#ever since i saw that cosplayer i ... something in me changed
dirt-str1der · 4 months
Wolfwood is literally the weirdest character ever for me to project my forcemasc rhetoric on but it balances out because i always forcefem vash by calling him a blonde beauty
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cosplayinamerica · 2 years
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Spaceballs // Cosplayer: OYIMI Cosplay 
We, Ben (Lone Starr), Victoria (Barf), and Karen (Dark Helmet), start tossing out ideas where we can convincingly incorporate the wheelchair into the cosplay. There is usually a bit of bantering back and forth until we come to a consensus. We all agreed that making the Winnebago from “Spaceballs” would be fun and unique. It’s a favorite movie for all of us, and it is often quoted. Deciding who was going to be which character was easy for Ben and Vicki. Barf is usually in the Winnebago, so it was perfect for Vicki, who is wheelchair bound. Ben looks a bit like Lone Starr and would be in the Winnebago, too. Karen’s costume was a bit more difficult because there are so many other characters in “Spaceballs” that would be fun for her to play. She chose Dark Helmet combing the desert because she doesn’t like costumes that are too bulky or complex.
Plus, Karen really wanted the challenge of sewing the pith helmet and the fabric cover for the Winnebago. We then told our friend, Jacy (Skroob), about our idea and our character choices. Jacy said he’d be Skroob beamed backwards, especially since he likes to play characters with mustaches for me since it’s his one change to rock one without his wife complaining.
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We had an amazing time at ECCC 2023! The responses to our cosplay was priceless. As the Winnebago started to roll past people, they would get a curious look on their faces. When they saw Barf and Lone Starr, they’d get a smile and a chuckle. But we knew we did something amazing when they noticed Dark Helmet behind us combing the desert, and the people would clap, gasp, and double over laughing. Then the “Spaceballs” quotes started flying at us from every direction. The great thing about ECCC is the entire community is so accepting and supportive. We felt welcomed even though we took up half the aisle and the entire elevator. So many people told us that we should enter the cosplay contest because we killed it with our costumes. We entered the ECCC Sunday Cosplay Showcase, just as a fun thing to experience, but we were awarded the Best Group Cosplay. Apparently, we did really well.
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There was a moment that stood out to Ben, Vicki and Karen was meeting a woman, named Heidi, in a wheelchair dressed as an Irish queen with her husband and son dressed in Star Wars costumes. They were inching closer and closer to us as other people were taking pictures of us. When they finally came close enough, they noticed the wheels sticking out of the bottom of the Winnebago and realized it was a wheelchair. Heidi got next to the window of the Winnebago and when Vicki popped her head out, Heidi got a huge smile on her face and said, “OH MY GOD! I love the whole thing.” She was curious how we put the Winnebago was constructed and how we got the idea. We started telling them other ideas we had thought about doing and showed them some of our costumes. She was so excited and said she was starting to get ideas of her own since being in the wheelchair was more than likely a permanent thing.
We told them that if they ever needed any help figuring how to creatively incorporate the wheelchair into their cosplay or hints on building it that they could call. We hope we gave her some inspiration and will see her in an awesome cosplay next year at ECCC. For Jacy, it was just the overall vibe at the cosplay showcase we were in. How supportive and enthusiastic everyone was of each other’s hard work and passion.
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The frame for the Winnebago was built with pvc pipe that has been glued or pinned at the joints. Then the frame is attached to Vicki’s wheelchair with clamps. The pins and the clamps make it easy to take apart, transport and reassemble. The cover for the Winnebago was sewn together with canvas, cotton-poly fabric, ribbon, organza, bias tape, and interfacing. The decorative elements like the “Eagle5” seal, the bumper sticker, the license plate, and the portraits in the windows were all made from printable fabric. And it was attached to the pvc frame with zippers, snaps, and shoe laces, so we could easily put on and off.
The biggest challenges we faced making the Winnebago were scaling and sizing. Trying to scale down the actual Winnebago to fit on to a frame and look close enough to be recognizable in a smaller proportion was hard. The finished size of the Winnebago was extremely important so it would fit through doors and elevators. The size was especially complicated this year since ECCC moved facilities and we didn’t know if the doors and elevators were bigger or smaller than the old convention center.
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There were also some smaller challenges with the Winnebago, too. We wanted to add the wings for the Winnebago to take flight, but knew that if they were permanently attached we would never fit through doors and take up an entire aisle way. Making sure the wings were detachable was the only way it could work, but how was the problem. Ben and Vicki discussed numerous possibilities and physically put together a few before solving the problem with an easy slip-on/off joint. Another challenge was the unusual angles on the front of the Winnebago. There aren’t any pvc pipe joints with the angles we needed, so we looked all around the house and found a piece of plastic tubing left over from a different project. The piece fit perfectly into the pvc pipe with a little modification to make sure the tubing wouldn’t slip out.
We are very new to the cosplay scene. Everyone at ECCC has welcomed us with open arms, making us truly feel like we are seen for who we are. They don’t look at us and just see some generic white guys, a little old lady, or some poor girl in a wheelchair. They see us and the fun we are having. We also see them and the joy they experience when they notice us.   That is the best reward for us.
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beefmastersblog · 1 year
YAYYY SwampCon was this weekend. This was my first year attending, and I didn’t even know UF put on their own convention, so I thought the idea of that alone was very cool. I know that technically this post isn’t supposed to be due until April, but I wanted to write down all of my thoughts in advance, before I forget everything, since I finished up only a few hours ago.
I’ve been to a few larger conventions in South Florida, and I notice that each year there are usually large amounts of merchandise for whatever anime is popular at the time. This year, I noticed a lot of stuff for Chainsaw man which I thought was really cool. But I remember the last time I went a few years ago, there was a lot of sports anime stuff. It is interesting to watch how specifically the artist areas change with new trends in what anime are popular at the time with the fans.
I also notice that Dungeons and Dragons seems to be a pretty recurring theme at a lot of these types of conventions. I almost feel like it has become more popular lately though, I know there was an event for it at the convention, and there were many vendors selling DnD specific things. I wonder if that is partially due to it being repopularized with the Netflix show, Stranger Things.
It was also really fun to see people dressed up in cosplays and the ways in which the otaku engage in the repossession of fiction. I dressed up in an outfit inspired by one of my favorite anime characters, Rin Matsuoka from Free, and I was happy that someone complemented my free jacket :) and knew what the anime was.
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But I noticed that a lot of people went ALL OUT. I got to watch the cosplay contest and some of the cosplayers were so impressive! One girl had moving wings which I thought was so amazing. I know that it takes so much time and effort to cosplay, and I think that really emphasizes the passion that many otaku have for the specific anime that they are part of the fandom of.
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Tying into that idea of repossession of fiction, I really loved the vendor halls. I thought it was cool that there were a variety of things, such as the people that made little soap boxes modeled after your DnD characters. I really enjoyed sniffing all of the soaps. This is me sniffing the soaps:
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I also liked seeing all the super cute keychains, stickers, and buttons that were being sold. Unfortunately, I did not buy anything, but I did find a really cute Ebisu sticker from Dorohedoro that I was super tempted to buy, but I did not have any place to stick it so I did not buy it. But I was very excited when I saw the sticker in the first place, since so many people don't even know what that anime is. This is me looking at the booth that had the sticker I liked:
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I also was a volunteer, so while I was doing my shift and standing outside the doors, I noticed a lot of interactions between the otakus there. It was interesting to see the immediate bond that developed between people who were cosplaying something from the same show, and the excitement of taking pictures together. I thought that was really cute. I think that is something that is pretty unique to otaku, especially when it comes to that idea of fandom. I’m not exactly sure whether it is because that is the closest thing to actually meeting that character or simply because it is exciting to find someone with the same passion for a series that you have, but it was really nice to see the energy filled interactions between people of the same fandom. Since I was a volunteer, I was also able to see firsthand how much work goes into putting on this event. I think it is really amazing that people are willing to work so hard and take so much time out of their schedules for SwampCon to be successful and so that other people can come and have a good time. It hadn’t ever occurred to me before that planning conventions like these take so much work, and I think that is also a testament to the otaku’s passion for anime and pop culture, and the ways in which they want to help create a safe place for people to come together and enjoy those things.
But, of course, not everyone was necessarily enjoying SwampCon being there. I know that the stereotype against otaku was a theme discussed in anime such as Genshiken, and I did see examples of that here. For example, a lot of people at UF didn’t know the convention was going on, and there were many students that simply walked into the Reitz to pick up some food. I know a few people who saw the cosplayers and reacted negatively, believing that cosplaying characters is creepy and weird, and that the only time it is alright to dress up as an adult. I had a few friends that did make fun of them for dressing up, and also thought it was weird that I was even going in the first place. I thought it was very interesting, since, as someone who has been heavily involved in anime for the past 8 years, I had never really thought of cosplay as something strange at all. I was also under the impression that the idea of anime conventions and just enjoying anime in general was something that was becoming more popular. I remember, back in middle school, I got bullied for enjoying anime, even though by no means would I say I was creepy about it (I had a very basic, brown backpack with these teeny tiny love live characters embroidered on it and like one keychain). But still, that was something that I got picked on for. But as Attack on Titan came out with new seasons and became more popular among people that hadn’t seen anime before, I thought that this negative stigma had significantly decreased. I also would have thought that being adults and in college, people wouldn’t be so judgy about it, since a lot of anime are aimed at adult audiences. But I guess that goes to show that otaku culture very much still is something that gets stigmatized.
But despite the haters, I had a good time. I wish I took more pictures, but on Saturday I looked like I crawled out of the sewer so I was not wanting to take any photos of myself to post on here. I also wish I could have possessed one of those cute goose plushies, but I already have so many that maybe it is for the best. Overall, SwampCon was really cool. I can't wait to see it get bigger and better next year, and I'm glad I got to go. I think this also sparked my interest in going to conventions again. This summer I'm going to be in 3 different states, so maybe I'll be able to find some cool conventions around the country to explore.
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evasivaardilosa · 1 year
Almost finished the seasonal tower today
I was going really well and made it really high but I had to stop playing so I lost my progress
It doesn’t even matter because it actually isn’t that hard??? I mean, it will be a pain to go through all of that again, it’s *tall*, but I actually managed to go as far as I went without even using my talisman, not even once! I even got a flawless victory, against the Johnny cosplayers
You might be wondering, what about my worst enemies, the survive puzzles? Well. I was theorizing about it, why did was the third so much harder than the others (that I had done so far)? I was getting hit in all of them, I only managed to avoid some projectiles in the second one, with the meteors, because it worked differently. The first and the third were very similar, and when I got hit by almost every projectile in the first I still made it to the end, while with the third I died after being hit once or twice. So I wondered, maybe this had to do with elements? So I equipped a relic that raised my magic resistance (since the projectiles in the third puzzle are magic) and. That was it. I survived the third. None of the other puzzles gave me trouble either
I didn’t think it would work, it was just my first guess. I was planning on trying to farm those syringes that give you permanent resistance. I didn’t even check what Smoke’s elemental stats are
Btw I was using those syringes as they came, because I thought they applied to everyone, but I took a look at the stats of someone, don’t remember who, and saw they had negative levels of resistance to some element. Which worried me, because I am sure I have taken syringes for all of them. Then the possibility that they only apply to the character I am using when I use them came to me. I haven’t checked but it makes sense, the base stats for each character must be different since they are different elements too. Since them I have started switching to Smoke before using them, as I was already planning on using him in the seasonal tower (I didn’t get many since thinking of this though). Idk if it helped but maybe
So, yeah. The solution was getting a relic for the element I seemed to be weak against. It reduces physical resistance but it didn’t make too much of a difference in the fights, but it changed everything in survive
Idk if I will try again tomorrow, I am very frustrated that I lost my progress today so I may need more time. But I think it’s just a matter of time now
I’m already thinking of the after. I managed to get everything (except Havik’s stuff, for now, but I have the coins for him too) from the seasonal shop, but I have no idea of where I am in the shrine and, maybe because I decided to level up everyone at the same time, I’m only at level 8~9 with everyone (except, again, Havik). I don’t think mastery is seasonal so I probably won’t miss anything if I don’t max everyone in around 30 days. The shrine doesn’t seem to be seasonal in the sense that some stuff won’t be there anymore next season, but I am less sure of this one. Anyway the seasonal tower seems to be the last actual seasonal thing I have left to do, then it’s just collecting regular coins for the shrine and xp for the mastery. Both which are things I will get as I do it all over again next season anyway
So, if I finish the tower, I’m done? I still won’t have *everything*, but the stuff I’ll be missing is stuff I can get at any point? This is… weird. I don’t think I ever got this feeling with any of these games, of being done
Oh, right. I will try to max my profile level as soon as possible, if I am quick I may get just enough dragon crystals for fire head Scorpion (I wonder if I will regret spending what seems to be the only free dragon crystals I will get in those, what if there is something cooler later? But I mean, it’s fire head Scorpion. I don’t think anything could beat them.)
