#equal opportunity asshole series
musicfeedsmysoul12 · 7 months
Alright so a lot of people wanted to see more ‘hey Imma be an equal opportunity asshole’ from me. So here: Kirishima Eijiro.
Now, I half discussed this with @anastasian-dreamer because I have a half fic idea. But anyways:
Kirishima being the kind of Quirkist who is shocked but so happy when people he judges as having worthless, weak or whatever Quirks win things. They're not as good as people like Bakugou or Todoroki oh no but hey they tried their best. (His confusion when Hagakure beats him, his bafflement when Bakugou is put on the ground by Kouda. Oh well, Bakuhou had to be going easy. He says that and the class kind of frowns at him. He doesn't notice.)
Kirishima with a slight hint of toxic masculinity you Dont notice until you talk to him. In the idea I had its A/B/I and he's an alpha who makes comments about crazy Omegas because wow they take things so seriously and are like so sensitive, should Midoriya be a hero like that? (Izuku glaring and making sure to beat him harder. Classmates drawing away. He doesn't see, he's just worried for their Omega classmate right?)
Then there's the willing blindness to Bakugou. Because Kirishima can't be wrong right? He has to be right cause he would never be friends with a bully. So everyone has gotta be like taking things to seriously with Bakugou. He's just joking around, just playing. Kirishima isn't in the wrong for being the guy’s friend. (Kaminari stops hanging around first because he's tired of being the stupid one, the person always getting insulted. He’s just done with it all. The others follow.)
Basically: I want to take Kirishima and emphasis parts of him I noticed. Him calling his own Quirk weak and not flashy- minor Quirkism. The manly talk? Hints of toxicity. Refusing to see how Bakugou is a bully? Willingly blind because he can't be wrong.
The story would have all of these things building up until Kirishima is alone in the class. He's confused and asks, only to get these facts presented to him. Maybe he shapes up and realizes what he did. Maybe he doesn't. All I know is it would be interesting to explore Kirishima as someone like this. He's the dumb Himbo we love. But exploring him as being someone who is like this is fun to.
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chryblossomjjk · 1 year
distractions | jjk
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⇢ PAIRING: fuckboy!jk x inexperienced reader
⇢ RATING: m/18+
⇢ WC: 1.1k
⇢ WARNINGS: cute couple content, they drop the 'l' word guys, n*pple piercings n sucking bc u know... fixation lmao, v suggestive but no actual sm*t, finger sucking lol, the love is requited :')
⇢ SUMMARY: jungkook agreed to let you do his makeup, but he can't stop getting distracted.
⇢ NOTES: ugh i missed them dearly!! will be putting out more drabbles soon, but i'm currently trying to focus on my other wip!! i haven't posted anything in so long so i wanted to share this with you guys! school n work is hectic i already feel swamped pls be patient with me :') i miss having time for a hobby lmao!! anyways, i hope you enjoy and let me know ur thoughts! love u <3 also apologize if there's any typos or weirdness, this wasn't beta'd!! if you haven't read practice yet, pls read before this!!
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“Kook, look up! How many times do I have to tell you?” 
Four months into the relationship and his attention span, or lack thereof, never ceased to amaze you. With a frustrated groan, you place the pointy end of your Sailor Moon brush between your teeth before gripping his chin and turning his wandering gaze back to you. 
“Bambi, I’m looking up!” He yell-laughs, doe-eyes wide and sarcastic as they bear into you, equally frustrated. You can already see the concealer you applied just a few minutes ago creasing. Dramatically, he karate chops his tattooed arm towards the ceiling, paralleling your scantily clad frame straddling him. The sudden jump has you shifting against his crotch deliciously. Now’s not the time for fooling around, though. You’re determined to put the cute brush set Jungkook randomly gifted you a few weeks back to good use, starting with giving your sweet boyfriend a full beat. “This is up! What other direction is up?”
What an asshole. 
You pop the pink plastic out of your mouth, taking an annoyed chomp out of his annoying fingers. It's playful, of course. You mean, you’ve just got done with a whitening strip, after all…
Jungkook takes the opportunity to shove his digits further past your glossy lips, reaching down just enough to feel your throat constrict, then pulling back. He stares up at you with the cheesiest fucking grin, clearly pleased with himself.
“You’re mean,” you cough, wiping the drool at the corners of your mouth with the back of your hand.
“No you,” he counters, pinching your cheek patronizingly. “I love you, though.”
One month into the lovey-dovey phase of the relationship; that one where the initial butterflies fly away and you’re left feeling like ‘wow, maybe this is a forever sort of thing,’ and you still feel lightheaded every time Jungkook murmurs those three words.
“I love you, too,” you coo, reaching down to adjust his teddy-bear headband. Jungkook’s been growing his hair out. This was his last semester and he was determined to go out with a bang. For whatever reason, he had decided that bang was a mullet. You remember how confused you were when he showed up at your dorm at 3am, drunk off Fireball and excitement, asking you to cut his hair. You thought the request was outlandish and foolish, but you did it anyway, in your bathroom with eyebrow scissors. It came out a teeny bit crooked, and a tiny bit choppy, but Jungkook loved it, staring at his reflection with a big bunny smile and starry eyes. “But baby, this-” you tap on the headboard behind him, “-is up.”
He squints his eyes in defiance before complying. Ah, you’ve trained him well. A very good boy, indeed.
You’ve spoken, or thought, too soon, because after a few swipes of the plush bristles, a high-pitched ‘Appa!’ from your phone, leaning against your Kuromi makeup bag on the nightstand beside you, draws his dark pupils back to the cartoon. 
“That’s it,” you huff like an overwhelmed mother of three, yanking the device out of his sight. “Say goodbye to Aang. You’ve lost your Avatar: The Last Airbender privileges.” 
“C’mon, seriously?” He laughs while lunging forward, attempting to wrestle the phone out of your grasp. Giggling wildly, you toss it on the pink shag rug below you, out of his reach. The movement almost sends you toppling over. Luckily, Jungkook wraps an arm around your waist to keep you steady. “Bambi, you know I’m easily distracted.”
“But you said I could do your makeup,” you pout, batting your lashes at him.
“I know, I-”
“Don’t touch!” You shriek, preventing him from rubbing his eye.
“Sorry, sorry,” he apologizes through a chuckle, holding his hands by his head in defense. “Maybe I…” You deadpan him as his eyes scan around the room before, not so subtly, landing on your chest. Cocking his head, he tuts his tongue and grips the hem of your shirt. Shamelessly, he stuffs the nearly transparent material into your mouth, exposing your bare breasts. “There, just like that,” he whispers, warm palms grazing up your torso to cup them, thumbs grazing over your little diamond heart jewelry. You gasp at the touch. “You know, I still can’t believe you actually got ‘em’.” Neither could you, honestly, but if there was one thing Jungkook has taught you, it’s that sometimes, you need to step out of your comfort zone. Take risks. Especially when it results in the cutest little nipple piercings. “So fucking sexy…”
You feel his forming bulge poking against you. God, do you want him. But even Jungkook’s dick couldn’t derail you from the mission at hand. Raising an eyebrow, you lift up the makeup brush.
The tits really seem to keep him preoccupied. With a hand on his cheek, you feel his mouth hollowing, sucking your nipple gingerly as you lean over him and fill in his thick brows. Obviously, it’s a bit hard to focus. Every now and then, you have to tug his hair to redirect his nibbles back down to soft licks. 
“Okay,” you announce, letting the shirt fall from your candy-coated lips and sitting up, “what color?”
Out of the entire thirty-pan rainbow eyeshadow palette you’re holding up for him, he lazily points to the darkest shade in the top color. His favorite color, of course; black. You should’ve known. Your lips scrunch to the side in contemplation. Jungkook would look so yummy with a smokey eye.
So you blend and blend away with blacks, whites, and grays. Shockingly, your boyfriend manages to stay still throughout the entire process. You’re proud of him, really. He’ll definitely get rewarded afterward. And you were right, the final product is absolutely delectable. 
“Baby, your eyelashes are stunning!” You swoon. “And the smokey-eye looks so so so good with your eye shape.”
“Jungkook?” You lean forward, gripping his shoulders and shaking softly. Nothing but the sound of faint snores reaches your ears. The little fuck fell asleep. No wonder why he’s been so good. You laugh in disbelief, picking your phone off the floor and snapping a few pictures to show him in the morning. Reaching into your drawer, you take out a couple makeup wipes and start cleaning him up. You loathe makeup wipes and only keep them for emergencies, but Jungkook looks so peaceful that you can’t bring yourself to wake him.
