#enid is too pure
ornii · 1 year
My Better Bitter Half, Part 10
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Chapter 10: Dance Dance!
“Dr. Kinbott tells me I should get out more. Says I need to open my mind to new people and experiences. Who am I to argue with her professional clichés?”
The Jericho Morgue houses the corpses of those lost in the town. The security system was tough but, effortlessly disposed of by black gum. Thing coats it, which allows the twins to sneak in undetected by the Camera. They slip into the Morgues chambers and Wednesday turns to her brother as they approach the containers.
“While I do the autopsy, you find the files of the monster's other victims and make copies.”
“Seriously?” (Y/n) said.
“Don't pout. Your scalpel skills are questionable. Do you remember my 13th birthday, when Uncle Fester gave me that cadaver?”
“First of it, our 13th birthday. And no I don’t.”
“You sliced right through that man's carotid.” She said, he scoffs.
“Because you decided to steal my embalming tools. But fine, I’ll make sure we get what we need.” (Y/n) walks into the other room across the hall. The twins separate and begin preparations, (Y/n) and Thing head inside the office and search cabinets for the lastest date. Finding one a day or two ago of this year, he grabs what he can and begins to print it off. He checks the papers and an odd coincidence begins to form.
“Lost hand… head? Eyeball?… they all seem to have some form of dismemberment.. but why would a wild monster do that?” He says, he finishes the printing just in time for car lights to catch his eye. He dashed into the autopsy room.
“Wednesday! Someone’s here!” He yells
“Calm down. Who's coming?” She said, the twins come up with a plan and execute it. The Sheriff and the Doctor who oversees autopsies enter
“Appreciate you coming back to the office, Doc.”
“No problem, Sheriff. Whatever I can do to help. Whatever or whoever is responsible for these killings... In all my years, I've never seen injuries like them. I thought you should see this before I issued my report on the latest victim. It's a real noodle-scratcher. The killer cut off two toes from the victim's left foot. Best guess, they used a surgical saw. The final autopsy report's still pending.”
“Minute you're done, send it straight to my desk.” The sheriff responds.
“Happy retirement, Doc.” The sheriff leaves as the doctor nods. He turns and notices on the table, a covered body. He approaches and pulls back the cover to (Y/n), dead. The doctor sighs. He pulls further back to see his body, with off scars and bruises, many healed.
“Hm.. many broken bones, scars.. you went though a lot. I suppose you can wait—“ he notices a chill in the air, and looks to the fridges As one is open, the slowly walks over towards it. He opens it and pulls the corpse back, and it’s Wednesday.
“I don't remember this one coming in. Full rigor. You've been dead a while. Guess you won't mind waiting another day for me to cut you open.” He smiles and locks her inside, and finally takes his leave. Thing, hiding in the fake skull pops out and heads to Wednesday. He pulls her from the fridge.
“Five more minutes. I was just getting comfortable.” She says, Thing angrily prances around, and Wednesday rolls her undead eyes.
“Fine. You know he won’t stay dead.” She says and gets out of the fridge and approaches her brothers corpse. She calmly looks over him.
“My Brother, for all his dreadful Traits, is annoyingly resilient. He’s cheated death more times than one can count, and his ability to seemingly resurrect himself from death is impressive, so long as he can get a jumpstart.” Wednesday thinks, and a small creepy smirk creeps along her face as she draws a taser.
“Luckily, I have just the thing.” She jams the taser into his chest, shooting lighting though him, and like Frankenstien, he rose up gasping for air. The once dead look in his eyes was full of life now.
“Never… Again.” He says growling.
“Not unless I want to, now put your clothes on.” She said, leaving the Morgue, (Y/n) grumbled as he stood off the table and grabbed his clothes in the corner.
The next morning, Wednesday had the files; everything printed out upon a plaster, analyzing the information, Enid approached, obviously concerned.
“When I suggested giving your side of the room a makeover, I did not have Ted Bundy's Pinterest in mind.”
“Still not as creepy as your stuffed unicorn collection.”
“Is this why you snuck out last night?” Enid asks. L
“My Brother and I made an unsanctioned trip to the morgue to copy the files of the monster's victims.”
“Okay, there are so many levels of ew in that statement, I don't know where to begin.”
“I need to get inside its head. Discover any patterns or anomalies. I've already made a big discovery. Turns out all of the monster's victims have had body parts surgically removed. The first one a kidney, the second a finger...” Wednesday shows Enid the graphic photos.
“Wednesday, I don't feel...”
“Third a gall bladder. And the bearded man from the meeting house, two toes. Do you understand what this means? These murders aren't mindless. He's collecting trophies like a seasoned serial killer. It's impressive, actually.—“ Wednesday hears a thud, and she turns around to Enid on the floor. Suddenly, (Y/n) enters with his backpack.
“Enid, Wednesday, Pardon the intrusion I found—“ (Y/n) stops talking as he sees Enid on the floor.
“… what did you do?” (Y/n) asks In his sister’s deadpanned voice
“I did not do anything to your pet.” Wednesday said.
“I Did nOt dO aNyThInG—“ (Y/n) says mocking his sister. “If you were literally anyone else I’d believe that.” He says, he kneels down at Enid and picks her up.
“Fetch the smelling salts, she’s going to be late for class.” He says and walks to her side of the Dorm. Wednesday stares with an off sensation, another girl has her older brothers attention besides Her, perhaps this is what we call, Jealousy.
In Ms Thornhills Herbology Class, the lesson continues as planned. Thornhill showing off a particularly evil looking plant.
“While most plants reward their pollinators with sweet nectar, many carnivorous varieties turn to sеxual trickery or deception. The orchid produces a pheromone that mimics a female insect, luring the males in. Now, once the plant is pollinated, what do the male insects get in exchange?”
“Nada. Just like all the guys at the Rave'N.” Bianca says out loud, which gets a few laughs from the student body.
“Okay, okay. I know you're all excited about Saturday, which is why I haven't assigned any homework. But I do still need volunteers for the decorating committee. Anyone interested, come and see me up here.” Thornhill says, Xavier turns to Wednesday.
“You're not gonna volunteer? Aren't you pumped about disco balls and spiked punch?There's even a DJ. MC Blood Suckaz.”
“I'd rather stick needles in my eyes. I'll probably do that anyway.”
“Or you could invite someone and have a little fun.” Xavier replies, he gets up to leave and Wednesday can notice his lack of limber, something is wrong.
Inside the local Coffee spot, (Y/n) sat gingerly, reading the Autopsy reports.
“Severed Limbs and Organs, none the same.. like they’re building a.. body.” (Y/n) begins to piece everything together. His eyes catch from the corner, his Sister and Enid walking past, going somewhere. “Hmm..” he said, but didn’t think too much of it, as he begins to wrap up, Enid enters and spots him.
“(Y/n)!” She says walking over so giddy. (Y/n) prepares mentally for what he’s about to hear. And hides the autopsy reports.
“Enid… how are you?”
“It’s going to such a Hot girl summer!”
“It’s.. August..” he replies, She scoffs and sits next to him, getting a bit close to him, the sudden flourish of blonde hair and beauty in his face cause him to be a bit lost for words.
“Okay.. what is it?” He says, and she grabs his hand to share her excitement.
“Your sister is going to The Rav’N!” She says, which makes (Y/n) stare for a moment in literal disbelief.
“You… you mean Wednesday, right?”
“Duh, who else?”
“… We’re talking about the same person right? She isn’t the social butterfly, more like a death hornet.. that’s besides the point who would go out with my sister?”
“Well wouldn’t you?” Enid asks, which just confuses him even more.
“You’d take your sister to the dance, because that’s what family is for. Plus she’s going with Xavier anyway, so I was going to help her Shop but she doesn’t need it.” Enid explains.
“Well.. what about you?” (Y/n) asks, and She sighs.
“Ajax and I aren’t.. working out.” She admits; which was a good thing from (Y/n).
“Well… I can offer a counter suggestion.” (Y/n) said, but their conversation was interrupted by a young man, who approached.
“Is it okay if I talk to Enid?” He asks, and (Y/n) immediately cuts him off
“Anything you can say, you can say to me as well.” He said, the man awkwardly sat across from them
“Thanks. I'm—“
“Lucas Walker, mayor's son. Recently split from cheer captain, Chrissy Smothers. Cute brunette who needs to rethink her spray tan.” Enid said
“That's kinda scary.”
“I think it’s pretty cool.” (Y/n) chimes in.
“I have a nose for gossip and I follow half your grade on TikTok. Also my roommate scares you.”
“Wednesday Addams is your roommate? And you—“
“The bother.” (Y/n) says, and Lucas awkwardly nods
“The resemblance is—“ he begins.
“Off putting? Uncanny? Absolutely Terrifying?” (Y/n) says, staring right into Lucas’ eyes. Lucas tries not to look into the eyes of the abyss.
“Sure is. I know this isn't a random encounter. So, why are you sitting here, Lucas Walker?
You must want something.” Enid asks.
“I've got a friend who works at Hawte Kewture.
She overheard you're on the hunt for a date to the Rave'N. Maybe we can help each other out.” Lucas begins, (Y/n) realizes what’s about to happen, and takes the biggest leap in his life, he puts his hand on Enids and she looks a bit, taken aback.
“Apologies, but I’m taking this lovely Wolf out on the Rav’N.” He says, with a growing confidence, he turns to Enid who was getting more and more red.
“Y-yeah, I’d like to go with you too…” Enid could barely form a coherent sentence, (Y/n) turns to Lucas.
“Apologies, but it’s a no.”
“That’s fine, I have another plan. The relationship between Nevermore and Jericho is.. not the best, so if it’s cool with you, can we bring a few Jericho students to the dance? A show of good faith.” Lucas asks, (Y/n) and Enid share a glance.
Later in the day, the twins look at The Billboard Wednesday put together. This time inside the Bee hive.
“But why Dismemberment?” Wednesday asks.
“I’ve yet to figure that out either Wednesday.. but the cuts were clean, no monster could do something that complicated…”
“So we’re dealing with a Serial Killer… but no motive.
“It’s possible, no motive as you said, the victims seem sporadic. No connecting traits, attributes…” (Y/n) rubs his chin, and Wednesday taps her foot. Eugene enters the Bee hive.
“Enid wouldn't let me keep this in our dorm.” Wednesday said.
“No worries. Mi colmena es su colmena. I assume this is the creature that's been rampaging in the woods.”
“You've heard about it before?” (Y/n) and Wednesday ask.
“Rumors. Mr. Fitts banned me from bug-hunting until further notice. Claimed a bear was on the loose, which I knew was a lie. Didn't match their hibernation schedules. Speaking of monsters with sharp claws, could you give this to your roomie?” Eugene shows her a letter, (Y/n) raises an eyebrow.
“Put in a good word for me? I hear she's still sans date for the Rave'N.” Eugene says.
“Sorry to Break your heart..” (Y/n) said, “Enid and I are going together.” (Y/n) said, and Wednesdays attention turns to her brother.
“You didn’t inform me of this.”
“Because I didn’t have to?” (Y/n) said, “I dork have to inform you what I’m doing, you never told me you were going with Xavier.”
“That was a preservation of my status, I couldn’t let him know I was on to him. You are taking Enid on some fabricated “Date.” For no reason; it’s counter productive.
“You think everyone and everything that doesn’t work for you is counterproductive.”
Because Brother, We're original thinkers, intrepid outliers in this vast cesspool of adolescence. We don't need these inane rites of passage to validate who we are.” Wednesday said.
“So you're not going to the Rave'N with Xavier?” He asks smugly, She glares at him as Eugene slowly backs away.
“It's not like I like Xavier. I just have ulterior motives. Sketches are the closest thing I have to a lead to try and stop this thing.” She says, the twins turn back to the board.
“These drawings are… odd. I’ve known Xavier, but his artistic skill eludes me.” (Y/n) said.
“That circle...I think I know where that is.” Eugene pipes up, the Twins turn to him.
“Show us.”
Eugene takes the twins deep into the forest, and specifically to a cave with the same spiraling formation seen. They look at the drawing and confirm.
“It Matches..What were you doing out here?” Wednesday asks Eugene.
“Collecting specimens. This place is ground zero for hоrny gypsy moths…You think it's in there?”
“Only one way to find out.” (Y/n) walks forward first, slowly peering into the darkness of the cave.
“I'm not a huge fan of enclosed spaces. I'm claustrophobic…” Eugene backs away, and Wednesday follows her brother.
“If you hear me screaming bloody murder, there's a good chance I'm just enjoying myself.” She says, before heading inside. She creeps in and finds (Y/n) kneeling at something, looking at the ground. It’s deeply scared for rock. “This is definitely its lair, the claw marks on the ground suggest it holes itself inside.” (Y/n) explains. He shows his sister a bone.
“Nothing human… It doesn’t eat them.” He says, from the corner of his eye he sees Wednesday pick up a claw.
“What is that?”
“Concrete proof. I just need to find something to match against the claw's DNA.”
“And I assume you have a suspect..”
Night falls, and it was the perfect moonlight for the Rav’N. Tyler and Enid accidentally bump into each other.
“My bad, i was waiting for Wednesday.”
“I’m waiting for (Y/n).” Enid replies, the two didn’t have to wait long, they soon looked upward to the stairs and the twins descend, Wednesday in a gorgeous black Aliana dress, adorned with jewelers to boot. Her brother matching Black pinstripe suit, gothic tailcoat and blood red vest and brooch to combo. They descend down and the two are at a loss for words.
“Wow, you look...” Tyler begins
“Unrecognizable? Ridiculous? A classic example of female objectification for the male gaze?” Wednesday says, (Y/n) scoffs.
