#event: avx
gotham-at-nightfall · 10 months
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Magneto, Storm, Psylocke and Danger in Uncanny X-Men #16
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axvwriter · 11 months
SSR Bobo Suitor Dress
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Summon: "Who do you think you are?! I won't let you claim Idia as yours unchallenged!"
“I really surprised everyone with my plan, huh?"
Groovification: "Are you alright? I won’t let anyone die on my watch.”
Set to Home screen: “I’d say love is worth fighting for… would you like me to fight for you?”
Home transition 1: “I didn’t think before of how flustering it would be to receive such attention… I-I think I’ll keep this on for a little longer.”
Home transition 2: “A few students keep teasing me for having a crush on Idia… I mean, they think I have a crush, I’m not saying that I actually do!”
Home transition 3: “Some students keep saying I look good enough to eat… I didn’t think wearing this dress would put my life in danger!”
After login: “Are you ready for our wedding? Ha hah, did I scare you? I’m only joking.”
Home transition groovification: “Huh? Oh, I didn’t get this from Sam. I was able to get a Pomefiore friend of mine to make some adjustments to a dress he was making. I owe him a favor now.”
Tap home 1: “Idia looked really good in that suit… huh? I mean, don’t you think so too!?”
Tap home 2: “My plan was absurd, but I thought at the very least the absurdity would buy the others more time to figure something out.”
Tap home 3: “I don’t think I’d wear this exactly to my own wedding. I just wanted to match Idia.”
Tap home 4: “Ortho has a devious side to him… he keeps teasing me by calling me his big sister!”
Tap home 5: “Wh-what!? What do you mean you’d make me a happy bride!? You’re being too forward!”
Tap home groovification: “If I’m stuck here forever… I suppose I can take my time with finding a partner without feeling like I’m going to drown otherwise…”
I tried to replicate the style of Twisted Wonderland's SSR cards and have a better grasp of all I still have yet to learn about drawing. Also I'd like to clarify for the Home Transition 3 voice-line, anyone saying she looks good enough to eat are just joking and teasing her. She doesn't quite realize that and is thinking they're threatening to actually eat her. Not vore her, eat her. Such innuendos don't really exist where she's from thanks to the literal threat of being eaten alive by giant man-eating beasts.
I do have the vignette story written, but I plan to share that with the groovy art, which I'm going to heavily procrasinate doing- Though hopefully now that I've done this one, I wont make the same mistakes where I remade the floor twice and realized afterwards I was using the wrong image for reference for the background. I fixed it using blue-green layers because I couldn't handle redoing the entire background. Kept remaking the floor because of trying to figure out how the floor would look, how to draw it, then ending up following a tutorial while completely forgetting the tiles are diagonal which the tutorial was not. Eventually realized I didn't even need to do that as I most likely only needed one to three rhombuses.
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ethanreedbooks · 2 months
Clash of Titans: Captain America and the Avengers Meet the X-Men in X-Men '97!
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Could the Appearance of Captain America and the Avengers Bring About a War with the X-Men?
The potential ramifications of Captain America and the Avengers intersecting with the X-Men storyline in X-Men '97 raise intriguing questions about the dynamics between these iconic superhero teams. While the appearance of Captain America offers a compelling narrative twist and enriches the series' world-building, it also introduces the possibility of conflict between the two groups.
Avengers vs. X-Men (AvX or AvsX) is a 2012 crossover event that was featured in comic books published by Marvel Comics. The event, consisting of an eponymous limited series and numerous tie-in books, involves the return of the Phoenix Force and the subsequent war between the Avengers and the X-Men. The 12-issue twice-monthly series was first published in April 2012, and features a storyline by Jason Aaron, Brian Michael Bendis, Ed Brubaker, Jonathan Hickman, and Matt Fraction, with a rotating team of artists including John Romita Jr., Olivier Coipel, and Adam Kubert.
Captain America's presence underscores the global impact of the Genosha tragedy and aligns with his established role as a symbol of hope and leadership in the Marvel Universe. However, his differing ideology and approach to justice may clash with the X-Men's methods, particularly in the aftermath of Rogue's vigilante actions. As a beacon of morality and order, Captain America may view the X-Men's actions as reckless or misguided, potentially leading to tension and disagreement between the teams.
Moreover, the Avengers' involvement could complicate the X-Men's ongoing struggles with anti-mutant sentiment and government persecution. If the Avengers perceive the X-Men as a threat or liability, it could escalate into a larger conflict, especially if other Avengers members share Captain America's concerns.
On the other hand, collaboration between the two teams offers exciting storytelling opportunities and the potential for alliances forged in the face of common threats. Their shared commitment to protecting humanity could ultimately outweigh any initial differences, leading to a united front against formidable adversaries like Bastion and Mister Sinister.
The event was preceded by the four-issue limited series Avengers: X-Sanction by Jeph Loeb and Ed McGuinness and Avengers vs. X-Men #0. Avengers vs. X-Men also ties into the limited series AVX: VS, described as "the fight book" which expands upon many of the one-on-one battles featured in the main series, the digital series; Avengers vs. X-Men: Infinite, and into a number of ongoing series including Avengers, Avengers Academy, New Avengers, Secret Avengers, Uncanny X-Men, Wolverine and the X-Men and X-Men: Legacy. The event was succeeded by the limited series AvX: Consequences.
Overall, while the appearance of Captain America and the Avengers adds depth and complexity to the X-Men '97 narrative, it also introduces the possibility of conflict and rivalry between these beloved superhero groups. The repercussions of their interactions may shape the future direction of the series, offering fans thrilling storylines and compelling character dynamics to explore.
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scottsummersevents · 9 months
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For the Sexy Days of Summers Event happening right now we've invited Scott Summers (Cyclops) fans to take part in spreading more love for him out there on the internet by creating fanfiction, fanart, fan works, etc. to celebrate our favorite X-Men leader and the possibility of what if. For the duration of this challenge so far we've received some really incredible submissions with super rare pairings that are new to us. For the month of September we'd like to share some of those and also share some various fandom creations along the way in terms of content. Some might be an old favorite pairing while others might be something in terms of shipping you've never considered before.