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Clouds on the Horizon
ahem, I mean, let's go
the Collector and Belos don't seem to like or trust each other at all, even though or maybe because lmao they've worked together for centuries
"what if it's all changed? what if you've changed?" both true, Belos is gonna hate 2022 even more than we do. also he'll catch every virus and illness known to man
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I LOVE the way this little bastard is animated
he doesn't want to make another grimwalker until "dealing with the current one" ugh
I'm wondering if it's just because he doesn't want the trouble of two at the same time or because he needs... parts from the previous one. one of the ingredients were bones from the original but it could also be that he uh, "recycles" them. ya know?
kikimora is a whole disaster huh
Blight siblings my beloveds
Odalia my despised
the language of loooove aw
Lily and Hooty being chaotic we love to see it
"you may be a titan but you're still a little guy" aw he wants to be useful
"Belos made sure we all have... replacements" oh I do NOT like that
using the curse to corrupt the spell is clever and makes sense but also... this all feels so risky
we don't know by the end if Eda actually got the sigil for sure, so we'll have to wait. Raine seemed very hesitant
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Lilith volunteering to do it seems important. I wonder if she'll try to switch with Eda, since she is there dressed as a scout
Hooty did wear clothes after all
Darius and Eber's plan: we may kill some people but hey, at least we stop this guy. flawless :)
Eda keeps talking like it's the end and I agree with King, she needs to stoppppp it hurts me
AN EGG I LOVE IT I'm sad we still don't know what her palisman will be, I assume it'll hatch next week, but that is so perfect. they get to choose, and whatever it is, it'll be the perfect match for her
or should I say, the perfect hatch!! heh? I'm hilarious
Eda supporting Luz and Amity's romantic adventures I love her
"tell Bossy Boots I said yooo" lmao
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I know Raine will do anything to keep their promise, but that's what scares me too
Raine annoying Darius with the CATs name is everything to me <3
"Titan help us" "I'll... do my best" god he is feeling so much
Hexside trio reunion !!!!! thank u for the serotonin
+ Hunterrrr my son made friends :') he's so awkward but making progress
and he got new clothes and a shower thank you
a little sad we didn't get to see Darius and Hunter interacting but it's good to know they've been in contact and we're all in the same page here
so yes, he hasn't told them about the grimwalker thing, that makes sense. I hope he gets to talk about it on his own terms rather than have it revealed by Belos or something, ugh
Gus using that little spyglass like a BADASS go my boy
"SORRY MAN" he is so funny
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not the going up the balcony with the flowers romance is SO alive right now
Odalia broke the little tamagotchi I will end her
grounded for arson, I'm impressed
I like that Amity trusts her dad to listen and believe them, but not her mom. they are not quite the same
the twins being like oh look who's here :) hehe let her finish this is cute
oh to have the most mundane, slice of life date ever with your cool witch girlfriend
the animationnnn the love
listen when I saw them hug I was like will they will they will they? nah they probably won't let them and then BAM
Eda seems to be in far better spirits than before finding out about the rebellion which makes sense, but also she's most likely putting on a facade of confidence with all the jokes and such hmm
she has accepted the curse as a part of her forever, which I like since it fits the chronic illness angle the story has given it. and hey, she still has glyphs if all goes wrong. I hope
Steve was extra serious this whole episode it made me uneasy
that creepy connection King and the Collector have is terrifying
he seems so much like a lonely child. a powerful, chaotic, dangerous child
snorse power, HA
why does that rat look like Alador? a cosplayer rat??
"I'm an asset gal myself" I would die for Willow
those wild witches are all so pretty! am I crazy or are they based on the cast and crew? nice
Alador and King bonding was not what I was expecting but honestly I loved it ahaha
seems the Blights' relationship is more of a business partnership where she is the unreasonable boss. checks out
things are gonna change after the Day of Unity indeed, sir...
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"we'll find you a new girlfriend" I love that she is horrible but still draws the line at homophobia, we don't need that here
so, Belos and everyone seem to know about the CATs. Does this mean... there's a traitor??? or were they just discovered?? oh god either way this is not good
"was it the power of believing in myself?" "NO" why did that take me out
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the way Alador blushes like Amity when they get angry. yes
she feels justified and like she's doing them all a favor, she wants to stay in control
very cool to finally see an oracle witch in action! even if I want her to lose
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I noticed "Luz" did Hunter's quick warp thing to shield Willow and was confused, it felt too intentional. very nice
also add one to the counter of Hunter instinctively protecting people. he does that a lot
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I am devastated this wasn't actually Hunter but this is so On Brand for Luz I love her very much
Gus an absolute icon for keeping up that illusion for so long while also kicking ass
"the jetpack actually works!!! :) oh, the jetpack actually works :("
very badass of Alador to destroy his own work and quitting his marriage job
Luz thought of a way to kill two birds with one stone: protecting Hunter by keeping him away from Belos, and helping Eda by being taken to her. But now she's alone heading directly to the emperor
she is so selfless but girllll be safe
she still has her palisman egg and her glyphs of course
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and so we end with this ominous shot
what is it with second to last episodes and the blood moon lately? and the way both matched the recent blood moon eclipse is pretty wild ngl
so I assume Amity, Willow, Gus, Hunter, King and Alador will head to the uh, the head, but they'll get there later. hopefully not too late
though I am scared for King being anywhere near there given the whole thing with the Collector... oh, next week will be INSANE
It'll be sad to say goodbye to the Owl House for the time being, but I know it'll deliver a crazy season finale. oof, can't wait
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mammons-tax-returns · 4 years
How would Lucifer, Mammon, Levi, Satan, Asmo, Barbatos, Solomon, and Diavolo react to a male MC who wears skirts (because *chants* men in skirts, it’s masculine af) on the daily? bonus if the MC wears black nail polish!
During this I imagined 💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻TANGO DANCER SOLOMON and thats going into my art idea list
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Not unlike all the other boys, Lucifer is willing to risk it all as soon as he sees it.
His favorite cut of skirt is the classic a-line ones, both modest and not.
A CLOSE second goes to wrap skirts.
This is a SFW blog so I will not be going into any detail at this time ✨
Literally loses his breath everytime he sees MC, and it surprises him.
If MC isn’t already wearing the RAD skirt, he’s already offering to get him a set. Almost too eagerly?
When MC decides to not wear a skirt one day, he tries not to make it too obvious, but he’s simply curious as to why is all. Maybe a tad bit let down.
MC insisted one time that Lucifer painted his nails for him, and...
“Well, normally Asmo is the one doing that for all of us...”
“But Lucifer 🥺”
“Alright... Fine. But I’ll have to continue my paperwork in between each layer.
It’s just kinda cute to think that he would spend an incredibly unnecessary amount of time on each nail, trying to perfectly lay down the polish. Occasionally, his tongue will poke out because of his concentration.
There’s some slip ups here and there, but mentioning them will only get him flustered.
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I don’t use this word lightlySIMP SIMP SIMP
He thinks he loves MC in every skirt imaginable just as equally as the last (which, he actually might) but deep down he can’t deny that a mini skirt just hits different.
The first time he saw MC wearing a mini skirt, mammon’s initial reaction was to cover him up before anyone could see him.
However, he failed to realize that he was actually the last of the brothers to see him, since he woke up late.
But that’s just what being the avatar of greed does to you. You just want to keep what’s yours, no matter what.
But considering his jacket isn’t as big as Lucifer’s or Solomon’s, he ended up just holding it up against MC’s lower half and stood in front of him.
It took the coaxing of MC and the snark comments of his siblings to make Mammon finally allow MC to walk around freely.
Looking back on it, Mammon most certainly understands why even Asmo had called him clingy.
But even now, he can’t help but hold MC a little bit closer in public when so many demons are staring at him! It just feels wrong to allow them to do that.
Cut him some slack, he thinks MC looks amazing, and he trusts him, but they’re literally in hell surrounded by demons. He just wants to keep his boy safe <33
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Levi doesn’t even realize what MC’s wearing at first.
In fact, he doesn’t realize even after their first FEW encounters.
He only notices because while Mammon was ranting to him and Satan about money, he brings up MC and his “stupid and cute but also dumb skirts”
Levi is baffled that he’s the only one that hasn’t noticed it. So, the next time he walks by MC’s room, he contemplates stopping by to talk. Right... Socialize. That.
While Levi is stuck in his thoughts, MC opens the door, presumably ready to go out to a party with Mammon and Asmo.
*fish man short circuits*
MC looks...! S-so cute....!
- thinks the third born otaku.
Because I’m big on fashion, I can kind of picture an exact skirt I feel would apply to him. Let your mind run free but I imagine a semi-sheer maxi skirt with water-like embellishments uwu
But don’t get me wrong, Levi literally loves seeing MC in skirts so anything will get him like 😳 yall know how he is
Actually starts to get more interested in feminine fashion because of MC. And one day, he purchases a long black skirt from Akuzon.
He saw a popular cosplayer wearing one, and so he makes that his excuse.
No one even realizes the change except for Asmo, who gushes over the new look, even if it barely changed. MC also notices, but only compliments him/brings it up when they’re alone so Levi doesn’t overheat.
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I was this close to typing “Satan is a man of beauty and FASHION” can you believe that
Satan... He can recognize when someone else looks ridiculous.
But he knows for a FACT. That MC very likely pulls off a skirt better than anyone he’s seen before.
Call him biased, but he sincerely loves it on MC specifically.
He likes the puffier skirts because they’re ADORBS, but for a more casual look, there’s this one asymmetrical skirt in particular that makes MC look so handsome to him.
He has no idea why men don’t wear skirts more often! Surely MC isn’t the only one that can do it!
Oh. Right. Gender norms 😪🤚🏼
Satan feels his anger crawl up his skin when he watches MC get ridiculed. And just for something he simply enjoys wearing! The nerve of demons.
He advances to “de-escalate” the situation in the most “avatar of wrath” way possible, but when he sees MC’s slumped shoulders walking away from him, he feels more inclined to follow and comfort him.
Satan gives an icy glare to the irrelevant demons, taking note of their faces, and goes after MC.
He doesn’t immediately bring up the situation, instead opting to go out on a spontaneous date to a nice café or a shopping district. Anything to distract from the situation subtly.
If his plan works out, splendid. Anything to make light of situation without even addressing it for even a day is good.
If the shopping and food doesn’t quite bring MC’s smile to his eyes, Satan will just have to be forward with his feelings for once.
“MC. I’m not entirely sure how I can get it through to you, but you shouldn’t be worrying about what some moronic, low-level demons think of you or your clothes. Much less what they say. Just be you, and make them suffer ten times worse.”
MC relishes in his words, even if the last bit sounded more like a threat than anything.
The last thing Satan would ever do is let MC even hesitate wearing an outfit that he would have had no trouble throwing on any other day because of someone else.
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Asmo screams (in a happy way)
“No, Mammon! You’re wrong. MC is NOT my personal dress-up doll! He’s my model.”
Trying to break the stigma around Asmo’s “shallow” personality, let’s get the obvious things out of the way.
He and MC shop together pretty much every other day. It’s almost concerning. And nail appointments are, of course, regular.
Yes yes, Asmo loves the skirts and wonderfully glossy black nails, but there’s still such a massive divide between him and MC. Not physically, or even relationship-wise.
He’s never met someone like MC, who is so fashion-heavy and just the right amount of self-centered.
He thinks its the fact that they’re a human and demon. But he’s seen firsthand that the line between what makes a demon so different from a human is very thin. Solomon is an example of that.
But he realizes it’s just MC. He’s simply dressing for himself and himself only.
Asmo loves himself, there’s no doubt. And it’s nice to go out and dress fancy for others. He couldn’t dream of another lifestyle.
But he has to admit that what MC is doing is working for him. He comes off as a charming sort of man when he ignores the negative comments made about his clothes.
He knows that people in both Devildom and the human realm are a little sensitive when it comes to men in skirts. And the fact that MC continues to wear them is beautiful in and of itself.
This got kind of deep out of nowhere and i apologize but Asmo deserves to be seen for more than he’s constantly portrayed as 😞
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Diavolo isn’t really thrown off that much by it at first, but as time passes, he starts to understand the appeal of skirt-wearing MC.
Barbatos has to remind him that it’s rude to stare, but he finds it almost entertaining how whipped they BOTH are for MC.
Like Asmo, he actually loves bringing him out to shop!
The only difference between the two experiences is that Diavolo has no fucking idea what he’s doing when he picks out clothes for him.
Which leads to some pretty funny/terrible clothing combinations.
No, Diavolo, MC will not be wearing a flannel top with a camouflage hi-low skirt. Put those plaid socks away.
He’s confused and even a little sad when MC continues to turn down his ideas, but he figures that he should turn this into a learning opportunity.
So he lets MC grab whatever he wants, and patiently waits for him to finish up in the fitting rooms.
The store clerk is shitting her pants at the sight of the literal future ruler of Devildom hyping MC up with the energy of a puppy retriever.
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Barbatos does an amazing job pretending like this doesn’t affect him.
He’s a classy man, he just internally loses it when he sees MC in any fancy skirt, really. From silky gold ruffles to a victorian-esc vibe, he’s obsessed.
So when Diavolo makes arrangements for an event/ball, Barbatos makes sure to, at the very least, offer to help MC get ready at the castle. He may not be the most fashion-centric but being able to spend time with MC in an extravagant get up is enough to make a demon butler interested.
Most of the time he’s disappointed because in between the seven brothers, he’d be lucky to be able to see MC at all because of how jealous they can all get.
I can imagine that even Diavolo doesn’t get to hear what Barbatos has to say about MC and his ability to make him weak at the knees.
But all it takes is Diavolo prompting, “MC’s outfit tonight... It was a sight for sore eyes, correct?”
Then, Barbatos lets a compliment or two slip out.
