#everyone ships them and dream made two am i in love with my best friends quizzes and likes gay dnf fanart but they're really just friends
julesmallow · 2 years
i'm new to the fandom, but i'm confused are they (dnf) dating? /srs
no they're not 😭
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munsonsmixtapes · 3 months
Paint Me
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Benedict Bridgerton x fem!inexperienced!American!reader
summary: An unfortunate funeral causes you and Benedict come face to face and he is your surprising shoulder to lean on. And after a secret moment in the garden, you become closer than ever before.
word count: 4k
taglist: @syraxnyra @turtle-cant-communicate @sublimepenguinpeach-blog @intothesoul
part one part two
February 13, 1817
There was a knock on your door after you had gotten home from the gallery. You had embarrassed yourself enough when you had insulted Benedict's painting and weren't in the mood to speak to anyone, especially not who you knew was on the other side of the door.
You had already felt like a disappointment to your father and you didn't need to hear him tell you as such. But he entered the room anyway and sat on the edge of your bed next to you. He went to wrap his arm around you, but you pulled away, moving closer to the other side.
"I am afraid that I have not been there for you when you needed me most," he went to reach for your hand, but you pulled it away, fully turning your back to him.
"I am afraid that is true and I do not wish to speak to you at this moment."
"Bunny," he went to use his beloved nickname for you which caused you to stand from the bed, turning to face with a kind of anger you didn't even know was possible.
"You do not deserve to call me that. I understand that you are my father, but you were also my best friend. So where have you been?" You asked, your voice getting louder. "Where have you been when your wife, my mother betrayed me? If you love me as much as you claim to, then why have you never defended me when you saw the two of them treating me so horribly? I know why. It is because you are nothing but a coward and I do not wish to speak to you any longer."
With that, your father left the room, leaving you alone again. All of your anger was getting the best of you, everything that had happened throughout your whole life, weighing on you. You went under your bed where you hid away your art supplies and began to sketch, the pressure of your hand pressing the charcoal to the page, causing it to break, both it and the tears that were falling from your eyes, ruining the picture completely.
It seemed that not even your form of therapy was working. The one thing that made you feel better in fact did not. As your anger reached its peak, you threw everything across the room in a loud clatter and changed into your nightgown, getting into your bed, pulling the covers over you and crying until sleep claimed you.
But your sleep did not bring you any rest whatsoever, the only thing happening behind your eyes was your father. You saw his carriage crashing into a tree, the ship he was on going down, him falling off his horse, all leading to his demise.
The guilt was eating at you for the way you spoke to him. Even though everyone was asleep, you couldn’t sleep any longer without apologize for the way you spoke to your father. Whether he accepted it or not didn’t matter. You just needed him to know that you didn’t mean a single word.
You snuck out of your room with every intention of heading to your parents’ room at the end of the hall only to your mother sobbing in the foyer. She was on her hands and knees while Lilith held onto her, rubbing her back while he cried tears of her own.
You approached them, looking around for your father only to not see him, and you expected the worst. It seemed that all of your nightmares were in fact not that, but premonitions.
You felt lightheaded, your vision going hazy as your sister told you what had happened. Augustus had gone for a late night horse ride and had experienced a heart attack, causing him to fall off and pass away right there because there had been no one had been around to give him the proper care nor get him to a hospital.
It was all your fault. Or at least, that was what you were telling yourself. He did, however, die in one of the ways you had dreamed about, so you supposed that you had spoken it into existence.
The next few days, the house was quiet, neither you nor your mother or sister uttering a single word, nothing feeling quite right to say as far as the loss was concerned. The funeral was the next week and the three of you stood together, weeping over your father’s grave.
You were approached by Kate and Anthony who pulled you into a group hug as your cried into their shoulders and they held you for as long as you liked. When you pulled away, you saw Benedict standing behind them, his eyes already on you. For once, the flirty look in his eyes was replaced with a look of sorrow. 
For a second, all of your dislike for him dissipated as he pulled you into his arms, his hands rubbing up and down your back as he whispered nothing but nice things into your ear as you cried into his shoulder. 
Kate and Anthony turned away to give you a private moment and whispered to each other about what was possibly going on between the two of you. Kate thought it was sweet, but Anthony was ready to nip it right in the bud. There was no way that he was letting his brother anywhere near you, not even in a friendly way as  Benedict was unable to be friends with women. He only bedded them and there was absolutely no way that could happen. 
You pulled away from Benedict and he was quick to wipe your tears. You hadn’t seen him that soft and gentle since you had moved back to England and you were happy to have your old Benedict back, even if it was just for a moment. 
Benedict didn’t know what had come over him. He wasn’t sure why, but seeing you so heartbroken broke his own heart. When he saw you sobbing when he got to the graveyard, he swore that he could actually hear his heart crack. Usually, he would only comfort a woman going through a loss for the sole reason of getting her into bed, but this time, that wasn’t even a thought. He just wanted to make sure that you were okay. 
He didn’t leave your side the entire day as everyone followed your family to your house to enjoy a meal together in your father’s honor. He kept his distance out of respect, but he wanted nothing more than to wrap you up in his arms and let you stay there as long as you wanted. He knew how close you were to your father and just how much it had crushed you to lose him. 
As day turned to night, you could feel your cold shoulder towards Benedict start to thaw. You were beginning to think that maybe you were being too hard on him when he had genuinely been trying to right his wrongs with what he had done to you almost a decade ago. You didn’t think that you should have let it hurt you for so long and that the grudge you were holding against him was really only hurting you in the end.
February 20, 1817
As a way to see your artwork, Lady Danbury had one of her friends host another gallery. You had told her that it wasn’t at all necessary, but of course, she didn’t listen to you. She assured you that everyone would love whatever you decided to submit and that they would all be lining up to purchase commissions from you.
You, however, thought it was a bold claim. Sure, you wanted people to see your work, but now you were nervous that none of them were going to appreciate it the way that you did. It was all very personal and you weren't sure that you wanted it hung for everyone to see.
Despite that, you still submitted your most personal piece. A painting of your father that was your own way of honoring him. A way to forgive him for all he had done to you and to let go of all of the guilt you felt for what had happened to him. It was the best form of therapy you could have ever asked for and easily your best work to date.
Benedict's piece had been coming along great as well. For once, he wasn't thinking about every single brush stroke and just went along with it, letting the brush guide him. He was going off of memory since he didn't have a proper photo of his subject, but he thought it was turning out rather well considering.
Instead of going to the studio, he decided to work in the garden, the sunlight being the best thing to point out all his imperfections if there were any. He was not going to have a repeat of what had happened last time. It was far too embarrassing.
"Ah, there you are, brother," Eloise spoke as she approached him.
"Here I am," he replied and was quick to stand in front of the painting so she couldn't see it, but it was too late. She had already seen it. She pushed him out of the way and let out a gasp as the painting before her.
"It that-"
"No," Benedict cut her off, trying to block her view of it again, a shade of pink apparent on his cheeks. Eloise just laughed and pushed him out of the way again, careful not to knock over the easel.
"It is!" She gasped. "It's the l/n girl that Kate and Anthony have befriended!"
"It is not." He didn't know why he was denying it. All the proof was right there.
"You cannot deny it. It seems that you have befriended her as well." Eloise could see the way that her brother looked at you and it seemed like he was attracted to you. She hadn't had many interactions with you, but according to Kate, you seemed like someone who keep Benedict humble and ground him.
"She doesn't like me, Eloise," he shook his head as dipped his brush into a shade that was the color of your skin tone and did some shading where he thought it would look nice.
"Why not? Did you hurt her, because Anthony will certainly-" Oh, Benedict knew exactly what Anthony would do.
"I did," Benedict nodded. "Eight years ago. When her family lived down the road, we painted a lot together in the study while Francesca played the piano, but one night-"
"What did you do, Benedict?" Eloise wasn't sure he wasn't going to say, but what she did know was that she wasn't going to like it.
"She told me-she told me that she loved." Her eyes widened at that and she wasn't surprised that she didn't know that fact because you would have been too scared to admit it to anyone and Benedict just felt horrible about the whole thing and didn't want to revisit it.
"And what did you say?" Considering the fact that you were ten and Benedict was twenty-one at the time, she could assume what had happened.
"The only thing I could. She was a child and I was certainly not interested in her and so I told her as much. Maybe a little too harshly and she ran."
"Benedict," Eloise gasped. So that was why you always paid almost attention to him. All of the dots were finally connecting. Now she was thinking that she liked you even more. That you were the first woman to not fall for her brother’s charms even though you were the exact one who should have. He definitely had a type.
"I know, and now she's here and beautiful and I'm afraid I've fucked it all up." Eloise was wondering what had gotten into him that he had such a defeatist attitude. He was never that way towards the women he was interested in even if they weren’t interested. In fact, that usually only motivated him even more.
"Maybe this might seem like a foreign concept to you, brother, but have you ever thought about apologizing like a normal person?" Benedict actually had thought about that, but he didn't think that was good enough, so that was why he had done the painting of you. He hoped that would help you see just how much he cared for you.
"I think it might be too late for that." He decided that his work was done and started to clean his brushes.
"It's never too late for an apology," she rested a hand on his shoulder and gave is a squeeze, leaving Benedict with much to think about.
February 21, 1817
You sat in the study with one of your books in your hand, but you couldn't focus on it. Your letter letting you know whether or not your artwork was accepted into the gallery was going to be there any second and you were terrified. There was a lot of riding on it and you were very afraid that they hadn't accepted it.
Kate and Anthony had insisted on being there when you got the good new and Kate clutched your hand as a servant entered the room with the envelopes on a silver platter and you reached for yours, feeling like time had stopped as you ripped into the envelope.
You read the first few words of the letter and let it drop to the floor, feeling your body go cold, collapsing into one of the chairs as you accepted defeat. They didn't want your piece. You should have known since they wouldn't have since you were a woman. They hadn't said as much, but you were able to read the lines.
Despite your sadness, you told the couple that you would join them at the gallery and felt horrible that Lady Danbury went through all that trouble for nothing. You didn't want to have to look her in the eyes, but the only worse thing was not going an accepting defeat. You were going to show everyone just how strong you were.
February 25, 1817
Practically everyone was already at the gallery when you had arrived and you felt dread come over you as you accepted that you were going to have no part in it. You had been rejected from many things like that before, so you weren't sure why it hurt so much.
Lady Danbury had approached immediately when you arrived and you really didn't feel like speaking with her but you plastered on your brightest smile, faking like you had interest in the conversation even though you would have much rather been in the study with your paints.
"Ah, there's the artist," she greeted. "You left last time before we were able to talk about your critique of the Bridgerton boy." Normally you would have felt guilty for something, but this time you couldn't have cared less. Benedict Bridgerton could have stood to be knocked down a few pegs and you were really enjoying being the one to do it.
"And I apologize for that. I was just letting my own issues take over." You were only apologizing because you felt like it, not because you meant it.
"No apologies necessary, dear. I loved it. I wish you would speak your mind more often. More people could benefit from hearing your thoughts. Especially ones like Mr. Bridgerton." Lady Danbury didn't mind Benedict, but often times she felt he had a big head and let his ego get in the way.
"I appreciate that, but unfortunately, I don't think that I'm up for it tonight."
"But what am I to think about the artwork without a lovely artist to give her opinions?" There was something odd about the interaction and you couldn't figure out what.
"You do flatter me, Lady Danbury. I suppose I wouldn't mind joining you."
So, you led her around the gallery and told her what you thought about the pieces, promising her to not hold back this time, suddenly not afraid to speak your mind. And Lady Danbury was loving every second of it, very entertained by the shy wallflower coming out of her shell.
She quite liked your company, amused by your little quips that you had come with on the spot. And she appreciated how you felt like you were able to be your true self around her, not the shy person she had met a few weeks ago. You were growing on her and easily becomg one of her favorite debutants of the season.
"Lady Danbury, who do you think your favorite artist is?" You asked as she got to the second to last piece. All this time you had been talking about the pieces in front of you, but you were curious as to what kind of art she liked since you thought a person's favorite artist said a lot about them.
"You." You were surprised to hear her say that considering that she hadn't even seen any of your work.
"Oh, that's very nice, but-"
"No, dear, it's you!" She cut you off and forced you to turn to the piece on the wall. You let out a gasp as your face stared back at you, feeling something very strange coming over you.
You stepped closer to the painting and turned this way and that, convinced that you were looking into a mirror, but you weren't. You could very clearly see the paint strokes when you got close enough. Who the artist was was a mystery. You had absolutely no idea who could have done it and wanted to know their identity and why you had been their subject.
You couldn't stop staring, wanting to reach out to touch it, but you knew you weren't allowed, even if it was your face on the canvas. It was amazing how well they were able to paint your features and you wondered what they had used for reference.
"I hope this isn't too amateur for you," a voice whispered in your ear and you felt a chill go down your spin as their hot breath hit the back of your neck.
You turned around only to be face to face with the seconds eldest Bridgerton brother. You eyed him, wondering why he would have done something like that and what he would have gotten out of it. That had to be the reason why he would have done it...right?
So many questions were swirling around your mind, your main one being how he was able to make the painting so accurate that it felt like you were looking into a mirror without having you sit for it.
"What is this, Benedict?" You pointed to the painting and he just chuckled. You didn't like how much you enjoyed making hearing the sound and wondering how you would have been able to hear it.
"It's you." He was smiling brightly and you wished he had done it more often. The look was just too pretty on him to hide away all the time. You wondered why he always seemed to always look so serious. In the many times you had seen him, he had only smiled when he was with Eloise.
"I'm aware of that...but why?"
"I think the better question is why not."
"How were you able to do it without me sitting for you to paint me?"
"I will answer all of your questions, but right now, we must see the final painting."
He offered you his arm and you grabbed onto it, letting him lead you through the rest of the gallery.
"But this was the last one." 
"Not quite,” he winked and stopped at the last piece, causing you to let out a loud gasp as your own painting was staring back at you. But it had been rejected. How did he get a hold of it and why was it there? The man was confusing you even more by the second. You were convinced that he had just been trying to get you to forgive him just so he could feel better about himself, but now you weren’t so sure. 
You felt tears well up in your eyes as you turned to him. No one had ever done anything that nice for you before. Something so selfless that they only did because they wanted to and not to make themself look good. Maybe he wasn’t the same Benedict that your remembered. Maybe he was finally turning over a new leaf.
Benedict wiped your tears away and even though it was entirely inappropriate, you threw yourself into his arms and he was quick to catch you, almost falling backwards because of how much force you had used to push yourself in his direction. You squeezed each other tight, avoiding the gasps of the people around you. Lady Danbury shooed them away to give the two of you some privacy as you both pulled away. 
Without a word, you pulled Benedict away from the gallery and you both discreetly made your way through the crowd to get outside for some much needed fresh air. You looked out into the garden and couldn’t help but feel like home there.There was something that was so comforting about it that made it seem like you belonged there. You could see yourself there with Benedict right by your side, the two of you facing each other with your own easels as you painted your own portraits of each other. 
You hadn’t thought about him in that way in a long time and wondered where that had come from. Maybe you were overcome with gratitude to him, but that didn’t matter. What did matter was the fact that you couldn’t stop yourself from staring at his pretty lips, wondering what they felt like between yours. And how you could have taken the chance and it would not have been inappropriate.
Without a word, you grabbed him by his coat and pulled him down so that his face was only inches from yours. You pressed your lips to his with so much force that your teeth clinked together and you both were quick to pull away covering your mouths in pain. You couldn’t believe you had done that. That was exactly why you never acted impulsively. It always just ended in embarrassment. 
You just shook your head as you felt your cheeks heat up and turned back to enter the gallery. Benedict wasn’t going to let you get away this time, though. He lost you once and he wasn’t going to let it happen again. And this time, he was actually attracted to you and he was going to let you know just how beautiful he thought you were. 
He grabbed onto your arm just as you were going to open the door and turned you around to face him. His hazel eyes bored into yours as he grabbed onto your chin, lifting it as he bent down. He slotted his lips between yours and you tried to move along with him, mimicking his actions exactly even though you had absolutely not fucking clue what you were doing. 
