#everyone thought he didn't care about his own son wilbur and how he had to explain over and over again how he was lied to and how he thought
jams-sims · 1 year
I saw a post asking why Philza was so feared when Philza is mostly a chill dude. I'm assuming it had to do with Tubbo being worried. An I mean if you want the realistic answer its because "rp". Tubbo was given a single job while Philza was away an he failed it. QPhilza not going to be angry at Tubbo tho, the realistic reaction is probably going be-
"I know you didn't lose my kids on purpose this was inevitable/I don't blame you mate." Philzs has never shown to lash out at people who didn't hurt him directly first. Its Tubbo mind over reacting off of guilt. QPhilza will turn all that hate to the FEDs where it rightfully belong.
Now to the feared part is simple the same reason people in cellbit stream scream when that man talks about eating human flesh is the same reason people fear Philza reaction. Previous smp, and just having respect for the character that they play. It would suck if you had a really cool character you made and every one treated them like a baby and non threat just because you are chill.
Philza has the capacity the feel real anger and be upset. (Nightmare situation). He just a chill dude and there a saying. That you never wanna make the nices people upset.
I mean realistically someone has already spoiled the egg missing situation. So instead of getting a "real" reaction. We are going to get one thats lukewarm at best. But the thing is we have no clue what he will do. We can make guess off his previous actions. But he could surprises us which is the exciting part!
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codecicle · 1 year
i am still going so insane over the Guys man AUGH
Hi soup!! :) Random question but:
Do you ever think about how deeply they cared about each other? Wilbur knew everyone else there exclusively while he was infected, and yet he put nothing but trust in them during a life or death scenario. During his final moments, Charlie showed him unwavering kindness by listening to his rant and sparing him the pain of transformation by snapping his neck. Had Wilbur ever experienced something that genuinely caring and sweet before? If the apocalypse forced pure violence to become the greatest show of love you could give to someone, how do you think Wilbur felt when these abnormal strangers his life had happened to cross paths with went out of their way to search for him when he was lost, to kill for him when he was in danger, and ultimately to sacrifice their own safety and stability to preserve his? Do you think he felt guilt despite it all? He was infected after all, nothing but a liability, constantly endangering the team because he couldn't admit to himself that it was over; that he was a danger instead of something (something. not someone. at that point he could at least admit to himself that he wasn't human, whether that be because he was infected or because no human in any definition of the word would be as selfish and cruel as he was from not telling them) that could help. Do you think he was smiling as he faked his death? Do you think he honestly thought the zombies would kill him and he would finally do something useful for them? Or do you think he knew deep down he would survive the zombie encounter and he was only hoping the zombies would fuck him up bad enough that when the time came he inevitably killed his friends, they didn't recognize the face taking all their hopes and dreams out from underneath them because of one "tiny little scratch" and their misplaced trust.
Do you ever think about Tommy? Do you think about how he had seemingly finally found a family, and how he looked away from his older brother figure for half a second to try and be useful by keeping morale up, only to walk back into the room with the man he trusted the most holding Wilburs dead body and grieving? Do you think he resented Charlie in that moment? Or did he just hate himself? None of this would have happened if he had just been there a couple seconds sooner after all, maybe he could have done something. Do you think about him having to walk up to what he thought was Wilburs corpse and not have the time to say his goodbyes? The zombies were coming, and all he could hear outside of Charlie's shaky disassociated voice was the deafening sound of zombies slowly getting louder. Do you think about him holding Wilbur as gently as he could, knowing carrying his body to be devoured would be the last moments he could get to grieve him before being forced to run again, abandoning the man he loved like a brother for what felt like the millionth time since knowing him. Do you think about the way his jokes got scarcer since Wilbur was gone? How he stopped being as funny for the rest of the time they were in that base? Do you think it was because he couldn't bring himself to find humor in such a dark scenario, or do you think it was because he knew deep down he didn't have a real reason to try and keep himself and the group alive anymore. His reason to keep going was devoured by the zombies and time stopped, why should he care anymore? Do you think he froze when Wilbur hopped out of the trunk? Do you think he mirrored the same smile his brother died with when he was devoured? Was it because the torment was finally over? Or was it because deep down all he wanted was to be with him again, even in death?
