#especially whenever afo...speaks
grimalkinmessor · 10 months
Sweets with afofa ♡
We did horror last time, so let's do something a little fluffier this time :3 (It's more hurt/comfort but what can you do with these two really)
Yoichi crouches on the stairs of a decrepit apartment building, hiding half behind the railing as he waits to hear a familiar set of footsteps. He's a little sore from holding his position so long, but there's truly no other way.
He hears a door open somewhere below, and he holds his breath on instinct.
Footsteps, quick and heavy, begin tramping up the stairs towards him. The ones he's been waiting for. Yoichi goes deathly still. He waits ever so patiently until the footsteps are just around the corner—
"BOO!" Yoichi shouts, launching himself out from around the corner in a flurry of white sheets. He finds himself caught around the middle fairly quickly, hefted off the ground and twisted upside down in a quick, inhuman movement.
Yoichi yelps, his sheet falling off and his shirt draping into his face. He looks up at his brother with a pout, hair swaying just a few centimeters off the ground. Takashi smirks down at him. "Nice try."
"You're no fun," Yoichi complains, squirming in Takashi's grasp. Takashi is nineteen now, and he's already unfairly tall—hanging upside down so far off the ground is making Yoichi dizzy. "Put me down!" He flails.
"What are you all dressed up for?" Takashi prods, ignoring Yoichi's request and spinning him in a circle just to make him squeal. "Aren't you getting a little too old for ghost stories?"
"You're never too old for ghost stories," Yoichi proclaims, wiggling harder. "Besides, it's Halloween! I know you didn't forget; it's your favorite holiday."
"I don't have a favorite holiday," Takashi sniffs.
Yoichi gives him a deadpan look, which really isn't as effective as it would be right side up. "Uh huh. Just like you don't have a favorite color."
Takashi's ears turn pink, but he scoffs. He heaves Yoichi up and around, practically flipping him over his arm to set him gently on his feet. Dizzy, Yoichi stumbles and falls onto his butt with a soft 'oof!'. Takashi drops the fallen sheet back over Yoichi's head, deliberately setting the eyeholes backward so Yoichi sputters, blinded. "Espèce de jolie et déraisonnable chose... What exactly was your plan, hm? Scare your one and only brother down the stairs so you can become the sole heir to the Shigaraki fortune?"
"Hey, I'm not the one who gives off Count Olaf vibes," Yoichi retorts, pulling the sheet around so he can stick his tongue out of one of the eyeholes. "I still can't believe you laughed when their Aunt got eaten by leeches."
"It was funny!" Takashi insists indignantly.
Pulling off the sheet, Yoichi shakes his hair out of his eyes and smiles. "Besides, you're too late. My plan has already been enacted!"
Takashi raises an eyebrow at him, watching curiously as Yoichi scrambles to his feet and darts back around the corner of the stairs to retrieve his prize. This building is old and grimey, barely up to maintenance code, but their apartment is the sole one on the top floor, so they have it all to themselves. It's their first real, legally obtained home.
Grinning to himself, Yoichi pokes his head back around the corner and demands, "Okay, close your eyes."
Takashi closes them—
"And no using a metapower to peek!"
He groans, shoving his hands in his coat pockets and scrunching up his nose. Yoichi giggles.
Sidling up in front of his brother, Yoichi peers at him, just to be sure, before stealing one of his hands from his jacket and pushing a plastic handle into it. "Okay, now look."
Takashi opens his eyes, immediately zeroing in on the orange bucket in his hand. His brow knits, and he yanks the bucket close to his face, audibly jostling the candy inside. Eyes snapping up to meet Yoichi's, Takashi demands, "Where did you get this?"
"I went trick-or-treating!" Yoichi bounces on his heels a little, enthused. "I know you've never taken me because it's too dangerous but you always bring home candy for me on Halloween, and I wanted to give you some for once. I tried to get a lot of chocolate because I know you like ch—"
A hand clamps down over his mouth, an arm cinched tight around his waist as his brother hauls him up and practically teleports them into their apartment, slamming the door shut and pressing Yoichi against it. Furious crimson eyes glare down at him, and Yoichi is bewildered, his gut churning with sudden unease. This is...not the reaction he was hoping for.
"I've told you not to go outside without me!" Takashi hisses, his forehead pressed to Yoichi's as he holds Yoichi's thin wrists tightly, like he might try to run. "You know how dangerous it is out there with the political situation the way it is—what if someone saw you? What if they had called the police and I had to come home to an empty house because you got sent to one of the damn camps!?"
"No one saw me!" Yoichi protests, pushing back against the instinctive urge to make himself smaller. Takashi isn't usually one to swear; he's been breaking the habit for the past few years. It's only when he's really angry that it bleeds back into his vocabulary. "I was really careful, and I used a full body costume so no one could see my hair or eyes! I'm not stupid—"
"I beg to differ when you pull stupid shit like this," Takashi snaps back.
Indignant, eyes tearing up, Yoichi rears back and shouts, "I can't do anything! Everything I do is useless and stupid to you! I try to do something nice for you, to give you the same thing you've given me just once, and you can't even—I can't...I can't even..."
Takashi blinks.
Yoichi turns his head away, sniffling. He hates how easily he cries, how any sort of negative emotion has his eyes watering and his throat closing up. It's awful, and just one more thing that makes him difficult to deal with. Takashi says he gets it from their mother.
Yanking his wrists out of Takashi's grip, Yoichi buries his face in his hands, frustrated. "You give me...everything, Takashi. You've always given me everything I could ever need or-or want, but I can't do the same for you and I hate it. I hate that I can't do anything for you, I hate that I just sit here and struggle to even breathe by myself while you're off doing things that are actually important. I just wanted to show you that I can do things! That I can give you things too, because I love you and I don't want you to think that I don't because then you'll just get sick of me one day—"
"Hé, hé—ne pleure pas, trésor," Takashi blurts, dropping to his knees on the floor so he can hold Yoichi's arms again, pulling them away from his face. Brow furrowed, Takashi gently brushes away Yoichi's tears with his thumbs. "Where's all this coming from? Yoichi, you know I could never get sick of you. Hey—look at me."
Yoichi doesn't want to. His surprise has been ruined and now he's made a fool of himself. Takashi doesn't give him much choice, however, because he cups Yoichi's jaw and turns his face to meet his eyes. Takashi searches his face intently, looking a cross between bewildered and amused. He pets his thumb down Yoichi's pulse before drawing him into a hug. "I'll never get sick of you. And I'll never, ever leave you—I promise you that."
"But I'm—" Yoichi starts, a thousand ways to finish that sentence flashing through his mind. Sick. Frail. A burden. Useless. Deadweight.
"My one and only little brother," Takashi interrupts, carding his hand through Yoichi's hair. "My family. Mon coeur. And I don't need anything else from you other than for you to be here; alive, where I can hold you."
Yoichi buries his face in Takashi's shoulder, hands fisting in his brother's thrifted black trench coat. He smells like dying embers and ozone and the most caustic types of sugar. Yoichi closes his eyes but doesn't say anything, unable to quite make himself believe it.
Sighing, Takashi shifts back and plops down on the floor, taking Yoichi with him. Then he hauls the plastic candy bucket between them, the poor orange pumpkin trapped, squished, between their arms.
Rifling through Yoichi's haul, Takashi fishes out a king sized Hershey bar and tears off the top of the wrapper with his teeth. Then, when half the bar is bare, Takashi waves it temptingly in front of Yoichi's sullen face. "Share it with me?"
Yoichi can't help the wobbly smile that tugs at his lips then, rolling his eyes. After a moment, he nods. Takashi snaps the bar in half and hands a piece to Yoichi, still half wrapped around him on the floor. They eat their chocolate together, before dividing the rest up between them as they always do.
It's nice. It's sweet.
"But really, Yoichi. If you do something dumb like that again, I'm going to start locking you in a dog crate before I head to work in the mornings."
....That's...about what he expected.
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fictionkinfessions · 1 month
I miss the LoV so much so I’m just gonna say how much I loved you guys. Even if it was in my own emo way.
Toga: One of the sweetest people I’ve ever met. We’ve had our arguments and shown our differences in the past but that’s what family does, right? Anyway, you were always so supportive of my goals even if you didn’t understand them and you always lightened the mood.
Twice: My guy! I wish I could have protected you. I wish I could have shown how much I cared for you. You were such an easy person to talk to and honestly made me feel safe enough to talk about (even if vaguely) and be myself.
Mr. Compress: My “adoptive” father. You always did let me have my fun but pulled me aside and talked to me if I ever lost it or went too far. You were a great man but your actual magic tricks were… okay /lh. Nonetheless, you cared for me as a parental unit better than anyone else could have besides my mother but unrelated.
Spinner: I’m still upset to this day that we didn’t speak enough. However, whenever we did play games or hung out, it was so much fun, even if I didn’t show it outwardly. Playing video games honestly wasn’t a bad past time even if I taunted Tomura about it a lot.
Kurogiri: I’m sorry about what happened to you. I know quite well how terrible AFO was to us all. Especially Tomura but I digress, you were amazing, even if it wasn’t the real you. You always felt more alive than just a simple Nomu.
Tomura: My lovely amazing boyfriend. I don’t know what I would have done without you and Keigo. It would have been a dark path for me but you showed me it wasn’t that bad. You wanted to remake the world for us. You were the one who wanted to save our family, our home. AFO couldn’t take that from you. You were the best boyfriend anyone could ask for. I hope you knew how much I loved you.
Keigo: I don’t know what I would have done without my wonderful energetic boyfriend. You showed me there was more to this world than just the suffering I’ve endured and the evil of this world. You and Tomura were always there for me when my flames got out of hand, whenever I lost control. You both supported me with my goals even if you looked up to Endeavor.
So for that, all of you kins who see this, know someone cares, even if I don’t know you now and we weren’t in canon together, this is a shout-out to all LoV kins. Sorry for the long post. -Dabi/Toya
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🙈 Any chance you can write about Chisaki, AFO and Shigs with a sassy s/o?
Thank you so much!
(I love the ideal of them dealing with this!)
~Kai/AFO/Tomura’s Sassy S/O~
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-Oh does Pops get a kick out of watching the two of you interact on a daily basis. Really all of the members do! He demands respect and you’re determined to give it to him whenever you damn sure please rather than all the time. He loves you don’t get me wrong! But you just know how to get under his skin seemingly all the time. As Chrono would say it: ‘You are his biggest challenge’. I’m sure you take pride in it lol. Having someone so serious like him made it a little more fun around the base when you were involved in anything. You were much bolder than him (which made it easy for Rappa, Deidoro, Mimic, and Katsukame to get along with you. Unfortunately you’ve long since been banned from any important meetings due to your sassy demeanor. Aside from this, you’re everywhere in business you need not be. Worst part is that Kai can’t even say anything to you about it since Pops will hop into the conversation and scold him as though he was a child again. Even without Pops there, you still held up for yourself. Even so, he still couldn’t see his world without you by his side...no matter how annoying your sassy attitude could be sometimes!
