#especially with global warming
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basketball court in cave - nayong county纳雍县, guizhou province  
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reasonsforhope · 2 days
People ask me sometimes how I'm so confident that we can beat climate change.
There are a lot of reasons, but here's a major one: it would take a really, really long time for Earth to genuinely become uninhabitable for humans.
Humans have, throughout history, carved out a living for themselves in some of the most harsh, uninhabitable corners of the world. The Arctic Circle. The Sahara. The peaks of the Himalayas. The densest, most tropical regions of the Amazon Rainforest. The Australian Outback. etc. etc.
Frankly, if there had been a land bridge to Antarctica, I'm pretty sure we would have been living there for thousands of years, too. And in fact, there are humans living in Antarctica now, albeit not permanently.
And now, we're not even facing down apocalypse, anymore. Here's a 2022 quote from the author of The Uninhabitable Earth, David Wallace-Wells, a leader on climate change and the furthest thing from a climate optimist:
"The most terrifying predictions [have been] made improbable by decarbonization and the most hopeful ones practically foreclosed by tragic delay. The window of possible climate futures is narrowing, and as a result, we are getting a clearer sense of what’s to come: a new world, full of disruption but also billions of people, well past climate normal and yet mercifully short of true climate apocalypse. Over the last several months, I’ve had dozens of conversations — with climate scientists and economists and policymakers, advocates and activists and novelists and philosophers — about that new world and the ways we might conceptualize it. Perhaps the most capacious and galvanizing account is one I heard from Kate Marvel of NASA, a lead chapter author on the fifth National Climate Assessment: “The world will be what we make it.”" -David Wallace-Wells for the New York Times, October 26, 2022
If we can adapt to some of the harshest climates on the planet - if we could adapt to them thousands of years ago, without any hint of modern technology - then I have every faith that we can adjust to the world that is coming.
What matters now is how fast we can change, because there is a wide, wide gap between "climate apocalypse" and "no harm done." We've already passed no harm done; the climate disasters are here, and they've been here. People have died from climate disasters already, especially in the Global South, and that will keep happening.
But as long as we stay alive - as long as we keep each other alive - we will have centuries to fix the effects of climate change, as much as we possibly can.
And looking at how far we've come in the past two decades alone - in the past five years alone - I genuinely think it is inevitable that we will overcome climate change.
So, we're going to survive climate change, as a species.
What matters now is making sure that every possible individual human survives climate change as well.
What matters now is cutting emissions and reinventing the world as quickly as we possibly can.
What matters now is saving every life and livelihood and way of life that we possibly can.
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the-cooler-erinsintra · 4 months
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skrunksthatwunk · 9 months
been thinking about them
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raynedayys2 · 3 days
Happy Juneteenth guys.
You owe every black person you see 100k. (Or basic human rights....I think both work)
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Hey so that cosmic force or god or whatever who took out my coworker can you do it again? This guy keeps saying stuff like "climate change isn't real" and "covid wasn't real it was a Chinese conspiracy" and I kinda want to blow him up
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invertedspoon · 10 months
god i hate everything about global warming but the thing that grinds my gears is that during the pandemic, the ENTIRE WORLD banded together and were able to (mostly) get rid of a disease that would have killed billions within 2 years.
but as soon as something isn't a immediate threat, people turn a blind eye. if we're not all going to die in a year, then i guess it doesn't matter.
but people are dying. wildfires are rampaging and wiping out towns and islands. there is going to be a HURRICANE on the WEST COAST. a global heat wave is harder to control than a global disease. in the pandemic, the average community had control over spreading a disease, no matter what politicians and the rich would say about it.
but now, the common people cannot control what the rich are pumping into our oceans and atmosphere. you can cut down on your personal carbon footprint. you can convince others around you to cut down. but nothing will make a dent in our carbon emissions unless everyone in the world does it.
the time to try and stop things is now. soon enough, it'll be far, far too late to go back. there's no way to reverse the damage that'll be done in a few years.
we cannot save our own PLANET and that is terrifying.
