#esp if you don’t like building a whole house (like me)
birdietrait · 1 year
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a little snippet of a little nursery
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hijinxinprogress · 10 months
The JL finds out Captain Marvels identity and regrets it immensely
JL find out Captain Marvels a child and they start trying to parent him and just being awkward so it’s decided that Captain Marvel will join YJ (Clark started referring to Billy only as ‘son’ and ‘young man’ one time Billy saw an airplane and Clark leaned down and went “That there, son, is called an airplane and it-” “I’ll fucking stab you istg”)
To the public Captain Marvel is just extra supervision for YJ but the hero community knows it’s a way to discretely move Captain Marvel onto a team with people his age and be ‘safer’
But it doesn’t work out the way they want bc Billy’s a chaos gremlin much like YJ so they’re just doing dumb shit in the public eye bc they technically have ‘adult supervision’ (it takes Billy fifteen minutes to convince yj to go against being supervised by green lanterns)
“We’re literally your coworkers??” “I’ve literally never seen you before besides isn’t it illegal for cops to question a minor without their guardian present? 🤨” “Technically, he’s not their coworker bc he’s not in the jl anymore” “Kon” “What? I’m just saying!” “Stfu wait does Marvel even have a guardian??” “He doesn’t”
Anita and Billy are trading magic tips and teaching each other spells they should NOT have access to esp bc they’ve blown up thirteen city blocks and 1/4 of almost every planet they’ve visited with YJ
Cassie and Billy play high stakes games of catch above the earths atmosphere with missiles and shit in their free time and also during missions
Kon and Billy do just plain dumb shit they have no business doing and then playing up the ‘I’m just a baby…and I’m not even really human/I didn’t have a childhood so how would I know that I shouldn’t do that?’ excuse after bankrupting Luthor for the third time this month along with demolishing all of his newly renovated buildings (Which he and Greta repurposed to create low income housing and food pantries)
Cissie invites Marvel to all her Olympic events and he shows up to every single one with an obnoxiously large magical banner
Bart and Billy plan quips, one liners, and trash talk together and everyone hates it bc they only use the good ones on them but villains (along with everyone in their immediate vicinity) are subjected exclusively to shit like “nuh uh” and “make me”
Greta and Billy are taking down shady government operations with zero fucks to give (they had houses built for the people affected but they did also send a very long list of people to the hospital/morgue)
Billy makes Tim a magic skateboard that flies at like Mach 1 with so many magic cameras it’s concerning bc he thinks Tim being unhinged is funny especially it inconveniences or at least stresses out batman
But they’re mostly talking about what lies they’ve told the jl recently so they can plan their lies around each other “I lied to batman yesterday so you gotta back me up” and Tim’s fabricating evidence despite having no other information bc Billy will 100% “Aren’t you a so called ‘ethical’ billionaire? Nonono it’s whatever, I just thought you’d want to look out for the people but-”
And JL tries to lecture Billy about it ‘you should be more mature. I expected better’ and he’s just like ‘why?? I’m baby 🥺 I don’t know any better’ 
And Green Arrow’s so goddamn confused bc ‘Bro?? I’ve watched you do negotiations when Superman’s not available…’ ‘I’m just a little guy’ ‘I’VE WATCHED YOU STOP A WHOLE ASS INVASION IN TEN MINUTES’ ‘little baby man’ ‘But you’re one of the strongest members of the league???’ ‘You do know I couldn’t tie my own shoes like six years ago, right?’ ‘HOW OLD ARE YOU’ ‘Wouldn’t you like to know’
YJ and Billy just do a bunch of petty shit until JL has had enough and they’re like fine whatever it wasn’t a problem before
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spurgie-cousin · 8 months
The few times I’ve overheard them when my husband answers the door is “are you Brother (last name)” and my husband says “no they’re not here at the moment” and then some excuse of “I’m actually just going up to bed/it’s not a good time etc”. He wants nothing to do with religion as a whole so he doesn’t want to talk to them to begin with but they’ll just stand at the door for 10 minutes straight to make damn sure that nobody is home before they leave, so it’s faster to just open the door and send them on their way
One time I was upstairs watching out the window and there was a third person in their car with a computer or an ipad or something in their lap with the brightness all the way up. Once my husband got them to leave, I went around and made sure every door and window on the first floor was shut and locked. Like you show up where I am, after dark, AND I’m not expecting you? I’ve seen too many episodes of Criminal Minds for that, thanks.
Apparently they show up just to talk to my ILs, idk if it’s for actual church goodwill reasons, like how the church that I grew up in used to do home ministry for people that couldn’t physically make it to the building, OR because my ILs don’t go to any mormon church out here and the overarching church wants to keep tabs on them, like you said. I lean toward the second one but I’ve never been at their house when they’re home and the mormons show up (nor do I want to be, I don’t need them knowing who I am to stalk me like that)
Omg the mormons I was trying to ghost did the same thing, it was always young men in their mission outfits and they would stand outside for FOREVER, like 15 or 20 minutes after knocking. And listen, if I'm not expecting someone and they don't look like the mail person or police or someone official, I usually don't answer (the only people who'd do that around here are trying to sell you something). If there's no answer, most people leave in like 30 seconds so it legitimately did freak me out when I'd walk by the a window 10 mins later and catch these guys out of the corner of my eye (and hide lol).
I totally agree, in your ILs case I'm definitely leaning toward the second explanation too. It sounds like the same kind of behavior bc in my case, they were trying to get me to come back after the recruitment thing, and in their case maybe it's the same protocol for mormons who the church knows are in a certain area with a church but not attending.
I don't blame you for not wanting to engage. Don't get me wrong they're usually perfectly friendly, but they have a very vacuum salesman approach once you start a conversation. You have to really be firm and say no so many times, esp if it's not a first time thing and you're involved with the LDS somehow.
Thank you for sharing! That is genuinely so interesting, I wonder what their deal is...
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Kurt Glee Rewatch: Theatricality
We deserved more Kurt singing in Gaga songs, just saying.
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So, obvs I love Carol but I do find this scene kinda weird? She knows how difficult it was for Finn when she first started dating Burt so why didn’t she have a private convo with him first? Could’ve given him time to process. But then, that’s not entertaining TV.
Also, v small note, but when Kurt mentions the tuna crudite, Burt corrects himself to use the correct term. V subtle change from before, when he wouldn’t really bother (the Maria bonnet before lol). Just thought I’d point it out. He’s already trying...
And why does a house with 2 (and a half) bathrooms not have another room? There are more bathrooms than bedrooms lol.
Def feel bad for Finn here, prob could’ve handled it better. Also, don’t see Kurt as really crushing on Finn at this point? More just excited, trying to make things work. Also def blinded by the thought of getting to redecorate lol.
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Theatricality and Funk were switched when aired so timeline is of Vocal Adrenaline is weird but... oh well.
How dare VA do Gaga when that is his identity (and yet he only got to do 2 Gaga songs, blasphemy)
This always makes me think of the story of Chris Colfer meeting Lady Gaga and saying ‘Nobody’s talented but you’ lol
Love Kurt’s reaction to the assignment. Hasn’t been this hype since Madonna.
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Kinda side-tangent but oof, Finn, casual homophobia is showing.
First off, he says they’re always doing what the girls want to do?? No?? They do what Will wants. Maybe he means Madonna but a) that was Will inspired by Sue and b) that was bc the guys were being sexist asses.
I do like the idea of bringing in different types of theatricality but would be interesting to have the whole club do both kinds, maybe do Gaga one week, Kiss the next. And oof, the way Finn says ‘except for Kurt’ here bc of all the annoyance he has at the situation... yikes. Trouble ahead.
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aw, Kurt and Tina allowed to be friends. Enjoy it while you can, not much time left.
Not gonna lie... not a huge fan of Kurt’s outfit? Maybe it’s the wig giving rococo vibes? Idk, fits with his usual fashion of being hella covered up, but eh. Heels are iconic tho
And damn, the way he talks back to the jocks. And how he tries to sorta backtrack, to just defending Tina. Prob less confident when it comes to just defending himself.
It was made as a big deal in s2, like Kurt wouldn’t have stood up for himself witout Blaine’s courage text but Kurt’s been calling them out all along?? Or maybe by s2 he was more beaten down and unwilling to do anything.
Also, kudos to Azimio for knowing what crepe paper is.
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I cannot even with this number. I mean, we get Kurt, Santana, Mercedes, Tina(!) singing lead and freaking rocking it! Wish they got to sing together more often.
And the dance and Kurt getting to use his lower register and just. Lowkey better than numerous competition performances. I love this so much.
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Wtf is this reaction to one of the best songs they’ve ever done? Esp you Matt, We know nothing about you but I expected better. Ugh, finn and puck complained about not wanting to perform gaga, fine, but you can’t even support your friends and appreciate a freaking amazing number???
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And ofc when the boys perform these guys are all hella into it. Bc they support their friends and are able to appreciate a good performance. Oof.
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Jeez, Tina and Kurt are going through it this ep. Why is no one else getting grief? Is it bc the other girls are cheerios? What about Rachel and Mercedes? The lack of adult supervision in this school is astounding.
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This look of pure derision Kurt throws Finn... why I think the crush is practically gone at this point oof.
Kurt has spent so damn long working to accept himself, to build up some confidence to be who he is. And esp now that he has acceptance from his dad, the only opnion he cares about, ofc Kurt has no desire to ‘blend in’. 
“It’s just a moist towelette!”
