#everyday stuggle
dalandan012 · 7 months
I get up in the morning and i already daydream about going back to bed
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thebubblesareevil · 24 days
UNO Reverse
So we all know Danny is batbait right?? But what if after vlad the fentons have developed a method to combat billionaires trying to adopt Danny.
So the fentons are in Gotham for some reason or another and they refuse the let Danny’s grades slip so they have him at Gotham prep.
Everyone knows Danny’s parents are mad scientists but Tim is really concerned about his new classmate that keeps coming in with new bruises everyday that he barely tries to hide.
He brings it up to Bruce after doing some investigations and Bruce decides to look into it.
Next thing Danny knows he keeps running into different members of the Wayne cult and the batfamily. It takes him longer than he’s care to admit to figure out they were the same people but in his defense he was exhausted from school, helping his parents with their clean energy project and training with fright knight.
That’s also his excuse for why it took him so long to realize they were trying to assimilate him. Once he does realize he starts going out of his way to avoid them, trying his best to keep his parents from finding out but he realizes it’s too late when his mom gleefully hands him a card one night and sends him on his way.
The next time danny encounters Batman he completely ignores his gentle encouragement and promises to protect him as he pulls out the card and throws it at batman.
Danny sighs and says “I’m sorry it’s come to this, but I need you to know you’ve brought this upon yourselves.” He turns and leaves behind a confused bat holding an UNO reverse card.
The next day Wayne manor is invaded by Jack Fenton carrying a stuggleing vlad over his shoulder and a giant tray of fudge in his other hand while Maddie gleefully hugs alfred proclaiming how happy she is to see her family getting bigger while Jazz is dragging Danny in behind her by his ankle while reading a book. Danny is snoring.
The Wayne’s are confused.
When Vlad finally breaks free he gives Bruce a pitiful look and asks if he also tried to adopt Daniel.
Jack then yells UNO REVERSE!! Instead of adopting Danny we have adopted you!!!!
This just popped in my brain so I thought I’d share
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angelfacedelrey · 2 months
Unloved ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
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luke castellan x aphrodite!reader
summary: luke confesses some his stuggles to you, then you confess some of yours to him.
words: 1.7 k
!! MAJOR ed tw !!
a/n: this is just me venting about my ed lol. this is my first fic so please be nice <3
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There was something off about Luke. You could tell the moment you saw him. Even though you’ve only been dating for 4 months now, you know when something is wrong. During the party that the Dionysus kids insisted they threw (for pretty much no reason), he wasn’t his usual smiley and outgoing self. He seemed reserved and quiet. You were outside the dining pavilion talking to some other kids from camp. In the glow of the torches, everyone was laughing and having a good time except for him. You weren't either, but you tried to look like you were. Your arm was wrapped around his as you leaned against him and listened to the conversation, though you couldn’t focus on what they were saying. You kept glancing up at Luke every minute or so to see if he looked any happier (he never did). 
After the conversation fades out, you pull him away to a quiet area and whisper to him, “Luke, are you okay… you seem… off.”
He sighs and looks away for a second before answering, “Let’s talk by the lake.” 
Anxiety grows in your stomach. What could this mean? You just nod as he grabs your hand and takes you to the lake. The water is pitch black in the night and there is a chill in the summer air. He lets go of your hand and looks down to see your face. 
“I’m sorry… there’s just a lot going on right now,” His hand scratches the back of neck as he says this. 
“You don’t have to be sorry, Luke. I’m listening,” you say, as you look him in the eyes and gently grab his hand. “I know it must be hard since Percy and Annabeth went on that quest, I know she was like a little sister to you.”
Nervously, he clears his throat. “Yeah, but, um, it’s not just that…”
“Oh…what is it?”
He sighs and lowers his head, “Look, just promise me that you won’t view me any differently after I tell you this.”
“No, no,” you say hastily, while shaking your head. “There’s nothing you could ever say to me that will make me view you differently, Luke. I’ll love you no matter what, I promise.”
Luke looks you in the eyes again. “Nothing?”
“Nothing,” a reassuring smile grows on your face.
He can’t help but smile with you. He’ll remember that. “Look, it’s just about my dad… Do you ever feel… betrayed by our godly parents?”
Taken aback by the question, you stop to think before answering. “Betrayed how?”
“Like, they just ignore us, like we’re nothing to them. Like we’re not even their children.”
“I-I guess so. I mean I feel like that sometimes.”
“That shouldn’t be how it is, though,” He sighs and keeps talking. “I don’t think Hermes even knows most of his kids. Most of my half siblings have barely met him, if at all. It’s just so… infuriating. He goes around, siring kids, and then sits up in Olympus and just leaves them. I’ve spent my entire fucking life wondering where my father is. Waiting for him to maybe one day come and talk to me or just acknowledge my existence. But, no. I’ve only met him once, because he can’t be bothered to get to know his own fucking kid!” 
For a moment, he runs his hand through his curls and exhales before he continues. “And what I’m about to say might sound… bad…but seeing Percy get claimed just like that after finding out he’s a half blood for, like, what a week? It just intensified everything I felt before… Like some kid just shows up and now he’s loved by everyone and claimed by his father. And yet, I fight everyday and what do I get? Nothing! I’m the best sword fighter in camp, I pray, I give offerings, I’ve done everything right. But it’s still not enough for him… I’m just so fucking tired of these Gods just doing whatever they want and not caring who they hurt…”
After saying all that he turns back to look at you. You're standing there in stunned silence, unsure of what to say. 
“Luke, I… I’m so sorry,” you walk over and give him a hug. He hugs you back and rests his chin on your head. A few silent moments pass as you stay like that. The sound of campers excitedly chatting and partying could be heard distantly behind them. 
“Do you see me differently now?” He asks, quietly.
You pull away, but keep your hands on his arms, gripping him gently. “No, Luke, I really don’t. I told you nothing you say will ever make me view you differently.”
“I know it’s just that… most people would think that I’m… weak for feeling this…”
“Weak?” You look shocked. “How could anyone ever think you’re weak? You’re one of the strongest people I know!” You kiss him softly on the cheek and smile reassuringly causing a slight blush to appear on his cheeks. 
“I understand what you’re saying, trust me. I, of all people, understand what it’s like to do your best to get your parent’s love and praise… and yet, it’s never enough,” You say, trying to give him a sympathetic look.
“You understand?” Luke asks, his face softening a bit. 