Today's spotlight pairing is a fan favorite pairing that still sparks passion in their fans :)
Below under the cut you can take a look at this pairing and see what fun it could prove to be!
Also if you have a favorite Scott pairing and a fanfic that you've written or that you love, then feel free to drop us a note and let us know so we can showcase it in the future!
Stay tuned for more duo spotlights coming soon!
I Follow You Deep Sea, Baby by medievalkoala (Rated M) Scott can't sleep. Emma's solution? A late-night date.
What A Diamond Desires by IAmSimplyVibing (Rated E) Scott and Emma can't even remember the last time they saw each other in person, and they're determined to make the most of this date night.
Euphoria by medievalkoala (Rated G) "I don’t think I’ve even had proper pain. It was a very easy birth. You just came out. Like you were in a hurry. Your dad cut the cord and handed you to me. You didn’t even cry, it was like you didn’t have time for the ordeal and just wanted to get it over with."
Megan Summers is born after a very easy birth.
Correction: A physically easy birth.
Or, Emma thinks about motherhood in the delivery room.
Homeflight by flightinflame for onestory (Rated M) Scott is one of the blessed. He leads a team to rescue children who are blessed from danger. He doesn't think he needs rescuing himself.
The Hellfire Orgy by Ravel991 (Rated E) Emma Frost arranges a great orgy after the main Hellfire Gala ends.
but you make it look easy by tamagorou (Rated T) "In a few years, some rebellious little kid is going to turn up at your school with me on his T-shirt. 'Cyclops was right.'"
A take on the Decimation - AvX publication period where Cyclops has been depowered due to M-Day (alongside some other changes). More tags will be added with further chapters.
This Life by medievalkoala “Ruby Summers.” I couldn’t help but let out a giggle. What a name.
Megan remembers the first time she met her new siblings.
Would You Sit at My Grave if I Killed Myself by medievalkoala (Rated G) Emma can't sleep. Literally what the title says. Takes place during Utopia.
E is for Evolution by bananabrain (Rated E) Trapped with no telepathy, but armed with the power of her incredible looks, Emma Frost visits the leader of the X-Men in his room to lift up his downer spirits amid the X-Men's recent turmoils.
Who could have thought that while Scott Summers is fighting the world, Emma Frost is fighting her own mind?
Drops of Red in the Snow by IcyDeku13 (Rated T) It's Mid winter and Scott is trans and he can feel his body being crappy. Trauma has come to bite him in the back.
i'll be getting over you my whole life by moonboy_writes (Rated T) Emma Frost's life is perfect. She's married Scott Summers, and the two have six children, a beautiful house, and well-paying jobs. But everything is not as it seems as Emma begins to realize that maybe, her life isn't perfect after all. Maybe none of this is even real...
jubilee by metabaron (Rated G) "Who told you?"
Scott sat at the foot of the bed, stroking her bare ankle. "Sage."
Written for the Krakoa Discord 50-word fanfic challenge.
This was the winner for that week's challenge
luxuries we can't afford by just_another_classic (Rated T) Emma and Scott in Savage Land, a reflection by Emma Frost. [writer's month prompt: beach episode]
the benefits of dating a superhero by cherry_lips (takemesomewherenice) (Rated E) A little Emma/Scott fun from around the time of Joss Whedon's run of Astonishing X-Men.
Cyclops Gets an Eye Exam by NotQuiteHydePark (Rated G) It is what it says on the tin.
Red on White by celeste9 (Rated T) Emma watches the blood pool on the tile.
You Missed Me (Script for GWA) by Capspandex (Rated E) Emma and Scott get paired up and I think we know the rest
Her Flawed Gem by flightinflame for onestory (Rated T) Everyone thinks that Scott Summers is perfect. But Emma knows that he isn't, and that doesn't make her any less in love with him.
Prismatic by TriffidsandCuckoos (Rated G) Scott would like to discuss soulmates. Emma would really rather not.
Just Let Go - An Emma Frost, Sex Therapist Encounter by The_Uncanny_SeX_Man (Rated E) Set during the Morrison New X-Men run, Emma Frost holds a rendezvous with Scott Summers behind his wife's back in order to help him realize some deep seated psychological trauma.
Scemma Drabbles by Paxorsym (Rated G) A small handful of scemma drabbles
Be sure to check out more Scott ad Emma fics up at AO3 here.
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lovecanbesostrange · 1 month
@9d6problems replied to the tags in this post: These tags remind me of AvX, with everyone talking about how the Phoenix is always, inevitably a horrible force for uncontrolled destruction, and Rachael is *right there*
YES! You get it. They had to ignore Rachel so hard, it's embarrassing. Perfect meme fodder.
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I liked a lot within the event, but as the final part after Messiah Complex and Second Coming it was... disappointing. And the age of trying to make Cyclops look bad and push X-Men into the background began. All because they couldn't make movies. lol
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positivelybeastly · 7 months
What are your thoughts on the cerebro podcast stance on Hank?
My immediate thoughts are that I would fight Connor Goldsmith in the street.
Nah, that's an exaggeration, but I certainly don't have a lot of nice thoughts.
The biggest problem I had was that, considering those podcasts are meant to be an exhaustive, deep dive into a character, the host outright saying, oh yeah, I'm just kinda not covering anything about him from 1974 to 1986 because he isn't in X-Men comics, strikes me as an immediate admission that you don't really care about the character, you care about pushing your thoughts on the character. I immediately discount your read as bad faith, in that you refuse to confront facts over your opinion, and this is something I find, like, really depressingly common about Hank?
Hank's time on the Avengers counts. Hank's time on the Defenders counts. Hank's time with the Secret Avengers, with the Inhumans, with S.W.OR.D, in Marvel Team-Up, in issues of Spider-Man, they all count. Those appearances did still happen, even if you choose not to read them because you like staying in the X-Men hemisphere of the Marvel Universe.
And I don't blame people for doing that, god knows there's enough X-Men to read, except for when they start simultaneously wanting everything to revolve around the latest mutant tragedy but also don't want the Avengers to come anywhere near their comics because they're cops (which, what the fuck ever).
