#eventual sambucky
xxlittle0birdxx · 2 years
Bucky waited for May to say something else, but she seemed content to wait for him to add more. He didn’t really want to talk about the accident or his nightmares right now. 'I miss the old me,' he confessed in a low voice, deliberately steering them into a different topic. 'The me that I was before the accident.' He pictured the way he'd openly flirted with Sam the other night, with flashes of his previous self peeking out through his current façade. 'I feel like I've got the me before the accident on one side of me, and the me after the accident on the other. And I don't know how to make them play nice.' He took a long, slow sip of the water, letting it slide across his parched tongue. 'And there's this guy…' His face softened just a bit. 'Sam.' 'He must be something special,' May noted. 'That's the first expression on your face I've seen that isn't a wary scowl.' Bucky nearly gave her an off-handed shrug, but his smile widened just a bit, as he rubbed the pad of his index finger over the burgundy stain on the cuticle of his thumb. A remnant of his mad dash to finish the birthday present he'd made for Sam. 'For some reason he likes me. Maybe as friends. Maybe more. I'm not opposed to finding out.'
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Imagine Sam and Bucky are invited for a fancy type of event where they're required to dress up formal. And they chose... to wear suits resembling each other's eye colors. As a subtle expression of their feelings. 💐💐💐
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questinwitchface · 10 months
Bucky and His Books - A Headcanon List
So I'm going to be posting a new fic tomorrow about Sam loving Bucky, who loves to read, and so I thought I'd post my headcanon list that inspired the fic I'm posting tomorrow.
Bucky will use virtually anything to mark his place in the book he's reading except bookmarks. Like, he'll use a receipt, a sticky note, a scrap of paper, a broken shoelace, a leaf, anything except a bookmark.
He doesn't dogear pages (he considers that fine if you want to do it to your own books, but do NOT do it to his books).
If it's a really good book, he'll write little notes in the margins or underline passages he really liked.
People have given him bookmarks to use, and he keeps them in a drawer in his desk at home because he doesn't want to use them, but he appreciates the gift.
There's at least fifteen bookmarks in that drawer. Sam gave him three of them before realizing that Bucky just won't use them.
Torres once borrowed one of Bucky's favorite books and left notes in the margins responding to Bucky's or notes of his own, and now that book is one of Bucky's most prized possessions, and he keeps it on the top shelf of his bookcase. That was also when he and Torres became actual friends rather than just coworkers.
There are hundreds of books in their house. Books in the living room, books in each of their offices, books in the bedroom that used to be Bucky's but is now the guest room, books on the end tables in the living room, books in a neat stack on the kitchen table, books on a little shelf in the bathroom so Bucky can read while he takes a bath, a book inexplicably on top of the fridge, books everywhere. Sam finds it exasperating at times, but he never says anything because the books everywhere make Bucky quietly happy.
Sam suggested Bucky getting an e-reader exactly once. The lecture Bucky subjected him to is legendary in the Wilson household. No one ever brought it up again.
Bucky makes faces when he reads. Like, the book will make him feel a certain way, and he'll make the expression to match, whether that's a cringe or a smile or even a blush. He is not aware that he does this. Sam finds it adorable.
Bucky always gives everyone a book or an audio book for birthdays and holidays in addition to their other presents. Each book is painstakingly selected for each individual, and he starts agonizing over these decisions months in advance. If he’s giving a physical copy of the book, he always selects it from his own bookshelves rather than going out and buying a new copy. He always writes a short inscription on the inside cover of the book, explaining why he’s gifting this particular book to this particular person.
Sam recommends Bucky read one of his favorite authors, and Bucky buys every book by that author and starts reading their entire collection of work the very next day. Sam has not even read their entire collection of work.
Sam never gives Bucky books as gifts because he can't ever keep track of what Bucky has and hasn't read. The exception is the day he proposes. He hands Bucky a book with the ring tucked inside, marking the page with a highlighted passage that says, "Will you marry me?"
Editing to add: You can now read the fic here!
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uhsolikethis · 2 months
(Sam and Bucky laying in bed about to fall asleep)
Bucky: *Turns to face Sam* Would you love me if I was a worm?