I can also imagine MC wearing a slightly short snd flowy skirt, and some rather disgusting demons waiting for it to get picked up by the wind, only for Barbatos to already be there, discreetly holding the fabric down and shooting them an intensely calm smile
Barbatos will always be one step ahead of creeps.
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sneaky boy is sneaky.. especially with the constant glances he gives MC.
Solomon’s favorite type of skirt to see on MC is DEFINITELY pleated. No other option.
Unlike Lucifer, if MC isn’t wearing a skirt, he makes it clear that he wishes he would’ve.
It’s in a playful manner, though! Don’t worry.
“No skirt today? Bummer. That’s fine though, I can’t expect myself to feel attracted any less.”
I imagine MC wearing a flowy skirt to some sort of event at the demon lord’s castle, and he uses his magic to make it temporarily sparkle or shine.
This mf flashy and wants EVERYONE to know that MC is dancing with HIM and no one else.
But if you ask him about it, what? What’re you talking about? Lights?? Emitting from your skirt??? While we were dancing ?¿ Crazy talk. I would never do such a thing.,.
As childish as it is, he loves to see the way it flows when MC twirls or turns.
Not in a weird way, either. It’s just beautiful to him.
So, not to be cheesy (which he WITHOUT A DOUBT is.) but he’ll occasionally just spin MC by his hand throughout the day, then catch/dip him by the waist.
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nochiquinn · 2 years
exandria unlimited: calamity episode 1: fantasy art deco
cautiously excited
oh is this gonna be one of the things where everything starts all fucked up and the rest of it is How We Got Here
(I'm specificially thinking of The Untamed)
that escalated quickly
oh no travis is Attractive
oh no
I am aabria hiding her face
"is it too late? can we go back? we're only five minutes in!"
"lucky 13!"
"a griffon" disgruntled wynne noises
"that's the end of the campaign"
sam gets the mgs ! noise
aabria and travis experiencing trauma
tag urself I'm travis
ever since I made the dragon age joke I'm only seeing this guy as Duncan
"this whole episode is a trigger warning!"
hey the petals to the metal joke last week was a JOKE
dead gays and flowers
marisha's eye makeup in this light
the campaign 1 kids losing their shit
ZERXUS that's his name
"I think I'm in the wrong class" "yeah I was auditing for the fun thing"
"stop being cool like we don't remember what just happened!"
you made a 1920s fop type didn't you
I put on my robe and bellhop hat
outer worlds, that's what this makes me think of
[stares out at the third night of rain] I want to live there
yeah yeah hell yeah
the era of hextech
The Ground Ones
"they'll move or don't"
"there's been a couple don'ts in the past"
"it's a choice"
that feels unsafe
these two are going to kill me
oh no
"I'm not safe on this side of the table"
you have to tell me if you're a dragon
fantasy victor temple
oh no
fantasy racism
not the baby wizards
I'm gonna cry so much over these children later
"the sphinx is pitching alts on his roar"
ooooh the set
it's funny bc as soon as I heard "ring with an eye" I went "ukutoaaaa"
ooh the gold shimmer animation on the art
!! that's the guy!!
this npc sounds like red green
"you're in a different movie from the rest of us!"
"new god of jerkin' off"
this is some district 1 shit
brumestone??? in your HAIR???
cosplayers trying to figure out how to make shit float
"you can turn into a bear so WHAT"
"this used to all be orange groves!"
I love how reactive aabria is
is aabria left-handed? everybody take notes again
oh, so it's hubris
wizard racism
oh no
"I'll speak to nydas" can't believe we're gonna have a pc death in episode one
every single variation of eye emoji in the discord
"I think you mean his pet platypus-bear"
is patia's house the stain glass from the intro
the hot me dogs
"forgot to drop haste"
oh he's back
almost three hours later
oh we're setting me up to be sad again
my thought at the begining "you know I won't look like this when I get back" might mean he had been gone for a while - most of Elias' childhood, I'm guessing
he was like 5 in the vision, right? so if that's when zerxus saw him last he'd be like 12 now - the perfect age for resenting your dad being gone
I didn't absorb a fucking word of that
my theory is still mostly valid
birb children
"extra-terrestrial knowledge" moon lore
"is there something?" "I mean y - " "GIMME"
keeps smacking it trying to get a better signal
aabria whatcha doin
"I'll tell you after"
he's just A Guy
I've missed level 14 rolls
loquatious is EXACTLY the type of person to have a magic verbal wite-out
is that the name that was on the raven statue in kymal? I think I assumed at the time that it was the raven queen's mortal name
and she like. directed mor to fucking powderize it
"free advice change your first name"
zoom and enhance
his eyes do jazz hands
well rip this guy
oh cool I hate it
you leave my mom out of this
"goddammit not to ME"
"tune in next week and see if things get better"
[shakes the internet until episode 2 falls out]
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Delaying my nightmares:
Pairing(s): L x reader
y/n = your name
y/f/c = your favorite color
y/f/o = your favorite outfit
y/h/c = your hair color
A/N: this is a collab piece for @elektrosonix here you go love ❤️
Summery: L has a rough day at work but you cheer him up with some good old nostalgia
Warning(s): mentions of death, L being out of character, minor cussing
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Your eyes screwed tightly before opening as you saw L leave his bed. L’s messy black hair flew all over the place as he grunted and stretched his hands in the air to make himself looser then he already was. You almost immediately perked up and sat up on the bed. “Where are you going?” You asked finally, choosing your words carefully. L looked back and softly smiled at you before he gently patted your y/h/c hair.
“Work, somebody has to catch up on this Kira guy.” The male answered plainly, you rubbed your eyes. Tiredness hung thickly in the air and you desperately needed L’s warm and comforting scent. He smelled like fire just beginning to start and there was always a hint of liquor scent on him even though you knew very well that he hasn’t drank liquor in his life.
“But it’s like three in the morning...” You grumbled sleepily, getting out of bed and wrapping your arms around L’s slim shoulders.
“Yeah, I am running late,” L stared plainly before kissing you on the cheek. You sighed in defeat, turning around and seeing L go off into the distance of your house. You stayed where L had once been. Refusing to believe that he actually left you again.
It wouldn’t be anything out of the normal that he did, it is just that usually he would stop for breakfast. But ever since this Kira guy has been popping up all across Japan L has been spending more time at the office. Hell, Light knew him better then you did at this point. It was for a good purpose. It is going to all play out for us... you thought before getting a text by L.
Grumpy panda😡🐼: what are you doing still standing around the room?
You let out a sigh in defeat before waving at the camera that L had placed in your guy’s rooms
Y/n👸: I was just thinking baby
Grumpy panda😡🐼: ok then…
You decided to get out of the bedroom and get in the shower. As you undressed you began to think about all that has happened with Kira.
Kira was a now well known killer who killed his victims in a strange way. He didn’t need to be near the person to kill them. But the death was usually in a case of heart attack. His victims that he killed where always criminals, his first murder was a mere test to see if whatever power he holds works.
You stepped into the shower and turned on the hot water, waiting patiently for it to warm up before you stepped inside and began to continue your train of thoughts.
Everyone in person called Kira a monster, however, everyone online seemed to agree with the Kira. It was logic, if somebody does something illegal they deserve to get punished. It might seem wrong on the outside, but, we are all secretly glad that somebody did the work that tons of others feared to do. Your thoughts on Kira? Same but different as everyone else’s. If someone does something bad and gets punished by going to jail to something bad happened in their lifetime then it’s not that enough? They don’t deserve death! That’s the main reason that you sided with L, a lot of times you disagreed with your husband. A lot of times you argued with him (or didn’t even have time to argue with him). So Kira brought peace in the marriage of L and you, and you silently thanked Kira for that. Sighing to yourself you slipped out of the shower and grabbed a robe to wrap around your body. The robe was y/f/c colored and very fluffy. Sometimes, you used it as a blanket when all the other blankets that you owned where being dried/washed. Stepping outside the bathroom you gripped a pen tightly in your hand and pulled out Life Note. Life note was something that was passed down from generation upon generation in your family. Life note had a white book cover and spine, there was silver lettering that read “life note”, on the back of the book there where introductions on how the life note worked.
You needed to picture somebody in your head and write down their name, if you do it less then a minute then the person you wrote in the journal would come back to life.
You needed to reverse Kira’s work, he had destroyed what you where working on in a instant and you where pissed to say the least.
“Haruto will come back to life at 7:00 PM”
You wrote out hurriedly, your hand now use to writing fast that your handwriting was almost unreadable to everyone except yourself (and sometimes L). You where about to write another name when Tenshi showed up and stopped your hand.
“You should focus on L more sweetie,” Tenshi suggested. Yoy clenched your jaw tightly and narrowed your eyes before sighing and nodding your head reluctantly. Gently you put down your pen and closed life note. You stored the life note in a secret compartment that on you knew. Not even L knew about this spot. Only you. You and nobody else. That is how it has always been in the family, if someone finds it then it will be snatched from the grasp of the l/n family and into another’s. Somebody who might use it for evil or their own selfish needs and desires.
“Fine…” You mumbled, a slight pout forming on your lips as you got up from the desk and went to the living room. Your living room was to your left and the kitchen was to your right, their was a narrow front door (you owned a bar so you and L decided to live in the basement). Looking around and thinking back to your husband L, the first thought that came to
Your mind was that he didn’t have much of a childhood. He was always separated from everyone at a young age. So, the most logical and childish thing to do was to build a pillow and blanket fort. You smiled widely at the idea, L wouldn’t be able to hold back and he would have to cuddle you! You happily gathered the pillows and blankets and made a tunnel that went around the coffee table and led to the guest room. In there you spread out the pillows wide enough that is almost took up the whole room. You brought into the opening a blow up mattress, twinkle lights, and lots of blankets. You then backed out and quickly changed into y/f/o and began to bake some vanilla cake.
You had been making cakes for L since you could remember. You where the only friend that L was allowed to have because you where equally as smart as him. Unfortunately for your parents you dropped everything and became a bar owner with a side job of professional cosplayer. And from time to time you went with L on meetings if the crew had their eye on annoying L. You popped the cake into the oven and waited for a few moments.
The oven alarm alerted you that the cake was done, you silently thanked the gods and brought the cake out for it to cool down a little. As it cooled down you pulled up some recipes for orange icing and began to make the icing.
Once the icing was finally done the cake was more then ready to be decorated on with icing and other things that bakers may put on it. You coated the cake with light orange icing and lemon yellow sprinkled on it. Happy with the result you brought the cake to the big opening of the fort and then brought some plates, knives, forks, and napkins. Your phone ringed the tone of “Arcade” in violin and you quickly answered. Knowing that you picked the ringtone especially for L.
“Hey L!” You chirped on the phone, grunting as you got up and left the fort. Ready for L to say that he was ready to come home or that he missed you so much.
“Hey y/n.” L answered back, his voice quivered slightly and you could tell that something was up with him.
“What’s wrong?”
“Something happened…”
Your eyes widened as you forgot everything you where planning and grabbed your purse, your breath hitched in your throat and tears started to bubble at the corners of your eyes. But, just as you swung the door open you saw L standing there in front of the door. He looked perfectly fine and he still had the phone to his ear, hanging up the phone and glanced at you and giggled softly.
“Light got mad at me for not taking care of my beautiful significant other so of course I had to prove him wrong and show up…” L smoothed, looking at you and smirking knowingly.
“L!!!” You exclaimed, jumping into the black-haired man’s arms with excitement buzzing through your body. “Come on, I have something to show you!!” You explained, grabbing L’s wrist and dragging him to the entrance of the fort. L cocked his head to the left slightly and stared at you for a few minutes with a confused expression on his face.
“What is that?”
“That is a pillow fort! Since you didn’t have much of a childhood, I thought I would show you them…” You trailed off, now suddenly thinking that the idea you had in your mind was pretty stupid now saying it out loud.
“REALLY?!” L exclaimed, his eyes uncharacteristically beaming with joy. His voice all of a sudden got playful and childish. “How do you get in?” L inquired, bending down and trying to see if there was a gap but enough for him.
“Over here, you open this pillow and it opens into a tunnel! Follow the tunnel and you will get to the main part.” You showed L, opening the pillow door and smiling at him. L went directly in and crawled to get where he was suppose to go. You followed closely behind and heard a happy Yelp from the pale skinned male as he jumped in pure excitement. You followed closely behind and had to push him forward so you could go in as well.
“And you made cake?!” L asked, stars seemed to gleam in his eyes as he saw all the effort you out in. You chuckled slightly and scratched the nape of your neck before giving a coy smile to L.
“Yeah, it’s vanilla cake with orange icing and lemon sprinkles!” You answered sweetly, L still kept on a smile as he climbed on the blow up mattress and grabbed a piece of cake. You silently called it a victory for yourself to see L so happy at your house.
“Can you cuddle me?” L requested in a baby voice that made your heart squeeze. You gave your husband a warm smile and flipped over L so he was laying on your chest. L happily obeyed and even let out another smile as he ate the cake.
“How was work?” You hummed, not really wanting to know the answer but still wanting to hear L’s soothing voice that brought the angels at peace.
“Boring, more and more paperwork. You would think that in my job I wouldn’t complain about being bored but…I guess that’s just how it plays out!” L responded, his tone deepened a little. Like his hopes slowly drained away from him. You rubbed circled on his back to reassure him that everything is fine. L looked up at you and giggled playfully before playing with your hair. You hummed in contentment as he twirled your hair in his fingers. Rain started to patter on the window, making the sound echo through the walls, the silent sound of the bar coming through to the fort.