Your hands moved to his face and pulled him closer to you so you had more access to his mouth, becoming addicted to the feeling of his lips on yours. You had only gotten a little taste, but already wanted to do that exact thing for the rest of your life. Benedict pulled away to let the both of you breathe, but quickly dove in for more as he grabbed onto your waist and pushed you against the pillar that was behind you. You let him lead, taking exactly what he wanted from you as you were pliant under his touch. 
He pushed your mouth open as he slid his tongue inside, letting it swirl around your own and a sound escaped your mouth that Benedict definitely needed to hear again. And the fact that what you were doing was considered wrong only made him love it more. He continued to kiss you like his life depended on it as his hand moved up to your breast, massaging it the best he could over your dress as you let out another moan, this one louder. You pulled away as you felt a weird sensation between your legs, a lot of wetness collecting there. You began to panic as you pushed Benedict away, embarrassed about what was happening. 
“I had a lovely time tonight, Mr. Bridgerton, but now I must go.” You curtsied and then rushed inside, gathering your dress in your hands as you did so. 
You made a beeline for the restroom and locked yourself inside it before grabbing the nearest towel-like fabric and pulled up your dress before wiping. You pulled the towel away not to find blood like you were expecting but found that whatever was between your legs was almost clear. You were convinced that there was something wrong with you, having never seen anything like that before. 
While you were panicking in the restroom, Benedict was pacing in the garden, debating running after you even though he was sure that you had already left. Had he made you uncomfortable? That must have been it because you looked so scared. He had taken advantage of you and now he was going to beat himself up over it. Not reciprocating your feelings when you were a child was one thing, but taking advantage of you was another and now he had ruined his chances with you because he was selfish. He didn’t think that another painting was going to fix it either. Perhaps it was time to finally let you go for good and let you find a man who was actually worthy enough. A man that was actually able to keep you.
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myouicieloz · 1 year
As you dance
Huh Yunjin x itzy6thmember!reader
Synopsis: Yunjin didn’t know you knew how to dance. That was, until she saw you wasted at an after party, laughing and moving your body along with the neon lights.
Warnings: nsfw, …? Idk what else. drinking, perhaps. smut. sub!yunjin x dom!reader.
Word count: 5.8 k.
Notes: I AM BACK ONCE AGAIN! And Idk what I did here. It just kept going. I think I’m getting better at writing smut, though! This was way more comfortable to write than my previous one (which I’m working on part 2 already!!). I did check for spelling errors and everything in general (yay!), but if there’s anything that makes you uncomfortable lmk so I can change it. that’s it enjoy!! muah kisses ily my loves. ps: Yn is part of itzy but I think I’ve made it general enough you can imagine any gg you’d like, kind of. But itzy rocks.
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Yunjin stared shamelessly as you danced around with your bandmates at the secret afterparty you were all attending. She watched as you swayed your hips along with the rhythm of the music and twirled your friends around, laughing when one of them lost balance and almost fell to the ground. To her, the way you moved around was completely indecent, for God’s sake. It made everyone stare at you, in awe. She hated that— so many eyes on you. She should be the only one.
Yunjin doesn’t know why she assumed you weren’t good at it. maybe by the way you talked about yourself, always saying how you hated to dance and were always behind your bandmates in choreography, looking too out of place to blend in. She should’ve known you were, as always, just insecure.
She had seen you dance before, of course. You were good with the choreography you were given, even if it wasn’t always your style. But to see you dance so freely… It was truly a sight.
To others, however, you were enjoying yourself and having fun with your friends, but Yunjin knew better— knew you better. It was a clear challenge, she could tell by the way your hands ventured to your chest, mostly exposed by your top’s neckline. The subtle looks she’d send you across the room, every time your hands touched your best friends’, the one your stupid fans were always shipping you with, waist, were meant to defy her; provoke her.
It had made Yunjin so horny it hurt. She clenched her thighs, hoping for some kind of relief, but it did nothing to ease the burning sensation building up in her core.
Thankfully, the next set of songs were ones you disliked, so you excused yourself from your friends and neared the bar, taking a break. Yunjin didn’t waste any time following you, sending hard glances to the people who motioned to greet you before she was by your side. As if she’d ever let them steal your attention from her.
"I didn't know you could dance," Yunjin casually told you, leaning against the balcony. Her tone was light, making it seem like a simple observation, attempting to mask the fact that simply watching you dance had made her incredibly turned on.
Your moves were experienced, almost obscene. And the micro skirt you wore had you looking irresistible, shining like a beacon in the middle of the damn dance floor. It made her want to snatch you up and fuck you right in the restrooms, for everybody to hear you screaming her name, simply to get rid of that smug smile on your face.
You weren’t hers, though. The two of you were merely friends, so her actions were resumed to her wettest, dirtiest dreams.
"You assumed that, unnie,” you replied, after catching your breath for a few seconds. Your cheeks were flustered from the alcohol, and the dance had messed your hair up even more, making the curls run towards all places. You looked wild, free. Alive. Yunjin would definitely write about you once she went home. She could already plot the verses in her head. "I said I didn't like it, and I don't," you continued, picking up the drink the waiter had handed you and thanking him with a bow and a small smile. "But it's fun, sometimes. I did ballet for quite a while, remember? I know a few things."
A few things.
You turned to her, taking a step so you’d be closer. Her eyes were beautiful, all bright and expressive, and you so hoped to get to be someone special in her life. You’d grown used to talking to her over the last weeks, after you asked for her number at an award ceremony. You two texted all the time, and told each other just about everything: she had told you about the hard time she had at produce 48, then the frustration when she decided to give up the trainee life and go to college; the insecurity she faced after finally living her dream, constantly wondering if she was enough, if she was worthy of all of this wonder. You, on the other hand, shared about your family; how your mother and grandmother, mostly, coerced you into dancing, specially ballet, and how you absolutely loathed it. You told her that you tried out for JYP with one of your best friends at the time, who you admired so much and was such an inspiration to you. Yunjin was the only one who knew how surprised you were when you got in, and she didn’t. And how her coldness and rudeness towards you broke your heart. You two knew so many profound things about each other, but it was so awkward to stare at her personally. Yunjin, who knew the raw version of you, who knew each and every one of your nightmares, and still wanted to be friends.
To you, it was embarrassing how much you knew about her. Each time you spoke, you took an effort not to reveal anything she hadn’t told you yet. About her hobbies, her sister… you knew it all. And you so desperately wanted her to notice you. To truly see you much you desired her.
Oblivious, the two of you. Both playing a game of hide and seek with your feelings, afraid you’d scare each other and make one run away.
She was taken by surprise by your movements, but quickly recovered and took a step towards you herself. She grabbed a strand of your hair, admiring the way the curls fell so graciously into place, adorning your delicate face.
“You look beautiful today.” She thought better, frowning slightly. “Every day, actually.”
You smiled at her, not thinking much of it, but before you could thank her, Kazuha showed up, jumping up and down.
“Yunjin unnie! I’ve been looking for you everywhere!” She stopped to acknowledge you, still moving frantically. “Hello Yn! You look so, so pretty!”
“So I’ve told her,” Yunjin mumbled, as you nudged her and thanked Kazuha, this time.
“Thank you, Zuha. Did you take too many Red Bulls again?” She nodded, as if the ground was sending electric waves into her body.
“Only two, Yn-ah!” She did the number 2 with her fingers before turning to Yunjin. “Chaewon unnie says we have to go. We have rehearsals tomorrow morning, remember? We can’t be tired.” Kazuha explained, gripping the girl’s arm as she tried to drag her towards the rest of the bandmates. Yunjin stood frozen, though. There was no possibility she’d leave you here, not when everyone was staring at you like they were just waiting for an opportunity to snatch you and take you home.
They wouldn’t dare. Taking you from her was not a possibility.
“I can’t go, Zuha.” Yunjin said, looking at you sneakily so the ballerina would, hopefully, get the hint. Kazuha furrowed her brows, confused.
“Why not, unnie?” She kept looking at you, then at yunjin, trying to understand.
“I can’t.”
You felt like you were intruding, but you couldn’t let Yunjin go, either. You put your hands on her other arm, asking her softly, “Is everything ok? You look a bit pale. I can go if you'd like, the girls are probably looking for me anyw—“
“No!” Both girls exclaimed, making you take your arms off the older girl, taken aback by their intensity. Yunjin eyed Kazuha before turning back to you, annoyed to not have your full attention anymore. Her thoughts were racing, and you’d given her the perfect cue: she wasn’t going to waste it. Clinging onto you, she grabbed your tiny waist, burying her face in your neck since you knew she was a terrible liar. Yunjin was tall herself, so she was constantly towering over people, but you were two, maybe three inches taller than her, which had always pleased her.
“Actually, I don’t think I feel so good, Yn. Perhaps you could come with us to the dorm? The girls sleep like rocks, and I’m afraid I’ll start to get nauseous, and I’ll be all alone because they never wake up.” She pleaded, making her voice crack so it would look real. Yunjin did feel a little bad for lying so bluntly to you, but she wouldn’t leave you alone at the club for everyone to have you.
She felt cold hands being pressed on her neck and her forehead, making her shiver. She could only think how it would feel to have those same hands pressing slightly into her pulse point, as she was pounded by behind—
“You really are a bit hot,” she heard you say, and it took all of her strength not to laugh. “And shivering. Why did you come? You should’ve gone straight home.”
To see you.
“Yes! Please come with us, Yn! Yunjin is always talking about how you take such good care of your bandmates when they drink too much! You should care of unnie, too.” Zuha said, picking up on her friend’s act. She shamelessly winked at the girl, but you didn’t even notice, too busy staring at your feet at the thought of Yunjin talking about you to her friends.
“Apparently, not so much,” You frowned, realizing your bandmates were no longer on the dance floor. They often drank over their heads, and you were always worrying they wouldn’t pass out in a chair or do something reckless. “Yeji is probably up to something somewhere, and Lia’s too sweet when she’s drunk. Now I’ve lost them.” You mumbled, truly thorn between the pretty girl in your arms and your bandmates. Sensing your hesitation, Yunjin gave your waist a reassuring squeeze, which you pretended not to be affected by.
“We’ll find them and ask about it, ok? I’ll survive on my own if they’re too bad themselves.” She assured you, making you feel lighter. You nodded, and soon the trio started searching for your friends through the club.
Turns out you were right, after all. Yeji was as red as a tomato, laughing at Chaeryoung who had just tripped over the chair. Lia was flirting with someone you couldn’t see clearly in the dark, and Yuna looked in her own world besides Ryujin, downing shots by herself. Surprisingly, Ryujin was cool, watching the whole scene with a small smile as she sipped on her drink. She frowned at the sight of Yunjin clinging to you and Kazuha jumping on your other side, but her smile quickly became malicious as she noticed the older girl’s hands on your waist. You shook your head, mouthing her to stop.
Yunjin simply didn’t see you like this, no matter how much you wanted her to.
“We were looking for you,” she said, over the music, as soon as you were near enough to hear. Yeji had taken Kazuha for a dance, and now they were both in a jumping contest, apparently. Yunjin didn’t catch the way your friend’s voice dropped an octave, but you certainly did, “But you were busy, I see.”
“Yunjin is not feeling so good,” You clarified, giving her your best, stop trying to suggest things that didn’t happen stare. Ryujin new about your crush and how you and Yunjin texted all the time, and had always tried to convince you that the girl liked you as much as you liked her.
“I asked her to go home with us, to take care of me.” Yunjin explained, squeezing your waist again. She liked the way you tensed around her hands when she first did it, momentarily closing your eyes to regain your focus, “Because she always takes such good care of you, when you guys are not feeling so good. But she was wary of leaving you here alone.”
“Nonsense! We were actually looking for you to go home, too. It’s getting late anyway. You should take care of Yunjin-sunbaenim.” Ryujin approved, giggling. She motioned to the girls, pushing the two of you. “Get better! Rest well.” She wished Yunjin, and you wanted to kill her for laughing. Yunjin, who was having the time of her life clinging onto you, sighed as she saw Kazuha’s energy. She motioned to let go of you to get her friend, but you tightened your grip, instead and reaching for the ballerina yourself.
You said goodbye to the rest of your bandmates, explaining them you’d spend the night at Lesserafim’s dorm, and they promptly wished Yunjin a speed recovery, clearly too drunk to think much of it. In a few minutes, you were in a van with the rest of Yunjin and Kazuha’s members. They were such dears, and you already knew so much about them because of Yunjin, so thankfully the atmosphere was calm, with all the girls tired from the busy day and the party.
“It’s so cool that you’re sleeping over, Yn-unnie! Yunjin unnie talks about you all the time.” Eunchae had excitedly said, making everyone laugh. Yunjin stared at the window, muttering that the maknae was lying, but the blush in her face was proof enough.
“Yn will be busy taking care of Yunjin, though, Manchae,” Chaewon said, knowing exactly what her friend was up to. “Yunjin might even puke.” She joked, earning a general ‘ewwww!’ from the girls, and a laugh from you.
You saw that Yunjin was still with her head on the window, so you poked her to get the girl’s attention.
“You shouldn’t be looking at the window so much if you’re dizzy,” you gently pushed her head to rest on your shoulder, which she did. “I did that once after drinking and puked in our dorm’s parking lot.” You frowned, remembering how you didn’t even drink too much that day, but still ended up sick.
“That’s gross.” She said, laughing and focusing on your lap, instead. She grabbed your hands, playing with your fingers to distract herself from the fact that you had really accepted to take care of her.
Yunjin kept reminding herself she was your friend, nothing else. She couldn’t risk making a move on you and having to handle your rejection. She wouldn’t dare. Friends.
The van stopped to drop Sakura and Eunchae at their dorm, and Sakura smiled at you before leaving.
“Take care of her, Yn. Yunjin gets really whiny when she’s not feeling good.” She said, with playful eyes. Yunjin looked like she was at a staring contest with the oldest, but let her go with a sigh.
“Goodnight to you too, unnie.” She mumbled, a pout on her lips.
Soon, you were in Chaewon, Kazuha and Yunjin’s dorm, and you took a good look at it before going to Yunjin’s room. It was spacious, neat and very light, just like the girls. Chaewon and Kazuha bid you goodnight before retreating to their rooms, after giving Yunjin a hug.
When you entered her bedroom, she was riffling through her drawers, looking for something. You examined her room, too, as you’ve never been to her dorm before. There were plenty of posters on her walls, and a collage of polaroids hanging just beside her full-length mirror. You smiled, spotting the one you took at Music Bank, when you stumbled briefly across each other as you were running late— both of you looking flustered but with big smiles.
“It’s one of my favorites.” You’ve heard her say, behind you. “I just wished we had more pictures together.”
You turned to see her in a big T-shirt and small shorts, another set of clothes in her hands. You took it from her and quickly undressed from your sparkly skirt and black top, not bothering to go to the bathroom — you were friends, after all.
“We could go out more and take pictures, if you weren’t so busy all the time.” You whined, as she shook her head and threw herself in her bed, making sure to leave space for you.
“As if you weren’t busy yourself.” She answered, although her tone was still playful.
You left her room to get her a set of water and some painkillers — for if she had a headache from the drinks, and quickly came back. You wished she was in your room instead, so you could dote on her better.
“Do you have painkillers? And snacks?” You asked, standing still as she grabbed your arms to pull you to bed. You let her have her way, eventually, but scoffed as she hugged you close. “I’m supposed to be taking care of you, unnie.” You reminded her, making the older girl giggle.
“You are taking care of me just by being here, Yn.” She said, sniffling your perfume. Seeing your glare, she sat on the bed, reaching out to her nightstand, “See? I’ve got the painkillers already, and there are some more in the bathroom. I’ve got some for nausea, too, but I don’t think I’ll take them. I think what was getting me all messed up were the lights and the loud music after having a full day of recording and rehearsing.” and seeing all of those people wanting you. Yunjin wanted to say.