Sam: *Turns to face Bucky* Hmm... Sure. I'd wear shirts with front pockets on them so i can carry you with me. We'd have to change your name to "Burmy The Wormy" of course but-... babe are you crying?!
Sam: *Turns to face Bucky* Would you love me if I was a worm?
Bucky: *Sits up in bed to turn the light on and pulls out a journal* Obviously, but first, I would need to build you terrarium. Then I have to find the rat bastard that did this to you.
Sam: Haha ok babe I ge-
Bucky: I would stop at nothing to find this son of a bitch! I bet you it's Steve! MHMM You know he's always hated our relationship and wants to take you from me!
Sam: WOW, you know what? How ab-
Bucky: Why does Steve all of a sudden like gardening, hmm? What kinda grown man keeps a plotted pant next to his bed - as a matter of fact, let me call this SOB right NOW!
Sam: *sighs* Good luck with that I'm going back to sleep.
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thatmexisaurusrex · 2 years
Samtember Day 16: Variant/Multiverse
Hey, people! I’ve made another fic for @samtember2022! It's a fic inspired by @onesmolangel's Thor Corps Sam piece made for the "Wings/Angel" prompt earlier this week. I hope you all enjoy the fic! 🥰
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Clandestine Meetings
| Pairing: SamBucky | Rating: T | WC: 1.3K |
Summary: Sam Wilson of the Thor Corps of Doomsgard keeps meeting with Bucky Barnes of the A-Force of Arcadia. At first, it was about keeping the peace and exchanging information. But now... it's more. And Sam wished he was more conflicted about it, but he's not.
“Come here often?” Sam grinned despite himself. Bucky leaned on an aqueduct, half-hidden by the shadows. There was something about meeting him here. Every time. A jolt of excitement from their clandestine arrangement despite it being nothing more than an exchange of information. Sam and Bucky trying to broker peace between the A-Force of Arcadia and the Thor Corps of Doomsgard. There had always been shaky ground. It made sense to try to work together to stop any fights from breaking out between them. Or at least. It had started that way. More and more, it had become… talking. Hanging out. On the outskirts of Arcadia. In an aqueduct. Like two very normal people.
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abarbaricyalp · 2 years
An Unexpected Addition
Rated E // 8k words // AO3 // Prompt: All the AUs! Vampire/Werewolf @sambuckyauweek
A fledgling, a vampire, and a werewolf walk into a party...
Joaquin retrieved an invitation from the inside pocket of his jacket. “I have an invitation,” he promised. He smoothed his thumb over a smear of blood that was days too dry to rub away.
The king grinned and gleaming teeth appeared, bright and sharp. “Good. I’d hate to have to escort the most interesting guest away so soon.” He stood then and took a step towards Joaquin. For a moment, Joaquin thought he’d walked right through the dog, but he realized it was only that the king’s shoes were the same dark color and he’d, in fact, only stepped over it.
The dog’s ears flicked in irritation while the king came up to Joaquin, but by the time they were more or less toe-to-toe, the dog had decided to follow after the king and wind around his legs. It was even larger like this. It came up to Joaquin’s midribs and it was long. Longer than Joaquin was tall and Joaquin wasn’t short. It made itself smaller in order to snake around the king’s body, but its nose was still catching up to its tail and its paws were a little less sure as it paced circles. It was, Joaquin realized, missing a front leg, not that that seemed to slow it down any.
The king reached out to hold Joaquin’s jaw. His fingers were even colder than Joaquin was expecting. Joaquin had gotten used to running cold, to other vampires being cold. But the king was freezing. He dragged Joaquin’s upper lip back with his thumb and examined Joaquin’s fangs.
“You’re young,” he said observationally. “It’s been a long time since my eyes have been that red.” His eyes were, actually, a dark maroon, like blood spilled over dirt. Earthy and almost natural. The most dangerous kind of different.
“About five years out from the change,” Joaquin said.
The king let out a soft sound and seemed about to say something, but in the span of the breath he drew, the dog was suddenly a man standing behind him, one arm wrapped around his waist and an equally amused look on his face. Where the king’s mirth hid a cool danger, the dog’s amusement and a warning lived side by side in his eyes.
