#every living creature on this planet was hand sculpted and perfected
honey-minded-hivemind · 7 months
The results are in for Fusion!Reader's components' colors, and they are:
Sapphire!Reader is a blue sapphire, and Pearl!Reader is a peach pearl!
I think that's kinda perfect, in a way. Cool and warm, cold and hot, ice and fire mixing together to form the perfect temperature and tones. Now, as for shades of their gem color, I'm thinking something like this:
Sapphire!Reader is a velvet-like blue, a swathe of navy and royal, whereas Pearl!Reader is a pale golden peach color, something between pink and orange, not quite one or the other...
(Warning: Mentions of abuse, torture, and possible death/rewrite of characters)
Sapphire!Reader would definitely have a poofy dress at first, with a symbol belonging to a Diamond (for this au, I'm making Logan a Diamond), Black Diamond's symbol, to be exact. Pearl!Reader would be the personal Pearl to Orange Diamond (Victor). Both Sapphire!Reader and Pearl!Reader are broken after being rejected by the two Diamonds, as well as the other pearls and sapphires, not to mention the personal entourage of their Diamonds, and then the entire courts... It's one of the reasons they decided to go where Homeworld hadn't dug their claws in, a little planet far away in a galaxy of untouched planets: Earth...
They (them?)... Their fusion has to pick a name, and what better name than something of immense beauty and perfect luster than... Nacre?
It's a new name, but they're a new gem, and experiencing the wonders of Earth, it's-
This is what the Diamonds, what their courts, what every gem considered ugly? Saw as dirt beneath their feet? This planet is... it's beautiful.
And they're going to do what they can to keep it that way.
Making friends with humans and their civilizations (becoming a deity in some regions), having feasts and dances and lessons (accidentally starting a few cults), building ice sculptures and pressurizing sand into glass, using the particles to sculpt cities on the frozen coasts of tundras (built an entire city into a glacier, as well as making smaller villages on beaches around the different continents). Earth has so much to see! So much to do! And these odd creatures, these "humans", are the key. Are the answer.
Look at how they form families, choosing to love one another and raise new humans and share amongst their communities. The way they try to snuff out disputes, having councils and parliaments and courts, so everyone can have a voice. The food they make, evolving over each century, each eon, new culinary masterpieces and herbs and-! (Earth I Steven Universe might not have had? as many wars or fighting or civil disputes? Plus the contents were a bit weird. And they didn't exactly have, certain states? and countries? So I'm going off of that).
Yet as the decades, centuries, eons pass, they never change. Yet the humans do. They live for barely a blink of an eye in a gem's eye/s, and... It adds a whole new meaning to caring about others. Of showing you love and admire them. Because they won't be there forever, and where they go after their bodies pass, the gems can't follow, can't see... Nacre (Fusion!Reader) does their best to take care of whatever humans they meet, paying visits to many, helping the descendants of some of their first friends on the planet, making new friends with others, helping out those who may need extra hands and future vision...
But all good things can come to an end.
It's only been awhile, about six thousand years... No gems had ever come to Earth... Nacre had lived in peace, always near beaches where they can watch the water, hear the wind and birds, smell the salt and spray. It's on one of those beaches they're poofed.
Waking up, Nacre is- gone. They aren't Nacre at the moment, they're back to Sapphire!Reader and Pearl!Reader, and they're trapped. It looks like a lab, possibly an entire base, and neither one of them can get out from the tube/chamber they're in. Until in walks... a gem?
A gem, one who stares at them with nothing but contempt. Hatred. Who informs them that as they are traitors to the Empire, to the Diamonds, they will not be missed, so are free to be used in their experiments. And so begins the worse decade of their long lives...
Electrical torture until they poof. Testing ice and magma on their gems. Using various gen tools on them, seeing which ones cause the most damage. And that cursed gem is always taking notes, always typing down whatever information they find, muttering about survival rates and organics and how soon they can get off this forsaken rock... One day, it seems they've finally found a final test. One that leaves both Sapphire!Reader and Pearl!Reader scared.
"I've tested everything I could think of on you two clods of mud. From how long you can last until you poof, your withstanding to various elements, the size of your gems, how your light forms react to shards... But I've discovered an odd case- Where a gem can be inserted to an organic. Which makes me rather... curious, what would happen to you. My answers will be logged in and sent to my labs at Homeworld, where I can hopefully show it to the Diamonds one day. It's a shame, really... A Sapphire, running away with a Pearl? HAH! You served the Diamonds directly, yet not even their brilliant, pure light could burn out your disgusting flaws. Well... Perhaps, this will..."
In a flash of light, there's a rejuvenator, and just as fast-
They're gone, poofed into their gems.
And the mad scientist of a gem pulls up the needed formulas and organic matter they need to begin. Honestly, who would have thought one could bond a gem... to an organic vessel? It's almost pebble's play, using the humans bits of DNA to make a small host, nothing more than a small being fit to become a servant to the Homeworld Empire... They even made a gem/organic hybrid before this, kept locked in their private lab back on Homeworld, a creature that they tried giving powers to, forming an imperfect replication of a Diamond (they shudder to think of how blasphemous it was, to do such a thing. But a possible pawn, any new asset to the Empire, is too good to pass up... Even if it's an... imperfect being...)
Soon, after months of incubating the small squishy earthlings, they get to insert the gems of those two traitorous gems into them... And finally... it's done. Their work, their newest creations, done. With the rejuvenation of their gems, thst hopefully got rid of any residual flaws, while with the organic bodies, they're controllable and easy to discipline... If only they weren't so... loud. Why do small oragnics scream so much? The wailing? The need to be warm at all costs? Constant nutrients (because they'd die without it)? It's tedious...
Preparing to go home, they soon find a call from Homeworld, their manager having sent them a message, to call off the project, lest the Diamonds shatter them if they found out... And suddenly- it seems like another project scrapped. Wasted. This was a revelation! A scientific breakthrough! And they had to cancel it?! But... they don't want to scrap these two potential pawns...
"Yes, my Demantoid. Peridot 5XS signing out," they reply, and then they leave the two subjects near a human dwelling... That should suffice, the creatures feed the weaknesses of others. So, if they're lucky, the other earthlings will keep their two newest subjects alive... Hopefully the two will still be alive when they return... They're not done with them yet...
(Surprise, the other gem/human is Laura! Because what better way to introduce her, and have the X-Men and Brotherhood gems learn that fusions are gems, too, and are worthy of respect?)
(Sorry if it was a little intense, but... well, yeah, we now have gem/humans Sapphire!Reader and Pearl!Reader...)
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professorrw · 2 years
Bow Down
marvel masterlist
Pairing: dom!fem!reader x sub!Loki
Request: dom!reader x sub!loki who has a praise kink
Warnings: SMUT, MDNI, 18+, sub!Loki, dom!reader, somewhat of a praise kink, oral sex (fem recieving), fingering, p in v sex, unprotected sex
A/N: Requests open (Stranger Things), taglist open, inbox open! Please like, comment, and reblog!
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Sixty thousand years ago you were born from the volcano of Tsar. In the millions of years your family had been, there were none as powerful as you. Your mother and father had poured themselves into the planet's core, and met with many ancestors and holy ones to create you. The process took one hundred millenniums and thousands of devoted workers to mold and sculpt you into a perfect being. Gods from different galaxies and planets blessed you each and every day. When you were finally born most galaxies celebrated, others retaliated.
An uprising had been in the making, preparing for the day the ‘most powerful god’ would be created and inevitably rule everyone. You were too young to have control over your powers, so you had to be protected. Those brave enough would attempt to invade your planet, but all failed. It had taken thousands of powerful gods and creatures to create you, and they were not going to let you die at the hands of lesser beings. Soon enough they realized that no matter what they tried, they could never win.
After a few decades they–for the most part–gave up. There were some who were foolish enough to continue to try, but it was a very miniscule amount. Your upbringing was peaceful and prosperous. Hundreds of thousands of ethereal beings came to see you, and marvel at the future of their universe. They blessed you and bestowed you with many gifts from their own planets. Gold, silver, diamond, all to gain your favor when you took power.
Your powers began to manifest a few hundred years after your birth. Even at such a young age you were mighty and intelligent. You had a variety of powers that all stemmed from one thing: the ability to manipulate the ‘core’ of any and all living things. You could change the landscape of entire planets in the blink of an eye, or get into the minds of an entire army without breaking a sweat. Those were the powers that came from your consciousness.
You had abilities that involved your hands, like being able to conjure and create things from other materials by holding them. As a child you were raised with morals and ethics. Your family realized long before you were born that you could be the face of destruction if you were corrupt. Scholars from many galaxies came to educate you and teach you the vast history of the world and all its planets.
After your education you were sent off to a frugal, hardworking planet. You had no contact with your family or friends, and the population of Fiwur were unaware of who you were so you couldn’t receive special treatment. For many years you lived there, working for your food and shelter and realizing the importance of labor and industry. The experience was also to humble you, and show you how others lived. Your home planet was prosperous and teeming with riches, but your parents didn’t want you to be spoiled.
When you were fifty-five thousand years old you took the throne. It was a relatively smooth transition due to all the preparations that had been made. You traveled often, meeting a variety of smaller leaders across the galaxy and observing others from a distance. Interference with the other planets wasn’t something that was needed often at all. The galaxy was peaceful under your rule for the first five thousand years.
Heading into your sixth thousandth year you had felt uneasy and requested the help of scholars and magical beings to figure out what was brewing amongst the planets.
“Your highness, have you heard of the god, Loki?” Gazzar asked in his signature squeaky voice. He was an old man, hundreds of thousands of millennia older than you. He was shorter than the average height of beings on your planet, and had wiry purple hair. Despite his not-at-all menacing appearance and aura, he was a very talented wizard.
“Loki…” you thought for a second. The name sounded familiar but you couldn’t remember the god’s powers or home planet. There were a vast amount of planets and royal families that you couldn’t possibly remember them all. “I do not recall anything about him.”
“Well,” Gazzar said, wringing his hands nervously. “It appears that he is to arrive here soon. I cannot decipher his intentions though.”
“He is to arrive?” you repeated in question. There had been no word of this Loki coming to your kingdom. What was his intent? Could it be one of war?
“Yes, your highness. I’ve spoken with the others and they doubt he will come with malicious intent. Though with what we know about Loki…” he trailed off.
“Please do fill me in on him,” you said, encouraging your wizard to continue on.
“He is from Asgard.” Asgard, yes. That did ring a bell. “The God of Mischief. His older brother is Thor and in recent years he has become… rebellious towards his family. He feels he must… compete with his older brother, Odin’s son. He may have plans,” the purple haired man finished, rubbing his pointer finger and thumb together.
Plans? There was nothing on your radar about anything going on in Asgard. The reason you couldn’t remember was because it was peaceful there. When you were still a child you visited there with your father and mother. It was a beautiful place, you could recall.
“What are his plans Gazzar?” you asked.
“We- We do not know, your majesty.” He stared at you wide-eyed.
“Alright. Thank you, you may leave.”
He bowed to you, nose almost brushing the ground before he scurried off. A deep sigh left your mouth and your hand came up to rub the crease in between your brows. You didn’t even know when he was to arrive. All you could do was wait.
In the following days the impending visit remained in the back of your mind, troubling you enough that your parents and your advisors worried. The fateful day arrived though. You had been expecting an army to come with him, but you had been wrong. It was just him.
He had been greeted as soon as his ship landed, and then searched. You watched the eyes of one of the guards, getting a feel for how Loki may act before you actually met him. He had a devilish grin, that you were certain. It was no wonder he was the God of Mischief. He also looked like a God. His hair was that of a raven’s. His jaw and face structure was impeccable. If his face was that good looking you could only begin to imagine what the rest of him looked like.
Even though he was incredibly handsome, you could not be deterred or intimidated by such things. You yourself were a beauty. No mere mortal could ever look as you did. Because of your standing and your appearance you had seen and been with many men and women, just as striking as he.
When he approached the doors to the throne room you came back to yourself instead of looking through a guards eyes. Next to you was your mother and father, and lining the walls were your advisors. They had all come prepared for whatever was going to be thrown your way from the Asgardian prince.
The golden doors slowly opened, revealing the raven-haired god with the grin on his face, followed by several guards. They marched him to the front of the grand room until he was a few feet away from the stairs that led up to your thrones.
“Bow for Her Highness,” one of your guards commanded. Loki looked right in your eyes as he swept into a low bow. Not once did he blink, even as he stood straight again. It was obvious he was trying to charm you. He had a slight smile on his face and a glint in his eye that he made sure you were able to see. He acted casual and non-imposing. Whatever could he have come to you for?
“Address Her Majesty,” the guard said.
“Your Highness, I have come with a proposition,” he said. His voice was nice and velvety, with confidence laced through it. Who did he think he was exactly?
“Go on,” you said, waving with your hand for him to do so. No matter how hard Loki may try, he was not going to charm you. If anything, you were going to be the one breaking him. In your entire life you had never felt obligated to bow down to any man other than your father, and Loki was not going to change that.
“You see your majesty,” he began with a smile. “I, Loki, am the prince of Asgard, and I would like it if our two kingdoms could be joined as one in marriage.” The advisors broke out into quiet chatter, most likely discussing the proposition. It was shocking how he could say such a thing with a straight face. No, not a straight face, but one of assuredness. You had no idea how he had come to you, the most powerful god and ruler in the universe, and expected you to agree to something as dastardly as he had offered.
“Marriage?” you asked, laughing a little bit.
His facade broke just slightly and his face faltered. His smile disappeared for a moment in what seemed to be embarrassment. He had not expected to be met with laughter at his proposal. He was Loki after all. Men and women, mortals and gods, would sell their souls to be with him, yet here you were, amused.
“Yes, marriage,” he said, regaining himself. He stood tall and resumed looking you in the eye. You stared at him right back.
“And how exactly, would this benefit my kingdom and myself?” you questioned. There was no possible way that you could just go along with what he wanted. At least not yet. You could consider it, but it would take time. Something as big as a marriage, especially to you, could not be dealt with lightly. It would go down in history.
“You need to be married sometime don’t you? I find myself very capable of being your husband and standing alongside you as you rule over the galaxy.” 
You almost laughed again but for his benefit, you stifled it. “I do not need to be married at all actually. If I were to get married it would be to someone I have chosen. And if or when I get married, they will not stand beside me, to rule. I will be doing it entirely on my own. It is bold of you to assume you could last a day in my shoes or as one of my advisors even.”
It appeared as if Loki had met his match. Not even his match, someone that could best him. Never in his life had anyone talked to him in such a way. When he decided to make the journey to your kingdom and ask for your hand in marriage he had not expected it was going to be so difficult, or that you weren’t so easily persuaded by his charm. You were clever, that he had realized. Was it worth it to continue trying? He was going to find out.
“I understand,” Loki said. He lowered his eyes and bowed. It seemed as if he were going to leave. You were almost bothered by how much of a waste of time this had been. All your worry for the past few days had been for nothing. It was a good laugh, but you had other things you could be doing.
Just as you were about to turn to your mother the Asgardian spoke again. “But may I at least ask, that you would consider it? Let me stay here and prove myself. I’m sure you shall change your mind.”
“What makes you so sure?” you asked, tilting your head slightly and blinking slowly. A smirk was on your face as you continued to be amused by this god. If anything, he could be a court jester. It had been many centuries since there had been one of those around the castle.
“I know myself, your highness. I believe that you could enjoy my company and find me… useful.” The way he said that last word made you think he was speaking of something that wasn’t about the kingdom’s affairs. Oh, was he cocky.
“Perhaps… Take him outside please, he can take a walk around the garden while we discuss.”
He bowed to you once more and before he turned to walk out said, “Thank you for your time your highness.” You didn’t reply, just watched as he walked the distance to the golden doors until he disappeared when they shut.
Your advisors converged to the middle of the room, eager to give their opinions on the matter. Before you spoke to them, you turned to your parents, whom you trusted more than anyone. “What do you think of it?”
Your mother said nothing for a second before a smile appeared on her face, making her look positively radiant. “I think you want to try this out,” she said. She had a mischievous glimmer in her eye, one that was similar to Loki’s, but carried no harmful intents. Your mother was a clever woman, and even as she got older she still loved to tease and joke.
“Father?” you asked, turning to him. He was stroking his beard, eyes narrowed. He was thinking.
“I believe this is your decision to make, dear. He would be your husband after all.” You wanted to groan. Of all times this was a time you wanted to hear your parents' opinions. Your father was the most opinionated person you knew, at least in private, and you had hoped he would have an earful to say.
“But he would be your son-in-law,” you countered.
“Y/n…” your father sighed. “It is not about us. If you think he is worthy, and you would enjoy his company then go right ahead. Have a trial, put him to work. At the end of it you can decide whether or not you want to keep him around. If you decide not to then you can look back and have a good laugh. When was the last time you were proposed to?” Oh yes, a good laugh. Despite being incredibly powerful people, your parents still valued a hearty joke. You had grown up nearly being teased to death.
“It’s been a few years,” you trailed off. A few years was an understatement. The last time a man tried to propose to you was on a visit to a royal planet just a few away from your own. You were staying for a week and the man in question was quite handsome, but that was about all he had going for himself. At dinner the day after you had slept together he began to weep, holding onto your hand and saying that the two of you were in love and had to be betrothed right away. You had snatched your hand away and asked if he was ill. His parents promptly apologized for their son’s behavior, pleading with you not to spite them. Of course you would never do such a thing, but your visit was cut short due to the incident.
Your father let out a hearty chuckle and reached for your hand. “Dear daughter, you can make this decision. Follow your heart.”
“...Alright.” You squeezed his hand and he smiled at you, his round cheeks red like apples.
“I think you should speak with them first though,” he said, gesturing towards all your advisors that were basically jumping up and down in anticipation for you to ask for their opinions.
“Gazzar.” You called on him first since he had been the one that warned you of Loki’s arrival.
The purple-haired wizard gulped. “W-Well, I think your majesty has no need for this God. He is mischievous, just as his title implies. He would cause nothing but trouble. Pure trouble.”
“Oh Gazzar hush you old fool,” Maylar interjected. “Your highness if I may.”
You smiled a little bit behind your hand. “You may.”
“I believe he will bring a change of pace around here. We have been doing things the same for many millennia. An old one such as myself would love more upbeat energy. He could… keep us on our toes.” It was just like Maylar to say something like that. He and Gazzar were the same age, but Maylar loved to say that he was young at heart. He had a long, well-kept beard with gold laced through it, and wore gold half-moon spectacles on the edge of his nose. He dressed exactly as you would imagine a wizard to dress as.
“That is all you think about isn’t it?” Croolm shouted from across the group. He was on the more conservative side of the spectrum when it came to running the kingdom. He thought nothing needed to change since the structure had not failed the planet yet. He wore exclusively red coats with dark gray fur. All his hair, including that which was on his chin was the same color as what was on all his coats.
“And what do you think about Croolm? Hm? Or do you think at all? It seems you are too busy disagreeing to possibly have any other thought in that brain of yours,” Maylar shot back.
Before the group could continue to argue you raised your voice, “Ladies and gentlemen.” They all fell silent. Your father smiled, proud of that simple show of power and authority that you had.
“We shall put it to a vote. Those who wish to have a trial for Loki to see if he is fit for such a role, please raise your hand.” You watched as some of your advisors raised their hands. You had fifteen advisors so there was no way it would come to a tie. “Are these your final decisions?” There was a collective ‘yes’ from the group so you began to count. One… four… seven… nine. Nine had voted yes. That settled it.
