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Peter: We aren't in danger. Stiles will be back in a moment, he will have a plan. Chris: Why don't you stand up for yourself? Make your own plans. Peter: Oh I am. But rescuing me makes him so happy.
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handsofred · 5 months
So....I saw a couple of posts about Stiles and his emergency contact and this popped up in to my mind...It's not finished, I'm planning on adding more to it and then posting it on AO3, but just wanted to see what you guys thought of it so far.
Stiles was...well... He was fucked! And it wasn't even his fault this time okay, it seriously wasn't. So the fact that he was currently laid up in an emergency side room, holding a bloody towel to his temple wasn't something anyone could tell him otherwise. Because it was not his fault. The fact that his other arm was cradled against his chest as well and possibly broken also wasn't his fault. None of this was and yet he was the one sitting there, injured and hurting while the other guy was currently fighting with the nurses down the hall, each yell and squeak of footwear against the floor driving another nail in to his head. Of course that guy was drunk, driving a stupid car which crashed in to Stiles' jeep and made him veer off to the side, hitting another car as he went while drunk guy continued to drive on, hitting others too. But it was also the fact that the side he was pushed towards just happened to slope downwards...just enough to send the jeep rolling once or twice and land upside down. He was fucked, but he was alive.
Sitting back against the bed, he let his eyes close against the bright lights of the room, just hoping that someone would turn up soon and pick him up or just keep him company. ''Uh...Mi...Mr. Stilinski?'' The nervous tone of the nurse had him opening his eyes and turning towards the young nurse who was stood in the doorway. ''That's me...Stiles actually.'' He told her, offering what he hoped was a kind smile, but it felt more of a grimace as another loud noise sent pain running through his head again. ''Stiles...of course.'' She smiled before slipping inside and closing the door behind her, helping to cut some of that noise down. ''The doctor will be with you soon to stitch up your wound, I'm sorry about the wait.''
''Not your fault, there's others who are more hurt than me out there.'' He replied with a light shrug, he knew how the emergency room can be on a Friday night, Melissa had told him and Scott enough horror stories growing up.
It seemed to make the nurse brighten a little as she nodded and came over to the end of the bed, flipping the chart she had in her hands a couple of times. ''We tried the number that you gave us for your emergency contact, but there was no answer. I promise you that we tried a couple of times but each time it just rings out.'' She told him with an apologetic look. ''I know that you said that your father was out of town currently, but do you have anyone else that we could call to come for you?''
Sighing, he shook his head a little, knowing that the chances of Scott actually picking up the phone was something he couldn't rely on half the time, it reminded him that he really needed to update his contacts as he thought through who he could call.
Dad was out of town in a conference, that was a hard no. Melissa was currently on her own floor and too busy to deal with him, another hard no. Scott...well, Scott was just not picking up.
Derek was in town, but was dealing with his own things, he knew that if he called the Alpha, that there was a slight chance he would come, but he didn't want to disturb him, not when Cora had recently come back to town again and they were finally making up for lost years.
''Mr.... Stiles?'' The nurse spoke softly. ''Is there anyone I can contact for you?''
''I think....for the moment...I just need to think about it.'' Stiles admitted quietly, feeling small on the bed as she offered him a smile and nodded.
''Okay, just let me know when you're ready.'' She told him warmly before glancing at the clock. ''The doctor should be in soon to stitch you up, but we should be able to get you down to X-Ray and back before then to check that arm out for you.''
''Thank you.''
The words were soft spoken and accepted as she headed back out the room to grab a wheelchair for him. Pulling his phone out in the meantime, Stiles opened up the group chat for the pack and just stared down at the chat box before he sighed.
Lil'Red: So...funny story, currently in the emergency room of our lovely town. NOT my FAULT at all this time, drunk driver hit me and some others...but I need someone to come and get me, jeep is a total wreck and Scott isn't picking up as my emergency contact. Possible concussion, possible broken arm and I'm needing stitches, so...yeah...any help would be good.
ZombieWolf is typing.....
SilverFox is typing.....
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omgtheywereawooomates · 2 months
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Chris: Stiles? What the fu-?
Stiles: The dildo of consequences rarely comes lubed.
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beaconfeels · 2 months
Fic authors self rec!
