#entrepreneur story
beststartupstory · 12 hours
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awberryy · 1 year
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Link: If I think nobody remembers me, I know the 46 yiga clan members in my area do.
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tearsofrefugees · 3 months
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Random Dialogue Prompts for Magical Entrepreneur Story
Gif One- Demon: Are you fast enough? // Demon: I doubt it. // Demon: You'll lose her. // [Screaming]
Gif Two- Claudine: Are you OK?
Gif Three- Zeph: How is she doing?
Gif Four- Claudine: You made a mistake. Underestimating Alia.
Gif Five- Zeph: You need to trust me.
Gif Six- Alia: What are you doing here? Nothing I can see. / Claudine: I'm sorry. / Alia: Don't apologise.
Gif Seven- Alia: This homework is gonna be the death of me. // Zeph: OK. // Zeph: What can I do?
A/N: I'll probably write drabbles for these at some point.
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Marty hadn’t expected to be the one to find Alia, but retrospectively he should have known Carolyn would send him to the place she knew her friend would be. Freddy would be too much, make it too easy for Alia to hide the truth even if he didn’t mean to. Carolyn herself couldn’t do it, simply because she’d barely scratched the surface with the world now crashing down around Alia. But she would have had a better idea what to do when faced with a puffy-eyed, tear-stained Alia.
‘At least your dad isn’t an actual demon,’ he joked, glancing hurriedly at the floor.
Alia sniffed, and her silence was enough to make him look up. She looked unimpressed, though tears still glistened in her eyes.
‘Like, surely that’s good?’
She closed her eyes, took a breath. Marty fidgeted slightly, but knew she needed this moment of silence, even if he hated it.
‘He’s just a normal jerk,’ she muttered, slowly opening her eyes. She shook her head ever so slightly. ‘I don’t care he’s my father – he’s not Dad, that’s Rufus. I just…’ There was a flicker of uncertainty on her face that briefly made Marty wonder if he shouldn’t call the others. ‘For years, Claudine’s name was something sacred almost. So he might not have been the hero I expected, that I could live with. But he’s my dad too?’
‘And he’s ignoring you.’
Alia scoffed, a bitterness behind the sound that cut even if it wasn’t directed at him.
‘It feels pathetic to care.’
‘It’s not,’ Marty assured her, hastily closing the distance between them. ‘And if he can’t see how good you are, he’s an idiot as well.’
She tilted her head a little to the side, and Marty felt like she was trying to peer into his very being for a moment. And then she offered him the barest flicker of a smile.
‘Thanks, Marty,’ she said.
He nodded, not trusting himself to keep back the extra flood of words he so desperately wished to share with her. The ones he was simply too scared to admit to.
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I will grow instagram by real engagement and marketing organically
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Do you want to grow Instagram organically through marketing?
Are you struggling with your Instagram account organic real followers growth. You are challenging with competitors with your business Instagram account & personal profile then you have come to the right place. I will organically reach targeted real people on your IG account. Do you want to increase real engagement on your profile And want to promote your product/service to targeted audience - we provide the perfect service for you
My team and I will help your account grow real organic targeted followers. I will manage your IG page 100% organically and manually And I will help you to increase engagement organic video views and post likes organically
Why Choose Me?
Social media Marketing Specialist
Tailored Strategies for Optimal Growth Delicate Page Management
We work according to Instagram policies
How I'll grow your IG account:
Research & analysis on your target audience
Manually interact with multiple IG accounts to drive real engagement
Week & monthly overview of growth
If you want to bring more targeted followers to your accounts, you can send a text and I will be there with the perfect plan.
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brimarc-noel-llc · 4 months
Navigating the world of business expansion can be both exhilarating and daunting. The question of whether your business is truly prepared to take that next step is a critical one. One aspect that often comes at the forefront of this decision is securing adequate business funding.
Your business's growth potential may be hindered by financial constraints, making it essential to assess if it's the right time to seek additional capital. This decision requires a strategic approach, weighing the benefits against the risks.
At BriMarc Noel LLC, we understand the importance of having the right resources in place to fuel your business expansion. Our expertise in providing tailored funding solutions can help you navigate this crucial phase with confidence.
Whether you are looking to scale operations, launch new products, or enter new markets, having a solid financial strategy is key. By partnering with us, you can access the support and guidance needed to make informed decisions and propel your business forward.
