#evil Gabriel
justhereforkeefe · 1 year
This story was amazing
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"i could fix him" yeah? i could make him let the mask of dominance slip and get vulnerable and masochistic on every level
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barbariqe · 4 months
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kimenochan · 6 months
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Hello lgbt
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k-wame · 7 months
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STRANIZZA D'AMURI (FIREWORKS) dir. Beppe Fiorello Italy · Drama · Crime · LGBTQ+
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i feel like in s13 they were really losing the plot. like what do you mean jack and mary are trapped in an alternate dimension where michael is hot but evil and to get them back the rest of tfw has to do a spell they don’t even think will work because they don’t know asmodeus kept gabriel hidden away for years like rapunzel so he’ll conveniently be around to help but first cas has to go to syria and get married to the djinn queen while sam and dean live out an actual mafia movie and all three of them get trapped in a cartoon because of an evil real estate manager and then to get the last ingredient for the spell they have to fight a tentacle porn monster from another alternate dimension, all while lucifer is shacking up with danneel ackles and successfully taking over heaven? oh and sam and dean were stuck in jurassic world for a bit and donatello went insane via chicken wings
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classichorrorblog · 1 year
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Evil Dead Rise (2023)
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One time Xena gave up her humanity and became a demon and waged war against heaven, but only because Gabrielle was now an angel and Xena wanted to see her to ask if she'd spend eternity in damnation with her so she wouldn't be alone.
That show was an experience.
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dilutedbeanibeans · 10 months
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some tmc doodles!!!! I dont think Ive ever shown off my gabriel design here!!!
also here is my pre heaven overthrow gabe design!!! normal seraphim guy :]
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full page under the cut + rambles
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OKAY SO. I HAVENT DRAWN THESE GOOBERS IN SO LONG!!!!!! my art has DEFINITELY shot up in quality since then and it makes me so!!!!!joyous!!!!!!!
I am SO happy that Ive improved because for a long while I felt like I was stuck in a weird place of. Art Limbo and I’m so happy to realize that I’ve actually just been slowly improving this whole time!!!!!
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idk if it’s just me but seeing my art improve THIS MUCH within a year is so. amazing. I’m so proud of myself honestly
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bklily · 1 year
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A little privacy would be nice, don't you think?!?!
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Come back with a warrant or something next time.
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sheawritesstuff · 6 months
Meeting the Alpha
[Gabriel Shaw and David x Angel]
[Meet the parents Fluff - 1391 words]
[Little bit of a twist ending ;p enjoy]
“Alright, Angel. How are you feeling? You ready?” David asked, putting the car in park. Angel fidgeted nervously in their seat and stared out the window. Their attention darted rapidly between the big, rustic house in front of them and their own shaking hands. 
“What if he doesn’t like me?” Their voice was uncharacteristically quiet and almost shaky. “What if I fuck it up? Davey I- “ David cut them off with a gentle grip of their hand. They finally turned to look at him, mouth tugged down in a frown. He held their hand firmly and took a dramatically slow, deep breath. They followed suit, filling their lungs with air and breathing out their worry. 
“He’s going to love you, Angel. I promise,” David said, soft and genuine. “It’s going to be ok, it’s just my dad.” Angel nodded, still breathing deeply. They squeezed their boyfriend’s hand and forced a smile. 
“I think I’m ready now.” They said it more to themself than to him. David kissed them once before the two of them hefted themselves up and out of the car. The wolf came to their side and looped their arms together, keeping them nice and close. They walked together to the front door, waited a moment for a few more deep breaths, and David knocked firmly on the thick wooden door. 
A moment later the door opened, revealing the man of the hour. If Angel thought David was big, Gabe was gigantic. He was at least three inches taller and almost as wide as his son, but not quite as muscular. Angel stared up at him, eyes wide and mouth hanging open slightly.
“Well hey! You must be the little Angel I’ve heard so much about,” Gabe declared. He spread his arms, a bright smile plastered across his face, then paused. “Wait, can I- do… do you do hugs?” He pulled his arms back toward his body awkwardly as he questioned the forwardness of his action. 
Angel giggled at him and opened their arms too. They nestled against his chest in a firm, familiar hug. They both sighed, relaxing in their shared embrace as the mutual nervousness faded. They pulled away and found David standing off to the side, arms folded across his chest. 
“Aw, Davey, are you feeling left out? C’mere baby,” Angel teased, approaching him arms first. David groaned, but hugged them back, running his hand over their back. Gabe took the opportunity to ruffle David’s hair, wasting the agonizing half-hour he put into perfecting it. The beta scrunched his eyebrows together and huffed at his father. 
“I did not come here to be ambushed,” he complained, pushing his mate away from him. He turned back toward the door, quickly trying to tidy up his hair. “Are you gonna let us in or not, old man?” David’s grin gave away the fact his dismay was all for show. Gabe rolled his eyes, still smiling wide. He motioned toward the door with both arms and bowed slightly. 
“After you, Davey,” Gabe remarked, stepping inside behind them and closing the door. David mirrored his elder and rolled his eyes. The trio entered the front room of the house together. Angel openly gawked at the gorgeous childhood home of their lover. 
“Dinner is on the table if you two are ready.” 
The dining table was huge, stretching about as far as one end of Angel’s apartment to the other. It was bare, though, save for three neatly arranged placemats on one end with a variety of dishes scattered around them. David led his mate to their seat and pulled the chair out for them. He sat across from them, leaving the head of the table empty for the alpha. 
