#enjoy the lesbian robot angst
ardienothesieno · 10 months
OC Writing
idk im bored and procrastinating and the guys wont get out of my head
uhhhhhh tw mildly suggestive
lesbian robot and their cool girlfriend have a conversation and some not-so-cool shit happens
angst angst angst angst angst--
They were interrupted from their writing by the sudden entrance of someone into their chamber. They dismissed the screen hovering in front of them, spinning towards the access shaft to find--
"Hey Ash," Fireflies said, head poking out of the tunnel.
If Ashes from Above had been built with a mouth, they would be beaming. They slowly released the zero gravity in their chamber, gently lowering Fireflies to the floor, and brought their puppet in close. Fireflies laughed, grabbed the sides of Ash's face, and booped the tip of her mask against their forehead. "Morning, love."
Ash let out a giggle, and threw their arms around her. "You haven't come to visit for 4 cycles! I was starting to get worried." "Your overseers follow me constantly! You could have checked in any time." "I did!!" Ash huffed. "But you said you don't like being watched all the time, so I tried to leave you alone. Mostly."
They pulled away from the embrace, wheeling away to hover over Fireflies. "So what brings you to finally break your solitude?" They teased. "Ran out of groceries? Wanted to come lecture me on my lack of work as of late?" "Am I not allowed to just come talk to a friend?" "Friend??" Ash kneed Fireflies in the side of the face (gently) and spun away to a higher height. "We're just friends now, you say?" Fireflies laughed. "Sorry. Best friend." Ash scoffed, causing Fireflies to laugh even harder. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Best of best friends who is such a bestest best friend that I commit unthinkable karmic sins for them." "Better," they responded, looping around their mechanical arm in mid-air.
"But seriously, why today? I thought you usually took the first of the week to paint." "Um. Usually, yes. But, I, um... I... I'm just having a bad day."
Ash stopped spinning and immediately brought their puppet up to her, reaching behind her head to unclasp and gently lift off her intricate golden mask. Fireflies did look more tired then usual. Dark circles surrounded her drooping eyelids, and her lips were dry and cracked. Ash took her face in their hands, tenderly. "...Is this about Blanket?"
It had been a little over one year-cycle since the mass ascension, when their friend and Fireflies' cousin A Blanket, 32 Stitches per Row had ascended with the majority of society. Ash had tried to convince him to stay behind. They had tried to convince all of them to stay behind. Only 152 of their citizens had listened. Who had trusted in Ash's abilities to care for them after the collapse of society. And they were doing a mighty fine job, if they were to say for themself!
"I... Sort of. It's partially about Blanket, but there are some... some other things." "Do you want to talk about any of it?" Fireflies looked away, pursing her lips. "Maybe later." "Can I do anything, then? To make you feel better?" "Just... sit. And talk to me. Please?"
And so they did. They curled up with Fireflies in a corner of their chamber, Fireflies fidgeting with a pearl, Ash talking about everything that had happened in the past 4 cycles. They talked about their conversations with Lingering Fog and Smoke upon Droplets of Rain, their ongoing argument with East of Eden. They talked about how Calling Voids had been rambling about philosophy in the group channel, and how it had gotten so annoying they had to mute it. They talked about their remaining citizens, and all of the weird things that they had caught on their overseers.
"I've noticed some people acting a bit strange. Not noticeable enough to be a concern, but a good portion of my inhabitants have been... quieter, lately. Some of them have been visiting the temples more often. I know it's irrational... but I do worry that some of them intend to ascend sometime in the near future."
Fireflies tensed, hand curling around the pearl in her grasp. "I... will admit that there are... rumors." "Rumors?? Of people wishing to ascend????" "Yeah. Some... some people have been talking about how you don't have the resources to keep the colony going. That we need to ascend before it's too late and we all starve to death." "But that's nonsense!" Ash cried, sitting up straight, Fireflies sliding off of their lap with a grunt. "Did no one read my sustainability proposals?? I have solutions for all of that!! There are enough stores to last two and half year-cycles, and I have plans for when they run out! Purposed organisms, to hunt lizards and other wild creatures in lower altitudes! Factories that could be repurposed into greenhouses and mills! I have everything planned out, and backup plans for if those plans don't work!!" Fireflies grabbed Ash's hands, lowering them and squeezing gently. "I know, I know love, I'm sorry. I trust you. I know you'll keep us all safe. But not everyone has the same faith in you as I do." "I just don't... I've worked so hard..." "I know. I know. I'm so sorry. It's going to be okay." "Should I rewrite my proposals? Make them clearer, make my ideas more palatable? Make sure there's nothing I missed, that I can keep everyone happy and alive and safe and--" "Ash!" Fireflies grasped their hands tighter and yanked their attention to her face, her dark eyes, the small stripes on her snout. "Shhh. It's okay." There was a beat of silence. "Promise me," Ash whispered. "That even if everyone else leaves, that you won't. That you'll stay with me until you can't anymore." Fireflies paused. "I... okay. Yes. I- I won't leave you behind, Ash."
Ash stared at Fireflies before slowly nodding and slumping back against their arm. "Let's... talk about something else. Anything else." Fireflies whispered, snuggling up to Ash's shoulder. "Anything?" "Anything."
Ash thought for a second. "Um. I have a routine maintenance check today? My two remaining mechanics should be going through my structure around now, and will send me any repair orders that need to be executed in the future." "Mmmm. Anything else?" "My overseers have reported 72 yeek sightings over the past 20 cycles." Fireflies chuckled. "That is pretty random." "You said anything."
They laid there for several minutes in silence, enjoying each other's company. Quietly holding each other close. Ash received 17 alerts while they were lying there with Fireflies, of which they all ignored. The only thing more important then this moment would be something completely catastrophic, like a system failure. And the chances of that happening were so slim...
They were beginning to think that Fireflies had fallen asleep when her citizen drone beeped and she sat up with a start. They turned away as Fireflies opened her messages. One of the main rules of their relationship was privacy. Fireflies didn't want Ash peeking through her private conversations and files, and Ash didn't want Fireflies wandering through their memory complexes without permission.
"I. Um. P-probably have to go soon." Ash turned back to Fireflies, and noticed how panicked they looked from reading whatever message they had gotten. "Are you okay?" "Yeah. Uh- yeah. Just... have to go to a meeting. Sort of. It's... complicated. I don't know." Fireflies looked more and more stressed with each passing second. "...Alright. You should probably get going then." "No!! No, I- I have a few more minutes," Fireflies blurted, grabbing Ash's hands again. "...Besides, there's something else I want to do first." "Oh?"
Fireflies pressed her lips to Ash's face. "Oh..." Fireflies laughed, breathily, and wrapped her arms around Ash. "It's been too long since we did anything like this." "Agreed," Ash whispered, burying their hands in Fireflies' hair-tentacles and pulling her forehead against theirs.
Another alert popped up. They dismissed it.
Fireflies made a small noise and pulled Ash even closer, pressing them against her. Her breath was warm and fast on Ash's artificial skin as she frantically whispered, "I love you. I love you so much, Ash. I love--"
- - -
13 Fireflies Amongst Falling Leaves let out a sob as Ash's puppet went limp in her arms. As the chamber lights went out. As the structure around her shuddered and went silent.
She clutched the avatar of the person she loved as the machinery that made up that person deactivated. As the temperature around her started to drop. As Ashes from Above died.
And Fireflies cried.
Her sobs were broken minutes later by a hand on her shoulder. She looked up to see Hundreds of Birds Trapped in a Vortex, one of Ash's mechanics... and the ringleader of the shutdown.
Ash had been right in their suspicions. A good portion of people were worried, and wanted to ascend. Almost all of them did, at that point.
Many of the remaining citizens had spent the last hundred cycles working on raising their karma. Slowly packing things away, shutting down factories and machines, desperately trying to avoid Ash's notice. It would break their heart to see them all to leave, the ringleaders had said. It was kindest for them not to know, the ringleaders had said.
Fireflies was told to distract Ash while the mechanics shut down their systems. And here she was, Ash's puppet lying dead in her arms.
She would have stayed. If they hadn't made the decision to kill Ash when they left. She would have stayed with the iterator she loved until the day she died.
She had no choice, now.
"I'm sorry," Vortex whispered. "I'm so sorry, Fireflies. It was the kindest thing we could do." He grabbed her arm and pulled her to standing, Ash's body falling to the ground with a clang. "Come on, we should get going." "I-- but--" "They're in a better place now, Fireflies. Perhaps we will meet them again in the Great Beyond. Come along now." "W-wait."
Fireflies twisted out of his grasp and stumbled over to Ash's body. She knelt down and shakily removed her scarf, wrapping it around their neck. Their hands trembled as they reached up to slide Ash's metallic eyelids shut. She pressed one last kiss to their forehead, choking out a goodbye to unhearing sound sensors.
Fireflies stood back up and walked over to Vortex, who was standing by the main access door.
The rest of the city was waiting in the mines, ready to venture down to the golden ocean at the bottom of the world.
13 Fireflies Amongst Falling Leaves left the puppet chamber of Ashes from Above for the last time.
Goodbye, my love. I'll see you in the Great Beyond.
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moth-p · 6 days
Huge spoilers obviously.
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How we feeling BDFI fans?
Well, you're about to find out what I am feeling so lets get into this nonsensical ramble since y'all seemed to like the last one for some reason
1. ONEE??!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?
Okay so ANY chance that One isn't a villan is uh. Dead and buried. And honestly it should stay that way I really enjoyed her this episode! BFDI was lacking a true villan
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I actually predicted their deal with Basketball in this episode a while ago soo yea (more about Basketball later, dont you worry)
What about Bell and Bomby (And now Needle and Barf Bag)? WHERE ARE THEY? Well, dear reader who probably does not care, I have a theory!
I think that they are in One's version of the EXIT
If my theory that the place TPOTs eliminated contestants is a "Two EXIT", is correct, it is likely that every algebralien has something like that.
Did One and Three interact like I hoped they would? No. Buut another thing that I really fucking liked in this episode is the confirmation of One's motives. And that, as you have seen is
Two's power. Why does she need it? We don't know. To free Three, to take over the world to do something else.. I honestly can't wait to find out
TLDR: I loved One in this episode bro
2. Yuri (cw basketbot if you dont like this ship scroll to point 3)
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"The best version of you is the one we have here" honest reaction
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This ship should be way more popular
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Okay basketbot ramble over
TLDR: lesbians
3. Eliminations and the rejoin
So I got a few things right in my tpot 13 predictiom post (i think) but I have been completly wrong with who will be eliminated
Barf bag: I was kinda expecting it..? I mean I'm still VERY sad about her elimination DONT GET ME WRONG but I kind of knew that her time was coming. But
NEEDLE?!: GUYS. GUYS COME ON. I THINK THE ONLY THING MORE SHOCKING THAN HER ELIMINATION WAS FIREAFY ANGST IN THE YEAR OF OUR LORD 2024. I actually thought that she would EASILY be in top 3 but I guess she wasnt. But the whole thing with pen was so good rahshsggdhshs im still not over it
The double rejoin was a welcome suprise, even though I know it will have a huge impact on the story later. I voted for pencil because I wanted to see her interact with the alliance (and she did yippie), but LIY joining is also very good, she was eliminated way too early imo
I voted for pin because. Shes pin. I love pin (and I also think that Tree and Black Hole will get enough votes to stay no problem wait apollo what are you doing no put the dodgeball dow-)
I also voted for snowball! He was great in the last few episodes and i hope it will stay like that
TLDR: Needle deserved better
4. Random shit (this will be long)
2. Fireafy? In the year of our lord 2024? Am I repeating this joke? Maybe?
But seriously, their appearence was a huge suprise and seeing as Leafy (probably) got kidnapped by One, it will most likely turn out to be a sideplot (bonus points because the robot flower one ended)
3. Gatys paint falling off a bit. Idk why but that detail was so good rahdgsusghejs
4. Fanny and BH being friends is something I did not expect that much but its cool. (They are MLM WLW solidarity to me)
5. Im a bit dissapointed that Three didnt make an appearence in this episode but whatever. (They will appear in tpot 14 guys trust me)
6. Congrats to Pillow for actually doing something and not having your team be UFE again seriously I think it was like 3 times in a row
7. I know it was basically nothing. But seeing Price Tag and Book interact with each other makes me so happy you have no idea
9. Two sleeping was kinda funny (this also implies that algebraliens need sleep)
10. Four and X going on vacation. Thats it
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11. (II 16 SPOILERS!!!)
Someone (me) will draw Needle and Barf Bag getting deleted by mephone X
I think thats it if I will have the need to ramble about this episode more then it will be reblog time
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toastedicarus · 1 year
On the topic of Into The Skitterverse that everyone enjoys making but doesn't even try to write...
Aiden takes the Miles role, budding off Weaver in a more hopeful wormverse (not an alternate universe like Alph Bet etc), a successful independent hero killed in action by Coil. Coil (Who plays into his bond villain role a bit more here) explodes a hole between universe with the assistance of Bakuda in a vain attempt to time travel into the past for Reasons.
Canon Warlord Taylor takes the Peter B role. She pretends she is and always was a hero because she's surrounded by other heroic Skitters. So does every other skitter. The crux of the plot hinges around Aiden's slowly realizing that what made his universe different was that the girl with spider powers was actually a hero in his universe. Swarm AKA "Danny Hebert" takes the Noir Role, Annette taking on the persona of her dead husband while fighting crime because 1930's. Her universe is more magic/eldritch than worm, and she's a Breaker that swarms into spiders to use her powers. Take's on the 'edgy antihero' comics aesthetic, killing for revenge of her dead family and all that other angst. Taylor and her have a few mutual 'you look like the dead person that motivates my backstory' moments after she drops the act.
Taylor Beebert takes the Spider Ham role. Beebert is a pixel art cartoon bee that teaches kids how to deal with cyber bullying and computer bugs! Because she is one, as part of the teenage hacker programs terrorizing Earth Beta.
