#enough for multiple prompts tbh
marichive · 2 years
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A compilation of things a muse of mine has said. Ranges from 100% seriousness to absolute chaos (but mostly chaos). Change pronouns / etc. when sending as needed.
tw for drinking/alcohol mentions, suggestive content, violence mentions, lots of swearing / insults, other non-PG shenanigans.
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❝ Get the heart eyes away from me. ❞
❝ I can't help it, I'm just too hot. ❞
❝ Was I supposed to NOT be mean? ❞
❝ I am what the boomers like to call a "delinquent". ❞
❝ Just think before you say anything, "would I say this to [name] for fun", and if the answer is yes, do not say that shit to her. ❞
❝ Aw, did that hurt your little feelings? ❞
❝ Oh dear god, what torture are you going to put me through now? ❞
❝ Words cannot express how much I hate the words that I just read with my own two eyes. ❞
❝ Call me [nickname] again and I'll break your face. ❞
❝ If you turn that into a sex joke I swear to god — ❞
❝ Cursed. Horrible. Disappointing. ❞
❝ Adorable that you think you're worth the effort. ❞
❝ The only kink here is gonna be the one in your fucking spine. ❞
❝ One, I'm not your babe. Two, I will fucking strangle you. ❞
❝ Do you have a death wish or something? ❞
❝ Feel like doing something ridiculous? ❞
❝ I feel like this is what happens before someone walks into an intervention. ❞
❝ My entire support system is having a crisis right now. ❞
❝ I'm just not ready to deal with it right now. ❞
❝ I'm not gonna try to fix things and get myself in another fight as a consequence. ❞
❝ I fucked up and kinda shut down before I could. ❞
❝ I don't know how to make this right. ❞
❝ Maybe he's better off without me. ❞
❝ You went right back to blaming me for everything the first chance you got. ❞
❝ I imagine it's hard for you to feel sorry for anyone at all. ❞
❝ I can't catch a fucking break. ❞
❝ I actually liked the idea that we could maybe be friends and move past everything, but you're always going to think the worst of me. ❞
❝ I guess I did ruin everything, didn't I? ❞
❝ I needed to win to prove to myself that I could do it. ❞
❝ No no, this one is actually a good idea! ❞
❝ See, this is why you're perfect for each other. ❞
❝ Maybe he'll be more receptive to it if you're there. Or at least less hostile about it. ❞
❝ I think you're probably the only person who could get through to him on this. ❞
❝ I've had to do a lot of things I didn't want to do to try to get by. I get what that's like. ❞
❝ You're not a snack, you're a whole damn meal. Don't be humble. ❞
❝ Soooo I might have done something. ❞
❝ He's too much of a petty bitch for that. ❞
❝ I'm going to terrorize him. ❞
❝ Guess I better get the bullying out of my system before then. ❞
❝ Wow, that's like, third base. ❞
❝ Hold my [object] while I kick ass for you. ❞
❝ You're the cutest duck, though. ❞
❝ That's the option with the least violence. ❞
❝ You're probably the only person I trust that much. ❞
❝ Okay that was cute, you can have a kiss for that one. ❞
❝ Um, that's me. I'm the Precious here. ❞
❝ I'm a scam of a person. ❞
❝ Don't worry, I'm sure all her murder energy is focused on [name]. ❞
❝ Want me to make mean faces at them? ❞
❝ There is something and I need you for impulse control. Or you can enable me, that's cool too. ❞
❝ Yeah but like, we're little shits by choice. He's a little shit out of hatred or spite or whatever the fuck fuels him to act like this. ❞
❝ I'm pretty sure my brain stopped working several times. ❞
❝ It's scandalous! I mean we're just SO wholesome and innocent. ❞
❝ People might start to think we're in love or something. ❞
❝ Getting kicked out of [location] sounds fun. ❞
❝ They are looking at me with their EYES. ❞
❝ . . . I've never seen that. ❞
❝ The trauma is half the fun. I'm just melodramatic. ❞
❝ Don't tell me how to breathe, mouth breather. ❞
❝ Why were you listening you fucking creature !? ❞
❝ Dude go to fucking therapy, I'm not even kidding. ❞
❝ I need to bleach my brain. ❞
❝ It was for safety purposes you nasty bastard! ❞
❝ Dishonor on you, gambling satan! ❞
❝ I don't know how you're still alive. ❞
❝ You call me the antichrist and accuse me of being pregnant at least three times per month. He gives me hugs and pizza. ❞
❝ No you're right, I set my expectations too high. ❞
❝ Why did you bet on THIS of all things oh my fucking god??? ❞
❝ Everyone's always like "[name] you have daddy issues" but I have no dad to have issues with so??? ❞
❝ I will beat you to death with your own limbs. ❞
❝ You Gary Busey lookin' bitch. ❞
❝ We have to watch you guys make bedroom eyes at each other all the time, we just want it to stop. ❞
❝ You use my horny behavior against me, it's only fair I get to use yours against you. ❞
❝ I have no sense of self preservation. It's why I get into so many fights. ❞
❝ Glad to know you approve of horrendously spiteful revenge tactics. ❞
❝ I may talk shit but I do worry about you. ❞
❝ Oh, I'm completely vile. I'm well aware. ❞
❝ At least I don't look like I got hit by a school bus because the driver thought you were a threat to the children on board. ❞
❝ Why are you the way that you are? I hate so much about the things you choose to be. ❞
❝ Well maybe you should, I don't know, talk to him about his trauma before you give him sex advice? Seems a bit out of order. ❞
❝ [name], don't touch my baby boy! ❞
❝ Did he drop kick my son !? ❞
❝ You told me you dropped [name/object] down the stairs, I do not trust you. ❞
❝ Say sike right now !! ❞
❝ Is this actually happening?? Am I having an aneurysm???? ❞
❝ I feel like this was a big accomplishment, we came out of this with no attempted murder. So it's a win. ❞
❝ Maybe we DO have the power of god and anime on our side. ❞
❝ I don't know if I trust you two drinking around each other. ❞
❝ I said behave oh my fucking god. ❞
❝ Do it for Voltron! ❞
❝ You like [food/brand/name], you clearly have no taste. ❞
❝ No breaking of the sacred pinky oath! ❞
❝ That was so stupid, but thanks for the attempted save. ❞
❝ I'm gonna hit you in the dick with a car while listening to the Power Rangers theme song, and I'm gonna have so much fun doing it, dickhead. ❞
❝ The rules are reasonable. The problem is that I am unreasonable and I know I will break them. ❞
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deadsetobsessions · 25 days
Snart Jr.
Lovely prompt by @stealingyourbones in her long prompts list, in which Danny Phantom meets the Rogues of Central City! This will have multiple parts, I just haven't written them yet.
Disclaimer: I know very little about Captain Cold and Mirror Master despite having watched some of the Flash. The general vibe I get from Flash is that Flash just really cares about his rogues as evidenced by how he talks to them and doesn't immediately one-shot them like I'm pretty sure he could do. And that Captain Cold is a snarky asshole that just wants to steal things and follow his plans as planned? Tbh, the whole mini-arc/episode with him just felt like Snart was trying to coordinate the world's riskiest group project. He was so done by the end lmao
"Huh. That's new."
Danny hovered an inch off of the ground, having just been spat out by swirling green portal. He was going to have to get back to the Zone later to hot potato Skulker through a couple of portals in revenge. He had a math exam he had to study for, dammit.
Danny sighed. Might as well see what's happening. The portals rarely lead somewhere boring, and Danny was bored. He floated further in, form going intangible and invisible as he passed through thick but insulated marble walls. See, Jazz? He could totally plan ahead. He's also learning that he could probably rob a bank easily, but Danny would never.
"Never been spat out in a bank before," he hummed, eyes flickering on the numerous forms of cowering people in the lobby. The goons scattered about don't see him, but it would take another ghost to even detect his presence so it was to be expected. He moved further in with little hindrance and soon touched down onto polished floor behind two incredibly suspicious individuals.
"What-cha do-ing?"
The two figures, currently and obviously robbing a bank, whirled around in surprise. Their respective weapons whirred to a start before they stopped, baffled by the meta teen standing there with his white hair waving about and innocent look pasted all over his face.
Leonard Snart knew instinctively that the kid was so full of shit. He'd bet his entire plan on the fact that the kid knew exactly what kind of shit he was stirring. Still, Snart was guilty of a lot of things but direct child-endangerment wasn't ever one of them.
"How'd you get in here, kid?" Mirror Master raised his laser pistol, ready to distract and divert the kid with threats of violence- which Snart glared at him for- or with his hall of mirrors that he'd run to.
Danny shrugged. "I walked. If you guys didn't want me here, you should have guarded the place better."
"They were supposed to," Snart drawled. He cased the kid. Teen. The kid had a weird halo effect, that seemed to draw the eyes to the stylized letter on his hazmat suit. The kid was young. Meta. Non-hostile. "You trying to stop us?"
Danny shook his head. "Nah. Came from the Ghost Zone so 's really non'a my business. I was just being nosy."
Snart gave a curt nod and nudged Mirror Master back into cracking the security measures.
Mirror Master scoffed. "What the hell is a ghost zone?"
"I mean, it's pretty self explanatory, right? It's a zone where ghosts live. Hence, you know, Ghost Zone." Danny did a little jazz hands (oh, yeah, he was definitely gonna get Jazz to make that joke sooner or later) for emphasis.
Snart paused for the slightest bit before continuing with his task. Did ghosts exist?
"...Did the Flash send you here, kid?"
"I'm not a kid," Danny scowled, walking right up to them. He got enough of that from his own Rogues, thank you. "And what's a Flash?"
"The Flash, kid." Mirror Master corrected, shoving monitors and PC's and expensive looking office chairs into... a mirror dimension? Danny shrugged and rolled with it.
"Who's that? Your boss?"
"Local superhero, not our boss. You're not from here," Snart quickly deduced as a small smile wormed onto his face from successfully cracking the security without setting off an alarm. They'd have ten minutes before the system cycles the access codes again and flags the fraudulent ones. That should be enough time.
"Superhero? Are they fast? Actually, where is here?" Danny glanced around at the now bare security office like the Flash would show up.
The guy in green and yellow took everything not nailed down to the ground. Danny respected that, even if he kind of wanted to stop the robbery. But he's not really supposed to interfere. That would be uber rude, since it looked like the guy in the fur jacket seemed like he had planned everything precisely.
"You're in Central City, kid. Did you take a wrong turn trying to get to Keystone or something?" Green-yellow guy snorted.
"Gonna be real honest with you, I've got no idea where that is. What state are we in?" Danny followed as the pair rushed to the safe doors. He could offer to phase them through but no matter how flexible Danny's morals have become over the years, he was going to draw a line at actively helping a person commit crime.
"Kansas. Do you teleport? Are you a teleporting meta?" Snart asked, eyes intense as he both glared at Danny and pressed an ear to the safe door.
"Nah, I wish I could teleport. Getting to school would be so much faster. Kansas? Huh, I've never been."
"How lost are you, kid?" Mirror Master incredulously paused from robbing the packages that were delivered to the bank.
Danny shrugged. "Oh, I'm Danny. Who are you guys?"
"Captain Cold. That's Mirror Master."
Danny shifted as the safe clicks open. "So, uh, are you guys the villains here?"
Captain Cold shot him a weird look. "We're actively robbing a bank, kid. That should be obvious."
"Also, you're acting real calm for a kid speaking to two of Fawcett's best super-villains." Mirror Master chimed in, laser-ing off locks on deposit boxes and shoving cash and stuff into his mirror dimension.
Danny padded in after them. "Eh, you haven't shot at me- not even on sight- yet, which is more than I can say for law enforcement, so you're pretty chill in my book."
Captain Cold snorted, pointedly taking his freeze gun and breaking off a large manual lock. "I believe it's my job to be the chill one. Plus, we don't kill. The Flash would be up our... business if we did. It's not worth the trouble."
"You can say ass. I've heard worse."
"Not from me, kid."
Danny hadn't had that kind of consideration from anyone in a long time. Even if it's a bit... mother-hennish, the halfa couldn't find it in him to be annoyed. "Ah, okay. Well, you also haven't kidnapped me or tried to stop me from following you, so..."
Mirror Master shoved a giant painting into his dimension. "You haven't tried to stop us; it'd be weird trying to stop you."
"Makes sense."
"Heh. You're alright, kid. Though... who's kidnapping you?"
"My fruit loop of a godfather. It's a thing," Danny avoided the searching gaze like a pro.
"Hold this." Captain Cold said suddenly, giving Danny a massive dufflebag.
"Wait, what?"
Captain Cold began stuffing the bag with cash and once the money in the vicinity (not that much) went in, he said "Go look around. Having another person in here is a risk so you might as well make up for it."
Danny's calling it. Captain Cold was full of shit. The guy's a big softie. Danny smiled sheepishly and agreed. Danny circled the place, pointing out expensive looking stuff- "for fun" and not because they were nice to him- when he felt the tell-tale zaps of an anomaly in Clockwork's domain.
"Move!" He shouted at the two villains, both of whom dove out of the way. Instinctively, Danny threw out his gloved hands and iced the floors, instincts bristling at the incoming danger. His jaw dropped as a blur encountered the ice and went ass over tea kettle onto the floor, unable to stop its own momentum.
"Oh shit!" Danny uttered, eyes wide as the blur slammed into the opposite- reinforced- wall with a pained shout. The stopped person was wearing red, with a lighting bolt motif all over their uniforms. That implied speed. Speed implied "The Flash." Danny knew a hero when he saw one and he just iced him. Shit.
"What-" The Flash groaned. Mirror Master and Captain Cold gaped.
"OhmyancientsI'msosorrygottagobye!" Danny shouted.
"Hey, wait, kid-!" Captain Cold shouted. Danny ignored him, going invisible in a panic and sank into the ground, mortified. After thirty seconds of self-hatred, he zoomed out and away. Danny held his head in his hands as he flew back to where Amity was...
Only to stare down at the empty plots of land where his city was supposed to be. Danny shoved a hand into his chest and pulled out his phone.
[No results for Amity Park. Did you mean "Amity Arkham"?]
