#even if the kiddos are just end credit animation :3
kittyball23 · 1 year
Tumblr has been a little wonky for me lately, have tried to post this poll before and am hoping that it works now bc it wasn't showing up before for some reason 0_0
But anyway, I'm super excited about Trolls Band Together and what it could bring for the Broppy ship. From what it seems, it looks like the Bridget x King Gristle wedding happens in the beginning of the movie. Since Poppy and Branch have the whole "that would be weird" feeling about the idea of their own marriage, I'm guessing this dilemma is going to be something that will be resolved by the end of the movie :3
That being said, how much do you think we're going to get out of this movie?
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matt0044 · 2 years
The Vicious Cycle of the Animation Industry
Look, I’m not too confident in myself to cover all the crap going down with HBOMax or the WB Discovery debacle outside of regurgitating what people better versed in the industry than me have covered. A glance at Twitter will speak volumes alone.
What I do intend to discuss is the common theme of animation always getting the shaft either because it’s too costly compared to whatever live action show they pump out (because VFX may as well be paid in pennies by this point) or because they’re deemed acceptable losses by the wider public.
Much as animation over all has garnered a sizable and vocal following, too many executives are high up to care about how a series is very beloved or hated. What they care is how much its raking it for them and what they should be pushing above all else.
Thus Teen Titans Go can be the most loathe show by animation and DC geeks alike but still chug along if the right amount of kids throw money at it (with their parent’s permission). Whereas a show that has thought put into its story, characters and artstyle will be meddled with to fit the mold of TTG or be cast aside if it doesn’t do gangbusters.
Of course, biased marketing departments don’t help. There’s no telling how well a more ambitious cartoon might’ve done if it had been given half the attention other shows settling for the cheap laughs had. Commercials, billboard, even friggin, YouTube ads (for all their infuriating nature) can make or break a show’s success. Yet some seem to get by in spite of the network being ambivalent towards the title.
You can’t even claim that the internet is hard to work with when Social Media managers exist for a reason. If every cartoon got its fair shake at potential success but failed due to a considerable lack of interest on the audience’s part, maybe a cancellation wouldn’t feel as gutting. It’d still hurt but in a, “Dem’s the brakes, kiddo,” sort of way.
As is, The Legend of Korra practically had Nick’s marketing in a tizzy compared to Spongebob when they could’ve tried... something. Where was all that energy they put into greenlighting three seasons at once before Book 2? Why move it to their website and not a service like Netflix where serialized stories (at the time) were thriving?
Of course, it’s hard to deny how the perception of animation from adults overall are very likely shared with the producers who oversee these cartoons. Despite the medium being profitable to not let go of full stop, too much animation with no so insignificant follows get the axe likely because the mainstream perception of animation being a lesser media seeps into the inmates running the asylum.
1.Many adults see cartoons and animation overall as for kids.
2. The public overall internalizes this idea of it being a lesser medium despite some productions crunching their staff big time.
3. Those of the public go on to work for companies like WB and/or Disney where they may help oversee animation production.
4. The aforementioned attitudes lead to animation being seen as expendable in lew of any money problems (often of their own doings).
I mean... you know it’s bad when Disney granted The Owl House something when it came to shortening Season 3 when it could’ve just had King’s Tide be the end of it. Not to give too much credit but I’d take a shorter season for a show getting the boot to end. At the very least they can have the creators and their team make their cases why they shouldn’t just be written off.
So... what now? It’s easy to say “support indie creators” when forgetting how there can be a lot of uncertainty in a lot of unknown media. It’s not just corporations feeding into the “nothing’s original” phenomenon suffice to say. What I can say is that a “NewDeal4Animation” trends for a reason.
Those working in this industry need to unionize and make it clear as goddamn crystal that they are not okay with how things are as of now. If they’re employed to work on a project for a company, they need to be valued and not be neglected or abused. And we fans can help by stepping up whether or not this might be trending.
This is a worker’s rights issue by any other name and needs solving ASA-Now!
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retroellie · 4 years
Ellie Williams as a mom
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Summary: Ellie and Joel daughter!reader as moms <3
A/N: I’m not done with requests but this was in my head so i had to do it :)  Also sorry i haven’t been active, i have literally had no motivation at all lmao. 
Warnings: Mentions of NSFW, mentions of miscarriage (not really but just incase) 
Word count: 1.5K 
- When you found out you were pregnant, oh my lord she was so excited. (Lets just say y’all were planning it so it’s not like the dina situation) 
-You guys keep in on the down low for a minute just so you know your pregnant and your not gonna lose the baby
-It literally eats her up inside cause she wants to show you off
-Once you get past like 3 months, you can’t really hide it anymore so the first person you tell is your dad (Joel) 
-Joel is so happy oml he could cry 
-Than slowly everyone finds out, everyone loved you and ellie so this baby wasn’t just yours it was the community’s 
-Everyone was happy for the two of you 
-Ellie was the most excited though, she loved every single thing about you being pregnant 
-She would caress your belly, giving it soft kisses while you tried to take a nap 
-She would talk to your little belly too<3 
-”Hey kiddo, it’s your mom. Well your other mom, hey i wonder how that would work?? Will they call us both mom.” 
-”You know, you're gonna have the coolest family. You got your Granddaddy Joel, the coolest man ever. You have your momma, just like her daddy the coolest most badass woman you’ll ever meet.” 
-”One day, when you get older. I’m gonna take you to the moon with me and of course your momma’s gonna come with us.”
-Everything you need she gets you, she wants to spoil both of her babies
-She loves seeing you pregnant but she hates the effects it has on you 
-Your really tired all the time, your feet swell up sometimes, and the stomach aches you get 
-Around 4 or 5 months you decide to get the farmhouse, y’all want your own space with each other and the baby 
-Joel’s not really happy about it, he doesn’t want his babygirl to get hurt ya know 
-”You guys can build a little farmhouse here in jackson, you know where there’s protection and your families here.” 
-”Dad, I love it here but we need our own space. I want this kid to grow up independent, you never know what’s going to happen to me and ellie.” 
-Joel can’t fight with you, he just gives in because it’s what you want and he wants you to be happy
-Plus he will most definitely do country boy things there because he’s a whore for a good farm house 
-Moving out was hard for you, you had to say goodbye to your friends even if you do live literally 5 minutes from Jackson plus girl your pregnant; hormones are going crazy 
-The whole town help you guys get situated, imaging that is so cute idc 
-The pregnant sex in the farmhouse hits differently because your horny all the time and ellie just loves how sensitive you are because of the hormones
 -I swear y’all have sex at least 3 times a day
-Morning sex, after breakfast sex, lunch sex, ‘this painting is tiring’ sex, before and after dinner sex, shower sex, before bed sex 
-Maria is definitely planned a baby shower for y’all and she went full on out 
-Obviously babies are born in Jackson often but it’s not every day when the town leader’s niece is having a baby, so it’s huge 
-Joel gave you a crib he made, LORD IMMA CRY WAIT A MINUTE 
-Everyone pitches in to give y’all something 
-You and ellie decorate the nursery together, it’s definitely space themed idc 
-Joel and tommy help too :) Joel helps paint the crib he made with stars and rocket ships 
-It takes 5 days to complete but it’s so worth it
-The walls are painted dark blue with white little stars and your dad helped you make a little planet mobile 
-By the time your 7-8 months you guys are mostly comfortable and happy, the house is almost done and the farm is growing little by little 
-There’s still stuff to do around the house and it bothers you so you're always doing stuff 
-Ellie hates it because mama you are literally about to pop and you still out here carrying pieces of wood upstairs 
-”Baby, you gotta be careful or your gonna end up giving birth on the stairs” She jokes
 -”I’m not incapable of doing things baby, i’ll be fine; plus it’ll build her muscles up, she’ll be okay.” You joke back 
-Joel always told you that you were like your mom, never stopping even if your carrying another human in your stomach 
-Around the end of 8 months you had decided to stay back at Jackson because you could go into labor at any time 
-When you finally give birth it is the hardest thing you have ever done 
-Your family is in the room with you and ellie is holding your hand, even throughout the pain you're still cracking jokes with ellie 
-”Woah! Okay your hand is all the way inside” 
-”Womb tour *sobs*” 
-”If i go through all this pain for my baby to not like David bowie, i swear it’s going back in.” 
-Ellie is literally dying of laughter
-She holds you hand the entire time and she gives you soft kisses
-When the baby finally get here, there is a wave of relief that comes over you
-You stay in Jackson for a little bit for a week or 2 until you guys can go back home
-Ellie does literally everything you need her to do because your still healing 
-She will gladly stay in bed with you all day if you need her too 
-She willingly gets up in the middle of the night with the baby just to let you sleep and it hurts her heart when she has to wake you up to breastfeed 
-Speaking of breastfeeding, it makes her blush a little when your breastfeeding 
-She finds it so hot when you parent, idk how to explain it but it just gets her going 
-She also loves your mom bod, like your boobs got a lil more bigger and your hips got wider 
-She just loves you as a mom, like she thinks you are so hot 
-Ellie loves holding the baby, She’s so soft and small. She will never get over how pure she is 
-Ellie will show her around the farm, showing her all the animals and making her giggle 
-She’ll love to spend time with the baby, she’s such a good mommy i swear 
-She will definitely make time for you of course
-You guys don’t even have to smash to feel satisfied, just 20 minutes alone with each other would be good enough for the both of you 
-She loves when you call her mommy throughout the day 
-”Well good morning mommy” 
-”Does mommy wanna watch too.” 
-It’s so soft and cute, ugh she’s just a big ole softy now 
-Grandpa joel....that’s all
-He’d be such a good grandpa, he would spoil that child rotten 
-He would tell you how to parent, as annoying as it could be sometimes you appreciate the help because you honestly have no idea what you're doing sometimes 
-”You're patting her too softly, you have to do it a bit harder.” 
-”Dad... I know what i’m doing.” 
-”I know, i know. I just want her to get a good burp in, don’t we?” He said to the baby, smiling down at her 
-Joel definitely babysits all the time, like he will straight up ask you if he could take your kid in for the night 
-you and ellie let him, obviously y’all need a decent night of sleep and a night full of... you know ;)
-Ellie does yoga with you to help you get back in shape, ellie doesn’t think you need too because she loves your belly <3 (your beautiful babe :))
-But you just want to regulate your body back a little bit
-You guys and the baby would have little pinics together, they are so cute 
-You have pictures upon pictures of the baby on the wall, like literally your baby has taken over the house 
- Dancing with the baby obviously 
-Ellie would read to the baby a lot, there has been countless times when she had fallen asleep in the rocking chair with the baby 
-Ellie massages your boobies when they get sore from breastfeeding, she feels so bad :(
-Joel and Tommy make wooden toys for the baby, they get so excited to give them to the baby 
-Her room is filled with toys from them and she is literally still an infant lmao 
-OH AND TOMMY AS AN UNCLE(??) luckiest kid ever 
-You both do farm work with the baby or one of you does farm work while the other keeps the baby from crying 
-You guys won’t force your baby to play with barbies if she doesn’t want to 
-but when she gets old enough ellie plans on taking her out in the city for practice of killing infected 
-That scares you but your award you both have to prepare her for anything that happens 
-But besides that y’all are the cutest parents and ellie deserves to be happy with her daughter :)
(Credits to gif owner) 
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What if...? Part 8
Yeah, so we ended up with 9 parts (plus possibly an epilogue, depending on how long 9 turns out) instead of 4... or 5... or 7/8... As I said; I’ve given up restraining this story as you lovely, lovely enablers kept throwing encouraging fuel to the writing fire and muse molotovs at me. The comments and reblogs are cat nip to a writer and I am a weak, weak soul who can only say; thank you so much <3
What if Dulsissia hadn’t died, what if she had grabbed Corin and fled? What if she met Davarax? What if…
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7
Part 8
Davarax has to be tired and Dulsissia can see places on his underarmor that is scorched and torn, which tells her he probably has new scars to join his old ones, but he ignores it all in favour of catching up with what has happened in the children’s lives.
Paz doesn’t seem to mind the others bombarding him with questions too, especially about the helmet, he’s grown even taller and seem to have gained some muscle, but Dulsissia feels a tiny twinge in her heart at that he also seem more quiet and subdued than before.
Maybe it is just the side-effect of having spent over a year with his father that close? Maybe things will become more normal now that Paz is back with the other children? Dulsissia hopes so. But she wouldn’t place any credits on it.
It’s surprisingly difficult to let go of them when the time comes, so Dulsissia aims the words to herself as much as the children when she explains that Davarax and Paz need to rest for a bit. And, yeah, get cleaned up. But how about they have a welcome home meal later?
It’s a bittersweet event. Dulsissia wants to kick herself when she watches Paz sit by the table and be unable to eat anything. His t-visor rests occasionally on the food, but he doesn’t comment on it.
Needing to distract herself from the sight, Dulsissia turns to Barthor. “Can you hand me the water, baby?”
Sighing as if greatly put upon, Barthor reaches out and hands her the water pitcher. “You know, I’m going to be the next to get the helmet. I’m not a baby, so maybe not refer to me as one?”
A completely irrational burst of anger flares up inside her and Dulsissia snaps her fingers at him. “Hey.” She snaps her fingers at the rest of them, gaining everyone’s attention. “I’m going to make something perfectly clear here and now. You? You are all my babies. All of you. I don’t care how old you are, how many helmets you put on, whatever right or wrong you do, whether you’re fifty and have babies of your own, even grandbabies, I don’t care; I’m going to call you my babies. Deal with it.”
Barthor flushes a deep red, Din blinks wide-eyed, Raga shrugs and Corin merely keeps eating as he resigned himself to his fate years ago. Paz… She has no idea how he responds. He looks at her, but the helmet hides his expression and he remains silent.
“I assume that includes me as well then?” Davarax drawls, leaning back in his chair. “Since you said ‘all of you’? Nice. I’m going to be the first baby ever with stubbles.”
That has the children laughing and Dulsissia to be the one blushing. She gathers herself and looks directly into his t-visor. “I guess so. Baby.”
The children laugh even more, but Davarax picks up on the suggestive tone of her voice and she can almost see him choke on his smugness. Hah.
At the end of the evening, Dulsissia makes sure to bundle up some of the food in a box that she hands to Paz by the door. “Here you go. I added some sweets too. Don’t tell the others.”
Paz huffs a faint laugh. He’s clearly spent time with Davarax too, by the sound of it. Then, after a moment of hesitation, Paz moves forward, slides his arms around her waist and hugs her close.
Closing her eyes, Dulsissia instantly leans down to wrap her own arms around him. “Welcome home, baby.” She whispers and her heart aches when she feels a faint shiver go through him.
And when the boy doesn’t let go, keeps holding on to her, a little too tight, Dulsissia has to fight the urge to try to pick Paz up and carry him like she’ll do to the smaller children.
Eventually Paz does let go, steps away and reaches out a hand, which Raga is quick to take and the children start to flood out of the room, until it is only Corin left, who starts cleaning off the table, and Dulsissia who walks over to the door to say good night to Davarax.
Leaning against the door frame, he reaches out and tucks a lock her hair behind her ear. “I really did miss you.” His voice so very soft and gentle.
Dulsissia struggles to look up at his t-visor, smiling. “Good.” She tugs lightly at the fabric just above his breastplate. “Because I missed you too. Are you okay? I saw the damage to your clothes.”
“Yeah, just minor injuries. Had to clean up a little rabble, but with Dez going through them like a hammerhead corvette, they weren’t a problem for long.”
Long enough for Davarax to be injured. Does Paz have scars too now? Dulsissia feels another rush of gratitude that they’d made it home. “You’re going to stay for a while now, right?”
“Absolutely.” Davarax’ gloved fingers come up to touch her lips for the briefest of seconds, then his hand move over to cup her face and he leans down so they can ever so gently touch foreheads, a modest touch in front of Corin’s suspicious eyes. “Good night, Dulcy.” He straightens and looks over at Corin. “Good night, Corin.”
“Good night,” Corin replies, “I’m glad you’re home again.”
“Me too.” Davarax replies, takes a final glance at Dulsissia and then walks back to his own room.
Knowing he’s right across the hall and yet also aware of how he needs to rest more than… anything else leaves Dulsissia squirming in her bed all night and very grumpy in the morning.
Her bad mood doesn’t get to last long. She and Corin have barely eaten breakfast before there is a knock on her door and she finds an uncharacteristically energetic Davarax.
“If you have something planned today, cancel it.” He blurts out.
Blinking wide-eyed, Dulsissia then raises an eyebrow. “Okay?”
Davarax turns to leave, but pauses and looks back at her. “And maybe tomorrow too. Yeah, cancel tomorrow too.”
He’s gone before she can ask any questions so she sends her son a quizzical look.
Corin looks equally puzzled and can merely shrug in response.
It’s about two hours later that Davarax appears again. He’s got a bag hanging on his right shoulder and the other children with bags of their own behind him. “We’re heading out.”
Curious, Corin wanders over to where Dulsissia is standing in the doorway and she automatically yanks him close so not get infected by whatever insanity has struck Davarax. “Out? Who? Where?”
“You, me, the kids.” Davarax gestures.
Dulsissia shakes her head, confused and increasingly worried. “But… it’s not allowed. Is it?”
“Not usually, no.” Davarax admits, gesturing her to come with them. “But I, uh, asked nicely.”
“We did it once before.” Raga pipes up, all smiles and excitement. “It was awesome!”
To her surprise, Dulsissia sees even Din is almost bouncing with happy energy. She looks over at her son, who is increasingly affected by the insanity despite her best efforts. He is grinning up at her with a hopeful look on his little face.
“Please, mommy? Please?”
“We’ll look after you two.” Paz declares.
Dulsissia looks over at Davarax, who tilts his head a little and says; “Trust me?”
Sighing, she shrugs. “Okay.”
It’s unnerving to to leave the Covert with the kids in tow. Heading into Nevarro by herself is scary enough, which means Dulsissia is ready to fire her blaster at her own shadow if it so much as looks at the children wrong.
Davarax leads them out of the city, he seems relaxed and confident enough, and Dulsissia actually feels a hint of fondness when she sees the less-than-shiny ship that had brought her and her son to safety.
Din actually runs ahead and Davarax presses the button on his vambrace to lower the ramp for the boy. And of course, where Din goes, Corin follows.
“I don’t get his fascination with that ship.” Barthor drawls, before casting a quick glance up at Davarax. “No offence.”
Davarax hums. “You’re riding in the back for that one, kiddo.”
“Oh, come on!” Barthor whines and Raga cackles at his misfortune before she jumps up on Paz’ back and he carries her on board the ship.
The surprises continue when the Razor Crest do not set course for space but heads west and keeps going west. Dulsissia peeks out the transparisteel, trying to tell herself not to be worried that Davarax is letting Din fly the ship more or less by himself and is fascinated by how the volcanic landscape turns more and more green and lush. Soon there are rivers and trees and even animal life.
It’s beautiful.
“Do you see it?” Davarax asks, standing next to to the pilot seat, one hand on Din’s shoulder and one hand on Corin’s shoulder as he stands next to the Mandalorian; mute with awe.
“I see it.” Din replies, flicking some switches and pressing some buttons. “Going in for landing.”
Davarax turns his head and shouts to the ones in the cargo area: “Buckle in, womp rats! We’re about to land!”
In her usual seat, Dulsissia flinches a little at the loudness but waves off Davarax’ sheepish apology.
She’s curious now. What is this place?
The landing is bumpy and a little scary, she can see Davarax about to intervene, but Din does manage to set the ship down without killing them all.
Outside the ship, they step into the gentle sunlight and the smell of damp soil and Dulsissia is amazed. She’s never seen such lush greenery. This is very different from the sterile enviroment of Seswenna, where everything is controlled and dictated by humans and what they deem to be in fashion, the polluted city she and Corin had met Davarax in or the dust-covered Nevarro.
Davarax picks up his bag and hers before gingerly nudging her with his shoulder, “Come.” and walks off.
She follows.
They come to a halt in a clearing and Davarax starts setting up what looks to be a camp site. He sets the children to different chores and only gives an absent sigh when he kneels next to what will probably become a fire place. “Paz, can you make sure,” Raga runs by him and climbs up the trunk of a nearby tree, “she doesn’t do that…”
Paz shrugs. “She’ll be fine. She got this.”
Davarax hums, not convinced but not visibly surprised by the incident or the response.
A little lost, Dulsissia stands at the outskirts of the site. She tries to hold on to Corin, but that only lasts for a couple of minutes before Corin frees himself to run after the others who take off with determination to finish their chore first. Watching in mild distress, she isn’t sure what to do with herself.
“Having you ever camped outside before?” Davarax asks.
Dulsissia shakes her head. The thought is a bit terrifying, but then she remembers that this last year she has been doing countless things she’s never done before. She can do this too. Taking a breath, she steps forward. “How can I help?”
The hours rush by. Davarax seems to be able to predict whatever madness they get up to, but Dulsissia struggles to keep up with the children exploring everything from tiny bugs to the massive creatures flying overhead, arguing, wrestling and climbing and generally getting incredibly dirty. Yet, she hasn’t heard them laugh so much in… ever?
“We should try to round up the rampant blurrgs and head back to the camp site.” Davarax says some time during mid-day. “We need to feed them before they try to eat each other…”
Dulsissia makes a thoughtful hum. Paz is somewhat clean, but Din and Barthor look like part mud-horns, while both Raga and Corin are more mud than child at the moment. “Yes, but… there is one thing we should do first.”
Davarax looks over at her. “What?”
She grins.
Fifteen minutes later, she wades into the river, still trying to tie up her hair, and proves to the others that stripping down to your underwear and going into the water isn’t going to kill them. Dulsissia learned to swim at a very young age, but she’d never been allowed to bring Corin out to teach him, and it sounds like the Covert children haven’t seen much of rivers and oceans at all.
The river here isn’t too deep, about waist height on her, and the temperature is cool but not cold.
Corin is the first to enter, following his mother like an obedient baby-porg, and once he is in; Din has to follow despite being clearly anxious of the liquid death trap. Raga will not be the accused of cowardice, so she stomps in next and grabs an anxious hold of Din. Barthor hesitates for a long time, but eventually he’s too curious to resist and joins them as well and then the splashing begins.