When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Spread the self-love ❤ I was tagged by the luminous, lovely @lucky-bishop
Anniversary (Sterek. Rated M. 15,620 words) The title of this one ended up being misleading, because I originally just posted it as the first chapter and thought it was complete, but then I kept getting ideas and now it's a 15k completed fic that is going to get a sequel eventually. Features love letters, Derek getting to heal, and the lads being romantic AF.
Can't Fight This Feeling (Steter. Rated M. 23,812 words) This is my most popular fic on AO3 by kudos, so it's nice to know me and my audience agree on something for once :D This one has oblivious Stiles taken to a whole new level, and them falling softly and sweetly into friendship and love.
Frenemies with Benefits (Steter. Rated E. 11,629 words) This fic is pretty niche, so it's not my most popular one with readers, but this is a list for MY fave fics, so she makes the cut. Stiles is a fat, cis female in this one. See what I mean about niche? She and Peter are both bi and they have lots of good sex because I just felt like getting to see a fat woman get the dude and have a hot sex life, mmmk?
I Can't Heal you (But I'll Hold You) (Sterek. Rated M. 23,327 words) I finished this one back in 2015, but I still have fond hopes of continuing this as a series and making it a full crossover with Supernatural someday. It stands well on it's own though. Stiles is deeply traumatized after the nogitsune. Derek takes him on a roadtrip to help him heal. The beginnings of Magical!Stiles, the boys falling deeply in love, emotional hurt/comfort up the wazoo. What more could you ask for?
Live, Laugh, Read Smutty Gay Books (Stargent. Rated E. 12,209 Words) I love smutty queer romance, and Chris and Stiles being stupidly in love and pining unnecessarily for each other. Also, this was inspired by vids of JR reading things out loud for fans. Chris reading smutty books out loud would definitely kill both Stiles and all of us. Anyway, in my humble opinion this one's great fun.
I feel like I've seen most of the writers I know get tagged in this already. If you haven't and you see this, please do say I tagged you and share your fics! I'd love to see what people's personal faves are.
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wild-woofs-press · 10 months
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For Stargent Week 2023 (cc: @stargent-week)
Fic: These Woods are Lovely, Dark and Deep by calrissian18 (cc: @wellhalesbells) Words: 25,146
fonts title: The National author name: Blackstone Script body: Alegreya
bookcloth • endpapers
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takaraphoenix · 1 month
Oh I am so damn happy to have unlocked the perfect petname from Chris for Stiles.
I think Chris would call Stiles doll.
It's one of my favorite pet names in general, but it is such a specific vibe - not everyone has that vibe that they'd call their partner doll or fits the doll vibe.
But Chris and Stiles? A match made in heaven.
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lgraewrites · 23 days
Trying to get back into writing more one shots. Requests are open for my Howl at the Moon collection. Feel free to submit a request/prompt, and I'll do my best to fulfill it.
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stargent-week · 1 year
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Prompts • FAQ • AO3 Collection
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tw-anchor-down · 2 days
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2024 Waning Crescent Round prompts have arrived!
Fall is here, and another round of TW Anchor Down is coming soon (aka less than a week from now!). This year's Waning Crescent Round prompts have now been posted up. You can view each one via the prompt card below:
>> (Oct. 1 - Dec. 31): 2024 Waning Crescent Prompt Card Prompts are available as a text only version for easy accessibility and for downloading if you’d like to plan ahead. You can also check out the ongoing TWAD Spotify playlist to listen to the song prompts. A reminder that creators can choose 1 prompt, a few, all of the prompts, or none of them from each prompt card. For more challenge info, please refer to the guidelines and FAQ. If you’re looking for other Teen Wolf or multi-fandom challenges to combine with TWAD prompts, feel free to check out the events directory. Creations for the Waning Crescent Round can be posted to TW Anchor Down’s open AO3 collection starting October 1st, when the new round officially starts. If you're still working on stuff for the Full Moon Round or any previous prompts, that's cool too. Keep going! You can post those works up at any time. Looking forward to seeing what people make for the rest for this year! Don’t forget to follow @tw-anchor-down and the tags #twanchordown2024 and #twadwaningcrescent24 or join the Discord to get the latest deets!
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softranswolves · 10 months
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For @stargent-week because they're just so pretty together 🥺
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Rp Partner search
This is in no way me getting rid of my rp partners I have currently. I adore them and am keeping them. Just looking to branch out more and make new friends 🖤
Searching for partners in the TW fandom. I play Stiles so looking for the following ships:
Petopher (I want to play Peter in this ship. I never have before but I think it would be A LOT of fun!)
