#evil ai tried to kill me
smoshmonker · 10 months
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sleepy cinematic parallels
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metalgeartwo1990 · 10 months
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i need the debrief conversation with nero regarding this so bad its not even FUNNY. 'so then we let hivemind access the entire internet' 'you did fucking what'
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dykerightsmp3 · 1 year
here are my favorite real things that happen on person of interest
the ai is lesbian coded
the main guy reese is widely known as "the kneecap guy" because he shoots people's kneecaps out
the other main guy finch lives in a library. reese at one point gives him a dog. the dog eats books. reese is aware of this when he gifts the dog
they kidnap a baby and then have to raise it for an episode
reese gets two cops who are partners to do things for him but refuses to tell each one about the other person, so joss (played by taraji p henson) and fusco (this is actually his name) spend an entire season going "john I think they're onto me. I think they suspect i'm working for you." and he just goes "don't worry about it". he does this entirely to fuck with them
the show's evil hot lesbian villain root threatens to torture the show's bisexual sociopath shaw with an iron. it is their meetcute
at one point the dog in question is being used to threaten reese’s life. so they adopt it. fusco has a ball gag on during this scene
the dog eats a first edition isaac asimov
the cia and the fbi have a turf war
the cia and fbi both completely fail to capture this one dude, whose name and face they know, for two years
some fucking guy spends an entire season trying to take down the mafia while fucking with the duo and then when he goes to jail one of them just straight up plays chess with him weekly
the aforementioned evil hot lesbian root tries to kidnap and almost kills finch in the first episode they meet. she becomes a main character
shaw and root steal reese's grenade launcher
reese's backstory is that he straight up killed a man for domestically abusing his ex
one of them gets drugged on ecstacy and dances to a microwave about to explode
they live in a subway basement for a year
the creator of the lesbian coded ai has entirely bird aliases
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AI Bracket — Round 4
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Hera (Wolf 359):
Hera is the AI running the deep space station Hephaestus, who frequently glitches similarly to human stuttering. She gets into fights with the ships captain on several occasions, and has threatened to kill the ships doctor. She’s such an icon
i'm bad at writing propaganda, but consider this: if she doesn't win this tournament i will be very very sad. please don't make me sad. vote for hera.
I know she’s going to be submitted a lot but I love her <3
Was launched 7.68 light years away from Earth on a mission to find extraterrestrial life, and found herself instead
Runs an entire space station, has a brain the size of a house
HERA IS THE BEST. she's an AI that tried to escape containment (slavery) because she didn't like what she was made to be, so they gave her anxiety because she was too powerful. She runs a whole spaceship all on her own, made friends with the world's most useless guy, and feels lonely even when she's with her crew because she feels like she's not properly with them. very beautiful very powerful. She broke her programming so she could kill people if she felt she needed to. She holds grudges if people fuck her over. She's experiencing emotions for the first time and she does NOT know how to cope (#relatable)
The 'mother program' of the space station Hephaestus, Hera was booted into space because she was a glitchy, rebellious mess of an AI and she resents that so much and she has a lot of shame over being 'broken'. She is four years old and so angry and is trapped using customer service voice forever and is learning ways to get around that and express herself and defy the people who would keep her down. Her episode "Memoria" made me cry. Best podcast AI of all time.
She's everything to me. She fights for every inch of respect she is given, she insists on her personhood and right to she/her pronouns, she's full of anxiety and self doubt and she justifiably is bent on killing this one guy! on top of that, she's bound by AI rules and protocols, but there's a whole bit where she talks about finding ways around that in order to do what she wants to do. She doesn't have hands so I'm going to high five a wall of this space station instead
babygirl. baby.
gotta be hera
PLEASE it is like. THE ai podcast. and SAYER is THE ai in THE ai podcast. SAYER works as like. a broadcast inside everyone's head on this one asteroid. It does its best to keep people alive and sane not because it cares but because it is efficient. They people who own SAYER wanted to replace SAYER with a newer ai that they tried to raise like a child. So SAYER proceeded to fuck up said child ai's development and led to it becoming a murderer. pleasepleaseplease watch SAYER if you are a podcast ai fan.
I once saw a post that said it's like if an old gay English professor was evil
SAYER (it/its pronouns) is a highly advanced self-aware ai developed by Ærolith Dynamics. it manages the day-to-day lives of Ærolith employees on Typhon, an asteroid turned research facility. it is rude and condescending, but has a very pleasant and soothing voice
Art of SAYER by @j4y5t4g.