Any research he did after that only turned up a Jasmine Fellona, a budding neurobiologist in her field, and other people that were adjacent to the people Danny knew. But nothing, nothing from Amity Park.
"Oh, yeah, we're definitely not in Kansas anymore, Dorothy."
As the Flash stood around to keep an eye on the hand-cuffed villains, he couldn't help but ask.
"So, uh, Snart. Did you... get a kid?"
"What." Snart asked, incredibly done with this shit.
"You know. Snart junior? With the ice and everything?" Flash gestured at the un-melting ice that covered the floor leading into the safe. "I mean, I'm not thrilled you're pulling your kid into a life of crime..."
"Wait, you had a kid and didn't tell me?" Mirror Master asked, mildly offended. "That was your kid? No wonder no one shot at him!"
"He's not my kid." Snart gave Flash the stink-eye. "And don't you have a couple of baby sidekicks running around?"
"C'mon dude, you're so obviously fond of him. It's okay, you don't have to hide it." Flash avoided the topic... in a flash.
"Can someone arrest me right now so these idiots can be removed from my vicinity?" Snart snarked to the approaching officer, jerking his head to point at the beaming Flash.
"You and me both, buddy," Officer West sighed.
One trip to the zone and a stressful conversation with Clockwork later, Danny was found in his keep, smacking his ghost head into the ghost wall of his ghost keep. Danny would unleash a Wail if it didn't have the nasty habit of bringing everything around him.
Apparently, he got "Amity'd," a process which meant Amity spat him out like an over chewed dog bone and refused to take him back.
"That doesn't even make sense! I left there a bunch of times! And came back!"
"The city has decided that it was your time to leave, Danny." Clockwork spared a wane smile for the curled up boy-king.
"I have people to protect there! My entire life! My haunt!" Danny yelled, breaths that he didn't technically need coming shorter and shorter. The neon green of the Zone whirled in and out of his vision in a dizzying shudder of anxiety and incoming panic.
"It wasn't your haunt, I'm afraid. The city nurtured you as a young spirit- thus shared her haunt- and has decided that it was time for you to... leave the nest, so to speak."
That stopped Danny's panic in its tracks. "Are you telling me she NightVale-d me? Some kind of involuntary coming-of-age bs?"
If he weren't on the edge of hysterical laughter, Danny would take a moment and proudly say to Mr. Lancer that he had paid attention in class.
"Fuck." Danny dropped his head down in despair. His head made a loud thunk. The bag of cash he'd accidently made away with sat innocently at his feet. Further proof that it wasn't some nightmare he'd wake up from anytime soon.
Danny slumped over the desk, exhausted. Technus had lent him a ghostly hand and hacked into government data bases to re-establish his social security number and all the other dumb bits and bobs that he needed to establish his identity because Amity was an actual ghost town. Ghost to reality, ghost to real life. Ancients, Amity even had their own data network, which he couldn't access outside of Amity itself. This meant that Danny couldn't even call anyone. Ugh.
"I gotta find a place to live," he mumbled to himself. Danny, despite knowing that he needed to do things, did not move for another ten minutes.
Then, as his phone alarm went off, buzzing on the table. Like... Clockwork... Danny sat up straight and wiped all traces of wallowing self pity off his face. The people in the library- students- gave him solemn nods of solidarity. Danny nodded back and left the library.
He wandered around Fawcett City, somewhere Clockwork had recommended he stayed. With Clockwork, recommendations tended to be life-important (plot-important?) orders. Danny liked the place, really. It gave off the weird and settled "what-the-fuck,-Box-Ghost-did-you-have-to-destroy-the-mall?" vibes Amity constantly gave off after the ghosts started coming through. He thought he even saw a talking tiger! Awesome.
"Hey, are you new here?"
Danny looked down. His reflection stared back at him.
Did he have another kid? Did someone clone him again? Ancients curse you, Vlad!
"Uh- yeah."
"Oh. Do you need help getting around? I was born and raised here all my life, so I can totally do that!"
Oh thank the Ancients, this wasn't another Dani. Just a weirdly similar looking kid.
"You know I'm a stranger, right?"
"I don't think anyone helping Nanny Mae pick up her oranges would hurt kids," the kid said archly, but with a grin so like Dani, it made Danny miss his younger sister.
"Okay, you got me there. But still."
The kid sighed. "I know how to be safe, thanks. I'm Billy!"
"Danny. Nice to meet you."
"Okay, Danny, where you off to?"
"I'm actually trying to find a place that'll be cheap to rent." He's sixteen, but Danny could totally pass as eighteen. "I'm thinking about moving to Fawcett. It's nice here, with all the ambient magic and stuff."
This got him a wide-eyed look. "Do you use magic?"
"Something like that."
Danny took in the considering glint in Billy's eyes and decided that it was future!Danny's problem. Present!Danny was currently occupied with trying to stay off the streets. That giant bag of cash he'd accidently absconded with would be helpful and Danny felt kind of bad... but his growling stomach had chased that away quickly.
"This way!"
Danny shrugged his wavering morality off and followed the kid, shouldering his new and stolen duffle bag. If anything happened, he could just go ghost. It wouldn't be the weirdest thing that's happened in this city, Danny made sure to check.
"Have you been by the zoo?" Billy began to rattle off his favorite details about the Fawcett city zoo as he wove around the city.
Danny didn't think he'd actually have to go ghost.
"Not yet, actually. Is it true that there's a talking tiger there?"
"Yeah! Tawky Tawny! He's my friend!"
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starlazergazer · 2 months
Pairing: Anakin x Reader
Request: You could do a story where the reader and Anakin had something, but the order tried everything to separate them, and so Anakin wasn't there when she ended up dying. That will be the trigger for him to start doubting the order, and hating them, but it turns out that a reader from another universe, who is exactly the same as his, just shows up.
Warning: Angst! Almost character death, lots of swearing tbh my bad
Word Count: 7k
A/N: Changed the request just a bit hope that’s okay but obsessed with the overall premise! I’m thinking she needs a part 2 but let me know what y’all think!
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There was something uniquely terrifying about a silent Anakin Skywalker.
Everyone knew the jedi had a temper, it wasn’t something he was necessarily subtle about, there were few who had been at one time or another on the other end of it, you included.
But Anakin’s temper always exposed itself in the same way. Yelling, pacing, ranting. There were a number of times you had sat down before him waiting for him to get his lecture out of the way, letting him explode like a volcano before being able to actually have a constructive conversation with him.
You honestly couldn’t think of the last time you had seen him as he was now. Quiet, still, contemplative.
Admittedly there was a part of you that wanted to poke the bear, to say something that you knew would make him explode, force him back into charted territory so you knew how to deal with the fallout.
“I just don’t see the big deal”
Still nothing, a harsh glare boring down on you, arms crossed tightly over his chest, jaw clenched so harshly you could see the muscle through his skin, not a word.
“You do stuff like that all the time”
Just the steady rise and fall of his chest as he took measured, deep breaths.
You were returning home a hero, the entire hanger had cheered for you the moment you touched down, a hoard of people circling you with congratulatory hugs the second your foot touched solid ground, and still somehow Anakin had the power to make you feel like you’d failed.
This was supposed to be your moment and still somehow Anakin controlled the temperature in the room.
“I told you to turn back”
You’d stopped expecting him to speak, so thrown off by the sudden change you physically jumped at the sound of his voice, at how unexpectedly quiet it was.
“That was the wrong call and you know it”
Anakin took a deep breath at your response, his gaze cutting suddenly to the left, a moment passing as he collected himself before responding, that act alone almost making you faulter.
“If it was the wrong call I wouldn’t have made it. I told you to turn back”
“And you aren’t my reporting officer”
“This isn’t a game Y/N!”
The sudden explosion from the man would have surprised you if you hadn’t been unconsciously waiting for it, coiled like a spring waiting for Anakin to snap, waiting for him to yell, a weird weight lifting off your chest as you returned to normalcy.
“I know this isn’t a game do you?” You shot back quickly, just as loudly “He had coordinates, locations of nearly every battalion in the galaxy, information like that isn’t simply a pawn you can choose to trade away”
“Neither are you”
The response came too quickly, too quietly, too seriously for you to fully comprehend the words as he said them, your body physically recoiling at the sudden drop in temperature.
“I was fine”
“You were within firing range” he argued back, his hands coming down to rest on his hips as he glared at you “an entire separatist fleet was on the other side of that moon waiting for him to drag whatever republic ships he could towards them so they could shoot it down and you fell right into that trap”
“I didn’t have a choice”
“You had multiple” he shut you down without ever raising his voice, a single glare enough to silence you “listening to me for one of them”
“And if you had been in my shoes” you prompted “if you had been close enough to chase him would you have simply let him get away?”
“I would have-“ you scoffed before he could get the words out, seeing exactly where he was going before he got there.
“don’t lie to me Anakin Skywalker you treat risking your life as if it were a paying job”
You watched his jaw tick at your response, his words dying on his lips before he changed routs “I told you to turn back”
You let a humorless laugh bubble out of you, a frustrated hand raking across your face as you shook your head “I can’t believe you’re being so blatantly hypocritical right now”
“It’s different” his words came out so quick he seemed almost surprised to hear them himself.
“How?” you demanded more than asked, silently daring him to give you a legitimate answer you weren’t sure he could supply.
“I can’t-“ he cut himself off before he could finish, a huff escaping before he took a deep breath and continued “I need you to listen to me. When I tell you what to do I need you to listen to me”
“Even if-“
“yes” he cut you off before you could get your question off “whatever context, whatever quantifiers I don’t care. Out there I need you to listen to me”
Again his tone was throwing you for a loop. Gone was the anger, the frustration, the ire. Now he seemed to be almost begging, pleading with you to listen to him, to agree, to promise something like today wouldn’t happen again.
But you had made the right call. That was what was sticking with you. You know what you did was risky, hell you could get behind even calling it a little reckless, but objectively it was the right call. You were talking about locations of every troop of clones in the republic in the hands of the separatist’s how could he not see that this was worth anything, that taking down this spy was worth everything.
“Ani what-“
“There you two are” a new voice interrupted you, the sudden appearance of Obi-wan pulling you back to the present moment, reminding you that you and Anakin were in the jedi temple, that you had just come back from a mission, that you still had duties to uphold.
“Master Kenobi” you quickly greeted the man with a small bow, watching the man you had practically grown up under break out into a proud grin as he clapped you on the shoulder.
“That was a great shot Y/N” he praised you shaking you softly “you saved the Republic today I hope you know that”
And though you could feel your chest warm with the praise you couldn’t help but feel a small twinge because of it, not missing Anakin’s small scoff at Obi-wan’s words.
Anakin was your best friend, a man you grew up beside as a padawan, a man you had been practice dueling since you could hold a saber, and you had just pulled off a major victory for the Republic. Was it really too much to ask that your friend take just a second to be proud of you.
“Thank you master” you responded warmly nonetheless nodding at him “believe me when I say it wasn’t easy”
The older man laughed warmly at your words, dropping his hand from your shoulder as he did “that I don’t doubt but believe me when I say we are all glad your maneuver paid off, what you pulled was risky”
You shot a guilty glance at Anakin only to see the man casting his gaze at the floor, arms snaked back around his chest physically distancing himself from the two of you in this moment.
“Anyways what I came here to say is that the council is looking for the two of you” Obi-wan continued on, either choosing to ignore or missing the tension hanging in the air between you and Anakin “you need to debrief before you’re free for the evening.”
“Of course master” you answered for the two of you “we will be right there”
Obi-wan gave you an appreciative nod before taking his leave, casting a questioning glance at his former padawan before exiting the room, casting you and Anakin in a thick silence you were tentative to break.
“Ani-“ you tried but he cut you off.
“Look we’ll talk later” he muttered over his shoulder, already making his way out of the room “we shouldn’t keep them waiting”
You could never feel comfortable in the jedi council room, something you were sure was done by design as you and Anakin were forced into the middle of the room, made the literal center of attention.
Even as you knew you were here to receive praise for your actions you couldn’t help but shrink beneath Mace Windu’s gaze.
“-you exemplified what it means to be a jedi knight perfectly today jedi Y/L/N” Master Windu droned on, his voice thankfully lacking the usual edge it had when addressing you with Anakin in the room “we thank you for your actions today”
“I was just doing my job” you responded humbly as you were expected to with a respectful nod “but I am glad to have been of help”
“Of great help you were” Master Kloon chimed in pulling your attention to him as he spoke “the republic owes you a great debt today”
You smiled politely at Mater Kloon, gaze again being drawn across the room as Master Fisto picked up where Kloon left off, a part of you wondering if they did this on purpose to disorient you “we do however have one question regarding this situation. Jedi Skywalker you tried to order Jedi Y/L/N back”
“I did” Anakin’s response was quick with an edge to his voice that had you mentally sighing, you weren’t eager to witness Anakin go up against the council today. “The spy’s ship had reached firing range of the rest of the battalion anyone who followed him was likely to be shot before they could reach”
“Called her back before she reached firing range you did” Master Yoda spoke this time, eyes planted solely on Anakin as he spoke
“She was far back from the spy’s ship, by the time she reached him they would both be within firing range” Anakin countered through gritted teeth, you watched him ball his fists at his sides from the corner of your eye.
“That ultimately however proved not to be the case as she was able to take down the spy without any harm coming to her own fighter” Mace Windu spoke carefully, clearly organizing a path down which he planned to steer this conversation.
A tense silence passed for a moment, a staring contest passing between the Jedi master and the general before Anakin spoke “a miscalculation on my part then”
“It’s a good thing she ignored your miscalculation then” Master Windu offered dryly “we do however have access to the flight com logs. Would you like to explain jedi Skywalker why you ordered jedi Y/L/N not once but five times to turn back”
“Her pursuing as she did was a risk I wasn’t willing to make at the time master”
“Even when aware of the information that ship contained” Master Windu prompted with a raised brow “every troop location of the Republics army. Are you saying you weren’t wiling to risk the life of one jedi for the fate of this war Jedi Skywalker?”
“I don’t trade in lives Master” Anakin challenged back quickly.