I am looking for a literate 21+ rp partner. Has to be ok rping nsfw, angst, and hurt. I am open to canon as well as AUs. I am open to discussing things and creating a friendship where we can fangirl and squeal and cry over our babies. Where we can send pictures for ideas or even just cause we like them.
If you’re interested please send me a DM and we can talk!
I am easiest to reach on discord. That’s where I like to rp as well. I like to set up servers for each rp partner so we can have our own space.
Discord: the.Cheshire.collective
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Peter, after his almost fight with Stiles: Okay, am I the psycho or the piece of shit? Chris: Both! Peter: Yeah, that checks.
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lucky-bishop · 3 months
I like Chris and Stiles fucking. Is there something wrong with me?
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omgtheywereawooomates · 2 months
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beaconfeels · 23 days
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Happy, happy birthday to my darling @derpylittlenico I wrote a lil Stargent just for you. Love you lots! ❤️
It’s Friday night, and Chris is holding down his favorite barstool at Mick’s. The music isn’t too loud, the pool table is well-maintained, and the crowd is mostly affable. 
He swivels around on the stool and leans backwards against the bar to survey the crowd while he waits for his food. He spots Deputy Phillips at his own favorite table, in the corner near the jukebox. 
It’s then that he sees him. Well, truthfully he notices the ass first. The man’s back is to him, and damn, it’s a nice back too. A round, firm ass that even his loose jeans can’t hide, a trim waist, broad shoulders, and muscles that bulge just a little under the long sleeves of his Henley. The guy pushes his sleeves up as he talks, and yeah, those are nice forearms too. They don’t look like the kind of muscles someone gains from working out at the gym all the time, more the kind that comes from doing manual labor, and lots of it. 
Chestnut hair curls around the guy’s neck, and Chris imagines running his fingers through it. Hmm. Been awhile since he’s felt attracted to someone like this. Granted, the guy hasn’t even turned around yet, but it’s hard to imagine there would be anything so wrong with the front that it would put him off. 
Almost as if hearing his thoughts, the guy turns around, and Chris tracks his eyes up from that waist, up to the bit of dark hair showing through the unbuttoned Henley, up to the guy's face and—Jesus Christ. Stiles Stilinski? Chris only just manages not to smack himself in the forehead at the realization that he’s been ogling Stiles Stilinski’s backside. 
Tonight is definitely not his lucky night, because Stiles is looking right back at him. He smiles at Chris, a wide smile that he refuses to recognize as knowing. No. Stiles didn’t catch the hungry look he was giving him. Absolutely not. 
Stiles says something to Deputy Phillips, and then he’s heading across the bar towards him. Shit. Unfortunately, he doesn’t look any less attractive than he did before Chris knew who he was. He knows that Stiles had worked on a fishing boat doing tours off the Oregon coast before fighting wildfires all over the west in late summer, and all that manual labor had done that body good. 
“Hey Chris,” Stiles says.
Chris swallows. His name in Stiles’s mouth. It sounds so strange. Why does it sound so strange? Then it hits him, Stiles has never called him by his first name. It was always ‘Mr. Argent,’ or in recent years, ‘Mr. A.’ Said with a little smirk that made Christ fluctuate between wanting to wring the kid’s neck and throwing him over his shoulder to do something more fun with him. 
“Stiles,” he says, jerking his chin upwards.
Stiles grins. “Still holding down the fort huh?” 
“Yup.” Chris wishes he could speak in something other than monosyllables, but it doesn’t seem to be happening at the moment.
Stiles leans up at the bar next to him, and Chris has a hard time taking his eyes off the movement of the muscles in Stiles’s forearm as his fingers tap the bar. 
“Hey, Clint,” Stiles says as the bartender nears their end of the bar, “Can I get another beer?”
”Sure, Stiles,” Clint says. He’s young and blonde and handsome, and he winks at Stiles when he hands over the beer a few moments later. 
Stiles just grins and looks down at the counter. Still not used to attention then, although looking like that, there’s no way he hasn’t gotten plenty of it. 
“Been awhile,” Chris says. “How have you been?” There. That’s normal conversation, right? This is Allison’s friend, and he’s Allison’s dad. This is the sort of thing your friend’s dads ask you. Granted, none of Allison’s other friends have been sending him memes all summer, and making him laugh with increasingly ridiculous texts.