“Oh, Sammy, I don’t think you were ever this cute,” the dogman—werewolf, this was the werewolf, it had always been the werewolf—said with a grin full of pointed teeth, which were retreating back into his gums.
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wenellyb · 29 days
The reason why Sambucky is the superior ship and the Sambucky fandom is the superior fandom in all fandoms to have ever fandomed isn't because there is no toxic people in the fandom, because there is. It's because Sambucky shippers will call out the toxic shippers and keep them from spilling their bullsh*t into the fandom.
I've seen too many fandoms, with a few toxic shippers who were "let loose" and it "contamined" the whole fandom and made the fandom experience unbearable.
I'm talking about toxic stans criticising any character that dated one of the characters of their ship, toxic stans who harrassed the actors and actresses who they saw as a threat to their ship. And the problem is that the non-toxic fans didn't say anything or pretended not to see it, which only made the toxic stans bolder.
I've seen this with the Stucky fandom, where the fandom was so harsh, that the actress who played Steve Roger's love interest in Captain America: Civil War had her role reduced in the MCU, all because her character kissed Steve and the fandom made a scandal about it.
This is just one exemple, but there has been many times where the fandom became so toxic it started impacting real people.
I remember after the Falcon and the Winter Soldier aired, some Sambucky shippers tried to do it with Sarah Wilson, because she was a potential love interest to Buck and the rest of the fandom shut it down immediately. They would call out any post that was trying to make fun of or belittle Sarah's character, so eventually the toxic Sambucky stans wouldn't try it again.
I haven't seen that happening in other fandoms, and that's why my stay in the Stucky and Destiel fandoms was limited and I only kept up with Destiel by watching youtube edit... but stayed away from Destiel Tumblr or Destiel Twitter...
All the big M/M ships would provide a better fandom experience if those fandoms didn't spend so much time enabling the toxic stans.
TL:DR: Sambucky is the superior fandom.
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jemgirl86 · 2 months
You know what we need? More fics where SamBucky (or SamSteve) have kids… and we need them to be written by someone who has at least interacted with a human child before lmaoo. Yo, I’ll never forget this time I was reading a SamBucky fic that had a cool plot (I don’t even recall what it was, but I remember trying to hang in there because the plot had potential), but I eventually had to give up because their kid was so sassy that I was lowkey offended 😭. Like she was doing the most… sassy and bad, like disrespectful bad, but mostly sassy. It was pissing me off because it wasn’t even like necessary for the plot, and all I remember thinking was that the author couldn’t have possibly ever seen a kid interact with their parents before because it was just so unrealistic.
Anyway, yeah, more kid fics, but not Disney kid fics lol
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oreolesbian · 2 years
y’all will just brand two characters who hate each other and then end up together as enemies to lovers. but no. there’s layers to this stuff**:
friends to enemies to lovers (i.e., catradora): grew up together, started out close (platonic only for this one, will accept lingering crush/feelings, but never acted upon); had a falling out/tragic “breakup”, eventually worked it out and got into a romantic relationship they never got to have before
friends to lovers to enemies to lovers (i.e. wolfstar): similar to the previous, but they worked their shit out and actually had a relationship before the big “breakup,” which makes the back to lovers after all the enemy stuff all the more satisfying
lovers to enemies (i.e., satosugu; cherik; the doctor x the master): l loved you once, but you turned to the dark side and I can never forgive you despite the lingering sadness of having once trusted you like no other. i am vulnerable because you knew me. 😵‍💫😭 or just bickering bitter exes 🤪
enemies AND lovers (i.e., lawlight): i feel like this is so specific to light and L, but i’m sure there’s more. yeah, they hate each other and they also want to fuck each other. self-explanatory. toxic but in a fun way
enemies to friends to lovers (i.e., eruri; sambucky; violyn; gigolas; lumity): this is the peak of the content. this is what people really want in that enemies to lovers package. that middle ground of friendship where they dance around each other in a nice slowburn, denying romantic feelings whilst still getting used to tolerating one another’s presence bc they used to hate/extremely dislike each other…yeah 😎
**i just used ships i’m very familiar with, plus my own personal headcanons for the non-canon ones, but i’m sure there’s a trillion more examples of all these plus more
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tom-whore-dleston · 1 year
life in plastic 👠 - enemies to lovers w/ marc spector; “I have the feeling that you’re trying not to kiss me and I give you permission to just do it.” 👀
congrats again jordan, to the next 900 followers ❤️🥂
God Damn that Marc Spector
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Pairing: Marc Spector x f. reader
Genre: fluff/rom-com
Be aware of: enemies to lovers (?), SamBucky wedding, hella banter, alcohol consumption, Sam and Bucky are DRONK, accidental confession, making out, suggestiveness, Steven and Jake are not present
Summary: You grow closer to the man you hate when both of your best friends marry one another.
