#ever since i turned 11 i got good at crying with them all packed in one room and no one noticing 👍aint that wacky
kryptic-krab ¡ 6 months
thank god these people are not observant in any shape or form
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blackwolfstabs ¡ 8 months
30 Day Writing Challenge: Day 10
To get some quiet, 11-year-old Sam agrees to play hide & seek with four rowdy 6-year-olds, except all doesn’t go as smoothly as anticipated.
(side note: Tara's technically still 5 bc her birthday's in December and this takes place in September...)
Sam unleashed a heavy sigh that was 40% annoyed and 60% tired as she glanced away from the clock. 7:02 PM, and she had at least 30 more minutes of listening to Tara, Chad, Mindy, and Wes run around like a pack of hyperactive puppies. It was already dark outside, and they had been at it since 3:30 that afternoon… Didn’t they ever get tired? She was beginning to regret agreeing to watch all of them extra late today… Even during, dinner they hadn’t settled for some quiet, regardless of her telling them that it’s not polite to talk with their mouths full or play with their food. And speaking of which…
The thought reminded Sam that she hadn’t put away the leftover macaroni and cheese that didn’t get eaten. At least that would kill some time. She got up from the couch and went to the kitchen, where she threw away the parchment paper that the chicken nuggets had been on first, before going to find a plastic container to conserve the other half of the meal. 
Halfway through scraping the macaroni into the tupperware, shouting came from upstairs. It was the kind of shouting that was a mystery as to whether it was the good kind or the bad kind. But it didn’t stay that way for long, for as Sam tossed the used pot into the sink and went to put the leftovers in the refrigerator, a door from above flew open and the noise grew louder.
“Tara!” Mindy called from inside the room they had been in.
“That wasn’t fair!” Tara’s voice cracked in that way it always did when she was starting to cry.
“Look what you did, Chad!” Wes barked.
Chad answered, “What? I won, fair and square! You’re just being a baby about it, Tara!”
The youngest’s voice came from the top of the staircase, seemingly intent on making her way down to go pout about whatever she didn’t win, “Shut up, stupid!”
Now, Samantha shut the door to make way to the stairs as she heard her sister storming down. “Hey!” she snapped, making all four go silent. She found Tara’s teary eyes and crossed arms. “We don’t say that, Tara, it’s not nice,” her voice softened from yelling, but stayed firm.
“Well, Chad’s being mean,” she returned, stomping her foot for emphasis. Then, the so-called bully came to join her.
He defended himself, “No, she’s just mad because I won!” Behind him, Mindy and Wes appeared but stayed quiet.
Sam looked from Chad to Tara. “Tara, what did Chad do that was mean?”
The girl twisted her body in frustration, refusing to look at her friend and her sister as she tried to come up with something. But the truth was, she was just angry that she didn’t win. She always won, and she was proud of that. “Nothing…” she mumbled, while scuffing the floor with her foot.
Her older sister could take some of the blame for her attitude. She always let her win, even when it wasn’t fair. So, she was used to it. There was only a spare amount of times when Sam would stick to her guns and keep Tara from getting what she wanted, but that was usually when she was trying to take something away that she was playing with. Their mother had reminded her that Tara needed to understand the concept of sharing, so every now and then she would make sure her baby sister faced the fact that she couldn’t have everything she wanted when she wanted it. “Okay, so you owe Chad an apology,” she told her, “Tell him you’re sorry for saying mean things to him.”
However, Tara just tightened her crossed arms and turned away from the boy on her right with a whine. “I don’t want to.” 
Sam shifted with a semi-aggravated sigh. She knew all 4 of them were overtired, which would encourage them to exhibit inappropriate behavior, but it was giving her a headache now. “Tara, if you don’t tell him you’re sorry, I’ll tell Mom and then she’ll put you in time-out when she gets home,” she warned.
The other’s expression changed a little, and she forced herself to turn around. “Sorry, Chad…”
While it seemed like she was being genuine, Sam wanted it to be sincere by the way their parents taught them. “Mean it,” she said, “Give him a hug.”
And she did. Chad embraced her back with a smile. “It’s okay, Tara,” he accepted her apology. He then stepped back to further promise her, “You’ll win next time.”
Oh, God and if she didn’t? The eldest of the group fought back the temptation to run her hand over her face in dread for what might not come in her favor. However, before they could insinuate another game, Mindy leapt onto the steps.
“Hey, Sam, can you play with us this time?”
Sam’s initial thought was no, absolutely not, because it would just turn into her trying to rein in the 4 of them bickering about who was going to do what or how the game should be played, and she was not in the mood to handle a meltdown. She was sure she’d walk out of the house and leave them to figure it out. But when she looked at them, they each seemed excited at the thought of her getting involved. Just 30 more minutes hopefully… she could keep them entertained for that long, right? She sighed, “You know what, sure.” She turned around to make way back to the living room, aware of the stampede of little footsteps following her, “But I get to pick the game, got it?”
“Okay!” was the unison reply.
Once they were all gathered by the couch, the alpha turned around. “We’re gonna play Hide & Seek. You all are gonna go hide, and I’m gonna seek,” she told them, “Whoever is the last to be found gets to be the next seeker. Sound fair?”
The twins nodded eagerly, while Wes and Tara voiced their acceptance.
“Uh-huh!” Then the small Carpenter pointed in the direction of their parents’ room. “You go count in Mommy and Daddy’s room, because we can’t go in there.” She bolted for the stairs again, shouting to her friends. “Come on!”
As Samantha started for her parents’ room, she called out to them, “Stay out of my room, please!”
“Why?!” was Mindy’s questioning voice.
They were at that age where everything was answered with why? “Because I said!” she replied.
“Count to 100!” Chad told their seeker, before vanishing out of sight.
So, she did. To get a little over a minute-and-a-half break, Sam laid down on her parents’ bed, while counting to 100 in her head, like instructed. For hiders, the quad of kids weren’t very quiet. Thumping and footsteps could be heard both upstairs and downstairs, but to be fair—and keep them hidden for as long as possible to pass the time—she pretended not to hear it.
96, 97, 98, 99…
All was quiet by the time she had reached 55, so she figured everyone had picked a spot and stayed there. There were countless times when she and Tara would play, and Tara would come out of her hiding spot because she’d changed her mind and made Sam go back and recount again. “Ready or not, here I come!” she announced the game’s script, even though she knew they had to be ready otherwise they were just going to be found first. She never really understood why saying those words were necessary. Just some sort of acknowledgement that the seeker is on the hunt should suffice, because saying ‘here I come’ just sounded a little weird, but whatever… 
She searched the living room first, checking the cabinets beneath the TV as well as the storage space of the ottoman. Nothing. Then, she moved the curtains and opened the closet. Still nothing. So, she moved to the kitchen.
Clearly, there was no one underneath the table, and the only other place that a small person could hide would be the bottom cabinets. However, not a trace of life was present. Sam turned at the far end of the kitchen island, catching the two places of exit on the same wall. One went into the formal dining room, while the other went to the mud room. Beneath the jackets hanging, there was subtle movement and a pair of small lavender shoes that weren’t familiar to the house. 
She came around quietly, like a stalking cat, keeping the essence of the game alive as she ducked into the shadows. She grabbed the black cover-up and pulled it aside, where she found who she guessed was there. “Found you, Mindy.”
The girl laid her hands out in confusion, “How?! It’s so dark in here!” 
Her genuinely disbelieved tone actually made Sam laugh with a shrug. “Maybe wear darker shoes next time,” she suggested, as she held the jacket aside and waved her to come out into the light.
She obeyed, nodding at the feedback. “Yeah, that wasn’t very smart of me…”
Immediately, the older female jumped in to assure her, “No, don’t say that about yourself. You’re very smart.” Being Tara’s big sister taught her how important building self-worth was. She had struggled to do it for herself, but with Tara’s already weakened condition from her asthma, she always made sure that Tara never looked down on herself for things she couldn’t control or things that weren’t important. It’d become a habit. “I’ll tell you what,” she began as she leaned down to Mindy’s level. When she received undivided, curious attention, she went on, “How about you continue to look for the others down here and I’ll search upstairs? You’ve got a really good eye, so I know you’ll do really good.”
Meeks-Martin brightened, that sparkle that she was famous for finding its way to her eyes as she gave a small hop of excitement. “Okay!” 
“Alright, let’s go!” Mindy’s thrill of being praised encouraged Sam’s thrill of being involved in the game as she turned around to run for the stairs. “We’re a team now, so let me know if you find anyone!”
“I will!” The other’s voice dictated that she had already raced away to begin her new job.
Sam prowled the second floor, checking every closet and behind every door. Her door had stayed shut, so she assumed they had listened to what she said about staying out of there, thankfully… However, Tara’s room hadn’t been off-limits. It would’ve been too predictable for Tara to hide in there, but not Chad or Wes. This thought led her to the threshold for her next stop. Nothing seemed to be moved around from when the 4 had been playing in there earlier, but she had learned a thing or two about kids their age being sneaky. Hell, she was quite the fox when she was that age. 
She scanned the bed, behind the curtains and in the closet, but… nothing. She gently kicked some abandoned puzzle pieces aside, before kneeling down for the last place she hadn’t checked. The depths of the most feared place of all children: under the bed.
Not a soul lingered… but there was an empty Goldfish bag.
Sam sighed. “Tara…” They weren’t supposed to eat upstairs, yet this had been there for some time. She slipped the bag into her pocket to continue searching, planning to throw it away in the bathroom trash can. When she got there, she turned on the light and tossed it into the bin, only to be caught off-guard by the shower curtain flying open.
Not expecting someone to hide in the shower, the growl-like outburst had her flinching with a yelp, but as pleasured giggling followed, she dropped her cringed demeanor. “Chad!” Her jump-started heart took a minute to recover as she shook her head. “You’re not supposed to come out of your hiding spot,” she covered up her alarm with an objection.
But the boy didn’t care as he leapt out of the bath/shower combo. “I know, but I knew you were gonna find me, so I wanted to scare you,” he defended himself.
Samantha just smirked and rolled her eyes. “I’ve already found Mindy, so now we’re looking for Tara and Wes.”
“Oh, Tara’s up here!” he blurted and darted out of the bathroom. “Come on!”
While it was technically against the rules to tell the seeker where the other hiders were, the pre-teen went with it anyway and followed him into the guest bedroom, where he went straight to the pile of pillows at the head of the bed.
Chad leapt up onto the mattress and pounced on the stash, earning a muffled squeak from beneath. “We found you, Tara!” he called in a sing-song voice as he ripped the pillows away to reveal the hider’s curled up body.
From the side of the bed, Sam braced herself for her sister to erupt into an attitude, shouting that Chad was cheating for already knowing where she was. But instead, the young girl busted out into laughter and jumped up from her crouched position.
“Hi, Sam!” she greeted her with a big smile and shining eyes.
Her hair was a mess from being tucked into a ball, which made her older sister giggle as she put her hand up, “Hi.” The two children then slipped off the bed, leading her to inform them, “Wes is the only one left. Let’s go see if Mindy has had any luck.” But right as she said that, the mentioned girl’s voice came bellowing through the house.
She didn’t sound right though.
This sent the called being’s heart into a race as she turned around and fled out of the room. She could already hear Mindy’s running footsteps coming to the staircase.
“What, Mindy?! What’s wrong?!” She nearly skidded on the stairs, having to stop herself from slamming into the child, who met her a quarter of the way up.
“Wes is stuck in the tree!” she shouted.
It took a brief moment for Sam to process what she had said, but she soon found herself heading for the backdoor with Mindy, Chad, and Tara on her heels. “He’s not even supposed to be outside,” she hissed as she threw the door open and ran into the night. And just like the older twin had said, Wes was clinging to a branch up in the tree in the middle of the yard. 
A high branch, at that…
As she approached the trunk, she called up to him. “Wes, you know you’re not supposed to be outside! What are you doing up there?!”
He whimpered, clearly upset with being so high up but also with the fact that he had done something wrong. “I just wanted a good hiding spot…” he confessed, the tears in his eyes becoming present to the rest through his voice. “B-but I can’t get down! I’m scared, Sam!”
If she was older, she’d curse… because she did not want to climb that tree. Being an older sibling, she had been forced to outgrow many of her fears, but she was never able to shake her fear of heights. However, she was the oldest one there right now. Her parents, and Wes’s mom, and Mindy and Chad’s mom were depending on her to make the adult decisions. She was going to be 12 years-old next May, and it was the end of September now. She was the only one who could do this. She couldn’t just leave him in the tree until their parents came. She should be able to handle this… shouldn’t she? “Um… okay,” she didn’t realize she was agreeing to this until she was agreeing to it. “Okay, it’s okay, Wes! Uh…” She glanced around as if there were going to be some ladder or something that would magically spawn out of nowhere. But there wasn’t, just the 3 faces of the other kids staring at her. That told her that they were depending on her too… She looked back up to the boy in the tree. “I’m… I’m gonna come get you! Just hang on!” 
The last time she had climbed this tree, she had been in the same situation as Wes was in now. She and Tara had been playing this same game, and she had the bright idea to climb the tree because Tara couldn’t get in the dang tree. That’s when she got very familiar with her fear. Tara had to go get their father, who had to climb up to get her down. 
Now, here she was…
Samantha paced up to the tree trunk and took a deep breath. “Oh, God, okay…” she exhaled and lifted her gaze to the obstacle course above. ‘Don’t look down, now,’ she told herself, before grabbing ahold of the lowest branch. This was it.
From above, Wes bit back a cry. “S-Saaam…”
Before she could reply, Tara answered to him from the ground. “It’s okay, Wes! Sam’s coming!”
And that’s when her big-sister-instincts kicked in. Sam dug her nails into the bark and pressed the soles of her shoes into the dips the trunk and limbs provided. Grabbing each branch one by one with a grip as tight as hers had the skin of her palms ripping and her fingers burning like she was touching a hot stove. She swallowed back a whimper as the pain ran deep, but she kept her eyes fixed on Wes. He was her main priority. She threw her arm towards the last branch and grunted as she pulled herself up. Her foot slipped a little, which provoked a startled gasp from her, and she had to stop for a moment to recover.
‘Don’t look down. Whatever you do, don’t look down.’ She rehearsed the words over and over again in her head, her anxiety of falling making tears of her own threaten to take hold of her.
She tried to think of the way she’d seen animals move and climb in the cartoon movies she and Tara watched and tried to mimic that. It seemed to work well, so it couldn’t be terribly different for people, right? She remembered what her father had said when he had saved her from this situation.
‘ "Just breathe, Sam. I’ve got you." ’
She was clinging to his neck when he’d said this, shaking while crying into his shoulder.
‘ "As long as you hold on tight, you won’t fall." ’
Sam took a deep breath and raised her chin, blinking her lurking tears away. Wes didn’t know what she knew, so she had to tell him herself. And the only way to do that was to make it to him and be confident, just like her dad was. So, she did. She clawed her way to where he was and assured him as he jumped onto her. “You’re okay,” she positioned herself to be able to caress him with one arm, “I’ve got you.”
“Yay, Sam!” Mindy shouted from below.
“You did it!” Tara accompanied, while Chad was too busy watching.
Wes was trembling against Sam as she took a moment to collect herself. She was going to have to do things a little differently than what her father did with her because of her youthful strength. “Wes, listen to me, okay?” She kept her balance for the time being. “You’re gonna have to get on my back, so I can climb down. Can you do that for me?”
But he just sniffled with a shudder. “I… I want my mom,” he whined, clutching her shirt as if the rest of the world was out to get him.
“I know,” she tried to soothe him, “I know, and she’ll be here soon. But I’m here right now, and I will get you down.” She could feel the warmth from his tears soak her shoulder. “I promise.” The longer they stayed up there, the more anxious she became. “But you have to do what I say, okay? As long as you hold on tight, you won’t fall.”
The boy nodded and eased away from her figure to do what she told him. Sam kept one arm against him as he made his way onto her back and fastened his arms around her neck. “You ready?” she asked.
“Alright. Here we go…” Having the added weight onto her back made the older Carpenter feel twice the strain on her hands as she began the climb down. Not to mention, his hold on her neck made breathing difficult, and the way his legs wrapped around her torso had his shoes pressing uncomfortably into her stomach. However, the most important thing was for him to hold on tight, like she said, so she didn’t hold it against him.
And right as her feet hit the ground, the back door opened.
“What are you doing out here?!” 
“Mama!” Tara was the first to turn and flock to her mother’s voice. “We were playing Hide & Seek and Wes got stuck in the tree, so Sam had to get him down,” she explained.
Christina looked up from her youngest daughter to find her oldest kneeling on the ground to let Wes off of her back. Behind her, Judy appeared to speak before she could.
“Well done, Samantha!” the officer praised as her son came running up to her. She picked him up and set him on her hip. “But didn’t I tell you to stay out of trees, Wes?” Her tone dropped when she spoke to him, but softened once more when he nodded and leaned against her shoulder. As the twins and Sam came to join them, she nodded to the eldest, “Thank you.”
“No problem,” Sam replied, regardless of the marathon her heart was still running. She then glanced over to Christina, expecting to be scolded for not being more clear on giving the kids proper directions. However, instead, her head was pet with a soft hand.
“Good girl, Sam,” her mother spoke with a smile.
And all of the sudden, Sam’s heart slowed, and she found herself smiling back, a sense of pride and self-achievement flooding through her to drown out the fear. Tara’s weight then slammed into her side as her waist was encased by her little arms.
“You were so brave!”
She chuckled, “Thanks, Tara.”
Judy cut in to dismiss herself and her son, “Alright, it’s getting late, so we better get going.”
Christina nodded. “Of course.” She then waved the rest to follow them in. “Come on inside! Chad, Mindy, your mom should be here any minute.”
The twins and Tara raced inside, while Judy followed with Wes, and then Christina and Sam.
It had been one hell of an eventful night… and it all started at 7:02 PM. 
Okay, so it was one hell of an eventful 30 minutes.
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this took me way too long to write rip.
I'm pretty sure I had more to say but I'm lowkey brain-dead atm soooooooo
All my best and blessings to you! ♡ - parker
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reggie-writes ¡ 1 year
Wrench’s Birthday- Wrencus Oneshots
If you like it there’s more on Wattpad.
*Drug and suicide topic Warning*
It's been a few days and Wrench hasn't been looking too good. He surprisingly showed up yesterday after not coming in for 4 days and he was miserable. That's not all, he barely even talked to us. I've asked him multiple times if everything was ok, and he just replied with "I'm fine" with that fake tone that he gives to stangers.
I'm hoping he comes in today because it's his birthday and I got him something. Usually, it's just me and Wrench that exchange gifts on each other's birthdays.
This year I got him a particular gun, which I can't get out of our 3-D printed machine. Not saying our 3-D printed ones aren't good, it's just that Wrench has been talking about this "Daredevil" shotgun. It's an expensive gun and highly rare because there are only about 50 of them worldwide. And guess who got their hands on it? I grin to myself knowing how ecstatic Wrench is going to be. He's been talking about this ever since I met him, the way he glows when he explained what he's wanted for years.
The day was slow at the hackerspace, just watched the clock go from 8 to 9, to 10, to 11 and it felt like it could never end. I couldn't get up and leave because we all working on something important. Finally, it reached 6:30 I immediately got up and left. I forgot to say goodbye to the rest of them. Since Wrench didn't come in, I decided to stop by his house. It wasn't that far of a walk, it was only fifteen minutes away.
The rain pattered on the blacktop beside me. It was calm, especially when a car doesn't pass by. The birds were chirping and the frogs were croaking. The fog began to roam in. When I turned the corner, I saw Wrench outside taking a drag of his cigarette, also talking to some lady dressed in white fishnets and knee-high boots. They exchanged goodbyes and she disappeared around the other corner. I continued walking staring at the ground. I couldn't help but think he got a hooker for his birthday, I didn't understand why I felt a certain way like I was upset. He thinks he could call up a hooker but can't even chill with his friends?
I was pissed off about that and was going to tell him off but as I walk closer to him, his eyes were shallow and you can tell he was sleep deprived. He was in a trance like he was thinking hard about something. I was concerned about him now.
"Hey Wrench," I say clearing my throat.
He looks up at me with sorrowful eyes. "Hey man." He takes one last hit of his cigarette, throws it on the ground, and crushes it.
There was a moment of awkward silence before I spoke again.
"Well, I stopped by to give you something."
He raised his eyebrows but didn't say anything. His eyes glance over to the suitcase, being held by my sweaty hands.
"Okay." He mumbled and opened the door and turned on his living room light. Then the smell takes me back to when I was younger. The stench of cigarettes. How many packs did he smoke a day? I didn't wanna ask because I didn't want to be rude. There have to be like 30 empty cartons laying around. The last time I was here, this place only smelt a tad bit like pot and was a tad bit messy. Now it's worse, probably because he's not okay.
We sat down and Wrench snapped back to reality. He took in his apartment's scenery as I unlock the suitcase.
"Shit man, sorry for the mess." He apologized. "I really got to get myself on track." He rubbed his eyes.
"Hey don't worry man, shit happens in life. You know?" I stared into his eyes and glanced back to the case.
I slide it over to him, and he carefully opened the lid. He looked astonished with his jaw hanging wide open.
"Ma- mar-." He couldn't speak.
"I know, I kno-." I got cut off by Wrench's tight squeeze.
"Marcus I love it!" He sobbed.
"Are you crying?" I gently whispered.
He loosened his grip, then let go shortly after.
"Thank you so much." He grabs the gun carefully out of the case. "How-? How did you-."
"I found it in a dumpster behind Arby's." I grinned.
"Aw fuck off." He nudged me and examined the gun like it was an artwork.
"I gotta try this thing tomorrow. Oh! I got something too!" Wrench got up and ran to his room. Immediately he comes back out holding 2 perfectly wrapped blunts and his bong.
I chuckled. "Man, you're the best!"
We leaned back onto the couch and gazed into each other's eyes. We weren't super close though, but I could still tell his eyes were red. We were silent for a few minutes until Wrench smirked and we began laughing our asses off. I don't know why I found it funny but I just did. It felt like we were laughing for hours, but it was probably only for 10 minutes.
"You wanna go somewhere to eat?" I was getting bored and hungry.
"Yeah man sure, we can go to Milos bar around the corner." He stood up. "I'll go grab some..."
I grabbed his wrist. "It's on me, I'll pay."
"Look what you got me, Marcus!!!" He points to the gun. "Just let me at least pay half please?"
I got up and let go of his wrist "No, Wrench. It's your birthday."
"Fine." He exhaled and put his mask back on. "You'll let me pay next time."( ~ ^)
"Alright deal." We head out and began walking.
We arrived and sat down at the bar. Wrench and I ordered water, I'm not sure if we're going to drink tonight, but I have extra money on me.
The bartender served us our water and some chips. Wrench took his mask off and we began snacking on them immediately.
"Damn, these are the bomb," I said with my mouth full.
"I know." He continue to eat the freshly baked chips.
Time went by fast and we realized we were out of them so the waiter comes by and takes our order. We both got appetizers so it was quicker to make.
"So- How've you been? Are you okay?" I started to fill the void of silence that Wrench was purposely creating.
"Ugh-." He cleared his throat. "Yeah, I'm fine." He shoves a whole bunch of taco dip in his mouth for only half of it to fall out. I hand him a napkin and laugh.
"No but seriously, how's your head? What's going on with it?" I asked concerningly.
Wrench looked like a deer in headlights.
"I'm just depressed. As always? What do you want me to say? Aww Kittens, Rainbows, Fairies, blah blah blah." he rolled his eyes.
"What's making you upset." I didn't want to go too far if he didn't want to talk.
"Meh, a lot." He mumbled.
I noticed he was getting upset so he decided to back off. " We don't have to talk about it now, just let me know later if you want."
"Alright, tell me what's up with you?" he pushed the chips to me since he was done.
"I've been worrying about you, but there's nothing new really. We got some work done at the hackerspace." I continued on about the work the crew has done.
"I hope they don't think I bailed on them." he frowned.
"No, no. They're worried about you more than anything." I reassured.
"Really?" he looked shocked. "I'm sorry, I just didn't realize people thought about me."
