#everything goes so fast im used to animal crossing time
meep--tm · 4 months
i reinstalled stardew valley after bouncing off it hard last time i tried it (i last played it in 2021 and played 28 hrs) i wanna get it . i wanna enjoy it
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Keith comes over for Lance’s fifteenth birthday. Hunk is still in Hawaii, but he Skypes, and the three of them talk for two hours. It’s nice.
After Hunk hangs up, Lance decides he wants to make his own birthday cake. Keith decides he wants to help. Neither of them have ever baked by themselves before, but they figure it can’t be too bad.
And it isn’t – they make their way to Wal-Mart, buying six boxes of Betty Crocker’s yellow cake mix, because they don’t know if the box is telling the truth and it really does make a whole cake, so they figure a few extra boxes won’t hurt. They also buy eleven cans of icing, along with a bunch of blue food dye and sprinkles.
The next thing they do is try to put everything together. (They do, at this point, realise they have way too much shit. They only end up using two boxes for the cake, and one to eat the batter. And Lance will take no criticism on that – cake batter is fucking delicious.) That goes pretty well, too – they measure the ingredients and mix ‘em together. Easy. They even remember to grease the pan.
The… troubles, so to speak, come when they pop the cake in the oven and set a timer. Lance hoists himself up to sit on the counter while Keith does the dishes, because Lance is the Birthday Boy™ and is thus exempt from chores.
“In what world does being alive on a certain day mean you don’t have to do dishes,” Keith grumbles. Lance sticks out his tongue.
“In this world, where I am currently Queen of the Day, and you are subservient to me. Scrub the dishes in silence, mullet.”
Lance watches as the challenge visibly sparks up Keith’s spine. He straightens immediately, hands stilling. The sounds of scrubbing cease. Keith turns slightly to him, eyes dark and narrowed.
Lance gulps. He’ll deny it until his dying breath, but something stirs in his gut.
“What was that?” Keith asks carefully.
Lance has never been one to back down, even when he’s knee-deep in a pile of trouble. Especially not to Keith’s bitch ass, as objectively attractive as it may be.
“I said chop chop, get to work.”
Keith moves so fast he’s practically a blur. Water splashes everywhere, but Lance hardly notices. He’s too busy shrieking at the top of his lungs and vaulting over the counter. He sprints up the stairs, on all fours like an animal.
“Someone’s never seen a horror movie,” Keith growls, voice closer than Lance thought he was, and Lance chants in his head that it is not hot, it’s not, it’s lame and stupid and horrible and Keith is the worst. He is.
Lance finally makes it up the stairs and tears down the hallway, swinging into Veronica and Rachel’s bathroom and slamming the door shut milliseconds before Keith can follow him in. He turns the lock, panting heavily as the adrenaline hammers through his veins. The doorknob jiggles for a few seconds, as Keith turns the handle, but then stops abruptly. Footsteps fade as Keith walks away. Lance narrows his eyes. Since when does Keith give up so easily? (Once, Lance lied and said that he’s never once posted an embarrassing picture online and he has been carefully curating his online image his whole life. Keith pulled an all-nighter tracking down his old Tumblr account from when he was 11, and he didn’t even have his name on that thing. To this day Lance has no fucking clue how Keith found it, and lives with the constant shame that Keith has seen a picture of him posing in his room at like 3 in the morning, in front of his old Naruto poster, crossing his eyes and sticking out his tongue with the caption ‘im SO random XO RAWR XP’. If he thinks about the situation too much he feels like crawling into the nearest ditch and letting nature take him, so he shoves it quickly out of his mind, because it is his Birthday and he refuses to feel shame on his birthday.)
Suddenly the footsteps return, rapidly this time, and the handle jiggles again. A mounting horror washes through Lance as he remembers, abruptly, that the locks in his house are weird and every single one of them can be opened from the outside with a coin. Lance barely has time to even squeak before the door slams open and Keith comes barrelling through, colliding with him and sending them both tumbling to the floor. By the time Lance orients himself again, Keith is straddling him, pinning his shoulders to the ground and smirking at him.
“Who’s queen now, huh?” he taunts.
Lance swallows.
He swallows again.
He desperately prays his cheeks aren't as red as they feel, but he doubts God loves him that much.
“What’s the matter?” Keith asks, leaning closer. “Cat got your tongue?”
Lance isn’t even sure his brain is still working, let alone his fucking tongue. All he can feel is the length of Keith’s body pressed against his, the tensing of his muscles as he pins him down, the borderline fucking smoulder in Keith’s expression, two inches from his face –
A shrill beeping noise makes them both jump. They look around, then look at each other. What the hell is –
“Is that the smoke detectors?” Keith asks, and then they look at each other in horror.
“The cake!” they yell at the same time, and quickly untangle from each other and sprint back downstairs to the kitchen. The stove is billowing grey smoke, and a lot of it. Lance grabs a dishtowel and starts waving it back and forth, hoping to dispel some of it.
“Open the windows!” he shouts, and Keith rushes to comply. While he does that, Lance holds the towel in front of his face, slipping on an oven mitt with his other hand, and carefully opens the oven door. More smoke blows in his face, and he coughs, eyes burning. He blinks to clear them, and sighs in relief when he doesn’t see any flames. He carefully grabs the glass baking dish.
“Can you open the back door?” he asks. “I’m gonna set this outside, see if that clears the smoke a bit.”
Keith nods, and Lance rushes over to set the pan down on the concrete stairs. Luckily, the glass doesn’t crack. They go back inside, closing the screen door behind them, and take a moment to stare in hopeless silence at the hazy kitchen in front of them.
“So much for that cake,” Keith says.
“Mamá is going to kill me,” Lance breathes. “I am going to die at fifteen.”
Keith grimaces. “Maybe we can scrape off the burnt parts?”
Lance thinks back to the block of char currently sitting in the backyard, and imagines him and Keith with a butterknife each, desperately scraping off the black in a vain attempt to find even a sliver of edible cake before Mamá gets back from work, and the image is so ridiculous he bursts out laughing. Keith was already cracking up a little at his own damn suggestion, and loses it when Lance doubles over. That’s how Mamá finds them, in a smoke-filled kitchen, leaning on each other, struggling to breathe from both their laughter and all the fucking smoke.
“Lance, must you make a mess every time you have a friend over,” she sighs, and Keith and Lance just laugh harder.
“You and Keith are cleaning this kitchen from top to bottom. No exceptions. I don’t care if it’s your birthday, or that Keith’s a guest. He’s here enough that that’s hardly true, anyway. Dios.”
She walks away muttering, and Lance doesn’t even correct her about his and Keith’s friendship status. He finds that he truly doesn’t want to.
To be fair, Keith is about to spend the next couple hours helping him scrub the kitchen after they basically set it on fire. That’s something friends do, he’s sure.
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magic-hcs · 2 years
hi, i would love a matchup! im nonbinary and on the chubby side, i have a mullet and like to wear cottagecore/hippie clothes. i have a brother who i go everywhere with and would kill for, so family is definitely a priority! i like to crack jokes all the time and my humor varies from dad jokes to really dark. i like to draw and play video games, and i also have so many animals! snails, quail, cats, pigeons, you name it, i probably have it! im also definitely on the lazy side, but wont say no to a good adventure >:)
O.o you got so many animals! How do you keep track of them all?? Do your birds get along with your cats or do you need to keep them apart?
You match with Bear!
You match with Sky!
(HT Sans) Bear:
It took a while for Bear to warm up to you, meaning he doesn’t speak at all if you don’t address him and he would often stare at you. But the moment you start talking about your animals he’ll perk up and open up way faster. He’s more of a listener than a talker. (With the difficulties with speech and all.) So Bear will often let you lead the conversations.
Bear freaking loves your animals. I’m for real, he works at an animal shelter and he feels right at home with animals. Please, please, please, please teach him how to take care of your sweethearts Bear and I swear he’ll take amazing care of them.
It’s also so adorable to watch his red eyelight enlarge as your cats or birds come up to him or perch on him. He will purr so bad it’s so sweet.
He’s so fascinated with your hair. How does it poof up so good at the place you have lots of it? Do you need to shear the sides often? May he touch it?
(If you let him for too long, he'll end up accidentally ruining your hairdo because he keeps touching and pawing at it and tangling his phalanges in your hair and stuff.)
Loves your chub, makes you look healthy and soft. You are more safe from him following you around with lots of snacks to feed you than a skinny partner. He’ll still offer you snacks but not as much as someone who’s skinny.
(Trauma from the underground, he has this urge to make sure his mate is fed and if you look fed his concerns and urges are more satiated.)
Family is very important to Bear, so seeing how much you care about your brother is a big plus in his book.
Hope you’re quite patient and understanding because Bear can be quite slow to process stuff, sometimes needing a hot minute of staring into nothingness to really take in the new information you’ve given him. This is true especially with instructions or explanations of things he’s never seen or done before like movies and videogames.
That being said; Bear likes to watch you play video games. He mostly watches with every now again a question or a comment. He won’t play them however, it often goes too fast for him to catch up or remember what to do or what button does what. A videogame he does like to play with you is either Sims or animal crossing but even then he often loses sight of what he’s supposed to do.
He likes your jokes a lot. Though sometimes it may take a while to get it. You could have said a dad joke and three minutes later he starts chuckling. He’s not as good at shooting rapid fire puns as he once was but he can still semi do it. The dad joke and pun battles you two hold are fun and legendary.
(US Sans) Sky:
Agrees with the ‘kill for your brother’ mentally. He respects that. Sky acts as if he doesn’t like your dad jokes but he does, good dad jokes he enjoys more openly.
Sky loves your animal buddies, he treats them as if they are your kids. “JEFFERY STOP STARING AT YOUR BROTHER AS IF YOU’RE ABOUT TO LUNGE AT HIM.”
He really likes your clothing style, it fits you well.
Sky really enjoys tabletop games, he loves to play D&D so if you even dare to show an inkling of interest in it, sky will drag you to join him.
You make sure he sometimes takes the time to relax instead of constantly doing everything. So you being a bit of a lazing around fan is good. He needs to relax sometimes. However, be prepared to go on many walks in forests and parks.
Bear is not one for poly, except if your other partner is Bean so sadly enough no poly.
I hope you enjoyed it though!
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ithisatanytime · 2 years
Frightwave 80's - Cosmic Lover
 im going to attempt to sum it up. god made man in his image, god made man naked and he walked in the garden with butt naked man, not giving a shit at all. the devil tempts eve and tricks both adam and eve into eating the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil, essentially he introduced them to shame, and as a result they were ashamed and hid from god. its important to note that in the bible narrative god doesnt go “dude i can see your balls put some pants on” they hid from him of their own accord because the devil introduced them to shame. so eventually god gives them a way to sooth their own shame and gives them a covenant to follow so they can feel pure enough to commune with god again, remember this is all for us not for him, he had no problem hanging out with us when we were naked an unashamed. fast forward thousands of years of people not even following his very easy convenant a little bit, and you have the devil again working to remove people from god this time in the form of pharisees and sadducees. ive gleamed over the entire new testament at this point so its important to know that the old testament was basically “pure isrealites made in my image do not spare your neighbors who i did not make (then who?) because if you spare even one of them you will intermarry (there goes the bloodline) and adopt their abominable ways” and thats just exactly what they did, the israelites in israel became a somewhat mixed people and adopted the ways of their opressors, enter the pharisees and sadducees who jesus literally says are the offspring of satan. they go around as the priestly class, they are keeping gods covenant and EVEN MORE! they go beyond the covenant with their own set of rules they brought from the exile in Babylon and use these rules of men to convict the israelites in their souls and further seperate them from god, meanwhile they are just pretending to be pious publicly while in private they do all manner of misdeeds. God descends to earth in the form of Christ and shows man while he is alive what it really looks like to be righteous under the old covenant, people dont get this or they purposefully confuse it, when hes praying to god the father hes showing us how to pray, i shouldnt have to tell you that everything he did while on earth was for OUR sake,  but once his work is accomplished on the cross we are under a new covenant, where we arent saved by shedding the blood of innocent animals or by strict adherance to the rules of men but by faith in the selfless sacrifice christ made on the cross everyone, EVERYONE is reconciled to god and can walk with him in whatever state they are in, naked, clothed, whatever, the veil that seperated the inner sanctum of the temple of which only the most ritually clean levite priests could enter was torn, this symbolic miracle showed that all were reconciled to god RIGHT NOW.  how quickly the devil sought to undo that unspeakably great work and he did too through the catholic church. they set about making god impersonal again, now you can commune with god by appointment only and only through intercessors, and now hes three and one at the same time, etc etc.
 there is a deeper truth im hinting at here two, namely the gnostic twin seed theory which i believe is obviously the correct interpretation of genesis
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bisexual-queenie · 2 years
Hey yall Im back with Part 4 of my BNHA Pixie Hollow AU! Im suprised it is kinda becoming a seroius thing, but Im rrally happy that I haven’t given up on it! So without further ado, heres mire info! Its mostly plot stuff that focuses in the kiddos!