“One life versus the lives of billions across the galaxy the math should be easy Jedi”
“we’re here to be Jedi knights not martyrs”
“And it is your duty as jedi knights to do whatever it takes to protect the republic as Jedi Y/L/N did”
“And if she had failed? If the inevitable had happened and she was fired upon the second she came within distance? What good would a dead Jedi knight have done anyone” Anakin was seething at this point, the familiar white hot anger you had expected to be directed at you earlier finally making its appearance.
“We can stop pretending this is about just any Jedi Knight” Mace Windu’s words had Anakin physically recoiling, effectively throwing him off course having the two of you furrowing your brows “there is a reason the jedi code forbids attachments”
“Master we haven’t formed an attachment” you took this as your chance to chime in, keeping your voice light trying to dispel any lingering tension in the air.
Master Windu’s eyes took a second too long to break from Anakin’s to meet yours, a knowing silence permeating the air as if he meant to let your comment hang in it “what happened today, any possibility of letting that spy go, cannot happen again”
You furrowed your brow at his vague response, eyes snapping back to master Yoda as he spoke up.
“not a punishment this is” he chimed in softly, looking directly at you as he did so “remember that you must”
Your eyes snapped back to Master Windu “master what are you saying?”
Mace Windu’s eyes bounced back and forth between you and Anakin for a moment before landing on the latter, another small silence stretching before he spoke “Jedi Skywalker and Y/L/N going forward are forbidden from going on missions together”
A stunned silence fell over you and Anakin, your eyes casting immediately to him only to see his disbelieving gaze locked on Mace Windu “Master you can’t-“ gone was all edge in Anakin’s tone, an almost pleading one taking its place as he tried to talk.
“The council’s decision on this is final” Master Windu cut Anakin off with a single raised hand.
“You are dismissed jedi” The doors to the council room opened behind you before Anakin could get out any more than a word. Master Windu leaving no room for either of you to plead your case.
Numbly you left the room with Anakin in tow, your brain still struggling to wrap itself around what had just occurred as you entered the hallway and stopped against the wall, Anakin not missing a beat as he started to pace back and forth in front of you.
“You have to tell me where you’re going next I’ll see if I can at least be close” he was already talking a mile a minute, almost mumbling as if talking to himself rather than you.
“I can’t even remember the last mission I did without you” you mused quietly.
“Under no circumstances can you go alone either take Obi-wan or I’ll give you Rex”
“I can’t believe the council thinks we need to be separated”
“And call me every day even if it’s just to check in”
“Ani you know I can handle myself right” Your sudden direct address of him brought Anakin’s attention back to you, his pacing halting as his gaze snapped up to meet yours.
“After today?” He laughed bitterly in response.
“I came back today” you countered defensively, at this point beyond tired of this same argument “not a scratch on my ship I am alive and well”
“And you almost weren’t” finally Anakin exploded on you, vein popping in his neck as he yelled, a frustrated hand tangling itself in his hair as his pacing picked up once again “you got lucky. That’s it. What you did was dangerous, it was stupid, it was risky, and it only paid off because you got lucky and I feel like I’m going insane because how can no one see that? You are only here right now because you got lucky and there is no guarantee on that a second time”
“Or I’m a good pilot” you shot back angrily “I’m a good pilot and a good jedi who trusted her instincts and accomplished the goal. Is it really that hard for you to trust in my ability?”
Anakin physically deflated at your words, the full meaning of his own hitting him for the first time as he crumpled slightly “Y/N I didn’t mean-”
“No that’s just what you said” you cut him off “I get it you think I can’t handle myself and shouldn’t be trusted. I’m not sure why you’d want to be sent out on missions with me anyways”
“Y/N please” Anakin begged softly but you had had enough, cutting him off with a shake of your head and a sigh.
“No Ani I’m done with whatever is happening right now. It’s been a long day and I’m just-“ You cut yourself off with a deep sigh, taking a second to take a deep breath before turning on your heel leaving Anakin behind as you made your way back to your room, calling softly over your shoulder “I’m done”
You knew who was behind your door before he had even knocked. Could feel him lurking behind it. Afterall who else would be at your room this late at night.
This wasn’t the first time this had happened, Anakin just showing up at your room. Sometimes it was to apologize, sometimes it was because he had a nightmare, sometimes it was because he could sense yours. It didn’t matter really because he knew no matter what he was always welcome here, you made sure of that.
It was why he wasn’t surprised when you opened the door before he could officially make himself known. The two of you looking silently at one another before Anakin wordlessly engulfed you in a hug.
You went willingly, melting into him as he wrapped his arms around you, not even bothering to exit the doorway as the two of you stood there and took a second to appreciate the feeling of being supported by the other person.
“You scared me today” the words were mumbled into your hair.
“It was a risk I had to take” you responded softly into his chest, his arms tightening around you at your words.
“I can’t-“ he cut himself off, readjusting slightly to tuck your head under his chin before he spoke again “I don’t like it when you do that”
“And you think I like it when you do” you responded with a laugh, pulling back slightly to look up at him, Anakin reluctantly letting his grasp of you go as you did so.
“I know I just-“ he sighed “I’m sorry Y/N”
“I know Ani”
Finally a comfortable silence fell over the two of you, a moment passing where neither of you said a thing simply enjoying the moment in each others presence before Anakin broke it “I mean it when I say I trust you just please, promise me you’ll be careful”
You smiled softly up at your friend, extending a pinky out to him “I promise Ani”
He smiled and hooked his pinky with yours, neither of you able in this moment to recognizing your lie for what it was.
He almost hadn’t answered.
That was the thought that ruminated in his head for weeks after.
You had called, it wasn’t your normal time to talk, and Anakin had almost ignored it, almost told himself he would call you back later.
Thank the maker he was never good at ignoring you.
Your face came up immediately on his hollow display, picture posed strategically to only show your shoulders and above. And even though a smile graced your lips the second he picked up Anakin could still feel it the moment he saw you. Like a punch to the gut, it suddenly hit him that something was wrong. Something was catastrophically wrong. How had he not sensed it earlier?
“Where are you?”
You had just chuckled weakly in response and any other time Anakin lived for that sound but not now, right now he needed you to answer “there’s nothing getting past you is there Ani”
“You were sent to the outer rim right” Anakin steam rolled ahead, grabbing his cloak already intending to hijack the next available ship. He didn’t care if Mace Windu himself was scheduled to be on it.
“That was two missions ago”
Your words halted him in place, Anakin freezing on the spot as he glared back at you, “Y/N”
“Anakin” Maker how could you tease him like this now? You were always stubborn and he loved that about you but right now was not the time to play with his emotions, not with all this at stake.
“I’ll go ask Obi-wan” he was talking more to himself than you at this point, mind whirling with every possible path forward.
He heard you sigh from the communicator but didn’t pay it too much mind, you could yell at him for it later, he would give anything to hear you yell at him later.
“It’s a direct shot to my abdomen” You sucked in a deep breath, gaze dropping to your torso with a grimace, looking at something Anakin couldn’t see “losing blood like this there’s no way you make it in time”
“You don’t know that” he was arguing back before he could properly process your words, his brain refusing to even allow for that possibility.
“I do Ani” you shot him a sad smile, bleeding out, in who knows where and still you were comforting him.
“No there’s got to be someone nearby, another jedi, a local, someone who can help” He was shaking his head, brain desperately clinging to any solution it could.
“I didn’t call you so you could try and solve my problems”
“So why did you call me then?” He knew he wasn’t mad at you, he knew you would know that to, but still he cringed at the way it slipped out, at the way you shoulders slumped slightly at his words.
“Do I ever need a reason to talk to you?”
And he realized then this was you asking for the only help he could give. He was planets away with no ability to reach you and you were asking not to be alone at the end. And even though it killed him he could never say no to you.
“Of course you don’t Y/N”
You smiled at that. A real smile, no undercurrent of pain or pity. Anakin found himself trying desperately to commit to the sight to memory.
“Remember when the council separated us because they thought we had formed an attachment?” You asked softly, head resting back against the wall behind you, your entire body rising and falling with each labored breath.
“Right now it’s hard to forget” he bit down the resentment, it wasn’t what you deserved.
Still you chuckled at him, wincing slightly as you did so “I think right now I have to admit they were onto something”
“I thought that was obvious when I tried to put the entire republic army at risk so that you would be safe”
A teasing roll of your eyes, a fond chuckle “shut up stupid I’m trying to have a moment here”
“I’m sorry please go ahead with your moment” a part of him resented how easy the banter came now, how easy it always came with you, it wasn’t fair.
“You’re my person Anakin” you practically whispered the words, Anakin’s heart swelling painfully in his chest at them “At the end of the day I will always choose you and for the first time I’m not going to condemn myself for thinking it”
“You picked a hell of a time for that revelation sweetheart” the pet name came naturally, he nearly choked on it as it fell from his lips.
You laughed in response, shifting positions with a grunt “Master Kloon did always tell me I needed to work on my timing”
Anakin chimed in before a silence could fully settle over the two of you, “Though I’m sure it’s obvious I will always choose you too Y/N” he took a small amount of pride in the soft smile that grew on your lips at his words.
“So what do you say after the war we leave the order?” You propositioned with a cheesy grin “You and me Skywalker”
It hurt how easily the answer came to him “where would we go?”
“I’ve always liked Naboo” How quickly your answer came made him wonder if like him this wasn’t the first time you had considered this exact scenario.
“I could get a job working on speeders” He proposed with a sad smile.
“I think I’d work at a cantina” you mused back “always thought it would be fun to get to meet people from all over the galaxy”
“It would be a good life” he could feel the truth of those words in his very bones.
A comfortable silence fell over the two of you, both lost in thoughts of what if, before you broke it “Thank you Ani”
“Don’t thank me” he protested weakly “not for this”
“Then for everything else”
Another short silence, a quiet plea slipping unbidden from Anakin “please don’t” he knew where you were going next.
“I have to” you answered softly, solemnly “I think it’s time to say goodbye”
“You don’t have to hang up” he protested “not yet”
“I don’t want you to see me like that” And again he was never one to refuse you anything, a final request he couldn’t say no to. “I love you Ani”
Maker how could hearing those words somehow hurt worse than not hearing them ever did.
“I love you Y/N”
A single tear slipped down your cheek and then you were gone. The newfound silence of the room suffocating him as the emptiness in his chest leached out to fill the space in the room around him.
The republic has fallen.
The jedi are no more.
The empire reigns in its place.
Anakin Skywalker is dead.
There was a lot you were told upon waking up from your medically induced coma that was hard to believe. A lot of news that was broken to you that was difficult to swallow. The fact that your entire life fell apart in the mere two weeks you were in a bacta tank was something you weren’t sure you were ever going to be able to come to terms with.
Being with the rebellion helped, to know that despite everything there was still a group of people out there who were willing to put everything on the line for what was right. To a certain extent it felt like being home. It helped you learn to come to terms with those four impossible facts.
So now how were you supposed to deal with learning that one of those facts was actually a lie.
You had seen the trepidation on their faces when you walked into the room, the way the entire groups focus was on you the second you stepped in, it almost felt like being back before the council, you would’ve laughed if they hadn’t seemed so somber.
Now you understand why.
As soon as the words left Mon Mothma’s mouth you felt the ground buckle beneath your feet, felt the world around you start to drown out, felt your legs threaten to give out from beneath you.
You would’ve given anything to hear those words just weeks ago, would’ve wept at the thought of being where you were now, but to hear them so shortly after you had tried to heal the wound was nothing but another devastating blow.
“You told me he was dead”
The group shared nervous looks and your every doubt about the rebellion came rushing to the surface. They were no different than the council at it’s worst, wiling to do anything to separate the two of you, willing to lie to make sure you stayed under their thumb, willing to keep things from you because they believed they knew better. Why did it always feel like you were working for the wrong side?
“We believed he was”
“Bullshit” the word slipped from your lips before your gaze could even meet the speaker’s, anger flaring from your chest at the words “a fact like that, as large of that, there had to be rumors, you had to have guessed”
“We didn’t want to get your hopes up”
A bitter laugh rose to the surface, hands coming to your hair in exasperation “I was told the very republic I gave my life for had fallen, that the very group I was fighting against are now in control, and everyone I had ever known dead at the very hands of the people I had sworn to lead and you didn’t think I could’ve used a little hope?”
“We thought-“
“That wasn’t your decision to make” you countered before they could finish, eyes daring the group to say something “maker how can you not see that it was this very hubris that led to the fall of the jedi? Of the republic? Just because you think you know better-“
“He goes by Darth Vader” a new voice jumped in, your eyes snapping to the holo-projection of Bail Organa, the senator’s eyes giving nothing away but pity.
“no-“ the protest fizzled on your lips, barely enough breath behind it to properly get it out.
“The source is solid” it was Mon Mothma again, eyes practically begging you to listen. “Anakin Skywalker is Darth Vader”
And for a second your brain couldn’t comprehend it, wouldn’t comprehend it. How were you supposed to reconcile these two opposite people as one? “No that doesn’t make any sense”
“I’m sorry Y/N”
“No” you protested loudly, as if yelling could get it to not be true, could get them to admit they were lying, this this was all some sick joke “Someone is wrong, someone is lying to you-“
“The information is good” another voice interrupted but you were too caught up in your spiraling thoughts to even identify who it was.
“No the Anakin Skywalker I knew wouldn’t-“
“The Anakin Skywalker you knew died the day that you did” Senator Organa cut through all the noise in your head, his voice loud but not unkind as he drew your attention, the entire world seeming to fall deathly silent after those words.
“What does that mean” your voice was quiet, broken, you didn’t have it in you to care.
“It was an open secret” he explained softly, the senator façade breaking just slightly “the day you were reported to have died Anakin fought with the Jedi council, fought with Obi-wan, no one could get him to calm down, to think rationally. Eventually he made his way to Palpatine’s office, he hasn’t been seen since”
“We all knew of his distaste for the council before this” Mon Mothma chimed in “he blamed them for your death, drove him right into the arms of the current emperor”
Your mind had slowed, had calmed noticeably but still you found yourself dancing around the issue rather than actually dealing with it, your thoughts instead deciding suddenly to stick to something else.
“Why are you telling me this now?” You watched them all carefully, noticing the nervous glances they sent towards one another rather than answer “I wasn’t lying when I said you were just like the former council, preferring to sit on information until it could properly serve your purpose so what’s the purpose this time?”