Davarax and Paz are the only ones who do not enter the water at all, despite the laughter and the splashing and encouragements from the others. Dulsissia suspects Davarax stays on land to keep Paz company.
After almost one hour, she wades back up on land, still laughing at a rather successful splash attack on both Corin and Din as they were trying to gang up on her. “Davarax?” While Paz is sitting cross-legged on the riverbank, Davarax is standing partially turned away and staring at the forest.
Instantly worried, Dulsissia inches over to him. “What’s wrong? Is there something out there?”
“No. No, nothing wrong. Everything is fine.”
Things are clearly not fine. He’s really tense and refuses to stop staring at the forest. “Then why-”
“Listen, if the kids weren’t here, I would be looking at you. Trust me, I would be looking. I would be looking so much. I would not stop looking. But they are here and… so I can’t. Okay?”
Stupidly flattered, Dulsissia reaches out and gives him an apologetic pat on the arm. “I’ll get dressed.”
Davarax replies with a tense nod.
After they eat, Dulsissia is in the middle of trying to land a raspberry on the shrieking and flailing Barthor’s neck after he called her old when Davarax orders them up on their feet and to huddle together. He lifts his vambrace and declares it is time for a new holo-picture considering that their family has grown.
It’s a wonderful idea, it only saddens Dulsissia a bit when Davarax seems surprised when she insist on him being in the holo as well. Against all rules, he sets the vambrace on the ground and it scans them all together.
Dulsissia’s big challenge comes when dark has settled and the exhausted children are piled up together next to the camp fire, so deep into sleep that a Star Destroyer couldn’t wake them up. She tries to arrange her blanket on the ground, gingerly removing stick after nasty stick and pointy rock that is determined to poke her everywhere, but sleeping on the ground is not going to be easy.
“Having trouble?” Davarax asks, sounding amused. He’s sitting with his back against the trunk of a tree with his legs stretched out in front of himself, absently whittling away at a small twig.
“A bit.” Dulsissia admits with a sigh and gets up on her knees to stare down at her blanket.
“Hey…” Davarax calls for her to look his way and he sheaths the blade before tossing the twig away and nodding her over. “Come here?”
Smiling a little, Dulsissia gathers up her blanket and makes her way over. She settles next to him and as he lifts his arm to fit her under it, Dulsissia arranges the blanket to cover their legs.
Davarax does his laughter-huff. “I don’t need-”
“Shush. We’re sharing.” Dulsissia states, tucking their legs in before leaning back against him. She’s childishly pleased to feel his arm around her.
The ground is still hard, Davarax’ armor even more so, and still she can hear herself make a satisfied sigh just from being close to him again and being worn out from the day. She feels… happy. Content. “Today was nice. Really nice. Thank you.”
“Thank you.” Davarax says in a solemn voice, quietly, for her ears. “My only comfort while being away was the fact that my kids were in good hands.” He sighs. “Usually when I get back, they... One time I had to spend three hours persuading Din to come out from his hiding place. Do you know this is the first time I’ve come back to smiles instead of tears?”
Dulsissia closes her eyes for a moment, determined not ruin the moment with her tears, and she takes his hand between hers. “It’s like you said; they are good kids. They are. I’m just sad not everyone can see that.” She lifts his hand and presses her lips to the glove. “And I’m so very happy they have you.”
“Us.” Davarax pulls her a little closer. “They have us.”
It takes a couple of days for him to catch up on his other obligations to the Covert and only then does Davarax tell Dulsissia to appear thirty minutes before the children, just like that very first time.
“Okay, show me what Decco has taught you.” Davarax says as he walks into the training room in front of her. “Impress me, Dulcy.”
She doesn’t really think. She just acts, assuming he’s prepared. So when her foot shoves hard at the back of his knee, made easy due to her walking behind him, and Davarax goes sprawling with a squawk; Dulsissia is horrified and drops to her knees next to him. “I’m so sorry! Are you okay?”
Davarax rolls over on his back and sighs. “Nothing hurt but my pride.” He then actually laughs a little. “Next time I will clarify to wait until we have actually started the lesson.”
Dulsissia awkwardly tucks her hair behind her ear and tries a smile. “At least I managed to knock you down this time.”
“You knocked me off my feet the second you ran to protect your son instead of just fleeing when I shot those men in the alleyway.” Davarax replies in a fond voice. “I haven’t been able to take my eyes off you since.”
Dulsissia’s heart does a flip. It hasn’t done that while he was gone. It feels nice. And a light touch makes her look down and she sees how he is reaching out two fingers on the hand next to her to brush them lightly back and forth across her knee. The contact feels even nicer. She remembers...
She looks down at the floor and her face burns. “Maybe… Maybe we don’t have to train today? Maybe we could… hide in your room for a bit? Do you want that?”
“No.” Davarax replies.
The embarrassment triples and a sting of humiliation hurts bad. She’d just assumed… Her mistake.
Davarax hoists himself up on his left elbow and his right hand comes up to cup the side of her face. “I need more. Less than thirty minutes? It’s not enough. It’s nowhere enough for me. I can’t. I’m sorry, Dulcy, but I need more. I need hours. I need to love you, hold you, savour you...”
His voice is raw with that very need, and the heat in Dulsissia’s face has suddenly nothing to do with embarrassment of humiliation. It feels like all of her is burning.
She lifts her gaze and looks at his t-visor. “Tonight then?”
Davarax’ breath hitches and he only barely manages a faint nod. “If you want to?”
Dulsissia breaks into an embarrassed laugh, having trouble believing this man is real. “I’m the one throwing myself at you here.”
“Technically you kicked me to the floor.” Davarax offers as a weak joke.
They both end up laughing and she gives his arm a half-hearted slap. “And I said I was sorry. Now get up. We have some training to do.”
Davarax grunts. “I thought I was the teacher and you obeyed my every word?”
“You are and I did, but that only ended up with you eating floor, so maybe we should change it up a little?” Dulsissia sends him a challenging look and that finally gets him up on his feet with the snort of an offended bantha. 
Suddenly he’s all business and no play. Dulsissia tries several times, but she fails to send him crashing to the floor again.
Later, when the children emerge, eager to train, she stays to watch. She’s amazed at the progress her son has made since they arrived her. He is not as advanced and smooth as the others, but even without maternal bias involved, Dulsissia can see that Corin is becoming quite the skilled fighter. He’s got talent.
As for the other kids; Barthor lacks strength, but his speed is unmatched. Raga is quite the brawler, willing to take punches if it means winning a fight and absolutely fearless.
The only thing that saddens Dulsissia is the change in Paz. He still supervises the others, corrects them when they do something wrong, but when his fist connects with Corin’s cheekbone and he knocks him down; he does not apologize.
She wonders what Paz has seen, what he went through last year. Some scars aren’t physical.
After training, Corin asks if Din can eat at their place and Dulsissia nods. It’s the same question, every day, and she always gives the same answer. But today it also gives her the opportunity to ask a question of her own.
“Can I ask you something?” Dulsissia leans against the wall next to where Davarax is standing, prodding at his vambrace.
“Sure.” He replies, not looking up from whatever he’s doing.
“Din’s parents. His Mandalorian parents. Why did you choose them?”
Davarax pauses and finally looks up at her. “I didn’t. I mean, I agreed to it. I don’t know her too well, but I’ve served with his father in the Fighting Corps. He’s a loyal man. A good Mandalorian.”
“Din is not happy there.”
Davarax sighs and looks over at where the boys are disappearing out the door. “I know.”
“Isn’t there anything you can do?” Dulsissia asks. “Or, is there anything I can do?”
“I’ll talk to them.”
It’s almost funny. Dulsissia would laugh if she wasn’t so frustrated. In her youth, she had waited impatiently for Antonia to fall asleep so she could sneak out to meet boys. Now, a mother herself, she is waiting for her son to fall asleep so she can sneak out to meet a man.
No, not just ‘a man’. Davarax. Her heart does another flip at the very thought.
“Mom, are you okay?” Corin asks, a little concerned, bless his soul. He’s sitting in his bed, reading, blissfully calm after a long day of hard work pretending to be a bounty hunter with the others.
Dulsissia looks over at him, realizes she’s forgotten to pretend to be reading as well and is just tapping a nail restlessly at the datapad instead. She puts on a smile. “I’m fine, baby. I’m just thinking about what to get you for your birthday, that’s all. You keep reading.”
Corin beams her a happy smile before obediently going back to his story.
Dulsissia closes her eyes and wills time to speed up.
Time seems to drag on even more slowly, but after about a million standard years, Dulsissia finally dares to slip out of bed and tiptoe out of the room.
Her heart is racing and her pulse is thumping in her veins and she’s not even in the same room as Davarax! At least this time she’s had the good sense to put on something more flattering than the white sack, plus made sure her hair doesn’t look like the backside of a wookiee. And when she gingerly knocks on the door and it opens to reveal Davarax without his armor, merely his clothes, she knows he’s been thinking about this as much as she has.
She steps inside the room, the door closes behind her and for a second she and Davarax are just looking at each other. Unbearable hunger pulsating between them. A craving so strong Dulsissia doesn’t even want to resist it. She wants to be loved, held and savoured.
The second she steps towards him, he moves towards her. When her hands reach up and her arms go around his neck, his hands reach down and take a hold of her hips, lifting her up like she weighs nothing. Holding on to each other like they die if they didn’t, he carries her towards the bed.
Davarax had said hours and he had meant it. Dulsissia is amazed to find his hunger doesn’t stop between the bouts of lovemaking that leave her gasping for air. Instead she shivers with soft happiness as he trails his bare hands over her naked skin and whispers his love for all of her, body and soul. There is actual reverence in both of his voice and his touch. He sounds like a man in love.
Dulsissia gets to learn him as well and memorizes it all. He has two new scars. His neck is really sensitive. He goes weak when her lips touches his skin. And she can almost lull him to sleep by gently running her fingers up and down his back for a little while. She loves him so much it hurts.
An interesting revelation comes when Dulsissia declares that those tiny refresher showers could not fit two people, not in a billion standard years, and Davarax proves her wrong. Now she can never shower again without blushing…
For the last hour, all they do is lie curled up together in his bed, sharing each other’s warmth, watching with lazy satisfaction as their fingers play together in a slow, pointless dance of touching, braiding, stroking.
Content. There’s that word again.
Dulsissia is sad to leave, by the time she’s by the door they have already been through three kov’nyns and she pauses a final time to burrow her face to his neck and inhale the scent of him before forcing herself to leave. Davarax doesn’t let go until he absolutely has to.
They will have this again, Dulsissia tells herself. Don’t worry. They will definitely have this again.
And while her own bed feels lonely and cold, it still doesn’t take long before Dulsissia falls into an exhausted and satisfied sleep.
Three hours later, Corin has to call her name twice before she reluctantly opens her eyes and forces herself out of bed to start the day. She’s still half-asleep when they eat breakfast.
“Are you sure you’re okay, mom?” Corin asks, frowning. “You look tired.”
Dulsissia hides her smile behind her second cup of caf. “I’m okay, sweetie. I promise. I’m more than okay. I’m really good. And to prove it, I am going to bake those sugar cookies today and you guys can have as many as you want after training. I’ll pack some for Paz. How does that sound?”
Corin lights up, beaming with delight. “That sounds awesome. You are the best, mom.”
“So I’ve been told.” Dulsissia mumbles with smug delight, sipping more caf.
She plans her day thoroughly, making sure to have time free when she knows Davarax will have time off and hopes that maybe they can spend time together. One of the first things she does is grab her cookies and head up to Nevarro while Corin and Din are working on some project with Barthor.
It’s kind of funny how several of her regular buyers are some of the scruffiest looking bounty hunters in the city, but Dulsissia knows they are a lot kinder than they look.
She does not expect, after finishing a transaction, to hear a horribly familiar voice.
Her blood runs ice cold, fear clamps around her heart, and Dulsissia needs a moment before she slowly turns around and faces the one who had spoken. It’s him. How is it possible? How did he find her? “Vecon.”
Short, dark hair combed back into slick order, the same cold grey eyes as Macero, the younger and less handsome brother, Vecon Valentis studies her from head to toe and then snorts a laugh. “It is you. What are you doing here on Nevarro? Wow. You look a mess, Dulsissia. How the mighty Motti has fallen, eh?” Vecon scouts the surroundings. “Where is the kid?”
Cold sweat is breaking out on her skin. Dulsissia tries to keep a neutral expression on her face. “I ran out of funds. Couldn’t feed him. So I left him on a different planet with some kind souls and told them I’d be back for him.”
Vecon looks at her, digests the words and ends up shrugging. “Oh well. We’ll find him. If he’s still alive.”
She will never let him get his hands on Corin. Never. Dulsissia turns to run, but four storm troopers are now standing there. She swallows hard, forcing the panic away, before turning back to face her former brother-in-law.
“Don’t bother trying to run.” Vecon drawls, picking up a package with cookies from her small make-shift table and he studies them. “My brother wants you back and I would hate to have to mess up that pretty face of yours.” He drops the cookies to the ground and smirks. “Are you going to come nicely? Please say yes.”
Dulsissia knows he’s hoping she’ll say no. While Vecon has nothing personally against her and probably won’t harm her unprovoked, she has wronged his brother and that cannot be forgiven. She could try to run, but odds are against her. Five of them, one of her. She has a weapon, but so do they and while they most likely wouldn’t shoot to kill, it would be easier to escape without a blaster wound to slow her down. Also, even if she did manage to run, where would she run to? There is no way she will lead them to the Covert.
No, better go with them and find a way to escape before they get to Macero.
Dulsissia sticks her chin out. “Fine. Let’s go.”
Vecon smiles and steps forward, his boot crunching the cookies under it, reaching out to twirl a blonde lock of her hair around his index finger. “Excellent.” He glances down her body. “Hand over your weapons, please.”
Of course he won’t let her keep her weapons, but Dulsissia still hesitates. Davarax had given her these weapons. They were gifts from him. That makes them precious to her. “What if I promise not to use them?”
Vecon chuckles and gestures to the storm troopers, who don’t hesitate to grab her arms and start pawing all over her to look for weapons. Fighting against them is pointless, but she still struggles.
“Bring her.” Vecon orders once the blaster and blade are claimed and they proclaim her safe.
Dulsissia tugs angrily to free herself from the soldiers’ grip on her arms, but she walks with them.
Get them away from the Covert. Get them away from her loved ones. Then escape. Somehow.
A meagre comfort is how the many eyes watching this will at least inform Davarax of what happened and her son will be cared for.
A massive vehicle is waiting at the outskirts of Nevarro and Dulsissia is brought on board with Vecon and the storm troopers to join another group already seated there. Every soldier present is watching her with curiosity, more than one white helmet tilts and gives them an almost innocent look of inquisitiveness, but she knows these are people who wouldn’t kill her if ordered to do so.
The drive is bumpy and uncomfortable, but Dulsissia barely notices. She sits, back straight and stares emptily ahead at the wall, thinking about what Corin will think when she doesn’t come back. The Covert will have no trouble uncovering what has happened to her, but the thought of the fear her son will feel is killing her. His father is suddenly so very close and he has lost his mother for who knows how long? Forever?
No. Not forever.
Dulsissia will find her way back to him. To them. She will.
They arrive at the base and she is brought inside by the ones who had dragged her out of Nevarro. Vecon is talking on some communication device, clearly rescheduling his plans as he has something more important to do; bring back his brother’s property.
Shortly after that, she’s brought on board a huge imperial ship and locked away in a small, bare room clearly designed for prisoners a lot more dangerous than her.
Dulsissia sits down on the hard bench meant to be a bed, draws her knees up to her chest and wraps her arms around them. She doesn’t cry. She refuses to cry. She won’t give Vecon that.
A meal is brought to her twice a day, but otherwise she is left to slowly rot from boredom and fear.
Then comes the day when an officer steps inside her cell and holds out a bundle of clothes towards her.
“You are to wear this.” The woman orders with cold distaste. “The Colonel will see you in fifteen minutes. Make yourself presentable.”
The doors slide open and Dulsissia steps into the room where Vecon is sitting. The table in front of him is covered with all kinds of luxury food that Dulsissia used to love and hasn’t tasted since she left home. The smirk on Vecon’s face says he suspects this fact.
Forcing herself to smile, Dulsissia walks over to the chair drawn out for her at the opposite side of the table.
“Better.” Vecon says, lifting a fancy looking glass with red liquid and giving her a mock toast. “Much better.”
He’s referring to the dress she’s wearing. A beautiful and smooth thing in a glorious teal colour.
Sitting down, holding on to her smile through pure will power, Dulsissia can’t hide the anger in her eyes. “I never pictured you for a man of fashion, Vecon?”
“I’m not.” The man confirms, taking a sip. “But I can’t have my brother’s wife wandering around looking like something… cheap.”
The insult burns. It shouldn’t, she knows that. There was nothing wrong with the clothes she had been wearing. But the words burn and she feels angry with herself. “I’m sure he will be very grateful.”
“Oh, I know he will be.” Vecon puts the glass down and picks at something on his plate. “He’s been very determined to find you, Dulcy.”
“Don’t call me that.” Dulsissia growls with such intensity and anger it surprises him.
Dropping whatever he was holding between his fingers, Vecon goes from surprise to amusement. Chuckling, he sits up straighter and pays actual attention to her. “Well, well, has the loth-kitten grown claws? Was that attitude I heard? Not just snooty Motti condescension, but actual attitude?”
Dulsissia gives him a sour smile.
Vecon shrugs and gestures for her to eat. “I like my women spicy, so I’m pleased to hear it. Macero, as you know, won’t like that one bit.” He takes another sip of his glass. “I’ve sent him a message and expect to hear back from him any day now. He’s on a mission, I cannot disclose his whereabouts as it is top secret, but I think he’ll take some time off to greet you on your return.”
Fear gnaws in Dulsissia’s belly. She stares at her plate, unable to eat a single thing.
“There is one thing I need to know.” Vecon drones on. “Where is the kid?”
“I told you.”
“Yeah, you did.” Vecon sets his grey stare in her. “And now I want you to tell the truth.”
Dulsissia just stares at her plate.
“Don’t make this difficult for the both of us.” Vecon says. “I will find him, eventually. You know that. I’m inclined to say he’s back on Nevarro, but then I also think you might have been more reluctant to leave if he was. Maybe I should level the place just to be sure?”
Closing her eyes, trying to block out his words, Dulsissia feels sick to her stomach. Vecon is capable of doing just that. She knows he is. Not merely because he has the soldiers and firepower to do it, but because he’d enjoy doing it.
Macero and Vecon are frightfully similar in many ways, but where Macero is cold and efficient, Vecon is less clever and more randomly cruel. It’s what has kept him from advancing further in the army, unlike his brother who has met the Emperor himself.
Macero wouldn’t care if an orphanage caught fire as long as it benefited him, Vecon would stay to listen to the screams.
“Just tell me, Dulsissia.” Vecon says with a friendly smile so fake it wouldn’t fool a blind man. “My brother wants his son back. He misses him. How could you take Corin away from his father?”
“Burn Nevarro to the ground. Bomb the planet from orbit. I don’t care.” Dulsissia bluffs, raising her gaze to meet his with cold contempt. “You won’t find him there.”
Clicking his tongue, Vecon studies her for a while and then gestures to the guards. “Take her back to her cell.”
Dulsissia gets up.
“And you can leave the knife.” Vecon says, not looking up from piling food on to his own plate.
Clenching her jaw, Dulsissia places the butter knife back on the table, turns and walks out of the room.
How many days has it been? It’s hard to tell in this coffin of a room. Dulsissia spends the time either lying on the bench or pacing back and forth the two and a half steps it takes from covering the distance from one wall to the next.
When two guards come to fetch her, Dulsissia is almost grateful. Her mind is tormenting her with all kinds of scenarios of what her boy must be going through so even Vecon is a welcome distraction.
They bring her to a different place this time. The door opens to reveal some kind of communication room and she sees Vecon standing there, in the middle of the room with his back towards her, and Dulsissia braces herself. Will it be more threats? Bargaining this time, maybe?
What she doesn’t expect it Vecon stepping aside and revealing Macero’s holo-image.
“Dulsissia.” Macero’s voice greets her.
“Macero.” Dulsissia whispers back. She can’t move. Can’t look away.
“I have been looking for you.” Macero says, his voice is flat but his eyes are angry. “I’ve been very worried. You can imagine my relief when Vecon sent me a message that he’d found you.”
Vecon grins.
Dulsissia says nothing.
“He also tells me you will not give up the location of my son.” Macero continues.
His son? Dulsissia feels a flicker of fury burn in her belly. He hadn’t shown one ounce of interest in ‘his’ son until there was talk about sending him away. Macero had been pleased when she’d told him she was pregnant, but she’d been more or less on her own for the next nine months except for when they were posing for her family. Macero had shown up again a mere hour after Corin was born, inspected the child and nodded with approval before leaving again.
Growing up, Corin had been desperate for his father’s attention and time, but he never gave it to him. “Do you even remember his name?” Dulsissia can’t hide the bitterness in her voice.
“Of course I remember his name” Macero does not take the bait. “Tell me where he is.”
Macero stares at her with those cruel eyes of his and then turns his attention to Vecon. “Bring her to Seswenna. Stay with her and make sure she gets a lot of rest. She probably shouldn’t talk to anyone. It’s been a tough experience for my dear wife and she needs time to recover.”
“Understood.” Vecon replies, like a good soldier. He always did whatever his brother told him to do.
“Don’t do this, Macero.” Dulsissia asks, taking a step forward. “Just let me go. You won’t ever see me again. Tell them I died or something.”
“What I’m going to do is find my son.” Macero replies with cold contempt. “And you, my dear wife, will stop your pathetic whining and go back home. You are going to stay there, put on a happy face and give me sons and daughters.”
Exhaling sharply, Dulsissia shakes her head. “I’m not some pawn in your plan, Macero.”
“Don’t flatter yourself.” Macero doesn’t even blink. “That is exactly what you are. Our children will be Mottis and not even your family can deny that. They may dislike me, but they can’t turn their back on their own blood.”
