#except ofc the homophobic parts
stelladonna · 4 months
I’m watching Xena for the first time, now, in my 30s, since I was a very little girl. My mom used to watch it all the time, almost obsessively— she loved it so much—and I would groan bc I was little and would rather watch cartoons. Anyway, my memory of Xena is ethereal at best, except for a few things, including: 1) Callisto and the body switching episode where I had a “funny” feeling watching her as Xena. That was because I was a baby gay and she was my first on-screen crush, and 2) that I never made time to actually sit down and watch Xena as an adult for some strange reason I now realize is childhood trauma that is now healed.
At the end of the series, when Xena and Gabrielle get together, I distinctly remember my mother’s homophobic reaction and the way she immediately turned against the show, never watching it or mentioning it again. In that moment I did not feel safe. Something inside of me closed up, and it took years into adulthood before I was ready to accept my queerness. It was that moment that shut down the possibility of me exploring that funny feeling.
It’s healing for me now because I recently moved back in with my mother after heartbreak and the end of a LT relationship (ofc a lesbian one) while I transition into a new job in an old place and rebuild my life. For context, my mother knows, but let’s not get into my coming out story 🤪.
The point is that I decided to start watching Xena and have just finished that body switching episode. When I started watching it, I reflexively recoiled when my mom walked in like I was a sneaky teenager doing something wrong. I had to remind myself that I am in fact a complete adult and that I no longer care what she or anyone thinks of my lifestyle.
Anyway, she saw it on the screen and said “do you know I used to watch Xena? It was my favor show,” and I said “yes, I know. I remember.” Then she sat down and watched it with me. Then she went to her room and proceeded to watch the whole thing on her own (she has impressive marathoning skills I could never dream of matching). Then she came out and told me the show has so many lessons about how to be a good person. Then she asked me to let her know when I get to the “Asian” part (forgive me but I don’t yet know what that means. I’m paraphrasing her, a Thai woman).
It’s healing for me bc, even though I know my mom has accepted this part of who I am, this small act, this radical change of heart toward Xena and her eagerness to share it with me and again to embrace it herself means so much ❤️‍🩹
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butch-reidentified · 7 months
What's living in Florida like as a lesbian? Most (liberal) people I talk to balk when I say I'm considering moving there because they all think it's populated exclusively by bigoted swamp creatures, but I don't want to listen to stereotapes from people who've never lived there. I know what the politics are like there, but what about day-to-day living/homophobia?
I tell people this CONSTANTLY but nobody seems to grasp it: while Florida has very red areas (every state does), especially rurally and in the panhandle (which shouldn't even be part of FL imho), all of the actual cities (like Tampa, St. Pete, Orlando, Miami, Fort Lauderdale) are very much blue and pretty fun to live in. they also all have LGBT+ (ofc the + is everywhere now) events and communities and parts of town etc. I love it here and have had practically zero issues being an extremely gnc lesbian here, except when I lived in Sarasota (red town with a lot of money - sucks ass) and got legally fired for being gay back in early 2020. that could've happened in a red town almost anywhere before it was illegal.
I've even had really fun, awesome experiences chatting (about what it's like to be a lesbian) with conservative white dudes in their gun store - more than once! actually if I'm being completely honest, I've had fewer sexist and homophobic experiences with conservative men in the past few years than with liberals. and yes, pretty much all the negative experiences with liberals were an obvious product of gender identity ideology. it's just so incredibly disappointing that I can reasonably expect a random conservative male I run into in the wild to be more normal about female homosexuality (including butchness!) than a liberal of either sex I run into in the wild. how the FUCK did that happen? I hate it here lmao
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lover-of-mine · 6 months
I want a long buddie talk where they like talk about everything & obviously for Buck to acknowledge & apologize for his behavior & reassurances of their place in each other's lives but also I want Eddie getting to share like why the friendship with Tommy has been so nice like all the stuff they have in common & how that doesn't take away from his friendship with Buck it's just another good thing in his life & how he was so happy that the three of them hanging out & he feels bad he missed it bc he's Eddie so ofc he does but Buck is like I should've communicated better & didn't realize what it meant for Eddie & it overall brings them closer but also I want Buck to have a like "oh shit" moment like idk he wants Eddie to have good things & he got so in his own head & his own feelings he almost sabotaged something that makes Eddie so happy & hurt him physically over it that now he has to really grapple with his abandonment/insecurity issues bc that's not the kind of friend he wants to be & if he believes when Eddie says he's important to him then he really needs to work on that (which as someone with similar issues it's hard but it's still on him to work on yk) & maybe Buck will go back to o therapy but also him being extra cautious or worried bc he doesn't want to ruin Eddie & Tommy's friendship going forward but he wants to explore this thing with Tommy & it's messy & weird & complicated & yeah I definitely want an eventual realization that he really wants Eddie but there's potential for so much growth before we get there & him finally being able to be secure in himself and his relationships & as for Eddie getting to keep & enjoy all his good things but not being jealous per se more unsure? Like Tommy seems content to keep being friends & if Buck is like no this is good you deserve to have this friendship no matter what & Eddie is like great but also not sure how this new dynamic works & I love the whole thinking he's homophobic but it only really makes him uncomfortable in regards to Buck (like maybe he already knew this about Tommy & was so chill about it but now it's Buck & he's like wait what ????) and yeah idk sorry for rambling in your inbox but my 911 friend hasn't seen it yet & I'm just feeling a lot of things but I kinda like Tommy & he was so gentle with Buck & I love the idea of him being eventually like helping buddie along too (imagine the 3 of them & Chris hanging out with Tommy & Chris looking at each other like "you seeing this" & then being like we're going to the movies so you two can talk or make out or whatever about this lol) & like staying their friend bc it is so important to have lives outside of each other it's so healthy & makes a good relationship stronger I think so I'd love love love Buddie being canon & Eddie still doing the weekly thing but Buck is able to just like kiss him & hope he has a great time & mean it? and it'd be great if he could get there before they get together & be genuinely okay about it (but realizing the ache is bc he wants to be with Eddie & yeah) and they're able to actually build their relationship from there? Idk if I'm making any sense but yeah sorry hope this is okay????