Anime Taylor takes the Wildbow Cannibal Girlfriend role. She initially presents herself in Overly Long Light Novel Title Harem Protagonist, hiding the fact the multiple personalities of her giant fighting beetle robot, Khepri, are not members of her Platonic Lesbian Harem but the last vestiges of the other pilots she had to consume in order to trick their mechs to combine with hers.
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sillyroundkatie · 2 years
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Who the hell is this freaky creature?? (OC info under the cut!)
Dr Armance Zwanziger | She/Her | Butch Lesbian | Human(ish) | Early/Mid 20s | 193 cm / 6'4" | German Armance is the ever loyal and enthusiastic laboratory assistant scientist to Clayton (she researches how to make cells and tissues accept Clayton's robotic parts!) Infact she's so enthusiastic that she has zero issues with fucking up her own genome to the point that its now held together with sellotape and paperclips, just because Clayton encouraged it. Mance now has the propensity to mutate into a variety of monstrous forms, all specialised for various tasks or situations (Monster Armance). She enjoys her monstrous transformation abilities however, and feels absolutely no angst over this. She almost feels more comfortable in her monstrous forms than her human form. She can either transform completely into a monster form, or just transform part of her herself in various ways. Armance is German, but doesn't (verbally) speak German or English, as she is mute and speaks in Sign Language only (though she does know both BSL, ASL and GSL). However she can read and write fluently in German and English. Armance is a huge fan of body modification, and before she had the ability to transform into her other forms, she had already willingly undergone many piercings, scarification tattoos, and had her breasts removed via (Clayton's somewhat shoddy attempt at) top surgery. She is also a massive dork, who nerds out relentlessly over old sci-fi films. She can be a bit intense, but she's very sweet. Despite her dark appearance, she is almost constantly smiling. She's the nicest evil scientist around! Common activities/hobbies: She loves her work, culturing various cells and tissues and editing their genomes. Outside of work, she has a classically German efficient work-out schedule, that she would never deviate from. She loves watching sci-fi movies and is an incessant geek about them on online forums. Clayton doesn't have much time for her out of work, so she spends most of her social time with Sera and Wolf.  Setting: Lives in modern day Canada working at a very high tech and secretive laboratory. Clothing style: Armance is obsessed with leather and she would wear all leather all the time if she could. When she can't wear leather (like at work, where she has to wear her labcoat) she will make sure that her clothing is at least black. If it's hot out, also likes taking her shirt off, to show off her scarification tattoos and because nobody can tell her off since she had top surgery.  You can draw them with:
Clayton (boss and partner) - Clayton is very mean, but Armance is okay with that. Despite Clayton's cold and aloof personality, Armance is absolutely her type, so she's willing to look past Armance's irritating qualities.
Sera (girlfriend, colleague) - Sera and Armance get on like a house on fire, in that they're both very intense about it and you're a bit concerned but you're not really willing to go and step in and sort that out. Sera is probably the only relationship that's genuinely nice to Armance, so she has a soft spot for her. She sobs everytime Sera gets her a Valentine's Day card each year.
Wolf (sort of not really girlfriend) - Wolf doesn't approve of everything Armance does, but she can see how much Sera likes her. Also Armance is pretty handsome, and there's no harm in having fun. ...Right?
Additional stuff to keep in mind:  PLEASE  do not alter Armance's body type to be less masculine because she is a woman. She is a butch lesbian and she is very proud of her muscles, and all the effort she put into getting them :) Some random trivia: 
Armance's doctorate is in Tissue and Cell Biology.
She has a gap between her top front incisors.
She does not have nipples.
She always types her smiley faces as some variation of :^D because she thinks it looks like her nose.
Her most prized possession is a big plushie of the Alien xenomorph, called Siggy. Further information and images etc can be found at the Toyhouse page at the link below!: Armance's Toyhouse!
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wanduhhh · 2 years
We Can’t
Chapter 10: Stop For a Moment
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You and Wanda are… complicated. Cliché babysitter/ Mommy Wanda AU.
I had originally planned a very angsty chapter, but due to recent events in the lesbian world (*cough* killing eve *cough*) I think we all need this.
Warnings: cheating, angst, smut, cute moments that will make you pine for a fictional character x
Please don’t post my content without my consent.
Enjoy :).
‘Later’ it seems, would be a whole day later. Poor Wanda.
You were able to appreciate your day for what it was, domestic life with the woman you love. Not revolving round breathless kisses and trying to rip each other’s clothes as fast as you physically could. You were caught up in the glamour of changing diapers, doing the dishes and making dinner. It made your heart feel content.
When you found yourself swaying gently round the house, laughing and dancing with Wanda as you each held a baby in your arm, you almost started to believe in God. But surely if there was a God, they wouldn’t have allowed Wanda’s phone to ring and ruin such a beautiful moment. You tore your gaze away from the older woman, biting your lip as you were reminded of this same situation only the day before. You didn’t realise you were holding your breath until you heard Wanda say “Oh hey Nat” and you involuntarily sighed in relief. Your bubble hadn’t burst, yet.
You listened to Wanda chuckle her way through the conversation, until you heard “I guess I can be there in an hour” matched with a roll of her eyes. Disappointment seeped through your bones at the thought of losing any of this magical week. After mentally berating yourself for being immature, you watched Wanda end the call and look at you with a pout. “So I have to go into work for a few hours” you knew this already of course and had prepared your ‘not disappointed at all face’, “don’t be so sad bunny, I’ll be back before you know it” okay so maybe you had to practice a bit more. Wanda pinched your cheek and handed Billy to you so she could go get dressed. You followed her around like a lost puppy of course.
She left you with a kiss and promised to be back as soon as she could. “Just me and you guys then?” You met the gaze of 2 unamused babies who were definitely ready for bed. When you put them down you were left with just your thoughts, wandering through Wanda’s empty home. You had poured yourself a glass of wine and sipped it as you traced your hand across some photos that adorned the walls. Photos of Wanda in a wedding dress, pregnant Wanda with hair below her butt. Your breath hitched as you looked at photos of a smiling Wanda kissing Vision. It felt like the first time your brain had truly acknowledged the tangled mess you had stepped into. A married woman, with a house and kids. In the midst of your mental spiral you met your reprieve, a note on the fridge from Vision, written with robotic assertiveness.
Please see this to do list for when I’m away. I know how you let yourself fall behind on tasks when I am not home to remind you.
Followed by a list of mundane chores that were- in his eyes, Wanda’s job. It cleared the emotional haze that had flooded your brain and reminded you that this was not just an affair. You loved this woman with every fibre of your being and she felt so lost and unappreciated without you. You had been the life ring that dragged her out of a sea of unhappiness. Feeling inspired by your epiphany you ripped the note from the fridge and tore it up, replacing it instead with your own words.
Wanda, I have never loved anything like I love you.
Much better.
You retired to the sofa with the rest of the wine and aimlessly flicked through the tv channels whilst you waited for Wanda’s return. You smiled at the feeling of your phone buzzing already expecting the ‘on my way home’ text. However, your screen lit up with someone else’s name. Kate Bishop had text you. Just a simple ‘hey what’s up’, she was a nice girl and you could see yourself hanging out but it brought your mind back to jealous Wanda. A shiver broke through your body as your mind recalled how possessively she had touched you when reminding you who you belonged to. But more importantly it cast your mind back to how a foreign look of insecurity had taken over Wanda’s face as she tried to talk to you the day after. You were sure then that you would never be the cause of that expression again, you drafted a reply that allowed you to come clean without giving too much away. Happy with yourself for thinking before acting and taking Wanda’s feelings into consideration, you rewarded yourself with another gulp of wine.
What felt like years later you heard the front door unlock. You let out a squeal of excitement and made your way over to greet a tired Wanda. “Hi baby” she sighed, running her hands through red tousled hair and giving you a lazy smile. You were sure to kiss her before she could even get her coat off. Dragging her to the sofa and placing her on your lap, you fed her sips of wine and gently brushed the tugs from her hair with your fingers. She vented to you about how there had been a security breach on client information at work and how stressful it had been to have to personally call each frustrated client and explain the situation to them. You massaged her scalp as she spoke and kissed her between every pause in the story. So happy to have her in your arms. She had been telling you about a particularly angry woman who had shouted through the phone til her ears were ringing, when you interrupted with a soft “I love you so much”. She giggled and you saw a blush paint her cheeks as she whispered it back into the almost empty wine glass. As she let her body relax into yours she let out a deep sigh, mumbling about how happy she was to be home. You decided she needed more wine, a bubble bath and to be fucked. She happily agreed.
Running a bath and lighting some candles, you laughed heartily as you watched Wanda saunter in and romantically slap the strap down onto the side of the tub. Muttering a bashful ‘we’ll need it’ at you as she began stripping off. You stood there fully clothed as you watched her lower herself into the bubbles, too love struck to move. She leaned her head back, eyes still closed and barked out a “Strip” with finality. You clamoured over your own body fighting with yourself to get naked as soon as humanly possible. You sunk down into the water feeling all of your muscles relax instantaneously. You felt so peaceful laying there, legs pressed against Wanda’s. It seems your favourite redhead was less content with the position however, as she moved herself to straddle you. Letting a small breathy moan slip past her lips as she felt your naked skin press against hers. Your hands moved to hold her ass and you swore it was just to help her keep her balance. She rolled her eyes and shushed you with a wet kiss. “I’ve been thinking about you all day” she whispered as she traced her hands across your chest “you have hmm?” You questioned with a grin. She failed to meet your eyes instead focusing on cupping your breasts “mhmm been thinking about your hands and your mouth” you let in a shaky breath as she continued “been thinking about you filling me up. I have been frustrated all day” she pouted at you.
You let your hand slide between her wet thighs, humming in appreciation at finding how ready she was for you after a long day. You slid two fingers in and she gasped into your mouth. Keeping your fingers firmly where they were she got the hint and began to roll her hips to gain the friction she desperately needed. As she lost herself in the pleasure you allowed your lips to enclose one of her soft nipples, languidly rolling your tongue around it. Her little moans started to blend with the noise of her panting breaths and the water sloshing beneath you. Bliss. But you had missed your opportunity to really fill her this morning and you were not looking for a repeat. You withdrew your fingers much to her dismay and reached for the strap she had so elegantly placed earlier. Her pupils were so blown as she watched you put it on, you could barely see any trace of green. She helped you secure the straps seemingly too impatient to wait for you to figure it out yourself and she was already raising herself above the tip before you could blink. “What’s the rush?” You asked her as you held her hips firm, preventing her from sliding down. She grunted out “fuck me hard and fast right now and I’ll let you do whatever you want to me after” she drives a hard bargain. You used her hips to pull her down swiftly, the full length of the cock sliding into her in one smooth motion. The moan she let out was enough to make you see stars. She held her hands flat on your chest using you to push herself up and down the length at an unrelenting pace. Your hips began to lift meeting her thrusts, trying to push yourself deeper inside. “Fuck bunny, you’re making me feel so good” she said, eyes closed and mouth wide in a constant gasp.
Watching her ride on top of you filled you with the urge to push her down and fuck her as hard as you could. But you had agreed to do it her way first so you watched in awe at how beautiful she looked when she was selfishly chasing her own high. When you sat up pushing the cock at just the angle she needed she gasped out “there. Fuck oh- right there don’t move” you knew she was right on the edge, “come for me mommy” you said against her ear- trapping the lobe between your teeth and tugging. It seemed to do the trick and you watched as her hips stuttered with the intensity of the high she was reaching, coming with you inside of her. As she let her head rest on your shoulder attempting to catch her breath, you moved to pull out but were halted with her wet hand on your wrist. You looked down at her in confusion and heard a soft “I just want you to stay inside me for a while” murmured against you. You were more than happy to comply, smoothing out her wet hair and dropping kisses to the top of her head. You stayed like this for what you were sure was hours, with her gently rocking her hips on you every so often and letting out little gasps into the air.
This woman had you so utterly, inexplicably enamoured. You silently willed the universe to let life halt for the two of you just to stay together in that tub for the rest of time.
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kilannad · 3 years
First thoughts on Campaign three
I LOVE them, your honor. That's all you need to know.
Okay but seriously;
Let's start with Ashton and FCG (and no, I cannot believe we have a he/they robit that goes by Fresh Cut Grass. Sam and Liam--what the actual fuck?)
I really enjoy the thought that FCG met Ashton and was like "yes, I like your gender, I'll do the same." These people also have such a cool dynamic. Ashton will be the Beau of this campaign--constantly saying fuck, absolutely zero shits, vague morality that will one day show a marshmallow center. Pairing this with a legit therapy robot that seems to have been created for the purpose of helping people is fantastic. Big asshole enjoys tiny friendly BFF. I love them.
The fact that FCG seems to have given us his sad backstory in the first episode just convinces me that Sam has something incredible in the works. Also, whatever subclass--clearly homebrewed from what i can tell--apparently has the ability to take half pain from others which is wild and has such angst potential, I'm ready to cry already. (Also, from a mechanical standpoint its WILD. The half damage is first moved to temp hit points and then, from what I can guess, whatever of those t.h.p don't get used after a certain length of time--maybe a minute?--give FCG damage from their actual hp. So weird, I love it)
Ashton...I'm not sure where they're going. Something wild, considering Tal. Tho, honestly, how has this eldritch horror given us a literal Punk Rock that is a Gender??? Apparently they have a dunamantic subclass, also clearly homebrewed. Or maybe just wild magic barbarian. Something like that, which is also WILD. Makes me wonder where they learned their abilities.
Alright, let's hit the next two: lesbian queens Imogen and Laudna. First, I feel like I should say I would absolutely offer my heart to either of them and have never been so horny at a creepy undead in my entire life.
Let's hit southern bell, Imogen, first since we know the least here: young, polite, southern girl just wants to figure out where her powers came from. Honestly, loving the callbacks to Fjord and it's a really sweet first layer of what I'm sure will turn out to be a more complicated backstory. And, oh yeah, she can READ MINDS. I don't know anything about the psionic subclass, but I'm excited to see where Laura goes with it. Seems like a lot of opportunity for shenanigans, though this might turn out to be a 'discover your roots' kind of story, which I support.
Now: Laudna.
