#even if Buck wasn't in a happy relationship as he is
sherlocking-out-loud · 5 months
about buddie, I think we're heading for divorce arc 2.0 turbo mode - where it's Buck's time to ask Eddie if he ever stopped to think about Christopher. and it will be ugly and heartbreaking to watch them fight. and they may not even be on speaking terms when this season ends. maybe Eddie feels such shame for having failed as a father and for disappointing Buck, that he just shuts down and isolates himself, feeling unworthy of forgiveness.
so, I'd love it if in this season (maybe even in the finale) we'd have a parallel with 5x13. Eddie would be sitting on the floor, cell phone in hand, browsing through hundreds of photos he has accumulated of Buck with Chris, and Buck with himself, at work and outside of it. one after the other, happy and funny memories of their time together over the years. maybe in between shots of him looking and the pictures with a terribly sad expression (and Ryan would nail this so hard), we could have little montages of the moments from those photos, a buddie best off, so to speak. and then Eddie just breaks down. he cries and cries and cries, but this time?... this time, he's all alone.
roll credits, enter hiatus.
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p4nishers · 1 year
"so is your son really the reason you don't date?" "it's like he's having an affair with his own wife, you don't think that's weird?" "seems like she's already back in yours" "christopher's pretty english teacher" "eddie, what would you say ana's love language is?" "hey, how was the big date?" "i thought i'd been single too long" "sounds pretty serious" "so what are you going to do?" "that's not how you talk about someone you're in love with" "is that enough?" "you could always ghost her" "okay so that's what this is, you suck at [dating]".
u see where i'm going with this?
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reiderwriter · 6 months
Hello!I hope you are having a great day!I love LOVE your writing and I would like to request a fanfiction where the reader is Hotch's daughter who works at the bau and is in a secret relationship with spencer without her dad knowing.Spencer wants to tell the team but she is scared about how they'll react so they fight but during a case she gets kidnapped and the feelings are high,so spencer accidentally reveals the relationship.I would love if it ended in smut (possibly dom!spencer who is angry at her for being so reckless and risking her life like that) and maybe a lot of angst??Hotch could potentially be fuming but when they get her back he decides that he will let them be??I would like my emoji to be 🌼!Thank you in advance and if you write this I would absolutely LOVE to read it!🤍🤍
A/N: I love writing for a Hotchner Reader because the Hotch/Spencer parallels are so 😙👌 This was so fun to write!
Warnings: Smut/ Angst with a happy ending, Semi-public sex, oral (f receiving), dirty talk, case details, kidnapping, abuse, strangulation, mentions of child death/ allusions towards pedophilia etc, Hotch is a somewhat shitty/overprotective dad/boss.
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Falling back into a hotel bed that wasn't yours, you wrapped your legs around Spencer Reid as he furiously worked open the buttons of your shirt, his lips locked with yours in a furious exchange. 
“Spencer, Spencer, we can't-” You moaned as his lips fell down to your ear, a small tap to your thigh signalling that he wanted tour legs spread for him. Despite your vocal protests, you complied.
“Need to feel you,” he groaned, nipping and sucking his way down your chest as his big hands began pushing your skirt up and your panties down. 
“Spencer, someone will hear.” 
“I don't care who hears,” he whispered, finally ridding you of the last piece of material covering your wet sex. “I just want to make you feel good.”
His lips fell to your cunt, falling on your cunt as he began his ministrations. You loved this, the feeling of him near, his lips on you, his tongue teasing out whimper, then moan, then a scream of his name as you came undone on his lips. But that wasn't a chance you could take today. 
“He's in the next room, Spencer. Fuck, he's going to hear us.” 
You wouldn't push him off, enjoying too much the feeling of your building pleasure, so appealing to your boyfriend to do the right thing was your last resort as your hips bucked into his face, chasing your orgasm. 
He didn't stop, but held your hips down, thrusting his tongue in and out of you as his fingers came up to tease your clit. 
“Spencer, fuck-” you slapped a hand over your mouth as you shuddered below him, finally reaching your climax. 
Your hands fell limp as he worked you through the end of your orgasm before rising up to lay beside you on the bed. 
“I wish you wouldn't push it, Spencer. You're a dead man if he catches us like this.” 
“Hotch won't kill me just because I'm dating his daughter. I don't understand why you don't want to tell people.” 
You ran your hands through your hair in frustration. It was a conversation you'd been back and forward on a lot in the past six months. 
Dating a coworker was tricky, doubly so when your coworker’s boss - and your boss - was your overprotective father. Things only became more complicated when you factored in a ten year age gap and the fact that your father refused to view you as an adult, even when you were a fully qualified member of his own team. 
You'd had to fight for acceptance into the FBI and go above him to get the job on his team, a decision that he still berated you for to this day. But you'd had enough of him shielding you from reality, and it was a step you needed to take. 
Falling in love with Spencer Reid, though, that was just pure bad luck. 
You weren't sure how it had taken you until joining the team to meet the man, but you sure were glad he hadn't been introduced earlier. You'd joined the team at 24, having been in grad school until your FBI Academy application was approved, and somehow in the 10 years before that Spencer had worked under your father, you'd never crossed paths.
Of course, you knew who he was before that from context and conversations with your father, and of course, he figured out who you were quickly based on the many arguments you'd had in Hotch’s office. But that hadn't stopped you from repeatedly falling into his bed month after month, and then falling in love with him. 
Your relationship was more than the sex, but it was also a lot of sex. From the stories you'd heard, and from the look of him, you'd assumed that Spencer was a delicate little flower, an innocent in the bedroom as much as any 34 year old man could be. 
And then you'd both been offered spiked drinks at a holiday party courtesy of Penelope Garcia, and he'd proved you deliriously wrong. He'd been hooked from then on, and after waking up awkwardly in his bed the next morning to two cups of coffee and a spread of breakfast pastries he'd gone out to specifically pick up for you, you'd been hooked on him as well. 
The only problem was Hotch. 
You certainly weren't winning any daughter of the year awards already with the stunt you pulled to get on the BAU, but you didn't want to be completely and totally disowned just yet. 
“Hotch won't kill you for dating his daughter, you're right,” you mumbled back to Spencer rolling yourself back on top of him and pinning his arms down so his fingers couldn't tease you any further. 
“Thank you, now if you trust me, I've ran like four different scenarios in my head so-” 
“He'd definitely fire us both, though. And that's worse than death.”
“Tell me I'm wrong, please. Back up your findings with empirical evidence. He doesn't want me on the team, Spencer. He doesn't even want me in the FBI. I think he'd be happy enough to ship me out of the country, too, if that helped.”
Spencer sighed and tugged your hair behind your ear as he gestured for you to sit up. 
“I know it's scary. But I love you. I don't care about the consequences because I'll still love you before and after telling him.”
“And during?” 
“I might freak out a bit, but deep down, the love will be there still.”
You hit him with a pillow and climbed off the bed. 
“Okay, get out now. I'll think about it but you really can't stay here tonight.” He nodded, grabbing his things and pulling his clothes back into place. 
“So, like we're totally done for tonight? Nothing else.”
“Spencer! Out!” You whisper-shouted the words and watched him turn your door handle as slowly as possible before he waved his goodbye and left your room. 
12 hours later, you were once again getting frustrated with Spencer Reid. And Aaron Hotchner. They may soon be enemies, but goddamn they were perfect for each other in some ways. 
“Hotch, you can't just give me nothing to do. Send me to the morgue with Rossi, or let me interview family members with Tara. I'm a member of this team, too, so let me do my job.” 
“You'll do well to remember that I'm your boss, Y/N.”
“You're acting more like my dad right now. A boss would utilize his team members.” 
You'd been stuck in this stale mate since the morning, and Reid hadn't helped at all. When giving out assignments that morning, you'd not been notably left out of crime scene investigation, suspect interrogation, and anything helpful. Reid usually asked for your assistance at times like these, but he was finally putting his money where his mouth was and keeping distance from you in the office.
So far, you'd ran coffees back and forth between the kitchen and work room and had been communicating back and forth with JJ and Derek in the field and Garcia back at Quantico. 
You'd been, for lack of better comparison, relegated to receptionist. 
“At least let me work on the geographical profile with Reid-” 
“Absolutely not.” 
You stiffened at the reaction, wondering just exactly why he would react so strongly. Spencer had snuck in a few secret kisses here and there this morning, though you'd been sure that you'd had no witnesses. 
“Why not?” 
“I don't want you to distract him.”
Bile settled in the back of your throat as you tried your best to bite your tongue and keep the bitter words in. 
“You know, sometimes, Dad, it feels like you love everyone on this team more than you love me.” 
He locked eyes with you quickly, but he glance was dismissive and stern, almost as if he was asking you ‘seriously.’ 
You turned on your heels and began to walk out before he called out from behind you again. 
“Y/N,” you stopped despite yourself. 
“Leave the gun and badge on the desk. We'll discuss this after the case is closed.”
You almost laughed. You almost blurted out your relationship with Spencer just to spite him. You followed his order and took yourself out of the office for some fresh air, finally giving him what he wanted. 
An hour of aimlessly wandering down the street, and you turned into a run-down park. 16 missed calls from Spencer and other members of the team, who'd no doubt watched you turn in your badge. 
Garcia had even called a few times, and you felt guilty for not forwarding her calls somewhere else, knowing she'd probably have key case information for someone. 
But you just couldn't handle it anymore, so you switched it off, pushed it back into your pocket, and kept walking. 
It was two more blocks before the man following you pushed a soaked rag over your mouth and nose and pushed your unconscious body into the back of a waiting van. 
Two hours of near constant complaining to Hotch had gotten Spencer nowhere in his demands to know just where you went. 
He'd called you 36 times since Hotch had told him you'd left, and he hadn't stopped freaking out since. 
“But where did she go?” 
“I sent her back to the motel.” 
“All of our cars, bar the one JJ and Morgan took to the crime scene, are outside and accounted for. The motel is a 34-minute drive away. It'll take her 5 hours on foot through our unsubs hunting grounds, and I'm not sure if you've noticed, but she matches the victim profile we just gave. Where is she?” 
A muscle in Hotch's jaw twitched, but neither of them moved, eyes locked in battle to see who would back down first.
A call from Penelope ended whatever disaster was storming between them. 
“Hotch hey, I can't get in contact with mini-Hotch, so here I am. Morgan called earlier from the crime scene. From the way they're posed, he said they could be possible stand-ins for a lost child  a daughter or a sister, so I cross checked the ownership of the vehicles that run with the tires we found prints of at the scene, and I got a name. Like one.”
“Great work, Penelope, send it over.” 
Hotch dropped the call and looked back up at Spencer, readying himself to give orders and push the issue. 
Again, their standoff was interrupted. 
“Hotch,” JJ rushed in, carrying a radio dispatcher, face white, and filled with worry. “You need to hear this.”
“Witness reported an abduction on East and 7th, patrol surveyed the scene and found a cellphone. Identifying information suggests it belongs to a Y/N Hotchner. We're bringing it into the stat-” 
Hotch stood so fast his chair almost crashed to the floor. He stood so fast that he barely had time to dodge the lunge Spencer took in his direction, fist pulled back. It would connect, given the chance  he knew it would. He'd been the one to teach Spencer to throw a punch in the first place. 
Morgan insinuated himself between the two men before, and blood could be shed, quickly pulling Spencer back as Rossi, too, rushed into the room to diffuse the situation. 
“One hour. I've been asking you for one hour where she went, and you wouldn't answer me. You made her leave her gun behind.” 
It wasn't exactly a shout, but there was something broken in his voice, as of his mouth had filled with blood and he could only spit hate at a man who'd been a mentor to him until seconds before. 
“If she's hurt- fuck, if even a hair on her head is out of place, I'll-” 
“What, Spencer? What will you do? She's my daughter. What could you do that-”
“She's my girlfriend! She's my girlfriend, she's the love of my life. God, I want to marry her, I have the ring, I have the proposal planned, all that was left was telling you and then asking her, but you've been such a dick to her about this job, and about cases, and God knows what else, that she doesn't want to say anything to you, and now you've driven her away and she's fucking gone. And she could be hurt or in danger or d-de…” 
He crumpled to the floor, Morgan still holding him as his legs gave way beneath him. 
Nobody moved for what felt like hours, still in their grief, shock, some just nervous to see what would happen next. 
“You've been in this situation before, Hotch. So have I. It's …. It hasn't ended well for us before.” 
The words were so final, so defeated that they sucked the air out of the room.
“Morgan,” Hotch started quietly, eyes still locked with Reid's, still staring down the reflection of his own despair.
“Get Garcia back on the line, I want confirmation that the vehicle that picked Y/N up is the same one that our unsub has been using to set up crime scenes. See if she can lift a name and an address. Rossi, if he's skilled enough to pick up an FBI Agent unaware, we need a SWAT team, get one on standby.”
Slowly growing in volume, he continued, as the room started moving at his signal. 
“JJ, Tara, take over where Reid left off with the geographical profile. Look at Y/N's last known location and how far a car could've gotten in the last 24 minutes.” 
He paused again, staring Reid down. 
“Reid, you're with me.” 
It took you a few seconds to gain a sense of your surroundings when you came to. Partially because of the drug induced migraine splitting your head, and partially because of the mess of ribbons and stuffed toys you'd woken up in. 
A change of clothes, and hands tied to what seemed to be a children's bed and you felt so grossly vulnerable your body shook with a few harsh sobs before you regained your composure and remembered your training. 
The knots on the rope holding your hands were tight. There wasn't much room to move with them pinned above your head, but you recognised them as naval knots. Your unsub had experience at sea, recreational or professional you'd yet to determine. 
Looking around again, you looked for entries and exits, wanting to know how the unsub would come in again and how you could get out. 
There were no windows, but a set of stairs leading up towards a solid door told you that you'd been locked inside a basement. A basement decorated similarly to a child's bedroom. 
Dimly lit by a mass of fairy lights, the room seemed covered head to toe in teddy bears, dolls, and children's books, a sturdy handmade doll’s house standing in the corner of the room. 