I almost think it's some kind of resentment towards Hank, that he dared to cross over to other teams. How dare he be popular in other spheres. How dare he not bleed, sweat and cry for the X-Men ever minute of every day. How very well dare he. People call him a race traitor because he sided with the Avengers in Avengers vs X-Men and was neutral during Inhumans vs. X-Men, and I really do roll my eyes at that because if you actually bother to read those books, he's actually usually talking sense and trying to be a bridge between the two parties, but he's regarded as a giga-traitor because he wasn't sucking Cyclops or Storm's dicks constantly.
Like, it's an actual fact that Hank was trying to talk the Avengers out of taking down the Phoenix Five, because he trusted the people the Phoenix was inhabiting. It's an actual fact that if he had been allowed to go back to New Attilan and explain that the Terrigen Cloud was about to start an extinction level event, Medusa would have dispersed the Cloud and avoided the whole conflict. But knowing that requires reading AvX and IvX, and people don't wanna do that, and that's fine, but if you want to start bringing that shit up in a way that makes it clear you're talking about what you remember rather than what actually happened, you best come correct, because I operate based on panels, not based on fucking vibes.
And maybe that's an exaggeration, maybe that's just sour grapes towards a fandom that's been vilifying this character since the Utopia era, but I honestly don't think it's that off base, considering how extremely weird some X-Men fans can get about the Avengers and other teams.
"WHERE WERE THE AVENGERS WHEN GENOSHA WAS BURNING - " Bro, it ain't that deep, they were saving the world from Kang. Also, this level of surface level criticism towards comic book media (you see it all the time in MCU reviews, where people ask, why didn't Dr. Strange help during this movie or this scene) just kinda bores me, because you buy X-Men to see X-Men.
Would it really make you happier if an Avenger turned up every issue to say something devastating to an anti-mutant racist and turn to the camera and give a thumbs up? No, you'd complain that they're taking up valuable panel space that could be devoted to another character's development (rightfully so), and point out that if you wanted to see Avengers, you'd read Avengers (also rightfully so).
This is all preamble to another eye roll worthy moment about the Cerebrocast, and granted, it's one that the host has said was a joke, but the whole bit about Avengers being cops . . . like, yeah, I get it, it's a joke, but you forgot to be funny about it, and it also just exposes the ignorance and bias that also leads you to state that you can totally give a legitimately informed opinion on Hank McCoy without reading a twelve year stretch where he underwent a lot of character development.
Anyway, where was I - oh yeah, so the fandom. A lot of the fandom, and I really don't think Goldsmith is immune to this, likes to operate based on vibes when it comes to Hank. They read All-New X-Men, they read X-Force, and they think they know the character, and they just like to go off, even though forming an opinion on Hank McCoy based on those runs is like having an opinion on Cyclops based on just the 90s TV show. It's not exactly a complete understanding of the character, now, is it?
And guess what? You're more than entitled to have that opinion! I don't believe in gatekeeping! What I do believe in, is staying in your lane when your understanding of a subject is demonstrably incomplete. Talk less, listen more.
People like to act like the Cerebrocast is some kind of rubber stamp, like it came down with THE FACTS on Hank McCoy, just because Connor Goldsmith had a two minute rant about the Threnody situation locked and loaded and ready to go from moment one, and, like.
I'm really glad you're passionate about Threnody, bro, someone out there has to be, but - and I hate to be this guy, I really do, but when you want to say you know Beast, you invite it - I know more about Hank McCoy than you do.
Just 'cause you've got a podcast and I don't (not about X-Men, anyway) doesn't mean you're the authority. Thanks for helping to poison the well on this character I enjoy. I can now no longer post panels of Hank being cute on Reddit because there will be at least three people talking about Threnody or X-Force or the Cerebrocast, and that's just mentally exhausting.
TL:DR - I did not enjoy the Cerebrocast episode on Hank McCoy. You should also check out this post by most beloved @brw where they cover this from the same angle, but with some different points.
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Fan Fic Writer Asks! 5, 9, 14, 23, 24, 27
5. What’s a fic idea you’ve had that you will never write?
At this point, probably any fic I had in mind for Emma/Scott, though I shouldn't say never on the off-chance my waned but still existent love for them might rear its head one of these days. I mean, I started the AvX/Wicker Man fic, but I doubt I'll ever finish it at this point. Oh I'd had a great idea YEARS ago for a Curt Wild/Arthur Stuart (Velvet Goldmine) fic. Nothing huge but very sweet and kissy-sexy and romantic, and it was based on one of the quotes in the movie. I have only the vaguest notes for it, and I can't for the life of me now remember what the fuck I was going to do with it. Chances are, I'll probably never write it, but I keep the notes in case one day my brain is sparked enough to remember what I was going to do OR something wholly new comes to me for it.
9. Do you write every day? If you wrote today, share a sentence of what you’ve written!
I definitely try to write every day. Sometimes the brain doesn't want to, and no matter what I do to coax it or appease it, it will not let the words come. I haven't written anything yet today, but I'll post the last sentence I wrote last night before I crawled into bed. It's from a Winteriron fic for my adoptable prompt "resolved sexual tension" (which is replacing a bingo square):
"Tony, having decided to use himself as bait to draw the outsiders to them, had almost been shoved into that room with the others, but Bucky came to his rescue."
14. If you could see one of your fics adapted into a visual medium, such as comic or film, which fan fic would you pick?
Two, actually. I mean probably more but some of those are WIPs, so I'll give two finished fics.
Never Piss Off a Telepath; Or How Logan Opened His Mouth and Said a Stupid Thing
Behind Blue Eyes
23. How do you choose where to end a chapter (if you have multi-chapter works)?
It really depends on what I'm writing. Obvious choice is the resolution of the situation in the chapter. It's ready to move on to the next bit. Sometimes it's the complete opposite - nothing is resolved, but there needs to be a chapter break for another chapter that either could go into a flashback or even bounce to another set of characters/another scene elsewhere. The 'resolution' of what was happening in the other chapter can always come during this new chapter as whatever else was going on led up to what's going to be the resolution. It's pretty instinctual for me, though. It's whatever feels organic at that moment I'm writing.