“I understand all too well…” You say with a humorless laugh. “I mean, don’t get me wrong, I love my mom, but…”
“Well, y’know with Aphrodite being the goddess of beauty and all…there’s, um, a lot of pressure for us to look a certain way…”
Sighing slightly, Luke brushes a strand of your hair behind your ear. “Is this about… dieting?” He says it carefully, unsure of how to word it correctly. 
“Yeah,” you look away, ashamed to be telling someone this. “I’ve been counting calories since I learned to count. I obsess over every little thing I consume. I eat as little as I can, yet it always feels like too much. I go on runs or swims everyday… and it’s still never enough. I’m never thin enough… I love my mom, but… I can’t help, but feel like she made me start doing this.”
Now it’s Luke’s turn to stand there in stunned silence. “I had no idea… that you’re going through all this. I-I’m sorry, I should’ve noticed.” He thinks back to everyday in the dining pavilion when he’d look over to you at the Aphrodite table and see you playing with your food instead of eating. Or all the times when you’d say you weren’t hungry and would change the subject to anything besides food. Or all the daily runs he’d see you go on. Or, most concerning of all, the quick weight loss. How all your clothes that used to fit, now hang over your body like a shower curtain. Your once cherub-like face became pale and almost gaunt with dark circles under your eyes and a tired expression always. How has no one noticed? How has he never noticed?
You just shake your head and give him a gentle smile. “Luke, it’s okay. I tried my hardest to keep it hidden. Also, my mental state isn’t your responsibility…”
“But I’m your boyfriend,” grabbing your hands gently, he looks at you with a sympathetic expression. “It’s my job to care for you, especially when you’re… sick. Does anyone else know?”
“No,” you shake your head once more. “You’re the first person I told… It’s not a big deal, I’m not even that sick.”
“What?” He says, his eyebrows furrowing together as a shocked expression etches onto his face. “Not that sick? Y/N, you’re starving yourself! That sounds pretty sick to me.”
You just shrug in response.
“How long have you been doing this?”
“Since like,10 or 11. I told you, I’ve been counting calories since I learned to count.”
He stands there quietly for a bit, as his heart sinks. “That young?”
“Yeah,” you respond. 
“If you don’t mind me asking… How many calories do you eat in a day?”
“I-I don’t know,” you lie, you know exactly how many calories you consume, down to the stick of gum you’d chew for a snack. “Like about 400-800…” You try (and fail) to fight back a smile that grows on your face. Despite how unhealthy it is, you can’t help, but feel proud of it. 
Luke, on the other hand, just feels shocked and concerned. “That-that’s nothing… and for so long. Y/N, you need help. You’re killing yourself.”
“I know, believe me, I know… But I can’t stop.” 
He reaches up and cups your face, rubbing circles with his thumbs before kissing your forehead. “I wish you could realize you’re perfect the way you are. I wish you could see yourself the way everyone else does,” he says it softly. “I’d love you, no matter how you look.”
“Really?” You ask, while a blush appears on your cheeks.
“Really,” He says, tenderly grabbing your waist and pulling you close to him. You rest your head against his chest and once again, you stay like that for a while.
Slowly, you pull away and smile softly at him. “I’m getting tired, can you stay with me tonight?... Not to do anything, but just like to… be with me…” You hastily added the last part, but hesitated. Most guys don’t react kindly to you saying you don’t want to do anything.
“Of course,” Luke responds. “But can you do me a favor?”
“Can you try to… eat better tomorrow? Please, just try…”
You hesitate before answering, “I will. I’ll try.”
He smiles brightly, “That’s my girl.” He gently grabs your hand and walks you to Cabin 10.
You spend the rest of the night together in your bed. However, Luke doesn’t get much sleep. 
He holds you close to his chest as you sleep and thinks about everything you had told him. He hates himself for not noticing sooner. But a very small part of him feels relieved. If your mom caused you this much pain, then maybe convincing you to join him in taking down the Gods wouldn’t be as hard as he thought…
He hates himself even more for thinking that.   
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myunghology · 1 year
walk me home — hellovenus
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project sekai boys and how they love.
— akito, toya, tsukasa, rui x gn! reader (seperate) got this idea from a post user @/akiitos tagged me in 🫶🫶🫶 ALSO FASTEST WORK I'VE EVER MADE WITH 4 CHARACTERS? I DID IT IN ONLY AN HOUR
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✦ akito shinonome
he's a bit passive aggressive. but you know he loves you dearly.
he loves by telling you aggressively not to overwork, just because he seems distant doesn't mean he doesn't care about you. and then when you don't, he lightly scolds you, calling you stupid for not listening to him, but even after all that, he still takes care of you.
he loves by looking out for you. telling people to shut up because your sleeping— telling people to fuck off because you're getting uncomfortable and because he knows you're too nice to say anything.
he loves by treating you sometimes with his own hard earned money. akito wants to take you out with his own money. not anyone else's. refuses to buy anything for you unless it's with his money.
he loves by being attentive. you send a chat that you're tired, and he reads it immediately. you might think he ignored you but 7 minutes later he's outside your house with some snacks so he can help you with whatever your dealing with. he walks in before closing the door with the spare key you gave him, going inside your room saying, “i heard someone was stressed.”
he loves by being an asshole. you were so sick of him that you say, “why are you always such an ass to me? what the fuck did i do?” and he replies with “I'm 'such an ass' because I'm in love with you, you fucking dumbass.” that was basically how he confessed.
✦ toya aoyagi
toya is an interesting person, it's hard to tell what he's thinking, but besides that, you still love him.
he loves by being considerate without you asking. one time, he heard you were having difficulties with an exam. so he came over and studied— even if he was tired, he's still considering you. motivating you even though your also tired.
he loves by giving you gifts as appreciation. we all know toya has a habit of literally winning a lot of stuff in arcades, so most of his winnings go mostly to you. you know, your plushies have their own bed now because of him.
he loves by reassuring you with anything and everything. telling you even when you're stuggling, bad times and good times, that he's still in love with you, even in arguments. tells you he'll still love you as you are whenever your too shy. tells you it's okay to make mistakes.
he loves by doing what he dislikes the most just for you. even if you never asked for it. you could say you love piano covers and suddenly he sends you a recording of him playing your favorite song on the piano even though it brings him unpleasant memories, he knows you'd never do something he doesn't like, but he can't help but do it for the person he loves.