You looked to the back of the room, next to the golden doors where two guards stood. “Go get Loki, please.” They nodded once and departed from the room to fetch the Asgardian prince.
Your advisors dispersed, returning to their spots along the wall. You looked at Gazzar, who looked deeply troubled. You didn’t think too much of it since he always looked troubled or worried about something. You cast your gaze at others, some gave you pleased looks and others gave you ones of worry. It was really a variety, but mainly pleased or neutral facial expressions.
The doors began to open once more, pushed open by the same two guards that you had asked to find Loki. He walked at the head of the group, flanked by six of your guards behind him. He looked pleased. Surely he didn’t know the verdict. His smug expression made you want to laugh. You weren’t sure exactly what was so humorous about his cockiness. It could have been the idea of you putting him in his place soon enough.
“Your majesty, have you come to a decision?” he asked, voice light and airy with sureness.
“We have,” you verified. “My court and I have decided that you will be on trial. You will stay here, aiding me in whatever I ask, until I decide that you are worthy of being my husband.”
A wide smile crept onto his face. “You will not regret it, your majesty.”
“I would hope not.”
You dismissed your advisors and all the guards but two, leaving you, Loki, and your parents in the throne room. He just stood there, a few feet from the stairs, smiling at you. You were having an internal conflict inside you on whether or not you should personally walk him to his chambers or if you should ask a maid to take him. If you asked a maid to take him you wouldn’t have to see him again until dinner, but if you personally went with him you could talk one-on-one.
You stood up and started walking down the stairs, the end of your purple robe dragging on the floor behind you. You walked closer to Loki, heels shoes tapping on the floor as he straightened his posture. You were shorter than him, but your presence was intimidating. “Follow me.”
Two guards flanked you as you walked through the halls of your castle. The route to the bedrooms was very scenic and picturesque. The ceilings were fifty feet high, and the wall looking out over the kingdom had floor to ceiling iridescent windows. The light coming through made scattered rainbows along the marble floors and the opposite walls. Your home was as beautiful as you were.
“I knew you would agree to it,” was the first thing Loki said since you had started walking together.
You didn’t look at him. Instead you kept your eyes ahead of you. “How so?”
“Nobody can deny my charm,” he said simply. You didn’t need to look at him to know he was smiling. You could hear it in his voice.
“If charm is what you want to call it.”
“You’re trying really hard not to like me.” How could one man be so full of himself? What reason did he have to think he was so deserving of people’s attention?
You sighed and finally turned to look at him. He also turned to look at you too, a smile on his face. He was always smiling. “You think too highly of yourself.”
He chuckled, “I don’t think I do.”
“I don’t know exactly how you were treated in Asgard, but here, you are below me. I am in charge. I hold all the power. You have to earn your title and your place with me.” It wasn’t even a power play. You were just telling him simple facts. You also wanted to knock him down a few pegs.
“So… you enjoy people bowing down to you?” Loki asked. There was obviously an innuendo behind his words.
“Not necessarily.” You couldn't help the small smirk that tugged at the corner of your mouth.
“You like being in control.”
“Maybe I do.” The hidden meaning behind your words were evident. Both of you knew it too. There was nothing in the trial that said you couldn’t have sex. In fact, it would help him prove himself. After all, you would need to produce heirs, would you not? It would be an enormous benefit if the process was enjoyable.
“You can be in control if you would like. I wouldn’t mind at all, your highness.” You glanced at him, matching the glint that was in his eye. Maybe this could work after all. You grabbed his upper arm and pulled him into the nearest guest room. All the guest rooms looked the same. They were all ivory colored, down to the sheets and the towels in the bathrooms.
“Feisty, I like it,” he said, eyes skimming over you.
“Undress.” It was a simple command but it was all that needed to be said. You were going to be in charge and he was going to do what you told him to.
“Yes your majesty.” Along with the mischievousness, there was lust in his eyes. A hunger. He removed each layer of his clothing, green and black robes dropping to the floor in a heap. He climbed onto the four poster bed, displaying his body for you.
Your eyes raked over his naked form, drinking it all in. Just as you had guessed, he had the body of a god as well. His skin was smooth and perfect, his muscles were taught and toned. His length, that was the best part.
You walked closer to the bed and started undressing too. You were wearing more layers of robes so it took longer, but it made it more fun for you as the man in the bed was aching with anticipation. When the robes were all finally off he took in a sharp inhale of breath. His eyes raked over your body and his chest heaved. You were radiant. The most beautiful person he had ever laid eyes on.
“Y/n,” he groaned. It was wild how his entire demeanor could change in a matter of seconds. He went from cocky to submissive as soon as your clothes had come off.
“It’s ‘your highness’ to you,” you scolded.
“Yes, your highness.” He couldn’t tear his eyes away from you. You didn’t blame him.
“Now get up,” you ordered. He obeyed and slid off the bed, taking your place. You took a seat on the edge of the ivory comforter and opened your legs. You looked at him expectantly and he realized immediately what you wanted. He got down on his knees and lined his face up with your pussy.
He wasted no time licking it up and down, his saliva mixing with your wetness. He swirled around your clit and sucked on it lighty. 
“You’re doing so good,” you purred.
The praise made him moan against your heat, causing you to let your head lull back from the building pleasure. Two of his fingers raised to your cunt and gathered some wetness. He stuck those fingers in his mouth, making them moist so they could slip inside you. He did just that and started curling them against your walls and pumping them in and out at an even pace.
You moaned lowly and he started going faster and added his mouth, so not only were you being fingered, but your clit was being sucked and rubbed. The hot, tingling sensation started building in your stomach.
“Just like that,” you moaned.
He listened and did what you said verbatim. So he was a good listener. The heat expanded and traveled lower until the bundle of nerves released onto Loki’s fingers and face. He moaned against you, licking up the fluid.
You put a hand on the side of his face, stroking it. “Good job.” He smiled and raised up to sit on the bed beside you. You captured his lips in a heated kiss as you pushed back into the pillows. You climbed on top of him, straddling his lap and hovering over his cock. He planted his hands firmly on your hips as you slowly sunk down onto him, all the way to the base.
He groaned loudly, mouth falling open in a perfect ‘o.’ His black hair fanned across the pillows, contrasting with the ivory silk.
“You look so pretty,” you smiled, rolling your hips and moving up and down. He could barely string together any words to make a sentence so instead he just moaned. You didn’t scold him for not using his words since you were enjoying yourself so much. The feeling was completely mutual. Loki had never felt so much pleasure in his long, long life. Everything about you called to him.
You kept riding him at a quick pace. His hands were clenching your hips, undoubtedly leaving bruises but that didn’t bother you. You were about to send him over the edge but he wasn’t sure if he was allowed to cum inside you. He was trying his hardest to hold it back and you could tell how much he was aching to let it out.
“Cum for me Loki,” you purred.
A wave of relief spread through his body when he finally released his liquid inside you. It coated your walls and dripped down his cock when you slid off. While he was still coming down from his high you walked to the bathroom stark naked, swaying your hips on the way to the door. You took a washcloth from the golden wall holder and turned the warm water on, soaking the cloth in it.
You walked back to the bedroom and climbed back into the bed, gently cleaning the cum off of Loki’s groin. He stared at you in awe at the change from your dominating personality to this. He had expected you to lay down and make him go clean you up, but that wasn’t the case. Normally for you, that was the case. You made the men you bed to wait on you hand-and-foot, which none had dared complain about. They were lucky enough to sleep with you; they weren’t going to push their luck.
“What?” you asked, laughing lightly. 
“You sure are something,” he responded.
You smiled at him. “So I’ve heard.”
“So your highness… Does this mean I pass?” His cocky smile had returned. “This is far from over Loki.”
Taglist: @23victoria
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latte-fairytaekwoon · 3 years
єxτrατєrrєsτriαℓ (ραrк sєσทgнωα) rατє∂
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ραiriทg: αℓiєท! ραrк sєσทgнωα (ατєєʑ)× нυмαท! rєα∂єr (ƒємαℓє)
gєทrє: αทgsτ, ƒℓυƒƒ, sмυτ, ∂ysτσρiαท/ sci-ƒi/ ƒαทταsy αυ
sυммαry: ωнєท τнєy cαмє αท∂ iทvα∂є∂ τнєir ρℓαทєτ, нυмαทiτy ∂єscєท∂є∂ iทτσ cнασs αท∂ iทsαทiτy, нυทτiทg τнєм ∂σωท αท∂ vσωiทg τσ rєταкє τнєir нσмє. нσωєvєr, y/ท ∂σєsท'τ вєℓiєvє τнєy αrє ∂αทgєrσυs, ทστ αƒτєr sєєiทg σทє υρ cℓσsє αท∂ ρєrsσทαℓ.
ωσr∂ cσυทτ: 5к+
ωαrทiทgs: ∂ysτσρiαท sσciєτy, viσℓєทcє, αℓℓυsiσทs τσ ∂єατн, мαss ∂єsτrυcτiσท, єxτrατєrrєsτriαℓ вєiทgs, sℓigнτ нyρทστisм, кiทєτic ρσωєrs, sυρєrทατυrαℓ scєทєs, sєxυαℓ scєทєs iทcℓυ∂iทg вriєƒ вrєαsτ ρℓαy, ƒiทgєriทg, αท∂ υทρrστєcτє∂ sσƒτ, vαทiℓℓα iทτєrcσυrsє (αℓωαys υsє ρrστєcτiσท єvєท iƒ yσυ'rє ƒυcкiทg αท є.τ).
iทsρirατiσท: є.τ вy кατy ρєrry
ταgℓisτ: @multidreams-and-desires @little-precious-baby @yunhofingers @yunhoiseyecandy @galaxteez @brie02 @a-soft-hornytiny @deja-vux @rvse-miingi @daniblogs164 @couchpotatoaniki
The world forever remembered the day when the sun suddenly went dark when it wasn't even close to being evening yet. The darkness that shrouded the city made them anxious, which then turned to fear when shining beams of light suddenly passed through the sky and fell onto various parts of the earth. At first they thought they were shooting stars or even asteroids that were there to destroy the planet. But alas, masses of rock from space don't have a perfectly oval shape and neither do they have blinking lights covering most of the base. And they certainly don't have strange beings coming out of them. When humanity saw the otherworldly creatures, they immediately went into panic, running for their lives, not wanting to find out or not if they were intelligent, friendly or were cold blooded killers. They simply shut themselves away, causing chaos amongst their land and hurting each other more than anything else.
Y/N definitely remembered that day but for different reasons. At the time, she was in the outskirts of the city, perched on top of a tree as she usually did to escape the bustling city life she was used to. Half daydreaming and half asleep, her leg swung idly as the warmth of the sun casted down on her face. She was jolted fully awake when something like thunder resonated from the heavens, her eyes immediately finding her surroundings to be pitch black. She squinted her eyes, trying to adjust her sight. A colossal spaceship landed near where she was, causing the earth to shake and she let out a piercing scream when she tumbled down from the tree, her knee getting scraped in the fall.
She let out a pained groan as she tried to get back up, but her legs gave out from how badly she was hurting. Looking up, her eyes went wide when a door opened from the ship, cold smoke blasting out and some of it reaching where she was, making her cough softly. She held her breath when several figures started pouring out of the ship, all of them scattering towards different directions. They all donned the same white uniform, their faces covered by a gaiter styled face covering in the same color. When one of them started nearing where she was, her feet scrambled to get up and hide. Only managing to take two steps before she tripped once more, the extraterrestrial turned his head in the direction of the sound and proceeded to go investigate.
Realizing that she had been caught, Y/N gripped onto the trunk of the tree, nails scraping so harshly that she felt blood trickling down. Finally able to stand upright, she turned once more to run but was stopped when two hands slammed against the tree, trapping her in place. The poor girl trembled in fear as two cold eyes looked straight at her. Scanning her body, the being's eyes took in her damaged knee, blood pouring out as some of the skin and tissue was badly torn off. Getting down on one knee, the being took off one its gloves that covered its hand before reaching out to press against her wound. Y/N flinched when they made contact with her scrape and nearly kicked them away but when a purple light emanated from their hand she stood still to see what would happen. When the otherworldly creature pulled its hand away, she was in shock when she saw that her knee was completely healed, not a scratch as if nothing had happened, as if she didn't suffer a nasty fall.
"How...how did you..?" She whipped her head towards the person or non-person in front of her, had gotten up and was slowly creeping their body closer to hers.
The being murmured out some words in a language she did not recognize, and she knew it wasn't just caused by the covering around their face. She gasped sharply when they suddenly pressed her back onto the tree, hands firmly keeping her in place. Once establishing that she would not run away anytime soon, the extraterrestrial lifted one hand up and pulled its covering off. Y/N was speechless as she gazed up into the most beautiful and perfect face she had ever seen. The being's face seemed to be perfectly sculpted to perfection by gods themselves. Blade straight nose, chiseled jawline and sharp angled eyes perfectly complimented each other and distinguished them as someone not from her world.
Before she could even comprehend what they were doing, she felt their hands cup her cheeks as they pressed their pink and soft lips against her own. When she tried to pull away, the creature only clung her tighter to them, their kiss becoming more forceful, tongue dipping inside her mouth which had her moaning. It seemed the extraterrestrial noticed the effect they were having on her since she could feel them smirking against her lips, and indeed they were still smirking when they pulled away and looked back at her. They curiously studied her face, as if they were trying to figure out something.
"Y/N? Is it?"
She was startled when she heard them say something she understood and even more so that they knew her name.
"You actually....speak my language?" She asked them.
The extraterrestrial chuckled softly.
"I do now."
8 months had passed ever since the aliens first invaded the world, and things only went from bad to worse. The government fell in the hands of civilians who decided to take control after they failed in not only giving them answers but in failing to drive the intruders away. Without a proper leader to govern them, the people just ran rampant through the streets, criminal activity and violence escalating each day that passed. The only real form of leadership or organization that still was existed was the Resistance force, a group of individuals who had gathered together to fight off all the aliens, which always resulted in unnecessary attacks and bloodshed. And unfortunately for Y/N, her own father was one of the ones leading that force.
She shook her head everytime she watched him and all the other people march off in search of extraterrestrials, hoping to demolish them once and for all. Every time they went out, very few returned, but that wasn't the part that worried her.
What worried her was imagining if her friend was one of the few extraterrestrials that had been taken down, because as she'd learn, they were definitely capable of being killed. She let out a sigh and closed the blinds of the kitchen window to continue her task of washing dishes. It seemed that was her life from now on, attending to the house while her dad was away fighting off beings who were actually harmless as she soon learned. But of course, she could never say anything about it, one because no one would believe her given how brainwashed and unreceptive they were and two, which was the most important one, she had promised her otherworldly friend not to spill anything about the mission they were currently carrying out and she intended to keep that promise.
"Aliens! They're here!"
Hearing the frantic commotion outside that was followed by a loud blaring of sirens and shotguns being fired, Y/N ducked and stayed away from any windows or any glass. She slowly crawled her way out the door and went outside, as stupid as it was but whenever there was an attack such as these ones, she always went out to ensure no child was wandering the streets and accidentally got caught in the action. She didn't care that she was risking her own life in doing so.
She carefully ran through alleys, taking cover behind walls or dropping to the ground when she heard shots being fired. It had become a lot easier for her now than it was in the beginning. Peeking her head out, she was relieved to see that most of the civilians had already cleared themselves out. But her relieve was short lived when she saw a white uniformed figure fall in the middle of the street, their hand clutching their left side which was stained blue, clear indication they were seriously wounded. Even with their face covered, she recognized their eyes right away.
"Seonghwa." She whispered softly, panic rising in her when she heard more shots being fired in his direction.
Looking at the other side, her face paled when she saw that it was none other than her own dad who was pursuing him, gun in his hand as he reloaded bullets in them. She looked back towards Seonghwa, who was trying to desperately heal himself faster, but was running out of time. With her dad getting closer and aiming his gun right at him, Y/N didn't even think and bolted out of her hiding place, heading straight towards her father.
"Dad don't!" She exclaimed as she tipped over his gun, causing him to shoot instead towards the opposite direction. Both of them hit the pavement with the strength she used to make sure he didn't hurt her friend.
"Y/N! Get off me!" Her father grunted as he shoved her off his body. Grabbing a hold of his gun once more, he made way to aim once more at his enemy but unfortunately he was too late. When he looked back, he was surrounded by two other extraterrestrials, one of them holding a small device that he threw onto the ground which helped them teleport out of there instantly, leaving behind nothing but a faint cloud of smoke.
Livid at having his prey taken away from his hands, he turned his attention back to his daughter who was barely standing up. When she lifted her head up, she was instantly struck back to the floor as the brute force of her father's fist against her face knocked her down.
"You stupid bitch! You let them get away!"
Each kick laid against her stomach was felt not only by her but by the extraterrestrial being that had connected his mind with hers. From miles away, inside one of the space crafts, he cried out in pain and clutched his abdomen as he felt each and every one of the violent acts laid on her body. With raging and glowing eyes, he pulled off all the wires and needles connected to his body and stormed out of the room, ignoring the protests coming out of the medical team that was tending to his wounds.
"Seonghwa! Stop! You're not healed yet!" One of his comrades tried to stop him.
"I don't care Hongjoong! Y/N is in trouble and I need to save her!" He tried to pry off the other male's fingers off him.
"You can't go! It's too risky. You'll get caught." He tried to reason with Seonghwa.
"If I don't go she could die! She saved me and now I must go save her!"
Having left with no other choice, Hongjoong used his supernatural strength to pin his friend to the wall, keeping him locked in there with no way to escape.
"Yes you must, but now is not the time! You're hurt, if you go now you'll only get yourself killed and then what will happen to her?"
Seonghwa's lip quivered in rage and hurt. He was unable to speak let alone move. He looked down at the floor and wept softly, his mind filled with images of her bruised and bloodied body in agony and pain after the beating she just endured. He knew in such a state, he couldn't even contact her telepathically.
"There's only a few more days until we have to leave back to the home planet. Our mission will be completed and if you still want..... you can take her back with you."
Seonghwa whipped his head up at Hongjoong's words, but before he could get his hopes up, Hongjoong raised a hand.
"Only if she wants to. You can't force, hypnotize nor abduct her. Am I clear?"
Seonghwa immediately nodded.
"Yes Hongjoong."
Y/N laid in her bed, body still sore even though 2 days had already passed since that awful day. Her sides would ache if she put too much strain on them, but at least she was finally able to walk again. What she really wanted to know was how Seonghwa was doing. Was he all right? Was he too injured? Did he make it? Or did he..?
She pulled her blanket over her face to keep herself from thinking such things. She only wished he'd talk to her like he usually did at night. It was funny considering the first time she heard his voice in her head she was beyond freaked out, but now she had grown accustomed to it, sometimes even scolding him for bugging her so much.
"Are you awake?"
She couldn't keep the smile of her face as she finally heard his voice after so long. But wanting to play it cool, she forced a huff out of her mouth.
"I am now no thanks to you weirdo." She responded, her voice sounding grumpy and making Seonghwa chuckle.
"You know I'm not that knowledgeable with your language yet, so I'm not sure what that word means, but I'm deducing it's not a compliment." He asserted.