Hi!! I strongly agree with what you're saying, except for the part of Eddie having problems with Buck dating Tommy. I feel like with the whole Buck was jealous of Tommy with Eddie, if you make Eddie jealous of Tommy with Buck, it would be boring, too fanfictiony. And that could create problems in the friendship Eddie and Tommy have going and I want Eddie to be able to keep that SO BAD. He was SO HAPPY. Doing these things with Tommy was great for him and the idea of anything getting in the way of that because of the Bucktommy of it all makes me so mad. Buck and Eddie need lives outside of each other, and outside the 118, and like, even s6 there's the joke that Eddie only has Carla to talk about, so to take that away from Eddie because Tommy is now Buck's boyfriend would be tragic. Like, what do you mean Eddie made a friend, his best friend freaked out, actually hurt him, started dating his friend and now he lost the first because of it? I would lose my shit. Then I would actually hope Eddie has problems with the relationship and calls everyone out on their bullshit because making Eddie the middle man and then pushing him aside would be cruel. Especially if Buck is going to be weird with Eddie because of the date, because then the only information he's gonna have is that Buck freaked out on him, hurt him, is now hanging out with Tommy, and being weird with him, he would have every right to get mad about it. I do hope they keep the individual relationships buddie has with Tommy, I think they would both benefit from it and I'm interested to see how Tommy could work when applied to the buddie of it all, even more considering the way Tommy seems to even have a relationship with Chris, like, I hope there some plan on at least keeping the mention of Tommy, especially if Tommy and Eddie were hanging out that much. But yeah, Buck and Eddie need to have a very deep conversation about what happened that also gets to Buck realizing that Tommy is someone who was good to Eddie and apologizing for it all. They need a conversation where they establish that while they do know each other very well, they are not in each other's minds and sometimes they won't understand why they are acting some sort of way AND THEN LEARN TO COMMUNICATE. Honestly, I might actually start screaming if they actually have an open conversation. Like, legit, scream. They don't talk about their relationship and need to. If they go there and talk about this, and promise to start doing it and actually following through, they are there to make the change in their relationship. That's the thing that needs to be addressed, their lack of communication, if they do, it's game over, even more with Buck knowing he's bi now? Buck realizing he likes men, stopping to think about what he actually wants, having an honest conversation with Eddie and being like "oh, this is what I want"???? Hello????? I would DIE. But yeah, I'm currently carefully eyeing Tommy to see how they'll handle him when it comes to both Buck and Eddie. I do love how gentle he is with Buck. Don't love the way he was ready to excuse Buck's behavior. So I have complicated feelings. I am waiting for the next episode to settle into anything really. But I'm interested in where it's going.
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heterophobicdyke · 2 months
I want to share with you a thought I (a bi black woman) had while talking to a friend who's lesbian, on the topic of the construction of misogyny and homophobia. Imo, it's fundamental to understand homophobia as an oppression on itself, rather than just a misdirected misogyny. But I also think the understanding of male supremacy is an essential part of the model we have for social power dynamics and we(lesbians and bi women) shouldn't neglect this because of straight women's homophobia like I have seen some people doing here out of spite...
Well, here's the thought:
“And their misogyny manifests itself differently, of course. That's why I think it's important to reinforce how female oppression needs a different understanding because it crosses points that others don't. An example is this issue of physical and sexual attraction. This is used as a way to mask female oppression, as men's violent acts against women are seen as being a natural male behavior. They justified rape with this and still do this thing today. In the case of gay men, many women end up believing that their lack of attraction to women somehow mitigates their misogyny, which, in addition to being flawed and false logic, also fuels their own homophobia towards gay men. I'll explain: many heterosexual women miss male company, so many believe they can have that presence through gay men in a positive way since it doesn't involve sexual attraction. But gays are still men (and many women refuse to understand this weight of difference) and they are misogynists. Gay men are not the exception, and because they are not the exception, homophobic heterosexual women tend to think that heterosexuality “excuses” misogyny, but homosexuality does not.”
