#everyones out in costumes and having fun with their friends and im inside alone having a breakdown over school
chiritori · 2 years
im so scared im not going to pass my classes this semester
#its basically gonna have to be 24/7 homework lockdown for the next month if i want to do even okay in all of them#im really really sad because i had to cancel on my halloween plans so i can finish this overdue essay i need done by tonight#everyones out in costumes and having fun with their friends and im inside alone having a breakdown over school#this sucks ass#im glad i was able to go to a party this weekend and dress up but tbh the party was mid af#i also flaked on a house party i was supposed to go to last night because i was sick and my bfs were over#i feel like the different aspects of my life are getting so unbalanced and its scaring me and making me depressed#how am i supposed to balance 4 demanding classes & a fulfilling social life & 2 relationships all at the same time#not to mention sooner rather than later im going to have to worry about jobs and internships too#ive been a shitty friend to my besties recently bc i keep flaking on them & am broke all the time & am generally just a disorganized mess#i feel like they think im putting them on the backburner for my relationships. and i honestly think thats kind of true#i just need to find any kind of balance to my life because everything is out of whack and my life is falling apart#my executive functioning is so poor and im sick & in pain all the time and ive been in a depressive episode for the past month and a half#i have no idea how to exist as a functional adult in a body that is falling apart both physically and mentally#i cannot take even more time off of school & i want to graduate as soon as possible but after that im all on my own and then what#it all just leads to a dead end. theres nothing im working towards anymore and i have no motivation to do anything and im so stressed out#i just dont know how to fix this. i dont know how to dig myself out of this hole#vent
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antiwhores · 2 years
Bakugou’s sidekick with a mask
Bakugou has known his sidekick for 3 years now and he has not once seen your face. No one has. Hes getting curious too with the crush he’s harboring.
Yall I gotta take my braids out today but im not tryna do that. Also, my friends keep calling me mommy. Im childless!
Part 2 👇🏾
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Bakugou has never, not ONCE, seen your face.
You work at his agency as his sidekick and yet he has no real idea what you look like. You’re documents are proved secure so you’re not a villain in disguise. And even so, he would’ve caught you acting suspisous by now. You just really don’t wanna show your face.
No one has seen your face in the agency. You walk around with a full face mask and suit like some spider-man wannabe and never take it off. Not even in the girls locker room! And oh, the female workers have tried to pry it off you.
As a little inside joke between the both of you, Katsuki offered a reward to anyone in the agency who could catch you without your mask on and tell him what you looked like.
They would hide in lockers and wait for you to take off your mask. They would be seething with excitment, practically hyperventilating. Then you would pull off the mask to reveal another mask.
This cracked Bakugou the hell up when he heard the gossip. The whole situation honestly only made his fondness for you stronger
This same procedure repeated a whole bunch of other time too. They would think they finally caught you then you would reveal another mask. One of them even tried sneak attacking you to rip the mask off. Only to reveal another mask.
The masks the multiplied while the amount of people trying divided until everyone gave up and there were about a hundred of your masks hanging around.
Of course, Bakugou was curious. Especially since during the 3 years of you being his annoying sidekick, he’d started to feel some unwanted love and attachment towards you. How was he supposed to ask you out if he didn’t know who he was asking out? Not that he cared what you looked like. Its just he wanted to know to feel… special.
He had managed to pry a bit of information about you along with sarcastic comments:
“Okay. Just answer my questions if you’re not gonna let me pull that damned mask off.”
“Ugh, why’re you so curious? Are you wondering if I’m insanely hot? I am, now leave me alone.”
“No you fucking idiot, its just unfair.”
“Yes unfair, I’ve known your dumbass for 3 years. We hang out outside of work, we��ve almost died together like 40 times, and you’ve seen me almost naked!”
“Not by choice! I swear, you should’ve locked the door!”
“Oh my fucking god. Anyway, all that shit and I dont even know what your dumbass face looks like! You could just walk by me out of costume and I’d have no damn idea who you were.”
“Yeah, thats the fun of it! Makes me feel like a spy.”
He gives you a serious look, “y/n-“
“Uuuuugggghhh, fine you whiny bitch. What do you wanna know?”
“What race are you?”
“What race do you think I am?”
“I’ve seen your skin sometimes when your costume breaks. Also I know you’re from y/c so your probably y/r.”
“Im gonna fucking murder you!”
“You’re correct, you smart cookie! Anything else?”
“EHHHHH! Only one question every 3 years Katsuki!”
Eventually he does see you outside of work but just as he suspected, he has absolutely no idea its you.
There was a villain attack happening and you were oblivious to it. Or more like you couldn’t afford to do something right now. You had forgotten your costume but thankfully you heard familiar explosions accompanied with the voice of Sero.
“Oh, they got this.” You mumbled as you continued to walk in the direction of your apartment. You took a bite out of a piece of the cheesecake you went all the way across town to get.
The deluctable flavor, and maybe your lack of care, stopped you from realizing a literal car was fly towards you. Honestly, you’d walk out pretty okay if it hit you, banged up but alive, and thats all you needed. You also overused your quirk yesterday and now you’re basically quirkless so there wasn’t really anything you could do without loosing your cheesecake and that was worth more than your life.
Just as you prepared for the car by taking another bite you were swooped up into warm arms. The stranger had flung himself and you into the air. You couldn’t bring yourself to even care cause YOU DROPPED YOUR FUCKING BAG OF CHEESECAKE.
You screamed at the man, it all came out muffled due to your mouthful.
The man whos arms you were in ignored you. He went to drop you off on top of the building you were standing under but you immediately jumped off.
“WHAT THE FUCK?!?” The man screamed. He must’ve thought you were doing this just to die.
He blasted himself down to grab you before landing on the ground safely.
You were about to turn around to answer but the words died in your throught at seeing your partner. So you just pulled yourself away from his grip and walked over to the bag. You picked it up with a bright smile before continuing your walk.
He grabbed the back of your shirt before you could get away. “Do you have a fucking death wish or something?!” You broke the piece that you were about to grab into two. You took the other piece and shoved it in his mouth.
He looked like he was about to murder you but you just threw him a thumbs up. He spit the cake out, earning an insulted scream from you. “What the hel-“ Before he could finish the sentence he was interrupted by Sero. “BAKUGOU! If your finished flirting with the civilian… COME HELP ME!”
Its like he remembered he was in a fight by the way his face hardened. He grabbed your neck, turning you to face him. “Leave. I don’t wanna see you around here again. And definitely not for no fuckin’ cheesecake.”
You nodded feverishly, a blush was creeping up your cheeks. You felt exposed looking him straight in the eyes. Like one wrong move and he knew everything about you.
He mumbled something about you reminding him of another dumbass he knows before blasting away.
The next day when you guys were patrolling he told you the story. You couldn’t stop laughing at how he described whom he didn’t know was you. “Yeah and then she wanted to fucking give me attitude and shove cake in my mouth!” You giggled, “Was it at least good cake?” “YES!”
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sannylity · 1 year
im interested in your au — the college sports one!! im curious about ur thoughts on a couple of topics, like if their relationship would be long distance or not, considering the fact their schools are far apart
also also alsooo!!!!!!!! i wonder how theyd find each other again :3 my brain was like:
what if the teams are leaving and mariana spots charlie. he has the wallet in his pocket and runs over but the members of both teams are looking at them with weird expressions and charlies out of the suit by now. hes in a plain tshirt and leggings or something but mariana is silently like “GOD DAMN”
he apologizes for intruding but gives charlie is wallet back, who thanks him with a flustered expression. they seperate and go back to their respective teams, charlie looking thru to make sure mariana didn’t take anything. however it just seems like he added a little paper- one with a phone number written on it.
- 💫 (giving myself an emoji for when im in anon mode teehee
Hello 💫 anon!! This took a while for me to answer, my apologies <33
I like what you added for this AU a lot!!
I imagine their rival schools aren’t that far apart, I’m studying in a university where its rival is like fifteen minutes away from me. So I imagine the distance isn’t going to be a problem in pursuing a relationship :))
But yess, the wallet is definitely the ticket for them to meet again!!
I like the idea of Mariana adding his number inside, I think that’s so sweet and romantic dkdkdkd
At first, I was thinking Mariana would try to go to Charlie’s school just to return the wallet but I forgot that he is a known varsity player so he’d probably be recognized by the students and that wouldn’t be fun for everyone involved. So, Mariana looking for him and finding him free from the costume is the way to go!!
I imagine on both sides, they have their circle of friends trying to discourage the other from pursuing a relationship with a rival student. They just have bad misconceptions of each other’s school reputation.
But Mariana and Charlie are stubborn and keep seeing each other, they complain over the phone what their friends think of them and such. During school events are a bit awkward though, they have to disguise themselves (Mariana especially) from being recognized.
Like, a university ball being held in Charlie’s college and obviously Mariana has to attend. But they heavily disguise him with silly sunglasses and wigs lol For Charlie’s end, nobody knows him and he doesn’t really have a reputation that reach Mariana’s school but Charlie doesn’t speak a lick of Spanish. So, it’d be easy to determine that he isn’t from there dkdkkd
It’s just stupid, how much they have to play off because of their schools. But when it’s just them, when they’re alone in their own bubble, they’re the happiest and most in love couple that’s ever been so they don’t mind the extra work and having to do those silly things all over again.
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esoteriamaya · 8 months
WHO AM I? - Learning To Appreciate Myself, & Honoring My Goodness.
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I've been growing in different avenues and for the longest time I've been having to sit with myself. I think this is the closest I've gotten to understand adulthood in many of its forms and its the process of sitting with your emotions even when all you wanna do is run away.
I guess you've got it. I've grown up. I feel it.. But then, I dont? I feel as though I have a lot of playfulness in me, but I feel the seriousness taking up space. I can acknowledge that I haven't been doing my job, and have lost myself along the way.. Because I've been who I am, I'm wondering if I could be another. I'm holding myself hostage, I feel it. I can't lie, there is so much I want to be but I've put a mask on myself so that others couldn't perceive the real me.. Only to still be perceived by false perception.
Misunderstood is code word for, I dont care to understand this person, so I'm just going to label them how I see them, how I value them and so on so forth. So I never go out my way to call myself deeply misunderstood, even though I can be.. Thats not the life I wish to see for myself.
I've been wanting to runaway. Not emotionally, just physically. Like get out of town. Move away. That's all I've been wanting. I held on to my family and friends because I didn't want to lose them, or have them miss out on my growth but then.. Chaos had came through my life and I feel now its best to just get away, and I feel it necessary to grow apart.
I mean.. I'm sure they'll miss me, of course.. But there is no way I can grow in this town I live in. Atlanta is not what it use to be, & I'm tired of feeling alone in this. I want to get away.
I've tried to go out and flow, but the flow here is chaotic and triumphing from the damage that has been done on to me and others is a story board full of discussion.
Even the LGBTQ+ scene isn't enough for me, which was the only reason I really stayed put in the city. I love my city, I do.. but.. I've got a feeling I've grown enough to accept that I must be aligned with my truest feelings and this one takes the cake.
As I'm learning to appreciate adulthood, I'm learning to accept my past truths. I was alone, tired, scared, and adulting was not my favorite thing. I mean, I didn't care. I just wanted to enjoy it. I wasn't enjoying life, so I focused on the partying and drinking. And FUNNY enough, I took part of it even when I told myself I wouldn't. I put myself in spaces having the belief I would be okay, and when it did not happen that way... I failed... distanced myself from people and got out of their business.
Just went away into my little closet, holding on to the meat costumes before they'd be skin and bone. I didn't wanna be alone in it but I felt it best that way.
And then there it was, I opened up a can of worms.
My rage, my power, my worth, it all started to make sense.
I opened up to my darkness and realized how much of me I had left unnoticed. While I was running away from my problems because of depression, I learned why that depression was there. I wasn't having fun. I wasn't loving life. I was too serious. I called it imposter syndrome. It was killing me from the inside. I had to find myself multiple times and realized I wasn't lost... I just didn't want to be the human God intended me to be. And my heart could feel it, I just didnt know it at the time.
I was fighting 'demons' that were fears of my worth. Fears from my past lives, my exhaustion was tied to the world and the need to be in this patriarchal society. Im done. Its over with, man. And learning to accept my pain in all of it, made things full circle. I had to start all over, another thing in adulthood that isn't everyones favorite. But its starting to become mine.
What I'm learning now, is that I can appreciate why I was running. I'm still going back and forth with me on if I'm truly 'nonbinary' or not, and what that even means for a woman like me. What does it mean to like woman and to want to be in the closet knowing pleasure is around the corner. And what am I even doing? What was the point of it? For the male gaze? Idk.
But for once in my life, I'm getting the hang of appreciating my inner self / inner child instead of forcing her inside the house never letting her see the sunshine on a beautiful day.
I got it all figured out... not. But that's the beauty of it all.
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ghost-babygirl · 2 years
When I asked why I don’t feel anything or process things right my therapist once told me that my brain had suffered so much trauma, it became oversaturated to the point where its as though it physically couldn’t hold more. She didn’t understand that I was laughing out of relief, because god isn’t that almost a blessing? that something in me acknowledged a limit and built a wall  of protection? I used to think so. but now I can’t not notice the fact that while silently sobbing the only thing i feel are my limbs falling asleep while im standing and i have to pinch them to move. Now, none of this feels real and all i can think is that how any time im remotely happy, its a curse on everyone around me. I spent yesterday worrying about how i looked, if my friend at work liked me cause he was touching me the whole movie and calling me names and how i was having a nice time and how my friends were fun to be around when really, all of it is childish and frivilous  because at the  same time my mom was literally trying to off herself. Which is ironic a bit, considering i have only stayed alive to not do that to her.  And also seeing how when she found out I harmed in middle school she said to stop feeling sorry for myself? so very much pot calling the kettle black....but i digress. why was i letting stupid shit consume me? when i could’ve been thinking about things that actually matter. I wake up sick but i’m in a good mood, dreading work, but in a good mood. my friends text me, im in a conversation with someone i really like and miss, looking at stupid fucking tiktoks thinking hey! today isn’t gonna be so bad and instantly get a text from my sister to call her but only if im at home cause its bad news like... none of this is FUCKING real dude. none of this is real. it can’t be!!!!  I’ve always said my mother had a weird sense of when I was fine let alone happy and hated it. its like a sixth sense. all i can also think right now though is how i i’m unloveable as a person partially because of how much anger is inside me. Her family has taken everything from me. everything. every second of my life has been negatively affected by them. it’s never enough for them.  they are the stem of all my pain and suffering and yet its still truly not enough. I don’t think  anyone would be able to love someone who has such anger inside them the way i do. it’s consuming. its consuming, and it aches and i’m never allowed to be angry. its so heavy carrying so much rage. its exhausting, its repulsing. it’s not me. When i was younger i thought it made me stronger but it doesn’t, its not at all how i want to feel. I was simply supposed to be the fucking glue for everyone and now im just this  disgusting shell who can’t even process heavy news properly because I have to fucking get ready for work? and also i can’t even focus on the main issue cause the second my sister said wellness check we had to be concerned about if they’ll see drugs at the house so its like jesus christ we truly can’t win. just fucking two cursed human beings. I can’t feel my fucking limbs! but sure!  let me put on this fucking costume and get ready for work while I was already sick as a dog with a horrible cough and get yelled at by rich people about how their expensive vacation has been bad cause they couldn’t go on a fucking ride. My body is physically giving out in real time, but sure! i can handle more, its fine! this is all so typical that i’m the dependable one!!!! i can just hold more and more and more! It’s fine, im fine, this is so expected and “normal” i don’t even know why it feels like im about to have a heart attack cause my family expected this right? stupid me 
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freebooter4ever · 2 years
So what if Jack and Parse coordinated halloween costumes in 2014?