I mean, I was also struggling with Finn trying to wipe off make-up with a dry paper towel like dude. And Kurt prob wants to just comfortably hang out with another guy, but Finn freaks the fuck out. Back in Ballad they hung out pretty closely and Finn never said anything and legit hasn’t called Kurt out on any of it yet. Kurt had been very intense before, but here Kurt is being casual about things.
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Kurt kicking the chair slays me. He learned it from Finn. 
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Omg this room. Like, lowkey, I’d love to have a room like that, but also.
We saw Kurt in his Mellencamp phase. We know he knows how to ‘butch’ things up if he needs to. Also, this is nothing like any of his past aesthetics and nothing we ever see again?? His style is very modern, usually more sleek and monochrome. I feel like this room was made way more extra to incite the argument cuz like. Wow. I do appreciate the privacy partition, Kurt trying so hard.
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Omg this scene. How Kurt was really sincere in trying to make something finn would like. And then the turn around to sadness, embarrassment, regret. Legit a million emotions on his face.
The way Finn is shocked when Kurt starts shouting. Lowkey we don’t see Kurt shout often, normally he goes for cutting remarks etc. Kurt is def in defensive mode.
And when Finn starts using the f-slur like damn. And how Kurt barely reacts to it bc he’s used to the word being used against him (tho never before by Finn) and he prob still feels guilt about the crush and about the room oof.
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Then Burt Hummel. Omg. I love how he calls Finn out like ‘you weren’t talking about the blanket, you meant it towards Kurt’ bc yes.
And Kurt jumps to Finn’s defense bc he’s used to being bullied. He’s upset it’s from Finn, but it’s not super out of the ordinary
And Burt calls Finn out like, you won’t use the n-word, the r-word, but you’re totally fine using that slur? 
And how Burt brings it back bc he was the same when he was a kid. Kurt being gay prob had Burt thinking back on all the crap he’d say with his friends and he has lots of guilt over it.
And how Burt says he thought Finn was this ‘new generation of man’ and honestly, that makes me so upset that we barely see anymore Kurt and Finn friendship after this until like. Furt. And after that, even less. And they lowkey don’t give Kurt any male friends (until Elliot, which is nice but ofc he’s also gay).
After all this, and the stupid ‘predatory gay’ trope they gave Kurt earlier, it would be cool to see Kurt getting to be friends with straight guys without it being a big deal ugh. I’ll rant more in Duets tho.
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I do think the last scene was when Kurt’s crush officially died. Finn was no different than every other bully he’d dealt with. At least he’s eventually able to forgive him and accept him as a brother tho.
“My balls keep falling off” “I’ve been there” this line kills me.
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Kurt’s reaction to every bully: “go ahead, hit me” like boi
Also, I love the quiet ‘oh my god...’ when he sees Finn bc. Ya. Same. Love the speech, and kinda love that even tho Finn is giving this intense speech, he doesn’t clarify ‘my brother’ or ‘my friend’ bc he doesn’t care what the others think. This is just about making it right with Kurt.
And Will appears after this and... no check in with Kurt. Doesn’t go after Karofsky and Azimio bc they were about to beat a kid up. Like... dude. 
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This is why I rewatch omg. Kurt pets Finn’s shoulder, and when Finn does it back Kurt immediately waves him off like ‘don’t touch the costume’. Lol.
Also, how tf did Finn make this costume.
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findingroleplays · 2 years
Hey there demons it’s me, ya boy. 24f looking to write some familial / friendship based threads!!!! I have such a soft spot for platonic dynamics, esp with family ( whether it be blood or found ) and don’t have a chance to really write it so here we are! I’m an advanced-literate writer who writes 4 paragraphs at the minimum, looking for a writing partner with a similar writing length!! Looking for long-term roleplays. I prefer to write on discord and will make us servers to not just write in, but to send edits and art and just chat in too!!! Bolded names are characters I’d be playing. Like this and I’ll reach out!!
Fandom Based Pairings :
Wednesday Addams & oc!older sister / Wednesday ( I have a whole lore and things set up that I’d love to share and write against someone’s Wednesday! )
Shirley Crain & Nell Crain / Hill House
Billy Loomis & Sam Carpenter / Scream 5 ( lots of potential AU’s we could do!! )
Delilah Alves & Ellie Alves / You
Nell Crain & Theo Crain / Hill House
Cindy Berman & Ziggy Berman / Fear Street
Barbara Maitland & Lydia Deetz / Beetlejuice ( I love their mother daughter relationship in the movie and would love to expand on that! )
Steve Harrington & Robin Buckley / Stranger Things
OC Based Parings :
( this is just generic familial dynamics that we can fit our oc’s into and build and plot their dynamic together!! / nothing bolded as I feel we can decide which roles out of the pairing suit our characters best as we chat & plot! )
Older sister & Younger sister
Aunt & Niece
Mother & Daughter
Father & Daughter
Brother & Sister
Mentor & Kid/Teen Mentee
Reluctant Adoptive Parent / Guardian & Teen
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freeuselandonorris · 5 months
omg ok. my brain is a vault of stardew info ive been playing since release basically.. u get copper ore from the mines, found frequently on floors 1-40. once you find your first ore, the blacksmith will bring you blueprints to make a furnace to smelt it into bars so you can use them for crafting, building, upgrading tools etc. the mines are located near robin’s house and linus’s tent, if you just follow the path to the left of their homes!
haley sucks at first (tbh half do imo) but if u gift her things she likes and keep talking to her, she warms up pretty fast! all of them have liked, disliked, loved, hated, and neutral gifts and will give shitty reactions to disliked and hated gifts ):
i played the fuck out of cyberpunk !! i loved the story behind it, smth ab having a flashdrive stuck into my brain and then some hologram dude talking to me just does it for me. i love johnny sm. what boss are u coming up on?
omg anon ur an ANGEL. honestly my one criticism of stardew valley is that it just kinda…dumps you in it and doesn’t really give you any kind of tutorial lmao?? i’ve figured out a fair amount of stuff through trial and error and followed the journal quests but holy shit it would have taken me forever to figure out that u have to go to the mines to do mining. which like. now it’s written down OBVIOUSLY that’s where you go to do mining but sadly my brain doesn’t work like that lmao.
side note: i went and tried fishing after ur earlier post and oh my GOD it’s annoying. 0/10. took me about four goes just to time the fuckin hit right to get the mini game loaded. horrendous.
CYBERPUNK MY BELOVED!! i have had such an insane trajectory w this game lmao. i was SO excited when it first got trailed because it’s so obviously inspired by neuromancer (i mean frankly the plot is very nearly ripped off neuromancer entirely at times) and blade runner and cyberpunk as a genre is a longstanding intense obsession of mine. and then i got the 1.0 PS4 release when they were practically giving it away for free bc it was such a mess and i barely got halfway through Act 1 bc it was buggy as hell.
THEN like…years? later i got made redundant from work (if you’re non-UK, i think the USeng equivalent is laid off?), impulse bought a PS5 (thanks, adhd impulse spending!) and downloaded 2.0 and promptly got fucking obsessed.
cut for mild spoilers
like. i have never been emotionally invested in a game like this. i’ve never wanted to live inside a game like this! night city feels so so real, and i fuckin love playing as V (i’m playing boy V which is a v good gender experience). there’s some elements of the gameplay i find frustrating and the levels/perks system drives me slightly insane but the storyline, voice acting and the whole design of night city is mind blowing to me.
i have also never ever wanted to fuck a fictional character as much as i do johnny silverhand lmao. GOD. my screenshots folder is full of pictures of him with that cyborg arm on show 🥵 i’m kinda desperate to finish it so i can check out the fic bc i need johnny/V porn but i don’t wanna spoiler any of the endings for myself lmao.
ANYWAY so the boss fight i have coming up is at the end of play it safe, after the parade…i’m just about to start taking out the 3 snipers but i’ve seen on reddit etc that the boss fight at the end of this is hideous, esp if you’re not really highly levelled on body attributes which like…i think i’m on about 11 for body so not super low but i’ve been focused on tech ability (after tbf taking a pretty scattergun approach at first and regretting it). if the boss fight at the end of i walk the line is anything to go by i’m fucked — i gave up on sasquatch in the end and just ran into the cinema lmao, i literally tried about 20 times to get her 😭 my hand eye coordination is NOT good enough for this!!
i have phantom liberty waiting for me after i’m done w the main pack i can’t waittttt
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charventing · 2 years
Since we got on this topic, then let’s talk about it, shall we?
People asked me “ why you went to Cebu and not visit family? “
You see, I was 11 when I left Cebu and it was a sudden change of livelihood. It was something that my mom did for us to have a better life.
I can only remember a miserable life living in Cebu. My dad was a very nice guy but he was also a tipsy father. I’m at home with my dad most of the time while my mother is still out looking for another “pohonan” so we can finish our home in Tayud. I have never seen my dad fully sober. But again, he was still the best dad because despite of him being drunk, he would always take my side and still buys me a barbie doll even when my mom says no because she wants to save that money for our home.
When my lolo and lola ( my dad’s side ) was alive, during summer, my lolo always picks me up from Cebu to take me to Surigao for vacation. But when lolo died it was so devastating for me because it felt like I lost a best friend and kakampi. He was my vbest friend. He always got my back. Honestly? I never felt that welcome vibe no more after my lolo died. I get to eat the country food while my cousins gets to eat the good fancy ones. Yes, I can only remember the bad memories. Well, I learned that Dried Pusit was soo yummy so yea. Don’t get me wrong, lolo and lolas house is the most presko house that I’ve been to. I used to be a kid who doesn’t talk back or they will call me suplada otherwise. But hell to that! I am suplada! Only when you step on me though.
