#etc etc i dont have the verse up for this blog
mundmutter · 8 months
@urbcsa / sc
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―  🜛  ―  " And  just what might  the  chosen  one  wish  from  me?  Why,  I  am  naught  but  a  lowly  outcast,  remember?  You  might  be  condemning your  hands  if  you  come  too  close,  most  honored  champion. "
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sunbedo · 4 months
Hey guys. gay rights
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#i already made the sonic one a while bc yknow. kinnie stuff youve all seen my blog theme#but then i was wearing my Fearless Year of Shadow(tm) shirt along with it and my irl bff was like.#'why are you wearing a sonic bracelet with that shirt if you love shadow so much 🤨' *#(he doesnt know much about sth stuff but ive infodumped abt shadow and his backstory to him many times)#and i was like 😭😭 BECAUSE I DONT HAVW A SHADOW KANDI BUT I WANNA MAKE ONE. I WILL SOON#so. now i do!! taking my ad/derall on the weekends always make me want to make more kandi. its great!#and yknow what else it makes me want to do...... talk more on here >:3333#me and my dad are gonna go to a local jazz festival this afternoon bc our jazz combo is playing at it!!#itll be fun. my dad said hes gonna get some food from this really good breakfast place on the way thwre#which is not the best part. the best part is outside the shop there is a wonderful kitty cat who hangs around the parking lot#bc hes owned by the ppl who own the bar right next door#its so great. everybody knows him (the cat) and loves him. the v/ape shop next door has a tip door set up for him even though the#bar owner ppl take care of him and take him to the vet nd stuff. my dad found a faceb/ook page somebody made for him#and apparently it just has pictures of ppl at the bar holding him. its so great and hilarious. this cat is so loved#by the v/ape shop people. by random people at this beachtown bar. by the breakfast shop people.#anyways uh. this post was abkut kandi wasnt it 😭😭😭 lol#cherry chortles#anyways the add/er/all also usually makes me want to look at and sort through my pkmn card collection. so imma do that#because my dads friend (and my friend too i guess! me and him exchange cat photos bc he has this adorable chunky cat named gremlin) that we#play bar trivia with on tuesdays (dw its not really even a bar. its mostly a restaurant) asked me abt my pokemon card collection#bc the final question was to put a few franchises (it was like. dora the ecplora and spide/rman etc. and pokemon) in order of revenue#and obvs pokemon was the top. bc of factors like the trading cards so thats how that came up#we didnt bet any of our points btw but we almost! got it right! the order was pk/mn dora spidamen friends (the tv seies) but we had spidman#as second. but we still won!! our team is on a two game winning streak!!! we always split the money so next week ill get another 8 dolla >:3#wow i havent hit tag limit yert#lol. yall'll open the 'see all tags' thing and boom. do you love the color of the sky type shit 😭😭😭#sorry that sounds too much like aave. i (white baby) cant be sayin that#cherrys kandi#okay well i had a tag with a verse from the ultimarw showdown bc i didnt know what else to say#but with my kandi tag and these two tags i have hit tag limit. thank you folks ill be here all night
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hcnnibal · 7 months
Hi! I absolutely love your work! I reblog you on my Hannibal blog @hungryhungryhannibalhimbo all the time and fell into the Hannibal fan to A1 and A2 fan pipeline very quickly after following you. I had a couple questions:
1.) What is your drawing process like? I’ve gotten more into portraiture lately and want to get better at drawing things for the fandoms I’m in. You’re work is really incredible so I figured you may have some tips that could carry over.
2.) You mentioned using face models for A1 and A2 and I was wondering what resources you would recommend for that sort of thing.
3.) How long do you anticipate their story to be? Obviously we’re at the very beginning (and it’s rlly rlly good) but I guess I’m wondering how complex the plot will get.
4.) How much of the story will center around their dynamic with each other as opposed to all the things they’re caught up in and the rest of the cast?
P.S. Every time I see them, I think of A1 Steak Sauce and imagine them using it at a dinner date in a steak house somewhere….possibly on a steak out?? Sincerest apologies for the absurdity of my ramblings. Have a nice day!
hi! thanks for the ask, ill try my best to answer all of this!