She hates herself as frustrated and frightened tears well up in her eyes, but Dulsissia can’t stop it. “I won’t be a part of it. I refuse. Do you hear me?”
Vecon snickers and for a second there is almost pity in Macero’s eyes before they go cold again and he gives his final orders to Vecon and the holo-image blinks out.
Shivering, Dulsissia stares at the floor and tries to remember how to breathe. She is brought back to reality when something takes a hold of her chin and Vecon lifts her face to grin down at her.
“Let’s get you home, Motti Princess.”
Fury and disgust flares up in her and Dulsissia’s eyes narrow. “Always obeying orders from big brother. Always such a good little boy, aren’t you, Vecon? Trying and trying, but never as good as your brother. Never clever enough, never skilled enough, so you suck up to Macero and happily do his dirty work.”
Vecon flinches with anger and abruptly backhands her across the face.
It hurts. It snaps her face to the side, almost knocks her off balance, and Dulsissia can feel her cheekbone burn with what will become a bruise. But it also gives her the excuse and opportunity to spin back and ram her elbow with all of her might into Vecon’s face in a move that would have made her Mandalorian teachers proud.
She is rewarded with a very satisfying crunch, the sound of his nose breaking, and Vecon’s surprised bellow of pain, before the guards grab her and restrain her before she can do any more damage.
“Get her back to her cell!” Vecon howls.
Dulsissia doesn’t fight them.
She spends the next eternity staring up at the ceiling, lying on the hard bench and going over every possible escape attempt she can conjure up. From being on the ship itself, to the transport to Seswenna to her old home. She knows that house far better than Vecon. She can get away. The big problem will be getting off the planet.
It happens when one of the guards is entering the cell to hand her a plate with food.
The ship gives a violent shake, there is the sound of a distant explosion, followed by several others, and soon red lights are flashing and alarms are blaring out in the hallway.
“What is going on?” The guard asks a storm trooper running by the cell.
“We’re under attack!” Is the reply.
Dulsissia sits up. They’re being attacked? Could this be her chance to escape?
Before she gets the chance to do anything, the guard runs out and closes the door behind them, but Dulsissia doesn’t give up. The ship continues to shake, there are more explosions, and she starts to pace her cell. She has to be ready. This might be her moment. All she needs is the opportunity…
The door opens again and this time two guards run in to grab her. Vecon is standing out in the hallway and he’s not looking pleased. In fact, he’s sending almost nervous glances towards the back of the ship.
“What is going on?” Dulsissia asks, pulled out of her cell by the guards.
“We are leaving.” Vecon replies. Oh, he is definitely nervous. And don’t those explosions sound a little closer now?
“Why?” Dulsissia tugs to free herself but yet again in vain. “What is happening?”
As if to answer her question, there is the sound of blaster fire and she can see the flashes of light in the distance.
“He’s here, sir.” One of the guards says.
“Thank you for pointing out the obvious.” Vecon snaps. “Don’t just stand there! Stop him!”
The guards run forward to join the others fighting, while Vecon grabs Dulsissia’s arm and tugs her close. She notes that he’s also drawn his blaster.
Down in the hallway, the fighting is coming closer. The ceiling light at the very end gets taken out by an errant blaster shot so there are only slight flashes of what is going on when a weapon is being fired. The storm troopers are being pushed back by whomever is approaching.
Vecon slowly lifts the blaster and places the muzzle to Dulsissia’s head.
She hardly notices, can only stare as she sees a flash of blue armor amidst the chaos in front of her.
With deadly accuracy with his blaster shots, a lone figure is making his way towards them. A flick of a wrist sends a grenade into a room to take out some troopers popping in and out to fire at their opponent. A harsh kick sends a helmet flying from a trooper already on the floor trying to reach for their blaster nearby.
Davarax. It’s him. How? She doesn’t care. It’s him. He’s here and that is all that matters.
A group of guards emerge from a room behind him while the Mandalorian is focused on two death troopers in front of him, but before Dulsissia can open her mouth to scream a warning, Davarax activates his flame thrower and turns in a calculated circle to engulf them all. He doesn’t wait for the last trooper to fall before he’s already moving forward, lifting his blaster to shoot at his next target.
Davarax is completely indifferent to the shots fired at him, doesn’t react to the ones bouncing off his armor, merely keeps stalking towards them and takes them down, one by one. He comes with the smell of fire, blood and death.
A trooper jumps out of room next to him, blaster raised, but Davarax slams his elbow into the helmet so hard it shatters. The Mandalorian then pulls out a vibro-blades and throws it.
The blade flies through the air and takes down the one guard left standing.
The red lights are still flashing, alarms are blaring, there is thick smoke in the air, and Davarax is standing in front of Dulsissia and Vecon.
“Don’t, Mando.” Vecon warns. “I will shoot.”
“Not if he kills you first, Vecon.” Dulsissia says, eyes on Davarax’ visor. There is blood spattered all over his helmet and armor. If death had taken shape as a human, this is what it would look like. His quiet, looming figure would have terrified her if she didn’t know the heart behind it. He’s no threat to her. To everyone else on the ship, yes, but not to her.
Vecon draws a sharp, startled breath, and his finger is about to tighten on the trigger, but before he can squeeze it; Davarax’ grip engulfs all of Vecon’s hand and twists it, making him drop the weapon with a pained yelp.
Dulsissia breaks free and takes up position next to Davarax, staring at Vecon bent over in awkward twist due to the grip on his hand. “Tell Macero I’m never going back. He will never see his son again. And to leave me alone. If he comes after me or my family again, I won’t ask nicely to be left alone. I will kill him.”
Vecon sneers. “Tell him yourself.” And with his other hand, he rams a blade into Davarax’ side.
The Mandalorian jolts with a pained grunt and Vecon has one moment of triumph before Davarax ends his life with a well aimed blaster shot and lets him fall to the floor.
Dulsissia ducks under Davarax’ outstretched arm still aiming the blaster at Vecon to get to where the blade is embedded in him. “Oh. Oh, no. What-”
Davarax yanks the blade out and grabs her arm to make her look up at his t-visor. “We have to go.”
His voice. His perfect voice. It’s really him. She nods.
Davarax bends down, picks up Vecon’s blaster and gives it to her. “I need you to cover my back, Dulcy. Can you do that?”
She nods again.
They move and Dulsissia makes sure to fire at everyone who appears behind them while Davarax violently and without mercy ploughs through the storm troopers piling up in front of them to prevent them from escaping. Once they finally step inside the large hangar bay, Davarax turns, wraps one arm around Dulsissia’s waist and then they are flying up towards the ceiling.
A couple of blaster shots follow them, but mostly the chaos and destruction and sudden lack of leadership seems to have stunned the crew of Vecon’s ship, which makes it almost easy to climb into the vent and move through it. They emerge in a docking tube and Dulsissia exhales a weak laugh when she sees the side of the now beloved Razor Crest at the end of it.
“Go.” Davarax nudges her, then follows with blaster raised to cover their backs while they run towards his ship.
Dulsissia half expects Vecon’s ship to fire at them or at least pursue, but the big ship lies dead in the darkness and the Razor Crest can detach and make a run for it without any trouble. Yet it still takes over thirty standard minutes before Davarax stops pushing the engines as well as constantly checking the radar, only then does he finally lean back in the seat with a strained exhale.
Dulsissia unbuckles herself and runs over to hover next to him. She sees he’s bleeding in several places, his clothing is singed and ripped, the armor has countless new dents and scratches. Reaching out, her hands move from place to place and hover uselessly. Where to begin?
She makes a surprised squeak when Davarax suddenly pulls her close and hugs her tight.
“Are you okay?” He asks.
“Yes, but you’re not.” Dulsissia says, trying to push herself away. “You’re bleeding. You’re hurt, Davarax. I have to-”
“In a moment.” Davarax says, not letting go, whispering; “Just… Please.”
And that is what breaks her.
Not threats or horrors, not death and destruction, but those softy whispered words.
Dulsissia wraps her arms around him, lets him ease her up on his lap and curls as close to him as possible while he holds her as close as possible.
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riagriche · 2 years
may 2022 movie reviews
i watch two movies (one live-action & one animated) a week every month: letterboxd account ★ two movies a week every month list
here are the ten movies i watched for the month of may:
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surprisingly enough, i’d never watched twilight before may 2. i knew about it, of course, and i’d even taken the liberty of reading a few fics having neither watched nor read any canon twilight content. twilight was the first movie i watched in may for two reasons: one, i decided it was time to finally watch it, and two, i really liked kristen stewart in 2020′s underwater. twilight was awesome. i fully thought it would be a lot harder to watch since so many people make fun of it, but twilight is a solid movie with a captivating plot and - not that this is relavant -  very attractive actors. i am always a sucker for vampire movies (by extension vampire romances) and twilight ticked all the boxes for me. one thing is that i really thought edward was kinda............a creep. yup. definitely a creep. i hope he gets better in the next movies because i am definitely watching more! letterboxd rating: 4/5 MAY 3 - RIVERDANCE
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riverdance was ok. just...ok. i actually watched this with my sister at 1am but we ended up falling asleep because it was soooo slow-paced. ish. it wasn’t suuuper slow-paced, but there was this one part that dragged on so long i just had to go to sleep. rest assured i did end up finishing it when i woke up. i thought that the ending was kinda anticlimactic since there was a lot of build up before the fight with the huntsman, only for keegan to defeat him by dropping antlers into the river, and the huntsman NEVER. appears. again. just one blip and he’s gone. welp. still made me cry though, i didn’t think patrick would die so easily :,D letterboxd rating: 3.5/5
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marley & me made me cry so hard that my brother knocked on my door and told me to cry quieter. the emotions that surfaced in me while watching this movie are very hard to describe. i was laughing. i was crying. i was sobbing my eyes out on my bedroom floor with the end credits playing in the background. this movie got me so good that i had to take a few moments to calm down before i went back to going on with my day. that’s how you know a movie is good. i do honestly think marley & me is a perfect movie. i also recently lost my dog and watching this movie was devastating (but also cathartic) for me. i guess this was a way to make peace with her passing. i loved how funny and how heartbreaking this movie was, and i think that the ending fits perfectly. i do wish there were more moments with marley in the middle of the movie though, his presence felt a bit overshadowed by all of the new kiddos that kept popping up
letterboxd rating: 5/5
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i like storks. when i was a kid i was also told the tale of how storks brought babies to their parents. when i was old enough to know...well, i wasn’t super surprised, because where would the storks even get the babies, you know?  this movie would’ve answered that question for me, because they’ve got MACHINES to make babies. where do they get their parents genes? how do they just materialize? WHO BUILT A MACHINE THAT MAKES BABIES? but in all seriousness, i liked this movie. it definitely has nothing to do with andy samberg voicing the main character. haha. definitely. i was also pleasantly surprised to hear kelsey grammer in the cast because i looooved him in finding neverland. truly a great cast for a great movie. i am still a bit confused about the baby making part and also...why did the boss have to die? kind of traumatizing if you ask me. could’ve just put him in bird prison or something
letterboxd rating: 4/5
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ahhhh a zoey deutch movie. i’ve yet to watch a bad zoey deutch movie. i’ve loved all the zoey deutch movies i’ve watched (example 1: set it up. example 2:.....set it up) and before i fall is honestly a game changer. i barely recovered from marely & me last week, but before i fall practically made me heave my lungs out the whole time i was watching.
before i fall is a very good movie to watch when you want a good cry. it teaches a very bittersweet lesson about empathy and kindness, loving and surrounding yourself with people who love and care for you. i still can’t believe they made sam die though, she finally changed for the better only for her to save juliet and die in her place to break the loop. hence why it’s bittersweet. i actually don’t accept this ending and i’ve decided that she lives happily ever after with kent and lindsay forever and ever. the end
letterboxd rating: 5/5
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idk. bigfoot was kindaaaaaa fine. also the mom. also don’t laugh but i definitely cried during that scene where bigfoot gave himself up so his family would be safe. the bullies were cringey and would get laughed at if they were real. what hairco was doing was definitely illegal and could definitely be a big case if it actually happened irl. alas, the hairco guy is too rich to be prosecuted. how very crazy rich caucasians of him
good movie, but not memorable. not at all memorable.
letterboxd rating: 3.5/5
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i love cats................the musical. not the movie. god, i hated the movie. well, hate is a harsh word, so i’ll say that i moderately disliked it. or that i didn’t particularly like or dislike it. or that i liked it.
nah. i hated it.
i can say this because i watched cats the musical live and everything that made cats the musical charming was stripped and the aftermath turned into cats the movie. cats the musical was good because of its audience interaction, the lights, the stage, the surreal choreography and talent the cast possessed. i remember vividly the first time i went to watch cats the musical, the way the cast moved with the grace and dignity cats carried themselves with. one of cats (definitely munkustrap) tied my shoelaces together. i DID NOT trip on the way out of the theater. who told you that? i disliked jason derulo’s rendition of the rum tum tugger. i disliked james corden’s bustopher (bc i hate james corden in any musical he stars in). i disliked the way they made mr. mistoffelees so......meek. he’s supposed to be a show-off, competitive, albeit silent. i also don’t like the way they made him a love interest for victoria. aka the newest kitten. aka the victoria that did THAT pax de deux with plato. who was like barely seen in the movie might i add. did he even have any lines?
but yeah. songs were ok. +3 points because taylor swift is in it obviously. she was an awesome bombalurina but i could definitely see concert taylor in her while she sang macavity. beautiful ghosts is also appropriately named, it’s a beautifully written song.
letterboxd rating: 3.5/5
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this healed the all consuming rage i felt after watching cats the movie. i loved the first movie, especially gidget and tiberius’ friendship, so i was a bit bummed to see that tiberius doesn’t show up in the second movie at all.
in his place, we have rooster, a super cool farm dog that gets all his chores done. we also have a tiger cub and a shih tzu voiced by tiffany haddish. it’s a good movie, it really is, but there’s nothing much to say. i still like the first movie better (def not bc of gidget and tiberius) i hope that in the third movie we get more gidget and tiberius. plz. i beg
letterboxd rating: 4/5 MAY 30 - NOTTING HILL
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this was actually super cute! the leads have a lot of chemistry and julia roberts is gorgeous here as always - but there were a lot of misunderstandings that could’ve just been solved if anna were more honest to william. also this was my introduction to hugh grant (i haven’t watched bridget jones’s diary get over it 😠) so i’ll definitely be watching more of him since he did a fantastic job here! i’d totally rewatch this just to feel happier bc THAT ENDING SEQUENCE literally had me grinning from ear to ear. it was too sweet! i too would like it if my super famous lover told everyone that they’re staying in my country indefinitely and then got married to me and then have kids amen
letterboxd rating: 4/5
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honestly this was ehhhh? the queen was there obv it isn’t called the queen’s corgi for no reason, but trump was there somehow? it was a super weird movie. i have so many questions. does the queen just collect corgis...? and why was trump’s corgi wearing MAKEUP??? actually why did everyone have corgis??? is it like a world leader thing?  they also made wanda weirdly attractive. i mean i get that we’re seeing her through rex’s eyes but what in the world was that? it was 13+ at least but it seriously looks like a kids’ movie from an outsiders pov. i admittedly also thought it was a kids’ movie until charlie tried killing rex REPEATEDLY. weird. it was entertaining tho i guess so it has that going for it. letterboxd rating: 3.5/5
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delimeful · 5 years
the shapes in the silence (3)
warnings: violence, mild injury, panic
Chapter 3
The trip passed in a haze, Virgil’s head spinning from trying to figure out what to do, and also a mild case of hyperventilation he was desperately trying to muffle. He was trapped between a rock and a hard place, and no matter what he chose, it would definitely end badly. 
Too soon, they were in front of the portal to the Imagination in Roman’s hall, and the creative side turned to face them. 
“Patton, from here I will take the dragon alone,” Roman said, cutting off all protest. “The tides of the Mindscape have been turbulent lately, and I do not want you to come to harm. I promise to keep this tiny beast safe and sound.”
Patton frowned, but eventually nodded at Roman’s stubborn stance. He turned Virgil to face him, eyes suspiciously wet. “Okay, be safe little guy. I hope I’ll see you again soon.” 
Virgil couldn’t help but agree with the thought as Roman wrapped his hands around him, tucking him carefully against his chest. His head throbbed slightly, and he couldn’t focus enough to protest as the creative side stepped through to the Imagination.
The first half hour of the trip was fairly uneventful, spent wandering among the shifting landscapes where Roman most frequently encountered dragons. Virgil even got to see what residents of the Imagination normally looked like before things took a turn for the worse.
Roman frowned, studying the trees around them carefully. Virgil could feel his hackles raise, the sense of them getting closer to his position. He growled low in his throat, beyond caring about what Roman would think. He would die either way, at least Roman would make it quick. 
Maybe not once he figured out who Virgil really was, though. 
As though summoned by his thoughts, he spotted the first shadowy figure darting through the trees with a multitude of spindly legs. He snarled out a warning, and Roman turned to face the shadow just in time. His face contorted with shock and then fury, but his grip on Virgil remained steady as he drew his sword and attacked. 
Two more approached, one after the other, and once Roman finished besting them, he let out a heavy breath, and set the dragon on the ground in the middle of their clearing. Virgil blinked at the careful motion. Had he… not figured it out? 
“Don’t worry, dragonling. I’ll keep you from harm.” 
Roman turned away as more approached, and Virgil felt his jaw drop slightly. He… he had no idea. He really was a clueless moron. Did he even know-
“Come out, Anxiety, you foul villain, and face me yourself!” Roman shouted, blade clashing against the dark hide of a beast with hundreds of eyes. “I know these monsters follow in your wake!”
Virgil shrank back slightly. Oh. He did know. He just couldn’t connect the dots. 
Virgil watched carefully as the prince destroyed specter after specter before they could get close, a strange feeling in the back of his throat. 
He was… really protecting him, able to slash through shades that would take Virgil ages and probably a panic attack or two to defeat. It was weird, even if he knew that it wasn’t really him Roman thought he was defending. 
A flash of movement in the corner of his eye caught his attention and he spotted a deep shadow creeping up in Roman’s blind spot. It probably wasn’t strong enough to do any real damage, Roman didn’t show a shred of fear while fighting, but... what if it did? The thought was enough to make him panic, and he lunged for the shadow, screeching out a warning.
He was faster in this form, but even so, he was tiny. There was only so much damage he could do. The shadow jerked back as he latched onto it, teeth sinking into the ephemeral flesh. He managed to rake his hind claws across the creatures chest once, twice, and then he was flung off, hitting the ground and rolling. 
He groaned from the sensation of something twisting in his back leg, but hurriedly pulled himself up anyways. It would be on him soon, and he twisted as something approached, teeth bared-
Roman. He was reaching out in concern, the shadow already banished, and even as he drew back Virgil closed his mouth with a clack, his ears lifting in relief. The prince stared at him with an odd expression for a moment, before a branch snapped behind him and Virgil croaked an unneeded warning. With barely a pause, he was off again, fighting like he was born for it. It was like watching a choreographed dance. 
Moments later, there was a slight pause in the endless attackers, and Roman whirled around, scooping up Virgil with a startled squawk, and booking it. The prince muttered literature-based obscenities under his breath as he hurried back to the closest portal, diving through and closing it after him.
“Are you injured?” Roman asked, before carefully checking him over. Virgil held himself very still, not flinching away even when pressure was applied to the injured leg.
Once reassured that Virgil was unharmed, the prince sighed in relief, leaning against the wall with his free arm. Virgil leaned over to check that the idiot didn’t have head trauma from throwing himself around like that. 
“I am quite alright, little dragon,” Roman assured him, before his brow creased. “But a certain emo is about to not be.”
By the time Virgil processed that Roman was talking about him, but not this him, they were halfway down Virgil’s hall, and he panicked.
He let out a shaky warble and clawed his way up Roman’s shoulders as though to repeat the move he’d done with Patton before, ignoring the twinge of pain from his bad leg. Roman was swift enough to catch him, lifting him off carefully with a surprising amount of concern.
“Easy, easy, Puff the Jumpy Dragon! What are you doing?” 
Virgil cast a glance at his door in the shadows at the end of the hall. He couldn’t let them try to barge in and find it empty. When he looked back at Roman, he found that the prince was following his gaze consideringly. His heart stuttered.
“Are you… frightened of Anxiety?” he asked, gaze weirdly soft. 
Virgil sent thanks to whoever was looking out for him by making Princey jump to the completely wrong conclusion. 
As though to test his theory, Roman took a step forwards, and Virgil immediately resumed his struggling. Yes, look at me, I’m terrified, don’t take me near the big bad Anxiety. 
 Roman nodded firmly. “Very well. I will confront him at a later hour then, don’t you worry.” His stomach twisted at the thought, but that was a problem for later Virgil. Roman turned back to the stairs. “For now, I’m sure Patton will be simply ecstatic to see you again.” 
Virgil drooped at the thought. That’s right. He was still trapped here, whether or not they made the connection to his actual self. 
Roman glanced at him with that strange look in his eyes again, and carried him downstairs, where Patton and Logan were waiting. Patton sat up straight at the sight of him, grin nearly blinding. “You guys are back!” 
Roman returned the smile in full force. “We are indeed!”
“Does this mean that our unexpected visitor is staying, then?” Logan asked, carefully slotting a bookmark into his novel. 
Roman adjusted his grip on Virgil for a second, thinking. “Our journey was interrupted by most foul specters, so I did not have time to search everywhere, but…” 
He set Virgil down on Patton’s lap. “For now, I think it would be best to keep him here.”  
Patton cheered softly, hand hovering over Virgil’s head. On instinct, he butted his face against the fingers, and then froze. Patton simply smiled and carefully pet him, like one would a cat. He felt shame well up in him; how could he be taking advantage of their ignorance for a few measly touches? He was practically deceiving them at this point.
He pulled away slightly, leaning down to gnaw at the band again. 
Roman cleared his throat, drawing the attention of all three in the room. He was looking at Virgil again, and his heart rate somehow rose further. “I’ve been meaning to ask, what is that device on his leg?”