Faintly, you heard the creaking of floorboards above you before the handle of the basement door rattled and more light poured in. 
“I bought you breakfast, cupcake.” 
There was no time to feign unconsciousness again as your captor finally came into view. 
He was older than middle-aged, slightly wider around the midsection than you assumed he'd been in his youth. His hair was closely cropped and laid neatly, leading you to suspect he was former military. 
“Oh, good, you're awake. What do you want to do today, cupcake? Daddy has some time off now, I can play with you all you want.” 
You moved slowly, pushing yourself up to a seated position so you could bend your arms a bit. But you didn't look away, needing to keep him in your line of sight the entire time.
“Where am I?” You asked slowly, trying to keep your voice steady. 
“Wow, you must've had a deep sleep cupcake. You're in your bedroom, silly!”
The man's sprightly tone was disconcerting, and you could see a muscle in his forehead twitch slightly as you spoke. 
“O-of course. My mistake. Maybe I'm just still tired.”
He laid the tray on the bedside table and sat on the bed next to you. You tried your best not to shy from his touch as he stroked your hair, but every muscle in your body tensed and pulled from him reflexively. 
A quick glance to the tray and you saw the food he'd brought you was a small cup of pills and a glass of water to rinse them down with. 
If he noticed your flinch, he said nothing, grabbing a hairbrush from the nightstand and beginning to comb through your hair slowly and deliberately, taking care like one would a daughter. 
“Daddy,” you took a chance, recalling the name he'd given himself earlier. “Can we play outside today? I want to go to the park.” 
He stopped moving, and you held your breath as his smile dropped. 
“No, sweetie. You know we don't go to parks.” 
“Why not? I really want to play there, Daddy, please!”
In seconds, his hands wrapped around your throat as he pushed you back down into the bed, holding you there with his tight, suffocating grip. 
“Shut the fuck up you little slut. I said we don't go to parks, you listen. I am your father, you are not being taken by one of those sick freaks again.” 
He released you as quick as he grabbed you and stood up, pacing as he attempted to regain composure. 
“You can draw or we can have a tea party but you know we can't go out. You know that cupcake, I've told you so many times.” 
He grabbed at his hair, pulling it from its carefully styled arrangement into a mess, his fingers leaving red marks against his white skin as he pushed and pulled his head. 
He breathed deeply, and you sat up, trying to regain your composure as you watched him lose his. 
“What was her name?” You whispered, half hoping he would hear you, half praying that he'd ignore you for the sake of his fantasy. 
“Your daughter. What was her name?” 
He focused on you again, but his hands - hands that you knew could and would choke the life out of you if you did something wrong again - his hands were shaking. 
You heard the floorboards creaking upstairs and decided to push your questioning, hoping it meant what you thought it did. 
“Why are you saying it like that, ‘was?’ Is. Her name is, your name is Laura, and you're my little cupcake.” 
“What happened to her?” You filled your voice with as much sympathy and understanding as you could muster, one eye on the basement door that was being slowly pushed open. One look at Morgan at the top of the stairs had your heart rate slowing to a calmer speed. You locked eyes with him for a second, halting him, and he nodded, waiting for your signal. 
“You, you're my cupcake, you look just like… She should look just like you.” 
The man sat on the bed again, stroking a hair out of your eye as his filled with tears. 
“Fifteen years. I looked for her for fifteen years, you know. If I hadn't taken her to that park-” 
“That must have been hard.” 
He nodded as he broke down in silent sobs. 
“They said… they said she probably died a day or two after we lost her. When they found her, she was…” he rested his head on your shoulder, let him cling to you as he mourned his daughter. 
“We couldn't identify her, but she had that teddy with her. The teddy with the cupcake in its hands. She never went anywhere without it. So we…we knew.
You looked at Morgan as he slowly made his descent into the room, closely followed by JJ. 
The man looked up into your eyes again, wiping the tears from his face. 
“She was only 8.” He looked defeated, and your heart broke for him, even as you wished to get as far away from him as you could physically muster. 
Morgan pulled him up and away from you as he secured the man with handcuffs, but his eyes remained locked on you. 
JJ untied you and guided you out, but you felt his gaze bite into you ever after you'd left the basement. 
As soon as you were above ground, you let your body divest itself of adrenaline, your legs buckling as JJ tried to catch you. Another set of arms was quicker, though, and you didn't even register Spencer's arrival before burying your head in his chest and letting your sobs escape you. 
He guided you to your feet and walked you out to the ambulance, his arms protectively wrapped around you, his lips peppering kisses along your hairline and forehead, anywhere he could reach. In moments, you were bundled into the ambulance, and three gentle voices were trying to calm you, to pry you away from your comfort doll.
You wondered if you'd die like the unsubs daughter had, if they'd find you clinging to Spencer the way she had to her teddy bear.
“Y/N,” your father's deep voice was clear and smooth, the only thing that was cutting through the wretched moment of pain you were enduring. 
You remembered yourself again, relinquishing your grip on Spencer and wiping the tears from your face as you finally looked towards Aaron Hotchner. 
The paramedics took their chance and began checking your vitals, working around you in a hurry. 
“Dad, I'm sorry, I was walking and didn't notice that he was behind me, I should've been more careful-”
“Y/N, it’s okay. You're okay now.” 
You nodded as he came closer. You ignored the tears in his eyes, trying not to break down again. It had been an age since you'd last witnessed him cry, at another crime scene with another family member and another unsub. You couldn't think about how close you'd come to making him relive his worst nightmare. 
Spencer's hand was still firm in yours, and you held it like a lifeline, though you were sure your nails had to be cutting him by now. It took another moment to register that he was holding onto you just as hard, that he was unmoving, still where he was usually a series of compulsive moments, tapping, hand wringing, fists clenching and releasing. 
You glanced between the men, who had now become quiet as they surveyed you, and noticed the tension. Before you could say anything, though, the paramedics took over. 
“We're going to get you to the hospital now, Agent, one coworker can accompany you in the vehicle, preferably one with knowledge of your medical history.”
Both men immediately moved forward again, as if ready to jump into the van, before turning again to each other. 
“Shit,” you mumbled to yourself just as the buzzing in your head from the migraine grew louder. 
“Y/N, it's your choice. Who do you want to come?” Spencer said gently, his body still stiff with worry. 
“I'm her father. This isn't a question of who she likes better.”
“I have her medical records memorized, and I have more knowledge about the drugs the unsub gave her, but Y/N can choose for herself because she is a grown woman.”
You sighed and dropped the man's hand as the medics ushered you into the van fully, but the men were fully absorbed in their fight for dominance that they barely registered it. 
“JJ. JJ is coming with me,” You could see both of them turn back to you to argue, but you continued before they could. “Because I am a grown adult who knows her own medical history, and I don't need my father and my… coworker having territory wars over my wellbeing.” 
And possibly because she'd be the least awkward option to answer the questions about sexual activity and possibility of pregnancy around, but you really did not need to vocalize that. 
“Right now, I'm just a victim you've saved. Go and do your jobs and meet me at the hospital later because I am not doing overtime completing paperwork while on suspension.” 
JJ climbed up into the ambulance and the doors shut, letting you finally get a few moments peace as it began slowly making its way to whatever hospital was closest. 
“He knows, right?” You asked, covering your eyes with your hands as you braved for the answer. 
“Hotch? You could say that he figured it out.” 
“That bad?” 
“Spencer threw a punch at him. He tried to at least.” 
“What?!” Your body shot up, but the paramedic gently forced you back into a laid position, giving you a warning look to stay put as she checked your blood pressure. 
“Don't be too hard on him, Y/N. He thought he was going to lose you. They both did. I don't think either of them would survive it happening again.” 
The guilt hit you right in the chest as you nodded and dropped the conversation. 
“Maybe I should've let Spencer come with me.” 
“Why?” JJ asked, not offended bit curious. 
“Because I'm not entirely sure my father won't throw that punch back at him now he knows I'm okay. It's hard being in a relationship if one of you is dead.” 
The older woman chuckled slightly, and you settled back down, letting the car movements rock you into sleep. 
A few hours later and some quietly bickering voices pulled you from the rest you'd so sorely needed. Without even opening your eyes, you knew they'd both subtly scrambled to your bed to make sure you were comfortable. 
“What are you talking about?” You asked, wiping your eyes carefully as you tried to sit up, arms still aching from being tied up. 
“Oh shit-” you exclaimed after seeing your boyfriends freshly split lip. 
“Dad, what the fuck?” 
“Y/N, it's fine. It doesn't hurt.” 
“Aaron Hotchner, do you have nothing to say for yourself?” You tried to put all of tour anger into the words as you said them, bit he looked at you again with his straight face, and you crumpled under the pressure. 
“I won't…I'm not going to object. I just ask you to keep your private life separate from your work.” 
“And you're going to punch my boyfriend while I'm unconscious, so I can't defend him.” 
“I'm still your father, and he deserved it.” 
You looked back over to Spencer, who was quite notably not meeting your eyes. 
“Do I want to know?” 
“I'm leaving now. Jack will be here soon. He wants to check on you now that school is over. We told him you were hurt trying to save a sick man.” 
“Thank you, dad.” 
He nodded at you and left you alone in your hospital room with Spencer. 
“Why did you deserve it?” You whisper shouted the moment you assumed he was out of earshot. 
“The doctor came in and asked about some old bruises on your upper thighs. And ass. And chest. I had to admit they weren't sustained during the kidnapping, and Hotch wasn't pleased.” 
You huffed out a sound halfway between incredulous and a strangled moan of shame as you curcled yourself up into a ball and tried your best to die. 
“Great. Wonderful.”
“If it makes you feel any better, he thought it was signs of domestic violence and not just rough...sex.” 
“Yes, Spencer, that makes me feel entirely more comfortable with the situation.” 
Registering the sarcasm in your voice, he quieted down again, settling into the chair by your bedside and grabbing your hand. 
You sat silently together for a few minutes before either of you said anything. 
“I'm sorry. I know you didn't want him to find out.” 
“Spencer, you don't have to apologise. All things considered, this is possibly the best way he could've found out.”
“My busted lip suggests otherwise, I think.” 
“And a whole lot more would've been busted if he caught us any other time. Besides, I already lost my job, so there's not much else at stake anymore.” 
The words stung you as you said them, but you did still feel the weight of your dismissal in your chest, spreading miserably through your bones. 
“Does your head still hurt?”
“Not really, why?”
“You're not as perceptive as you usually are.”
You shot him a confused look as he smiled softly down at you, offering a nod towards the small coffee table under the window of your hospital room. 
There on your table sat your creds and your gun. The silent acknowledgement you'd been waiting for from your father. 
Spencer sat by you as you did your best to hold off the tears. He let you pretend there was something in your eye, let you wonder if your eyes had become watery because of dust from the basement. He quietly held your hand as you grinned and grinned until you pulled him in for a kiss and held him close to you. 
His lips were soft as you wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him down on top of you even as he tried to hold himself up and off you so he didn't hurt you. 
“You know,” you said, punctuating each word with another sweet kiss. “This means- that- you're- stuck- with- me.” 
He laughed into your final kiss, finally pulling back for more air, studying your face as if he were trying to memorize it. 
“That was never the issue.” 
“Oh really, and what was?”
He kissed your again, slow and deep this time, taking his time working his hands down from your hair to your neck to cup your face so you were opened up to him, letting his lips and tongue explore everything he wanted to. He pulled away eventually and instinctively your lips tried to chase his, even as he pulled out of reach. 
“Making sure you stayed by my side.” 
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kitasgloves · 16 days
— ♬ NSFW
Imagine NAKAHARA CHUUYA giving you bedroom eyes across the table during a meeting with all the executives in the Port Mafia. The way his gaze was lidded and dark while he subtly fixed his focus on you during the entire time. You watch him humming and nodding, pretending to listen and understand whatever is being discussed. With how his eyes were blatantly undressing you, it made you squirm in your seat and clench your thighs involuntarily.
Suddenly, the voice of Dazai Osamu from beside you pulled you out of your thoughts. You blinked and looked at the brunette, he grinned at you and poked your cheek.
"You seem to be focusing on something else other than the meeting"
He teases and you break into a sweat. Your eyes slid back to Chuuya and noticed how he was immediately glaring daggers at Dazai. You gulped and let out a nervous laugh.
"...Was it that obvious?"
"Uh-huh. I'm wondering what's got that pretty mind of yours distracted"
Dazai smirks down at you and you can feel his hand on your knee, slowly rubbing your skin. You open your mouth but turn away, hiding your flushed face. You were afraid to see what expression was on Chuuya's face now. You tried to remove Dazai's hand on your knee, but he stubbornly brought it back, even trailing it higher to your thigh.
As soon as the meeting was done, you felt a firm grip on your arm as it dragged you to the nearest restroom. You gasped when you realized that Chuuya had dragged you and he did not look happy. He pushes you into one of the stalls and locks it behind him. You winced when he grabbed your jaw.
"Why the hell is Dazai talking to you, huh?"
He grits his teeth and smiles darkly at you.
"It was nothing"
"Nothing, huh? I can see his fucking hand crawling up your leg during the meeting!"
The gravity manipulator snarls at you. The relationship between you and Chuuya has been kept a secret for months during your time in the Port Mafia. So far, nobody has ever known what was going on between you and him. Not even Dazai. And Chuuya would love to keep it that way. He hated when Dazai was meddling in his personal life. However, it pissed him off whenever the bandaged freak was trying to make a move on you. The mafioso wasn't inherently possessive but seeing Dazai constantly hit on you in his presence while he can't do anything about it since he values his secret relationship with you, made his blood boil.
"Were you letting that bastard touch you?"
"No! I keep removing his hand but—"
"That fucking mackerel"
Chuuya hissed. You whimpered and avoided his gaze; he growls at this and crashes his lips against yours. His hand trails down to wrap it around your neck while your hands fly to grab his hair. The kiss was filled with heat and urgency. The executive presses you against the wall as his free hand goes to grab your breasts. You moan into the kiss as your hands go down to unbuckle his belt and unzip his pants.
