#especially when it’s so well designed yk
buzzybee3 · 1 month
Made reference stickies for the markings and patterns on @sun-e-chips’ boys in their waterpark au-
I don’t know if these are 100 percent accurate but I did sift through a few images to make sure…
Anyway here they are and hopefully they match up with the canon designs. Note that it’s very disorganized, that’s just how I understand patterns and character layouts…
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Based on a few different images not limited to these:
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princeoftheeternalbog · 5 months
Really sleepy and so like sleeping with you headcannons lets go
I'm not sure half of these are even on the same vibe so uhm like do with that what you will, this is so long and it's atrocious but oh well. Also sorry if its ooc😻
I think maybe one line of suggestive in Franky's and Namis.
I feel like i forgot someone tbh..
Sleeps anywhere and everywhere but sleeps better and longer next to you. Thus he is obsessed with sleeping with you and whenever he wants to sleep now you have no choice you must take sleep too. He snores and drools but that's kind of a win because then he doesn't care if you do yk? Loves taking naps with you and it's a way he likes to connect with you. Always kisses you before you sleep and after you wake up. He's so comfortable to lie next to because he's so squishy and he holds you in like every way possible because he doesn't have to worry about circulation being cut off or anything.
Again he will sleep literally anywhere. He sleeps like a log but somehow you are the only person able to wake him up, Robin theorises it's his observation haki keeping an eye on you but whatever it is you are Zoros designated alarm clock. However, there is about a 30% chance that when you wake him up, he will just snatch you to cuddle and go back to sleep. You cannot escape his hold and if you keep trying to wake him up he'll just bite you(gently) idk he's feral. Depends on his schedule if he's comfortable or not, usually when he's bulking up he's squishier and it's nice to cushion your head on.
Never naps and it's so alarming. How does he survive on like 6 hours everyday we will never know. Anyways he's very clingy when he's sleepy but in like a 'I don't want to bother you so I'll just sit over here looking really forlorn', just take the man to bed. Is somehow so comfy to sleep with it's actually annoying because after a certain point you just can't sleep alone anymore. Always tucks you in if you don't get up at the same time as him and he'll leave little snacks and drinks on your bedside table for when you do wake up. Sanji has a more lean muscly build so it's more comfortable to have him lie on top of you and he is not complaining in the slightest.
Loves cuddling in the winter, hates it in the summer. She's really sensitive to the temperature yk it's that innate sense of the weather, so when it's hot she is hot. But she really likes being able to touch you, so after a certain point she just forces franky to install(invent) air conditioning and it makes the summer so much more bearable. After this there's no escape, you will be cuddling every night (unless boundaries yk). She always tries to convince you stay in bed in the morning...and it always works. She's very persuasive okay. Lets you use her as a pillow, like her chest or thighs or tummy, she just wants to be next to you.
Really shy about sleeping with you the first time. Only the first time. After that well lets just say you created a monster. He's really good at telling when you need a nap, especially when you won't admit it. He just subtly ushers you to a comfy spot and then oh what a surprise your eyes are getting really heavy and hm Usopp wouldn't mind if you leant on him for a bit and then snoreville. He thinks you're so pretty when you're sleeping because you look so peaceful and relaxed, so even if he's not tired he will always agree to a nap. He will carry you to bed. And he's so casual about it too, I guess because you're not like watching him directly so he's just like really chill.
Actually has a nap schedule with her sleep schedule, she usually takes a very short one after lunch because her power can be quite draining and so once you find this out it's just a big cuddle session which she loves. She tends to keep you to a sleep schedule too but she won't force you if you are really insistent on staying up, but she will say I told you so when you're grumpy and feel sick the next day. So lovely to sleep with, she barely moves, never hogs the blanket, doesn't snore and somehow always stays very cool even in the summer. She also always makes sure you get into bed safely if you're drunk or ill, even if she is too, she really cares about you.
I won't lie...he builds himself an entire like cushion add-on thing so you can comfortably sleep next to him. He looks like a giant marshmallow man it's so funny. But also it's so cute because he takes your comfort so seriously and he runs multiple tests to make sure it's the absolute comfiest he can be for you. Loves naps but absolutely adores actual bedtime because of the whole like rituals and because he knows he doesn't have to get up in like an hour. Sometimes he will seriously overwork into the night, but on those occasions it's fairly easy to coax him to bed(😚). Also he wears one of those stupid scrooge hats tbh. And yes he says super in his sleep.
Really insecure about sleeping together because he thinks he'll be uncomfortable to lie next to or cuddle :(. On the other hand, you're also really worried because you don't want to accidentally hurt him while he's asleep, so for the first few months you sleep in beds that are close enough to hold hands instead. Eventually when you both become comfortable with the idea, you end up sleeping together almost every night and you occasionally nap together too. He wears really soft padded pajamas to make sure you're comfy. It's surprisingly more comfy to sleep next to him than you thought it would be.
I won't lie sometimes you do shit yourself waking up and seeing a skeleton.
So responsible, absolutely will stop you from napping if it's too close to bedtime. He knows sleep is important but he also knows a routine is important...and he can't bear watching you sleep alone so if you mess up your schedule then you're messing up his. This also works for if you try to stay up late too, he'll straight up snatch you off the ground and just carry you to bed no matter how much you complain. Really good cuddler, like really good. He always knows how much pressure to use while holding you and when you want more or less contact, knows when you need extra blankets, when you want to sleep in a hammock instead of a bed. He's got a sixth sense for your sleeping habits (read: he's desperately in love with you).
Really grumpy about it. And really shy. Also he's a hypocrite, he'll stay up working till early hours of the morning but if you dare even try he's stood there staring at you like the mf eyes of notre dame. He always wants to cuddle but absolutely despises asking so again he just stares, you can always tell though because his ears go really red. Once you're in the bed though he's suddenly mr suave i will arrange everything, he will literally pick you up to manoeuvre you both into a better sleeping position and doesn't even bat an eye. He will nap but you have to trick him into it, he secretly loves it and lets you do it even when he knows what's happening.
Needs like 15 million blankets to sleep. Uses one of said 15 million blankets to wrap you up like a burrito if you refuse to come sleep/nap with him. But actually it kinda does hurt his feelings so you can make up for it by playing with his hair until he falls asleep. Loves napping, he's like an overgrown cat and he'll sleep literally anywhere. But if it's anywhere other than his or yours (or killers) room he somehow? manages? to scowl? in his sleep? Yeah I don't know but it just stops his crew from messing with him because he looks so angry. Like Zoro he will literally just snatch you if you're in his vicinity, like you walk past for two seconds and then suddenly your vision flips and you're just stuck in this iron grip. He won't let you go and the crew just walk past you too.
You literally don't sleep together until you've been dating for like a fucking year. He really values his privacy and you really respect it which culminates in neither of you asking for such a long time that you both forget its a common couple thing. Until someone asks why you don't sleep together and then you guys are like huh idk and then that's the day you finally do. He's a good cuddler but he's a blanket hogger and you have to braid his hair before bed or it will end up in your mouth. On the plus side, he will make and leave breakfast or coffee (or anything you want) on your bedside table if he wakes up first. Also he always picks the best bedsheets and eventually buys two quilts so you can at least have some blanket when he snatches it all.
Naturally runs like a furnance and is hell to sleep next to in the summer. But he gets really grumpy if you dont sleep next to him so the crew make you suck it up I'm sorry. Literally you're like clawing at the walls as they throw you in and lock the door. Anyways he's a really good cuddler and so comfy to sleep with, and he always takes naps with his head in your lap. He loves to have you sleep on him too because he loves to look at your face and stroke you hair, idk he likes being slow with you even though he's really energetic. Being naturally sleepy and like a little radiator also tends to make the people around him sleepy so you two are banned from working next to each other because you both just end up napping.
He doesn't sleep a lot because well he doesn't really need to. But he adores sleeping with you. It's one of his like favourite 'bonding' activities, especially if you haven't been able to be alone for a while, he just loves being that close and the intimacy of sleeping in each others beds. On another note he's obsessed with making your bed really comfy because as a doctor he knows sleep hygiene is important and as a bird...well yk...nest. He's not shy about it but don't tease him because it will hurt his feelings and he won't tell you to save your feelings, beautiful sweet man that he is. LOVES a good nap/cuddle especially in the winter, if you both have spare time he just bundles you both in a big fluffy blanket and just exists with you for a bit.
He is surprisingly a really undignified sleeper, which is why you don't sleep in the same room for months when you first get together😭. When you finally do, you wake up with his arm in your face, his hair is everywhere, there's a pillow across the room, the blanket is somehow under the bed, you're just like wtf how. And Izou is just (⁠ ⁠´⁠◡⁠‿◡⁠`⁠). But he gets better over time because his brain becomes more aware of your presence as you become more important to him and then bedtime settles into comfy chaos. Pillows still end up everywhere but he is now your cushion so you don't really care. He doesn't really nap anywhere that's not his room but if you do then he carries you to bed :).
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body ink || e. williams
summary: you tattoo ellie's thigh. it's a bit of a compromising position, and it leads you down an unexpected road. female reader.
warnings: smut!, fingering (e receiving), oral (e receiving), tattoo guns, mentions of a needle, tattoos? finger sucking?? not beta read (i didn't even read tbis through once)
a/n: i've risen from the dead. lets chat, my inbox is open :)
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Hey! I've gone thru your page and I love your work. Especially your big pieces, they're sick asf. I was wondering if you had any openings for July?
hi! i'm glad you like my work, thank you for the kind words! i've got a couple openings in july, when can you come in?