Again Mon Mothma took the lead, hesitantly speaking up “he’s formed a group with the sole purpose of hunting down and killing any remaining jedi. It’s quite frankly only a matter of time before he finds you”
You furrowed your brow at this “so you’re warning me? Telling me I need to leave the base?” you shook your head slightly, not liking how either of those answers fit before it finally clicked “you want me to stop him”
“We want you to talk to him” Senator Organa corrected you “if there’s anyone who can get through to that man it’s you”
You eyed each of them skeptically, knowing as you were sure they did as well, that this question only truly had one answer “I’ve been told twice in this conversation alone that Anakin Skwalker is dead.” You took a deep breath, bracing yourself on the back of a chair “for all of our sakes I hope that’s not true”
Realistically you knew it was true the minute your ship touched down. Even if you weren’t conscious of it at the time you could feel that all too familiar force signature coming from the planet, seeping into your very bones.
To know it logically was an entirely different story.
You stayed hidden, following from alleyways and rooftops, you couldn’t make out the man beneath the costume but everything about him was just wrong. His gait was wrong, the way he held himself was wrong, the red saber at his hip was wrong, there was no possible way the man beneath the mask was that familiar jedi. And yet…
You couldn’t face him. You knew that. Even if it was Anakin under there you weren’t ready to find out, weren’t sure which answer would be more devastating to you.
So even though it meant failure you put your hood on and slunk away, leaving behind Darth Vader whoever he was, ready to tell the rebellion they would have to come up with another way.
You got little more than a flutter of a cape in warning before he descended upon you.
The black figure whipped around the corner faster than your brain could comprehend, having time to do little more than simply freeze in place before you were lifted off the ground by a force you were all too familiar with, invisible fingers tightening around your neck as you were lifted.
“You’ve been following-“ you got little of the figures voice through the mask before he suddenly cut himself off, the pressure on your neck easing just enough to allow you to gasp for breath, the world stilling around you as you looked out from under your hood at what was supposedly Anakin Skywalker.
The world stood at a standstill for a moment, you hovering inches above the ground, toes desperately seeking purchase, Darth Vader silently staring at you, hand held before him almost trembling. You were working yourself up to croaking out a question when his other hand raised suddenly and with a flick of his wrist your hood went flying back.
The second the light hit your eyes the force on your neck disappeared and you crumbled to the ground below in a heap.
Precious few seconds were given for you to gulp down breath before you were hauled back up by your neck again, this time an actual hand secured firmly around it as you were all but thrown against the wall, your head smacking against the brick painfully.
“who are you” even through the voice modulation you could hear the way he seethed beneath the helmet, ire barely contained by the black material.
“Y/N” you croaked weakly, clawing half-heartedly at the hand around your neck that held you in place.
His fingers tightened in response before he pulled you back and slammed your head once again against the wall, a soft groan escaping you at the impact “now is not the time for games now who are you”
“I’m telling the truth” you practically begged, unable to feel any shame in it as the edges of your vision started to black from lack of air.
“That’s impossible-“ you couldn’t really bring yourself to listen to the rest of the sentence, the only thing running through your mind was a grim acceptance that this was how you would die. Supposedly at the hands of the man you had once loved.
“Ani please”
And you hadn’t meant for the plea to escape you, barely even registered that the nickname passed through your lips. All you could focus on was the fact that after they came out into the open you had finally been released.
Again you crashed to the ground, hands splayed out to catch yourself before you could faceplant, lungs burning as you greedily gulped down air.
“Why would you-“ The words died in his throat and a strange, bitter part of you wanted to laugh.
Once you finally had better control of your breathing you sat back on your heels and looked up at the man clad in black before you, squinting slightly at the sun over his shoulder. “It’s true then”
He didn’t respond, simply looked down at you.
“take off your helmet”
“who do you think you are-“ again the urge to laugh surfaced, the way he reached for anger so readily was so similar to the man you once knew, how could you not have seen it earlier.
“Take off the helmet” He physically recoiled at the command. You softened your voice in response, practically pleading with him "I need to see your face"
Again the man before you went rigid, a tense few seconds passing in silence before he hesitantly reached up and pulled off the helmet.
The man standing before you looked somehow older than you remembered but unmistakably him, and every thought about your mission flew out the window the second his eyes made contact with your own. Your brain rejected the similarities outright, because despite being told Darth Vader and Anakin Skywalker were one in the same you still couldn’t handle this physical evidence linking the two.
You reacted without thinking, taking a single step forward and planting your hands on his chest, roughly shoving him backwards, Anakin allowing himself to be moved without a second thought “Maker Ani what the fuck were you thinking”
His helmet slipped from his grasp absentmindedly, his hand coming up to clutch at his chest where your hands had just been as he just stared at you, eyes swirling with too many emotions for you to pin down at the moment.
“Palpetine are you serious?” You demanded more than asked, hurling the implication at him with reckless abandon “I always told you I didn’t trust him and still you-“
“You weren’t there” he cut you off and his voice was so soft, so broken it startled you into silence, your body physically recoiling back a step as he spoke “You weren’t there, and he was all I had”
“You had Obi-wan, you had Rex, you had people who cared about you Ani”
“They weren’t you” his answer back came steadfast and resolutely, leaving no room for argument, followed by a much quieter, more broken statement “they took you from me”
“No one but that weapons dealer took me from you.”
“They did” neither of you felt the need to define the ‘they’ to which you both referred “If they hadn’t kept me from going with you I could’ve-“
“You don’t know that” you cut him off, this argument feeling much to familiar “Even if you had been there we don’t know-“
“If I had been there then you wouldn’t have-“ and he didn’t need to finish his sentence, the natural end to it evidence that this was an argument he has already had with himself too many times before.
“I didn’t” you begged him to listen to you, “I’m okay. Ani I’m right here”
Your words seemed to shock him out of his own personal bubble, his eyes darting frantically around him before he seized you by the wrist suddenly, surprising you, as he started to pull you further down the alley “you need to go Y/N”
“What” the question left you on an exhale, his sudden change in attitude giving you whiplash as he tried to pull you behind him.
“You can’t be here you need to-“ he whispered quickly, frantically, almost as if the words weren’t for you.
You pulled back on your arm forcing him to stop “Ani I’m not leaving you”
He furrowed his brow at your declaration, a hand on your shoulder trying to nudge you forward still “Y/N do you know what the empire will do to you if-“
“I don’t care” you declared back, halting his movements once again, using his grip on your arm to pull his attention back down to you “I already lost you once, don’t make me do it again”
His eyes bounced desperately back and forth between yours as he set his jaw, you could practically see a million different arguments running through his head.
“Halt” a new voice broke through the tense silence, Anakin’s gaze flickering to its source above your head. You barely had time to gaze over your shoulder at the trio of clone troopers that had approached, guns drawn, before Anakin had sent the lead one flying rapidly into the wall with a flick of his wrist.
You tried desperately to hide your flinch at the noise of his armer hitting the building.
The other two froze on the spot, blasters still pointed at you, but Anakin ignored them both, hand still held aloft as he stared down at you debating his next steps for a precious few moments before he spoke.
You could see him physically morph as he addressed the clone troopers, could see him become that other man, that Darth, in the way he squared his shoulders and straightened his back, the way his voice dropped an octave, the way his grip on your wrist grew almost painful as his gaze bore down into yours
“this one is force sensitive, she comes with me”
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virescent-v · 6 months
“i don’t like being told what to do unless i’m naked” with em? 👀
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Summary: Emily's been a bitch. You fix her attitude. ;) Warnings: smutty smut smut, my normal tbh. quick and easy, like em Word count: 2.3k A/N: A little short thing to get me back into writing. Thanks Katt for the prompt :)
Emily was pissing you off. Ever since this case crossed JJ’s desk, Emily’s been uptight, more so than usual. You’ve seen her get overly invested in cases before, but something about this one was making her - for lack of a better word - crazy. She was hounding the local police more than normal, squashing peoples’ new ideas and theories before listening, and being short with anyone who tried to talk to her. 
She’s snapped at you multiple times today alone, glaring at you anytime you tried to talk about one of your theories. You’d take it personally, but she was acting like this with everyone on the team. It was causing everyone to give her a wide berth, finding excuses to not be in the same room with her. 
At the end of the day, Emily had frustrated every member of the BAU (including Penelope who was back in D.C.) and half of the local station to their limits. 
And, of course, you were the one who had to room with her this trip. Lucky you. 
The ride from the station to the hotel was tense, silence interspersed with the hum of tires on asphalt. The longer the quiet dragged on, the more angry you got at her behavior. 
Emily and you had become fast friends when you joined the BAU a few months ago. You had meshed well with every member of the team, but your dark humor and sarcasm bonded you with the raven-haired woman. You’ve spent countless hours with each other, both at work and outside of Quantico. 
You felt your phone buzz in your lap. 
JJ: You have GOT to talk to her. She’s driving everyone insane!! 
You: Why does it have to be me??? It’s bad enough we share a room! 
JJ: Because she likes you most! 
You: You’ve known her longer! 
JJ: Nose goes! 
You looked up to see JJ holding her pointer finger on her nose, sticking her tongue out at her. You rolled your eyes at her before typing out another message. 
You: Fine! But you owe me coffee and lunch tomorrow! 
JJ: Deal! Just make her Emily again! 
You locked your phone, glancing up at Emily driving. Her jaw was tense, as if she was grinding her teeth. Both of her hands were white knuckled on the steering wheel. You bit your lip, trying to think of a way to bring up her behavior over the last few days. 
Entering your shared room, Emily started pacing in front of the beds, her lower lip caught between her teeth, her hands fidgeting.
You sighed. “Em, are you okay?” 
Her eyes shot to you. “I’m fine,” she gritted out. 
You rolled your eyes exaggeratedly, making sure she saw. “No, you’re not. You’re frustrated about something. And it’s driving everyone crazy. So, again, what’s wrong?” 
Emily stopped pacing, glaring at you. “What do you mean it’s driving everyone crazy? I’m fine.” 
You huffed, shaking your head. “You’re not. Look at you,” you said, your hand gesturing at her body, every muscle tense, her hands picking at her nails. “You’ve been short with everyone, shutting down theories for stupid reasons. You’ve yelled at every single one of us today and you’ve managed to alienate half of the local cops. Whatever’s wrong needs to stop, Em, I swear, or it’s going to make this case even harder to solve.” 
Emily scoffed, not liking being told off. “You have no idea what you’re talking about.” 
Now it was your turn to gape at the brunette, your eyebrows twisted in annoyed confusion. “Em, I have spent the last few months getting to know you. Late nights in the office, movie nights on our couches, shopping trips. I don’t know what it is about this case that’s getting to you, but it needs to stop. You need to get your head out of your ass, Prentiss, before it causes you to get benched.” 
You watched as Emily stomped across the room to you, her nostrils flaring, her eyes darkening in anger. Her fists were clenched at her sides as she angrily whispered, “I don’t like being told what to do unless I’m naked, so you better watch what you say to me.” 
Emily had moved closer to you than she ever has before, her outrage and annoyance palpable in the air. You could feel her huffed breaths on your cheek. 
You shook your head, chuckling darkly, barely audible. Emily had never intimidated you before and it wasn’t going to start now. “If all you needed to calm down and be yourself again was a good, hard fuck, all you had to do was ask, Em,” you said, smirking as her eyes grew wide. 
You watched as she took in a shuttered breath, her throat bobbing from the nervous swallow. 
You could see the indecision in her eyes, the want and the nerves. How she wanted it, needed it, but didn’t want to cross that line with you for fear of wrecking your friendship, your work life. 
You brought your hand up, pushing some of her hair behind her ear, taking note of the small shiver that ran through her. “Let me help you, Em. We’ll cross tomorrow when it gets here.” 
Emily closed her eyes for a second, taking a deep breath. When she opened her eyes, they somehow had gotten darker, her pupils blown. She’d made her decision. “Fuck it out of me, please.” 
You tilted your chin up a little, settling into the role Emily needed you to fill. “Strip. Slowly.” 
Emily exhaled slowly, her hands grasping at the hem of her shirt, lifting it inch by inch. She watched you, but your eyes never strayed from her face. When she dragged the material over her head, your eyes never left her face. It furthered your in charge position, making Emily’s breath quicken in anticipation. 
The brunette slowly dragged her bra straps down her shoulders, slowly exposing her modest chest. It took a lot of self control on your part, but you still refused to look at her body. You could tell that it was starting to get to Emily, but she wasn’t going to say anything, excited to see what you were up to. 
As she drug her pants and underwear down her legs and stood back up, you made another few seconds of intense eye contact with her before letting your gaze slowly glide over her body. 
You’d be lying if you said you’d never thought about her like this. She was beautiful, striking in a way that made your breath catch the first time you met her. As your relationship with her grew, you were conflicted about thinking of her like this. You’ve come to cherish your connection with her, but you couldn’t help but want more. 
You took your time looking her over, trying to memorize every inch of her in case this was the only time you’d be able to see her like this. 
Emily’s toes started to dig into the carpet, her anticipation growing to a head, the nerves starting to creep up. 
“On the bed, on your back.” 
Emily didn’t need a second to think this time, eagerly moving to the mattress and laying herself across it. She settled her head on a pillow in the middle of the bed, awaiting further instructions. It was something that was exhilarating for you, unexpected. You didn’t think she would be this compliant, but you weren’t going to question it. 
Your eyes dragged across her body again, watching the way that her skin started to flush at your attention. “You’ve been a bitch the past few days.” 
Emily went to open her mouth, to argue. 
“No, no. That wasn’t up for debate. You have been. You’ve let this case get to you.” You started to crawl across the bed, your body between her legs. You remained clothed, the fabric of your pants sliding across her bare skin and causing goosebumps to erupt across her skin. You held eye contact, loving the way Emily’s dark eyes seemed to get darker, deeper. You could feel yourself getting lost in them. “I don’t know why, and to be frank, I don’t care.” You let your hands trail across her shins, up to her knees, pushing her legs further apart. You could feel your own heartbeat speeding up, fluttering inside your chest. “I’m going to fuck your attitude out of you and then we’re going to solve this case and go home. Understood?” 
Emily swallowed, her head nodding briefly. 
