#exo who is always giving me strength n all the happiness in the world i love you
atinydise · 4 years
Ateez reacting to their s/o doing a sexy collaboration with another member (2/2)
❦ Genre: Fluff.
❦ Pairing: OT8.
❦ Word count: 2k8.
❦ Requested: Yes, thank you! 🦋
❦ Masterlist.
Part 1
SAN ft. Yunho
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ATEEZ were participating at a survival. In each group, there will be a winner who would need to perform with a female group at the last stage. San was so happy when he knew that your group was chosen as a finalist. You were the main dancer of the group, so you were the one who would need to perform with an ATEEZ member. You wanted to dance with your boyfriend, San but Yunho was the winner. The jury liked the way he performed, he was so powerful, and it fits you well. San was disappointed but he knew that you were his girlfriend no matter what. You would be with Yunho for a week and after that you would be with San H24/7. Even if he was trying to comfort himself as he could, something was bothering him. 
The first day of your practice, San almost fainted when the choreographer showed the dance. He enjoyed the fact that Yunho was tall, he could give another vibe to the choreography. San felt like the tiniest man in the world. He always envied Yunho’s height. He wanted to feel a little bit more manly. But when he met you, he forgot about his complex and worked on his self-esteem with you. He loved the way you were struggling and growing up together. But right now, you were body rolling against Yunho. You were in front of him, hand on the back of his neck while he was holding your waist carefully. San coughed, you glanced at him but focused back on the next move. You were a bit embarrassed to dance this way with his friend, but it was your job and it was a good way to show the world how talented you are. Few minutes later, San asked out of nowhere. “Can I dance with her?” Yunho raised a brow and you almost chocked with your saliva. “What you mean?” “You are knowing the choreography pretty well know. I think she can dance with me.” You pinched his arm, “you can’t dance with me San. He’s my partner.” “And I’m your boyfriend so I think I have more rights to dance with you than him,” he said rubbing his arm. “Stop being jealous San. We are working only.” He rolled his eyes, “and I want to help you too.” Yunho was looking at the scene in front of him, ignoring what he could say to help. It was the first time San was insisting so much to dance with you. “What is the problem San?” He finally asked. “The choreography is the problem. The proximity is the problem. She’s my girlfriend, it’s a problem. You are my bro, it’s a problem. And your height too! Why do you need to be so tall?” He complained. “You are going crazy San,” you sighed, embarrassed by your boyfriend’s behavior. “I’m crazy because I don’t like the way you are dancing with him?” He asked you seriously. His tone changed and surprised you. He added, “I made my best to not saying anything till you started this but it’s too much now.” You bit your lip. You ignored how hard it was for him to see you dancing with Yunho. He knew both of you really well. He should know that nothing would happen, it would stay professional no matter what. “I don’t like the way you dance against him. I don’t like the way he touches you. When you are touching him; I got chills and I want to throw up. I know this is just for the show, but I can’t help to feel jealous.” He confessed. Yunho looked at you, being sorry. “You know sometimes you are jealous when I’m a MC with another idol or I’m participating at a show. It’s exactly the same thing.” It was the good example to show how he really felt. You were jealous nonstop, even if he was working. “I’m sorry, I hadn’t realized how much it bothers you San-ie.” You apologized. “It’s okay. I know I overreacted. I should let you practice in peace.” He smiled, embarrassed. “You can dance with her for an hour if you want,” offered Yunho. San’s smile went wide, “really?” “Yes, but for an hour only. We will need to practice back after.” San nodded and played the music. He grabbed your hands and memorized few of the moves. “You are not that bad,” you admitted. “It’s because I was imaging how I would dance this with you.” He smirked. You giggled, “you always get what you want.” “That’s exactly what Wooyoung said when we started to date.”
MINGI ft. Hongjoong
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For the MMA 2020, the director asked all of the groups participating to do a special stage, but only with the leaders of each group. You were selected as it was your position. It would be a medley of the decade. There will be 6 teams composed by 2 people: a girl and a boy. Each team would need to perform 30 seconds of 3 songs that influenced the decade. Randomly, you were paired with Hongjoong. It helped you to relax because you know him, since you are dating his teammate, Mingi. But your boyfriend didn’t agree. He was nonstop complaining about how unfair it was. He would love to perform at a medley like that and with you too. He even sent anonymously a letter at the director for him to change the rules and the team. But he got ignored. He was fuming every time you went at their dorm but to see Hongjoong. He invited you to choose the songs and to practice the vocal and the dance. Mingi was sitting on the couch, not missing a little bit of the conversation. “Is there a song that you loved this decade Y/N?” Asked the leader. “I’m more into the new generation but I think ‘Call Me Baby’ of EXO. I really liked this one.” He nodded, “yes I agree with this one.” “And you? Is there on that you like?” “Hum... I like BTS songs. I think with their popularity, we can show how much they improved this decade.” He offered. “Good choice, what about ‘Run’? It was a good one.” “Nice one Y/N!” You giggled. Mingi growled, not liking how you became closer. “So… We need a last song... and what about a girl one?” You asked. “I think I have a good idea. What about Troublemaker by Hyuna and Hyeunsung?” Mingi chocked with his saliva, but none of you paid attention to him. “Hum are you sure about this one?” You asked, ignoring if it was iconic or not. “Yes, I saw people on social media still talking about it. This was unbelievable.” He laughed. You nodded, “then okay, we have 2 boys’ group and a duet.” “Are you really going to dance and sign Troublemaker?” Asked Mingi, standing up. “Yes why?” Replied Hongjoong. “You can’t dance that with my girlfriend! It’s so sexy!” He shouted. “Mingi! Stop being so jealous! It’s for the show.” “I don’t care if it’s for the show Y/N,” he crossed his arms on his chest, “I won’t let my girlfriend grinding on my leader on stage.” You blushed, imagining the scene. “He won’t grind on each other Mingi.” “It’s sexy.” He made a point. “Come on baby, it’s just 30 seconds.” You sat on his lap. “But-“ “Please baby, just a little effort. We need to do our best for this stage.” You made your puppy eyes. Mingi sighed, his bead resting on your shoulder, “then okay... but not more than 30 seconds!” “Promise!” You kissed his nose. “I didn’t know you were so jealous Mingi.” Teased Hongjoong. “How I can’t be jealous? Did you see Y/N? She’s stunning! Everyone wants to take her away from me.” You blushed, “stop saying nonsense Mingi.” “It’s the truth. If I could I would hide you in a secret place and keep you away from everyone.” You smiled, happy to know how proud he was to have a girlfriend like you. “It’s creepy,” said Hongjoong. “I don’t care. She’s mine.” He replied, putting his long arms around your stomach. Even if he didn’t say it, your boyfriend was so proud. You were achieving your dream step by step. Everyone would see how talented you are. Even if it means that he will need to share you with his teammates or friends for future stages. He promised that he would keep you for himself every time he can.
WOOYOUNG ft. Seonghwa
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Your boyfriend Wooyoung loves to get all the attention on him. When he’s with his fans, he’s always trying to get their attention by dancing or telling jokes. And for you as a girlfriend it was the same thing. If he hadn’t your attention, then he would try his best to get it. That’s why you were apprehending to say that you would need to dance with Seonghwa for a special performance on the show “Hit the Stage”. The theme was the Valentine Day. Seonghwa proposed to start slowly with a romantic theme but to change for a sexier one at the end. You accepted but your boyfriend was still ignoring about it. To avoid any scene in front of your dance partner, you practiced 2 days secretly. To know which direction, you will take. But finally, it was the day to announce it to Wooyoung. You bought one of his favorite snacks and headed to the dorm. He was so happy to see you that you waited a bit before telling him. But when they went to sleep, leaving your boyfriend and you alone in the living-room, you decided that it was the right moment. “Wooyoung...” you said shyly. “Yes babe?” He asked, still focused on the movie. “I need to tell you something.” You sat down comfortably, grabbing a pillow to give you enough strength. “What’s happening Y/N?” “Promise me that you won’t be mad okay?” “I can’t promise if I don’t know. Maybe you cheated on me,” he said nervously. “No... it’s not that important.” You said. “Just tell me Y/N,” he sais seriously. You took a deep breath and said, “I will perform with Seonghwa for the show “Hit the Stage” and we will dance a sexy version of ‘Wave’.” Wooyoung stayed silent. Not realizing if it was a joke or not. “We didn’t choose each other as a partner, they just assigned us like that.” “Since when you know?” You coughed, “1 week.” “And you are telling me only now?” “Yes, because I know that you would be mad!” “But I’m not. It’s a good thing for both of you.” He smiled. You were really confused. Usually he would be so mad and angry because someone would get your attention. “Really? Wow. Then thank you,” you raised a brow, still not believing it. “Can I assist at your practices? I would like to see you perform!” He asked enthusiastically. “Yes sure... we are practicing tomorrow afternoon. So if you are free y-“ “Okay I will come tomorrow.” He smiled, focusing back on his movie. You don’t know what and why, but he prepared something. The next day, you practiced individually at the morning and Seonghwa joined you after the lunch. One hour later, you saw Wooyoung sitting on the couch, near the stereo. He didn’t say anything, he just let you finish your choreography. Watching carefully every move you made. He noticed that he was sexier than he thought. Unconsciously, he started to rip the paper of the prospectus he got before entering in the building. As he was seeing you moving, he threw some of the paper on you, breaking the eyes contact you had with his teammate. “What are you doing Woo?” You asked, pointing at the paper bullet on the floor. “I just make sure that you know that I’m still here.” You stopped the music, “I know that you are here!” “Then focus back.” He simply said. You rolled your eyes; he was trying to get your attention every time you focused back on Seonghwa. Making impossible to practice properly. So, you just walked toward him and whispered something at his ear. Seonghwa saw the blush on his member cheek. Without saying anything, Wooyoung left the practice room. “Where he’s going?” “At the dorm,” you smiled. “How you made him leave?” You blinked, “it’s a secret.” Seonghwa stared at you, curious. “Should we continue?” You smiled, playing the music.
JONGHO ft. San
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You were dating for a year now. It first started when you asked his number backstage, before he went performing. You had a crush on him for so long, you couldn’t miss the opportunity. Finally, you did, and it was the best idea you had in a while. At the beginning, you just went on a calm and peaceful date like a walk at the Han River or at the park. At these dates you learned a lot on each other. He trained a lot to not be a burden for the group. He’s was trying his best no matter what. But he likes that his Hyungs take care of him well. He remembered that you liked boy who were mature, who could take their own decisions. He ignored if you saw him this way, that’s why he was working on his maturity too. But it became harder when he knew that you would dance a sexy performance with San for an award show. He thought that maybe you will realize that his Hyung is more mature than him and fell for him. San was what we could call a handsome boy. His feature and his body proportions were perfect. When he was on stage, he was another person. He was powerful and extra. While Jongho was still a bit shy and wasn’t shining like his Hyung, or at least that’s what he thought. This is why, he tried to dissuade you to perform at this show. “Are you sure you want to?” He asked for the 3rd time. “Yes, it would be a good thing for my career Jongho.” You replied. “But what about wait a better opportunity?” “What is the problem Jongho? I feel like you are not happy for me. It’s like you are trying to stop me.” “N-no or maybe not really?” “Not really?” You repeated curious. “I-“ “I thought that you would be happy for me,” you said visibly disappointed. Jongho bit his lip, he felt bad to not supporting you when you had the first event in your life who could lift your career up. “It’s not that I’m not happy for you Y/N...” “Then what?” He tried to explain his issue, but San called you in the hallway. You bowed politely to him. “We should practice now! We don’t have much time before the show.” He smiled. You nodded, “yes you are right.” “We need to show the sexiest version of us for this stage.” He laughed. You would need to perform a sexy and elegant dance. This is another reason of why Jongho didn’t want you to go on stage with San. He would feel like a kid next to you, after that. “I will find a practice room, okay?” He said. “Sure! Text me the number.” You replied. San walked past to his member, “you are paler than usual Jongho, are you okay?” He asked. “Yes, I’m fine. But I would love to talk with Y/N in private...” he insinuated. “Sure, see you later!” San left you there, looking for an empty room where you could practice in peace. “What do you want to say?” You asked him a bit mad at him. “I’m happy that people start to see how talented you are. It’s just that I’m scared that you might be interested by San Hyung more than me after that.” He confessed. “What are you talking about? I won’t leave you for San. I know that he’s cute, but I love you.” “Then even if you dance really sexily with him you won’t fall in love?” You giggled, “no.” “You are this much jealous of San?” You smirked. “Who would appreciate that his girlfriend dance with someone else?” “1 point for you,” you admitted. “And you are always telling me that you like mature boy. Maybe you will notice that San is the type of guy that you want.” “If I could beat your ass right now I would.” “Why?” “You are the so mature, probably the one I ever met Jongho. You are the maknae and the main vocal of your group. You could be pressured easily, but you are still trying to do your best. I never saw you giving up on something.” He smiled, reassured to see the way you see him. “You are totally my type. And I love you for that.” You smiled. He pulled you closer to him on a tight hug. “Thank you.” You rubbed his back, “anytime baby.” When you thought that it would be okay, he asked, “but do you still need to perform a sexy dance with my Hyung?” You grunted, “Yes. But you are ruining the moment right now.” He smiled, “sorry.”
Part 1
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neonlights92 · 5 years
CHANGE: Chapter I
When the feud between EXO and Bangtan escalates beyond control Bangtan’s leader Kim Taehyung sees only one solution: a marriage of convenience between a member of Bangtan and a member of EXO. Park Jimin was not born into Bangtan but has slowly become an intrinsic part of Taehyung’s trusted inner circle.
And that is how Jimin finds himself married to you; EXO leader Xiumin’s little sister.  You’re not like any other woman he’s ever met before; fierce, angry and talented with a switchblade.  When you first meet Jimin you’re left angry and disappointed.
Except slowly, things change. And despite yourself, you find your heart warming to the idea of falling in love.
A/N:  HERE IT IS FOLKS!!! The first chapter of Jimin’s story... ready for consumption :) Please tell me what you think!!!!! I’m so excited.....
Warnings: Violence, language and eventual smut
Thank you to @aestheticallydestruction for the banner!!!!
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You glared at your brother from across the mahogany desk of his office.
You were pissed.
So pissed.
“This is fucking dumb,” You growled to your brother Xiumin, eyes narrowed into slits, “I’m not doing it.”
Xiumin sighed heavily, rolling his eyes, “You have no choice, Y/N. I’ve already told Taehyung the plan is going forward.”
You shook your head feeling something angry bubble in the pit of your stomach, “I thought we made decisions together.”
“They’re agreeing to give us fifty percent of Gangnam. That’s an offer I can’t refuse.”
“So you roll over like a bitch?” You snorted, “And now I have to fucking marry one of them?”
Your brother tugged a hand through his hair, pinching the bridge of his nose, the way he always did when he was angry.  You waited for his reproach; some kind of biting remark intended to force you to crawl back into yourself. 
But it didn’t come.  Instead his eyes seared straight through you. 
“Y/N.  Things haven’t been going as smoothly as I’d like since my transition to capo.  An alliance with Bangtan could be just what we need.” “Min Yoongi killed Chanyeol.”  You spat out bitterly, trying to remind your brother of the kind of people he wanted to deal with, “They’re monsters.” “So are we.  We’ve all killed in cold blood.  And according to Yoongi, Chanyeol was planning on raping his wife.  I would have done the same thing.” 
You couldn’t believe what your brother was saying.  Chanyeol had been his best friend.  Was he willing to forgive his death so easily, just for a measly fifty percent of Gangnam?
“Xiumin-” “All’s fair in love and war, Y/N.  They did what they had to do.  As did we.”  His eyes were like steel - cold and frosty.  You knew this conversation was over, “And now we must move on to the next chapter.” 
There was a long beat of silence.  You stared at your brother, trying to collect your thoughts. 
He’d raised you to despise Bangtan, the same way your father had raised him to hate everything Bangtan stood for. 
You’d always viewed them as the enemy and you thought Xiumin had shared that sentiment.  Now it seemed, things were different.  
“So what do you want me to do?” You asked eventually.  There was no room for argument - when Xiumin was like this, that was how things were.
As much as you liked to view yourself as a team, the truth was Xiumin was the boss.  He was the capo of EXO and as vital as you were to him, when it came to it, his decision was final.  It was something you’d hated growing up, but it couldn’t be helped. 
“You’re to be married to Park Jimin.”  Xiumin answered, passing a manila file to you, “The wedding will take place at the end of this month.  But Taehyung and I have set up a meeting prior to that, so you can officiate your engagement.”
“Park Jimin.”  You knew exactly who that was before opening up the file.
Park Jimin was Bangtan’s silver tongue.  He dealt with the rich and elite.  He was the best in the business.
Everybody who was anybody knew who Jimin was.  
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” You flicked through the photos Xiumin had given you, “Isn’t Jimin one of the ‘special seven?’” 
The special seven was the term you used to describe Bangtan’s innermost circle of members.  It was the people Taehyung trusted with his life. 
“He is, that’s why this is important Y/N.  I’m giving him one of my own, and he’s doing the same.” Xiumin assessed you carefully, “I need you to make this work, okay?” 
You knew what your brother was insinuating.  Xiumin had tried to marry you off in the past, but every time had failed.  You had reminded him time and time again that you were not to be trifled with; most women in the mafia were used to a life of being told what to do.  But you refused to be that way.
You hated to admit it, but you knew that the fact you were Xiumin’s sister had a lot to do with the way you lived your life.  But you refused to be a wilting wallflower, despite what others expected of you. 
“Isn’t it enough that I’m agreeing to this marriage?” You answered gruffly, shoving the file on Jimin back to Xiumin, “What else do you want me to say?” “You’re not agreeing to anything, Y/N.  I’m the Capo, and my word is law.” You glared at him for a moment, and then decided it wasn’t worth it.
“I’ll make it work.”  You told him eventually, “But you better warn him that I’m not a welcome mat to be walked all over, and I will not be treated as such.” Xiumin nodded, and sighed heavily, “This is the right thing for EXO.” 
You stood up quickly, throwing your leather jacket back over your shoulders and clicking your tongue, “I sure as hell hope so Xiumin.  You better be right about this.” “The meeting is set for next Monday.  Wear something nice.” You rolled your eyes. 
This was going to be anything but easy.
 The first time you met Park Jimin you were surprised.
In the photos you’d seen of him, he seemed softer than anything you could have imagined, and yet now there was a hardness to him that seemed to emanate from his skin.  His eyes were dark and stoney, and he was almost inhumanly handsome.  Something about him seemed to be dangerous, but you couldn’t put your finger on what. 
“Jimin.  This is my sister, Y/N.”  You were sat at a restaurant, awkwardly staring at each other from across the table. Taehyung seemed to be observing the situation carefully, and your brother was no better. 
“Hello Y/N,” Jimin spoke after a moment.  His voice was smooth like honey, “It’s nice to meet you.” “The pleasure is all mine,” You answered, sarcasm dripping from every syllable. 
Taehyung’s eyes narrowed at you, and your brother nudged you painfully. 
He’d warned you on your mouth before today’s meeting, but it seemed you couldn’t help it.  Jimin didn’t seem upset or surprised by your contempt.  
“Are we happy with the deal, then?” Taehyung spoke after a moment, directing his question to your brother.
You bit your tongue.  You weren’t happy, how could you be? It wasn’t that you wanted to marry for love; it was that you didn’t want to marry at all.  Least of all to someone like Park Jimin.  He seemed about as willing to fight as you were to love.
“Fifty percent of Gangnam.”  Xiumin took on his business voice, “And an heir for Park Jimin.” You wanted to pull a face at that part, but decided against it.  The truth was Jimin was attractive, and you imagined sex with him wouldn’t be utterly repulsive. 
You could give him a child. 
���Then it’s agreed.”  Taehyung turned to Jimin and nodded, “The wedding will happen at the end of the month.” 
You watched Jimin carefully from across the table.  You couldn’t tell what he was thinking, despite how hard you tried to read him.  It was something you had always prided yourself in; your ability to figure people out, and yet Jimin was like a puzzle to you. 
“Do I have a say in anything?” The question slipped out of your mouth almost unintentionally, but you weren’t embarrassed or mad at yourself. 
Taehyung turned to you, and despite yourself you had to admit his glare was intimidating.  He rose a dark brow. 
“Excuse me?” 
You tried to calm your hammering heartbeat.  It didn’t matter how strong you thought you were, this was the capo of Bangtan you were dealing with.  Kim Taehyung was one of the most nefarious criminals in Korea.  His nickname V came from the fact that he enjoyed carving the letter into the chests of his enemies. 
“Isn’t the bride supposed to have a say in her own wedding?” The words tasted like acid on your tongue, “Or am I expected to just let everyone else do it for me?” 
Your brother glare was burning into the side of your face, but you set your jaw determinedly.  You’d told him you would make it work, but that didn’t mean you weren’t going to raise at least a little hell. 
“Sure.”  This came from Jimin, surprisingly.  You turned to him and he shrugged, “If you want to organise it then it’s all yours.  But that’s less than a month, you know.  Weddings are stressful affairs, believe me.” When he smiled, you cursed him for how attractive he looked.  It was like he was glowing.
“I want to choose my own dress.”  This was the condition you had set yourself when you’d agreed to Xiumin’s proposition, “I don’t care about anything else.” 
Taehyung’s eyes were dark and brooding, and you avoided his stare.  He was probably angry at you, but you wanted to show that you weren’t a walkover.  You wanted to show you had at least some strength. 
After a moment, Jimin nodded, “Alright.  You can choose your own dress.” 
There was a long stretch of silence.  You felt uncomfortable, but your eyes wouldn’t move from your future husbands face.  
“There will be an engagement party at the end of this week.”  Xiumin stated, and your gaze moved to connect with his, “At the Hilton.” 
“Great,” You smiled sarcastically, and bit your tongue when you brother kicked you under the table, “Can’t wait.” 
But despite the anger you felt boiling in the pit of your stomach, there was something undeniably attractive to you about Jimin.  You convinced yourself it was because you can’t read him; you couldn’t place him, and therefore he was interesting to you.
Like a plaything. 
You couldn’t look at him any other way.  Feelings were dangerous in your world, and you knew this better than most. 
And things would only get a whole lot more complicated. 
The evening of your engagement party, you found yourself locked up in your bedroom, hoping against all hope that things would fall through.  You’d had a few days to get used to the idea of being Mrs Park Jimin, but nothing seemed to soothe your wild imagination.
You didn’t want to marry him.  You didn’t want to marry anyone let alone your sworn enemy. 
Xiumin had told you countless times that this was the way things were.  You couldn’t argue with him, and you hated that.  So what if he was the capo?  Wasn’t he your brother first? 
But it didn’t matter how many times you tried to convince him out of it, your marriage to Park Jimin was going forward whether you liked it or not.  And tonight you would have to parade around on his arm, and allow yourself to be treated like a fucking trophy, just so his ego could be inflated. 
That was what men in the mob were like; angry, cold and above all egotistical. 
You knew men like Jimin.  Despite what he might have wanted you to think - that was hard to read, that he was different - you knew that ultimately they were all the same.  Callous and indifferent.
But you refused to get burned.  
“Are you ready?”  Xiumin asked from the other side of your bedroom door. 