I can come in whenever. I'll make time for it if I have to...I don't care when, as long as you're the one doing it haha
how does july 13th at 1pm sound?
That works!
perfect. what are you looking to get done?
I was looking to get something kind of floral but not super...soft, yk?
so not super feminine? like no roses?
Yeah, exactly like that. I don't have a design in mind...I kind of wanted you to design it? I'll pay extra for it I don't mind, but I saw your other designs on your page and liked your style lol
okay, tell you what: i'll draw up a couple designs and send them your way before the appointment. sound okay?
Yes! Perfect.
cool cool. i'll send you the quote once we choose a design. how big were you thinking? and where?
I was thinking on my thigh...? I know some artists won't do thighs so if you're uncomfortable w that it's cool!
I was hoping to cover most of my thigh tho
haha dw about it. i'm fine with the thigh. trust me, i'm sure i've had weirder requests.
Oh yeah? Like what?
had a guy a few weeks ago who wanted a full portrait of his grandma on his ass.
Oh my goddd. Did you do it?
$300 is $300...
At least I know you're cool with a thigh 😭
absolutely. well, i've got some more dms to answer but i'll get to drawing up your design asap. i'll be in touch, thanks ellie :)
Sweet. Have a good one :)
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ellie walked into your tattoo shop about fifteen minutes early, to which the receptionist told her to take a seat as you were still finishing up with another client. "she shouldn't be too long."
you had reached out to ellie with five or six amazing designs, all of which she loved. she had such a hard time choosing between all of them, but you managed to rework her favourite parts of each design into one. you both finally came up with a tattoo design that she was obsessed with.
ellie half expected you to be a middle-aged woman with black lipstick and face tattoos, maybe even half of your head shaved and the other side bright pink. your page didn't feature any photos of yourself, just your work.
so when you came waltzing out from the studio and into the foyer, ellie thought you were the client.
"hey, your next client is here," jess said, gesturing to ellie in the chair by the entrance scrolling her phone.
"thanks, jess," you said before approaching ellie. "ellie?"
she looked up from her phone at you, completely startled by who was in front of her. a girl about her age, fucking gorgeous. there's no way you could've developed such skill in so little time.
"hi, yes, that's, uh, that's me," she said as she stood, shoving her phone in her pocket.
"nice to finally meet you," you said, holding your hand out for her to shake. her breath hitched slightly as she took yours.
"you too," she mumbled.
"i'll take you back into the studio now, i've just gotta wipe everything down from my last client." you started walking into the back and she followed you.
"cool, cool ," she said nervously.
this wasn't her first tattoo. she knew what it felt like. she wasn't sweating, stuttering, and shaking before she caught a glimpse of you.
her breath caught in her throat when she realized that you'd have to sit between her legs for most of the appointment.
she was so fucked.
she stood awkwardly playing with her fingers as you sanitized the tools and the chair, listening to you hum slightly to the music playing. she could hear the buzz of the tattoo gun from other artists in the space tattooing other clients.
in the back, an older man was tattooing a woman on the back of her knee. that had to hurt. next to them was a older woman tattooing a woman not much older than you two.
"alright, we're all set. i'm just gonna put this up," you said, unfolding one of those old-timey partitions that princesses change behind in the movies. "it's just to give us a bit of privacy, since you're getting tattooed in a bit more of an exposed place, you know?"
"oh yeah, that makes sense. thanks."
"don't thank me," you laughed. "okay, not to be too forward or anything, but if you brought shorts to change into, i'll give you a minute. if not, i'm cool with you just taking your pants off."
ellie laughed nervously, knowing it didn't even cross her mind to bring shorts. "take me out to dinner first, damn," she chuckled, starting to undo her belt buckle.
you pretended to occupy yourself with putting your gloves on and preparing your table as she took her pants and shoes off, leaving her in her black boxers, your mouth watering a little at her toned thighs.
"you can hop up on the chair when you're done. if you can just like, throw one leg over each side— yeah, like that. perfect."
ellie couldn't believe that she was borderline straddling a tattoo chair in her boxers right now. in front of you, especially. fuck.
without much warning, you slid your swivel chair almost between her legs.
"left or right?"
"uh, i write with my right hand, but i can do some things with my left?" she swallowed hard.
you laughed, "are you getting it on your left or right thigh?"
"oh, uh," god, she was an idiot. "left."
"cool. i'm gonna put the stencil on, then you can look in the mirror and see if you like it. 'kay?"
she nodded, watching you peel the film from the stencil, trying her hardest not to tense up when your soft fingers placed the stencil onto her milky skin, sending shivers straight to her centre.
when she looked at it in the mirror, she grinned, rotating her leg around to get a good look. "fuck, that's sick. i'd be content with just the stencil, you know."
you smiled at her through the mirror. "well hopefully you'll like it better once it's actually shaded."
once you had her back in the chair, you began prepping your gun. "okay, i know you've had a tattoo before, i saw that piece on your arm. so you know what to expect, right?"
"yeah. yeah, i'll be fine."
"okay. if you need a break, just let me know, kay? thighs can be sensitive." you switched the gun on.
"will do."
you began the outlining, humming to yourself over the buzz of the gun. she watched your face focused on the lines, keeping a steady hand.
"who did your arm piece?" you said as you wiped the ink away, making brief eye contact with her.
"oh, my ex-girlfriend did it. she bought a cheap tattoo gun when we were teenagers and i was her test subject i guess."
"cute," you said. "i was just curious." you went back to tattooing her thigh.
ex-girlfriend. that piqued your interest. i mean, it was kind of a given based on the fact that she was wearing boxers and looked like the idea of men repulsed her. and the way she took you in when she first saw you. like she was thirsty. and she was so fine, the way you could see her thigh clench and feel it under your fingers making you want to take her right behind that privacy partition.
"my ex let me tat her too. she was brave. let me do an entire leg sleeve my first time."
"yeah. it kind of ended badly though, so she probably regrets it."
ellie sighs, "that's the beauty of being into girls. they fuck you up."
"amen," you said, looking up at her again.
you made small talk as you worked. you found out that she was a university student studying astrophysics, that she works with her dad in the summer as a contractor to make some extra cash, that she teaches guitar throughout the school year, and that she's an artist herself (her media of choice being oil paints). she even told you that she missed work with her dad today specifically to come.
you quite enjoyed how she'd tilt her head back when you shaded some more painful areas, the cords in her neck more prominent and the column of her throat exposed.
four and a half hours later, the tattoo was finished, and you placed the second skin over her tattoo. you gave her all the aftercare instructions, going over the dos and don'ts. she held her breath when you didn't move your hand from her knee until you told her to go look at it in the mirror.
"holy fuck!?"
"...is that a good reaction or a bad reaction?"
"it's fucking amazing! jesus christ, that's so fucking cool. oh my god. you're amazing."
you blushed and thanked her as you watched her check it out in the mirror, inspecting it and gushing over how detailed it was.
she put her pants and shoes back on and you walked her out to reception.
"i've got this one, jess. take a smoke break," you said, smiling at your receptionist. she thanked you and scurried into the back room.
"alright ellie, that's $200."
"what? you quoted me at $350?"
you just smiled and looked at her, leaning forward against the counter. "pretty girl discount."
her face turned red as she took out her wallet and grinned. she counted out the money, laying $200 in cash against the counter.
"you gonna give the next client who walks through that door today a pretty girl discount, or is it just me?"
"actually, you're my last. and for the record, you're the first to get the discount."
she smiled and returned to her wallet, folding up more bills. after you put the money in the register, she leaned forward and tucked a stack of folded bills into the front pocket of your shirt, pulling you in close. "pretty girl tip."
you bit your lip as you looked at her. her eyes flicked between your eyes and your lips, finally deciding on your eyes. "you said i'm your last client, yeah?"
"yeah," you breathed.
"what're you doing after this, then?"
"well, a pretty girl hasn't asked me to go home with her yet, so i guess i'll probably pick up a coffee and—"
"come home with me?" she breathed, leaning in slightly. "please."
you giggled, "like i could say no to that."
tired of her teasing, her breath eternally fanning over your lips, you grabbed her and pulled her into you over the counter. your lips met and she groaned into the kiss, pulling away after a few seconds. she held her car keys up and shook them, "you ready, babe?"
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she had you pressed up against the wall as soon as she kicked her door shut behind her, hands all up in your hair, lips bruising against yours. you kissed her back fervently. your hand slid down to her core, feeling the wetness through her boxers and jeans. she whimpered into your open mouth at the feeling.
"fuck, you're so wet, ellie."
"then do something about it," she said, hiding her smirk in your neck as she sucked hickeys into it.
"then take me to your bed."
she led you to her room, closing and locking the door, just in case. you pushed her flannel from her shoulders and undid her belt buckle, undoing the buttons on her jeans and sliding them down her legs, being careful of her thigh. she groaned.