“Ah, that would be my doing,” Logan said, perking up. “The band is a simple tracker, so that we can be rest assured that it will not run off without us knowing.”
“A tracker?” Patton echoed, confused and a little worried.
Virgil leaned away from the cuff, worried now that they’d be angry at him for trying to get it off so obviously. Roman frowned.
“While I understand you had good intentions, I believe I should clarify that dragons are not simple animals. They normally are vicious and cunning creatures, but,” Roman shot a curious look down at the dragon in question, “in this case, I believe this one is smart without the cruelty.”
Virgil stared, eyes wide. Logan leaned forward, interested. “Are you saying it- he is cognizant?” 
“Indeed, I am,” Roman confirmed. “He was a great help in warning me of enemies while in the Imagination, and he shows a range of emotions and understanding similar to us. As such, I don’t believe he would prefer to be... collared like a simple animal.” 
Virgil felt a surge of joy and disbelief. The last person he would have expected was giving him a chance to get out of this mess. 
Patton peered down at him with concerned eyes. “Aw, kiddo, is that true?” 
Virgil paused for a second, thinking. He couldn’t respond with a nod- that was too human and Roman was more perceptive than Virgil had given him credit for. He couldn’t act too different from what the creative side would expect from a dragon. Which was hard, seeing as he had only his own instincts to go off of. On the other hand, there was no way he would pass up the opportunity he had been offered to get this thing off.
In the end, he settled for biting at the cuff again, and then lifting it up towards Patton with a displeased whine. Patton turned to Logan, distressed, and the logical side raised a hand to stall the question before it was asked.
“Before you ask me to remove it, I would like to point out that it’s possible that he could become lost in the Mindscape. We know little to nothing about how well creatures from the Imagination will function here, since Roman did not conjure him directly. If that scenario came to pass, I imagine we would want to know where he had gone for his own safety.”
Patton hesitated, and Virgil narrowed his eyes at Logan. He was so close! It was his damn job to worry about everything that could go wrong, so why was Logan suddenly so concerned with it? He wouldn’t get lost in the Mindscape, he lived here!
A muffled laugh from Patton interrupted him, and he paused, realizing that he had been making angry chittering sounds as he not-so-mentally ranted at Logan. He’d gotten carried away. It was lucky that he could only ‘speak’ in a strange mix of growls and clicks in this form, or else the jig really would have been up.
“I think he’s made his stance clear on the matter,” Roman said, badly concealing his amusement. Patton was still giggling, trying to smooth down the raised scales along Virgil’s back, and he let himself settle, melting slightly under the touch. Pathetic.
“I… see,” Logan said, awkwardly. “In that case… maybe a compromise? I can adjust the function so that the tracker doesn’t activate unless a concerning amount of time has passed since we last saw him?”
“That… might work,” Roman said, turning to look at Virgil inquisitively. “What say you, Toothful?”  
Virgil absentmindedly kneaded the blanket on Patton’s legs as he considered. He really just wanted this thing off him, but if he said no, would they leave the tracker on him permanently? Monitor his every move? That was one of the worst possible outcomes. If he agreed to the compromise, he just might be able to get the tracker off when he was back to normal, and then it was just a matter of never going out of his room in the wrong form ever again.
“Please, kiddo?” Patton asked, giving him an imploring look. “I don’t want you to go missing because I wanted you to stay with us!” 
Even if he couldn’t get the tracker off right away… It wouldn’t be that awful, to spend more time with them. Curl up and sleep in the comforting presence of others… Even if he didn’t deserve it, he couldn’t deny the appeal of spending time with the other Sides without all the distrust.
Mind made up, he carefully climbed out of Patton’s lap, making his way over to the arm of the couch and then leaping the short distance between it and Logan’s armchair. He concealed a wince as his injury protested the movement. Once he was stable, he held the leg with the band out to Logan, careful to keep his eyes averted. 
“I take it you would prefer the adjustment?” Logan asked, and he chirruped lowly at him, pushing his leg out further. “Very well.” 
He reached his hand up and delicately held Virgil’s clawed paw between two fingers, leaning in to fiddle with the cuff with his other hand. He couldn’t help but shift a bit nervously, but he reminded himself that they didn’t know who he was. They weren’t going to hurt him unprovoked unless they found out. He had to stop acting so… well, anxious. 
“There,” Logan said, returning to his normal straight-backed posture. “Now, the tracker will only activate after five days have passed without contact with one of us.” 
Five days. He’d make it work. 
He trilled lowly in thanks, and then sat there on the armrest, studying the three of them as they launched into conversation, apparently picking a movie. It was… different, when it was just the three of them. Not as tense. He felt a pang of guilt again, this time for the stress he put on everyone. He was trying his hardest to make sure everything ran smoothly, but in the end, he was Anxiety. It only made sense that they were more comfortable without him. 
Like this, though… They were happy, even though he was here. Maybe it wouldn’t be awful to spend more time in this form. Maybe.
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71tenseventeen · 5 years
Take My Hand (Take My Whole Life Too)-26
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 Warnings for sexual content, male pregnancy, implied homophobia, non-hockey Sid. Sid and Taylor’s ages have been altered to fit the story.
Perpetual credit to my betas, @queen-alia and @icosahedonist and to @cakemakethme and @ljummen for helping me along!
The heat breaks in October but November finally brings the cool, crisp air that Sid has been waiting for and not a moment too soon. He’s past most of the nausea but even when the temperatures had first dropped to something more manageable, he’d still felt uncomfortably warm most of the time. Most days he’d puttered around in his increasingly snug basketball shorts and any variety of Pens tees that seemed to be constantly popping up on his side of the closet. 
It’s not until it’s finally chilly enough for him to pull on his sweats that he realizes he’s nearly outgrown those too, much to Geno’s delight. 
“Is good thing you growing, Sid! Means baby growing too, getting big and strong. Most healthy.” He chatters as Sid works up a sweat struggling into the pants before collapsing on the bed with a frustrated groan. 
“I know,” he sighs, wriggling around until his head is propped up on several pillows so he’s not laying flat anymore. “It’s just these were my favorite and now they barely fit.” 
Geno sits next to him, lowering a gentle hand to his belly. “Time to buy new. Need warm clothes for winter and you only going to keep growing.” 
“Don’t remind me.” 
“We get online after breakfast, order you lots of clothes.” 
But Geno cuts him off. “If you not show what you like, I order what I like.” 
That gets Sid’s attention and he finally raises his head. “Okay, you win! Please don’t do that. I’ll pick out some clothes.” 
Geno laughs and pats Sid’s thigh before standing up and extending a hand to help him up. “Thought you might change mind.” 
When clothes start arriving just two days later, Sid doesn’t even balk. It’s so nice to have clothes that fit or are even big on him. He’s so grateful that he just hugs Geno, thanking him profusely. 
Sid starts to feel settled in a way he hadn’t thought possible. He has routines now, structuring most of his days around online classwork, exercise, naps, practice and the part time online tutoring job he picked up. When Geno is home, he joins Sid for walks around the property once or twice a day and even does yoga with him occasionally. 
Geno tries to go to as many appointments with Sid as possible and he’s there the day Dr. Agarwal does the ultrasound that reveals their baby’s sex. 
Realistically, it doesn’t matter. Geno’s been dragging tiny Pens clothes, stuffed animals and baby things home here and there since before Sid moved in. They’ve started looking at baby furniture online and even settled on a pale, creamy gray to paint the room that will be converted to a nursery. 
Knowing the sex of the baby won’t change any of that but Sid still finds himself unable to stop smiling after the doctor says they’re having a boy. 
And Geno—Geno is elated.
The moment Sid sits up Geno is reaching for him, pulling him into a tight hug, speaking low Russian in his ear—way too fast for Sid to parse out even one familiar word so he just lets it wash over him. When they finally pull apart, he’s surprised to see Geno’s eyes a little shiny and red. He’s still smiling, though and Sid laughs softly. “I guess I didn’t realize how much you wanted a boy.” 
Geno shakes his head. “Not matter, Sid. Don’t care if boy or girl just special to know. Not sure I can explain but it feels even more real now. Knowing this feels like I know our baby a little more, know him a little more.”  
Sid gets it so he just nods, beaming up at Geno as he replies softly, “Yeah.” 
The moment they’re in the car, Geno reaches over to squeeze Sid’s hand. “He needs a name.” 
Sid takes a deep breath. He’s been thinking about that, has even spent time flipping through baby name books but now it feels even more important. 
That night they eat dinner side by side, flipping through list after list of baby names on Geno’s tablet. 
Two days later Sid stares at his phone, willing himself to dial his parents number. 
They’d decided together to wait a couple of days—not because it’s a secret but they just wanted a little time to bask in the news before dealing with all the tension of talking to their parents. But now it’s time; after breakfast Geno had squared his shoulders, squeezed Sid’s wrist and headed to his office to call his parents while Sid settles on the couch to do the same.
Trina answers and just as expected her voice goes tense when Sid asks, “Is Dad there too? I was hoping to talk to both of you.”  
“Oh?” She asks, obviously trying and failing to sound casual. “Everything okay?” 
“Great actually,” he replies, trying to keep his tone cheerful. “We, um, we got some news.” 
“Give me a second—I’ll get your Father”
Sid waits while she rounds up Troy and puts the call on speaker so they can both hear. 
“Hey kiddo.” Troy sounds tentative. 
“Hey Dad. I just wanted to tell you guys—It’s a boy. We’re having a boy.” He can’t stop the smile that spreads across his face as he says it.  
He hears a moment of Troy’s deep chuckle before Trina exclaims, “Oh Sidney! That’s wonderful!” She really sounds like she means it and he feels giddy as he tells them more about the appointment. 
Sid hears the feigned nonchalance return to her voice when she asks carefully,  “Does—did you tell the other dad?” 
“He was there with me, actually. We found out together and he’s—” Sid doesn’t think happy even halfway covers Geno’s current mood but he can’t imagine how to put it into words. “He’s really happy. We both are. I mean, we would have been happy either way but knowing is just… it’s like we know him now. It’s kind of cool.” 
Trina’s voice sounds a little choked when she replies. “I know exactly what you mean, Sidney.” 
“Mom are you crying?” 
He hears a soft laugh and a sniffle. “Just happy tears.” 
“So uh,” Troy starts as Trina blows her nose loudly in the background. “Is living together still working out? Are you two getting along?” 
“Yeah of course. He’s great. He’s… He’s just really, really great.” 
“And you’re getting by? Financially?” 
“Yes,” Sid says. If they only knew. “Did I tell you I found a job tutoring online part time? I don’t make much but I’m saving it all.” 
“And he’s, ah, paying for everything else? He makes sure you have what you need?” Troy asks awkwardly, startling a laugh out of Sid. 
“More than enough, Dad. Trust me. Sometimes I can’t get him to stop buying me stuff.” 
“He must have a good job if he can do that.” 
Sid clears his throat. “Yeah, it’s—yeah he’s got a really good job.” Part of him hopes they’ll let it drop. They don’t. 
“What does he do?” Now it’s Troy’s turn to fake sounding casual. 
Sid’s not entirely sure why he hasn’t told them the full truth yet. Geno has said it’s okay. Taylor knows. And realistically, it would hopefully take away their concerns about his financial situation but he knows it’s not that simple. He worries telling them will bring up a whole host of new questions and until now, he hasn’t felt ready to tackle that. But he’s never going to get a better opening and they have to find out sometime so he takes another deep breath and says quietly, “He, um, he plays hockey. Professionally.” 
There’s a long pause and Sid tries to slow his breathing, anxiety rising every moment his parents remain silent. 
“He’s—he plays hockey. What do you mean professionally?” 
“Um, he’s in the, uh, NHL. On the Pens, the captain, actually.”
“That’s who you’re living with?!” Sid knew Troy would know perfectly well who Geno is but he doesn’t think he’s ever heard his dad’s voice squeak like that. 
“Yes and I’m really sorry but you can’t tell anyone.”
There’s a long pause before Troy speaks again, voice gruff. “Why?” 
“Come on Dad. An NHL Captain? It could be really bad if it got out.” 
“So he’s keeping you and the baby a secret.”
“No. The team knows, most of the organization knows. He has their support and he’s working with PR.” 
“And PR wants you to be kept a secret.” 
“I know how it sounds but this is a decision we both made. He’s Russian, Dad! Do you understand what that means? If this gets out here it could be bad for both of us, but if it gets out there? It will be a lot worse than just some people being shitty about it. We have to be really careful.”
“So this is all about protecting him.” 
“No. No!” Sid huffs, frustrated. “He’s doing everything he can to protect all of us!” 
“This is not good, Sid. You have to understand why this worries us.” 
“I do but you have to trust me. The people we’re working with have a lot of experience—legally and with public relations. They know what they’re doing. I trust them.” 
There’s a pause before Troy clears his throat and says tentatively. “Your, ah, your mother and I have some money set back. Maybe we should think about getting you your own lawyer.” 
“That’s not necessary, Dad.” 
“Sid, he could take the baby and it would be very, very hard to get your rights back. Money talks. But if you have some protection, some insurance beforehand—”
“No.” Sid does is best to sound firm—he has to shut this down. “We’re not doing that.” 
“I’m not doing that and I’m not going to argue about it.” 
He hears Troy sigh heavily. “Okay Sid. If we have to keep it a secret for now then that’s what we’ll do but only for you.” 
“That’s all I ask.” 
Sid wraps up the call as quickly as he can after that, muddling through the awkward goodbyes. 
After he ends the call, he drops the phone onto the cushion next to him and closes his eyes, breathing deeply until he feels a gentle hand on his shoulder. He twists to look up into Geno’s worried, weary eyes. 
“You okay?” 
Sid nods before letting out a long breath. “Yeah. It’s just stressful, that’s all. Are you okay?” 
Geno nods, looking just as worn out as Sid feels but before he can say anything else Geno lifts his other hand. “Here. Think this might help,” he says with a soft smile as he hands over the pint of Sid’s favorite chocolate marshmallow swirl and a spoon. 
Sid smiles, taking it gratefully as Geno rounds the couch and settles in next to him. 
The first bite is heavenly. “You’re right,” he mumbles around a mouthful. “This helps.” He scoops out another spoonful and holds it out to Geno. “Want some?” 
“Shouldn’t. Not on meal plan.” But he takes the bite anyway, grinning at the laughter that bubbles up out of Sid. 
He settles in closer, reaching for Sid’s ever-growing belly. “Okay?”
Sid smiles softly. “Always.” 
Geno hunches down a little more, sliding his hand under Sid’s shirt as he starts talking, rubbing idly as he talks quietly. It always relaxes Sid and he doesn’t think he’s imagining the way the baby settles, too. He lets the soft words wash over him as he leans into Geno’s side, letting the stress of the phone call slip away. Maybe Sid’s parents don’t understand how lucky he is, how lucky the baby is to have Geno but he does and right now that’s all that matters.
Part 27
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sammyhale · 5 years
J2 VegasCon 2019 Main Panel
*Reminder: Full answers/more context in vids and gifs <3
J2 jump onstage as fans wave pink hearts from the crowd <3
Jensen: Whenever we come out and do one of those jumps, I always wonder if today’s the day one of us blows a hip. 
Jensen’s microphone keeps making a high pitched sound lol. 
They ask how many first-timers are there. Jensen: Okay, well, I’d like to remind you we’ve been on this show for fourteen years, doing these for thirteen and a half. Where were you??? 
Jared: We are five days into our final hiatus. Jensen: Five days into our hiatus beard!
Jensen won’t shave for a few months.
J2 whispering and Jensen cracking up :P 
Jensen reveals that Jared is wearing a party patch (they help with hangovers). Jared puts his leg on Jensen’s lap and rolls up his pant leg to show the patch lol. 
J2 gave the crew party patches at the s14 wrap party.  
Fan asks if they believe in the supernatural in real-life. Jensen doesn’t not believe in ghosts. First to think there’s a logical explanation. But he’s certainly open to the availability that that 1% could be supernatural. Even though he’s never experienced it in real life. 
Jensen explains the difference between unnatural and supernatural. Unnatural = Jared. Supernatural = us
Norton fixes Jared’s rolled up pants which turns a little dirty, naturally :P 
Fan: Which supporting actors have gone on that have had great careers that you’re still close with? The guest star Jared connects with the most is the girl who played Ruby in season 4 ;) Jensen says they knew Sterling K. Brown was a star when he was on spn, that the Force was strong with him. It’s no surprise he’s had the success that he’s had. Also: Well we’re close to Jeffrey Dean Morgan, even though he hasn’t really done much since spn. He’s still cool. 
J2 ran into Felicia Day yesterday and talked about her daughter aww
Jared watched “Wendigo” recently, named a couple of guest stars (assuming Alden Ehrenreich was one of them ;))
A fan apparently rushed the stage, emotional/screaming and upset about wanting an autograph. Some fans tweeted that she has autism. Fans tweeted that J2, Clif, and Creation handled the situation well. At one point J2 left the stage to help defuse the situation. When they came back out after Jared shouted out: “Our member of the family is having a hard time. We all have had hard times.” He wants us all to be kind. The boys are completely fine. (Some details)
Fan: So after the show, will you continue to shave? Boys: Up here not down there... lol
Jensen: We were talking about Jared’s Viking braids. 
Jensen teased about Jared shaving his head like Borja did yesterday for charity. They said they’d have Misha do it lol. 
Answering sincerely, they acknowledge their look will change a bit, to have their own identities. Jensen:  “Dean is the best imaginary friend I’ve ever had in my life. He’ll be a part of me for the rest of my life. But I don’t have to look like him for the rest of my life.” 
Also: “It all depends on what our wives want us to look like.” lol 
Jared wants to go bowlegged. Asks Jensen how it is, to which he replies “airy.” 
Jensen hopes their relationships with cast and crew will last a lifetime and that is what, quote, “fuels us up.”
J2 are signed to do cons past s15 and won’t end for a while :)  
What is Jared most looking forward to after the show? Getting to know our kids, our wives, and ourselves. Also not shaving! 
Jared: I’m excited to be a dad. Spend more time with the kiddos. Is also excited for the boring.  
Jensen’s never known his wife and kids without the show. It’s been a constant. It’s going to be interesting to see where life goes. He’s excited for the opportunity to spend more time with his kids, wife, and friends. To not get on an airplane.
Jensen: I'm looking forward to but have been happy to have professional opportunities go by these past 14 years in order to tell this story. 
Has anything impacted you (professionally) like SPN has impacted us? Jared says he isn’t sure. Even when “off” we can’t remove our “wigs” like Borja (lol) We’re still working! Always!
Jensen said he and Misha will need vocal therapy after the show to get their voices back to normal. Jensen: I tried to emulate JDM as Dean’s father by speaking with this gravelly voice. I didn’t know I’d been doing this for 15 seasons. I’m a lot older than he was when he played my dad. Jared: Yeah, no kidding!! 
Fan: How do demons deposit sulfur? Jensen: *runs around the stage, making farting noises*
What’s on their bucket lists? And the weirdest thing on there? The fan has an accent that J2 both attempt. Jared says (about the accent): “It’s beautiful and I’m jealous of people who speak better than me, which is everyone.”
We have learned Jared doesn’t have a bucket list. Then he says he would love to go on a helicopter ride. He’s never done it before and it’s the small things. Jensen is unimpressed.
Jared: “What I meant to say was...have a...pet...koala...bear...” Jensen: JUST STOP.
Jensen says, “I want to watch my children grow up.”  
Jared says he can watch his children grow up from the helicopter. Jensen quips, “That’s called helicopter parenting.” 
Jared shakes the fan’s hand and asks where her accent is from, repeating that it’s beautiful. She says, “Yorkshire.” He goes, “no YOU’RE sure.” LOL 
The dad jokes are strong today.
For the final season, this is the first year J2 have said to the writers and producers that they would like to be part of the creative process in the direction and the story of s15. J2 have been invited to the storyboarding with the creators in LA for the final season and definitely want to give their input. They don’t know if they’ll listen, and J2 are prepared for that, but nobody’s lived with Sam and Dean longer than they have. They would love to give input that the show and characters deserve. <3
Jensen: “No one knows these characters more than Jared and I.”
Jared: As a fan of the show, I'd like to offer my input.    
Jensen says they watch the episodes in order to give themselves critical feedback. They don’t read comments on social media re: feedback. 
It’s hard for them to watch themselves as just an audience. Including other TV shows like GOT and This Is Us. 
J2 both loved “Death's Door” then realized we weren't in it much. Jensen: Are we weighing it down? Jared: We're critical of ourselves
Fan: Jensen, you were amazing last night [at the concert]. Jared: Oh, if you think he was amazing last night... :P
Fan asks if Jensen really played piano on Dark Angel and any memories from the show?  It was a little of both Jensen and a pro (close-ups are not him playing). It was a VERY difficult song to learn how to play, Chopin he thinks. He has to think hard to dig up funny stories.
When Jessica Alba gets in the boxing ring (with him) she lined up the punch and hit him RIGHT in the nose. (One of the MANY reasons it’s “so jacked up”) He was too young to say “cut! That hurt!” Realizes he doesn’t do that now, either lol.
Another episode he gets slapped, but the actress wasn’t getting the timing for the fake slap right. She was petite so he assumed it wouldn’t be too bad... But he had a WELT on his face. Whole crew went “oof.”
“Scoobynatural” question for the final scene, how many takes? A small crowd had gathered outside across the street. They’re 20 yards away and can’t hear the regular dialogue. But Jensen knew they would get that last line, and he was embarrassed to say the line because those people wouldn’t know the context. 
Jared: They’re so old they’re animating themselves to be on camera! lol
A fan said she lost her favorite beanie in the Bellagio fountain and was asking on recommendations to get a new one. 
Jared gave his beanie to the fan aww. Then Jensen told Jared that he lost his favorite watch, and Jared immediately took off his watch and gave it to Jensen. Jensen cuddles Jared. Jared then tells Jensen he lost his favorite pair of underwear LOL 
Last question: Fan wants to know where Jensen and Jared went during the “French Mistake” episode.  Jensen says they were at a con. Jared says VegasCon! Or maybe it was Balthazar. But Jensen prefers to think they just didn’t show up for work because “they’re asshole actors.” 