I've gotta say, my first instinct was De Rollo, and I'm sticking to it. That, or a Briarwood. Maybe one of Percy's sisters got killed/turned. I've seen a lot of dhampir/undead floating around. I saw one post that said one of the Briarwoods is her warlock patron which would be SO COOL. Maybe Marisha is just fucking with us, which is a possibility. Thus far, we haven't really seen any of the PCs with close ties to PCs from another campaign except Orym, and even that seems to just be a simple working relationship. It would be really cool to see what can be done with this connection if it does exist.
As for Laudna herself--she's so freaking cool. I love how she's naturally so creepy and off-putting but just doesn't seem to notice. Carries a dead rat on her belt, asks FCG if they kept the bodies of their fallen comrades, and is surprised when children run. It's amazing and I have no idea where she's going or how she possibly met Imogen. I expect fantastic dynamics from these two.
Next, let's talk about everyone's favorite silver fox; Bertrand Bell
I should prefix by saying I haven't seen either of the one-shots he appears in. He is also an easy way to address all of the negative comments which seem to derive from the cast reusing old characters--I have no idea who this fucker is. Didn't even know he'd shown up before until I saw a post about it. That being said; within that first episode I got a really good look into his character and I was instantly caught by his personality and how well Travis plays him. I don't know shit about the one-shots but I know Bertrand Bell and I think if Travis wants to explore him more then he should be able to.
That being said:
I agree with a lot of people that he doesn't seem like a permanent character. The fact that he's two levels above the rest of the group, plus that he's apparently gone back in levels in the last thirty years doesn't show great things. The fact that he's also apparently the first quest giver instead of an NPC is also really strange and doesn't seem to indicate he'll be a recurring character for long. Maybe Travis is just going to appear as a series of new characters instead of sticking with just one. Maybe his real character will show up later. Either way, I'm all for it. I think this is a really cool new way to start a campaign.
Now, probably the most controversial part of the party: Dorian, Orym, and Fern.
Now, I LOVE the Crownkeepers. Adore them. And I'm also super excited for them to show up here for a few reasons. Liam and Ashley both expressed desires to further explore these characters and I'm vibrating to do the same. We got such hints of little pieces of them in EXU and I want more. Of the Crownkeepers, they are also the most likely to split off from the group--Orym because he only went to Emon for Keyleth in the first place, and Fern because she always said she "had things to do". So, no, I don't think Fern and Orym are temp characters like some people are suggesting. Especially not since, as Matt said on twitter, they had the opportunity to re-roll their stats, tho Orym didn't take the option.
The fact that, if Bertrand indeed is only temporary, it means Orym at 13 has the highest INT is hilarious. He thought the Crownkeepers were the exception, but Nah, they were the rule.
Dorian...is different. We just learned that he's apparently from Marquet in the first place, which is really interesting and explains why he didn't seem to know anything about Tal'Dorei. It does make me wonder how long he'll stick around for--will he just go back to Tal'Dorei? Will some crazy part of his backstory show up and take him away and thus be the next EXU plotline? I'm not sure, but it'll be interesting.
What's even more interesting is how, exactly, this new campaign fits with the EXU storyline. It's been a year since the events of EXU and Matt said Orym was contacted while the Crownkeepers were in Byroaden. Now, last we saw them they were about to go south into Betrayer cult territory, tho they discussed going to Byroaden after for Opal to look into her family some more. My guess is that we WILL get a season two of EXU to finish the Tetrarchs stuff and that campaign three takes place after that season two. Maybe. It does beg the question of if the Crownkeepers ever went back to Emon to speak with Gilmore which was the original goal that they never finished.
The reason I see so many people complaining, I think, is partly because one: EXU was pretty controversial on it's own because of it's guided style which is different then the freeform of the main campaigns. I disagree, but that's a different post. The second reason is that people wanted to be able to start this with no needed knowledge about past campaigns. I still think this holds true. I mean, heck, not watching EXU might make it more interesting to see these three interact. I mean, we don't know how Imogen or Laudna met, or Ashton and FCG. We aren't complaining about that, so simply watch Orym, Fearn, and Dorian and enjoy the mysteries of their pasts.
The fact that this group started at level three and the WILD twists we've already seen within the first episode alone really tells me that CR is going all in here. The set, the characters, whatever wild story they're about to tell--it's going to be amazing. I trust in the CR team and cannot wait to watch them go on this adventure together, wherever it may lead.
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metalcd · 3 years
knowing your partner well makes writing together a lot easier. tag this with the people you enjoy roleplaying with but want to get to know better.
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name :  i have many names, one of them is “ven”. age :  21+. preferred pronouns :  they / she / he, pick whichever one u want. i usually refer to myself with “she”. sexuality :  lesbian. zodiac sign :  bastard sun, dumbass moon, and bitch rising. taken or single :  taken. three facts :  1. my gf and i met as kids about 13 years ago when i complimented them on their sonic oc recolors lmao. 2. writing’s not one of my main hobbies, but it’s fun to practice since i’m mostly a visual person. 3. i made this blog because i wanted to try portraying metal differently from what i usually see, i guess i’m succeeding?
how long (months/years?) :  *it’s just a burning memory - the caretaker starts playing* how’d you start :  on tumblr i think i started with ask blogs before i moved to writing? some early muses i can recall are like, creepypastas ( sonic.exe, ben drowned, slenderman ), knuckles, frisk undertale, and a sonic oc i miss a lot lmao. platforms you’ve used :  tumblr & discord currently, deviantart & twitter in the past.
female or male :  yes. favorite face :   no. least favorite face :   no.
fluff, angst or smut :  fluff / angst, i don’t rp smut. plots or memes :  plots are preferred, i like bouncing ideas off of each other and just infodumping about our muses lolol. also helps with getting to know the mun better! i still love rp memes tho, to me they’re a good alternative to starter calls. are you like your muse(s) :  aren’t we all to some extent? sadly i am not a robot, but there’s definitely bits of myself in metal.
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tagged by : @holdsfate! thank u <3 tagging : @madrcams​ @voltagecrow​ @lilsidemuses​ @voiicless @seaofserene @darkring everyone else steal it from me >:)
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darkenedreaper · 4 years
You Gave Up
Requested by @ecruzsalaz hope you enjoy
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Reader, ft Bruce Banner
Warnings: angst, lil fluff
You and Natasha had been together for a long time now. And instead of getting married, which would come after, you both wanted to try for a baby. The two of you had a conversation about having a child and Natasha was excited. You both knew it wasn’t right to get your hopes up however when the morning came you both shot off to Tony’s lab.
Due to Natashas background and her being sterilised it was clear who would be carrying and you didn’t have a problem with that. Tony had suggested IVF first and with the embarrassing help of his robots, within a few days you were ready for the implantation. Tony was standing by your head and Natasha was by your side holding your hand. You felt your cheeks burning bright red from the robot controlling its movements and doing its job. A slight fraction of the embarrassment went away when Natasha stroked your cheek softly and kissed your forehead. Tony made sure his robot double checked everything was in place and he sent you two of wishing you the best of luck for the next couple of days.
After those couple of days you and Natasha were close together nearly 24/7 and the day came. Natasha didn’t want to pressure you so she went to the compounds living room to hand out with the rest. And you were in the bathroom now waiting for the pregnant test results to come through. For the first 30 seconds you saw nothing and then 1 line appeared. You sighed and you couldn’t nearly feel the tear threatening to slip out. You had to work up the courage to go out and speak to Natasha and Tony. She saw you come in and she took in your slumped figure and saddened eyes. She didn’t need you to tell her what the test said as she already knew what the answer was. She frowned sadly and gave you a small hug. One that seemed a little short for a couple who had just failed to get pregnant. She left. Just left. Even Bucky gave you a longer hug.
Some days on and you hadn’t heard from Natasha. You hadn’t seen her around the compound or around the gym. Fury had called you in and he told you that he knew what had happened with you and Natasha. He told you to take 2 weeks off as he tried to understand how much stress your body must be going through. He really did have a sweet side. It really hurt knowing that Natasha was avoiding you and it hurt even more when every time you’d ask someone where she was they’d respond back, ‘with Bruce’. You had tried to reach her but your calls and messages to her phone weren’t working anymore.
It was finally time to check your pregnancy test. Tony had tried to help you and this was his 7th attempt at helping. He was grateful you allowed him to concur to help as he would do anything for you. He understood the joy and want of having a child and the beautiful bond it creates. Tony had suggested that tonight you don’t get your hopes up again as after you had found out Natasha and Bruce had a relationship together you had gone down, really down. And Tony thought that it would affect the eggs. Yes he still had some of her and her DNA and he confused to use it for scientific reasons apparently. And now the test read positive. You were pregnant with Natashas baby. And now she was with Bruce and hadn’t seen or spoke to you in 4 months. It was late at night and so you didn’t wait any longer to leave. You started packing your bags. You decided to send an email on your way to another country saying to fury you’ve just gone. You had the decency to also leave Tony a message. Not saying you were pregnant. But that you left and not to tell anyone.
The next morning, Tony being Tony, he opened his mouth and actually shouted it “Y/N IS GONE! SHE’S GONE!” And it was like Natasha had snapped out of a trance and she panicked. She looked at Bruce who had his hand on her waist and shoved him away. Had you left her because she distanced herself? Had you left because she abandoned? Because she didn’t consider your feelings? Because she had gotten together with Bruce?
She was storming out of the room. To go find you. Until she felt a strong hand pulling her back and increasingly getting stronger. She looked around to see big brown eyes looking angry and sad.
“Leave her alone Natasha. It’s all your fault. Your why she left!” He kept blurting out things to her before Steve pulled him away as even he couldn’t look at Natasha and he was a gentleman.
You had moved at least 3 quarters away from where you were and had found a little flat that needed to be rented out. So you unpacked your things and you were ok within a few days. Not great, not good. But ok.
It was 9 months later and you had gone through what was close to hell on your own. The struggle to tie your own laces, the struggle to sleep at night. Odd cravings that you didn’t have stored in any kitchen cupboards. 12 hours of pain but something beautiful was rewarded to you. Once you were handed your baby girl, you too in her features. Her face nearly mirrored yours, your hair roots and brows. Except for those green eyes and the same nose as Natasha.
You had raised D/N Romanoff Y/N all on your own. She had grown up to be like you and opposite from her other non existent mother as she wasn’t involved and made no effort to find you. You had told her stories about her other mother and showed her photos. But would never reveal her location or why she wasn’t here.
Her 5th birthday had just gone and it was a few days after that you had Nick Fury and Maria sitting in your living room. Maria hadn’t changed. She was obviously happy to see you with her warm embrace as a greeting. Then she went and sat with your daughter. Fury just offered you a smirk which was the closest to a smile. You offered the same back and sat opposite him.
“What’re you doing here Nick?”
You knew there was no point in asking how on earth he found you. Instead he lowered his voice to match yours so you both wouldn’t alert your daughter.
“They, I. Need your help. She needs your help L/N, the mission is too big, we need more skill. Like you.”
You sighed and looked down to the floor. Then Nick just had to go and pull at your heartstrings.
“In a few years, the kid is gonna start asking questions about Daddy or Mommy. What’re you gonna say?”
You knew he was right. But you were fully aware of yourself who was not in the wrong. She abandoned you when you were lowest. But you still had the team. If it was necessary you’d do it for them.
“How long?”
You soon found yourself stepping off of the jet Maria and Fury had brought you back in. Y/D/N had woken up with her head on your shoulder so her arms were around your neck and legs around your side. You were led to the compound sitting room and the Avengers finally could see you after 6 years, you were coming back. Coming back with a 6 year old, they didn’t know. They all stood up when they heard footsteps coming in and once they saw you they all smiled. Tony was the first to walk over to you and before he hugged you he looked at your daughter then back at you, then at Natasha and said,
“I knew it!” And he wrapped his arms around the both of you. Natasha didn’t know what he was on about as she was standing at the back, hiding the guilt, shame and sadness which was all she felt for these years. She only moved to the front to see who the voice came from that squealed,
“Uncle Tony and Uncle Stevie and Uncle Bucky. And, and Uncle Clint! Auntie Wanda!” They were all ecstatic but that soon went away when Natasha called your name. She looked at you and the child in confusion, thinking you were married and had a child with somebody else. Thinking that she had lost you. Then she saw her eyes, her nose, her lips. And she saw her face, her hair. And it was a mixture of Natashas and your looks.
Y/D/N was quiet now and she stared at the figure before wanting to be put down.
“Momma Nat?” The little girl started to walk over but you quickly grabbed her hand and held her to your hip. Natasha visibly winced and before she could speak her eyes were teary.
The team started to empty now until it was you three. You whispered in your little girls ear telling her to go sit on the couch and watch the quiet television. Natasha watched the little one with every movement.
“Y/N.. I..-“
“Yeah Natasha she’s yours. That’s your 6 year old daughter.”
She was speechless and she wanted to go over and hold the girl, ask for her name. Apologise.
“Y/N please. Please. I’m sorry. I.. I know that means nothing to you after all this time. Having to go through that on your own, I.. I hate myself! I’m so so sorry Y/N.”
She had started to cry and you weren’t one to dismiss someone who was once so close to you. Even after all the hurt. You tucked her face in your shoulder so Y/D/N couldn’t see her tears.
“You abandoned me Natasha. You gave up. Left me to deal with so many failed pregnancies. You were happy with Bruce and every night I was praying that one procedure would work. And it did. And she’s yours. But you gave up.”
More sniffles as she just listened.
“I can’t deny you access to seeing your daughter, but I can deny you ever trying to break my heart again.”
“I won’t Y/N. I can’t say anything to make you feel better but I will try. I promise.”
You weren’t sure that you wanted to back to where you where. It would take a lot of healing and time. But you were sure of the happiness on Natashas face as she cradled her daughter in her arms softly calling her by her name.