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~All For One~
-It’s shocking you could get into a relationship with the man let alone get away with being sassy around him. There was so much about you that he loved, and that was a big part of it. You challenged him and you never failed to amuse him in all that you do or say. To anyone on the outside, they’d be terrified to witness you speaking any kind of way to THE all for one. Did you not know he could eliminate you if he pleased to do so? Then why is the man chuckling as though you didn’t sass mouth him 10 minutes ago??? It’s confusing to most but to a very few they could see obviously he was entranced by you. Perhaps he might be able after a while to pick up on some of your mannerisms and give it a go himself? Although you have to admit it’s very odd watching him try to be sassy. He’s plenty cheeky in his own way so be sure to remind him next time he tries it your method haha. 
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-There’s going to be a lot of eye rolling from his end. He won’t say it but he secretly likes how sassy you can be. It’s likely that your forward behavior is what attracted him the most about you in the first place. When he fell for that, the rest seemingly fell right into place. You’re not alone yknow. Sometimes he can tend to be a little sassy himself...in his own way of course. It’s more along the lines of sarcasm and sometimes self-deprecation but yknow potato, potato. He enjoys watching you interact with the others since it can get pretty funny sometimes. It’s especially funny watching you go back and forward with Dabi considering he can be a little bit of an asshole himself. However, you never managed to out-sass Compress of Magne. Anyhow, just be careful to not overstep the boundaries he has. It’s no mystery that he’s itching for a chance to put you back in your place :)
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mamashenanigans · 2 years
October is almost upon us and I’m planning out my contributions for One for All October!
#1. Halloween one-shot: Yoichi and his brother live alone and have since as long as he can remember. His brother was a hard working man that had climbed up through the ranks and was able to afford them a nice house in the mountains. Yoichi always believed his brother was too overprotective and he “loved too much”, his greed culminating in his possessiveness over his own kin, but as a sickly young man, it was something the younger had accepted as his reality. After a terrible, sudden blizzard traps the two brothers in their mountain side home for over a week, and their food running low, AFO decides to attempt to trek out to the nearest home to see if they have any provisions. He tasks Yoichi with continuing to call for help through the radio or whenever the cell signal returns. Yoichi waits dutifully, but anxious, over his brother’s return. The cell signal is sporadic and, for only a moment, he is able to speak to someone about their predicament before it is cut off. After staying up all night, he falls asleep only to awaken near nightfall the next day. His brother finally returns, but is changed. His greed has turned into gluttony, but no matter how much he eats, he complains of an insatiable hunger. It comes to a head when the person Yoichi had gotten ahold of arrives and is killed and devoured by his older brother. AFO has turned into a Wendigo and Yoichi is able to lock him in a room. Now Yoichi has to decide if he should kill the beast his brother has turned into…or if he’d rather he be alive…regardless of the costs.
For the Halloween story, I am researching the Wendigo folklore of the Algonquin-speaking peoples of North America for this one-shot. I will not be doing the “Hollywood” idea of Wendigo, though I have to admit the whole “locking AFO up” is loosely inspired by a plot point in the movie “Antlers”. I suppose this one-shot could be considered a “reverse vaulting” prompt. I especially like this quote from Marlene Goldman’s ‘Rewriting Apocalypse in Canadian Fiction’(2005):
“The wendigo is seen as the embodiment of gluttony, greed, and excess: never satisfied after killing and consuming one person, they are constantly searching for new victims.”
The backdrop for the story represents the Wendigo typically being associated with the cold, winter, the North, famine and starvation.
Plus, I had a comment on ‘Alternatives’ asking for a cannibalism universe and I felt that if I was going to do it, it would probably be better in a separate one-shot.
#2. Modern Vaulting but there’s no Vault: Yoichi has always been the weaker, sickly little brother. He was too young to remember it, but his older brother would often remind him of how their mother, dying from an accident, begged AFO to always take care of his baby brother--no matter what. At 15 years old, Yoichi is finally blessed with being able to stay home alone, although for only a short time, when his brother and his girlfriend, Inko, decide to go out for their Anniversary. The occasion had another purpose, Inko reveals she is pregnant. Although at first perturbed that his brother wasn’t giving him regular text updates, AFO is obviously distracted—until they finally arrive home to find Yoichi unresponsive. After dying twice in the hospital and being revived: Yoichi slowly recovers, but his brother never does. Now, it’s 15 years later and Yoichi is about to turn 30 with a 14 year old nephew. Yoichi has grown up believing his older brother’s over protectiveness as “normal” and is excited when he is finally allowed to stay home alone for the first time in forever, but with his nephew in tow. What he doesn’t realize is that he isn’t babysitting his nephew, it’s the reverse. Upon overhearing a conversation and finding this out, Yoichi finally has the opportunity to start the teenage rebellion he never had against his older brother, but he doesn’t realize how obsessive his brother has become with both him and the idea of “order”. There’s no real vault here: only the unbreakable vault of will and arms of his older brother smothering Yoichi for 30 years.
This one is going to be weird and angsty and weird. Modern and no Quirks, but AFO is just as platonic-yandere as ever, but even more-so given the circumstances. Although Yoichi has to deal with his physical illness, he has no clue his brother has been battling a mental illness, made stronger and more apparent after almost losing his little brother. AFO becomes obsessed with Order and that things have to always be done a certain way. He needs ritual in his life or else he will snap. There’s going to be a lot of ridiculously creepy stuff that poor Izuku gets roped into including AFO’s daily, and multiple times in a day, checking of his brother’s vitals which he has written down in textbooks for YEARS so he can “compare”. Yup. I’ve thought up a real creeptacular doozy. Hell, who am I kidding?! This is Halloween material too!
#3. Stepford Brother: This is honestly just a plot bunny at this point and will only be written for the event if I have time. The idea is that Yoichi grew up in the overbearing care of his possessive older brother. That is until Yoichi finally is able to attend college as his major requires him to be on campus more often than not much to AFO’s chagrin. There, he makes friends with two other young men: the 2nd and 3rd users. They can tell that the relationship between the two brother’s is codependent and unhealthy. Their reasoning starts to get through to Yoichi, but the younger brother has been so programmed by his older brother that he can’t quite shake it off. Yoichi doesn’t attend classes for a week and his friends are unable to make contact during that time. That is until Yoichi suddenly starts to communicate back to them…but something is off. They finally decide to march up to the Shigaraki brothers’ home…only to discover that Yoichi…isn’t the same as he once was.
Stepford comes from “Stepford Wife” which is a term inspired by the story and films called “The Stepford Wives”. In the stories, once independent minded, strong women suddenly become docile and “perfect housewives” for their upper middle class husbands. It’s revealed that they were being replaced by robots. In this story, Yoichi is not being replaced by a robot, but is instead being brainwashed, possibly by a Quirk, that his older brother has acquired, to make him the “perfect little brother”.
Welp, those are my three story ideas for One for All October! Let me know what you think!
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hawkssucks · 7 months
This is a genuine question, why do you think that Hawks’s appearance in the vestige realm is bad story wise?
Ok this is probably my bad for verbally vomiting over these leaks. I’ve had some time to calm down so I think I can put it into words now
I don’t think his appearance is bad story-wise. Yet.
It feels more like.. it could potentially be bad. Though there’s no way of knowing until MHA ends.
First fear: he’s dead.
A little weird to me that he’s able to talk and has visible pupils while nobody else does. While it’s possible AFO’s stolen quirk vestiges operate differently than OFA’s. Or maybe it’s just special main character privileges. We haven’t seen Ragdoll yet, either. If Hawks is dead and this is the last moments we get of him. I think I would die. I feel like I don’t need to get into why this would suck.
While I think people are pretty harsh whenever Hori does sudden tonal shifts (COUGH COUGH MIRIO MOONING, which I will defend until the day I die.) I just felt like it was a wild choice to have him show up big-dicked out of nowhere, especially while he’s bleeding out a field facing his own hubris. It was definitely funny, and nice to see him not dying. And yeah, of course Keigo would charismatically get all those vestiges to turn on AFO. Speaking of, curious as to why the vestiges didn’t rebel while AFO was fighting All Might..
But MHA is wrapping up and there’s literal infinite possibilities as to what could be focused on/addressed at any given moment. And while obviously Hori hasn’t forgotten about this particular side plot (weird how people will say that whenever the perspective changes for longer than 2 chapters) I am anxious about this loser. There’s a deep ingrained fear that a lot of things that could be addressed but haven’t, will never be. He isn’t the main character (but FUCK does he get treated like one.) And because I’ve grown to focus solely on this character, I have a list of unrealistic expectations. But he’s had a massive impact on the story. I mean, HES STILL RELEVANT. Which is more than I can say about my other favourites from when I started the series back in 2017.
GOD THATS A LOT OF TEXT. Anyways. I’m probably wrong. I hope I am.
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makeste · 3 years
BnHA Chapter 328: Pandora’s Box of Discourse
Previously on BnHA: DEKU TOOK A BATH.
Today on BnHA: 
Also Naomasa grew a beard. Goddamn. 
please let this be a cool chapter that plays nice with my ADHD lol
(ETA: lol I feel guilty because a lot of people hated this chapter, but I’m just happy there was a lot of stuff to make fun of, and also that I have another week to work on my backlog of meta posts since the kids were MIA.)
around one month ago?? ah, okay, so we’re gonna find out what was in that Tartarus security file huh
I love that they just randomly set the place on fire
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was it necessary to do this in order to escape? no. was it a good idea to set the island they were occupying on fire while they were in the midst of still occupying it? uh. was it cinematic as fuck? fuck yeah
wow it’s a pervert!!
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that’s so great that the villains set loose this fine fellow who I’m sure is definitely not a serial rapist. truly the LoV is so noble and misunderstood. they’re just trying to free society from its chains people
oh my god??!