Hugs, standing ovation for the boys, J2 give each other and the fans some love before taking off :) (photo credit: x)
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Info via: Fangasm, Sarah,  #spnlv, #spnvegas
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fictionalarsonist · 5 years
the heartbreak prince - part 2
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pairing ›_ yoonmin ; taegi feat. ›_bts namjoon ; bts hoseok content ›_angst ; murder ; violence ; blood ; drinking ; mature language ; major character death ; implied/referenced drug use rating ›_pg-13 word count ›_6k
premise ›_On his way to be on the top of the food-chain, Yoongi stumbles on the dazzling, articulated and prize possession Park Jimin. Yoongi finds himself willing to do anything to get Jimin to accept him. Taehyung believes his hyung is better than that.
credit ›_ @kimlinebiased​ helped me with this chapter. thank you, hun!
「 ao3 | masterlist 」
[ part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | wip ]
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Taehyung was a low-life thug, Yoongi promoted him to his henchman as soon as they got out of jail. It was Taehyung’s graduation. There’s so much he could say about what Yoongi has done for him before spilling the beans, inside those walls and outside as well, something he’d give up on his life before he could ever get himself to say a word about it.
“Hyung!” Taehyung calls again. He can keep up to Yoongi’s quick pace easily, but he’s panting in anticipation, “Hyung- If you’d allow me to say something-”
“I don’t.” Yoongi cuts him off, cold.
“If you just listen to me-”
“Just keep your mouth shut or I’ll do it for you,” Yoongi threatens dryly and this tone always gives Taehyung a gut-wrenching feeling.
Taehyung opens the backseat door and Yoongi lets himself in. Taehyung stands there, a couple of moments too late to close the door and it’s long enough to get Yoongi glare at him from inside the car.
“What are you doing?” Yoongi growls and Taehyung’s quick on his feet after closing the door, despite his mind still being in a complete limbo.
When the car leaves, Taehyung can’t help but keep looking at his boss from the rearview mirror as they drive.
“Yes, hyung.”
“You make sure Hoseok won’t make it, you hear me?”
Taehyung hesitates.
“You hear me?” Yoongi forces, “Hoseok knows Jimin longer. He knows how things work better than me. I’m sure he’s been on his toes. Waiting for this.” Yoongi finds Taehyun’s eyes through the mirror and the devilish look in them seems to trap a part of Taehyung in that mirror, “ Don’t hesitate. Get all the boys you need and make sure you’ll make it back in one piece.”
“Yes-” Taehyung swallow, “hyung.” Taehyung gulps down the knot he wasn’t able to swallow the first time and looks away, “But-, what about Namjoon?”
“Namjoon doesn’t owe his ass to Hoseok.” Yoongi says, clenching his jaw. Taehyung blinks and loses the moment Yoongi looks away. “The one who got him and Hoseok out of jail was the old man. He’s my problem to deal with.”
Taehyung stays silent.
“Do you have a problem?” Yoongi's question has an eerie sound to it. His eyes snap at Taehyung through the rearview mirror again, but only for a moment. Just enough to get an answer out of Taehyung.
“No, hyung. I don’t.”
There’s a pregnant silence in the car, the driver glances at Taehyung and Yoongi, tenses.
“I put my word on this before,” there’s a pause where Yoongi looks back to the outside world through the window, “One or two more drops of blood won’t make me any dirtier.” Yoongi adds thoughtfully.
Taehyung sees the spark in Yoongi’s eyes. One he knows too well and it’s enough. Yoongi has always been scary and should be left alone when he’s like this. It brings back memories.
“Tae, lock the door” Yoongi orders, the first order Taehyung ever got from him.
It all happened because of him in the first place. Stuttering, tripping on his feet and covered in sweat, cuts, bruises and blood, Taehyung did his best to lock the gates closed, then the door with his slippery, trembling hands that hardly obeyed him. Praying no one would come, no guards would question. Yoongi glanced back at him for an unnoticeable moment, before a sick grin spread on his lips.
“Ah~ Tae. You should’ve locked from the outside. This isn’t something for you to see~” Yoongi said as if humming a song.
Yoongi walked further in the middle of the semi-circle of these guys that were harassing him a moment ago. They outnumbered Yoongi and, still, they stepped back twice or thrice as Yoongi didn’t even hesitate. Taehyung thought that if he was frightened, imagine those thugs who had that murderous rage directed to them. Yoongi seemed like a lethal, wild animal ready to pounce and shred them to pieces any second now.
It’s late into the night when Taehyung leads his men into the hostess club Hoseok likes to go. People run and hide as they march in, Taehyung’s right-hand man barges in the room and makes way for Taehyung to walk in.
“Don’t be stupid, kiddo.” Hoseok smirks without looking at him, comfortably sitting with a frightened escort on his lap. Taehyung watches him down a whisky without a grimace and dismisses the girl who runs past him and his boys crying despite the fact nothing had been done to her.
Taehyung manners his hand and his boys walk in the room. Hoseok’s quick on his feet, simply jolting from the couch in a second, landing perfectly on the long table in front of him the very next second. His feet landing gracefully where there’s no drinks or food, not messing up a single thing that has been perfectly set for him. But that only lasts for a moment, once Taehyung’s men and Hoseok crash, then there’s the sound of glass shattering, the heavy smell of alcohol impregnating the room, the fruits and snacks scattered on the floor.
  The doors in the corridors open one after another, the sound of the bodies being thrown and tossed down and across the room is muffled by the blasting music from the other rooms. The club’s staff rush to their clients trying to avoid the panic, unaffectedly. Hoseok locks his arms around a man’s neck and uses the knife stolen from him to get another out of his way before getting rid of his hostage the same way. Taehyung stands on the pathway with a few of his men protecting his back, watching Hoseok take one man after another out of his way. It didn’t matter how many men went against him, Hoseok gritted his teeth and took a blow when he had to only to take two others down the very next moment.
Taehyung saw Hoseok being finally brought down finally, his feet flew in the air as he fell on his back, letting out a nasty cry when his back hit the sharp edge of the table. His head hung in the empty space between the table and the couch, one of the men aimed a bottle to his head and Hoseok could do so much. Taeyung watched Hoseok’s blood soak his hair and drip on the carpet.
“Finish this already!” Taehyung barks the order, firing up his men into a rougher approach.
“It- won’t b-be that easy, Taehyung,” Taehyung heard Hoseok’s restrained voice.
“That’s enough, Hoseok.” Taehyung advised, seeing Hoseok being held up with an arm tight around his neck and all he got as a reply was a weak smirk before Hoseok gritted his teeth, taking the inevitable stab. Once, twice. The third time Hoseok held the hand aiming the bloody knife at him again and fought back.
Hoseok takes stuttering steps, blood soaking his clothes, his hair and streaming down his face. He uses all his energy to bolt toward whoever’s left, using the stolen knife dripping blood from him and it's late owner. Everyone stands on hold for a moment, those who have been fighting are panting, the wounded grit their teeth and try to fight back the pain.
“Taehyung-ah~,” Hoseok speaks up, “Let’s not take this too far, huh?” He pants even though his eyes are set on the guys trying to sneak their way to him.
“I’m giving you the chance to fight back. It’s only fair, but I really think this is enough,” Taehyung’s cold facade matches his expression just fine. He pats his right man’s shoulder and a gun is aimed at Hoseok this time.
“Whoa~ So, that’s how you’re playing now. You’ve changed this much because of Yoongi?” Hoseok smirks, his voice weakened. He steps back as others step towards him. “I see.” He says it emptily.
Hoseok has barely a second to glance at his right, the man holding a broken bottle instead of a knife is his easiest escape. The shooter’s ready to hit Hoseok, but the body thrown at the gun in his direction creates a distraction and buys him enough time, the loud shot rings in Taehyung’s ears as his eyes lock with Hoseok’s. It takes much too long for Taehyung’s henchman to fall to his knees. Taehyung stands tall when the gun is pointed at him next.
“I hate this kind of thing,” Hoseok says casually, “I mean it,” Hoseok adds, his eyes trained on Taehyung’s, “This isn’t the 80’s anymore. Why do we stab each other in the back like this?”
Hoseok complains, taking off his suit and throwing uncaringly somewhere before folding the sleeves of his dress shirt. Keeping the gun aimed at Taehyung whose expression doesn’t falter. “I really, really wish Yoongi wouldn’t do this.” Hoseok sighs theatrically, “This is the end for him,” Hoseok says with an assertive nod, blood dripping from his temple over his left eye, “You know it too, don’t you? He’s too greedy for his own good and too impatient for anyone to handle. I just wanted him to hold on for a little longer.” Hoseok complains, frustrated instead of angry. “Even if I want him to get rid of dad- I really could make good use of the old man for a little longer. The timing… It isn’t right for me.”
The rage and mercilessness he showed a moment ago seemed to be completely forgotten. Hoseok lowers the gun as if this doesn’t make him an easy target, especially now that he’s face to face with Taehyung. What is left of Taehyung’s men are standing back, on the tip of their toes, eyes set on Hoseok, waiting for orders to bolt to Hoseok at any given moment and Hoseok knows it. Still, he doesn’t seem to care. He clicks his tongue.
“Well, then-,” he shrugs, “I suppose he’s done for. I told him about it, but you~ ”
Hoseok smiles, takes a few steps closer pointing a waving finger to Taehyung before setting the hand on the other’s shoulder. Taehyung’s men falter, tempted to bolt towards Hoseok. Taehyung manners his hand for them to stay back. For the time being, at least.
“Why do you have to go to waste? You and me-” Hoseok points carelessly between them with the gun, “We don’t need to get all messy because of Yoongi’s greed. You should think of yourself for a change here, Taehyung. You owe nothing to Yoongi. He doesn’t give a fuck about you. I mean-” Hoseok shrugs disdainfully, “Isn’t he all over Jimin? Then, why are you so hung up on him?” Hoseok hits Taehyung’s chest lightly with the back of his free hand, an easy smile playing on his pale lips, “We’ll get all screwed up over a dead guy. Taehyung-ah, this platonic shit- for people like us, is like dragging ourselves to our own grave. Just listen to what I’m saying right now, huh?” Hoseok pauses and steps closer, face to face with Taehyung now, “Let’s make this work. The two of us.” Hoseok's smile could make anyone sick, “What do you say?”
The otherwise busy company’s building is now eerily quiet, as if abandoned. The sound of Taehyung’s heels echoes in the entrance lounge, Yoongi’s men bow their heads once he walks in and passes by them. Standing back up and staying still like statues once Taehyung passes by them. He walks in the elevator that has been waiting for him and soon finds himself at the penthouse owned by the old man that refused to leave his company.
Taehyung’s steps still echoes in the hall that leads to the front door of the penthouse. One of Yoongi’s men guards the door and bows at Taehyung before opening the door for him. The room has an eerie silence the moment Taehyung steps in. It’s almost dark outside, still nobody bothered to turn on the lights inside. Despite all the tall-tales that lead Taehyung to believe this ended up in Yoongi’s favor he can’t help but feel uncertain as the door closes at his back silently.
“What’re you so tense for? It’s just me,” he hears Yoongi’s voice in the dark.
Taehyung moves to switch the lights on, Taehyung's eyes quickly caughts the havoc-like scene in front of him, the room is completely destroyed, the dead body of the old man thrown over the dinning table, a pool of blood near his head, dripping down from the edge. Stains of blood on the walls and the furniture indicate a nasty fight, Taehyung assumes between Namjoon and Yoongi. The old man wouldn’t put up a fight if he wanted to.
“Hyung!” Taehyung calls out, rushing to Yoongi’s side.
The once pristine white armchair Yoongi’s cradled in, now is tainted in vivid crimson. Yoongi presses his hand on his side, a deep painful grunt escaping his throat and Taehyung’s by his side in a flash. He watches Yoongi frowning in pain as he takes off his suit, crouching down by his side and taking Yoongi’s hands off the wound so he can press his suit on it.
“Hyung, we should take you to the hospital,” Taehyung glances up, worried and worked up, seeing Yoongi reaching for a cigarette in his suit’s pocket. He watches Yoongi trying to get the lighter to work without success.
“Fuck!” Yoongi lets out in rage, throwing away, but not to far from them either. It makes a muffled thud when it hits the carpeted floor.
“Shut up!” Yoongi barks at him, annoyed. His voice muffled by the cigarette hanging from his lips. “Gimme yours.” Yoongi orders.
Contradicted, Taehyung searches inside his suit, now drenched in blood, until he finds his lighter and hands it to Yoongi who takes a long drag once he manages to work. Taehyung messingly folds his suit and presses on Yoongi’s wound yet again.
“We should move you to the hospital,” Taehyung starts speaking in a rush, reaching inside the pocket of his pant for his phone, “I’ll tell the boys to get the car ready-”
“Kim Taehyung!” Yoongi’s voice makes him stop and look up, the wide open, threatening eyes directed at him, “Knock it off~” Whatever Yoongi would say next is cut by the the pain that strikes him then, “ Oh, fuck! ” Yoongi takes in a sharp, shaky drag of his cigarette, “Kim Namjoon- That bitch-”, Yoongi swallows a grunt loudly, “ Fuck - It’s a shame we can’t harvest that fucker- I wish I could see him inside out after this,” Yoongi stops to take another drag, “How things went with Hoseok?”
“Hyung- before we talk about this, I really think you should-”, Taehyung’s cut off once again.
“You fucking prick!” Yoongi hisses, “I didn’t bail you out of jail so you could do the thinking around here, Taehyung . ”
Taehyung swallows his contradictions and doesn’t resist the slightless when Yoongi sits up despite the pain and discomfort, pushing him back on his ass, his back hitting the broken coffee table behind him. Looking elsewhere, Taehyung takes a deep breath through his lips as Yoongi leans forward, pressing his suit to the wound, pulling the cigarette away from his lips. Blowing the smoke on Taehyung’s face.
“Jung Hoseok.” Yoongi tries again, voice restrained.
Taehyung nods and clears his throat before looking up at Yoongi. “It’s done. He took most of the boys down, by himself.”
Yoongi smirks, “Of course he did. He wasn’t just your typical snotty rich bastard. Hoseok got his own back in jail or out here too.” Yoongi took another long drag and swallowed the smoke, falling back on the armchair with a strangled chuckled leaving his lips. “He thought I was too greedy. That stupid fucker.” Yoongi grins, taking yet another drag. He looks away from Taehyung as if he’s reminiscing something, but to Taehyung it looks as if Yoongi’s on the edge of passing out.
Unexpectedly, Yoongi’s eyes find his and the sharpness in them doesn’t falter.
“You fucker! Don’t look like you’re seeing me off to my funeral~ It hurts my pride.” Yoongi feigns his anger and slaps Taehyung’s head. Cigarette ashes scatter over Taehyung’s hair.
“Yes, hyung.” Taehyung replies quietly, with a reluctant obedience.
Yoongi’s always been pale, but now he looks like a ghost, his eyes keep that sharpness but Taehyung can see them losing focus and worry shits into fear when Yoongi lets his hand rest on the armrest and head back, closing his eyes. Taehyung jolts to his knee.
“Hyung!” He calls, his heart crawling its way to his throat.
“I called the doc from the factory. He’ll be here soon. ” Yoongi speaks up and lickshis lips, get me a drink. “Is Jimin here yet?” He mutters, his lips moving loosely around the words. Yoongi presses his lips closed.
“Hy-Hyung? Yoongi hyung?” Taehyung hesitantly, but he doesn’t get any response.
The cigarette burns a hole in the white, crimson tainted, expensive armchair, tipping loosely from Yoongi’s fingers. Taehyung pushes himself up, just enough to be face to face with Yoongi, his hand trembles as he touches Yoongi's hand that stopped pressing Taehyung’s suit to his wound, his skin’s cold. Taehyung covers Yoongi’s hand and presses the wound, feeling a knot forming in the pit of his stomach.
“Y-Yoongi hyung?” Taehyung tries again, shaking Yoongi’s shoulder with his free hand. “Hyung, wake up! Hyung!”
With slippery hands, Taehyung tries to get his phone for the second time when the door bursts open. Jimin marches in the place not even sparing a glance at the dead body of the old man or the wrecked state of the room, as always Jimin shows himself impeccable and dazzling even now.
“What the fuck are you doing?” He barks at Taehyung as if he has the right to.
Jimin rushes his steps to Yoongi, pushing Taehyung out of the way, but the other doesn’t budge. Jimin cups Yoongi’s cheek with one hand, patting his other cheek and moving his head, trying to get Yoongi to wake up.
“Min Yoongi! You made this far, don’t just die like this!” Jimin tries shaking him to no avail and glares at Taehyung, “What are you doing? We have to get him to the hospital. Now!”
Taehyung drives with his hands, soaked in blood, gripping the wheel tightly. Swallowing the knot in his throat, stealing glances at the backseat where Jimin seems to be doing his best to keep Yoongi conscious after getting some kind of response a while ago.
“ Hey, don’t pass out on me, now, ” Taehyung hears Jimin saying oh-so-softly and caring, trying to keep Yoongi focused on him. Brushing Yoongi’s hair, dripping in cold sweat, from his forehead.
“Ji-Jimin?” It’s Yoongi’s weak response and Taehyung has to keep his attention on the road as he drives like a crazy man to the hospital.
“I’m here,” Jimin replies with not enough sense of urgency, “I’m here”
Taehyung glances at the rearview mirror and sees Jimin pressing his lips to Yoongi’s and looks away. Taking a sharp turn to the hospital that is right there now . As soon as Yoongi is taken in Taehyung has to take care of the cops, it’s not much of a problem, with as much as a friendly call they let him go and Taehyung can attend to Yoongi again.
The nurse leads Taehyung to the waiting room where Jimin’s sitting with a thoughtful, distant look, sipping on some drink they brought him; his once neat clothes are now messed up and tainted with Yoongi’s blood much like his skin. The crimson is so much more contrasting on his pale skin that matches Yoongi’s rather than Taehyung’s own, that is somewhat darker, covered in scars, old and new bruises and cuts. Taehyung’s also sticky with Yoongi’s blood that soaks his suit - something that he’s still holding on to even now.
Taehyung moves awkwardly to take a seat on the other end of the room, his thoughts are set on that lit up sign by the door. He sits on the uncomfortable hospital chair that creaks under his weight when he leans forward with his elbows on the small, cold armrest. Taehyung can’t help but get his mind wandering into thousands of scenarios of Yoongi laying on that bed with half-dozen people doubled over his body, cutting him and digging deeper into his wounds. Taehyung tries his hardest to avoid the case scenario, it’s already scary enough to see him lifeless and he’s begrudgingly thankful to whatever Jimin did to get Yoongi back to his senses.
Lost in his own thoughts Taehyung doesn’t see Jimin observing him from the other end of the room, sipping on his warm tea that is nothing close to how he likes it. Setting the cup aside, after giving up on the drink, Jimin leans back on his seat. Observing how Taehyung’s scraping the skin of his palm nervously, pressing on the superficial wound he created, certainly not feeling anything. Jimin crosses his legs and pulls on his lower, plump lip with his teeth, thoughtfully.
He observes Taehyung’s tensed muscles and how his eyes are glued to the squeaky clean floor, how his lips pressed hard and twist every now and then, being abused, bitten and pulled with all the anxiety Taehyung tries to conceal so miserably. Jimin can’t hold back the subtle smile that curls his lips. The implied, cold silence is cut when the door opens. Taehyung’s head jolts up and Jimin stands up as Taehyung also gets to his feet, tense.
“How is he?” Jimin asks with a considerable sense of urgency to his tone.
“The surgery was a success,” the doctor says with trained optimism, “We believe the transplant won’t be necessary.”
“A transplant?” Taehyung asks, worried.
“Yes,” the doctor starts, turning to Taehyung now. “We considered a transplant before, Jimin-sshi here told me Min Yoongi has no relatives that could give permission to the procedure. Therefore, since they’re in a relationship, he took the responsibility as Min Yoongi’s guardian and authorized the transplant. Luckily it won’t be necessary.”
Taehyung’s eyes find Jimin’s who doesn’t get bothered the least by the threat in that glare.
“Min Yoongi will be under intensive care until he wakes up. For now, he’s stable.”
“Are there any more risks?” Taehyung asks
“We don’t think so. But we can only be sure once he wakes up.”
“How long?-” Taehyung asks again, “Until he wakes up, I mean.”
“We don’t know. That’s up to him now.” The doctor switch his attention from Taehyung to Jimin, then back to Taehyung. “Unfortunately, we can only grant visits to relatives and guardians for the moment.”
“Our Taehyung here is Yoongi’s personal assistant and chief of security,” Jimin speaks up, laying his hand on Taehyung’s shoulder, “After me, he’s the one who takes care of Yoongi. While he’s here, Taehyung gonna make sure Yoongi’s properly assisted, doctor. Ah, no offenses.”
“I understand. In this case, I’m sure the nurses would grant access if the situation is properly explained.” The doctor replies and Jimin smiles and nod quietly.
“I’m sure they will understand as well.” Jimin says and pulls his hand off Taehyung’s shoulder, “In the meantime… You really should get yourself treated too, Taehyung.” Jimin suggests ever so inducingly.
The doctor looks back at Taehyung, his trained eyes quickly locating the possible damages in Taehyung’s body.
Taehyung washes Yoongi’s blood from his body, watching the crimson swirl its way down the drain in the shower. Saying that he doesn’t like Jimin isn’t enough. The manipulative, little bastard is playing his own game, Hoseok’s right and anyone could see this but Yoongi himself. Too blinded by Jimin’s… everything , and all Taehyung just doesn’t have or is. If he was smart enough, a little less loyal maybe… But he’s Kim Taehyung and leaving Yoongi to deal with his chosen, rotten luck isn't something he’s willing to do.
Once he’s done, Taehyug steps out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist, another around his neck with which he dries his hair roughly. Taehyung looks up to find Jimin carelessly sitting on the edge of the hospital bed.
“I asked some of your boys to get some clothes at your place,” Jimin says, pointing at the bag on the bed, “I let them take your blood-stained clothes to wash instead.”