Dazai sighed as he entered the restroom. He realizes that one of the stalls is occupied but he can hear the faint sound of groaning. A smirk rises on his lips.
"Chuuya, are you in there?"
Dazai knocked on the stall. Both you and Chuuya froze before sharing a panicked look. You were settled half-naked on the toilet, legs spread while the gravity manipulator's dick deep in you. Chuuya pauses mid-thrust as he holds his breath.
"The fuck you want, Dazai?"
"Ha! I knew it was you! Watcha doing? Taking a fat shit?"
Dazai laughed and leaned against the bathroom stall. Chuuya grits his teeth as he signals for you to keep quiet. You nod your head as your hand creeps up to cover your mouth.
"Leave me the fuck alone, bastard"
"You sound like you're struggling while shitting, want me to help?"
"Fuck off!"
In genuine frustration of being annoyed by Dazai's unexpected presence, Chuuya's hips unintentionally buck forward making you go cross-eyed. You pressed your hand against your lips, hoping a noise won't slip out.
"Hey Chuuya, don't you think [Name] looks very pretty today?"
You watched as Chuuya's eyes landed on yours, a devilish grin appeared on his features and your heart skipped a beat. The gravity manipulator continues to languidly thrust in and out of you. The feeling of his cock delicately stretching your walls and hitting the deepest parts of you made you drool.
"Why should I care about that?"
"She was pretty distracted during the meeting, and she looked cute when I caught her"
Dazai giggled. Chuuya's grin grows bigger as he stares down at you. His pace was slowly picking up speed and you felt like you could barely hold back a whimper.
"You got a stupid crush on her or something?"
"Yeah, she's hot. I kinda of wish she would let me hit"
"Oh? Well maybe she's not into a bandage wasting machine"
"As if she'd be interested in a midget like you!"
Dazai raised a brow when Chuuya barked out a laugh. That's odd, usually the gravity manipulator would snarl at him, kick down the door, and then strangle him. Meanwhile, Chuuya was hooking both of your legs over his shoulder before thrusting deep into you, his cockhead kissing your cervix. Your eyes rolled back as his thrusts turned faster, rendering you breathless and speechless. The mafioso couldn't hold back his condescending chuckle.
"You don't know her at all, stupid mackerel"
"Huh? What makes you think you know anything about [Name]?"
The brunette crossed his arms. Chuuya smiles wickedly down at you when he brutally thrusts forward, his hips slapping against your ass with a resonating smack as a choked moan escapes your lips. Dazai freezes and merely doubles over. He blinks once, twice, before stepping back from the stall. His eyes trailed down at the bottom of the stall, his eyes narrowed when he could only see Chuuya's feet with his pants down to his ankles, and he was certainly not taking a shit on the toilet.
"Hey, Chuuya—"
"What makes you think that you, Dazai, know anything about her?"
Chuuya kept his eyes on you as he watched you getting closer to your release with the way he was deeply fucking into your sopping cunt. Oh no, he was no longer hiding the fact he was fucking you in the stall. To hell with it! Who the fuck cares if he's banging you? Plus, he's tired of stupid Dazai trying to get in your pants.
You wanted to get mad at Chuuya with how embarrassing the situation was and how he essentially exposed your carefully concealed relationship with him. But he was pounding your pussy so good that you can't help but curl your toes and arch your back. Dazai stood motionless as he processed the sound of skin slapping against each other violently on the inside of the stall. He could hear the sound of Chuuya panting and your gasps and moans slowly picking up volume.
"Shit! I'm fucking close!"
The mafioso digs his nails against your thighs as he thrusts erratically inside of you. He watches with a smirk when you throw your head back and moan loudly. Chuuya brings you to your orgasm when his hand reaches down to rub delicious circles on your clit.
"Oh fuck—Chuuya—!"
You whine as your jaw goes slack. Chuuya hisses when your walls clamp down around him during your release. It didn't take long for him to cum. With one, two, and three thrusts, you can feel Chuuya's warm cum painting your walls.
Dazai's throat went dry. Did he just fucking listen to Chuuya fucking you? Fuck, he hated how it made his pants go tight. The sound of the stall door creaking open catches the brunette's attention. The air from Dazai's lungs gets violently knocked out at the sight that awaited him. Chuuya was grinning proudly at him with his cock out as he held the door wide open. The brunette's eyes zeroed at you, fucked absolutely dumb on the toilet with your legs spread open and with Chuuya's cum leaking out of your cunt in display for Dazai.
I'm back with the horny guys
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wikiangela · 3 months
"I'm going to ask Tommy to marry me." Buck says out of the blue one random evening, sitting in Eddie's living room, spread out in the armchair, sipping a beer, eyes on the TV, where Eddie and Christopher are playing a video game. His tone is even and firm, not even a hint of hesitation, it's not a huge revelation, or even a decision he's made just now. He's been thinking about it for weeks, maybe months. He doesn't know why he says it now, it just slips out - maybe he just needed to talk to his best friend about it.
"Really?" he hears a hint of surprise in Eddie's voice, but when he looks at his best friend, he's still focused on trying to beat his son at the game. He's smiling, sparing a glance at Buck. "That's great, Buck."
"Yeah?" he breathes out, feeling even more settled now. He wasn't nervous, exactly, but still felt kind of like he did when he came out to Eddie. Like he just wanted his best friend to approve, to support him - and he had no doubt he would.
"Of course," Eddie answers easily. "You guys are perfect together, and you love each other, and if you're sure you want to spend the rest of your life with Tommy, yeah, go for it. I'm happy for you," he adds, finally looking at Buck, a soft, genuine smile on his face. Christopher uses this moment to win the game, and Eddie groans at his triumphant yell. "Aw, not fair, Buck distracted me." Both Buck and Chis laugh, while Eddie pouts for a moment, before a smile breaks through anyway.
"Well, I won." Chris shrugs with a grin. "And I think it'd be so cool if you and Tommy get married," he adds, moving his attention to Buck.
"Yeah?" Buck repeats, his smile even wider now. Having two of his favorite people not only really love his partner - Buck's pretty sure Tommy's the first one to spend so much time with all of them together, and it feeling so right - but also approve of Buck wanting to tie him into their family forever.
"Duh, Tommy's the coolest." Chris rolls his eyes. "Better lock him down while you can," he jokes, and Buck gasps in surprise. He's such a teenager.
"Wow, rude. He's not going anywhere." he shakes his head with a laugh. That much he's sure of, for the first time in his life he's not scared of getting left, of his partner getting bored or fed up. He knows Tommy's gonna be right at his side no matter what.
"Not if you put a ring on it." Eddie joins his son's teasing. Laughing, Buck reaches over to the table to pick up a chip from a bowl and throw it at Eddie, who dodges it as it lands somewhere on the couch. "Hey!"
"But seriously, you don't think it's too soon?" Buck asks after a moment, a little bit of nerves seeping into his tone. He's more than sure about wanting to marry Tommy. He's just a little scared that he's gonna freak him out. They have talked about this, about their future, what they want out of this relationship, out of life, but they never really discussed any timelines, and Buck might be a little in his head about this. Hence why he needed to talk to someone about it, probably.
"Buck, you've been together for over a year. Some people get married after less." Eddie raises an eyebrow. "When you know, you know." He shrugs, and Buck releases a breath. Because he does know. He has known for a long time now.
"So you think he'll say yes?" Buck asks, but he knows the answer before Eddie has a chance to roll his eyes with fond exasperation. Tommy loves him. He loves Tommy so much his heart wants to burst out of his chest and live in Tommy's. Tommy is his forever, he's sure of it, and he knows that when he asks, and it's going to be very soon, he'll get a positive answer.
"He'll say yes." Eddie says with a small shake of his head and a wide smile. "Now, two important questions from me: who's gonna be your best man, and do you need help planning and picking out a ring?"
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hi, i hope you're doing okay!
so look i know your requests are closed but i just had an ✨insight✨while reorganizing my room today and i couldn't stop thinking about it, so i decided to write it down here cause either i'd forget it like tomorrow. you don't need to do it, obviously, but if you will, take your time.
so. fem!reader and bucky, established relationship (maybe married) and she's pregnant but she doesn't know cause it's like, super early, she didn't even have morning sickness yet. and mr. super-soldier-enhanced-hearing can hear the baby's heart as soon as it starts beating and he's like confused at first but when he realizes what it is he starts crying and hugging her waist and she's like "buck? you okay love?" and he says "you're pregnant honey, we're having a baby!" bucky's super emotional and thrilled and beyond happy he starts laughing through the tears. he gets super protective of her and her belly but like always pampering her making sure she's drinking enough water and eating and going out at three am to but something shes craving and he's like, super excited to shout to the world he got his girl pregnant with his baby. and he starts sleeping with his head on her belly just listening to the baby's heartbeat as a lullaby.
(he's gonna be the best dad i just know it <3)
hii angel!! love it!! I did change some things, hope that’s okay. thanks for requesting and hope you like it💌
>requests now open<
bucky barnes x fem!reader
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word count. 1066
summary. bucky has suspicions that you might be pregnant
For the last week, Bucky had an expression you struggled to place - his face often pulled together with intrigue, brows quizically furrowed when around your company. At first, it seemed normal to you - his infamous resting bitch face, but the more he wore it around you, the more you started to worry. 
You often felt as though you were bothering him with your talking, the features on his face unusually hard and rigid as he listened to you. It was a silly thought, really - he's your husband. He'd tell you if he needed a minute of quiet. 
But the harder you looked, the more you began to realise his face wasn't that of judgment, but instead inspection - like he was analysing you.
Elbows resting on the kitchen island, you lean over the countertop, getting closer to Bucky sitting on the other side.
"Another one?" you ask, reaching for his empty plate.
He wryly smiles. "Only if you are."
"One is never enough," you chuckle sweetly, pulling the ingredients back out of the fridge - collecting everything you need for grilled cheese. "Might do a few more— been really hungry lately. That cool with you?"
Bucky hums softly, head tilted to the side as he watches you - completely smitten. That confusing expression long gone. 
"I got it," he stands, moving around the island to you on the other side. "I got the rest. You sit, honey."
You smile cutely, stepping aside and sitting on the countertop - allowing your husband's help. "What do you want to do tonight? Movie and snacks?"
He places the sandwiches in the pan and moves to stand between your legs - slotting his lower half between. Giving you a chaste kiss, he smiles, eyes soft as he looks over you. "Sounds good. Will have to go to the store though— don't have enough in."
"We can go after this?" you offer.
He hums, kissing you sweetly. He pulls back, eyes darting over you. "We'll stop past the pharmacy first. Gotta pick something up."
⎯ ☆ ⎯
Back within the comfort of home, you and Bucky begin to put away the items from the store - bags open on the worktop as you rummage through them, standing side by side. 
Bucky stills and turns to face you, reaching into his pocket. "I uh..." he pauses and clears his throat. "I picked this up while you were looking at things in the pharmacy," he starts, pulling out a small rectangular box. "Feels stupid, I don't know," he shrugs, not confident with the direction of his proposal. 
Your eyes flicker from the box in his hand and up to his face, looking over him inquisitively. "A pregnancy test?" you ask, taking it from his light hold.
"Feels like I'm insulting you," he chuckles bashfully, stepping closer to you. "It's just... I have this feeling," he says softly, extending his hands to rest on either side of your face. "You don't have to take it."
"No— no, I do— I think. I want to. It's just that..." you exhale faintly. "We haven't really spoken about this for a while. What if it's not the result we want? What if we don't like what we see on the test?" you ask anxiously, fiddling with the box.
Bucky pauses, a soft smile on his face as he tilts your face back up - making you look up at him again. "We have time," he says sweetly. "If we don't like what we see, there are changes— there's other options," he solidifies his reassurance with a kiss. "I'll be happy with either result."
"Should I do it now?" you ask, looking down at the box.
"You do it when you're ready, honey. Doesn't have to be now, doesn't have to be today."
Briefly reading over the writing, you feel a slight swell in your heart. It all felt so daunting. You knew this was something you'd both eventually want, but the idea of it beginning now was enough to make you feel queasy. Everything was going so well in your lives, and this was such a big step in your marriage - you were just scared of what the result would do to you both.
With a deep inhale, you shrug sweetly, feigning bravado. "Piece of cake."
"Piece of cake," he repeats, kissing your temple. 
Stepping aside, you walk into the bathroom - box clutched in hand as you read through the directions. The heavy thumping in your ears distracting you from understanding it all. 
After following the instructions, you place the stick aside on some toilet paper and call in your husband, moving to sit on the edge of the bath. Without missing a beat, Bucky steps into the small room, eyes focused on yours as he walks to sit beside you - slipping his hand into yours assuringly. His large hand enveloping yours. 
You sit in uneasy quiet for what feels like an hour, each of your brains whirling with thoughts and ideas and questions - the noise far too loud in your minds. 
Then, finally, after a while, your timer goes off, the obnoxious sound interrupting you both from your fazed-out states.
"You look."
"Are you sure?" he asks, holding your hand as you both stand.
You hum anxiously, nodding at him.
With one hand tightly in yours, the other reaches for the little stick - fingers loosely wrapping around it. Bucky stills, the features on his face slowly softening.
"What does it say?"
He nods faintly, his brows curving up in the middle. "Positive," he murmurs, the shock evident in the way his tone wavers. "It's positive."
"Positive?" you repeat, your expression widening.
He hums, enveloping you in a tight embrace - pressing kisses into your cheek. 
"We're having a baby," you mutter, voice cracking slightly.
"Yeah," he nods, pulling back to look over your face - checking you were okay with it all as he is. "We're having a baby," he echos you, cupping your cheeks.
"You're okay with this?" you ask, focus blurring from a few stray tears.
He nods firmly. "Of course," he chuckles, his tearline slowly filling. "Are you?"
