#eska x desna
hello-nichya-here · 1 year
I think the "true Watercest" would be Eska x Desna compared to Sokka x Katara.
The twins are likely to be doing it with their suspiciously close relationship and they're more in tune with each other.
"More in tune with each other" is putting it lightly. There's a reason they're one of the only things I remember from Legend Of Korra.
Also, while I obviously have no problem with people liking Katara X Sokka, I find it soooooo funny that these two grew up with the PERFECT excuse for incest, being literally each other's only option for dating, yet when faced with the choice between doing it with their sibling or doing it with an iceberg, they both said "an iceberg it is then", and that was BEFORE they knew Aang was in one of said icebergs.
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victorianbatman · 3 months
Y/n: And- Woah, who is this babe you’re with Eska?
Eska: That’s Desna, and he’s not a girl-
Y/n, leans against wall: So Desna, what do’ya like to do?
Desna: I like to read.
Y/n: Uhh.. ok. Why?
Desna: Because reading teaches me interesting things.
Y/n: Like what?
Desna: I’m glad you asked, I have many examples. Like for instance, did you know that if you electrocute someone underwater it leaves no burns marks on the body?
Y/n: Cool.. so you like uhh.. wanna take a bath? Together?
Desna: …
Desna: Can I bring an industrialised toaster?
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leeahl · 3 months
Once someone joked that Desna would be the opposite of his sister in a relationship and would be in a certain role of Bolin. I laughed, and then I remembered that such "humiliations" did not bother him and he slept in the bath while his sister slept on the bed. ok, dude, instead of arguing your wife bash your head in with ice and you walk it off like a true Chief?
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ariaroseloklover · 28 days
The sheer Lack of Desna x reader posts is actually disgusting, he deserves so much better. He doesn’t even have many joke post! so if anyone want a desna x reader please feel free to request In comments or leave a like to let me know
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auduux · 3 months
I don't care what anyone says, Eska and Bolin is better then Opal and Bolin and I will die on this hill willingly
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moriahwritez · 7 months
Jealous Eska x female reader
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Request by @gvancagamer
My bad for the longest wait…I’ve been trying to get back on more fanfics. This is for someone who wanted me to make them this. And it’ll be kinda quick so hope you still enjoy it😊💕
You and Eska were walking around in a small festival, until suddenly you bumped into a person which caught your attention right away. “Did you see him? He’s kinda cute.” (oh jeez lol) Eska rolls her eyes. “I guess,” she responded back to you. You couldn’t help but watch the guy talking to his small group of friends. Eska looks more into you pretty annoyed. “I wonder what’s his name.” You said while blushing more seeing the guy. You wanting to talk to him sooo bad, not even thinking about what else was around you. Just then, you felt a hand grab on your wrist. “y/n, this is not why we’re here today.” You realize why you did actually came. Just to spend time with your friend. The friend that you never knew she like you all this time. “Oh, I’m sorry, Eska. Didn’t mean to keep you waiting. I just wanna talk to him quickly. It’ll be fast alright.” You said, trying to make Eska not mad an to feel uncomfortable being a bit left alone. Eska sigh. “Fine, just make it quick.” After chatting with the guy, you came back to see Eska, jumping in excitement. You got the guy phone number (like whyyy! The guy not for you, Eska is the one for you😭) Eska raised her eyebrow. “Seriously?” You were happy as like this is love for first sight. (Oh pls) “Mhm! You’ll love him alright. He’s not as bad as other guys in the city.” Eska had enough dealing with your delusional thoughts thinking over this guy you JUST FREAKING MET! “You know what? I don’t really much care about who you with. Just go out with him or something.” Eska says with a huff, trying not to show her true emotions towards you. Few weeks later, you've been dating the guy and did your best to make your friend comfortable. Eska wasn’t in the mood seeing the guy every time you wanted to do a meet and greet thing. There was a specific night where you saw Eska slept at your house for now and decide to make a plan of hanging out with your ofc boyfriend whatever. So as you finally saw him standing near a boat he invited you in, you two had a great time together and was so close to be all lovely dovey together.