24. Share a moodboard for (one of) your current WIP(s).
This is for the first part of my Is this a Dagger? series. I made a mood board last night, but it's for the Tony's Birthday Gala event, and since it's a part of the prompt I claimed, I can't post it yet - it's a surprise.
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27. Is there a fic you were nervous to post/share? Why?
Probably my very first fanfic that I'd written for the Jay & Silent Bob Yahoo group I'd joined. I was the new kid, and I wrote a fic, and I threw it out there, but it was like tossing out my first poetry submission to my grad school poetry workshop in the first semester. I put it out there and fully expected it to be torn apart, but it wasn't.
Thanks for the asks!
Fanfic Writer Asks.
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sineala · 1 year
Love your fics! Wanted to know your opinion about AXE now that it's finished :>
Oh boy oh boy! Thank you for asking! I loved AXE so much. It was definitely the best story I've ever read about what would happen if your house acquired sentience and hated you and decided to destroy the world.
Seriously, though -- I really loved AXE Judgment Day. I have a half-finished post where I was attempting to summarize the complete event with all the tie-ins and I should probably… finish reading all the tie-ins and finish writing that. I have an AXE Steve/Tony WIP -- the kind of fic that is basically meta disguised as a story where they talk through how they feel about the whole thing -- that is 42,000 words and I am nowhere near done yet. I honestly think it's one of the best line-wide Marvel events in a long time, which is really impressive when you consider that for the most part it's an event about the X-Men and the Eternals and I have almost no fannish interest in the Eternals and I haven't been consistently reading any X books since X Of Swords started.
So why do I like this event so much if it's not even about characters I am currently following? Well, I'm here for Steve/Tony, and I think it's a really good event for Steve and Tony, both as individual characters and for their relationship with each other, and I think the end of the story leaves them each in a really interesting place emotionally, with enough hanging threads that make it interesting to me fannishly.
We've had a few events in the past several years where Steve and Tony were basically on opposite sides -- Infinity (when you consider the fact that Tony has already been secretly betraying Steve), Axis, Time Runs Out/Secret Wars, Civil War II (when you consider the fact that it wasn't actually Steve), Secret Empire. Sometimes these events have prominently featured Steve and/or Tony, but as a Steve/Tony fan most of these weren't satisfying to me on an OTP level because they're not really on good terms. Although, yes, Secret Empire did provide a hell of a lot to think about and also some really interesting material for AUs because it did give us an evil Steve who, uh, canonically loves Tony. You should see my WIP list. But Secret Empire wouldn't make my list of events where Steve and Tony are BFFs, if you get what I mean.
We've had events where they were on the same side but the event wasn't really about them -- War of the Realms, Empyre, King in Black, Devil's Reign. (As far as I can tell, Devil's Reign never actually had the real Tony in it, either, but I will admit to not reading all the tie-ins.) Heroes Reborn was also a thing but didn't ever have Tony even meet Steve, AFAIK. So, I mean, it's nice that they don't hate each other but also they are just a couple characters in a cast of thousands. I think Empyre comes the closest, and I really enjoyed Empyre, but I wouldn't call Steve & Tony the stars of the event.
So AXE is one of the first events in a long time -- maybe since AvX? -- where both Steve and Tony have been friends on the same team with neither of them secretly being evil and where they have had big roles to play in the event itself. Both Steve and Tony have a lot to do in the mainline and Tony has an entire issue about him. Also, though I think it has its flaws, AXE is definitely much kinder to Tony than a lot of the other comics featuring Tony have been in a while. It portrays Tony and Steve as friends and as heroes genuinely trying to do good. And if you're like "isn't that what most superhero comics are like?" then you haven't been reading a lot of Iron Man comics in the past several years, although that is maybe, maybe starting to change.
I also think the setup of AXE is the kind of thing that lends itself to interesting fannish theorizing without being unkind to most of the heroes. I suppose technically it starts out as a hero vs. hero event, depending on who you consider heroes. A faction of Eternals decides that mutants are deviants and decides to wipe them out. The Avengers decide this is a bad idea and they and the remaining Eternals join in on the side of the mutants. Since Eternals have to do what Celestials tell them, the good guys (starring Tony) come up with a plan to reanimate Avengers Mountain (a dead Celestial) and it will become a god to the Eternals again and it'll tell them to knock it off with the mutant-killing. This works. Sort of. Then the Celestial decides it's going to judge the rest of humanity on an individual and a collective basis and everyone has to band together to try to stop it. Steve ends up basically leading humanity in battle and Tony ends up taking point on the strike team trying to bring the Celestial down from the inside. Literally the inside.
So, yes, as a Steve/Tony fan, I enjoy the fact that they're working together. They're friends! They're clearly coming up with plans together and they're concerned about each other and Steve doesn't even blame Tony for being the guy who arguably headed the project that started the mess in the first place.
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Also Steve makes some great rallying speeches.
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(Don't worry, Steve's fine.)
And Tony also makes some great speeches, honestly, just on a smaller scale.
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I feel like the AA references in there are very in-character for Tony.
It's been my experience that fandom tends to really enjoy events that let them sort characters based on their beliefs and powers -- who would win in a fight? Who would support Registration? And this gets you that, and they don't even have to fight each other. Because what a lot of the tie-ins are about is "who passes, who fails, and why?" and so, without even pitting your faves against each other, you get to do the same kind of theorizing. And because Steve and Tony are major characters, we get to see both of their judgments, and we get a lot about Tony's.
And it's really cool, I think, because it absolutely does not go the way you think it would go. It does not go the way they think it will go. Because Steve is one of the very first to fail -- and Tony is at his side, wondering who possibly has a chance to pass if Steve fails. So Steve basically spends the whole rest of the event clearly feeling like a massive failure and trying to pull himself together for the rest of humanity. I have feelings about this.