Word Count: 2k
Notes: omg Isla, please forgive me for how late I am to writing this 😭😭 I was starting to lose hope in finishing this but a sudden burst of inspo came and now I will be having Marc brain rot for the rest of the century dlkgjaldkhg thank you again for the request and I love you forever bb 😘🫶 Huge thank you to @sweetkingdomstarlight-blog for looking over it when I first started writing this and to @yummymatcha for being my Marc hype woman and beta-reader!! Remember to reblog and comment if you enjoyed what you read 😊
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Marc Spector was a name that made your eyes burn from how hard you rolled them every time you heard it. Even the thought of him and his shit eating grin made you want to pound your fist against a wall. However, you never did because he wasn’t worth bruising your knuckles nor putting a fresh dent in the wall. 
Years ago, your best friend, Sam, and his boyfriend, Bucky, set you and Marc up on a blind date. They figured that if they set up their best friends together, you all could go on fun double dates together. It was only five minutes into your blind date when you both realized how much you and Marc hated one another. Bucky and Sam were disappointed that it didn’t work out between you both so they tried to keep you both at a distance. That was until they got engaged.
It was no surprise that Sam asked you to be his maid of honor and Bucky asked Marc to be his best man. This also meant that you and Marc had to collaborate on making sure the wedding was absolutely perfect. The only obstacle you had to pass was not killing each other before the big day.
The first few times you met with Marc, you resisted the urge to stab him with the nearest object because of his sarcastic remarks. The only thing keeping you from murdering Marc in daylight was the image of your best friend beaming with his new life long partner all thanks to the work you did for him. Eventually, you learned to settle your differences with Marc and work as a team.
By the time Sam and Bucky’s wedding arrived, you and Marc watched your best friends become married. Thankfully, neither of you had a scratch or stab wound in sight. The rest of the wedding was full of love, laughter, and many, many drinks. You and Marc may have had a hard time seeing eye to eye in the beginning, but the one thing you could both agree on was an open bar all night. Unfortunately, it did lead to both Bucky and Sam getting wasted.
The newlyweds couldn’t make their grand exit out the banquet hall because they were stumbling over their steps. As maid of honor and best man, you and Marc stepped in to escort Bucky and Sam to their honeymoon suite at the top floor. While in the elevator, Sam turned to you with his eyelids half open.
“Hey,” he whispered loudly, despite only the four of you occupying the elevator lift. “Did you finally tell Marc that you like him?”
“What?!” you shrieked, face warming up like a tea kettle over fire. Although you fought to avoid Marc’s gaze, you already knew he was snickering with his hands on his hips. Meanwhile, Bucky stared off into space, watching the floor numbers change.
“What do you mean ‘what?’ You literally told me that you were going to take that tie off of him and wrap it around his wrists so you could-”
Saved by the bell.
You sighed, “Alrighty, you and Bucky are clearly drunk so let’s get you both to bed.” As the elevator doors opened, you and Marc dragged Bucky and Sam out towards their suite at the end of the hall. Sam giggled hysterically.
“Oh my god, Sam, Marc is soooooo hot!” He pitched his voice so it matched yours. You gritted your teeth as your lips turned into a thin line. He may have been your best friend, but right at that moment, you wanted to murder him more than the man you actually hated.
“Sam, gimme the key so I don’t have to search your pockets.”
“I know who’s pants you want to search though.” Your best friend looked at his equally drunk husband, both of them bursting into a fit of cackles. God, it felt like dealing with two 12-year-olds in grown up bodies. Finally, Marc jumped in.
“C’mon, Sammy.” The exhaustion was apparent in Marc’s voice. “Today has been a blast, but me and the lady need some sleep and would rather do anything other than babysitting you two.”
