#even now years later it still makes me feel shrimp emotions
lexalovesbooks · 1 year
Illumina anthology still my favorite tsfh album ever
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houseofpendragons · 1 year
Thoughts of Teen Wolf the Movie while watching it pt.3
Derek still sneaking around corners and just randomly appearing 😂 "🎶I always feel like somebody's watching me🎶"
Feel like Derek could scare Eli himself...give him that s1 Derek stare "I'm not afraid of you" 😠 "okay maybe I am afraid of you"
Eli is so me, clumsy af😭
Derek "😠" Hale
Malia! you can't just cut people open🤦‍♀️
Make the plan. Execute the plan. Expect the plan to go wrong...throw away the plan
Man Allison pulled a Derek 🏃‍♀️💨
Allison's tweaking dudes
Why the hospital lockers look like the ones at high school? Would've been coll if that was one of Nogi's illusions to manipulate her
She's very confused and is supposed to be very dead
Split up!?! One of the biggest rules in horror movies is to never split up
Cause a ball cap is such a good disguise 🧢👍
I got her 👊💥🤛💥🤜💥 I don't got her
"Fuck me man" me whenever my alarm wakes me up for school😭
Allison is karate kid 👍
"Scott Who?" ...oop
"Where's the alpha, I have to find the alpha." "What do you want with Derek Hale?" "No, not Hale. McCall. Scott McCall." Vibes. Oh no, now Braedon flashbacks for me😢
Where is Braedon?! She's supposed to be Eli's badass step-mama
Damn to be honest, I wouldn't have taken that. Woulda thrown them scissors back at that zombie bitch ✂️🧟‍♀️
Poor Argent, imagine the pain of seeing your daughter again after 11 years of her being dead and she runs away
Move, bitch! We know she's back, now let us go catch her🙄
But...isn't it your job to hear about the crimes...sheriff?
oh never mind😂
How didn't he know he was a kitsune? Wouldn't weird shit start happening to him like it did Kira? C'mon you can't tell me this man ain't never got his picture taken w/ the flash on before
Could've made him Hikari's family in some way to add some emotional depth for her and give her more ties to the pack
Or he could've been a host for Nogi like his dad I think? If his brother was that one dude wouldn't that make his dad the man who was possessed by Nogi during Chris's first gun deal?
"I don't want to kill you" oh really?👀
🎶I wish that I could wake up with amnesia🎶
So the hunter thingy place is still here but Monroe's peeps are gone🤨
"who are you🏹" "a friend👹" yea okay Pennywise🤚
Nogitsune: "time to hunt" Pennywise:"time to float" I rest my case
No i would not trust my mother who's a psychotic bitch, especially when she looking at me like I just took the last shrimp fried egg roll that she wanted to save for later😑
bitch so was you 30 minutes ago ⚰
Hey don't talk about my smexy dilf werewolf man Derek like that
Oop, that light was a paid actor
Omg I love Jackson 😂 I never thought I'd say that😶
hahaha Derek holding Eli like a baby
"Yes you did, I saw it🥺"
Man Derek such a good dad, got me all up I my feels
I wonder how Talia was as a parent, especially with Derek since he had such trouble learning control 🤔
Man, Allison honestly fuck you. You had to ruin a good father-son moment by trying to take off Eli's head smh I could never. Stay unproblematic people💅
Not the Chinese ring daggers
Honestly flashbacks to the supply closet when Allison told Isaac that. Hey, wait a minute...no one thought to tell Isaac that his late girlfriend is back (bc they were still together when she died)
"Allison?" No bitch it's Katniss🙄
Hey foul play! You shot my man's while his back was turned!! Now you turn around allison, it's my turn! Imma pull a Peter...Peter where u at, she attacking your fav nephew, Kate her ass
Yayy Liam
dude Hikari that was fire 🔥 (no pun intended 🤣; I'm so sorry guys)
Awww he don't even care if he's hurting himself worse, he just cares about his son🥺
Shut up, Scott! Let the man talk!
Damn Scott, couldn't even take my man's pain?
Everyone but Stiles, Isaac, Theo, Kira, Cora, Corey, Hayden, and Braeden... *clears my throat and looks directly at the camera*
The oni really said, "Suprise shawty!"
I knew I should've retired 🤣🤣
Awww first thing he said was his son's name
if this was a short series we totally should've got a scene of Eli, similar to the scene where Scott Howard first transforms in the og teen wolf movie, and then he just passes out. It would've been so funny😭
I'm sorry but the song that popped in my head when that oni floated down was 🎶I'm spinning like a ballerina🎶
Why's mason's gun sound like its popping popcorn
Sheriff Stilinski said, I can be a ninja toooo
Peter's entrance is iconic and so him, such a western-soap opra villain😂
Deaton and Chris:🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️
oh c'mon Peter, I thought we were past the whole throat slashing thing😬
How does Peter always know everything 🤔
Also I want to see Eli and Peter bonding, feel like they should have a relationship ay peast similar to when Derek and Peter were younger (hell I just want to see young Derek and Peter again, give me a Hale prequel)
Peter: "Is it me? Am I the drama?"
Ofc they have a plan Scott 🙄 not everyone just makes it up as they go and pretends that hunters aren't dangerous (that's always pissed me off about Scott, not everyone is redeemable)
Allison Argent that is a child
There's gonna be an explosion
There was an explosion
Jackson worried about his tail, please bye💀🤚
Would've been better if it was actually an illusion and not really Allison
You better hobble a little faster Eli
Oh, you can't hobbled fast but ur ass can climb
Me personally, I woulda stayed in that car
"Allison stop" bc that'll work🙄
Damn Scott pulled a Satomi, nice. Why he look confused though, you forget you have supernatural reflexes my guy?🤨
lmao not him trying negotiate as she shoots arrows at them
oh but what if I'm not a werewolf? Really Eli HALE?!
Pretty eyes though 😁
Run, Forest, run
"She's tryna get an arrow through you" Omg Eli is meee like fr Scott listen to the kid
"You faint at the sight of blood?!" "No, but I might at the sight of a chopped of arm!"
You think?!
Scott flashbacks, Eli's future partner is in that car "omg we almost hit someone" jk it's Sheriff Stilinski
Peter has a right to be filled with such anger, legit family was burned alove infront of him and was in a coma for 6 years, I would've been forever angry too bc that's not just something you get over
"Allison stOoOoOp" bc that worked so well last time
also backtrack to Chris saying that Allison wouldn't kill a 15 year old, what about Boyd and Erica? Legit grl went psycho in season 2 and I don't want to here and "Well Gerard..." She still did it
"sure lets talk" 🗡🗡🏃‍♀️💨 we have very different definitions of talking
Eli and Derek are the best part of this movie🥺
Hikari said, "I got one of those too mfs"🗡
Flashbacks to when Hayden got taken by the ghost riders 😭
Meanwhile in the Hale house:
Pt. 3- 5
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sluttyhenley · 2 years
21, 30, 45, 52, 54, 91!
21: pick a writer to co-write a book with and tell us what you’d write about
I’m tempted to say you here because it’s fun coming up with story ideas with you and we’ve talked about projects we would do. Lenore has a place in my heart always. I love her so much. (And this is honestly not a call-out though I can see how it can look like that) and anyway Lenore verse couldn’t be a book. But doing a story like that? Idk could be cool
30: most inspirational quote you’ve ever read or heard that’s still important to you
You know I have a lot of quotes and lyrics that just live in my head rent free. Poems I came across that made me just kind of sit and stare at the wall and reorient. Quotes that make me feel varying degrees of unhinged. Song lyrics that make me feel shrimp emotions. I don’t know about inspirational quotes but things like this:
Tumblr media
Are nice to read and remember because I’m always wondering when I’m going to feel like an adult. What it feels like to feel like an adult and I don’t know. Nice to know that maybe I’m not massively failing at this whole life and adulthood thing ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
45: name three of your favorite fanfic writers
Probably extasiswings, hattalove, and werebearbearbar. And you get an honorable mention because even though until recently you don’t tend to write for fandoms I read oh my god your writing is just. I’m fine about it honestly. Like oh my god. The secret good naruto that lives in your head. Like what? I’ve sat through more of that show than I wanted but damn that fic was so goddamn good.
52: how many unfinished fic ideas/stories on at the same time?
God ok rude. And it’s only two that I’m actively working on. And I try to only actively work on one at a time. But I have this third idea that is trying to get me to add it to the active work list. Which is bad because I already have many others that have been on the back burner for an amount of time I don’t want to look at too closely
54: what’s a common writing tip that you almost always follow?
Sometimes you just have to move on. Come back to that later. Accept that right now that sentence sucks or you need more transition. Because otherwise I get stuck and then I stop writing and the story languishes waiting for me to figure out what I’m doing. But if I skip it and come back to it I can keep the writing flow
91: how has your writing style changed over the years?
I mean I just genuinely think I’ve gotten better at words. At dialogue and description. I think my voice has gotten more settled. And I’ve gotten more comfortable doing An Art with my work sometimes
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To Our Beloved Tartaglia
Summary: A story on how two people say i love you without saying it.
A/N: Fluff for today’s birthday boy! I’m buying him a cake and celebrating his birthday! Implied sex at the end.
The freezing temperature of Dragonspine was one you’ve grown to find as a minor inconvenience. Though you do enjoy playing in its place and exploring it for treasures, you’ve never grown to like it. It was just a tourist destination in your humble opinion. Not that anyone who knew you agreed, even Paimon had wondered if you were quite alright in your brain.
Of course, correlation breeds attachment and from the moment you heard Tartaglia offhandedly mention how Dragonspine was like Snezhnaya in its freezing temperature, you’ve dedicated a time in the day to spend time in it to ensure that your body would not be shocked when it finally lands in Snezhnaya. If anyone noticed how you’ve silently grown fond of the place, you’d deny to your dying breath that it had to do with Tartaglia.
Not even Kaeya’s impressive boob window would be able to make you admit your growing intentions to tie down the volatile Harbinger to your side through marriage. There were some things you wanted to keep close to your chest, and this was one of them.
It stood to reason then that you would have kept your sudden desire to perfect the art of cocktail mixing or to be more honest, perfecting Blue Lagoon. Your sudden daily appearance in Cat’s Tail had been the talk of Mondstadt, it grew large enough that even the Traveler and Paimon had dropped by.
“Paimon wonders why you would work here just to practice your bartending skills?” Paimon had asked after being served a non-alcoholic drink.
“I wanted to make a drink for Childe with the fire water he gifted me on my birthday” You revealed as you finished the Long Island and gave it to the Traveler, “On the house.”
You winked at them.
“Huh? Why would you even want to do that?”
You smiled and didn’t answer Paimon, opting to give her food to distract her. On the side, the Traveler gave you a knowing look but you merely signaled them to keep it a secret. 
“I really hate the taste of fire water but it does its job in the cold. I don’t know why you’d want something like this, comrade...but if it makes you happy-”
“Since you hate the taste of it, give me enough time to make a drink suitable for you.”
“Hahaha! There’s no need to go that far, I’ve drank this when I was just a year in the Fatui!”
“Then I’ll give you a drink just for you as Tartaglia.”
When you saw his letter today, you couldn’t help but feel the bubbling emotion in your heart. Excitement rushed through your veins as you ignored the rest of the letters addressed to you to read his letter. You sat in front of your house’s door step, smile on your face as you read his letter.
You couldn’t help but imagine the whine in his tone, you lamented that the two of you couldn’t have bumped into him at Dragonspine but your travels took you far and wide through Teyvat. The chances of meeting him by chance were low, so you resigned on buying information of his whereabouts.
Nothing substantial, just sightings of him if only to fake a chance meeting but it didn't happen so far. The two of you were always on the opposite ends of Teyvat that you had half a mind that Celestia itself was sabotaging your love life. Your heart felt elated at knowing he was fondly remembering the time you had spent with each other, as well as the sparring sessions that always seemed like on the verge of something more.
When your eyes read the final words on his letter, you couldn’t help but feel your heartbeat quicken.
“A special day?” You muttered to yourself, your mind quickly churning as you hastily went inside your rented home in Mondstadt and quickly rushed towards your room to grab your room to change your clothes. You had thought he was in Snezhnaya so you had already sent his gift earlier, timing it so that it would arrive today but if his letter was to be understood, it meant that he was in Liyue today.
‘If I use the waypoints, I can get there quickly and spend the day with him!’ You thought as you began to meticulously fix yourself. You wanted to show him the best sides of you today.
Your clothes were meticulously picked, the outfit would pose no hazards during a battle while at the same time accentuating your figure and increasing your charm. You wanted to be prepared on the off chance Tartaglia wanted to have a spar, but if he wanted to go on a date,
“Then I’ll be prepared as well!” You giggled as you finished checking yourself out and began to apply light waterproof make-up. Your lips were glossed and purposely drawn to capture his attention on how kissable it was.
You sprayed a soft floral perfume before winking at the mirror and making your way to the nearest warp point and teleporting yourself in Liyue. 
You landed softly in front of the teleport waypoint in Feiyun Slope. The effort you spent on yourself was noticeable, the mid-morning populace of Liyue took a couple of glances at you. Anyone could tell that you were about to go on a date, eyes followed you as you happily walked towards the Northland Bank.
“Good morning, Vlad!”
“O-oh! Good morning! Are you here for Lord Tartaglia?” Vlad asked you, blushing after being caught mid-yawn.
“Yeah, I was hoping he was around here” You replied, suddenly feeling embarrassed at your haste.
Vlad grinned, it was no secret to the employees of the Northland Bank that you and Lord Tartaglia frequently went out together. As far as they were concerned, marriage was a foregone conclusion between the two of you.
“Of course! Just head straight to the second floor! Lord Tartaglia is still in his office around this time!” 
“Thanks! I heard Nadia’s into crab tofu this days~” You happily helped Vlad to further his relationship with Nadia.
Each step that you took made your smile brighter, your head was full of thoughts about him. Wondering if he had gotten stronger, was he eating well, did he get new scars, had he visited his family recently, was he taking good care of himself. All of this went through your head as you headed to his office but most of all you thought,
‘Did you think of me as much as I thought of you?’
Your heart was bursting at the seams and you couldn’t wait to be reunited with him. Your footsteps slowed as you reached the door to his office, you could hear the soft muffled sounds of scribbling behind the door. You stood in front of it, debating, thinking, on the words you wanted to say to him.
You hesitated, wondering if the words on his letter were just politeness and not a reflection of his true feelings towards you. You lingered in front of the door, listening to the sounds inside the room, and wondered if you could cross the line today. You thought of the package that had surely already arrived in Snezhnaya, before your thoughts could even spiral further down the road, the door opened and in front of you stood Tartaglia.
Somehow, against your will, you couldn’t help but smile at him. Your traitorous body revealing your heart right in front of him without any regard for your reservations.
And when he smiled back, eyes soft as if the mere mention of his name had not revealed your fondness of him, you felt yourself fall in love with him again.
Your name felt safe in his mouth, treasured, and when he pulled you close and held you in a tight embrace, you prayed that he wouldn’t hear the quick and rapid pump of your heart nor would he realize how easily you melted in his embrace.
“You came! I didn’t really expect you to come so quickly!” His tone was bashful, pleased, and a little bit shy and it made you even softer for him.
“Neither did I! I was hoping you were here since I’ve never been to your home in Morepesok before…” You trailed off, feeling shy.
He laughed softly, “If you keep that up, I might just really think you’ve missed me so much!”
“I did miss you” You admitted with soft eyes as you watched his face slowly turn red.
“Comrade…” Tartaglia averted his eyes, the back of his covering half of his face, “I’m no match for you today.”
You chuckled softly, “Mhm. Before that let me greet you first.”
He looked at you and you wondered what sort of face you were making right now. You sincerely hoped it wasn’t weird or ugly.
“I’m listening.”
“Tartaglia, Happy birthday” You stepped closer to his personal space, hands on his chest as you tiptoed and kissed the corner of his mouth.
“I’ve actually sent your gift to Morepesok but since you’re here...today I’ll give myself to you.”
Tartaglia blushed as he grasped your hands and with unconcealed anticipation replied, “How bold! I can’t believe you’re saying that in broad daylight!”
“What’s bold about it?” You asked him “I’m willing to do anything you want today as your present since your real one is in Snezhnaya.”
You frowned at his reaction, “I-I can change it to something else! Do you want new weapons?” You worried that you had disappointed him with your stand-in gift.
He coughed upon realizing his reaction and hastened to explain himself, “I mean, I’m glad to have you today! You can’t change it to something else!”
You felt relieved at his words. Tartaglia continued speaking, “I want to go on a date with you today, eat your cooking for lunch, and then spar in the afternoon, and we finish this at my room.”
“As you wish!”
In the morning, after Tartaglia had finished signing and writing the documents for the Fatui, the two of you ate breakfast at Wanmin Restaurant. His skills in using chopsticks were marginally better but it still took him many attempts before he could eat a couple of bites.
It was cute. It was endearing. And you were so so in love that you didn’t mind picking up the crystal shrimp and feeding it to him. 
“C’mon now, don’t be shy” You told him when his mouth remained close and you could see the hesitation in his eyes “You’ll need all the energy for our fight later.”
You locked eyes with him as he ate from your chopsticks, seeing up close how long his lashes were, the slight curl on its end and the fascinating blue of his eyes. You wondered if Tartaglia could see how much you loved him, if your eyes betrayed the depth of your affection for him. But as soon as he removed his mouth from the chopsticks, crystal shrimp gone, the moment had ended and you ate from your bowl of Universal Peace.
When you saw him swallow, you immediately reached for the Squirrel Fish and took a piece of it, offered it to him and Tartaglia ate. Had it anyone else you wouldn’t have bothered but as always, Tartaglia managed to be the exception and you didn’t mind.
After eating, the two of you walked along Liyue Harbor, browsing shops and buying him small trinkets to bring back home. You visited the blacksmith to commission him a new bow, one designed to further improve his skills at the bow. You would pick it up later in the day, and Tartaglia dragged you to watch opera. The two of you sat close, closer than usual and the butterflies in your stomach never settled down. His hand never left yours and you wondered what sort of picture the two of you painted in the eyes of Liyue’s populace.
You couldn’t help but wish that you could keep on celebrating his birthdays with him from now on.
By the time the play ended it was past lunch time, so the two you went to the market stalls and bought ingredients for a late lunch before heading back to his apartment. Tartaglia helped as you made his longevity noodles, telling him the story behind it from a time before Rex Lapis’.
“I guess, you must really like me that much if you’re giving me this to eat!”
“Well, since we met in the middle of my life, I wanted to make sure that we’d have a lot of time to spend together to make up for it” You teased him even if it was the truth.
You didn’t know what the future held for both of you but you wanted to be part of his life longer than the time you weren’t in it. In his kitchen, you served him the noodles, every part of it made with love and well-wishes for his life and you hoped that there would be more years to come that you could spend it this way.
‘I wonder if you could tell how much I love you with each bite you take?’