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icewindandboringhorror · 10 months
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... how am I meant to get any sort of restful sleep when it's like 85F indoors in my bedroom at NIGHT .. hhhhhhhhhhhhhh
#why the next poll adventure and everything else has taken so long lol.. I straight up have just not done anything#the past few days... staring down my todo list and sweating hopelessly#AT LEAST it;s relatively low humidity. the highest it's been up to is maybe 65%. but is usually around 50 or 40ish#There is one small window air conditioner in a roomate's room that can KIND OF be shared by nailing a sheet up to block off the hallway#with the rooms in it so the cool air goes into the other bedrooms but doesnt flow out into the kitchen or etc but#wjhen it's the time of day that the sun is directly hitting the window & it's like 102F outside even that doesnt help much. to cool 3 rooms#and I always feel like we're going to explode the air conditioner or something running it too much with direct heat on it. sometimes it#smells like hot plastic or whatever ghj.. so it's mostly just.. block off all windows with 5 layers of blankets and cardboard#starting at 10am (meaning.. no indoor light for days basically.. no natural lighting.. time passes weird. hard to determine time of day).#throw water on the bed every night so you sleep in wet sheets and keep your clothes and hair wet at all times. ice. cold drinks. keep a#little fan running pointed directly at you nearly 24/7 even when sleeping with a fan blowing air on you makes your eyes and throat painfull#dry. etc. etc.. and i KNOW people have it worse in plenty of places blah blah. i am just complaining on my little blog that is about me lol#I think the biggest thing about lack of adequate/central air conditioning for me is just the LACK of productivity!!! I am working on games!#and novels!! and so many other crafts. costumes! sculptures!!! things I want to do!!! we all have a limited amount of time on this planet a#nd I have so many goals!! To lose basically 4-5 days straight or producivity - when if I had been able to temperature#control my environment better I could have easily gotten more done because I wouldn't be laying around nuseous and too hot#and sick to do anything all day etc. -- is like.... GRRRRRR... it just feels so senseless.. i could have USEd that time...#Every CEO who has contributed to global warming owes me 1million doallrs to fund my art projects and make up for all the time#I've lost on them due to their stupid bullshit.. also they should be stoned to death in a public square. but redistribute the money FIRST#to everyone on the planet. but especially people who have been affected by floods. fires. etc. etc.#poor people who have limited choice in housing and access to air conditioning. homeless people in cooling centers. people with disabillitie#and health issues that are worse in the heat so the entire future just seems increasingly terrifying for them. etc. etc.#ANYWAY.... eughhhgh.... It can cool down SLIGHTLY at night but the past few nights I have been sleeping in an 81 degree room and I wake up#and first thing in the morning its like 82 by then and I'm so nauseous and nasty feeling... just so so tired of it.. I NEED SNOW#literally not even joking.. snow would heal me. .. oughffff...#AND i got the new nasty stinky poo poo pee pee tumblr dashboard update lol.. e v i l
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onuen · 2 years
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38° c in the garden at 10am, in the shadow of my hazelnut trees... This is going to be a long day. @.@
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ghost-sketchbook · 2 years
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Tips for surviving dry heat from a kid who’s lived in a desert their whole life
I’ve never lived in a hot and humid place and I am only 17 but here’s everything I know.
W A T E R. DRINK AS MUCH OF IT AS POSSIBLE. You will have to pee more but that’s better than dying. If you start to feel thirsty, you’re already dehydrated.
If you dont have AC, a bowl or tray with ice in front of a fan works wonders. Basically get all the cold, moisture, and air movement you can. I learned this when my family’s AC broke in the middle of three-digit temperatures :/
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Close the windows during the day, and open them at night. This seemed counterintuitive to me at first, but you want to keep the coolest temperatures inside. During the day, you also should have curtains or blinds closed.
Take lukewarm showers. You’ll want to take cold showers, but you’ll just feel hotter afterwards.
This one’s weird but I learned it from two separate events at school and I swear it works: put alcohol on your wrists. Alcohol evaporates much faster than water, so it will help cool you faster; there are a lot of veins in your wrists, so it’ll help cool your blood down.
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Speaking of which, it is also helpful to put ice packs or basically anything cold in areas like the sides of your neck, your armpits, the insides of your elbows and knees, your crotch, just everywhere that’s “inside.” It helps if your pits are shaved, even if you dont like that.
Keep your hair short if you can. If you can’t, keep it the hell UP.
If your house has two floors, stay low if you can. Heat rises. Unless you find the opposite to be true, in which case lmao do whatever works
Make a hand fan by folding a piece of paper a bunch of times and pinching it at one end, like so. I think we all learned this in kindergarten.
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Dont go outside if you don’t absolutely need to, but if you have an air-conditioned place to go that you can stay for the whole day (like a library) stay there as long as possible. This also applies in bad air quality.
Bonus: if your glasses are falling off because you’re sweating too much: take them off, wipe down the nosepieces and earpieces, and then get a cloth or a piece of your shirt or something and s c r u b the grease off your ears and nose. It wont last forever but it does make it so much better.
Also, if you have pets, it is totally safe and good to put some ice in their water. They will thank you.
Alright that’s pretty much everything I can think of rn. Be safe and im serious DRINK WATER
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tiger-moran · 2 years
There’s all this bullshit about "”””nazis in Ukraine"””” still and yet I come online to the news that Italy is probably getting a Mussolini-idolising far right government and an ex-pupil wearing a swastika has just attacked a school in Russia
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threnodians · 4 months
everyone around us is without power rn so i have all the space heaters running in addition to regular heating to get things nice and toasty in hopes that if we do lose power (this is only going to get worse overnight before finally stopping for the most part at like 6am and it isn’t even 7pm yet) i won’t have to worry over much about the reptiles unless it’s out for like. hours and hours but we also have a woodstove thankfully just in case so yay but also (muffled screaming)
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lilyaceofdiamonds · 5 months
Thank fuck for the cabbies being able to drive my ass to work in the ice hell that it is outside. I feel so bad that they’re driving in it but the sidewalks are impassable ice sheets.
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ohnoitsjetster · 6 months
What's your favourite season I'm so curious :O mine is spring bc the temperatures are comfortable, it rains just enough, and all the gardens look extra pretty :3
Mines spring too! In terms of the weather at least, but you can’t beat summer’s whole “no school” thing
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softgrungeprophet · 10 months
idk who the fuck my mom thinks she's trying to convince every time she insists that living in the fucking desert will somehow be better than living by the ocean because "at least it's dry heat" (etc)
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