Sam blew a raspberry in Marc’s face. “What a party pooper.” He rummaged through his pockets, pulling out the key. Your best friend turned to you. “You sure, you wanna bang this guy?”
Blowing off his comment, you snatched the key from him, hovering it over the sensor on the door. As the door unlocked, you glanced over to Marc, mouthing a sincere thank you, in which he just winked smugly at you. 
You and Marc managed to guide Bucky and Sam towards the giant king size bed. Bucky and Sam didn’t bother shedding off their tuxes before climbing onto the bed and immediately falling asleep. Loud snores echoed throughout the bedroom, taking that as your sign to escape quickly without a peep.   
“Well, that was interesting.” Marc huffed out a breath of relief. You both chuckled in unison without looking at one another. 
“That’s Sam for you,” you added. “He talks out of his ass when he’s drunk.” The two of you began walking slowly to the elevator, trying to stall time so you could have more quality time together. By the time you reached the elevator, Marc cleared his throat.
“I don't know about you, but I’m starving. I barely ate during dinner and I have a huge craving for curly fries. Care to join me?” Your stomach rumbled as he mentioned dinner. The same dinner you also neglected since the steak you were looking forward to eating was a little too well for your liking. You nodded, stepping into the elevator before Marc.
“Yeah, I’d love to.”
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On the way to the nearest fast food joint that was surprisingly still open, you and Marc talked about the wedding, including all the pros and cons. It was safe to say that the wedding was an overall success, minus Bucky and Sam taking advantage of the open bar. You shared a few laughs with Marc while reminiscing on every single moment of the day. Even though he kept his eyes glued to the road, you took in the way they crinkled when he concentrated. 
Then, you began to notice other features that never crossed your mind. He would lightly bite his tongue after hearing your giggles. He’d also run his hand through his dark hair when there was a moment of silence. A few gray hairs peeked through on the side of his head, even on the stubbles of his beard. 
Yes, Marc was an extremely handsome man, and also yes, he was starting to grow on you. However, you still couldn’t shake yourself from the blind date that made you hate him all these years. Deep down, you knew it wasn’t fair to hold that grudge, especially with all the progress you have made with Marc. But were you truly ready for something more with the man that gave you hell?
“Hey, sweet pea, what’s on your mind?” That nickname gave you butterflies every time he called you that. He didn’t start referring to you as sweet pea until you started planning the wedding and demanded the DJ to play “Sweet Pea” by Amos Lee as part of the grand entrance playlist.
You brushed your thoughts off with a short laugh. “Oh, I was just thinking about what to order. I’m debating between a sandwich or cheeseburger. Or anything with cheese at this point.”
“Quite the inner conflict, I bet,” Marc joked. “Whatever you want, go ahead and order it. It’s all on me.”
“What? Are you sure?” 
“Don’t worry about it, sweet pea. I know you were swamped today so let me treat you.” Your cheeks warmed up and your palms grew clammy. 
“Thank you, Marc! Really, I appreciate you for having my back.” Suddenly, your hand was engulfed by Marc’s, his thumb grazing yours gently. 
“Consider this a second chance date.”
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As you headed back to the hotel, you ate your meals in silence. “Sweet Pea” blasted through the speakers and Marc caught you swaying to the song out of the corner of his eye, your cheeks filled with bites from your cheeseburger. He smiled to himself as he kept driving, sipping on his soda.
Once you arrived back, you had finished eating and fell into the typical fast food coma. You cursed as you exited Marc’s car, the frosty air biting at your exposed arms and legs. Marc rushed to your side, slipping off his jacket and draping it around your shoulders. The heat and smell from his body transferred onto you as you buried yourself into the jacket. A new sensation coursed through your veins, a sensation that you typically felt while thinking of Marc late in the evening. You tried your hardest to ignore it as he walked you to your room.
By the time you were in front of your room, you didn’t want to let go of the warm jacket, nor did you want to let go of this moment with the man you were trying hard to get out of your head. As you were returning the jacket to Marc, he shook his head and pushed it back towards you.
“Go ahead and keep it, sweet pea. I’ll come back and get it in the morning.” He gazed up and down your frame, thinking about how adorable you looked swimming in the jacket.