When all was said and done, when the two of you had gone through all of his wishes, you both sat at the pavilion in the Dwelling in the Clouds, stargazing and observing Celestia. Between the two of you were two glasses filled with Blue Lagoon.
“You know, I never thought that you’d really make a drink with Fire Water that I’d like” Tartaglia said, his gaze far away “Say, do you do this for others too?”
“I don’t” You confessed, your face felt like it was on fire, you had never been comfortable speaking out your love unless it was hidden behind a joke or said in a playful careless manner.
A moment later, Tartaglia’s movement had you looking at him, drinking in the rare sight of his gentle smile, a genuine one that carried only what you dared to hope was fondness for you.
“If you keep this up, looking at me like that, I might really get my hopes up” His voice was soft and gentle as his face came closer to yours.
“Say comrade, if I kissed you right now what would you do?”
Before you could even think of a reply his lips were on yours and you were pushed down the bench, glasses strewn aside as Tartaglia’s tongue entered your open mouth and kissed you deeply. Your arms embraced his neck as the two of you kissed passionately, drowning in each other in gentle passionate bliss above the clouds. His hand lingered on your thigh, squeezing and caressing it as he applied pressure on your crotch and creating a friction that had you arching your body close.
When the two of you came up for air, you looked so debauched that Tartaglia almost couldn’t help but devour you right then. The flush on your cheeks, the dazed look in your eyes and your glistening red lips that had been a temptation to him all day created a picture that would always linger in his mind.
“If I asked you to give yourself to me…” Tartaglia’s hand traveled down your inner thigh, getting closer to the sides of your crotch “would you?”
“...yes” You covered your eyes, if only to hide your embarrassment.
His soft laughter had you peeking back at him.
“Thank you”
His lips were back on yours and made no move to stop him as his hands went under your clothes, playing with your body as if he had spent time thinking on how to elicit moans from your mouth. He was gentle but purposeful in his acts as your clothes were removed piece by piece and discarded into a pile on the floor.
You bit your hand as he took you apart again and again, plunging you into a passionate love affair that had you crying for his name and tasting the sweetness of his love with each kiss. It felt sacrilegious to have done such an act in a place owned by the Adepti but each bite, each kiss, had your heart pounding in excitement.
You loved him as ardently as the fires of Natlan, as deep as the waters of Liyue’s seas, you loved him with all of your heart and every fiber of your being. What bliss it was to experience this love that made you feel human, that the mere mention of his name could bring a smile on your face.
How wonderful it was to be in his arms right now, enjoying the bliss of being loved and loved in return. With your hands clasped together with his, your heart filled to the seams, you spoke,
“I’m glad to have met you.”
When Tartaglia had left that letter on your doorstep,  he had stood in front of it for a long while. Wondering what you would say if he was the first thing you saw in the morning. Would you greet him with a happy birthday? Or would you scream in fright? His thoughts went on and on as he merely stood there thinking upon dozens of scenarios if only for you to be the first one to wish him a happy birthday.
He wanted to tell you that his days were no longer the same without you by his side, that the mundane everyday life no longer felt exciting when you weren’t there to experience it with him. He wanted to tell you how he always wanted you to just show up whenever your informants inquired about him.
He had entertained the thought that you would one day show up in his workplace, food in hand and his name on your lips but he knew that you were the type to stick to your duties, and really he couldn't fault you for that when he was the same. But sometimes, the selfish and childish part of him wanted you to throw away everything for him.
Just for a while, just for a moment, if only to have something to look back upon when all was said and done.
So when he had seen you standing before him, eyes bright and looking at him like he was your most cherished person, he couldn’t help the happiness that was bursting at the seams. And now that you were in his arms, on his lap with your head on his chest, he couldn’t help but kiss you again and again. Making up for lost time, for all of those moments when he could have breached the line and made a move but didn’t.
“Stay with me” He offered, asked even when he knew that it was impossible right now. Not when either of your allegiance could go against each other any time, you with the Adventurer’s guild and him with the Fatui.
“One day” you promised.
And that was enough for him. It gave him hope that both of you would make it out alive. It gave him something to look forward to when his time with the Harbingers had come to an end.
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lovely-v · 3 years
LOTR (films) Review
So I finally watched the LOTR films (20 years later). I’m super excited to review these because I read the books very recently so I feel at least a little prepared to voice some opinions. Overall I loved the films, here’s a very long (but by no means exhaustive) compilation of my thoughts, which are of course, totally subjective:
(Warning: a lot of me saying “well, actually, in the book...”)
- Casting! not much to say here, I thought the casting was great. One of my favorite actors that I didn’t think i’d have a huge opinion on was David Wenham as Faramir. I was kinda ambivalent on him when I saw pictures but i thought he did a great job. he showed his quality.
- Music. so much has been said about the films on the music front. I can’t offer too much original insight but when a bit of the Shire theme started to play as Frodo tries to make his way up Mount Doom I cried a little.
- Boromir and Aragorn. I liked the scene where they interact a little in Rivendell. I also like how Aragorn saves Boromir in the Moria battle and gives him this little nod of friendship. I think the films did a great job portraying the dynamic they have where Aragorn is clearly suspicious of Boromir’s motivations but grows to respect him to the point where he doesn’t even blame Boromir for being corrupted by the ring because he understands that, at heart, Boromir is a good person. 
- Sam and Frodo in Osgiliath. I expected to be kind of annoyed with the way this plot point played out (I knew ahead of time that it strayed from the book), but I actually liked it a lot. As I’ll say later, there’s some gripes I have with the way the films extremely play up the disagreements between Frodo and Sam, but I loved the scene where Frodo pulls the sword on Sam and then seems so defeated when he realizes what he’s done. I was pleasantly surprised by how emotional this scene made me. It’s admittedly A Lot, but it was done nicely, especially in conjunction with Sam’s “there’s good in this world” speech.
- Treatment of the ending. I almost think I should dislike the ending as it is in the movies, but my heart is soft and I like that they sugarcoated it a bit. I know the whole point of the Scouring of the Shire and Frodo’s depression conveys a lot about war and trauma and I think that is important, but after watching these things for twelve hours I just wanted Frodo & co. to be happy and I was kinda relieved that they cut the Scouring. Does that make me weak and perhaps bad at film analysis? yes. do I care? no. I was also very glad that the movies didn’t portray how depressed Sam was about losing Frodo in the end. Yes, he cries, but when he walks home to his family he seems happy and in the books that scene came off so much bleaker. I definitely liked the lighter tone.
- Arwen. (Neutral) I don’t hate her, I don’t love her. I think the story she and Aragorn have is compelling and I 100% get why the filmmakers decided to add it to give her character more depth, but it felt misplaced at times. maybe it’s just because it was the only storyline I didn’t know in depth, but the scenes with the Arwen/Aragorn flashbacks felt a bit confusing and disorienting. Don’t have anything against Arwen as a character though, I think she’s pretty alright.
- Gimli. (Complicated thoughts) I want to start off by saying I don’t dislike Gimli. I like him a lot! I just think the movies did him a bit dirty. He had some good movie-exclusive moments, but I think his character really fell into this place of being the butt of too many jokes. Would have liked to see some more serious Gimli development, especially with his relationship to Legolas. Their friendship felt too much like subtext here, whereas it’s explored far more in the books.
- Two Towers Pacing. (Didn’t really like). The pacing of TTT was...weird. maybe I’m going into this with a closed mind because of the books, but it was odd to have the movie begin with Frodo and Sam and then have them only appear for a few rapid scenes after that. I think the fact that a WHOLE LOT of what happens to Frodo and Sam in TTT is moved to RotK is what makes it feel that way? In the books, Two Towers ends with Sam discovering that Frodo isn’t dead from Shelob’s sting, and I was surprised by how long it took the movies to get to that part. However, I will give the films a little leeway because I think they needed Frodo & Sam content for RotK, since most of what happens in that book is them walking through Mordor basically starving and dying. Doesn’t make for great cinema I guess, so they had to put the whole Shelob/Cirith Ungol saga into the final film. Still, I think there’s a weird lack of Frodo and Sam’s presence in TTT.
- The go home/missing bread arc. (Full of rage abt this one) yeah. so. my criticism of this is gonna sound pretty tired because people complain and complain about this part of RotK. but I’m gonna complain some more!! I don’t think the split between Frodo and Sam does anything for the plot. I really don’t. I guess it emphasizes the fact that Sam doesn’t understand how much Frodo is projecting onto Gollum, but it’s just. unnecessary angst? They had enough angst in the Osgiliath scene! Which I actually liked! And it simply doesn’t make a lot of sense for Frodo to suspect Sam of eating the bread when Sam had already offered Frodo his own food and made it clear that he would very much starve if it meant making sure Frodo could eat. But what I hate most about this scene is not that Frodo gets mad and tells Sam to go home. No. It’s that Sam actually... thinks about doing that? he actually? goes down the staircase? emotionally this is bad because Sam clearly cared enough about Frodo to follow him this far, to nearly drown for him, so why would he leave now. Practically this is bad because 1. how would Sam get out of Mordor alone and 2. where would he go. He turns around almost immediately, yes, but what was his plan. where was he going. why.
- For Frodo! This line, and every other shoutout to Frodo. In the books, they didn’t really actively talk about/worry about Frodo (and Sam) as much as they do in the movies. I like that they talk about Frodo more in the movies! I like that they’re thinking about him! I know it was implied that they were in the books, but I really like how it’s shown here. I think it gave a more complete picture of how much they all care about him on a personal level in addition to just needing him to succeed from a pragmatic standpoint. 
- Merry and Pippin! I feel like Merry and Pippin were so well rounded in the films. I’ve heard criticism about them being turned into comic relief characters (which they always were a little bit) but it honestly didn’t feel that way to me. They had a bit of a rough start because the films didn’t make their motives for going with Frodo as deep as the books did, but I think that by TTT they were absolutely amazing characters in every scene. In RotK their respective arcs hit really well and the scene where Pippin is singing to Denethor? *chef’s kiss* poetic. beautiful. sad. idk man I just feel like I have such a newfound appreciation for Merry and Pippin.
- Parallels! people have pointed out the parallel of Frodo and Sam’s hands before (drowning scene/mount doom scene) and I love how the movie did that. Just stunning. Also! The moving of the Smeagol & Deagol scene to RotK surprised me because in the books it was like,,,at the beginning of Fellowship, but I think the placement of it in the movies really helped emphasize the similarities between Smeagol & Deagol and Frodo & Sam (and how much Frodo fears this similarity.) There were a lot of other well done parallels between storylines and a few bits of dialogue that were repeated with great timing, but I can’t remember all of them at the moment.  
Edit: here’s one I remembered! when Frodo wakes up after being rescued and sees Gandalf, he says Gandalf’s name in a very similar tone to the one he used at the very beginning of Fellowship. It was a nice little subtle connection.
- I can’t carry it for you...alright this is self-indulgent. everyone knows I love this line. I’m just so glad it made it into the movie intact. Sean Astin’s delivery was amazing. I cheered. My mom cheered. It’s a raw line and it makes me feel secret emotions...like if shrimp colors were feelings. that line makes me feel shrimp feelings. idk i’m so tired i just watched twelve hours of movies this review is decreasing in quality by the minute but i’m about done for now anyway
Various silly afterthoughts
- I would have liked to see Sam kiss Frodo’s hands at least once. This happens 50 thousand times in the books, they could have given me one scene. one little extended edition scene. Please Peter Jackson I’m dyin’ out here
- They literally made Gollum so hateable. kinda the point yes, but I was so on board with Sam’s murderous rage. I know why Gollum’s a profoundly complex character, I know why Frodo pities him, I know why murder is bad, but I too would throw hands with that creature. also he literally body shamed Sam so much what was that skdjksdjksd. Sam is lovely. let him commit a small homicide. 
- the scene where merry and pippin drink the tall boy juice (as someone once referred to it in the tags of one of my posts)... not accurate to the books (since they don’t ever drink it with the end goal of getting tall) but so accurate to life. if I found some water that made me taller than my friends? let me at it
- Frodo panicking when he falls into the spider webs. so real bestie. i felt just as panicked watching that. i am terrified of spiders and Elijah Wood did an amazing job doing exactly what i’d do in the situation. yelping a lot and falling down.
- I feel like it’s never stated that Sam’s a gardener (or at least that he’s specifically Frodo’s gardener) until he tells Faramir he is. Did I miss this. Or do they really never say.  are you just meant to know. are you just meant to pick up gardener vibes from him.
This has been a very chaotic lotr movie review. Thanks for reading.
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mieohmy · 3 years
𝖥𝗋𝗈𝗆 𝖬𝗒 𝖬𝗈𝗈𝗇 𝗍𝗈 𝖸𝗈𝗎𝗋𝗌 | 𝖪𝗂𝗆 𝖲𝗎𝗇𝗐𝗈𝗈
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PAIRING: kim sunwoo x fem reader
GENRE: fluff, humor, angst, hotel del luna! au, head manager! sunwoo, hotel owner! reader
WC: 1.9k
NOTES: mentions of ghosts, murders, heavily hotel del luna inspired
↳ "What if my greatest pain was not being able to stay by your side?"
update: part two !
You slump back in your chair, drained. You spent the whole day filing taxes and guest requests. Looking outside, you realize it was still bright out, the sun filtering through the window. You didn't particularly care for it. Craving for a drink, you requested a staff member. They bow before politely asking, “What is it, Boss y/l/n?” You tap your freshly painted nails on your chin before ordering a bottle of champagne and a shrimp cocktail. That would put you in a good mood. 
Imagining the taste of the bubbly concoction, you let out a content sigh before looking at the next case file. -A loose spirit, but this one was tricky. Liked to scare victims with their greatest fear or loss. You make a note in your head to warn the manager. 
You’re interrupted by one of the maids wheeling in your order. Squealing in delight, you dismiss her with a wave. You easily pop open the bottle of luxurious champagne, indulging in the sound of the fizz. Pouring a glass, you hear a familiar voice echoing, getting closer. Your face automatically darkens. 
“Miss y/l/n, what are you doing?” You scowl, raising the glass to your ruby lips. After taking a sip, you let out a satisfied exhale. Slowly turning to face the person who was the bane of your existence, you let out a small tch! “I was enjoying myself before you interrupted, Kim Sunwoo.” He automatically frowns in disapproval. “It’s Manager Kim, you know. You’re the one who hired me for the job. Actually, more like forced me.” You roll your eyes, muttering, “against my will...” 
Sunwoo claps his hands. “So, what kind of ghost are we seeing today?” You gulp the rest of the drink down. “Wandering spirit. But I warn you, this one’s a little feisty.” 
He looks at you curiously, “What is it this time? Revenge, lost lover?” You sigh again, standing up and stopping in front of Sunwoo. Leaning in, you whisper into his ear, “They'll show you what causes you your greatest pain. I’ll tell you now, I'd be careful. It would be the fastest record for a new manager if you don’t watch out... ” Stepping back, you notice him shiver. You walk to the doors, grabbing your latest purse that you bought behind his back. "Don't forget the keys to my new Ferrari, I want to take it for a test drive!"
Once you arrive at the abandoned church, you shut the car door close, lowering your thirty-five thousand dollar sunglasses to get a better look at the place. Sunwoo stands next to you, taking it all in. He turns to you. “Should I go first? Or?” His face seems relaxed, but you know him well enough to tell that he’s scared. “No,” you reply, curt. “I’ll go.” 
You push the doors open with a bang, eyes scanning over the old place. It was dusty, cold, dark. Sunwoo follows in after you, voice echoing, “What kind of place was this?” You examine a rotten bench, dust floating in the air as you hum softly. “Old church. Used to be very popular until the rumors of a ghost spread and it was abandoned.” 
Sunwoo walks down the path before turning around to you so his back was facing the altar. “Do you think-“ but you don’t pay attention to the rest of his sentence as you zero in on who’s behind him. Specifically, what. It was the spirit you were looking for. To anyone else, it would be a horrifying, monstrous demon girl, but to you, it’s just an annoyance. She stares at Sunwoo’s back, a chilling smirk appearing on her face. You glance back at him as you see her change into a horrifying picture in the corner of your eyes. 
Sunwoo’s staring at you, confused at what you’re looking at and beginning to turn his head. You immediately call out his name, desperate. He can’t look at the image behind him. You effectively get his attention, his attention moving back to you again. He’s saying something, but you ignore it and rush forward. 
Wrapping your arms around him, you place a hand behind his head, keeping it from turning. His arms instinctively hover above your waist. “Y/n- what-“ but you tighten your grip on him. “Whatever you do, do not turn around,” you softly murmur into his ear. 
Your eyes are still focused on the spirit, the monstrous image. You think it's Sunwoo’s parents. Murdered, brutally. Their bodies floating midair and the look of pure terror present on their faces. You had no idea if this was what actually happened or not, but you keep your grip on him tight. 
You remember the words said years ago. Sunwoo’s parents were gone from a young age. That’s what your former manager and Sunwoo’s grandfather told you. It was only him and his grandparents from a young age. You would never admit it, but you always held a soft spot in your locked away heart (if you even still had one) for the former Manager Kim. So when he asked, no-begged, for you to take his grandson as your next manager when he was old enough, you had to accept. You warned him about the repercussions, but he only let out a small smile and assured you Sunwoo was strong and especially stubborn enough. 
"That boy will take care of you well." You scoff, twirling a piece of your hair. "And how old did you say he was?" Manager Kim only smiles. "Of no matter, the age. After all, it is just a number. You would know that best, wouldn't you, Miss y/l/n?" You turn your head aside, suddenly staring at a painting of interest. He continues. "I think you two will get along quite fine." Your eyes flick back to him. "But he has a soft heart, so I beg you to be a little less harsh on him. He's already lost so much from a young age.."
The words echo in your head. That’s why you couldn’t let Sunwoo turn around. You didn’t know the details -it was a sensitive topic- but you were sure this might break him. You feel him shaking. “Is it the spirit?” he asks quietly. “Yes,” you reply, “Don’t you dare look.” You feel him bury his face in your neck as you focus your attention on the spirit, mouthing commands and chants. 
She hisses a horrible screeching sound before you’re finally able to control her, and the image collapses, something dropping on the ground. You carefully loosen your grip, leaning back to look at Sunwoo. 
You don’t know what it is, maybe the vulnerable expression on his face that makes you want to protect him forever or the way his dark eyes bore into yours, but you slowly lean in, softly placing your lips on his forehead between his styled hair. Sunwoo blinks, staring at you with a dazed expression. You're not sure how long you look at him until you come to your senses. It's a moment before you step back, walking over to pick up the tiny keychain that fell. 
When you turn around to Sunwoo, he clears his throat. “Well.. I guess we’re done here,” Your eyes follow him walking to the exit, knowing he’s slightly shaken.  
  It’s in the car, when he asks, “Can I know, what it was?” “Nope,” you reply as you examine the keychain. He frowns, turning on the engine. “But-“ “Unless you want to be sent to a mental hospital and never work for me again, then no. But that would’ve actually been pretty nice for me..” you say, pouting slightly.  