"Dedsec is family Wrench, including Ray. We're always here." I was concerned that he thought that.
The bartender gave us our food and smelled delicious.
Wrench murmured. "Can I try a piece." then placed a mozzarella stick on my plate.
"Yeah of course." so I gave him a wing.
The bartender asked if we wanted anything to drink, and we ordered a drink each. Wrench got some fancy rum thing and I took a beer.
Time passed and Wrench was on his 8th rum thing and I was on 6 beers. Wrench was more fucked up cause he was slurring his words a tad. I was slightly drunk, I didn't wanna drink too much so we can walk home.
"Heyy M?" He looked up from his drink after staring at it for a while.
"Yes?" I turned over to him.
He got quiet and thought for a moment while tapping the glass. "I don't wanna make you feel bad. But Ima say it anyway if you don't mind."
"Wrench you're not going to hurt my feelings. What's up?" I wasn't expecting much.
He struggled to pull his phone out of his pocket. "I was born at 9:42, it's 9:41."
"Happy birthday!!" I started shaking his shoulder and he softly smiled. I grabbed my beer and gestured to drink. So he grabbed his cup and I put my arm around his shoulders. We cheered and chugged.
"So your 25 now?" I joked.
He chuckled to himself then his smile dropped. He barely managed to say. "You know, yo- you saved m- me today M."
My heart slightly sunk since I was confused.
He looked down at his feet resting on the footrest. "I was gonna end it at 9:42." he gulped.
I was dismayed and my immediate response was to hug him. If I didn't see him today, he would've bit the dust. Fuck man. Losing him would make my life miserable, I just wish he knew that he means so much to me. I wrapped my arms around him tight and he moved closer to me. I can tell he was softly crying on my shoulder.
"I'm sorry Wrench. I should've come by sooner, I was so caught up with-" I stopped cause he let go of the hug with tears still forming in his eyes. He placed a finger on my lips. "Shh.." then slowly dragged it down and started at my lips for a second then back up at my eyes. "Don't feel bad, don't apologize. It was my fault. I was so lost in my head man I get into these weird depressive states and it almost won this time again."
"Again?" I raised my brow.
"Yeah, when I was a teen." he picked up his drink and took huge gulps.
"Oh wow." I felt very sorry for him. I had an idea that something was going on but didn't know it was this severe.
"I'm sorry that you're friends with an unstable person. I wish all the time that it would fade away, but it always comes back." His hands were cupped around his drink looking at his feet.
I sighed. "It's not your fault Wrench that's just how you are. Yes, I know it gets scary sometimes, you might have to be more positive in those times You know I care about you, my life would turn upside down."
"I try M, I really do. I have so much ballsly confidence and when it's time to end it. I don't second guess myself. It's my mind M and I can't fix it myself. I think I need meds but I don't wanna take them. I tried overdosing back when I was 16 so it's kinda traumatic taking medicine regularly. Then I think it's just better off..." he stopped for a second "Being fucking dead." He looked up at me with sorrowful eyes.
I was silent processing his feelings. I felt a pain in my chest, I cared so much for him. I hated to see him like this.
"I just realized today, that when I'm with you, they all disappear. I'm able to think again."
That made me smile and I rubbed his arm.
"Not cigarettes, not pot, not beer. Yeah, they help me to confront things with ease but..." He thought for a few seconds. "Since the day I fucking met you they just began to silence. Every time we hung out when I had a low day you always bring me up."
His eyes were moving slowly almost like they weren't keeping up so where he was looking at. 
I felt a warm feeling inside me, usually, this happens a lot with Wrench. I just didn't think about it too much before. It was there briefly in the past, this time it was lingering. I didn't know if this was a crush feeling because I thought I was straight.
"That means a lot Wrench, thank you. You always cheer me up all the time.  I'll be here through every step of the way" It felt like I was blushing.
"I wanted to say that I'm not saying I depend on you for happiness 'cause I have days that I do it myself. You just mean so much M, you are closer to me than any other friend or even other family I had. You know?"
"I believe you, I believe you." I nodded. "I'm getting tired, and you're slurring a lot, we can continue this convo walking home right?"
He nodded. "Sure thing, imma go piss." he hopped off the and I practically caught him.
"I'm ok, I'm ok." He tried to maintain his balance.
"Are you going to make it to the bathroom?" I placed down the cash with the bill.
"I don't know, maybe not. How are we gunna make it home?"
"We'll find out." I patted his back.
So I guided Wrench to the bathroom he was able to follow he was slow. I also went too and next thing he was holding the wall for balance. So took him back out, grabbed the change, and left the tip on the table.
"Where are we going again?" he couldn't keep his eyes open.
"Your house." I opened the door for him.
"Home? It's pitch black out."
I grabbed his hand and he opened his eyes wide. "M, are you making a move?"
"No, you keep closing your eyes I'm going to make sure you don't end up somewhere else."
"Oh. Well Marky Mark I feel something when you hold my hand."
"My hand?" I wasn't too sure what he meant cause he was plastered.
"Oh right! Duhh." He laughed then tripped over his feet. "Shit."
We walked for about a minute till he blurted out. "Wait no, mentally. I feel it inside." he pointed to his chest.
I squeezed his hand and he looked down at the ground grinning.
I hear this one song play in my head by U2. The beginning of where the streets have no name.
The sidewalk was uneven in some places so we were stumbling and laughing hard. We were intoxicated.
At one point Wrench fell into the grass which made me fall onto the cement. He stumbled to get back up then screamed, "I'M NOT LETTING YOU TAKE ME THIS TIME!" then smiled. "FUCK YOU!!" He raised his middle fingers at the trees. It echoed back strangely and it sent a shiver down my spine. I was still on the ground admiring him and the moment that he was having. I didn't understand why and I didn't need to.
He turned around and his smile was bright and he managed to walk over to me. "You need help there buddy? Why are you on the ground? Didn't I fall?"
"You took me with you." I got back up and held his hand again.
The rest of the way we walked home still holding hands with the beginning of that song still playing over and over again.
We walk into the door he threw his vest on the couch as he dragged me into his room. He ran over to his radio and turned it on.
He tackled me into his bed. "Ahh woah!" I wasn't expecting that.
We were face to face as he held himself up by his hands. He had a big grin that made me blush stupidly hard.
He kissed my cheek and snuggled right up next to me. I put my arm around him and cuddling with him felt so natural and so right. I was focused on the lyrics of this song but I didn't know it. I began running my fingers through his hair.
"What song is this?" I mumbled.
"Explosions, three days grace," he mumbled back.
"I like it."
I woke up and realized I was at Wrench's house. There was something warm wrapping around me and grabbed the hand to look at it. I saw his incognito tattoo and my eyes widened.
"Wrench?" I whisper to myself. Did I sleep with him? Or was this platonic? I was confused so I laid there for about 30 minutes trying to put the pieces together.
I eventually remembered what Wrench told me and then his scream in the woods. But had no memory of us flirting. It felt like a dream trying to figure out what the fuck just happened.
So I turned over to him, he was sleeping peacefully and his arm slightly rested on my waist still. I smiled as the butterflies swarm my chest again I remembered the feeling last night. I just couldn't recall what was exchanged between us.
I can't be in love with him, am I? I get up just to clear my head still trying to figure out what happened last night.
I stretch and take in Wrench's scenery, empty bottles, empty cigarette boxes, and dirty laundry everywhere. I check the time it was 9:30 so I figured I would just clean a bit so he can have a fresh start. Living in his apartment would give me much anxiety as it is. I put the blanket back on him and he just looked so adorable. Maybe I am into him.
I silently clean up his room did a load of laundry, threw out the garbage and wiped down his dresser, emptied his ashtrays. Swept the floor and then moved onto his living room. Picked up all his stuff off the ground and then switched the laundry. Sweep and cleaned off the counter and tables. I placed his shotgun back onto the coffee table for later.
I was going to make breakfast, but I had to clean out his fridge and wipe it all down. Then I started, at 1:00 making food for us. While I was at the stove cooking, I heard footsteps from behind.
"Good morning M, why is my apartment cleaned up?" he questioned,
"'Cause I did, after we eat you got to change the sheets. Also, most of your laundry is in the dresser."
He stayed silent so I turned around. His mouth was slightly ajar.
"I just figured you needed a little help for a fresh start." I shrugged and continued cooking.
He sat down on his barstool which was behind me. "What happened last night? What did I tell you?"
I thought for a second. Did he not remember? I barely did but I knew something happened.
"You told me what was going to happen last night." I frowned remembering that part. I placed his plate in front of him and sat down across from him.
"Why are you doing this M? I appreciate your help, I do. I'm just confused."
I knew I would've helped him either way even if I wasn't interested in him. "Well, 'cause I care for you. I was worried about you, so I hope it'll be a bit easier for you."
Then that song started to play again in my head. Then I remember that Wrench pointed at his heart and said inside. He feels something inside in his chest but we were hammered so that was the best way to say it.
"Thank you, M." he was shoving the food in his mouth.
"You told me last night that you liked me, Wrench."
His eyes shot wide open, stopped chewing then swallowed. "I- I what?"
"I had to hold your hand walking home and- you told me that you felt something. I woke up to you on my back."
He looked off to the side trying to remember. "I've always felt something when I'm with you. I just don't remember anything last night."
That gave me so much relief because I was starting to fall hard for him.
"Do you Marcus?" He asked.
I nodded quickly. "Look, I would've given you a fresh start ethier way. But I wanna take this slow Wrench."
"Oh yeah, I agree." He nodded. "I have to recover from it. Marcus I would love to start a relationship with you, but I just can't right now." he started to tear up.
I grabbed his hands and held them. "I know it's hard, I'll be here. You take as much time as you need. If you are having a bad day, call me and we'll hang out."
"Ok, thank you M." he got up and grabbed out empty plates, and threw them in the dishwasher. He noticed his fridge on the outside clean, then opened it. "Oh my god! Marcus! You didn't have to, it looks so much better."
He ran over to me and kissed me on the cheek and hugged me. I wasn't expecting that but shrugged it off.
"You've done so much for me."
We both got up and put the clean sheets on then made the bed. He dove into the bed after it was made. I laughed then it reminded me of last night.
"Hey, do you wanna try out your new gun today?"
"OH MY GOD YES YES YES!!" he bolted into the living room.
I smiled as I walked out of the room and closed the door.
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vintage-brass-tc ¡ 11 months
July TC Challenge Days 8-20
Oh my gosh 😭😭 thought I’d be able to do this daily but time passed! Whoops!
8. would you be willing to become a teacher and teach your tc’s subject if it meant you two could be together?
Yes, of course! I’ve thought about it several times ❤️
9. does your tc drink or smoke?
Not sure. They both drink for sure, especially U, and there used to be rumors of U smoking? No way to know though.
10. name one item that is always on your tc’s desk.
Their laptops, and in M’s case, a little gift I gave him freshman year! ❤️
11. has your tc ever done anything that has either thrown you off, annoyed you, angered you or bothered you in any way? if so, what did they do?
Uhhh yeah, for sure. There have been several situations where M gets onto people for tiny things and makes a big deal out of it, and cases where he doesn’t let things from the past go. It’s quite annoying and I have to stop myself from rolling my eyes every time he gets frustrated, since it would happen so often— especially last concert season.
In U’s case, there are times where he is super caught up with everything he has to do, and he goes silent. I don’t blame him at all for this, as I get overwhelmed too if I have a lot to do, but he’ll be all agitated if I try to interact with him in this state. Understandably so, but I just feel bad for him. Otherwise, nothing else really comes to mind!!
12. does your tc have any past jobs that you know of, before becoming a teacher?
UHH YEAH!!! M worked at Chili’s!! Not sure about U though.
13. does your tc have kids or siblings? if so, how many?
I honestly don’t know about siblings 😭 but M has bright and beautiful kids!!!
14. are you taking your tc’s class next year?
Yessss, they’re stuck with me for a little longer.
15. has your tc ever met your parents? if you were there, what was the meeting like?
Yeah! They’ve volunteered for marching band stuff so they’ve just seen each other around a bunch, but they love my dad!
16. has your tc ever given you detention? if so, what was it like?
I wiiish. No but if they got me in trouble I’d probably cry. Their version of detention is taking someone out of class to have a talk with them in their office. Hasn’t happened to me though— not yet!!
17. has your tc ever failed you? if so, how did you react? if not, how would you react?
No, thank goodness. They’ve always been so kind to me and always use me as a model for others in my section. ❤️
18. what are your tc’s hobbies/interests? are they similar to yours?
Uhhh I don’t know? M watches sports a lot, and I suppose he spends a lot of time listening to band music and stuff. He’s active, he takes walks and maybe still works out? He takes care of his kids and dogs.
U has a cat and takes care of them!!! He also works out a bunch and I believe he looks into band stuff outside of school as well. He uses TikTok.
19. have you ever spoken on the phone with your tc? what did you talk about?
I have, briefly, with M. It was about a 46 second or so call, and the situation was that I was recording an audition video outside with my contra, and had texted M that I was done, thanking him for his patience as he was waiting for me.
When I had gotten to the door, it was locked, so I panicked and called him. He told me, a little panicked, that he had thought I packed up and had already left. He stated that it was too far to turn back so I told him I’d take it home and return it the next day. Kind of embarrassing. Haha.
20. if you had your tc’s class during quarantine, what were your zoom calls like? if not, have you spoken to your tc since quarantine?
M would visit my old band class’ calls sometimes during COVID times. And ummm….I got super excited seeing him but a whole lot of nothing was happening on these calls.
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thebutterflea ¡ 2 years
holy fucking smokes people
no one speak. not a fucking word.
it's time for kujou tenn to cry and im just not ready ngl. the fucking cg in game broke me and now this shits about to be moving???? no fucking way. not ready after the week i've had.
but here we go!
1:27 - idk how many times i can take tama fucking licking his lips at me. do we still have the strength?
1:40 - the cutest op i fucking loves it
2:38 - oh god oh god here it fucking comes, AHHHHHHHHHHHHHI'M NOT READY
2:50 - tenn's smile. i'm not ready
2:56 - not tenn quoting the brother he literally abandoned, like come on man
3:02 - yargHHHHHHHH. heart pains. fuck this show. your rival, bro???? call back to a few seasons ago???? right before you fuck me in the ass?????????
3:18 - crumbs for the tenngaku shippers and i'm lapping them up
3:54 - why's tenn's hair so extended? he got that extra strength gel to keep his flicky bits up. ever since shaving my head, i can respect that.
4:05 - anesagi crying CAN WE FUCKING NOT
4:43 - use your words brother, tsumugi's gonna turn around and think you ascended to the next astral plane
5:15 - what the hell, slap my granmama in the face, shoot my turkey in the leg THEY JUST DON'T DESERVE THIS MAN
6:06 - now i know we are not getting fucking SECRET NIGHT animated again??? they said let them eat cake and we EATING
6:14 - hello perspective??? ryu's foot is cutting into my leg rn. i just love technology!
6:35 - what's going on rn??? these angles? animators have died for this it seems
6:51 - why's anesagi having the shittest time out of everyone? poor miss gorl is having to listen to all the hate like just leave??
7:19 - i'm actually going to have 2 fillings after this episode bc it's SO SWEET?? MOMO AND YUKI MOMENT?? 'have your cake and eat it' like i'm eating bitch
8:12 - yamato's face rn. who would've thought we'd come from psychotic breakdowns and strangling to this? not me!
9:42 - mmmmm. mmmmmmMMMMMMM. i'm just not ready. it is 10pm on a saturday night, am i really ready for a breakdown like this?
10:15 - fuck. fucking fukcing aiodsjfaisdhfa;isudduhfajsd I'M SILENTLY SCREAMING. INTO MY HANDS. why? BECAUSE OF LINES AND COLOURS THAT MOVE. actually what is my life?
the voice break is about to have my fucking heart. bros. help
11:25 - my heart physically hurts. like i knew this was coming but still?? lord have mercy
11:48 - that 'thank you' just legally murdered my children. how you doing this TO YOUR OWN SUPPORTERS??? hurting them this way
11:52 - BROS I'M GOOD I'M ACTUALLY DONE, I'M FINISHED. he's glad he's singing????? why don't we all just suck a cock and call it a day?!
12:27 - tsumugi is such a babe, we're getting married tomorrow
12:33 - like i knew this was gonna be bad but FR FR??
12:41 - actually can't even process. let me be free from this pain. let me live. also gaku and ryu are such bros.
13:33 - whiplash from that emotional shit right into the riku's a monster storyline. like can i have some place to cry throw up sob on the floor, roll about, scoot over to the kitchen, make myself a snack, get back into bed, process for about 3 hours? thanks.
13:42 - now i KNOW. i KNOW. that they did not just add this shot of riku fucking doing press-ups? what is this ANGLE? they really having iori watch riku, from THIS ANGLE, and analyse. i'm tired.
14:02 - imagine walking into your lounge and iori izumi is rewatching clips of you doing press ups on tv. riku pov would start an inquiry.
14:28 - OH SHIT, iori pack your shit up before riku calls the police
15:32 - the animator in me just loves the attention to detail. like of course you rub your arm inside your bracelet when you're talking about something uncomfortable. they did not come to play.
15:45 - Hi. I’m your average gay fuck. Did you know that you have gay? this line says you do. And so do I.
16:35 - why riku look so good in this shot? i mean im not complaining, slay and all that.
17:09 - huh?? what just happened? oh wait his breathing?
17:25 - now this ain't right. where's all the love for the other members people?? i want to see more orange in this crowd RIGHT NOW or i'm coming down there fools
18:06 - transition??? they really aren't messing about!
18:08 - this gay motherfucker i swear to god. ALLURE? actually just fuck and get off my screen please
19:03 - i can't, this man is really trying to explain his gay panic away as 'riku plays on people's emotions'. YOU WANNA FUCK. ok?? so get on with it please
19:12 - calling your crush pitiful does not make you any less gay for them fool. tsundere looking ass
19:39 - tsumugi's face here really says it all. she said come out of the closet or you'll be coming into the insane asylum with this level of denial.
20:21 - am i about to 180 my opinions on this storyline bc iori's slaying this speech so hard? tenn gives and riku takes? i can get behind the story potential that contrast.
20:39 - is it on purpose that he looks like kujou takamasa with all this gesturing?
21:17 - i remember finding this example of him becoming a political leader so fucking funny before. nanase riku for president 2022. i'd vote for him
21:49 - like this was very well animated and written but calm down bro. riku's a babe we don't need to worry.
22:36 - kujou takamasa knows how gay iori is. he knows all
well, holy fuck! another knee slapper from idolish7 that i'll probs rewatch. now to wait for season 4 where toma tells nagi's brother he wants to touch him in terrible northmeirian. patience is a virtue
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study-coffee-chicago ¡ 3 years
Overprotective (A Halstead Brothers + Halstead Sister! Imagine)
A/N: This was a request from an anon who wanted overprotective Jay and Will and angst and fluff! So, I hope I did your request justice! 
Thanks for reading! Remember to like/reblog and comment! I love reading your comments because they put a smile on my face!
Thunderstorm (age 7)
It had been six months since your mom died. Jay was back from his second deployment and was now a police officer and Will was in New York for what you called doctor school. And your dad, well he was here in Chicago with you physically, but not mentally.
You whimpered as you hugged your teddy bear--whom you had affectionately named Officer Chuckles after you heard someone call Jay that at a picnic for police and their families--tight to your chest. The thunder was really loud and you swore it was shaking the house. And, to make matters worse, your dad wasn't here; he had left his seven-year-old daughter alone at home, during a thunderstorm, at 11:30 at night.
Your mom had loved thunderstorms and she'd always watch them as they rolled in. If it was morning, she'd sit and drink her coffee on the front porch while she watched them and listened to the rain drum down on the roof. If it was nighttime, she'd have something called wine, which she told you that you couldn't have until you were older, and do the same thing.
Because of this, every time there was a thunderstorm and your dad wasn't working, he'd always go to the cemetery to visit your mom. You didn't know what he did there. You just knew that every time there was a thunderstorm, you'd just be that much more scared.
Your mom used to comfort you when there was a thunderstorm; she'd tell you that the thunder was just a giant up in the sky bowling and that he just got a strike. But, your dad wouldn't really comfort you because he'd just leave. And, there was only so much Officer Chuckles and huddling in your blankets could do for you.
"We gotta call Jay," you whispered to your bear. "He'll know what to do."
So, you gripped Officer Chuckles in your little hand and then made your way into the kitchen. You jumped as more lightning and thunder cracked across the sky.
You flicked on the light and picked up the phone. You looked at the number on the fridge and carefully dialed it and then hit the "talk" button. Then, you listened to it ring while little whimpers of fear escaped your mouth.
"Dad? Why are you--" You jumped and a small scream came out. "Y/N? Kiddo, what are you doing up? It's late."
"I- I'm scared," you said quickly and ran back to your room with Officer Chuckles and the phone still in your hand and pressed up to your ear.
"Because of the thunder?" Jay asked gently.
"Uh-huh," you answered as you buried yourself back under your covers. "Daddy's not here and-and it's really loud."
"Dad's not there?"
"He went to see Mommy." You squeaked as more thunder came.
Jay cursed on the other end of the phone and hoped you didn't pick up on it. "Y/N, I will be there in ten minutes, okay? I just want you to stay in your room until I get there. Can you do that for me?"
"Uh-huh. But please come fast, Jay Jay. Me and Officer Chuckles are really scared."
"I'll come really, really fast. I promise. Now, I have to put down the phone so I can drive. But I promise I'll get there really fast. I love you."
"I love you, too, Jay Jay."
Jay cursed himself as he drove as fast as he could towards his childhood home. He didn't even speed, just tried to go the speed limit. But, it was downpouring so hard that he had to slow down so that he didn't hydroplane and get into a car accident. He didn't need that right now and you definitely didn't need that right now.
Jay walked up the front porch--forgetting his umbrella in his car because he was so focused on getting to you--and then found the spare key under the flower pot. The flower was fake; there's no way your dad could keep a plant alive.
"Y/N?" he called out as he slipped off his shoes once he was inside. "It's me. It's Jay Jay."
Thunder cracked across the sky and Jay swore under his breath and then took off running to your bedroom.
There, he found you huddled underneath your comforter clutching Officer Chuckles to your chest and resting your head against him. Your small night light was the only thing giving off light in your room.
"Y/N," he whispered, causing you to jump. "It's okay, it's just me. It's Jay," he said quickly and then flicked on your bedroom light.
Now that everything was bathed in light, you jumped out of bed without hesitating and held tightly onto Jay. "It's too loud! It's too loud!" you wailed as your fingers clutched the bottom of his shirt.
"I know, I know," he soothed and gently rubbed your back while you continued to cry. "But remember what Mom said? It's just a giant up in the sky bowling."
"Well, he needs to play a quieter game."
Jay laughed at that. "I mean, we could try to tell him that, but I don't think he'd listen since he's way bigger than us." You nodded in agreement. Jay crouched down in front of you, seeing as you had finally let go of him. "Y/N, can you grab me your most favorite backpack?"
"Why?" you asked, tilting your head to the side. "It's nighttime, not school time."
Jay smiled at your innocence. "I know. But, you're gonna come over to my house and we're gonna have a sleepover."
"Like we do on some weekends?"
"Just like that."
More thunder.
You grabbed onto Jay's hand. "You come with me to get my backpack in the living room?"
Jay nodded. "Of course."
Once you were back in your room, Jay started grabbing some clothes for you and you grabbed your favorite blanket and Officer Chuckles. Then, something dawned on you. You were always supposed to tell your daddy if you went somewhere.
"Will Daddy be mad?"
Jay turned away from your dresser and to look at you. "Why would he be mad, kiddo?"
"Because I'm not- I'm not telling him I'm having a sleepover with you."
"Oh, he knows."
"You talked to him?"
"I called him on the way here." Well, he sent him a strongly worded text message, but that was basically the same thing. All he needed to know was that you were coming to his house since you were scared of the storm (not to mention you were seven years old and you shouldn't be home alone in the first place). He hadn't answered the text yet, but at least he'd know where you were.
"Okay. Will you come with me to get my raincoat, too?"