@natasha-danvers @imnotasuperhero @aaron-despair @confusinggemini612 @thewidowsghost @ecruzsalaz @fcbarcelona-and-marvel-4-life @gaytrashgoblin @capmarvelq @nat-romanoffdanvers @lesbian-x-blackwidow @emilyprentisswife @captain-josslett @fayhar @oblivious-horny-lesbian @trikruismybitch @summergeezburr @username23345 @xxxtwilightaxelxxx
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witchlyy · 3 years
Knowing your partner well makes writing together a lot easier. Tag this with the people you enjoy roleplaying with but want to get to know better.
Basics :
Name:  Maris, Mannie, or Techno (I respond to a lot of things) Age: 28 Pronouns: She/Her Sexuality: Ace lesbian Zodiac sign: Leo Taken or single: Single
Three facts:    
1. I’m a software engineer (and looking for a job in signal processing rn)
2. I think robots are so fucking cute.
3. Splatoon 3 Splatoon 3 Splatoon 3 Splatoon 3
How long (months/years?): Well I’ve been roleplaying for around 15 years, I think? Maybe more.
How’d you start: The chat function on Oekaki. :) But like I’ve been p much everywhere except LiveJournal (don’t know how I avoided LJ).
Female or male: I usually prefer female, especially when it comes to D&D. I like mean girls. But I try for a good balance of all genders when I make ocs! Favourite face:  This question feels weird to answer Least favourite face:  This question also feels weird to answer. Like as far as face claims go I tend to see them as “this is the actor who’d play this character in the live action movie” so it doesn’t rly make sense to me to have a favorite or least favorite. Would that mean all my ocs look exactly the same? Everyone’s, like, Ryan Reynolds now or something? idk!
Writing  preferences:
Fluff, angst or smut: I like a balance of angst and fluff. Hurt/comfort is one of my fav things to write. I also love me some good horror plots :) Smut is case by case, because I don’t write or care to write it much. But it’s not off the table!
Plots or memes: Yes. Send me both.
Are you like your muse(s):  I put a little of myself into all of my muses, but they are definitely all different from me. I just don’t know that I could completely isolate all of my personality from any character I make.
tagged by: @kiingslaycr tagging: oh... you know
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nextwarden · 4 years
Webtoons are good for the soul [Long post] [but worth it] [hopefully]
Bit of a long one (for a change...), sorry.
I haven’t read that many that’s a lie but here are my favs!
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Lore Olympus by Rachel Smythe [ongoing - every Sunday]
or when Hades met Persephone. It’s a love story, fluffy yet deep and sad at times. Very well told and with incredible art (as you can see from the cover ci-dessus), in a pastel/watercolour fluid style, as is the storytelling. It has compelling characters, character growth, love, funny moments, and basically the best you could ask from a romantic story. And it had enough material to get you through good number of hours of reading before you have to break down every sunday in wait of the following week like the rest of us.
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Love Advice From the Great Duke of Hell by unfins [ongoing - every Friday]
Paul is in love with a cute girl who works in a café nearby. But Paul is shy and can’t work out how to go ask her out. So Paul does what anyone would do and summons one of the Great Dukes of Hell in order to get better at fumbling his sentences and blushing at beautiful maidens. It’s about discovery of one’s true self and how getting deep into shenanigans will lead you to find so much more. Also, sister. (You’ll understand when you get there.)
It’s funny but also compelling and serious but still incredibly funny. I don’t think I’ve laughed as much reading any other webtoon and yet the story is also really cool. It strikes a perfect balance, or near perfect. The expressions and the action scenes are just incredible too.
chenandeler bong/10
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Suitor Armor by Purpah [ongoing - every Friday]
In a land with magic and war between humans and fairies, Lucia is the princess’s lady in waiting and her only goal in life at the moment is to get her Lady to have the wedding she wishes for and deserves. But then she gets a flower from a magic armor and everything changes. Also, she’s a fairy.
It’s well drawn, characters all seem unique, varied and personnality-driven. The art style is beautiful. It’s also deeper than what I expected, with inklings of different types and levels of drama.
Alright, I’ll say it, it feels like a ‘promising new Lore Olympus’. By which I mean not to compare but simply to say I felt as taken by the story as I did with L.O.
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Facing the Sun by ArtbyTesslyn [ongoing]
Aarya reaserches the intricacies of dobotics and artificial intelligence with her companion robot Liza who's expiration is long everdue. Things change with a hardware update. One can’t live without the other, and neither can the other.
It’s dark but beautiful, both in the art and in the story. The sci-fi elements aren’t overwhelming and pieces of lore bring begin to pain a picture over time. It’s a slow burn but oh lord! if it isn’t going to be blazing hot...
I Robot/10
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Spellbound by Ronce [ongoing]
Eglantine joins a new highschool midyear and finds herself paired with a refractarian roommate. She does her best to fit in to her new school despite not conforming to all the expectations that others might have of her. Or of her strange but likeable roommate.
It’s a cute and queer little romance, very underrated in my opinion. The art is wonderful, it’s black and white in the beginning and starts having touches of colour here and there before going full blown coloured, and I didn’t even realize it had until many chapters into it... The characters all all diverse and interesting. Also did I forget to say it’s set in France and it’s a wizarding school? Because it is!
conseiller principal d’éducation/10
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180 Angel by King Katbird [ongoing]
Chloe is an angel, she lives in Heaven and goes to school in the hopes of becoming a delivery angel one day! However her plan are compromised by her inability to do anything well except halo manipulation. Even flying is not easy for her. But a fateful meeting with a reaper sends her on a trip to Hell and back which changes her. Or is it that she had always been different?
It may not seem much from the banner but I tried it and I got hooke. The art is great and still improves over time, the plot takes a bit of time to set in - I’m still not sure it’s fully set in yet - but it’s worth it, and the characters are visually deep. It sometimes jumps weirdly between scenes or sequences but not so much it completely loses you.
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Letters on the Wall by JaelynGs [ongoing]
Tara comes back fom spain after a five years abroad to find things have changed and others haven’t, to her equal pleasure and dismay. This is how she and her friends deal with these old relatioships that they are now reviving.
Everything doesn’t go smoothly despite each and every character deserving them to. The art is good to begin with and manages to improve over time, as well as the storytelling. Where it might have been a bit hectic before, it smoothes over time. It was for the longest time the only reason I would stalk Webtoons everyday to see if there was any updates. Also each chapter has a colour in the name and that’s just cool!
If Da Yomanville Gang [see below] got me to come to Webtoons, this sealed the deal for me to stay. [And then there was Lore Olympus.]/10
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Not So Shoujo Love Story by Curryuku [ongoing - every Tuesday]
Rei Chan-chan loves Hansum, the chin chin chinny goodest looking student, more than she loves her shoujo manga. But gorgeous Hannah is in her way and won’t seem to let her get her way with him. Why is that? Well, gaybe there’s a secret hidden behind her motives? Read it to find out...
It’s funny, it’s cute, and it’s so, so stupid. I love them all. It’s dumb but so much fun to read. There aren’t that many chapters yet but enough to get into it. Also, sisters. (You’ll understand when you get there. Bis) So this is what the spring of youth feels like, huh...
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Always Human by walkingnorth [completed]
Sunati, a young engineer in training, fan of all those mods you can add to change your appearance, meets Austen, a beautiful yet modless girl who she’s been admiring from afar for a while now. She thinks the girl’s beautiful, but sdly she’s refused when she asks her out on a date, and for rather good reasons.
Now watch as they gravitate around each other and how it influences them both.
It’s a slow-burn quite realistic lesbian sci-fi story about finding love and accepting oneself and others in the midst of life and all it brings upon us. It’s cute, it’s fluffy, and it’s heartwarming despite broaching serious subjects - in a good way -, and it’s finished so you can read the whole thing! (It has enough chapters to give you a few hours of reading)
hay fever sucks/10
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Da Yomanville Gang by Jason King [ongoing - every Tuesday]
Layla moved recently, to get away from a dose of angst she didn’t want to have to deal with. She meets new people, fun and friendly people, but it seems the angst can’t quite seem to leave her alone. Alone is what she’s not to deal with it anymore, however.
This is the one, long before Lore Olympus, which brought bme over to Webtoons. It’s not the best drawn, not the most compelling, but the strong point and what made me love it - beyond Layla’s chara design - is the depth of most of the characters, how not all good is good and all bad is bad, and reality often lies in the middle - and how they evolve over the course of the story. Definitely worth a read.
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Love Bot by Chase Keels and Miranda Mundt [ongoing - every Sunday]
In the near future - the year is (Blade Runner) 2049 - technology has advanced enough to creat pseudo-artificial intelligence and thus lovebots. Xada mods and repairs those emotionnaly intelligent robots for a living. What brings this story about is him toying with a less-than-friendly client’s bot so much so that he finds himself in quite a pickle when the bot ‘wakes up’.
It seems to be BL. Let it be BL, please! The art is very nice, the story feels dark but the pitch give way to many interesting possibilities, and, well, the characters are quite nice to look at, I’ll admit... Also, angst. I don’t always enjoy it but when I do, I do.
Not many chapters but it’s getting there.
i’ll let you bot my love/10
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Mage & Demon Queen by Color_LES [ongoing - every Thusday]
Malori is the best and the most promising mage student at her school. Aided by Cerik, her best friend and swordsman party member, she attempts to conquer the last floor of the demon tower, reigned over by the ferocious Velverosa, the demon queen, whose defeat will bring glory and richess to those who defeat her. But all is not quite as it seems and, what is that, might it be a crush I see over there? Oh, wait, no, that’s just our protagonist getting squished by the weight of her love...
Once again, it’s fun and stupid (a pattern? noooo) but it’s worth a read.
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Down to Earth by Pookie Senpai [ongoing - every Tuesday]
Kade live alone and depressed in spite of fleeting relatioships since his big breakup, content with simply going by life while he works in retail. One day, an alien crashes into his backyard. Zaida’s an alien but she’s cute, seems innocent, is unfamiliar with everything, so he agrees to help. Thus begins a slice of life story of them roommating in his appartment until, maybe, one of them crashes into the other’s heart?
It’s cute, heartwarming, and I sort f relate with the main character. Although I don’t know if’d prefer a cute alien, a dragon or a stalking neighbour... [that’s an inside joke, I’ll explain if I ever make a list of the good yamete onii-chan! I’ve been reading] It’s a slow burn with enough depth to hook you up. Some characters are still uncertain in my eyes but that makes me curious.
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The Remarried Empress by Alphatart / Sumpul [ongoing - every Wednesday and Sunday]
Navier Ellie Trovi is an empress. Perfect and perfectly content in every way with her life until the day a mistress enters her husband’s life. Things sort of go downhill from there. Or do they? For she also learns about herself and what she might actually want out of life to be happy. Breaking the status quo might be the way.
It feels like one of those poor quality isekai comics or manga in which the MC is brought back to a time where she has the power to change her life and decides for emancipation and revenge, but it’s not. It’s more ‘yolo’ and had interesting characters, especially the MC - no pushover - and a slow-burn plot. Don’t expect to see the flash-forward in the first chapter quite yet, but come to experience the whole affaire in detail and in the most satisfying of ways! Also the art is cool!
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Muted by Miranda Mundt [ongoing - every Friday]
On her 21st birthday, Camille fails the ritual to become a full-fledged witch and is isolated from what remains of her old and successful family. This leads to her discovering truths about herself and her powers that will change her and those around her.
By the same author as Love Bot. I haven’t read the whole thing yet but the designs are good, the plot is interesting, the characters have depth and personnality, it has witches, magic, romance [I guess, still unsure of the details though], a bit of angst, and it’s set in Louisianna. All good points.
plant magic/10
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Cursed Princess Club by LambCat [ongoing - every Monday]
Gwendolyn and her sisters, each a princess in their own right, are set to be betrothed to three princes of a neighbouring country after living all their lives happy and sheltered with their father and brother. Unfortunately, Gwendolyn is not like her sisters - and brother, for that matter - in that her beauty is... less than conventionnal. Devastated by what outsiders think of her she escapes into the forest and meets kindred spirits in the form of the Cursed Princess Club - non-gendered, they also have that one prince there! - and it might just help her grow into the confident woman she is destined to become.
I clicked for the funny hahas ‘because she’s ugly’ and cursed princess trope, I stayed for the genuine laughs and smiles and the heartwarming good nature of most of te characters. Also, haha, funny characters are funny. So, yeah, I started this with a bias - still haven’t caught up yet - and have been seduced by this lesser known webtoon. Don’t let the visuals fool you, it’s really good!
respect wahmen/10
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Andy Bass by KenneDuck / Gia [ongoing - every Friday]
Andy Bass is our average highschool girl. Litterally. She’s half human, half fish, a real mermaid but vertically. That leads to less-than-friendly looks and reactions from others. However, the arrival of a new, and frankly very cute, transfer student might change all that.
Haven’t read it all yet, not that there are many chapters out, but it feel fun and promising. Also, physically imperfect characters are best characters. Down with the reign of beauty and up with 𝔠𝔬𝔪𝔪𝔲𝔫𝔦𝔰𝔪!
Chin Hansum 2.0/10
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For the Sake of Sita by Haga [completed]
A medical student passionately falls in love with a fallen goddess during his volunteer abroad in Nepal, and he desperately tries to fight off destiny to save his love. [the actual summary]
Okay, I’ll be honest: I haven’t quite read that one yet. I’m guilty of only having looked at the beginning and the end to see if it seemed worth it and, oh my gorsh! it does. The art is beautiful, the story seems sad yet beautiful too (I had tears reading the last chapters without knowing much of the rest) and it’s short, so jump on it!
[I’ll probably come back to that later when I’ve actually read it completely]/10
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Us Right Now by yurineseventeen [ongoing]
Rina's long-term girlfriend, Noa, decides to run away from home. Rina has limited time to find her.
Not much more to say other than it’s sweet and it feels real. I like the beginning, haven’t read the rest yet, but will definitely soon.
keep going/10
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New Normal: Class 8 by Youngpaka [ongoing - every Sunday]
Dongwoon has a big head. It does not make life easy. But what if he wasn’t alone being so... different? He discovers it is the case when he joins his new school a special class full of people who are different. Things get weird fast but also better and fun.