Ready to explore the possibilities and take your business to new heights? Reach out to us today to discuss how we can support your growth ambitions. Your success story awaits - let's write it together.
Call us today for more information at (800) 452-8485
BriMarc Noel LLC
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yakool-foolio · 5 months
Yakou Furio is hot on the trail of the phantom thief Mask☆DeMasque with the full support of his boyfriend Ron.
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livingloved007 · 4 months
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littltakswidhat · 4 months
Love yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.
-Lord Buddha
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letsberealgenz · 7 months
Shoe Dog
“Let everyone else call your idea crazy…just keep going. Don’t stop. Don’t even think about stopping until you get there, and don’t give much thought to where “there” is. Whatever comes, just don’t stop. — Phil Knight
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A couple of days ago, I made one of the best decision by picking up a dusty gem sitting on the shelf. Maybe it was meant to be dusty when I picked it up. It’s like a treasure that holds an encoded message specially written for you with an aim of shedding light on your journey.
The gem is none other than a book composed of 405 pages where every word is written with utmost wisdom by the one and only, Phil Knight, better known as the creator of Nike. That’s the thing about being an avid reader, you know exactly when you’re reading a really good book!
I know there’s tons of books out there where founders share their journey of starting up but the main “make or break” moment happens when the book gives you a lot of “AHAA” moment and this is exactly what Shoe Dog brings you! I am going to share with you some key moments that truly impressed me and I hope this provides value into your life. The real key is at the ending (make sure to read) till the very end.
“Before running a big race, you always want to walk the track.” “You cannot travel the path until you have become the path yourself.” — Buddha “You are remembered for the rules you break.” — Douglas MacArthur “The main who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones.” — Confucius “Don’t tell people how to do things, tell them what to do and let them surprise you with their results.”
“A tiger hunts best when he’s hungry.” “The art of competing, I’d learned from track, was the art of forgetting, and I now reminded myself of that fact.” “Happiness is a how, not a what.”
“He looked at numbers the way the poet looks at clouds, the way the geologist looks at rocks. He could draw from them rhapsodic song, demotic truths.” “Running track gives you a fierce respect for numbers, because you are what your numbers say you are, nothing more, nothing less.” “Inspiration, he learned, can come from quotidian things. Things you might eat. Or find lying around the house.” “But everyone’s athlete, he said. If you have a body, you’re an athlete.”
“Someone somewhere once said that business is war without bullets, and I tended to agree.” “Wisdom seemed an intangible asset, but an asset all the same, one that justified the risk.” “But my hope was that when I failed, if I failed, I’d fail quickly, so I’d have enough time, enough years, to implement all the hard-won lessons.”
“I told her that I flat-out didn’t want to work for someone else. I wanted to build something that was my own, something I could point and say: I made that. It was the only way I saw to make life meaningful.” “Alcohol and time worked their magic.” “The single easiest way to find out how you feel about someone. Say goodbye.” “By nature I was a loner, but since childhood I’d thrived in team sports. My psyche was in true harmony when I had a mix of alone time and team time. Exactly what I had now.”
“Penny and I were learning to live together, learning to meld our personalities and idiosyncrasies, though we agreed that she was the one with all the personality and I was the idiosyncratic one.” “Life is growth. You grow or you die.”
“No news was bad news, no news was good news — but no news was always some sort of news.”
“If we’re going to succeed, or fail, we should don so on our own terms, with out own ideas — our own brand.” “No matter the sport — no natter the human endeavor, really — total effort will win people’s hearts.” “Like books, sports give people a sense of having lived other lives, of taking part in other people’s victories. And defeats.” “The cowards never stared and the weak died along the way — that leaves us.”
“More than a product, we were trying to sell an idea — a spirit.” “But when we did fail, we had faith that we’d do it fast, learn from it, and be better for it.”
“No brilliant idea was ever born in a conference room.” he assured the Dane. “But a lot of silly ideas have died there,” said Stahr. — F.Scott Fitzgerald, The Last Tycoon
“Whatever happened, I just didn’t want to lose. Losing was death.” “Money wasn’t our aim, we agreed. Money wasn’t out end game. But whatever our am or end, money was the only means to get there.” “I no longer simply made Nikes; Nikes were making me.”