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bedlamsbard · 4 years
All right, reactions to Mando 2.05, “The Jedi”, in...semi-coherent form. Spoilers, obvs. I hated this episode, so keep scrolling now if you don’t want to see negativity.  This is not in any kind of order except stream-of-conscious.
again, I reiterate, spoilers.
again, I reiterate, this is REALLY negative.
Rosario Dawson...yikes.
how...did Bo-Katan know that Ahsoka was on Corvus? are they in contact? since when? Ahsoka seems to have been on Corvus for long enough to be a nuisance to the Magistrate (Morgan Elsbeth), but normally Ahsoka is very efficient and she just...really does not seem to be here? I did not get the impression she was planning on sticking around for any period of time.
(the same could be true for Frog Lady and Bo-Katan on Trask several episodes back. that wasn’t a convert, that was three Mandalorians hanging around the port in cloaks. I guess they could be doing that on the regular, but? would the Empire not then be more worried about being attacked by Mandalorians?)
there was only ever a very, very slim chance that I was going to be happy with any translation of Ahsoka from animation to live action.  I am on record as thinking that animation is the medium for Star Wars and that live action is always going to be a weaker medium than animation and that a lot of things that can be done in animation just cannot be translated to live action in any meaningful form.  I knew Ahsoka’s fighting style couldn’t translate to live action convincingly (here’s what I said about the mo-capped duel in TCW); it never occurred to me that they couldn’t pull off TOGRUTA given that Shaak Ti, you know, exists, and also there are so many excellent Ahsoka cosplayers.
(Consider KM Creations’ excellent silicone lekku (S7), which have beautiful movement; the cosplayer behind that is CallMeSnips and her epilogue prototype is from SWCC is in there somewhere.  I think Rei Kennex’s are latex (you can tell they don’t have much movement) but at least they’re the right length.  I think Ahsoka94′s are also latex (again with the movement); this is her Mortis vision grown-up Ahsoka.)
I feel very “you have made your bed and now you have to die in it” about that -- apparently the reasoning is for stunts and movement, but for me here’s the thing: her lekku length wasn’t optional.  This is not the equivalent of changing a hair style, which some people seem to think (believe me, I have read so many hot takes); this is like...I’m trying to think of a good comparison.  Like putting Peter Mayhew or Joonas Suotamo in a wig because Chewie’s head was too hard for the actor to see out of, or giving them normal human hands because they can’t grip with the Wookiee hands.
Also your main character wears a helmet at all times that (if it’s anything like my Mandalorian helmet) is pretty poor visibility and full body armor and THIS was your breaking point for stunts?
Ahsoka’s lekku and montrals grow as she ages. These are about S7 length; as @reena-jenkins put it, THEY DE-AGED HER HEAD.  Ahsoka fans coming in know this.  PEOPLE SAW THE REBELS EPILOGUE.
I wonder how many of the people being self-righteous about being totally fine about Ahsoka’s lekku are the same people who claim that Katee Sackhoff is too young to play Bo-Katan.
this also puts them in a weird position in regards to the inevitable merchandise: do they go with normal Ahsoka from TCW and Rebels, the one everyone is familiar with, or do they go with these stunted lekku?
(I can’t believe they’re going to make Her Universe sell merch with this Ahsoka on it. it’s not going to happen but I wish HU was going to be petty enough to not sell any nu!Ahsoka merch.)
Here is some nice art of how Ahsoka’s lekku and montral should have looked.
hoo boy were those prosthetics also just Bad.
“but the stunts” buddy I’m sure Pedro Pascal and his various stunt doubles aren’t having a great time in full armor with almost no visibility either
if you’re going to put the character in, do it right
look, I am really, really aural -- the best example I can give is that even though intellectually I know that Matt Lanter and Hayden Christensen both play Anakin Skywalker, I literally cannot parse them as both being the same Anakin Skywalker and for that reason TCW and the PT don’t exist for the same continuity for me.  (This also goes for Ewan McGregor and James Arnold Taylor, Natalie Portman and Cat Taber, and Samuel L. Jackson and TC Carson. I can kinda cope with the multiple Palpatine VAs. Yes, the decision to use Hayden and Sam in Ahsoka’s vision in “Shattered,” even blending into Matt’s voice from Hayden’s, threw me so badly I couldn’t take the vision seriously.)  Ashley Eckstein has a very distinctive voice, and moreover has been the only person to ever voice Ahsoka up to this point (even in the Ahsoka novel audiobook). Barring a MIRACLE I was never going to be able to parse another actress’s voice as Ahsoka’s, solely because of how my brain works.
I could probably have parsed someone else’s face because animated Ahsoka is pretty stylized but the voice thing is a huge problem for me because of how aural I am.
(I say this but when Squadrons did a more live action-style Hera -- knowing they mo-capped Vanessa Marshall I think they used Vanessa’s face for Hera’s, which is also what it looks like on the revised art and face sculpt for the Black Series Hera -- I kind of had a meltdown about it (for...weird reasons). And that was the same VA.)
(The timeskip between TCW and Rogue One, then Rebels, probably saved Saw Gerrera for me here, but he was also never a main character.)
can you believe that Sam Witwer’s Maul got more live action respect than Ashley Eckstein’s Ahsoka
I love Sam’s Maul but wow
this is particularly jarring because Dave Filoni and Ashley Eckstein always seemed like they were friends? I realize that this gets skewed by how little of their actual lives we see online, but that is the vibe that I’ve gotten from interviews and social media posts.
can you believe that TROS gave more respect to Ashley Eckstein’s Ahsoka than Dave Filoni’s Mando episode did (here is her statement on TROS.)
back in March, when the Dawson casting rumors first dropped (or leaked, as the case may be), Ashley posted a statement about it saying that she was not involved in The Mandalorian. she has over the years been very vocal about desperately wanting to play live-action Ahsoka, who is a character solely associated with her up until today, and honestly this just breaks my heart.
I am not the massive Ashley Eckstein fan that many Ahsoka fans are, but I have never heard anything bad about her (I saw her at my hotel at SWCC while I was waiting for my roommate to arrive! that’s the closest I’ve ever gotten to her, a distance of about six feet), and I really desperately hope that someone told her about this beforehand and she didn’t find out from watching the episode.
Also, while I’m here talking about Ashley Eckstein, the characterization here was extremely off, in that specific way that happens when a writer/director is working with their absolute favorite character, DAVE FILONI. I do trust Ashley to course-correct Dave on Ahsoka (in the same way we’ve heard about Sam Witwer pushing back on people about Maul), and that...was not happening here.  (I think Katee Sachoff said something similar to this about Bo-Katan in her interview last week, as well.)
how did you get Bo-Katan so right and Ahsoka so wrong
look, Dave Filoni is truly living up to George Lucas’s legacy in that he can story tell pretty well but he’s not actually that great at nitty-gritty of writing and directing. (none of the really good TCW episodes are his.)
this episode made me think of A Friend in Need (which he directed) which is not, like, a BAD episode but quite notoriously includes the Bo-Katan ass-slap and also Ahsoka beheading four Mandalorians at once.
it also includes a helpless village of oppressed and exploited Asian-coded civilians who are there mostly as background scenery so the bad guys can be bad and the heroes can feel righteous
I’ll come back to that one
the level of violence in this episode was...weird. honestly, too high? in a way that probably would not have registered if it was anyone but Ahsoka. look, I am an animated shows person. I know TCW and Rebels inside and out. I know that neither one is particularly shy about killing off faceless bad guys (though if you watch Rebels S1 compared to Rebels S4 they really dial back the amount of fatal violence the main characters commit in the last season, lol).  But this felt off for Ahsoka in a way I can’t really articulate.
why is Ahsoka attacking a random Mandalorian (her allies are Mandalorians!) who is walking through the woods WITH A BABY? WITHOUT WARNING?
part of that is just her movement -- when they animated her for TCW back in 2008, they made a deliberate decision to give her mannerisms and movement and a fighting style that a human can’t do because she isn’t human and animation can do that. which means that they hobbled themselves when they came to translating her to live action because uh a human can’t do that.
something about her lightsaber blades looked really, really wrong and I can’t put my finger on what. it’s like they just used the illuminated blades of the stunt sabers but didn’t do the extra CGI that the films do? I don’t know.
Ahsoka did a LOT of dramatic posing and what WAS that?
Dave can’t direct live action, that’s what that was
since when can you canonically convey that much information mind to mind
are Ahsoka and Grogu a dyad in the Force (I know the answer is no but also: what? what was happening?)
the only people we’ve seen who can do that sort of thing are Quinlan Vos and Cal Kestis, who both have the rare talent for telemetry, and even that’s not mind to mind communication, that’s touching a thing and going “YIKES”
you are telling me that Ahsoka Tano, whom six months ago we saw take on Darth Maul, a whole barrage of Mandalorian warriors, and her entire clone trooper battalion and walk away without a scratch, had to work up a sweat fighting one woman with a spear
you do know that we all saw TCW and Rebels right
and here’s the problem! this episode makes zero sense if you HAVE seen TCW and Rebels because (1) she doesn’t look right (2) she doesn’t fight right (3) timelines? we’ve never heard of them? (4) is Thrawn back? did you find the Chimaera? (you all do remember that Ezra and Thrawn aren’t out there alone and are in fact with a 40,000 man crewed star destroyer right) (5) did you NOT find them? (6) are you even looking? (7) this is supposed to be AFTER the Rebels epilogue unless you’ve decided to take advantage of that specific ending scene not being super specifically dated and if it’s before IT MAKES IT EVEN WORSE! because I desperately hate that epilogue and its implications EVEN AS IT IS! (8) why would you call this episode “The Jedi” when since 2013 Ahsoka’s whole thing has been not being a Jedi
to be fair I’m pretty sure S7 tried very hard to course correct that but unfortunately, they could not because the rest of canon exists
are you still trying to deny me grown Ahsoka and Rex when we know you got Temuera back for a five second shot of Boba
to be fair I would have the same aural problems with Temuera voicing Rex because that’s Dee Bradley Baker as far as I’m concerned (I reiterate that this is because of how my brain process character and sound, not anythign else)
if you haven’t seen TCW and Rebels this is a random Jedi wandering around for no specific reason namedropping a completely random person who has no prior significance unless it’s going to turn up later
this entire show has consisted of namedropping random people and things with no prior significance within the show itself and it remains entirely unclear whether they’re ever going to have significance within the show itself
look, I can buy Ahsoka not wanting to train the kid both for her stated reasons and for some implied stuff from earlier on in canon (the kids in the Ahsoka novel, the babies from Future of the Force), even what happened with Ezra, and obviously she has Plans and cannot haul a baby around with her when that baby is going to be a baby for an indeterminate amount of time
which honestly is something that ought to come up because even if Ahsoka wanted to train the kid by the time she grew old and died he might, if we were very lucky, have advanced to being essentially a pre-teen and then would be on his own again? this is also true for Din.
lol sure go cast yourself out into the Force, I’m sure there’s absolutely not a single darksider still wandering around the galaxy who might perk up at “ooh, free apprentice!”
I’m literally starting to think that this show takes place in an alternate universe where Luke and Leia either don’t exist or died at some point in the OT
me, baffled, last season: you’re telling me Cara Dune, Alderaanian, had never heard of the Jedi? was she not keeping up with whatever Leia Organa was doing? was the Rebel Alliance actually big enough that PEOPLE IN IT HADN’T HEARD OF LUKE SKYWALKER?
what...is Luke doing right now. isn’t he training Leia?
WHAT HAS AHSOKA BEEN DOING FOR TEN YEARS are we seriously supposed to believe she peaced out of the Rebel Alliance after Malachor and whatever the hell they’re going to make that out to be (honestly at this point I’m betting on “they will never touch it”)
does or does Ahsoka not know that Luke exists
hoo boy can you just see them trying to cast a younger Luke, or do you think they’d CGI de-age Mark Hamill?
oh yeah let’s go through this again in a season with someone else playing young Luke, let’s, I’m not emotionally invested in that so I’m prepared to be entertained
hasn’t Sebastian Stan been floated (even if just on Twitter) for young Luke?
why are these not-imperials on this planet. what are they doing here. what’s the point.
 why is the planet...being burned? I was half-expecting, like, normal deforestation (in terms of logging for lumber) but I’m also a bit ??? about this.
since when is beskar resistant to lightsabers, I thought cortosis was the only thing that was? whatever, it’s new canon, they can do whatever they want. (ETA: apparently that’s been true for a while; I am more a Jedi person than a Mandalorian one as far as the EU goes and my Mandalorian lore is my weakest point.)
dear god were these fight scenes bad
I did spot Morai and I appreciated the tookas
okay, I am taking the next thing out of bullet points because I was really, really upset by it, and as an Asian-American woman it affects me directly.
I was really, really shaken by the use of village of (space) Asian people who were portrayed solely as background victims to be tortured and exploited.  Star Wars has a long history of Orientalism, and some of it I can look away from and some of I can’t.  Mando especially has a very bad track record with its treatment of Asian characters (Fennec Shand), and in recent years the rest of Star Wars live action has also been pretty bad about it; I will never forget how shaken and upset I was by Paige Tico’s death at the beginning of TLJ, and Rose’s sidelining in TROS was a lot to deal with. There has also been some pretty appalling anti-Asian racism from the Mandalorian fandom that I have seen in regards towards casting rumors about Sabine (which brought me to the point of tears as recently as yesterday).
