#enji todoroki fluff
frickingnerd · 1 month
hawks secretly dating endeavour's daughter
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pairing: keigo takami / hawks x fem!todoroki!reader
tags: todoroki!reader, secret relationship, wholesome fluff
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unlike your younger brother, you never wanted to be a hero, so your father never had to worry about you getting involved with his work
however, when a certain winged pro hero began to work closely with endeavour, your interest was piqued and you began to pay your father some visits at work for no particular reason
and it just so happened that as you spent more time at his office, you began to bump into hawks quite a few times, always finding time for some small talk with him
it was clear that the two of you had a thing for each other from the start! but neither of you outwardly admitted it, due to you being the number one's daughter
however, when your father ended up in the hospital after a tough battle against a nomu, hawks began to pay you some visits at home, to check up on you
those visits quickly began to become something more like dates and by the time your father was discharged from the hospital, hawks had finally asked you out
however, both of you had decided to keep your relationship a secret! it would be better if the public and your father didn't know about you two
for most of your dates, hawks flew you somewhere secluded and brought some home made meals! you'd often eat on some roofs of a skyscraper, far away from anyone else
occasionally, hawks would even be able to visit you at home, though only when endeavour invited him over for dinner. of course, he wasn't aware why you were so eager to prepare the food whenever hawks came along…
there were many close calls of hawks and you almost being caught making out, when sneaking around your house or endeavour's office
but you always managed to make it seem like just a coincidence that the two of you ended up alone together in a room…
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maroonswan · 2 months
Imagine forming a domestic routine with Enji Todoroki. Most nights he comes back late, and you awaken from your dreams to sound of his footsteps coming down the hall. You close your eyes drowsily as you map out his path through the house by the noises such a big gruff man makes when he gets home, when he's trying to get comfortable. From slapping his boots down by the door in the foyer to the soft shuffle of slippers against the living room floors into the kitchen where he rummages for a snack or drink; the squeak of the down stairs bathroom room door, a rushing faucet, and finally his trudge up the stairs.
You wonder if he much quieter on stealth missions; he might as well be a freight train! But, then the bedroom door silently swings open and you know he's here, eyeing you in the dark, checking if he's waken you. For his sake, you try to slow your breathing and still the smile that tickles at the corner of your lips.
He's loud, but he's sweet.
Yet, he's not stupid. Despite your attempts to pretend, he knows his delicately light sleeping wife is awake. Therefore, he doesn't need to feel guilty as he climbs on his side of the bed and scoops you in his arms, listening for you little "surprised" gasp. You do know how to tease him as you snuggle more comfortably into place, breathing in his musky scent and savoring the new warmth radiating from this wall of muscle. Your old man yawns out a goodnight with a quick kiss to your forehead before drifting off to sleep himself.
It means the world to you every time he comes home.
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nykie-love-anime · 9 months
Loud Blondes Support
Enji: What's wrong with you? Enji: - done with his son's friend - Izuku: I'm in love with a loud blonde Izuku: - starts blushing with a longing smile staring off into space - Izuku: Who is completely out of my league Enji: - sighing knowing exactly what he is talking about - Enji: Well that is relatable Hitoshi: Sure is Hitoshi: - thinking about his two loud blondes - Izuku: We should start a support club Aizawa: Way ahead of you guys Aizawa: - inviting them to join the support group he created - Group: "Loud Blondes Support 👱🏻‍♂️"
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saiyanmyname · 2 years
I don't know if you do asks but I can you do Endeavor x reader Omegaverses... fluff with the Todoroki family?! no fights, mean remarks do slip but mama reader is a sensitive omega ^w^
Oooh! Omegaverse has been on my list for some time now. Big soft Alpha Enji doting for his precious omega 🤌 yes please! I’m not the fastest writer but will get something written for this 😊
And here it is (this is my first time writing Omegaverse so sorry if anything is incorrect).
It was a soft sort of Sunday. Awakening beneath the warmth of the covers. You inhaled deeply, the scent of your alpha, still coating the sheets and hanging like warm cinnamon bread in the air of your shared bedroom. You turn, swinging your legs out from the heat, the air is cool. You need your Alpha, need his warmth. You get up, legs a little sore, you guess your heat must have been rougher than usual. You’re just glad Enji was there, to look after you through it.
You make your way to the top of the stairs, leaning on the sweeping banister. You can hear Fuyumi bickering with Shoto, giving him a lecture on the importance of schoolwork, she really was becoming a good schoolteacher. There’s electronic music, in the background, Toya and Natsuo are playing some video game together, you hear them descending into fits of laughter.
Then, there he is. Looking up a you, from the bottom of the stair case, with a tray of breakfast. He’s glad to see you’re awake, eyes gleaming softly like the morning sky, lips gentle, smiling.
“I was just wondering whether to wake you.” He says as you descend towards him.
He closes his eyes as you approach him, inhaling the sweetness of your scent. From the moment he met you, he knew he’d have to knot you. You’re enough to send him straight back into a rut, but he knows he has to be patient for now. Wait for you to recover a little at least. He looks at you knowingly as he leans down to kiss you. A taste that almost instantly makes you a mess of need and want all at once.
“I thought you’d still be tired out…” He teases. “That was… a tough heat.” He says low against your ear so you feel his breath against you skin. Enji can’t help but wonder what it is you do to him, his gentle omega.
“Yeah! We heard… literally everything.”
You didn’t know anyone had approached the pair of you, standing in the corridor, you’d been too lost in your Alpha’s eyes to notice Toya standing there, leant against the wall with a grin that knew far too much.
You couldn’t help but blush, leaning into the thick bicep of Enji who stood, still holding the tray.
“Less of that.” Enji snapped, tone protective, stepping in front of you. “I thought you were playing Street Fighter with Nat anyway?” Enji continues, trying to get rid of the adolescent nuisance.
“I was but…” Toya raises his voice. “SOMEONE’S A SORE LOSER!” He teases his younger brother. Natsuo replies with curses making Fuyumi tell him off. You couldn’t help but smirk a little.
It was strange, how you’d become their adopted mama. You hadn’t been his first omega, in fact, he rarely spoke of her. All you knew was that she’d left, leaving the Alpha with four children and a chaotic house to run.
You make your way to the dining room, following close to Enji, he’s so big, so warm and there’s just something so reassuring about him. The way his scent drifts like candles and burned sugar through the hallway.
Enji sets the warm food down at the table for you. Did he tidy that up this morning or did the kids do it? You could have sworn the dining room was a mess of amazon boxes and paperwork last night, but you were too tired to clean it up. Fresh flowers were now at the centre of it, your favourite blossoms.
“Enji, did you?” You ask, grabbing the cup of hot beverage also set in front of you.
“I know they’re you’re favourite.” He answers, kissing you on the cheek, grabbing a plate from the rack and drying it up.
“I know they’re your favourite.” You hear a mock low voice coming from outside the kitchen door. “Can you guys be anymore gross? By the way can Deku and Kachan come over later?” It’s Shoto. He continues, opening the fridge to take out a can of pop, but his father stops him from closing it.
Was it really gross? You felt a little self-conscious, it must be awkward for them, to have a strange omega in the household. A strange scent around the place they called their home.
Enji knew you well though, noticed the pout on your bottom lip, the eyes that cast away from him and down towards your plate.
“Apologise and I’ll think about it.” He demanded to his son.
Shoto looked at you, knowing from his father’s tone that he’d done wrong. Actually, he felt kind of bad, he was only teasing, he didn’t know it would upset you. Since their birth mother had left, you’d been so good to all of them, always making time for them, something his father hadn’t always been so good at, but since he’d met you, he was getting better at it.
“I’m sorry.” The teenager apologised sheepishly.
“It’s okay,” You replied, you could see he really did mean it. “You should invite them over, I’ll make those brownies you guys like later.” That perked him up, as he raced out of the kitchen with a smile, hurrying away from the, still angered, face of Endeavor.
The day went on a softly as it started, it was nice to be in this house, it was nice to feel part of a family. By evening you found yourself exhausted, having made the brownies you’d promised the boys, watching the three of them scoff them down, even though Endeavor told them not to eat them while they were still warm.
It was late, by the time that you’d finally got some peace, snuggling under a blanket on the comfort of the giant sofa, nuzzling into your Alpha’s chest while you caught up on some TV. Large fingers ran through your hair, enjoying the texture against his skin, the warmth of your body against his.
“I hope you feel at home here.” He said softly, pulling you closer, grazing his lips across your forehead. Eyes showing a little worry. More than anything, he wanted you to feel safe here.
You smiled, leaning into him closer.
“Of course I do. I love being around you, and your family.”
“Good.” He replies. “They’re your family too now though, since we’re knotted.”
You kiss along his jaw, leaning up in his arms.
“I know… I’m happy here, happier than I’ve been anywhere else.”
Enji leans down, nuzzling you against his face. “Hmm.” He grunts contentedly, the feel of his omega in his arms lulling him into a trance. “Me too.”
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beanbaggery · 7 months
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Imagine if todoroki was genderfluid but it was entirely based on his quirk like ranma 1/2. Using his ice would result in female!todoroki and use of his fire would revert him back
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fluff-n-cookies · 6 months
Endeavor - Intro/Headcanons
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Endeavor is a very underrated character.
yes he was an abuser, but he is trying to be a better father. and even though hen still gets mad and doesn't really know how to show his emotions he's still trying. As someone who doesn't have the best relationship with her father, and also as some one who is trying to be a better person I can appreciate that.
I feel like if somebody were to give him a chance, somebody that has little to no knowledge of his past or status he could actually have a stable and healthy relationship with such a person.
but that on it's own is boring so make it a reader who was just recently put in an orphanage as she was saved from her neglectful parents and has no other family. we'll keep her around the age of 4-15 as those were the years that endeavor missed the most with his kids.
now, how would these two meet? I have a couple ideas and I'll write a fanfic (or fanfics) for the most popular one. (there's a poll below for y'all to decide.)
option 1 : Bus stop
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reader is around 5,6,7 years old and quirkless.
so you and Endeavor have a similar morning commute at the same bus stop, at the same time, every morning. you go to school, and him to his agency. and while Endeavor never really cared for this, one morning you happen to forget your coat at the orphanage. (not that it kept you warm anyway.) the sight of a child in winter, cold and alone, practically pulled at his heart strings. a feeling overcame him I suppose, a need to protect and provide perhaps. and begrudgingly he got out a sweater, all warm and fluffy and lent it to you, grumbling something about giving it back to him later. now all snuggled up within the oversized cotton fibers of the sweater, warm and happy, all you could really do is mumble out a little thank you. Imma bout' to pull a grinch but Endeavor's heart grew 3 times that day.
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Option 2 : support hero
reader is 15 and quirkless but uses support items to help her if she needs anything.
you are the apprentice of his main support hero, a wild, spunky woman who spends her days drinking, drunk, or hungover. ( I mean... good for her.) and yes while she does teach you, she usaully leaves all the real work to you. at this point she's your apprentice. so when Endeavor comes it's not her that really helps it's you! you repair, you improve, you operate the rest of the support heroes, honestly he should give you a raise. and it's nice, having you around I mean, you just always seem to make his day better, either by showing him cat memes, or explaining your latest obsession to him, or just being your self. it's a talkative and optimistic x furious monster that will fight to the death for them dynamic or a brings instant noodles to share for lunch x uses his fire quirk to actually cook the instant noodles with his fire quirk dynamic.
