#everytime i walk through those isles
xxs0d4p0pxx · 7 months
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sundropdaevon · 1 year
he's just chill
was probably enjoying being single until he got a glance at you in a hotel he was staying at for vacation
boi was hooked
he tried to follow you in the midst of the hotel bar's crowd
then, he caught up to you
grabbing your wrist and twirling you around as the music was matching the atmosphere between you two
that's when he truly fell for you
yeah, cliche but its the romantic side of kyunnie, c'mon!
so from there, he tried to ask you out
you didn't have anything tying you down to say no to him, so you said yes (i swear if you'd say no to him grrr)
starting from that night, you two always went out on dates
he was trying to get to know you and you the same
and everytime, he falls for you even harder
he'd become clingy and would start to joke and tease you
you could say that from all those dates you had with him, he had built up his confidence to really ask you out to court you until you agree to become his
hed probably realize that when he's on a date with you tho
then hed suddenly say, "oh y/n, i have somewhere else i need to be"
you'd be shocked because of the speed when he ran out the doors
youd be there dumbfounded and just paid for the bill and went home
After a few weeks, hed be out of reach most of the time
Yeah, another cliche romantic stupidity, but how else can Changkyun prepare if you're going to keep buzzing his phone
So, he has no choice but to turn it off frequently within the whole week
Also, for sure he's going to choose to talk to you rather than achieving his main goal to surprise you
And then, he called
You were surprised to see his name with the ringing on your phone
You answered it and he told you to come to the hotel where you first met, but this time, the event hall
You knew it was an event, so you went there all dressed up, right for the occassion that awaited you
When you got to the doors of the event hall, you looked around the room
Flowers were scattered, lights were dimmed, only the fairy lights remained on
And in front of you was a carpet leading to the man behind all this
you started walking towards him and he did too
You both met in the middle of the isle-like way, now staring intensely at each others eyes
You could feel the love that Kyunnie has for you, that luring stare, the agaped lips, and his whole outfit just matching everything
As you observed him, breaking the staring contest you two had, eyes wandering to his hands
From observation, you could tell that he's nervous
You took his hands out of initiative and carressed them
He couldn't talk, so you tried to guide him
"So, what were you going to say to me?"
"Uhm, uhhh...i- i"
"Damn it! I like you y/n!"
"Yeah, seems like it"
"Do you not like me too?" Boi would start to have tears in his eyes, so far from the character that he wants to embed in your mind
"Is this why you were not answering my calls and messages?" You tried to avoid the question, somehow teasing IM because you were seizing the moment on him
"You're avoiding the question, you must not like me back...that's okay I can just pack up and you can bring home the food i prepared and maybe can we just go back to being fri-"
You cut him off, making his eyes widen and body frozen
"Screw it, stop talking! I like you too!" You shouted and kissed him intensely like you were so pissed from his babbling
Within the kiss, you could feel his hands go through your hair then on your neck and another to your waist, pulling you closer
You both then broke off with the kiss and gave each other reassuring smiles that this wasn't a dream, this was real
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zoros-bandana · 1 year
Hello Dove, I've been reading your shots for a while now and I must say your work is lovely, and everytime I read them it makes my day.
I hope is not a bother, but may I request a platonic scenario with Zoro and a youngling swordsman. Basically the strawhat crew stopped by in a island to refill their supplies, Zoro being Zoro started to explore alone and got lost (as usual) and he saw a fight between the youngling swordsman and other pirates, witnessing their fighting style with their katana that looks like Shinobu Kocho from demon slayer, cause their katana is not for slay rather works like a syringe cause is always covered in poison. Zoro caught interest in the youngling somehow but failed in the attempt to reach them so the strawhats set sail. Without knowing the youngling was hiding in the ship cause their next destination is the same as the crew, cause the youngling was finding a person to get revenge on for whatever reason, in the end they ended up discovering the youngling and the rest I'll leave it up to you.
I personally love platonic scenarios and I don't see much of those, but of you accept them then it's ok. However if you don't make platonic scenarios, feel free to make changes if these request caught your intrest. Have a lovely night
Warning: mention of wounds, mention of drinking, mention of fighting, spoilers for Nani’s backstory, spoilers for Zoro's backstory
Summary: After finding a small boy on the way to the Isle of Tenohira, Zoro reluctantly comes to care for him, reminiscent of his past self in his stubborn and vicious sword wielding abilities.
Word Count: 4,000
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The Going Mary docked at the small port, clear blue waters rocking gently as one-by-one the crew dismounted, leaving Usopp behind to care for his worn-out ship. It was agreed for only a short stay to collect necessities and supplies for the next stretch of vast blue, knowing anything longer than a few hours would detour their path for the Isle of Tenohira.
Zoro landed on the creaking wood, grunting as he peered over his shoulder at the sudden commotion caused by his captain. Rolling his eyes he watched as Luffy ran off laughing, Nami and Sanji following close behind, yelling at him for being careless and ignorant of his surroundings. Every trip curated the same response, predictable turnouts from his fellow crew-members as they scattered over the island, never sticking to the plan Nami instructed.
Looking around, Zoro noted his surroundings, figuring he would go in search of a bar to drink at for the duration of the time. The island, although small, made up for the distance with height, weaving hills dotted with pink shrubs falling beyond his sight. Figuring the sun was pointing east, he turned on his heels, heading west, walking towards thick shrubs away from the obvious clearing to the town.
He took his time wandering, assuming the bar wouldn't be far from his position, taking in the unusual sights around him. It was a particularly sunny day, a warm breeze rustling through the vibrant shrubs with a whistle as if they were singing out to the swordsman. The grass, if you could even call it that, was short and tuft, weaving strands of iridescent gold, dotting through flowers curved in oblong shapes.
Zoro shook his head, dizzy from the unfamiliar surroundings, parted at sea for what felt like weeks.
A call up ahead prompted Zoro to face to his left, easily spotting the commotion right away. A band of mismatched pirates surrounded a little boy no more than ten, laughing down at him. The young boy wielded a sword, unusual in appearance, as most things were here, with scaling edges down the blade, dripping in an ominous thick brown liquid. It was clear the sword was too large for the boy to hold, using both hands on the handle to lift it off the ground. Shrugging at the boys obvious stubbornness to fight alone, Zoro continued on, assuming the situation was under control.
As Zoro sat in the bar, he couldn't help but feel panicked, unknown to how the fight turned out; feeling a slight guilt in the safety of the child. Looking at the boys stubbornness and dedication to take out a band of pirates reminded him of a younger version of himself, holding onto a weapon that would've taken all his strength just to hold. He held his breath, hoping that the pirates wouldn't enter the bar, cementing only what he feared.
The more Zoro drank the less he remembered about what he saw, fogged over by the alcohol in his body; the ringing of chatter around him soothing his mind. He swayed along to their conversations, dancing silently to his own rhythm by the vibrato in their voices, amusing himself as he flagged down the bartender for another beer.
The doors of the bar crashed open, Zoro sluggishly looking over as someone called out his name, groaning as Sanji made his way over to him. He swore under his breath, wishing someone else came to collect him, scowling at the two-bit chef. Sanji ignored Zoro's look of disgust, grabbing onto his arm as he trudged out of the bar, barking at him. The crew had agreed to be back at the ship hours ago, and as per usual, Zoro lost track of time, drinking away.
Too blinded by hate to zone into Sanji's words, Zoro stumbled alongside him, his eyes darting around. He refused to look in his direction, the drug of alcohol creating a haze over the surreal island, making it seem almost amusing to him. And although this island sparked a particular interest in him, he couldn't help but feel soothed by the promise of returning to his beloved ship.
He couldn't wait to return back to his usual napping post.
Zoro awoke to a heavy crash, his hand reaching for his sword in a bid to fight whoever disturbed his drunken rest. Jerking his eyes around the room he was met with silence, a figure crouching behind one of the barrels in the corner, knowing they were caught. He assumed it was Luffy or Chopper, coming to pry some of Sanji's hidden treats, quickly lacing some venom in his words.
"Oi, piss of will ya! Ya wanna get cut? I'm tryna to nap here!"
"I'm sorry mister..."
Quickly, Zoro sat up, his eyes wide at the unfamiliar voice realising it wasn't a crew member. Focusing on the barrel, he watched as the boy he encountered before stepped out, his sword slung to his back. His innocent and round face was littered with cuts and bruises, one of his dark brown eyes clouded with a purple ring. His light ash hair seemed almost wet, sticking to his forehead, dipped with darker ends from what he could assume was blood.
"The hell ya doing here?"
"I snuck onto the ship"
"Well, yeah" he rolled his eyes, taking a stand. Zoro moved his neck around, cracking in a rolling motion, walking over to the barrels. "Ya need to get outta here, idiot, it's not safe invading a pirate ship!"
"I wasn't trying to invade" he admitted sheepishly, "I just needed a lift to the Isle of Tenohira"
"How'd ya know we were going there?" Zoro drew out his sword, sceptical of the boys knowledge.
"I heard the stringy one talking about it; the one with the hat"
Realising his mistake, Zoro withdrew his sword, sighing heavily. He was still half asleep, his brain feeling like static as he thought for a moment, unsure of what to do with the boy. He could throw the boy overboard, letting the sea drift him someplace he wouldn't have to step foot in? But it would cause too much commotion.
Looking away he sighed again, not wishing to look down at his soft and wide eyes, knowing he might give in and help him.
Zoro just wanted to nap.
Scratching his head, Zoro felt lost, confused on what to do. He didn't wish to put further injury on the boy, given his current timid and broken state, but he also knew he couldn't stay here, his rest disturbed enough. Suddenly, he had an idea, smiling wickedly, knowing exactly who would put some sense into the boy. Zoro was familiar with them enough to understand how they operated, viciously attacking any of the boys on the crew whenever they pleased, hoping the same end would be met for the boy in front of him.
That was it.
Zoro was decided.
He would take the boy to see Nami.
"Oh my dear, look at you!" Nami bent down in front of the boy, cupping at his face "what happened?"
Zoro's face dropped, not expecting her to react so sensitive to his needs. When he had brought the boy to the crew he received a hearty thud over his head, Nami immediately snapping at him for bringing a child onto the ship. However, as she faced the boy she shifted, turning almost into somebody he didn't recognise at all.
"Did that brute do this to you?" Nami's tone was snappy as she whipped her head around to Zoro, glaring at him. "If I find out you laid a hand on this poor child I-"
"No" the boy shook his head "I was ambushed by some pirates back at the island"
Nami turned back to him, whimpering her bottom lip as she pulled him into a sweet hug, her breasts engulfing the boys face, almost suffocating him. She cooed aimlessly at him, inaudible to Zoro as he stood there burning up, realising he should have been tougher on the boy and kicked him off as soon as he saw him.
"You really thought she would be mad at him, didn't you?" Sanji snickered, lighting up a cigarette. "You clearly don't know my sweet Nami-swan at all"
"Oi, shut up, ero-cook! Nobody asked you to speak"
Sanji quickly snapped into action, lifting his leg up to strike at Zoro, to which he swiftly dodged. Pulling out his swords, Zoro resumed a typical stance, mumbling profanities as Sanji attempted to land a few hits at any open area he could find.
"Will you both just be quiet!" Nami ordered, flailing her hands into fists as she smacked them each over the head. Shoving herself between the boys she created space to separate, clearing the thick air that hung overhead.
Luffy laughed, amused by the astounding situation, the addition of a possible new crew member exciting him. "I think we should keep him"
"Luffy! You can't be serious!" Nami's face dropped, realising the possibility of the situation. A familiar feeling of anxiety fell over her, reminded of her horrible tangled past with pirates as a young girl, never wishing upon that for anybody. "We can't possibly accept a child to join our crew, especially since what has just happened! We need to turn the ship around and get him home to his -"
"I overheard you were travelling to the Isle of Tenohira" the young boy piped up, averting the attention back to him. Everyone continued their silence, waiting for the boy to explain further, giving him a chance to speak his peace. "I will be happy to leave once we have arrived; I just need a ship to take me"
"That's at least a three-day trip" Usopp interjected, informing the boy of his situation.
"I am aware, just please let me stay until you dock there"
"What has you so interested in this island, anyway?"
"I need to get revenge on some pirates" the boy lowered his voice, a hideous growl muffling his words.
Luffy laughed, reminded just how stubborn and vengeful his own right-hand was, noting similarities between the two. "Well, we will be more than happy to have you join us. What is your name?"
After some time, Zoro returned to the crows nest, fuelled by his strict routine to get back into training. He was aware there was too much time lost, frustrated with the unwanted distraction of a child to focus on his goal. The weights he usually bared felt heavy, only frustrating him more, feeling much weaker than before. He knew nothing had chance but regretted falling out of his usual rhythm.
He lunged the weight back and forth, mimicking a swinging action similar to his sword, working his arms to swing all around him. As he spun around the room he stopped, stepping back in fright, tripping over his foot. The weight landed behind him in a crash, rocking the crows nest briefly, causing him to wobble off balance.
"What the hell are you doing here?"
The young boy stood in front of him, his cuts and scrapes patched up poorly by Nami's efforts to coddle the child. He had changed into new clothes, a large t-shirt bunched up and tied off at the waist, showering him in fabric.
He ignored his question. “Do you mind teaching me that?”
"What?" Zoro acted clueless, hoping the boy would give up and leave.
"Would you teach me how to train properly to be a swordsman?"
The boy huffed, confused that Zoro would be so quick to shut down his request, despite his blunt and dismissive attitude to his presence. Unamused by the boy's childish behaviour Zoro stood his ground, turning back to his weights with a heavy roll of his eyes.
A harsh quiet fell over the crows nest, almost irritable, growing an intense and thick atmosphere. The hairs on the back of Zoro's neck stood at attention, a shiver running down his spine, knowing something bad was about to happen.
"NAMI!" The boy's voice rung through the crows nest, shrill and cruel. He added a drawn out whine, letting his voice be heard through the ship, rearing his beloved new friend. The addition of overdramatic tears rolls down his cheeks, making his performance theatrical and threatening for Zoro. He had already underlined his name in Nami's bad book, knowing this would corrupt him into something horrible; owning her something to make up for the child's woe.
Zoro felt a rush of regret fall over him, spiteful a part of him felt so connected to the boy in front of him. Since seeing the boy on the island, he couldn't help but sense a part of the stubborn swordsman inside him that pushed him to where he was today. But as he looked down at the manipulative tactics of the child, he realised he was far from the same.
"Fine!" Zoro snapped, turning around to face him with a roll of his eyes. Pointing to the boy with the end of his sword, Zoro held himself firm and cold, not wishing to give into pity for the sake of the child. "But I will not go easy on you because you're a kid. Understand?"
The boy nodded, a delighted smile replacing the well of tears, wiping away the snot from his nose. "I understand"
As per Zoro's usual routine, he trained, holding the same measures as he would against any object to come in his path. The boy, all the while clasping his sword, struggled to keep up with Zoro's intense ability. He accommodated both hands to lift his chosen weapon, making the fight more strenuous on his body, his arms and back caving at the heavy weight. And Zoro could feel it too, every hit that collided with the sword appalled him, wondering how someone of his size wield such a beast.
The sword matched the length of his own, the spikes curling through each clatter as they collided. Zoro feared what liquid oozed from the weapon but knew he was far from finding out such atrocities. He was a small child after all; Zoro was the master here.
However, no matter how hard and fast Zoro swung, the boy kept up, ignoring every inch of his body to give up. His hands were covered with thick callouses, grasping the handle of his blade tightly not to drop or lose sight of Zoro. Cuts and bruises littered his skin, fair to the word of keeping up with Zoro as much as he could.
He was learning fast.
He would be something great one day Zoro was sure.
Around the crew the boy would keep the same chipper attitude, slowly mimicking how they moved. He carried the same light-hearted and hungry energy as Luffy, challenging him to the last bits of meat Sanji worked hard to prepare; winning with Nami on his side. His stamina and aim heighten, time spent with Usopp throwing off Zoro's expectations for how quickly he was learning skills. Accidents and wounds lessened, learning how to fix his own incidents, knowing any setback would cause his training to lessen.
He was improving in all aspects, quickly adjusting to the movements and flow of sparring against Zoro, reminding him of a version of himself long forgotten. Zoro could see that now, misjudging his manipulation, realising how smart and creative the boy was in his own right.
Zoro's past stood in front of him, so vivid it haunted him in the night, keeping him awake from drawing in his memories. He viewed himself, the child, in the same determined nature which craved more, burning their bodies to the ground in pain; and no amount of rest would be enough to sooth them. He could feel himself attach to the boy, instinctively protecting his own shadow, and as the Isle of Tenohira grew closer, Zoro started to grieve something he was fond of.
"Oi!" Luffy's voice boomed through the ship, the clatter of his sandals beating against the deck. It had turned three days since the boy joined the crew, a day Zoro had began to dread, knowing instantly what that meant for his and the boys future.