"this doesn't seem fair," she said, grabbing the bottom of your shirt and sliding it off. she slid your pants down your legs and threw them onto the floor. "that's better."
she laid on top of you, caging you in, undoing your bra and sucking on your tits, trailing kisses down to your stomach. "fuck, so beautiful," she groaned. 
you pressed your knee gently into her core, "still want me to take care of that?"
"fuck, yeah."
you flipped her over so her ass hung off the edge of the bed and you got on your knees on the carpeted floor. she propped herself up on your elbows, watching your every move.
you began running your finger over her covered core, soaked so good that your finger was covered in her wetness when you took it away, bringing it to your lips.
"please, fuck, i need more, take them off," she said, bucking her hips up.
you hummed, "but i'm enjoying myself, el."
"please, i need you so bad y/n."
"what do you need ellie? tell me."
"i need your fingers, your mouth, anything. i'll do anything. just need you," she begged, shame gone.
"you're lucky you're insanely hot."
you slid her boxers off, watching the strings of slick that connected her pussy to the fabric. you laid your head against the thigh that wasn't freshly tattooed, tracing your finger through her dripping core.
"open up for me, honey," you instructed, gently spreading her thighs further apart.
she let out the most guttural moan when your tongue finally slid through her folds, collecting her juices on your tongue. her hands found your hair and pulled gently, making you moan into her cunt.
you sucked her clit gently, sending waves of pleasure up her spine. when your middle finger slid into her entrance she tried to muffle her moan with the back of her hand, but you yanked it away. "wanna hear you, el. don't do that."
"fuck, you're too good. fuckkk."
"you almost there el? can feel you clenchin' around me," you said, sliding another finger in and returning your mouth to lapping at her folds, paying special attention to her bundle of nerves.
she hummed and nodded fervently. with every thrust in and out, you felt her clench around you, a small white ring forming around the base of your fingers.
"fuck, fuck! i'm gonna— ohhhhh god—!"
you lapped up all of her release that you could, only coming up for air once she had to push your head away from the overstimulation.
you wiped her release from your face with the back of your hand and brought your fingers to her lips, "open."
she grabbed your wrist and obeyed, swirling her tongue around your digits and closing her eyes. "see how good you taste?"
she released them with a 'pop'. "i bet you taste better."
"i seriously doubt that."
"you've been between my legs twice today. i think it's my turn to be between yours. take your panties off."
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permanent taglist:
@winters-fairy @idkwhattonamethisblogs
ellie taglist:
@chrry1ovr @milly-louise @dankpunks @starhrtz
@pedrobaby @urlocalgingersnap @wrendermedone @kissyslut @felsweb
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illinoaventing · 22 days
Taylor is so Tiktok-y. She is a culture vulture yes, but she is... also in it.
See, whenever something is popular, especially in the culture of white women, she will release an album with similar aesthetic.
In 2014, Tumblr was major and we have photos with these kinds of faded filters and Polaroid pictures. 1989 follows that too, but it looks off yk not like a deliberated attempt to create an artistic statement for the album like other artists. But what do I expect from a goofy ahh album title wdym your special trait is being born in the year 1989? Are you Christ?
And then in late 2019 early 2020 the cottagecore aesthetic was trending and she released folklore... like she wore long flowery dress and touched grass and stuff.
Then the Fall/Downtown girl/Rory Gilmore aesthetic. Miss girl wore thick jacket standing among trees 😭.
Then the whole 80s era came back and people loved it hard. Of course the next album must copy what the most mainstream aesthetic is trending! The lighting must mimicks the dreamy, glowing vibe of 80s pictures, with lots of contrast to create a vintage air. Tabloid of course must be sitting in a room with vintage interior design she damn well never lives in and even with a bloody vintage keyboard piano to complete the look 😭!!
And here we have the rise of #booktok and literaturetok community where people quoted Dostoyevsky and Kafka and Jane Austen and stuff. Is it a coincidence that Swifties start to chant about Taylor's pen and compare her to Emily Dickinson just by accident? Idk. But there she is promoting a whole album which is essentially about making literature an aesthetic, and she did it in a very surface-level way, like what do we imagine when we think of literature? Books, typewriter, fountain pen, cursive writings right? She basically grabbed them all and display it everywhere in the blandest way possible. Like, there's nothing visually artistically stimulating and curious. Black and white filter, paper, typewriter? Ground breaking. This MV should be preserved as a cultural relic. Even when a movie or video game tried to take an aesthetic but wrong, they still intertwine some modern twist on it to look more interesting.
So my take is that Taylor has no artistic individuality. She hops from trend to trend like a chameleon. She thinks of herself as an aesthetic enough of its own. Of course nothing is wrong about wearing what everyone is wearing but as an artist? You know how important personal artistic style is, it's to establish your own image. I think her signature is her blond hair, that's all. So despite being very famous, the general public just don't recognize her much except for being a white blond woman who sometimes sings with guitar... and there are many white blond women singers with guitar, they're just not as famous or insufferable as.
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hyperfixat · 3 months
hey!! I really love ur blog so so much rn! If you can, I'd like to request a neurodivergent MC? One that has certain foods they hate and have never told anyone since their family had forced them to try them since they were little? (Ex. Cauliflower, brussel sprouts, blueberries, bananas, carrots) and so, one day, when theyre all eating (at the HoL or just out) and they notice MC eating all but those foods on their plate? Sorry if this is a bit too specific, I just really can't write it properly for myself and i would like to have some form of comfort-
Anyway, have an amazing day!!
anon i am holding you so close rignt now this cured my writers block this is the first ask i’ve got in like two months TT 
i am incapable of writing anything not hurt comfort so there is some ‘oh man im so sad :(‘ at the beginning but yk if u said u like my writing i imagine u kinda expected this
warning for mentions of throw up and actually eating the bad foods :(
and yes yes yes i love writing explicitly nd mcs!! i added in another obstacle to the req; freaky demon food bcs thats always fun to consider. That way u can kinda make the demon food similar to whatever food u want in ur mind, anyhow, the words u wanted;
You push the pile of purple (purple!?) mashed… something from one corner of your plate to the center.  First you had to go to a strange demon school where all of your peers are so much scarier and larger than you and now you’ve been presented with whatever the hell this is for dinner.
You think Leviathan (Levi — it feels so odd referring to him so casually having just met him) was the one that made it.  There was a protein on the plate, you ate that with no issues, but. 
Urgh. This?
It’s your second night sleeping in the House of Lamentation and you don’t feel nearly comfortable or safe enough to get a snack on your own, especially at night. You’ve had such a long day at RAD and your body is dying for some food.
Disguising your disgusted reluctance with a carefully blank face, your grab some of the.  The stuff. 
Ah, nope.  You set your fork down quietly after taking a slow bite / swallow and grab your cup to drown the leftover flavors and textures.  
Luckily all the demon brothers seem pretty into their dinnertime banter and didn’t notice your… less than satisfactory reaction to the food.
Gosh, you don’t want to offend any of them, especially not so early on in the year you’ll have to room with them.  
It’s a good thing that Beelzebub is practically a food vacuum and doesn’t question the nearly untouched pile of. Well you know. Left over on your plate.
…It’s official. You hate Devildom cuisine.  
Is the universe playing one big, cruel joke on you?  What the hell is wrong with demons?  Why must the eat the worst things in the world?  Why… why… why?
Lucifer wouldn’t let you starve under his roof, and provides you with full meals and makes it clear what parts of the kitchen are free to raid (as not to take anything designated to anyone else).  You feel like the most ungrateful human in the whole wide world right now.
It’s been quite a few months since the start of the exchange program and you’ve been… getting by.  Okay, that’s not exactly true, you’ve been having a blast in most aspects of your stay in the Devildom.  Most.
There’s still the teeny tiny issue of the cuisine not quite fitting your tastes.  You’ve tried talking to Solomon about the Devildom cuisine and he tried to cheer you up with some authentic human world cuisine, but as it turns out his cooking is far worse than Devildom-style food.
Not to be dramatic, but you’re suffering in silence.  You get by, as in you’re not hungry – the demons you’ve grown oh so fond of wouldn’t let that happen.  They always seem willing to fetch you anything.  
You’re trying so hard not to hurt any feelings, because you love them and want to support them.  It’s just.  You want to throw up almost every meal.  (Barbatos’ little treats have been your saving grace – he always seems to have some yummy little snack on him.  One that you like and doesn’t make you feel like your throat is crawling out of your mouth.)
Most of the time the brothers don’t pay much thought to what you leave on your plate – as long as you eat some of what was served they seem content.  Even on nights where the meal is more nasty than good, it’s easy to just say you’re not that hungry.
This night was bound to happen at some point.  Your plate is uneatable.  It’s edible, just uneatable.  It’d be more humiliating to choke down a few bites than it is to go to bed hungry.  You wrinkle your nose when you think no one is looking and stab at the meat chunk.
Your eyes are downcast and you drag your knife lazily through the food.  It’s mesmerizing in a way, so much so that you don’t notice at first when Asmo calls your name.
“MC, is something wrong? Are you feeling alright?”  At this point he’s drawn the attention of his brothers as well.
“Yeah, you’re barely eating,” Mammon supplies.
Ah, the moment you’ve been dreading and hoped you would never have to face.
“Oh, I don’t have much of an appetite right now.”  Which certainly isn’t a lie.  
“You didn’t eat much at lunch, hon.” Asmo reaches across the table to put the back of his manicured hand on your forehead to feel for a fever.