1. half of my drawing process is looking for references. like i thumbnail a composition and hunt for like. all the individual components. head so empty, need reference. the drawing is the easy part, i dont really have a sketch layer, i just kinda go for it on 200 different layers and resize, rotate, etc etc until it looks okay and then i slap some color on dbcbnc thats it
2. i like movies and tv shows for refs! ppl always look best in motion i think. i also take alot of my own references! especially for like hands and stuff
3. i do kinda see their story taking a couple years to finish. i have all of volume 1 planned out and im hoping to get that done this year! i have alot of material written for them and its kinda just a matter of… making it all make sense in one story ahahha
4. the story is mostly going to be driven by their relationship and im hoping to have the different “episodes” center around their jobs. most of the rest of the cast are part of a different story even though they’re in the same verse! there’s some overlap in some in universe stuff but their stories are totally different. tan, nette, and riley are having their own little found family, coming of age thing and the angels are more of a. soap opera w killing on the side thing.
i will let them go on a steak dinner date one day, i swearrrrr
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johnnysslaughter · 13 days
hi! i’m sorry if i’m not the anon you meant but i just wanted to say that i really like your take on johnny. matt dillon for a face claim was honestly such a good choice because they look so alike and in a lot of dillon’s films there’s some clips that’d be perfect for johnny. also the really cool leland blog using matt dillon for a face claim too made me think of leland eventually turning into johnny like in that one verse. the massive differences in the roles that matt’s played and the difference between leland and johnny but at the end of the day it’s the same actor and in that one verse johnny makes leland think that he isn’t different from him at all. i just think it’s cool
but i hope you’re ok and i really hope you still writing because you capture how scary johnny is so well. just how incredibly messed up in the head he is
i hope you enjoy rush week when it comes out
i forgot this part but you need to listen to the misfits because they fit johnny so well. they’re a 1970s punk band that sing about cannibalism sometimes
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you & all the other cute anons are exactly what i meant... i wanna adopt you, you guys are adorable & i want to wrap you up in a nice warm blankie & protect you from the world. this is me rn below btw if you care --
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im really glad that you like what i'm doing with him! listen, when the gun interactive team said that johnny was made based off matt, the way that i nearly lost my mind, i'm telling you what!! should have been there that day, it was a very affirming day. WEBFKJEB but yes exactly!! kels and i using matt dillon in respective movies to capture our characters separately in roles that fit the character a bit more than others -- us also knowing they do become one in the same, different sides of the same coin, much like in some of the Dire Verses. that was actually a complete accident to happen -- but one that could be a lot of symbolism, knowing too that johnny & leland are meant to be parallels of a sort, especially in those verses.
dont you worry, sweet anon, i am still writing. i've went through some health spells & been going through a rough time mentally the last couple days ( still going through it ) but i will be okay. <3 Thank you tremendously for this compliment of a message!! I am incredibly honored to have received such a message, honestly!
I hope you enjoy rush week as well... i can't wait to dig up more Lore from it & make it our own!
and yesss the misfits are such a good band! i do listen to them & i have them scattered in some playlists pertaining to johnny. i highly recommend Koffin Kats !! they're modern, but they have such good 70s/80s/ retro punk rockabilly feel -- they sung my pinned song, which is about t/cm, & have a lot more "morbid" songs within the similar nature. if you have any music reccs, i'd love to take a listen! i love when people share some music that reminds them of me or my characters, etc! or hell, even what has been stuck in your head lately. i always love sharing things like that!
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laprimera · 9 months
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2024 rules update! these will go across my blogs, but lemme drop the changed stuff here the rest has p much stayed the same.
thanks for following em btw or asking questions when needed, helps a lot!
. Selective, crossover/oc friendly, mutuals only etc etc. I only interact with mutuals and wait to be followed first before following back if I can see our characters and writing meshing well. This is just so I can have an active dashboard that I can freely interact with. please let me know if you have a side you'd want me to engage and follow if its not prominent somewhere.
. You do not need a verse to interact with my muse. If anything I prefer general crossover to see how they interact in their various worlds.
. While open to shipping and discussing possible connections with my muses I will not insta-ship and please dont assume they are even if we’ve talked about it a bit. It’ll have to be chemistry and interaction based with buildup and note the blog is not ship-focused. The blog’s central plot focuses solely on themselves and their themes unless heavily plotted otherwise.
. Note I don’t do mains or exclusives in any way. While I do have close mutuals I’ll interact with a lot because of comfort there are no central characters or plots otherwise besides my own. If a muse wants to get involved in some exclusive way please come by me to see if we can plot something out.
. I’m not interested in poly-shipping. Nothing wrong with it ofcourse but Im only really comfortable shipping with friends or mutuals I know and on the same space as I’m in. I’d ask for a single-verse for my muse or we can go through a platonic route if your muse is exclusively poly, but as with anything please come talk to me for anything.