“Is there anything you need?” Taehyung asks, standing a good distance from Jimin.
“I heard Yoongi takes you in high regard. He’s very protective of you, isn’t he?” Jimin asks passively.
“I work for him.” Taehyung replies.
“You love him,” Jimin beamed. A simple, easy smile always curling the corner of his lips as if it wasn’t there.
“I don’t-” Taehyung breathed.
“It’s not that Yoongi doesn’t know~”, Jimin muses, “But he doesn’t see it. ” Taehyung doesn’t like the way Jimin licks his lips as if there’s something in his words for him to taste. “He’s blinded by his goals right now, he won’t see anything but that.”
Taehyung knows part of Yoongi’s goal rests on Jimin, who he is and he can do, but it’s more than that.
“Any reason why you’d tell me that?” Taehyung asks before Jimin could leave the room.
“Yes,” Jimin says as a matter-of-factly, turning to look at Taehyung, “You look like a kicked puppy when I’m with Yoongi. You should be more patient or more assertive of yourself. Pick one.” Jimin shrugs, but instead of turning to leave he scans over Taehyung’s body, “Considering you were left with nothing but these after facing Jung Hoseok, I’m sure you made up your mind already. Am I wrong?”
Jimin's eyes meet Taehyung’s before he turns around. Taehyung only listens to the door closing at his back while he walks to the bed and peaks inside the bag with his clothes.
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⇽ part 01  |  part 03 ⇾
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Uchitama 1 - 2 | Hatena 1 - 2 | Ankoku Hakaishin 1 - 2 | Infinite Dendrogram 1 | Hanako-kun 2 | In/Spectre 1 | ARP Backstage Pass 1 | A3 1
Rolled out one tag. I got pretty far behind, so I’ll catch up in the next few posts.
Uchitama 1
Ume and Shirai here.
I would assume this kid with the tiger on his shirt is called Tora, because I vaguely remember a “Tora” in the promotional material.
The sakura aesthetic is nice.
This switch between boy and cat forms is a bit…”weird” is the first word that came to mind, but “random” was the next.
Tora = Shirai and Ume is a character called Kuro, who we haven’t seen yet. (Had to google which roles they had.)
LOL, I like Beh already. A sleepyhead like him is perfect!
I just noticed, but Beh sometimes has a cleft palate (that little dent in the mouth).
Ume’s character isn’t too bad-looking, y’know. He’s a clumsy one though, so he doesn’t quite seem like the sort of character I’d gravitate to.
Seeing boys and girls act like cats and dogs makes me LOL.
Huh? Is cat-dog romance like your standard opposites attract romance…?
Hmm…thank goodness the mother cat wasn’t “made human”…
I’m used to Nora being a woman (see Noragami plus the Western general usage of the name “Nora”)…so this one being a guy (with nice eyes, to boot) is a bit disorienting.
Turns out the Tosa is a huge dog with a face like a pitbull.
I find this Momo-Bull romance just a bit weird still.
I got spoilt on this from the reviews, but Waiha = Hawaii.
That flash of Nora’s owner (?) was interesting!
Other notes: The narration seems to be done by the voice of Tama. Ume sounds like Ume, but it doesn’t feel like Ume because he’s playing against his normal type of character. Shirai doesn’t sound like Shirai though…it’s a completely different character to the types I’ve heard him do before (Ramuda and Io don’t sound like Tora, but Vino sounds similar to En because a lot of Ume characters are done in his usual, suave voice…Ramuda is Shirai doing a falsetto though so he’s hard to compare).
Hatena 1
This one got alright reviews, but I get the feeling I’m not going to like it, so lt’s get this over and done with.
Why is Kana the only one with the black hair…?
This OP is rather low budget compared to the others…
I fully expect Kana to go “It’s bitter…” and make a face when drinking the coff-yep. Thought so. Why do people think black coffee is the mark of a distinguished adult anyway? I don’t even like coffee, so I don’t get it at all.
The sentence in Japanese went something like “Makoto’s always been good”, so I don’t get why the word “egg” had to be introduced into the subs.
There’s an onigiri sale in the back, LOL.
The gates were fairly CGId…
The butler’s name is literally Jeeves Wodehouse, LOL.
Oh, Yumemi is blonde because of Maeve and Kana is brunette/black (?) haired because of Mamoru. Yumemi = dream seeing and Mamoru = protect.
Kana’s voice is annoying! That’s why I thought I wouldn’t like this.
Kana’s such a tsundere now that she knows Makoto is a boy, it’s annoying. I already knew such a detail from the reviews, so I’m not miffed at all.
I find it vaguely amusing that there were 3 different types of animation of a person popping their head into the attic.
Ema’s just a bit evil…Update: Nup, she just ships Kana x Makoto, that’s all.
The hardsubs weren’t encoded correctly on this episode, so they’re all blurry now. Still readable but blurry.
The pun is that the ka in Kana can be read hate in other cases.
More CG doors.
Why is Kana wearing the scarf, even after her bath in a towel???
This reminds me of Hayate the Combat Butler…
Maeve is foreign...that’s why she’s blonde. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh. (<- partially sarcastic)
Hmm…the fact you can’t tell what is and isn’t real is an interesting factor. However, the production values and the bog-standard romance being set up undercut that.
Magical girl transformation, eh? Reminds me of DN Angel or Magic Kaito, but also Phantom Thief Jeanne or something of the sort.
Hatena 2
I’m still trying to see if this is something to kick out…
This “scarf punches guy” business is getting old…I never got used to it in the old-school harems. I don’t know why it’s become a “classic” thing in anime.
This is meant to be for a boy’s perspective, so…I don’t get it. Okay, I’m dropping this.
Infinite Dendrogram 1
An isekai…oh, goody. (sarcastic) Then again, if I liked this I could try a new publisher out, so it’s win-win for me and the companies I go through to get there.
*the exposition rolls in about virtual reality* Oh great (sarcastic)…this is SAO all over again, isn’t it???
I saw HOTZIPANG in the credits list…now I’m really wary. HOTZIPANG were in the credits for Africa Salaryman and their animation production isn’t the best.
1st person cam…you suck, you know that?!
No. 13 (unlucky number)…Cheshire (Alice in Wonderland)…
Ray for Reiji makes sense, but…(consults Google-sensei) mukudori does mean “starling”, after all.
Yo…does Ray have to be blonde…? Is this some commentary on how having blonde hair is better than black hair, or am I thinking about this too much? (It’s my belief that Asians want to look European and vice versa – just look at their beauty standards! - so that’s where that comes from.)
Box? Looks like a bag to me.
Welp, just grabbing the kanji for mukudori via Wikipedia revealed the Embryo is a sword to me…*shrugs* No surprise there – as TV Tropes would say, heroes love swords (and redheads!).
So you can commit murder in Infinite Dendrogram??? (I’m joking partially, but Cheshire did say “you can do anything”…right?)
…and of course Ray drops into Altea from the sky. It’s been a cliché since No Game No Life.
“This is a game?” – Actually, I thought the same thing when I entered the website and game of TERA. Then again, this is basically trying to be SAO through and through, so I guess spouting that line is a prerequisite here.
How does anyone break both arms from running into someone…?
Well, at least this show looks nice. It’s doing its job on that front.
I was going to ask what a tian was, but the show answered it for me. Good job, show!
*Googles “dendrogram”* - “a tree diagram, especially one showing taxonomic relationships.” – Oh, so that’s why it’s called Infinite Dendrogram! (Y’know, it reminds me of studying about dendrites, which have the same appearance as a dendrogram...hence the shared origins of the words.)
Normally characters don’t jump into virtual worlds with thir brother…they’d do it with their cousin or crush or something…Hmm.
I was about to think you die in real life if you die in the game, but thank goodness this one is nowhere near as bad.
CGI bugs…of course…
That one still shot revealed a crack in this show’s visuals. I almost thought I could select it on the basis of the excellent visuals alone, but nope.
“…that…leaves a bad taste in my mouth!” – Not again, Ray…stop saying that line…
Again? I just told you in the last note not to!
Of course Ray gets the girl. I should’ve known…well she’s a sword but also a girl…?
The sentence ending -grizz is –kuma in Japanese.
I felt something special in my gut when the sword appeared, even though I’m complaining about this being like SAO, so I think it’s worth continuing.
A3 1
A3 is based on a mobile game so it looks a lot like those idol games, but it’s actually about acting according to the full name of Act! Addict! Actors!.
This kid’s eyes freak me out!
Considering this involves – according to the synopsis – a Mankai (full bloom) Company and this is called “spring and summer”, plus the metaphors from earlier, it makes sense the kiddo’s jumper says “spring” on it.
I thought the kid was singing, but turns out he’s reciting Shakespeare. I don’t know how popular the ol’ Shakie is in Japan, but I’ll take it.
Veludo Way = Broadway, apparently.
It should be Biro-do or Verodo, but not “Vedulo” like the subs say.
*sees a woman* - Oh great, so now this turns into an otome game…or, like i7’s Tsumugi, she’s an audience insert.
Someone encoded the video funny again…*sigh*
I bet the demolition guy is going to join the theatre, based on his looks. Update: According to the wiki, yes he does (as part of the Autumn troupe)! One of his hobbies is bubble wrap, which I can relate to immensely…and apparently he’s a yakuza…?
Masumi’s voice…is that Kaito Ishikawa? Update: No! It’s Shirai! I’m so surprised…it’s a very Io-sounding voice, though, so I guess I shouldn’t.
Masumi is one of those needy types who could easily fall into yandere territory…I don’t like him. I don’t like Sakuya either, though…
I know this from my recent experience, but hard work hardly works, Sakuya. Staying somewhere one year or ten years does diddly squat if you don’t have what other people are looking for. *tries not to cry*
I’m sorry guys, but even with the attack to the heart, I don’t give a s*** about you all. The troupe was just arguing to delay their deadlines and Furuichi (the demolition guy) has a point – the guys didn’t really prove themselves outside a brief but unimpressive stint from Sakuya.
ARP Backstage Pass 1
Hopefully this show is actually good, y’know? A3 just bombed…
Okayyyyyyyyyyy…from the one minute or so that I’ve seen, it looks like a Coldplay concert but with bishonen (good) and bad music (which is…uh, bad). That does not bode well for this show…also, the stage names are pretty obviously that. I mean, who cals their kid “Rage”? It’s probably Reiji (again, considring Infinite Dendrogram).
The cars from above almost look like Frogger…LOL.
Oh f*** me and my on-the-ball instincts! I guessed correctly again (Rage = Reiji)…and that’s bad news.
Wait, why is Shinji staring into space…?
There’s a kettle noisily going on in the background, so I can’t really tell what’s so awesome about this show without the music…I guess I’ll have to abort this mission until later…
Okay, so I listened to the piano bit thrice and couldn’t tell if there was a piano noise…That’s bad news. Update: Yep, listened to it again and there is no piano sound during the piano scene.
The rock music was…unexpected.
Wait, you mean the dude’s name is actually Daiya??? What???
Oh my gosh, these guys are hilarious! I know that’s dark considering they’re starving, but…LOL.
Idolmaster Side M taught me that career changes are actually pretty interesting when combined with idol anime and…this may be a band or something, but it sure works the same way.
That transition to Leon was terrible.
This appears to be Yokohama (Chinatown) and Hakone (the pirate ship).
Well, the show’s case would be helped if they had music in the right places, rather than music videos interspersed throughout.
Geesh this one is tough…some of the music is actually pretty good and the episode does get better when Rebel Cross appear (but Shinji is kinda boring, even though I thought I’d like him the most, and Leon’s singing was downright terrible), but the animation is terrible and I found myself going “But why should I care?!” multiple times in my head during the first half. The group do seem to have quite good synergy at the end and are generally entertaining, too.
Ankoku Hakaishin 1
I’ve ben calling this “Destructive God” or “Ankoku Haishin”, so this is A Destructive God Sits Next to Me. Update: It should be Hakaishin…actually.
Ooh, Natsuko Takahashi. This show’s in good hands.
Very Seki-kun.
Black Mouse Land, LOL.
“This is war!” – The word here is shoubu, which literally means “victory or defeat”, so it makes sense to change it to a more commonly used phrase.
“RIP Koyuki” – The grave said “Koyuki’s grave”…which isn’t that funny to be honest, so again, I get the decision to change it.
Hanadori still had the dog…?
“Things I Want to Forget” – Literally, the words on the page mean “black history”, which I think is funnier.
Oh, I bet Koyuki will plan the class trip…
“[T]he jerk in the next class over” – Does he have a name…?
I bet Koyuki has the worst grades in math of the trio.
Koyuki is deliberately designed like a cat, it seems.
You can see the broken window from earlier…LOL.
It’s Animal Crossing! On DS! (But what’s up with that rabbit with the fishnet stockings…?) Update: Do Japanese kids even use DSs these days? DSs must be cheap in comparison to their newfangled gaming laptops and Switches…
Is Tsukimiya Mamoru Miyano or something…? Update: Nup, Kimura. I seem to get those two confused quite a bit.
The “Muney” (sic) thing is because he (Hanadori) wrote the hyou in mokuhyou (aim, goal) wrong. By the way, Hanadori put an eyepatch on one of his banknotes.
That ending was actually kind of cute. I always prefer heartwarming comedies like these over mean-spirited ones (Osomatsu-san, Konosuba), so…yep, it’s in my wheelhouse!
I predicted the ending but the galactic reaction I got was…awesome!
In/Spectre 1
Why does this have so many names? In/Spectre, Kyokou Suiri , Inverted Reasoning (or was it Inverted Interface)…? Update: Inverted Inference. That’s the name on the manga covers.
Ooh, Saki is pretty classy-looking.
This is being framed like a romance, huh? I know this series is supernatural, but I’m not really here for the romance.
What’s the age gap? 17 (Kotoko) – 23 (Kuro)?
Lel, Harlequin novels. Those seem to be exclusive to the Western world (specifically the USA and its English-speaking country buddies), so it’s probably just romance novels in the original words. Update: I found Harlequin novels for Japan, but still, they’d be nowhere near as ubiquitous as they are elsewhere. Update 2: I kept thinking about it, so now I have an entire post with my findings. Turns out Japan does have and know about Harlequin novels (which do look like the one the samurai was holding), but they probably couldn’t state the name because of potential lawsuits or something. 
Oh gosh, Potato-kun (Kuro) – yes, I think of him much like a normal harem lead – getting your hand chomped off to the arm is a bit stupid, y’know?
Whoa! Wht a crazy cliffhanger!
Whoo! This OP (? Or is this an ED?) is crazy cool. Kinda like low-budget Kekkai Sensen.
Well, this show is kinda losing me with the romance elements, but the supernatural part is great.
Hanako-kun 2
What’s Hakujoudai? Those will o wisps? Update: Seems so.
The explanation of Yousei-san has a voice like it’s coming across a radio…interesting.
The towel…I bet it’s the one from Senpai one of the students mntioned earlier.
The subbers spelt “brooch” wrong.
This new boy – which I thought was Minamoto at first (LOL?)…he has a traffic omamori as an earring and a staff/umbrella, so he’s probably an exorcist. Either that or a massive chuunibyou.
LOL, Castle in the Sky much? (Or is that Nausicaa?)
Nene is reading from a magazine called G Cinema.
The comedy is this is slowly getting better. That’s a good sign for this, but bad for Ankoku Hakaishin…
Seagull High????? (Kamome = seagull.)
Wait, Minamoto??? You mean Nene’s former love is an exorcist??? Update: Oops, that’s (Nene’s crush is) Kou’s older bro…but that’s spoilers.
“Kou” is written with the character for hikari, or in this case “Yorimitsu”.
The action scenes are pretty good in this…I guess I kind of took them for granted in ep. 1.
Oh, I guess I should’ve known that seal on Hanako’s face…there were more of them in his possession. Also, there’s an extra V in the subs for some reason.
The stairs remind me of Muzan’s “universe” near the end of Demon Slayer’s first season.
Oh, the events of this episode tell you why Nene does the next episode stuff.
The ED visuals remind me of Ranpo Kitan’s, and I love Ranpo Kitan’s.
Ankoku Hakaishin 2
Why is Koyuki eating with his teacher anyway? I thought he was the guy from the class next door until he started talking about kids.
“Miguel Whatever” makes me laugh every time.
The cat ears on Koyuki’s phone are cute.
Sumiso reminds me of Aikatsu girls…
Uchitama 2
Bull is an “ore-sama”, huh?
I didn’t think they would continue with the “Solitary King of Destruction” thing.
Bull as a chuunibyou ham is so entertaining, but when they try to play the Momo romance hand again…I start to lose my patience...
LOL, Petstagram…
…and now it’s a (reverse) HAREM!
“[M]ad dog”, LOL, what a turn of phrase.
Okayyyyyyyyy subbers, own up! Who put a dog pun in Bull’s talk?! (I’m referring to the “doggone it!”.)
*points at dog puns*- You didn’t, subbers! You’re still adding dog puns!
Wait, Bull’s singing?! This I didn’t expect!
Well…this decision is hard. Bull’s become greater than ever…but only in relation to his romance with Momo!
Aww…seeing Bull dejected makes me sad inside too.
Oh yeah! There we go! That intro landed its gag purrfectly…to use an intentional cat pun.
Why did I take to Bull so much? Well, if he weren’t a dog, I’d find him completely romanceable, even if he were a massive chuuni.
Oh, the pun is ippai (full). Then you unintentionally switch it to oppai (boobs).
What? Wow, I never thought I’d get Ume talking about cat and dog nipples. (That’s not a sentence I’m going to be able to match any time soon.)
Okayyyyyyyyy…that one segment was a massive weird non-sequitur. I have no idea how they’d represent that with cat and dog forms.
Oh, Petstagram! We actually get to see it!
This series is more prone to “mood swings” than Ankoku Hakaishin or even Hanako-kun…yikes.
No, no, no! Who is this guy??? Haven’t you heard of “stranger danger”?!
…Oh, so the guy was Tome, huh?
The ED! This aesthetic is too good!
ARGH! Okay, okay, Uchitama! You win! I was going to pick Ankoku Hakaishin because that’s more consistent in landing its laughs and Hanako-kun would’ve been a better choice because its aesthetic is more consistently there plus it has interesting ideas with its apparitions, but Ankoku Hakaishin is fairly interchangeable with Iruma-kun…basically, if Eizouken or Magia Record don’t work out, I can loo forward to switching in one or the other, but I’m going to stick with Uchitama because *gestures wildly at screen* just look at this manservice! Even if it’s actually for a dog, I cannot deny the manservice!
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helihi · 6 years
The Good, The Bad, and the Dirty: RWBY Vol 6 Ep 13
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#BeesConfirmed #RenoraStyle #RTWhatAreYouDoingWithMyEmotions #ThisShitIsIllegal.
Overall rating: 8/10.
A.N.: RT provided us with an official “Look how far we’ve come.”
The Good:
Okay, I can definitely say I love this season finale more than the vol 5 finale. yes, even if Vol 6′s greatest tragedy is having no Raven in it, I have to say, the rollercoaster of emotions the last 16 gave me were a thrill.
Where to start?
Let’s kick it chronologically. Watched it 2 more times for this.
"Yes, and we just ruined the only thing capable of stopping it.”
I want to applaud Kara for her delivery of this line. It was cold, in a very Grimm tone. Loved it!
I think the structure of the episode was well thought as most of the contents of this episode belong in this section:
Set up:
This whole episode is mainly centered around Ruby. She is the one the camera will follow and point and for reactions, this is crucial for the emotional beat of this episode.
Cordovin’s redemption is set up at the beginning of the episode and follows a good narrative in the next 16 minutes. 
Blake’s state and struggle is acknowledged by those around her, specially Yang and Ruby. This scene is great, not only because it cements that what Blake went through is not something to be shrugged off, but because also provides with one of the most wholesome moments of the whole episode: Ruby looks at Yang and she knows.
Maria comes in and paints an objective: 
The utilitarian route - They take the chaos as an opportunity to run.
The idealist route - They stay and fight, even if they are at a disadvantage.
Camera focuses on Ruby for choice —> Team for back up —> Back to Ruby for confirmation. She is the one who makes the call.
Strategy one: Doomed to fail.
Ruby states that she HAS to do this.
Build up:
Cordovin reaches her breaking point as she listens to Ruby’s resolution.
Cool flight sequence.
Plan fails.
New strategy which focuses a lot more on team effort. I love the scene were Blake goes over to Weiss. We are Weiss stans first, RWBY fans second. The fact that everything feels connected, shows you this was more thought out than the Vol 5 ending battle sequence (With the exception of Cinder vs. Raven vs. Yang). Ren and Jaune are out of the game, no aura. Yang and Nora are to distract the Leviathan. Blake is there for emotional support, she has no aura and Gambol Shroud is broken. Weiss is giving Ruby method of transportation.
Ruby faces the Leaviathan: This is the official RT RWBY “Look how far we’ve come” montage, I say this not only because this is meant to show Ruby’s memories, but because most of the time, the clear point of view of these is not Ruby, but the audience.
Toddler Yang + Young Taiyang: Emotional connection to childhood from Ruby/ Reminder of the fan favorite Burning the Candle episode.
Zwei joins the team: highlight of the time at beacon/everyone’s fav corgi.
Food fight: call back to the ‘good ol’ days’/ Everyone’s favorite fight sequence.
Blake loves tuna: nice team building/One of the funniest scenes for the FNDM.
Penny: scene were she tells Ruby she wants to leave Atlas.
Vomit boy: First time Ruby saw Jaune/Some old FNDM nicknames.
Team JNPR at the noodle station.
Jaune training at night: Ruby was woken up every night by this/Sad Arkos moment that hit everyone.
Yang losing an arm: scarring memory for Ruby to see her sister like that/one of the most telling shots of Vol 3 ending.
Yang closing up: see above.
Pyrrha dying.
Penny dead.
Ruby’s powers don’t work, focus on the Leviathan noticing her. Zoom to the lamp.
Pay off:
JINN INTERVENTION! Set up for future volumes, probably one of the smartest moves Ruby pulled up ever. And it’s perfect tied in to the way Ruby react after being reminded of the relic’s existence and how it affect Grimm, established in earlier episodes.