You cringe, “uhm, well.  I’m.”  You fail to think of a decent lie quick enough – nothing you say will be believable as you mentally blue screen.
“Honest answer?”  Satan prods.
“I’m not the biggest fan of some Devildom foods.” “Not the biggest fan?”  Beel questions, “you dislike them enough to forgo eating entirely.”  
“I’m trying not to sound like an ungrateful jerk right now.  Give me a moment to word this properly.”
Satan scoffs. “Just say it.  Whatever you have to say can’t be worse than what we’ve put you through.”
“Damn, okay.  The food makes me wanna throw up when I eat it.”
Levi, the chef of the night, folds in on himself, face darkening with shame or embarrassment.
“It’s not a personal gripe, most meals have something that makes me feel that way, hon.” It seems your attempt to comfort him isn’t appreciated though, as Levi shoves his face in his hands.
Lucifer sets his fork down. “And why haven’t you said anything to any of us about this?  We want you to feel at home here.”
“You can’t expect me to be comfortable barging into what was at the time a strangers house and demand they make special accommodations for me, then once I was comfortable enough to say something I felt I put up with it long enough that it’d be odd to bring it up out of nowhere.”
“Fair enough,” Satan nods along.
“No? Not ‘fair enough’!” Mammon scolds.  “You shoulda said something to me!  Do you even like half the snacks I give you?  I spent good Grimm on those!”
Memories of bribing Beelzebub to do certain errands in the earlier days of your Devildom stay flicker through your mind.  “They got eaten.”
“MC,” Lucifer brings the conversation back on track.  “Let us know foods you don’t want to eat, we may be demons, but we’re here to provide you with a comfortable stay.”  You nod under his sincere gaze.  “Now, give your plate to Beel and order some delivery.  I’ll cover the costs, as long as you eat.”  
As you shove your plate across the table you see Lucifer pulling a shiny black card from his coat pocket.  He gestures for you to come and take it.  You walk to the head of the table and he presses the card into your hand. 
“Order whatever you’d like.  My treat.”  There’s a glint of humor in his eyes and you look down to see Goldie in your palm.
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redr0sewrites · 2 months
ATSV Characters with a Goth S/o
heeeeeyyyyyy guys 😇 *slowly sliding the 100+ REQUESTS in my inbox to the side to make room for a new special interest*
🥀Cw: none, mostly fluff!!!
🥀Pairing(s): Hobie x reader, Miles x reader, Miguel x reader, Spot x reader
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he would LOVE any type of alternative partner tbh- he just LOOOVESSS that ur goth and will support you 100%
people who go against societies expectations/standards and don't fit in with the norm intrigue him, and your style is probably what piqued his interest in the first place
y'all definitely wear matching fits sorry i don't make the rules- hobie just can't pass up the opportunity to match w you!!! whenever you go to meetings within the spider society he always brings you along, regardless of whether or not you're a spiderperson and hobie loves showing off you and your style
look me in the eyes and tell me hobia would not absolutely rock some funky eyeliner LIKEEEEE- he def lets you practice on him and will do your makeup for you too!!!
hobie loves thrifting with you, there is no way he isn't a major thrifter and you both definitely DIY a lot of your clothes
hobie absolutely has BLESSED music taste, but while he usually listens to rock, punk, dad rock, or post-punk type of music, i def see him enjoying more gothic/new wave music- especially if u introduce it to him!!!
i see him enjoying bauhaus, sisters or mercy, scary bitches, etc- he'll also give YOU a lot of music recommendations and help to expand ur taste!
hobie would also accompany you to any protests or conventions that you wanted to attend, and would act as your scary dog privileges
honestly hobie is a lovely partner to have if you are goth, and he's not only supportive but VERY enthusiastic about your fashion and lifestyle!
hes such a sweetheart!!! he definitely supports you if you're goth and asks a LOOOT of questions lmao
miles draws you and your fashion a lot, and will def design makeup or eyeliner ideas for you too!!! while ik this is more associated with punk, i also see miles drawing you a few custom patches and stuff like that
your kind of like his muse in a way, and miles just really enjoys sketching you, especially since you have such a unique aesthetic and such cool outfits
he loves watching you get ready and do your makeup. seeing you do perfect eyeliner wings and heavy makeup in general lowkey relaxes him, and he just loves admiring you
im sorry but miles knows absolutely nothing about goth music or culture, ur gonna have to introduce him to a lot of the songs/bands!!!
while i don't think he's huge on the music at first, i think it would grow on him over time. its definitely the type of thing that he loves because YOU love it, and he sees how mu much you enjoy it so he starts listening to it as well so he can talk to you about it
i think his favorite band would be the cure, and his fav songs would either be boys dont cry or the walk (both by the cure- idk why thats so specific but they just kinda fit his vibe yk?)
miles likes holding hands a lot, and he loves when you wear rings or gloves or something along those lines because it just reminds him so much of you! your hands just feel different compared to other peoples and he just loves how unique you are
if you have a lot of piercings, miles would definitely ask about them or buy you specific jewelry for piercings!!!!
overall, very very cute and supportive about your style!!! (he lowkey gives bi wife energy, and iyk what in talking ab then ily mwah)
he's pretty indifferent to your style at first, i don't see him as the type to judge much based on appearances. its your personality that really throws him for a loop, and a part of him admires your dedication to making yourself look how you want to look and truly living to be your best self, regardless of what others think
if you think miles knows nothing about being goth then be prepared for miguel bc he knows NOTHINGGGG- no music, no history, no political views, zero, zilch, nada, goose egg
if he cares about you i do see him being intrigued about your style, and once you two are officially dating is when he'll show more interest in your personal fashion sense
he strikes me as the type to like, NEVER listen to music, so he literally only listens to the music you like!!! he does find himself occasionally humming the tune of some strawberry switchblade song or casually listening to a siouxsie and the banshees song while he works, and over time you influence him a LOT with your music taste. he definitely associates any and all goth music with YOU, and that's probably why he starts enjoying it.
he's a "hand on you at all times" type of guy, and while he is rarely touchy with others, miguel is definitely keeping you close. your fashion makes that convenient for him, and he loves pulling you into a kiss by grabbing onto your belt loop or something of the sort
miguel loves how you look with and without makeup on and isn't afraid to tell you that, however, he really likes it if you incorporate his colors or color scheme into your makeup one day. he'll never admit it, but you keep catching him admiring you with the smallest smirk on his face every few seconds
if anyone ever gave u shit for what you wear and how you dress, especially someone in the spider society, you'd practically have to restrain miguel from drop kicking them across nueva york- he doesn't want anyone to be rude to you , and while he knows you can stand up for yourself, he just gets protective at times
goth? whats that???
he's lowkey such a nerd, and spends too much time being science-y and planning on how to beat spiderman to actually get caught up on fashion
spot doesn't know how he pulled you tbh, but he appreciates you nonetheless!!! he thinks you and your aesthetic are something to be admired, and will unabashedly tell EVERYONE he knows about you
he will shoplift any clothing or jewelry that you want, and he'll even take you to other dimensions where there are better alternative clothes as well
spot doesn't really have a face to do makeup on, but he'll offer to do yours for you! surprisingly enough he's pretty good at it, though he does work pretty slowly
spot loves fiddling with your accessories, whenever he's standing near you he's always reaching out to touch you in some way shape or form. he loves playing with any chains or necklaces you wear, and will help adjust them so that they lay correctly
he helps you get ready in the morning!!!!! if ur the type of goth to wear corsets, he makes lacing them up SO easy and will gladly do it for you
i personally hc that spot HATES seeing himself in mirrors/pictures, it reminds him sm of what he used to look like, but he LOVES taking photos of you and your style!! whenever you are wearing a cute outfit or have funky makeup on, spot adores just taking photos of you
if you ever did a makeup look inspired by him and his spots he would probably CRY :(
URGRHHRHHRRR I LOVE ATSV SMMMMMMM!!!! this post will DEFINITELY have a pt2 w more characters!!!!! i swear tho atsv literally pulled me out of the most horrendous burnout ever i FELT the artblock and writing block lift off of my body as i watched it. IM SO INVESTED I MADE A SPIDERSONA...
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ju1cyfru1t · 10 months
Hiii pooks! 😙 I love❤️ ur writhing sm
I’ve been having such a spider man phase after watching the new spider verse movie and I was wondering what would the turtles think when they figured out reader being NY’s Spider women or spider person like they haven’t told thier turtle bf about it and stuff (live for the drama😵‍💫)
Always love you and def feel free to ignore!
I LOVE THIS thank you pookie 🤭 hope u like it 🫶🏻🕸️ u didn’t specify so I’m gonna assume you meant the rise turtles!
Rise! Leo, Mikey, Donnie, Raph x Spider-Woman! S/O
ROTTMNT x Reader
fluff! :D, fem! reader, contains swearing, not proofread
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- He may not be the brightest mutant, but he is observant
- Probably interrogated the info out of you
- -> “Y/N, where exactly were you last night?” “Oh, uh…I was with, um, April.” “That’s funny…considering April was with us!”