Jay had just finished putting the last of a pair of clothes in your backpack. "I think we can grab that on our way out. Good thinking, kiddo."
He shouldered your little backpack and took your blanket from you so that it wouldn't drag on the wet ground when you walked outside. Then, you put on your rain boots and raincoat at the front door and clutched Officer Chuckles super tight and walked out to Jay's car, and started on your way to his apartment.
"Hold my hand when we walk through the parking lot, okay?" Jay said as he pulled into the parking lot of his apartment building.
He put the car in park and then turned it off and got out, quickly opening an umbrella he had stashed in his passenger seat. Then, he made his way over to your side of the car and helped you out and grabbed your backpack, and slung your blanket over his shoulders. You held tight to Officer Chuckles with one hand and held Jay's hand with the other while you two walked into his apartment building, the umbrella Jay was holding with his opposite hand shielding you from the rain.
Once you were inside, you handed Jay your raincoat and he hung it up on the rack because you couldn't reach it.
Jay started digging around in your backpack for the spare pair of pajamas that he had packed for you. "Okay, Y/N, why don't you go put on these nice comfy pajamas--"
"Because mine are kinda wet?" you asked and looked up at your big brother.
"Yes, because yours are kind of wet," Jay confirmed. "And then after, we can go to sleep, okay?"
Thunder cracked again and you jumped.
"Hey, hey, it's okay," Jay said and crouched down in front of you. "I promise you nothing bad will happen."
"You promise?"
"I promise," he confirmed with a nod of his head.
You turned to go change your clothes, and then remembered something. "Can I sleep with you tonight?"
"Of course."
After you changed into dry pajamas, you put your dirty ones in your backpack and left the bathroom to see Jay sitting on the couch waiting for you. "Ready for bed?" he asked.
You yawned. "Uh-huh."
Jay glanced at the clock. It was nearing 12:30 am. There was no way you were going to go to school after six and a half hours of sleep. So, he had a plan. And that plan involved iHOP.
Once you got into bed, you tried to fall asleep, but you couldn't. Jay noticed this when you jumped at the thunder. So, he grabbed your little hand in his and squeezed. You then moved closer to him and buried your head in his chest. You knew you were safe from the thunder because your big brother was around and he was big and strong and would protect you from anything. So, you soon fell asleep after, ending your very long night.
You rubbed your eyes as you walked out of Jay's bedroom the next morning, Officer Chuckles in your hand dangling by your side.
"Morning, sleepyhead," Jay said.
You looked at the clock. 8:30. "Don't I gotta be at school?" you asked, scrunching up your eyebrows which Jay thought was the cutest thing ever.
"Not until after lunchtime," he told you. "You were up really late, so I wanted to let you sleep. And, so we can go out for breakfast."
"Really? Where?" you asked excitedly, almost dropping Officer Chuckles because you were absolutely buzzing with excitement.
"That is a surprise. Now, how about you go get dressed and brush your teeth and brush your hair, and then we can get going, okay?"
Then, you scampered off and did just what Jay told you to do. You wanted to know what the surprise would be!
Once you were all done, you and Jay left, and on the ride to the place where you were going for breakfast, you kept asking where you'd be going. But, Jay just wouldn't let up. But, then you saw the big blue sign and knew exactly where you were headed.
"iHOP!" you exclaimed. "Smiley pancakes! Smiley pancakes!" You looked at Jay as he turned into the parking lot. "Can I get the smiley face pancakes? Please, Jay Jay?"
Jay smiled at your excitement. "Yes, you can get the smiley face pancakes."
"Yay!" you cheered.
After breakfast and going back to his apartment to get your school stuff that he had packed in your backpack last night, Jay brought you to school.
When he got back to his apartment, he started making phone calls and cashing in favors.
A month and a half later, Jay officially had guardianship of you.
Beach fight (age 14)
"It's so hot," you whined as you walked out of your room in the middle of summer and into the kitchen. You looked at Jay who was drinking coffee out of a mug. "I don't get how you can drink hot coffee. It's too hot out for that."
"You--" Jay took a sip of his coffee.--"are such a drama queen."
"But I'm a queen, so I'll take it."
Jay rolled his eyes. "Wonder where you got the quick comebacks from."
"Just a tall, red-headed doctor. Definitely not you."
"You're funny, kid. Real funny." Jay's phone buzzed. He furrowed his eyebrows. Then it buzzed again and he made eye contact with you and tilted his head to the side. "You texted Will about a beach day? And said that I said it was okay?"
"Uh-huh. You aren't the only Halstead sibling who can be sneaky you know."
"Normally, normally I'd be pissed. But, it's scorching out. So I'll give him a call. Go start getting ready and wear your swimsuit under your clothes so we don't have to change there."
"Yes! Thank you, Jay! Love you!" You gave him a quick hug.
"Yeah, yeah. You never love me more than when you get your way."
Then, you went off to your room to get changed.
"Will said he'd be right here," Jay muttered as he looked at his phone for the millionth time in ten minutes. Will and Jay had set up a spot to meet, but Will was running late.
Then, Will's familiar car pulled in and he parked. "Sorry I'm late," he started as he stepped out. "Had to pick up some groceries." He held up the six-pack of beer. "Can't have a beach day without alcohol."
Jay rolled his eyes. "Uh, yes, you can. And both of us are driving home." He turned to you. "Y/N, you're gonna have to make sure each of us only drinks two. I should be fine, but I don't know about him here."
"Hey!" Will exclaimed and then smacked Jay upside the head with his free hand.
You rolled your eyes and grabbed your beach chair and your drawstring bag with your towel and your book from Jay's truck. Jay grabbed the cooler, his bag, and his chair. Will grabbed his stuff and then the three of you were off.
You had waded in the water and read your book for a bit while Will and Jay chatted about some mutual cases they had come across while drinking their beer and eating snacks. You were snacking on your cheddar popcorn, (which Will had affectionately picked up a bag for you when he went to get beer because he knew it was your favorite) when you realized something: the boys had a drink other than water but you didn't.
You debated which brother would allow you to buy something from the coffee cart up by the entrance to the beach.
Will won.
"Will," you said sweetly and turned around to look at him.
"Uh oh," Jay said. "That's her I want something voice. Don't give in. Be strong."
Will rolled his eyes. "Yes, Y/N?"
"I was thinking--"
"It's worse than I thought!" Jay exclaimed. "She's thinking!"
You scowled at him and turned back to face Will. "I was thinking that since you two have something other than water to drink and I don't, could I maybe get something from the coffee cart? Please?"
"Yeah, sure. Why not?"
"Dude! She's fourteen! She shouldn't be drinking caffeine...especially not at noon!" Jay protested.
"There's this thing called decaf coffee, Jay."
"There's this thing called decaf coffee, Jay," Jay mocked. "Shut up, Will."
Will rolled his eyes. "Anyway, I have to go to the bathroom, so I'll walk up with there with you and just give you money and meet you back there." He looked at Jay. "Are you okay with that? I know you hate when she's out of our sight in super crowded place like this," he asked Jay.
"I do not do that!" Jay argued. You and Will gave him a look. "Fine. Maybe I do. I just see a lot of stuff that I never want her to be involved in. Just, make sure you give Will his change back."
"I will," you said. After all, you were in a swimsuit, not that there were pockets there for you to stash your big brother's change like you normally did and then keep it for yourself.
You and Will made your way up the beach to the entrance where he handed you a ten-dollar bill and you two split up. He went straight to go to the bathrooms and you took a slight right to go to the coffee cart.
Will had said on the walk up not to wait for him and to just go back to Jay. So, you ordered your decaf iced mocha caramel latte, took the four dollars and something cents in change, got your latte, and started to walk back to Jay.
That was, you walked until you heard it.
A catcall.
You pretended you didn't hear it, that it was directed at someone else.
But then, "Babe with the coffee." You stopped walking. "I know you heard me. C'mon, show us that pretty face of yours."
Your eyes widened as you swallowed and your lip started to tremble. You knew you should just make a run for it, but you knew that in running in the sand with your hands full, that you'd just end up face planting and getting a mouth full of sand.
"Aw, c'mon baby. I've got friends, too. You don't like me, maybe you'll like them. We'll like you either way."
You wanted to smack yourself at what came out of your mouth next. You turned around. These guys were probably 23-25 year-olds and there were three of them. They were way taller than you and you knew that they'd easily be able to overpower you. But, you said the first thing that you thought would make them back off.
"I have a boy--". You cleared your throat. "I have a boyfriend."
"I don't see no boy." He turned to one of his friends. "Do you?" The other guy shook his head.
Where the fuck is Will?
"Take my money. Just, leave me alone."
You held the money out to the man, but instead of taking it, he grabbed your wrist instead. Hard.
You dropped your coffee, the plastic cup breaking in the sand and making the cold, sweet liquid form a puddle.
"How cute, boys. She's paying us, normally we'd be paying her!"
From down on the beach, Jay was watching from afar. He saw some guys walking towards you and at first, he assumed that they might've been older siblings of some kids you knew at school or something like that.
Then, he noticed your rigid posture and stood up.
He started walking toward you.
You held your hand out and the guy grabbed your wrist.
Jay started running.
"Just, let me go and we can pretend this never happened," you said, borrowing a line you had seen in movies multiple times...not that it ever worked in those, but maybe it'd work in real life.
"No can--"
Oh, thank God for Jay.
"You the boyfriend?" he asked rhetorically. "She's gotta be sixteen then. How is she?"
"For your information, I'm the brother. And, it'd be in your best interest to let go," Jay growled.
"Three on one. This should be fun." The guy shrugged.
"Listen, man. I really don't feel like doing this here. So just, let her go."
He tugged you closer to him and you yelped, your front hitting his chest.
You squeezed your eyes shut.
You felt arms wrap around you and pull you away from the random guy's chest and you screamed.
"You son of a bitch!" Jay yelled.
You opened your eyes to see that Will was the one who had run up and pulled you back, your heart still beating out of your chest.
"Jay, he's not--" Will tried, but it was no use.
Jay threw the first punch.
The guy's head flew back and he fell to the ground. The guy tried to throw a punch from there, but Jay easily dodged it. Then, he threw three more hits to his face.
Will turned his head away from the fight at the sound of shitty sirens. "Fucking hell, Jay! Security!"
He didn't stop.
"Jay!" you yelled.
Now, this caused him to stop for a second...right as security pulled up next to him.
Jay looked up.
"He threw the first punch!" the man yelled to security before Jay could even explain the situation in its entirety.
"And you harassed my sister, so I think me punching you was warranted!" Jay argued. He turned to security. "Jay Halstead, CPD detective with the Intelligence unit."
The two beach security guards shared a glance. One sighed. "Okay, to make this easier, we won't call the cops because apparently, he is one. But, both of you are banned from the beach."
"What?" the guy bellowed. "You're not even going to ask him for some identification? Unbelievable!"
"I can easily go grab my badge from my car, officer," Jay suggested.
"That won't be necessary," the security guard said. He turned to you. "Miss, did he hurt you in any way?" You held out your hand to show him your wrist, which was red and you knew you'd have bruising on it tomorrow. Then, he turned his attention back to the guy who had been harassing you and his two friends. "You, come with me. Unless one of your buddies wants to cop to being the one who did the harassing?"
The two other guys held up their hands in a sign of surrender and backed up.
"What?" the guy yelled. "I need medical attention! I probably need stitches!"
"And we can have someone do that for you, but you need to come with us." He pulled out a pair of zip ties and got them on the guy's wrist...not without him giving the security guards some difficulty, though. He turned his attention back to you and your brothers. "I take it back, Detective, you're not banned."
Jay gave him a curt nod of thanks.
"What?" the guy yelled as the security guard started walking, taking the creeper away from you and your brothers.
"Keep it moving, buddy. Keep it moving."
"Let's get outta here," Will suggested.
You and Jay agreed, and then the three of you went to grab your stuff from where it previously was at the beach.
You had ridden back home with Will instead of Jay since he needed some time to cool off...and call Voight to make sure that the asshole actually got some jail time or something. Basically, Jay needed Voight to make sure that the beach security was actually doing their job.
The two of you made your way into the apartment (Jay had given Will a key and Will had given Jay a key to his apartment also. You didn't bring your key because you thought you'd be riding home with Jay, but then everything popped off.). Then, Will immediately went into doctor mode.
"Go change into some clothes and then I'm gonna take a look at that wrist," he told you.
You nodded and quickly changed into a pair of comfy shorts and a t-shirt. Then, you made your way to the kitchen table where Will was waiting expectantly. You sat down a sighed.
"You okay?" Will asked as he stopped unzipping his medical bag that he always kept in his car in case of emergencies and gave you his full attention.
"That was terrifying. I just, I never would've thought that would happen."
"And it shouldn't have happened. You're fourteen; you're just a kid. It shouldn't happen to an adult, much less a kid." You nodded. "Can I see your wrist?"
You held it out to him and he gently pressed on it and began to inspect it. "You know," you started, "I thought you'd be patching up Jay. Turns out that ass- that guy's friends didn't want to get involved."
"I wouldn't either," Will agreed. "There's no way I'd want to be one the receiving end of a fistfight with Jay. And, for the record, that guy was an asshole." Then, he started talking about the subject at hand. "Well, good news is that it isn't broken...but we already knew that. Bad news is that there will be some slight bruising, so we need to ice it."
Will got up to get some ice from the freezer when Jay walked in...holding a bag of groceries.
"What's that?" you asked.
"Well, I figured we'd get ice cream after the beach, but since that didn't happen, I decided to pick some up." He set the bag of groceries on the table in front of you and started taking out pints of ice cream. "Superman for Will, Neopolitan for me, and cookies n creme for you."
Your eyes went wide as you saw the ice cream and quickly snatched up your pint. Jay laughed at your excitement.
"Still can't believe that Will's favorite is Superman," you mused.
"He's like a kid in an adult's body," Jay agreed.
"I heard that!" Will yelled and then came back with an ice pack and three spoons. "What can I say, I'm a sugar aficionado. Now, what movie are we watching?"
The three of you made your way over to the couch with your spoons and ice cream, you with your ice pack as well, and started to try and agree on a movie.
Sometimes, you hated that Jay was so vigilant and that Will always had to take a look at something as small as a scrape, but today, those two things definitely came in handy. And, you couldn't be more thankful.
Migraine (age 16)
Oh here we go again, you thought as you sat in your American history class and felt the pounding in your head coming on. You had had a slight headache this morning but had a feeling it was going to turn into something more since all of your headaches lately have been turning into migraines almost every other day for the past week. For a few weeks, you'd been having headaches and they started out not too bad, a small dose of Tylenol would fix them. You assumed they were just stress headaches from school. But, then they started making the sides of your head pound and making you sensitive to light or nauseous. And right now, you felt a really bad one coming on.
Forty-five minutes later, you had gotten out of your history class and were on your way to biology. But, you were in the midst of the worst migraine of your life. Your head was pounding, everyone seemed to be talking right in your ear, and the lights were way too bright even when you squinted.
You had to go home. You couldn't stay at school any longer.
So, you went to the office and explained this and then called Jay.
"Hello? Y/N, aren't you supposed to be in class?" he asked when he answered.
"My head hurts really bad, Jay. Please, can you come pick me up?" you asked.
"I can have someone drop off some Tylenol," he suggested.
"No," you whined. "It hurts so bad. The light hurts my head and people talking hurts my head. Please, Jay."
You were practically pleading and even though Jay knew that you had a geometry test today, he agreed.
"Okay, I'll email your math teacher about the test."
"Oh. I forgot about that." You hissed as the late bell rang, causing your head to pound even more for those few seconds.
"That bad, huh?" Jay asked, having heard the bell chime on his end of the phone.
"Uh-huh. But, I can't drive home."
"Okay, and I can't pick you because I'm meeting with a CI. You okay if Adam picks you up and brings you back to the district? Then, me and someone else can go pick up your car from school later?"
"Okay. Why can't I just go home?"
"Because, if you're feeling as crappy as you say you are, then I'd prefer that someone has eyes on you. I'll see you in a bit."
"Okay, bye Jay."
Then, you hung up, told the secretary you'd be leaving so that she could send an email to your teachers, grabbed your stuff from your locker, and came back to the office to wait for Adam.
Twenty minutes later, Adam walked into the office.
"Hey, kiddo. I'm gonna sign you out and then we'll get you out of here, okay?" You had balled up your sweatshirt and were using it as a pillow and had your eyes closed. But, you cracked them open and nodded. Adam knew this definitely wasn't you lying to get out of a test because usually, you'd tell him not to call you kiddo, seeing as you were sixteen.
Adm showed his ID to the secretary and then he signed you out. You stood up and your head started pounding even more due to the sudden change in posture.
"Here, I can take your bag," Adam offered and you handed him your backpack.
"Thanks," you said quietly.
Then, you made your way to Adam's Jeep and got in the backseat. Not even two minutes into the trip to the district, you knew you couldn't take the music that was playing from the radio...even though you knew it was lower than he normally played it.
"Adam?" you asked, your head now resting on your balled-up sweatshirt as you tried your best to lay down while still buckled up in the backseat.
"Can you turn off the music? It really hurts my head."
"Of course." Then, he quickly turned off the radio and the two of you rode in silence the rest of the way to the district.
Adam would be lying if he said he wasn't worried about you.
"Mini Halstead! What's--" Trudy Platt exclaimed when you and Adam walked into the district, but Adam quickly placed a finger to his lips as you whimpered at the loudness of her voice. "Sorry," she whispered. "You hungry?"
You shook your head. "Thanks, though."
The desk sergeant nodded. "Let me know if she needs anything," she directed to Adam.
"Will do, Sarge."
Then, the two of you made your way up the stairs and into Intelligence, not without the buzzer on the gate causing you to hiss at the pain it caused in your temples.
"Mini Halstead!" Kevin exclaimed, but Adam quickly put a finger to his lips as you whimpered at his loud voice.
Jay quickly made his way over to you. "Let's go into the break room, okay?" You nodded. Jay turned to Adam. "I can take her bag."
Jay took your backpack from Adam and then the two of you went into the break room.
"There's some Tylenol and water on the table for you," Jay said, fully expecting you to walk over and get it. But, instead, you just plopped yourself down on the couch. "Or, I can bring it to you."
He gave you the water and the two pills and you took them.
"Have you eaten anything since breakfast?" he asked.
You shook your head. "Hurts to chew."
"Okay." Jay paused for a moment. "I think I have a banana I brought with me in case I got hungry. Is that soft enough for you to chew? I want you to eat something."
"I guess," you mumbled as you laid down on the couch. "Just wanna sleep."
"I know, but I wanna get some calories in you before you do that. Can you just stay awake for like five more minutes?" You nodded. "Okay, I'll be right back."
Jay came back two minutes later with a banana and a blanket.
"Where'd you get the blanket?" you asked.
"I keep it in my truck for late-night stakeouts. Here." He handed you the banana and then set the blanket next to you. "I don't have a pillow, so your sweatshirt will have to do. You all set?"
"Yeah, gonna eat this and take a nap."
"Okay, I'll make sure Voight doesn't yell too much. This door's pretty much soundproof though, so you should be fine. Come get me if you need anything."
Then, you ate the banana, folded up your hoodie and put it under your head, and pulled the blanket over you, quickly falling asleep.
You woke up two hours later feeling too warm. Your migraine had subsided into just a headache...but you knew in a couple of hours, the migraine would probably be back after the Tylenol had worn off. And, it was still a decently bad headache, just without the light hurting your eyes as much.
But then, you had an idea.
Sometimes at home when you had headaches, you'd lay your head on the tiled floor of the bathroom because it was cold. Cold surfaces always seemed to help.
So, you looked out into the bullpen to see if anyone was there.
No one.
You picked up your phone to see a text from Jay saying that they had gone on a raid and would be back soon and that if you needed anything, to let Trudy know. He also said that he had let Will know what was going on and that he'd be at the apartment later tonight to check up on you.
You wrapped the blanket around you and then made your way out of the bullpen and into an empty interrogation room.
You sat down in the cold metal chair and held your blanket tighter around your body. Then, you laid your head on the cold metal table and relished the feeling of coolness on your head.
Yeah, this will help.
"I didn't do it! I swear!" a drug dealer that Trudy was holding by the arm defended himself while Trudy led him to an interrogation room.
"Not that I don't believe you," she started, "but I've heard that one before."
She walked into the interrogation room and her eyes went wide when she saw you lying with your head on the table, asleep.
"What's a kid doing in here? I don't know her!"
"Shut up," Trudy told him. "Come on."
Then, she pulled him towards the next interrogation room.
"Some officers will be in here soon to have a chat with you. Feel free to make yourself comfortable."
Then, Trudy left the room and closed the door, and made her way into the interrogation room where you were currently sleeping.
She knelt down beside you. "Y/N," she whispered. You didn't stir. She placed a hand on your shoulder. "Kid, wake up."
"Hmmm, no," you said, not even lifting your head up. "Wanna go home. Cold feels good on my  head."
Then, Trudy heard the buzzer to Intelligence go off. "I'll be back," she told you.
"Uh-huh," you said, closing your eyes once again.
Trudy walked into Intelligence and immediately set her sights on Jay.
"Halstead," she barked.
Jay quickly turned his head. "What can I do for you, Sarge?"
"You can explain to me why that sister of yours is currently taking a nap in one of my interrogation rooms because she says the cold feels good on her head and then get her out of there," she told him.
"What?" he asked, more confused than ever.
"Y/N's napping at the table in an interrogation room. I need you to get her out of there. I almost put a dealer in there."
"Why's she in there?"
"Like I just told you: she said the cold feels good on her head. But I need you to get her out of there. Now."
"Copy you, Sarge."
"Good choice, Chuckles, good choice."
Then, Jay made his way to the interrogation room that Trudy told him that you were in.
He squatted down next to you. "Y/N," he whispered.
"Feels good. Leave," you mumbled.
"You know I can't let you stay in here. We gotta get you back out into the break room. It's not safe for you in here."
"Don't care."
Jay huffed. "I know you don't, but I do."
You opened your eyes to see that Jay had turned the lights on all the way...compared to how dim you had them before.
Fuck, it had been a few hours since you had taken the Tylenol and it was wearing off.
You closed your eyes again.
"Y/N," Jay warned.
"Light hurts."
Jay sighed. "Okay, I'll dim the lights and I'll be right back."
Jay dimmed the lights and walked out of the interrogation room and into the bullpen once more.
"Why's she not out yet?" Voight asked.
Jay rummaged around in his desk while he answered. "She said the light hurts her eyes, so I'm giving her these to wear." He held up a pair of sunglasses.
"Huh." Voight paused. "Take her home, Jay. You're done for the day. I don't expect to see you back here until Monday."
"Sarge, all due respect, but it's Wednesday and we're in the middle of a case."
"We'll be fine for one half-finished case without you, Jay. Y/N's family. Take care of her. Just think of it as of tomorrow, you get to have a four-day weekend."
"Can I get one of those four-day weekends?" Adam asked.
"No," Voight answered without skipping a beat. "Go take care of your sister, Halstead."
Jay nodded and then grabbed your backpack from the break room and then returned to his desk for his keys and jacket and then went back to the interrogation room.
"Y/N, we're gonna go home now," he whispered when he walked into the room.
"Yay," you said in a monotone voice and slowly lifted your head up and then rubbed your hands down your face.
"Put these on. They should help with the light."
You took the sunglasses from him and put them on. Then, you two slowly walked out of the room and outside of the district to his truck.
"So she's sensitive to light and sound?" Will asked Jay over the phone once Will had gotten off shift and realized his brother had called him concerning your headache.
"Yeah, pretty sure it's a migraine," Jay confirmed.
"She mention anything about nausea?"
"When we were driving home she did."
"Could also be that she started getting motion sick if it only happened in the car. I'll stop over and take a look. She eaten anything?"
"Just breakfast and a banana."
"Jesus, man. It's past five o'clock. She needs more than that!"
"I know, but she said it hurts to chew, so I didn't want to force her."
"Okay, I get it then. I'll pick up some food on my way. I'll get Panera Bread so I can get her some soup. Text me what you want."