"How can you still not know what some words mean? Didn't you suck the language out of me when you slipped your tongue inside my mouth months ago? Wasn't that enough?" She chastised him, yet her cheeks flushed pink as she recalled the first time they met and he greeted her with a kiss, which she ended up finding out was a method his kind employed to be able to understand and talk to beings that spoke differently from them.
"We only grasp the basics, our abilities only stretch so far." He calmly explained.
Y/N sat up and tugged at different ends of her blanket.
"Does that mean you've gone around on other planets kissing other people?" She questioned him, her voice tinted with a hint of jealousy at the thought of Seonghwa kissing someone else.
"I may have kissed other kinds, but I can assure you that you're the only one I've used tongue with." He smirked to himself as he read her thoughts.
"And that's supposed to make me feel better?" She felt bitter knowing he had indeed gone around kissing other people.
"Well no... but that little action helped create the mind link with you. Lip to lip contact with another creature helps us communicate with them, adding tongue is a way to communicate and connect telepathically with the individual. Hence why I have been talking to you and vice versa without having to utter a single word. That and I can see what's going on in that tiny head of yours." He finished with a suspicious snort that unsettled her.
"Does that mean... you've been reading my thoughts all these months?" She fidgeted nervously.
"Some, not all. Although I've accidentally stumbled upon some that are rather..... interesting if you ask me."
Y/N whined as she slumped her face into her pillow and let out a high pitched scream. She felt so embarrased knowing he probably knew some of the explicit thoughts she's had at times that involved him.
"Do me a favor and take one of your laser guns and just vaporize me out of this world." She begged him.
"I'm afraid protocol doesn't allow me to vaporize any individuals without proper cause. So you're stuck with knowing that I know that you want me to-"
"Ok stop! Please don't finish that sentence and pretend like what you saw in my head wasn't real." She sighed.
"As you wish."
Seonghwa stayed quiet for a while, biting his lower lip as he pondered about how to approach his next subject. He knew it was now or never.
"Hey Y/N?" He asked softly.
"Yeah?" She responded.
"Can you..... do you think you could meet me in the place we first met?"
Y/N looked out her window and saw that it was past the curfew established by the Resistance, no doubt most of them standing guard at every street and corner, making sure everyone stayed indoors while keeping watch.
"I'm not sure I'll be able to get out without being caught."
"I thought just as much."
Before she knew it, Seonghwa appeared right in front of her bed, making her shriek as she pulled her blanket to cover body up. She was about to ask him what was going on, but he was faster as he took hold of her wrist before transporting them both in the outskirts of the city in the blink of an eye. Y/N cowered and shivered when she felt the night breeze blow, her arms wrapping around herself since she had gone to bed wearing nothing but black panties and a flimsy white tank top that left little to the imagination for anyone who saw her chest. And seeing the extraterrestrial looking intently at her, she knew he was taking in her state of near undress.
"Please tell me you don't have laser vision that let's you see under my clothes." She squinted at him.
"Some of my kind do posses that ability, but I'm not one of them....." Stepping closer to her, he tilted her chin up and grinned smugly.
"Why you little perv-" She was cut off mid sentence when Seonghwa inexplicably wrapped his arms around her, holding her in a tight embrace.
"You're cold, let me warm you up."
She indeed started to feel heat being produced from his body which started to flow into her own. It felt so nice, not only having him act as a personal heater but to just have him hold her after having to go through endless shit day after day. Closing her eyes, she rested her head on his shoulder, slowly drifting off to sleep right then and there. One of Seonghwa's hands was busying itself by softly brushing her hair, being careful not to accidentally pull any out. He stayed like that for a few minutes before finally blurting out:
"The mission is finished. We'll be leaving at dawn tomorrow."
Y/N felt her heart sink when she heard him say that.
"So....bringing me here was so you could say goodbye?" She lifted her head off his shoulders and stared at the ground with a blank expression.
"Well it depends..."
Y/N raised an eyebrow when he paused.
"Depends on what?" She urged him to finish.
"If you wanna leave this place and come with me." He offered, his eyes growing rounder as he hoped she'd say yes.
Y/N looked at him in disbelief.
"Are you being serious right now or is this some kind of alien joke?"
Seonghwa nodded in earnest.
"Deadly serious. I want you to come to my home with me. I know.... I hope you'll like it. It's not that different from your planet, although you know the technology is more advanced and flying cars and what not..."
When he saw that she wasn't budging, Seonghwa gulped nervously.
"But the location I live in is a more... tropical one. The water is sparkling blue, the glittering sand is warm to the touch, and the weather is always cool and refreshing. Wouldn't you like to live in a place like that with me?" He spoke those last two words out softly but he knew she definitely heard them.
He could hear and see her thoughts, debating whether or not it would be wise to leave with him or not. She looked behind her towards the city she lived in, almost in complete ruin with possibly no hope of redemption.
"There's nothing left for me here, is there?" She asked to herself rather than to him.
When she looked back at him, there was still a hint of doubt in her mind. Clasping his hands on her head, Seonghwa's thumbs rubbed circles on her temples as his orbs started turning a light yellow color.
"Please come with me. Stay with me and live with me." He spoke out softly, his voice having a light melodic tune to it.
Y/N felt herself getting immensely drawn to him, her thoughts beginning to fill up with images of staying by his side. It was as if she was getting pulled to him against her will.
"Wait..... Are you using hypnosis on me?!" She exclaimed in anger, pushing him away when she realized what was going on.
"It was worth a try." He admitted in defeat, head hung low in shame.
"Since you failed miserably..... I'll spare you the humiliation and accept to go with you."
Seonghwa widened his eyes when he heard her.
"Wait, for real?"
Y/N responded by placing a kiss on his cheek.
"Don't make me regret my decision though or I'll steal your laser gun and vaporize you." She warned him.
Lacing his fingers with hers, Seonghwa nudged her to follow him.
"I promise you won't."
Y/N shifted uncomfortably on the bed she was currently in, alternating between wrapping herself with the blanket and kicking it off a second later. She was still in the middle of her fight with the covers that she failed to notice the door opened and her current roommate walk into their small compartment. He crossed his arms over his chest and watched her struggle with an amusing smirk.
"Having fun there?" He broke her out of her trance.
"I can't sleep, I feel like I'm developing claustrophobia from mostly staying inside these 4 walls, and I'm still suffering from motion sickness." She grumbled, 1 week and she had still not adjusted to being inside an intergalactic spacecraft with no one but extraterrestrial beings to keep her company.
"Anything else you'd like to add?" Seonghwa raised an eyebrow.
Y/N pouted her lips and stared up at him with puppy dog eyes.
"I'm lonely and want company?"
Unable to resist, Seonghwa faked an exhausted sigh as he began taking off his jacket.
"I'm off my piloting duties anyway, might as well get some rest before my next shift."
Finally happy at having someone by her side, Y/N made some space on the bed for Seonghwa to fit in, although she wondered if it would be big enough for the both of them since it was a rather compacted area. When she looked back at Seonghwa, she nearly wheezed when she saw him sliding right next to her completely bare. Catching her staring, Seonghwa continued on as if it was the most normal thing in the universe.
"What? Don't you humans go to sleep the same way we do?"
Y/N covered her red cheeks and turned her face away from him.
"N-no....we wear clothes when sleeping." She explained, body heating up from embarrassment. Seonghwa replied with a slight gruff.
"Seems impractical."
Wrapping one arm around her body, Seonghwa pulled Y/N down on the bed and held her close to him, his breath fanning against the nape of her neck.
"Try to rest." He suggested.
Y/N wondered how on earth was she supposed to rest knowing the extraterrestrial being was pressing his bare chest against her back? She tried hard not to move in fear of accidentally brushing along his cock.
"Wait, do aliens have dicks? I didn't really get a good look between his legs. I just saw abs and looked away."
Her thoughts began spiraling deeper and deeper into not so pure territory. She began wondering about Seonghwa's anatomy. Do his kind even have reproductive organs? Do they even have sex? What if he could produce tentacles out of his body that would suction onto parts of her body like some of the kinky hentai she watched a long time ago? That thought aroused her more than it should. How would it feel to have Seonghwa's tentacles latch onto her nipples and suckle them as another one slithered inside her core and probe around until it made a mess of her? She clenched her thighs inadvertently as her mind started to produce more and more dangerous scenes.
She was startled when she heard the alien behind her laugh softly.
"I hate to interrupt your sexual fantasy foolish human girl, but my kind do not possess the ability to produce the slimy limbs that you are imagining."
She had completely forgotten that their minds were still linked and if he wanted to, he could still read her mind. She buried her face deeper in the pillow, wanting to cry out in shame.
"I do apologize for that inconvenience, I'm afraid the closest you can get is my hands around you."
Y/N half gasped half moaned when she felt one of Seonghwa's large hands snake inside her sweater and cup her breast. His thumb tweaked at her nipple, giving it experimental tugs and pinches until finally settling for simply rubbing them since it seemed to produce more effects on her body. He listened intently to the way her breath hitched with every brush of his thumb and squeeze of her soft skin, feeling her body start to get warmer just for him.
"Isn't this what you wanted? I remember you often fantasized about having my hands all over you." He recalled all those times where he refused to go to sleep because he was too busy prying into her erotic thoughts that included him.
"Y-yes..." She breathed out.
"Did you only want them here?"
Y/N whined and shook her head.
"No.... want them- want them..." She felt embarrased to say it out loud even if she did have Seonghwa groping her chest, so she hoped he'd read her mind and give her what she wanted. Obviously he got the hint since he moved his hand and slipped it inside her shorts. Pushing her panties aside, Y/N groaned when he dipped two fingers past her slick folds. She was so unbelievably wet that even with the slow movements he was making, they could still faintly hear the squealching sounds that were being produced.
"Right here? This where you want them?" Adding a third finger inside, he drove them deeper inside her body as their pace intensified, the slopping noises becoming louder.
Y/N bit down on the sleeve of her sweater to muffle the moans that were spilling out, afraid of anyone hearing what was going on.
"Don't worry about anyone else, just focus on the way my fingers are invading your most intimate places. Tell me does it feel good? Do you like it?" He asked as his lips kissed across the side of her neck.
"Feels so good- I love it." She sighed blissfully as his fingers continued to swirl around her hole, tips curling so they could graze at her g-spot.
"Want to feel something even better?"
Y/N hummed in affirmation and allowed Seonghwa to move her onto her back. He surprised her when all he needed to do was tap twice against her clothes and they immediately vanished from her body, leaving her completely naked under him.
"How long have you been waiting to do that?" She eyed him suspiciously when his lips curled upwards in a cheeky grin.
"Far too long."
Cupping her cheeks, Seonghwa kissed her, almost like the first time when he came to her home, but this time the kiss was more passionate and full of raw emotions. He took his time and didn't slip his tongue inside her mouth, instead he wanted to savor how soft and plump her lips felt against his own, pulling away every few minutes only to catch his breath before diving back in to mold his mouth over hers. They were so lost in their heated kissing and tangled bodies, that they forgot they were both in their most intimate state until Seonghwa's member brushed along her slippery folds.
"Oh god-." Y/N stammered as her hips grinded up to feel more of Seonghwa, who had a proud smirk on his face.
"Are you going to be ok with an extraterrestrial being breeding you with his cock?"
Y/N grimaced slightly at his choice of words.
"Is that what you guys call it?"
"Well what do you guys call it?" He questioned.
"We like to call it fucking." She giggled.
Seonghwa furrowed his eyebrows as his hands lifted her legs up to wrap them around his waist.
"I don't like it, sounds too impersonal and distant."
The cry coming out of Y/N's throat cracked and only half sounded when Seonghwa stuffed her full of his cock, his size stretching her out in a delicious sting.
"I prefer to get as close as possible."
Taking hold of her hands, he placed them on top of his shoulders before proceeding to rock his hips against hers. Y/N clung onto him as if her life depended on it. She closed her eyes and let her body succumb to his. Every touch from him was magnetizing, and she completely melted when his lips sought hers once more, a cosmic sensation pouring into her. Her nails dug onto the flesh of his back whilst her legs tangled themselves tighter around his waist, wanting to keep him near her as she started to feel a knot unraveling at the pit of her stomach, similar to the ones she'd feel all those nights she daydreamed about having him close to her. Only this time the feeling was more electrifying and intense, almost as if it was magic. Her eyes shut even tighter as the knot came loose and her lips began spilling out chants of Seonghwa's name as her juices flowed out of her body and coated his member that was still sliding deep inside her, not stopping so it could further heightened the sensation she was going through.
Feeling her release herself all over him, it was only a few moments later that Seonghwa himself vibrated against her body and filled her core with his own cum. His body started to faintly glow due to the rush he just felt at being so intimately connected with another person, the pulse in his heart beating so rapidly he thought it would burst any minute. Stroking her hair in a gentle manner, he pressed his forehead against hers, panting softly as he layed his body on top of hers, careful not to put too much of his weight on her.
"Never in my life did I ever believe that on one of our scouting missions would I meet someone like you."
Pulling back so he could look at her beautiful face, Seonghwa smiled with adoration and fondness at his loving partner
"Yet here I am, going back home with the brightest star in the universe."
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thetorturerwrites · 4 years
Lamb: Ch 2 - Someone Like You
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***This amazing artwork was gifted to me by @elmidol​​. Please do not re-use or re-post it without permission from them and/or myself. Don’t be a dickbag.
Previous Chapter
Summary:  “You need someone in the middle—not dead, not alive.” You arched upwards, trying to get even a bit of slack, just enough to speak. “Someone like me.”
C/N:  Look - If you’re new here, this is adult shit. If you’re not new here, you know what my C/Ns are about. Be warned. 
Word Count: 3.7k
A/N: Did I ever think I would be writing about Kylo and babies? No. No, I did not.  Am I writing about Kylo and babies? Maybe.  Its a crazy, crazy world, y'all.
Special thanks to @kylorengarbagedump for helping me edit this asshole of a chapter.
The word sounded ludicrous on his lips, infantile and irresponsible. Abruptly, you had a clearer picture of what was happening. In this mesmerizing nirvana, his encapsulated kingdom, you were a child, stumbling into an adult’s arena to demand attention.
Your senselessness laid bare, you stared at him, adrift in the gleam of irises that never settled on one color. The pregnant moon overhead framed him, adorning his breathtaking face with a perfect, glowing halo. He was unnaturally beautiful, the kind of king women wept for. 
He met your whisper with a sneer, and you recoiled. He, too, thought your trek here was juvenile; you were just a witless woman wrestling with her emotions. Your heart sank at his judgment, disappointed that he thought you naïve.
Ashamed, you fixed your eyes upon a creeping succulent. You traced thick, tear-shaped leaves and winced at inch-long thorns. You could all but feel the phantom pinpricks. The red and pink blooms made for a variegated shroud to decorate the otherwise plain shrine.
It was lovely in its lethality, a fitting summation of this place.
“The Resistance slaughtered my planet, my ENTIRE family.”
You licked your lips and tugged at his sleeve, pulling yourself up to sit. Recognizing what you had just done, you wrung your hands, as though he was a walking electric current. Even so, he was the only bit of warmth in this melancholy vale, and you subconsciously leaned into it.
“You’re a fool.” He rose to an obscene height and moved away. “I care less than a whit for your holy wars. You murder on fantasy, not truth.”
The absence of his body was nearly as painful as his lack of understanding, and the resultant shout erupted before you could stop it.
Your exclamation bounced off shedding trees to die away in spongy, mossy hills. Sniffling, you pressed the heels of your hands into exhausted eyes. Yelling at men was an awful idea; yelling at this specific man was the epitome of lunacy.
How were you going to explain the hole in your soul to a creature who had none? To Ren, your mourning and loss were just specks in eternity, but he didn’t spend his days loving the living only to lose them. If your grandmother's stories were true, he had been this walking void since his creation.
And the brothers made themselves a land with a great vault separating light from dark. In their wisdom, they decreed the living would gather under golden sun, and the dead would gather under silver moon.  Grandfather Sky Walker gave his blessing: Let them rule over these lands through all ages. Let there be day and night, and let them usher in The Balance.
He was here. It was true.
That cast his indifference into an unusual shade of acceptance. Like this place, he existed outside of the universe’s organic stream. It wasn’t a lack of feeling; it was one colored by millennia of demise.
You were struck by the understanding that he made everything here in his image, all of it immaculate, alluring, and fatal. Just as he was.
“The Resistance decimated my planet on a rumor—a rumor that we were a First Order cult.”  Your voice was steadier than you expected. “But my family, my friends and everybody I knew...We were just ordinary people.”
You lifted your eyes and found him examining you, a curious look playing across his striking features. You huffed a pained breath and looked away again, fearing you would shatter under his scrutiny.
“My grandmother believed in the Balance, not in some notion of wiping the Galaxy clean of Soloists.”
His silence was deliberate, aimed to unnerve, and you crumpled forward, bending as though you could implore his aid into reality. When he moved, it was to stalk a circle around the altar.  His head cocked to assess your every angle.  Captured prey, you could do nothing but watch, wait, wonder.
“Belief in the Balance will not return your family. Nor will I.”
His glorious voice had bite; but where there should be an echo, there was none. Every lilting tree, every swaying vine, even the very air enveloped him, moved with him, absorbed his energy.  
Hugging yourself, you fought down your apprehension.
“No, it won’t.”
You looked past him to fat carmine leaves and marveled at how they turned their faces towards The Ren, their master. 
He only understood in terms of the absolute. 
“I came to ask you to kill them—the people who murdered my family. The Resistance.”
His circuitous pacing ended at your front, and he speared you with such a look you felt conquered. If he was the next crusade, the holy war renewed, you would fight for him, lay down and die for him. 
His long fingers slid you to the altar's precarious edge. So near to him, your comatose heartbeat increased, thudding against ribs his knuckles skimmed.
“All of them?”
You nodded, meek and uncertain. He stepped in, spreading your legs wide just by his body’s substantial design. He was the epitome of domineering, his shape meant to terrorize the weak, to endure immortality. 
Uncertain if you were allowed to put your hands on him, you braced against the slab, leaning slightly away.
The scent of this place, misty and piny and richly floral, was powerful, distilled to purity in his body. It seeped from his pores, the sumptuous belladonna curling around you like tainted tendrils.  He obscured what scant light there was and blotted out your senses, filling your light head with dread and longing.
With one finger under your chin, he lifted your face and beckoned you into such a trance you didn’t notice how he lazily caressed your outer thigh. One by one, he tugged upon the plum, plump bows keeping the rest of you hidden. 
“What price are you willing to pay for genocide, lost lamb?”
It was hypnotic—the timbre of his voice, the delicate dance of his fingertips, the starry shine of his eyes.  You blinked at his question, too caught up in the slow drag of his knuckles along your sternum and down between your breasts.
Your lips worked feebly, discarding every suggestion your brain made. What could you offer a being such as this? Prayers? He would condemn them. Offerings? Paltry trinkets. Blood? You’d already given it. Pleasure? You weren’t sure he was capable. 
It was a cruel game, and the realization burst over you like icy water, flooding your addled mind and shocking you back from stupidity.
You had nothing. Purposefully divested of everything, you sojourned here a destitute fool. 
“There it is.” He brushed a thumb across your lips, smirking. “She understands now that she has nothing, is nothing, of value with which to bargain.”
He collected your silent tears and fed them to you, salt in the wound. Chidingly, he wrapped stiff fingers around your quivering neck and squeezed until you felt your supernaturally sustained pulse drumming in your ears. 