She wouldn’t, though. She didn't intend to scare you away.
Yunjin finally relaxed, lying against her headboard as she closed her eyes and sighed. She didn’t fully lie to you when she said she didn’t feel so good back at the club. The group was going on a rollercoaster of rehearsals, promotions, photoshoots, and the anxiety of whether people were going to accept them or not. She was always feeling like she wasn’t good enough, and her exhaustion — both physical and mental — was starting to get her.
You embraced her, kissing her hair as you ran your fingers through the way you knew she liked it. The touch soothed her, and you slowly felt her relaxing.
“You’ll do great, Jen. All of you.” You told her, holding her a little bit tighter to reassure her of it. “You’re more than worthy, too. You’re talented, kind, and beautiful in all the ways that are possible. There’s simply no possibility of your fans not falling in love with you, with what you’ll inspire them with.” like I have.
It pained you that she didn’t believe in her herself, the years of training and not being chosen making her insecure. You wished she could see herself like you see her.
You two stayed like that for a while, with Yunjin tracing circles in your shirt and you running your hands through her hair and her upper-back, as if you’ve been doing this forever. You noticed her desk, all messy with empty cups and a pile of crumpled papers that also filled the small trash can on its side.
“You’ve been writing again.” You commented, feeling her tense for a second before she stared at the desk, too. She’d always told you about her songs, and you loved listening to her talk about their meaning for hours when you were facetiming. It did upset you a little that she hadn’t shown you any of her latest works, but you understood: with both of you so busy, it was hard to share stuff like that in such little time.
Forcing herself to relax, Yunjin tried to sound careless as she shrugged. “They’re not finished yet, not even the first chorus. I just have the melody and a few words that don’t make sense at all. I’ll show them to you when it’s not… you know, a total mess.”
I can’t show you the lyrics because they are all about you.
You mumbled an “okay”, happy to be included in her life.
“Are you feeling better?” Yunjin nodded, and you continued, “We should watch a movie. The girls and I always watch something to sleep when we’re drunk, but not too drunk to simply pass out in our beds.” You explained, and she grabbed her laptop to abide to your wishes.
“Good idea.” She smiled, typing her password. “Disney movies?” You loved those, so you smiled brightly at her.
“Disney movies.”
You did try to watch the movie, but you’d never sleep while Yunjin was by your side. You could feel her breath hovering and the subtle glances she’d send you while she thought you were focused on the movie. It was too much, to be around her so close and still not be able to truly touch her like you wanted to, and the feeling of not having her for yourself started to suffocate you. You paused “The emperor’s new groove”, hearing her protests as you shut the notebook down.
“Do you feel better?” Your polite tone didn’t quite reach your eyes, and you cut her before she even had the chance to answer, “Because I think I should go. We also have a tight schedule tomorrow and I don’t want to intrude your dorm either, so maybe it’s best if I—“
“Wait!” Yunjin said, exasperated. She took a deep breath before speaking, clutching her hands. “No, I don’t feel better. I need something.”
And she kissed you.
Her touch was hungry and intense, as she gathered her hands to your face, scared you’d push her away and tell her you hated her, or that you didn’t like her like that. However, her worries subsided when you immediately corresponded, starved for her touch yourself. Yunjin only pulled away when there was no air anymore, and rested her forehead on yours.
“Please, please don’t go.” She pleaded, pecking your lips delicately, almost unsure. You melted, surrendering to her as you’ve only dreamed of doing.
“I won’t.” You promised, finally kissing her back. “I’ll do whatever you want, Jen.” And you truly would, if she such as whispered for you to.
You pushed her back onto the bed, sitting on top of her without placing your whole weight on her abdomen. Your fingers toyed with her shirt as you occupied yourself with sucking her lips, ravishing her taste. Yunjin tasted like cherries, such as her perfume and her favorite lip-gloss— the one you’ve taken so much effort not to stare at whenever she applied it around you, not wanting to make it obvious.
“Are you really good, though?” You murmured, searching for any signs of drunkness or discomfort in her eyes as you’ve distanced yourself to take a proper look at her: beautifully settled on her bed, with messy hair from the making out and her mouth slightly bruised, marked in a deep crimson that also adorned her cheeks. She was so beautiful, like a painting.
You never wanted to forget such a sight.
Yunjin took your hands, her touch strong and decided as she stared at you with her big eyes, her tone nothing but serious.
“I’m perfectly fine, Yn.” She giggled a little when she realized she was caught in her lie, but her expression quickly went serious again. “I want you. I think I’ve wanted you for a while, actually…” she was shy, tracing circles in the palm of your hands as she took another big breath to steady herself. “I like you. I really, really like you. And it’s ok if you don’t like me back, either. I’m sorry I kissed you so suddenly but I jus—“
You silenced her with another kiss, laughing it through to shake the urge to cry from relief. You truly couldn’t believe she felt that way towards you, not when you’ve been trying so hard to be her friend, worried to fuck it all up.
“I like you too.” You answered, trailing kisses down her face as you made your way to her exposed neck, “I’ve wanted you since the first time we talked, at that stupid music award.” She was moaning under you, as wet as the kisses you placed on her fair skin, and you couldn’t get enough of her. “God, I’ve wanted you for so long.”
You licked her neck, sucking and marking it to your liking as you felt Yunjin’s fingers grab your hair, pushing you down with urgency. You laughed, stopping completely to admire her desperate face.
“Do you want me down here, baby?” You murmured in her ear, cupping her cunt through her shorts and feeling how wet she was. It pleased you to get those sensations from her body, and her whines aroused you even more; you could feel yourself so wet from simply kissing her, too.
“Please, Yn.” She pleaded, humping herself against your hand to try to have more friction, anything against her pussy to have her relief. “Please f-fuck me.”
You wanted to have her completely at your mercy, a mess of whimpers and begs until she was crying out your name so loud for all the neighbors to hear. But she looked so exasperated— almost in pain, when you weren’t touching her, so you quickly decided to give her whatever she wanted you to. To adore her body as much as you adored her soul.
“Very well, then.” You quickly got rid of her clothes, lowering yourself where she needed you the most, but Yunjin got up before you could move, placing her hands on your shoulders.
You shot her a glare, stopping to see if she wanted for you to cease completely, but she clumsily tried to take out your shirt instead, her neediness making you smile. You intercepted her, locking her wrists gently in front of her before kissing her jaw. “Try again, princess? Talk to me, this time.”
She looked away from your stare, embarrassed by how the nickname aroused her and how hot you looked, towering over her frame as you corrected her. She tried again, this time, tone unsure as her long fingers plucked the ends of your shirt.
“Take yours off too, please?” You smiled at her gentleness, stripping for her as you made her lie down once again.
“Good job, babe.” You placed yourself between her thighs, loving to see how she shivered at every deep breath you took, the breeze reaching her aching pussy as she clenched her muscles to try to get some relief.
You gathered her slick from her slit and used it to rub on her clit softly, with barely enough pressure, but it was enough for her to moan loudly, closing her eyes to maximize the feeling. It encouraged you to keep going, tracing faster circles in her clit as you kissed and sucked on her thighs as you wished.
“Fuck, Jen. You’re so beautiful like this.” You murmured, watching her lost in pleasure as you entered her with one finger. She lost her air, and you let your hands hover through her body before giving her your thumb to suck on, which she gladly did.
Having her displayed like that, bare and so responsive to your touch, was heavenly, so special. It was greater than you’d ever imagined it.
You added a second finger in her soaked entrance, but she was still whining as she stared at you with her hazel eyes.
“What do you want, love?” You asked, taking your hand from her mouth. “Say it, and it’s yours.” You didn’t ease your rhythm, still going in and out as you touched her clit now slowly, wanting to build the pleasure rather from taking it from her so fast.
It was difficult for Yunjin to think: her whole body was on fire, and you kept talking so sweetly her head was a mess of nothing and everything and the way you touched her was just so good, making her so full, but at the same time, she needed more.
“Just take a deep breath and the words will come up, babe.” She was reminded by you, as your hands gripped her thighs in the gentlest way you could, grounding her back.
She did as told, taking a couple seconds to gather herself.
“I-fuck” She let out a loud pitch she so wished Kazuha hadn’t heard as you curled your fingers inside her, reaching a spot that made her see little starts in her ceiling. “I n-need your mouth.” Yunjin frowned when you didn’t comply with her immediately, vaguely annoyed before she remembered, “Please, Yn. I want y-you down.”
You smiled against her cunt, giving it a long lick as you watched her shake strongly.
“You’re learning, Jen. We’ll get you all obedient soon enough.” You murmured, and Yunjin wanted to ask you further about it, but your mouth finally made contact with her cunt, your tongue entering her hole along with your fingers, making her curl her toes, drunk in pleasure.
Yunjin’s moans were delicious to hear, now more than ever, as she had given up on being silent for the girls not to hear. Surely, they expected it. She’d make up to them later, buy Kazuha a new plushie and Chaewon that purse she was whining so much to get all week. For now, the only thing that mattered was your mouth and fingers on her, making her so full and loved it hurt.
Your mouth let her slit to give attention to her clit, licking it fast as you alternated it with moving your tongue in zigzag to maximize her pleasure. You had Yunjin feel her pleasure come to her in a strong wave, clenching furiously as you gripped her hips to hold her into place. With a high cry, she came, and you kept fingering her until she came down from her high, her bare chest going up and down fast to steady her heartbeats.
“That was strong.” You murmured, taking your hands off her pussy to lie down next to her. “Are you okay?” You asked, cupping her cheek as she gave you a small nod. You tucked a strand of her hair behind her ears, to keep it away from her face. Yunjin’s face was adorned with a thin coat of sweat, and she reached for you to taste herself.
“I’m okay. So okay, thank you.” She hugged you, now clingier than ever, and you embraced her tightly as she relaxed, kissing you slowly as she ravished her own salty taste in your mouth.
You thought she’d sleep, too worn out from the whole day, but you felt her fingers teasing your thighs soon enough, brushing at your cunt gently.
“Jen, you don’t have to—“ You stood half-up to look her in the eyes, protesting.
She wasn’t looking at your face, though. Her eyes were focused on your body, drinking every inch of it with lust. Only after a minute she stared back at you, with a pout.
“I want to touch you, too. You’ve made me feel so good, Yn.” She said, giving you her best puppy eyes. “Let me make you feel good, please?”
Never denying her anything, you positioned yourself between her thighs, so she could have better access to your pussy. You couldn’t resist touching her, even though she was the one giving you pleasure, so you’ve placed quick kisses on her chest, making your way to her hardened nipple as you sucked on it.
She moaned loudly at the feeling of your hot mouth against her skin, her fingers losing rhythm on your clit as she tried to wriggle out of your touch. You placed both of your hands on her hips, gently forcing her into place.
“It’s not fair, Yn-ah.” Yunjin complained, as you laughed. You guided her hand back to your cunt before lowering yourself against her again, as she got her focus back on you.
“You’re a smart girl, Jen. You can keep your focus.” You smirked, sucking as your other hand left her hips to squeeze her other breast. “That’s it, baby. You’re—fuck, you’re doing so good. You’re so good with your fingers.” You praised her as Yunjin glowed at it, gaining rhythm as her thumb applied pressure on your hardened bud each time she thrusted in your pussy.
She was skilled with her fingers, the ones you’ve daydreamed to have knuckles deep in you so many times before, when she played for you through your FaceTime calls, and you were quick to have your pleasure building up on your lower abdomen, already so aroused from her reactions to your touches and just the sight of her at all.
“Fuck, baby, I’m gonna c-cum.” You sucked harder, both of you moaning together as you arched your back, reaching your high. She pulled you towards herself, kissing you passionately as you corresponded with equal fervor, grabbing her closer until there wasn’t a single molecule between you.
“I can’t get enough of you.” Yunjin told you, kissing your cheeks, your nose, your neck. She made herself busy there, making sure to mark you as you’ve done to her. So everyone would know who you belonged to.
“Lucky for you, Huh Yunjin.” You said, feeling fully loved and complete by being by her side. “I can’t seem to get enough of you, either.”
Now, every time you danced, Yunjin wouldn’t be bitter anymore: she knew where you’d be looking. Your eyes would always be on her.
“Unnie, why do you have such a thick scarf on? It’s barely autumn yet.” Eunchae was the first to speak as Yunjin entered the van, late as they were making their way to the company for rehearsals.
“And the glasses, too. There’s no sun, unnie.” Kazuha motioned to her face, trying to mask her laugh, as Eunchae got even more riled up, babbling about the weather and her worries towards her unnie.
Yunjin only shushed the younger girl, brushing her hand in her mouth to make her stop talking so loudly.
“Quiet, Manchae. Unnie is sick, remember? I think I drank too much last night. I’m hangover.” She managed to say it seriously, making the maknae finally tone herself down. The girls were laughing freely now, but Yunjin only glared at them in hopes they’d stop teasing, too tired to argue it out.
“You guys are ridiculous.” She muttered, ignoring the kissing sounds they were making, like 5th graders.
Yunjin couldn’t help but smile, though. And to think about you. Her songs were definitely going to be finished as soon as she got home again.
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puttersmile · 8 days
Why I like Dogday x Bobby Bearhug
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Working off of my last Crittertember post, posting the shipping manifesto for the four of you who are just dying to know, lol.
Part 1 of Post: Here. Just a lot of pictures.
I guess I should start with how I started liking the ship in the first place. As best as I can remember it started with a mildly intense obsession with the Smiling Critters after seeing them in Poppy Playtime Chapter 3. Their carboard soundboards specifically intrigued me. As a fandom we really had ziltch to work with so maybe I was hyper-analyzing their phrases to see if anything could be gleamed from them.
There isn't much unless we are meant to believe Picky is literally a cannibal. I don't think so? I think the voice lines have been corrupted by the metric ton of death that happened within the factory. Be it as it may, what little we fanon-ize about the critters, a lot of it is probably coming from those soundboards.
A post about this already exists on tumblr but at some random point I thought, "Weird Bobby Bearhug and Dogday's cut outs sound like they are talking to one another." Not sure how my brain jumped to that conclusion but it did. As seen in this post with some old oogly art I drew.
And then @meowcola made my dream come true by editing the two voices together. Yhaass! For this I am forever grateful to my fellow shipper.
I don't think any of the other critter's voice lines bounce off of each other as well as these two do (admittedly with slight editing), or even at all. But Bobby and Dogday's cutouts almost seem to have a conversation that don't work played against any of the others. Dogday trying to push someone away that he cares for and Bobby desperately trying to stay with someone she cares for.
Dogday's fall is he cares too much.
Bobby's fall is she doesn't care enough. For herself.
Obviously they are talking to the player actually but my fanon ship brain interpreted it differently. I guess from there, albeit a doomed one, I shipped this ship fairly hard.
The rest of this rambling essay under the cut:
Why I think they work:
Dogday and Bobby’s relationship is mostly about balance. While Dogday’s the brave and daring leader of the group (except when there's a thunderstorm—he tries), Bobby’s the physically strong yet practical one. She’s a total powerhouse,(literal mama bear energy) ready to protect when needed, but only as a last resort. Dogday loves how protective she is, and Bobby really appreciates his loyalty, especially since it helps with her self-worth issues.
One of Bobby’s biggest insecurities is that she believes she’s annoying to her friends. Even though it’s clear she’s not, in the back of her mind, she constantly second-guesses her actions. She’ll wonder if hugging someone is the right move in the moment or if she’s overstepping. Dogday, on the other hand, is someone who thrives on affection and would never get tired of Bobby’s hugs, making him the perfect counter to her uncertainty.
Both of them would share a strong sense of humor, which helps them face life’s challenges with optimism. Dogday is especially good at this.  They know how to lighten the mood and bring joy to each other’s lives, even when the weight of everything starts to creep in.
Bobby’s also got a knack for stepping in when Dogday forgets to take care of himself. She’s nurturing, and in return, Dogday reminds her she’s worth it, which she sometimes forgets. Though Bobby’s not Dogday’s second-in-command (that’s usually Bubba Bubbaphant), she’s the one Dogday confides in emotionally when leadership wears him down.