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SHANKED!!! oh my god I cheered for Stain before I realized what I was doing. time to have an identity crisis I guess
so he’s all “hey what’s going on.” which, while a respectable question, is something I personally would have waited to ask until I had put a bit of distance between myself and the fiery murder island. but that’s just my personal preference
Stain you really are tenacious I’ll give you that
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“what’s the point of escaping prison if you’re not gonna be smart about it” well shit. anyways yeah you’re dead right, society is in the process of collapsing and the outside world is in total chaos, good call there
oh shit
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I mean it’s not like we really expecting anything otherwise, but still. fucking brutal. I feel like these guys’ fates were decided the minute that one guy called AFO “scum” back in chapter 94. AFO is unmatched at getting long-term revenge
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ahh, was it the security footage??
fdsdfk he’s still alive??
and he’s immediately launching into an inappropriately theatrical monologue even as the darkness closes in on him fdlfksjdlk. you know, was it ever confirmed that the other guy back in chapter 297 was Seiji’s dad? I’m just saying
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very impressed that he’s still coherent enough to weigh the pros and cons before making the decision to gamble on giving this info to Stain, who at the very least has his own moral code and isn’t allied with AFO. it was definitely still a risk, but as we now know it was also the right call
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what a weird alliance. so Stain tells him that he’ll give it to a just person, and the guy is all,
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okay for real though I’m gonna need someone to run a DNA test on this guy. maybe it was some kind of cuckold situation?? the other guy had the family resemblance, but this guy absolutely 100% raised Shishikura Seiji and you are not going to convince me otherwise
anyway, so Stain is all,
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PRISON GUARD: “???? ??????? what the hell. what the fuck does that fucking mean. I’m dying here, jesus christ, whatever man fuck you”
(ETA: I kind of feel like this might have been Stain’s last appearance in the manga, given all the fanfare. there’s not really much else he can do for the story at this point, and he seems to have gotten all the character development Horikoshi was planning on giving him. so if this really is it, hasta la vista and good riddance I guess.)
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(ETA: I feel like this is meant to be evocative of that Sermon on the Mount painting, but in a really fucked up way lol.)
if it were me stumbling upon this scene I would just shake my head and walk right back into the flaming building. not getting involved in that mess. sorry not sorry. I’ll take my chances with the fire, especially given that it’s half-assed neutered BnHA fire lol
blah blah blah and so he decided to pass the info on to All Might -- HOT DAMN, HOLY SHIT
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“I really like that facial scruff thing Aizawa’s got going on, I think I’m gonna get in on that” yes sir. “also thinking of ditching the tie in favor of the bulletproof vest look. also thinking of getting totally fucking jacked.” good lord. except I’m pretty sure that’s just body armor, but also I don’t care. anyway I should probably stop staring and actually read the fucking speech bubbles here lol
“All Might first handed this information over to Nao, and then went to see Deku, and then came back to Nao” thanks for that tidy little summary Horikoshi. we are capable of piecing events together in sequential order, I just want you to know that. but thank you
“so has Deku finally gotten a bath? also, sucks that Stain saved the day, but what are you gonna do” Nao I missed you so fucking much and didn’t even realize. how am I just now realizing that you are the perfect man
for a second I was gonna ask why Tartarus’s security systems would be cut off from the outside world, and then I remembered that’s a basic security control, and then I actually got impressed by how sensible that is. like, it’s been a while since I could genuinely say that the good guys (excluding class 1-A) did something smart. not that it helped them much in the end, but still
anyway so they’re talking about how AFO was able to coordinate the attack by communicating between his horcrux self on the outside and his ugly peanut-faced self on the inside
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okay you have my attention. I am taking notes here lol please continue
ah okay so he says that prior to Jakku, the transfer of information between him and his Vestige self was only one-way. but post-Jakku when Deku was in the hospital, he was able to tell what was happening inside the OFA Radical Lisa Frank Dead People Book Club Realm when he touched him. I feel like we established that before, actually. but he didn’t talk about how it actually felt, though
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boy we already know this lol. yes AFO can talk with his horcrux self. and he can also communicate with his little bro in OFA too, let’s talk about that sometime why don’t we. what exactly does that imply, based on the rules we’ve established here
my god I cannot get over Naomasa and his fucking facial hair
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no wonder All Might was in such a hurry to leave Deku and get back here
like I have no idea what this radio waves nonsense is but my god, people
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that jawline. also so it’s a quirk, I see. except last I checked Deku didn’t have a radio waves quirk, so that doesn’t really explain his connection to AFO. but whatever, hopefully we’re at least getting closer to some kind of reveal here
(ETA: since I sometimes forget that other people’s lives don’t revolve around my theory posts, here are the two relevant links if you by chance want to know my thoughts about this.
Hagakure is still The U.A. Traitor™ regardless of whether Deku is passing information on to AFO through his psychic link, which he almost certainly is.
speaking of said psychic link, Deku is a horcrux.
just posting these now, because whenever trippy OFA stuff happens I tend to get an influx of theory asks. so hopefully this will be a bit of a time saver lol.)
-- wait, what
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THAT’S what the recording was??!? holy SHIT. I genuinely was not expecting that. y’all wiretapped his fucking telepathy. fucking quirks, man. wild
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-- oh shit wait lol, except I forgot we’re not talking about 38 days from the present, we’re talking about 38 days from the date the conversation was recorded. heh. um
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yeah that’s the face I would make too if All Fucking Might just casually told me we had eight days left until the end times
oh, pardon me. three fucking days
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r.i.p. anyone who thought we were going to have another band arc sob. I sure hope Deku is enjoying that nap
(ETA: I realize people were hoping for a longer rest period here, but given that the man warned us all the way back in chapter 306 that we were entering the final act, you can’t really blame him too much when that turns out to be true. anyway but I do recognize that we’ve reached the point in the story where this kind of discourse is going to become a weekly occurrence, simply because there’s no possible way for Horikoshi’s actual endgame to line up perfectly with the variable headcanons of millions of fans, all of whom have wildly differing and in many cases contradictory expectations which can’t possibly all be fulfilled. anyway, so I’m already bracing myself for that lol. this coming year is going to be a wild ride.)
damn, U.A. out here looking like the motherfucking United Nations
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-- is this U.A.?? I actually just realized, U.A. is four interconnected buildings, not two. wait holy shit is this Shiketsu?
wait holy SHIT
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based on the overwhelmingly powerful vibes of bureaucratic incompetence, I’m thinking this really is the (future) U.N., or whatever organization it is that deals with international hero stuff
“just let them handle it themselves I’m sure they’ll be fine” yeah okay, thanks guys. appreciate it
wait oh shit did he say that it’s not just Japan?
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soooo, what you’re telling me is that AFO is this close to bringing about the end of not just Japan, but the entire world, and you guys don’t think it’s a good idea to help the Japanese heroes stop him? so, genuine follow-up question: are you guys already planning your rich people exodus into space a la Wall-E, and that’s why you don’t give a fuck?? like, what??
omg international heroes
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these guys are from World Hoodie Mission, right? is this Horikoshi’s way of reminding me to buy tickets
(ETA: and it worked too lol.)
WHO??? WHAT???
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don’t tell me you’re introducing yet another badass new female character for me to fall in love with only to watch as you dismember them and/or blow them up, Horikoshi. I’m getting tired of playing this game my dude. don’t lie and tell me this time will be different. we’re not doing this again goddammit
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god fucking dammit lmao. [sighs and rips the previous paragraph into shreds]
on behalf of Americans I apologize for our superheroes always being Like This
I also apologize because I love her already and I’m gonna be shameless about it. so fucking shameless you guys
is her fucking hair red white and blue. it is, isn’t it
this is the volume cliffhanger, 100% lol. it will take every ounce of Horikoshi’s willpower not to put her on the volume cover. he’ll have to settle for the spine or the inner cover this time because Deku VS his class 1-a superpals takes precedence. but it will be a close thing let me tell you
tbh it’s that smile that does it for me. she’s definitely All Might’s protege. get out there and show them how it’s done girl. and maybe call Salaam and BRD and see if you can’t convince them to play hooky from their governments as well. why not. world’s ending in three days you guys. “sorry, I’m busy this weekend” ain’t gonna cut it lol
so while I am not fully caught up with Vigilantes, I have read far enough to know that there’s an American hero named Captain Celebrity whose superpower from what I recall is being a humongous douchebag. and while I haven’t read far enough to know what happens to this guy, I can’t say I’m very disappointed to learn that he’s no longer the number one hero in the U.S. (actually, didn’t they kick him out and that’s why he moved to Japan to begin with?). anyway, so my thanks to Horikoshi for having a marginally higher opinion of Americans than Furuhashi, even though we have definitely not done anything to warrant said opinion lately, and you may have inadvertently opened the door to a pandora’s box of discourse lmao
(ETA: lol I went into the tags and they don’t disappoint. “why is she dressed like a flag” because she’s an homage to Captain America and Major Victory and literally every other character on this list. again, I apologize for fictional American superheroes being Like This. “oh boy another thicc waifu to make the fanboys happy” look, tumblr fandom never seems to have a problem thirsting over Dabi or Tomura or Aizawa or Nao, lol, I’m just saying. “where is Captain Celebrity” idk, probably murdered by the exploding bee cartel, let’s just be grateful for our good fortune and try not to Beetlejuice the man.)
anyway, so let’s see if Horikoshi’s recent character development with regards to making Mineta not terrible anymore will apply to other aspects of his writing as well. I know I was making light of discourse just now, but I do think the complaints about him introducing yet another new character at the 11th hour to be cannon fodder in the final battle are absolutely valid. and again, it wouldn’t be a problem if he didn’t keep maiming/killing off his female characters one by one instead of developing them and letting them kick ass long-term. but that said, I will never complain about Horikoshi adding another female character to the series, regardless of how clumsy the attempt may be. go ahead and pander away, just give us more girl power lol
anyway so we’ll see how it goes, but I think I’m gonna be optimistic and let myself hope once again, even though I’m probably gonna regret it lol. it is what it is. she is standing on an airplane just chilling for fuck’s sake. I’m only human. anyway fingers crossed
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greenhappyseed · 3 years
BnHA Ch. 323 - parallels and comparisons
Most important thing first: Mic name-calls “Jeany” after Best Jeanist interrupts him and insults the UA teachers, saying the citizens find it hard to hear the truth from schoolteachers. Excuse me, PRESENT FUCKING MIC IS A PRO HERO WHO FOUGHT IN THE WAR AND ARRESTED THE DOCTOR. Ultimately, Jeany is trying to take responsibility, which is good, but the way he does it is insulting. Is that really how the Top 3 feel about the UA teachers? (This started out shitpost-y, but I think it does actually matter….)