In the crows nest Zoro caught onto Luffy's voice, the boy catching the same, however, failed to part away from his training; lifting the weights above his head. Unwilling to make the first move Zoro ignored the call, turning back to his own corner, twisting his sword around in motions that caused his head to spin, unable to keep up.
"Was that Luffy?" the boy finally spoke, grunting through his repetitions.
Zoro grunted, unable to look over at him, half afraid he might actually break. He didn't wish to admit he had grown fond of the child, distancing as much emotion as he could muster, his direction becoming a loose brick in his emotional walls built around him for years. He was started to enjoy the presence of somebody else in his space, quietly and in tune to his own routine, sliding peacefully compared to the distant chatter of his fellow crewmates.
"Should we go down? He is the captain after all?"
"Do whatever you want" Zoro bit, unwilling to move from his spot.
Latching onto a spot on the wall Zoro focused, hearing the boy behind him put down the weight. He said something, to which Zoro grunted again, unsure what exactly was being said, before leaving the crows nest. Zoro's vision began to blur, his focus slipping, wishing to go with him, see him one last time with everyone; but he also didn't wish to part from him. He could hear below him the crew, their voices echoing off each other, laughing, enjoying the few moments left together before separating on the Isle.
He was hurt.
Everywhere hurt, unsure where to pinpoint what was happening to his body.
It was only a child after all.
But a part of Zoro felt helpless, pathetic, unable to even face his friends or the child to say goodbye. Why was he craving to the idea of something so mirrored by his own actions? It should fuel him to move; to work better. He had always desired more, nothing being enough for him no matter who or what stood in his way. All he wanted was to live his dream, to focus on what was at stake, and nobody, not even a version of himself would stop him of that dream. He made a promise to himself. He made a promise to...
Zoro steps away from his post, looking around in despair. How did he not realise it sooner. The boy, it wasn't him. It wasn't a part of his past haunting words and memories of his upbringing, triggering his fight response. He was someone else. Someone he didn't wish to lose again.
It was Kuina.
Zoro quickly scaled down from the crows nest, fumbling as he landed onto the deck. The ship was deserted, everyone disbanding off the Mary, his voice calling in a desperate plea for anyone to still be aboard the ship. He didn't care how loud or broken his voice had turned, desperation forcing him to try every avenue; even if it meant he would be teased.
"What are you on about, Marimo?" Sanji's voice snapped, his frame appearing in the door of the kitchen. A cigarette was alight in his hand, flickers of smoke guiding up towards his brow. Zoro spun towards his voice, too rushed with adrenaline to capture fully who was in front of him. He just needed answers.
"Where did they go?"
"Everyone. The boy. Where are they?"
Sanji smirked, dropping his cigarette, letting his foot squish the remaining bud with a slight sizzle. "So you do care about him?"
"I don't have time for your half-ass comments, twirly-brow. Where are they?"
Looking out towards the Isle, Sanji nodded towards a patch of houses, spreading out into a clearing of people. It was undeniable how his friends stood out, Luffy's buoyancy and features standing out in the clutter of grey. His friends were clearly taken to the midst of the town, carelessly wading through for food no doubt, occupied in their own endeavours to care about the absence of the boy; his figure missing from his friends.
Zoro ignored the cooks advice, shrugging him off as he hurdled over the side of the ship. He didn't have time to argue over his useless directions, deciding he was wasting more time standing around than actively looking for the boy. He could feel his mind racing, his body struggling to compete with the overflow of words that swum around in his head. His eyes were frantic, knowing he couldn't dare leave any patch of the Isle unattended.
It wasn't long since everyone had parted from the ship, however, it was unclear to Zoro just how far the boy had got before colliding with those pirates. He was so quiet of how and why he needed to fight them, but there was a strong determination bubbling like fire within him, knowing he needed this and would stop at nothing to achieve it.
Zoro had participated in his fair share of fights, memorising every step and manoeuvre since occupying the battle field. He could determine when and where a band of pirates would attack, catching them out in a feverish rage before they suspected a crucial attack. Everything in his body was telling him to ignore the cooks advice, and while he knew it wouldn't be hard to do so, it was if something was pulling him to the other side of the island.
A commotion of voices caught Zoro's attention, averting him to change course, sprinting up a hill, weaving through thick trees. In one hand he had already untied the bandana around his forearm, prepared to cause a devilish scene to the upcoming voices, growing louder and cruel. It was obvious a fight was brewing, a sea of cluttered metal and shouting bringing out the small call of a shrill voice; someone he recognised well.
As Zoro reached the hill he saw the boy surrounded by a band of pirates, more dehumanised and feral than when he first met him. It was clear now why he swore revenge, the burning look in the child's eye was unmistaken; they had taken someone from him. And just like the rage and desperation to reunite with his dear friend, Zoro concluded in an instant what he needed to do.
Sliding through the battle, Zoro's sword flipped and sliced through several bandits. His motions were smooth and quick, catching the pirates off guard in a bid to get to the boy. He knew it would be an incompetent action, throwing everyone, even the boy off from their main objective. However, Zoro was prepared to catch them in a moment of weakness, letting them know the boy wouldn't have to fight alone.
Reaching the boy, Zoro stood close, almost protecting him. He stood to his side, nudging gently, the boys expression on the verge of bewildered tears. A part of him swore he would never see Zoro again, his last few moments heartless and rude; but he was glad he was here alongside him.
"Well, cmon them" Zoro raised his swords, looking over at the boy. A smirk was plastered on his lips, curling his grin in a cocky arch, determined to boost his ego. He could tell he wished to say something, pleased to have company in the rut of a mismatched battle; in over his head.
But Zoro needed this to stay between them - both knowing each other as their own outlook and companion.
"They'll have to take us both on if they want to defeat you"
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ofrolysdogs · 1 year
Commission Fanfic: Chapter One
Fandom: Willy Wonka Franchise
For: @reviss-dragonlord
Authors note: just to clarify, I'm not apart of the wonka fan base, I do have a good glimpse of the plot however I'm not exactly sure if the characters are in character despite headcanons and whatnot, figuring out a lot as I go on through this chapter, thx for understanding.
this should be 3k words (for a very odd reason (laziness) I can't write over 2k words sorry, but I tried my hardest to add as much as I could.)
for anyone who wants to commission me, dm me but first, read this so you can understand what I'm willing to write and whatnot!
the once light blue sky above was growing darker, the sun was setting down, and the stars were to be twinkling in a moments notice, the two, middle aged men, were standing outside, staring into the sunset.
"wilkin.... my dear... can I ask you something?"
the man, who would only be called wilkinson, had heard the others voice, looking to his right he sees him not batting at eye at the man beside him, but only focused on the array of colors in the distance as the sun sets.
"I already told you not to call me that."
wonka let's out a small huff. "why not?"
"it sounds dumb."
a small huff turns into a laugh. "dumb?" he noticed the light pink blush on wilkinson's face.
"just get on with the question, please." he felt embarrassed, slightly, but it's mainly because he thought it was adorable.
clearing his throat, wonka turns over to his love, he grabbed his hand, with both of his own, brining it to his chest, wilkinson was still not used to this type of affection despite it being only a few years into their relationship, wonka definitely had plans on marrying him, in his eyes, he was just the one, the one he saw himself walking down the isle for, the one he kissed, the one who stayed through everything, even when wonka was at his lowest he was there, despite not being the most vocal or the one to show many emotions, he could still see that wilkinson cares.
"do you remember the first time we met?"
wilkinson definitely didn't have a perfect memory but he did remember certain things about their first impressions, for one, wonka was definitely someone with a unique personality, it was almost an act to him, an actor taking his role a bit too seriously, but the more he started to learn about him, the more he finds out why he acts the way he does, and the more he fell for him, he tried his best to suppress this feeling of love, but he couldn't, he loved him, so, so much, it almost felt like he was attached to him..
"I do, everytime I come here it's a reminder everyday, I'm reminded of the first time I walked through those doors, it's almost nostalgic... sometimes I wish I could go back..."
he didn't want to cry, realizing how much he had grown back then, what he had learned, what he had experienced to make him the person he is now, though it doesn't feel like it, he definitely has changed, obviously for the better.
- + - - + - - + -
sometime ago, there was an ordinary man working an ordinary job for someone of his not exactly ordinary class, it was a boring job with a decent pay especially for something like your average office job, it was enough to keep him by for the moment, but it got tiring and depressing doing the same, unfulfilling thing for what could seem like eternal loophole.
but wait a second, who was this man? a mysterious man, to the outer surface a mysterious past, personality, everything! he always kept to himself, not in a secretive way but more in a "if you would've asked, I could tell you" way and, even then, you'd only get half truths.
outside of work however he lived alone, no wife, kids, or family it seems, any remaining family was gone, not dead, just gone, lonely he was, but unfazed he remains, or that's what it appears like on the outer surface, of course he wasn't completely lonely, there were close acquaintances he would speak to on an occasion but that's all there is to it, occasions, though days would come that he wished for the deep companionship of someone else, just like in the movies, of course a movie isn't the best realistic example, but it was a start, but he wasn't even sure about who he even was first, did he even deserve such? it seemed unlike him to have someone like him, let alone love him, or that's what he thinks.
he rarely spoke to his co-workers, the occasional hello, lengthy meetings of business chit chat, and a goodbye, their existence is forgotten about until the next day, being reminded of their faces once more.
his boss was almost the same way, nothing personal would be brought in to his work, he didn't feel as if it was necessary, in fact he liked the mysteriousness everyone saw in him, he was a puzzle most couldn't put together, and in the only times where he is noticed is when someone is bothering.
"you're so quiet" is what they would say, it was true, he was a secretive individual, he spoke very little unless spoken to, what's so wrong with that.
no matter.
a usual day begins, waking up, getting dressed, eating breakfast and heading off to work, whilst eating breakfast at a nearby coffee shop since he didn't feel like making his own, a simple hot cup of coffee with a sausage egg roll for a few before he heads out the door.
whilst walking down, almost a few blocks to his workplace for the remaining hours, he looks over to his right, a somewhat normal sized building, it looked to be in the middle of construction, he didn't think much of it, and continued to walk past and off into the distance he could see his job.
once he walks in, the cool air hits him, summer is right around the corner, and the humidity outside was growing, he disliked summer because of the humidity, it's hot and uncomfortable, but a good swim doesn't hurt once and a while.
he got down to his desk and started to work, finding emails, loads, that he needs to reply to, a huff leaves his nose as he begins to type, staring at the screen as words begin to appear, until a moments notice.
"excuse me, wilk, do you mind seeing me for a bit, it shouldn't take too long?"
a woman's voice, he looked up at the lady, the bosses secretary that he swore was a mistress, ah, yes, he had a bit of insight on drama relating to job, of course he observed from a distance but knew as much as he could, nonetheless, he stood up from his desk and walked past the woman without a single word uttering his mouth.
"he was always a man of few words, isn't he." the woman behind him spoke lowly to herself, as low as she could.
the main office wasn't exactly far from the desk he sat at, and through the office window he saw the man himself sitting at the desk, opening the door, the smell of something musky, like sweat, had hit him.
"come in, have a seat."
it was an odd atmosphere, it felt like something was going to go wrong, he sat down anyways pulling the chair up to the desk to comfortably sit with his arms resting on the desktop. the boss fixed his glasses, a relaxed expression on his face, letting out a cough before words could come out, and after a while of the boss speaking and speaking on, he gets to the final point, of him behind fired.
but what for? he asks not because he's begging to stay but rather wondering what's the reason.
apparently, a woman is accusing him of some form of name calling and harassment, in fighting is strictly forbidden, though expected everyone won't get along, but straight up insults is where lines were being drawn, the question is, who would accuse him of such? why him? he was pretty much left behind and forgotten by almost everyone around him, never invited to parties hosted by those around him or any outings, not that it bothered him much since he could care less about their existence, but he did sometimes wish he could experience a bit of it.
after the conversation was ended, things were being packed and now it was time to finally go for good, how exactly did he feel about this situation at hand? well, it was planned on a while back anyways, he just never had the right time to tell his boss, no, his former boss anything so far, he went on to pack his things and head out the door, all he could do now is pray that a better job was ahead, better pay, maybe more interesting co workers, whatever awaits his future is there.
he had forgot that because his job was only a 15 minute walk away from where he lived, he didn't necessarily need to bring a car, but because of the things he packed it did sure come in handy, but complaining internally won't do much, so, he walks the same way he came.
after about a few minutes he runs into that building, some more work had been done to it, including a poster that is stapled to a pole nearby the building, it shows that the building being developed was being turned into a chocolate factory, and they're looking for work, and once you walk inside that building you would be interviews for hire, it seemed interesting and he was inclined to give it a bit of thought, though he walked back home anyways, not thinking much about him being fired or much more, but in all honesty, he felt like something deeper was going on, I mean, he wasn't the type to speak much to let alone harass a woman, not that he's misogynistic but rather, he just didn't, nothing deep within it.
but even then, right now it doesn't matter anymore, that's all in the past, but it did feel a bit hurtful, almost comparable to getting a flu shot, he had worked there for a few years and had some pretty interesting memories.
once arriving home he sets his things down on the coffee table that sits beside his couch, next to his laptop, he goes off to his room to change into something more comfortable, and returns to the living room shortly afterwards, and then it hits him; that chocolate factory.
he had to admit that he did like sweets, even as a small child he loved the taste of chocolate, he hasn't had as much now as he did back then, he is getting old, the older you get, the more weight you gain, and the more likely the health issues you get from eating such things, not that he cared much about his health but.. yeah, he kind of did, he had to.
did he even have enough time to go down there to see an interview? he never bothered to check the schedule, it was late but not dark out, late because that's usually the time he would stay indoors before starting the next day, but should he make this day the exception?
ah, it didn't matter, he was far too tired anyway, today was exhausting, all he wanted to do was to fall asleep, and not have to worry about anything, other than what could happen tomorrow, so he walked back to his room to go to bed, finally.
- + - - + - - + -
8:30 am, the next day finally rolls in, his eyes flutter open, still tired as he isn't able to move, his thoughts begin to roll in, reminders of the days before the others, until it hits him once again, he needs to go to that building to be hired.
he slowly rises up from laying down, stretching before he hops out of bed to start the morning: washing his face, brushing his teeth, and then to find out what to wear, it took a bit of thought but he decided to go with a navy blue suit top with a black tie, the same, black pants he wore and dress shoes, and to not forget his glasses.
he goes into his kitchen to see, what could he eat for this morning? buttery waffles, drenched in syrup with a side of sausage links with an undecided drink will do for today, almost every time he would just go down to that coffee shop but today was just different for him, as he waited for his waffles to cook he gathered a bag of frozen links, and got to cooking.
it had been a bit since he cooked anything, so, mistakes could happen here or there, the sausage was a tad bit overcooked and he accidentally put to much waffle batter in the iron, it not like it was a complete disaster though.
he ate nonetheless and watched the television, he watched the most interesting thing that was on, and he had to admit that the food was actually pretty good despite it's imperfections.
and now it was finally time to leave, he locked the door behind him and headed off, walking down his usual route, showing that nothing much has changed so far, other than the relocation to keep him housed.
it took a lot quicker to reach the building than to his old job, standing at the entrance that leads to a trail in the building, he inhales, and exhales, preparing for whatever could come, first impressions shouldn't be too bad as he's decently dressed, would they look into his history on the fact that he got fired just yesterday?
he told himself not to panic too much, he felt the same way when he applied for his first, second and last job, this one shouldn't be to different now?
anyway, he took his first steps into the entrance and walked down the isle, he felt his legs start to tremble and wobble but kept his usual blank expression, it didn't take him long to reach the entrance, he didn't know wether he needed to just simply walk in or to knock but considering that it's not exactly open to the public, he opens the door slowly, peaking in to see.... things he had never seen before.
he took his first steps in, wandering the surrounding area, it looked almost like a children's play area, it wasn't the most colorful, but at the same time, vibrant, like it was all painted just moments ago, he hadn't seen something like this in ages, and he-
"excuse me sir?"
a voice was heard in the distance, but the echo makes it seem like it was closer, he turned his head front, back, left, right, forwards, backwards, only to see the man standing behind him, a top hat, a velvet red colored tailor coat, everything underneath was black from the suit to the shoes, there was also a distinguishable cain, he was also relatively tall as well, or maybe, the hat kind of made it out to be that way.
"oh, hello there, you must be the one that works here..?"
"why yes I am, are you looking to work here?"
"umm.... yeah I am."
the man in the top hat claps his hands together joyfully. "great! now if you will follow me to the office and we can get started!"
from what was gathered, this man seems so... interesting? not in the same way he was, you know, the stern and quiet type but this man however... he was more on the joyful side, if joyful was even the word to use, he had a certain style, a certain elegance that he didn't see in real life, it was surreal to say the least, was he putting on an act?
once in the office, the man in the top hat goes on to sit down in front of his desk, he uses his cane to push back the seat that sits across from him, going to sit down, the man slides his seat up to where his arms can rest comfortably on his desk.