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And Tony, in a move that surprises everyone including himself, passes. There is a whole issue devoted to this and I really like it except for a couple of points I will detail below and also the fact that it requires us to acknowledge that Cantwell's run happened, which is a thing I was really trying to not do. Anyway, it has a great callback to The Confession.
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Tony just doesn't want to let Steve down.
The whole thing is interesting. It gives you a lot to think about. They're clearly still both unsettled about this by the end of the event, and then Tony asks Steve to go hot-tubbing with him, which. You know. There's potential there. I and my massive WIP clearly think there's potential there.
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So that's a lot of fun. At least, I think so.
This event has a downside for me, which is that it has a Did Not Do The Research problem. I think this is most apparent in AXE Avengers, the issue all about Tony, which includes such odd developments as "Tony agrees with the assertion that he likes to date people who are parental figures with strong moral compasses" (I have literally no idea where this is coming from, as I would have said that he likes to date people to try to kill him) and "the Celestial, in the form of Howard, tells Tony that they wanted him so badly but then he wasn't a great father to Tony." I feel like "we wanted you so badly" is an interesting way of describing "we adopted you solely because we needed a decoy son to save the life of our biological son." If this had been by any other writer, I would have said, oh, well, I guess they just didn't read the adoption arc. This is by Kieron Gillen. You know, the guy who wrote the adoption arc.
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There are a couple of other places in the event itself where the plot doesn't match up to itself across comics, which you would probably expect in tie-ins except… these were all also by Kieron Gillen. So after Steve dies and is reborn from an egg, naked, in the Avengers Mansion kitchen (don't worry about it), he either has enough time to get dressed and talk to Tony before the strike team heads out (if you believe Death To The Mutants) or Tony is already on-mission when Steve hatches (if you believe the mainline). These are, again, both by the same writer.
Anyway, if you believe the version where Steve gets to wish Tony well, it's very sweet:
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There is also one further instance where Not Doing The Research isn't a problem, per se, but there was one canonical reference that AXE Avengers could have made, that the entire issue was leading me to think that it was going to make, and then it got there and it didn't, presumably because Gillen didn't know it, and I was so confused because it would have made the issue so much stronger.
So the culmination of AXE Avengers features the Celestial reenacting Tony's parents' car accident, which the Celestial is using as an analogy for the disaster the world is currently going through, and asks Tony what Tony will do. Tony immediately heads to the car and starts trying to repair it and explains that it may not make a difference, but he has to try, and if he works hard enough, no one has to die in a car crash.
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It's a nice moment. It's very Tony. It's very touching. It seems like a philosophy he would espouse. It is also an established canon fact that is thirty years old.
In Iron Man #288, we learn that the first thing Tony did after his parents' death was find out what the cause of the crash was (a flaw in the brake design). Then he spent forty hours redesigning the brakes in that car model, bought the car company, and implemented his new, improved brake design. So no one else was ever going to die in a crash like that.
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So that thing he says in AXE Avengers that he would do, hypothetically, about fixing the car so no one else would die? He did it. It wasn't hypothetical. He actually 100% did that exact thing, in canon, when faced with this exact situation. So you can kind of see why I was expecting the AXE Avengers issue to refer to this, because I figured this was him describing the thing that he did. It would have been the perfect thing for him to mention. I just assumed that was what was going on here and we were leading up to that.
The issue does not refer to this fact, at all.
I don't know, I just thought it was a bizarre omission. I guess no one involved with this issue knew enough to mention it.
Also I feel like if I were the Avengers I personally would not want to move right back into living in the dead Celestial corpse as soon as it died and the fighting was over. They cannot be hurting that badly for real estate. I'm just saying.
But overall? Yeah, great event. I loved AXE Judgment Day. Give me ten more just like it.
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scarlet--wiccan · 1 year
What would be your ideal dynamic for wanda and vision in a current comic? I like both characters and I appreciate their relationship in the past but I don’t like the thought of them being together again (not just because of Jericho but because of all the baggage). I wish they could be good friends. They have a history but it’s not who they are
Well, I definitely don't want them to get back together as a couple. There are many reasons, but in terms of Wanda's characterization, I think that it would undermine her growth and maturity.
Wanda's publication history is pretty clearly divided into two periods-- before Disassembled/House of M, and after. Her character, post-HoM, has been defined by regret and trauma in way that she never really had been before, with her primary motive becoming redemption. The traumatic events and the layers of sexism, ableism, etc. in her writing had been adding up for years before Disassembled, but that event took things to an unprecedented level of cruelty, in both the treatment of the character, and in the message it sent about... basically everything Wanda represents.
In my mind, the only way to move forward from that is to textually acknowledge and interrogate all of the ways in which that storyline was messed up. That still hasn't happened, at least not in a way that is fully satisfying to me, but writers have certainly tried. I think, for Wanda, the most important thing is to let her acknowledge the injustices that she was subjected to, and show that she has chosen to seek healing and restitution.
In other words, she needs to have a marked shift in growth and maturity. She cannot ever be the same person she was in the 70s, 80s, or even the 90s. To be clear, Wanda's redeemed herself several times over, but I believe that the weight of her experiences and the strength gained from her survival need to remain at the core of her characterization, especially for all of her recent magical prowess and personal victories over her past abusers-- namely Chthon-- to feel earned.
Obviously, it should be possible for a character to reunite with an old lover and lose all of their personal growth, but this is Marvel Comics. Characters cycle back to older character treatments, older relationships, even older personalities all the time. I mean, a huge part of the early Krakoa era was about gently resetting characters to their most evergreen iterations. That's fine, it's part of the medium, but I think Wanda needs to stay out of that cycle, and I just don't have faith that the writers and editors will be able to put her and the Vision together without giving into nostalgia, to say nothing of the M C U synergy.
I have loads of other objections, but here are the main two--
1) Wanda and Vision have a ton of recent baggage, from just the last decade. Vision was cruel to her in AvX; he went through something very heavy and traumatic with Virginia, which was also kind of messed up for Wanda; and— this is the big one— they were mutually raped in Secret Empire. The text does not properly acknowledge that fact, but that's because Secret Empire was a really fucked up book in the first place.