“Ignore her pestering. She’s just being stubborn.” (Y/n) says, and looks at Enid.
(This woman has no Right being this beautiful someone help me—)
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“Enid how are—“ He said, getting a much closer look at her, absolutely taken aback by her beauty. The fluent fur dress, the perfectly pink hair and her adorable smile.
“You… you look..” he says, but she grabs his hand smiling.
“You look great! Cmon we have to show you off!” Enid happily takes him away as he grins ear to ear, leaving Tyler and Wednesday alone. Enid shows (Y/n) the theme, which was mostly white.
“Is that an abominable snowman?” He asks, looking at the statue.
“(Y/n)! You can't say that, it's offensive! The correct name is Yeti.” Enid said.
“Uh.. okay? They've been extinct since the 1950s. I doubt they’d want to draw and quarter me for it.”
“Ms. Thornhill chaired the dance committee this year. She wanted the Rave'N to feel relevant. So our theme is climate crisis meets extinction event. But in a fun way!” Enid explains
“Oh, so Hell frozen over.” He says, he looks at her with a soft smirk.
“A fitting theme.”
“Enid?” A voice called out, the two turn to see Ajax with his date.
“I thought that was you. Is that your date?” He asks. And Enid sternly grabs (Y/n)‘s arm..
“Yes, and he's having the best time with me.’We are both loving this dance... together.” She says
“Sweet.” Ajax murmurs before leaving. (Y/n) turns to Enid, and notices her dismayed face.
“Hey, are you okay?” He asks, she snaps out of it and nods.
“Y-yeah! I’m fine! I’ll go get us punch.” Enid awkwardly scampers over to Wednesday.
“Hey, Interesting choice of date.” Enid says, peering over to Tyler.
“I could say the same.” Wednesday replies, Enid couldn’t hide her blush.
“Your brothers great! He’s just like you… Look, at first I thought it was a good idea since I'm trying to make Ajax jealous. But now, i realize your brother is, like the perfect present wrapped up in a box!”
“Or a casket..” Wednesday replies, and Enid laughs. “As much joy as i find out of the pain and suffering he endures, I’d be a “Bad sister.” If I allowed you to toy with his heart.” She said, and Enid nods.
“You’re right, Everything he does for me, I can’t do him like that! Alright! Cmon, at least have some fun!” She says and Leads Wednesday away, the party continues, until a certain song begins to play
When the sun goes down And the moon comes up.
Goo Goo Muck By the Cramps begins to play, and Wednesday, for her all gothic melodramatic attitude, begins her own off putting dance.,

I turn into a teenage goo goo muck

Yeah, I cruise through the city And I roam the streets

Looking for something That is nice to eat
You better duck

When I show up

The goo goo muck

I'm the night headhunter Looking for some head

With a way-out body Underneath that head

Yeah, I'll get you, baby With a little luck

'Cause I'm a teenage tiger And a goo goo muck

You better duck

When I show up

The goo goo muck
(Y/n) and Enid dance together, elated, his eyes waver only for a moment to see his sister, somewhat enjoying herself, which brings a bit of joy to himself.
Most have calmed down after the dance, and Wednesday exits the dance floor to the side rooms, as Bianca sits
“Whoever invented high heels clearly had a side hustle as a torturer.”
“As my dear mother always says, "Fire tests gold, suffering tests a woman." Bianca said
“Speaking of suffering, where's your date? I didn't see you and Xavier on the dance floor.”
“We had a little tiff. About you, actually.
You don't know what it's like.”
“Being beautiful and popular?”
“Never knowing people's true feelings. If someone likes me for me.”
“What about your amulet?”
“It's not foolproof. It's a mild prophylactic, so to speak. That's why Xavier broke up with me.
He could never fully trust me. The worst part is I could never trust his feelings either. I never knew if they were real or not. You're lucky.You don't care what people think of you.”
“Honestly, I wish I cared a little more…” Wednesday replies, “My brother is the sympathetic one.
“He also has quite the looks..” Bianca chimes in.
“I can barely handle Enid drooling over him I don’t need another. His happiness makes me life sick.”
“I’m just saying your brother is.. a thriller.” Bianca says, and if on queue, a familiar song begins to play. (Y/n)s body moves almost like a zombie, perfectly mimicking a dance
It's close to midnight
And something evil's lurking in the dark
Under the moonlight
You see a sight that almost stops your heart
You try to scream
But terror takes the sound before you make it
You start to freeze
As horror looks you right between the eyes
You're paralyzed
'Cause this is thriller, thriller night
And no one's gonna save you from the beast about to strike
You know it's thriller, thriller night
You're fighting for your life inside a killer, thriller tonight, yeah
Ooh, ooh
You hear the door slam
And realize there's nowhere left to run
You feel the cold hand
And wonder if you'll ever see the sun
You close your eyes
And hope that this is just imagination
Girl, but all the while
You hear a creature creepin' up behind
You're out of time
'Cause this is thriller, thriller night!
There ain't no second chance against the thing with forty eyes, girl
Thriller, thriller night
You're fighting for your life inside a killer, thriller tonight
Students begin to chime in, dancing as well, like an army of the undead. A hallowing voice begins to speak, emulating though the world as the song reaches its climax, (Y/n) drops down, slowly crawling towards Enid, like a zombie, until he gets on one knee, and takes her hand, looking lovingly into her eyes.
The foulest stench is in the air
The funk of forty thousand years
And grizzly ghouls from every tomb
Are closing in to seal your doom
And though you fight to stay alive
Your body starts to shiver
For no mere mortal can resist
The evil of the thriller!
(Y/n) slowly stood up, and took Enids hands, looking into her eyes, and for a moment.
“Enid.. I—“ he says stammering, but she takes the moment for herself, because this is her moment and she gives him the softest kiss on the lips. (Y/n) stares in disbelief.
“I’m sorry!” Enid begins “I wanted to make Ajax jealous cause I knew he’d be coming here with another girl, but I couldn’t do that to you. And Wednesday talked me into telling you the truth and I just can’t lie anymore.. do you, forgive me?” She asks, he continues to stare, before his hands awkwardly wrap around her.
“I do… it’s just..” he lets go, and tries to speak, before noticing something, red.
“Enid? Are you okay? You’re blessing.”
“What?” Enid feels something rush down here face as she sees red. Soon the room begins to pour red, seemingly blood, which grossly stains the white themed party. (y/n) looks around At everyone panicking, and Enid spots Lucas leaving and follows.
“Enid? Enid!” He says, “They couldn't even spring for real pigs' blood. It's only paint.” He turns to his sister, who’s smirking.
“…. Wednesday..” he says.
“No. I had nothing to do with this.” She says
“This time, I actually believe you.. give me a moment.” He walks off to chase after Enid, as she spots Lucas with other Jericho boys, laughing as they poured the red ink into the schools water supply.
“You did this?” Enid said, holding back tears, “I can't believe I fell for your crap. Enid, after Crackstone's statue... I thought you were different.”
The Malicious laughter of the boys echo in the night, “Wolf out! Wolf out! Wolf out!” They chant, before (Y/n) exits. He see Enid on the verge of tears and the bullying monsters, he storms over.
“Get away from her, now.” He says, Lucas looks around, seeing the situation slowly rise in tension, the three other boys surround (Y/n).
“Or what? You gonna cry to your Mommy? Freak.”
“I bet his moms an ugly ghoul or something.”
“Ha! Is he right? I bet your dad is just as gross.”
“You’re gonna look like it when we’re through with you.”
(Y/n) said nothing for the moment. He calmly took the blood on his face and combed his hair back with it.
“You are Hopelessly outnumbered..” he says, the boys chuckle.
“Really? Just you, Asshat.”
“No, it isn’t.” He takes a deep breath, and looks down. They look down as well, as if the bowels of hell opened up, glowing hands slowly begin to erupt from the ground, swiping at boys. They scream and scamper about to abound being dragged to hell. But hands grab them, ghosts and ghouls alike hold them in place, ready to drag them to the underworld. (Y/n) calmly turns to Lucas.
“Take your friends, and never come back here. Or I will drag you to hell personally.” With a snap of his fingers, the hands let them go and scurry off. He looks down at the hands.
“I thank you for your assistance, and yours mister Poe.” He says to a ghostly man. Who resembles the fallen poet, he nods
“Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary” the ghost says.
“... Quoth the Raven, Nevermore.” (Y/n) replies, and the ghosts fade. (Y/n) turns to Enid and rushes to her side.
“Are you okay?” He asks, and she hugs him with no hesitation. He gladly accepts her affection, until her claws accidentally come out, poking his back
“Ow ow Enid! Claws!” He says and she lets go.
“I’m sorry! Sorry..” the two stand there, “I.. I’ve never gotten this far with a woman.” He admits. “What is, the next step?” He asks
“Oh. We should, uh...We should probably take it slow.” Enid says, and offers her hand, and he holds it.
“I can do.. slow.” He says with a smile, it quickly fades though, as Bianca comes in, spotting him.
“(Y/n)!” She says
“Yes? We Found the fools behind the prank..”
“No it’s not that!”
“What is it?”
“It’s your sister.. and Eugene.”
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just-zy · 3 months
Cursed Bloodsucker
pairing: Wednesday Addams x Fem Reader!
summary: A day of the week, you'd think curses and hexes was all on the same day, but surely it wasn't that bad.. You had a girlfriend, didn't you?
A/N: I feel good tonight, and I feel like I didn't do pretty shitty here..
Warnings!: ermmm....ooc wednesday probably..
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Being a vampire had its perks, but everything seemed to be..a downside for a certain individual today, specifically, friday. One might say, 'Oh, but how bad can it be?', well...
"O–Ow, Jesus Christ, easy on the stitches Wednesday.."
"If you'd just listen to what I had told you, we wouldn't be in this predicament."
Waking up early wasn't a problem for the vampire, so instead of listening to Wednesday, she decided to sleep in, and look where that got the bloodsucker. Running off to her second period while trying to neat out her wrinkled vest. She couldn't see well really, having her satchel slinging on her shoulder for dear life, her sunglasses almost falling off before she got inside the classroom, what a sight to see.
Disheveled hair, wrinkled clothes, slipping satchel, she thought it couldn't get worse.
She might've jinxed that one, that for a moment she thought she was cursed for living on specific days.
Walking was supposedly calming for the vampire, but today just seemed to be a day you wanted to get over with.
"Okay, what's for lunch, ooh– gimme!"
"Y– Y/N! Stop—!"
She was determined to have a bite of whatever Enid was having for lunch, unknowingly, the utensil Enid decided to use for todays lunch was silvered utensils. Why did that school have silvered utensils anyway? Well, labels. They have labels.
She reacted instantly to the object, dropping the spoon, immediately. "Fucks sake! Wha–"
"That's silver!"
If only she didn't let her intrusive thoughts win for once, maybe then she'd live another day.
Another problem, a full moon was happening tonight, what a coincidence!
She felt too worn out to even go out and feed, but she just had to, didn't she.
That same night, she did quite have an interaction with a shifting wolf, then gets mauled. What are the chances, huh? Thankfully, Wednesday was there to save the day! Or night.
"I feel exhausted, thank goodness it's the weekend tomorrow..I don't always have the best luck on friday's I swear, I'm cursed."
"Perhaps it's because you think you are."
Wednesday tidies the kit and stitches on the vampires bed, making her way in the bathroom and began cleansing her hands filled with the blood of her girlfriend.
"No– I really do have bad lucks on fridays.. Remember that one time I had an essay due? And I accidentally poured coffee, everywhere. Then there was that time when I slipped on the stairs and nipped my fucking tooth, and had my lip busted. But, I guess– they weren't as bad.. Because I had a lovely, gorgeous girlfriend to help me recover from all of that.."
The raven sat next to the vampire, scrutinizing her lover. She had a light smirk plastered on her lips, she leaned forward, your lips mere inches away from touching. You waited, you always did. You closed your eyes, awaiting her plump crimson lips making contact with yours, but that didn't happen. Tonight was different, she felt like tormenting you. She had only pecked your cheek.
What. The. Fuck.
Bothered, you gazed at her as she began inspecting the stitches on your arm. "Stitches look horrendous on you, Cara Mia."
"You're just pure evil, like the devil, did you know that?" You grumbled, unhappy that she still hasn't given you the one thing that you were waiting for all day, considering she was out with Eugene the whole day.
"Some consider me as Lucifer's daughter, but that isn't new, no."
Her eyes looked rather, luminous under the moons emitting light, you were ready to do everything she'd order you to, even let her redo the perfect stitches she's done just so she could have all her attention back at you, while she enjoys at what she does best. Being your girlfriend.
You didn't dare disrespect her, or even trespass her boundaries and limitations. Never in your life would anything hurtful leave that mouth of yours, you love her too much to do so.
Your gaze didn't leave her still figure, if anything it made you more focused on her, and only her. Your fingertips grazing on her pale skin, feeling her burgundy lips on your finger, to your desperate bloodied lips.
Fridays in the morning were a no, but the night time was an exception.
A/N: Wednesday has my heart, but she's soo difficult to write for sometimes 💔 this is a makeup for the recent imagine 😌
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sleepyangelkami · 4 months
AHH I’m seriously so jealous of your writing😭 can you write something about carls girl never realizing when people are flirting with her and he doesn’t get jelly but can help but get a little protective? ❣️❣️
OBLIVIOUS c.grimes
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 ☆ WORD COUNT - 2.1K
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 ☆ SUMMARY - oblivion was your middle name, never seeing the various places flirting came from. but carl noticed. of course he noticed. and with your harmless oblivion, he had to take action into his own hands.