Over time, Bobby finds herself leaning on Dogday, too, sharing her deepest insecurities and struggles with him.
What really makes them work is how much everyone trusts Bobby. She’s the keeper of everyone’s secrets because they just naturally open up to her. And eventually, Dogday becomes her rock, giving them this deep emotional connection where they’re both vulnerable and open with each other.
Bobby’s practicality also helps balance out Dogday’s crazier ideas. She rarely says “no” outright, but she’s good at restructuring them to make things safer or less chaotic. If safety’s not the issue, then they’re often the ones mediating when their friends have disagreements. They’ve both learned the importance of compromise and work together to bring peace to any tense situation.
I feel like their brief character descriptions show how good they would both be at this.
They’re known as the “mom and dad” of the group, always looking out for everyone’s physical and emotional well-being.
It’s funny how differently they approach things, like planning events—Dogday’s spontaneous energy versus Bobby’s structured organization—but they still make a great team.
In public, they’ve got this super cute Barbie/Ken - Mickey&Minnie vibe, showing their love for each other without hesitation. It’s strong, proud, and they never shy away from letting everyone know how much they mean to each other!
Character flaws/dark side of the ship:
At their darkest, Bobby and Dogday have some pretty complex flaws. Bobby, when she’s at her worst, can be manipulative. She’s got this way of playing on people’s emotions, sometimes twisting things to suit her needs, all while wearing a caring face. It’s like she knows people trust her and she uses that to her advantage, especially if she’s feeling insecure or threatened.
On the flip side, Dogday’s biggest weakness is his fear of hurting others. He’ll go to great lengths to avoid conflict, even if it means letting himself be hurt. He’s so afraid of causing pain or upsetting someone that he’ll bottle up his own feelings or allow himself to be taken advantage of.
This combination can be dangerous when their issues align, with Bobby’s manipulation and Dogday’s passive acceptance creating a pretty toxic dynamic in their worst moments. Thankfully this outcome is incredibly hard for me to see happening. It is still a possibility though.
(In some messed up but interesting fanfiction)
Other Stuff:
On the wiki I saw something incredibly minute but decided to go ahead and make something of it.  There is the idea, at least, that Dogday is named after “Dogstar” aka Sirius, the brightest star in the night sky. If you think about Dogday being associated with Sirius, the Dog Star, and Bobby representing Ursa Major aka The Big Dipper, in my mind it symbolizes how their relationship works.
Sirius is the brightest star, leading the way, just like Dogday, who's bold, full of energy, and always guiding others. Bobby, on the other hand, is like Ursa Major—steady, reliable, and always there to support.
Their relationship reflects that balance: Dogday’s light and leadership are complemented by Bobby’s protective, grounding nature. Together, they’re like two guiding forces—he lights the way, and she provides the strength and stability needed to stay on course.
It’s almost like he can shine brighter because he knows she’s there, holding things together.
And for Bobby, Dogday is the spark that keeps her moving forward, even when she feels uncertain.
It’s also cool how Ursa Major is used for navigation, like Bobby helps Dogday find his way emotionally. Meanwhile, Sirius has been a marker of important times like the "dog days" of summer or the flooding of the Nile river, (The flooding of the Nile is celebrated btw, it's a good thing) just as Dogday marks big changes in Bobby’s life.
They balance each other out like the constellations they represent: one a guiding light, the other a steady, protective force in the background.
I think about the cardboard cutout order. Bobby and Dogday are among the last supposedly, holding out even longer than the athletic Hoppy. I interpret that to mean Bobby on her own has a strong will and some amount of bravery.
Not to throw shade at the others who fell before, as it could have all come down to bad luck.(or bad platforming skills--burn.)  But I bring the “possible” death order up as some might say Bobby’s sweet and caring nature means she is weak or useless. I don’t think so.
This is also why I characterize Bobby as sort of a lady-like yet cute bruiser. Dogday is brave but not the strongest critter by far.  Dogday is  Zelda and Bobby is Link lol.  Bobby Bearhug is his knight in fluffy armor, and Dogday is Bobby’s warm home.
There is a tragedy to this. If Bobby was one of the last two  with Dogday in the game. (Going by the order the cardboard cutouts are seen.) I imagine she was doing her best to support him, only for Dogday to abandon Bobby near the end. As the leader, Dogday did what he thought was best and it broke her, ultimately ending them both.
How the relationship Helps them grow:
Not wanting to end this on a down note I’ll speak a bit more on how the relationship enhances both of them.
Bobby’s practical, more thoughtful approach doesn’t just temper Dogday’s adventurous spirit as what may be expected from a dynamic like this. In fact it enhances his daring. 
Yes, it'll ease him off riskier behavior but it enables him to be a more successful leader with her providing safety nets and or foundations for him to be confident. It's not just him willing confidence from within, there's another external pillar to  bolster his confidence. That pillar being her secret knowledge of their friends. While Bobby won't be spilling secrets, she'd certainly know how to guide Dogday in the right direction when it comes to helping the others.
She helps ensure that his ideas are successful and safe, so he'll not only be able to focus his energy on particulars but he'll have the confidence to be the best leader he can be, knowing he won't just come crashing down to earth.  
In turn Dogday's boundless energy, brings joy and spontaneity to Bobby’s more grounded maybe reserved, structured world.  Though she is strong she likely tends to fall back to what's familiar, to what's safe. There is strength in the familiar in the sense of you know for sure you are strong here, but out there things may be more uncertain. 
Out there you can feel weak. At least that's the perception for some with issues of self worth. But now with his energy, his enthusiasm, his optimism, and his light, she'll have the freedom to step out of her usual comfort zones and perhaps be more than she may have imagined. 
Sooo yeah. This ship is not bad. Nor is it boring. I'll never understand how this sentiment came about. Opposites attract isn't the only way a relationship can be interesting. Okay people?
 And that is all that I have to say! Thanks for listening to my CritterTalk.
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sissytobitch10seconds · 5 months
Two Birds on a Wire
Fandom: Helluva Boss Summary: After getting trapped with his ex-boyfriend in Greed, Blitz ends up saying a lot of stupid stuff that makes his life better in the long run. Warnings: Past underage sex, pregnancy, trans male pregnancy, mpreg, and kidnapping Word Count: 4,883 Ship(s): Asmodeus/Fizzarolli and Stolas Ars Goetia/Blitzo Buckzo
Archive link!
A/N: Another fic for my wonderful mutual(@lovely-number-7)! They give me so much inspiration for this and encouragement to keep going. I added some surprises for them so everyone is going into this fic on an even playing field, haha. I hope that you all enjoy it! Stay sissy and bitchy everyone <3
Blitz’s day had already been going pretty terrible when he ended up getting into a fight with someone that had been very important to him over a decade ago.
Not only did seeing Fizz bring back memories of when they were in the circus together and everything that they had shared before the fire, but it now also reminded him of how awful the Loo Loo Land Fizzbot had been to him. The taunts and jeers from the back of the already sparse crowd still haunted his dreams and shot down his confidence when he was trying to cheer up his office or kids. Of course that was when the jester thought that it would be a great idea to pick on him and reference the stalkers that he had, which Blitz would never associate himself with.
After the fight, Striker had captured them to prove to Crimson that he was a worthy investment. Blitz had always known that being in his line of work would result in something like that happening to him, he just hadn’t accounted for Fizz being thrown into the same cage as him. At least Striker had finally gotten the sense to cater to who he was capturing instead of assuming that Millie wouldn’t chew her own leg off, beartrap or not, to save her husband.
He had been bound in normal rope, something that he couldn’t hope to wiggle out of because of the friction that it was causing on his skin and suit. Fizz, on the other hand, was bound in what looked to be duct tape so that he couldn’t do anything with his robotic arms and legs.
Even the memory of the fact that Fizz had prosthetics instead of his natural limbs made years and years of guilt come swimming back at him. He wanted to snap and fight back to get the feeling to go away, but he also knew that it would lead to nothing good for either of them. He had been trying so hard and for so long to better himself so that he could be a good example to his girls, but it was a slow going process. Being around the man that had started and ended everything in his life had regressed him back to where he had been fifteen years before.
Fizz started to whine and look around the cage for a way out. “Oh, chill out Jester,” Blitz spoke without meaning to. The words all just tumbled from him and into the open air without his mind even taking a second to process them. It was what had gotten him into the mess that was his life and would likely be what took him out of it as well. “It’s like you’ve never been tied up before.”
“Ugh,” Fizz grunted as he continued to try and pull at his bindings. “Sure, but not by a bunch of psychos.” He fell forward so that he smacked into the hard metal floor of the ground, “Arg! And a piece of shit.”
Blitz narrowed his eyes at the man that was once his best friend as he tried to figure out what he was talking about. “Fi- Okay… okay, am I the psycho or the piece of shit?”
“Both,” Fizz snapped.
“Ah, that checks,” he sighed. He should have known that even when they were in a dangerous situation Fizz wouldn’t be open to listening to him, just as he hadn’t been for years. He had tried so hard after the fire, when they were both trapped in that satanforsaken hospital, and then again through letters for nearly a decade and a half afterwards.
“How is this happening?” Fizz whined as he straightened up again. “I was just supposed to grab some gas station milk and rehearse some juggling!
Anger boiled inside of him. Blitz had been in situations like that more times than he could count and he had never spent as much time whining as Fizz had. They hadn’t even been drugged or interrogated yet, they were just waiting for money to exchange hands. “Oh relax. I’m sure your big royal chicken isn’t going to let anything happen to his peppy little fuck doll.”
“Oh, playing that card, huh?” Fizz snarled. He had just as much anger and vitriol as he had back when they were snarling at each other in Ozzie’s. “Okay, well what about you? Seems your taste has gotten more… regal, lately?”
Again, his brain spoke before his mouth could. “Stolas and I aren’t like that, alright? We might have been able to try out dating if you hadn’t fucking shamed him in front of countless people at what was supposed to be our first date.”
“First date? I knew that you were bad with that whole romance thing but I didn’t consider the fact that you only take a guy out when he’s been railing you into the mattress for months first,” Fizz snarked back. Gone was the boy that looked up to Blitz with all the earnestly of someone that was the golden child of the circus. He no longer had that compassion and tenderness that Blitz had fallen for all those years ago, at least not for the very imp that had protected that in him.
“I don’t think you know what you’re talking about,” Blitz seethed. He had worked so long and so hard to try and make his relationship with Stolas healthier for the sake of their children. He knew that he was bad at picking partners and starting things off, the fact that Verosika still hated him for using her credit card to pay for the twins medical bills when they got the hellflu. Fizz didn’t have the right to mock him for his romantic relationships when he was the one that had damaged Blitz into making bad decisions in the first place, though.
“I think that I do!” responded Fizz. “I was the first guy to earn a date by pounding you into the mattress for months, remember?”
“You know, that’s not really a claim to fame,” Blitz snarled. “Not that you really need anything else to boost your notoriety, right?”
“What is that supposed to mean?”
His cheat was heaving with the emotion that was spinning through him like a bullet. He knew that feeling very well, he had gotten shot more times than he cared to admit in his line of work. When it was an emotional bullet instead of a literal one, the pain was so much more intense. A literal bullet would pierce the skin where it had been shot and then destroy the nerve endings in that specific spot, echoing the pain from that location. A metaphorical bullet, on the other hand, tore through the entire body all at once and lit every single nerve on fire. He could feel it twisting and ripping at his heart, making memories from a long time ago arise in his mind the way that an exorcist blade might on a sinner.
Blitz focused on what he was doing instead of saying something. If he kept talking then he was going to say something incredibly stupid. He couldn’t afford to do that when he was surrounded by people that very obviously wanted to use him for their own gain. He wouldn’t be surprised if they had already sent a message back to Stolas letting him know that Blitz had been captured, or if Stolas had been able to feel it the same way that he had with the demon hunters.
With thoughts of his Goetia lover rattling around his mind instead of the memories of what had happened that fateful night of the fire, he was able to focus. He jerked his foot backwards on the rough metal floor of the cage that they were in and removed the knife that he stashed there for moments such as this. He picked the blade up with the edge of his fingers and then turned it around with amazing dexterity, something that he had picked up when he was in the circus, not that it had done him any good. Maybe he could have gotten a job at that cat-themed gambling place if he had just been a bit older when he applied.
He deftly cut through the ropes that were binding his hands and then did the same to the ones on his arms and legs. “What was that supposed to mean, Blitzo?” Fizz demanded again, as if he couldn’t see that Blitz was trying to get them out of that cage so that they never had to face each other again.
He knew that he shouldn’t have said anything, he knew he should have kept his mouth shut and protected the little pocket of joy he had carved for himself with his own claws and teeth, but he couldn’t. “Oh, nothing. I’m just glad that you managed to find someone that you could knock up and not want to abandon this time around,” he replied. 
“What in the ever loving fuck is that supposed to mean?” Fizz demanded as he turned around towards Blitz.
They didn’t get the chance to keep fighting about what he had said because Striker was there at the cage, grasping at Fizz and threatening him. Blitz had seen how ruthless he was when he had been preparing to take down Stolas, so it was a surprise to everyone there that he didn’t just perform the kill immediately. Part of him wanted to be grateful to Crimson for reminding the bigot that they were a valuable asset that had to be returned in one piece, and the other half of him was so angry that he could barely see straight.
Blitz felt like an idiot, talking about the pregnancy that he had detected from Fizz’s goading earlier and putting his ex-boyfriend in trouble because of it. He knew what it was to be a child that grew up without a parent and to raise a child without the other half of one’s heart, he would never do that to someone else. He hated Fizz with every fiber of his being for what had happened during the fire and afterwards, but most of his heart was just clinging to that anger so that he didn’t have to feel the alternative. Somewhere deep inside of him, in a place that he had buried and decided to never return to, was the sorrow that tried to choke him out every second that it got.
He could barely think about the guilt that he was feeling over that. If he had any luck left in him then they wouldn’t have to worry about Striker or Crimson in a little while. He supposed that being a Prince of Hell and a Sin meant that Ozzie would be able to hire good security for his lover when he found out what had happened. Stolas didn’t have that luxury since he was one of seventy-two Ars Goetia and often ignored by his family, which was why he had resorted to using Blitz as a bodyguard even though the imp wasn’t very good at that. 
He had to get them both out of the warehouse or he would never forgive himself. He knew that he still held resentment for Fizz, but that was only there because of the massive swell of love that existed for his childhood best friend. So he flipped the knife around his front when he had finished cutting the ropes around his arms and sliced it off his legs as well. He worked silently as he got the sharp blade through the duct tape and let Fizz be free as well. He did something convoluted and stupid to get them down from the cage, but it also managed to distract all of the goons around them so that several of them were fighting each other.
While they were working together, Blitz learned several things about his ex-best friend that he never thought he would have been given the chance to. Fizz was incredibly flexible, likely because of the prosthetic arms that he had gotten after the fire at the circus. He was still able to do everything that he had when they were kids despite the fact that they were nearly thirty, which shouldn’t have really been a surprise. Despite the fact that he had bionic limbs and had been famous for over a decade, the bastard knew nothing about fighting.
Blitz had to pull the slack for both of them because while Fizz was able to avoid getting shot pretty well, he couldn’t shoot anyone else to literally save his life. It ended up working out well when Fizz picked Blitz up and used his stretchy arms and flexibility to help the other imp get some of the harder shots, which resulted in them finding the window that eventually got them out.
After another explosion and some acrobatics that he hadn’t done for years, he managed to get them to a point where they were both safe for the time being. He let out a low breath and nearly collapsed as the adrenaline began to melt from his body. “I know that you hate me, but can I borrow a phone from you so that I can call my girls?”
“I want to talk to you about that before I let you go,” Fizz shook his head. The world around them stank like burning rubber and melting metal from the fire that they had started on the junkyard, but it felt oddly poetic in some way. Their entire relationship had gone up like a trash fire so they might as well talk about it while surrounded by one.