“It is as I said. The dying lamb has no value to the shepherd.”
Fear licked at your nape, clamoring into the rational parts of you. Your mind whirred, desperately trying to unearth some kernel that would serve your purpose. There had to be something.
The memory struck you suddenly and at full velocity.  Careening, your breath stopped. The lineage of Soloists was a pastime for your brother, who made you sit through innumerable sessions and lectures.
And Solo took himself a wife, making her flesh of his flesh and bone of his bone. Their union was prosperous, and she begat him many sons, the first being...
Your body shot into motion, vacating all self-preservation. You grasped his hand and pulled it to your chest. You were even so bold as to thread your smaller fingers through his. On instinct, both legs wrapped around his hips, heels digging into his legs in a feeble hold. 
You were unwilling to renounce your argument without a fight. Hastily, the words spilled out, a wishful wine you weren’t sure he would drink.
A perfectly sculpted black brow rose over his eye. He untangled his fingers from yours, scoffing. Your face burned, impossible beads of sweat forming at your pounding temples. Not knowing what to do with your hands, you pressed them to your flaming cheeks and tried to calm yourself.
“Choose your next words carefully.” 
Entertained by the toddler, he was indulging your delusions, but there was a limit to his patience. Sturdy hands slid beneath your thighs, parting and lifting them so he could draw your hips further into his. You couldn’t argue; you were the one who stopped him from leaving. 
Was that an erection you felt there? Was this proof to your curiosity? The possibility sent goose flesh tingling to every inch of your skin.
“Your brother... Ah!” 
Athame in hand, he gouged the tip into your unblemished thigh, raising a lone drop of blood. 
“Your brother has many children; does he not? There are stories about his prolific family.”
Out sized, you spiraled into anxious desire. When he tired of your nonsense, pulverizing your bones would be little more than a snap of his fingers. Yet, here he was, still wedged between your thighs and feeling a lot like a man who could make you forget your name. 
“Reminding me of my brother is not the way to make your case, lamb.”
He dragged warm lips over your pulse, lathing it with his tongue. His wide palm wrapped around your generous hip, and every single thought fled on bated breath. He was woefully seductive, a wolf in shepherd's clothing.
You licked your lips and shook your head, trying to agree and clear away cobwebs, but his hands and nipping kisses befuddled you so much you could only sputter half-formed words. Switching your concentration to the blade, you valiantly tried to keep track of it and tied yourself to it's path like a lifeline. 
“But you don’t.” You splayed your fingers out wide, palms flat on the altar. "Your seed will kill a living woman, yes? But a woman already crossed over cannot carry a child."
You were about to launch yourself from the proverbial cliff. Regardless of what came next, you would be a splatter at its bottom.
“I- I can.” You begged the endless midnight sky to strengthen your resolve. “You can have me.”
He had been rubbing you up and down his rigid length, your body no more than an instrument to appease his ardor; but at your declaration, he gripped your hips painfully tight and bit your shoulder. 
Attuned to his mood, the stars dimmed to a faint radiance. It was the one detail your brain could latch onto, the way even the greatest of them conformed to his will. 
“You think that’s a novel gesture? That you’ll be the first person I’ve fucked here?” His voice was low but no less edgy. “How many would you wager have died screaming at the end of my dick?”
A pathetic whimper escaped your open mouth, and hunger set it to watering. The idea of him fucking you here, in this open clearing under his meticulously curated twilight, was salacious, tantalizing.
“Countless.” You couldn’t stop yourself from rolling your hips, trying to jump start his back into rhythm. “But I would wager very few of them have been willing to bear your children.”
He growled, a vicious, threatening promise. His soft touch turned angry, coiling into your hair and yanking your head back. Your throat seized, elongated by his grip and fully bared for execution. What had been a grazing scratch of your blade turned again to a harsh point dug into the skin. 
You could hardly speak, reduced to gaping at his flashing onyx eyes. They blazed with a fiery hatred, and you knew it was because you were right. It wasn’t easy for him like it was his brother. He had spent eons alone whereas his brother wanted for nothing.
It infuriated him.
“You need someone in the middle—not dead, not alive.” You arched upwards, trying to get even a bit of slack, just enough to speak. “Someone like me.”
He curved around you so tight you could smell the deadly nightshade on his breath, every single part of him designed to snuff out life. You chewed the inside of your cheek, wondering how each part of him tasted. 
“Someone like you?” He spat the words, fingernails digging into your scalp. “Impure? Spoiled by how many men in your lifetime? Cowed by a little death and stupid enough to make demands of me?”
He was so close to snapping your neck, and you itched for it. You would gladly die at his hand, reunite with your family. All of these morose colors blended with the sorrow in your heart, and you pictured your bones rotting to dust, anchoring you here forever.
But he held off, glaring down at you in barely-checked contempt. 
Caught between wanting to die and wanting to murder, your breathing tilted into erratic, skirting panic so closely a fallen eyelash would detonate the bomb in your chest. 
He looked at you in such a way, though, that your apprehension settled. He was angry because he didn’t know how to feel things. He was intended, to his very marrow, to only ever take. Anything else was uncomfortable and worthy of destruction. 
You nudged his nose with yours, a mirror to his earlier gesture.
“Someone willing.” It was less than a whisper, barely a breath. 
His calculating gaze roamed your face, judging the depth of your commitment. In seconds, the pointed extension of his anger sliced down your supple thigh, cutting open a large gash.  
But pain wasn’t his target.
His aim was true. The rogue missile was expertly guided. And when the thing forced into your cunt, you screamed in unmitigated horror.
“I’m no gentle lover, and this is not your marriage bed. Willing or not, the lamb is meant to be slaughtered.”
You splintered into a wrecked and blubbering mess, heaving and howling. You clung to his shoulders, gouging little crescents into his neck. You had expected to die today but not by the blade cleaving apart your pussy. Offering him your womb seemed to make him only want to carve it from your body, a trophy to mark your idiocy.
“You should not offer things that don’t belong to you, lamb.” The vibration tickled your earlobe, drawing you down from your mania. “Your body was mine the moment you crossed into my land.”
You felt it then, the shift and nudge inside your cunt. Where you were certain there had been a sharp edge, there was only an ornately ridged column, handcrafted and safe.
It was the hilt. 
The wave of frenzy crested, and you opened puffy, red eyes onto a lucent, luminous moon.
He had buried the knife’s handle into your cunt and was pumping it slowly. He held the traitorous blade without even a single red cell shed. 
You wailed a halfhearted objection because this was a profane corruption of a consecrated relic. A particularly long drag of the makeshift phallus countered and shook loose a vulgar moan, and you squeezed tight around it.
It was shameless and sacrilegious.
And it felt so, so good.
You whimpered when he licked your lower lip, barely making contact. Your thighs splayed wide, eager, and an appreciative noise rumbled in his throat. He rewarded your responsiveness with another slow, deep plunge of the weapon, and your head lolled back.
“How is your religion serving you now, lamb?”
He shoved the handle as far into you as the guard would allow and worked it back and forth, rubbing the ridges and pommel against the sensitive spots inside. You moaned sinfully loud, and grasped at him. 
He was ruthless, prodding the elusive bumpy patch until you bucked against his hand and watching you float through this immoral delirium.
You wished it was him. His mouth, his fingers, his cock. Anything but this false idol ramming into your pussy.
Your whimpers turned to pleasured cries. Your calves tensed and shook. Looking down on his blasphemous claim, you yelped and pushed at his arms, the torrent of blood splashed over your thighs and sex wrenching you from your high.
In your hysteria, you’d forgotten that he’d sliced open your leg. 
“Father, please…”
He dug his thumb firmly into the wound, gripping nearly your entire thigh in the one tremendous hand. For a moment, the throb in your pussy traveled up to swirl around the intrusion, and you writhed to get away.
“If you call me that again,” he bit your jaw, raising a welt, “I will slit you open from cunt to crown.”
He played in the plasma, coating his fingers with it. You whined and grimaced, caught between salvation at your cunt and persecution at your leg. When his tacky thumb connected with your clit, you shouted, wracked with tremors. Like a savage, he masturbated you with your own blood, rubbing fast circles.
Rapture barreled down the length of your spine, working its way through every extremity. You were going to cum for him, at the end of your family's treasured athame, and there was nothing you could do to stop it. 
It was indecent, and you drowned in it. You collapsed back onto the altar, arching up into a delicious bow. Your knees drew up higher, and your hips worked for him, chasing what he dangled but never quite delivered. Your fingers scrambled against the uneven stone and fisted the velvet garment.
Your insides coiled, churning terror and thirst together until you couldn’t tell one from the other. Inching closer and closer to that crack of lightning, your cries built, a tumultuous, hoarse crescendo.  You thought he would make you tow that line forever, so close to bliss but never allowed to feel it.
But finally, mercifully, it came.
A blistering exaltation slid over your every nerve. Your cunt clenched and quaked, gushing a lewd prayer. The knife in his hand was the center of all gravity, and every part of you swiveled around it, rolling and bucking and shaking. You hurled a string of curses no priestess should ever know, earning a derisive chuckle.
“Such filth from that pretty mouth.”
Spent, your back finally met the slab beneath, and you fought for breath, chest stinging and throat crackly. A pained whine escaped when his torture implement departed from your slick center, but he gave you only a brief reprieve. 
He climbed above you, dropped his heavy knee onto your sensitive mound, and shoved the sullied hilt into your mouth. Your eyes flew open, but he captured your jaw and kept it in place, ensuring that you held the thing upright. 
Copper tang pooled on your tongue and wafted under your nose. On a muffled whinge, your eyes rolled back into your head. Automatically, obediently, you rocked your hips under his trap. 
“No less than you deserve.” He was all spite and venom. “Swallow.”
You couldn’t look at him, the stars in his eyes daunting and demonic.  Your tongue moved around the hilt, licking away the remnants of your vulgar display. You curled your fingers into the hem of his shirt, exhaled slowly through your nose, and complied, gulping the taste down. 
A timid glance found him studying you, but you didn’t know what he was seeking. Obedience? Passion? Reverence? The gravity of the moment was inescapable. He was deciding if you died here and now, and he gagged you from making any further entreaty.
Lithe for his size, he slid from the perch and pulled the athame from your mouth. Silently, he lifted you from the slab and dropped you on the ground. Not knowing if any of the flora was poisonous, you squealed, shot to your feet, and clutched the abused blade to your heart. A second later, you nearly impaled yourself with it when he threw the hefty book at you. 
Grateful that he didn’t destroy your remaining link to your family, you sunk to the ground and dug aching fingers into the dirt. It was cool and soothing, and you wanted nothing more than to lie down in it and die. 
Instead, you watched, benumbed and mute, as he punched a large hole straight through the center of the altar.  It should have been alarming; the crash of rubble should have scared you, but your senses were far past overstimulated.
Silently, he manipulated a chunk of the altar into a slender loop. 
It was astonishing. He was literally creating something from stone that should have been unyielding. Crouching beside you, he pushed your chin up to lengthen your neck. It was then you understood what was happening.  The thing he was fashioning out of the imbrued marble was for you.
Without a word, he molded it around your neck, cementing it with a pinch of his mighty fingers.
His masquerade as a man fell away. That shrine had stood for a thousand years, likely more, and he demolished it as though it was parchment. He had desecrated the altar to enslave you, spinning an infinite bondage into existence with his very will alone. 
The strength, the unfathomable power unleashed a yearning you weren't prepared to address. He was something wholly beyond what you'd been taught. He was profound, unknowable.
You ran your fingertips along the jagged edges and discovered his collar was perfectly measured to your size.  His fingers would fit between it and your skin, but nothing more.
Every story you ever heard about this place rang in your ears, a raucous chorus of warnings. The living could not stay here, nor could they take anything from here. 
But it was too late.
By your own hand, you now existed between life and death, trapped here by this pillaged, obsidian tether and it's king.
You didn’t know if he would do as you asked or if he would make you bear his children.
You did know that you would never be leaving.
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goddessofeternity · 3 years
Chronicles of the Supernovas: Chosen
Chapter 8: Behind Enemy Lines
Everything was going according to plan, and I was ecstatic about the progress that was made. To think it would be this easy to kidnap several hundred children across the galaxy, hell different species in general. My liege was proud of the work I had managed to do in such a short amount of time. Making them happy was my purpose in life and I intended to fill it wholeheartedly. The children had become easier to corral once the sacrifice was over. No more crying and begging for their sires, just quiet fear and terror. My liege thrived on it and it only made them more powerful, the Light would be vanquished thanks to my efforts. If I could keep up this momentum, then I would surely get a high seat of honor in the new world. I was to be made a god in the world that would be created and nothing would stop me from reaching that frontier, not even simple morals of killing children. 
“Such a dark heart…”
I knelt to my feet and dropped my head low as a familiar, yet dark voice invaded my ears. I didn’t look up as a soft fabric brushed across my face. I cursed the goosebumps that traveled up my arms from where the fabric touched me. A low chuckle sounded above my head as my liege stopped in front of me. “I see your body still reacts in fear of me….”
“I’m sorry my liege! I will train my body better!” Another chuckle sent chills up my spine. The room was far from cold, but my body often betrays itself in my liege’s presence. 
“I like that it does...I want you to continue to fear me Morlo….” The voice sounded right in my ear and I could not stop myself from looking up at my master. I could not hold back my gasp as piercing red eyes looked back into mine. My liege had chosen to take their woman form for the last few months and it was a rare sight to see. Their beauty was nothing short of perfection, a perfectly sculpted being. I was positive the Light didn’t look more radiant then my liege. Usually they were just a voice, or a man, or some other creature, but I took immense pride in the fact that I was one of the few people who had seen them like this. Their hair was a pitch smoky black that billowed in the windless room and cascaded down their back to the floor. The pitch black gown pooled at their feet and I would have thought they were gliding if I didn’t hear the distinct sound of heels every so often. I couldn’t help  but glance at the deep v in the front of the dress, perfectly showing off their plump and round breasts. I looked away as their full red lips curled into a smile. “I see that you still have your basic impulses, Morlo, even though you claimed to abandon them years ago.”
“Forgive me!” I put my face against the floor as my liege stalked around the room. I looked up as they looked over the list of children with a smile. “Have I…have I pleased you?”
“Keep this up and maybe you will…” I smiled as I chuckled. My master was pleased with me and that’s all I needed in this life. Now all I had to do was continue with the children before-
“Boss!” I quickly stood as one of my men threw open the doors to my workspace. He rushed at me with a wild look in his eyes, but I did not care because I specifically told them I was busy! My liege could not be bothered with the presence of these idiots!
“Idiot! I said not to disturb me!” He paused at my sudden anger and his eyes darted to my master, and I watched in annoyance as he looked slack jawed at them.
“W-Wow boss…that’s a fine bitc-“
“Watch your tongue before you lose it!” I gripped up his shirt and pulled him in close. “Now what is it that you want?! How hard is it to handle some fucking children?!”
“N-No it’s not that but…well…”
“Spit it out!”
“I got a report that some people have been going around asking about the children!”
“So what? Of course people will ask if children suddenly disappear. The musings of crying parents are of no concern of mine and you have wasted my time!” 
“W-Wait! They said the people who asked attacked some of our men in our eastern location! O-One of them was a black man and a blue skinned woman with pink eyes!”
Now my body felt freezing cold as I heard the manuscript hit the table behind me. I didn’t dare look as I felt my master slink up beside me and run their nails up my spine. They tapped each vertebrae slowly, but with enough subtle force, that I felt as though it would snap. I gasped as I suddenly felt their hand pierce my skin, grasping my spine. I felt no pain and could only think that they wanted me to feel it when they wanted. They were keeping me standing, but playing with my level of pain. I felt cold as they reached around and caressed the face of my subordinate. A small squeeze caused me to let him go as harsh pain traveled through me.
“Why don’t you tell me more about these people who attacked your comrades?” My subordinate looked at my master in shock and also a bit of terror. I could see the sweat form on his brow as he swallowed back his fear. I tried to keep perfectly still as I felt my spine be rubbed like it was a cat.
“R-Reports said that…they were asking the residents about the children. Another man with one eye and a purple skinned woman were spotted in our south location as well.” I felt another shot of pain run up my body as they squeezed harder, and I was sure I heard something begin to crack. 
“Is that right? Well that appears to be a problem…don’t you think so Morlo?”
“Y-Yes…a very serious problem…why don’t you head out so I can-“
“S-Sir…there’s something else…” I cursed to myself as their grip tightened and I felt like collapsing to the ground.
“W-What?!” I hissed through clenched teeth as my master kept a firm grip on my shoulder. “Out with it!”
“A-A man was spotted in the woods a few miles away from our location! He seemed to have some control over the plant life sir! Some men went to intercept him but we haven’t heard anything back!”
“Leave.” My subordinate left without another word and practically tripped on his feet on the way out. I let out a relieved gasp as the hand in my back was gone, but it was short lived as I was thrown across the room into the table. I gasped as my paperwork fluttered to the ground, and my master advanced toward me. I went to stand but a kick to my ribs lifted right off my feet into the air, before my master grabbed me out of the air by my throat. My head was spinning as I couldn’t get any air into my lungs. The wind had been knocked out of me, and I desperately tried to breathe. “I thought I SPECIFICALLY told you to make sure the Supernovas did not catch wind of your plans!”
“So why is it that not one, not two, but ALL FIVE OF THEM ARE ON THIS PLANET!” 
I gasped as I was dropped to the floor and finally able to catch my breath. I coughed and choked as a foot slammed me into the ground. I knew I made a grave mistake, I should have expected that they would eventually catch on, especially the older members of the Supernovas. I had no words for my actions, and I would accept whatever consequences that my master would give me. I would probably be disposed of...but I had come too far to fail now!
“My liege please! I can make this right! I will put a stop to them at once!”
“If they are here...then Serafina already is aware of your movements, which means she is aware of mine...or however little that is….” I gasped as their heel was removed from my back. “What will you do to keep my favor Morlo?”
“I will send my….my spies to slow down their progress. I have many contacts that I can call to make sure this will not be a problem.” They chuckled darkly at me as they went to sit and I stood up slowly, rubbing my back, I lifted the table and spread out a map. “I will begin moving the children we have here to our ships in the mountains. Our base in Zhikar is well hidden and we can stay there for quite some time.” I rubbed a shaky hand across my brow as I looked up at my master. They were staring at me emotionlessly and I was not sure if my words had angered them.
“I will send you some of my creations and I had better see more progress this time to make up for this failure Morlo. I also have beings that I will send to assist you. This is not a kindness, nor is it a show of good faith. This is a warning. Do not fuck this up Morlo, if I have to get involved...well...don’t let me get involved.” I swallowed deeply as they looked down at the map. “Also...do something about the nature god.” 
I looked at my liege as they gestured to the monitors on the other side of the room. I quickly walked over as I saw the Supernova walk through the forest. I zoomed in as he casually walked on, I frowned as he stopped and held a hand to his chin in deep thought. His head turned to the camera with a knowing smirk before he winked and the signal went dead. I jerked away from the monitors in anger, I turned to my liege but they were already gone.
“Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. FUCK!!” I threw a chair into the monitor and tossed all of my documents around the room in my rage. I could hear my men shuffling outside the door, and they knew better than to disturb me in my angered state. “Bring one in now!”
I let out a deep breath as the door opened and I heard a pathetic whimper behind me. I grasped my dagger on my belt with a tight hand. I needed to focus, and assembling my forces would be the first step. For now, releasing some stress would help with that. Straightening up, I smiled and turned toward a shaking child by the door. “Hello sweetheart, are you ready to play a game?”