I was never close to my cousins because it felt like the pakilala part was taken away from me because there was a dislike vibe between the two families. And it is such a shame and it sucks that I didn’t get to know my cousins when I was little. Cuz it would’ve been so nice if we did. I only knew the “awai” part of the family. There was so much hatred and it’s soo frustrating. I feel so lost because I just wished that there was non of that/those type of feeling towards each other’s families. IT FUCKING SUCKS!
You see, I realized so many things when I went to Cebu for the very first time. I was more welcomed by someone else’s family than mine. my point is? I feel more comfortable with others than my own.
I have so many questions that I wanted answers to! Why did it happen? And when did it happen? And why was my side of my family got affected more? And until now I am so confused bec. AKU ANG NAIGO OG TODO. Because I was the only adventurous one that always goes to different islands with my lolo. Until now, I don’t know why I’m still feeling that type of way. I have fake aunties and uncles here but they are more nicer than the real ones that I have.
Maldita ko na bata pero naa sya sa lugar. Only to those who hurt me the most. And until now I am in such pain na lesod ipgawas until I know the full blown story.
Y’all just don’t know how much my mom has to endure and I know me and her ain’t that close but I AM SO FCKING THANKFUL HELLA GRATEFUL THAT SHE TOOK US OUT OF CEBU. And she made a better life for us here. That includes my dad. That’s why my mom is always strict on me. Esp to whoever I am dating. And I now understand why she’s being a pain in the ass on my side. I have been to Mexico quite a few times but oh my god! The poverty line in Cebu and thats just Cebu, it is very interesting to me. It made me realize I need to do better in life. I wanna adopt atleast 1 kid. I want to build a library in the middle of Cebu where all street kids or whoever cannot afford school can just go there to read and learn.
Anywho, so I will bring my whole family back to Cebu. I will fix my dad’s situation in Cebu. And we are all coming back as a whole family.
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yackers · 2 years
okay so I've been rewatching some of s3 and I'm unsure how to feel. Like in many cases Patricia's jealousy is way overdramatic but in some cases (esp when eddie was checking out the same woman that his dad was 🤢) its kinda justified?? ugh idk these two really needed to work on their communication
see what I’ve said before that’s always made sense to me is that patricia’s over the top jealousy towards kt and eddie is, at first especially, a result of eddie using mara to make her jealous when he was mad at her the previous year. like you said about their frankly insane problems with communication, they tend to convey how they’re feeling towards each other exclusively through actions like just being randomly rude to each other or ignoring each other or using someone else to make the other jealous. so like in s3 when kt first arrives, patricia is unaware of eddie’s visions about her and knows that he’s mad at her about what happened over the summer so she assumes that lines like “you’re the girl from my dream” are like bad attempts at flirting with another girl in front of her to piss her off. he then proceeds to literally follow kt around everywhere and stuff and without context it just looks like he’s coming on way too strong. especially considering the fact she still liked him and could’ve wanted to make up with him when they got back to school. like she’s wayyy too mean to kt and I’m not saying that she was right for that but it’s not uncharacteristic of patricia because she’s always been mean to and wary of new people due to her trust issues and fear of like change within her home. and I’m not saying her reactions to everything aren’t rooted in jealousy because like they are but she also got mad at how much time nina and fabian spent together in s1 because she didn’t trust her and was mad that fabian did like she’s just overly protective of the house I think. she’s also just scared of losing him to girl that you can tell she secretly thinks is pretty cool.
and then her jealousy within her relationship with eddie once they’re back together is like you said a result of them being really shit at communicating. they never really have conversations about their relationship and tell each other when they’re mad so like when she sees him hug kt around a time when things had been a little rocky between them she retaliates by spending time with ben because they’re still barely able to be vulnerable enough with each other (especially her) to be able to say when things bother them. the whole talk they finally have where they actually say to each other that they only have feelings for each other only actually happens once patricia’s soul is gone ffs. (which is part of why a lot of her sinner behaviour feels so off because she’s never usually that open with her feelings).
and yea like that yucky yuck yuck scene you mentioned (that was sooo unnecessary bc yea 🤮) like I don’t even necessarily think that’s jealousy because to have the audacity to check out a random woman in front of your girlfriend does just mean you should get whacked. I think that’s just the show setting her up for the tricks denby plays on her later on. it builds a foundation for her distrust of eddie’s fidelity which is then built upon by denby mentioning his wandering eyes (I think that might have been right before this scene actually), the love letter and then eventually the messages.
so I don’t even think she’s necessarily ever crazily jealous for like just the sake of drama like a lot of people suggest about s3. her insecurity and trust issues become her arc that leads to her downfall and sinner capture because for three seasons she’s barely been able to trust anyone to consistently care about her and look out for her and I actually think that in a show that relies so much on teamwork and camaraderie it’s pretty cool for that to be a fatal flaw.
I will say that in tor it’s just kinda weird like you could argue that it’s because she’s upset about them taking her place in the house and stuff but like the show was just weird for implying that there could ever have been any romance between supposedly 14 year old sophia and 18 year old eddie and it wasted the last time the audience had with the show’s fan favourite couple for the sake of like the pink dress gag. tor was just written really badly in general though like I love it but I never take it too seriously.
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sintreaties · 3 years
Can you do an analysis of Yumeko's character?
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I can try, though as always keep in mind that I’m more of a creator than an analyst and I don’t believe my comprehension of these characters to be above anybody else's.
(cut cause long post)
For the longest time Yumeko was and still is one of the most enigmatic characters I’ve ever seen. We know nothing about her past and now that with the latest chapters her role in the story seems to be changing, the only thing we are sure about is her addiction now.
Yumeko, as the series name clearly states, is a gambling addict. Now, in a word being an addict means that a compulsive behavior takes over one's whole life. We can oversimplify it in two statements: 1) I can’t stop doing this 2) No one can stop me unless I truly want them to.
In a setting like Hyakkaou’s this is twice as dangerous. Not for Yumeko herself — Sayaka’s background check tells us she’s quite loaded in terms of money — but for the people around her. There's a pretty obvious duality to Yumeko's character: on one hand, we have the sweet, childish, almost naive Yumeko, who’s able to befriend even her worst opponents; on the other we have a “plague” who’s unable to keep herself under control and who would do anything to get what she wants, ruining whoever is in her path.
The contrast is interesting to see in scenes like the one in which she offers her tissue to Sayaka because she was crying, knowing that she hates her with all her guts vs the way she completely lost her facade when Yumemite refused to play seriously against Sumika, or when she pressured Itsuki into gambling her Life-Plan. This is simply another consequence of her addiction. Try to politely tell a smoker to quit smoking, see how they react. Amberlynn Reid, a youtuber who’s become a lol-cow during her failed weight-loss journey, suffers from BED (binge eating disorder) and when she can't keep her impulses in check, she calls that part of herself “the binge eating monster”, stating that it pushes her as far as to abuse her own partner if she doesn’t get to eat what and when she wants to.
Here’s the thing though: addicts usually want to stop. Most importantly when their behavior starts to take its toll on them. Although they’re often forced to ignore them, they do have feelings of shame and regret when they end up to do things that average people wouldn’t do (i.e. stealing to have more money for their dose). They know that what they’re doing is bad. They have constant reminders of it. Just like Amberlynn has the hate comments and smokers have the warnings on the packages, Yumeko finds her reminders in her own sister, who ended up in a mental institution precisely because of gambling, and in everyone at Hyakkaou, the main example being Sayaka (I speak about this a bit more here).
And yet, here’s the odd thing: Yumeko never really showed the desire to stop nor a hint of true remorse for anything she’s done. People are calling Kirari a sociopath and a narcissist only because she doesn’t show herself as the usual cute anime girl. Yumeko isn’t that better than her in these terms.
The whole premise of the KKG movie revolves around Suzui trying to convince Yumeko to join the Village, where gambling and money are banned, only for the latter to say, “No thanks. I have only two desires: better desserts at the cafeteria and watching Murasame gamble.” (Full on expression of her duality once again).
Because of gambling, her moral compass is sort of all over the place. She never wanted to liberate the House-Pets destroying the system, that’s Tsubomi who got the wrong idea. Yumeko was an anti-hero for a while, but only out of pure coincidence. Simply, her goal of taking the Student Council coincided with the wishes of whoever wanted to see the SC fall.
Clearly, this could be because Yumeko came at Hyakkaou with a specific goal in mind. At the Academy gambling is often your only mean of survival and it would be foolish to give it up. As Murasame says, “Kirari’s a monster and only another monster can defeat her, hurting everyone else in the same manner.”
That does fit Yumeko’s character, doesn’t it?
So why does Yumeko give up gambling altogether when Kirari refuses to play with her and calls her an ‘impurity’? It would make sense if she came here specifically to defeat Kirari. If she was certain that Ririka would win, that would prevent her from obtaining what she wants, throwing out of the window everything she’s done so far. This is the only possibility I can think of for now, so the next chapters will hopefully clear that up.
Now, Yumeko said that she won’t gamble, but if she’s truly an addict, no matter how stubborn and displeased she gets, she won’d be able to stop just like that. The addiction will either take over or find another mean to express itself, just like sometimes smokers turn to food when they try to quit and how people with BED can end up becoming addicted to shopping, resulting in hoarding behaviors. It’s all about that kick of dopamine.