“Good,” you said, letting your eyes fall to her bare body. You licked your lips as you looked at her exposed pussy. Through her coarse curls you could tell she was wet, wetter than you expected her to be since you’ve not even touched her yet. 
You leaned down, your eyes back on her face as you gently blew across her sodden lower lips. Emily’s eyes closed, her back arching slightly, her hips trying to push further into the sensation. She was sensitive, something you were going to enjoy. 
Before her back could make contact with the bed again, your tongue made contact, licking quickly from her entrance to her clit, loving the way her voice got stuck in her throat. You decided you didn’t want to tease her, wanting her to get off and relax. Your tongue made a few more passes up and down, enjoying each sound you could pull from her. When she got used to the movement, her body expecting the up and down licks, you switched to swirls around her clit, sucking lightly, before moving down to her hole, entering her with your tongue. 
You paid attention to the sounds she made, the way she whimpered when your tongue made quick circles around her clit, how a moan would get caught deep in her chest every time your tongue entered her. You ate her out passionately, intensely, taking out your frustrations from the past few days on her. 
You could tell she was getting close, the way her leg muscles started to tense, how her hands started to fist in the sheet beneath her. With each swipe of your tongue against her, you could feel her get closer and closer to the edge, the both of you desperate to push her over. As she started to moan more often, gaining volume, you reached up your hands, grasping a breast in each. With perfectly timed pinches to her nipples, Emily came undone against your mouth. You continued to lap at her pussy, swallowing down everything she had to give you. 
Before her body had a chance to relax, you pushed in two fingers, enjoying the way Emily choked out a harsh gasp at the fast pace you set immediately. “You’ve got one more for me, Em. Give it to me,” you commanded, surprised at the strength of your own voice. 
Emily’s bottom lip was caught between her teeth as she struggled to keep up with the thrusting of your fingers. You pushed up her body, using the thumb of your other hand to pull her lip free. “Uh uh, baby. Let me hear those pretty noises.” 
Emily whimpered, her eyes catching yours, a million words being shared between you two. Respect, thanks, lust, love. 
Your wrist was starting to cramp at the position, but there was no way you were going to stop. Not with the sounds she was making, not with the way that Emily was looking at you. With each thrust in, Emily grunted, with each thrust out, a moan. On one particularly hard thrust, Emily’s back arched, her hands fisting into the shirt on your back. Figuring you had found her sweet spot, you focused there, watching with almost primal glee as her head tossed back in pleasure. 
With her throat exposed, your lips made contact to the skin there, kissing and biting at the tender flesh. You trailed your lips up to her ear. “Do you think two orgasms is enough, or should I fuck you into a third?” 
Emily’s only response was a garbled moan, her hands trying to scratch at your back through your shirt. 
You smirked against her skin. “We’ll see if your cunt can take another one after you cum hard on my fingers.” You curled your fingers at that, feeling the spongy spot inside her that caused her to sob in ecstasy, her legs tightening against your hips. On each thrust you made sure to hit that spot. You moved your head back, wanting to watch her come undone. 
You could feel her walls tightening around your fingers, it becoming harder and harder to move within her. You brought your other hand up, wrapping it around her throat, squeezing enough to send a euphoric rush through her. 
“Cum for me, Em, now.” 
She hadn’t disobeyed you yet. 
Emily moaned your name loudly as her walls clamped down on your fingers, forcing you to stay within her as she rode out her orgasm. Her hips undulated against you, riding each wave, reveling in the high.
You worked her through it, easing as her body started to come down. Gently, you removed your fingers, taking satisfaction in the whimper she let out at being empty. You brushed some of her hair out of her face, smiling a little to yourself at the blissed out look on her face. “Feeling better?” 
Emily started laughing, a true belly laugh. “You’re ridiculous.” 
You smiled, tucking her hair behind her ear. “Hey, you don’t get to be sassy to the person who just fucked you back into a good mood.” 
Emily rolled her eyes, her hands caressing your shoulders. “Thank you,” she whispered, her eyes expressing even more gratitude. 
You lightly kissed her, the first of many. “Don’t mention it. Next time, don’t wait until you’re a raging bitch before asking for what you need,” you smirked. 
Emily pushed at your shoulder, shaking her head lightly at your antics. She pulled you down, relaxing under the weight of you, feeling herself drift off to sleep. 
If anyone noticed Emily’s improved mood the next day, or the hickies on her neck, they didn’t mention it. The fact that you two solved the case before the day was over was good enough for them. 
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polar-equinoxx · 7 months
My Updated Masterlist!!✨
My ao3 account: polar_equinoxx
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Take your pick, all of these are sfw, full of fluff or angst and definitely hurt/comfort.
All are rated either gen or teen!!
The number in brackets are the words for the multi-chapter fics!!
☁️ The Heavens Told Me That Clouds Have Been Grey
All of my icemav fics
☁️ There’s A Silver Lining On Every Cloud
Icemav kiss prompts from this post here , feel free to send me prompts to write!
🌟 Canons Shoot Ships But Not This One
Fics that slot neatly into the canon timeline, contains feels (and icemav kisses)
❤️‍🩹 Goose Lives AU
Nobody dies AU, Goose and Slider get icemav together in hilarious ways (I need to write more for this series tbh)
🪽 Angelus AU
The icemav boys are angels, and that isn’t normal… (wing fic/s)
🌠 Shooting Stars
A three part icemav get together, and they discover they have more connections with each other than ever
Multi-Chapter Fics
🍁 Hot Summer Nights To Cold Winter Days (18,018)
A retelling of tg86, but icemav get together sooner
❄️ Returning To You (25,400)
Ice gets amnesia, very angsty, also (not) -one-sided pining (with a 1.5k epilogue)
🌙 When The Human Strokes Your Skin That Is When You Let Them In (29,042)
Another retelling of tg86, Mav closes off from everyone post Goose’s death
🌷 Galloping Into The Cold (5,777 - unfinished)
Alternate Universe, the boys ride horses, also a huge class divide between Ice and Mav
🐎 Heaven In Your Eyes (8,160 - unfinished)
Alternate Universe - cowboys, circa 1886
🧊 Not Enough (11,433)
A backstory for Ice, if you will
🌹 Roses (5,303)
Ice POV pining for Mav with intense flower symbolism and multiple valentines days
🌪️ Vertigo (22,867)
Alternate first meet, circa 1984, (they are young babies) Ice finds Mav drunk in the bathrooms and takes care of him. (With a 1.4k extra)
💫You Can Be My Light (wip)
An Ice-POV retelling of tg86, featuring a lot of pining, feelings and emotions
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bixels · 10 months
Is there like a fanfic written of this au or a webcomic? Beacuse i read in one of your asks that that it would be spoiler if you told another anon how cadense was adopted by celestia
Tbh i might be reading to much into it
Tulli and I would love to make a webcomic, but the work and time that would be required to make it a reality is unrealistic, especially if we're not getting paid (because our ideal vision would be a legitimate graphic novel, and we have multiple stories in mind). If there's enough demand, we might open a Patreon for support.
Otherwise, it'll probably be a fanfic. Here are some story prompts we've been keeping track of:
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menlove · 2 months
Sorry if you’ve been asked this already, but do you have any mclennon fic recs for 1967/pepper era?? I’m obsessed with the vibes around this time, and with Jane away John and Paul seemed to spend a lot of their free time during this period together, but I’ve had trouble finding much of anything. Thx!! <3
oooh good question ! i love love love the 1967/pepper era so let me look back in my ao3 history and see what i've got
these aren't all pepper's era, but they are all 1967 (w the exception of One that's not 67 but Is pepper's). put a 💖 next to ones i especially love
If You'll Shut Up About It, I Will
mature. au. 4k
The day after his birthday, Paul McCartney admits on national television that he's illegally had sex with men. On multiple occasions. But it's the media's responsibility not to spread these things, isn't it? Unfortunately (or fortunately), someone else is watching the broadcast, and wants to know why Paul has decided to declare he's queer to all and sundry when he's the one who's been waiting for Paul to give it a go. AKA, That LSD Interview but make it gayer. note: very interesting, short little au on if paul had come out as having had queer sex rather than having done lsd
you know i know when it's a dream
mature. 5k. In 1967, The Beatles visited Greece with the plan of purchasing an island they could call home. Of course, it was mostly John's idea. note: angsty, smutty little one-shot that hurt my heart
1967 💖
mature. 11.5k. au. In 1961, John Lennon and Paul McCartney left abruptly on a trip to Spain, via France. In 1967, they finally come home to face the consequences. note: not EXACTLY what you're looking for but hey the year is in the title..... but it's sooo good i'll rec this fic constantly. they do definitely have the same aesthetic that they did in real life 1967 too. but this one is so fucking good. it's got an experimental style that lets you see everyone's pov while still remaining really well written which imo is hard to do when you're doing a bunch of pov switches. but it's outsider perspective mclennon & explores the nuances of their relationship and how it was/wasn't impacted by fame and how they'd still be creative with each other if they'd never gotten famous from the beatles...... also they basically create the muppets which i think makes this worth reccing on its own tbh
The Places Where You Bend
mature. 2.6k. "Whatever the opposite of 'toppermost of the poppermost' might be, we're in it up to our asses." It's 1967, all hell is breaking loose, and Paul doesn't know if he can do this anymore. note: ugh i loved this one. it's angsty, as any beginning-of-the-end-of-their-relationship fic is, but it's sooo them and very bittersweet
Stop all the clocks 💖
mature. 30.8k. au. For the following kink meme prompt: ‘1967. After Brian dies, Paul decides not to go ahead with MMT, and takes John up to Scotland for a month instead.’ Also based on the following comment on said prompt: ‘pls someone let them fuck tenderly in 1967’ note: definitely an instant classic! super sweet au that makes you wish life had gone this way for them
Way Up Top 💖
explicit. 12k. Falling out of the sky, together. | Snapshots of the Beatles in Greece, July 1967 note: one of my all-time faves ughhhhhh i just love how they wrote everyone. like ofc the mclennon is great, but this one is so so good for just all around good characterization and writing
always, no sometimes 💖
explicit. 20k. Stolen moments from a single year. Or: four times someone nearly found John and Paul together, and the one time they found each other. Set around the recording of Sgt. Pepper, 1966. note: not 1967, but 100000% the vibe you're looking for. such a good fic. i honestly need to do a re-read bc it's been long enough, but this one was just. augh. so much mustache sex too.
explicit. 3.4k From the kink meme prompt: john/paul, shotgunning weed note: i don't Think this one has a year on it officially, but it definitely fits the vibe you're looking for!
Drop Chute
explicit. 1.9k. paul/robert as well "Paul does coke off Robert's dick and blows him in a public toilet. John is in the neighbouring stall and hates it." FFA asked and I delivered. note: ahhhh we love a good "john getting jealous of paul fucking other men" fic
explicit. 1.3k In the summer of ‘67, Paul knows exactly how lucky he is to be the man who gets to fuck John, and then eat him out, and then fuck him again, and then — note: it's smut and it's good smut what else can i say truly
Club Sandwich
mature. 4k. Some drug-fueled party in 1967. Paul ends up sandwiched between two men on the couch. As they start fondling and kissing him, John stumbles upon the scene… note: absolutely great. possessiveness and coke prince paul...... what else could i want from a fic
Carousel 💖
explicit. 3.4k 21 March, 1967. John accidentally drops acid during the mixing of Sgt Pepper. Paul drives him back to Cavendish and decides to take LSD for the first time. Based on true events. John's POV. note: definitely my favorite take on the "john and paul tripping together for the first time" story. so good and introspective.
you can get it wrong (and still think you're right)
explicit. 7.4k. Paul visits John at Weybridge. January, 1967. The laziest man in England, that article had said, and Paul thought suddenly of John, lounging: John, turning the pages of a book with one languid hand, his hair mussed and fetching, making pithy comments to empty rooms. Or maybe he didn’t speak at all when he was alone; Paul realized that he didn’t know anymore. note: aghhhh another great one by stonedlennon. the bittersweetness of their relationship.... love this one a lot tbh
explicit. 2.7k. John takes another languid drag of his cigarette, his eyes alight now when they look into the lens, meeting Paul's. He's a marvellous subject. They should put him in every movie. "That it?" Paul asks—leading. Hungry. "You're the director. Give us a direction," John goads him. note: looove this one. but all of moeexyz's fics are so good so that's to be expected tbh
an orgasm of sound 💖
explicit. 5.3k “It was a good piece of work between Paul and me. I had the ‘I read the news today’ bit, and it turned Paul on, because now and then we really turn each other on with a bit of song, and he just said ‘yeah’ – bang bang, like that.” — John Lennon Or, John and Paul work on A Day in the Life. note: another great one from moeexyz! this one is..... well. Well. it's very good. what more could i ask for in life than piano sex and a day in the life
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hpdaddyknowsbest · 3 months
Hiiii! I was super excited for this fest, I know of multiple people participating, but I’m a bit confused about the fact that you guys seem to be posting mostly just the heterosexual ships, when I know there’s definitely queer fics that were submitted? Seems a bit sus to do during pride month tbh
It’s really reading as more of a dramione fest than a daddy fest. The fact that you seem to be posting at random, instead of according to a schedule, or according to when they were submitted also seems like either favoritism or just rampant obsession with hermione granger, both of which don’t really have a place in moderating a fest that’s for everyone and not just your friends
Do better please, or keep your fests out of our month, kay? <3
Hi! Thank you for reaching out with your concerns. I'm sorry to hear you don't like the way the fest rollouts have been going, and I'd like to provide some additional context on the points you made. I'm answering this publicly because as a queer woman (along with my fest co-runner), this topic is very near and dear to my heart.
Of the 60 submissions we've received, 7 feature a non-het pairing, and 1 features both a het and non-het pairing. So 8 out of 60 total (13%). 2 of the non-het pairing fics have been posted (with another one posting tomorrow) so 3 out of 8 (38%). And tomorrow we'll be 40% through our posting period. 38% and 40% are pretty on par, especially when we're talking about such small numbers.
To address another point, 36 of the 60 submissions we've received (60%) feature Hermione in the main pairing. We are 5 days into posting out of 15 (33%). 14 of the Hermione-centric fics (39%) have been posted to date. So a little ahead of the overall rate, but not by much. I can understand why the submissions may feel Hermione-heavy -- it's because they are! 
