#full body stretching exercises
boltnutrition · 1 year
If you are an office worker, you are probably familiar with the aches and pains that can come from sitting at a desk all day. You may also be aware of the risk of developing poor posture and muscle imbalances from sitting in the same position for long periods of time. Luckily, there are some simple stretching exercises that you can do in the office to help relieve these problems. 
By the end of this article, you will have a better understanding of the risks of being an office worker and how stretching can help relieve some of the problems associated with this. 
 1. The risks of being an office worker:
Office workers are particularly susceptible to developing poor posture and muscle imbalances as a result of sitting in the same position for long periods of time. This can cause aches and pains in the neck, shoulders, wrists, and back, as well as leading to the development of more serious conditions such as carpal tunnel syndrome.
 As the spine compensates for the lack of movement, it can lead to the formation of abnormal curves in the spine, which can cause strain on the surrounding muscles, ligaments, and tendons.
In addition to physical discomfort, office workers are also at risk of developing psychological issues such as stress, anxiety, and depression. Sitting for too long can lead to sedentary behavior, resulting in a lack of motivation and energy.
As these issues can often be linked to physical issues, it is important to tackle them head-on by taking proactive steps to prevent them from worsening.
2. The benefits of stretching exercises for office workers:
Stretching exercises can be a simple and effective way to maintain a healthy body and mind when working in an office environment. In particular, stretching exercises that target the neck, shoulders, wrists, and back can help to reduce the tension in these areas and improve posture. In addition, regular stretching can also help to reduce muscle imbalances by increasing flexibility and range of motion.
In terms of psychological benefits, stretching can help to improve focus and concentration, while also boosting energy levels. Regular stretching can also help to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, leading to an overall improvement in mood.
Finally, stretching can also help to combat the negative effects of sedentary behavior by encouraging movement and circulation.
3. How to get started with a stretching routine:
If you are new to stretching, the first step is to find a comfortable place to do the exercises. It is best to perform the stretches when you are in a seated position, but you can also do them standing or lying down if needed.
When selecting a spot in your office, make sure it is free from distractions and clutter. Once you have chosen your spot, it is important to set aside some time in your day to dedicate to stretching.
To get the best results, it is recommended to do the exercises 5-10 minutes before you start work and again 5-10 minutes before you finish work. This will ensure that your body and mind are prepared for an efficient day of work.
4. How to make sure you are doing the exercises correctly:
Although stretching exercises are generally safe when performed correctly, improper technique can lead to further pain and injury. This is why it is important to familiarize yourself with proper stretching form.
Start by learning basic exercises such as neck and shoulder rolls and trunk twists, then gradually add more advanced stretches as you become more familiar with them.
When performing each exercise, make sure you move slowly and breathe deeply. Be mindful of any sensations that arise in your body, such as tightness or discomfort. If you experience any sharp pains, stop the exercise immediately and adjust your position.
Finally, make sure you hold each stretch for at least 30 seconds to get the full benefit.
5. What to do if you experience pain when stretching:
If you experience any sharp or sudden pains when performing a stretching exercise, it is important to stop the exercise immediately. In some cases, the pain may be caused by tightness in the area being stretched, and can be relieved with a more gentle stretch.
If the pain persists, it may be a sign of a more serious injury and you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. It is also important to be mindful of any chronic pain that you may have.
If you experience chronic pain in any particular area, it is best to avoid stretching in that area until you have consulted a doctor to ensure that it is safe to do so. This will aid in lowering the possibility of further harm.
6. When to see a doctor about your symptoms:
If you experience any sharp, sudden, or chronic pain when stretching, it is important to see a doctor as soon as possible. They will be able to assess your condition and suggest an appropriate course of treatment.
It is also a good idea to consult a doctor before starting any stretching routine, as they can offer advice on exercises that are right for you.
Stretching exercises can be a great way to reduce the pain and discomfort associated with being an office worker. They can help to improve posture, reduce muscle imbalances, and boost energy levels.
Stretching can also have psychological benefits such as reducing stress, anxiety, and depression. When getting started with stretching, it is important to familiarize yourself with proper technique and to be aware of any pain or discomfort that you may experience.
If you experience any sharp pains or chronic discomfort, make sure to consult a doctor as soon as possible. With regular stretching, you can enjoy the benefits of improved physical and mental health.
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fitnessmantram · 10 months
Daily Stretching Exercise, Knee Stretching Exercise #fitness #exercise #...