Rest assured though, that as long as her addiction remains, Yumeko will never fully be able to be one of the good guys. Not like this, and not in a world in which adults can’t plan a fucking intervention. It makes sense for her to be holding the Election under her heel now and going on it could only get worse, with Yumeko hindering her own allies — if she ever had any.
Which brings us to a final point: the way Yumeko builds her relationships and why.
Her first connection at Hyakkaou is Suzui, who’s in so much debt that he’s considering dropping out. He’s a naive guy, too good for his own good. He’s easy to mold in Yumeko’s hands and that’s eaxctly what she does in more than a gamble (ESP, Zero Nym-Type). Is this also because of the “monster” inside of her, preying on the weak to take as much as it can? I don’t believe their friendship is completely “pure”, though I also don’t think Yumeko is harmful by nature. She might not even be fully conscious of this.
We have Saotome, who believed herself so sleek and ended up as a House Pet. Why would Yumeko befriend someone who tried to ruin her on her very first day? Did she see a powerful ally and a perfect opponent in order to seek the thrill of the risk, or is she really just that naive? Yumeko isn’t stupid. Intelligence also comes through emotional values. Again, I don’t believe her connection with Mary is devoid of secondary reasons, though just like in Suzui’s case, the latter come into play only when they hinder Yumeko’s gambling.
Tsubomi and Itsuki were practically shouldered and then used with the promise of obtaining something better for themselves. Sayaka? She called Yumeko a “plague” and yet Yumeko never really resented her. Sure she almost caused her death, but that was a collateral matter. Yumeko harbors no ill intent towards her, notwithstanding Sayaka’s hatred. Yumeko doesn’t show hate for Kiwatari either, and yet he never acted right around her.
Midari, on the other hand, deserved her indifference and dislike because she messed up their gamble and there’s nothing that Yumeko dislikes as much as a set result in her games. The two cases of Midari and Sayaka/Kiwatari are perfect to show the contrast between the kind of person Yumeko would be without her addiction and the kind of person she is now that her life is ruled by gambling.
What about Kirari then? In terms of risks, Kirari too showed a similar appetite. Perhaps Yumeko herself would like to see her own addiction consume her, just like she thinks Kirari would — thought I’m starting to believe the supernova talk was more about the clan than about herself. Maybe, just like Kirari with Ririka, Yumeko wants to fight the part of Kirari that resembles her the most and Kirari’s refusal proved that she had been very wrong in judging her character. Apparently Kirari “killed” her sister, but that’s Terano’s word, Yumeko never expresses herself on the matter.
In all these examples, the main thread is still the same. The gambling addiction has always been Yumeko’s core in the series and as of today it would be impossible to consider Yumeko’s character whole without it. People tend to forget its extent.
I do hope flashbacks and such will let us see how Yumeko was before she became a kakegurui, because in the end, addictions are only a part of who we are — unless we let them consume us.
I hope this answer was as satisfactory as it could be.
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bookofmirth · 3 years
i saw the post asking why feyre gets a lot of hate and she gets a lot of hate because she is quite annoying. and she is a raging mary sue. i actually really enjoyed her character in ACOTAR but once she got with rhysand she went quite downhill for me. i hate the way she treats lucien as if tamlin didn’t hurt him too. as if lucien wasn’t the only one that actually helped her UTM without doing anything degrading to her and literally got punished for helping her.
i don’t understand why people hate on the archeron sisters because of their relationships with each other. i understand hating on them individually and because of their personality but hating feyre bec nesta doesn’t like her or nesta bec elain doesn’t like her just is dumb. sisters can be very cruel to each other so i don’t really hate either of the sisters because i have sisters and understand that relationships with them aren’t always easy and they mostly consist of fighting and name calling but at the end of the day you would risk your life for them and have their back.
i think a lot of feyre hate is more a problem with SJM though and how much she loves rhysand. because feyre doesn’t have anything that is her own. even UTM men help her win the trials, men bring her back to life, men give her the powers she has. her title is given to her by rhys. her money, her friends and basically everything she owns is given to her by rhys. in ACOSF she lets him walk all over her. and just accepts that he made all her “friends” lie to her. at any moment rhys can take everything away from her, i know he won’t but he still CAN. she cries about the damage the war did and how it displaced people but she builds herself another mansion and tears down a perfectly fine building that other people live in. and she doesn’t really get held accountable for her mistakes, esp that whole spring court thing. she has a moment of regretting it but somehow the high lords all forgive her and rhys tells her that she didn’t make a mistake. it’s annoying.
hopefully in the next book SJM won’t have her let rhys walk all over her again.
Feyre being annoying is an opinion, and many people don't agree with that. I don't think she's annoying. If I did, I wouldn't have gotten past acotar. If you think that she is annoying, that's fine! We all have our own favorites and characters we don't like.
I really, really hate the term Mary Sue, and I don't think that it even applies to Feyre if we were to accept it as an okay thing to say. Feyre fucks up all the time, she runs into a tree trying to learn to fly, she gets hunted and injured, the only reason she made it through one of the trials in acotar is because Rhys helped her cheat. She's not overpowered at all. She trains for quite a while with Cassian and Azriel in acowar before she has to fight. Maybe the thing in Velaris was a bit 👀 but honestly? I still wouldn't call her a Mary Sue because I personally hate that phrase. 🙃
I think your paragraph about Rhys actually explains what I was alluding to better than I did. I think that people are angry at Rhys, and that is rubbing off on Feyre. I'm pretty sure that it's not Feyre who decides to tear down that one building and then build more houses, Rhys keeps doing that. Feyre is very aware, through the entire series, of class difference and tries to do what she can to combat it (I gave examples in the last post). The fact that Rhys was hiding information from Feyre is not somehow Feyre's fault. I do wish that we had seen more of the fallout from that revelation, because we could assume that she just let him get away with it, but we were following Nesta and Cassian on their hike, and so Feyre could have ripped Rhys a new asshole and we would never know. It just feels really weird to me to be mad at someone for letting someone else walk all over them (even though I don't totally agree that's what happened). The person doing the walking should be to blame.
So maybe that is an sjm problem, in the sense that now we don't have Feyre's POV, and she seems unable to explain what happens to characters when they are not on the literal page, unless it's explicitly explained to us. Like how Mor just disappears, and Lucien, and Elain. They weren't useful to the later quarter of the book, so POOF! They cease to exist.
An example of an author who can do this well is Brandon Sanderson, because the Stormlight Archive books are 1k pages and there are dozens of characters, but we never feel like any of them are being neglected. We know what they are up to, even if we aren't following their POV.
However, I do still think it's on the fandom if we aren't able to separate our distaste for what Rhys is doing, from our feelings about Feyre. They are mates, not one person in two bodies.
I agree with Feyre and the Spring Court, which I reblogged cuz I forgot. Her behavior in Spring was NOT okay, even if I understand that she was angry. And her "friendship" with Lucien is on thin fucking ice with me. Asking him to go back to Spring, even though they know that Tamlin is being physically abusive? NASTY.
Those parts of her arc isn't enough to make me ignore all the good she has done, though. And I don't mind if people dislike her or whatever, because those feelings are all dependent on who we are as people. It does bug me when people dislike or like a character (or ship) based on things that aren't canon. That's when I get annoyed, so that's why I brought up the examples that I did!
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go-ldy · 4 years
Riverdale 5x03
Man, I found this episode hard. There were some poignant moments, but there were also a lot of moments that were frustrating as hell. My emotions are mixed. But mainly sad. Hold me.
It really says a lot about this show that despite setting aside a whole episode dedicated mostly to character building and relationships rather than plot, it still felt like the show bit off more than it could chew. So much felt rushed including Bughead’s breakup.
anyway, the positives first:
Varchie were beautiful in this episode, and I am so happy for my Varchie mutuals for the care put into developing them and giving them this kind of send off (esp. considering the mess of 4x17 and 4x18). I loved how Archie’s flashback of his life over the last three years was just 90% about Veronica and how much she means to him. It especially contrasts to the BA “flashbacks” from 4x17 l o l. 
Archie spontaneously deciding to join the army and shipping out on an actual bus 24 hours later was so Archie and so Riverdale.  “Archie, there’s a war going on!” made me laugh out loud, IDK. 
Veronica, Betty, and Jughead chasing Archie down in the jalopy to say goodbye was a sheer delight.
Betty Cooper: FBI trainee, default law enforcement officer, yearbook editor, serial killer genes, daughter of the black hood, sister of notorious killer Charles Smith - ALSO class Valedictorian! (Can u still be class Valedictorian if you were once suspended for cheating on a Quiz Show? Riverdale High says ‘yes.’) Good for u, B. Coop.
yessssss at Hiram Lodge being forced to put Sheriff Keller back into a job to arrest those kids hiding out at Archie’s boxing studio (and Archie didn’t notice that these youth were squatting there for months ?????? lmao). I KNEW RIVERDALE DID NOT HAVE A SHERIFF THESE LAST FEW EPISODES. Truly the lawless hellhole we have come to know and love.
Jughead staying in the Andrews’ home while it was put on the market to be sold was hilarious to me. I know it was supposed to be sad - and it was - but ALSO, can you imagine perspective buyers coming into the house only to find that there is a homeless person camping out in there without furniture or electricity or heat? “Why is there a rolled up sleeping bag in the corner?” “Is that a typewriter on the floor?” “Did I just step into an old can of soup?” JUGHEAD, MAN. They probably had to turn off the electricity and heat to save money because he was single-handedly keeping the house from selling.