"alright, so, for this interviewing process, I will ask you a few questions, then afterwards we'll see if you are eligible, that doesn't sound bad does it?" a smile on the mans face, before it disappears, like he had saw something..?
"oh wait! goodness me, I almost forgot to introduce myself, you can simply call me wonka, but, willy is my first name, and as for you, well... what is your name?"
clearing his throat to speak.
"my name is..... you can simply call me wilkinson."
wonka's expression grew blank, showing confusion, he stares him boldly in the eyes, from the point of view of wilkinson, this isn't good?
"well, that's quite the interesting name, wilkinson! don't worry, I've met people with even weirder names!"
the guy who's name is quite frankly willy wonka is joking about names being weird, but then again it could be a stage name, also, wilkinson is his last name, his first name can be john, or terry, any basic middle aged white man names.
the job hiring process was being completed with multiple other questions, in between chats about personal but not too personal details about ones lives, it seemed like everything was going smoothly, wilkinson could feel himself loosen up slightly and speak more, it felt so refreshing considering that he never met someone that he can truly feel at ease with, it was a very special feeling.
it feels like he had learned a bit too much about this man, like, a close friend perhaps? it's not a bad thing obviously but it was something that was a bit questionable.
"honestly, I can't wait to have you work here with us, you'll fit right in!" wonka opens the door to his office as he allows wilkinson to move past him with a low "after you," closing the door behind the both of them they walk down the hallways of the factory in construction, looking around him to see the walls he walked past not too long ago.
"well, it is still rather early." wilkinson speaks to himself as he looks outside through a small window, the sun was still beaming with clouds coming by to cover it every few minutes or so, the weather before he came in was almost perfectly in the middle, he didn't even need to wear this fancy suit.
"why yes it is, its only noon, I must say, out of all the applications, you seemed to have stood out! I mean just look at this outfit! it compliments everything about you!" wonka smiles, continuing to walk in front of wilkinson.
there wasn't much else to do from here, the job here was done, he was hired on the spot, most people consider it a red flag but since this was a starting career, it was almost expected.
"when do I begin my work?" wilkinson asks.
"when do you want to begin working?" wonka responds in playful sarcasm.
"I prefer in a week, I just need time to figure out some personal situations first, if that's fine with you?"
"that's perfectly understandable!"
once reaching the entrance, wilkinson walks out of the double doors, but is stopped by wonka's call, stopping in his tracks, he turns half body to the man walking behind him.
"you don't mind that maybe, we can have a chat over lunch one of these days? I would like to get to know you just a little bit more."
wilkinson wasn't uneasy, of course not, but it did feel a bit.... strange, of course wonka seemed lovely of course..
"sure, why not..?" wilkinson hesitantly agrees to the offer, before giving the man a professional hand shake, and leaving once more, not much else was planned for the day, he's so used to working for these long hours answering to emails and whatnot but for today, resting is what was planned, it had been a while since he had taken an afternoon nap, or caught up with a series of what not, this will happen for an entire week
as he walked, he found himself passing the coffee shop he always goes to, he debated to himself wether or not he wanted something from there, but he wasn't exactly hungry, so he walked past, he would probably regret it later but .. oh well.
his house now wasn't far, walking in after unlocking the door, he did himself a big stretch before walking back to his room, flopping himself on the bed face first, the memories of today replay in his mind, he didn't want to overthink about his soon to be job, but, he couldn't help it to a degree, it's a natural feeling.
the day wasn't over yet, so what? he had all the time in the world right now to take a nice nap, and that, is exactly what he did.
little did the man know, the decision he made would change his life for the better.
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lady-of-the-spirit · 2 years
Your description of those types of movies are on point!! Like it’s so weird that it isn’t any of development!! Yeah like everytime they just become worse in the second movie and it’s soo annoying. Yes like mal and Audrey seriously could have been the expectation!! Especially cuz like you said they were both the mean girls and they both did something wrong to each other. So it would have been the perfect time to reconcile and all that good stuff. And make a good point but then they just did that with the other movies sooo.
I legit just think that people love victim blaming Ben cuz the movie did and sometimes people just don’t know how to think critically about the media they consume. Legit like how can they excuse that tho!?? Oh Ben would have def been willing to talk it out but mal didn’t let him and then mal went to the isle of the lost. And then they made Ben go to the isle of the lost where everyone knew he would be targeted. And he did. Like why didn’t they think the plan through? And why did the writers just victim blame him like that and go to drastic measures to make him apologize for something that wasn’t even his fault. And something that he had valid feelings about. Like mal has been lying to Ben the whole time and been erasing Ben’s memories and yet people can’t see how this would be upsetting!!!!! Like just how???
Literally I will never understand why they didn’t go down that arc with Ben. Especially since it was right there!!! They even had Ben mention that he was too busy that he pushed off some other things when he was talking to uma. And then he said that it wasn’t an excuse. We love a self aware king but also like that just screams how much he is trying to be a perfectionist. And how much he is trying to be a perfect person for everyone. And also how much responsibility is on him right now. Like it’s literally right there to show Ben’s journey. But instead he somehow gets victim blamed and it makes no sense.
Legit like all the characters are soo precious and babies!! Omg you can totally give me fic recs!! I would love that.
GIVE THE GIRLIES SOME STABLE DEVELOPMENT!!!! They could have been friends or at least decent acquaintances given the chance! I feel like if they hadn't been enemies in the beginning, they would have been good friends and helped each other see past their expectations and existing views of the world. Like they had Audrey dancing with the group at the end!
No seriously, they do. Ben says "We can reschedule the date for later if you're not ready", and there's never been any indication that he wouldn't be willing to listen and talk things out with Mal had she not tried to spell him first. But the moment he gets upset Mal makes it about "how hard it's been for me!" which, like, I get it! It has been hard for her! That still doesn't justify what she tried to do. (Personally I don't mind her "cheating" with magic but I get why Ben would be miffed about it, like he feels she's not making the effort?)
To be fair to the others I'm pretty sure Evie at least said Ben coming with them was not a good idea, and they didn't want him walking around by himself... but then they also didn't do much to disguise him and also put his family crest on his clothes if I remember correctly so idk.
Yeah my poor guy tries so hard to be a good king and a good man that the perfectionism gets to him. He puts all the pressure on his own shoulders and takes responsibility for whatever he can, whether it's his fault or not. (Zed from ZOMBIES does the same thing, what is going on with DCOM guys???) I don't know how the movies could have dealt with this or what kind of storyline they could have done without rewriting everything, especially since the movies became so Mal-centered that everyone else got like 1% of a decent storyline, but they really dropped the ball on Ben.
I'm gonna make a separate post to put some fic recs together for Stranger Things. But I DO have a fic rec for Ben kinda related to what we're talking about. it's one of my favourite Descendants fics by my friend @disneyfan50. It's a rewrite of Descendants 3 where Ben gets pissed at the idea of permanently cutting off the Isle and takes the scepter instead of Audrey. It's just *chef's kiss* amazing.
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raineydays411 · 4 years
Mission In Progress
Steve Rogers x daughter!reader
Summary: Steve realizes that his past behavior may have cost him the love of his daughter.
A/n: Hello! This is the second part to my Steve Rogers series! I hope you like it and also I hope y’all get the little references I put in these lol💕
“What do you mean Natasha taught you?”
Oh shit.
That was the collective thought between you, Nat, Clint, and Tony. It was well known among the team that Steve didn’t want his daughter learning ANY form of self defense, but those four thought that was ridiculous. She was Captain America's daughter, she definitely would need to fight off an enemy sooner or later.
“well...nat taught me the basics on how to defend myself, she said it would come in handy someday.” You say quietly, picking the thread on your sleeve rather than looking at your father.
“Romanoff, you taught her how to fight?” Steve said, fury bleeding into his eyes. “I made it perfectly clear--”
“Steve, its unreasonable for her not to know how to fight, she's the daughter of one of the worlds greatest defenders. If she doesn’t fight, she’s dead.”, Natasha said bluntly, staring Steve in the face as the other Avengers grew uncomfortable.
“She’s perfectly fine, it’s not like she leaves the Tower anyway.”
“Because if she did, you’d have someone follow her. It’s creepy, man”  Tony butts in with a roll of his eyes. By now both Bruce and Thor had silently left the room, as both of them would be useless in this conversation.
“Oh, so Tony Stark is gonna teach me how to raise a kid? Isn’t that ironic.”
“It’s not like you’re doing any better on your own. All Y/n does is stay in her room and write in that book of hers, she doesn’t even talk to people her own age.”
“It’s safer that way and you all know it” Steve snaps, refusing to even look your way. “ I set those rules for a reason, and I don’t appreciate my team mate or friends going behind my back and breaking them.”
“Look, Steve we love you, but the way you’re going about this whole parenting situation is completely wrong.” Clint finally says. “ I get that you were thrusted into this role, we all do. But man, you can protect Y/n from everything and it’s not healthy for her to be locked away in the tower like--”
“Like some modern day Rapunzel” 
“Thank you, Tony.”
“You all know the reason why she’s not allowed to leave. Its just safer that way.” Steve says, expecting the conversation to be over. “ Now, we’ll talk about this when we get back to --”
“You don’t lock me away for my protection” You say looking up with a determined face. Steve, obviously stunned you called him out like that turned to you and said
“ Excuse me?” 
“ It was never about me. If you wanted me to be safe, you would have taught me how to defend myself as soon as you could. You would have told the world about me, just to make sure everyone knows not to mess with me.” You say, your brow furrowed. “ You say its for safety, but who’s safety is it really for?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Steve says in a low, slow tone. 
“Everytime I come in a room, you tense up like I’m going to attack you.” You start to say, realizing that once you reveal what you noticed, things will never be the same. “ You monitor everything I do. You never allow me to be alone. You don’t talk to be about missions and don’t allow anyone else to.” You stand up off the couch. “ You refuse to acknowledge my mother, and won’t even let read the journal she left me.”
“That’s enough Y/n”
“No!” You shout. “ It’s not fair I don’t understand why you treat me like this.” Steve looks at you in surprise. 
“ Y/n, you don’t understand.”
“ I do. You don’t trust me.” You finally say. “ You haven’t from day one, and I don’t know why. It's not like a six year old is a Hydra agent by disguise.” 
Hearing this Steve freezes. He knows that all this surveillance was unnecessary. And deep down he knew that you could never hurt not even a fly. but that tiny voice in his head got the best of him. And even though he grew to love you more than he’d like to admit, the thought of you being am enemy scared him. 
“ You are a threat.” Steve says stubbornly. “ You came out of nowhere, with nothing but a note in the middle of the night. Your mother is nowhere to be found, and I have no idea who to even look for. You look nothing like me and defiantly don’t act like me.” 
Hearing these words is like a knife being repeatedly stabbed in your heart. It’s one thing to think that your dad doesn’t love you, it's another to hear them directly from his mouth. 
“ I have done nothing for you to treat me like this. I have done nothing to lose your trust. I didn’t ask for my mother to leave me here with you. It’s not my fault.” You say, tears starting to well up in your eyes. “ That robot asked me to go with him you know?”
The whole room freezes. You never mentioned that when Clint picked you up from the Tower.
“ He asked me to go with him, because he said I had no one. I had nothing to loose. And now” You let tears run down your face. “ Now that I know he’s right, I still wouldn’t go with him. Because I would NEVER want someone to get hurt because of me.” And with that you pushed past the group of superheros and ran outside. You didn’t know where you were going, but you had to get out of that house.
You walk into town and into a bookshop that was surprisingly open at this hour. The clerk looked at you in annoyance as you wandered the isles quietly. Picking up a copy of Romeo and Juliet, you walk toward the counter to pay.
“Tch, Romeo and Juliet?” The cashier says
“What about it?” you ask, puzzled that he cared enough to mention it. 
“Nothing if you’re thirteen and never had a boyfriend.”
“Oh really?” You say, eyes lighting up at the chance to talk to someone your own age without the gaze of an agent boring into your back.
Meanwhile, there was a tense silence in the house. Steve left with the words you told him rattling in his brain. 
“You know, Y/n always used to come to me for help picking out the perfect father's day gift for you.” Clint said breaking the silence in the room. “ She insisted we wake up hours before you to go to the shops just to surprise you. She loved wrapping the gift and the thought of making you happy.” He smiled bitterly. “ I loved every second of it, watching her reminded me of my own family. It broke my heart to see her little face deflate when you barely acknowledged the gift and treated it like it was a bomb or something.” He shakes his head and walks out. Natasha follows him and says ‘ Its late, it's not safe for her to be out there alone, I’m going to look for her.”. Then she’s gone. Leaving only Tony and Steve in the living room. It’s quiet for a few minutes. They can hear Clint playing with his children, Lila laughing as Cooper and Clint chase her. 
“ You know, all my life I had to wonder if my dad loved me too.” Tony said suddenly. “ I guess that’s why I got along with Y/n so well.”
Steve sat on the couch and sighed. “ I guess I could’ve approached this differently.”
“That's your problem Rogers, you treat her like a mission. She’s a kid. Even I know that you can’t raise a kid that way.”
Steve exhaled through his nose. “So, what do you think I should do?”  
Tony rolled his eyes again.” Well for one, you can go look for your fourteen year old daughter who ran out in the middle of the night in an area she doesn’t know.”
Steve's eyes widened and he shot up, “ Shit, I- I have to go find her.” and with that he ran out of the living room, leaving Tony alone as he heard him shout 
It didn’t take long for Steve to get into town. The only problem he really faced was figuring out where you might be. Almost everything was closed except for a liquor store and some bars. He started to panic, as he started to think about the possibility of you being hurt or kidnapped or--
“Hey bomb pop, over here” someone whispers
Steve looks around to see Natasha standing in front of a bookshop. He jogs up to her and asks
“Nat what are you--” “SHHH, look” she points into the window.
At first Steve didn’t know what he was looking at. All he saw was two kids flirting on some bean bags. But then he looked closer and realized that was his kid flirting on some bean bags. He got ready to burst in there and drag her out, which surprised him.
“What are you doing” Natasha harshly whispered, “This is the first time in years y/n has talked to someone her age, and I will NOT let you ruin it.”
“But does it have to be a boy” Steve whines, then he shrinks back as Nat glares at him. 
“You have no right to play protective daddy right now, you--”
“Dad? Nat? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
It’s been about an hour since you started talking to Levi, the cashier. Even though he insulted your book choice
“It’s a play about two bratty kids who think they’re in love and then kill themselves, its pathetic”
He’s interesting. He has this harsh exterior that is refreshing to you. You liked that he didn’t handle you with kids gloves like the rest of the Avengers did. He let you stay behind after closing as long as you helped him clean, but you didn’t last long because apparently you “cleaned like a blind person with no hands” whatever that means. After cleaning you two sat and talked about music and his friends. It was nice. That was until you felt eyes on you.
Looking out the window you noticed two figures staring at you. One petite red head and a tall blonde to be more specific. Rolling your eyes, you say goodbye to Levi and thank him for one of the best nights you’ve had in a while. As you left he did something that surprised you.
“Hey brat, here’s my number.” He says as he gives you an old receipt, “ Don’t expect me to text you all night, I have a life too.” 
You just smile and say thank you, blushing as you realize this was your first friend in years. You put the number in your pocket and walk outside. 
“Dad? Nat?” You ask, cutting their little squabbling short. “What are you two doing here?” 
Nat and Steve stand up straight. 
“It was getting late and I was worried so I came to find you” Natasha said, “ But it seems to me that you were quite alright in there” She finishes with a smirk. You blush as you try to think of a retort. Before you say anything, you hear your dad clear his throat. You roll your eyes.
“Don’t worry, I wasn’t getting intel on how to kill you or whatever you think what will happen if i make friends.” You again push past the two avengers, your good mood spoiled as you walk away. You hear some harsh whispering then your name is called. 
“Y/n” your father calls, “I think we need to talk.”
Tag list: @angeldreineedshelp @night-thinqer @ilyimagines @vxidsti1es @big-galaxy-chaos
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baka-monarch · 3 years
Please tell me of the loony tunes shenanigans that Will and Techno go through trying to catch the three little thieves
As I have explained plan 1 of catching Tubbo was a bust I will tell of some things that have happened:
After that Wilbur and Techno try leaving out normal animal traps (those cages that close from behind)- this ends horribly as they show up the next day to find all of their most valuable items they had for sale are now stuck in the cages and the doors are sealed shut and can't be opened
After that, Wilbur and Techno try just chasing the animals everytime they see them- but the animals are quick to avoid them and embarrass them in front of the whole strip mall every time
At some point the trio has had enough. They make a plan:
The plan:
Ranboo walks into the pawn shop and makes sure that Techno sees him. Techno abandons a customer at the counter to follow the cat and see what they're up to
With Techno distracted, Tommy sneaks in and sits at the end of an isle for Wilbur to find
Both are caught and carried in the hands of the two humans, as Techno and Wilbur meet up ("I got the cat" "I found the raccoon" "it's weird that they're not fighting us though..." "...." "Where's the bee!?")
