#exercise for stretching
thoughtportal · 10 months
hip stretches
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fitnessmantram · 10 months
Daily Stretching Exercise, Knee Stretching Exercise #fitness #exercise #...
Who Should do Daily Stretching Exercise
Everyone can benefit from daily stretching exercises, but some people may benefit more than others. Here are some people who should especially consider incorporating daily stretching into their routine:
People who are sedentary: If you sit at a desk all day, your muscles can become tight and inflexible. Stretching can help to improve your range of motion and reduce your risk of developing muscle pain or injury.
People who are active: Athletes and other active people can also benefit from stretching. Stretching can help to improve their performance and reduce their risk of injury.
People with chronic pain: Stretching can help to reduce pain and improve function in people with chronic conditions such as back pain, arthritis, and fibromyalgia.
People who are recovering from an injury: Stretching can help to speed up recovery from injuries and improve range of motion.
People who are pregnant: Stretching can help to relieve pain and discomfort during pregnancy and prepare the body for childbirth.
People of all ages: Stretching is a great way to improve flexibility and range of motion at any age. It is especially important for older adults to stay flexible to maintain their independence and prevent falls.
If you are new to stretching, it is important to start slowly and gradually increase the amount of time you spend stretching each day. You should also listen to your body and stop if you feel any pain.
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Here are some tips for stretching properly:
Warm up your muscles before stretching. You can do this by walking, jogging, or doing some light calisthenics.
Breathe deeply and relax your muscles.
Start with your major muscle groups, such as your hamstrings, quads, and shoulders.
Hold each stretch for 30 seconds to 1 minute.
Don't bounce or force a stretch.
Listen to your body and stop if you feel any pain.
Cool down after stretching by walking or doing some light cardio.
If you are new to stretching, you can start with a simple routine that includes stretches for your hamstrings, quads, shoulders, and neck. As you get more flexible, you can add more stretches to your routine.
Stretching is a great way to improve your overall health and well-being. It is a simple, yet effective way to reduce pain, improve your range of motion, and boost your mood. So make stretching a part of your daily routine and reap the benefits!
Read More : The Best Exercise for your body type
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nevmartpoint · 2 years
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vaxxman · 3 months
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height ahh difference
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twiyke · 6 months
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i have jay ferin disease it's this disease where all i can do is doodle jay ferin <- voice of a guy with several neglected and time-sensitive projects
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stuckinapril · 9 months
i think i really need to learn how to cold quit things... one habit i have that really bothers me is checking my phone first thing in the morning bc it's "just for 5 minutes" "just to see if anyone sent me anything important" no bitch literally nothing on your phone requires you to check your phone first thing when you open your eyes!!! stop it
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zu-is-here · 1 year
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Outdoor Morning Exercises
Outdoors Beauty | Archive
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shyfoxten · 8 months
Stretching is good for the body 🤗
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thoughtportal · 5 months
To alleviate upper trapezius (upper trap) tightness, a multifaceted approach involving posture adjustment, increased shoulder and mid-back mobility, and rotator cuff strengthening is effective. This protocol targets the root causes of tightness rather than just the symptoms:
🔵 Posture Adjustment While Using Devices: 'Doomscrolling' or prolonged use of devices often leads to a forward head and rounded shoulders posture, straining the upper traps. Regularly adjusting your posture to align your ears over your shoulders, and keeping devices at eye level can significantly reduce this strain.
🔵 Increasing Shoulder and Mid-Back Mobility: Limited mobility in the shoulders and mid-back can place additional stress on the upper traps. Incorporating mobility exercises like the supine dowel flexion stretch, and kneeling mid back rotation will help improve your mobility.
🔵 Strengthening the Rotator Cuff: A strong rotator cuff provides better shoulder stability, which in turn decreases the compensatory tension often seen in the upper traps. Exercises like external rotations with a Db are very effective at strengthening those small stabilizers.
By addressing posture during screen use, enhancing shoulder and mid-back mobility, and strengthening the rotator cuff, this protocol aims not just at temporary relief but at a long-term solution for upper trap tightness. This comprehensive approach ensures a balanced development and reduced strain on the upper traps, leading to improved comfort and reduced risk of chronic tightness.