idk when i fear walking the streets at night it's not gay men i fear raping and murdering me. that doesn't mean they're not misogynistic because ofc they're socialised the same as other men are but they're also excluded from "manhood" (the goal/intended result of male socialisation) BECAUSE so much of male violence is tied to their heterosexuality. that's why so many homosexuals, both male and female, often identify w the opp sex. the heterosexual male's attraction to women is, under patriarchy, exhibited in dangerous ways. i don't think rape is always a matter of power, i think attraction is involved in most cases, or else gay men would be raping women and men wouldn't be raping young women more than they rape elderly women (who are easier to catch and overpower). the misogyny gay men exhibit towards women is in nowhere comparable to what i fear from heterosexual men and that's solely bc the way men exercise their attraction to women leads to rape and violence. rape is not rare in the gay men community but it's not a misogyny issue bc they're both men. radlr (esp osa) sure do like to act like gay men are equally as threatening as het men tho and, if anything, often spend more of their time talking about shit like drag than they do entertain the idea relationships w men are fkn dangerous for women due to how het men behave when horny
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asmeninas · 1 year
in the succession au where all the characters go back to high school in the 1950s, i think we established kendall is both the veronica and the archie--eg kendall going left, kendall going right, of course. what would everyone else be getting up to?
hm hm hm!!! my mind went straight to trying to figure out who Shiv is because of my laser focus but these girls are just very supportive of other women. So let’s circle back to that later. Stewy is Reggie. He kisses guys watching stag films. Had a threesome with Archie. Flirted with Veronica for a little bit. Uncle Frank has to be Logan because he’s homophobic and doesn’t want Archie to follow his queer vocation, but we also need Logan to have more power than just that so we have to say he’s Uncle Frank and Werthers and Featherhead. Can’t really decide who Roman would be except a bit Ethel Muggs and Gerri is the Pep Comics editor so Roman is also Jughead but before he liked sex. “He’s with Veronica and isn’t Veronica—” grow up!!!! We’re playing with dolls. And okay. Shiv is Cheryl and Betty and Evelyn Evernever. Please tell me you see this vision??????? So Tom IS ALICE. Jess is Josie because she quit and isn’t part of any of this. And ofc Jesse Armstrong is Tabitha. I accept suggestions.
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nezumasa · 2 months
The thing about yaoi is that everyone gets hung up on how it’s misconstrued in a racist fashion (valid concern ofc), but now it also means people dismiss any actual concern as “antis.”
Like frankly, parts of Eastern fandom also suffer from the same splatter of bullshit as western fandom. Some yaoi fans are “fiction≠reality” and that includes queerness. Or how concerns from asian fans are ignored and dismissed no matter what they may be.
Or people ignoring all the actually homophobic and fetishizing fujoshis because “yaoi has a lot of queer fans” except these fujos actually hate real life gay people.
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cyberrthegreat · 2 months
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Please read 🩵
Hey lovies, I am a new fic writer on here. I have a wattpad but only uploaded like one thing lmaoao — I am more of a reader than writer but ill try 🩵 rules and more down below.
𝓡𝓾𝓵𝓮𝓼 ✿
As a beginner writer, I will take requests ofc but maybe only oneshots or short fics like blurbs. It takes loads of motivation to write long stories.
I am part of few fandoms but have a special interest in danganronpa and mha!!!, So i specialize writing for that fandom and game.
ABCS (sfw and nsfw)
afab readers, no matter the gender
When It comes to smut I will do lots of things. But i have limits like everyone
Scat, Watersports
Anything bathroom related
DDLG or ABDL Dynamics
I am very iffy on writing for amab readers. as i am a afab and im not sure how id write for that.
Mainly the usual. Like i said not many limits EXCEPT these
If you have questions dont hesitate to ask ♡
🇮🇱 supporters
nasty people
the basic criteria really 😅
𝓡𝓮𝓺𝓾𝓮𝓼𝓽𝓼 ☘︎
I’ll do any danganronpa characters except for ryoma, gonta, yasuhiro, udg characters, hiyoko, teruteru, fuyuhiko. with mha, ill do majority characters uhm honestly just give me requests and ill tell u if theyre okay.
Im usually always active so I’ll reply quick to requests.
𝓣𝓱𝓲𝓼 𝓲𝓼 𝓪𝓵𝓵 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝓷𝓸𝔀 દᵕ̈૩
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There is no such thing as a nongoldstar lesbians. Nongoldstar lesbians are homophobic bisexual women which is why they have a festering hatred for goldstar lesbians aka female homosexuals.. because goldstar lesbians are proof that all their dumb excuses are bullshit lies, that it is actually easy for a lesbian woman to not fuck a man.. because it’s not in her nature to.
Almost all of their arguments are based off of lies, such as that nasty anon who used rape victims. No goldstar mentions rape victims, everyone knows rape is nonconsensual. The thing is however if you consented to sex with a man, you’re not a lesbian. Lesbians are completely incapable of consenting to sex with a man because it goes against their homosexual nature. This isn’t about rape, forced prostitution, lesbians living in hyperconservative places where they have absolutely no option. Lesbians using beards to avoid being disowned by their families. Nongoldstar “lesbians” know this but they’re manipulative homophobic bisexual women who use these womens stories to explain away their obvious male attraction. My opinion is that lesbians allowing bisexual women aka “nongoldstars” to colonise their own sexuality & space has done insane amounts of damage to lesbianism itself. Before transwomen preyed on lesbians with “girl cock” and “transbian” bisexual women preyed on lesbians first with their nongoldstar garbage, both transwomen & bisexual women hate “goldstars” because they’re both predatory homophobes. U should ask urself why it’s ONLY lesbianism the only sexuality that doesn’t centre men, that has been split into two parts, the lesbians & the “lesbians” with a MALE history.