He had always known that it was a possibility that he and Fizz would have this conversation one day. He had known the second that the doctor came in with the confirmation that the pregnancy had lasted through the fire, he had known the second that the test had come back positive, he had known the second that they had decided one time without a condom would probably be fine. “What did you want to talk to me about?” he finally managed to make his voice say.
“What did you mean when you said that I got someone pregnant and then abandoned them? This is my first time having a kid, Oz and I were really excited when we found out,” Fizz said quietly. He looked so forlorn and scared when he did it, that it actually made Blitz’s heart ache in his chest.
He turned his head to the side and tried to blink away the tears that had gathered there as he explained. “You know how we were dating back when we were sixteen and we thought that one or two times without a condom would be okay? Well, I got knocked up. When I tried to tell you I got sidelined or told to fuck off every time. I thought for sure you knew.”
“Why would you think that?” Fizz asked, holding his hands out to the side of him like Blitz had told him that he thought the living world’s moon was made out of cheese. He knew that his ex-best friend would react to that situation in that specific way because it had happened when they were thirteen, the first time that they had gotten drunk together.
“Because I tried to tell you a dozen times! I mean, the first time really didn’t work because I passed out at your party and then when I woke up everything was on fire,” he sighed.
Fizz tightened up when he heard that. “You passed out? While pregnant? Were you okay?” he asked.
“I mean, I’m okay now. At the time I was actually really anemic, having them almost killed me,” he shrugged. “But I did try to tell you about the twins, Fizz. I wrote you letters after the security gave me a bruise on my ass because of how hard they tossed me out of the hospital.”
“No one ever told me that you came to visit while I was in the hospital,” the other imp whispered. He had tilted his head down for the first time since the explosion, staring at the green flames still licking at the trash below them. It was beginning to peter out already as it had consumed everything that wasn’t just melting. He pulled his legs up to his chest and wrapped his one usable arm around them, his tail completing the circle. “I wanted you to visit me so badly. I was so scared and I didn’t understand why you ran away from me after you had seen me.”
“I didn’t really see you,” Blitz shrugged. He tilted his head forward and dug his fingers into his eye socket. He was able to see the absolutely disgusted face that Fizz gave him before he marveled at the glass eye. It had enough tech in it that it could help widen Blitz’s peripheral vision and give him his depth perception back, but it didn’t have anything high-tech. If he had wanted that then he would have had to go with VoxTech because Asmodean prosthetics tried to focus on actually being usable. “See? My eyes were totally fucked for like a week after the fire, I had to make the nurses give me an extra ultrasound so I had a chance to see my own babies since I couldn’t when they checked the first time.”
The other imp was quiet for a while longer, Blitz knew why. He had put together towards the beginning of their conversation that Cash and Mammon had worked to keep the two of them apart, especially since Cash was the one that had originally told Blitz that the fire was his fault and that Fizz didn’t want to see him. Both the older imp and the sin had to know about the twins and had kept Fizz from that knowledge on purpose.
“So you were pregnant and tried to tell me, but they didn’t let you because they wanted to keep exploiting me,” Fizz finally said the silent part out loud. Blitz had known that Mammon was abusing his best friend since he had attending the first show he had to work in Loo Loo Land. The robots were made poorly because of the demand for them, which meant that they only resembled his friend to some extent. He knew that none of that money was making it back to Fizz, at least to some extent, because otherwise he wouldn’t have kept working for the bastard as long as he had.
“Yeah, pretty much. I’ve been raising both girls on my own for a long time, there’s a lot of shit I wished you had seen and even more that I’m so glad you didn’t,” Blitz said. His pregnancy had been a fucking disaster, what with him being out on his own and absolutely covered in slowly healing burns for the entirety of it.
“What do you mean by that?” Fizz asked. It seemed like that was what he was asking most often, likely because Blitz was telling him something convoluted and overwhelming. He only had to ask for clarification when Blitz could actually get the words he needed to say forced out of his mouth.
“Well, it wasn’t pretty after I had the girls. I was mostly working odd jobs that were part time so that I could be home with them for the majority of the day. I even had to take up doing maintenance of my building so that my landlord would drop the rent to something that I could actually afford. Stole a lot too, usually baby clothes and formula because your kids sure know how to eat, Fizz. I guess that’s the one thing that I’m actually grateful that Cash taught me how to do,” Blitz rambled on.
While they talked, he shimmied towards the main part of the crane that would let them travel downwards. Fizz followed after him, coming down to the ashy ground as well despite the injury that he had on his arm. It felt almost like the fire had never happened and they had never been separated for those long fifteen years. He wondered what they would have been if they had that time instead of what they had received instead. They might have turned into what Blitz’s parents had been like, in love once upon a time but miserable and together only for their children. Perhaps it was for the best that they had been separated, so they could both grow as people and become better for their children.
They reached the bottom of the crane without either of them falling and then embarked further on their journey as they tried to get out of the junkyard. The fire had thankfully turned into nothing but warmth and foul smoke by the time that they actually descended and hadn’t caught the entire place on fire.
Thankfully, Blitz was used to his van giving out and stranding him wherever the most recent part had chosen to break. He was used to having to walk through cramped, foreign city streets until a payphone was found. He slipped into it and rigged the machine by hitting it in just the right places so that the coins inside jingled but didn’t fall, which was something that could only be done in greed. He rested his head against the grimy box as he listened to it ring a couple times before someone finally picked up.
“Blitz? Are you alright? Oh please tell me that this is actually you and not another one of those kidnappers trying to taunt me,” Stolas rambled. Blitz should have known that he was going to be an absolute mess when they were able to talk to each other again, but it still warmed his heart and the lower half of his belly to know that he had someone who cared that much about him. The part of his brain that carried Stolas’ voice with him like a protection ward told him that the only reason his lover hadn’t come to break him out the same way that he had when Blitz had gotten caught in the living world was because the politics in Hell were more complicated.
“I’m alright, Stolas. Did you really think I wouldn’t be able to get us out of there? I hope that you didn’t pay those fuckers any of your money,” Blitz said.
“I was preparing to, darling, if I’m being totally honest,” Stolas replied. He sounded a little sheepish when he spoke and Blitz could almost see the blush covering the lower half of his face. In the background, the imp could make out someone else talking but couldn’t quite discern what the words were. He just knew that the tone was familiar. 
“Stolas! What they were asking for was totally fucking ridiculous and you know that Striker still has a shit ton of money from when Stella tried to have you killed,” Blitz scoffed. The memory of how injured his boyfriend had been after that incident still made his entire body feel as though he had been doused in ice water. He hadn’t been able to go to the hospital because of the trauma that he had from his first pregnancy and post-fire, which meant that he had to deal with a lot of things completely on his own on top of battling the guilt at not being there to defend his partner. He couldn't wait until their case got through the courts of Hell and they were able to put the bitch in her place by taking Via from her and giving her nothing in return during the divorce.
Stolas chittered in that way that he did when he was blushing and preparing to say something mushy, “There’s no price in the Nine Rings that’s too high when it comes to making sure that you’re safe, my dear. Both of you.”
Blitz’s hand moved down to the bottom part of his stomach, which was already beginning to swell with whatever baby had been implanted in him some months ago. He and Stolas hadn’t even been aware that it was possible for a member of the Ars Goetia and an imp to reproduce, so they hadn’t been as careful as they could have been. That was, of course, what had gotten him into trouble with his twins back when he was nineteen with the very imp that was standing outside the phonebooth. He couldn’t bring himself to regret it either time, though. The only thing that he did regret was being the first to do it because the absence of knowledge about how that worked made them both worried. They had no idea if Blitz could handle delivering an egg, like what Octavia was born in, or if he would go into labor and deliver live babies the same way that he had with his twins. There were a lot of questions and very few answers to be found, which had to be half of the reason that Stolas was so worried about the kidnapping.
He couldn’t help the smile that crossed over his face as he said, “I’m okay, Stolas. You know that I can handle this kind of thing.”
“But we don’t, Blitzy,” Stolas replied. “You could have been very hurt if your balance was off when you were trying to do one of your action hero moves. Let me know where you are and I can portal you right home.”
“Are you with Ozzie right now?” Blitz asked. It was awkward to have to refer to the man that his ex-partner was now embroiled with, but it was important. Stolas had said that he was going to request an Asmodean crystal for Blitz so that they could make their relationship official. If it was known that a Goetia was allowing his lover to use such a powerful magical artifact without permission from Paimon, the leader of the Ars Goetia, then they could both get in serious trouble. Blitz refused to give up his work even if he was just manning the office with his eldest daughter until the baby came, in whatever form that was.
“I am, in fact,” the other replied. “Why?”
Blitz went quiet for a while. He let out a low breath to try and settle the nausea in the back of his throat. He was glad for the pregnancy, for once, because it allowed him to blame that feeling on the fact that he was growing another being instead of it being about the idea of telling Fizz. That was stupid anyway, since he had already told the other imp and the reaction that he had feared didn’t come to pass in the way that he had feared it. 
He straightened up in the phone booth and then waved at Fizz to make sure that the other was okay. “I want you to bring me and someone else to their palace. I, um, I finally told the twins father that they existed and I think that we should discuss when they’re going to meet for the first time.”
“Do you think that he’s going to try and fight for custody?” Stolas immediately asked.
“I don’t think so. And you know my feelings about how custody should work,” Blitz replied. Via had been very worried about what would happen to her when her parents finally settled in the courts. She didn’t want to have to go stay with her mother every other week, not when the woman had soured so completely since Stolas had cheated on her. Apparently her bad attitude had now transferred to being directed at her daughter instead of being reserved only for her ex-husband. They had managed to work in a clause that Via would get to choose where she wanted to go and who she wanted to be with. She wouldn’t get carted around based on the whims of her parents or a court system, she would have autonomy for who she got to be with.
Stolas agreed after a bit more poking and prodding, then got the coordinates that he needed from Blitz. The portal opened and they were permitted to step through onto the plush carpets of Ozzie’s mansion. It was decorated the same way that everything else in Lust was, with massive windows that let in the hazy pink light and blues thrown just about everywhere. 
As soon as they were safely through the swirling bit of magic, Fizz launched himself off the ground and into his boyfriend’s arms. Blitz could barely even think about being jealous or envious of what they had because his own boyfriend was smothering him with affection. He knew that things were going to be okay, even if they would be weird and out of the ordinary. He hadn’t been loved the way he wanted during his first pregnancy, but he was getting it now. And Fizz would get to know what it was like to watch his children grown in the belly of the man he loved, even if that had to be with his third child and Ozzie instead of his eldest girls and Blitz.
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drippingmoon · 7 months
Another Get to Know Me
Tags courtesy of @sleepy-night-child and @splashinkling aaand thanks a lot you two, I loved seeing yours🤩❤
a band you don't like that many others do
Hmm. I'm not really keeping up with people's music tastes anymore (except for you guys). But in middle school, everyone was obsessed with Panic! At the Disco, while I just couldn't vibe with them, so I was mildly worried I'd get defenestrated for it. I didn't, though the chairs did (my class was unique in that they'd slingshot chair seats out of the window by thing them with curtain beads, and they'd kinda just peacefully swing in and out till recess was over)
least favorite animal and why
Nightfriend, I feel like you're making me commit sins (though not really since insects are animals, but it does not feel so??), soo, I raise you: earwigs. Like. My Good Sir. Was there any need for you to grow pincers on your arse to look like you're gonna pull my brain through my ears? No? So please.
hot fandom take
I don't really have any. My fandoms have always been veeery small, even limited to one person (me. Waving, hello!), I'll just hand everyone hot tea and chill🍵
do you wear any jewelry, if so, what's your favorite piece
Not a jewelry person. I did use to have a kitty brooch... but the thing with brooches is, they are perfect for self-poking especially when you're so naturally inclined, so I gave it up.
a movie others liked that you didn't
Ouch, I'm really so out of touch with movies, and these days I'm watching what's very much not popular with people (except for Interstellar. Interstellar is baby). Probably any of the Pride and Prejudice adaptations, I had to go through them for a course, and you couldn't pay me to sit down with them again.
three things you love about yourself
*sees the question and shakes it like a snow globe*
These things so do not come naturally to me. Probably because I'm the type never to think if I can do something and just act, so pride just feels like spur-of-the-moment joy. Though, I'm really starting to think that's just what pride is.
Perfect, actually! So, that I just do stuff, probably my ability to entertain myself, and that I refuse to let life feel like a race. I'm here for the journey.
a place you hope to visit in the future and why
Iceland! Iceland! At night! When I can finally see all the stars, and very importantly, it'll be that delicious shade of freezing, and SNOW! I miss biiig snows so much!! And I want to share it all with my best friend🥰💜💙🥂
an actor that gets on your nerves and why
Am I supposed to know names?
things you're excited about in the near future
Ooooh, you find out like this I'm a bit of fraud come next week. I have goals to put an ungodly amount of chilli in the puff pastries I'll make next week, mostly because I wanna see for myself how painful it can get😈 and, oh, a lot of very awkward and very hilarious dancing, but with how silly it is, it energizes me like nothing else. (And it's still leaps and bounds classier than the 1967 Far From the Madding Crowd adaptation of Troy's... fencing mating rituals. Why was I made to watch that with mine eyes🤣🤣)
least favorite ship in a fandom you're in
I'm in a fandom? Since when? Jokes aside, probably Tomoyo and Kurogane from CLAMP's Tsubasa Reservoir, because HELL NO. Tomoyo crushes hard on Sakura, and you just can't separate Kurogane from Fai. You can't. It'd cost him an arm and maybe a leg also this time.
what's the most toxic fandom you've been in
Oh no, I just make some tea and detox whenever it's the case. I am not a social person, so it helps
list three things you find beautiful about life
Hnnngh, getting to talk to someone in the wee hours of the night when it feels really special, the wind and how it'll numb my fingers but rekindle everything else in me, and how you can grow to love so many things you wouldn't even have thought about before. I love being surprised by time.
any dreams for the future
My personality is such that, from time to time, I just won't dare make a sound from fear they'll just slip through my fingers. I am taught to wait and see.
But this is the rest of the time, SO
how are you feeling today
A bit like someone's stomped on my face (sleep; my fault, this time, but the lack of required hours keep me hostage), but also? Energized. Ready to go. And I absolutely never rest😈
These were really pleasant, so if anyone wants to hop on and grab some tea🍵, I'm keeping this tag open for you! I love talking😊
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dontyoufinditstrange · 4 months
From Under The Cork Tree Lyrics That Alter My Brain Chemistry
Our Lawyer Made Us Change The Name Of This Song So We Wouldn't Get Sued
"the ribbon on my wrist says 'do not open before christmas'" "we're only liars, but we're the best" "its just past 8 and i'm feeling young and reckless"
Of All The Gin Joints In All The World
"i used to waste my time dreaming of being alive, now i only waste it dreaming of you" "we're sleeping through all the memories"
Dance, Dance
"tonight it's 'it can't get much worse' versus ' no one should ever feel like'" "i'm two quarters and a heart down" "and i don't wanna forget how your voice sounds" "these words are all i have so i'll write them so you need them just to get by" "this is the way they'd love if they knew how misery loves me"
Sugar, We're Going Down
"i'm just a notch in your bedpost, but you're just a line in a song" "a loaded god complex, cock it and pull it" "isn't it messed up how i'm just dying to be him?"