You stared at yourself in the full length mirror, rolling your eyes at the make-up your brother had insisted you wear. 
Your maid, Rose, had wrapped you up in a tight, blue dress and you felt almost like you couldn’t breathe.  The skyscraper heels on your feet were uncomfortable to say the least, and you had complained that you weren’t used to this kind of thing - you were much more comfortable in jeans and combat boots - but Xiumin wouldn’t listen.
You had to look every part the doting fucking wife, whether you wanted it or not. 
“Yes.”  You grumbled, tugging a hand through your sleek hair, “Coming.”
You unlocked your bedroom door and stepped out, watching as your brother appraised you.  He smiled when he met your eyes.
“You look good.  Rose did a good job.”  He gestured towards the front door, “Now let’s go.”
The ride to the party was quiet.  Your brother drove and you sat yourself in the passenger’s seat, trying to ignore how your dress kept riding up your thigh.  
“This is stupid.”  You grated out after a moment, “Why do I have to dress like this?” Xiumin rolled his eyes, as if he had been waiting for your complaints, “Because you are going to be the wife of a very important man, Y/N.  You need to look the part.” You hated how backwards the mafia was.  How they expected you to look and act a certain way, even though that wasn’t who you were.  
“Couldn’t I have at least worn sneakers?” He chuckled at that, “C’mon.  You look nice, Y/N.  Honestly.  It’s a posh party, we’ve all had to dress up.” You had to admit, he had a point there.  Xiumin himself was in a tux, and the guards escorting you to the party had been in suits as well. 
“I’m going to miss you,” You said after a moment, feeling a lump in your throat form at the genuine affection that rushed towards you.  Despite your bickering, you loved Xiumin.  He was the only person in your life who had ever shown you anything close to love.
“Yeah.”  He cleared his throat uncomfortably, “Me too.” “Everything’s going to change.” He shot you a quick look, “For the better Y/N.  Believe me.” 
You weren;t convinced, but the car pulled up to the Hilton, and you didn’t have time to discuss things any further.  You climbed out of the car, and tucked some of your hair behind your ears.  
“This is it,” Xiumin whispered to you as he moved to stand beside you, “Let’s do this.” You slid your arm through his, and let him guide you up the marble staircase, trying to calm your sizzling nerves.  You didn’t know why you were so nervous.  You’d killed men before, stared them in the eye before plunging knives and bullets into their hearts.  You were ruthless when it came to EXO, you took no prisoners.
And yet now with the prospect of an engagement party looming over your head, it seemed you couldn’t calm yourself down.
As you passed through the double doors of the hotel, you were surprised to see another member of the special seven waiting in the lobby, a very pregnant woman holding onto his outstretched arm.
Jung Hoseok’s bright smile was not something to be trifled with.  His innocent demeanor hid deeper rivers, and you had heard the horror stories about the kind of man he was.  The rumors of his dishonourable discharge from the Korean army had not fallen on deaf ears. 
And yet, stood in front of you, helping the pregnant woman climb the ornate staircase towards the conference room, you had to admit he didn’t look very scary at all. 
“Hoseok,” The woman grunted, “This is your fault you know.  You put this fucking child in me.” Hoseok laughed at her grumbling, “You weren’t complaining about this nine months ago, baby.”
The woman, who you now recognised as his wife, rolled her eyes, “You’re an idiot.”
“I told you not to wear heels.”  He pointed at the contraptions on her feet, “Take them off baby.  I’ll carry you.” “Don’t be stupid.”  She shook her head, “Just help me up these fucking stairs.” Hoseok laughed again, and after a moment his wife started giggling too, when the two of them spotted you and your brother.  The laughter cut short, and Hoseok’s glare darkened. 
“Xiumin.”  He grunted, and then his gaze moved over to you, “Y/N.”
“Hoseok.”  Xiumin nodded stiffly, “It’s a pleasure to see you again.  Good evening, Mrs Jung.” His wife smiled wryly, and you watched as she tightened her hold on her husband’s arm. 
“We’ll see you in there.”  Hoseok said shortly, shuffling his wife up the stairs quickly. 
Your heart dropped.  That woman had been frightened of you.  Not just of Xiumin, of you too.  You didn’t know why you cared.  You were a cold-hearted killer after all.  And yet… the look in her eyes - the way she’d frozen at your entrance… something in your chest caught uncomfortably.
“Let’s get this over with,” Your breathed out heavily. 
The two of you entered the conference room, and immediately you felt the divide between the members of EXO and the members of Bangtan.  It was like an invisible line had been drawn right through the middle of the room and neither side dared to cross over. 
“Xiumin,”You recognised Baekhyun’s voice - one of your brother’s most trusted friends, and a high ranking member of EXO - and looked up to find him travelling across the room, “Y/N.” He smiled at you and you returned the gesture. 
“Well this isn’t awkward at all,” You quipped, eyes scanning your surroundings quickly.
Baekhyun laughed and rolled his eyes, “Right?  It’s kind of frosty in here.” You chuckled as well, but your brother seemed less than amused. 
“Jimin is over there,” He nodded towards your fiance, who was stood by two doors that led out into the balcony, scrolling through his phone,  “I think you should go talk to him.  It’s proper etiquette.” You wanted to tell your brother where to shove his proper etiquette but decided against it.  The truth was, he was probably right, and you could tell he wanted some time alone with Baekhyun.  Probably to discuss your upcoming nuptials.
“Fine.”  You answered shortly, whipping away from them and making your way across the room.  You ignored the way other members of Bangtan watched you critically, and kept your eyes locked on Jimin.
He didn’t notice you until you were right in front of him.
“Hi.”  He cocked his head to one side, “I didn’t see you come in.” “Well that would be because your more interested in your phone,” You replied shortly, crossing your arms. 
Jimin smirked and quirked a brow, before slipping his phone into the pocket of his jacket.  He shrugged. 
“Do you want to join me on the balcony?” You grabbed a flute of champagne from a passing waitress and then turned back to Jimin.  He was waiting for an answer, and you rolled your eyes, “Fine.  Let’s go then.” 
Jimin pushed one of the glass double doors open and waited for you to pass through.  You hated that he was so polite - it didn’t really suit his mafia persona - and scoffed. 
“What, is it the 1800’s?  You know women can hold their own doors open.” “Well that’s the last time I do anything nice for you,” You couldn’t tell if he was joking or not, but you didn’t care. 
Perhaps your attitude was a bad idea - after all, you were going to have to spend the rest of your life around this man, it probably wouldn’t hurt to try and be nice to him.  And yet, you resented everything he stood for.  You resented the fact that you’d had no say in this marriage. 
“You know I don’t want to do this,” You turned towards him sharply, and gestured between the two of you, “Get married.  I never wanted to marry anyone, certainly not a member of Bangtan.” Jimin raised a brow.  He licked his lips, and despite yourself, you couldn’t help but notice how plush they were.  You shook those thoughts away. 
“This is what is best for both of our families, Y/N.  Are you going to spend the entirety of our marriage making my life a living hell?” You shrugged, and knocked back the glass of champagne you were holding, shoving it into his hands, “Probably.” 
The air was fresh on your face, as you stared at him, waiting for a barbed response; something that would fight the fire you felt burning so strongly in your chest. 
“So what, is this a part of your whole ‘act’?” 
You clicked your tongue, “Act?” “Yeah.  Your tough girl act.  Don’t think I haven’t noticed,” He tugged a hand through his platinum blonde hair and sighed heavily, “You think this will somehow scare me away?  Make me not want to marry you?  Have you forgotten who I am, and the kind of people I deal with on a daily basis?” 
The knowing look on his face pissed you off so much.  Why was he pretending that he knew anything about you at all?  You were strangers.  
“So you’ve got me figured out, is that what you’re trying to say?” You snorted, shaking your head, “Typical.” “Excuse me?” “Mob men - you think you know everything.”  You felt your throat clamp up - not from sadness, from anger - and you had to bite it back almost viciously, “You think I haven’t had to fight for my right to anything, my entire life?  I don’t want to be another Bangtan wife… or EXO wife… I want to be a free fucking agent.  I want to live my life the way I like, without having some egotistical prick lording over my every movement.” 
“I see you’ve already decided you know everything about me,” Jimin was cool and collected and you hated that, “Guilty of the same crime.” 
“You don’t know what it’s like to be a woman in this world.” He nodded, and you saw a flash of softness in his eyes - but it was gone before you even properly registered it. 
“You’re right, I don’t know.”  He fixed the lapels of his suit jacket and shrugged, “But that is how it is in our world.  I didn’t have much choice in this matter either, Y/N.  Taehyung didn’t ask me if I wanted to marry you - he told me I was going to do it.” You hadn’t thought about that before.  You bit your bottom lip.
“I hate this,” You said honestly, “I really do.  This whole fucking thing’s a joke.” Jimin’s face was unreadable, and it annoyed you.  Why couldn’t he show you something… Anything that would make you feel less crazy?  Why were you the only one getting upset? 
“Well that doesn’t matter, unfortunately.”  He told you honestly, “We’re getting married at the end of the month, whether you like it or not.  And you will have to provide me with an heir.” You glared at him. 
“Doesn’t mean I have to fucking like it though.”  You answered bitterly, sweeping away from him angrily, and stepping back into the conference room. 
You felt something angry catch in your chest.  You knew you’d probably fucked up - after all, your brother needed this, and you’d promised him you’d make it work.  And yet… something about your inability to understand Park Jimin had pissed you off.
How dare he stand there and act like he was better than you!  As if you were acting like an insolent child…
You hated feeling powerless. 
You turned at the sound of your name, and rolled your eyes when you noticed it was Jimin.
“What do you want?” 
He smiled - so sweetly you knew it was fake - and passed you the empty champagne flute you had tried to leave him with, “You left this behind.” 
Despite the anger you felt fizzing in your veins, you didn’t want to make a scene - not in here, not with your brother watching.  So you took the glass without a word, glaring at him hotly. 
Before you could say anything else, Jimin reached a hand up to your face and tucked some of your hair behind one of your ears.  You felt yourself freeze at the action. 
What the hell was he doing? “Relax,” He whispered, smirking, “It’s all a part of the show.  Right?” You wanted to push him away and tell him to leave you alone.  Who the hell did he think he was?
And yet… his eyes were so warm.  And his hands were soft against your cheek.  You hated yourself for it, but were you enjoying this?
“I’ll see you soon… Fiance.” 
And then, without another word, he pressed a kiss against your forehead.  You tried to ignore the thumping of your heart as he pulled away and winked. 
“You’re going to regret this,” You grunted, when he turned away from you and floated towards Taehyung, who had apparently been watching your interaction very carefully. 
It was at that very moment you decided that you hated Park Jimin.
This was going to be fucking tough.
764 notes · View notes
et-lesailes · 5 years
one touch
pairing: steve rogers x reader
word count: 1700
prompt: “Hello! Can you pretty please write a one shot with Steve rogers where the reader has an issue with human contact (nothing specific has happened) & is touch deprived & Steve is very understanding and soft with her until she trust him & eventually falls asleep on the couch on him and theres a lot of fluff &soft kisses?? Thank you so much!!!”
themes: fluff, romance, mentions of anxiety
taglist: @viarogers , @evanstush , @chibi-crazy , @chalamet-evans , @world-of-losers , @songforhema, @sebabestianstan101 , @tanyam93 , @bval-1, @wonderwinchester , @little-miss-exo, @poerebel , @pining-and-tired , @gogomez-509 , @patzammit, @a-distantdreamer, @malthestorytellerblog, @rainbowkisses31, @jbug491writinghelp, @quaideraid, @melannie77, @gigistorm, @lille-kattunge, @teller258316, @rohaintahquil, @deidrashouseofpain, @firstangeldragonranch, @peach-acid, @allsortsofinterests, @xoxabs88xox, @heyiamthatbitch, @cptn-sgrogers, @heyyouwiththeassbutt, @bangtan-serendipity, @troublermalik, @beardburnsupersoldiers
note: requested by anonymous // was way too tired n lazy to make a proper graphic so accept this pls. now that i’m actually back into using photoshop tho imma start trying to create (very average) graphics for all of my stories lmao.
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While being on the run with Captain America seemed like it would be intense and full of drama and surprises, it was a fairly isolated and sometimes even melancholy experience. Ever since Steve’s fight with Tony leading to the breakup of the Avengers, you had dutifully sided with Steve on his nomadic journey. You had started out as his right-hand, and that was how your story would end, whenever that day may be. 
Based on all of this, it would make sense to have 100% trust in him. He was your captain and you practically followed him into the jaws of death when it came to your missions and battles. You could trust that he would never leave you behind and that he would always have a plan. But this trust was apparently only on the battlefield. When Steve had tried to kiss you in the tiny, remote apartment the two of you now shared in the middle of nowhere, you immediately flinched. You felt even worse seeing the guilt upon his features, as if he had done something wrong. No, this was all on you and your terribly aloof nature, the side of you that held you back from maintaining close, personal relationships with anyone else.
It was only a matter of time before this happened. Even during the Avengers days, you and Steve had been inseparable. Everyone on the team had predicted the two of you would end up together, they had even made bets on it. Yet still, the two of you had not even shared one hug. He probably had not thought much of it. Why would he? He probably thought you were a normal human being who wouldn’t have such issues with physical touch, you thought bitterly.
“I’m so sorry,” he had apologized the second you stepped back, looking disappointed and ashamed at the same time. “I just-- I thought… that maybe we…”
“N-no, it’s not that.” You quickly cut him off, shaking your head. You knew what he was going to say, and he was right. You had felt something between the two of you for a while now, but it had escalated during the time you shared together alone, living together and doing what you could to help the people around you. “I just… I need time. I’m sorry.” He had nodded his head immediately, taking a step back himself. “Of course. I don’t want to rush this at all, Y/N. I know how I feel for you and it makes me happy in itself that something could happen between us one day. So take as much time as you need. Okay?”
As usual, he had been his perfect, gentlemanly self ever since. He was patient. If he sensed discomfort even from the mere proximity between your bodies on the couch, he scooted aside. When he saw your body stiffen upon a stranger placing his hand on your back to get by you in a crowded street, he walked close to you to make sure no one else came near you, while maintaining an appropriate distance himself. Somehow, without you even having to say anything, he understood that it was difficult for you to act upon the urge of physical touch, or to even receive it. 
And yet you definitely felt those urges, despite your anxiety about it. You couldn’t even count the nights you had dreaming about curling up close to Steve’s side, or even thinking of small actions like him squeezing your hand tight as a gesture of comfort or casually placing an arm around your shoulders while watching a movie. When his fingers brushed against your own on accident when he took your empty glass to place in the sink, you felt electricity. You were starting to become more and more frustrated with yourself. If you wanted it so bad, why wasn’t your mind letting you go through with it? You could envision a perfect fantasy of the two of you sharing a passionate, romantic kiss, and yet when he had tried to make that fantasy come to life you had acted as though he were trying to poison you. 
It took time, but it got better. Soon, you were scooting closer to him on the couch, experimenting with the mere feeling of your thighs touching his. It seemed insignificant, but for you, it was a big step. From there, letting him hold your hand for a few moments every now and then. Whether it be while watching something on TV, while the two of you were reading, or even while he was driving. His touches were becoming almost addictive despite how fleeting they were. You loved how large his hands were in comparison to your own and you wished you had the courage to reach out for them yourself. Instead of having anxiety about him touching you at all, you were anxious waiting for him to touch you; you were starting to crave it and yet you could not find the strength to tell him that. 
Then came one day he wanted to watch a movie with you. You gladly obliged, heart racing like a schoolgirl with a crush when he sat down close to you, one hand holding a freshly hot microwavable bag of popcorn and the other managing to hold two cans of Coke. Your eyes may have been on the screen, but you weren’t watching. No, all you could think about was Steve sitting inches away from you, how secure you would feel under one of those bulging, muscular arms, the warmth of his lips against yours….
‘For God’s sake, Y/N, you could make a move. He’s made it clear that he likes you, he wouldn’t reject you.’ However, it wasn’t rejection you were afraid of. It was that damn anxiety that came with physical contact, and yet your body wanted to keep reminding you how deprived you were of it. What was up with that? You tried to push all of your thoughts away, doing your best to actually watch the movie; you felt bad seeing Steve so invested while you were here driving yourself crazy. 
And then you ended up falling asleep, which was arguably worse. 
However, when you woke up, you were shocked to find your head laying on Steve’s shoulder, his arm wrapped around you and his fingers grazing across your back. Upon carefully tilting your head up, you saw that his own eyes were closed, his blond head tilted towards you in as much of a resting position as he could get in. Your eyes flickered to the black screen, wondering how long the movie had been finished for-- had Steve stayed in this semi uncomfortable position just for you? You looked back up towards him, your heart skipping a beat. Everything about this felt so perfect, so warm… 
He suddenly opened his eyes, blinking before looking down at you. “Oh,” he mumbled as he began to adjust himself, lifting his arm. “I didn’t mean-”
You cut him off, suddenly taking a light hold of his face as you leaned in and kissed him, deciding in one split second to overcome all of your biggest fears. Not even five seconds in and you were already convinced this decision was the best one you had ever made. He was clearly surprised but certainly not complaining; one large hand framed the side of your face as he moved his lips perfectly against yours, turning to face you more properly and pull you closer to his body. 
You pulled back after a few moments but kept your face close to his, looking up into his blue eyes. He searched your own hues, a smile slowly crossing his lips. “I… wasn’t expecting that, but I can’t say I’m not in heaven right now,” he told you in his handsome low voice, and you couldn’t help but giggle. “I don’t want to keep being scared with you,” you whispered, biting your lip as you slowly lifted your hand to experiment playing with his short blond hair. You weren’t used to casual touches like this, but you wanted to be. “I know you’re not the problem. It’s just me and all this weird anxiety, I don’t even know why I feel this way. But… I don’t want to let it win.”
He smiled widely and gently moved in to kiss your cheek. “We can still take it as slow as you’d like, sweetheart. No rush, no pressure. You’re worth waiting for, Y/N, and besides, a relationship shouldn’t be all about the physical stuff. There’s so much more.” You smiled, touched that he seemed to understand so well. You allowed yourself to lean into his body, a little blissful sigh even escaping your lips upon feeling his arm wrap securely around you. You had expected it to feel awkward, but instead it was as if you fit perfectly into his frame, the two of you as comfortable together as ever. He lowered his head to press a kiss to your hair, mumbling, “Thank you for opening yourself up to me, Y/N. That means more than you’ll ever know.” 
You didn’t even need the TV on anymore. You spent the next hour or so cuddling and talking, going into deep conversations about your past and your personal experiences. His arm remained around you, sometimes his other one joining to give you a loving squeeze at random times, his lips occasionally pressing upon your forehead, nose, and lips. It felt so easy, so right-- why had you been so scared before? You hadn’t even noticed that the two of you had started moving your bodies lower and lower until you were fully lying down on the couch together, bodies pressed close and faces inches apart. You couldn’t help but kiss him again, excited with your new ability to take initiative, but appreciative that he remained gentle and loving with his kisses instead of attempting to take it even further. 
It wasn’t long before the two of you eventually drifted off to sleep once again, legs intertwined due to the small space and chests lightly heaving in peaceful breaths. You had a feeling you’d be sleeping with the same peace and content for a while from now on.
331 notes · View notes
marshmallow-phd · 5 years
Lies Untold
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Part of The Untamed - EXO Wolf Universe
Genre: Supernatural, Wolf Au
Pairing: Luhan x Reader
Summary: For generations, your family has been the protectors of mankind. You were considered one of the best and due to that reputation, you were sent on what could be the most important mission for the organization. Going under cover in a college to sniff out a particularly large and threatening wolf pack seemed easy enough. But when you meet one of the members, everything you’ve known since birth will be overturned and your loyalty to your family and heritage will be tested.
Part: 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I 6 I 7 I 8 I 9 I 10 I 11 I 12 I 13 I 14 I Final
Paper was strewn everywhere. A corkboard full of photographs and strings and sticky notes that would make any sane person think that a major conspiracy theorist lived here was currently leaning against a wall. And maybe that’s what you were, a person losing grip on reality as you tried to tie everything together. You still weren’t sure of the pack’s size or ranking even after another week of following them around. Confirming who was apart of the wolves was proving more difficult than you’d first imagined. Innie tended to hangout with the same group and they would mention others in brief conversation, but you couldn’t find faces to go with the unknown names.
One thing that you were at least ninety percent certain of was the fact that the professor – named Kim Junmyeon according to the university directory – was the alpha. How he was able to control such a large pack all by himself was something you couldn’t fathom, but somehow he managed it. You’d witnessed the others going to him for advice or permission for things and he just had that alpha aura radiating off of him. He wasn’t genetically an alpha, from what you observed. God, you hoped you never had to encounter one of those. Even with all your training, you didn’t think you could survive that fight.
Standing in front of the board that was currently giving you a headache, your eyes kept lingering on one wolf in particular. With his long, forehead-covering hair and soft, welcoming eyes, you found yourself in a strange struggle that you’d never experienced before. Granted, this was the first time you’d ever been this close to a pack before that wasn’t on a hunt. You were forced to be around them in their fake forms, their human forms, and you were pretty sure it was messing with your head.
No. You were strong enough for this. You could keep your focus. You would not fall victim to the façade that was their human shapes. They were monsters that shouldn’t exist. Your family’s history was enough to prove that.
But even now, your skin tingled where Luhan’s fingers had brushed up against your hand. The night before, he even made a brief cameo in your dream. You couldn’t remember the exact details of the dream; you weren’t even sure if there was a plotline or if it was just a bunch of random images. You do remember Luhan’s face making an appearance, though, and it was aggravating you.
Feeling your blood beginning to boil in your veins at your frustration, you swiped up your bag that was carrying your surveillance equipment and threw it over your shoulder before stomping out of the apartment.
You needed to get back in the game. You needed to focus on finding a way to get to the book and give your family the upper hand it had always been lacking. That’s why you were sent here. This was no time to start questioning your world view.
The only thing you could think of doing at the moment was taking another trip to the museum. Last time you were staking the place out,  you’d noticed the curator and the girl who’s name you figured out was Kita disappear into a hallway guarded by a locked door. The only way in was with a key card. Perhaps spending another round in the building would help you create a game plan for getting one of those key cards without leaving a trail and checking out if the book was hidden in one of those off-limits rooms.
Instead of taking the bus this time, though, you decided to walk off the pent up energy in your muscles. It was a couple miles and would take you through the central business district, but that was just another stroll through the park for you.
Walking down the sidewalk, you had your headphones in your ears with no music playing to give off the illusion that you were not to be disturbed while you were able to keep your eyes open for anything suspicious. Many families and friend groups were taking advantage of this beautiful day, milling about among the shops and little locally owned restaurants. They all looked so happy, unaware of the secret world around them.
According to another faction among the organization - one that’s job was to keep an eye on any witch covens - there was a group of witches in the neighboring town. This college city used to have it’s own for several generations, but something happened about two years ago and they were all stripped of their magic, leaving the area to be completely controlled by the wolves. And every single human in this place was completely unaware of the transition.
Sometimes, you wondered what it would be like to be one of them, to not have been trained since the age of four on how to fight, to kill, to keep those you loved safe. What did that blissful ignorance feel like? Was it as happy as everyone seemed to make it?