Yep lesbians are too spinless and allowed bisexuals and trans ppl to conquer our sexuality its fucking sucks.
I already explained my opinion about non-goldstars, alot of them are bi thats obvious however i also believe their could be an exception for that one who had sex with a male in highschool i know i said some but alot of women are weak minded and doormats tbh 🤦🏽‍♀️ especially when she is young she probably pushes her disgust to the side and felt traumatized by it.
Of course its not in our nature to do so, then we wouldn't be lesbians lol. Another reason they hate us cause of that internalize disgust, inferiority complex and victim mindset they got..maybe even guilt too but idk about that especially they way so freely and happily roleplay as us lol.
Of course both of them would hate goldstars, bi women are male adjecent and transwoMEN are well men 😂. No shocker there but bi women its absolutely disgusts me i dont expect better from men but i have exceptions for women.
I agree alot of them are predatory and male minded, they view their same sex attraction the same way men do, they use and objectify lesbians, feel entitled to our pussies, its fucking disgusting and now they want our word too.
Then wanna cry and play victim when we wont date (fuck) them 🙄
All of this trans shit could be avoided if lesbains grow a pair and fight back, like fr stop the fucking asskissing and validation seeking omfg its pisses me off, lesbians are the reason there spaces are being ruined in the western world, stop being whiny little bitches and fight DAMN, its so annoying, i dont even care about the trans bullshit anymore because its so stupid and could easily be solved and its also cause i dont live in a country where that affects me directly so i dont feel like its my place to talk about these things 😅
But i also kind of disagree with your last sentence there its not only lesbians who have those two things too, gay men have them you see "gay" men getting married and making women pregnant too, they put them in the forefront of homosexuality too alongside with "lesbians" who fuck males. Ppl hate homosexuality period. but ofc lesbians more cause as we dont worship males and dick like good women are suppose to do.
Ppl also take gay men seriously too, gay men dont have to worry about their "reputation" being ruined they can fuck and get women pregnant ppl still believe they're gay, but lesbians we are on "thin ice", ppl dont wanna take us seriously and will use any excuse not to.
Which is why they LOVVEE non-goldstars and sneakdickers they prove them right that the only way to know if u like women is through males and they must serectly like dudes still.
Honestly i dont care what male worshippers and males say about us anymore who gives a fuck if they dont take lesbians seriously? Its not like lesbians going to go extinct or disappear cause they dont believe us im tired of talking to a bunch of brick walls about this obvious shit.
Even though i know now its a different type of erasure instead of pretending that we dont exist they are invading our space and stealing our words, welp if lesbians dont fight back i guess they gotta say bye bye to their spaces and their words. Me though? I couldnt care anymore I know i will forever be attracted to only women even if the word didnt exist or is being used incorrectly now.
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justasimp4darrencriss · 4 months
Hello and welcome my loves 🤗 ❤️
Feel free to send me ask, i personally, LOVE receiving asks. Also, feel free to dm me whenever you feel like it, I’m always down for a chat :)
Have your own opinions and don’t judge others for what they think, okay? Good :)
I’m part of the LGBTQIA+ community, I’m a lesbian, I’m Aegosexual, and I’m Demiagender. I go by They/Them and She/They
Random fun fact that nobody cares about: I’m Hispanic and Christian :)
DNI if you’re a bigot (Homophobic, Transphobic, Racist, Misogynistic, Fatphobic, Anti-Furry, Xenophobic, etc.) if you’re a Pro-shipper, if you’re very narrow minded, if you’re paedophile (I’ll keep this one updated)
This is a safe space for anyone and everyone except if you are someone from the DNI list I made. But everyone else is welcomed!
I should get this out, I use cuss words and slurs a lot, I only uses slurs that apply to me ofc, like the word faggot, like I text my friends a lot starting with “Hello faggot” HOWEVER, I would never use it on someone unless they have completely informed me that they are not offended by me saying it. Same goes for some other cuss words like bitch or whore or, well you get it.
I LOVE making friends and mutuals on tumblr so, please, I’m desperate lol. I also love to message people and interact with them but, I prefer it if they start messaging first since I don’t want to bother anyone lol. Oh also, don’t feel bad about tagging me in tag games, you’re never being a bother to me love and i personally enjoy being tagged, makes me feel special or something lol.
Oh this is very important: If and when you follow me, i message you a small thank you message, it’s nothing super personal but I really do appreciate to see that people support me. If you however feel uncomfortable comfortable with this, just let me know and I will not message you from then on.
As the name suggests, I am a simp for Darren Criss and this is my side blog where I post/talk about him, I’m also a gleek so expect Glee content as well
(P.S. I refuse to believe that anyone has actually took their time to read all this shit lol)
Take care of yourself loves! ILYSM!!!