- It didn’t really shock him to find out you had a big secret, what did shock him is what that secret is
- He’s also a little hurt that you didn’t tell him. Don’t you trust him??? But that wasn’t his biggest concern
- “Wait, so like…spider woman as in like, big mama kind of spider woman?” NO-
- You would have to really explain it to him
- But let’s be real, he still wouldn’t understand so you’d have to show him by like climbing up the fucking wall or something
- But he really does think your powers are super sick
- Laughs when you try to explain your spidey senses -> “wait, you’re serious?”
- ^ calls them your “tingly thing”
- maybe you can web his fucking mouth shut
- LOVES your suit, thinks you look stunning and super awesome
- “You know, I always said that was your color Y/N!”
- Invites you to patrol with them! (then he doesn’t have to do as much)
- thinks you’re so hot when you fight (NOT IN A FREAKY WAY YOU FREAKS) and hypes you up
- freaks tf out if he ever gets a web on him, including if you were to swing with him to get out of harms way
- doesn’t ask for them, but he can’t deny he likes the iconic Spider-Man kisses
- would just straight up ask if you’re hiding something. Dr.Delicate touch DOES NOT PLAY ‼️
- Of course this would be something you’re hesitant about, but he would remind you that you can confide in him
- Def was not expecting THIS.
- He is asking you a million questions all at once, and will sit nicely and listen as you explain with starry eyes (stop lookin at me with them big ole eyes)
- You’re #1 fan and biggest hype man
- Thinks you’re the coolest person ever fr
- Wants to swing around on your webs with you. Around NYC, in the lair, in Donnie’s lab, on missions, it doesn’t matter he WANTS it.
- weirdly interested in your webs 🕸️
- Compliments your suit anytime you wear it around him; thinks your mask is so so cute
- ^ in his free time he’ll sketch and color new suit designs to show you (also just drawings and paintings of you in your suit)
- isn’t going to pry any secrets from you; but he does secretly wish you’d come to him on your own.
- so you can imagine his gratitude and relief when you finally tell him what’s up
- Doesn’t really say anything about it, but he doesn’t get why you didn’t just tell him sooner. I mean, you do know he’s a hero too, right?
- he’s fascinated, he’s never seen anything like your powers before. especially because you’re not a mutant.
- really just asks questions about how it all works. Your webs, how you stick to surfaces, your enhanced senses, the whole deal yk?
- He did NOT like big mama’s webs, and he doesn’t really like yours either I’m so sorry.
- ^if he needs them, would ask to use some like he did with Big Mama’s
- It’s not you I swear he just can’t do it
- you could like climb all over his lab ceiling and walls and scare the shit out of him tho
- ^ “Y/N get down this instant! WE TALKED ABOUT THIS-“
- admires your enhanced senses and intuition of danger
- is absolutely gonna make gear for you, as well as offering to make upgrades to your suit
- wouldn’t really directly say it, but he really likes the design of your suit. it just fits you so well. (he IS going to make a purple one for you)
- would scream if you ever just dropped down in front of him to kiss him spider man style
- ^ traumatized; it’s not his favorite thing but he doesn’t mind terribly
- might take him a while to notice if something is off about you. Leo or Mikey would probably have to directly point it out for him to realize fully
- Isn’t going to beat around the bush and just asks why you’re acting lowkey shady
- really shocked, might take him a second to process even if he doesn’t really know exactly what you mean at first
- honestly he understands why you keep it a secret, just a little saddened that you kept it from him
- He’s gonna need you to really explain your powers
- “…where do the webs come out of tho?”
- would deepen your bond and connection. you can really relate to each other carrying a deep burden and the pressure of responsibility.
- AMAZING DUO with his strength and your agility
- very good hype man
- takes you on most missions and patrols, thinks you’re a really valuable asset to the team
- also calls your spider senses your “tingly thing”
- it’s not that he doesn’t like your webs, something about them just make him nervous. Refuses to let you swing him on them unless he’s in immediate danger.
- does NOT let you crawl around the lair walls, he’s scared you’ll hurt yourself
- ^ “Y/N! You’re gonna hurt yourself, GET DOWN!”
- really thinks you look so pretty in your special suit, he just doesn’t know how to say without feeling like he sounds dumb. He would DIE if it was red.
- “ I really…er, like your costume.”
- very supportive! he gets the struggle of protecting the city, but is happy you get to do it beside each other. :D
- he likes the spidey kisses, they just really fluster him
y’all I’m sorry if there is any misinformation in this don’t flame me but I haven’t seen atsv yet
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rayroseu · 4 months
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"you are just as guilty" ⚔️🥀
last cough of art before the update ahkdhkshsksh AAAAAAAAAAA i dont wanna leave Briar Valley yet 😩😩😩😩 Lilia don't gatekeep all the lore,,, dang it,,,💔💔💔💔
sometimes i really do wonder what Meleanor or Dawn's last thoughts before dying..... ESPECIALLY Dawn... Bro rarely has the chances to express his individuality, he's so tragic to be with the Silver Owls sm.. 😭who suppresses all opinions as seen with their soldier garments (all of them basically have the same motifs and design) in contrast,.. Meleanor's army has differently designed mask to highlight the unique faes they are--
I have this thought that like Silver, he cries about the sins of his nation as well... 😭I think he has regrets that he made Meleanor overblot and blames himself for it 😭 (Like how Silver was the last straw to make Malleus overblot-)
I think its a common interpretation that Dawn is heroic, but I don't think of him that way KSJSKS, not because he's not a hero, but because he's a failed one. In the story, it felt like he was "just a person". He's not perfect, he's flawed.
And, I think the existence of "failed heroes" like Dawn is really intriguing in TWST,,,, because the heroic characters here are depicted as "never failing at anything". Like how RSA characters are. They never lose at anything, but ironically the character most inspired by this school (RSA) failed at "being a good hero."
I'm interpreting he failed because he couldn't make his mission come true; peace between fae and humans, in fact he might have worsened it with the passing of Meleanor 😭😭💔💔
The most tragic thing of all his life, was probably the part where he died, not because of the faes, but of his own fellow countrymen... I imagine in this image, what did he even kill Meleanor for? He couldn't make any peace between faes and humans, he couldn't save his country, we're not even sure if he did use Meleanor's magical stone to save the Human King and if he was successful with it, so if he has failed at everything he aspired to achieve, then what else is the point to all the bloodshed he has faced and committed?
In a way, his "punishment" is similar to Rollo's, celebrated by the achievement he didn't want to commit (except its the good guy this time adskjs)
(Thats why I'm sold at the idea of Dawn just giving up fighting at his death bcs theres no way if he did actually had the motivation to fight, he'd lose against fellow humans when he fought Meleanor on solo akhdkhs... unless they reveal how he died as well next update---🙏🏻✨😳/copium)
In a way, its similar to Silver's disappointment too, that he worked all his life to make Lilia proud, to make sure that faes like his Father can be understood better, only for Lilia to leave him all alone yk... 🥹
But on the other side, I don't think he failed too much... because of his losses, Silver was brought to Lilia 🥹🥹
I feel like Lilia will relate to Dawn as well,,, He said in the story that he sympathized with Dawn because he spared tamago Malleus, but I beg to differ.
I think its actually because like Dawn, Lilia is also a knight who failed at everything he aspired to commit to (he took so long to hatch the egg and he failed to protect Meleanor and keep his promise with Levan that he'll take care of his wife and son-) so at that realization, Lilia probably sees that there's no reason to hate him, they had the same fate, so why would he hate his child as well?
He's not living anymore but I think Lilia could see that Dawn probably awaited for centuries to wake his son up from sleep,,, like how Lilia desperately waited and wished that something would hatch Malleus already 😭😭💔💔
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lowkeyrobin · 4 months
MCYT with artist reader and like R makes them art all the time weather it's using them as an art reference and having a bunch of doodles of them, or painting full portraits of them, or like painting pictures of their pets🪩🩷🥹🛸
ooooo I'm an artsy weirdo so here you go!!! thanks for the request ; also this is the day I figure out the ufo emoji existed
MCYT ; artsy reader
includes ; tommyinnit, tubbo, ranboo, badlinu, nihachu, quackity, & foolish gamers
warnings ; language
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bro u got a whole sketchbook dedicated to doodles of him and his character versions in mc smps (dsmp, osmp, etc)
you love painting him in watercolors 🫶🫶
you made him a watercolor portrait thing with the HTBAB logo behind him, freddie & jack
he treasures the art you give him
literally frames it and hangs it on the wall or puts it on the shelves in his office
sometimes he'll take a picture of them and posts them w ur consent to show off your talent
"look what y/n made me 🫶" or "now wtf why can't I have this kind of talent?"