What about Phil? He looked at Wilbur the way the proudest and most fearful dad would look at his extraordinary son. But unlike the others, Phil grieved Wilbur long before he was ever even gone. As soon as he saw the bite and the way Wilburs life was slowly leaving his eyes he knew that it was over. Phil ran gauntlets, running inbetween zombies in camouflage to open door after door, opportunity after opportunity, just to keep his family alive. All he wanted the whole time was to keep everyone else alive, and set them up to thrive after he was gone. Do you think Phil knew he was going to die the whole time? He was the slowest of the group, he was the weakest, he didn't have any special gifts or abilities, and he couldn't fend for himself as well as he could fend for others. Do you think he was so serious the whole time because he wanted to spend the last moments with his son, and because he knew he wouldn't have another chance to be of use? He wasn't surviving for himself, he was surviving to keep everyone else alive. Do you think if they ever actually succeeded in escaping, that he would be the one to take night watch every time? That he would be the one to give up his food rations so others wouldn't go hungry? That he would sacrifice every part of himself before he stole the chance at life from someone that he thought deserved it better? Do you think when he finally got the chance to keep everyone else alive through fighting off the hoard by himself, he went down through tears? Or do you think he matched the other members of his family and fought them head on with nothing but a spiked golf club, his pride, and a smile to match his two sons?
What about Ranboo? Do you ever think about them? Do you think about the way they seemed to be the only person truly in reality the whole time? They were the only one refusing to do the bits, to tag along with the jokes, yet they were also the only person to kill the zombies, or hold any weapons. Do you ever think about how he had the most sincerely human reaction to all of this? Maybe the reason he refused to kill the zombies was because they so closely resembled himself, and they couldn't bring themself to kill something that looked so much like a real person. He knew they weren't alive, he knew he was constantly in danger, yet they looked into the zombies eyes and saw the blank void staring back at him and chose pity and kindness above all. Do you think when they said everyone around them was insane they really meant it? He seemed strangely grounded in reality at all times, while everyone else disassociated to get themselves through the killing, and the way blood splattered on everyone's clothes dragging the physical remains of their deepest regrets along with them to their deaths. Do you think they put the gun down, finally feeling safe in that Uber knowing no zombie would be able to catch them? Do you think he was glad he never had to actually use it? Were they happy they could keep their humanity as they escaped? Do you think he hoped for a better life after it all? Do you think he looked into Wilburs eyes as he was devoring Tommy, his brother that Wilbur cared for so so much, and they still couldn't bring themselves to pull the trigger? Do you think in their attempt to keep their humanity, he indirectly robbed everyone he cared about of theirs?
And Charlie. Ohhhh Charlie. Do you ever think about how hard he fought? He knew how to create makeshift weapons, he knew parkour, he knew how to fight and shoot and fend for himself, and yet he didn't survive despite all of it. Do you ever think about how he trusted and loved Wilbur so deeply, yet he was forced to lay down with his arms around him as he started spouting nonsense? Do you think Charlie could think straight as Wilbur slid down and indirectly begged him for mercy? Maybe Charlie wasn't as kind as he once thought, because as he held Wilbur in his arms he slowly realized the only real way out of this nightmare would be without him. Do you ever think about how much Charlie loved him? How he stared at him the whole time, looking with widened and obviously trusting eyes, how he grabbed Wilburs arm and looked at the bite as soon as he noticed something was wrong? Do you ever think about how deeply he must have loved both him and everyone else in the group, and how he had to swallow down his humanity for a moment to gift Wilbur the last of his? Do you think about how he hesitated? He had his head in his arms, Wilbur was very obviously letting it happen, and yet he couldn't bring himself to do it. Maybe from his selfishness, and how he couldn't bring himself to kill his closest friend. Or maybe from his selflessness, and him digesting the fact that after this he would be a villain to the rest of the group. None of them knew how far Wilbur was gone, only Charlie noticed, maybe they would walk in on his grief and see nothing but a murderer? Do you think about how despite everything Charlie spared Wilbur from his pain and killed him anyway, helping him the only way he knew how during Wilbur's greatest time of need. Do you think Charlie stayed behind that gate willingly, knowing he wouldn't be able to live with himself after they escaped? Do you think Charlie died thinking he was useful, or he wasn't useful enough. Do you think he truly believed the others would resent him, or do you think he just resented himself with every life he stole. Do you ever think about how Charlie died thinking he saved their lives, not knowing his grief personified would be waiting for the rest of them to undo everything Charlie tried to do during his life? Do you think Charlie died with a smile not because he was happy that his last moments were spent truly believing because of his sacrifice his friends would live, but because he knew he wouldn't have to live with any of the guilt anymore?
idk though :)
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docterzerocare · 1 year
i am. Having Thoughts about the Egg Parents au.
specifically about the Parents who still had kids after most of the eggs went missing.