"Okay, thanks, man. And Y/N likes--"
"--the cheese broccoli soup. I know, Jay, I know."
"Just checking."
Then, Jay hung up and started to look at the menu and then texted Will what he wanted. Now he just had to wait for Will to come over and hopefully fix you. Because Jay would be lying if he said he wasn't worried about you.
"Thanks for coming, man," Jay said as he opened the door. "God, she's making me really worried."
"Whoa, it must be bad if you're admitting you're worried," Will joked and then set the bag of food on the counter.
"Dude, she was napping in an interrogation room because she said the table was cold and it felt good on her head! Damn right I'm worried!"
"Okay, just...get the food out and I'll go check her out. Hopefully, I can figure out what's making her get all these headaches. She mention headaches before now?"
"Yeah, for about the past week, week and a half. But, they've never been this bad. And, if they were, she hasn't told me."
"Okay, thanks. I'll see if she'll tell me more. She's gonna be okay."
Jay nodded and then Will made his way to your bedroom.
He opened the door to see that you were sound asleep with your blinds closed all the way. You had your fan on and had earplugs in, so he assumed that just wanted the fan on for the cool air and not the noise...and the noise was the reason you usually wanted it on.
Gently, Will touched your shoulder.
"Go away, Jay," you mumbled and rolled over to face the wall.
"It's not Jay, it's--" Will sighed when he realized you wouldn't be able to hear him because of the earplugs you had in. So, he settled on shaking your shoulder until you opened your eyes and realized it was him and not Jay.
You took out the earplugs.
"Can you fix it?" you asked. Then, you whimpered. "It hurts so bad."
Your lip started to tremble. You didn't want to cry because you knew it would make your migraine worse, but you couldn't stop the tears; you were so sick of these damn headaches and this migraine.
"When did they start?" Will asked and turned off the fan.
"Three weeks ago," you answered.
"Jay said only a week and a half."
"I didn't tell him. I thought they were from school stress, but they won't go away. Make it stop! Please! I can't- I can't even think straight anymore, Will."
You put your head in your hands and rubbed your temples.
"Have you been eating a lot of different foods? Getting too little sleep? Drinking too much caffeine? Weird periods?"
"No, none of that." You wanted to tell him that it was weird having him ask you about your period, but your head hurt so bad that you refrained.
"Okay, well, I think Jay's got the food ready, so do you think you can manage some cheese broccoli soup from Panera?"
You shrugged. "Maybe a little."
"That's good enough for me. C'mon."
You grabbed a pair of sunglasses from your bedside table next to you and then followed Will out into the hallway and then put the sunglasses on.
"How you doing?" Jay asked as he finished pouring everyone water.
You shrugged. "Still hurts."
"I'm sorry, but the bottle says you can't have anymore Tylenol yet."
You nodded and sat down and slowly started to eat your soup, sunglasses still on.
You started to eat and then realized your soup was kind of cold. You stood up.
"Soup cold?" Jay asked.
You nodded and put it in the microwave.
Then, something clicked in Will's head.
"Barometric pressure," Will muttered. Then he looked up, a smile starting to spread across his face. "Barometric pressure," he repeated, this time louder.
"Bara-what-now?" Jay asked.
"It's essentially the air pressure when the weather changes," he explained. "Remember when Y/N was in elementary school and would have really bad allergies in the fall?"
"Yeah," Jay said. "What's this got to do with migraines?"
"Migraines start around adolescence and since she had allergies in the fall before, I'm fairly certain that this is why she's getting them."
"You know why?" you asked as you sat back down, your soup now warm. "Can you make them stop?"
"I think I do. But, we'd have to get you checked out tomorrow."
"Okay. Thank you. Get me an appointment."
A few days later, after lots of naps, soup, and tv when your headache/migraine decided to subside, you were put on corticosteroids for what were called "cluster headaches" in the medical field. You're only supposed to be on them for about two weeks and then you'd have to be reassessed. But, for now, your migraines had subsided and you could finally, finally think clearly.
Sorry About your Truck (age 18)
You didn't know what was happening. One second you were driving on the circle of the on-ramp to the highway, and the next, you fishtailed to the right. You spun your wheel to the left, maybe slammed on the brakes (which you knew you weren't supposed to do), and then slid to the right again. It all happened so fast that you didn't even know how it happened.
But, you knew how you got in this position.
"Fuck," you muttered as you put your hand up to the vent in your car the day before you left for school. Even though it was set to defrost, you still should've been able to feel some heat coming out. But you felt nothing. Well, nothing but cold air.
You trudged back inside to see Jay putting on his jacket.
"I think my heat in my car's broken," you said.
Jay looked at you and raised his eyebrows. "You probably just didn't turn it on."
"Yes, I did. And I double-checked. Come see."
So, Jay walked out to your car. And sure enough, your heat was broken.
"I'll drop you off at school and then we'll bring the car to the shop tonight. C'mon," Jay told you.
"I have to work tomorrow until 11," you said. "How am I supposed to go to work?"
Jay sighed. "I'll figure it out."
Because, he knew for a fact he couldn't let you drive without heat...not in these Chicago winters.
"Jay, man, you gotta go to sleep," Will told his younger brother.
"Dude, it's getting icy out!" Jay argued over the phone. "I'm staying awake until she gets home!"
Will sighed. "Fine. I know there's no changing your mind."
"Thank you. Now, I'm gonna see if I can find a hockey game happening on the west coast and watch that. I'll text you when she gets home."
"I don't need you to do that, but if it makes you feel better, feel free. God, you need to make your cop instincts chill for once."
You screamed. You didn't know what to do. One second you swerved to the left and then you swerved to the right. You tried to correct yourself again and get back on the road, but it wasn't working...not like it worked last time when you tried to go back the opposite way anyway. But, now, oh now you were more terrified than before...if that was even possible.
You felt hot tears sting your eyes as you heard the sounds of metal ripping through metal. Then, you felt yourself tumbling. You didn't know if you were screaming at this point, but you felt your knee jam into the dashboard and the next thing you knew, you were upside down with only your seatbelt keeping you in place and the broken glass from the windows had left a smattering of cuts along your body, with the deepest one being on your forehead.
You kept flailing your arms, trying to do something, anything to get you out. And then you heard the sound of sirens and the snow around you started turning blue.
Great...you had found the button to turn on Jay's sirens. Just great.
"Help!" you yelled.
You hoped that someone would call 911....but according to these sirens, you were 911.
"Squad 3, Ambulance 61, Truck 81, Engine 51, Battalion 25. Single vehicle car accident. Person trapped."
"Single vehicle?" Casey asked. "Why do they need all of us?"
"Beats me," Severide said. "But we're about to find out."
"A cop car?" Kelly asked as he furrowed his eyebrows on the way to the scene.
"Guess so, Lieutenant," Cruz said. "Looks like an undercover car to me, too."
As they got closer, Kelly noticed something. He knew that truck.
"Casey," he said into his radio, "that look like Jay Halstead's truck to you?"
Casey tilted his head. "You know, it actually does. Dispatch," he started, "this is Truck 81 to Main, can you get in contact with the 21st District and see if Jay Halstead is on duty tonight and then get back to us?"
"Copy that Truck 81."
They all pulled up to the scene and Boden started directing everyone.
"Squad, we need to get that victim out. Truck, help Squad with figuring out how to get the victim out. Chances are we'll have to cut the car and need all hands on deck. Engine, I need you on standby in case there's a gas leak and a fire starts. Sixty-One, do all you can."
They all said their "copy that's" in some form or another and then Casey, Stella, and all of Squad 3 went over to look at the truck.
"Help!" you yelled. "Somebody help me, please!" At this point, the blood from your forehead was dripping all over the roof of the truck. At least, since you were upside down, the blood wasn't going into your eyes. But, tears were rolling down your cheeks. You were terrified and your knee was in so much pain from being crushed up against the dash and your head was starting to burn where you had been cut by the glass.
"Main to Truck 81, Jay Halstead is not on duty tonight according to the 21st."
"It's not Halstead!" Casey yelled. "He's not on duty!"
They all raced up to the truck.
"I'm gonna climb up to the window and see how the victim's doing. I'll tell you what we need from there," Kelly said.
Then, with the help of Cruz and Capp, he got on top of the rolled-over vehicle.
"Help! Please help me!" you yelled.
"We're gonna get you out, don't worry!" Kelly yelled once he was close enough that he knew you'd be able to hear him.
You knew that voice.
Kelly looked down into the truck to see you straining your neck to look out the broken window and up to him.
"Don't move!" he ordered. He had no idea whether or not you had sustained injuries to your spinal cord.
"O- Okay," you whimpered. "I'm scared, Kelly."
"I know, I know. But we're gonna get you out of here. It'll all be okay." He turned his head so that it was back facing Squad, Casey, and Stella. "Casey!" he yelled. "I need you to tell Boden to get in touch with one of the Halsteads! It's Y/N!"
"Hello?" Jay asked sleepily into his phone. He had finally taken Will's advice and had tried to go to sleep...with a Vegas Golden Knights vs. Colorado Avalanche game playing in the background since that was the NHL game that was happening on the west coast right now.
"Halstead, it's Wallace Boden. Are you aware that your sister was driving your truck?"
At this, Jay sat up straight, sleep be damned. "She was. Why? What happened? Is she okay?"
He stood up and started pacing the room.
"Jay, I'm going to tell you the location and I need you to call Will and you both need to get here ASAP."
"Chief, all due respect, but you need to tell me what's going on."
"Y/N's been in a car accident. It's a roll-over crash. She's currently stuck in the car but conscious."
Everything Jay learned about bad news from your mom and dad passing, to his time in the military, to him being a cop flew out the window in that very moment.
"She's been in a crash? Can they get her out? Tell me they're gonna get her out, Chief! They have to!"
"Jay, my men are doing everything they can. But right now, you need to call your brother and you need to get to this location as fast as possible."
"Okay, yeah, yeah. I can do that."
Then, Jay quickly hung up.
After calling Will four times in a row, he finally picked up.
"Dude, I'm about to be in surgery, what's--"
"Y/N's been in a car accident. We need to go there now."
Will almost dropped his phone.
"What? How? When?"
"I don't know, all I know is that Boden called me and told me to get to the scene ASAP. I'll pick you up on  the way."
Then, without waiting for Will's response, Jay hung up the phone and dialed a number he never thought he'd be calling off duty: his new partner, Hailey Upton.
"Hailey, it's Jay. I need a favor."
"Capp!" Kelly yelled. "We need to cut through the seat to get it off from the floor because that's currently the ceiling! Squad and 81, we need to cut the back of the truck so we can get her out of here! 51, figure out how to kill these sirens! And, Brett, I need you to come up here and take a look so you can tell me the best way to get her out of here!"
Sylvie Brett started sprinting over to the truck with her jump bag and then Casey and Cruz helped her onto the truck and Kelly gave her his hand to make sure she got all the way up there safely.
"Y/N, I'm Sylvie. Do you remember me?" she asked calmly.
"Uh-huh," you answered, trying your best not to move your head like had Kelly told you.
"I bet your leg hurts really bad, huh?"
"Not, not really," you answered.
Sylvie and Kelly shared a look. They knew what this was: you were going into shock.
"Hand me that flashlight," Sylvie said to Kelly. He handed it to her. "Yeah, she's tensing her leg muscles, which is probably why she can't feel it. She's still having an adrenaline rush since she seems to unconsciously tensing them. We'll still give her pain meds as soon as we can because when the pain wears off, it's gonna hurt.
"For now, I need to get a C-collar on her and when she gets out, I need her on a backboard and I need that leg in a splint. Try your best not to do any sudden movements that can hurt her leg even more than it already is. By the looks of it, I'm assuming she shattered her knee cap."
"Got the bolt cutters, Severide!" Capp yelled.
"Got the saw, too!" Casey yelled. "I think we should start by cutting the end of the truck, sound good?"
"Yeah, that works!" He took off his turnout coat and handed it to Brett. "Get in there, get a C-collar on her, and cover her with this while we cut the end of the truck. Close your eyes and cover your head with your jacket. Yell to me when you're ready."
"Why aren't you going in there?" Sylvie asked as she positioned herself to jump through the window and down into the truck.
"I don't think I could fit through that window."
"You never know," Sylvie said and then slipped down and into the truck.
"They're gonna cut it?" you asked frantically. "But what if they hurt me?"
"Y/N, it's okay. They won't hurt you. They're professionals. They've done this hundreds of times. But, I need you to stay calm for me. I'm gonna put this C-collar around your neck and cover you with this coat so that debris doesn't get in your eyes." She didn't mention the cut on your forehead and at the moment, she hoped you weren't feeling it.
Sylvie got the C-collar around your neck to stabilize it and then she put the turnout coat over you and pulled hers over her head. "Ready!" she yelled to Kelly.
You started hearing the sound of metal being cut. You could feel your heart pounding out of your chest, but at the same time, you couldn't feel anything at all.
"There it is!" Jay pointed from the passenger seat of Hailey's car. The hospital had been on their way to the scene, so they grabbed Will on the way. Jay was thankful because he knew that the hospital would be close if you needed to go there.
Will was practically standing up in the backseat so that he could jump out of the car as quickly as possible. He needed to make sure you were okay.
Hailey had barely put the car in park when both Halsteads jumped out.
"Chief!" Jay yelled. "Where is she?"
"She's still in the car. They're trying--"
"They're trying?" Jay yelled angrily, cutting Chief Boden off. "If she's not out yet and it's been this long then they sure as hell aren't trying! I swear to God if--"
"Jay!" Will yelled and stepped in front of him and gave him a shove to push him away from Boden. "You need to calm down!"
"Calm down? Don't tell me to fucking calm down! Our sister's in a roll-over crash and you're telling me to calm down?"
"I understand you're upset," Boden started, "but you two shouldn't even be here right now. And, if you don't want to be pushed back behind the yellow tape, I suggest you calm down."
Jay glared at Boden but kept his mouth shut.
Jay started walking away and then locked eyes with Stella. He picked up his pace. Will tried to pull him back because he had a feeling he knew what he was going to do, but he was too late.
"Stella!" he yelled. "What's happening? You gotta tell me what's going on in there. Please."
Stella sighed. She knew she shouldn't be doing this. But, she knew if it was anyone in her family, hell if it was Kelly or anyone else in Firehouse 51, she'd want to know what was going on, too.
"She's upside down, hanging from her seat. Her knee's jammed up against the dash. She's still conscious, but they have to get her out."
There was a loud creaking sound that caused everyone to turn their attention back to the scene.
They had sawed through the back half of the truck and were now going in.
"Casey, Kelly," Stella said into her radio, "can I get an update on the situation? Jay and Will are here and they just want to know."
"We just gotta get the chair down, Kidd," Casey's voice came from her radio. "She's still conscious. She's scared, but she should get out fine."
Jay looked up at the sky while Will sighed in relief.
You'd be getting out of there just fine.
The next few hours were a blur of you getting out of the truck and being taken by ambulance to Chicago Med (Will rode with you because of Jay's fear of needles), and you being in knee surgery.
Jay and Will had to wait outside while you were in surgery. And they were beside themselves.
"God, I shouldn't have let her take my truck," Jay vented as he was pacing the waiting area with his hands on his head.
"You couldn't have known it was gonna snow like this. It wasn't supposed to snow like this," Will comforted.
"How do you do it?" Jay asked.
Will furrowed his eyebrows. "Do what?"
"Stay so calm? Like, when we were at the scene, you were so calm when I was absolutely losing it."
"I don't know, I really don't. Maybe I realized that being pissed wasn't going to help anyone. But, when I heard Stella and Casey tell us what was going on, I knew she was going to be okay. There were no injuries to the abdomen, chest, or head--well, except for that laceration on her forehead--and she was conscious. I just knew."
"So you're telling me, you thought logically with medical knowledge?" Jay asked. He had absolutely no idea such a sophisticated sentence would ever make its way out of his mouth, but hey, there was a time and place for everything.
"That and I knew you'd be pissed, so I knew I'd have to at least be calm enough to calm you down...or hold you back."
"There it is."
You woke up an hour later. You blinked, trying to remember what happened, and then it all came rushing back. The fishtailing...the screaming...Kelly talking to you...the sound of metal being cut...
You took a deep breath.
This alerted your brothers that you were awake.
"Hey, how was being under?" Will asked jokingly. You had always asked what it felt like to be under anesthesia and Will said he couldn't really explain it; he said you'd just have to find out some time.
"It was a nice nap," you answered.
Will laughed. "I bet it was. Feeling better?"
"Tired," you yawned.
"Well, it is just past four in the morning, so that makes sense."
You looked at Jay. "I'm sorry about your truck. I was just going down the exit ramp and it happened so fast and--"
"Hey, hey," Jay said quickly and stood up. "It's okay. It's just a truck, it's replaceable; you, kiddo, are not."
Will smiled. "Borrowing a line from Mom's book when we both inevitably got in our first car accidents, I see."
Your finger started to move toward the stitches on your forehead.
"No, no, no," Will said quickly. "Don't touch them!"
You kept running your finger over them. "But they feel funny."
"That's because you haven't gotten them before. They'll feel even funnier if you pop one and me or someone else has to redo them."
Your stomach grumbled.
"Okay, what do you want to eat?" Will asked. He handed you a cup of water, too because he figured that if you were hungry, that you'd be thirsty as well.
You took a few sips and then answered. "Olive Garden."
Jay laughed. "Olive Garden isn't open at four am."
You pursed your lips to the side, thinking about what you wanted. "Pizza."
"I'll go have someone grab you some," Will said.
"Maybe send Adam because he can just call the cafeteria lady darlin' and then just like that,--" Jay snapped his fingers---, "she'll get an extra piece for free," Jay suggested.
"Adam's here?" you asked.
"Everyone's here," Jay answered. "They all wanted to make sure that you were okay...and the 21st also got called to see if I was on duty since it was my truck."
"If it makes you guys feel any better, I don't think I'll be driving for a while."
"That's okay. Voight gave me a few weeks off to look after you while you're recovering and I think Goodwin's letting Will cut down his hours."
"What he means Y/N, is that you'll be stuck with us telling you not to try to walk for a few weeks," Will said.
"Uh," you groaned.
Will and Jay both laughed. "I'm gonna go see if Adam can get you that pizza," Will said. He was almost out the door when he added, "you better not touch your stitches while I'm gone."
The next few weeks was a blur of doing all your schoolwork at home--and a lot of times, from the couch--, Jay and Will scolding you if you so much as tried to bend your leg, lots of movies and tv shows (and Jay and Will always let you pick because you couldn't really do much while you were laid up at home), and convincing Jay to buy you lots of Oreos and cheddar popcorn. And if he didn't...well, you'd just text Will (luckily you had insurance on your phone and could get a new one without paying a lot after the crash) and he'd bring you your Oreos and cheddar popcorn. After the first two weeks, Jay just had to live with the fact that he was outnumbered when it came to you and your favorite snacks.
Rough Shift (age 21)
Trigger warning for mentions of suicidal ideation!
You sat at Molly's finishing up your second pomegranate martini...and it was only 6 pm. You waved Stella over to have her make you another one.
"Y/N, I know you drove here. I can't in good conscience give you another drink. Hell, I didn't even want to give you the last one! But, I can get you a pop if you want? Or lemonade?"
"Stella," you whined. "I just want another drink. It's been a really rough day at work. Please, just make me another one."
"You know I can't do that. What happened at work? Maybe it'll help to talk about it. We've all had rough shifts before and talking about it or crying it out usually helps."
"I can't really cry it out right in the middle of a bar." You took a shaky breath. "Even though, I really wish I could." Tears started to sting your eyes. You couldn't cry. Not here. "I think I'm gonna go have that cry." You set some money on the bar. "Thanks."
"Don't mention it. And hey, if you ever need someone to talk to, Y/N, I'm your girl."
"Thanks, Stella."
Then, you left Molly's. But, you didn't go straight home. You decided to go to the store instead. And all you bought there was a bottle of peach Moscato.
Time to get buzzed enough to forget for the time being.
When you got home, you popped some food in the microwave since you hadn't eaten since basically breakfast save for some beef jerky and an apple, and unscrewed the cap to the wine you had just bought. Normally, you wouldn't buy a ton of alcohol for yourself because you'd just take Jay or Hailey's drinks if she brought any over (yes, you still lived with Jay because college is ridiculously expensive and you were trying to get out of school with as little debt as possible...if any), but those two were on a camping trip on Lake Michigan for the weekend. You were supposed to go, but then you had to work. So, Will ended up going instead. He said maybe he'd meet a girl up there and you just laughed.
You took a few sips of your wine and then realized that maybe you should call your brothers. You knew this wasn't healthy and you felt like everything was coming down on you at once: the stories you heard at work, being in the hospital, currently just being physically and emotionally exhausted and hungry.
So, you dialed Jay's number.
"Hey, Y/N, what's up?" he asked. He put the phone on speaker so he could finish adding wood to the campfire he was building for him, Hailey, and Will to roast hot dogs over.
"It's just, it's been a really bad day," you said, your voice cracking.
Will was near him and he looked at Jay worriedly.
"Why's that?" Jay asked.
"I- I had to go the hospital with a girl because she- because she said she was going to kill herself." Tears were currently rolling down your cheeks. You had kept it together all day and now you were crumbling.
Working in a group home you knew things like this were bound to happen, but you didn't know they'd happen in your first two months there. And, to make matters worse, you got the email when you were driving into work, so you really had no idea what was going on. When you got to work, you were told you had to go to Lakeshore Memorial Hospital because a girl was saying she was going to kill herself the night before. And, you didn't have the staff to get her back inside safely, so, as is protocol, the shift lead the shift before yours had to call emergency services to take her to the hospital. You didn't know about any of this until you got to work when you were debriefed and then told you'd have to go to the hospital.
God, you knew this happened but nothing prepared you for sitting in that dark room with her all shift, the monitors beeping, telling you that she was still alive. You had done some homework and you had talked with her, gotten more information about why she did it. You had read her file, but she really seemed to open up to you and told you more. And, what broke your heart the most was that, since she was in a group home, she had no family. So, you did your best to sit with her the entire shift, only leaving to go to the bathroom, get some water, or make a phone call to your shift lead. Because, even if you were doing homework and she was sleeping or just sitting in silence, you knew it helped to have someone there with you. And, you knew if it was you in that position, you'd want someone to be there with you.
"Are you okay?" Jay asked, breaking you out of your thoughts.
"No," you admitted. "I don't want to be alone."
Jay sighed. There was nothing he could really do for you at this point. "Y/N--"
"I'll grab my stuff and I'll be there in an hour and half, Y/N," Will interjected.
"Are you sure? I don't want you to leave. I don't want to be alone, but I don't want you wasting your weekend off--"
"Y/N," Will began, "it's fine. I'll see you soon."
Will walked inside carrying a bag of McDonald's.
He walked into the living room to see you sipping wine out of the bottle. You weren't even halfway through it yet. You were just a little buzzed because you had drank the martinis a couple of hours ago. So, now you needed to get more buzzed to forget about your horrible shift. Normally you never did this: drink to forget. But today, well today, you deemed it warranted.
"Y/N, at least pour it in a glass," Will sighed and then sat down next to you and set the bag of food on the coffee table in front of you.
"Why's it matter? I'm the only one who drinks Moscato; you and Jay say it's too sweet."
"Yeah, but I don't want you to drink too much."
"But I just wanna forget what happened, Will," you said as you turned to face him. You started to cry. "She's just a kid. She shouldn't be going through this. Hell, she shouldn't have gone through what happened to her in her past! She didn't deserve it!"
Will wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into a hug while you cried. He knew because of confidentiality reasons that you couldn't tell him any more than you had just told him and what you mentioned on the phone.
"I know, I know," he soothed.
"I know she didn't- she didn't die," you cried. "But, God, it feels like I got my first death."
"And, crying about it is nothing to be ashamed of," Will said. "When I had my first patient death, I went home and did exactly what you did: cried and drank until I couldn't think straight, much less think about what happened at work."
You pulled away. You didn't think Will ever cried over something that happened at work. "You did?"
"Hand to God, I did."
"How do you cope with this stuff all the time?"