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On to Nezu, who, despite all his well-repressed rage, is still just a rat principal building a cage. He’s created an elaborate mecha-vault-campus to capture save humans and transport them around the country like Willy Wonka’s great glass elevator. Nezu says he did this on intuition, yet that can’t be the full story because his High Specs quirk gives him great insight into possible strategies the villains will use. In fact, the last time we saw his quirk in action, he was trapping 2 students in a maze, gradually blocking off all paths to the exit. Oh, and who else in BnHA is seemingly able to predict their opponent’s strategies and enjoys doing so? I’m not saying Nezu is “The UA Traitor,” particularly given his speech at the end of the chapter, but I AM saying there are parallels.
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In particular, Nezu seems to do a lot of work related to quirk morality, while AFO refers to morals as mere fabrications.
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Sticking with Nezu and jumping to the end of the chapter…this isn’t the first time he’s made a grand speech about UA students and the future. After DvK2, while Izuku and Katsuki are under house arrest, Nezu speaks to the school about All Might’s retirement and says how all of the students will “inherit this society.” The word “inherit” makes All Might think about his successor, and how Nezu reached out to him when he was searching in earnest (ie, when Nezu and Nighteye had Mirio picked out). Nezu’s “one step” language also ties back to an All Might monologue from the remedial course days — when Shoto, Katsuki, and the Shiketsu kids worked together to win tiny hearts AND All Might and Endeavor had their first real talk, leading Endeavor to reach out to Shoto.
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Speaking of the remedial class moving forward, the Katsuki/Shoto “we are not friends” mutual side eye at the mention of Shiketsu is A Moment. Will the remedial foursome be trapped in an underground classroom!??!?
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I think it’s clear that the heroes — pros, teachers, students — need to work together as one to win over “the citizens”. The heroes also need their supporters (hello kid in an All Might shirt!), parents (omg, Mitsuki holding Inko back from recklessly running into the crowd like the Midoriya she is!), friends, and rescued victims to take those steps to come forward. Izuku is moving forward for them, and they need to move forward for him.
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I’m not convinced that Nezu’s “ultimate hero” is Izuku; it could be Katsuki, Ochako, Shoto, Mirio (hello underground permeation!), Shigaraki, Class 1A, or the entire “new generation”, judging by his “inherit” comment. Izuku is All Might’s chosen one to inherit OFA, but Izuku is NOT the only one inheriting society’s future. Special, but also not. (More on that later!)
Final bit on the mecha-school…I don’t think anything good in this series has come from being “underground”. I think we’ve already established that “underground” is neither safe nor invincible. Underground Yakuza compound. Underground prison. Underground hero (sorry Aizawa!!) Even when talking about the “ultimate hero,” Nezu speaks in terms of rising.
The text leaks said Eri was with Class 1B, which made me frustrated, but the panel is actually a lovely soft Monoma comforting her. It’s really sweet and shows off Monoma’s heroic heart! (And his off-duty fashion sense, because those buttons add some serious dramatic flair.) But, knowing that Aizawa, All Might, Mic, Thirteen, and the Big 3 are Eri’s usual caretakers makes me really sad for her — why are they ALL gone?? Especially when (1) she’s listening to a crowd call her personal hero a weapon with a cursed quirk, exactly how Chisaki used to talk about her; and (2) Izuku doesn’t HAVE to be the one taking care of her, but I think they’d both LIKE to see each other.
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Speaking of the crowd, I do like having “the citizens” as a character. In the early chapters, we heard so much about protecting citizens and keeping society from falling into chaos, but it was all theoretical. With the jailbreak, the war destruction, and Dabi’s reveal, it’s good to see citizens who (1) question the value and robustness of the current hero society; and (2) are scared out of their minds. “The citizens” may be an obstacle for the heroes, but their fear and motivation is very rational under the circumstances. People who were forced to evacuate their home on short notice and hole up in a dormitory while skyscrapers crumbled due to villains gone wild (and, uh, Deku) are unlikely to trust the same people who created this mess in the first place. While WE know and love cinnamon roll Izuku, “the citizens” only know him as the target of Shigaraki’s destruction. He’s billed by Jeany as the One True Hope but the citizens know him as a dirty teenager insane enough to break his own bones in a school competition. He’s somehow related to AFO and is either a bomb for AFO, a Nomu-fied corpse doing AFO’s bidding, a target for Shigaraki, or a weapon against AFO that is falling apart at the seams. None of that is reassuring, so I can see why the crowd gets mad enough to make Izuku’s Danger Sense go off. The heroes need to take a moment to really empathize and understand the crowd’s fear and anger.
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What’s missing from this scene? ALL MIGHT. The focus on Deku and the OFA/AFO quirks completely omits that Izuku is All Might’s handpicked successor, and that All Might used OFA as a force for good for decades. Jeany and Ochako confirmed Izuku is the special powerOFA holder, so it’s all out in the open except for how Izuku came to possess OFA in the first place. So much for Mt Lady and Endeavor’s media discussion in Ch.317! Also, as Lady Nagant told us, the HPSC was well aware of AFO and tracked his movements. AFO may have been a secret from the public, but was NOT a blind spot for heroes. Same with Gigantomachia — Gran Torino and Tsukauchi failed to capture him, but they knew of him and his association with AFO. (Nobody, including All Might, knew about the doctor and his quirk duplication prior to Hawks’s spy work and the hospital raid.)
I want to see all of this come into the open because the hero failures stem from All Might working alone in secret to stop existential threats while other heroes fought each other for table scraps. (Think of Manual, who is such a plain and underpowered hero, but was clutch during the war.) Heroes STILL aren’t working together, and to fight dual AFOs they are going to need every last bit of help they can get from each other, from students, and from citizens — quirked or not. Anyone who is willing or able to help should join in.
Unease is referenced in this chapter, and unease is what happens whenever All Might disappears. At first when All Might retires, Twice notes the widespread unease with Endeavor as the new #1. Endeavor himself notes his unease with becoming #1 by default rather than earning it. Shigaraki has a persistent unease with his past (pre-awakening), arguably because All Might never came to save Tenko.
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Unease spreading through the citizens feeds into AFO’s win conditions perfectly. He WANTS as many fractured and walled-off groups as possible. To steal OFA and rule for eternity, he needs to prevent a “singularity” of will that opposes him.
Let’s see what happens next chapter — I still don’t think Ochako has quite hit her “light of hope” moment yet, and am not convinced this speech will be it. I do think she’s trying hard to humanize Izuku as the OFA holder, but the irony is, in doing so, she is denying he is a special person to her. Only a few humans are truly special at the societal level, but we all have friends and loved ones that think we are special. That’s right, you are loved, even if you don’t have OFA. You are loved even when you need saving. I think this is what All Might was getting at when he tells Izuku during the Sports Festival that there is something special in Izuku. All Might is saying he feels a connection and a trust with Izuku because they were both born quirkless, which makes Izuku special to All Might. This contrasts with Endeavor and Jeany, who view Izuku as special solely because he is the OFA wielder, and Izuku’s need to rest is in service to that duty rather than Izuku’s needs as a human.
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allmightluver · 3 years
So, what is your take on the EM relationship? Who was the one to fall first and confess? Please support your speculations/opinions with canonical evident, if you'd like 😏 (BECAUSE YOU'RE SO DAMN GOOD AT IT ❤️) Thank you for your time 🙏
Oh goodness
You really want me to go all out huh Kunshi 😏
Well, I’ll try to summarize this as best I can ***(This may have some spoilers so be warned)**
The relationship between All Might and Eraserhead has been quite the journey. You can say, frenemies to “hey you’re not so bad”. They’ve known of each other for years, before the present timeline. Here in Vigilante’s, Eraserhead tells Tsukauchi that the situation they’re in is so dire, they need the Number 1. Aizawa acknowledges how powerful All Might is, despite disapproving of how handles media and fame.
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But they didn’t really know each other until All Might started at UA. 
Aizawa believed Yagi to be reckless, irresponsible, and foolish in taking a job he has no training for. Not to mention the obvious favoritism. Yagi believed Aizawa to be too harsh and cold hearted on the children. Though as the two got to know each other, and went through traumatic events together (USJ and Kamino), they started to warm up more to each other, actually taking the time to get to know one another. 
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All Might rushes to an injured Aizawa’s side, and the sight of how broken, bloodied and damaged his co-worker is visibly upsets him. The way Toshinori’s voice softens as he apologizes to Aizawa, unclear if it’s out loud or in his mind. Toshinori probably feels terrible whenever anyone’s been injured, but he seems particularly held up over Aizawa, most likely because he himself couldn’t be there when it happened. He was of being a hero all morning, and wasted all his time in his muscle form, so he wasn’t there with them like he should have been. Which meant Aizawa and (Thirteen) had to fight to protect the students, even if they were clearly unmatched. They were both badly injured in the process, all because Toshinori wasn’t there.
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Then after the fight, Toshinori cuts his friend, Tsukauchi, off and asks how Aizawa, wait, Eraserhead, is doing. Oh and Thirteen too. He was relieved to find he they were alright.
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When Kamino hit we see how intently Aizawa watches the news, watches All Might, watches Toshinori. He was clearly concerned, and in seeing AFO summon his many quirks in order to eliminate All Might once and for all, Aizawa’s concern only grows. And for good reason.
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As an after effect, the students needed to move into dorms. Aizawa and Toshinori are paired together to speak to 1A’s students. It’s in the car that Aizawa, awkwardly, offers to buy Toshinori a drink. To which Toshinori politely declines, as he can’t drink. (*face palm*) 
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However, after dealing with Bakugo’s...different family, Toshinori nudges Aizawa with an elbow his injured arm no less, and whispers that he now owes Aizawa a drink. 
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Dunno about you, but I’d have to be pretty comfortable with someone before I’m close enough to nudge them and whisper secrets. And Toshinori is always seeking to know Aizawa better, be closer, impress him.
They even go out on a date to get a drink together.  Toshinori’s inner dialogue is the most interesting, from “I’m going to be even better friends with Aizawa-kun...!” to “All Might, you just gotta push past the walls of Aizawa-kun’s heart!” ...uh huh. To which Mic and Midnight totally crash their “Secret Dinner Outing” and invite themselves to stay, much to Toshinori’s (”Or on second thought...probably not then.”) and Aizawa’s despair (”Go home!” x3). Get outta here, you’re ruining our date!  And after Toshinori takes his leave, Aizawa chases him down outside to say....? “Thank you very much. I’m drunk right now so I probably wouldn’t say this if I wasn’t. But because you fought at Kamino and took down AFO for us, I’ll do my part and look after the students as much as I can. That’s why I want to thank you for everything.” To which after a silence, Toshinori responds with, “Aizawa-kun, let’s watch over the students from here on out together.” ...to which Aizawa mentions he won’t remember any of this and to never bring it up ever again.  (*repeat face palm*)
This only proves they’re becoming much, much, closer. They’ve gone beyond plus ultra frenemies and onto true friends. They take each other’s words and thoughts into account in a serious manner, like how Yagi managed to convince Aizawa to let him go to Bakugo and Midoriya when they snuck out, as well as going easy on punishment for them.