Charlie not going missing because he's not an egg, technically (it's a weird Gegg-like situation). Bagi not going missing because she had been with Richas the whole night. Wilbur having run into the woods months ago, and only suddenly coming back now.
Flippa feeling guilty that she still has a son, while others are grieving and searching, feeling horrible that her (amnesiac) friend is currently living in her house, having just got their son back only to have him ripped away so suddenly again. how Tilín could hardly remember their own son but still mourned him. but Flippa still has Charlie.
Richas being left with only one child, while his others are just...gone. he can see how the eggs' disappearance is emotionally destroying Dapper, one of his closest friends, all while he still has a kid. a kid that he only received recently. he can't help but notice how similar she is to Cellbit...
when Wilbur ran off into the woods, and nobody was able to find him, Tallulah had long since accepted that he had probably died out there, that she had failed as a mother. sure, Chayanne decided to enlist her help in caring for Phil and Missa, as well as various other eggs who are left with them often, but...it didn't shake the guilt that weighed on her soul.
(why does everyone think she keeps the eggs close by to her, no matter how safe the area?
have they seriously forgotten what happened to Wilbur so quickly? have they forgotten how she failed?)
but then, suddenly, he just. walks out of the woods, completely unharmed with the exception of a few cracks. Tallulah is overjoyed, her son is back! and...wait, what if the other eggs are with him?
so they wait.
and wait.
but...the other eggs don't come back. it's only Wilbur.
Tallulah almost feels guilty for feeling relieved. after all, no one else's kids have come back. Chayanne tries to console her; Wilbur is alive! she should be celebrating! but what she says to Chay after that sums up all of these parents' feelings into a couple of sentences:
"Yeah, but it's only him. I'm the only person whose child came back."
because sure, everyone, even the parents who feel envy for the parents who still have children, is telling them to feel happy. they still have kids, after all, why wouldn't they be happy, no, grateful?
but that's the thing.
how can you truly celebrate still having your child, knowing that your neighbors and friends are still mourning theirs?
(aka Flippa, Richas, and Tallulah have a weird mixture of Survivor's Guilt and Imposter Syndrome. they don't feel like they deserve to be happy that they still have their kids because basically no one else does.
also, Trump isn't included here because he's basically in a 'Charlie-Codeflippa' situation with Maxo.)
All of this is really good but you just pummeled me with the trump and maxo mirroring charlie and codeflippa oughgvb its such a good connection
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bonesandthebees · 1 year
Bee... help... I'm reading a fic and it turns out it's a lot sadder than I thought. And I'm only on chap 6 out of 18... sad hours open. Do you know any happier ones?? Halp...
On a lighter note, constellations and SoC are wonderful!
I was so excited when I saw that constellations was apart of the Stars Universe (one of my favorites). It was kinda funny seeing Phil go from "he's just a pawn, I can use this" to "huh, he's got guts and some smarts, how interesting" to the beginnings of "if anything happens to him, I will kill everyone in this room". My favorite part of Stars was when after the Breakdown and it suddenly becomes official that Phil's favorite is Wilbur and he shows that I the best ways possible for a king/Ruler, ei a room in the private quarters was the biggest one as well as a seat at Phil's table, unlimited access to his audience, and being able to speak casually with him. The Breakdown and everything afterwards is Phil expressing how much he genuinely cares about Wilbur, which speaks volumes to not just Wilbur and Tommy, but EVERYONE else in the palace. One more thing that I loved was that when Phil moved Wilbur to the private room, he though to keep Jack as Wilburs guard, most likely because he saw or heard from Jack himself that Wilbur was more comfortable with him than anyone else. Stars is definitely a favorite of mine and if you do end up doing more in Phil's or anyone's POV for that matter, I will more than eager to see what you come up with.
I plan on doing another ask soon about SoC soon, but I gtg.
