#everyone is so protective of their media that they don't allow people to have differing opinions
little-green-lies · 1 year
I can't believe you think they're treating Choni badly this season or that they have bad storylines and especially that they painted Toni as a villain in 708 when she was simply finally granted some perspective and they tackled an issue with their own writing that always plagued Choni back in the high school days, to show how much they've matured. Their content this season is nothing short of excellent.
Okay this is the second time I'm typing this because Tumblr glitched and wouldn't post the first one. I probably typed too much but I really wanted to give you a solid answer. I will try to keep this more succint but I have a lot of thoughts on this so hopefully it posts this time.
I apparently also deleted my first paragraph so I've typed this section out three times now. I do not think they are treating Choni bad this season. My issue is and will continue to be the setting for this season. After two seasons of them not being together they've now thrown them into a situation in which they "can't" be together and that irks me. I thought when we got confirmation that they were soulmates, that maybe just maybe they'd let them be fully happy in the final season. And that is the full crux of the issue, it's the LAST season. I discuss Riverdale a lot more on my main page (which I encourage you to check out because I do speak about this a lot more in the tags of a lot of my Riverdale reblogs) but i actually just made a post stating that I think this may be Riverdale's best season. They opened this season with one of the strongest episodes I've seen in television thus far. Especially coming from a CW show. I do think this season is also shaping up to be Choni's second best season. They've had a lot of solid scenes and Vanessa and Madelaine are giving it their ALL. That being said, forgive me for hoping the last season would be spent wrapping up happy endings mixed with the usual Riverdale drama. I did not go into this season expecting SO MUCH new plot. And if it wasn't the last season, I wouldn't complain as much. That's always been my biggest gripe, it's the last season. That's all. If this was season 5 or 6 and I knew we had 7 seasons, then I would have nothing to say. Because yes, it's given us some really good content. I just don't want it for the finale. They could've tackled homophobia back when Kevin came out to his dad or when Cheryl came out to Toni. I don't want to see my favorite character forced back into the closet because they decided to set us in one of the worst eras in American history.
Now for my villain comment. I stand by that. I do think that scene framed Toni in a really bad light and here's why: Everything she said was valid and yes, it's an issue I've been wanting them to tackle for YEARS. What she said is not what made her the villain. It was the way they framed the scene that I knew would be misconstrued by the people that watch this show and always have a bone to pick about whatever she says or does. Up until that scene, we were led to believe that Toni's biggest issue with Choni is that she lost herself. But all they show that as, is she's given up writing for cheer. Okay fine, drop cheer and go back to writing. Cheryl wants to see her gf but she's not gonna stop her from doing what she loves. However, Toni breaking up with her felt out of left field to me because she's allowed to be her own person AND still date Cheryl. So I figured maybe they were setting it up for the fact that she doesn't like commitment and the other greaser got in her head about Cheryl being a rich girl too scared to come out of the closet. Also a valid reason. But that's not the scene they gave us. What they gave us was Cheryl asking if the issue was because she was white and Toni saying yes. Nothing up until that point had given us any indication THAT was the issue. What frustrated me even further was that they don't even give them room to have a discussion about it. Toni says her peace and leaves and all we get is a shot of Cheryl crying. She clearly cares about Cheryl enough to have pursued her for that long and then she drops her without even having a discussion?? And so soon after they got together? If we had gotten a scene where the difference of their skin was brought up before that (and that could've have been anything from an offhanded comment to Cheryl laughing about something someone says in their presence she didn't know was meant to be a dig) and we see that register with Toni, it wouldn't have felt off balance. Especially since her and Betty get along and she's white. Her and KEVIN get along and he's white. Kevin and Clay are dating and there seems to be no problem THERE. So they can be okay but she can't date Cheryl because of it? It just felt like after they gave us such a strong opening ep regarding race, to then have her drop that with no nuance didn't sit right with me. All of the digs against Toni that we had seen had been because she was bi or at least "queer adjacent" as far as Evelyn was concerned. The only time we see anyone being racist, is when she's dealing with the adults, never the teens. And I knew someone was gonna watch that and say "oh of course the black girl has an issue with her white gf blah blah blah". That's why I said they set her up to be the villain. Not that she was one. Purely based on how that scene was framed. It just felt like it was missing context. And who knows, maybe they filmed a scene and then cut it but either way, it felt off to me and having it not get brought up again until the Black Athena ep just left me feeling unmoored.
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calisources · 2 months
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All sentences here were taken from different media about possessive love, the thrill of the chase, banter, and competition regarding one's affection. Some have foul language so please beware but most are fun, banter, possessive fun. All of these are made for roleplay purposes. Change names, pronouns, locations as you see fit.
I love you. You’re mine. I’ll kill any bastard who tries to take you from me.
I spend a quarter of every day inside you. 
I have never said this to anyone before.
But the idea of you with child is the most insanely arousing thing I’ve ever imagined.
Your belly all swollen, your breasts heavy, the funny little way you would walk … I would worship you. I would take care of your every need. And everyone would know that I’d made you that way, that you belonged to me.
You want to be free. You also want to be mine. You can't be both.
We can't possess one another.
Just because I can't have you right now, doesn't mean I'm okay with him having you.
I will be good to you, Myst. Please, I promise.
You are mine. And I protect what’s mine.
Of course I won't go alone. I shall take my maid.
No.You will take me.
The purpose of a knight is to protect. Why won’t you let him do his job to me?
I want you all to myself.
I can’t explain to you the joy I feel knowing it’s all mine. That you are all mine, that your body is all mine.
There is something in me that wakes up when I want something, a possession.
God knows he deserved you more than I do. 
Listen well, for you belong to me.
Good grief, you’re such an adorably greedy person.
And when you fall in love with her  just keep in mind that she’s mine. 
 She’s more than you could handle, anyway.
That almost sounds like a challenge.
I don’t need your permission to do anything.
Your hands will touch me and no one else, Meadow. That is final.
You chase off every man that’s ever been interested, and you do it without even trying.
You reject every suitor and yet, you keep entertaining me. I believe you want me too, and you are dying to be touched.
I don't own you, you just belong to me.
You’re my gold, your cunt is my liquid gold. 
I will have your mouth, you will give it to me. Then I will have your spirit, Circe. I will own it. Always.
By the gods you have never been more beautiful than you are right now, spread before me, wrapped in my wool.
Once I take you, you are mine. My woman. No other man can have you.
I do not belong to you, or to anyone else. I will talk to whomever I want, whenever I want.
Not if it’s some ass who thinks he can put his hands on you.
You didn’t have a problem with me acting like a caveman last night.
When it comes to you… I don’t like to share.
Most men prefer to do the eating.
Do you know what passion is?
Most people think it only means desire. Arousal. Wild abandon. But that’s not all. The word derives from the Latin. It means suffering. Submission. Pain and pleasure, Nikki. Passion.
You’re wearing my colors, love.
I’m going to put you on your knees, Ruby. You’re going to hate how much you love it.
He is my king, he is my warrior, he is my husband and I am proud to say above all… he is mine.
You have rare beauty the like I have never seen but you will be more beautiful heavy with my seed.
You are my golden queen. You are my tigress. You are my Circe. 
Never will I allow your gold to be taken from me. Never. Understand this, Circe, and never forget.
Maybe I fell in love with a version of him that didn't exist.
 I would have you right here if you would let me. Fear you? I exalt you. 
You could burn me a thousand times, and I would still want you for my own.
Everything has a price. The price, however, isn't always money.
You’re my scariest hell, You’re my perfect paradise.
Well, I admit my crib is pretty sweet. But a gold cage is still a cage, Harry.
I intend to the last. 
If I win, then you shall be mine. Tonight.
You are so sure of yourself.
The game is simple. The women run, the men chase. If you catch the one with your color. . .well, that’s up to you.
But women have been running all their lives, most men don’t catch that easily.
We are in a maze, lost, and your hand is up my skirt.
Aye, but I don’t hear any complaints. The maze will hide our secret.
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theanonymousninja247 · 3 months
Random Turtle HC: Raph & Anxiety
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*clears throat and approaches microphone before hitting whiteboard with a ruler* A-HEM! Behold my theories peasants!
As we see expresses in the VERY 1st episode of ROTTMNT, the turtles can recognize each others signature scents and can smell fear.
Raph especially is shown briefly through the brothers dialogue to be the most aware and self conscious about said scent to the point of becoming defensive about it.
This leads me to believe that due to both natural biological olfactory senses and increased abilities due to mutation, the turtle brothers (with an advanced ability tipping to Raph due to his size and sensitivity) can actually smell the hormone cortisol.
WebMD defines cortisol as, “Your body’s main stress hormone. It works with certain parts of your brain to control your mood, motivation, and fear.”
Simply put, the turtle boys can literally smell fear.
Now I know you’re asking yourself, “Okaaaaaay cool fun fact I guess, what does that have to do anything with me?”
*takes a step back and adjust glasses with a smirk*
My dear dear fellow tumblr, allow me to share the wonders of mixing fact, madness and media all in one! *sounds of maniacal cackling can be heard*
(I wrote this with the intent to be platonic but it could be romantic if you squint long enough)
•So we've established Raph can smell fear right?
•As a protective big brother who is quite literally in fact “BIG” he knows a thing or two about getting scared
• Especially when it comes to looking out for people he cares about
•Hes been fighting baddies for his family since he was a tot! From keeping away scary dreams at night, from crushed ancient metal zombies to terrifying alien virus monsters, there ain't much he hasn't seen
•So when you join the ranks of the Mad Dogz, you immediately also get a built in prtoector
•Raphs been looking out for the little guys his whole life, what's one more?
•Not to mention you're kinda cute, so he doesn't mind sticking around a little bit closer
•But you're different than most folks, Raph notices. I mean besides the fact that you WILLING want to be friends with 4 mutant turtles of all things.