✦ tsukasa tenma
tsukasa is a very, very energetic person. which makes him hard to get along with especially if you're an introvert.
he loves by making you smile almost always. how he goes the most goofiest shit just to see you smile. the lengths he goes just to see you happy. wxs calls him a simp, but who is he to deny that? even before you both start dating, his focus is always on you. and saki
he loves by showing you off / flexing you. you just laugh it off, but he really likes doing it. he always goes "oh my god their so amazing how could I get so lucky" etc. people give him weird stares, but he says everything he says is true.
he loves by helping with your social skills. if you're anxious, of course. he isn't afraid to introduce you to his other friends, encouraging you to talk, even if you don't want to, it's okay. he'll talk for you, no problem.
he loves by always spending time with you. he's always with you to the point that when you two are seperated, something went wrong. but really, he's just really busy. even if he is busy, he always makes time for you, checkin up on you everyday, and gets worried when you don't reply.
✦ rui kamishiro
rui is also an interesting person. you question him sometimes, but you still love him.
he loves by flirting with you. will stop if you're uncomfortable of course, but if you aren't, pickup lines are daily. and it isn't those weird cheesy ones. it's the ones that come out of no where. when you say something— he always has a pick up line to say. it's a 6th sense at this point.
he loves by listening to you. when you tell him to eat and stop being picky, he's pouting while eating vegetables. listening to you also means while you're sad. he's all ears. giving advice there and then unless you only want him to listen. and he's greatful that you're willing to share with him.
he loves by always willing to help you with anything. especially with robotics if you take it. he's really smart, you know. but he just.. doesn't use his smartness well if you know what I mean. if you two listen enough in class, then you two are definitely passing.
he loves by always noticing you when you're left out. he sees your trying to talk but other people keep interrupting. suddenly his voice gradually gets loulder when he says "ah wait [name], what were you trying to say?" always considering you even in moments like these, and you always appreciate it.
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©myunghology — all works written are made by ©myunghology. DON'T steal / copy my works. if you do see someone stealing my works, please report them :).
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garbinge · 1 year
Juice Ortiz x F!Reader
Day 20 from these April Prompts: Picnic
Summary: Just a biker picnic gone wrong.
Words: 1.3k words
A/N: First time writing juice and I decided to go a little more fluff heavy which I think made me stuggle with this a little more than I thought so I added in some angst at the end lol. 
Warnings: Mentions of guns, bullets, shooting, blood, wounds, not too much though, but also flulff in the beginning hehe. SOA Taglist: @drabbles-mc @justreblogginfics​
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Normally the scene of hundreds of bikers in the park would turn heads but this was the one time a year where everyone in Charming accepted it. The annual Charming x Redwood fundraiser, food, raffles, contests, all to raise money for Charming schools and recreation. 
The entire Redwood charter was there obviously, but the invite had extended out to multiple charters in the surrounding areas. That’s why the park had been packed with kuttes and bikes. 
You had just laid down your picnic blanket and put out your bag full of snacks that you had bought from one of the concession stands that were set up. You pulled a book out of your bag and were about to sit down when you heard your name being called. Turning, you saw Gemma with her hands full making her way over to one of the raffle tables. 
“I need you to help me set this up.” Gemma called over to you. 
With a deep sigh that you tried to hide well you made your way over. The one ask, turned into many and before you knew it you were all over the little area of the park you were permitted to be on. 
Just as you were setting up a table full of baked goods, you felt hands wrap around your waist. You jumped back out of reflex but you relaxed when you heard his laugh and you moved back into his arms. 
“Hey, I’ve been lookin’ for you.” He squeezed you a little tighter before you turned around in his arms resting your hands on his kutte. “Where ya been?”
“I’ve been around, Gemma asked for my help setting up. I laid out some stuff over there,” You pointed to your blanket that was abandoned near one of the larger trees in the area. 
“You wanna go chill for a bit? I miss you.” His voice was chipper. 
It was true, between your job, the club, and just everyday life things, it had been a while since you just had a moment alone with your boyfriend. 
“I wish I could but Gem’s got me setting this up and then I’m on kid duty.” Your head moved over your shoulder where the swingset was to point towards the group of kids who were running around frantically, climbing on things and making havoc. 
Juice let out a laugh, his hands still wrapped around you. 
“You two go, be in love.” Gemma’s voice alerted from the other side of the table as she placed down more sweets. “I got this and I’ll have one of the girls watch the kids.” 
It was rare that Gemma offered compassion to anyone let alone you. Your brows frowned as you stared at her in question. “You sure?” 
“Yea, I’m sure. Just wrap it up,” Her brows lifted and a smile crept up on her face, “we got enough gremlins runnin’ around right now, don’t need more.” 
The comment earned a chuckle from both you and Juice. He grabbed your hand and led you over to the picnic blanket before Gemma could change her mind. 
Juice made himself at home on the blanket without a second thought, using the tree as a backrest and patting next to him for you to join. Grabbing your book from your bag you plopped down on the blanket, using Juice’s lap as a headrest. His hand came and began to caress the top of your head, causing you to close your eyes for a minute and soak in the affection. 
“Whatcha readin’?” Juice asked, looking down at the book that was now laying flat, open, and down on your chest. 
“Nothing if you keep massaging my head like that.” You hummed still with your eyes closed. 
Juice let out a chuckle and then his face went into confusion. “I’m not sure if that means I should stop or keep going.” His hand had stopped moving now, but it was still on the crown of your head. 
You smiled while grabbing the hand on your head and bringing it to your lips to place a soft kiss to it before picking back up the book. “I got snacks over there, feel free to have at it.” 
Before Juice was able to even think about grabbing a snack, his name was being called by the club. 
“Juicey!” Chibbs’ accented raised voice alerted you both to look over at the group of guys who were in the middle of getting into something. The lot of them were laughing and drinking which made you realize it wasn’t something club related they needed him for, but maybe just as much you missed him they did too. Juice’s smile grew on his face even when he looked back at you. 
“Go.” You rolled your eyes, if you wanted time with Juice you were going to have to plan it later, if he said no to them now, he’d just be called over later. 
“Love you.” He pecked your cheek before getting up and jogging over to the guys, leaving you alone on the picnic blanket. 
You weren’t alone for much longer before you were dragged back over to the life of the party. At least it included the group of guys, you were able to get some time in with Juice even if it wasn’t just the two of you. 
The group of you stood as you played some version of cornhole in the middle of the park, you had so many drinks that it had turned into some form of soccer and cornhole combined. 
“Come on, Tiggy, toss it over.” You called out as Juice stood behind you blocking the cornhole board as Tig kicked the bean bag over with a laugh. Before the bean bag reached halfway over to you, there was a loud popping noise causing pretty much everyone around you to get alert. That was until the popping continued and it sounded almost like cracking. There wasn’t a chance for you to get a glimpse at what was happening because Juice was moving on top of you. His arm moved over your body and he pushed you to crouch down as he blocked you from the outside world. 