Ok, hear me out, I've been following the comic on/off since year one and recently finally finished year four and then bought like all the huddles/chirp book etc, so apologies if this has already been discussed but its been killing me all day so i had to. Some conspiracy levels of analysis under cut :P
In the official canon comic timeline we never actually see halloween 2014, correct? We just get bitty's tweets about it and the absolutely ADORABLE picture of him in his sweeney todd costume and jack in his Cat(!!!!) costume. And like, bitty's tweets suggest that everyone is super confused that jack showed up in costume for once and nobody knows where he got the idea or the cat ears. MEANWHILE in the huddle (which ive chopped into pieces and made a low res version bc please support artists and go buy the actual pdf!!) we see kent in tacky mouse ears, and very familiar whiskers/nose facepaint. Kent's saying ‘its a group costume’ to someone. When I first downloaded the huddle months ago this utterly baffled me like...what ‘group costume’ would involve a mouse?
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Anyway then the tragic epikegster happened and we all know who showed up but we don't know why kent picked then of all times.
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This next part is all conjecture cause of course i have ideas \o/ because what better ‘group costume’ than ‘cat’ and ‘mouse’ am i right???
1) the slightly weirder but fits with canon theory is that jack came up with the cat costume on his own and kent being his creepily obsessed self saw the photo on twitter, and since east coast is in a later time zone than vegas that would give kent time to throw together a shitty mouse costume as his own kinda sick joke. This is the kent ‘failing at life spectacularly’ parson theory.
2) assuming that kent and jack exaggerated slightly on the ‘jack cut off all contact after the draft’ story, it would make sense that kent was trying to call jack about joining the vegas Aces even before kent showed up at the haus. So say kent's trying to sweet talk him into it and being conversational and all and casually asks about jack's halloween plans and finds out that jack's bought some dumb cat ears bc he's a cheap boring dude who clearly hates halloween (why are bittle and kent obsessed with this guy again?). And kent jokingly is like ‘going as a cat, are you? well then i'll be the mouse’ with his trademark smirk. Which is a fun role reversal with the whole kent trying to lure jack into his professional hockey team and all. And also we totally know kent wants to be caught by jack haha ;_; why. And these two are so dysfunctional its so great. I also love the idea of two old friends still having that kind of ‘you have to be us to get it’ connection and inside jokes. Cause parse is obviously at a party where everyone around him doesn't understand why the heck he's dressed as a mouse (i imagine its not a typical hockey player halloween costume), which implies that the person he's doing a ‘group costume’ with is not at the party...probably because he's at samwell...making shitty's day/year/life and flirting with a homicidally in love baker.
ANYWAY im so sorry for all this nonsense, please don't take any of it too seriously. I'm just having too much fun thinking of old estranged friends who are supposed to be rivals and fighting, secretly reconnecting and spontaneously thinking up cat and mouse ‘group costumes’ so they can be together but not really together right under everyones nose. ;_; (also if my second theory is something like what happened...jack...that means parse embarassed himself and went as a mouse to a party alone just to tease you with it...that boy is DEFINITELY NOT OVER YOU)
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fuwushiguro · 3 years
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@themotherofmoons​ moonieeeee my good sis thank u so much for sending this through!! im FERAL! I hope it was worth waiting for ily xxx
This is part of my Playboy Mansion event which is now closed.
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Dabi x f!reader x Mr. Compress
Genre: smut
Warnings: 18+, dubcon // noncon, praise kink, oral (male receiving), fingering, pussy slapping, cum eating, vaginal penetration, spanking, degradation, humiliation, smoking.
Words: 2.5k
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Your first Playboy party was finally here, and you were lost. You knew the other bunnies thought you were a little incompetent already, so you didn’t want to ask them for help. They were all sweet girls, you really did like them and enjoy their company, but you had no desire to be laughed at for getting lost again.
How many times have we given you this tour?
Is something you’re sure they’d say to you. It’s at least three times, by the way. In your defence, the mansion is enormous. They probably used to get lost too, you haven’t been working at the mansion for long, tonight was your first event after all. Instead of asking a bunny, an idea hit you. You decided to scan the crowd looking for a guest who might look like they know where they’re going. But you didn’t need to look.
They found you.
How could they resist your big doe eyes and the way you looked so helpless and lost? They’d be criminal to leave you to your own devices. They simply couldn’t forgive themselves if they left you unattended. They approached you casually, and you felt a tap on your shoulder. You turned to face them, slightly startled by these two men in your personal space.
“You look a little lost dear.”
“Oh, yeah, that obvious huh?” you smiled, rubbing the back of your neck awkwardly.
“Allow us to help you, we’re not shy to these parties after all.” he told you, kindly, smiling at his friend. “This is my friend Dabi,” he gestured to the raven-haired man standing beside him.
“How come you’re lost, doll? Don’t you work here?” Dabi commented as he gestured to your bunny costume.
“This is actually my first Playboy party.” you confessed.
“Is that so?” he smirked; it would have sounded more innocent if not for that arousing rasp to his voice. “Mister and I will be more than happy to show you around.” he added, turning to face his friend once again.
Mister? You were confused by the nickname but decided not to press the subject any further. You weren’t about to look a gift horse in the mouth. If they were happy to show you around the mansion, why wouldn’t you let them?
☆ ☆ ☆
You walked around the mansion with them, sandwiched in between their bodies. They were extremely close to you, but you’d been warned before about guests being overly affectionate with bunnies. You didn’t feel uncomfortable with them, it was a welcome feeling to have two gorgeous men fix their attention solely on you. You hadn’t expected to garner anyone’s attention in truth. There were seasoned bunnies here, bunnies that guests specifically came to these events for, to spend their time with, to pay a tip to get extra attention from. You were fresh meat; you’d half expected to just be wandering around with nothing to do all night. But here you were, trapped between the bodies of two handsome strangers.
You were having fun. They seemed to be exceptionally good friends, they had a witty banter, and their words were bouncing off each other. Your stomach hurt from laughing so hard. You didn’t feel excluded from the conversation, you were just enjoying them conversing. They often said something to each other and turned to you with a ‘what do you think?’ look in their eyes, and you did your best to stay neutral in their humorous conversations. All the laughter and joking was cut short when your new friends stopped walking. The three of you were standing face to face with a door. It was a door you didn’t recognise, where did it lead?
“What’s this door?” you questioned them, accompanying your question with a head tilt.
“God. You really are a dumb little bunny, aren’t you?” Dabi hissed.
The words stung. The change in attitude from the man you’d only seconds ago been laughing with made your skin crawl. Your flesh was decorated in goosebumps, and you backed away from the duo, opting to find your co-workers instead.
“No.” he rasped at you as he grabbed you by the wrist, pulling you towards him as he opened the door. You didn’t fight it, you weren’t sure what was happening or where you were going but for some reason you felt comfortable enough with him to let him touch you like this.
You looked at your surroundings in the small room, surprised to see the three of you had found yourselves inside a cloak room.
“Don’t look so bewildered love, we’re happy to explain ourselves if you are wondering why we are here.” Mister told you as he adjusted the cuffs of his shirt. You nodded dumbly, still not understanding what was about to happen.
“We come to these parties and fuck as many bunnies as we can, we share the first one, and tonight that’s you.” Dabi told you, and you knew he was serious. His facial expression and speech didn’t falter once. It wasn’t a joke; it was a fact.
You should be scared. You should be crying. You should be scrambling to get away from them, but you aren’t. Why aren’t you scared? Maybe it’s because it’s been so long since you got some action. It’s been so long since anyone has given you this much attention. Part of you hated how desperate you were for this, but the other part of you was revelling in the fact two men had chosen you to spend their time fucking. So you nodded, a little over enthusiastically, and they smiled.
“Okay. Let’s fuck.” you smiled.
“Are you sure darling? We aren’t monsters, if you don’t want to do this you’re free to go.” Mister alerted you, but you shook your head.
“I said, let’s fuck.”
☆ ☆ ☆
The three of you were on the floor together, barely anything had happened and you were all panting feverishly and your skin was damp with sweat. They’d been kind enough to delicately help you out of your corset, although Dabi looked like he wanted to tear it to shreds. It was against the rules to fuck the guests, so if they had destroyed your costume, it would be fairly obvious what happened. Your first Playboy Party would be your last.
Dabi was still fully clothed, you found yourself between his legs on the floor. He forced your legs apart as he began playing with your pussy, the way his fingers danced over your clit made your legs shake. You did your best to control your moans by kissing him.
“Don’t be shy, I wanna hear how good my fingers make you feel.” he smirked before kissing you again. His free hand grabbed and squeezed your breast, rolling the nub of your nipple between his fingers. The sensations across your body were too delicious for mere words to express. Your hips involuntarily bucked into his fingers, and you couldn’t miss the way he kept smarmily smiling at how perfectly he was working your body.
Mister was sitting by your side, his cock was free from his trousers and you did your best to work his shaft while Dabi expertly fondled your cunt. You knew you could do a better job of working Mister, but you were feeling too blissful to put the extra effort in.
“Don’t be a selfish slut sweetheart, make Mister cum.” Dabi instructed you and he delivered a wet slap to your poor cunt. You turned to face Mister and deeply kissed him as your hand gained more speed whilst you jerked him off. You stopped for a second to spit in your hand and rub it up and down the length of his cock, mixing his precum to properly lubricate him.
Dabi rewarded you by plunging two fingers into your sopping core, you were completely unprepared for the stretch his fingers caused. It terrified you slightly to think what his cock would be like.
“What a good girl she is, huh Compress?” Dabi smirked as he pounded his fingers against the spongy spot deep in your cunt that had you writhing in his hold. He peppered kisses down your neck more lovingly than you’d expected, he was trying to calm you down. “Shush baby, focus. Keep being a good girl and focus on getting Compress off.” he cooed into your ear, his sultry deep voice vibrating through your whole body. His voice alone might be enough to drive you to your orgasm.
“You’re doing such a good job darling, just a little m-more.” Mister stuttered as you continued squeezing his length. Your gazes focus kept switching between Mister’s sultry hazel eyes to his pretty cock head. The way it twitched and the veins pumped made you salivate.
“Wanna suck it.” you whispered to him, feeling bashful at your comment.
The hushed tones didn’t go unnoticed by Dabi who pressed another slap into your cunt, causing you to jolt. “What was that? Speak up doll.” he commanded, you shuddered and gulped.
“I- I wanna suck his cock.” you confessed, looking into his azure eyes. He searched your features and an almost sincere smile sprawled across his face. He nodded as he let you go. You were immediately on Mister’s cock, hollowing out your cheeks and showing them both what a talented good girl you are.
Dabi was amused by the way your little plastic bunny ears moved while you went to town sucking Compress off. He loves bunnies. Party weekends are his favourite, it’s rare he’ll miss one. The no fucking rule is a load of shit, everyone fucks here. Every weekend party is just an excuse for the host to let guests fuck these gorgeous little bunnies. And he wasn’t above taking advantage of that. He unzipped his jeans, and you were startled by the feeling of the tip of his cock sliding up and down your slit.
You didn’t want to turn around and look at his cock, but you knew it was going to be huge. You’d felt his bulge against your lower back while he was fingering you. And you could feel the sensation of his mushroom head running against your sopping folds, you could tell you were in for the pounding of a lifetime.
Mister’s breathing staggered, and you knew you were close to getting him to completion. He looked admirably into your eyes, almost a gaze of pride that you were taking him so perfectly.
“I’m going to cum soon sweetheart, do you want to swallow my cum?” he asked you. You didn’t stop your sucking, instead you did your best to nod while you met his gaze with a lustful glare. You used your hands to jerk off what wouldn’t fit in your mouth, the sensations made him jerk into your hold. You ran your tongue across his prominent veins and the slit of his cock which made him shudder. His fingers locked in your hair, it was a needless action, you had no intention of stopping. Not when he was so close.
“I hope you’re still being a good girl for Compress, doll.” Dabi warned, still tormenting your cunt with nothing more than the tip.
“Mhmm!” was all you could respond. The vibrations of your throat brought Mister closer to the edge. And with a hiss between his teeth, he was finally coming undone in your welcoming mouth. His orgasm was louder than you had expected, he moaned through his high as he spurted his seed into your mouth. It was warm, but not unpleasant. You should have expected someone as well spoken and charming as Mister would have a healthy diet. His cum seemed never ending, you were worried it might start dribbling out of your nose soon. But it did stop, and you swallowed it all. You opened your mouth to show him, proving what a well-behaved girl, you are. And he smiled before pressing his lips against yours. Your tongues explored each other, almost like he wanted to taste himself on your tastebuds.
“How was it Mister? Does she deserve to cum?” Dabi questioned. You didn’t know there was even a doubt in his mind that you deserved to cum. You’re all fucking after all. Don’t you all deserve to cum? But Mister nodded, singing your praises. And with that glowing review, Dabi finally entered your desperate entrance, sucking him in as he buried himself to the hilt. “Your cunt looks gorgeous around my cock like this baby.” he told you, the praise warmed your cheeks. He was so smooth, and the way he pounded into your pussy had you head over heels for him. Compress gently stroked his cock as he watched his friend batter your walls. He was examining every inch of you. The way your pussy sheathed his cock so perfectly, the way your tits bounced with each thrust, the way your face beautifully contorted from the feeling of your gummy walls accommodating his friends fat cock.
“You’re such a whore, letting two strangers fuck you in a closet like this.” Dabi chastised, but the words went straight to your cunt. “Heh, you get off on that shit? You get off on being a whore for me? Your pussy just clamped, slut.” he continued berating you. But all you could do was hum in approval. It was convenient for him that your ass was in the air and your back was arched beautifully, because he doesn’t like being ignored. He spanked you harshly and you snapped back into reality.
“Answer me bitch.” he instructed.
“Y-yes. Dabi’s whore! Wanna be your whore Dabi.” you moaned through the pleasure of him relentless pounding your g-spot.
“She’s so obedient, isn’t she Dabi?” Compress spoke, still stroking himself gently.
“Fuck yeah she is, gonna use this pussy again. Next time we’re here I’ll find you. Gonna fuck your brains out til you can’t think straight.” he told you. You had no objections, you’d be more than happy to do this again. Dabi’s drawl was enough to make your pussy flutter and Mister’s cum was so tasty you could eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
“D-Dabi… Dabi… Oh f-fuck.” you cried out sweetly, not being able to gather your thoughts as his heavy cock dragged across your needy walls.
“What is it baby, tell me.” he instructed.
“Wanna cum. Wanna cum s’bad. Fill me up, please Dabi. N-need it.” you huffed, sure you might black out any minute from the pleasure.
“Such a fucking whore.” he smiled as he readjusted himself, he was able to hit you at a deeper angle that made you emit a desperate, sinful groan that alerted him to how close you were. “Go on, cream my cock.” he told you.
Your legs shuddered and the two men laughed at your visceral reaction as you came so powerfully. Your walls had Dabi in a vice grip, and you could feel him spilling into you, filling your cunt to the brim with his seed. You were milking him for all he was worth, and his moans were a lot more squeaky and needy than you’d expected them to be. He didn’t stop pounding you, dragging on the wave of your crashing orgasm further and further. You felt so full. His fat cock snuggled so nicely in your cunt as he pushed his cum further inside of you.
Not another word was spoken. You all laid back on the floor, none of you bothering to hide your intimate areas. All completely blissed out as you contemplated what you just did. It was great, it was quite possibly the best fuck of your entire life. It made you eager for the next party. They already mentioned that they wanted to do this again, so you’d be waiting with bated breath until then.
But you weren’t sure if you could wait that long. You looked at Dabi, he had a cigarette latched between his fingers while he enjoyed the afterglow of his orgasm. He shared it with Compress, they both seemed more than happy with themselves.
“Something on your mind princess?” Dabi asked.
You were shocked out of your thoughts, and you debated whether to speak.
Fuck it, life’s too short.
“Wanna go again… Wanna fuck again, please.” you shyly spoke, not able to look either of them in the eye. Dabi snickered as he took his cigarette back from his friend.
“Looks like you’re up, Mister.”