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tvneon · 1 month
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umbrvx · 1 year
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color wheel meme from twt
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augustinewrites · 2 months
my first patient of the day today was an 8 month old infant and it gave me major baby fever 😭
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elicathebunny · 5 months
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Stretching keeps the muscles flexible, strong, and healthy, and we need that flexibility to maintain a range of motion in the joints. Without it, the muscles shorten and become tight. Then, when you call on the muscles for activity, they are weak and unable to extend all the way. -> HARVARD HEALTH
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Improved Flexibility: Stretching helps increase the range of motion in your joints and muscles, promoting flexibility. This can enhance your ability to perform everyday activities and maintain proper posture.
Reduced Muscle Tension and Stiffness: Stretching helps release tension in the muscles, reducing stiffness. This is especially beneficial for individuals who may experience muscle tightness due to prolonged periods of sitting or physical inactivity.
Enhanced Circulation: Stretching increases blood flow to the muscles, which helps deliver oxygen and nutrients. Improved circulation contributes to better overall cardiovascular health.
Better Posture: Regular stretching can improve posture by correcting muscle imbalances and reducing the strain on specific areas, such as the neck, shoulders, and lower back.
Prevention of Injuries: Stretching before physical activity can prepare your muscles and joints, reducing the risk of injuries. It promotes better flexibility and helps your body adapt to various movements.
Increased Relaxation: Stretching, particularly when combined with deep breathing, can induce a sense of relaxation and reduce stress. It helps calm the mind and promotes mental well-being.
Enhanced Athletic Performance: Athletes often include stretching as part of their training routine to improve performance. Flexible muscles and joints contribute to better agility, balance, and coordination.
Alleviation of Aches and Pains: Stretching can be beneficial for individuals experiencing muscle discomfort or mild aches. It helps alleviate tension and can provide relief from certain types of pain.
Improved Range of Motion: Regular stretching helps maintain or increase your range of motion, allowing you to move more freely and comfortably.
Mind-Body Connection: Engaging in stretching exercises promotes a mind-body connection. Focusing on your body's movements and sensations can enhance mindfulness and reduce mental stress.
Better Circulation to Joints: Stretching helps improve blood flow to the joints, promoting joint health and flexibility. This can be especially important as you age to maintain mobility.
Improved Posture: Regular stretching can help correct muscular imbalances and promote better posture. As you stand taller and align your body more effectively, your overall appearance may be enhanced.
Longer and Leaner Appearance: Stretching can create a longer and leaner appearance by elongating muscles. This may contribute to a more streamlined and graceful physique.
Reduced Muscle Tension: Stretching helps alleviate muscle tension, which can make your body look and feel more relaxed. Relaxed muscles often contribute to a smoother and more aesthetically pleasing physique.
Enhanced Muscle Definition: By increasing flexibility and range of motion, stretching may enhance muscle definition. Well-stretched muscles can appear more sculpted, especially when combined with strength training exercises.
Improved Circulation and Skin Tone: Stretching promotes better blood circulation, delivering oxygen and nutrients to your skin. This improved blood flow can contribute to a healthier complexion and skin tone.
Prevention of Muscular Imbalances: Stretching can help prevent and address muscular imbalances, ensuring that your body develops proportionally. Balanced muscle development contributes to a more aesthetically pleasing physique.
Reduced Appearance of Cellulite: While not a direct solution, regular stretching may help improve blood circulation and reduce the appearance of cellulite in some individuals.
Enhanced Flexibility for Functional Movements: Improved flexibility from stretching can make functional movements more graceful. This increased ease of movement can contribute to an overall more aesthetically pleasing appearance.
Relaxed Facial Expressions: Stretching, especially when combined with relaxation techniques, can contribute to a more relaxed facial expression. This can positively impact how others perceive your overall demeanour.
Elongated Muscles: Consistent stretching can give your muscles an elongated appearance, contributing to a more elegant and refined look.
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Pilates, yoga, and Tai Chi are three mind-body practices that offer numerous physical and mental benefits. While they share some similarities, each has it's unique principles, techniques, and focuses.
Focus: Pilates emphasizes core strength, flexibility, and overall body awareness.