Tubbo makes sure that everyone is out of the pawn shop before unlocking the bars that go down over the door and trapping the humans inside like it's a prison cell
Once that's done, Tommy and Ranboo scratch the humans to be let go- and Ranboo runs in a way to make sure both humans are chasing him as Tommy sneaks away
Tommy goes out of a vent and outside the pawn shop where he uses his little raccoon hands and a stolen key to lock the humans inside
By now Techno and Wilbur figure out what's happening- but it's too late as Tommy is already outside, Tubbo flies through the bars, and Ranboo gets out through the vent
Techno and Wilbur later find a note saying "There's more where that came from, so leave us alone bitches- the dirty Crime trio"
Mcyt g/t list:
@trashpumped @lorie-the-little-ghost @encaos @i-am-a-weeb @wyforyu-gaming @shy-septic-dragon @5unfl0writ3r @colorfulsiren @moonmwah @iwasgoingtohellanyways @echoslime @wilbur-simp @trouble-off-grid @the-misfits-system @lilsyxx @smogs-0
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“You’ve got everything, dear?”
“Yes, Mom.”
“Your jackets? Your good chitons?”
“Mom, you know they don’t wear things like that on the isle. Or anywhere else anymore.”
“They could wear party hats and capes for all I care, you’re a respectable god. And as such, you’ll dress like one, hear me?”
Persephone sighed as her mother Demeter started another lecture. Every fall it was the same. She wouldn’t even see her for the next six months, why did it matter to her how ‘respectable’ Persephone acted, especially on a place like the isle?
“And another thing, don’t bring home anymore knives or other sharp objects. I’m tired of having to throw those out.” Demeter said as she straightened out her own outfit in the mirror, wiping a stray bit of lipstick from her mouth before deciding everything looked just fine.
“Well I can’t leave them at dad’s.” Persephone said, leaning on the tall handle of her suitcase. “Hadie will mix it up with his and by the time I’m back I’ll need a new one anyway.”
“Here’s an idea- don’t get one to begin with.” She said. “You shouldn’t need one in the first place.”
“Not a good idea.” Persephone swayed back and forth on her heels. She hated how long her mom always took. She knew it was just stalling to keep her home for even an hour longer. “You could just let me-“
“Absolutely not.” Demeter cut her off quickly. “I will not have that type of thing in my house. Do I make myself clear?”
“Yes..” Persephone groaned, only to brighten up as Demeter opened the front door.
She all but raced out the door to the royal limo that was waiting outside to pick them up. One quick stop at the castle and Persephone was off. Back to her father and her brother and her- well, she didn’t have a word for what Pain and Panic were to her, but they were family nonetheless. Demeter followed behind, slowly locking up their house and flipping the sign to the flower shop that occupied their bottom floor to ‘away’, taking forever to get in the limo. Persephone had already shoved her bag into the back of the limo and gotten comfortable before her mom could even open the door to sit.
The limo drove across the city to the palace, where King Adam and Queen Belle awaited them. Beside them was their only son, Prince Ben, waiting to say goodbye to his best friend for the winter months. They hadn’t much time to say their goodbyes everytime- fall had to come sooner rather than later- but they had been doing it for as long as they had known each other.
Ben watched out the window for any signs of the limo, tapping his fingers against the window sill as he waited. Belle and Adam looked between each other, and smiled. He was always like this when Persephone was leaving or coming- and though they had always been wary of the gods and everything that came with working with them- they were at least glad Ben had a friend as close to him as Persephone. Maybe once he was king and she took her spot as Goddess of Spring, there’d be less complicated custody requirements to go through before a new season could be rung in.
“They’re here!” He said as the limo pulled in, smiling brightly.
The three of them went down to the front together to greet them- Adam and Belle had learned the hard way that gods preferred the royal treatment even in the presence of actual royals.
Persephone got out of the limo first, running to hug Ben. She towered over him, but it didn’t matter much as they embraced.
“Hi Benny boy.” Persephone smiled as they pulled apart.
“Hi Seph.” Ben smiled back at her. “You’re ready to go?”
“The seasons don’t wait for anyone.” Persephone shrugged, but nodded all the same. That’s when she noticed his parents, and waved. “Hi, Mr. and Mrs. Florian, your highnesses.”
“Hello, Persephone. Lady Demeter, always a pleasure.” Belle said as she and her husband nodded graciously to the older goddess who walked up behind Persephone. Demeter nodded back to them.
“Your graces.” Demeter greeted. “Good to see you again.”
“Mother, Father, Lady Demeter, do you mind if Persephone and I step away for a moment?” Ben asked. “I just- have something to talk to her about before she goes.”
“Yes, Ben, you can go.” His parents said.
“Of course, young man.” Demeter said. “Behave, Persephone.”
“Yes, Mom.” Persephone said, but didn’t really listen to her as Ben led her off.
“Ok, Ok,” Persephone said. “What is it you’ve got to show me?”
“I’ve finally got it, Seph.” He said with a huge smile. “The perfect first decree.”
The two of them went quickly to Ben’s private study. He had been hauled up in there for forever- which, was Persephone’s way of saying more than three days- drafting plans for his first official decree as king. He had a little over half a year until the day came, but he wanted to make sure it was perfect. Classic Ben.
He held up a paper draft that had been scribbled down as fast as Ben could write. He handed it to Persephone and she read through it.
“I, King Ben, decree that we enac-“ Persephone stopped as she saw the next lines. “enact a system to bring children from the isle over to Auradon.. as a second chance for them..” Her voice broke as she looked up at him. “Ben.”
“Surprise.” He said. “What do you think?”
“What do I- Ben!” Persephone smiled brightly as she hugged him. “That’s amazing! You have no idea the amount of good that’ll do- there’s so many kids on that isle that need this.”
“I know. That’s why I wanted you to be the first to hear it.” Ben said. Persephone blinked.
“Wait,” She said as she pulled away. “Your parents don’t know yet?”
“Im waiting for the right time to tell them.”
“Wow, Benny boy’s acting all rebellious and secretive.” She chuckled. “Im proud of you. This is really good, Ben.”
“I’ve still got a few kinks to work out of it, but, it’ll be ready by coronation day.” He said. “You’ll be here for coronation day, right?”
“Unless you want a jump from winter to summer, ‘course I will be.” She said. “Any ideas on who you’ll bring first?”
“Not yet.” He said. “I wanna make sure I can pick kids who will have an impact.”
“Well, if you want my advice, which, eh.” She wiggled her hand back and forth. “You’re gonna need big name villains’ kids. I can give you some names if you want.”
“That’d be great! Any off the top of your head?” He said as he went for a pen and paper. Persephone sat on his desk and tapped her finger against her chin in thought.
“Let’s see..” She said. “First off, Hadie. Second, Hadie.”
“Ooh! Third! Hadie.”
“Fourth.. no, probably Hadie.”
Persephone huffed as she looked at Ben, who gave her that tired smile that everyone gave their best friend when they were trying to be clever and failing.
“Sorry, Ben, but my brother’s the most important person to me- besides you, ‘course.” She said. “Hell, he’s just a kid. He deserves to grow up somewhere safe.” In reality, Hadie was 16, but to be honest it didn’t matter how old he was because he’d always be her kid brother. A 10,000 year age gap did that.
“He’s one of the first to come, I promise.” He said. “But, I need more than one kid.”
“Oh.. alright.” She said. “I’ll get you a real list by the time I’m back.”
“Thank you.” Ben said. “And don’t worry- if he still wants to go see your dad like you do, he can- it’s all a matter of getting them and Auradon’s people used to eachother first, before there’s any possible talks of free travel.”
“Right.” Persephone nodded. “Speaking of, I probably need to get going. They’re waiting for me.”
“Be safe.” He said as she hopped down from the desk.
“I would be if my mom let me keep my knives.” She said as the two headed back down. “It’s so rude, she always takes them. She even took the one Heidi found me!”
“No- that one was your favorite!”
“I know!”
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k7l4d4 · 3 years
Midnight Striga: Fairy Tail/Owl House Cross Fic Episode 6 Part 2
Hello, and once again, welcome back to midnight Striga! Thanks for reading!
With a shout, Eda gripped the arm, slamming the attached body onto the ground. Looming over the hooded figure now gasping on the ground, Eda growled. “Now listen here you sneaky bastard, I don’t know who you are but you caaaaaaannnnnnn!?” She trailed off from her threat, shock rising as the hood fell back.
“Oh, hello, Edalyn!” The old woman cheered, flipping herself up and onto her feet. In a blink, she rushed in, pulling a frozen-stiff Eda into a bearhug. “I have so much news to tell you about!”
Luz blinked, eyes flicking between the two, before the features clicked. Eyes widening, she shot Eda a look. “So… this is your mom?” She asked, pointing at the woman.
Shaking herself back into the present, Eda groaned, lightly shoving the woman away. “Yes, unfortunately.” Giving a deep sigh, Eda turned to Luz, gesturing to the woman next to her. “Luz, meet my mother, Gwendolyn Clawthorne, and one of the single most recurring pains in my butt. Speaking of which,” She turned to Gwen, scowling, “What do you want, mom?”
Gwen gave a beaming grin, tilting her head in apparent thought. “Is it really such a shock that a mother would want to see her daughter?” She asked, neither aware of the way Luz tensed at her question. Both Gwen and Luz reeled back at the response she got, however.
“Yes.” Eda bit out, intense bitterness coating her voice. Standing firm, she put both hands on her hips, head tilted up in anger. “Everytime… EVERYTIME!! You’ve visited me since I’ve been living on my own, it’s been to try some cockamayme cure for my curse. And they. Never. Work!! So yeah, I’d say it’s reasonable to be a little skeptical.” She finished, panting slightly at the exertion of her outburst, lightly covering part of her wrist, and the feathers underneath.
Luz desperately held in the urge to shout at Eda for talking about the woman before her like that, but she could grudgingly admit to seeing where she was coming from. However, neither of them were fully prepared for Gwen’s reaction. Gwen gave a tired sigh, a sad smile forming across her features. “I do suppose I deserved that.” She chuckled, reaching up to Eda’s face, tracing a hand across her jaw, much to her daughter’s discomfort. “I promise, Edalyn, I just want to talk. That’s all. Please?”
Eda bit her lip, conflicted. On the one hand, she was sick and tired of being burned by her mother’s antics… and on the other hand, she was sick of her family being in pain, and was honestly wanting to have genuine quality time with her mother for once. Deciding to take the risk and just bite the bullet, Eda sighed, relenting. “Okay, fine! We can talk.” She said, throwing up her hands in exasperation. Turning a raised eyebrow to Luz, Eda asked, “You want in on this, kid?”
Seeing the two witches giving her matching looks of inquisitiveness, Luz blinked, before rapidly shaking her head. “Oh no!” Pointing to Eda, she continued, “You need this a lot more than I do at the moment, and, if that brief back and forth was any indicator, the two of you have enough issues to work through WITHOUT me being thrown in.” She stated, stepping back, arms raised. Shooting Eda a brave smirk, “Don’t worry, I’ll just make a day of it in town. I mean,” she shrugged, “I’ve kinda got to get used to people being suspicious of me in public all over again, why not start now?”
Coming to an agreement (“If you die, I’m selling all your stuff!” “Love ya too, Eda!), the group headed their separate ways, promising to catch up later. Gwen giddily dragged Eda along, who was personally torn between annoyance at the manhandling, and amusement at her mother’s amusement. “Yeesh, calm down, Gwen! You’re gonna rip my arm off!” Eda half-joked. Gwen’s yanks actually did have a real chance of removing her arms, but it’s not like that was a problem with her condition, really.
“Oh, I’m sorry dear, I’m just so excited!” Gwen squealed, a sheepish grin filling her face. “I just…” Her smile turned sad, “I just really wanted to see you.”
Eda gave her own sad laugh. “Don’t worry, I can understand the feeling.” Her mind flashed back to how she was after she and Raine split up, all the nights she wished they were back, wanting to see them. A thought came to her. “Hey, I just noticed… where’s Hawksley?” She asked.
Gwen gave her a mischievous wink. “Oh, he’s just looking after our other guest.”
Eda shot her a look of bafflement. “Other guest!? What are- oh no.” She groaned, as realization set in. Turning her gaze, she was in no way surprised to see Lilith, glumly slumped over a table before them, Hawksley perched on top of her head. What did shock Eda, however, was the bottle of Appleblood Lilith was chugging. Turning accusing eyes towards an unrepentant Gwen, Eda shouted. “SERIOUSLY!?”
Cheerfully whistling to herself, Luz strolled along, using the noise of her whistling to tune out the whispers and muttering all around her. It was honestly a neat trick, but she was well aware it wouldn’t work forever, especially if she ended somewhere more crowded. Scanning the area, Luz was disappointed, if unsurprised, by the sight of parents tucking their kids behind them as she moved past. It hurt. It was understandable, but it still hurt.
Sighing, Luz slipped into the shadows, rolling her eyes when the sounds of the main streetside picked up in volume at her ‘departure.’ Still, the sheer amount of gossip was entertaining, if only for the wild speculations and rantings of the more… colorful members of the local communities. Seriously, her? A shapeshifting giraffe seeking to supplant the Emperor through a false army of Abominations wrapped in Illusions? Pfft! She was gonna have to tell Eda that one, preferably when she was trying to drink something!
Laughing internally at the thought of an Owl Lady Spit Take, Luz tightened her movements against the wall. Her ears pricked at the sounds up ahead; it didn’t sound like the usual rampant paranoia. And if she focused enough, she was almost certain…
“Look, I know things are… really crazy right now.” Amity’s voice sounded out, confirming Luz’s suspicions. “But I honestly think this’ll be good for all of us. The Moonlight Conjuring is an important aspect of our culture, and is a funtime all around. If you all show up while it’s still daylight, nothing should go wrong.” Moonlight Conjuring? Hmm… something to talk with Eda about.
“B-But what if those Oroboros creeps attack again!? I can’t put my parents through that!” An unfamiliar voice questioned, concerned murmurs of agreement sounding in response.
Amity’s voice sighed. “I… I know it’s scary. The things I saw at the Covention, I don’t think I’ll ever be able to forget, not entirely.” Her voice took a melancholy note, before firming. “But in a way, that’s why we have to do this!” At the sounds of confusion, she continued. “That attack was supposed to make us afraid, to make us all panic. Something that it’s managed in spades all across the Isles. But for all that Oroboros is powerful, it’s an organization with a finite amount of resources. They can’t be everywhere at once, and no organization would commit precious resources to attack a party for school youths!” The nervousness died down, replaced with cautious contemplation. Luz gave a little smirk; Miss Blight apparently had a way with words, and some serious charisma if they were already changing their tune.
“I’ll go.” A familiar voice said. It took Luz a moment to place it; it was the voice of that girl who Boscha had burned! Her voice spoke up again. “If you can find someone to protect us, just in case, I’ll go.”
“W-Well, that’s fantastic!” Amity said, faux-excitedly. If Luz had to guess, her friend speaking up had caught her flat-footed, and she was trying to get things under control. “And I know just the person to do so! If you all show up before sundown, I promise, on the Blight name, you’ll all have an amazing time!” At that, all potential opposition crumbled, a chorus of agreements and cheers going up. As sounds of footsteps headed off, Luz peaked around the corner. She saw Amity, jerkily waving goodbye to her… friends? Acquaintances? Her face stretched into a plastic smile. 
Suddenly, Amity rammed her head against the wall, knocking her forehead against the stone repeatedly, frustrated grumbles coming forth. “Stupid. Stupid. Stupid! Oh, I’ll find someone to guard us, everyone! Leave everything to Amity, everyone! I swear it on my family name!” She slapped her hand against her face. “Titan, what was I thinking!?”
“I don’t think you were.” Luz dryly noted, walking out from her pseudo-hiding place. Amity leapt back, startled. Luz noted how quickly she shifted into a ready position, one arm pulled back to cast, the other slightly pressed forward to defend herself, legs prepped to spring to either side and out of the way. She was honestly impressed, the girl had some athletic experience.
“Oh! It’s you!” Amity exclaimed, relaxing slightly, if not fully. “Luz, correct?” She said, more than asked, extending a hand for a shake. Smirking, Luz complied, giving the girl a firm grip, Amity’s eyes widening at the painless pressure. Schooling her features into a cordial smile, she grinned. “It’s a pleasure to see you again.”
“Really?” Luz asked, blinking rapidly. She had honestly not been expecting that. She cocked her head. “I kind of expected you to be some level of scared of me.”