I hope you had a happy Memorial Day!
uhh if you want fic recs from me you might need to be a little more specific lol (also I don't read a TON of fics so. not the best person to ask probably oops)
god yeah I love phil's slow development in stars as he shifts from having fun toying with wilbur and scaring the shit out of him, to wanting to mentor him and seeing him as a tool, to growing to fully care and love him as his own son. they make me so aaaaaaa
one of the reasons I was so excited to write the Breakdown was because of how it would shift the phil and wilbur dynamic. I was so ready for phil to just fully claim wilbur as his favorite while wilbur was still losing his mind in the corner bc of his paranoia
jack didn't say shit to phil, but phil was able to figure out that jack and wilbur were very close just through noticing their interactions. I like to think that at some point he overheard jack call him wilbur instead of orpheus and realized there was no way he'd do that unless wilbur gave him permission to use his personal name, which could only mean the two were close. then he decided "alright wilbur gets jack in the brother breakup"
ty alterego tbh I had a stressful memorial day weekend just bc i had a lot of personal stuff to do but we're good now!
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ask-lmanburg · 2 years
[Tommy swings open the office door]
Wilbur! Big man! Mr. President! How are you doing?
Hey Tommy, I’m okay.
Y'know, whenever you say that I have the urge to doubt you.
That’s what everyone keeps saying. You alright?
I'm fine, but you're clearly not. Is something bothering you?
Don’t worry about it, okay?
You do know that you saying that isn't gonna stop me, right?
It should. Hah, no, no, I know.
Sorry Wilbur but nothing can stop me. What have you done today? I want a storytime.
Worked, fought with chat, you?
I lived my best Tommy life, as usual. Was chat being dickheads?
No, I was.
Oh, okay. The tables have turned, or something.
Yeah, I dunno.
Are you sure you're alright, man? It's just- you sound miserable.
Have you ever thought about being president?
Uh- not really? Once or twice at the most, I don't really mull over it. Why?
I think you’d be alright, especially if you made Tubbo your vice. You’re smart, he can keep you… leashed.
Leashed?! Okay, wait, why are you bringing this up?
I’m- I’m not a very good president.
What do you mean? You're a great president, Wil!
I got my son kidnapped.
You didn't hand him over, that wasn't your fault! Sometimes shit happens but it's not like you can take the blame for Fundys… adventures.
But it is my fault, I didn’t get the book back fast enough and I made him feel like he had to take advantage and go do it himself.
Wilbur, I guarantee Fundy does not hold anything against you. Nobody does! You couldn't have done anything differently, going for the book right then would've been stupid.
Tommy you don’t- it doesn’t matter. I didn’t even know he was gone until he was in danger. I sit here for hours every day and I tell you all I’m doing work, but I’m not. I- I, Tommy I’m not doing shit half the time! I got you all killed and then I- Tommy you don’t understand, I- I can’t lead this country further into a ditch anymore.
Wilbur, Wil, you need to chill out! Look yeah, you don't have to do everything on your own, and you can't blame yourself for shit you couldn't have stopped! You didn't get anyone killed, and if you need help you've got your whole country here waiting to help you!
You don’t understand, Tommy. It’s been selfish of me to hold on this- this presidency for so long. I’m- Tommy I’m not good for this country.
Okay, I really don't understand now. Why don't you think you're good for L'manburg?
I- fuck.
[He turns away in his chair, not wanting to see Tommy’s face for his next words.]
Tommy, I’m… I’m broken.
What? Wil- Wilbur you're not broken. I know that shits not great, and you're going through it but you're not broken. I-… Wilbur is there any way I can help you?
Let me resign Tommy, I can’t lie about this anymore.
… Do you really not want to be president anymore?
I don’t think I deserve to be.
I'd beg to differ on that one. Look, if being president is fucking you up I don't… I don't want you to have to keep going with it but I don't want you to resign if you think it's because you don't deserve it.
This isn’t about me, Tommy.
Now you've lost me again.
It- okay, I am a liar, Tommy. I’ve lied about how capable I am and I’ve put you all in danger. Is that what you wanted?
What do you mean "is that what I wanted"?! Wilbur, I just want to help you!
And I don’t understand why!
I care about you! Obviously! I don't want to see you falling apart, believe it or not!
Me trying to make a decision for the good of our nation doesn’t mean I’m falling apart.
You're not exactly thriving at the moment.
I don’t know what else I can tell you.
I'm just… I'm worried about you, Wil. I don't- I don't get your whole resigning thing but if it's supposed to be for the good of the nation it should be good for you too.
I’ve already told you that I don’t count.