"Yeah," you laugh lightly, nodding - the gentle grip of his hands moving with the soft motion of your head.
"I'll give you everything you want. Everything you need— I'll get you it all."
You already had everything you wanted.
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kitscutie · 11 months
Hi, I wanted you to make a fanfic about Rafe (obx) in which he dates a pogue, he is very ashamed of her for being poor, I wanted something with a lot of anguish and maybe a happy ending?
favourite crime (rafe cameron x fem!reader)
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pairing: rafe cameron x fem!reader
warnings: starts with smut, middle is angst, happy ending!
summary: you and rafe are dating but keeping it secret so that his family doesn't stop him from seeing you since you're a pogue. at least that's what he told you.
a/n: requests are open!
word count: 2.7k
join my taglist here.
"Fuck baby." Rafe said as he sat below you shirtless, your hips grinding down into his rhythmically. The two of you had been together for four months now. Boyfriend and girlfriend.
You were no longer just his friendly hook up whenever Ward pissed him off or Barry wouldn't give him his fix of coke, you were his.
His hands gripped your waist tightly, knuckles turning white from pleasure even when you were both still clothed from the wait down, well you both had underwear on at least.
"Get these off." He grunted, lifting you up onto your knees as you straddled him to wean your underwear down lour legs and into his pocket. He had a collection at Tanny Hill now. Not for him but as a way of keeping some of you here which was useful since you spent ninety nine percent of your nights here.
"You eager or something?" You joked knowing you were in fact the desperate one. You had been working at the Country Club all day and you could only put up with so many stuck up bitches before a tether within you snapped.
"Mhm, believe whatever you want princess." He mumbled, occupied in pulling his own boxers off. "My desperate girl." He smirked as his hand caressed your face, your own body settling down onto his as your bare skin finally met.
"You gonna get to it, or keep me waiting?" You asked, leaning down to bit the very tip of his thumb in a way that always drove him slightly crazy.
With that he chuckled, eyes darkening as he flipped you over, him now on top of you. Two of his fingers circled you clit slowly, too slowly making you more desperate than you were to begin with.
"Rafe." You whined, hips bucking in an attempt to increase the speed of his digits.
"Patience, pretty girl. I always give you what you want, huh?" You nodded in response, eyes closing as you gripped his hair when he slipped them inside with ease. You were already dripping and needy for him, he knew that. He loved it.
"Mhm, I do. So you're gonna be good for me, alright?" He once again asked, knowing you couldn't respond even if you wanted do though he enjoyed watching you squirm. "Think you've earned this?" He questioned, hand leaving you to pump at himself much quicker than he had touched you.
Your hand reached to pull his own away and towards your face, growing impatient. "Please?" You asked, giving him the eyes you knew no man could resist.
"Okay, baby." He finally gave in, lining himself up at your truly dipping entrance. This was all you had wanted all day and it was finally coming true, no longer just a figment of your day dreams.
You sighed out in both relief and pleasure as he pushed his cock into you. He pinned your hands down above you head with his own, fingers interlocked. It was subtle reassurance that no matter how wrapped up in the moment you both were it was just the two of you together.
"Fuck." He moaned, hips pushing into yours like they did each time you fucked, skilfully and measured. If Rafe was good at one thing, it was sex.
You bit your lip to contain your moans, no one was home and they never were when you came over seeing as your relationship was completely secret until he overcame the fear of what Ward would say.
He despised Pogues, as did Rafe but you slowly came to learn it wasn't the general idea of Pogues it was specific ones like John B and his friends, mostly JJ.
Rafe didn't hate you, he couldn't even if he tried.
"Love having you under me like this, so needy." He teased watching as tears dripped from beneath your eyelashes the harder he fucked into you. "Look so beautiful, my girl."
"I love you so much." You finally spoke though it was whispered and strained. With that Rafe knew you were close and so his skilled fingers once again found your clit drawing tight hard circles into the skin.
"Love you too baby." He grunted as he reached his own climax alongside yours. He kept going, even as he grew tired letting you ride out your high that he knew you needed.
Once it was over and you winced with sensitivity he pulled out slowly, allowing your body to adjust to the empty feeling which made you whimper just as much as being overstimulated.
He flopped onto the bed beside you, pulling you close to your chest even though the two of you were damp with sweat, hair stuck to your skin.
"You're it for me, you know that right?" He said into the silence and darkness as he gently stroked your hair.
"And you me." You responded placing a feather light kiss to his chest, even though he would never ask, that reassurance was like a weight lifted off of his shoulders.
You were his, no matter what.
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The next day you left him early with a kiss to his forehead and an 'I love you' whispered into the dark room.
You had to work and though you wished you could spend every second of everyday in that room with that boy you didn't have the money to do so, you never wanted Rafe to feel pressured to support you, especially not when you were still both so young.
You had currently been at the Country Club for almost six hours when a new table came in, one which you recognised all too soon. It was Rafe joined by Kelce and Topper. You weren't sure whether or not they knew about you but you felt safe to assume Rafe wouldn't mind you introducing yourself. They wouldn't tell Ward, not if he didn't want them to.
"Hi!" You smiled, walking over with a pep in your step, happy to see your boyfriend especially after expecting to be separated all day.
"Uh, hello." Chuckled Kelce, never having encountered such a happy and forward worker at the Club. Usually it was full of moody Pogues.
You saw the red growing in Rafe's cheeks and the way his eyes refused to meet your own and yet you assumed innocently that he was simply nervous.
"I'm Y/N, Rafe's-" You cut yourself off, expecting the previously mentioned to finish your sentence though he never did. Simply glaring at you as though you were scum.
"The fuck..." Topper muttered clearly surprised. He wasn't dumb, he knew how that sentence should have ended and he also noticed that Rafe never did finish it.
"You're fucking a Pogue man? She need the money or something?" Kelce added and you felt your heart drop, eyes immediately turning glassy with tears. You were a sensitive girl, you knew that but a comment so harsh was unnecessary and it stung twice as hard when Rafe remained silent.
"I-I'm sorry...what?" You stuttered, though the three stayed silent. "Rafe?" You turned to him hoping for comfort, reassurance, anger at Kelce literally anything but you received nothing, not even a look.
"I'm sorry, what's your name again?" He asked, voice strained with what you assumed to be guilt but it didn't matter what he felt because those very wards felt like a stab to the heart, made even worse as Kelce and Topper laughed, heads flying back.
They praised him and shook his hand, impressed by his ability to be so memorable to one of his 'hookups' yet not even knowing your name back. It must've been common for them.
"Okay then." You said, pulling your apron off as the tears flowed freely. "Fuck you." You spat at the sun-kissed blonde before you walked hastily out of the Country Club, you didn't care about your job in that moment, you only cared that the one person you had ever let hold y our heart had just squished it between his fingers with no regard for you at all.
Your mind flashed through every memory of you together, trying to rationalize why this could have happened, was it you, did you do something wrong, say something wrong?
No, you concluded, this wasn't you. Rafe Cameron could never love and you were foolish to think you would be the one to change him.
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Lying in your bed, head buried in one of Rafe's sweatshirts had become your new norm, your knew comfort. You hadn't spoken to him since that day which was only around seventy six hours ago but you had never gone one day without him never mind three.
You heard his car park up outside though he never ventured inside, not until now. He had a spare key and so you expected it at some point though not so soon, you thought he didn't like you, didn't love you, that it was over.
His footsteps echoed throughout the empty house, your parents at work. They matched the rhythm of your heavy heart, it felt hollow now without him there to fill it up, this was your life now, how would you cope?
The door to your room opened slowly, almost hesitantly.
"Hi baby." He whispered as he sat down beside your head, hand reaching out to stroke your head and you knew you shouldn't but you leant into his warm touch, desperate for anything.
"I uh- I'm sorry for the other day, I'm such a dick and I just panicked 'cause I didn't know how the guys would react-" He spoke but you cut him off.
"To you dating a filthy, good for nothing, gold digging Pogue right?" You said coldly and he noted that your voice lacked its usual emotion.
"That's not true," He tried but once again, you wouldn't let him lie.
"No. It is Rafe. It is true and you know it." With that you sat up to face him. Your eyes were red and puffy, your face pale and the mascara from that very day was still streaked all over your cheeks. "I know it." Your voice faltered as the tears began to flow again.
"I'm sorry, sweetheart, truly I'm sorry. I know it's not okay, I know I'm stupid and that I hurt you and all I want to do is make you feel better again. I- I um, told them about you, everything from start to end. My family too. Realised I can't hide the biggest thing in my life from them. The best thing in my life." He added and you perked up at this, now intregued.
"What'd they say?" You spoke, voice still quiet from the sadness instilled within you.
"Well, Top and Kelce are sorry though I know that doesn't mean much right now. My family took it better than I thought they would, they want to meet you." He said and it was clear he was filled with relief by their responses.
"And what about you? Do you want me to be with you? To meet them? For everyone to know your with me?" You asked insecurely, hands twisting in the blanket that was over you out of anxiety.
"Fuck." He sighed, ashamed of himself, of the way he had made you feel. He pulled your head gently into his chest, choking up at the tears you released.
"I thought that was it. That we were done and that you had fucked me over yet all I could think about was you. That I loved you and had I hurt you in a way that made you do this. I just wanted you there for me, holding me." You whimpered, the hurt in your chest making it's way up your throat making you sound small and weak.
"Never baby, I meant what I said. You're my forever, my everything I wanna marry you with some big stupid fuckin' ring one day, I just- I was scared of my dad of what he might do it's not you it never was. I love you with everything within me, you're my girl 'till the day I drop dead." He said and you almost felt full again, the words that had once fuelled your nightmares being replaced by his sweet ones, stitching your broken spirit back up.
"You promise?" You asked leaning up to place a kiss on his lips.
"Promise." He replied leaning his forehead against your own.
Rafe Cameron never broke promises, especially not when it came to you.
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wenellyb · 4 months
Something we don’t talk about is how Buck said "Come with me to my sister's wedding" not "Do you want to come to my sister's wedding?"
He said it like it was already a given that if Tommy agrees to see him again, they'll be in a serious relationship.
They're not exploring, or seeing where things are going... they're all in.
Buck could have asked Tommy out on another date or just asked to hang out.... But he went straight for "Be my date at my sister's wedding". He didn't even ask.
He said: "If you can forgive me for our disastrous first date, then I want us to be together and in a commited relationship".
And I like how Tommy's hesitation wasn't about it being to soon, but because he thought Buck was overcompensating to make up for their first date but once he got the confirmation from Buck that he wasn't, he was all in as well.
You'd think a normal person would freak out after being invited to the wedding of their boyfriend's sister after exactly 1 kiss and 1 date. Or at least they would think it's too soon. But not Tommy. Tommy was happy Buck asked.
They're both ready to be in a committed relationship.
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mnnuni · 5 months
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Summary: (Y/N)'s relationship with Buck and Eddie is discovered.
Warnings: smut
Buck and Eddie's relationship was still kinda a secret for the public eye; well kinda because they weren't sure of sharing it yet but they weren't subtle at all with those shared looks and hidden touches. The 118 all knew about them, they were only waiting for them to have the courage to tell them.
The crew of firefighters was so proud of themselves for figuring it out: Hen brought it up one night when they were hanging out at Athena and Bobby's house and the two men conveniently left early together.
"I name it, they're totally involved" Chimney was a little confused, "what do you mean? Of course they are, they're best friends"
Athena smacked him around the head "What Hen means is...", she was thinking of a way of saying it nicely "they get each other steam off" finished Bobby. Hen and Athena nodded, the five different expressions that passed through Chimney's face were hilarious to Maddie "I can't believe you didn't notice".
What they all also didn't notice was that that night there was another person absent: their girlfriend, (Y/N).
She was way more private than them at the station, because she saw how Eddie and Buck acted around each other and let's just say even a blind could catch that they were in love; that's why she was never too close to them to be suspected. When Hen asked her about her romantic life she said "they" and "them", but everyone just assumed it was just a person who would go by these pronouns not that there were actually two people.
(Y/N) also knew that her boyfriends had their fair shares of problems with their closets and she surely wouldn't be the one to out them to their family.
The only 118 member who knew was Ravi. Poor kid caught them exiting the same room, still adjusting their uniform. From that moment (Y/N) avoided every contact with them at work and got closer to Ravi too. He was her true best friend.
"so... what are you doing for them tonight?" Ravi asked her while they were cooking for the team, "huh?" (Y/N) said looking at him from the oven; Ravi looked around, making sure no one was watching them and whispered "you know... today's your anniversary, didn't you do something?"
(Y/N) smiled. Today her, Buck and Eddie were celebrating six months officially together. "I can't believe you remembered" she hugged him tight "of course i did, how could i forget?"
It was funny how Buck was flaring his nostrils at the sign of (Y/N) talking with Ravi while he had his hands on her waist. Eddie had to put his hand on his knee, "you know they're only friends" "still..." he rolled his eyes. (Y/N) was actually describing him the details of the dinner she had planned that night; she was so ecxited to finally go out in public with them. Ravi was really happy for her, so happy that at the end of the shift he went to Buck and Eddie and told them to be careful "she really loves you, both of you, don't screw up tonight"
He knew he only made their nerves worse, but he had to because (Y/N) really deserved the world and he knew those two idiots would give her everything she needed. He was still her best friends tough, it was his job to scare her boyfriends.
(Y/N) only texted them the address. "Dress fancy" the sole indication.
Evan stomach was a mess. Eddie was literally sweating. They decided to get ready together; that didn't help them one bit because after getting nearly late for a too long shower together, they were second-guessing everything.
Their anxiety seemed to stop only when they spotted (Y/N) at the bar in the restaurant. She was wearing a long strapless black dress, her hair were down and naturally curled and her lips were tinted red. Buck had to touch Eddie's hand to make sure he wasn't imagining that wonderful woman in front of them. It was the first time Eddie took his hand in his in a so crowded place and just by this (Y/N) knew this would have been a magical night.