It's very common for fests to create their own posting schedules for fic releases - and one that's not based on submission date. We have a spreadsheet to balance out the days by pairing, type of fic, length of fic, and whether it's a WIP or complete, as much as possible. It'll never be perfect, and there will inevitably be a few days that lean heavier towards specific themes or pairings, but that's the nature of fests. 
Finally, all of the prompts for this fest were user-submitted. We can only publish as much queer content as people write and submit. My co-runner and I both write and read queer fic. While I'm flattered you think we have so many friends, I assure you there is no favoritism involved in the posting schedule whatsoever. We are simply two women with a spreadsheet trying our best to bring everyone a well-balanced stream of content. 
I'm really, truly sorry if you haven't felt represented in this fest. That is absolutely not and never will be our intention. I love fandom in part because it's often a safe space for queer people (obligatory "fuck JKR"). 
We are happily celebrating pride month right along with you. I believe there's enough space for all of us ♥️
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Congrats on the move being over!! I just did that in the fall and it is so miserable. Hopefully y'all are safe and sound and can get to the fun stuff like decorating. For prompts, what about Magnus noticing that Alec clearly has a competence kink and is always trying to jump him after he does anything that Alec deems impressive, a lot of which are things Magnus rarely gets complimented for. Everything from little things like making some basic (for Magnus) potions, or pulling off a complicated ritual, or putting someone in their place.
Thank you!! ooof yeah it really is. it's been a bit f a mess too cause i'm unpacking for multiple people (they physically cant) and so it's slow going lol and my focus is just being done tbh. but we are all safe and honestly it was good timing with how bad the heat got around here. we wuld have been really screwed at the last place.
i hope you enjoy this!
<3 lumine
It’s impossible for Magnus not to notice Alexander interest. He gives himself away so easily, never truly trying to hide his curiosity or the delight that watching Magnus inspires in him.
Alexander acts as if even the simplest of tasks are impressive.
He’s full of delighted pleasure when Magnus explains making his own shampoo and the next morning when they slip into bed, he murmurs his awe against Magnus’ jaw. Such a simple thing, and yet it impresses Magnus’ darling so very much.
Alexander’s pleasure sends thrills down Magnus’ spine and it coils in his gut and his magic.
Sometimes when Magnus is studying and dissecting a ritual — cannibalizing it for ease of use or just because he can — Alexander will press fervent kisses to his jaw when checking in on him. They are never distracting, but they do linger with heat and Alexander always murmurs such delightful things before he leaves Magnus to his work. It’s enough that Magnus is nearly always tempted to follow — and sometimes through no fault of his own, Alexander sways him — before he gets a hold of himself.
Alexander will watch Magnus create a star and then kiss the dust and ash of it off of Magnus’ fingers with eyes more luminous than an aurora. He never seems to grow bored of Magnus’ more flippant experiments, instead equally curious no matter if it gets set aside or not.
The first few times Alexander happily accompanied him to Pandemonium, Magnus hadn’t understand what his boy got out of it.
Beyond the pleasure of Magnus’ company of course, which Magnus knew was the main draw.
However, while he didn’t hate it, Alexander wasn’t known for his love of Pandemonium of any of the other clubs he sometimes joined Magnus at.
It typically depended on how his night had gone and if he — if he worked — had the energy or even left the Institute early enough to join Magnus. Or if he didn’t work, if he’d gotten enough rest where going out and dealing with Pandemonium wouldn’t defeat the point of taking a night off.
Sometimes however, Alexander will manage to stop by for no reason at all.
He’ll cut himself a few hours of time in patrols where instead of returning to the Institute he instead meets Magnus at Pandemonium. He stays for a bit and then meets the next patrol he is due to lead or train.
It had never quite made sense to Magnus, until he realized how often Alexander came while Magnus held court.
Too often holding an open court will turn to complaints or even fights. While Magnus is hardly ever directly involved, he typically does shut down and end the conflicts before they can get out of hand. It took a few weeks — where Magnus was admittedly busy with other things — before he realized that Alexander liked seeing Magnus put others in there place.
It lit something in Magnus’ boy, a spark that would turn into an ember that Alexander carefully hoards until they can meet again. It explains the passion that Alexander so often meets Magnus with the mornings when they reunite after such evenings.
It's been a very long time since Magnus has been so wholly appreciated.
Such simple things and yet by Alexander’s delight and awe alone, it brings them both pleasure.
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yuurivoice · 5 months
Not to tell you how to do your job or anything, and I don't think it's the audience's place to give suggestions when this is YOUR profession, it's just a small idea that occured to me.
But maybe in the upcoming Auron audio you could add a little note on the screen saying that new Auron content is coming soon, and then like do the same with future compilation videos, since they tend to do so well!! Like to let people know that if they like the characters, this is not where the story ends at all and they should stick around. I say this mainly cause I remember you once talked about how the major numbers on the Finn compilation didn't translate to a major increase in subscribers. Really hope this didn't come off as rude, I just think maybe if people think the compilations are the ENTIRE story it might not occur to them to subscribe!
It also might yield no results at all, idk. I just remember I didn't subscribe until multipleeee videos had been recommended to me over MONTHS, mainly because I had no idea that there was a story to be followed.
I've written like three different responses to this but as I yap on I get new conclusions and ideas. This is v3 of my answer lmfao.
Preface: People don't pay attention to shit and unless you are clever or use a hammer, they do not care. They want the content. ESPECIALLY if they aren't familiar with you. This makes any deliberate Calls to Action run the risk of annoyance rather than making a meaningful impact on conversions.
Bonus note: If a video is scheduled to premiere, there's nothing I can add to it at this point without doing a whole reupload, giving Thoo a bunch of extra work, and all that shit. So that wasn't ever an option anyway.
My approach in this current iteration of how I do things is that rather than slob on somebody's knob begging for a sub, they're encouraged to either watch more videos or go to the homepage. My working hypothesis is that you're actually MORE likely to get a curious viewer to drop by your homepage before they subscribe, because they want to see what else is available.
The most recent changes I made to the channel homepage should make it abundantly clear that there are multiple stories, characters, and styles of content to jump into. Making sure that the homepage is great has probably made a massive difference in that regard, without impacting the videos themselves.
Playlists are horribly underutilized in this niche in particular, and on lots of YouTube channels really. So I made sure to try and nail that down. Still need to get the channel trailer locked in but tbh I don't know how effective those really are in 2024.
All of that being said, a ~15 second welcome intro at the start that explains what the compilation is and invites viewers to sub/explore the playlists would probably be the easiest way to accomplish that without intruding on the listening/viewing experience in a way that feels desperate or pander-y. That in conjunction with the end screen prompt would probably be the easiest way to do it.
I don't feel like that immediately turns massive hit videos into untapped wells of subscribers that I missed out on, it could help contextualize things a little more and who knows, maybe it WOULD be a big deal. Hard to say!
The context for me not immediately being like OH IT'S A SLAM DUNK HOW DID I NOT THINK OF THIS is because I run a very lucrative business converting viewers to patrons and I have very minimal in-video notes about hearing the spicy bits on Patreon. People often figure things out for themselves if they're motivated enough, and you run the risk of chasing them off if you come across like a desperate ass hoe. lmfao
I appreciate the ask, but also can assure you that I've spent several hours mulling over these very specific issues and I've considered just about every angle. If I had included every little detail and wrinkle of information I was cooking up in the various iterations of this answer it would be a mile long. So trust me. I've thought about it in great detail, have worked with people on it, workshopped things and much more!
Y'all got me yappin' up a storm on here lately. lmfao
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jayteacups · 6 months
✍️ Fic authors self rec!
When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to other writers you know. Let's spread some self-love! 💛
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Thank you Val @youre-ackermine and Kat @humanitys-strongest-bamf for sending these! (I’m only reccing 5 today, sorry to disappoint you Kat 😂) Here's my five favourite pieces of work! Tbh I haven't been writing as much lately so this list probably won't have anything new to anyone, but hey.
It's A Wrap! (Tumblr | AO3)
A one-shot featuring Actor Levi and Makeup Artist Reader, friends to lovers and mutual pining 👀
I've written multiple Actor AU pieces (I love reimagining the AOT characters as actors, 10/10 would recommend as a way to cope with the pain of canon 😂😭), but this is in its own separate universe and I'm planning on writing a couple more fics set in this specific universe!
I had so much fun writing it (I hope it showed haha), and that's why it's on this list as one of my favourites!
The Absence of Warmth (Tumblr | AO3)
Gen one-shot centred around the No Regrets trio (with Levifar crumbs because I love them)
I also had a lot of fun exploring the trio's dynamic here, I'd like to go more in depth again with these three someday
My most underrated fic for sure haha
My piece for Levi Week 2023 - Day 3 (Tumblr | AO3)
All the fluff and softness you could ever want. Will never stop writing sweet and soft fics for Levi because he deserves it 😌😌
This was partially based on a dream I had, actually, which makes this more personal, and therefore, one of my favourites.
Me remembering what I dream about is a very very rare occurrence, and rarely do those dreams include fictional characters, funnily enough 😂 so it was an extra special occasion when I woke up and actually remembered the dream I had of walking on a beach with a blushy Levi whilst the sun was setting and it was all sickeningly cutesy and romantic. I wrote it down, fully intending on writing it, and never got around to it, until I saw the prompt for Levi Week Day 3, and was like... hang on, this could work 👀
Gentle Touches (Tumblr | AO3)
Levi experiencing affection for the first time is a trope I can't get enough of, and it seems the two anons who sent me the request are the same hehehe
Fluff and softness, emotional hurt/comfort towards the end! Also this was a fic that made me realise how touch starved I myself am 🥲 I've been told that this made people quite emotional too, which is reassuring, as I was aiming for that! So yeah I'm quite proud of this one ☺️
At Ease (Tumblr | AO3)
Definitely one of my more creative premises! I genuinely don't remember how I came up with this though, but yes this role-reversal AU was very fun to write and I'm so pleased with the outcome :3
Some emotional hurt/comfort, pining, all round softness (are you beginning to see a trend here)
This was really fun to look back on my fics and pick out favourites! Will be sending asks to people tomorrow because I'm quite sleepy rn and will be heading off to bed now. Hope everyone has a lovely day/night!
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rotisseries · 10 months
first off. since you said you were in an sskk mood. i'm going to recommend you my own fic 🫶 it's called the memory of your name and is an amnesia fic, which i've admittedly never read before. it's based on this prompt, which i just really liked :))
Tumblr media
i also have to be seen in the light (but wander in the dark) by confusedwritingrat, which is basically just uh. a lot of akutagawa angst tbh. tw include torture and a LOT A LOT of injuries, it's a 5+1 of people not noticing when akutagawa was injured
How To Wreck A Schedule In One Easy Step by valleykey is transfem kunikida. that's it that's the fic (but holy FUCK is it a good fic, cannot recommend it enough)
Misunderstandings are extremely embarrassing by EMILEHCM is just. they're idiots. sskk but also dazai. all idiots.
Bad At Love by silent_knives_wielder is so so so good, it's skk soulmates and it's short but Silly :33
EHEHE okay so Striped and Destruction, Resolution by AliceInHyruleBastion are both sskk soulmates, the first is from atsushi's pov (and was written first) and the second is an akutagawa version, they're both AMAZING. liike geuinely so good that i binged every singe one of the author's fics afterwards like holy FUCK, they've got some more sskk but also a bunch of skk so definitely recommend their entire ao3 account bc i've got half of their fics bookmarked
dismal disquiet by Kala (assushi) is hanahaki and uh. it's short and it's painful. you should read it and then sob.
something to get used to by shipeo is so fuckign good, it's a character study on akutagawa and his partnership with atsushi set during the cannabalism arc, which is my favourite part and it makes me INSANE
now. now the series Soukoku Fics by NeonGanymede/StarshipDancer is a collection of all the author's skk fics. and when i tell you that i binged all 300k+ words of it over a weekend. it's INSANELY good, it's 90% domestic fluff with hurt/comfort and some angst, but the characterization and the dynamics are absolutely fucking AMAZING. there's also about 7 explicit fics, all in a row, but otherwise there's no smut and those fics are very easy to skip if it's not your thing. i sincerely recommend this series because the author Gets Them. if not all of them, there's an odango wedding one and the most recent one i'd recommend above all.
okay now i KNOW that you love cannabalism and blood and gore so here's a funky little vampire fic for you! i called your name 'til the fever broke by forest_raccoon is SO SILLY SO GOOD I'VE READ IT MULTIPLE TIMES IT'S SO FUCKING GOOD OKAY
idk if you like fyolai but Sins of Flesh by BoredsoIRead absolutely fucking blew my mind. they're so fucked up but so perfect for each other and so so fascinating. i LOVED this one.
It's Rotten Work by Egosdelirium is an skk fic, written during the wait between episodes after the one where dazai got shot.
also @/creantzy's bernadette fyolai animatic is a must-watch it literally changed my brain chemistry
so yeah!! hope you enjoy the fic recs :3
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nelliebachesneg · 11 months
S13 Alternate Ending Headcanons, Because What TF Did Epsilon Mean, Exactly, By "Deconstruct Myself"?
Ok so I’ve had this idea spinning in the back of my brain since, what, 2016? But when Epsilon died, he said “the fragments I’ll leave behind” would get the Reds and Blues through the fight, and then there’s a flash where it seems like each of Epsilon’s fragments corresponds to one of the Reds and Blues. So my thought at the time - and on-and-off again since - was that Epsilon gave a fragment of himself to each of the Reds and Blues to help them win the fight. Then when the fight was over, each of their suits would have had a piece of Epsilon. These pieces would have been fragments of a fragment, though, so they wouldn't have had an interface like Epsilon did; they would have just been really finicky, specialized, supposedly helpful computer programs that would sometimes do things that were more funny/annoying than helpful. These programs would have activated after the fight. List below.
Church's messages, then, would be him explaining what the programs do and why he gave them to each of his friends (as well as saying his last goodbyes). He would also convince his friends not to put him back together again because the time they figured out how to do it and/or got the equipment for it, his fragments would have developed too much on their own to fit nicely back together - and even if something did come back it would not be the Epsilon they knew before.