I had been braced for Rosario Dawson Ahsoka because it’s been rumored for so long, if never officially confirmed by Lucasfilm, and after they pulled the original VA for Leia from Resistance a few years ago (without ever making an official statement but it was after she made really dismissive statements during the Kavanaugh hearings) I was still really hoping they’d pull Dawson for the transphobic assault allegations, or that the rumors were false, or...something.  I was not expecting the way that they treated the Asian civilian population here.  I kept hoping that there was going to be something, and it’s like they kept almost going there with Governor Wing (you want to make either his name or his position clear in the actual episode, maybe?) but then kept pulling back, which just made the whole population victims that had to be rescued by outsiders. And exploited, and tortured, and abused in general.
And yes, I’m aware the Magistrate/Morgan Elsbeth is an Asian-American woman.  That doesn’t make it better?  Since Ahsoka presumably kills her offscreen?
(Also Diana Lee Inosanto is a stunt performer and a fight choreographer, why is that fight scene so wooden, damn.)
okay back to bullet points to wrap up
I realize I haven’t said much about Din and the kid and that’s because they didn’t...do...much? I guess if you’re actually invested in them “YAY HE HAS FEELINGS” is a major thing but I’m not
I have flashes of being invested in Din, but the problem is that I never know what the hell this show is doing because it’s all over the place.  We are 5/8 of the way into season 2 and I have no idea what it’s trying to do: they keep setting stuff up and then not doing anything with it. I can make vague predictions based on what’s set up and based on my knowledge of canon, but this show is so weirdly set up and paced that I can never tell if they’re something for A Reason, for the lulz, or for the Aesthetic.
I feel extremely vindicated by the revelation a few weeks ago that Din grew up in a cult but I also straight-up feel like I spent the past year being gaslighted about what Mandalorians were, and that’s...not a great feeling. Do I think that the show is going to do anything with that? Fuck, I don’t know. I hope so. I know what I’d do as a writer. But I can’t predict anything they’re doing and that makes me really uneasy.
jeez, at least when George Lucas was making Star Wars you knew he was doing it to entertain himself and tell a specific story rather than constantly having to go back and wonder what story lines got compromised for a project down the road.
like, is this why they did mo-cap Ahsoka in S7, to brace us for live action Ahsoka here? I know they had already filmed Mando S2 before S1 came out. WHY THEY DIDN’T THEY REUSE LAUREN MARY KIM AS AHSOKA’S STUNT DOUBLE THEN? it’s not like she hasn’t stunted in Mando before?
if this was supposed to be a backdoor pilot to a Rebels sequel...I will flip a table
I enjoyed the Bad Batch eps in TCW S7 but knowing that there’s going to be a Bad Batch show I’m now wondering if they’re only in S7 to backdoor pilot that show
how far back does this go? did they put the Legacy of Mandalore story line in Rebels S4 solely to set up for this? especially considering that that’s the one thing in S4 that actually has saga weight and then they immediately got rid of everything it accomplished to set up for this?
I presume that this is the reason they refused to release the turnaround for Ahsoka’s epilogue look two years ago. apparently it doesn’t matter given they changed her entire epilogue color scheme and also her lekku and personality.
Look -- at the end of the day, there was only about a 2% chance I was ever going to like this episode, but I was holding out for it nevertheless. I do get surprised from time to time! I liked the Bo-Katan episode! This was, however, a hot mess. And yes: a lot of the things that bother me are not going to bother other people. (I haven’t seen anyone comment on the Asian villagers, for example.)
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kuroosdreamwifey · 3 years
"guess we have to kiss now"
- bakugou katsuki x fem!reader
- fluff; angst if you squint
- cosplayer!au
- warnings: cursing
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“Is that… Y/N L/N? Dressed as Mikasa Ackerman?! I never thought I would see this happen!” The crowds around you whispered and gushed as you walked past them, making your way to the area where all the cosplayers were.
Your fellow cosplayers greeted you with words and smiles before resuming their conversations with fans. Settling in your place, you prepare yourself for the fans of Attack on Titan who would no doubt come to see you.
You had started cosplaying as a hobby a few years ago, but it slowly grew into something necessary for you. During your time as a cosplayer you met a lot of new people and made a lot of friends. You were friendly, and the community loved you. However, there was one person who detested you, and who you hated back.
Bakugou Katsuki. The most popular cosplayer who always managed to get on your nerves every time you two met. He was arrogant, loud and had a superiority complex. You still remembered your first meeting like it was yesterday.
It was your first event, and you were definitely nervous. You were a rising cosplayer, and finally got the chance to attend an event physically. You decided to dress up as Hinata Hyuga, since she was your favourite.
As you entered the arena fans came to you in huge numbers, asking you questions about yourself. Cheerfully, albeit nervously, you answered everything. As the crowds dispersed you saw a girl standing towards the back who looked like she was part of the staff. She approached you after all the fans had left. "Y/N?" "Yes? "I've been ordered to ask you to join a stall with the cosplayer dressed as Naruto. Can I lead you there?" Nodding, you followed the assistant to wherever the Naruto guy was.
She stopped at the counter and introduced you to the guy there. "Mr. Bakugou? This is Y/N L/N. I informed you earlier that you would be paired with her for the event." "Whatever." he said, with a shrug of his shoulders. Bowing to the two of you, the assistant scurried away.
"Hi! I'm Y/N." You held out your hand, expecting him to shake it. "I don't care." he said, completely dismissing your hand. Scoffing, you crossed your hands over your chest. "Fine. Be an asshole."
Ever since that happened, the two of you hated each other. You were always glaring at him, while he would make fun of you at all times. What made it worse was that he flirted with you. It made your stomach flutter even though you knew he was only joking. You tried your best to avoid him. Yet, somehow, Lady Luck hated you every time. The two of you managed to attend every event dressed as characters who were shipped together. It irritated you to no end. You could only hope that this time, he was not dressed as Eren Jaeger.
You found out a few minutes later that you did, in fact, speak too soon. Standing right there, in all his self-proclaimed glory, was Bakugou. Dressed as Eren fucking Jaeger. Storming over there, you pulled aside your friend Kirishima, who also happened to be Bakugou's friend. "You told me he wouldn't be here as Eren? What the fuck happened to that?!" "Like hell if I know! He changed it last minute!" "Whatever. Pray that I make it through the event, Eiji." Sending a thumbs up your way, Kirishima walked away laughing.
As per your usual routine, you and Bakugou were standing together, greeting fans and taking pictures with them. Suddenly, a fan asked you a question, "Since you and Bakugou are often seen cosplaying popular couples, we want to know if there's anything happening between the two of you." Stunned, your mouth opened and closed like a fish. You did not know what to say. Thankfully, you saw Bakugou opening his mouth to answer.
What he said made you wish you answered instead. "So what if there's something between us?" Silence. The crowd erupted with cheers. They chanted, "Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" Turning to you, Bakugou gave you a smirk before pulling you in by the waist. "Guess we have to kiss now." Looking at you for some sort of approval, you nodded slightly at him as he bent to capture your lips with his. It was short, but really good. Your lips moved against his before you pulled away, suddenly aware of the fact that you had just kissed him in front of an entire crowd.
Glancing at the crowd that seemed very satisfied, you walked off the stage as calmly as you could before running out. Worried, Bakugou followed you outside till he saw you pacing up and down. Your mind was running at a hundred miles per hour. You were so caught up in your thoughts that you didn't notice Bakugou till he tapped on your shoulder.
"Are you okay?" He asked, with a surprisingly gentle tone. With a long exhale, you replied. "No. I'm not okay. You want to know why? It's because you kissed me. I get that the crowd was practically begging for us to kiss but you didn't have to! Especially when I know you don't have feelings for me-" "Hold up. When did I ever say I didn't have feelings for you?" "Well you certainly never showed it!" "What did you think all my attempts at flirting were then?" "That was genuine flirting?!" "Of course it was! I don't flirt with just anybody!"
By now the two of you were half-shouting at each other. You were frustrated because you couldn't tell if he was being serious and he was frustrtated because you weren't believing him. "How was I supposed to know that you were being serious?! We've always hated each other. Or do you need me to remind you who was the asshole the first time we met?" He winced at that. Bakugou definitely regretted the way he acted with you that day. "I know I messed up the first time we met but-" "But what?! You didn't even apologize." Tears were streaming down your face. You were furious. Who did he think he was, playing with your feelings like that?
"I'm sorry. I wish I didn't treat you like that." He said, so quietly that you almost missed it. "I should've been nicer, and I'm sorry for that." You were confused. Bakugou apologized. That definitely surprised you. "But, I want you to know that I wasn't lying when I said the flirting was real. I have feelings for you." Saying this, he turned on his heel and walked away.
Before your mind could register what you were doing, you pulled Bakugou and turned him around. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you pulled him in before kissing him. His arms held your waist close to him as he deepened the kiss.
"I swear I'll prove to you that I love you."
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giorno-plays-piano · 4 years
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Pairing: Loki x Reader
Warnings: yandere, obsession, stalking, death of minor character.
Words: 1953.
Summary: Meeting a cosplayer in Berlin isn’t a big deal, really. You don’t actually know why you are drawn to this guy in his stunning horned helmet, standing on the train with a seidr in his hand.
P.S. I own the plot of this story to amazing @caffiend-queen​ and my determination to write it to lovely @kinathewolf​ <3 Although I changed the story a little (this post made us discuss the idea), I hope you will like it!
Waking up when it was barely six, you kept yawning and rubbing your eyes while sitting on the train. You worked for one of the thousands of start-ups in Berlin, and your boss always liked to start pretty early. Well, despite waking up when it was still dark, you didn’t mind, really – the U-Bahn was much less busy now than thirty minutes later, and you didn’t have to stand the whole way to your station.
Today was a bit different, though. Not that there were too many people, but that one guy with his horned helmet looked so fantastic you simply couldn’t take your eyes off him. He had entered on the Bismarckstraße station, and since then you had been staring at him shamelessly. He was the spitting image of Loki, that god from Asgard, the one who had been released by Avengers not so long ago for his aid in protection of Earth from an invading alien force. Now Loki had his own fan club, and this guy was probably one of the squad. Seeing him in a full suit wasn’t surprising either – tomorrow was the first day of Comic Con, so he was probably going for a cosplay catwalk rehearsal before the event.
No one was really paying attention to him as he stood silently near the door with his seidr, but you just couldn’t help yourself. Come on, he was probably the most handsome guy you had seen in years, not even mentioning his gorgeous costume. Although you had never been Loki’s fan – for God’s sake, you still remembered that day in Stuttgart – this guy’s passion for cosplay was admirable.
When you reached Wittenbergplatz, a group of cheerful tourists entered the train, and the guy had to move further, taking a place close to yours. Of course, you still stared at him in awe, and he quickly noticed you. His piercing gaze finally made you realize it was unacceptable to gawk at someone like this, and you averted your eyes, feeling your cheeks growing hot. The cosplayer chuckled at your reaction.
“I’m so sorry!” You muttered, clenching the fabric of your jacket. “I just- ugh, I mean, your cosplay is stunning!” Now that you said it, you were just too humiliated to add anything. Why couldn’t you be like all other people who didn’t harass the poor guy with them staring? Of course, no one would be comfortable with some creepy girl watching over them.
But the guy didn’t look worried or embarrassed even the slightest bit. When you saw his face, you realized he was amused as he looked at you with a grin on his face. Now you even felt a little scared because there was something animalistic in his gaze.
“Thank you. I was spending day and night crafting this costume.” He was smiling, and you realized he was probably playing the role of Loki now.
Oh damn, of course. Being a cosplayer meant not only wearing a costume of your character but being this character, behaving like them, speaking like them, sometimes even moving like them. This guy was doing exactly this, and, to be honest, he was really good at acting since for a minute you believed he wasn’t just a mere human.
“I’m sure you will be the winner of the contest this year.” You smiled shyly at him, still embarrassed at your behaviour earlier, and the guy laughed at you a little. God, you felt so terribly awkward.
“Thank you. If my brother won’t show up, I’m sure I’ll have a chance.” For a second you thought there was something bittersweet in his eyes, but then it was gone, and the cosplay rose to his feet, shining in the electric light of the subway. “This is my stop. Have a good day, my lady.”
Of course, you barely nodded at him, felling like you’re gonna explode from the way he called you and how the guy bowed his head a bit at you as if you truly were some Asgardian goddess. Minutes later you would curse yourself for being so stupid to not even ask his cosplayer’s nickname – how on Earth were you going to find his profile on Facebook now? Since you were in the middle of a new marketing campaign, your boss would never let you leave tomorrow to visit Comic Con, and that was your only chance to ever see that amazing guy again.
Ugh, living with that useless brain of yours was quite a challenge.
You had already bid farewell to the cosplayer since you knew meeting him by chance again in a city as big as Berlin was impossible – especially if without his costume and wig and makeup the guy would be unrecognizable. The next evening you were sitting in the train just like all other evenings when you were coming late from work, a bag with a chicken sub in your hands along with an already cold cup of tea. You sighed, thinking of Comic Con and all the fun people were having there. Damn, next year you would definitely take a short vacation to finally visit the convention. Maybe you would have a chance to meet that mysterious guy again.