"You do the best you can with the knowledge you have. You talk to somebody about how you're feeling and you don't drown yourself in drinking, drugs, or sex." He moved your bottle of wine. "You cope in healthy ways. And, sooner or later, you realize that you can't save everybody. And, that you can't change the past.
"You can't change what happened in this girl's past to make her end up in a group home or have these intrusive thoughts, but you can help change her future by being there for her and listening to her, and helping her get to a better place."
"That's what I want to do."
"Good, then you're in the right place to do that. You just have to focus on your wins and not your losses."
You pulled away and wiped your hands across your face to get rid of the tears. "Thank you for coming home. I, uh, I really needed that."
Will nodded. "You're welcome. I wished someone would've told me that earlier in medical school and I didn't want you to feel like I felt."
"Is that why you decided to come home and not Jay?"
"Part of the reason."
You raised an eyebrow. "And the other part?"
"I figured Jay and Hailey could use a night all to themselves."
"Gross!" You faked gagged and Will laughed.
"I don't know if you'll be able to eat now that I mentioned that, but how about we try and we can watch a funny movie?"
"I like that idea."
And, even though you really wanted to get buzzed to forget about the day you had, you knew it was better for you to talk about it with Will and eat takeout and watch a movie with him. And, you were pretty sure you felt better after that than you would if you drank an entire bottle of wine by yourself.
A/N: Thank you guys so much for reading! Sorry this one took so long, but I'm in school and working, so updates won't be as frequent as they were in the summer. And finally, please remember to like/reblog and comment! I love reading your comments! As always, if you want to be added to my taglist, just tell me and I’ll add you!
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bbyheedeungie ¡ 3 years
Tales of the ring | Orphan! Jay AU Part 1
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Pairings: Jay x Reader
Genre: fluff, angst, eventual smut, age gap (4 years)
Warnings: suggestive content, messy timeline
Synopsis: You've spent most of your lives together at a Catholic orphanage in a small town, with Jay being left there as an infant and you volunteering there since you were thirteen years old. Now twenty-three, every child in the orphanage looks up to you as their older sister. Well, except for that one stubborn kid named Jay.
You always tend to his cuts and bruises when he fell down after climbing on trees with his friends, but not after a long hour of bickering.
"Stop climbing trees if you're just gonna fall down!" You scold 9-year old Jay as you rummaged through the first aid kit.
"Just shut up and fix me up, woman." He demands, his arms crossed over his chest. You sigh.
"I'm just worried about you, okay? You could've broken a bone or something!" You reasoned with him. His eyes turns into slits, glaring at you.
"Are you calling me a wimp?" He challenges. Though it never crossed your mind, the thought of calling him a wimp was indeed amusing. You tried to suppress your laughter but it came out as a snort.
"Hey, I'm not a wimp. Drop it." Jay says, almost coming out as a whine. You nod, trying to calm yourself down from wanting to laugh. Cause you know Jay's going to end you if he even hears anything close to a giggle come out from your lips.
"Still as wimpy as ever, huh?" You teased him as you disinfected his wounded knees. He was sitting on the couch with you kneeled infront of him, and 16 year old Jay just can't seem to take his eyes off you.
Your lower lip is caught in between your teeth as you concentrated on his cuts, and Jay licks his own lips unconsciously.
At 20 years old, you have grown to be quite a lady, Jay notes. Beautiful, luscious hair that complimented the perfect features of your face, your body slightly plump in some places which gave you that womanly figure, dainty and gentle hands that cared for his wounds, any man would think of you as wife material. And Jay couldn't help but huff in annoyance at the thought of other men wanting you for themselves.
"And you're still as annoying as ever." He mutters before he pinched your cheeks hard, making you yelp in pain and involuntarily putting pressure on the cotton ball you were dipping onto his wound. Soon after, you were both crying from pain.
"How could you." He said in betrayal, clutching his wounded knee.
You always chased after him around the orphanage when he had a fever to make him take his medicine when he refused to drink them, dragging him by the back of his shirt to his room to make him rest.
"You can't just pull a stunt like that when I'm fixing up your cuts you dummy." You glared at him, massaging your reddened cheek.
"I don't want to stay in bed, woman. I wanna play outside!" 11-year old Jay huffs in annoyance, kicking off the blanket you've just placed on his body. You sighed and placed it back on him.
"Bold of you to call me a woman after I've just wrestled you at the lobby earlier." 15-year old you chuckled, remembering what you had to go through to make him go back to his room.
"Don't remind me, you were like a freaking hippo back there! Geez." Jay scrunches his nose and turns his back to you.
"You insufferable woman." He mutters as you tuck him into his bed. 18-year old Jay was just as irritable as ever, but only when it came to you.
"Yeah yeah." You rolled your eyes at him dismissively as you placed a cold compress to his forehead. He's such a big baby.
"Stop being a jerk for once and learn to take care of yourself, will you?" You scold him, leaning in to fix the position of his pillow. Jay's heartbeat goes nuts, with your body so close above him. He could just grab you by the waist then and there and hold you tight. Your feminine scent was so alluring, filling up his senses, your skin translucent in the moonlight shining through the windows and he even caught a glimpse of your cleavage through your thin, white dress shirt.
Shit, shit, shit. He thinks, fisting his blanket tightly. His cheeks glowed crimson red, but thankfully you thought it was just because of the fever.
Rest assured, Jay wasn't all that bad as others make him out to be, and you strongly believe this. You remember that one night, it was your fourteenth birthday but you didn't bother telling anyone. You didn't want to burden the sisters, and your family didn't care much about it either. But Jay did. He cared, and he remembered.
You sat on the roof, your secret hiding place, as you admired the starry sky. But it's not really a secret when Jay knows about it. The ten year old boy climbed up, grunting as he struggled keeping his balance. You flinched at the sound and panicked, but it immediately died down when you saw it was just him. He quietly sat beside you.
Silence took over as you sighed in content, taking in the peaceful evening.
"Happy birthday." Jay said, almost a whisper. Your head turns to him and he immediately looks the other way, refusing to meet your eyes.
"Thank you, Jay." You said in gratitude, not bothering to hide your smile. He still refused to look your way as he held out his fist.
"What is it?" You asked in confusion, furrowing your eyebrows at his closed hand. He sighs, taking your hand in his as he placed something cold and hard on your palm.
"It's for you." He says. You gasped, taking in the shiny object encrusted with tiny jewels that glinted in the moonlight.
"Jay, where did you get this?" You ask him, bewildered.
"The sisters said they found that ring in my pocket when they found me outside the door of the orphanage the night that they took me in. It's my most precious possession. In fact, it's my only possession." He says, laughing lightly as he looked up at the sky.
"Must be an heirloom, maybe you came from a wealthy family! Jay, I can't accept this. This is important to you!" You exclaimed, holding the ring back to him.
You're important to me. He thinks.
"Maybe, but they've left me here haven't they?" He simply shrugs.
"But why give it to me?" You asked, holding the ring close to your chest. Jay rolls his eyes and clicks his tongue.
"Hey, no more questions. I gave it to you as a birthday gift, so you better treasure it. Good night." He says and prepares to climb down, leaving you dumbfounded.
At nineteen, Jay was the oldest at the orphanage. He never got adopted, and younger kids would pick on him because of it.
"You never got adopted because your a weirdo."
"They can probably sense that you're useless."
But Jay being Jay, he'd beat them up everytime just because their faces annoy him. And you'd be the one to ask for forgiveness for his sake everytime he got in trouble. You knew him well enough to know that although he'd never admit it out loud, seeing other kids like Jungwon and Sunoo get adopted while he gets left behind hurt him more than it should.
"I'm very sorry for Jay's actions, please don't send him away." You begged to the Mother Superior's feet, and Jay couldn't help but feel embarrassed. Not of you, but of himself for having you go through all this for him.
"Noona, please you don't have to do this." He tells you softly, for once as he tries pulling you up to your feet but you just won't budge.
"I'm sorry Y/N, I know you have grown quite close to Jay for the past ten years. But he is now of legal age he can't just keep hurting minors." The mother superior, which is the head of the orphanage states.
"Jay promises he won't do it again, please." You continue to plead, at this point you were so close at kissing the sister's feet if that'll make them forgive Jay.
"What, when did I promised—." He says and you signal him to shut up. The sisters sigh, and decide to just punish Jay by making him work at the farm for a month. You thank them over and over, tears welling in your eyes.
"Y/N, may I have a word with you. Jay, you may retire to your room." The mother superior instructs. Jay looks at you hesitantly, before leaving.
"Have a seat." She commands you, and you oblige.
"What is it that you wanted to talk about?" You asked.
"Listen, dear. You're now twenty-three years old, you are at your ripest age of getting married. Not only that, but you're also one of the most beautiful maidens of this town. You can't spend your life at this orphanage forever. Won't you consider settling down soon?" She suggests, and you felt a lump in your throat, your heart feeling unease.
"That's alright, Mother Superior. I'm only twenty-three, I still have a lot to figure out in my life. When a man does take interest in me, I'll decide then." You assure her, and stand up to leave.
The next days, you'd wake up early to prepare breakfast for the kids and for Jay before he heads off to the farm. Jay being the stubborn boy he is, refuses to sit down and have breakfast and so on most days, you'd chase after him to bring him his breakfast and lunch box. He'd purposely walk faster, ignoring your shouts. A smirk never leaving his face.
"Jay! Jay! Wait!" You yelled, chasing your breath as you continued to run after him. But your quick steps were no match for his long strides.
"Jay you freaking dimwit! Haaaaalt!" You yell at the top of your lungs with all your might, and he finally stops in his tracks, turning to look at you.
"Oh, you've been calling for me? Did you need something?" He asks, feigning ignorance that you've been shouting his name for a good fifteen minutes. You huff, stomping towards him angrily. His face smug the whole time.
Others would think you're ready to punch him in the face, but instead you would take his hand and place his boxed meal there. You sigh.
"Take care of yourself, okay? And finish everything I packed for you." You say. Jay simply rolls his eyes and waves a hand at you dismissively.
"Yeah yeah, just don't go missing me too much." He teases, suppressing a smile. You scoffed, punching his shoulder lightly.
"Damn right, I wont." You stuck your tongue at him before waving him goodbye, running back to the orphanage.
As you walked back, you notice a fancy carriage parked in front of the orphanage. Many people were gathered around, gossiping.
"The crown prince has selected candidates to be his wife."
"Now that the queen has passed away, the prince must choose his bride in order to ascend to the throne."
"Oh what a lucky girl she must be."
You slip through the crowd of people, successfully making your way inside.
"Oh here she is now." Mother Superior introduces you to the men in fancy clothing, and you stood their dumbfounded.
"She is a beauty indeed." The men agreed to themselves.
"What exactly is happening?" You whisper to the Mother Superior.
"They came here for you, my child. You have been selected by the prince to become a candidate of being his wife. I've already had your suitcases ready, they will take you to the palace now. And don't worry, I've already informed your parents and they are more than happy and wished you the best."
Everything was happening so fast, it's like everything's been decided for you. And amidst the chaos in your mind, you could only think of one person. Jay.
"What about Jay, I haven't said goodbye—" You pleaded to the old woman to let you see Jay one last time but the footmen has announced your departure to the palace. You choked on your tears as pain burned through your chest, clutching Jay's ring to your chest as you were brought further and further away from the place you called home all your life.
Jay plowed the soil over and over, sweat trickling down his neck and forehead. The sun is high and the heat is a pretty tough companion.
"Jay! Jay!" Jay's friend, Sunghoon called his name, sprinting towards him as if his life depended on it. Sunghoon was one of the orphan kids who got adopted recently, whose home was only a few blocks away from the orphanage. Jay halted his work, placing the tool beside him.
"Haven't seen you in a while, what brings you here?" He raises his eyebrow. Sunghoon holds onto his knees as he catches his breath, before uttering words that shattered Jay's heart into pieces.
"No, it can't be." He refuses to believe it, shaking his head aggressively as tears welled in his eyes. It felt as if he was pierced so deeply in the chest with a dagger, so agonizingly painful.
"It is true, they took Y/N to the palace to become the prince's bride. It's been the talk of the town all morning." Sunghoon is sad for his friend, knowing his feelings for her all along.
"No! Y/N wouldn't do that, she wouldn't leave just like that. No." Jay cried and ran his way back to the orphanage, leaving his belongings behind.
He enters the orphanage, screaming for your name.
"Noona? Noona! I'm here, I'm here now. Noona? Where are you?" He kept on calling for you, his voice breaking as tears blurred his vision. The sisters tried to calm him down but he shoved their hands away from him.
"No! It can't be, she couldn't have left. Please tell me she didn't leave, please." Jay crumbled as he called your name over and over in agony. He begged for everything to be just some sick joke, a prank you planned to get back at him for always being so mean to you.
"Y/N." He choked out before everything spiraled infront of him and went black.
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therealpussybangs ¡ 3 years
When you find out the Haikyuu boys cheated.. Pt. 2
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Starring:    Timeskip!Aone, Goshiki, Kita, Lev                                                          
A/N- Tw: Cheating, crying, yelling, fighting, mentions of sexual-    intercourse, swearing, please let me know if i missed anything!!  
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                Today was supposed to be your 4th year anniversary with your amazing boyfriend Aone. However, that date idea had quickly turned to shit when you see your boyfriend at a booth with some other chick.
You didn’t want to jump to conclusions, because you were exceptionally early to this date, so you walk over, hoping it was a sister or some other relative. 
But when you finally made it over to the table, your boyfriend looked like he had seen a ghost. Pale, scared, and he looked sick. The thing that hurt the most was the guilt swimming in his eyes. Eyes that were once only for you. Eyes that were always warm and welcoming, the eyes that felt like home. His once beautiful and bright eyes were now dulled, guilty and scared.
Aone felt like he couldn’t move. He was stuck in his chair when he saw you. 
‘Our date isn’t for another 20 minutes... how could this happen...?’ He thinks to himself. Then he remembers what you had said earlier about being early for the special today. He curses under his breath and opens his mouth to make excuses, but that’s when he hears a sniffle.
He reluctantly looks up to see you crying, and swiping at your eyes wildly. His heart shatters and sinks to the floor and he immediately knows he shouldn’t lie, it’ll only make it worse.
“Baby i’m so sorry....” He looks down, not ready to hear your reply.                     “Was i not good enough..? What should I have done differently..?” You say in a small, hurt voice.
“No! I-” He was cut off by the other girl sitting in front of him.
“Bubs who’s this ugly little girl? She a friend of yours? Or what..she kinda smells a little..” She says in a squeaky, bratty voice.
“Oh, haha; i’m actually his soon to be ex-girlfriend! So nice to meet you!! And so nice to leave you ‘bubs’!” You say with a fake smile, and filled with sarcasm. 
“Babe- do-” Aone started quietly, he always was so quiet and reserved. But he seemed so talkative with this new girl....
“By Aone! Bye bitch I don’t know!” You say oh so confidently, until you go to itch your eyes. ‘oh... tears..’ You began to cry harder as you realize you just left the one thing you loved most.
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 You and Tsutomu had been pretty distant after a fight you two had, and you wanted to go over and apologize to him because you realized you were in the wrong. 
However, what you did not expect was to see another car parked outside of your shared home.
This fight you both had was because of some silly coworker jokingly hitting on you. You had known this person since you were little, so it was nothing new. They were also fully aware of the fact that you were in a committed relationship with Tsutomu. 
So, who could be at his house? Was he really hurt enough to call a friend or relative for help/advice? Now you felt really bad, so you quickly make your way up the steps to your shared home and push past the door. 
What you did not expect to hear, were muffled whimpers and Goshiki’s smooth, calming voice. ‘Wh-what?’ You think maybe it was something else, maybe it was Goshiki whimpering and sniffling and someone else sweet talking him. But once you walk into your bedroom....you shut down.
“B..baby,,?” You ask, voice small. You were shaking and trying your best to keep your cool and hold back the tears threatening to spill. “Whats going on..?”
Goshiki immediately whips his head around from where it was buried between someone elses thighs. But when he sees your hurt eyes and sad features guilt pools at the bottom of his stomach. He was with someone else, on your shared bed, in your shared home. This realization suddenly hit him like a brick, and he immediately shot straight up. “I-I can explain!!” 
“Explain what? The fact you were pleasuring some random whore on our bed?? What else is there to explain Tsut- Goshiki?” You yell back, the tears from before finally breaking the barrier and streaming down your face.
Goshiki just stood there, shaken up and regretful, not daring to say a word, knowing it will make things worse. But you persisted and asked him again why he did it and he started to get annoyed with your yelling. “I was angry with your stupid fucking co-worker for flirting with you and smacking your ass and always eating lunch with you!! I wanted you to know how it felt!!” He yelled back, without thinking. Bad idea.
You were speechless to say the least. He did not just compare cheating to harmless banter between friends...did he? He didn’t just call your absolute bestfriend stupid...did he?
“Get out. Both of you.” You say, your tone stone cold.
“What..” Your ex says, his voice small and shaky, almost as if it was any louder it would shatter you.
“GET OUT!! NOW!!” You say, now yelling as warm, fat tears stream down your face. You were furious, deflated, tired, and so, so done. You thought you were going to be sick. You had trusted him, and here he was, with a beautiful woman, probably 10x better than you. And to think you were going to apologize to him.
“Baby... we can fix this! right? Move forward!” He says, not so confident or angry this time.
“What, so you can go off with some other bitch as soon as the going gets tough again? No. We’re over. Goodbye Goshiki, please don’t try to contact me, i’ll have someone come get my stuff.”
And with that, you slammed the door and walked out of the place you one called home. 
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Kita was a simple man. He wanted 2 things in life: A family with you, and his rice fields to do well.
However he did not take it very well when you said you were not ready for a family, and he stormed out on you. That night you cried yourself to sleep, thinking about how you could be better.
The past month and a half, you and Kita have been pretty distant, and you have been preparing yourself for a family in any way you can. For example: Finishing the last of your extra studies, learning how to make extra delicious meals, even though Kita wasn’t ever there to try them, and you even started looking into parenting books. You just wanted to be the perfect wife for him.
So one day you waited for him to come home, ready to tell him the big news; you were ready to start a family. So when he finally got back, you told him!
“Babe! I think i’m ready for a family! With you!” You said happily and confidently. But when you saw his eyes widen in surprise, you didn’t expect them to also be oh so regretful.
“Y-you are..?” He asks, suddenly shaking. His stomach drops to the floor while his heart breaks simultaneously. You... you prepared yourself all on your own, just for him. And he knows he fucked up, getting some other girl pregnant, but he was so angry and sad he just.... it just... happened.
Just then, he gets a call, from the one person he really did not want to talk to. The other woman he got pregnant. He was so scared to pick up the phone, so you did. He froze. ‘No..! You cant pick that up...it will ruin us..’
“Hey! Shin! The baby just kicked! I hope its a girl.... Shin..?” The girl says on the other end, happy and excited.
“wh..what?” You say, confused. “Who are you..?”
“I’m his girlfriend! Who are you silly?” She says, still bubbly.
“I-” You start, and then hang up. It could not be. He did not get another woman pregnant, he was your baby, no one else...right? You slowly look over to Kita, hoping you didn’t just hear what you think you did.
He looks down, guilt and shame washing over his built figure.
“I’m so sorry... it wasn’t supposed to happen, but it did and I can’t just leave her by herself..” He says, voice gradually getting louder.
“So.. you couldn’t just wait a little longer huh...it’s okay, I hope you two will be happy.” You walked away after that, and just then was when Kita realized he was loosing you. He panicked, and reached out for your hand, but you were already gone, into the bedroom you both shared, presumably packing.
But it’s when he sees you walk out the door, tears streaming down your face, and sobs wracking you body, that reality finally shifted. You were leaving, and he was now responsible for a child that wasn’t yours. He was mortified to say  the least.
“Bye Shin, i’ll always love you y’know.. I hope your child is as beautiful as you.”
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Today was your birthday! And you were so excited to spend it with your beanpole boyfriend! But he hadn’t answered your texts yet, and your calls either. You understood he had a photo-shoot, but it was over hours ago, even his manager didn’t know where he was. So you decided to check his snapmap because you were genuinely worried??
But when you saw his bitmoji at an unrecognized address, you freaked out and drove there immediately.
When you got there, his car was parked in the driveway, and the lights were on inside. You could also hear the faint hum of soft music. 
Lev was always so gentle with you, and he never raised hid voice or got angry with you. You loved that about him, how soft he was. When you guys first met, he was willing to take things slow, and wait until you were both comfortable with eachother. 
He was always so patient, or so you thought. You weren’t ready for anything intimate other than kissing, and he said he was okay with that. But horny men will be horny men. 
But you at least thought he could wait a little longer for you, his girlfriend of 11 months. At least those were the thoughts that flew through your head as you walked into the mystery house.
It was Lev, laid out on a bed with silk sheets, rose petals scattered everywhere, and Champaign on the nightstand next to him. 
Well, more like next to the other woman in bed with him, dressed in red lacy lingerie and pretty makeup. The candle-light makes them both look so majestic, well they would if they both didn’t have shocked/guilty expressions on their faces. 
Lev got up immediately and tried to grab your arm, but you shrugged him off.
“I trusted you, and I loved you, I still love you! But here you are, with another woman, on my birthday. Happy fucking birthday to me i guess.”
He stood there dumbfounded as you walked out, your confident facade breaking as tears slip down your rosy cheeks. Then, you drive away, knowing things will never be the same...
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Annnnnd it’s finally out! Not proofread i’m sorry </3 Kita’s hurt the most smh
ALSOOOO don’t forget you are fucking gorgeous and ilysm pls take care of your gorgeous self!
★゚+.━━━…・‥★*ξ・(ェ)・ Ҙ*★・‥…━━━゚+.★★゚+.━━━…・‥★*ξ・(ェ)・ Ҙ*
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dancingazaleas ¡ 3 years
zeke yeager | pta meeting
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i literally don’t know how to shut up about him
also this is all because i saw a drabble of dilf!zeke and it’s been on my mind nonstop
warnings/notes: dilf!zeke, fem!reader, cursing, eventual smut, zeke is a divorced/widowed dad(at 33), reader is 21, cursing, zeke has a mean daughter and a sweet daughter, breeding kink, overstimulation, brief choking, slight degradation, shit one shot i’m sorry
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you swear to the lord that zeke’s 11 year old daughter is a menace to society.
she’s brutally honest, just like zeke, and mean. she’s oddly mature for her age, and you think it might have something to do with her late mother. she looks almost nothing like zeke, but she certainly inherited her personality from him. she’s got curly dark brown hair that ends at her armpits and zeke’s grey eyes. she has a button nose along with rosy cheeks, something else she inherited from her mother.
“y’know my daddy only dates you cause you take care of me and aloisia,” isolde says to you as she slips on her school shoes.
you feel your eye twitch as you turn to zeke’s other daughter, aloisia, who’s seven and looks exactly like zeke. she’s got his nose, his hair color, and even eye shape. she’s got hazel eyes and a slim face. she’s as bubbly as they come, always greeting people she passes by on the street, always making friends at the park.
“i’m ready,” she holds up her small hand to you, a silent request for you to hold her hand.
“same,” isolde stands up after she swings her back pack onto her back, brushing off the nonexistent dirt on her navy blue skirt.
“zeke, the girls are ready!!” you shout out, taking aloisia into your arms.
zeke comes stumbling out of his bedroom, a white sleep shirt covering his torso and grey sweatpants.
“you’re going in that,” you raise an eyebrow at his attire, “we’re going to a parent-teacher meeting, not the gym.”
“yeah daddy, my teachers are gonna think you’re a bum or something,” isolde snickers.
“i’ll help your dad, go watch tv for a little bit longer,” you chuckle at zeke’s pout and put down aloisia, who runs to the couch.
isolde takes off her backpack and joins her sister on the couch, putting her feet on the coffee table as aloisia puts on avatar: the last airbender.
“i thought the dress code was casual,” zeke furrows his brows as you take his hand and lead him back into his bedroom.