Who Should do Daily Stretching Exercise
Everyone can benefit from daily stretching exercises, but some people may benefit more than others. Here are some people who should especially consider incorporating daily stretching into their routine:
People who are sedentary: If you sit at a desk all day, your muscles can become tight and inflexible. Stretching can help to improve your range of motion and reduce your risk of developing muscle pain or injury.
People who are active: Athletes and other active people can also benefit from stretching. Stretching can help to improve their performance and reduce their risk of injury.
People with chronic pain: Stretching can help to reduce pain and improve function in people with chronic conditions such as back pain, arthritis, and fibromyalgia.
People who are recovering from an injury: Stretching can help to speed up recovery from injuries and improve range of motion.
People who are pregnant: Stretching can help to relieve pain and discomfort during pregnancy and prepare the body for childbirth.
People of all ages: Stretching is a great way to improve flexibility and range of motion at any age. It is especially important for older adults to stay flexible to maintain their independence and prevent falls.
If you are new to stretching, it is important to start slowly and gradually increase the amount of time you spend stretching each day. You should also listen to your body and stop if you feel any pain.
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Here are some tips for stretching properly:
Warm up your muscles before stretching. You can do this by walking, jogging, or doing some light calisthenics.
Breathe deeply and relax your muscles.
Start with your major muscle groups, such as your hamstrings, quads, and shoulders.
Hold each stretch for 30 seconds to 1 minute.
Don't bounce or force a stretch.
Listen to your body and stop if you feel any pain.
Cool down after stretching by walking or doing some light cardio.
If you are new to stretching, you can start with a simple routine that includes stretches for your hamstrings, quads, shoulders, and neck. As you get more flexible, you can add more stretches to your routine.
Stretching is a great way to improve your overall health and well-being. It is a simple, yet effective way to reduce pain, improve your range of motion, and boost your mood. So make stretching a part of your daily routine and reap the benefits!
Read More : The Best Exercise for your body type
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postitforward · 1 year
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Hello to all, and to all, heya 🙋
Why wait until January 1st to get body and soul into better health? Here at Flex Friday, we’ve got just the thing…
With the new year just around the corner, it’s time to get your body feeling fresh and rejuvenated for the year ahead. Here at FF, right here on Tumblr Live, we are taking the pain out of exercise and making it joyful for mind, body, and spirit. 🏃 Because when your body feels good, your mind will do, too. And this week, it’s all about: Full Body Stretch! We are here to tone and to lengthen your body into better health and wellbeing with fun sequences aimed at warming up your muscles and your mood. And it’s not for athletes or sculptures: this is a class for every body! All you need for flex Friday is some feel-good, and ready move. No pressure, no competition, all fun. 🏋️
All fun, you say? We’ve got just the person: in 5, 6, 7, 8… work! Say hello again, to Ana Clarke! We think you may have met…
It’s a party every time with an Ana class! She brings infectious, playful, and undeniable energy in buckets! One thing is for sure, and she will get you athletic from the first minute the class begins! She is a graduate of the American Musical and Dramatic Academy, and whose hero is her mom; who raised her and her two older siblings all on her own. Ana’s got the certificates to prove it, too: National Personal Training Association Certification (NPTA), Associates Degree in Dance (Dean College), Certificate in Dance Theater (AMDA), EFTI (Equinox Fitness Training Institution). You’re in very good hands, that’s for sure. She is here to help you feeling your very best you, and have some fun, too.
The good people at @obé Fitness provide fitness classes and workouts that are fun, energetic, and great for cardio, strength, yoga, and more. Not least of all: dancing! It doesn’t cost a penny, and it’s right here on Tumblr Live. 
🏋️ WATCH LIVE: Full Body Stretch with Ana from obé Fitness at 10am EST🕺
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laraismyfitnessgoals · 2 months
The PERFECT Full Body Morning Mobility Routine | growwithjo
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newmusicbreakthru · 2 years
10 Exercises You Can Do In Bed Every Morning...
Things You Should Have to Begin Your Zumba Exercise For anyone who is seeking a workout which is fairly comparable to dancing at a club rather than your boring fitness routine, then go may want to take a look at Zumba exercise. Zumba brings together health, fitness and fun, making use of nearly every muscle […] 10 Exercises You Can Do In Bed Every Morning — Next Weight Loss
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stevezack · 9 months
Unwind and Relieve Tension: Essential Lower Back Stretches
Lower back pain is a common discomfort that many of us experience at some point in our lives. Whether it's due to long hours sitting at a desk or physical strain from exercise, incorporating lower back stretches into your routine can provide significant relief and promote flexibility. In this guide, we'll explore a series of effective lower back stretches that can help alleviate tension and improve your overall comfort.
