in their emotional lives. They strive for peace and equilibrium in their relationships and surroundings.
Moon in Libra individuals often avoid confrontations and conflicts. During times of stress, they may try to keep the peace by suppressing their own emotions or by avoiding situations that could lead to discord.
These individuals tend to place a strong emphasis on their relationships when dealing with emotional turmoil. They may seek the support and companionship of others, particularly close friends or their significant other, to help them through difficult times.
They often display a sense of elegance and grace, even in the face of emotional challenges. This poise can be a coping mechanism, helping them navigate difficult situations with style and composure.
Moon in Libra individuals may have a tendency to idealize relationships, especially during challenging times. They may yearn for the perfect partnership and may need to confront unrealistic expectations.
They are often skilled in conflict resolution. In times of stress, they may actively engage in resolving conflicts in their relationships, using their diplomacy and communication skills to find mutually satisfying solutions.
8. Moon in Scorpio:
Recurring Habit: Moon in Scorpio individuals may have a habit of delving deep into their emotions during stress. They hold onto grudges, seek to uncover hidden truths, and may even channel their intense feelings into creative or transformational pursuits.
Scorpio is also associated with sexuality. During emotional turmoil, Moon in Scorpio individuals may use sexual expression or intimacy as a means of connecting with and healing their emotions. Be careful about overspending your sexual energy to avoid your internal problems.
They often have a keen psychological insight into their own emotions and the emotions of others. This insight can be a valuable tool for self-discovery and understanding.
In times of extreme stress, they may experience revenge fantasies or intense desires for justice. While they may not act on these fantasies, they can be preoccupied by thoughts of retribution.
They may be drawn into power struggles or intense emotional conflicts during stressful periods. Their desire for control and need to confront challenging emotions can sometimes lead to confrontations.
They can understand and relate to the emotional experiences of others, which can make them valuable sources of support during tough times.
These individuals often find strength and healing in solitude. They may retreat from social interactions to process their emotions privately and recharge their emotional energy.
They express their emotions with passion and intensity. When faced with stress, they may confront their feelings head-on, sometimes to the point of obsession.
Moon in Scorpio individuals can be highly sensitive to perceived betrayal or deception. They may become guarded and vigilant when they feel their trust has been broken.
Scorpio is known for its transformative qualities. During times of stress, they may undergo significant emotional growth and change. They often emerge from difficult situations with a renewed sense of purpose.
These individuals may have a strong need for control, especially when emotions are turbulent. They may seek to control their own emotional responses and may be drawn to situations where they can influence outcomes.
When facing emotional turmoil, Moon in Scorpio individuals may dig deep into their feelings, exploring their innermost thoughts and desires.
Scorpio is a secretive sign, and individuals with the Moon in Scorpio may prefer to keep their emotions hidden from others. They often find comfort in private self-reflection.
Despite the intensity of their emotions, they often display emotional resilience. They can endure and overcome challenging emotional situations, emerging stronger and more self-aware.
9. Moon in Sagittarius:
Recurring Habit: When stressed, those with Moon in Sagittarius often have a habit of seeking freedom and adventure. They may distance themselves from emotional intensity, prefer to explore new experiences, and find solace in philosophical or spiritual pursuits.
They may engage in positive self-talk and affirmations to boost their spirits and maintain their confidence when facing emotional turmoil. Just be careful with toxic positivity.
When faced with stress, they may seek solace in activities that involve travel, new experiences, or learning something new.
Sagittarius is associated with philosophy and higher learning. Moon in Sagittarius individuals may turn to philosophical reflection and seeking a deeper understanding of the situation as a way to cope with their emotions.
Moon in Sagittarius individuals can sometimes overcommit themselves in an attempt to distract from their emotions. They may take on too many responsibilities or make impulsive decisions.
Some may turn to spiritual or religious practices during times of emotional turmoil. They may explore different belief systems and seek spiritual guidance as a source of comfort and insight.
They typically approach problems and challenges directly, often with a sense of enthusiasm and courage. This can help them confront and overcome emotional difficulties head-on.
Moon in Sagittarius individuals often experience wanderlust, a strong desire to explore new places and cultures. Traveling, even if it's just mentally or through planning future trips, can be a soothing outlet.
They value honesty and may express their emotions with straightforwardness, sometimes to the point of bluntness. When under stress, they may have difficulty concealing their true feelings.
They tend to have a wide circle of friends and acquaintances. In times of stress, they may reach out to their social network for support and diversions, enjoying the company of different people.