“Oh, don’t worry, what you represent terrifies me.” Amity said frankly, the sheer honesty in her voice drawing a surprised snort out of Luz. “However,” Amity continued, her eyes focusing on Luz. “I gained a look into your measure during the Covention. You are wild, independant, and freely and liberally resort to violence even faster than Witches and Demons do. But you’re also loyal, caring, compassionate, and understanding, with a strong sense of duty. While I find you puzzling, your traits are those that I find commendable.”
“HA! Glad to hear.” Luz smirked. Her face shifted into a serious frown, contemplative. “You know, I overheard your little problem. So,” She grinned cheekily, “You need to find a bodyguard, eh?”
“Ugh! Please don’t use that phrase!” Amity near-pleaded, hiding her face in her hands. “My family has been going nuts over my safety. I am honestly lucky that they let me go into town without an armed guard of Abominations!”
Luz snorted, blinking at the mental image of Abominations skulking around Bonesburough, scanning for threats and hovering over an annoyed Amity. “Wow, over-protective, much?”
Amity exhaustedly nodded. “Yeah. My parents… aren’t the best, but they do care about me. Even if they care about our image more.” She said, muttering the last part spitefully. Shaking her head, she refocused on the original topic. “But yes, I need someone who’s willing to stand guard for me and those I plan on inviting to my Conjuring.”
“What about me?”
Amity blinked. “I’m sorry?”
“What about having me be your guard?” Luz elaborated, shrugging. “I’ve got combat experience, free time, and you won’t have to pay me!”
“That’s-!” Amity started, before pausing. She brought her fingers to her chin, eyes narrowed in thought. “That could actually work.”
“Really?” Luz asked, cocking her head. “The offer was serious, but I wasn’t actually expecting you to agree.”
Amity gave a grave smile, nodding. “Indeed, I’m willing to agree to this. If you don’t have any requirements?” She asked, eyebrows raised.
Luz paused, thinking. “If you could invite Willow and Gus, I’d really appreciate it.” She finally said.
“Done.” Amity said decisively, typing up the messages on her scroll. “That honestly works out rather well; ever since their actions at the Covention, their popularity has sky-rocketed and my friends have been wondering about meeting with them so this is an excellent opportunity. If that’s all, I will see you at my home before sunset; you can ask Willow and Augustus for directions.” WIth that said, she turned on her heel, marching off. Luz shook her head at Amity’s antics, before turning to leave herself. Neither noticed the group of individuals perched on a nearby building, the apparent leader’s eyes tracking Luz’s every movement.
“Of course,” Eda muttered, staring in resignation at the sight of her sister, chugging away on the table in front of her. Shooting an accusing stare towards Gwen, Eda moodily stomped over, plopping herself down from across her sister, glaring at her.
“EeeeDalyn?” Lilith blearily asked, words slurring slightly. She hiccuped, bottle awkwardly cradled in her hand, the other bracing her against the table. “Since when are you purple?” She muttered.
“Purple?” Eda said incredulously. She turned to Gwen, concerned. “Is it me, or is she…?”
“Absolutely wasted? No, it isn’t you, she really is.” Gwen noted dryly, casually yanking the bottle of Appleblood out of Lilith’s hands, ignoring her weak protests. “I dragged her out of her barracks, kicking and screaming. I believe a few of the Coven Guards who tried to stop me may be in need of Healing. Now, we are going to take the time to stop, think, and figure things out. As a family.” She said firmly, arms crossed.
The bitter snort came from Lilith, of all people, much to Eda and Gwen’s shock. “A-A family.” She chuckled, swaying lightly. “Is that what we are?” She laughed again, slapping the table. “And here I thought we were a bunch of strangers, pretending we CaReD about each other!!”
Gwen and Eda shared unsettled looks. Gwen hesitantly spoke up. “Now, Little Flea, I know I’ve been… distant, but-”
“DO NOT CALL ME THAT!!” Lilith shrieked, eyes wild, before calming down. “I-I haven’t been ‘Little Flea,’” She muttered derisively, “Since you abandoned me!” She accused, fist pounding against the table.
“Abandon!?” Eda exclaimed, confused and alarmed at her estranged sister’s behavior. “Sis, I don’t know what’s been going on with you, but how has Gwen abandoned you?”
Eda reeled back at the bitter anger in Lilith’s face. “She never came to my induction into the Coven, did you know that?” She said, “She never showed up for any of my promotions, any of my awards, anything!! She just, up and left!” Lilith laughed, a bitter, hollow sound. “And here, I learned that she’s been visiting you for Years!! Trying to cure you!”
Gwen’s eyes grew misty. “I have made mistakes, and I apologize for that, Lilybug.” She said, reaching out towards Lilith, unconcerned when she slapped her hand away. “You were always so strong, so independent. I never meant to ignore you. I’m sorry if I hurt you because of it. But that’s why I dragged you both here!” She pleaded, glancing at the two of them. She wrung her hands in nervousness. “I just didn’t want to fail the two of you again. I know I can’t fix the pain between the two of you, and I don’t expect to. I just wanted to get you two together to hash out some ground rules, if that’s okay?” She explained, a hesitant note at the end
Eda and Lilith shared a glance, a moment of grudging understanding passing between them.
Eda turned to her mother first. “Okay, I guess we can do that. But if you’re serious about being in my life for real, I don’t want you coming around with crazy cures anymore.” Her voice took on a tender note. “If you’re gonna come over, I just want it to be so we can spend some time together, okay?”
“And I’d prefer you to visit me AT ALL!” Lilith shouted, some of the slurring fading from her voice. Eda was honestly surprised at how quickly she was recovering; a glance at her neck, and the Healing Glyph tagged onto it explained much; it was forcibly purging the Appleblood from her body, getting her back to normal. Eda winced; Lilith was going to feel like HELL when that thing wore off. “I want you to visit me, ask me about my day, take an interest in my Life!!” Tears pricked at Lilith’s eyes. “I want my mother back!” She pleaded.
Gwen turned a watery smile towards the two of them. “I think I can manage those requests.” She said, a pleased smile on her face. She grew serious. “Now then, If we are going to act like a family, as a whole that is, I am going to be doing my motherly duties, and establishing some rules for the two of you.” She stated, nodding even as her daughters groaned. She continued, ignoring their annoyance. “The rules are simple; Eda, you are to no-longer deliberately antagonize Lilith. If the two of you run into one another, you are to keep a civil attitude and in no way try to anger or upset her. Lilith, you are to cease your attitude in attempting to bring Edalyn in under the guise of being cured. If Edalyn is brought in, it is to be because she is a criminal and flouting the law, not out of an inane desire to cure her. Besides, I strongly doubt Belos would do so in the first place.” She finished, feeling a smug satisfaction at her daughters’ matching look of dumbfounded shock.
“B-But! He promised me!” Lilith said, whined really. “He gave me his word!!”
Eda groaned, even as Gwen raised an eyebrow. “Lilith, Belos’ regime is built on his Coven System, something Eda’s very existence stands in challenge to,” She said gently, “There are no circumstances in which he will EVER cure her. If you bring her in, he will have her thrown into the Conformatorium, and nothing more. He has all the leverage, and all the authority, and you have nothing that could compel him into curing her at your behest.”
Lilith shakily pulled herself to her feet, staggering off, a mumbled excuse echoing as she rapidly walked off, tears in her eyes. Gwen sighed. That had gone about as well as she’d been expecting.
Eda turned an impressed look towards Gwen. “Well dang, Mom! Didn’t know you were such a rebel!”
Gwen shot her daughter an unimpressed look. “I’m not.” She said primly.
Eda had a look of disbelief. “Really? Because you didn’t have a problem calling out Bonehead on his crap.” She said snarkily.
“That is because I am under no delusions as to his nature.” She said, “Belos’ rise to power and initial rule was tyrannical and cold, utterly without mercy. I, and many others, chose to join his burgeoning power because it was literally either him or complete chaos and anarchy. Not everyone can survive it as well as you, Edalyn.” She said archly, almost daring her to protest.
Eda opened her mouth to do just that, but paused, considering. Ultimately, she sighed, pushing herself away from the table. “Yeah, that’s true. I still hate him, and I always will, but I can get why people shacked up with him, even if I disagree with him on principle.” She grudgingly, painfully admitted. Giving her mother a level look. “This, as short, weird, and awkward as it’s been, was nice. I really hope you keep in touch for real, okay?” She said softly, before walking away.
Gwen just smiled, tears of relief and sadness filling her eyes. It wasn’t much… but it was a start.
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heavenlymisa · 4 years
Hello! I hope you are well and taking care of yourself. I would like to ask for headcanons with Shoto, Bakugou and Kirishima (separately) with a short girlfriend (158cm) curly hair, thick thighs and wears glasses. Thanks and I Love your work! ♥️♥️♥️♥️ Hugs from Brazil
AN: heyy!! thank you for your request!! i am taking care of myself, i just stepped away from doing tumblr for a while because i didnt feel my best and didnt want it to rub off of my fanfiction! but now im back and better than everr and planning an smau 😎 so enjoyy!! and sorry if its too short 😔
todoroki, bakugou, and kirishima with a short, thicc, curly-headed, glasses wearin’ girlfriend ❤️
𝙩𝙤𝙙𝙤𝙧𝙤𝙠𝙞 𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙩𝙤
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* being completely honest, he doesnt care about what you look like. i think sho sho is all for a girlfriend thats kind and loving 🙈 no matter how she looks/shaped
* but it is a bonus with thick thighs
* mans is probably obsessed with them (being completely honest)
* man, does todoroki love your hair and glasses.
* he thinks you look sooo cute with your glasses like [ shoto: 💍👈🏻 hand in marriage plz ma’am]
* and if youre insecure of your glasses, mans will make SURE you know how beautiful you are 😤😤
* he WILL buy a pair of glasses just like yours so you two can match. i dont make the rules, sorry ❤️
* he just wants you to see the same girl he sees, thats all 🙈
* sho sho LOVES your hair-
* he will buy you a lifetime supply of eco gel, cantu, and more curly headed needs with his father’s credit card <3
* because he LOVE YOUUUU
* “ todo, im running out of cantu...”
* “ its okay, love. just take my dad’s credit card.” 🙂
* okay, you cannot tell me that sho will not look up how to do hairstyles for your type of hair.
* and when he askes you if he can style your hair, you let him, and it looks good???
* new hairstylist??? yup yup.
* omgg your shortness just adds onto the cuteness!!
* wearing one of his hoodies? its a dress!
* wear one of his shirts?? its also a dress!!
* wear one of his sweatpants?? tighten the strings around your waist, and roll up the pants sleeves and you’ll be good to go!
* babie will never make fun of your size because he doesnt like to get made fun of.
* #goldenrule ❤️😝
* but he does think youre super cute because of your tininess 🙈
* omg omg a scenario just came into my head:
* shoto bursts into your dorm looking like he just came from hell. well, technically he did because he came back from his intense training he did with Mr. Aizawa.
* You sit straight up in your bed to be met with eyes tiredly staring back at you. you took your covers off half of your body, inviting shoto to lay down.
* todoroki wastes no time to lay his head down on your thighs and wrap his arms around your waist.
* knowing todoroki doesnt want to talk, you start combing your hands through his hair.
* todoroki on the other hand, was so grateful for you. you were his comfort place. his home. and he was never gonna give you up any time soon.
* so he needed to figure out when to give you the promise ring he’s stashed in his pocket a week ago...
𝙗𝙖𝙠𝙪𝙜𝙤𝙪 𝙠𝙖𝙩𝙨𝙪𝙠𝙞
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* not gonna lie, he didnt see you as an extra when he first saw you. you were different. and he LOVES different.
* of course, he doesnt date based off of looks, but personality and power.
* but, who’s a man to resist a thicc girl? 🥴
* he definitely cusses anyone out who looks at your ass. i dont make the rules 🙈
* your ass is for him and him ONLY to admire. no extra will stare at the HOLY GRAIL 😫😫😫
* dont get this man started on your hair- this hoe will buy lifetime amounts of hair products with his own money.
* you need a bottle of conditioner? bitch stfu and take 10.
* you need cantu? he will buy you a ridiculously big ass container of cantu.
* need gel? girl just take one of the many big containers of it suki got for you.
* just like sho sho, he WILL watch videos on how to do it and practice with your hair.
* your arms tired when you do your hair?? dont worry! katsuki is otw 🥳
* “work out your arms more, dumbass. then your arms wont get tired and i wont have to do your shitty hair.”
* the hoe doesnt mean it.
* he loves playing with your curly hair.
* your height?? he makes fun of it.
* he uses your head as a arm rest when he’s standing beside you
* but NO ONE ELSE can make fun of you but him
* some extra says something about your height?? they gotta deal with the gremlin.
* “y/n-chan is sooo small!! she’s the size of my pinkey-“ BOW BITCH 👊🏽💥
* now adding the glasses with your shortness?? gawd i pray for you...
* he will call you simon
* he wont even call you JEANETTE 🙄
* you regret introducing him to alvin and the chipmunks.
* everytime you walk into his dorm, the alvin and the chipmunks version of Funkytown starts to play while he busts out laughing.
* god FORBID you wear blue. the hoe WILL tell you to do some calculations.
* “hey, simon, you mind telling me approximately how far the gamma gym is from here?? my feet are getting sore.”
* “simon!! can you do this math equation for me??”
* regardless, suki loves you so much i cannot FATHOM.
* regardless of how much he clowns you, you’re his baby ❤️
𝙠𝙞𝙧𝙞𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙢𝙖 𝙚𝙞𝙟𝙞𝙧𝙤
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* girl, babey noticed you on the first day of school, cause you stood out like a sore thumb. of course not in a bad way! he saw you as 𝑏𝑎𝑏𝑦 🙈
* he ALWAYS loved your hair. he just wants to run his hands through your hair because of how CURLY it is.
* and when he touches you hair, with consent 🙈❤️, he is ADDICTED
* kiri wants to do your hair every single day-
* “babe, can i do you hair??”
* “eiji this is the third time to asked today- nO-“
* please let him do your hair 😔
* it just looks so fluffy and cute on you
* but add being thick and short to your hair-
* 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓
* babe is in HEAVEN
* he is earth and you are the glorious SUN ☀️ (props to anyone who knows who thats from)
* youre a whole GODDESS OMG
* you just got even cuter 😫😫
* kirishima adores your glasses.
* and if youre insecure about all of those things-
* you better believe kirishima WILL make you see the girl he sees.
* he will steal your glasses and put them on him and call them “gorgeous glasses”
* “babe!! are the gorgeous glasses working for me like they do for you?!?”
* “kirishIMA-“
* if he catches someone looking at your ass, he WILL creep behind them and scare them.
* i can just imagine it
* you reaching up in a grocery store and some guy walks by and stares a little too hard at you ass and doesnt move for a couple of seconds.
* no kirishima just came back from the isle over and saw the whole thing take place.
* what does he do?
* he quietly makes his way over to the guy and whispers in his ear:
* “its not manly to stare at a girls butt for that long. especially when she already has a significant other.”
* the guy has a hard attack.
* but still
* bitch youre his baby!!! his fuckin cinnamon apple!! 😡😡😡
* and he loves you for youuuu!!! 🤪
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sugarstripes · 5 years
Dqb2 image if your still doing them? Malroth dealing with nightmares (perhaps from the hargon incident) And being comforted by the builder?
Oh, I still am. I have uh. Quite a bit of asks sitting in my inbox, and felt overwhelmed when I got them all is all! Just been tired from work. Note this will have light spoilers from the endgame.
- - - - - - - - -
Red. All he saw was red, and pitch black darkness. The ground was wet, water as high as his ankles. The smell of the place was metallic, a stench that he swore was familiar but distant. Malroth looked around, searching for an end to this abyss. He began to panic, running even though it felt like he was going nowhere. Then it started. Images of those he came to know and care for blasted into his subconscious, but not in a nice way. No, each one was being taken down with what sounded like a monster or a beating everytime. He felt like he was going to puke when he realized that the water he was running in wasn't water, but blood.
A cackle rose through the darkness, mocking him. Saying this was inevitable. Saying this was who he was to be. Nothing short of a cretin who destroyed. He can't hide from it for long. He started to weakly call out for his Builder friend.
And then he woke up, tears streaming down his face as he looked up at the night sky. Right, they built him a sky light for that reason. It was calming to look up at the stars. Speaking of, the Builder was awake on their bed on the other side of the room. They shared a room together on the Isle of Awakening, where everyone is most definitely alive and okay. He took a few breaths to chill himself out. They walked over to him, sitting on the end of his bed.
"Malroth.." They mumbled, caressing his face to wipe at the tears that spilled. Their brows furrowed in worry.
".. it was just a nightmare." He responded, looking away but gently held onto their wrist to keep them there.
"It's okay to have them, Mal. They're a normal process... Cmere." They used this position to their advantage as they tugged him up into their arms, holding him close as they tucked his head under their chin. They don't know why, but he always found their heartbeat the most grounding thing there was.
"... I dreamed I was in that dark space again.. The.. The one Hargon had me in." Malroth shut his eyes, resting his head against their chest. The Builder rubbing his back.