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Aizawa’s also shown growing concern for Toshinori after his retirement. Firstly from seeing Toshinori out and about so soon after Kamino while he was still recovering from his injuries. And on the occasion a falling rock nearly connects to Toshinori’s head, you can see how quickly Aizawa reacts. The way you can almost see a flashback of his childhood friend’s unfortunate death running through his head as he tries to save Toshinori from the same fate. Once Midoriya saves Toshinori, Aizawa still reaches out to him, like he’s worried the man may get hurt, break, as he tells him that it’s not safe in this environment, and that Toshinori should leave, go where it’s safe.
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When Aizawa couldn’t attend Bakugo and Todoroki’s extra classes, he asks Toshinori to go in his place, and even makes Present Mic go along as a body guard. He’s clearly concerned for the former hero’s safety and well-being. Toshinori now often fills in for Aizawa if he can’t make it to his own class.
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When Midoriya’s new quirk is discovered, Aizawa takes Toshinori’s anxiety about the situation seriously, and they immediately go to put a stop to the training battle. 
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But once Midoriya’s quirk settles down, Aizawa decides to let this play out, and calms Toshinori, saying he’ll put a stop to it if the situation happens again.
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He later describes Toshinori as a genius, naturally talented, when explaining to Shinsou how he doesn’t expect the kid to be on the same level with the others in the hero course right off the bat. Aizawa has extreme respect for Toshinori.
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The biggest moment between the two is late on a snowy night, when Toshinori sits outside in the cold, alone, contemplating...well, his life honestly. Aizawa find’s him, “there you are,” apparently looking for the taller man. Toshinori at first automatically deflects any questions about himself, and asks about the children. He then offers to help Aizawa with training Eri, in which the underground hero gladly accepts (something that Aizawa would not have done in the past, as he hated even speaking to the older man before). But Aizawa can see through the façade, and asks what’s wrong. Aizawa is one of, if not the only, person Toshinori confides in so deeply.�� Horkioshi confirmed recently that of everyone (adults, I assume), pro heroes included, Toshinori is the closest to Aizawa. Toshinori decides he can trust Aizawa with his mental weights. He’s decided to live, but feels useless staying alive, powerless, unable to help anyone, or at least how the children need him to. 
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Aizawa’s initially unnerved at the fact that Toshinori decided to live, as if the contemplation of otherwise was there. But he listens quietly, intently, to what Toshinori says. Finally, he tries to reason with the older man that being a workaholic, and never having time to rest, isn’t good either, points out that after holding up the country for decades, suddenly not having it has left an addiction. Toshinori doesn’t know what to do if he’s not running himself ragged. But also tells him that he is helping the students--by being alive, and by being here for them. There are a lot of people (Aizawa included?) that gain strength, just by Toshinori being there, alive. And he asks him to please keep on living and acting like his normal self. Toshinori’s overcome with emotion at his words.
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For a relationship between the two, I’m sure they both would have had feelings for quite some time before ever admitting to it. Knowing their personalities, Aizawa would feel his feelings were illogical and deceptive. Toshinori is just a tad older than him, has met probably thousands more people than Aizawa ever will, and he was the number one hero. Falling for a guy like that just seemed too predictable and annoying. But Aizawa soon learns the differences between All Might and Toshinori, and while the latter still rubs him the wrong way at times, the tall, willowy man has managed to capture his heart. He feels compelled to care for the other, make sure he’s taking proper care of himself. And yet he tells himself it’s too invasive of the other man’s privacy; none of his business. When Mic and Midnight drag him to the bar and question him why his mood was off, he’d give no answer save for a shrug, and down another beer.
Toshinori would have feelings rather early, but most likely not realize they were more than just finally getting the grouchy Aizawa-kun to tolerate him. As weeks go by, he would catch his heart racing at Aizawa’s presence, blushing when the scruffy man would make tea for him after a coughing fit, and way too elated when Aizawa accepted the invitation for a drink together, alone. One night it would hit him just exactly how he feels for the younger man, and his heart would clench. Surely Aizawa couldn’t feel the same way, especially for a man as old, sickly, and awkward as himself. Even if it were possible, his own death is due to come within the next year, and he couldn’t do that to Aizawa-kun. He’d spend several nights fighting and eventually failing to quietly let his tears fall into the pillow below him as he tries to sleep, alone.
The two would cautiously work together, stepping around their own feelings to keep things normal between them. All the while Aizawa’s brain would fight against his heart, and Toshinori’s chest would tighten until a bloody cough was produced.
Finally, finally, after Mic and Midnight pry it out of Aizawa like a game of Operation, they force him to ask Toshinori out. It takes a week, but Aizawa finally finds the right moment to ask the former hero out for a drink and bar food. Glamorous as always, especially for a first date. But Toshinori gladly accepts, and spends the rest of the day convincing himself it’s just a friendly supper, between friends, not a date.
That night the two have a lovely evening of greasy bar food (which Toshinori politely only orders a small plate of fries, as there’s nothing blander on the menu) and beer (Toshinori also drinks a plain water). Aizawa apologizes for not taking Toshinori’s diet into account when picking where they met, and says he’ll let Toshinori pick the restaurant next time. Toshinori freezes at his wording. Aizawa’s quick to try and resolve, but Toshinori stops him. Asks him what exactly this is. A friendly dinner? Or something more? Aizawa buries into his scarf, and answers with a question in return; what do you want it to be? It’s then Toshinori sets his glass down, takes a moment to breathe, before spilling that he’d hoped it was a date. He’s bright red as he explains how he believes he’s developed...feelings over the months working together. That he wanted to go out again, but that he hadn’t wanted to force his feelings on Aizawa. Who would want someone like him?
These two have so much chemistry. They’ve been through so much together already: disagreements, near deaths, critical injuries, awkward moments of a budding friendship, talking each other off the ledge. In all the ships of the series, EraserMight has one of the most obvious connections and chemistries.
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shiggy-94 · 3 years
The start of the war took a lot more of a toll on everyone than we thought it would, Tomura especially. Tomura had been taken over by AFO  and wasn't let go of until a couple of weeks after the initial attack began. Since then you had been by his side helping him recover in any way you could. Your healing abilities coming into hand to help heal the wounds on his body. But it wasn't enough to make him as strong and healed as he once was before. Which meant AFO couldn't continue the transfer until you were completely done healing him.
Because of this, you made sure to do your best and take your time. You had joined the league because of AFO but once you got to know Tomura and his views you decided to stay for him. Tomura and you had a close relationship. There was a bond between you that neither could explain. You just knew you wanted to be at his side until the very end and him the same.
But lately, he seemed off. After what AFO did and said to him he would barely look at you. Choosing to remain silent and only speaking when absolutely needed. He still craved your touch though. Always sitting or lying close to you keeping his hands balled in fists whenever touching you. You wanted to give him space and let him come to you, but he became more distant every time he spoke with AFO.
You could see him breaking and you didn't know how to help. Debating and waiting until enough became enough. He was currently laying with you his head resting on your chest as you played with his hair. Lightly scratching his scalp hoping to ease whatever pain his mind was in.
"Tomu?" you quietly ask moving your head to the side to get a better look at him.
He raises his head eyes meeting yours letting out a humm in response.
You smile at him taking in the chance to caress his face as he looked at you. "Talk to me...please" you whisper eyes watering a bit as you saw him look away his head moving from your touch.
He looks down letting his hair cover his face before laying back onto your chest. His chest rising as he took in a deep breath.
"What is there to say?" he breathes out.
"A lot actually. What happened...what is happen-"
"What about it? We are doing what needs to be done."
A silence fills the room as your bodies still. You can feel his heart beating rapidly as his breaths come out in shallow exhales. You want to comfort him, more than anything, but you couldn't do that if he didn't speak to you.
"Tomura...look at me" you speak your voice hesitating a bit before going back to its confident tone.
He twitches a bit before slowly turning towards you tears filling his eyes threatening to spill.
"I love you...you know that right. I unconditionally love you" you assure him, his eyes darting down to hide his pain.
"I-" he exhales taking a moment before speaking again "I know how this ends."
"You loving me doesn't change that."
"Of course it does. Me loving you changes so much" you whisper trying your best to mask the hurt you began feeling as you heard him hiccup trying to hold back his tears.
"This...everything that has happened and is happening all ends in my death and you loving me won't change that" he explains tears decorating his scarred face.
He sits up his head held down as he faces you his shoulders shaking a bit as he let the tears fall. You watch him your breath caught in your throat as you heard the one thing you were desperately trying to ignore.
You weren't dumb. You knew that when you first entered the league, there was a different outcome regardless of whether it was the same plan. But with AFO taking the lead last minute you knew he would do what he could to get his way regardless if that came at the expense of Tomura's life. It was this reason you had been holding off fully healing him in hopes that things would change for the better.
"Tomura" you croak out sitting yourself up to him. Your hands cupping his face thumbs gently wiping away his tears. "We can change that. Death doesn't have to be the ending" you whisper hoping he would agree.
He looks up at your hands careful grasping your off of him. A certainty in his eyes as he holds your hands.
"Regardless if it's now or later I have to believe death is the end because all that waits for me in the afterlife is a debt of sin I don't think could ever be paid off."
You stared at him not even noticing the tears falling from your face as you let the words settle in. The absolute acknowledgment of the one thing you feared the most. Of the thing that you knew he thought about constantly but never said out loud.
"No...d-don't say that...please" you shook your head eyes falling to your intertwined hands.
"That's not how this ends. Not now not ever."
"Love I-"
"No Tomura! No! You don't get to say that. You don't get to believe that because it's certainly not something I believe."
You stand up pushing your hair back as you felt your heart race and your mind filled with anger. Anger towards the war, heroes, and especially AFO.
"Baby?" he stands up hesitantly walking towards you his hands grabbing your shoulders bringing you back to him.
"I know what's happened...what you've done and what others have done to you. I've seen both sides, I've been on both sides and I can tell you with absolute certainty that you don't and never have deserved death as your ending" you explain keeping your eyes glued to his as you spoke.
"I know you believe this now and probably have in the past but we have time to change it. To make it the ending for us and the others we care about. Death isn't your outcome, it isn't our outcome. So please don't believe that." you plead your hands wrapping around his waist face burying into his chest as you hugged him with everything you had. Your bodies illuminating as you healed the last parts of him.
You gasped feeling your body drain quicker than it has before making you go limp in his arms as you finished healing him. He held you up carefully placing you in bed.
