#energy candles
thewitchywitch · 11 months
Low Energy/Effort Witchcraft
Are you perpetually busy? Never have any spoons? This might be the post for you. Note that not everything here may be considered low energy or low effort to everyone, and that's okay :)
Carry a crystal around based on what you need. I have a black tourmaline bracelet that absorbs negative vibes throughout the day. I stick it on a selenite slab when I get home to cleanse overnight, then rinse and repeat in the morning.
Put a bay leaf in your wallet to attract money. If you have time, draw a sigil or a $/£/€ on it.
Dedicate anything you drink to your deities if you have any. I dedicate water and black tea to everyone and my favourite raspberry tea to Hathor. Coffee is for Caim.
Enchant your pill case so you remember to take them on time. Enchant your pills to work efficiently. ("Anxiety begone. Ye be banished" on all of my anxiety pills ✌️)
Draw a sigil on your body wash bottle to remove bad vibes or carve a sigil in a bar of soap.
Enchant your moisturizer to repel the evil eye. I fucking love this one.
Incorporate colour magic into the socks you wear (Goths who wear hot pink socks, I'm looking at you).
Enchant your charger so it doesn't break and so you don't lose it. Enchant your phone too while you're at it.
Sorry, I love enchantments--
Match those big ol jar candles to different intentions. Burn a cedar candle to cleanse/banish. Burn a cinnamon candle to draw in prosperity. Burn a citrus candle to uplift mood. This one is fantastic for broom closet witches.
Got a humidifier? Fill it up with moon water. You're welcome ;D
Politely ask the spirits of your plants to ward your space. Feed two birds with one scone this way.
Witchy social media. Scrolling on Tumblr and learning something new about witchcraft counts as witchcraft imo. Saving tarot spreads from Instagram for later counts too. Making Pinterest boards for literally anything also counts.
Keep a digital grimoire if doing it on paper costs too many spoons. I have used Google docs & drive in the past but I currently use Notion (You can copy and paste this way!)
If you still want a physical grimoire, print your stuff out and stick it in a binder or glue it in your journal. Boom. Physical grimoire
Listen to witchcraft related videos in the background while you do other tasks or chores in your home
Preparing a meal? Toss in spices that correspond with good health and drawing in positivity, or any other intention you have
Enchant your glasses to help you focus and "read between the lines" or see what wants to remain hidden (this one is a lifesaver at my job)
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of-ether · 7 months
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candle lit yoni steaming on lamb skin
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artdecobish222 · 1 year
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has someone sent you negative energy? talking shit about you? gossiping about you? Sending you the evil eye? speaking negatively on your name? sending you all this nasty energy?
if yes then this is the perfect spell for you and let me explain. You can use this free energy that others are sending you to your advantage! rather than making these people stop talking negative about you, use this energy and transform it into more abundance for yourself, to give yourself proclaimed power, and more self love for you! So that anytime someone speaks negatively on your name make it so you get more self love and abundance for yourself. instead of using the evil eye to deflect this negative energy let’s make this energy beneficial for you. And here’s how ↓ ↓ ↓
(DISCLAIMER: please, please do a protection spell before you do this spell. Or atleast perfect protection magick before you do this)
First cleanse your tools and ingredients and ask spirit guides/ancestor for protection and assistance.
grab a piece of paper and write “may any negative energy, evil eye, gossiping or jealousy spoken on my name or surrounding my name be transmutted into luck, abundance, power, self love, and confidence for myself, bringing me closer to balance, success and serenity.”
Write your full name on the back of the paper and fold the paper towards you
Put the paper in a jar, or any container that can close. (I used an old jewelry box for this spell which can work too)
Now Add the following ingredients;
⁃ roses; to fuel me with self love and confidence anytime someone speaks on my name with ill intentions
⁃ nutmeg; to bring me luck and abundance anytime someone speaks on my name with ill intentions
⁃ basil; to purify the negative energy spoken on my name and to transmute it into luck, abundance, power, self love, and confidence for myself
⁃ Eucalyptus oil; to purify the negative energy spoken on my name and to transmute it into luck, abundance, power, self love, and confidence for myself
⁃ Oregano leaves; to bring me luck and abundance anytime someone speaks on my name with ill intentions
⁃ Salt; to purify that negative energy sent towards me and to turn that energy into luck, abundance, power, self love, and confidence for myself
⁃ Tigers eye; to change that negative energy into positive energy for myself
⁃ Clear quartz; to absorb the negative energy sent towards me or spoken on my name and transmute it into luck, abundance, power, self love, and confidence for myself
Seal the jar/container with white wax for purification
Thank the spirit of the herbs and crystals, and thank your spirit guides and ancestors!