Principles: Controlled and precise movements, breath control, and a focus on the core muscles.
Equipment: Pilates can be done on a mat or with specialised equipment like the reformer, Cadillac, and chair.
Benefits: Improved core strength, flexibility, posture, and muscular balance. It also enhances body awareness and can be beneficial for rehabilitation.
Focus: Yoga integrates physical postures, breath control, meditation, and ethical principles for holistic well-being.
Principles: Asanas (physical postures), pranayama (breath control), meditation, and the philosophy of mindfulness.
Styles: Various styles such as Hatha, Vinyasa, Ashtanga, and Kundalini offer different approaches to yoga practice.
Benefits: Increased flexibility, improved strength, stress reduction, enhanced mental clarity, and a sense of inner peace. Yoga is also known for its adaptability to different fitness levels.
Tai Chi:
Focus: Tai Chi, often referred to as "meditation in motion," is a martial art that combines slow, flowing movements with deep breathing.
Principles: Gentle and continuous movements, focused breathwork, and mindfulness.
Forms: Tai Chi involves practising specific sequences of movements or forms.
Benefits: Improved balance, flexibility, coordination, and relaxation. It is often recommended for fall prevention and is associated with stress reduction and enhanced mental well-being.
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age gracefully!!!
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sminny-wew · 1 year
Idk why but I really like the idea of Eddie specifically being a former human who somehow got turned into a puppet. I’m not holding my breath for it to ever be canon, but something about his design just strikes me as more human-looking than the rest of the cast (Poppy, Barnaby, and Howdy are all animals, Sally’s a star, Julie’s a monster, Frank has a tube head, Wally doesn’t have a nose or eyebrows) so I wrote up a quick drabble about it inspired by these doodles by @sweetest-honeybee
[NOTE: I used he/they pronouns for Frank here]
Eddie stopped and looked back at Frank. “Yeah?”
“I...” Frank began to speak, but trailed off. “No, nothing.”
Eddie smiled and began to turn away.
Eddie turned back around. He looked at Frank, whose arm was outstretched to him. Frank’s arm pulled back slightly, and his face scrunched into a mix of sadness and nervousness.
“I...I can’t leave your side!” said Frank. “Not now, not after everything!”
Eddie’s brows raised in genuine confusion. “Huh? But I thought you said it was better for you to stay behind with the others, while I go back where I came from by myself?” Eddie asked.
Frank brought their hands to his chest and looked down, fingers nervously intertwined with each other.
“Eddie...” Frank began, “The truth is...I do want to follow you! I can’t bear the thought of being that far from you!! But I also know you have to go back, b-because that’s where you belong!!! B-b-but without you I--I-I don’t--I--!!!!”
Suddenly, Frank’s head began to spin in a dizzy blur of emotions. Eddie had seen this before: whenever Frank got too angry or too nervous, their head would begin to spin like crazy. Luckily, Eddie also knew how to stop it.
With careful timing, Eddie gently brought Frank’s head to a stop by cupping it in his large, warm hands. Frank’s head went completely still, his mind focused only on the touch of Eddie’s hands. They felt like warm, cozy mittens.
“Easy there, love,” said Eddie. “I’m here, I got you. Now I want you to tell me, as calmly as you can, why you think you can’t go with me. You think you can do that?”
With his jumbled mind beginning to settle down, Frank nodded slowly. “Y-yes, I think so.”
Eddie began to remove his hands, but Frank’s own quickly clamped down onto them, pressing them back into place on their head. They looked into Eddie’s eyes pleadingly.
“P-please, don’t let go yet,” said Frank. “I’m afraid I might lose my head again.”
At that, Eddie smiled warmly and said, “I won’t.”
Frank’s fingers relaxed and curled over Eddie’s, grounding him to the reality of the moment. He and Eddie never stopped looking at each other.
“Eddie,” Frank finally explained, “Wherever you’re from, you’re not a puppet there. You only turned into one when you came to Home. Logically speaking, if you were to leave Home, you should turn back into...well, whatever your original self was. But, if I go with you--if I even can go with you--there’s no telling what could happen to me. Would I change like you? Would I stay a puppet? Would I even still be alive? Would we remember each other?”