They were seated in a corner in the garden, the table was so small that (Y/N)'s legs touched both Eddie and Buck's ones. It was just how she pictured it would be: the light lights illuminated Buck's freackles ever so gently, the roses'perfume made Eddie scrunch his nose in a way that made (Y/N) want to kiss him everytime and the night breeze was a perfect excuse for them to touch her arms or shoulders constantly because of the fact she was withouth a jacket. And it was even better to see Evan and Eddie actually be confortable to act like a couple all together.
Ravi's words really helped.
When Evan put his coat over (Y/N)'s shoulder as she whispered to them "maybe you should come to mine's for dessert", Eddie's eyes sparkled and Buck's hand on her tightned.
Evan didn't drive so fast even in the truck. The air was filled with anticipation but (Y/N) had decided that because this was a special night it would go slow and good. As a matter of fact, when they entered her flat she really had a dessert ready for them and she took it out of the oven swinging her hips ever so slightly.
"Uhm baby, we thought ehm..." Buck looked at Eddie for support while (Y/N) took three forkes "we hoped for another type of cake" the other man finished. (Y/N) chuckled "don't worry my loves, this cake just needs time" she winked and took a bite of the chocolate pastry; she really knew how to turn on her boys.
"Now, eat. I'll come back in five" with that she went to her bedroom and locked the door. Buck and Eddie could only listen to her and wait. They were under the impression she took more than five minutes because when she came back they finished half the cake and were now kissing on the couch, Eddie said he missed Buck's lips and he surely couldn't deny them to him. They already took off their jacket and were starting to unbutton their shirt when (Y/N) cleared her throat and they departed from each other; she was wearing a silky robe and a devious grin on her face. (Y/N) didn't say anything, only took their hands and guided them in the bedroom.
"Because you were so good tonight accepting to go out with me, I want to make it up to you" and with that she took a rope from the pocket of the robe. The guys were having the time of their lives while she tied them to the headboard, she put them in a way they could touch each other's hands, like a way to compensate the fact they couldn't touch her. When she was done (Y/N) finally took off her robe.
"Holy shit" Buck breathed out.
She was wearing a red lace bodysuit and garters and with only this sight Eddie and Evan tried to untie themselves. "I'm a firefighter baby, don't even try", Buck's cock twitched in his boxers. (Y/N) got them naked painfully slow and Eddie started to complain; that's why she started working on Evan first.
She kissed him softly on the lips and got down from the neck to the waist licking him, his breath became heavier when she stopped, eyes on his tip. She kissed it too and then put it in her mouth.
"Oh God". Evan really liked when she worked her magic on him this slowly; Eddie next to him could only focus on her ass and be satisfied but when her hand touched his leg and started going near his balls he grunted. (Y/N) smirked on Evan's cock and he pushed his hips up. She was bobbing her head up and down faster and stroking Eddie's dick too, so fast they were both moaning.
"I-I'm cuming" Evan was practically a mess.
"Come on big boy, you're doing so good"
Hearing Eddie praise him was the last straw; Evan came so hard it made (Y/N) even wetter. When she was done sucking all his cum (Y/N) got up "you're soo good baby" she caressed Buck's cheeck and turned to Eddie "want a taste?", he nodded excited. Buck was trying to catch his breath while (Y/N) straddled Eddie's lap to kiss him. She tasted of Buck. (Y/N) lowered herself on him and Eddie moaned in the kiss at the feeling of his girlfriend pussy on him.
"It's your turn to fell good now honey"
(Y/N) unzipped her bodysuit at a slow pace and while she cupped one of her breast for show, she finished getting undressed. Buck was quickly recovering already.
She lowered her body on Eddie and started grinding her hips to lube his cock with her wetness; when she picked his dick in her hand and came down on it Eddie almost cried out loud. Usually Buck was the loudest, maybe she teased him too much this time. (Y/N) didn't complain tough, hearing her boyfriends moan only added fuel to the fire. Now she was breathing heavily too and really needed their hands on her body, so she leaned over and untied them.
Eddie didn't waste a second and flipped them over to start thrusting into her, "You feel so good mi amor".
(Y/N) tightened her legs to his hips as Buck got in between them to touch her clit. Now (Y/N) was the loudest; she tried to be quite but the stimulation was just too much that she gripped both her boyfriends' shoulder and scratched them. This only made them move faster.
"Come on baby, be a good girl for us"
She whined their names.
"So fucking tight hermosa"
Buck was sucking on her tit while he pinched her clit and made her scream.
It was the best orgasm she ever had, because when she came down her high she felt Eddie's cum on her stomach and it was so fucking hot.
When they got her all cleaned up and ready for sleep -after other two rounds-, (Y/N) told them how grateful she was to have them loving her and kissed them goodnight and Buck and Eddie felt the luckiest guys in the whole world.
The next day (Y/N) was the happiest she ever was in at least two weeks (Buck cooked breakfast for her and Eddie made her bag for her) and all the station noticed. Also because she wasn't complaining about anything after one of the most tiring calls of all day;
They were changing in the locker room and Ravi approached her "I'm guessing it went well", she smiled only thinking about it "marvellous" (Y/N) answer.
"What went so good?" asked Hen as she got near them too, "little (Y/N) here had a date"
One of these days she would kill Ravi
"Oh you didn't go out in a while..." intruded Chimney, 'cause of course he would be there too.
"Yeah, that's because it was a special night" she was lost in her locker when Hen spoke again.
"They had a special night too"
The confusion on (Y/N)'s face soon washed over when she turned around and understood what they were talking about: at the other side of the room Buck and Eddie were changing their shirt and were unconsciously showing off some big scratches on their back. (Y/N)'s scratches from last night. They were so red and so much; how couldn't they notice?
Then it hit her: they were practically identical, everyone would have known they were from the same person.
At this point every bit of dignity already left (Y/N)'s body when she run off to them.
"put a shirt on, now." She hissed.
Buck was so confused...then he looked at Eddie
"hooly shit". He was fast to cover himself up and Eddie followed him even if he didn't understand yet.
"i May or May not have left some...marks" she tried to say it in the gentlest of ways but the damage was already done.
All of their team was watching them.
Ravi thought dinner would have been awkward; he was absolutely fucking right.
Buck, Eddie and (Y/N) were avoiding eye contact with everyone. Hen was waiting for an explanation with a smirk on her lips. Bobby was searching words for a reassuring speech after the inevitable talk, and Chimney was so fucking confused that at some point he bursted "Can somebody talk about it, please?"
(Y/N) looked at Eddie and Buck for permission, if they weren't ready she would have had come up with a lie without questions. They deserved to be out when they felt like it.
But Eddie took Buck's hand in his and started talking "we're together."
Evan felt a rock being left off his stomach, so he then took (Y/N)'s hand and continued "all three of us".
She only smiled at them.
There was a minute of silence when they thought they had made a big mistake, and everything was starting to crumble. But again, Hen spoke "fucking finally"
"Y-you knew?" (Y/N) had to start draw circles on Buck's hand.
"Of you and Eddie? Of course! (Y/N) is... A pleasant surprise" she blushed at this.
"so...you're okay with this?" Eddie was the one to ask the question they feared the most. It was obvious to (Y/N) that the 118 wouldn't have said anything but for two newly queer men... She understood the uncertainty.
"Why wouldn't we?" Chimney answered
"Yeah, you're all happy, that's what matters to us" Bobby finished.
There was another moment of silence after, where everyone was accommodating to the news.
Ravi saw the perfect opportunity to say what he wanted to say for months now: "I knew it first!"
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batsythoughts · 5 months
Third up in the Yandere Baby Trapping, the one and only Dick Grayson!
Warnings: Possessive tendencies, manipulative behavior and actions, dubious consent, forced pregnancy (obviously)
Smut under the cut. Minors please do not interact with this post.
Dick Grayson was a bit more lovesick than the rest of his family when it came to your relationship
He had first meet you when he was taking Haley on a walk and she bumped into you
Dick swore he saw a halo glow over your head and flower petals flowing around you when he looked at you
He profusely apologized before asking you out with a bashful grin and dreamy eyes, how could you possibly say no to that face?
That's how the relationship with Dick had started. Now 5 months later, you were spending at least 4 nights at his place every week
He loved spending time with you no matter what was happening. Staying in for a movie, going to the dog park, even just going to the store with you was a beautiful experience for him.
Dick was already imagining the wedding bells as you would walk down the aisle to get married together one day
And hell, the two of you had a pretty healthy sex life that definitely helped him with expressing just how much he loved you
Dick's not even embarrassed to admit that he was the first one to say that he loves you to anyone who cares to hear it
And obviously Haley loved you as well. She got so excited every time you came walking through the door to his place
He was getting ready to ask you to move in with him to make it easier on you since you had quite a bit of your stuff over at his place
Dick had been talking about his plans with a few of his coworkers when one of the officers that was a few years older than him spoke up on his opinion
"I would hold off til the honeymoon phase ends. Me and my old girlfriend moved in too soon. Three months later, she got pregnant and started more fights than were worth it. Now I pay 900 bucks in child support every month. Word of advice, make sure the condoms you use aren't expired."
Most of the others dismissed what the guy said before telling Dick it was a good idea to at least try out
He smile while nodding his head before going about the rest of his shift with a small nagging feeling in his chest
He wasn't too worried about you moving in, you practically lived with him part time
But what did worry him was if a sudden change in the dynamic would pull the two of you apart. And the thought of you leaving him was terrifying to think about
That night when you had come over, Dick decided to just have the conversation with you about what would happen between you both if a baby were to sudden come into the picture
The both of you sat on the couch while putting the wants of the future you both wanted and thoughts for if the situation were to occur sooner than expected
"If we did happen to get pregnant at some point... I wouldn't give up on us, Dick. You're worth fighting for with something like that. But I also don't think it could be a problem since we aren't actively trying. But I it happens, then it happens."
Dick felt as though his heart melted at your words as he beamed while agreeing with you
He was so glad to know that the two of you would still be together if something like that were to happen and that you had already put thought into your response
He went to sleep that night happy as he held you close with Haley snuggled at your feet
It did take him another week to finally ask you to move in, which of course you agreed
Dick was ecstatic that he basically got the rest of your things moved to his place in two days of you saying yes
About a month after moving in together, Dick went to spend a weekend with his family for a new development project Wayne Tech was having
He excitedly told everyone the news of you moving in and how he would make sure to bring you along next time so everyone could see you
And with Dick being the oldest, he casually looked through his younger siblings' respective rooms to make sure they weren't doing anything dangerous or harmful
It was all going fine until he got to Jason's nightstand drawer and found not one but two boxes of condoms
That in itself isn't the problem. The problem was that the condoms were within a month of expiration and it seemed only a couple had been used
Instead of out right rushing out to lecture Jason about responsible sex and getting Bruce and Alfred involved, Dick waited until they were alone to talk
Dick carefully explained the potential dangers of using condom past their prime and that buying in bulk wasn't ever a good idea
Jason, though embarrassed and annoyed by Dick going into his room, said that he hadn't been active recently and forgot about the ones he had in his drawer
Dick relaxed at the fact his little brother wasn't engaging in unsafe sex
He gave Jason a couple bucks to get a new box while saying he would get rid of the ones he had so nobody accidentally used them
Dick truly did mean what he had said. Took both boxes back to Bludhaven with him and was about to throw them in the trash
Just as his hand was about to let go of the box, Dick's mind went back to the conversation at the police station and flashed to the agreement you both had about a sudden pregnancy
He took a second look at the boxes as the gears in his mind turned as he lightly bit his lip
He debated with himself the entire day over if he should throw the condoms away
It would be a waste to just throw them away, wouldn't it?
In an act of uncertainty, Dick put them away in his drawer from the time being
It was only when you came home and began guiding Dick to the bedroom that he saw it as a sign to keep them tucked away in the back his personal drawer to use at a later date
It only took him a month to figure out the time range of your cycle to accurately attempt to get you pregnant
He would always try to go through with it when you were ovulating, but he still pulled out to come when his nerves began to overpower his thoughts
It was three months into living together when you both got back from dropping Haley off for an overnight observation at the vet
Dick was just getting out of the bathroom after taking a quick shower. Wearing only his boxers as he tried walking to his dresser grab some sweatpants to sleep in
He stopped for a second when you both locked eyes and you gave him a relaxed grin
He returns the grin before going over to place a soft, lingering kiss to your lips
Dick pulled away to just have a calm night with the plan of doing nothing but sleeping and cuddling
When he pulled away and felt the breath you let out on his lips, Dick couldn't help as he leaned in for one more kiss
One kiss turned into three which lead to him on top of you in a passionate make out session
He guided his fingers over your body as he took off your clothes . Pulling away only enough to remove them from your body before returning his mouth back to yours
Dick pulled away for a few seconds to catch his breath before placing one more kiss to your lips until moving to reach into his drawer
He hesitated for a second as he grabbed the two boxes of condoms as he debated using them or the new box he had gotten last week
He didn't have the patience to open the new box when he felt your teeth teasingly graze his throat
Dick quickly got the foil packaging open to put the condom on before looking over your body with a look of awe
He teased his fingers over your entrance to make sure that you were ready enough to take him
He leaned down to trail his lips from your stomach upwards to the valley of your breast. Eagerly kissing both of them equally before gliding his tongue over each nipple with a soft groan
"You always look so beautiful, baby. No matter the outfit you wear or what you're doing at the moment. Always so gorgeous for me to love and appreciate."