"Oh, it was that nightmare again huh?"
"Mhm.. Hey, do you mind if we uh..."
"I can move my bed over to here if you want me to."
"Thank you."
"No problem, whatever I can do to help you, I will do it."
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lowkeyaesthvtic · 5 years
Evil Karma - Chapter 5
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
Word Count: 2,096
Summary: Basically the first scene with Uma in D2 but with a little extra
Pairings: Harry x Uma x OC, platonic!OC x Gil, platonic!Harry x Gil
Rating: T
Warnings: just swear words I think
Tags: @descendantofthesparrow @newtshairdryer @kirbiejayhook @amityravenclawelf
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From then on, the crew knew that the three of us were not to be messed with. We never came right out and called the three of us a ‘couple’ per se, but they knew that being ‘first mates’ had a special meaning to it. Before us, dating was never really a thing on the Isle. At least, that’s what Harry had told me. “Our parents told us all the time that love was a weakness, and you can’t have weakness if you want to survive here.” Uma brought a tray of pickled egg yolks and grilled fish bits to where Gil was sitting before joining us at our usual spot at the long, wooden table in the back of the restaurant where I had met Uma my first day on the Isle. Only six months have passed since I arrived here, and man oh man have I gone far. After news of Daughter Gothel’s death spread across the Isle, lost boys and girls outside of Uma’s crew finally started to know my name. But it wasn’t my name that made our relationship the ‘exception’ to the supposed rule of love equaling weakness, it was Uma’s.
“Since when did we want to be just like our parents? Since when did we care about what they’d try to teach us? Even Gil hasn’t spoken to Gaston in months and he’s doing fine.” The three of us glanced over at Gil chugging down egg yolks and telling one of the pirates his ‘first time sword fighting’ story for the millionth time. “I mean, for evil’s sake, Sofi sent her father six feet under and arrived at the Isle on her own. Look how she’s doing!”
“Devious as usual,” I responded as she danced her fingers through my hair. Harry smirked at my response as he stood up and walked to where we were sitting, squatting down between us to keep eye contact with his girls.
“Are you feeling devious enough to run a quick errand then, duckling?” Harry asked. Since becoming a first mate, Uma often sent Harry and I on certain ‘errands.’ I never like the use of the word because it makes it sound like some kind of chore, like I don’t have any fun doing it. In reality, any time I get to cause some chaos with my favorite people is time well spent. “The kitchen’s running out of fish and I’m in the mood for a bit of money grabbing. Care to come with?” I look to Uma, silently asking permission. When she nods, I quickly stand from my seat and take Harry’s hand into mine.
“I’ll grab my dagger on the way out.” As we’re walking out of the Chip Shoppe, Harry grabs his sword from the ‘sword check’ barrel by the front door and places it in his sheath.
“You know we should get you a sword too, right? You may not be able to get close enough to use your dagger everytime.”
“Uma said she’s working on it. Apparently Scar’s armory is having some kind of shortage of metal so the only weapons they’re selling are bows and arrows, staffs, you know, all the primitive shit.”
“That damn lion never knows where to get the right shit, does he,” Harry teased. We finally made our way into the bazaar. With dried up fruit stands on our left and cash filled bakeries with molded bread on our right, the opportunities for us were endless.
After about an hour and a half of robbing marketstands, helping ourselves to some fish for the Chip Shoppe, and fighting off street rats trying to graffiti over some street tags that our crew had previously planted, Harry and I made our way back to the Chip Shoppe. People stared, as usual. Harry and I would push them off or threaten them with our weapons, again, as usual. But the pirate territory was not too far from the bazaar we had been stealing from, and everybody knew that if they tried to mess with us, Uma wouldn’t hesitate to throw them to killer sharks.
“Home sweet home,” I hinted towards the broken down green doors and the dilapidated sign above us. I gripped the arch of Harry’s rusted silver hook as the two of us strutted inside. Harry slipped his dark black encased sword into the barrel while I took a quick stroll to the kitchen to place my jade and gold dagger into its private shelf. Other than the obsidian chain that I carried with me everywhere, this dagger was the only weapon I had on the Isle until Uma could get me a sword. It took a little bit of begging to Uma and quite the argument from Ursula herself, but I managed to get my own place for it.
By the time I was done placing my dagger in its home, Harry was close to that table that the three of us had ruled before we left for the bazaar. He pushed a rookie pirate out of the way before climbing on top of said table and laying his hook down. With his now unhooked hand, he turned a tiny knob and switched on the tv. I quietly growled and rolled my eyes when Mal’s face was the first to come onto the screen. With her purple hair replaced by a bleach blonde and King Ben now always attached to her hip, she had faded even more into the fake princess poser act. Just the thought of it alone made me sick. This bleached out, boy crazy bimbo not only gets away with killing an entire island’s worth of innocent young boys, but gets called a hero for it and is on her way to a crown.
Almost immediately after the TV switched on, Uma walked out with a tray of broiled crab legs, small grisly pieces of fried salmon, and tartar sauce that looked like a five year old had wiped their fingers through it. Harry started to chow down, slightly moving his right arm downward to give me room to take a few bites. Uma nudged Harry’s other arm before grabbing a piece of fried fish and chucking it at the screen with an angry shout, aiming directly for Mal’s face. “Poser,” she muttered.
“Traitor!” Harry shouted and chuckled mischievously in response.
“Fucking murderous bitch…” I growled, throwing another piece of fish at the screen. Seconds of silence pass before Uma turns to the rest of the crew sitting at the table with a dangerous glare.
“Hello?!” Uma shouts, causing a storm of screams and flying pieces of fish to fly towards the television. I strut up towards the screen and wipe off a piece of crab with my finger before taking it into my mouth.
“I’d do anything to see her get what she really deserves…”
“Wipe those smiles off their faces...you know what I mean?” Harry finished my previous thought with his own little blurb, leaning his elbow onto the table and returning to the crab on his tray. Uma’s glare seemed to fixate on Gil, who continued to shove pickled egg yolks down his throat as if they were the last thing he’d ever eat.
“Gil.” He looked up at Uma like a confused puppy. “Do you wanna quit choking down yolks and get with the program?” His eyes grew wider in realization.
“Hmm? Yeah, what they said,” Gil mumbled through the food in his mouth.
“That little traitor. Who left us in the dirt.” Uma turned to her crew, riling them up in anger just as she had been since getting with Harry and I.
“Who turned her back on evil,” Harry and I simultaneously added as I swiped a piece of crab from his tray.
“Who said you weren’t big or bad enough to be in her gang!” Only the squawk of a parrot could be heard as Gil practically shouted his response. Despite the tens of glares aiming at him from Uma and the crew, Gil kept going. “Back when we were kids. Come on, you guys remember. She called her Shrimpy and the name just kind of…” Gil’s words began to drift when he made eye contact with Harry, shooting him a scowl strong enough to kill. “..stuck.” Uma sighed and turned to me, placing her hand on my arm.
“That snooty little witch, who grabbed everything she wanted and left me nothing.”
“No, she left you that sandbox, and then she said that you could have the shrimp --” I swiftly interjected Gil’s response, gesturing toward the front doors of the shoppe.
“Do you really want to finish that sentence, Gil?” After switching his glances back and forth between me and the broken green doors, Gil shook his head and continued eating. Harry momentarily stopped eating and gestured toward the restaurant, then the TV.
“Look, we have her turf now. They can stay in Bore-adon--”
“Harry, that’s her turf now!” Uma stomped toward the TV and switched it off, finally ridding our eyes of the bimbo’s plastic face. “And I want it too.”
“She’s got a point, Hooky. We shouldn’t be getting her leftovers. We deserve more than that. We should be over on that island wreaking havoc while she should be here begging the street rats for rotten apples!” Uma smiled before wrapping her arms around Harry, Gil and I.
“Son of Hook, Daughter of Pan, Son of Gaston, and me, most of all, Daughter of Ursula!” I could sense what was coming, and I loved every second of it. Uma turned to me and gently placed her fingers under my chin. “What’s my name?”
“Uma.” My response glistened with admiration and obedience, something I didn’t show often but something I knew she loved. Uma turned to Harry and gripped the arch of his hook, which had since been placed back onto his right hand.
“What’s. My. Name?”
Harry swept off his pirate hat and got down on one knee, as if hailing to his Princess of the sea. “Uma..”
The three of us turned to Gil, hoping he would know the right answer. “What’s my name?”
“Mm. Uma?” Gil was once again caught choking down yolks, but he realized what he was supposed to do.
Uma was an amazing singer and an alluring dancer. So when she brought up the idea to turn her name into an anthem for the crew, I had never been more intrigued and honestly felt a little aroused at the idea. The crew quickly loved it as well, especially Harry. The two of us even made up this little verse that said ‘yeah she’s the Captain and everything, but if you mess with her, you mess with us..and that’s lethal.’ This time, like the other times, the anthem had ended in laughter. The crew was riled up and a bit angry, but in the best way. We were all quickly startled when a long, purple tentacle came railing across the table. We all ducked as Uma jumped to prevent being swept to the ground like a pile of dust. “Shut your clams!” That voice was all too familiar to this crew.
“Mom!” Uma grunted, showing the small part of her that was still young and still a rebellious teenager.
“These dishes ain’t gonna wash themselves!” Some of the pirates, Harry included, were ready to grab their swords from the barrel when Uma shook them off, quickly changing back to her powerful self.
“It’s fine. It’s fine. Cause when I get my chance to rain evil down on Auradon, I will take it! They’re gonna forget that girl and remember the name --”
“Shrimpy!” Gil shouts with excitement, pounding the table. After a slight nod from Uma, Harry looks to Gil and begins to lead him out of the restaurant. This had become a usual punishment for when Gil said something a little too dumb, so none of us were too worried about his well being. As Harry led Gil out, I extended my hand to help Uma down from the table.
“Have you thought of it yet?” I walked with Uma to the kitchen, planning to help ease her work load on the dishes.
“Thought of what?”
“Your plan to rain evil down on Auradon, have you thought of it yet?” She shrugged her shoulders and let out a short laugh.
“Maybe not yet...but I’m guessing you have.” I smiled and turned to her, leaning close to whisper to her.
“What if I told you..that we could give the Isle of the Lost a taste of Neverland magic?”
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ace-angel-judas · 5 years
Guardian Angel
Pairing: Sunhee/Jinae 
Series: iKON 8th Member AU, SHINee 6th Member AU 
Rating: Fluff 
Synopsis: Sunhee is the guardian angel of the kpop idols. 
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Sobbing made Sunhee stop as she walked into the bathroom. Odd, in all her years she’d only heard tears of joy coming from these toilets yet those were sobs of sadness. She frowned deeply and locked the main toilet door.
Walking down the isle, she stopped at the last stall and pushed the door open. A young girl was sitting on the toilet lid, covering her face and sobbing. She looked familiar, then again, she no doubt was an idol too.
“Is everything okay?”
Jinae looked up quickly, snatching the toilet paper from beside her and wiping her tears quickly. God, she just wanted to cry in peace for once, she already lived in a dorm with all men and now not even in the woman’s toilet she got some peace.
“It’s fine,” She answered in a hoarse voice.
Sunhee blocked the doorway, she knew something was very wrong, “What’s wrong?”
Looking at Sunhee, Jinae couldn’t help but cry again. Something about Sunhee made her break down, something just welcomed her like she could spill her deepest darkest secrets and they would be safe.
“Everything’s wrong,” Jinae choked out, “Everything, I have no one anymore,”
She sat on the floor in front of Jinae and grabbed her hands gently.
“You do have people, everyone has someone even if their just a stranger,” Sunhee gave her a warm smile, “Your Jinae, right? From iKON?”
“Y-yes,” She nodded, “Everything’s wrong, my brother is in the military, someone I thought I knew wasn’t who I thought they were, my boyfriend was kicked out of our group, they didn’t do anything to defend him,”
Tears rolled down her cheeks and Jinae hugged Sunhee. She really, really needed a hug. Sunhee held her tightly, like a mother would hold their child. It felt warm, safe and gentle. Jinae could fall asleep yet Sunhee noticed something. How thin was this girl in her arms?
“It’s affecting your health,” Sunhee cooed as she stroked Jinae’s hair.
“I can’t eat,” She shook her head, “I just feel sick everytime, nothings the same anymore, I can’t do this,”
“You can,” She nodded, “Do you know why?’
Jinae stared at her with tear-filled eyes.
“Because your brother will come back and you should show him something, show him that your strong even through all this hardship,” Sunhee explained, “Your boyfriend would never want you to waste away like this, your group are your family, they’ll worry every moment of the day,”
“Don’t push them away,” Sunhee stated, “Hold them close, they’ll be the best support you’ll ever have,”
More tears rolled down from her cheeks.
“Can you hug me some more?” Jinae babbled out.
Smiling, Sunhee held her close and rocked her softly. This girl was hardly what she presented herself as on stage, she was a soft girl with a weak heart. Like a child. It was a matter of guidance and love in this time that would lift her back up.
Jinae let out a deep sigh of relief as Sunhee held her, even just the hug made everything feel a million times better.
“I think my brother would really like you,” Jinae whispered.
Sunhee giggled, “Maybe,”
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Right Side of Wrong- Ch 3: The Real Me
Words: 2544
Warnings: panic attacks, anger
Ch 2 | Ch 4
~ ~ ~
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“Mal!” the reporters shouted as I ran through the dorms.
I prayed that someone was in the boys’ dorm because I needed to get out of there, and fast.
Even better, the door was unlocked, making it easy for me to slip inside and lock it.
I took in a deep breath, letting my head drop against the door for a moment. That was bad. Really bad. I was stressed enough about this dumb date with Ben and now the paparazzi knew where I was, trapping me inside this room.
“Mal must be counting the days until the Royal Cotillion,” the tv reported behind me. “When she will officially become a Lady of the Court.”
I spun on my heel, rushing straight for the remote and fumbling to turn it off.
I dropped the remote, the edges of my vision turning a hazy green, just as they had when I spoke to Jane a few days ago. My breathing was ragged and I blinked rapidly.
“Woah,” Carlos said, jumping up from his bed to get to me. “Easy girl!”
“What?” I screeched. “You think this is so easy? You don’t have people taking a photo of you everytime you open your mouth!”
I didn’t mean to have an outburst on Carlos, but it was getting harder and harder to control myself. There was no way I could take this for much longer.
“I’m sorry,” he murmured, stepping back from me.
“I didn’t mean to… Carlos,” I started. It hadn’t worked with Evie, but maybe Carlos would understand my frustration. “Don’t you ever miss screaming at people and just making them run away from you?”
He scoffed. “You’re thinking of my mother. And I was usually on the other end of that. So, not really. No.”
I turned away, sitting down at his table. I was just going crazy. I had to be.
Why would I ever want to go back to the Isle? That place was dirty. It was full of awful people and awful memories. What could stand to draw me there?
And why did I still want to go despite having no reason to?
“Is everything okay, Mal?” Carlos asked, sitting beside me.
“Yes!” I cried, losing my calm again. “Why does everyone keep asking me that?”
I took a hard bite out of my right cheek. No one is going to take me seriously if I kept answering questions like I was close to tears.
“Sorry.” I looked for excuses. “I’m just stressed for the Cotillion and all.”
Carlos smiled. “Are you kidding? You shouldn’t be stressed! It’s your big night, after all.”
I thought about my words very carefully. “Yes, but first I’ve got to learn how to be a proper lady, and have a fitting gown, and choose the decorations, and I feel like I don’t have time for any of it.”
Carlos put his hand over mine. “Mal, you can’t put their expectations of you above your own. Your happiness comes before their satisfaction with you, alright?”
Those words sent a deep pang through my heart. I wanted to listen to him so bad. I wanted to forget about it all and just be the me that I used to be. The one who walked through the Isle without a care as to where I had to be or how I had to look. Because when I was there, wearing fancy dresses didn’t make me the leader. It was just that look in my eye. And my mother, of course.
“Oh!” he exclaimed. “Did you bring it?”
I sighed, reaching into my purse. “Yeah, um…”
I held out the little gummy that had resulted from my work in the kitchen today.
“So, this thing will make me say what I really feel to Jane?” he asked.
“Yeah,” I confirmed. “I mean, this is a truth gummy, so take it or leave it.”
“Perfect.” He reached out, but I felt the need to say one more thing before giving it to him.
“Hold on, though. Are you sure that you want to be taking this? Because this is going to make you say the truth, all the time, no matter what. You better not have any secrets.”
“I’ll take my chances, I guess,” he joked. “You said it will only last a few hours, right?”
I nodded.
“Great.” He plucked it from my fingers and hesitantly chewed on it. “Oh god,” he said, covering his mouth. “This is nasty.”
“Here,” I mumbled, grabbing some water from his bedside table.
He chugged that down and sighed in relief. “How come you can turn a love potion into a cookie, but the truth spell is a gross ass gummy?”