•No besides your abnormal incredible bravery in looking beyond the status quo to reach out the hand of friendship to these reckless reptiles, Raph noticed that you just kind of…smelled
•Not in a bad way or anything just…you always seemed to have a lingering scent of fear on you
•And Raph would know. Hed recognize that scent anywhere. It's a scent that ghosts every hour of every day for him. Nighttime and being alone especially.
•Raph hates being scared. He's the biggest and the oldest. He's supposed to look after his peeps! And he can't do that if he's frozen with fear all the time!
•So what does he do? Raph faces the problem head on like he always do.
•You get scared a lot. That's understandable, but Raph decides to make it his business that you don't need to be scared when he's around.
•Raph’ll protect ya
•Be prepared to have this turtle subtly (orrer not to much so because although he's a ninja he ain't exactly tactful or subtle) watching you every time you and the gang get all together
•Its not hard. You've always caught his attention for some reason or another. So looking at you is something he does without even realizing it.
•He’s looking for triggers, anything that gets that heart rate of yours spiking and that scent start to waft.
•Fidgeting hands, bouncing knees, shutting down and slinking into your hoodie, nervous chewing, pulling or playing with your hair and pacing, he's got eyes on it all.
•Once a trigger has been spotted, Raph immediately tries to locate the source
•Too many people? Suddenly you find a 6ft something giant turtle behind you, letting you know with his massive presence alone that he got your back. Literally.
•He kinda likes this position because he can see everyone that comes close enough to interact with you and everybody can see him.
•All he's got to do is narrow his eyes a little a give em a flash of that all too familiar snaggle tooth of his if he thinks someone's being mean and he gets his unspoken threat across just fine
•Not to mention you're also close enough to grab if someone he doesn't deem fit for your attention gets a little too close for his liking. But he doesn't say that part out loud.
•Scared of talking? You suddenly feel the cool tip of his massive scaely alligator tail (anatomically correct alligator tail be darned, I'm going with the fandoms HCs for this one) gently wrapping around your ankle as a physical reminder that he's right there here to support you
•Overwhelmed and the world feels like it's closing in on you? Raphs massive size is a natural battering ram that allows him to pass through thick crowds with easy. He's not afraid to help heard you into a quiet little corner away from it all
•Years of practice with Donnie allows him the experience to ask you if you're good with touch.
•If yes, you know you're going to be instantly wrapped into his arms, pulled flushed up against the worn keratin of his plastron. Raph’s always been more of “hands-on experience” kinda of guy anyway.
•Raph gives good hugs. They're firm and tight, padded with the security of arms who have been holding the weight of the world for years.
•He will rest his chin on top of your head, gently guiding your head with the motion ever so slightly so you're somehow perfectly nestled right against his heart.
•It's a loud heart, especially when you're up so close. It's actually his strongest muscle and one he's most proud of. He cares about you, so he reckons he’ll allow you the privilege of getting close to it. In more ways than one.
•Raph doesn't talk much during these special security hugs. He's never really been much good with words anyways. Raph knows sometimes the noise can be too much, but he also knows that the silence can be defeaning. So being a turtle comes with some built in perks that make up a happy medium.
•Hes got a special churr saved for special situations just like this one. It's one of the lowest and deepest ones he's capable of making. More akin to a muted growl more than anything the way it vibrates his chest as you're pressed up against it. You can feel it more than hear it and it just takes a handful of minutes listening to this bad boy before Raph can sense your fear stink slowly dissipating and your natural sweet scent can return.
•Raph can smell fear, and there's something incredibly humbling for this Atlas of a turtle to have the sweet experience of watching that scent drift away whenever he gets the privilege of being close to you like this.
•”You don't need to be scared no more, Sweet Pea. Raph’s got ya. I'm gonna be right here until you're ready to face the world again. Until then, let me just hold ya.”
Dedicated to the one and only @anobodyinabog. Sorry this took so long,but I hope your day gets better Shortcake. Please know you're always looked out for and loved ok? 🧡❤️
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cure-icy-writes · 10 days
i think the reason i like the murderbot diaries so much is because the dystopia feels very real and relevant in a way that no other "oppressive government fearmongering" has, and because murderbot is such a compelling protagonist.
this is an autistic person who is struggling and angry and terrible at having emotions. it lives in a capitalist hellscape where people are disposable. it's traumatized as hell, but it's easier to consider itself disposable than confront the terrifying reality of personhood.
(it confronts the terrifying reality of personhood.)
it likes escaping into fiction. it has a fucked up relationship with pain and its own body. and it reads so strongly as disability coding to me, how it doesn't see the bullets or the chunks missing as horror but merely annoyance. it's fundamentally different from those around it, in ways that they struggle to understand. (they make a distinct effort to understand.)
this is an autistic person who is not like you, who suffered in ways that you cannot understand, in ways that would horrify you. this is just another tuesday.
this world is not kind. there is legal fine text that destroys lives and there is hereditary indenture and contract labor where you're forced to still pay for preventative medical care out of your paycheck and no one says slavery, but everyone knows what it means.
these people are kind. they will watch your favorite shows to help understand you, they will forge documents to give abandoned people their freedom, they will allow you to be near them because they like you. these people are proof that there's love in the world, and you can come out of your shell if you are ready to see yourself as a person.
science fiction is one of the genres that has the potential to be amazing, but is quite often just plain shitty to disabled people. and, to people in general? "oooooo look how scary it is, people have all their basic needs fulfilled by technology!" when technological advances are what gave housewives the time they needed to actually get jobs and put together the feminist movements, when this new technology that the narrative regards with such disdain could provide disabled people with newfound mobility and independence.
it speaks of a truly dismal view of humanity, the belief that without strict labor under capitalism to keep us all in line, we would just fall prey to our vices. and I think it also speaks to a loathing of one's self, to think that humans are not capable of self regulation, to think that pain and suffering and punishment are somehow moral and virtuous. that humans need to be punished constantly, that suffering will bring them closer to something like god, to something like goodness.
but murderbot doesn't do that. murderbot says, "i have seen humans do horrible awful stupid things. they can't be trusted with weapons or security and they shoot me all the time and it sucks. but they make stories and art. the people in the entertainment media gave me the tools to contextualize my own emotions. they are my coworkers. i don't care about them. i got shot in the back protecting them but i didn't care about them. okay fine maybe i care a little. they're annoying. i'll eviscerate anyone who hurts them. they're mine."
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peanutpinet · 1 year
I Got You | Mafia! Johnny Suh x Undercover Agent Fem Reader
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Pairing: Mafia Johnny Suh x Undercover Fem Reader
Warnings: mention of torture/abuse, strong language, illegal activities, slight angst, minor character death, cursing (?)
A/N: hello everyone!! I live, don't fret :) I know it's been a while since I wrote a fic and this is actually my first mafia Johnny fic. After so long of wanting to write a mafia Johnny T^T Was heavily inspired by my dream that I had of Johnny ehehehe. Also, special thanks to @anya-writes-stuff for helping me figure out the plot 🥹🫶
Synopsis: you had always thought that you were working for the right people for the right purpose but it was all just a big act, making you realise that the right person was the one that you had to leave after an incident
Slight inspiration from the K-drama: My Name :)
Never in your life did you think that you had to be running from people who were said to “protect” the regular citizens from all the human trafficking, drug dealers, slavery or even mafias and yakuzas..
You had always played the good role of bringing justice to all the wrongdoings. Corruption, drug dealing, illegal clubs, brothels to even mafia leaders. One by one, you managed to take down and bring justice.
However, what you failed to notice was the agency that you were brought in to take down all these injustice actions. At first, you were too focused on building yourself to be able to take down all those crimes that you failed to know how your agency was able to keep standing.
Years later you finally find out how did your agency manage to gain the amount of money to sustain itself and even earn much more with every criminal behind bars. They didn’t just get the money for sending the criminals to jail. Heck, the majority of these criminals didn’t even end up in jail with how the government allows the agency do as they please as long as the criminals are out of the picture, especially during times like elections.
Upon looking up on the next target of the agency did you find out the full plan that they always have been using. They take down the target from the inside out, pretending as if the criminal is being taken to court to get the official punishment but somehow between those time, there was always news about the criminal being found dead before the trial, hence all the money that they earn were “returned to the victims” when in reality, the whole set up was from the agency and the whole “giving the money back to the victims” were just a lie because the agency took more than half of the money for themselves.
At first, you didn’t want to believe it until you were assigned to be the main leader for the next mission, targeting the CEO of a media company who just happens to be your high school lover, your childhood best friend, Johnny Suh.
Johnny Suh was a name that everyone in Chicago knew. He wasn’t just known as the hot young rich bachelor who just happens to be the CEO of an entire media company. But rumour has it that he was one of the big bosses of a worldwide mafia that somehow managed to spread throughout China, South Korea, Japan, Canada, Thailand and even in the US.
Both you and Johnny have a long history. The two of you became friends the day you suddenly moved next door to Johnny’s house in Chicago. You were practically doubted as peanut butter and jam back during junior high up until high school.
Unfortunately, it was during high school that you encountered the most painful moment in your life that made you join the agency in the first place. When your parents were killed by a group of drug dealers. And while Johnny and his family were more than willing to take you in, before they could officially be your guardian, you were already taken in by the agency, not even bidding Johnny or his family goodbye.
Ever since, you lost contact with Johnny, his family and your old friends. You weren’t so much close with your relatives as they all lived in different countries and by the time the news of your parents reached them, you had already had a change in identity and was nowhere to be found.
The one time you and Johnny had an encounter after the incident was actually in a club sometime after a dinner event. You had just arrived after getting news that a mafia and his friends were ambushed and some might got injured so you were told to find them. But what you weren’t expecting was to find Johnny, your childhood best friend, clutching onto his right hip.