Continuation of montage:
Team RWBY ready for mission: fond memory/of of the iconic moments of the first volumes.
Weiss apologizing: Official beginning of their friendship/Iconic moment of vol 1.
Blake cheering: old classes/meme’d image.
Yang telling Ruby she will always be there for her: emotional contrast to the last Yang flashback/connection of Yang’s short to her self-sacrificial nature/mother hen attitude.
Vol 2 Ending: crisis avoided when the bad guys were easy to deal with.
Dance: Another excellent scene from vol 2.
Team JNPR together.
Qrow’s first appearance: emotional core of Ruby/Qrow relationship.
Oscar hopeful.
María giving Ruby lessons.
Penny when she confirms they are friends.
Gotta say, I wasn’t expecting to see her this soon, but I am so fucking glad to see her! I can finally draw all the Team STRQ I’ve wanted to draw! She's so fucking pretty aaaaaaaaaa
Does this confirm STRQ backstory soon?
Ruby is able to stop the Leviathan momentarily.
Cordovin redeems herself.
Now, we get to skip all the fight, which I find to be a great choice. After the last 3 episodes of constant action, we need a breather. We need interactions, a slow down of the pace and some discussion.
We get the small closing scene for the Qrow and Ruby arc. She restates her love for him and Qrow realizes he has someone new to inspire him. It’s very important that he hesitates before taking a drink, and actually pouts his flask down down.
María is also inspired by Ruby. After patting Qrow in the back (metaphorically), we get a reinforcement of team RWBY + JN_R + Oscar as the new generation who take on the mission of saving the world and protecting others as huntsmen.
We got some wholesome and organic exchanges between the kiddos. It’s so refreshing and welcome to see them interact, even if it seems like something so ordinary and miniscule.
Bees get confirmation Renora style. Volume 7 will be filled with filled with Bumblebee y’all! Happy to see they will explore their feelings for each other after they settle the Adam fiasco. They can move on and build a healthy relationship together.
When the Renora kiss tho.
Oscar reveals that Ozpin helped him land the ship. This is super important! Ozpin shows that he has faith in them, and instead of taking over, he shows his support and guides Oscar. This is a very good sign, even if it leaves a sour taste in everyone’s mouth.
Good for the Ozpin arc.
I love the way Atlas looks! It’s an interesting way to protect the city from oncoming Grimm attacks after what happened to Matle. I wonder however, how they keep the city up and what plan of evacuation/defense they have for the impending invasion.
It’s clear the set up for the next season is more political and I’m all here for it!
The Bad
The way Yang and Blake to join the others at the beginning of the episode has me face palming. How the fuck could they have gotten there in time when they were both tired, with no aura left and shocked after what they went through?
That was cheap as fuck, I’d rather they fly to pick them up, that woudl have added what? 1 minute to the 16 minute chapter?
The Dirty
The first scene of the whole episode is completely disconnected for everything else, and though it’s a clear set up for volume 7, I feel it would have been a better post credits scene than the one we got with Salem that was a huge meh.
I will make a Vol 6 review in the future (cause I can’t decide if I like it better or worse than Volume 5), but for sure, the Cinder scenes are completely out of place and only serve for set up for volume 7. They are so clumsily implemented, I can’t believe they couldn’t set up a theme to have them make sense.
Anyways, this is here for the following reasons:
Good callback to Pyrrha’s death. That exchange clearly triggered the audience because boi we’re not over that.
Cool new outfits, kind old how the CRWBY keeps pulling these outfits change to indicate a new arc and make it so obvious.
Nice to see Neo’s Semblance being explored. She has limits, and we know more of how it works.
Still disappointed Neo doesn’t use sign language. I’m pretty sure Cinder would be able to get some context or read her lips, but whatever. I guess it’s too complicated to animate.
Overall rating: 8/10.
A.N.: Okay I am very gay for Summer someone body please help me the thirst—
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HTTYD 3 was a heckin great movie and here's my opinion why
(Also why Dreamworks is awesome and my little thank you)
 WARNING SPOILERS (duh) and also lots of ranting. Strap yourselves in kiddos off we go
 - the animation.
Jesus fucking chRIST it's amazing. I'm not over it. Dreamworks I love you this is the best goddamn thing skshsjjsgksjshakkahuebadgfjdkk tHE ANIMATION It was already spectacular in httyd 1 and it's just improved so much I can't even
  Wait lemme go on a rant about why I love Dreamworks so much. Okay so you see the thing with Dreamworks is with each of their animated universes they have a particular style (eg. compare Shrek, HTTYD, Voltron, She-ra... Etc) that they do really well in for that show/movie.
This means that all their stuff isn't the same old thing again and again (ok I don't want this to turn into a Disney vs Dreamworks debate bc A. This is meant to be about httyd anyway - maybe sometime I'll do a post on it... B. I know a lot more and am way more into Dreamworks.... Etc (but Dreamworks is better lmao) but anyway basically I find Disney is really repetitive)
 Another thing about Dreamworks is they A. don't take themselves tooooo seriously and are always ready to try out something weird and new (eg. Shrek lmao) and B. USUALLY try to be inclusive (canonical LGBTQ rep (yes httyd has that!! It's just subtle) (also Shrek) (even more so with newer shows... shE-RAAAAA) (Again I find Disney often doesn't do so well at the above. Correct me if you think I'm wrong but don't shout at me pls) They also have loads of little quirks like the Dreamworks intro thing always being different (not sooo much in the older stuff but still.)
 Ok let's get back to HTTYD im sorry
  -plot n stuff (this is where it gets real SPOILERY and that's your last warning) Ok so some of the plot (mainly the villain showing up out of the blue like a Monster of the Week and not having any background (hE INFERRED HE'D BEEN ON BERK BEFORE DID HE COME FROM THERE I MUST KNOW what was that line meaning help) was a bit meh but the rest of it made up for that a hundred times over.
 Ok so basically I expected to cry. But not in the way I did.
Lately a lot of fandoms have been throwing feels at me, and they've all had a particular style of doing it, so I expected more of that.
The feels I mean are the ones where characters I love are killed or lose stuff in the big battle filled finale (or not finale exactly eg. IW) and I cry a bit but usually that night or the day after because I just feel empty and slightly let down.
 But that's not what we got and I am so damn glad.
 The whole movie wasn't a big enormous dragged-on battle or lead up, and the battle didn't feel like the one in HTTYD 2, which I was glad for (it worked better in that movie than it would have in this). It was also resolved pretty well (fuckkk the scene where Hiccup was falling,,,, Alexa) and there was breathing room (not much but more than we had in IW and VLD) to come to terms with the fact that the fight is done before the movie fucking sucker punched us right in the gut with the dragons leaving.
 Yup, as soon as Hiccup started saying goodbye I broke the fuck down. And cried silently the entire rest of the movie and a lot of the credits.
 But the thing with this is that it gave us an ending that was kind of fulfilling. It was bittersweet. We can cry and mourn this beautiful franchise that has been such a part of our lives with good memories of it going out strong and sad though wonderful.
Yeah I was just waiting for the 'there were dragons when I was a boy' and yeah I cried even more but I was smiling while crying through that whole last scene with the marriage and then especially the scene with Hiccstrid & kiddos meeting Toothless & family again.
That was the fulfilling ending and even though it's so damn sad it was so damn beautiful sorry I'm ranting but still.
 - there were plenty of jokes and funny scenes without becoming too silly or juvenile (which a lot of things fail at) Also jokes for the older fans too (ruff lmao) (and the whole thing with Gobber and Tuff talking to Hiccstrid about getting married) There were plenty of scenes that were just genuinely hilarious and had the whole cinema laughing, which is a very beautiful thing
- I was initially worried about the introduction of the Light Fury especially because when we first saw it I literally went 'that's every 8 year-old's OC dragon why'
But it worked out pretty well, see below for more
 - the movie had romance without being too focused on the whole romance thing (I mostly mean the dragons) I was worried this wouldn't work and be cheesy or whatever but it did pretty good so yay The romance was still quirky and funny and had the whole cinema laughing at times, yet at other times it was just really beautiful (also the damn animation hhhhhh is this true love I feel)
  In the end I just want to say:
Goodbye HTTYD. You've been such a wonderful part of my life and I can't thank you enough. I'll never get over this damn franchise, I love it so much.
Even though [i]of course I want more, I think that here is a perfect place to leave it.
(....though I'm not going to complain if there's little a Christmas episode or maybe a small Netflix show set between httyd 1&2.........)
 So yeah, thank you How To Train Your Dragon. Thank you Dreamworks, the cast and crew. Thank you Cressida Cowell. Thank you Hiccup and Toothless and Astrid and Stoic and every character (apart from Traitor Johann that bitch (also basically everyone who has wanted to kill dragons except for Dagur bc we love him)).
Thank you HTTYD fandom too (you'll always be here and that is a wonderful thing)
 The friend I went it see the movie with and I stayed til the very end of the credits.
I've probably picked up the habit from Marvel... But I like to see the very end of things properly.
There was one other group left at the end, sitting in the very front seats. They were a bunch of teens (varied in age and gender), and when the credits finished, we all stood up and clapped.
 These movies have been part of so many people's lives and for that, I say thank you one last time.
 Goodbye, How To Train Your Dragon <3
  (Also can we please please please have an editors corner or how it was made sorta video for this movie. Love from an animation nerd)
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ryouverua · 6 years
Trial 6 - (Fifty)Third Time’s the Charm, Post-Accusation (3)
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Is that all we are to you? Just a vehicle to solve your cases for you?! ... you know what on second thought don’t answer that -
Trial: 1 / 2
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hello darkness my old friend
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What an interesting reaction. Despite the weird back and forth she’s been having with Monokuma, he still had the Monokubs jump in to defend her - though with that said, the desperation of it all probably backfired in Shuichi’s eyes. The point is, her first reaction wasn’t to protest - I mean, she will, and she did a bit weakly earlier, but it’s to withdraw into herself and think. Isn’t that how we first came across her? Thinking deeply to herself and completely ignoring Kaede and Shuichi to the best of her abilities?
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A-are you attempting to plead ‘power of friendship’ right now -
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“There is no time for friendship in the court of law!!!”
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Clinging to that idea is the only thing he had to keep himself going all this time, too.
Also, after pushing behind the scenes for him to condemn three of the most well-meaning people in the class (and, y’know, Kirumi and Korekiyo lol), it’s interesting that she seems to think that this line of defense will work - especially considering what he’s accusing her of doing. You’ve managed to do something way beyond just murder, Tsumugi! Aside from Rantaro, you set the groundwork for everything that followed! And I feel like this game, more than the others, really pushed the idea that the survivors share some of the blame when the ‘blackened’ dies. I don’t agree with that mind you, but survivor’s guilt is very real and very powerful.
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Despite all of this, he still wants to be wrong and is happy to be wrong. Being awfully, painfully right seems to be a running trend with him, with the one glaring exception hanging over his head.
she’s just sitting there with this worried, anguished expression and I don’t know what I was expected but it wasn’t this?? Is she trying to frantically brainstorm a way out or -
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Seriously Monokuma do you actually hate her??? Despite working with her? Despite being intrinsically linked to each other???
Anyway whatever that just means it’s cute comic time, nice.
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“gdmt do I have to do everything myself -”
They kept her glasses on! Oh, they kept her glasses on it for this! I don’t know why that makes me so happy.
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Aaaaw look at Miu tinker away! The animation is really cute for it, tbh. Also something about Korekiyo eating all by himself with Kirumi waiting on him is kinda hilarious to me...
I just realized that everyone in the dining hall were killers/wanna-be killers of the game lmao. Also, if only the nosier people had been in the room, this could have been prevented. 8′\
.... Now I really wish we knew where Kokichi had been at the time.
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i just have this screenshot because Shuichi and Kaede are cute here
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What was the signal that clued Tsumugi in on leaving, I wonder? Maybe she waited a certain amount of time after seeing Rantaro leave with the others? Would she have been willing to wait longer if she needed to for Kaede’s plan to either work or not work, or was she counting on it happening in that five minute span?
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This was a pretty damn good set-up by Kaede.
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!!! New Act 5.
Also no shit he would’ve been surprised. Actually, I’d say that was an understatement. What a great expression by the artist - that is definitely the look of someone whose life or what he remembers of it is flashing before his eyes.
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oh god I was gonna say ‘did he not hear Tsumugi right behind him’ but 1) the video was still blasting 2) no, seriously, he was probably in shock and still processing that he nearly died and was a sitting duck
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okay now the glasses still being there is kinda hilarious but I love it
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This is another redundant picture because.... I’m not sure. I like this group together. We didn’t know anything about them at this point in the game, but they really did try so hard - and hell, Tenko, who I never got to know that well, was already putting aside her own bias this early in the game to work with Kaito for everyone’s sake. aaah now i’m getting sad
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Which was so believable because even Kaede thought it was the truth! I’m so torn. I really like Kaede, and honestly? I like the fact that she was willing to go after the mastermind so aggressively. Tsumugi did twist the truth, sure, and we convicted the wrong person - but I don’t want to lose the fact that Kaede only didn’t kill Rantaro because her calculations were slightly off and Tsumugi cleaned up after her. I keep going back to it, but that line of Kokichi’s, telling Kaede she lost the moment she let murder into her heart, does still ring true to me...
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THAT POSE.... I’d been waiting for her to make that type of pose all game. IS THIS WHY IT NEVER HAPPENED? BECAUSE YOU WERE SAVING IT FOR THIS DRAMATIC REVEAL?
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Damn I love this picture, and I love how we’re finally getting to see the first hints of menace in her expression (outside of the ‘backflip into a minefield and die’ lol).
So.... now what....?
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Aaaaw, even K1-b0 is willing to hear her out. :(
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“I’m giving you 5 minutes. Oh, we’re down to 298 seconds now. Tick tock, motherfucker.”
And... she has nothing. Pretty much nothing. I mean, I guess she manages to throw the word ‘plain’ out one more time - literally just, “it’s plain to see I didn’t do it” - and that’s... it. Not exactly what one would expect of the mastermind who was able to throw this all together...
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“Tsumugi I swear to god -”
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f m l    that’s actually
thank you based tsumugi
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Where are you going with this????
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I think everyone who‘s played the game has this scene seared into their memories and for good reason.
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oh thank god
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Wait no, Tsumugi. Wait. No, we’ve had something good going on between us, right? Right? Tsumugi please - please don’t -
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YOU’RE DAMN RIGHT shit she really is the Ultimate Analyst
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Wait, the 53rd???
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first of all BITCH -
second of all HOW DID YOU
third of all, which is really just an expansion of first of all, I actually still managed to keep liking her despite everything! Even that damn love hotel scene! DESPITE ALL THE ODDS I STILL EXIST -
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“I’m pretty sure Kokichi copyrighted that. You gotta wait at least 25 years before you can use it yourself, y’know.”
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omfg they
they’ve been holding back on this pose for the entire game
just for this moment
just for glasses!junko
fml I’ll allow it but I’M NOT HAPPY ABOUT IT
Also I... I still want to believe that this Junko persona was born from Tsumugi and not the other way around....
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Wait, does that mean Maki and the others know what Junko sound like? How? Were there recordings of the final trial or something? This just makes me more curious about the time separation between the last two games and this one! Especially with the number ‘53′ dropped - that would mean someone’s picked up the mantle 53 times, right??? So shouldn’t it be at least 53 years? but then how old was Naegi in that flashback, and that’s assuming every person that took the role would last no longer than a year, but then - wait -
No, if I’m going to stick with the idea that these students were made to replace actual Ultimates... then maybe this is a lot farther back than I initially thought...?
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Which is why she’s calling herself the 53rd... So Junko Enoshima is a title that can be passed down. It’s officially bigger than the person herself - the same way ‘Ultimate Despair’ belonged to Junko (and she pretty much defined it), but was also a title that could be earned by other people... right?
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“You literally keep bringing out your glasses. You can’t even see us properly from over there, can you?”
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“Please, Shuichi? Please? Can I do it now?!”
omfg Maki why is the answer to everything murder ARE WE REALLY GOING TO DO ROUND THREE HAVE YOU LEARNED NOTHING -
......... b u t  on the other hand we actually do have the confirmed mastermind here. H M M M M ....
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Sweetcheeks is staying on track! You’ve got her right where you want her, kiddo! :D
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“..... like, do you wanna go get some food or coffee after this, or....?”
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I’m... suddenly getting a terrible feeling that things won’t be that simple. We’re definitely not far enough into this trial for it to end...
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W-Why do I feel like I’m facing a Tsumugi-Junko tag team right now?
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FML I really like this transition between her initial sprite and this menacing one!
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I-I... I guess we’re just going to let her exposition-dump now? O-Okay...
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Ffffffuuuu where do the weird memory shenanigans mix into this and what part of this is the truth? Because Tsumugi clearly feels a deep connection to Junko (lmao inner Junko) but the flashback light machine showed us that we could literally choose scenarios where people other than us survived!
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.... Whoa this sprite looks really different from the rest. It’s ripped straight from the first game, right? I don’t know if the colours quite match up with the others. 8′D
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I didn’t realize I could hate the Remnant of Despair Kokichi theory more than I already did but then he, with the supposed talent Supreme Leader, was relegated to a mere follower. 8′D
Unrelated but I lowkey love this ^ line.
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... Do you ever just realize how small Kokichi was in a moment like this.
Anyway I thought we’d already drop-kicked Remnant!Kokichi into the sun but apparently we have to do it in-trial now. Or, well, soon, anyway.
Himiko and the others are trying to stay on track though - on the idea that there are viewers to the madness. At first I thought, ‘oh, that’s a bit of a tangent though’ then I remembered Kokichi was the one who gave us the tools to get all the evidence to prove that so it actually does make sense to bring it back up now!
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An intriguing line of thought, but bullshit.
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so thank god for Shuichi, who can help us get started.
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A Definitely Incomplete List Of My Favorite Moments From The Lightning Thief (book), because I'm having Feelings
Percy very causally mentioning times he accidentally hit a school bus with a canon or dropped fifth graders into shark-infested water
Grover Underwood
Just everything he’s ever done
Percy running an illegal candy ring out of his dorm room 
“I was worried they found out I got my essay on Tom Sawyer from the internet and were going to take away my grade. Or worse, they were going to make me read the book.”
When Percy thought Grover was going to give him some deep, meaningful commentary on life to make him feel better but Grover just wanted Percy’s lunch
Percy tried so hard to do well on his Latin final and Chiron somehow thinks it’s a good idea to tell him he’s ‘not normal’ in front of the class my poor boy
That one part where Percy essentially went “Oh hey mom’s home!!! Better reschedule this panic attack I was having!!” 
When Percy did that weird hand sign (that was never explained) and the door slammed on Gabe so hard he flew up the steps
The fact that when Grover finally tracked Percy down he wasn’t wearing any pants. Like, there was literally no reason for him to not have the fake feet and the jeans on. No actual reason for him to be free balling it. Percy just needed a shock apparently. Showing up in the middle of a hurricane with no pants, dramatic ass satyr I love him. 
The SATISFYING DEATH of Gabe’s Camaro + Sally apparently learned bullfighting just in case because she truly is the best mom
Percy killing the minotaur with its own horn
Percy dragging Grover over the camp line while crying for his mom literally end me
“You drool when you sleep.” could we get more iconic here
Percy teasing Annabeth about her crush on Luke
When Luke stole some toiletries for Percy and he got a little choked up because it was apparently the nicest thing anyone had ever done for him
The fact that Chiron basically told Annabeth that Percy was her destiny
The fact that a recovering alcoholic god of wine who hates children was deemed fit to run a camp for children
Not so fun: Percy, upon meeting Mr. D, immediately recognizing the signs of an alcoholic and going out of his way to sit far away from him ‘just in case’
The fact that everyone just expected him to hear ‘the greek gods are real’ and move on?? why would no one let this boy be in shock omg
Zeus apparently had a thing for the fluffy 80′s hairstyles
“the real world is where the monsters are” 
The fact that Poseidon could have claimed Percy at literally any moment but he apparently decided he really needed that dramatic reveal during capture the flag.
When Zeus was feeling Extra Dramatic(tm) after Percy’s claiming so he started making it rain inside the camp boarders and everyone was lowkey freaking out
When Annabeth pulls off her invisible cap and declares she’s going on the quest with him and Percy was like, beyond unsurprised that she was there and didn’t even attempt to fight her 
Chiron forgot to give Percy a sword from his father for like, an entire month. 
Grover with those freaking flying shoes oh my God
Annabeth blushing literally any time Luke talks to her 
lmao when Percy and Annabeth start bickering about something and Argus just winks at Percy because he knows
When they were playing hackey sack with an apple but it got too close to Grover’s mouth and he just ate the whole thing
The entire bus scene oh my God
“I was about to become the ADHD Poster Child of the Year” as he’s CRASHING A BUS
Annabeth on a fury’s back 
the explosion. just. all gr8. 
When Grover tries to play a path finder song and Percy just immediately slams into a tree. Also the fact that the path finder song was actually just a Hillary Duff number. 
“You two are giving me a migraine, and satyr's don’t even get migraines!” 
Percy actually, truly trying to sell the story that the three of them are circus orphans who got separated from their ringleader 
Grover: hey guys this place is REALLY SHADY and we need to leave
Annabeth and Percy: but f o o d
Can you imagine walking into a store and finding your dead uncle’s body on display? Like????
When Medusa revealed herself and Annabeth’s running around invisible, Percy’s swinging a sword blindly and Grover’s flying around screaming and trying to whack her with a stick: everyone here is a MESS
When Annabeth was overly annoyed with Percy after that ordeal??? Sweetheart you fell for the trick too
Name something more iconic than 12 year old Percy Jackson mailing the decapitated head of Medusa to the gods on Mt. Olympus in an act of sheer pettiness. I dare you. 
When Percy was insisting on taking first watch while the others slept and Grover was basically like “hey kiddo listen to this” and played a song that immediately knocked him out so he could sleep all night 
“Percy. Say hello to the poodle.”