They tend to maintain an optimistic and positive outlook, even during challenging times. This optimism can be a source of strength and resilience when dealing with emotional turmoil.
They may require the freedom to express their emotions openly and honestly. Restrictions on their emotional expression can cause frustration and restlessness.
10. Moon in Capricorn:
Recurring Habit: Moon in Capricorn individuals tend to respond to stress with a habit of taking on more responsibility. They may focus on their career, set long-term goals, and seek to maintain their emotional composure even in challenging situations.
They may be cautious about revealing their true emotions, even to themselves. It can take time for them to fully process their feelings and understand their emotional responses.
Moon in Capricorn individuals often have a need for control, both over their emotions and their external circumstances. They may become anxious when they feel they cannot control a situation.
They may take a conservative approach to emotions, preferring stability and tradition. Change and unpredictability can be sources of stress for them.
These individuals may rely on their own inner strength and resilience to weather emotional storms. They can be self-sufficient and independent when it comes to managing their feelings.
They may engage in long-term planning and goal setting as a way to create stability and security. Establishing a structured path forward can provide a sense of comfort during times of turmoil.
They tend to approach emotional challenges with a practical mindset. They seek concrete solutions and may use logical reasoning to address their feelings and resolve issues.
These individuals have a strong sense of responsibility and duty. When faced with emotional turmoil, they may prioritize their obligations and responsibilities, even if it means putting their emotions on hold temporarily.
Moon in Capricorn individuals are known for their emotional self-control. During stressful situations, they can remain composed, often appearing unflappable.
Moon in Capricorn individuals often believe that time will heal emotional wounds. They may adopt a patient approach, trusting that with time, their emotions will stabilize.
They are skilled at setting boundaries, and they may establish emotional boundaries to protect themselves from negative influences or excessive emotional demands from others.
11. Moon in Aquarius:
Recurring Habit: Moon in Aquarius individuals often cope with stress by distancing themselves emotionally. They have a habit of seeking unconventional solutions, detaching from intense feelings, and may channel their stress into humanitarian or intellectual pursuits.
Moon in Aquarius individuals tend to approach their emotions with intellectual detachment. They may analyze their feelings and seek logical explanations for their emotional responses.
These individuals are often drawn to alternative therapies and unconventional approaches to emotional healing. They may explore practices such as meditation, energy healing, or astrology to find emotional balance.
They often turn to their friends and social networks for emotional support. These individuals find comfort in their social circles and may rely on their friends for advice and encouragement during tough times.
They highly value their independence, even in emotional matters. During times of stress, they may prefer to deal with their emotions on their own or seek unconventional methods of self-soothing.
Aquarius is associated with humanitarianism, and Moon in Aquarius individuals may cope with stress by channeling their emotional energy into causes or issues they are passionate about. They may engage in activism or advocacy as a way to distract from their own emotions.
In times of turmoil, Moon in Aquarius individuals may delve into eccentric hobbies or interests that stimulate their minds and provide a sense of novelty. They enjoy unique and unusual pursuits.
These individuals may resist emotional constraints and limitations. They may rebel against societal expectations or relationships that feel too restrictive.
They value the freedom to express their emotions in their own unique way. They may have unusual or avant-garde ways of expressing their feelings, such as through art, music, or performance.
They often have a forward-thinking, futuristic outlook on life. During times of stress, they may focus on the future and envision a better, more idealistic world as a source of hope.
Moon in Aquarius individuals can exhibit emotional detachment as a coping mechanism. They may distance themselves from their feelings, which can sometimes make them appear aloof or unemotional to others.
They may exhibit a rebellious streak when facing emotional challenges. They may resist conforming to societal norms and may challenge authority or tradition as a way to assert their individuality.
12. Moon in Pisces:
Recurring Habit: People with Moon in Pisces tend to escape into their imagination and artistic pursuits during times of stress. They have a habit of seeking solace through creative expression, music, or spirituality, and may become highly empathetic towards others.
When overwhelmed, they may seek to escape from reality through daydreaming, fantasizing, or indulging in escapist activities like reading, watching movies, or playing video games.
During emotional turmoil, they may offer support and a listening ear to others who are also going through difficult times.
Pisces is a creative sign, and individuals with the Moon in Pisces may turn to artistic or imaginative outlets to cope with stress. They may find solace in music, art, writing, or other creative pursuits.
Moon in Pisces individuals often have a spiritual or mystical inclination. During times of emotional turmoil, they may turn to spirituality, meditation, or prayer for guidance and solace.
Moon in Pisces individuals may have a tendency to sacrifice their own needs and well-being for the sake of others. They may put the needs of loved ones before their own, sometimes to their own detriment.