2) I think the fact that Wanda and Jericho's relationship never got any serious page time or development after Uncanny Avengers is a crying shame, and I think that it is in part due to racism. Breaking them up before they get their time to shine would be a huge disappointment, and I feel like doing it so unceremoniously just to pander to Wanda//Vision fans, let's be honest, would feel kinda antiblack. To me! I'm just saying!
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Anyways, here's Vision, Wanda, and Jericho (& Clint!) having a lunch together in Avengers: No Road Home. They're pals, Wanda and Vision are friendly exes who care about each other a lot, but they're just very different people from who they were back when they were together. That is exactly how I want their dynamic to be written in the upcoming Avengers.
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docgold13 · 2 years
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365 Marvel Comics Paper Cut-Out SuperHeroes - One Hero, Every Day, All Year…
December 5th - Marvel Boy
Noh-Varr was a member of the 18th Kree Diplomatic Gestalt originating from the alternate reality of Earth 200080.  He and the crew of their dimension-hopping spacecraft, The Marvel, were investigating a clash between Astro Gods that threatened the longstanding peace between The Kree and Skrull Empires of their dimension.
Caught in the crossfire between these waring Astro-Gods, the Marvel was thrown into a tear in the multiverse and the crew worked desperately to navigate their craft back to their home dimension.  Unfortunately, they overshot and ended up emerging from the multiverse into the 616 reality of the standard Marvel Universe.
The Marvel emerged near Earth and they attempted to land there so to make repairs.  Upon entry into earth’s atmosphere, however, the ship was struck by a series of rockets launched by the forces of the eccentric billionaire known as Doctor Midas.
Midas was obsessed with the collection of alien and extra-dimensional artifacts which he hoped would imbue him with superhuman powers.  He had monitored the Marvel’s entry into the atmosphere and ordered it shot down so that the wreckage could be salvaged and reverse-engineered to serve his purposes.
Young Noh-Varr had been the chief engineer aboard The Marvel.  His mother and father were the captain and first officer and his girlfriend, Meree, was the navigator.  Sadly, Noh was the sole survivor of the crash and he was taken prisoner by Midas’ forces.  Midas had planned to dissect Noh so to see what aspects of his biological might be replicated and weaponized.
Most Kree differ from Humans in subtle ways.  On average, the Kree are stronger and more durable compared to humans, with an elongated lifespan.  Noh-Varr possesses these augmented qualities along with additional abilities unique to the Kree of his dimension.  In Noh’s dimension, Kree science had managed to navigate around the evolutionary ceiling of their race by way of adding genetic material to their DNA borrowed from an insect-like species.  These additions imbue Noh-Varr was greatly enhanced speed and reflexes, heightened strength and the power to adhere to surfaces with his hands and feet.  Furthermore, Noh-Varr’s saliva contains nano-bots that has the effect of making those who come into contact with it highly susceptible to the power of suggestion.  Noh-Varr was able to utilize these abilities to facilitate his escape from Midas’ compound.
Concluding that all of Earth were as evil and murderous as Dr. Midas, Noh decided to wage war on the earth and make it the capital of the New Kree Empire of this dimension.  Herein, Noh came to be known as ‘Marvel Boy.’  Following a number of adventures and a great deal of property destruction, Dr. Midas was seemingly killed and Noh-Varr was ultimately apprehended by SHIELD.  Following his capture, the young Kree was incarcerated in the supermax penitentiary known as The Cube.
The Warden of The Cube proved to be a corrupt and sadistic individual who used his prisoners to forward his own agenda.  The Warden attempted to utilize Noh-Varr as his operative and enforcer, relying on a hypnotic process to make him subservient.  Following an adventure where Noh-Varr fought against The Runaways and Young Avengers, he was freed from The Warden’s control.  
After an encounter with The Illuminati, Noh-Varr decided to use his abilities to emulate the Kree hero Mar-Vell and become a superhero.  Yet he remained naive about aspects of human politics, leading him into being recruited onto Norman Osborn’s Dark Avengers squad.  Fortunately, it did not take too long before Noh came to realize Osborn’s nefarious intentions.  He quit the Dark Avengers and some time thereafter became a member of the actual Avengers, having taken on the new alias of ‘The Protector.’  
During the AvX event, Noh-Varr was manipulated by the Kree Supreme Intelligence into betraying his Avengers comrades.  The crisis was ultimately averted, but Noh’s actions resulted in his being kicked out of The Avengers.  Furthermore, Captain Marvel (Danvers) informed Noh-Varr that he was no longer welcome on earth.  
With no where else to go, Noh-Varr disregarded Danvers’ orders and returned to earth where he began a romance with the young heroine, Hawkeye (Kate Bishop).  This led to Noh-Varr joining a new iteration of The Young Avengers as well as his resuming the mantle of Marvel Boy.  Following a number of missions with the Young Avengers, the team disbanded and Noh and Kate broke up.  
Marvel Boy would go on to have adventures alongside the West Coast Avengers and the Inhuman Royal Family.  More recently, he has become a member of the latest iteration of The Guardians of The Galaxy and sparked up a romance with his teammate, Hercules.  
The hero first appeared in the pages of Marvel Boy Vol. 2 #1 (2000).
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belladonnaboudreaux · 11 months
Sometimes I think about how AvX as an event spends so much time making a case as to why Rogue should be an avenger and how natural a fit she would be and then that the remender run ignores literally all of that to give her an absolutely out of left field characterization that only uses her to be a malcontent and cause problems and it doesn't improve until Duggan takes over and by that point the title is basically redundant and unnecessary anyway and I just
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scottxlogan · 1 year
Hello. Other anon inspired me to come out of the shadows as well to send an ask. Love your blog and scogan stuff. Thank you for posting ❤
I was wondering if you had any recommendations on where to start in the comics concerning Scott and just the x men in general? I enjoy the movies, but I want to know more about him via the comics. I feel it would help me write him better in fanfic (also give me more scenarios to write him in lol!). Also could you suggest ones where he interacts with certain members like Logan, Jean, Ororo, Warren, etc? I feel like that would help write better scogan and his other relationships better as well.