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polyamorousmood · 1 year
can you be a teenager and be polyamorous?
this sounds like a silly question, but can i explain real quick-
so i’m, ofc, a teenager, and i’ve never actually been in any kind of romantic relationship before, or even kissed anyone - not that i don’t want to, my parents are just homophobic - and idk, i think i’m polyam, but… like, am i allowed to be, if i’m a teenager? i’m ace and i already know i don’t want any kind of sexual relationship w/ anyone, and i know that polyamory is often only seen as a sexual thing by a lot of the general public, so maybe that’s why i’ve seen so much stuff online saying that kids can’t be polyam as it’s inherently sexual (i don’t think it always is), or the classic ‘they’re too young to know’ but i just feel like they’re right sometimes, like, i haven’t had the experience and years and stuff that adults have had, and that makes me feel like an idiot for even wanting anything to do w/ this part of the community.
except… it’s like. when i think of being older and married or in a relationship, i always think of it being someone who’s not a man (i’m a nonbinary lesbian), but like, i also think of it as more than one person? like. i’d be happy w/ two wives i think. or a partner who has a partner, that i’m not dating, esp since i’m ace and not of course everyone else is and everyone has different needs wants in a relationship. and while these are obviously just thoughts, i’ve also put. like. a lot of thought into it, and the traditional relationship structure (monogamous man/woman) doesn’t really seem like something that work for me. like also bc i’m aro and i could have a qpr but i wouldn’t mind if it was w/ more than one person or if my partner had like a date or other qpr partner or like… you get the gist. not even ‘wouldn’t mind’ i think it’d be neat, like the traditional relationship structure just never felt like it was right for me.
idk, i’m sorry, this ask is so incoherent. i just. wanted to know if i could be teenage and polyam, or if there’s something wrong w/ me and my thinking for wanting to be so, like i honestly don’t know if there is, and it’s not great sometimes, wanting to use a label for yourself in your head and not knowing if you… can
TL;DR (and it will be long): you can be whatever you feel, at any stage of life, forever. So, yeah, it could be other things, but if that's how your feeling, it doesn't really matter if you change your mind later. You can be it now.
So here's the thing: you do have a lot going on. All teenagers do, and as much as adults condescend to teenagers about it, the only way to figure it out for you personally is for you --personally-- to stumble through it. And you're clearly a bit overwhelmed. That's chill and normal. As stressful as it is, try not to stress it; these are all things that will be okay once the dust has settled.
When I was a teen, I didn't want to touch anyone. I thought I was ace. I barely even wanted a romantic relationship. Now I want several high-sex romantic relationships. I changed in that. I haven't changed in other ways, such as not wanting kids. Everyone told me I'd want them eventually, and here I am as an established adult, happily childless.
If you think you're poly now, you're allowed to call yourself poly! If you wanna say you're "questioning poly" or "interested in exploring" poly that's fine, too, in the same way bi people sometimes go "I'm mean I'm pretty sure I'm bi because my gender people SO HOT but some days I'm not feeling it and I've never actually had gay sex soooo for now I'm just going to call myself bicurious". And a lot of people will probably tell you you're too young to know, but that's not going to change how you feel. Maybe you'll grow in a different direction. Maybe you'll have a 10 year headstart on happiness that everyone on poly forums wishes they had. Both of those things sound fine to me. Those are both 👌👍✅ outcomes.
You can also want all those things and not consider yourself poly. Maybe you're just meant to join a commune 🤷
The point of labels is for you to be able to describe your experience, not to define you. If you think "poly" is an adequate word to describe the experience of "ace but wanting to build my life with multiple close women" then go for it! You could also describe yourself as other things to other people. Like, if you're in a very queer environment like Tumblr, you might feel comfortable saying "I wanna be in a poly lesbian QPR!" but to conservative adults you might just stick to "I'm not looking to get married too quick, its just going to be me and my best girl friends for awhile!" and to someone who's trying to understand but really isn't getting it you might choose to describe it as "I'm trying to found-family-trope my life. Like, we're not sexual, but we're everything for each other, you know?"
So I guess to wrap this up back to you initial question: "poly" isn't inherently sexual, and you can use it to describe anything you think it applies to, yourself especially. However, it may carry that connotation with others, so it might be a lot of trouble (up to you whether its worth that trouble) to identify yourself as that to those people. In your own head? do whatever the fuck you want lmao I'm not the thought police🚫🚓
Use them terms -- "poly" included -- when they suit you. Be that the current mood, the current conversation, the current stage in life, whatever.
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menalez · 1 year
With the jubilee middle ground video I thought it was so crazy how everyone was at least also lgb of some kind (definitely for the detrans and definitely almost everyone for trans).... except for the ex trans woman who was homophobic. And he was also the least permanently affected like. He looks like he hadnt transitioned at all. ☹️ really shows a difference to me
BUT anyways i loved shape and luka so much. I love shapes little plushie he has 😭 and how hes accepted hes literally just a gay man who likes to be feminine. But the parts about being a medical patient for life and feeling uncomfortable in a surgerically created body were so heartbreaking
And ofc i hated how often everyone spoke over Luka and literally just lying to her face and "you were misdiagnosed!" like can you shut up and just accept surgeries aren't a good treatment for feeling bad about your body for any reason.