Now I don't want to get into a debate over whether or not this could even be canon because tbh I couldn't care less, but I am curious to know if anyone has a different take on what kind of program Church would give each of the characters. Is there an aspect of someone's character I missed? Are there things a sci-fi-bullshit AI can or can't do that I'm forgetting about? Does the theme of each program make sense?
So yeah, let me know in the notes if you've got the time!
(Btw which character gets what fragment is based mostly on positioning in that scene at the end of S13, as well as headcanons from the amazing fanfic Mind over Matter by kineticallyanywhere on Ao3.)
Grif: Omega. 
The theme: Take control of your life or someone else will. If you let that go far enough, you won’t like how it turns out - but also remember that a little help isn’t a bad thing. 
The program: literally controls every aspect of Grif’s life inside his suit in the exact way he hates - i.e. organizing his saved files in a way that makes it impossible to find what he wants, setting alarms that wake him up just as he's falling asleep, constantly reminding him to exercise, making his suit heavier and heavier the closer he gets to the mess hall, randomly contacting Matthews and Sarge, etc. The program can also jump from the suit into the surrounding wireless network, specifically cameras and radios, to keep an eye on him when he’s out of the suit. The program can report his behavior (in increasing order of severity) to Sarge, Wash, and/or Carolina if it feels like it. Simmons and Carolina have the manual override code in case of emergencies, though; the program isn’t smart enough to distinguish between a firefight and Sarge being a jackass. (It’s a spoken code word. No it’s not “code word”.) I'd like to think that a lot of how the suit messes with Grif has to do with Simmons because what is an RvB headcanon without Grimmons. The thing is, all of the things the program does are reversible if Grif just takes the time to go into his suit's settings and do that. If he makes the effort enough times, the program will cease.
Simmons: Sigma. 
The theme: Loosen up. Realize there’s more to life than seeking the approval of others - but also don’t disregard others completely. 
The program: Listens in on orders from Sarge, Kimball, Carolina, and Wash. If it determines the order to be bullshit, it cuts the call and immediately radios Grif or Donut instead. It also prompts Simmons at multiple random points throughout the day with the question, “What do you want to do?” and “Why?” If Simmons inputs with a satisfactory answer, spoken or written, the program will generate suggestions for how to accomplish that task. Its programming also allows it to respond to Simmons’s anxieties, though if it gets fed up enough it will call Grif or Donut because Church could only take so much of that. It is able to sync with Simmons's robot parts to keep an eye on him, much like it does with Grif. Also like Grif's program, it will cease once it sees an improved pattern of behavior.
Sarge: Delta. 
The theme: Creativity needs to be tempered with logic. Sometimes you need reality check - but don’t let that discourage you from trying new things. 
The program: In a way, the antithesis to Simmons’s. If Sarge starts muttering about a hare-brained scheme, e.g. fighting gravity, the program will annoy him into sharing the details. It will then either give him a list of reasons why that’s absurd and challenge him to justify his reasoning, calling (in order of severity) Grif, Simmons, Wash, or Carolina if it can’t talk him out of it - or it will help him pull it off, because this is a Church program, and Church would absolutely want to help Sarge mess with the rest of the guys. As a result this program has a lot of Church’s residual personality programming in order to make those judgment calls, which kind of forces Sarge to bond with Caboose and thus has the added bonus of helping Sarge further overcome the ‘Red vs Blue’ mentality. This program's reach does not extend outside of Sarge's armor.
Tucker: Epsilon
The theme: Losing people does not make you a bad leader, nor does it make you a bad person. Don’t obsess over your grief and failures. Take the time to feel it, of course, but then move on knowing that sacrifices are made out of love and faith.
The program: Helps Tucker keep track of Caboose, mostly. It may sound weird but I am literally thinking about the “you need something to take care of” thing from the first John Wick movie. Tucker doesn’t have a “chat” feature like Simmons and Sarge do, since the goal is to move on, but the program does automatically connect him to Wash when he meets a certain set of concerning criteria because Wash gets it. The program will also alert Carolina and/or Wash whenever he steps out of line, as a kind of revenge for all the times Tucker called Church out - and should the fallout be entertaining enough it will be broadcast to everyone on Chorus. No one's reactions to such broadcasts are inherently hostile, showing Tucker that he doesn’t have to worry about too much judgment from others for his flaws. (Side note, the program cannot run the Meta’s suit - at least not while running any extra equipment.)
Caboose: Eta and Iota
The theme: “No matter how many friends you do lose, you can always make more.” Just. Just watch “Caboose’s Guide To Making Friends” again (and try not to cry, again). 
The programs: Yes, Caboose gets two, and yes, it’s because Church cares about Caboose and actually wants to show it this time. The remnant of Eta is specifically for communication, particularly with Wash and Tucker’s programs so that it can help Tucker help Caboose and help Wash keep track of his team, but it also makes sure that every single one of Caboose’s friends can know where he is at all times. Meanwhile, the remnant of Iota is essentially an outreach program for Caboose. It connects him to Sarge, Donut, and Dr. Emily Grey, helping Caboose make more friends - and yes I am talking about robots, but also potentially squishy people too - through an appointment calendar, “google translate”, and a step-by-step manual for creating safe robots. Both programs work together to alert everyone when Caboose encounters something potentially dangerous that he will inevitably also befriend; between the two of them is an entire database of criminals, dangerous flora and fauna across the galaxy, and other hazards. That way they can hopefully identify whatever Caboose has decided is the next member of the family.
Lopez: Doesn’t actually get a program, but he absolutely gets a full software upgrade before Epsilon deconstructs and the ability to mess with everyone else's programs (to a point). This includes the ability to speak English though I feel like Lopez would more likely have the language in everyone's suits change to Spanish in an attempt to make them learn it because he's stubborn like that.
The theme: Lopez is his own person and deserves to be appreciated and understood.
Doc / O'Malley: Also doesn't get a program, but Epsilon does make it so everything done in Doc / O'Malley’s suit is automatically and unstoppably recorded. That way, when either personality blacks out (assuming that happens) then they can see what the other one did. He also downloads several actual medical textbooks, including the DSM5, into Doc / O'Malley's suit. 
The theme: Knowing yourself in both body and mind is important, because you are important. I imagine this is also Epsilon's way of saying sorry for what happened the last time an AI was in Doc's head; though it wasn’t Epsilon’s fault, he would still try to alleviate some of the consequences of that because he gets it.
Donut: Gamma. 
The theme: Sometimes you need your jokes repeated back to you. It is important to understand how others see you and how your words affect them so that you can help both them and yourself grow - but don’t deny who you are in the name of that growth.
The program: Essentially a journaling program, somewhat customizable and with the ability to convert physical journal pages into a digital format through the camera. The program also analyzes the journal entries for double entendres, highlighting them and explaining the meaning. It will also record Donut’s conversations and do the same thing with his spoken words, playing the recording back when Donut is alone. Thus Donut learns exactly what he's saying. Donut can then use the program to double check either written or spoken words, because the program can simulate the reactions of the Reds and Blues to Donut’s words, effectively giving Donut the tools to be the master of communication between everyone (read: everyone’s unofficial therapist) should he choose to be so. It also tracks online deals for wine, cheese, nail polish, and every other material comfort Donut likes so that he can more easily take care of himself, too. 
Wash: Theta. 
The theme: Trust that you are, in fact, a badass both despite and because of what you've been through - but also a human who deserves all the love in the world both despite and because of what you’ve been through. 
The program: Lets Wash be in contact with the Reds and Blues (including Carolina) at all times. It’s like a marauder’s map that lets him always see where they are and contact them if he wants, and it works across planets and solar systems so long as nothing is actively jamming it. Epsilon wants Wash to never be without a family again. However, Epsilon gives him a choice of whether or not he wants this program, because Wash never really had a choice about Church before. The choice is his real last gift to him. (And of course because Wash has already forgiven Epsilon for everything, he wants to be able to use the program, but it still takes a bit for him to get to a place where he feels like he can, but it feels like an opportunity to make amends that they really didn’t get while Epsilon was alive, and this is Epsilon’s way of saying sorry and also that he cares about Wash, and Wash cared about Epsilon so he actively tries to overcome that barrier of letting a fragment of a fragment of an AI into not even his brain but his suit, and UGH MY HEART I’M GONNA CRY--)
Carolina: She doesn't get a program, because Church has always believed that she doesn’t need an AI - or even just a program from one. To give her one would imply she’s not self-sufficient, and Church would never dare disrespect her like that.
The theme: Carolina is awesome by herself, and she deserves to give herself permission to be part of a family (the Reds and Blues). Church gives her a really nice message telling her all that.
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Send me a number and a character (Rafa, Alejandro, Namor, and Tenoch) and I will write a little blurb. 500words or less tbh.
Please keep it one prompt and one character per ask. But you can request multiple times.
“Want a massage? I've been told that I’m very good with my hands” *gets a pillow thrown at them*
“YOU ASSHOLE” “HEY what did I do” “WHAT DIDNT YOU DO?? I WAS HALF WAY THROUGH AN EXTREMELY IMPORTANT PRESENTATION and I took my jacket off and the CEO of the company is asking me if I got hurt because I have a bruise on my neck.”
”would it kill you to be gentle?” “if you didn’t want it to hurt, you PROBABLY SHOULDN’T HAVE GOTTEN STABBED IN THE FIRST PLACE”
“I think all the bottles in this bar must be jealous, cause your beauty is the most intoxicating thing in this place.”
"Look, I was just innocently trying to mind my own business and have a drink when an angel walked by and took my breath away. That's you. You're the angel."
I made a promise to protect you. That doesn't change now that I hate you.
What would you have preferred? Drowning or burning? That was all you had left if I hadn't saved you.
You are safe here. I know that you think you have to be the one protecting everyone else. But here, I protect you.
If you turn away, if you walk out of this room, you sign your death sentence. Do not make me kill one who I dreamt of a whole future with.
Did you just moan? He literally just walked in and your first response is to moan?
Why do you still have that? *nervously tries to hide object*
Beg me. Beg me to make you mine.
You have no idea what you do to me? You could have me at your beck and call. Just ask.
I know this isn't what you had planned. But I am happy that it happened.
I would die for you. I would kill for you. Is that not enough?
Look at me. Don't think about any of them. Look at me, my love. Breathe. I am here, I will always be here. No one will hurt you.
Horrific. Honestly, it's just disgusting. I'm not wearing that.
God has favorites and so do I. And guess what you're neither of ours.
I'm really going to need you to stop glowering so loudly. It's giving me a migraine.
You have no sense of self preservation if you have come here to yell at me!
A lot has changed. But one thing that won't is how much I love you.
"Who did this?!" "It's none of your business!" "YOU are my business. Now tell me."
I imagined our reunion being a bit warmer than this.
Did you get a tattoo? Oh God.
Will you hurry up? I haven't got all day to lay here.
If you break my heart I will make your life a living hell. So Don't. :)
Nothing, I was not distracted by your (insert body part here), not at all. You're being weird.
"Is that?" "Yes" "Wait here." "Don't-"
"I know I'm not your first love but let me be your last."
"You can't win against someone who has nothing to lose."
"I'm gonna kiss you, just go with it okay."
"I intend to live forever. So far, so good."
"Obviously you've mistaken me for somebody who gives a shit"
"I'm gonna pack up and go straight to hell now, I guess."
"She knows all my secrets, except one: that I'm in love with her."
"Don't do it, don't lie to me again."
"You aren't cold?" "Why would I be cold?" "Nevermind."
"Fuck you." "if you insist."
"So is this a costume or do you normally look like this?"
"I know every inch of your body and I know for a fact that scar wasn't there before."
"You're more dangerous than you look."
"Scoot over, you're hogging the bed."
"Run, don't look back. Promise me you won't look back."
"I can't believe you just did that. You actually hit me."
"Blood looks good on you."
"What have you done to me? How did you make me care so much about you?"
"I'm angry, I'm livid, I'm absolutely fucking furious with you. But there's no point to it. You'll never change and I'll still love you."
"You deserved better than what you had, so I gave you better."
"Say that again."
"I admire you. You're stronger than I am."
"Keep your eyes closed and don't make a sound."
"The man who wins your heart will be so lucky."
"My family thinks we are dating."
"Let me go! I swear to god if you don't let me go I'll kill every last one of you!"
"Marry me." "Well that wasn't very romantic." "I didn't think we had the luxury."
"Can I love you?"
"I'm not going to leave you."
"I gave up on you a long time ago."
"I don't want to know."
"But I want to hear you sing."
Person A finds out Person B loves them after eaves dropping on a conversation.
"will i see you again?" "i can't make any promises..."
"i can't take this.." "i want you to have it. think of me."
"I didn't think I would ever feel like this about anyone."
“You do this thing with your hands when you get nervous.  Why?”
“You’re right.  I don’t understand.  I may never fully understand what you’re going through.  But please let me help you get through this.”
"This is all your fault. If only you weren’t so fucking beautiful and smart and funny and perfect, I might not have fallen for you.
"You have a pretty smile, you should really do it more often."
"Admit it! You've liked me all along!"
"I thought you died!"
"You've been smiling an awful lot lately."
"Why do you do that? You always do shit like this and confuse me."
"You're in my personal space." "You say that like it's a bad thing."
"Don't leave me, I'm scared."
He just screams internally about being touched but tries to act cool on the outside.
“I don’t know, maybe you should hop off my dick for a second. Just a thought.” “That’s not what you said last night.”
“…Why are you staying the night?” “Because it’s late and I’m feeling too tired to drive/walk home. Now scoot the fuck over, someone needs to get their sleep.”
“You’re going to fucking break me one day.” “That’s my goal, sweetheart.”
“do you ever think about what life would be like for us if things were different?”
"Take my hand." "Why?" "Would you just trust me for one?"
“not that i’m not enjoying this, but could you move your hands?”
“your heart’s beating really fast, i can hear it.”
 “you’ve been staring at me for like thirty seconds, what are you thinking about?”
“So I hear you’re into pain?”
“What the fuck?  Do that again.  I liked it.”
“Don’t say that, you know I can’t say no to you when you’re like this.” 
“How am I supposed to not read into things if you keep treating me like this?”