Apologies if this a big ask! Comics come be pretty nerve-wracking to get into (especially when their are bad writers involved and you don't know to avoid them).....
Thank you so much!!!
First of all anon thank you so very much for reaching out! You have no idea how much this warms my heart to see people asking about Scogan as a lot of the time fandom can be pretty quiet so thank you for your kind words! I'm so happy that you enjoy the content on here. My archive is full of Scogan goodies from the movies, comics, etc. and if you ever want to look around at some of it in some down time, you can look directly by going here and it will direct you to everything I have tagged Scogan (warning it's a lot lol)
That being said in terms of comics obviously I can see how it is just overwhelming in general. These are in no particular order as I'm going off the top of my head on this, but they are worth reading if you are looking for Cyclops related stuff.
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The recs I'll give you under the cut here:
Cyclops/Scott related comics: X-Men Origins: Cyclops (2010) This is a one shot that gives you a brief overview of Scott's life leading up to him arriving at the school with Charles. Various comics have kind of changed around his story every now and then, but I think this is a nice one shot to get you started on seeing a glimpse of young Scott.
X-Men: First Class (2007) I personally haven't read this one in full although I have seen panels from it, but it centers around the original first class crew (Scott, Jean, Warren, Hank, Bobby) and it seems to be a comic people enjoy. It would give you a glimpse of the team dynamics in the early years and how they interacted with one another.
All New X-Men (2012?) by Bendis. Now I'm not going to lie this one is a mixed bag for me because I absolutely hate a lot of what goes on in this time period, but the reason why I mention it is because adult version of Hank has basically decided to get revenge on adult version of Scott for the events leading up to Schism/AvX (more on that later) so he comes up with a brilliant plan to bring the teenage versions of the X-Men into the future to I guess see what they adult versions have done. I personally feel like he did it to be a jerk and torture Scott, but in the same breath it does establish time displayed teenage Scott learning about the future ahead of him in leading into the Cyclops solo below where he goes on space adventures with his estranged dad, which given that he's a kid out of time you may need to read this one to understand why Scott from the past is hanging out in the future.
Cyclops (2014) teenage Scott gets to hang around with his space pirate dad and bond. It's fun, probably doesn't stick as it goes on in canon since eventually (spolier alert) the teens get sent back to their time to right the wrongs that took place, but at least it gives Scott the opportunity to spend time with his dad and live a little more than he did at the school with Charles.
X-Men: Marvels Snapshots Vol 1 1 This one is a one shot that really just features a young Scott who idolizes and finds hope in admiring Reed Richards. It's a great read and gives you a glimpse into young Scott's mind again to really explore his teenage years for a snapshot if you will.
Scott/Logan related recs: Let me preface this by saying I will not get to cover everything, but some of these are great with some memorable moments with Scott as a leader with his team and him and Logan doing what they do best working together: Astonishing X-Men (by Joss Whedon) While I know Joss Whedon has a lot of problematic things going on, this comic was my very FIRST comic I picked up and I'm so glad I did. It's a great display of Scott as a leader. He's with Emma Frost at this point in time in a romance, but the team dynamics and the story really showcase how good Scott can be when he's running the show and taking his team to victory. This is a really good comic and there's a lot of snark, banter, superhero costumes and more. I enjoyed this run and it was my first introduction to Scott/Emma (which I was glad it happened here because I might have felt differently had I seen the origin of it first, but thankfully it's a good comic with action/adventure and Scott being a bad ass in leading his team. Prelude to Schism: Now let me start this by saying that I absolutely HATE, HATE, HATE what Marvel did in Schism (which a lot of people dub Scott and Logan's divorce arc), but...to deny that there is a silver lining in some of these subtle moments in the calm before the storm would be a shame. It's a mini-series where it explores the dynamic of Scott's relationship with those closest to him from Charles, to Magneto, to Emma and Logan. It's a really good read and you get some great Scott/Logan moments in it. They were so solid together by the time this mini was over that you should've known they were going to wind up in a bad place in the not so distant future. X-Men Schism (aka the bitter divorce that was so out of character for Logan it hurts) This series really makes me want to scream at Logan. I love him, but it felt like a cash grab to split the team into two so they could sell two different comics with Logan leading one team and Scott leading the other, which of course they did, but for all it's faults the very first issue of this with Scott and Logan is WONDERFUL. You really get a sense of what they are to each other and it's really good with Logan being there for Scott in what he needs to do. It rapidly goes down hill as they reach a breaking point, but that first issue...it's pretty good. A lot of people would recommend the Dark Phoenix saga as well as that's the big one they do and mess up in the films, but that's entirely up to you. I have much more to say, but I'll have to put it in another post since I write too much lol (To be continued here...)
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newx-menfan · 1 year
Jean Grey is such a bully.
Honestly I just think this plot point is dumb.
The X-Men have pretty REGULARLY killed the Brood and the Shi’ar have more or less talked about eradicating them in the past… this is outright IGNORING canon to create some BS Schism type story!
Broo TRIED to control the Brood…and failed miserably (Sure part of it was ON Nightmare…but it just kind of shows Broo ISN’T a reliable CHOICE)… ON TOP of Broo basically HAVING to have them kill hosts that Broo deemed “bad” (already kind of morally icky!)
The Brood already attacked Krakoa pretty recently in Hickman’s X-Men…where the X-Men NEARLY lost…
In CM- they tortured and experimented on Binary AND Rogue with the main goal being to evolve…
In the main title, Cyclops NEARLY watched his dad die…
I get Jean probably feels SOME residual guilt over the d’bari Phoenix situation…and the death of her family…and I get that Jean is super empathic…but COME ON!
It’s the equivalent of letting Sinister have access to all of their DNA- anyone with a BRAIN knew it was going to end HORRIBLY WRONG. 😳
Honestly I am SURPRISED Hellion took so much HEAT for not trusting Broo back in WatXM, when it seems kind of reasonable considering… (we’ve ALREADY seen Julian was 100% right about Karima during the Krakoa era!)