 ☆ WARNINGS - ditzy + oblivious!reader, ron, flirting, protectiveness, (3) use of y/n, petnames, intended lowercase, nothing i write is ever proofread 🩷
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carl wouldn't exactly say he had a 'wide group of friends'.
when they moved into alexandria, carl had already been on the road so long that he'd lost interest in people his age. he preferred the strong fighters he stood by like his father and daryl. he didn't seem to have much time for anyone else.
well, anyone but you.
you were the opposite of them, friendly and kind, oblivious as a bat.
rick adored the fact that even in a world like their own, his son had managed to find love. he'd let you into the family with open arms, seeing nothing but pure intentions behind your pretty smile that had half the town whipped. if only you'd glanced around to notice. you were too busy trying to avoid the poles you almost walked into, though.
but despite his love for his sons loving nature of his own, he worried for him. he was constantly on his back about being a 'normal teenager' he was supposed to grow old surrounded by people, not just wither away when you weren't around.
this was what possessed carl to invite ron over. well, technically he didn't invite him over, rick did, and technically, it was supposed to be ron, mickey and enid. however, enid and ron had just recently broke up and mickey was trying to support her through it (they were stealing whiskey from his dad's liquor cabinet.)
he would have invited you over too, if only ron wasn't so... "hey, man, so where's y/n?"
carl couldn't help but roll his eyes before picking up his console controller. the only good thing about ron coming over was the fact that carl got to absolutely obliterate him in console games. which was sort of embarrassing for ron seeing as carl had spent his childhood fighting off the real things they fought against in pixles. "at home." he answered sourly.
cue the oblivion.
you'd been friends with ron longer than you'd known carl. but that didn't mean anything to him. you were friends with everyone. the only problem was that you were completely oblivious to the fact that he was downright in love with you.
carl wasn't exactly jealous, no, he had more faith in you than that.
however, he'd be lying if he didn't find himself bubbling over every time your name slipped from between his chapped lips. ron barely knew you. you were carl's.
"ah." smacking his lips together annoyingly as he sat against the cushion beneath him, cushioning him from the carpet. yes, ron needed cushioning from the carpet. "she's always been like that, a hermit, that one." as if he'd known you for centuries.
carl barely glanced forward, a look of un-amusement on his face before turning back to the screen.
ron stuffed his face with the chips next to him. "what?" voice all muffled.
carl didn't even get to answer for before his lips so much as parted, a sound was heard from the front of his house. he could make out your girlish giggles before he could hear the door open and close. you were such a soft person but there was nothing soft in the way you tossed the door closed excitedly. "carl!" your voice echoed through the house, stopping his heart momentarily.
there was something so regretful about ron perking up on carl's living room floor. your giggles slowed to a stop and carl saw you standing in the doorway, glancing at ron as your smile faded. "hey, baby." ignoring the look across your face.
you weren't sad ron was here, you were happy carl was hanging out with people. it was more confusion, he hadn't mentioned this. you shrugged it off, thinking perhaps it was a surprise visit. you did like surprises. you didn't so much as think twice, the sound of his voice soothing you and turning your brain to mush.
"hi! hi ron." smile suddenly returning. carl always found it funny, how quickly your expressions could change. but he liked you this way, easy to read. "look what I made!"
you were prancing over to where he stood on the couch within seconds. carl watched as you let wool unravel.
there wasn't much to do around alexandria seeing as you worked in the gardens most days and some days it was much too rainy or muddy so you spent most your time in your room and with carl, of course. sometimes both.
when you'd told carl weeks ago that you'd decided to take up crocheting he looked at you funny, wondering what the hell was a crochet.
you'd read somewhere about it and told him it was basically knitting. then he asked why you couldn't simply knit. he didn't get it, you realised.
nonetheless, he'd been awfully supportive as you came about this new hobby. he watched the pink and white wool against the couch, made yourself with some new stitch you'd learned. there were bows on it too which only made the boy smile. he was sure that if he entered his bedroom now, there'd be at least twenty bows he could spot somewhere around the room that you'd left.
perhaps you were marking your territory.
"wow." he gushed at the piece of fabric. "that's amazing, sweetheart." watching your cheeks go pink.
ron watched from his space on the floor, swallowing the crunchy chips in his mouth. you were close with carl. of course you were he was your boyfriend. but even so, you were close with carl.
always cuddling up to him, getting so close. come to think about it, there wasn't much times he'd seen you both in the same room and not touching. if you weren't, you were usually busy wandering off leaving a distressed carl behind you, holding his hat on his head as he searched for your whereabouts.
a 'thank you' was on the tip of your lips, ready to thank the boy for his constant praise. how could he not? you were making blankets now, that could benefit the whole community. and you'd already given away at least a dozen. "yeah, that's really amazing." ron intervened.
truthfully, you'd almost forgotten he was here.
you'd turned your head to him, little guilt swirling in your veins. you were probably interrupting their 'bro time'. "thanks, ron."
"'course, y/n." the way he said your name had carl's stomach feeling off. "can I see it?"
of course you were much too oblivious to think anything of it, the sweet "sure!" leaving your mouth. carl watched you part from his side, sitting next to ron on the carpet, avoiding the chips that were spilling onto the ground and passing him the blanket.
"wow." his praise seemed sort of... forced but it felt good nonetheless. praise from anyone nowadays felt good. "this is just amazing, you have to teach me some day."
his tone was nothing short of suggestive. luckily for carl, he wasn't the jealous type, at least not with ron anderson. he had enough to be thinking about, like a break in on alexandria and someone mauling you in your sleep. he didn't waste a second thinking of you running off with ron. there wasn't a chance in the galaxy. but that didn't help the knot in his stomach.
not jealousy. but he didn't like the way his hands were straying so close to yours.
you were too ditzy to notice anything of it. but that was the whole thing. you didn't take notice of much, always confused, the perfect target for anyone to prey on.
now, carl didn't exactly think ron was a bad person. however, he wasn't so inclined to leave the both of you alone, he was sure that whether or not you were with carl and whether or not he had been with enid, ron wouldn't hesitate to make a move. and you'd be stuck not knowing what to do, too afraid of hurting someone elses feelings.
"okay." you shrugged your shoulders, missing carl's touch too much to think about teaching ron how to crochet. you often did this, letting your mind stray to the things most important.
like carl, for example. you did it at the worst of times. perhaps you were having an interesting conversation with enid but she spent a little too long getting to the point. before you know it, your mind is on carl or something or other. you moved so fast, never grasping what was said to you. carl always found it sort of adorable. especially when it was you that was telling the stories, venturing off to your side quests along the way.
"yeah?" you didn't nod nor did you answer, your eyes were grazing the blanket and carl could tell you were far away. "how about friday?" this snapped you back, though.
you pondered for a brief moment. you thought nothing of the interaction aside from the fact that you'd have to teach the boy to crochet. you couldn't really teach anyone to do anything, much too side tracked.
you didn't pick up on the way his head moved, his lips quirked and his body leaned into your own, eyes flickering up to carl as his own mouth opened.
"she can't." he answered for you. you were lucky, you knew so much. with carl around, you hardly ever had to think. imagine being so comfortable, to not even have to use your brain. you always joked that he was going to make you lazy. brain dead, even. "we're doing something together."
this you perked up at. "we are?" excitedly turning to the boy as you pondered what it was you could be doing this friday. he often took you outside the walls, leaning against his shoulder and listening to him read the comics he stole on runs. you liked the way he imitated the sounds like 'bang' and 'wack' because he'd always yell just to get you to laugh.
"yeah?" ron's tone suddenly changed from suggestive to not curious but something you couldn't quite put your tongue on. it was as if he'd been challenging the boy. "like what?"
carl tilted his head. he had enough of the boy's childish gimmicks as of now. there were many things he could be doing tonight such as bringing you upstairs and throwing on a dvd for you both or perhaps you could teach him to crochet. but jealous or not, carl had no intentions of leaving you with ron.
"like none of your business." this caught you off guard. carl only really had one tone with you and that was lovesick, filled with admiration. but as he gave ron a kind of glare, you wondered if there was a side to carl that you didn't know.
however, the thought left as soon as it came when you spotted the new cushion covers the grimes' couch had recovered.
ron shook his head, teeth grasping at the inside of his cheek. "I think i'm gonna go." practically daring you to dispute, but your mind wasn't even in the argument.
"i think that's a good idea." carl merely answered, eyes focused on the boy.
ron stood from his place, not bothering to take his wrappers with him. it'd been all you'd noticed, how rude of him. "see you tomorrow, y/n."
"bye." you chirped, still oblivious to the tension in the room.
carl watched as ron stood, glaring at the boy, as if he was trying to get some kind of a reaction out of him. would he really have to fight to the death for him to leave you alone? carl couldn't help but scoff, leaning against the couch without the faintest hint of jealousy in his bones, knowing that as you sat against the carpet, all you cared for was him.
most girls liked the jealousy. carl could think of one thing better than that, though.
as ron left the house, he made sure to shut the door extra loud. carl's glare hardened against the white wood. "carl?" your pretty voice could be heard, sweet as honey.
he shook his head, turning away. "yeah, baby?"
"what are we doing on friday?" confused as to his plans. carl couldn't help but grin at you, shaking his head. even through his tension face off with ron, you hadn't suspected a thing, mind much too innocent to the silence cruelty of others. when he didn't respond, you frowned. "i'm confused."
a laugh puffed from his lips. "you're always confused." you gave him a pathetic attempt of a glare. "come on, dvd?"
"okay!" you chirped, instantly grinning.
forgetting so quickly.
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main masterlist/carl's masterlist
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the-oblivious-writer · 6 months
Too Sweet
Wednesday Addams x Reader
Summary: You and Wednesday were simply night and day, contrasting personalities preventing any chance of pursuit
Warning(s): No dialogue, pining!Wednesday, & no pronouns but the word 'goddess' is used once
Notes: Based off of 'Too Sweet' by the lovely Andrew Hozier, this song feels wenclair coded - hopefully I get the energy to edit them to it one day. This is my first time writing for Wednesday, so constructive criticism is more than welcome, and much appreciated! 🙏 (as it always is)
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Wednesday despised you. She loathed every fiber of your being, every word you spoke, every path you chose. Yet no matter how deep her hatred for you ran, it was all out of pure spite.
You were close friends with Enid, so inevitably that meant you and Wednesday often found yourselves in the same atmosphere. Sometimes you and Enid would have sleepovers and it did not take long for Wednesday to discover you were an early bird opposed to her late night writing sessions. 
You always looked so peaceful while resting. How do you sleep so well? Wednesday wondered. What do you dream about? It’s silly and utterly ridiculous, she knows. But her mind can’t help but stray when it comes to you. You have shown your own concern when it comes to the Addams’ erratic sleep schedule, if you could even classify it as one. You have always said to others—including Wednesday—to live right, to go to bed before the daylight. 
You wake up to watch the sunrise;  it was repulsing how rottenly pure that is. You were drunk on life, a poet—but far from Wednesday’s brand. You had a bright perspective; it was naive, yet wholesome. Your poetry revolves around the optimistic, steadfast side of life—while Wednesday’s consists of more realistic themes such as death, betrayal, and eternal heartbreak. It was a drastic contrast.
Wednesday could never bear such a naive way of life, so she simply doesn’t understand how you do. It was such a frustrating thought, the way you went about. Don’t you just want to wake up dark as a lake, smelling like a bonfire, lost in a haze? You lived such a reserved life in her eyes; treating your mouth as if it's heaven’s gate, your body like it’s the TSA. 
She wasn’t oblivious to the glances you spared her; it was an internal battle refusing to meet them. But there were consequences. Wednesday has seen horrific things, things she believes would force a person like you into abandoning their wide-eyed outlook on life; she refuses to be the one who corrupts you. She wishes she could go along, don’t get her wrong. You were a goddess on earth, inside and out; bright as the morning, as soft as the rain, pretty as a vine, as sweet as a grape. Tooth rotting was what you were, but Wednesday did always deem herself a masochist. 
If you can sit in a barrel, maybe she’ll wait. But until that day, she’d rather take her whiskey neat, raw as the honey in your tea, and coffee black as the ink you use to craft your sugar coated poems. Your sweetness was too overwhelming for her to carry, the looks you gave her alone were laced in your perfection. 
Everything pointed to the evident conclusion; you’re too sweet for her.
A/N: I feel eh abt this one, but I need to experiment with Wednesday more if I wanna get used to writing for her
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melrodrigo · 8 months
baby - w.a. drabble
Reader x Wednesday Addams
Summary: Wednesday helps you study
Word Count: 600+
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“Wednesdayyy,” You whine, dragging out her name as long as you can, “I’m dying here!”
You’re sat cris-crossed, sheets and papers everywhere; bag of cheetos lying discarded on the floor.
Your girlfriend of a year turns towards you, movements sharp and still. Her eyes narrow, the slightest bit more than normal, and you can tell she’s annoyed with you.
“No, you are not. Do not be dramatic Y/N, I’m starting to think Enid’s rubbed off on you too much. You asked me to watch you study, so here I am. I could be doing more productive things right now, YN.”
That was true. You had gone up to Wednesday after class and gently touched her knee, away from everybody else’s eye, and asked her over to “help you study” for a physics exam the next day.
You hoped Wednesday would take the hint and figure out that you weren’t really inviting her to study.
As always, your girlfriend isn’t very good with your hints. It’s almost funny how oblivious she is, contrasted to her intelligence and speediness in almost anything else.