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Option 3 : Dabi
more of a Endeavor-Dabi mix for the drama. reader is 4 and gets her quirk in the story. her quirk is a heightened version of shoto's quirk which I'll expand on if this is the fan favorite.
you are the product of Dabi and a fling he had when he was 19 or 20, and while he may not have the most money or have the money, he still tires to protect you and and make you feel as cherished and loved as one can. growing up he never really showed you what a hero was. all you need to know is that they are not good people but don't tell anyone that lots of people don't know that and might get angry. now this is fine and all, Dabi protects your innocence while also protecting you from the world that hurt him. but one thing he negelcted to teach you is who is a hero. because the description he gave you "people attempting to 'save' people and fight 'bad guys' using their quirks often with swarms of people around them." only applies to heros in action and/or heros that the public actually like. so when Endeavor is placed to patrol in a relatively bad neighbourhood (it's the best one dabi could afford HE"S TRYING C"MON) around the time kids go and comeback from school to make sure they get home safe is when he meets you. a little girl with white hair like snow and sapphire blue eyes that glisten with joy.
thx for reading!!! byyeee.
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chaibewriting · 7 months
prince! enji todoroki x black-coded! (poc friendly) fem! reader x platonic! todoroki kids
content warnings: brief depiction of violence, domestic violence mentioned, suicide mentioned, child neglect mentioned.
notes: this is long overdue, my bad y'all I was dead— hope ya enjoy today's chapter 🕵️
word count: 5.2k
summary: enji gets a taste of his own medicine and an old enemy is coming to the light.
taglist: @easilyobsessedbutflighty @rogueofbullshit @2chickenwangs @mimi-sanisanidiot @megumitodoroki @sexyashbish @nctseventeensworld @flamey-comet @theroosterswife24 @randomjuju @hecate-kitty @bluebreadenthusiast @flvr4ane @theitchbbbb @bunniotomia
prev. chapter six. masterpost. next.
IT’S hand continued to squeeze the throat of the King, unwilling to let go of the man who’d struck you. Surely, you would be leaving a bruise on him.
Whilst the entity continued to grip Enji’s throat in a vice grip, glaring at his face. His lightly tanned skin was slowly turning blue, your terrified son soon broke from his fear-struck state upon seeing you. This new figure seems to make his fear disappear and he isn’t afraid anymore. Afraid of what? Perhaps his father, or more so, what your father could do to you in his blinded rage. As he looks between you, or the creature holding you, and his father, he realizes that there would be dire consequences if you were to accidentally kill the man.
Silently, the little boy lurches forward, sprinting towards the shadowy creature and jumps onto one of its inky black, tree stump legs, wrapping his little arms around it and hugging it. From what he was able to see, you were covered in the blackest flames he'd ever seen, and he had willingly thrown himself into danger at the prospect of being potentially burned as long as it meant you would stop. To his surprise, there was no burning sensation. In fact, he had squeezed his eyes shut, tears pricking at the corners, preparing for the searing pain of being set ablaze. However, instead of such an unfortunate fate, he was met with an overwhelming warmth that soothed him immensely; he felt protected, safe, comfortable, and… happy. All of the feelings you had introduced to him ever since you’d made your way into his life was what he felt in that moment, except it was tenfold. He never wanted to be brought out of this fire, his entire body relaxing as he continued to hold onto the creature’s leg. However, the sound of gurgles and grunts reminded him of his current goal, his father’s life was still being threatened. And as much as he deserved to be hurt like he hurt others, he shouldn’t be killed.
In his moment of clarity, he opened his eyes and looked up at the creature’s face and didn’t know what to do. However, he acted before he could think much more. “Mama!! Mama, come back please!! Y-you have to let go!!” He called out, hoping to reach you from wherever you were currently. “Mama, please!!”
The sound of his pleading causes the creature to pause momentarily before looking down, finally noticing the small child who was currently clinging to its leg, fresh tears running down his chubby cheeks. Pain. Hurt. Need. Heartbreak. A child so young shouldn’t be feeling these things.
Everything that comes after happens in just mere seconds, though it feels like it occured in slow motion. Enji was dropped to the ground, gasping for air, catching up on some much needed oxygen, and the creature reached down to scoop Dabi up into one of its hands, pushing him into its chest where you currently were. As soon as he was safe within the confines of the creatures body you were quick to bring the small child to you. The shadowy figure made space and held the two of you inside of it as you cradled him in your arms as best as you could with your belly still in-tow. Shakingly, you cupped Dabi’s face in your hands and began to wipe away his tears with your thumbs. “I’m so sorry, Dabi. You shouldn’t have had to do that. Are you okay? Are you hurt?” The sound of your voice and the concern in your eyes causes Dabi to sob, fresh tears beginning to fall as he wailed. “Mama!! I-I thought you were g-gonna kill… kill dad an’— an’ get e-e-executed..!!”
“What? Oh no, no, baby. It’s okay, you don’t have to worry. Mama’s here, okay? We’re okay, everything’s gonna be alright.” You were quick to reassure him, holding onto him for dear life. Nothing else seemed to matter to you in the moment, not even your husband’s gaze that was staring at what you had become. You were more focused on making sure that Dabi was okay and safe.
Inside of the creature was where the two of them currently resided, the creature remaining as it was as it discreetly observed its surroundings. Surprisingly, the ‘room’ you were in was completely black but you were still able to see things clearly around you, including what was going on outside of the creature’s body, almost like you were in a protective glass box despite the outside of the creature’s body being jet black and opaque.
Enji had managed to catch his breath again, a hand on his throat as he measured the level of damage you’d done. The crumpled man stared at the creature that swallowed you and Dabi up with an unreadable expression, his mind swarming with thoughts that even he couldn’t fully comprehend. The most prominent thought that seemed to prevail above all was the fact that he was proud.
Proud of the fact that his wife, his Queen was strong enough to defend herself when her safety was threatened, this new form, whatever it was, reminded him of his own technique where he would engulf the entirety of his body in flame, the fire going as far to even engulf his skeletal system with flames- the sight of it was simply his skeleton on fire.
Slowly, he stood on his feet and the creature seemed to watch him closely, taking note of every move he made, no-doubt ready to strike defensively if it called for that line of action even while still remaining in its squatting position it was still towering over the King.
The two of them, the creature and Enji, appeared to be in a silent staring contest of sorts, almost daring each other to do something even remotely hamrful to the other. As one would expect, the Hellflame user had many questions he wished to ask, but he wouldn’t get the time to ask said questions as the creature began to speak despite its lack of mouth.
“If you bring harm to my user again, I will have no other choice than to consider you as a threat and will eliminate you if such action is called for. I will strike you back with the same force, and perhaps more.”
It’s voice was androgynous, his eyes squinting with each tonal transition of words as they pointed a smokey finger at your husband who appeared to be taken aback by the sentient creature. You had been stunned as well, still holding Dabi in your arms as the creature proceeded to sink down towards the ground, its lower body pouring into a river of smoke that steadily fell until you were back on your feet, currently propping Dabi on one of your hips as you held him. Terrifyingly enough, as the smoke cleared, fanning itself around your now standing form, you scowled at the man in front of you, piggybacking off of your protector’s words. “I don’t wish to see your face now, later, or even after that. You disgust me. You need to leave right now." You stated, leaving no room for argument as you glared at Enji, your resolve and irritation was as clear as day.
He stood still. Staring at you, scrutizining your facial expression and whatever may be going on behind those fierce eyes that had gotten you married to him in the first place. And then, without a word, he turned on his heels and walked away from you, soon passing through the doors that led out to where you were. As soon as he was gone, you relaxed, letting out a breath as you carefully put Dabi onto his feet and then sunk to your knees, digging your nails into the dirt as you attempted to wrap your head around what had just happened and why it had happened. You’d never done such a thing before, and no one had ever told you you could even do something as remotely as possible this. Your awakened power had a sentient being attached to it? Did it lie dormant inside of you at all times? You had to speak to your parents as soon as you possible could to try and get those answers.
From Enji’s perspective, this power appeared to have been awoken by your maternal instincts and the need to protect yourself and the life within you. As he walked down the castle halls, he rubbed at his neck, taking note of the tender, irritated skin, this had been the last thing he'd expected to happen. On one hand, he was glad she’d managed to strike back at him, but on the other hand, he grew excited wondering what their child would have once she was born, would she have a combination of their powers or would she inherit only one in its entirety? Under his pride and excitement was also bewilderment.
Passing by a few servants on his short journey to his office, he paid no attention to the others who seemed to be tripping over themselves to try and move out of his way, though a great majority had taken note of the bruising on his neck as they looked towards his back. Where had he gotten that from?
Once he was in the privacy of his office, he shut the door behind him and approached his desk, taking a seat as he began to further ponder their situation. He had reacted like his mother. He struck Y/N just like how his mother would often strike his father when he didn’t do something correctly to her. He never struck back, no matter how many times Enji would question the late King, wondering why he never stuck up for himself and just took the abuse with a smile. Distinctly, he remembered asking the older man one day when he had just turned around ten why he allowed his mother to hit him without consequence.
"She means well, I know it’s difficult for her to express her emotions verbally so physically expressing it allows me to understand her better.” The man had explained with a smiling bruised face, groaning when he’d stretched his split lip a little too far to offer a reassuring smile.
You had done something his father failed to do, you had struck Enji in retaliation and didn’t just sit back and take what he’d given you. It filled him with a sense of uncertainty, as well as… exuberance.
Back outside, you had slowly regained your strength, sitting back slowly on your legs as you noticed Dabi staring at you with a hairy look in his eyes, making you fully remember what you were doing and who you were currently with. “Ah sh- shoot. I’m sorry you had to see… whatever that was, Dabi– Ah, fuck, where’s Keigo? Keigo!” “‘m right here, Your Majesty!” You felt a slight gust of wind to your right and took note of Keigo who had flown down from a tree nearby once the King had disappeared, making his way over to where the two of you were currently. Sharply inhaling, you were quick to apologize again. “I’m sorry for scaring you both. I didn’t mean to turn into a monster-” “No! You weren’t a monster! You were… were-” Dabi had cut you off in an attempt to make you feel better but couldn’t seem to figure out what word he wanted to use, thankfully, he wasn’t alone. “-cool!!” Keigo yelled, striking a quirky pose after he’d finished Dabi’s sentence for him. “You went like- ‘pow pow’! And then ya turned into fire ‘n were so freakin’ tall!!! I thought ya were gonna set the trees on FIRE!” The tiny blond rambled, attempting to reenact the ‘fighting moves’ you had done, swinging wildly at the air as he continued to babble about how cool you were. You and Dabi watched as he continued his little reenactment, no-doubt dramatizing what had really happened, you couldn’t help but laugh quietly, the mood rising thanks to the little boy’s excitement. Moving to sit beside you on the grass, Dabi gently grabbed your hand and held it, even with your hand easily dwarfing his tiny one, hoping that the gesture would make you feel better as Keigo continued his story. You were glad you weren’t alone at the moment, but you were a bit apprehensive about the fact that the two of them had witnessed such a traumatizing scene. You were unsure of what to say, you could think of a million and one things but none of them seemed right.