Much like the Cyclops vs. Wolverine drama/ AvX/IvX…this is just f****** dumb and terrible writing that COMPLETELY ignores prior canon 😡
What makes me ESPECIALLY ANGRY is Duggan making an allegory to Claremont’s really loving moment in “Dark Phoenix”…to basically create this pointless DUMB drama!😡
So no- I am NOT a fan of this and I know it’s going to lead to some MORE infighting events because that is apparently ALL Marvel can write ANYMORE 😒
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brw · 1 year
Do you not like Tom kings vision series? I havent read the whole thing myself but most people I see say it’s really great so I’m curious why you have mixed feelings
I mean, it's like, fine, if still IMO a fairly mediocre reading experience considering what Tom King's tone is for a lot of his work, if you have very little prior experience with The Vision.
The thing is that King has admitted before to not being able to explain massive characteristion changes and I think it shows a general lack of understanding of the character he was writing. The Vision (2015) isn't actually a Vision story; I think it would have actually worked incredibly well as an Ultron story, but it's not a story written with Vision in mind imo, it feels more like Vision just happened to be the character he was handed and now we have this.
See like, the cornerstone of his Vision series is that Vision wants to assimilate into human culture entirely, and be entirely accepted by them. This to me feels stupid, because like two years ago in Avengers A.I. Vision was a big advocate for treating A.I. as separate but respected people and was very clearly not trying in any way to be human, but in fact was showing a continuation to becoming more inhuman, more machine-like as their own self expression evolved. Cut two years, and now Vision is in a suit trying out the 9 to 5? Like what?
And the choice of Virginia was just strange, because prior to this Vision and Wanda had an extremely tense relationship. In AvX, one of the biggest events of the time, Vision actively tells Wanda to leave after murdering them via She-Hulk and seemed just generally incredibly angry towards her for doing something like that. Like yes this is bad writing, but it's also the literal first issue of that event but suddenly Vision wants to be with Wanda again so bad they will make a robot with the express purpose to only be their wife to be with her? Suddenly all Vision did to argue for their own personhood and their own autonomy, just generally as an android but also as someone with the brainwaves of Simon, doesn't matter because they want a nuclear family and picket fence?
Like the whole thing was just not considered with Vision's character and Vision's history. And I don't expect King to be going through the backlogs of like 90s Marvel Premiere or whatever but Avengers A.I. ended in like 2013. That was a recent comic and a recent point of characterisation where Vision had a major role, but almost no trace of that is there beyond the vague callback when Vision kills Victor Mancha.
It just to me showed a very poor understanding of who Vision was and kind of spits in the face of what Vision stands for in my opinion. Vision has never to me been a story about assimilation, but instead about building your own identity and your own life in the face of hardship and bigotry, of perseverance. Yes, I think Vision maybe during the Englehart era and that one time they tried to take over the world did crave assimilation, but to me the whole arc over the 90s and Busiek and Geoff Johns' Vision and Avengers A.I. was Vision slowly but surely coming to accept themself as they were. And seeing what had felt a very good continuation of stories for like 20, 30 years be ignored is just... puzzling and again shows to me that this story was never supposed to be about Vision, it was about the story Tom King wanted to tell.
Which is fine, but I don't think this stuff then belongs in like a medium where a big chunk of its allure is consistent characterisation built off the collective of hundreds of writers. So reading so many comics and coming to this that clearly doesn't fit and was never supposed to is just. annoying to me. lol.
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defyxoblivion · 11 months
Medici when there’s an inevitable AvX event again that makes zero sense and is a bunch of bullshit and he ends up having to fight Tony Stark or some shit
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wellnoe · 2 years
Good morning!
if someone wanted to get into comics and especially x-men, how would you suggest they go about it? i really like the comics i’ve read but it’s easy for me to feel like i’m missing things and I get a little overwhelmed by the idea of not reading the right runs/skipping something important, so i usually start at the very first run but sometimes…sometimes that is 500 issues long. and i’m not sure if that’s a good strategy?
you know a lot about the x-men and i was hoping you might have some insight!
good morning! i'm not necessarily a good person to ask for advice here, as i am generally a pretty disorganized comic book reader. i tend to skip around a lot in my reading, and the 2000s through into the 2010s are a big blank spot for me. but i can try? it sounds like you've already read some x-men!
my usual advice is to try trades? libraries usually have some, especially the bigger branch libraries, and it means you get a cohesive run of issues all at once. i also really like trade paperbacks because some of them, especially ones that cover events, will include all issues from that event, across multiple comic book titles. my mutant massacre trade, for example, contains issues from uncanny x-men, x-factor, new mutants, thor, and power pack, which makes reading the event way easier than it might be otherwise, and also means that i'm not missing something important just because i didn't know a particular comic was a part of an event. and that sounds like a concern of yours.
with specific runs for x-men i would recommend starting with claremont's giant-size team? i think claremont is really the foundational x-men writer, for both good and ill, and a lot of people who wrote after him are engaging with his works or responding to them. but! i think x-men is a fairly flexible franchise, that doesn't necessarily require you to start in any one place. new teams have shifted, or formed, and starting with any one of the various teams as an introduction usually gets you to a place where you can follow the story without necessarily requiring the context of earlier team structures.
other than that yknow! personally! i am not a completionist, and am a big proponent of only reading comics you enjoy (unless you are like. desperate for a bit of context)! if you start with the first run and it is boring and 500 issues long and that seems like a slog, skip to something with an interesting premise, or find a character you want to know more about, and follow them for a bit. you can always go back and find context later.
i don't feel like i am being very helpful here! it sounds like you've already read quite a few comics, so i'm sure you're already aware of a lot of what i said. my personal x-men reading strategy for a while was following cyclops through a bunch of different comic eras, which resulted in a really weird reading order? like i read avx consequences before ever reading avx itself. and also that means that there are some characters who are just complete unknowns to me, and i don't get their deal at all. but i've had fun, and i think i have a pretty good approximate understanding of a lot of things.
anyway all this does mean that my advice probably isn't very useful, and i'm really sorry about that!!
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