You weren’t sure if Johnny got involved in the ambush. Perhaps he was the one that made the ambush in the first place and got shot. But the other part of your brain told you that he could be the mafia that your agency was looking for. Either way, you wanted to know the answer from Johnny himself and not anyone else.
That is why that day, you told your team that you didn’t find anyone and just some drunken man in the bathroom, quickly wrapping things up from the club. Concluding that the mafia must’ve called backup the second the ambush happened. When in reality, you actually helped them escape; even if you did it just to meet Johnny again on your terms.
Unfortunately, here you are, years later, finally finding out the truth about your agency and Johnny. However, you didn’t know what got to you when your agency confronted you about refusing to be the leader of the mission to take Johnny down. Maybe it was because of the fact that you found the truth of your agency or the idea that you wanted the truth from Johnny as a friend, not as a foe.
You didn’t know how you manage to survive through all the torture they put you through or even how you managed to escape. But one thing was for sure, you weren’t going to let them get to Johnny first. Not when he is the last person you have left. The last person you could trust. Even if you don’t really fully know him as well as you thought. You had to find him and warn him on what you know.
Lucky for you, Johnny was known more as a CEO so you easily found the company that he runs and somehow, managed to sneak past everyone and made your way to try and find Johnny’s office.
However, you didn’t realise that you were actually being followed by the people of your agency. Fortunately, before they could get to you, Johnny himself found you first; especially when his secretary told him that someone by the initial (Y/N) was looking for him. The second he heard your original name, he knew something was off. In fact, ever since your sudden disappearance, Johnny has never stopped looking for you. Even when he became the CEO, taking over his parents’ company.
The night you saved him, Johnny swore that he would never have you leave his sight ever again. Even when he was being treated, he had every tech person in NCT Mafia to find you and honestly, he was quite shocked to find out that you were working for that damn corrupted agency.
“Bringing people to justice, my ass. All they do is look like a hero but is pretty much just as corrupted as everyone else” Johnny scoffed when he found out
Even so, Johnny was sure that with enough convincing, you would leave the agency and he could finally have you in his arms, safe and loved, just as he always wanted ever since the incident. What he wasn’t expecting was for you to come to him because he was just about ready to find you and convince you; even if he had to beg for it.
Multiple thoughts were running through Johnny’s mind with every step he took to finally see you again. He only hoped that you’ve been well and holding on until he could get you. But as he walked past within the building his family owns, he noticed that there were several unfamiliar faces. Without thinking twice, he called for security to “handle” the situation and “show” how they do things around here.
Once that’s done, Johnny finally managed to find you. Though, in a state that he never wanted to see. Not before the incident, not now, not ever. Without warning, Johnny crept up behind you, his steps startling you that had you backed up against his desk. Noticing your trembling self, Johnny was reminded of the time where you had to deal with everything yourself. No. Johnny promise himself, his parents and your parents that he would take care of you.
Letting out a sigh, Johnny closed and locked the office door and gently made his way to where you were. Making sure to shake off his cold demeanour, reminding himself that you did nothing wrong and clearly, looking at the bruises and cuts all over your body, it was clear that you were “manipulated” in that agency.
“Hey. It’s been a while, hasn’t it” Johnny tried to break the silence, his voice coming out rougher than he’d like
“Yeah. It has. H-how have you been?” you stuttered but managed to ask him back, bringing a soft smile on his face
“I’ve been good. As much as I’d like to take it slow, I didn’t get to thank you for that time. You saved me, you know” Johnny let out, finally standing in front of you. Even after what happened to you, your eyes still had that spark that Johnny loved
“Oh. That time…I knew that you had your reasons. Even if I didn’t know them” you told him, your hands were shaking as they gripped the edge of his desk
“I’ve missed you. My parents too. I never once stopped looking for you, you know. I was so confused about how you just went under the radar. Well, until that night of course. Ever since, I, I actually tried to keep an eye on you. I actually wanted to get you. I really didn’t expect you to come and find me first” Johnny mentioned, both his hands were either side of your hips, rubbing them gently, bringing comfort instead of the constant fear all this time; actually feeling like home
“I, I wanted to warn you…” you whispered out but Johnny suddenly lifted you to sit on his desk while one of his hands cupped your cheek, caressing it and making you look at him
“I know. I had my friends dig up everything. I had known about your agency right when I started to take over the company. When I found out that you were part of that agency, I had mixed feelings. I was so damn sure that you were manipulated into joining them but I know that you wouldn’t hurt me. I trust you and I was right. You saved me even with the mixed thoughts” Johnny explained, gently kissing your forehead
“Johnny…” you called to him. “Hmm?”
“Aren’t you disappointed? How are you calm and not angry about what happened?” you asked, almost frustrated
“How can I? You’ve been through hell and worse. I would never get angry with you. You had your reasons. Are you scared of me?” Johnny asked, now cupping both your cheeks
“How can I be scared of you? You were there for me, always” you replied with no hesitation, making Johnny smile even wider
“Even if I’m part of the mafia?” Johnny asked, still unsure
“You have your reasons, Suh. Plus, a hero would "sacrifice" someone like me for people whereas you would burn the bad people for me. And like I’ve said, I know you wouldn’t hurt me, right?” you asked back, now you were the one that was unsure
“Never. I always got you. And you're right. I would kill anyone who harmed you, who ever has hurt you or even thought the wrong things about you. Plus, I’m never letting you go. Ever” Johnny stated, making you smile for the first time in a long time
Without even thinking, you wrapped your hands around Johnny’s neck, softly pulling him towards you but before you could continue, Johnny asked first. “Are you sure? Shouldn’t we get you treated first?”. Gosh, how can someone that looked cold is an actual warm bear? Without thinking, you pulled Johnny and kissed him which felt warm and like home. Johnny was your home and just like a home, he would be there for you, to provide you comfort, warmth, protection and most importantly, make you feel loved.
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maefansblog · 6 days
(Disclaimer) This is my opinion in between Season 3 Part 1 and 2, because as of right now, Part 2 has not come out. I am allowed to change my mind just like everyone else, but right now this is how I'm feeling and processing. You can have your opinion. That's okay!
I love this season so far. I love Polin. That is why you see it on my page.
I trust Colin's character.
I understand that Colin doesn't feel intimacy with these other women. Colin is putting on a mask to society. He can only feel that with Penelope. I understand that he gravitates to Penelope.
I understand media literacy-but stop using that as an excuse!
I do not trust the showrunners of Bridgerton Season 3.
They already changed plot points: like the brothels, no Smythe-Smith night, and the lack of Agatha and Penelope’s relationship. They murdered the friendship of Eloise and Penelope.
That is why I'm anxious for episode 7.
I understand that these are complex characters. I understand that Eloise is growing up and needed to have a way to find her way in society. She's never fit in and she needed to see other people's viewpoints. It's understandable that she would be upset that her best friend betrayed her. However, I don't like it. Penelope is also young. She was trying to protect Eloise. I don't like how Eloise is treating Penelope. Like I posted earlier, the two of them are very different.
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I know there will be a happy ending for Polin.
The rumors may or may not be true for episode 7. Everything is speculation, but I'm taking it as true so I can brace myself.
Yes, it will be expected for Colin to be angry at Penelope for Lady Whistledown. Just like the books.
I hope they keep the abuse out of it. That was the worst part of the books that Colin left bruises on Penelope.
I hope they will not even do a fake out of Colin going to a brothel. Cheating does not align with Colin's character. Colin is "my wife" Bridgerton. That is why there is so much frustration with the rumors. I don't think there will be cheating, but I think there will be thoughts or a fake out. Because the writers and showrunners have already shown that they could rewrite the carriage scene, rewrite the amazing writer that Colin is (by having him write smut), and having Colin have relations within the social season.
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Don't get me wrong, I loved the carriage scene.
I'm okay with all of the other rumors, it's just these that I'm worried about.
Just give me Part 2 already so I can understand, stop speculating, stop my anxiety, and finally sleep.
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I have not had peace since knowing.
I'll leave on a happy note with Eloise and Penelope together again, Colin being a hungry boy, Lady Whistledown resolved, Polin in love, and Colin completely devoted to his wife! 💕🥰
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whinlatter · 6 months
Hi! I wanted to ask you what's your take on clothes and how wizards dress? I've been thinking about this since the 'gettin ready fot the party' scene. What's a typical wardrobe for typical wizard in te 90's? I always imagined that they just dress like muggles (or maybe the younger generations?), and i when i read the books i always had a hard time imagining them when they are trying to pass as muggles, you know? Like what, they don't understans which clothes are for a specific event? Because Harry says that he could tell thay dress a bit diffrent, like out of place. I mean, it's probably just meant to be funny, but, how isolated are they to not knowwhat muggles wear? I guess it also has to do with how they are raised, i imagine blood-supremacists (is that how it's called?) use only 'robes' (whatever that is, and, also, what's under those robes? like, a thong? do they wear muggle underwear? SO MANY QUESTIONS)
So, i was thinking about this instead of working🤠.
I liiive for that part with tonks' clothes, i even got a litlle "oh i wanna be thereeee and try everything and make everything fit with magic!"