Too fucking bad, I say you do count considering you're also part of the nation.
I’m going to bed.
I don’t want to get mad at you, but you’re not understanding, so I’m going to bed.
I- fine, fine. Go to bed, whatever.
[Wilbur opens the office door, waiting for Tommy to leave before turning the lights off.]
Goodnight, Tommy.
Yeah, goodnight.
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good morning mac ghostiezone catkiss i am here to take u up on ur dare. give me ur thoughts on c!wilbur Yes All Of Them. I Would Like To See. 👀👀👀 ^_^
ROSWELL I CANNOT POSSIBLY GIVE YOU ALL OF THEM AT ONCE this post will be like 84 years long. he is all I think abt I think about him SO much u don't understand. But I will give u the Essentials (the essentials are probably just Mental Health Issues but hey that's the kinda morning we're having so I apologize in advance) EDIT BEFORE I POST this got so fuckign long and this isn't even. half of it. I am so sorry
ok so first off. mans is an ACTOR. he has eldest daughter syndrome (gender neutral) AND gifted kid syndrome because. while phil used to bundle him in his wings and walk him through breathing right and calming down when he'd have panic attacks as a kid, at some point he got too observant for his own good and stopped asking for help. Logically he knows phil would have no problem with helping him, but he's already dealing with so much with Tommy and techno, why add onto his stress? So he spent all his time becoming the perfect son that nobody would ever have to worry about. He taught himself how to come down from a panic attack, how to hide the fact that he was crying until he could escape to his bedroom or a bathroom, kept up with perfect school work despite the toll it was taking on him solely so that he wouldn't be a burden. All his self destruction was hidden behind closed doors and long sleeves. And then he moved out, and things got worse before they got better, but they did get better for a long time! And then he gets a letter from Tommy, asking him to come join he and Tubbo in a new server. and lmanburg happens. Wilbur takes up the role of general and president really easily (he used to love history, he's read enough books about it so the script came easy to him).
The war left its fair share of scars though. Wilbur entirely blames himself for everything that went wrong (he was supposed to be better than that, damn it). He is INCREDIBLY guilty especially about Tommy's arrow duel with Dream, because tommy even asked him about it and he didn't do enough to stop him. He's still an actor, though, and the instinct to hide his suffering is still so deeply ingrained into him, so he keeps up appearances and stays strong for everyone else's sake. Shaky hands can be passed off as an old war injury (side note that is one of my biggest and most consistent hcs. wilbur has shaky hands baybee)
Pogtopia fucking ruins him. He was already holding on by a thread after the war but his and Tommy's banishment was a huge fucking pair of scissors and made everything come crashing down. He was totally numb for the first week they were in the ravine, focusing on building stairways and carving out rooms 24/7 so he wouldn't have to think about anything else. He had quit the sh habit after he moved out of Phil's house, but pogtopia broke him and it came back full force, worse than it used to be. Full scale addiction levels. He hid it from Tommy and Techno for as long as he could, but Techno caught him one night and he had to spill the beans (he still doesnt know tommy accidentally eavesdropped on that conversation). One time techno tried to hide everything sharp he could find and Wilbur got withdrawal symptoms so bad he passed out during a panic attack and almost broke his neck falling down the stairs. It was messy and terrible and unhealthy as fuck, and it's no surprise that he had the breakdown he did because he never got any help. He had a new script as the villain and he was clinging onto it like a lifeline (ironic, because he hoped it'd lead to his death-) It's not that techno and tommy didn't care, it's just. techno didn't think it was as serious as it actually was (not his fault, Wilbur was still hiding a lot of his symptoms), and tommy spent so much energy trying to make sure Wilbur took care of himself. He was only a kid, though, and it shouldn't have fallen all onto him. He loved his brother so much and couldn't stand seeing him fall so far from grace.
(Wilbur loved him too, more than anything, but convinced himself it would be easier to push everyone away. Make them hate him so his death would be cathartic for them instead of tragic.)
We will not talk abt the button room I basically wrote an entire fic abt how I feel about the button room so that's an entire other conversation. (Here's a song to make up for it though :) )
Same with limbo tbh. I have Too Many Thoughts Head Full.