Sunwoo looks at you, annoyed. “Hey! But, how come the spirit didn’t show you your greatest fear or anything ?” You scoff. “Cause you’re just a weak human who has emotions, and I’m a dead person who doesn’t feel things, idiot.” He turns to look at you, indignant. “What do you mean you don't feel things? Doesn't this make you feel something?” He suddenly leans in, face less than an inch away from yours. You freeze. You catch his eyes glancing down at your lips. Why does it suddenly feel so hot?
You immediately snap out of it, smacking his chest. "Ah, idiot! Just drive, just drive!" you yell angrily, trying to hide the fact that you were flustered. He immediately laughs, a grin appearing on his face as he turns the car on.  The two of you continue to bicker as Sunwoo drives on. 
You two were in your office later that night, organizing a giant stack of papers you neglected. You told Sunwoo to go home and get sleep since he was still a human and needed the rest, but he firmly insisted on helping you, stating, “I know you’re gonna just give up after five minutes and leave it messier than before.” 
It’s silent. The only thing heard was the sound of papers shuffling. You’re examining a document, Was this really 50 years ago? when Sunwoo calls your name. 
You look up. “What?” you demand.  He puts some papers down, before sitting on your plush, fancy couch, and looking at you. You can't read the expression on his face. “What’ll happen when I die? Or even, you move on to the afterlife?” 
You stare at him. Why was he suddenly asking if he already knew the answer? Clearing your throat, you move to sit beside him. “Well, I’ll have to get a new manager. Life continues. And... if I leave, you’ll return back to your normal life, like all other humans.” Sunwoo fiddles with his tie, and you notice. He never liked wearing ties, but you forced him to for the job. “That’s it?” he says, “you’ll just get a new manager?” 
You frown. What’s going on with him? Sunwoo was mischievous, witty, stubborn. So why was he acting so fidgety and shy? “Yeah, why? That’s how it is.” You pause, adding, “Unless I go first. But who knows when fate will relieve me of my duty.” 
Sunwoo mumbles something you can’t hear. You move closer to him. “Hmm??” He clears his throat before saying softly, “So you won’t ever think of me when I’m gone? Remember me?” Your eyes widen. Huh? His ears are red, and he isn't looking you in the eye. “I-I mean, I know one day I’ll be gone, you’ll be gone..." You interrupt him, turning his body so he's facing you. "Sunwoo, what's going on? Why are you suddenly saying this? Was it because of what happened earlier?" You look deep into his eyes as if you'll find an answer in there.  
He swallows, looking down at your feet. Hesitating, he finally speaks. "What if my greatest pain was not being able to stay by your side?" 
Your body stills, heart skipping a beat. Slowly turning to face him, you realize how close the two of you are. “You.. you shouldn't worry about losing me. But if I ever make you feel that way, find the moon.” Sunwoo furrows his eyebrows, speaking softly. “Why the moon?” 
You look out the window, staring at the moon outside which was partly covered by clouds. His eyes follow yours to the sky. “Even if my moon is in a different world from yours, even if my moon is a thousand years away from yours, it’s always there.” You turn to him once more.
 “Just like how I'll always be there too.”
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sayuricorner · 3 years
Miraculous Ladybug salt x Jojo’s bizarre adventure: “Biodad!Jonathan Joestar” AU
Headcanons part 1
Warning: English is not my first language so sorry if it’s confusing.
Warning 2: This AU content salt don’t like don’t read!
Warning 3: For the Jojo character’s palettes colors I use the anime palette colors as reference.
If you want to use this AU you can! just credite and tag me in return please! :)
So, in many ML biodad AUs Marinette’s bio dad is most of the time someone like Bruce Wayne or Tony Stark, but how about:
                                 Biodad! Jonathan Joestar AU
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I mean when you think about it both Marinette and Jonathan are alike in looks and personnality!
-Both got blue hair
-Both got light blue eyes
-Both are kind souls
-Both are selfless and think about others before themself most of the time
-Both got a strong sense of justice
-Both are very smart
-Both are combative when needed
-Both don’t hesitate to put themself in danger to protect others
-Both can over-react when they’re carried away by their emotions
And just imagine the story possibilities with this AU!
“But Sayuri! Jonathan Joestar is from the Victorian aera and Marinette is born in the french modern aera how Jonathan would be Marinette’s bio dad in this AU?”
Well the same way which make Giorno, Donatello, Ungalo and Rikiel Jonathan’s kids:
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Yep! In this AU Marinette is another child born from Dio’s one night stands!
Now I know that make Marinette Dio’s daughter too and I know Giorno, Donatello, Ungalo and Rikiel are mostly know as Dio’s children but to be honest I consider them more as Jonathan’s kids than as Dio’s because honnestly outside of the head the rest of the body is Jonathan’s.
How Marinette’s conception happen then? Well here’s how:
Years before Marinette’s birth, a young adult Sabine Cheng was on a trip in Egypt, she meet Dio in a bar one night, he seduced her and they got a one night stand, with Dio having the intention to suck Sabine’s blood after, but at one Dio got a brutal crisis.
Normally anyone would get afraid and run away but instead Sabine, being the kind person she was, had done all she can to calm down Dio with all the tenderness she can give. And without being aware of it this actually saved her life.
After helping Dio to calm down both fall asleep, Dio woke up later in night while Sabine was still asleep.
Remembering the warm and familiar kind feeling he experienced during his “episode”, a feeling he didn’t feel for a very long time, he decided to spare Sabine under the pretext he wasn’t in the mood to suck her blood anymore before living to go back to his mansion.
In the morning Sabine wake up only to notice Dio left and never see him again after that night, she go on with her trip and when she go back to France she found out she was pregnant.
She decided to keep the baby, times later she meet and fall in love with Tom Dupain, both end up marrying to each other and Tom adopt Marinette and became legally her father.
The Dupain-Cheng couple also decided to give her a middle name “Joanne” in memory of one of Tom’s aunts with who he was close, making her full name “Marinette Joanne Dupain-Cheng”
Does that mean Marinette in this AU had the Joestar birthmark? Yep, she does! And she also got the Joestar genes when it’s come to body shape: as a kid she look like a shrimp but when she will be older she will get rather tall and will got more muscules to her peers’s surprise.
Did she had a stand in this AU? Yes!
Her stand is called [Viva la vida], a reference to the Coldplay’s song, this stand had the power to create miracles like making plants grow, healing illness and bad injures or being a big source of luck she also had a big affinity with plants and animals. But her powers had limits for example while her miracles allow her to bring back someone to life it’s only possible if the dead person isn’t dead for a too long time and make a powerfull miracle drain Marinette energy and she end up knocked out for a time.
When Marinette is Ladybug, [Viva la vida]’s miracles powers are stronger.
[Viva la vida] isn’t a stand know for her strengh but she’s very fast which allow her to make a lot of punches and kicks at the same time.
Stand’s appearance: [Viva la vida] is an humanoid stand with beetle features, her color schemes are black white and pink, she had beetle wings, big rond blue non-reflective eyes and her head is rond with two anthenas and is a head smaller than Marinette.
But if [Viva la vida] is a cute stand when Marinette is a civil, when the young girl took her Ladybug form, her stand took a more imposing and majesting appearance, she became taller, more muscular, her eyes smaller and almond shaped, her whole body get more armors features and her colors scheme change to black and red with black dots and she emit a rather intimidating aura.
Stand’s behavior: [Viva la vida] is a very expressive stand and very sentient and is a friendly and playfull stand. She’s very curious by nature and had the habit to examin in curiosity when Marinette meet new people or stands. Her being very sentient allow her to sometimes act as a conscience to Marinette.
She also love to eat cookies baked by Marinette.
When Marinette is Ladybug, [Viva la vida] is more serious and a more combative behavior.
Stand’s cry: “Mira!” a reference to “miraculous” and to the word miracle.
AU additional details:
-Class salt
-Bustier salt/bad teacher Bustier
-Adrien salt or Adrien sugar(it’s up to whoever use this AU)
-Lila salt
-Chloe redemption
-Class redemption, a part having a redemption or none of them having a redemption(you choose)
-Permanent miraculous user Luka
-Permanent miraculous user Kagami
-Stand user Luka
-Not everyone die AU/temporary death AU: if some Jojo characters like the Pillarmen, Caesar, Kakoyin, Avdol and Iggy are alive but others like Buccellatti, Abbacchio, Narancia and La Squadra are still dead but will not stay dead(You’ll see).
-Good father Jotaro
-Marinette's closed friends/loved ones calling her "Jojo" in reference to her middle name "Joanne"
-Donatello, Ungalo and Rikiel adopted by the Dupain-Cheng
-Protective siblings Donatello, Giorno, Rikiel and Ungalo
-Marinette being the baby sister of all Jonathan’s and Dio’s kids
-[Viva la vida] being a cute stand
-Marinette, Giorno, Donatello, Ungalo and Rikiel not acknowledging Dio as their dad
-Protective Joestar family
-Good parents Sabine and Tom Dupain-Cheng
-Permanent miraculous users Donatello, Ungalo and Rikiel
-Badass Marinette
-Scientist Gina Dupain at Speedwagon Foundation
-Diavolo and Doppio getting differents boddies
-Akumatised Marinette with her stand being corrupted and turned into a sentimonster.(You’ll see! ;) )
-Temporary Ladybug!Giorno (You’ll see! ;) )
-Diavolo still stuck in the death loop(’cause it’s only canon if Diavolo die!)
-The Pillarmen knowing about the miraculous
-Shipping:You decide the ship you want just not Adrinette please
Arcs for this AU:
The bizarre origins arc:
This arc is about the origins of Marinette’s birth, her growing up and getting a stand, becoming Ladybug and learning to accomplish her duties as Ladybug while learning to control and use her stand and meeting others stand users.(ex: Luka)
The bizarre USA adventures arc:
Take place times after Lila’s return, the liar keep her word and little by little Marinette’s friends turned their back on her and the fights against the akumas are always very hard to not say harder especially ever since she became the guardian.
Seeing their daughter’s moral so down Sabine and Tom decide to send Marinette to Gina to the USA for summer break. After making sure to had Kaalki with her to teleport back to Paris when an akuma attack, Marinette go on a trip to the USA with her grandmother.
But what should have been a normal vacation trip will take a bizarre turn when Marinette will learn about Gina’s job at the mysterious Speedwagon Foundation which will lead to a meeting with four ancients Aztec gods of fitness, getting informations about stands and her mysterious lineage and a meeting with three american unknow brothers.
(In this AU the Pillarmen aren’t dead after Battle Tendency but they’re detained by the Speedwagon Foundation)
The bizarre mass resurection mystery arc:
A lot of things happened in Marinette’s life, things she didn’t expected whatever in good or bad.
Finding out about her grandmother’s job at the Speedwagon Foundation, learning more about her stand, finding about the existence of three brothers and having said newfound brothers being adopted by her parents, her friends isolating her thank to Lila and learning she by Bustier she and Chloe were banned from the class field trip...
So she decided with to create with other classmates from the school a trip club and after some successful fundraisers the club get a trip to Italy.
And since Hawkmoth seemed to not have attacked for a time there isn’t any problems to go on that trip.
In Italy, on Giorno’s side the part 5 events happen just like in canon while on Marinette’s side she and the trip club get a good time in Italy until a particuliary violent stand user akuma attack the country. He was akumatised by Hawkmoth ‘cause Gabriel Agreste was on a business trip in Italy and thought creating a akuma in the country would attract Ladybug and Chat Noir and give him an advantage since the akuma attack in a unfamiliar place.
The fight was very hard but in the end Marinette and her allies were able to beat the akuma and with her miraculous powers combined with her stand powers she revert any damage... it’s even worked for damage/injuries/death by stands leaving Marinette knocked out for a time since she use a lot of energy while using her stand’s miracle powers.
On Giorno’s side after he beat Diavolo and became the boss it was noticed that Buccelatti, Narancia, Abbacchio, the whole La Squadra were bring back to life.
Even Doppio was back but in a boddy of his own.
Everyone thought at first this was the work of [Gold experience requiem] but it was reveiled later this was the work of another stand which will put Giorno, his gang and even Jotaro with the SWF on a big infestigation which will lead them to the stand user resposible for this mystery and unknowly to them and to Marinette to one big bizarre family reunion.
The bizarre family arc:
With everything which happened in Italy, Marinette not only had to deal with Lila, Hawkmoth, the akumas and her guardian duties but also with the discovery of an extended families and horrible and disturbing informations about “one of her bio fathers”.
And one day Lila took things too far leading Marinette to unleash all her frustration, stress and anger making her akumatised and it will be up to Giorno as a temporary Ladybug holder, her true friends and her family to saved her from herself and from Hawkmoth’s influence.
But the task will be hard with not only Marinette being akumatised but also with her stand [Viva la vida] having being unconsciously corrupted by Mayura while trying to corrupt Marinette turning her into a sentimonster.
The bizarre final showdown arc:
A alliance between Hawkmoth and a mysterious priest will lead the miraculous villain to his ultimate plan by helping the priest to resurect a powerful man, a man infamous for being a curse to the Joestar family and to the world, with the promise to achieve Heaven and to gain a power which will allow Hawkmoth to do all he want.
It will be up to Marinette, her friends, allies and her new found family to put an end to Hawkmoth once for all and to beat this priest before the worst happen with the resurection of the infamous Dio.
But bizarre chains of events will lead to another resurection, the resurection of a man very well know by the Joestar family and who’s tightly connected to Marinette, Giorno, Donatello, Ungalo and Rikiel.
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quirklessidiot · 4 years
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Title: coward :: pretty girl Pairing: Y/N x Miya Atsumu Genre: angst, romance, and very slow burn [ex to lovers au] Warnings: Cursing, alchohol, mentions of unprotected sex, unplanned pregnancy, and mentions of abortion
Synopsis: : In which you finally meet the perfect girlfriend of Miya Atsumu and he starts to slowly accept the fact that whatever happened between you two is long gone (or is it?)
authors note: 
here to give my thanks again, literally feels so surreal with how much love this story is getting despite the angst sjjsdjsjd i-
also ive released the prologue for my first ever smau! its a more lighthearted one compared to this one between sakusa and an older gn!reader, if you’re into that check it out here uwu
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You’ve never actually seen Miya Atsumu and his girlfriend.
This was your first time today during Sugawara’s house party, Daiki had forced you to go and insisted that the three of them needed to have their manly bonding time (it actually only consisted of stuffing themselves with junk food and watching shounen animes), “...Also don’t you want to bond out with your ex-boyfriend that you chose over me? I’m hurt, I didn't know you like fake blonde volleyball players.” he fake-sniffled, in which you replied with an arched brow.
You didn’t know how he ended up knowing about Atsumu, you were expecting a talk from him but he simply shrugs it off and says, “No matter how much I tell you that you should tell him, you won’t listen. So I won’t bother wasting my breath, just know that you’re being selfish by denying these boys the right to have a father and you're denying that blonde shrimp to be a dad too.” 
“Y/N-san, I’m surprised you came!” Sugawara grins.
“Daiki took charge of the kids.” You replied, fiddling with the keys in your hand.
“He looks very reliable.” the teacher exclaims, handing you a drink in which you completely deny because you weren’t very good with alcohol, “You guys would make a great couple!”
“Oh,” You voiced, you were very familiar with those words, many people had always thought you and Daiki would make a good pair. It was definitely a shock to many when they found out you were pregnant and that the basketball player was not the father despite being there most of the times, “I’ve never seen him that way.”
“He did mention that, he even openly confessed to Miya-san that he’s jealous of how he was your first boyfriend.”
You choked on your saliva, that fucking sly bastard-
“Anyways, make yourself comfortable! I have to go say hi to my old friends from college!” he exclaims, patting your shoulder. You immediately turn around to find Miya Atsumu cozying up with a beautiful girl in his arms.
Ah, that must’ve been the beautiful model with legs for days.
“You’re kind of staring.” comes a very familiar voice.
You want to roll your eyes but you decided against it, “I didn’t know you and Sugawara-san were close, Inunaki-san.” you greeted your annoying senior.
“Suga-san’s a friend to the whole team…” he grins, “Also, I’m just here to warn you that Osamu might be here later, he’s not as nice as Atsumu towards you.”
“You don’t have to remind me.” 
“Come to think of it,” Shion Inunaki paused, tapping his chin in deep thought, “Atsumu still follows you around like a lost puppy. He’s been spending his off days with you instead of his girlfriend. I’m actually surprised he even brought her here today.”
“What are you implying?” You reply, feigning ignorance.
“Ah, L/N-san. I love how you still don’t care about my kohai’s feelings up till now.” He grinned, sarcasm oozing out of his sentence.
“Don’t be silly.” You glazed,“What feelings would there be but hatred?”
“It’s anything but that, L/N-san.” he turns to you, hand on his hip, “Even I don’t get why he’s so into you after all this time and the shit you put him through. He’s got someone better in front of him. Physical looks and emotionally speaking, Ri-chan’s a whole lot better than you… No offense…”
You knew he was rubbing salt to the injury but you couldn’t really bring yourself to argue with him, after all, he was right at the most part (you technically considered yourself as the big bad villainous ex in Atsumu’s life) 
“You sound like those girls who used to threaten me back then when I was dating Miya-san.” You replied coolly, Inunaki even notices the amusement dripping in your tone, it's as if he hadn’t insulted you right at the face and called you a lesser being, “It’s almost pathetic.”
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You ended up on the balcony right after, so much for trying to socialize, who were you kidding? It’s good you manage to escape the scene before Osamu could see you there, you couldn’t handle Inunaki and the grey-haired twin together. Thank god that Aran wasn’t around the area.
“Figured you’d be here.”
You turn to find the one and only source of all your problems these days, Miya Atsumu, you narrow your eyes in annoyance, “You should leave, people will get the wrong idea.” You simply replied, “I’m not in the mood to be in the middle of that.”
“I just came here because I wanted to apologize about that night with your brat.” the blonde casually leans against the doorway, “It was my fault for riling him up.”
“Yuuto has a temper, he’s more of his otosan than me.” 
“What was he like?”
“The bastard that you miss, those brats father…”
You tilt your head and press your lips together, surprised by his choice of words, “Special.” you openly-confessed as you gaze at the very man in front of you. Oh, the irony of it all. 
How you wish it was that easy to let go of all your fears and anxiety, if you had told him six years ago about your pregnancy, would your life probably be different? What if you told him now? How would he feel?
“He’s lucky,” he admits, gaze fixed on you, “I mean - other than the part that he died  - he was a lucky guy, Y/N.”
It dawned upon you that moment that this had been the first conversation you had with your ex that held no hatred, malice, or anger. He seemed to be slowly accepting the fact that you wanted to do nothing with him. Like you, he had no choice but to move on.