. You dont have to ask to reply to an ask. Please do! If anything I ask if possible to follow through on a meme or ask you’ve sent be turned into an interaction unless the point is moot or its a drabble. Not required of course, it just helps start and build interactions!
. Note the plot is centralized to my characters and canons put under the v. main tag. Dash events, rpc happenings and the whathavs unless I say so otherwise are not canon and often put under the crack tag or untagged. Please dont assume anything from my muse or expect them to engage either as sadly I have to step away from the dash often and cant catch up. I prefer to have control over my narrative and if you want something outside included please plot with me!
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lucyjung · 7 months
I suppose the relationship map questions were there because we haven't seen blue verse interact as much? With the yellows we have things like: shark always tried to attack anyone new, shadow doesn't show emotions much (except to the original), Human yellow can take their sh.. only with enough coffee etc.
But we don't know much about the Blues so we are curious 💙 I know your favourite is yellow diamond, but do you plan to explain in text how did the blues meet? how did they react to each other? Do their respective relationships have anything special that they do with just one Blue and not the others?
The stories you tell through both your art and the interactions you have with us make this blog very special to me, so thank you, very, very much Lucy 💙💛
Ah, thank you! 💕
So yeah, I will write it down about how they meet each other. And that includes their interactions and their thoughts of the others. Also, of course, they respect all of them.
But i dont have any first story about Blueverse yet. Maybe i should start to build up for them 🤔
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d4m1anw4yn3 · 20 days
"I am robin. Son of batman. And that's all you need to know!"
semi-selective, EXTREMELY low-activity, slightly canon divergent rp blog for damian wayne al-ghul aka robin from dc comics. written by robin (he/they, 22, american) please read rules + about before interacting. always accepting memes and asks unless stated otherwise!
blog / damian info / ask
below the cut you will find the RULES to this blog.
first and foremost, this blog is on constant low-activity unless stated otherwise because im about 1/3rd of the way through an accelerated nursing program and mon-thursday is dedicated to class and studying. i'll most likely be slow most of the time and maybe fast during holidays or any day i have off. when i come on here i really just wanna have fun and write my blorbo so im gonna try to make this blog as stress-free as possible! for both me and my partners
semi-selective, dc-universe based unless it's an au though i'm open to interacting with other fandoms especially if i know them or follow you first. open to ocs, alternative universes, kids of canon characters, whatever, you name it, im cool with it. i'll have very little exceptions to this rule except for shows/fandoms i dont jive with like hazbin hotel or something.
mun is 22 and muse is 10-13 depending on what era/verse damian i feel like writing for my particular thread. i am more partial to younger damian just bc but i can just as easily write 13-14 yr old dami when possible. damian's potrayal is very super-sons and son of batman and just a little of wfa in there too.
i use basic icons (75x75 - 120x120) and some bolding and italicization. i dont go too crazy with that stuff. if you ever need me to edit the way i write or format to help you read it or something just let me know and i can do so! i tend to talk lowercase oocly but if this bothers you lmk and i can use better grammar.
discord always available to partners. i am faster on discord than i am tumblr, for sure. my discord is bunnie_rabbot1. just lemme know who you are and that you're from tumblr and we're good.
i have 10+ years of rp experience and i have been writing Damian on and off for 5 years/since 2019.
cool with multimuses. but i probably will not follow/interact with fellow damians just because im not comfortable with it. if you have damian as a muse on your mutlimuse you're all good!
this blog is heavily associated and bonded with sen's various blogs/muses (@/supraxstcllas )
rp lengths range from one-liners to mutliple paragraphs depending on my partner's writing and my mood. i'm not gonna lie i can be very inconsistent but if you're upfront with the lengths you prefer ill totally conform to it
please communicate with me if there's an issue. whatever it may be. im human and i make mistakes. plus being neurodivergent i can be pretty sensitive. if theres an issue with me/something ive done/etc please feel free to reach out and we can talk about it and figure out a solution. if you feel more comfortable blocking me, please HARDBLOCK me. for both our comfort. if theres a way to mend the issue and youre willing to talk to me about it id definitely prefer that. but i understand if its not applicable to every situation. overall your mental health is more important than rp so if you need to block then i understand!
my other rp blog(s) is @itsybitsypeterparker / @sunshinespeedst3r
no passwords or anything for the rules. if you want you can like this post to signify you read them but i dont care either way.
hi! my name's robin. im 22, american, jewish, and in the EST timezone. i like comics, writing, books, music, and currently in an acclerated LPN-program that takes up most of my time. i really missed Damian and the tumblr format so here's my final go at making it work. dms/discord is always open if you wanna talk or plot.