After his revival, Literally Every little thing is overstimulating. we got to see it with Tommy even, after he was brought back after such a short time he was scared of any sort of damage and said everything was "so real" so like. Imagine that but multiplied by 13 years. Everything Is So Much. He's lost his script again, it burned up with his old body, so he feels a little lost. All he wants is just. Someone to care about him. And he knows he basi ruined that for himself, and a big part of his brain tells him that he doesn't deserve that love from anyone, because he's the one that killed it for himself in the first place. He can't help craving it though.
Im kind of running out of steam now for general hc writing but if u have anymore specific questions or anything I will gladly ramble abt him more just. man. c!wilbur.
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itsmoonphobic · 4 years
👑Royal Buisness👑 (SBI+Tommy AU)
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Hello!My name is Moonbow and I am a huge sbi+more fan! And so I decided to do my bois some justice and create a au based off of dnd and skyrim!They all reside in the land of "Bladestrom" a legendary kingdom build out of mysterious ruins and on the ground where dragons once rested.I will let you in on some headcanons and insights about each character!I hope you guys enjoy it🥺👑💓
Dave(Techno) Blade:
The 12th heir of the throne King Technoblade,or simply King Blade.A strong and fearless warrior known for his determination,power and strength.
He has a serious and egoistic facade.Though in reality the king is anything but egoistic and serious.Quiet the opposite actually:He tends to be very polite and respectful.Sure his ego is the size of a full grown dragon but he is a big hearted man.
Techno mostly stays in his castle walls and prefers to read or write in peace.The only time he will actually step foot in the outside world was during night,when his people need him or his favorite hobby ;)
He has a pretty unbalanced and unhealthy sleeping schedule which he constantly gets reminded of.
The only person Techno actually lets into his private life is his best friend Phil.Phil is Techno's personal knight and right hand man.Techno trusts Phil with his eyes closed,his loyalty is very appreciated.
A huge downside for Techno's reputation is that he is really shy and socially awkward.The poor guy can't find the right words or say anything normal without feeling like he said something fully absurd.
Apart from reading and fighting,Techno loves to farm potatoes in his free time.He loves the fresh taste once they are harvested and prepared properly!!His potatoes are known to be from the best quality in the whole land!Which earns Techno some extra money.
Techno won't admit it infront of Phil or anyone else but he has a soft spot for children,especially orphans. He knows the feeling of growing up without parents and he feels connected to them.That's why Techno stops by the local orphanage to donate some money he earned from his potato farming.
Techno loves to train and upgrade his swordsmanship abilities to their fullest potential.Always coming up with new strategies and techniques to use whenever the time for war would fall upon them once again.
And speaking of war,the thing that terrified the neighboring kingdoms and enemies even more about King Blade is the fact that he never manages to lose. Everyone stupid enough to challenge the king of Bladestrom would go down in shame and regret.
Though Techno isn't really in control of himself in those types of situations.His lust for blood overcomes his senses and he can't but see red with every step he takes on the battlefield.
Phil is usually the one who manages to calm him down and get him back to his normal self.Techno would feel awful and expose the side he hates the most about him to Phil: Vulnerability
Techno doesn't take things very seriously.He is very sarcastic and relaxed all the time,and that's what makes him even scarier.
He competes in the yearly bladestrom championships which is a battle arena with different challenges and obstacles you have to beat.And suprise,suprise Techno wins em' all!
Techno suffers from adhd and anxiety.Something that only Phil is aware of is Techno's ptsd.He didn't exactly have the luxurious and perfect life growing up,so when he ends up getting nightmares or panic attacks Phil's dad instincts take over and do their thing.
Long story short,Techno doesn't necessarily know his limits,but he is hundred percent aware of his strengths and weaknesses.He protects and takes care of the people he deeply cares about and welcomes them as family.His power is what makes him a fearless and violent king.But his heart is what makes him a kind and understanding human.And if he ever forgets about that side of him he simply has to listen to the repeated beating in his chest.
Phil Watson:
The royal guard with a five year long achievement on staying at the top of his game and ranking as the number one royal knight.
Earning himself the trust and life long,brother like friendship with the king himself was a big plus!
Phil is a very loyal and hardworking man.He seeks justice and always wants to take things the slow and pacifistic way before instantly turning to violence and bloodshed,much unlike his best friend.
Phil is very kind,and gentle when he needs to be. Everyone loves seeing Phil in the local town tavern or in a city bar.He always seems to read poeple like an open book and find the right topics to talk about.
Techno and Phil have a very close and important relationship.They are like a brothers,though Techno secretly looks up to Phil like a father he never had. Phil would risk his life for Techno,not only becouse of his duty as his personal guard,but becouse family comes first.