“ ‘Tsumu! What the fuck you moping around alone for up there? You got a girlfriend here!” Osamu calls down from below. You both snap back to reality at his brother's voice, “Guess that’s my cue to leave, I’ll see you around, Y/N.” he uttered softly and as he turned away, you suddenly spoke out.
“I’m sorry.” He freezes in place, somehow this apology seemed different than the rest, “I know I’ve said that a lot these past few weeks and that night but I want you to know that every apology was genuine. I just, I’m not very-”
“I know.” He suddenly turns to you, the very familiar and warm grin that you're accustomed to decorates his features and you feel like its that night in fall and you're back in college again, “I guess I was so wrapped up in wanting to get an emotion out of you that I hadn’t  realized, it’s not you if you did that. You always had trouble expressing yourself naturally to people after all.”
You feel your insides clamp and your lips tremble lightly, you feel the air turn heavy around you. How is that he was always the one pulling the strings and doing all the work between you two? How could he forgive you this easily?
“Don’t be silly.What feelings would there be but hatred?”
“It’s anything but that, L/N-san.” 
“I’m proud that you’re trying hard for your kids though,” He chuckles, “Those brats are lucky they get to see all sides of you everyday.”
“Well, Goodnight, Y/N.”
“Goodnight.” you muttered, watching his figure walk away and vanish in the dark, leaving you all alone in the night of spring.
“...I now pronounce you husband and wife…”
You stare at your father and his new wife looking at each other with complete love and adoration, something you never saw when you were growing up. It sickened you to the point that you turn slightly pale and feel the bile on your throat rise. You watch them exit the church as sakura petals fall, the idea of a picture perfect wedding and happily ever after like the fairytale books you used to scorn when you were a child.
You loathed it.
He even had the audacity to invite you and your mother. She ended up not going and was probably drowning herself in cheap saki at home.
You sat at the back during the reception, along with the people who were not exactly ‘close’ to the bride-groom. You feel like an utter fool, why were you even here? You should’ve gone home or attended that stupid party and get stupid drunk with people you barely knew like your mother.
Yeah, that’s right.
You’d rather be there than here.
“Ah,” you hear a glass clink, you saw one of your dad’s friends stand up, ready to make a speech, “First off, I’d like to congratulate my friend. Finally!” laughter resonates throughout the room but you don’t follow suit, instead, you hold onto the wine glass tightly as if you don’t like where this was going, “I know how unhappy you were back then but ever since you met Yui-chan, your life seemed to have become better. I could never be more proud!”
You could feel yourself getting sicker by the moment, especially after you heard the words you dreaded to hear the most, “Let’s not make anymore mistakes shall we?” he jokes.
All you could see was red right after, grabbing your clutch on the table as you made a haste exit. Was this the reason he invited you? To shove it on your face that you were a mistake made?
That you shouldn't have been born?
You ended up breaking a heel and tripping on your own feet soon after, shakily, you adjust your posture and sat at the concrete for a few moments, trying to gather yourself but desperately failing, "I didn't… I didn't ask to be born too, you know?" You murmured to yourself bitterly.
You let it all out, it shouldn't have hurt to be called a mistake. You were an adult already for crying out loud! Yet when they toss that word around like it was nothing especially at that wedding, you feel like you're eight years old again and you're hearing your own mother curse at you for being born into this world, the harsh words she said were as clear as the day, "if you probably hadn't been born, we would've been happier. We'd have better lives, Y/N. So don't go around and cry and think you got it bad, you hear me? Your sadness is nothing compared to ours. It's nothing, Y/N. So stop being ungrateful."
You ended up at the frat house that night, people would occasionally glance at your disheveled state but you just downed the alcohol, ignoring their stares as usual  and when you get a text from your mother asking why you left the wedding so early in such a manner, you feel the pent-up emotions bubbling within you again. 
Blocking her number and taking one last swig of the cheap vodka in your hands, you head up to one of the rooms upstairs. You hold it all in well, you don't want to showcase such things to strangers.You feel the alcohol and emotion about to hit you when you open a door that you thought would be your safe space for the next ten minutes but you're immediately greeted by two people on the bed, ready to hit it off and have a good time.
"O-Oh sorry… I-Wrong room...” you stammered, lips quivering and small tears escaping since you couldn't hold it in anymore.You immediately bolted out the door, So much for sobering up and crying by yourself for ten minutes, you might as well call Daiki, maybe he was available-
“Hey! Y/N!” a very familiar and a very unexpected voice calls out your name on the quiet street.
You hesitantly turn only to find your project partner and classmate standing there, a bit out of breath as if he had just squeezed through the very crowded party in a hurry, you're confused by his actions. You weren’t exactly close? What was he doing?
“Hey.” he softly says, taking out a handkerchief from his pocket to hand it to you. You hesitantly look at it and take it from his grasp as you try to get rid of the runny mascara. You're taken aback by his kind actions so far, although he had always been nice and tried to make conversations with you, you weren’t exactly very participative and it had always been one-sided on his part. 
When he suddenly stopped talking to you recently, you didn’t bother to initiate anymore because you didn’t want to get more involved with people like him.  It’s not like he was a bad person, per say, he just had such a loud presence that made everyone stop and stare. You weren’t exactly a big fan of those kinds of people (save for daiki since you grew up with him)
“Come on, Y/N.” the blonde sighs, taking off his jacket to place it on you, “Let's take you home.”
"You don't have to."
"You look like shit, Y/N. I’m not takin' no for an answer" Atsumu points out forwardly, "Actually, before we head home lets disinfect that wound, yeah?"
"Miya-san, I-" you tried to tell him you were fine but he didn’t seem to be having it.
"Atsumu." He corrects, despite his forwardness and brash attitude, you know he means well, "You let me call you by your first name so please don't call me Miya-san, sounds fuckin weird coming from ya."
You're thankful that he doesn't pry or ask questions about why you looked like this. He just mumbles throughout your whole journey that you shouldn't wear heels when you can't even walk on them.You also start to notice the slight accent from his tone when he got annoyed by your insistence that you were alright, you had always thought that he was a city boy with the way he carried himself.
When you arrive at the drugstore, he pays for the necessities himself despite you protesting again and even buys you a sugar-free treat on top of that, "You said you were diabetic one time." He shrugs off as he lets you sit on the concrete steps.
“Oh,” You faltered, “You remembered.”
“It’s one of the few things you said. You don’t talk to me that much so it's not hard to remember the things you say.”
“Sorry.” You tried to apologize, brows furrowed in deep thought and the only reply you got was a gleeful laughter from the blonde setter.
“You don’t really mean that do you?” he observed but he didn't look insulted by it at all, instead he seemed amused by it, “Don’t sweat it, Y/N. My twin told me I could be an annoying shit at times.”
“No,” you mused, “Not at all, you’re not annoying.”
Atsumu stares at you right in the eye, his corners crinkling just a bit as the amused smile never leaves his features, you’re starting to like it when you see him smile that way, it reminded you a lot of the youth you craved for, the problematic-free youth that you wanted and wished, “Is it safe to say that you don’t mind my company?” he guessed.
“Well, you’re here now and I haven’t left you.” 
He doesn’t reply,  instead he bends down to your level and takes the antiseptic and band-aids from your hands. Before you could object, the setter dabs it on your wound and as you seethe quietly in pain, he blows on it. You’re getting more and more perplexed by his actions tonight especially with the words he says next, “I may not be close with you to know what happened tonight but I hope I made you feel a little bit better, Y/N.” 
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The next time you see the professional volleyball player is at work,You’re tasked to send out some documents to your boss again and it just so happens they’re wrapping up the shoot for the advertisement at the studio.
Something’s different now. 
After your little talk with him at the terrace, the air around you doesn’t feel tight, your anxiety around him seems to decrease, and your feet doesn’t get cold anymore. Of course, Inunaki would throw in a jab or insult but you took it like a good sport and didn’t bother with him.
“Ah, L/N-san! How are the boys?” Hinata jumps up and down excitedly as he sees you enter the studio, you still couldn’t get used to this big (small) bundle of energy.
“They’re doing fine, Hinata-san.” 
“Oho, L/N-san, you’re looking better these days.” Inunaki teased, you gave him a brief nod and just ignored the jab, Atsumu slaps his seniors back in retaliation, “You’re not the one she broke up with Inu-san.” he joked, “Hey L/N-san.”
“Miya-san.” You greeted.
“Does Yuuto still want to skewer me like a kebab?”
“He feels sad that he wasn’t able to say sorry to you before you left.” You replied, a hint of amusement laced on your tone as you recalled Yuuto frowning on the dinner table the night before because Sugawara had informed the club members that Hinata and Atsumu wouldn’t be visiting as much because training was about to start.
“Shame, wanted to see that brat say sorry too.” He let out a grin, your conversation is cut short though when a new presence joins the room.
“Oh, Riku-chan!” Inunaki calls out.
You lick your dry lips as you see the very beautiful and tall raven-haired woman approach you, wow, Miya Atsumu outdid himself with this one. You recalled her being on Vogue magazine once and on tv a few times as a fashion model of an underwear brand.
“Oh, hey babe.” Atsumu greets, you note how stiff he became. He probably thought this would be an uncomfortable situation. The woman, unlike you, was very open with her affection. She gave him a brief kiss on his jaw.
Hinata greets her and you’re left wondering if you should excuse yourself before you could make Atsumu more uncomfortable by your presence but Inunaki, being an asshole, decides to make the choice for you, “L/N-san, this is Miyazaki Riku! I’m sure you know her, she’s a supermodel!” he introduces you to her.
“Good day.” You greet the model.
She tilts her head slightly, “Have we met before? You look very familiar.”
“She was my kohai back in Uni and Atsumu’s classmate!” Inunaki grins, patting your back, you hold back a glare since you didn’t want to make it more awkward than it was.
“Oh?” she chirped, immediately letting go of Atsumu’s hand, she grabbed onto yours, “What was he like? I bet he was so cool and chic back then too!”
Chic and Cool?
Memories of a rather clumsy and corny Miya Atsumu in college slowly wormed its way to your head and out of nowhere, you burst into a low chuckle. Inunaki was startled by the sudden reaction and Atsumu feels his insides mush up when he hears that very rare sound, “Yeah,” you croaked, shortly after recovering from your small laugh, “Definitely chic and cool.”
“That’s so cool! I definitely want to hear stories about you back in college, baby!”
“Maybe some other time,” you voice is back to its smooth and cool tone, realizing that you needed to leave from this uncomfortable conversation and start your job, “I have to finish up my work here and get home early.”
“That’s a shame, I could definitely tell you guys were close.” a frown tugs her lips as she notices how quick you were to say goodbye to her, “Bye, L/N-san!”
After that rather dry and one-sided enthusiastic conversation, you finish your work quickly and Daiki messages you just in time that he and the boys would pick you up, you say your goodbyes to your director, the staff, and the volleyball team. You don’t notice the lingering gaze of Atsumu as you left nor do you notice Inunaki telling him that he’s got his girlfriend right in front of him and he shouldn’t look your way.
They shortly wrap up right after and they’re ready to go home. After deciding that they’d all grab a good meal together (much to sakusa’s dismay), Atsumu feels his mood lighten up as they exit the studio to see you standing there along with Yuuto, unwrapping his onigiri. As he’s about to call the brat to talk to him and even drop in to say hi to you, he sees a familiar tall figure emerge from the convenience store with Youta in his arms.
The blonde decides against it.
“...You always had trouble expressing yourself naturally to people after all.”
He watches the interaction from afar and notes how easy it was for the man to interact with you, he even catches on an amused smirk from you as the man tries to tell you a joke, “Is that L/N-san?” he hears Riku ask, “I didn’t know she had a family, that’s so cute!”
Atsumu doesn’t really know what to say as he watches the domestic scene unfold in front of him, he was trying to move on, wasn’t he? Yet why can’t he look away? 
“Baby? You alright there? You’ve been staring at the empty space for a while.” Riku calls out, sounding a bit worried as she snaps him out of his daze. You were already gone, probably far off with that scrub and the brats.
“I’m good.” he tried to affirm himself, wishing it was true, “I’m good.”
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mimi-cee-hq · 4 years
Since First Year - Tsukishima x Yachi
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31 Days of Haikyuu!! - Day 17: Favourite Pairing - tsukiyachi :D
Summary: Tsukishima has been pining for Yachi over the years. High school, college, and afterwards, he wonders if he ever had a chance in the first place. A series of snippets of Tsukishima and Yachi's relationship over the years.
Tags: Cute fluff, Pining, Canon-compliant (I think), First year, Third year, College, Sendai Frogs, Sendai City Museum, (these are all basically hints about scenes in the story lol)
This one-shot was inspired by @limach-an's tsukiyachi fanart. And I also blame @innovativestruggles for sharing it with me and for loving tsukiyachi more than I do.
Note: If tsukiyachi is your NOTP, you can just filter out the tsukiyachi tag. I’m pretty good at tagging them.
Words: 1,958
Drool fell out of Tanaka's mouth, Hinata was asleep as well, and Nishinoya looked like he could pass out any minute. Kiyoko, holding a tray of food in her hand, looked at Tanaka, wondering what to do with him. Yachi panicked at the sight of Hinata's head on the table.
"He's fine, Yachi," commented Tsukishima. "Just let him sleep."
Yachi bit her lip, glancing at Tsukishima then back at Hinata. "I guess you're right," she replied. As Tsukishima continued to munch on his shrimp, Yachi giggled at him. "You're actually eating," she pointed out.
Tsukishima directed his eyes elsewhere. After the Shiratorizawa match, he had worked up a large appetite, which was absent on a normal day. He took another bite from the shrimp but didn't bother to eat the meat in its tail. His hands were still taped up.
"Umm...," she said while scratching her cheek. "Do you want me to help you with that?" Tsukishima prompted her to go ahead. As she peeled off the skin, she nervously peeked at Tsukishima every so often, as if she wanted to say something. "Y-You were really cool," she finally said after giving him the meat.
Tsukishima felt his cheeks heat up. He remembered feeling proud of his brother when Yamaguchi thought Akiteru was cool. He knew that Yamaguchi looked up to him as well. But it was embarrassing to hear it straight from Yachi. With cheeks still red, he muttered a thanks in reply.
"Nishinoya was cool too!" Yachi continued. "And Sugawara too! And I can't believe Hinata jumped into the net!" she laughed. Oh. So it wasn’t just him. But perhaps he should have expected that.
"Yachi," Kiyoko called out to her from across the table. "Could you help me get Tanaka's bowl?"
"Okay!" she replied, leaving her seat.
Tsukishima scowled, fully aware of the empty spot to his right. He continued to eat, biting a bit too firmly on his food. "Tch,” he clicked his tongue, getting frustrated at the strange feeling in his stomach.
"Here," Yachi handed the booklets to the team’s two new managers. "Hopefully, this will help you get oriented," she explained. "I already went over most of the information with you, but I made these in case you missed something or wanted something as reference."
The two first years gawked at the booklet. It was filled with information like names of the members of the team, the volleyball rules specific for the Japanese high school league, and the year's schedule. But that wasn't all. It was laid out with detailed attention to typography and graphics and it was pleasing to look at.
"Are you a professional graphics designer?" one of the managers asked.
Yachi rubbed the back of her head with a timid smile. "I would like to be one," she replied.
The two ran off, after receiving instructions from her. Tsukishima commented, "You're going to be busy with those two this year."
"I don't mind being busy with something like this," Yachi smiled. "I'm glad more people are interested in our volleyball team. Remember when I made that fundraising poster in first year?" Tsukishima recalled it clearly. "I don't even have to do that anymore. I'm glad that I joined the team and I got to see everyone grow."
Tsukishima noted the gentle smile on her face. "I'm glad we both joined," he mumbled to himself.
"What was that?" Yachi asked.
"Nothing," he calmly replied. "Why are you talking like we're not playing anymore? We still have the rest of the year."
"Ah! That's right!" Yachi exclaimed, covering her mouth.
Tsukishima smirked at her reaction. Although, he said otherwise, they really did only have a year of high school left. Staring at the top of Yachi's blonde hair, bundled to the side, he sighed, not wanting things to change.
Hinata: Happy New Year!! Please take care of us this year too!!!!!!!
Yamaguchi and Yachi laughed their heads off while Tsukishima covered a chuckle. Hinata sent them a picture of him and Oikawa making a Kagamimochi out of sand. But it literally looked like crap.
“It looks so wrong when you make that with sand!!” exclaimed Yamaguchi.
“That sitting - wait, squatting pose there isn’t doing them any favours either…!” said Yachi.
“They look so proud of their creation. It’s making me mad,” Tsukishima said, somehow still annoyed by them.
It was already New Years Day when they got the text. Yachi came over to Tsukishima and Yamaguchi’s dorm to visit for the first time in a while. After high school, Tsukishima and Yamaguchi went to Tohoku University while Yachi went to Miyagi University. Although they all lived in the same area, they didn’t see her very often. It was expected, but Tsukishima thought it was nice to see his high school friend again, not that he’d admit it.
“I guess I should go home now,” Yachi said as she stood up from the futon. “This was fun,” she smiled at them. Tsukishima walked her to the door as Yamaguchi started to clean up. “I’m going to miss you two.”
Tsukishima smirked at her. “Well…,” he started, “you could see us more often if you dated me.”
He heard a chopstick fall on the floor. Yamaguchi went stiff. Yachi blinked at Tsukishima, likely wondering if he was serious. “Tsukki, you shouldn’t joke about that,” she laughed. With her coat already on, she opened the door. “I’ll see you two next time,” she grinned.
Right after the door closed, Yamaguchi accidentally let out a snort. Tsukishima immediately glared at him. “I can’t believe you just did that,” Yamaguchi decided to let out his laugh anyway. Tsukishima rolled his eyes and sighed. It was worth a shot, he guessed.
Tsukishima saw Yamaguchi at the other side of the stadium waving him down. He grimaced, clearly recalling that he told them not to come and watch him play for the Sendai Frogs. Both Yamaguchi and Yachi insisted but, trying to deter them, he didn't bother to say when and where his game was. Of course, they found out anyway. To be honest, he didn't want them to come because he knew they would just embarrass him.
“Yamaguchi! Yachi!” yelled out Koganegawa with a large wave. When they got there, Kyoutani greeted them with a nod.
Tsukishima was right. He blushed, knowing they shouldn’t have come. Not when Yachi was wearing a Sendai Frogs jersey with his name on it. He groaned with a strong inkling that Yamaguchi probably talked her into wearing it.
He thought his crushing years were over. But after some food and dessert a couple hours post game, he still found himself averting his gaze from Yachi. Even Kyoutani raised his eyebrow, noticing Tsukishima’s behaviour.
And somehow after their evening drew to a close, Tsukishima found himself carrying Yachi home in his arms. With her head tucked in his shoulder and arms wrapped around his neck, he reluctantly decided to cherish this moment as long as it would last.
He stopped walking to shift her weight to a more comfortable position. "Are you sure you're okay?" asked Yachi.