You didn’t hate being a hunter. Never would you say that you loved it; that might sound a little sadistic and you saved that description for Johnny. It was simply your life and you’d never thought about trading for the other side for it before. You didn’t know what that other side was like. Not like your mother, who knew it very well. She came into this life after meeting your father. Well, more like she met your father because of this life.
She’d been walking home from an evening class at her university one night when an omega attacked her. Your father had been tracking it down and lost the trail for just a few minutes, but it was enough for the omega to find it’s next prey. She never went into detail about it, but to this day your mother carried the claw marks on her stomach. As your father nursed her back to health, they fell in love and she vowed to be apart of the fight. She acknowledged that she got lucky and that there were others that wouldn’t be. It was now her mission to make the number of unlucky ones decline as much as she was able to.
Your mother had always stated she never regretted her decision and she’s never looked back, missing her old life. So, that had to mean that you had the better end of the deal, right?
No. Keep walking. Pretend you didn’t hear.
But the last person you needed to see right now kept calling after you. By the direction his voice was coming from, you knew he was behind you. You didn’t stop. You couldn’t speed up either, because that would be acknowledging the fact that you could hear him. Maybe you’d get lucky and he’d give up.
That was not the case. He caught up to you quickly, stopping you with a hand on your shoulder.
Instincts kicked in and you grabbed his hand, twisting it as you turned around. You weren’t using your full strength and so you weren’t surprised in the slightest when he didn’t show any sign of pain like any ordinary human would. But you faked the surprise, mostly to keep up the act that you hadn’t heard him.
“Shit, you scared me,” you said breathily to add to the charade. You took out the earbuds and stuffed them in your pocket before he could pick up on the lack of music.
“I guess I should have yelled louder,” Luhan chuckled. You let him go and he ran his fingers through his blonde hair, still smiling at you. There was no way that hair could be natural, right? And why was he always smiling around you? You didn’t exactly give off the vibe of sugar, spice, and everything nice. “Are you feeling better?”
You blinked at him, confused. That day at the pizzeria was nearly a week ago. And he was genuinely asking you about your health? “Um, yeah. I think I just ate something weird that day for breakfast.”
He nodded. “Good, good.” Bouncing from foot to foot, he gave off a sense of nervousness. “Are you busy right now?”
“Oh. Um.” You frowned, biting your bottom lip. Was he about to ask to spend some one-on-one time with you? Would that be a good idea if you said yes? The museum would still be there to check out again on another day and you could gain some helpful insight on his pack by speaking with him. Shaking your head, you turned your frown upside down. “No, I’m not. Why?”
A laugh escaped him as if he was taken by surprise by your answer. “Do you want to grab a cup of coffee? With me, that is.”
Did you just freaking giggle? That wasn’t even you acting as the sweet one. It just… came out after his self-correction. What the hell was going on?
Taking a breath, you pointed to a coffee shop just at the corner of the block and started for it. “There’s that one-”
“No, not that one!” Luhan shouted as he stopped you with a grip on your upper arm. You stared at him wide eyed at the sudden outburst. Clearing his throat, he started to tug you to another shop across the street. “Their coffee sucks. And I know one of the staffers. She’s really nosy and we’d hardly be able to talk because she’d be hovering the whole time.”
“Really?” You looked over your shoulder at the reject shop, mentally notating it in your metaphorical files. Was it a mate that worked there? That could come in handy later.
“Yeah, this one’s much better,” he replied as he pulled you through the crosswalk, careful to keep an eye out for any runaway traffic. His hand had slipped down from your arm to your exposed hand and that fiery tingle was back in full force. Your heart was pounding in your chest and this time… you didn’t think you could completely blame it on your curved fight or flight senses.
Once inside, he let go to which you were both relieved with and aching for more. You shoved your hands in your pockets to keep them under control. Luhan asked for your order, but you shrugged and told him to surprise you. He got a cheeky look in his eye and ran to the front, leaving you alone to scan the area. An empty table for two was sitting in a corner near the front of the store, but right when you took a step towards it, Luhan was back.
“Let’s sit back there instead,” he suggested, nodding towards a booth that was mostly hidden from the rest of the shops patrons.
You really wanted to laugh. Luhan’s attempt to avoid running into or being seen by anyone he knew was painfully obvious and amateurish. Maybe someday you could give him some pointers at subtly.
You blinked, stopping in your tracks. Why did that thought cross your mind? There would never be a someday. Once your mission was finished, you’d never seen him again. The world might never see him again.
Why was that hurting your heart?
Luhan’s voice pulled you out of your mixed up thoughts. “Yeah?”
“You okay?” he asked, his head tilted to the side in a studying manner.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” you insisted as you quickly slid into the booth.
Before he could sit down across from you, the barista at the counter called out, “Order for Luhan ready at the bar.”
He took off, coming back a few seconds later with two plastic cups of cream colored liquid, the sound of the ice cubes clinking against each other filling the silence that was settling between you two. Unsure of what else to do, you took a sip from the cup he’d set in front of you. The strange flavor mixed in with the coffee took you by surprise, strangling a weird sound of you.
“What is this?” you asked, your face surely twisting into a look of disgust. It wasn’t necessarily that gross, it was just… not normal.
“It’s raspberry mocha,” Luhan answered while laughing at your reaction. “If you don’t like it, I can go get you something else.” He reached out for the cup, but you scooted it closer to you instead.
“No, it’s fine,” you sighed. “I just wasn’t expecting it.” For a moment, you just tapped your finger against the thin lid of the cup. You were searching for something to say, to get the conversation rolling, but you didn’t want to come off as digging a little too much, raising his suspicions. “So, do you-”
“Why did you-”
Luhan had started speaking at the exact same time as you and the two of you stop simultaneously as well. Short, awkward laughs came from both of you.
“Go ahead,” Luhan waved at you, palm up.
“No, you go ahead,” you insisted.
Lowering his head, Luhan sighed. He lifted his face again, sitting back in the booth, a half smile pulling up in the corner of his lips. It wasn’t even a full grin, but it was relaxing you where you sat. Whatever was going on inside of your chest, you still didn’t have a sane explanation, but you had a feeling it wouldn’t be going away any time soon. Especially if you kept letting yourself be around Luhan like this.
“Why did you come here?” he asked very bluntly.
The way he stated the question took you by surprise, almost like…. No. There was no way he could know. He wouldn’t be sitting across from you so relaxed like this. He would have told the rest of his pack and you would be dead. Besides, you’d been more than careful with your identity. Not even Innie knew the truth.
You shrugged. “I needed a change of pace. I’m from… I guess you could call it a compound, but that makes it sound a bit cultish, doesn’t it?” Yeah, some might say the organization could be a cult, based on the definition. “Basically, I’m from a small town and needed a faster pace in my life. Unfortunately, I’m not brave enough for the really big cities and Innie was here so that gave me a small foundation to start with.” Even as the lies came smoothly out your lips, it was leaving a bad taste in your mouth.
“And you do freelance design graphics, right?” he urged on.
“Yeah,” you nodded, a grin lighting your face up a bit. Playing around on photoshop had been a nice, unrelated-to-the-supernatural outlet that helped you unwind. You didn’t actually do any sort of business with it, but it was a fun little hobby where you kept all the end results to yourself. “It’s all online so that makes it easy to work my own hours and stay home.”
“That sounds nice.” Luhan took a long sip form his own drink before leaning forward, resting his elbows on the table.
The space between you was at its smallest that it had ever been. You could see the flecks of ember in his dark brown eyes. They were so kind and inviting, practically begging for you to come closer. Your muscles were having a tug-of-war within themselves: closer, father, closer, farther, closer.
Farther won and you leaned back away from him, crossing your arms to recreate the barrier that he was doing a very good job of cracking.
Luhan looked a little disappointed at your response, but he just let it roll off of him. “So, what were you going to ask?”
“Oh, just if you enjoyed living here,” you answered nonchalantly. It was getting tougher to pretend this wasn’t affecting you in some way.
“I like it a lot,” Luhan said happily. But that initial joy slipped a bit. “I was gone for a little while, but being back has been the best decision I ever had.”
“You left?” Since when could a wolf leave a pack and then rejoin it?
Luhan nodded, turning his eyes down to his fingers and picking at his nails. “Yeah. My brothers kind of… got in a fight, I guess you could say. One of them decided to break out on his own, thinking it was best for everyone. I didn’t want him to be alone, so I went with him. But I missed this place every day I was gone.”
“Why do you love this place so much?” It was the first sincere question to leave your mouth. He spoke with such a nostalgic undertone, it was almost like a poet or a songwriter trying to describe their favorite color without saying the name. You found yourself leaning forward again, hands securely in your lap to avoid any accidental contact.
Luhan shrugged as he twirled his straw absentmindedly. “I don’t know if I can describe it, the reason why. Ever since I came here as a teenager, it just felt like home. Like I was always meant to be here and it would help me meet the people that were meant to be in my life.” At that last comment, his eyes flickered over to you just for a second before falling back down to the now empty cup.
“So, you didn’t grow up here?”
“No, I spent most of my childhood a couple hundred miles away,” he explained. “My family traveled a lot and it was kind of pure coincidence that brought me here.”
A nomadic pack. You’d encountered more than your fair share of wolves that chose to live that way. They were easier to spot than the ones that stayed put. That guilty feeling was starting to bubble in your stomach again. Had you run into his old running mates in the past?
You’d never been on hunts like that before. You were never old enough. The only times you went with the older hunters was to track down killer wolves, the ones who’d attacked defenseless humans. Those were deemed “safer” since it was normally a group of hunters verses one or two wolves. You’d never been the one to deal the killing blow, but you certainly had shot more than your fair share of injuring arrows.
“(y/n)?” Luhan reached out to your, but had nothing to hold onto with your wringing fingers resting on your thighs. “(y/n), are you okay?”
“Yeah,” you lied a bit shakily. “But, uh, I think… I think I should head back home. I’ve got work that’s piling up and I really should get started on it.” You jumped up to your feet and Luhan followed suit.
“Do you want me to see you home?”
“No!” you exclaimed, waving your hands in front of you. A bit calmer, you added, “I’m fine really. But… thank you for the offer. Really. Um, I’ll see you around.”
You didn’t necessarily hightail it out of there, but you certainly walked at a fast pace, hoping that he wasn’t following you. Once you hit the first crosswalk, you glanced behind, but Luhan wasn’t anywhere in your line of sight. That let you release a deep breath.
Back at your apartment, you locked the door up tight behind you and tossed your bag down on the couch before collapsing beside it, your face in your hands.
You can’t do that again. That stupid, blonde wolf was doing something to you. He was messing up everything you knew and… you didn’t know if you were strong enough for this inner conflict.
Ever since you were a child, you were told over and over the story of the beginnings of the organizations. You knew them by heart so you could pass on the knowledge to your own children someday. It was what drove you and kept your fundamentals stable. But how true was it?
Centuries ago, when hygiene was still questionable and kings and lords ruled the lands, there were a nest of little villages in a valley. They were all friendly with each other, trading goods and lending a helping hand when hard times fell over them. But the skies wouldn’t stay blue forever.
One night, a monster came into the midst of the smallest village, killing any human it came across. Innocent blood was shed and the villagers didn’t know what to do. The following night, the monster came across the next village, except this time, it had company. Over a week of hell, the five villages were destroyed, only a few families able to survive the massacre.
After banding together, the men of the families set out to track down the monsters so they wouldn’t hurt anyone else. When they found the monsters, they were frozen with shock. They’d witnessed the dog-like monsters transform into men, laughing and joking with human lips and human lungs. With surprise on their side, the men attacked the monsters, eliminating the threat for good.
Or so they thought.
As the five families traveled to find a new place to settle, they heard stories of giant wolves attacking defenseless villages. These stories were new, recent happenings and they realized that the threat was not gone like they thought and there were more out in the world. So they decided that since they knew the secret of the monsters, they should be the ones to stop them.
Over the years, they trained their children, occasionally bringing in others to help their cause. Once they deemed themselves big enough, they split to stretch across the globe to rid every country from this scourge. To this day, the five families, now factions of the singular organization, still fight to erase the supernatural from the world, to protect their fellow man.
But did every wolf deserve it?
Tradition told you that their human forms were just disguises, that they didn’t know what it was like to feel real emotions and that all they did was hide until they were ready for their next attack, their next killing spree. But in your research, the reports of wolf attacks were few and far between in this area. And it’d been decades since the last one was recorded. Then there was Luhan.
He didn’t seem like a killer. None of the boys did. And Innie seemed so happy with Baekhyun, hormones telling her to be like that or not. What was going on in your world?
Grabbing the bag beside you, you threw it across the room, not caring in the slightest if you broke the camera inside as you released a wordless yell.
You pulled back your sleeve to expose the tattoo that you’d proudly let yourself be branded with. It was an honor to be inked with the arrowhead triquetra. It symbolized that you’d passed every test and had dedicated yourself to the cause. But was it all a lie?
No, you didn’t believe it was a lie. There were plenty of legitimate reasons for the organization to exist. Your mother’s scars were proof enough for that. But maybe… maybe it’d gone too far. Maybe there needed to be a distinction between the ones that attacked humans and the ones that just wanted to live their lives in peace.
You scoffed to yourself. Look at you, thinking radical ideas and off of what? One conversation and a few interactions with a single wolf pack? They could still be dangerous, they could still be a threat to humans. They could lose control and hurt someone. Baekhyun could hurt Innie whether it was intentional or not.
A battle was beginning to brew inside of you and you had no clue which side was going to win.
Just focus on the book, (y/n). Once you get that, you can leave and go back to the organization. Go back to your family. They’ll get your head back on straight.
God, you hoped that was true.
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mint-yooxgi · 5 years
[2] - Scales of Fate: Bringer of Light - Dragon!Baekhyun X Reader // Part 2
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Dragon AU - Part of the EXO Dragon Series
Genre: Mature, Fluff, Angst
Pairing: Baekhyun X Reader
Words: 3,235
A/n: Here it is, the next instalment! I’m pretty excited for it, so I hope you are too! The second half of this chapter I feel focusses more on world building, but it’s still essential to the plot, and this actually turned out longer than I thought it would, so I'm happy about that. More interesting things to come soon. As always, feedback is greatly appreciated, I hope you all enjoy!
Previous ~ Next
What a way to die, at the hands of one’s own mate. 
Never in his life, did Baekhyun ever think he would be taken down by an iron arrow grazing his side. Well, it didn’t so much as graze as it slashed a good chuck out of him. Those iron weapons are no joke, iron stings like a bitch.
Luckily, he managed to go down over the hill, ripping through the trees, and through the forest floor, in a tumbling spiral until he landed in the clearing. He’s sure his brothers heard him get hit, or at least, his graceful fall on land, but it’s too risky to go looking for him during the daytime.
He always claims to be invincible, being one of the most nimble and agile out of all of them. Getting hit by one of the village’s childish weapons never crossed his mind. He always made sure to be extra careful, precautions to the point his brothers didn’t even want to take him on raids due to how hyper he would get beforehand. However, they needed him that night, and who was he to say no to terrorizing some reckless humans?
He still doesn’t know how he got hit. Usually, his reflexes are sharp, being able to dodge attacks no problem, but something was weighing him down. It wasn’t a physical thing, no, but rather a scent in the air. A piercing scent that had his senses in a daze as he flew off, overcome with a strange feeling coursing through his veins.
The same scent that he can smell approaching the clearing he crash landed in, from a mile away.
He hears you when you stop on the ledge above him, more overcome by your scent than anything. It’s what drew him out from under the ledge in the first place. Using whatever strength he has left, he needs to see what you look like before he dies. It took a great effort for him to move out from his hiding spot, but it’s worth it, to him.
Flopping on his side, an involuntary whine escapes his throat. 
Great. Way to sound weak in front of your mate, Baekhyun chastises himself. However, feeling your eyes watching him, staring at him in admiration and awe, has the tip of his tail twitching in happiness. Even if he’s dying.
He simply scoffs at your voiced thoughts of him just flying away. If he could, he would have, but he’s far too weak to do so now. The wound, combined with the fall, took a lot out of him.
A few moments later, he senses your scent getting even closer to him, hearing you moving down the ledge into the clearing where he is. He sees you come out from behind the rocks, bow poised with an iron arrow pointing at his head.
He can hear your heart racing in your chest as you come to stand in front of him, arrow pointing directly at his eye. Another involuntary whine escapes his throat as he watches you, your grip faltering slightly on the bow before raising it more firmly.
Staring at you with the best pleading eyes he can muster, he notices you biting your lip in hesitance. You maintain eye contact for another solid minute before he’s letting out one final puff of air, accepting that either you’re going to shoot an arrow in his eye, or let him succumb to his wounds. He can no longer stand to watch your hesitation, closing his eyes in defeat.
What a way to die indeed.
Hearing you let out a sigh in defeat, as well as the arrow falling to the ground, Baekhyun opens one eye to look at you in curiosity. Why can’t you just kill him and get this over with? Are you starting to feel the pull of the bond, too?
“Don’t look at me like that!” He hears you shout, only causing him to huff in amusement at the frustration in your voice.
Figuring he can’t bear to look at your cute expression of frustration anymore, he closes his eye once more. He hears you moving around him, still on high alert in case you’re tricking him in any way. Though, at this point, he doubts you would do something like that.
Hearing a sharp inhale from you, he figures you’ve probably realized your mistake and are now moving back over to shoot an arrow into his eye once and for all. He’s too weak to care at the moment, but he will admit, as he hears you gathering water and mixing something, his curiosity is peaked.
In the next moment, his eyes are flinging open as a growl escapes his chest at the feeling of you pouring water over his open wound. It feels as if a thousand needles are stabbing his wound as it gets aggravated by the water. His breathing is heavy as he uses what’s left of his strength to box you in with his tail, teeth bared threateningly. 
So you’ve decided to kill him after all, by poking at his wound. What a low blow, especially from a human, making a dragon’s death as painful as possible. It hurts even more considering you’re supposed to be his mate, the person he’s supposed to spend the rest of his life with. Who knew you’d be the one ending it so soon.
His tail twitches as he hears you apologize, telling him you’re only cleaning his wound. It is at this point he notices your weapons are off to the side and out of your immediate reach.
Wow, you really are putting a lot of trust in him not to bite your head off at the moment.
“I’ve only done this on humans before, it’s the only way I know how to treat iron poisoning,” he hears you say, frown pulling at your features.
You know how to treat iron poisoning? 
He blinks at you in slight shock. First, you’re ready to kill him by shooting an iron arrow into his eye, and now you’re treating his wound. 
“I don’t want to see you die,” he nearly coos at your confession, choosing to let out a content hum instead.
Relaxing slightly, Baekhyun rests his head on the ground, watching you intently as you clean his wound. His heart is warming as he hears you warn him of when you’re about to make contact with his open wound now, making sure he won’t flinch again. He nearly starts humming in content with how carefully you address his wound, and from how much attention you’re giving him.
Your touch is comforting, soothing the ache he feels in his side little by little the more paste you add to his wound. His eyes start to droop at how relaxed he’s now become.
“There, that should do it,” his attention is now back on high alert after hearing you say that.
You’re leaving him? But you only just got here. Besides, you only just finished cleaning his wound, shouldn’t you stay and make sure he’s alright? Don’t you want to keep him company?
He sighs internally as he watches you wash up and gather your things together, slinging your weapons over your shoulder. His heart nearly skips a beat at your promise to come back tomorrow to check on him, but he knows he shouldn’t get his hopes up. This is only a one time thing. Tomorrow, you’ll forget all about him, probably thinking he’ll die overnight, and not bother to come back to check on him.
With an almost remorseful look in his eyes, he watches you leave the clearing, willing for this all to be over. Tomorrow, his brothers will come to find him, and he’ll never see you again. You’ll go on with your life and forget all about the dragon you saved in the clearing that one day, never to be seen again. 
Finding his mate and being able to be with her? Too good to be true.
Curling his tail and head around himself, he finds his nose resting right beside the cloth you left overtop of his wound. A whine escapes his throat as he breathes your scent in deeply.
Maybe you will come back tomorrow. Maybe you won’t forget about him. Maybe you will see him again. And maybe, just maybe, fate will be on his side for once.
Making it back to your village, you can’t help but to think back to the hopeful look the dragon gave you as you were leaving the clearing. It’s almost like it wanted you to come back, but felt as if it was an empty promise. You’ll prove that dragon wrong, you will come back.
Reaching the edge of the town line, you make it about halfway to the centre of the village until you see Hakyeon running towards you.
“There you are, your parents have been looking all over for you,” he pants, catching his breath.
“I went out hunting, but I didn’t find anything,” you reply, shrugging your shoulders.
“Well, you better come with me, and quick,” he sends you a look from the corner of his eyes. “Your parents are not happy with you at the moment. They really want you to apologize to Yoosung for what you said about him last night.”
You let out a frustrated sigh, “I knew it.”
“You know I like him just about as much as you do, but unfortunately, they’re expecting you,” he huffs.
“I know,” you reply, beginning to walk to the village grand hall where you know they’ll all be waiting for you. “Let’s just get this over with.”
Five minutes later, the two of you are entering the grand hall where, sure enough, you see your parents, Yoosung, as well as his parents all sitting at the head table. They seem to be discussing matters involving the dragons and what to do to counter their next attack. Yoosung, you notice, appears very disinterested, hardly listening in on the conversation at hand.
Looking up from the map they’re all reviewing, your father spots you and Hakyeon making your way over to the table.
“Ah, (Y/n), so nice of you to finally join us,” he narrows his eyes at you sharply, flicking them over to where Yoosung is sitting, silently informing you of what you are expected to do.
“Good afternoon father, Lady and Lord Kim, mother,” you go around nodding your head at each of them in turn, “Yoosung.”
“It’s lovely to see you again, (Y/n),” Lady Kim greets you with a friendly smile. 
You’ve always liked Yoosung’s mother, she’s always been very friendly and openminded towards matters, willing to listen to everyone and hear them out. You admire that about her. However, you also wonder how someone so kind, patient, and understanding could raise someone like Yoosung and have him turn out like he has.
Your mother clears her throat, also looking at you in expectancy. You sigh, glancing towards Hakyeon for help, but you know he can’t do anything.
“I would just like to apologize for my statement last night regarding the dragon watch while Yoosung was on duty,” you begin, silently cursing your parents, but also stepping up in your duties to your village by being the bigger person. “I was out of line. I’m sure he was doing his best for the safety of the village and all those residing in it.”
Briefly, you meet Yoosung’s stunned eyes before you’re bowing respectively to both him and his parents.
“No, you were right,” Yoosung’s voice has you standing up straight once more, an expression of shock passing over your features for a brief second before becoming passive in the next. “I wasn’t paying as close attention to the watch as I should have been. I could have warned everyone earlier if I had been paying attention like I was supposed to. I will make sure to do better next time. I’m sorry. I just hope my incompetence has not caused any major damage or harm to any of the villagers.”
You blink, stunned at his words. Never, in all your years that you’ve known Yoosung, have you heard him apologize this profusely, this seriously, as he is now. You can tell even Hakyeon is shocked by his words.