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puppyboy-boytoy · 1 year
new intro (wip on making it cute)
hello this is my nsfw 18+ blog, you may have seen other posts of mine because i migrated from a sideblog to a main blog so i can block people directly. the old blog is @catboy-catboy-backup
holy fuck put your age in your bio or ill block you :l
Im not 100% good at tagging but this blog should be safe from any hard stuff. if i accidentally reblog wrong lemme know and ill delete or tag. i tag bluntly, so #blood not #bl00d etc
pls read entire thing before referencing my partners!!
they/he + masc terms (puppyboy, boytoy, bf)
dating @cagedcryptid and @princesswisteria, im the polycules designated sub but we're all switchy/flexible in positioning
we're all physically disabled
obnoxious and autistic /pos
demi-sexual gender fucked and queer
im a switch verse who usually tops, only really sub and bottom for my princess + boyfriend
you can call me puppy, pup, or dog
pls i love asks!! and dms!!! we want to build relationships but you CANNOT be weird about it also NO UNSOLICITED PICTURES. PLS ASK FIRST. thanks :3
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monster fucking, edge and denial, oral fixation, teasing, overstimulation, bondage, exhibitionism, begging, praise, embarrassment, biting, scratching, breeding with pregnancy, light somno, impact, spanking, stimmimg, choking, pinning, probably so many more
cnc, painal, piss, scat, ageplay, detrans, misgendering, breath, guns,
i might reblog things w the word c*nt but pls don't directly refer to my body or my partners' bodies w the word thanks!!
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this is a queer blog. its not meant for cishets, but as long as yall are Normal you can stay. T4T ALWAYS ‼️ ageless, blank, and minors DNI. you will be blocked. i block liberally.
i have other blogs too
@pissedpupp - piss and omo
@bloodypuppyboy - very violent, untagged, proceed w caution
@bloodypuppylove - irl pictures of me! dont want my blogs nuked, so im posting there and reblogging to my other blogs instead. covers many kinks, proceed w caution
more info under the cut!
flashing images/blinkies under the cut!
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#boytoy thoughts -> stuff i wrote
#monster nsft -> anything monster fucking related
#this puppy bites -> anything biting or dog related
#both ways -> id like to do it and also have it done to me
#image -> anything with an image or video
#creature -> monster fucker specific art and pictures
everything else should for the most part be tagged accordingly but lmk if i gotta change anything
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i use they/it, and have a clit/tdick/cock, pussy/hole, and tits/chest
princess uses he/him but femme titles, and doesnt want his body referenced
my boyfriend uses they/he and does not want his body referenced at all actually
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my discord server is now up! its for kinky transgender autistic disabled folks! we have about 35 members rn, but only a small handful are active
the bot is coded for 21+ but if youre 18-20 dm me we can try and figure something out 😌
dm / comment / ask for the link! it keeps expiring
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pink-evilette · 5 months
soo i've been slowly working my way thru all your movie recs and i love them, i was wondering do you have any book recs? i love vc andrews but dont really know where to look to find more of that vibe
hello, thank you so much for enjoying my blog! ♡
I have been sitting on this question for a while as honestly, I'm not as well read as I'd like to be and I'm more well versed on film as it's my main passion.
Some of my favourite authors are:
Toni Morrison: she writes a lot about trauma, specifically Black history and the way she writes mother daughter relationships really reminds me of Cathy and Corrine in Flowers in the Attic. I'd recommend Sula, as that book is my personal favourite and is a haunting Southern Gothic, with murder, dangerous women and themes of childhood and sisterhood.
Vladimir Nabokov: his writing is very flowery and often uses wordplay to trick the audience, especially in Lolita which is his most famous and controversial novel. Definitely as fucked up as a VC Andrews novel can be.
And honestly, I haven't really read all that much that's similar to her vibe, subject matter, writing style etc. but I have heard that We Have Always Lived in the Castle by Shirley Jackson has a similar gothic vibe and Rebecca by Daphne du Marier has always looked like something I'd like to read too.
I'd highly recommend looking at @thebunnybooknook which is @coquette-club 's official book club and both blogs feature so many great book recommendations! I have found some really amazing books from @lovesickbrat 's recommendations and I really trust her judgement when it comes to literature! ♡
I hope this answers your question, again I'm more of a movie person so I'm sorry I couldn't be of much help!