- All 20 of the faerie kids (Shinsou is one of the 20 since Mineta is a human. In addition, Melissa Shield is a part of the 20 and takes Todoroki’s place since he’s a human as well) arrive in Pixie Hollow at the same time, which is very rare.
- Apparently 20 human babies had their first laugh at once, which is unheard of! Usually only one faerie arrives at a time, or even in small groups, but 20 at once??? (This is completely different from what's actually cannon in the movies but it my AU i can do whatever I want :) ) Although, one of the faeries, Shoji, had deviated from the group, and ended up in the Winter woods, and thus was a snow fairy! So the 19 remaining faeries landed on the warm side of Pixie Hollow! Everyone had been shocked that so many faeries arrived.
- That didn’t stop All Might though. He welcomed them with open arms, and proceeded with the talent choosing ceremony. They go in order based on their cannon seating arrangement in the show, so by that logic, Aoyama goes first!
- To make this faster, here's a recap of what type of faerie everyone is:
- Aoyama: Light Talent Faerie
- Mina: Garden Talent Faerie
- Tsuyu : Water Talent Faerie
- Iida: Fast Flying Talent Faerie
- Uraraka: Light Talent Faerie
- Ojiro: Animal Talent Faerie
- Kaminari: Light Talent Faerie
- Kirishima: Animal Talent Faerie
- Koda: Animal Talent Faerie
- Satou: Baking Talent Faerie
- Shouji: Frost Talent Faerie
- Jirou: Light Talent Faerie
- Sero: Water Talent Faerie
- Tokoyami: Fast Flying Talent Faerie
- Melissa: Tinker Talent Fairy
- Hagakure: Light Talent Faerie
- Bakugou: Fast Flying Talent Faerie
- Midoriya: Tinker Talent Faerie
- Shinsou: Dust Talent Faerie
- Momo: Water Talent Faerie
- The story takes off from Midoriya’s POV, where you see him navigate life in Pixie Hollow as a tinker talent. He excels greatly at his role, and ends up being a sort of apprentice to one David Shield (surprise he appears! We can't have his daughter without him!), another Tinker Talent. Midoriya also learns a lot from Tsunagu. (This is where the story actually splits into a side plot, which focuses on Tsunagu’s antics, where he eventually decides to cross to the Winter Woods and meets Shinya.)
- Like the movie, Midoriya learns that faeries go to the mainland in order to to change the seasons, perform talent-associated duties and watch over Nature. However, he soon discovers that Tinker Faeries can’t go to the mainland. He’s distraught over this, and Bakugou, who has been antagonizing him since the ceremony, definitely does not help. Que Midoriya goes on his journey to be accepted by everyone. After trying to get All Might to let him visit the mainland (to no avail), he tries to change his talent by doing the things his friends do.
- Everything goes wrong though. Everyones efforts to bring spring to the mainland are ruined. Midoriya, however, was able to fix everything using his inventions, with the help of Dave and Tsunagu.
- After everything was solved, All Might let Midoriya visit the Mainland.
- After that whole adventure, Midoriya and company live their lives happily. One day, while in the Mainland, they come across two humans! One appeared to be a older man with a fiery red beard, and the other was a young boy with white and red hair with a scar on his eye. Hey look, it's the Todorokis! Excited about meeting humans, Midoriya rushes over, much to his friends' dismay (mostly Iida). Out of curiosity, Midoriya follows them to their summer home. Shouto leaves out a hand-made fairy house, which Midoriya is fascinated by and enters.
- Bakugou gets annoyed at Midoriya ignoring his warnings and slams the door shut, accidentally jamming it. When Shouto returns, Bakugou tries to free him to no avail, resulting in Shouto discovering Midoriya and taking her home. He attempts to show Midoriya to her father, but Enji seems to be very busy. However, seeing all the butterflies he has pinned on display for research, Shouto decides to keep Midoriya a secret.
- Bakugo, witnessing Midoriya’s capture, gathers the “Dekusquad” as well as the “Bakusquad”, and a couple of the adults (Aizawa, Mic, and Midnight) to save him. After trying and failing to sail across some water, they reach the town where the Todorokis live. Before reaching the house however, the Dekusquad and Bakusquad get separated. The Bakusquad ends up seeing another human talking to some of his friends.
- This is their introduction of Mineta, a teenage boy opposed to finding and studying the supernatural and other creatures, which include faeries. Much to Bakugou’s dismay, they end up following him to his home, where they are horrified to see pictures of how to capture faeries. What ensues is a game of cat and mouse where they almost get murdered by Mineta. They get caught in fly traps, get soaked with water, all that jazz. They eventually escape, and end up catching up with the others.
- When they get to the house, “Operation: Save Midoriya” starts. They burst into the home, startling Enji greatly. Seeing that Enji is about to capture Midoriya, Bakugou quickly bumps Midoriya out of the way and gets caught instead. Ignoring Shouto’s pleas, her father takes Bakugou and plans to show a special committee. Gurns out Enji also believes in faeries and wants to use one for research purposes.
- A chase ensues, and after stopping the car, the faeries band together to use their pixie dust to distract and practically beat up Enji, which causes him to drop the jar Bakugou was in. In disbelief, Enji sees the value of faeries, not just for research, but in general, and they all say goodbye to each other and go back to their homes. (I didn’t want Enji to be an asshole in this can you tell).
- When they get back to Pixie Hollow, they happily shared their adventures to anyone who listened.
Hope you liked this addition to the AU! Next up is the other plot with Tsunagu and Shinya, as well as little anecdotes with these characters!
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lovieebby · 4 years
Man down
Daddy!Syverson x little!reader
Summary: Sy unknowingly sticks your best friend in the washer with the bedsheets and when you’ve come to realize the missing person, it's too late. It's doomsday.
WC: 1.5k
Warnings: a small spank but really just cute fluff!
Note: im being a little selfish and putting my manatee in this, and tbh I’ve had this guy for ab 5 years and he still doesn’t have a name 😩😂 so we’re just putting he/him. Also gif is from Pinterest so all credit goes to the person that made it!!!
Tags: @hell1129-blog @snowbellexx @summersong69 @kaizet @omgkatinka @hinata7346 @thethirstyarchive @mary-ann84 @agniavateira @shaybabbby @oddsnendsfanfics @cavillshmavill @vivodinson @radaofrivia @iloveyouyen @jessevans @pinksdaydream @ollyoxenfrees @woofgocows @captaingothgirl1996 @honeychicana @viking-raider @seb-owns-these-tatas @laufeysodinson @msblkfire84
If you want to be added/removed lemme know! Feedback is always welcomed, love you lots and be nice to yourself my bbies ;))
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You rushed up the stairs in a race to see who got into bed first. Sy seemed like a million miles away as you squealed when you face planted into the fresh bed sheets. It smelled like the clean lavender, and a mix of other florals and musks Sy used for soap, it was honestly your favorite smell besides the man himself.
“I won and you lose!” You sang out after you rolled to your back.
Sy exaggerated a panting breath as he leaned on the doorframe to your shared bedroom. He had his arm tucked around his gut making you giggle as he took a deep breath.
“You’re just too fast bug.” He exhaled, “Way too fast for this old man.”
“Why thank you! I practice very hard.” You giggled, tilting your head to the side to watch Sy rolling his eyes with a chuckle.
You snickered a small laugh and groaned while you sat up. Sy met you on the bed with his own groaning, roughly sitting on his side of the bed making you bouce at his weight.
“Now, its time for bed. Get your pj’s on and go brush your teeth.” He said, leaning to you and giving you a soft kiss on your forehead.
You nodded in agreement, standing up and doing what he politely commanded. You picked a oversized shirt from your dresser, a pair of sleep shorts and quickly changed to meet Sy in the bathroom. You both brushed your teeth in silence, softly shoving eachother teaseingly, Sy poking your sides to make you giggle and you knocking his knees to see if he’d fall or maybe do it back.
When you made it back into the bedroom Sy had you lay down and helped you put your soothing lotion on before tucking the both of you under the covers. He had turned off the lights and pulled you close to his chest and whispered his i love you’s.
Before you completely settled down, you searched around for the grey creature you snuggled with every night. He wasn’t between yours and Sy’s pillows, nor between the bed and wall. You pulled Sy’s heavy arm off of you and sat up to look at the end of the bed, soon crawling to the edge to lean down to look under the bed.
“Baby girl, what are you doin’?” Sy groveled out, his eyes still closed but listening to you roll and pat around.
“Daddy I lost him.” You mumbled out as you moved around the totes under the bed, just in case your manatee made his way down there.
“Oh.” Sy deadpanned.
You frowned your brows and slowly sat up, looking at your daddy with your eyes slanted. “Oh?”
“Yeah I think he’s in the wash.” Sy nervously chuckled, shrugging as he scratched his beard.
He braced himself on his elbow as he leaned into it to see you more clearly. Sy tried not to laugh at your try hard mean face contort into shock.
“You what?! Daddy!” You scrambled off the bed quickly then dashing out of the bedroom.
“Man down! Man down!” You screamed as you bounced down the stairs and ran into the laundry room.
Sy came into the laundry room soon after you with his heart squeezing in his chest as you sat in front of the washer, watching your poor manatee’s face popping up every now and then through the glass of the washer.
You sniffled quietly, “Manatee down Daddy.”
Sy chuckled at your joke.
“Baby it’s gonna be okay. He’s a sea cow, that means he knows how to swim! He’ll be out in the morning.” Sy tried his hardest to reassure you, but it just made you sniffle and cry louder.
“Yeah but not in soapy water! And I didn’t get to say bye!” You pouted, rubbing your cheeks and nose with the sleeve of your shirt.
“Oh baby,” Sy sighed, crouching down to you, “I promise he’ll be okay. I’m sorry I forgot to tell you he was going in the wash.” He apologized sincerely, Sy really hated seeing you so upset.
Even though he saw this as a really small ordeal, he knew that this meant more to you than him, and he also knew you were probably more upset because you’re tired. Sy was very glad you didn’t freak out too much and opened the washer door while it was still running; that would have been a handful.
“C’mon sweet angel.” He said, standing up straight with your hand in his.
You cried weakly as you hesitated standing up. The thought of your manatee being all alone made you cry harder, you fruitlessly pulled away from Sy. You refused to leave your best friends side through such a tramatic time.
Sy tried to understand your frustration, but he also had never had a bond with something so small— honestly he didn’t like the stuffed animal, the thing was old and lost its cuteness the moment it got more snuggles than him. Before he snapped at you, he sighed softly with a long exhale. You tucked your chin between your knee caps, arms wrapped around your shins and watched the lit numbers above the door handle, seeing that there was still a long way to go.
“Pooh bear, lady bug, my sweet little baby,” Sy listed off all your pet names, hoping to intice you to come with him. “Honey it’s already passed our bedtime— a nap tomorrow won’t even fix the lack of sleep.”
Your only response to him was a growl, a small chest grumbling growl. Sy shifted back, and blinked as he crossed his arms over his broad chest.
“Now I would really hate to believe you just did that. Do my ears fail me?”
Your eyes widened in surprise of him hearing it. You dared to repeat your actions, you thought to just keep yourself quiet as you shrunk in your spot. Sy nodged his knee against your shoulder, pushing hard enough to rock you.
“I’m waiting little bear.” He spoke lowly with a small joke but the tone still left a lingering shiver of fear.
“Sorry Daddy.” You whispered softly, biting your lip as you pushed yourself up to walk to him.
You came to him and raised your arms to wrap around him for an apology hug, but he stuck out two fingers and pressed it to your chest to stop you. He shook his head with a frown as you pouted.
“You growled at me bug! I ain’t letting the dogs growl at me, what makes you think you can?”
“I said I’m sorry.” You whined, still pouting your lip out.
“I accept that, but you still need to learn little miss.” Sy said, turning his two fingers around; a silent signal.
You pressed down the urge to roll your eyes and groan in difiance. Instead, you let out a whine and listened. You turned around in the door way, facing the white painted frame and clenched your cheeks.
“You clench, it’ll hurt more.” He warned, his eyes watching the bottom of your cheeks relax.
A quick three swats left your bottom stinging. Sy’s big hands could crush anything from their sheer size, and with these spanks, you could tell he didn’t hold back. Your breath shook as you heard Sy grumble proudly, his hand softly rubbing your cheeks. You frowned upon grazing your eyes over the washer one last time before Sy nudged you to the hallway and up the stairs.