And this how i imagine wizards dress (according to jkr) in the muggle world
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ok please know that this image made me howl
thank you for the super interesting question! i have thought a bit about typical wizarding wardrobes and familiarity with muggle fashion among wizards in the 90s as a worldbuilding question in beasts. it's definitely true that wizarding familiarity with muggle dress is another one of those worldbuilding points in canon where the text is unclear and at times inconsistent. i know people have different views on how much wizarding and muggle culture interact, especially in matters of popular culture and fashion. i've heard very convincing arguments that the cultural insularity and physical remove of the wizarding community from muggles would mean most children raised in wizarding households, especially pureblood families like the weasleys, wouldn't know that much about how muggles plausibly dress, what they listen to, or what forms of media are popular (books, music, sports, even less so tv and film).
while i do agree with some aspects of this, in my approach to wizarding youth culture in the 90s, i think young witches and wizards on the left know more about muggle fashion than they do about many other aspects of muggle culture, and that interest and ability to pull off muggle fashion depends on a person's background, politics, gender (because mostly, it does all seem to be about trousers - i reckon pureblood supremacists, as you say, are in their undies most of the time), but especially generation and the politics/patterns of consumption in the time period when they were a teenager. i think your desire and ability to wear muggle clothing varies a lot if you're born in 1950 vs 1980, partly because of changing wizarding politics and the difference between growing up in peacetime vs a world at war, but partly because muggle fashion changes as a market in the second half of the twentieth century.
basically, i think these young progressive millennial wizards would wear more muggle clothing because of changes in muggle fashions/consumption that allow for greater availability and access to muggle clothing by the 1990s, as well as access to information about fashion and trends, and i think they would want to because willingness to embrace muggle fashions would be a way of showing their commitment to their own politics and forms of teenage rebellion that were distinct from those practiced by generations prior living through the first wizarding war. a longer discussion with my reasoning for this is below the cut!
so - in general, in canon, gen X wizards and older (so the youngest of them born in the 1950s thru 70s, and everyone older than that) seem to dress in muggle clothing really only as a protective measure to prevent exposure/risk breaking the statute of secrecy. when bob ogden goes to the gaunts' house in the 1920s, even as the head of a major ministry department dealing with law enforcement, he does a terrible job dressing as a muggle (the bathing suit, pls bob, i beg). if you look at all the wizards trying to dress as muggles for the world cup, it's clear that the adoption of muggle clothing, for most wizards, is a strategic, defensive move more than anything else. in PoS, mcgonagall - herself a progressive woman in her politics - disdains wizards who are celebrating the end of the first wizarding war by celebrating in the street "not even wearing muggle clothes", which she thinks is reckless and risks wizards' exposure (love when mcgonagall dresses like a muggle briefly at grimmauld place in OotP and it freaks harry out lol). there is no enthusiasm or interest in it - there's just conformity for self-preservation.
for that reason, i think you can see why those on the wizarding right in the mid-twentieth century, especially those drawn to pureblood and wizarding supremacy, would come to see dressing like a muggle as a disgrace, a sign of submission to a lesser people, in a way that would become extremely loaded in the years preceding and during the first wizarding war (1970-1981). when harry sees snape in the flashback to his first trip on the hogwarts express in the early 70s, he notices snape is already wearing his wizard robes very early on in the journey, which harry's narration supposes is because snape's happy to be out of his 'dreadful Muggle clothes' (DH). those muggle clothes were a sign both of snape's poverty but also his outsider status in muggle tinworth: special, because he's a wizard, but otherwise socially inferior to other children in every other way. snape, of course, is raised in a wizarding household with knowledge of magic but has been wearing muggle clothing to avoid detection for his entire childhood, in ways that imbue the wearing of wizarding clothes and casting off of muggle garms with great political significance. in canon, we see that the vast majority of wizards, while not death eaters or rabid pureblood supremacists, tend to be small c conservatives in their view of wizarding cultural norms and tend to think they're better than muggles even if they don't necessarily want to go out and kill them all. for that reason, they remain loyal to wizarding traditions, and continue to wear robes, partly as a symbol of their proud cultural identity as wizards, in ways that they would likely only cling to as their society moves towards open war over muggle-wizard relations (as you say, robes seem to be worn without trousers underneath, so most wizards are just wearing underwear under their robes and going about their day. slay, honestly).
so, if the right hate muggle clothes, then the willingness of gen z+ wizards to engage with and adopt aspects of muggle attire and culture might map onto a progressive political outlook and a disavowal of wizards-first ideology. but a person's politics alone doesn't mean they know how to pull off muggle clothing, and in the years of brewing tension then open war, most wouldn't bother risking their lives to be caught wearing a pair of bell bottoms. arthur weasley is the best example of this. arthur is theoretically interested in muggle clothes because he's a progressive man who disavows wizard supremacy and believes in principles of tolerance towards muggles. now, he's not good at knowing how to pair a plausible muggle outfits. this is because he still lives at a reasonable remove from wizards, he's extremely busy with a demanding job and seven children to be staying up to date with changing fashions, and at the end of the day still spends most of his week among wizards in a civil service that demands a certain level of professional conformity. but i think it's also because arthur weasley is born in 1950 and therefore spent his young adulthood trying to raise a young family during a war. arthur instead channels his politics into support for muggle protection legislation rather than in wearing muggle clothing, which he might see as a limited individual act of symbolic resistance that would put his family at risk and also cost time and money he doesn't have. (if we look at the marauders, as an example of a progressive bunch in the interim generation between arthur and arthur's children, especially someone like sirius with greater financial freedom, it's very telling that sirius shows his politics off through riding a cool muggle motorbike and sticking up muggle soft porn on his bedroom walls, but not noticeably through fashion, as far as harry's photographs show).
but if you look at arthur's children, progressive wizarding millennials, it seems like more confident familiarity with muggle fashions and culture is generally more common. i think we can include someone like tonks in this, raised in a mixed marriage household by a blood traitor and a muggleborn dad. harry says that the weasley children are better than their parents at dressing like muggles. when harry sees bill weasley he doesn't think 'this is a man who looks like he's done a bad job dressing for a muggle rock concert' he thinks 'this is a man who looks like he could be going to a rock concert'. this suggests to me a difference, say, between bill and his dad. arthur likes muggles and believes engaging with muggle culture is important, but doesn't really succeed at it, but his eldest son manages to marry both a political commitment to embracing muggle culture with an ability to dress plausibly as a muggle so much so that he's able to ape a subculture in a way his dad doesn't really try to often and has never succeeded at.
why? i think there's a few things going on. one is that the majority wizarding millennials grew up in peacetime, after the fall of voldemort, in the 1980s and 90s, where wearing muggle clothing was less likely to get you killed and more likely to symbolise an individual act of rebellion against more low-level societal norms and cultural pressures rather than against a murderer in a mask. this, plus having the time and disposable income to follow muggle fashions more closely, as well as the opportunity to access about muggle fashions and celebrity styles, has a big part to play. bill weasley has more time and ability than his dad to stay up to date about muggle clothing tastes, as do his siblings. characters who went to hogwarts in the 80s and 90s also did so at the peak of a mass print consumer culture (one that was already on an upward ascent since the 60s) that was designed to be be accessible, inexpensive and create an appetite for following trends among consumers, and that could very easily be of appeal to progressive young witches and wizards. this is why in beasts i have ginny know about the spice girls and their iconic lewks from a copy of smash hits magazine because that seemed like the kind of inexpensive and highly portable source of information about muggle culture that a muggleborn or halfblood student (or even a pureblooded student with a parent with a progressive interest in muggle clothing) would be able to take to school and pass around a dormitory. on the gender point, too - donning muggle clothes, especially the more permissive and sexy clothing of the 80s and 90s would be a great way for a rebellious young woman raised in a wizarding household - eg. tonks or ginny - to stick it to the conservative gender norms in the wizarding world.
moreover, the changes in fashion as a market in the muggle world would make a certain base style of comfortable and inexpensive muggle dress much more readily available to younger witches and wizards than ever before. for kids born in the late 70s/80s, changes in muggle clothes consumption - aka. the globalisation of mass factory production of textiles, especially garments, and the early forms of fast fashion we now recognise today - would also have an impact on the ready availability of certain basic forms of cheap muggle fashion, including the ubiquity of cheap jeans and trainers/sneakers, that emphasise comfort and ease of daily wear at a low cost point produced in such high volumes such that if you wanted a pair of jeans, you could easily get your hands on one. this would have made a plausible muggle clothing a lot more accessible (there's only so wrong you can go if you're just wearing jeans, t-shirt, a jumper, and a pair of trainers, really), and explain why the clothes harry wears in the muggle world don't seem all that different from the clothes he wears in the wizarding world (admittedly usually under his robes), or indeed that different from what ron seems to wear most of the time. passing as a muggle in 1920 with little effort - à la bob ogden - would be a lot harder than doing so in 1990.
so - yeah. that's my take! i think it's mostly about generation, but also about politics, about war and peace, a bit about gender and a lot about capitalism. i hope this helps!
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morallyinept · 8 months
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Hey D! How are you feeling today, handsome?
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Oh no... what happened? Oh, well that wasn't very nice of Joel now, was it?
Joel, are you being a mean grump again?
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Dieter say's you weren't very nice to him. What did I tell you boys before, hmm? That's right, you need to be mindful of someone else's feelings. I know, bud. It's a tough world out there, but if you can't say anything nice, then don't say anything at all.
Joel, you need to apologise to Dieter.
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Don't look at me like that, I mean it, Joel.
Now, shake and make up. Dieter wants to, look...
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There. All better. Honestly, those boys of mine... 🙄
So, last week we spoke about how we can channel negative thinking into positive thinking. But what about when negativity is directed towards you, by others? Then what?
Hold on tight, it's another Self-Care Session with Dieter & Jett!
There is always going to be someone who, for whatever reason and usually it's rooted deeply within themselves, is not going to like what you're about. Not going to like what you put out into the world.
Or they're just not going to like you. Period.
Yes D. That's right. I know, it's sad. Oh, don't worry, everybody likes you, bud. Trust me.
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It's a fact of the world that opinion divides us, and it is what also makes us unique as human beings. But there are ways to express those differences of opinion in a thoughtful and well construed manner. Respect being the key.
But not everyone can, or wants to, express themselves in that way.
Negative people love to bring others down and sometimes, this can seem like it's the only thing that they enjoy doing. Isn't that right, D?
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In a world full of social media consumption, where it's all too easy to be anonymous, there will always be those who feel the need to push that negativity onto others. And sometimes, in a degrading and toxic manner.
So, how can we can tackle this when it happens to us, Dieter? You got any thoughts on this?