Also hated the "i dont hate my body im just adjusting it to fit me" or whatever that was. Seriously how do none of them realize that doctors and surgeons are supporting the idea of gender just so they can dole out unnecessary surgeries and get a ton of money and that its not just some "taking advantage of trans people" thats literally all of them and they are 'creating' trans people too (let me clarify: as in seeing prexisting feelings and saying oh its not bc of *societal issue* its bc youre in the wrong body the only cure is surgery let me help you 🥺)
i hate that religious insane detrans man so much 😭😭😭 but yes i loved shape. i think it’s awesome how he lets himself be gnc but it does sound really painful hearing him talk about how much he’s struggling.
also agreed w the rest… but yeah the i didn’t hate my body i just changed it to fit me !! is dishonest af.
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rumpletrumple · 1 year
Just realized I never even made an intro for you all to get to know me 😭
I’m rumpletrumple but I prefer to be called Rumple! I’m 18 years old and I’ve been a fan of Phantom for 5 years! I saw the restaged production in 2020 at the Princess of Wales theatre! The phantom I saw was Derrick Davis :> This musical has literally consumed me and is my number 1 favourite :))
I like other musicals as well, ofc! I’m also a fan of Come From Away, Chicago, Les Mis, Spongebob the Musical, Sweeney Todd, and Hamilton! I’ve seen productions of them all except for Sweeney, I’m hoping to go sometime 🤞
My main video games currently are:
- Identity V, Genshin Impact, Resident Evil 7, and Roblox!
I can’t decide on a favourite movie but I’m a huge fan of horror movies and Shark movies! I also like TV shows such as:
- The Boys, Gen V, House of the Dragon, and Black Mirror!
I have three pets! I have a dog named Emily, a gecko named Loki, and a fish named CJ :) (RIP Davy Jones 💔) I also own a community fish tank and a shrimp tank!
I love to write! I write mostly phanfic that focus on Raoul since he’s my favourite and my comfort character :} My ships are rerik, raoulstine, and megstine! I don’t ship erikstine cause it’s just not for me but I won’t judge anyone that does!!!
Quick DNI list
Proshippers/comshippers (dead dove, incest, underage and non con)
Raoul haters
If you ever wanna chat feel free to dm me, I do work but for the most part I’m available to talk!
My socials
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/users/RumpleTrumple
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rumples_art?igsh=aWR6NXQ1MXpiazh6&utm_source=qr
Discord: rumpletrumple
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rexaleph · 1 year
when i said i love hostile media the other day, im not sure i even had a concrete example in mind (other than 1939's the women just bc i always think of it as the misogynist movie i love). But i just remembered evangelion, love eva so much and im thinking of rewatching it. I think i perceive a level of homophobia in eva that i haven't even seen discussed anywhere and yet. Bc ofc it's offensive to have "homosexuality" be like not a type of desire or relationship but symbolic of among other things immaturity and solipsism. i will defend eva against many accusations of misogyny but it is very homophobic except i like that part
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ichverdurstehier · 1 year
wen qing anon here🌼
No,no. If we're talking body modification/desecration,MDZS definitely goes in the opposite direction,as we see various characters whose bodies are very far from how their parents made them(Wei Wuxian&Jiang Cheng core transfer,Songxiao eye transfer,Wen Ning&Song Lan as fierce corpses)
Also many confucian ideals when it comes to how women should behave are misogynistic af,so fuck that guy,sorry.
It might be set in fantasy China but it's very much written by a 21st century woman,so it's not wrong to think of how these characters might be like,in a modern setting
Wei Ying might have even started as a pronoun respecter. He would probably not give a fuck about what people do to their bodies,might even encourage transition. But he also stands up for innocent people,even if it destroys his reputation.
I actually didn't care that much about what trans people do,but I can't stand sexism disguised as progressive thinking. I won't accept the harrassment of women going on right now,and call it justified. If I see an incel gaslighting women,I'm not going to pretend he's a "lesbian" just cause he threatens me and wears a skirt.
Actually that's why I liked MDZS so much. It's very hard to hold on to truth when everyone is peddling lies,but it has characters who do that,and it gives me hope.
Fair point on the body modification. The whole fierce corpses deal is also desecration of a corpse, the eye transfer counts as Xiao Xingchen desecrating his body. MDZS does not really seem to follow that rule now that you mention it lol.
This is going to be a REALLY unpopular opinion on radblr, but I honestly agree with a lot of confucian ideals, except for the sexism. The whole harmony with nature, man is not above nature but part of nature, respect the elders, etc, that vibes with me. And the "no desecrating the body your parents gave you" I think should be implemented over here bco some of the people here look like my sixth grade desk! Anyway back to Confucius. I remember we learned about him briefly in junior year in history class, I was quite irritated to find the quote about one hundred women is not worth one testicle. Is your mother aware you said that Mr confucius? I hope she whipped your ass. Apparently he also said educated women were useless?! What he said about men needing to be better and improve themselves and cultivate compassion and such like.