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yomiurinikei · 1 year
Hello! I enjoy your blog and hearing you talk about the another cast! (I got into the franchise in like late August, am addicted) uh what would you say is your favorite hcs for some of the characters?
.....i never answered this i am SO sorry </3 gonna try to list off random hcs for a mix of characters!!
1)yuuki + nikei bond over drinking a absurd amount of soda. yuuki drinking mountain dew will always be real to me, and we knowww nikei likes weird and obscure sodas
2)kizuna struggles with being possessive over her items and doesn't like people borrowing her stuff, but if she actually tried it, she'd realize she really likes buying gifts for people
3)kanata isn't super into fashion but she likes feeling pretty, and often feels cute in like... flowy dresses, but she rarely has the time/energy, and feels a bit weird "dressing up"
4)while he felt more in his element in the killing game/had reason to distance himself from the class, and not try to bond with them, in non-despair verses, tsurugi feels really awkward around the others, and has a hard time engaging and making friends. part of this is because he befriended kouhei via kouhei looking at him and going "is for me?", part of it is because he's. ya know. still extremely traumatized by the uh... other thing that happened with kouhei
5)kinji can't draw for shit. like, objectively speaking, he can't get his pencil to do what he wants
6)yoruko dedicates one day a week to taking care of her hair, nails, skin, etc. it helps her feel in control + comfortable with her experience after being bullied, but once she does some more healing with her past, she realizes it's just genuinely soothing now
7)emma isn't very popular with her fellow actors. she tends to isolate a lot when on set, and isn't close with her co-stars. she's very friendly with reports, fans, et cetera though.
8)haruhiko is very "man i wish i liked dudes, girls are totally sweet, but sometimes i wish i could date guys too..." not realizing he literally just described an attraction to both genders.
9)im just generally a queer yuri truther. i remember seeing people say hc'ing him as lgbt was gross. i for one think that looking at how he acts in canon and going "yeah this is fine and healthy and indicative of a good mental status" is gross.
10)mikako had a "not like other girls" phase which she has officially left behind her, but only semi-recently. while working on undoing that mentality, she realized she's sapphic (i hc her as a-spec too tho, maybe aro lesbian? my identity hcs change every three seconds whoopsie)
11)speaking of. EVERYONE TRANS!!! i esp like transhet shinji tho that has a special place in my heart. he's big bro, ur honor <3
okay i want to say more BUT i have a lab due in a few hours and dont want to fall class so. the end!!!!! oh fuck i have to tag this.
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deliveringcandypizza · 6 months
[[Info on Mod + Rules + Dni!!]] Read under more
The mod is @merwynsartblog!! I follow from there but ill always respond to rps and stuff on this one. I am an 18 year old bigender fella that doesnt know what the hell hes doing.
My main muse that i will use is Marco (oc) And Kevin from spooky month. I will most likely write for them instead of the other muses i have. Check rhe muses when you can they should have a thing to tell how active they are.
Im mostly just gonna wing it and figure how to do this silly thing
This blog is not mutual only!! So follow and send shit whenever you want!
Main muses will have multiple verses for the time being.
-the youngest i want people to interact with this blog is 16 or 17 as some topics can be very heavy and i do not want yougens to get harmed in any way.
-Please keep nsfw away from my blog. Idm suggestive or anything like that but pleaseee dont do horny shit. Im not comfortable writing it out and if i did i would have a alt blog for it.
-Dont chain on other peoples rps i think it should be obvious enough/nm
-Personals please please dont interact unless your side blog is a rp blog please and ty. Anons are fine and liking things are fine but anything else please dni. Ty
-Please give me time to respond this is a exposure therapy thing for me after all.
-Mod does nor equal muses.
-Dont spam too much ^^'
-I usually try to match my roleplay partner if there smth you dislike please tell me in dms! Ill fix it up!
-tell me if you need me to tag anything
-Acc will have angst,maybe gore, panic attacks , depressive episodes, mentions of cannibalism, and etc etc please be careful in my blog
Uhhh DNI
-Shipping is also welcomed but please ask first and also know it usually a slow burn from me since its odd to me pushing romance like that- ofc platonic stuff is always on the table!