“Wow.” Angel stared at the feast in front of them. “It looks amazing, Gabe.” 
“It’s crazy, huh. Some people cook and eat actual food,” David joked as he scooped a spoonful of potatoes onto his plate. Gabe half-heartedly swatted at the back of his son’s head. 
“Be nice. You weren’t always the healthiest eater either, y’know.” The older wolf turned to Angel with a smile. “You would not believe how hard it was to convince this boy to eat his vegetables. When he was still a tiny little thing he-”  David covered his face with his hands and groaned. The tips of his ears were bright red as he listened to the retelling of his childhood stubbornness. 
“-and he wouldn’t even look at anything green unless I bribed him with some sort of treat until he was damn near 15,” Gabe laughed and glanced toward the man sitting next to him. David still had his head bowed down in embarrassment, but he had uncovered in face in the interest of actually eating his dinner. “Your mama would be so proud of you,” Gabe said softly. 
David perked his head up and stared at his father, surprise clear on his face. Gabe smiled at him and patted his shoulder with a nod. He turned back to Angel with the same kind grin. “She would love you too, Angel. You’re sweet like she was. I think you two would’ve gotten along well.” His voice was quiet and filled with a fond nostalgia. “You picked well, David.
David stopped eating for a moment, just pushing the food around on his plate as he searched for the right words. He looked across the table and met his partner’s eyes for a moment. He smiled back at them and sighed. 
“Yeah, I did, didn’t I.” 
The rest of the evening was filled with good food, laughter, and a plethora of embarrassing childhood stories. As the couple finished their food, Gabe stood to take their plates to the kitchen. Angel peered across the table with a smile painted on their face. 
“I think he likes me,” they sighed. David laughed and pushed himself up from the table. He came around to the other side and draped himself over the top of their chair. A kiss to the top of the head accompanied a soft squeeze to their shoulders. 
“He loves you, Angel. Just like I said he would.” He tilted their head up and kissed their forehead. “But I’m afraid if we don’t leave soon he’ll end up liking you more than me. And we can’t have that, can we?” They giggled and shook their head. He pulled their chair out to give them room to stand as Gabe reentered the dining room. 
“You two heading out?” David nodded and replaced the chair.
“It was really great getting to meet you, Gabe,” Angel piped up. Gabe smiled down at them. His smile had been almost permanently painted on his face since they arrived, but it never seemed any less genuine. 
“It was lovely meeting you too, Angel. Don’t be a stranger, ok?” He leaned down to hug them again and they happily returned it. He patted them on the back as he pulled away. David hugged him too, but it lingered a little longer as he reveled in the moment. 
“I love you, Dad.”
“I love you too, David. Drive safe, alright?” David nodded as he turned to open the door. 
Gabe stood on the porch as he watched them get back into their car. Angel let out a long, low sigh as they sat down. David turned the key with a hum and turned to face his mate. They smiled at him before waving out the window as they pulled out of the driveway. They leaned across the seat to plant a quick kiss to David’s cheek-
The feeling of gentle kisses scattered across David’s face pulled him back to reality. His eyes opened just enough to peer up at his mate on top of him, waking him up “the romantic way”. He smiled softly as the warmth of sleep ebbed away. Angel kissed the tip of his nose and pulled away just enough to make proper eye contact. 
“Good morning, Davey,” they said, voice still hoarse from sleep. “Did you have a good dream?” David tucked their hair behind their ear and smiled as his core thrummed solid in his chest. He stared up at them, admiring the beauty before him for a long, silent moment. 
“Yes, I did.” He pressed a soft kiss to their lips. “I had a very good dream, Angel.” 
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cardiac-agreste · 1 year
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Here are some thoughts on why I think Chloe's character arc makes perfect sense.
Chloe has a real bad hangup about power. She needs to feel it desperately.
she idolizes Ladybug, who is powerful
she wants a Miraculous to feel powerful
she orders her dad around to feel powerful
she mis-names her butler to feel powerful
she bosses Sabrina around to feel powerful
she is cruel to Marinette to feel powerful
she is dismissive of Chat Noir because he is subservient to Ladybug and therefore weak
When Adrien stands up to Chloe regarding her treatment of Marinette, she perceives this as him ordering her to reign in her power. To restrict her power.
In response, she re-asserts her power: she cuts him out of her life. Similarly, Ladybug denies her a Miraculous, so she turns on Ladybug, again lashing out at someone who has diminished her power. She then aligns herself with someone who promises it to her.
Then Zoe shows up, and Zoe gets attention and affection (and therfore power) from Andre, who isn't even her real father! She's spent more time with their mother, which is another form of power.
S3 through S5 is a systematic stripping away of the thing Chloe holds most dear: power. In response to this, she exerts power every opportunity she gets: she tries to take over the movie, she bosses Adrien around, she revels in her cruelty toward Marinette, she aligns herself with Lila (who Chloe recognizes has the power to fool everyone around them), she is cruel to her sister, and eventually she "leads" a fascist takeover of Paris (of course, not realizing that she's fourth banana in the takeover after Evil Gandalf, Slightly Less Evil Elon Musk, and Lila.
Her character arc makes perfect sense.
Uhh, umm, in this powerpoint presentation I will
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wintersangels69 · 10 months
Zero Day (2003) - Bloodhail
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jurassicass · 1 year
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Pained me to draw over the abs and glorious legs underneath but besides that, cape xena…..need more….
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gabrielokun · 1 month
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