Next, you snuggle beside him with a spare blanket, unable to yank your comforter out from under his thick, muscular thighs. He stirs when you gently pull off his headband. “I love you…” he mumbles, still half asleep. It’s as if the emotion is so ingrained in his subconscious that they bubble to the surface, even when he’s sleepy and incoherent. 
And you feel the same exact way. 
“I love you, Jungkook. Goodnight.”
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© chryblossomjjk 2023 [do not copy, translate or repost]
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gretahayes · 11 months
Unpopular opinion- i would have preferred it more if rather than going "Oh he has a boyfriend now" they actually had a series where Tim actually explored his identity, like maybe finding out about being bisexual, dealing with this while dealing with what his certainly loving but still an asshole republican dad would have thought about it, and maybe couple this with him finally moving on from robin to a new vigilante name to hammer in the theme of self exploration and expression (maybe the vigilante could be the main symbolic part while bisexuality could be secondary but an equally important part) like idk i think dc missed out on a great opportunity for a genuinely good plotline (no hate to timber or Bernard though, i think they are cute but like yeah)
Anon you're so right actually, I agree 100%
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fuckmeyer · 1 year
hey bestie i'm finally here with that essay about jacob fighting for bella's humanity w/o being a love interest bc the potential that has! he's set up to be the perfect avenue for it! he's the warmth and sun that she loved from arizona; he's the community and family she could be deeply enmeshed in w/ charlie and billy; he's a childhood friend who grew up (which bella's going to lose the potential to do if she becomes a vampire! and she's going to forget that past!); he's someone who fixes up old damaged cars instead of having perfect ones, and they aren't the *same* but they're still good...he's literally thematically everything best abt being human that bella will lose, AND examples of the negatives she sees in humanity, (all the times she thinks abt how the wolves are fragile in comparison to the vampires)...and it would just be SO fascinating to see that played out w/out the romance. it would honestly be even more powerful! bc baked into smeyer's worldbuilding is that vampires prioritize their romantic partners above everything else and having jacob be the true contrast to that where he's a platonic connection that bella genuinely values equally and she has to think abt how becoming a vampire would cut her off from the potential of connections like that!!! i am thinking so many thoughts
BESTIE thank you as always for dropping the Jacob love in my inbox!
you're so right about Jacob being the perfect avenue to explore Bella's doubt about vampirism! the warmth & family & community & LOVE & acceptance & nostalgia she loves about humanity is all embodied in Jacob's character & in their relationship. she likes hand-me-downs & homemade gifts! she likes acts of service! she likes reckless stunts that remind her of her own fragility & weakness! she likes warm sodas & spaghetti dinners! she likes being reminded that she belongs somewhere! & THIS IS JACOB <3
the fact that their relationship isn't utilized to this end (or any end, really) is my biggest problem with Eclipse. Bella drops little hints in the narrative that she's nervous about becoming a vampire. there are so many opportunities— e.g. when Rose tells her story— for her to reflect on what she's giving up.
in the end, she doesn't sum up the argument in a compelling way & doesn't make her choice in a believable way.
in part because the event that kicks off her grand realization that she's not ready (AKA THE CONFLICT OF HER ENTIRE SERIES ARC) is ...graduation
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big life event as a catalyst seems to make sense. but how relevant is it to her narrative? & once it's brought up, we don't we see her digging into why she's nervous. what about saying goodbye makes her not ready? what about getting what she wants terrifies her? what does she need to sort through? what plans does she need to make? we're left to wonder what's running through Bella's mind re: the biggest decision of the series...in a first person narrative. no!!!
Jacob, who embodies all these ideals of her humanity, should be the one to push her to this realization. the climax of her internal conflict should be focused around him: losing him physically/emotionally (or both), & everything he represents. there is so much weight that her relationship with Jacob adds to her choice if she's allowed to love him and Edward unconditionally! as a romantic interest, all Jacob's doing is pushing her away.
(& that's why this whole fucking triangle makes no sense. he loves her so much he remembers her from early childhood. he loves her so much he'll sit there for months & pick up her broken pieces. he loves her so much he'll spend every moment just doing silly little hobbies together. he loves her so much he wants to fight for her humanity "until her heart stops beating" AND EVEN AFTER. but he doesn't love her enough to respect her choices or opinions? he doesn't love her enough to know that by being an asshole, he's pushing her closer to death? imo this is where we see stephie's grubby hands moving pieces. Jacob loves her more than he's in love with her.)
& so, because the "i'm not ready" realization is tied to something Bella doesn't give a shit about, the realization that she is ready is equally empty
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what makes her decide she's ready to become a vampire is GUILT & FEAR & ANGUISH. she's "ready" to become a vampire because she feels weak & useless. worse, this realization is not touched on as the event (the training sesh) unfolds. she has this realization OFF-PAGE & then shows up to Edward's proposal like "yeah i'm ready to become a vampire but first i wanna fuck :)"
& we're supposed to buy that? girl, you resolved nothing internally. you didn't show us what changed for you. you're making this decision out of fear instead of out of love. & we're supposed to believe this is what little miss "thoughtful & responsible" wants???
it's such a blatant disregard to all the growth she went through & the relationships she developed. you can't just turn Jacob in a fucking asshole & turn the choice into a non-choice & call it day. Jacob deserves better, Bella deserves better, & the readers deserve better!!
(in the name of love!)
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watermelonsloth · 7 months
Shikamaru’s Sexism Could’ve Worked
I think everyone’s aware that all throughout part 1 Shikamaru was a raging misogynist, but a lot of people ignore it. It makes sense why; it’s an immediate character ruiner and the author couldn’t even be bothered to remember it when shippuden rolled around. On one hand, it’s funny to think that the implication of Shikamaru’s sexism dissipating over the time skip (a time skip that characters only matured over) is that sexism is something only the mentally equivalent of children have and you’re supposed to mature out of it. On the other hand, I see it as yet another missed opportunity.
Addressing the idea of biases is not only an interesting topic when it’s actually discussed, but it’s also in line with the series’s theme about understanding bringing people together. Yes, it’s funny to say bigotry is the result of immaturity, but it isn’t accurate. Bigotry is the result of the belief of a group of people is fundamentally different from you that ranges from simple biases that align with common stereotypes (like women being submissive, Jewish people being greedy, etc.) to believing a group isn’t human.
I don’t think Shikamaru is quite extreme enough to view women as nonhuman, but he doesn’t just have simple biases. Keep in mind that I mean the sort of everyday biases most people have when I say “simple biases”. They’re more expectations for how someone will act based on a group they’re a part of and they’re mostly subconscious. Bigotry is an extremely harsh term for it because it’s just ignorance. A person hasn’t interacted with a group much so they base their conclusions about that group on what they’ve heard from others or seen through media. Shikamaru isn’t just presumptuous, he makes judgments and condescends women based on their sex. I’d say he’s somewhere in the lower-middle range; he isn’t outright discriminatory, but he’s an asshole coworker who says some dumb shit.
So, what would I do with him? I’d give him an arc similar to the ones Sokka from ATLA and Louis from Beastars have. The character’s beliefs are challenged by a character/through a scene(Team Avatar get captured by the kyoshi warriors and Legoshi’s character respectively), then while still in a state of worldview confusion, they interact with people from the group they’re biased against which changes their perspective(Kyoshi warriors/Suki and the Shishigumi). I don’t want anything to think that I believe it’s the responsibility of the marginalized group to educate or walk ignorant people to a place of tolerance or understanding because it’s not, but I do believe that the only way you can view people as equals is by interacting with them as equals.
I see it playing out like this:
The chunin exams stay the same with Shikamaru still beating Kin and Temari. The focus is establishing his character, his strengths and weaknesses in combat, and his dynamic with the other cast members.
Shikamaru gets a scene to show his opinion on Tsunade becoming the first female Hokage to expand on the assumptions he’s working under specifically (women only care about superficial and frivolous things, and they’re weak in combat).
During the Sasuke Retrieval arc, he gets his ass absolutely kicked by Tayuya and he’s saved by Temari, who says she arrived to help mend the relationship between Suna and Konoha. (Tayuya challenges his assumption that women are weak and Temari challenges the assumption that women are superficial.)
Over the training period/in shippuden, Shikamaru would further interact with the female cast (on screen) and have his biases challenged even more by characters like Sakura, Ino, Hinata, TenTen, Temari, and Tsunade furthering their skills and showing competency both in and out of combat.
This could culminate in something dramatic like a fight against a female villain (Konan, genderbent Hidan, or new villain) that he actually takes seriously or he could simply move past his ignorance.
I know that you can argue that all of this happened, but I’m not giving Kishimoto points for doing all of his good character writing/development off screen.
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nerdythebard · 1 year
#54: Harry Dresden [The Dresden Files]
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(Art Credit: Mika-Blackfield on deviantArt) ---
Yer a wizard, Harry!