It was very sad that Jughead was the only one who showed up at Pop’s a year later (and then sees a blonde girl come in and immediately his eyes light up because Betty before the disappointment o m g, murder me), but also a surprisingly relatable moment? I barely remember my own high school graduation, but I do remember that my high school friends felt like everything to me at the time, and I have since fallen out of touch with, uh, all of them. Life happens.
The stuff that was meh:
In theory, I am not opposed to the idea that Jellybean became the auteur/voyeur because she felt neglected and wanted attention, but it still feels like Jellybean is only about 25% of a character. Like, we heard a lot of other people (mostly FP and Jughead) tell us about JB’s motivations, but did JB have a single speaking line in this episode where she actually got to express to anyone what she was thinking and feeling? ugh. 
I don’t care about Falice, but ????? @ FP’s solution to fix JB. So... taking her back... to her drug dealing mother who did not even show up for her own son’s funeral.... is better than a child therapist? Fine. 
Nobody seemed to have any lingering reactions or trauma to Charles being a serial killer?? Like what. Is he even in jail? Or did Betty just let him go? This is actually quite inconvenient for me from a fic-writing perspective. Nobody is a better deux ex machina when Betty or Jughead need something in fic - just call their brother Charles who works for the FBI! I guess that’s done now.
I did feel for Alice, and Alice is not a character I usually feel for because she is the worst. But her husband and eldest son ended up being serial killers, Polly is in an insane asylum, the twins have disappeared from planet earth, and now FP is leaving her. Damn. That is a lot.
So did Choni breakup? It literally happened so fast with so little emotional fallout. Whatever, I don’t care about Choni.
The Beronica and Jarchie scenes were so rushed and forced. I just don’t get this storyline, y’all. What was the point of doing what they did with Betty and Archie in 4x17 and 4x18? Was it simply to break up our two main couples? Veronica and Jughead should have each had the time and space to be angry with their BFFs over what happened (because as crazy as this town is, it is still a massive betrayal) but instead they were both like: “NAH IT’S COOL SHIT HAPPENS LET’S HUG IT OUT.” It didn’t feel earned. I feel like RAS & Co. wanted the immediate drama of the ~kiss but also wanted to have this touching, Core 4 friendship moment before scattering them. What was the point. (I KNOW, I KNOW, ‘IT’S RIVERDALE’ but these characters matter to me ok and I want to understand where they are coming from.)
This episode was... very hard. There were some cute moments, but the breakup felt so rushed and... empty? For the most part, we still have no idea where Betty’s head has been since 4x18. Presumably, she has been wracked by guilt, but terrified of telling Jughead the truth in case she ended up losing him (which, it turned out, was exactly what happened).
The scene in their bedroom where she tells him and they kiss desperately was a beautiful scene and the acting from both was oof. But I feel cheated that we did not actually get to see them talk about “us” as Jughead suggested. So did that conversation happen or not? And then to be told in a voiceover and montage that they grew apart in the space of about 45 seconds.... it was all very empty, and painful. I just.... :( :( :( 
I guess we are supposed to assume that Betty and Archie’s kiss created this chasm between them that they were unable to talk about or address head on. But it was so rushed, very “tell not show.”
anyway, this stupid show has made me sad. I AM SAD. My heart is :( @ the unspoken hurt between them that they won’t talk about for seven years. And this show is never going to address the hurt between them in a realistic or satisfying way because it is Riverdale. Usually I would immediately reach to fic to get out my feelings, but in this case, I feel more like hiding in my zombie AU then dealing with how sad this all is lol. Is that insane? That’s what Riverdale does to us. I take heart in the fact that I am not alone in my madness.
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takaraphoenix · 3 years
Ofc I'm excited for the new chapter phoe, I am so starved for Jason content that even the suggestion that I'm going to get some (esp QUALITY Jason content like urs) makes me unbelievably giddy and I'm fr checking my phone to see when it's gonna be update time in ur timezone 🥺✨
Oh gosh, you're so sweet. Your messages always delight me a lot and since Jason took kind of a backseat today in favor of the build up of the secret reveal, yooou get a small, Jason-focused flash-forward into their future. ;) also because I actually have time to write again fdklghaöklh
Sky-blue eyes were large as they quickly flew over the words in front of him. His mouth was in a small oh-shape as he absorbed every little bit of information that was given to him. And then it just ended.
To Be Continued...
No, no, no. That couldn't possibly be! This was too exciting, it couldn't just end like that! His sister next to him made a squealing sound as she also reached the ending. She grabbed the comic book out of his hand and tried turning the page, hoping against hope there would be more.
"No, no, no," she whined frustrated and threw herself back onto the bed.
After a moment, her brother mirrored her. The two groaned and whined until their current babysitter walked in, a frown on his face. He brushed hazel-hair out of his face.
"What's gotten into you lot?"
"The comic ends, uncle Tyson! It just ends! And the next issue won't come out until next month, but it just got really, really exciting!" he heard his sister complain.
"Grace is right! This isn't fair. Cliffhangers are unlawful and inhumane!"
Tyson laughed and approached the bed to sit down between his niece and nephew. "I think I gotta talk to your parents about your definition of unlawful and inhumane, Jacky."
Jackson huffed and crossed his arms over his chest, pout in place and sky-blue eyes dark like a brewing storm. When it darkened in the room and rumbling could be heard from outside, Tyson frowned concerned and cleared his throat.
"You guys do know that you could just... ask your parents, right? They were right there. They know exactly how all of this unfolded," offered Tyson.
He took the comic-book - issue 13 of The Adventures of the New Olympians - and closed it to hold up the cover, where Jason di Angelo was standing heroically in his Blue Lightning uniform, fighting a giant space-octopus. Jackson frowned and turned to look at his sister.
"I dunno", admitted Grace. "Dad is like... dad. Not Blue Lightning. Dad sings bad old boyband songs in the shower and steals daddy's blue cookies and baby-talks to Mrs. O'Leary."
"Yeah. These comics are totally fiction, uncle Tyson", agreed Jackson seriously. "Dad's a total dork, not a superhero! He isn't like daddy and papa."
Tyson huffed a little at that, fond smile on his lips. "He isn't now. But when push comes to shove, he always got our back in a fight. Because he could never bear standing aside if his family gets hurt. Go and ask him about it, mh."
"Tyson? Where are you?", called his wife from somewhere else. "Jason is here to pick up the kids!"
"Ah, your cue, pipsqueaks", Tyson grinned and ruffled both their hair.
Grace quickly grabbed her Wisdom Warrior doll, while Jackson took the comic book, both kids quickly running out the room and downstairs. Grace just lept off a few steps before the end of the stairs, jumping straight into her dad's awaiting arms. Jason was smiling softly, hugging her tightly. Her blonde curls bounced as he whirled her around once.
"Hey there, kids. Had fun with uncle Tyson and auntie Ella?"
"Ye--es", chorused Jackson and Grace.
"Thanks for watching them, guys", Jason turned to offer Tyson and Ella a small, grateful smile. "With Perce and Nico still in Canada about that... maple syrup fuled robot apocalypse... it's been kind of stressful. And then Thabi got into trouble at school and-"
"No need to explain, or to thank us", assured Tyson, patting his brother-in-law on the back. "That's what brothers are for, Jay. We got your back. Besides, we love those two."
With a last smile aimed at the couple, Jason herded the twins out of the house and toward the car. He made sure their seatbelts were fastened before he got in the driver's seat and started the car. In the rear-mirror, he could see the twins whispering with each other, but neither speaking up. He decided against asking, for now. They'd tell him whatever was on their minds when they were ready.
Once at home, both of the kids ran off to their rooms and Jason was so busy with things around the house that he nearly forgot about the kids' strange behavior. That's what they got for having a ridiculously big house and stables, but then again, they did need the grounds to allow their companions enough space to roam free. He'd just finished feeding Tempest and Blackjack when the twins suddenly stood behind him, serious, matching frowns on their faces.
"We have come to the agreement that we should ask you", declared Grace.
A nine-year-old with pigtails had no right to look this serious. Jason smiled a little at that, nodding and waiting for more.
"We know that daddy and papa are superheroes", continued Jackson as the three headed back toward the house. "But you aren't! You're just... dad. Right?"
"Ouch", Jason huffed out a little laugh. "Just dad, huh?"
"I mean, you're normal, like us", corrected Grace with a frown, motioning at the posters at the walls when they entered the living room. "You're only a hero on the big screen! Not in real life!"
The smile on Jason's lips turned more nostalgic. His dorky, dorky husbands had decided to plaster every wall that wasn't filled with family pictures with posters of his movies. Right now, Grace was motioning very decidedly at The Twelve Tasks of Hercules. Hercules was his most popular role, a fictional superhero clearly supposed to be the son of Zeus but never actually name-dropping Zeus in the movie series. Or the spin-off TV show. It had spanned a whole cinematic universe about fictional superheroes after they had introduced Theseus, a water-powered superhero who was a thinly veiled homage to Percy, in one of the movies. Theseus got his own solo-movie, then a sequel and over the years, they had established more and more heroes in this universe. Jason was so incredibly proud of it, not just because he played the hero who started it all, but because he was also creatively involved; he had pitched the character of Theseus.
Sitting down on the couch, he let his eyes wander just a little. A poster of his first big breakout role as Jace Herondale in a TV show adaptation of The Mortal Instruments... naturally, Percy had chosen the poster where Jason posed shirtless, showing off the runes.
"What do you want to be when you grow up?", asked Jason softly.
"I wanna take over granny's bakery", declared Jackson with a puffed-out chest. "I'll learn all of her recipes and become the best baker in all of New York."