Bullets. His actions made you realize you were being shot at. Some of the guys were quick to respond by shooting back while others were quick to protect the innocents around them. Juice being one to come to your protection without second thought. Your heartbeat rose as your body thumped against the ground, Juice’s body heat against your back being the only thing to bring you any sort of security or comfort until the shooting stopped.
“Holy shit, you alright?” He spoke directly to your ear as he was crouched around you. 
“Yea, yea. I’m fine.” You were now standing up with him as he checked you over eagerly, not realizing your shoulder got clipped. “Next time, let’s just have a picnic by ourselves.” You joked while a part of you was being serious. 
Juice’s eyes went wide as they zoned in on your shoulder that was leaking blood out of it slowly, nothing fatal but enough to be a cause for concern. 
“Yea, good idea.” Juice quickly used his gloved hands to apply pressure to your wound which is when the reality of everything set in and the adrenaline wore off. Your face filled with worry and scrunched up in pain. His eyes met yours and while his expression was filled with worry too, it was also filled with determination.
“Hey, once we get this cleaned up, I’m takin’ you on the best fuckin’ picnic you ever had.”
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faulty-writes · 1 year
Hihi! A little borb told me you were open for requests :D Can I request headcannons of Iida and Kirishima with an s/o with huge antlers and their everyday stuggles like ducking so their horns wont hit the doorframe, trying to clean places they can't reach and randomly puts stuff on their horns that shouldn't be there-
Also P.S. i'm one of ur older followers :))))) I still remember u and your iida works baby gorl-
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[ Hello, Hello! Thank you for being a follower! I appreciate the support! Ironically this request makes me think of Beastars. The manga was pretty good, but the ending to it sucked. Anywho, this request sounds adorable. I actually got sidetracked with Eijirou gifs when I was making his banner, he's just too damn cute! ]
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Life was difficult for you because of your huge antlers. Frankly, you never thought anyone would want to befriend you, let alone be romantically involved with you. Tenya, however, saw your antlers as unique and whenever you found yourself in trouble because of them, he was always there to help.
"Um, sorry I didn't, hold on!" you groaned in embarrassment when one of your antlers became entangled in a string of garland outside Class A's door. "Please allow me to assist!" Tenya pleaded, naturally he treated you with more protection than others.
When Tenya found you stuck beneath the desk in his room, he said, "May I inquire as to what happened?" You groaned out of embarrassment. "I was just trying to clean your room for you!" He smiled and kneeled in front of you. "You do not have to do such things to show your appreciation. I admire and adore you regardless," he said before helping you get unstuck.
"May I ask what is on your antlers?" You knit your eyebrows, "Huh?" As you reached up, you felt one of the many plastic circles hanging from your antler spikes. "Oh, Bakugou likes throwing things at my antlers occasionally," you replied shrugging, but Tenya crossed his arms clearly annoyed. "I believe I will have to speak to him. This is not amusing nor appropriate behavior to engage in during class." Of course, he wouldn't stand for anyone bullying the one he loved.
"There we are," he stated, having finished wrapping medical tape around your head. He knew your antlers shed every year, and that it was a bloody scene when they did. Naturally, he provided you with minor first-aid assistance. "Are you well?" he asked with loving concern. You frowned in response and carefully rested your head on his shoulder. It was uncomfortable not to have your antlers and during the months it took for them to grow back, you sought physical comfort from Tenya which he welcomed.
"Perhaps we should try an alternative method," Tenya stated when he noticed you struggling to lie down on the grass like your classmates. "Lie on your back and place your head on my lap," he instructed, and though you were a little embarrassed since he had rules about public affection you did as he said and gasped when you could finally see the sky and the clouds that passed by. Tenya smiled, enjoying the sight of your happiness and childlike wonder.
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You'd always remember the question, "How on earth did you two get stuck like that?" when you met Eijirou for the first time during a training exercise. Due to his skin-hardening quirk, your antlers got caught, so you were stuck together, but you also remember how he made you laugh to ease your embarrassment.
"Uh, babe what do you have on your-" he paused when he realized bright festive string lights were wrapped around your antlers. "Is it a holiday?" Kaminari asked in confusion, and you shrugged. "No, I just wanted to do something different," you replied, walking past him and Eijirou to your seat. "What does that mean?" Kaminari asked, turning to the redhead who shrugged. "That's just my adorable antler babe for you!" He replied with a toothy grin.
"See now you have your own horns, just like me!" he announced, poking one of the hair spikes on his head. Your antlers had just shed as they do every year, and as usual, you were miserable until they regrew a few months later. Eijirou would always comfort you during this time. Although your hair was sticky from all the gel, you couldn't help but appreciate his efforts.
"Yeah, we did it, babe!" Eijirou screamed, standing among the debris of the wall you had just busted through. While he used his quirk, you used your antlers. He turned, ready to give you a high five when he gasped, noticing one of your antler points had broken in half. Naturally, he tried to help and ripped off a piece of his costume to wrap around the broken part of your antler. "There you go! You're still beautiful babe!"
"Whoa, watch out!" he said, placing his hand on the back of your head to guide you to duck when you entered the room. "Oh um...thanks?" you said, assuming it was the hero in him trying to help. "Well, it wouldn't be very manly if I wasn't looking out for my number one babe!" he replied, but you knew he tended to worry whenever he saw you hit something with your antlers even more so when they happened to get stuck on something.
If there was one thing, he loved doing it was kissing you. This was especially true when the two of you were in his room and he was lying on the bed with you sitting next to him. "Hey babe," he said, catching you off guard when you turned, which gave him the chance to pull you down by your antlers and into a much-needed kiss.
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choruscuro · 9 months
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it's rekrap2's world and we're all just living in it
day 7 of no name tober: prompt: forest
it's the wither fight at the edge of the spruce forest i didn't rly knpw what to do with the prompt but had to continue it just cuz
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version before adding the extra lighting and stuff
und speed punit (i stuggled with the pose for so long man)
anyways day 20 of drawing rekrap everyday
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itsmoonlxtte · 11 months
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alyssa robert 21 | lesbian | model | lives in uptown san myshuno | net worth 20mil
alyssa grew up in chestnut ridge on a farm with 3 horses. her mother was an interior designer and her father was a veterinarian. alyssa always wanted to live in a big city and become a model. after high school she packed her bags, hugged her parents and followed her dreams. her parents would call her everyday to see how her go-sees were going and she was stuggling. she struggled for awhile until her agent got a call from dior to do a runway show. after that she ended up working with a ton of high fashion lines. she never thought this would all happen so fast (within 2 years of living in san myshuno) but she wouldn't change anything that's happen.