"W-why did you-"
"Because Tomura we're going to change our ending. You, me, and the rest of our league" you smile watching his eyes light up at your words.
"I love you."
"I love you too Tomura."
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junikshanasar · 3 years
bnha chapter 317 thoughts
haha b o i
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did I speak too soon? 
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I spoke too soon. Also, yay! nagant is alive (barely)
mm well Deku has officially turned dark, like for real dark, buuuuuut in a way that is actually a natural progression of his character, because if you remember Horikoshi loves parallels, and what’s more obvious than the fact Deku has been trying to walk down the same path as All Might ever since he was told to ‘show himself’ to the world back during the School Festival arc, and then again with All Might’s famous “You’re next” line.
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It was a while ago when I read it, but I believe it was in vigilantes where we understand what All Might means by “You deserve to rest” and that he understands. I won’t go digging for that specific chapter lol, but in basically in the spin-off series bnha Vigilantes, we get glimpses of All Might in his prime.
In particular, we see that he really never stops to rest, constantly flying off to save as many people as he can because it’s a job “only he can do”. We even see Sir Nighteye (who is still All Might’s sidekick at the time) upset at the fact that All Might doesn’t even sleep, and while it’s somewhat played off as a gag aside from Sir Nighteye’s worry, we can see now that Deku is doing the exact same thing. 
In any case, Deku’s believed since the War arc that as the wielder of One for All, its burden is his to carry, especially with the added pressure of the fact that he’s been told he may be the last user and must defeat AfO himself (because only a quirkless person may receive OfA without dying early, and quirkless-ness is very rare now)
There was no clear turning point, not really. It’s more that Deku is sinking himself deeper and deeper into his duty, to the point that he can’t see past the next job. He won’t eat like we see him do heartily earlier, he won’t even, in All Might’s words, look back at his mentor anymore. 
AfO really managed to get under his skin with that video, and if there’s a way to describe Deku right now, it would be “staring straight ahead blindly”. He’s marching forward without thought for his surroundings, including his own self. In the previously ideal and bright hero world, this made All Might look heroic. But now in this grey, doubtful world:
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Deku is, literally and metaphorically, tearing himself apart. His hero costume gets more and more worn, and thus so is his image as a hero. On a side note, he looks super badass, but more importantly he looks like a dark version of All Might - like some sort of skewed or twisted version of the hero who always comes to save the day.
Aside from Deku, we get a little more insight on the status of heroes, namely the mass retirement. I actually sympathized with Death Arms, even though I saw some comments that he wasn’t a real hero. To be fair, what the heck is a ‘real hero’? Sure, a lot of heroes retired when the going got tough, you could say that the ones ‘in it for the money or the fame’ were weeded out, but what was Death Arms real reasoning for leaving? Yes, it got tough, but on top of the fact that it got tough, being a hero suddenly went from something of good status to a cursed position. 
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This pretty much sums up the state of the hero world right now, which is that ‘heroes are humans’. This mass retirement was bound to happen, but what makes it troubling is what’s going on with Deku amongst all this. I don’t need to explain it, since the pro-heroes explained everything in that meet-up scene about how the media is closing in on Deku and a reveal of OfA would shove Deku into the cycle of negativity. So yeah, the fact that AfO hasn’t revealed OfA himself means he still has plans for Deku, ‘cause he doesn’t care about All Might anymore. All I can really imagine is AfO trying to get Deku on his side, or stealing OfA, I can’t wait for the next chapter so we can get some more insight.
Anywayy on a less serious note:
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Mount Lady is lookin super fine with that scar, but more than just aesthetic purposes the addition of scars and messier/dirtier costumes/settings is to keep with the more serious and dark tone. It allows us to take her seriously when before she was portrayed as a flirty/image-conscious hero. I kind of love of small design choices like that can change a character’s entire demeanor. Uhhh the closest example I can name in real life is when Canada’s prime minister Trudeau grew a beard. Lemme tell you, it did wonders in making him appear more serious and reliable during covid, as opposed to his earlier washy playboy looks.
Also, Stain is back! That weirdo. Uhhh he sure seems happy to see Deku still jumping to the rescue. Or maybe he’s just glad to see All Might, we all know he’s lowkey a fanboy. Urk, well in any case it’s definitely foreshadowing that there will be a potential confrontation between him and Deku.
aaaaand finally, 
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lol how the turn tables, it’s Endeavor ghosting Shouto now. Also it’s lowkey cute how he immediately checks his phone whenever he hears a notification, man’s excited for any sort of communication with his son. Mmm but yea I was excited to get even a mention of Shouto, I hope we get to see what the Class 1-A kiddos are up to soon.
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haleigh-sloth · 3 years
Whenever we get an update on the league, I legitimately hope we get a one in one interaction with Spinner either with Shigaraki or Dabi. I don’t know why, but I feel he’s the “voice of reason” in the group currently since I don’t really know Skeptic’s intentions. It be nice for him and Dabi since they seem to have an on-and-off relationship considering being called “lizard” but also them interacting “friendly” when the League was having a meal before speaking with the PLF army. It be cool to see Spinner’s reaction to the whole Touya reveal. But also nice for him and Shigaraki since they seem really close, and if AFO isn’t “present” (still trying to get the whole body control since his other body is wondering around lol) and it be a really meaningful conversation if Shiggy is conscious. But yet, if that doesn’t happen I feel Spinner could also feel lonely since Skeptic and Dabi seem pretty “close,” especially if Shiggy’s still asleep, but I could be wrong haha
Oh Spinner is absolutely the voice of reason of the group. He's the only one who isn't driven by a specific hatred for anyone in particular. Spinner faced discrimination because of his quirk being a heteromorph type and also being weak. So his beef is just with society in general. Kinda similar to Compress.
The main three have very strong, specific targets for their revenge and hatred and also they're very driven by their hatred and trauma right now. Spinner is kind of in a position where he can consider the consequences of the League's actions and look at how they got to where they are, and re-evaluate everything, including himself.
He's already seeing what's happening with AFO and you can tell he's like "oh shit, who the hell did we follow".
And yeah, when we get a League update I expect it to involve Spinner. He was the last one we saw really in the jail break chapter--being shown to be disturbed by what was happening with AFO and Shigaraki. I do wonder what he'll do about it. And I'd like to see how Touya interacts with the League post-reveal, now that they know. God. I really want Shigaraki's reaction to the Touya reveal. I also want to know if the League saw the broadcast with Endeavor. Oof. Potential for some really emotionally heavy content--hopefully Hori comes through. He usually does with the League though so I'm not worried. Just excited, and impatient.
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shima-draws · 4 years
CRASHES INTO YOUR INBOX what is going ON in the Bottled Soul AU how did Deku get in there?? Why is he in there?? Todoroki's his protector? I WANT DEETS
Lucky for you I already wrote out most of the details uvu so here you go!
-Izuku received OFA his second year of middle school
-He’s been working with All Might as the anonymous hero Deku ever since
-Izuku went straight into training instead of high school so he learned a lot faster how to use his quirk than in canon, and got training from Gran Torino super early on
-By his second year of high school, Izuku was pretty close to being on pro level
-A huge accident with a villain (Maybe AFO?) caused Izuku to get fatally injured and put into a state of near-death
-Chances were he’d never wake up again. He was pronounced officially brain dead with no response
-All Might was absolutely DEVASTATED and said if Izuku died here there would be no hope for heroes ever again
-A person with a soul manipulating quirk was brought in to assess the damage. Their quirk allows them to mess around with souls, take them out of bodies, put them into other bodies, etc.
-They said there was no response from Izuku’s soul at all either. Said that the only chance he had was to have his soul taken out and exposed to a “caretaker”, but it had to be somebody he didn’t know in order not to be influenced by those people’s already existing opinions/views of him, especially since he’s starting from zero and has no memories, no personality, and basically no substance. They said Izuku had to rebuild himself from scratch by himself, with support from somebody who could take care of him and encourage him, someone with a lot of empathy and kindness
-The soul quirk user said they could put Izuku’s soul in a bottle—that bottle would have to be handled by the caretaker and protected by them 24/7. All Might, Nedzu, and Aizawa immediately agree it should probably be one of the students, preferably someone from Class 1-A (Class 2-A now since they’re in their second year) so Aizawa could keep an eye on Izuku’s soul that way
-Bakugou is brought up—who hasn’t seen Izuku since middle school (but things were kinda cleared up between them back then after Izuku got his quirk, because he became known as Deku and Bakugou obviously influenced that). He could be a potential problem bc of his rocky relationship with Izuku and could essentially ruin the whole operation. They debate on bringing him into it, and decide to do it
-Bakugou is brought in to see Izuku and kind of has a breakdown. He’s mellowed out by now and feels kinda shitty for how he treated him back in middle school, and hates seeing him like this. He agrees to stay out of it as much as possible and not influence the development of Izuku’s soul
-Everyone agrees to give the bottle with Izuku’s soul in it to Todoroki, because 1. He’s the strongest in the class and the most capable of protecting both himself and the bottle, 2. He’s also mellowed out a lot since their first year and is pretty friendly to everyone, and 3. This will be a good test for him, to teach him how to open up to other people so they can open up to him, since he still has some trust issues here and there. And they truly believe he’ll be able to be a positive influence on Izuku
-All Might calls Todoroki out of class one day and gives him the bottle, tells him to protect it with his very life if he has to (but don’t die protecting it please) and keep it with him as much as possible. Todoroki questions but All Might won’t give him many more details than that, so he reluctantly agrees
-Todoroki can tell the instant the bottle is handed over to him that it’s something VERY important and special. He can feel the energy vibrating within it. It looks kind of like green electricity and magic
-He takes it back to class and literally everybody is like WHAT IS THAT and Todoroki already feels insanely protective of it and doesn’t let any of them touch it
-The first night he takes it back to his dorm and talks to it a bit. He can almost swear it’s reacting
-Over the next few days Todoroki keeps watching over it and talking to it whenever he can. Finally one night it answers him and he flips his shit because THE BOTTLE CAN TALK
-Slowly but surely Izuku starts to speak and learn more words and sound more like himself. Class 2-A goes nuts over it and Bakugou pretends like he doesn’t care but he DOES. As Izuku interacts with more and more people he regains more and more of his regular personality, and eventually becomes a total chatterbox. Todoroki finds it endlessly endearing
-Todoroki corners All Might one day and demands details, because really he can’t go this far and gotten to know Izuku this much without answers. All Might eventually reveals that someone very important is in the bottle, but they need his help to heal. Todoroki agrees he’ll keep talking to Izuku and bringing him to class and teaching him things. And protecting him, of course!