A few minutes had passed before Keigo had finished his excited retelling of what had occurred, the little birdie boy seemed to have tuckered himself out from shadowboxing whatever invisible entity he’d created with his mind. Soon after, an idea came to mind as you looked to your side and down at Dabi with a small smile, deciding to use this difficult situation to your advantage.
“How do you feel about us going to visit grandma and grandpa? I’m sure they’d be plenty happy to see you.”
The sudden question caused the boy to instantly spark up with joy, eagerly nodding his head with a bit of a twinkle in his eyes. Even before your marriage to Enji, your parents have treated Dabi like their first grandchild, smothering him with all sorts of affection and material things— something he had yet to receive from his blood grandmother. Though you were saddened briefly by such news, you didn’t exactly like Enji’s mother, she wasn’t someone you’d sit down to have tea with willingly, but you tolerated her for the sake of everything else.
After hearing Dabi’s answer you were quick to nod and stand up, eager to clean up and leave, however, to your surprise, Minji had appeared out of thin air, almost as if she had a sixth sense, picking up the bottom of her dress to hurriedly approach you, you had nearly missed her entrance but thankfully Keigo was quick to call out to her and ran to hug her middle. As soon as she was in front of you, she began to speak, moving her hands around wildly which was something you had learned the woman had a tendency to do when she was feeling overwhelmed with emotion and also had a tendency to ramble.
“Y/N! What in the world?! The other servants told me you were out here and about the King coming to confront you… Are you alright? Shall I fetch some coolant gel or bandages or gauze or perhaps some ice or should I get the castle doc-“
You were quick to grab a hold of her hands, cutting her off as you encased them both between your hands and gave them a gentle squeeze in an attempt to put her mind at rest, and fortunately, it seemed to work when she stopped fumbling over her words and simply looked at you expectantly. Sharply inhaling, your jaw clenched for a split second before relaxing again, a small smile appearing instead. “I’m fine, Minji. I promise. I just plan on spending a few days in Tenebris with Dabi and my parents, perhaps my brother if he’s not busy with his suitors.”
Minji was quick to nod, taking a quick glance around at the surrounding area before taking note of the remnants of your impromptu picnic that had been all but demolished by the two growing boys nearby, as well as yourself. “Kei Kei and I will clean up here. You two can run along, please tell your mother I said ‘hello’.”
“Nope. Nada. I am not going to let you clean, baby bird and I can handle it. Can’t we, baby?” She asked, looking down at her son with fondness, he chirped in agreement and she reached down to ruffle his fluffy locks of blond, nodding with determination immediately afterwards. “See? We can handle it. You two run away now or I’ll chase ya off with a broom.” She threatened, although her words had a playful edge to them, you knew she was serious, earning a light chuckle from you as you squeezed her hands one last time and then let go of them, allowing her to immediately roll up her sleeves. Despite having such a rebellious set of traits, you had gone quite close to Minji in the last several months, mostly because her words of your souls being connected had interested you, however, you had come to the conclusion that getting to know her had to be one of the best decisions you’d ever made, now considering her a dear friend. And although you were friendly with all the staff, treating them as actual human beings, she had managed to crawl her way into a special part of your heart and you were forever grateful for her in a variety of ways- from helping with morning sickness, to rubbing your back when you were randomly crying because of hormonal imbalances, and also prepared your nasty little cravings whenever you wanted them, even if you’d tell her you didn’t want her to bother doing such trivial matters.
“Goodness, I’m starting to think you’re even more stubborn than a bull… fine. I don’t want a broom on the back of my kneecaps…” You murmured, feeling a tiny hand slip into yours after you had let go of Minji‘s. Looking briefly to the side you smiled at Dabi. “Ready to go, hun?” He nodded and then exchanged goodbyes with Keigo and Minji, then the two of you were on your way, heading back into the castle and ready to pack for a few days out.
Through the grace of some kind of universal power, you had managed to avoid the servants all-together, stealthily packing yourself a bag of necessities with Dabi’s help, and then went onto pack a bag for Dabi, making sure to bring an extra because you just knew your parents had some kind of gifts waiting for him when the two of you would arrive.
And with some luck, as well as a few breaks here and there for you to catch your breath, you’d manage to get yourself a carriage with a driver, thanks to Keiko, aka Minji’s husband and Keigo’s father, who also happened to be the head of the castle’s farm. Before you know it, your bags are packed into the carriage, and you and Dabi are comfortably sitting inside of it, watching as the forest passes you by, the sound of the carriage wheels rolling and the rhythmic click of horse shoes. It’s enough to soothe you to sleep somehow, even the rock of the carriage had abided in lulling you to sleep. Following your lead, Dabi slumps over into a deep sleep as well, carefully leaning against your side with his head against your arm. It was probably for the better that the two of you would remain asleep, seeing how the trip to Tenebris would take quite a bit of time, you’d be lucky if you reached the castle before the sun fully set. Not that you minded, it would distract you from yourself and the road that had led you to this point. Would you tell your parents about what Enji had done? Or would you keep it to yourself, you had yet to decide, your tired brain emptying itself as you further fell into a dreamless sleep.
The amount of time you’d gotten to shut your eyes seemed to be cut short at the sudden gentle call of your title, along with a light rasp on the carriage door that you sat closest to. Stirring in your sleep, your eyes slowly fluttered open, blurriness soon morphing into shapes that you could now comprehend. With a slow blink, you managed to register the sight of the Driver’s face who looks a bit nervous, though he does relax a bit upon seeing your gaze shift to him, immediately, he looks down and away from your eyes, the tips of his ears red as he repeats himself.
“We’ve arrived at your desired destination, Your Majesty.”
Taking heed to his words, you carely sat up straight in your seat and covered your mouth to hide a bit of an abrasive yawn, your eyes watering just the slightest in retaliaton, you then nodded thankfully to the Driver as he disappeared, only to be replaced by the Coach who came to open the door for you, ready to help you down once you were ready to step out. Noticing the sleeping preschooler who was just on the brink of drooling on your dress sleeve, you reached up and lightly ruffled Dabi’s hair, chuckling at how adorable he looked passed out on your shoulder with his mouth ajar. “Time to wake up, kiddo. Your grandparents are gonna be so happy to see you, unless you want me to call someone to come and carry you to be-” “Mm mm… ‘m awake!” He drowsily shouted and sat up as quickly as he possibly could, only to go veering off the side and nearly toppling off of the seat. You were quick to use your awakened power, creating a hand of shadows to cradle his sleeping form that sprouted from your back like a tree branch. This had become a bit of a common thing, Dabi was a bit clumsy, but then again, what four year old wasn’t? You would have been more surprised if he had the balance of a flamingo. With a soft laugh to yourself, the Coach opened the carriage door a bit wider and you slowly stood up, a hand under your belly as you furrowed your brows together, focusing on keeping your own balance as you descended the carriage steps with the help of the Coach, the shadowed hand cradling your son soon following after you. The Coach then shut the door behind you, bowing as you thanked him, making sure to tip him and the Coach handsomely with a few gold pieces, which they joyously accepted with bright smiles.
Soon following, your personal guard, assigned from the Ignitis Kingdom dropped from his white steed that was following behind the carriage and exhaled, handing the lead to a servant from your kingdom that had come running down the front steps of the castle to greet the unexpected guests. Ah, that’s right, you had no time to tell your parents that you would be dropping by, you could only hope they were actually here and not somewhere else, no-doubt doing diplomatic duties.
Takeo, your guard, came to stand silently by your side, the dark haired man had a tall, rugged stature, with unblinking, deep set carmine eyes, a prim and properly trimmed beard and mustache covering half of his face, nursing a scar that went from one side of his face to the other, directly across his nose. To match such a burly man was a pristine outfit made for a modern techoknight of his ranking, the red signifying one's loyalty to the Kingdom of flames.. He rarely spoke, only to answer any questions that he was asked, even then he barely said a few words at a time. You had appreciated his hardwork but it was almost like he was a shadow of sorts, often frightening you when he made himself known to you randomly.
Yet another maid, began to descend down the stairs, heading directly for you, a bright smile across her face.
“Princess! Oh, no, I mean, Queen Y/N, it has been a long time! Your parents will be elated when they see you’ve come by surprise! Please come along! Ah! Shall I fetch Freya to come and carry you?” Blinking, a smile slowly spread across your face as you instantly recognized the older woman who was also the headmaid, she’d been around since before you were born, but still had the energy of an excitable child, along with a mouth to match. Abashsh, directly translating to friendly, talkative, and affable, it was almost as if her name had bestowed upon her unwavering future.
Soon enough, she had stopped in front of you, a bright and cheery smile adorning her face as she makes it a necessity to grab a hold of your cheeks, giving them the softest squish as she coos about how much you’ve grown since she’s seen you, as well as how much you appeared to be glowing thanks to the blossoming bud in your stomach. Her rambling would go on for hours if Takeo hadn’t cleared his throat, causing the older woman to look briefly from your face and then to him, blinking in surprise as he opened his mouth to speak, timber voice matching completely with his mysterious aura.
“Apologies. I don’t mean to interrupt your heartfelt reunion, however, I don’t think the Lady should be standing on her feet for too much longer…” He murmured, glancing between you and Abashsh. The older woman then gasped, realizing what she had been doing. Rather dramatically, she slapped a hand over her mouth and cursed in Arabic, quickly apologzing as well for her rambling. “You’re right! Let’s get you up these stairs and somewhere to sit, my dear! I still can’t believe you were just a baby one day ago and now my tiny royal jasmine is having an even tinier royal jasmine. Oh my goodness, I think I’m finally getting old…” The woman whined, knowing damn well that she didn’t look a day over twenty-five thanks to her awakened power that directly involved mother nature; straight bleach blonde hair fell down her back and over her front, perfectly framing her square shaped face, brown almond eyes, smooth bronze skin and hooked nose. She was quick to grab your hand afterwards and began leading you up the front stairs, Takeo following closely beside you while you continued to carry Dabi up behind you through the use of your own power.
Enji sat in deep thought behind his desk, his elbows propped atop his desk as he remained deep in thought, hardened gaze seeming to map out the intricate carvings on the wood door that was currently closed, his chin resting atop his interlocked fingers. There were many things running through his mind, however, his self-reflection is soon interrupted by a knock on the door, causing him to blink and wet his drying eyes. Letting out a gruff affirmative noise, he signaled that whoever was behind the door could enter. And so they did, quite shakingly I might add as they held a tangerine-colored envelope in his hand, which only meant one thing. Just the sight of it had the King of Ignitis flaring his nostrils, already catching a whiff of the disgusting smell of tangerines, his least favorite fruit, belonging to his least favorite Kingdom that his father had created a treaty with and forced Enji to be allied to for reasons that he was ashamed to admit well after his father's passing. With a quick swipe of his tongue over his bottom lip, he spoke.
“Are you just going to stand there staring at me or are you going to bring me that letter?”
Squeaking, he rushed over and presented the letter with a quick bow, holding the letter out with both hands, thumbs atop the envelope, while the rest of his fingers curled into fists, presenting rather submissively. Enji took the letter, and immediately, the servant disappeared, hurriedly shutting the door behind him, though he made sure not to actually slam it.
With clear frustration, a grim expression, Enji turned the envelope to further examine it, taking note of the sender.
The Kingdom of Solis, King Toshinori Yagi.