“It smells nice.”
You immediately raised your head, staring at the cold blue eyes of the guy you met yesterday’s morning. He was still wearing his horned helmet and shining golden armor, the Scepter in his hand. He sat close to you again, and you suddenly found the courage to smile at him widely. God, it was happening. He was really here, with you.
Was he coming back from Comic Con? You thought they finished way later, but maybe he was just tired to spend the whole day in this outfit – you could imagine how heavy it was – and left earlier. You couldn’t blame him, thinking of how many people probably wanted to take a photo of him during the day, too, and it was definitely tiresome as hell to pose in front of tons of people for hours.
“Would you like some?” You handed him your paper bag. “It’s a sub with chicken. I haven’t opened it yet.”
“Ah, it’s a very generous offer. It would be rude of me to decline it.” His smile sent chills down your spine, but you reminded yourself he was still playing his role. Anyway, what could he do? Follow you to your apartment in this outfit? Seriously? He would be stuck in the hallway with those horns of his.
You watched like the Loki-guy took a half of your sub and returned the other half to you, then taking a bite and chewing slowly. To your delight, he nodded, telling you he liked it without words, and you chuckled at him. Now he looked almost cute with his puffed cheeks as he kept biting more and more. Apparently, the sub wasn’t bad, and you dug in it enthusiastically, caring little for a few other passengers. No one was looking at you two, anyway.
Halfway through finishing his part, the guy stared questioningly at your paper cup of tea, and you smiled at him with confusion.
“You can have it, too, but it’s already cold, sorry.”
Now he was grinning like a Cheshire cat. Did he think it was funny? Was it because he thought real Loki would find it funny? You were too confused but decided not to ask. You looked silly enough yesterday when you were gaping at him with wide eyes. No more of this today! You couldn’t blow it if you wanted to ever see the guy again.
“It’s quite alright. Let me help you.” He carefully lowered his seidr so it touched your cup, and in the next moment you saw a soft blue glowing surrounding it. It was coming directly from the Scepter, and you literally opened your mouth while staring at it wide-eyed. Wait, did this guy put something inside the seidr? Like, a light bulb or something? God, it was beyond your imagination!
But before you started throwing questions at him, you suddenly saw a wisp of steam coming from your tea and felt how the cup grew hot in your hand. Oh shoot, it definitely wasn’t just some light bulb! His Scepter was a real machine!
You probably looked like a little kid, your eyes shining and jaw dropped at the sight of something that looked like a miracle to you, and Loki-guy chuckled softly. He was seemingly content with your reaction as you even sniffed your tea a little bit to feel it really was hot again. But when you brought the cup to him, thinking he wanted to drink, he gently refused it.
“Thank you, but you have already given me enough.” His smile was much softer, and your cheeks grew hot again at his kindness, though it was you who shared your food with him. Strangely, it was like this stranger had some effect on you, and you smiled back at him, lowering your head to have a sip of tea.
However, the next moment the guy furrowed his brows, looking somewhere behind you, and you saw him lifting his seidr again, pointing at something behind your back. You missed his concerned gaze, but not noticing the blinding light coming from the Scepter was absolutely impossible – for a second you almost lost your eyesight, squeezing your eyes shut and clenching the paper cup in your hand. What was that?! But before you got truly scared, the light had disappeared, and all you saw was that Loki-guy sitting close to you with a piece of chicken sub wrapped in a napkin in his hand. His Scepter looked the same as before, no blue glowing coming from it. Wait, you didn’t imagine this blinding light, did you? It was here just a second ago!
As you tried to turn back to see what was happening, the stranger suddenly stopped you, his warm hand on your shoulder as he leaned closer to you, smiling, “Your tea is going to be cold again.”
“Yes, b-but-“ You gawked at him and then stared at his seidr, unsure what to say. “I-I mean, have you seen that light? Did it come from this thing?”
You heard someone behind you letting out a sudden scream and smelled metal and plastic melting. It was disturbing enough as it was, but then you realized you smelled the burning flesh searing from someone’s bones.
The Scepter. The guy’s resemblance to the Asgardian God of mischief. Shit.
Before you tried turning again to see what was left of the seats behind you, Loki’s grip on your shoulder became painfully strong. You watched him leaning even closer to you in slow motion, the world around you slowing down as the man whispered to you in a dangerously low voice, “Don’t look back. You don’t want to see what is left of that creepy man who was staring at you all the time, do you, dear?”
Frozen on the spot, you barely nodded, your eyes not leaving Loki’s pale face as he smiled, letting go of your shoulder and touching your arm surprisingly gently instead. You heard the sounds of crying and whining, people around you scattering to the different part of the car to be as far as possible from a man in the horned helmet. But you just couldn’t move from your place, glued to your seat, an Asgardian God looming over you.
“I am grateful for you sharing your meal with me. I’d like to thank you properly,” he said softly, and you swallowed your tongue instead of letting out a loud scream. “Let’s leave on the next station. I know a few nice places in Mitte.”
Tags: @finleyjayne​ @alexakeyloveloki​  @helenaeisenhower​ @villanellevi​ @hurricanerin​ ​@void-hoechlin @abyssaint​ @heeeyitskay​ @chris-evans-indian-fanfic​ @rosalynshields​ @brattycherubwrites​ @sllooney​ @angrythingstarlight​
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honeypiehotchner · 4 years
Where do broken hearts go? -- Bucky Barnes x Reader one shot
But Kay. Don’t you have an essay due Wednesday that you haven’t started? Shhh. Enjoy this Bucky Barnes angst to fluff one shot. Based purely on this picture. You’re welcome.
Summary: You and Bucky used to date, but once the honeymoon phase died down, things took a turn for the worse. Now, months later, your roommate finally manages to get you out to a bar. Only for you to run into some dumbass wearing a tiara.
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“This is exactly what you need, Y/N,” your best friend, Jada, tugs on your arm. She’s been trying to get you out of bed for the past hour and she has had no luck whatsoever.
“What I need is to finish this show.” You twist your arm out of her grip, shoveling another fistful of popcorn into your mouth. You’re finally at the good part in this episode, and you’ll be damned if you let Jada ruin it for you.
“Okay, I can’t watch you like this.” Jada grabs the remote and turns the TV off, which is then followed by loud protesting from you.
“What the fuck! I was watching that!”
“You can finish it later,” Jada mutters, tossing the remote to the side. “Listen, it’s been months. Literal months. Sooner or later, you’re going to have to get back out there.”
“Make it later,” you reply curtly. “Hand me the remote.”
“Jada, I can’t. You know I can’t.”
“Every time you say you can’t, I just hear excuses,” your best friend raises an eyebrow at you. “I’m not asking you to go out and fall in love again. I’m just asking you, as your best friend and roommate of five years, to please come get drinks with me. I miss going out to the bars and pretending to be waiting for a date. And getting sympathy drinks when our nonexistent dates don’t show. Come on, please?”
You chew on your lower lip. You have to admit, you do miss doing that. It’s been longer than months since you and Jada have enacted that master plan. It was a normal thing before you had a boyfriend and after the two of you broke up, you haven’t been back to a bar to even try.
“Fine,” you mumble. “But only because you know I can’t turn down pity drinks.”
“Yes! Thank you! Okay, you have to wear this new outfit I got you--”
“Were you planning this?”
“Whatever,” you smile, missing this rush of adrenaline. “Let’s do this before I change my mind.”
The bar is crowded. But what bar isn’t?
You can’t help but get the sense, though, that this is more crowded than the usual Saturday night. Or maybe it really has been a long time since you were out of the apartment.
When you and your boyfriend -- none other than Bucky Barnes, the famous Winter Soldier and best friend to Steve Rogers a.k.a. Captain America, both heartthrobs to the universe -- broke things off a few months ago, your desire to go anywhere that wasn’t work-related had left your body. And since work for you consists of sitting on the couch with your laptop, that meant your desire to leave the apartment was nowhere to be seen.
The only times -- and they were few and far between -- that Jada would manage to get you out would be for food. Groceries or dinner, but that was it. No bars. No “having fun” as Jada would put it, even though you have plenty of fun. Netflix is fun. Comedy specials are fun.
As you and Jada score the last two stools at the bar, you send her a wary glance. You definitely didn’t miss this atmosphere.
It was one thing to play the game to your advantage, but when you haven’t played in so long, it’s terrifying. You’re out of practice entirely.
And the crowd certainly isn’t helping. You don’t remember it ever being this packed. How is this not a violation of the fire code or something?
“Relax,” Jada yells over the commotion. “You look like you’re going to hurl.”
“I might,” you joke, but you’re not going to. You know when you’re about to throw up, and that’s not the feeling you have right now.
When you and Bucky ended, it wasn’t because he cheated. And it wasn’t because you cheated, either. Everything was smooth sailing. It was all so...easy with Bucky. Which doesn’t make sense, you know, because Bucky is a literal block of ice sometimes. Even more so than Steve at times.
But Bucky was tender with you. You had wormed your way right into his heart not knowing he was doing the exact same to you. It was effortless. No pushing, no pulling. Just smooth. Exactly how love should be.
Then, the honeymoon phase ended.
Bucky started going on missions again. You started spending more time back at the apartment because of this -- which Jada was at least thankful for; she missed having you around. But with you and Bucky separated, it meant you weren’t talking as much.
Granted, he wasn’t available during missions. And you understood that. You also understood that when he came back, he needed his space. No offense to you, and it has nothing to do with you -- or anyone else for that matter. He just needs space. That’s just Bucky.
But he took your willingness to give him space as something else entirely.
You didn’t break up because you cheated. The accusation itself was thrown around more than once.
He accused you of it on nights when all you had been doing was watching some shitty Netflix drama on the couch with Jada. And on nights when you had been working nonstop.
After the second time, you told him that if he didn’t trust you at all, then maybe it meant things weren’t working anymore.
Bucky realized his mistake. You saw it in his eyes when he realized it. But you were too fed up with his games to even bother forgiving him then.
You slammed the door on your way out. And sent every call of his to voicemail. When you were worried you might have to block him, he stopped calling.
The two of you haven’t spoken since.
Have you thought about him? Every second of every day.
“Don’t hate me for telling you this,” Jada leans over so she isn’t yelling as much. “But I think I might’ve just seen Tony Stark.”
Your eyes go wide. “What?”
Jada discretely nods over to where the crowd has been all night. “But it could just be someone who looks like him. A creepy cosplayer. You never know.”
“It better be.” You don’t know that you can handle seeing Bucky. Not when you haven’t spoken since the breakup.
The bartender brings you a refill with a sad smile. Sympathy drink number one.
Some idle chatter flows between you, Jada, and the random guy sitting beside your best friend. He’s the classic just-got-his-heart-broken kind of guy, so you can empathize with that. He’s cute, too, and you silently cheer when he rests his hand on your roommate’s arm.
Jada’s eyes catch on something over your shoulder and you freeze, staring at her. “What?”
“Cutie staring at you.”
“A cutie. Is staring. At you.”
You chuckle, deciding to play your cards. You look over your shoulder with a smile. What you don’t expect is for your gaze to fall right to Bucky Barnes.
“Fuck,” you hiss, turning back around.
Jada gives you a strange look. “What now?”
“That’s Bucky.”
Jada looks again, disbelieving. “No, that’s-- holy shit, he cut his hair.”
Yeah, he cut his hair. It looks fucking good on him, too, the shorter length. You kept trying to get him to entertain the idea of cutting it when you were together, but he wouldn’t budge. You didn’t totally mind because you did like his long hair. But the pictures you saw of him from the ‘40s? No wonder all the girls swooned over him. You fell in love with his long hair, but one look at him from the ‘40s had you falling all over again.
Just like right now. You can feel it. You know he’s still looking at you. And damnit, you want to look, too. But it’s a bad idea.
Apparently, the idea isn’t bad enough to stop you. Because you look again.
You snicker quietly to yourself as you take him in. His hair is shorter, yes, but he’s got a tiara sitting on the top of his head. The sight of that alone has you grinning. What dumbass bet did he lose?
You get a little too carried away with making eyes at Bucky across the room because then you’re spotted by none other than Tony Stark, and all hell breaks loose.
“Y/N!” You’d hear Tony’s voice from a mile away if he tried hard enough. “Where the hell have you been?”
“Hi Tony,” you reply, watching as the poor guy next to you is promptly shoved off the stool by a somewhat tipsy Tony Stark. “How much have you had?”
“Not nearly enough to be okay with seeing you and Barnes have eye sex.”
“Tony!” You smack his arm. “Knock it off. I was just laughing at the crown on princess’s head.”
Tony grins wide. “There’s that fire. We’ve missed you.”
“Sure,” you shake your head, sipping your drink. Next to you, Jada is giving you a look of sheer disbelief. “Tony you’re scaring my best friend.”
“Best friend!” Tony exclaims, looking over at her. “Both of you, come join our party! More the merrier!”
“You’re drunk off your ass.”
“Not yet,” Tony winks. “Come on, Barnes wants to see you anyway.”
“No,” you stay put. “I don’t want to.”
“Oh, give it up,” Tony yells. “He’s been moping around my goddamn tower for months, please go have sex with him or something to make it stop--”
You don’t have time for another protest before Bucky comes up next to you, pushing Tony away. Bucky Barnes. Taking every chance he can get to save the day.
Your ex slides easily into the stool. You look to your right for help from Jada only to find she’s fully facing and flirting with the guy beside her. You’re stuck.