Phil is a very wholesome and strong willed guy.
Whenever Techno is feeling down or something like a panick attack or nightmare is happening,Phil immediately notices it.Techno doesn't have to say a word for Phil to hug him and take care of the vulnerable king in his hands.
He will find Techno on his balcony while patrolling the castle halls or garden in the middle of the night just staring at the moonlit sky.He always seems so lost in thought and carefree that Phil simply smiles and continues his work.
He does scold him for not resting enough the next day though-so he's never really off the hook :D
Phil is also the only person who really knows Techno.He knows his deepest fears,biggest insecurities and darkest secrets.He sees him in moments where the world would turn his back on him but Phil doesn't and he never will.That's what he promised him all those years ago.
Long story short,Phil is very kind and hardworking.He takes problems into his own hands and solves them the best way he possibly can.He can and will tease the living daylight out of Techno and that infront of other residents of the castle who don't know if they should laugh or simply stare in shock.Phil deeply loves and cares of Techno like his son and always makes sure ro put his well being infront of his own.
Wilbur Soot:
A lonesome musician on the lookout for money and success-
Wilbur is a guitarist living on the streets of Bladestrom He goes from bar to bar and performs his musical talent there.Though the majority of the time Wil plays and sings on the streets.
Earning money is hard so affording an apartment,even a room for a few nights is almost impossible for Wilbur since he only earns a few silver coins per night,that is if he gets lucky and poeple actually listen to him.
He is very charming and suave,also add the fact that he is pretty handsome to the list and you have yourself the perfect boyfriend.May I inform you that his voice is a perfect balance between velvety and rough-
Wilbur isn't from Bladestrom.He grew up in another kingdom which he can't remember the name from since he arrived here during a war 19 years ago.
He never really heard from his parents,they just sort of disappeared.But that was something Wilbur didn't question,he didn't care about them.He learned how to survive and keep himself company.He doesn't need a family ro accomplish his goals.
Wilbur is a huge gentleman and he is also tends to be extremely flirtatious,which he is really good at btw!So yeah he earns himself some extra points with the ladies ;)
His biggest dream that he is trying to achieve is to become a famous musician in the whole entire land. Opening his own theater and doing what he loves the most.Sing and perform.
But living on the streets has it's ups and down's.Most nights Wilbur has to deal with drunk people wandering the alleyways or annoying little children who constantly pickpocket you-
Wilbur will sometimes nonchalantly sneak into a hotel and sleep in one of their cozy beds,since he doesn't experience that feeling often.Or the places he performs at reward him with shelter instead of money.
Long story short,Wilbur can keep apart dreams and reality.He is a smart and sly person who knows how to accomplish his goals.Even though Wilbur has his one Night stands more than often he would never betray a woman if he got into a serious relationship,which he plans on not having any time soon.He keeps to himself and sternly focuses on the things that matter in life,everything else is irrelevant.
Tommy Simons:
An energetic orphan with no manners and the mouth of a sailor.
Tommy grew up on the streets,any memory of his past life or family only appear as a missing puzzle piece or a black canvas.
Tommy is a very outgoing and optimistic person,his emotions are practically worn out on his sleeves.
Spending his days in the local town orphanage Tommy met a few poeple who he spends his time with.You could say that he has formed a wierd alliance with his more questionable friends.
Tommy learned how to defend himself and make sure that his "gang" stas safe aswell.He is quite the expert at pickpocketing which comes in handy.
Being quick and light on his feet,if Tommy does get caught by the royal guards he manages to escape and get away with the stuff he stole.
On the other hand though,Tommy is extremely clumsy and seeks huge amount of admiration in any way.He constantly wants people to refer to him as the best.
And to repeatedly prove himself worthy of that title he picks fights with multiple poeple and always manages to make poeple hate him.He won't say it out loud but he sees the bloody noses and bruises as badges of honor,he's proud of them.
This little troublemaker has only one person he dreams to meet one day,but for now he can only hear stories about him and admire him from afar.And that person is none other than King Blade himself.
Oh what he would give to train with him and show off his badass moves and fighting skills.
Long story short,Tommy doesn't think before he acts and he surprisingly manages to pull off any stupid stunt he plans to do.For Tommy it's kill or be killed.Either you face your fears head on and establish dominance or you act like a coward and run away.And there was no way Tommy ever does the second option even if it gets him into dangerous situations.Tommy is very overprotective over poeple he cares about,his guild is his brotherhood,his family,and he would do anything for them,even going sofar as risking his life.