“it is. sweatpants are not casual, they’re lounge wear,” you snicker as he flops onto the bed while you close the door and go into the closet.
you know zeke’s rolling his eyes at you, judging from his silence. you grab ahold of a white button up with light grey vertical stripes on it, trying to picture your boyfriend in the shirt. you shake your head and put it back on the rack, deciding that the default outfit would be best for now. you take a white button up off the hanger and grab a pair of black dress pants from his dresser. you hand him a pair of black loafers to go along with it and some long black socks that would cover up his ankles, you’re so glad you reminded him that they exist. you throw a black belt next to him as well.
“this is boring.”
“zeke, this is a pta meeting, the whole thing will be boring,” you watch him rid himself of his shirt.
“should i wear a tie?”
“no, you’ll look better with one button undone,” you smile as he struggles to balance correctly when he puts on his pants.
he tucks the shirt inside his pants and slips on the belt with ease. he unbuttons a button before he slips on his socks.
“i thought today was my day off,” he smirks at you while you roll up his cuffs a bit.
you roll your eyes and he slips on his shoes. he doesn’t need to do his hair, it’s just effortlessly neat.
“time to go,” you scurry to the front door with the girls following behind you.
“he doesn’t look homeless anymore,” isolde notes when zeke follows you all out of the door.
“not funny,” he huffs while he locks the door behind him and the girls get into the black SUV zeke drives.
you help aloisia buckle herself up in the car seat and then slip into the passenger’s seat next to zeke. he’s grumbling something about ‘uncle eren’ and ‘getting the girls’ as he turns the car on.
you try to ignore the women ogling zeke as you all walk down the school hallway. you send isolde off to her class since her meeting is after aloisia’s.
“i hope you’ve been good,” you say to aloisia, who’s holding both your’s and zeke’s hands.
“i have! ms greene says i’m one of the best,” she gloats, and you hope for zeke’s sake that ms greene isn’t bluffing.
you three walk into the second grade classroom, which is empty because you reserved the appointment, only to find the teacher isn’t in there. it only seems to make aloisia more excited as she tugs you and zeke towards the class wall with a bunch of pictures of it.
“look, look!!” she jumps as she points at her’s, “they said to draw our family and she said i did a good job!!”
the picture is a messily drawn family portrait of zeke, isolde, and aloisia.
“you drew (name) very pretty,” zeke smiles at you when you snap your head back to look at the picture in closer detail.
there you are, stick figure holding hands with zeke’s and aloisia with isolde on zeke’s other side. you never expected to be on aloisia’s family portrait, you’d barely been in her life for two years and weren’t exactly motherly. you’re a struggling college student that she occasionally sees crying at the kitchen table with zeke comforting you from behind. she, on very rare occasions, sees you come home, absolutely plastered, with a sober zeke leading you to his room. you’re the woman that wakes her up when you cry on the couch late at night. you were, admittedly, okay with not being seen as their mom.
it wasn’t your place, for so many reasons. one, you didn’t exactly act as a role model. two, you could never replace her mother and would never try. three, zeke never referred to you as such. you’d only ever act like their mother whenever you were in certain situations. but that didn’t mean you didn’t want them to see you as a maternal figure.
it made you want to cry, but luckily you didn’t. you just smile at the picture and pat aloisia’s head in approval.
“you did do a very good job,” you smile down at her and before you can give her a hug, you notice a woman walking into the room.
“oh, you must be zeke yeager, aloisia’s dad! i’m ms greene,” her face flushes while she holds out her hand for him to shake.
“yea, that’s me. it’s nice to meet you,” he shakes her hand.
she turns to you, “oh my goodness, i didn’t know aloisia and isolde had an older sister!”
“no, she’s my girlfriend of two years,” zeke chuckles uncomfortably.
“i’m (name), nice to meet you,” you wave your hand, “i’m just here to keep an eye on aloisia while you two talk.”
zeke and her go to a table in the corner of the room and aloisia drags you towards a bookshelf.
thirty minutes of aloisia rambling about her favorite book go by seemingly quick, and you watch as she cheers when her classmates walk into the room. zeke’s walking towards you, holding a thumbs up with a cocky smile, for whatever reason.
you kiss aloisia goodbye, who doesn’t seem too fazed, and head towards isolde’s classroom. you hold hands with zeke while swinging them back and forth while he repeats everything the teacher’s said to him.
“i can’t believe my little girl’s at a third grade reading level,” he exclaims, “that vocabulary studying did wonders!!”
“you should thank me since i was the one who studied with her cause she asked about my assignments for class,” you taunt and laugh when zeke pulls you closer by the shoulder.
that’s how the two of you walk into isolde’s classroom. she’s sitting at a table with her teacher, miss dunst, and fidgeting with her thumbs anxiously. she’s covering half of her face with her hair. with the one eye you can see it looks puffy and her cheeks are red, as if she’d been crying.
it has both you and zeke rushing to sit down on both side of her, zeke asking miss dunst what happened while you tend to isolde.
“hey, why are you crying,” you’re squatting by her chair and you reach to brush the hair out of her face.
when you see her other eye, you gasp out at the black eye starting to form on her eye.
“oh my god, zeke, look at her face!!”
“that is what i wanted to speak about with you. isolde has been getting bullied by some of her classmates. today, a little girl hit her after isolde defended herself while they argued,” the poor woman looks sad watching you and zeke check isolde for more wounds.
“why has she been bullied? she’s not mentioned this to me or (name),” zeke asks while examining her eye more closely.
“well, during the first day of school, isolde introduced herself and told the class about her family. she mentioned you, mr yeager, and her sister. the kids asked about her mother before i could stop them and she was honest with them and said that she had passed. she then said that she still, in a way, had a mother. your girlfriend, mr yeager.
“i asked her occupation, to which isolde said a college student. the kids got loud but i managed to quiet them down, and i thought it was the end of that. after that, her classmates started to pick on her verbally about your age gap and her late mother. i didn’t find out about it until this morning when isolde was hit,” miss dunst frowns as she explains.
before zeke could open his mouth, you speak up, “i’m the girlfriend, (name). i am hoping that these children will be punished accordingly and that their parents be notified. if this has really been going on all year like you say, then at this point their parents should be involved.”
“of course! i’m giving all of their parents a call after classes today. the little girl who hit her is sitting down with the principal right now, so she should be safe if you two would like her to stay at school.”
“give us a moment,” you smile kindly, which she returns, and walks to her desk to give you ‘privacy’.
“isolde, why didn’t you tell your daddy or i about what was going on,” you ask while she hugs zeke.
she peeks her head out of his chest, “didn’t want to seem weak.”
“why would you be worried about that,” zeke asks.
“after mom died, you were always so sad and stressed. i thought that if i was strong, you would be happier,” she explains shakily.
“isolde, look at me,” you put a hand on her knee, “you were six years old when your mommy died. six year olds shouldn’t know how to accurately take care of themselves, it’s why your daddy was there. i’m sure your daddy appreciated the effort, but i promise you that all he wanted you to be was his happy little girl. you don’t need to be strong at 11 years old, and you don’t need to be strong all the time. like you said, your daddy was sad when your mom died. it didn’t make him weak, it made him a person. and that’s what you are; a person. a little person.”
she sniffles and nods at you, “people can’t do everything by themselves. i’m sorry if we made it feel like you couldn’t tell us, and it’s totally understandable that you felt that way.”
zeke hums in agreement, “we love you, baby. so much.”
“love you too,” she mumbles with a small smile.
“do you want to stay at school,” zeke asks, he didn’t want to force her into a situation where she didn’t want to be.
“i have a math test later, don’t wanna miss it,” she sighs, now looking up at you.
you tilt your head while you wait for her answer.
“i’m sorry i’ve been so mean to you. everyone was making fun of me and called it weird, so i guess i wanted to believe that too,” your heart warms whenever she looks away shyly.
great, now zeke’s horny from seeing you act motherly.
ever since you and zeke had stepped off school campus, one of his hands was always touching you. it didn’t matter where, zeke was shameless.
even as you unlock the door to the his house, he has his chest pressed against your back and his arms wrapped around your waist. his lips are kissing softly at your neck and his hands are shamelessly groping at your boobs.
“zeke, what is up with you,” you laugh whenever you open the door, kicking off your shoes immediately.
“horny,” he admits, swiftly following after you and locking the door behind himself.
“what about this morning made you horny,” you ask shyly while you sit on the couch.
zeke’s buttons are halfway undone and his belt is somewhere on the floor. he squeezes in behind you, once again pressing his chest against your back.
“acting maternal, i guess,” his beard tickles the back of your neck as he kisses it.
“is this why you told isolde it was okay if she wanted to stay at school,” you snicker at his fingers pulling your shirt over your head.
“why else,” he scoffs, “my only day off in a while and i’m horny. sounds like a deal.”
you whimper whenever he starts biting at your neck and when his large hands slip under your bra.
“zeke, if we’re gonna do it on the couch, can i at least lay on my back,” you ask while zeke unclips your bra.
without a word, he’s thrown you onto the couch on your back and climbing on top of you seconds later. your hands quickly unbutton the rest of his shirt, pushing it halfway off of his body.
zeke throws the shirt onto the floor and kisses you, hands running up and down your torso. he pulls away to kiss and suck at your neck while his hands grope at your tits. you’re stuck between laughing and moaning at zeke’s beard dragging against your neck.
his mouth trails down to your tits, mouth attaching to your left tit while he continues to grope your right one. you let out a moan whenever he tweaks your nipple with his right hand and bites softly at your left nipple.
he pulls away from your chest, tugging off your pants and panties in frustration. it leaves you laughing and assisting him. whenever your pants do come off, he throws them to the ground and spreads your legs.
“zeke, they’re not opening too far, we’re on a couch,” you note, but soon stand corrected as zeke grabs your ankle and puts it on the back of the couch.
“nevermind,” you snicker at his cocky smirk, as if he’d done something amazing.
your other leg hangs off the couch, leaving you spread open for zeke. zeke spreads open your glistening folds with thumbs and gives a mindful lick up to your clit. after realizing that his beard is not rubbing against you uncomfortably, he dives in like it’s a pool, which he thinks it is because of how wet you are.
his mouth his sucking on your clit vigorously, as if he were a man starved. you’re moaning wantonly as he suddenly ups the speed. how did he even go that fast, you have no clue, but either way you enjoy it. your back in arching off of the couch and your toes are curling as zeke starts bringing you closer to an orgasm.
“zeke!! i’m... i’m gonna come,” you tug at his hair as your legs start to convulse and close around his head.
he only goes faster, and you wonder to yourself if zeke is powered by batteries or something. but the thought is quickly shut off whenever you finally orgasm, moaning out in ecstasy and throwing your head back against the couch cushions.
zeke slows down his pace, helping you ride through your orgasm. he pulls away whenever you’ve calmed down, fingers immediately pressing at your tight entrance.
“zeke... i-i’m too sensitive,” your complaint goes ignored as two of zeke’s fingers are suddenly inside of you.
“don’t care, deal with it,” he huffs as his fingers stretch you out.
with his other hand, his thumb is rubbing at your puffy clit at the same time of his fingers curling inside of you. your hips buck up with a mewl and zeke chuckles at the sight. unlike last time, he’s moving his tantalizingly slow.
his fingers curl once more, rubbing against the spongy part inside of you sweetly. you buck your hips up again at the contact and curl your toes whenever zeke starts abusing that spot with overwhelming speed. curling his fingers against the spot each time he pistons his fingers in and out of you.
“zeke!!” you come again while moaning his name and he can feel his cock twitch in his pants.
zeke chuckles when he pulls his fingers out, spreading them apart to watch your juices stick together in strings. he plops the fingers in his own mouth, rubbing his other hand up and down your quivering thigh as he pulls away from your sloppy cunt.
he pulls his fingers out of his mouth with an obnoxious ‘pop’ and pulls off his pants and boxers at the same time. he groans at his cock hitting against his lower stomach.
you stare at zeke’s cock. the tip is flushed with a bashful pink and his hair is trimmed nicely against his groin. he’s more girth than he is length, a whopping 6.5 inches, which is something he absolutely gets arrogant about.
“hurry,” you huff while watching zeke fist his cock.
“nah, you gotta beg for it, baby,” the corner of his mouth tugs upwards as he watches you wipe away your tears from the previous orgasm.
“zeke,” you whine and wiggle your hips, “please please please give me your cock. need it so bad.”
he hums thoughtfully, and it already gives you his answer.
“please... i want it so bad, need to be fucked by you,” you pout but perk up at his dismissive shrugging.
“since you want it so bad,” he’s laughing while he puts his right hand on your pelvis and his other on his shaft to enter you.
you gasp at the feeling of him pushing inside of you, grabbing for his, now, free hand. when you catch his hand, you guide it to your bruised neck for him to grasp on. he’s chuckling once again, fingers lightly squeezing against your throat as he continues to push himself in.
he groans whenever he bottoms out, letting go of your neck to grab at your plush thighs. he pushes the towards your chest and thrusts into you shallowly after he spits on his cock buried in your pussy. he hits you deeper than he would’ve before, that much is obvious by your moans raising octaves when he starts to thrust roughly.
your hands reach up to grab the back of his thighs to pull him closer to you than before. he’s groaning at the feeling of your pussy squeezing onto him each time he pulls out and thrusts back into you.
“fuck... zeke!!” you cry and throat your head back.
“fuck,” he grunts, “you’re so fuckin’ tight. even after how much i fuck this pretty little cunt each week.”
his words make you whimper and squeeze your grip on his thighs, making crescent moons into the skin.
“i’m gonna come... i’m gonna come again,” you pant out, back already starting to arch, “come with me please..!”
he speeds up his thrusts, the sound of his balls slapping against your ass getting increasingly louder as he does so.
“you wanna come with me so badly,” he asks tauntingly while you nod.
“god, zeke, please,” you try to ignore the saliva and tears on your face as you continue to scream out for zeke.
“i’ll give my sweet girl my cum since she asked so nicely,” he’s biting his lip whenever he feels his orgasm getting closer.
“yes! yes! please,” you sound so desperate as your orgasm gets closer, “zeke, please, fuck a baby into me, please..!”
zeke almost comes right then at your pleas, but ends up stilling and adjusting his stance to thrust into you more efficiently. the sudden stop makes you whine but it’s soon interrupted with a gasp as he jackhammers into you harder and faster than before.
“fuckin’ whore, wanting me to fuck a baby into you. to make you a mom. since you asked so nicely, i’ll oblige,” he berates.
“you me to fuck a baby into you? make you a mom?” it has you nodding frantically.
zeke continues to degrade you as you’re orgasm comes rushing towards you, fingers now clawing at his thighs as a signal.
zeke thrusts into you two more times before the two of you manage to orgasm simultaneously. his jackhammering slows into a grind, helping the two of you ride out the euphoria you’ve both just went through.
you whimper whenever he pulls out, uncomfortable at the sudden emptiness in you. he watches his cum start to dribble out of you, telling you to keep your legs up. he scurries off to find a paper towel or something to wipe it up with before it falls onto the couch. you shiver whenever you feel a wet cloth wipe away the dribbling cum.
he’s wiping down your chest and neck as well with a clean side of it after you put your legs down. he carries you off into his bathroom, sitting you on the counter while he readies the shower.
“i can’t believe you said that,” he raises a questioning eyebrow at you while he checks the water’s temperature.
“i wouldn’t mind having your kid,” you shrug and watch him put two towels on the counter next to you.
“i might just give you one, don’t say that,” he jokes as he starts to hug you.
“‘m okay with that,” you sigh and lean into his touch, enjoying his warmth.
“you’re stupid,” he snorts and kisses at your shoulder.
“only for you,” you snuggle your head into his neck with a giggle.
“i love you,” he sighs.
“i love you. enough to have your kids.”
maybe in a few hours when you weren’t bathing in the afterglow, zeke would bring it up to you.
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my ultimate guide to thiam fic !!
( as a new teen wolf stan )
the classic post war, long ass (multi chapter) fic !!with great development that genuinely made me laugh out loud, they have the best friendship in this & i love it very much. ( like theo teaches liam to drive and i just *happy sobs* ) a fundamental in thiam fanfiction !! all stans have probably already read it but if you haven’t this is in fact a threat ,, go show this vv iconic story some love !!
Airplanes - Captainmintyfresh
Summary: After the Anuk-ite and the hunters are dealt with Liam needs a break. Cue Theo and a road trip that Liam should know better than to think will be peaceful.
Not Rated, No Archive Warnings Apply, Completed, 43/43 Chapters, Words: 236,875 (236k)
okay okay so this one is also post 6B !! but ,, now we introduce fighting monroe & the hunters again ,, so we get the boys & a new mission !! so if you like an intresting plot 11/10 would recommend !! just to be clear this ISN’T complete ,, if that turns you off i understand but definitely give this one a read !! it litterally have theo doing crossword puzzles & fighting zombies
Vacancy Signs - LovelyLittleGrim
Summary: Theo and Liam are in Manhattan negotiating a pack allyship when the zombie apocalypse breaks out. Now, the two of them have to find their way back to Beacon Hills without getting eaten by zombies or killing one another.
Rated: Explicit, Graphic Description of Violence, Not Completed, 15/17 Chapters, Words: 89,605 (89k)
Royalty AU !! I REPEAT ROYALTY AU !! a fantastic au where i stan their moms more than i stan them !! genuinely so good at the childhood rivals to lovers trope !! i’m genuinely obsessed with this one. has made me cry more than once ,, hurts in a good way <3 the ending is just *chefs kiss* also one of the tags is genuinely: # theo and liam make bad choices for over 130k straight !! if that doesn’t sound appealing i don’t know what does !!
Artificial Love - songbvrd
Summary: Prince Theo and Prince Liam are forced to spend every Summer together from age five onwards. They hate each other, and usually find ways to make each other miserable as much as possible in their six weeks together. But when they're reunited because of intended unions as adults, things change. They're both supposed to be married to noble women, but neither of them is as interested in anyone else as they are with their childhood rival.
Rated: Mature, No Archive Warnings Apply, Completed, Chapters: 32/32, Words: 172,935 (172k)
so if you are in the mood for a crack fic that’s not explicitally a crack fic this is for you !! okay so i’m really hit or miss with AU’s ,, sometimes i feel like they don’t quite capture the characters right but this story have the BEST dramatic liam i have ever seen in my life !! basically they all live in the same apartment building & it’s fantastic !! i saw this one floating around a lot but the summary didn’t really unrest me until i have it a shot !! so go read it rn !! also nolan & brett are genuinely fantastic and make me wheeze ,, LIKE ACTUALLY VERBALLY LAUGHING !! all i’m gonna say is that my fav characters are scott & the beetles but that won’t make actual sense until you read it !!
The Neighbors Song - TheodoreR
Summary: “I always hear you singing on your balcony every morning, but suddenly you’ve stopped?”
Or the one where Theo annoys Liam every morning with his awful singing until he doesn’t anymore and Liam is even more annoyed. Liam hates every single thing about his mornings -the fact that they happen in the morning alone is enough. The thing Liam hates the most about his mornings though is the terrible voice of the guy who lives below him. He can’t sing for shit and Liam tried to politely let him understand that by throwing flour and water on his balcony, and also by shouting it to him, you can’t sing for shit!, and then by writing it into a note he proceeded to attach to his door, but this Raeken guy just keeps doing it, every single morning, like a fucking rooster. Liam did nothing to deserve this. He probably didn’t do anything to deserve better either to be fair, he doesn’t expect to open his window and be welcomed by some angelic voice singing him good morning, he’d just be happy with nothing. Silence. That’s something Liam can appreciate in mornings. Just some bark from his dog and the sound of his misery and that’s it. But no, god forbid the new guy lets him have that.
Rated: Explicit, Creator Chose Not to Use Archive Wanrings, Completed, 8/8 Chapters, Words: 42,814 (42k)
me: i’m not a big fan of AU’s ,, proceeds to talk about ANOTHER au… OKAY BUT THIS ONE !! it’s not complete but the author has been updating regularly ,, vv slow burn !! but in a REALLY intresting way !! i lOVE LIAM IN THIS SO MUCH ,, he is such a diaster of a person and it’s wonderful !! they have a great dynamic & i’m sucker for general puppy pack content ( and erica reyes being a badass ) !! also theo plays lacrosse in this & i really like it ahhhhh ,, also liam is just being an artic monkeys stan the whole time & theo is like *que confused repressed gay noises*
Inglorious Roommates - honeyscape
Summary: A roommate is defined as “a person with whom one shares a room.”
Theo would say a roommate was more along the lines of, “The person who's the bane of his existence. The weirdo that sleeps for days. The spaz that exercises at 3am. The guy with a revolving door of annoying friends. An insufferable human being that Theo has no control over living in his room.”
Example: Theo hates his roommate Liam.
okay okay i hate myself but i have another WIP for y’all !! this one is jUST FANTASTIC. i’m genuinely so upset it’s most likely not going to updated again *incoherent screaming ensues*. for this story ,, it’s very theo-centric bUT thats bc it ends right before liam becomes a concrete member of the story !! ANYWAY: basic plot = theo & acquiring not one but two children ,, so #dad theo but he is still crusty & homeless and i love him very much. it’s just so GOOD !! just read if you want to experience my fav theo coming out story & him etching high school musical
Look who's talking - Captainmintyfresh
Summary: Theo had been labeled many things in his life. Evil, failure, monster. He'd never thought Father would be one of those things but as he looked across the table to a six year old with blue smears of bubble gum icecream across her face trying to coax the first words out of her sister. Finger jabbing towards Theo's face as she repeated 'Daddy' again and again he couldn't bring himself to dispute the label.
(Theo accidentally adopts two young werewolves)
Not Rated, Creator Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings, Not Completed, Chapters: 16/?, Words: 48740 ( 48k )
so here me out: post-canon ( poetry like angst ) summer get away !! just the boys doing cute little domestic things together whilst pining !! theo’s guilt in this is just so powerful & aGjffkgkkfkvkdlv !! i think it’s so interesting to see how they interact in this one, it’s just very heart warming !! and it features one of my favorite niche teen wolf tropes of theo being great with like seven year old girls- it’s just so good ,, very much a wonderful little one shot that just makes your heart happy.
(next time i see you you'll show me) a hundred different ways to say the same things - cherrysprite
Summary: “...You deserve good things,” Liam says eventually. He makes sure not to look at Theo even though he can feel his eyes turn on him. Somehow he can already tell that Theo doesn’t believe him.
Liam instantly makes that the goal of this summer - making Theo believe him.
Rating: Teen and Up, No Archive Warnings Apply, Chapters: 1/1, Words: 28875 ( 28k )
okay so this next section of fic recs is a bit different !!
two of my favorite authors !! and a compilation of fics i’ve read by them both !!
for context: these two have written some genuinely gorgeous fics, like pure poetry, they explore the real gritty & scary side of our boys relationship in such a wonderful way. they’ve both used some of my favorite tropes & i love them very much !!
whenever i need something soothing but so genuinely intresting & enticing these are my go to !! ( also they both write a lot of good nolan angst & some vv good fics with hayden )
go check out:
as well as fallingforboys
here are some of my favorite fics by them ~
darling i want you here in my arms (kiss the pain away, i know you can) - fallingforboys
even before you touched me, i belonged to you (all you had to do was look at me) - fallingforboys
memories linger like tattoo scars (but your touch on my skin is just as permanent) - fallingforboys
skin, bones, a stolen heart, and an ugly creature lurking underneath -fallingforboys
i don't know how to breathe in the place i called home - fallingforboys
whisper your gossamer truths into the shadow, maybe you'll find the answers you're searching for - fallingforboys
between the mountains and the valley we built a monument to our regret - eneiryu
cracked the hinges of the cage and waited for you - eneiryu
okay and finally: since i am a self centered whore
my own fic: an rendition of the # elevator scene
it’s basically my version of post canon if we did get the kiss in the elevator. we got a classic liam pov in which he is has 12/10 for extreme bi diaster energy even whilst being shot at !! so go him ig…
Fuck Off, Fuck This & Fuck It! - nefelibata_peach
Summary: Liam thought to himself heart rate climbing, they were bound to be dead by morning. So he thought with everything but his brain and he kissed him.
Where Liam Dunbar is very confused, slightly traumatized, and just a bit scared but hey, aren't they all! Bad decisions ensue as two boys fight in a war they never did sign up for.