Focus on intentions with the jar “to trap any negative energy, evil eye, or gossip sent my way and spoken on my name, to purify the energy and send it back out to me into luck, abundance, power, self love, and confidence for myself”
now that your done, you can let those people talk shit on your name because simultaneously your becoming more abundant, powerful, and beautiful. You’re leveling up while they’re leveling down. 🤭 I’ve created this spell and did it a month ago and safe to say that this definitely works.
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psyches-love-nest · 14 days
𝓟𝓲𝓬𝓴 𝓪 𝓬𝓪𝓻𝓭: 𝓓𝓸 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓷𝓮𝓮𝓭 𝓪𝓷 𝓔𝓷𝓮𝓻𝓰𝔂 𝓒𝓵𝓮𝓪𝓷𝓼𝓮?
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Hello! My name is Pao. For this PAC, I’m taking a different approach. Energy cleanses and chakra alignments are really popular in my home country and here in Chile, where I’m currently based. What about where you’re from? This reading will dive into all the specific benefits that an energy cleanse can bring to your life.
It doesn’t matter what your background is—whether by citizenship, religion, or whether you're a spiritual practitioner or a “muggle.” Everyone deserves to experience the incredible benefits of an energy clearing at least once! And trust me, once you’ve had a session, it’s hard to settle for just one. You’ll likely find yourself coming back for more, hooked on the mental clarity and sense of relief it brings.
English is not my mother language, so please be tolerant of my typos and odd grammar♡
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✧𝓟𝓲𝓵𝓮 1✧ 
You probably do, honestly. Your energy seems a bit opaque, and you are feeling tired, aren't you?
An energy cleanse could totally refresh you, bringing big changes like:
Handling anxiety better. Right now, you're juggling way too much, but not really getting anywhere. You’re running on empty, and it's making everything feel unorganized. You struggle with setting boundaries, which leaves you overcommitted and less productive than you'd like.
Opening your eyes to change. You've been running on autopilot for too long. It's time to switch things up and let go of old routines. You're carrying a lot of masculine energy, always feeling like you need to be doing something. The fear of not progressing — whether as a person, a professional, or an artist — is holding you back.
Getting out of fantasy mode. Your mind is always in the future, picturing yourself winning at life. But the mental clutter and your declining health are keeping you from getting there. It’s time to organize your goals, prioritize, and focus on what matters in the short term.
Would you like to receive an energy cleanse or chakra alignment? Discover more details here.
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✧𝓟𝓲𝓵𝓮 2✧
Maybe not! Your energy feels pretty stable, like you’re enjoying the results of your hard work. Still, if you go for a cleanse, it could boost your well-being by helping you:
Chill out with bureaucratic stuff. You'll stress less about all those annoying, drawn-out processes.
Practice patience. Especially in your relationships, patience will help you trust more in the strength of your connections.
Stop being so hard on yourself. Keeping up a flawless image for everyone is exhausting. You’re constantly reminding yourself of the status you want to maintain, which only adds to the pressure. Deep down, you’re worried about losing what you think gives you value.
Slow down that racing mind. You're always on the go, thinking about work and projects. Have you noticed how little time you spend just relaxing and enjoying what you've already achieved?
Would you like to book an energy cleanse or chakra alignment? Discover more details here.
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✧𝓟𝓲𝓵𝓮 3✧
You definitely do, but not for the reasons you might think! Your energy isn't really dense, but there’s a lot of resistance to enjoying life fully. A cleanse could help you:
Embrace life more. Even if things aren’t terrible, you always feel like you could be doing better. You’re stuck, craving more excitement and fun, but something is holding you back from fully experiencing it.
Boost your sense of self-worth. There’s a little voice inside that says you don’t really deserve all the good things you’ve accomplished. With this cleanse, you’ll start enjoying your wins as they are, instead of just ticking off another box.