“That’s a very noble thing for you to admit, Yoosung,” your father comments, looking at you with a smug expression on his face. “We should all do our best for the future, and safety, of our village.”
Sharing a look with Hakyeon, you both move in closer to the table.
“What was it you were discussing just now?” You ask, attention now on the map with faint markings leading up to the dragon’s mountain.
“Since the beginning of the month, the dragons have attacked our village twice as often as last month. So far, these attacks have been three days apart. We’re expecting another attack later this week, so we’re discussing different tactics to undertake as a preventative caution for when they do come back,” Lord Kim informs you, your father nodding along to every word.
“So far, we’ve agreed to double the watch, and have everyone on high guard,” your father confirms.
“Why not also go a step further,” Hakyeon comments. “The dragons seem to be preparing from the upcoming annual storm week. Take their food source away, keep all the animals inside.”
The annual storm week happens twice a year. Once during the first half of the year, and once during the later half of the year. It is a period of time in which the weather acts up, raining, hailing, snowing, storming for days at a time without relenting. No one, not even the dragons, dare to venture too far outside while these storms rage on.
“Keep only those animals necessary for farming out, and only take those other animals needed out when using them,” your mother nods.
“That’s a grand idea,” your father agrees.
“We know they’ll be back, we just don’t know when,” Yoosung joins in on the conversation. “Cutting off their access to their sources would benefit the hunters, both dragon and regular alike.”
“It’s agreed then, extra watches, less open animals,” your father bangs his palm onto the table in finality. “The next step would be possibly invading their nest and flushing them out of the area for good.”
“We don’t have the supplies, nor the physical strength of numbers for that yet,” Lord Kim says.
“I’m still waiting to hear back from my close friend who lives across the sea,” your father tells you all. “He and his people do not have as many dealings with the dragons as they live further away on an island, but they know how to fight them just as well as we do. They will help in the invasion.”
“We should receive word from them in a day or so,” your mother adds.
“Alright, then it’s settled,” your father says. “Meeting adjourned until further notice.”
With a final bang of his palm against the table, the seven of you disperse, you bidding farewell to Hakyeon who has to check up on the new hunter trainees, with you heading out with your parents. Yoosung and his parents bid you a good evening and head off in the direction of their house which resides at the opposite end of the village as yours does. For this, you could not be happier.
“Thank you, for doing that,” your mother breaks the small silence between all of you. “Your father and I have discussed with each other some more about your situation after you stormed upstairs.”
“Oh?” This peaks your interest, eyebrow raising in curiosity.
“We know how much you don’t like the arranged marriage, but unfortunately there is nothing we can do about it,” your expression falls, “but, we won’t force the date on you anymore.”
“What?” You give them a confused look, entering your house once you make it up the entrance steps.
“We have discussed with Yoosung and his parents, and we have all agree to give him a chance to woo you,” your father informs you, closing the door behind him once inside. “Your first private meeting will be this coming Saturday. It’s Monday now, so that gives you about a week to prepare.”
“You still don’t get it, do you?” You mumble out, a defeated look on your face.
“What, sweetie?” Your mother blinks at you.
“I don’t want it to be him,” you sigh. “Literally, anyone but him.”
“It doesn’t matter. You, as my daughter, have obligations and duties to uphold whether you like them or not. This decision is final, and there is to be no more discussion on this matter.”
“You don’t even care how I feel in this, do you?” Your voice is low as you shake your head.
“Of course we do, that’s why we’re giving him a chance to win your heart,” your mother frowns, voice stern.
“My heart is not some prize to be won!” You shout, your eyes sharp as you stare your parents down.
“It is when you’re the daughter of a leader,” your father interjects.
“Why won’t you ever listen to me? This is not what I want!” You yell, your frustrations coming out the more you spend thinking about what they’ve done, or better yet, what they’ve failed to do.
“We have listened to you, that’s why we’re giving you two this opportunity,” your mother counters. 
“You’re mother is right,” your father frowns. “Now, I don’t want to hear another complaint out of you about this matter, and if I do, I’ll tell Yoosung the deal is off and we’re going back to the original plans of having the wedding as soon as you become of age.”
You don’t say anything in response. Instead, you shake your head at them, letting them see the disappointment and hurt in your eyes before storming upstairs to your room. Slamming the door behind you, you toss your weapons in the corner before flopping on your bed just like the previous night.
No matter how hard you try, you just can’t seem to convince your parents to call off the tradition no matter what. Why can’t they just listen to you for once?
Silent tears of frustration make their way down your face as you clutch your pillow to your chest. Looking out your window, you can see the sun starting to set over the mountains in the distance. You sigh.
Tomorrow will be a new day, and you’ll take it from there. You’re not getting married to Yoosung, even if it’s the last thing you do. No matter what your parents, his parents, or even he tries to do about it, there’s nothing that could change your mind.
Letting your gaze focus on the mountain in the distance, you sit up. Moving over to your window, you sit on the bench beside it. Resting your elbow on the ledge, you rest your head on your open palm.
As you continue to look out over the forest, your mind begins to wander back to the dragon. Is it doing okay? Did it survive? Is it still where you left it? Either way, you just hope it’s having better luck than you are at the moment.
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comments-on-kai · 6 years
[ Youtube ] Jongin’s viral Tempo fancam hits 1 Million views on YouTube as impressed Muggles/Nonfans continue to share opinions on EXO & Kai’s skills  and discuss his merits as a performer
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- this is seriously daebak...of course he dances very well but it feels like he truly understood this dance not just by his movements but it's like he's expressing his understanding of the choreo with his whole body, and they say you can't beat someone who enjoys what he does and he sincerely looks very happy and joyful.I had no idea how the 4 minutes (of watching the video) passed by I think I didn't take my eyes off it and watched it till the very end
- first off Kai has a really great physique...usually with people who are tall you can't help but get the feeling they're flailing around because they have to give more strength to compensate for the length but Kai knows very well how to use his body and he's very good at controlling his strength and he doesn't miss out on any parts especially the tips of his fingers and toes. His facial actings are of course great but the best things is how it's visible how happy he is on stage and how much he loves dancing
- It's the first time I got goosebumps while watching a Male Idol's fancamㅋㅋ  Seriously it's like he danced with his body and music becoming as one. I immediately felt why even from before people were always going on about EXO the moment I watched this video...his pride on his dance is really incredible
-  I watched this fancam a week ago and was hugely knocked over by it that I was cooerced into becoming an EXOL,, recently for the  first time since I was born I'm doing what they call "streaming". You're the first man to ever make me stream..GodKAI -->{Reply) Hello, I see you again here. So what is this "streaming"? I'm thinking of personally going to buy the album tomorrow. Recently I've been feeling like I'm reborn again.
- Previously all idol dancers don't really care about facial expressions and appeared on broadcasts showing off their footworks and poppings while dancing...but after Kai, if you look at recent idol dancers the trend has now changed and they are mindful of expressions and doing the dance like an art piece
- EXO members are good at dancing overall so it is not easy to stand out (among such members) but when watching the whole group fancam my gaze always goes towards Kai. Isn't it incredible how he could attract so much attention just by dancing? Truthfully I'm somehow who don't really hold any special opinion on dancing and I don't really feel anything when I see people who are good at dancing but when it comes to Kai's stage I watched with my mouth agapeㅋㅋ I don't have anything to say except to express my awe at his power of control over the stage and his expressions ...
- I hope Kai can come out as a Solo. The incredible thing about Kai is he has a hot physique being taller than 180cm but he's  also really good at dancing. There are many idols who dances well but they are filtered out here. With outstanding physical qualities yet so good at dancing that's a huge talent. Also he already has the talent but he's also very good at expressing it.Usually Idols shows off their talent by winking or making fatalistic expressions at the camera and those are usually done towards the camera or the usual audience or fans but Kai even with his face covered up by the hat he could still deliver his facial acting. He didn't do (the expressions) on purpose but because he's in a state of enjoying his dancing that made it possible.
- I'm from another fandom but this is worthy of acknowledgement. His physical, his technique, his dancing line, his power and even his sense,,,, there's Michael Jackson's tehniques and dancing lines as well as Rain's power and physique as well as his very own sense (in this)... seriously SM, if you listen to the MR-Removed, the vocals are so far above the level of what it's known to the public..even me myself, all this time I thought EXO is successful merely due to the fact that they were from a big agency and avoided them.. it's such a waste that people are not listening and watching just because they are idols from SM. From watching the videos recently I finally learned about it. Even when EXO has reached the top position all this while they never stay idle and individually keeps making effort and constantly practicing and it's so cool how their skills keep on improving.
- for real...I wondered how cool could he be (that people are talking about it) and watched it...seriously I can't close my mouth
- one of the reason I'm proud to be an EXO fan...we have Kai in our EXOㅜㅜ
-An all-rounder. He has very good strength, his lines are beautiful, he doesn't miss out on anything in his interpretation of the beat and has good actualization. He sinks down at the place that needs it, he has dynamics and there is no unnecessary movement. When he needs to move, he transfers all of his body in balance. It's easier to say but for people with with a lot of strength, it's actually harder to control it... He arranges his dance lines (when his body is) in a relaxed state and the strength needed to do this might be smaller but in a situation where you have a lot of strength, to rearrange and be in a standstill wouldn't it use up a lot of the muscle strength? It might look easy when you're watching but in no way is it easy to execute. (this is why when the dancing line is beautiful, you hear people say someone is good at dancing but is just dancing lightly. On the contrary, if you have a lot of power, it's not easy to achieve that beautiful dancing line. For example when rolling the hip in a wave but to cope with the powerful strength (of the dancer), the parts that shouldn't be moving would move as well or rebounded in reaction. Because when the body is tensed up, the body center that is supposed to be moving it's not being shifted and instead the strength went into the next move (T/n: and the dancing line doesn't look beautiful this way, which is opposite of Jongin's dancing; he has a lot of power yet his dancing line is still beautiful) The optimum of studio dancing. To have those line beautifully arranged and the dynamics so well interpreted, it had to have happened in front of a mirror, but because (he) makes it looks so easy it looks like he was simply born with it. But if you think about it, in the world of art and physical education there is nobody who doesn't make an effort. Everybody in this field works hard. The real talent is making it look like all those hard work and endeavours were something you're born with.
- EXO's choreography is not easy but even while Kai's moves are light and clean and fall into place perfectly he is also acting for his expressions .. how much did he practice to achieve that level of relaxed confidence I'm this close to revering himㄷㄷㄷ Just thinking about how he figured out the choreo and danced it to match the song Tempo makes me breathless but isn't the way he puts the expressions there also such a geniusㅠㅠ I want to see his appearance as a solo too...it would look so cool if he has some professional dancers behind him and come out with a big scale performance I think he could fill the stage even if he comes out alone
- wow seriously from the beginning I went "Heok" as I watchㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ so it wasnt just me who thought of Michael Jackson..wow seriously the goosebumps
- A group I already knew about. A member I knew could dance, I had no idea I would be knocked down by his dance like this; everyone says he's good at dancing so should I give it a watch? and I was caught unaware and was totally hooked! The dance is of course good but his facial expressions are seriously attractive. Perfect even to his outfit,
- Wowㅋㅋㅋㅋ Saw this by chance and now I've watched it for more than 20 timesㅋㅋㅋㅋ  just by looking at this stage the next person after Michael Jackson is Kai! I'm a 35 years old ahjussi but I think he's very cool ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ It's like watching Ronaldo and Messi's trippingㅋ he's really good!
- Even a man like me thinks Kai is sexy..
- Fvcking cool..wow that strong jaw and the movement of muscles and the confidence in his facial expressions, the physical beauty that's easily near to perfection. I received the sacred feeling that's similar to watching the scene of Angus Young's possessed guitar playing (T/n: Angus Young is the lead guitarist of legendary rock band AC/DC). This kid's expressing " I'm fvcking happy I could die" with his whole body on the stage. Hell I'm a man what the fvck am I doing analysing something like this.
- personally Call Me Baby is a song that I like and even in that music video his expressions were already something else..and when I saw the mv for this song what I felt was...that he danced like he has a metronome mounted in his body. He's good at dividing the beats and has great rhythm.. And he puts on his expressions on top of all that, seriously... and this friend looks happy when he's dancing...very cool!
- truthfully Kai's face isn't my style but when he's wearing the hat his angled jaw? is so attractive and I dont know if it's because he's so good at digesting the stage he looks so handsome...I gasped when he took of the hat
- to be honest when watching Kai's on stage it's not simply that he looks cool and danced well but he carries an artisan's spirit with his skills, expressiveness and control of strength and speed which are achieved through mastery, and everything is high-class, but there is something more to him that can't be explained. Because of this, even the people who watched him experienced a catharsis and will watch him opened mouth and in pure ecstasy. Truly nobody can imitate the aura of someone who sincerely loves, enjoy and gives his efforts for the stage. That's why I'm envious of Kai he's like a person who holds both talent and happiness. I hope he flies even higher because from the way I look at it Kai's potential is still endless
- I have no words for his dance and expressions they are the best and his defined muscles are so prettyㅜㅠㅠㅠ
- The 3000 comments are creating another piece of art
- this isn't just at the level of good at dancing, his very aura is somewhat already different
- I watched this by chance as it appeared on the main page and after that I've been watching it every day. The videos that I watch once every day recently are this video and Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody live in Montreal video. They both make my heart beat in a similar flow.
- I'm from another fandom...I've know from before that Kai is a good dancer but from watching the fancam this time around he's really amazingㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ he's sexy, great at dancing and he's really cool. It must feel great for Kai fans and EXO fans to stan him. Also I think that there might be people who have never watched this video but I bet nobody will ever watch it only once if they've seen it
- It's like he's doing a completely different dance and song on his own where are the limits of his skillsㅋㅋㅋ the Tempo stage is a place of practice for him to grow his skills of dancing and facial actingㅋㅋㅋ seriously Kai is hard to express with words I'm amazed everytime I see him
- does he have a separate choreography of his own the difference of level is felt
- he's singing with using his body
- so I watched this by chance cause this was the suggested video and now I can't escape from it ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
- everybody says Kai-nim's Tempo fancams are daebak so I'm going through the vids and every time I watch one I could only say "this is crazy" ㄷㄷ seriously daebakㄷㄷㄷㄷ daebakㄷㄷ wow....!
- so Kai...is this kind of person...his dancing and expressions are almost at a spritual stage
- I'm not even an exol whats with the addiction to this video?
- I'm a senior who just sat for CSAT exam a week ago...thank God i watched this after exam was over..this is.. EXO wow..so this is EXO..ah this is..
- this isn't Kai doing a dance it's actually the dance doing a Kai
- before he gets older let him release a Solo!
- an Idol who's fancam is worthy of watching...an Idol that makes me search for his fancams. personally I think he's the most attractive among idols and a character that will go for a long run. Even during the parts that aren't his he never lets go of the tension and was wholly participating at every moment..yes an Idol should be great at stages..I never get bored..especially Kai does every stage differently I keep looking for it
- what kind of drug is this video? i still want to watch no matter how much I've watched it...I'm not EXO fan but his dance and expressions are so sexyㅠㅠ I've no idea how many times I repeat watching thisㅜㅜㅜㅜ💛
- to be exact it's 20 days now since I've been reporting to duty here everyday...before I start my day at work I'll watch it and whenever there's free time I'll watch the video and check out the comments...it's become a habit now I feel empty if I don't watch it and no matter how much I watch it it's always refereshing and thrilling
- I'm not used to being a fan of entertainers but this is really Daebak..from the dancing lines to the expressions and his own individuality on top of that too
- I think I know why EXO fans stan them..
- Michael Jackson?
- look at his expression at 0:46 to match the screaming sound..ㄷㄷ.. for real Kai isn't just good at dancing he's totally great for the whole stage ...what would he have done if he wasn't a celebrity
- he's so good at dancing to the point I had goosebumps..
- he's like a professional dancer ㄷㄷ he's so very good at dancing
- Kai looks exactly like when the Beast from Beauty and the Beast turns into the Prince...fvck so sexy
- this is like a scene of a movie where a man who is in love with dancing goes on stage and enjoying the dance he felt the happiness to his heart's content.
- first off all Kai has a body that is different from the regular person it's like a body that was born to be dancing. of course he dances very well but his body is naturally a beautiful and impressive body
- I'm a man too but I think only one word will be enough..amazing
- For a group to do well, leadership is very important and within EXO the members who all have incredible talents are not just emphasizing their own selves individually instead they prioritize the team and perform their respective parts and it's very attractive and gives you a feeling of reliability. Kai who dreams of a solo since debuting does not rush (to do it) but instead shows a side of him determinedly  improving himself. The side of him who stood back and calmly ensure an internal stability first even with having a huge fandom is very fine. If he was all about imposing his own self forward I don't think it would be possible for this kind of teamwork for EXO and such results. This is why I'm looking forward even more to Kai's solo that will come out someday. Anybody who watches him can tell that he is a genius with a striking presence but the way he remains steadfast as he tacitly performs his share of responsibilities to the point of receiving the trust and respect of his members, there is no way you wont feel touched about it. For someone like this who actually have everything, if he fell into narcissism and arrogance and only thought of himself individually, it would've been hard for the team to do well. -->(Reply) Your words touched my heart...Kai...I will be supporting you~
- It's very surprising how even with the popularity of a top idol who has reached the peak with 7 years experience he is still a mysterious existence to the public and his image is not at all consumed and he is still giving us a lot to anticipate. With a strong fandom globally and now expanding his contact with the local market,the future of the 7-year idol singer Kai is something I'm very much looking forward to. I think he is a rare and a unique character. I'm supporting you!
- I who keep watching Kai-nim dancing for countless timesㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋseems like we are all in a tranceㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ( I'm just happy to find out others are just similar to me..)
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Not Just Lore - Chapter 1
Genre: Fantasy, Filler not fluffy not angsty, just kind of exists.
Word Count: 3107
Pairing: Reader x Jongdae | Reader x Minseok | Jongdae x Minseok | Reader x Jongdae and Minseok... you get the point
A/N:  So this took me about a million years to get through this chapter. Something about this series is hard for me to get the words right. But I’ll work hard to make it everything I have in my head. It’s a pretty interesting concept and I hope yall will ride through it with me.
As always my lovely best friend @exo-resistanceisfutile has been my second set of eyes. Review from her is good. SO hopefully yall like it to. A million thanks to her. 
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Prologue | Chapter 2
Random side note: Imma pick random gifs for each chapter.
Without Further Ado!
Your alarm went off. It wasn’t your normal alarm however. This was the alarm that rang around when you had to leave for work to make it on time. Why was it ringing now? Where was your first alarm? You sat up with a start. That meant that you had slept through all your other alarms. The alarm continued to ring. You quickly jumped out of bed, thanking yourself for laying out the day’s clothes last night. You didn’t really have time to do your hair or make up so you threw your hair into a high ponytail, slicking the sides back so that it looked clean and professional. You smoothed a little eyeliner on and put on some mascara. You would have preferred to have been able to put on foundation and concealer. But really you should have been out of the house 5 minutes ago, so this would have to do. You quickly brush your teeth, grabbed your bag, threw Allocen’s breakfast in his bowl and ran out the door completely forgetting any sort of breakfast and your lunch in the fridge.
Allocen POV
She didn’t eat this morning. And she didn’t grab her lunch. I hope she has time to stop and grab something before getting into the office, and that her meeting allows her to go out and grab lunch. Since the heightening of her powers she has never skipped meals. I can only hope her powers do not manifest in this brief interim. But I am not optimistic, she is too powerful.
Reader POV
The traffic was bad today, your regular parking spot had been taken and you realized you hadn’t eaten. Your stomach was rumbling. But you had roughly 10 minutes to get your presentation set up before your clients arrived. The rest of your team was already waiting for you in the conference room. They all looked at you as you barreled in, slightly out of breath.
“Sorry. I woke up late. It’s fine though. Every one ready?”
Heads moved in a uniform nodding motion around the table. You passed out copies of your presentation to each member of the team present and laid out copies for the team from the other company. You smoothed down your skirt and suit jacket as you moved to take the head of the table opting to remain standing until they arrived.
The 9 stakeholders would all be present at this meeting. It was nerve wracking and you weren’t entirely sure if the sick feeling in your stomach was from the nerves or not eating this morning. Hopefully the negotiations were going well enough that you would be able to go grab some lunch later.
A small knock on the door was followed by your assistant poking her head in. “They’re here. Are you ready?” You nodded, “Send them in.” The 9 men filed into the room taking their seats one by one. You recognized one of them as the man that gave you his seat last night. You flashed him a smile and a small nod. He gave you a slight nod back just before taking his seat.
“First and foremost I would like to thank you all for taking the time out of your day to come here and speak with me it is truly an honor to have you here. My name is y/n and I am the head of the merger team here. I’ll be leading the meeting today and if you have any questions or concerns at any point. Please let me know.” You looked around the room to make sure that they were all listening. You met the piercing brown eyes of a man with lips that curled enticingly at the edges. His lips were shaped like a bow and at the same time reminded you of a cat. His intriguing lips pulled into a smirk as you willed your eyes to continue around the room.
Once you had acknowledged each member around the room you found your eyes drawn back to the man with the cat-like mouth. In the glances you noticed the smirk still played at the edges of his mouth. You could feel your pulse quicken and your mouth become dry. There was something about him that unsettled you. You pushed it down and clicked the remote to turn the projector on.
You began to move through your presentation, giving an introduction to both companies and the necessity of the merger. As you passed the presentation on to one of your teammates and moved to sit down you tripped a little. You felt the world slow you could feel the eyes of the cat mouthed man and the man who had given you his seat on the bus yesterday on you. Nothing was moving, you were no longer falling, and you were able to look up to look into their eyes. The man who had given you his seat raised an eyebrow at you and the cat-mouthed man broke into a wide grin. They shared a look and in that moment the world reverted to real time and you crashed onto the table spilling a glass of water as you did.
Your teammates and the man sitting closest to you, Suho, the owner of all people, yelled and jumped back from the table as the water splashed into his lap.
Jongdae POV
Minseok said the she did not exhibit her demonic powers or sense him yesterday. And already twice today he has been proven wrong. I sensed her attraction to me, the connection. I know she felt it. Her lingering eyes, the glances. And only just now she has exhibited her power. Albeit she did not use it well and still fell she showed it. She must sense our presence, the heightened strength of her powers. The overwhelming urge to take form.
“Are you alright? Perhaps we should take a momentary break so that you can go clean up and we can clean up the table.”
I watched as she darted out of the room clearly fighting covering her face from embarrassment. Minseok took this moment to announce that he was going to use this break as an opportunity to use the restroom and grab a small snack. I stood up and followed him out muttering that it was a good idea and I was going to do the same.
Both of us bolted in the direction she had gone off to. We moved through the halls as if we knew where we were going. Neither of us had ever been to her office, but we could sense her and so we knew where to go. We arrived outside a door with her name on it. We looked at each other and Min stepped back so that I could knock on the door.
She didn’t answer, so I tested the handle to see if it was open. I peered in and her back was to the door. “Y/n? Are you alright?” She turned around to face me a small glass globe hovering above her palm. “Come in Jongdae, Minseok too. I know you’re outside the door.” I turned to look at Min, our names weren’t on the documents sent over, even if they had been, she used our demonic names, not our earthly names. We knew her powers would be stronger than ours, but we didn’t know the extent. Perhaps she had a telepathic ability. He stepped into the room closing the door behind him. They would figure it out later. Right now they had to get her calmed down and back in control enough to finish the meeting. Her coworkers couldn’t be any the wiser about her. It could draw too much attention to them.