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© 2021 fuwushiguro
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bby thank u so much for participating! i love u the world!!! honestly ur so amazing ur my first tumblr bestie i appreciate u so wholly i hope ur having a wonderful day and i hope u enjoyed getting freaky deeky with dabi and compress, ily sista xxx
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alreadyblondenow · 4 years
King Taeyong | 1
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Taeyong x ballerina!reader // FLUFF, smut, fantasy!au Summary: His world slowed down during the performance of the Waltz of the Flowers, he is completely mesmerised by your performance. How gracefully you offer your art to everyone watching and how you shine on stage even though there were other talents waltzing with you. King Taeyong knew exactly that you’re a unique masterpiece. Word Count: 3k Warnings: Mentions of sex only Note: The genre will change to SMUT, ANGST, fluff for the next chapters hihi but for now, enjoy having fluff. It’s my first fantasy fic hope you love it.   Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
Once upon a time, in a kingdom far away there was a young king who is loved by everyone in his kingdom. This young king is not an ordinary king who rules and lives in the castle his whole life. He is a smart and wise full of curiosity that one day while he was out hunting, he found a magical place that can bring him into another world.
King Taeyong is a king who can travel to two worlds. A world full of magic where he rules and his people follow him whole heartedly and a world where he can be anything he wants. The human world.
One beautiful night in the human world, king Taeyong is enjoying the cold breeze and happily walking on his way to a known opera house treating it as if it was a movie theater. He always wants to surprise himself by spontaneously watching without even knowing anything about the play. King Taeyong loves art in all shapes and sizes and little did he know that this night will change his life completely. “The Nutcracker” he murmurs to himself while waiting for the curtains to go up.
And there it is.
His world slowed down during the performance of the Waltz of the Flowers, he is completely mesmerised by your performance. How gracefully you offer your art to everyone watching and how you shine on stage even though there were other talents waltzing with you. King Taeyong knew exactly that you’re a unique masterpiece.
After the performance he clapped his hands nonstop with everyone, screaming  endless “bravo!” to show more love. He will not let this night pass without knowing you or talking to you.
You on the other hand, is very happy with how the show turned out tonight. This is your first performance and being the lead for this year’s season is a big milestone for you. Everyone greeted you with big smiles, hugs and kisses everywhere backstage but when you’re already alone in your dressing room... you burst into tears and the sadness that you’ve been keeping the whole night is finally out.
Performing with a heavy heart is never easy but you had to pull yourself together and deliver a beautiful performance.
You fixed your things, removed your makeup, and enjoyed the silence of your small dressing room, thinking about how proud you are for earning your part. All hard work paid off. Making sure everyone is already gone and that the whole company went out already, you silently make your way out.
Not even one of your family member even bothered to watch you tonight. Your friends keep on disappointing you and giving you promises that they cant keep. None of them showed up, not even your best friend in the whole wide world. Is it too much to ask for one single genuine person in your life that can watch you perform and clap for all the hard work that you’ve done?
You were walking towards the main exit of the opera house and there you see a fine man holding a bouquet of flowers, standing in the middle of the wide lobby of the opera house. Maybe he came to watch the show earlier. I hope he loved the performance.
“Ehem” he clears his throat and looked at you. Stern and hard. As if he’s ready to buy your whole being. You looked at him with tired eyes and told him, “I’m sorry. I’m the last one out. If you’re waiting for anyone they probably went out already” you said as you continue to walk slowly towards the exit door.
“But I’m waiting for you” you stopped and turned around to face him. Oh a fan.
“I hope you enjoyed the show Mr. And if you’re going to ask for my autograph, I can sign it real quick now” you said with a smile, trying to look polite but his face is a little confused you see.
“Actually. These flowers are for you” he hands them to you with shaking hands. A beautiful bouquet of flowers that matches your costume from the Waltz of the Flowers earlier. Your heart skipped a beat, you try so hard to hide your smile hoping you dont look like a fool.
“And I was going to ask if you could have dinner with me... but if you’re willing to give me both your time and autograph, I will be so much happy” he said with confidence as if he knows he already knew you would give in to his request.
Well he looks decent, doesn’t look like he’s a killer or a psychopath. He’s rich obviously. A real gentleman. But still a stranger.
“I saw your colleagues earlier. And figured you weren’t with them. I was thinking, maybe you’re alone...” he chuckled after explaining, thinking maybe you think he’s a stalker or anything.
He’s obviously very nervous that he’s not looking you in the eye. “This wasn’t my intention at all. The original plan was to congratulate you and give you flowers.... But I cant help but think that maybe you’re still there... inside... and alone so I waited. And now Im asking you to have dinner with me”
You were about to accept his offer but he continued explaining his part, which is cute you think.
“It’s fine if you don’t want to. Maybe you’re tired and you want to go home I could-“ you cut him off because he was already rambling.
“I would love to have dinner with you.” you said, and gave him a smile to make the situation less awkward.
He brought you to an expensive private restaurant near the opera. There’s a comfortable silence when the waiter left but you were dying with curiosity and asked him for his name.
“Taeyong” he said. And smiled.
It was a very unique name for you, almost as if it was an alien name but you liked it. “Well I’m, y/n... and I’m a professional ballerina as you already know.” You smiled awkwardly.
“So tell me y/n. Why do you look sad?” He startled you with his question but you were glad that he can see right through you and that he cares.
“Well, my family didn’t watched earlier. Even my closest friends.... and oh, about my colleagues leaving without me, Im sure that they waited for me. Its just they know that I wanted to be alone, thats all. Im not normally like this.”
Taeyong understands and nods his head, “Im sorry for stealing your alone time. I just cant leave you alone in this beautiful night.... not after your beautiful performance earlier, oh no.” You chuckled and shook your head, feeling a little light headed with his compliment and you feel so grateful for his presence even though you dont know him personally.
While eating dinner, you cant help but notice how he moves. As a ballerina its easy for you to see how someone can move so gracefully and right. With Taeyong, it seems so normal with him being this gentle and well mannered and graceful all at the same time... while eating his expensive steak.
“What do you do in life Taeyong?” You asked, curious because all you know about him is his beautiful name.
“Im a king” he gave you a playful smirk and took a sip from his wine.
“Like a CEO? What company?” You asked him seriously while eating your salad.
He let out a small laugh and clears his throat thinking that you know nothing about him. All he can do is share his small achievements here in the human world for the last 5 years. “Lets just say Im a powerful person and that I’m an investor in some of the biggest companies here”
“Ohh. Big time”
The night continued as you both share in one dessert, share stories and try to know each other more and more before this beautiful night ends. He tells you a little about his company and that he works along side with his best friends and together they make great things. You tell him how you started dancing ballet and how you got the part. It seems like you both tell each other all your achievements in life without it sounding like you’re being boastful, and to you that seems to be a good sign.
He walks you home after dinner telling you more stories of anything he could think of, both of you trying to walk slowly because neither the one of you wanted this night to end.
“This is me” theres a small silence and Taeyong was looking at your building as if hes remembering what it looks like. Will there be a next time? He smiles and comes closer to you holding your hand and looking in your eyes so deeply.
“You were incredible tonight” he said and kissed your lips.
The kiss was quick and you cant move for a second but he breaks the silence, “good night.”
That kiss was something and you felt it. This man will change your life and you didn’t want to let him go. No. Not yet. You dont care if its late already, you dont care if you have early practice at the opera tomorrow, all you care about is this man in front if you.
Forcing yourself to go back to the situation, “stay for coffee” you blurted out and grabbed his hand.
Taeyong accepted your offer and you invited him in your apartment. He didn’t expect your apartment would be so plain. He wasn’t disappointed or anything but he thought your apartment is far from your fun personality, but who is he to judge your space. You noticed how he looked around and it worries you that maybe he thinks that you’re lifeless and that your life isn’t that interesting. The apartment has everything you need, and thats what matters.
Roaming around the apartment, Taeyong came across your little practice room that has three big mirrors in the middle of the room, the mirror you use to practice when you’re staying home.
Looking around your apartment more, he sees your bed thats big enough for three people. But it feels lonely Taeyong thought, almost as if this bed already knows every problem you have in life.
Going back to where you were the coffee, he noticed your kitchen, is nice and your baking materials are complete. “Its not much. Its not as colorful as the stage during the performance earlier, but its home for me” you explained as if you heard every thought he had about your apartment.
The floor was completely comfortable for you and you sit there while Taeyong sits on the couch. He looks at you while drinking his coffee and you came closer to his left leg and asked him, “what was your first impression with me” he leans forward to you, and you waited for his answer.
“You look like a Queen. And you can be my queen someday”
There he is again with him being royalty. For you it’s impossible but you can feel that he’s somehow telling the truth but you ignored that thought. “Oh is it because of my costume earlier?” he chuckled and shook his head. “No really you look like a queen. Even now.”
“How about you? What do you think of me?” he asked, took a sip from his coffee and sits on the floor with you. That was sweet.
“You look like a prince. A young prince. Even the way you move” you told him the truth. He was laughing and it was kind of funny for you too.
“Well, obviously before being a king... you have to be a prince first” he said while slowly leaning to you, expecting a kiss from him.
He kissed you sweetly, showing he has good intentions to you through his wet kisses and automatically encircling your arms around his neck. His kiss travels from your lips to your neck, giving your body a sensation that makes your panties soaked. Who are you? What are you doing to me?
You straddled him and grind on his lap slowly and gently not showing him that you’re eager but it was already obvious. “Why are you doing this to me Taeyong?” You continue to kiss him deeply while grinding and feeling your wetness. His hands are all over your body, kneading your breast slowly from time to time, biting your neck and kissing it making you gasp. “Do you want me to stop?” he asked you but he already knows your answer.
“How far are going tonight, y/n?” he whispers in between kissing your neck giving it marks that will be visible tomorrow for sure. You cant think straight, your mind is focused on how you want to have sex with him tonight but you cant be sore tomorrow because you have practice. Fuck it.
You try to remove his shirt and unbuckle his belt as your answer to his question and clearly enough he gets what you were saying.
Taeyong was gentle even in bed and you cant believe that he can make you feel like a virgin again. He was so good at making you whimper under him from time to time, you were clinging on his body catching every thrust he gives you. You figured he loves your moans because you can feel him smile every time you’re being vocal about how good he fucks you. It was slow and good and every after orgasm he gives you, its a surprise how you asked for another one and another one and another one until you feel really tired and all you do is kiss Taeyong.
Even Taeyong is surprised on how you take him so well, and he cant get enough of you too.
“Promise me you’ll still be here when I wake up tomorrow.” You said while you snuggle beside him feeling his soft skin and the warmth he brings its almost addicting you thought.
“I promise” he answered immediately.
The morning comes and you feel your body so sore. And you knew all too well that you’re damned later in practice. But you dont care. It was a great night you thought, its not everyday you meet someone as great as Taeyong. You stretched your body trying to recall what happened last night and it just gave you goosebumps and butterflies in your stomach. Not noticing Taeyong’s left arm was still placed on your waist, it made you happy he’s still beside you. He kept his promise.
You took your time admiring his beauty. His sharp nose, his rose scar, his soft lips thats all over you last night, his flawless skin, wide shoulders. Damn.
Slowly he opened his eyes, caught you admiring him but for him you’re like a sun. You brighten up his day completely. He noticed how your eyes are puffy but still beautiful, your flat long hair but still looks good on you, your smile that makes him think how lucky he is to have met you.
You gave him continuous good morning kisses on his flawless back, bringing him back to the world. Taeyong was amused how playful you are during the morning. But his first thought... is that you’re beautiful.
“You’re beautiful “ he said it not leaving your eyes. It made you blush.
“I’ll make you breakfast” you said while playing with his beautiful long hands. Kissing his knuckles, left and right.
“Are you normally like this every morning? I should wake up more beside you then” he reached for you and draw circles on your thighs.
“Well you kept your promise” Taeyong remembered. “Most hookups I’ve had never stayed for breakfast, you can leave after you’re clean and you’re full I can make a mean healthy breakfast-“ he cuts you off.
“So you think I’m just hooking up with you?” He looked at you long and hard while he’s still laying in bed comfortable, his left arm at the back of his head, his biceps showing. Then suddenly the environment was heavy and serious. You tried to explain but its too late you already think you fucked up and that he will leave any minute now.
“Come here” he pulled you in for a hug. And it surprised you because you thought he was mad and he was going go leave. “Those words hurt like hell. Don’t do that again” he said sternly and with authority, but it made you happy because finally, you have someone now. Not officially. But this is a good start.
“I’ll help you make breakfast.” He kissed your cheek and you both got out of bed trying to fight the soreness.
During breakfast, he was staring at you while he eats his buttered toast. “What?” You asked.
“What are you up to today?” He asked, finally.
You explained that you have practice from afternoon until evening at the opera house for the show on Friday next week. “So I’ll get to watch you perform again?” he claps his hand and finished his toast.
“You’ll watch me again?” You asked with a smile showing him how surprised you were that he’s planning to watch again. And he saw how happy you were when he mentioned that. You must love your craft that much huh, he thought
Taeyong came closer to you and kissed you on the lips, softly almost like how he kissed you for the first time. “I promise.”
You both head on with your day, and you felt really motivated in practice today even though your legs are still jiggly, your pussy hurts and your whole body is sore from last night’s fucking. But the thought of it feels like a dream but Taeyong is real. He’s so real you even caught him smelling your shampoo inside the bathroom earlier. The thought of it made you giggle.
On the other side of town, in Taeyong’s company, the people in the office noticed Taeyong’s glow and that he looks handsome as ever. Even his friends and trustworthy royal court guards noticed that theres something new with him today.
Johnny, Yuta and Doyoung are three of his best friends and they were with him when he discovered the passage through the human world. They come a long way from when they were still kids up until now that they’re allies/business partners.
The three princes are one of the top rich businessmen in the human world but they stay subtle as possible, just like Taeyong he secretly invests in good companies without them knowing who he is, just his company. Aside from being an investor, Taeyong builds schools and orphanage in places that needs help.
A knock brought Taeyong back to reality while having his coffee and thinking of you. It was Doyoung who has the update from the kingdom.
“You look different today. Everyone is worried” Taeyong laughed and told him he doesn’t need to worry, everything is normal but Doyoung knew Taeyong like the back of his hand. He didn’t buy Taeyong’s reasons. “Okay. Your Highness, whatever you say. But you need to go back as soon as possible to the kingdom for wedding festivities. Your presence is required for King Taemin’s wedding.”
Taeyong was silent for a moment, thinking of a way how can he spend time with you and not disappoint King Taemin at the same time. Doyoung is waiting for your answer. “Tell them I will be back home before they even know it. I have to be somewhere on Friday.”
Doyoung gave Taeyong a look as if hes telling Taeyong, “I smell something fishy here” but he just gave Taeyong a sigh, “Whatever… King Lee Taeyong”
You spend time with Taeyong almost everyday, knowing him more and more each day and enjoying it as if its your last day with him. Breakfast together and endless cuddles in bed as quality time at home, he takes care of you when you’re sore from practice, tries to tie your hair but he fails everyday but it makes you laugh so it’s okay, you find it sweet that he puts effort with the small things.
Friday comes and its one beautiful night again, King Taeyong is walking excitedly on his way to a known opera house to watch The Nutcracker, for the second time.
And there you are again. Doing what you love in front of these people, in front of him. His world slowed down again while watching you perform and pour you heart out on stage. He clapped his hands again screaming endless “bravo!” being so proud of you for finishing another wonderful show.
You received endless congratulations again for finishing the second show, you wore this big genuine smile and not a fake one like last week knowing that Taeyong is already waiting for you outside. You quickly packed your things and got out immediately and find Taeyong.
There you see him, fixing his coat and holding a beautiful bouquet of flowers, just like how you first saw him. And when he finally saw you, he quickly ran into you and kissed you as his way of congratulating you. “You were great. As always” he said and gave you the flowers, then to your surprise he shouted for the whole opera house to hear, “She did great! She’s the lead everyone!” and the whole lobby clapped for you again, you thanked everyone, laughing while you yanked Taeyong towards the exit.