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softbobamilktae · 2 years
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Pretty Girl
Pairing: Idol!Taehyung x Model!OC
Genre: fluff
Word Count: 2.8k
Warnings: body insecurities...like a lot of them, and probably slightly suggestive? They directly mention sex at one point idk
Summary: Zelda's stuggling with liking herself again, and Tae makes it his personal mission to make her feel better. Cue twenty minutes of him just loving on her.
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Some days, time seemed to tick by slowly when Zelda sat at home.  She was used to the crammed and busy hours of the modeling workday, so the single task of taking care of a household – or condo, in this case – was simply hard for her to get used to.  Dinner didn’t take all day to make, so what was she supposed to do with her time?  Most of the rest of the girls worked or were otherwise busy taking care of their own places, and in the case of Astrid, she still lived on the other side of the world.  So, what was Zelda to do with her time?
On top of all of this, she had two burdens hanging over her head.  She’d gained weight, which despite what Tae told her, she was still mightily insecure about because of how she’d been chastised for it before.  Despite this, she still wanted to model.  She missed modeling.  It fed some innate hunger in her for positive attention, and in the years she’d spent in the industry, she’d concluded that the only way to do that was through her looks.
It was silly, really.  She had lots of friends who adored her, but every time she made a new friend, she feared they’d leave her.  Even Tae.  She knew deep down that she’d found some real friends, but it had been a long time running that she’d been told she was too ‘odd’ to be friends with.  She’d tried to dial down her personality for a while, but she’d realized that felt worse than people telling her she was weird.  So, she was back to square one.  The fear of losing friends while simultaneously being unwilling to sacrifice herself.
On the bright side, clothes could always mend an aching heart.  For her, at least.  That didn’t really mean buying clothes, though.  It meant going to all the high-end stores and trying things on just because she could.  Of course, she could’ve bought them, but she’d always been a bit of a nitpick when it came to clothes she’d actually wear.  Sure, she’d model clothes of all sorts, but when it came to everyday life, there was a very small selection of things she felt comfortable in.
This only meant one thing – Tae’s phone was always pinging with new photos she’d taken in the dressing room.
“Hate the texture, but it’s pretty at least.
“I wouldn’t wear this out of the house, but maybe for you?” paired with a winking emoji.
“I might buy this one.  Pretty flowers, right?
“I think this one would look better on you, honestly.
“Date night?
“This one says I’m stealing your jacket by the end of the night.
“I hate sequins.  Hate.
“I think this one would look better over a swimsuit than as an actual dress?
“Again, stealing your jacket.
“What do you think of this one?”
Tae smiled after picking up his phone and scrolling through all the messages.
“You look pretty in all of them, sweetheart.  Are you going to buy any of them?”
“I bought four of them.  The price tag on the last one made me want to cry, but it was too pretty.”
“You shopping for that photoshoot we talked about doing?”
“Haha…no.  I got bored this afternoon.  I’m running out of time-consuming dishes to make.”
“I see.  We need to have a baby soon so you have less time on your hands.”
“I’m kidding.  Unless…?
“I’m coming home in half an hour.  We have a date with my camera, ok?”
Zelda grinned at her phone.  He was so persistent.
“Ok.  See you then.”
There was something different about being styled when your husband was the one pinching at your sides and setting his hands on your shoulders to turn you towards the mirror, but Zelda wasn’t sure what was so different about it.
“All right, what do you think?  Pretty enough to walk the runway?”
Zelda grinned at her reflection in the mirror. “Definitely.  I don’t recognize this dress, though?  Where did you get it?”
He shrugged, pulling his tie off as he walked towards their closet. “I bought it on my way home.  I thought I should pick something out for you to wear if we’re going to do an actual photoshoot.”
“Oh,” Zelda breathed before looking at herself in the mirror again.  The man had great taste.  It was a mostly white dress, and it was flowy in all the right places while still keeping her shape. “It covers my belly well.”
Tae popped his head out of the closet and looked over her frame. “You’re right.  It does.  I erred when picking that out, then.”
She laughed, a bit embarrassed. “What do you mean?”
“Well, I think your stomach is cute.  I shouldn’t have bought something that hid it so well.”
He stated it as if it were something obvious, and then he went back to digging through their closet for his own outfit.
“Tae, I told you before that you don’t need to lie to me.” Her voice dropped to a whisper. “It’s ok….”
“Of course, I don’t.  I’m not going to lie to you and say that I don’t like how soft your belly is.  I’m not going to say that you don’t make the best pillow and that I don’t enjoy just patting your stomach.  Didn’t you tell me once that you liked it better when I didn’t have abs?  So why should it be any different for me?”
She hummed. “I don’t know.  I just don’t particularly like the way I look, so I don’t see how you do either.”
He emerged from the closet a moment later, pulling his shirt on as he did so. “I find you very attractive.” He came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist, resting his head against hers. “Look at that pretty girl in the mirror.  Those pretty eyes.  This pretty nose,” he tapped her nose. “And these pretty lips.” He kissed her cheek, being in such a position that he couldn’t kiss her on the lips.  He poked her sides next. “And look at this pretty body.  I know girls who would love to have your body.  There’s something here for me to hold onto, too.” He squeezed her waist then. “What’s not to love?”
She smiled shyly at him. “I….”
“Sweetheart, I don’t understand what you don’t like here.”
She shrugged. “I dunno.  Everything?  My chest is too big, my hips are too wide.  You already know I don’t like my stomach.”
He leaned closer to her, this time nibbling on the shell of her ear. “And I’m sure you know how much I like that you’ve gained weight.  You weren’t eating enough before, sweetheart.  That’s why you were so tiny.  And that’s not good.  You know that, right?”
She nodded hesitantly, tears biting her eyes.
“Don’t you remember how bad you felt then?” He nuzzled his nose in her hair, doing his best to not sound like he was chastising her. “You were always crying.  You didn’t feel good, I know you didn’t.  Was that really worth it to have that body?”
“No,” she admitted quietly.  She was staring at the floor now as she played with her fingers. “I like how much better I feel now.”
“Mhm.  I bet you do.  Anything else you’ve noticed has changed?”
She shrugged. “I’m happier now.”
“Are you?”
She nodded. “Part of it is because I don’t feel so lonely anymore, but most of it is because I’m not starving all the time.”
“Do you enjoy that?”
“Another thing?”
She cleared her throat, still avoiding eye contact with him. “It hurts less to sit down.”
He chuckled quietly. “It hurt before?”
“Yeah.  I didn’t have enough cushioning….”