“Y/n, have you eaten today?” She levitated the little globe in front of me the black glitter inside the globe swirled to form the word ‘no’ and then it floated back towards her. At the very least they knew she had telekinesis, and in the meeting room it seemed that she was showing time control rather than purely telekinetic powers. So there were at least two of her powers.
Minseok pulled out a small protein bar and offered it to her. “You need to eat this. You need to be in full control of your demonic form and fully in your human form for the rest of this meeting. We can meet with you later to discuss this more. But this meeting needs to go smoothly.”
Her eyes glinted. It was almost frightening. The flash of yellow before they returned to her natural color.
“I’ve already made the meeting a mess…” she trailed off.
“You haven’t. All of our associates are also demons and understand what is going on. However, none of your coworkers are. And you must appear normal to them when we return.” She took the bar from his hand, opened it and ate it quickly. The little glass crystal floated back to sit on her desk and she sat in her desk chair.
“Why are you two in my office?”
A look of shock was probably plastered on my face. I could see my own shock reflected in Minseok. He cleared his throat. “We were just checking on you to make sure you were alright, you ran out looking very upset.” I nodded quickly “We just wanted to make sure that you were alright to continue the meeting.”
She nodded, stood up, straightened her clothes and motioned for us all to move toward the door.
Does she really not remember? She looked at me like she didn’t know me at all. Her demonic energy has not diminished at all and yet it seems she no longer knows who we are. She would not know our names now. It seems we have much to tell the others.
The three of us proceeded back to the meeting room. Min and I kept sharing nervous glances. The rest of the meeting went without issue. Our six other demonic members of our team kept nervously shifting and fidgeting. They seemed uncomfortable in her presence. Perhaps her power was too strong for them. The meeting was concluded successfully. With the results that both companies had wanted. Her team was none the wiser and the six demonic members practically sprinted out of the room, happy to finally be away from her power. Lay slowly strolled out, the fallen angel had no fear of demons, no matter how powerful. The seven of them were probably off to eat. It was a long meeting and they could all feel their human forms slipping.
Min and I stood waiting. We needed to talk to her. But since she didn’t know who we are in her human form we decided that we would have to go through the effort of flirting with her. But at that moment she approached Min.
“I wanted to thank you for giving me your seat yesterday and checking on me today.” She moved a piece of hair that had escaped her ponytail behind her ear. It seemed she was flirting with him. Perhaps this would not be as much effort as we thought. She looked at me, “thank you for checking on me as well. That was very kind of both of you.” I smiled at her and gave her a small nod. “It really was no trouble. I don’t mean to be to forward, but, do you have dinner plans? Our office is on the other side of town so we aren’t sure where to go to eat and I thought you might know somewhere in the area? And of course, this is an invitation for you to join us if you would like.”
Color lit her cheeks as she drew her lip between her teeth, chewing it a little. “Actually, I don’t live very far from here and I usually bring lunch, so I’m not really sure about places around here either.” She laughed a little twinkling laugh that just drew me to her even more. “But, if you two would like, I will happily invite you over and I can cook for you. As thanks for making sure I was okay.”
I glanced at Minseok. He gave me a small nod. “I think I can speak for both of us when I say we will gladly accept.” He drawled to her. His voice nearly reaching a purr. She really was making this easy for us. “Shall we run by the store on our way there?” I spoke up. She nodded and then led us out of the office, toward the bus stop.
“Ah, y/n. We actually drove here today. We can take the car rather than the bus.” Min called to her. She shifted her weight back and forth a few times and she was chewing her cheek. Clearly the idea of getting into a car with two nearly perfect strangers made her a bit uneasy. She gave a small nod before slipping into the back seat. I closed the door behind her and let Min take the driver seat as I slid into the passenger side.
The journey was short and the trip to the grocery store even more so. It would seem she already knew what she wanted to cook and was merely missing a few things. We trailed behind her through the store. We probably looked like lost puppies, but with her display of power before, and her lack of knowledge after, well, it was probably best they not let her out of their sight.
Reader POV
What on earth am I doing. This could put the merger at risk. These are colleagues now. Just because they’re both way too hot to be human doesn’t mean you can flirt with them and feed them. You can’t date them you know. Oh my God you’re going to ruin everything. Okay y/n calm the fuck down. It’s one time. It’s a thank you gesture and it will never happen again. Great. Everything is great. Especially them.
The two of them carried the groceries up the stairs, only adding to your inner monologue of cursing yourself for inviting them over, because they’re perfect and you won’t be able to stop thinking about them for weeks.
It was moments past when you should be home, but as you slid the key into the door you could hear Allocen yowling that you were late and that he was clearly going to die of starvation for 5 minutes late.
Allocen POV
Her Conjoints. Oh! Her powers must have manifested. How did they find her? Have they bonded so quickly? Have they managed to lift her curse so suddenly? Such news! Such joy. Soon we will reign. The day is coming. The plan will soon be in motion. The strength of their three energies. It’s exhilarating!
Minseok POV
As the door opened the yowling of her familiar intensified. Its energy was strong mirrored to her own. Perhaps they would be able to gain some answers from him later. He intended to find out why she could not recognize them while in full human form. It didn’t make sense. The three of them were to form the strongest demon known in all of history. Her energy, her strength, her three known powers. Why did she not recognize them with all her power and strength.
As the three of them stepped inside the cat-creature wound its way between mine and Jongdae’s legs. A purr rippling through its body as it pressed itself into us. It knew who we were, clearly. And if she wasn’t confused before, she certainly looked it now. Her eyebrows were pulled together and her lips pressed into a line.
“That’s odd. Allocen doesn’t like anyone but me usually. He’s usually off in a corner hissing at them for ages.”
Allocen. How fitting. A demonic name. I wonder if she even knows. The head of a lion. Ha. It’s comical really.
I followed her into the kitchen, carefully setting the bags on the counter. I knew she hadn’t eaten much today and I wondered how long it would be until her powers and her demonic form manifested themselves again.
“Would you two like a little tour? The place isn’t fancy and not very big. But I’ll show you around if you like.”
“That sounds great!” Dae chimed before throwing a glance in my direction. It would seem he had the same idea as I did. Distract her from eating until we retrieve the demon form again.
She showed us around the small living room, a small couch and a TV, few decorations. There was a larger study. A desk with a computer adorned one corner and a large book shelf adorned a whole wall.
She looked a bit shy “I collect books. I love to read.”
“Me too,” I answered as I made my way toward the shelf. I was curious as to what she was reading. There were hundreds of books. Most of them however, were on demons and demonology. Stories of the fall from heaven. Accounts of the Great Battle. Many of these were considered great works of fiction in the human world. Those that knew however knew that these were memoirs from those that had survived. The stories were real.
“Big fan of demons I see…” I mused as I trailed my finger along the spines of the books.
“Uh, yeah… Kinda weird I know. But I just find it fascinating.”
“Not weird. Believe it or not I’ve read a lot of these as well.” And wept. Many great friends were lost in those battles. We had been waiting years for our Conjoint to finally manifest to complete our demonic form, we had lived many lives waiting. But the time had come. She would remember eventually.
Finding a title I recognized I grabbed it off the shelf. “Ah! This is one of my favorites. Do you mind if I pop down on the couch for a moment and just refresh myself on the whole thing really quick?” She shook her head gesturing back to the living room.
“I can start dinner while you do if you would like.”
“You can rest for a moment if you’d like. We won’t starve waiting an extra ten minutes.” Jongdae chuckled. She laughed as she plopped onto the couch next to me. Her familiar jumped in her lap and began yowling at her again.
“Allocen seems to think differently.” She laughed, her bright little laugh. She quickly got up and moved to feed the cat. Jongdae and I shared another look. Her powers should re-manifest soon. She only ate the granola bar…
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aeriverse · 6 years
[DAUM] The Unfair Controversy Regarding Depression... Baekhyun's Maturity that Embraces Anti's
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[DAUM] The Unfair Controversy Regarding Depression... Baekhyun's Maturity that Embraces Anti's​
Baekhyun from the group EXO has shown a mature side of him that embraces even "anti-fans" Intending to give healing to one fan at a fansign on the 30th, Baekhyun made a comment about depression, receiving attacks from a portion of his "anti-fans" as a result. One of his comments, "If I were to give my opinion, I don't understand why people get depression or insomnia. I'm not criticizing those things", was edited and spread without including any of the context surrounding the statement. This resulted in unfair reactions from those not knowing the circumstances the comment was made in. The netizen who first shared the comment with the online world has come forward protecting Baekhyun by saying, "Baekhyun was saying that he does not understand why people get depression or insomnia, there was no nuance indicating that he was looking down on depression or insomnia. He said, 'you should always be happy, it's no good if you are depressed' with a very sombre sad expression, with the nuance that I shouldn't give into or lose to these conditions easily. It is a comment that gave me strength and I received a lot of comfort while talking with Baekhyun, so I posted his comments to provide comfort to those who are similar to me. I don't know where the misunderstanding has started, I am upset and hurt by this." Even though something that originally shouldn't have been a controversy became one, Baekhyun has approached the incident with maturity. On the 2nd, he uploaded a post on his social media apologizing for the comment: "To be honest, recently I have a lot of fear and sensitivity about depression. But at that place, as that fan and I were sharing a lot of conversation I became so worried and suddenly I became scared. A fan that I wanted to give happiness to had come to this fansign that should be filled with joy and began sharing these stories with me, so I took it very seriously to heart. I had the thought that after the fansign is over and we separate I may never be able to speak with her again, so I think I was very hasty. I wanted to give her even just one more word of encouragement, and since she said she liked me I thought that I had the ability to give her lots of strength, and I felt that I had to say something quickly to her that day. After speaking with that fan, I was overcome with these thoughts until the end of the fansign". "That is why I told that fan as well as all the other fans at that place that if they are depressed or they have difficult times, EXO and other good people are by their side, in order to give them strength. While doing so, there was a part that I spoke of too lightly. I didn't have the ability to organize my thoughts and word them appropriately in such a short time, and spoke clumsily as a result. I regret choosing those comments, those words at that moment. I truly just wanted to give support and strength." "Even while writing this post, I am scared that I will make another mistake in my words. But I want to apologize from the bottom of my heart. I am sorry to that fan, and I wish to apologize to everyone who had been hurt by my words. From now on, I will be become a Baekhyun that speaks and acts with more caution." There is nothing that Baekhyun has done wrong to cause this "controversy". All he did was say words of encouragement in a sincere effort to comfort a fan, but it was twisted and in the end he had to apologize. However, in his apology he did not try to make excuses. Rather, he even repeated that he was sorry and vowed to act and speak with more caution in the future. Baekhyun, who is mature enough to embrace even his "antis", you did well and you are admirable. Post Response: [+13956] Top Comments: (t\n: this post is still getting lots of attention as so post up/downvotes are probably higher than here) "Baekhyun, you know my heart" [+5101][-62] "Baekhyun I'll always love you and support you" [+4941][-47] "I was comforted a lot by the words you said, I can't imagine how you must have felt writing that post.... I'll always support you, I love you" [+4798][-48] "Baekhyun is always warm" [+3264][-20] "I wonder where is the place that you can rely on (for support). Fans rely on EXO, and I am just one fan amongst the huge crowd of EXO-Ls, but to you who are standing in front of us, where can you go for support? 'When you are having a difficult time, hold tightly onto the hands of those eight people' is what I want to say, but the fact that there is only eight people makes me so sad" [+3032][-16] "To those who approached Baekhyun with condemnation and mockery instead of criticism, I hope that those things come back to you like a boomerang. Baekhyun I love you, you really are going through a rough time emotionally, from now on I hope that EXO and EXO-Ls only walk on a flowery path and are happy, saranghaja" [+2961][-18] "Baekhyun we know about your sincerity, instead I'm worried about the hurt that you've received. I love you Byun Baekhyun!!!! I'll always love you!!!!" [+2772][-14] "Of course we all know about Baekhyun's beautiful heart ~~ I'll always support you and protect you, I love you Baekhyun" [+2675][-14] "Baekhyun you are my universe" [+2565][-14] "Baekhyun please don't forget that I am always happy because of you, it's okay, it's okay, Baekhyun I'll always be your fan" [+2449][-12]
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dokyungsu · 6 years
Who are some of ur favorite people here and why?
i had this in drafts for so long bc i wanted to post it on valentines like di cheesy person that i am so this is kind of like my version of sending u guys a love letter of some sort,,, flowers n chocolates all that… bc i obviously can’t send u guys flowers n chocolates irl 😣😣😣 anyways aasdjhakdkjh this is gonna be long so ima put a read more right here ♥
@zyxgf​ aka jackieMISS JACKIE!?!?!? uhm i say this all di time but she’s my baby girl 🤢🤢 she’s given me nothing but love n affection and laffs for di whole time we’ve been mutuals,,, 💗💓💕💖💞💗💓💕💖💞 she’s so funni n a relateable kween. giffing kween. kween of being cute… superior xingmi n exo m stan wrow… i’m always excited to see if she’s tagged me in stuff (laysoo) or if she’s messaged me or has made posts abt me or has sent me asks…. like she’s rly one of di reasons i love being here :((((( she’s so cute ohhhh my god..  also she sends me death threats abt yixing pls dw jackie i won’t steal ur man… i’ll steal U from ur man.. 😣😣😣 i’ll make him lose his balance n sweep u away 👀👀👀 i also lowkey wished we talked but ajsdbkjashdkj 
@exoistheuniverse aka ali (formerly sooweetlies a god-tier url wow)ALI IS THE SOFTEST MUTUAL EVER !!!!!!!! AND ONE OF MY ALL TIME FAVORITE KSOO-LS :(((( everytime i think of her i think about cotton candy and clouds and penguins and ksoo :((( … she’s so talented have y’ALL SEEN HER EDITS??? AND GIFS?? AND HER CUTE KSOO ICONS !!!! when will i ever… her voice is also di cutest… she always sends me love asks and asdhkas honestly how can i ask for more when she gives me di Most… pls i have a lot of love in my hort for her i always wish her the best n hope that she’s always happy 😣😣😣
@pcys-l aka rimi (formerly loeysoul i mean its true loey is in her soul)RIMI di LOve of my LIFE!!!!!! the first ever mutual i talked to because we both cried abt bruise 🤕🤕 meme queen, is Nasty in her tags abt pcy 🚶‍♂️🚶‍♂️ THINKS I’M UNLOYAL WHEN I’M NOT but she makes me happy n holds a special place in my hort.. I LOVE RIMI SO MUCH SHE DESORVS DI WHOLE WORLD SHE’S SO FUNNI AND HAVE MADE ME LAFF COUNTLESS OF TIMES AND I’m happy i got to be mutuals w u :(((
@yiffxing aka gabbyPREDDIEST FURRY QUEEN !! YIXING’S SEKSI SHEEP BACK-UP DANCERS R SHAKING !!! even tho we’ve only started talking uhhhh she’s rly di sweetest person ik 🤕🤕🤕 is trash for ksoo but i’ll let her off bc i luv her :\ the person who’ll date will b di luckiest bc uhhh she’s a whole package… fun fact: i was intimidated by gabby at first bc she was too beautiful n i thought i couldn’t b friends w her but 😣😣 I SEND HER LOVE MSGS EVERY CHANCE I GET💗💗💗💗💗💗
@kiungsoo aka livLIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i haven’t seen her on my dash in a while bc she’s on q but i miss her :((( she a fellow twenty-four enthusiast so if u wanna slander miss twenty four u gotta go thru US !! 😤😤😤 she’s also another talented mutual :(( y’all seen her countdown bday posts for ksoo?? go check it out binch!!! go d i love liv 😩😩😩 i hope school and studying is going well for u i wish u all di best i love u 💗
@suhopps aka sunnie my SUNNIEshine (i’ve appointed u that nickname there’s lideralee no escape from it) we talked heaps before but everyone who’s… mutuals w me.. like basically everyone in this list knows i am The Worst at keeping convos 😰😰 but sunnie is so so so so sweet and soft and i love when i talk with you :((( we have so many things in common lmfao and she’s such a dramatic gay but i love it !! i always wish for your happiness and i believe that u can overcome any hardships you’re facing right now,,, i love u sunnie!!!! take care always 😙💘
@sophrosynes​ aka robertaI LOVE ROBERTA SO MUCH !!!!!!! I KNOW WE DON’T TALK BUT I HOPE U KNOW THAT I THINK ABT U AND HOPE THAT UR ALWAYS WELL :((( miss sophrosynes was my very first anon and honestly… she’s so thoughtful and considerate and nothing full of love and g od d dd she has a face to match her beautiful hort :(( thank u for sending me love always 💗💓💕💖💞 id die for u.. 
@kokobaekhyun aka jasmineY’ALL JASMINE’S A WILDT ONE Y’ALL SEEN HER TAGs??? when i thought no one can match rimi in being the Nastiest but.. ANYWAYS i love her either way 🤕🤕🤕 when she’s in soft mode it’s wholesome rly…. WE BONDED OVER MULLET!BBH BC IT’S GOD TIER AND WILL NEVER BE TOPPED anyways yea… love jas… she’s so funny n fun to talk to 😩💘 also if ur in a mood to talk about hard bbh she’S THE GIRL UR LOOKING FOR she’s always in the mood u won’t be disappointed KAJSHDjkas 
@my1ady aka arelyUHMMM NOT TO START BUT SHE’S MY BIGGEST FAN :(((((( WHEN SHE TAGS ME IN STUFF??? AND HER TAGS?? heart n*t :\ I LOVE HER SO MUCH THE LOVE SHE GIVES ME???? i don’t deserve… 😞😞😞 my anons asked abt her a lot lmfao idk why adkjahskj ONE OF MY FAVORITE XINGMIS HONESTLY!! HAS A GOD TIER URL WROW… my_lady_by_exo-m.mp3 amazing.. and uh loves my man so that’s a bonus… we share mans 🤕🤕🤕 love u arely.. 💗💗💗
@byunchen aka melqueen of making me want to d*e bc of soft n sweet bbh/exo imagines :(( also queen of making me want to KERMIT SUE OF SIDE BC OF THE NSFW BBH POSTS SHE MAKES I H*TE akjdhaskdjh SHE RLY BRINGS OUT THE BBH-L IN ME :\  ALSO MY FELLOW TRIPLE STAN??? VALID ! she’s full of nothing but love and AHHHHHHH I LOVE U MEL !!!!!!!! 💗💓💕💖💞
@exosvisual aka cindySHE ONE OF DI LOVELIEST XINGMIS IVE EVER MET PLEASE !!!! we cry about idol producer trainees together but mainly how hot and yixing distracting looks in all of di goddamn idol p episodes :\ I LOVE HER so much she’s rly so sweet and i’m rly glad i got to meet her :(( and also may i add that she’s… rly beautiful  😭😭😭 💗💓💕💖💞
@byunparks aka maddyMADDY WHO I BONDED WITH DURING THE 3 NIGHTS OF ELYXION !?!?!!?!!!! NEVER FUCKING FORGET !!!!! SHE WAS THE ONLY ONE I WAS TALKING AND UH we were both crying and truly losing our minds pls… i haven’t interacted with her much nowadays but she’s one of di best bbh-Ls i know n i love her… thank u for making me happy so i also wish for you happiness ily 🤧💖💖💖
@byunbread aka veraQUEEN VEWWA WHOMST I WUV SO MUCH :((((( not to b dramatic but she’s lideralee one of di best bbh blogs out there… (also random fact; she’s 179cm like… i’m so sorry baekhyun sweetie akshdakjsHDAAKJHDKJA) also uhhh queen of being di most beautiful ??? i’m not kidding :\ altho we’ve only interacted through posts and what not i rly love seeing her on my dash 🤧🤧🤧 i wish you di best for ur studies i wuv u vewwa 💕💕💕
@stanbaek aka ashleyASHLEY !!!!! A-SHE!!!-LY!!! uhm she’s is sososo sweet and her love for bbh is so so wholesome and beautiful and there’s A LOT of it :((( HER BBH BLOG CONTENT IS AMAZING AHH!!! we’ve talked a few times and she’s rly so sweet please.. 😞😞😞 honey i hope you know that you deserve to be happy 🤧🤧 i wish that you’ll always have strength when you experience days that are difficult to go through, i told u that i believe in u okay!!! i love you and i mean it 💞💞💞
@littlechefsoo aka courtneyONE OF MY FAVORTIE KSOO-LS AHH!!!!! i think courtney has been one of my oldest mutuals since i came on tumblr and she’s always been such a lovely person :(( her love for ksoo??? WHOLESOME…. i love it whenever she tags me in di tag games and even tho we’ve only interacted/talked a few times i love her 😣😣💗💗 also have y’all seen her ‘do it for him’ post and the pics were filled with suho’s tiddies from gayo daejun???? YEA MOOD. i love my fellow kyungmyeon-Ls 💖💖💖
@kyungsooslatinagf aka jossyJOSSY I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!??!?! i love reading her tags when she reblogs from me pls kashdkahs also another one of my all-time favorite ksoo-Ls ♥♥♥ she’s one of di few people who came to check up on me during… a hard time so thank you for that :(( a fellow shawol-L and honestly miss jossy is beautiful my gosh 😩💘 we’re both tauruses so i think we have a lot in common lmao i wanna b able to interact n talk w u more miss jossy ily 🤧🤧💖💖
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04loved · 6 years
To A Happy 2018
This isn’t a follow forever or mutual list, I just wanted to give a little personal shoutout to some of you who make tumblr a place i want to keep coming back to.
There are many more wonderful people I didn’t mention, but I hope in the coming year to step out of my comfort zone a little and try to talk to you all more, even if it is only over anon.  To everyone who has sent me an encouraging message or anon in recent days, I was truly touched and I thank you so much.  To all of my followers, i love you and you’re doing great and i hope you have a soft 2018 filled with love and good things!!
@bbhsavocado i feel like i learned so much about u pricilla that night of the bbh in panties talk aldkjsgljk how validating to see my kinks shared n sub bbh appreciated like that, but it was also awful n i hated it. i love all ur bisexual bbh-loving content n ur friendship with some mutuals is so adorable i hope u all find great gfs this year <3 i have no idea y i took so long to follow u bc ur everything i want in a blog
@bbhsthighs nicole, u want to be a person who gives happiness like the boy who inspired ur url, and u do, u really really do. ur hilarious and adorable in ur tags and ur interactions with ur other friends on here. i can tell how much you love them and how much they love you back <3 maybe some ppl first liked u for ur humor and light, but love means accepting u when ur hurting and when u dont feel like u can shine anymore. pls dont be afraid to share that side of you with those who deserve ur trust, bc thats what a true friendship is. pls treat urself with the same kindness u give to everyone else. asking for help isnt being selfish and it isnt letting anyone down. u do not have to shine for everyone else while being blind urself. following u has been a wild ride from the day i first found ur blog and ive enjoyed every day since. this year i hope the world becomes a bright and beautiful place for you.