“I’ve been good,” Stiles says, grinning over at him, “And it’s good to be back, to see…everyone.” 
The energy crackling between them isn’t the same energy he normally feels around Allison’s other friends either. His mouth feels dry, and he licks his lips and goddamn nearly blushes when Stiles’s eyes track the movement. Fuck. “Good,” he croaks out. “That’s, uh. Good.” 
Stiles is full out smiling now, his eyes sparkling with mischief. 
Chris stares across the bar and tries to remember how not to be attracted to Stiles. He was just some kid at one point. Some defiant, brilliant kid always winding up places he shouldn’t be.
“You good to drive?” Stiles asks.
Chris nods, confused.
“You got your bike?”
Chris nods again. 
Stiles puts his beer down on the bar decisively. “Take me for a ride,” he says. 
His brain shorts out a little at that. He happens to keep an extra helmet on his bike because he’s not immune to pretty people asking him for a ride, but this feels different. 
He feels like he should be protesting, but he lets himself be dragged out of the bar, and over to where his motorcycle is lined up with a bunch of others along the curb.
Stiles runs his hand over her appreciatively. “Just as sexy as I remembered,” he says. “Extra helmet, huh? You do this a lot?”
“Not a lot,” Chris protests, shuffling his feet. 
Stiles laughs. “Whatever you say, man. I’m not mad about it. My dad would be pissed if I got on a motorcycle without a helmet, so it all works out.” 
Chris just shakes his head, still feeling like he’s about to do something incredibly unsafe, helmets or no. That wicked grin on Stiles’s face as he pulls on the helmet only confirms it. 
The rumble of the bike is soothing in its familiarity, as is the winding road up through the trees at the edge of town. Stiles’s arms are tight around his waist, and he lets himself sink into it a little. 
He doesn’t know he’s taking Stiles to one of his favorite places until he arrives at the overlook. Stars wink into focus as he shuts off the bike and takes off his helmet, the lights of the town down in the valley spread out below them. He gets a little mesmerized by the sound of the wind in the pines until a disgruntled grunt wakes him out of his reverie. 
“Can’t. Get. it. Off,” Stiles says, wiggling hard enough that he threatens to overturn the bike. 
Chris laughs. “Get off the bike first, baby, and I’ll help you,” he says. 
Stiles gets off the bike, and Chris follows, running his fingers under the strap to the familiar buckle and carefully lifting the helmet off Stiles’s head. 
“Did you call me baby?” Stiles asks. His cheeks are flushed and his hair is rumbled and he looks delectable. 
“Maybe,” Chris says. 
Stiles squints his eyes at him, but he heads over to the large, flat rock in the middle of the ring of rocks surrounding the pullout. 
“You’ve been up here before,” he comments, settling down on the rock beside Stiles.
“Yup. Used to come up here all the time with Scott. Derek, too, once in a while.” 
“Derek too, huh?” he can’t help but ask. “Did you two ever, uh…”
Stiles gets what he didn’t say. “Nah. Don’t get me wrong, I would have, but he was never into me like that.”
“His loss,” Chris says before he can think better of it. 
“Damn straight.” Stiles laughs, leaning into Chris a little. 
Chris puts his arm around him and pulls him in closer because that’s what he wants to do, and he’s really tired of denying himself what he wants. 
Stiles lets out a little contented hum, and leans his head on Chris’s shoulder. They don’t say anything for a long while, and he can’t help but wonder when his feelings shifted in this direction. Sure, it was Stiles’s body that first drew him in tonight, but if that had been all it was, then it would have dissipated when he knew who he was looking at. 
He thinks maybe it was that phone call in late August. It was the only time Stiles ever called him. He’d sounded worn down and a little shocky. He hadn’t wanted to go into details, but Chris gathered it was a moment gone wrong, a change in the fire that could have gone south quickly. “Just wanted to hear your voice,” Stiles had said, and Chris had wondered why me? But kept talking to him until Stiles’s voice had gone soft and slurred, and Chris had told him to hang up and get some sleep. 
Or maybe it was before Stiles had ever left. That pack BBQ when Stiles was 24 and they were picking teams for volleyball. When Stiles had said, “I want Chris,” and Erica had giggled, and Chris had found himself replaying the words in his head later that night for reasons he hadn’t been able to articulate. 