Your lip wobbled when the bedroom door closed with a soft click. And as Sy flipped the sheets over to pull himself in, he snickered at your pitiful face.
“Tuck that lil’ lip in baby. No need for that.” Sy spoke softly, watching you from his peripheral as he tucked his pillow under his neck.
You huffed once before you made your way to the bed, the soft, clean sheets inviting you into sleep. Sy’s heavy hand rubbed gentle circles as you laid flat on your tummy, a silent and bratty way to tell him you don’t want to cuddle. Though you knew Sy didn’t care for your small sour attitude; he still rubbed your back and kissed your exposed shoulder with ease and care. With your face deep into your pillow, arms shoved under and Sy’s body heat warming yours, sleep was easy to fall into.
And as Sy heard your soft breathing and felt your body relax, he stayed up until the soft ring of the washer went off and when it did, he slipped his pillow under your chest and belly and traveled down the steps carefully. Before you fully awoke, he quickly swapped loads and made his way back to you.
He would never understand the attachment between you and a replaceable thing, but he would do everything in his power to see your happy face over and over when you woke up with the small manatee under your arm, still warm and the fluff rejuvenated.
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simp4fictionalguys · 4 years
idk the request is open or not , but can pls you do gojo/itadori x reader? so gojo/itadori found out that reader love to save some hot photos of anime boys :D
Hey! I’m sorry if this is a little late but school is a pain in the ass 🙃 anyways, I found this request so fun to do! I save a lot of pictures of my favorites anime guys haha so I would get in this situation myself if I had a boyfriend 💀 Also! I’m sorry if the Gojo one is longer, I tend to go overboard with him 😶 I hope you like it!
Gojo Satoru
Being a Jujutsu Sorcerer is overwhelming. Y/n has thought many times if she could just get out of that world but something in her made her stop. Maybe her students, maybe the fact that she is saving people. Or simply her reckless boyfriend who claims that he is the strongest everywhere he goes and likes to pick up fights with the higher ups.
Anime is her safe space. Whenever there’s free time she would watch some episodes. Sometimes, in the rare occasion, Gojo would join her.
He had watched anime before he claims.
“Digimon is my favorite!”
When Gojo had told her that Digimon was his favorite she laughed in his face. It’s not like she didn’t like it. It was an old show that many people holds in their hearts. Her included.
But the new generation is a whole different thing. And Gojo didn’t complain about it.
However, there’s animes that they watch together but there are some that Y/n watches alone. Not because its yaoi (she watch it but not all the time), because she likes to fangirl alone about the guys from the show.
Her phone has a hidden folder with some hot pictures from her favorite guys. She knows very well that if Gojo gets ahold of it she wouldn’t heard the end of it.
Sadly, not everything goes her way.
One day, Gojo had stole her phone just to mess with her. Before she woke up he had taken the phone and run away. His intention wasn’t to rummage through the phone. But some thing lead to another and now he found himself snooping her many archives.
“Aah~ There’s nothing fun in here...”
Gojo kept walking with no destiny without paying attention. His focus in the phone.
He stopped walking when his eyes caught a folder with a lock. It wasn’t long before his face was plastered with a smirk.
He had always taken joy at how he could read Y/n. How she was so predictable. And now wasn’t an exception.
Gojo had easily go through the folder. It was a little surprising to see spicy pics of different 2D guys in his girlfriend’s phone but it didn’t take him long to think how to use this to tease her.
Instead of keeping the phone and annoying Y/n with it, he decided to go home early.
Y/n had been looking for her phone for an hour.
“Im sure I left it here!” She hadn’t go out of the room, she was sure that the thing was in the bedside table when she fell asleep but now it was nowhere to be found!
“Guess what i found!”
Her body jumped at the sudden voice behind her. It didn’t take long to register who it was but it always startled her.
“Satoru! You have to stop scaring me!” Her hands where in her heart feeling her rapid heartbeats. Gojo laughed at her expression.
“Sorry!” He kissed her cheek shortly making her smile softly at the sweet gesture. “You know, I never thought that you were that kind of girl...”
Her face contorted in confusion. “What are you taking about?”
Gojo lifted his hand with her phone dangling from his fingers. He was without his blindfold, letting her register all of his mocking expression in his face.
“You took it!?” She tried snatching the phone from his hands but Gojo was taller. She gave up instantly, it was impossible to reach for the device now.
“Can you please give it back.”
She let out a sigh, crossing her arms in front of her chest.
“I sure to-“
“I deleted the locked folder~”
It took her a moment to process his words. Gojo laughed loudly at how fast her face had turned red in seconds.
The rest of the day, Y/n wasn’t able to turn down the red from her face. Gojo would tease her constantly all day, even in front of the students.
She swore to never save any 2D guy hot pic.
Itadori Yuuji
Y/n and Itadori were chilling in his room. The two of them cuddling while using their phones.
Y/n was getting bored. Placing her phone down, she turned around to see her boyfriend. It caught her off guard to see him saving some pictures of Jennifer Lawrence.
“Yuuji, what the hell?!”
She had hit him softly in his chest. She sat in the bed looking at him with a playful glare. She wasn’t really mad. It was just some playful fight.
“Ow! What was that for?” He had put his phone away, rubbing the place where she had hit him.
“You were saving pictures of another girl.” She faked pouted. Turned her face away while crossing her arms.
Itadori chuckled at her fake tantrum. He knew it was a joke.
“Hey, I dont complain about your hot anime guys in your phone.” He had copied her action. Sitting in front of her with his legs and arms crossed, looking away from her with a fake pout in his face.
Y/n dropped the act immediately. She was sure that no one knew about her little secret. How did Itadori know?!
Itadori notice how her voice changed. He looked at her again to find her perplex face. Her arms had dropped and she looked genuinely shocked.
“I saw you the other day!” He pointed an accusing finger at her. She gasped, finally reacting.
“You weren’t suppose to know!”
Y/n had covered her face with her hands, embarrassed at her boyfriend knowing about her little hobbie. Itadori moved his head slightly to the side not knowing why she was so embarrassed.
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cottoncambi · 4 years
it’s 8:30 on a sunday night. you’re eating pad thai made from tofu, peanut butter and soy sauce, and bulk noodles from the walmart trip where you all piled into the car of the only person who has one. there are two girls sitting on the floor, the only girls in the room despite this being an all-women’s college. the rest of you are genderqueer and absorbed in your various tasks. a couple are trying to study and have read two pages in an hour.
one girl, who is soft, and sweet, and everything that is kind, turns to her friend, the one who hosted this night and cooked in the first place. everyone joked last semester that they were nonbinary too and just hadn’t discovered it yet. they came back from winter break with a brand new set of pronouns and a name to match. the girl turns to them and says “twig, how prepared are you to have a very weird conversation?”
twig pauses, looking between their friends. “depends on how long it is,” they say.
“it’s about the concept of time,” the girl says, animated and excited already.
twig scrunches their face. “i’ll pass.” they get up and take their dish to the kitchen, grabbing a few of their friends’ along the way.
“i’ll bite,” you say, curled up in your armchair across the room. she gasps and visibly brightens, then pats the floor to her side. you slip off the seat and go to her side, and her smile turns mischievous.
“all the best conversations happen on the floor, anyway.”
you go in-depth about the concept of time. how the fourth-dimensional concept is definitely real, but how humans have quantified it is bullshit. a deer has no monday, a bird is never late. years in western society are centered around “the birth of christian... that christian dude. what-- what’s his--” “jesus?” “YEAH!” how daylight saving is obsolete with the invention of artificial light but we still use it for some reason, how time zones exist because of trains. you’re not sure how much of this is true, but she is very excited and you hold her very dear, so you’ll believe anything.
she switches the subject. your mind is fast, too. she wants to talk about a design for an airplane that she’s been working on for a year because her father made an off-hand comment about it a year ago and she hasn’t let it go since. the wings have five degrees of freedom, and it can go so high that it can cross half the world in an hour. you do a quick check, the iss takes 93 minutes to orbit the earth. you mention this, but she’s far, far ahead. she’s in an intense conversation with the other girl in the room, an old soul, an artist that promised to make you all zoopals out of terracotta in her pottery class. you like her too, but not as much as the first.
what she’s the most excited about is the energy source. in this scenario, scientists have been able to isolate and reproduce the direct process of photosynthesis, harvesting the complete energy of the sun with oxygen as a by-product, which helps solve the lack of oxygen from the altitude, too. you’d spaced out for a bit, since she’d been talking with the other girl (whose father was an aerospace engineer, you see), but the talk of energy reminds you of something, so you sit up.
“do you know about nuclear fusion?”
so, you start to talk about nuclear fusion, and all of its implications. scientists have nuclear fission down, of course, and it already creates a massive amount of energy. but nuclear fusion? where the only place we know that happens is “the fucking SUN?” you say at the same time. the girl says that nuclear power scares her, and you say that that’s okay, but you’re excited about this. it takes a huge amount of energy to create, one that hasn’t even been reached yet, but once it does, the excess of energy created from the fusion will have us hit a... a... breaking point? turning point? neither of you can get the word.
it doesn’t matter. she understands. you talk about its sources and products, how hydrogen as a source is plentiful and helium as a product is harmless. “not completely harmless,” she says. “it makes your voice go all high.”
“so, harmless and hilarious.” you mime the vine of the men’s choir with the helium balloon, and she matches your pitch, but two octaves down. you ask how the hell she’s doing that, and she, with that fucked-up concept of time slowed all the way down, takes your wrist and puts your hand on her throat.
you are touch anxious. you’ve been touch anxious for a few years, now. but this... this is completely fine. you’re safe and you’re warm and you’re comfortable around her. you fall a little more.
you feel her throat buzz, which doesn’t really tell you much. you try and mimic it, and, after a few attempts, laugh at your own cracking voice too much to continue. she laughs too, and you adore the sound.
you want to get back into the conversation, but the moment is gone. you have homework to do, and so does she. you take your walmart plate and guest’s disney princess cup and your phone that you left in your armchair. the plate goes to the kitchen, and you head back to your room.
halfway there, you realize you’re still holding their cup. you go back to the kitchen, where she is now, hand your cup over, then start to leave.
she calls your name.
you turn around.
“what would you do if i solved the nuclear fusion problem?”
“i would kiss you on the lips.”
she makes a show of being bashful. your friend group jokes like this all the time, but you never do unless you mean it.
“good night! im glad you came over for food!”
you smile and say you’ll see her tomorrow.
you are so, so in love with her.
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kpopchangedme · 5 years
Im Jaebeom | Pregnancy!au [M]
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Jaebeom read so many baby-related books he's forgotten how to enjoy some simple pleasures... (Oh, and you are obviously cranky and hormonal but he knows better than to tell you that!)
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Protagonists: Im Jaebeom & You
Word Count: 2.4k
Genre: NSFW - Newly Weds - Romance - Angst - Pregnancy - Pregnancy sex- Smut || [Drabble 2k]
Prompts: “I can’t help the fact that I’m so goddamn moody all the freaking time” + “Should have gotten a puppy.” [Anon]
Lyly's note: Is this sexy pregnancy!au worthy of Things I Wish I Knew or what? lol. Pregnant ladies, go get some! ;)
GOT7 | M.list
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You let out a loud swear, stepping on a phone charger someone has somehow abandoned in the middle of the living room. It freaking hurts, like a tiny torture device, tore the sensitive skin of your foot. Of course, when you sit on the couch to examine it, it looks perfectly fine. 
“Should've gotten a damn puppy,” You curse again under your breath, unreasonably livid. 
Instantly, the guilty party's head pops out of the doorframe to his office. “Honey!” Jaebeom considers you from head to toe in outrage, “The Shrimp has ears.”
That's his thing now that the third-semester started; obsessing about auditory development and what the baby is able to hear. Swears, news coverage of dramatic events and loud quarrels are strictly prohibited. He plays music whenever he has the chance, boasting about how you are growing a music whiz. 
Ever since he read his first damn pregnancy book, Jaebeom turned into a helicopter daddy-to-be, always hovering to make sure you are doing everything right. At the end of the third prenatal visit, he decided on moving his whole studio at home to work and mommysit – as he calls it.
By the time he was done with the fourth pregnancy book, you felt like nothing but an incubator to his spawn. That's not exactly what you wished your first year of life together would feel like. But then again, you didn't plan on getting pregnant on your honeymoon, the first time you two ditched contraception. It happened very fast. Everyone called it a blessing and you did too for a while, you were elated. Right until you started to lose your hair and struggle with acne like a damn teenager… Now it varies daily, you are either excited or scared shitless, in high spirits or easily irritable, you can't tell before it shifts. Overbearing, Jaebeom has gotten better than yourself at reading your daily disposition.