@bobohu elaine, im not sure who you want following you since u changed ur blog...i think u left while i was taking a break from tumblr, but i found you again from a post about the kinds of love you feel for exo, i knew there was only one person who writes like that, so beautifully and so full of love. you were one of the first exo blogs i followed and you have always been someone who radiates good vibes and sunshine. i want u to know i appreciate every one of ur positivity posts, and even in your selfies, your smile, you look exactly how i would expect from the kind of cute content you have. i want to genuinely thank you for being a fan for so long and doing what u can to make others happy. i love seeing your posts and im very happy i found you again
@boxianb ive been following u for so long and like idk how u do it but u reblog every single baekhyun post i have on my blog without fail. always. u r just all baekhyun all the time and u know what i admire that i respect that so much that is dedication and i see u and appreciate that, its exactly what i want and need in my life, thank you !!
@byunchen mel, ive seen your posts lately and how you are lonely and missing friends on here, and ive been following you for like...two years now..and we don’t really talk, im shy and you say ur shy and bad at talking.... but here’s me saying that i see you and i appreciate the time you spend on here blogging and talking. im not really active enough anymore to promise to interact a lot but this year i will try to talk more and i wish you many adorable anons and people to call friends !! thank u for coming this far and being an important part of my dash
@exolgbt around when i first followed u i was questioning a lot if i was actually a lesbian and somehow ur blog just like...comforted me ? made me feel good ? helped me try to understand myself ? seeing someone so proudly a lesbian and also so in love with exo... ive come to terms with being bisexual but i admire you and really love your content and all the exo mlm appreciation !! ur doing good work <3
@imagine-baekhyun i dont know who is running this account but ur literally ruining my life thanks i hate it !!!!!!
@kjonginswife i have to admit ive wanted to talk to u for a while alkjgslkjg its nice to see someone my own age on here, i did see ur universe reaction and i think youre adorable haha i dont follow a lot of non-bbh stans and honestly i think i followed you at first by mistake but i have never regretted it !! idk how to put it into eloquent words but basically u give me such good friendly vibes and i love seeing your posts and your tags and your personality and just know someone on here really appreciates you and would miss you if u left
@kkaeb-my-song one of the holy first baekhyun blogs i followed <3 from the beginning you struck me as a very sweet person so cutely in love with baekhyun and that hasn’t changed, ive only come to appreciate you even more. you’re a constant on here and being in this fandom wouldn’t be the same without you !!
@mochibaeks I LOVE YOU i know youre not as active lately jelly but I LOVE YOU youre like the sweetest cutest squishiest most adorable person ive seen on this site i just...love...everything you say and make!! im p sure i first followed u bc u did like the bias audio challenge a while ago...u sounded so friendly and adorable, ur voice is very fitting for you haha you are so warm i hope you stick around for a long time because i love you soooo much
@rosybbh ive been following u sophia for a while and we’re mutuals but we havent talked a lot and im still honestly intimidated by you lol idk how u feel about this view but i see you as a very strong person, just the way u talk seems confident in some way to me, whether u feel like that or not. i dont really have the right words, but i admire that. i LOVE everything u say about bbh...all ur posts for bbh n about u n bbh...damn u always got me daydreaming about him too :( except ok there was this one pic of chanyeol and u said smth like ‘imagine him manspreading’ and id like u to know that that actually ruined my life and i havent forgotten it so thanks. for u especially i hope u have a very bright and healing year
@r-velvets vivian i know u have been gone recently but still lurk, and u have one of my fave blogs content wise and gifs and personality. u r still like THAT way too cool mutual i get so excited to see...especially bc you’re also so kind and during that really hard night after the news of Jonghyun, idk how or why but just those few words u said made me feel a lot better. i miss you online but i hope youre doing well in your real life and finding happiness
@sefuns i dont have a lot to say bc im really shy but u were the FIRST exo blog i ever followed and you have given nothing but great content since i found you two years ago, and when u followed me more recently i could not believe the notification aglksjgljk i have no idea how u found me but knowing we’re mutuals made me very happy and gave me a little blush and i just wanted to let u know that
@thundaelights fey, i dont think this will mean much to you coming from a stranger, but after following you for two years, i feel like i know you some, and i want to say that i hope this year you see many beautiful sights, and your heart feels light, and you are surrounded by things that give happiness. i hope something happens soon that makes the whole world look different, look brighter. its funny how life can change so fast and without warning. i wish you not just strength but also a safe place to fall apart and hope to put yourself back together. may you find countless reasons to smile
@wangeun we talked a lot for a while and then i just kind of disappeared i think as i often do rip but i still love following you and i just want to say real quick that i see you and i notice you and i would miss you if you left and i hope youre finding a lot of success in your life
to new mutuals @cuddlyjd @okaybaekhyun @baekhyuns i still get so shy and happy when anyone follows me back but thank you !! you are all three cute and adorable and funny n kenzie i hadnt followed a great jongdae stan in a while since the old dae-biased blogs i followed became inactive thank u for loving jongdae so well alkgjs
@sebyun @winterbyuns @etherealbbh @progamerbyun @dearbyun @baeksee @byunvoyage @solobaek @queenbyun @baekhyy @baehkhun @ethereal-baek i love all of u bbh stans giving baekhyun the love and adoration he deserves n giving me the positive baekhyun content my heart needs. esp solobaek (kiki, right?) u have the cutest most wonderful tags i love reading them all and seeing so many heart emojis
im sorry i dont have the most to say but im thinking of you all and wishing you the best!!!!
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neonlights92 · 6 years
MONSTER: Chapter: V
You live in a world dominated by monsters.  Monsters who make it their life’s work to control everything around them.  When you’re forced to marry Kim Taehyung - the indecipherable son of the leader of Bangtan, Seoul’s most feared gang - you are at first afraid of him.  But as you learn what it means to be Taehyung’s wife you find yourself inexplicably drawn to him.
WARNINGS: sex, implied violence, language.
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You were cold.
You opened your eyes to adjust to the damp, dark room you were in.  Your hands and feet were bound, and you had been placed rather unceremoniously on the floor.
Your head was aching and you were sure you could pass out from the pain.
“Boss.  She’s awake.”
You snapped your gaze over to the young man looming in the doorway.  He was dressed in black, and you were struggling to identify who he was.
The door cracked open and white light streamed through, casting the room with a dull sheen.  Another figure joined the one stood at the doorway.  He was taller than the man that had been keeping watch over you, and his shoulders were broader.
He came towards you and you felt your heart constrict in your chest.
“Mrs Kim,” He bent down when he was close enough, “What a pleasure.”
You recognised that voice.
It was the same man who had held a gun to your head at Taehyung’s father’s funeral.
“What do you want?” You asked, surprised you even had it in you to speak.
You were so tired.
“Let me begin by apologising for our rather…uncomfortable meeting,” He ignored your question, “My name is Xiumin.  I run a business very similar to your husband’s.  But I’m tired of being second best to Bangtan.”
You didn’t know much about gangs in Seoul, but you did know that Xiumin was the leader of Bangtan’s most aggressive enemy.  Exo hadn’t been around for as long as Bangtan had, but they had made their desire to become the best incredibly clear over the years.
“Did you murder Taehyung’s father?”
Xiumin smiled viciously, “Don’t worry sweetheart.  If you play nice, I’ll make sure you don’t meet the same fate.  It would be cruel to take out V’s father and his wife all in the same week.”  He scoffed, “And I’m not a monster.”
You blinked back the tears biting at the back of your throat.  Your refused to cry in front of him.
He was ruthless and you weren’t going to give him the satisfaction of seeing you scared.  You tried to calm your racing heartbeat.
You were still alive.
If they’d wanted to kill you, surely they would have done it already.  At least that’s what you hoped.
“What are you going to do with me?”
Xiumin grabbed your chin and you winced at the strength of his fingers on your skin, “I’m going to make V an offer he can’t refuse.”  He smirked sadistically, “Your life in exchange for his land.”
You knew that was the dispute that had been raging between the two gangs for almost twenty years now.  Exo claimed that Bangtan had set up shop on their turf, and there had been more than a little blood spilled over it.
“Gangnam belongs to Exo,” Xiumin’s nostrils flared in anger, “It always has.  I’m merely taking back what is ours.”  With that he released your face and you tried not to flinch at the lingering pain.
You were sure his touch had bruised you.
“What if he doesn’t cooperate?” The question frightened you.  You didn’t know what Taehyung would do.  Were you worth giving up that land?
Were you worth anything to him at all?
Perhaps this would be the perfect opportunity for him to get rid of you without having to do it himself.  The thought brought fresh tears to your eyes.
Xiumin gave you a dark look, “You’d better pray that he does cooperate darling.  Or things will get very messy, very quickly.”
The words felt like ice as Xiumin stood up and stalked over to the doorway, “Make sure she eats something when I send some food your way.  We wouldn’t want her to starve before her husband has the chance to see her.”  He gave the order to his soldier, and disappeared outside.
You shivered against the cold floor.
Xiumin’s words had frozen you down to the tips of your toes.
If Taehyung didn’t want to negotiate, that was it.  Your life was in the hands of a heartless killer who seemed to want nothing more than to rip Bangtan to pieces from the inside out.
The soldier at the door was still covered by darkness.
“I need a drink,” You told him.  
Your mouth felt like sandpaper.
He grunted, “You’ll drink when the boss wants you to drink.” A rush of anger filled you.
“You know V isn’t the forgiving type,” You told him seriously, “He’s going to massacre every single one of you.  There won’t be any negotiations.  You’ll all be dead.”
You spat the words venomously, hoping against all hope that somewhere in the depths of his heart Taehyung would find it in him to come to your rescue, no matter the odds.
The soldier said nothing, and you closed your eyes, giving way to the tiredness that was building inside of you.
Soon, you fell asleep.
You woke up to someone practically force feeding you.
It was the soldier who had been keeping watch over you.
“Come on.  The boss wants you to eat,” He didn’t seem cruel, “Sit up so I can feed you.”
You shook your head, “I’m not hungry.”
“You need your strength.”
“I said I’m not hungry.” You repeated the words and turned your face away from the mush he was attempting to push into your mouth.
After a moment’s hesitation, he set the plate down to one side and offered you a glass of water, “You said you were thirsty.”
You nodded, and accepted the water readily.  How long had it been since you’d been captured? An hour? A day? A week?
You weren’t sure.
“When is Xiumin going to make arrangements with Taehyung?”
“I don’t know.  I take orders, I don’t ask questions.”
You rolled your eyes and looked away from him.  It didn’t matter anyway.
You knew how this was going to end.
And it was going to end badly.  
You were sure Taehyung would never sacrifice Gangnam to keep you safe.  Your husband was, above all, a businessman and the risk wasn’t worth the reward.
Your chest tightened, “I’m cold,” You told him almost angrily.
The soldier grunted, “I’ll ask the boss if I can bring you a blanket.”
“I hope your husband does cooperate,” His eyes roved your face carefully, “For your sake.  Xiumin is not a merciful man.”
You turned away from him without saying anything.
There was a beat of silence before the soldier stood, and made his way back to his position by the door.
Later on that night he brought you a blanket, and in return you ate the cold food he had tried to feed you.
Then, you slept.
You woke to the sound of a loud crash.
You sat up, struggling against your restraints.
The soldier at the door snapped to attention. He tightened his grip on his gun.
“What was that?” You asked desperately, fear gripping you.
He opened his mouth - to give you an answer or tell you to shut up you weren’t sure - When the door swung open.
He fell back from the force.
You blinked at the light streaming in, your heart pounding against your chest. Were you going to die?
A figure appeared in the doorway and instantly your body relaxed.
“Y/N?” He ran towards you, his hands coming to cup your cheeks, “Are you okay? Are you hurt?”
You shook your head, giving way to the tears that had been scratching at the back of your throat.
You felt guilty.
How had you ever thought that Taehyung - the man you had fallen in love with - would ever leave you at the mercy of his enemy?  The tears dripped down your chin, and your husband wiped them away.
“It’s okay,” He whispered, “I’ve got you here.  I’m here.”
You nodded, because you were sure you couldn’t speak, and watched as two other men entered the room.  Hoseok and Jungkook had their guns cocked, and the younger spared you a terse smile.
“V, we have to get her out of here now.  I’m not sure how much longer we’ve got.”
Taehyung didn’t answer, instead bringing out a knife and using it to cut your restraints.  He pulled you up.
“Lean against me if you need to,” He told you, “We’ve got to leave.”
You followed him as he led you outside, and your eyes adjusted to the dull light.  Jungkook and Hoseok had kicked open the front door of the warehouse you’d been inside.  When you stepped outside, you realised you’d been by the sea.
“Jimin’s got the car round the back,” Hoseok said, grabbing you by the shoulders and helping to move you along, “Come on we’ve got to get out of here before they realise what’s happened.”
There was a white van waiting for you, it’s engine still running.  Jimin smiled as Jungkook pulled open the double doors at the back and helped you climb inside. Yoongi sat in the passenger seat at the front.
“Come on, Y/N,” Taehyung sat you down with your back leaning against the wall of the car, “Do you need some food or something to drink?” Hoseok slammed the back door shut and told Jimin to step on it.
You shook your head and leaned yourself against your husband’s warm body.  You didn’t care what he thought about the display of affection; you were tired and cold, and you’d missed him so much.
You closed your eyes and Taehyung brought an arm around your shoulders, tightening his grip and dropping a kiss on the top of your head.  Your heart turned at the gesture, but you were too tired to do anything.
Instead you hummed quietly, happy that you were finally safe.
“Sleep, Y/N.”
His words helped you relax even further, and soon you were drifting off, dreaming of Taehyung’s smile and the way he held you.
You woke up in your bedroom at home.
You were alone.
Soft sunlight was streaming in through the partly open blinds.  It must have been some time in the morning.
You tried to sit up and winced.  You might not have been directly injured, but your body was in pain from the extended hours spent on the cold, damp floor.
The door to the bedroom opened and your husband stood in front of you.
“You’re awake,” He said, walking quickly towards you and setting down the tray of food he was carrying.
You cocked your head to one side, “Is that for me?”
The question threw him off, “What?”
“The food,” You clarified, “Were you bringing that in for me?”
“Oh.”  His eyes softened, “Yes.  I thought you might be hungry.”
Your eyes widened and you blinked at him, confused.
He bit his bottom lip, “Why… what?”
“Why did you bring it in for me?  Why didn’t you ask Mi Na to do it for you?”
You weren’t trying to give him a hard time.  But you couldn’t understand his actions.
“Because you deserve it.” He sat at the edge of the bed, “Because I am an asshole who certainly does not deserve you.  And because… I want to be the kind of husband who does things like this.”
You were sure your mouth couldn’t open any further.  You stared at him in shock.
“What are you talking about?”
Taehyung ran a hand through his hair, “When Xiumin took you away from me, I realised what a complete moron I’ve been.  Pushing you away because somehow I thought it was easier for the both of us.  I don’t want you us to fight like that again.  I don’t want you to have to doubt my feelings for you, when you seem so sure about what you feel for me.  Y/N, love is a risk in our world, but it’s a risk I’m willing to take.”
His words felt like fresh water, washing away all your insecurities.
You watched him carefully, heart pounding against your ears.  Were you dreaming?  Was this real?
Your bottom lip trembled, “Do you mean it?”
He groaned loudly, leaning forward and taking your face in his hands, “Of course I mean it.”  He rolled his eyes almost playfully, “I think for the first time in my life, I understand what it means to want to take care of someone.  I never want to see you hurt again, Y/N.  I want to protect you for the rest of our lives.”
And then, you were crying.
Heart wrenching sobs that racked your entire body.
Taehyung pulled you towards him, and you realised that this was the first time your husband was hugging you.  He ran a hand through your hair, kissing your brow and wiping away your tears.
“Please don’t cry anymore,” He whispered, “I can’t take it when I make you cry.”
“These are happy tears,” You told him, “I promise.”
And then he kissed you.  
His lips pressed to yours softly and as always, you yielded under his power.
The kiss was charged with nothing but the need to express to each other how deep your feelings ran.  You grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him closer towards you, needing more.
He pulled away and smirked, “Y/N, I’m trying to be gentle.”
“I don’t want you to be gentle,” You told him earnestly, “Do you know how long I’ve been waiting for you to say that to me?  I want you to make love to me.  Now.”
You surprised yourself with your boldness, and your husband arched an eyebrow at you.
“Your wish is my command, darling.”  He smiled darkly at you, and you leaned back, allowing him to trap you with his body, “I missed you,” His words were laced with honesty, and you felt your heart wilt, “I thought I was going to go crazy without you.  I swear to God, when I saw Xiumin with hands around you at my father’s funeral, I wanted to kill him.”
“Shh,” You pressed one of your hands to his mouth, “Let’s not think about that right now.  I want to have sex with you.”
Your cheeks flushed at your words, but at that moment you didn’t care all too much.
The way Taehyung was looking down at you, like you were the only woman in the world, was driving you crazy.  
“Kiss me,” You told him softly, and he complied.
His mouth tasted as sweet as it always did, and you arched your body against his.  This was where you were meant to be.  You understood now the complexities of the man kissing you.
Taehyung wasn’t just one shade.  He was complicated and dangerous, and even a little intimidating.  But all those things didn’t matter to you, because when he kissed you, he put everything he had into it.
He kissed you like he was never going to see you again.
He kissed you like you were the most important thing in his life.
He kissed you like he loved you.
When he pulled away and trailed his lips down the column of your throat, you moaned.  He paused for a moment, smirking against your skin, “Are you getting excited, Y/N?”
You knew you should be embarrassed by your behaviour, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care.
“Please Taehyung.”  He knew what you were asking, and soon he had travelled down the length of your body, removing the thin nightgown you were wearing and settling between your thighs.
He kissed the space between your legs, “I love the taste of you,” He growled, causing shivers to run up your spine.
When he slipped a finger inside you, you gasped, pressing your back against the mattress.
Taehyung had known exactly how to please you from the moment the two of you had spent the night together, and now that he had confirmed his feelings for you, everything just felt a hundred times better.
He ran a hand along your thigh, kissing his way back up to your lips.
You hadn’t come undone from his ministrations, and you whined into his mouth.
“Patience,” He laughed gently, “I want to make this last.”
He took a nipple in his mouth and suckled on the rosy bud, pulling away from it with a pop.  When he looked up at you, your heart turned over in your chest.
He looked so beautiful.
His beamed at you, his boxy smile stealing the breath right out of your lungs.  His hair was pointing in every which way, and his eyes were roving your face carefully.
And he was all yours.
You grabbed his face and tugged him towards you, kissing him gently when his lips neared your own.
“I love you,” You breathed, when he pulled away.
His eyes, which had been closed during your kiss, opened slowly and he watched you carefully.  He didn’t seem angry at your words, or even surprised.  He just seemed to be considering what you said.
He sighed, “I know.”
You held your breath.  Was he going to say it back?
“I love you too,” He answered, pressing a hand against your cheek, “Against all odds, against all fucking reason, I love you Y/N.”
Your heart felt like it was going to explode right out of your chest.  
“Please make love to me,” You whimpered, ���I’ve wanted it for so long.”
He nodded, eyes locked on yours intensely as he slid inside you.  You felt complete.
This was exactly where you were always supposed to be.
Taehyung was your home.
“You’re beautiful,” He told you as he thrust inside of you, dropping kisses along your collarbone and shoulders, “You’re beautiful and you’re all mine.  I’m sorry about what I said the other day I was stupid.  I never tried to manipulate you Y/N.  God you’re the only person I can really be myself around.”  
You felt tears rush to your eyes at his apology.
“It’s alright, Taehyung.”
“No it’s not,” He pressed his nose into the column of your throat, “I’m never going to deserve you.”
His arms wrapped around you, pulling you tighter towards you as you both reached your highs.  He slipped a hand in between your bodies, playing with your sensitive bud and causing your body to jerk in ways you never thought possible.
And then you came undone, spasming around him and holding onto his back tightly.  He kissed you roughly, whispering words of affection as his own climax came.
There was a moment of silence, where Taehyung buried his nose into your neck, and you both paused.  Then he rolled off you before pulling you towards him.
“That was amazing,” You told him honestly.
He smirked and tugged his eyebrows up, “I know.” You slapped his arm playfully, and he kissed your temple, “I know it was.”  This time his tone held a shade of warmth you’d never heard before, “Thank you.”
You didn’t know what he was thanking you for, but nonetheless you smiled, pulling his face towards yours, and kissing him softly.
“I love you,” You whispered, and he smiled back at you.
“I love you too.”