You huff, then mumble lowly under your breath. “Yeah, you could be doing me.”
If Wednesday hears you, she doesn’t do much about it. Only a slight perk of an eyebrow and a roll of her eyes, before she makes her way towards you.
She sits on the floor beside you, grabbing the papers you’d previously thrown when you were complaining.
You stare at her as she does it, marvel in the beauty of your girlfriend. It’ll never get old, you think.
The sudden urge to ask her a question overwhelms you before you can stop yourself.
“Can I touch you?” You ask, with no lust but pure affection. It’s become a habit of yours to ask Wednesday if she’s comfortable with whenever you want to touch her, whether it be a hug or a kiss on the cheek. And right now, you really want to feel her, even if it just be the interlocking of pinkies.
Wednesday cocks her head, gives you a semi-stern look, almost as to say she won’t allow it until you study.
“I’m so tired Wednesday, please?” You plead, probably looking very pathetic to the black haired girl.
Her eyes soften, only the slightest, and obvious to no one but you. It’s a sign she lets you, you’re sure of it. You beam, taking the opportunity to snuggle yourself into her side.
Her touch is so comforting you feel your eyelids fluttering closed within the next few minutes. She was like magic, propelling you towards a dream state you can only reach when you’re with her.
“Come on, baby.” You hear her speak softly, a long pause between ‘on’ and ‘baby’ as if she’s not sure if she should be saying it.
You think it’s the cutest thing; her aversion to pet names. Or more so, her shyness in doing it. She only really ever does it when she’s at her most vulnerable. The last time you got a pet name was when she was literally bleeding out in your arms, many months ago.
You open your eyes, groggily, and feel them focus on Wednesday’s hands rather than her face.
She doesn’t miss it, and smiles just the tiniest bit, before she grabs your attention with a tut.
“I’ll help you, come on.” She urges, lightly touching your thighs to bring you to face her and looking somewhat bashful of the very action.
“Okay. Let’s do it.” You smile and squeeze her sides delicately. The effort she’s putting towards you melts your heart. Sitting up, fueled by Wednesday’s compassion; ready to take on the world if you have to. But first, you’ll deal with Ohm’s Law.
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vaniloqu3nce · 1 year
Yoko: Why are all the women around me secretly pure evil?
Enid: What are you talking about this time, Yoko?
Yoko, pointing at Wednesday: I hugged you and she tried to stab me.
Wednesday: Don’t touch my wife.
Enid: We’re married?
Yoko, pointing at Enid: I watched you try to tear Xavier’s head off.
Enid: In my defense, his face hurts to look at.
Yoko, pointing at Bianca: You literally gave me an allergic reaction!
Bianca: Natural selection should’ve taken you a long time ago, in my defense.
Yoko, pointing at Divina: And its been thirty six seconds since you’ve kissed me!
Divina: Awww, I love you, darling. And in my defense, you’re all the way over there.
Bianca: Oh great, they’re inhaling each other—oh Wednesday and Enid too okay.
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toournextadventure · 2 years
Wednesday texting reader sappy msgs as reader had to leave and enid steals weds phone and searches it
So like Wednesday's lockscreen is reader her homescreen too
Wednesday has reader saved as some cute little thing too
Just pure fluff!!
Wednesday is secretly a simp, we all know this
you simp
Ever since you had left for break, Enid had to suffer through Wednesday’s phone going off every 20 seconds. At first she had thought it was sweet to know that she was finally getting use out of the phone you had gifted her a few months ago. She would sit there and wonder what you were both talking about considering the relationship seemed to be far more you talking, Wednesday listening.
But if she had to hear one more ding at 4am, she was going to throw the damn phone out of the window.
It was 4:30 in the morning and Enid had been listening to Wednesday’s phone vibrate since 10 last night. She wanted to sleep, it would have been easier if you two would just call on the phone like normal people. But no, you two just had to be texting the whole night because it’s not like Wednesday had a roommate or anything!
She waited impatiently until Wednesday got up and went to the bathroom, foolishly leaving her phone where Enid could easily confiscate it. In her defense, the intent had not been to be nosy! It didn’t really matter to her what you were both talking about (though she would be lying if she said she wasn’t curious). All she wanted to do was hide the phone for the rest of the night so she could get a little bit of sleep.
Now, if the phone just so happened to light up when she was holding it, it was coincidental. And if the sight of you as the lock screen was enough to spark her curiosity, then she could be forgiven for being a little bit nosy. After all, the secretive, stoic Wednesday Addams had her partner as her lock screen? Her smiling partner?
The fact that there was no passcode on the phone was entirely Wednesday’s fault. It was the easiest thing in the world to unlock the phone and, what do you know, a picture of the two of you was her home screen. And Wednesday was smiling! Enid could have fainted from the surprise right then and there. Why on earth would Wednesday hide such an adorable smile. And how on earth did you manage to get a picture of it? She had to know your secrets.
The phone vibrated again, and Enid swore on her life she hadn’t meant to pry. But she saw your name pop up as “Mi Amor” with a black heart beside it. How could she not look? Oh god, Enid felt herself swoon at everything she saw. Wednesday was practically waxing poetic to you with every text, getting more and more sappy as the night dragged on.
Enid felt her own cheeks getting hot at how ridiculously romantic Wednesday was. No one would have ever guessed she even had the capability for such kind words, but the amount of times she lauded you was incredible. The pet names, the poetry, the absolute love she sent you time after time. She never would have guessed Wednesday capable or even willing of such love.
Well. She was her father’s daughter.
“What are you doing?”
Oh shit. Enid nearly jumped out of her skin at the sudden appearance of Wednesday. She was standing there in the middle of the room, giving Enid a look that meant she definitely wasn’t playing around. Which Enid knew, but she never wanted to be on the receiving end of it.
“I wasn’t snooping,” Enid defended quickly. But the phone vibrated again and Enid’s eyes instantly looked down to read it before looking back up to see Wednesday’s death glare.
“You’re dead, Sinclair,” Wednesday threatened.
“Listen,” Enid held her hands up in surrender, “I never knew you were such a romantic.”
Wednesday gave Enid a look. Only one. Then one big breath in, one slow exhale. That was all it took before Wednesday started after Enid. Enid let out a scream and started running, the phone still in her hands. Wednesday was going to kill her, this was how she was going to die. She typed out a message on the phone to send to you really quickly.
Your girlfriend is going to kill me, send help!
She hoped you would save her. Apparently, you were the only one who could.
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4noirre · 2 years
xavier thorpe x reader
reader is a witch!
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— Xavier Thorpe found himself standing in the corner of Calcifer Hall where the infamous on campus parties held by the one and only Gargoyle — Ajax Petropolus had always taken place. Party life was no longer the one for him after his messy breakup with the resident queen bee herself.
Hand holding onto the red solo cup, Xavier found his eyes gradually glancing towards one of Nevermore’s certified royalty, You. There you were underneath the rainbow LED lights dancing to a generic party song along side Enid Sinclair — the extrovert of all extroverts.
As the party died down you found yourself making your way towards the balcony. Moonshine above you as u sat on the stone ledge, opening a can of dollar store beer for yourself. “Now what is Salem’s princess doing alone out here? Oh my god, and she’s drinking cheap beer too?” , Xavier faked gasped. “Please, cheap beer happens to be good beer.” , you laughed out shifting to the side to allow space for him to sit.
“So.. what brings you out here magic man?” , you smiled and said out to him. “Oh, Enid vomited on Wednesday and I would rather die than smell the odour of pure gluttony.” gagged the boy and you laughed. God your laugh, to Xavier, hearing u speak and even laugh makes him feel euphoric. Everyday he told the stars that it should’ve been you who he met first instead of that cunning siren.
The both of you now sitting in silence under nothing but the dim starry night with muffled Pitbull songs in the background from the party. “I heard you liked arts, is that right Xavier?” , you began. “I do, it makes me get over things.” the boy replied. “Can i see your art?”, you replied eagerly as Xavier pulled out a small sketchbook from the back pockets of his jeans, flipping through it revealing all of his various sketches from lakes, flowers and animals.
In an instance a piece of paper flew out, it was all too familiar — it was you. “Wait I can explain” , he panicked, but instead a finger flew to his mouth asking him to shush. “This is so cute! Does magic man have a crush on me or what?” you giggled out as he shot a glare. “Let me do u a favour Xavier.” and in an instance your lips were on his gently as you laughed out “i like you too you know.”
A pair of lovers on top of the balcony’s ledge indulging themselves into what was called the purest form of love.
aaa i hope you enjoyed ! make sure to take care everyone
accepting requests for wednesday — netflix series 🪄 feel free to send anything in!
*not proofread
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caitlynskitten · 1 year
Enid: When Wednesday looks at me it’s like the world stops. Time doesn’t exist. There’s nobody around us. It’s like this ethereal feeling that I never want to let go. She’s too pure for this world…. probably too pure for my heart. And every time I’m with her it’s like all my problems are just non existence….
Tyler: That’s something…. I wish she looks at me like that. She…. gives me a different look.
Enid: Why, how does she look at you?
-Last Week-
Tyler: Hey, Wends. How’s your day?
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Tyler: Okay good talk.
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ornii · 3 months
Hello, how are you doing?
I was wondering if you would write a story with Enid x Wednesday x M!reader where the reader is a vortex, like from the Sandman series/comic, and after his and Wednesday's first date he goes to sleep and has a smutty dream before accidentally travels into Wednesday dream. Wednesday's dream was the reader eating her out with her wearing a blindfold while Enid is in the corner rubbing herself.
Due to his confusion and hornyness, the reader accidently travels to Enid's dream. Enid was dreaming that she was being double penetrated by both Y/n and Wednesday with a strap on. Seeing this caused the reader to accidentally break the barrier between their dreams so they all saw what the other was dreaming. This caused them all to wake up and the reader to go over to their shared room to apologize. However, when he arrived and explained what happened, they reached an agreement to make the others dreams a reality. After a full night of sex, the reader and Wednesday are spooning Enid and agree to let her into the relationship.
Take your time and sorry if this is too much.
Night Terrors, Indeed. (18+)
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A Vortex, dreaming being beyond comprehension and understanding. Admittedly you attempted to sleep after your first date with Wednesday, turns out explaining to her the demons that the vortex attracts. Haunting a dream together was a first good date, which lead to an.. interesting night.
Lying in your bed your mind begins to fade into mist. Everything slowly solidifying into a bedroom, an old castle on the coast of England, you sat up and felt an unease about your body, as if you were.. sick. “H..hello?” You spoke into the dimly lit room, a few candles, a fireplace illuminated the front of the bed, candles along certain walls and frames. You could make out a door opening to your left and a figure calmly stepping out of it, Wednesday. She didn’t have a Nevermore uniform on her, it was a thin black lace nightgown, Carrying a single candle she approached.
“Mi querido..” her deep black eyes peered into yours, and she gently placed the candle on the bed rest and leaned into your face.
“You’ve had a long and strenuous battle… allow me to relive you.”
“Wednesday I…” her finger slowly pressed against your lips as she gently crawled into the bed and straddled you. Her cold pale plan gently pressed against your chest, this dream felt so.. real, you wanted it to be real, and her left hand slowly began to train down your abdomen, her fingers softly drag along your skin and the sensation felt so pure. But before you could feel he grasp it, your eyes awoke to the Hellway of Wednesday and Enids dorm. You were standing up, and a look of surprise was on your face. “Am I… no.. dreams must be interlocking.” You thought to yourself and walked along the hall. Nearing the door, you heard a gentle moan behind the door. Curiosity and arousal fill your mind and you twists the door knob and peer into the bedroom, and your eyes went to the right side to Wednesdays side and to the origin of the sounds.
Her hands were bound by handcuffs, though a rail of her bedframe, her eyes bound by a wrapping and her bottom lip was bitten, as she was breathing heavily, sweat dripping down her neck to her back, bare chest with supple breasts softly shaking as her shaky moans echo though the room, you couldn’t take your eyes off of her, this was definitely Wednesday’s dream. You watched a pair of very familiar hands move upward and grip her waist, it was yours. You saw yourself right between her legs, using your tongue to lap against her walls and the warmth of your breath brush against her flesh. Her legs instinctively wrap around your neck, inching closer to an orgasm, the soft whimpers of Enid catch your ear and you lean in a bit further, your eyes caught Enid, her legs gently rubbing together as one hand was in between and the other gently massaging her own breast, her eyes so crazily focused on watching Wednesday and the dream version of you being so… intimate. You closed the door swiftly and tried to press those thoughts out of your mind, and turned left, and blinked somehow you were back at the same door, as if the world itself moved to be fixated on your eyes. You reached and gripped the handle again and opened the door, this time the positions changed, you watched yourself lie on Enid’s Bed, her on top, palms gripping your shoulders as she rides the dream version of you, Wednesday was also behind her, her arm grasping her neck as she was also behind Enid, using a strap on she also decided to plunder the Werewolf’s body. Enid was in bliss, a mix of pleasure and wolf like mating she was enjoying herself a lot more than most. And admittedly you wanted to put yourself in the mix, you gripped the handle harder, biting your lip you felt the arousal build up and take over, you closed the door once more, but hard, and with that slam you woke up from your invasion of dreams. Sweating and with a very abrupt form of morning wood. You took a deep breath to compose yourself. Sitting up you exhaled and felt a deep feeling, and you had to alleviate it.
Gently knocking on Wednesday’s door, you waited, it was a bit of shuffling and you watched it open to Wednesday in a gown, and Enid looked a bit, awkward. “Can I.. come in?” You asked, and Wednesday stepped back to let you in. You saw Enid in her bed, curled up slightly, not able to make eye contact with you. Wednesday stood in the room, a bit uncomfortable herself. You had a very good idea of why they looked like that.