I haven’t read this in a long time, it’s on my list though. But until the moment I stopped at least, it was fun, funny, and interesting. It’s slice-of-life comedy, often ligthearted and stupid, sometimes more serious, but globally a pleasure to read.
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The Witch and The Bull by Moonsia [ongoing - every Thursday]
Tan's job as the King's royal advisor has nothing to do with his hatred for witches, but it does make him a prime target for a curse that turns him into a BULL! The only way to undo this hex is to rely on the beautiful witch, Aro. Can her kindness turn his feelings around, and break this spell? [the actual summary]
There are two bulls and they have to ask it questions to know which is the real bull? I dunno, I haven’t read this one... But it’s been recommnded by @berigolote​ so it’s worth a try I guess? She did recommend Lore Olympus to me, so it’s on my list anyway.
to try/10
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The Right Knight and Our Days in Lumain by buttersphere [completed & ongoing]
A fun short comic about a play on the ‘knight comes to fight dragon to save princess in her tower’ trope and it’s sequel. The sequel is not finished yet (seems on hiatus) but they are worth the read for cute, funny, fluffy knight and dragon/witch romance and grumpy princesses.
need more/10
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NetOL by Forever9Nine [completed]
A slice of life comic about a veeery shy cat-girl (not literally) falling in love with a warm-tempered bookshop employee ( and NOT her colleague), and all the shenanigans that ensue. It’s short, it’s fun, and it’s cute. What more to ask?
oh wow sports/10
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Susuhara is a Demon by Soya S. Holm [ongoing]
The usual romance storyof perfectly perfect girl meets absolutely bazongers delinquent and reluctantly carries her unconscious ass to her appartment to help her after witnessing a gang fight between multiple idiots and her (future) idiot and saving her from a knife attack by bashing the last standing dude with a wooden shop sign. Legend says there’s a demon in K-city, I still am unsure of whom it might be.
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It Stems From Love by Soya S. Holm [competed]
A short story about a girl who loves flowers and finds herself unexpectedly coughing them up dramatically whenever she’s jealous of those around her crush. It’s short, it’s cute, a bit dark at times, but definitely worth a read!
bouquet final/10
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Lesbiampires by fabarts [ongoing]
So, yeah, lesbian vampires. Nuffin’ ta add.
Well, anyway, it’s cute, it’s funny, it’s serious too, it makes me root for antihero type characters who actually murder people for fun (but in a fun and respectful way, I swear!) because, well, love./10
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Perfect Harmony by bluebloodtanuki [ongoing]
An Overwatch fan-comic about Symmetra and her disaster roommates.
I don’t play Overatch but I like the lore and got dragged into fanfiction and shipping (by myself, mind you), so a fan-comic about similar dynamics AND it’s funny? Gimme.
Roadhog & Junkrat best duo/10
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Love Doesn’t Talk by Ann [completed?]
A misunderstanding is fine. Two? Hmmm. Three? Surely that’s fate, no?
A cute love story unfolding before your eyes with no dialogue, only pretty pictures. I’m not actually sure it’s completed but even if it isn’t, the ending doesn’t feel disappointing in the least.
no words/10
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AntiSTALKER by VOKIVORMOK [ongoing - every Thursday]
Humans, vampires and werewolves all cohabitate in this freaky highschool, despite tensions between the three races. A bittersweet yet fun love story between a fake stalker and his amnesiac prey...
Eugene wants Kira’s heart, she wants his head.
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Kiss It Goodbye by Ticcytx [ongoing]
Two lesbians in love recount to their drunk friends the story of how they met. It’s fun and cute, both in story and in art.
delinquent x prim&proper/10
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Avril and the Divine Being by Charlie Genmor [ongoing]
Avril is a waitress, Cat is a reccuring client. Feeling blossom before they even exchange words and when they finally do, embarassment ensues.
I got hooked by the art style for this one and I have yet to be disappointed. Not many chapters but keep it close.
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Sunflower by EtoileKonijn [ongoing]
Wednesday, an art student, meets Sophie, a friend of a friend. Feelings ensue. It’s beginning to have a good number of chapters (even if they are short) and it feels like it’s actually the slowest burn of them all. Very much worth a read though, for the art style especially.
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It Takes Two by love_of_pi [ongoing]
Common art style: imperfect but improving. Classic story: normal girl meets famous girl by accident and leave a great first impression. Shenanigans and romance ensue. However the tints of drama, the fun interaction between characters, and the smooth plot make it worth it.
Honolulu latte/10
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A Mild Flavor by Ru-rin [ongoing]
A slice of life of different couples. One with a compromised relationship and bittersweet reflections of the past, and the other which is hidden from plain sight, at different times if life. It is not perfect but it managed to worm its way into my heart nonetheless.
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The Greenhouse by Viesallon [ongoing]
Another one I haven’t read, but from the extracts I’ve seen the art is compelling, the story seems worth it - definitely deserves the drama tag it seems - and I keep it on my shortlist until I have time to read it.
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My Masochistic Boss by Arisas_Art [ongoing]
Debuting goth writer meets hellish boss of editing company about her new book. Disagreement and tensions ensue. It starts with a slap and might very well end in bed, stay tuned!
This one rebooted recently and the art is soooo beautiful, moreso than before is I may say.
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Still Alive by Comic Kat19 [ongoing]
Half-zombie girl meets emo boy, baby ensues.
After the zombie apocalypse, they have to survive, and despite their differences, maybe together is better?
This I classify in the ‘Yuuutsu-kun to Succubus-san‘ category: a somewhat rough art style that I have come to love and enjoy greatly. Also the story is fun.
cat creature/10
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The Biggest of Treasures by Aixn [ongoing]
That smile, that damn smile. It’s what got me to try and it got me to stay. The art style is beautiful and the chara designs is too. The plot? Not much to say yet, but cuteness is enough.
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And there you go for now. These are my picks. I haven’t read everything on Webtoon, I haven’t even read everything I’ve subscribed to, but if I had to recommend anything I have tasted, here it is.
Sorry if I missed any you deem worthy; feel free to harass me and mock my lack of culture by flaunting your own.
Maybe more later, in the mean time: keep scrolling, scrub!
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tonystarkbingo · 4 years
Tony Stark Bingo Party Prompt Meme
http://generatorland.com/usergenerator.aspx?id=25057 -- we took tags from this random generator and then made up more detailed prompts from them. These prompts are open use, even if you’re not participating in the bingo, but please tag us if you write one, we’d LOVE to see what you did with it! nonsense + everyone is gay + denial : Tony+harem - Tony, while an incorrigible flirt, does not believe that anyone actually likes him, let alone as many as do. They come up with increasingly ridiculous ideas to ask him out or at least let him know they like him, while he innocently thinks they're all just such awesome friends superpowers + bodice-ripper + sad Stuckony - something set in the Regency(ish) era but with secret superpowers as an added bonus. Let’s of angst over trying to hide their secret powers, and wanting to save people without revealing themselves and also cause they’re gay. clones + nighttime + wishes Coulson/Strange (StrangeAgent? AgentStrange? DrAgent?) - Coulson ends up spending the night in the NY Sanctum. Some of the artifacts happen to be particularly sensitive to subconscious fantasies... and isn't it lucky that cloning himself happens to be one of Strange's powers? cruising + flashbacks + bad boys Winteriron possible future Stuckony - small warning for drinking mention - Tony is driving around to distract himself so he doesn't get drunk. He gets in an accident because he is not actually in a state to drive. The accident is comparatively harmless, the flashback to his convoy being attacked in Afghanistan is less so. When Tony wakes up in the hospital he learns that the person who dragged him from his car to safety is one James "Bucky" Barnes, resident motorbike riding bad boy heartthrob and friend/visitor of Steve "regular ER customer" Rogers, who's his hospital roommate. room service + lifeguards + sharing Tony is a lifeguard who takes his job very seriously. He's attending a convention-slash-training seminar at a posh uptown hotel, but then there's a knock at the door. He opens it to find two room service carts, both with order slips on them that indicate they're actually destined for another room. Rather than call the obviously harried and beleaguered bellboy back, he pushes them down the hall himself and knocks on the door... which is answered by none other than the hot beefcake fellow-lifeguard that's been distracting Tony all day. They end up sharing the enormous amount of food... and then maybe some more. :wink: overthinking + pity sex + customer service Tony just turned 40, he's been friends with Bucky and Nat for forever, and they'd been each other's marriage backups for the longest time, like, if they weren't married at 40, they'd marry whoever wasn't married either in their little trio. Only, two years prior, Buckynat became husband and wife and so he's having a little pity party on his floor at the Tower, drinking virgin mojitos and seriously consider a particular customer service to cheer himself up in one way or another - might as well get an orgasm, as shitty and sad as it may be, it's his birthday ffs - but then Bucky and Nat appear in his elevator, and they pull him off the couch he's been sprawled on for three hours, and Nat is the first to kiss him, and he's too stunned to react much but when he does question wtf is happening, Bucky shushes him and Tony lets him. The next morning he is evidently convinced it was all just pity sex, or a kink of theirs or whatever.... certainly nothing to do with the fact that they've been courting him forever and got tired of waiting for him to step out of ObliviousStarklandia. Of course not. wolves + romantic friendship + wigs Okay, so, someone has been doing an excellent job of hiding his baldness from someone else, with whom he's been in a long term best-friends-but-in-love not-quite-relationship. He's got an elaborate series of wigs, and over the years he's gradually been replacing them with slightly more grey ones so that someone else doesn't realise. Aaaand then someone gets bitten by a werewolf, and when he shifts for the first time he is completely bald and the secret is out. accidental relationship + butt dialing + warlocks Tony Stark is not happy with today's mission, not like there's an occasion to enjoy dealing with magic. But now he's in a relationship with Bucky, which is not bad, that man is gorgeous, but this is not the way. He's ranting about it to Jarvis and doesn't realize that he sat on his phone nor that he dialed the other supersoldier in the team until he hears a muffled laugh beneath him. He's going to kill that warlock smuggling + fear + road-trip okay, a Star Wars AU. Farmboy Peter is fleeing from stormtroopers who found out his parents were Jedi. He runs into smuggler Tony and they take off in Tony's ship for an extended road trip in space. possession + loving marriage + gardens & gardening Pepperony, Morgan insists there's a spirit possessing the garden because she's seen the plants dancing. Turns out they've accidentally created sentient plants and Tony is like nope, call somebody else, I do mechanical engineering and they call Dr. Cho to fix it. The marriage is in there somewhere I promise  idiots in love + bonding + resurrection Ironhawk - Clint tries to get Lucky back after he goes over the rainbow bridge, but he can’t actually read latin and ends up bringing back Tony from the 18th century.  And poor Tony gets Clint as his guide to the 21st.  Shenanigans and eventual fluffy ending improv + cultural appropriation + shield maidens After the Battle of New York, Tony's interviewing Thor about Asguardian tech and learns that they have all kinds of shielding devices, and gets interested in trying to replicate what Thor describes just in case aliens decide to pay a call on Earth again. Thor, for his part, is kinda shocked that Earth doesn't have any such shields, though on the other hand it is Midguard, so. You know. Tony gives it a shot and a couple weeks later he's launching the satellites into orbit for a preliminary test of the shields. He intends to test them with SI tech developed from seized Chitauri tech, but before he can get the chance an alien army shows up, guns blazing and very mad about something. The shields hold, thankfully, and the aliens send a strongly worded letter informing him that he has infringed upon their religious and cultural traditions by putting the Stark logo on them. Their planet was visited centuries ago by time-travelers that greatly influenced their culture, religion, government, etc. These time travelers carried devices with that same Stark Logo on them. The Stark Logo has become a complex cultural symbol over the centuries, and they don't appreciate him using it on war tech, even if on shields. Eventually, they figure out that the time travelers' tech was Tony's tech, and agree to leave in peace, but only after Tony spends a terrifying couple of days trying to improvise his way through a diplomatic disaster with an alien power. vampire family + slapstick + loss WinterIronWidow: So, Natasha's been a vampire for a long time, and she's lonely, so she decides to take on some mates, enter established relationship WinterIron. She vampirises them, which leads to Tony having fits about GARLIC and my god, I'm ITALIAN, you horrible woman!  And Bucky's like "I'm... CATHOLIC?? OM-- I can't even say G-- now??" awkwardness + chatting & messaging + shyness Tony doesn't understand why everytime Bucky comes into the lab, Dum-E tends to drop whatever he's holding and go hide in his charging station. Dum-E's always a bit clumsy and silly but this is more than usual and Tony's worried that Dum-E doesn't like Bucky or something like that. Anyway after much discussion, with JARVIS as translator and go-between, it turns out that Dum-E has developed a bit of a crush on Bucky's fancy robotic arm. Which ends up of course being a hilarious & awkward situation for all involved. candles + explosions + blind date tony gets bullied by pepper to go on a blind date to get out of his funk, she insists that this Matt Murdock character is the perfect date and Tony will like him. reluctantly tony goes to fancy restaurant and meets Matt Murdock and they hit it off instantly the little snarky assholes. they have a nice dinner by candle light and it's all going so well up until dessert when they order some kind of chocolate lava cake which was tragically not cooked properly and ends up exploding on both of them and bam they fall in love and live happily ever after skeleton puns + reincarnation + deus ex machina A snap, that was all it took to snuff out something so bright amidst the rubble of what was once New York City, and, with Tony gone for good, the living seem rather, well…dead. Until, one day, someone they all thought long dead returned to them, a blue cube glowing in his grip and a sweet promise of a new beginning dripping from his lips. But of course, no new beginning comes without a price laundry + tenderness + dialogue “I hate laundry,” Morgan declared after trying to refold her sweatshirt for the seventh time. “Me too kiddo,” Tony whispered back, sneaking a glance over his shoulder to Pepper who was putting clothes into the wash. “But that’s why we do it together. It gets done and we don't have to do it alone.” world domination + paranoia + everything hurts Tony knew what was coming, he knew. He’d seen the future and he knew. The Kree were coming - why would no one believe him? Not his husband, not the team, not even his own son. He kept convincing them they had to suit up and defend the planet and Steve and Peter kept telling him that a engineering professor from Cal Tech can’t do that, that this suit he talks about is only in his delusions. But he’s not paranoid. Or crazy. Or any of those other words. He is Iron Man. He just has to convince everyone else. feels + useless lesbians + Santa's workshop Toni doesn’t think anyone could accuse her of overflowing with Christmas spirit. That hasn’t stopped the rest of the Avengers from turning the “festive cheer” dial up to eleven, and Toni thinks she might just have to spend the whole next month hiding in her workshop. (Hey, she let DUM-E wear a Santa hat – that has to count for something.) Too bad Jamie Barnes – cyborg superassassin extraordinaire, Captain America’s best friend, and Toni’s big gay crush – has gotten the exact same idea. Now the rest of the team thinks they’ve got a “thing,” and Toni can’t decide which is worse: putting up with the Avengers’ not-so-subtle attempts at matchmaking, or spending all her time with the woman she loves and who she is absolutely, 100%, totally certain doesn’t reciprocate. Getting through this holiday season without having her heart broken might just take… a Christmas miracle. shapeshifting + secret organizations + nurses “C. Barton - Orderly.”  That’s what his tag said.  But only a very few people knew exactly what kind of hospital Saint Natalis actually was, and just how busy they could be during the full moon. kissing games + pirates + book stores Tony always thought that the shop had a mind of its own. The books were one thing, whispering their secrets to patrons who managed to find their way to it. Jarvis always did warn him not to touch any of the artifacts. The "DO NOT TOUCH" signs plastered all over the crates. So maybe it was his fault that he managed to summon 'Buccaneer Barnes' after touching the shiny pirate sword. "Let's play a game. If you win, I'll help you put all those runaway monsters that jumped out of the books. If I win, you owe me a kiss. Whatdaya say Stark?"