They may avoid confrontation and conflict as a way to maintain emotional peace. They prefer harmony and may go to great lengths to keep the peace in their relationships.
Moon in Pisces individuals can experience mood swings and emotional fluctuations. Their emotions can be like the tides, changing rapidly in response to external stimuli.
They may have difficulty maintaining emotional boundaries, leading to confusion about their own feelings versus the emotions of others. This can be especially challenging during stressful situations.
They may seek solitude and quiet retreats to process their emotions. Time alone allows them to reconnect with their inner selves and find emotional clarity.
Moon in Pisces individuals often hold idealistic views of the world and may be easily disheartened when faced with harsh realities. Managing their expectations during stressful times can be important.
Remember that while Moon signs can influence recurring habits during stress, individuals may also exhibit traits from their Sun sign, Rising sign, and other astrological placements, aspects. It's important to consider the whole birth chart and individual's choices for a comprehensive understanding of one's coping mechanisms.
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sparklyeyedhimbo · 5 months
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*funky upbeat music playing*
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free-my-mindd · 2 months
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thasorns · 6 months
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Tharn! Tharn! Tharn! Are you alright?
THE SIGN ลางสังหรณ์ (2023-2024) dir. A Natthaphong Wongkaweepairod
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loveemagicpeace · 6 months
✨The moon governs our mood and needs. They move and change. Deals with our memories of the past. It represents our emotional nature and way of experiencing the world on an internal, subjective level.It is connected with feelings and emotions, as well as with the body, where emotions are supposed to be stored. These can affect your physical health, and physical symptoms often indicate unresolved or unexpressed emotional pain. A large part of this process takes place on an unconscious level, so we are not always aware of what we feel, and we need to take time and space.
We can relax at home and surround yourself with all the people you love and objects and with all the comfort we need. It's a private place where we can be intimate with others and show our vulnerable side. Its sign and position in the chart often indicate what maternal care we grew up with or how we experienced our mother. It can also describe what maternal care we offer to others - to our own children, as well as partners and friends.
The moon's cycle also represents our daily life habits and routines, including household ones tasks like cooking and cleaning - as soon as we finish them, we have to do them again tackle! When we repeat something often enough or long enough, it affects our body and every aspect of our life. The position of the Moon in the birth chart can indicate, what patterns do we stick to, it seems in our physical health as well as in general lifestyle. It also describes what it's like to live with us and how we behave in close personal relationships in which we show our vulnerable side. Moon can also describe our family background and our current home and family life.✨
🧸Moon in Cancer- they like comfort and feel best there. They don't like going to places where they don't feel their best. They are very intuitive and always know what their next step is. They are often tied to people, things and places that are close to their hearts. Also they don't like strangers. They like being around people that are close to them and people with whom they feel safe to and they just don't really like places that are very unfamiliar and they don't like the places that are unknown or big or full people. Although they are very emotional, they do not show it outwardly. Many times their emotions depend on how they react and what they do. Their routine usually involves something they connect with emotionally. Life with them is pleasant (they will always make sure that you feel comfortable, pleasant and satisfied with them, they care and give you a lot of love). Many times they do cute things for you. They can also be moody sometimes.
🎡Moon in Leo- they feel comfortable when they are doing something that invigorates them and gives them life. They always have their hobbies that they follow. They find themselves through playfulness and childlike energy. It is very important for them to maintain their childlike energy and they will feel the best around people who have this energy. Living with them is fun and fiery. They will always remember to do something to brighten your day. They will always want to keep the romance alive. When they love, they love intensely. They are likely to feel strong emotions. There is often a passionate intensity that needs to be expressed. They can also be dramatic. Finding ways to express yourself is likely to be important for you. At this level, it is very important that you find a partner who is demonstrative, and pays attention to your emotional needs. When partners take the time to make you feel special, then you can respond by sharing all your abundance of emotional warmth with them.
🫧Moon in Pisces- they usually like places that are isolated and places that are empty. They don't like too many people around them. They do a lot for the people around them and can be very compassionate and self-sacrificing. They will sacrifice a lot for the person they love. Living with them can be like a dream you've never been in, but at the same time, things can also be confusing. Many times they swim into their own waters and worlds. They usually get lost in their own way of emotions and things. They just like being there they like to escape from the world.