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Well, I mean that's one way to tackle it bud, but seems counterproductive, don't you think?
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Easy there. Are we going to have to have another intervention?
Do I need to ask Frankie to stand in for you again? 🤨
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That's better.
So, lets look at how you can deal with negativity aimed directly at you, be that through a physical person in your life such as a friend, spouse or family member etc..., or via anonymous comments and hate aimed at you on social media.
It's not YOU, it's them.
First thing to remember is that YOU are not the issue.
Negativity often stems from the projector's own self doubts, lack of confidence or traumatic experiences. Negative thinking can become a disassociation tactic, where the projector feels the need to arm themselves with a barrier and a pessimistic outlook on life to remain protected from further harm.
And, in some instances, people are just jerks.
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Not you, D. You're fine.
You can't control negativity aimed towards you, but you can learn to process and deal with it in a way that doesn't linger or infect your mental well-being in the long term.
Don't buy into their negativity.
Don't allow yourself to become infected with toxic negativity.
Do not engage in a difficult person's habitual scepticism. Whatever you do, don't stoop to their level. Maintain your emotional distance and dignity. It's your best weapon.
Trying to convince someone to stop being negative may only challenge to them to amp up their hostility towards you. You know when someone tells you "to smile it could be worse" and all you want to do is lamp them?
Yeah, that. Don't do that.
A difficult person is probably locked into a negative mindset that is part of the fabric of their personality. Negative people often have a demanding nature and put pressure on those close to them. They want others to love and respect them, to "be there for them," yet they are incapable of offering the same emotional support back to others.
Limit your expectations when dealing with them.
A negative person isn't a good choice to turn to when you're feeling down yourself too. When you do engage with them, use noncommittal language. Acknowledge their comments without endorsing what they're saying.
Agree with them as far as you can, then rephrase their complaints using less loaded language.
You can't change their personality, but you might neutralize their toxic outlook.
When dealing with anonymous negativity online, these same points apply to some degree. It's just that you don't know them to be able to start a conversation to direct the negativity. So it's pointless to interact. Ignoring them is the best tactic here.
You can't solve their problems.
It is not your job to make an unhappy person happy. Read that shit again. It is not your job to make an unhappy person happy.
If you set out to change a person overnight, you'll fall short and may end up feeling disgruntled yourself. The only person whose happiness you can control is your own. You can (and should) remain positive when dealing with negative people, but don't fool yourself into thinking you can cheer them up or change their mindset.
Some people thrive on your misery at trying. Don't feed them that.
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Invest in boundaries.
Setting boundaries is how you give yourself a break from an encroaching negative person. You need space where you can clear your head after dealing with someone who zaps you emotionally...
Lord, ain't that the truth.
Keep the negative person at arm's length to avoid being overwhelmed by their toxicity.
Even though you live with a smartphone wired to your hand, you aren't required return every call or text immediately. When you're frustrated or annoyed with a difficult person, take some time to collect your thoughts. Contact them when you're calmer. Give yourself time to recharge your batteries so when you do deal with them, you have the endurance and patience to handle them without resorting to murder.
Dieter and I would prefer not to visit you in jail, right bud?
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Don't bite back. (Unless your name is Max Phillips. Nom.)
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Uh, we'll just leave Max to it. It's spooky season after all... *backs out of the room*
When dealing with a negative person it's tempting to let yourself slide into anger or frustration, but save yourself the heartache. Responding angrily only feeds their negativity. Hold your tongue and listen. Eventually, when they realize you won't give them the reaction they seek, they will take their angry rants elsewhere.
Tempering your emotional responses can be difficult, but it is key to maintaining inner peace.
Protect your zen. No matter what it looks like...
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Try not to take insensitive or tactless comments personally. Negative people are often so wrapped up in anger about perceived indignities that they aren't aware of how insulting they come across.
Although, there are some who wholly thrive on it. They're called assholes sadists.
Take charge and lead.
It's all too easy to become embroiled in a pointless debate and the next thing you know it's turned into a slanging match with threats and tantrums.
Be the bigger person and know when to disengage and walk away.
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Don't allow yourself to stoop to their level of pettiness. You're better than that.
When online, use the block button.
It's there for a reason. It's there to protect you from unsolicited material, things you don't want to see-
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Urm... 😐
It's also there for you to use to protect your own inner peace. Don't be afraid to use it.
And if someone is particularly insulting or harmful, you can always use that other button too - the report button.
If you happen to get an anonymous ask that's negative, the best thing to do is ignore it and delete it. Negative people want to know they're getting to you. It's how they feed off it and continue to harangue you.
Ignoring a bully is the best way in making them disappear as they will eventually tire and move onto someone else when they can see it's having no effect on you.
Drawing attention to negative asks, comments and toxicity on your blog, your social media, or wherever you have an online presence, only invites it into your life further. It's tempting to bite back, but it'll be more powerful if you ignore them.
Delete, block and move on. Delete, block and move on.
Be kind to yourself when others can't.
There will be times when someone's negativity towards you can cut deep like a knife. You're only human and scathing words aimed at you can be difficult to ignore sometimes. Especially when they seem so personal and you may already be in a fragile place.
It can be upsetting, it can knock your confidence and make you question your own self-worth and talent. But don't let them take that away from you.
It's important to remember what we said at the beginning; this is a THEM problem. Not a YOU problem.
And it's okay to feel saddened by it too. Or irritated. We're not invincible. But the best thing to do when that happens is to take some time out and to be kind to yourself.
Have a break, indulge in something you love for a little while that makes you happy. Surround yourself with positive things and positive people to help you find you way back to the sunshine and away from those stormy clouds.
That's the spirit, D! Positivity looks hot on you, baby!
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Now, shall we go and see if we can turn Joel's frown upside down? Shall we do something nice for him, might make him feel less negative?
You got any ideas, D?
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Oof. I think he could be swayed. He really likes it when we do that for him...
Wait, what are you implying? I'm talking about us making him his favourite roast... What are you talking about?!
Oh. Ohhhh...
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Dieter and I - with a little help this week from a surly Joel - hope we've been able to help you understand that although negativity exists in all forms, and will be directed at you at some point in your life, when it happens it's important to understand that you're not the cause of it.
We'll catch you next time for more Self-Care with Dieter & Jett.
Stay kind. Stay creamy. 🖤
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Do you. Then do Dieter.
More Dieter & Jett here
GIFS of Dieter/Joel/Max by @perotovar @a7estrellas @uuuhshiny @miguelo-hara If I've used one of yours and not credited you, please do let me know.
ℹ️ Dieter and I always strive to bring you unbiased, fact-checked advice. We're not licensed therapists, so we do a lot of research to ensure we can provide helpful and informative posts. Well, I do. Dieter mostly sits around eating KitKats.
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tategaminu · 6 months
“They are both equally important to each other and their development but Rayla is the one who gets the insults…”
What’s even more annoying about this is not only does Rayla get ridiculed for something Callum also does, that particular set of fans will also straight up deny that Rayla is Callum’s priority. “Oh, he would’ve found a way to connect to the Ocean with or without her as motivation. There were other factors in him deciding to do dark magic again.”
No. It was about Rayla, and pretty much only Rayla.
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What kind of bs is "there were other factors" like my guy!! are you watching the show with a blindfold on? sure, he probably wanted all of them to get out of the boat but Rayla was the trigger
A thing I have also seen in fandoms is people trying to invalidate male characters' feelings for a girl, for whatever reason I don't understand. I will always find incredibly beautiful a male character treating a female character as an equal, not as the fairer sex or stuff like that, as an equal who he loves, and we see this with Callum, he has never ever treated Rayla as lesser than him, she's his priority alongside Ezran and that's super beautiful. I will always have a soft spots for guys being the most lovable and protective people towards their girls you know? not because they are girls but because they know they deseve love, so seeing people totally invalidate that feels so wrong to me.
S5 and S2 parallel each other, in S2 we saw Callum connect to an arcanum because he did ark magic for Rayla, sure he also did it for himself to feel useful but it was mostly to save Rayla, season 5 shows it even more clear. We only see Rayla and Callum wanting to scape when they see the other in danger, the reason Finnegrin even wants to throw Rayla to the leviathan is because Callum punched him because he was hurting Rayla, and he was hurting Rayla because he tried to beat his ass for hurting Callum.
We can see Callum letting himself get beaten and still refusing to do dark magic and give the spell to kill Domina away, it's only when Finnegru says he will feed Rayla to the fishes we see Callum BREAK. He tells him the spell right away. He could have invented a different spell but he was too desesperate to save Rayla he told him the whole truth. He could have done dark magic any other moment but it's after this moment when he does, and then he goes straight up to save Rayla, then just as in season 2, he figures out the arcanum after doing dark magic for her, but this time also thanks to the poem A LOVE POEM who he recited before in ep 1 TO RAYLA. The proof is all there like seriously, he can figure out the arcanum because he loves her, it is as clear as day.
He tells her "I would do anything for you" which it's directly shown in this whole episode. Callum is terrified of doing dark magic, not only because it breaks his morals but because he's scared it could make Rayla dislike him and because it would be an step further for Aaravos to possess him, (tho I'm not sure if he fully knows dark magic is what allows Aaravos to possess him at all, maybe he suspects it) we can see how people like Claudia who do way too much dark magic lose a bit of themselves, Callum is probably afraid of that as well and yet he still does because Rayla is more important to him than whatever the consecuences might be.
There are people out there who believe he wouldn't risk the world for her and stuff but c'mon, this guy would risk the entire universe, he is extremely loyal and proctective, his love for the ones closest to him make him twist his morals because he treasures them more than anything (Rayla and Ez that's it). Rayla has been shown as his achilles heel and we will see even more this plays out. I can't believe there are people who can't see it, everyone has their own way to interpret media sure but somes things are just SO clear, like imagine looking at Zym and going "I don't think he is a dragon, he could be a rat", no.