Enji had to resist the urge to tear the letter up and throw it like confetti, purely out of bitterness. Thankfully, there was a better alternative, causing him to slice open the top of the envelope to retrieve the letter tucked away inside of it. While holding the letter in one hand, and the actual envelope in the other, he set fire to the envelope and watched with satisfaction as it turned into dust, fluttering down onto the top of his desk. He then exhaled, hesitating to glance towards the letter and actually read it. However, his eyes betrayed him as he began to scan over the words, his face going through a variety of emotions. He was coming.
His rival, a man who’s strength he was threatened by despite being four years younger than the man who probably had no idea that Enji constantly challenged him in his mind. Why did his rival need to come to his castle to personally congratulate him on his marriage as well as his upcoming heir? He was never friendly with the man, in fact, the alliance was proposed by Enji’s father whilst he was still alive, was King Toshinori planning on waging war?
Alas, it seemed he would never be able to get a moment of peace when his office door was suddenly opened, revealing his mother and her personal servant, who opened the door, quaking in her boots at the fact that she was forced to intrude upon the King’s privacy because of the old Queen’s inability to understand boundaries.
With a huff, Eiko sauntered over towards where her son was upon spotting him with the opened letter and snatched it from his hands, diligently reading through it without asking him if she could do such a thing. The words caused her to snort, unbelieving of what she was reading.
“Hah! What are the odds? The King of Solis humbly apologizes for not attending your wedding and wants to give you a gift. I wonder what it could be. A blade to the throat? Or perhaps he’ll set my castle ablaze.”
“Mother- don’t you know how to knock? This doesn’t concern you.” He growled at the older woman, standing to snatch the letter back from her to fold it up and tuck it away into one of the drawers in his desk.
“Hah. How do you plan to rub your victories in his face? I would hate to admit it, but perhaps your bride will work nicely if you flash her around him. She is conventionally pretty, after all. And you will have another heir soon, be sure to milk that for everything you've got. How old is he again and still does not have a queen or heir? Something must be wrong with him. Perhaps he is sterile… how unfortunate would that be, if he were to produce a heir, that child would be something to reckon with—”
Enji begrudgingly listened to his mother ramble, a blank expression across his face as he stared through her, an oncoming rush of thoughts swarming through his mind. There was no telling when Toshinori would appear. How would he be able to show off his Queen if she were giving him the cold shoulder?
At first, he did plan to give her her space, but this was an urgent matter. However, he was unsure of what to do to get back on your good side. He couldn't look to his mother for her advice, she never seemed to regret what she did, no matter how many times the late King would seem to slowly break under pressure. Before he could stop himself, a burning question rose and asked itself aloud for his mother's ears.
“Do you ever regret making Dad drive himself to the breaking point of taking his own life to escape you?”
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nightfall-kachiniko · 2 years
Bye sister…
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(( I’d like to thank my sister for making this joke I just put it together 😭))
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I js be doodlin >:)
LITTLE CHIBIS OF DABI (and a body bc bc why not) AND HIS FACE OFC (I also suck at drawing eyes so ignore them 😜😜💥💥🌚🌚
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https-siren · 2 months
-.Cornflowers and Kismet.-
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Cw: Angst, Character "death," female reader hinted but can also be seen as GN, the reader has a plant quirk, overall just fluff, some mental health issues mentioned (not very prominent) minor to severe angst. Friends to lovers (?) some abuse mentioned (parental, both mental and semi-physical) (Messed up the timeline so Touya goes missing much later than the actual Canonic manga/storyline) Brief mentions of Enji Todoroki. Todoroki Family Abuse lore semi relavent.
shoutout to my friend for helping me choose the flowers in this fic!
A little bit "rushed" idk tho ;-;
You and Touya have been friends since you were around 6-7 years old, When you found him throwing rocks at your window, leading your hand outside, you knew your life would change from then on.
Fate or Kismet, is the strangest thing. How can you just find somebody and want to stay with them forever?
The fateful night when Touya came to your doorstep was when you were only 13 years old. Hearing a small tap that came from your window made you anxious, as you feared a possible break in.
Peering out the window you noticed the familiar figure of Touya, his white locks and his blue eyes always identified him. You creaked open the window and shouted, "Meet me at the front door Touya!" You then creaked open the front door, and there he stood, with an eager smile, tinting his eyes with childlike urgency.
"Hey, walk with me for a little?" He asked smile on his face.
"At this hour?" You questioned with a small yawn.
"Just trust me! I promise nothing will happen! Plus if you come with me I can show you the surprise I have planned!" He said hand extended for you to grab, if and only if you took his questionable offer into mind.
Intrigued you gladly placed your hand in his. Wondering what this surprise could be.
He led you through the woods that coated your backyard. He led you to an opening, one that seemed to be created by him and his flames.
He let go of your hand and grabbed something perched up on the tree branch behind him.
"Suprise," he said while holding out a small bouquet of flowers.
"I love them Touya," you said, examining each petal, and taking in the delicate glow they presented you with.
The happiness you two held in that moment was the experience of a lifetime, unfortunately, the loud yelling of Enji, ruined everything.
"Touya! Where are you?!" "If you're training I'll make sure to break your legs this time."
Touya's smile ultimately faded in the moment. "I need to head home." "Get home safe, I'll call you in the morning." He said while slowly turning around to walk home.
You, yourself headed home as well, holding the flowers in your hand, careful not to damage any pebbles.
When you reached home, you kicked off your shoes, and went straight to bed.
When you woke up in the morning you awaited his call. But strangely it never came.
Concerned, you decided to head off to the Todoroki Household.
Maybe he overslept? Maybe he forgot to call you? These questions puzzled your mind beyond belief.
When you reach the household, you notice the utter silence, which was strange for such a large family.
Walking to the front of the house you noticed something that made your heart drop, three police cars. Concerned you knock on the door, but you aren't greeted by Touya, Enji greets you instead.
"Touyas not here." "He's been missing since last night." He said with a somber look that was relatively out of character. As you know the horrors he committed behind closed doors.
Your chest feels heavy, and you're unable to speak, as the shock of the moment has paralyzed your body.
"There was a fire in the forest last night. Touyas' been pronounced dead." He continued. The shock of this news not registering correctly in your mind.
"Go home." "I'll call your parents when the situation dies down."
You were then met with the slam of the Todoroki family's front door.
You started to walk home. Your mind finally processing the gravity of the situation. Your best friend was gone.
When you reached your front door, your parents' car had returned to its original place. For they were home. You prepared yourself for a barrage of questions, as you slowly pried open the door. You were surprised to find your mom hugging you. "I heard about Touya, if you'd like to talk I'm here for you. Whenever you're ready." She said while breaking the hug and then walking back into the kitchen.
Not wanting to talk you headed back to your room. Opening up the door and closing it behind you only to see the flowers he left behind you, piercing your mind with thought.
What had really happened?
The first few weeks without Touya were an absolute hell. You didn't have the energy to do much of anything. You simply lay there, in your room, reading all the text messages you had sent to him the day he went missing.
Touya, I miss you. The police have pronounced you dead. But I know you're still out there. I can feel it. Please come home.
Touya it's been a week. Where did you go? Why did you have to leave me?
Just come home.
The first hard weeks turned into months with minor incidents, to six years of you trying to drown his disappearance by other distractions. Since you had a plant quirk, you did your best to keep the original bouquet of flowers. A singular petal wilting would send your mind into panic mode. You wanted to keep his memory alive.
You have moved away from home since then. Not a relatively long distance. Just one that was away from any major forests.
Staring at the flowers in your new home inspired you to replant the flowers. Not just in your home, but you'd plant them in an intricate pathway. From the opening he made in the forest for you, to your new home. So maybe, just maybe, he'll be able to find you again.
It didn't take long until the pathway was formed as your quirk cut down the planting and growing time by half. You waited until nightfall and the glow still resided.
You waited a few days, no signs of him. After a few weeks, no sign of him.
For it would be months until you saw him again.
One night you heard the same tapping noise on your window. You brushed it off as it was relatively windy that night. A louder tapping noise snapped you out of your doubt. Somebody was outside.
You looked out your window. White hair? Blue eyes? It was Touya.
You darted out your front door.
"Hey, beautiful." He said while you quite literally sprinted towards him.
Pulling him in for a hug, tracing your hands on his scars. You really did miss him.
For once you finally felt safe.
Kismet had brought you together again once more, and you wouldn't have it any other way.
TYSM for reading!!!!
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frickingnerd · 1 year
meeting the todoroki's
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pairing: shoto todoroki x gn!reader (+todoroki family)
summary: shoto takes you to a family dinner to make your relationship public, after months of dating in secret...
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shoto and you had been dating for quite a while now, yet your relationship was a bit of an open secret. he didn't mind mentioning you to his friends and wasn't shy to tell them he was in a relationship with you, but his family hadn't heard a single word about you yet. they didn't even know you were a friend of shoto's, until you came home with him for dinner one weekend. 
shoto didn't introduce you when he arrived at his house, purposefully refraining from putting a label on his relationship with you. he waited until everyone sat at the dinner table – natsu, fuyumi, enji and shoto and you – until he started to shift towards the topic you two had came here for today. 
"so, y/n and i wanted to tell you all something…"
everyone's eyes were on shoto, hoping that what came next would be good news. god knows this family didn't need any more drama. 
"we've been dating for a while now… i just didn't want to tell you all right away, but i'm ready now…"
shoto was being blunt as ever, holding nothing back. there was a quiet moment in which natsu and fuyumi exchanged glances, before fuyumi was the first one to speak up. 
"i'm really happy for you, shoto. you deserve to be with someone nice and y/n has made a great impression so far! right, dad?"
fuyumi glared at her father, just wanting him to be nice for once and agree with them. enji was still chewing on his food slowly, glaring at you and shoto. it felt like forever until he swallowed and spoke up. 
"right… though you could've mentioned something earlier, shoto! well, as long as a relationship won't distract you from your school work, then i suppose i don't mind…"
that must've been the nicest thing shoto had heard in a while from his father. he was quite glad he was holding back on you. or maybe he just hadn't found anything to criticize yet. 
"are you going to tell mom about it too?"
natsu asked and shifting the topic a little. 
"i plan to. i've already sent her a letter, but whenever they'll let me visit her, i'll bring y/n along!" 
shoto hadn't been very excited about telling his father about your relationship, but he wanted his mother to get to know you! he just had to wait for a chance to get to meet her again…
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elvenlia · 4 months
Endeavor x reader
Her mind felt like it was ready to explode with everything she had just witnessed on the television screen. Endeavors oldest son, which everyone believed to have long passed, was actually the villian Dabi. And he announced it for the entire world to hear.
Her heart broke, for many reasons. For Shoto who witnessed it first hand, for Dabi - Touya for the years of built up pain and anguish and for Endeavor ...
Y/n had long since grown a bond with the Pro hero, having worked as his personal assistant from the age of 21 until now at 27. Six years of dealing with that stubborn, brash man.
Over the years she's learned to read him, read between the lines of his harsh words and lack of emotion. Once past those obnoxious barriers, he wasn't all that bad. At least not to her.
They had an odd dynamic, most thought. She was boisterous, outgoing, confident and kind. Where as he was rude, hard and emotionally inept.
She would tease him and laugh, while others would scurry away at the sight of a glare pointed their way. She wasn't afraid of him, nor intimidated.
He was her boss, she respected him of course, but she never let him treat her as if she was less than or below him. She would go toe to toe with him in any argument, never backing down.