When you glare at him, he straightens worryingly in the doorframe, partly to blame for your current mood. “Don't look at me!” You snap in exasperation, still rubbing the sole of your aching foot. “Can you stop looking at me like that?”
He risks taking a few steps in your general direction, expertly assessing the situation, “Like what?”
"Like I’m a ticking bomb; like I'm gonna start yelling at you any second!” Freezing in the middle of the place, he presses his tongue to his cheek. You are almost shouting, but he knows better than to point that out.
“I’m not,” Jaebeom comes to sit by you guardedly. He makes sure not to maintain eye contact for too long, as though you're a dangerous fickle animal. "Did you hurt yourself?"
You hiss threateningly at the question but he still reaches for your perpetually bloated foot. Gently, he massages it, flashing you a dumb innocent smile. Still sullen, you at least allow him to do that much.
Fine, you do not completely hate having your man work from home. 
“I can’t help the fact that I’m so goddamn moody all the freaking time...” 
“Moody?” You cross your arms over your chest and Jaebeom chuckles, shaking his head. “You're the living definition of serene honey... You're the best. I love you.”
“Shuddup.” Groaning at the fake compliment, you offer your second foot after a minute of pampering, slightly appeased. “Stop trying so hard, it turns me into a cliché bitch.” You don't miss Jaebeom’s grimace at the word, but he isn't brave enough to correct you again. “Tell you what, if the baby's first word is a swear... I’ll do everything you ask of me for a year.”
"Everything? A whole year?” Raising his eyebrows suggestively, Jaebeom leans in for a lengthy kiss. “You know I can't say no to a promise like that. I would abuse that power, I’m quite imaginative.” You laugh against his mouth, sliding your arms around his neck for him to linger a little longer. Your hub has one hell of a gift, he can always change your mood, even on the worst days. That being said, you're always in the mood for some sexy time with him lately. You just have limited positions and flexibility. “I might teach the Shrimp your favourite cusses just to win that privilege.”
“You wouldn't dare.”
Laughing, Jaebeom sits back but you follow, managing to climb him without difficulty. It's clear he has started something with his massage, stirred your desire. “I’m not done,” he warns pointlessly, not talking about you, "I'm working hard." He points his chin to the studio, but you don't climb down. There's no way he believes you will let him go back to his office right now.
“Very hard yeah,” chuckling, you pull at the collar of his shirt, “Mister Producer.” He breaks the kiss to get rid of the piece of clothing himself, eager to entertain your favourable disposition. Some sacrifices are harder to make than others, and taking a break from work for quick sex is a no brainer. Your hands roam his shoulders, even after all this time you still can't get enough. “Did you save it?” Nudging your nose to his, you pull away to throw your loose gown over your head. 
Jaebeom groans, already expertly unhooking your bra, “Of course I saved, but I’ll need to get back to it...” His mouth explores your neck and you throw your head back, savouring every single one of his kisses. “Feeling better?” He hums, lightly sucking your skin and you moan. Fine, having your man work from home is the best damn thing that ever happened to you. At your natural response, Jaebeom cups your swollen breasts, thumbs rubbing circles on your areolas. 
“Shit.” Instantly, he shushes in disapproval making you laugh. You lean into him as much as your 29 weeks belly allows. “I can't help myself, I'm too sensitive.”
“I can see that baby,” Jaebeom marvels as his constant stroking of your nipples makes your thighs jerk. “I read third-semester’ orgasms are incredibly intense...” You rise to your knees to slide his fleece jogger pants down, smoothly freeing his erection. These darn books sure reveal some useful information sometimes… “What do you think?”
“Oh, how would I possibly know that?” He stops altogether, freezing under you at the joke. Barely two days prior, you finished twice before he did – very expressively – but still, he hesitates. For a man as skilled as he is, it sure is easy to make him question himself. Jaebeom is contemplating his life, a dubious look on his face when you take his cock in your palm. His eyes shut, goosebumps spreading on his body at your touch. Smirking, you stroke him leisurely, “I guess you’ll have to keep working hard so we can find out.” You say that but really, you’ve been so hypersensitive lately, he could make you reach your high without even trying.
“You know...” Opening his eyes lazily, Jaebeom frowns; “I'm not sure how I feel… About the Shrimp is hearing all our sexy talk...” It's your turn to stop everything.
Oh no, he did not just say that… Not after all the stuff he put you through!
“I swear to God, Im fucking Jaebeom! I let you have your way until now; I gave up caffeine, cheese and fish…” Suddenly livid, you start checking things off of your fingers. “You are worried of dumb stuff you read about despite the doctor's best opinion... So, I let you hire a cleaning service; I stopped driving myself around and dyeing my hair; I allowed you to post our ultrasounds all over your socials; I didn't say anything when you sent the cats away to your mom's…” His mouth is open in awe as you angrily go on. He's clearly racking his brain to find out what he said wrong. Him and his stupid pregnancy obsessions. “But this... This is where I draw the fucking line Jaebeom. If you stop making love to me because it creeps you out... Honest to God, I will murder you. I don't care what the baby hears. The doctor said it was safe. I want sex, I need sex. Give me sex, or I'll destroy you.”
“Honey,” Jaebeom bites his lips, struggling to conceal his amusement, “I wasn’t saying we should stop. It doesn't bother me like that...” His right palm rubs your lower back in repetition to ease you. “I was just wond–”
“I don't care what you wonder about,” you interrupt, still down, “just do me.”
Before Jaebeom can fully laugh at you flaring over nothing again, you're kissing him roughly, intended on getting your way. Wriggling under you to get to a better angle, he doesn't seem too affected, simply enjoying the hormonal rollercoaster ride. One of the actual perks of your pregnancy is being in the mood quickly and it's more than just your desire, it's physical too. Something that is undeniable when his hand finds its way between your legs. You're ready for him already, wet and messy. Though you rock into his palm briefly, there's only one thing on your mind right this instant. 
You don't want to wait any longer to feel him inside you. You use Jaebeom's shoulder as a fulcrum to position yourself, raising on your knees and he helps, holding his cock as you gradually sink down. Once you're sitting back on him on the couch, filled, you pause, dropping your forehead to his. Eye to eye, out of focus, Jaebeom pecks your lips tenderly. His hands caress your belly on their way to the side of your thighs. That's enough to make you soft all over again. The power that man holds over you knows no limit. Careful, you rise, rocking your hips forward to add friction before sliding back down. This lazy back and forth goes on for a while and every time you fall down and your ass meets his thighs with a clap, you feel like breaking. 
“Okay?” Jaebeom mumbles, using his strength to firmly guide you upwards. You're thankful for his help because you're heavy and tired. You nod, letting out a weird throaty sound when he fills you up once more.
Jaebeom chuckles, entertained by your acute senses and unusual reactions. Sliding on the large couch to lay, he makes sure you follow closely, riding him. From this position, he can take better control, raising his hips to slam into you. You coo when he does, hovering above to let him have his way. You're already too taken by so little. There's a gentle thud in your belly at the shift of position but Jaebeom doesn't seem to feel the baby stir, awakened by your unrest. Thank God, because the last thing you want right now is for him to stop or slow down. It's not something abnormal or new at all, but now that the baby's movements are getting more noticeable from the outside, you wouldn't be surprised if it messed up with Jaebeom's sexy groove. In the dark, he picks a swift pace, thrusting faster but lighter, making sure to stretch this moment for as long as you both can.
Yet, you're shaky and unfocused, unable to calm yourself. Way too fast, you come undone, overwhelmed by the friction and pleasure. Ecstatic, you drop on your hands, on all fours, as your intense orgasm washes through you. Aware you're peaking already, Jaebeom maintains his rhythm, breathlessly laughing at your shortage of stamina. Sure, he was right, pregnancy orgasms are amazing but they also come almost unannounced and are ridiculously exhausting.
Losing the smile, Jaebeom frowns in concentration, probably trying to finish too. After a whole minute, you're still being carried by your own paroxysm, core quavering when his hips halt altogether. Sighing deeply, he cums in spurts inside you, letting go probably more hastily than he would have wanted to. He's a team player. He knows you won't be able to handle him for long after oversensitivity hits you.
Afterwards, you both stay like that for a moment – as one – trying to repossess yourselves. Some days, it's like you're an entirely different person. Food doesn't taste the same, you yell at your caring husband over nothing and your orgasms are absurdly drawn-out. 
“Hey,” Jaebeom speaks up after an eternity and you take it as a cue to pull away, letting him fall out of you, “that was very quick. Are you alright, was it good?” Typical of him lately, being so overly concerned, you snort. Reaching for the tissue box on the coffee table, he offers them up so you can clean yourself. Still overpowered, you nod, laying back naked on the couch to do so.
What a sight it must be, a stranded whale in the middle of his living room.
Jaebeom doesn't seem to see that though. Transfixed, he positions himself to comfortably kiss and hold your heavy belly. His fingers linger, tracing patterns over the stretched skin. “What about you Shrimp?” He asks mouth pressed to the bump, tickling. “How are you doing?” Sure enough, the baby rolls, following the sound of his familiar reassuring voice. 
“We definitely woke her up”, you announce casually, grabbing one of his hands to position it better. Now that it's over, hopefully, he won't mind or get weirded out by that idea. “And you’ll need another nickname, we're both getting huge.”
“Sorry,” Jaebeom apologizes with adoration when there's a more obvious kick. To him, his baby girl's tumbling never gets old. To you neither, but it's a different sensation entirely. Whispering in confidence, he adds, “You'll always be a shrimp to me." At the words, you can't help the flutters you feel, not from the baby. When he looks up this time, Jaebeom doesn't seem as apprehensive of your reaction. You're on the magical post-coital cloud of happiness, together. “What?” If it could, your heart would physically expand from emotion at the sight, swelling with unconditional love. As an only answer, you run a hand through his locks and he cutely grins. “Shrimp, I think we're safe for now. I don't think mommy wants to murder daddy anymore...”
“Daddy needs to get over himself,” you dramatically roll your eyes, smiling, “he knows mommy loves him, no matter what…”
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GOT7 | M.list
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spadesandbees · 3 years
Budget: Expectations vs Reality
AKA Things my dumbass learned a little too late #1.
I swear by Dave Ramsey’s budgeting, even carrying it into video games. In Animal Crossing I paid off my house 35% of my daily income and saved 15% (until I reached full wallet). It was perhaps the first budget that works for me but you know what life will always have something new to hit you with.
Covid hit. No one had a good year unless you were like my friend, where unemployment was the golden ticket to moving out on your own. I wasn’t so lucky. I was employed until I was outed and pressured to quit. Whatever nest egg I built up to move out was wasted. It was six months before I found a new job.
So I’m back to square one. I go by an outdated map of Dave Ramsey’s percentages but let’s look through what I work with.
25% Housing 15% Savings 12% Food 10% Transportation 10% Charity 7% Clothing 7% Utilities 6% Personal 4%Recreation 4% Health
A lot of this is heavily funneled into savings. Rent is under my budget so I save the excess. Don’t have a car and use the bus so excess is saved. Clothing is rolled up for better quality, more durable pieces. It’s all well and good but everything is destroyed by one solemn factor.
Food is a lie. I budget with the idea to meal prep. Its not a problem I love to cook and don’t mind doing a ton of dishes instead of scattered many dishes. If I lived on my own I’d be fine. But budgeting goes deeper than your money and I learned that the hard way.
I am a mouse and outside factors are my cookies. If the kitchen isn’t clean I have to clean it, if I have to clean it I won’t have time to cook. If I clean it and cook I won’t have the energy to clean again afterwards. My home life is not exactly reliable. Then of course I can’t meal prep if I don’t shop but I don’t have my own transportation. Delivered groceries will rot while I clean. Failure to cook on the weekend and I look at the week like a shotgun barrel. I have to order fast food to save money or order healthy delivery. If I order delivery Im over budget, if I eat junk I don’t have the energy to cook. I’m sure much more well-researched articles have covered similar phenomenon of this sequence. There’s no winning, and when I get home I have even less time to do even more dishes.
Obvious solutions aren’t so easily presented. I’m not here to whine despite doing so liberally. I keep thinking to myself this system is broken, something in my budget is broken.
Budgeting time and energy efficiently are key to monetary success. I can’t keep putting my budgeting eggs in one basket, and lowering the bar to match expectations is necessary. I can’t always eat fresh vegetables or cook my own meals, but if I factor in the expectation of a meal or two out and prepare more convenient foods for when I’m out of energy, like hot pockets or cereal, it’ll be a lesser cost. My friend pointed out recently, that after moving out only due to the increased income on unemployment, her costs are cut when she doesn’t work and said the obvious line, “the system is broken”. So I have to keep trying to improve my end of the system.