Until, a figure swarms towards you two. “Who’s that?” You ask getting up from your seat slowly. The figure appears to be Eska, in her furious moment looking extremely jealous and kinda terrified with her hair flowing out from the wind. “Y/N, where we’re you?” She asks angrily. “I suggest you to get down this instant!”Eska demanded, stopping in front of your guy's boat. She held out her fist ready to whack somebody but ease down her cool. “Eska, why your so worry about me? Leave me alone, okay? I told you the other day that you didn’t had to come with me.” You tried to calm your friend down. Eska didn’t listen but pulling you closer to her instead would actually make it more easier. “She’s mine. You hear me?”Eska says directly to the guy, which the guy reacted in surprise. She pulled you more closer. “Come back home. Please.” Eska did her best to make you understand. And sadly you didn’t want to listen to her. You swung her away which led her fall into the ocean. “Sorry Eska, but let me live my life for once.” You got back on what you and your date was doing. Eska got right back up seeing you two kissed eventually. She glares at you, feeling quite hurt. “Yeah right. Live your life and make your mistakes…you won’t really learn until you get hurt.” Eska says to herself as she ignores you, leaving you behind the rest of the night. And you turn back to see if Eska was there. She disappeared. You tried your best to get her out of her mind, but…
Was she’s just trying to help you out??
(Alright this is what I could do for tonight. Hope you enjoyed it.
Anyhow make sure to follow for more fanfics.
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maycat-19-142 · 1 year
Hello. Can I request an order for The Legend of Korra? These twins reminded me of one similar emotionless person – Winsday. And I thought, what about the reaction of Desna, Esky and Korra to the reader, by all standards identical to the character of Winsday, from her appearance to all her oddities? Female reader. Thank you in advance.
Desna | eska | korra with a girlfriend similar to Wednesday addams
A/n: I'm going to assume that you mean Wednesday addams from the Wednesday show on Netflix but if this is wrong I will fix it
⚠️: the pet name 'hun' just once in eska part other than that just fluff
Avatar korra
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She likes you odd personality
Bolin makes the comparison that you are quite and korra is loud
Opposites right?
She loves and I mean LOVES to play with you hair
Often she will help you braid your hair
He favorite pass time is watching you write
Over the years you have become closer and she is the only one that sees you soft side
Over all 9/10 with korra
Prince desna
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Ok this one is perfect
You both are quite and murderus
Eska love that fact you both have dark vibes
Desna is happy you and his sister get along
Like korra he enjoys doing your hair
His father is a little creeped out but he doesn't care
You help him Train
Senses you are close to the dead and spirits you bond over the spirit beading
Over all 10/10 with the ice prince
Princess eska
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This girl
I LOVE her
She liles to play with you hair less than her brother
She is obsessed with buying you new black robes
You like 'hun you don't have to do this'
'Yes I do you deserve the world' she said
She is a bit controlling so make note of that
She is a bit jealous of her brother when you close
But she is a sweetheart honesty
She will want to get married and the promised necklace is definitely a skull because you both love that
11/10 with Ms eska
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If this is wrong tell me and I'll redo it. Have a good day and night 🌙
Pixie out 🧚‍♀️
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o7k5a8m9i · 21 days
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Do y'all wanna read my Boleska Modern AU!✨?
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floatyflowers · 3 months
Dark Platonic Father! Zuko x Non-bender Reader
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Unlike your older half sister, Izumi, you were born a non-bender.
At first, Zuko thought you were a late bloomer in fire bending just like him when he was young but it turned out that you actually can't bend.
Zuko is actually happy about it, because his overprotective and possessive attitude will be seen as valid.
Your mother died when you were a baby, so Zuko always tried to fill up that role.
When the firelord is not around, his guards and spies watch over you in case anything happens.
Your time and attention has to be always on him whenever he is around you.
If it is on anyone other than family, Zuko will make sure that this person who 'stole' your attention suffers.
Fun fact, his friends have never met you, they only heard about you from your father.
As you grow into a young teen, Zuko makes sure that you are dressed in proper clothes, and no make up is allowed.
One time, a rumor spread through the palace that you aren't the firelord's biological daughter.
Zuko made sure that such a rumor doesn't ever spread again by using his firebending in torturing.
If someone approaches him for your hand in marriage they will face trials of hard tasks.
Those tasks usually result in that person's death.
Zuko thought he could protect you from everything.
At the age of nineteen, your chambers burned down, and your body was completely deformed.
However, you two met again when you were helping Avatar Korra.
"(Y/n)...you are alive"
Turns out, you wanted freedom from your father's clutches, and decided to fake your death.
You ended up getting married to Unalaq and had twins with him, Desna and Eska.
"The firelord is our creepy grandfather that mother spoke about?"
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orangepanic · 2 months
Koh the face stealer/Ming-Hua
YES great ships!!