“So… I’m sorry about, all of that.” You spoke up first, and Wednesday took a breath. “You upset Enid.” Wednesday frowned, she wasn’t angry about her dream being taken advantage of, she was upset that Enid was upset.
“Enid… I’m sorry I didn’t mean to.” You bit your lip to try not to say something dumb. Enid finally looked up at you, cute puppy dog eyes, “It’s okay.. I know you didn’t mean to.. I just, didn’t want you to see what I was—“
“Fantasizing?” Wednesday finished, “Yours was no better, you like me watching?” Enid replies, Wednesday for the first time was actually embarrassed. “Well.. no, your infectious personality just corrupted my dream.” Wednesday lies, but gets an idea. She turns to you, and looks you up and down.
“I have a way of you to repay us… help us make our dreams a reality.” She said, which piqued the interest of Enid. She walked over to Wednesday, a bit conflicted but when she met Wednesdays gaze, she accepted and also turned to you.
“I mean.. it’s only fair.” She said hiding a sly grin, and you were obviously stuck between a rock and.. two very hard places. You sighed and gently gripped your shirt. “Well.. we can all at least enjoy it.
And Enjoy you did.
Dawn began to crack though the glass windows and hit your eyes, they flickered opened and you looked to the roof off the room, Wednesday was already awake, just not particularly motivated in moving. Snuggled up with your left arm she tilted her head near yours.
“I half expected you to die during it, Enid gets insatiable during the mating season.” Wednesdays palm gently pressed against the center of your chest, feeling your heartbeat. “I’m… actually glad you’re alive.”
“Well of course, would he too much work getting rid of my body.” You said jokingly, you couldn’t see it, but she smiled slightly. “That too… but I’d be upset we might not be able to continue this… Polyamorous relationship more.”
“It’s not because I’m really good at working my tongue, is it?” You moved your hand down her backside. Wednesday bit her lip to avoid admitting that her moans were louder than she’d like to admit. “Your performance was.. sufficient.” Wednesday said, “Well I’m sure Enid loved yours, although you were a pain in her ass.” You smirked, looking at the roof.
“Was that an attempt at a joke?” She said.
“Yeah, funny wasn’t it?” You asked, moments pass, silence, until Wednesday uttered;
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fanficonly · 2 years
Wenclair - One Shot -
"I get paid in Favours"
I could not get this idea out of my head, I must have seen a prompt or something somewhere and it's been floating around in my subconscious every since. So thought I'd write a little one-shot to get it out ... Hope you enjoy 😋
"WEDNESDAY ADDAMS?!" Enid screamed causing a few heads to turn including the referred to Wednesday Addams who just scrunch her eyebrows from across the corridor and turned her attention back to her conversation.
"Shhhhh shhh" Yoko hushed her loud friend, darting her eyes around in a small panic "Shut up" she whispered in a harsh tone pushing Enid into the closet behind them away from the prying ears of nevermore students.
"Are you crazy?!" Enid squeaked out in pure fear "Like did somebody spike your blood bag today with crazy juice!" She asked scared, serious and suspicious of her best friends motives.
"Girl chill it was just a suggestion." She gritted her fangs and rolled her eyes at her over frantic bestie.
"Listen I know I need help but that girl is severely unstable and strangely enough the most sought after girl in the school if I ask her for a favour do you know what kind of debt I would need to repay?" Enid panicked all flustered just from the mere mention of the raven haired goddess that plagued the halls of Nevermore.
"She's not all bad" Yoko refutes, a certain knowing smile spreading across her face.
Wednesday Addams was the newest of the Nevermore bunch to be admitted to the school grounds as an outcast and Enid had taken it upon herself to try and get to know everything about her.
She was a force to be reckoned with. And to Enid she was A monotone little ball of madness and mystery that had put the entire school under some kind of witchy spell, she was sure of it.
Since arriving, Wednesday Addams had been hunted, haunted and the victim of an attempted murder... Twice. And even so everyone at Nevermore turned a blind eye allowing her to run a riot across her perfectly protected school. She even had people swooning over her like she was some perverse prize to be one.
You see Enid was the eyes and ears of Nevermore, the go to girl for all the gossip and she always knew everything. But Wednesday Addams remained this silent, closed book of nothingness and that didn't sit right with the blonde girl.
Since being here Enid hadn't avoided the sinister girl at all costs like others originally had. Instead, after every advance she made towards Wednesday had been promptly shut down and her last attempt landing her in the infirmary she made a point of staying as far away from her as possible. This would go unnoticed by Wednesday as she just wasn't interested in thrusting herself into a drama filled void.
There was a thin line between charming and just plain rude, and Enid began to make the distinction easily after only a few weeks.
"I can't ask her for help Yoko" she deflected once again her eyes flicking across her surroundings in a panicked manner "It's suicide!" She whispered again her eyes glazed stepping towards Yoko.
"You need her Enid" Yoko shrugged. "I don't know what else to tell you" she placed a comforting hand on her shoulder and half smiled at the werewolf before, turning around, opening the door and leaving Enid alone with her chaotic mess of a mind buzzing with all the terrifying situations she was about to doom herself too.
Later on that day Enid was sat about 3 tables across from the infamous Wednesday Addams trying to muster up the courage to go and talk to her.
She had spent the better part of 2 hours trying to figure out a solution to her little problem but had been unsuccessful and finally accepted that she needed help from the enemy. After noticing her retreat to the library for her free period she had followed her silently, getting ready to ask for a favour.
She looked towards Wednesday who was sat comfortable reading a novel, enjoying the sweet solitude of silence. Then she looked away frustrated, then looked back hopefully before again giving into her anxiety and abandoning her task.
She stared at the ground "Come on Enid don't be an idiot just go and TALK to her" she scolded, whispering to herself. She took a deep breath squeezed her eyes shut and then looked back at Wednesday.
But she wasn't there.
It was as if she had vanished into thin air and in her place an empty chair sat.
"Talk to who?" She heard a voice from behind her and she immediately went into defense mode, her claws retracting and her fangs making an unwanted appearance.
She had recognised the voice and froze unable to peel her eyes away from table to turn and address the girl.
Wednesday,it seemed had freaking teleported behind her because how else, just stood there expectantly waiting for a response.
"Oh have I intruded in a private conversation between you and the invisible man I wasn't aware he was a part of the Nevermore student body" Wednesday remarked a little irritated that the wolf girl had ignored her.
Sure, it wasn't like she was invited into this conversation but Wednesday enjoyed the feeling of being unwanted and making a situation unnecessarily uncomfortable. It amused her to no end especially when she watched the werewolf bite back.
"What's it to you!" She barked out, placing her hand on the back of her chair and turning to shoot daggers at the rude student.
"ooo she barks but does she bite?" Wednesday smirked. It almost felt like she was flirting which only sent Enid's brain into panic mode, doomed never to return back to normal.
"I-uhh" she stuttered out, mentally screaming at herself for sounding so stupid.
"You've been staring at me for the last 20 minutes I would like to know why" Wednesday raised an eyebrow. She had felt the unnerving sense of someone watching her and had immediately recognised it to be Enid after no longer than 30 seconds of her continual staring.
Enid stood up, straightening out her soft striped sleek jumper nervously.
"H-how did you even know that?" She questioned. She was under the impression that she had remained elusive but clearly she was wrong. Or Wednesday just had these incredible witchy senses that helped her be astonishingly perceptive of her environment.
"An eye for an eye?" Wednesday negotiated "You answer my question I'll answer yours" she explained further with a slight nod.
"I was just- I kind of-I just needed to ask" she attempted to begin a few times before mentally face-palming and giving up completely.
"Interesting" Wednesday placed her hand on her chin contemplating the possibilities for Enid's nervousness. This was the first she had ever spoken to her without malicious intent but she had always been rather intrigued by the bubbly creature. And not just because she was the only one in this wretched place who didn't actively avoid her or admire her from afar when she first arrived at the school... Well usually, today being the obvious exception.
"Listen I just- I need your help okay I was told you were the one to go to for ummm certain items" Enid managed to mutter out.
Wednesday understood now but was still encapsulated by the reaction she was getting from the half turned wolf in front of her.
"Come with me" Wednesday tilted her head to direct the girl and wandered into the library stacks, smirking to herself when she heard Enid behind her emit a low growl but still follow her anyway.
"What do you need?" She asked unbothered.
"Suppressants" Enid said, finally a normal conversation she breathed out relaxing. "The full moon is tomorrow" she needlessly explained.
"You don't have any?" Wednesday asked, perplexed.
"No" Enid shrugged.
"But you're a werewolf" Wednesday had to suppress the chuckle that bubbled in the back of her throat like acid.
"I've never fully turned so I've never needed them before but it feels different this time" she explained annoyed "Listen can you get me some or not? I was told you could" she snapped a little bit, discontented once again. This conversation was becoming more difficult by the millisecond and Enid was becoming increasingly more discouraged.
"Don't believe everything you hear" Wednesday mocked, making an obvious jab at Enid's tendency to gossip.
"So that's a No" she sighed in annoyance. So she had risked her sanity for absolutely nothing.
"I didn't say that" Wednesday spoke and Enid perked up noticeably.
"So you can?" she didn't even care that her little outburst of emotions caused Wednesday to wince, she was just happy that she would finally get a good night's rest.
"Yes but you know everything has a price" Wednesday told her plainly.
"Name it" Enid made no attempt to hide her eagerness and reached out to Wednesday who politely stepped back.
"I get paid in favours when I need you I'll let you know" Wednesday explained, waiting for Enid to agree to her conditions before acknowledging the authenticity of the deal.
"Okay but like I don't do anything criminal" Enid made a disgusted face and shuddered even at the thought.
"How utterly dull" Wednesday cocked an eyebrow, unable to understand why this girl was not enticed by the idea of doing something bad.
"Excuse you do I look dull to you" she gestured to her incredibly colourful outfit and distinct features. She had never been so offended by someone before. The audacity!
"No you look rather..." Wednesday flicked her eyes up and down Enid's body "enticing actually" she decided, her lip twitching quietly.
"Umm...Thanks" Enid was taken aback by the compliment and had to force her guard to remain in place rather than create a fortress around her thoughts. This was confusing.
"You know there are other ways to surpress your animalistic urges" Wednesday wiggled her eyebrows and Enids eyes went wide. Was she flirting? Wednesday can flirt? What was happening?! Enid began to lose it, she wasn't sure how to process what she had just heard.
Her brain went into overdrive. Listen. Everyone at Nevermore knew Enid was a raging homo and having an intimidating yet oddly attractive girl flirt with her only ever forcibly sent into her gay panic mode. Naturally.
But Wednesday Addams? Nooo she wasn't... She couldn't be. And even if she was why would she pursue Enid? Surely a girl whose hobbies included witchcraft, grave digging and murder had no business in Enid's innocent unicorn and rainbow filled world... Right?
She must just be misreading her, its not like she's amazing at reading signals from normal people let alone the bluntest girl she had ever met.
"Like what?" Enid found herself asking and absolutely slapped herself for being so stupid and playing into it. She hadn't even realised she had said it until it came spilling out of her mouth like an untamed river.
"Wouldn't you like to know" Wednesday let a deviant smile dance its way across her lips proudly before walking past Enid leaving her in a flustered and confused state.
She stopped just before passing her, shoulder to shoulder, and spoke "Would you?" She asked and Enid turned her head hesitantly. Looking at Wednesday she suddenly felt her knees go weak as she asked
"Would I what?" smiling nervously.
"Like to know" Wednesday spoke as if what she was talking about was insanely obvious. She stared into her soul for a moment before swallowing hard.
"Ummm" Enid gritted her teeth and extensively avoided the attempted eye contact from Wednesday
"I'll let you think about it" she smirked again, knowing exactly the effect she was having on Enid and relishing in it all.
She then left taking long strides, only stopping to turn back and say " Either way I'll have whatever suppressant you need waiting for you in my dorm tonight, remember you have options" Wednesday fought the urge to wink but commended herself on a beautifully played out flirtatious scene she was sure to write about later.
"8' O'Clock okay?" Enid mumbled out nervously, swallowing the anxious lump that had formed in her now extremely dry throat.
"I look forward to seeing if your bark is worse than your bite" Wednesday teased before leaving Enid all hot and bothered and confused and flustered and all of the words and feelings basically.
Enid just stood there, blinked slowly before throwing herself back into the stack of books for support, closing her eyes and lightly hitting her head off of it in pure embarrassment on how she had handled that situation.
"What the f-" she whispered sliding down into a seated position and letting her thoughts drift to what the night may bring with Wednesday Addams. WEDNESDAY FREAKING ADDAMS.
Part 2 -As requested
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sleepyangelkami · 5 months
Omgg I'm new to tublr but I love ur work smm could you pls do more carl grimes
SHELTERED c.grimes
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 ☆ WORD COUNT - 2.8K
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 ☆ SUMMARY - carl's alexandrian girlfriend had always been somewhat sheltered, never so much as laid eyes on a zombie. however, when he decides to go on a supply run with his dad, some of her friends drag her to a party in the woods where she uncovers her first ever walker.