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Child's Pose (Balasana)
Start on all fours and then gently lower your hips back towards your heels. Extend your arms forward and relax your forehead on the mat. This stretch releases tension in the lower back and stretches the spine, promoting relaxation and flexibility.
2. Cat-Cow Stretch
Begin on all fours, inhale arching your back and lifting your head and tailbone (Cow Pose). Exhale, rounding your spine and tucking your chin (Cat Pose). This dynamic stretch helps to mobilize the spine, easing tension and improving flexibility.
3. Seated Forward Bend (Paschimottanasana)
Sit with your legs extended in front of you. Hinge at your hips and reach towards your toes. Hold onto your shins, ankles, or feet, depending on your flexibility. This stretch lengthens the spine, hamstrings, and lower back muscles, offering relief from stiffness.
4. Piriformis Stretch
Lie on your back with knees bent. Cross your right ankle over your left knee, then gently pull your left knee towards your chest. You'll feel a stretch in the right glute and hip. Switch sides to target the left side.
5. Supine Spinal Twist
Lie on your back and bring your knees to your chest. Extend your arms out to the sides in a T position. Lower your legs to one side while keeping your shoulders on the ground. This stretch provides a gentle twist that releases tension in the lower back and promotes spinal mobility.
6. Knee-to-Chest Stretch
Lie on your back and bring one knee towards your chest, holding it with your hands. Keep the opposite leg bent or extended on the ground. This stretch helps to release tension in the lower back and glutes.
7. Sphinx Pose
Lie on your stomach and prop yourself up on your forearms, keeping your elbows directly under your shoulders. This gentle backbend stretches the lower back, improving flexibility and relieving discomfort.
8. Standing Forward Bend (Uttanasana)
Stand with your feet hip-width apart and hinge at your hips, reaching towards the ground. Allow your head and neck to relax. This stretch elongates the spine and hamstrings, providing relief for the lower back.
9. Hip Flexor Stretch
Kneel on the ground with one foot forward, forming a 90-degree angle. Shift your weight forward until you feel a stretch in the front of your hip on the back leg. Switch sides to target the opposite hip flexor.
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Incorporating these lower back stretches into your daily routine can help alleviate tension, improve flexibility, and promote a healthier, more comfortable back. Remember to perform these stretches gently and mindfully, listening to your body's limits. If you experience chronic or severe lower back pain, consult a healthcare professional for personalized advice and treatment. Embrace the benefits of these stretches and take a step towards a more comfortable, pain-free back!
Unlock relief and flexibility with targeted lower back stretches at StretchZone Corporate. Elevate your comfort levels today!
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coco-oats · 7 months
Weekend reset ✩°。⋆⸜ 🎧
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• Full skincare routine. Face lift massager, pumpkin seed oil, aloe vera mist, retinol eye masks, rose face mask. <333 🌸🪷
• Energy cleansing music. I always enjoy singing bowls and cleansing music to rid me of the week’s stress. (Singing bowls are great, but Sade and Jhené Aiko basically do the same thing too)
• Swimming. Personally, I find water very cleansing and rejuvenating. You can also take a long bath/shower, and fully visualize yourself being cleansed. 🏊‍♀️
• Lots of greens and nutrients + protein. Eating good food makes me feel good, simple as that. I am able to really enjoy and appreciate my food on weekends, which I love. I get to make all of my favourite little treats and nice big meals, love it. 🙏🙏🙏
• Clean room = full declutter session. I can’t stand having a messy room (yet I do, and I usually don’t do anything about it for the whole week). So anywayyyy the weekend is great because I can make sure everything is organized and clean + I feel so good when I declutter.
• Deep meditation and mindfulness exercises. Put on a guided meditation or some simple meditation music and clear your mind. Breathe. It may seem small, but this is a huge act of self love! Taking time out of your busy day to sit and breathe with yourself, amazing. 🧘‍♀️
• Read/write. Writing is an excellent creative outlet. You can let go of all your worries and stresses on paper (love my journal). Or you can write about all the amazing things in your life that make you happy! (All I write about honestly, I can’t help that I love my life so much!)