“Anything else?”
She hesitated. “I don’t know.”
“That’s ok.  Can I ask another thing?”
She glanced up at him in the mirror. “Yeah.”
“How do you feel about your looks now?”
She settled her eyes on her own figure this time, and she had to admit how warm inside it made her feel to have Tae cradling her against his chest, no matter how embarrassed she was that he had to have this conversation with her.
“I…can you talk about what you like again?”
“You name something you like first.”
“Um…I have pretty arms?”
He nodded, reaching up to squeeze one of said arms. “You do.”
“You say something now,” she requested quietly.
“Hmm…” his fingers ghosted over her body as they traveled up and down for a few moments.  Finally, he settled his fingers against her stomach and wiggled them ever so softly, making her squirm. “I still think your belly is so pretty.” He smiled. “Ok.  Your turn again.”
She settled her hands over his to keep him from tickling her again as she considered herself.
“My hair is nice.”
“Oh, it definitely is.” He buried his nose in her hair again. “Such pretty curls you have here.”
She giggled.
“I know you said you don’t like your chest…but I like it.” He lowered his voice. “A lot.”
She poked at his hands that were still settled around her waist. “You just like squishing me, don’t you?  I see your goal here.”
He grinned. “You caught me.  I like having a soft and squishy wife.” This prompted more waist squeezing from those fingers of his. “Ok.  You’ve gotta say something else you like now.”
She sighed. “Do I have to?”
“Ok, ok, ok.  Fine.  Um.” She stared at herself for a long spell of time, this time taking notice of the things that Tae had pointed out.  She had to admit that while she didn’t like them, she did like how much he did.  It felt so right for him to enjoy those parts of her that she wasn’t even upset that they were there anymore.
She finally cleared her throat. “I like my eyes.”
He nodded, as if her observation had been the most obvious one in the world. “Another one now.”
She pouted. “You’re not going to say one?”
“Nope.  I need you to say another one first.”
She seemed slightly agitated by this, furrowing her eyebrows as she stared at herself again.  A few moments passed before she shook her head. “I don’t know, Tae.”
“Ok.  Just look at yourself as a whole.  You’re pretty, right?”
“I…am.” She reasoned finally. “Just…not as pretty as I feel like I should be.”
“What can we do to fix that?”
“Makeup…would help.”
“Would it?”
She nodded, feeling less insecure about her body now and more about her face.
“And after we fix that, will we need to fix something else?”
She hesitated. “I don’t know.  I…I don’t think I’m going to be 100% happy with myself by the end of the day no matter what we do, Tae.”
He hummed, resting his lips against the crown of her head. “How about we stop looking in the mirror for now, then?  We can head out and take some pictures, and I can do all the looking at you.”
She smiled softly. “Ok.  I think I’d like that.”
She loved it even more than she’d expected to.  Tae, ever her hype man, was convinced that she looked absolutely stunning from every angle, and despite the fact that she knew she’d disagree with him once she saw the photos, she let his words make her feel good anyways.
Before they left, she’d insisted on taking a few of him, too.  He was always gorgeous, especially today with all the kind words he’d fed her heart.  Maybe she needed a little something to remind her someday of everything he’d said today.
“See, look at that one,” he grinned, showing her one of the photos he’d taken as they walked back to their car. “Stunning.  It’s a wonder how I got to marry someone so beautiful.”
And she had to admit…she absolutely glowed in the photo.  He’d been saying something to her when he’d taken the photo, she knew that much.  Whatever it had been, it had made her light up like the noonday sun.  She had the biggest grin on her face, and the lighting was doing her all sorts of favors.
Tae grabbed her hand and swung it as they walked along. “This is fun.  We should do this more often.” He glanced down at her. “I especially love having you as my muse.”
She smiled, her face flushing.  She didn’t even know what to say to everything he was saying today.  He was just full of sweet things to say today, and it was making her bones melt.  She knew how amazed he was that he’d gotten to marry her, but she felt even more privileged than he.
The compliments didn’t stop once they got home that evening.  They’d run out of time to make dinner, so the two of them sat on the couch eating takeout.  He’d insisted that she sit on his lap while they ate despite how this complicated things, and then the two of them had headed to their bedroom just to lounge around for the night.  The two of them had ended up in barely any clothes as they prepared for bed, and this led to even more compliments spilling from Tae’s lips.
“Look at this pretty tummy.” He buried his face against said tummy.
She giggled, rubbing her fingers over his scalp. “I love you, Tae.”
He grinned, turning to look up at her. “I love you too.” He patted her hip.
“You’re very touchy today.”
“Well, my wife is feeling insecure about her body, and I need to let her know that I think it is a very pretty body.”
“You think so?”
He gave an “mhm” that sounded more like a purr, making her giggle again. “What do you think about making a baby tonight?”
“I dunno, Tae…do we really need one of those right now?”
“I think so.  I’m looking forward to a miniature you running around our place.  We’ve gotta have someone to fill these bedrooms.”
She laughed. “I think the likelihood of any of our babies looking like me is very low.”
“Nah.  If we have enough of them, surely at least one of them will look like you.”
“I don’t know about that.”
“We won’t know until we try.”
This earned another laugh from her. “Do you actually want to make a baby, or do you just want to have sex?”
He clearly had already thought about this, because his answer was immediate. “Both.”
“I see how it is.”
The two of them were silent for a few moments before Zelda spoke again. “Thank you for today.  You made me feel a lot better.”
“Did I?”
“Mhm.  You made me feel very pretty today.  I haven’t felt that way in a long while.”
“Really?” he asked, frowning. “I need to compliment you more often, then.”
She shook her head. “It’s ok.  Today you just…it was so nice, Tae.  Thank you.”
He lifted his head off her stomach before climbing to the top of the bed so that he could lean over her.
“You know I always think you’re beautiful, right?”
She stared up at him. “I know.  You’ve made that very apparent, even if not with words.”
“Good.  I always want to make sure you know.  I married such a pretty girl; I can’t just let her forget how pretty she is.”
She reached up and cupped his face in her hands, rubbing her thumbs over his cheekbones. “And I married the most darling man.” She was close to tears now. “You make me feel so adored, Tae.  Thank you.”
He grinned and pressed a gentle kiss to her lips. “You don’t need to thank me.  You’re so easy to adore.”
That was all it took to get the tears flowing. “Am I?”
“Definitely.  You’re the most adore-able person in the world.”
She grinned widely, trying to ignore the tears streaming down her temples.  He reached up and brushed one of those tears away before tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear.
“You’re so, so pretty.  I don’t know how someone didn’t snatch you up before me.”