“i wish we’d have more time.”
“Your flirt game is so bad, no wonder you’re still single.” “My flirt game isn’t bad, and the person I like is a fucking idiot. That’s why I’m still single.” “…Okay, but why are you looking at me like that?”
“…You’re staring.” “I was not.” “I could feel the intensity of it, even with my eyes closed.” 
"If you think that's going to work on me, you're wrong."
"I hope you know that I did this all for you."
"Regret you? How could I ever regret one of the best decisions of my life?"
"Of course I'm jealous!"
"my hands are freezing, just let me warm them on you for a second."
"Come here, baby. I want to try something."
"Just relax. It's my turn to pamper you."
"You really have this whole gruff exterior going but deep down, you're a softie."
"You're like a cinnamon roll full of poison."
“Do you have to leave? Can’t you stay?”
It's a long list friends, happy requesting.
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Hey! I was wondering if you know any fic where Sherlock and John have an actual conversation in TEH where they sit down and discuss their feelings? I know that’s not very much like them at all (and that’s why they didn’t do it lol) but I would love to see it to heal by heart a little bit.
Tbh I just needed them to come back slowly to what they were before and I feel like they never quite did *cries*
Thank you! (and sorry for all the long text)
Hey Nonny!
Ahhh, funnily enough, I THOUGHT I did have a list, but apparently not one dedicated specifically to them actually talking, LOL! I think it's because I consider them to be "confession" fics instead :P So let's start a new list! Yay! I just perused for the "communication" tag, so enjoy!"
See also:
Love Confessions / Slow Burn / Dev. Rel. (Fluff Version)
/ Love Confessions, Slow Burn & Dev. Rel. Pt. 2 /
Love Confessions Pt. 3
Love Confessions Pt. 4
Love Confessions Pt. 5
Christmas-Time Love Confessions
Arguments Lead to Confessions
Arguments Lead to Confessions Pt 2.
Communication (Swissmiss list)
Green Carnation by glenien (T, 2,616 w., 1 Ch. || Sherlock’s Mind Palace, Meta-Fic, Angst and Fluff, Communication, Post-TAB) – John takes Sherlock home. Part 1 of It’s No Longer Eighteen Ninety-Five
Measuring Damage With the Fujita Scale by teahigh (T, 3,548 w., 1 Ch. || First Kiss / Time, Vacation / Holidays, Friends to Lovers, Bed-Sharing, Pining Sherlock, Sherlock POV, Angsty Fluff, Scars, Awkward Talks) – John goes back into town, into the storm, and Sherlock realises he forgot to say, “I just want to be alone with you.”
MR# 1430155 by blueink3 (T, 3,560 w., 1 Ch. || Talks of Parentlock, Baby Watson, Hurt/Comfort, Love Confessions, Fluff and Angst) – John paces the length of the not inconsiderable hallway and glances at his phone for the tenth time since he exited the hospital room seven minutes ago. Sherlock’s last text was sent at 5:06pm. It is now 5:39pm. He should be here by now. After all, his daughter is 46-minutes-old and if John is going to share this momentous event with someone, it sure as hell isn’t going to be the woman who just gave birth to her. Part 5 of Tumblr Prompts
Stranded by BeautifulFiction (T, 5,798 w., 1 Ch. || First Kiss, Communication / Relationship Discussion, Pining Sherlock, Sherlock POV, BAMF John, Doctor John, Case Fic, Drinking, Huddling For Warmth, Friends to More) –  When stranded on a derelict barge at high tide, John and Sherlock reconsider their friendship.
Permanent Fixture by vitruvianwatson (E, 18,836 w., 9 Ch || Post-S4, Parentlock, Slow Build, Friends to Lovers, They’re Good Parents, Blushing Sherlock, First Kiss/Time, Explicit Consent, Sexual Content, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Mutual Pining, Big Feelings, Crying, Fluff, Anxious Sherlock, Inexperienced Sherlock, Emotional Communication, Love Confessions) – Now, as Rosie sat curled up against Sherlock’s side, John watched and wondered exactly how he had ended up here. Domesticity had never suited him before, not at any point in his life. His disastrous marriage had been proof of that. But somehow, here in the warmth and safety of 221B Baker Street, here with Sherlock Holmes reading medical jargon to his daughter, Sherlock’s bony feet nudging against his leg, John couldn’t imagine anyplace that would make him happier. 
At the Heart of it All by SilentAuror (E, 19,823 w., 1 Ch. || Virgin Sherlock, Post S3, POV John, Domestics, First Time, Kissing, Romance) – John has been back at Baker Street for four months now and thinks it's about time they had the Talk to see whether or not they could be more than friends. Sherlock has a lot of uncertainty about this concept for multiple reasons. Unabashed romance.
LHR-HNL by scullyseviltwin (E, 35,066 w., 7 Ch. || Hawaiian Vacation, Post-TRF, Friends To Lovers, Slow Burn, Just Talk Already, Drinking, Mutual Pining) – In need of an endangered flora sample, Sherlock and John must make a trip to an unexpected destination.
You Have Drawn Red From My Hands by J_Baillier (T, 67,085 w., 17 Ch. || Three Garridebs, Heavy John Whump, Hurt / Comfort, Pining, Heavy Angst, Case Fic/Adventure, Slow Burn, Sick Fic, Injury, Guilt & Depression, Just Talk Already Please, Medical Realism, PTSD) –  John getting injured leads Sherlock on a path of guilt and revelations.
The Bang and the Clatter by earlgreytea68 (M, 137,049 w., 37 Ch. || PODFIC AVAILABLE || Baseball AU || Slow Burn / Developing Relationship, Possessive/Obsessive Sherlock, Jealous Sherlock, Mutual Pining, Body Appreciation, Depression, Closeted Sexuality, Family, Sherlock’s Mind Palace, Ogling Each Other, Anxious Sherlock, Panic Attack, Drunkenness, Talk of Forever, Big Feelings™) – Sherlock Holmes is a pitcher and John Watson is a catcher. No, no, no, it's a baseball AU. Part 1 of Baseball 
Everything by glass_rose_paperweight (G, 1,603 w., 1 Ch. || Post-T6T, Angst, Pre-Slash, Communication) – Sherlock is devastated after Mary is shot and John's world falls apart. He is devastated further by Molly delivering the news that John has decided to cut Sherlock out of his life. But what if Sherlock didn't just take it? What if he got justifiably angry and burst into the flat to give John a piece of his mind?
The Norwood Bewilderment by Long_Time_QT (G, 4,128 w., 1 Ch. || Early S2 Fic, Asexual John, First Kiss, Friends to Lovers, Romantic Fluff, Communication) – Sherlock was strangely quiet for the cab ride home, and John wasn’t about to break the oppressive silence before they reached the privacy of their own flat. Instead, he went over the moment in his head, playing it on repeat. There was no mistaking it. They had definitely and irrefutably kissed. Or rather, Sherlock had kissed John. But it was a kiss nonetheless. A sudden, passionate, heat-of-the-moment kiss. And he’d liked it.
Never Been Better by LoloLolly (G, 4,913 w., 1 Ch. || Post-TSo3, Missing Scene, Hurt/Comfort, Mentions of Drug Use, Oblivious John, Concerned John, Communication, Alternation POVs, Angst) – John gets married. Sherlock leaves the wedding reception early, but he’s fine. Fine. The seven percent solution? It helps him think. If only Baker Street didn’t seem so empty. But he’s perfectly okay. Never been better, in fact. Never been better.
Stranded by BeautifulFiction (T, 5,798 w., 1 Ch. || First Kiss, Relationship Discussion, Communication, Pining Sherlock, Sherlock Whump, Doctor John, Huddling for Warmth, BAMF John, Case Fic, Drinking) – Do you think we’re less than that – best friends? Or more?’ John’s head pulled back, and the look he received suggested John was seriously wondering how someone so intelligent could be so stupid. ‘Well, definitely not less.’ When stranded on a derelict barge at high tide, John and Sherlock reconsider their friendship.
Olivia by poechild (T, 6,446 w., 1 Ch. || Post S3/Mary, Mary’s/Baby’s Dead, Caring John, Crying Sherlock, Emotions, Talking, Communication, Protective John, Friendship, Past Child Death) – John discovers something about Sherlock's past that brings up many much needed conversations.
The Rainbow Connection by honeybee_motorcyles (M, 13,161 w., 7 Ch. || Post-TRF, Autistic Sherlock, American Road Trip, Understanding, Communication, PTSD Sherlock, Regression, Aspergers, Angst and Fluff) – A Road Trip is the best cure for Sherlock and John's relationship.
Hot Water Bottle by khorazir (T, 18,436 w., 1 Ch. || Post TLD / TFP Doesn’t Exist, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Misunderstandings, Communication, Demisexual Sherlock, Bisexual John, Autumn, Bed Sharing, Developing Relationship, First Kiss) – A case in one of the remotest corners of the Lake District, a storm, an inn, a broken boiler, a room with two beds but only one hot water bottle, and two men who have a lot to sort out between them – all of this makes for a night to remember.
Loosed Reins by AggressiveWhenStartled (E, 35,095 w., 11 Ch. || Fighting, BAMF John, Explicit Consent, Safe Sex, Power Dynamics, Arguing About Feelings, Communication) – “You’ve stuffed an entire body into the fridge this time,” John accused. “What happened to the milk? The leftover risotto? My bloody jam?” Sherlock opened his eyes at that. “As a doctor, it should be readily apparent to you that there is only a partial body in our refrigerator. Popular horror stories notwithstanding, it’s rare for an entire corpse to fit into one this size. I had to cut it up into several parts to pack it in, and there is still only seven eighths of it there.” John stared at the ceiling. “That’s... not better.” Part 1 of Arguing and Corpses
In Bed by Ellipsical (E, 46,922 w., 12 Ch. || Autofellatio, Vibrators, Rimming, Blow Jobs, Coming Out, Liminal Identities, Christmas, Sex Toys, Sexual Fantasy, Fingering, Jealous John, Therapy, Flirting, Texting, Fluff, Sherlock’s Violin, Anal, Est. Rel., Semi-Public Sex, Harry Watson, Communication, Coming in Pants, Spitroasting, Double Penetration, Dirty Talk, Internalized Homophobia, Self-Acceptance, Happy Ending, PTSD John, Coping Mechanisms, Angst, Hurt/Comfort) – It’s almost Christmas, John thinks, and this, this is bullshit. The epilogue to Guilty Secrets. Part 2 of Guilty Secrets
The Night Is Darkest by missselene (E, 48,461 w., 8 Ch. || Post-TLD, Extremely Dub Con, S4 Rage Monster John, Insecure Sherlock, Self-Esteem Issues, Sexual Exploration, Healing, Self Care, Self Acceptance, Sexual Exploration, Casual Sex, Gentle Sex, Sherlock/OMC, Threesome with 2 OMCs, Implied/Referenced Domestic Violence, Communication, Internalized Homophobia, Relationship Negotiation) –  Sherlock Holmes would do anything for John Watson... and that includes letting John do whatever he wants to him. What would it take for Sherlock to stand up for himself and finally start taking care of his own needs?
The Noble Heart by All_I_need (E, 98,574 w., 27 Ch. || S3 Fix It, Minor Character Death, Slow Burn, Grief, Pining Sherlock, Bed Sharing, Hurt/Comfort, Communication, Fluff, Mary is Not Nice, Massages, Friends to Lovers) – When John's wedding gets horribly derailed on the big day itself, it falls to Sherlock to help him pick up the pieces, even if it means letting others do the sleuthing for once. But as the police embarks on what looks like a simple murder investigation, the case soon turns into something else entirely as more and more details about Mary's life emerge. But Mary wasn't the only person keeping secrets and Sherlock knows it's only a matter of time until his own will come to light.
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could you explain more your posts about why taylor fans would have a hard time in paul mccartney fandom? is it like saying the public doesn’t allow artists to try on different genres or grow artistically? and then I wasn’t sure if your post about eras v. album aesthetic was similarly related. i don’t follow swiftie tumblr discourse but am interested in paul/beatles things and why you make this comparison. i think we all naturally connect two things we have interest in and have thought a lot about and care about so this isn’t saying i don’t see the connection but just would like to understand it better from your pov.
So, a lot of Taylor fans have a very intense connection to not only her music but her entire public image and a lot of them have been fans for a while. Now, for a long time, Taylor's album cycles were accompanied by "eras", which were underpinned not only by the general musical style of the album but also the aesthetic of her music videos, the imagery she used on tour, and the way she dressed, both on and off stage. (this makes it very easy to date pictures of her throughout the 2010s, for instance) You probably know this, because it's what the whole gimmick of her current tour is based around.
However, in recent years, as she's been undertaking her album rerecordings while simultaneously putting out new music and also touring, these eras have become less pronounced (the two new albums do still have dedicated sets on her tour, but the amount of album-related promo material is objectively less than it was in the past).
I was prompted to post that because I saw someone speculating that the two latest albums weren't as popular among fans (I don't know how true that is off tumblr tbh) specifically because they didn't have proper eras attached to them, which made them feel less immersive. Funnily enough, I find the imagery on her last album super fun and not necessarily requiring more than the one music video we got (which was visually stunning imo) and the tour imagery (ditto). Anyways, the post was quite openly stating that the way Taylor used to go about her album cycles was better and the reason people became a fan.
I drew the comparison to Paul because he's an artist who's often had to majorly pivot from what he'd previously been doing, most notably due to the breakup of his band, among other things (quitting touring for years multiple times, changing genres and collaborators, etc.). Taylor is in my opinion an artist who dedicates an enormous amount of her artistry to things fans generally want (Paul has been doing this too, but not a ton pre-'90s) and I'm just always surprised to see how… closed off many of her fans can be to her changing things around in any way. And I feel like Paul is a big example of an artist who would be deeply unappealing to someone with those standards, which to me seem limiting, even if I technically would enjoy more music videos and album promo.
My other point was because this post seemed to specifically say that Taylor is an album artist (true) and thus these eras are necessary and like……… no? An album is an album. It's fair to like every aspect of an "era" but then call her that – an era artist. Only the tour concept makes me wonder a lot if she's maybe a little bit done with the confinedness of that format.
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