She had even developed a bond with his family, against his will of course, at first. Though something he'd never say out loud was he was secretly grateful to her for that. She could be there for them in places he couldn't, hasn't.
Which brought y/n to where she was now, dropping everything to hop in her car and set herself on the way to Endeavor's office. She knew that's where he'd be after this whole disaster took place.
Just as she pulled onto the main road a phone call came through on her cell. Quickly she answered it, it was him.
" Hey, Enji I'm- "
" I need you .. "
" I know, I'm already on my way. I'll be there soon, okay? "
The only reply y/n got was silence on the other end before he hung up the phone. The way his voice cracked as he spoke only made her heart ache more for him.
Endeavor was know for being a bad father, that much was a fact. He was hardly a capable parent and let his greed and desire cloud his intentions when it came to his kids. Though in the past year or so he has been trying to do better, be better for them.
Y/n had stayed many hours over at the office listening to him speak about his children, so compassionate not one of them would believe even if they heard it come from his own mouth. Though she did, she believed him.
After grabbing some dinner for the man, y/n quickly entered the office building heading straight for Endeavors office and entering without a knock. They were the only two there.
"Okay, I texted Fuyumi and had dinner sent to your home for the kids. So their dinner is taken care of for tonight, they don't need to worry. And I brought you some tonkatsu, incase your hungry. "
Y/n spoke as she entered the office, setting the bag in front of the dazed man on his desk. Sliding her phone into her bag she hopped up onto the corner of his desk beside him, as she so commonly did. Though usually in work attire and not sweatpants but that didn't matter right now.
" How are you feeling, Enji? "
She asked softly, reaching a hand out to grasp his shoulder giving it a reassuring squeeze which pulled him from his daze to finally notice she was there.
She was able to now get a better look at his face, the way his bottom lip trimbled mixed with the splotches of dried blood caked around his face and in his hair made her want to cry for the man.
She had never seen him look so absolutely defeated.
The look didn't suit him. She'd take his harsh glares and scowls any day.
" He's my own son and I never - "
He slammed a fist down on to the desk beside where she was sat near her thigh. Gritting his teeth so hard she could hear them scraping together as tears started to well in the corners of his eyes.
" You couldn't have known, Enji. He doesn't resemble ... he's different now. "
" He's been alive this whole time! I thought - I thought .. "
" I know, I know ..."
She shushed him as she pulled him into a tight embrace, rubbing soft circles into his back. This was the first time he'd ever allowed her to be this close to him, to show this type of vulnerability in front of her.
" It's all my fault ... I ruined him . "
She wished she had sweet comforting words to whisper softly to him, but she didn't. He was right, he did Touya very wrong and she wouldn't lie to him in sake of making the blow easier for him.
So she chose to stay quiet and allow him to weep, mumbling out incoherent words into her shoulder as she held him close.
After sometime of him staying buried in her shoulder he finally pulled away, now only a numb look reflected in his eyes.
" Let me take you home. "
She broke the silence, taking his hand in her much smaller one and giving it a gentle tug as to gesture him to follow her. She had also grabbed the bag of untouched food in her other hand as she lead the man out of his office building. Locking up as she went.
The car ride was quite, almost deafeningly quite. She had only ever drove him a handful of times, when his driver was unavailable, but everytime he'd nearly go into a fit over her driving skills. Though tonight it seemed he didn't care.
It was nearing midnight, she was hoping she wouldn't wake anyone as she dropped the man off at his home. Taking him inside, she sat him in the kitchen at the table, plating his food and once again sitting it in front of him.
" Eat, it'll make you feel better. "
She left the hero to his vices as she wondered into the living room, peeking around to see if anyone remained up. And to her surprise, a figure was sat before the fireplace, the fire long having died down.
" Sho? "
Y/n softly called to the boy, leaning over the couch to place a gentle touch to his shoulder.
" Y/n - .. "
His voice broke as he placed his hand over hers, his touch trembling.
" Oh Sho - I'm so sorry. "
She bit her lip to contain her own emotions which brewed dangerously in the pit of her stomach. Wrapping her arms around the boys shoulders from behind she gave him a tight squeeze, holding him in silence for a moment like she had done for his father.
" You should head to bed Sho, it's late and you deserve some sleep. "
He offered a sullen nod before sulking off down the hall.
Hearing footsteps coming up beside her, her attention was grabbed by arms engulfing her into a tight embrace, once again. She had noticed he had cleaned himself up and changed out of his hero costume finally.
She held Endeavor for the second time that night.
" Thank you for being here for my family and myself.. "
His once strong voice now dimmed and lower.
" You don't need to thank me, Enji. "
He shook his head slowly in reply, letting a moment pass by before speaking again.
" Please stay with me tonight? "
His question was so quiet, only meant for her ears as she took in his words. Softly she nodded, pulling away slightly from his embrace.
" I'll stay. "
It seems it wouldn't be the last time she'd be holding Endeavor close that night.
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darlink-xoxo · 1 year
in which, a pirate finds herself running away from the castle with her arranged husband
fortunately, her betrothed hates his father as much as he's in love with her..
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GIF isnt mine
mentions of a female reader doesn't matter tho. and strange switches of pov
Warnings: Fluff, Arranged Marriage, Endeavour Blackmailing Reader, No Planning Whatsoever, Puppy love 🫶.. and spelling mistakes
❥ · ゚₊ You sailed the seas with your cover up flag raised high in the winds. yes you were a pirate, yes this was your ship, and yes this was your crew. now you didn't steal a treasure or anything like that, it was more of a crew made just to protect the outskirts of land from pirates with really foul intentions. your cover up flag presented you as simple sailors gathering goods and sailing them across to neighboring kingdoms across the oceans for the trading process.
sure at first you and your crew were looked down upon, after all, having a lady on the ship was said to bring bad luck. you proved them all wrong of course, that sword on your hip wasn't just for style. although not everyone has truly accepted you all yet, that's okay, they'd need you in the end anyhow.
turning the wheel, earlier you had received a letter from the king in the south. he has an offer for you, and you didn't trust this one bit. yet you had to keep your connections with those of the southern kingdom, they were one of the wealthiest kingdoms after all.
your second in command was busy giving your crew different chores that needed to be completed. softly whistling a tune to yourself, you fixed your feathered tricorn hat as you gazed out into the open ocean. if you squinted enough, you might've been able to make out the smallest outline of land.
just what did this scoundrel king want..?
docking your ship, you left your crew in the hands of your second in command. you didn't want any of them involved with this, especially since you had no clue what this sudden call of your presence was about.
a guard was escorting you to the castle, they offered a ride yet you wanted to get used to walking on land again. being on the sea for so long left you a little disoriented on nonfloating grounds. you preoccupied yourself with taking in the change of scenery and smiling at those who waved at you. now at the gates of the castle, a knight opened the door for you. you walked in with caution, taking one last glance out the door before it closed.
the person in armor led you towards the king's chancery, and this is when your life took a turn for the worst.
King Enji sat proudly on his throne replica of a chair as he waited, once you entered the room he offered you the chair on the other side of him. signaling the guard to return to his post, the king watched with cold eyes as you shifted in your seat.
"do you have any idea why i requested your arrival?" he suddenly spoke.
you stared at him with your best poker face, "for some offer i recall, so what is this ever so important offer the king himself had to extend to me?"
the monarch's face darkened as his flames glowed brighter, "i want you to marry my youngest son."
silence took over the room, was he serious?? it took everything you had not to explode on this man, the absolute nerve.. your eyes must've given away your distaste, about to refuse with your ever so sour tongue, he spoke before you could.
"and before you refuse, i know you and your crew aren't truly simple sailors. the people are already skeptical about you being a lady sailor, much worse a captain. once word gets out you all are sailing as pirates, you might as well say farewell to your seawater life."
oh that's right, the true reason you and your crew covered up as sailors was that people still never accepted pirates as good. surely you'd be burned at the stake if word got out you were a pirate all along..
you gritted your teeth, "what're the consequences for both parties?" annoyance and aggravation was clear in your tone, and all this tyrant did was laugh.
"well since you asked so kindly. if you marry my son, you'll stay here with him and your crew will be free to sail as either a bunch of pirates or sailors. refuse and i'll inform everyone about your secret identities and you and your crew will be doomed the moment you step out of my castle. so captain, what'll it be?"
you felt your world crumble apart in front of you, you never wanted your crew involved with this.. why.. why you of all people?? you weren't even a noble for crying out loud!
what his highness didn't tell you, is that he selected you since you could take charge of your crew with ease and your fierce determination to start your crew on your own. plus the fact that you had been nearly all over the world, including well loved enough by those of the neighboring kingdoms. he loved the amount of connections you brought him.
your head hung low, you didn't even get to say goodbye to your beloved crew.. "alright, i'll marry him." you hope your crew handled themselves without you..
the king smiled as his flames grew brighter with a glint in his eye, "very good.."
and that was a year ago, you had no knowledge of the state of your crew. whether they expanded or not was unknown to you, i mean, how would you know when you're chained to your bedside? the cuffs around your wrists provided a long enough chain between them to be able to stretch and stuff, and that connecting chain was attached to a way longer one that bounded you to the inside of your room. shoto had informed his father that you wanted to walk around your room, so that's basically why you have your minimal available walking distance.
you often stared out through the windows of your balcony, searching for the slightest bit of the ocean. you hoped that one day, you'd see your familiar ship. even if you weren't the one steering.. you had been stripped of your old clothes, only left with gowns nowadays, slowly forgetting your life before all this.
sure prince shoto and y/n did eventually grow to appreciate each other's company, one more than the other, they both knew it was still only an arranged marriage and it would take some time to get used to. although the prince learned to like y/n, neither of them saw themselves as 'husband and wife' yet.
with shoto catching feelings, y/n tried her best not to let them feel anything for him in pitiful yearnings that the king would see it and choose someone else to be queen. due to y/n being distant, shoto took this as y/n hating him. leaving him to treat her to every luxury available that didn't overstep the king's rules.
one day though, shoto had brought her food and while she was eating she was reminded of her past adventures. maybe it was due to it being seafood, but it reminded her of that time her right hand man accidentally fell into the water while he was fishing.
she paused, and shoto instantly looked over in concern, "are you alright lady y/n?"
y/n took a moment before responding, only giving a nod of your head, suddenly having no willpower to lift your utensils to finish your meal. taking it upon himself, shoto gingerly picked up your utensils and hesitantly began feeding you. which was abnormal, to say the least, he's never done anything like this before.. you felt your heart beat loudly in your chest, and you sighed as you couldn't do anything about it.
and this other time, you were given a butter knife to assist you in eating your breakfast. feeling memories flood back into your mind, you proudly wore your captain hat once more. faking a sword fight in her room, y/n happily relived her past. unexpectedly shoto walked in, probably to check if she had finished eating. when y/n saw him, she didn't get embarrassed. instead, she raised her 'sword' and said, "dear prince! I hear by challenging you to a duel! and no fire or ice is allowed."
shoto softly smiled at how carefree y/n seemed to be, taking the sword from his satchel, he tossed it to y/n. she caught it of course, but stared at him in confusion when he left the room. moments after, he returned with a different sword in his grasp, boldly smirking at his betrothed, "I accept your challenge, my lady," he answered back with a glint in his eyes that matched hers.