This one is a two-parter, coming from an anonymous requestor. This time, we tackle Chicago's only practicing wizard, Harry Blackstone Copperfield Dresden (the more names the more secure the wizard). I remember reading the books in high school and beyond, since I'm a big nerd of everything that includes magic and urban fantasy, and I have to admit, it was one of the books that inspired me to start writing. Let's jump into this case then!
Next Time: Part Two: Now you're playing with portals... Lizzie
So, what does the White Council says about becoming a wizard?
Non-Squishy Wizard: While Harry uses magic (in accordance with the Laws... mostly) as his primary tool, he's not lacking when it comes to physical abilities. Perks of being a Winter Knight, I guess.
Master Blaster Caster: Harry's speciality seems to be magic related to combat magic: blasts of force, fire, wind, as well as occasional necromancy and thaumaturgy.
Temptation of the Dark Side: Let's be honest, every wizard will occasionally give in. So does Harry, who's broken some of the Laws of Magic when the situation needed him to.
Harry is a human in a world where the supernatural and the mundane mixes and blends together. We're going to make him a Variant Human. We get a +1 to two abilities of our choice (Intelligence and Constitution), ability to speak, read, and write Common and one more language of our choice, proficiency in one skill (Perception), and one feat of our choice; War Caster gives us advantage on Constitution saving throws when concentrating on a spell, ability to perform somatic components even when holding something in both hands, and whenever a creature provokes an attack of opportunity from us, we can cast a spell (casting time 1 action and targetting one creature) instead of making a weapon attack.
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Honouring Harry's profession, we'll going to give him the Investigator background. We grab proficiencies in Insight and Investigation, proficiencies with a disguise kit and thieves' tools, and the Official Inquiry feat; thanks to it, we can use a combination of improv and deflecting questions to gain access to places and people connected to our investigations.
Intelligence will obviously be our first pick, followed by Dexterity and Constitution. Harry often finds himself in sticky situations where he is either forced to run and evade, or straight-up tank the damage.
Wisdom will be next, to keep some positive modifiers for saving throws. Charisma will be on the lower end, Harry is a known blunt and brusque asshole throughout most of the series. Finally, we're dropping Strength.
There is also no surprise here; Harry is a Wizard start-to-finish. Wizards get a d6 as their Hit Dice, [6 + our Constitution modifier] initial Hit Points, no armour or tool proficiencies (we'll get that soon), proficiencies with daggers, darts, slings, quarterstaffs, and light crossbows. We're obviously gonna pick a staff and perhaps keep a few darts and daggers around. Our saving throws are Intelligence and Wisdom, and we get to pick two class skills from the list (Arcana and History).
Level 1: Wizards learn how to manage their resources with Arcane Recovery. Once per day, after a short rest, we can recover expended spell slots: a total level of spell slots must be equal to or less than half of our Wizard level, and we cannot recover spells slots of 6th-level and above (for example, if we're 4th-level Wizard, we can recover two 2nd-level slots or two 1st-level slots and one 2nd-level, etc.)
As the paragons of the arcane, Wizards starts with Spellcasting. Intelligence is our casting ability, and we know cantrips and rituals. Wizards start with a set number of spells and gain two new spells during every level-up (in addition to any spell they collect during their travels). We start with three cantrips (Fire Bolt, Minor Illusion, and Gust) and six 1st-level spells (Absorb Elements, Burning Hands, Detect Magic, Healing Elixir, Protection from Evil and Good, and Shield).
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Level 2: At this level, we pick our subclass, our Arcane Tradition. I was considering making Harry an evoker, since elemental magic seems to be his weapon of choice, or perhaps a necromancer since it's been stated to be his unusual talent... but ultimately, Harry is a Wizard who also packs a punch without the use of magic, so we need to be able to fight. Bladesinger Wizards learn enchanted swordsmanship from the elves, so it fits for our Winter Knight. Since we're Trained in War and Song, we gain proficiency with light armour (for that, let's grab a standard studded leather - if you can, ask your DM for a glamoured one, to mimic Harry's coat), one-handed melee weapon (let's grab a rapier for the Finesse property), and in Performance skill.
We also learn how to chant a Bladesong. Think of it as the Barbarian's Rage, only applied to a weapon. While the Bladesong is active (1 minute or until we're incapacitated, cancel it willingly, don medium or heavy armour, or use a two-handed weapon attack), we gain the following benefits:
Bonus to our AC equal to our Intelligence modifier
Walking speed increased by 10 feet
An advantage on Acrobatics checks
Bonus to Constitution saving throws made for maintaining concentration on spells (equal to our Intelligence modifier)
For this level's spells, we can grab Thunderwave and Unseen Servant to give us a facisimile of Bob.
Level 3: We do not get any new class features, but we do unlock 2nd-level spells. Darkvision for eliminating the weakness of our human eyes, and Misty Step for taking a shortcut through the Nevernever seem like a good choice here.
Level 4: Time for our first Ability Score Improvement. Let's raise our Intelligence by two points, and I'll surprise you by saying that this is our final Intelligence score. I know, Wizards should strive to max it out (or even go beyond), but Harry's not one of those super smart Wizards. We need to make him a magic combatant.
For this level's spells, we're gonna grab Magic Aura and Scorching Ray. We also get another cantrip (Blade Ward).
Level 5: No new class features, but we unlock 3rd-level spells. By picking Galder's Tower you can essentially create a copy of Harry's island, Demonreach. To gain an upper hand against other Wizards, let's grab Dispel Magic (or, if you're playing in a modern day setting and really want that 'magic destroys technology' vibe, pick up Haywire from the Modern Magic Unearthed Arcana).
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Level 6: We get another subclass feature: stolen from the Fighter we get Extra Attack. We can now make two strikes instead of one during a single Attack action. For this level's spells, we're gonna make ourselves even more resistant to attacks with Protection from Energy, and we'll reach into more shady territory with Summon Lesser Demons.
Level 7: We unlock 4th-level spells. For some offense we can grab Ice Storm, and to get everybody's favourite lazy dog, Mouse, we're gonna pick Mordenkainen's Faithful Hound.
Level 8: Another ASI! We'll increase of Dexterity by two points to get some better swings for our sword. For this level's spells, we will travel the border of breaking the Third Law of Magic and pick up Phantasmal Killer, and then make sure we divide and conquer our fights with Wall of Fire.
Level 9: At this level, we unlock 5th-level spells. Time for some bigger artillery to join our repertoire. Let's start by finally causing trouble for the Council and break the Fifth Law. Danse Macabre shall help us with that (it's the next best thing after an undead T. rex). Next, we can elevate our detective business by employing Scrying.
Level 10: Halfway through the build, and we finally get a subclass update! With Song of Defense, we can now spend a spell slot (while our Bladesong is active) and absorb the damage dealt to us. The maximum amount of damage we can absorb is [Spell slot's level x5]. This means that by sacrificing a 5th-level spell slot or above, we can now tank a full-power Fireball.
We also get our final cantrips here: let's pick Toll the Dead now that we have some proper damage dealing options. For this level's spells, let's consult Bob with Legend Lore, and use Dawn in case any vampires decide to be too cocky.
Level 11: We unlock 6th-level spells, and it's time to break the First Law and cast Disintegrate on our uncle. We will also mimic the Death Curse and pick Contingency. By setting up the 'my death shall release [X]' as a trigger condition, we can be sure to get the last laugh.
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Level 12: Finally another ASI. Let's bump up our Constitution to get some better Hit Points in the mid- to late-game. For this level's spells, we're gonna make some more deals by casting Summon Fiend and then finally gain the proper Soulgaze via True Seeing.
Level 13: We unlock 7th-level spells here. Let's cause even more damage with Delayed Blast Fireball and Reverse Gravity.
Level 14: We unlock our final subclass feature. With Song of Victory, we can add our Intelligence modifier to our melee attacks while our Bladesong is active.
For this level's spell we will pick Sequester and Whirlwind.
Level 15: We unlock 8th-level spells. We can utilise the energy of the storm with Control Weather and then shield our own mind from Lawbreakers with Mind Blank.
Level 16: If you manage to get this far and get this ASI, it is finally time to grab the Tough feat. Out Hit Points maximum is increased by [our level x2] and every level-up henceforth we can add +2 Hit Points. For this level's spell, we'll grab Demiplane and Maddening Darkness.
Level 17: We unlock the apex of the arcane; the 9th-level spells. Let's use Gate and Invulnerability.
Level 18: We gain a feature called Spell Mastery. We choose one 1st-level and one 2nd-level spell from our spellbook and can now cast them without spending spell slots, effectively transforming them into cantrips. Let's do that to Shield and Scorching Ray.