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alanna-artroid · 5 years
Cookies I Have From Cookie Run So Far! (And My Thoughts On Them)
Alright, I’ve gotten pretty far in Cookie Run: Oven Break, and I felt the need to share my thoughts on all the adorable cookies I’ve unlocked so far. So far, I have 50/100, so I’d say I’m making good progress. On to the list!
GingerBrave: The bravest boy. If this was a show, he’d clearly be the main character. I recently got him a little suit, so now he’s a gentleman! 
GingerBright: Sweet little lady. She looks like she’d be nice to get a coffee with or help you with homework. I definitely ship her with Brave, no doubt about it.
Strawberry Cookie: Precious baby! She’s super shy and I am compelled to protect her at all costs. Her pet is also a Tamagotchi, so she must be a gamer! Sweet!
Zombie Cookie: This is one of the fastest zombies I’ve ever seen. They seem like a nice guy overall though.
Princess Cookie: Heck yes, a mischievous princess! Those are the best! I love her dress and hair bows. I bet she just pretends to get kidnapped for the lols.
Pilot Cookie: Is it just me, or is this little old man smaller than most of the other cookies? Whatever, he’s got a cute mustache and he’s adorable. Go and fly!
Vampire Cookie: As a vampire nerd, I immediately adored this guy. I will gladly give him grape juice and chill with him under the light of the moon. 
Gumball Cookie: Is this was Splatoon is like? This boi has a lot of chaotic energy and I like him.
Pistachio Cookie: I love this warrior woman so dang much. Look at that minty green hair! Her power is also SUPER helpful. She a speedy knight!
Peppermint Cookie: Sweet baby. Good baby. My mom would probably adore this baby. (She loves mint and she’s not even a big sweets person.)
Muscle Cookie: As a lesbian, I’m not into big abs and muscles, but he’d probably be a good gym partner. Don’t mess with him is all I can say.
Cherry Cookie: Little Red Riding Hood got some bombs! I hope she and Gumball can go cause chaos on the weekends.
Hero Cookie: Precious nerdy boi with science! I saw his Island of Memories intro and his bond with Jellyco Cube is just the sweetest thing! Follow your superhero dreams, my baby!
Fairy Cookie: I didn’t know Tinkerbell was in this game! Also, I got her a bee costume and that looks super cute on her. Love her hair bun.
Werewolf Cookie: ULTIMATE FLOOF! Doggo here has a lot of angst and I worry for him. Maybe Vampire Cookie can teach him to chill? That’d be nice.
Rockstar Cookie: Oh, the songs I could sing right here. High tier rocker boy. Loving that flowing white hair. Rock on, buddy!
Soda Cookie: Go-to starter for my Breakout runs. I love him very much, he’s super cute! Let me go to the beach with this righteous dude! 
Dark Enchantress Cookie: Oooooh, she is GORGEOUS!!! I love her design~! I’ll be sure to invite her to any fancy balls I might have, as to avoid any Maleficent scenarios with this savage woman.
Moon Rabbit Cookie: My spirit animal! I love how she constantly munches while she runs. This girl is such a mood for me. Cute little bunny ears~!
Space Doughnut: Awww, look at this alien dork! Their design is very cute, and I love how their expression of >:3.
Macaron Cookie: Such a sweetie pie! Why must they all be so adorable?! She’s a little drummer girl! That is too precious! Look at her dress and hat!!!
Pink Choco Cookie: She reminds me of a show I watched when I was younger. It was about a space girl, does anyone remember it? This girl will save the day, I can tell! 
Avocado Cookie: Strong girl on the loose! My pun-loving friends would adore this cookie. And she’s a blacksmith, which is always cool.
Whipped Cream Cookie: Elegant ballerino!! He’s definitely one of my favorites! Such a beautiful boi~! I love his design so much, and he’s very useful. <3 <3 <3
Blackberry Cookie: Yeeees! Gothic girl for the win! She is SO dang pretty! I am WEAK for gothic lolitas, and she even has ghost buddies! I bet she’ll love spooky games like Luigi’s Mansion and Hollow Knight.
Lemon Cookie: Edgy boi is trying way too hard to be Shadow the Hedgehog. I mean, can you SMILE for once dude? It’ll take me a while to bond with this guy.
Salt Cookie: He strikes me as a wise old man you’d find meditating at the top of a mountain, or in his case on a boat in the ocean. I bet he has lots of knowledge to share.
Squid Ink Cookie: AWWWWW, SWEET BABY SQUID!!! Guys, I think they might be my favorite! They’re so squishy and mighty, and they need all my love and huggles!!! Don’t be sad baby, I’ll be your friend! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Lime Cookie: Beach girl! She’s like Lemon Cookie, but slightly nicer! I really like her hair and beach ball. Very cool girl.
Ninja Cookie: FINALLY! SOMEONE WITH MORE THAN TWO JUMPS!!! I went kind of crazy with his jumping powers at first. He’s super cool. Not sure why his pet is a ghost though.
Pomegranate Cookie: Oooh, I love Asian fashion~! Look how fancy and elegant she is! Her story concerns me, and I’m worried about her.
Angel Cookie: Good cookie, sweet cookie. Wouldn’t hurt a fly. It looks like they trust the devil boy, which is beyond kind of them. I love it when angels get along with demons. Defy angle roles!!!
Devil Cookie: Speaking of, they’re a cute little bean too! I love the naughty demon trope, and this cutie is so mischievous! Call Angel your “rival” all you want, I’m still shipping you dorks.
Roll Cake Cookie: Imagine, if you will, the world’s biggest game of Whack-A-Mole! With that hammer, this boy would win without question.
Popcorn Cookie: I’d be happy to go with this girl to the movie theater! Also, I love how she had popcorn for hair buns. She seems like she’d be up for a fun time!
Carrot Cookie: Oh my lordy, her ponytails are carrots. The artists for this game are so clever. Strong but tiny farmer, I approve.
Ion Cookie Robot: Yes! A robot! I love robots, and this cookie is no exception! Definitely one of my favorites, up there with Whipped Cream Cookie. They’re super powerful too, and REALLY useful in Breakout and Trophy runs.
Dino-Sour Cookie: Gee Dino-Sour, how come Devsisters let you have two pets? Very cool punk boy. I can see him going to Rockstar Cookie’s concert.
Plum Cookie: Aren’t plums purple though? This boy is one tough cookie! Look at his karate moves! Honestly, I thought he was a girl at first. Why must these boys be so pretty?!
Alchemist Cookie: Look, it’s Twilight Sparkle! Apparently, Vampire boy is her brother? I really like her hair braids(?), I just wish she’d loosen up a bit. She seems like a nice girl.
Roguefort Cookie: Aaaah yeah, elegant thief! This cookie is the coolest! I love this aesthetic so much~! Blue cheese has never been so fancy. Just look at this charmer, stealing hearts!
Pitaya Dragon Cookie: OOOOOhohoho! THIS is what I’m TALKING about! Look at this beast, they’re GLORIOUS! They’ve probably killed a bunch of people, but They’re crazy powerful and I adore them.
Knight Cookie: This guy is SO much fun to play as! He just won’t stop, he’s too fast!!! I couldn’t stop laughing once I found out just how fast this knight could go! Somehow he controls better than Pistachio? I don’t know, I love him!
Birthday Cake Cookie: TOO PRECIOUS FOR WORDS! SHE’S SO DANG CUTE!!! Also, her “Bonus Time” changes to “Happy B Day” and I... I just can’t! She’s the sweetest thing!!! <3 <3 <3
Cocoa Cookie: Awww, look at this sweet baby! I wanna snuggle her! Her design looks so warm and comfy. I have plenty of hot chocolate to give her. <3
Raspberry Mousse Cookie: Ah yes, the pretty boy that got me into this game in the first place. Along with Squid Ink, he’s probably my favorite. There’s a reason he has the highest affection so far with me. I just adore his design, and he’s very powerful! I will ALWAYS have him ready for Breakout and Trophy Runs. Well worth all the hype. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Rose Cookie: Finally, we have this lovely lady. Everyone is shipping her with Raspberry, and rightfully so. She is a high-quality woman that makes gay men straight and straight girls lesbian. Look at that outfit! And those dance moves!
Aaaand that’s everybody for now! I’ll update this once I get more Cookies. So far, I like most of them a lot. Anybody got some favorites they’d like to share? I’m still new to this game, but I’m happy to hear what others have to say!
I went back and fixed all the gender mistakes I made. (I’m so sorry! D:) Also, I got a few more cookies! So here we go!
Walnut Cookie: Precious detective baby! The newest update is only making her cuter! Probably the shortest of the bunch, and I adore her design~! <3
Cinnamon Cookie: Super useful power so far, and they have a really cool cape! Those cards are very handy! (I promise I’ll pay attention to the genders of these cookies from now on! I don’t want to misgender anyone again!)
Sparkling Cookie: Oooh, a sparkling cider cookie! That’s honestly the only boozy thing I enjoy drinking. He is super classy and seems like the life of the party. He strikes me as a Great Gatsby kind of host.
Moonlight Cookie: OOOOOOOH~! LOOK at this GODDESS! I love the nighttime/dreamy aesthetic. This girl has Luna’s hair and a wizard’s outfit, high tier cookie!
White Choco Cookie: This game sure likes it’s knights, huh? This girl is a fine lady and apparently, she attracts all the lesbians. Can’t say I blame those girls, I do love that hairstyle. 
Spinach Cookie: Aaand the newest cookie to hit the scene, this girl! I have never met someone so dedicated to vegetables, so I have to applaud that. She’s a super sweet girl, and I hope we find who stole her precious vegetables!!!
More Cookies! It’s been a while since I’ve updated this, so I have quite a bit to share. On to the new ones!
Mustard Cookie: Look at this punk girl! Street artist on the loose in the streets! I always admire people and characters in this style, so I’m supporting this rebel all the way!
Herb Cookie: Now THIS guy is everywhere! It seems the fandom really likes him, and I can see why. He seems like a very nice boy, with a sweet plant baby. I like the leaf hair, very cool.
Sea Fairy Cookie: I love how everything on her flows. Her hair, her dress, she’s so beautiful~! I will say though, Legendaries are SO DANG HARD to level up and get affection with! WHY?!
Cream Puff Cookie: Awwww, look at this precious baby girl~! Look at her soft hair and little dress! I almost feel bad running with the super cute ones, I don’t want them to get hurt! 
Matcha Cookie: Oooooh, all these ancient-looking cookies have the coolest designs! She’s probably insane, darkness will do that to ya, but she seems harmless so I like her!
Ice Candy Cookie: This chick could crush me like a grape and I don’t know how to feel about that. Hopefully, she’s only savage on the ice rink. I do NOT want to mess with this girl.
Cherry Blossom Cookie: Awww, look how pretty she is~! Cherry blossoms are always so lovely, and this girl embodies that. She has a PARASOL for crying out loud, I CAN’T EVEN!!
Grapefruit Cookie: This game sure likes sports, huh? She seems really cool, I love her colors! Do you think she’d play Skate 3? Hopefully, she’d get a laugh out of that game.
Pirate Cookie: This guy has been a long time coming. I’ve been curious about him since the Breakout episode. He’s pretty neat, I appreciate how he naturally comes with an extra revive.
Kumiho Cookie: Cool! A Kitsune! I love the spin on the concept of cookies. Let this marshmallow fox live out her reverse-furry dream! I’m loving her design too, look at that hair! 
Marshmallow Cookie: Oh cute! Another marching band cookie! According to her story, she and Macaron had a falling out. I hope they can reconcile and be friends again. :(
Dark Choco Cookie: WE’VE REACHED MAXIMUM EDGE! WITH OREO SHOULDER PADS!!! Interesting how he’s still trying to be a hero, which is a nice spin on the “I have evil powers so now I’m evil” trope. Here’s hoping he stays strong.
Fire Spirit Cookie: Ah yes, the classic lord of fire. A staple for any fantasy story that includes the elements. Again, it’s impossible to get the affection for these guys.
Mala Sauce Cookie: Yay! I got Pitaya’s girlfriend! I always love it when there’s a tribe/society of warriors and the WOMAN is the strongest one there. Heck yes! This warrior lady is a badass!
Firecracker Cookie: I didn’t know I was invited to a rave party! Love the neon colors on this cookie, that’s something this game really excels at.