Rating: Teen and Up, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Chapters: 1/1, Words: 3558 ( 3k )
335 notes ¡ View notes
jeonfiles ¡ 3 years
better left unsaid - jjk
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genre: angst, rebounds
pairings: jungkook x reader (ft. namjoon)
warnings: arguing, alcohol, profanity, break ups, light smut, use of drugs, jungkook is a fucking dick, jungkook has major attachment issues, toxic relationships, oc cries a lot, namjoon has a heart of gold, unrequited love
synopsis: you knew you shouldnt have given him that second chance, not the third or the fourth either. no matter how much you try he always slithers his way underneath your sheets, arms wrapped around you.
word count: 2.7k
music: into your arms, so it ends?, you will fade, thinkin bout you, julia, my insecurities not yours, fuck u, goodluck, my dear i will think of you
note: uhh ive never written a y/n fic so bare with me, if u listen to the music you’ll be able to feel the story a lot more so yeah if u have time u should, not proof read
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Light coming through the cracks of the blinds, making you squint your eyes when the daylight beams into your eyes, head resting on the kitchen island Looking up, you saw the clock ticking on the wall, 11:32 am.
You had stayed up till 5 am, waiting for him to come home, but seemingly, he never did. Reaching for your phone, you saw 4 missed calls from the one and only,
Jeon Jungkook, saved in your phone as “Koo <3″, Rows of messages too, all from the same contact.
Koo <3 [05:34 am]
baby pkck me up pleseee
im so wsated
Koo <3 [06.46am]
dont be mad at me jsut pick me up
i dont knw hewere the fuck i am
i love you
Koo <3 [07:31 am]
i got a rde home i’ll be home by 12
i need to talk to someone frsit
im sorry if i woke ypu dont be worried
You took a few moments to collect your thoughts, but there wasn’t much to collect. This whole thing, was a routine by now.
Standing up to make yourself a cup of coffee, you could literally not feel your own backside, you were so sore from the barstool you had been sitting on all night, and it made you groan in pain.
Two coffee cups right beside the kitchen sink, which you couldn’t bring yourself to clean up, because it was from the last time you had coffee together, which was 2 weeks ago.
The inside of the cup had a coffee crust at the top, and both your lip tint marks on the outside.
When you finish your cup of coffee while watching a bad telenovela, you go sit in your favorite chair and pull out a few books from the backpack hanging on the chair next to you, getting ready to get some studying done.
For a few seconds you imagine Jungkook hanging over your shoulder laughing at the way you write your A-s and R-s, or the way you always sign your homework at the bottom of the page.
And when you open them, there’s no one there. The only sound is from the refrigerator, making refrigerator noises.
You had met Jungkook 3 years ago, when you were at college orientation, senior year of high school. He also wanted to attend Yonsei, just like you.
And when he whispered to you about how bored he was, you couldn’t help but giggle, and then you got yelled at.
It was worth it though, because everyone was jealous of you afterwards,the  Jeon Jungkook had talked to you.
Jungkook was an all-rounder as they called it; great physique, intelligent, charismatic and great at sports.
And god, he had a beautiful face, and such a filthy mouth, and it didn’t go long before you gave in to his seductive ways and slept with him. The morning after, he wasn’t in bed with you, and your heart sank.
Luckily, he was in the kitchen making you breakfast.
It was all bliss from there, showering you with love, gifts and kisses for two years, and you even ended up moving in together.
And now? You barely remember what he sounds like, smells like and is like.
A distant memory, just as distant as him.
Your train of thought was suddenly interrupted as you heard 3 knocks on your door. The exact same way he had always knocked when he had forgotten (or lost) his keys.
And even though you should have let him suffer a little, you rushed to the door to open it, and in front of you, was your biggest nightmare.
It was your love, crying his eyes out, bleeding from one of many cuts on his face, looking nearly dead. He collapsed into your arms, and you could only utter a few words, along the lines of:
“How could you do this to us?”
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As he was laying curled up in a ball on the couch, face plastered up, ice bag on his knee, wrapped up in a blanket, you realized. this was your que to cry.
So, you did. You cried in silence, sitting across the room from him. You weren’t mad at him for coming home late, or getting in another fight, probably the 5th just these past months, you had gotten used to that by now.
There was a whole other reason that made you cry.
He smelled like Victorias Secret Bombshell, you recognized the scent because it used to be your favorite,  however, now you’ve moved onto something less sweet, and more elegant, like Caroline Herrera.
He smelled like someone who wasn’t you, his girlfriend.
He smelled like another girl.
It didn’t hurt as much as you thought it would. Maybe because the Jungkook that had come home to you that morning wasn’t your Jungkook.
Your Jungkook was varsity jackets, star of the american football team (which your school was known for), selfless and humorous, and he would always take care of you.
Your Jungkook was not ungroomed hair, cigarettes and worsening grades. He was not cold and lifeless, and he would never make you cry.
Despite this, you were carding your fingers though his hair, thumb wiping away the blood on his lips while he was sound asleep as you slowly fell asleep next to him.
Maybe it was time to let him go. 
You woke a few hours later from your phone vibrating.
Kim Namjoon (school) [07:01 pm]
Hey Y/N! Have you started working on the statistics assignment?
If you haven’t, would you be interested in meeting at the library tomorrow? You’re really smart and i’m kinda struggling ://
You [07:03 pm]
i finished it yesterday, but if you buy me coffee i’ll come help you hehe
Kim Namjoon (school) [07:04 pm]
You’re the best, I’ll bring you a machiatto!! :D
Maybe it would be nice for you to get out of the house, even though you hate the thought of it, and you would much rather just swim in your own sorrow.
But you did go out the next day, and you helped Namjoon get a decent grade, enough to pass with good margines, he thanked you by taking you out for ramen at a convenial store not too far away.
You thanked him for the ramen with a trip to the museum, and he thanked you for the museum trip with a picnic in the park at night, which led you to crying over Jungkook in his embrace, telling him every single little detail.
He made you realize it was time to let Jungkook go and make room for new people to enter your life.
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You went home that night, and you found Jungkook passed out on the couch, and you could genuienly feel your chest tighten. Soft features which stood out under the moonlight glow, disheveled brown locks which hung down in his eyes.
He was gorgeous, until you saw the credit card on the table next to three bottles of soju and an empty beer can on the floor. And you knew what he had used the credit card for, though you didn’t want to say it out loud.
You cleaned everything up, and you threw the residue of the white powder right in the trash can, and you recycled his bottles and cans before finally, nudging him to wake up.
“Jungkook, wake up.” You spat coldly, or at least you attempted to.
He groaned, rubbing his eyes before opening his eyes, and s huge smile on his face. “Y/N, you’re home!” He reached to kiss you, but you backed away.
“Y/N?” Jungkook questioned, he didn’t quite understand what your intentions were.
“Don’t try anything Jungkook. This was your last chance, and you fucked it up, again.” The room turned ice cold. “I’m getting you help Jungkook, you need help. And then...”
He understood what kind of help you meant, and since he had now sobered up, he agreed, nodding. “And then...?” 
“And then.” Your words were ludged in your throat. “And then I’m leaving you.”
His whole face dropped, smile turned into the frowniest frown you had ever seen, and it was all silent before his lower lip starts trembling, and his eyes start turning glassy.
“It’s alright. Sorry for burdening you.” Was all he could say before tears rushed down his cheeks, and he started shaking.
So you did what you always had done, and you wrapped your arms around him, head resting on your chest as he sobbed.
“Is there anyone else?” he cried out before another wave of sobs hit him.
This exact question made your stomach hurt, and your throat burn. You really had no idea.
Or you did, but you didn’t want to.
You loved Jungkook so much, but you couldn’t be with him in this state. So you did what every rational person would do in this situation.
You lied.
“Oh ok. I don’t have the right to be mad do I?”
You shake your head no.
“I love you Y/N. I’m sorry I’m so messed up.”
“It’s ok.” was all he said before he fell asleep in your arms again.
That night you slither your way out of his embrace and you pack your suitcase in the dark, bringing all your essentials, trying to be as quiet as possible so you didn’t wake Jungkook.
Packing enough for two weeks or so, you make the bed and leave your t-shirt “accidentally” in the bathroom, and you make sure all his clothes are folded, and then you sort his pencil case, throwing out old pens and worn out erasers.
You leave a grocery list on the counter, and you tuck him in good under the blankets after you took his jeans and socks off so he could sleep comfortably.
You placed his vitamins and medicine by the refrigerator so he’ll see it when he goes to grab something to eat. 
Puffed up pillows, a pair of sweatpants, t-shirt and underwear is now placed neatly on his bed. Then you walk into the kitchen again, and you see Jungkook still sound asleep, sniffling a little still.
There’s one last thing, and it makes you cry. It makes you sob so loud you cover your mouth and muffle the sound you make. Sinking to the floor, your whole body is in contact with the cold tiles.
Only a year ago you could never imagine yourself even shedding a single tear over something as small as this, but here you were, on the edge of a panic attack.
Two worn out, matching couple mugs still placed by the counter. one if the first things you two had bought together, as well as the necklace hanging around your neck.
Finally, you stopped crying and started cleaning the mugs, lip trembling as you dried them and placed them in the back of the cabinet.
You unhooked your necklace and laid it down on the counter, and the biggest lump formed in your throat.
Actually, there’s a little detail you forget. 
You kiss Jungkook on the forehead and leave a note on the coffee table.
“Dear Jungkook,
If you want to make this up to me (this does not mean a new chance!!) you call the number at the bottom of the page. No matter what happens, I’ll always have room for you in my heart. You even have your own little VIP lobby in there. And - if it’s urgent, call. I still care for you, and I always have. You were the best boyfriend I’ve had, but good things always come to and end, don’t they? Anyways, I’m tired so this letter fucking sucks, but deep down you know how much I love you. Remember to get groceries, shower, get fresh air and study. If I forgot something you can keep it, as long as you call the number and tell them you’re my friend. They’ll help you love. Try and get a part time job too, your student loan and your dad’s money won’t last forever. Good luck Koo. Hwaiting!!
-L/N Y/N <33″
You cringe when you think of the letter’s contents, before you roll out your suitcase out of the front door, whispering a faint “Goodnight Love.” as you close and lock the door behind you.
Standing by the elevator, you cry again. This time, louder, but you still reach for your phone and type out a text to the newly edited contact in your phone.
You [02:13 am]
coming outside now, im a crying mess and im super cold, is your car heated?
sorry for making you wait btw :((
Joonie <3 [02:13 am]
dont worry about the crying part, i’ll hold you. and yeah car is heated, so waiting here wasnt all that bad. you ready for this?
You  [02:14 am]
i have no idea but i cant stay here any longer and i trust you sooo
lets start our new chapter. eh?
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4 months later...
He had been good to you, great even.
You had been on expensive dates, picnics, had heart to heart conversations, and he’d been so understanding.
Today, it was your 2 month anniversary, and he had asked you on a magnificent date, which he had planned every second of.
At the end of the day, you told him how you don’t love him. He said it was alright. Namjoon loved you, so much, yet he understood you needed time.
You went to sleep that day, warm in Namjoon’s embrace, wondering how Jungkook was doing. 
You felt bad, but you missed Jungkook.
You were both with someone new now, and you knew he was in good hands with someone stable enough to care for him.
Before your eyes closed shut, you shed a few quiet tears and hoped that you’d fall in love with Namjoon soon, and deep down you knew you would.
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starksdaughter-3000 ¡ 3 years
Dark!Mob!Thor x Pregnant!Reader Future and Slight Loki x Pregnant!Reader
Warnings~ 18+, Dark, Angst, Language, Attempt of Seducing(?), Choking (Non-sexual), Abuse, Violence, This shit is deep y'all
A/N: Hiiiiii I'm backkk! Thanks for all the love on the last one so here's one I just came up with. I was just brainstorming ideas ngl. Another thing I am new to Tumblr, I found it in the middle of March and I don't know how to like link a part 2 ya know. Cuz I want this story to have a part 2 so I will figure it out lol. Enjoy!
*Not my GIF*
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Ever since you met the mobster he was sweet and gentle with you. So caring, nothing lime how he is to his enemies. For a year Thor has been the same person you met and more but now it felt like him and his feelings are drifting away.
You found out you were pregnant two weeks ago but Thor hasn’t given you the time of day so you could sit him down and tell him. Claiming he was busy with work. It has also been awhile since the two of you had sex. You thought to yourself that maybe he was stressed, drowning in work and all. So you decided to try and help him out.
Knocking on the door twice you immediately here a ‘Come in.’ from and deep grumpy voice that was obviously Thor’s. You turned the door knob and stepped inside seeing Thor’s head buried in papers stacked up on top of his desk. You sigh quietly shutting the door and gliding closer to his desk.
“Speak, don’t waste my time.” You gulped. “Hi baby.”
“What Y/n, can’t you see I’m busy now.”
“Thor you seem to be under a lot of stress now baby I would just like to help you out.” You purr.
“Y/n how would you help me? You don’t know anything about the Mob.” He raises his voice.
“Look if you have no real reason to be in here then leave.” By now you notice he is running quickly out of patients. You are almost in his eye sight on the side of his desk now. Grazing your finger tips along important stacks of papers.
You chuckle lightly. “No Thor not like that. Just let me finish telling you bub. Can you look at me, please?”
He sighs and turns his chair towards you. He frowns even more. Your body covered in lacey red lingerie, leaving little to the imagination. Showing off all your curves and imperfections. You can still fit your clothes due to you baby bump not showing because it is still early in the pregnancy.
“Come on honey, taking a break let me help you relax.” You move forward straddling his lap. Fingers running through his long locks of beautiful blonde hair.
He rolls his eyes, which is a surprise to you and makes you frown.
“Y/n I don’t have the time for this!” This time he yells and this action makes you flinch so you immediately stand up with your head down staring at your bare feet.
“I’m sor-” He cuts you off. “No don’t you fucking get it woman! I don’t want your company. Leave me to do my work so I can give you a better life. I pay for all the shit you have and you can’t even let me do my job! Get the hell out now!”
You’re shocked, he has never used that tone with you or those choice of words. It felt like he was treating you as if you worked for him. You’re his girlfriend not just some anybody that he could raise his voice to.
You knew what you were about to say would possibly hurt his ego or yourself, but he needed to be brought down a peg or two.
“Why are you yelling at me like I did something wrong! What crawled up your ass and died? You selfish prick! I was trying to do something nice for you to get you out of this hell-hole you put yourself in! ASSHOLE!”
As soon as you were finished he bolted out of his chair and wrapped his hand around your neck slamming your back against the wall behind you. You couldn’t believe what was happening and your body went into panic as his grip hot tighter the more you struggled. All you could think about was if he was going to kill you or not, if you were going to get out of here alive and about your unborn baby.
“P-please no.”
He let you drop to the ground, coughing and gasping for air. Tears rolling down your eyes, devastated and defeated you tried to stand up but was kicked down in the back by a furiated Thor.
“By midnight I want you and all your shit put out my house. You’re lucky I’m letting you keep it. Now scram.”
Your heart broke in millions of pieces on the spot from when he first raised his voice at you. It was hard getting off the floor but even harder to accept that the father of your unborn child has kicked you out of the house and even had the audacity to put his hands on you like he said he never would. That empty promise you should've known it was all a lie. You should have never given him a chance. All of those talks about your future together was bullshit. All of the talks about you being his wife one day bullshit. And to tie it all together the talks about starting a family together was absolute bull-fucking-shit.
Bursting through the room you shared with him bought back all of the sweet memories of the love making, when one of you were sick in bed and the other took care of them, the cuddles, the arguments, the playful fighting, the empty promises, the crying, the laughter. It all hit you at once it made you drop to your knees sobbing into your palms confused.
What made him not love you anymore? What made him put his hands on you? What made him tip over the edge to lash out on you like that? Where would you go? Who would you call?
You were so stressed out with questions and overwhelming feelings you had to remember that you were pregnant and had to convince yourself to calm down. Fifteen minutes of deep breaths you gathered yourself and got your composure back to normal.
Jeans and a sweatshirt was what you slipped on. Pulling out two suitcases from under the bed you started packing. Looking at the time it was 11:39pm so you closed the suitcases and zipped up duffle bags. Heading downstairs you saw your good friend Heimdall reaching for your hand to help you down the last step.
“May I take that from you Ms.Y/l/n?” You sighed handing them to him knowing that he would have gotten it anyway.
He frowned noticing your pained expression. Your back starting to hurt now.
“Y/n are you alright? You seem to be in pain.”
“N-no I’m fine I just need to go.”
“Are you going on a trip? Why so many bags?”
You sighed at the reminder.
“No Heimdall I won’t be back, thank you for doing for me and being a wonderful friend but I’m afraid that it is my time for a new chapter in my life. Please do not ask any questions I do not feel like speaking on it at the moment.” Heimdall nodded respecting your wishes as he escorted you to your car.
“Thank you Heimdall.” You whisper quietly. “Farwell and no, thank you.” You had no idea how much he appreciated you for coming into Thor’s life and opening your heart to him to show and teach Thor how to love and care. You truly did turn Thor’s life around and it showed.
You pulled him in for a hug as you climbed into the drivers seat. Unsure of where to go. You pulled out of the driveway of the mansion. Once you were on the road you had no idea who to call, you gave up your family and friends for Thor. So you called the only person you knew would take you in.
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joannie95 ¡ 3 years
I Hope
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: When the love of your life breaks your heart you hope he feels that same pain
Word Count: 2K+
Warnings: angst, angst and more angst 
A/N: Oh my god its a miracle I actually wrote something. This story is base off of I Hope by Gabby Barrett I had fun writing it and I hope you all enjoy it. Thank you to @mo320 and @celestialbarnes for helping me with ideas and looking over the story.
As I sit with Bucky in the coffee house, I start to reminisce over our last few years together. Since the beginning it felt like he was it for me, I pictured a life with him. Get married, have a few kids, and grow old together. I reached across the table and held his hand in mine. I give him a loving smile but notice his attention is elsewhere. This has been happening more and more lately. I don't want to admit to myself that somethings wrong because as soon as I do, that future I've always pictured together could come crashing down. "Are you alright Bucky?" 
"Hmm?" He quickly looks up from his phone before closing the screen. "Sorry what?" 
"I asked if you're alright? You seem distracted." I try to meet his eyes but he seems to be doing everything to avoid them. 
"Yeah I'm fine, listen I know this is short notice but I have to go. Steve needs me at the shop a car part got delivered but no one can find it." He gets up ignoring your protests of never spending time together anymore. "I'm sorry, I'll see you at home." And with that, he's gone. 
I'm not sure how long I sat there, coffee long forgotten. There's a tap on my shoulder, I look up and see my friend Peggy. When Bucky and I started dating I became close with his best friend Steve's girlfriend. 
"Y/N how are you?" She pulled me into a tight hug. "Where's Bucky? I thought you two were spending the day together." 
"Yeah um, we were but he said steve needed his help at the shop. It's ok though." I was trying hard to convince her but it seems like I was trying to convince myself even more. "Are you here alone? Do you want to join me?" 
Before she could respond Steve walks up to the both of you and puts his arm around Peggy. "Hey Y/N how are you doing, where's Bucky?" 
They looked at each other when they saw the confused look on your face. "What do you mean? He was texting you earlier wasn't he? He said you needed his help at the shop." 
Steve seemed just as confused as me after hearing that. "I haven't talked to Bucky all day." He looked towards Peggy then back at me. "Maybe you misheard him." 
I quickly gathered my things and got up. "Yeah you're probably right, I should go." 
Peggy grabbed onto my arm when I nearly stumbled in my attempt to rush. "Please stay, you can join us." 
I quickly thanked her but decided it was best to leave. "No it's fine really, I need to go find Bucky." Once outside I tried to figure out what to do, I took my phone out and tried to call him. It rang three times before sending me to voice-mail, I tried once more and again it rang three times then straight to voice-mail. He had to see that I was calling him right? I decided it was best to just take a cab home and wait for him there. 
Once I was home I couldn't stop panicking. Why did he lie to me? What was he doing? I'm not sure how much time had passed but soon enough I heard the door close and bucky walked inside. "Where have you been?" 
He looks up with a smile as he's hanging up his coat. "Hello to you too." 
I got off the couch and walked towards him. I want to scream but decided it's best to stay calm. "Where have you been Bucky? And don't tell me you were at the shop because I ran into Steve and he said he hasn't talked to you today." 
"Doll." He takes a step towards me. 
"Just tell me the truth, we can work things out but I need you to tell me the truth." I blink the tears away and try to steady my breathing. 
"I'm sorry." He runs his hands through his hair and looks defeated. Either for what he did or being caught. "Nothing happened, I met her at work and she gave me her number and we started talking but we never did anything. I promise." 
"But something did happen!" I turn away trying to keep my distance. "Is she who you left me to see today, just tell me that." 
He looks down and kicks the ground. "Yes." He tries to take my hands in his but I pull back before he can. "I promise all we did was talk." 
"Just tell me why? Am I not good enough for you? Am I not pretty enough? I thought everything was fine but obviously if you have to go looking for someone else it's not." All these doubts are finally coming out, I never wanted to admit them but deep down I think I've always felt this way. 
"No that's not it, you have to believe me." 
"If I was good enough you wouldn't have had to go behind my back and lie to my face to meet her. Just tell me why? What did I do?" 
"I was stupid. Someone gave me attention and it made me feel good I never intended for it to go past talking I promise." He walked up to me and slowly reached towards me, this time allowing him he placed his hands on my cheeks and pulled me close. "I'm sorry, please forgive me. We can work this out like you said just please forgive me." 
"I don't know Bucky." This is the love of my life, but I'm not sure if the pain in my heart from finding out the truth outweighs the pain of never being able to hold him again. I place my hands over his and spoke barely above a whisper. "Please don't ever hurt me like this again." I look up and see relief in his eyes. 
He wipes away the tears that started to fall from my eyes before kissing me. First on my forehead, then each cheek, and lastly a soft turned heated kiss on my lips. "I promise I won't." 
And I believed him, I started to trust him again and everything was going so great. Until it wasn't. The first few weeks after the incident was great, Bucky put more focus into our relationship. It felt like it did when we first started dating. Romantic gestures, spontaneous date nights it was all perfect. Then one day I noticed it, he was more focused on his phone than he was on me. I tried to convince myself I was just imagining things, he wouldn't try so hard to work things out just to do it all over again right? 
I was getting ready for a date night, Bucky made reservations at a restaurant he knew I wanted to go to. While he was in the shower I was deciding between two dresses, a fitted dress that hugged every curve or a dress that showed just enough skin that was sure to drive him crazy. While I was debating on them I heard a ping from the nightstand and assumed it was Steve texting Bucky so I decided to ignore it and keep getting ready. After a few minutes, I heard two more notifications. "Bucky! Bucky your phones going off, I think it might be Steve!" Deciding to just save my voice I go grab the phone and take it to him. As I pick it up another notification appears and I feel the world stop and my heart shatter. No, no he promised. He promised it was nothing and he would stop. 
"Sorry about that doll, were you calling me?" When I didn't answer him he walked up behind me. "Y/N, are you alright?"  He was about to place his hand on my shoulder but my next question made him freeze in his spot. 
"Who's Dot?" I turn around and look at him not knowing if I'm more angry or heartbroken. "James, who is Dot and why is she so excited to see you this weekend when you told me you were going to visit your parents?" 
"Y/N, please. I can explain." 
I threw his phone across the room hoping it broke when I heard it hit the wall. "Explain what? Explain why you lied to me! Explain why you're probably screwing the girl you told me you stopped talking to! Or explain how you could throw this entire relationship away! I was stupid enough to trust you and give you a second chance and this is what you do." I push past him and start packing whatever I can into a small suitcase. 
He walks up behind me and tries to stop me. "Baby please, just stop and listen to me. I'm sorry" 
"No. I'm sorry that I thought I could trust you but I'm done." I keep packing and turn towards him once I’m done. "If you're willing to ruin us, ruin the future we were planning for her. Then I'm done" 
As I make my way towards the door he pulls me back. He wraps his arms around me and holds me close. "Baby please." There's a strain in his voice, I don't have to look to know he's crying. "Please don't leave me, I need you. I love you." 