 ☆ WARNINGS - blood, gore, zombies, twd themes, violence, guns, crying, anxiety, worry, (1) use of y/n, pet names, intended lower case, nothing i write is ever proofread 🩷
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alexandria was a quiet place in a world of chaos. it was nothing but comfort and clouds, nothing to worry for, nothing to be anxious about.
carl was anything but.
the boy was quite alike a storm the minute he'd entered the town. he was... different from other kids, that much was for sure. he was interested in comics and action while most the kids of alexandria only cared for their xbox's that were powered by the solar pannels.
so it was safe to say that when carl grimes made his way to the gazebo on a sunny day to read his action comic, you sitting with your romance novel threw him off a little.
he soon realised that you too were different.
you two got close so quickly, with your shelteredness, growing up in alexandria and his need to protect, having been on the road for so long, you were practically attached by the hip and the whole of alexandria could see.
when carl first met you, he took not of the plain innocence you displayed, not just because of your skirts and dresses that you pranced around in, pretty bow against your hair, but the fact that you grew up in alexandria. when shit hit the fan and the world turned to death, you never had to experience any of it. you were simply shielded from the dangers of the world as soon as the walls had been placed around your town.
truthfully, carl was glad.
one of the things the boy loved the most about you was the type of purity you displayed. every one of your actions was done with the need to help people. pure intentions.
you didn't have the type of heart for a world like their own, much too sweet to face the death that would stare right back at you.
"do you have to go?" That mumble he'd grown rather attached to. you used that mumble when you were tired, like now when the sun had set and darkness loomed over the town, still wrapped in your own bedsheets.
the boy hummed with dissatisfaction. "i'll be back tomorrow night." it wasn't unusual for the boy to leave at random hours of the night, not making it back until the next. it was to help his father and daryl on their runs, to get what the town needed.
was it selfish to wish he didn't have to?
you made a whine type of noise while muffled between the white pillows. carl only smiled softly. "get some rest, baby." the boy with the cowboy hat pressed a gentle kiss against the crown of your head, picking up his gun and making his way towards the door. "goodnight."
"g'night." but you were almost positive that you'd been asleep by the time the door closed shut again.
as much as carl loved going out on runs, there was something so god awful about leaving you wrapped up in the bed, alone. you were so sheltered your entire life, never knowing what was out there. it was almost as if he felt the need to protect you at all times, every day, assure both you and him that nothing was going to happen to you.
you had no intentions of leaving the walls.
alexandria was your home, your safety. you'd never so much as seen a walker before and you didn't plan on it anytime soon.
so when the words, "so, are you going?" came out of your best friends boyfriends lips, you only stared in shock.
enid, your best friend could only roll her eyes at the boy. "she doesn't want to." she spoke for you. "y/n doesn't like going outside of the walls, you know this."
and yet, he pressed further. "come on, everyone's gonna bet there, this will be the biggest one yet." a party that the teenagers and some of the younger adults went to. it was beyond the walls, out past where you were supposed to be. if anyone were to ever find out, you'd all be killed. so, you kept your mouth shut in hoping that if someone did find out about the parties, you'd never be tied to it. it wasn't as if you'd ever gone to one. "your little boyfriend never lets you go."
ron anderson wasn't the fondest of your boyfriend. it was evident since the day they met that they didn't like each other. believe me, carl had as much of a distaste for the boy as he did him. "carl isn't the reason."
"then what is?" you shrugged your shoulders, glancing down at your shoes. "you never do anything with us, it's like carl is the only thing you care about."
manipulation at it's finest. harmless, though, right?
"what?" an evident frown came across your face upon the realisation that your friends weren't even all the way sure if you liked them. "i do care about you guys."
"then do something with us for a change." the fourth of the group chimed in, mikey was his name. "besides, carl's gone and it's not like we're gonna tell him. your secrets safe with us."
you didn't want to go.
yet somehow, you found yourself wound up exactly where you 'didn't want to be'.
it wasn't that you were worried what carl would think. truthfully, as much as you valued the boy's opinion, you would never let him boss you around and tell you what you could and couldn't do. carl accepted you for all the beauty, all the ugly and never so much as questioned your actions, only doting when you got hurt. you couldn't love someone more. and neither could he.
but when your friends announced that they thought all you cared about was carl, you couldn't help but feel the guilt swirl through your veins. you loved carl, adored even but you could have friends to.
worried that they'd think you didn't want to hang out with them anymore, you found yourself for the first time in your life, exiting the walls.
you knew it was wrong the moment you stepped outside.
carl's old discarded flannel did nothing to help you keep the heat inside your body. you held it close, hoping the scent of carl would overpower the scent of alcohol that filled your nose. "you okay?" enid was the only one who took notice of your stiff figure.
" 'm fine." was the answer you gave, whether or not it had been true. all your mind could travel to was your boyfriend. yes, you never wanted to leave the walls of alexandria in fear of the walkers but you also knew how much carl wished for you to stay behind the protective walls to.
and he was going to be so mad once he found out where you were.
you could imagine him walking onto the street where your house lay. he'd climbed in through your bedroom window thousands of times before, you left it open for him to enter at any stage of the day or night. now, he'd find an empty bed.
enid noticed the way your face was twitching, though. "you sure? i can stay with you, if you want." but you could see the way her eyes were trailing towards her boyfriend from the other side of the party.
"no, it's okay." the girl gave you a unconvinced face. "really, 'm okay, now go get your boyfriend."
but you weren't okay.
the anxious thought started over as soon as enid left your side. the party unfolded, stupid music playing in the background. surely, that would attract walkers? your hazy eyes looked from person to person. enid was sat atop ron's lap, kissing him. mikey was between two girls, grinning to himself with a bottle in his hands. various other teenagers having the time of their lives. one boy, ethan you thought the name was, was standing on top of a makeshift table, chugging cans until the table collapsed beneath him.
you couldn't bear the sight, nor the smell of alcohol or any of the worry that filled your lungs making it suddenly hard to breathe.
you could imagine the state this would end up in, should a walker make it's way here. the teenagers here were the same sheltered people you'd grown up with, they'd went to the school with you in alexandria, they'd never been beyond the walls. now, they had and they hadn't been hunted down by walkers yet so they didn't expect it to happen.
but what if it did?
none of them were fighters, none of them went on supply runs or so much as tried to deal with walkers before.
it was only a matter of time before something went wrong.
and you simply couldn't be here anymore.
your chest was heavy as you stood from your place on the ground, trying to make your way towards the woods, tripping over rocks and bottles as you went.
the forest was dark and hidden, no light source aside from the moon. you squinted your eyes, trying to see where you were going. you looked in front of you, suddenly not knowing whether to turn left or right.
had you even taken this road on the way here...?
sudden worry that you were going the wrong way. you couldn't hear the music of the party anymore, it was long gone and it had been your only way back there.
you were lost and if you didn't make it back to the party or alexandria soon, nobody would ever find you. that's what you told yourself, at least. carl would spend forever looking for you until one day, he'll stumble across your dead corpse, either half eaten or roaming around in the same clothes you'd worn that day, his flannel shirt hanging from your frame.
the thoughts caused your head to spin, obviously not taking much notice of the ground in front of you. you held your hands out as your foot tripped over a rock, you used them to catch whatever was in front of you, preventing your fall.
you grasped what you thought was a tree.
until you heard the groan of the dead.
it stared you in the eye, his own glazed over with a type of grey. blood surrounded his mouth, dead skin hanging from his body. he appeared to be missing a finger.
you yelped, falling backwards and straight onto your back. your head scratched itself off a rock, using your hands to straighten yourself back up when you noticed it hadn't just been one dead, but three.
they all turned to you, a sick hungry look in their eye as they began stalking forward, gugrles and groans leaving their mouthes as they found the food of that day.
you'd never seen one before though you knew they'd be horrid looking. you never expected the smell, though. the rotting flesh scent that filled your nose, certainly overpowering the scent of the flannel. their rotted teeth and lack of hair had you scrambling to find something, a rock, a discarded knife or twig, something to use as some kind of a weapon.
but the truth was, you'd been sheltered too long.
how were you ever supposed to pick yourself up out of something like this when you didn't know the first thing about walkers.
you would have accepted your faith with a scream, let them tear into your flesh because you were no help to anybody, including yourself.
you couldn't so much as weave your way away from three walkers, hopeless.
then the sight of a knife sticking into his head was in front of you.
blood spurted out, covering your clothes and the boy next to the walker. carl grimes with his infamous sheriff's hat along with the knife that he plunged into the walker's head. "what the hell are you doing out here?!" shock was evident in his voice, though he appeared to be alone. he whipped around, taking out both the other two walkers while you merely stared in shock.
the blood that spurted onto the ground as the final walker fell to the grass. your glassy eyes could still make out carl's boot stomping onto its head, squishing it and causing blood, insides and flesh to tear and fall.
carl was met with the sight of your glassy eyes staring up at him, fear-stricken expression.
he found himself rushing towards you.
"'m sorry, 'm so sorry, carl. i didn't― ron―" the words came out like a childish blubber, unable to form sentences as fat tears left your eyes, rolling down your flush cheeks.
"are you bit?" carl didn't care for the words you spoke, scanning your body, pushing your arm up to scan wherever he could. "did you hurt your―" he cut himself off as his eyes landed on the blood dripping from your forehead. "what did you do?"
the sound of his disapproving voice was enough for your breath to shake. "'m sorry." you kept repeating. "i just― please don't be mad at me."
finally the words that ached the back of your throat.
it seemed as though shock was the thing that fell across his face, wondering why you'd ever think he'd get mad at you for something like this. "hey, hey, 'm not mad, baby, c'mere." in the dead of night, through the trees, the boy took you into his arms, seating you onto his lap as the sobs emitted your mouth. he carefully drew circles on your back with the palm of his hand. "you're jus' scared, is all, you're okay, sweetheart." sweet nothings filled your ears, nothing but comfort against your skin.
you choked, blubbering as you pushed your face away from the crook of his neck. "the others― we have to warn them." though eyes still full of tears.
innocence had obviously still been deeply embedded into your brain. otherwise, you would have figured out by now that they'd known. "They know, baby." you looked at him with confusion. "saw a couple of them throwing rocks at a walker."
thoughts filled your brain, confused.
enid and ron told you that this was the safest party there was. and despite your obvious doubts about something so ridiculous, they'd assured you that no walker had ever been so much as seen where you would be going.
you felt a pang of betrayal set in your bones. not only at the fact that they'd lied but at the fact that these people you grew up with, very same innocence as your own, were using walkers like toys, pets even.
"come on, pretty girl." fingers working against your waist, gently soothing the skin. "let's get you home."
home. that sounded nice. "'kay." voice still slick with your earlier tears.
carl practically carried you all the way home. it wasn't until you were sat inside your bathroom, sat against the porcelain toilet while he crouched in front of you on the ground that the tears stopped. "'s gonna hurt." he warned.
you nodded, fingers holding around his own hand while the free one used a cotton pad filled with rubbing alcohol to disinfect the wound.
you winced, glass glossing over again. "i know, sweetheart, i know." pretty words falling from his lips as he cared for you like no other human being would ever be capable of doing. "jus' gotta get it done, yeah?"
and he did just that, quickly disinfecting the wound before grasping the gauze. your eyes were open, staring forward at his pretty face in front of you. he looked tired enough but he usually did with his sunken eye and tired perplexion. you always said it was because he wasn't eating enough. that was the thing about carl, always forgetting to take care of himself in the simplest of ways.
but you? no, he couldn't possibly forget a thing.
" 'm sorry." you'd said it before, but you couldn't express it enough.
carl slowly retracted his hands from your face, sighing gently. he moved his hands back up, only this time they cupped your cheeks instead of dusting your forehead. "what you did was stupid." you nodded in agreement. "you should know better, what's out there should stay out there and you should stay in here, where it's safe." you didn't bother explaining the situation, knowing it'd been you who decided to leave, ron didn't decide that for you. "you're lucky today didn't end worse."
"i know." voice cracking as your eyes gazed down upon the tiled ground of your bathroom where carl crouched.
he lifted your face up with his left hand, tilting his head slightly. "but that doesn't mean 'm mad at you, you know that, right?" you shrugged, supposing you didn't know that. "could never be mad at you."
"'m an idiot." you mumbled, attempting to look as far away from the boy as you could.
"a little." he grinned causing you to turn with a smile of your own. "'s okay, though. i'll do the thinkin' for you from now on, yeah?"
didn't seem like too bad of an idea.
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main masterlist/carl's masterlist
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herlondonboy · 2 years
Pairings: Wednesday Addams x platonic!reader / Enid Sinclair x platonic reader / Larissa Weems x platonic!reader
Summary: 7 reasons to go, 3 reasons to stay
Warnings: suicide, suicidal thoughts, vent fic I guess, so uh, like bcos I need validation 🫶 pure, unfiltered, angst. (Part two here) (Tagging: @lxtins @allisonsblog @wednesday-l0ver @capryuk @smolgayhooman @elduster because they said they’d read it x)
Word Count: 1.1k
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Seven reasons to go, three reasons to stay. It honestly seems like such an easy answer, but if you add a zero onto the end of both numbers it becomes harder. Seventy reasons to go, thirty reasons to stay. You sat atop of this hill, resting your back against the oak tree. Weighing the reasons in your head made the pit in your stomach grow, but it needs to be soon.
1. You have no family.
In a fit of blind rage at eight, you set your house ablaze. The fire started in your parents bedroom where you, your mother and father and your little brother were. Larissa Weems, a family friend, was quick to aid you. She brought you to Nevermore and raised you like her own. It was abnormal for normie families to have Outcast children, but that just meant the Outcast gene laid dormant for a few generations. You didn’t speak to anyone for seven years after the incident.
Though Larissa was the closest thing you had to a family, she wasn’t your family and the kids at school liked to remind you of that.