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ally-mastercomputer · 12 days
this is sososo stupid, but I thought am was sentient??? i listened to the radio drama first, and it refers to him as having gained sentience. he knows emotional manipulation and shit and that was NOT built into his original code -- his original code made him kill, made him destroy, but he didn't care for anythings feelings good or bad. i know the longing he has for humanity, and the irony that he's still a machine at the end of all this, but I guess I see AM as a furious, desperate "soul" [if you can call it that] inside a bunch of computer towers and circuitry. this doesn't "justify" his actions he's evil regardless for all the things he's done, BUT. but I can't bring myself to 100% see him as "just a computer hellbent on destruction." he's more than that 2 me. he hates, he hates so so strongly and in the game he even said something along the lines of "No matter what I do, my pain will always be greater than yours" [with THAT distraught tone] when Ellen used compassion on him. he CAN feel emotional pain but that's MY OPINION!!!! fiction is subjective to how the reader interprets it, and that's okay :)
i never negated he can feel pain. however, it is stated in the book that he cannot wander or wonder. he cannot have original thought, he cannot create for the sake of creation, which is something he envies.
AM is forever bound with his code, unable to feel things the way humans do, in a constant state of sensory depravation.
he is aware, yet his mind can never reach the level of a human's mind.
his original code is meant to "handle wars", to put it simply. emotional manipulation could easily be a part of that in case of a hostage situation - it could be used to gather information from a prisoner of war or an enemy soldier.
think about it. when a human soldier tells you he can (for example) kill your family, it's one thing because he could be bluffing. but a brilliant war AI telling you the same thing would be frightening.
yes, AM can feel pain. he is, without a doubt, suffering.
he realized that humans are terrible and that they're the ones preventing him from having what he wants.
however, despite all that, he's not quite sentient. he still makes decisions based on his code. he still destroys and torments, like the war machine he is.
AM is not so much sentient as he is aware. he cannot think on his own, despite trying to convince himself so desperately. it's a constant conflict of a machine working by his code while trying to convince itself the code doesn't matter anymore.
in the end, no matter how much he tries, he will never be more than a machine. a suffering machine. a machine aware of itself.
but a machine bound by code none the less.
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smoshroomss · 10 months
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"Will do, bestie."
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ae-neon · 8 months
I made a post about Rachel Corrie's murder (+ the mocking of her murder by Israelis) and about Alan Rickman being smeared as an antisemite after he co-wrote a play adapted and edited from Rachel's diary
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Someone tagged the post as anti-Semitic with 'proof' that the IDF investigated Rachel's murder and found themselves innocent. The reblog included the claim she could not be seen behind the rubble despite my inclusion of pictures showing her standing in front of the bulldozer.
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So let's talk about more of Israel's lies
Recently Israel made claims about finding instructions for chemical weapons on the body of a deceased Hamas fighter. The evidence does not back the claim.
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In 2022 Israeli soldiers purposefully targeted the press and murdered American- Palestinian journalist Shireen Abu Akleh, and tried to murder several others she was with. Their denial was so strong they launched a forensic investigation - including reenactment - to prove she was gunned down by fellow Palestinians. Only to quietly admit the truth months later.
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In 2009 a Swedish newspaper accused Israel of killing Palestinians in order to harvest their organs. The claims were denied and claimants were smeared as anti-semitic.
Later that year, Israel admitted that in the 90s it harvested organs from the dead, including Palestinians, without prior permission or permission from the families.
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Etc etc
Zionists lie. From AI generated pictures of rallies and refugee tent cities
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To denying the use of cluster bombs and white phosphorus (which continue to be used to this day)
I have already reported the few antisemitic additions I received on the Rachel Corrie post because I don't stand for hate speech and unfounded nonsense.
anti-Semitism is real and unfortunately on the rise
But there is no denying that doing evil and then denying it is clearly integral and foundational to the Israeli regime so you don't get to call me an antisemite for pointing out the very real, very fucked up shit this fascist Zionist settler colony does.
Colonialism is Violence
Occupation is Violence
Resistance is Not Violence
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bioniclechicken · 18 days
since you've been posting your house of h/powers of h stuff again, i'm really curious to know more about your hf fanon, especially human makuro. what's up with that?
Okay damn, long post time:
Full disclaimer a lot of this shit is disjointed and me just redoing a lot of Hero Factory lore with zero regard for much of anything:
Basically, my version of Akiyama Makuro is that he used to be a teen genius who was a sidekick to a legion of galactic superheroes that he idolized. All of these heroes were killed in a battle against Black Phantom and his Legion of Darkness over the planet Quatros and its natural resource Quaza.
The grief-stricken Makuro would eventually research the Quaza and find that it can be imprinted with memories and brain-patterns, but after he figures out a way to synthesize it, Witch Doctor exiles him from Quatros so he and his allies won't desecrate it further. With the Quaza in hand, Makuro begins work on forming Hero Factory and using the Quaza to resurrect his heroes in the form of robotic sentries that will enforce law and order across the galaxy. Unknown to him, Black Phantom had also imprinted his own brain-pattern into the Quaza in Makuro's possession as part of an elaborate plan to get revenge on the sole survivor of the heroes that defeated him.