She shook her head fiercely as I walked over twirling my dagger. “Well...you don’t really have much of a choice I’m afraid. I’d love it if you’d start screaming…” Feeling flesh tear with my blade always made me feel alive, but I would not get this satisfaction if my liege killed me for my failings. I’d have to call in quite a lot of favors to make this work. Some sacrifices could be made of course, and...I looked down at the child gasping at life beneath me.
“Let’s continue shall we? I want to savor this before I get to work…”
“We have no time for any more mistakes! Move these children faster and make sure that man is being slowed down!” I growled low in my throat at the crying children and my men struggling to round them up. “Just pick them up you idiots! If they keep complaining, beat them, or kill some of them for all I care!” I stared over the raised balcony at them shuffling about faster. I wiped the leftover blood off my cheek as I heard someone run up behind me. “You had better have something worthwhile to report…”
“Our forces are moving in on the Supernova, and some of your contacts have gotten back to us. They want some type of compensation for the trouble.”
“They will have it! Just make sure they get here.” I glanced around the room and narrowed my eyes down at the young boy from the earlier sacrifice. It was obvious that he was afraid, but he kept a determined look on his young face. I was almost impressed by his strength, but it would not matter much longer in the end. I watched as he was dragged away before I went about my business. Heading down a hallway, I shut the door behind me and stared at the glowing orb floating in the center.
“Hopefully they will answer this time….” I placed my hand on it and felt a surge of energy course through my body. I hated using this form of communication because the bastards hardly answered my summons. “Hey! Answer my summoning's! This is an emergency!”
I watched as energy ran through the orb but no response came out of it. My patience had always been thin, but this was a dire situation. I had no time for their games, my life depended on it. “The Darkness will not be pleased that you have been ignoring me…”
“What is it Morlo?”
“He always calls at the worst times…”
“Filthy little mortal….always needs a handout.”
“....I hate being bothered…” I let out a breath as several voices poured out of the orb. Using the name of my liege always got them in a panic. Tch...and they called themselves Gods? I would have called them pathetic, but regrettably, they did have more sway and power than I did.
“My liege has need of your services. The Supernovas are moving in on our operation and they need to be taken care of. We need this handled swiftly, before the Light joins the fight.”
“HA! You think she won’t notice if we even take out one of her toy soldiers? We’d be dead before we’d even see her.”
“I’m trying to keep under her radar…” I frowned as the complaints started to come in. Cowards.
“Besides….what makes you think we can take even one of them? Nim, the God of Lightning, just obliterated a god just the other week with one swing of his sword. I would rather not…”
Fucking children.
“So you would rather my liege rip you cowards apart then? Are you so scared of these Supernovas and the Light, when my master has far worse things they could do to you. Need I remind you what would happen if none of you comply?” The silence was like music to my ears. “I have a counter to these Supernovas regardless.”
“Oh? What would that be then?” 
“I’m sure you all know of the black market...and the items they sometimes procure…” I smiled wickedly as I heard some gasps. “I would be more than willing to gather them for you, that is if you’ll help our master.”
I heard them murmuring to themselves and I rolled my eyes at their indecisiveness. I was about to snap at them to get it together, but a dark chuckle gave me pause.
“When do we start?”
My lips curled into a wicked smile as I relayed to them what the plan would be going forward. Nothing would stop me from pleasing my master, not these children, the gods, these Supernovas, not even the Light herself. 
I would have my retribution.
Next: https://goddessofeternity.tumblr.com/post/655945069212418048/chronicles-of-the-supernovas-chosen
Previous: https://goddessofeternity.tumblr.com/post/653031863907221504/chronicles-of-the-supernovas-chosen
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josephmxa · 6 years
Worldbuilding: The Beginning and the End
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A Universe Begins just as it Ends. There’s not one way a world is a created. But everyone chooses to remember it differently. I choose to remember the truth of each one.
Before there was anything, there was Chaos; a void. Then there came Cosmos, a light, and within it came a bang. Spread across the infinite space came the uncharted; a system of stars, stellar remnants, interstellar gas, dust and dark matter. Humanity calls it a galaxy, like a compact realm, and they say there’s more than one. In this particular galaxy, however, came a system of several thousand natural masses circling a star known as Solaris, or what Humanity dubbed as the Sun, a near perfect sphere of hot plasma, a source of energy for Gaia, a body full of life. The body known as Earth. Humanity symbolized her as Mother Earth, the primal Goddess. She is, I am.
Like I am.
Time came when Chaos materialized himself on her land, fascinated by how out of all the other bodies in the universe he and Cosmos created, she burned the most with life with an unsettling presence looming over her. She emerged before him, a body sculpted out of the ground she breathed with skin and eyes to match. Her crown full of green and trunks. And she found herself in wonder before she knew what wonder was. Chaos mirrored her in a sense, his chest flat, his face square compared to her heart-shaped. His body bulkier than her curvy frame. Skin like literal personification of a void.
As for the unsettling presence, it had happened to be Cosmos itself, emerging before the two as a reflection of Chaos with skin as bright as the rays of Solaris. Gaia hadn’t been alone like she thought. They may not have been the life she made and nurtured, but they were the life by her side. The life she needed to create anew. The time spent on her land, however, the materialized forms of Chaos and Cosmos became separate sentient beings like Gaia herself, their bodies as defined and featured, their energy in rhythm with hers. The first Holy Trinity.
The first act they made as one paved way for humanity’s debut among a world full of wondrous, dangerous, and beautifully unique creatures. It is stated humanity went through evolution as any animal. But people wondered. They weren’t as adept, or socially aware. People got curious. What drove humanity in its first beginnings? What made them strong and willing? So determined and fearless? What made them foolish and careless? Selfish and rude? They survived through evolution time and time again until they reached the Twenty-First Century. All grown up in a harsher world than it is today.
The weak-willed become the strong. The prey are now the predators. How?
Well let me tell you. By the accounts of known philosopher Aristotle, it’s theorized humanity began with fourteen basic behavioural traits; Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Envy and Pride; Chastity, Temperance, Charity, Diligence, Patience, Kindness, and Humility. The world’s Seven Deadly Sins and the Seven Heavenly Virtues. Somewhere down the line, evolution took it and ran with it. What’s not being said is how these traits were separate entities themselves formed by the Holy Trinity as a way to drive humanity through or up the animal kingdom. I mean, when they first came in contact with their creation, they were astounded by the sheer ineptitude of such an animal who seemed to lack purpose and nature like the others. They continued constant watch studying their growth to no avail at first.
A persistent Chaos noticed something. Traits. Behaviours they repeated. And from within a single primate, Gaia reaped each as an individual being as the driving force behind humanity’s development. At the time, of course, they had no name. To me, their names were their vices and virtues. They grew behind humanity, evolved as they did until humanity’s evolution peaked. They stopped aging. Forgotten by those who grew too old, so the cycle never broke.
But one day came when a few questioned their nature; were they only going to be defined by their singular behaviour? By the act of Greed or Pride, or by Humility or Charity? The humans who they were designed to strengthen were more than just a caricature of Lust or Temperance and they wondered where their growth lied. Surrounded by the ever-growing rich, cruel world of wonder took a heavy toll on their psyche. How could they resist the temptation of change?
After twenty centuries, to be frank, some were sick of what humanity became. Some fed off of it. Others were content seeing as how humanity’s evolution may have come to halt didn’t mean it could never return. Besides, history had been made. Beliefs were curated. Religion created. Morals grounded. Stories were told, tales were written. Humanity kept showing potential they either wasted or achieved. The unpredictable nature of it all truly fascinated the bunch who desired no change. They could drive humanity further, and maybe in a better place as to cool the nerves of the others.
Easier said than done, humans say.
Inevitably, they grew apart. The year 2012, the 21st day of December. They’re living their own lives.
“Now comes the time you must live your true nature,” I said. The look on their faces, heads whipping around. They shouldn’t have been surprised, they knew from time the atmosphere felt off. But it was too much to ask of them to place where, why and how. In this moment, though, they hesitated not. Made rounds back to Africa, where the World Tree resided. Where they thought they could ask the Holy Trinity some questions. They just never thought they’d come face with their corpses instead.
Each impaled by roots of the world tree; roots out of Chaos steeped into the ground, roots out of Cosmos sprouting leaves up towards the sky, and stems covering Gaia all over making the tree she was. Her face showed the most content.
“This is the consequence of life,” I said. Collectively, they turned. Jaws dropped. “It feeds off the vitality of the matter used to create it in order to sustain itself and the more organic matter that is produced means more energy generated in the atmosphere and redistributed amongst itself upon death. Gaia understood this.”
“So, are you the one who spoke to us?” Pride asked.
“Time has come for the world to reset.”
“From the moment Chaos pitched the idea of your nature, Gaia came to understand the implications. She felt the first wave of her power diminish when she gave life way before Chaos or Cosmos came. She understood the more she, or they, produced, the toll they had to pay.”
“But what does that mean for us? We’re human.”
They were taken back when I smiled. “The minute you showed life beyond your vice or virtue was the minute they made you more. Earth is at the hands of abuse and enough is enough. The Holy Trinity couldn’t do anything. They barely had the power nor the energy. What they had left, Gaia sacrificed.”
“Time has come to reset the world. You hold the power to turn back time.”
“Do… do you know what you’re asking of us?”
“Gaia’s not asking. She’s begging.”
They were the New Gods and they hadn’t accepted it. At least not all. Pride… he was too prideful of the world he helped create knowing how much it abused the resources given to them. Gaia did not anticipate nor ask for the abuse humanity gave her. She did not ask to leave a world she created. Not yet anyway. Not until she raised her kids as the New Gods she expected them to be, even if unbeknownst to Chaos and Cosmos. She begged them to fix her wrongs. Maybe never let humanity evolve.
“The abilities the Holy Trinity had has been split amongst you fourteen. You control the tides now and it’s in your nature to bring life to a new cycle.” The visible disgust on some of their faces piqued my curiosity. Maybe Gaia thought wrong. They grew too much, they thought exactly like them. And they fought like them, too. War never changes. It’s violent and bloody, it’s tense and claustrophobic. It’s cataclysmic.
Sometimes, it’s also how a world begins and it’s how one ends. A different tale for every occasion.
Science says a universe begins with a big bang and there’s not much to argue against it, per se, but people have different views on how the world and the life that came to inhabit it came to be. They say there’s life on Mars or on distant planets. There’s talk of Gods and Goddess making life in mythology or a a God with judgement in religion. They may be true, they all may not. It all depends what world it is.
But how I wanted to create this multiverse is that it begins with a single cause and spirals out of control in a chain reaction. The material above you just read is the cause of why this multiverse begins, or at least gives you the idea of how it happens--if that makes any sense. More on this topic in later discussion as I delve deeper into the characters of this particular universe for which is now dubbed Universe/Earth Prime for the time being.
Tags: @merigreenleaf
Anybody is free to be tagged if you wish.
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musingofariael · 7 years
Wood Elves
Quick Facts: Height: 5'2-5'9" Weight: 90-150 pounds Lifespan: 900-1,000 years + Defining Features: Pointed Ears, greenish skin Population: 1,500 Found: Oestra, forest of Evsara Reputation: Elusive Gods: Various Racial Bonus: +10 Bow Skill, +10 Hunting or +10 Wilderness Survival Overview: The wood elves of Oestra, also known as the Scaria, are a reclusive people that make few enemies and even fewer allies. They do not venture outside of their forest much and those who do are often not highly held members of Oestran society. Though they do trade with a select few they are known to the rest of the world as one of the most elusive people to see out among other races. Within the largest forest on Ariael, Evsara, the wood elves have found their home. They have formed a connection with the forest itself and view it as part of themselves. While elves leaves themselves open to spirituality, the wood elves have allowed it to guide their people and it is from the most spiritual among them that they choose their leaders. History: After the division the wood elves were not a united front. They scattered to the wind and tried to meld into the various societal structures of the world. All possessing a similar view on the natural world and an aversion to most developed society they found themselves gravitating further and further away from the populated cities of Ariael. The most isolated segments of land that were habitable were in Crimea where many of their other elven brethren settled. They first formed small roaming bands across the plains and small patches of wooden areas within Crimea, but over time these small bands began to form larger communities. Elves are bred to find structure in their people and they naturally began to fall into their own caste system, leadership began to emerge. Their like minded religious foundation became the force that held them together. It was not on their own that they finally found a place to settle; it was on the wings of a bird. The largest group of scaria received a missive from the Mirador Stronghold asking for aid in battling the various enemies that continued to besiege their walled city. Though they did not have a true stable home to call their own the scaria were a strong people and formidable warriors. They prided themselves on their skilled hunters and it was through these skills that they would aid the stronghold. An arrangement was struck and the wood elves received many things they would need to create a settlement of their own, as well as a strong trading ally in the future. Their part of the deal was simple, aid in eliminating the threats that faced the city. Although there were many wild animals and monstrous creatures that were a constant threat to the city, the chief threat among them were the gazelle of evsara. The breed of surface dwelling goblin had made their home within the deep dark trees of the evsaran forest. It was a beautiful slice of the planet that the goblins were corrupting little by little. The lush green trees were bleeding black from the foul magics spewing forth from the gazelle shamans. Though the stronghold armies were formidable defending their walls and on the open field it was left to the wood elves to root out the gazelle in their homes and slaughter them by the thousands. They moved silently through the darkness and caught the goblins unaware. The mirador soldiers had never pursued them before so they were not prepared for the slaughter that took place. A rain of arrows poured from the trees all around the goblin stronghold near the center of the forest. In a matter of hours all had been slaughtered in their camps or hunted down and killed. The scaria returned to mirador and it was with the blood of the gazelle warcheif on her hand that the scarian priestess Asmira of the Speaking Tree would seal their alliance and would then be known from then on as Asmira of the Blood. The slaughter of the gazelle did not only lead to this alliance but it lead to a home as well. Once their shamans and priestesses had cleansed the forest of the goblin taint, what had once been the goblin stronghold became the foundation at the center of the great forest city of Oestra. It is from within the same tree that the warcheif had perished all those generations ago that every high priestess has ruled over the wood elves since. Biology: Physical Appearance: For the most part, the wood elves look no different than garden-variety humans; although, their ears are pointed, and their features, slightly more angular. They also move with a fluid grace, which is unknown to many of the other world's races. The vast majority of high elves fall somewhere between five feet and two inches, and five feet, nine inches. Most male elves are a tad taller than the females, and most are more muscular. As a result, they tend to weigh more than female wood elves. The average for a full grown wood elf is somewhere between 90 and 150 pounds. The wood elves have slender, finely sculpted, almond-shaped eyes, which can see fairly well at night; but, rather keenly so during the day; matching the fine-tuned nature of their ears. Their eyes are usually green, gold and on rare occasion purple, flecked with silver or blue. The elves have slender lips, and small noses. The wood elves have skin that is green and gold in hue to match their forest surroundings. Their hair is usually kept long, and is most often pin-straight; although, it may also be lightly wavy. Most often, the hair is worn down, in a half-ponytail, or partially braided. The wood elves have brown hair that is often mixed with a coppery hue. However, they may also have blonde, brown, or red hair. Common Traits: Like all other elves, the wood elves are known for being slender though the wood elves are smaller then other elves. Their forms are lithe, and their grace is largely unmatched by the rest of the world's denizens. They have both a keen sense of hearing, and of eyesight. Psychology: The wood elves are attuned to the world around them and with their home forest of Evsara. This connection is the foundation for their society. It is because of this connection with the forest that the vast majority of wood elves do not leave the forest throughout their entire lives. The wood elves are a noble people but they are fiercely protective of their home and viciously brutal against those that cause damage to their forest. Those who intrude into Evsara do so under grave threat. Reproduction: The wood elves are capable of reproducing with just about any race of their choosing. It is the females who carry the fetus to term, for a period, which lasts around nine months. Aging & Longevity: The wood elves live extremely long lives, as they age rather slowly. They are considered to be in their youth for the first one hundred years of their lives. They reach adolescence after that, and enter puberty around the time they turn 150 years old. The wood elves reach adulthood around the time they turn three hundred. Yet, at this point, they look to be no older than a human of eighteen years. By the time they reach their five hundredth birthday, they are considered to be in their middle age; but, look no older than thirty or forty. After their seven hundredth birthday, they are said to be in their old age. They look no older than seventy at this point, and may live for several more centuries, as long as they don't grow ill or die in combat. Society: Social Structure: The wood elves like all other elves choose their leaders off their own set of criteria. The spiritual leaders of the community are those who rule it. The High Priestess is the ruler of wood elf society and at her side is her consort. This individual is the most spiritually attuned with the gods and goddesses. The casts are as follows- -Politic (Aithlin): The Aithlin are those who desire a life in politics, and their society's government. They are the individuals who are advisors to the high priestess and consort, who act as diplomats, lawmakers, etc. Many that make up this caste within wood elf society are the spiritualists and shamans of the community. Politics and spiritualism meld together within Oestra. Note: When making an Aithlin, please post an HD ticket, in order to ensure that the role you want is available to you. -Scholar (Sontar): The Sontar consist of the city's academics. They are those who review the knowledge of those long gone, and build upon their ideas, in order to improve the state of their society. They are also those who test new ideas and ways of thinking, in the hope that it would benefit society. Members of this cast include historians, professors, medics, magical researchers, and more. They are devoted to the preservation of elvish culture, as well as the development of the race as well, through academic gains. -Artisan (Arnarra): The elves are known for their fine craftsmanship, which stems from their artisan's desire to attain perfection in all that they do. They have an eye for beauty, and tend to make things, which reflect the delicacy, yet the hardiness of their race. Any form of skilled labor, or anyone who creates a good for the benefit of their people, is considered to be a member of this caste. Examples include armorers, seamstresses, painters, and glassblowers. -Agrarian (Vaeri): The Vaeri are a well-respected group within elven society, as the elves have come to recognize that it is they, which produce the pillars of their society; the sustenance, which allows for their continued existence. Their ties to nature are said to make their jobs all the more simplistic; as they are said to have found ways to cultivate more of the earth, than any of the world's other races. Members of this caste include farmers, as well as shepherds, etc. -Warrior (Nlaea): The Nlaea are those who serve as the city's defenders, as well as teachers for future generations. They are those who will hunt, while also helping to keep the city running smoothly, by keeping it from harm. In the simplest sense, they are soldiers; but, they may also be law-enforcers, mercenaries, etc. -The Casteless (Chalia): The Chalia consist of those who stand outside elven society, as they have refused to conform. They are those who never chose a walk in life, and are therefore, shunned by all members of their society, including their family. They tend to wander aimlessly, as they have no true sense of where they should be. Although the political caste is in charge, no caste is seen as being better than another, (with the exception of all the castes being better than the Chalia). This is due to the fact the elves recognize the importance of each caste in helping to maintain a healthy, productive society. Language: The wood elves speak Elvish, as do all other elves. It is a beautiful, softly-flowing language, which uses many words that sound as though they come directly from the winds, and nature itself. Many also speak Common, so that they communicate with the rest of the world's denizens. Names: Wood elves tend to have simplistic names, which are both airy and flowing. Most are known only by their first names; although, they are often given a surname, which in some way, reflects their deeds and important acts. Examples of elven names are as follows- Althaea Shava Siannodel Valanthe Liadon Theren Haenin Aiena Asmira of the Blood Friends and Family: The wood elves tend to have close relations with their family members, who often have a hand in guiding them toward a specific life's path, within one of the city's castes. The younger tend to respect the older, and follow their direction. The wood elves tend to have an easier time making and maintaining friendships with those within their own culture, than with those outside of it. This is due to the fact that many wood elves never leave the forest and are weary of those outside of this connection with the forest. Daily Routines: A wood elf's daily routine depends entirely upon what caste they are a part of. The casteless may wander aimlessly, while those who have yet to choose their life's path may help their elders in many different fields, in order to learn what interests them, and what may suit them later in life. Others may hunt or farm for food, while others may train so that they may protect the city. Others still will spend their days pouring over books, and researching various things, while others will serve the city as its administrators. Religion: Their chosen religion is the biggest difference between the wood elves and the other elven people. They worship Reyna as their supreme matron. They believe she oversees the trinity of Milja, Etna and Kellan. They believe all other gods and goddess as well as all domains stem from these gods and goddesses. Most of their religious artifacts bare the symbol of a wheel with two curved spokes connected at the center by a circular axis. This wheel represents the four members of their pantheon. The outer circle is Reyna, the two spokes of Milja (life) and Etna (death) turning around the axis of Kellan (change) in an endless cycle. Another unique belief held by the wood elves is that not only does Reyna hold domain over the earth but she also holds domain over the hunt. She is often depicted to the wood elves as a huntress. Diet: The wood elves still hold true to being hunter gatherers. They raise some livestock but it is not as necessary to their diet as other races find it to be. They live within the confines of a lush forest that is filled with edible plants, fruits, vegetables and no shortage of animals to hunt for food. Care: The wood elves may be afflicted by many different ailments and diseases. They may be cared for as would any other elf, or even, the human races. This is due to the fact that their anatomy is essentially the same as that of a human; although, they are often more slender, and with pointed ears. In addition, they tend to have keener senses.