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It's cool that MDZS gives you hope to tell the truth! Tbh I think lan wangji would be 'transphobic' from the start, citing the "no desecration of your body" as to why gender transition is wrong, failing to mention all the confucian rules he breaks daily (I don't have them memorized) Wei Wuxian would try to divert a fight by flirting with lan wangji and then getting a detention, which was ofc his goal all along. Then when a genderist called lan wangji a homophobic slur for being homosexual, Wei Wuxian would really get pissed, say the truth, and get cancelled off to yiling where he starts a vegetable farm while everyone is convinced he's plotting a trans genocide.
Now that I think about it, the paralleles are definitely there.
Anyway anon feel free to dm me! Or keep anonning (is that a word? It is now!)
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quinnick · 2 years
for the scenes we want to see- everyone getting vecna’d at once. i’ve been saying this since vol1, and i have the WHOLE thing planned out.
i’m sorry in advance, because this is long as HELL- and tbh, it’s more of a half-planned fic than something i’m actually demanding LMAO- but i do really hope for a lot of the things included in this, even though it obviously won’t pan out quite like this lol
the main kids (sin max :( )find vecna in the upside down. they’re in a V shape, with el at the head of it. the camera is behind el, and we can see each party member, and it slowly pans up, tilting backwards, to reveal vecna at the top of a large hill (nice recall to s4, ofc). vecna gives a speech (yeah, i love his monologues, what about it) and el raises her hand out, ready to fight.
the camera is entirely focused on her, blood beginning to drip out of her noise. the scene changes- vecna steps forward, head tilted. he smiles. the scene changes again, the camera now points at the ground, and is slowly panning up. el is now standing alone, hand dropped to her side, head raised in horror as she begins to turn.
the entire party is in the air, eyes white and bodies limp.
vecna is now powerful enough to put four people in a trance all at once- and he’s still awake, aware, and capable. but these trances seem… different.
lingering shot on the party, until the camera pans back down to el and zooms forward into her.
we’re in the mindscape. it’s empty, except for a single couch. the byers couch.
lonnie is sitting on it, clearly angry. we see a young will creep in. he says something quietly to lonnie, who then starts to tell. the camera spins around, and we see will, staring on in horror. lonnie’s voice starts to morph, and he slowly transforms into a demogorgon, prowling towards a terrified young will. right as the demogorgon screams in his face, the scene on the couch shifts. current will dissipates into the air, and now, we see max, lying broken on the ground.
the camera pans to lucas. he runs towards her, but she keeps moving infinitely away, all while she cries out for help. he’s powerless. her voice morphs again- lucas, why didn’t you save me? it’s your fault! i blame you!
lucas falls to his knees- and he, too, disappears.
we see dustin walk forward, taking his place. he watches in morbid curiosity as a small shimmer appears, which begins to morph into a tadpole, which then starts to grow.
dart continues to grow, at a horrific rate (think the legs in stanley’s head in it chapter two type growth) the camera pans around to behind dustin, where we see a man scream. bob. dustin whips around, and dart runs around him, pouncing on bob’s chest and ripping out his throat.
more and more people appear, and all of them, dart brutally kills. a voice echoes throughout the mindscape: it was all because of you. we find out dustin blames himself for all of season two.
dustin disappears. camera turns- we see mike. he has his arms around his chest- he’s already scared. he knows what’s happening. he knows what he’s going to see. camera turns again.
we see bullies kicking a younger version of him, while a young will stands to the side, yelling for them to stop, all while being held back by the arms of two other bullies.
the one’s kicking mike are yelling awful things. slurs, insults, the whole homophobic shebang. again, a voice- they were right, weren’t they, micheal?
the entire scene disappears, and the water fades into blackness. suddenly, the camera zooms back out, and we see el, who’s face hardens in determination. she screams, and the fight begins.
back to the mindscape, her scream echoing throughout the void. the four scenes the party is experiencing are playing at the same time somewhere, but they can’t see each other. they’re trapped.
somehow (i havent figured this part out quite yet), will manages to rip through the factions of the mindscape, and the party is together as they face their traumas together. we see them all, backs together, as the camera does a circle around them.
again, i haven’t figured this part out yet either, but will manages to free them from the mindscape. it’s now his turn to save his friends.
the party falls to the ground behind el, who is clearly exhausted. her and vecna are still going at it.
the party does everything they can to help fight, but it seems useless- until will takes el’s free hand. he whispers something to her, and she nods, brow still furrowed in concentration as she is still fighting.
something happens, and she starts to overload vecna with power. will has something to do with it as well. (ITS COMPLICATED, OKAY, IM NOT SURE YET).
slowly, with will’s help, the upside down starts to melt- think coraline, when the other mother’s world starts to fall apart? the sky is dripping, like watercolor, and pieces of the UD are being ripped apart, revealing sketches of the rough shapes underneath.
we’re given a short flashback to mr. clarke’s drawing of the flea in the tightrope from season one.
the upside down is turning 2d.
will now focuses his attention to the ground beneath them. screwing up his face in concentration, he kneels to the ground, and slowly, the floor melts away to reveal the same material that meshed between the UD and the real world in season one- the material separating him from joyce.