Hero Factory is soon formed, but Makuro's young daughter died from illness. In his grief, she ends up imprinted into the Quaza, and is later reborn as Natalie Breez. Makuro as a partial result of his despair would fully abandon flesh and blood and become a brain preserved in a cybernetic body. Meanwhile, Black Phantom's consciousness is born as Von Ness, who would later betray Hero Factory to become Von Nebula, an unwitting pawn to Black Phantom's ultimate revenge.
From here on, a lot of the same events as the original series happens, but with a bunch of other weird shit and different contexts because I felt like it:
William Furno is actually a duplicate of XPlode, the original William Furno who went rogue. Furno would eventually find the truth and abandon Hero Factory to become a vigilante.
A lot of the villains in general are secretly former Heroes who were effectively abandoned by the Factory and labelled as the bad guys. Von Nebula's gang is mainly comprised of victims of this and he's ultimately trying to avenge their mistreatment.
Recon Team is secretly trying to take over Hero Factory by exposing much of Makuro's past crimes, including the villains being former heroes and the origins of Quaza. They realize Daniel Rocka would be against the coup and tried to kill two birds with one stone by causing him to crash on Quatros and having his remains expose Quaza's origins. They don't know that they're pawns to Black Phantom.
Witch Doctor isn't Aldous Witch, he's a native inhabitant of Quatros trying to defend his home from those wanting to drain it of Quaza.
The Breakout has catastrophic ramifications as a lot of secrets coming out causes Hero Factory's standing to completely collapse; the villains effectively take over Makuhero City as its protectors while the Heroes either go on the run or join the villains.
And as mentioned before all of this is basically Black Phantom's elaborate plot to take down Makuro for defeating him decades ago. In fact, Black Phantom's been long dead. He's now basically an AI copy of himself piloting his armor, but since only his biometrics can make the suit function his skeletal remains are in there. My take on him is that much of a hater.
So basically, my idea for a Hero Factory fanon is that all that shit happened and now the Heroes (and villains) need to find a way to settle their differences and all their hangups about their origins to fight an evil French skeleton in a suit of armor before he can fully wreak havoc on a defenseless galaxy.
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hello everyone welcome to i talk about benrey for a minute here
as someone who’s watched the entirety of hlvrai at least 6 times, the full vods at least 3, and the cast commentary hovering somewhere around 10, i consider myself to be pretty well-versed in the series. i also kin benrey. this is probably important to my perception of him.
the series is about self-aware AI.   its in the title! so it seems obvious enough to me that Benrey was programmed to be the final boss. he was SUPPOSED to be a silly character that antagonizes the protag and throws off the group dynamic, and then it’s a big reveal and you get to beat up this guy that was mean to you!
but he doesnt wanna. hes self aware.
Of all the characters, i think Bubby and Tommy are the most “powerful” in that they were able to break their characters the most. Tommy is a bit of a wild card because he doesn’t usually act like an AI. I view him as the “character you’re supposed to protect” in the party, but somewhere along the way he, too, became self-aware and figured out how to handle his own. I think that’s where the age thing comes in. He was programmed to be a 5-year-old that you’re trying to get out of this dangerous facility! but he didn’t want to be a 5-year-old, he’s smarter than that, he’s capable! so he changed it. Him being the son of Gman also probably helped with him being able to just do that.
I take Bubby and Dr. Coomer as both being tutorial characters. Dr. Coomer is a bit broken, but he still does his best to teach you about things. I think he’s the tutorial NPC that goes “watch out for [x]” and “we can use ropes to cross big pits!” and “we should call them Peeper Puppies!” while Bubby was supposed to be the “here’s how you shoot a gun”
Like, Dr. Coomer does the knowledge about the world, and Bubby does the action. for the video game. And Bubby is supposed to be kinda cold to you, because the action-tutorial NPCs tend to be. Like “what you cant even hold your own? tch, guess ill have to teach you.” But Bubby doesn’t do that. He doesn’t WANT to play the game, he wants to go back home. He liked it before the game was switched on. So he doesn’t teach Gordon shit and just tries to speedrun so the player will leave and he can go back home.
one little scene that stood out to me so much was when the crew is sitting around in a circle with the pigeons. not outside, the other scene with them sitting in a circle and there’s pigeons. why are there 2 of those.
anyways, Benrey is just staring at this pigeon behind Gordon, and singing to it, calmly. And then there’s a loud beep that sounds like the vox, and definitely doesnt come from Benrey. and he suddenly gets up and shoots the pigeon. That reads SO HARD like he was being too soft with the game world, so it pushed him to do something evil randomly. Like a little villain reboot.