will chill out with you while you're drawing/painting etc
you go over to his parents house ONCE and make a family portrait + the dogs for them
that painting hangs above their fireplace, his parents look at it everyday
he does little drawing competitions with you on stream just to bond with you a bit and make you laugh
like the "we go back to school" video, the paint gets everywhere because of him LMAO
will straight up show off your sketchbooks on stream too
absolutely loves that you draw him
and the fact you have so much q!tubbo and sunny fanart 💔💔
he hangs all the physical art up around his house
you made a little oil pastel portrait of you two with tommy, freddie & molly under you like they were your kids 😭🙏
it hangs in a frame in his background so everyone watching stream can see it
he absolutely loves your character designs and your art style/s
you straight up animated the life by the sea music video as a little present for his birthday
took 5 months but you got it done 💪💪
genuinley rewatches it a million times
he posted it to his YouTube as well to show off your talent
adores watching you draw/paint in silence
and he loves posing for you to help you get a good reference
beware cause he'll start complaining after 30 seconds
absolutely loves showing off your art and praising you for it
you've made them so much genloss fanart
you even made them a few channel banners, especially after the rebrand (and they will never change them ever again omg)
gives you a bunch of ideas for drawing
you love drawing the lanky d!ranboo and gl!ran especially w the mask and wide arrangement of wires and stuff
you made a textured painting of genloss!ranboo and it sits on one of the shelves in his office
he's obsessed with touching it and feeling the paint
its like feeling the hours of work you put into it, something just for them
also loves posing for you
they will get so extravagant and unique with it LMAO
anything you make for him is a treasure
you made a little portrait of him and his closest friends, and it hangs on his bedroom wall where he can see it constantly
shows off your art and totally praises you for it
does silly poses for you to reference
you've made him a couple screensavers and stream starting soon pages
he absolutely loves your color pallettes good god
Freddie in acrylic paint>>>>>
"guys look at what my amazing partner made me today 🫶❤️"
sends you links to Instagram shorts or whatever to little crafts/ideas if you're having artist block
he finds a notebook full of sketches and random blurbs of/about him when you get bored and shit and have nothing better to do
absolutely head over heels because the fact you spend so much time making art of/for him, omg
if you bleach-paint shirts yk damn well he's wearing whatever you made him 24/7
absolutely loves your character designs for her characters, they're all so unique and different and she loves it
your designs of osmp!niki are her favorite, considering she's literally a mermaid
the art you make with all her tattoos and piercings>>> omg
either totally adorable or totally badass
"more biker! niki bc she needs to learn how to bike rn... @/nikinihachu"
"amazing as always y/n/n 🫶 maybe I will..."
loves just quietly watching you do your thing
her and watercolor paints will never not be perfect
you make a whole mural for her because you got bored...
it's an abstract kind of goth-ish mermaid kinda thing on one of her office walls, and 'nihachu' spread across it in white, kinda cursive lettering, it's amazing
always making silly little doodles of her too
cant even comprehend how talented you are
he always sees you drawing him and painting him and he's like "bro go touch grass u spend too much time thinking about me"
you also made a textured painting for Tiger
it's his prized possession, he loves it to much
almost broke down and cried when you gave it to him
loves looking at all the little doodles, drawings and character designs
his favorites are the ones of him with dynamic arm poses, even if you think they're bad
he thinks it adds a lot more personality and makes him look better LMAO
he loves and appreciates that you spend so much time on something about/for him, and so often as well
he looks so good in gouche paints that's all I'm saying
and in a kinda graffiti style as well omg
absolutely adores all the art you make of him
he'll even pose so you can get references and shit LMAO
him and watercolor paints... lord
any painting you've made for him is hung up on the wall
loves seeing your character designs for his dsmp/qsmp etc characters
he also shows them off online and points out all the cool things you've added and shit
even if it's just simple doodles of him, you'll add a splash of color w a marker or highlighter and he thinks it looks so awesome
you have post it notes all over your wall thatre just doodles of him and shit
you painted his shark logo on a giant canvas for him for a YouTube video
like 59 hours later you completed it and gave it to him as a birthday gift
he doesn't shut up about it after that
literally brags about it like he's a 15yo who just got a girlfriend for the first time before all his other friends
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barsformars · 3 months
beautiful stranger
g - comfort, angst
p - san x reader
w.c - 959
t.w - none
a.n - a request by @choisansplushie sorry that it took awhile 🙏 but i hope that this piece comforts you a little and please know that you’re not alone. i had to put this on hold because something happened in my life too that had me in a very bad mental state but yk what we all will come out stronger! so here you go 🫶
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san is not one to chase after someone crying down the streets of myeongdong, especially not with the not-very-discreet celebrity disguise of black hat, black mask and a manager who could pass off as his uncle. but he didn’t have it in him to completely ignore you when your bawling reminds him of the times his throat was choked up too. after getting permission from his manager, san quickened his steps to catch up to you.
“hey, sorry,” he called out, and you feel his firm hand on your shoulder. “it’s not my business but if you need to talk about it, i’m here right now.”
you can barely see the man through your swollen eyes and welled up tears but you can feel the warmth and sincerity seeping from every inch of him. you attempt to speak up in response but to no avail, the only sounds coming out from your mouth were cries from the depths of your soul, the tears not stopping even for a second.
luckily for you, san was very experienced in dealing with breakdowns of all kinds, the idol industry is incredibly and unimaginably stressful for everyone involved. he reached into his pocket for a packet of tissues and pulled a couple of sheets out, stopping you right before your fists rubbed your eyes again. san placed the tissues in your hand, though they quickly dampened too. it ached his heart.
“s-sorry.” your apology sounded more like a squeak. san immediately reassured you that there was nothing you should feel bad for right now.
“why are you crying all alone here? would you like me to keep you accompany you?” he offered once more, not caring how nosy he probably sounded. you gave him little nods, too embarrassed to admit that you needed someone because you were indeed very lonely. san gestured for his manager to get a bottle of water for you, the dehydration after a good crying session always gives him a major headache.
the three of you relocated to a quieter area of the neighbourhood and found a bench to sit. you accepted the bottle of water gratefully and san watched as you gulped it down, praising you as you finished it.
you decided to share your troubles with the kind man, after all you have been desperately needing a listening ear. it’s not that you didn’t have anyone else to turn to, but your friends and family tend to care too much. they give you unsolicited advice and nag at you when all you are asking for is someone to listen and support silently. and he did just that, nodding and validating your feelings through your rant.
“thank you for sharing it with me, even though i am nobody but a stranger to you,” san said, “i wish i could say that you can call me the next time you are crying alone but due to certain circumstances i unfortunately cannot. i really hope you find someone who will always be there by your side.”
you responded with a tight-lipped smile, you had thought he would be that person for you.
san removed a ring from his finger and passed it to you, “oh, i want you to have this.”
you squinted at the ring design, and the accessory itself, confused.
“it’s a butterfly,” san explained, picking up the ring and pointing out the design to you, “do you see it?”
“i guess,” you replied with a slight laugh, it was maybe a very abstract butterfly. maybe, if you squint hard enough.
“hey! don’t laugh, i really treasure this ring a lot.” the man whined, you bet that he was pouting under his mask.
“i’m not laughing, just amused,” you promised. he was definitely still pouting.
“anyways, i want to give it to you because you remind me of a butterfly. i know times are hard now, and you may feel stuck in life but i guarantee you, hard work will never betray you. i believe, and i know that your time will come and you will emerge as a very beautiful butterfly.”
you felt tears threatening to pour out again, you haven’t heard such reassurance in a really long time and you didn’t know how much you needed to hear this from someone. this man was like an angel sent down from heaven, you can’t believe such a kind soul is just walking around on earth like that.
“will i ever get to see you again?” you asked, hopeful.
“i think you will, you’re my nabi, my butterfly,” san whispered to you, as if it was a little secret his manager was not supposed to know about. “when you’re strong on your feet again, i want to know how you’re doing.”
the two of you parted ways shortly after that, and you thought that it was impossible to ever see him again. there are almost 8 billion people in the world, what are the chances? but like the man himself, a miracle happened when you opened up social media the next morning and saw fan’s sightings of your favourite idol in myeongdong.
theres no way, you thought. yet the outfit the man last night wore was identical to choi san’s, and on hindsight, his voice did sound extremely similar.
you turned to look at the ring on your nightstand and a smile tugged at your lips. you were going to keep this magical encounter a secret from everyone, and you were going to get back up on your feet before you ever let yourself meet him again. but this time, as a fan and not a crying stranger.
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yunxi-11085 · 1 year
Little intricates to treasure
Yanqing & Reader w/ Jing Yuan (platonic)
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this is my headcanon but I want yanqing n reader being childhood friends and they are inseparable yk?? super adorable and maybe a vv mischievous pair
this is all platonic/young love as yanqing is not of age n please do not be+think sexual stuff when reading this. this is part of my incorrect prompts post!( you can find it on my pinned post++) I just had a rlly cute idea so Im continuing it yee!!
soooo let's start shall we~~
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yanqing and you are an inseperable pair, the locals of the Xianzhou alliance are so used to both of your little tricks and mischievous acts that they just sigh and awe at the cute sight.
I mean who can dare yell at the general's most treasured liutenant? but no one can admit aloud that they think you two are really cute. the way both of you are whispering (but they can still hear you) about your little plan and the way you execute it is super obvious but they still play along with your little acts
yanqing would bring you to places while holding hands, he'd be super excited and run around when he buys new swords! you both would sit down and he would ramble til sunset about how the sword is designed and the handiwork he likes. and his eyes lit up whenever you agree with him too
it's funny n weird to imagine that yanqing will be as tall and bulky when he grows up, just like the general. if young boys could preserve their youth and cuteness longer...
speaking of the general, when you first met Jing yuan you were super scared, especially because this lion of a man was standing so tall in front of you—but you're now getting used to him being crazy over cats to worry about him killing you or crushing you in one step.. why were you scared abt that btw??
so one day yanqing wakes up with an idea.. he runss to you and starts talking about his plan. the general would be out today to sort some things and yanqing wanted to mess with his chess pieces!
he so wanted to get revenge to the general every time they play chess, because the general keeps eating his chess pieces without him noticing!
so his plan was to paint some of the generals chess pieces to black, because the general uses the white chess and yanqing just thought to paint them. as if the general won't notice how hes missing one chess piece when they start playing
you were skeptical because of the aforementioned possibilities... plus a normal chess would have 32 pieces with 16 per side, an advanced player like Jing yuan could tell from the start.
but the lil puppy eyes yanqing gives you— and then somehow you are seated in the private garden of the general (how is this sneaky?!) with a chess set and black ink in front of you.
