#employee activities
vegahr · 11 months
Employee Engagement Activities That Your Team Will Actually Love 
his blog is a testament to the creativity involved in employee engagement activities. This means that depending on the workforce, new activities can be formulated every day! The activities mentioned in this blog have been proven as effective engagement activities for any type of workforce, and can guarantee a positive and uplifted workforce, Companies can also invest in an employee engagement platform to take care of their engagement initiatives. Platforms like Vega HR have been frontrunners in helping companies establish a positive and productive work culture! 
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iris-of-the-eye · 1 month
When a dangerous entity infiltrated the Magnus Institute, Jonah intentionally held back on pushing the fire alarm and called one his employees being killed and replaced as a result of it a "pleasant bonus".
When a dangerous entity infiltrated the OIAR, Lena yelled at the woman who let them in, stressing that introducing them to her coworkers was a danger to their lives as well, and demanded for a clear line to be kept between the horrors and the employees.
Even if Lena does turn out to be an evil mastermind, this interaction alone makes her kinder than Jonah ever was.
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theemployees · 4 months
Can Misa be a customer
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Of course you can be a customer! Everyone’s welcome in run of the mill!
Disclaimer: not everyone is welcome at ROTM due to our policy against assholes, trauma givers, and people fighting in the restaurant; the only exceptions are arsonists because if we removed them we wouldn’t have staff.
Art by @coyotecam
Featuring Characters by
@littlemissartemisia, @bambiraptorx, @iobsesswaytoomuch, @koolaidashley, @midnightcreator12, @star-sparkler, @quirkycorgianimations, and @disgracedghostprincess
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us arospecs really do just get on Tumblr dot com and choose violence huh.
anyways be aro bash bigot with a crowbar <3
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magpod-confessions · 2 months
If you hate jonelias because it’s “toxic” and “boss x employee” then you should also hate jmart :)
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thepersonalwords · 29 days
Mindfulness is a quiet strength and deeply rooted value which many other cultures understand and often practice better than we do. It can be puzzling to people from other countries as to why Americans are so task-driven and action-oriented.
Susan C. Young, The Art of Action: 8 Ways to Initiate & Activate Forward Momentum for Positive Impact
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witchinatree · 4 months
is anyone else going a little bit insane over the weekly episodes
i didn't exactly binge the magnus archives at first (listened from august 2022 to february 2023..) but now i'm hooked. now i know how many possibilities there are for these blorbos. now my head is full of thoughts and i need to know what is going to happen!!!!!!
the weekly waiting is just going to get more and more painful isn't it
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fandomtrashfox · 3 days
Me, realizing 'Stolitz' is end game for Helluva Boss apparently, and now getting to the point of wanting to avoid the show because these two definitely aren't in a healthy relationship.
Man, why - other than fan service - would Viv want these two to be together? It's so toxic!
I'm not saying Stolas is free of blame, here, but I feel like they're equally bad for each other. They're equally using each other albeit for different reasons. It's a toxic situation for both sides and I don't see how people keep forgetting that Blitzo is constantly doing a 'hot and cold' act with Stolas. Please, do not do this Viv, come on, now. Please make the end be Stolas and Blitzo permanently breaking up and moving on to healthier relationships.
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chiprewington · 4 days
Who's the cold caller?
That's Percival Wrenchit! A department-transfer Cold Caller who's working under Chip Revvington as an intern. Ignore the fact ey aren't in any official records. Or that eir intern position seems to be unending. Or that eir last date of work was in Sellbot HQ in 2018. Or that you never see Perry and Percival in the same room.
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In all seriousness, Percival is Perry...'s cog disguise. Custom-made with the help of a certain Mr. Fear and Loathing in order to make it look as authentic as possible, to be undetected by even the greatest of toon-sniffing scent detectors. Of course, Mr. FaL's intentions maaaaay have been a little iffy. Being able to keep Perry in C.O.G.S. Inc... maybe get em to be an official hire... and Perry, being how ey were, was stuck with an office job for a while. This... maaaay have led to a few identity crisis's where ey kept forgetting ey're a toon, but this was way back in 2018.
Present-day, this disguise made a come-back... in the form of Mr. Revvington getting a bit too upset over the fact that this strange, silent critter has somehow been getting his brother's blessing for two weeks, yet all ey're doing is just standing like a statue in his office with eir eyes on the floor. Pretty sure ey've sweat bullets to the point the rug's had to be cleaned from something other than cake stains. Regardless, he eventually had enough and figured if Perry was going to be stubborn in visiting him, ey might as well make emself useful. He knows toons take parts in order to build their own disguises, despite the fact they always come out at the very least a little off, to at most straight into uncanny valley for the trained eye. At least this one's got more effort put into it. He doesn't want to see a critter in his office (despite the fact eir first tasks are things such as cleaning the halls, fetching him oil or cogfee, or retrieving certain documents that specifically have information that wouldn't be useful to the resistance. He has absolutely no trust in em at this point and thinks ey could very well be a spy. He's being smart about it.), not to mention the eyebrows that might raise. So shoving em in eir disguise and having em be a department-transfer intern is a good cover-up story.
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Get to work, Mx. Wrenchit.
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foolsocracy · 1 year
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forgot how they canonically spent weeks trying to find one (1) person to help them with sam bucket. and everyone said no
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wait does this mean you’ll be able to explore the update when it drops now? because of the new date? or is the case still the same?
no ok this answer is sooooo Funny bc uh
well apparently due to a Christmas Miracle i don't start working this week, today was just orientation. so i Would have been able to actually make it.
but now? WHO KNOWS!!!! WHO FUCKING KNOWS!!! i dont have my schedule yet!!! i'll get it by wednesday!!! so!!! with my continuously Dogshit luck! the case is still very much the same!
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wowa-bublord · 2 months
Does Cloud ever have vague/fuzzy flashes of memories of when he and Zack were on the road or was he completely cut off from the outside world?
he remembers bits and pieces, usually when he's having a nightmare. Or he'll remembers information Zack told him while they were on the road, but doesn't remember when/where he was told it. He has the same level of memory about being catatonic that Zack has of being in the lab. (not much)
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the-acid-pear · 2 months
Y'know what gamers I have to be honest for once I really think davesport fans who hate on harrysport (and the others) for being a boss/employee dynamic are just being dumb that man literally killed his love interest by shoving an eggplant up his urethra for misclicking a phone number and you want to take the moral high ground and tell me that's better or a ship than two business partners hitting it? Get real.
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kenonade · 2 months
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at what point do you think they realized he was Abnormal
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laertive · 4 months
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Say hello to the old dine crew! Almond and Temp. Temp is. Fine.
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eggtomatosoup · 2 years
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once i actually figure out how to draw hair its all over
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