"Yeah, we're almost there," he replied, wishing what he said wasn't true. "Next time, don't wear heels," he lied.
Yachi hugged him a bit tighter, Tsukishima realizing just how cold the air had gotten. He sighed, deciding he'd have to walk a little faster for her sake.
Tsukishima never expected this to happen. His manager walked Yachi through the Sendai City Museum and later introduced her to Tsukishima and his co-workers.
“Hi Tsukishima!” Yachi said with a bright grin.
“You two know each other?”
“Yeah! Since our first year of high school!”
Since first year… It had been that long. But here she was in front of him, with an opportunity to work together again.
Yachi was hired on contract from her mom’s design firm. Over the next few months, he worked with her to put together pamphlets and posters for the museum. She didn’t need much help from him. The company gave her quite a few resources for her to use. But he took the opportunity to sit and work beside her, saying that it would be much easier for her to ask for help that way.
As time went on, it seemed like they got even closer than they were in high school. Tsukishima would tease her whenever she started to overthink about her work, noting that some things didn’t change. But she would give him a jab right back at him, telling him to get back to work.
But there were times when Tsukishima would see glimpses of hope - glimpses that Yachi was actually interested in him. Normally, he would pick up on people’s emotions easily, nut because he had been pining for so long, he doubted his judgement, knowing it could be clouded by his feelings.
One day, Yachi suddenly started crying. “It’s nothing,” she told him. “Just forget about it.” But he hugged her and told her she could share with him if she wanted.
At first she mumbled her response. When Tsukishima asked again, she clearly replied this time. “I’ll miss you.”
It was the end of her contract. He wasn’t looking forward to this either. But from the way she was crying, he wondered if perhaps she did have feelings for him.
Tsukishima began to analyse back to the past months, looking for clues he might have missed. There were days where she placed her hand over his during his rough days. Another day she placed a hand on his cheek when he was distraught over the results of his work. She would also hug him whenever she thanked him for his help.
At first, he thought close friends would do that too. But as she sniffed, trying to hold back her tears, he wondered if he was special.
“Yachi,” Tsukishima asked, “can I test something?”
“What do you mean?” she replied, wiping her tears away with her sleeve, trying not to touch her mascara.
“Just push me away if you don’t like it.”
 Yachi blinked a few times, not knowing what to do, but she shyly nodded afterwards.
Tsukishima drew his face close to hers, tentatively stopping a couple inches in front of her. Yachi’s eyes grew but after a moment between them, they fluttered shut.
Tsukishima, on the other hand, took a step back to just stare at her. She actually liked him. Yachi caught him wide-eyed, covering his mouth. “What was that?” Yachi said as she pounded his chest with her fist.”
“That was so embarrassing!” Yachi exclaimed as she hid her face in her hands. “Why would you do that?”
Tsukishima groaned, not wanting to have to explain why he was being so… stupid. “Well, I’ve liked you for so long that I… was surprised.”
“What???” Yachi freaked out. It seemed like she didn’t expect his admission either. “Just how long?”
He mumbled.
“Since first year.”
Yachi's eyes grew wide. Of course her reaction was expected. Who would be pining for the same girl for so long?
Tsukishima hid his face, embarrassed from admitting his feelings.
“So… aren’t you going to kiss me?” Yachi shyly asked after calming down a bit.
“Mmm… maybe a bit later,” he said to tease, but a blush still covered his cheeks and still looking elsewhere.
“You can wait, right?”
“Ugh Tsukki!!!”
“You can call me that instead.”
Yachi was dumbfounded. With his initial embarrassment gone,Tsukishima started to have fun teasing her, but he noticed a sly smile growing on her face.
“You can wait, right?”
Tsukishima was caught off-guard, then laughed. He couldn’t help but think how cute she was and put an arm around her as they left the museum.
I hope you liked it. I feel like I got lazy in the end. lol.
FYI, the New Year’s college scene was based off of this translated post from Twitter for New Years 2020
General Taglist: @dorkyama @the-black-birb @hqprotectionsquad @nagichi-boop @moonaaluna @muffins-puffins (let me know if you want to be added or removed)
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Blended - 2
As you can see - so I decided to pursue Blended. Originally, there was no serious plot to this, I swear. I was just winging it but before I knew it - I was exploring this interesting new AU that I’ve unearthed and I thought, eh why not? Now, I have quite a backstory for our main characters here. Which, unfortunately, will not yet be revealed below but just the same, hope you like this!
Title: Blended
Previous installment here.
Legend of Korra, Lin/Tenzin, Modern AU, no bending
Multi-part, WIP
Lin sucked in a deep breath. She released it slowly, counting up to five.
Her eyes blinked, wishing for all the strength in the universe not to forsake her.
She had taught her sons never to play the break-up one-up game but good Agni, she wanted to say that she is winning this particular break-up even a decade or so after.
Yes Lin, you can do this. You have won this break-up.
She tried to give herself an imaginary fist pump.
Yes, sure. Real mature of you.
Feeling that she had done enough pep talk, Lin plastered a smile on her face. She had gotten good at this in the past years after all.
Now or never. For Jinora.
She crossed the room quickly. “Hey kid, sorry I’m late.” Lin pressed a kiss on Jinora’s hair, not meeting the eyes of the other occupants of the booth. The young girl faced her to give a kiss and a hug in return. “Of all the days, I know.” Lin focused on tucking some stray hair strands behind Jinora’s ear. “I don’t even know why Mr Sato has an assistant if the man barely follows his own schedule.”
She finally took a seat and faced the now gaping man across her.
“Ah – this is my mom –,” Jinora started to introduce her at the same time that Lin extended her hand.
“I’m Lin, Jinora’s mom. Nice to meet you.”
The bald man automatically reached to grasp her hand to shake it He was a beat too slow to release her hand and Lin involuntarily frowned at that.
Ikki elbowed her father. “His name is Tenzin.” She added helpfully. “He’s my dad.”
No kidding.
She put up the menu as a shield between them to prolong the inevitable conversation; a ruse of reviewing the food and beverage lists even if the diner has yet to update it in the past five years.
Belatedly, all her uncharitable thoughts about the faceless man that was Ikki’s father came to the forefront of her mind.  
Figures he would be that stuffy businessman who did not have his kids play with the neighborhood kids.
Speaking of kids…
The two girls were sharing a plate of waffles beside them. The waffles were slathered with butter, whipped cream, maple syrup and sprinkled on with chopped peanut butter cups. She frowned and glared at the man across her from behind the menu. That was a sugar overload and sugar crash waiting to happen. And happen it will when the two girls would be in her care later today. He would not have to deal with that.
Tenzin only had a cup of coffee in front of him. She eyed the porcelain canisters at the side containing cream and sugar. The sugar bowl was only a third full and she would bet that it was full earlier before he had his hands on it.
She put down the menu and decided they have had enough time.
Lin waved a waiter over and requested for a tall glass of lemonade.
Tenzin was still looking at her apprehensively.
As he should.
If he thinks I will cash in on this 'renewed' connection, he is very much mistaken.
“So, I believe you have some concerns about Ikki staying over?” Lin was pleased to note that her voice did not even waver at any point.
She felt the curious eyes of the kids turn to them; their own conversation turning into whispers.
That seemed to snap Tenzin out of his thoughts.
“That is - that- no I don’t -.” He stammered unbecomingly.
Lin briefly wondered how this man managed to lead a conglomerate with this level of eloquence.
Ikki pounced on this. “Does it mean I can stay over at Jinora’s and Ms Lin’s? I promise I will behave, Daddy. And I swear we will produce the best project ever – with glitters, and sparkles and all the colors.” She beamed from the side, clutching at her father’s arm in excitement.
“It’s not our first sleepover at the house,” Lin interjected gently. “But I understand it’s Ikki’s first time to sleep over that is not with family. So you might have some questions for me – about the overnight stay.” She amended quickly, if the look in his eyes meant that he did have questions - just not related to the sleepover.
He motioned to speak but was interrupted by the serving placing a glass of lemonade between them.
“Well,” Lin calmly took a sip. “I could probably start with my questions and just chime in if there’s anything that comes to your mind.” She pulled out a pen and a small notepad from her bag. “Does she have allergic reactions to food -?”
“Shrimp and crab.” Tenzin responded in a subdued manner, absentmindedly stirring his coffee. A habit that Lin knew to indicate his nervousness.
“That won’t be a problem because,” Lin began but was interrupted by her daughter.
“Me too!” Jinora pointed to herself with a grin. “I’m allergic to crab and shrimp as well!”
There was a small shriek as the two girls began chattering about being besties and twinsies.
Tenzin’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion at the display.
If that was how they would react over a common allergy (of all things that they could get from their father, it would be his ironic allergy to shellfish, which was to his mother’s consternation – but that’s a different story), wait until they realize they were sisters, Lin idly pondered.
She froze.
It did not dawn on her until then, put in simplistic terms, the two girls are related. She looked at them thoughtfully now, trying to see similarities in their features.
Lin corrected herself. Everyone knew how much she had clung to that particular distinction in her own family.
She clicked her pen and noted down in neat precise letters about Ikki’s allergy. “How about emergency numbers or any medicines that she needs to take regularly?”
Tenzin lifted Ikki’s bag, he showed her the bag tag which has all the emergency numbers. He also stated that there were no other allergies or any meds that the kid needs to take.
The pen continued to scratch on the pad.
Pen scratched on the pad.
“Bed time?”
“I'll leave it to your judgment to what's reasonable.” The fingers continued to hold the spoon that stirred the coffee. “They are bound to stay up later because of the project, I suppose.”
A back and forth of more questions and answers continued in the same vein.
When Lin (and Tenzin) was satisfied with the childcare information, flipped back the note pad and kept it and the pen back in her bag. “Alright then, are you really okay with Ikki staying over? If not,” She peered at him, gauging his reaction. “I can easily bring her back to your house later tonight.”
Tenzin shook his head with conviction. “No need, I mean, yes, it’s okay for her to spend time with you.” His face looked stricken at what he said. “No that’s not why I’m implying – I mean.”
Lin resisted rolling her eyes. “I get it.”
“I get it.”
Did she really, though?
Tenzin tilted his head down, stirring his coffee again, which has gone cold really. He did not dare ask for another refill as he had lost count of how many he had drank in his nervousness.
He inattentively watched the interaction of his daughter with Lin and her daughter.
Lin laughed at something Ikki was talking about.
If nothing else, Lin looked –
Tenzin was happy, truly, that his childhood friend (among other epithets he had for her, he thought heavily) is in a good place. He would be lying to claim that she did not cross his mind once in a while. He did wonder what had become of her. Their parting was not…ideal. And that was putting it very very lightly.
Now, here he was years later, sitting across her, having finished a conversation about their respective daughters. Lin was warm to Ikki, and he was thankful that she did not seem to bear a grudge against his daughter because of their past.
It was a surreal scenario, to say the least.
If Bumi had told him that was what he would be doing that Friday afternoon, he would have probably slapped his brother upside the head. Or checked his breath for the stench of alcohol.
This was not a normal Friday afternoon for him.
When Lin sat in their booth, he felt a chill run up his spine. The air left his lungs, as though someone had punched him suddenly.
No, it can’t be. Was his first thought.
And yet – he knew it was her.
He would recognize her anywhere. There was no mistaking the way she carried herself, the smirk, the flashing of her grey eyes – only a moment of emotion before it was hidden by the veneer of politeness.
It was cold but his palms turned sweaty. It was an odd feeling really, like a memory that was at the fringes of his mind suddenly before him. He did not know what to make of it.
As much as he was sure he has not forgotten her – when she started introducing herself, he wondered if the same can be said for the other way around.
He had moved far to start a new life with his children. Figures, that, with his luck, he lands at the very town that Lin lived at.
But if Lin wanted to keep it like they did not know each other, fine then. He could handle that. It would be simpler that way, he supposed, especially if Jinora and Ikki would remain friends (bffs, Ikki had said).
It was a cliché but he really did think the years were kind to Lin Beifong.
Is it still Beifong?
He surreptitiously peeked at her hands on the table. One of her fingers was sporting a ring.
So maybe not a Beifong…
He took a sip of his coffee and made a face, forgetting momentarily that it was little more than sludge.
 Before long, the bell at the diner’s door tinkled, announcing that more customers had entered.
Lin turned to face the door at the sound. Her face brightened up and Tenzin craned his neck to see who had arrived.
There was a young man with yellow-orange eyes, a messenger bag slung across his body. His eyes alighted at their corner booth and he smiled, more of lifting the corner of his mouth really than an actual smile.
Tenzin barely heard Lin excuse herself from the table; the two girls, still eating their pile of waffles and chatting about some singer or actor (he wasn’t exactly paying attention), took no notice of her.
Lin went to the newcomer, who raised his hand slightly as greeting.
He watched them with curious fascination – or horrible fascination, he wasn’t sure.
There was that odd tug at his stomach (that he would rather not explore, no, thank you) when the young man (boy, really now Lin? He grumbled internally, never mind his own ex-wife was years younger than him) moved to hug her and give her a kiss on the cheek.
Yes, it was definitely not Tenzin’s usual Friday afternoon.
Note: I enjoyed writing this. Pretty cathartic - did you like reading it too? Let me know! 
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“Are you planning to stay glued to my side this whole evening?” with diego alsooooo i love youuuuu
A/N: Thank you for choosing Fic Flash Pass (happy much-belated birthday). I would like to express through the following series of emojis how excited I am to finally write a fic for you: 😁💙💙🎉🎈😁 Word Count: 2517
Being close friends with Diego Hargreeves meant putting up with a lot of weird shit over the years. It meant late nights where he showed up injured or exhausted and needing your help. It meant occasional knives flying past your head when you startled him. It meant his paranoia and lectures about how it wasn’t safe to walk home alone at night, even though he had taken the time to teach you self-defense early on in your friendship. For a while it meant repeated “just for one night” instances of his strung-out brother sleeping on your couch (because he was refusing treatment, and even though he wouldn’t admit it Diego cared enough about him to want to make sure he’d be okay). And you put up with all of it, without complaint, because Diego was worth it. 
You thought at this point that nothing he asked of you could surprise you anymore. And then he asked you to attend his sister’s wedding. Or really, practically begged you to be his date.
You were pulling a bullet out of his shoulder, lecturing him about how he was taking too many unnecessary risks, and if he was going to keep going after bad guys then he needed to start wearing better protective gear and he was damn lucky that his knife-harness was there to mitigate the wound. 
“Allison’s getting married,” he blurted out, cutting you off before you could start in on the second, familiar branch of your lecture (that he should really be getting his wounds treated by someone with actual medical expertise, not just a little first aid training). 
“Oh,” you said, not quite a question but also not quite not. You weren’t sure what he wanted you to do with that information.
“I have to go to the wedding,” he continued stiffly. 
“That makes sense. She is your sister.” You raised an eyebrow. “You aren’t asking me to muck up this bullet removal so you have an excuse not to, are you?”
You were loath to admit that if that was indeed what he was asking, you might just do it. There wasn’t a lot you wouldn’t do if he asked, and after all this time you knew how to do it in a way that wouldn’t actually cause him worse harm. 
“I can’t go alone!” His eyes were wide and frightened, as if attending Allison’s wedding was a fate less than death that he had been asked to undertake. You couldn’t help but laugh at the expression. 
“I’m sure you can find a date, handsome guy like you. And Patch is still a friend, so she’d go. If only out of pity.” You smiled teasingly. 
“Will you…” he mumbled. “W-w-will you go with me?”
Your breath caught in your throat. Part of you questioned if you heard him correctly. But if anything, his stutter made it more sure than less. He only stuttered when something was really emotional for him, when his mind was fighting itself. But you didn’t understand why (or maybe you did and just didn’t want to admit it). 
“If you still want me to after the next five minutes,” you said, trying to calm your racing heart by collecting the supplies for the next part of his care. “Then I would be happy to go to your sister’s wedding with you, Diego. What else are friends for?”
“Why wouldn’t I--” his question was cut off with a shout of pain as you pressed a cloth soaked in antiseptic to the wound.
“Because of that,” you smirked, quickly cleaning the area and covering it over with gauze and binding.
The ballroom where the reception was held was beyond opulent: towering flower arrangements, crystal chandeliers and gleaming golden candelabras, and every spare inch draped in ivory silk. You could practically see yourself reflected in the polished surface of the floors. 
“Wow,” you breathed. “Your sister really spared no expense…”
Diego shrugged uncomfortably. “Allison’s always been a little dramatic,” he mumbled.
“It’s pretty,” you turned to smile at him. “Anyway, you should go mingle and at least say hello to her. I’m going to find our table.”
Diego followed you as you wandered off into the dining portion of the reception hall. When you raised a questioning eyebrow, he mumbled something about it making sense for him to know where the table was too, so he didn’t have to hunt later. You shrugged. 
After setting down your purse and shawl, you decided to mingle, maybe pick at a few of the hors d'oeuvres laid out on long, extravagant table displays. Once again, Diego trailed just behind you. You tried to ignore the oddity of the behavior as you picked up a shrimp puff and set it on one of the heavy little china plates. The fact that he wasn’t saying anything as he hovered annoyed you most of all. 
After the third conversation that you tried to have with other guests that ended in an awkward glance over your shoulder at a glowering Diego and a hasty retreat with a half-assed excuse, you decided you’d had enough. He hadn’t gone to offer his congratulations to Allison and Patrick. He hadn’t so much as looked around for his other siblings or anyone else he might know. He hadn’t eaten anything. He just...followed you. It was very odd behavior and it was getting on your last nerve.
Setting your empty dish down heavily on an empty table space, not even caring whose it was, you turned to him, arms folded over your chest.
“Alright, that’s it,” you snapped, not caring who might overhear. “What is going on with you?”
He frowned, puzzled and tried to deny that there was anything going on. 
“Oh, don’t give me that bullshit. You have been looming and lurking and following me around like a lost puppy since we got here. Are you planning to stay glued to my side this whole evening?”
His frown deepened, and he opened his mouth to speak, only to snap it shut again with an audible click. 
“Because if you are, the least you can do is dance with me.” You held out a hand. “It is a wedding after all.”
Hesitantly, he took your hand and let you lead him out onto the dance floor. He pulled you close to him, one hand in yours and the other wrapped around his waist. You placed your free one on his shoulder, his suit jacket soft and warm beneath your palm. You felt your face heat under his gaze, now focused down on you and you tried not to let it faze you, focusing on a slight crease in his lapel as if that would let you escape it. 
The two of you twirled across the floor, falling into easy step together, each surprised at the other’s dancing abilities. 
You licked your lips nervously. Something about being here like this with him was making you think about things you had pushed aside (namely the crush on him that you had developed and decided early on in your friendship wasn’t worth the risk of losing him in your life, fearing that you could never compare to his detective) and you wanted it to stop. But at the same time, for a moment everything was perfect, and you didn’t want to ruin it. 
“So…” you said eventually as the two of you slowed and the song changed. “Want to tell me what’s going on?”