-NO DRAGGING DRAMA OVER HERE PLEASE!! I dont mind callouts and etc but this blog is purely just for fun! if im interacting with a yucky person or someone that makes you uncomfy tell me (with proof) and ill gladly fix that up
Basic lgbt+phobes,Racists,ablests, etcetc
People under 16 or 17
If you ship problematic stuff like victim x abuser or minor x adult kindly fuck off. (proshipping)
Stuff like that i dont think i need to make a big old thing about this you get the whole thing by now
For my own comfort, please no project sekai. Had someone in another site who was into the game who treated me badly and it reminds me of them. Hope you can understand/gen
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hecateisalesbian · 9 months
i already know 4 but 3-44
3: Uhh I’ve done it like a few times but not really no
4: I know I always joke about this on my blog but actually? Not really. I don’t actually like the taste of most alcohol. The only drink I’ve had and really liked is an espresso martini 🍸 (and some lemonade seltzers but shh)
5: I have medicated drugs that I take for allergies, period cramps/pain in general, and another one for personal reasons but in terms of like weed like I said I’ve done it a couple times but not really.
6: anywhere from 14-24
7: Nope.
8: Hell Yeah Baby! I want a bunch
9: Only your basic one in the earlobe
10: I’ve already planned out my next couple piercings (Double Earlobe, Helix, etc)
11: Irl: My friend [redacted] who I’ve been best friends with since we were 7. She lives in Colorado but we’re still amazing friends. Digitally: 👀 not tryna start a war but I’d have to say the person I’m closest with digitally isssssss [redacted] (<— hah you thought I was gonna say)
12: Single 😔
13: (in a romantic sense) when they like the same things i do. Also dressing hella cool. If you’re a stranger in public and your dressed cool I’m instantly in love with you
14: (In a romantic sense) making fun of others for just being themselves.
15: *sigh* Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
16: I love you. Simple as that. (Also the previously mentioned dressing hella cool)
17: My sister and my Ex-Best friend
18: Oooooo we’re not diving into that rabbit whole. It does connect with the fact that I don’t do discord tho :p
19: I’m GAY (in all realness though my favorite animal is a snake because of Slytherin (🖕 you jkr) but now it’s my favorite animal because I think they’re awesome)
20: My physical appearance
21: Hmm. My sense of style or my calfs (seriously)
22: Actor, professional cosplayer, or something in the film/acting industry.
23: With all of them I’d say it’s pretty good
24: Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
25: I’ve never really thought about it but just something that sparks both our interests. A simple date to the park or a date to Meow Wolf (<- so cool) are both great ideas
26: the us government
27: I’m polyam so like. There’s kinda a few. But one of them is tall with reddish brownish hair and she’s a great friend :,)
28: almost every person at my school
29: It got boring and a little awkward after we finished doing everything fun so I asked my sister to pick me up but pretend like I didn’t ask her to
30: The people
31: “I’ve only gotten money from [Redacted], and [Redacted] says she’s gonna indivually buy”
32: Idk. I’m disappointed is definitely up there
33: I like your style
34: Women
35: Men (not really attracted to them as much but if the right one came along)
36: My home in Colorado
37: Stretch Marks
38: Being a Vet (but then I found out animals die 😔)
40: A lot of people
41: In my bed nice and warm and asleep
42: Waffles and sausage
43: …..chat noir
44: In Florida (where I live atleast) it’s illegal to set off fireworks on the beach except on the 4th of July, and New Years Eve and New Years Day
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gidle · 1 year
With every new Idle comeback I keep imagining what Soojin's part would be, how she would definitely KILL IT in Nxde and Tomboy, how she'd rap in My bag, and what role she'd have in Allergy... I miss her so much, man, it's still so painful 😕
anon honestly? i get you to such a level im not even sure i'll be able to put to words
anyone who's been on this blog for long enough knows that i'd joke about this being a sj blog bc she was all i would gif. and that i bolted when she left. i was hanging by a thread up until then because i really hoped and i really believed things would be okay. i simply could not stand to be here without her. i couldnt bear to see posts of her on my notifs. im still learning how to write down her name again. i cant seem to call her if she wont answer. its always sj or jinjin if i need to talk about it.
tomboy was such a weird thing for me. i wasnt excited about it. i wasnt even excited about them being back in korea after the hiatus. but it felt like something i had to brave through, because i still loved the rest of them, and i wanted them to succeed. it felt so bitter and nothing sweet though, that it took them to lose a piece before proper recognition arrived. i'll tip my hat to jeon soyeon though, she wrote tomboy as a 5 member song. i remember when windy came out and there's a song, weather if im not mistaken, that was said to have been a group song but didnt make to any of their previous albums. you listen to it and you can almost hear where every member would have sang. tomboy didnt have that. if tomboy was written for 6idle, it would have been arranged into a completely different song. im so sure of it.