Bucky waves down the bartender and asks for two beers.
“You’re gonna drink two? Seriously?” It’s a weak jab, but you don’t know what else to do. You’ve had speeches made up in your head for months, what you’d say when you saw him again, but they were all in scenarios where you weren’t in a loud ass bar.
“Actually,” Bucky takes both bottles in his hand, sliding one toward you. “I got one of them for you.”
If it wasn’t your favorite kind, you would’ve poured it on his stupid tiara. “Thanks.”
“Come on,” Bucky nods, standing from the stool.
“Let’s get away from the bar,” he says. “Too many people.”
“Fine,” you huff, ignoring his hand that is stretched out to help you down. You try to walk with more than an inch between you two, but it’s so crowded that when Bucky grabs lightly onto your arm, you let him.
Suddenly, the crowd opens up, and you realize it’s because Tony Stark -- of course -- has rented and blocked off one section of the place, forcing everyone else to crowd around the bar.
You ignore the weird glances coming from the other Avengers that haven’t seen your face in months. One, in particular, is Steve.
Bucky finds an open booth and slides in, waiting for you to do the same. You do, but you keep your distance. He accepts defeat, leaning onto his arms on the table, beer bottle in one hand.
“Nice tiara,” you comment, not looking at him. “It suits you.”
“Thanks,” he chuckles, shaking his head until the plastic crown falls into his hands. He sets it down on the table, running his fingers through his hair, messing it up. You want to fix it so badly, but you leave it alone. “How’ve you been?”
“Good.” A lie. “How’ve you been?”
You turn your head to look at him, not expecting that answer. “Okay…”
“Y/N, I’m…” Bucky pauses, grabbing a fistful of his hair and letting go. “I’m a fucking idiot.”
“Can’t argue with you there,” you mutter, picking at the label on the side of the bottle. “What made you come to this revelation?”
Bucky’s lips stretch into a smile. “I miss that.”
“Your wit,” he replies. “Your ability to call me on my bullshit.”
“I shouldn’t have to be there to call out your bullshit.”
He frowns. “I know.”
“What are you doing?” You blurt. “Whatever you’re trying to do.”
“I’m trying to say I’m sorry.”
“Then just say it,” you almost laugh. He’s being ridiculous. “Stop trying to-- To drag me back in. Just say you’re sorry so I can go.”
“I don’t want you to go, that’s the thing,” Bucky pleads. “I’m sorry, doll, I’ve been so stupid. I am stupid and I don’t blame you one bit if you get up and leave right now, but I’m asking you to please, don’t go.”
“Why?” You murmur, surprised he can even hear you.
“Because I’m miserable without you. And every day I think of how I would change things if I could--”
“You can’t.”
“But I want to try. If you’ll let me.”
You stare hard at the bottle in your hands. If you had even an ounce of Bucky’s strength, the glass would be a shattered mess all over the table.
“Please, baby,” Bucky scoots closer, knowing he’s testing his luck. But what else does he have left to do? “Let me love you right this time.”
Slowly, because you can’t believe he’s telling you all that you ever wanted to hear, you look up at him, tears in your eyes. One slides down your cheek and he wipes it away, hand cradling your jaw.
You shake your head. “I can’t do this again, Buck.”
He frowns deeply, his hand slipping away. His eyes lower themselves to his lap, accepting his defeat once more.
“So you better not break my fucking heart this time.”
His gaze snaps to meet yours, thinking he’s imagined those words, but you’re smiling. Smiling, even though you’re also glaring. But he sees the hurt behind your eyes.
“I won’t,” he swears to you, hand returning to caress your cheek. “And if I do, you can kill me.”
“I might,” you giggle, scooting an inch closer.
“Good,” he says seriously. “Because I’d deserve it.”
He leans down as you tilt your head forward, pressing your lips against his in an aching kiss, one you’ve both been longing to share for far too long.
Bucky scoots closer, body right next to yours, metal arm fitting around your waist perfectly, right where it should be, right where you’ve been missing it.
You grab the tiara off the table and put it back in the top of his hair, smoothing down the strands. He gives you a strange look.
“What? It suits you.”
He laughs, pulling you into him. “Okay, doll.”
“Hey Buck?”
“I still love you.”
His forehead rests against yours as he sighs in relief. “Oh, thank God. I love you, too, doll. Always.”
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lunawings · 3 years
Minato’s Birthday PriZoom (8/21/21) commentary/report
Oh geez where to begin. 
I originally intended to do two showings this time (which is one more then usual) but due to a last minute decision based on other poor decisions I ended up doing three which was the most I’ve ever done in a row! My translation of the bonus content is in a separate post.
Not only that but like... it kept putting me in the main screen up at the top too!! Like more than I’ve ever been up there! And I’m sure none of this was intentional, but I also happened to be positioned right next to a couple other people who also knew the traditional cyalume cheering stuff so that was really cool!
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Heck I even made it onto the Mantan Web article apparently!!? (This is an official event photo.) Am I that recognizable even in blurry pixels? (Haha well I guess there’s the background too...)
I put a lot more concentration into my own cheering this time so I wasn’t clicking around to look at the other people in the room as much and thus I have fewer shoutouts to make. 
I happened to catch a guy trying to balance TWO of the giant Shin mochikoros on his shoulders though? 
And there was that guy hula-hooping to Kakeru’s entire performance!!??
And the person whose screen was just a cheering piece of celery. 
The highlight was probably “Kouji’s Kitchen” though. A Kouji cosplayer who spent the entire show actively cooking. 
I really admire the folks who make the actual food for these showings. I’ve been thinking I want to make pudding a la mode (probably the only KinPri food I could actually manage to make) if they do a Taiga showing next year but how would I keep it from melting during the show ahah ha... (Mashed potatoes I suppose?)
In the weeks leading up to the show I’d been wondering if we’d see any Minato cosplayers. I realized I’m not sure if I’ve actually EVER seen one at a showing (PriZoom or otherwise) as he’s not an easy character to do (what with body type and a lot of Kinpri cosplayers being female) but I think I saw at least two! 
This was the first showing where I made an honest attempt to keep the soundboard on, largely because of @takadanobaba’s posts on it, but also just because it’s our STYLISH NEW ABNORMAL (...watch Idol Land PriPara). Ever since they introduced it, traditional cheering has gotten quieter and quieter with long periods of silence except for big moments like Over the Rainbow’s prism jumps. (And what is King of Prism when you’re actually able to hear it.)
So I tried it, really I did. And as I was saying, I can somewhat see the appeal. People are finding ways to use it creatively to bring out that same brand of humor that makes traditional cheering so fun. I turned it on and off during Pride the Hero and the first half of SSS Part 2. The best and worst moment I had with it came during episode 5 however, when Ace kabedon’d Miyo and Joji pulls up in the car.
“But Joji is my star!”
Imagine that but like too fast and too loud for your brain to actually interpret what’s going on.
So that was... that was... that. (Thinking of how it will be at Joji’s actual birthday next month is giving me chills.)
I did turn it back on briefly during Best Ten while Platonic Sword was on. And for some reason I can’t quiiiite comprehend it was a grand chorus of ORE MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.
Okay, okay on to the meat. This showing had the BIGGEST bonus of all. Masashi Igarashi appeared for a “talk show” at two of the showings. 
One of the first things he pointed out was how, unlike traditional theater greetings, he could see all of our faces individually. And then he actually clicked through all of our video feeds and made comments!!!! (Tatsuyuki Kobayashi didn’t do that.) 
Throughout the first session he actually directly acknowledged me THREE SEPARATE TIMES. The first time was when he recognized that I had S-Pulse Dream Plaza as my background. (The real life location in Shizuoka where Minato saw Kouji for the first time.) The second time was when I pasted a message into the chat about being his American fan and HE ACTUALLY READ IT! The third time was during the All Stars Playback when they put me on the screen and he thanked me in the chat again for putting up Dream Plaza. 
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I’m really happy I put in the effort to do a meaningful background! 
All of a sudden I’m inspired to do more for each character. It was years before King of Prism existed, but I did go to Okayama once. I’m thinking I might need to sort through some old photos before Joji’s showing.
Masashi-san didn’t really seem to have anything planned out to say. He just kinda played off us when he could and rambled for a while about how great Minato and King of Prism is and all that. I think he’s a bit better when he has someone else to play off of. (Junta usually ends up being his straight man.) I don’t even know if he knew what he was saying half the time hahah.
The part that really stuck with me though was when he was talking about how there was such a large concentration of Minato fans here, but then he corrected himself as that’s not necessarily true since King of Prism fans cheer for everyone. So instead of camps for certain characters, he suggested we should do “club activities” as a fandom and since so many people brought vegetables to the showing we were the vegetable club. 
This was followed by a rush of puns in the chat like VegetaBU (”bu” is Japanese for club). 
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Another official photo from Mantan web. I love it when they show the “behind the scenes”. 
I didn’t realize the second session of the greeting would be starting at the beginning of the next showing, even though that is how they usually do it for theater greetings (so the voice actor doesn’t have to wait around through another movie). It’s kind of odd that they had two different sessions actually, since pretty much everyone had the opportunity to do both as the tickets didn’t come close to selling out. But more money for them either way I guess. He actually changed shirts in between hahah. (From one Minato shirt to another.)
But anyway, when he suddenly came up on the screen again I was actually in the middle of trying to change the batteries in my cyalumes ahahah. And it put me up top of the main screen AGAIN! I kinda wanted to switch my camera off so someone else could get a chance but I didn’t want to seem rude for disappearing either!!!
Eventually I did turn my camera off, giving up my space, because my cyalume blades were all DYING from having been on CONSTANTLY since the beginning of Pride the Hero and I didn’t want it to seem like I was checking my phone or something while I was changing the batteries. (One of them ended up cutting out during Best Ten anyway because in my mad scramble to change the batteries I guess I put the old ones back in haha.) That felt like the right decision since I crashed and burned pretty hard during the middle of Best Ten. (Cheering fatigue is rare for me but I was pushing 24 hours being awake at this point...) I also sure heck didn’t want to be up there during Love Graffiti BUT I didn’t do as bad as I thought. The drills I did without the video before the showing paid off! I’m so happy I’m finally learning it after all this time. Take THAT two year depression spiral.
Although this showing was lively, I have to admit it didn’t quite meet my overinflated expectations, though. I don’t think either room broke 200 people at any point during the showing. I could have sworn at least ONE showing I went to in the past did... I think the Shin/Louis one maybe... but looking through my past posts I can’t find a mention of it. ...Wait, even if that’s true I guess it doesn’t count since we only had one room back them. Mmmrhghg. 
I do have pretty high hopes for the next few months though because Joji and Hiro are EXTREMELY popular characters. 
So you. YES YOU! The person who somehow read this entire post and is now somewhat regretting skipping out on this one. YOU CAN DO IT! I’ll see you are the next one right? RIGHT?? OKAY!! 
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shirophantomvox · 3 years
I need to get something off my chest….
Ok, let me preface this post by saying I know I am going to ruffle some feathers in this post and that’s ok. A few of you (thank you) have been questioning why I haven’t been posting as much and I have to be honest. I am beginning to run out of ideas to write about since the Hxh and Voltron fandoms are out of touch and both are becoming toxic as hell. I’ve also been received a lot of stupid criticism (not really critics but stupid opinions that don’t matter) I expect fandoms to be toxic (which is sad as fuck) but some of you act as if you have no fucking life at all. Do not send me anon messages that are non-analytical because I will clown you. To start off this rant, I would like to address issue #1.
Some of you have been sending me anonymous messages about how I depict Hisoka, how I write about him and so on. I’ve seen other people do the same thing to certain artists and writers. I want to make something PERFECTLY clear. In my fan-fictions, my drawings, or whatever the fuck I choose to do, I can depict him anyway I WANT.
I can change his skin tone if I want.
I can make him fall madly in love with my OC if I want.
I can make him an all star football player if I want
I can dress him in a crop top and jeans if I want.
Shit, I can make him wear a jogging pants and a hoodie or in boxers if I want.
With this part ⬆️, I haven’t seen this on Tumblr per say but I have seen it on Twitter.
It is my “world” and my depiction, I can do ANYTHING I want.
Some of you feel the need to harass other STRANGERS on the internet about how they draw Hisoka and his character so differently than the show. Isn’t that the point of having an imagination? Some of you fly off the handle because someone dare says that they do not like your art or whatever. Freedom of speech exists! And if you’re constantly spamming someone because they disliked your artwork…? Get a fucking life. How do you expect to work in animation studios or write for one if you can’t take criticism?
Shipping was a fun aspect for me once I began to embrace my love for anime but now it's a whole thing that makes me angry. I’ll say this once and no more. If someone wants to ship Hisoka and Machi, LET THEM. If someone wants to ship Hisoka and Illumi, Let them. If someone wants to ship LANCE and ALLURA, LET THEM. FYI, some of y’all’s hatred towards Lance and Allura isn’t setting right with me and feels like borderline racism. For those of you that have this hatred towards Allura without reasonable evidence and claims that she’s racist you need to touch grass. For the life of me, you “stans” not fans have been showing your asses for so long it makes me sick. Some of you have gone to far out of your way to threaten voice actors because your ship wasn’t canon. Some of you on this website have such toxic views and hate towards Allurance it makes me wonder do you think they’re not compatible or are you racist? It’s ok to dislike a ship but y’all be expressing that you DESPERATELY HATE Allurance. I saw a TikTok video about why shows like Voltron destroyed itself: Link 1 and Link 2 (about Animal Crossing hairstyles).