For this level's spells, let's grab Meteor Swarm and Prismatic Wall.
Level 19: With the final ASI of the build we will actually add to our Strength to remove the negative modifiers. For this level's spells we'll use Gate and Imprisonment.
Level 20: Our capstone is Wizard 20, which gives us the Signature Spells feature. This works in a similar manner to the previous Spell Mastery, however we get to choose two 3rd-level spells that we can cast once per a short or long rest without expending spell slots. Let's select Dispel Magic and Protection from Energy.
For our final spells, let's finally choose Wish and Weird.
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So that's Harry-but-not-the-one-you-think. Let's see what came out of this:
First of all, we're a full Wizard which in late game provides plenty of utility options for both ourselves and our allies. Additionally, with the Bladesinging subclass, we can hold our own in combat. We also have a nice bag of skills to use in our detective work. Overall, I'm actually satisfied from the resources we've created.
Our AC (when utilised absolutely everything at our disposal at once) is 24, we have a +3 to our Initiative, and the average of 178 Hit Points.
Unfortunately, we suffer a little bit in terms of abilities. We have no ability score of 20 and a relatively low Strength and more importantly Wisdom, which leaves us vulnerable.
Happy 2023, my dears. Now that my life is relatively back together (also, guess what, I've become a sworn translator of English! :D), I can return to you with some goodies. There is still a few requests and I know some of you are waiting to return to more God Builds. Let's kick off the new year with a blast!
-Nerdy out!
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harleybeaumont · 1 year
Mardi Gras Mayhem : Chapter 10 - Tariq
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Series: Mardi Gras Mayhem (click to read each one in order!)
Fandom: TRR
Pairings: none, this is a guy’s weekend
Summary: The TRR lads celebrate Maxwell’s 21st birthday in New Orleans during Mardi Gras. What could possibly go wrong?
Chapter Synopsis: Tariq stumbles into a whole new world and undergoes an unexpected transformation.
Word Count: 1,990
Rating: MA
Warning: language, sexual innuendo
This is part of a collaboration written for @choicesprompts March 2023 prompt.
Chapter 10 - Tariq
Although he was initially surprised to be invited to Maxwell’s 21st birthday party in New Orleans, Tariq was excited. He may not have much time for friends these days, what with secretly getting his degree in fashion designing, but he still enjoyed the company of his old friends. Although the clothing Maxwell chose left much to be desired. As much as it pained him, he reluctantly put on the bright purple mardi gras suit made of the most ghastly polyester blend he had ever encountered, and the t-shirt bearing the words ‘Thick thighs, Mardi Gras vibes’. 
Tariq was certain that he didn’t have ‘thick thighs’ but he knew better than to argue with an overenthusiastic Lord Beaumont. At least he could wear his best footwear and maintain some sort of fashionable appearance despite the clown suit. 
Tariq stayed toward the back of the group as they made their way down the colorful streets, his eyes wide as they took in the most over the top drunken bacchanalia he had ever witnessed. Suddenly he was bumped quite forcefully into a woman wearing a mesh crop top, causing his hand to graze her breast. He gasped in horror, “Oh, my.. I apologize, my lady!”
The woman steadied herself with a hand on his shoulder, “Whoa there!” Thinking he was about to be slapped, Tariq raised his arms defensively, but the woman only laughed. “If you wanted a feel, cutie, all you had to do was ask!”
Tariq felt his face turn scarlet as he stammered, “a.. a f-feel?”
The woman and her whole group of friends laughed at him as they walked away, and Tariq turned to Neville wide eyed. “Where are we?!”
Neville turned his nose up and dusted off his jacket which was equally as hideous and colorful as the rest of the groups. “I told you coming to this ghastly city was a bad idea. We could be having tea with the Earl of Descoti right now, but no!” Neville poked his finger into Tariq’s shoulder. “You had to be sentimental over our old ‘friendships’ and go along with this tasteless frivolity.”
“Right,” Tariq sighed. It hadn’t been truly difficult to convince Neville to accept Maxwell’s invitation once he heard that the princes would be in attendance. Neville never missed an opportunity to suck up to the royal family.
Tariq winced as he stepped over a mysterious puddle, not wanting to ruin his favorite Italian leather oxford shoes. “Well, we should at least attempt to enjoy ourselves while we’re here.. Make the most of it.”
Neville scoffed, “As difficult as that will be in the presence of low-born, common-.” He sneered at a couple who was sitting on the curb counting their beads. “-scum.”
Tariq had had enough of Neville. That pretentious asshole was bound to be punched in the face by someone on this trip and Tariq didn’t want to be associated with him. It was no secret that he wasn’t fond of Neville.. Hell, he didn’t know a soul who was.
Tariq jogged ahead a bit and caught up to Maxwell who was grinning like a kid in a candy store. “So are you enjoying your birthday so far?”
Max slung an arm around Tariq, “Hell ya, baby! This is gonna be the best night ever! And I’m so glad you decided to come with us!”
Tariq felt a warmth growing inside his chest. Maxwell was actually happy to have him there? He didn’t just invite him as an obligation? “I’m.. glad I came too,” Tariq smiled.
Just then a stampede of people charged through the middle of their group! Tariq jumped back, trying and failing to avoid the bare breasts which were more or less thrust into his face. “Oh dear.. Pardon me.. Oh my..” He was pushed out of the way and by the time the herd dispersed he found himself down the street without a familiar face in sight. “Oh no.. oh no no no..” He frantically scanned the area around him but through the hundreds of faces he saw, not one belonged to his friends. 
Don't panic. He took out his phone and dialed each of his friends.. No answer from Maxwell, Liam, Leo, Drake, Rashad, or Bertrand.. His finger hovered over Nevilles number, but Tariq shook his head and pocketed the phone instead. He’d rather be alone than with Neville.
He walked along for a bit, trying to find somewhere safe to sit for a while and wait. Surely after a while his party would notice he was gone and call him back. He heard loud cheering from a building ahead and smiled as he realized where he was- right across the street from The Golden Lantern! He had somehow made it to their rendezvous location! Sure, he was a few hours early, but at least he could sit and wait somewhere where he knew they’d find him.
The inside of the bar was just as colorful and festive as the streets of the parade. Tariq slipped into the only empty table across from a stage. There he settled in, preparing for a long, long wait. A waitress with a shimmering red dress and a tall updo made her way over to his table with a grin.
“What can I get you to drink, sugar?”
Tariq chuckled nervously. Everyone here was so forward and he didn’t know how to handle it. “I, uh.. I’m not sure.”
She sat down at his table and batted her long eyelashes at him. “Are you alone tonight?”
“Well.. my friends are supposed to meet me here later. So I’m just waiting for them.” 
She gave him a long, intense look that caused Tariq to blush and look away. “Sorry for staring,” the waitress chuckled deeply. “Your bone structure is just.. stunning.”
Tariq met her gaze with a shy smile. “It is?”
“Of course! Have you ever thought of performing?”
She looked around and called another waitress over. “Rosy! Get over here!”
Rosy flounced over in a purple sequined dress placing her hands on her hips. “What is it, Coco?”
Tariq eyed Rosy’s silver high heeled shoes in awe. He cleared his throat, “I’m sorry, but are those this season’s Manolo crystal ankle slingback pumps?”
Rosy and Coco’s jaws dropped simultaneously, and the latter spoke. “I knew this boy had something special about him! Not only is he stunningly gorgeous, but he also knows fashion!?”
Tariq had never been more confused and flattered in his life. “Well.. I am actually working on a fashion degree and I have a certain affinity for designer shoes, so-”
“You treasure!” Rosy pulled Tariq up, clasping his cheeks in her gloved hands. “We have to get you backstage! He needs to meet Mystique!” 
As he was escorted away from the safety of his table and led through a door labeled ‘employees only’, he found himself in a sea of sparkling dresses on hangers, feather boas, high heeled shoes, wigs, and vanities well stocked with various shades of makeup. He felt like he was backstage at a fashion show. It was beautiful.
“Ladies! Get out here!” Coco called out and several half dressed women emerged into the room.
“Oh dear! I’m so sorry!” Tariq covered his eyes and spun around, mortified. He had witnessed more nudity on this trip than he had ever seen in his life!
“What do we have here?” A deep voice asked curiously and Tariq lowered his hands. When he looked at the person in front of him he saw a six foot tall woman with broad shoulders, makeup, a wig cap, and a gold dress. To the left of them, a man was changing out of a button up shirt and into a rainbow halter top.
For the first time since he arrived, Tariq noticed how tall the waitresses on either side of him were. The more he looked around, the more he realized how tall everyone in the dressing room was. 
“Oh dear,” Rosy chuckled. “I think he just now figured it out!”