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geeky-elf · 7 years
Major Graphic Novel Update on REFD
So I have been more motivated than usual this week and with a little more free time, I managed to write two more storyline snippets plus three character designs (third one submitting tomorrow). I'm still figuring out the best title for the whole thing. Right now the one that sticks to me is Rajin: Edge of Darkness, but I feel I can get more creative with it and pick something else, but I'll see. Honestly I need to stay focused with grad school for the time being, but I'm really hoping after graduating and I can start illustrating pages, or at least focus on my art in general just for the sake of improving. Just somethings that I can touch on now: Characters: Skyfyre: Main and first character in the story who becomes possessed with a dragon's soul and gains elemental magic throughout. Eldoron: A sky pirate with a bad history who decides to make his life around building an airship to travel the universe, exploring new worlds, meeting new faces, and ultimately with a goal of vengeance of the eminent dark powers that lie beyond. He is very tech savvy and has a strategic mind. Often combining technology with magic, which is what created Rajin in the first place. Jessie: A Wiccan whose expertise is in alchemy. She can concoct anything from a healing potion to a powerful bomb. Ian: A accident in his youth left him for dead if it wasn't for the help and sacrifice from others to aid in keeping him alive and converting him to a cyborg with super human capabilities. His main purpose is ensuring everything runs the way it's supposed to and inventing new and useful items. He has a geeky and outgoing persionality for the most part, but is plenty happy with himself and his inventions. Pixel: An insectoid like fairy who befriended Eldoron at an early age. She's become a useful companion and guide. Her sense of adventure and need to help others has ensured her to be a useful part of the team. She mainly helps Eldoron, but often aids in other tasks where her small stature is to her advantage Orion: A full blooded elf with a mysterious and rough exterior. Not too much is known about him or his past. He rarely talks and at times can be rather blunt. However the only other crew member that seems to break his barriers is Jessie. He is the knowledge base of the crew and reads during most of his time. He knows everything about every mystical or non mystical race and their history. Orion possesses telekinetic and limited time bending powers. Trish: A nature loving goblin who is almost ninja like with her amazing senses and quickness on her feet. She is sort of the rogue of the crew, and good on stealth related and missions requiring a quick in and out. She loves fantastical creatures of all sizes and often collects them and trains them as her own. She is knowledgeable in Phoenix falconry, gryphon riding, serpent taming, and even dire wolf domestication. The only creature that still remains out of her reach are dragons. They are just too smart and clever she says. She hopes to try to train a wyvern though, being more primitive, she might have more luck. Blaze: Skyfyre's dragon companion who possessed her from within his egg form. He is one of the more powerful fire dragons, but with his link to Sky's elemental magic, he can shift and change to accommodate those needs. (An eastern storm dragon, a fire drake, a furry tundra dragon, a sea serpent, and an earth wyvern). Acheron: One of the main antagonists of the story, but far from the ultimate one. He is elven in magic, but vampiric in it's very nature. He acts as a medium to the dark powers and becomes molded and shaped in their will turning him into a monster who possesses a sense of masochism. He likes making his victims suffer greatly and yearns for the destruction of worlds to spread his evil powers further. Plot synopsis: A mysterious force in the universe, whether its the ether that holds space together or it's more has made outlying planets in worry. As darkness spreads, many are forced to leave or become victims to its power leaving others to fend for themselves. As planets get consumed, parts break off and ricochet through its infinite vacuum. One the broken parts lands on Earth near a small village where an orphaned girl's curiousity takes the best of her. Upon further investigation, she becomes possessed by the mysterious being within it's shells. Turns out that being was a dragon, though starting out as a baby, has great potential for power. As she grows stronger and discovers magic powers of her own that would change her life forever and create many enemies along the way. It's not until a mysterious sky pirate comes to rescue her is when her journey and discovery of her destiny really begin. It's aboard the grand airship, Rajin, where Skyfyre learned about what her role is among many uniquely gifted crew members. The gang will travel to the far reaches of space discovering new planets and making new friends along the way whether they are elven or dwarfish. In the end the fate of the galaxy rests in the hands of these handful of mystical humanoids and beasts alike. Style: The style found in my character designs will be similar to what I hope to accomplish in the comic. Characters that aren't too realistic in nature, but I need to master anatomy still and improve on it overall so I can pull it off that much better especially since I'll be drawing different characters of different ages a lot. The style of the graphic novel itself, will be semi Ike a hero comic book, but it will read more like those such as How to Train you Dragon comics as well as the Last Airbender set. Not pop arting as I want to focus on the illustration side of it all. I want to make the backgrounds detailed while the foreground characters are simple (Miyazaki film like). Setting: About Rajin: Most of everything will take place on Rajin, which is almost a small city in itself. Rajin has everything one would need on long periods of inner space travel. The airship itself is self sustaining powered by magic and technology alike allowing it to fly and keep everyone comfortable. Food is grown on board along with places to train and work on combat and energy based abilities. Plenty of room for Blaze to stretch his wings on and roomy living quarters that can put a luxury apartment complex to shame. Everything is customized to one's own and plenty of rooms and living space on each and every one of the floors that will fit to everyone's needs. There are armor and weapon making and repair places along with those for recreation based use. The airship itself has many amenities that are found on Earth, but also many that are inspired from all over making way for a diverse community to live in harmony and make a home for themselves. Ian has even created robots and tech that make life easier especially to avoid having to walk all the way from one side to the other. About other Homeworlds: While a good chunk will occur on Earth as Sky and Blaze learn to get used to one another and try to find their place in the world without bringing unwanted attention to themselves, the graphic novel will go through many planets and homes to not only distant human related relatives like Eldoron's, but also many mythical beings from animal halflings, to orcs, dwarves, mermaids, centaurs,....you name it they will all appear one way or another. The worlds themselves, will be as unique as them holding an artistic beauty that I really hope to master backgrounds in general by this point because I want to capture the complexity of the natural and artificial side of it all. You will have worlds that aren't anything more than caves, deserts, oceans,...etc. and even those that are completely suburban. Sort of a Futurama/Star Wars feel as many of these outlying worlds are connected and many travel between them and beyond especially in the more advanced regions of tech and discovery you will see more of these connections, while others isolate themselves more. Artist Goals: I've been thinking so much on this project since I was a freshmen in college (almost 8 years ago). Often ideas came to me as I daydreamed in class or on the way to class, but now I've changed a lot of the aspects, but began fitting all the pieces together more and more. My main goal(s) as an artist is to try and master or at least be the best I can at all the mediums available to me whether its painting, colored pencils, sculpting clay or 3D models, animating, plush making,...I want to try them all in my lifetime. I also feel it would be cool even if it's a one time thing for me to publish a graphic novel and maybe a purely written book that goes with it. I'm not sure how long the novel will be, I want to extend it as far as a I can without milking anything to death. Might publish one or two or several depending on where it goes. My main focus now is grad school so I need another year to focus on that and get my degree, but I feel with whatever free time I have I can work towards improving and putting more pieces together. I want to perfect whatever style I can come up with before the illustration process begins. Things that I should focus on: Backgrounds, backgrounds, backgrounds, I need to practice backgrounds so much in terms of accuracy in detail and lighting as well as in perspective especially for big city scenes and such. This will definitely be the hardest goal because I need to improve a lot in terms of drawing and coloring and getting everything right with that. Airship tweaking. I feel the exterior design could use continued work to make it as interesting as I want it to be. I also need to do a floor by floor layout to show all the rooms and areas and even some concept art on how some said areas will look. Character Designs: Lots of thought still needed here, I need to improve on my human based style in terms of making sure anatomy is as accurate as possible while keeping it in almost a Disney-esque sort of way since realism won't be my focus with characters to keep them simple as I focus my time on backgrounds and such. Also figure out how many add on characters will occur as the story progresses and how that will ensure their uniqueness in terms of additional roles on board Rajin. Storyline: It's getting to the point where writting while it helps, I feel I need to start just doing and thinking of further story arcs as a go. Right now I feel I have a nice story idea that should extend for a good chunk of it, but antagonist development and how that leads to end game, is what will be tricky and i have to figure that out too. Right now, it's organized like this: Skyfyre's daily life as a homeless orphan prior to the meteor strike followed by possession of soul and continues forth as Sky trying to get used to her new situation (denial first step of course and avoidance). Blaze grows a little bit with her as they spend several months trying to make a home elsewhere before eventually getting captured by government agencies. Skyfyre is than experimented on and starved to the brink of death in the hands of corrupted people who wish to extract her power. During this time flashbacks to the meteor's origins should occur "The Rescue" (snippet in gallery) will occur as Sky is brought onboard the ship She has trouble adjusting at first "Slow Dance of a Sky Pirate". As she learns to adapt to the new changes and potential destiny gets to know the other crew members better, she begins training with them. Of course in time a relationship slowly builds between her and Eldoron. During the time on the airship spanning a few months, flashbacks to Eldoron's past "Attack of Vimera" will come into play. Several flashbacks for each character will come into play (not necessarily in chronological order where they will be the most significant, I want the reader to piece the parts together and the connections that were formed from beginning to present day). These will take place throughout at different parts, some towards the beginning and some other when Acheron is introduced. Something begins to happen to the airship where some outside force disrupts the magic within the elemental crystals that keep the ship running. It becomes an emergency and they must travel to each of the major elemental based planets to restore their powers one by one starting including a visit to the marine planet. "That Night". Where the relationship between the two grows a little more. It's at these different locations they meet and take on some of the inhabitants that will prove useful as they continue to learn about the growing threat of the darkness spreading Acheron will get introduced at one point followed by many failed fighting attempts including a major climax one "Sky's last Fight" So far this is what I have laid out mainly still a lot of things I hope to extend it upon and fill it with all leading up to a life versus death situation with the final battle. Well that's what I have laid out for now. Changes are bound to occur and will update accordingly. Thanks for reading. Hope you all like the ideas so far. Created at simplydevio.us
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criscura · 8 years
((I wanted to write something different ^^; A little graphic at the start, but that’s it. Source for this guy –v and a link to it on Ao3))
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It wasn’t real. It could not possibly be real. Monsters—monsters like that didn’t exist. They didn’t exist. Bogeymen didn’t come and steal your family away. Beasts didn’t charge from the woods in the night and eat up your parents.
But one did. And it was metal.
And made of fire.
And it made no noise until his mother stopped screaming. It played it back.
It was made of metal, and made of fire, and spoke with the voices of the dead.
He would’ve given anything to steal the scream back from it...
But instead…
He turned himself into steel, and he spat out fire, and his voice was the voice of a boy that had died with his family.
Monsters weren’t real, but now they were. Bogeymen were only fairy tales, until they weren’t.
His father told him a story once about a puppet who’d become a real boy. He was good, and loved his maker like a father, and was blessed by a blue fairy into flesh and blood.
Genos was good. He loved his family.
And his was gutted in front of him.
And the doctor had blessed him with a metal puppet’s body.
Bogeymen were real. He was a fairy tale.
And he could be a monster, if he needed to be.
The pain, the pain, every day alive was pain, every night of sleep was pain, burning and tearing and snapping, every day some bone split under the weight of his torso or his wrists twisted because he crashed down on them, and he relived his parents’ massacre whenever he blacked out.
He deserved it.
His mother bled on top of him, what half of her was left. His father exploded by the front door trying to keep it shut.
He sobbed quietly under it all, invisible beneath the flesh.
He couldn’t protect them. He didn’t even try. He sat paralyzed, terrified, silent, as they let themselves be shredded to pieces for him.
His mother asked if he was okay when her bones were jutting from her body like branches from a tree in winter. Then she screamed as her legs were torn from her, and the beast couldn’t hear the second scream behind it.
He hurt then, with his arms shattered under the bricks of his roof. He could have died then, had the thing so much as glanced back after it ripped his life apart.
He did not.
He should have.
And this pain—of shaving off his hips to attach stronger hips, of welding iron to his spine to make it support his weight—
Of feeling his eyes cut out, for just a moment when the anesthesia stopped working—
Of having the base of his tongue cauterized so it could be replaced with one that would function with his new vocal cords—
He deserved it.
The hours and hours of crying through therapy, through his shins cracking from walking or the horror of going blind because this optic nerve also did not work…
He deserved every part of it.
How dare he be weak, when his parents had been strong enough to hold him until they couldn’t hold anything anymore. How dare he cry, when they hadn’t cried as the embers of the house fused to their skin. How dare he expect peace, expect comfort, expect anything but this agonizing searing ripping shredding constant fucking pain when they’d done all that and more just so he could fail to try and help them at all.
It was all he was worth. It was all he could give back.
The kindness of the doctor—he didn’t deserve that. The soothing words, the warm bed, the hot chocolate—
He didn’t deserve that.
Days, months, a stolen lifetime of pain…he could handle that. He earned it.
Not hospitality.
Not love.
When his heart began to fail him and he felt his entire body seize up—when he lost that last bit of flesh and his rib cage became a shell, his heart turned to lead and fire just like the rest of him…
Then Kuseno told him, “This makes you no less human, Genos. You are still you.”
That was a lie.
Genos had seen horror movies, he had played video games. Robots, floating brains, sentient guns…
Those were the monsters in them. Those were what you killed. You were you, and they were them.
And Genos was one of them now.
His mechanical feet and legs—those were lies. His sculpted fingers and hips, those were both a lie. His mouth, his ears, his entire perfect fucking face, that was all a lie.
A floating brain, cradled by a sentient gun. A robot. A monster.
That wasn’t a lie.
That wasn’t a lie at all.
He was the thing you killed in movies, and it was all he deserved to be.
Years. Years. Four years he had spent scouring the country, and he had nothing to show for it.
He’d done everything right. He’d improved his tracking system, he’d hunted down the CEOs of every major cybernetics company in the world, he’d been to any region that showed the remotest trace of an attack.
And he had absolutely no idea where the mad cyborg had gone.
He had failed, and was failing, and continued to fail with each passing day that he did not rip its metal body apart.
Kuseno tried to calm him down. When his room filled up with caverns from his fists and the steel walls turned rainbow from the heat in his palms, he reminded him how long it had been rogue, how no one who’d tried finding it had any success.
It only made things worse.
He had tried harder than them, than any of them possibly could. He was more qualified, more capable for this mission, than anyone else could possibly be. He was equipped with a body that could identify scurrying mammals ten miles out, canons that could level small towns, accelerators that could move at the speed of sound. He knew in excruciating detail what would drive a cyborg to go one place or another. He could anticipate the movements of a monster within mere minutes of studying its behaviors and had spent years memorizing witness accounts of facing the beast.
Destroying the cyborg was all he was good for at this point. He was built for the sole purpose of wiping it off the face of the earth.
So why couldn’t he do the only thing he was supposed to be able to do?
He got upgrades. He trained. He studied. He replaced part after part after part to get stronger, left for weeks, months at a time so he could train more, so he could track more, so he could gather more information.
And it wasn’t enough.
He just…wasn’t enough.
He’d given everything he had, more than everything, and it just wasn’t enough.
…He was a failure.
It crashed down on him every time he crashed down onto himself, thrown aside by some new demon with a move he knew was coming, and still could not avoid. It hit him when they did, it rose up and consumed him when he was gathered up into a body bag by Kuseno’s drones so they could cart him back into the lab.
He was weak, and slow, and stupid, but above all…
He was a failure.
Most of him had died when his family did. Most of him burned and bled, and dissolved in the explosions that erased what his future could have been.
What was left, he tried to perfect. He gave it layer after layer of armor, of weapons, of technology so it was impossible that it could die too, not until he had destroyed the monster that had destroyed everything he’d ever known. When he would be decimated in battle, he let the doctor pour his life’s work into him purely for the chance at avenging his family. He swallowed the guilt with the oxygen tube because it was the only way he could make himself worth it.
What was left of him, he let be twisted and molded so that it could be better than what it was.
He tried to live with it, what was left.
But…it did not change that, all those years ago…most of him had died.
…And every time he came back from a hunt without the cyborg’s blood on his hands…
…he wished it would have been all of him.
He could be stronger. He could always be stronger. He had to be stronger. He was weak, a failure, a constant stream of losses, and if he could overcome that—if he could make sure once he found it he could obliterate it so there was no way it could slip through his fingers—if he could be so strong he could vaporize it simply by pointing his canons at it and set them off—if he could delete it from the history of the planet with nothing more than a single well-aimed blow—if he could be strong, if he could only be strong, if he could only be more than this pitiful fragile rash faulty eternal fuck-up of sham of power, he could do it, he could do it, he could defeat it and stop and rest and vanish and make up for it, make up for himself, he could make up for being weak, weak, weak, weak, WEAK—
He was just a man.
Just a man, with a normal body, and no clothes, and no hair. He was small and soft-spoken.
He was just a man.
And with one slap used more power than Genos had ever felt in his lifetime.
He did it to save him and he didn’t ask for thanks. Genos couldn’t take the monster out with every blaster on his body, save for the one that would detonate like a nuclear bomb.
He’d done it in an instant, without any effort at all.
He was just a man.
He was soft-spoken.
And he said his name was Saitama.
How. How. He couldn’t understand.
He’d studied him for weeks, first in secret and then up close. He chased him when he ran, he hunted him down when he would hide. He was like a hermit crab in that way, or an ant—a tiny creature, unfathomably powerful for its size, living quietly as if it was nothing unusual. And for his lifestyle, it wasn’t.
He joined him as he ate, and it was nothing special. He followed him when he went shopping and the stores were stocked with the same goods that you could find anywhere. He visited the baths with him and the facilities had nothing extraordinary in the water.