Let people do what they want. I see most of you do not have a life at all and probably cannot function in everyday society if you sit on the internet and say “…..you need to go to therapy if you ship Hisoka and Machi.” I’ve seen bullshit like this. And yes, If you’re triggered, I’m talking about you. I think the sad part about it is the people doing this are young-to grown adults. Shouldn’t you be working? Or in School? Or, IDK, figuring out the rest of your life? Because of this, I only support canon relationships. If the context clues and evidence provides, I’ll ship them.
There are some ships I do not like but guess what? Do I go out of my way to harass people who ship something I don’t? NO. Maybe it’s because I actually have a life 🤔. I forget that most of you are keyboard warriors and wouldn’t ever engage in half of the shit you do online.
Lastly, stop telling black cosplayers that they cannot cosplay as (ex: Sailor Moon) because they’re black. Um, excuse me? I’ve seen countless TikTok videos where Black women especially get told that they can’t cosplay as a certain character because the character isn’t black. Most of you that partake in this behavior are NOT allies to POC and are just as racist as your grandfathers. If you are guilty of being racist towards ANYONE in this community, you need to fucking excuse yourself and leave, disrespectfully.
Ok, I am done. Now that I’ve got this off my chest, I will hopefully be posting soon.
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dangan-meme-palace · 4 years
Do you find Saihara's characterization weird in chapter 6? Because I do :( He's become super confident, optimistic, and leader-like too fast, especially if you compare to ch5 and before...I understand that in the last chapter all protags get pumped up to end the killing game but...he's quoting Momota and he also developed a 'hunch' like him...even Harukawa says 'sometimes you're so much like Kaito' pls no I like Saihara the way he is, meaning, not like Momota :( but that's just my opinion! ^^
Shuichi's characterization is all over the place. It's not even like... "he's inconsistent because humans are inconsistent" or whatever, it's literally just that his personality changes whenever the narrative needs it to without anything but loose, barely-there excuses to try and justify why it happens.
Chapter 1:
No problems with believing in his detective work, he's actually quite shockingly confident in them for how much he downplays them.
His actual problem is not thinking his skills are where they should be according to professional standards, which is an accurate assessment if the rest of the game is anything to go by actually.
Calls Kaito a reckless idiot for doing something reckless and idiotic. This is the only time he does this.
Learns a lesson?? I guess?? The lesson was apparently supposed to be "don't be afraid to reach for the truth" but it came off more like "you shouldn't let everyone die just because you liked Kaede the most, picking favorites and having bias is bad because you have a duty to remain unbiased so everyone doesnt die"
Then everyone conveniently forgets that he was willing to let them die.
Chapter 1 was the best for his characterization except for the trial. I wish he had acted like this throughout the entire game.
Let him investigate. Dear god why doesn't the detective investigate, or even cast doubt?
Chapter 2:
Kaito is starting to become his Bro now. He's not super biased like in later chapters, but you can start to see it happening.
This is the chapter where he tells everyone not to let their biases get in the way of logic, which is funny considering what he's like in other chapters.
Big sad about Kaede, but a few of the characters (Ryoma, Tenko) comfort him so he's choosing to turn this tragedy into a growth moment. I guess it's kinda like what Chihiro did, except a girl had to die for it and he didn't get brained with a dumbbell at the end.
He's the nicest to everyone in this chapter. Don't worry, it won't last long :)
If he had kept the weird sort of optimism he had during this chapter plus the logical thinking instead of leaning into the angst he might've actually developed and Kaede's death might've been worth a damn.
Chapter 3
Maki gets the spotlight so there's not much to say except for the fact that he's gotten super awkward and is getting progressively dumber.
Honestly Maki is kind of right when she keeps calling him a dumbass for asking questions with very obvious answers.
Literally how the fuck did he ever solve infidelity cases when he can't even figure out shit that's this basic.
Oh yeah, the odd hopefulness is gone now. It's buried next to my hope of him turning out to be an interesting character.
Put your hat back on if you're gonna angst again emo boy.
Investigation? Dont know her. I only know the Grind 💯 and hanging out with the Bros 😤👊
Chapter 4:
One of his worst chapters. I fucking hate this chapter.
Everyone patted him on the back before the trial and it felt shoehorned in. I'm not even sure why they did it honestly?
Kokichi = Evil
Kaito & Maki = Good
But dont worry guys, he's totally not biased or anything! (/s)
He's mega biased.
During the trial he has a lot of confidence, like the good kind he had back in Chapter 2. Especially when he lied and when he stood his ground against Kaito. He'll be punished by the narrative for going against Kaito, but for now I'll enjoy his limp-dicked rebellion.
Apparently he cares for Gonta except he never once talked to him during the main story and even insulted Gonta in his head during their FTEs. When did he start to care about Gonta? He didn't, but now he does I guess.
Chapter 5:
Another bad chapter. Hate this too
Officially graduated from Kaito's Bro to Kaito's Simp.
Also his confidence is entirely dependent on Kaito. When Kaito wants him to do something, he's sure Kaito's plan will work and gives him all of his support. If Kaito expresses displeasure, he's ashamed of himself and has no confidence. I-... y'know sometimes I genuinely worry about their dynamic.
Kokichi = Evil ×2 combo
No detective work or reasoning. Why would the gofer project want a cosplayer to go to space and preserve humanity? Or an ex murderer? Or an assassin? Or a detective? Are they going to be solving space crimes? Shuichi should have been so god damn suspicious- the MOST suspicious, even- but he's practically braindead at this point in the story.
Investigation skills, when will you return from the war?
Goes from suicidal to "uwu I'm a hopeful student of Hope's Peak Academy" way too quickly for someone with supposed confidence issues.
Seriously, how did he go from "the world has been destroyed and I cant fix it so I might as well die" to "yeah! we will definitely fix it! we dont know how yet, but we'll totally do it because we're Ultimates even though in Chapter 1 I didnt even think I deserved to be an Ultimate but shhhh" so quickly?
Kiibo and Shuichi kinda sounded like Kaede when they saw the Hope's Peak Flashback and it's so fucking weird because there's no justification for it
Chapter 6:
Literally what was this chapter
Why did it take Kiibo threatening to blow up the school to get him to investigate the mastermind again? 9 people have died since Chapter 1, but he acted as though he couldn't do anything about it. He even says he "can only help after people die", but Chapter 1 disproved that because he literally almost caught the mastermind without anyone dying so-
At least he investigated, I guess. It's sad that a detective investigating is considered a miracle, but here we are.
During the trial he's rapidly switching from hopeful to suicidal to hopeful again and it gives me so much whiplash, like god damn. Chill out a bit, buddy.
Much like the now-late Kaito, Shuichi tries to convince everyone to die with him to make some sort of stand against TDR. Somehow this worked and they also somehow didn't die and we aren't given justification for either.
The confidence came from the fact that the narrative needed him to be confident. That's it. There's literally no justification for this. There's no justification for anything, honestly.
What even was that ending, like what the fuck was that? None of their arcs got wrapped up at all...
So basically
Shuichi is confident but he's not but only when Kaito believes in him but he can stand against Kaito when he needs to and also he's not actually confident and Kaito needs to baby him. Shuichi is also not biased because he learned a lesson about that, unless your name is Kaito, Maki, or Kokichi, in which case he is incredibly biased to the point of putting the lives of other people on the line, but he wants everyone to survive because he learned a lesson about that. He's also incredibly dismissive of most of the cast in his head, to the point of being cold, but it should be noted that Shuichi really cares about his friends and is really nice and supportive of others. He's a big doormat except for when he doesn't want to be, unless it involves Kaito, because then he is always a sidekick except for when he isn't.
Hope that cleared things up! As you can see Shuichi is a very consistent character :) (/s)
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yumeka36 · 4 years
Thoughts on “Into the Unknown: Making Frozen 2″
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I binged all six episodes of the Frozen 2 making-of documentary series on Disney+ and wanted to share my thoughts:
- Probably my favorite scene is when the cast got to hear the orchestration of “Into the Unknown” for the first time. I loved how we got to hear the emphasizing of each instrument. Also sweet seeing how emotional Jen and Idina got when they heard it.
- I adored every scene that showed the voice actors recording their lines and singing. It’s nice to hear slightly different versions of all the songs. I especially loved the wholesomeness of the cast recording their respective lines for “Some Things Never Change,” and Kristen Bell’s touching recording of “The Next Right Thing.”
- Very interesting to know how much struggle they had with the concept of “Show Yourself.” I liked hearing the variations of the lyrics that Kristen came up with before settling on the song we have today. The fact that they spent so much time trying to get this song number right despite pressing deadlines shows how important they knew it would be for Elsa’s character.
- It was so, so interesting to see all the different facets of the animation process: the rigging, the effects, the sound directing, the lighting, the story boarding, the daily meetings, etc., Even if you’re not a Frozen fan, if you have any interest in the animation process, this documentary is a great watch.
- “See the Sky” was a nice song that gave a bit more character to the otherwise forgettable new characters like Matthias and the Northuldra, but it didn’t click at the test screenings unfortunately. Would have been nice to have had it as a deleted scene or on the deluxe soundtrack.
- Some people were disappointed that the deleted scenes like The Secret Room and Get This Right weren’t discussed at all in the documentary, but the reason for that is because it only covers the last year of the movie’s production. The deleted scenes included on the blu-ray release were probably scrapped earlier in production.
- I’ve always had trouble believing the leaks from a year ago that a supposed “original” ending for Frozen 2 was to have Elsa never get revived. As I discussed in a previous post, it just doesn’t add up. Now that I’ve seen the documentary, I'm even less convinced that this so-called original ending was even a thing because, in episode 4 when they’re about to show the test screening to the family audience, we see them working on footage of the actual ending we got of Elsa riding Nokk back to Arendelle and the Frohana hug. So if this “darker” ending did exist, it must have been even before this test screening when they barely had the story together, so I’d hardly call it a confirmed ending that was ever taken seriously. Of course, they could have purposely rearranged the footage to make it look that way, but I don’t think so. Everything else seemed pretty linear as they followed the crew in the final months of production, so no evidence that these scenes were out of place. At the most, whoever leaked that supposed ending probably saw an incomplete version of the movie before the ending was settled on (the documentary shows that they have screenings throughout production) and it got passed around through the grape vine and got interpreted as a spoiler of an actual original ending.
- I was really hoping I’d appear in episode 5 when they covered D23 Expo. They were filming people getting Jen, Chris, and Peter’s autographs, which was an event I participated in. When I met them, I showed them my backpack full of Frozen pins and Chris even took a picture of it! I thought that would be something interesting they’d want to include in the documentary. They showed some cosplayers, some people attending the expo from other countries, and a few other lucky random fans getting the autographs, but not me. Oh well.
- I was in the audience for the exclusive premiere of Frozen 2 clips at D23 Expo, so it was really cool seeing what the cast was doing behind the curtains at that time. Watching the voice actors perform “Some Things Never Change” live at that event was one of my expo highlights so it was so nice to see parts of it again.
- Loved the scenes showing how Elsa’s new dress came about. And of course, leading up to the orchestration of “Show Yourself.” Gave me the chills!
- So many emotions at the wrap party when they were about to show the complete movie to the full filmmaking team and their families (Peter’s reaction especially).
- I’ve read some complaints about the fact that they had to make changes to the film based on the children’s feedback from the family test screening - that this somehow made the movie worse off. But it makes sense that they’d have to balance it between appealing to kids and adults. That’s what makes Disney movies so successful. Getting feedback that kids got confused or bored and then changing things up is necessary for a family movie, it’s nothing to fault them for. They had to make it so that both kids and adults could follow the story - they had to find a compromise between what they want (as adults) and what a large portion of their audience (kids) will enjoy. Some things were a bit confusing for the little ones, so they had to simplify. Nothing wrong with that since the success of every great Disney animated film rides on their appeal to the widest variety of audiences.
- Of course, it would have been awesome to see even more behind-the-scenes stuff. Like, from even earlier in the movie’s development, or know what was going on the few meetings they didn’t allow the documentary filming to take place. But honestly, I’m just grateful we got this. This is very unprecedented behind-the-scenes content from Disney that we didn’t have to get, but we did, and I’m happy about that!
- And wow, I have even more respect for Jen Lee and the team now that I’ve seen in detail the amount of work and stress they went through to deliver this movie. Sure, it’s not perfect, but making a perfect, or even just a great movie, when you have to coordinate so many different facets and get hundreds of people on the same page under such immense pressure is nearly impossible. With all those hurdles they had, I think they ended up doing a dang good job.
- Now I’m also a bit more sympathetic when they shy away from talking about Frozen 3, lol. But what’s interesting is that I attended a live Q&A session the other day with some of the Frozen filmmakers/animators, and they once again had to answer a question about Frozen 3. Rather than say, “ask me in a year” like Chris and Jen have been saying, Chris said “ask me in six months” (since it’s been six months since Frozen 2′s release). The fact that he’s keeping true to his original time of “a year” is interesting, lol. Time to count down the months!
Also, for those of you following my Frozen 2 writing project, I’m almost done. Just a little more edits, proofreading, and cleanup and it’ll be good to go! Look for the complete version within the next few days!
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