Nobody Puts Baby In The Corner
"i keep my jealousy close cause its all mine" "hand behind this pen relives a failure every day" "so wear me like a locket around your throat, i'll wear you down, i'll watch you choke"
I've Got A Dark Alley And A Bad Idea That Says You Should Shut Your Mouth (Summer Song)
"we're the kids who feel like dead ends" "and the poets are just kids who didnt make it and never had it at all" "force our smiles, baby, half dead, from comparing myself to everyone else around me" "please put the doctor on the phone cause i'm not making any sense" "blame everyone but me for this mess" "and my back has been breaking from this heavy heart" "i'm hopelessly hopeful you're just hopeless enough"
7 Minutes In Heaven (Atavan Halen)
"i keep tellin myself, i keep tellin myself i'm not the desperate type, but you've got me looking through blinds" "trying to forget everything that isn't you" "i'm not going home alone, cause i dont do too well on my own"
Sophomore Slump Or Comeback Of The Year
"cause i swear i'd burn the city down to show you the light" "no matter what they say, don't believe a word" "cause i'll keep singing this lie if you keep believing it" "take our tears, put em on ice" "ashamed of the way the songs and the words own the beating of our hearts" "got a sunset in my veins" "i need to take a pill to make this town feel okay" "i need to keep you like this in my mind"
Champagne For My Real Friends, Real Pain For My Sham Friends
"you are a getaway car, rush of blood to the head" "we only do it for the scars and stories, but not the fame" "at least everyone is trying, everyone is shining, everyone deserves the flames, but its such a shame" "the sounds of this small town make my ears hurt" "the tide's out, the ship's run aground, we drown traitors in shallow water"
I Slept With Someone In Fall Out Boy And All I Got Was This Stupid Song Written About Me
"you're the only place that feels like home" "i'm the first kid to write of hearts, lies, and friends" "i am sorry my conscience called in sick again" "i've got arrogance down to a science" "they call kids like us vicious and carved out of stone" "but for what we've become we just feel more alone" "so progress report: i am missing you to death"
A Little Less Sixteen Candles, A Little More "Touch Me"
"you're just the girl all the boys wanna dance with and i'm just the boy who's had too many chances" "i don't blame you for being you, but you can't blame me for hating it" "write me off, give up on me, cause darling what did you expect?"
Get Busy Living Or Get Busy Dying (Do Your Part To Save The Scene And Stop Going To Shows)
"we never stood a chance and i'm not sure if it matters" "i'm mailing letters to addresses in a ghost town" "i know this hurts, it was meant to" "it's mind over you don't, don't matter" "it must be said again that all us boys are just screaming into microphones for attention because we're just so bored" "we never knew that you would pick it apart" "i'm falling apart to songs about hips and hearts"
"i left my conscience pressed between the pages of the bible in the drawer" "love never wanted me, but i took it anyway" "choose love or sympathy" "loose lips sink ships"
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fuckyeahhiccannamonth · 3 months
HIIIII HICCANNA NATION, long time no post!!!
Sooooo long story short, a bitch overcommitted HARD last year, and had like 17 Hiccanna month posts that I completely ran out of steam to finish. And then because I felt so guilty I didn't finish THOSE, I also didn't reblog all the incredibly awesome posts the rest of y'all made, and I'm really sorry for not giving my people the love and appreciation they deserve!!! And then, of course, my life from like October through like March became an absolute shitstorm, and I got semi-threatened with eviction and then friend-dumped by one of the most important people in my life D: It was a whole Ordeal™️, and sadly, my brain was too fried to think about my favorite awkward blorbos 💔
BUT BY GOD, THE TIME HAS COME FOR ME TO GET MY LIFE TOGETHER AND PULL THROUGH FOR ALL YOU WONDERFUL PEOPLE WHO HAVE MADE THIS FUNKY LITTLE EVENT COME TO LIFE!!! I WILL finish reblogging all of last year's Hiccanna Month posts before the end of this month if it kills me!!! And by god, I WILL have this event again, because it's what y'all deserve!!! I don't have the spoons to post much of my own stuff this year (except maybe some leftovers from last year lol), but I'm going to be more on top of my shit about hyping anyone and everyone who decides to participate :3 I'm so grateful for each and every one of you, and I can't tell you how happy it's made me that you all have made this event for my little rarepair OTP bigger and better than I ever imagined 💚🧡💚🧡
I am, however, following suit for some of the other RotBTFD ship months and cutting down from one prompt a day to two per week for 8 prompts total, with an overarching theme for each week. I honestly don't have the spoons to do a prompt every day this year, although for future Hiccanna months, that could change. The two-a-week format seems to work better for a lot of people anyways, since I've gotten feedback that 31 prompts in a row is, er…pretty overwhelming, to say the least ^^; So two prompts a week for this year, and we will see if people like this format better!
@gryffindorkxdraws a tag for you, as promised 🩵
AND NOW, the prompt list!!! Apologies for only giving you guys a couple weeks of prep time—I know it's usually more ^^; But y'all know I'm flexible about late submissions, and it's totally fine if you submit for Hiccanna month after July! And who knows??? If I'm feeling spicy, I might tack on a bonus week for the first week of August 👀👀👀
WEEK 1—MUSIC Special thanks to @lovestrucklyuniverse for suggesting a focus on music from Hiccup and Anna's movies—I'm enamored with that!!! Of course, these prompts are just suggestions, and if you'd rather make something inspired by a pop song, alternative rock jam, or Eurovision ballad that reminds you of Hiccanna, then have at it!
1. For the Dancing and the Dreaming—A re-imagining of our favorite Viking wedding song with Hiccup and Anna! They're certainly the sort of people who would do all manner of impressive feats and grand gestures to win each other over, but the joke is on them—they don't need to! Sometimes, pledging love and devotion is enough, and there's no need to slay monsters or gift troves upon troves of treasure to prove yourself worthy of someone.
2. More Than Just the Spare—One of my absolute favorite things about these two is how they rise above being overlooked and underappreciated and accomplish some truly spectacular things. This prompt is all about Hiccup and Anna showing that they can be more than anyone ever expected them to be—preferably together, while being madly in love!
WEEK 2—MOVIES AND TV Let's be real—we've all dreamed of seeing Hiccup and Anna interact (and adorably butcher flirting several times) on the big screen. Whether it's through an epic Disney-Dreamworks crossover (god, we all wish, right?!) or imagining Best Awkward Blorbos in your favorite TV show, this week is all about Hiccanna slaying in visual media!
1. Romcoms—Have you ever watched a romcom and gone "You know what would make this better? If it was about Hiccanna!"? Furthermore, have you ever watched a romcom and gone "Well shit, this is literally just about Hiccanna!"? Well, now's your time! Make something inspired by your favorite Hiccanna-coded romcom, or a romcom you desperately believe needs more Hiccanna energy in it! Or, hell, make up a brand-new cheesy romcom plot for these two and make us all swoon 💞
2. Dramas—We forget it sometimes, but not everything in these two dorks' lives is sunshine and rainbows. Hiccup lost a whole-ass leg! Anna almost froze to death! They both grew up lonely, friendless, and (relatively) isolated from their communities! For this prompt, take your favorite drama and Hiccanna-ify it—or aplify the Hiccanna you already see! It can be any subgenre you want—coming-of-age drama, period drama, weird avant-garde indie drama, you name it! Subject those guys to some Dramatics™️ and let us see :3
WEEK 3—LITERATURE AND TEXT PROMPTS This week is all about something so many of us long to have an excuse to do--write about the blorbos! Whether you're looking to try your hand at fic for the first time or you're coming back to add more much-needed Hiccanna into our ever-sparse internet ecosystem, these text prompts will hopefully get your fanfiction juices flowing. Pick your favorite(s) of the four for each day, and write away! If you want to try and do all of them then have at it, but don't stress yourself out!!! I wanna make sure this year's event is as chill and no-pressure as possible, since I know a lot of options can be overwhelming, especially for Anna and I's fellow ADHDers! And if you don't want to commit to writing anything, or writing just isn't your strong suit, that's okay too! Use this week to make something based on any literature that brings Hiccanna to mind, or any literary world you'd love to see our favorite awkward ship in. Happy creating! Also HUGE shout-out to @lilandraws for helping me narrow this down from 40 fucking prompts, because when I tried to just casually make a list of text prompts I liked, I got, um...a bit carried away ^^; Also for giving some absolutely hilarious commentary that singlehandedly got me through the workday, bless 💚💚💚 And thank you to @creativepromptsforwriting for the prompts themselves!
1. Pick your favorite(s)!!! a) “Two bros, chilling in a small bed…” b) “Someone just handed you a cat?” c) “Sorry I tried to kill you.” “It’s fine, but next time you should try harder.” d) “Takes one to know one.”
2. Pick your favorite(s)!!! a) He had prepared himself for all the different ways she could reject him. But what he hadn’t prepared for was for her to actually say yes. b) “Want to hear some random facts about geese?” c) “What are we?” “Human. At least I hope we still are.” d) “I can’t stop thinking about kissing you.” “And what are you going to do about that?”
WEEK 4—COMIC BOOKS And now, for the ultimate kick-ass combination of visuals and literature—the visual novel and comic book!!! Since Hiccup and Anna are, fundamentally, animated cartoons (as much as they are much more to all of us!), it seemed fitting to wrap up with this one :3 This week is all about comics, and what epic shenanigans and hijinks can come of Hiccanna-ifying them!
1. Sci-Fi/Fantasy AU—One of the things comic books and visual novels do best is exploring fantastical scenarios and limitless possibilities. The iconic superhero AU is probably the most well-known, but your options don't end there! Do you have a favorite comic about guys on spaceships exploring the galaxy and battling aliens? Or a comic about a party of DnD-style adventurers taking down an evil wizard? Throw some Hiccanna in it and let us see! The sky's the limit, and really, you don't even have to stop there! (Note: Using AUs for ANY of these prompts is real and valid and encouraged, so don't feel like this is the only place where you can use wacky AUs! This is just the one where they have a special focus/emphasis. But AU away whenever you like—Hiccup and Anna kinda require an AU to even be able to interact, so it sort of comes with the territory!)
2. Favorite Comic Book Adaptation AU—Many of us have been lucky enough to see a comic we like be adapted into something else, and can say with confidence that the adaptation kicks absolute ass,, whether it be a movie, TV show, novelization, video game, or whatever else! Like with the previous prompt, superhero comics might be the first thing to come to mind. Of course, I'd be delighted to see Hiccanna in the world of the Spiderverse, Invincible, or your favorite DC or Marvel movie, but keep in mind these aren't your only choices! Something like Scott Pilgrim vs. the World or Netflix's The Sandman would be a totally valid option as well! Have fun and go crazy :3
Aaaaaaand that's all for now! Tag those posts with hiccannamonth2024 or hiccannamonth24 so I can see them and reblog, and happy Hiccanna month-ing! Can't wait to see what everyone comes up with and shower all my love on it 💗💖❤️‍🔥 See you next month!!! We will go through all of July…and beyond >:3
As far as content goes, literally anything is welcome--edits, art, drabbles/fanfic, videos, interpretive dance you record yourself doing that has Hiccanna motifs, it is all fair game as long as it’s Hiccanna-related!
Your ever-determined Hiccanna month hoster person, Fuckyeahhiccannamonth 💚
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rebrandedbard · 6 months
hey srry if this question makes you uncomfy or anything, but what are your thoughts on geraskefer and the other ships between the three?
Oh it isn't uncomfortable at all! In fact, this is a perfect example of polite interest and ask etiquette. You're asking about a subject I've blogged about and shown interest in, and in a very polite manner. I'm over-explaining this so as to comfort you and encourage future asks, my dear good nonny.
Since TWN season 2, I've loved geraskefer. Season two shifted all their dynamics in very interesting ways. I will elaborate:
That scene in the pub and later in the boat between Jaskier and Yennefer converted me. I LOVED their vibe in season 2, and what little we had in season 3 with them was delightful. I love them having this banter-heavy dialogue, this playful "I tooootally find you annoying" best bitchy friends attitude (exaggerated, of course, for fun in fandom). They really do have each other's best interests at heart. They care. And to have them be together without the involvement of Geralt is very nice, even if he is a large part of why they would come together in any circumstance. But seeing the trust between them grow and to see how they need and rely on one another is so compelling. Drinking buddies <3 and I need them to kiss.
Canon and a power couple. Divorced parents trying to get back together. A good contrast. The tension of knowing your love may be influenced by magic has a kind of tragedy. However, I need them to interact more outside of sex and talking about the wish. The opening of season 3 where we saw them as a family made me actually like them as a couple. I need them to be friends before I can ship them, and season 3 went a LONG way to making that happen. They've slowed down enough to actually get to know one another, and I look forward to seeing more of it.
The OG. The OTP. The reason like 99% of you are likely on this blog. Besties with romantic tension. The bants. The sass. The friendship and deep understanding at the core of who they are and how they interact. The ride or die. The tragedy of having it all thrown in your face and made insignificant in a moment of weakness. The desperation to repair what was once taken for granted. The choice to put in the work to repair what was lost. The honesty that comes with it. The fact that I am a gay (technically bi, like 85% men 15% women-ish whatever I'm gay I don't do math). These are what I find so compelling about the two.
All of the above with a healthy dose of tension, confusion, pining, despair, and an ending in which finally, just this once, everyone gets exactly what they want, and it's okay to have it. The healing. The appreciation for one another. All the fear gone and all the love spoken. The bisexual dream. Jaskier is the glue. And I want them to FIGHT over him before they all get together. THE ship that makes me actually think polyamory would be THE best conclusion. They're already family regardless and I will cling to that. It's a main FOUR. Those three are equals in this unit.
I hope that answers things for you! In conclusion, I love all the variations. Generally speaking, I rank them by favorite as geraskier, geraskefer, yennskier, yenralt. The more Jaskier in the relationship, the better.
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fg083nrt · 7 months
What ships from Naruto do you like, except Kakuhida? I'm asking out of curiosity :)
Also your art makes me want to eat tables!!! RAAH!!!!! (/pos)
This is a surprisingly loaded question because I have so many and some of them span for almost 20 years now.
Also, as usual, disclaimer, since I've seen all the ship wars and holywars, THESE ARE ALL PERSONAL OPINION. PERSONAL OPINION ONLY.
(endless yapping below the cut)
In the past:
My first ship when I was 12 was Pain/Konan, and I think that was the first smut I've ever read like period. I was a big cheerleader of Hinata and Naruto/Hinata because I liked that Hinata just minded her business and stayed in her lane while everyone else was going thru shit (Team 8 had the best work-life balance, I think, they just clocked in and clocked out, no shenanigans). Obviously, Temari/Shikamaru and I loved Neiji/Tenten. I think as a kid these were like really fun dynamics. Once the anime reached the Akatsuki I was all over the Akatsuki LMAO.
But now, as a grown adult, I am almost 99% just KKHD, and Akatsuki ships are like the default absolute truth to me, but recently, I've been obsessed with more Naruto Yuri.
Love Ino/Sakura for that double-income spy who owns a secret flower shop/doctor dynamic; it's just nice. Like I am a firm believer that they could have solved their differences by scissoring or something. Also like, I think their backstory is like an insane missed opportunity (but what's written cannot be unwritten, so whatever) because these pages made me feel like I was reading some kind of josei backstory. Like, go ahead and read these pretending this is not from Naruto, and tell me where do u think this could be from.
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Like "pussy from a girl who treats you like a small stupid animal (good until psychic damage hits)"
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Like, I would be like, this is either a shoujo manga, or the next page is older Sakura crying in the kitchen with a photo of Ino or something, and then by the end of the story, they, like fuck in the field or something while Sakura is like "I can't believe my toxic female friend from school has 4 fingers up my pussy!", but this could just be projecting, but I still like the ship. On a serious note, Sakura being a crybaby who was picked on would have been a fun opportunity to play with her character and create more empathy for Naruto within her, but her role was more like tying the two characters together, which worked well, but lots of people were salty, but it pushed people to support her character more so it evens out.
Tsunade/Shizune is like my next super fave, especially after rewatching the Tsunade arc. Tsunade's character is just so well done when it comes to how people cope with grief by doing destructive things, I loved it; Kishimoto is fantastic at mature story beats like this weaved between magical ninja fights. But yeah I loved their dynamic like Shizune is essentially her attendant/pet girl/assistant who is extremely loyal to her, but also nagging in a way and also Shizune is just very animated and kinda dorky while Tsunade is a calm mommy- sorry a mature rich woman of status who needs to be taken care of (nearly blacked out writing this). Their back and forth is just chef kiss, too. Honestly, I think that's my favourite Naruto arc; the first part of Naruto is great when it comes to mundane details that I now have more appreciation for.
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Their auntie banter!