His hand shifted slightly, tugging you a little closer to him, your face practically pressed to his chest, as the next song began. As you danced and he avoided answering your question, you decided to find the answer on your own. You knew him well enough. 
There was a slight tremor in his hand which gripped yours a little tighter than necessary. His jaw is set tightly, twitching just enough for you to suspect he’s grinding his teeth together. His breath is a little short. If you didn’t know any better, you’d say he was...afraid?
“Seriously, Diego, are you alright?” you murmured, trying to catch his eye. 
He startled at the sound of your voice. “What?”
“You’re acting really strangely and you seem...upset. You haven’t spoken to your sister at all even though it’s her wedding.”
“I’m not upset. And I’ll talk to Allison later, she’s busy with all her other guests,” he argued, eyebrows knitting in a frown. 
“You’re not upset? Okay, then explain to me why you’re holding my hand so tightly you’ll be getting a bill from my physical therapist on Monday.”
He dropped your hand like it had burned him and stuttered out an apology. 
“Relax, it was a joke.” You frowned. “Let’s go out to the balcony. I feel like we both could use some air.” 
Without waiting for an answer you grabbed his arm and dragged him in the direction of the double doors and the candle-lit, if slightly chilly, night. As soon as you passed out of the crowded room, you could feel the tension pour off of Diego and you breathed a sigh of relief. The pair of you moved to lean on the rail, shoulders just barely brushing. 
“I...don’t belong here,” he sighed. “I’m just going to screw something up.”
“What are you talking about Diego?”
He shook his head. “Allison has this grand life. Big movie star L.A. life, and if I talk to her I’ll...what would we even talk about? We haven’t seen each other in years. I haven’t seen any of them in years.”
“That’s not true, you saw Klaus six months ago,” you joked, not sure how else to comfort him. 
You knew what he was trying to say. He felt like Allison had moved on, and built a new life where her siblings were unwelcome, the invitation to her wedding a mere formality that for some reason all of them, save, thankfully, their father, had accepted. And on some level, you thought, he was probably right. 
“Is that why you were nervous to ask me to be your date? Not that I’m a date-date, but I can imagine why having a real date would make things weirder and that’s really not the point, anyway...Because you don’t think you should have come at all?” you asked.
He shrugged. 
“No,” you said, turning to face him and taking one of his hands in both of yours. “Please talk to me Diego. Maybe I can help?”
“How could you possibly help, Y/N?” he snapped, running his free hand through his short-cropped hair. 
“I don’t know! You’ve got me playing damn guessing games when I came to this wedding where all I know is you and the junkie in the corner talking to the air,” you gestured back through the doors at Klaus who was doing exactly that, “for you. Because I care about you, and I thought maybe you needed, maybe you wanted me here. So you tell me Diego. Or maybe I should just leave.”
“No!” his eyes widened at the threat. “Please don’t leave.”
You pressed your lips together, feeling tears well up in your eyes and praying that no one thought to glance outside to where the two of you were arguing. If there was a way to ruin a wedding it was the bride’s brother and his date having a screaming match. You had said your piece, so now you watched him expectantly, waiting for him. 
He sighed deeply and turned away from you, eyes seeming to focus on a point off in the gardens below somewhere. 
“I knew this whole thing was going to be uncomfortable,” he explained very slowly, and you instinctively reached over again to cover one of his hands with yours where it gripped the bannister tightly. 
“But I thought it would be worse not to come at all.”
You nodded in understanding, leaning closer to hear him better over the wind and the din from inside. 
“And everything’s easier when...with you So I thought...”
Your heart skipped a beat. In all the years of your friendship, he had never said anything like that before. You knew that you counted him among your best friends, and that he didn’t have very many friends in general, making you one of a rare and exclusive caliber, but to hear him come this close to admitting it was strange and new and oddly thrilling.
“But,” he glanced back at you before returning to his vigil, “you looked so beautiful tonight that,” he shook his head, “instead it reminded me of how incredible you are, and how it’s just one more thing for me to ruin.”
“Diego,” you frowned. “I don’t understand. What’s one more thing for you to ruin? My outfit? I would be pretty pissed if I was dressed like this and you pulled your usual superhero nonsense and bled all over me or something but I don’t think that’s going to be a problem here.”
“Don’t joke, Y/N. Not when I’m trying to be serious.”
“I’m not joking Diego. Okay maybe I am a bit, but only because I’m not following you. What don’t you want to ruin?”
“You!” he cried, throwing himself back around to face you. “I don’t want to ruin you!”
You resisted the urge to call attention to the innuendo there, especially since doing so would probably include admitting that you would not mind it a wink. Instead you bit your lip, thinking fast and trying to piece together what he was saying to you, about you.
“How could you possibly ruin me Diego?” you blurted out. “That doesn’t even make sense.”
“I’ve already started you know,” he mused softly. “You don’t even flinch anymore when I show up injured and need you to stitch a wound or dig out shrapnel or glass. You have such a good heart and care so much, I don’t want you to end up...like me.” 
“There is nothing in the world that could get me to dress in leather and fight bad guys and get punched a lot. And the rest of you, I don’t see how it would be a bad thing to be like.”
He scoffed. 
“I’m serious Diego. After all, you have the biggest, sweetest heart and soul in the city. Or you wouldn’t be out there every night saving people. It’s what I love most about you.”
Your hand came up to cup his jaw instinctively, marveling at the feel of his stubble against your palm and how perfectly fit it seemed to be to rest there. He looked beautiful in the dim lights, like an artist’s painting of a hero or a god. You breath caught in your throat as he leaned into your touch, his eyes fluttering shut. 
“Y/N, I…” he reached blindly out for you, catching your other wrist in his hand, sliding down hesitantly to lace his fingers through yours. 
“Diego, unless I’ve read the room completely wrong, there’s nothing more that needs to be said,” you chuckled. “So just shut up and kiss me, already?”
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ask-jokeboi · 4 years
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The Party
Hope everyone's having a great holiday season so far! This time of year isn't always easy but thankfully friends and a good distraction can make things easier. 
I drew these pic’s to pair with a moderately long fic I wrote to follow up the aforementioned party from earlier, it’s below the the cut! Read it if you want! Either way, Happy Holidays! 💜💚💛
Words: 4,142    Relationships: Harlivy /Harley & Joker friendship / Batjokes (mentioned)     Universe: Mine / Lego Batman
A/N: sorry for any typos or weird grammatical stuff, I'm good at art, not writing
Summary: Joker’s felt a little down since Batman’s been out of town, will his best friend Harley be able to cheer him up?
Warnings: Alcohol use, implied depression
"C'mon Jay it'll be be fun!" Cheered Harley, mustering all the enthusiasm she could in an attempt to persuade Gotham's former clown prince of crime to pull himself together 
"I don't care!…. Go bother your girlfriend or something. Leave me alone…" He was currently piled under several layers of blankets, sunk deep into the ball pit he called a bed
"Nuh uh, I'm not haulin' my butt outta this room 'till you haul yours. You can stay in that pit and cry all ya like, but it won't fix nothin', you gott-"
"I don't GOTTA do anything!" Jay snapped. Throwing his blanket aside and revealing his less than kempt appearance, his face twisted into a frustrated glare
Harley, already familiar with Jay's usual harmless outbursts only sighed as she looked her long time friend up and down, taking in his surroundings with a curious eye
It'd been a month or two since Batman left the scene and his absence was definitely beginning to take a toll on the poor clown.
She could tell it'd been a while since he'd done anything to care for himself…. His hair, which was usually swept back into a flawless green pomp, lazily draped his face. The dull forest black of his roots beginning to seep back into the rest of it. Same could be said for the state his room which, due to his erratic nature, was always a bit untidy  but had recently fallen into a state of near disrepair. Bags of half eaten junk food and empty bottles of all sorts of things lay strewn across the floor, particularly around his half deflated bed.
Despite the mess, he still seemed a little...thin… more so than usual to be honest… his ribs visible beneath the loose shirt he wore, arms comparable to sticks despite the muscle.
most of all though, he just seemed... tired. Jay always looked tired out of makeup. It was one of the first things she'd managed to take note of when he'd first entered her office years ago…. But right now the purple rings beneath his eyes that never seemed to go away were deepened to a point that made it clear he wasn't getting much sleep or doing much for himself in general...
Seeing her best friend in a state like this was hard to witness… and although her partner, Ivy, didn't have much but mild disdain for Jay, Harley couldn't find it in herself to leave him like this… which is why she thought a party might lift his spirits a little 
"C'mooon! You love parties!! It'll just be a small one anyway!" It was actually much bigger than she was implying but Jay liked big and she didn't wanna scare him off too soon… 
"Yeah, like that'll make things any better… who did you even invite?? A good half of the rogues don't even like me…"
"Sure they do!"
Jay only looked at her, bereft and unimpressed. 
"I mean ok you and Riddler don't always get along and it took a lot a beggin' ta get ya un-banned from the iceberg lounge but still!!"
"Uhg whatever! It doesn't matter! I don't need those bozos seein' me like this anyway..."
"Like what?" 
"I don't know!  I'm just…... I'm not in the right… mood for something like that right now.... You know how this works… they'd see right through me. "
Back when Jay was still her patient they'd end up talking a lot about masks…Batman's would come up more often than not but every now and then he'd end up discussing his own…. Or more specifically, the metaphorical one he'd put on every time he picked up a brush and painted himself a new face…..
"Jay, sweetie…  you don't have to pretend to be okay… they won't think you're weak or nothin', you know that right?..."
Jay gave her an incredibly tired look before turning away.
"What happened to the Jay that wasn't afraid to let people know how he's feelin' huh? The one that turned every emotion into a show….?"
He kept his head down, shoulders stiff, before speaking...
"....Cause I'm not just sad this time…. " As he looked up slowly an emotion that was rarely seen on the mans face showed itself, flooding his eyes. 
"W- when I'd talked to Robin and Batgirl that last time and asked about Batman they gave each other this look and…. Something's wrong… he's in trouble or something I… I can feel it…..  W-what if he doesn't come back and he leaves me here all alone an-" 
Harley put a polished nail up to Jay's lips and smiled warmly.
"Shhhh…. You're worryin' too much puds… ur big dumb brain is just an overdramatic liar… don't listen to it okay?" 
Jay sniffled, giving her an understanding nod.
"You still got me an' your crew an' Bud and all the other little silly things that make ya days good doncha?"
He smiles halfheartedly. "Y-yeah…. But still… he was..."
"I know… he's special….but do you seriously think anything out there could actually kill Batman? THE Batman? C'mon now….  He's luckier than any bastard out there and you know it…"
"Yeah…. Yeah I guess ur right"
"Of COURSE I'm right!… now come on…" she offers her hand and helps her friend stand up. "Let's get that hair done and those nails shined up  so you're brain can take a break from making all those nasty thoughts" 
Jay smiled a little wider this time, forever grateful he had a friend as great as Harley around… he really didn't know what he'd do without her sometimes...
"Right…. Also… uh…. Harley?"
"Thanks for….uh…. Bein'... around… I guess…" Jay practically mumbled...
Harley smiled knowingly, amused with his poor attempt of gratitude
"No problem, Pud's….." she gave him a peck on the forehead leaving a black smudge behind 
"now enough mush...Let's clean this mess and get ya fabbed up"
A few hours later, Jay stood outside the titular iceberg lounge in his best winter fit, a long boa around his shoulders and a pair of unnecessary sunglasses obscuring the mascara he'd only half ruined on the way there…. 
He truly, honestly, did not feel like socializing with anyone at the moment, but who was he to refuse a doctor's orders?....
Taking a deep breath of the cold winter air, Jay stiffened up, smoothed the wrinkles from his vintage memphis style sweater and entered the lounge, heels high and head high as he could manage 
When the doors swung open with a swirl of winter snow, Jay was greeted by a surprisingly full and stunningly silent room. Christmas music cut through the tension like a knife as everyone stopped what they were doing and turned their attention to Joker's fashionably late arrival.
He didn't know if it was because of his natural ability to demand attention or the fact that he hadn't been seen in nearly 3 weeks, but for some reason the room seemed slightly on edge. worried he'd come with another Joker brand surprise perhaps. Thankfully, Harley, who'd left his place a little earlier to get everything ready, noticed who'd finally arrived.
"JJ!! YOU MADE IT!!" she leaped off her stool and came running to grab him, The rest of the room taking it as a cue to un-tense and to go back to their festivities, the lounge lighting up  with warm greetings and laughter.
" Hey…" said Jay as Harley put an arm around his shoulder and escorted him to the booth she was sitting at….  
"So… is all of this for me or…?"
"No, did she tell you that?" Ivy who was sitting at the booth with his other less than fond acquaintance, Catwoman and someone else he didn't seem to recognize, gave a snide smile, Jay suddenly felt he should probably sit someplace else
"IVY!! SHHH" Harley shushed
"What? He was gonna find out out eventually…. It was supposed to be Penguin's annual winter ball" 
"Uh,It still is tho…?" said Kat, mouth full of shrimp 
"Well, yah…. Difference is we had to 'finesse' Penguin into letting HIM in" Ivy explained, disdain in her voice
"And you... helped with that?..." asked Jay, surprised. Ivy sighed
"for Harley's sake, yes. not yours" 
Jay smiled, amused. "well how charitable of you, here's to hoping you won't regret it"
Ivy rolled her eyes. "As if I don't already" she said, taking a short sip from her drink, Harley sitting down next to her give her thank u peck on the cheek.
"Hey, why'd you get banned from this dump anyway?" Asked Kat, eyes squinting curiously 
"I have no idea…." Jay shrugged 
"He put a coke and mento bomb in the fountain!" Harley interrupted 
"Oh yeah…." He'd totally forgot
"Ha! Awesome…" 
"Right uh, anyway, who the hell are you?" Jays attention suddenly turned to the woman sitting opposite of kat. She had light blue skin, bright white eyes and hair that made her look like a human lighting rod.
"Name's Livewire." She said, voice sharp as her appearance 
"She's from Metropolis" explained Ivy. Jay rose a brow.
"Metropolis huh?? How'dya like dealin' with boy scout full time over there?" He quizzed 
"Sweet!…" she exclaimed enthusiastically "Big blue aint got a thing on me! 'sides, dweeb's been outta town for months now! metropolis might as well be my personal playground"
The mentioning of Superman's absence made something in Jay's chest twist. He'd known their neighbor hero had been MIA for even longer than Batman, Supergirl taking over the workload just like Batgirl had in Gotham. but still… the reminder was enough to worry him. I mean… if superman was taking so much time up there, what chance did Batman have against whatever it was they were so busy with??
Trying his best to shake off the uneasiness building in his stomach Jay took a breath and snapped back to reality, offering Livewire his hand
"Well, uh... Livewire, i'm this city's head honcho while the bat's gone so welcome to Gotham and try not to wear it out" 
Harley and Ivy exchanged looks as Jay smiled slyly and took Livewires hand…
...Only for his usual gesture of hospitality to be met with an equally shocking grip that sent blue sparks flying in every direction.
"DAMN, what the- !! " Jay yanked his hand back and held it in pain, hot needles running up his arm.The new addition to Harley's crew laughed crudely and smiled
 "why do you think they call me 'LIVEWIRE' genius?" 
Jay stayed silent with defeat as the table went up in hysterics "Yeah fine, okay, I shoulda saw that one coming" he sighed and smoothed out his hair which had sprung up to stand on end, his face ever so slightly red "anyway, you ladies have a nice time… i'll set up shop somewhere else and let you guys… idk… flirt with each other or whatever..." without much fanfare he slunk off to sit someplace else.
After the table had settled down completely though, Harley noticed Jay making his way to the bar looking somewhat dejected.
"Aw Jay…." 
The rest curiously turned their attention to the direction of Harley's gaze.
"You're not going after him are you?" Asked Ivy after a beat.
"Well… yeah…?" Harley shrugged.
"Uhm, why?" Asked kat, dipping more shrimp into her cocktail "like if he's not in the mood for a joke that's kinda his problem…?"
"Yeah, but still…. I've never seen 'im like this for so long…. He's usually so funny and animated, it's like somethin' drained all the life out of 'im…." The concern on Harley's face was very apparent. Ivy brushed back a few strands of her hair and tried her best to reassure her.
"Look i'm sure he'll get his second wind when Batman comes back at some point… but ‘til then it's not your job to take care of him…" 
Harley sighed silently. "I know but… he's still my best friend… and if I hadn't met him, I wouldn'ta met you!" She squished close to her spouse with a smile, Ivy suddenly unable to hold back a small one herself.
"He helped me outta my slump all those years ago, least I can do is help 'im outta his..."
Ivy gave her a soft look before reluctantly caving "Kindness has always been your best and worst trait, silly bee…" she said with a smirk "fine, go ahead and do your thing, I've got plenty of company over here in the meantime…"
Harley smiled happily and gave her one last kiss before running off to join Jay at the bar.
Jay sat alone at the bar in silence until he was suddenly startled by Harley's arrival.
 "What's shakin' grumpy gills?" She asked pulling up a stool.
Jay didn't answer as the bartender slid over a funfetti martini topped with the works, Jay lazily catching it and drinking deeply.
"Those guys didn't get ta ya did they? I know they seem mean bu- "
"Ah… I don't care about them…" said Jay dismissively  "we're all villains here right? I'm sure they got their reasons… sides, Livewire's pretty fun even if she did fry my Joy buzzer" He said regretfully…
"So what's up then…?" Asked Harley, head tilted 
Jay looked down at the table with a frown, fingers anxiously scraping the side of the glass in his hand….
"What she'd said about metropolis…. And… superman…."
"Oh…"  Harley nodded "well…. I'm sure they're together wherever they are…. Right? Him and Batman? And I mean, with Superman around, he's bound to be okay….." 
Jay had a hard time matching her enthusiasm but that logic did comfort him some. "Yeah… yeah I guess so"
"C'mon Jay, you gotta get that stuff off your mind for a minute! Go mingle! Go dance!… look at everyone who came this time! Turn-out's never been so big!"
As Jay's looked around the room, Harley did have a point, usually these get-togethers only managed to scrounge up about half the gang, but it looked like almost all the rogues in town had come this time. Even D-listers like Polkadot man, Killer Moth, Crazy Quilt ect. Had managed to show up, plus people he didn't seem to recognize…
For example at the bar sat Scarecrow and a… Oddly scruffy looking man he looked to be sharing a drink with. He'd heard from Riddler over the phone some time ago that crow had found himself a friend and that the two were "in cahoots".  whatever that was supposed to mean. He supposed that must've been the "friend" in question…
A few tables down sat another unfamiliar  in a polkadot shirt and a pair of cracked thick lensed glasses. He had a peculiar looking puppet sitting on his lap which made J raise a brow, but he didn't judge. Looking at his woefully nervous face he guessed it must it must've been a security thing anyway… 
Despite the big crowd though, Jay did notice one person missing of whom he hadn't seen in quite a while...