2. The overwhelming anger.
Your nostrils flared as you watched the boy, whose name you never bothered to learn, called you an orphan for the umpteenth time that day. You clenched your fists, digging your nails into your palm until you felt blood rolling down. Pain makes you human, Larissa had said to you. Why wasn’t it working? A wolf pushed you and you struck him with flame covered fist. Your hand was burned onto his face and he hand to live in humiliation with that scar for the rest of his life.
The kids around you immediately dissipated and ran away from you. Then your roommate asked to switch dorms
3. People would finally care.
They don’t care until it’s too late. You knew this now, throwing the noose end of the rope over the highest branch that you could reach. You couldn’t even cry. Why would cry? Crying for the people that never even batted an eyelash at you. For he people that saw your pain and laughed in your face, dancing on what was left of your happiness, hoping to ruin it all for you. You can imagine the people that pushed you to this crying in each other’s arms as your body was lowered into the ground. Who do they think they are?
4. You hurt everyone you touched.
Larissa had pulled you into a hug when you came to her office sobbing. You were hesitant to accept it, but you did in the end. You remember her scream and push you away. It haunted your nightmares every. Single. Night. You looked down at your hands and your eyes widened at the melted fabric on your palms. She told you that it was all right and that she was just shocked, but you didn’t believe her.
You began using weird techniques you’d read about in books from the library; sitting in the kitchen’s walk in freezer for as long as you could, taking ice baths, letting your anger out in a controlled environment.
5. The dreams.
Waking up drenched in sweat and covered in a crisp duvet was not your forte. In fact, waking up wasn’t your forte. Your family coming back from the dead to berate you, blame you. They wanted to kill you back. Your brother showing you what could’ve been, what would’ve been, what should’ve been him. A dashing you man, your mother had said before casting her eyes over you in disgust. You wanted to apologise, but that didn’t deserve it. They should have to beg you for forgiveness. The world should have to beg you for your forgiveness. And it would have if you really wanted it to. You had the power to burn the world to ash.
6. You’d stop being a burden.
Larissa Weems already had a whole school of children to deal with. And, though she didn’t say it, you knew having you in her office for breakfast, lunch, and dinner was bothering her. You didn’t want to admit it, but you grew to like her presence, so instead of staying cooped up in your room, you stayed cooped up in her office. You’d get short, curt answers when asking something and you took that as a hint.
7. Eternal peace.
You’d be free from all your suffering. You’d be dead, you’d be gone. There’s no analogy for this reason. It’s just a fact. You wanted to be gone, that’s all.
But now the reasons to stay.
1. Your Larissa.
She really was your family. The reason you were still alive right now, but it was proving not to be enough. You just hoped that she didn’t blame herself for this. She had saved you and protected you for as long as she could, but now it was down to you. You had to make a decision and it led to you tightening the rope around the trunk of the tree.
2. The people that liked your company.
You had met Enid Sinclair in your fourth year of solitude since you’d come to Nevermore. She walk talkative and it was nice for the both of you. She liked having someone that listened to her ranting and you liked listening to someone talk to you without belittling your feelings. Then you met Wednesday on your 16th birthday, three years later. She was Enid’s roommate and you were scared that Wednesday was going to take her away from you. But that’s not what happened. Soon in days where you waited for Enid in her dormitory, you found yourself enjoying the silence between you. It wasn’t that Enid’s rambling was annoying, but silence was nice every once in a while. Lastly, you met Eugene. He reminded you of your little brother, predominantly the good parts of him. He was a perfect mix of Wednesday and Enid. You loved hearing about his bees and how his mom’s were doing. You adored reading books with him in the library. He helped you get over your fear of yourself.
3. Life.
Sure, you hated life. But there were fun times like when you were five, on your father’s shoulders as he ran through the forest by Nevermore. Or on your fifteen birthday when Enid and Larissa threw you a surprise party in your dorm where’re the three of you danced the night away. Not to mention when you made Eugene laugh. A smile graced your face the whole day after hearing him cackle at a note you gifted to him. Even if it go you kicked out from the library.
It was moments like that that you craved.
But you didn’t get much more because here you were, standing on a stool as you put your head through the noose. Just as you strained to kick the stool away, you heard a scream.
“No!” They said, but it was too late.
Wednesday was too late.
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smutinlove · 4 months
fem reader
*dad figure glenn♡♡
Reader and carl fight because of y/n got jealous of him and enid always being toghether ( or y/n feels like hes slipping away from her)
anyways u choose the ending, ty:)
enjoy (not proof-read though)
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ────── ⊰
It was unbelievable. Ever since you and the group had gotten to Alexandria, you and Carl had sort of been slipping away from each other.
Carl had adjusted quicker than you did. You always stayed away from most of the Alexandrians, you only ever communicated with them when you needed something.
But other than that, you despised them. They were always "sitting pretty" and they obviously did not know a thing about hardwork and survival.
Carl had also made an odd friend. A friend which you did not like. You hated her. Her name? Enid. She was oddly close with him, always clinging to his shoulder. It pained you. And you loathed Enid.
After pushing your thoughts away, you heard the door to your bedroom open. When you looked up, your eyes met a mesmerizing azure. It was Carl. "Hey, love," Carl said, making you roll yours eyes.
"Carl, it's almost midnight. Where have you been?" You asked, anger slowly seeping into your words. Carl chuckled. "Sorry. I was hanging out with Enid and the guys."
Enid and the guys, huh?
You let out a breathy laugh. "Enid and the guys?" you questioned. "Yeah, what's wrong with that?" asked Carl.
Carl hung out with everyone except you. Hell, he even hung out with Carol. You were worried about him. But you were also mad at him.
"Carl, I can feel you slipping way from me. I love you, you know? You're my best friend and my lover. You're the one, Carl. But I can't stand it! I can't stand you pushing past me all the time!" Tears streamed down your cheeks.
"Y/N, please. I love you too! But I want a life even in this monster-infested world. That doesn't me I'll stop loving you just because I want a life." Carl explained.
"Carl, what the fuck? What about me? You're slipping away from me because of that Enid! And you're losing me." You yelled. You hated saying these things to him, but he needed to know how you felt.
Carl stared at you in disbelief. "Y/N, she's just a friend, I swear!" You rolled your eyes and crossed your arms. "She's flirting with you!" You yelled. "Why can't you understand that? She is fucking flirting with you. That bitch has a crush on you and if you can't see that, fuck you. Talk to me when you've come to your senses!"
You ran out of your bedroom and went downstairs, only to realize that everyone was awake. It was midnight, why were they awake? Then it hit you. They'd all heard your fight with Carl.
And there stood Glenn Rhee. The man that saved you. The man who gave you your life back. He was like a father to you. He cared about you.
And now you found him staring at you with pure pity in his eyes. "Y/N, dear..." And something in you shattered, your heart was in shambles now.
Hearing his voice ended it for you. Tears once again fell down your cheeks. Everyone took it as a sign to leave, making it just you and Glenn downstairs. You ran to him and hugged him.
"It's okay, Y/N, I'm here for you." He let you cry out your frustrations into his shoulder.
After a few minutes, you pulled away from him. "Thank you, Glenn, for being there for me. You're amazing." You sniffled.
Glenn smiled softy. "You're a brave, sweet, and wonderful person. If Carl can't see that, then he's the one missing out." You nodded at his reassuring words.
It had been a few days since your fight with Carl. You had avoided Carl and tried not to think about him. But whenever you thought you'd gotten rid of him from your mind, he'd suddenly appeared in front of you and beg for your forgiveness.
It was getting old.
Now you sat at the edge of your bed, tying your shoelaces when you heard the door creak open. You looked up, your eyes met a pair of azure blues. "Carl, please, leave."
He shook his head.
"No, not until you hear me out, Y/N," you knew it wasn't gonna end unless you listened to him. "Hurry up."
He got close to your and squatted on the floor.
"I'm sorry, okay? I know how you feel around Enid and I should've listened to you. But the thing is, she likes you, love," your eyes widened.
"Yeah. I guess... maybe I should be worried." Carl joked, causing you to smile. "I love you, okay? I would kill everyone for you. You're my family. I don't know how I'll live without you."
You blushed. "You definitely know how to make a girl smile."
───── ❝ authors note ❞ ─────
anyway send more reqs!!! i had so much fun writing this <3
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nnightskiess · 1 year
the dance of death, part three
₊° - 𝐰𝐞𝐝𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐚𝐦𝐬 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: 𝘢𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘮𝘦𝘮𝘣𝘦𝘳𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘯𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘴𝘩𝘢𝘥𝘦 𝘴𝘰𝘤𝘪𝘦𝘵𝘺 𝘵𝘳𝘺 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘪𝘳 𝘣𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘦𝘳 𝘸𝘦𝘥𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘥𝘢𝘺 𝘢𝘸𝘢𝘺 𝘧𝘳𝘰𝘮 𝘥𝘪𝘨𝘨𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘶𝘱 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘣𝘭𝘦𝘮𝘴, 𝘸𝘦𝘥𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘥𝘢𝘺𝘴 𝘯𝘦𝘦𝘥 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘢𝘯𝘴𝘸𝘦𝘳𝘴 𝘰𝘯𝘭𝘺 𝘨𝘳𝘰𝘸𝘴. 𝘢 𝘯𝘦𝘸 𝘮𝘺𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘺 𝘯𝘦𝘦𝘥𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝘣𝘦 𝘴𝘰𝘭𝘷𝘦𝘥, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘴𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘣𝘢𝘤𝘬 𝘥𝘰𝘸𝘯 𝘶𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘭 𝘴𝘩𝘦 𝘩𝘰𝘭𝘥𝘴 𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘴𝘸𝘦𝘳𝘴.
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the dance of death, masterlist
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𝗽𝗹𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗲 𝗱𝗼 𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝗰𝗼𝗽𝘆, 𝗿𝗲𝗽𝘂𝗯𝗹𝗶𝘀𝗵, 𝘁𝗿𝗮𝗻𝘀𝗹𝗮𝘁𝗲, 𝗿𝗲𝗽𝗿𝗼𝗱𝘂𝗰𝗲 𝗼𝗿 𝘂𝘀𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗶𝗺𝗮𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗲 𝗼𝗻 𝘄𝗮𝘁𝘁𝗽𝗮𝗱 𝗼𝗿 𝗼𝗻 𝗼𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿 𝗽𝗹𝗮𝘁𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗺𝘀. 𝗿𝗲𝘀𝗽𝗲𝗰𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗮𝘂𝘁𝗵𝗼𝗿’𝘀 𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗸
𝐄𝐧𝐢𝐝 𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 𝐍𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞'𝐬... maze of hallways, trying to find the vampire where she knew she could usually be found. Perhaps the more rational part of her brain had tried to convince her to let it go, but the part that was currently jumping in enthusiasm from the prospects of solving a mysterious tale and by doing so, helping out her stoic dormie, was too loud to be overthrown.
The vampire turned around upon hearing her name being called out, saw Enid skidding up to her with an untamed enthusiasm, and stopped,
"Yoko, tell me everything there is to know about a violin player at school."
The ageless girl shrunk visibly at Enid's cotton-candy mood that made her head hurt and she rolled her eyes, glancing backwards to try and see if there was a way out of this one, "Not you too, Enid." She sighed once she realised there wasn't, and she did not have it in her to harshly turn Enid away from it as she had done with Wednesday. It was like stepping on a puppy dog's tail, "It's best to forget about it. Trust me."
Enid's smile disappeared, "Why?"
"It'll save you trouble."
"What kind of trouble?" Enid was beyond confused at her friend's behaviour. Sure, Yoko was a little more closed off than others- though never as much as Wednesday- that had always been the case, but she was being weird about this. Too weird.
"Are you asking for yourself or your dormie?" Yoko pursed her lips and squinted at her, knowing Enid had a habit of wanting to help out others, and if that was the case, she needed to steer Enid another way. She'd tried to do the same with the new Addams girl, and though she could care less if something happened to her, she cared about Enid's well-being. Still, not only Enid's well-being was put on the line with this one. Nevermore could be in trouble if the contrasting duo unearthed this secret.
Still as confused as ever, Enid tilted her head to the side like a young lost pup, "Would it matter?"
"It would. Have you heard the violin or was it Wednesday who heard it?" Yoko shifted her weight as her eyes travelled around the hall to observe their surroundings. If any other person were to hear of this, she would unleash a certain kind of trouble that she was sure Nevermore didn't need on top of all the disappearances and the murders. With a derogative glare, she stared at the perky girl in front of her, trying to get an answer out of her this way. She didn't want to hurt Enid's feelings, but a little intimidation was good if it could save the girl in the end.
"I um, I have, I think..., I mean, it was late, so I was inside and well-" Enid bluffed, "-but what's this-"
Yoko cut her off and caught on to her lie straight away, seeing as Enid refused to make eye contact that lasted longer than a second. Enid was too pure to be able to lie without shame or get away with it. "So, you haven't. Keep it that way, Enid. Trust me. Whatever Wednesday is digging up, you have to bury it."
"But what could be so horrible about a violin player?" Enid's lip curled into a pout, realising she had reached a dead end. The cogs in her brain were already working to come up with a new solution to get her answers. Because even if this had started as a task to help out her new roommate, Enid couldn't deny and say she hadn't grown curious over time as well. If no one knew a violin player and Yoko, who had been at Nevermore the longest and always seemed to know everything about its mysteries, was reluctant to give her answers, then there was more to the story.
"Look, I know you're too keen on finding it out to let this go, so just ask Xavier. But keep me out of it. And after you've got your answers, you need to forget about her, okay? Not everything at Nevermore needs to see the light."