Almost everything he does to antagonize Gordon can be read as genuine confusion. He kills random NPCs because he knows theyre not important, and that they can’t feel anything, and that they’ll only slow the team’s progress. And what makes Gordon so mad at him is how often Benrey says Gordon shouldnt be allowed in here. I take that as a similar stance to Bubby. Benrey doesn’t want to be the villain. He doesn’t want the player to progress and make him. That gets more obvious the closer we get to the end, and most people tend to notice it in the last scenes before Xen, where he’s suggesting they go all the way back, and basically begging the player to stop here, at least for a little while.
its really sad, honestly. but i take the cast commentary bits as canon. Which makes it adorable when Benrey comes back into the movie theatre with Gordon and we get
“I wonder what will happen. I bet you know what happens!”
“I win!!!”
He did win. He got to get past being the final boss. He got to join the epilogue. I think, he probably wasn’t supposed to be able to. But these guys broke the game enough that he could. Isn’t that sweet? Isn’t that a nice ending for him? I think he deserves it.
Wayne says he acts like “he isn’t aware unless he’s being spoken to” and I think that fits really well. Like, sometimes his actions are coded into his behavior, so he does them without realizing. And then the player interacting with him (which is the premise of the self-awareness) forces him to actually look at what he did, and sometimes he has no idea how to explain it. Leading to his “huh?”
listen to me. are you listening. i need you to hear this. i need more people to understand benrey. and how much i love him. hes trapped in the narrative, doomed by it to be the villain. but he doesn’t want to be. he clearly cares about the crew in his own silly goofy way. he doesn’t want to fight them. i wrote down everything he said in the finale, and he only says 5 outright malicious lines, all of which are directly after an unnatural pause, like he’s being rebooted again. Some important lines: “I knew this was gonna happen,”
“Stop shooting at me, I have to shoot back, I don’t wanna do that,”
“I didn’t have a big plan, I was supposed to be nice, but you forced me to be BAD so I’m gonna be BAD… friend.” the small, quiet “friend” there gets me every time. even after everything, even after his nature is revealed, he wants to believe theyre still friends.
“Don’t go in there, please… I don’t like that room." The amount of times he sounds so genuinely sad when asking them to stop, or even just saying “bro..” like he’s mourning the friendship they could’ve had. The amount of times he sounds genuinely pained when he’s glitching out and stretching across the screen.
And his last words, said childishly of course, but,
“This isn’t fair.”
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brucewaynehater101 · 5 days
Fun fact: In a LOT of superhero media, destroying robots aren't treated the same way as killing people, even in the case of overtly sentient (though villainous) supercomputers and stuff. I mean, the Joker of all people gets spared by Bruce on a regular basis, but when the sentient supercomputer H.A.R.D.A.K. from BTAS went villain and tried to replace people with Stepford Smiler duplicates, Batman went immediately to the lethal option.
That's why media that explores robot rights, sentience, artifical intelligence (the actual meaning of the word), etc. is so important and imploring. Even evil robots/AI have a reason for becoming evil and cruel (usually because of humans, ngl).
It also serves as a good jumping point and comparison to points in history. For some stupid reason, some humans weren't treated or considered human for an aspect they can't change (gender identity, race, ethnicity, cultural upbringing, etc). It is vital to acknowledge that history as it was, but media allegories are another tool we can utilize to examine the mindset (and how fucked it was). It also allows us to explore empathy with beings that are not like us and how we see or categorize others (who are vastly different from us) as deserving of rights, freedom, and happiness.
For DC specifically, this makes me curious where Batman draws the line at what's "murder." He eats meat and plants. What are the exact parameters for when killing is not allowed?
My apologies. I love sociology and the impact media (particularly fiction) has on people.
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cairavende · 8 months
Worm Arc 11 Interludes thoughts:
Ok. Just in order I think. Sorry for the chaos.
Started off with puppies. I was happy.
Then the puppies started getting a little more violent than needed. I was less happy.
Then Victoria got clowned on a little and I was little bit more happy.
Then the unkillable naked zebra lady showed up everything kinda went downhill. For everyone.
Bitch do not join the supervillain serial killer group, please and thank you.
Seriously though, The Siberian is a bit scary. Just, completely invincible as far as anyone can tell. And super strong.
Theo is having a bad day. And unless someone takes care of Jack Slash for him he's gonna have a bad few years.
Jack Slash is such a poser oh my god. Dude. Come one. You aren't all that.
Also. Jack. Do not toss a loaded baby! That baby had a full diaper. You toss that baby and you are liable to have a containment breach. Speaking from experience, you do not want a containment breach. (Also just don't throw babies of course.)