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platinummice · 4 years
This was a lot more that i thought for some reason, the answers are pretty short and to the point so if you want me to elaborate on something a bit more feel free to ask :)
What of the Meyers-Briggs personality types they most fit into? INFP, ENFT, et cetera…
Did a take a test to figure this out? Why yes, yes I did. ISFP-T, or Adventurer is what I got for Archer.
Do they have any emotional or psychological conditions? Are they aware of it? Do they try to treat it?
He sure does, but he doesn’t really know what it is. He mostly just thinks he’s going literally insane. It’s a pretty big reason for him not sticking around people very much even though he craves affection.
Are they good at handling change in their life?
No not really, Archer has a hard time, now more than ever trying to keep his simple life together, he’d prefer it not change as much as possible.
Is your OC a martyr?
He tries pretty hard not to be, or at least to not show that he is. He sees the truth though.
Does your OC make a lot of excuses? For themselves? Others?
Archer is pretty straight forward, if he fucked up he’ll say something. But he’ll make things up for others if he like them enough.
Does your OC compromise easily? Too easily?
I guess it depends? If its not something that matters very much, compromise will be easier, but if he thinks it’s important then he’s going to be harder to bargain with.
Does your OC put others’ needs before their own?
Only his dogs and his friends needs get put before his own. Anyone else? so sorry.
Does your OC have any addictions? If so and problematic, have they admitted it to themselves?
He’s addicted to taking in animals? Seems harmless, but in truth he does it so he has a reason to keep living, which isn’t healthy. I can’t say he’d still be alive if he hadn’t taken Ranger and Fletcher with him the day those raiders killed the rest of his dogs. 
Does your OC have any phobias? If so, where did they come from?
He’s terrified of needles. Thanks mom and dad.
Is your character empathetic?
He is, but that doesn’t mean he’s going to care.
Is your character observant?
Yes, very. Probably because he works with animals a lot, and its very important to notice their body language, so he can read people and situations pretty well. Plus he’s more of a sniper so being observant is important.
What’s one of your OC’s proudest moments of themselves?
He was really proud when he finished building his house, and all the furniture for it.  
Do they get jealous easily? Do they feel bad if they do?
He doesn’t get jealous very easily, but even when he does he doesn’t bring it up. He’ll sulk around a bit, and when asked he’ll say he fine. He wont really feel bad about if? Its just an emotion, it happens sometimes.
What instantly irritates them or puts them in a bad mood?
Seeing people hurt animals for no reason. He will throw down. Might not win, but its the thought that counts.
Are they harsh on themselves?
Do they make excuses often?
Nah he’s pretty fast to admit when he’s doing something wrong.
Is your OC intended to be found generally attractive? Unattractive? Average? Is there a reason why?
I mean i didn’t make him like super ugly? But i wasn’t going for amazingly attractive either, so average i guess?
Does your OC place much importance on their appearance? Do they feel confident in it?
He wears a mask all the time so he really doesn’t care. I mean at one point he had tore most of his hair out and just had a few scattered clumps clinging to his head, but people couldn’t see his face so it didn’t matter to him.
What are some of your OC’s biggest personal obstacles? This could be emotional, physical, social… Are they aware of it? Are they trying to overcome it?
He got some damn big emotional problems, and he recognizes some, like his slowly diminishing will to live. But things like his urge to have someone else control his entire existence he doesn’t really realize are problems. 
Do they believe you have to give respect to get it, or get respect to give it?
Everyone starts off with a set amount of respect. You either get more or have it taken away depending on your actions.
Is your OC considered funny? Do they believe they’re funny?
Arch can be pretty funny, if he has anything its a sense of humor.
Does your OC find any “bad” or “mean” humor funny? Do they wish they didn’t?
Yeah he does, what can you do. No guilt will stop him.
Do they have a large or small group of friends?
He has two dogs and sometimes he works with a stinky man. He thinks Gage is a friend but does Gage think he is a friend? Who knows if Gage will ever tell him.
Do they have people they are genuinely honest with about themselves?
....His dogs?
Does your OC enjoy social events, such as parties, clubs, et cetera..?
He likes talking to people, but if there are too many people around he gets overwhelmed pretty fast.
Does your OC like to be the center of attention or more in the mix?
More in the mix, he gets anxious.
Do they consider themselves superior or more important than anyone else? Lesser?
Arch considers himself less important then most people, thats mental illness babey. 
Do your OC’s morals and rules of common decency go out the window when it comes to those they don’t like, or when it’s inconvenient? Aka, are their morals situational?
He’d throw everything to the wind for his dogs. Sorry friends, but they’ve helped him through too much.
Do they believe people change over time? If so, is it a natural process or does it take effort?
Well he knows that he has changed a lot, so why not other people too?
How religious is your OC? What do they practice, if anything? If they don’t associate with any religion, what do they think of religion in general?
When he was in the Mojave, Joshua taught him about Mormonism, but he didn’t really understand. He remembers some stuff, but after he left he didn’t try to keep up with practicing it. 
Do they believe in an afterlife?
It’s not something he takes time to think about really. That kid of a ‘ill cross that bridge when i get there’ type thing
Would they like to be immortal? Why, why not? If they are immortal, would they rather not be?
He would definitely not like that. He can barely manage his mental health as it is.
Would you say that your OC is intelligent? In what ways? Would your OC agree?
Smart when it comes to plants and animals, just about everything else? Not so smart.
How many languages do they speak?
Speaks exactly one(1) language.
Do they enjoy learning? Do they actively seek out sources of self-education?
He likes learning things, its just getting that knowledge to stick in his head that’s a problem. He doesn’t really seak out knowledge but if he has the chance to ask about things he will.
What sort of home do they live in now, if at all? How did they end up there?
Its just a little shack like building, but he built it and he’s proud.
What’s their ideal home look like? Where is it?
A big ol’ farm house, lots of room for lots of dogs/friends
Could they ever live in a “tiny home”?
I dont think so, but it’d be funny as hell.
How handy are they? Can they fix appliances, cars, cabinets, et cetera?
He can fix simple things, cabinets, chairs, dressers. Nothing too much more advanced than that.
How much do they work? What do they do? Do they enjoy it?
He works really all the time. From when he wakes up to when he goes to bed. He basically runs a mini zoo by himself, its a lot of work but he loves it.
How often are they home?
Pretty often, he has animals to take care of.
Are they homebodies and enjoy being home?
Not really, he likes being out and about.
Do they engage in any of the arts? How good do you intend them to be? Would they agree they are?
Archer is actually pretty musically inclined, he’d never admit it though. You might be able to catch him singing to his dogs, if you're lucky.
Would they enjoy a theme park?
Maybe if he could somehow go when there aren’t any people there. That might sill be pushing it. He gets overwhelmed easily.
Is your OC close to their family?
Who makes up your OC’s family, at least the more important members to them?
He only ever knew his mom and his dad. If there was anyone else in his family he never met them.
Does your OC find their family supportive? If not, what would be an example why not?
Nah he really doesn’t think they’re supportive of him. They definitely wanted him dead.
What kind of childhood did your OC have?
Did they go through any typical phases growing up?
He went through a lot of things, but never got the chance to be emo.
What is your OC’s orientation, romantic and/or sexual? Has it ever been a source of stress for them? Have they always been pretty sure of their orientation?
I know i said he was strictly gay yesterday but im thinking he’d actually probably be Pan and he’d just lean towards more masculine partners. He hasn’t really thought about his sexuality so he’s never had a reason to be stressed over it.
Is your OC a thoughtful partner, in whatever aspect of that you want to cover?
Any space in his mind that was supposed to be used for math and literacy etc. is now storage space for little facts about the people he cares about. He will remember. Oh you said you thought this flower was pretty six an half years ago in passing and i found one so i thought id bring it back for you.
Does your OC believe there’s only one ideal partner (or multiple ideal if not monogamous) for everyone, or that there are many people who could be right?
Probably that there are multiple people who could be right.
Does your OC believe in love in first sight?
He barely even knows what love is, really.
Does your OC believe in marriage (or their culture’s equivalent)?
He doesn’t really understand the point of it but if his S/O wanted it, he’d agree.
Has your OC ever cheated on anyone or been cheated on?
Nope :)
What’s your OC’s idea of a perfect date?
Climb to a really high place, lil picnic, watch the sun set, (maybe hold hands?) look at the stars.
What are some things that your OC finds to be an instant turn-off in potential partners?
Not liking animals. They’re literally his entire life, you cant be with him and not like animals.
What are their favorite kinds of flavors– Sweet, salty, sour, spicy, creamy, et cetera?
Umami. But he’ll literally eat anything, especially if he’s desperate.
Are they vegan/vegetarian (if their overall culture/species generally aren’t)? If so, why? Do they think animal products are wrong in all circumstances?
He doesn’t really eat a lot of meat cause he wants to hurt as few animals as possible. He uses most of the meat he hunts for his animals, and only eats it when there is nothing else, or if there’s the possibility of it going to waste.
How often do they cook? Do they order out a lot?
He cooks pretty often, that being said do NOT eat what he makes! I dont know how he is still alive!
Could they eat the same thing they enjoy over and over and not get bored of it quickly?
Yep, in fact that's basically what he does already. Food is food babey.
Did you create the character to be like yourself, did they end up being like yourself, or are they very different from you?
Archer wasn’t ever supposed to be like me, and he’s not really, which i think is a good thing?
Would you hang out with your OC if you could?
Yes he needs hugs and I will provide.
What’s the longest you’ve had an OC for?
I’ve technically had Archer for 5 years thats a long time :)
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aghasexxy · 6 years
Naughty Girl | Im Jaebum
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Pairing: Reader x JB
Words: 2,489
Genre: Smut
Warnings: A LOT of teasing/ Foreplay/ ORAL STIMULATION/ Daddy JB
Summary: You and your long time crush JB have one last project for your class to complete in order to graduate. JB has always teased you about your goody two shoes appearance. But this afternoon rendezvous changes all of that.
(The songs that inspired this one shot were Unravel Me and All To You by Sabrina Claudio so since i couldnt post them to this, you can listen to them to fully immerse yourself in this. Enjoy!)
This is it. The final stretch. My final school year is coming to a close and I intend to go out with a bang. By any means necessary. My psychology professor gave our class of fifty one final assignment. We were to discuss the many signs of erratic and destructive behavior and provide a slideshow presentation. Piece of cake. The problem lies in who my professor chose to be my partner. Im Jaebum. A.k.a one of the most popular people in my graduating class and my long time crush. We’ve been going to the same schools since we were 5 and it seems that with every passing year JB gets more attractive causing my attention to shift from time to time. He was like every other fuck boy. You know, the kind that would block your path with their entire body until you muster just enough annoyance to push them out of your way. Yeah, that kind. But I kinda liked it. The teasing and cocky playboy attitude was kinda hot. It makes him even more desirable. But of course I’ll never tell him that.
Friday is the day JB and I mutually agree to meet at my apartment off campus. I just about finish getting everything set up when I hear the doorbell ring. I walk over and open the door. There he was, leaning on the door frame. His leather jacket hugs his muscles but not in a way that make it look like its too tight. He’s wearing a loose white T-shirt that shows a fairly good amount of his chest. His skinny dark blue jeans hug his legs in such a way that you can tell he’s pretty athletic. This was his signature bad boy look and it made him so much more desirable. The cologne he was wearing was absolutely hypnotizing. I clear my throat. “Come in,” I push my glasses up the bridge of my nose and step to the side.