“None of them were you,” she replied simply. “No one wanted me, but you did.  You wanted the grumpy girl who would barely talk to you.”
“Of course,” he nodded. “You were the one girl who didn’t put on a show for me.  You were just you, no matter who I was.”
She smiled, pulling him in for another kiss. “You wanna make that baby now?”
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This is part of the Dad!BTS series that can be found here
A/N: and hence…Zoro was born. Ahahaha I spent like 98% of this fic melting into the carpet so excuse me while I go attempt to reform myself or however you treat melted candle wax.
It would be greatly appreciated if you reblogged the story if you liked it!
Taglist: @jiminie-and-his-pinky-finger @jinnie-forthe-winnie @thornedswan @kookstempo @fly-you-dam-fools @aianloveseven @armys-dna
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schizopositivity · 2 years
Do you have any tips for taking meds for people who struggle with that?
im thinking of this question in three different ways, like do you struggle to physically swallow pills, struggle with the concept of taking them, or struggle to remember to take them? im not sure so ill do all three
for physically taking pills this is something i used to struggle with a lot, and honestly it just takes practice, just put the pills in your mouth and drink water and try to swallow as quickly as possible, the longer you wait the harder itll be, i still gag sometimes when i take my pills but its definitely gotten better with practice
for stuggling with the concept of taking pills i always think "how would things be if i wasnt on anything?" and that for me was the worst time of my life, the psychosis ruled my life, and if taking a few pills every day can help that im willing to do it, even if it wasnt super terrible but just scary, or annoying those are still great reasons to not be in that headspace again, and remember these meds have been proven in clinical trials to help, they are supposed to help you function, not for anyone else but yourself, so you can have a slightly easier time, and if you really think the meds arent helping or are making things worse, please talk to your perscriber, its their job to know these things and make adjustments or changes accordingly
for remembering to take your pills phone notifications are youre friend! alarms or calendar notifications work wonders, or if youre like me i get a notification from my mood tracker app at 8pm and then i take my night pills right after so i can give them time to make me sleepy before bed, if you dont want your phone telling you what time to take them, sync up your med time with activities you already do everyday, like have your morning meds with your coffee or breakfast, or take your night meds after you change into your pjs, or anything else you do daily at around the same time as you take your meds
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theperfectrose · 2 years
She found him!! ❤️
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I'm not crying 😭😭
I... I'm speechless. I always loved this anime and I didn't know why. At first, I thought it was the art style - simple yet so so vibrant, with colors that somehow blended perfectly together yet gave contrast that captured my attention and simply mesmerized me. Then I thought it was the stories - each episode a new tale that was even more heartbreaking than the previous, all a mix of, well, life - everyday life. Then I thought, "Oh the music is so nice and the rhythm perfectly hits on each scene and moment, right when you need to feel it the most."
But after watching this movie I know it's all of the above and more. Violet... The constant search for love, for that small piece of her heart that she knows, despite everything (war, bloodshed, daily stuggles of post-war life...), it's somewhere out there, still beating. The faith that even when pushed away, it's still beating. The growth of one thought to be just a simple weapon to something extraordinary, someone that everyone turns to for help... The underlying depiction of loyalty, love, emotions, feeling... And all neatly tucked away behind the hardships of life, thousands of which we could see today, but all "solved" in such a simple manner... A letter... It got me thinking, we're so fast to dismiss everything, to let it all slide through our fingers. And it's always too late when we become aware of it.
"If I can't say it in words, maybe I can say it in a letter."
This just held so much power to me and I can't explain it (shortly) for dear life!
I don't know, this just made me a mush of everything and despite writing all of this I still don't give the anime nor the movie justice 😅 Just watch it and you'll understand.
And to the ones that created it, hats off and thank you!
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sapphos-darlings · 2 years
So, for context: my father used to give me hell over the probability of me being gay and over the fact that I look like a dude. I've been fighting against this nonsense for many years, but as I just started winning, I feel like giving up and becoming normal.
Finding out that I'm gay and not bi is already too much for me. Obviously, I cannot change that. But I want to be normal in at least one aspect in my life. Yes, unisex and masculine clothing make me euphoric. I'm at my best mood when I look like that. However, I'm not gonna die if I try to apply some makeup or put on something more feminine. The downside is if I do, guys might start checking me out. I know that in a few years I'll probably move out, so this advantage won't matter, but at least I'll cause less suspicions for my family and I'll look more like my favorite alternative character. Recently, while looking at myself in the mirror, I got flashbacks to what I heard and it completely messed me up. Yes, I'm winning the fight for my preferences, but at what cost? I do not feel like a winner, I hate myself for being tomboyish/soft butch and I feel like a stubborn teenager who was arguing over nothing (I'm in my mid twenties). I just wish I could be normal in at least one aspect of my life. Sure, I may hate wearing all that, but it won't kill me to switch things up. I'll look cute, my family will leave me alone and I'll get to look like one of my favorite characters. Everybody wins, so what's holding me back?
Hello, Anon!
Ah, I relate to your stuggles. I too grew up gender-nonconforming, I'm to this day pretty regularly mistaken for a man despite what I wear, and I'm also a lesbian. That is indeed a lot. I understand how it can feel like "too much".
But this is not all you are. You are focusing on your looks and your sexuality a lot here, and for a good reason. You are right, they do affect our lives drastically, and not the least because other people - even those closest to us, such as family - have their own strong opinions and may even judge us solely for those aspects. You write that you wish at least one aspect of you could be normal, and that certain clothes make you feel "euphoric". You use very strong words for these feelings and experiences, but at the same time you feel like giving up.
So what's holding you back? Probably your self-respect. Because even though you're tired and feel this immense pressure, you still want to act loving towards yourself. You have struggled a lot and want it to get easier, of course you do. But I think that deep down you know who you are, and you know you deserve better, and you want to protect these personal, valuable parts of you.
It's very normal to have strong emotions about subjects this close to your heart, things that are so personal, and things that you have put a lot of energy into. You have been through a lot. People you should have been able to trust and rely on to protect you have not done that, but instead caused you pain. You have fought for yourself for a long time. I'm sorry for all the pain you have endured, but very happy that you are here today.
As a woman pushing thirty, I have good news to you: It gets better with age. Things get easier. You are in your mid-twenties and you are looking towards an independent future. I think at least some of your "giving up" feeling is just you are growing out of old pains.