"I dunno, dad. I'm nine", huffed Grace with a pointed look. "Maybe I'll become a great fashion designer like auntie Silena! Or a teacher like auntie Annabeth. Or president. Or astronaut. Oh! Or doctor."
"Okay, okay", Jason interrupted her, laughing. "But neither of you wants to become a superhero like your dads?"
The twins exchanged a silent look before shaking their heads and Jackson answered. "No. It looks scary. It looks cool to watch but I'd be super scared."
Jason nodded slowly. "But if Gracie was in danger, like really, really scary danger, what would you do?"
"I'd help her!", exclaimed Jackson immediately, grabbing his sister's hand.
The smile on Jason's lips grew some. "Being a hero is really, really scary and really, really dangerous. And I never-ever wanted to be a hero. I'm not as brave as your dads when it comes to that. But when there is something very big and dangerous that your dads can't handle on their own, I'll put my own fears aside. Because you know what is just... so much scarier than being a hero? It'd be if something happened to your dads. And I couldn't help."
He knew their kids were under no illusions; they knew Nico and Percy led dangerous lives and they knew something could happen to them. Nico had already been hospitalized for a longer period of time a few years ago.
"So when they really need me, I'll be very brave to help them."
"So... So this is really real?", asked Grace softly, holding up the comic-book.
Jason snorted a little at the extremely overdone hero-pose he was striking on the cover. "It's... more or less real. There's some... made-up stuff there, because those who write these comics, they only had the news coverage to go by, they weren't actually there when we met in private and planned and talked. But yes, that happened."
Jackson straightened up at that and took the comic from his sister to open it on the last page, putting it down on Jason's lap and very decidedly pointing at the To Be Continued in the lower corner.
"How's it end!?", asked Jackson eagerly. "We don't wanna wait!"
"Ye--es! Did you save the day? Did you rescue daddy when he got abducted by the alien octopus?", wanted Grace to know, eyes large.
Laughing to himself, Jason leaned back against the couch and opened his arms, both his kids immediately snuggling up to him and eagerly awaiting the story. Jason wasn't the greatest story-teller in the family, Piper was the author, but he did his best to actually tell the story as exciting as possible. He talked and talked for over an hour and by the end of the story, both twins were deep asleep. Asleep on him, not giving him a chance to move from the couch either. Though he was tired too, so he closed his eyes, just for a second.
"I'm de--ead", groaned Percy softly and something shifted.
Jason blinked sleepily, turning his head toward the source of the voice. His face lit up when he saw Percy snuggled up to Grace from behind. When he turned toward his other side, he saw Nico behind Jackson.
"I'm sorry we were both gone, amore", whispered Nico as he leaned over to kiss Jason sweetly. "It was an all-hands-on-deck situation..."
"You don't have to explain", Jason smiled faintly. "You're the leaders of the Olympians. They rely on you. Especially now with all the newbies, they need your guidance."
"Yeah, but we promised you we'd step back some", Percy sighed frustrated.
"You can't control when a weird Canadian wants to start the robot- apocalypse", Jason chuckled amused. "I'm proud of you both. And you have been stepping back a lot."
Percy hummed in agreement, eyes slowly closing as he rested his head on Jason's shoulder. Within moments, he was out cold. So the entire family was going to sleep on the couch today, mh?
"How did your meeting go?", asked Nico, sounding sleepy.
"Good. I mean. Really good. The studio is still so stubbornly thinking that female superheroes won't sell, but we finally pushed through. We got the Helen of Troy spin-off greenlit", replied Jason with a puffed out chest.
Nico smiled at him, kissing his cheek. "Good. I'm proud of you."
And then he yawned and snuggled closer to Jason. It filled Jason with warmth to just sit here, with his husbands and children, in their home. Safe and happy. Yes, he worried for Nico and Percy when they were out there, but he also knew that this was their dream and they loved their job. And ever since the twins had been born, the two really had stepped back, leading from the headquarters and training new heroes, only going out themselves if it was an emergency and the others needed help. Jason couldn't be mad about that, wouldn't want to be either, because he could never resent his husbands for living their dream - they had, after all, always supported Jason and his dream. Even when Jason would be in another country for months filming a movie, they never complained, they took care of the kids and were proudly at his side during the premieres.
"I love you two", whispered Jason, carefully kissing the top of Nico's head on one of his shoulders and the top of Percy's head on the other. "My heroes."
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soundwavefucker69 · 3 years
I know like the whole ableist, fatphobic weight loss industry has severely fucked with our perceptions of like... fitness and stuff. Like believe me, I think it's abhorrent that the idea of fitness needs to be tied with morality, and I think there is literally so much social pressure that if you're going to be fit, you have to BE FIT and spend ridiculous amounts of money a month on a gym, you can't work out on your own, and there's like a fuck ton of pressure to perform to society's concepts of proper care of your body. I think it makes it unnecessarily hard to get into fitness and caring for your body, and I 100% understand why so many people are just becoming more and more sedentary. It's fucking hard to get off work and then go work out. You're tired. You're stressed. You're exhausted. It's just one extra chore.
But like on the flipside, we're in quarantine. A fuck ton of us are working from home if we're working at all, stuck in a seated position, getting weird back pains and stiffness in the neck. Humans are like. Not fucking designed for that.
If you're not capable of it, don't work out. Like. You don't have to. There's no moral obligation to do so. It's not a symbol of character or personal strength. But please. Take a few minutes a day to stretch. Not even work out, not yoga if you're not into that thing. Just stretch out your muscles and maybe move around a bit more. Shit, even pace to get out some energy. You don't have to be flexible. You can literally just stretch to where you're comfortable. Just stretch.
I've started doing yoga again because it's fairly accessible through YouTube and all you need is a mat (seriously don't do yoga on carpet or tile or anything it fucking hurts like a mat IS necessary). But like that's just me. I'm doing it bc like. My executives dysfunction BAD, but moving around that much gets endorphins going, but obviously I can't do it for long amount of times, yoga is fucking hard, but it gets my brain going enough that when I finish I can finally tackle dishes and get things that build up in the house done bc I moved and my endorphins are flowing and I'm not fixated on normal endorphin production re: reading, watching anime, or writing.
But like. You don't have to do that. But just stretch. ESP if you're sitting all day long. Don't let these jobs ruin your back. I personally actually started the yoga bc a.) It's just really fucking hard stretching and b.) My back has been actively trying to kill me from work and I don't want it getting worse. Also I like the breathing. But like. Yeah. Just stretch.
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You seem to be really amazing at executing planned changes with food and exercise (and also generally better psychological habits) - can i ask for advice on this? I’ve finished up studying for now and realise my body has turned into a twisted up, pudgy, weakened wreck! Exercise hurts and sugar/processed food feels so cosy and I can’t seem to get through this part where i have to feel discomfort for a while before i feel better!
What works for you? Should i read that atomic habits book you mention? I saw another one recommended - the Kindness Habit - do you know anything about it?
(I tried journaling btw - but it didn’t get me anywhere)
hello!! i can share some things that have worked for me when it comes to implementing longer-term changes in diet and exercise. these seem really simple but i think that actually making big lifestyle changes is much less about summoning up colossal amounts of willpower and much more about making small but important tweaks to the way you think about/approach diet and exercise. here are five things that have been helpful to me.
(1) don’t think of diet changes in terms of restrictions (i.e., “what delicious cozy sugary things do i have to deprive myself of today to be Good”). instead, approach diet changes as a fun little game of adding in as many good things as possible (fruits, veggies, leafy green things, nuts of all kinds, whole grains, beans, etc.). every single time you are preparing a meal or looking for a snack, describe it to yourself as a chance to be creative and resourceful, as you think about fun ways to add in small good things every time you eat. especially in the early weeks, don’t restrict foods from your diet at all. focus solely on finding a creative way to add in something healthy and delicious every time you eat. (i really liked using the daily dozen checklist when i was starting out—they have an app and it’s very satisfying and fun to see how many things you can check off the list each day.)
(2) narrate this “adding-in” game aloud to yourself. for example: “oh—what if i eat a big handful of berries on top of that ice cream?”, or “i’m hungry—ooh, there are carrots in the fridge, aren’t there? i’ll eat three carrots with hummus before i switch over to pita chips”). and every time you figure out a creative way to add in a good food, stop and observe yourself doing it, and let yourself feel a little spark of delight at how clever and creative you’re being. this sounds silly, but i swear it works! part of changing your habits is changing self-talk & especially changing the kind of running narrative you have in your head about who you are and what you do. you can change that narrative in part by repeatedly reframing the way you tell it to yourself, ideally aloud (or aloud in your head) to help you can better “hear” and internalize the new story. instead of “ugh... i ate ice cream again. why don’t i have any self-control? why am i someone who just eats like crap?”, you’re offering your brain an alternate story, one that focuses less on things you perceive yourself as lacking, or on things you ‘failed’ to do, and more on the creative, positive things you did do (“i wasn’t going to eat any fruit today, but wasn’t it great that i remembered we had those frozen berries in the fridge? that’s pretty creative and resourceful of me, and plus it’s a good way to use up something i’d forgotten i even had”).
the “noticing and feeling delighted” part is just as important. to successfully change a habit, you need to find creative ways to make the new habit pleasurable in and of itself. the more pleasure you feel when you do it, the more self-reinforcing the habit itself becomes. you might not experience eating healthy foods as intensely pleasurable (at least at first, especially if you are comparing them with the intense brain-hacking pleasure that super sugary foods give us). so don’t try! instead, focus on making the choice a source of pleasure and delight. "look at how clever i was! look at how creative i can be! look at what a good choice i made! look at how good i am at this game of adding in!” that act of stopping, narrating, and letting yourself feel genuinely pleased with what you’ve just done makes the choice to add something in pleasurable, which in turn can help fuel your sense that this isn’t about having iron willpower or about cruelly depriving yourself of delicious things, but is about playing a fun little game with yourself, creating little challenges or puzzles for yourself throughout the day and then giving yourself positive reinforcement when you figure them out.