You were so happy in Taeyong’s arms.
................................................. Masterlist
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pbandjesse · 4 years
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Today was another excellent day. But I am way tireder then I was last night. Like it is a little hard to sit up and write this but I will power through. 
I did sleep alright last night but before bed I had another really bad nose bleed except this time I was alone, as James was asleep, and I only had 3 tissues. So I was a little upset and scared. But it was alright in the end. And I have a new tissue box now so hopefully I wont feel so stranded. 
I woke up around 8 but I stayed in bed until 830. I really wanted to keep sleeping but I knew Jess was up and I didnt want to be rude. And of course she was already dressed and looking cute. But she was doing work for her WFH job so she wasnt to bothered. I got washed up and dressed. I felt cute again today but I mostly forgot to take my picture until way late in the day. But that was alright. We were just having to much fun. 
The big plan for the day was to go squishmallow hunting. But the mall we were going to search at didnt open until 11. So we had some time to hang out. So after breakfast we started rinsing our tye dye projects. I decided Jess should go first because her's is so much lighter and I didnt want to stain her's with all my dark dye. And it was so funny hers didnt run any dye at almost at all?? Absolutely bizarre. We were using the coldest water and really trying to get in there but no dye came out. So we hung it to dry and got into mine. 
Mine was a different story. As soon as I unwrapped it from the plastic is was dripping black dye. So I pulled off the rubber bands and got to work rinsing it. It took a good ten minutes of rinsing but it honestly looked great. As it dried throughout the day the black would fade to a lovely almost grey purple. But the actual tye dyed scrunchy parts look so cool. I am super excited to share it tomorrow when we take pictures. It was a lot of fun to do and while I dont think I will like. Tye dye my whole life. It was a lot of fun to experiment with. And for our first go it was really successful. 
Once we were done that and everything was drying in the bathroom we got ready to leave. I wasnt super excited to drive, as I still felt really tired, but it was alright. Though when we got to the car I found we barely had any gas and I was annoyed about that because I hate putting gas in the car but I would do it. Even though I hate it. 
We drove out to the mall and it felt so weird to be in a mall. But there werent a lot of people. It was mostly just quiet. But it for sure felt like a blast from the past. We walked the whole mall. Talked about being mall rat teens. What we would do and play and just the culture of that time in our lives. And hoenstly it was just a good time. It was nice to walk around inside and not be cold and because we were on this funny hunt for squishes there was an element of activity and goal. 
We didnt have great luck. The claires had nothing. The hallmark had nothing. We did find some at Hot Topic though. I ended up getting a blind box one. And Jess got a couple little things. We also got a matching set of lollypop earrings I am very excited about. We got lunch in the food court. Felt very weird eating inside. I got pretzel bites. It was just. A good time at the mall. 
We were there about an hour, making our last stop at Hot Topic for the second time to make our actual purchases. And then we went to the strip mall across the road to go to starbucks. Everyone was driving stupid so I was really glad to be out of there. 
We started to head towards the closes Marshalls. And they only had a cuddler squish there. And a way to long line, so I did not buy the face wash I was going to get. We instead went to Target. We made a stop to get gas. Which was terrible only because the same thing happened as last time and the machine kept saying my zipcode was wrong and I had to go talk to the man at the counter and it was a whole thing. I hate pumping gas. But it was handled. 
Next we went to the CVS and the Walgreens to check and finding nothing good we continued on to Target. 
Target was mostly a bust. No easter friends. But we ended up finding a beautiful greyscale bunny that Jess really liked. And we decided we were done. I wanted to make one more loop around toys just and in case and while we did I remembered to stop to look in the legos to see if they had the botanical one me and James have been trying to get but keeps getting scalped for 3xs the real price. And I was so excited to find that they had it!! The bouquet of flowers!! I was so jazzed. I cant wait to build this with them and its going to be great and look so cool in our house. 
We were both a little beat by this point though. So it was time for home. 
It was a nice drive back. The sun started coming out after a really grey day. And I was happy to be home. 
We would chill for a little bit but then there were more things we wanted to do. We opened our blind boxes. I got a dragon that we think was meant to be scented like minit chocolate but just smelt. Bad. But whatever. Still cute. I like the dragons. And then we got to work on my clothes. 
I wanted to do another big purge and having moral support to talk things out was exactly what I needed. So Jess helped me make piles of everything I own and make hard calls for each piece. I was a little more brutal then I expected but honestly I had purged my clothes in december and I sort of knew what ones that if I didnt wear in the last 2 months were going to get the axe. So it was only hard at some points. And I was really excited that everything I wanted to fit in the trunk for seasonal pieces and my closet isnt to full anymore. Two bags of clothes to donate and Im just really happy about that. And before that Jess tried on some that she liked from the get rid of pile and took some and that made me feel really happy too. Im glad they will get a second life. 
We would spend more time in my room trying on ren fair costume stuff. And spent way to long trying to relace a corset thats a little to big for me. But it was honestly a lot of fun. We were just very tired at the end. 
James had a performance review during that time that we got to hear and I got to be all proud about how well they are doing. And then James would go on a bike ride after work before picking us all up dinner. Because I have the best partner. 
While James was gone me and Jess would be on the couch playing a little animal crossing. Being sleepy. When food did come I was really upset that both our orders were missing pieces and I was trying very hard not to have a breakdown over something stupid. But Jess gave me some of hers that I was missing and we made due. I was just a little sad. 
Dinner was nice though. And we all just sat together doing little crafts and enjoying the company. 
And we still have tomorrow. The plan is to do some photoshoots and make a little painting project together. I hope to sleep better tonight though. Im going to go take a shower and get cozy and try to get to bed earlier. Wish me luck. Goodnight everyone! Wash your hands!
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neerasrealm · 4 years
Trick and Treating
In which Laughing Jack finds a boy crying while taking his daughters trick or treating. He decides to try and cheer the kid up and make his Halloween a little better. wdym its november 3rd halloween lasts two months because i said so
Word Count: 2869
"C'mon pops!" 
"Awrigh', awrigh'! Slow down!"
"C'mon Slendra! This next neighborhood is always really good!" 
The two girls, Slendra and Sally, a pair of sisters, ran as quick as they could around the block. Though it was dark out, the night was full of life and laughter. Kids, younger and older than them, made their way from house to house, picking up candy from strangers. Everyone around them was dressed in a costume of some kind. Super heroes, spiders, skeletons, you name it. Of course, the girls were dressed in costumes too. Slendra, the taller but younger of the two, was dressed as a witch. She wore a long black dress with a purple band tied around her waist, fastened with a silver buckle. Her hat was much the same, and it sat atop her head of blonde hair. Sally, on the other hand, was dressed as her favorite cartoon character. The skintaker. Her face was covered in makeup to make her look like a skeleton, and she wore a long robe that was quilted together with different coloured patches. She had a hat that was the same pattern as her robe. Both of them had been handmade by her other dad, and she adored it. 
‘’C’mere ye li’le rascal!’’
‘’EEK-!’’ Slendra was grabbed by the back of her dress and yanked back into big, soft arms that hugged her tight. She shrieked and giggled, thrashing in the hug. ‘’Pops! Lemme go!’’
Of course, the girls weren’t alone on Halloween. No, they had their pops with them. Laughing Jack. Looking at him, you’d assume he’d managed to find the coolest scary clown costume one could hope for, with sharp bony hands, wispy black hair, jagged teeth and bandages wrapped around his torso, but no. He looked like that year round. In fact, Jack hadn’t even bothered with a costume. The only thing he had added to himself tonight was a white bird mask strapped to his face. It obscured the top part of his face, which really just made him scarier. 
He laughed a bit and squeezed his daughter in his arms. ‘’Stop runnin’ off on me! If ye ge’ lost yer da will kill me.’’ he replied with a grin. Slendra giggled again and looked up to see her sister Sally. However, instead of standing in front of them waiting for Jack to release her sister, Sally was sitting on the sidewalk a little further up, talking to someone. ‘’Eh?’’ Jack withdrew his arms and stood up. He and Slendra walked over to Sally and stopped next to her.
She was sitting next to a young boy, dressed in a blue ripped jacket, a black and white striped shirt and black pants. The green face paint on his face was smudged, especially around his eyes. Sally pat his back and frowned. ‘’Hey, it’s okay.’’ she said gently. ‘’What’s wrong?’’
The boy sniffled and let out a breathy sob. ‘’I-I was chasing these b-boys that stole my ca-candy a-and now I’m l-lost-’’ he inhaled sharply before breaking into tears again. Sally frowned and hugged the boy. Jack crouched down beside him and pat his head. 
‘’Calm down kiddo…’’ he murmured. The boy looked up and stared at him in surprise. ‘’Some’ne stole yer candy?’’
The boy nodded. ‘’I was with my friends b-but they went to another neighborhood and I wasn’t allowed go with them s-so I started walking home but then these boys on bikes came by and took my bag,’’ the boy whimpered and wiped at his eyes. He seemed to be calming down significantly, thanks to Sally. ‘’I chased them but...now I’m lost.’’ he curled up, hugging his knees. Jack looked horrified that someone would do something like that, and to a small kid no less. He reached into his sleeve and pulled out a packet of tissues.
‘’Ere, kiddo,’’ he took out a tissue and gave it to the boy. He sniffled and wiped at his face. ‘’Ye’re lost?’’
‘’Mhm.’’ the boy looked around. ‘’I don’t know how to get home…’’
Jack looked from the boy to his two girls. He looked back at the boy and gave him a reassuring smile. ‘’We’ll take ye ‘ome, kiddo.’’ he said, reaching into his sleeve. He pulled out some candy and held it out to the surprised looking boy. ‘’Ere, i’s no’ a lo’, bu’ i’ should make up a bi’ fer th’ stuff ye lost.’’
The boy looked at Jack’s outstretched hand and broke into a grin. He took the candies, shyly unwrapping one of them and tossing it into his mouth. ‘’Thank you.’’ he murmured. Jack smiled and grabbed the boy, lifting him up and putting him on his shoulders. The boy blinked in surprise. 
‘’Can ye see okay up there, lad?’’ Jack asked. The boy grinned.
‘’Uh-huh!’’ he glanced around. ‘’You’re real tall, mister.’’
‘’Jus’ call me Jackie, kiddo.’’
As the four of them walked the boy talked with them more. Jack learned that his name was Jeremy, and he lived with just his mother. He hadn’t gone trick or treating last year, or the year before. He’d been sick the past couple of years, and still wasn’t fully recovered, so trick or treating was a big thing for him. Which just made it worse when you considered what had happened to him. Jack knew he had to do something about it- he wasn’t going to let this poor boy have his halloween ruined for him.
‘’There’s the place!’’
‘’Ah!’’ Jack looked up to where the boy on his shoulders was pointing. The neighborhood they were in didn’t have many decorated houses. The one Jeremy was pointing to, however, was covered in decorations and bright lights. Jack smiled a bit as he walked up the garden path after Slendra and Sally. The girls knocked on the door as Jack put Jeremy down. The door was pulled open, and they were greeted by an older lady with brown hair that was starting to grey at the roots. She wore a long black dress, a big collar around her neck, and a pair of fake fangs. In her hands she held a large, flowery bowl that was filled with candy. She smiled sweetly at the girls for a moment before surprise crossed her face. Then she broke into a wider smile.
‘’Jeremy! Oh there you are, I was starting to get worried!’’ she put the bowl down on a table inside the hall as her son stepped forward and hugged her legs. She pat his head lovingly. ‘’Did you have fun?’’
She frowned and looked up, finally noticing Jack. He waved a tiny bit. ‘’Heya, I’m Jack,’’ he murmured. ‘’We found ‘im a couple a blocks away...some older kids stole ‘is bag.’’
Jeremy’s mother looked horrified. ‘’They did...?’’ she asked. Jack nodded. ‘’Oh that’s terrible-!’’ she looked down at her son. ‘’Oh pet- are you okay?’’ 
‘’I’m okay…’’ Jeremy murmured. He pointed up at Jack. ‘’Jackie brought me home, and he gave me some candy.’’ he smiled a bit. Jack tilted his head.
‘’I was wond’rin’, miss, if maybe I could take yer lad wiv us fer th’ nigh’. ‘E can ge’ sum more candy an’ stick aroun’ wiv sum kids ‘is own age.’’
‘’Oh?’’ Jeremy’s mother looked surprised for a moment. She looked down at her son, a little worried. ‘’I don’t know…’’ 
‘’Please?’’ Jeremy asked. He stared up at his mother hopefully. ‘’Jackie is real nice! And he already has kids with him so we should be okay!’’
She looked up at Jack for a moment, then sighed. ‘’...okay. But don’t take him too far away from home! And I want him back before nine.’’
Jack gave a nod. ‘’Absolu’ely.’’
After cleaning and fixing up Jeremy’s makeup, Jack, Sally and Slendra wasted no time raiding every house in the surrounding neighborhood. Jeremy quickly learned that these three took Halloween very seriously. Constantly on the move, trying to get the best candy possible, they talked about what house they’d target next like it was some kind of big important mission. It was actually exhausting, especially for him, but the girls excited energy was contagious. It didn’t take long at all for Jeremy to fill up the bag LJ had given him. Then a second one. Then a third. He walked slowly, dragging the heavy bags with him as the girls ran ahead of him and LJ. 
‘’Ey kiddo?’’ LJ asked above him. Jeremy looked up. ‘’Ye want me ta take yer bags fer ya? They look ‘eavy.’’ Jeremy stopped and nodded, giving LJ two of his bags. He took them, holding them like they weighed nothing. It was weird- Sally and Slendra both had five bags each yet they didn’t seem to struggle at all! Maybe Jeremy was just weaker than he thought- 
‘’Pops!’’ Sally called ahead of them. Jack looked up at the girl, who was pointing ahead. In the distance, they could see a large fire. She grinned. ‘’There’s a bonfire! Can we go see it?’’ 
Jack smiled a bit. ‘’Sure kiddo.’’ he replied. The girls ran forward, with Jack and Jeremy sauntering calmly after them. The bonfire was surrounded by tons of teenagers who were yelling, hollering, dancing and drinking. Jeremy stuck close to Jack’s leg. Bigger kids had always scared him, and these ones looked like they were what his mother would call ‘hooligans’. 
‘’Hey! Jack!’’ someone called from a bit further away from the bonfire. Jeremy looked up and over at where the voice came from. He saw Slendra and Sally run off away from the fire.
‘’Shoulda known…’’ Jack murmured above him. He turned and started walking off after the girls. Jeremy followed quickly, not wanting to be left alone around so many older kids. Jack stopped in front of a small group of kids. Four boys and one girl. They all looked to be in their mid to late teens, and were sitting in a circle with a bag of candy in between each of their legs. In the centre of the circle was a box filled with cans of beer. ‘’Evenin’, kids.’’ Jack greeted.
‘’Hey guys!’’ one of the boys, who had blonde hair and was dressed in a Luigi costume chirped. His eyes were a bright, shiny blue that looked almost like lights. 
‘’Hi Ben!’’ Slendra greeted, bouncing on her heels. Sally abruptly dropped her bags and looked at the group, her hands on her hips.
‘’You guys can have anything you want from these bags in exchange for your butterfingers. Except the m&ms, sour patch kids and twixes. Those are mine.’’ she said, sounding more like a bossy older sister than a ten year old girl dressed as a cartoon character. The group all rolled their eyes and began digging through their bags. 
‘’Evury year…’’ another of the boys muttered. He had ginger hair that hung over one of his eyes, and was pretty skinny. He was dressed in a Mario costume that matched the other boy’s. He also sounded like he was drunk. Or maybe it was an accent. 
The boy sitting across from Ben, the boy in the Luigi costume, took a swig from his can of beer and looked at Jeremy for a long moment. He was intimidating. His skin was pure white, probably makeup, with big scars on either side of his face. His eyes were deep and sunken, but stared straight into little Jeremy. He was wearing a vampire costume, with a big collar and everything. His scary eyes flicked up to LJ. ‘’You’re stealing kids again?’’