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And obviously still love Temari/Shikamaru! I loved that Shikamaru was always very tsundere and going on about how much he hates girls, but deep down is actually like, "Me when a bad bitch tells me to do anything." it's a satisfying way to play with his "character flaw". Seeing him go soft on Temari was like a mini character arc within his already happening character arc during Sasuke's pursuit, like we saw him grow up twice, great stuff!
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The entire chapter 235 is just an amazing growth for Shikamaru in elevating the like "men/women" way of thinking to like "what makes a person who they are" way of thinking I really love that. The character is also a great reminder for those afraid of failing btw.
Kakashi/Iruka is my fave, 50% from a historical standpoint; the fact that you can find Kakairu fanfic on Geocities from 2001, and I have some doujins in my collection that are more than 20 years old now is fascinating to me. Love how incredibly loyal the Japanese fans are to Iruka; these guys were holding onto hope for so many years till the Pain arc and then, boom, Studio Pierrot's final Naruto arc!!! It's just incredible fandom history. I love that kinda stuff, love the ship itself too, it's very homey to me, some of the legendary fic they had was fantastic, like entire book's length, incredibly loyal fans.
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franklyshipping · 1 year
Engineered Relaxation ~ A Markiplier Ego Fanfic
On the Invincible II, every aspect of the space-faring vessel runs like clockwork. Each department from cryo to engineering to weapons functions like a dream (in this particular reality, at least). This is because the crew are headed by a truly confident and charismatic captain, who always seemed to have an answer for even the slightest issue. He was well-loved and well-respected by absolutely everyone… though there was one crew member who enjoyed bantering with his dear Captain Mack. The crew member in question? Mark, the head of engineering upon Invincible II.
He and Mack were easily best friends on the ship. This was evident from how Mark was the only one who could get away with making fun of Mack, and Mack was the only who could tease Mark about his engineering skills and live to tell the tale. There would always be some new banterous exchange between them, however recently Mark had noticed that the captain had not been putting as much energy into their playful jabs. Mark noticed this kind of thing with Mack from time to time, as it was a clear sign of the captain over-working himself, trying to do everything at once for the sake of giving his crew rest and relaxation – all at the cost of his own energy.
So of course, the only thing Mark put on his agenda for the day was somehow getting Mack to take a break, by any means necessary. First, he would have to corner him somewhere. Luckily for Mark, Mack had ended up in his engineering department and had insistently been doing extra maintenance inspections so Mark’s junior engineers could have the day off. Mark had his arms folded as Mack checked on pressure levels, the rate of internal combustion, and other factors. Mark let out a sigh, which made Mack raise an eyebrow at him as he glanced up from the huge dashboard.
‘Something you want to say, friend?’
‘Huh, me? Oh no, no I hardly have anything to say.’
Mark retorted, making Mack sigh. He knew that tone. That tone was the biggest clue that Mark wanted to blurt out some dramatic rant or ramble. Mack folded his arms at him and raised an eyebrow.
‘Go on, it’s clear you’re dying to say something.’
Mark thought for a moment.
‘Do I have my Captain’s permission to speak freely without repercussions?’
Mack bit back a smile.
‘I’ll allow it.’
‘Alright, you’re a goddamn moron.’
Mack, admittedly, was taken aback. Sure he and Mark had their banter, but straight up calling him a moron? That was a new one.
‘I beg your pardon?’
‘You know you are! You’ve been slaving away in micro-manage mode for days, even though everyone on this crew is perfectly fine doing their jobs themselves! But no, being Mr Big Heart you just had to go ahead and take on everyone’s work.’
‘The crew deserve rest every once in a while Mark!’
‘Yeah, that’s why we have diligently organised shift schedules and more than one person in a department you doofus!’
Mark huffed, putting his hands on his hips as he gave Mack his most aggrieved, disappointed look, which admittedly did make the captain feel a teensy bit bad. Mark then came up to him and prodded his chest, his tone insistent.
‘Now, I don’t often say this out loud, but you’re my best friend. I’m not going to let you work yourself to death, because then you’ll become some ridiculous martyr and I’ll probably be the one who’ll have to build your dumb shrine.’
Mack snorted, a grin appearing on his face.
‘I could just order you to build me a shrine right now, bestie.’
‘Don’t push your luck, Captain.’
The two men were practically nose to nose now, reaching the peak of their banterous exchange as Mark’s mouth curled into a sneer, and Mack’s thinned into a sly little curve. Mark tilted his head at Mack as he sighed.
‘I really hoped I’d convince you to take a break with this little chat… but it looks like I’m going to have to use more forceful measures.’
Mack’s eyes gleamed with amusement.
‘Is that a threat?’
Mark chuckled, and lowered his voice.
Suddenly, Mark’s hands had locked around Mack’s arms as he yanked him to the floor, giving the backs of his knees a little kick to made sure he’d crumple. Mack yelped with surprise, and before he knew it Mark had him pinned on the ground, straddling his hips and keeping his arms pinned under his knees.
‘What the hell get off me!’
‘No can do.’
‘I’m ordering you!’
‘I’m sure you are.’
Mack let out a frustrated growl as he struggled, but unfortunately Mark was considerably stronger than him. Mark grinned down at him, and then casually rested his hands on top of Mack’s stomach, drumming his fingers a little. The action made Mack freeze, his eyes widening as he looked up at Mark.
‘Mark… don’t.’
‘Don’t what?’
‘You know–’
Mack suddenly bit his lip as Mark curled his fingers, fighting a smile as Mark’s grin got wider.
‘Something wrong?’
‘Mark– c’mon you promised you wouldn’t– ah!’
Mack yelped, and descended into frantic giggles as Mark’s deft, quick fingers tickled his stomach, dancing and fluttering eagerly as Mark snickered.
‘I know I promised I wouldn’t use your great ticklish weakness against you, but desperate times call for desperate measures my friend.’
‘Yohohohou ahahahasshohole!’
Mack exclaimed, wriggling about and arching his back as his vulnerable stomach was attacked with tickling. Mack prided himself on being a strong captain with no weaknesses, he was tough, agile, a quick thinker, and very open-minded, all of which made him an excellent captain. But something he’d always managed to keep secret was his insane ticklishness. Well, almost secret. Mark had discovered it on one of the many occasions he’d been prodding Mack to irritate him – luckily Mack had sworn him to secrecy… but that didn’t keep him safe from Mark’s eager (and frequent) tickle attacks in private.
‘Now now, I thought a Captain was meant to have good manners?’
Mark slipped his fingers under Mack’s shirt and pinched at the centre of his tummy, making the poor man snort and cackle. As if the tickling wasn’t enough, Mark just had to tease him as well. Mack could feel heat threatening to bloom on his face as he spluttered.
‘Oh screhehew yohohou!’
Mark chuckled, letting out a low whistle as he pinched eagerly at Mack’s muscled stomach.
‘Wow, at least buy me dinner first.’
Mack snorted, his legs started to kick wildly now as the tummy tickling sent waves of tingles through him from head to toe. The thing that embarrassed Mack the most however, was the fact that he was having fun, and he knew that Mark knew it. Mark fingers continued dancing over his bare tummy with scratches and the occasional pinch, which made Mack somehow feel more ticklish as the minutes went by.
‘Mahahark c’mohohon! Enohohough!’
‘Aww, can’t you handle it?’
‘Thihihis ihihis mehehean!’
‘Hmm….I might stop….on one condition.’
Mark teased, and Mack suddenly howled when he felt Mark’s pinky finger wiggle in his bellybutton. His whole body jolted like he’d been electrocuted, and his shriek was impressive to say the least.
Mark laughed, and he leaned down so he was nose to nose with Mack so he could whisper.
‘I’ll stop if you promise to relax and stop micro-managing the crew.’
Mark grinned as he watched Mack thrash, loving how his cheeks went a dark pink as he laughed. He knew he was being mean, getting him to make the promise whilst having his worst tickle spot attacked, but it was too fun to pass up! He let his little finger wiggle and swirl inside the cute innie divot, making Mack wail through his laughter.
‘Is that a yes to the promise?’
‘Ah ah ah I need to hear a yes first!’
Mark sing-songed, which only made Mack’s blush darken as he laughed even harder. He knew if he made the promise Mark would tease him, and if he didn’t make the promise he’d be tickled and teased! It was certainly a dilemma, and for a moment Mack thought maybe he’d be able to hold out… until Mark somehow wiggled his pinky finger at the speed of light.
‘Excellent! I knew you’d see it my way.’
Mark had mercy, and to be a good sport he released Mack’s hands from under his knees. The giggly Captain hurriedly pulled his shirt down over his, now rather pink, stomach as he panted. Mark grinned down at him, which earned him a half-hearted glare.
‘I hahate you.’
‘No you don’t.’
‘Yehes I do.’
‘Do not.’
‘I want you to burn in the fires of a supernova.’
Mark burst out laughing, throwing his head back as Mack giggled and rubbed his stomach. Mark finally stood up and helped Mack to his feet, both of them brushing down their uniforms. Mack fixed his hair in a nearby reflective panel, and Mark leaned in behind him with a grin.
‘You missed a bit–’
‘I will throw you out of the dang airlock!’
Mark snorted with a grin, and then slung his arm over Mack’s shoulders. He nudged him gently, and his voice softened.
‘Popcorn and movies to unwind?’
Mack looked at him, and felt himself already relax at the idea. He sighed, and his curved smirk softened into his rare, but very lovely, smile.
‘Yeah… thanks.’
Mark winked, earning him an eyeroll as the two headed out through the ship. As the leader of a ship that explored through the dangers of space literally everyday, it made sense that Mack found it hard to relax sometimes. He was always trying to keep his crewmates, his friends, safe and happy, and so it was good that he had Mark by his side. No, it was better than good. With Mark by his side, his head engineer, his best friend, helping him take care of himself… Mack knew that he could be invincible.
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disaster-j · 2 years
TOL Rewatch Week One
Just rewatched episode one with beloved mutual @magicaldreamfox1 and AAAAAAAA this show really does so many things to me
I have like a million and one thoughts but two main ones-
I am still so fucking pissed about Khai being made into a genuine asshole for drama reasons in the show instead of just being a dumb slut (affectionate) who thought his feelings for Third were Extra Special Friendship Feelings as if all friends dream about building a life with their bestie and get anxiety over the idea of said bestie not being by their side always.... yeah Khai is so much gayer in the novel y'all don't understand I will never shut up about this particular change. Never ever. HE SHOULD'VE BEEN A SIMP FROM THE GET GO. I get that the drama was important to fill up eps but like they did Khai a grave injustice by erasing so many of the scenes that showed his good side, his scared side, his confused side, his deeply in love with Third side. I will never forgive them for making the show Third biased when the story is supposed to be about Khai's journey.
What would've happened if Two had never intervened. Like I've already written a fic about Third giving up on Khai after overhearing him in That Scene but even then he'd at least tried and like his crush had been acknowledged by people other than him. But what if Two had never found him that night he decided to give up. What if neither Two nor Bone had tried to intervene during that time and Third had pulled away from Khai???? WHY AM I MAKING MYSELF SAD THEY'RE MY FAVOURITE SHIP But like imagine KhaiThird having a friendship break-up imagine Khai losing his fucking mind bc Third was his everything and he just didn't realise it until he'd already lost him imagine them remeeting a few years after they've graduated and Khai desperately trying to get back in Third's good books and Third being his meanest self trying to hide how much he still loves Khai AAAAAAAAA someone write the fic pls i am on my knees begging
Other notable thoughts I had while watching the episode
We should talk more about the fact that Khai went and got his ass beat defending Milk's honour AFTER he found out she was messing with him. Like he just did that huh. And he had no reason to think it would help him get her back or anything he just did it bc he felt like it. My poor lil meow meow my favourite puppy boy I love him.
All the Khai is autistic/nd posts are correct
All the Khai is demiromantic posts (me im making all them posts) are soooo correct
Khai's not nearly as Straight in ep1 as he'd like to believe. To quote Dreamy, why are you as a man "riding" "charles". He's a bottom. I said what I said.
Third is the og bl exploiter girlboss. He was capitalising on his sexuality and close male friendships before it was cool.
Two and Bone BOTH knew Third liked Khai in ep1. Two definitely noticed Third in the scene where they wrap up filming, tho he's obviously been eyeing him a while. And Bone absolutely Knew when Third walked away while they were teasing Khai about Milk. He literally frowned at Third walking off and then turned pensively to Khai. Maybe this is when he decided to confront Khai about Third's crush?
Fake Protagonist is still undefeated as best bl ost I said what I said.
Two and Bone are the best friends ever. This friend group is perfection like no other BL has executed a friend group this well, where everyone gets appropriate screentime and no one exists just for comic relief or to further the plot, they all have their story arcs, their own motivations and flaws and endearments, and they don't go off on their own after the show ends. And they ALL actually get along well. Not Me could've had this if the writers weren't Black antis.
It will be so fucking hard to watch one episode of tol per week literally itching to go watch more as I type AAAAAAAAA
And yet. We persevere. See y'all next week!
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grimgoregrimoire · 6 months
🕯️ ⇢ on a scale from 1 to 10, how much do you enjoy editing? why is that?
🛼 ⇢ describe your latest wip with five emojis
🐇 ⇢ do you prefer writing original characters, reader inserts, or a mix of both? 
🧃 ⇢ share some personal lore you never posted about before
🎲 ⇢ what stops you from writing more in your free time? 
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
🧸 ⇢ what's the fastest way to become your mutual?
🪐 ⇢ name three good things going on in your life right now
📚 ⇢ what's the last thing you wrote down in your notes app? 
🍬 ⇢ post an unpopular opinion about a popular fandom character
🔪 ⇢ what's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
🦷 ⇢ share some personal wisdom or a life hack you swear on
❄️ ⇢ what's your dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best?
🌿 ⇢ give some advice on writer's block and low creativity
🥐 ⇢ name one internet reference that will always make you laugh 
🏜️ ⇢ what's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
🍦 ⇢ name three good things about a character you hate
🥝 ⇢ do you lie a lot? what's the most recent lie you told?
🦋 ⇢ share something that has been on your heart and mind lately 
🦴 ⇢ is there a piece of media that inspires your writing? 
🍅 ⇢ give yourself some constructive criticism on your own writing
🐚 ⇢ do you like or dislike surprises?
🪲 ⇢ add 50 words to your current wip and share the paragraph here
☁️ ⇢ what made you choose your username?
🐝 ⇢ tag your biggest supporter(s) and say one nice thing about them
🌸 ⇢ do you have any pets? if you do, post some pictures of them
🎨 ⇢ link your favourite piece of fanart and explain why you like it
🧩 ⇢ what will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately?
Hi hi thank you so much for all the emojis!! 🥰
🕯️ ⇢ on a scale from 1 to 10, how much do you enjoy editing? why is that?
Pffftt well, I've been "editing" my book for the past two years, so..... Joking aside, I would probably give it a solid 8. Nothing is as good as seeing all the hard work you've put in and then just giving it that extra little cherry on top!
Now, if you're asking me about spelling and grammar editing.... Don't.
🛼 ⇢ describe your latest wip with five emojis
🐇 ⇢ do you prefer writing original characters, reader inserts, or a mix of both? 
I've never written a reader insert but now yall got me thinking 😅
🧃 ⇢ share some personal lore you never posted about before
I have this weird thing where everyone thinks I look like someone else, and it's caused some pretty hilarious phenomenons. One time at the airport, a kid started screaming and crying because I waved at them. I still, to this day, have absolutely no idea who they thought I was ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
🎲 ⇢ what stops you from writing more in your free time? 
So I have this fun little thing called ADHD...... But yeah, honestly, I'm incredibly chaotic, and while trying to keep up with the real-life stuff and all the distracting stuff and all the projects I got going...... Yeah, that's why I'm typically up until 2 am writing lol
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
Yay another one!!!
Zukka (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Anytime Hakoda takes Sokka for some father-son bonding time, Sokka relentlessly insists Zuko come along. Zuko and Hakoda think he's just being a clingy boyfriend, but he just wants to show Zuko that he is deserving of love from a father figure and that Iroh isn't just doing it out of guilt.