• Deep stretch and good workout. Your body will thank you for stretching out all your knots and tight muscles. Long workout sessions where you can focus on yourself are the besttttt 💪🤞🏋️‍♀️
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boltnutrition · 1 year
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fitnessmantram · 1 month
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diejager · 7 months
random thought but… stepdad!König fucking reader after finding out they wanna be in a relationship with him and saying “I’m going to marry you” or “I’ll make you mine one day” or smth like that. 🤭 and dbf!Horangi just kinda agreeing with him while sandwiching reader from the back, already having an idea of being the husband’s best friend that fucks his wifey 💝💝💝
Gah- that pink bow has my heart😵‍💫 cw: smut, STEPCEST, DUB-CON, creampie, sex marathon?, phone sex? Double penetration, p in v, breeding kink, pregnancy kink, cheating, marriage, tell me if I missed any.
For a second, he forgot how to breathe, his knees weak and fingers twitching, his cheeks flushed with the joy he felt. Your little confession riled him up, your sweet tears and pout gave him the hardest erection he’d ever lived. Sweet, innocent words that would’ve seemed blasphemous to any other, sounded erotic, making his blood boil and arousal simmer under his skin. It worked through his body with tight and rushing pleasure, pumping blood down to his engorged cock and heavy balls.
“I want you,” sealed the deal, commanding his body to pound you into your bed, make you forget you ever had a life without him - he promised it.
And promised he did, he fucked you all day, pressing you down on your bed, folding you in half as keened loudly. The bed creaked and the wooden headboard slamming into the wall behind it with every rock of his hips, fingers gripping your soft bedsheets and toes curling over his shoulder. You were stuck beneath him until the time he knew your mother would be back, taking every moment he had to watch his cock push in you and back out with a ring of cum and slick around his thick cock.
At first, he took you alone, slamming into your while you mewled out, your sweet sounds reaching the hungry ears of your neighbour on the phone. König had called Horangi in a blur, his mirth infectious, making Horangi happy, chuckling out praises to you and giving his word that he’d come by after his exercise at the gym. Your stepdad kept his friend on the phone, the Korean wearing EarPods during his whole course, working out with his cock throbbing and pushing against his shorts.
An hour in, waking up after you passed out in pleasure, eyes rolled to the back of your head in white pleasure, Horangi made himself home, naked and kneeling between your thighs. You let out a surprised moan, back arching when he drove his tongue inside your twitching hole, his thumb rolling your sensitive clit. He took his take taking you apart, watching you flay and cream all over him, covering is face with slick.
Near delirious and body oversensitive, you felt them push into you, softly alternating between both cocks stuffing your stretched cunt. You were trapped between them, body pushed back and fourth, feeling them fill you up, bottoming out, balls slapping the other man, pulling out to the tip and slamming back in. You bucked your hips, chasing their cocks, nails digging into Horangi’s shoulder, gasping and moaning with your legs spread open by König’s hands.
“I’ll marry you, ja, Schatz?” König growled, pumping you full of cum, womb stuffed full with his and Horangi’s charged load. “Breed you and make you mine.”
“Fuck, I can’t wait to suck your tits,” Horangi couldn’t stop himself from agreeing, mind conjuring every image of your swollen stomach and wobbling walk. “Drink your sweet milk.”
“Do you want that, Schnucki?”
All you could do was nod, throat sore from screaming and body limp in your stepfather’s arms, your eyes were heavy chest puffing with loud, exhausted breaths. You liked their idea, marrying, breeding, becoming theirs, perhaps their delusions finally got to you.
Taglist: @sae1kie @yeoldedumbslut @tallmanlover @distracteddragoness @vxnilla-hxrddrugs @konigsblog @havoc973 @im-making-an-effort @daisychainsinknots @0alk0msan @danielle143 @dont-mind-me-just-existing-sadly
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htlifestyle · 1 year
Cool Down Exercises | Post Workout Stretches | Follow the 5s | HT Lifestyle
This video talks about how to cool down your body after working out.