🎢Moon in Aquarius- this moon will express its feelings and moods less and less. Instead of being very close to the family, she will probably need her own space and time to think. A lot of times this moon is lonely or makes a person that way. Many times they feel more alienated from family and people. It is difficult for them to accept someone, or they feel completely accepted in their surroundings. Because there is a part of them that is always looking for a place and an environment where they really belong. Living with them is unpredictable but very unique and different from anyone else.
⛵️Moon in Aries- a very independent moon and from a young age they are used to being alone and independent from their family. Many times they don't include family as much in their daily routine. Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life- it is their mindset. They have a lot of courage and are very fearless emotionally. Their day practically includes more or less only them. They can be passionate about their partner and their feelings, but once they're gone, they don't come back. They are likely to be most comfortable with others who let them be themselves. They are very spontaneous and direct.
🦋Moon in Taurus- they feel most comfortable with music, movies, good food, the comfort of material things, nature. They like luxurious things, material things, but above all for comfort - they want to have everything they can enjoy. They are tied to people, from predestination and stability of life. Many times they also have an emotional attachment to the people and things around them. And they like to live in their comfort. Life with them is simple and stable. They will give you anything you want and they will do it very selflessly. They are very persistent and once they decide on someone they will not stop persevering and will always prove how much they love you. They are attached to physical touch and it means a lot to them.
⚡️Moon in Capricorn- they prefer to act alone and go their own way. People with this moon sometimes don't need someone emotionally. Kind of hard to find a connection with someone and they take a long time to really connect with someone. Many times they have the feeling that they burden people emotionally and are used to keeping their emotions inside. Their routine is usually full of duty and seriousness. They like to do a lot in a day. They have a very strong focus on things. They can detach emotionally easily(this doesn't mean that they don't love the person but they are people that are like okay I have to do my own thing now). But they are actually very caring people- they will always help other people.
❄️People with moon in 11th house will always be looking for a friend who will fulfill them emotionally. And they can quickly feel emotionally drained from their friends. They are people who will work hard to emotionally feel that they have fulfilled their dreams, goals.
💘People with moon in 8th house will always seek deep intimacy. They will invest a lot emotionally in the things and people they love. They will fall deeply into the routine and feel the emotions. Everything you do will need your soul and depth emotionally. Very often Moon in the 8th house people have a natural ability to help others find a greater sense of self-worth and value.
🦭Synastry moon in 4th house-it indicates that with this person you feel like you can tell them anything without feeling afraid. You feel very comfortable and cozy around them. They give you a sense of security. Emotionally, you feel that this person really understands you and you feel very comfortable with this person. As if they were your family.
🩷Synastry moon in 7th house- you invest a lot emotionally in this relationship and feel that this person accepts your feelings. You feel comfortable in this relationship. You may also feel emotionally dependent on this person. Emotionally, this relationship really means a lot to you, and you see this person as really understanding your feelings and accepting them.
☁️Synastry moon in 2nd house- with this person you will feel like they can give you emotional value and that they appreciates your feelings. You feel a kind of stability and security, that this person will always protect your feelings.
⛵️Synastry moon in 10th house- you can feel responsible from for feelings of other person. Like you feel some kind of responsibility to this person and when you feel things for this person you feel like you feel really hard and intense and stable. But I think sometimes you can feel alone or maybe some kind of distance from this person is like you feel things but you don't know how to express them. You feel like you are not so connected to this person emotionally.
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disease · 5 months
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harmoonix · 10 months
🤍 The MOON in your Moon persona chart🤍
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"In the faint moonlight, the grass is singing"
- T. S. Eliot
The Moon in your Moon persona chart is more powerful than you think. The sign under your moon in your Moon pc (persona chart) can show how you deal with pain and emotions and how you experience them
!! PC stands for persona chart. 💕
Some examples here: 🤍🤍🤍
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Aries Moon In your Moon PC: shows an native who might feel misunderstood and always seeming angry/ or loose of their emotions/ kinda always letting their emotions to win over them.
Taurus Moon in your Moon PC: shows an native who always put others up and put themselves down, like you love others more than you love yourself and sometimes you even forget about your own feelings.
Gemini Moon in your Moon PC: Shows an native who might always like talking and find communication as a pleasure to them, but they might be anxious if they talk too much or if they annoy someone with their talking.
Cancer Moon in your Moon PC: Shows an very compassionate native who might like to take care of others and to nurture others, but who is there for them? Because these natives are usually to kind and often get with wrong people. You are there for everybody but no one is there for you.
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Leo Moon in your Moon PC: Is always the type of person who didn't got the proper attention they deserve. So they try to make themselves remarkable to get attention and to be in the spotlight, they may also lack confidence somtiems and use attention to gain it.