A few more words of praise came from his mouth before trailing his lips across your collarbone, gently nipping the skin to feel your chest press against his when you gasped
Dick let out a sigh as he moved his head up from your throat before kissing you on the lips as he grinds into you
He pulled away enough to look down as he lined himself at your entrance
Dick couldn't help the moan that passed his mouth when he finally pushed inside, slowly inching himself completely in
He kept his thrusts shallow as he rests one arm beside your head as the other looped beneath your lower back to hold you closer
He took his time rolling his hips in the way he knew made your body tingle in the best ways
Dick smiled when he felt your arms wrap around him, one tangling in the hair at the base of his neck as the other rested in the middle of his back
The soft groans that came from the two of you filled the room as Dick picked up his pace just slightly
His hand clutched the pillow as he began lovingly kissing you again, his mouth barely getting an inch away from yours before diving back in
He felt your hand lightly tug at his hair as your back arched and you pressed against his chest
Dick could tell you were beginning to get close as you move your hand up his back as your nails dig into his skin
He moved away from your mouth before resting his head in the crook of your neck so he could hear all the noises you would make right into his ear
He let out a low groan as he felt you unintentionally rock your hips against his
He felt himself about to orgasm and felt himself holding back as his mind began to get hazy
He was about to pull out like all the times he had done before, but something just felt different this time
Maybe it was the way you held him closer from the back of his head, maybe it was the string of whines flowing from your mouth, or maybe it was the way you were squeezing down on his cock
Dick bit down on his lip when you both came together
He waited a moment before pulling out with a sigh while rubbing your side
He littered kisses across your collarbone, neck, and face while talking you back down from your high
After a couple of minutes before Dick got up from the bed to get you cleaned up and into fresh clothes before doing the same for himself
That night, Dick went to sleep with a smile as he held you close while drifting off to sleep
His mind finally came to the conclusion that he would finish the box, and if anything happened then he would live with any consequences that came along
After that, Dick wasn't hesitant to use the remaining condoms while knowing that things would work out eventually
It was about three months since he had began going through with his thoughts before something happened
You both were in the kitchen making dinner, just chatting away until you suddenly got quiet with your mouth agape
Dick asked what was wrong as your eyes looked down at the floor as you mumbled about how you were late
He felt his heart race while asking if you were sure, to which you gave a hesitant nod
He didn't even hesitate to grab his jacket and wallet to go to the drug store a block away
He went to the women's health section and scanned the option before settling on a digital test that said was 98% accurate
When he went to the register to pay, the guy who was the cashier gave him a weird look about how excited Dick was to buy it
He told Dick he hoped the results were the ones that he wanted in a sarcastic little comment
Dick didn't pay any mind to the comment before grabbing the box with a lopsided grin
"Dear God, I hope so."
It was less than 10 minutes before Dick was back at the apartment to see you finishing up with dinner with Haley sat next to your feet
He went over and placed a comforting hand on your shoulder while holding out the box for you to take
You took it from him and started to head to the bathroom, which Dick followed close behind with Haley trailing along
When getting to the bathroom, you tried to tell Dick he wouldn't want to watch you pee on the stick, but he said he wanted to support you through the entire process
Cue to Dick sitting on the floor with Haley on his lap as he holds your hand while looking at you with adoration
When you were done, you washed your hands before sitting down on the floor beside him
You both stared at the little stick while waiting for the results to come up in the small window
After three agonizing minutes, the blank screen displayed the bold word 'Pregnant' for all to see
Dick just stares at it for a moment with his mouth parted before turning his head to you
Your gaze remained on the test in your hand as you kept quiet
Dick hesitantly called your name before you finally looked away. Staring at him for a second before a joyful smile spread across your face
"We're having a baby."
The both of you start laughing while hugging each other, Dick pressing kisses to anywhere he could reach
It took a few minutes before either of you got up from the bathroom floor because of how exciting the news was
When you did finally get up, Dick began fussing over all the things that you would immediately need for your health as he got your plate ready with a little extra food
That night before going to sleep, Dick was eye level with your stomach while lifting your shirt up to rest his forehead against your skin while happily talking about all the things he would do as a dad when the baby got there
He kept rambling for about 10 minutes until he shifted back up to hold you close with one hand on your stomach
The next couple of weeks consisted of making the appointments you would need, getting all the prenatal medicines, finding a doctor that would be good enough for the both of you
Dick had even brought multiple of those custom made matching shirts that some expecting parents get as a way to announce the whole pregnancy to friends and family
He even got a couple for Haley so she could be apart of it
That's exactly what the both of you did the next time he went to Gotham and you were able to go along with him
He had went into the manor first with the bags wearing a sweatshirt that said 'Protecting Precious Cargo'
Damian and Jason were the first ones to notice him walk in and they began poking fun at Dick being so smitten to get couple shirts
The rest soon noticed and began inquiring about where you were to which Dick said you were just taking Haley out before coming in to see everyone
The door opened as if on cue as Haley came rushing into the room to excitedly greet everyone with a onesie with 'Precious Cargo's Big Sister' on the back
They all looked at Dick confused until you came walking into the room with a hoodie that was a few sizes up from your regular fit
On the stomach area of said hoodie read, very boldly, 'Carrying Precious Cargo'
It all goes quiet for a moment until Alfred goes over to give his congratulations
The others soon followed with their own happiness of the news as you give a nervous smile from the attention
As the other talked to you about a few things regarding the baby, Bruce went over to Dick while asking if everything was clear between you both about the commitment and responsibility that came with a baby
Dick nodded while watching you with a smile while saying you both had previously talked in case the situation were to arise like it had
His favorite moment of your whole pregnancy wasn't announcing it to his side of the family though
It came a couple months after that trip when you were laying in the bed while Dick worked on putting together the bassinet to use for the bedroom until moving into either a house or bigger apartment
You were working on making an appointment for the maternity photos with Haley laying down with her head on your slowly growing bump
Everything was quiet until Haley let out a startled whine while sitting up and looking at your stomach with a small head tilt
Dick quickly shoot up while asking if everything was alright as you took a deep breath while looking down
He was about to ask again until Haley gave a small bark before poking her nose against your stomach as her tail began wagging
You looked at Dick with a shocked look before looking at your stomach again
"I think... I think the baby's moving."
Within seconds, Dick is sitting on the bed beside you with a hand resting on your stomach as the three of you wait to see if it will happen again
He was about to give up after a few minutes of waiting until he felt the most beautiful sensation he would ever know
It wasn't too strong, but he felt a gentle movement under his palm
He looked at you as if you crafted the stars in the sky as he then felt a more prominent kick under his hand
The laugh you gave from the feeling was a beautiful melody as Haley gave another excited bark while jumping around on the bed before nudging your stomach again
Dick grinned while leaning down to give you a quick kiss before placing both hands on your stomach while moving to rest his head on the bump
"You had us scared, little one! Mama and Daddy weren't expecting you to start kicking up a storm so suddenly! Definitely wasn't expecting you to be so active just yet."
He laughed when he got another soft kick in response to his words before gently kissing your stomach
"I can't wait for you to get here, little one. Daddy will take good care of you and your mama until my last breath."
He felt your fingers entangle in his hair which led him to let out a small hum
Turning his head, Dick looked at you while still rubbing you stomach in a soothing motion
Yeah, Dick was confident that he made the right choices to lead you both to this moment
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madlori · 4 months
there are a lot of headcanons about tommy becoming resentful of the time buck spends with eddie, but give me the reverse. give me eddie resentful of the time buck spends with tommy.
eddie's alone and sad with chris gone. both buck and tommy, together and individually, try to do things with him and be there for him but sometimes they actually do want to be alone together, and eddie just...can't seem to stop getting in the way. he invites himself along to stuff. he asks if he can come hang out when they're having a night at home together. he takes up their free evenings with obsessively making plans so he can avoid being alone in his house and they're just starting to get worn down.
eventually buck has to sit him down and say, eddie, my man, my dude, you're family to me, i care about you so much, so does tommy, but for the love of all that's holy please understand that sometimes i need to be alone with my boyfriend.
and eddie is embarrassed that he's been so clingy but also low-key hates that they have this relationship with each other that doesn't include him. he's happy that buck's found the love he always yearned for and deserved, but he can't stop feeling hurt and left out and there's just no way to make it better.
so what does he do? does he stay resentful and let it fester until it becomes anger and it ruins his friendship with buck?
maybe at one point he would have done that. but this time...this time he recognizes the path he's on and decides to take action to not let that happen. buck is too important to him. he has to find a way to occupy himself without relying soley on buck.
so he joins a boxing gym that nobody else goes to and starts working out there. he makes a friend who's also dealing with loneliness.
he starts volunteering on off-shift mornings at a botanical garden and finds that digging in the dirt and getting sweaty and dirty is very therapeutic. after a few weeks, some of the other volunteers invite him to come to brunch after their shift.
he discovers the LAFD Discord and that it has a whole bunch of sub-groups where first responders from all over the city get together for activities. he joins the golf group. he joins the cooking group. he goes on an axe-throwing outing.
he makes other friends.
there are no other friends like Buck. there will never be another friend like Buck. but there are people he can spend time with now, and give Buck a break so he can spend time with Tommy and also just have time to himself.
buck still brings dinner over once a week. he takes eddie on hikes. he and tommy fly him to san diego for the day and they go to the beach. but eddie also goes golfing with the LAFD Discord club. He goes to Station 133, which has the nicest kitchen in the LAFD, for the cooking club and learns some new recipes.
He has brunch with Chim and Maddie. He and Hen take Mara and Denny to mini-golf. He helps Bobby do DIY work on their new home to bring the kitchen up to his standards.
He learns to live without Chris. He learns to have support that doesn't entirely revolve around Buck. He watches Buck and Tommy get more and more serious, but now he's not resentful or scared - he's only happy, to see his best friend so happy. When they move in together, the three of them spend the first night Buck lives with Tommy eating pizza, drinking beer and watching baseball on TV.
And the first time Buck and Tommy ask him to come on a hike with them, and he has to decline because he has other plans, he's relieved, because they still want him around. They still want to be his friend. He hasn't worn them down.
He will always need Buck, he will alway love him. But he knew it wasn't fair to make Buck his entire support system...so he built a bigger one, and it's big enough to support them all.
When Chris facetimes him, he notices that his dad is looking less despondent. he has things to talk about, like the botanical garden and Bobby and Athena's new house and the firepit he's helping Buck build in Tommy's backyard. He's more open and honest. He doesn't sound so desperate. So Chris says he wants to come home, and when he does, Eddie's just happy he's back. Not desperate, not resentful or angry. And he has these new friends.
One of those new friends is another volunteer at the botanical gardens. she's a trauma nurse and does gardening to help her cope. eddie suggests she might like to try boxing as exercise, and she loves it. she is invited to a firefam BBQ at Buck and Tommy's house, and chris can't help but notice that she looks at his dad like he's really something -- and he's looking back the same way.
and if Chris had been worried that his time away would have hurt his dad, or made him sadder -- which he definitely didn't worry about, totally didn't, never at all -- he's not worried about that anymore.
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firewasabeast · 2 months
Prompt: Tommy's first birthday with Evan and he's turning 40
I'm sorry this took so long I think about things too much!
Buck had asked when Tommy's birthday was when they first started dating, kept it held tight in his memory bank until he could write it in his calendar, and began planning before they'd even gone on more than four dates. His birthday was still months away at that point, but somehow Buck knew he was in it for the long haul.
Over those few months, as their relationship turned more into a partnership, Buck learned that Tommy never really had birthday parties growing up. His mom would buy him a donut that morning and put a candle in it, sing to him quietly in the kitchen while his dad was nursing a hangover in the living room, and then he'd unwrap a comic book that his mom would save up to buy.
Every birthday after seventeen was spent alone, or at work, and he never mentioned it to anyone.
That meant that his 40th birthday had to be perfect. Absolutely perfect from start to finish.
Tommy had told him he didn't expect or even want anything, but Buck had made him promise he'd request the day off.
Tommy rarely said no to anything Buck asked.
Buck made sure Bobby scheduled everyone off for that day as well.
What he didn't expect was that Jee would get sick, and give whatever flu bug she had to Maddie and Chimney.
Or that Denny would break his leg playing soccer and Hen would be spending the night in the hospital.
Or that Christopher would call Eddie and ask him to fly to El Paso and bring him home.
Bobby had to cancel too. A pipe burst in May's apartment and they had to go move her into a new place.
A couple of Tommy's friends had last minute things come up too, leaving Buck to cancel on the remaining few that could make it. It would have been really lame to do all he had planned with only four or five people present.
On the morning of Tommy's birthday, Buck rolled over to see Tommy sleeping soundly beside him. His hair was all ruffled up, mouth hanging slightly open. His chest rose and fell peacefully.
So damn cute, Buck thought.
He'd broken the news to him yesterday afternoon. All the surprises he had planned had to be cancelled on the count of him having the worst luck in the world. Tommy had laughed, his face scrunched in that adorable smile that Buck could never resist. He brought Buck close to him, promised him, “Evan, I don't need anything or anyone but you.”
Still, Buck knew he could make the day just as special without anyone else. He started by quietly slipping out of bed, pulling on his boxers before heading to the kitchen.
When Tommy woke up twenty minutes later, it was to the smell of pancakes and bacon, his favorite breakfast.
“What's all this?” Tommy asked, a smile on his face. His hair was still a mess, he had on basketball shorts that he had tossed off the night before, and a very tight white shirt on that was most definitely Buck's. Buck loved getting to see him like this. Loved that he wasn't always so put together like everyone else thought he was.
“It's birthday breakfast,” Buck answered, bringing a plate of pancakes to the table before walking over to Tommy and wrapping him in his arms. He pressed a kiss to his lips, tasting the minty mouthwash Tommy had just used. “Happy birthday, babe,” he whispered once they parted.
Another kiss, Tommy moaning a little “Mm” into it this time, the way he always did when he felt overwhelmed by Buck's love. “Thank you.”
Reluctantly, he let Buck go so he could go get the bacon. Coffee was already on the table, steam still rising from the cup. Tommy sat down a took a sip.
Just the way he liked it.
“You didn't have to do this for me, Evan,” he said once the bacon was at the table and Buck was seated beside him.
“I wanted to. Now, eat up. Busy day ahead.”
After breakfast they both went to get dressed, but ended up a bit distracted. Usually Buck would be beside himself being thirty minutes behind schedule. Especially when he had spent the entire previous day planning every moment on a clipboard he had found mysteriously hidden behind the couch.