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fychen · 7 years
【TRANS】 EXO’rDIUM[dot] Live Album – Chen Q&A
Please say something in regards to safely finishing EXO PLANET #3 - The EXO’rDIUM[dot]. I’m happy that we could finish the concert without any EXO members or EXO-L’s getting hurt. This was also true for EXO PLANET #2 - The EXO’luXion[dot], but whenever we finish a tour’s encore concert, it feels like “we’ve finally come home.” We start our concert tour in Seoul, and tour around the world for one year. As we perform dozens of times, we develop skill and expertise, and the greed of “wanting to quickly show the fans in Korea” forms. Although it might not be fresh to watch the encore concert in the same format as a past concert, it’s a concert to see how much EXO has grown, so there is more meaning. EXO PLANET #3 - The EXO’rDIUM[dot] was held at Jamsil Olympic Stadium. Jamsil Olympic Stadium is a large concert venue, so the stage was bigger than usual. It seems that you’d feel alone onstage since there’s so many audience seats to face, how was it? I have never felt that I was alone. The members are always beside me, and I go onstage thinking about how EXO-L is always behind EXO. The only thing was that since Jamsil Olympic Stadium is such a large space, I did use more strength while singing. I stick to something like a principle when I sing at a venue - whether it is a gymnasium, Jamsil Olympic Stadium, or a dome, to fill that venue with my voice. It must’ve been hard this time, since Jamsil Olympic Stadium is so big. Jamsil Olympic Stadium is big as a venue, but the fact that it was an outdoor venue made it more difficult to sing. It’s difficult to keep the sound inside the venue. In indoor venues, since the sound of the fans’ cheering stays inside the venue, even small reactions can be heard loudly, but in outdoor venues, reactions all blow away. So I worked harder in order to let my voice be heard more loudly, and in order to draw out the fans’ cheering more. Starting from the opening stage ‘Wolf’ through ‘Drop That’, you show amazing stages with high notes, and it seems that the catharsis must be extraordinary. How is it? I almost died! Haha. Catharsis? It’s definitely there. I think the opening stage is half of the concert. So I care a lot about the opening, and I get a lot of satisfaction when I sing high parts without mistakes. It’s definitely physically hard. It’s not easy to sing high notes from the beginning of the concert. The stage becomes a spotlight for your vocals when you sing high parts. Do you think that about yourself? Yes, sometimes I do think that way. I’m thankful that Director Shim Jaewon gave me a place to show myself to the fans through high notes in the opening and the EDM section. In this concert, the chemistry formed between you and Baekhyun when singing ‘Wolf’ was impressive. How is your vocal chemistry with Baekhyun? There’s a lot of times when I follow Baekhyun when singing together. Since Baekhyun carries a lot of emotion in his voice, when I sing after listening to Baekhyun singing, I become more absorbed into the song. How is your vocal chemistry with vocalist members Suho and D.O? Since Suho’s voice and mine have a lot of similar sides, such as in vocal tone and pronunciation, our chemistry matches well. So we give and take opinions about our singing methods. D.O’s voice is very pop-like [T/N: pop genre]. In one word, it’s sophisticated. Like his personality, D.O sings cleanly, neither overflowing nor lacking emotion. So I tend to follow D.O when singing with him. What do you think your strong point as a vocalist is? I really don’t know. I have a higher register, but I haven’t been able to find my personality as a vocalist yet. So it was difficult for a while. There were a lot of attempts to try to prepare a more diverse capability as a vocalist. While doing so, it became more difficult to know what my strong point as a vocalist is. If I had to point one thing out, my voice is strong, and I sing high notes refreshingly. So I try not to make my voice very ornate. When I don’t need technique, I tend to sing as [what my voice produces]. I think my voice fits rhythmical songs better than ballads. And I can’t leave out rock songs. I’m someone who lives with rock music in his heart. Haha. But there’s a lot of fans who are waiting for your dance break. Should they anticipate your dance break in the next concert? I don’t have the greed for a dance performance. I want to focus more on vocals than dance. I still have a lot of stages I want to show as a vocalist. Please give a hint for a vocal stage you’ve been thinking about. I want to make a collaboration stage as a vocalist. My vocal style can accept a lot of different vocal influences from whoever I sing with, so I think a collaboration would be fun. I have a lot of hope that I’ll be able to reveal a new side of myself. If you were to do a vocal collaboration with someone for the next concert, who would you want it to be? I want to do an R&B song with Kai. I think Kai’s voice fits the groove of the R&B genre more than ballads. EXO showed a new acoustic stage at EXO PLANET #3 - The EXO’rDIUM[dot]. As a vocalist, you must’ve really welcomed an acoustic stage. How was it? I had a lot of fun as a vocalist, since it was a stage we were able to shape as we wanted. But this acoustic stage was fresh because it featured Sehun and Kai singing, and Chanyeol playing the guitar, rather than the existing vocalist members. The fans felt more moved when Sehun sang one more line than when I sang well. It was that way in reality, too. Maybe it was because he gained more interest while practicing for the acoustic stage, but Sehun said, “I want to sing a little more” during the encore performance. I advised Sehun, “You’re doing well, so don’t be scared.” Kai sings well too. Kai listens to more music than I do, and his sense of rhythm from dancing crosses over to singing, too. During the introduction of ‘Thunder’, you played around with D.O’s cheek. Was that planned? Of course not. D.O is brusque, so I played around with him. Haha. Since I wanted to express a more entertaining stage. He was flustered at first, but then accepted my teasing. That’s the fun of concerts. Sometimes showing a playful side outside of appearing cool on camera, isn’t that the charm of concerts? Is D.O brusque off-camera, too? Yes. D.O is consistently brusque on and offstage. But D.O sometimes jokes around once in a while. He’s funnier than anyone else when he does. During the concert, you said, “I receive strength when I hear the fans cheering. Your voices are the warmest and really lovable.” Do you really receive a warm feeling? Of course. People who haven’t stood onstage probably won’t know this. That cheering pushes one’s condition to the top, and charges the energy. For artists who have stood onstage at a concert, probably nothing is more important than the fans’ cheering. We did EXO PLANET #3 - The EXO’rDIUM 6 times at the Olympics Gymnastics Arena. The thing that gave us the most strength then was the huge cheers of the audience members. Did you ever tear up during EXO PLANET #3 - The EXO’rDIUM[dot]? Not this time. I was just happy and having fun. I think that that has the meaning of EXO and EXO-L becoming closer and more friendly. It was really fun to show EXO’s growth through this concert. Which stage of EXO PLANET #3 - The EXO’rDIUM[dot] did you like the most? Personally, I liked singing ‘For Life’ the most. It feels special to me when EXO and the audience members sing together for the ending of every concert. EXO and EXO-L all enjoy the ending stage together. That moment is really touching to me. You greeted the staff members at the end of the concert, but please say any words of thanks you have ever wanted to say to the staff members through this opportunity. I think there is a huge difference between what I know and what I see. We have done a lot of concerts, but there were things we overlooked while preparing for EXO PLANET #3 - The EXO’rDIUM[dot]. We went to rehearse at Jamsil Olympic Stadium the day before EXO PLANET #3 - The EXO’rDIUM[dot]. There were a lot of people making the rows of seats inside the venue, and I felt again, “It’s because of all these people’s hard work behind us that we’re able to make one concert” while watching the staff move heavy things. So my gratitude towards the staff has become much bigger than before. As much applause as EXO receives onstage, I want to applaud the staff with a truly thankful heart. I am always thankful. trans: @gudechena ϟ please take out with full credit!
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shutupkimjongdae · 7 years
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[TRANS/MAGAZINE] Jelly Magazine - EXO-CBX for July Issue 2017 To view as HQ scans, click here and zoom in!
source: x translator: fai please take out our translations with full credit only!
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EXO-CBX ARRIVES AT JELLY!! Korea’s popular idol group EXO’s first unit, EXO-CBX has come to JELLY to celebrate their Japanese debut! The members look cool in their solo shots, but when they’re complete as 3, the atmosphere become exciting (laughs). Bringing you plenty of EXO-CBX’s natural selves across 10 pages ♡ EXO-CBX PROFILE The first subunit of the 2012 debuted Korean idol group EXO, with Chen, Baekhyun and Xiumin. Debuted in Korea in 2016 with first mini album 「Hey Mama!」. Getting close to everyone around the world with their pop and colourful sounds. WHAT DO YOU THINK OF EACH OTHER!? Understanding the three's relationship! Since this is their first appearance, let's have them talk about their characters. No holding back! Q. Between the three of you, which member is the most reliable? B & C: Our eldest, Xiumin! X: I’ll say me too (laughs). B: Xiumin knows a lot of delicious shops so our menu is always decided smoothly, and he always go last to choose what he will eat (t/n: letting JD and BH choose first). Q. Between the three of you, who do you think is the coolest and manliest? X: I think it’s me. C: I think it’s me! B: No no, it’s me! ALL: Hahahaha (laughs). B: I’m cool when I’m playing games! C: Xiumin’s firmness when making decisions is manly. X: That’s right! B: And Xiumin carefully plans on his own, and he acts on (his plans), so I think that’s very manly and adult-like. Chen also can do a lot of things on his own, so that is manly and cool. C: Well, I like doing things on my own than having someone doing it for me. X: Chen has the drive to challenge everything! Q. 「Actually… I think this side about this member is cute!」 Please tell us your thoughts! B: Xiumin keeps a cat, and he’s very smitten with his cat! I don’t know if Xiumin is keeping the cat or if the cat is keeping Xiumin (laughs). Since he has started raising his cat, he has never gone out of the house, and I think the fact that he spends his whole day tending to his cat is very cute. X: For me, it’s when Baekhyun uses casual speech with me. (When he does this) He says 「Yah!」 and drops honorifics, but I think that’s cute (laughs). B: Of course, those are expressions of closeness! X: Chen has one too! Chen’s butt is really cute (laughs). When he steps out of the shower, it makes me want to hit (his butt) (laughs). His butt is round and perky. B & C: (roaring laughter) X: Sometimes, I touch it (laughs). B: His butt is round like an apple. X & B: (looks at Chen) C: Waaaee~e (laughs)! B: Please show us a bit (laughs). C: No, no (embarrassed laugh), but even I think my butt is my charm (laughs)! Q: Between the three of you, which member cries the easiest? B: I don’t think the three of us cry that easily. C: Even in EXO, the three of us are the hardest to cry, but the one who has shown the most tears since debut is definitely Baekhyun. He cried during the award show (t/n: 2016 Melon Music Awards). B: Also, I cried when I watched D.O.’s movie 『My Annoying Brother』, so I thought of sending D.O. a selfie of me crying (laughs). Q. Please say a few things about each other’s personality! C: Xiumin is the eldest, even in EXO, so he’s 「A VERY RELIABLE PRESENCE」. X: Baekhyun is 「A HAPPY VIRUS」 that makes everyone around him have fun. He picks up skills very easily, and he’s good at everything except for sports (laughs). B: Hahahaha (laughs). But I can snowboard, and I can play billiards! C: But you cannot even run. When he runs, his form is weird and very clumsy (laughs). B: I had a running scene for a photoshoot before, and Xiumin and Chen said to me, 「You’ve never ran before in your entire life, have you?」 and I was found out (laughs). X & C: (roaring laughter) X: But he’s good at games, singing, and even impressions. If Baekhyun is there, it becomes really fun, so he’s a presence that EXO cannot be without. C: I think that EXO would probably be a boring group if Baekhyun wasn’t here. B: Yes, yes, I agree (laughs). Okay, so I will introduce Chen. Chen is 「A PERSON WHO IS VERY GOOD AT SINGING AND CAN SING HIGH NOTES EFFORTLESSLY」 「His butt is firm and cute ♡」, personality-wise, he is very 「gentle and passionate」. I cannot express him with just a few words (laughs)! Even when he laughs, he gives off a warm feeling like a father looking at his son or his daughter, so I think he will be a good father in the future. Also, no matter what clothes he’s wearing, he wears it stylishly with his own personality. X & C: Woo~w! (claps) C: I’m so happy! Q. 「I want this member to fix this!」 Please expose your thoughts on the members! X: Me! It’s about Baekhyun! B: I knew it was about me… (laughs) X: I want Baekhyun to wake up earlier. B: I usually get ready 15 minutes before we have to go. However, I take 20 minutes to get ready. X: So everyone has to wait for him for 5 minutes (laughs). It’s not that he cannot wake up, it’s that he doesn’t wake up. C: He says ‘I will wake up!’ with determination, but he doesn’t wake up (laughs). B: Okay, then I have something to say too! Actually, these two are very bad at billiards. But recently, they’ve been getting better and better so I DON’T WANT THEM TO GET ANY BETTER AFTERWARDS!! X & C: Oooooh (laughs)! C: I don’t have anything in particular. I’ve gotten used to the members now. X: So kind~ ♪ C: But really, the thing about Xiumin’s billiard ability getting stronger and stronger is true. X: (pointing at Chen) I WILL BEAT YOU! C: No, I think I’m better (laughs)! Q. Between the three of you, which member do you think has the most gag sense? X & C: BAEKHYUN! B: Yeah, it’s me (laughs). C: Xiumin worked very hard and now, he became funnier, but I feel like he doesn’t match my sense of humor. X & B: Ahahaha (laughs). B: Sometimes, the things I think of are really funny, even I go 「Wow~ How can I think up of such funny things」 and admire myself (laughs). I’m surprised at my (funny) sense. I must have been born with it~ ♪ C: Ahahaha (laughs). X: But (Baekhyun’s sense) has one downside, if Baekhyun talks too recklessly, then I’ll hold the back of his neck and stop him (laughs). ALL: (roaring laughter) SOLO INTERVIEW Q. Not as EXO, but as EXO-CBX, what kind of charms do you want to show? C: From the start, EXO-CBX is a unit that was created with the concept of being “easily enjoyable”. I think EXO has a cool, mysterious image but as EXO-CBX, we want to have that relatable, familiar presence of your regular boy-next-door or your older brothers, so I hope we can become closer! B: I think we have more relatability than EXO. Towards our fans and also to the people who only knew of us, I hope they can get the feeling of being friends with us. X: As EXO, (the image that) we show puts emphasis on strength and coolness. But as EXO-CBX, while coolness is still a plus, we want to show our cheerfulness and the side of us that’s having fun. To say more on this, I want us and our fans to get excited and have fun together! Q. Your debut mini album [GIRLS], what kind of album is it? C: Because there’s a lot of up tempo and addictive songs, so maybe an album that is easy to listen to? Please do listen to it a lot~! Even the MV was made by the Japanese staffs, so I hope you can pay attention to it. B: It’s an album that was created with the thought of being a present from us! In our song 「Ka-CHING!」, there is this line 「Diamonds, dresses, cars… that’s not the limit」, even so, (in the MV) we looked like “rich guys with lots of money”, didn’t we (laughs)? But the song is all about the message of 「Money is not everything」. Recording a Japanese song with the three of us is a new experience for me, and I had lots of fun! X: I really like our title track 『Ka-CHING!』. Musically, it is excellent and even the choreography is fun and unique. It gives off a very sophisticated feel, and you can see a new side to us, so I believe that all of you will like it! Of course, (songs) aside from 『Ka-CHING!』, each has their own message, so I hope you could listen to it and receive the messages that we want to tell to all (our female fans). Q. Recently, what kind of thing do you enjoy doing most? C: Aside from preparing for our album, personally, I’ve been having singing and dancing practice since the year started, so I enjoy doing those the most. For singing, I’ve been practicing EXO’s songs and also other artists’ songs. But hip-hop songs, those are still difficult (to sing)… (laughs). B: Recently, I’ve had a new interest, which is snowboarding! Going snowboarding with Chanyeol and returning to the lodge and talking about a lot of things at night, that was very fun. Am I a pro!? I only started recently, but since it looks like I’m getting better at it really quickly, I could become the 'the star everyone is waiting for' (laughs). X: Playing billiards with Baekhyun and Chen and also with the other members, that is the most fun. But since I always lose, I have to pay all the game fees…. (cries). The members are all good, but the best amongst us is D.O and after him, Baekhyun is good too. Q. Please tell us of any new Japanese phrases that you have learned recently. C: 「(In Japanese) There’s still a long way to go.」 I learned this (laughs). Japanese is difficult~! The three of us have been getting together and learning Japanese by asking our manager who is good at Japanese to teach us. B: 「(In Japanese) (I’m) taking it (clothes) off」…Eii, I’m not saying anything weird (laughs)! In photoshoots, we had to put on and take off a lot of different (sets of) clothes, so this phrase just stuck in my head. I think this (phrase) gets used often, even amongst our stylist. Q. Please teach us any Korean phrases you frequently use as of late (t/n: マイブーム is slang for something you’re into, like trends; in this case, of the Korean language). C: Hmm.. (thinks for a while), I can’t think of one in particular. But I’m sure Baekhyun will know some (laughs)? B: It’s not a phrase, but more of a reaction. When you’re trying to make people laugh, but they didn’t get your joke, tilt your head sideways, hit your hand on your forehead and say 「A~ah↓」. With this action, you can end any boring conversation (laughs). Q. What food do you like most recently? C: I’m eating a lot of delicious food, but the yakitori (grilled skewered chicken) I ate with Xiumin and Baekhyun yesterday was very good! Eating while drinking sake (rice-wine, Japanese alcohol), it was the best! B: The yakiniku (grilled meat) I ate with Xiumin and Chen yesterday! Afterwards, I bought a cold, hard bagel with cream cheese on it at a coffee shop and ate it while drinking beer. It was very delicious! I really recommend it! X: Sushi is delicious! But the sushi I ate was in Korea, so this time with our activities in Japan increasing, I want to try real sushi! Eel and salmon are my favourites. Q. What kind of women’s fashion do you find cute? C: Before this interview, I read JELLY, there were a lot of fashion that I like and I thought that they all looked very cute. I think casual styles and street fashion look good on girls. (While pointing at the front cover of JELLY April edition) Like these clothes here, a loose long-sleeved T-shirt with the logo on the side of the sleeve, I like those kinds of fashion! B: As long as the fashion fits the person’s style, I think it’s already fine. Wearing denim is a stylish fashion that I find cute. Before this, I used to like street fashion, but recently I like simpler fashions like matching something with skinny jeans. X: I don’t pay as much attention to fashion as Baekhyun and Chen, so I don’t know that well, but any kind of fashion, if the girl likes it, then it’s OK! But, if I were to give a certain style that I like... then maybe skirts or dresses, a more feminine fashion is nice. Q. What kind of fashion are you into nowadays? C: For me, I really like hoodies. I’m really into comfortable, loose styles, like (wearing) oversized tops with hoods. B: Something that doesn’t look coordinated, but is actually coordinated… Something that doesn’t look like it was thought out, but if you look closely, it looks cool… I like those kinds of fashion! So, just T-shirts underneath a jacket, matching it with denim (pants) underneath, just a casual and chic vibe is nice. X: I like loose and oversized clothes with hoodies. Because I’m not tall, I always fuss over sizes so that I look well-balanced! Q. Please tell us of anything you recently bought. C: I recently bought NIKE sneakers! I like it, and it was very comfortable to put on. I absolutely love sneakers, so I just bought it without thinking (laughs). B: Snowboarding wear that I bought together with Chanyeol. Up until now, I’ve gone snowboarding three times, but I bought 2 snowboarding wears. People ask me 「Do you plan to wear new clothes every time you go?」, because normal beginners usually go for one set that would be good for the whole season (laughs). For me, I place importance in my clothes, so I want to go for appearances that make me look like a pro, and (I am) not outdone by anybody! Because I don’t want to only go down the (ski) slope, I want to look cool doing so (laughs). X: I bought sportswear and sports sneakers! I normally like sporty fashions with clothes that I can wear comfortably, so I have lots of sportswear. Even so, I still buy more of them (laughs). I always wear (the clothes) and go for practice! Q. What kind of picture did you take on your phone recently? C: Umm… (pulls out his smartphone and pretends to take a picture with Xiumin next to him) It’s this! (referring to the ‘picture’ with Xiumin)… that would be a lie (laughs). I think it was a picture at the skiing area at a resort I went to for work two months ago. I’m normally not the type to take pictures, but at that time, to remember the background of the skiing area, I took a selfie. B: When I was dyeing my hair, I took a picture of myself to make sure. That was the most recent picture. I really like the orange colour I have now. X: I’m shy when I have to take pictures of myself and I’m bad at it too, so I rarely take any selfies. But recently, I took a picture of only my face to show my newly dyed hair to my manager (laughs). I’ve been asked why I always dye my hair showy/bright colours, but there are 3 points to this. Firstly, I want to try colours that I have never used to dye my hair before. Secondly, I think of whether it fits with the album concept and thirdly, I think of whether it will suit me and decide from there. Q. How do you spend your vacation days lately? C: Recently, I’m always in the studio or the practice room, but I have an ideal scenario on how to spend my vacation day. That is, I want to go to the cinema and watch everything they have on that day! I have watched two movies consecutively before this, and it was very fun. I really like the 「X-MEN」 series, so now I want to watch 「LOGAN」! X: I don’t normally go out on my vacation days, so usually I just stay at home. I watch TV shows and movies, also I always play with my cat. I’m already busy just tending to my cat (laughs). MESSAGE FROM EXO-CBX C: The activity in Japan that I really wanted to do... 「Finally I get to do it!」 so I’m very excited! We released CDs in Japan as EXO, but we didn’t get to do a lot of activities (in Japan), so this time with EXO-CBX’s activities, I’m anticipating more meetings with our Japanese fans. We’ll work hard so we can meet all of you more, so please take care of us! B: As EXO, we couldn’t really meet with our Japanese fans, so debuting as EXO-CBX and knowing that we get to have more meetings with fans, it makes me happy and immediately, I get excited! We worked hard as EXO, but we as EXO-CBX are still rookies so I want to work harder to become closer with the fans and grow together with them. Please watch over us! X: I’ve always thought that it is not enough to meet with all of you just through EXO’s activities. Because of that, when we were set to debut in Japan as EXO-CBX, I became happy knowing that we’ll get to meet (the fans) more frequently! To show our new colour as EXO-CBX, we prepared a lot and worked hard from zero so please do anticipate a lot, okay? To have fun together with our fans, we’re also working hard to learn Japanese!
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nctinfo · 7 years
[TRANS] NYLON Magzine April Issue with NCT 127 — Ment
TAEIL “When I was a high school student, I somewhat wanted to become a zookeeper. Since I really like animals, I wanted to take care of the animals in my neighbourhood. But after a bit of research, I gave up. The competition rate is high. Somehow, I became an idol where the competition is even more intense, haha. There are two happiest moments in my life, when I passed the SM Audition and when it was confirmed that I will debut with NCT. When I passed the audition, I was so happy I screamed, and when it was confirmed that I will debut, I bursted into tears. Especially when they confirmed my debut, really… I cried and cried until my eyes were puffy. Do you understand this feeling? It’s like there is a clear, bright flamelight somewhere over there, I know there is a bright world, but I feel like I’m just as in the dark as before. I have lived as a trainee for about three years and a half, every day I had this feeling, the moment it was announced that I am going to debut, it was like crawling out of a lonely tunnel. A world filled with bright and golden light, as if El Dorado unfolded in my life. That was a year ago, but even to this day, I still feel good and bewildered. Sometimes when I go on holidays, it really amazes me how on the streets and in shops I go to, there are people who recognise me. I am still inexperienced and I will work hard. Until I am like ‘Super Junior’s Kyuhyun Hyung… I envy his calm personality as well as his sweet voice and abilities. I also want to have his sense of security (stability). It would be a sense of security to be able to have both experience and skill. “
JOHNNY “I am Johnny from Chicago. Compared to New York, Chicago is quieter and more relaxed. It’s a city where nothing is too hasty but not overly relaxed, this is why I like Chicago. The fact that I come from Chicago is very important, doesn’t the environment shape a person? I want to be someone who will never forgot where they come from, and I try to keep my wish. I’ve been living in Korea for four to five years now. It feels like I have matured a bit after living in Korea for a while. During this time, I have learned to not only think about myself and to respect the grown-ups. It also made me reflect on the importance of ‘myself’. Idols live in the eyes of others and are obligated to live up to their standards. Under such environments, to avoid losing focus, I have to remember who I am. I constantly think about the questions ‘who am I?’ and ‘what kind of person am I?’. I, Johnny, like DJing and playing the piano. I also wish to become a warm (kind) person, and someone who gives other people strength. My ultimate goal is to become a person who, even though is standing still, can still show their great personality. I am still very much flawed, but please believe that I will become that person. “
TAEYONG “It’s NCT’s leader, Taeyong. NCT127 gave me a lot. I got a job called (being an) idol, I came into the company and met a lot of nice adults, most of all, I made a lot of friends. To me, the members are my best friends. Although I am the leader, rather than me leading the members, there are more times when they helped me. When I was young, I could paint and play the piano, I had a good reputation for expressing myself, and I often received praises, but it wasn’t easy for me to get close to people quickly. Do you like films by Studio Ghibli? I really like them, but the main characters in these films, why are they slightly different from others, they live alone and are lonely, but if you get to know, they are all good people. I’m talking about characters like Howl in ‘Howl's Moving Castle’. I think I'm that kind of character, after we became NCT I have eight friends. I am grateful. Still, the times that I spend alone are also very important to me. Therefore, no matter how busy I am, when schedules finish I go to the training room alone and dance or practice singing and tidy my thoughts. I think that having time alone has the power of helping me grow and endure the pressure of busy schedules and life as an entertainer. It is my goal to continue to express the days I have lived, the days a youth lived, through rap and music, and after gaining a lot of experience and knowledge, I have a dream of becoming an adult. I want to be a real grown-up who can help and guide the way for the juniors.”