I'm pretty sure the punishment this time won't just be the allowance cut in half...
anyhow you both start, but the ink had to be wet— yanqing just bought dry ink somewhere. so, with the strength of two teens you brought a bucket or two to start.
at this point you both are not painting chess pieces, you're writing a whole letter of apology and discipline
you just hope yanqing knows how to hold a brush.
turns out, he does not. it becomes a dark mess within minutes, and your hands and clothes are all dark with ink, and yanqing isn't all better as well
now its a real mess.
sucks for you but, Jing yuan arrives
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I need to sleep now aaaaa
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astarionposting · 2 months
tell us more about ren she’s so pretty i need lore
Hello anon!! I am so flattered u want to know more about her! Ren is an alternate universe version of my usual Tav. I’m much better at storytelling visually, so I’ll explain some of my visual choices I’ve made for her character, which contains a bit of the lore I have created thus far. (also thank u for the excuse to just create a character dump post for her lol - i spent way too much time on this)
content warnings: mentions of dissection, scarring one's own face, unhealthy obsessions, stalking, religious trauma... just general fucked up Bhaalist things. + spoilers for BG3
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A keypoint in her design are her eyes; Ren has the same eyes as The Dark Urge's Fiend butler, Sceleritas Fel, reflecting her origin as a creation of Bhaal Himself. Similar to other creations like her and Sceleritas, she was made with the purpose of serving and assisting Bhaal's Chosen.
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The right side of her face is deliberate scarring of her own doing during her priestess "training". Her body scars, however, are the result of the experimentation performed on her in her early training days. These experiments are often done with the purpose of making unnatural "improvements".
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I really love how Scarlet Witch's fingertips will stain black as a result of her use of the Darkhold's chaos magic spells, so I took that inspiration and headcannon that Ren's hands/arms do something similar from her "training" as a priestess of Bhaal and her use of necromancy/shadow magic and rituals.
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For her general aesthetic, I was mainly inspired by the concept art for Bhaal for BG3 and this art of a priestess of Bhaal. She often wears a large dusty cloak over her usual gown. Placed on the top of her cloak, she will also sometimes wear a crown of thorns, mimicking the "spiky" style of common Bhaalist attire. During their time in the temple, before the events of BG3, she often adorned her face with a broken piece of a human skull. Since her coat is quite heavy, she walks a little hunched over… kind of like a creepy gremlin. Additionally, she will wear a small Bhaalist charm at the collar of her cloak.
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Underneath, she wears her typical black gown; the top half resembles Orin’s carapace and blends into her skirt, with leg slits for better mobility, of course! When she isn’t wearing her cloak, her hair is loosely tied back and styled into a collection of braids, accessorized with Bhaalist jewelry.
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*Keep in mind I am not a lore expert in terms of D&D deities or Bhaalist lore in general. I took some stuff from the forgotten realms wiki but also just made some stuff up lol, so this NOT D&D or BG3 lore accurate.
Also, again, warnings for unhealthy relationships/obsessions, as well as brief mentions of torture but not in detail.
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Similarly to Sceleritas Fel, Ren has a lot of "care" for The Dark Urge. She favours him over Orin, and often clashed heads with her... but of course I have to have some doomed yuri content too!!!!!! so maybe they kissed once or twice >:) (but waaay before the events of BG3) Her "training" as a priestess of Bhaal consisted of torture, religious indoctrination, and extreme mental corruption/manipulation, especially by Orin. As implied before, she faced experiments in order to "improve" her usefulness to Bhaal and His Chosen. As a result, she is not the most stable person you'll meet. She is mainly chaotic evil aligned, however, her final loyalties will always lie with The Dark Urge, and she is accepting of his resistance/redemption path, as well as his acceptance/murder hobo path. She is essentially a certified Real One (also doesn't rlly vibe with Bhaal after he kills her evil Dragon boyfriend yk). The tadpole in someway also helped "release" her mind of Bhaal's influence, and while she is still an obsessive and violent girlie, she can be persuaded to not be a total murder hobo and sometimes even decides on her own to go against Bhaal's wishes (she still cool with murder though). As I previously mentioned, Ren was created by Bhaal to assist His Chosen in his duties and leading the temple, as most priestesses/priests of Bhaal do. She is more of a companion and advisor to The Dark Urge, rather than a servant like Sceleritas Fel. She is deeply (obsessed) "in-love" with The Dark Urge, and supports him over Orin. A while before the whole tadpoles, absolute, blah blah blah stuff, her and Orin had a brief history, but it was moreso Orin's jealousy of what Durge had. Her in-game class is a Bhaalist class mod! It is very fun so far, and she just levelled up to level 3 and can now has the ability Verminous Metamorphosis, so she can turn into a… RAAAAT!! 🐀 sorry, Astarion :( However, I see her as a combo of this and a death cleric of Bhaal. In terms of how her story is going in the BG3 campaign, i still haven't fully fleshed anything out yet! I would assume she would have a large impact on Durge's memory loss. Maybe she will have her own gaps in memory, but knows they have a reason to go to Baldur's Gate. As for other durge events, I believe she would be proud of The Dark Urge for such a "beautiful display of gore!" after Alfira night lol. I'm still undecided if I want to do redemption or murder hobo durge... I don't want to kill Isobel so I'm probably going to headcannon that Bhaal tasks The Dark Urge with killing her, as a way to test if he is "losing his way", or if he cares more about the life of a "mere servant of Bhaal" than his own "birthright" as Bhaal's Chosen.
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For now I am just going with the flow of the game and doing some fun photo and gif series of Ren and Durge's adventure in my Durgetav playthrough!
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Face preset | hair | scar | eyes | makeup + bloody lips | body tattoo & autopsy scar Orin top, arms + legs | dress + accessories | cloak | hood + crown/mask | lingerie
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dividers made by me with canva; graphics by @/brand314195326 and @/dhtgip. screenshots by me ♡
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risetherivermoon · 5 months
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Some s1 kids/kiddads art of an au im working my mind out on! basically a typical fantasy/faerun type au but my own little twist on it :))
heres some info cards about them in this specific universe as well as some rambling:
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im also probably gonna make one of these for the dads as well because this au has become some brainrot lol, i had a lot of fun designing lark and sparrows outfits because i always imagine oakvale wear being white gold and green so i kinda really leaned into with that. Nick as a tiefling is fun and silly to me teehee, as well as terry jr as a vampire. Its just a bunch of magical people and then grant lmao
i like terry and ron having a found family type of bond, and i promise ron will end up meeting samantha at some point lol, and i have a lot of notes about ron's character because of his background and everything, they aren't all supposed to fit into specific dnd archetypes or classes, but some of them like sparrow, nick, and terry have actual dnd classes lol, im really just fucking around with the loose concept of faerun, tbh i kinda see nick as both a bard and a fighter type of character? yk?
the necklaces with the single green bead that both lark and sparrow wear actually hold some cultural meaning for oakvale that im still working on, but i came up with the concept a while back so we'll see if i decide to talk about it
their stories do end up intertwining but this is the basic background info about their stories, and there will be more revealed when i get into making the s1 dads info cards as well.
terry and the twins probably took the longest to color and draw because of how many details are on both of them, especially terry's parasol bc i drew that without looking up a reference so i do hope it actually looks like an umbrella...nick was a bit hard to draw just because his face is partially covered and grant was actually fairly easy and i love how his design came out since ive been attempting to figure out a s1/teen design for him for a bit, obviously this isn't it because he's in fantasy attire but it's close enough that i have the gist of the idea..i made him look so pale lol, i imagine carol is pretty pasty and darryl isn't too tan either so...white boy is very white indeed
anywayys thats some of my funky lil au lol
(here are the dads!)
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guckies · 7 months
Really really trying my best to listen to tubbo’s theories but they are so easily picked apart bc of his own bias and interpretation of the events that have happened. So I’m gonna go through it because I can and also a lot of people seem to just take it at face value which it really isn’t. There are a lot of factors that play in here.
The Maze - why would they have been brought to the maze and to the spinner room directly if not to spin the wheel especially since the way in was fixed the same day. They were brought there by evil cucurucho(who is connected to the watcher) for a reason and it was to spin that wheel, so blue was always meant to exist. Also it was 3 of them there so they’re all guilty of letting it happened it wasn’t just tubbo who was at fault for spinning the wheel.
Eggs on egg island - it’s likely but if he had the eggs on the island previously, he could have also just killed the eggs then but he didn’t because they’re leverage and mind games bc how do we even know if he has the eggs. Also how would the eggs even be able to give info or know the future unless they’re with the game maker. The eggs being split into 3 teams on the island also confirms it was meant to be 3 teams. Therefor blue isn’t an accidental team.