the two cracked up as their harmless sword fight moved across the room, clashing swords with smiles on their faces as giggles and chuckles filled the room. this was a bonding moment that was expected of them to come naturally as if they were dating. yet they never had time to date, maybe if they had a moment like this before their marriage wouldn't feel as 'arranged' as it is.
jumping onto her bed to avoid shoto, it was similar to how she once jumped onto the upper deck back on her ship to avoid an ambush. king enji walked by the room, pausing due to the loud laughter he heard. peeking into the door, he flashed a sinister grin, "HAHAH SHOTO!! THIS IS PERFECT! Getting along with your wife i see?" than as smug as ever, he walks away.
y/n's cheerful mood is instantly ruined, hesitantly taking off her hat and placing the sword down with her head hung low in sadness. meanwhile, shoto was ready to murder his father, like how dare he ruin y/n's mood?? shoto slowly raised his sword in question, and y/n shook her head. watching as she stumbled over to her bed and flopped down, shoto's displeasure with his father only grew. y/n has lost her carefree attitude, she was closed off again and it seemed like more invisible walls were built. after that whole ordeal, shoto would find y/n sadly staring at her pirate hat and his sword he let her keep.
and one night, y/n laid awake in her bed. she couldn't sleep, both her past and the new addition kept her awake. the prince, she forced herself to hate him. yet how could she keep her facade up when he looks at her as if their marriage was never arranged in the first place?? he's treating her as if he's been in love with her since the very beginning.. y/n isn't much different either, she said she'd hate him, but isn't she the one happily allowing shoto to feed her? or the way she asks him to stay behind with her? or how she finds herself unconsciously tracing her fingers along his scare when he accidentally falls asleep beside her when he stays.
yes, she fell in love with him, but she desperately wished it was under different circumstances. a sudden knock on her door led her to stare into the darkness of who was there.
"lady y/n? are you awake?"
"i think so? i'm still seeing darkness"
shoto silently chuckled, walking over to her bedside with enough grace that it seemed he had her room layout memorized. he patted around her bed for a moment, before taking her hand in his grasp and holding it to his lips, and softly kissed her ring. suddenly the room burst up in flames, y/n sat up wide eyes "what do you think you're doing shoto?!?"
he only grinned at you as a loud blaring alarm rang throughout the castle, he gently grasped your chains and melted them to nothing but a molten puddle on the ground. you gaped at him, before the pounding on your closed door that shoto had most likely locked, started getting too loud for your liking.
"run away with me my lady, let us be free together," shoto practically pleaded with you as he grasped your hands in his.
you coughed, the air was filled with ash. the banging on your doors didn't get any quieter and that's probably the angry shouts of the guards you're hearing too.
you shut your eyes before a determined gleam flashed across your ires. you gripped shoto's hand, jumping out of bed before quickly putting on your hat to make sure it didn't burn in the slowly raging fire. also taking the sword your prince had gifted you, you held him close as the door broke down. jumping out of the side of the balcony, you stabbed the sword into the wall. you kept a firm hold on your prince as you and him descended to the ground. he held onto you just as tight, simply distracting himself with how attractive you looked at the moment.
landing on the ground, you both broke out into a run, laughing at the taste of freedom, "sorry about your blade your majesty," y/n giggled as the adrenaline had yet to run out. shoto simply chuckled along with her as he motioned to the sword on his hip, "no worries my lady, i have a spare."
off in the distance, y/n saw the familiar con flag of her original ship. taking shoto's hand with hers, y/n ran faster, "c'mon prince, run faster! we're going home!" she laughed as her sights landed on her old second in control.
shoto silently chocked on his breath, "pardon me? did you say home?" y/n nodded to him over her shoulder, sending him a cheeky wink as his ears turned pink. the sound of their fast approaching footsteps appeared to have alerted the crew, as now their attention was on the couple running towards them.
"CAPTAIN??? WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU WEARING?? never mind that, LOWER THE BRIDGE!" your dearest right hand man recognized you immediately, and you happily waved at him and your old crew.
he leaned over the ledge, "aye?? and who might that be with you captain?"
you paused, turning around to face shoto, and glancing down at your connected hands. you turned back to your loyal associate with a smile on your face, "my husband! prince shoto todoroki."
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pleathewrites · 3 months
bellow the fire into my deadened lungs
chapter 1 excerpt — what are your thoughts on child abuse? + burncare read full story here
Meeting semi-regularly with Hawks has been… ‘Strange,’ Dabi thinks. 
The Number Two’s got a bad temper, hates being out of the loop, and hates it more when Dabi can’t be bothered to spare more than a few words at him. Dabi mostly makes Hawks do small jobs — gather bits of mild information and tail certain lower-ranked heroes. Dabi doesn’t ask for any top secrets because he has a feeling Hawks would only feed him lies. ‘Why?’ Because that’s what Dabi does. 
But the Bird has interesting thoughts. 
Dabi will admit — seeing Hawks’ speech during the Hero Ranking ceremony was wildly entertaining. Dabi assumed the hero had a flair for the dramatic, but he never thought the guy would be so bold to make such a scene on national live television. 
“Who’s gonna be happy hearing that? Stain?”
Dabi remembers Spinner’s spit-take at Hawks’ interruption of Edgeshot trying to seem oh, so humble. 
“You don’t think we need to change how we do things?... Why are those less accomplished than me playing it safe?”
Dabi remembers the way Toga’s eyes sparkled, the way even Shigaraki started to tilt his head in consideration. Dabi thinks the raining feathers were a bit over the top since the guy was already fucking floating, but he’ll admit it was a nice touch.
But his favorite — “Now, go ahead, Number One Hero, with a lower approval rating than me.”
Dabi actually let out a snort, at that one. 
It’s been a few weeks since that broadcast, but ever since, Dabi’s interest in the hero has been considerably piqued. 
He sent Hawks a set of coordinates and a time to meet about an hour ago. He’s late himself, but only by thirty minutes, and, well, he’s a villain.
He immediately spots the stupid little bird because, in an industrial town full of grey, that stupid yellow suit is an absolute eyesore. 
“You don’t own any other clothes, Hero?” 
Back turned, with only crimson wings in his view, Dabi hoped the guy would have jumped. Dabi’s been told he can be as quiet as a ghost, but then he remembers Hawks telling him something about telepathic feathers and sound vibration. 
“Dabi!” Hawks twirls halfway with that stupid grin of his, “You’re actually early. For you.”
“Say my name louder, would you. Might as well dial up the Commission right now and let ‘em know you turned, while you’re at it,” The words are worried, but Dabi’s tone stays neutral because they both know the Commission is already informed about every single one of their meetings. It’s just Hawks who thinks Dabi’s dumb as rocks. 
“We’re in a literal alleyway in one of the sketchiest towns in Japan, dude.”
“Tch,” Dabi’s nose scrunches in a sneer, ‘Of course he’d consider this town to be sketchy, just because it’s a little run down.’
Hawks scratches at the back of his head, “Though, I guess you got a point. I — uh, heh, I didn’t have time to change. Patrol and all.” 
Dabi deadpans, “You can spare ten minutes. It’s not gonna kill you,” and Hawks still looks weirdly apologetic so he adds on, “Birdy, you’re acting like I’m the one who’s gonna be waitin’ up on you. Has that been the trend, so far?”
“You know, now that you bring it up…” And Dabi just thinks, ‘oh, Gods, no,’ while Hawks puts a gloved finger to his chin, “Why are you always late?”
Dabi doesn’t answer. 
Hawks puts his hands up in mock surrender, “Alright, fine. Be mysterious, whatever,” Then clasps his hands behind his back. Dabi thinks that’ll be the end of that, but Hawks loves the sound of his own voice too much, “You villains are so dramatic.”
Dabi gapes, and lays his hand over his chest in offense, “I’m dramatic?” He scoffs — he cannot stand half the shit that comes out of this smart-ass’s mouth. His hand leaves his chest to point at the Number Two, “This coming from the guy that not only interrupted a rank ceremony but made it rain feathers while he did it? Braggin’ about his own approval rating while floating in the fuckin’ air?”
And — ‘oh shit’ — Dabi should have kept his mouth shut. 
Because he sees the bastard’s golden eyes fucking gleam, and crimson feathers ruffle, “Eh? You keepin’ tabs on me, Hot Stuff?” and he starts to lean in, close enough for Dabi to feel the need to reel back, his nose a mere inch away from Dabi’s own, “Ya like watchin’ me?” Pale eyelashes flutter.
Dabi’s had enough. 
He hears a muffled ‘oomph!’ as his scarred hand pushes Hawks’ face away, “Don’t fuckin’ flatter yourself, the ceremony was national news.”
Hawks pulls back and laughs a little. It’s a breathy sound, almost a rumble with how deep the guy’s voice is, but it’s always quiet. Tired. 
Dabi’s stomach chooses that moment to let out a loud and horrifying grumble. 
Hawks’ bushy eyebrow lifts in question, and Dabi can feel the blood gather in his cheeks, humiliation warming his usually cool skin. 
“So, there is a reason you look like a bag of bones,” Hawks says.
Dabi knows the guy is trying to be cheeky, but it hits harder than intended because, ‘Yeah, I haven’t eaten all fuckin’ day,’ and the only thing he does remember eating is cheap instant udon, yesterday. He put a boiled egg in it for protein, but that stuff only goes so far.
Luckily, Hawks continues without needing a response from Dabi, “C’mon, I’m hungry, too, and I saw a chicken place around here. On me, the place is probably cheap, anyway, considering,” and waves his hand around broadly, referring to their current location.
Usually, this is the part where ‘Person B’ says something like, ‘I don’t need your charity!’ but Dabi isn’t prideful enough to deny free sustenance, especially since he can’t even remember the last time he ate real meat. 
So, he shrugs, “Lead the way. But first, button up your fuckin’ jacket and take off your glasses, for fuck’s sake. I know you can move your feathers, so — I dunno, move ‘em under your jacket, or somethin’. Hide them.”
And Hawks actually has the audacity to pout, “I hate compressing my wings.”
“Gods,” Dabi groans to the sky, “It’s just for the walk there.”
After grumbling some more, mostly to himself, Hawks relents and leads the way to a mostly empty chicken shop with neon signs and shiny wooden floors. They sit in a booth at the farthest corner, and order. 
Hawks is somewhat right — food is cheap in a town like this. Dabi’s not well-versed in all things economics, but he knows an underfunded town is a wanted-villain’s safest haven. The residents of such towns rarely call for police — police mean heroes, and heroes mean collateral damage; the residents of this town already struggle to make ends meet with their healthy bodies and standing businesses. One bad fight can end in dozens of collapsed buildings, and an overflow of the nearest already-at-capacity hospital. 
‘As long as you don’t cause too much trouble, the residents here won’t even bat an eye at you, no matter how wanted you are.’
Dabi takes off his facemask and hood when their food is served, and Hawks lets his wings out with a ruffle. The hero begins to dig in, but his gloves stay on.
“Isn’t this cannibalism, for you?”
The previous expression of excitement on Hawks’ face drops, “Ha ha. You’re so clever. I’ve never heard that one before.”
“Fuck off.”
“No, seriously, you should be a comedian.”
“Go to hell. It was actually a semi-serious question.”
A smile quirks at the corner of Hawks’ lips, “Just let me eat in peace, man.”