“Oh, okay. Good, I was still cold anyway.” You fought the urge to stare into his gorgeous gaze. All of a sudden, you were frozen. Your hand tried to reach for the room key in your clutch, but an invisible force was holding you back. Actually, it was just Marc using just one finger to lift your chin, forcing you to look into his eyes. 
“I have the feeling that you’re trying not to kiss me and I give you permission to just do it.” This caused you to blink in bewilderment.
“Uhh…excuse me?” You couldn’t believe the words coming out of his mouth.
“Second chance date. Remember?”
You rolled your eyes and backed away from him. “Jesus, Marc, you’re exasperating.”
“Ooh, that’s a big word.” Marc laughed. “I may be exasperating but at least I’m not the one lying to myself.”  
Your blood was boiling. For once, you were actually having a more than decent time with him and he decided to ruin it with his stupid remarks. You wanted to spit another insult in his face. You wanted to slap him, punch him even. Instead, you yanked him towards you by the collar and slotted your lips against his.
All logic flew out the window as you pressed your chest against his as his arms wrapped around your waist. His kiss was so intoxicating you could have fainted from the way his tongue slid across your lower lip. Your tongues tangled passionately, all the built up tension releasing for your mind and body. Marc pinned you against the door frame, causing you to snap back to your senses. You pulled away from Marc, catching your breath and straightening your posture.
“Well, there you go.” You threw your hands in the air. “Happy?”
“Unfortunately, no. You didn’t give me a chance to kiss you more.”
“Well, that’s too bad because it’s not gonna happen again.” You reached into your clutch for your room key. 
“You sure about that?” Marc asked rhetorically. You paused as Marc leaned his side against the wall. For a brief moment, you actually considered kissing him again right then and there. But where was the fun in that?
You scoffed and shook your head. “Good night, Marc.” Once your room key scanned against the door sensor, you wiggled the doorknob and retreated to your room, not bothering to glance back at Marc’s cheeky smirk. 
You shimmied out of the oversized jacket, throwing it over the armrest of the love seat. Then, you changed out of your dress and into a baggy t-shirt and sweatpants. Yet, the touch of Marc’s hands still lingered on your body. No matter how long you brushed your teeth for, your lips still savored the bittersweetness of his mouth. And you found yourself longing for at least one more taste.
God damn that Marc Spector!
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cobrafantasies · 10 months
You Make Me Feel Alive 
SamBucky | Rated M | 4,262 words | Complete | AO3
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Written to fulfill square I2: Vibranium for All Caps Bingo 2023, Round One, from @allcapsbingo!
Summary: When Bucky is gifted his new arm in Wakanda, he thinks it’s malfunctioning when Sam arrives. Eventually, he discovers his arm is trying to tell the whole world he’s got his first crush in seventy years.
Bucky glides his vibranium hand across the surface of the water. It’s cool and wet. He can’t get enough of how when the water is cold enough, it’ll send a shiver through his skin. Telling his whole body what he’s touching on his left side. So he touches the water, then waits, letting the metal warm under the sun. Then he dunks his hand under the water again. Feels the shiver.
He hears footsteps approaching behind him. It could be a number of people but it’s not a Wakandan because the sound of heavy boots digging into the sand sounds as the person walks. Regardless, Bucky’s in no rush to turn around. He’s sitting on the sand, his hand in the water, still appreciating the cool sensation under his fingertips.
The voice is familiar and Bucky recognizes it as fast as his heart skips a beat. His gaze snaps around, he hauls his hand out of the water and feels it drip onto his thigh as he drinks in the sight of Sam Wilson.
Bucky’s on his feet in the next second. His heart feels like a kick drum in his chest because why is Sam visiting him? He’s never visited before.
“Hi,” Bucky says.
Sam smiles and it’s enough to make Bucky’s almost lungs give out. That’s when the first whirl echoes from under the plates of his arm. Bucky ignores it, the prosthetic has made minor sounds from time to time.
“You in the middle of something?” Sam’s smile turns to a smirk and he points to the body of water.