In a summary, I want people to cut slack on those two, mostly Rayla. It would be cool to treat her like an actual good written character and not trying to invalidate her or her relationship with Callum. The show characterizes them and their relationship so well, they are such complex people and I can't believe we have to deal with those kind of comments.
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solisaureus · 2 months
safety risks for discord servers with NSFW content
with the ongoing enshittification of social media platforms like tumblr, the app formerly known as twitter, and reddit, many fandoms are opting for discord servers as a way to stay connected and creating. this is a great alternative, but due to the more personal interface of chat servers like discord, there can be some safety risks since discord allows NSFW. I think it's important to talk about them, because I don't think everyone understands them. (I'm censoring words so that this post doesn't get flagged by tumblr as violating community guidelines).
Discord does not regulate how NSFW is shared in servers, and this can be a great thing. However, this also means that server mods are mainly in charge of NSFW content regulation, which is a huge responsibility. when making a fandom discord server, it is absolutely critical that your server does not allow adults and minors into NSFW spaces together. Your discord server can be open to all ages, or it can have NSFW channels, but not both. The reason for this is that providing a space for adults and minors to talk about explicit s*x carries a massive safety risk for minors (i.e. s*xual gr00ming and exploitation), and a legal risk for adults, including server mods (i.e. being labeled a s*x offender, even if the adult has no intention of preying on minors, depending on the regional laws regarding s*xual exploitation of minors). This is different and riskier than a minor accessing NSFW content on their own online, because on discord it is specifically a direct exchange between adults and minors. It is extremely dangerous to allow adults to talk about explicit s*x with kids. I cannot emphasize this enough.
Enforcing this can seem tricky -- after all, minors lie about their age to get access to NSFW content all the time. But it's easy to identify content that is NSFW. Therefore, it is more enforceable to ban NSFW than it is to ban members depending on their age. The only safe option is to ban NSFW in a public, all-ages fandom server. NSFW should be reserved for servers that are private or invite-only, where you can invite only people that you know and trust to be the age that they say they are.
please stay safe and do your part to protect the most vulnerable members of your fandom community.
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Sorry, I'm a bit confused about the fandom vs illiteracy series, are we allowed to argue against banning characters?
For Viktor most the arguments to me just come off as that one section of fans who embrace purity culture and think interracial relationships are racist and immoral 🤷‍♀️ It just comes across as purity culture and racism masquerading as queer advocacy
He's a great, nuanced character who is lonely and doesn't know how to express his emotions well, but genuinely cares for and loves Yuuri, without being completely co-dependant. Yuuri isn't some completely helpless baby, he's a grown ass adult and the infantification of him is racist itself as it happens all the time to Asian men, especially those that dont fit in heteronormative gender roles.
(Hopefully this didn't come across as too hateful for this blog or broke the rules, I'm just passionate about this show and it's representation)
Oh yeah, Fandoms vs Illiteracy is a debate. Go for it. That essay in particular had fight me energy. Responses that break the guidelines just don't get reblogged but I've also been super busy so I haven't been reblogging responses anyway.
I made that series because I was getting about two to three essays a week for about 2 months And I was tired of basically protecting a group of people that I could tell had no media literacy, an over-inflated ego, and some kind of savior or superiority complex. Since I started actually publishing the essays, I've only received two. So we scared them off because once they actually started facing pushback to their arguments from everyone I guess it's no longer worth the effort to write these multi-paragraph essays
Now I have gotten a few essays that aren't advocating for me to ban characters, so they have been turned into a different series Defend Your Blurbo which is something completely different now
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By: Prisha Mosley
Published: Apr 4, 2023
The transgender community of today is built upon its cult-like tactics of brainwashing, information control, and deception. It has grown so big because of these lies and the control they can take over young minds, and the minds of the mentally ill.
I hope that by discussing some of these lies I can shed light upon them and allow people to see more truth and a different narrative than what is being pushed by the media and transgender community.
1. Transition or Suicide
“Would you rather have a dead daughter or a living son?” This is what my WPATH certified therapist asked my parents in front of me on my very first appointment. This is the narrative among doctors and the community. However, research has shown that rates of suicide actually increase in transgender patients after they receive treatment. Nonetheless, the idea that if anyone, particularly a child, does not receive “gender-affirming care” they will kill themselves.
This is a myth. A lie. No one will die if they are denied access to experimental, mutilating, sterilizing surgeries and drugs.
We can rebut this argument with simple facts. If transgender people have always existed, which is another narrative the trans community pushes, then there would have been droves of child and teenage suicides throughout history we would be able to look back at and refer to. These children would be killing themselves because they didn't have access to “gender affirming care, because it did not exist.” But this did not happen. This is a brand new medicine, which people have never wanted or needed before now, because it was never accessible before.
Transition is not a cure for suicidality, anyway. It won't make suicidal thoughts or ideation go away. In fact, as mentioned above, suicide rates actually increase after transition.
Suicide is a multifaceted issue, and multiple factors are required for a completed suicide. There is no such thing as “trans children not given hormones will kill themselves.” “Misgendering” someone will not cause them to kill themselves. Suicide requires four things, including hopelessness and a lack of support, and will not happen without all four factors being present.
Sources are below.
Finally, the effects of hormones, especially testosterone, can increase suicidality just like completing surgery does.
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2. Trans Genocide
Another common with being pushed is that a transgender genocide is going on right now. This is also false.
Claiming that there is a genocide happening when there is none is incredibly disrespectful to people's who are victims of genocide.
Genocide is defined as the purposeful killing of a large group of people with the purpose of erasing that group or people.
No one is going out in droves killing transgender people, at least not in Western society where the ideology is being pushed.
Being denied access to women's spaces will not kill any trans-identifying male. The same goes for their sports. Hearing your birth name will not kill a person either.
I have also heard claims that the laws being rolled out to protect children are genocidal, and will cause people to kill themselves, a part of the genocide… This is also false, and as mentioned above, the CDC made a statement about the four factors required for suicide. None of them included “anti-trans bills.”
3. It's Reversible
This is one of the biggest lies they tell, most commonly to naïve, impressionable children. Trans-influencers even make videos saying that you can just go on “T” (testosterone) for a little while and essentially pick and choose which side effects you would like to experience. This is false. Testosterone effects everyone, and every woman, differently. You don't know what side effects will come first, you don't know what will happen when you stop, and there is no way to know until it happens. At that point, the effects are irreversible and unchangeable.
This goes the same for estrogen abuse in males. The effects, such as atrophy, and the growth of male breasts, will not go away. They are irreversible side effects, and they are life-lasting.
When I am testifying on bills, I often hear that puberty blockers are reversible, too. This is another lie for more reasons than one. Puberty blockers have not been studied for their use in completely ending puberty in a young person. Their use has only been studied for things like cancer, sterilizing pedophiles, and use in children with precocious puberty. In the case of precocious puberty, they are used for a very short period of time, and are not meant to completely stop puberty, but rather simply delay it so it can be experienced at a normal time.
Everything that is meant to develop and change during puberty will stop when puberty blockers are in use, and time is not reversible. You will never get back the time you lost when you were supposed to be growing your bone density, and developing your brain. And there is no information about what happens mentally to a child who is on puberty blockers, and if there is irreversible damage to mental health and the development of the personality.
Surgery, of course, is irreversible. There is no going back once you have lost body parts, or put in fake implants, or destroyed your sexual organs.
Reconstruction is almost impossible, will not be covered by insurance, and cost tens of thousands of dollars. It is also difficult to have follow-up surgeries after such mutilating procedures. It is traumatic on the body, and mentally and emotionally as well.
For myself, breast reconstruction will consist of at least three surgeries, and I may lose my nipples altogether. They have to be grafted once again, and are not extremely likely to survive the procedure.
First, I have to endure a tissue expander. An implant-like bag will be placed in my chest, and I will have to go to the surgeon every week for a period of at least 6 months to have the bags injected with saline through my skin. This is so that I will grow more skin, because my flesh was taken during the surgery and my chest is tight.
After my skin has regrown, I will have to remove the tissue expanders and heal for a while. After that, the implants as well as some fat, which will be taken from my stomach and thighs with liposuction, can be put into my chest beneath the loose skin. Once this is completed, after I have healed again, we can attempt to surgery to graft my nipples again, but there is a chance they will not survive. I may lose my nipples completely.
The cost of these procedures is an estimated $35,000, and is not covered by insurance. Even still, I will never be able to breastfeed. I lost that ability forever as a teenager.
4. Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria isn't Real
This is another lie which I hear when I'm testifying. I remember in Texas, a doctor laughed when she was asked about ROGD.
Rapid on set gender dysphoria is gender dysphoria which is experienced suddenly and usually at the onset of puberty or right after a trauma.
Most common patient seen at a gender clinic is experiencing rapid onset gender dysphoria. According to the Journal of Adolescent Health, many parents are reporting that their parents are experiencing ROGD.
I experienced ROGD after a sexual assault. I became disconnected from my gender, and I blamed all of my problems on it. I believed that only girls were sexually assaulted, and believed that if I remained one, it would happen again.
Another common reason youths, particularly girls, experience ROGD, is porn. Porn shows girls a sexualized version of femininity which is degraded and abused for the sake of men. My early exposure to porn also contributed to my ROGD. I have seen many young “trans-men” claim that they are transitioning to escape sexualization.
My story is not uncommon.
6. Gender Euphoria
“Gender euphoria” is advertised by the trans community a lot, but it's another lie.
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No one experiences euphoria about their sex. Autogynophiles experience sexual euphoria and gratification when they are perceived as women, and wrong sex hormones have steroid-like effects, but that is all. The high that trans-identifying people are chasing is either sexual gratification or a literal high from drugs.
There is no such thing as gender euphoria. You can be comfortable and satisfied in your sex, and experience sex based pleasure, but gender euphoria isn’t real. Despite its non-existence, however, people suffering with gender dysphoria are set on the path to chase this high. This is how life-long medicalization happens.