Maybe it was when Stiles turned 23, and Chris had made him a knife for his birthday. He spent hours shaping the blade and carving the handle, and researching what ruins to put where, and it had all felt worth it when Stiles flung himself into his arms and held on tight for an awkwardly long moment when Chris gave it to him. 
Maybe he’s been a little blind. 
He kisses the top of Stiles’s head and threads their fingers together. 
Stiles squeezes his hand and lets out a deep breath. “You know, I’ve wanted this for so long. I used to dream all the time about showing up back home and you finally seeing me like that, finally wanting me back. I feel like I should pinch myself, like this can’t be real.” 
The ache in his voice makes Chris’s heart hurt. “I’m sorry for making you wait so long. I was so stuck on how I thought I should see you, that I didn’t really let myself see you in any other way.” 
“That’s okay,” Stiles says, snuggling closer, “These past few years have been good. I learned a lot about myself, and I had a lot of fun, and I just kept loving you more.”
Chris stops breathing. There’s a long silence.
Then, Stiles whispers into the dark. “Oh fuck. Wasn’t supposed to say that.” 
Chris laughs, feeling lighter than he has in ages. “I think I kept loving you more too, I was just too stupid to know it.” He tips Stiles’s chin up so he can look him in the eye. “You’re so smart, baby, are you sure you want to be with a stupid old man like me?” 
“You’re not stupid,” Stiles says, already starting to giggle before he adds, “Now, the old man part-”
Chris shuts him up with a kiss right on the corner of his smiling mouth, then nuzzles against his face until Stiles kisses him again, holding Chris’s face and murmuring against his mouth and still smiling too much to turn it into a proper makeout. 
“I want to take you out on the boat I worked in Oregon,” Stiles says in between kisses to Chris’s neck. “And I want to go running with you in the mornings,” he says while caressing Chris’s face.
“We should get a dog,” Chris says, slipping a hand under Stiles’s shirt.
“Mmm, yes,” Stiles says, crawling over to straddle Chris’s lap. “You know I let my lease go on my apartment when I left,” he adds. 
“Move in with me,” Chris says, cupping Stiles’s ass. 
“Okay,” Stiles answers, running his fingers through Chris’s hair. “Let’s become regulars at Lucy’s. I wanna be one of those guys who eats breakfast out most of the time.”
“I could like that,” Chris says, although the last word comes out a little wobbly when Stiles grinds down on his lap. 
He retaliates by biting down on Stiles’s earlobe, and Stiles moans before he asks, “Do you have a fireplace at your place? Because we need to sit in front of it and read books and drink hot cocoa.” He pulls back to look Chris full in the face, gripping his cheeks between his hands, “This is a very serious fantasy of mine. I need it.” 
Chris kisses him. “Yes, I have a fireplace. And I have a faux fur rug in front of it that would be nice and soft on your hands and knees,” he says. 
“On my hands and knees?” Stiles asks, and then his eyes go big. “Christopher!” he sounds scandalized, and Chris can’t help but laugh. 
Stiles laughs too, before leaning in to kiss him again. “We’ll definitely use the rug,” he says, scraping his nails gently down Chris’s back, “and the bed, and the couch, and probably the kitchen counter.”
“So unsanitary,” Chris says, pulling Stiles’s shirt to the side to kiss his collarbone. 
“You’ll love it,” Stiles says.
“I’ll love you,” Chris counters, and Stiles’s answering smile is brighter than the full moon overhead. 
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handsofred · 5 months
Emergency Contact (Comfort)
Part of my @goodthingsdohappenbingo for the prompt Nighttime comfort.
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Can be read on AO3 here
Pairing: Stiles/Peter/Chris
Stiles was...well... He was fucked! And it wasn't even his fault this time okay, it seriously wasn't. So, the fact that he was currently laid up in an emergency side room, holding a bloody towel to his temple wasn't something anyone could tell him otherwise. 
Because it was not his fault. The fact that his other arm was cradled against his chest as well and possibly broken also wasn't his fault. None of this was and yet he was the one sitting there, injured, and hurting while the other guy was currently fighting with the nurses down the hall, each yell and squeak of footwear against the floor driving another nail in to his head.
Of course, that guy was drunk, driving a stupid car which crashed into Stiles' jeep and made him veer off to the side, hitting another car as he went while drunk guy continued to drive on, hitting others too. But it was also the fact that the side he was pushed towards just happened to slope downwards...just enough to send the jeep rolling once or twice and land upside down.
He was fucked, but he was alive.
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