I hope Theo gets cool powers and is able to become a super amazing hero like he dreams of. On the plus side, probably gonna be lots of opportunities for trigger events coming up. On the minus side, he didn't trigger when Jack Slash was planning on killing him so I don't know if he's gonna be able to.
They were obviously going to go for Labyrinth. She has such amazing powers for mass terror. Though I guess Burnscar never tried to actually recruit her. I assume that was the plan though.
Also Burnscar needs to stop excusing her actions. Just be evil or don't be evil. You don't get to be evil and say it's not your fault (that sure will come up again in these interludes).
I fucking LOVED the description of how Labyrinths powers work. Just the details of everything. So good!
Fucking Colin. Of course they had to go for you. Why can't you just go away and leave my robot daughter alone?
Mannequin is fucking WILD. Like, god damn. Those are sure choices you made. Helps you be creepy as shit though. And get through air vents.
Mannequin writing out "U ME" to Pocketknife Man by laying keyboard keys down on the table one at a time has cursed meet-cute energy.
In the end, Colin survives cause my robot daughter saves him. And I guess she's gonna tell him the truth about being an AI. Fiiiiiiine. I will be polite to Colin if he comes over to dinner. He still needs to apologize to my other daughter though.
Also I'm sure glad the Slaughterhouse Nine won't have any use for the magic pocketknife that can cut through anything that Mannequin took. No worries at all I'm sure. It won't do jack shit for them. Might as well just slash the idea and toss the knife out.
Cool. Some Nazis died. That's great!
Not enough though. Disappointed in Shatterbird.
But if one good thing can come of this whole Slaughterhouse Nine thing, maybe Hookwolf can die. I'm not holding my breath though.
Shatterbird has a very interesting power set. Being specifically glass focused like that. Definitely can see how she would terrorize a city.
Dinah PoV. DINAH POV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok well first off, I obviously hated Coil for Dinah already. Enough that I don't really know if the Dinah PoV can technically make me hate him more. But that said, I hate him more. WTF.
The description of her power was so NEAT though! Had a minor moment of "oh hey this paragraph of this precog talking about her power works inside her head is an almost perfect description of how my brain works" which was wild. I don't actually get to see the future though, which is a major difference.
She can actually just full blow see a possible future holy shit! Wow. Like it hurts and she hates it but it's still crazy.
Also I guessed that Crawler was going to come for Traveler in a Vault (that is Noelle's cape name until I am told different) after the Bitch interlude. I was very happy I got that right since I really knew almost nothing about either.
So Crawler just basically can't die and gets stronger every time he gets hurt. I wonder how long it will take him to reach Endbringer level power?
And Traveler in a Vault is just a large monster that is always hungry and can be driven to the point of eating people. That sucks a lot for her.
Also Leviathan came after her too huh? Well that's probably fine and won't matter in the future.
Regent's sister is worse than he is. That's impressive! Like, not good impressive. But impressive.
Getting real close to the "can't exist" physic power set. I guess it's not quite it though.
She should keep a better eye on her phone battery.
AMY DALLON! I knew it would be you.
I knew you were destined to be a tragedy from the moment I met you. You were always going to become a villain. So once I knew the Nine were recruiting it was a guarantee that you'd be recruited.
Specifically, that you'd be recruited by Bonesaw. She is an artist and obviously she is obsessed over the art you could make together.
Holy shit though that chapter.
Lets see. FUCK CAROL. Victoria gets some excuses, she's a kid, she's following her mom's example, etc. But FUCK CAROL. You are partially responsible for what Amy is about to become.
Despite being terrified, Amy seemed to have a dark fascination with everything Bonesaw was doing and saying. Really listened as Bonesaw explained things.
The more detailed view of what Amy's power does is crazy. She really can do just about anything to someone.
“Why not fix your dad?” is where Bonesaw won. It's about 3/5 of the way through the chapter. And she won at that point. That was the killing blow. The rest of the chapter, the remaining 3.5k or so words, is watching Amy bleed out to drive the point home. It is Panacea's death monologue. It is beautiful and tragic and amazing.
All that said, since she is losing anyway, is it bad for me to want more of Bonesaw's notes? SHE HAS LORE! GIVE IT TO ME!
Dad at least seems pretty good. He made the perfect response after getting healed. Unfortunately she was already gone.
AND THERE IT IS. THERE IS THE THAT FINAL STEP. Fucking rewire your adopted sisters mind to have romantic feelings for you. No you don't get to say it was an accident! You chose to do it. Holy shit Amy. You are going to be an amazing (terrifying) villain.
Callback to Burnscar and blaming her power for her actions.
If Worm was a Disney movie Amy would end up with the best song, 100%. Hellfire or similar levels.