(3) manage your environment to set yourself up for success. to paraphrase the atomic habits book: the people who seem to have the best willpower are the people who have to exercise it the least. and they have to exercise it the least because they’ve very effectively managed their environment, arranging things so that the desired choices are easy and “frictionless,” while the undesired choices or habits are more inconvenient or introduce more friction (it’s harder to get to them).
the easy starter version of this (from atomic habits): put the things you want to eat in highly visible places and/or in appealing arrangements, and put the things you don't want to eat in places that aren't visible or that are inconvenient to access. ice cream goes in the very back of the fridge, buried behind all the other stuff. nuts go in a bowl on your desk so that you can idly snack on them while you work. apples and bananas go in a big brightly colored bowl right on the counter, so that every time you pass through the kitchen your eyes are drawn to them. chips go in the bottom cupboard, the one below eye level that you don't use very often, and when you get them out you pour some into a bowl and put them right back in there (instead of leaving the bag out on the counter). make the choice you want to make easy, and make the choice you don't want to make harder to get to.
eventually, the most effective way of managing your environment is just to exercise total control over what comes into your own living space. for me, if i don’t want to eat it, i don’t have it in the house. i typically also place a curbside delivery grocery order so that i don’t have to go into the store—anything that comes into my house is something i made a deliberate choice about ordering, not something i wandered by a shelf and added to my cart because i wanted a treat. something i’ve learned about myself over the years that moderation is just not in my vocabulary—i’m an all-or-nothing person, and it’s SO much easier for me to just not have stuff i don’t want to eat in the house. no ice cream in the house. no alcohol in the house. no fried things, no chips, no candy, etc etc. if someone kindly brings me baked goods that i did not ask for, i genuinely appreciate the gesture, but as soon as they leave i give them to my next door neighbor or dump them in the trash. (SORRY TO PEOPLE WHO BAKE FOR ME!) if it's in the house i'll eat it. if it's not, i won't, and i also won't miss it.
i did do this pretty gradually at first, though! when i switched to a primarily whole food plant-based diet, i focused on playing the adding-in game for a couple weeks, and then when i started getting competitive about it i decided to use my grocery order as a way of creatively boosting my fruit/veggie/etc consumption even more, and in the process i started winnowing out things that took away chances to add in a good thing. i would say it took about three or four weeks to get to my personal ideal state of Nope I Don't Have It In The House.
it takes time, but i’d say that within a month of having only things you want to eat in the house, your cravings will be gone, at least within your own managed environment (going to restaurants or traveling DOES require you to exercise willpower, but there are ways to prepare for this in advance). the good news, though, is that 6-8 months or so of eating like this usually brings with it such improved sleep, mood, energy levels, skin, hair, GI function, etc etc that you start to be like oh my GOD why would i want to eat that horrifying thing?? I KNOW HOW BAD IT MAKES ME FEEL!! I WANT TO POWER MY BODY WITH PLANTS!!!!! in other words, the pleasurable side effects of eating well becomes positively reinforcing in its own right, while the negative effects you experience when you reintroduce sugar or fried things tends to reinforce the idea that those foods Feel Bad.
(4) it's not exercise, it's movement. i too used to hate exercise and found it extremely painful and tedious and horrible. so instead of exercising i just started moving. i canceled my membership at the local dog bar, where i had been taking my dog almost every day to let him run off excess energy, and started talking short walks with him twice a day instead. if you don’t have a dog, offer to walk your friends’ dogs—trust me they will lose their MINDS with joy lol. i think that starting to build in regular walks is the best way to get active again, because walking is typically quite pleasant and it becomes positively reinforcing to like, wave at the same neighbors every day, and see the cute kids next door running around, and notice all the ways that the trees and flowers are changing, and so on.
if you do not find being outside inherently pleasurable (sometimes i do not lol esp if i’m grumpy about having to walk the dog), tie another pleasurable activity to your daily walk. i listen to about six hours’ worth of hockey podcasts a week and i am only allowed to listen to them on my walks, so i end up looking forward to the walk because i’m desperate to hear people talk about My Guys. you can also walk with friends, or call a friend while you’re walking, which is even better than podcasts!! social walks are so much fun and go by so much more quickly. i started out just doing daily 15 min walks, and over the past couple years have built up to walking between 60-90 min a day when i’m at home. sometimes i hate/dread my walk; sometimes i love it and look forward to it. but regardless of how i’m feeling, i do it every day and if i miss it once, i don’t miss it a second time. 
as far as activity goes, i think it’s totally ok to just be a person who walks a lot! but i’ve found that becoming someone who walked a lot helped change my own narrative of myself—I started to think of myself as a walker, an active person who moved a lot every day. and that made it easier to pick up other forms of activity too, or at least to adopt a curious, exploratory attitude towards other forms of movement. also once you start tracking your active minutes you tend to get quite competitive about it! or at least i do, lol. i keep a note on my phone where i write down the date + type of activity + total number of minutes I did after every burst of activity, then at the end of the week i add it all up and compare it to the previous weeks. it makes me want to do more, to beat my own numbers—or it makes me want to keep up a streak (like, if i have a five-week period where i’ve consistently hit a certain level of active minutes every week, i don’t want to break it!!).
my biggest suggestion for exercise, though, is to figure out what kinds of things you enjoy and what kinds of things you don’t, and then to spend all your time doing things you like. i HATE structured fitness classes and workout videos. i hate them so much!!!!!!!! but i love being outside, i love doing solo activities (as opposed to group workouts), and i love doing any form of movement that doesn’t feel like a Planned Workout, capital w. also becoming a hockey fan got me really interested in skating, so i picked up rollerblades and found that to be amazingly fun too (something i can do outside AND something that feels like gliding around effortlessly AND something that makes me feel closer to My Favorite Guys!!!!). you may not have passionate feelings about hockey fandom as i do, but i think it’s really just about being creative—finding a creative way to link something you don’t love to something you do love, or find pleasurable, so that you can start forging those positive associations. 
i spent my first couple years of being more active just walking walking walking, and then this past year during the pandemic when i really ramped up my movement i added in longer walks, hikes, and rollerblading, and i also looked for ways to “habit-stack,” ie attaching an activity i don’t much care for (running; exercise biking indoors; doing squats and lunges) to one i do enjoy (i take my tennis shoes when i go skating and then go for a run immediately afterwards, before i have time to talk myself out of it). there are still all kinds of things i don’t do—i really don’t love strength training + bodyweight exercises yet, and i hate stretching even though I Know I Should, and i know that if i want to get stronger and faster, or build up my endurance, i will eventually need to introduce some element of structured training into my daily movement.
BUT the idea of making those changes seems kind of cool to me now, instead of Horrifying and Dread-Inducing! i feel like all the positive associations i’ve forged have made me more curious and open to ideas i would’ve resisted with my whole being not all that long ago. i found a way to make movement pleasurable, and then (thanks to sports fandom + my tendency to go down research rabbitholes) i found a way to get myself intellectually and emotionally engaged in the general concept of being a highly active person. for me, that combination of real pleasure + intellectual/emotional stimulation is what i personally need to build & maintain good habits.
(also, just shoehorning this in at the end because i like it: the “it’s movement, not exercise” mindset shift was also really helpful to me because it stopped me from thinking of exercise as like, this highly structured, regimented, torturous thing you forced yourself through for a set period of time each day, and helped me instead think of movement as something that humans are designed to do & to naturally enjoy. instead of Forcing Myself to Exercise, i looked for more natural-feeling forms of movement that didn’t feel so artificially divided from my “real life.” i think that helped with reframing my self-narrative, too! it made being active feel more integrated into my daily life, which in turn made it easier to think of myself as an active person, someone for whom movement was just a normal part of daily life and not a thing i had to psych myself up to do every day.)
(5) it takes time to build good habits, but not nearly as much time as you might think, and eventually you stop thinking about how long you’ve been doing something and you just start enjoying it (ie it becomes a genuine change in your lifestyle/thinking, not an artificial thing you have to work hard every day to maintain).
i am not yet AN ATHLETE and may never be, but i often remind myself that it took me a little under 30 years to build up a PROFOUND aversion to exercise, so it’s actually kind of miraculous that in just two years i’ve become someone who genuinely, earnestly, enthusiastically enjoys being active and feels antsy/weird/restless when i can’t get out of the house and move. every small stride i’ve made has strengthened my trust in myself and helped me reframe the narrative i tell myself about what kind of person i am and what i do/don’t do. every time i do the thing (whether it’s exercising or making a delicious healthy dinner) & happily notice myself doing it, i reaffirm to myself that i’m the kind of person who takes care of my body and mind by eating well and spending lots of time moving outside. (as a side benefit, when i spend a lot of time happily noticing things and speaking encouragingly to myself, i also reaffirm to myself that i am a happy person who treats myself kindly and who is always eagerly seeking out experiences that feel joyful and life-affirming.)
plus, the more often you do something, the more opportunities you have to have positive experiences while doing it! not every walk is AMAZING, LIFE-CHANGING, DEEPLY FULFILLING, but like, if i am walking seven days a week, that’s seven opportunities for something cool or fun to happen on a walk (not to mention seven opportunities to reap all the physiological & emotional well-being benefits of exercise!!). and if i am really conscious and intentional about noticing and actively delighting in those positive experiences, i help wire in those positive associations more deeply, and my brain/body increasingly comes to associate movement with happiness, joy, and fulfillment. as the habit of being more active becomes fulfilling in and of itself, i don’t have to expend as much energy tricking or cajoling or bribing myself into doing it.
i hope this helps!! i am literally always happy to write extremely long essays in respond to simple anon questions, lol, so if you want to talk more about your own ideas for building better habits please do share!! i can also rec you specific books that i’ve found really useful—both for just like, helping me figure out how to make big changes, and also for providing that intellectual stimulation that gets me more engaged in wanting to eat well & be more active.