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g3ck0man · 3 years
Philza is thinking about his son when an unexpected visitor comes along.
(you can read it here under the cut aswell)
The air was filled with flakes of snow that fell gracefully to the surface of the ground and onto Phil's shoulders. The cold didn't really bother him though, for he was used to it at this point. Every single day he lived out in this cold and isolated cabin in the middle of nowhere the more he felt content with everything that had happened lately. His son, Wilbur, coming from the dead and speaking directly to him, his grandson yelling about how Wilbur's not supposed to be here and seeing him run off in panic.
It was never supposed to be this way when Phil stabbed him. Wilbur wanted to be dead more than anything and suddenly he was back, his voice chipper and excited for the second chance at life. It was all too much to bear.
Phil could feel the snow between his knees as he sat down in the snow, watching Carl eat from his favorite hay bail. He found it rather calming to just watch as the horse did so. Seeing Carl have such a simple life compared to his somehow made him feel better.
Footsteps broke his concentration, causing his pointed ears to twitch until he looked in the direction of the sound. He froze, staring down the tall figure in the distance as his crows flew to her, watching her every move.
The tall figure put her hand out towards the elytrian, "Phil..," a warm smile emanated from her cheeks even with her cold exterior.
"Kristin-," he grabbed her hand, somehow having an even warmer smile than the woman in front of him. Oh how he missed her.
"What are you doing here? I haven't seen you in-" He was stopped as Kristin pulled him up to his feet.
Kristin let out a small laugh, "I came here to check on you," Her soft hand found its way to Phil's cheek, letting him rest his head onto it, "Especially when I saw that our son was gone from my domain…"
Phil stared up at her for a moment, letting out a slight sigh, "Wilbur, he came home. He was different though. He seemed to be… excited."
Kristin nodded, "I noticed. When that train pulled up something stopped me from making sure he didn't get on it."
Phil's expression changed immediately at the mention of a train, "uhhh… train? What train?"
Kristin shook her head, "it's not important," a soft smile returned to her cheeks, "I'm here to make sure you're okay after all this. You had an actual relationship with our son. While I cared for Wilbur I never met him. Hell, he thought I was a fridge when you showed him a picture of me that was taped to it," she let out a slight chuckle at that.
Phil smiled at her laugh. He began to remember how much he loved that sound. The way it quietly filled his ears made him melt for a moment. How did he get so lucky to be with someone like this?
"Yeah he did, didn't he?"
Phil was reminiscent for a moment. How small Wilbur was when Phil tried to show him that photo. He was Maybe 5 when it happened and Phil thought it was too funny to correct him when Wilbur treated the fridge in the kitchen like his mother. Phil even caught him hugging it at one point. It was genuinely surprising to Phil that Wilbur still believed that for the longest time and even told others on the server that it was true.
Phil looked up into Kristin's deep grey eyes for a moment before letting out a hum, "I think I'll be okay. I know he wanted to be gone… and I'm the one who made him gone," Phil looked away from her eyes for a moment, "But I did miss him. I'm happy to see him again."
"He missed you too, Phil."
Phil's eyes widened as he heard those words come from the love of his life's mouth, looking back up to her "What?"
"In the void everyone's purgatory is different. Some get a world almost like heaven, where they can do whatever they want, and others get… not as nice things. They get to think about their lives. That's, sadly, where our son ended up. I checked on him every now and again and I remember him thinking about you. He really did miss you."
Phil stared at her, his eyes obviously watering slightly. He quickly wiped them before reaching out and grabbing Kristin's hand, "Thank you, Kristin. I… I needed to hear that."
Kristin gave him a nod before leaning down, planting a small kiss onto Phil's forehead, "I'm glad to hear that."
A smile escaped from Phil's lips, suddenly finding himself wrapping his arms around her, holding on as tight as he could. Kristin let out a calm hum, wrapping her arms around the short Elytrian, "I love you, Phil."
"I love you too."
Phil could feel his arms fall as Kristin practically disappeared into thin air, nowhere around to be seen. Phil fell back down into the snow, laying sprawled out, turning his head to watch as Carl continued to eat his hay.
He took a breath of the cold air and let it out. Everything was okay.
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