-Almost a year passes in this manner, with Izuku recovering more and more thanks to Todoroki’s influence. They start falling in love with each other
-Once Izuku has nearly reached full recovery, he starts “blacking out” and not responding to Todo for a few hours. This is because his soul has recovered well enough to go back into his body, and his body keeps trying to call it back. Todo does not know this tho and FREAKS out and gets terrified he’s going to lose Izuku for good
…And that’s all I’ve written for it so far NGMSNGMS but obviously it’s going to end happily with Izuku ending up back in his body, meeting Todoroki officially, and them getting together >:’) All of Class 2-A comes to see him too bc they p much spent a whole year with him in class so!!
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caescloud · 4 years
How about some shiggy fluff with a reader that has an emotion reading quirk and she just sees how broken he is and wants to help him and he’s just like ???? What’s this? Human decency? Tomura.exe has stopped working
Anon, I almost leapt out of my chair when I got your ask because not only is your brain huge, you made me think of my oc who has pathokinesis for a quirk! So thank you for an awesome prompt, I’ll do my best to explore this topic! There are some liberties I’m taking so let me know if this is slightly out of the scope of what you wanted the power to be portrayed as, I can adjust it. And I went with two routes for this one, hope that’s alright! Also, spoilers for the content covered up until about chapter 246!
Emotion/Empathy Quirk!Reader x Shigaraki, Fluff Hcs
As someone with a quirk that allows you to literally emphasize with other people, it’s hard to ignore those who are in distress. As a member of the League, you regularly are among companions whose more negative emotions you pick up on. Shigaraki is no exception to this. For all he does to mask his feelings, be it out of repressing his deepest memories or simply not willing to let himself feel the more somber emotions, Shigaraki has his days.
Approaching Shigaraki when you sense this emotional shift in him may play out depending on how close you two are. I feel that either way, he will be wary of someone who can instantly know the extent of what he’s feeling without knowing the context- it’s this perception he has of being “seen” and vulnerable, but not on his own terms. For this reason I wouldn’t recommend opening anything major; start small,  a simple “I noticed you’ve been off, I’m here to listen if you need it.” (The second set of hcs are more fluffy than the first, I swear! )
If you’re not as close yet:
“Your vibes are off my guy” /j 
You likely noticed his mood around when you first met him, the childish glee at the prospect of carrying out villainous schemes, the apathy felt for society, the frustration when things went awry, and this...undercurrent of intensely negative energy.
Your intentions are truly straightforward when you discover him
Had you not had the quirk you had, you likely would have missed the sudden “peak” of distress one night. Shigaraki experienced a rather nasty nightmare that sent him for a bit of an inner spiral. The LOV base was small enough that you could sense him despite being in separate rooms, the feelings of fright and melancholy were too palpable for you to ignore. You could sense when emotional activity subsides when people are asleep but Shigaraki didn’t seem to fall back asleep that night. You had difficulty yourself and made a note to confront him in the morning, when he’d likely be moving around while the others wouldn’t.
Shigaraki is aware of your quirk and how it works; he is the leader who is responsible for knowing key information regarding subordinates. What he didn’t expect, and may have subconsciously hoped you wouldn’t do, is “pry” into him after an episode. 
SO in addition to that plus being in a sour mood that following morning, he may be more snappy and curt when you approach him. He doesn’t feel it’s your business nor something you should be spending energy on. He’s not really in a headspace to discuss what he dreamt about or exactly know how to put it into words; he’d likely tell you to move on because that’s what he’s doing. 
Ball is in your court at this point; sticking around him may not be the best move unless you’re going to be quiet while he soothes his thoughts on his own; having anyone around him may be more of irritation/distraction than a comforting presence. If you do try to get him to keep talking, he’s gonna flat out leave the bar in a bit of a huff to blow off steam. If you leave yourself, best not to do so in a way that makes it seem like you’re mad at him? It’s not that he’s really concerned with how you’re feeling per se, this is more of a long-term behavior. Calmly letting him know you will respect his boundaries and telling him you’ll be around let’s him know that you’re a mature enough individual which is pretty big for him. Even if he doesn’t remark on it then and there; he’s all about those little details when it comes to people. 
Even if at this moment he doesn’t especially appreciate “someone nosing around” in his head, he can’t completely ignore your intentions. You’re not on thin ice, but he’s gonna maintain a bit of a guard around you until there’s more trust solidified. After all, he can’t be scaring off competent allies like you when he needs ‘em this early on. 
If there is trust/a relationship between you two:
You two have a much better rapport with each other this time around. Between fighting alongside each other, going through shared struggles and trials, those rare late-night chats you’ve had, Tomura and you are far closer now than ever before. 
You are a valuable ally of his and someone who he lowered his walls down ever so slightly more for. As mentioned above, the fact you respected his boundaries early on while maintaining your welcoming presence has served you well in this area. If it’s you asking him about his troubles, that’s okay. You’ve seen him at some pretty harsh lows and still stayed by him and everyone. 
Heck, even prior to this, you’ve already begun to notice a change in Tomura and how he’s been acting since the Kamino incident. Showing his face and apparent care for the LOV will also likely factor into him feeling more comfortable around you as well. After losing AFO and Kurogiri, this point stands even stronger. The league is his family, you’re a part of that too of course. But out of everyone, there’s a unique bond between the two of you. 
So when you approach him as a result of the impossible to ignore feelings of turmoil, not that he’s outwardly showing this, you do so with the same, genuine concern you held the first time this happened. This is someone who you’ve gotten to understand hasn’t had much of a break when it comes to basic human kindness in most of his life. And he is also someone you truly care for, no strings attached. (Hard not to when you’ve been exposed to his innermost feelings after all.) 
He’s clearly trying to hold himself together in the aftermath of Kamino; he seems to be clutching desperately onto himself as a way to ground. The loss of AFO and Kurogiri is taking its mental toll and while the others have opted to give him space, you chose to go to him; hopeful of any comfort you could give in order to soothe the ferocious panic and frustration sweeping over his mind.
Once again you offer him your ear, a shoulder, your words if he’d rather listen to someone else talk instead to take his mind off. He doesn’t brush you off this time but also doesn’t say too much. He stares very intensely at you, searching for a trace of judgement or gratuitous pity and finding none. Despite everything, you two fall into a comfortable silence, that hand you’ve placed on his shoulder acting as an anchor.
The next time this happens is after the battle with the MLA
The base you’re in is more lavish, fitted with more space and rooms for it’s members to reside in. However, you’re still able to sense Tomura’s emotions go completely haywire. The intense loneliness, fright, anger, and sadness crash into you and pull you under.
You don’t realize you’re moving until you’re outside his door, softly calling his name, sensing he’s alert and awake now. You almost feel this will play out as it did nearly a year ago until the door slowly creaked open, a single red eye gazing right through you. You’re about to speak when he reaches for you and pulls you in.
Huh. This is the first time he’s literally reached out for you, a fleeting thought. It’s dark and you’re unable to see him, but you feel the slight tremor wracking his frame and grip. You’re thankful it’s as dark as it is because you don’t want him to see your tears; whenever someone is feeling as badly as he is at the moment, your quirk can have the impact of flooding your emotions, especially if your control is not at its peak.
“Tomura, I’m here for you. I’m ready to help, tell me what I can do,” you muster in your most soothing and level voice, masking your outward emotions well. He is still wordless but moves you and him over to where his bed is, guiding you both down onto the mattress. A low sigh leaves his lungs as he tries to compose himself, grip still around your wrist. You feel your way over to the hand that’s holding you, carefully maneuvering the fingers off and transferring his hand properly into both of yours. You work mindless patterns and pressures over the appendage, further trying to physically calm him.
It starts with an utterance of the words “bad dream, family, my sister-”. He doesn’t go into very descriptive detail but with the way he’s feeling and how he’s speaking, you know it’s nothing pleasant. “They’re gone, it’s done. So why do I still...have these ridiculous visions of them?”
Your heart has ached hearing the way he talks; whether he realizes the extent of his words, when he talks about others and himself or his past, you feel compelled to be open with him.
What happens next almost shatters your heart because he asks you not to go. He’s done talking about his dreams and the past, his fingers are itching to go at this neck, and he’s just tired. When you pull him into your embrace, him mindful of where his hands fall, he surprisingly accepts it. 
You’ve got him and you’re not letting go, gently smoothing over his hair to further placate him. He’s definitely feeling better than when you’ve found him. You only begin to drift off when you feel him truly calm down and go limp in your arms. No one dares to say anything the next morning when the future king has skipped out on a meeting.
He’s not going to say this out loud but he is truly grateful you treated his emotions with the care he didn’t realize they needed from someone like you.
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zibulon01 · 4 years
The Chimera Au is really cool? but you know what, you made me like the commission even less now and I want to see the fallout of taking children and experimenting with them. Also interested how this will affect their friendships and relations. WAIT DOES THIS MEAN HAWKS IS AN CHIMERA?
Thank you anon! Glad that you liked my ramblings!
Happy to see that your distrust of the Commission is growing as well, i personally don’t trust an organization raising the equivalent of an army of child soldiers and then decide to send said high schoolers onto a battlefield filled with villains ready to harm and kill. :D
Of course, there will be consequences of such thing and i would love to write/expend about them (whenever i will write that fic that is). It might be possible that the Commission started their own undoing by doing so after all. As of now, Izuku’s relationship with the other Chimeras is still unclear for me, but i imagine that they would be aquainted, at the very least. However, i think the whole process of them becoming Chimeras will hinder that greatly, especially when said process keep muddling one’s memories.
As for Hawks, he isn’t part of the Chimera project but another, older program. My personal vision of said program would be that it has been existing for at least 15-20 years or so (speaking from when canon is happening). I think that there are other heroes who came out of it, and i like to imagine that said heroes are mostly underground agents, which would explain why we don’t see more of HPSC trained heroes in the charts. They try to prepare for All Might’s retirement, as heroes cannot stay in function forever (especially after that one fight), and for that they need one or few people capable of filling the hole left by the pillar of peace. After the fight AFO vs All Might, villains noticed that for some reason, said pillar wasn’t appearing as often as he used to, which was a golden opportunity for them that led to the recrudescence of incidents and another reason for the Commission to hurry at finding some sort of replacement. Hawks is a very good candidate for this, but they feel like need more than that.
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ichor-and-symbiosis · 5 years
can you do a one shot when afo try to turn tomura s/o against him. but failed ??
so i misread this as AfO turning tomura against his s/o because i have big dumb bitch energy with poor reading comprehension ;v; sorry anon this is what i cranked out!
(female reader)
“She is making you weak.”