Let go of control and grow. Sometimes, your self-criticism holds you back more than it pushes you forward. This cleanse will help you loosen up in a way that allows for real growth — without falling into self-sabotage or damaging your self-esteem.
Reconnect with your desires and your community. You'll rediscover your passions and feel a deeper sense of belonging with the people around you.
Spot new opportunities. Clearing internal blockages will open your eyes to opportunities that have always been there. Now you'll be ready to recognize them and bring them into your life.
Would you like to book an energy cleanse or chakra alignment? Discover more details here.
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✧𝓟𝓲𝓵𝓮 4✧
Not exactly, but I bet you're eager to try it. You're naturally curious and might believe that through this cleansing, significant revelations will come to you, or that it'll help you release everyday stress. You are absolutely right! I'll describe the benefits you'll be getting in detail:
Trust your intuition more. You’re super intuitive and can pick up on other people's vibes just looking at them. But you're still human, so doubt creeps in. This cleanse will help you trust what you’re sensing.
Bring harmony to your work life. You’ll feel more excited and lighter at work, making the whole vibe much better.
Let go of limiting beliefs. You know you can handle things on your own and don’t need anyone to fight your battles, but sometimes you still doubt yourself. This cleanse will help you ditch those old societal beliefs about vulnerability and strength.
See yourself for the powerhouse you are. You’ll start to appreciate yourself as someone strong, amazing, and full of beautiful energy.
Recognize your personal growth. You’ll see the areas where you've matured and feel more proud of your progress.
Feel more at peace at home. This cleanse will help you feel more aligned and at ease in your personal space.
Would you like to book an energy cleanse or chakra alignment? Discover more details here.
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saydesole · 5 months
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ginsays · 2 years
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tgcf with apologies to tangled
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starlet-sky · 8 months
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ginasdiary · 6 months
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Lana Del Rey vibes | dark feminine aesthetic 💋
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aesethewitch · 1 year
An easy tip for my fellow spirit workers or others who use candles in their magic (especially "light it and leave it" style casters):
Put stickers on your lighter(s). Have a different colored lighter for various moods or purposes. Put stickers on those shits. My favorite spirit work lighter is hot pink (because it's what I had) and is covered in relevant stickers. A little holographic ghost, a candle, purple and yellow hearts, a butterfly, a white lily, the word "remember."
It's literally that easy. Enchant your lighters. With the power of STICKERS.
See also: Drawing on your lighters with sharpie
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lostlibrariangirl · 6 months
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April 9, 2024
100/366 Days of Growth
My "wake every working days at 3 am" had a break today as I got sick. My throat is in pain, it was a rough night 🥹
I might be more concerned than I thought with ISC2 CC Exam... Only 15 days left, so I believe my body is manifesting my internal fears.
To pass this exam will be important for my self confidence with Cybersecurity, I have so many dreams, and so many goals... I am trying my best here, I gave myself some deadlines, this exam is one of them.
Well, life goes on! Great week for us all ❤️❤️❤️
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royalcore-fantasy · 2 months
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“I feel it’s my anger that has helped keep me alive,”
- Audre Lorde
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tequiilasunriise · 2 years
In terms of Wenclair nicknames, I believe in ‘Enid using Willa’ supremacy and φεγγάρι μου (‘my moon’ in Greek) is especially beloved to me, but I also love little shit Enid who calls Wednesday any day of the week EXCEPT Wednesday (“Hey, Monday!” “What do you think about this Sabbath?” “Oh thank god you’re here Friday”) and it annoys her favorite murder goth to NO END but slowly said murder goth becomes endeared by her roomate’s antics as feelings start to tumble and bloom away. Besides ‘my moon’, I can also see her calling Wednesday ‘silly raven’ in Greek.
Meanwhile, Wednesday has this wholeass evolution from shit like “mutt” to way softer nicknames because Gomezifcation™️ is a powerful thing. She starts to pine and internally call Enid her Alectrona (a greek goddness of the Sun, known for sunrise or ‘waking from slumber’, a perfect combo of how Enid brings light to Wednesday as well as her inner wolf finally waking up), but slowly she starts using it out loud along with “mi sol” (‘my sun’, Spanish), “mon petit chiot” (‘my little pup’, French), and “la mia vita” (��my life’, Italian). Enid melts everytime without fail and stutters in Greek and honestly? Who could blame her when Wednesday has that passionately lovestruck shine in her eyes as adoration drips from devout lips.