“Ugh this is boring!” JB throws his head back as we pass hour 2 of the project. The essay portion is just about done but I get anxious. “This needs to be perfect,” I mumble to myself. I feel JB look at me. “Just do enough so we at least get a B+.” I scoff and turn to him. “I don’t do B’s. Only A’s.” He smirks at me and I roll my eyes. “I have higher standards.” I suddenly feel the space between us disappear and turn to my right. JB had scoot closer to me. He was eyeing my word doc and reading it thoroughly. He places his head on my shoulder and hums to himself. His cologne and overall presence was overwhelming my senses. I clear my throat loudly. “Yes?” he says smoothly. “Can I help you?,” I retort back at him. He shrugs. “I’m just reading it.” He finishes it and nods. “It sounds great Y/N. You don’t need to worry about it. We’re definitely getting an A.” I smile a bit to myself. God he makes me want to melt. I stretch my neck and groan silently. “You good Y/N?” I nod and smile. “Yeah my neck is just stiff. Hours and hours of studying is finally catching up to me I guess.” He shakes his head. “Nope,” he places his arm on the back of my couch. “It’s because you’re uptight.” I scrunch my brows. “What? No I’m not!” He raises an eyebrow. “Y/N I’ve known you since I was, what, five? You’ve always played the role of little miss perfect. In everything you did it had to be perfect.” He examines my entire frame and I turn away from his gaze, crossing my arms over my chest. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I pout. But honestly he was right. I’ve always been the conservative type. From the way that I walked down to the clothes I wore. Thanks to my upbringing I’ve adapted this lifestyle wanting desperately to break free of it but too scared of the reaction of my parents. “For example,” JB examines me again. “This whole innocent school girl get up needs to be fixed.” He was talking about my army green cardigan over a white button up blouse and checkered skirt with black high socks. I know, typical. “Do you watch porn Y/N?” I scrunch my eyebrows and look at him absolutely dumbfounded. “What kind of question is that?” He snickers and shrugs. “A yes or no one,” he leans forward to look me eye to eye. I clear my throat. “Um no I don’t,” I turn away out of embarrassment. My eyes widen when I suddenly feel a firm hand on my bare upper thigh. I look back at JB, a devilish smirk stretched across his face. “Well,” he traces circles on my thigh lightly. His gentle touch and bad boy exterior combination is turning me on more than I can comprehend. He looks at me, sees that I’m not resisting him, and continues. “there’s a category in porn called role play,” his hand moves to my outer thigh, continuing the same soft motions. “You know what that is, right?,” his eyes shoot back up to mine so quickly I shudder under his intimidating gaze. I nod. “And you wanna know what one of the most popular scenarios is Y/N?” I shrug. He leans in closer, his hand traveling up my thigh. I gasp at his soft fingers grazing my ass cheek. “Naughty school girl.” I gulp and feel the blood start to rush to my face. “W-What?” He grabs me by my waist and pulls me into him, making me sit between his legs. My thighs rest on top of his while my legs lay behind his back. With his hand still resting on my back, he eyes me up and down. “Y/N,” he caresses my back softly while his other hand plays with my hair. “I don’t know what’s gotten into you lately but your behavior is unacceptable.” His hand goes from my head to my hips as he pushes me closer to him. “Violating dress code showing that nice perky ass,” he spanks me playfully. “talking back, and then pretending like you did nothing wrong,” he suddenly grips my waist hard. “And detention isn’t helping the issue at all.” He cups my chin with his hand forcing me to look at him. My breath is caught in my throat as I stare into his dreamy eyes. “Someone’s gonna have to straighten you out, get you to behave,” he says before he plants his lips onto mine.
I place my hand on his chest ready to push him off but stop once he bites my lower lip and sticks his tongue in my mouth. He moves forward causing me to lay flat on the couch. His hands rest on either thigh as we continue to devour each other. He pulls away and I whimper from the lost contact. He smirks as he can obviously see that I’m a mess for him. “You have no idea how long I wanted this,” he says under his breath. His strong hands move from my thighs to my chest. He looks at me, awaiting my approval. I nod quickly. He slowly unbuttons my shirt just enough to see my perky breasts covered in a black push up. He groans and leans down. His soft lips leave butterfly kisses along my chest and I shiver with every peck. How can someone be so gentle yet so rough at the same time? I couldn’t take anymore teasing and I was so close to begging for anything from him. His fingers clasp around the rim of both cups and pulls them downwards.
My nipples were hard and twitching from the foreplay and dirty talk. I rest my hands in his hair and behind his neck ready for his lips to attack me. Instead I’m greeted with a pleasurable pinching sensation. I look down and see him playing with them. He twists and pinches, rotating the nubs in between his thumbs and indexes. I throw my head back in ecstasy, flinching and shaking from the pain. I whimper and moan. “JB, I-it hu-hur-,” before I can finish my sentence, I gasp as I feel JBs tongue start to flick fast against my left nipple that was sensitive from the foreplay. I moan at the sensation of his tongue lapping against my sensitive nubs at rapid speed. “Oh fuck don’t hold back y/n,” he says breathlessly against my chest. “Let me know how much you want it.” He attacks my other nipple the same way and I cry out softly. “Ohhhhh that feels so good…,” I wrap my legs around his waist, pulling him in. He leaves a wet kiss over my nipples making me shudder, a trail of saliva connecting his lips and my flesh. His lips trail up to the crevice of my neck as he buries his face in it. I whine out as he sucks and licks my delicate skin. I grip the nape of his neck hard, earning a hiss from him. I feel his lips curve into a grin. “You like that, huh?,” he whispers. I shudder at his warm breath on my damp skin and nod quickly. “Baby girl,” he says in a low tone making me squirm under him. “Do you have any idea how long I’ve wanted to do this to you?”
He begins to slide down my body, kissing every inch of me whether it be clothed or not. “JB…,” was all I had the strength to muster. His delicate hands grip my thighs and spread them apart as he positions himself in front of my womanhood. “You remember what you wore for prom y/n?,” he asks, his eyes glued to mine. I bit my lip. I just want his mouth on me again. I shake my head as I am too emotionally and physically weak to speak. “You wore a dark red gown with a train. Open back, crossed in the front. Your hair was up,” he kisses my inner thigh slowly and deliberately. I whine from the feeling and stroke his perfectly chiseled face. “I just wanted to pull you away and kiss you until I ran out of oxygen y/n,” he kisses my other thigh just the same. His recollection of prom night made me realize that he had always paid attention to me when I didn’t think he was. “But I couldn’t,” his grip on me gets tighter and I yelp. “because fucking Namjoon was your date.” His fingers latch onto my underwear and pull them down. “But if he wasn’t your date,” his eyes focus on my throbbing and exposed pussy. The look on his face was one of an animal focusing in on its prey. He looks up at me again. “I would’ve grabbed you, thrown you on the closest table,” he pushes my legs into my chest more. “and gone down on you.” I look down at him, my vision and mind hazy. “JB please eat me,” I blurt out. He smirks at me. He realizes that he has finally broken me. “As you wish baby.”
He drags his tongue from the bottom to the top. I gasp at the feeling he was giving me. He takes his fingers and spreads my lips apart isolating my throbbing clit. He gives it an open mouth kiss, his lips swallowing it whole and I shudder. “Ah-hhh-a,” I moan out. I then feel his tongue start to lap against it and I forget how to breathe. My hand travels to the nape of his neck to stroke his head and hair. My other hand is in my mouth holding back my screams of pleasure. “JB,” I whine out. He lifts his head and I moan softly from the lost contact. “Yes beautiful?” I look down at his handsome face. Just the sight of him between my legs is enough to push me over the edge. “I-I’ve never been k-issed like this…,” I say between short breaths. He smirks and kisses my clit again making me jolt. “Oh princess,” he sticks his fingers in his mouth, presses them against my sensitive bud and proceeds to rub it hard. I shriek. He looks back up at me with piercing eyes. “I know.”
I squirm and moan nonstop as the pressure sends me into convulsions. In the midsts of my low guttural screams he begins to tease me with his words. “Seeing you shake and cry like this because of me is all I’ve ever wanted y/n.” He connects his lips back to my clit making me scream. “Ahh o-ohhhh yes J-B! J-just li-like tha-at,” a feeling at the pit of my stomach starts to rise and my breath is caught in my throat. “Ohhhhhhhhhhhh,” I moan out, running my hand through his hair for the thousandth time. He chuckles against me and I suck in a breath. “I-I t-think I’m go-onna-a…,” he pushes my legs farther back and ruthlessly continues to eat me out keeping me as still as possible. My orgasm hits me hard and I scream out. I try my best to get away from his mouth but to no avail. My pussy throbs from the overstimulation but I let him keep going. His mouth is far too good for him to stop. I push his face farther down making myself cry out in painful pleasure. “Oh fuuccckkkk,” I moan in a low guttural voice. He moans against me and I release all over his face again. This time I try to push him off of me. If I let him keep going he might actually kill me. “JB, i-I c-can-n’t…,” but he doesn’t let up and he knows I’m too weak to protest anymore. “Ohhhhh, ahhh stop….p-please…it’s t-too m-much...,” I squeeze my eyes shut and brace myself for another orgasm. He flicks his tongue over my clit a couple more times and I lose my mind. “AHHHH JB PLEASE STOOPPP!,” I scream at the top of my lungs.
He finally stops and kisses his way back up. He grabs my face and connects his lips to mine. His tongue lodges into my mouth and I taste myself. He grips my waist so hard I squirm a bit. He pulls away and looks at me, smiling at my red and sweaty face. “How do you like the taste?,” he whispers seductively. “Now you see why I couldn’t just let you cum once,” he kisses me lightly again. “You taste way too good for just one serving.” He runs his index finger over my swollen lips. “You taste better than I imagined.” He sticks his finger into my mouth encouraging me to suck it. I oblige and moan for him. He smirks and shakes his head. “What a naughty girl.”
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Fjorester moments episode 65
Can you believe I was already resigned to this being a small post with just cute little highlights for this week and then that last hour happened?!
I’m guilty of doubting Travis and Laura would feed me so well two weeks in a row. 
Honestly, it’s been mostly Travis who’s been pushing for it the most lately and I for one LOVE this switch in the dynamic.
Okay, so let’s dive in (heh, get it?):
[As soon as danger shows up]
Jester: I cast bless.
Matt: On who?
Jester (immediately): On Fjord... Caduceus, and Yasha.
The last two she has to think about but Fjord? Fjord is a no-brainer. They are always each other’s first priority, after all.
Jester: *down and being attacked by a monster*
Fjord: *casts Charm Monster on the monster attacking her and the one attacking Beau*
Matt: Okay, so the first one’s save fails.
Travis immediately: Which one? The one attacking Jester?
[After the fight]
Fjord: *asks for a short rest*
Beau and Caleb: reluctantly agree
Jester: But we only got a certain amount of-
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Jester: Okay, yeah.
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[As they ride]
Yarnball: strays away from the group
Fjord: What is your fucking animal doing?!
Jester: On that! On that! On that!
Jester: *casts command to send Yarnball back to the group*
Fjord: Oh! Slick!
Matt: The rain now in heavy sheets, sipping into every piece of armor and clothing you have.
Travis: who knows Fjord is riding with Jester, holding tightly to her in their fast pace
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[While bedding down next to the so-far ominous Melora giant tree]
Nott: Should I go scout while we are waiting?
Jester: No!
Nott: It’s a hundred feet! I can just turn invisible and go-
Fjord: She said no! Jeez.
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idk why that little detail was so heavy for me but I loved it. Nott can be rather pushy and accidentally barrel over anyone’s opinion that isn’t Caleb’s, and Jester is generally nice about it and let’s it go (except that time that the teasing got to her) so Fjord standing up for her firmly made my heart soar a little ngl
Fjord: *ready to climb a 300 ft tall tree*
Jester: *obviously worried*
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Jester: Climbing is good for strong people, right? Strong people climb well?
Fjord: Or people who, if they fall, have a good safety net.
Like, listen, okay? Fjord is clearly talking about himself falling and saving himself, he probably had the thunderstep in mind already.
But Jester? Jester hears this and immediately sees herself as the safety net. So she stays down, ready to catch whoever might fall.
Later, though, Caduceus suggests she go up and she seems a little put off by it, because she clearly wants to but also wants to be there to protect her friends. Eventually, though, she follows up.
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And then
Of course
that natural one
and Fjord just leaps after her
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Travis: I push off and dive down after her!
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And then that Feather Fall comes into play and slows them down just enough for them to hold on to each other, floating slowly in the air, breathing heavily.
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And I legit thought that was it, that they would slowly float down and recover from the scare.
But nope. No. Fjord goes for his initial plan and thundersteps them back up.
And I kinda love that? Because, no, they are not giving up. They are going together and reaching their goal and they are doing it together because they always go with each other.
Jester: Fjord!
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Fjord: Hang on, will ya?
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Jester: You-
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I actually love that Jester was getting used to the idea that romance and love are not like in her novels, and maybe it’s fine and she will never find that dramatic over the top romance she dreamed off her whole life 
And Jester is tired and scared and feels like she can’t go on
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Jester: I’m just gonna stay here, Fjord! You keep going. It’s okay!
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Fjord: You know, if you get up to me, I can help us get a little boost!
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Jester: I can’t move! It’s okay, you just keep going!!
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Fjord: You want a boost?
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Fjord: Okay, grab my hand.
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Thanks Matt for the last bit of description too! Fjord with his 11 STR throwing Jester up to safety is such a good detail!
That NAT 20 was True Love and you can’t convince me otherwise.
Fjord: you go ahead without me!
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Jester: No, Fjord, you’re coming!
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Fjord: I’ll just stay here
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Jester: C’mon, Fjord, let’s go!
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Fjord: Alright.
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Jester: *tries to pain Beau and Fjord*
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Jester: No, it’s candid, you guys! Pretend you don’t know I’m drawing you.