so i kept up with tomboy privately. and i kept dreaming about what verses soyeon would write for her in my bag. and although nxde healed smth in me (shuhua and that damn blond hair tipped the scales to a degree im still learning to make sense of), i get exactly what you're talking about. she was their main slayer, and as such would have killed and owned every concept. i feel so robbed every comeback i could shake with it. what happened to her changed every way i could have ever interacted with kpop. i resent knetz for turning on her. i resent the industry and the culture that makes the rest of the group not be able to mention her. i resent every new idol rumour, true or false. i resent if they bring up her name and i resent it more if she is forgotten. i resent the groups that lose members to scandals and i resent the ones that stick together despite of it. everything is cursed and rotten.
it's been almost two years and i still catch myself bargaining with the universe. so the contract ends and they dont get back together as six. so the contract ends and soyeon doesnt create her own company to launch sj's solo career. so she never steps foot on stage again. so the contract ends and shuhua doesnt post thirty consecutive pictures of them together for the last years. what crumbs will make me happy that dont already feel like wishing on the impossible. what favors can i trade with the universe for something to happen. it's been so long and i still miss her so terribly. i hope she is happy but i also wish i could see it. that we could her from her. that she could hear from us.
my heart is forever missing a piece, my favorite number will always be six, etc
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st4ry0f4v · 7 months
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Hello and Welcome to my blog! This is the forst time i’ll be posting here! I make story requests for certain fandoms, talk with people, and even celebrate holidays! I will also be doing things like Kinktober, Goretober, etc etc. I won’t post as much as you may like but I will! I also have Wattpad, AO3, and as you know Tumblr!
This is a FRIENDLY place for you to thrive! And be happy! Please don’t make anyone uncomfortable! It doesn’t matter if you have Autism, ADHD/ADD, and any other condition or disability! You will still be loved here! It doesn’t matter your sexuality, gender, skin color, or religion and beliefs!
I english is not my talking tounge so note any spelling mistakes or things in stories that dont make sense is because of that!
Fandoms I will write for below:
South Park(AGED UP)
MCU(Marvel Cinematic Universe)
Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss (Please dont request for Blitzø! His character makes me uncomfortable from stories iv’e read! I hope you understand!)
Teen Titans 
Video Game Characters
Spider-Man into/Across the Spider Verse
And many-many more!
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What I allow to be requested:
What I dont allow:
Weird kinks
Thank you so much and hope you have an AMAZING day!
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laprimera · 11 months
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alrighty so after some reflection and getting some outside stuff prioritized Im done some blog housework so I can get comfortable here again.
im still gonna continue my hiatus until november cause the rest of October still has a lot of rl appointments and stuff going on. ill be nuking my ask and drafts to get into maximum turtle plot overdrive and just start things clean, but here's the skinny under cut:
. Ive went and cleaned up my followers list. mostly of inactive blogs, non-mutual or blogs that haven't reached out or interacted at all. I use to think I liked a busier dash but I think trying to keep up with it had been giving me anxiety even if my muses weren't involved in anything plot wise. FOMO has been really killing my vibe more then anything and I need to cut that habit out.
you're a-okay to refollow though! I'll do the same. none of this was done out of malice or a personal dislike, and I get being so busy w/ life and personal plots that you cant interact with everyone in a convenient moment. but if you see this as an opportunity to reach out then by all means! that and I might've accidentally unfollowed one or two of you cause side-blog deal, clumbsy thumbs, and uuh, dont mind me realizing that later down the line-my bad!
. unless carefully plotted otherwise, anything outside my own canons, affiliated blogs/mains or plots is no longer canon to my own. any interaction or thread initiated towards my muses will default fall into my lore/verse unless vice versa or its plotted and etc etc. It's no longer just hanging there in the void so to speak. I need to feel more in control of my own narrative I think and trying to puzzle a lot of contradicting outside plots, dash events, etc has been mentally taxing when rp shouldn't be occupying so much space or anxiety to begin with lol.
this isn't to say everything thats happening in the dash or w/ other characters isn't important ofc! and I still want to participate; it'll just fall under a crack/non-canon tag. if things end up lining up p' well with whats going on here then I might take it into canon. This is p' much what I've been doing to begin with, it's just more concrete now and Im being more careful of what Im willing to accept now. Im ofc open to discussing stuff! DMs and disco for those who have it are open always even if I take a moment to get to it!