"Yeah I guess everyone is here...  except uh, Lex I guess…?" Jay considered himself friends with metropolises king of corruption, even if the feeling wasn't always mutual. Seeing so many crooks he knew in one place made him realize how rare it was to see the mal hearted mogul at these things.
Unfortunately, Harley could only shrug with defeat. "Ah I tried to get Lex but you know how he is… nobody's seen that shut in for ages".
Jay's eyes narrowed at that "How long is ages…. ?" He pressed
"I dunno… a few months guess???  Livewire said he's been quiet lately, probably off in one of his labs making some over convoluted instrument of destruction I guess"
The growing list of missing big shots was beginning to piece something together in Jay's head… what on earth was Lex up to? Where was superman?? Why did the league need Batman's help? How did it all connect?? After a moment Harley noticed Jay slipping into his thoughts again and shook his shoulder lightly to pull him out of it.
"Hey, don't worry about that egghead. he'd only kill the mood if he were here anyway" 
Jay couldn't disagree, the billionaire was kind of notorious for being a giant stick in the mud.
"If you're really worried about what's goin' on with those guys, you can come up with a plan Tomorrow…. right now we got a' open dance floor, unlimited drinks and a Karaoke competition that's about ta kick off in ten"
The word 'Karaoke' was enough to snap Jay back to reality. "Did you say Karaoke?" 
"Yes, I did."
"Do they hav-"
"Yes, they have Queen" 
Jay nearly looked as if someone had told him the best news of his life. "Oh thank god" maybe Harley was right. Worrying would have to wait. 
The rest of the night went on with few hang ups. Drinks poured, music played and poorly screeched lyrics kept the mood upbeat.
The Karaoke stage hosted performance after performance, some more enthusiastic than others. Some painful, others surprisingly pleasant. Jay's teetered off the edge of both categories, but when "somebody to love" burst through those speakers, he'd sung it with his whole chest. The best performance by a long shot though had to be Ivy's who's affinity for 50's ballads lent to her beautifully rich voice and her's was closely followed by the Dent's who'd decided to attempt a duet with no chorus which everyone found somewhat impressive.
Emotions did flare up once or twice though, as they tend to do when it comes to villain gatherings. Ed and Jay got into a fight about something stupid and unimportant, both obviously enjoying themselves, Bane and Croc engaged in an arm wrestle that woefully ended in a tie, and Jay inevitably got worked up about Batman again, this time with a crowd of eager listeners somewhat entertained by his rambling, giving questionable advice here and there.
At the get-together's height, the dance floor had filled to the point where Penguin was just about ready to call the whole event off until Riddler dragged him on to the floor himself.
After another hour or so the party wound down some more and the night devolved into quiet discussions between friends, everyone either ready to leave or half asleep. Eventually Jay and Two-face of all people were left alone. Once Ed, Crow, Hatter and the rest had gone home.
Jay always liked Harv, for someone known for his temper he seemed to have a lot of patience and Jay found both of his selves uniquely interesting in their own ways. Harvey the "handsome" one was always very nice, easily flustered, and had a sadness in his eyes that was hard to ignore. "Dent", the one famous for all those 2 themed crimes, was a bold individual and one of the most brutally honest people he knew. That night though, even he seemed a little sad. He admitted later that it was because it'd been a while since he'd gotten to talk to his old pal Bruce, someone Jay was mildly familiar with of course, and they spent the rest of the night discussing Batman and wayne and how they seemed so similar until it really was time to head home. 
 sometime after midnight, long after everyone had either left or found someplace to pass out, Harley broke up with her girl gang again to come get Jay who'd fallen asleep in an empty booth.
"Wake up clown" she said loudly, nudging him a bit. Jay giggled quietly in response, turning over after a moment and opening his eyes.
"Oohh what's up??"
"Time to go." 
"Aw…" Jay huffed disappointedly, then did his best to sit up straight, his head slowly spinning as he did so "ah jeeze…"
"Don't worry I called one of your guys, he's waiting outside." She explained "I dragged you here, might as well drag you home" 
"You did that for me?" Jay smiled "That's so nice…."
"Mhm" carefully, she took his hand got him to his feet, doing her best to keep him up straight. As they headed out they met up with Ivy at the door
"Taking pennywise home?" She asked 
"It'll only take a minute" Harley assured 
"Alright… don't take too long…" she turned to leave but before she could, Jay suddenly spoke up.
"H-hey, Wait!" 
Ivy turned around, brow raised "You have something to say to me?"
"Uh… yeah? I mean… sort of? I just, uh… wanted to say i'm sorry for…  messing up your garden all those times…." 
Ivy blinked "Why are you telling me this now?"
"I just thought you shud kno….  And that um…. Maybe you'd hate me…. A little less... if I said sorry for once..." the frown on Jays face was absolutely pitiful, Ivy could only roll her eyes.
"I don't hate you… Joker"
"I just think you're annoying…."
"Oh…." Jay couldn't really tell if that was any better but at the moment he was too drunk to care. "Okay…"
With that ivy turned around to join Kat and Livewire
"Thanks for the apology though I suppose…Take care of yourself…. And, Harley don't take too long… it's only 1:00am we still have plans."
"Don't worry Ive's  i'll catch up." 
after one last look, Ivy went back on her way and Harley continued walking J to his car.
As they went Jay hummed to himself, swaying slightly, until a certain thought made him go quiet again.
"....Harley….?" He asked suddenly.
"Yeah, J?"
"Am I a bad friend?" The question just as out of the blue as his apology to Ivy…. 
Harley looked at him, concerned "Why do ya ask?"
"I just…. Please?" He pleaded. Harley hesitated for a long moment but decided being honest was probably best.
" not exactly but… maybe sometimes"
"Hm…" Jay decided he'd have to work on that
"But I also know ya don't really wanna hurt anybody…. That you try your best everyday ta make people happy and that you've been through just as much any of us….  A few mean comments an' dumb pranks ain't gonna make anybody think you're the devil or somethin'….not me or any of the other guys... "
Jay had to smile at that, Harley always had something smart or nice to say no matter what. still, her answer only made him feel worse about how he'd been earlier when she was just trying to help… he really, honestly, didn't deserve her…. But the least he could do was let her know he was glad to have her...
"Yeah, J…"
"Thanks for being really, really great all the time… and… y'know… around… " Harley smiled as she secured his arm around her shoulders. 
"Thanks J..." 
"also sorry for sucking sometimes..."
She sighed. "It's fine Jay…."
carefully, she hauled his ragdolling body a few more feet and shoved him into the back seat of his car. J grunting as his head hit the leather seat.
"Now go home an' try not to get lost on your way to the door" She said sternly. Jay gave her a lazy wink and a pair of wobbly finger guns.
with that,Harley slammed the door shut and the J-Mobile's engine roared to life. One his lackeys sitting in the driver's seat.
"Where to boss? HQ?"
"Yup… ah, sorry t' call ya out so late…"
"S'alright boss…. Don't worry about it"
As the car lurched forward, street lights shining in through the windows as snow fell ever so lightly over Gotham like a dusting of fresh powdered sugar, Jay did inevitably start thinking about Batman again, wondering when he'd come back, desperately wishing he knew anything about where he was right now….
The thoughts were hard to ignore and when he got home he knew he'd be surrounded by the same walls he'd spent the last month trapped with them in….  even so, the world felt a little less washed out than it had before he left, and it wasn't just because of the alcohol swirling in his blood. 
He may not have had Batman... But today reminded him he wasn't alone.
He had friends… real friends… In a way he'd always considered them such… but deep down there was always doubt. I mean sure he got along better with some than others, but after knowing people so long he shouldn't have been so dumb to think they hated him as much as he thought they did. 
When you're a villain in Gotham sometimes all you have are other weirdos in the same boat as you to help keep you and everyone else afloat. People need people in more ways than one…  and as Jay drifted off to sleep in the back of his gaudy getaway vehicle, laying in a position that was just barely comfortable, he pushed his worries aside and made sure that was something he'd never let himself forget.
~ End ~
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choicesfanaf · 3 years
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The Meeting of a Lifetime AU Part 4: One Year of Togetherness
Pairing: Ethan x f!MC (Arundhati Kulkarni)
Characters: Ethan Ramsey, Arundhati Kulkarni, Ruby Ramsey (OC), Uma Kulkarni (OC), Alan Ramsey
Word Count: 1581
Rating: General
Summary: Ethan and Arundhati meet after 15 years.
Category: Fluff
Tagging: @nooruleman, @sophxwithers, @schnitzelbutterfingers, @jooous, @red-rookie
@nooruleman: Noorie, I am extremely thankful for your help, support and motivation. It was only because of you that I decided to write this series. You are a literal sweetheart. Thanks a lot for your help!
I sincerely apologise if this turns out to be messy or not up to your expectations.
On their first anniversary, Ethan and Arundhati decided to take Alan and the girls to the aquarium for a day of fun and relaxation.
'Who wants to go to the aquarium?', Arundhati burst into the living room, clearly excited, forming a plan in her head.
'Me! Me!', the girls shouted.
'Then let's start packing up! We're going to leave once grandpa is here.'
'Is grandpa coming with us?'
'Yeah, he is.'
'Then the trip is going to be even more fun, isn't it, Uma?'
A few hours later, they were on their way to the aquarium, when Alan realised why they were going on a trip in the middle of the week.
'Happy Anniversary, my children. Forgive me, for I just remembered it right now.'
'That's fine, dad, all that matters is you wishing us', Ethan mentioned.
'Yeah, dad, don't worry much about it.'
'Are we there yet?', the girls asked, eager to reach the aquarium.
'No, kiddos, but we will reach there in half an hour.'
As soon as they reached, the girls started pulling their parents towards the entrance.
'Wait, girls, don't run, the aquarium isn't going anywhere!', Aru said, scared that they would slip and fall.
'Aru, don't worry, I'm right behind them.'
The girls were mesmerised by the vastness of the aquarium.
'This aquarium is huge!'
'I know. It has many floors. How cool is that!'
'Wow', Uma said, looking around, deciding where to go first.
'Where do you want to go first, girls?'
'To see the penguins and the octopus!'
'Okay, let's go.'
'Look, they are giving him toys.'
'He's coming out to get them!'
'Go buddy go, you can do it!', the girls cheered along.
'Good job, bud!'
'What are these spiky ball-shaped things here?'
'They are called sea anemones.'
'They are so small and cute! I love them!'
'I know, they are so colourful and pretty!'
'What are those cup-like things, dad?'
'Oh, they are the suction cups, sugar. Octopuses use them to feel and smell things.'
'That's so cool!'
'This was amazing! Let's go to the penguins next, mom!'
'Okay, chipmunk, let's go. Slow down, girls, there is no need to run. You might hurt yourself!'
'Look how cute they are, Uma!'
'I know, they look so cute flipping their arms around.'
'Look at that penguin hop!'
'It's so funny to look at.'
'There are so many of them... How many do you think they have, Uma?'
'I think around 90-100. What about you?'
'I think around 200..'
'But why are they shouting? They are hurting my ears..'
'Looks like they are talking to their friends!'
'Come on, let's go to that fish tank over there', Ruby pointed out.
'Wait, grandpa, why are the bottles present in that fish tank?', Uma observed.
'Hello, I'm Stephen. How may I help you today?'
'Could you please answer some questions that the girls might have?'
'Sure! Ask away!'
Why are there bottles here?'
'They aren't your regular bottles, they are treasures!'
'Treasures, that's so fantastic! Are they pirates?'
'The people who run this aquarium..'
'Oh, sadly, that's not the case. But, the people who bring them, called divers, are similar to pirates.'
'Sometimes, when searching for fishes, they find various beautiful objects, which they keep as a collection in this tank to make the fish comfortable and to let them feel as if they are still living in the sea.'
'That's amazing! They look so lovely.'
'Where do they come from?'
'They come from Eastport Maine. It is one of the old fishing ports of the USA.'
'Wow!!', marvelled Ruby.
'We only include natural materials and keep away materials like plastic as they can cause harm to the fishes.'
'How do the fishes use these treasures?'
'Some of them use it for laying eggs, while some use it for hiding.'
'That's so awesome.'
'Do you have any more questions, girls?'
'Okay, thanks Stephen, you helped us a lot.'
'No worries, it's my job.'
'Okay, who wants to have lunch?', Ethan asked as Stephen walked away from them.
'What are we going to have?'
'Let's go check the canteen!'
'Yes please, my stomach is rumbling', commented Aru.
After getting the kids what they wanted, Ethan and Aru were going to sit down, when Alan approached them.
'Don't you want to spend some time alone?'
'What do you mean, dad?'
'Isn't it your anniversary today?'
'Then go, celebrate it privately.'
'How can we do it now?'
'I meant, after taking the kids home.'
'Don't worry, Dad, I already have something planned.'
'Care to tell me what it is?'
'Sure, but not in front of Aru.'
'So, are you ready to explore more?'
'Do you want to see the seahorses next?'
'Yeah, let's go, grandpa.'
The girls were in awe of the seahorses.
'Look at the different colours of the seahorses! Some of them are pink, the others are purple. It looks so splendid!'
'Look at those baby seahorses, Ruby!'
'They look so cute!'
'Will they eat the small fish here?'
'No, sugar, they might eat the same food, but they won't harm each other.'
'Grandpa, what are they eating?'
'Wait a moment, chipmunk' he peered as close he could get, 'I can't say if it's exactly that, but it looks like shrimp to me.'
'Is this seahorse changing its colour, Ruby?'
'There might be a little bit of change. I wonder why...', the kids discussed amongst themselves.
'Wait, why are those big seahorses dancing?', Ruby asked, pointing to a pair of seahorses near the end of the tank.
'Chipmunk, you can look it up after we go home, okay? I'm sorry that there is no one here to answer your queries.'
'No problem, dad, I know it's not your fault.'
'Mom, I'm tired, can we go home now?'
'Are you sure, chipmunk? Don't you want to explore?'
'No, dad. I just want to go home and sleep.'
'What about you, Ruby?'
'I agree with Uma.'
'Okay, then, let's go home. But first, who wants to get some souvenirs?'
'Me! Me!', the kids shouted.
'Let's go then.'
Ethan waited outside while Alan and the girls went in to get what they wanted.
'So, what did you get, girls?'
'We did not want to get anything, dad.'
'Why may I ask?'
'It was too boring, and the same stuff, everything was printed with their logo. Nothing felt interesting.'
'Oh.. and what about you, dad?'
'I did not find anything that I liked.'
'I hope that's not a problem.'
'Not at all.'
'Good, let's get going, shall we?'
The girls were so tired that they crashed on their beds as soon as they reached.
Ethan and Aru used this golden opportunity to celebrate their anniversary.
'Happy Anniversary, darling.'
'Happy Anniversary, love. You are the best gift I have ever received in my life and every day I thank God that we met again after all.'
'Aru, my love, my life has changed for the best since I met you. You have made me a human capable of emotions simply by existing. I will truly never be able to thank you enough. You have made me the man I am today.'
'Ethan, you always know how to make me feel all warm and fuzzy.'
'I have a surprise for you.'
'What is it?'
'Let's go to the kitchen to find out.'
When they entered the kitchen, Ethan started playing a romantic track.
'Wow.. this looks magnificent, Ethan. The candles smell so lovely. When did you get the time to set all this up?'
'I have my ways.'
'Candlelight dinner with such beautiful roses and amazing tender music... who knew that the great Ethan Ramsey is such a romantic?'
'I think everyone started to know that after we started dating, Aru.'
'What do we have for dinner, sir?'
'Oh, we have chicken alfredo, vegetarian lasagna, chocolate cake and red wine.'
'That's a lot of food. How did you manage?'
'As I said, I have my ways.'
'Okay, Dr Terminator, keep your secrets, but I must say, it looks very tempting.'
'Thanks. You will never stop using that nickname, will you?', he asked.
'Good, I'm quite fond of it.'
'Mmmm... this is indeed heavenly. I've never had anything this good. You are an amazing chef, Ramsey.'
'Why, thank you.'
'The wine goes so well with both the chicken and the lasagna, great choices, Ethan.'
'I know, that's why I chose them.'
'I don't think I will be able to eat anymore, darling. I'm too full.'
'At least have a bit of the cake...'
'Okay, honey. But only a teeny weeny bit.'
The girls walked in just as Ethan and Aru finished cleaning up.
'Hi girls, how was your sleep?'
'It was good. What's for dinner? I'm really hungry.'
'Chicken Alfredo, Veg Lasagna and Chocolate cake.'
'That sounds really delicious.'
'Thank dad for it, he is the one who made everything.'
'Wow, thanks, dad! When did you get the time to make all of this?'
'That's a secret, kids. But I can tell you tomorrow when mom is not around, okay?'
After cleaning up and tucking the kids into their beds, Aru and Ethan collapsed into their bed.
'Today was an amazing day, darling. Thanks a lot for everything. I love you.'
'Oh honey, thanks for everything, too. You are my everything. I wouldn't be here without you. I love you', he cuddled with her before dozing off to sleep due to exhaustion.
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btschooseafic · 3 years
Hey you, what’s your dream?
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Pairing: platonic!oc x ot7
Details: manager!oc, predebut/idolverse, partial BTS World!verse
Summary: They have a small Lunar New Years celebration before getting back to work.
Warnings: This is a fictional story based on real events. The characters presented here are not the same as their real life counterparts. [masterlist]
Track 18: Second New Years
This Will Be Our Year-The Zombies
“Now we're there and we've only just begun
This will be our year, took a long time to come”
February 9th 2013
On the night before the holidays, Jin made the traditional rice cake soup for the boys, and invited Aviva to join them. Aviva picked up some side dishes from their favorite mom and pop shop, but was quiet as the boys cheerfully discussed New Years resolutions and what they would do when they saw their families.
February 10th 2013
Jungkook and Jimin had left last night after practice to go to Busan to visit their families for the holidays. Taehyung, Jin, and Hoseok had left early that morning. Tae had offered to wait for Yoongi so they could travel back to their hometown together, but Yoongi had told him to go on ahead.
Namjoon and Yoongi were struggling to finish writing a certain number of demos to submit by the rapidly approaching deadline. Aviva came to the studio around lunchtime bearing gifts.
“Um, I’m going to see Soonyoungie’s grandparents later, so I made some sticky rice and almond cookies, um, there was extra, if you want.” She held up the bag of food.
“Busy,” Yoongi said, selecting one section of the audio and playing it. He suddenly swiveled in his chair. “What’s wrong with this?” He played the beat again.
Aviva listened. “It sounds fine?”
Yoongi groaned. “No, it’s not supposed to be fine it’s supposed to be impactful!”
“Why don’t we take a quick break and eat the food Aviva-yah has so kindly brought here for us?” Namjoon suggested. “Since you were just complaining about how hungry you were earlier…”
“Fine, fine.” Yoongi slumped over to the couch. “Give it.” He reached his hands out to her. Her lips twitched.