Tariq looked around, feeling embarrassed by his naivety. "This is a.. a..”
“A drag show, honey!” Coco laughed.
The others chuckled and Tariq couldn’t help but join them. “Oh my.. I’m sorry I didn’t realize! You’re all just so stunning and gorgeous and-” He stopped and blushed. It wasn’t like him to give compliments and speak so freely.
“Well you are a charmer. And that accent!” A lady in a blue feather crown stepped forward. 
“Mystique, we found this little cutie at a table alone. He knows his fashion and I think he would be the perfect stand in for Honey Bee tonight.”
Mystique gently took hold of Tariqs chin and tilted his head side to side before breaking into a wide sparkling grin. “I think you’re right.”
Before Tariq even realized what was happening, he found himself seated in front of a vanity mirror. The drag queens showered him with makeup and compliments alike, and he couldn’t bring himself to protest. He had never thought about dressing in drag before, but he didn’t hate it. In fact, once he saw himself in the mirror.. He liked it.
He looked gorgeous! His eyebrows were on fleek, his lips were plump, his cheekbones were higher than the Eiffel Tower, his jawline could cut glass! When Mystique placed the long auburn wig on his head and helped him into the floral mini dress, he felt like a new person! He had never felt confidence like he did in that very moment and he couldn't help but tear up.
Mystique grabbed a tissue and quickly blotted his eyes. “Don't cry honey! You’ll ruin your makeup!”
“Sorry,” Tariq sniffled. “I just..”
“It’s ok,” she smiled. “I understand. You’re divine! Now you need a stage name..”
Tariq stood just offstage with Mystique and Lulu on either side of him, preparing to go out into the spotlight.  What was he even doing? Tonight felt like a dream, but he had never felt more alive. The upbeat, pop music started and the announcer spoke into the microphone. “This one is for all the ladies out there who just wanna have fun!”
Tariq tried to calm his breathing. He only had an hour prior to get made over, practice dancing in heels, and rehearse a short routine! He didn't want to get out there and make a fool of himself! 
The announcer spoke again, “Put your hands together for Mystique, Little Lulu, and our newcomer, Miss Manolo!”
The three of them filed onto the stage and Tariq froze. There were dozens of patrons in the bar cheering and clapping for them. Mystique leaned in and whispered in his ear, “you got this girl! Work those Manolos!”
Tariq felt a thrill go through him and suddenly he was transformed from mild mannered Lord Tariq to the audacious Miss Manolo. Girls Just Wanna Have Fun blasted over the speakers and he completely owned that stage! Working his hips, he spun, shimmied, and even did a bit of twerking. This was the most fun he had ever had in his entire life. Maxwell was right- this had been the best night ever! 
Oh no.. Maxwell and the rest of his friends! He suddenly remembered they were all supposed to meet at this location very soon. He needed to get backstage and change before they saw him!
But then again..
There was no way they’d recognize him. And the other ladies had worked so hard to get him ready for the show. And damn it all, he was having FUN for once in his life! No, he wasn’t done enjoying this. He followed Mystique and Lulu as they made their way off stage and into the crowd. Tariq was surprised to find gentlemen and ladies alike thrusting dollar bills at him. They really liked him! He continued to dance and work the crowd without a care in the world.
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sweatertheman · 3 months
ive been thinking more about the stupid homestuck thing, and it occurs to me that in homestuck, SBURB's narrative kind of blows. the story setup and mechanisms are complex, but the actual series of events is uncomplicated. on a "normal" playthrough, the heroes will progress through a planet, solving puzzles, fighting monsters, and eventually entering a gateway to take them to the next planet to do it again, getting stronger until they can take on the black queen and win the day. SBURB does not have interesting characters with real history or legitimate motivations. prospitians are the "good guys" and dersites are the "bad guys" and they must fight because its the catalyst for a quest. its mechanical.
maybe i could do something with that? SBURB doesn't have an actual narrative, anything of value is produced by the players interacting with each other, or through a series of obstructions, convolutions, and general tomfuckery produced by a series of asshole acting for equally mechanical reasons in the grand scheme of things. being a part of SBURB means being a non-person, means being a cog in a machine, only being able to do what you are designed to do. Jack Noir is only meant to attack, to kill, and to be hateful. he greets people by stabbing them, he kills even when it is actively detrimental to him. when he merges with bec, he finds himself in an irreconcilable state of cognitive dissonance. he can't understand the feeling of love, because it wasn't something he was ever meant to experience. becoming a sprite is a horrifying idea, because it means forfeiting your free will, halting your development, becoming a thing.
while i think not giving sburb a more complex story than some NES game is a bit of a missed opportunity (though im glad there's one less variable in the actual comic) i dont want to lose this idea that SBURB assimilates everything into its clockwork reality to justify its video game mechanics and storyline.
man, deltatune really is the anti-homestuck, huh?
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 7 months
A Talking To
Summary: Shinsou's homeroom teacher wants to talk to him about training for heroics. It doesn't go how anyone would expect.
Note: This was an exercise for me in trying to write a character I like (Shinsou) critically. It is Shinsou Critical and uses an OC to do so. It does not go as far as some fics do, but I had a good time trying this out.
 Shinsou Hitoshi had been waiting for a few minutes when his homeroom teacher finally showed up to her office. Gas Attack, or GA-Sensei as most called her, looked at him apologetically. 
 “Sorry Shinsou, had to deal with some crap thanks to the internships coming up,” she said. The very tall and muscular woman opened her office to reveal a simple room with a desk and chairs. Gas Attack was one of the few teachers who had their own office, with most preferred the more traditional style of sharing. Hitoshi knew though that Gas Attack’s Quirk was behind her sole office. Poison Gas had her only ever breathing out deadly clouds, meaning for safety reasons she didn’t share an office so she could eat comfortably. 
 “I heard some heroes were offering internships to Gen Ed,” Hitoshi said as causally as he could. He hoped that was the reason for his meeting.
 “Second year students yeah.” Gas Attack said crushing his hope. The woman let him into her office, following after. She sat at her desk, removing her tank from her back so she didn’t have to sit uncomfortably. “Alright Shinsou. Do you know why I asked to meet with you?” 
 “No,” Hitoshi said. It had been sudden, her request, but he didn’t think it would be like that time with his teacher in middle school who wanted Hitoshi to mind control someone else. 
 “Shinsou… you’re aware you’re on wait list with the rest of your classmates correct?” Gas Attack asked. 
 Hitoshi scowled at the reminded he’d failed the entrance exam because the stupid exam was stacked against people like him. who had Quirks that didn’t work against robots. Only to stop. “Wait what?” the rest of his classmates?
 “… Shinsou, you do know class C is the class for students like yourself who applied for Gen Ed and heroics, and who got wait listed for the heroics program right?” Gas Attack asked. “I know Nezu and I both talked about it at the beginning of the year. Though I’ll admit that orientation got very long…”
 “I… no.” Hitoshi could admit he hadn’t been paying attention. To bitter. “How did Ito not get in?” He couldn’t help but ask, mentioning the girl with laser eyes.
 “Same way you didn’t. She failed the exam.” Gas Attack said. “I know you students seem to be fond of complaining about how unfair the exam is, and I’ll give you that it is biased towards flashy Quirks but we have an invisible student in 1A this year, and a student who just talks to animals. If you’re smart, cunning and skilled the exam can be passed.” 
 Hitoshi nearly flinched. His mom had posed a question to him after watching the sports festival, if he was so certain he’d failed the exam because of his Quirk being a bad match up, how did Hagakure get in. The boy hadn’t been able to answer. 
 “I suppose this actually explains a few things to…” Gas Attack muttered. 
 “What?” Hitoshi asked.
 “Shinsou, why haven’t you taken advantage of the gyms here? Why haven’t you approached me or any of your other teachers about advice for training?” Gas Attack asked. 
 “… what?” Hitoshi repeated, baffled.
 “Shinsou, it was all in your syllabus. Please tell me you didn’t just ignore it,” Gas Attack said in a very disappointed tone as Hitoshi squirmed. He’d thrown it out the first day, to angry at being denied a place in heroics. “This explains everything I wanted to ask at this meeting.” Gas Attack sighed. 
 “What was this meeting about?” Hitoshi asked. If she'd already made up her mind, something had to be going on.
 “There are three ways people can become a hero at this school. Start off in heroics, transfer in or receive specialized training to gain a recommendation for the licensing exams.” Gas Attack explain. “Also explained during orientation.”
 “You just said it was long,” Hitoshi said in embarrassment he'd missed that. “I doubt anyone else heard it.”