I’ve reached 90 cookies! I’m on the homestretch!!!
Cheesecake Cookie: OH MY LORDY LOOK HOW FANCY SHE IS! I adore her already! Fancy ladies are the best ladies!
Kiwi Cookie: This game REALLY likes sports. He looks cool, can’t complain.
Yoga Cookie: Awww, a pretzel is trying to be loose! I’ve done yoga a few times, and it is very good for your body. Nice colors, simple design, nice.
Dr. Wasabi Cookie: I’d reference some mad scientist, but I know a lot of them so we’d be here for a while. Her combi generator has been very helpful.
Chili Pepper Cookie: Uh oh, this one’s a troublemaker! I really like her hair, it’s very bright. Secure your pockets around this chick, that’s for sure.
Millennial Tree Cookie: These cookies are too pretty, I keep thinking they’re girls! This guy is so beautiful~ truly a being of nature!
DJ Cookie: Ooooh, I love her design~. Rainbow colors will win me over every time. And look! She’s wearing a Bi Pride shirt! This girl is awesome! I like how her special power is basically tiny Guitar Hero.
Snow Sugar Cookie: Soft baby, sweet baby. Looks very cuddly. Their level was very helpful during Sandwich Cookie’s event in getting frozen jellies. Those blue bears aren’t easy to come by!
Fig Cookie: CENTAUR! I wasn’t expecting one of those here! She’s such a sweetie pie~. Since everything and anything is allowed in this game, can we get mermaids or harpies next?
Cotton Candy Cookie: PRECIOUS BABY! She’s so gosh darn cute, I can’t take it! I personally can relate to falling in love with things so easily. And there are official plushies of her now! ONE DAY I WILL BRING HER HOME!
Purple Yam Cookie: Bro needs a chill pill. Not ONCE have I seen this guy smile yet. And I thought Lemon needed to lighten up. Milk seems to care about him though, so I guess he can’t be that bad.
Milk Cookie: The softest of warriors! Look how cute he is~! I adore him! Plus he really shines in the stories. I can only assume Yam is his boyfriend or something. Am I wrong about that?
Cyborg Cookie: Hey! I saw the storybook for this one! I’m surprised I haven’t unlocked this “Aloe Cookie” yet. Are they still in this game? I can’t find them on the chart. Anyway, Cyborg is cool. Very nice design.
Mango Cookie: Newest baby! I love him, and would love to learn all about the islands from him! I’m gonna say it, I already ship him with Ananas Cookie, no questions asked.
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aromoji · 5 years
So I’m finally getting around to do that aspec Q & A that @ace-and-aro-wlw-positivity posted, and I have quite a few aspec ocs so this could get rather lengthy but here we go
1. What was your inspiration for your character(s)? Are they modeled on yourself, a person that you know, or a character that’s already been established?
My first aspec oc, Abby Scott, was based on myself when I thought I was a biromantic ace girl. So she takes a lot after me. 
Theo Yamada, on the other hand, was a completely new character. I don’t exactly remember why I made him alloarospec, and I’ve been flipping from one arospec identity to the other, but no matter what he always remained alloaro. 
Mina Nicholson was my first character that I had predetermined to be alloaro from the start. She’s based on an old tumblr post about some super hero series idea called “Aces and Arrows.” I obviously didn’t make Mina into some superhero, but her guitar skills make her come pretty close :D. 
Brittany Olajobi is also based on an old tumblr post. Remember the “All or Nothing” idea thing that was floating around here?(Yes, I’m aware it turned into a scam, but I thought the premise was cute). Since no one actually made anything out of that I decided to make the characters my own. The asexual and pansexual girls were roomates....but also girlfriends. That idea kinda evolved into one of my newer series called “Play the Rainbow”, but that’s gonna take a while to explain.
Queenie Brooks...is based on a crude caricature someone made of an ace person (the “artist” has probably never talked to an ace person outside of tumblr but whatever), so I took that character and fleshed her out. She’s an aroace trans girl who’s evry big in activist circles, especialy the sex worker industry
2. How much, if any, has your character(s) changed since they were first created? What caused this change?
Abby and Brittany haven’t changed much besides in their appearance, Queenie and Mina underwent drastic appearance changes since they were created, and Theo’s kinda been going back and forth on the aromantic spectrum,  from strictly aro to demiromantic to aroflux. I’ve finally settled one greyromantic, which coinicdentially is what I identify as.
4. Do you intend on publishing your story one day? Why, or why not?
Probably not. I’m closeted in real life and likely to stay that way as long as I’m financially dependent on my parents.
7. Time to get serious for a bit. There’s been heavy debate on having non-human characters identify as ace, aro, non-binary, etc., but never actual humans. As someone who’s aspec, how would you explain to someone who’s allo why this can be and is seen as hurtful?
Ace and Aro people have been seen as inhuman and robotic for not feeling attraction, especially not in the same way that people who aren’t aro or ace do. Please reconsider making that animal/robot/alien oc aspec unless all or most of your characters aren’t human as well.
8. It’s a sad reality that many stories in mainstream media don’t have characters that are aspec, not to mention without resorting to harmful stereotypes. Besides there being nothing wrong with IDing as aspec, why did you choose to have your character ID as such? What would you tell other authors who’re interested in writing characters that are aspec, but are afraid of offending the community?
I make my characters aspec because. I’m aspec. Also there aren’t a lot of aspec representation (the little we get lol) that isn’t white or cis or yes, heteromantic./heterosexual. Considering the fact that I’m none of those things, all of my aspec ocs are poc like me, some even trans as well. To authours who want to write aspec characters but don’t want to offend the community, PLEASE ask around. Ask more than one person of that specific demographic. Their opinion should not be the only one that shapes yours! Also, if you’re writing an alloaro character, don’t ask someone who’s alloace or aroace. Similarly, don’t ask an alloaro person about writing alloace/aroace characters. Aspec people are not a monolith, our experiences are not the same
9. If you’re comfortable with sharing, what is your characters’ identity? Do they use any microlabels? Does theirs reflect your own?
Abby is a biromantic ace, Theo is a greyromantic bisexual, Mina is an alloaro bisexual, Brit is an ace lesbian, and Queenie is an oriented aroace trans woman.
11. Why do you think that not just representation is important, but GOOD representation? Can you offer any examples?
Fiction affects reality. Therefore, how people see us in the media affects how they see us in real life.
14. What’s a brief biography of your character? Is their history, personality, and/or looks similar to your own?
Uh I don’t necessarily have biographies for them but I have an oc carrd with their details
15. What are the themes of your story? Is it a lighthearted adventure, or are we talking deep, ocean-sized levels of angst? Why, or why not, did you choose them?
It’s a mix of light hearted fun and lots of angst. But everyone (who deserves it) gets a happy ending so it’s all good.
16. How long have you been writing? Has your style changed from when you first began to now? What are some tips you’d give to those who’re interested in writing a story of their own, be it professionally or as a hobby?
I’ve been writing since I was 8. I once won an honorable mention in a writing competition in the third grade believe it or not lol. My writing has definetely changed a lot, and that’s partially thanks to my English teachers I had along the way. My advice to people interested in writing a story on their own is to invest in a laptop/notebook and find time to write. Any time at all.
17. What’s your process for writing? Do you plan your story out first, write whatever you want then edit later, or both? How might this help others?
Planning? Ha! I write as I go. Sometimes I go back and edit entire scenes before publishing tho.
18. Your book’s become quite popular, easily reaching the New York Times Bookseller list, and now, you’ve been picked to lead a writing workshop. It goes swimmingly, and afterward, someone comes and tells you that your book not only inspired them to write a story of their own, but also helped them discover and accept their identity. What’s your reaction?
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I’m...not good with compliments.
20. Just for fun, write down a paragraph of your most recent writing. It can be an action-packed scene, some witty dialogue, or a colorful description that you really enjoyed. (Be sure to properly tag any possible triggers!)
Here’s what I’ve started working on:
Theo smooths out the wrinkles on his blue uniform, giving himself a once over in the mirror. All his belongings of 5 long years were packed and ready to board on the ship the  higher-ups would issue to him He turns and takes down one last poster and rolls it up, placing it in his duffel bag. Perfect. Now all he had to do was go through the graduation ceremony and he’d get his first assignment. His hard work being at the top of his class was finally going to pay off.
“Heyyyy, my older twin’s looking sharp tonight!” Trent exclaims, leaning in the doorway with his own uniform in red. He whirls into the room, flopping on the now barren bed. “Ahh, this bed has so many memories. Come on, sit with me!”
“Trent, the ceremony’s so soon.”
“Theooooo,” he pouts. “This may be the last time we see this room, because we’ll be in space!”
He wiggles his fingers in Theo’s face for dramatic effect. The older twin chuckles, taking a seat on the bed.
“Let’s see,” Theo muses, tapping his chin thoughtfully. “I remember when we first got here. We were 10 years old, tiny, adorable and innocent little creatures. You were so terrified because they had put us in separate rooms.”
“I was not!” Trent argues. “It was just…a bit of a shock considering I always slept with someone else in my room instead of…all by myself.’
“Whatever. You crept into my room in the middle of the night, poked me awake and gave me the whole puppy-dog-eyes-and-quivering-bottom-lip routine to get me to beg me to let you sleep in my bed that night.”
“And you pretty much told me to go play in traffic,” he laughs. “And I still got in your bed anyway and slept there the whole night!”
“And you kept doing it until you turned 12!” Theo finishes with a playful shove.
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vivxwrites · 5 years
Love You 3001
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*not my gif*
Word Count: 1103
Summary: Morgan’s journey through coping with her father’s death
Warning(s): Post Endgame Angst, Aftermath of Major Character Death, Self Doubt, Self Hate
A/N: The story no one asked for yet I provided anyways. Hope you enjoy.
There was a lot that Morgan Stark knew about her father. She knew that he was a genius and she knew how much he loved her (3,000 to be exact), and she knew that his favorite thing to do was to bicker with his plethora of A.I.s and Robots. 
Was. Morgan grew to hate that word.
Out of all the languages and words in the world of course it had to be a stupid one syllable, three-lettered word that punched her in the face every god damn gosh darn (her dad wouldn’t have liked to hear her curse) time she heard it uttered.
There was a lot that Morgan Stark didn’t know about her father. She didn’t know how he met her mother and she didn’t know the story behind him becoming Iron Man either.
Morgan turned to the recordings left behind by her father for answers. She spent night after night analyzing each one in an attempt to discover something new, to feel closer to her dad in any way that she could. It both comforted and hurt her to see the flickering hologram of her dad walking through the empty space of his old lab, pacing back and forth while explaining different things, detailing how he wanted life after himself to pass. Morgan couldn’t help but shed a few tears, quickly wiping them away as soon as they fell.
It hurt (a pain that ran so, so deep, one that she couldn’t quite describe in words), going down to the bottom of the hill (just before the river where she used to skip rocks), and having to look at the polished piece of stone that read ‘In Loving Memory of Anthony Edward Stark. Husband, Father, Hero.’ She hated the fact that a stupid piece of fucking stone sticking out of the ground could make her feel so many emotions at once and god if she didn’t feel like screaming her throat raw until it burnt and until her voice could only just croak out the rest of her heart-wrenching, soul-shattering sobs.
After crying her eyes dry Morgan would blink blankly ahead, letting her deepest and darkest thoughts run free and wild.
Sometimes Morgan caught herself thinking stupid thoughts like who would walk her down the isle on her wedding day or who would intimidate all her potential partners, or sometimes, on days when she thought particularly deep, who would protect her, who would save her from the terrifying place that the world had become? Sure there was her mom, and her mom was doting and caring and amazing and everything in between but she most certainly wasn’t, and would never be, Morgan’s dad. Why, even with her mom doing such a great job at being a single parent, did Morgan still feel so damn empty? Why did she go through all her days feeling hollow, and how could it be so easy to seek out and feel the blatant nothingness that had taken over her once animated, young soul?
Upon catching Morgan post-cry one afternoon, her mom had suggested therapy and Morgan had only cringed inwardly while politely shaking her head no and explaining to her mom that therapy was something that she didn’t need. Alright, so maybe she did need therapy but she definitely didn’t want to go because that would mean admitting that she was scared and admitting that maybe she was just a little bit broken (a lot abit, but she swore she would never admit that to herself or to her potential future therapist). 
Through the evasion of therapy, Morgan grew to develop a ton of unhealthy coping habits. One in particular, however, puzzled her. Every night before her birthday, she cried. It was as consistent as it was hurtful and Morgan wasn’t quite sure if maybe she should’ve been proud or ashamed of the fact that her crying had grown as close to silent as possible through the past years. She didn’t know why she cried (well she did, obviously all the crying she did was a result of her dad’s passing), or why after a certain point the tears rolling down her cheeks almost felt as if they weren’t there at all, like they were simply ghosting over her face in an attempt to hide themselves from all present and sentient beings. One thing that she did know was that the simple action of crying led to the domino effect of her feeling as though she was being torn apart from the very center of her being, to trembling and quaking under her comforter, and then finally to falling asleep as though the whole chain of events had never happened in the first place.
Morgan hated that memories of her father weren’t as vivid as they once used to be, that they were fading, that his memory was fading. People always told her that he lived on in her, that she was a piece of him that had graced the world and that by extension, she too would do great things; as time continued to pass, however, Morgan found it hard to believe. She found it increasingly difficult to believe that she was supposed to fit into Tony Stark’s shoes, fill the vacant space he had left behind after quite literally saving the entire universe. It was a nearly impossible task, becoming and being a hero, and it doubled as one that she deemed fit for only the likes of either Harley Keener or Peter Parker, both of whom she shared a father figure with, but certainly not a task fit for herself. She hadn’t the slightest clue on how to even attempt an approach at the task at hand and so she decided not to and instead to focus on her own goals.
And that she did. By age eighteen Morgan had graduated college and started to ascend the ranks of Stark Industries, slowly climbing from level to level until finally at the age of twenty-three, she had reached the top. 