Turns out, Tommy was very excited about his breakfast pancakes and Buck couldn't find it in him to care that they weren't going to be on time.
Once they finally got dressed and out the door, they headed to the zoo. Tommy had mentioned before that he'd never been, and Buck had been determined since that day to make sure he got in a visit.
After the zoo was The Getty. It was a bit of a drive, but that didn't matter. Buck had learned two months into their relationship that Tommy was an incredible artist. He didn't make much time for it, but when he did, he put his all into it. Even when Buck didn't quite understand what Tommy had painted, he loved it. It was beautiful, because it meant something to Tommy, and that's all that mattered.
There was a late lunch after that, at one of their favorite cafe's. They sat outside and enjoyed the breeze while they sipped on lemonade and shared sandwiches.
Last was a hike. Nothing strenuous. It was more of an excuse to walk side by side, holding hands and chatting. Buck loved doing that. Loved that Tommy didn't shy away from affection. Loved how their hands fit together just perfectly, swinging between them with each step.
After that, they headed home for a movie night. Love, Actually was first, with whatever else Tommy wanted after that.
“Evan,” Tommy stopped him as they entered their house.
“Yeah?” Buck asked, turning to him.
Tommy lifted a hand to Buck's face, his thumb stroking his cheek gently. “Today was incredible.”
“You sure? I know it wasn't-”
“Ev. Incredible,” Tommy repeated.
Buck smiled, relief washing over his face. “It was, wasn't it?”
Tommy pulled him in for a kiss, stepping back until Buck was pressed up against the door.
Before it could get too heated, Buck patted his chest and Tommy reluctantly pulled away.
“There's something else for you,” he said, sliding away from Tommy and heading into the kitchen.
“Hun, I don't need anything else. You already did too much.”
“Just one more thing.” Buck got a rectangular, white box out of the fridge. Tommy wasn't sure how he'd hid it, but it was the first he'd seen of it. He walked closer, standing across the counter from Buck as he set the cake box down.
“You got me a cake, too?!” Tommy asked, his voice filled with something Buck could only describe as child-like glee.
“Of course I did.” He lifted the lid to show Tommy a beautifully decorated chocolate and vanilla marble cake, with 'Happy 40th Birthday, Tommy' written on it. “It was too late to cancel and order a smaller one,” he said as Tommy stared down at it in wonder, “so it feeds thirty people, but we can freeze it.”
“It's perfect,” Tommy said softly. He looked up at Buck, eyes wide and wet, “This whole day... perfect."
Evan walked around the counter and pulled Tommy close, resting his head in the crook of Tommy's neck, pressing a kiss there. “I love you, Tommy.”
Tommy ran his hands up and down Buck's back, a happy sigh escaping him. “I love you, Evan.”
They were both very pleasantly surprised one week later when, thinking they were going to Bobby and Athena's for a simple dinner, they opened the door to be greeted with a beautifully decorated house. Tons of balloons and streamers all around. All their friends and family there, shouting surprise as they stood under a huge 'HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY TOMMY' sign. A cake was rolled out with forty candles, and written on it was 'Someone call a firefighter!'
Tommy had to fight back the tears in his eyes. In one week he'd gone from never having a birthday cake in his life, to having two.
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sugdenlovesdingle · 2 months
Lololol can't stop thinking about Tommy going to Bobby...not to ask for his blessing but hoping that the level-headed captain will talk him OUT of proposing, only a few months into his relationship with Buck.
Like he needs someone sensible to tell him it's probably not a good idea, forgetting (or not knowing) that Bobby and Athena fast tracked their own wedding/marriage and are definitely not an example of going slow.
(Similar to how Bobby and Michael generally lost brain cells when hanging out together) he's just 'you both deserve to be happy' and 'if you know you know', and 'Buck's already planned the wedding and he won't thank you for delaying his schedule'.
lmao yes!
Bobby: Oh I'm so touched you came to ask for my blessing! I don't think it's really necessary though, but Buck will appreciate it. And of course I'll be honoured to officiate. Maybe you can even have the ceremony at mine and Athena's new place? How are you going to do it? Do you have a ring yet? Should I start looking for someone to cover for Buck when you're away on honeymoon?
Tommy: Uh... that's... I... uh... I mean... that wasn't... uh...
Bobby: Welcome to the family, son!
Tommy: *on the verge of tears* Thank you cap
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talesofely · 9 months
The (Wo)Man Who Can't Be Moved
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Pairings : Natasha Romanoff x GN/Fem!Reader
Summary : Natasha's your ex-girlfriend, she broke up with you without giving you a solid reason as to why. Obviously, you want her back. One problem, she's unofficially dating Bucky Barnes. So you decided to solve it with a little performance.
Warnings : Angst, Fluff, Hopeful Ending (?), Swearing I think, reader is mostly gender neutral but i envisioned it as a fem!reader soooo, pls tell me if u see anything else
Note : I rlly wanna make a part 2 of this, lmk what u guys think thooo
Word Count : almost 2k
Save My Tears - Part 2
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Tony decided to host another one of his famous Stark parties. This time, his excuse was that you are single again, and that Natasha and Bucky had something going on. What he didn't know was you and Natasha didn't quite end in good terms, cause she broke up with you. And of course... that you still miss her so god damn much.
So there you were, in your room, mentally preparing yourself to see the love of your life with her soon to be boyfriend. You didn't want to go, you absolutely wanted to just run away. But you couldn't. You had to show that the break up didn't affect you as much as they thought it did, even if it really did.
A knock on your door pulled you out of your thoughts.
"Come in." The door opened and revealed a redhead. You smiled sadly at the woman, it wasn't your redhead. It was Vision's.
"I told you I'm fine, Wands." You tried your best to give her a genuine chuckle. Wanda didn't seem to be convinced though.
"You look good, L/N. Trying to impress somebody?" Wanda said as she leaned against the closed door of your room.
"You already know the answer to that." You said as you shook your head, standing up to apply perfume.
"Just tell her, Y/N/N. I mean, you should shoot your shot before it's too late. I heard Buck's gonna ask her to be his girlfriend officially tonight." Wanda announced, watching you intently as you try desperately to calm your nerves.
"What am I supposed to say, Wands? Please take me back, I miss you so much, I know you broke up with me but I want you back?" You sarcastically said as you scoffed. "Plus, I don't wanna ruin what she has with Bucky. She must like him so much if she made their relationship public within three days of seeing each other."
"She isn't happy with him, and we both know that. I care about Natasha too, Y/N, I want her to be atleast happy with who she's with. Plus, how can you know she doesn't want you back if you haven't even asked?" Wanda asked with a raised brow. You didn't dare to make eye contact, just staring at the perfume bottle on your hand. "Think about it, alright?"
Wanda left your room, leaving you alone with more thoughts than you had 30 minutes ago.
Stark decided to go to the next level for this party. He had a stage in the middle of the living room, a bunch of speakers, and a mic stand.
The party was more lively than normal. Everyone was teasing the future couple, much to your annoyance. Natasha and Bucky were the center of attention.
Apparently, Bucky loves getting all that recognition and attention, but deep down you know Natasha doesn't. Your ex-girlfriend loves parties, but she doesn't like it when she's the center of attention. Bucky doesn't seem to know it considering he's showing her off like she's just a trophy.
You sat at the bar, alone, drinking your Aunt Roberta cocktail. Clint approached you, Tony right behind him. You didn't acknowledge them, just continuing to watch the 'It Couple' as Tony calls them.
"You okay, Y/n?" Clint asked with a small smile. You're guessing he didn't know what happened, you didn't know if Natasha told him how she broke your heart. You just nodded in response, drinking down the last of your cocktail.
"They're such a nice couple, right? Natasha and Bucky? I'm not glad you and Nat broke up but I'm glad they found each other." Tony said with a grin, oblivious to the fact that you want to punch him in the face.
"Mhm." You responded with another nod. You couldn't do this sober, but the alcohol wasn't doing anything.
"Hey, Y/N, you should sing! You have a great voice, right!? You used to sing for Natasha when you were still together!" Tony slurred out, obviously intoxicated now. Clint nodded in agreement, both trying to convince you to sing.
You didn't want to, you weren't in the right mood to put on a show.
However, when your eyes drift to Natasha and Bucky slow dancing to your song, 'Wonderful Tonight' by Eric Clapton, the same song you two always danced to, you snapped.
You cleared your throat to steal Tony and Clint's attention. You stood up and fixed your suit's jacket. The polo you were wearing underneath had three buttons unbuttoned, showing just enough for men and women to go wild.
"I'll go sing, Anthony. The tablet beside the mic is connected to the speakers, right?" You asked as Tony nodded eagerly. He always liked it when you sang, saying you had a specific vibe he couldn't get from other singers.
Before you could fully walk away, Clint shouted at you, making you turn around and raise a brow at him.
"Go get your girl back." He mouthed then winked. You rolled your eyes at him before flipping him off.
When you reached the stage, Steve got off and handed you the mic with a smile. You sat down on the chair, everyone was surprisingly cheering for you. Mostly everyone's eyes were on you, excited for the song you were about to play.
You didn't dare to look into the audience, in fear of meeting those green eyes you used to call home. The fondness in them wasn't for you anymore, anyways.
"Hey, everyone. I hope y'all are having an amazing night. I do hope you enjoy these songs I'm about to play." You said as you clicked the instrumental version of the song you chose, on the tablet.
Going back to the corner where I first saw you
Gonna camp in my sleeping bag, I'm not gonna move
Got some words on cardboard, got your picture in my hand
Saying, "If you see this girl can you tell her where I am?"
(Italics are flashbacks)
Three days after Natasha broke up with you, you decided to drive to a park where you two always went on. You sat on the exact bench where you asked her to be your girlfriend. Not a lot of people walked by, it was a slightly secluded area.
You stared at the lake in front of you, watching as the ducks you always used to feed with Natasha swim towards you. One duck in particular, the one you named Nibbles, the one you considered your child, approached you and stood on your foot.
You smiled sadly at him, caressing his fluffy head.
"Hi, Nibbles. Your mama isn't here, I'm sorry. We won't show up together anymore, buddy. I still promise to visit, okay?"
People were giving you weird looks but you didn't care. You just gave the duck a piece of bread that he dipped in the lake before waddling back to you so he could eat it beside you.
And how can I move on when I'm still in love with you?
You met those green eyes while singing the particular line. You couldn't read it, it had too many emotions for you to decipher. You saw her smile faltered though. You gave her a small bittersweet smile as everyone around you was singing along to the song and nodding their heads to the beat.
'Cause if one day you wake up and find that you're missing me
And your heart starts to wonder where on this earth I could be
"Where the fuck is Y/N, Wanda?" Natasha asked, barging in the younger redhead's room.
Wanda's head snapped to her door. She saw Natasha was holding the letter you left in her room over and over again, memorizing every sentence. A few tears escaped, but she immediately wiped them away. She saw how the 'Love Always, Y/N.' was smudged, like it got wet from a teardrop.
"What do you mean, Natasha? I thought you knew she left. She's gone, Nat. She left for a no-contact mission, even Fury doesn't know when she'll be back." Wanda said flatly, standing up to kick Natasha out of her room.
"Why'd you care anyways? Miss her?" Wanda said sarcastically with an eye roll.
"She didn't tell me." Natasha murmured, stepping out of the room.
"Why would she? You broke up with her, remember?" With that, Wanda closed the door to her room, making sure to lock it.
Thinking maybe you'll come back here to the place that we'd meet
And you'll see me waiting for you on the corner of the street
You walked around the park, even walking the streets where you two would 'window shop' but you end up buying her everything she looks at. Your feet stopped when you saw the familiar ice cream parlor on the corner of the street.
You remember taking her there on your first half-anniversary, right after you two finished a mission. The mission was rough, it didn't physically hurt any of you but it did take a toll on your mental states. You wanted to cheer her up and distract her so you made up an occasion to convince her to go eat ice cream.
Policeman says, "Son, you can't stay here"
I said, "There's someone I'm waiting for if it's a day, a month, a year.
Gotta stand my ground even if it rains or snows
If she changes her mind this is the first place she will go"
Your eyes met Steve's and he gave you a small smile. He remembers it too.
It was your first winter without Natasha. You were sitting on a swing in the park right in front of the compound. No one else was there except you cause it was cold and snowing really hard.
You felt someone sit on the swing beside you. It was Steve. He gave you a small comforting smile, nodding his head to greet you.
"You can't stay here all night, Y/N. It's cold, you should come in." He said in a low voice, trying to stay as casual as possible.
"I'm fine." You said, giving him an unconvincing smile.
"You're still waiting for her?" He asked. You looked at him but he was staring ahead.
You nodded timidly. "Always."
There are no holes in his shoes but a big hole in his world
"You're my world, Natasha." You murmured into her hair. You were cuddling in bed, her head on your chest.
She looked up at you, her ethereal green eyes staring up at you, filled with adoration. She smiled, that same smile that never fails to make your heart flutter no matter how many times you've seen it.
"I love you, детка." She whispered as you leaned down to press a soft kiss on her lips.
"I love you more, my Natalia."
Going back to the corner where I first saw you
Gonna camp in my sleeping bag, I'm not gonna move
When the last note ended, some were clapping, some were silent and looking at you in worry. You furrowed your brows, realizing a tear was currently rolling down your cheek.
You saw Clint giving you two thumbs up while Wanda was smiling sadly at you. You tried looking for your redhead, but you couldn't see her anywhere. Even Bucky wasn't there.
You bit your lower lip, trying to control your emotions. Did they leave together? Were they currently having the time of their life in Natasha's bedroom? Did Natasha bring Bucky to the rooftop like you two used to? Why did she leave?
You sighed and decided that you're going to take her absence as an answer to all your questions.
She moved on.
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tevanbegins · 2 months
My beloved Bucktommies, hear me out for I have rambled about some important stuff ahead related to Tommy's comeback situation for S8:
Let's not forget that the Access Hollywood interview with Lou Ferrigno Jr. and Oliver Stark would never have been arranged if Buck and Tommy's love story wasn't meant to be long-term, or continue developing further into the next season. It was a small but still a very crucial piece of press.