“Are you sure you’re older than me?” She wondered. He glared. “I’ll get bowls and spoons.” She left the room. Yoongi sighed, digging through the bag and coming up with a container of crumbly cookies.
“I like these,” he decided, immediately taking another after finishing the first one.
“Yah, leave some for me!” Namjoon said, rushing over to him.
“…Joon,” Yoongi said, after a minute of chewing. “By the time we finish, it’s going to be late, should we even go?”
“I’m going to go,” Namjoon said determinedly. “I still want to see my family, and my friends from my hometown.”
Yoongi sighed. “Yeah, me too.”
“Do you think Avi-yah’s lonely, since she can’t be with her family at this time?” Namjoon wondered.
Yoongi shrugged. “Does she even celebrate Korean New Years?”
“Who, me?” Aviva wondered as she stepped back into the room, balancing two bowls and spoons in one arm, and holding a cup of coffee with her other hand.
“Yeah, you…” Yoongi stood up, taking the coffee, and smiling softly at her. “You didn’t have to make me coffee.”
“I could take it back.”
“No way.” He held it away from her. Namjoon snickered.
“Have you eaten yet, Avi?”
She shook her head. Namjoon patted the couch between them.
“I guess I’ll go look for another bowl.” She moved to leave, but Yoongi waved his hand.
“We can just share, sit, sit.” He studied her as she sat, spooning rice out into the bowls. “Talk about something,” he said. “Distract me from my own brain.”
“Such a tall order,” Namjoon thought. Yoongi glared.
“Hmm, well, to answer your question, oppa, I didn’t grow up celebrating Korean New Years, but I did grow up celebrating Chinese New Years, which happens at the same time and has some similar traditions.”
“This is food you grew up eating,” Namjoon guessed, taking a bite of the rice. He tilted his head. “Is there seafood in this?”
“Dried shrimp and scallops,” she told him. “Sorry, I know you don’t love fish.”
“Hmm.” He smiled. “I don’t usually like seafood, but it’s balanced out well with the other ingredients. I like the sausage.”
“Me too,” Yoongi said, chewing. “It’s good.”
“Is it?” She looked at little worried. “Soonyoungie’s grandparents have been so kind to me since I came here, I wanted to do something for them. I doubt it’s as good as my dad’s though…”
“You haven’t tried it?” Yoongi wondered. He scooped up a spoonful of rice and held it out to her. Namjoon raised an eyebrow at him.
Aviva considered the spoon and then leaned forward, taking the bite.
“Hmm… no, it’s not as good as his, but I think I like it.”
Namjoon laughed. “Hyung, how come you offered to feed her if it was going to make you blush like that?”
“Shut up!” Yoongi hid his face behind his hands. “I didn’t expect her to actually do it!”
Namjoon grinned at Aviva. “Your cuteness has broken him.”
“That’s it!” Yoongi said, suddenly jumping to his feet.
Namjoon and Aviva stared at him. “Who is he and what has he done with Motionless Min?” Namjoon wondered as Yoongi ran over to the computer.
Yoongi started clicking frantically. “The beat needs to be cuter!”
“What does that mean?” Aviva asked Namjoon.
“No idea, but he seems excited about it,” he thought.
Later that night, Namjoon texted Aviva to let her know they had submitted the demo, and were off to visit their families.
‘Feel free to text or call if you get lonely,’ he texted her. ‘I am looking forward to seeing my family and childhood friends, but I know holidays can be emotional at times. And there are a lot of holidays around this time of year.’
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regarding your loyl/destiel dilemma i found myself in a similar conundrum not so long ago : one of my best friends came to live with me for a month for the latest lockdown and since im always talking about the desticule he suggested i showed him some episodes.
here we are a month later (he goes back home the day after tomorrow) :
- first, i showed him a handful of carefully selected cas episodes with to try and steal his heart
- it worked, he nonchalantly asked to see more. so i showed him bits of s1-3. he started feeling for the winchesters. he asked for more. i smirked.
- the next day he confessed he had spent the night reading destiel fanfics. it's a win.
- i started getting worried that what had been my "secret garden" or whatever for the past few months (years, if you count tumblr as a whole) would finally crash with my irl life - where would i run to then?? destiel is MY comfort ship i don't want to share
- we are now well into s10 (we skip to the episodes with cas/the ones that are plot heavy) and the only reason why we aren't watching everything is because he i quote "wants to talk with me about it without getting spoiled/ he wants to be able to read any fic / he wants to watch those amvs i keep talking about / he wants to understand wth happened on november 5th"
- here are some messages he sent me the last few days : "I just learned misha is a buddhist <3" "castiel has coffee break vibes" "gabriel loves sugar and sam is sweet as hell" "i just saw a clip of Castiel punching Metatron, i feel happy now" "i made a playlist inspired by crowley go listen to it"
- honeslty every time i receive an spn-related message from him unprompted i feel like i unlock new shrimp emotions. I get to talk about something that i love!!!! with somebody that i love!!!! and our morning ritual has become me drinking my coffee and updating him on what happened in the desticule during the night and him calmy listening and.... really it's far better than me just squealing about things alone in my bed so...
you absolutely SHOULD try to get them into spn because this show and most of all this fandom is like a siren song once you become even remotely interested it will suck your soul in little by little
and the only reason why he liked it at first was because he liked seeing me happy whenever cas was on screen so.... if that person loves u they will be happy to see u happy and then the winchester derangement syndrome will do the rest of the work
im sorry this is gigantic and unprompted feel free to ignore lmao
this is a good take, thanks for sharing. your friend sounds amazing and i'm glad it worked out so well!
like you, destiel is my comfort ship, more than that, it's my comfort everything. so i think being apprehensive to share it with others is only natural, at least in my case.
there aren't any romantic prospects in my life atm, but what makes a person happy should make their partner or anyone who appreciates them happy as well, if only for the joy it brings the person. so there's sound logic to sharing the things that make us passionate and there's no strong enough counterargument really.
and yet it's scary! i've shared important things with people before and it was great, and then they left and i can't help making the connection between what i love and the specific person i shared it with. they leave a mark, and the thing is not only IT anymore. i know that doesn't mean it's always negative, especially if one is still fond of the person, but some links can't be erased. idk maybe i compartmentalize too much, maybe sometimes the temporary joy is worth the lifetime of unprompted memories
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emisfritish · 3 years
Together is where we’ll be
Pairing : Sarawat/Tine (2gether the series)
Summary : One bad day, one dish, one plaster, one question, one lifetime spent together. 
Notes : For @idontevenknow-whatthehell​ - Happy holidays ! It’s been so much fun getting to know you and although I have no pretention for this fic to enter your palmares of loved pieces, I hope you’ll enjoy it :) Thanks for all of our talks, and I’m excited to have made a new fandom friend and speak to you openly from now on ! 
Thank you @mistletoinks​ for organizing this secret santa event, it’s been tons of fun.
Can also be found on Ao3.
The first thing Tine sees when he opens up the door to their apartment is Sarawat’s shoes arranged neatly next to the door, the sight causing some of the tension to leave Tine’s body already. Sarawat is home, and Tine knows that as awful as he’s feeling right now, the other boy will make it better. 
The second thing he notices while closing the front door behind him, is the smell of shrimps being cooked that is permeating all of their apartment right now, and Tine’s heart swells in his chest. He would recognize that smell anywhere.
“Hi Tua woon wai,” Sarawat calls from within the apartment, keeping his back turned to Tine while busying himself in the kitchen, stirring up the soup that is currently cooking on the stove.
At the sound of his boyfriend’s voice, Tine feels the remaining tension leave his shoulders. He’s finally home. 
Tine take off his shoes, leaving them next to Sarawat’s by the door and taking a second to stare at both of their shoes mixed up that way, a sight that will never get old, before he throws off his coat on a chair and drops his bag on the floor, quickly walking straight to where Sarawat is leaning against the counter to stir at the soup. 
Without pausing, Tine moves to plaster himself against Sarawat’s back, both of his arms making their way around his boyfriend’s stomach, with one of his hands reaching under Sarawat’s shirt to delicately caress the skin he can feel there. 
Tine’s day has been one of the roughest ones he remembers having in a while, feelings of inadequacy and failure he hasn’t felt in a long time rushing back to the front of his mind throughout the entire afternoon. However, coming back home to Sarawat has always made all of those feelings go away, and today is no exception. 
Sarawat drops the wooden spoon he was using to stir the soup on the counter, and puts one of his hands above Tine’s where it’s still resting on his stomach. 
“Hi,” Tine finally answers quietly, and he feels more than hears Sarawat chuckle against his chest. 
“Hi Tua Woon Wai,” his boyfriend repeats softly. 
Tine turns his head a little from where it’s resting against Sarawat’s shoulder, pressing a kiss to the side of his boyfriend’s neck and nuzzling the skin there, before pulling back from his hiding place so he can talk. 
“You’re cooking Tom Yum Goong,” Tine whispers in wonder against Sarawat’s neck, fondness for his boyfriend warming his entire body. 
“Yeah, I thought you could use the comfort tonight. You sounded kind of rough on the phone earlier,” Sarawat replies, and although he doesn’t ask outright, Tine hears the question in the words anyway, an invitation to talk about the day’s event should Tine choose to do so. 
He presses another kiss to the side of Sarawat’s neck when he hears the worry still clouding his voice, but keeps silent about his day for now. 
This is so much like Sarawat. 
They’d spoken on the phone earlier and although Tine hadn’t been able to tell Sarawat about what had happened, too many ears still around in the office to hear their talk, Sarawat had obviously read his boyfriend’s tone enough to know today hadn’t been good and had taken it upon himself to cook Tine’s favorite dish to comfort him. 
Five years into this relationship, Tine can’t really say he’s surprised by his boyfriend’s constant gestures of love and support, but he’s still as touched by them as he was when they were in their first year of university. 
When Tine remains silent, Sarawat pulls away slightly, just enough to turn around in Tine’s arms and face him. He cradles Tine’s face between both of his hands, as his eyes move around his boyfriend’s face, studying him and trying to read his emotions. 
Tine smiles softly at the concern he can read in his boyfriend’s eyes, his own eyes crinkling slightly at each side with the gesture. 
“I’m okay now,” he reassures Sarawat gently, and he’s relieved to find out that it’s the truth. 
Today had been awful, with him finding out that one of his clients had withheld important information from him which could compromise her custody trial and might mean her child has to go back to the care of her abusive ex-husband.
It had been a mess, but as soon as Tine stepped foot into their apartment and saw Sarawat, the disappointment, bitterness and worry that had been weighing on his stomach all afternoon took a back seat, replaced by the love and fondness he feels for his partner. 
There truly is nothing better than coming home to this man every day. 
After a minute of studying him silently, Sarawat finally nods in acceptance of his words, before he uses the hands he still has cradling Tine’s face to pull him into a soft kiss, their lips pressing together gently, before pulling back to rest their foreheads together, prompting Tine to melt completely. 
After a couple minutes of silent comfort, Sarawat pulls away and removes his hands from his boyfriend’s face, and Tine is surprised when he feels a rugged texture travel down his cheek. He catches Sarawat’s hand in his, and frowns when he sees the paper towel wrapped around one of Sarawat’s fingers, faint traces of red splattered on it. 
Sarawat looks down at his hand, before shrugging noncommittal. 
“I cut myself while chopping up the shallots earlier. But it’s okay, it’s stopped bleeding a while ago,” he explains. 
Tine frowns deeper and uncovers the wound from the paper towel, seeing a tiny but deep red gash on the edge of Sarawat’s index finger, but noticing that it has indeed stopped bleeding. 
“We need to clean the wound and cover it up. It could get infected if spices get into the cut,” Tine says, squeezing the finger gently. 
He pulls Sarawat’s finger to his mouth and presses a soft kiss to it, then to the palm of his hand, before he moves away and makes his way to the bathroom, retrieving the small first aid kit they keep there. 
A few seconds later, Tine walks back into the kitchen carrying disinfectant and a plaster, and he sees Sarawat leaning against the counter and looking at him fondly. 
“It’s not that big of a deal Tua Woon Wai. It’s a tiny cut,” his boyfriend says with a teasing smile. 
“I know, but we shouldn’t risk it,” Tine answers, prepping the plaster and a cotton swab with disinfectant as he speaks. “I want you around for a long time.”
Sarawat lets out a laugh of disbelief at the words, before dropping his head to push his forehead against Tine’s shoulder, causing the other man to smile. 
Sarawat may have been the king of uttering the cheesiest lines when they were still in university, but Tine learned quickly that he could also fluster his boyfriend with a few timely chosen lines, and he loves using the knowledge to elicit the blushing on Sarawat’s cheeks when the man least expects it sometimes. 
After cleaning up Sarawat’s wound, Tine pulls a plaster around his boyfriend’s fingers, straightening it gently and effectively covering the cut up. At the gesture, a memory of them in a similar position while they were still in university and before they even got together comes rushing back to the front of his mind, taking his breath away. 
“Wat… Marry me,” he says suddenly, looking up towards Sarawat, only to see his boyfriend whip in his direction, shock written all over his face. 
“What did you say ?” he asks, voice wavering on the last word, and Tine straightens back up to look him straight in the eyes. 
“I said marry me. We should get married. I know we haven’t spoken about this in awhile, but it’s just… You cooked Tom Yum Goong,” Tine explains, and as much as he didn’t expect to pop the question tonight, Tine has never been more sure of anything in his life either. 
Sarawat is still looking at him in shock. He opens and closes his mouth a few times, no sound coming out, before swallowing nervously. 
“You want to marry me because I cooked Tom Yum Goong ?” he asks, clearly not following Tine’s train of thought. “But it’s not even that complicated of a dish.”
“Yes,” Tine replies, laughing at Sarawat’s comment and at the confusion that is still easily read on his boyfriend’s face. “I mean no. That’s not the reason, it’s just…”
Sarawat studies his face but keeps silent, clearly giving Tine a chance to organize his thoughts and waiting for the explanation for this sudden proposal. 
Tine reaches forward to take Sarawat’s second hand in his, cradling both of them between his own hands, as if holding the most precious treasure, before he takes a deep breath and stares at Sarawat, wanting his boyfriend to see through his eyes how much he means the words he’s about to say.
“It’s because you knew today was a difficult day for me, and you cooked Tom Yum Goong. It’s because I came home, and the sight of your shoes alone was enough to make my worries dissipate. It’s because as soon as my day got worse today, I wanted to talk to you and see you because I knew you would make me feel better, and because I want to be able to do the same thing for you, forever,” Tine says, emotion making his voice crack. He sees Sarawat is studying him in wonder, and the sight gives him the courage to continue. “It’s because whenever anything happens to me, good or bad, you’re the one I want by my side and the one I was to share it with. And I just… I don’t see that changing. Ever. I want what we have today, and what we’ve had for more than 5 years now, for the rest of our lives, and I know that won’t ever change. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, bandaging your fingers, playing music and being happy.”
Tine reaches the end of his improvised speech, and he sees small tears prickling in Sarawat’s eyes. 
For all that Sarawat can sometimes wear his heart on his sleeve, Tine can count on one hand the amount of times he’s seen him cry, and he doesn’t know if this is a good or a bad sign. 
“I’m doing this all wrong aren’t I ? I don’t even have a ring,” Tine says self-deprecatingly.  “But… Sarawat Guntithanon. I love you, and you are my heart. So will you marry me ? Please ?”
Sarawat stays silent for a few seconds, and although Tine doesn’t think he’ll outright deny him coldly, the love Sarawat feels for him too evident in everything the man does for Tine to still doubt it today, he still feels his stomach clench in his belly with nervousness. 
Before he has the time to let it consume him though, Sarawat suddenly throws both arms around Tine’s neck, and hugs him tightly to his body. 
At the gesture, Tine laughs in relief, tears clouding his own eyes, before hiding his face in the crook of Sarawat’s neck and pressing a kiss there. 
“So is that a yes ?” he asks, and Sarawat pulls back to look him in the eyes, before cradling his face with both of his hands and pulling him forward to kiss him, pressing 4, 5, short consecutive pecks to his lips. 
“It’s a yes. Of course it’s a yes ! It’s always a yes to you Tine,” he finally says, and although Tine can see the small tears still pooling in his boyfriend’s eyes, Sarawat is also wearing a blinding smile and Tine drinks in the sight of his boyfriend’s… no, his fiance’s happiness. 
He pulls Tine towards him to kiss him once again, but the kiss turns messy quickly with both boys smiling too much to be able to press their lips together properly. 
After a minute of giggling and kissing, they pull away from each other and Sarawat shakes his head in disbelief, laughing softly. 
“I can’t believe I’ve been planning on asking you to marry me since we were 19, and you still managed to propose before I did,” he laughs. “And I can’t believe you proposed while bandaging a cut, of all things.”
At those words, Tine starts laughing and looks at Sarawat, raising both of his eyebrows in judgement. 
“Oh, isn’t that how a proposal is done ?” he asks teasingly, and Sarawat looks confused for a couple seconds, before a huge smile starts overtaking his face and understanding hits him, likely remembering the same scene Tine had thought of earlier. 
Them sitting in Sarawat’s old bedroom, and Sarawat bandaging each of Tine’s fingers delicately, before asking the boy he wasn’t even dating yet to marry him. Twice. 
“Sometimes,” Sarawat finally answers, laughter evident in his voice. “Only the best propose this way though.”
“I don’t doubt that for a second,” Tine teases him. “And we are the best after all… husband-to-be.”
Sarawat’s breath catches in his throat at the words, before a brilliant smile illuminates his face. 
“I love you,” his fiance whispers, dropping his forehead to rest against Tine’s. 
“And I love you. I can’t wait to spend forever with you, Sarawat Guntithanon.”
Sarawat smiles once again, pushing forward to press another kiss to Tine’s mouth only to be stopped by one of Tine’s hands landing on his chest. 
“If you manage to burn the Tom Yum Goong though, I’m taking the proposal back.”
At the words, Sarawat’s eyes grow infinitely bigger in shock, before he whips around towards the counter to check on the dish that is still cooking on the stove, making sure that nothing has burnt while they were talking and making one of the biggest decisions of their lives. 
Laughing at the sight, Tine leans forward again to hug Sarawat from behind, his arms once again making their way around his boyfriend’s waist, before he bends forward to press a kiss to the back of Sarawat’s neck. 
“I love you,” he whispers against his fiance’s skin, and although he isn’t sure Sarawat heard him, he knows he got the sentiment loud and clear when Sarawat moves one of his hands against Tine’s own hand where it’s still resting against his stomach, weaving their fingers together and squeezing gently. 
Today has really been awful, and Tine knows that tomorrow will be taxing. But if occasional days like those are the price to pay to allow him to come home to Tom Yum Goong and Sarawat all the time, then he knows he’s still one of the luckiest people on earth. 
As long as Tine has this amazing man to come home to, he knows they’ll be more than ok, and there’s nothing they can’t face. 2gether for all of eternity. 
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