Eddie’s brows furrowed. He hadn’t even considered any of that. It was already overwhelming enough for him to finally remember where he came from: a place so far removed from Home and the rest of the neighbors that the people there didn’t even look like his neighbors. There, Eddie was taller, softer, and hairier. He had extra fingers and needed to breathe all the time, or else he’d die. His people died. They aged, always in a constant state of changing, never in a fixed form like his neighbors. Like Frank said, Eddie wasn’t a puppet; he was something else. He was like the strange, unknown, five-fingered creatures that lurked below. He was like You.
“I...I’m scared, Eddie,” Frank continued. “Scared of...of change, and...of holding you back...”
Eddie raised his brows.
“Holding me back?” he asked. “From what?”
Frank’s eyes looked down gloomily. “From the life you deserve.”
Eddie’s heart--that was right, he had a real, beating, blood-pumping heart amid all that felt--sank and ached in his chest. Everything about Eddie’s being, physical and emotional, hurt right now. But the sight before him? Frank’s sad and fearful face? That hurt Eddie worse than anything else.
“Now listen here,” said Eddie, and he began to gently rub his thumbs against the side of Frank’s head, where their temples would be if he were...whatever Eddie was. “You ain’t holding me back from nothing, you hear?”
Eddie carefully slipped his left hand away from Frank’s head, but kept it within Frank’s line of sight. His right hand continued to cradle Frank’s head.
“You see this here ring?” Eddie asked, gesturing with his head to the ring that sat comfortably on his middlemost finger. “This ain’t no pity ring. I made a promise to love you, through good times and bad, in sickness and in health. That’s why I married you: because I love you, love. And puppet or not, I want to be your husband for the rest of my life, even if I never see you again. Because when I wear this ring, it says, ‘sorry, folks, but I belong to Frank Frankly.’”
Frank trembled slightly, and Eddie returned his left hand to its spot on their head.
“Do you mean that?” asked Frank.
Eddie nodded. “I do.”
Frank’s tense unibrow softened, and his frown shifted into a small smile. “It wouldn’t be the first time you’ve said those words to me, my dear.”
Eddie suddenly broke into a big, goofy laugh. His big, strong, warm mitten hands left Frank’s head and lifted them off of their feet. Eddie began to twirl Frank around in the air, and the sudden gesture, combined with Eddie’s heartfelt words, caused Frank’s smile to grow as well, leaving them both laughing happily.
The two continued to laugh gaily, even after Eddie set Frank down. Both kept their arms embraced within each other’s, the intimate moment lasting even as their laughter died down. They both stood like that for what felt like a good, long while. Eddie kept his eyes on Frank’s smile, while Frank kept his eyes closed and took in the sound of Eddie’s breathing.
Eventually, Eddie shifted his hands away from Frank’s arms to hold his hands. Frank opened their eyes, giving Eddie their full attention.
“Now I’ll tell you what, love,” Eddie said, “I don’t know if...whatever brought me to Home will let me leave, or if it’ll let us all leave together, but I ain’t leaving without you, neither, Frank. Not if I can help it. And like I said before: puppet or not...”
Eddie pulled a single hand away to tip his postman hat.
“...I’d be plumb honored to live out the rest of my days with my partner by my side.”
Frank’s eyes swelled with emotion. “Oh, Dearest!”
Frank pulled Eddie back into an embrace, Eddie following suit, and the two continued to stand there, felt arm in loving felt arm, foreheads resting comfortably against each other. They almost looked like they were dancing.
Maybe the pain would never stop hurting. But as long as Frank Frankly and Eddie Dear had each other, they both knew everything would be okay. They would make sure of it.
Because no script could rewrite a love like that.
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somecunttookmyurl · 2 months
forgive my absolute ignorance and maybe stupidity, but does swimming and other pool related activities help hypermobility? Whenever I told anyone related to medicine I'm having joint pain, they told me to take many a bath and frequent a pool
yes. water-related actitivites help with joint pain a) by in the case of exercise like aerobics and swimming building muscle and b) doing so whilst relieving pressure on the joints because the water is holding you up
hot baths will relieve pressure on the joints (unlike standing or even sitting to take a shower) and the heat will relax the muscles whilst the water supports you
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