And so, they eat for a bit, mostly in silence, until Dabi decides the silence feels suffocating. Hawks isn’t asking any questions, not his usual, ‘so whaddya got for me, today?’ and it leaves Dabi with his own thoughts.
After finishing about half his plate, Dabi finally asks what’s been on his mind since watching the Bird on television. 
“What are your thoughts on child abuse?” 
Hawks freezes, a chicken piece halfway through his open mouth when he looks up at Dabi, muffling out, “What?” 
Dabi lets his chin rest on his palm, curling his greasy fingers inwards to avoid his seams, “Humor me, Hero. Got a penny if ya need one.” 
Hawks swallows and puts down his fork — ‘eating chicken wings with fuckin’ utensils, what a priss.’ 
“Uh, gonna need a little bit more context here, man…”
He looks so wary.
Dabi sighs and spells it out for the dumb bird, “What would you do, as a hero, if you received a report of child abuse?”
Hawks takes a moment, scratching at his goatee, “Well, investigate, then hopefully make an arrest,” He shrugs, “Abusers should be jailed. I dunno what you want from me beyond that. Random question, dude.”
Dabi, more or less, ignores the confusion in Hawks’ eyes, but he does take note of how Hawks hasn’t continued eating. The hero is sat back, waiting for Dabi to provide the clearly missing context. 
Dabi has to know what kind of person he’s dealing with, because meeting Hawks this past month and seeing his actions on live television make Dabi… tentatively hopeful — about what, he’s not sure, but Dabi doesn’t like surprises, so he has to ask.
“Mm. But, what if that same abuser shows kindness to everyone else, outside those few people?” 
At that, Hawks lets out a scoff, “It’s usually an act, man. Why are you asking me this? I mean, like, yes, yeah it doesn’t matter if they treat others differently. Doesn’t make up for what they’re doing, the people they’re hurting.”
“Uh-huh,” Dabi’s eyes never leave Hawks’ face, noting the expressive curl of blonde eyebrows, bushed up in earnest to match his glinting frown, “And if other people are, say, ‘counting on them’?”
Those blond eyebrows furrow closer, wild hairs almost touching, “What do you mean?” 
Dabi tilts his head away from the palm it rests on and unfurls those fingers one-by-one to count off, “World leaders, presidents, peace figures.... heroes,” and even Dabi knows his voice took a sharp turn at the last item, and he doubts Hawks had missed it.
“I… No, no, it’s still wrong. It’s complicated, yeah, but... it doesn’t matter how much good someone does if that same person is going off to abuse someone else. Especially their own family.”
Dabi doesn’t know why, but hearing that come from a hero does something to him, speaks to a too-short past life, and validates the soft blindspot of his otherwise iron conscience.
Dabi picks off a piece of his own chicken and takes a bite, “Yeah, we’ll see.”
Meanwhile, Hawks looks completely out of sorts. He’s biting his lip, his hand coming up to rub the knuckle of his gloved index right underneath it. 
Dabi waits. 
“I… I didn’t spend a lot of my life with my birth parents. They were abusive. And they were… y’know, what everyone would call ‘bad people’. Drug addicts, thieves. Probably other things, too, I dunno,” and Dabi is listening to every single word, food completely forgotten. Hawks isn’t looking at him, lidded eyes are directed more towards Dabi’s shoulder, and that’s okay because Dabi hasn’t spoken a single word of his own abuse, so he’s not going to judge how others do it. 
The blond’s head shakes, “Ah,” and clearing gold eyes look back to Dabi, “Point is, even they didn’t face consequences for what they did to me. My dad… He’s in jail, but it’s not for what he did to me. And my mom… Commission paid her a hefty check to adopt me, so she's probably off living an even better life — or maybe dead from overdose, I dunno.” 
“Sounds hard,” it’s a shitty response, but Dabi doesn’t know what to say. He doesn’t want to reveal his own story, but for all that’s broken and wrong and rotted inside of him, he still feels empathy towards this guy, towards the Number Two Hero.
‘Birds of a feather, ‘n all that.’
“Yeah, well. Just makes me think, if apparently ‘bad people’ can get away with the crime of child abuse — people with practically zero social or economic influence — then, how do the same institutions hold someone with real status accountable?”
Against his desire to appear aloof, Dabi feels the sharp tug of his own lips pulling into a small smile, “Askin’ all the right questions. Best ones have no answer.”
Hawks laughs, and it's the same one as the alley, low and quiet. Soft. 
Dabi wonders if the guy lets himself laugh often. He smiles a lot, that’s for certain, but smiles are always easier to fake than laughter.  
“I have a feeling a lot of villains have this kind of backstory, or something similar, huh.”
“As you?” Dabi raises a brow, the easiest kind of expression he can do to the lack of staples there, a constant reminder of his ‘backstory,’ like he’s a fucking manga character,  “Maybe. ‘Cept they weren’t saved by anyone. No one’s jumpin’ up and down to take care of us. That’s the difference between us,” his index finger flicking back-and-forth in the space between them, “Heroes ‘n villains.”
The laugh that leaves Hawks is wrong this time. It’s bitter and booming — dark, and not nearly as lovely as Dabi found the others.
“Saved. Yeah. Yeah, you’re right.”
Dabi’s stomach churns something sick. He hopes it’s the chicken.
The next time Dabi is supposed to meet Hawks, the skin around the staples of his hands feels like it’s on fire. Red, itchy, and, ‘Oh Gods,’ Dabi thinks he’s starting to see something white seep out the seam of his right wrist.  
He used up the last of his supplies two weeks ago. Right now, the only things he has in his apartment are gauze, soap, and tap water that can be boiled. 
Dabi thinks about calling one of the League members, any of them, but after Kamino, there’s been wanted posters of their faces plastered everywhere, mostly definitely around cities nice enough to have open pharmacies.
He calls Hawks. 
“Hello! Where are ya, hot stuff? I’ve been waitin’ for half an hour, and I even took the time to change my clothes.”
Dabi rolls his eyes at the nickname and grips the phone tighter. It makes his wrist burn. He doesn’t waste any time, “Do you have access to any antiseptics or disinfectants right now? Strong ones. Or maybe even antibiotics, like silver sulfadiazine?”
“Burn cream? Uh… not, like, I don’t have any on me. I could get some? Is everything alright?”
Dabi closes his eyes and rubs his brow, “Yeah, I’m gonna send you some new coordinates. Bring the supplies here. And hurry.”
He hangs up and sets to boiling some water. 
Three loud knocks later echo through Dabi’s apartment, and he yells, “Come in!” as he pats his wrists dry with a paper towel. 
“Dabi?” Hawks’ voice rings through the apartment and his large wings come into view from where Dabi stands in the kitchen. Hawks takes his shoes off at the entryway — ‘how well mannered.’ — and perks up when he spots the scarred man.
“Hey! So, I got an assortment of things. Hydrogen peroxide, saline, antibacterial ointment, got the silver sulfadiazine like you asked — that shit is expensive without a coupon — and, oh! I got these, like, film coverings, pharmacist calls ‘em ‘nanocrystalline silver dressing’ , supposed to be better for fighting infection,” He shrugs, “I also went ahead and got some other things like gauze, dressing, Q-tips, pins,” and sets the plastic bag on the countertop,  “Here, take a look.”
Dabi does, with his eyes because he doesn’t want his freshly cleaned wrists getting even more infected with whatever bacteria could be on the plastic bag or any of these items. 
“... Damn. Thanks, Birdy,” He’s honestly shocked Hawks got this much stuff. 
He ignores the way his heart beats faster, ‘Might finally be the sepsis.’
When Dabi looks back up at the guy, his feathers are wiggling again, something Dabi has come to understand what the hero does when he’s somewhat pleased, “Uh, can you wash your hands over there in the sink and pull out the… Hm, the silver dressing, white dressing, and the gauze? Just set it on the counter, I’ll be right back.”
Dabi walks over to his bathroom, hearing the affirmative, “Sure!” from the hero, and closes the door with his elbow. 
He needs a minute. 
‘I can’t believe I just let an undercover hero into my apartment. Am I going to have to move? Fuck… fuck, fuck!’
“Shit,” he whispers to himself as he opens his medicine cabinet and fetches a pair of tweezers and a box of latex gloves.
‘I can’t believe he bought all that stuff. Dude’s loaded, that’s fine and all, but… what the fuck? I only asked for the burn cream…’ 
Dabi shakes his head, closes the medicine cabinet, and is greeted with the reflection of his own confused expression, etched by a small crack at the upper left side. He takes a minute to look at the man staring back at him, looking at his scars and his freshly dyed roots. He knows he’s a frightening sight, something out of nightmares and horror movies. 
He hates looking at himself, sometimes. He knows others do, too. 
Some nights, the vulnerability of his upsettingly-human psyche will claw its way out like the vicious beast it is, and force him to understand his loneliness. On those nights, he will understand why people turned away a half-dead teen, why store owners chased him out with their bats and mops, and why heroes will always, always attack on-sight upon seeing Dabi’s face. 
He will understand why the League’s bar is really the one place he can ever sip his drink in peace and enjoy the burn at the back of his throat without some prick trying to slip him paper bills in exchange for things he can’t even say out loud. On those nights, the righteous anger will leave his body like steam from boiling water, and leave him hollow and cold and so, very, very alone. 
He wonders if tonight will be one of those nights. 
“Uh, Dabi? You alright in there?”
Dabi blinks out and away from his reflection, ‘Maybe not,’ and leaves his bathroom. 
When he comes back to the kitchen, all the supplies he asked for are out and ready to use. Hawks sits on Dabi’s only stool, waiting.
Dabi didn’t get a chance to really look at the guy, until now. The hero did end up changing his attire for tonight — black sweatshirt, normal jeans that are still on the baggier side, and black boots closer to the kind in fashion magazines than those hideously yellow rainboots he normally tends to wear. When Dabi lifts his eyes back up, he notices the hero’s hair looks a bit different, a little more chaotic, and a little less stiff — it looks soft. 
‘Oh, pull it fucking together.’
Dabi clears his throat and hands over the box of latex gloves, “Do you mind helping me out? I just need you to do this wrist, and then I can work on the other.”
Hawks is nodding and stretching the gloves over his hands before Dabi even finishes his sentence. 
“Y’know, your place isn’t anything like I’d thought it’d be. ‘S nice. Clean.” 
Dabi hears a snap! and a muttered, “shit.”
He opens his mouth to ask what’s wrong before he looks at Hawks’ hand, and sees matte black claws curving out fingers loosely lined with tattered blue latex.
“Heh,” Hawks laughs, a bit nervously, “Sorry ‘bout that. My own gloves are so thick, I forget I have these.”
“Why am I just now seeing these?” Dabi wonders out loud, eyes glued to the tips of talons he could have sworn that, for a split second, sparkled at him, “Shit. Those are fucking sharp, man. You’re tellin’ me you don’t fight with ‘em?” He doesn’t really pay attention to broadcasts of hero fights but from the ones he’s seen, the Number Two’s hands were always gloved.
“Ah,” Hawks starts to pull a fresh latex glove over his hand again, leaving some space between the ends of each finger for his talons this time, “That wouldn’t be very heroic, would it? There’d be a lot of… blood. Kids don’t need to see that kind of gore in the news, y’know.”
Dabi raises an eyebrow, “I… guess....” 