The measured voice of his master echoed throughout the empty bar. Tomura shuffled before the monitor, raking his nails along his neck with increasing intensity as his anxiety heightened. An unwelcome feeling pooled in the pit of his stomach, uncomfortable and unnerving.
He hated this. He hated standing in front of this lifeless screen just to be scolded like a child. More than that, he did not want to discuss the topic at hand. There were still truths to be accepted, insecurities to overcome. And whenever All For One sniffed out his weaknesses, Tomura had long since learned to brace himself for a mental lashing.
But a small part of him was eager to listen; hence why he found himself in this predicament at all. His master had only ever kept his best interests at heart. Always guiding, always supportive and endlessly patient, striving to bring out the best in his wayward student.
And yet …
So did you.
“Do you understand, Tomura?”
The scars on his neck were starting to reopen. He let the pain guide him back from his wandering thoughts, the stinging bite shooting a wave of undercurrent throughout his body.
Good. This was good. He could feel the frustration and rage boiling inside him and threatening to spill over. It was not often that he allowed himself to focus these negative emotions towards his master, but he had been the one to cultivate this defensive reaction. And sometimes, no matter how grateful a dog is, it simply must bite the hand that feeds. Especially when it is being fed lies.
“ … “ Tomura forced himself to speak through gritted teeth. “Master … I understand … “ His wavy tresses shrouded his face as he hung his head, unwilling to show All For One the stubbornness coloring his expression. Even he had some tact when addressing the man. “I understand why you would think that,” he slowly rasped, tensing up in anticipation for his master’s displeasure.
“That sounds very much like a rebuttal, as opposed to acceptance.”
The monitor went silent. Tomura held his breath, dropping one of his hands down to his side to form a fist, ignoring the crescent marks that were forming on his palm from how tightly he clenched. At last, All For One spoke. “Tell me why,” he smoothly replied, and Tomura slowly exhaled, releasing the tension in his frame as he looked back up.
The sheer anger at having to justify his relationship was swiftly overshadowed by the tantalizing opportunity to prove your worth to his master. “She makes me better," Tomura adamantly said. “I don’t feel overwhelmed or pissed off as much anymore. I feel like I can finally think with a clear head! It’s like she was meant to be by my side, to be my support.” No longer did the itch persist. He stared down at his slightly bloodied hands and pictured all the times you had kissed his palms. “I need her, Master. I chose her. I love her. She is mine." His voice wavered and broke as he glared at the monitor. “You can’t take her away from me now. You can’t.”
All For One sighed deeply. “My poor, lovesick student.” A pause. “Do you truly wish to open up your heart to someone who has the potential to hurt you so?”
His hands balled into fists again. “She won’t,” he hissed. “She would never. I — “ The words got caught in his throat. He forced them out in a whisper. "I trust her, Master.”
“Trust is a double-edged sword.”
“Yet you encourage me to have faith in my team,” Tomura rebutted. “So why can’t I do the same for her?"
“You certainly can, Tomura. I do not wish to hold you back from experiencing life. In all of its goodness and tragedy,” his master pointedly said. “I am merely worried for you. This … affection you have developed … it is unprecedented.”
He bit back a defensive retort. “What do you mean?"
“You hold your rage near and dear to you. You feed off of it and allow it to guide you in everything that you do. So tell me, how is it that you came to love another human being? What inspired you to seek out comfort in anyone other than yourself?”
He did not want to be here. He did not want to explain to his master why he had been so desperate for you, so mindless in his pursuit, so lonely and aching for your company. Could All For One even understand his feelings? Could he even begin to understand the gaping chasm of nothingness that grew within him, only to be filled by your unconditional love?
No. His master was brilliant and powerful, and he needed no one. Not like how Tomura needed you.
“I don’t have all the answers yet,” Tomura admitted. “Maybe I never will.” He placed a hand to his heart. “You always told me to follow my intuition. Well, that’s what I’m doing. I know she is good for me, Master. Just … just wait and see. I can only grow stronger from here on out.”
Silence once more. He solemnly waited for his mentor’s judgement. The itch had long since disappeared — he felt disgusting, worthless and small under the gaze of a predator, yet at ease all the same. Like he would be forgiven no matter what he chose to do.
A low chuckle reverberated from the speakers. “Alright, do as you wish. You are, after all, in charge of your own destiny.” All For One considered his next words carefully. “Let nothing stand in your way, Tomura. Rely on that intuition of yours. It can never fail you.”
Tomura narrowed his eyes at his master’s phrasing, yet did nothing more than wordlessly nod. He turned his back on the darkened monitor and stuffed a hand into his pocket as he paced towards the door, bitterly wishing he had brought Father with him.
All soured thoughts fizzled away as soon as he saw you.
You were right outside the door, leaning against the wall with folded arms and staring up at him with an inscrutable expression. Were you shocked to see him? Were you embarrassed at having been caught snooping? Were you simply resigned to your fate? He could not tell. Perhaps you were feeling all those things.
“How much did you hear?” he sharply asked, shutting the door behind him.
“All of it,” came your reply, so light and quiet, and so unsure. Your eyes quickly flitted away as soon as you met his hardened stare. “I — I just wanted to see you. I didn’t know you were busy.”
You were not upset with him. Good.
He forced himself to relax. “ … It’s fine.” Unable to bear the tense distance that suddenly rooted you both to the floor, Tomura gruffly wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you against his chest. You stumbled slightly and gasped into his shirt, and quickly recovered as you hugged him close to you. “I can tell you have questions. Spill it already.”
“Um.” His heart raced as you nuzzled your face into his neck, and he suppressed a shiver as you licked away the blood oozing from his wounds. “Why did you … That’s your mentor. Are you really allowed to go against his word like that?”
Tomura wanted to pull you away and shake you senselessly. He merely kissed your temple and held you tighter instead. “I can do whatever the hell I want.”
A short giggle escaped you. “Why would you do that for me?”
Tomura stilled. “What?”
“You defended me … against the most important person in your life. Why?"
He looked at you incredulously. “Are you dumb? Did you not hear what I said to him?” You were pouting so cutely. He simply had to cut himself off to kiss your soft lips, momentarily lost in your sweet sighs as he coaxed your mouth open and let his tongue slide wetly over yours. “You’re mine,” he breathed in between playful kisses. “You’re mine and —mmm — y-you love me, right?” He pulled away, smiling at how you instinctually tried to capture his mouth again. “Tell me you love me. Tell me you need me.”
“Of course I love you,” you whined, standing on your tip toes to get him to kiss you. “I love you and I need you, Tomura. You’re my one and only.”
Your one and only.
All for one, one for all, none of that mattered. He was your one and only.
Tomura silenced your affectionate babbling with a searing kiss. Only you could melt away any residual anger he harbored in his heart. Only you could make him feel so loved and wanted.
And that is why you were his one and only, too.
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I'm glad I'm not the only one who actually is very interested about the Vestiges of OFA! Though it's interesting that our headcanons contrast each other somehow...
I have nowhere to share my headcanons as of yet, so I guess I'm sharing them with you first before making some headcanon posts on my BNHA blog cause I wanna see what you think of it first.
1st User - Shigaraki Shutsu (死柄木 出)
Since I'm a fan of Dad For One, I thought Izuku's name might be a combination of the kanji of the two brothers. Makes sense somehow. The second kanji of "Izuku" is "Hisashi", and the first kanji is pronounced "Shutsu". And even though "Shutsu" has no pun for the number 1 (Ichi), the kanji can mean "origin", which fits. (He's the only one where I managed to make up a name for)
Shigaraki was said to mean "Death Grip Tree", but it also meant "Death Pattern Tree", which may be a reference to the cycle of OFA users dying over and over again, with "Shutsu" representing that he is the "Origin" of that. (Yeah, dark.)
Shutsu is a lot like Midoriya who is actually a dork and a nerd, especially for superheroes in comics. I suppose he's a westaboo of some sorts. Due to reading so much comics in English, he occasionally say some words in his sentences in English and can occasionally speak broken Japanese.
He also has very low self-esteem like Midoriya too. He used to keep saying his actions standing up to his brother aren't really anything major and that he's not as great as the heroes that come after him. (The 2nd User will smack him if he says that too much) However, he has improved cause he learned from during his fight with his brother that he's much more than what he believes.
He also sometimes blames himself for the death of the other users, but the other users try to support him no matter what. He's the guy the keeps the Vestiges together somehow.
He appears and sometimes act weak-minded (like the old Midoriya), but he's actually head-strong and stubborn, always tries to fight for his ideals, despite not having the strength for it.
Also, he's kinda the one the encourages Midoriya's vigilantism... And the 2nd User keeps smacking his head whenever he does too far with All Might and Midoriya.
When All Might first told Midoriya that he can't be hero without a quirk and he needs to be "realistic" with his dream, Shutsu got angry at All Might because it was an echo to what his brother kept telling him when he was alive. And the First is normally the one who forces the users to act when needed to save someone, so he stopped doing that when All Might came across the Sludge Villain with Bakugo.
When he saw Midoriya act first, it also forced First into action as well to force All Might to act somehow. (He freaked out)
He's the polar opposite of his brother. While his brother technically smiles like a maniac all the time, Shutsu doesn't. He's like Eri, who really can't smile right. (I mean, we barely seen the guy truly smile when we saw him. The closest to him really smiling was when he was talking about comics)
He's under the suspicion that Midoriya may be related to his brother, but the guy doesn't care. He never really believes that people can be defined by blood and always saw Midoriya as his person rather than just AFO's son, so he believed in Midoriya from the beginning. Besides, Shutsu thought that makes him and the 9th related, so he thought it was alright!
But based from what he saw, he knows Midoriya might not know about AFO being related to him and Shutsu knows it's something that can't be hidden forever. He plans to possibly tell Midoriya when the time comes.
He's the one who started the fire metaphor with One For All! He used it to explain what it felt lile when he first used One For All with the stockpiling quirk. The 2nd then used it when explaining it to the 3rd, and became tradition since then!
Sad Headcanon: The last time the First truly smiled was when he died, in front of the 2nd User as a child. (Btw, I'm the same person as the anon who said that the 1st and 2nd are like Izuku and Kota, so it was my headcanon)
I'm not sure if this is all of it. The First has the most headcanons than the other predecessors. Probably enough to write a story about the First User, but I don't have the best writing skills and I get writer's block easily. I could send more if that's what you want.
(Sorry for the long post!)
bro im crying i love this so much,,,holy shit
the thought and care u put into this headcanon,,,i am shaking holy SHIT
ugh this is so good i love it thank u SO much for sharing dude omg,,,im so emo abt the ofa vestiges
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