Koh the face stealer/Ming-Hua
Squick / Just nope / A trainwreck you can’t look away from / Mehh but they are bloody everywhere / Not interested but no negative feelings / I need to see how I could make it work / BroTP / Cute / I love them / They rented a room in my mind and are here to stay
Maybe a woman with no arms is the only one who can understand a spirit with no face? That's so dark, I love it.
Squick / Just nope / A trainwreck you can’t look away from / Mehh but they are bloody everywhere / Not interested but no negative feelings / I need to see how I could make it work / BroTP / Cute / I love them / They rented a room in my mind and are here to stay
Anarchist meets dictator... I admit, I'm not seeing how they don't murder each other in their sleep. But there's a glimmer in there about a pre-canon guard x prisoner AU where maybe they both aren't so set in their ways but instead are looking to reform a system they know is broken. That could be angsty AF.
Squick / Just nope / A trainwreck you can’t look away from / Mehh but they are bloody everywhere / Not interested but no negative feelings / I need to see how I could make it work / BroTP / Cute / I love them / They rented a room in my mind and are here to stay
This is somehow both "absolutely not" and "tell me more!" I think there's a big part of Mako that wants a strong woman who will tell him what to do. Korra and Asami both have some of those qualities. But Eska goes way too far, and I think he'd balk at someone who was full-on controlling. Eska, for her part, won't suffer someone who isn't a doormat. I think they'd explode. But I'd watch it happen.
Squick / Just nope / A trainwreck you can’t look away from / Mehh but they are bloody everywhere / Not interested but no negative feelings / I need to see how I could make it work / BroTP / Cute / I love them / They rented a room in my mind and are here to stay
So I have to split this up. Wei and Desna, no. I headcanon Desna as ace and I think Wei would want lots of sex. Wing and Eska, however, OMG. Yes. Love them. If you could bottle ambition it would be this couple. Wing is just pliable enough that he'd meet Eska's standards and Eska would understand Wing's desire to be more than just part of a pair in a large family.
Squick / Just nope / A trainwreck you can’t look away from / Mehh but they are bloody everywhere / Not interested but no negative feelings / I need to see how I could make it work / BroTP / Cute / I love them / They rented a room in my mind and are here to stay
So. Interesting. Yes, please. Unlike Zaheer, I don't think P'Li was as much of a true believer in the whole anarchy thing so much as someone who wanted to blow up a system that treated her like shit. I think Kuvira could get behind that.
Squick / Just nope / A trainwreck you can’t look away from / Mehh but they are bloody everywhere / Not interested but no negative feelings / I need to see how I could make it work / BroTP / Cute / I love them / They rented a room in my mind and are here to stay
This is what I call a very hot disaster. I love them. It's great. So much sex. Also, at some point Mako and Kuvira are going to tear each other's throats out.
Crackship ranking
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unfriedough · 1 year
Not a fic request but I was wondering what your opinion is on Eska and Desna? I personally would die for both of them.
I at first was really into Eska but there was a lack of Eska x readers so I read Desna x readers instead (p sure I read 80% of all Desna x readers available online) and fell in love with him.
My love for them is so strong I refuse to believe their laughs in the show are their real laughs…
and idk why but I feel like Desna’s hugs are super warm and when he does he completely wraps you up and hold you super tight okay bye-
Tbh I high key forgot they existed 😭 half the show I couldn’t tell the difference between them and I haven’t watched TLOK in way too long idek what their purpose was 🧍‍♀️ I FEEL SO BAD IM SORRY 😣 but uh yeah I mean they were pretty interesting characters all in all but I never really cared for them all that much 😢
(Sorry this took too long to answer, Idk anything about them so I was scared to reply 😭)
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Any Eska x Desna headcannons?
Sorry, this ain't my shipcest blog AND my only headcanon when it comes to Korra was "And this was all just some weird hallucination someone had after drinking cactus juice"
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avatarcest · 3 years
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Sure, he does. Totally legit.
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nanaminsonyfans · 3 years
I’m Here
Masterlist  ✨ Request Rules
anon;  A Desna imagine where he comes to her because he can't stop thinking about how Unalaq was gonna let him die and our baby needs some love, please! Honestly give this boy a hug and some snuggles in the tub he sleeps in he needs it.
a/n; my heart 🥺 yesyes my baby needs his love 🥺🥺🥺, it’s not my best work i suppose, but i tried.
Pairing; Desna x nb! Reader
Warnings!! Emotional trauma, depressing themes, sad boy hours, hurt/comfort
gif is not mine
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He was distressed from the entire ordeal. You could tell, he was your boyfriend, you knew him inside and out, it was simple. Desna was hurt by what his late father did to him. You where mad and hurt too. How could a father leave his own flesh and blood to die like that? It was horrible. It hurt you to see him hurting so much.