Nothing, of course, except for him.
Extraordinary…was a good word to describe him. Several other could apply—odd, outlandish, intimidating. For everything he was—for everything he was capable of—he could have the world at his feet. Genos had seen so little of his strength, but somehow he knew it was only a fraction of what he could achieve. And yet…
He clipped coupons. He ate Cup Noodle. He did his laundry. He complained when it got cold.
He was ordinary, with so much extra inside him.
…There were still more words that would fit him, though. Humble. Kind. Short-tempered.
Awesome, in every sense.
That was one he would use frequently—“awesome.” When they ate something he enjoyed in particular, when they found a steep sale, when Genos showed him part of his incinerators.
Genos did not think he knew what it used to mean, “awesome.” It described things that were “filled with or inspiring awe.” It was how kings were explained, or war heroes, or angels.
Angels were terrifying creatures, in many texts.
The scope of their power, and their grandeur and beauty and form—it was inconceivable, ethereal. It scared whoever it was with, that power. They knew they were in the presence of something out of their control, and so far beyond their plane they could never hope to touch it. It had been to Other Places. It had come back unscathed.
It was capable of anything it chose, and nothing could stop it.
This man…he was awesome.
And he let Genos live with him.
“Sensei,” was what he called him. “Sensei,” as if that could summarize how he felt about him. About his power.
…About the power Genos needed, if he was to become more than the mistake he was. If he was to become strong enough of a monster to wipe out the one that had led him here, on legs of metal with a heart of fire.
Here, where his parents could never come.
Here…beside his sensei. Beside this hero.
Beside this awesome, extraordinary, quiet man.
It was not fair. Circumstance, fate, statistics, happenstance—
None, none of it was fair.
He had saved them. He had saved every one of them. He had done it once—twenty—countless times by now, and when they were there to witness it, they berated him for it, cut him down for it.
Tried to crush him like an insect under their shoe.
And they praised Genos for the insects he crushed for them.
Nothing he’d done was worth a fraction of what his teacher had done. The vermin he destroyed were vapors compared to the volcanic disasters he’d avoided. The catastrophes he prevented as easily as stifling a yawn, the cataclysms he solved the same way he’d calculate the time passing between commercials—
He quashed the apocalypse the same way he scratched his back, and Genos shattered his trying to stave off a single demon.
So much power. He had so much power. More than he could ever use, more than he ever wanted.
He had complained to Genos on more than one occasion that he was too powerful—that fights were boring and enemies were weak.
The same enemies that Genos had watched destroy homes and raze towns. The same that could crush his body in their fingers.
The same that he could never defeat even if he expended every shred of power his core could offer him.
The same that his teacher pulverized without so much as breaking a sweat.
…And the same that could have made so made so many more that were just like him, had his sensei not been there.
He had…so much power.
It didn’t seem like anyone but Genos knew it.
It wasn’t that they didn’t see him use it---they did, on many occasions. It was simply…that they didn’t seem to understand, like they couldn’t comprehend. It was too much for them to handle, and so they didn’t, and they made up stories to explain it away.
“A fraud,” said some. “A poser,” said others. “A cheat,” said many.
“A liar,” said them all.
They were so wrong.
Genos—he was a lie. Genos, whose ranking was based on tests far too simple—Genos, whose popularity was due to a finely crafted mask—Genos, whose victories seemed large only on the small TV screens they were recorded for.
“A hero,” they called him, like was worth anything at all…when the only true things about him were the two words of his hero name.
“Caped Baldy” was the abomination they chose to call the savior of their planet.
“Demon Cyborg” was what they called the abomination they thought was their savior.
What jackasses. What fools. What ungrateful bastards.
…None of it was fair.
Nightmares, pain, failure, anger. Seclusion, frustration, destruction. Fear. Loss.
Hate…for the monster, but mostly…
For himself.
He deserved that.
It had been almost five years and he did not get vengeance for the ghosts that haunted him when he slept. It had been almost five years, and he was still just as weak as the boy that had let his parents die around him.
It had been five years, and he had yet to make anything of the extra time he ripped from death.
And people thanked him for it.
They acted like he was an idol, a god. They sent him awards and tokens, gave him plaques and presents and complements like he was worth of any of it.
They thanked him for the work he didn’t do, and it was infuriating.
Could they not see how little risk was involved for something that could replace its entire body, when there were heroes that risked it all? Did they have no idea how meaningless their gratitude was, when they did not give it to the one man who should receive it?
And…when that man would congratulate him, did he not see...how undeserving Genos was of it? How undeserving he was of…
…all of it?
He’d let him have the limelight, when he was a beacon of strength. He laughed along at all his love letters, when he got nothing but hate mail himself.
He shared his home like it was nothing big, when it meant the world to the one he shared it with.
It had been…so long since Genos had a home, and not a base to return to. It had been years since a normal breakfast was eggs in the morning and not the burnt carcass from whatever he killed the night before.
He’d forgotten what it was like to flip through channels instead of a performance report, or the simple comfort of hearing “Good night” beside you.
It was…safe, and soft, and normal, in a way he didn’t realized he missed.
He did not deserve it.
Just as he didn’t deserve the quiet praise, or the worried calls—the smiles when he walked through the door or the little surprises waiting for him after shopping trips. Those were treats for people living as they should, rewards for making the most of time between friends.
He could never earn that right.
He could clean, of course, and cook, and scrub and launder and tidy. He could give presents back along with the praise, and spend days off at home. But it would never be enough.
Not when his teacher got nothing but slander for protecting the human race. Not when the afternoons he could share were split between game marathons, and repairs to the shell of his body.
Not when the time he had was indebted to the parents who sacrificed theirs for him.
Genos operated on bolts and batteries, and stolen years and Inconel and guilt.
He was a wonder of modern science and a failure of a son.
He did not deserve the life he’d had, nor the one he shared now.
A carp could become a dragon, if it swam all the way upstream. That was the way the story went.
A fish, so brittle and insignificant, if only it could defeat the rapids, would leap into the clouds where its body would grow and its scales would bloom into silver and gold. It would be free to slip through any ocean then, both the ones that were filled with starfish and the one that was filled with stars. It could be more than it was, if it tried hard enough.
Genos’ body had grown. His skin had bloomed into silver and gold, and he could fly through the air, when he chose.
He still sank in water, though.
That’s what it felt like, when they walked the streets on Children’s Day. They were surrounded by little boys and girls, faces identical to the men and women holding their hands, all staring up at the paper carps streaming through sky. They could have been sand on the bottom of a riverbed, watching as schools of fish swam above them.
He was sluggish as he moved through the crowds, and his words were thick and slow. He knew the fire in his chest was burning hot as ever, blazing like a small blue star…and still, it felt cool to him. It got cooler when he saw the smallest sons picked up by smiling mothers. It chilled when he saw the older sons who were on the precipice of becoming young men.
His parents would never get the chance to see him come of age.
Months ago the day crept up and trickled past, and Genos did nothing to commemorate it. It was better that way, it was right, not to honor this thing he’d become. The boy that would have been celebrated—the one that would age and change and mature until he could have boys of his own—he had died long ago. This body was a grave for the life he’d lost, and the ones he couldn’t save.
Weak…he was so weak. He’d seen towns ruined as his was, and watched so many pull themselves from the wreckage. They came back later and thanked him, the survivors. They came with children and boyfriends and mothers, showing him the lives they rebuilt afterwards.
They were truly strong. They had grown, they had matured, they flourished in the wreckage they were left.
It was physically impossible for Genos to mature, and he’d grown to be the wreckage he was pulled from. Shining like silver, malleable like gold, with a body that could fly through the air like shrapnel.
Vicious as a dragon. Brittle as a carp.
Sinking under the weight of the dead.
His teacher was a quiet man, and he lived a quiet life. Everything around him was soft and light, from the old pajamas he slept in at night to the humming television he watched in the morning.
There were complements too, and praise, called only loud enough to make it out over the crowds.
Genos had trouble understanding them.
He didn’t grasp it first, too consumed with determining where the man’s unforgiving core was hidden. He must have had it, or something like it, when he could rocket through a meteor unhurt. He must have been guarding vibranium or adamantine or Thor’s thunder in his heart, for it not to break under the battering ram of public hate.
But…he was not.
His teacher, his hero, who could rule like the gods…he was just a man, with a soft smile and a big open heart, guarded only by the extent of his quietness.
He would not agree with Genos on his kindness. “It’s the right thing to do,” he’d explain as he opened his wallet, knowing he could not replace the groceries he’d destroyed saving a girl. “It’s what heroes are for,” he pushed, refusing the praise for rushing into a battle that was suicide for most.
But Genos watched him—he watched the way the insults cut him, he watched his shoulders fall as those he rescued laughed at him. He watched him spring protect someone who just told him he was a waste of space.
He watched his rare outbursts at crowds, knowing he could say so much more to them, and did not.
He watched him go back home and recede into a book, speaking even quieter than normal, if at all.
Genos watched this amazing man, this hero who could have had epics written for him and instead got slurs sent to his door…
…and it was his heart that broke.
The cracks started there—in his chest. They were not visible and still Genos could feel them, featherlight and biting in the open air. As he sat with him, ate with him, trained with him, they spread out into Genos’ arms, into his hands. His face would shatter in battle and it felt almost normal, so much so that he didn’t notice until they were pointed out.
“Are you okay?” he’d ask him. “You make me worry,” he’d tell him.
It was said so softly, but it fell like a hammer on his core.
The cracks got a little deeper. Routine passed through them like sea breeze through the boardwalk, and they filled up with windfall from the day—a string of puns chuckled through the produce section, whispered conversation in the dark before sleep. The sound of water bubbling down the drain as they washed dishes after dinner.
The fissures filled with these passing moments, each grain sealing them shut even as they split them further.
…Genos’ body was made of an iron alloy, and iron, on its most basic level, was weak. It was a common metal that needed to be mixed and twisted so it could withstand the pressure of daily use.
Sand, on the other hand, was a natural composite, formed from the rocks strong enough to withstand thousands of years of the ocean’s abuse. When stripped to its most essential mineral, it was made of quartz. Quartz was varied and strong, and formed the same way diamonds were. Quartz was used for healing and traded for its beauty.
In folktales, iron was a weapon used to kill fairies. The Iron Age was the reign of the filth of man. Quartz was used to protect infants from demons and in myths immortalized purity.
Quartz was always very strong, and iron…
Iron was soft.
If beaten, it will break, and will need to be gathered into a single piece again. If exposed too long, it will rust, and chip away when something brushes past it.
Iron will bend and crumple and yield, if put up against quartz.
Even a tiny piece can win the battle, over time. A single grain would be enough if it found a crack and settled deep within it. And Genos, with his fragile body…
He was covered in cracks.
Routine has a way of smoothing things out, of buffing the impurities of the day. A routine can turn the sharp cut of a jeer into a minor bump on the way to dinner.
His teacher had shared his routine with him. He worked beside him, day by day, learning from the quiet man how to live a quiet life. When he’d come home, he wouldn’t shout his greeting so he could hear the happy welcome that answered him. When he woke up, he wouldn’t focus on his nightmares but the even breathing next to him.
Before he lived like a forest fire, consuming everything on the path to the monsters of his past. And now…
He passed his days like water breaking on the beach, steady as the rise and fall of the waves.
This lifestyle…it was gentle, it was easy. Not to struggle swimming against the riptide, but to let himself drift on and off shore like sea glass or hermit crabs…
The cracks were still there, and they were growing, but Genos couldn’t help feeling that he was growing with them.
When his sensei smiled, his chest swelled and his armor could have been crackling under the pressure. When he thought of plans they made, he’d prepare for the day feeling lighter, like he had no armor at all.
That would make him weak, he realized, to be worn down by routine. It would leave him open in ways no battle plan could save him.
But his sensei was quiet and soft, and he was the most powerful man he knew. And if he could be that way, then…maybe…
It would not be so bad for Genos to be soft too.
When dolls broke apart, they were glued back together, piece by piece, by piece…by piece… He just needed some duct tape and some patience.
Patience for pieces, that was it. Time to get torn down, after he’d been torn down, because that’s how the doctor would know where it all fit. Humpty Dumpty him up, only he had a king to put him together, and not the king’s men.
All the king’s men.
…There had been many men there, and women.
They had cracked too, but they didn’t leak yellow, or black the way Genos did. They looked the way they should, when real people got hurt. It would mean something later. It would turn people into monsters.
Just like him.
The other heroes had taken care of them, surely. All the monsters…but it was hard to remember who was who, with all this fog in his head. Breathe in, breathe out, breathe in…
Breathe out…
Ha…laughing gas, it was called. When he was little. Like he needed reasons to laugh then. They should sell it to grown-ups in bottles, like they did sleeping pills and caffeine pills. “Smile-all,” it could be. “Grin-it-down.”
Sugar makes the medicine go down… What had made this medicine go down? He hated it, all of it, always, this part. He hated it so much.
It made him remember who he was. He hated who he was.
He always fought it off, so hard. Like waking up from a nightmare, only he lost, he lost every time. He never won.
He hadn’t won this time. Nope, the claws went straight through him, right through his spine, and he shattered like a porcelain doll.
He didn’t remember hitting the ground, though. He usually did. It hurt, that part, the fall right after. It was the worst.
It was the best too, though, ‘cause he deserved it, and he didn’t always get what he deserved.
Who’d taken that away?
This hurt, a little. Not much. Not with the laughs.
He didn’t giggle though, it was a feeling. Not like at home. He giggled for real there.
He did it at Sensei’s faces, he did it at his jokes. What had he called him? A hot head?
Ha, ha…ha… Hot. Sensei was hot. Sensei was warm too, but he was cool, he was so damned cool…
Genos wasn’t. He’d broken in front of him. Humpty Dumpty, derpy demon. All the King’s horses and all the King’s men ran away because Demon Cyborg didn’t save them again.
What a joke. What a laugh.
Ha. Ha. Ha.
That’s what the HA looked like—HA, HA, HA, all across the rescue helicopters. They buzzed around like dragonflies, but they didn’t spit out fire. They got eaten up by it. So did the drivers, so did the stretchers underneath. Then the HA turned to AH, and they all did just that, “Ah, Aah, Aaaah…”
He was so tired of screaming. He heard it every night in his sleep. He was sleeping now, though, wasn’t he? Wasn’t that anesthesia? Just a slightly more awake sleep. So were those the screams?
But he wasn’t screaming. He didn’t hear any.
Well, not now. Before he made everyone scream. One bad shot and he knocked the monster into an apartment. Kaboom, it went. Kasquish, they went.
Screams. Lots of screams.
It should have been Genos in there.
He wouldn’t get backlash for it. Never had, never did, never would. Too pretty to knock down, that’s really what it was. The HA said he kept his ranking because he did good work.
He did shit work. He was shit. Shitty, shitty, shit.
He should’ve been left on the claws. They should’ve schlicked right into his brain, so he could stop and stop making more mistakes than he had. He was one great big mistake. He was five years of big and small mistakes, he was two and a half wasted lifetimes of miiistakes.
What a waste he was… What a tongue-twister that was…
Betty bought a batch of butter...”But,” she said, “This bot is bitter,” so she went and bought a better bot, but that bot was just as bitter. “Real boys are better,” bickered Betty, so she burned the bot and brought back a boy that was better than the bitter bot…
His father loved butter cookies. He loved to tell stories too, but not about the butter cookies, that was only when he told the tongue-twister.
He could bake butter cookies. He could bake them now, they would probably be good.
…No they wouldn’t be.
…Maybe they would.
Sensei liked his cooking, he’d like his cookies. Sensei said he liked a lot of things about him. Sensei said he had pretty hair, and pretty eyes, and a cool body. Sensei was wrong, but it was nice.
Sensei was nice. Sensei, Sensei…Sensei…
He was the one with pretty eyes, all dark and big and sparkly—but only sometimes. …Hehe. They were sparkly like his head.
Genos liked his head. Genos liked everything about him.
He should tell him. He should really tell him, not those half-assed tells he told because he was too scared to let him know how he felt. But Sensei would not tell back, because he probably didn’t feel back.
Sensei was a hero, an angel. Genos was a demon. He was a monster, a bogeyman, a dragon, that could go chomp chomp and burn up a village. Sensei was a dragon slayer.
He wouldn’t want to date a monster.
…He sure saved Genos a lot though, like he was some kinda princess. He wasn’t a princess. Not even when he got all broken up again, and needed to be eased down from the top of the HA tower. Rapunzel was on top of a tower, but even she could help save herself. She put her hair down. Genos’ hair wasn’t that long.
His spinal chord…maybe that, next time. Maybe he could pull that out and use it. Like they were doing now. It was so tickly, when they got here, even with all the gas in his lungs. It would probably hurt real bad if he was awake. It must’ve wasted a lot of money, this gas. He could’ve been shut down he was sure. His brain could be popped out and put in a bowl to save it, couldn’t it? That would make things easier. It’s not like much would be lost if it didn’t make it.
…Ah, but Sensei wouldn’t have omelets in morning then. He promised, before the sale, they’d make omelets together. Sensei liked cooking with Genos, he did it so much. He couldn’t do that if Genos was dead.
The beeps—the beeps were loud, now. They were like screams—beep, beeeep, beeeeep…
No, that was a real scream. Or just a yell? That was his name, for sure.
Oh, the gas was going. Bye bye, happy gas… Goodbye, happy…
But that…was his voice, and that was happy. Hearing him say his name, so softly, so carefully. No, it wasn’t screaming…how could he have thought that? It was mumbling…it was quiet…
It was warm next to his ear, and sounded like the start of a spell.
Breathe in, breathe out. Breathe in…breathe out…
He was coming out of it. He was sore, and sluggish, but he was in one piece, and there was a hand around his. It held on tight, like he’d vanish or fall.
…Ha, haha. Like the nursery rhyme—Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall. Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
He would wake up soon, he could almost open his eyes. But for now…hearing “Genos?” said so shakily, like that voice would crumble if it wasn’t answered back…
…What was the rest of the rhyme?
…Of all the king’s horses, and all the king’s men…
Only one had made him feel whole again.
Five years he spent hunting the demon down. A quarter of his life, he’d devoted to a constant search. His mind, his body, his humanity—he’d given it all in a sacrifice for a chance at vengeance.
His plea had been ignored.
Of the hundreds of nights he spent hiding in the brush, none of them gave him a clue where it fled. The thousands of hours he spent scanning through reports, not one of them brought him closer to tearing it apart. News of it came less and less, and every month he did not kill it was another dig in the pit in his stomach.
He would search for it—he would always search for it—if anyone would pin it down and rip it limb from limb it would be him—
..but he could no longer ignore the growing suspicion that his mission was doomed from the start.
Leads were scant at the onset of his journey and even rarer as it continued. Then, though, he was too blind with rage to realize the most obvious reason for it—
He was so obsessed with living up to the ghosts of his past that he hadn’t considered he was chasing one of them.
It was never confirmed, as they found no body. For all he knew it could still be out there, burning villages and children and hopes and dreams…but if it was he would have heard of it.
There had been no news for a very long time.
It ate at him like acid, gnawed like a piranha at the nape of neck. If the beast was already dead, then his vendetta had been in vain. His agonizing, his fury, his rage, the years spent training and training and training—
They never brought him anywhere close to the cyborg.