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Jester: Yeah, that’s better. That’s good.
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I’m looking forward to so much next week! Fjord is out of spell slots (after saving and helping Jester) so I expect she’ll prioritize keeping him safe during the fight. So much angst potential! ALSO really looking forward to Jester thanking him for saving her, fingers cross for a cheek kiss to mirror his earlier one. Also, please Traveler, they need to TALK about all these things that they keep doing for each other.
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youngkbf · 5 years
Better Than Me ↠ Yoon Dowoon
pairing: yoon dowoon x reader gender neutral
request by @mingiholic:  Better Than Me - Bohnes + Dowoon. Thank you. I love you💛
summary: dowoon knows you deserve better than him
inspired by ‘better than me’ by bohnes
genre: non idol!au, angst
warnings: cursing
wc: 2.3k
an: sam, you walked right into this one love. but thank you for changing the song, writing this fueled my angsty soul. i hope you like it :)
masterlist in bio
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gif credits to youngksnose
not proofread
Dowoon’s hand is gripping yours a bit too tight but you don’t mind. You’re telling him about something you saw a few minutes earlier as the two of you walk down the street but he’s only half-listening. The carnival entrance is nearby and there’s a knot forming in his throat with every step you take. But he still puts on a smile as he pays for the tickets for your first ride.
You’re dizzy when your feet touch the ground again but you’re laughing. Dowoon laughs too but it soon fades and he just stares at you. His eyes trail every inch of your face and he hopes he never forgets the look of happiness on your face. This is the memory of you he wants to keep. The lights are making your face glow in an almost angelic way, your eyes are closed and your head tilted back and even the loud music can’t drown out your laugh. Dowoon wished he could stop time so that he could just stay in this moment. It’s the peak of your happiness and the beginning of his misery. It only goes down from here so why not stop it now?
He memorizes everything. Your outfit, the rides you were on, the stuffed animals you’re carrying under your arms, the music that is playing at the end of the night when you’re leaving. Little does he know that this night will be engraved in his memory for months to come. It gets so bad, that he’ll think he’s being haunted by his own memories.
You notice that he’s acting weird. All night his stare has been on you for a second too long, that his hand is always on yours and that he doesn’t say no to anything you ask for. He seems off too. Like he’s there with you but he isn’t. There’s something on his mind but you hope that your night out can help him feel better. It doesn’t. In fact, it makes it worse. But you don’t know that and he doesn’t tell you.
He walks you back home and he’s silent the entire time. You think it’s because he’s tired which is not wrong, he’s exhausted. He picked up all the shifts he could at his job and he spends all his free time with you. The bags under his eyes seem permanent at this point of his life but it doesn’t bother him. Dowoon is happy to spend his time with you because he loves you.
When you get to your door, Dowoon’s feet come to a sudden stop. You turn to him confused but he’s not looking at you. Instead, his eyes are planted on his feet as he lets go of your hand.
“Dowoon, are you okay? You’ve been acting weird all night.” You finally ask.
“Listen…” He starts but he stops himself as he looks for the right words to say “I...We...I can’t keep seeing you anymore.”
He flinches at his own words and he hopes you don’t notice. When it takes you a bit to react, Dowoon dares to look up at you. Confusion is written all over your features but it’s not what stands out to him. It’s your trembling chin and the tears in your eyes. No matter how much you’re hurting, he’s hurting twice as hard. But he can’t let you know that. Not with your father’s words still fresh in his brain.
“You know what’s going to happen if (Y/N) stays with you don’t you?” The man in the expensive suit asks, hands crossed on top of the desk that separates him from Dowoon.
The resemblances between the two of you are clear but Dowoon thinks it’s not the time to notice that.
“I don’t understand, sir.” He furrows his eyebrows in confusion.
“(Y/N) comes from a good family. Our name is known and respected everywhere.” He pauses “What do you think it’s going to happen to their reputation once the word gets out that (Y/N) is dating...you?” The man glances over at a paper on his desk “Yoon Dowoon.”
Dowoon knows exactly what he’s implying and suddenly he’s angry. He’s angry at your father, he’s angry at your family for being wealthy and at his family for being poor. He’s angry at the world. But he keeps the anger inside him, he doesn’t let it out. He won’t win anything out of getting angry but he’ll lose. He has everything to lose in here.
“What are you implying then?” Dowoon asks, his tone lower and his voice harsher.
Your father leans back in his chair with a smile as he notices the change in Dowoon’s voice. He tilts his head and raises an eyebrow, eyes studying Dowoon attentively before he speaks.
“I want you to break up with (Y/N)”
Dowoon doesn’t think he can get angrier but he does. It’s like a storm forming in his chest and he needs to let it out. But he doesn’t, knowing that he’ll lose before he even opens his mouth.
“No.” It’s all he says.
There’s a flash of surprise in your father’s features but he’s quick to regain his composure. Dowoon asks himself if the man sitting across from him is really as stupid as he seems and apparently he is. Does he really think that he’s going to break up with you over reputation? He knows you, perhaps even better than the man who raised you, and he knows that it doesn’t matter if his family isn’t a known one or he’s not living off a trust fund. He lives off his hard work and he’s made mistakes. It’s not much, but it’s better than everything that your father has ever done.
“So you’re just going to let (Y/N)’s name be dragged through the mud like that?”
“I think that’s up to (Y/N) to decide.” Dowoon stops so that he doesn’t start yelling.
“(Y/N) is rebelling.” Your father explains “This…” He points at Dowoon as if he was pointing at a lower being “Is just a phase. Whatever plans you have, they won’t happen. People like you are nothing but a distraction for people like us.”
Dowoon clenches his fists. He’s beyond angry now, all he sees is red but he still manages to keep his composure somehow. He thinks it’s because of you, that he’s doing this for you and that keeps him from punching your father in the face.
“With all due respect, sir…” Dowoon stands up a bit too fast and grabs his jacket “You’re wasting my time.” He finishes, already walking towards the door.
His hand is already on the doorknob when your father’s voice sounds one last time.
“If you don’t stop seeing them, I’ll cut them off.”
Dowoon’s grip tightens around the cold metal but he doesn’t turn around.
“Think about it.” Your father tilts his head, an evil smile playing on his lips “Do you really want (Y/N) to live the same way you do? Long shifts, cheap food, rent overdue. Do you really want to be responsible for giving (Y/N) the same miserable life that you have?”
His shoulders tense up and he bites the inside of his cheek as he ponders your father’s words. Fuck, he has a point. You know nothing about the real world, always shielded by your family’s money and power. There’s a certain purity related to you because of that. It’s like a little piece of heaven in his arms and he’d hate to see that destroyed, especially if it is because of him. He doesn’t want to admit it, he doesn’t want to say it out loud but he knows that you deserve better. It’s a matter of pride but also because he knows that it means losing you. Dowoon doesn’t want you to live like him but he doesn’t want to let go of you either. But he has to.
“I’ll do it.” He hears himself say although he barely recognizes his own voice.
Dowoon doesn’t turn around to look at your father but he knows that he’s smiling. It all comes down to business after all. He hopes that after he lets you go, you don’t turn into something remotely similar to your father. He almost prays for that.
“Great! You’ll be rewarded for that, don’t worry about it.”
Dowoon clenches his jaw as he opens the door with a bit too much force.
“I don’t want your fucking money.” The door slams behind him, the silence that follows it is almost too much for him to bear.
“Why?” You ask.
He wants to tell you but he can’t. You’ll refuse to break up with him and you’ll suffer the consequences. You don’t care and Dowoon is happy that you don’t. But the consequences for you are too much for him to bear. So he tries to come up with something, something that will make you believe it.
“I-I’m not feeling it anymore, I guess.”
God, he wants to punch himself in the face. It’s so far from the truth that it almost makes him cringe. The words taste bitter in his mouth and he’s sure he’s about to throw up his soul as it rottens away inside him. But perhaps because of the way he said it, you believe it. His words aren’t gentle, they’re not harsh either. They’re just...empty. There’s no emotion behind them, all of them staying behind, filtered by his throat hoping you don’t catch on to what is really going on.
“You’re not feeling it anymore?” Your words are laced with venom and Dowoon wants nothing but to cry “How- I…I don’t even know what to say.” You shake your head, hands coming up to cover your face so that he doesn’t see you cry.
He takes a deep breath to calm himself down before gently calling out your name but you don’t move.
“Look at me.” He pleads.
You slowly look up and Dowoon immediately regrets asking you to look at him. The look on your face shatters his heart past the point of it being fixable. He knows that tonight is going down as the worst night of his life. But he hopes you can move on and find someone that deserves you. The words that he thought about saying, something to somehow provide you some closure, get caught up in his throat and he doesn’t know what to say. His mind is blank and it’s getting harder and harder to breathe as he tries not to breakdown in front of you.
You’re baffled at how unaffected he seems. It almost feels like he’s telling you about his day if you didn’t know what the words that are coming out of his mouth mean. There’s a flash of hurt across his eyes but it’s gone so quick that you think you just imagined it. You think he looks too calm to be hurt.
“Is there someone else?” You ask, voice trembling and scared of the answer.
He hesitates before he replies, a firm no coming out of his plump lips. You want to believe him but at this point, you don’t know what to believe in anymore. Up until a few minutes ago, you thought that he loved you, that everything was okay between the two of you. It seems like you don’t know Dowoon that well, at least not anymore. You cry, no longer caring if he sees or not. You insult him, you call him everything you can think of. You tell him you hate him for leading you on. And he stands there and takes it, he doesn’t deny anything but he doesn’t reach out to you either. He just stares at you and lets you ramble.
“I’m sorry.” That’s all he says.
“It’s not enough.” You shake your head.
I know, he wants to say but he stays quiet.
“Say something! Don’t just stand there like...an idiot.”
“I’m sorry.” Dowoon repeats.
You groan in frustration, one of your hands coming up to comb through your hair slightly tugging at its roots. You’re exhausted, your head hurts and you just want to disappear. Dowoon on the other hand feels like he’s already dead.
“I hate you.” You spit out, venom laced in every syllable before you turn your back on him and walk home.
He stands in the same spot, watching you leave, watching you walk out of his life just like that. His chest hurts, his hands are shaking and his eyes are filled with tears. He wants to reach out to you, tell you that it’s a lie. That he still loves you like he’s sure he’ll never love anyone else. His hand twitches but he clenches his fist to stop himself. He can’t. You’re gone now.
Out of the corner of his eye, Dowoon spots your father behind a window. The man gives him a small nod before disappearing back into the house and Dowoon feels sick. What holds him together is the fact that he’s doing this for you. It’s all for you, it’s what he repeats to himself. You deserve better and the only way he can ensure that you get it is by letting you go.
Perhaps, in another life, another place you can give it another try. He’s sure that he’ll always look for you whether it’s in your next life or the next twenty after that. But until then, Dowoon hopes you find someone better. Someone that isn’t him.
feedback is appreacited :)
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xiaomomowrites · 5 years
Omg, omg❣️✨ Soo excited *_* Can you do a nerdy Eren headcanons with an ugly, acne, bad-teethed, weak health and cosplayer wannabe version of Mikasa? x‘)
Introduction: Okay haha sooo I’ve gotten used to writing these two as cool, calm, collected, with Eren as a huge fuckboy, and wow it was fun making a complete 180. I added a bit of a twist, so I hope you like it anyway! P.S. this was written at 1am and you totally got @unironicallynapping to laugh hard enough to start crying in the process of digging up these hilariously painful adolescent memories haha. -s.a.
Nerdy Eren, yes. 
He’s like really into Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh and he’s watched Dragonball Z all the way through. Jean tricked him out of giving him his most valuable trading card in elementary and he never let it go.
Trading cards and video games and posters and everything.
Please, he’s thirteen.
Childhood friends with Mikasa and Armin, as per ushe.
Lanky, awkward, lil bit of social anxiety. He’s got some anger issues that come with this, it’s hard not to be insecure, especially at this age. He’d get a little snappy with some misdirected anger in social situations. 
Thick glasses. Obnoxious bifocals and he sits in the front of the classroom.
Eren has braces, and yowzers does it make that cute middle-school-childhood-friend-after-the-school-dance-first-kiss awkward as hell because, shit, her mouth gets stuck in his braces. It doesn’t matter though, they’re on cloud nine that night.
He’s very happy go lucky, absolutely does not want to go into medicine just because his dad does it or business like his brother. 
Eren, my poor baby boy, he has asthma on top of everything. 
Mikasa! Oh, Mikasa. Really into cats but her parents won’t let her have one. So she settles for being one. 
She was a sickly child, taking frequent visits to the hospital, so her parents are pretty protective.