Virgo Moon in your Moon PC: Might always overthink if they did something wrong. Or the type of "Why is this thing happening to me". They are kind people but often get disturbed by their anxious thoughts.
Libra Moon in your Moon PC: Shows an native who might be not sure about their appearance and might want to make themselves feel better with clothing, makeup, skin routines etc.. They may also come from families who have a lot chaos in them, and they might be the ones to choose the peace.
Moon in Scorpio in your Moon PC: Shows an person who is intuitive but also doubting their feelings over time, thinking they are not enough and thinking that nobody might like them (which is false). Thinking they rather be alone than with toxic people around them.
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Moon in Sagittarius in your Moon PC: Shows that the native is the type of person who always make others to laugh and feel good with their optimistic energy but they are also the type that "Nobody sees when I cry because I can hide it well" they can also tend to hide how they feel in order to not make others worry for them.
Moon in Capricorn in your Moon PC: shows that the native might find an refuge in work to keep their mind focusing on something else instead of pain. They are very sensible souls and often can get hurt easily but since they don't like to tell everyone how they feel they choose to focus on something else
Moon in Aquarius in your Moon PC: shows that the native mostly likes to stay silent and to not talk about what they feel, rather staying lonely to think about their thoughts and what they do have to next.They think is better this way
Moon in Pisces in your Moon PC: shows an person who needs spiritual/meditation healing everytime they are in pain. Those things can help you sooo much. They are the type of person who likes to live in their world and often with head in clouds, for their own good.
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⚠️ Attention this post is about your Moon sign in moon's persona chart and NOT Moon in your natal chart⚠️
✨ Hello dear darlings ✨ hope you have it good ✨ Mercury Retrograde starts today and im feeling like im exploding already ✨🥰/😭/🤬✨
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🥰✨ Have a good day full of good and energy and vibe ✨🥰
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- H a r m o o n i x 🥰
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greensaplinggrace · 1 year
“Character A didn’t love Character B because they hurt them” discourse is truly terrible because it assigns a moral value to love that simply does not exist. love doesn’t actually mean anything about someone’s character. it doesn’t make someone’s actions toward another any better or any worse, it doesn’t prevent atrocities, and it doesn’t prevent abuse.
love is a worthless emotion when it comes to morals because it simply holds no bearing on them. true love doesn’t exist. there is no better or more pure version of love. in the end love doesn’t mean anything. it’s a non-emotion. it’s the child of passion and affection and dedication. doing something bad doesn’t preclude a feeling of love, because a lack of love isn’t a requirement for immoral actions, and morality isn’t a requirement for feeling love.
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cozylittleartblog · 2 years
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swatchvember prompt: party
happy 37th birthday to Microsoft Paint ✨🎂🎉🎈
#deltarune#swatch#swatchlings#tasque manager#queen#art#swatchvember#THE ONE PROMPT I COULD NOT AFFORD TO MISS THE DATE ON#''guys what theme should we do for the bosses cake'' ''what if we made 3 cakes with diff themes and stacked them on top of each other''#''by the fountains Percy you are a genius''#queen makes them run around all day doing stupid shit and they finally get to the cafe and mysteriously its rented out#they cannot believe this is the first they're hearing of it this stuff usually has to go through them first#they very quickly find out that queen is also behind this and it is a huge private party just for them <3 they work so hard they deserve it#she is Snapping that stupid party hat onto their stupid head#and Repeatedly shoving a second one over the end of their beak all night to be annoying#yknow its good when swatch breaks character and actually Emotes but its an even better sign when they go completely static#because that means they are hiding an absolutely embarrassing display of emotion and its taking All of their energy#the cake flavors are strawberry - chocolate/vanilla split - and Funfetti btw#... funfetti is just vanilla with sprinkles in it last i checked but Shut Up Lmao#also i totally messed up their mood tints i figured fear was yellow but happiness is also yellow. so. i decided fear is more of a#highlighter/yellow-green color and happiness yellow is like a. nice mac and cheese yellow :) very warm but still distinctly golden#one is pleasant to look at and one is terrible
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darkcircles4lyfe · 4 months
I can’t be the only one who is starting to get a little pissed off by the fact that Izuku has all these people in his head making decisions and speaking for him, right? How is he supposed to get any satisfying character development this way? I’m not complaining necessarily, I just hope that gets addressed. Feels like we’re supposed to notice this. If we’re getting a direct callback to Dark Deku, then something must be very wrong.
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kusaribanana · 1 year
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pyratelibrary · 2 years
something something “anything goes at sea” and their first kiss being on land-
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