Honestly, Dabi thinks that’s a bullshit excuse, to not use something so clearly advantageous in serious combat, especially when the hero's life is on the line practically every day, ‘Even if he doesn’t want to use them, why does he cover them?’
He lets the matter be, for now, and looks over the directions on the box of the nanocrystalline silver dressing. He reads it twice, just to make sure. 
Hawks speaks up, apparently needing to hear his own voice again, “The directions say that for exudative wounds, you should apply the dressing dry.”
“Yeah, I see that.”
“So... Let’s get started!” 
Dabi huffs. He hates that he needs help but he’s always been shit with his right hand, and he doesn’t want to risk dropping anything. He lays his left hand out towards Hawks and critically watches every move the man makes. 
Hawks is extremely gentle, and he dresses the wound as if he’s done this a thousand times over. The hero’s eyes never leave Dabi’s wrist, except for the few times he’d go over and read the instructions again to make sure he’s doing everything right. He cradles Dabi’s forearm with one hand as he uses the other to smooth the silver dressing on, the pressure of his fingers light around the staples and firm around the skin. After he applies the secondary dressing, he briefly looks up at Dabi to ask, “You alright?” 
Dabi can only nod. 
When the gauze is wrapped and firmly pinned in place, Hawks finally lets go and Dabi takes a step back to breathe.  
He immediately sets to work on his other hand, moistening the silver dressing with the clean water he’d boiled earlier on. 
“You sure you don’t want help with the other hand? I’ve been trained in this kinda stuff, first aid. I don’t mind.”
‘Well, that explains a little.’  
Still, Dabi shakes his head, “I prefer to do it myself,” and there’s truth in that, it’s the absolute truth, Dabi likes to do things himself. He likes things done his way, and he doesn’t like being touched. 
But the gentle feeling of Hawks’ fingers on his skin urges him to reconsider. 
He won’t, but some part of him wishes he would. 
As he starts to apply the silver dressing with his tweezers, he hears Hawks ask, “Can I ask you something really personal? Like, probably boundary-crossing?”
Dabi’s eyes never leave his working hands, “You got a lot of nerve, Birdbrain, thinkin’ we’re cool like that.”
He hears a small squawk, “C’mon, dude! I’m in your apartment, per your request! I think we’re along the lines of something, ‘like that’.”
Dabi snorts, “I won’t stop you, but don’t be surprised if I tell you to fuck off.”
Hawks laughs — the same small breathy one that makes Dabi’s own mouth quirk up.
Hawks asks why his body is full of scars.  
And Dabi… Well, every passing day, Dabi feels himself getting closer to death and, tonight, it makes his lips a little loose. Maybe he just wants someone to know his story, maybe he wants to try saying it out loud. And if he’s gonna tell his tale, it might as well be in the company of his favorite little double-agent.
When he finishes wrapping up the gauze around his right wrist, he digs for the cigarette packet deep in his pocket, takes out a stick, and lights it up. 
“My father,” He begins, “He’s the reason I’m like this, the reason I look like this, act this way. I know the whole ‘daddy issues’ thing is overrated but, well,” He shrugs, not daring to look up from his apartment floor. He takes another puff, the nicotine in his veins calming him, the smoke down his throat grounding him. He remembers his conviction, “That man took everything from me, left me like this, and he only ever got rewarded.”
He briefly glances at Hawks, the man’s gold eyes filled with an empathetic sorrow that only people like them could give each other, “I’m sorry.”
Dabi shakes his head and looks away, because he can’t deal with this, can’t have someone looking at him like that, not after all these years, “Not your fault. Nothing to be sorry for.”
“He’ll burn,” Hawks says, and Dabi sees the man’s fists clench from the corner of his eye, “Wherever he is, one way or another, he’ll burn.”
Dabi doesn’t know what kind of feelings are running through the hero right now. He thinks that maybe if he looks up, he might see.
‘Is he angry? Is it for me? Does he pity me, feel sorry for me? Is he triggered by my story the way I was by his? Or is he just telling me what he thinks I want to hear?’ — but Dabi doesn’t want to see. 
Because if Hawks only knew who Dabi’s father was, who made him like this, and did this to him, he doesn’t want to know if the hero would look at him the same way gold eyes do now. 
“I don’t wanna talk about this anymore, Birdy.”
Dabi walks over to his worn-out couch and sits down with a tired sigh. Hawks follows. 
For the next ten minutes, Dabi relays small bits and pieces of League information to Hawks, and the hero returns with tidbits of hero business. 
It honestly just feels like a way to fill the time. 
When a moment of silence reaches them, and Dabi’s cigarette has burned all the way through the filter, Dabi speaks up about something he kept quiet to himself last time, “Say, since you asked me a deeply personal question, grant me the same privilege?” 
“Sure, as long as I get the same privilege of tellin’ you to fuck off if I want.”
Dabi snorts and ashes his cigarette, tilts his head towards the hero.
“Was I wrong? Back then, about the Commission saving you?” 
He sees Hawks bite his lips and sink deeper into the sofa cushions, tilting his head back. He sighs, “You’re an observant fucker, aren’t you?”
Dabi smirks, “What villain isn’t?” 
“The ones that get caught.”
And at that, Dabi barks a laugh and is honestly shocked at the sound of it. He thinks Hawks is, too, by the way his blond eyebrows round up, and his previously conflicted eyes soften. 
Hawks lifts one of his clawed hands up, and if Dabi didn’t know better, he’d think the gesture was some kind of show-and-tell, but at the way Hawks’ own eyes glaze over his talons, Dabi thinks the movement is more for the hero’s own comfort. 
“I lied earlier, about the reason I don’t fight with my claws,” Hawks finally says, softly, almost as if he were speaking to himself. 
Dabi knows to keep quiet. 
“I do care about wanting kids to live in a safer world, to… spare them. Of the horrific consequences that come from battles, traumatizing images ‘n all that stuff. Of course, I care about that. But… But I know my abilities. If allowed, I know I’d be able to use my claws in ways that wouldn’t end in some kind of, fucking , feral episode.”
Dabi’s eyebrows slowly knit together, “Allowed?”
Golden eyes flick over to Dabi’s and the vulnerability swirling in them makes the scarred man want… something.
To gasp, reach out, put his own wrapped hands over the talons, and warm them up a bit, just — something.
He’s horrified at these new and intrusive thoughts. 
Instead of doing anything, he waits. 
“The Commission,” Hawks drops his hand to his lap and averts his eyes there, “They have an image of what they believe society wants a hero to look like, along with other things. They… told me they were ‘correcting’ my flaws.”
There’s a beat of heavy, waiting silence.
“They appreciate my quirk — it’s strong and versatile, good for offense, defense, rescue — stuff like that. But they don’t… They hate my raptor genes, the mutations. Like, the only thing I’m allowed to have and show are my wings — everything else has to be hidden or removed. I’m a mutant, but I have to do everything I can to look as ‘humane’ as possible.”
‘What is even considered ‘humane’, in a society of quirked-people?’ 
Dabi is immediately reminded of his hatred towards hero society, “Shit, what the fuck, Birdy. Is that why you wear those stupid-ass gloves?”
Hawks sends a bitter and sad smile to Dabi, “Was the only way to convince them to let me keep my talons. They used to clip ‘em or file them down, but that fucking hurts and they grow back wrong, so. Yeah, got these gloves and told them I’ll never take ‘em off.”
“Tch,” Dabi feels so disgusted right now, at the people who run this society, “So they make you nice ‘n pretty for everyone to look at while they profit of’a’ya. Sick.”
“Yeah, well,” Hawks huffs a laugh, and it’s the one that makes Dabi feel sick to his stomach, “I’m the Number Two Hero, with my own agency! All at the tender age of twenty-four — oops, sorry, twenty-two, Commission fudged my age to make me look even more impressive. An eighteen-year-old success story is prettier than a twenty-year-old one.”
Bile threatens to well up in Dabi’s throat at that — the effort to make this hero fit into society’s obsession with the ‘barely legal’ trope.
“I should be grateful, right?” Hawks bitterly smiles, “Everybody wants to fuck me and every hero wants to be me.”
“Fuck outta here if you’re gonna talk like that, Birdbrain.”
Pink lips bite themselves into a smile, one so much more shy and on the edge of mischievous, “Wanna see my feet?”
“What the fuck?”
He does. He really does.
read full chapter here
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sinnamonpork · 1 year
au of a less traumatized todofam and their shameless favoritism when it comes to one another:
Shouto loves all his siblings, but Fuyumi would always have a special place in his soba obsessed heart. That's his sister that took care of him, attended his school meetings, and generally became the one person he knows will be there when the house would be empty of any soul. She's the one he'll run to when his brothers would be bullying him, knowing full well she'd side with him always. Class 1-A sees their resident ice prince goes full baby mode when his sister comes to visit. "Nee-san, nee-san, did you miss me? I really missed you, nee-san."
Natsuo having Touya as his favorite sibling isn't really a surprise, especially when the two slept in the same room. Touya was the first one who he told of his dreams of being a doctor, becoming a hero in the way he wants to. Touya only grinned at him and said he's sure he can do anything he wants to, because he's his baby brother. His big brother who he hid behind when the house got too loud, too destructive for such a quiet child that Natsuo was. He saw the lean, fragile back of his brother standing tall against Endeavor and not flinching for even a bit and was inspired to be like him, that when he grows up, he'll be the one protecting other people too. Basically, Natsuo's hero worship for the only person in their family who wants nothing to do with heroes lol.
Meanwhile, we got Fuyumi who we all know would be a complete daddy's girl. Because while their family became a tad shaky in the years of Natsuo and Shouto's childhood, she still remembers calling the no. 2 hero her Papa and being carried on his broad shoulders. She remembers those rough fingers brushing through her hair as she fell asleep to his singing voice, a little rough around the edges, but it's her Papa's. She remembers inexperienced hands fumbling to tie her hair yet still calling her the most prettiest princess even with uneven pigtails. It might be tainted by the years to come, but it's those memories that pushes her to keep their family together.
Touya, pierced and edgelord Touya, is a complete mama's boy. When he was young, still not knowing how to control his emotions that are always too much, he'd know that his mother's quiet and comforting demeanor would be the break he needs from the world. She would quiet the buzzing in his ears, playing with his hair as she hums a quiet tune, grounding him to reality when he's close to lashing out at anyone near. During his highschool days, the whole LoV(League of Vtubers) would get a front row seat to their resident deliquent being an obedient puppy and being nothing but a complete gentleman to his visiting mother. "Mom, you can have Shiggy's seat, I'm sure he'll be happy sitting on the floor if it's for you." Tomura just grumbles through it all.
Future son-in-law and Honorary Todoroki Keigo's favorite person would obviously be Endeavor, to the horror of his boyfriend. Touya didn't think anything would be worse than the time he had to babysit a Shouto who puked in the middle of the supermarket but there it was. It takes the form of his boyfriend being an absolute simp for Enji and the hero just confused why this smol child is being so chatty. "Endeavor-san, what do you think about going with me and Touya to our trip to the Bahamas? Of course Touya said yes, why would you even think otherwise?" Keigo slept on the couch for two weeks after the incident, Touya making him remember who his attention should be on with his very talented tongue and hands. (and the piercings- oh god the piercings. keigo can die a happy man)
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addictedball · 1 year
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Fluff endhawks for this moment 🥺
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