Baby’s got A-cups, barely.
Cat ears, cat stockings, cat phone case, the whole enchilada
Mikasa likes to cosplay her favorite characters, but she’ll only closet-cosplay because her parents, her Asian fucking parents, won’t let her spend any more money than necessary.
But her cat phone case was $40 LOL BECAUSE SHE GOT IT AT SAN JAPAN.
Eren has a little bit of a crush on her though, he thinks those cat ears are cute and she’s honestly the nicest person to him aside from Armin. Never entertains the thought though, kid’s got too much else going on at the moment.
Mikasa, on the other hand, is stupid in love with him but she won’t tell him (Armin finds this painful, but decides against intervening. It’ll happen when it happens, he reasons).
Mikasa buys her first pair of wedges and Eren can’t stop staring at her legs. Her skinny lil legs. 
Mikasa has acne because her Asian skin calls for too much oil, and the dirt buildup causes so many breakouts (im cryin)
She’s devastated, and uses her cosplay makeup to cover it up
She learns the dance to Like a Cat by AOA and sends a video to Eren (and hey, she’s really not that bad)
He locks his bedroom door that night
Every day after school they walked to the fast food restaurant one block from the school and paid in cash, feeling so cool because they got there on their own and paid. Eren goes there wanting one thing and ends up wanting something else, thus, “I didn’t bring enough money…”
She buys it for him, but tells her parents she bought her own food.
They share food at lunch and he walks her to class every day. 
He’s her shoulder to cry on when she fails her first exam and has to show her parents. They’re chill, she’s just so hard on herself. 
Eren moves to Marley Independent School District [MISD] because of his dad, so they go to different high schools. He hates it and they’re both devastated, but promise to keep in touch every day. 
Mikasa tries to tell her she likes him before he leaves, she really does. But it just didn’t work out, and Eren moves without knowing. 
They Skype a lot freshman year. Most of the time they’re not even doing anything or talking, just living with the other’s digital presence there. Even in school.
This dies out after first year for little things like, “I don’t have wifi”, “I almost got caught at school”, “connection is terrible, can’t hear you”, “I have an exam so I can’t call you this week”, “I got grounded for a month for something stupid”, and spring break just doesn’t line up for them.
They get into the prestigious Reiss University because Mikasa was valedictorian and Eren’s dad was his connection
Oh shiiit Eren ditches the thick frames and now sports cute thin round glasses. He overcame the asthma with meds (thanks dad) and now he’s super into sports and working out. Kid’s jacked and thinks he doesn’t need a shirt most of the time. His social skills improved since she doesn’t talk for him anymore. Now he’s just a closeted nerd, it’s still there deep down. He’s a bio major because maybe it wasn’t such a bad idea to follow his father’s footsteps.
Mikasaaaa baby girl. She’s a solid C-cup now and wears heels (stilettos ayeee); bye wedges. Girl’s got curves for DAYS. Somewhere along the line she had outgrown the acne and the frequent health issues, and she’s also obsessed with working out. Ah, and she finally has her own cat. Got accepted to Reiss Uni for being top of her class, but her major is undeclared/undecided for now.
“Oh my god…Eren?”
“Wow, it’s…been way too long.”
“I fucking missed you. Shit, you look amazing.”
“You too.”
Oh now they on snapchat ayeeee. So much flirting. He asks her out on snap, to which she replies, “try again”. 
Pretty much start dating like a week after reuniting.
He takes her home to Marley for winter break and Carla pulls her into a mama bear hug, “Oh my…Mikasa! Oh my god! You’re so beautiful!!” 
Mikasa’s parents, on the other hand, don’t even recognize Eren at first when they visit Shiganshina the following week. “Who’s this…? Oh! Eren?? Jeager??? You’re so big now!”
FRAT DADDY ZEKE comes home for break while they’re visiting and doesn’t recognize Mikasa as the Mikasa from Eren’s childhood at first. “Ayeee hah, Eren, oh shit, you uh…you hittin’ that?”
“Yes, clearly, I took her home, jackass gO AWAY.”
Mikasa stands in the doorway, waiting for Eren to look up from studying. He’s sitting on his bed, brows knit together in complete concentration, with at least three different books in front of him. It was winter break, she had no idea why he insisted on studying even after finals. Guess he’s always been this way. 
“Hey,” she calls out to him. 
“Mmm,” is his lame response, eyes still focused on his readings. 
“Eren,” she crosses the threshold into his room, hoping what it is she was wanting to show him would at least get his attention. “Look what I found when I was looking through my parents’ attic with my old stuff!” 
“What is it, Mikasa? I’m…” the words seemed to die on his tongue when he finally looked up at her standing beside his bed. She was wearing his oversized hoodie and maybe some shorts underneath. He gives her a once over until his eyes land on the old relic she was trying to show him in the first place at the top of her head. “Are those…?”
“Yes,” she smiles. On her head sat her old cat ears headband, a little worn out, but full of cute (if not cringy) memories. Mikasa flicks the right ear and laughs, and the sound is music to his ears. “I can’t believe I used to wear these everywhere.” 
Eren swallows thickly, suddenly aware of how dry his mouth had become. Not three feet away from him stood his girlfriend, the girl of his adolescent dreams, wearing his hoodie, legs distracting as ever. And the cherry on top was the headband that he found so adorable years back. Oh boy, if his thirteen-year-old self could see this now…
Maybe he had acted on impulse, he wasn’t sure, but the next thing he knew she was underneath him on his bed, his books discarded to the side and his hands were all over her. She laughs again, and it’s enough to make him reel back, flustered.
“I didn’t know you liked these ears that much.”
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Kristoff Eindride Bjorgman Character Sheet
Birthday — December 31, 1990 Zodiac Sign — Sagittarius MBTI — ISTJ Enneagram — 9 Temperament — Phlegmatic Hogwarts House — Hufflepuff Moral Alignment — Neutral Good Primary Vice — Envy Primary Virtue — Diligence Element — Earth
Mother — Anna Bjorgman (née Olsen) Father — Ole Bjorgman Mother’s Occupation — translator, with knowledge of Sàmi, Swedish, Danish and English Father’s Occupation — Park ranger at Hardangervidda National Park Family Finances — comfortable bit not particularly wealthy Birth Order — oldest Brothers - none Sisters — Freya, 12 years younger, and Agnetha, 14 years younger Other Close Family — The Stone trolls! Best Friend — He doesn’t have one :( Other Friends — The Stone trolls! Enemies — All humans Pets — None, but growing up he had a dog called Kipper and the trolls kept bringing him little baby badgers and deer and things and he just kept calling all of them kipper Home Life During Childhood — serene honestly like he grew up in a valley between two mountains, he spent all of his time outdoors playing, he got to spend a lot of time out in nature Town or City Name(s) — he was born in Oslo, but they moved to Odda for his dather’s work when he was very little Any Sports or Clubs — He played ice hockey and his mam was teaching him to play the guitar Favorite Toy or Game — Schooling — he never went to school! He was too little when he went missing Nationality — Norwegian Culture — uhhh Stone Troll? Religion and beliefs — None
Physical Appearance:
Face Claim —  Boyd Holbrook Complexion — paler 👏🏻 than 👏🏻 pale 👏🏻 Hair Colour — himbo blonde Eye Colour — listen Boyd’s eyes are blue but kristoff’s brown eyes are so important to me so we aren’t talking about it Height — 6’2 Common Hairstyle — sort of long-ish like longer enough to get into his face and v floppy he only discovered scissors like a decade ago Clothing Style — comfy and warm in the winter, comfy and cool in the summer. Fairly basic boring clothes to be honest Mannerisms — mumbles to himself a lot! has a habit of whistling songs the tolls taught him. Yikes face constantly.
Overall (do they get sick easily)? — he’s probably had a few colds and sniffles since coming to swynlake tbf Physical Ailments — none Allergies —  None Grooming Habits — oh you wanna talk grooming habits with a man who is essentially a yeti? Honestly even tho he probably really enjoys a hot shower after years of bathing in a freezing cold river all that water probably still feels super wasteful so he’s deffo an every few days kinda guy, and yes he is also a seven-in-one conditioner-shampoo-shower gel-lotion-toner-toothpaste-hair removal cream kinda guy why have lots of bottles when you can have one (1) Sleeping Habits — a surprisingly heavy sleeper for someone who lived in the open, but then maybe that’s because he had the trolls to protect him (and also they wouldn’t shut. up.) Eating Habits — eating CONSTANTLY the best thing and one of the only good things about living in town is FOOD what the hell is a cronut and why isn’t there one in his hand right now but honestly lots of fruit and veggies surprisingly healthy Exercise Habits —  he treks in the woods like for a living I guess that’s it Body Temperature — warm always big tall radiator Sociability — he’s trying but it’s early days 3/10 Addictions — none Drug Use — what is a drug Alcohol Use — I figure he once found like a bottle of whiskey or smth in a backpack im the woods one day when he was like 11, took a sip and was like ew and that’s been it ever since
Your Character’s Character:
Bad Habits — being moody af, constantly distrustful, and also nail chewing, and whistling too that’s annoying Good Habits — thoughtful!! Fixes things without being asked, helps old ladies cross the street Worst Memory — probably getting dragged out of the woods by the rescue team when he was 16; the trolls were his family by then and had been for longer than he’d known his birth family so he would’ve been traumatised by getting pulled away from them like that Best Memory — I think probably a more bittersweet memory, one he looks on as being positive is the trolls finding him when he’d gotten lost Proud of — himself, for making it this far Embarrassed by — everything and nothing he’s a complex dude Driving Style — awfully good. Not like *posh British accent* “awfully good” like “he’s simultaneously good at this and going to get us all killed”. He was taught by a farmer one summer so whilst he can’t legally drive, he can actually drive pretty well, but he goes very fast and he doesn’t believe in checking mirrors Strong Points — independent but deeply caring about the people he loves, very resourceful Temperament — he can be quite moody at first but he’s very Soft once you get to know him Weakness — again he can be quite moody and he also pushes people away a lot he isolates himself even if he doesnt necessarily want to be isolated!! Fears — being completely on his own Phobias — enclosed spaces Secrets — i guess he doesn’t have any?? He was like Big News at one point so I guess people know his business Regrets — I honestly don’t know? Like maybe sometimes he regrets not being around for his younger sisters but honestly he does Not regret leaving his family sooo Feels Vulnerable When — he’s not in the forest/with the trolls Pet Peeves — People talking loudly in public places/generally being rude in public places Short Term Goals and Hopes — get a job, make sure he can hold a roof over his head Long Term Goals and Hopes — manage to live in town and be less of a strange in between yeti mam Sexuality — he doesn’t know yet!! He’s never really bwen part of society he doesn’t really know what sexuality is!! He’s had a few Experienxes in the past (he has had his first kiss and that is It) but he needs to learn! Day or Night Person — day Introvert or Extrovert — introvert king Optimist or Pessimist — pessimist tbh
Likes and Styles:
Music — he likes cheesy old 80s songs he remembers them from when he was little and he’s been rediscovering it now, loves it Books — he’s a pretty slow reader so he doesn’t really have any favourite books. But he has a lot of favourite stories that the trolls told him! Magazines — again he’s a real slow reader but he loves those magazines you get from the supermarket that are like,, free and have loads of recipes and shit in Foods — all the foods. All the big ones. Loves ‘em. Will put literally anything in a sandwich because society has not taught him what is and is not acceptable to slap between two slices of bread Drinks — he complains that tap water in town tastes wrong but he’s taking a real liking to coffee, love that shit Animals — all of them!!!!! They’re better than people!!! Color — green and/or blue Jewellery — he doesn’t actually have any jewellery but he does have lots of really cool pebbles that his stone troll fam gave him
Where and How Does Your Character Live Now:
Home — he lives in benbow now in one of the ground floor apartments and he’s still getting used to it Household furnishings — minimalist af the only furniture he has is what was in the place when he got it so it isn’t much but there’s lots of decoration!! Lots of trinkets!! Favorite Possession — the aforementioned rock collection Relationship with Family — he’s still very close with the trolls, even though he’s living in town now. He misses them a lot!! As for his biological family he doesn’t ever rlly think about his parents but he does think about his sisters every so often he wishes he knew what was going on with them Car — be doesn’t have one but he would like one! Career — is there a word for someone who goes and gets things from the forest for a Price Dream Career — I think he’d like to do smth in nature he honestly isn’t too sure Dream Life — honestly I don’t know, and I don’t think he knows either!! Love Life — nonexistent lmfaoooo Talents or Skills — survival skills? Puts Bear Grylls to shame. Singing voice of an angel.  Intelligence Level — honestly like he’s fairly smart just not Book Smart Finances — get this man a full time job STAT
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