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hooperfiko · 1 year
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4theitgirls · 3 months
building my rebrand
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getting my money right
one of my main goals right now is to get my money right and save as much as i can. here are some things i am focusing on:
getting a job with lots of opportunity for growth
picking up as many shifts as i can
trying savings challenges on pay days
spread out spending on wants; want something for at least 2 weeks before considering buying
meal plan and buy groceries for those meals rather than buying random things
fill gas tank full when possible rather than filling a little at a time
sleep schedule
my sleep schedule has been off for a little while now due to stress and sickness, so i am focusing on going to sleep at a reasonable hour and around the same time every night and waking up at a reasonable hour and around the same time every morning.
healthy body, healthy mind
taking care of the physical body helps not only your physical health and wellness, but the mental as well. here are some ways i am working to take better care of my body:
some form of exercise per day, even if it’s just stretching
stay mindful of the nutrients in your food, including vitamins, protein, sugar, and fat
stay mindful of water intake and try to drink as much as possible
when sitting or lying down, do not stay in one position for too long. shift and move around regularly.
taking care of your looks
while this may be a bit controversial, it’s important to take care of your appearance, even if it’s in your own way. not only will you make a good impression on others, but you will feel more positive and confident about yourself. some ways i am doing this are:
researching good skincare products and staying consistent with a skincare routine
hair oiling at least once a week
avoid super oily or sugary foods
again, stay hydrated!
strength training and cardio
if you wear makeup, make an effort to find the best style for your face shape
know your body shape and undertones and how to dress accordingly
arguably the most important part! your mindset is everything, as having a negative mindset can ruin even the best experiences for you. constantly reminding yourself of your power and worth among other things is crucial for everything else to fall into place.
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newmusicbreakthru · 2 years
My Daily Stretching Exercises — Next Weight Loss
Best Daily Stretching Exercises ..This will start your day off great..
Try An Elliptical Trainer Workout As A Stress RelieverModern life is filled with stress. Technology has allowed us to speed up our life. Communication devices can allow you to be interrupted wherever you are with people demanding your time and attention. This creates a constant sense of urgency throughout your day which has a number… My Daily Stretching Exercises — Next Weight Loss
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messyoungie · 4 months
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it’s important to have different routines ready to match your mood and energy level. which is why I believe preparing for self care days for when you’re just not feeling your best is essential and a great way to look out for yourself. here’s my guide to self care days for low energy.
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despite your low energy, it’s important you still get your daily movement. however, exercise doesn’t always have to be intense.
try doing one of these
— 2 minutes of touching/trying to touch your toes
— 5-7 minutes of full body stretching
— 10 minutes of yoga
or maybe just stretch your neck, roll your shoulders, and take a few deep breaths. whatever you’re ready to do :)
links to short low energy workouts:
5 minute morning yoga
11 minute stress relief yoga
10 minute lazy girl workout
8 minute good morning pilates
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do something for your mind. journal, get your thoughts out, meditate, read five pages of an inspiring book. do something that you will love and that your mind will thank you for. whether it’s sitting in silence for a few minutes or playing a game that’ll challenge your brain.
journaling prompts <3
++ what’s been draining your energy recently?
++ what’s been giving you positive energy recently?
++ what’s your focus been on lately?
++ what are three things you’re happy are in your life?
++ how is my environment impacting my energy?
if your energy is low I really recommend writing about it. what’s making you tired? reflect on it and go easy on yourself.
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the last thing you want to do is give your mind the responsibility of remembering your tasks. i don’t care how little you have on your schedule, write a to do list. on a low energy day, it’s important we’re easy on ourselves. getting everything out of our head and onto a piece of paper will not only make tasks seem more manageable but will also make our minds feel a bit lighter.
write everything. I mean it. even the small and seemingly insignificant tasks. even the parts of your routine that you do everyday anyways, write it all down.
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even though we’re a little bit down, that doesn’t mean we can cheat on the promises and boundaries we made with ourselves.
a low energy day doesn’t mean you can jump right back into your old habits. you’ll only feel worse if you do. it can be comforting to spend the whole day in bed, liking relatable TikToks and having a 7 hour screen time. but that’s not real rest. do something that’ll nourish you while also making you feel relaxed and comfortable. whether that’s watching an episode of your comfort show, rereading a chapter of your favorite book, or listening to your all time favorite songs while you just relax.
low energy is not a reason to practice unhealthy bad habits.
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how do we enjoy a low energy self care day besides the usual rest and relaxation? by doing some activities!!
things you can do on a low energy self care day:
++do your own nails
++movie marathon of your fave genre
++install and try out different cute & cozy games on your device
++bubble bath
++make a Pinterest board or Moodboard that will inspire you to be the best version of yourself
thank you for reading, take care!! ♡
— messyoungie
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