She didn’t stop there, nor did she stop when she was just beginning to surpass her own mother, Pepper looking on with a proud expression, only one a mom could wear. Eventually Morgan took over the company as a whole. Each morning she still gazed into her mirror, expression full of disdain at how little she had done to appease her dad, her exhausted form shifting towards the television as the news anchor droned on about how Spider-Man had saved the day yet again, just like her father would have wanted. Morgan Stark was no hero and her dad would roll over in his grave before being proud of her. Little did she know just how proud of her he truly was. Tony wished he could tell her.
A/N: I think I’m happy with how this turned out but I can never decide. Anyway I hope some of you enjoyed reading it, I’ve been piecing it together for a few days and finally finished it up tonight, I’m exhausted but it was worth it. Thanks, Viv <3
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hisgirlwonder · 6 years
Here is a list comprised of some things I have written - each with a tiny synopsis and warning (if applicable) in case they aren’t to your liking! I’ve written it from newest to oldest in terms of the “ideas” I’ve had. Hope you enjoy ♥
Key: *smut, ^drabble
🖊️ Lost and Found* [preview] → Duncan and Michael have happily been together for many years until one day, questions emerge around the topic of sexuality. (warning: masturbation)
Innocence Lost* → In your father’s eyes, you were his and his alone… until you weren’t; until he’d sold you to the Son of Satan for his own survival. (warning: trauma, abusive/manipulative relationships, degradation, use of body fluids, anal play, BDSM)
🖊️ East to West [1] [2] → Michael decides to move the two of you to Palos Verdes because of a bit of persuasion by a friend, Phil Mason. Would it live up to your expectations?
Heart-Shaped Glasses* [1] [2] → You’re a good girl for Duncan.. until you aren’t. (warning: daddy kink, age regression, food play, face fucking, sex toys, “forced” orgasms, light degradation)
🖊️ Wicked Games* [1] [2] → You’ve been appointed to represent an old acquaintance, Duncan Shepherd. When Michael learns of your latest case he comes up with a way the two of you can make light of the situation. (warning: sex, implied cuck, implied sexual misconduct, power kink, mention of degradation, adultery)
Burning Desire* → Michael is desperate to be alone with you, his little grey, so he devises a plan since he’s unable to get you off his mind. (warning: oral sex)
Undeniable* → You and Michael are past lovers reunited. (warning: daddy kink, light degrading/humiliation, d/s. use of “force”, bondage, sex)
🖊️ House of Wolves* [1] [2] [3] [4] → The application to Kineros Robotics you submitted wins you an apprenticeship and Michael takes an instant liking to you, much to the dismay of others. (warning: workplace masturbation, implied oral and sex, angst)
Greedy* → Hawthorne’s Boy Wonder is all too curious while you’re away and sees what all the fuss is about. (warning: implied oral, mommy kink, d/s, c and b torture, pegging, light humiliation, schoolboy kink)
Atonement* [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] → Michael has bestowed the elusive position of his assistant upon you and the feelings that develop cause you to act out; unfortunately, there are consequences to bad behaviour. (warning: public and private humiliation/degradation, use of body fluids, workplace kink, sex toys, anal play, forced pet play, sadism, voyeurism, etc)
Seeing Red [1] [2] → Labelled ”the perfect pair” by almost everyone until Michael learns a few home truths about who he is. Meanwhile, you have a few truths of your own to bare to him.
Defiance* [1] [2] - maybe I will finish this one day???? → You’re the newest member at Outpost 3 and meet old friends, make new enemies, and are introduced to a mysterious man with golden hair. (warning: masturbation, cock worship, oral, face fucking, d/s, sex)
His Little Demon* → Sinking his teeth into a new project at work, Michael spends one too many late nights at work which leaves an unhappy wife at home. (warning: workplace degradation/humiliation, ruined orgasm, d/s)
Heaven in Hiding* → Michael wants you in his office and you’ve never been one to listen to orders; you won’t go without a fight. (warning: public humiliation/degradation, d/s, oral)
You’re My Kingdom Come* → You’re trying to contain a huge secret but Coco sees the bruises on your arm and is becoming increasingly worried. (warning: daddy kink, d/s, workplace sex)
Adrenalize Me* [1] [2] → Michael hires you to help him with his work but there are secrets hiding behind his office door and you’re about to learn exactly what they are. (warning: lesbian sex, oral sex/facefucking, public/workplace, implied puppy play, d/s)
Young and In Love → You were nothing in your own eyes but all Michael, your boyfriend, wants to do is love you. (warnings: none, but this is aimed at a plus size reader with a bit of body worship thrown in there)
Tearing You Apart*^ → Never one to back down from a fight, you give it to Michael as good as you get it. (warning: workplace degradation/humiliation, d/s)
Daddy’s Gift*^ → It’s Christmas time and Daddy has a special gift for his little girl. (warning: sex toy mention, implied smut)
You Feel Like Home*^ → Michael has a bad dream and needs comforting from his mommy. (warning: nipple play, mommy kink)
Forgive Me, Father*^ → Michael, being the Antichrist, decides it would be fun if the two of you desecrate the bible. (warning: oral sex)
Her Middle Name is Trouble*^ → You want your daddy’s attention and will do anything to get it. (warning: implied smut, daddy kink, d/s)
Mommy’s Boy* → Michael is overworked and stressed out and in need of relief in the form of his special time. (warning: breeding/pregnancy kink, mommy kink, sex)
Sucker For Pain*^ → Michael and you are keeping a secret from the rest of the other inhabitants of Outpost 3. (warning: daddy kink, d/s, public humiliation/degradation)
Young God*^ → Surrounded by God-loving humans wasn’t your idea of a good time and Michael hated it as well. (warning: school kink, implied oral, implied sex)
This is What You Live For* → You’re bored and Michael is busy (..but not for long). (warning: mommy kink, innocence kink, oral, face sitting, squirting, 69, multiple orgasms)
Look, But Don’t Touch* → Frustrated by his attraction to you, Michael needs to take it out on your body. (warning: light degradation/humiliation, workplace sex, spanking, face fucking, cum play)
Tempt Me*^ → You wake from your afternoon nap and you’re ready to play with Daddy. (warning: daddy kink)
You Belong to Me* → Michael needs his assistant to help with a pressing matter. (warning: degradation/humiliation, workplace sex, d/s, oral sex, rimming, anal sex)
Surprise* → Michael has a surprise for you, in the form of a pretty boy. (warning: d/s, threesome, cuckold, voyeurism, spitroast, degradation/humiliation, oral, sex, cum fixation)
On Fire*^ → You’re Michael’s fuck toy and he wants to hear you say it. (warning: sex, d/s)
I’m A Friend and You’re All I Need* → Michael is begging for the one thing you’ve been wanting the whole time you’ve been together and you’re about to give it to him. (warning: light degradation/humiliation, d/s, sex toys, pegging, mommy kink)
He Loves Control* → It’s time to be interviewed for a spot in The Sanctuary and Michael has a plan for you. (warning: virgin reader, d/s, degradation/humiliation, oral, sex)
Puppy Love* → Michael is restless and eager to play but you? You’ve got the pussy, you make the rules. (warning: puppy play, mommy kink, oral)
Lesson Learned* → Michael knows you’ve misbehaved and now he’s going to punish you. (warning: degradation/humiliation, d/s, forced urination/urolagnia, spanking, sex toys, rimming)
Oh, How I’ve Missed You* → The two of you finally get a moment alone and he wants to have a special conversation. (warning: oral sex)
His Revelation* → Michael has a secret and can no longer keep it hidden. (warning: mommy kink)
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Welcome to my blog! If you’re new here or need some catching up, here’s some of my important info!
Who’s Who!
Michael Afton
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23, Demiboy, he/him, homoflexible, polyamorous
Michael is the son of William Afton, twin brothers with Red, and has two younger siblings: Elizabeth and Crying Child. He is the older brother in FNaF 4, Eggs Benedict in Sister Location, and the guard in FFPS. Thanks to Officialverse shenanigans, he was brought back to “life” and now lives in the Officialverse with his family and loved ones.
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23, Trans Man, he/him, biromantic, asexual
Fraternal twins with Michael, Scott goes by the nickname “Red” to avoid confusion. He actually came from an AU, and angsts over the fact that he “wasn’t meant to exist”. He’s very overprotective of his brother and really enjoys playing Pokemon. Also has glitch powers, but hardly ever uses them. Red is a Phone Guy, but not to be confused with PG!!!
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Age Unknown, Genderfluid, he/him they/them or she/her, pansexual
Originally the robot that inhabited Michael, Ennard was recently struck with anon magic that turned her human, and he seems to be permanately this way. Their personally tends to be all over the place due to being made of four different robots, but “mischevious” always seems to describe him well. She’s in a queerplatonic relationship with Michael.
Sasha Catter “Beans” Afton-Cawthon
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Michael’s cat! Also lives with Scott, hence the same last name. She was adopted from a shelter.
The Night Shift
My interpretations of the night guards from Michael’s timeline, they’re open for questions but aren’t featured often on this blog.
It would be way too many images to go through, so go through their tag if you’d like artwork!
Phone Guy(PG): 30, Transmale, he/him, homosexual
Jeremy Fitzgerald: 25, Male, he/him, bisexual
Mike Schmidt: 21, Male, he/him, homosexual
Fritz Smith, 35, Male, he/him, pansexual
Li DeLacey, 31, Transfemale, she/her, heterosexual
Brandon Fischer(PD), 28, Nonbinary, they/them, aromantic asexual
Mahsa Smith(Cassette Girl), 34, Female, she/her, pansexual
Jonas(OC), 30, Male, he/him, polysexual
Terrence(OC), 30, Male, he/him, bisexual
Kiki(OC), 29, Female, she/her, lesbian
Scatter A. Patter
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20, Transmale/Genderfluid, he/him, homoflexible asexual
The mod of the blog and as such, sometimes appears to mess around with Michael. Doesn’t interfere much, but occasionally goofs off with Michael and Ennard.
Important people in Mike’s life!
William Afton/Springtrap/Scraptrap: Michael’s father and antagonist of the series. There are numerous Williams in the Officialverse, and Michael doesn’t seem to favor any particular one.
Mrs. Afton: Michael’s mother. Jennifer in Michael’s timeline, though he loves any interpretation of Mrs. Afton
Red: Michael’s twin brother, explained above.
Crying Child: Michael’s younger brother. Anthony in Michael’s timeline, though he loves any interpretation of Crying Child and always tries to make up for his mistakes.
Elizabeth/Baby: Michael’s younger sister. He’s forgiven Baby for the events of SL and FFPS and still loves her as a sister.
Henry: Basically adopted Michael since William is a terrible father. There are multiple Henries in the Officialverse and Michael doesn’t seem to favor any particular one.
Jack Kennedy has been adopted as a brother to Mike and Red, and they treat each other like family.
Dave Miller is Jack’s husband, making him Michael’s brother-in-law.
Henry Miller is a stinky piece of shit who adopted Dave Miller and tried to adopt Mike and Red too but he’s just- he’s a stinky!!!
Significant Others
Michael is polyamorous, so he can have multiple partners at once!
Sammy Lawrence: Michael has been dating Sammy for a few months now, and are unafraid to admit their love for each other. Mike wants to propose, but he’s still struggling to even get a ring.
Scott/Animdude: Both Michael and Scott have admitted to loving each other, live together, and certainly act very romantic around each other, though I’m pretty sure they STILL never made it official despite totally being boyfriends.
Phone Guy: Michael and PG have a thing for each other, and have gone on dates before, though this is merely the PG from Michael’s timeline, and does not have an Officialverse counterpart, so their relationship is pretty non-existant on this blog.
Oh, Michael is also extremely gay for Percy.
Ennard: Explained above, Michael and his Ennard are in a Queerplatonic relationship. For other Ennards in the Officialverse, Michael treats them as if they were a sibling.
Charlie Emily: Charlie and Michael grew up together, and have remained best friends this whole time. True wlw mlm solidarity.
Shawn Flynn: … Okay no they’re not friends. Actually Shawn is Michael’s enemy after Ink Stains(see below), and they hate each other… though, Michael is extremely empathetic to Shawn’s suffering.
These events are either ongoing or have happened in the past and left a lasting impact on Michael
Ink Stains: An event run by Drew Studios in which Shawn Flynn is the antagonist, using ink to corrupt everyone into a hivemind-like state. Michael along with a few others have banded together to reverse the effects and return everyone to normal.
Wandering is a Terrible sin: The aftermath of ink stains, in which Sammy and Michael attempt to find Joey while Shawn plots again.
The Joy of Creation: An au ran with Animdude, following the events of The Joy of Creation: Story Mode. Never finished!(If you just want art and general content!)
Mike and Scott go to Hell: Scott gets killed, goes to lakeside hell, Michael goes after him, feels ensue.
Human!Ennard: Ennard gets turned human for an m!a… turns out that ended up becoming permanent.
Family au: An au where Michael gets a twin brother, a fellow Phone Guy named Scott. … Then I gave Scott the nickname “Red” and now he’s a permanent member of the blog. WHOOPS.
Various Tags!
Art Tag: My art!(also related- my animatic, my edits, my moodboards, my audio, my stimboard)
Mike plays….: When I play various games like DSaF 2, DSaF 3, and FNaF World Redacted!
Fanart: When people draw things for me! My personal favorite tag!
Squad up!: When I draw other characters/officials- typically in a squad!
Batim stuff: Tag for Bendy and the Ink Machine content!
Sness Blunderall: Sans Undertale-themed shitposts
Big Fav: Tag for personal favorite posts
Ship/Relationship tags: Sammy/Lawrafton, Scott/Smike, PG/MichaelPhone
Animation Weekend: I like cartoons. Featuring Drew Studios Saturday and Disney Sunday
Henry Fan Club: Started off as a fun little rp thing, ended up becoming a discord server.
Aesthetic/Musings: For Aesthetical blog fun!
Stimmy Stuff: I’m just really ADHD so I keep all of my stimboards here!!!
Kin-etic energy: Harmless fun for fnaf fictionkin!
Other Blogs!
Main Blog
Art Blog
Sammy Lawrence T-Poses
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