. Im no longer answering anon asks that are personal in some way, ie, around subject matters that aren't general headcanons asks or 'hey how do you feel about-' sorta deal. I dont feel comfortable taking it to public and while I understand having the fear of being identified, it's not fair if I'm the only one bearing the subject so to speak. If you want to talk to me through DMs you can either tell me your UN (no burners either) so I can bypass permissions here to chat or you can reach me at @shiny-miltank where my IMs are not barred to mutuals only. I don't bite really! and my discord is not public. tbh Im still very anxious about being on disco to begin w/ cause social anxiety flare ups. idk tumblr dms always seemed easier to chat until I know you on a personal basis-its just worked that way.
. making it more strict that you dont? put my geeta in place of plots, events, etc that I havent participated or plotted with, nor can you make assumptions for them based on said events. as slapped on every piece on my about/rules/pinned/etc shes heavily canon-divergent to begin with so no one knows her intentions/actions (save for me ofc) and wont act in what presumed canon-geeta would do or your own version so to speak. easy enough to slap me an IM for "is it okay to-", plotting, or just make a nebulous npc stand-in.
. things that havent changed are the use of my lore and headcanons into your own! I love seeing it integrated or adapted into other lore and seeing just how much it inspires and changes over time!
this all seems rigid but really it's just reiterating whats already in my rules and no one here has been a huge offender at all :' ) this is more for me to follow and I cant thank everyone enough for their patience and creativity for as long as I've been here. Im loosey goosey and go with the flow 90 out of 100 times.
this goes for the rest of my muses, which Ill probably clean up when Im back-but yeah! miss ya'll! hope you've been doin' good! the terrapagos plot will continue then and Ill resume reaching out and leaving details! hopefully in time for dlc ; >
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gayshitinfinite · 1 year
16, 20, 23, 25 🌷
16. compliment the person who sent you this number.
one of the smartest, coolest people i know (like go through their blog SERIOUSLY). she's really funny and well-versed in her memes ( i have no idea how u possess the talent to think/find those things and edit so quickly. like how????? the talont, the skills, i could never).
finder of cursed emojis and maker of the cutest crocheted (crocheyed?) baymax plushie, i bow down to you. i admire your strength to keep going no matter how long it takes. thank you for every time you've listened to my problems and for sharing (and for "bringing me" ramen soup (i hope they make a kanji one soon.... or not. the ramen one is really good too), you are a good friend<3333
16.what do you want most in the world right now?
self control?(......that sounds so bad dude). to be more conscious of whats happening instead of just letting things happen (u ever wanna get out of your body and shake yourself by the shoulders and scream 'bitch u have agency, u can make decisions, u can make actions. u r not some character doomed by the narrative or something'). motivation. i'd really like some motivation abt now. god i just wanna do something. anything really. just start something, or pick up something i left off, or idk finish things.
i really want to scream 'stop leaving shit and stop being scared of trying or doing something all the time. GOD' at myself
do something. yeah i really wanna do something ( she sounds like she cud be talking abt drugs. she is not. she's talking abt painting a mushroom (the fungus), 2 girls kissing,funny pictures of cats. binding a book, making funny/cute earrings (or just fucking completing her eng h.w for god's sake)
i'd really like to do things again. i miss it so badly u have no idea. i no longer want to pretend to be cool and mysterious and like, its hard to make me smile or amuse me. i wanna feel joy like that again. i wanna love passionately. i just want to learn and create something. i want to practice a skill and see it's effects bear fruits, uk. im so tired of laying around watching time pass me by and feeling regretful and disappointed and so so guilty for no reason. like can u do something different for MY sake plsss. im so tired and i dont wanna rest. im so tired of resting. i'd really like to stop being paralyzed and overwhelmed by the things i want to do. and instead just start something. or complete one thing i left off. just pick it up again. one thing. one thing for now.
so.. yeah, get my shit together and do something. thats what i wud like to do
23.favorite piece of clothing?
a frilly (kind of) white shirt with little bit lace on it that makes me feel like a pirate. a blue jacket (actually a hand-me-down-shirt), a handme down tshirt.
25. what’s the best personal gift someone could give you (playlist, homemade card, etc.?
honestly, i really love hugs. getting hugs or holding hands with people i love and care abt. but i guess that's not a 'personal gift'.
i really love notes or like letters. like write me something stupid and I would probably keep it forever.
i love being send memes, or articles or quotes or poetry(esp. if it like breaks something in me and puts me back together or something for a sec). ig i like getting written stuff. huh thats something i havent noticed abt myself.
i also like getting music recs or cute jimkis(jhumkis) or hanging earrings.
thankyou sumi for the ask<33333( calling you sumi without chechi added feels weird. should i call u chechi?)
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