Now, here you sat, in the bathroom washing his hair in the bath, a relaxed yet stress ridden facial expression. Even though it happened a month ago, he always thought about what happened, yet he wouldn’t talk about it. Did he not trust you? The thought hurt your heart, to think that he didn’t want to share his feeling because of that.
His deep voice brought you back to reality. 
“What?” You ask softly, your voice was soft and confused.
“Did you hear what I said..?”
“How was your day?” Desna asked softly, his thumb caressing the top of your hand.
“It was...okay. Lonely with out you. I fear you’re working to much since your father-” You stopped yourself, already noticing the hurt expression on his face. “Sorry...” You whisper and move to rinse his hair, covering his eyes,
He leaned into your touch, already being soothed. “Are you ready?” Desna nodded slowly and got up, being shorter than him you got on your tippy toes, wrapping the towel around him before sitting on the bed.
Once Desna got dressed, he sat between your legs, sitting on the floor and his head using your thighs as a cushion. You began to hum as your brushed through his long black hair, enjoying the silky touch between your fingers.
“You know, you can talk to me, Des. I love you okay? I know you’re-”
“You don’t know anything.” His voice was harsh and almost cruel. You pulled your hands back. 
“You don’t know what it was like. He left me there to die, Y/n!” Desna stood up, his voice cracking a little as he spoke, your heart broke at the sight. He was hurting so much. 
Your arms were immediately wrapped around his body as he fell to the ground. His head was nuzzles into the nape of your shoulder as he sobbed. 
“Desna, it’s okay....I’m here...”
You rubbed his back, cooing soft words to him. His body shook as he sobbed. “Why didn’t he love me? Did he not care about me? Did he hate me? I thought I was a good son, Y/n. I did everything he asked!”
Desna sobbed as he held onto you, your shirt now wet from his tears. 
“Your father was a dick, he didn’t care about anything but power, but I care about you okay? I love you, I always have and will.” You said soothingly and grabbed his hand, kissing it softly. You lips seemed to sooth him. 
“I’m here. I’ll always be here. Forever. Now let’s go to bed...”
You pulled him into bed, he curled up in the covers as he pulled you close. He felt better with your head against his chest. His breathing slowed as he calmed down, arms wrapped securely around your waist. 
“Thank you...my love.” He whispered before kissing your head.
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maycat-19-142 · 2 years
Desna relationship headcannons
⚠️: Legend of korra spoilers mentioned of burns and fight
Gif not mine I can't find the original poster but if you are the original poster let me know to i can credit you
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So he is SO underrated it is scary
He is a stand offish guy
We all know that
I see yall meeting at the festival of light in season 2
You are a earth bender on team avatar
Mako and bolin are basically you brothers
He had his eye on you sense he saw you with his cousin
You are talking to korra about avatar thing you know
And bolin goes up to eska and asked her out
Desna walk over to see his sister talking to bolin
He looks over and sees you mentle bending you wrist band
He walk you and asked may I court you
I'm not joking
You asked him to repeat
And after he said it again you expected
You went around the fair talking and getting to know one another
He was much more sweet than he seemed
It was fun
He dropped you for at you hut and he asked for permission to kiss you
[note to mostly men: it is hot to asked to kiss someone]
You saw his the next morning at breakfast and you talk and hung out after
Your relationship was amazing but not much for bolin
Both of you were sad that you had to separate
You were planning on going with him but the thing with varrik came up amd you had to go tje republic city
Not a mouth later you are back and you see him and his twin how's heart was broken by bolin
You and him were inseparable the entire time but yet again he had to go home
You saw him for a third time after you went with korra to the southern water tribe and you found him in a healing hut
He was in and out of consciousness
He was asking for you
You had helped him recover in around a week
In the final battle he was very about trusting his father
But in the end business had naga knock them out
After you got to see him and he is wanting forgiveness
You just kissed him to shut up
He asked you to marry him after a few months of going back and forth between republic city and the north pole
Betrothal necklace 👇
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Made by me
The wedding was big
You combine earth and water wedding traditions
You left to fight with korra against amom and he wanted to go with you but you convinced him to stay
You had returned with a few burns
He was so worried when he saw the burns on you arms
He is just a great guy that I love
I was bored when I did this and I love korras story. Have a good day and night.
Pixie out 🧚‍♀️
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cartoonscreens · 3 years
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Eska & Bolin
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