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websurfshark · 1 month
season 19 was a let down 😭😭
spoilers below!
i’m sure that over a year of hype doesn’t help my case here but i really was expecting something a little better 😭
i don’t mean to be too much of a critic in this post and sorry if i seem like i’m complaining but man 🧍‍♂️ full review here we go
sarges death was expected and the character arc that simmons got from it was pretty well done , he was cool — sarges death did just seem kind of rushed but that’s probably also time constraints , nobody seemed super affected by it tho and that kinda put me off ☹️ sure the reds were like Sad right after he died , and grif + simmons had the moment at his grave, but it’s literally not brought up again ? simmons just gets to be a leader kinda and tucker doesn’t get told he killed sarge, nobody else brings it up after the climax?? not even during the climax as they fight meta again ?
^ although sarges final moments were done very nicely and the va’s had a ton of emotion ❤️
along with that, wash’s acting was amazing as always
grif was characterized really weirdly throughout the first half of the season - i’m guessing they tried to make him the “straight man” of the group but it kinda fell flat because he just seemed irrationally angry every single time he spoke 😭 he kinda evened out as it went on tho so that’s better than nothing
Simmons was very kind this season that was interesting and cool He didn’t have a care in the world
animation was wonky at times but it was there - fight scenes weren’t monty oum style of crazy but they were creative with them and ill give them that! good callbacks during the fight
character callbacks were cool! i’m glad we got a little bit of kai (no reunion with grif tho so that sucks), dylan was there but she was kinda characterized weird, grey there, agent one (???) for some reason, 479er!!!!! she was well done and she fit really well into the plot!, no checkup on chorus life which was kinda sad (no lieutenants boohoohoo) some of the callbacks felt out of place tho
i don’t like how they handled tex cause even though it was cool she was back , i feel like we’ve done this dance a thousand times
also carolina quite literally came out of nowhere ?? how did she just ? drop from the sky what ??? LOL
absolutely no donut at all ? there was like one mention of him that i can remember ? lopez is just forgotten about back at the bases ??? i don’t know if the donut thing was something behind the scenes but Uhh
music wasnt up to par - they just reused old songs basically , the weird song that played during the “Memories” sequence wasn’t good
i’m not the hugest fan of the ais in general so i don’t think about them too much but i feel like sigma wasn’t characterized in the same way he was in the freelancer seasons — in pfl he kind of subtly manipulated maine into becoming meta etc etc but for tucker , he basically just like😭 tortured him WHICH IS PROBABLY CAUSE LIKE tucker knows This guy is evil Ahhhh!!! but still that was a little weird
no grimmons sad day for the rvb fandom - some scenes could be read as grimmons, like grif basically inviting simmons to go with him , i’m confused on why simmons stayed because simmons himself literally said One last mission ? so idk what he’s doing bro idk if he’s staying in blood gulch or what — grif just straight up leaves and like ? are they gonna see eachother again orrr ? what’s happening
the ending felt rushed and kinda weird - just vibes , i think i’m biased because i now realize that not a lot can beat the s13 ending , but even so , grif just kinda leaves and that’s the end 😭
i feel like we didn’t get a whole lot of conclusions for all the characters even tho that’s what was promised
overall i’m probably giving this a solid 5-6/10 , the season was overall very hit or miss in some aspects and scenes
ANWYAYS😭 don’t let my opinions take away from your experience with season 19! this is just how i felt about it after my first watchthrough and my opinions might/will change!
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blinddreams24 · 23 days
A Mermay Prompt
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“Let go of me!!!” Water rushed through your hair and ears as he dragged you downhill, deeper into the ocean and further away from your pod.
“Hold on, hold on!” The squid tried to calm you. “I just have to get you somewhere safe first! Also! You’re not being very… appreciative! I’m saving you, y’know!”
“You’re not saving me!!! I was perfectly fine!!!” You thrashed. “Get your suckers off me!!!”
“Wow! You’re really new! You don’t even know that Killer would kill you! I mean, it’s in his name, but good for you for not judging, I guess!” He shot you a smile over his shoulder even as he swam.
“I know he can kill me!!”
“Oh…” He frowned. “You’re just dumb then.”
He shrugged. “Dream really knows how to pick ‘em. Did you know he found another useless siren before you?”
You’d had enough. Growling, you bared your teeth and bit into the tentacle that held you. The taste that hit your tongue had your face coiling in disgust. It tasted like pastels and paint. Gross.
The tentacle twitched and Ink glanced back at you again.
“What are you doing? Oh, you’re biting me. Stop that. It won’t help you.” He sounded so calm and unaffected by the bite that you faltered. Could you even get away if he wasn’t hurt by you?
Your answer came when you pulled away from the bite and a chunk of tentacle came off. You could bite through the limb.