‘’I’m no’ stealin’ ‘im, ‘is ma wuz givin’ ‘im away wiv th’ candy!’’ Jack retorted. The boy cracked a smile and barked a laugh. He looked at Jeremy and smiled. 
‘’Nice costume kid.’’ he said. Jeremy blinked in surprise.
‘’Y-you too,’’ he murmured. ‘’Your makeup is great...you’re really scary.’’
The teen smile. ‘’Aw, thanks!’’ he grinned. ‘’I’m Jeff, by the way. Uhhh-’’ he turned to his friends. ‘’That’s Ben, that’s Bryce,’’ he gestured to the boys in the Mario and Luigi costumes. ‘’That’s Emily,’’ he pointed to the girl, who was dressed as Princess Peach, complete with blonde wig and everything. ‘’And that’s Ethan.’’ he pointed to the last boy. He wore a white hoodie, black shorts, and a backwards baseball cap. His skin was green, and looked rotten. His purple hair hung over one of his crimson eyes. He must’ve had contacts in or something.
Jack frowned. ‘’Wha’s yer costume supposeta be, Ethan?’’
‘’A dead teenager.’’
"It's nice to meet you all." Jeremy murmured. Jeff looked back at him and smiled. He held out his hand.
"You too kid." The two shook hands. When Jeremy pulled his hand away, he realised Jeff had managed to slip a small piece of candy into it. Oh! Wow- these older kids were...nice. 
"So wha're you's all doin'?" Jack asked as he watched Sally raid the other kid's bags for butterfingers and reese's cups. 
"Oh, the usual," Ben replied as Slendra traded him a small box of smarties for a bag of jellybeans. "A bit of trick or treating, hanging out by a bonfire, doing a little drinking…"
"A lot of drinking in Bryce's case." Ethan added as he dug through his own bag of candy. He pulled out a bag of peanuts and sighed defeatedly before reluctantly opening it.
"And after," Jeff continued with a wide smile. He reached over and grabbed a black duffel bag from beside him. "We're gonna cause a little chaos. Some tricking with our treating, if you will." He added with a wink. 
Jeremy's eyes widened. Oh- he should've expected that from them honestly, but still. Trouble-making teens were something his mother always told him to avoid. Jack pursed his lips. "You's be'er be careful. You's don't 'ave fireworks, do ya?"
"Nah, nah." Ben shook his head. "just harmless stuff. Eggs, toilet paper, spray paint-"
"We go' fiirecrrackerrrsss." Bryce slurred out. Ben shot him a glare. Jack sighed.
"Be careful, awrigh'?" He murmured. The teens all nodded. Sally turned and walked back over to her bags. She deposited the results of her trading into a couple of them and gave a satisfied 'hmph!'. Jack looked down at her. "Ye finished, girlies?"
"Yep!" Slendra and Sally both chirped. Jack chuckled a bit. The teens got to their feet, slinging their candy bags over their shoulders. Jeff picked up his duffel bag and caught Jeremy's anxious stare. He smiled and winked at the boy reassuringly.
"We'd better head out," he said. "It's getting late." Jeff gestured to Jeremy. "I think you should be heading home kid. All the teens will be hitting the streets soon too. Don't want you getting hurt or picked on."
Jeremy gave a slight nod. He still wasn't sure if this older boy was nice or a troublemaker. Slendra turned and looked at the bonfire. She smirked, then pulled her hands up. She clapped them together loudly, and with a louder 'fwoosh!' the massive bonfire suddenly extinguished itself. There was a chorus of shocked gasps and general confusion from the teens that had been enjoying the fire's warmth moments prior. Jack whirled around and stared. 
"Slendra!" He hissed, looking down at the girl. "Don't do tha'! No' 'ere!" 
Jeremy stared at the blonde girl. "How did you do that?!" He gasped. She turned to him and gave him a wide smile.
"I'm a witch." She replied with a sly wink. Jeremy's eyes widened. He thought it was just a costume! Jack sighed above him and looked around at the group.
"Nobody tell Slender abou' this." He said, pointing a boney black finger at nobody in particular. 
"We won't as long as you don't tell him we were drinking and playing with firecrackers."
"Deal." Jack replied. He reached down and picked Jeremy up, putting the boy on his shoulders again. "Now make yerselves scarce, ya 'ear me?"
The teens smiled and nodded. As they began to walk away Jeff turned back one last time and gave the four of them a wave before turning around and jogging over to catch up with the others. Jack looked down at his two girls. 
"C'mon you's two. I fink we've done good t'nigh', eh?" 
"Awwwe- but it's only eight thirty!" Sally protested. Jack shook his head.
"Sorry lass, bu' ye know we go'a ge' our friend back b'fore nine. And if ye come 'ome wiv more'n five bags yer da will flip 'is lid." He replied. Sally sighed defeatedly. "C'mon." Jack turned and began walking off. Jeremy looked down at him.
"Hey Jackie?" He asked softly.
"Yeh, kiddo?"
"...are you guys monsters?" He asked. "Real ones? That come out on Halloween, like in the movies?" 
Jack looked up at him for a long moment. He smiled a bit. "...ye're a smar' one, ain'tcha?" He said softly. "Yeh, we are. We usually 'ide away from you's 'umans. 'Alloween is th' nigh' we stop 'idin'." He smiled up at the boy. "You won't tell any'ne, righ'?"
Jeremy nodded. "I won't." He murmured. He rested his head in Jack's soft black hair and smiled tiredly. "Thanks for letting me spend Halloween with you."
"Anyfin' fer you, kiddo." Jack replied softly. "I'm glad ye 'ad fun."
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charspnp · 4 years
since we were kids
「 takami keigo x g/n! reader 」
warnings: slight angst with happy ending
your ring burned on your skin, the bright pink shining proudly as you got into position. you and your partner, hawks, were trying to get people out of a burning building. you were left to fight as hawks glee up and got people out.
"is that all you got?" you yelled at the villain.
his hands sparked before producing more flames, throwing them at you. you activated your quirk, trapping the flames in bubbles, then popping them, putting out the flames.
he laughed coldly, he was slowly losing and he realized he wasn't gonna win. a large crimson wing appeared behind your back almost protectively as your long time best friend appeared beside you. you flashed him a smile and he returned the favor before you both turned back to the fire criminal.
his eyes widened and his hands started shaking, throwing more fire at you two, the amount becoming less and less. hawks distracted him and got up close as you went behind him and trapped him in a large bubble, immediately subduing him.
hawks laughed and you two high-fived, capturing a criminal once again. firefighters successfully put out the fire and cops came to get the villain. the people who were previously in the fire thanked the both of you.
this is why you became a hero- seeing so many smiling faces, thanking you for something you could do so easily (only beside hawks, though. you'd never admit he made your fighting capabilities better due to his already huge ego).
before any interviewers could get close, hawks grabbed you and flew up. you yelped a little, still somehow not used to randomly getting picked up by him dispite knowing him all your life. he chuckled and held onto you tighter.
your hands rested on his arms that were around your waist and he put his chin on your shoulder. though always unexpected, you did love flying with hawks. it's always so calming and nice.
soon enough, the sun had started to set, which means that hawks had to land soon. he hated flying at night with you because he was afraid something and would happen. eventually, he got to your house and landed on the veranda outside of your bedroom. he set you down and you quickly turned to face him and threw your arms around his shoulders, pulling him close and squeezing him. he hesitated for a second, shocked, before wrapping his arms back around you, holding you. he looked down at his right hand, the bright pink color of his ring shining through his black glove, taunting him. he hated how he met his soulmate yet doesn't know who they are. he thinks about it constantly and who it might be, the thought always in the back of his mind.
you inhaled before letting him go, a goofy smile covering your face. hawks couldn't help but smile back at you. god, are you pretty. a faded pink rose on his cheeks, only getting deeper the longer he looked at you. after about a minute of just looking at each other, you pulled away, heart almost beating out of your chest and you hoped to god he couldn't hear it.
"so, uh... i'll.. get going now," you whispered, not being able to speak any louder.
"y-yeah. i-i had fun today. y'know, defeating the villain and all."
"me too.."
before you got entranced by his face again, you quickly turned around and opened your door, entering your bedroom.
"i'll see you tomorrow, kei."
"yeah! see ya!" he felt suddenly excited as you used his real name- a rare occurrence even after so many years of knowing each other.
"g'night, dove."
you closed the door and the curtain followed, enclosing you in darkness. you sighed, your heart hurting. why does he have to be so perfect?
you took a deep breath and changed out if your hero costume and into your pj's. you overdramatically threw yourself into your bed before actually settling in. you stared up at the ceiling, the only light in the room coming from your shining ring.
you lifted up your right hand and touched the ring, the material being unmovable. it just glowed at you mockingly.
"who are you?" you whispered to yourself.
your ring had been pink for as long as you could remember. see, almost everyone gets a ring on their right ring finger. if the ring doesn't appear by the age 20, you're deemed to not have a soulmate. yours appeared at age 6, only being pink as you grew up. the color of the ring depends on how your soulmate feels. for example, the ring will turn red if they're angry, green if they're happy, blue if they're sad, etc. it turns pink when you meet your soulmate and black when they die.
that's why you're so confused. your ring had always been pink. you already met your soulmate. with your luck, it was probably someone who had held the door for you or picked something of yours up when you dropped it, then disappeared never to be seen again. you probably already lost your chance to meet them and "fall in love" like all your friends have. every time someone asked you about your soulmate after seeing your ring, you just responded with the normal answer: "oh, i don't know who they are. it's been pink for as long as i can remember" and they always have you the same sympathetic smile and nod.
you sighed and let your hand fall back down on your stomach. you rolled over and closed your eyes as the day finally came down on you, sleep enveloping you.
you woke up in the middle of the night to your ring tone- it was chickens clucking, signifying that it was hawks calling you. you groaned and grabbed your phone off your nightstand, answering the call.
"what's up?" you asked, yawning.
"is this l/n y/n?" a female voice asked on the other line.
confused, you sat up, "yeah, who is this?"
"my name is jira tonori, im a nurse, and you're the only person on takami keigo's emergency contact list. im calling to inform you that he has been admitted into hosu general hospital."
"o-oh... um, i-i'm on my way." you responded, feeling awake all of a sudden.
"okay, see you soon."
you quickly hung up and jumped out of bed, not bothering to change (unless you have like,, no pants on-), putting on your shoes and running out of the house. you borderline sped to the hospital and ran out of your car to the entrance of the building.
you stopped at the front counter, getting a few weird looks from people in the waiting room, but you didn't care. your mind was flooded with what happened and what could happen.
out if breath, you quickly said, "i-i'm l/n y/n, here to see takami keigo."
the lady nodded and responded, "he's in room 23c."
you nodded and ran to the elevator, pressing the up button multiple times as your thoughts got worse. the door opened and you stepped into the surprisingly empty room, pressing the level 3 button. you ran your hands through your hair.
the door dinged and you once again ran down the hallway, the numbers of each room flying by until you got to 23. the door was already opened and you heard talking coming from inside. you jogged through the doorframe, your eyes locking on hawks' and you flung yourself toward him, ready to take him into a hug before you saw the bandage wrapped around his torso, some of it being spotted with red, and you stopped in front of his bed.
his heart swelled at the sight of you and you using his real name. his chest was filled with a strange warmth he only felt around you. you put your hands on his arm and looked at him, searching for something- what you were looking for was lost to him.
the nurse beside him spoke up, "um, takami-san, i think you need to calm down a bit," she chuckled nervously.
you both looked at her, suddenly hearing his heart beat going a mile a minute. hawks blushed and looked away. you smiled a bit, as did the nurse.
she noticed your pink rings and made her way out of the room, saying, "i'll leave you two alone, but be careful."
an unusual silence filled the room. it was awkward and foreign, as one of you was always talking when you were together.
"what... what happened?" you asked quietly, looking at his face, which now had cuts on his lip and eyebrow, as well as a slight black eye. you'd also previously noticed how his left wing was bandaged and his right was weakly spread beside him.
"someone jumped me on my way home," he spoke, looking down, "they pulled at my wings and beat me up before i even knew what was happening. they even stabbed me a few times." that explains the bandage.
his voice sounded unusually tired and weak. he didn't bother to make eye contact with you, hating how weak he already looked in front of you.
you sighed, "are you okay, though? is it anything, like, deathly?"
he shook his head, "no. their biggest concern is me bleeding out, but that's very unlikely."
you nodded before looking back at his face. you looked from the dry blood on his forehead to the dirt on his chin. you reached out and cupped his cheek. he immediately leaned into your soft and warm palm, loving the feeling (he had to stop himself from cooing at the simple sign of affection).
"im so happy you're okay," you told him.
"me too. i'd hate the thought of you being without me, dove."
whether it was stroke at his ego or genuine concern, you smiled at the sentence. you wiped a stray price of blonde hair from his face and he almost audibly coo'd at the action. you giggled under your breath, knowing how much he enjoyed your touch.
"you should get some sleep. im sorry for having to wake you up in the middle of the night." he said to you.
"it's okay, pretty bird," he blushed at the name, "im really just happy you're not dead. but, you should get sleep, too. i can't imagine what this did to you."
he chuckled softly and his face almost instantly turned to pain as he groaned and put his hand over his stomach. you caught a glimpse of his rig as he did so. your breath got caught in your throat as you saw the color of his ring.
pink? he found his soulmate? why didn't he ever tell me?
though you knew him for so long, and saw him close to every day, he never allowed you to see his ring. you never knew why, but now you see. he knows his soulmate. you just wondered why he never told you. did he not trust you? did he n-
your thoughts were interrupted by him speaking, "yeah, so, uh, you should go home now, i guess. you still have to work tomorrow."
you tore your eyes away from his hand, "home? work? oh please, im staying here with you for as long as it takes."
he shook his head, "no, y/n, it's okay, really, y-"
this time you cut him off, "im staying here whether you like it or not, keigo."
he immediately shut up at your use of his given name. you turned and sat in the chair behind you. you settled into the small chair and hawks smiled at your cute form. he then turned his head to look up at the ceiling. the room once again had a silence, but it wasn't as uncomfortable as earlier. the only sounds heard was his steady heartbeat shown on the monitor by his side, and your soft breathing. he knew as soon as you got comfortable, you passed out. he followed soon after, his body weak and in need of energy.
you were woken up more violently as you had been previously to a sharp 'beeeeep!' and rushed voices and yells. you weren't able to make out what was happening before you were escorted out of the room.
as you stood in the hallway, someone closed the door, blocking you out from your childhood friend once again. things started registering and you had realized what was happening. hawks' heartbeat monitor had suddenly gone flat.
hawks died.
hawks died and you were sleeping.
millions of thought ran through your head yet again. you covered your mouth with your shaky hands and slid down the wall behind you. you right hand reached your face and you jerked it back, feeling how dangerously cold the material of the ring was.
it turned black. your soulmate died.
millions of more thoughts ran through your head. you could feel your heartbeat in your ears and everything started getting blurry and you felt dizzy and nauseated.
hawks is your soulmate? was your soulmate? holy shit, how have you not noticed? you'd known him since you were kids- since before your ring appeared on your hand.
he'd been there through everything. every heartbreak you had, every obsession you had, hell, he was even there when you almost fucking died in a car crash. and now he's the one dying.
you felt like you were gonna pass out. all you could hear was the loud beep of his heartbeat monitor and the voices of the doctors in the room of the man you'd known for so long- had a crush on for so long- was your fucking soulmate.
you heard a final "clear!" before a faded beeping reached your ears. everything was eerily silent beside that beeping. your ring felt like fire on your finger, a terrible (yet amazing) contrast on how it previously felt.
you looked at it, the rig now shining brighter than it ever had. it was pink. you laughed, tears you didn't know were there rolling down your cheeks. to any passerby, you probably looked crazy, but you never felt better.
hawks was alive.
the door opened and a doctor stood there, looking at you on the floor, weak as ever. you made eye contact and he moved out of the doorframe, allowing you to go in the room. and you did. you sprinted into the room and to hawks' side. he looked at you and you hastily leaned down to press your lips to his.
surprised and clueless as to what was happening, hawks took a second before kissing you back with almost as much passion as you. you cupped his cheeks and he held your wrists tight, not wanting to let go of you, afraid he would almost lose you again. your rings burned against your skin and you smiled into the kiss. his lips felt like heaven on yours, they were slightly chapped but you didn't care. you had waited so long for this, wishing for so long he was your soulmate. and now your wish had come true. you had everything you wanted.
requests: open, 4-30-20
2.5k words! i know i could've ended/just in general written this better but my head is empty- anyway, i have two fics in the works and one finished :)
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takaraphoenix · 5 years
For the fake exes prompt, Hijack with the house egging prompt?