You are so much more than your sexual orientation and your clothes. I know it's a lot to take in and come to terms with, but you can take babysteps. Ground yourself first, solve small problems, take on everyday challenges, do simple things that make you happy. Maybe you are not a confident butch lesbian in perfect harmony today, but you are you every day of your life, no matter what. Maybe tomorrow you are someone who simply does her best, works on silencing negative self-talk, and separates opinions of others from your sense of self worth. Then the day after that, you do it again.
You said you wish you were normal in at least in one aspect of your life, and you definitely are. There's more to you than these two things, and I would bet that you have basic interests, basic hobbies, ordinary worries and beautiful, wonderful hopes and dreams that many people share with you. You might feel hyperaware of some things, but I promise you, those are not be all end all.
Now, actual concrete advice for changing your situation: How can you change your circumstances? You need a long term plan of how to get on your own. Have you made plans to go to school? Or to work? How about move out on your own? What you might need is a step-by-step plan with short-term goals leading up to your big target goal. Have you thought of a profession? Do you have one? How about living on your own, or perhaps with roommates in order to cut costs? Maybe you need a job now and a saving plan to get enough money to do it. Research is your friend, and online you are bound to find people who have been through something similar, and resources on how to get out of difficult family situations.
Meanwhile, focusing on your hobbies, interests, school work, job, friend group activities, whatever you have in your life or you are interested in having, would divert your family's attention too. The very least those will keep you out of the house.
Also, company and friendship of women like you is the balm to your emotional wounds. Seek out other butch and gender non-conforming women, however you can. IRL would of course be the best, but online communities can be just as wonderful and giving, and perhaps more easily available.
Sure, you wouln't die of some mascara, but giving yourself away piece by piece doesn't mean that everybody wins, it means you lose. You are worth so much more than that. You are special.
I wish you all the good luck and strength! Don't give up.
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alexthedragon190 · 2 years
[Day 21]
(From my pespective, I'm late as heck with this one...)
So far I tried to keep the story relatively accurate to canon, but when I was thinking about this day, I was like "okay... you know what? I give up. there's not way I can make it fit with the rest!"
So you know what? Screw this! This one is only a speculation of what that situation could look like.
Alexees seems to be uncomfortable. Public is the worst. So. Many. People. Literally anyone may at this moment just be creeping at her... and you know... observing everything she does. Thoughts like that make her feel exposed and judged. It's not nice, but she just has to ignore them as much as she can...
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Egg doesn't seem bothered. I guess it's a short break form everyday stuggles for her. You know, one of those little, refreshing moments of peace to enjoy.
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drakinq · 9 months
I’m letting myself stay in this rut by not doing anything. I just moved into Dianas crib and its taken me a minute to adjust. I’m upset because I feel myself getting comfortable again. I have off work the next three days and I feel like I still haven’t done anything I wanted. I stayed on the phone all day knowing damn well I needed to get gym and try to make a better day than yesterday but it all went south when my AirPods died and I decided to get food instead. I went hoe and just told myself I’m going to work on the things I’ve been trying to get done for days, i.e. checking in with my goals now that I have a free place to live for the next couple months. I’m not tired, I’m not sick or stressed, I’m just lacking the discipline I need to do the things I say I’m gonna do. I keep saying everyday that it’s gonna be different and then finding myself stuggling with the same shit I’m always doing i.e, waking up in the AM. Waking up early is so important to all that I do because it gives me the max amount of time to have a full day, whenever I get the ball rolling by 10AM, the morning is I should be setting myself up for the rest of the day. So tonight I’m gonna go over my goals and everything and hit the hay early so I can actually wake up. I really have a great opportunity here to get myself together in every way that I want. I have no real bills, a stable place to stay, free dance training and , transportation and a good job. I really want to show up everyday as a hard worker deserving of this. This is not to kick how hard I’ve been working but the life I want requires more effort. I honestly believe I can give that too. I’m not letting up on myself or letting myself off easy, I came out here and set myself up perfectly to rebuild and reprogram my mind and that’s exactly what I’m gonna do. The rest of the evening will consist of a goodbody stretch and putting my current goals in the forefront of my mind. Not much else I want to say. Now that I’m fully moved in and getting the brainwork and mental set up, I’m giving myself one more day off, (tomorrow) to fully show up for myself all day and do the things I said I would do meaning, having a morning routine, going to the gym, making lunch, making it to training on time, filming some content and ending the night in a good routine that sets me up for work tomorrow.
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scp-527 · 1 year
I often stuggle with getting enough food and getting enough vitamins everyday
my multivitamins probably don't cut it
I take one-a-day because they taste the best, but I'm pretty sure with how limiting my diet is, I'm still missing some stuff
I've been eating a lot of quesadillas lately only because I found out how cheap they can be, but I need to start expanding my diet
catch me researching this stuff during work tomorrow
0 notes
to my three great loves.
JP: You taught me how to love. You were my first love, my hardest goodbye. The one who taught me what truly loving someone meant. We laughed together and cried together.. hell we planned our future together. You got me high and made sure i felt safe. You are the first person to show me physical intimacy. We were each others first. You were also the first person to break my heart. You were my first.
JV: You gave me reason to keep going. You made me feel like it was okay to be stupid and silly and to chase my dreams. You supported me through hair school. We went through all the stuggles a couple possibly could. We got to expirence a lot of life together. Almost 8 years. You taught me to see the beauty in the small things. You made me a mommy to our two little ones. We knew each other better than we both knew ourselves. We were intertwined in every aspect of our lives. You knew how things would make me react, and what could calm me down. But oh how did you make me hate my own reflection. You disrespected my body, my soul. I wasn't perfect but you were far far from that. You were my toxic soul tie. You were my longest.
CP: You are what I waited all my life to find. See, it's funny because no great love story starts off easy. We were... "friends." Need I say more. I've known you the least amount of time yet it feels like the lifetimes we've coincided have been a million and one. I don't have to mask around you. It's so strange because you met me at a time where I had felt the most confident and so much more like myself, yet somehow you now know the me that I was before I healed. I am working everyday to be the best version of myself. I hate that you have seen the worst of me. I hate that I've become so riddled with sadness and grief that it comes out in anger toward those I love most... to you. If our love isn't strong enough to make it then this will be my last attempt at having that "one." You have allowed me to be whoever I feel I need to be. You have shared so many giggles and tears with me. You have made me feel seen and heard and loved. You have encouraged me to truly be myself. You have wanted me to break down my walls and let you in...I'm sorry if you've knocked down a few bricks from that wall and not liked that ugly that was concealed on the other side. I am trying to replant these rotted roots and pray to god that something beautiful from that will blossom. You have a lot of love to give, and so do I. Yet somehow we have found ourselves only giving that love to each other. For now. I hope forever. You are my last.
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