Why? Because it's not like it was done right after 7x04 when the hype around bi-Buck was at its peak. Instead, it was done during the second-half of the season, that too when the Bobby-focused episodes were airing. Plus, it was a major TV network interview, not some random podcast/youtube interview!
Also, they could have only had Oliver out there if the showrunner or PR team thought Lou as Tommy was inconsequential to this storyline. They evidently wanted to create buzz not only around Buck's bisexual arc but around his romance with Tommy as well, with this press. Why do all of that if the character was going to disappear shortly?
I am not clear about how it all works but I am sure Tim and his team must have discussed Tommy's future when they decided to extend Lou's contract beyond the pre-decided 4 episode appearances last season. Because why even bother showing that tiny dinner scene with Tevan in the finale if they didn't want to show us where the relationship stood?
And don't let the naysayers get into your head and compare this with the happy Buck-Natalia scene from the season 6 finale and how she was written off after that. Remember that the writers supposedly wrote that episode as a possible series finale given the uncertainty around the show's future after Fox cancelled it. But then ABC picked it up and the writers had to resume the storylines from where they had left them off.
The actress playing Natalia refused to come back, probably because I am assuming she thought her part was done and the show was supposed to end and so she took up other work. Plus there was the whole strike thing too in between. She was just a supporting character and her contract extension may not have been under consideration while they were filming season 6, because they didn't know for sure at the time if another network would renew them for a new season. And because of her refusal they had to scrap that storyline later.
The situation is quite different with Lou. The season 8 renewal announcement came early when the first-half of season 7 was on air. Therefore, Tim and the writers have had the luxury to put some plans in place for the upcoming season in advance because the renewal was official. And this must include whether or not they wanted to keep Tommy around post season 7!
And if Lou agreed to do 2 more episodes last season, I believe he must have agreed to be there for season 8 too — because if the last two episodes of S7 have served any purpose, it has been to tell us that Buck and Tommy are going strong and even the firefam approves of their relationship, deliberately cementing their relationship status as they move forward into the upcoming season.
So this can't have been all for nothing. The only reason Tommy wouldn't be in S8 is if Lou himself declined or if the filming dates were clashing with his other projects, none of which seems to be likely given the points I have discussed above. Besides, we all know how deeply invested Lou is in playing Tommy and passionate about his storyline with Buck. He wouldn't quit a role that's clearly so important and dear to him just because of the BoBs' stupid vendetta against him; he has big dreams for his career to let this childish hate towards him get in the way of a good opportunity. And he knows and sees how much we as his fans love, support, and appreciate him!
So to conclude, I have faith Tommy will be back! He has to be!!! 💫
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missvelvetsstuff · 5 months
No Benefits
Bucky Barnes x Reader, Bucky Barnes x Sharon Carter
Summary: Reader and Bucky are best friends until a drunken hook up. Bucky wants a friends with benefits situation because he doesn't feel ready for a relationship but reader knows that will lead to a broken heart.
Then Sharon Carter comes to work with them.
Notes: Steve and Tony are around but retired, everything else is mostly canon
I try to keep my Reader description vague but she's a she and above average height
Here goes nothing
Chapter 1
Warnings: Swearing, mostly angst, eventual happy ending.
Y/N, or Cookie to her friends, was at her desk, trying to finish her report so she could leave work early for one of Tony Stark's parties. This wasn't her first time but tonight her bff and mostly secret crush, Bucky Barnes, was escorting her. It wasn't the first time for that either but tonight felt different. Usually they met at the elevator but when they spoke earlier he said he would pick her up at her room. They had been getting closer in the last few months and even Steve and Sam had commented about Bucky's behavior towards her.
The night was everything she had dreamed, Bucky was attentive and always had his hands on her, respectfully of course but more intimate than he usually was. They danced much of the night and when slow songs came on he pulled her close and she could feel his breath on her neck, causing chills.
Towards the end of the night, Bucky pulled her to the elevator and kissed her until they reached his floor. They were in his room, her dress gone before she could think twice, not that she would have.
She could taste the Asgardian ale on his breath, blending with the tequila on hers. Everything was a blur of flesh and feelings she had never experienced before. She couldn't get enough, neither could he.
Y/N opened her eyes to bright light and a bedroom that wasn't hers. The pounding in her head a reminder of how much she drank last night. She looked around and realized it was Bucky's room, where she spent so much of her time. Suddenly, she realized that she was naked and her stomach dropped. She had hazy memories of shots and kisses that turned into more. The kiss in the elevator. She smiled even though her head hurt, she had been crushing on Bucky since the day they met and was amazed that he actually wanted her too.
Cookie wasn't your typical beauty, taller than most girls and with more curves than your typical agent. Of course, she wasn't a field agent but was the lead intelligence analyst on the east coast reporting directly to Maria Hill.
She reached over to find his side of the bed was cool but figured he must have gone on his morning run with Steve and Sam. She sat up and saw a bottle of water next to some pain killers, which she downed, grateful that Bucky was so thoughtful. Drinking the entire bottle of water she realized she really needed to pee. Standing slowly so as not to irritate her headache she grabbed one of Bucky's t-shirts to cover herself and went to relieve herself. When she was done she went back to sit up in bed and check her emails for today's agenda.
When she was responding to a message from Maria Hill the suite door opened and Bucky came in, sweaty and gorgeous. He saw her curled up on his bed and smiling up at him.
"Morning Buck. Good run?"
He nodded and smirked "Yeah, Sam whined at us to wait up but we just lapped him until he shut up"
"Sounds fun. Since it's Sunday and nothing is scheduled, why don't you take a shower and come back to bed?"
Bucky felt his heart stop "Look doll about last night. You know you're one of my best friends and I love you but I don't feel comfortable getting into a real relationship right now. I still have so much work to do on myself. Last night was great and I was thinking we could have one of those friends with extras, or whatever it's called. You know, to blow off steam."
Her stomach dropped and she felt her eyes filling up "You mean friends with benefits?"
He nodded enthusiastically "Yeah, that's it." he smiled hopefully.
Y/N was quiet for a minute before responding, was it worth the almost guaranteed heartbreak to have more nights like last night? She shook her head, unwilling to take that risk again.
"I'm sorry Buck but I can't do that. I get attached and end up heartbroken. I can't sleep with people that I don't have romantic feelings for."
His eyes grew wide "Wait, that means you have feelings...." He trailed off.
She nodded whispering "Yeah, I do."
Bucky's face dropped "Shit, Cookie, I'm sorry. I thought we were on the same page last night. I don't know what to say. I mean, I might develop feelings over time but I don't know. I don't want to make any promises, you know?"
She swallowed the sob that tried to escape "You don't have to say anything, we can just pretend this never happened. Ok?"
She got up from the bed, clutching the sheet to her and desperately searching for her dress from last night. When she found it she quickly put it on not realizing it was inside out.
He nodded but wasn't feeling too sure of that, he could hear her heart speed up and see her hands shaking "Yeah, sure, nothing has to change."
She smiled at him sadly, tears escaping "I uh I just remembered some paperwork I needed to finish up. I'll catch you later."
"Wait doll. I-"
"Don't worry it's fine." She cleared her throat "I could use a little space and just have work to do." She kissed him on the cheek before rushing out.
Bucky stood there, not sure how to proceed. He didn't want to lose his friend but really didn't feel like he could handle a relationship now. The stress relief from the great sex they had was something he could handle and he did have feelings for her, since the day he arrived at the compound but he knew she deserved a better man than him.
Y/N was in her office reviewing some reports to glean even the smallest details before they went to the appropriate briefing packets that the field agents would use to form their strategy, when she received a text from Captain America himself, requesting her presence in the common area.
She put away all of the classified info on her desk, locked it and locked the door on her way out. She took the elevator which opened into the common area and was surprised to see a large group of agents already there.
She heard Steve shout her name "Cookie! Over here." and saw his hand waving so headed in his direction.
Steve gave her a hug and pulled away excitedly "Look Cookie, it's my friend, Bucky."
Cookie smiled and offered her hand. When Bucky looked at her she felt her breath catch, holy shit was he gorgeous, way hotter than the pictures in his file "Pleased to meetcha Sargent Barnes"
Both of them felt sparks when they touched but Bucky responded like she had burned him pulling away quickly. Cookie's smile dropped for a second before she forced it back.
Bucky looked at her through his long hair "You too, ma'am."
She could see how he was shrinking into himself, trying to look smaller so she stepped back to give him space.
Steve looked at them both oddly but smiled softly when he heard how fast her heart was beating and the slight blush on Bucky's face. That was a look he remembered from so many years ago, when Bucky met Dot.
**end flashback**
The next few weeks were tense, Y/N and Bucky barely spoke outside of Avengers business. He was always busy, rushing to train or something every time she tried to talk to him. The guilt on his face showed everything, he hated that he hurt her but missed their time together. As soon as he saw her look at him longingly, before she realized he was looking and wiped that look from her face, he had to leave. He hated himself because he knew it hurt her more every time he avoided her but he just couldn't handle seeing her and being reminded of the pain he caused.
There were other, senior agents being trained by Steve, with Bucky and Sam, to prepare for an upcoming mission. Sifting through all the related Intel was keeping Y/N up at night and her haggard appearance had been noticed by most of the team.
They had a meeting to start going over the Intel to plan their strategy. On her way in, Y/N ran into Sharon Carter who she had worked with previously.
"Hey Agent Carter, good to see you."
Sharon laughed softly "Please, Y/N, we've worked together enough for you to call me Sharon."
Y/N laughed awkwardly "Um yeah, Sharon. So how have you been? Any luck finding the power broker?"
Sharon shook her head obviously frustrated "No, he's crafty for sure but we'll get him. Rumor is this mission relates to him."
Y/N nodded, "yeah, all of the serious crime in eastern Europe seem to lead back to him." She looked up and saw Nick Fury striding towards them and straightened her shoulders "Director Fury."
He nodded at her "Agent Y/L/N. Carter. Why don't we get this started, Cookie." He looked down at the container on top of her papers.
Y/N went to the front of the room to sit next to Fury's spot at the head of the table, setting the container in his place. She saw that Sharon sat next to Bucky and started talking to him, touching his right arm and laughing softly. Y/N saw Bucky smiling and felt her chest ache, her stomach cramp up and her throat dried since apparently all the water went to her eyes. She sat down and Sam, the only one who knew what happened with her and Bucky, gave her a sad smile and squeezed her hand.
They held hands through the entire meeting, Bucky and Sharon touching hands under the table. He never liked people touching him except for Y/N but apparently he made an exception for Sharon because he just sat smiling. He never even looked towards Y/N.
When the meeting ended, Bucky and Sharon were the first ones out the door as he quickly led her to his room.
Y/N could barely breathe and rushed to her own room, glad it was on a different floor from Bucky's because she didn't think she could handle hearing him and Sharon go at it.
For the next couple of months it went like that. Bucky and Sharon spending most of their time in his room and Y/N trying to stay busy so she didn't think about it. They were hands off outside of his room and insisted they were just friends when Sam mentioned they were always together. Bucky heard Sam grumble about how Y/N used to be the one he wanted to hang out with, but blew it off. Nothing wrong with having a couple of friends. And Y/N didn't want a casual relationship while Sharon was down for everything and was teaching Bucky a lot.
Sharon was friendly with Cookie in the beginning but started being nasty to Y/N, calling her names and throwing out barely veiled insults when Bucky wasn't around, and did everything she could to keep them apart. Not that Bucky ever seemed to notice, too wrapped up in the constant sex to see much else. Even at team functions Sharon worked to keep her away from Bucky, so much that Y/N just avoided the both of them when at all possible.
Y/N was depressed and missing her friend. She had lost weight and had dark circles under her eyes which she claimed were from working all hours. Time wasn't helping at all, she still had dreams about that night and felt an ache in her chest every time she saw Bucky. A couple of times he tried to talk to her, invite her for the movies nites that she never attended anymore but Sharon always started whining for him and Y/N took the hint and made excuses that she had paperwork or needed sleep, anything to avoid them.
Bucky, Sam and Sharon were offsite for a few days so Y/N could pour herself into work and not worry about running into them.
Late one night she was talking to one of her informants in Latvia and the connection was weak. She claimed to have the details on the Power Broker but static kept interfering with the connection.
Y/N heard banging
"Marta?! Marta are you ok? What's going on?"
There was more banging and a clicking noise then she heard Marta crying and begging.
A muffled womans voice came on the line "You better back off of the Power Broker or you will regret it"
Y/N was pissed "Who the Hell is this? Where's Marta? What did-" she heard a gunshot and the crying stopped.
The voice chuckled "She's unavailable and if you don't wise up, you will be too."
The call disconnected.
Y/N had tears in her eyes. She had met Marta a few years back, she had kids, a family. Now Y/N took that weight and swore to whoever was listening that she would make sure the Power Broker paid for this on top of all the other death and destruction.
Y/N refused to stop and eventually passed out on her laptop. She woke to a loud knocking "Y/N you in there? Fury got a package and wants you in his office 20 minutes ago."
Y/N sighed, Maria Hill. "I'll be down asap."
15 minutes later she was out of breath on her way into his office. "Cookie, there you are. I don't know who sent this but both of our names were on it so I'm hoping you know what's up."
Y/N looked over the package, Latvian stamp no return address. She sighed "Looks like it's from one of my informants in Latvia. I was on the phone with her last nite when she was shot. And a distorted womans voice told me to back off of the Power Broker or I'd be next."
Fury nodded "Alright well let's see what she had."
Y/N carefully opened the package which included a large white envelope that felt like it was full of pictures and a zip lock with a post-it that said 'fingerprints'.
Fury called an intern in to take the prints for processing as Y/N pulled out a stack of pictures. Her jaw dropped as her heart sped up and she began to shake. There was one thing the pictures all had in common......
Sharon fucking Carter.
Chapter 2
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