I force myself out of his hold and turn to him. "No, you don't, if you actually loved me none of this would have ever happened and you would have never put me through this much pain." I walk towards the door and put my hand on the handle. Before I open it I turn back. "Just remember that you caused this James, it was all you." Before I could hear his response I walked out and slammed the door. I willed myself not to cry, not yet. I get in my car and drive. I didn't know what to do or where to go but the next thing I know I'm standing in front of a house knocking on a door. It opens and they look shocked at my current state. "I know I may be asking a lot especially since you both knew Bucky long before I came along but I really need a place to stay right now." As soon as I was pulled into a tight hug the floodgates opened and all the emotions came pouring out. 
Peggy walked me towards a spare room and Steve brought my bag. She sat me down in bed and held me as I cried. The exhaustion from all the crying must have put me to sleep. I slowly open my eyes and adjust to the light coming through the door and attempt to sit up, a few moments later Peggy walks through the door with a glass of water in her hand. 
"Oh good, you're up, here drink this. After all that crying I'm sure you need it." She handed me the glass and took it back once it was empty. 
"What time is it?" I try to clear my throat, all that crying made my voice incredibly hoarse. 
A little past 11 pm, you slept for a few hours once you stopped crying. She sat down next to me and wrapped her arms around me. "You don't have to talk about what happened if you're not ready but you can stay here as long as you want. And you don't have to worry about James bothering you, Steve gave him quite an earful. I've never heard him yell at James that way as long as I've known them. 
Hearing that almost made me want to smile. "I feel so stupid Peg." My voice cracked and I felt like crying again. "How could I trust him again only for him to cheat on me again?" 
"You listen to me, the only stupid one in this situation is James. He knew exactly what he was doing and that's on him, not you. I promise you will get through this, Steve and I will be with you the entire time." 
"Thank you, Peggy, I don't know what I'd do without you" 
It didn't happen immediately but Peggy was right as always. With some time and help from my friends, I was able to put James and his betrayal behind me. Within a couple of days, I was able to laugh and smile again. Within a couple of weeks, I was able to stop crying over the pain he caused. Within a couple of months, I was able to go out with friends and have fun again even after hearing that James never stopped seeing that girl he was cheating with. 
That's exactly what I was doing tonight. I was out with Peggy, having drinks and enjoying life. We had a discussion that even though things with James ended badly I didn't want to lose her and Steve as friends and that it didn't mean they couldn't be friends with him either. Steve especially, I didn't want my pain to be the reason he loses a lifelong friendship. 
"Looks like we're out of drinks, I'll go get us some more." I weave through the crowded room and walk up to the bar and order a couple of drinks. While I wait I feel someone bump into me. I turn around and am about to tell them to watch where they're going. My eyes go wide when I see who's standing before me. 
"Y/N, hi how are you?" 
"James." You take pleasure when you see him cringe at the name. "I'm good, how are you and that girl you're seeing, what was her name again? Donna, Dora." I feign innocence as I incorrectly guess her name. 
"Dot, and we're fine." 
I follow his gaze towards a redhead who's getting a little too close to another man. "Looks like it." I turn and grab my drinks ready to leave this situation. " I should get going, Peggy's waiting." 
"Wait. Before you go I wanted to apologize for everything I did. I didn't mean-" 
I cut him off before he could finish his sentence. "I'm gonna stop you right there, if you were going to say you didn't mean to hurt me then I don't want to hear it. You knew exactly what you were doing and you knew exactly what it would do to me once I found out and honestly at this point I really don't care." 
I take a step towards him and with a smile on my face tried to sound as sincere as possible. "I hope you both have a wonderful life together James. I hope you go on plenty of dates and I hope you know she's the one by the end of the night. I hope you never ever felt more free and tell all your friends that you're so happy.
I hope she comes along and wrecks every one of your plans, I hope you spend your last dime to put a rock on her perfectly manicured hand. I hope she's wilder than your wildest dreams and that she's everything you're ever gonna need." I lose your smile and continue in a serious tone. "And then I hope she cheats on you like you did on me." Before he could respond I excuse myself and walk back towards my table. 
"Hey I was starting to get worried, is everything alright?" 
"Actually Peggy everything is great." I smile as we toast and down our drinks. After tonight everything feels like it'll be ok.
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spinningintheshadows ¡ 2 years
Song Lyric Prompts Vol 1
There is a playlist of these songs in order here
1. “Drive this car through the drive thru please”
2. “Dirty laundry looks good on you”
3. “Where’s the dotted line at?”
4. “Are there windows in heaven?”
5. “Bought you a twelve pack, promised you sushi”
6. “I want to take you to a gay bar”
7. “I’m in love with the girl I hate”
8. “It’s been a while since I’ve felt butterflies”
9. “One day you’ll know who you want to be”
10. “You ain’t nothing but a prick”
11. “You’re not in love with me”
12. “I wanna kiss you every minute, every hour, every day”
13. “On second thought, forget it, that one turns out kind of cool”
14. “Honey, I’ve got real bad news”
15. “I heard that rock is dead and cellphones give you cancer”
16. “It will be worth it, everything you went through”
17. “They’ve never drove through Indiana”
18. “You’re my song, my sweet home Alabama”
19. “You’ve got so many options, every fish in the sea wants to kiss you”
20. “Relationships, I don’t know why, they never work out and they make you cry but the guy who says goodbye to you is out of his mind”
21. “My family is dysfunctional but we have a good time killing each other”
22. “I fell in love in the back of a cop car”
23. “You don’t have to worry”
24. “I’m still having nightmares”
25. “I flashback to the night in your parents yard when we drank too much and we talked about God”
26. “We’re gonna make it if takes all night”
27. “She’s my kind of crazy”
28. “Who says you can’t go home?”
29. “Fist fights turn into sex, I wonder what comes next?”
30. “If I were a boomerang, I’d turn around and come back to you”
31. “It’ll still be two days till I say I’m sorry”
32. “Remember when you broke your foot jumping out the second floor?”
33. “There’s room for two, six feet under the stars”
34. “Oh god, I did the wrong thing to the right girl”
35. “When it comes to condoms, put two on”
36. “I won’t give up on us”
37. “I’m a bit too pop for punk kids, but I’m too punk for the pop kids”
38. “We don’t have trouble sleeping”
39. “Daddy’s little girl knows how to party”
40. “A days worth of bitching goes down the drain when you lay in my bed and pick my brain.
41. “Wrong name, my mistake”
42. “Being us feels good to us”
43. “It’s not high school, man, you graduated six years ago”
44. “A few drinks in, here I go missing you again”
45. “There’s something about the way our bedsheets turn religion upside down”
46. “And I’ve made mistakes, but you were not one”
47. “I swear to god, I never fall in love”
48. “I miss the way you breathe, the way you twitch in your sleep. Your smile, your straight teeth and the scars along on your cheeks”
49. “When you talk, its in cursive to me. And it’s nicer than anything I’d ever believe about me”
50. “I don’t mind if you fuck up my life”
51. “Make a man feel rich on minimum wage”
52. “You broke my heart and all I got was this t shirt”
53. “You ask “When did I first know?” I always knew”
54. “You’re kind of hipster, I grew up on punk rock”
55. “Made a rebel of a careless man’s careful daughter”
56. “And all my friends don’t give a fuck”
57. “We’ll talk about how your parents separated and how you don’t want to make the same mistakes as them”
58. “Is it really your anxiety that stops you from giving me everything?”
59. “Leave your sorrys, grab your car keys.”
60. “I’d unfuck you if I could”
61. “You say you love me, I know you love me. Love that you love me, baby”
62. “I lose my voice when I look at you, can’t make a noise though I’m trying to”
63. “Now with my eyes wide open, it’s heaven in your arms”
64. “I know that you’re in pain but if we die at the same time does it still scare you?”
65. “I can make you laugh ‘til you cry, but she can make your tears dry”
66. “I hope a heart only breaks this bad once in a lifetime”
67. “I didn't call you back because I was learning to dance”
68. “Sometimes I just want to tell you about my day”
69. “Yes my fucking nails are painted, what you think I didn’t know?”
70. “Mama tried to raise me right, but she couldn’t raise the hell out of me”
71. “Dancing in the dark ‘til the sun comes, tangled in the sheets ‘til the days done”
72. “I take a drink ‘cause the truth is hard to swallow”
73. “Big heads up, that’s a really stupid plan”
74. “We used to kiss all night, now it’s just a bar fight”
75. “What’s the point of going out when you could just give me a call”
76. “I didn’t know I was broken until I wanted to change”
77. “We have something worth remembering”
78. “I fell in love with the girl at the rock show”
79. “And I just can’t stop thinking of you, wherever you are”
80. “I never wanna leave this sunset town.”
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flowersbby ¡ 4 years
Nobody Compares | Corpse Husband x Reader
Request:  “Hi babe! May i request for an imagine/one shot where Corpse and fem reader used to be together and broke up due to lack of time for each other... then after a year they re-connected and reader was surprise bec Corpse still hasn’t forget the things she likes/loves? And they got back together eventually lol”
a/n: My first request! I’m excited :D
Warnings: Angst, awkwardness
You were nervous. You had agreed to go to game night with Rae at Corpse’s and as the time got closer and closer to the event you felt more and more anxious. Your eyes scanned your closet as you tried to piece different articles of clothing together in your head to wear to the small party. You wanted to look good for him, even though you guys broke up a year ago. Your mind started wandering to that night.
“Baby...” Corpse muttered to you as you were packing up your stuff. “Please, stay. We can fix this just please don’t leave. We can make time for each other, I’ll clear my schedule, I’ll do anything just please don’t leave me..”
You were trying to contain your sobs as tears ran down your cheek. You didn’t want to leave, but you hardly had time for each other anymore. It was hurting both of you and it was causing you two to fight an unhealthy amount. “I need to.” You told him as you trudged towards the bathroom to get your stuff. “I hardly see you anymore! And when I do you’re always in a bad mood! What’s the point in staying?” You shouted from the room’s bathroom, wiping tears from your face as you got all your bathroom necessities. When you returned from the room, Corpse was pulling your clothes out of your suitcase and putting them back in their original spot in the closet. “What are you doing?!”
Corpse sniffled. He was crying. He didn’t look at you. He couldn’t. “You’re my everything!” He shouted and stopped moving your clothes from the suitcase. “What am I supposed to do without you?!” He looked up at you. His eyes were filled with tears. This was the most you’ve seen him cry.
You started crying more from the sight and shook your head. Grabbing your clothes again and throwing them in the suitcase, not caring if they weren’t folded. You just couldn’t be in this apartment anymore. You zipped up the suitcase and fast walked to the door. Corpse grabbed your wrist. “(y/n), please..” 
“No.” You said simply and shook his hand off your wrist, opening the door and slamming it behind you. You heard a loud bang from the apartment as you left followed by Corpse screaming out of heartbreak.
You regretted it. You missed him more than you could put into words. You were also surprised since Corpse was okay with you coming. Rae was excited, though. She wanted you and Corpse to get back together. You wouldn’t mind it either, you just didn’t know if Corpse felt the same. You tried moving on but you couldn’t. Nobody else could compare to him.
You decided to wear a black dress paired with your favorite black and gold heels, putting on a gold necklace to go with your shoes. You did your makeup and as soon as you got the text from Rae that she was there to pick you up, you left for the party.
                                                          ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
You guys finally made it to the party. You and Rae were laughing about a joke she said as you made your way up his apartment stairs. When you guys finally reached his door, a wave of nervousness washed over you. Rae knocked.
The door opened, revealing Corpse. He had his black mask on but his eyes were only on you. “Hey..” He said. You looked up him.
“Hi.” You said and waved your hand a little. He greeted Rae as well and stepped aside to let you guys in.
Everyone was already there. You saw Sykkuno, Lily, and Toast. “Hey guys!” Rae said excitedly and went over to hug them. Corpse was standing next to you. You guys both wanted to say something to each other but didn’t know exactly what to say.
Your throat was getting dry from nervousness. “Do you have anything to drink?” You turned to him and asked him. “I’m a little thirsty.”
“Uh,” He stuttered, “Y-yeah, yeah.. let me get you something.” He turned towards the kitchen to grab you something to drink. You decided to go talk with the group while you waited.
“Hey, (y/n)!” Said Lily as she hugged you. “Gosh, it’s been ages!”
You laughed. “Yeah, I know!” and pull away from the hug. “I’ve missed you guys!”
“We’ve missed you two!” Said Sykkuno, “Ever since you stopped playing with us last year it hasn’t been the same.”
You smiled sadly. You stopped playing with the group after you and Corpse’s breakup. You figured it would be best to separate yourself from them since you only knew them because of Corpse. They were his friends. You only kept in contact with Rae because she always texted you.
You felt something cold tap your arm and saw Corpse handing you some (f/d). “My favorite!” You said excitedly and quickly opened it.
He just smiled at you. You couldn’t see it because of his mask, but the way his eyes squinted you could tell he was smiling. You smiled back at him. His heart fluttered seeing your smile he hasn’t seen in almost a year. He realized how much he missed you.
“Do you guys wanna play twister?” Lily asked, bringing up a game suggestion.
You didn’t answer. You didn’t want to flat out tell her no but you didn’t say yes either. Twister was your least favorite party game. It made you really anxious. “(Y/n) gets anxious during twister,” Corpse told Lily, “Can we play something else?”
“Oh, Of course!” Lily said. She then proceeded to list off more games to play. You weren’t listening. Your mind was stuck on how Corpse remembered what you like and don’t like after all this time.
                                                         ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ 
It was 11:00 PM and everyone had already left. You were just waiting for Rae to get done in the bathroom since she was your ride. You and Corpse were standing in front of each other in awkward silence by the door.
“What hav-”
You and Corpse talked at the same time. You guys laughed and you gave Corpse the signal to go ahead.
“How have you been?” He asked you.
“I’ve been okay,” You said, “You?”
“I haven’t been that good.” He said and proceeded to scratch his neck. “I made a song about you.” He chuckled like he was embarrassed about it. You knew about it. You listened to it. A lot.
“Yeah I listened to it.” You told him. “LARain?” You asked to make sure that was the song.
“Yeah.” He said. “I miss you.”
“I miss you too.” You missed him probably more than he missed you.
“Would you want to go somewhere sometime?” He asked. “Like the beach or something? I remember you used to love the beach when we were together but I don’t know if you still like it..” You smiled once again at how much he remembers about you.
“I still love it.” You told him. “I’d love to go with you. I have the same number so just text me the times and stuff.”
“Okay~!” Rae sang as she walked towards you guys. “You ready to go, (y/n)?” You nodded at her. “Thanks for having us Corpse!” She told him as she opened the door and walked out.
“No problem.” He said.
You turned around to look at Corpse as you were leaving. “Text me.” You told him and shut the door behind you.
As you were walking with Rae to her car you heard your phone ding. You smiled as you saw who it was.
Corpse: how does friday sound?
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jaysbestie ¡ 3 years
ahshshdhsh this is my first time using the ask function in this app and i might as well take this as an opportunity. can you please write about jakey being a hopeless romantic (kinda like f2l thing) wherein they're also classmates and y/n is oblivious af? it would be very much appreciated, thank you~
hi this is a vERY late, I don't know if this is similarto what you wanted, I'm so sorry, but I hope you like it!!
Hoops and Love Letters
pairing ; f2l! basketball player! jake x gn reader
genre ; fluff
warnings ; food
summary ; jake, your best friend since you were children has started making your heart beat fast, little do you know, his is beating just as fast...
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"yo jake!"
you were sitting on one of the park's benches with your best friend while eating strawberry flavored ice cream he got for you, when you heard someone call your best friend's name.
it was louder this time, meaning the person calling him was coming closer. Suddenly one of jake's friends, sunghoon, came into view trying to catch his breath while he sat down on the bench between you.
well now that was awkward.
he looked between you two, clueless to the situation you were in and asked,
"did I interrupt anything?"
he asked and to that question, your cheeks reddened as you turned to look at jake, noticing how his cheeks were also light crimson as he opened his mouth to answer his friend's question
"n-no you sure didn't" jake stammered. but jake never stammers?? and you just stood there, a little sad that jake answered sunghoon's question negatively and you just stood there, taken aback by jake's answer and by his stammering.
"it doesn't seem like it tho, anyways, heesung needs you in practice, jay was late and he almost got yelled at" sunghoon started talking without getting a breath, almost as if he was rapping.
you searched jake's face for a reaction and he didn't even look surprised by ths situation going on at the school's gym.
"well, y/n, I'll have to go, sadly, however, ill try to return you your book on saturday on our picnic!" he told you while he got his school bag, from the bench you sat on every day after school, and started walking behind sunghoon to the gym.
"I'll be waiting for my book!" you yelled and screamed, happy that he remembered the poetry book he borrowed from you, two weeks ago. you see, your and jake's bond was something unbreakable, being friends and classmates from a very young age and being lucky enough to be able to continue this friendship till now. you started packing your bag and put the cup from the ice cream in the park's trashcan while going to your house. there really wasn't anyone at home however you prepared your table fully and made yourself lunch. you sat down trying to find a boring enough movie so that you'll be motivated to stop watching it and study or catch a nap.
it was now 7pm on a friday afternoon and you were currently doing your homework so that you didn't have to do them during the weekend, when your computer started alarming you that there was an incoming skype call by jake. it made you instantly smile and you answered his call watching his face brighten once he saw you had picked up.
"are you doing homework on a friday night?" he asked, while he looked at me as if I was a weird creature.
"yeah, I don't understand your opposition on me doing my homework on a friday night" you said, the fake offended look on your face made jake laugh and that moment it was like you heard an angel laugh.
"have you prepared anything for our picnic tomorrow?"
oh shIT
you panicked
"I swear to god, y/n y/l/n, did you forget about one of the most important days of the month?" it was his turn to act offended now taking a dramatic pose acting as if he was crying.
you were about to start crying because, hoW. COULD. YOU. FORGET. YOUR PICNIC?!?!
"oH HELL NOH, how could I forget our picnic?!" you stated nervously hoping that he didn't notice the panic on your face when he mentioned the picnic.
"great, I was hoping you remembered about it because, well,,, tomorrow's picnic will be extra special, than just a day on the calendar" he said, he seemed nervous and by his sentence you became nervous too, hoping that something joyful will be behind this "extra special picnic"
"YO Y/N YOU THERE?" he yelled and then proceeded to slap his laptop's screen, just to make sure his computer wasn't the problematical one.
"yeah sorry, my laptop started glitching, see you tomorrow at the park!" you yelled at him and ended the call in a hurry.
you sat up from your desk's chair and walked in front of your mirror
"I now have to go down and prepare for tomorrow's picnic" you said to try and convince yourself to go down and prepare however your plan was interrupted when your phone rang, the name of your other best friend lighting up the screen.
"YANG JUNGWON YOU LITTLE MONSTER" you screamed as you picked up the phone.
" yo y/n what is your proBLEM?!"
"what did I do this time bestie, explain to me please"
"well I was about to go prepare for my monthly picnic with jake but you decided that it was a good idea to call me".
"oooh, jake, the guy that likes you but doesn't know how to tell you"
"plEASE, he doesn't like me, we've been friends for a couple years and he sees me as a good friend"
"ok but like, since yOU like him, why don't you speak to him about it?"
at this point you are heading to the kitchen in order to get ready for tomorrow, since hanging up on jungwon wouldn't happen soon.
"if I tell him I might ruin our friendship, won"
"he likes you too tho, even sunghoon noticed!"
"since when do you hang out with sunghoon?"
"since you were too busy going on dates with jake"
"please, we had study meetings"
"yeah call it whatever you want love"
you tried to respond to jungwon but nothing came out of your mouth so jungwon continued,
"anyways, I'm hanging up so you can prepare for your picnic, by the way, wear those brown corduroy pants I got you for your birthday!!"
"yeah fine, I'll make sure to fill you in on what happened won, good night!"
"night y/n!"
with that you went to prepare some quick snacks for tomorrow and also got some of your favorite jellies from a seven eleven nearby, all because they were also jake's favorite jellies.
———————♡timeskip #2♡———————
you woke up by the sudden sound of your alarm, you didn't even remember setting an alarm but you find have time to worry about stuff like this as you wanted to get up and get ready quickly for the picnic.
your phone rang and jake's number lit up your phone's screen.
"yo jake, bro, homie, fella, how you doin" that was the weirdest thing you've ever, like eVER, said in your life.
"of course no jakey, it's 11:29 am, the picnic is in two hours "
" uh uh uh- special picnic" jake emphasized special once again.
" oh well, guess I'll take more time to get ready since its spEcial" you said, mimicking the way he said special.
" I swear to our friendship, y/n, if you're not ready by the time I come to pick you up, consider yourself not my friend" he said sarcastically, adding a laugh at the middle of his sentence.
"oh well, it's your lucky day because I have just started getting ready!" you lied, you walked to your dresser and started searching for that one pair of brown corduroy pants jungwon suggested you wear.
"I'm hanging up jake, gotta go get ready, see you at 1 outside my house!" you hung up without giving him a chance to reply.
you finally found the pants, searching for a shirt now. you found a white blouse you had got last Halloween for a pirate costume but never wore it. It didn't look like a costume shirt anyway, you shrugged and got into the bathroom to take a shower and get ready afterwards.
You were done with your shower now, the time was 12 pm and you had an hour left before jake got to your place to pick you up.
You put on your clothes and matched a pearl necklace (which was, indeed, a gift by jake) with your outfit, you opted for some classic black converse high tops as for the shoe choice, and with that, your outfit was complete.
You headed downstairs to prepare your basket, full with snacks and fizzy drinks, also getting a light blanket with you, just in case.
You heard a car honk from outside and checked the time, it was 12 : 40, twenty minutes before jake should be here to pick you up. The same honking sound was heard again and you headed to the door to see if it was jake by any chance. It was jake indeed, you got your basket, your keys, sprayed some perfume on and left the house, not forgetting to lock the door behind you.
"well hello there, y/n"
you were ready to tell general kenobi literally at his face, the pun must've been intended as you had a star wars movie marathon some days ago.
"hello to you too, jakey"
You both got in the car and jake turned the music up, a song unknown to you playing on the radio. Jake seemed different today, he seemed nervous, something unusual to him.
"is everything okay jake?"
"yeah why?" he responded while he let out a small laugh.
"oh, nothing!"
The drive went by quickly, however jake had taken you to a place you thought you'd never see again, it was the place where you and jake had first met. A park filled with bushes and sunflowers, huge trees and benches along with wooden tables. You were on the verge of tears, left speechless, you opened the car's door, taking your basket and started running around the park laughing loudly. You were feeling truly happy.
Jake was watching from inside the car, deciding to open his door too, taking his own basket, locking the car and started running towards you.
After running around for some good minutes, you sat on bench and left your baskets on a wooden table, starting to set your food in order for your picnic to start.
You had started eating your second sandwich when jake interrupted you, making you put your sandwich down and turning your attention to him.
"yo y/n, do you remember those love letters you kept on receiving last year?"
"of course I do! I've been searching till this day! but what does that have to with our special picnic?"
"well, I'm the one who sent those letters" jake said, lowering his head and starting to fiddle with his hands.
"well, that was a good one!" you started laughing. Noticing the situation jake was in right now, it only meant one thing, "WAit, you're not joking?"
"not really" he said giggling sadly, lifting his stare and watching into your eyes. You extended your arms and reached out to hug him.
"why didn't you tell me?"
"wait, you really didn't know I liked you? The boys kept on telling that my crush on you was too obvious!" he said, looking annoyed by his friends that moment.
"I mean, you did throw a basket ball at me once that had, "let me take you out" all over it but I didn't think you meant thAT TAKING OUT" you said, laughing at the old memory you had remembered.
well, y/n, would you officially allow me to take you out?" he asked, a glowing happy slice on his face when he noticed your emotionless face, "on A DATE, I mean, not with a basket ball!" he added. With that, you burst into laughter and looked at him, showing him your brightest smile.
"of course I'll let you take me out, on a date, jake"
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