7. The Male and Female Brain
There is talk within the trans community about “female vs male brains” and the claim that transgender people have the brain of the opposite sex.
According to a study written about my ScienceDaily, (linked below), "Men and women's brains do differ slightly, but the key finding is that these distinctions are due to brain size, not sex or gender," Dr. Eliot said. "Sex differences in the brain are tiny and inconsistent, once individuals' head size is accounted for."
There is not only no evidence that trans-identifying people have the brain of the opposite sex, but actually, evidence to the contrary. Despite this, the trans community, and even doctors, will tell gender dysphoric people that they actually have the brain of the opposite sex. This is diabolical, as differences between the brains of the different sexes do not exist.
8. There is no Social Contagion
The presence of ROGD and the 4400% increase in minors who with trans-identifying, this myth is easy to blow out of the water. Many trans-identifying people are minors, specifically girls, the most demographic most vulnerable to social contagions. According to a study done by the UCLA, “Nearly one in five people who identify as transgender are ages 13-17.”
The social contagion theory was first suggested by concerned mothers of ROGD teens. ROGD is a subset of gender dysphoria specifically picked up and shared by teens, and as mentioned previously, usually at the onset of puberty of following a serious trauma.
The moms have gotten together and created support groups wherein the parents come up with other solutions for gender dysphoria than drugs and surgery. They have been touted as “hateful” and “anti-trans",” however, and face a lot of backlash. Despite the success the mothers have had with helping their gender dysphoric kids, WPATH says that “-all persons— especially adolescents—are deserving of gender-affirmative evidence-based care.”
9. No Surgeries are Happening on Minors
This is yet another false claim. I won’t horrify you with photos of nude minors with their breasts cut off, mostly because I think it is wrong and exploitative to share those photos, but I will tell you that it happens, and is continuing to happen.
If you would like to find this information for yourself, search for gender clinics near you, tell them that you have a 15 or 13 year old trans-identifying daughter and that she needs “top surgery” and see what happens.
Many lawsuits are beginning to come out by detransitioners, most of whom were minors when they were medicalized. Chloe Cole is a shining example of one of these young children.
Finally, WPATH has lifted all age restrictions on surgery for trans-identifying minors under their gross and negligent guidelines.
10. Informed Consent
“Informed consent,” is a form of gaining consent on paper which is signed by the patient to verify that they fully understand all of the consequences and side effects of the treatment which they are being given. This is another delusion, however, and for two reasons.
The first reason is that children cannot consent. Children do not have the mental or emotional capacity to consent to sterilization, or understand what life long medicalization means. I could not even grasp the meaning of the words “vaginal atrophy” when they were said to me, and without being trauma informed, my doctors did not know that I said yes because my understanding of atrophy made me believe that it would make it impossible for me to be raped again. This is the way a child thinks. Children cannot conceptualize what will happen to them if they undergo puberty blockers, wrong sex hormones, or undergo surgery.
The second reason is that the doctors cannot give proper informed consent because they do not know everything that happens when a patient takes wrong sex hormones, or what complications they may have from surgery. This is brand new and experimental medicine which has not been researched in the long term.
Puberty blockers have only been studied for their use in things like precocious puberty and their long term use remains unstudied. Wrong sex hormones have almost never been studied, and the studies that we do have are short term, not peer reviewed, and abysmal. Brand new surgeries seems to be coming out every month or so, like experimental clavicle shortening for trans-identifying males. There is no way for any research or long-term follow up to have been done on this.
11. “Trans Hate” is at an All Time High
At a time when the president is visiting with newly trans-identified men and writing them personal letters of congratulations, and trans-identifying people are all over the media with sponsorship deals and being influencers, and with acceptance higher than it ever has been before, there is the claim that “hate” is at an all time high.
This is said usually in response to the recent bills to protect children from “gender affirming care.” These are not anti-trans bills, but they are pro-women and pro-children bills.
In fact, with the rate of acceptance, there are more trans-identifying people than ever, and the trans community will tell you this themselves. This is how they defend against the social contagion argument. Their theory is that there have always been this many trans-identifying people throughout history, and that it is because of acceptance that they are able to come out and be public about their identities. I thought there was a genocide happening, though? So is acceptance high or low? They can’t keep the narrative straight.
Male/Female Brain:
Social Contagion:
Surgeries on Minors:
Prisha Mosley is suing the doctors and therapists who pushed her through the transition conveyor belt. She has testified at several hearings about her ongoing medical problems resulting directly from this medical malpractice.
Reminder: suicide is itself a socially contagious phenomenon.
Decades of research suggest that suicide is a socially contagious behavior, especially in youth. In 1994, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention published a document titled “Suicide Contagion and the Reporting of Suicide: Recommendations from a National Workshop.” In a section titled “Aspects of News Coverage That Can Promote Suicide Contagion,” the CDC cautioned against “[p]resenting simplistic explanations for suicide.” Suicide, it explained, “is never the result of a single factor or event, but rather results from a complex interaction of many factors and usually involves a history of psychosocial problems.”
Those pushing the narrative should already know this, and those reporting it already do know this. It almost seems like they want it to happen to justify their activism...
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impunkster-syndrome · 8 months
actually people are allowed to set whatever boundaries they want on their blog. some people have conflicting accessibility needs. a person with visual impairment may need the lights really bright, an autistic person may find this overstimulating & need to go elsewhere. that doesn't make any need any less valid, it just means they need different things. same with people who don't want to interact with systems for whatever reason. some people have anxiety that gets triggered by talking to too many people at once. some people are schizospec & need to stay away from systems because they spark specific delusions (me!). some people have disabilities or mental illnesses that make it impossible to keep track of that many people in one body so they say not to interact so they don't accidentally disrespect anyone. some people have brain injuries or intellectual disabilities that prevent them from even understanding what a system is so they say dni to make their online safe space less confusing or (in some cases) hostile. some people have their own ptsd, & are uncomfortable being around others with severe trauma because it reminds them of their own experiences & triggers them. there are so many reasons why someone may not want to interact with systems to preserve their own well-being. some people have traumatic memories tied to specific pieces of media, so they want to stay away from introjects from said media to avoid being triggered & to avoid disrespecting the introject. it isnt ableism, it's a conflict of needs. nobody is obligated to disclose their reason for not wanting to do something, no means no. & in this case, it's no systems. the best part of tumblr is how customizable it is, with blockable tags & the like. you dont have to interact with people who upset you. they dont want you to interact with them either. just leave each other alone & everyone will be better off. & btw, please tag your posts about DID/OSDD with something to do with DID, OSDD, systems, or plurality so people who have the tags blocked dont get your posts in their feed.
Anon, go fuck yourself. Seriously. I'm not going to tag my fucking existence as a system which is out of my control so others will avoid me. That's on you to protect yourself and avoid systems. My posts about plurality are tagged properly.
Bitch I'm fucking reeling from finding alice in wonderland type of programming at 4 AM. If the fucking existence of people with trauma being around you is triggering, remove yourself from that space. You don't get to go to a tag for people commonly called "mad" which has significant overlap with plurality and trauma and demand people there tag their existence for your comfort. It's a fucking political movement. Deconstruct your comfort ableism dear god.
How do you enforce this offline then? You fucking can't. Expecting people to trigger tag their existence for you contributes to stigma of those conditions and is so fucking entitled.
Guess what! I'm fucking psychotic (reclaimed) and deal with anxiety. That would never, ever make it less ableist for me to do that.
The fucking existence of someone else is not a conflicting need with accessibility. That is entirely on you to use tags and content filtering.
Go fuck yourself, I have every right to be angry and upset with your ableism.
On second read, you don't seem to understand that frequently not all people in a system speak at once. Please go fucking educate yourself. Not all systems cofront or are coconscious.
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even with that result of the proceedings, for some people till will remain a perpetrator. i kind of don't want it be know anymore that i like rammstein, because of being scared of how others will react.. but that's probably sth everyone will have to figure out for themselves, isn't it? i was curious of how you personally would go about it, if people accuse you of idk.. "protecting an offender" or sth similar?
The important thing is that no evidence or actual cases have been raised with regards to criminal facts: No evidence of drinks getting spiked, and no evidence of sex against people's will.
just out of interest i looked up the meaning of the word 'perpetrator', and found
"a person who carries out a harmful, illegal, or immoral act."
"a person who commits a crime"
well, for the illegal and crime no evidence has been found, so objectively speaking that is off the table. But 'immoral' is a different matter, i looked that up too
"not confirming to accepted standards of morality"
And this is, i think, where it gets 'greyscale' and not just black or white /right or wrong, after all, what are 'accepted standards'... apart from that being very different depending on your own background and culture, i also think that changes over time... for example (i picked some random examples, not related to Rammstein)
when i started working in an office, it was completely normal that everyone could smoke at their desk, ashtrays were available in every room, and frequently used. Later that wasn't allowed, but in every hallway there was a smoking cabine. Then the smoking cabines were reduced to one per building. Then one in every 5 buildings. Since this year smoking is completely prohibited where i work, not in buildings, not in your car and not outside, you have to leave the complex entirely and go to the neighbouring town if you want to smoke
when i was young, in my country (Netherlands) it was completelly normal for women to sunbathe with their top off, so 'oben ohne' (as they say in German 😊). Not that everybody did it, but if someone did, no one would look twice. Nowadays it occurs far less, both due to healthrisks (i heard a talk on the radio recently naming this as a reason), but also because because nudity is viewed differently these days. Society as a whole seems to have become a bit more 'prude' than it was years ago.
also in the NL since the early 1980's there used to be a publicly known society (so not just hidden away, all in the open) that strived for 'acceptation of sexual relations between adults and children' (yes, really..). That society has eventually been forbidden in 2012 and has been disbanded.