‘im egging your house for a dare but your parent is a cop and they’re yelling at me so i told them that you were my ex and you wronged me and now you’re coming outside and please go along with this i don’t want to go to jail’ au
It was Halloween. Not necessarily Hiccup's favorite holiday, it was just too loud. He had never been much of a fan. So he was laying on his bed, sketching dragons while his younger step-brother was pacing the room, trying to put on his costume.
"You're a... marshmallow?", asked Hiccup curiously.
"What. No. I'm a robot", grunted Hiro offended. "You know, that big thing Tadashi is building."
Putting his sketch-book down, Hiccup took a closer look. "Right. You kind of do look like Baymax. Heh. That's adorable. Somehow, I expected something... less adorable from you."
"Why? He's our adorable little baby brother, Hiccup."
Hiro turned to glare fiercely at Tadashi as the oldest Haddock-Hamada brother was leaning against the doorway of the bedroom. Hiccup smiled faintly at them and picked his pencil up again. He loved his brothers very dearly. They had met through Hiro, who kept getting into trouble and kept getting himself and Tadashi, who always tried to bail him out, arrested. Repeatedly. Stoick Haddock, Hiccup's father, was the captain of the police station. Him and Cass Hamada started talking, about being single-parents, about their nerdy sons. And then they started talking outside of the police station, started dating. Now, Hiccup had a loving mother and two brothers.
"But you're not using Halloween as an excuse to go to another one of your bot-fights, right?"
"Tada—ashi, have some faith in your adorable little baby brother!", exclaimed Hiro offended.
Both Tadashi and Hiccup gave him an utterly unimpressed look at that, until he cracked. "Okay, okay, your accusations are not unfunded, however I actually do have plans with my friends."
"Friends", echoed Tadashi in disbelief, shaking his head. "My little baby brother, finally having friends. What are your plans then, Hiro?"
"Miguel is having a karaoke party at his place. Ever since his grandma stopped hating music, it's always a blast at their place", replied Hiro excitedly, bouncing a little.
"...Who's all going?", asked Hiccup curiously, exchanging a look with Tadashi.
"Well, Cupcake's coming. And Pippa. Monty. The twins, Caleb and Claude...", drawled Hiro.
"A—and Jamie Bennett?", asked both Tadashi and Hiccup at the same time.
"I mean, of course he is", grumbled Hiro, trying to hide his blush. "Whatever. I have places to be and cool people to hang out with. You two... stay here, be nerds, whatever."
His older brothers laughed while Hiro stormed out of the room. Teasing him was most definitely the most fun. Tadashi tilted his head as he looked at Hiccup, until Hiccup put his pen down again.
"What is it, Dashi?", asked Hiccup.
"Nothing. Just... wondering what your plans are", replied Tadashi casually before sitting down on the edge of Hiccup's bed. "Fred's throwing a costume-party. Everyone will be there. You could... come along too, you know. They'd be happy to see you."
"They're primarily your friends", grunted Hiccup and rolled his eyes.
"Okay. And why aren't you doing something with your friends then?", challenged Tadashi.
Hiccup paused at that. He had friends. But... if he was being honest, contact with them had kind of... run out, a bit. All his friends – Astrid, Snotlout, Tuffnut and Ruffnut – had gone to the sports-college. Astrid even had a boyfriend now; Eret. Hiccup should probably spend more time with his friends, but he felt like they were drifting apart; different interests, different colleges. As happened a lot with high school friendships, guessed Hiccup. Fishlegs, he was attending SFIT. The two had always been best friend, but nowadays Fishlegs was quite distracted with his new girlfriend – Heather, a girl Astrid had befriended in college. Hiccup... had a crush; one that wasn't going to lead anywhere anyway either so that wasn't an issue.
"C'mon, Hiccup. You can't spend all evening cooped up here", prodded Tadashi. "It's Halloween."
"You say that like it means something to me", drawled Hiccup dryly. "I am... not a fan of this day. You, go and dress up and have fun with the others. I'm happy right here."
Tadashi heaved a defeated sigh. "Okay, okay. I give up. Enjoy your solitude."
Hiccup rolled his eyes as Tadashi finally left. He was perfectly fine being right here. He didn't need to be among many people. He knew if the twins were there, there was going to be a lot of alcohol and nonsense and also it was kind of a frat party... which... especially when one wasn't even from that college, didn't seem very appealing. His mind wandered a little. His kind of crush had asked him to go trick or treating, but Jack was going with his own friends and Hiccup would feel awkward being kind of a fifth wheel there. Still, the idea of seeing Jack in a costume – any costume...
Hiccup blushed and glared at his drawing. He had been drawing Jack. Again. He kept doing that. It wasn't his fault; Jack was... amazing. Jackson Overland-St. North. The adopted son of their newest teacher at SFIT – Nicholas St. North, an absolute genius inventor. Jack was attending the art-college, where Honey Lemon was going too (and Cass insisted Hiccup should go too, but Hiccup focused on his education at SFIT, dual studies seemed just too much).
Jack was breathtaking, with his sparkly brown eyes and messy hazel hair, that mischievous, impish grin of his. And oh, he was so talented. And cheeky. Whenever he came over to SFIT, mostly to visit his adopted father and bring him lunch. They talked. Sometimes, Jack and Hiccup. And Hiccup, he had developed the biggest crush on Jack, only that he didn't know how to say it.
His pen scratched sharply over the paper as he heard loud noises from downstairs.
"I dare you to egg the house."
"Eugene, no", sighed Rapunzel, shaking her head at her boyfriend.
Eugene just grinned broadly and kissed his girlfriend's cheek before turning toward their shared best friend. "C'mon, Jack. It totally is your turn. It'll be fun."
And Jack allowed himself to be dared into it. Only that when the owners noticed and came out, there was a brief moment of utter terror overcoming both Jack and Eugene. That was the police captain, Stoick Haddock. Not only captain of the police station where Jack and Eugene may or may not be semi-regular guests for entirely unjustified reasons (minor pranks! And graffiti should not count as vandalism in Jack's opinion), he was also a wall of a man, so tall and broad. His upper arms were the size of Jack's head! Absolutely terrified did the boys stand there.
"What is the meaning of this?", barked Stoick out.
His wife, Cass Hamada (oh no. She was friends with Toothiana. Jack was never going to hear the end of this!), was right behind him, looking both concerned and disappointed. Eugene winced and tried to hide behind Jack, who just rolled his eyes at him. This was a problem. It became even more of a problem when Hiccup Haddock joined them outside – and oh. Maybe Jack should have seen the relations between Captain Haddock and Jack's crush... Jack winced.
"Did you brats seriously just egg the house of the police captain?", grunted Stoick unimpressed.
"I... I... I...", stammered Jack in distress. "I did it because Hiccup broke my heart."
Everyone stared at him in utter surprise at that, especially Hiccup. Jack tried to convey his intention to the other boy. Maybe Stoick would have pity with him – Cass certainly would – if they thought this was about a bad breakup. Please. He couldn't be taken to the precinct again. Nick and Toothiana had a limit to how often they were willing to bail him out...
"What? Hiccup!", exclaimed Cass, sounding very disappointed. "Why would you-"
There was silence for a moment as Hiccup stared at Jack pointedly, before he caved. "Yes. I... broke up with him because there was this... big project I had to work on. I had no time for distraction."
"Distraction?" The disappointment seemed to grow. "Hiccup Haddock, you will go and apologize to this boy and right that. I know your studies are very important to you, but you can't keep neglecting your social life. I expect that boy to come over for dinner next week!"
She ushered Hiccup outside before, impressively enough, dragging Stoick back inside before he could put his two cents in. Hiccup looked kind of lost as he approached Jack, Eugene and Rapunzel.
"That is one way of getting a boyfriend", noted Eugene surprised. "I mean, she definitely expects the two of you to 'get back together'. Come on, Raps, let's check on Lance and leave them to it."
Rapunzel smiled amused at Jack before the couple left. Blushing, Jack ducked his head when he noticed how much Hiccup was staring at him. And okay, he did look different. White-dyed hair, blue contacts, make-up to make him look paler than normal.
"Who... are you?", asked Hiccup softly. "I mean, the costume."
"I'm... Periwinkle", muttered Jack embarrassed, tugging on his fairy-wing. "Jamie's little sister wanted to be Tinkerbell but she didn't want to do it alone. My little sister dressed up as Bobble. You know, from the Tinkerbell movies. Periwinkle is Tinkerbell's snow-fairy-twin."
Hiccup nodded, his own cheeks red too. "That's... really cute. I mean, of you, for the girls."
"Yeah, we took them trick or treating. They're with... Eugene's friend Lance", nodded Jack slowly. "So... all of that was very embarrassed. I'm sorry, that was the first thing that came to my mind."
"It's... okay. I don't know how to explain to my mom that we 'didn't make up', but..."
"I mean we could just... you know...", suggested Jack with a daring look on his face. "Get together."
"...What", whispered Hiccup stunned.
"Do you wanna go out with me?", clarified Jack, cheeks red. "I... uh... like you."
"I like you too", replied Hiccup, ruffling his hair. "I'd... heh. I'd really like that."
Smiling brightly, Jack leaned in to kiss Hiccup's cheek before taking his hand. "C'mon. We're trick or treating and afterward, we're meeting at Moana's."
"What? I'm not even in costume, I-", protested Hiccup, just to be tugged along.
"Why? You're dressed as Hot Nerd. It's one of the top costumes of the year", teased Jack.
Hiccup simply sputtered as he was being pulled along, unable to argue with his boyfriend.
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chicoboco · 4 years
Suzuki Aina’s 1st Photobook interview
Today is Ainya’s birthday! 2 years ago, I worked with Ray to bring you the interview from her first photobook “Airabu.” ! Enjoy reading as our favourite shiny ojiisan share with us her experiences as she goes around Kominato Railway and look back at the past 2 years, and pray for us to get a 2nd photobook of our smol ojiisan!!
The scenery from the train window, the station gives me a nostalgic feeling.
The location of this photo album was taken at Kominato Railway in Chiba Prefecture. With three patterns of costumes, with the first costume being a school girl’s uniform.
Ainya: I was worried that I would look like a fake high school girl (laugh). But I was able to remember the nostalgic feeling about the high school days and I was very happy.
Rather than a fake high school girl, isn’t it more like a junior high school?
Ainya: Junior high school is too young you know!  (laugh)
I’m sorry (laugh), it wasn’t meant to sound weird
Ainya: No, it’s okay. I don’t mind, anyway, thank you. (laugh)
The shoot that was taken in the train had a nice atmosphere didn’t it?
Ainya: Well I’m from Hokkaido, and the train was running in a similar atmosphere.
It certainly does not seem strange to be running in Hokkaido
Ainya: It is, well the trains I mean. We can see the rice fields and there are no tall buildings visible from the train window, the scenery and the train station are also nice. It has the same familiar atmosphere as my hometown. In addition to having to wear the uniforms, I started to feel all the nostalgia come back to me.
Have you ever been on a train?
Ainya: I have, that was when I was in high school. While shaking and rattling for about an hour, I fell asleep
At the time of the shoot, did you feel like you were returning back to the high school days?
Ainya: Mm that’s right. The theme of this photobook is “Journey”.  When I was actually travelling on Kominato Railway, it felt like I was going on “A journey to look back on life” and it reminded me of my high school days.
I see. By the way, while inside the train, you were playing (messing) around with the hanging strap like crazy weren’t you?
Ainya: At that time, there weren’t many people on the train so I messed around like crazy (laughs). Of course when a passenger comes, I won’t scare them away.
I understand (laugh). By the way, have you ever actually traveled by yourself?
Ainya: I haven’t, because my sense of direction is pretty bad. Even when I was at my parents house, I felt like “travelling by myself was unthinkable” (laugh)
It’s dangerous to have Aina to travel alone huh (laugh)
Ainya: Yeah that’s right (laugh)! Because there’s a possibility that I will get lost while wandering aimlessly. Of course there is always that feeling of wanting to go somewhere far away by myself. A desire to walk around a place with good scenery while listening to a music.
Is there any place you would like to travel by yourself specifically?
Ainya: During the shoot this time I soaked my feet in the foot bath right? Well I love hot springs in the first place but thanks to that foot bath, my love to hot spring become even stronger!. So I would like to go around Atami. (TL Note: Atami is a hot spot for hot springs)
It is quite close from Tokyo so it may be nice right?
Ainya: Ah, but it will be too lonely to go to the hot spring alone (laugh). That’s why, if I go I’ll drag my friends! It will be a short trip by train.
It will be a fun trip. However, it seems to be still a long way for you to go on a trip by yourself.
Ainya: It is. I wonder if I can become more independent?  (laugh)
Experiencing my first foot bath helped me relaxing my mind and body as I remembering my childhood
The second costume was a one piece, a cardigan, and a straw hat. What do you think of this costume?
Ainya: A white one-piece cloth and a straw hat gives off this street girl feeling isn’t? It’s packed with the feelings of a pure girl. Something that’s been loved by everyone since a long time ago, and that no one dislikes. Because I haven’t really had the experience of wearing those sort of “pure girl” clothes, being able to wear them makes me happy. The thought of “girls wearing these kind of clothes often appear in anime” and “a girl that is smiling and laughing on a sunflower field while basking under the summer sun” came to my mind while i’m wearing it, (laugh)
But instead of sunflower field, it’s a quite nice scene how the costume reflected together with the ripened flowers
Ainya: Really? I also thought how the ripe flowers blossoms were cute.
The clothes, your presence and the the ripen flowers. The feeling of these three things combined were giving this nice feeling
Ainya: Im so happy! Thank you very much!
Do your feelings also change when you are wearing the clothes?
Ainya: It gave me the feeling that I be more graceful than usual. While waiting for a train, I thought that “I should not do things that look indecent or too vulgar”. Ah, it’s not like I’m usually indecent or anything! (laugh)!
I don’t think you’re like that. Well, occasionally you do something weird don’t you? (Laugh)
Ainya: That’s right! There are times where I do stupid things (laugh)! Anyway, when I was wearing those clothes, I wanted to behave a bit more elegantly. That one piece must not be disgraced!
That feeling, was then able to be reflected on the 3rd costume isn’t?
Ainya: That’s correct. That costume is like the clothes that I wear usually and something I thought that I would love to wear. I didn’t feel out of place wearing it and I was just in my usual self.
It just felt really natural huh?
Ainya: That’s how I feel. Also, sometimes I wore sneakers and beach sandals, so I thought there’s this “summer” atmosphere feeling in my heart.
The feeling of playing around on the riverside was also nice isn’t it?
Ainya: Ah! It’s time to fish! I’m in high spirits when I do that~ (laughs)
Also in this costume you soaked in the foot bath which I was talking about just now
Ainya: That foot bath was my first experience, and it feel really pleasant! Although it was only the legs that were soaked, it’s amazing how my whole body was also also warmed up from the foot bath.
Nonetheless it is nice to have a foot bath at the station isn’t it?