(also, on the extremely slim chance that you are also a hockey fan: over in my fandom sphere, we are organizing a fun summer thing inspired by one of our fave hockey players, where we’ll be planning lots of fun fannish community things to get ourselves moving this summer. it’s going to be a good time!!)
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blackwoolncrown · 3 years
Hm so something for non BIPOC esp non-indigenous ppl to consider, maybe-
Full transparency I’m writing this bc it personally pisses me off to see ppl slandering lifeforms that have done nothing wrong and also it’s a pet peeve when ppl miss a really important point.
I have that post going around about florida condos and how one of florida’s main industries is actually turning land into condos (something to also keep in mind re: narratives related to the miami collapse- condos are not necessarily or even probably good, in their relationship to stolen land on beaches/swamps that are not made to house ppl the way we are forcing them to)
and a lot of ppl are responding to that with ‘Florida sucks/florida’s such a shithole/agreeed FL is terrible’ in the tags which is bafflingly left of my actual point in posting that
so like consider, what the hell you are saying, bc thre’s a huge subject in the middle of that you don’t seem to see when you say things like that, which is the land and the ppl who care for and about it
Florida doesn’t fucking suck. Florida is a beautiful, diverse ecosystem being exploited by false narratives and deforested because everyone sees it as ‘the place in the ads’ and not as a living, breathing place with plenty to offer aside from themeparks dedicated to franchises we desperately wish  y’all would stop rewarding and the ability to turn more forest or beach into yet another condo/stripmall/disconcertingly quickly built gated community.
If your reaction to a post about how a place’s land is being exploited to fit a stupid narrative so that a few rich ppl can profit, to the point that a bunch of the buildings they put here (On stolen Seminole, Miccosukee & Timucua territory) are falling apart and killing people is to say ‘yeah that whole place is hot and terrible’ you’re truly missing the point.
It’s not Florida’s job- it’s not the Everglades’ job, it’s not the beaches and dunes’ job, it’s not the swamps’ job, it’s not the old oak forests’ job, it’s not the swamps’ job- to be cool and welcoming or to tolerate the unrealistic demands of the capitalist market. Florida doesn’t suck because it’s hot & humid- welcome to the global south it’s Like That. Florida doesn’t suck because ppl are profiting off of the idea that it should be a retiree’s playground or an idealistic getaway. The colonial expectation that an entire environ should cater to your fantasies is what sucks and it’s killing multiple locations on this planet.
There are specific people and industries that suck. And they must come to an end bc they’re killing everyhing. That’s the point.
Sidenote: The fact that Florida is mostly hugely porous and wet land that has to be filled to create foundations and frequently becomes waterlogged resulting in unstable foundations and sink holes is a well known fact of the area. So well known in general that the phrase “I’ve got some swamp land to sell you” exists to suggest one is making a poor deal.
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pepperful-qt · 4 years
hello!! i saw that your requests are open so,,, anyways, can you please make a hcs of kenma, kuroo and any other hq boys u like and their reaction when their s/o sends a video of them with i love you written on their cheeks? thank u and always take care!! ♡♡
this is so cute what🥺 almost went with Suna but decided on Tendou bc i just did something for him recently! & he deserves something like this tbh
Kenma, Kuroo, & Tendou when their s/o sends a surprise video with ‘i love you’ written on their cheeks 
you don’t send it to him in when he’s in public which he is thankful for
you do, however, send it out of nowhere. no special occasion or anything, which makes it so much more special to him tbh
you guys are video chatting while playing minecraft or stardew valley if you’re like me (or another online game of your choice) and you pause yourself and say you’re going to the bathroom or smth and mute your mic
it’s not really a big deal, so he doesn’t think too much on it and just continues building his redstone mechanism or w/e 
until he gets a notification from you
his first thought is that you ran out of toilet paper and he’s like why would you text me we’re not even in the same house-
but, that’s not what he sees. instead, it’s you in one of his hoodies that you stole 
you painted your nose and drew cat whiskers, with ‘i love you’ as the top whisker on each cheek and two lines beneath so cute wth
he thinks so too
it’s a short and sweet message, but clearly something you put thought into
achievement unlocked! you broke him
seriously, he stops breathing for the entire video
he’s an absolute blushing MESS currently pulling up his hoodie to cover his face. pulling the drawstrings and everything
direct affection like this always makes him flustered. always
which is why it’s so cute hehe
he’s not much for pda or anything so you take your chances where you get em
little did he know, you were hiding just off camera where you could see the whole thing and you are currently 🥺
you just hear your name in an exasperated groan from the call
“y/nnnnnn” muffled by his hoodie ofc
you’re smiling like an idiot bc✨mission accomplished✨
“hehehe did you like it?” 
you still have the makeup on and his soul leaves his body
“why would you do that to me?”
“awww can’t you read?”
more blushy blushy 
he wants to hug you or hold you so bad in that moment like it’s absolute torture
and next time he sees you, oh boy is he stuck to you like glue. good luck getting him off you ever
* * *
you decide to drop this on him while he’s en route to nationals. you weren’t able to come until the second day for school or work reasons, but you still wanted to show your support for your bf, esp for something so important to him!
you know he’s the type to keep his phone on dnd or airplane mode while he’s on long trips, as he prefers to sleep or read in peace
and you use this information to plan the perfect surprise! you send the video during his trip so he’ll see it when he’s going through notifications when he finally arrives
you tell/bribe Kenma to record his reaction for you too, which he may or may not do
your relationship with Kuroo has always been one of teasing and banter. for pet names you call each other ‘babe’ or ‘sweetheart’ as easily as ‘dork’ or ‘dumbass’
so it’s very very amusing to him when you start the video with “hey dummy~” while you have ‘i love you’ written in red on one cheek and ‘Nekoma #1′ on the other
the moment he sees you this guy has the biggest stupidest grin on his face. not even in a smug or cocky way, just completely lovestruck
he’s doing that thing where he covers part of his face with his hand and shakes his head a little bc he finds you so adorable
the video is actually really sweet with you hoping he got to the inn safely and wishing him good luck, and promising him a special kiss if he wins so you can see him play the second day
talk about motivation ammirite ;)
and your surprise works; he’s totally caught off guard
by the end of the video the genuine grin definitely turned devious lol, and he’s not one to blush easily, but you definitely got him a lil bit
some of his teammates heard a very ominous giggle from their captain, and his expression is even more disturbing
no one who asks is allowed to see, you're for his eyes only, but he does brag about the wonderful video his s/o sent him
excuses himself immediately so he can facetime you
if you’re still wearing it he just starts laughing again, and try as he might he can’t stop smiling
says some stupid cocky playful line
“hey baby, you got something you wanna tell me?” or “looks like you can’t contain your love for me” smh
partially scolds you for trying to catch him off guard (in public) 
“i love you too but you’ll regret that” etc
okay this mf is suggestive af fill in the rest
you better be looking forward to more than just a kiss when he sees you is all i’m saying
* * * 
happens at like 1-2am on a school night when you’re both texting memes back and forth bc you enable each other
and tbh you’re feeling a bit delirious,, like at this point you’re actually laughing irl at the stupidest things he sends and muttering to yourself
so once the idea pops into your head your impulse control may as well not exist
he doesn’t really notice your absence too much, just keeps sending da memes. in fact he’s spamming so much he doesn’t even notice what you do send LOL
so you’re sitting there like 👉👈 waiting for him to react,, until eventually you’re like: ‘hellooo?? did you see what i sent??’
LEAVES YOU ON READ LMAOO before a keyboard smash and then silence
bc he is freaking out
like Kenma’s, it’s a cute, sweet message where you’re just gushing about how much you love him
it’s a little rambly and your words are a bit slurred but that just makes it all the more endearing
“tendou~~ look i just love you so much i need the whole world to know!!” while pointing to your cheeks
poor bby is about to cry fr he's overwhelmed
he’s just watching it over and over again like🥺🥺🥺
and you’re back to waiting for a reaction and you’re starting to feel a little silly. you’d already accepted that he’d tease you over it but now you’re embarrassed--
but you know what? he sends his own video back, with 'i love you my angel!' haphazardly scribbled on his forehead 
“y/n~~~” he’s totally mocking you “i can’t believe you love me so much you’re gonna make me cry~” doesn’t mention he already did a bit “i can’t believe i’ve been blessed with such an angel--” 
he’s just going on and on until he hits the video size cap
congratulations you’ve absolutely ruined each other at 2am and you have a test tomorrow and he has morning practice
but do either of you care? no
he cannot stop smiling the next day he’s just glowing and is just all over you
and you didn’t realize you’d written in sharpie so there’s still a little bit visible that you tried and failed to hide with concealer
he’ll never let you live that down😌😘
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