I chuckled quietly. “You good? You want to test it out?”
He shrugged. “Why not? Ask me something.”
“Hm.” I glanced around the room, before my eyes landed on the computer, discarded next to Dude. “What were you looking up before I walked in?”
“Therapists,” he said, bluntly.
“Woah!” I cried, louder than I meant to. “Carlos! Is everything alright?”
“Sorry. I wasn’t planning on telling you guys, because you’ve got your own stuff to deal with and it’s silly, but I sort of felt… overwhelmed? You know? Not like you, obviously, learning to be a Lady of the Court and all, but I suddenly realized the world is nothing like what my mother told me and I’ve been scared and so I thought it would be easier to talk things out with someone who isn’t also in pain and you’ve been going to therapy a lot too, so it isn’t that strange, but of course I know that everyone’s situation is different and I-”
“Carlos!” I interrupted. “You do not need to explain yourself to me. Or to any of them. We support you no matter what. We just want you to be happy.”
He nodded. “Thanks, Mal.”
I smiled. “Now I’ve got to go, before I miss my whole lunch with Ben and you should probably go find Jane before that spell wears off… Let’s hope that Fairy Godmother got those photographers out of the building.”
~ ~ ~
I already set up the tablecloth and dishes, so the minute I got to the pavillion all I had to do was put out the food.
I opened the basket and pulled out one object: a paper plate with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. This was set in front of Ben’s seat.
I did a quick sweep of the area. There was nothing in sight and the world was silent with the exception of the crackle from the water and the miscellaneous sounds of the treeline.
My spellbook was the last thing to come out of the basket. It felt heavy, almost as if begging me not to use it. And god, did I want to listen to it.
“Take this food, this lackluster feast. Make these plates fit for a beast.”
The sandwich disappeared, replacing it with food beyond compare. There was so much that it could feed three whole families on the Isle. And it was warm and clean. I couldn’t have dreamed of feasting like this over a year ago.
I ran my fingers over each dish, assuring myself that it was all corporeal. The biggest tell would be if Ben reached for a cookie and his fingers went right through it. There was no way to cover that.
I tossed the spellbook back into my basket, planning on putting it underneath the table, but got distracted when I heard Ben calling out to me.
Always punctual.
~ ~ ~
“Would you like a hot hors d'oeuvre?” I offered, doing my best with the french pronunciation.
“Yes, please.” He leaned forward, taking a bite out of it directly from my hand. It took a couple of seconds to chew it, before saying, “This is the best thing I’ve ever had.”
“So, you like it?” I prompted.
It was silly. Of course he was going to like it. It was a magic feast. But I just wanted to make him happy. I wanted him to enjoy himself.
“I more than like it.” He stood up, reaching past me for another. “I, uh, so like it.”
I gave him a laugh, but the way he said that made me nervous. Was he going to say he loved it? And if so, why didn’t he?
We hadn’t used the word love since my mother died. It wasn’t that strange to me at the time. We were just teenagers. Love didn’t consume our lives and perhaps it was a bigger commitment than we were ready for.
… but he made eye contact with me before he hesitated. So, had he changed his mind about me in the past year? Was this no longer about the food?
“Beef ragout?” he asked, pointing to another dish.
“This is amazing,” he said, shoving some onto his plate.
“Did I surprise you?” I asked.
“Oh, yeah, you surprised me.” He didn’t look up from his meal as he ate. “This is every single dish Mrs. Potts made for my parents. What did it take you? Three days?”
It should have, I thought to myself.
I clucked my tongue. “You know, don’t even ask me.”
He laughed along with me, slowing down and turning to a more serious tone. “Well, it means a lot that you stopped and did all this for me. Especially, with all the craziness you’ve been put through.” He took my hand gently stroking my knuckles. Another wave of guilt washed over me. “I’ve missed you.”
The moment was so sweet, I wanted to pull away. He was just too perfect and I was… me. I was a stumbling mess, pulling myself through Auradon by a rope attached to Ben and maybe one of these days instead of pulling me forward, I would pull him back.
“We don’t get much time to be just us anymore.”
“I know,” I said softly.
I found my eyes wandering, wanting to soak in as much of the moment as possible. And at the corner of his mouth was a little bit of leftover food. Instinctively, I reached forward and wiped it away.
He laughed, realizing what had happened. “You can’t take me anywhere, right?”
I giggled, recognizing the phrase from something I had said on our first date.
“Do you have a napkin or something?”
“I do!” I replied, cheerfully. “I packed some!”
I turned to my right, but the basket wasn’t there. I had left it between the two of us.
I flipped around to find Ben pulling the spellbook out of the top.
“I can grab them!” I argued, but it was no use.
“What’s this?”
He looked at me and I panicked. He was still smiling, slightly. He didn’t realize what was going on yet, but he would. Ben was too smart.
“I actually threw that in there super last minute,” I explained, watching him flip through pages, “in case it rained or-”
“Speed reading spell,” he read aloud. My bookmarked pages. “Blonde hair spell.”
“Ben seriously, it’s not-”
“Cooking spell,” he finished, seeing my most recent work. 
My face dropped. What was I supposed to do? He had caught me in a lie I hadn’t ever planned to be in. I didn’t want this. How could I do this to him?
“And I was giving you props for fitting in so well,” he snarled. “For doing your best.”
He threw the book down on the table, frustrated.
“Ben I never meant for this to happen. I just got so caught up-”
“Don’t lie-”
“It has been so hard for me!”
“Yes!” He burst from his chair. “Some things are hard! Do you think learning to be king has been easy for me?”
“No!” I shouted back.
How could I let this happen? I was so caught up in my own problems. Why was I such a disaster? Why couldn’t I just walk through everything like my friends were? Why couldn’t I just adapt and be happy for once??
“I thought we were doing this together!”
“I want us to be doing this together!” I responded. “But Ben, I can’t just keep-”
“You’ve been keeping secrets and lying to me!” he continued. “I thought we were done with that. This isn’t the Isle of the Lost, Mal.”
My heart shattered. Because maybe it wasn’t, but I couldn’t really tell the difference anymore. Both places felt like hell at this point.
A tear fell down my face and for once I didn’t try to hide it. I didn’t try to stop it. I didn’t have the strength to anymore.
“Yeah,” I replied through gritted teeth. “Believe me. I know that.”
“Then, why are you doing this?” he demanded.
“Because!” My voice broke as I screamed it. My eyes had turned green, but I didn’t care. I had let go of myself for a minute and now it was all out on the table. “I’m not one of those pretty pink princesses, Ben! And I’m not a Lady of the Court! I’m a villain. A slimy, evil monster who you SHOULD HAVE LEFT ON THE ISLE!”
“Woah, Mal,” he began, but it was too late.
“Don’t touch me!” I shrieked. “You say you want to be in this together, but you’re going down a path that I can’t follow!” My vision was a swirling, salty mix of green and blue. “Maybe Evie, and Jay, and Carlos can find themselves here and be happy, but obviously I can’t. I tried so hard to be with you. To be the real me! But this isn’t it, Ben! And maybe I can’t change who I am!”
“Mal, where is this coming from?” he asked.
“I’m a big fake, okay?” My voice got softer. “All of this. All of me? It’s fake. This dress is fake. This hair is fake. This food…” I reached across the table and reopened my spellbook. “Take this food, this sumptuous meal. Turn it back to what is real.”
In a flash, all that was left where freshly cleaned empty platters and a single, sad looking pb&j.
“The real me is hiding in this tunnel in the back of my heart. The real me wants to scream, and run away, and be by myself. The real me wants to knock out every single one of those reporters who ambush me after school. The real me is whispering that I made a mistake by staying here and I should have just gone back to the Isle and let my mother kill me, because there is no true happiness. The real me is the scared, angry, tired girl that I was back on the Isle. That dumb sandwich,” I said, pointing, “is more of the real me than this princess I pretend I am.”
Slowly, all the anger slipped away. The green was replaced with fountains of water, pouring down my cheeks.
“So, I’m sorry. I’m sorry that I can’t get rid of all this… mess that my mother made me. Because I wanted to so bad.”
I was running before I could register that I needed to get away. Of course Ben tried to call out to me and even run after me, but I was long gone.
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lunanight2012 · 5 years
A Tale as Old as Time? Pt 2
Part 2! Lots of warnings on this one! Hope ya’ll enjoy!
I had been flirting with Harry everytime he gave me that predator stare. All was well and good until one night I fell asleep only to feel myself leave my body. I began to panic as I watched my body stood up and began to walk to my bedroom door. I floated after my body, grateful that Uma happened to be wandering the halls.
"Luna? Where are you going?" Uma asked, concerned.
Uma and I had grown close this past week and a half. I'd say she's like a sister to me. When my body didn't respond Uma knew something was up. 
"You're under a spell. I better grab Hook." She stated as I started to ascend up the stairs.
I was scared, my body was heading up to the roof. I was absolutely terrified of heights but I was even more terrified of what was about to happen. And worst of all I couldn't speak.
I saw my body stand on the edge of the roof, tears streaming down my face. I didn't want to die. That's when Harry grabbed my arm and pulled me back onto the roof.
"Yer not goin anywhere love." Harry exclaimed before kissing me. I felt my soul rush back into my body, and passing out in Harry's arms.
I dun understand ye. Who would do that to er?" I faintly heard Harry say through my haze.
"I'm not sure. But I have a sneaky feeling it's a villain. But I don't think it's my mother." I heard Uma say.
"Yer not sayin it's me old man are ye?" Harry accused.
"Your father sabotaged every single one of your relationships. Maybe he found a way to spell Luna." Uma explained.
"That rat bastard, he can hurt me but if it is that caused Luna to almost become a pancake on the school grounds then I will have to end him." Harry threatened.
"Hook, calm down." Uma asked.
That's when I took my moment to whine and slowly start to wake up. Harry was at my side immediately, causing my face to heat up. I try hiding under the covers only to realize I was currently in Gil and Harry's room, in Harry's bed. My face was the color of Evie's heart purse.
"Lassie! Yer awake!" Harry exclaimed, crouching down next to me.
"I-I'm in your bed aren't I?" I managed to get out.
"Well yea. Ye passed out in my arms and I didn't want ye to try that stunt again." Harry explained. 
That's when I realized, Harry was shirtless, but his chest was covered in scars. I tentatively reach out and trace the biggest one.
"W-who did those to you?" I whispered.
Harry stood back up and walked to his closet and threw on a shirt.
"Nothin ye need to worry ye pretty little head about. Anyways yer bro is on his way." Harry explained and right as the words left his mouth Chad busted through the door with Gil right behind him.
"Lu!" Chad exclaimed rushing to me.
"Are you ok? Did they hurt you??" Chad asked worried.
I giggled and patted his head. "I'm fine, just a bit out of it. I think I need to talk to Ben in the morning and hopefully we can figure out who spelled me and how." I explained, reluctantly getting up from Harry's bed, it smelled so much like him.
"Not so fast Lassie. Yer stayin put, me, Uma, and Gil are goin ta keep watch." Harry exclaimed.
"No. She's my sister, she's going to go back to her room and I'll stay the night there with her." Chad exclaimed, glaring at hook.
Harry growled, grabbing his hook off the desk and pointing it at Chad.
"Guys c-cut i….it out………" and I passed out again.
Again my soul left my body. I watched as Harry, Chad, Uma, and Gil all ran to my side. I floated down a bit, closer to Harry, who had tears in his eyes. 
"Gil go get Mal, Ben and Fairy Godmother, well get the VKs and Ben, bring him here. Tell Mal to grab her spellbook." Harry ordered, Gil nodded and bolted out of the room.
Harry placed his hand on mine. Muttering something that I couldn't quite understand.
That's when my soul was yanked away, I was in front of a figure, I couldn't quite figure out who it was until I saw a gleam.
"So you're the princess my son has been seeing. Hmph you're stubborn. Right Ursie." Captain Hook exclaimed, as an octopus tentacle appeared over the side of the Jolly Roger, and now I could see Ursula.
I began to shake.
"In the morning you shall write a note telling my useless son that you are coming to the isle. You shall only tell him that. You will come alone and you will meet me on this ship. Oh and don't bother packing, you won't be needing your stuff. Oh and if you don't come, I'll make sure you sprint off the roof." Hook grinned before you were sent flying back to Harry's room.
"Wake her up!" Harry ordered.
"Harry, calm down. Mal is doing her best." Ben stated, I noticed Mal hovering over me with Hades Ember. 
"It's not working. Harry have you tried kissing her?" Mal asked him.
Seeing his face heat up made my face heat up too. He looked at my face before gulping and leaning down and kissing me. My soul, once again, zoomed back into my body. I immediately started kissing back.
Saying I surprised him was an understatement. He moved off and I opened my eyes, still a bit shaky, but I sat up and looked around.
"I didn't try to jump off the roof again did I?" I asked concerned.
"No thankfully not but you were shaking and crying." Mal explained, rubbing my back gently.
"Oh? T-that's weird." I stuttered, hugging myself.
"Hey Harry, c-can I stay here tonight?" I asked, hopeful.
"Of course ye can, Lassie. And ye will be stayin in that bed." Hook smirked.
"We will talk about this in the morning, we need to figure out who spelled you and how." Mal explained, standing up. 
"For now you three should keep an eye on her. And Luna, we'll let Fairy Godmother know what's going on. You won't be going to classes for a while." Ben stated standing up as well.
"O-ok." I managed to get out as I pulled Harry's blanket over me, feeling my face heat up at the realization that Harry saw me in my glass slipper themed pjs. 
As the 4 VKs and Ben left the room, Uma sat down in one of the chairs. 
"I'll take the first watch, you boys get some sleep." Uma stated, and the boys knew not to argue with her.
I looked over at Harry who was about to sleep on the floor.
"Harry, you can share the bed with me." I offered, my face heating up.
Harry blushed a bit before standing back up and walking over to the bed. I scooted over and lifted the blanket for him to climb in. He got under the covers. I turned my body to face him and curled up under the covers. On instinct Harry wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close to his chest. I relaxed into his chest, taking in his scent.
Gil got into his own bed and soon enough was lightly snoring. Uma began to whistle "A Pirate's Life For Me" from her chair.
I could feel Harry falling asleep, and my mind wandered to the pain I'm going to go through when I have to leave him. I could feel my heart breaking at the knowledge. My eyes began to water as I breathed in Harry's scent.
6am finally came around. Meaning the three pirates had to head to class. Before Harry left he knelt down and kissed my hand. I blushed and giggled, waving him off. Once I was alone in his room I sank to the floor and cried.
After a few minutes I wiped my eyes and grabbed a piece of paper and a pen and wrote my note to Harry:
Dear Harry,
I left for the Isle. I'm sorry.
Yours Truly,
Cindy Luna Charming
I placed the note on the table and headed out, sneaking to my room I changed into a T-shirt and some pants, as well as Tennis shoes. Sneaking out of the school wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. Now to "borrow" a motorbike. Well I guess I'll just use mine. I climb onto my motorbike and snap my helmet on before I head to the isle. 
I made it to the bridge and took a deep breath and drove across the bridge, dodging a few citizens. I made it to a metal tunnel, parking my motorbike I suddenly became extremely nervous and scared. Meeting the guy you're crushing on,'s dad shouldn't be this terrifying. I turned off my motorbike and pocketed the keys. Setting my helmet on the seat of my bike I head through the tunnel towards where Captain Hook was waiting for me on the Jolly Roger.
"Ah there she is." Captain Hook exclaimed with a hint of anger.
I walked onto the ship. The moment my foot touched the boot Captain Hook grabbed me and held his hook to my face.
"Smart move coming here child. Now to show that you're my property." He exclaimed, grabbing a branding iron that had a hook shape on it.
I feel myself shaking in fear. He called two of his crew to hold me as they lifted the back of my shirt, he heated up the branding iron and began walking towards me. That's when I felt the burning feeling on my back, causing me to scream in pain.
"There. Now you belong to be princess." Captain Hook stated proudly.
His crew members released me and I crumbled to the floor, crying my eyes out. The mark burned at my shoulder blade.
~~~~~ Back at Auradon Prep ~~~~~~~~
3rd person POV
Harry had been taking sewing lessons from Evie, hoping to impress Luna with it. He had even managed to make a little plushie of himself, including his hook. He smirked as he walked down the halls, only to bump into Gil.
"Harry! Luna's gone to the Isle." Gil exclaimed, panic in his voice.
Harry about dropped his plush form, instead he grabbed Gil and dragged him to their room. Closing the door and setting the plush down, he held up his hook at Gil's face. 
"What ye mean she's gone to da Isle?" Harry all but growled.
Gil whimpered and held up the note. Harry stabbed the note with this hook. Reading the note his face paled.
He looked at Gil. "I have to go get her. Who knows what my bastard of a father is doing to her." He clenched his fist around his hook in anger.
"You aren't going alone." A familiar voice said from the doorway.