Percy seeing all the Greek creatures from the train window 
When Annabeth was dragging the boys to the St. Louis Arch and Percy’s claustrophobic ass Did Not Want To Get In That Tiny Elevator but he went anyway because he wanted Annabeth to be happy. That boy has had it bad since the start. 
“I am Echidna!”
“Isn’t...isn’t that a type of anteater?”
How many times has Percy actually been poisoned throughout all the series I literally want a count 
‘Lemme just, uh....jump off the fucking St. Louis Arch and hope I don’t die when I hit the water.’
There is just something very aesthetic about Percy lighting a fire in the bottom of a river 
Percy’s got so much pent-up rage that he’s just immediately ready to wreck Ares upon meeting him omfg
Annabeth getting so worked up and flustered over going down there with Percy because it’s a love ride and Percy’s just like “you literally do not have to make this a Thing” lmao
Annabeth wouldn’t let Percy touch Aphrodite’s scarf because she didn’t want him getting infected by love magic but then...touched it herself lol
The entire sequence with the mechanical spiders and the cameras and the ride itself 
Percy’s plan to get off the ride!!!! He’s so smart okay can people stop calling him stupid!!! 
Grover trying to catch them both in mid-air but they‘re too heavy so the three of them just kind of slowly crash into one of those face-cut-out posters lol
Percy, turning to the camera’s broadcasting this shit on Olympus: “Show’s over! Thank You! Goodnight!” 
Everything about that scene omg. The animals they had to help. Trying to convince Grover of how great he is. The baby percabeth. my h e a r t
“What if it does line up like the Trojan War? Athena versus Poseidon?”
“I don’t know what my mom will do. I just know I’ll be fighting next to you.”
“Because you’re my friend, Seaweed Brain, any more stupid questions?”
Do you hear that sound? That’s me, ages 13-21(+) sobbing uncontrollably oh my God I love them so much
‘let’s just set a fucking lion loose in Las Vegas’ 
“I put a Blessing of the Wild on them, so they’ll safely find food and shelter wherever they go.”
“Why can’t you put on of those on us?”
“It only works on wild animals.”
“So it would only effect Percy...”
When they get to the Lotus hotel and Grover starts playing that game where the deer shoot the hunters azxjhnhdjx
Percy physically having to drag his friends out of there once he realized it was the lair of the lotus eaters
When Annabeth gave the taxi driver her lotus credit card and he started calling her “Your Highness” lmao
Every time in this book Percy comes close to uncovering a Dark Truth the people around him are just like “let’s not worry about that :) “ and my polite boy actually shuts up it’s so wild because I would just keep going lol
Listen that entire scene has lowkey always been one of my Favs and I’m not even sure why but Percy chopping his head off was g r e a t
The entrance to the Underworld is DOA Recording Studios and I love it
“We, uh...all drowned in a bathtub.”
Poor Charon just wants his Italian suits he doesn’t need all this bullshit 
Grover almost getting dragged into Tartarus: not good. very bad. bad shit. 
Annabeth getting emotionally attached to Cerberus in the span of 3 minutes: RELATABLE 
‘huh my backpack that I thought I got rid of five days ago is getting weirdly heavy, that’s not suspicious though, right?’ 
When Hades just starts monologue-ing about all the shit he has to put up with
“what kind of awful things do you have to do to get sewn into Hades underwear?” p e r c y
when Percy realizes the Master Bolt is in his backpack and he’s just like. tell me why. why. I’m a good person. what did I DO. 
When Percy has to sacrifice his mom to get Annabeth and Grover out of there I Cri Evey Tiem 
My cute lil’ baby yelling around on a beach to get Ares to show up 
ahdbsjznx when Grover gives Percy a crushed, half eaten tin can for good like and Percy is just like “Grover...I don’t know what to say.” I LOVE HIM
My sweet son kicking the god of war’s ass. bless. blessed on this day. 
The news crews who suddenly started backtracking and writing Percy as a hero 
Percy, choking back tears, giving Gabe’s store’s phone number out on national television and promising everyone free appliances IM STILL CACKLING I LOVE THIS BOY SO MUCH HE’S ICONIC 
Hades actually releasing Sally because he’s Not As Big Of A Dick As He Could Have Been 
Percy: hey I think there’s a really good chance that Kronos was behind this whole mess-
Poseidon rolling his eyes at literally everything Zeus says and does
Poseidon and Percy’s whole talk omg my sweet boy just wants his dad to love him and Poseidon’s trying to figure out how to show affection when he basically signed this kid’s death sentence I’m crying 
A man will never satisfy me as much or in the same way as Sally Jackson murdering Gabe Ugliano did 
Percy was spending months of summer stressing over who the friend that’s supposed to betray him was but like...Sweetie you had exactly three (3) friends and you knew two of them weren’t gonna hurt you
ahbdjsnx when Percy and Luke were having their conversation in the woods and like Luke’s acting shady af the whole time but it’s literally not until he litters that Percy is like “something...is Wrong.” this boy I s2g
Percy getting bit by a scorpion is Not A Favorite Moment but the nymphs helping him out was 
Percy making his Official Decision to go home for the school year only after Annabeth reveals that he actually did talk her into trying again with her family 
I didn’t mean to write out a summary of the whole damn book it’s six am listen I’m just feeling nostalgia for the original series in this chili’s tonight 
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ailithnight · 7 years
The Aquarium
Greetings! I wrote a Thomas Sanders Fan fiction set in the wonderful universe created by  @sanderssons​. They’ve been working on a magnificent comic that I highly suggest you check out. You can read the comic @sanderssons-comic​. Seriously, it’s awesome. Go give it a read. All credit for this universe and characters goes to them, and of course @thatsthat24​ for creating the Sanders Sides in the first place. Now then, on with the show?
Title: The Aquarium Words: 2030 Universe: Sanders Sons Comic based on The Sanders Sides
Warnings: Minor Panic Attack. Very Minor. Mostly, this is fluff. Pure, unadulterated, sugary sweet fluff.
Thomas began to question his judgement as he paid the parking fee and pulled the mini-van into the parking lot. The zoo had been a disaster, all his children trying to run off in different directions. Thomas had spent the majority of that day frantically looking around for one of his kiddos and desperately trying to herd them together while the sun beat fire on his back. At least the aquarium was largely inside and air-conditioned, so the sweltering Floridian humidity wouldn’t be conspiring with his anxiety to choke him. Also, Thomas had planned ahead, bringing with him the cavalry. Joan sat beside him in the front seat, talking to Logan and Patton behind him about all the fun they were going to have. In the back seats were Roman, Virgil, and Talyn. Even Marco, currently perched in beanie form on top of Joan’s head, had agreed to pitch in if something went wrong. The familiar might not admit it, but he was a bit fond of the quirky family he’d found himself a part of. Thomas had also made sure to give a stern lecture to lay out the rules. He found a place to park the vehicle and turned around to face his children, the barest trace of worry tinging his bright smile.
“Alright boys. Remember the rules now. What do you do if you get separated from the group?”
“Go back to the last place we saw you and wait.” Logan stated.
“Stick to places around other people.” Patton chimed in.
“Only talk to staff and security.” Roman boasted.
“Stay calm. You’ll come get us soon.” Virgil muttered, shifting uneasily, memories of the last time he had been separated from his family bouncing around his mind. Thomas’s worries all but evaporated. His smiled beamed even brighter, incredibly proud of his sons. He hoped they would never have to use those instructions, but he was nonetheless glad they memorized them.
“Alright, good. Everyone out now. Time for fun!” A small cheer rose out of the car as everyone clambered out. Thomas did a quick head count, including Marco in his numbers, before locking the car and leading everyone into the large building.
The children were captivated the moment they walked inside. They were just in the lobby, waiting in line to pay the Admission, but the swirling blues painted on the walls, the fake coral and seaweed scattered around the room, the wavering lights, the bubbly sounds emanating from hidden speakers, and the salty seawater smell infiltrating their nostrils made them all feel like they were at the bottom of the ocean. The simple awe with which his children were looking around made Thomas’s heart swell with love. Coming here was a great idea. After buying the tickets, the first thing they got to see was the entrance hall.
It was a glass tunnel, surrounded on all sides by a massive tank. They walked through slowly, enraptured by the oceanic beauty surrounding them. Small fish swam around them, a few starfish had latched onto the walls, and somewhere above them a shark drifted lazily by. All of the boys were awestruck, especially Virgil, who looked like he couldn’t tear his eyes away from the colors and shapes and gently dancing light filtering through the water. Then the tunnel opened up into the first main room and even Thomas felt his breath catch in his throat. The walls were tanks, each one slightly curving to make the room less angular and more fluid. There were some tanks also in the middle of the room as well. On one side, a huge whale skeleton dangled from the ceiling, on the other, a giant squid. The floor was made to resemble sand in appearance, and the walls looked and were textured like a coral reef. They stood for a moment, taking it in. Virgil eyes wouldn’t stay still, roving around trying to see everything all at once. Patton bounced on the balls of his feet, but thankfully didn’t run off. Logan was looking at all the informational plaques dotted around, feeling excited to read them all. Roman was staring, mouth agape, at the sheer size of the whale and squid.
“Are they really that big?” Roman breathed out.
“Sometimes bigger,” Joan responded, “But that’s average size.”
“Wow.” Thomas grinned, eyeing Patton’s restless form.
“Come on. There’s lots to see and we only have all day.”
They moved around the room slowly, taking everything in. Logan, with the occasional help from one of the grown-ups, read every single sign and poster. His reading skills were really exceling and, after a while, he started showing the others as well. They didn’t pick up on it very quickly, but everyone learned to recognize the name of their favorite animal. For Patton, that was most of them.
He had already declared a dozen times in that one room, “This one is my favorite.” Virgil liked the starfish, Roman enjoyed the sea turtles, and Logan adored the octopuses.
“They’re so smart, they can open a jar, while inside it!” Patton was giddy as the moved around, cooing at anything and everything that moved. At first, Roman had tried to press his face against the glass, hoping to see better, but Talyn had pulled him away.
“You’ll smudge the glass, then it’ll be even harder to see.” Virgil never spoke a word, but he didn’t have to. It was clear that he was absolutely enchanted by everything. It was also quiet. Thomas had intentionally chosen to come on a Tuesday, when most kids were in school and field trips would be uncommon. It took them a whole hour to move around the entire room.
After the first room, they went to the Imax, were they were playing a movie about marine life. It was their first time in an Imax and they were all excited when the screen came to life, little fishes flowing out of the screen so it seemed they were right in front of them. Logan pulled the glasses off, then put them back on, off again, on. “How is it doing that?”
“Sh. I’m not sure, but you can look it up when we get home.” Patton giggled, gaining their attention. He gestured at Virgil, who had his hands outstretched, grabbing at the fish that looked like they were right in front of them. Patton joined in, then Roman and Talyn, soon they were all sitting there, giggling as they tried to touch what wasn’t really there.
About 30 minutes later, the movie was nearing its end. It had been a fascinating and educational film, but Thomas came to wish he had looked into it more before-hand. He could have, should have asked one of the workers. He knew how Imax movies liked to play on the 3D effect. The movie ended with a 3 second clip of a giant shark swimming towards them, jaw stretched. Just as the mouth engulfed them, the lights went out. The others were fine, but the jump scare pulled a startled scream out of Virgil, who instantly curled up on the floor, terrified. Thomas cursed his own carelessness and got down beside his son. “Virgil? Virgil honey, it’s okay. Breathe for me buddy.” Thomas began counting the 4,7,8 rhythm. Virgil continued to tremble, but managed to breathe, as a worker came out.
“Is everything okay, sir?” Thomas nodded, glancing back at them, then Joan and Talyn leading the other three out of the theatre.
“The shark bit scared him, is all.”
“I am so sorry, sir. Is there anything I can do to help?” Thomas shook his head.
“It’s not your fault and Virgil doesn’t like strangers much. I know how to calm him down.” The worker nodded and walked away, ushering the remaining patrons out. “It’s okay Virgil. You’re okay. It was just a trick of the movie. Do you want to leave? I can carry you if you need me to.” Thomas struggled to pick up the others, but Virgil’s lack of interest in food made him a bit lighter than the others. Not unhealthy light, just not as heavy. Virgil shook his head, standing on shaky legs.
“I-I c-c-can wa-alk.” Even so, Thomas stood and offered his hand and Virgil clung to him tightly.
“I’ve got you. It’s okay.” Virgil became calmer as they left the darkened theatre. He still held tightly to Thomas as they left, but he stopped shaking. Thomas dropped their glasses in the return bin as they passed. By the time they joined the others, Virgil was ready to let go of his father.
“Thanks Thomas.” He said, giving the father one last squeeze as a hug. Thomas smiled.
“It’s what I’m here for kiddo. To keep you safe and help you grow. I love acting, but I think being your dad is the best job in the world.” He spoke loud enough that all his children heard. Patton came up and tackled Thomas in a hug.
“Aw, we love you, Dad.”
“I love you too. Now then, who’s ready for lunch?” They all had pizza at the food court before the next exhibit, Mysteries of the Dark Deep. Virgil had been nervous at first, but as soon as they walked in to a world of bioluminescent colors, he returned to silently marveling at everything. This room was much smaller than the first and they got totally through it in about half an hour, then the freshwater exhibit in about the same amount of time. The Great Barrier Reef exhibit was half fish tanks in one room, then a reef themed indoor playground in another. They spent about an hour in there. Thomas and Joan were too big, but Talyn was small enough to get away with following the kids onto the structure.
Finally, they got to the last exhibit, one Thomas remembered being his favorite. It was one of the two outside exhibits, the other being the Aquatic Show, which wasn’t playing today due to the tank being cleaned. That was okay. Thomas wasn’t sure how Virgil would react to large animals jumping out of the water and causing big splashes. No, the Tide Pools would be a much more enjoyable experience for all of them. “You guys are going to love this one. At this exhibit, you are allowed to dip your hands in the water and, gently,” Thomas stressed the word, “touch the animals.” Everyone’s eyes lit up and Roman immediately ran up to the rim of the pool. He plunged his hand in, causing a small splash.
“Here fishy, fishy, fishy.” Unfortunately, his actions were too fast and boisterous. Everything nearby scuttled and swam away, except for the sea star attached to the tank side. Roman wasn’t deterred and gently stroked the starfish. Patton and Logan had found a spot a few feet down. They managed to brush their fingertips against most of the passing creatures, running from Roman’s overzealous excitement. Then there was Virgil. He had moved further down than the others, slightly isolated from their group, but not so far away that Thomas was worried.
Thomas watched curiously as Virgil slowly dipped his hand into the water and held it still. After several moments, something moved. Appearing as if out of nowhere, but Thomas know it had just been hiding under the sand, a manta ray came up and brushed itself across Virgil’s fingers. Thomas watched the light spark in Virgil’s eyes as the ray swam against him again, and a third time. After the fourth pass, Virgil caught on and began to slowly stroke the ray, moving his hand with the flow of the water. Soon, other fish started coming out and even a crab scuttled by, allowing Virgil to trail his fingers down its shell. Virgil looked mesmerized by the animals and Thomas was mesmerized by him. Virgil was surprisingly very good with the animals. After a few minutes, the others came up. Roman asked what his secret was and Virgil showed him how. Thomas couldn’t keep the idiotic, loving grin off his face. Joan and Talyn came up to him.
“Coming here today was definitely a good idea.” They both agreed.
 Questions, Comments, Concerns, Criticism? Needs more tags? Just let me know.
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craniodad · 7 years
Putting Fear in the Fearless: Tales of Failure as a Father
Putting Fear in the Fearless: Tales of Failure as a Father Yesterday, my world stopped, and a fear arose. I am still shaking off the ghost of what happened. Sleep has not gone well. This weekend was a long and busy one. On the list of activities was getting together with my Dad, stepmom, and family.  We wanted to hang out, and have the kiddos go swimming at the hotel. So, we packed up and headed to the other side of town. The overcast, rain-laden clouds hung heavily in the sky, however, this did not affect the interior of our minivan as we traversed through the city. The littles knew we were on our way to see Grandpa and Grandma.  Their conversation was peppered with comments about pizza and even the word "pool." As for Kati and I, our conversation was more softened about the busy times we have found ourselves in. We arrived. Like a heard of animals we descended upon the hotel's atrium. There, family and pizza boxes awaited. The boys took over a table to snack, juggle children, and play cribbage. Some of the children wandered over asking what we were playing. Smiles flippantly appeared upon all of the dad’s faces, it was about time to pass this game on to the next generation. Such a stoic torch, one that has been passed throughout our family for longer than many of us know. After some pizza, and cribbage, the locals were getting restless. It was also at that time that some of the other children needed to go home for naps.  So, the gaggle was reduced to our three and one of my nieces.  My brother stayed to hang out with us, and to see if his daughter wanted to swim. So, a quick change into swimsuits was had. There is something amazing about the sound of little feat running down long halls. The heavy padded carpet making a thud, thud, thud that reverberates as the base, below the trill of their voices. The anticipation and excitement crescendos with each and every spoken word. I am thankful that it was mid-afternoon. This lessened my fear that anyone could be sleeping. We opened the door to the small indoor pool and all worked to contain the excitement of the children. I hopped in the pool.  Like children looking at a puppy both Zoey and David circled around the pool, they wanted to jump in. They listened. Many of the methods that I have learned, and those that were added by family swim lessons at the Y took hold. I watched as they both sat down, feet dangling in the warm water.  My children don't fear the water.  Heck, they do not really fear anything. They know that they are strong, I know that they are resourceful, and my fear is that they are fearless. When it comes to water, I have a long history. I have been on swim teams since I was a teenager.  Though not the fastest, there was a passion. This passion still exists today. I would rather be in a pool swimming endless laps over a short sprint on a track, any day. I took scuba diving for credit in college... because I wanted to. Since then I have used my certification speeding time floating in the endless abyss. As a result, I have learned not to completely fear, but to respect the water. Most of all, I have learned that things can happen in a second that can change your life, or even end it. Much like looking to the stars and running barefoot in the grass, I have been working with my kids on learning how to swim. Teaching them that some fear is good, and a ton of respect is better. We have taken family swim lessons, and have plans for more. My comfortable relationship with water is something that I want to pass on. For both its power and its beauty are mesmerizing. I pointed to Zoey. She stood, hands exactly wringing themselves. I counted, using my fingers, to three, and with a high-pitched, gleeful scream, she jumped to me. We laughed, and giggled. I moved her back to the side to hold on. As she was climbing out, I pointed to David.  He stood, and I could not see any fear, just the contained excitement shivering through his little body.  I counted, using my fingers, to three, and he leaped into my arms with a scream of joy.  For what seems like forever, this rotation continued. Eventually we ended up in the shallows. 3 feet deep, stairs with a rail. I looked and there was the rest of the family. My niece was playing in the shallows, showing me how tall she was. My dad and brother were playing a game, while Kati and my step-mom were chatting (Jacob in tow). Meanwhile, my two wanted rides.  So, I started with Zoey. David sat down on the steps, holding onto the rail, as we had practiced. With a whoosh I was off with Zoey. As I made it to the middle of the deep end, I turned to look… and my heart stopped. David had decided to stand up, his foot slipped, as did his hand. He was in water over his head. His arms began to flail, he tried to call out for help. My son was drowning.    
Fear gripped me like a vice, and my heart stopped.
In a flash I jerked towards him, arm stretched. I needed to get to my boy. Zoey was on my back, arms around my neck. As I made this move she tightened. My scream for help, for anyone on the side to help my boy, it was cut off as her little arms held on for dear life. He just kept flailing, and bobbing, struggling to float, trying to breath. I tried to lunge towards him again. Fear riddled me as I tried to reach my drowning son. One arm outstretched, with every tendon and fiber reaching for him in vain. I tried to scream again. My chest pounding against my daughters little arms wrapped tightly around my neck. I reached up to pull Zoey’s arms off my throat as a blur came from the right of the pool. In the wake of it all, by pure chance, my brother happened to look at me. He saw the look of horror and fear on my face. Following my gaze, he saw David. He leapt to action, and leapt into the pool.  He pulled David up and held him close as I finally reached them. In that moment, all were on their feet. My brother placed David on the side of the pool, he sat there coughing and crying as we flocked to him. I have never been so happy to see a coughing little boy in my whole life. I reached out for him as tears filled my eyes.
My heart began to beat, slowly. But the fear remained.
I hugged him, looked in his eyes, asking over and over again if he was ok. “Oh-tay daddy” he replied, over and over again. Finally, after a few minutes, many tears, and some towels, we continued our play, though a bit more restrained than before. Now we watch and make sure that there are no signs of Dry Drowning. This is something that all parents should be aware of, and never experience. It will add a whole new level of fear regarding the pool for your kids. Long and short of Dry Drowning is where some water enters the lungs. It causes some swelling that limits the oxygen exchange, and has the same result (and effects) of drowning. It can happen with a delay up to 24 hours before the person shows any signs that it is going on. Though rare, it happens. We, as parents, should know about it, and fear it. This is especially relevant as summer is near. The time of pool parties, and swimsuits eagerly is ahead of us.
Fear be damned, today is another day.
But, as I said, I cannot shake the ghost. As a result, I fight to get sleep. While I lay there, exhausted, I see those moments over and over. Almost as soon as I close my eyes, I am taken back. I watch it playing from a birds eye view. I consequently rip myself apart. How did I let myself get so far away? It does not seem like it was that far. It is because of this that I will fight to be a better dad. But, since I know myself well enough, I will also never cease chastising myself for not getting there sooner. Most of all, I will never cease being thankful for my brother jumping in. My brother is a hero. Seconds matter, and in those seconds, he jumped in.  Nicholas, if you read this, know that I love you, and that I owe you. I will never thank you enough for jumping in to help my little boy. You said it was no big deal because I would have done the same, and I agree with you. But it is a big deal, to me. Thank you Nicholas, a thousand times, thank you. Later that day, when I was talking to David about what had happened, and that I was scared, I could see that he was too. When I told him that I loved him, he looked at me. His beautiful eyes filled with love and he replied, “I love pizza”. Finally, all was right with the world. Live big, love bigger, and be kind, always. http://bit.ly/2q0sZWL
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