Ainya: I really think so! Especially in the winter! If you’re tired from work and you’re on the way home, having a foot bath by the station is the best thing. I want my home station to have one too~  (laugh)
Seeing old trains and soaking your legs in the foot bath at this station gives off a nice feeling huh?
Ainya: Yeah, I thought that I could stay here forever. I wanted to stay more~
Overall, what are your thoughts on this location?
Ainya: To summaries, I really enjoyed myself. I think that it was a good journey in sense that it made me feel like I was in my teenage years again.
Are you feeling that you just had both a train journey and a space-time journey while relaxing and soaking in a foot bath?
Ainya: It felt exactly like that. Somehow it’s kind of embarrassing (laugh). But it was really comfortable. Everyone, if you get the chance to visit, please try to soak in the foot bath! (TL Note: “space-time journey” I’m guessing it’s talking about whether the foot bath felt spiritual or something like that)
Looking back at the first installment series… I thought that I grew a little bit
In this photo album from the March 2016 issue, Suzuki’s series that is still going on “Magical Girl Miracle Aina” are also included. I heard that you used to like “Magical Girl” from a long time ago?
Ainya: I liked it a lot! Since I was young, as I’ve always liked concepts like “Magical Girls” and “Transforming girls”, I used to watch those on TV a lot. For example…when I was in elementary school, the show I liked was “Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch. I yearned to be like Mermaid Princess Naomi Ruchia-Chan who would transform and sing songs. Later on of course, I also loved “Beautiful fighting girls Sailor Moon”! Other than that, “Futari wa pretty cure” and “Magical Doremi”…
It’s all coming out huh? (laugh)
Ainya: I’m sorry (laugh). Oh, and also, I really liked “Fushigiboshi no ☆ Futagohime ” – It is a story about the twin princesses that try very hard to use magic! Anyway, when I was a child I really had a longing for  magical girls. I’ve always pretended to be a magical girl and I thought “I also want to fly in the sky one day” (laugh)
In Seiyuu Paradise, your dream of becoming a magical girl has came true didn’t?
Ainya: Yes! I also was longing for “Futago Hime” at that time, so I thought that I wanted to be a princess, and it also came true at the second series (May 2016 issue). I was really happy~
By the way, do you remember the time when the shoot was taken at the hamburger shop for the first series (March 2016 issue)?
Ainya: Yes. At that time, as I wasn’t used to taking pictures at all. I didn’t know how to strike poses, even when I was told to “walk a little there”, I was worrying over “How should I walk?”~
Then, looking back on the first photos how do you feel?
Ainya: It’s embarrassing (laugh). When I look at close ups of my pictures, I think “Wow, I’m really doing my best!”. But even though it’s embarrassing, I think I’m doing pretty well now. When I look at the pictures, it feels like I may be growing up properly now.
I see.
Ainya: Also, I think that through this series, I’ve also learned various things such as posing and expressions.
You said that you wanted to be a magical girl when you was in elementary school, but what kind of girl was Suzuki-san when she was a junior high school student?
Ainya: I like to move my body around a lot so I entered the track and field club. However, even though I had the stamina, I didn’t have power at all. So I was doing medium to long distance runs.
To say that you like to move your body, did you had a fun when you become a professional tennis player in the fourth series (September 2016 issue)?
Ainya: It was a lot of fun! However, although I like to move my body , I’m not good at any sports that involves balls, I can’t play tennis that well, after all, I don’t have the power, So I guess I’m not suitable for sports that involves balls I guess~
Actually in the previous issue of Seiyuu Paradise, A.U was also also wearing a tennis player outfit! And coincidentally you were also wearing a tennis player outfit. A.U thinks that you’re super cute in that outfit.
Ainya: No no no! No way! A.U is 100 times cuter than me! I swear! I truly respect her as a voice actor and even being compared to her is ridiculous!
In the next fifth series (November 2016 issue), you became a maid right?
Ainya: That’s right. I was wearing mint blue costumes, and I remember that costume was so cute. Speaking about maids, I think a white apron with black outfit is a classic one. But I also really liked that costume. By the way, I’ve been always wanted to try becoming a maid.
Why is that?
Ainya: I always liked Moe-type animations, and maid costume are one of the items that’s indispensable to Moe. So, when I was a high school student I thought that I would like to work as part-time at a maid cafe, although it didn’t come true.
In this series, you are becoming to what you really want. In the sixth series (January 2017 issue) you become Alice from “Alice in Wonderland”
Ainya: I really love it! if I get asked “What costume you would like wear again in this series?”, I will choose this costume. Of course, I really love “Alice in Wonderland” I was really happy!
Earlier you said that you “wear costumes”.
Ainya: Oh, no! I was “transforming” using magic! I’m making such a careless mistake ~ (laugh)
In the eighth series (May 2017 issue), you made the “transformation” to Tinkerbell and Wendy from the “Peter Pan”
Ainya: I was happy to be able to become Tinker Bell, a familiar character when I was a at young age. It had a dreamlike feeling as if I could go to “Neverland”.
You said you want to become Wendy.
Ainya: It’s the feeling of my brother saying “If I have a sister like that, I’m going to paper you”. (laughs)
Huh? You mean “sister” right?
Ainya: That’s right. it’s the elder daughter of two sisters, and there’s also a sister who is still under 2 years old. (TL Note: At this point they are probably talking about Tinker Bell which I have no knowledge on, sorry if I get anything wrong!)
Well, of course, you would like your sisters to be like Wendy, wouldn’t you?
Ainya: I wonder? (laugh) No, we get along well! Usually, because I’m really carefree while my little sister is the serious one, there’s a lot of times where she has to pull me back. It’s become a situation where the roles of the older and younger sister are reversed… I’m embarrassed.
What a sight for the eyes (laughs). But it’s a nice relationship isn’t it?. You seem to have learned folk songs since childhood, is it together with your sister?
Ainya: Yes. We were doing folk songs together. So there are dozens of yukatas and kimonos in our house.
As it turned out, the yukata appearance of the ninth series (July 2017 issue) really suits you well.
Ainya: Thank you very much. Certainly at that time, I had to stop “transforming” and “change clothes” like a normal person. (laugh).
I see.
Ainya: Really, because I was doing folk songs, it just makes me feel calm whenever I wear a yukata, and I like to eat soumen to help me feel more relaxed.
After that on the tenth series (September 2017 issue), you became a wife and the child. I don’t think that there’s that many people who can perform both at the same time
Ainya: For me, I also have the desire that “I want to be a good wife someday” and I’m glad it become a reality. Also because there’s the children, I also want to play as the child!
You’re probably the only seiyuu that entered the stroller. (laugh)
Ainya: Even though I’m considerably small, that stroller is quite cramped (laugh). Even so, to become the wife & the child at the same time, if you think about it, it is amazing. (laugh)
It sure is (laugh). Well, looking back on the series again, what do you think?
Ainya: When I look back at the two years of history, I start to feel somewhat emotional. Also it’s all thanks to Seiyuu Paradise R, the staff behind this, and everyone that have been supporting for allowing me to be able to continue to serialize the series. Just thinking about it like that, the word “Thank you” really is the only thing that comes to my mind.
This photo collection is packed with my 2 years of growth and appreciation
Then, what kind of book do you think this photo collection is?
Ainya: Generally, I think it became a book that’s filled with my feelings of “gratitude”. 2 years ago, I was in a state not knowing what to do, but I was helped and raised by so many people. I think that is exactly how this series appears, and in this Kominato Tetsudo location, I took the feeling of gratitude from everyone to my heart.
This photo collection included about two years of growth and appreciation isn’t?
Ainya: It is that kind of feeling.
As you was talking earlier, the way you makes expression may has change considerably
Ainya: It was awkward at the beginning because the smile was kinda forced. Everyone who looked at this photo collection would surely be thinking like “she’s getting the hang of this”. Now I can even make a pretty natural smile and a brave smile.
Even the relaxed smile on that foot bath scene may not have been happened?
Ainya: I don’t think that I could have done it.
Finally, a message to those who bought this photo collection!
Ainya: Truly, thank you so much for buying this photo collection! It was only because all of you that we could realize the dream of releasing a photo collection. From now on, I will continue to work hard so that I can become a voice actress that everyone will think “I want to support her.”, please continue supporting me!
Everyone who bought this photo collection must have been waiting for the second book!
Ainya: No way! It’s still too early! But if it possible to do such a thing, I wish I could give out a different feeling from this one.
Oh, is that mean a 2nd photo collection will come out?
Ainya: Aha, no way. it’s still too early! Anyway, please enjoy this 1st photo collection from corner to corner!
TL – Chicoboco, Ray
TLC, QC – Ray
Thank you all for reading this! We wish Ainya a very happy birthday!
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i dreamed a dream
fic based on this ask where they're in the school play les mis together. howard is cosette, boleyn is fantine, parr is eponine, cleves is madame thenardier, aragon is sister simplicity, and jane is the stage manager/director (im not a theater person whatsoever so im not gonna lie, idk the difference). hope u all enjoy!!! any other fic prompts feel free to send :)
jane arrived to the auditorium first. it was their first show after an exhausting tech week, but she was excited to see the cast and crew’s hard work pay off. the long days, nights they had to order pizza to the school instead of getting home cooked meals, and early mornings, would all be worth it. It was her senior year and the drama teacher, Mr. Tudor, was finally letting her make her directorial debut. as the others trickled in, Jane greeted them nervously. the crew was in place, making sure the lighting was just right. she saw most of the cast in their dressing rooms getting ready but when she did a headcount, she noticed that one was missing. catherine aragon, a sophomore, said “pretty sure it’s anne who’s late. again”. Jane caught her tone of annoyance, but didn’t have time to dissect it. she had to make sure that everything else was in order. as she crossed the hall to the other changing room, anne nearly ran her over. out of breath, she started to apologize to Jane. Jane had to laugh; they had been in shows together since Anne was a freshman and she was a sophomore and she could count the occasions anne was on time on one hand. she pushed her friend into the dressing room warning her that she “better be dressed in time, or else” and tried her best to be menacing. Anne laughed, and Jane continued on to the next room. As she walked away, she mused over the contrast between anne and her character. she was able to flip the switch from anne the chaotic teenager to fantine the heartbroken mother in an instant. she wondered where inside Anne that emotion came from, and resolved to have at least one heart to heart with her friends in the future. in the meantime, she had work to do. 
 When she pushed on the door to the second dressing room, she found that it was locked. She frowned. none of the doors were supposed to be locked; there were people coming and going constantly. she jiggled the handle, but it refused to give way. she heard the voice of anna cleves, a junior who had only joined drama club that year. anna said nervously “give us a minute, please”. annoyed, Jane responded “look, I guess you don’t know how things work around here but-”. the door swung open and anna swiftly pulled her inside. jane quickly caught sight of katherine howard, one of the leads, crying in the corner of the room. she was only a sophomore and Mr. Tudor had doubted her ability, but jane had insisted on casting her as cosette. Jane had gotten to know the young girl, and had been blown away by her talent and poise-which is why she was so confused as she watched anna wrap her arms around the younger girl as she sobbed. she locked the door behind her and said softly, “what’s wrong, Kat?”. Katherine took a shaky breathe and said “it’s nothing, please don’t worry about me. I know how busy you are.” Over her girlfriend’s shoulder, Anna mouthed “stage fright”. Jane said “honey, let me do the worrying. everyone gets nervous sometimes, its only natural. you have nothing to be ashamed of”. Kat choked out “I’m 16, for gods sake. people get stage fright when they’re in like, fifth grade. not one of the leads in high school. whatever, I’ll be fine. just leave me alone. Actually Anna, you can go and get ready too. I’ll be fine”. Anna pulled her closer and said firmly “i’m not going anywhere” and Jane added “me neither. tell us what’s going on. you’ve been in shows before, haven't you?”. there was a long pause. finally Kat said “yea, I have. but this one feels different. I know that Mr. Tudor didn’t want me here, and I think some of the upperclassmen are mad at me for taking the lead from them. I can’t go on stage and then mess up and prove them right because they’ll all laugh and then I just don’t know what I would do”. katherine was breathing heavily. “shhhhh, it’s okay babe.” said Anna, rocking her girlfriend.  Jane jumped in “hey, I have a lot of pressure on me, too. I knew that you were up to the role or I would have given it to someone else. You’re the most talented, powerful, graceful performer that i’ve seen. Don’t worry about proving the rest of them wrong, go out there and prove me right”. She gave Katherine’s arm a squeeze. Just then, there was a banging on the door. “Can someone let me in please???” Jane recognized Anne’s voice. “I kind of uh...can’t find my costume. Is it in there??” kat let out a little laugh. “i’ll be fine, really. Jane, you definitely have other things to be doing.” Jane glanced at Anna and said “well actually...” anna said “i’ve got this. go.” with one more concerned glance at Kat, Jane left to help Anne (and get the rest of the 50+ cast and crew together). Alone again in the room, Kat and Anna put their foreheads together. Katherine’s breath slowly returned to normal, but she still looked pale. Katherine finally brought her eyes up to meet Anna’s. Anna said simply “I believe in you, babe. pretend you’re singing just in the shower, and you’ll blow them all away”. Katherine exhaled, and they slowly started to get ready together.
in the wings, catherine parr and aragon ran through their lines together. although parr was a senior and aragon was only a sophomore, they had become fast friends during rehearsals. parr often tutored aragon in the courses she had already taken, and aragon repayed her with ice cream from her dad’s store. they looked out into the audience and were filled with nervous anticipation at the size of the crowd. they scurried backstage to put the finishing touches on their costume, whispering to the others about the full house. as the curtain rose and the opening notes to “look down” all of Jane and the rest of the cast/crew’s work fell into place. 
For Katherine, the show was a blur. she saw bits and pieces; the melody of “heart full of love”, the red white and blue of the waving flags, and the roar of the crowd. when they took their final bow, she grabbed anna’s hand extra tight. she squeezed, and anna squeezed back. as the cast headed off stage, boleyn scurried off to her locker down the hallway. as Jane stepped on stage to take her bow, anne proudly presented her with a bouquet of flowers. she beamed as she listened to the crowd roar for one of her closest friends. once the cast finally changed out of their costumes and seen their friends and family, Anne announced “POST GAME AT MY HOUSE!!!”. the group cheered loudly, but groaned when Jane said “we’re back here at 11AM, so I don’t want to hear about anything too crazy”. Cleves chimed in “you won’t have to hear about it, you’re coming.” “that's right” parr declared. “you’re with us”. They piled into the senior’s cars and headed to Anne’s house, thrilled with how the show had gone.
Jane, ever the responsible one, spoke to each of the drivers and made sure that they weren’t drinking. parr and her were both designated drivers, but they still joined in the fun. anne was predictably the life of the party, climbing on top of her kitchen counter and belting out the lyrics to chicago’s “cell block tango”. Aragon rolled her eyes at boleyn’s rowdiness, but didn’t let that stop her from dancing with the rest of them. after a drink or two, Jane even spotted boleyn and aragon doing their synchronized choreography to “dancing queen”, the previous years production, together. anna and katherine danced together in the corner. anna laughed softly. new to the theatre scene, she said “only theatre kids would drink to ABBA”. they swayed together, offbeat from the rest of the cast, but they didn't care. anna pulled katherine closer and said “I’m so proud of you, babe. you nailed it, and you made me proud”. Kat added “as a plus, I didn’t ruin Jane’s night”. as they kissed, “seasons of love” began to play. they swayed together as the rest of the cast belted out “five hundred twenty five thousand...”
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benhaardy · 6 years
fresh || b.h.