If you want my personal opinions on these:
as a non-smoker, i'm happy that smoking isn't everywhere anymore, but i do feel it is quite a leap that people aren't allowed ro smoke anywhere anymore on our complex. I would have stayed with the smoking cabines.
i have no problem whatsoever with nudity, ofcourse in places where it's appropriate. When you visit someone you go by the dresscode in that house, the same with public spaces, iow in a religious place you dress the way deemed appropriate by that religion. For healthreasons i can imagine that people tend to dress up in the sun a bit more, but imo nowadays nudity is too easily associated with 'sex', and for me those are two separate things.
I never 'got' that society, and always thought it a step too 'free-thinking' even for the free-thinking country i live in, but it did get me thinkin: where do you draw the line...
Now to the allegations...i think many people, the media, but also fans of Rammstein have reevaluated what they think is 'moral', what their 'standard' is... and i think it's not surprising that over the 30 years that Rammstein existed (and certainly seeing where they are coming from (DDR)) these standards have changed.
In other words, i can fully understand that something that is 'accepted' by some, isn't by others. Or, that was 'accepted' in the past, isn't anymore now.
I think it's very difficult to actually stick a 'right' and a 'wrong' label on it, but that is what people want to do, they want clarity, want to know who to cheer for and who to put down.
Rammstein have always liked to aggrevate people, to annoy, as Paul often likes to say, and they always crossed the limits of some people, but it seems that the lines they crossed in the past have now been redrawn. That while they crossed the lines a little bit, but still had the line in sight (Rammstein quality control imo always had a very good 'gutfeeling' about how far to go), now Rammstein is in the same spot, but that line has been moved further away.
Me personally...i have not moved...yet, i'm still where i was, a tiny bit inside where the line was, some of the Rammstein songs i wouldn't have done myself, but i see what they are doing and it's not that far out of my comfortzone. Some of the things that happen outside of the music are not my thing, but as long as everyone involved is consenting, i feel it shouldn't change because of me.
Now the line has moved...am i now outside the line too? Am i or the way i think immoral? That's what i'm still processing, and i think it's an interesting part of life to deal with. There are people who say things like "it has been fine for all those years, and everything should stay the same, so it still should be fine now". But that's not how it works either, see the examples above..
And after all, life is full of change, life is change, without change, life would cease to be.
But i am still thinking about it 🌺
And maybe it's the same with Rammstein; they are intelligent people, and six very different people with very different personal circles, i could well imagine this has them thinking and reevaluating too.. 🌺 Because i think Rammstein did change things over the years. What makes the sex and blood and stuff work for Rammstein is that they do it amongst themselves. Flake and Till simulating sex on stage (which is too much already for some), imagine if it was a woman gagged with a ball in her mouth (like Flake wore) and Till simulating sex with her...to me that would definitely feel different. Flake whipping Till on stage, or 'Frau Schneider' having the others on the leash, pushing and shoving them if they don't do what she wants...very different if Frau Schneider wasn't actually Christoph... In the past Rammstein did on occasion have woman on stage, also on the 'Bück Dich' small stage, but that didn't last long, and imo that was the right decision. For me the aggravating only works if it's Rammstein themselves. Okay, the DT video has women in it with the actual 'titten' 😊 but one of the ladies gives the horny granddad a slap when he gets frisky, so that's funny in that way. But for me even that video would have been better if the 'Richard' storyline had been more intertwined with the others.
Long post again wasn't it...but what i think i was going for: it's understandable that people reevaluate the standards and how they feel about it. And yes, some will draw the line and not like Rammstein anymore. But that doesn't mean that they are wrong and all the people who think that everything should stay the same are right. And it also doesn't mean vice versa.
Main thing is to always think for yourself, how *you* feel about things. Don't be afraid to reevaluate or to change. But also don't be afraid to love what you love if it feels right for you ❤️
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US Major Step In Fight Between AI vs. Artists
So, we all know that a bunch of the creator strikes in America and a multitude of other countries associated with WGA and AFTRA have been for a multitude of different reasons. These are money, treatment, being taken advantage of by powerful companies and corporations. However, one big reason, specifically for the WGA Strike, is the use of AI. Companies and show creators in the industries refused to agree to not use AI prior to the strike, and this became one of the listed reasons the WGA Strike started.
Those of us who are content creators, artists of any media, and consumers of that media who spend time in those communities know that there are a lot of problems with this. For one thing, AI steals from works that have already been created. It also isn't actually AI, just machine learning. These co-exist to mean that if someone creates work with AI, there is no argument without rebuttal to be made that they aren't stealing or committing plagiarism. Another issue with AI is that it is extremely biased and is both socially and culturally harmful.
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This is a photo created by a man named Matthew Allen using Midjourney AI and editing tools.
The photo above was AI generated. However, it still won an art contest at the Colorado State Fair. This is despicable in its own right but that's a whole different thing that we don't have time for right now. Matthew Allen was denied to have his work allowed Copyright protection because it was AI generated.
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This is an image generated by a man named Stephen Phaler that was also denied copy rights.
This was made by Stephen Phaler, who also tried to make the case that his work was copyrightable. The court ruled against him, another promising sign for the creator community. This means that despite making his own AI Art system, he's works with it are still not protected. The software is his, but the art is not.
This is a major step in taking action against AI in courts. We need laws against AI to protect creators, because many of these efforts to do so have so far been unsuccessful through strikes and protests. All in good time, but for this is beacon of hope for us.
Not only have regular people who are unaware or refuse to acknowledge the harm of AI been using it, but people in academics have also used AI to do their work or assignments for them. Artists, writers, and musicians have been more hesitant to post their work because of AI algorithms stealing from them. If you look on AO3, any fandom, any type of work, you'll notice a large spike in restricted fics. This is because it's harder for AI to steal when only users with registered accounts can view many of the sites works due to restricted access.
The refusal of a federal judge in the U.S against AI is so undeniably important because not only will it hopefully prevent future AI users from making money off other people's work, but it's also a better way to spread words. Not everyone had Tumblr, or Twitter, or Reddit, or Facebook where you might hear about the dangers of AI and the algorithm only feeds you certain posts and things it thinks you want to see. Actually taking a legal stance against AI use and forcing restrictions is an excellent way to draw attention to the dangers of AI.
You'll also note there's various signs that a piece of artwork or writing was made with AI, for it lacks humanity. There's a post that said something alone the likes of, "Calling yourself an artist when you use AI Art is like buying box mix brownies and calling yourself a chef". This is one of the best examples of how ridiculous the use of AI art in genuine creative processes' are. It's not modernizing, it's theft and it's dishonest and lazy. You're not doing the work yourself, you're typing words and descriptions into a computer so it can do all the heavy lifting. That is horrible and dishonest.
Ultimately this post is about how we need more of this. We need it in other counties, we need to support our WGA and AFTRA strikes, we need to protect online and local creators who may not have as much voice when speaking out against AI. This includes famous, big names as well. This is all a positive step forward, and I encourage everyone to spread the word. Thank you for reading.
Tagging some mutuals who might be interested, but no pressure to reblog guys <3: @iammadeofmemoriesforlife @justanormaldemon @violets-and-books @rinadragomir @laylax13s @all-this-panic-still-no-disco @wesperbrekkered @grace-lightwoodd
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androgynealienfemme · 9 months
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"My mother had made a long, uphill journey to be standing there, displaying her private parts. The trip couldn't have been easy for her. In Mozelle's world, anything smacking of deviant behavior had always been swept under the rug. To digress from the sexually permissible was to be queer. She, like most of the nation, held homosexuals in very low esteem. They were perverts and child molesters. Mother didn't know any homosexuals, but she knew they were repulsive. I'd seen her in action.
At age eleven, I joined Mother on a bus for a shopping spree in Nashville. As we waited for our return bus trip home, we sat on a wooden bench people pass thrhough the Greyhound bus terminal. People watching was a favored pastime, and we generally conducted a running dialogue as the world paraded past. One person, a flamboyant black queen, noticeably stood out from this crowd. Flamboyant didn't cover it. This queen didn't pass through a space; he flounced through, making a grotesque statement about his life in transit. "Would you look at that?" my mother clucked. "He's so sissy, I bet he squats to pee."
I was mortified. I felt as though my protective cover had been ripped to shreds. I couldn't think of anything to say and sat in silence embarassment, hating that black queen. I reacted at eleven as so many adult closeted homosexuals have since reacted to the transgendered. "Don't put that spotlight on me!" I screamed inside my head.
I didn't want to believe I was like that outrageous, disgusting person prancing around the bus station. Yet I knew there was somehow a link between that "sissy" and me. it felt like a shameful link. That terrible person was in some way distantly related to me, and I knew it. I'd been called a sissy all my life, and now I knew what one looked like. Surely, everyone in the bus station was aware of our relationship. I couldn't believe that my mother, who knew me so well, could not see the sissy in me. If she ever allowed herself really to look at me, could she still love me?
How could anyone love me? There was the basis for the fear. Because I was not like other boys, I felt I must be despicable. Daddy recognized it. I was sure he saw. my difference. In response, I consciously tried to create a boy child who might be worthy of love. Painstakingly, I tried to mimic the acceptable traits of other males around me. I knew, and so did my daddy, that the mimicry was a sham. The child of my creation, the boy child, was not real.
All children fear abandonment by their parents. That is one of our fundamental fears. One of the differences for transsexual children is feeling we have already been abandoned. The person we are is not good enough. To be loved, we must create another person, an acceptable substitute. We do not grow up and change into women. We grow up and change back into what we originally started out to be.
People had never heard of a transsexual until the media created a furor over Christine Jorgensen's gender reassignment. Prior to those shocking headlines, everyone differently was labeled queer. Queer meant you were a degenerate. Queer meant you were so sissy you squatted to pee.
Mother had indeed come a long way from rural Tennessee."
“The Woman I Was Not Born To Be” by Aleisha Brevard (2001)
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