“Beating the competition is relatively easy. Beating yourself is a never-ending competition.” “But I liked the idea of acting as if things were going to work out.” “It didn’t focus on the product, but on the spirit behind the product.”
“Obsessives were the only ones for the job. The only ones for me.” “Maybe the cure for any burnout, I thought, is to just work harder.”
“I never knew that numbers could mean so much, and so little, at the same time.” “Any building is a temple if you make it so.” “You measure yourself by the people who measure themselves by you.” “To study the self is to forget the self.” “Oneness — in some way, shape, or form, it’s what every person I’ve ever met has been seeking.” “Change never comes as fast as we want it.” “Because mothers are our first coaches.”
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Because here’s the real gift:
I’d tell men and women in their mid-twenties not to settle for a job or a profession or even a career. Seek a calling. Even if you don’t know what that means, seek it. If you’re following your calling, the fatigue will be easier to bear, the disappointments will be fuel, the highs will be like nothing you’ve ever felt.
Put it this way. The harder you work, the better your Tao.
Yours, Asrajjit Kaur
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beststartupstory · 6 days
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the-small-success · 1 year
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thekenyabrand · 7 months
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Random Dialogue Prompts for Magical Entrepreneur Story
Gif One- Carolyn: What do you want me to say, Zeph? That it's fine.
Gif Two- Alia: It's gonne be all night. / Marty: OK.
Gif Three- Justin: How could you?
Gif Four- Madame L: What have you two done?
Gif Five- Alia: This is insane.
Gif Six- Marty: You're blind to it, Alia. / Alia: I thought you knew me better.
Gif Seven- Marty: I should wrap these. / Carolyn: Oh my god, Bath. / Marty: See ya.
A/N: I'll probably write drabbles for these at some point.
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‘You look pretty,’ Zeph said, snapping Alia’s attention away from her surveying of the dance floor and towards him in an instant. The Christmas Ball had been an idea of Danica’s, an attempt to eke out every celebration she could for their final year. Alia had wanted to refuse, but Freddy had pouted, Carolyn had reminded her that it was possibly their final Christmas like this together, and eventually she’d relented.
Alia had to admit, Zeph cut an impressive figure in a suit. The fitted lines of his jacket only made the comparison Freddy had made to Greek Gods seem a little more fitting than the baggier clothes he’d worn previously. The waistcoat beneath showed his slim figure, and she could appreciate why there’d been at least one gaggle of girls vying for his attention throughout the evening so far.
‘You don’t look too bad yourself,’ she noted simply.
A small smile danced at the corner of his lips. ‘Care to dance?’
Alia’s eyebrow arched ever so slightly. ‘With you?’
He chuckled softly, a sound that was almost honeyed. There was something dangerous about it that reminded her of exactly who he was, who she was. Her baser instincts yelled at her to make a pentagram, to force him to make some sort of vow that he’d do nothing. It was just a dance. A simple thing between two people that had become friends.
Alia mentally cursed. Becoming friends with a demon certainly hadn’t been one of the things she’d thought would happen at the beginning of the year. But then, neither had she expected Freddy and Carolyn to learn the truth.
‘I can drag Jed over here if you’d prefer.’
‘Oho,’ she scoffed, shaking her head ever so slightly and trying to fight the smile that was lifting her lips, ‘you’ve been spending too much time with Freddy.’
Zeph smiled, offered her out a hand with a slight incline of his head. An old fashioned gesture that she had no doubt would have had others swooning.
Alia merely straightened her back, and carefully placed her hand in his. Carolyn had convinced her to wear heels, but they were low, and she still barely came up to Zeph’s shoulder. She had expected him to clasp the hand she’d given him, but instead he guided it to gently rest over his heart; not the closest point to his shoulder that she could reach, but a gesture of goodwill of sorts. Alia tilted her head a little to look at him, rather than merely flicking her gaze in his direction. There was a line of tension in his jaw, something resembling fear in his eyes.
Gently, she slipped her other hand into his free one and tried to grip it like she’d seen people do in movies for dances.
Tentatively, he corrected her grip before placing his other hand just behind her ribs. His hand spanned her back, and she could feel the warmth of his touch even through the material of her dress. Perhaps just for tonight, she could forget about all the history already hanging between them. Perhaps they could just be teenagers, enjoying a dance together.
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