he’s creating a gate.
the upside down is folding in on itself, and even vecna is faltering. he starts to melt.
the gate is now big enough for them all to come through- but how do they break through?
hopper appears beneath the… glass, we’ll call it. similar to the gate in eddie’s trailer, it’s on the floor for the UD and the right side up.
he calls everyone else- everyone. joyce, murray, the older kids, erica, and yes, karen, start to hack at the glass.
el gives one final scream, and somehow, she transfers ALL her power to vecna. he’s knocked down, and he doesn’t get up.
she no longer has her powers, and she collapses, but gets caught by dustin and lucas.
almost the entire upside down is now paper sketches, that are slowly being erased and turned to black. it’s quickly advancing towards the gate, and dustin screws his eyes shut, ready to disappear- until them glass between them breaks.
they all fall through, something funky with gravity happens, they get through, and all watch, horrified but fascinated as the upside down erases itself- the gate along with it.
erica runs to the window, followed by everyone else.
the apocalyptic hellscape from before is fading, the deep scars in the ground closing up. the red sky drips down, revealing blue sky underneath.
everyone is in stunned silence, hopper robbing his face in shock, joyce’s draw wide open, everyone panting.
mike glances at will. we see will nod- i’ll tell you later.
it’s done. they’re done. the upside down is gone, and they’re free.
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tavtarnish · 2 years
So I was looking at soap's wiki page and it says that he visited his cousin in the SAS many times and also tried to join under aged a few times, right? Well it doesn't say why, tho. And any normal person would assume that he wanted to join so bad because of his cousin. But im not normal so I got to thinking.well even if he did join just because of that cousin, that doesn't explain why whe tried to join early. Multiple times. So obviously there is atleast another factor in this situation. And we've all established his thing for hating himself, just a bit, and he's definitely not a straight man. And well homosexual and military down exactly sound like a the most delicious martini. And I'm not exactly caught up on Scotland's ally status, nor have I found much info about his family. So what if this was his way of self punishment for being a gay man?
But, El, what if he didn't realize his sexuality until aftet he joined? Or his family was supportive? An excellent question. If it wasn't that maybe it was because he had no direction in life. Perhaps he felt lost. Academics maybe weren't his strong suit, or he burnt out at somepoint, so college (university?) Wasn't an option. Maybe his parents said either higher education or a job, right?(yes I'm heavily projecting onto this poor man, I'm sorry but you also can't stop me) In today's day and age it is becoming increasingly difficult to find a job without a college degree. And jobs like that can always be unstable or underpaid or overworked, understaffed, unnecessarily dangerous, and a multitude of other things. But the military? Well you know what you're signing up for, you really only have to do as your told and no more, and you can do alot of good. Plus he already has a cousin in there.
Or maybe its as simple as his family has/had money issued and the military gives good pay?
Also apparently I left a comment on the latest chapter of I.S.B.T.P.K.F.T.S and I don't remember lol. Also I promise the next part of my favorite moments is coming out. I've been very busy lately. Sorry for the long ask
I've had SO many thoughts about Soap joining the military ESPECIALLY the fact he tried to join at 16 but was refused. You are allowed to join the military at 16 with parental consent, so I've come to the conclusion that his parents wouldn't like the fact that he wanted to be in the military - this tracks considering many Scots who see them self separate from Brits aren't typically the biggest fans of joining UK collective things like the military (this is coming from my Irish bg so it could be different).
As to why he wanted to join, I think there are multiple reasons, but if his queerness is a reason I would think its less to do with punishing himself (though sometimes it may feel like a punishment being around Ghost when Soap wants him so badly) and more to do with him possibly avoiding telling his family. Scotland as a whole recently is quite up there in ally status but that 1) doesn't reflect how the 2000's/2010's were 2) doesn't mean everyone is an ally ofc. Anyway, the MacTavishes aren't homophobic in any regard but that doesn't mean Soap knows that or isn't scared (either bc he's never seen his family react to queer people irl or, if he has, he'll think he'll be an exception).
Other causes likely are due to his school career: he was a footballer, but I don't think he ever tried to go pro, and in ISBTPKFTS the backstory I've given him wouldn't allow him to (W.C status and home life). And you make a great point with burnout - if we're sticking to real rules of the army, he wouldn't be able to be medicated or have lesson plan adjustments for his ADHD if he's diagnosed (i think I read that somewhere) so he's either not diagnosed or he never had accommodations so burnout is very likely. Uni, of course, would seem like a horrible thing for him, even if he was like many ppl who go to uni for the experience or bc of the job market.
But the idea that his parents expecting him to get a job or go to uni is very real (dw I'm also projecting here) and the monotonous work/life balance sounded like hell. Knowing his cousin's life in the army definitely planted the seed, and I think (in the fic at least) he'd visit his cousin to get some free time away from home but it ends up convincing him of what he wanted to do with his life. Like you said, you know what you sign up for with the army. He probably didn't expect the RSD to follow him especially if he isn't diagnosed, or if he's not very clued up on that part of his ADHD,hence why he can't rationalise his own feelings when they start to overwhelm him
Also dont be sorry and there's no rush I love that you even want to make those posts in the first place!! Thank you
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