Harry and Gil turned around to see Uma standing in the doorway.
"Uma this is my fight not yers." Harry argued.
"Actually it is my fight. My shell has been acting up, and I figured it out. My mother is helping your father." Uma explained.
And cue Chad coming into the room, pushing past Uma. "Lu! Wait where's my sister? What did you do to her Hook!?!?" Chad questioned, getting all up in Harry's face.
Harry lifted his hook and Chad began to back away. 
"I did nuthin ye numskull! I gotta go rescue 'er from me father." Harry explained with a glare.
Chad froze. "What?" He asked.
"Good job Harry!" Uma exclaimed with frustration as she entered the room, closing the door behind her.
"Me father spelled 'er and now he threatened 'er and she left. Ye ain't strong enough to come with us. Go get Mal, Evie, Carlos and Jay the seven of us will get 'er back." Harry ordered.
Chad nodded and opened the door rushing to get the VKs.
Harry began pacing. "He's gunna hurt 'er. I just know it." Harry stated, wringing his hook a bit.
"Harry calm down. We don't know that yet, maybe he's gunna do what we did to Ben." Uma tried to explain.
"Ye don't understand. He's batshit crazy! He doesn't have this accent. He injected me with… DNA of another villain." Harry explained. 
"What?" Uma asked, surprised.
"Yea, he's nuts. He's going to that with her. Where's that blonde bastard!" Harry exclaimed angrily.
Chad burst through the door, with the VKs right behind. 
"I brought them!" Chad exclaimed.
"What is this about Luna going to the Isle??" Mal questioned, worry in her voice.
"Captain Hook and my mother spelled her, then somehow threatened her to come to the Isle." Uma explained, understanding that Harry was in no way capable of repeating himself.
"What??? Well let's go! We'll take the limo. I'll text Ben and tell him what's going on. Come on." Mal stated as the group began to leave.
Chad stopped Harry. "Dude, I know you don't particularly like me but, please bring my sister back. I just want her back." Chad said, tears in his eyes.
"Dont ye worry, I'll bring the lass back. But I get to take 'er on a date." Harry bribed.
"Well duh! She's had the biggest crush on you for like months now." Chad confessed. 
"Oh? Well then I better go save me love then." Harry raced out of the room, catching up to the group.
~~~~~~~The Jolly Roger~~~~~~~~
I hated this, I was just branded and now I'm tied to table and…. what is that?
"W-What's that?" I asked, seeing a need filled with blood.
"Oh that little princess is Hades' DNA. And it is going to be injected into you." Captain Hook explained with a wild grin.
I tried to get out of my restraints. "No, no, no…… please don't!" I began to cry.
"Don't worry princess this will only hurt for, hmm actually I'm unsure." Captain Hook stated as he grabbed my arm and injected the blood into my body.
I screamed in pain as the blood of a god ran through my veins. Captain Hook laughed maniacally before leaving me tied up in pain.
My thoughts went to Harry, and how I'll never get to tell him how I feel and how I'll never see Chad or my parents ever again. Tears streamed down my face as I screamed in pain. The DNa flowing through my veins, and causing my hands to catch fire, burning my restraints, I jolted up, burning the restraints around my legs as I continued to scream in pain at now the fire on my hands.
I saw a bucket of water and stuck my hands in it. Extinguishing the fire helped but it didn't relieve the burns I had on my hands. I sat in a corner of the room and cried. 
I heard shouting. Familiar shouting.
"Harry!" I exclaimed, my hair flaming up in a light blue color.
I stumbled over to the stairs and climbed up them only to be doused with water, grabbed and a hook at my throat. I looked over to the dock and saw Harry, Uma, Gil, Mal, Evie, Carlos, and Jay swords in hand, ready to fight.
"She belongs to me boy! One more step and she's done for!" Captain Hook threatened.
I made eye contact with Harry. Feeling bolder, I winked at him before my hands flamed up, burning Captain Hook. I ran to Harry, only to be tripped and fell into the water.
Thankfully I knew how to swim. But I could see Harry rushing at his dad with a sword in one hand and his own hook in the other. Sword fighting broke out.
Before I could get to the ladder a tentacle wrapped around my ankle and pulled me under. Uma happened to see that.
I was having trouble holding my breath as I came face to face with Ursula. 
"Well darling, I believe it's time for you to let go!" Ursula stated, causing me to go into my state of spelled and my soul left my body.
I silently screamed as my body began to drown. That was until Uma used her tentacles to grab me and place me on the dock. Uma fought her mother, hook fought his father, everyone was fighting, except for Smee. He had a goodness in his heart. He came over to me and sat me up and patted my back hard enough for me to get sucked back into my body and started coughing up water.
"What happened?" I asked out loud.
"Ursula tried to drown you. You need to go. Now!" Smee explained helping you to your feet.
"But Harry! I-I need to help him!" I exclaimed, wincing as the burns on my hands hurt.
"You go wait on the other side of the tube I will get the boy." Smee promised.
I nodded and stumbled towards the tunnel. I turned around.
"Harry fucking Hook! You better win!" I called out.
A grin formed on Harry's face.
Harry shoved his father back. "Ye hear that old man? I've got 'er cheerin me on. That gives me strength to finally end this!" Harry exclaimed shoving his sword into his father's chest. 
He removed his sword and headed off the ship, the VKs, Uma and Gil close behind. Ursula and Hook were no longer an issue.
I gasped as I felt myself feel freed from the spell. Hearing footsteps coming from the tunnel, I turn and see Harry walking towards me. I run to him, hugging him. 
"Harry! I'm so glad you're ok!" I exclaimed, tears streaming down my face.
"Hey hey it's alright my love. Let's get ye home. We have lots to discuss." Harry smirked, hugging me close.
I got on my motorbike and followed alongside the limo. The moment we got back to school, Ben, Fairy Godmother, and Chad were waiting. 
I parked my bike and ran to my brother jumping into his arms. 
"Chad!" I exclaimed, crying a bit.
"Its ok Lu. I'm here. Sorry I couldn't come get you." Chad apologized.
"It's ok, I'm glad you weren't there. There was blood." I teased.
"Love, we gots to talk to these ones." Harry gestured to Fairy Godmother and Ben, with his hook, of course.
"C-can we talk in Harry's room. I want to sit down." I explained, rubbing my hands together, trying to hide the burns.
"Of course love." Harry smiled, wrapping his arm around my waist as the group heads to Harry and Gil's room.
Once inside, I sat down on Harry's bed, wincing at the pains.
"Love where did he hurt ye?" Harry asked, concerned, he placed a Harry plush in my lap.
I giggled picking up the doll. "Harry did you make this?" I asked.
"Ye, and ye didn't answer my question." Harry frowned.
"He…. Look at my back." I stated, lifting up the back of my shirt. Everyone gasped and Harry's blood boiled at the sight of a hook branded on my back.
"H-he also inject me with Hades blood." I whispered, setting the Harry plush down and holding up her hands. 
"Fire happens and it burns me." I whimpered.
Harry knelt in front of me and took my hands in his and kissed the back of each of my hands before kissing the palms.
My hair began to flame a bit in a light blue tint. Everybody gasped.
I blinked. "I-is it hot in here?" I asked.
"Love yer hair is on fire." Harry explained, smirking.
I blushed and patted at my hair, putting the fire out. I felt tears well up.
"I-I can't hold anything, or touch anyone….. i-i'm a freak." I begin to cry.
Mal frowns, walking over to me she gives me a hug.
"Hey, I'm the daughter of Hades. I think we can figure out how to fix it." Mal said with a smile.
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For the fic request thing, I'm always a sucker for Moxiety with Virgil just being absolutely love struck for Patton. Thank you! 😊😊😊
Aren't we all? We love some lovestruck boys! Thank you for requesting.
Warning: Tooth-rotting fluff (I had to get dental help after writing this.)
Virgil was tired, and was trying so hard to stay awake in the midst of Mandy Moore's cheery vocals and the bright imagery of Tangled.
He had to save himself the embarrassment, because the guy he was in love with was just beside him and if he fell asleep; he'd be on him.
And he wasn't sure he could handle that situation, not with his feelings in the brink of exposure; and yet he ached to do it.
Because he was in love with Patton and his cute little smile and concern for everyone before himself, and he wanted to be so close he could hear his breathing and feels his heartbeat under his skin-
"Virg?" Patton hummed, a fondness in his eyes that almost made him even cuter somehow.
"Hmm?" Virgil muttered, a little taken back by how cute the man just beside him was; with his rosy cheeks and the lightest pair of blue eyes that shined everytime he smiled.
He had to stop thinking about this, it surely wasn't making his face any cooler, and a random blush might be... a little weird in their current circumstance, mostly because Patton hadn't even said anything yet.
"Do you-" Patton fumbled with his fingers with a nervous smile, "I know you're tired, and I was wondering... do you want to cuddle?"
Okay, if he wasn't red before, he was red now, and there was no doubt about that.
It was quiet for a few beats, Patton looking more and more nervous and Virgil, truly, looking like he was about to explode.
Virgil, clearing his throat, squeaked out, "SuRE."
Patton giggled, and pulled Virgil into him, humming along lightly to the movie as he thread his fingers through his hair.
Virgil would've felt a lot more if he hadn't practically fainted at how warm Patton was, or how felt it good for fingers to run through his hair; he was out in less than 30 seconds.
And if a smiling face kissed his forehead affectionately in his sleep, who was to know?
◇ ◇ ◇
It was originally four people who went shopping, but when Logan was dragged off by Roman down the clothes isle, Virgil was left with Patton (who was cutely dressed in a white dress with sunflowers sprinkled around the fabric) and he wasn't sure he could keep it together.
Virgil was quiet, just following the swish of his dress and mindlessly listening to his adorable rants about the crayons to their left or the sticky notes that he used to write himself everyday.
It was easy to be with Patton, just sitting on a couch or walking through an aisle with no point in the world.
He could spend the rest of his life like this, wondering places aimlessly... Just as long as Patton was with him too.
"Virgil!" Patton exclaimed, running down an isle, and disappearing from his sight.
Virgil smiled, his heart fluttering in his chest, as he caught up with him, "What is it, Patt?"
Patton motioned to the wall of stuffed animals, his eyes sparkling in a childish wonder that he had never really lost; sometimes Virgil thought Patton brought it back into him, just with the energy he radiated.
Virgil grinned, his eyes reaching out to feel the fur of the stacked animals; his heart in a place of peace.
"Oh my goodness-" Patton gushed, grabbing at the fuzziest bumblebee Virgil had ever seen: it had button eyes, and the cutest little wings and it was just. So. Patton.
"Virgil, look at this cutie pie," Patton hummed, brushing his hands through the fuzz, "-I think I'll name you... Bee-atrice."
Virgil snorted, roaming closer to the pair to touch the flimsy wings, "Only you, Patton."
Patton grinned, furrowing his brows as he gazed at the price tag; and for a moment, he pouted, "Darn it!"
Virgil glanced over the tag, reading it briefly; and deciding something in his head, "I'll get it for you Patt."
Patton's eyes widened, "How did you kn-"
"You have a face that tells all, Patt-" Virgil chuckled, "-and I just got paid two days ago. It's not a problem."
Patton smiled, but still asked, "Are you sure? Beatrice can wait, I get paid in a we-"
Virgil shook his head, reassuring, "Patton, it's fine. I'll get it for you; think of it as a gift."
"Okay-" Patton spoke, the certified 'Dad look' peering into his usually playful eyes, "-but I owe you something."
"Please, Patt-" Virgil felt soft, a fond tone smoothing into the conversation as he walked just ahead of him, "-you just being here is a gift enough."
"T-Thank you, Virgil-" Patton uttered a little more nervous than he felt was normal, as he carefully approached him.
Virgil raised a brow, just until Patton stepped on his tippy-toes and, in the softest way possible, kissed his cheek.
And with a very flushed emo by his side, Patton laced their hands and lead him off to another aisle.
If they spent another a few hours in the store, it didn't really matter because Virgil wouldn't wanna be anywhere else.
◇ ◇ ◇
Patton was antsy, rocking on his heels; as the pair got ready to go to Roman's "Pumpkin Party".
What it was specifically for, Virgil wasn't entire sure, but he knew Patton had wanted to go, and he couldn't pass up on seeing Patt in one of those fluffy beige cardigans, could he?
So, here he was, dressed clad in his famous jacket and an oddly light shirt; waiting for Patton's motion to go.
"Okay-" Patton hugged himself lightly, "-I'm ready."
Virgil smiled lightly, gazing over the --as guessed-- beige cardigan, "Looks cute, Patt."
Patton smiled, his face rosy and his curls framing his face, winking, "Brave, coming from such a cutie pie."
Virgil's face flushed up to his ears, "T-Thanks."
Patton giggled, a fresh sound that Virgil wished he could hear all day, his days would be so much brighter with a Patton giggle everyday.
"After you-" Virgil snickered, opening the door for him politely.
Until, he watched Patton's face fall.
Virgil raised an eyebrow, concern lacing his tone, "Everything okay, Patton?"
Patton pouted, the one Virgil would die for, "It's raining..."
Virgil looked out the door, watching as it poured; there goes waiting it out. In the midst of thinking, he quietly played with his drawstring it help him think a lo-
Virgil carefully, began taking off his jacket, "So, I don't think we have any umbrellas, not that I can remember anyway, but maybe... we just use this as shelter? If you're okay with that?"
Patton hesitated, "Well, you're tall. Won't you get wet?"
"A little, but-" Virgil hummed, "-it doesn't matter. I can handle a little rain."
"Are you sure?" Patton spoke, "I can just handle it-"
"Patton," Virgil reassured, "-it's fine, I promise."
Patton paused for a moment, but succumbed to Virgil's request; fitting just right beside him with no issue.
Except, as the more awkward of the two, Virgil tried desperately not to touch him; he wasn't sure if feeling his cardigan would put him in the best mental state for the rest of the party.
So, his body was awkwardly a distance from Patton's which made it slightly uncomfortable for him, but he was sure he could handle it.
"I think-" Patton began carefully, "-it might help if we-"
His soft hand laced Virgil's fingers with his own, and he took a step closer to Virgil, even slightly leaning into him.
Virgil decided to say nothing, too many feelings rushing up to his voice for it to be safe, as his cheeks flushed a bright red; yet instead of being embarrassed, he just embraced it.
"There!" Patton snuggled into him slightly, "-That's much better."
He had to tell him soon.
◇ ◇ ◇
It was an off night, and Virgil felt particularly infatuated today; all because that morning Patton hand been dressed in fluffy bunny pajamas, and his hair had been anything but perfect.
He loved Patton in his most raw stage: sleepy.
So, after that greeting, Virgil had been on a high; so much so, he had hyped himself up to ask him out today.
And he was ready, standing outside Patton's door with the prettiest lilies he could find, his fist raised and clinched.
Until Patton opened the door, a hand full of beautiful purple flowers he didn't quite know the name of, and exclaimed, jumping, "Virgil! Oh my go-"
Patton's eyes locked on the collection of lilies in his hand, his eyes sparkling as he smiled, "Are those for me?"
Virgil had almost lost all words at this point, but could simply answered, "Y-Yeah, I heard you talking to Roman once about how much you loved lilies, so I thought-"
"They're lovely-" Patton grinned, as he extended the purple flowers forward, "-these are for you. I... They're Perennial Geraniums, I didn't know what kind of flower you liked, but... I know your favorite color is purple so-"
Virgil grinned, "I love them Patt-" just like I love you, he said silently in his head.
"Do you- Do you have a minute?"
"Of course! Yeah, just... come on in, Virgil."
Patton's room was always warm and cozy, it felt so lived in and wonderful; full of memories and... feelings of all kinds.
"I, um-" Virgil began, rubbing the back of his neck, "-I got you those flowers for a reason-"
Patton hummed, a little more nervous, "Uh, me too, actually. I should probably talk to you about that-"
"-it's a little complicated to explain, but I had a whole gesture planned-"
"-I wasn't sure how to tell you other than flowers, because I wanted to be sure that you'd at least be okay by the end-"
"-anyway, long story short-"
"-but I should just be straight with it-"
"I love you."
It was silent for a few seconds, the overwhelming emotion bleeding into the air without any hesitation.
Virgil had felt like the air had been knocked out of his lungs, and based on Patton's face, he was just as shocked.
Patton grinned, a big beaming grin and without hesitating a second, ran into Virgil's arms.
Originally, Virgil was nervous as to where it was going; until, Patton started to desperately pepper his face in kisses: his nose, his forehead, and his cheeks.
And in a fit of giggling, Virgil spoke with a breath of relief, "I love you."
Patton smiled, the one that crinkled at his eyes, as he spoke with a breathy laugh, "I love you too."
And with the energy of a precious little puppy, Patton wrapped his arms tighter around Virgil's neck and kissed him square on the lips.
Yeah, Virgil was sure he didn't want to be anywhere else. Well, unless Patton was with him, that is.
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