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REQUEST: an imagine where the reader is friends with ben from her first year of highschool, and they stay friends through till sixth form, before they move to uni they confess their feelings for each other and it’s all fluffy and nice💖💖💖
A/N: helloooo thank you for sending me a request i hope i did this justice!! im super rusty but here goes!!!!!! i feel like a noob cause i dont really know how drama clubs function sorry but this is how the clubs i’ve been in kinda functioned during a free time period yknow? also i hope i got the school stuff right lol im aMeRiCan. yeet i would loveeeee some feedback because this is the first time ive ever written in second person so uhhh hit up my askbox! also i am basic and do not know anything about high school plays so they do romeo and juliet i apologize, yes it is basic and all quotes from it are taken OUT OF CONTEXT so uh just-just disregard romeo and juliet the play and characters and yeah whatever.
i tried my hardest to make this neutral for the reader so hair, eye colour, skin, shouldn’t be a problem though there is some playing with your hair tho lol.
Y/HT means your hometown.
had a blast writing this, thank you for sending in a request <3333. hope you like!
Wordcount: 2.1k
Warnings: fem!reader, one or two bad words?, p fluffy and also l o l rusty writer right here. this wasn’t proofread and was beta’d halfway so apologies for any inaccuracies or typos.
Isabel led you down the long hallway, fluorescent lights beaming down upon both of you as you walked. She looked behind at you, encouraging and cheerful as always. As you made your way to the drama room, you clenched your fists and breathed deeply. You had joined the drama club at the encouraging of Isabel, wanting to finally make more friends after a few days of being in this new school, this whole new place. Everything was different here, but maybe you could have one constant in this close group of people. You were nervous. It showed. She reassured, “Don’t worry, Y/N. We’re probably, like, the most relaxed people on this campus. You’ve got nothing to worry about, alright?”
You nodded at her, a tight smile on your lips. Hopefully, she was right. Though you’d always known drama kids to be loud and fun, you couldn’t help but shake that self-conscious feeling inside.
She opened the door for you both and let you enter before her into the room. The walls were painted black and had colourful drawings and paintings hung up on them which were student made. In the middle of the room were at least 15 people either sitting in chairs or scattered about on the ground. They were all doing their own thing. Some people were acting out scenes with each other, others were just talking amongst themselves or playing around. Two boys were in the corner kicking a football at each other while reciting A Midsummer Night’s Dream.
“Everyone? Welcome Y/N to the club!” You waved shyly at them and their exclamations at your presence. “Come over here with me,” said Isabel, who showed you over to an open seat in the middle of the room, next to a blonde boy. His face lit up at the sight of you coming to him.
“You must be the great Y/N Izzy’s always talking about!” He patted the seat next to him where you sat down. “I’m Ben.” He grinned at you, pearly whites shining. Ben adjusted his beanie and sat nonchalantly, hands in his hoodie pockets.
“Y/N,” you replied. You were still on edge but Ben seemed nice enough. You two sat for a little in silence, watching the chaos of the club in motion. Isabel had left to kick the football with the boys.
“So Y/N,” he piped up, ”tell me about yourself.” He sat forward, intent on listening to whatever you were gonna say.
“I moved here from Y/HT. I was never really into drama before now, I guess, but I used to act when I was younger. Isabel convinced me to join again ‘cause I’m still trying to find my way around here,” you replied, a small, nervous laugh following your words.
“Well, you’ll always be welcome here! I joined after I got injured and I fell in love with acting. I hope you stay.” Ben grinned at you, a glint in his eye.
Three years had passed. Three years of plays and lawless drama kids and Ben. You had grown extremely close with him, hanging out as much as possible, helping each other with your lines, and staying near each other during rehearsals and meetings. Both of you were attached at the hip. You were more at his house then you were at your own.
You had simply just fit. Snug and at home with each other. Snug enough that you had grown to have feelings for him. You prayed that it was just those normal feelings that people have for their best friends, where they were teetering dangerously over the line of romance but stayed safe, still platonic. Your prayers were not answered and you had fallen, hard, for your best friend.
It was hard to hide your feelings, hard to hide when he was so kind. Ben was willing to hold you up when you were low and willing enough to know pretty much everything about you without forgetting what you liked and what irked you. He hosted you at his house with no problem. Though you did the same, it was great knowing someone would give that same love back.
He was so affectionate and always greeted you with a grin and a kiss on the cheek. “Darling,” “love,” and “angel,” were synonymous with your name at this point. Ben invited you out to grab food, or watch a movie, or go shopping, and he always paid without fail. When you left his presence, when you looked down upon yourself, “I love you’s” from him were always, always there. Ben embraced you with open arms, in a figurative way and literally.
He was home. Simple as that.
Your friends summed it up when they said that you and Ben were like,”an old, married couple.” His warmth spread into your heart and now it felt like it was squeezing it. Squeezing it and then dropping it on the floor. Multiple times. Strange enough, you hadn’t changed much on the outside. You were still the same old Y/N around him but the second you got home, everything changed. You sat at your desk, head in hands. You were supposed to be doing homework but that was thrown out the window once you hung out with him that day, your mind taken over.
On those complicated nights, you contemplated telling Ben everything: how you planned out your words so you wouldn’t say anything stupid around him, how you sat alone with your thoughts at night just thinking, thinking about him, how his “I love you” made your heart pang with longing and fondness. You were worried everything would change. Even though you knew if you became a couple, nothing would become any different than before.
You could not take that chance. You couldn’t risk losing Ben.
You were laying down on Ben’s chest, him propped up on his backpack against the wall in the drama room. Both of you were reading from the script in your hands. His chin was on your head and you could feel him mouthing the words to his lines. He was playing with your hair mindlessly, this affection, again, extremely apparent. You turned your head to look at him and poked his cheek, to which he responded by puffing out his cheeks. Both of you laughed and resumed your routine, watching your ever chaotic drama mates be loud and rehearse, all in preparation for your last ever play before university: Romeo and Juliet.
Ben was cast as Romeo and you, Juliet. Before, you both had preferred taking side roles. You two were hidden gems, the quiet ones, but Isabel had pushed you to try to take the lead one time. Everyone was working as hard as ever to make the play special; a fourth of the club was off to uni after this year.
He put his arms around your waist, squeezed your body tight, and nuzzled his face into your shoulder as you read out loud, “O gentle Romeo, / If thou dost love, pronounce it faithfully.” He read his part and you both read until Juliet had to leave.
You could feel Ben’s chest go up and down as he breathed steadily. It was as if there was no one else in the room other than you two as you practiced your lines. You recited,
“And yet I wish but for the thing I have:
My bounty is as boundless as the sea,
My love as deep; the more I give to thee,
The more I have, for both are infinite.”
Tonight was the last performance of Romeo and Juliet. It was extremely bittersweet. You could see how everyone had improved in their methods over the years and today was the last demonstration of that, the last day everyone would truly be together like this. Everyone was going to different universities, all for different reasons and majors. Romeo and Juliet was your final curtain.
Ben’s family came to you after you dressed out of your costume. They gave you flowers and sung their praises at your performance. They gave you a ride to the diner where you were to meet with the rest of the club to celebrate your successful performances.
Both of you shuffled into a booth in the corner along with the other 4 members who had their last performances sat with you. You and Ben ordered your normal stack of pancakes and fruit. He had his arm around you the entire time, switching from your shoulder to your waist every once in a while as you both conversed with the rest of your uni-bound friends. Your friend who was sitting on yours and Ben’s side left to talk with the lower classmen. Leaning against Ben, you put your feet up on the rest of the booth.
“Hand me my makeup wipes, yeah?” You asked Ben, pointing back to your bag on his side. You heard him rummaging around in your things.
“Here, love.” He gave you the wipes and you wiped off all of the heavy stage makeup, undid your hair, and shook it all out. You sat up again and looked up at him who looked as if he was watching you closely. It was only one second, though. Only one second.
Your food had come, the meal had been had, the cheerful crying at your third-to-last goodbyes to your group had ceased and now you and Ben were walking home together through the park close to your own house. The ground was wet with rain, though thankfully, it had subsided and there were no clouds lightening the night sky. The moon was full, the grass was dewy, and there was potential in the air. A spark.
As he walked alongside you, you thought of how his kiss during the play had stuck on your lips and how his hand tightly clasped in yours while you professed your love felt. Though the words of Juliet just flew through you, it all felt real, even with the period costumes and lights and stage. His lines were simply just that. Lines. Words that were written 400 years ago, in language from 400 years ago that he acted out on stage to you and you back to him. But it just felt real, much too real. You were alone with your thoughts once again, the subject of them standing just right beside you in silence himself.
“Y/N?” Ben piped up.
“Yes?” You looked at him looking up at the sky.
“Don’t you think how crazy it is that three years ago we met, we talked about why we joined the club, and you were really only here on a whim? Now tonight, it’s our last performance in this group ever. And you weren’t even sure if you wanted to stay! We’re here now and I was Romeo and you were my Juliet and—I just feel as if everything’s that led up to us being here was so special. Like you were meant by the universe to join the club, sit next to me and talk to me and be my best friend. You were a blessing, Y/N, my blessing, and I just-”
Your smile grew and grew and grew and your pulse quickened and everything felt wild. Absolutely, motherfucking wild. Your limbs were jelly. There were alarms going off in your brain “You just what, Ben?” You said softly, tears at your eyes at his lovely, lovely words. He turned to face you as you both stopped underneath a lamppost, the light and the moonlight softly illuminating features. Your best friend stepped closer to you. “You just what, Ben?” You now whispered, seeing his own gooey smile and his eyes, filled with tears, drop down to your lips and back up again to your eyes.
“I just—I love you, Y/N,” he whispered. “I love you more than anything.”
“I love you too, Ben.” Your grin was wide enough that it squeezed the tears out of your eyes. “I’ve loved you since, like, year 11!” You laughed while wiping away the wetness from your face.
He blushed and took your hand in his. “I got a crush on you two months after we met, dude.”
“No freaking way, Ben!” Your eyes went wide. He liked you for this long? And here you were contemplating everything, overthinking everything!
“Yes, way!” He laughed. “I didn’t want to leave it until we left to uni together because I know I’d be agonizing over it. They say uni’ll be the best years of our lives so… why not start it out with a bang? In more than one way, if you know what I’m saying…” he said playfully, winking. You rolled your eyes and made an attempt at pushing his shoulder, but you both snickered at his joke.
“I love you, Ben. Seriously.”
“And I love you, Y/N. Seriously.”
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So yall obviously like the bakugi x reader thing....
kaminari x reader (also in this world, krisima and bakugo are together :3)
You stood outside of class 1-A as you waited for mr. Aziwa to call you in. You were propubly more excited then you ever were in the history of life. Every single possible situation was zooming through your mind.
"and now we have a new student or whatever. Dont immediately embaress me." You zoomed into the class instantly. You eyes widened at the sight of so many people. You smiled. In a really peppy voice, you say, "Hi! Im (y/n)! Im happy to meet u all, only thing is if you do not ship klance, i recommend you sleep with one eye open. Also perverts deserve to die, and the dominant sex is obviously females."
You sat down in the only empty seat, which was next to a certain blonde haired boy, and put your legs up on the desk. "you may continue with the boring lectures"
The rest of the class was uneventful, except for the constant pasturing of blonde haired boy sitting next to you. You completely ignored him until he mentioned what his quirk was. "so your basically pikachu?" you asked. "you like Pokemon TOO!" and the reat of the time was spent debateing over which type of Pokemon was the best, you found out his name was kaminari. In lunch you decided to sit with mina, you two were best friends since dipers, and you really didnt want to sit alone or with kaminari on your first day. You wanted to make it look like you already had friends. To you, freindship was like a game of chess. Make the right moves. "why are you sitting with these idiots?" you asked. Mina couldnt even reply before a certain ash blonde turned around abrupty. "WHO ARE YOU CALLING AN IDIOT, YOU FUCKING EXTRA?"
"thanks for the compliment! Did u mean extra smart or extra fabulous?" at that last comment you wipped your hair, hands on your hips, in the most dramaric pose of your life. Everyone burst out laughing, except the porcupine. He was getting angrier by the minute. "Calm down bakugo" you suddenly saw a hand apper through his hair, and he was pushed down. The person who aparently calmed down the wild 'bakugo' had spiky red hair. bakugo placed his head on the red head sholder, and suddenly you smiled. "these people are GAY! Now i see why you hang out with them! NOW INTRODUCE ME TO THE OTHERS." you screamed, perhaps a bit too loud, but you didnt care. You already made FRIENDS! CHECKMATE BISH! then you suddenly noticed kaminari. "HI KAMINARI!" you screamed, once again a little too loud, but you didnt care much. He turned around suddenly to see a (h/c) girl waving to him like a mad man... Woman. "oh hi (y/n)" he replied, still a little startled by your sudden swing in emotion. The guy with red hair suddenly elbowed kaminari. "how come you didnt tell me you knew her? Its not manly." he then turned to you and said "hi im krishima!" "im (y/n) and its fine, i was talking to him in class, i dont know how you stand him thou, he thinks electric type is better then dragon type. Personaly. I hate him. " the tone of your voice changed to more like a laid back yet firey like remark, while leaning back in your seat, only to leave everyone confused by your behavior. Bakugo was the first to speak up "what the actual fuck?" he said, head still kirishimas shoulder. Mina however, was not fased in anyway. She was used to this. "she does that a lot" she said, taking a sip of her water. "I DO!" you screamed again, not so loud this time. "now i know your all confused, u get used to it. Anywhozzles, back to topic at hand. " you statrted pointing at people and stating the nicknames you gave each one. "pikachu, tomato and firecraker. Did i do it?" you asked with the energy of a 4 year old. "yes (y/n)" mina said almost laughing. This is gonna be fun.
You spent the next few months hanging out with all of them, but you and kaminari became closer friends then you and mina. In fact you kinda started to devolp a crush on him. The only one who knew was mina.
"dont worry i wont tell him"
"NO! i need you to work your detective skills and figure out if he likes me or not. Im pretty sure he does but i need confermation."
"man you are original arent you?"
"as original as a chocobo with pink and green feathers."
3 day later, you were walking to the female changing room and felt 2 arms wrapping around you. "EEEEK MY OTP IS CANNON!" mina screamed. You suddenly turned around, death staring mina. "shut the fuck up. People can hear you, and i have knifes."
"Who cares?! Anyway, guess who i was just talking to?"
"you were talking to kaminari right?"
"YES and"
"he likes me doesnt he?"
"I had a feeling, anyway now i have to plan how im gonna tell him."
Right then every single head in the changing room spun toward you, and before you knew it, you were surrounded by girls poking at you to try and figure out who liked who. You anger peeked to a level it never reached before, and you glared toward mina, hoping she would get the message. "GUYS STOP IT! ILL TELL YOU WHO SHE LIKES BUT YOU GUYS HAVE TO BACK UP" mina screamed, as all the girl stopped in there tracks. Did she just promise to reveal my secret, to eveyone?... Everyone. In this entire. Room?!?! Oh she was dead. Uraraka popped out of the crowd. "so who does (y/n) like?" she asked. "kaminari, now leave her alone." Suddenlythe entire room turned into a burst of squeals that almost left you blind. You ran out if the room, extremly lucky that u already changed into you costume.
(guessing it would loom kinda like this)
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Once you were out side, you still heard the squeals coming fomr the inside, but at least it was a bit better. "whats going on over there" you turned around to see kaminari standing there in his costume. A light blush fluahed across your cheeks. "i have no idea, probubly a lot of ear bleeding." you replied, turninh around to stare at the changing room. "i mean, it may have something to do with mina. She was wispering something to them and suddenlh they started giggling, and it only got worse from there" you both laughed at thay comment. "what do you think it was about?" he asked. "well, i think she ships us. I mean, i do to, but she didnt evn make a fandom! Thats like stoping halfwa-" "wait what?"
"what do u mean?"
"you like me?"
YES! you mentally high fived yourself for finding a way to get him to say it first. Ok now play it safe (y/n). Calm down.
Suddenly you noticed the squeals stopped at has were surrounde by groups of girls chanting "KISS KISS KISS KISS"
You suddenly became tomato red, which has never EVER happened before.
"why dont we give the people what they want?" kaminari wispered in your ear. You swirked and yanked him by the collar, you lips slamed into his. After a few second you pulled back.
"I love you pikachu"
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