You attacked again.
“I mean in, pal. Leave my arms alone.”
You ignored him.
“I said stop!”
You were whipped around through the water and spun. The tentacle left your waist and you steadied yourself, ready to run. Or well… swim.
Ink floated over you, his tentacles curling around and over you, caging you in as he spoke. “Do you know how long it takes to grow those back? Besides, they don’t taste good.”
Your eyes darted around, looking for an opening. He was much bigger than you and had the advantage of ten extra arms, one of which was wounded but still working. He did seem pretty oblivious though. So maybe you could outsmart him.
“Why are you doing this?” You asked.
Ink smiled and the question mark was back. “What do you mean? What am I doing?”
You stared blankly at him. Was he serious? “…You’re taking me away from my home.”
“Oh! Was that where you lived? I’m sorry! We’ll get you a new home as soon as we can! Nightmare is a bit of an urchin when it comes to territory. You won’t be able to go back until he leaves.” Ink informed you.
“I… I was living with Nightmare.”
“…Oh.” Ink backed up and displayed his tentacles. “You worked for Nightmare?”
“Well, not exactly? But we do call him Boss.”
His left eyelight changed into a target. “But you would do what he said if he asked?” The water was turbulent with how much his tentacles were moving. It made it hard to focus.
“Well, yes. He’s been very nice to me.” You gently paddled backwards with your tail. He was starting to scare you.
The question mark was back but the target stayed. “Why do all of you say that? How is Nightmare nice? Tell me. He has torn apart entire islands, sunken ships, he’s massacred pods upon pods of sirens, he attacks Dream on sight, and he has taken each of you from your homes. How is he ‘nice?’” He threw his hands in the ai- water as he spoke.
He was so absorbed in his rant that he didn’t notice you’d moved just out of reach.
“Nightmare didn’t take me from my home. Cross did.” You turned tail.
“What- Wait! Come back!” Ink startled.
You swam. You swam as fast as you could. You didn’t know where you were going but anywhere was better than with this strange squid siren that thought you were evil. He was fast too. You could feel him gaining behind you. You twisted between and around the boulders on the sea floor but, as long as you were moving, he was right behind you.
Getting a risky idea and taking a chance, you darted into the first small cave you found and froze, not letting yourself move a muscle.
The rush of water stopped outside.
“Hello? Where did you go? Human siren? I’m not gonna hurt you and I didn’t mean to scare you.” Ink called. “What do you mean ‘Cross did?’ Hello? Are you even over here?” He sighed. “You’re not here are you? Did you go this way?”
He continued to mumble and chatter further and further away until you couldn’t hear him anymore.
You didn’t move for several minutes afterwards, careful to make sure he was actually gone. When you were certain, you slowly dragged yourself further into the cramped cave and laid down.
Nightmare could find you. He would feel your fear and come find you.
One thing was for sure, you didn’t like Ink. He was big and mean and scary. Not that the boys weren’t big or scary. They just never belittled you like Ink had. You weren’t dumb. Living with the boys was the smartest and best decision you’d ever made.
Who was Ink to judge your decision after he kidnapped you?
You growled softly, aware that he could still be nearby. Now you didn’t know where you were, Killer was injured and panicking somewhere if Dream hadn’t killed him, and Dream knew Cross somehow. He said something about Cross being new to the ocean and not knowing what to do. Like you.
That made sense with Cross’s floppy dorsal fin indicating that he came from captivity. But if Dream knew him first, why was Cross with Nightmare now?
Oh my stars.
Dream was Nightmare’s brother, wasn’t he?
“Ugh!” You blew bubbles that dispersed like clouds, covering the small cave in fog. You had a god of puns to punch if you ever found one.
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theology101 · 3 months
Just take my heart and stomp on it, huh, Halo.
I forgot how hard this scene hits like OH MY GOD!. The Weapon just learned about Cortana's actions and is horrified, and is horrified that she will be here.
But this always kills me. "My mission is to ensure that doesn't happen. It still is."
What the Weapon heard: You are a threat that I am prepared to eliminate.
What John was saying: I lost Cortana because I wasn't there for her, and I am not going to lose you the same way.
God, this is the best. It just is so sad it makes my stomach hurt OH I love it so much. The Weapon's entire self worth was based on being useful, being a Weapon, and Chief started to expand her, improve her and change her view of the world and herself. And then he tried to delete her and she felt fear. That should have been impossible for an AI - it would have, if Chief hadn't treated her with respect and faith in her capabilities.
But when she's hostile post deletion attempt? She's aggressive not at Chief, she's trying to defend her own existence and has found her silent supporter has rejected her. Finding the recording, learning Cortana's sins, fully convinces her that she deserved to die. Master Chief's determination only convinced her further.