Read on AO3
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staying-elive · 2 years
So in Endgame when Hulk does the first Snap to bring everyone back, it's daylight in New York, yeah? And the explosion from Thanos's attack and the resulting debris and dust cloud is presumably what makes the sky so dark during the battle...? (Either that or they snapped right before sunset.)
Anyway, my question is what time zone would it have been in Wakanda when Sam and Bucky reappear?
Because it would've been such a cool scene to see them reappear (like Monica's scene, or the transition with Yelena) where they reform and from their perspective the surrounding forest and sky melt away almost instantly from daytime into night.
How disorienting that would be, how that would show Sam and Bucky straight away that something was wrong and that time had passed (but they don't know how long), and everyone else is gone. And if they were calling out to find anyone, they would eventually find each other and then run to hug and hold onto one another because sambucky. 🥺
(I'm so annoyed that we didn't get flashbacks in tfatws. Still... over a year later. 😭)
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Bonded Pairs
Sambucky • 2,127 words • Rated M • 1/1 Chapters
AO3 Link
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Two littermates, previously unadopted at a local shelter, are separated after the shelter is burned down. One adopts Sam and eventually finds his way back to the other half of his bond, who's adopted by Bucky. They set out to connect their humans; unfortunately, Bucky's been ghosting Sam. Again.
“I’ve been told you’re under a spell.”
“We think so.”
“And, it’s nice. Not complaining, but something outside of us is drawing us together.”
“Close. Together.”
“Very close together,” Sam adds.
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This covers the Cat Familiar square of @sambuckyhalloweenbingo
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If you've ever read a fictional posted by @sygoflyy on Tumblr or ateerys on ao3, that's me. Both are me. And I very much panic about punctuation.
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avengersnewb · 3 months
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i must ask, was the skinny ass comment inspired by this interview in your fic 'compliment chicken'? i saw this again and immediately thought of the fic 🤣🫶🏻
honestly it does ring a bell, I'd say it was a reference to this comment. It's been a hot second since I was in sambucky fandom and I'm an old lady with terrible memory these days so :)) I'm sure you're right :)))
if anyone's interested in this sambucky texting (and eventual sexting) fic:
Compliment Chicken (E, 2,7k) Bucky's therapist asks Bucky to do an exercise with Sam, in which they should compliment each other, so Bucky has to contact Sam after months of ignoring his texts. The communication brings on feelings and confessions - turns out there is so much they've been waiting to tell each other.
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thatmexisaurusrex · 2 years
Samtember Days 14 and 15: Wings/Angel and Birds/Telepathic Powers
Hey, people! I’ve made another fic for @samtember2022! It's a fic inspired by a gif I saw @samothy-wilson posting, so I'm gifting the fic to them as well. It's counting for both the "Wings" prompt and the "Birds/Telepathic Powers" prompts because it has both. I hope y'all enjoy this vibey fic about Bucky summoning a fairy king named Sam! 🥰
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Summoning the Seelie King
| Pairing: SamBucky | Rated: T | WC: 1.6K |
Summary: Sam, the Seelie King, is summoned to the mortal plane. He decides to accept the summoning, curious as to where it may lead him.
“A summons,” murmured Redwing, “Strange that someone might hail for you.” “Don’t say it like that. I’m very popular,” said Sam, standing up from his gold leaf throne as fall itself wandered with him down the steps of his throne room, towards the mirrored water on the edge of it, “A lot of people would love to know me.” “True. But how many can actually summon you?” countered Redwing, flying off the throne and onto Sam’s shoulder, “Who would be reckless enough to summon a Seelie King?” His wings twitched. He didn’t have the sense. Not like many others of his kind. He had no idea what lay ahead in the future. But he sometimes had feelings. An instinct that called to him, told him to go. Something in Sam was clawing at him; it was screaming out to him that this was important. That it was going to be important. “Someone willing to take risks,” said Sam as he grinned at the thought, excitement bubbling under the surface of his skin.
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bucksangel · 11 months
okay but. sambucky with the “there was only one bed” trope during a mission and they’re arguing abt who gets it until eventually they both cave and decide to share it but THEN obviously sexy times ensue bc of the clear tension bc they’re idiots in love and the next morning it turns out bucky specifically chose that motel who “conveniently” only had one room with one bed bc he was tired of waiting around and wanted to shoot his shot
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