 “Six of your classmates approached me about gym time and training plans. Three asked about apprenticing with someone and one has already been offered special training,” Gas Attack said. “When I was asked about you I said I didn't think you were ready and so far nothing has proven me wrong.” 
 “What?!” Hitoshi jumped up. “How can you say that?! I got into the final round of the sports festival and it was just because of that monkey and perf-Quriked-”
 “Shinsou, do not use slurs in front of me!” Gas Attack said, her voice carrying. He froze, eyes widening when he realized what he'd just said in front of a teacher. Shit.
 “I… I didn't mean it. I was just angry.” he said quietly as he sat back down. He didn't mean it. It was just… easier to use those as descriptions. He didn't mean them meanly. 
 He wasn't a bad person. 
 “Don’t lie,” Gas Attack sighed. Hitoshi flinched. “I don't think you're actually anti-mutation like you just hinted but I do think you're pretty damn Quirkist Shinsou.”
“What?!” Hitoshi felt hurt by that. He wasn't Quirkist! How could his sensei say that?! He thought he had a teacher who understood him given the first day of classes she laid out who she was. Government Hero Gas Attack, part of the military and used as a last resort when death was the only remaining option. She was on a watch list because of the risk of her Quirk. He thought she understood.
 “Present Mic was muzzled for most of his childhood. He's talked about it openly yet last week I heard you talking about how he doesn't understand discrimination after he told you off for commenting on Ito’s complaints about her eyes.” Gas Attack said. Hitoshi remembered that. Ito complained about the stinging in her eyes which led to her complaining about how people reacted to her Quirk. He'd said she should shut up about Quirk issues. Then Present Mic and…
 Hitoshi had forgotten about that. That Present Mic was muzzled for a portion of his life. Because people didn't like his Quirk. 
 “You complained about Cementoss telling you off about using your Quirk on your teammates in the Calvary battle and said he doesn't understand how hard it is with your Quirk when he's been buried alive by classmates for his. All of this is public knowledge Shinsou. I know you know it.” Gas Attack said. Hitoshi remembered that to.
 Cementoss told him it wasn't heroic to brainwash people to work for him, that doing so showed a lack of teamwork. Hitoshi had been angry. What did the man know about having people refuse to work for him? It happened all the time. But… he forgot about the interview on why the man was scared of enclosed spaces. How his classmates hated him that much. 
 Yet that… that wasn't…
 “Its not the same!” Hitoshi said and it wasn't. They were treated like crap sure but it wasn't like how he'd been treated by people! They didn't understand how it was to have to face fellow students refusing to answer questions, teachers nudging people to make sure they weren't controlled or people trying to convince him to use his Quirk for their benefit! They didn't understand had it was for him.
 “What about me?” Gas Attack asked. “My parents abandoned me at age five and I bounced around the foster system which tormented me. I'm on a watch list just in case and I have to eat alone because of my Quirk. I have to routinely go in when murders happen around my place to show I didn't do it even as a hero. Do I not understand how it is with a Quirk people call villainous?” 
 “I never…” Hitoshi stopped. “I’m not Quirkist.”
 “Using a slur sure says you are and despite what you think? Perf-Quirk is a slur used against people who have traditionally attractive Quirks. Meanwhile you have no idea what goes on behind closed doors.” Gas Attack said. “I had an army friend who had a super strength Quirk. Flashy, cool. Her husband used to beat her and assault her every time he could. She killed him when he tried to hurt their son. Another friend of mine has a Quirk that let her sing perfectly. She was forced by her parents to be a teen idol where she faced sexual abuse as well as physical before she ran away to join the army.”
 “I…” it wasn't like that. Kids like Midoriya or that Bakugou asshole got everything in life while Hitoshi only ever got looks and people edging away. Sure, he'd never been physically harmed. His mom would murder anyone who did that, but he never had a comfortable childhood with lots of friends. His own dad got uncomfortable with his Quirk all the time. 
 “It's the same thing.” Gas Attack said. She learned forward in her desk. “I think you're a good kid with heroic potential. I also think you're a bit Quirkist and someone who needs to realize you can't just use your Quirk and expect results.” 
 “You think I can be a hero?” asked Hitoshi softly.
 “I do, expect you focus on that,” Gas Attack sighed. “I said a teacher asked if you were ready for specialized training. I said no due to my worries. They said I was wrong and I said I'd set up a meeting for this.” she motioned to the two of them. “I was actually hoping you'd prove me wrong, and that I could sign off on you receiving training. However Im not.” 
 “Please! I'll do anything to be a hero,” Hitoshi begged. She couldn't deny him this. He wanted to be a hero more then anything! He'd earned it! He got so far into the sports festival! Not like Ito and her stupid eyes or the dog faced… 
 Hitoshi froze, his mind realizing what he'd just done. Another Quirkist comment was made in his mind. What…
 Gas Attack couldn't be right. She couldn't be. She just couldn't. 
 “Therapy,” Gas Attack said. “We have ten therapists on staff, I arranged for a meeting with one of them.” she grabbed some paper from her desk. “Plus I want you to show me you're dedicated before I sign off on anything. So there's a training program for you. Follow it. We’ll talk more in the second semester.” she handed the papers to Hitoshi who clutched at them desperately. He wasn't Quirkist. He was a good person, better then so many others. He'd show her! He would!
 He had to. 
 Gas Attack sighed as she entered the staff room. Aizawa was waiting like a vulture for her, Present Mic and Midnight sitting with him. 
 “Who was right? I was. Kid is nowhere near ready if he's calling a mutation kid names and saying shit like perf-Quirk.” she said to Aizawa who stared at her in shock.
 “Oh shiiiiit,” Mic muttered, though he didn't seem surprised. Kid’s comments to him were probably fresh in his mind. Kid just had to whine that Ito, who could go blind, didn't know anything about hard Quirks. 
 Teenagers, thinking they're the center of the world.  
 “That can be treated while training,” Aizawa said.
 “It can be if he'd showed dedication to training himself before,” Gas Attack went to sit down with the three. “He outright admitted he hadn't paid attention or read the syllabus. Kid was unaware that C is the waitlist class or anything.” 
 “Wow.” Midnight said. “I mean I think a lot of people don't but like shouldn't he try to pay attention if he wants to get into heroics?”
 “Youd think. Honestly, I think the kid will be a good hero. He's just in the bad habit of relying on his Quirk to much and having a victim complex. And he's pretty Quirkist against people he views as having acceptable Quirks. Hopefully he grows out of it.” Gas Attack shrugged.  “I was surprised you wanted to train him given how much you claim to hate people coasting by with their Quirks.”
 “Claim?” Aizawa asked, catching her word usage. Good.
 “Yes claim. After all, that Bakugou kid in your class may work out but he certainly seems to think having a strong Quirk is all you need as a hero.” Gas Attack said. “Hell Nezu sent me his file, shows how worried he is about it.”
 “… oh fuck,” Aizawa said, covering his face.
 “Whats wrong?”
 “I read the files during the second week so I don't have biases going in. Other then medical files I mean, I know about Kaminari’s ADHD and the such. But…”
 “Oh shit.” Gas Attack said. “Wondered why the kids haven’t been in extra lessons or something. Hell I was surprised Bakugou hasn't been put in my class for a wake up call while you go around claiming a mark is on his record to scare him.”
 “… I need to read those files.” Aizawa sighed.
 “Should have first week of class,” Gas Attack said blandly, causing the man to flip her off. She grinned in reply. 
 “You gotta be more on top of this shit Shou,” Mic sighed.
 “I know, I know,” Aizawa groaned. 
 “Do you?” Midnight asked sarcastically. “Cause it's every year.” 
 “Shut up,” Aizawa sighed. “GA, want me to try and see if Shinsou would go and get special training without permission?”
 “Now? Kid would, he's a dumbass teenager,” Gas Attack snorted. “Give it a few weeks, see if he's still desperate after a couple of sessions.”
 “Think he'd learn that fast?” Aizawa asked.  
 “Eh, maybe maybe not. If he doesn't it'll be second year before I even think about speaking of extra training.” Gas Attack shrugged. “We’ll have to see. But you need to read the files and look into the kids who want to be underground. Why the hell were you looking at Shinsou for that?” 
 “… can we blame lingering concussion?”
 Shinsou does not fall for the trap and instead works his butt off. He gets the training with Aizawa who is also training Ashido, Shouji, Tokoyami and Midoriya! 
 Aizawa also does read the files and make his apologies to Izuku cause Holy shit he fucked up. Bakugou is watched closely and he fails the final exam for hitting Izuku (they were put together with Izuku’s permission). He then flunks the extra lessons for leaving the cabin to try and fight when they warned them all to stay inside. He's put into class C, and the empty spot in 1A is fought over by the ten students who were already trying. Shinsou doesn't get a spot just yet, but he does eventually much later.