(In turn, Iroh tags along from time to time, and their trips quickly go from family bonding to a dad joke battle)
🧸 ⇢ what's the fastest way to become your mutual?
Literally just come say hi!! I swear, contrary to popular lore, I don't bite!
🪐 ⇢ name three good things going on in your life right now
I'm very lucky. Everyone in my family is doing great. Having this great opportunity to finish and publish my book. And I have great, supporting and loving friends 🖤
📚 ⇢ what's the last thing you wrote down in your notes app? 
"He was just one of this like shitty guitar players in a shitty band."
"And he was in a punk band, and I did graffiti. Can I make it more obvious?"
🍬 ⇢ post an unpopular opinion about a popular fandom character
I never finished Stranger Things' first season, I don't know that I even got through the first five episodes. I was so bored the whole time.
Bonus hot take; I had the exact opposite problem with The Walking Dead. Around season five, I got really bored.
🔪 ⇢ what's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
Guys, go Google New England Vampire Panic. Very interesting to read about, and also a good band name if you're from New England!
🦷 ⇢ share some personal wisdom or a life hack you swear on
Even if you absolutely suck at it, if it's something you love, do it with all the confidence in the world, and you'll find your place.
+ Nobody's as confident as they claim. It's all a production. Fake it 'til you make it, but don't sell your soul over it.
❄️ ⇢ what's your dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best?
So I've recently gotten into Baldur's Gate, and I just really fucking need Gale and Astarion on like a buddy cop mission where it's just absolute clown to clown communication. Gale being his waxing poetic self, and Astarion is far too emo and far too gay for this shit.
I don't know! I'm willing to bully all my friends until one of them picks it up or I just do it myself lol
🌿 ⇢ give some advice on writer's block and low creativity
Don't force it. If it's not coming to you take a break don't chase it! You'll only wear yourself out and hate what you did write.
Rome wasn't built in a day, but it sure burnt down in one. Remember that.
🥐 ⇢ name one internet reference that will always make you laugh 
Wouldn't you like to know, weather boy?
🏜️ ⇢ what's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
Very specifically, "You're evil"
Muahahahahaha 😈
🍦 ⇢ name three good things about a character you hate
Oh man, I don't think there's absolutely anything redeemable about that woman.
1.) Uhh, when she shuts up, she's cute ig.
2.) She's fun to write because I don't get to be pure evil a lot.
3.)................... She's kinda the gateway to one of my favorite characters?? 👀
🥝 ⇢ do you lie a lot? what's the most recent lie you told?
Here's a fun little fact about me, I'm brutally honest sometimes to the point of offense 😅 and I don't ever really have a need to lie.
That being said, I love randomly lying to strangers for literally no reason. Just recently, someone was being rude and interrupted my dinner with my family, so when they asked what I did for a living, I gave them a very detailed description of how I work in a morgue. I've never worked in a morgue a day in my life lol but it got them to leave me alone.
🦋 ⇢ share something that has been on your heart and mind lately 
Man, this might be too deep for tumblr, but it's that time of year again when I can't stop thinking about death and all that good stuff. I'll spare you guys the gritty details, though.
🪲 ⇢ add 50 words to your current wip and share the paragraph here
"Look, when I moved out here, I got a mess in Oakland waiting for me, okay? My friend got all this shit and fucked this guy over and this crazy motherfucker showed up ate half my burger and killed a fucking guy. When the boss showed up, told me to get his wife outta there, I did and I ain't never been back. I got know idea what's waiting there for me."
"Hm, that's unfortunate," I crossed my arms, "Especially 'cause I watched it happen in Pulp Fiction with you last night!"
"Goddamn it."
☁️ ⇢ what made you choose your username?
So I answered the username part over here, so I'm going to answer about my pen name now!
I actually changed my pen name fairly recently to Gabryél Grimm-Goretz. Gabryél is actually part of my legal name 😅 and so I thought it would be cool to use it because i never get to use it day to day. I went with Grimm-Goretz to kinda represent my family and heritage in a way while also leaning into how my writing is typically grim and gory.
🐝 ⇢ tag your biggest supporter(s) and say one nice thing about them
Whelp, we've got a nice handful of followers over here now, and unfortunately, I can't tag everyone. BUT I want to tell you all that you are appreciated. You are talented, and you are loved! Never let anyone tell you you're not good enough 'cause they're no better 🖤
🌸 ⇢ do you have any pets? if you do, post some pictures of them
Right here! uwu
🎨 ⇢ link your favourite piece of fanart and explain why you like it
I'm gonna be a little bit of a punk ass and tag myself here lol Link link link
I did this piece last year in celebration of one of my favorite band's new albums, and yeah! I just love it. It came out so good.
🧩 ⇢ what will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately?
When a narrator is like, "She smiled tit-ly, so deeply that her large pendulum breasts heaved, then jiggled tightly into her pink, completely see-through lace bra. Her breasts were no doubt expressing their own excitement." 🙄
For you 😌💞
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selamat-linting · 2 years
last night, a little homestuck before bed and :
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-i dont think i can maintain the facade of composure or coherence anymore. this is five seconds before john find several people brutally slaughtered, including his own dad, and he himself get stabbed to death. look at him! look at how silly this child is. my zillyhoo son, its unfair theyre piling up all this shit to you.
-i get why rose went grimdark tbh. things are pretty bad out there. it fucks me up that she's like, taking over the suicide mission. and how awful it is that she'd gone off the deep end that she looked at her parents dead body and only think of killing. something i noticed between the two light players is that theyre always burdening themselves with the hard, difficult tasks alone even though the team wanted it to be done as a group effort. its commendable but not always a good thing.
-its pretty funny that the kids with shitty guardians' have a wildly contrasting reactions to their dead parents like
dave, at the beginning of story : my bro is the coolest guy ever
dave now : huh. he's dead. okay. time to use the sword lodged in his chest as a trampoline! sweet loot. i love not getting knifed in my apartment
rose, at the beginning of the story : my loathsome mother and her penchant for the devil's drink!!!!!
rose, now : i should've looked out for her *activates rage mode*
i mean, i suppose thats appropriate but. you know how it is. poor kids, they've been through a lot. did they even have a warm meal lately? also i think bro is kinda handsome and i understand his fascination with puppets. i too, read a tentacle dick spamton fic as a lark and becomes genuinely intrigued with it.
-i am in love, in love! with the format of clicking to a collage of pictures. There was just so much Shit going on and the banner have doc scratch home being burned down and snowman making out after smoking a bloodied pipe. and then jade hunting frogs with dave. it would have been adorable to see these kids finally meeting each other for the first time if the world wasnt going to do a hard reset.
-fuck it. an AU. kids being kids. no sburb no tragedy. theyre just online friends. jade's grandpa is alive, he took jade into civilization often so she's not undersocialized and knows how to function if she wants to live a normal life. and as a birthday gift he took all of her friends to the island as a surprise for her 13th birthday. they spend the day catching frogs and playing paintball. and then at night, rose and jade urge everyone to try lucid dreaming. none of them made it because theyre all too busy making fun of john's movie selection. dave is beatboxing over squiddles music. and then right in the middle of their playing, a ship crash landed to the island. it was the trolls.
-uhhghgghghhh i need to see. an animatic. of jade and dave's fight. with bec noir. look at all the moves theyre making it would have been one hell of a fight and we were robbed of a proper flash with boisterous music! space time vs omnipotence lets fucking go!
-speaking of vriska, wow she really is giving her all in these pages. her last stand with jack. the enemy she took part in creating. she knew she was going to die and done her best asking out literally everyone alive. and the best/worst thing is, everyone accepts. terezi literally came to her with all the rp outfit they used to do. and, i know i should be shocked but im just laughing at karkat showing up late with the sloppy makeout note. And she gave the cutest most adorable date proposal to john like, ugh its cute teenage puppy love! yes, i think they'd go well together. I dunno, maybe its my kimharry enjoyer heart speaking, but i think characters who'd done terrible violence should be with someone who only met them after they strived to be someone better, or at least a blank slate. that way, they get a fresh start and can focus on improving instead of getting distracted with hurt feelings and old wounds. also i am not burdening terezi, aradia, tavros, and all of the kids she personally maimed with All of That tbh. unless they want to ofc.
-anyways, here is the updated vriska relationship chart
matesprit -> still, the poster of nicholas cage in con air, or karkat if youre so inclined to imagine a world where she makes out with karkat before fighting terezi. gross lol.
moirallegiance -> john, full stop. her relationship with terezi needs some peace time before coming back into pale redrom
kismesis -> terezi. im FROTHING at the mouth thinking at the tragedy of their relationship. this is some intergenerational trauma shit, some wicked codependency junk, like the cuno and his buddy C. its the real shit fa- (okay i should stop speaking like cuno before i embarras myself)
-also. WHY WAS IT A JUST DEATH! im hitting the clock im destroying it with jack. fuck you fuck you so much. Doc scratch fix the clock so it gives me what i want or i'll burn your house! asshole!
-im curious about the sprites. i hope they find a way to be relevant again. i've always think theyre awesome and has more info that could have been beneficial for the kids.
-all in all, i give this homestuck liveread and overall rating of what the fuck what the fuck ohhhhh ohhh my fucking godd imma read this again motherfucker
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gabbylyons · 2 years
Let's go 👀
💙 ship that you used to have as an otp:
I used to be very vocal on the Doctor Who fandom about shipping Doctor/Master. They were the very best friend of each other since childhood in a very oppressive society, planned to run away from their planet (which was a crime) to see the stars. They did run away, but separate, and now they are each other's nemesis and their planet is gone. Yet their love for each ran so deep that it cut through the deepest hate and longest time and they can't let go of trying to convice the other to come to their side, despite continuously trying to kill each other, once they are two sides of the same coin.
Look, i love problematic ships. But even i have my limits and racism is one of them.
My problem began not long ago, even though i love this ship. You see, if you never watched it, their species can regenerate once they're dying - it's like reincarnation, but they dont lose their memories unless there's something wrong. Their whole body is consumed by regeneration energy and is replaced by a new body. The most recent of the Doctor's incarnations was a blonde, white woman; while the Master was a dark-skinned indian man. Everything was going well, until the Master in one of his plans used a device to pretend to be a white man so he could work with nazis, and the Doctor, who already had him in her hands because he was already defeated, keep that in mind, made the nazis aware that he was not white and just..used her position as a white woman to give him in the nazist's hands. And the narrative framed this as a good thing..which was definitely not. It was evil.
Look, i love problematic ships, but even i have my limits and racism is one of them.
👅 ship that you find most sexy:
ooh bridgerton's kate/anthony got me on my knees. the forbidden love, the enemies to lovers because they just couldn't deal with how attracted to the other was..🔥🔥 hot as fuck.
👎 ship that you can never see happening:
i've seen people, usually anime watchers, shipping kurogane/tomoyo and i was like.. babies. sweethearts. THAT'S A LESBIAN AND A MARRIED GAY MAN. Since then i am begging every anime watcher to read the mangas. also, i always found watanuki/zashiki-warashi so cute but i dont think this is going to happen. And it's so painfully obvious that the ame-warashi is in love with zashiki-warashi, while watanuki is connected to doumeki, and honestly i ship those two ships way more.
💚 ship that you secretly like:
What if i told you that i..invented a ccs lesbian love triangle out of the sheer power of my lesbianism??
We only had scrapes of them in clear card canon, but before she met fujitaka, sakura's mother was best friend's with akiho's mother. She sat fujitaka down to talk about how precious lillie was to her, but in order to protect nadeshiko from the cult she was in, lillie ran away. And we know that canonically, sonomi was in love with nadeshiko and was very possessive of her - nadeshiko was meant to be only hers and she was nadeshiko's. everyone else were pigs.
now imagine what we could have if we had this gay tragic love triangle?? sonomi, this powerful, rich and possessive woman who only has eyes for her sweet, magical girlfriend suddenly feels jealous when her girlfriend becomes too close to a beautiful girl who has so much in common with her?? I NEED THIS.
(it's so infinitely better than fujitaka marrying one of his teenage students, leaving sonomi to forever greave the love that she lost but will never forget..)
Of course canon only tell us that Nadeshiko and lillie were close friends, but im a lesbian and thus reality belongs to me. clamp came to me in dreams and confirmed that i am always right about everything.
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z-h-i-e · 1 year
Get to know me better...
I have been tagged by @sallysavestheday and I aim to please. Or, at least answer the call to answer questions. ^_^
Relationship status: Smaug and I have been together since 1997 - according to the Elves, we've been married since 1998, according to the Race of Men, 2000. We're also besties, so that definitely made all the time spent together during the pandemic pretty nice.
Favorite color: I have a favorite color spectrum that includes purple, green, and gold. It slides around depending on my mood. I will also argue that glitter is one of my favorite colors.
Song stuck in your head: This precise moment? My Songs Know What You Did in the Dark/Fall Out Boy -- I've been listening to it, thinking of Finrod composing songs about the burning of the ships that become popular and this leads into Celegorm and Curufin being pissed at him later that their shoreline deeds become Noldorin pop songs without them getting any credit
Favorite food: I am a big fan of mushrooms - years ago, when I used to do impromptu Discord calls while cooking and imparting fandom and life wisdom, it ended up named 'Mushrooms in my Ramen' because that's the best way to ramen. I also like fruit; I grow several types in my yard. Shrimp, shrimp is amazing. Shrimp on pizza, shrimp and corn chowder, shrimp and grits -- just, shrimps, yes. Also poutine. I love a good poutine. I like making soups and chili the way I want them (basically, no tomatoes - tomatoes are my species enemy, they will try to kill me), so, tomato-less and meatless chili is kind of my jam. My big guilty pleasure is Chicken McNuggets. I know they're basically fried chicken goop, I will still consume them. I don't even need sauce. (But, sauce is good, so it honey with them.) Oh, and raw sweet corn. I don't know why people cook corn. It's so much better raw. (not canned cold, but fresh raw sweet corn)
Last song played: I heard Alone Again Or by The Damned when I drove home. I had only previously heard the original by Love, which I, heh, wow, unintentional pun, love. It's a song on my original Glorfindel/Erestor playlist from twenty years back, when the early shippers were jockeying for position and trying to figure those Rivendell bois out. I should teach myself to play that song. I wonder how it would sound on the balalaika... *pencils that in for a summer project* I already know the lyrics... [So the connection for me with Glorfindel and Erestor on this was the idea of Glorfindel being really friendly with everybody, but the only one he wants is Erestor, so he remains alone and waits for him during the early fourth age when the two of them are the last two remaining inhabitants of Imladris. Even though they aren't together yet, Glorfindel still uses terms of endearment for Erestor - right to his face - nothing hidden. My Erestor is such a asshole. Someday he'll do right by everyone... moving on...]
Dream Trip: I'm at a point where I hate any trip where I can't be home to sleep. Apnea diagnosis did that. So, I guess I'd like VR to catch up to a point where I can really and truly immerse and then go to...Middle-earth, of course I'm going there, or Thundera (obviously pre-explodeyness).
Last thing I Googled: I've been trying to help a friend find apartments in Milwaukee county that are not ridiculously expensive or have weird stipulations or fees attached to them. Certainly been a challenge. But the last last thing was googling Alone Again Or by The Damned so I could listen to it again but also sing along as I was writing this (yeah, that's apparently a creepy thing I do, is singing songs with unrelated lyrics while typing other words or blog posts or fanfic, so that's a thing I have going for me)
I guess that's all for now. Instead of tagging anyone in particular, I suggest that anyone who is interested in sharing please steal these questions and have at it. Or, just go and listen to Alone Again Or. It's a good song.
Love: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cPbNpIG8x_s
The Damned: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nYVDN27CrOo
Only just realizing this now, it's not a bad Finrod pining for Amarië or Edrahil song, either... I'll have to tuck that away for later.
Your mileage may vary - if you do listen to it, I would would be interested knowing who it reminds you of.
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