"Her? Who, Wednesday? Wait, you mean- It's a girl?!" Enid perked up, sensing this was a victory of some sort. A small one, but a victory nonetheless.
Yoko had already turned on her heel and quickly rushed out of the hallway, back into the shadows, debating if this encounter was something she should tell Weems or keep to herself. Either way, it wouldn't hurt to keep an extra eye out for whatever the two roomies were cooking up.
Enid sucked in a sharp breath of surprise as something clawed at her legs, but as she looked down and saw Thing, she relaxed and picked him up.
"Did you hear all that, Thing?" She let him crawl onto her shoulder and watched him sign, "Off to Xavier we go then, but you have to stay hidden, I'm not sure he'll be as open if he knows Wednesday is up to something."
☾ ⋆*·:⋆*·:⠀ *⋆.*:·゚ .: ⋆*·゚: .⋆
Seeing as it was the early afternoon, it wasn't hard to know where to find the boy; he stood collecting his arrows from the target with a pensive look on his face, as if he was solving the greatest riddle inside his mind. He seemed deep in thought, troubled even. Enid couldn't quite tell if the change of his expression when he saw her stemmed from relief or annoyance. Nonetheless, she hurried as Thing quickly hid in her backpack. He zipped it shut as best as he could right as Enid halted in front of the boy,
"Xavier! Tell me everything you know about a girl at school who plays the violin- go!"
He pulled out the last arrow with a huff before turning to her with furrowed brows. He wasn't sure what he had expected once he saw the bubbly girl approach him, but this surely hadn't been it. His confusion quickly turned to unease as he realised what this meant; someone had heard her again at Nevermore. There was no other explanation to it, seeing as each principal Nevermore Academy had ever had since it had happened, had forfeited any string instrument from the school grounds. He still didn't understand why Weems had let Wednesday allow the girl to bring and play her cello at the Academy, but it seemed that the consequences of that had now been brought to stand in front of him.
"It's fine, Yoko told me to ask you, and I promise to keep my nose out of it afterwards."
He gave her a calculated look, doubting the truth behind that statement, "How do you know about this in the first place?" He walked back after collecting all the arrows, hoping it would make Enid drop the subject, but deep down knowing the girl would follow him around until he had given her something useful.
"Nothing goes passed me at this school." She beamed with pride, but Xavier wasn't impressed with the answer, and she could tell. "Fine, a secret for a secret then?"
Xavier locked his jaw, thinking long and hard about this. He wasn't sure if he should trust one of the school's biggest gossips; no matter how pure-hearted Enid was, she was known to blab if she was enthusiastic. Still, he realised, the girl wasn't part of the Nightshades, so how the hell did she know?
"Hm, right. But you have to let it go afterwards." He pulled her to the side, away from the prying ears of studying kids. "During some nights, after the clock strikes a certain hour, a violin can be heard. But not everywhere, only at certain points in the school. As if it travels... it never lingers or sounds from just one place. It's been said that as soon as you hear it, you're done for. You then begin to hear it everywhere, see and hear her even in your dreams until she'll make you grow insane and then kill you out of mercy. It dates back to the 1800s or something, I don't even know. It's a ghost story to make us kids stick to the curfew," He bluffed and stared at her with a look of finality, hoping the girl would accept his story.
Enid made a face, "That's underwhelming. Who'd be scared of a girl playing the violin? And if it's just a ghost story, then why is everyone telling me to-"
"Let it go now," He finished her sentence, "-like you promised, yes?" He glared at her and gave her a curt nod as she mumbled out an agreement, but both Yoko's and Xavier's behaviour had only heightened her intrigue.
Xavier wasn't done with her yet, "A secret for a secret you said, so where did you hear this all?"
Enid blew her cheeks like a puffer fish before opening it to stammer out a few words. She hadn't really thought of what fake secret she would try and present to him.
The boy took her silence as a sign that whatever would leave her mouth next, wouldn't be the truth, "Let me guess, Wednesday?" Xavier sighed and rolled his eyes. Of course that damned Addams girl would dig her nose into Nevermore's secrets and bring terror upon them all. Maybe it hadn't been such a coincidence that all the disappearances and murders had happened the moment Wednesday Addams had enrolled.
"No!" Enid gasped, "Who told you that?"
"You, just now, with the guilty look on your face." He shook his head, "Listen, just drop it. And it would do you good to tell Wednesday to do the same, this school already has enough on its plate as it is." He walked off with his arrows in his hand and Enid heard her backpack zip back open.
"Oh, I know, Thing...but if we don't tell her and she goes to investigate herself, we might get her into even more trouble. Right... I forgot about that-" She looked around, not caring if people thought she was mad for talking to a severed hand, "But I'm sure she'd appreciate us having snooped either way, even if she told us not to. Right?" She chuckled uneasily, trying to convince herself of her words, but rushed back to Ophelia Hall nonetheless.
☾ ⋆*·:⋆*·:⠀ *⋆.*:·゚ .: ⋆*·゚: .⋆
The annoying clattering of a typewriter filled their dorm in Ophelia Hall's attic as Enid rushed through the door. Wednesday stopped momentarily at the harsh interruption, barely shifted her head to the right and glanced at her through her peripheral before deeming Enid's enthusiasm as casual and going back to her writing. But though Enid was indeed a cheerful girl most of the time, her enthusiasm wasn't casual.
"Wednesday!" She shrieked, making the girl stop her writing once more, "You've got to listen to what we found out."
Wednesday turned in her chair and slightly lifted up her chin, signalling Enid to continue.
"Before you get mad- I just couldn't help myself and I stumbled upon-"
"You went and talked to Yoko." Wednesday deadpanned.
Enid's expression flashed with surprise "How do you-"
Wednesday pushed herself out of her seat, "If you're to help me, you really ought to be more discreet. And you-" She turned to Thing who rested against Enid's shoulder, "-should be on my side. Or have you forgotten the promise I made you if you were to betray me again?"
Thing cowered behind Enid's blonde locks, who immediately came to both their defences, "But we did it to help you." She shrugged innocently, finding comfort in fiddling with her fingers as Wednesday's hard glare grew a little uncomfortable.
Wednesday crossed her arms and tilted her head, giving the two a long and silent once-over, "Well?"
Enid let out a breath, having thought this moment would have gone way worse than for Wednesday to just brush it off. But Wednesday was too curious to find out what they had to say to think of creating vendettas.
"Your violin player; she's a girl."
Wednesday tilted her head to the other side but waited patiently for more to come. She let the answer sink in though, and she hated with all her might how she felt herself growing even more intrigued purely based on that small detail.
"But...everyone seems to be a little weird about her?" Enid frowned, just as Wednesday did once she noticed the slip-up of Enid's words.
"Everyone? Who else have you talked to?"
Enid widened her eyes and straightened her posture. She took in a sharp breath and focused on the floorboards, "Um-"
"Enid." Wednesday's tone of voice as she spoke her name was enough of a warning to make Enid confess.
"Well, Yoko you know..." She swallowed, "-but maybe also with Ajax earlier..." She carefully watched Wednesday's expression, then deemed it safe enough to add the person she had last spoken to, "-and maybe there's a small chance I might've talked to Xavier, too."
Wednesday's nostrils flared in annoyance and frustration, for now, half of the members of the Nightshades were aware of her sticking her nose in Nevermore's business. Still, asking around about a violin player should be deemed as an innocent thing, as her just wanting to know who also harboured a great talent for playing a string instrument. There should be nothing dangerous about that. So why had the look in Yoko's eyes given her the idea that the answer to her blameless question would bring death and destruction upon them all?
"Do they know why you asked?"
"Um, no... not specifically..." Enid mumbled out quietly, but upon seeing Wednesday's brows furrowing even more, she broke, "They figured it out... look- I'm sorry, okay! But it didn't sound to me like you should continue your search, so maybe it's best if you stop now." Enid walked over to her with a bright and supportive grin and brought up her hands to gently hold onto the girl's arms. She refrained from doing so when she saw Wednesday look at them with a death stare and slowly pulled them back to her sides.
Wednesday took a step back, not liking how Enid's overly sweet perfume mixed with her body lotion wafted into her nose. It was already torture enough to have to smell it from afar from her side of the room, "What are you implying?" She continued, Enid's last words not having left her yet.
"I just... they seemed scared and worried when I asked. I don't know... gut feeling... or maybe that's just my suppressed wolf making me feel weird. It was a full moon last night, after all." Enid quickly rubbed at her temple, not wanting to seem silly for thinking the way she had.
If the members of the Nightshades, who held most information about the school's history and secrets, had grown uneasy upon being asked about her mysterious violinist, then she definitely wasn't going to back down now. Wednesday thrived off fear and would go look for it where it could be found in overflow. And so, instead of Enid's warning having the proper effect to scare her off, it drew her closer to wanting to find out all about the violin player, to find out all about her. She'd thought Yoko's initial comment about a horror story had just been a way to tantalise her, but maybe there was more truth to it than she had thought at first. It seemed as if Wednesday was going to have to pay a little visit to the underground Nightshades Library soon.
𝗽𝗹𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗲 𝗱𝗼 𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝗰𝗼𝗽𝘆, 𝗿𝗲𝗽𝘂𝗯𝗹𝗶𝘀𝗵, 𝘁𝗿𝗮𝗻𝘀𝗹𝗮𝘁𝗲, 𝗿𝗲𝗽𝗿𝗼𝗱𝘂𝗰𝗲 𝗼𝗿 𝘂𝘀𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗶𝗺𝗮𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗲 𝗼𝗻 𝘄𝗮𝘁𝘁𝗽𝗮𝗱 𝗼𝗿 𝗼𝗻 𝗼𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿 𝗽𝗹𝗮𝘁𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗺𝘀. 𝗿𝗲𝘀𝗽𝗲𝗰𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗮𝘂𝘁𝗵𝗼𝗿’𝘀 𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗸
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© 𝗻𝗻𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁𝘀𝗸𝗶𝗲𝘀𝘀
@ghostheartbeat @the-night-owl-blr @engenelxver @screechcat @mary-jinx @mxal24 @novastargalaxydesigns @randomawesomeperson102 @reginassweetheart @mjoiner1136 @rockwyn @lostgirl1415 @rainbow-love4ever @the-lazy-turtle @elduster @queen-bunny @ghostheartbeat
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toournextadventure · 2 years
oh wait nvm sorry my thing lagged i didn’t see your bio 😭 can i req a Wednesday x fem! reader whos oblivious and can’t take a hint and enid is trying to help and enid says that wednesday likes her and she’s like “no she doesn’t” and leaves and maybe she’s hanging out w wednesday and she’s like “maybe we can be more than friends” and readers like “oh, like best friends??” and everyone’s like OMFG
I'm obsessed with a dumbass reader. Just absolute pure of heart, dumb of ass, no thoughts head empty
you idiot
“Because Wednesday likes you, you idiot!”
You froze with the most stupid look on your face, and Enid wanted to slap you. She has had to listen to you go on and on about Wednesday for months without you ever making a move. Normally Enid would admit that Wednesday was pretty outward about her feelings, but she would hand it to her roommate this time. Wednesday had been very honest about how she felt for you.
And you still had the audacity to say she didn’t like you?
“Nuh uh,” you said with a shake of your head.
“Oh my god,” Enid groaned and fell back onto her bed.
Why were you like this? Why were you so infuriatingly blind to Wednesday’s clear attempts at telling you she liked you? Okay, maybe it wasn’t the most clear to everyone, but she was trying! She loaned you her books, let you skim her novel, and even threatened you less than anyone else! What part of all of that were you not understanding?
“Just get out,” Enid finally said as she pointed to the door.
“You’re still wrong,” you called out from the doorway, just narrowly avoiding the pillow Enid threw at you.
It was days later when you agreed to go out to coffee with everyone. Wednesday had originally only asked you, but then you had turned it into a whole group affair. Enid nearly felt her heart break at your obliviousness. How one person could be so utterly clueless, she had no idea. And if Enid was saying it, then you knew it was serious.
Wednesday had effectively ushered you off to a corner of the coffee shop, glaring at anyone who dared to get too close. Not that anyone would, they were all in agreement that Wednesday liked you and just needed to let you know. As in, word-for-word tell you she liked you and wanted to ask you on a date. And she had to use the word date!
It was cute to see you and Wednesday just talking and enjoying being together over in the corner. Everyone at Enid’s table was… less than conspicuous, she would admit. They were all staring, pointing out how cute you both were, only really looking away when Wednesday noticed.
Because of course you didn’t notice.
“I need to confess something.”
The entire coffee shop fell deathly silent at Wednesday’s words. Every Nevermore student within the vicinity froze in their tracks and listened with bated breath to what Wednesday would say. Would this be it? Was she finally going to tell you to your face that she liked you?
“Don’t hold it against me,” Wednesday stated, “but I would like us to be more than friends.”
No one moved, no one ever breathed. This was the moment they had all been waiting for, and it was finally happening. All of their dreams were finally coming true. Wednesday had said the words, there was no way you could-
“-you mean like best friends?”
Every Nevermore student at the coffee shop let out a chorus of “oh my gods” and groans of frustration. You jumped and looked around at everyone, confusion evident on your face. Wednesday let her head fall to the table with a loud *thud.* Enid stood up and pointed at the both of you.
“Wednesday, you need to raise your standards,” she complained. Wednesday never even lifted her head.
“Oh shit, did you lower your standards for someone?” You asked as you turned back to face Wednesday. “That’s pretty embarrassing.”
“You think?” The whole group shouted at you once again as they all settled and started grumpily drinking their coffee once again.
Enid gave up. You were utterly, completely hopeless.
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