-Gas Attack is an OC who was used because Japan usually has the homeroom teachers only do homeroom and because I wanted a character who has been heavily hurt by how society views their Quirk. Gas Attack is always being second guessed and only joined the military along with heroics in the words of Kaiden Alenko: ‘might as well get a paycheck for it’ because they're watching her anyways. She's been retconned slightly by me for reasons.
-One of my biggest pet peeves when reading Shinsou critical stuff is how they write him as a complete monster who'd use his Quirk on everyone for stupid reasons. He's a jerk, but hot damn are you doing exactly what you say his stans are doing which is making things up to make him seem a certain way. Sympathetic or monstrous. Either or. 
-It's hard for Shinsou to argue against him not working out so I had him mostly focus on the response of Quirkism. He's very stubborn but he does see where Gas Attack is coming from and hates it.
-I don’t think Shinsou would double down after this. Rather I think he'd be so determined to prove GA wrong he realizes she's right and tries to be a better person. 
-Aizawa isn't the center of this piece but I included him for more detail. He’s at least aware he fucked up even if it's because of his injuries. 
-I also retconned the kids actually having a mark on their record cause that’s just awful. They scare the kids with it which isn't much better but once they become better they tell the truth. 
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waitmyturtles · 2 years
Oooooooookay. EAW episode 13 definitely has me spun. Quick thoughts, and more fleshed out after tomorrow’s episode. SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS:
1) I saw on my dash a post about the fear that the writing is getting a touch trope-y, and I’ll admit, I am a little afraid of that, too. But that might be me being in denial that something bad is happening to Attorney Jung. He brings SO MUCH lift and equity to the show -- please don’t tear him down, writers.
[I did see some commentary about him maybe having a terminal illness (PLEASE NO), but I noticed he did a shot of soju* after his honeymoon reflection, so maybe not? Who knows. Please let this just be an ulcer, please. Hand over the Prevacid.]
2) I’m not seeing a redemption arc for Min-woo. Anything could constitute that parental reflection he made to Su-yeon. He clearly wanted Young-woo to overhear the news about Tae Su-mi -- he’s still on his bullshit. His idea of adulthood may very well be that you are an asshole** and you do whatever it takes to make it big/rich. 
I’m lightly betting that he wishes he could be a better person, but doesn’t know how, but that’s not a strong bet. He seems thin-skinned enough to contemplate going for Su-yeon, but is not attracted to her resistance. 
3) Speaking of trope-y, I’m a little afraid they’re setting Su-yeon up to fall for the wrong guys. She’s clearly looking around, and I don’t want the writers playing her insecurities like that. Don’t play my girl like that. Keep ya head up, Su-yeon. 
4) Here’s where I think the writing remains strong and genius. I really like what they do with the naming conventions with people who clearly don’t respect Young-woo -- like the gigolo bastard in ep. 10, and now with Jun-ho’s sister. The sister even goes so far as to call out Jun-ho for calling Young-woo “attorney,” and the sister uses “Young-woo” as her naming convention.
First off -- I don’t think Young-woo and Jun-ho break up. Like the resignation at the start of the series, I think this is a moment of contemplation for them both. I place my bet.
Secondly -- the volume of his voice faded down as the shot turned away from him, but I noticed the strong tone in Jun-ho’s voice as the camera panned to Young-woo. Guy was pissed.
What I like about Jun-ho as a character is that he’s not understanding why anyone would NOT respect Young-woo. For him, it’s a fundamental understanding. She’s a badass. She’s cute AF. 
HOWEVER. However. I think by now -- and maybe we’ll see it tomorrow, maybe -- I think I need to see Jun-ho reflect on the reality of how many people in society DO see Young-woo. I think he needs to reflect on that to himself and to her. If he insists that they’re dating, then date, because in dating, you talk, and this is something they’ll need to talk about. Seems like she’ll bring it up tomorrow, but he’s gotta show some balanced understanding, to her and to HIMSELF, that he’s aware of what happens in society. Because -- SHE’S AWARE. It’s going to affect her decision-making. He can’t be in denial to his sister or himself of what the disability biases are that Young-woo faces. Let’s see if we get that into words.
(I wonder if I’m pushing a Western culturally incompetent preference there, though. I wonder if I’m asking too much from the show.)
Okay, more tomorrow. 
NOTES! Feel free to skip:
*They’re drinking Jeju soju! It’s sooooooo goooood, y’all. If you can find it, get it! I love those blue bottles. Also, this video from a few years back totally makes me want to visit Jeju and gain 10 pounds.
**Family member of mine once told me, when they first joined a law firm at the start of their career, that the lecture for first-year associates was that in order to become a successful lawyer, you had to be an “equal-opportunity asshole.” Don’t be an asshole to some -- be an asshole to all. Said family member quit that firm. The Tumblr fam may be right, we may very well see an exit of our faves from Hanbada.
*** Geu-rami! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 
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The thing is, Derision wouldn't even do anything to affect our perception of Chloé as a character. Sabotage Marinette's efforts to ask Kim out? Sure, that sounds exactly like something she would have done pre-series. And we already know that much of her issues with confidence were because of Chloé's bullying before she finally stood up against her. All it would do is make us salty toward Astruc (and the other writers to an uncertain degree) for why he would bring this point up in season 5.
Of course, would Chloé have even realized what she was doing? Beyond tormenting Mari, I mean. She didn't even realize that Marinette had a crush on Adrien until season 3, by which point literally everyone else except for Adrien himself knew. She might not have even noticed that Mari had a crush on Kim, and it might not have even occurred to her that she was trying to ask him out at that time.
Yeah like. Chloé doesn't actually seem to target Marinette in specific. She's kinda equal-opportunity bitchiness. Only reason we see her target Mari as much in Canon is 1.) Mari is the main character so we see things that happen to her all the time but won't see every instance of Chloé being rude to like Nino or someone unless its for the Akuma of the Day. and 2.)Mari does have that confidence boost so she will fight back which causes escalated retaliation.
And yeah even then. It is on brand for pre-series Chloé. Or even early-series. Learning this doesn't really change how we see her.
But /knowing/ the behind the scenes stuff and knowing the show's criticisms? It does feel like TA going 'Oh you're criticising Mari for not being able to ask Adrien out after 5 seasons? Well you're criticising her for having minor trauma over a past experience so checkmate this makes total sense and you're the asshole! Also this is so totally Chloé's fault because clearly this fictional 14 year old whose actions I have total control over in the narrative is the cause of all the bad things in the show and not me!"
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logicalstansadvice · 2 years
Have yet to see anyone go after the directors, producers or writers of the show or the original Rolling Stone article. If you could point us to where that’s happening, where people aren’t targeting the actors, that would be great.//
I so wish Seb could have said, "I didn't watch the tape." I was disappointed in that, but my reality check is that he's not my friend, I don't know him, and I don't get to have expectations of him. My opinion should have no bearing on his life whatsoever, just like his opinions have no bearing on mine.
I don't think Seb should be taking all the heat here. I think people put him on a pedestal, and when he didn't meet their expectations, they targeted him. I don't think they're bothering with extensive criticism of others involved in the show (or of other actors in controversial roles) because they never had those people on pedestals.
Anon 2: It doesn't matter if Pam posed for Playboy, married Kid Rock, or whatever shut-shaming excuse you come up with, nobody deserves to be victim of revenge porn. / Actually, the main message of P&T is exactly that - that nobody deserves to be a victim of revenge porn - certainly not Pamela and not even Tommy Lee, because though an asshole, he was a victim of revenge porn/violation of privacy too. (Women suffer more consequences and ostracism socially, but men can be victims too.)
Anon 3: "The amount of women on here that don't understand consent is just damn sad. It doesn't matter if Pam posed for Playboy, married Kid Rock, or whatever shut-shaming excuse you come up with, nobody deserves to be victim of revenge porn." P&T isn't revenge porn. They followed the law. There's no legal commission that decides who deserves extra legal protection. If victims are off limits, so is the WeWorks guy, Bill Gates, Trump, and anyone else you don't like. The law is equal opportunity on this.
Anon 4: "it is hating Seb tho. I have yet to see any big tweet against lily, Seth, the producer, the director. fuck that, they all go against Sebastian so it IS hating on Seb, that's what it is 🤷🏽‍♀️" Yes, it is hating on Seb because Seb has made the fatal mistake of actually trying to get people to be thoughtful about the big picture of something that happened 25 years ago and literally did affect our entire society. No one else has tried to steer the convo away from fake breast plates and penises.