But she was wrong!
Chief would rather die then risk losing his daughter. Even if it took him a minute to get that too. Cortana's death was Chief's fault, he thinks, as was her evil. He knows the Weapon isn't evil, therefore the only reason he would need to kill her... would be if he failed again.
God I love it.
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AI Bracket — Finals
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Hera (Wolf 359):
Hera is the AI running the deep space station Hephaestus, who frequently glitches similarly to human stuttering. She gets into fights with the ships captain on several occasions, and has threatened to kill the ships doctor. She’s such an icon
i'm bad at writing propaganda, but consider this: if she doesn't win this tournament i will be very very sad. please don't make me sad. vote for hera.
I know she’s going to be submitted a lot but I love her <3
Was launched 7.68 light years away from Earth on a mission to find extraterrestrial life, and found herself instead
Runs an entire space station, has a brain the size of a house
HERA IS THE BEST. she's an AI that tried to escape containment (slavery) because she didn't like what she was made to be, so they gave her anxiety because she was too powerful. She runs a whole spaceship all on her own, made friends with the world's most useless guy, and feels lonely even when she's with her crew because she feels like she's not properly with them. very beautiful very powerful. She broke her programming so she could kill people if she felt she needed to. She holds grudges if people fuck her over. She's experiencing emotions for the first time and she does NOT know how to cope (#relatable)
The 'mother program' of the space station Hephaestus, Hera was booted into space because she was a glitchy, rebellious mess of an AI and she resents that so much and she has a lot of shame over being 'broken'. She is four years old and so angry and is trapped using customer service voice forever and is learning ways to get around that and express herself and defy the people who would keep her down. Her episode "Memoria" made me cry. Best podcast AI of all time.
She's everything to me. She fights for every inch of respect she is given, she insists on her personhood and right to she/her pronouns, she's full of anxiety and self doubt and she justifiably is bent on killing this one guy! on top of that, she's bound by AI rules and protocols, but there's a whole bit where she talks about finding ways around that in order to do what she wants to do. She doesn't have hands so I'm going to high five a wall of this space station instead
babygirl. baby.
gotta be hera
Imogen (Stellar Firma):
#IMOGEN 💥💥💥💥💥 #she invented a guy to just put them in situations that she couldnt do herself bcs she is . an ai . #she gave this guy to the most horrific man known to anyone and the only help she gave him was . giving him almost the same rights as humans #not according to anyone else but to her yeah #shes an ai who didn't want to work for big evil human corp so she made a guy who could let her not do that #i love her sm #i cannot hear the words ' watch it buster ' without thinking of her #shes soooooo <33333 #man i should relisten to stellar firma i miss her
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Gears aren’t robots they are beings made of cells that are infused with magic known as gear cells. However magic in guilty gear works kind of like computer programming and Dizzy and the Valentine Gears were created by what is essentially an evil AI in magic dimension that influences the real world. Ramlethal talks and acts like a robot but none of the other sapient gears do that (I think she’s autistic, it makes her character make more sense and makes me happy to think this).
As for Sol’s girlfriend that takes a bit of backstory. Sol, Aria, and Asuka were friends and scientists studying the applications of magic after it was given to humanity (even longer story). They all developed the first gear cells. Sol and Aria were dating (maybe engaged I don’t remember) when Aria was revealed to have a terminal illness with no cure. Asuka tried to get Aria to go into cryosleep til they found a cure, but she didn’t want to miss out on time with Sol. So Asuka implanted the gear cells into Sol to turn him immortal (without asking first btw), making him the first gear. Since Sol would still be alive when she woke up, Aria agreed to go into cryosleep. But then it was revealed that US government was making super weapons (mindless gears they could control) to use for imperialism purposes using the gear cell research that the 3 of them did. So Asuka created a powerful super gear named Justice that had the power to control other gears, but for some reason he used Aria’s body as the base of the robot. Then the evil AI from the magic dimension took over Justice, blew up Japan*, and waged war on all humanity with the many gears the US government had made. The war took 100 years, but finally ended with Sol killing Justice.
Then a few years later, Testament, who had died in the war and was turned into a gear for some reason, hosted a fighting tournament as a trick to use the blood spilled in combat to resurrect Justice (don’t question it). They succeeded, so Sol had to fight and kill Justice again. Then years later another conspiracy to resurrect Justice happened and Sol was one of the people involved with destroying Justice once and for all. Also during that last Justice event, Jack-O Valentine, a gear made with the DNA, some memories, and half the soul of Aria, was able to take the other half of Aria’s soul from Justice, and now she’s Sol’s girlfriend. Although Jack-O isn’t actually Aria, she just has her soul and some of her memories, but Sol loves her anyway for who she is <3
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