Genos was weak, and he knew that. He had been too weak to protect his mother and father the ways they had protected him, and any courage he had smoldered with their bodies. He was hefted up like a toddler and given a better body, and still it took time for the courage to come back.
Once it did, he proved his stupidity in battle was more than enough to destroy his body again.
When he managed to conquer his stupidity, it was his rashness that beat him.
When he conquered rashness, it was distraction.
When it was not distraction, it was once more that he was simply too weak.
Weak. Weak. No matter how many upgrades he got, no matter how hard he fought, he was always too weak.
…To him.
It was not so to the man he spent his days with.
He would cry out at how fast he moved or marvel at how hard he hit, and in the beginning, Genos thought he was humoring him. How could someone able to level continents think he was at all strong?
But as the months passed by between them, he realized…no, his sensei was telling the truth. He thought his student powerful, despite needing to be carried back from half his battles. He thought him smart and quick and cunning, when he tripped up at least once in every fight.
He thought better of Genos than Genos ever could. He thought he was amazing, extraordinary.
“You’re really awesome,” he told him, or “That was a cool kick,” or “You’re defending yourself real well now!”
“You sounded great on the news,” was another. “Your voice is nice,” was a favorite.
And the one that was hardest to believe, even though Genos knew he meant it more than the rest, “I missed you while you were gone.”
His sensei thought of him, when he was gone. He thought of him enough to want him back.
Genos saw himself as waste of space. He drained time and money and resources, in such copious amounts he could never hope to replace them. In his mind he was a black hole.
But to his teacher…he filled something in him, so much so that he noticed when it slipped away.
That was no small feat. One afternoon the man had confided in him the years he spent alone, feeling hollow and inhuman. He described watching the fire of his emotions shrivel into coals, and the coals settling into grays and blacks. He told him how long he had waited for them to burn again, admitting finally that he’d let them die, and eventually he would die not remembering how they felt blazing inside him.
He pointed to Genos’ core, and said, “But you have a little star in there, so I’m sure you don’t have to worry about it.”
Genos cried then, slick tears of oil, and the black shone with the light from his chest.
His teacher looked confused and Genos thought it was odd, to be so unmoved as he spoke. At a loss he looked up into those great, deep eyes and was swallowed up in the blackness there.
Dark. They were utterly dark…like they’d never held any light at all.
Genos cried harder.
It nagged at him as the weeks passed by, and he did what he could to bring it back. He kept him company at unfamiliar stores, he rented movies when there were snowstorms. During blackouts he would open his shirt, and they would huddle in the corner for warmth, the way he remembered doing when he was young. It had made him feel safe then, and happy. There was some sort of magic in that tiny heat.
He could not tell if was working on his teacher, so he kept on trying.
It was not until that simple greeting that he knew it worked at all. Behind the smile and those three little words, he saw the shine in his deep eyes. It was gentle, yes, and flickering, and still very weak, but the light was strong and steady and his teacher did not seem confused by it.
He shifted to make room at the table beside him right after, and he didn’t seem like he could be more sure of anything in the world.
Saitama was not a deity, or an angel, or even some spirit from another world. He was just a man, who was soft-spoken, who lived a quiet life.
But he had given Genos a home, when he had only had a fortress.
He helped Genos become a hero, when he had only been a monster.
He gave Genos a horizon, when he had only seen a flatline.
Genos gave himself in a blood offering, and his plea for vengeance had been ignored, but…
…his prayers were heard, and received…
…and they had been answered tenfold.
Monsters had not been real before, but they were real now. Children were stolen and eaten in the night. Princesses were killed for no reason at all.
They were all living in one long, extended fairy tale…and that meant there were heroes, too.
There were white knights that struck down ogres, and fairies that could turn puppets into men, if only they were good enough.
Genos had not been good. He had loved his family too much, and let it turn to hate—hate for the world, hate for circumstance. Hate, more than anything, for himself.
He had killed, and let others be killed.
He was the villain in his own story.
…But his was no longer the only story he was part of. He’d been woven into another one, so smoothly he couldn’t find the seam between the two. And whenever stories blend…
….the characters can change.
The big bad wolf becomes the fox spirit, the harbinger of death becomes the mother of sleep.
The bloodthirsty dragon that hunts down villagers becomes the gentle wind spirit that protects a town.
A villain can become a hero, if he shares his story with another.
Especially when that other was a great hero.
Especially when that other saw him as a hero.
Happy endings were not made for the villains and monsters—they were for the good and right, the fighters, the saviors. The ones whose actions screamed loudest on the pages, no matter how quietly they did them.
Saitama was the kind of man that deserved a happy ending.
But Genos…he was a walking war machine, a floating brain in a grave of weapons, one of the demons that was killed before they had a chance to kill everyone else.
Genos knew better than to expect more for himself.
But fables grow. Fairy tales change.
The hard shell of a puppet can turn soft and warm, and a monster can become a man, if his hero is strong enough to rescue him.
Genos’ hero was the strongest of them all. He was a small, soft-spoken man.
And if that man though Genos belonged in his happy ending, well…
…maybe he could have one, after all.
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netunleashed-blog · 6 years
No Man's Sky Next Update's Biggest Changes: Multiplayer, Xenomorphs, Freighters, And More
http://www.internetunleashed.co.uk/?p=21942 No Man's Sky Next Update's Biggest Changes: Multiplayer, Xenomorphs, Freighters, And More - http://www.internetunleashed.co.uk/?p=21942 Hello Games has launched the new update for No Man's Sky, called Next. The free update makes massive overhauls to the game by adding multiplayer, character customization, command freighters, and visual upgrades. Next is the fourth major update to No Man's Sky, following Foundation, Pathfinder, and Atlas Rises. However, it is perhaps the most substantial of them all, and we're continuing to find more and more as we spend more time with it.No Man's Sky originally launched on PS4 and PC in August 2016, and was harshly criticized for a perceived lack of content. Although multiple updates have since expanded the number of activities that players can do, Sony management admits the PR strategy "wasn't great" and No Man Sky designer Sean Murray acknowledged that he made "mistakes."Despite the initial backlash at launch, No Man's Sky's updates have slowly earned the game a growing playerbase. "One day I hope to reach a point where I feel No Man's Sky is 'finished,' but luckily there's still so much more we want to do," Murray said.The major changes in No Man's Sky Next are outlined below, but you can read the full patch notes and bug fixes on No Man's Sky's blog. Though it's not in the patch notes, Murray tweeted out that Next also allows players to command their in-game avatar to sit down--a feature that players have been asking for. Perhaps a few more playful secrets are hidden within the game's newest update. We do now that a new patch is already on the way to fix problems that have emerged, as are weekly updates to keep things fresh. We'll keep you updated as we learn about more.Multiplayer And Character CustomizationMultiplayer is the largest change to No Man's Sky. Though it was never confirmed whether multiplayer would be included prior to launch, many players wished to explore the galaxy with their friends however they wanted. Next adds a lot of the mechanics those players wanted, as well as a few more.You can now join up with random strangers, or team up with a small contingent of friends to construct colonies of small shelters, race exocraft, or engage in space battles against other players. You'll be able to team up with friends right from the start, as the multiplayer extends to No Man's Sky's story and tutorial missions.To help differentiate between avatars, Next adds character customization so that everyone can personalize their in-game appearance. You'll be able to switch up your race and change your outfits too. Depending on the species of your character, you'll even be able to change your hairstyle. Next allows players to be a Gek, Vy’keen, Korvax, Traveller, or Anomaly.Not every player you meet is a friendly face, so when you run into another player in the midst of exploring the stars, it's best to be cautious. Although a stranger could be a harmless passerby or a future ally, Next allows players to prey on others to survive. A collection of ships approaching on the horizon might be a crew of players acting as space pirates who rely on the stolen loot of others.You need a javascript enabled browser to watch videos.Getting Ready for No Man's Sky's Next Update Please use a html5 video capable browser to watch videos. This video has an invalid file format. Sorry, but you can't access this content!Please enter your date of birth to view this videoJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031Year20182017201620152014201320122011201020092008200720062005200420032002200120001999199819971996199519941993199219911990198919881987198619851984198319821981198019791978197719761975197419731972197119701969196819671966196519641963196219611960195919581957195619551954195319521951195019491948194719461945194419431942194119401939193819371936193519341933193219311930192919281927192619251924192319221921192019191918191719161915191419131912191119101909190819071906190519041903190219011900 By clicking 'enter', you agree to GameSpot's Terms of Use and Privacy PolicyenterBuilding And CraftingYou'll be able to invite your friends onto your very own command freighter to tackle challenging multiplayer missions. If you're still having trouble, you'll be able to build and upgrade a whole fleet of frigates, which you can then customize to specialize in combat, exploration, trade, industry, or support.You can use what you've found to build bases, which can now be built anywhere on any planet. You'll even be able to build on top of mountains and beneath the sea. And if you don't like how the terrain is affecting the shape of your base, the improved terrain manipulator allows players to sculpt the planet's surface to their needs. The manipulator can be used to excavate ancient treasures too, which can be sold in the new Space Station Marketplace.There are hundreds of new base parts that allow you to build bases that are larger and more complex so you can construct your perfect hideout. Next also lets players own multiple bases and place teleporters anywhere so travel goes much faster.The resources used to customize your fleet and bases, as well as craft your gear and equipment, have all been reworked and rebalanced. Many of the resources you remember from the original No Man's Sky have received new names and been given completely different uses. Planetary resources have been expanded, and a planet's biome, weather, and classification have a much larger effect on what type of materials you'll find there.To help you excavate the larger amounts of materials you'll discover, the deployable tech used in resource collection can now be easily picked up and carried in your inventory. The improved analysis visor makes it easier to locate terrain resources as well. You can also quickly find your bearings while exploring, thanks to visible latitude and longitude coordinates and the ability to tag points of interest with a marker.MissionsThe opening section of No Man's Sky has been updated with new story elements, as well as a tutorial that teaches you advanced gameplay features. Mission chains help get players started with exploring planets and starting bases.Once past the tutorial, new types of missions are available to complete. Exploring is still at the core of No Man's Sky, but new photography, feeding, freighter attack and defense, archaeology, and hunting missions expand the amount of activities that players can do. Players won't be getting all of their objectives from the same NPC either, as a diverse assortment of random NPCs on different stations offer missions.It Basically Has The Xenomorph From AlienThe update introduces a variety of new enemies to deal with, but perhaps the most terrifying and interesting of the bunch are what it refers to as Biological Horrors. As recounted on Twitter by Xalavier Nelson Jr., this essentially amounts to the Xenomorph from the Alien franchise. It sounds terrifying--and awesome, provided you don't mind dying.There Are Some Drab Planets Out ThereWhile the diversity of the geography you've encountered has changed, and there are many colorful, beautiful planets to explore, the update also adds some that are a bit different--but nonetheless striking. In our time with the update, we came across a planet that was largely devoid of color, almost to the point of being monochrome. You can take a peek at it above. Patch NotesHello Games has released detailed patch notes for Next that outline everything that's changed, including the extreme minutia. Beyond all of the major features above you can see adjustments to controls (like the ability to manually holster the Multi-Tool), the overhaul to space station interiors, bug fixes, and much more.Quality-of-Life ImprovementsWhile something like multiplayer is obviously the big draw of this update, there are smaller but still very appreciated changes and additions that players have been coming across. Case in point: one of the best is a tweak to pulse jumps, which previously would send your ship moving in a straight line. Now, you can use it to follow the curve of the planet you're in the atmosphere of, more or less allowing you to orbit the planet and more easily relocate to a different spot. Galactic AtlasJust prior to the Next update going live, Hello Games launched a new website called the Galactic Atlas. This is essentially a guide to a specific area of the game--the Euclid Galaxy--that Hello seeded but will leave in the hands of players to explore and grow. From the site, you can track the progress of the galaxy, highlight points of interest, and join hubs or factions.New VisualsThe visuals to No Man's Sky have also gotten an overhaul. Terrain generates faster and ground, water, and cloud textures have been upgraded. Ships, NPCs, and buildings have more detail too. No Man's Sky is also now fully playable in both first- and third-person, whether you're walking on the surface of a planet or soaring amongst the stars.Draw distance has been improved so planets appear more dense and a new colour palette paints the forests, oceans, and plains of each world with added vibrancy. The hazardous storms that can spell the doom of smaller aircraft use new biome-specific particle effects to look more dangerous than ever before.Fauna And FloraThe creatures you'll discover on your travels will now act more enthusiastically towards you if you feed them, letting you herd them together. The creatures' AI has also been revamped so they act more intelligently, responding to players they recognize as friendly and fleeing as a group from a perceived danger. Not all of the new animals and plantlife are friendly, however. Keep on the lookout for new hazardous species, as they will kill you if you're not careful.Release Date/TimeNo Man's Sky is available on PS4, PC, and Xbox One. Next is live on all platforms. Source link
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netunleashed-blog · 6 years
The Biggest Changes In No Man's Sky Next Update: Multiplayer, Galactic Atlas, And More
http://www.internetunleashed.co.uk/?p=19051 The Biggest Changes In No Man's Sky Next Update: Multiplayer, Galactic Atlas, And More - http://www.internetunleashed.co.uk/?p=19051 Hello Games has launched the new update for No Man's Sky, called Next. The free update makes massive overhauls to the game by adding multiplayer, character customization, command freighters, and visual upgrades. Next is the fourth major update to No Man's Sky, following Foundation, Pathfinder, and Atlas Rises. However, it is perhaps the most substantial of them all.No Man's Sky originally launched on PS4 and PC in August 2016, and was harshly criticized for a perceived lack of content. Although multiple updates have since expanded the number of activities that players can do, Sony management admits the PR strategy "wasn't great" and No Man Sky designer Sean Murray acknowledged that he made "mistakes."Despite the initial backlash at launch, No Man's Sky's updates have slowly earned the game a growing playerbase. "One day I hope to reach a point where I feel No Man's Sky is 'finished,' but luckily there's still so much more we want to do," Murray said.The major changes in No Man's Sky Next are outlined below, but you can read the full patch notes and bug fixes on No Man's Sky's blog. Though it's not in the patch notes, Murray tweeted out that Next also allows players to command their in-game avatar to sit down--a feature that players have been asking for. Perhaps a few more playful secrets are hidden within the game's newest update. We'll keep you updated as we find them.Multiplayer And Character CustomizationMultiplayer is the largest change to No Man's Sky. Though it was never confirmed whether multiplayer would be included prior to launch, many players wished to explore the galaxy with their friends however they wanted. Next adds a lot of the mechanics those players wanted, as well as a few more.You can now join up with random strangers, or team up with a small contingent of friends to construct colonies of small shelters, race exocraft, or engage in space battles against other players. You'll be able to team up with friends right from the start, as the multiplayer extends to No Man's Sky's story and tutorial missions.To help differentiate between avatars, Next adds character customization so that everyone can personalize their in-game appearance. You'll be able to switch up your race and change your outfits too. Depending on the species of your character, you'll even be able to change your hairstyle. Next allows players to be a Gek, Vy’keen, Korvax, Traveller, or Anomaly.Not every player you meet is a friendly face, so when you run into another player in the midst of exploring the stars, it's best to be cautious. Although a stranger could be a harmless passerby or a future ally, Next allows players to prey on others to survive. A collection of ships approaching on the horizon might be a crew of players acting as space pirates who rely on the stolen loot of others.You need a javascript enabled browser to watch videos.Getting Ready for No Man's Sky's Next UpdateSize:640 × 360480 × 270 Please use a html5 video capable browser to watch videos. This video has an invalid file format. Sorry, but you can't access this content!Please enter your date of birth to view this videoJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031Year20182017201620152014201320122011201020092008200720062005200420032002200120001999199819971996199519941993199219911990198919881987198619851984198319821981198019791978197719761975197419731972197119701969196819671966196519641963196219611960195919581957195619551954195319521951195019491948194719461945194419431942194119401939193819371936193519341933193219311930192919281927192619251924192319221921192019191918191719161915191419131912191119101909190819071906190519041903190219011900 By clicking 'enter', you agree to GameSpot's Terms of Use and Privacy PolicyenterBuilding And CraftingYou'll be able to invite your friends onto your very own command freighter to tackle challenging multiplayer missions. If you're still having trouble, you'll be able to build and upgrade a whole fleet of frigates, which you can then customize to specialize in combat, exploration, trade, industry, or support.You can use what you've found to build bases, which can now be built anywhere on any planet. You'll even be able to build on top of mountains and beneath the sea. And if you don't like how the terrain is affecting the shape of your base, the improved terrain manipulator allows players to sculpt the planet's surface to their needs. The manipulator can be used to excavate ancient treasures too, which can be sold in the new Space Station Marketplace.There are hundreds of new base parts that allow you to build bases that are larger and more complex so you can construct your perfect hideout. Next also lets players own multiple bases and place teleporters anywhere so travel goes much faster.The resources used to customize your fleet and bases, as well as craft your gear and equipment, have all been reworked and rebalanced. Many of the resources you remember from the original No Man's Sky have received new names and been given completely different uses. Planetary resources have been expanded, and a planet's biome, weather, and classification have a much larger effect on what type of materials you'll find there.To help you excavate the larger amounts of materials you'll discover, the deployable tech used in resource collection can now be easily picked up and carried in your inventory. The improved analysis visor makes it easier to locate terrain resources as well. You can also quickly find your bearings while exploring, thanks to visible latitude and longitude coordinates and the ability to tag points of interest with a marker.MissionsThe opening section of No Man's Sky has been updated with new story elements, as well as a tutorial that teaches you advanced gameplay features. Mission chains help get players started with exploring planets and starting bases.Once past the tutorial, new types of missions are available to complete. Exploring is still at the core of No Man's Sky, but new photography, feeding, freighter attack and defense, archaeology, and hunting missions expand the amount of activities that players can do. Players won't be getting all of their objectives from the same NPC either, as a diverse assortment of random NPCs on different stations offer missions.Patch NotesHello Games has released detailed patch notes for Next that outline everything that's changed, including the extreme minutia. Beyond all of the major features above you can see adjustments to controls (like the ability to manually holster the Multi-Tool), the overhaul to space station interiors, bug fixes, and much more.Galactic AtlasJust prior to the Next update going live, Hello Games launched a new website called the Galactic Atlas. This is essentially a guide to a specific area of the game--the Euclid Galaxy--that Hello seeded but will leave in the hands of players to explore and grow. From the site, you can track the progress of the galaxy, highlight points of interest, and join hubs or factions.New VisualsThe visuals to No Man's Sky have also gotten an overhaul. Terrain generates faster and ground, water, and cloud textures have been upgraded. Ships, NPCs, and buildings have more detail too. No Man's Sky is also now fully playable in both first- and third-person, whether you're walking on the surface of a planet or soaring amongst the stars.Draw distance has been improved so planets appear more dense and a new colour palette paints the forests, oceans, and plains of each world with added vibrancy. The hazardous storms that can spell the doom of smaller aircraft use new biome-specific particle effects to look more dangerous than ever before.Fauna And FloraThe creatures you'll discover on your travels will now act more enthusiastically towards you if you feed them, letting you herd them together. The creatures' AI has also been revamped so they act more intelligently, responding to players they recognize as friendly and fleeing as a group from a perceived danger. Not all of the new animals and plantlife are friendly, however. Keep on the lookout for new hazardous species, as they will kill you if you're not careful.Release Date/TimeNo Man's Sky is available on PS4, PC, and Xbox One. Next is live on all platforms. Source link
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