Anon 5: whatever shut-shaming excuse you come up with, nobody deserves to be victim of revenge porn. >> I never said she deserved what happened to her. I just pointed out that if she had supported the show, you'd be using the fact she doesn't care about other women against the show, and Seb especially. Haters expected T Lee to come after Seb when he wasn't happy with his portrait in the series, but as he didn't do anything, and was still seen with Seb, everyone started with Seb supports the abuser TL.
Anon 6: I wasn't bash. Anon said he didn't see P&T, and later said he didn't give a good performance as Tommy Lee. So ...
Anon 7: I think his missteps come more from naiveté and ignorance than malice///You are talking about a man that is 40 years of age and has been in this industry for 20 years. the lengths some of you go to to minimize and excuse Seb's actions is scary. That fact that you are even willing to victim blame and slut shame Pamela is very weird since Seb's fandom is like 90% women 😬 It's okay to love an actor but still recognize when they fuck up and Seb has been fucking up a lot lately.
Anon 8: thank mods for being objective (kinda) and for posting opinions on both sides even though it makes the rabid stans angry. I hate that as soon as someone says anything critical about Seb it's like "then why are you still here" or "you are a hater" Newsflash, life is never all black and white. This is a very complex issue just like Seb said himself in his post, and it's normal that people will have different views on it.
Anon 9: The irony that people got all pissed at Sebastian for basically apologizing to Pamela Anderson, yet the same people didn’t raise any issue to the fact that in almost every bit of press he’s been in about Pam and Tommy, he’s been asked about the talking penis and if he was going to ask Chris Evans to voice said penis.
Anon 10: People really just need to drop the controversy. For the most part, the support is starting to pick up for him. Many people have commented under the Buzzfeed article about how he really didn’t say or do anything wrong. And seriously, it’s Buzzfeed. I’d hardly consider that site “journalism”, one sided trash gossip is more like it.
Bottom line, Sebastian Stan doesn’t mind the hate. If he did, he’d lock down his comments and remove the tags like so many other celebs have done in the past. He’s just a dude, who made a statement, is sticking to the statement and the work he and everyone else did (amazing work, may we add) and carrying on with his life. He’s a grown ass man. Also, to note, no I don’t think there was ANY malice behind the statement and he most certainly did not do it to harm PA in anyway.
It’s unfortunate that some of these people are being so heinous because from everything that has ever been known about Seb, he’s a genuine and kind person who has personal struggles that he’s not afraid to discuss, but nonetheless, he’s still a fucking human being. But some of these “fanatics” and yes, that is exactly what they are, have deemed him a complete asshole. Yet they don’t call out anyone else in the show. Just Seb.
Lady Danger - Was it dumb of him to post? Yes. Do I think it was with ill intent? No. He seems to be oddly naïve (or just plain ignorant) about the deeper connotations of tagging Pam. That being said, this kind of behavior doesn’t happen to every actor who is in a controversial project. I’m not gonna rake him over the coals for it.
Vamp - I agree....he's a little dense at times. But that's why he needs someone to vet these things. What is baffling to me is why his team would OK the tagging?
If he wants to play in the big leagues he needs to lock his shit down. You don't want to hand other actors' teams any ammunition during campaign season.
If I wanted to play dirty in order to make my client come out ahead, I would be fanning the flames of this story.
Cosmic - Not only he tagging but the sanctimonious tone of the last part especially when Pam never consented to the series, it’s hypocritical to say the least.
Ruby Woo - oh Seb, baby...
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He meant well but he didn't think it through....obviously.
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jetaiimee · 2 days
test muse: Henric Kranz, 43 year old millionaire, 2 kids he really doesn't care about, married but unfaithful as hell, heavily inspired by norwegian tv series Exit. // plot here could be someone calling him out for being an asshole, being greedy, heartless, unfaithful, etc. could also be him out on a bender, drunk and high, and y/m sees an opportunity to take advantage of his fortune. lol idk. dm if you have any other ideas.
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"All men are created equal." Henric waved his hands in the air, as if he was preaching the line Thomas Jefferson once said. "All men are not created equal. Some have the drive to go much further, work a million times harder, thrive for success, make a life for themself. We are born and then we die. In between that, we all have to make sure we make the most of the time between that. Money makes that easier. You don't owe anybody shit. Once you realize that, life is just so much better."
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All One's Got ((Re-Write))
All One's Got ((Re-Write)) by TheOvenIsFrozen
Born into a world where not everyone is born equal, Izuku Midoriya is Quirkless. To make matters worse, he is kidnapped as a child and raised under the League of Villains. He grows up as the Quirkless Villain, a Villain with a knack for spying, info-broking, and deception.
However, when the new Youth Villain Rehabilitation Act is passed; a law that states that any villain under the age of 18 will be given that chance to be rehabilitated, Izuku is given the opportunity of a lifetime.
To Infiltrate the U.A.
((Rewrite, Original in series))
Words: 2161, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of Rehabilitating
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: M/M
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Tsukauchi Naomasa, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Iida Tenya, Todoroki Shouto, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Kurogiri, Bakugou Katsuki, Class 1-A, Kirishima Eijirou, Midoriya Inko, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Kayama Nemuri | Midnight
Relationships: Iida Tenya/Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto
Additional Tags: Villain Midoriya Izuku, Evil Midoriya Izuku, Quirkless Midoriya Izuku, Rehabilitation, this kid can fit so much angst in him, Angst, Polyamory, Rare Pairings, Brainwashing, Abuse, Canon-Typical Violence, Manipulation, Healing, Midoriya Izuku Has Issues, Midoriya Izuku Needs Therapy, Class 1-A Shenanigans, Slow Burn, Betrayal, Midoriya Izuku Vents, Found Family, Forced Family kinda i guess, By law, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko Being an Asshole
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46157227
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ao3feed-tododeku · 1 year
All One's Got ((Re-Write))
All One's Got ((Re-Write)) by TheOvenIsFrozen
Born into a world where not everyone is born equal, Izuku Midoriya is Quirkless. To make matters worse, he is kidnapped as a child and raised under the League of Villains. He grows up as the Quirkless Villain, a Villain with a knack for spying, info-broking, and deception.
However, when the new Youth Villain Rehabilitation Act is passed; a law that states that any villain under the age of 18 will be given that chance to be rehabilitated, Izuku is given the opportunity of a lifetime.
To Infiltrate the U.A.
((Rewrite, Original in series))
Words: 2161, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of Rehabilitating
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: M/M
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Tsukauchi Naomasa, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Iida Tenya, Todoroki Shouto, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Kurogiri, Bakugou Katsuki, Class 1-A, Kirishima Eijirou, Midoriya Inko, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Kayama Nemuri | Midnight
Relationships: Iida Tenya/Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto
Additional Tags: Villain Midoriya Izuku, Evil Midoriya Izuku, Quirkless Midoriya Izuku, Rehabilitation, this kid can fit so much angst in him, Angst, Polyamory, Rare Pairings, Brainwashing, Abuse, Canon-Typical Violence, Manipulation, Healing, Midoriya Izuku Has Issues, Midoriya Izuku Needs Therapy, Class 1-A Shenanigans, Slow Burn, Betrayal, Midoriya Izuku Vents, Found Family, Forced Family kinda i guess, By law, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko Being an Asshole
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46157227
0 notes
All One's Got ((Re-Write))
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/OG4m8fs
by TheOvenIsFrozen
Born into a world where not everyone is born equal, Izuku Midoriya is Quirkless. To make matters worse, he is kidnapped as a child and raised under the League of Villains. He grows up as the Quirkless Villain, a Villain with a knack for spying, info-broking, and deception.
However, when the new Youth Villain Rehabilitation Act is passed; a law that states that any villain under the age of 18 will be given that chance to be rehabilitated, Izuku is given the opportunity of a lifetime.
To Infiltrate the U.A.
((Rewrite, Original in series))
Words: 2161, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of Rehabilitating
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: M/M
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Tsukauchi Naomasa, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Iida Tenya, Todoroki Shouto, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Kurogiri (My Hero Academia), Bakugou Katsuki, Class 1-A (My Hero Academia), Kirishima Eijirou, Midoriya Inko, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Kayama Nemuri | Midnight
Relationships: Iida Tenya/Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto
Additional Tags: Villain Midoriya Izuku, Evil Midoriya Izuku, Quirkless Midoriya Izuku, Rehabilitation, this kid can fit so much angst in him, Angst, Polyamory, Rare Pairings, Brainwashing, Abuse, Canon-Typical Violence, Manipulation, Healing, Midoriya Izuku Has Issues, Midoriya Izuku Needs Therapy, Class 1-A Shenanigans (My Hero Academia), Slow Burn, Betrayal, Midoriya Izuku Vents, Found Family, Forced Family kinda i guess, By law, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko Being an Asshole
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/OG4m8fs
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