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freyja-lestrange · 3 months
Basic Dragon Flame Ritual
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Say: Ruler of the Dragons of Fire I call you. Cleanse, Protect, and Empower this space with your flame. As you say this visualize a large dragon rising up from a volcano or emerging from primal fires. breathing fire into your workspace with you in the center.
Say: Ruler of the Dragons of Air I call you. Cleanse, Protect, and Empower this space with your flame. As you say this visualize a large dragon flying down from the sky breathing fire into your workspace with you in the center.
Say: Ruler of the Dragons of Water I call you. Cleanse, Protect, and Empower this space with your flame. As you say this visualize a large dragon rising up from a volcano or emerging from primal fires. breathing fire into your workspace with you in the center.
Say: Ruler of the Dragons of Water I call you. Cleanse, Protect, and Empower this space with your flame. As you say this visualize a large dragon rising up from the primal waters of a lake or ocean breathing fire into your workspace with you in the center.
Spend a few minutes breathing in and feeling the energy this ritual and call into your space.
From here you can move on to do any meditations, spellwork, or communications with the elemental rulers you would like to.
Then, politely and respectfully say farewell and thank the dragons for their help.
🐉You can find this ritual on the YouTube Channel WorkingDragonMystic under the video Dragon Magick Basic Ritual of the Flames:
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snzzenby641 · 11 months
Someone writing a letter by candlelight, only to sneeze unexpectedly. Not only did they knock the ink, but they’ve also sneezed out their candle. How pathetic.
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peppermint-moss · 5 months
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Had so much fun with these!! (template by @cereovo)
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hexora · 10 months
Winter Associations
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Snowflakes: Symbol of uniqueness and individuality, each snowflake is considered magical.
Icicles: Used for spellwork related to clarity and insight.
Winter Solstice: A powerful time for rituals celebrating the return of the sun's energy.
Evergreen Trees: Symbolize life, protection, and continuity during the cold months.
Yule Log: Burned during Yule celebrations for prosperity and protection.
Holly: Represents protection and brings good fortune during winter.
Mistletoe: Used for love spells and protection against negative energy.
Frost: Associated with transformation and purification.
Frozen Lakes: Symbolize stillness and reflection.
Northern Lights: Magical displays in the winter sky, believed to hold spiritual energy.
Wolves: Guardians of winter realms, associated with intuition and instincts.
Candles: Lit for warmth and enlightenment during the dark months.
Hot Cocoa: Used in kitchen witchcraft for comfort and grounding.
Spiced Cider: Associated with abundance and the warmth of hearth and home.
Winter Faeries: Spirits that thrive in the winter, known for mischief and playfulness.
Fur and Wool: Materials associated with warmth and protection.
Citrine Crystals: Linked to the sun's energy, bringing positivity during the dark season.
Winter Animals: Bears, hibernating creatures, and migrating birds symbolize survival and adaptation.
Warming Herbs: Cinnamon, ginger, and cloves for spells related to warmth and protection.
Frosty Windows: Scrying through frost patterns for divination.
Winter Moon: Perform rituals under the light of the cold, bright moon.
Snowy Owl: A symbol of wisdom and magical insight.
Snowball Fight: Playful energy and bonding with nature spirits.
Winter Gardens: Indoor plants associated with winter magic, like poinsettias.
Silver Bells: Used in spells for communication and summoning spirits.
Sleigh Bells: Carries a sense of joy and celebration.
Ice Skating: A ritualistic dance for balance and grace.
Winter Goddesses: Invoke deities like Skadi or Persephone for their winter aspects.
Fir Needle Essential Oil: Used in aromatherapy for grounding and focus.
Frozen Waterfalls: Symbolize the temporary pause in the flow of life.
Snow Hares: Represent transformation and adaptability.
Crystal Snowflakes: Used in rituals for clarity and purification.
Winter Altar Decorations: Incorporate seasonal items like pine cones, acorns, and silver ornaments.
Winter Winds: Believed to carry messages from the spirit world.
Ice Magick: Creating and using ice symbols in spellwork for stability and stillness.
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