Why would the game maker make blue cursed, try to eliminate blue if they were never meant to exist and therefore kill the eggs cause they’re cursed? (Tubbo was talking along these lines i just paraphrased because how do you simplify it)- By that logic it makes red the cursed team because it was only meant to be green and red; and the cursed team has always existed as far as we know, it wasn’t just invented bc a team got in when they weren’t meant to. It’s so obviously the game makers design. Either way if there wasnt meant to be a third team then he would have just made two teams but he didn’t, cause the wheel spins are connected to the eggs by the info given. As well if he cursed blue despite them supposedly not meaning to exist to kill their eggs, makes no sense. Then he would have no power over them because he has all the info, so him “trying” to kill “cursed” blue wouldn’t make sense.
The egg war - blue didnt even try, even with the makeshift agreement not everyone actively agreed agreed to it, they all just assumed. Their egg was removed because blue was basically dead bc they didn’t prep, green maimed the egg almost all the way, blue had low team numbers and they weren’t enjoying it, so they were taken out to speed the game up.
The egg videos before they arrived at egg island - the videos are kinda bs because they were only on twitter and it is essentially the eggs motivating them to win because they don’t want their parents or siblings to die especially if they’re all separated. So basically just promotion. Also how could the eggs know anything happening in their game, the game maker would just make a new game cause it would ruin his fun. Also also the eggs literally never ever have outside knowledge apart from richas and his separate identity so it doesn’t really add there either.
Tickets - Most custom tickets are on red apart from quackity who isn’t there because ElQuackity took his place and stole his ticket so how are we meant to know if Quackity is actually meant to be on green. Because the watcher would know if it was or wasn’t Quackity. I think he was just playing along with ElQuackitys game because he wants them to suffer. ElQuackity being in the green was probably a move to make it “fair game” or some bullshit or also to make him work with other outside knowledge people like Fit, antoine or kameto. Still doesn’t change that red have 2 out of 3 known custom tickets (4 out of 5 in meta but yk). Also if they were meant to have custom tickets, Bagi would have had one because she’s had hers for like a month maybe, literally ever since she joined also carre would have to but they don’t so obviously they have to mean something.
The screen of people - this has happened before with foolish during the election arc. They had a screen of people who were connected to the feds by a direct way except foolish. Who at the end of the election arc only got a cucurucho task to arrest tazercraft which is just normal cucurucho things tbh; He wasn’t connected to them in away way we know of. Also I think the admins often put some relevant lore people to show that they are being watched and that the game maker has info because it wasn’t everyone on all teams on that screen just a select few people. Aside from that I think it was more to do with him watching the 3 groups on quesadilla like the fed, the order and the code revolution.
A little thing about the train - Out of everyone who came on train the only team to have all active members that played the event come through the train was red cause half of their players are missing. Both green and blue had members just show up at purgatory (ElQuackity, Mariana and Pac).
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quartztwst · 8 months
his treatment of kalim, while it is a two way street, but he complains that kalim never does anything for himself, when its j*mil who never lets kalim do such. Kalim is probably the most nicest character, and j*mils midirected anger pisses me off so bad 😭, especially since j*mil could’ve honestly talked to kalim about it.
While it might not be as socially acceptable, it would be for him because its KALIM he wants to talk too. Instead of immediately resorting to taking him out of the equation he could’ve just talked to him, im sure kalim would’ve been open to it !! 😭😭 j*mils overblot also was just hella annoying 😔 YOU can like him, and ofc think of the situation otherwise, just me personally i didnt lkke how it was handled 😭😔
i do like his design though, and his development and concept is something i enjoy, just not how it was handled 😔
In my defense,
He's 17
HELPP LMAO but anyways. Yeah, all of that is totally valid and I actually don't know that much about Jamil but I do think the hate is misdirected but at the same time, i believe its understandable why. I think the reason why he hates Kalim is because of his obliviousness to the situation they're in and also obviously because he's always after him.
"His parents kept telling him he's under Kalim. Why not hate them?"
Yeah his parents forced him to do that but that's HIS parents. The one he loves. That's family and he knows their situation.
"Why couldn't he hate Kalim's parents then?"
No doubt he holds some type of resentment for them too idk
But I don't think he is as close with kalim's parents to even feel that much hatred as he is with Kalim. Like yk you don't even know that person well enough to even hate them.
I do think he does hold resentment for them but I believe since he's more near Kalim and is always told:
"Kalim goes first"
"Kalim wins."
"Kalim is above you."
He's told that constantly and they don't mention "Oh his parents are better" or smth
His parents probably said "Kalim's family is above us" but I do think "Kalim is first" or smth like that has been consistently said to him that it's been ingrained in his mind.
Also imagine ur parents putting another kid above you, would you not hate that kid? I mean yeah you'll hate your parents but also that kid too.
Like the sheer resentment and confusion you'll feel because "what makes that kid better than me?" "What's so much better?" "Aren't I better?" "Do you not love me?"
LIKE IMAGINE WHAT JAMIL FELT WHEN HIS PARENTS WERE LIKE "don't do that!!! Kalim needs to win!!"
And also he's been doing shit for Kalim since they were born so I think he's just doing his job when he keeps doing shit himself and doesnt let Kalim do it 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ idk I literally don't know but it's silly but he consistently does it so Kalim could look good. Everything he does is for Kalim to look good like he's taught.
And that's kind of the reason why he went to NRC so he could escape from Kalim and focus on becoming a cool wizard but Kalim's dad found that and literally shoved Kalim into it too, ruining Jamil's freedom. Crowley got paid a small loan of million madols and made Kalim dormleader.
Yeah it's not Kalim's fault but it deepens Jamil's hate for him because HE worked hard but Kalim's daddy pays the school and boom, Kalim's dormleader.
I think that's why he says Kalim's mere existence makes him defer everything for him. He has to put off winning a board game, he has to put off competitions, he has to put off getting good grades, he doesnt become dormleader for Kalim to look good.
And the fact that he had to put off EVERYTHING for Kalim. I mean yeah they could've talked but JAMIL ISNT VERY OPEN LIKE THAT. Kalim would really love it if Jamil was open about it but Jamil was always told to hold off his tongue. HE'S BEEN TAUGHT THAT.
I LOVE KALIM TOO don't get me wrong I love Kalim but hating on Jamil is a GRRRRRRRRRRRRR for me like GRRRRRRRR
I used to hate Jamil for that same exact reason. Why did he betray Kalim? Kalim did nothing wrong to him. But I just got to understand Jamil a little more.
Even if Kalim is the nicest character, there's people that hate him.
I'm sorry for going off on a rant and stuff. I see Jamil hate and I start being a Jamil Defender
Yall call him a hypocrite
I call him misunderstood 🥺 (pick me Jamil please pick me)
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lyretheinstrument · 18 days
Finished batch one of tfe season 2 and honestlyyyyyyyhhh..,.
(first batch review and opinions)
(cut to avoid spoilers)
it's rough compared to the first season. I genuinely believe it's not the creators fault and they probably got mega rushed and a ton of budget cuts.
This season was definitely more Terran focused and I don't minddd that?? because it is their show. but I do wish legacy characters got a bit of spotlight. I know prowls coming in batch two so I hope he gets a fair share of screentime. again, I know it’s supposed to focus on the Terrans but I feel that if your gonna include the cybertronians can you try to use them a little more ? otherwise don’t have them at all yk /lighthearted
but personal grievances aside for a moment the writing was ROUGH. I know it's a kids show but almost all the episodes felt weirdly paced, awkward, and babyish?? and the animation downgrade doesn't make it any better.
honestly a lot of it was just really distracting and I couldn't really focus on the story. Also the story itself felt kinda, unfocused? idk maybe that's a personal thing as well. I found it kinda hard to get invested. The Terrans I only really like are twitch thrash and nightshade. jawbreaker is fucking insufferable. I’m sorry.
I noticed a lot of the issues in the episodes could have been easily solved. That is NOTT something u want an audience to feel.. a simple communication or action could have easily prevented an issue in an episode. :/
personal grievances back infront IM SO MAD BEE GOT LIKE ZERO SCREENTIME
Optimus episode was cute tho I like it when characters shit on jawbreaker
I don't mind the cons being villains but if you’re gonna have them as villains can you give them more personality and screentime. also a lot of the decepticons felt bland or out of character.
A fun and interesting plot line we could have had (at least in my opinion) is decepticon infighting. It felt bizarre to me that soundwave and shockwave just fell in line when starscream assumed leadership. IDK!! I feel like the three would be arguing over who would be leader?? Correct me if I’m wrong on this I might he looking at this all wrong. </3
honestly I had like zero interest in spitfire and aftermath but at LEAST aftermath had a new design (GLARES AT SHAMELESS TWITCH RECOLOR).
like I’m not even upset that twitch and spitfire have the same/similar alt modes because it works w them being literal parallels of eachother. I’m just mad it’s just a straight up (lowk ugly) recolor. it just doesn’t work for me personally. Especially bc a good redesign could immediately fix a lot of my issues with it. like make her sharper or give her different patterns and adjust the color placement SOMETHING BRO.
that concludes my disorganized ramble for now. I’m excited to see everyone’s thoughts on the first batch of season two and I remain optimistic for the second half :3
side note:
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