YUTA “I have this phrase I always say whenever I introduce myself "I'm manly mountain man Yuta". I really like mountains. In Japanese, the pronunciation of 'mountain' and 'top' is the same. That's why I'm manly mountain man Yuta. Ah, I really like mountains. Before debut, whenever there was time to spare, I used to go to Bukhansan, Namsan-dong and every mountain in Seoul City alone, whether big or small. Whenever I'm at the mountains, my mind feels like it has been cleaned and I feel at ease. I thought of becoming a singer because of TVXQ sunbaenim. I wanted to become a soccer player when I was young. But after watching TVXQ, everything changed. They were really cool and they felt like gods to me... But after debuting, it's harder than I thought it would be. Above all,  there's no free time, I don't have time to go to my favorite mountains anymore... One day when I was in a lot of stress I asked our EXO sunbaenim "Until when will this be hard?" they answered it will take three years to give up everything and I firstly will need work to my fullest. That advice gave me strength, I thought 'Ah, our Hyungs also went through a lot of hardship'  and this made my heart feel more at ease. But whenever I'm tired, I'd like to watch sports documentaries. Soccer players in the A-League have to repeat the same strategy for years to improve their own skill. When I look at it, I think of their 'professional spirit' and I want to become a person like that too. After all, everything is a fight against yourself. Whenever I don't feel like practicing or just want to laze around. I think it's important to keep pushing myself. Like this, I want to keep moving forward one step at a time. It's just like climbing a mountain.”
DOYOUNG I have an episode (story) that shows well what kind of person I am. When I was in elementary school I wanted to eat an ice cream so I went and bought it but a car had rolled over my legs. But, I never let go of my ice cream for even one moment. Even when going to the hospital and arriving in the emergency room, I still held on to my ice cream tightly. In the end, I couldn't eat my ice cream because it all melted. But this shows that when there's a thing I really like, I tend to only think about that thing. Right now, I'm struck by our team's music. The music I can do alone and the music and voices I can do when the 9 of us are together are definitely different. Nowadays, I think a lot about what kind of music our team would fit best. I don't want to do just common things. Music is a 'proof of existence' to me. Since I was young, I really liked singing but my parents never really told me 'good job'. To prove my ability, I started to participate in singing competitions. And when I was in high school, I went to the singing contest hosted by the province and got the first prize. That's when my family started to acknowledge my singing ability. Since then, music has always seemed to give me a feeling of "this is it." I don't really have a role model, but I want to be a vocalist who can be recognized after singing just a single line. Like Adam Levine or Lyn sunbaenim. By the way, do you know Lyn's song 'Love U. . Love U'? You should have a listen. It's a song accompanied by a piano with delicate vocals
JAEHYUN “ When I was young, at home I would frivolously laugh well and would have a talkative personality but strangely at school words wouldn't come out. I'm also shy and somehow felt like I should stay quiet too... That's why I spent a lot of time alone and my 4th grade elementary school teacher recommended extracurricular activities. I then realized the joy of standing in front of people for the first time doing variety of activities. I think the joy I felt at that time made me do it today. In fact, it's still nice and fun to be standing in front others and not being burdened. However, it's hard when I'm not as strong as I expect. Even if you practice but your skills don't change, do something else. If you can't dance, sing, when singing falls into a slump, you can watch a movie... Then a moment to be okay will come. I realized as I went many time through that process that I was interested in dancing, singing, movies and so on. That's what I'm all about. Eventually, it's obvious but it's true that you have to be a good person to be a great artist. Being known is nice and receiving love is nice too but I want to be a better person. Someone who doesn't deceive, someone who is confident of himself. And after a decade, he continues to endlessly finding out what he likes diligently, I want to be someone who continues to enjoy. A person who doesn't lose his enthusiasm for what he does, that's the kind of person I find cool. “ \
WINWIN “ I'm Winwin from China. I have a deep fear of strangers. I'm also more of the shy type. However, if we're close then I'm a completely different person. I play around a lot... NCT members all tease me for being a "heodang" (T/N: someone who looks perfect but acts stupid) Ah, furthermore! I am a smart person. When me or any of my friends have problems, I can solve them all! Don't believe me? It's for real. When my friends encounter problems they always find me first. Because of school, starting from middle school I had to leave my family in Wenzhou to go to Beijing alone. Compared to other people my age, I think I've developed a better ability to control and cope with situations. Therefore I was able to adjust to life in Korea without difficulty. I've been in Korea for a year and a half and met a lot of cool people. EXO's Lay hyung is one of them. Dancing and singing, he is good at them both but besides that Lay hyung has a charisma that's unexplainable in words. I want to also have my own kind of charm someday. My story, what else? Someday I want to act. I'm confident I can cooly play a the lead character in a film about everyday life. Also, I like R&B... my favorite song? I'll let you know next time. If I tell you too much about me, the charm will be gone! “
MARK I have a lot of laughter. I laugh about things that don't make sense and when I was young, I was a kid with a lot of high spirits. Nonetheless, isn't it more pleasant to be positive rather than depressed? I started <High School Rapper> with a cheerful mind. I did not come with the thought of wanting to compete and win the first place. The thought of wanting to learn was bigger. But when I went out, it was more stimulating than I thought. It's also a place where I can see the talents of kids of my age around the country, and there are a lot of great friends. Above all, I have already debuted and come from a huge company. I have a lot of people who can help me and guide me. However, these kids who came out there in the competition are alone and they practice alone, I really respect that courage and will. At first, when it started, it was good to have fun, but I have to work hard too, as far as I can. I rap a lot for the team (NCT) but now it seems a bit funny to separate myself from being a rapper or a singer. From now on, without being bound to one restricted area, I want to be an artist who makes good songs and expresses them. Like Michael Jackson's 'Man in the Mirror', I want to create a song that is bright and is hopeful for people. The kind of music that can have a good influence on the world. That is my dream.
HAECHAN “I'm NCT 127's youngest Haechan. I'm in charge of being the 'cutie boy', haha, these are not my words but the hyungs. The Hyungs really adore me a lot. Instead of giving you a common introduction, I will tell you the songs of my life. The first one is 'Hello' by Huh Gak sunbaenim. Since I was young, I liked this song a lot. My parents both play music so naturally, I thought I would also definitely play music too. And one day, my mom came and said: "there's an audition, let's give it a go". I went with a light heart and thought of having fun but unexpectantly, I passed the audition in one try. The song I sang at that time was 'Hello' from Huh Gak sunbaenim. That's how I got through the auditions and started my trainee life. I didn't really know at the time but I seemed to hit puberty when I was fifteen. My mood swings were pretty severe. Whenever I cried, I would go to a dark room and listen to 'She's Out of My Life’ or `You Are Not Alone'. It was Michael Jackson who seemed to have protected me during my puberty. Also, more important than any other song of my life is NCT's debut song 'Fire Truck'. I was dazed and confused when I recorded the song, but listening to it now I realize it's a great song. I think 'Fire Truck' will be my song of life until I die. When I look back, I think about all the other debuted teams when we debuted and watched the sunbaenims who had already debuted. The teams, who made their debut together with us, were also very good and talented. I thought that 'I cannot hold too much hope, if we don't work hard enough we will be buried (underneath the other teams)' and worked even harder after our debut. I'm practicing these days to improve singing and dancing. Although I still lack a lot, I will do well. I'll have more confidence in myself.”
Translation: Teddy, Selin, Rini, Esmee @ FY! NCT (NCTINFO) | Source: NYLON April Issue
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realrhythmskrp · 7 years
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DISPATCH, 03/30/17: Prime Media has officially released information about “Orion,” main rapper, lead dancer, and vocalist, Gwon Minjoon, also known as J-Bom, on AEON’s official website! J-Bom is a ‘91 liner and has been beloved by fans since his debut in 2016. Find out more about J-bom below!
I, Gwon Min Joon, have read and understand the terms and conditions as my position of main rapper, lead dancer, vocalist and agree to honor the standards that are to be expected of me as an employee of Prime Records .
Preferred name: Mel
Pronouns: She / Her
Timezone: GMT-6
Other muses: n/a
Faceclaim: Kim Minseok (Xiumin of EXO)
Name: Gwon Min Joon
Stage name (if applicable): J-Bom
Idol concept: Blonde, Hip-hop / Bad-boy.  The image he portrays is definitely tougher and more outgoing than he is naturally.  He tends to be much softer in his private life, fully fitting the image of being the baby of the family. He completely understands the reasoning behind that concept though. He’s the rapper. He’s supposed to be the tough, bad-boy type of the group. Having that very different persona he takes on when performing allows him to easily separate public life from private life and he likes that. So he’s okay with this concept. For now. Check back in a few years. It might change.
Birth date and age:  September 10, 1991  /  25
Company name:  Prime Records
Group Name (if applicable): AEON
Group Position (if applicable): Orion  /  main rapper, lead dancer, vocalist
Strengths: He will work his ass off for this. He’s put so much into this career path already that he’s determined to do anything it takes to make it.   He can play guitar and piano, though he’s better at piano.  He’s a decent songwriter, favoring a blend of korean and english in his lyrics.   He’s a very easy-going person and it’s very rare that he doesn’t get along with someone.   Bilingual.
Weaknesses: Dance isn’t something he ever gave much thought to before becoming a trainee at BKB. He’s better at it than he thinks he is, but it’s still something that he has to put more work into than the others.   He tends to switch back and forth between english and korean without always noticing that he’s doing that… which can lead to some confusing conversations.   He definitely has to put on a persona when he’s performing, promoting, etc which doesn’t always come easily. He has to work at it.
Positive traits: focused, warm, organized, dedicated, prudent, diligent
Negative traits: ritualistic, a little phlegmatic, impatient, predictable, somewhat sarcastic, fairly stubborn
Please describe in detail your muse’s past and present.
Gwon Min Joon grew up in Boulder, Colorado with his parents and older brother.  His family had moved there shortly after his older brother was born and Min Joon had been born 3 years later. Adamant that they knew exactly where he came from, his mother made both children attend Korean school after their normal school day— something which earned quiet a bit of fussing both boys. Min was already interested in music from an early age and took as many choir and music classes as he could throughout his schooling.  His mother was thrilled when he asked if he could take piano lessons. Then came guitar lessons. Then came his ever-practical father saying two instruments was enough. After all “how is the boy going to make a living with these things?”.
In high school, Min was that kid that was always posting songs and covers on youtube. They got a moderate amount of attention, but nothing crazy. No big break. After graduation, and against his father’s wishes,  Min packed up what little he owned and moved out to California to pursue a music career. He took odd jobs to make ends meet and took music gigs, attended open mic nights, and auditioned as often as he could. Yet after two years he’d gotten absolutely nowhere. Again, no big break. He almost moved back home. He almost closed the curtain on music as a career. Then a friend in the industry suggested that he try his luck in Seoul. “You’re Korean, right? so why not? The music industry is huge over there.”
It took a month before Min Joon could fully commit to moving across the world, but he did it. That ended up being the best advice he’s ever gotten.  Audition after audition, he got in as a trainee at BKB. He worked his ass off, did everything they asked. Just shy of two years as a trainee at BKB, he still had no idea if they were ever going to debut him. No one would tell him anything. It was beyond frustrating. Still, no big break! He didn’t leave everything behind and move across the world for nothing! Getting Min Joon to sign to Prime was easy. They offered better prospects. They offered AEON. This was his big break.
It’s been a struggle to catch up to the progress the other members have already made, but he’s willing to put in as much work as it takes. There have been many a late night and early morning since joining, but he honestly wouldn’t have it any other way. He’s on a mission to prove that he’s an asset to the group. Though no one actually knows it yet, he even has a few song ideas in the works. Nothing that’s even close to done yet, but who knows? maybe one will make it onto their first album.
What is their family like?  
Min is the baby of his family and the only one that has any musical inclinations. Nobody has a clue where he gets it. His father is an architect, mother works at a bank and his older brother is an engineer.  He kind of sticks out as the weird one in his family, but his mother is very happy that he’s not as analytical and logical as his father and brother. While definitely skeptical of Min’s chosen path in the past, his father is slowly learning to warm up to the idea of his son being a professional musician. His ever-supportive mother is thrilled that others are finally seeing the talent she’s always known was there. His brother likes to tease him about all the girls that will be fawning over him. It never ceases to make Min Joon blush.  His brother thinks that’s hilarious. Min a little less so.
their friends?  
 A large number of Min’s friends are Americans that he hasn’t seen in years: people he grew up with in Boulder or met in California.  As a result, he does get kind of lonely and homesick sometimes. He texts and calls as often as possible— just as much, if not more, than he does with his family. When starts letting himself wallow in self pity and loneliness though, friends he’s made in Seoul snap him out of it and remind him how good he has it here. It usually doesn’t take much.  
Why are they in the career they are in?
Honestly, he can’t think of another thing in the world he would rather do.  There is nothing else. Music is who he is. End of story.
What do they hope to accomplish?
He wants to make it, ya know? As a musician, a rapper, a dancer, a performer.  He wants to show people that may be in the same situation he was a few years ago to not give up, that it is possible to make in in this business if you keep pushing and keep trying.  And, not gonna lie, a little bit of it is that he wants to prove his dad wrong.
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clevernewdimension · 7 years
Inhumans Part Three
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Parts: One, Two, Three, Four, Five
Genre: A/U, Angst, Violence, Fluff, Romance, more in the future. Blood and torture warning.
Pairing: Yixing x Reader
Word Count: 4.7k
Summary: Inhumans are people born with powers, feared by most all over the world. Inhumans are often killed before the age of three or kept locked up and tested on. EXO is a rogue group of Inhumans who broke free and are now looking to free fellow Inhumans as well as get justice for their kind. However, with their powers come limitations. With these limitations, they sometimes need a helping hand.
The next two weeks were pretty bland. Yixing was avoiding me at all costs, I assumed it was because of guilt. The only time I saw him was when I took his stitches out, but he wouldn’t even look at me. Before I could try to talk to him, he was pulled away by Jongdae for something important. ‘Planning about the next move’, whatever that meant. Jongdae seemed to sense that I wasn’t happy, since he did pat my shoulder and told me ‘he’ll get out of his own head eventually’. I got the feeling that he does this often. Everyone got so busy that the only times I saw them were at breakfast and dinner, which were pleasant. The only two people who kept by me consistently were Baekhyun and Jongin.
In the day when everyone was busy, I walked around the place. Few rooms filled with weapons, a basement that was locked, few other rooms that were like living rooms, with a tv and things like that. One particularly adventurous day, I climbed up the stairs in the clock tower, only to be met with a locked door.
From my adventuring, I noticed that the reason they didn’t eat meals in the huge student dining room was because it was made into a training area. Jongin told me it was because the gym of the school was a building over and the roof was unstable. So they took all they wanted out of it and put it there. Baekhyun insisted that it was rather comical since the exact moment they finished, the roof finally caved in.
I found myself there some days, in workout clothes running on one of the five treadmills that were there. I didn’t necessarily like running, but since I wasn’t allowed to leave, this was the only way I’d get my body moving. The room had stereotypical gym items. Weights, work out machines, punching bags. The other half, however, looked like cross between a parkour dream and a gymnast's fantasy. Tons of stuff to jump on, climb and swing from. It went from the floor all the way to the ceiling. There were balance beams, a huge trampoline that looks like the kind they have at the Olympics. In the center of the room there was a wrestling mat, separating the two sides.
A wrestling mat that was currently being used.
“What’s the point,” Sehun pouts, looking up at Minseok who had, for the seventh time in a row, forced him to the ground.
The older man laughs, “Sehunnie, you’re getting better. I used to be able to throw you around like you were a noodle. Now you’re actually a bit of a challenge... like an uncooked noodle now.”
Sehun sits up, giving his hyung a playful glare, “Besides Kyungsoo and his super strength, you’re the strongest member, so I hardly see why you make me embarrass myself my wrestling.”
Laughter fills the air, “Well, to be far, I’m fairly certain that Baekhyun is the weakest member now.”
Sehun crosses his arms, “Hyung, that’s not really a compliment, since Baekhyun hyung probably couldn’t even rip wet paper.”
I stop the treadmill as they both are laughing from what Sehun said. I try to leave the room quietly, attempting not to disturb them any longer. As I got to the door, a gust of wind rushes past me and shuts it. Turning back, I see Sehun with a smirk.
“Did you really think you’re walking out of here that easily,” He says, his arms crossed.
I sigh, walking back towards them, sitting on the edge of the mat. “What is it that you want?”
“Nothing really,” He says, standing up.
Minseok hits him on the arms, “Sehun. Be kind.”
Sehun pouts, “I’m just treating her like I treat all of you.”
Minseok ignores him, “Do you know how to fight, y/n?”
“Well,” I say, “I know weak spots on the body. Actually hitting them effectively is a different story altogether.”
Sehun smirks, “So what you’re saying is that there are now two people here I could beat at wrestling?”
“Sehun, don’t be proud of that, she has literally no fighting experience. If you didn’t win that would be an embarrassment!” Minseok gives him a glare. He looks at me, with a smile, “You’re probably like your Mom then. More of a lover than a fighter.”
“Well,” I say, opening my water, “That’s why we both went into medicine in the first place.” I take a sip of my water, wiping the sweat from my forehead.
“So all I’m hearing is that it’s Kyungsoo hyung, Minseok hyung, then either Junmyeon Hyung or Yixing Hyung, Which who knows since they’ve always been back and forth. Then Chanyeol hyung, Jongin hyung or Jongdae hyung, Me, Baekhyun hyung, and them Y/n,” He says, before running a hand through his hair. He puts a hand on his chin, “Actually you’d probably be able to beat Baekhyun hyung…”
“What are you talking about,” I ask.
“How strong everyone is,” Minseok explains, “Baekhyun isn’t a fighter, so if you two fought, who knows what would happen-”
“They’d probably stop and have tea or something in the middle of the match,” Sehun mutters.
Minseok shakes his head at Sehun, “It’s a bit of a matter of pride around here for those of us who are not Kyungsoo. I’ve been helping Sehun, and he’s getting better. I think he could beat maybe Chanyeol, but we’d have to have another wrestling tournament to find out.”
“Hyung,” Sehun says, “Um… we should probably teach her how to fight. Since we dragged her into all of this, if something happens, she should probably know how to defend herself…”
“That’s true,” Minseok agrees, “We’ll have to talk about it. I’ll bring it up at dinner tonight.”
Sehun smirks, turning to me, “Go on. Hit me.”
“What? Why,” I ask, shaking my head. “Why would I hit you? I don’t want to hurt you!”
“Please don’t take this the wrong way,” Minseok says, before he shrugs. “Well… you don’t look like you could hurt anyone. Even Baek.”
I pout, glaring at Sehun. “Where?”
He turns, pointing at his left arm, “Have a go, and at least try to make it hurt. Don’t curl-”
“My fingers around my thumb, I know,” I said, getting up. Standing to his side, put my fists up, “I’m a doctor, I’ve treated idiots who’ve fought before.” I let out a deep breath, twisting my body. I swing my fist with momentum and it hits his upper arm. My fingers hurt, as I pull my hand away after Sehun barely even moved. “Ow!”
“So, how was it,” Minseok questions, looking over at Sehun’s arm, “Looks like there could be a bruise there soon. A little one, though.”
“Little because her fists are so tiny, like her,” Sehun counters, smiling playfully.
“Hey,” I mutter, “Really? Height jokes? Ugh.”
“Honestly,” Sehun begins, ignoring what I said. “That stung quite a bit. Better than I expected. Be a lot better if your stance wasn’t all fucked up, but you’ve got potential.” He crosses his arms and smirks, “Though, I’d suggest that if you want to be at least a little intimidating, try not to say ‘ow’ after punching someone.”
“Maybe this’ll help,” Minseok says, placing his hand where I hit Sehun.
“Hyung no,” Sehun whines, “Stop, you’re so cold!”
In a puff of smoke, Jongin appears, looking around. He was in all black, from his jacket to his shoes. They normally wear all black if they were out raising some chaos, as it’s easier to hide in the middle of the night. His hair was all in his face and drenched, dripping. His eyes land on me, “Y/N, we need your help!”
“What happened,” I panic, “Is Yixing hurt again?”
“No, oh no, not that” He replied, seeming a bit apprehensive. “Um… you’re needed for your power, actually.”
“No,” Sehun says, the playful smile fallen off his face almost instantly. “Are you talking about the man in the basement that we’ve brought in yesterday? Don’t drag her into that!” He walks over, putting himself between be and Jongin. His back taking up all of my view.
“We need to know if what he’s saying is real or not,” Jongin argues back, “I know… I know it’s bad but if we’re going to risk our necks on this then we need to make sure it’s the truth.” He looks over to Minseok as he walks over, “Hyung, please.”
“I agree with Sehun,” He states, his voice colder than before. “Once she sees THAT, she’ll never be able to unsee it. She’ll hate it, you know that.”
“You don’t know that hyung,” Jongin argues back. “She isn’t weak like some of you all think!”
I roll my eyes, “SHE can also speak for herself!”
“You see,” Jongin says, pointing. “Besides, it’s someone who is connected to her mother’s killer.”
Everything else falls away as the three men before me continue to argue. I tighten my hands into fists, feeling tears form in my eyes. I get tunnel vision as memories of my mother and I flash in my mind. If it’ll help them, I’d want to do it. If it help find my mother’s killer, then I’d absolutely want to help. “Take me,” I say, my voice void of all emotion.
Minseok looks at me, “Y/N, are you sure? Because this will change you forever if you see this and It’s not a decision that should be taken ligh-”
Before he finishes, I was teleported away. The room was dingy and some of the lights flickered. The walls were unpainted cement blocks, completely bare with some missing bits and pieces. To the left was a table with items and weapons, some of them completely drenched in blood. I move my eyes and see a man tied to a chair, bruised and bloodied with his hands bound behind his back. His hair was red, as red as the blood coming from his lip and other cuts from the body. There was a drain under him, and a steady stream of blood and water fell, screaming this echoing sound that filled the air. There was a portable blow torch to the side, and a man with his back facing me, who held a metal rod to the flames. It was glowing a bright orange color. He was wearing dark jeans, running shoes and a white tank top, all of which was completely covered in blood.
“Please stop,” the man in the chair begs, his voice hoarse from screaming. “I have a family, would you really take a father away from their kids?!”
“Why should I care, you helped to take a mother away from her daughter,” the man with his back to me responds, running his hand through his black hair. A chill runs up my spin, recognizing the voice, but not the anger and hatred that came from it.
I found my voice, it was very tiny in comparison to the rest of the noise in this room. “He’s lying.”
The man in the chair looks over at me. Bile rushes up, but I manage to hold it off for now. He glares at me, “No I’m not, you cunt! You couldn’t pos-” He stopped talking and started screaming as the bright metal was placed in the middle of his chest. The man in the chair screamed in agony and when the metal was removed, some cooked skin came with it. The smell was absolutely vile and his screams pierced my ears.
I, once again, fought off the urge to vomit that burned the back of my throat. Blood and gore, I was use to. I wasn’t use to torture and seeing someone I know as a kind individual doing the torturing.
“Don’t talk to her like that,” Yixing threatens, a glare on his face so dark and dangerous, it even scared me a bit. There was specks of blood on his face, dried and fresh. He looked like a completely different person. He turns, look at Jongin with that same glare. His voice was dark and deep, “I told you not-”
“You were getting nowhere,” Jongin explains, before disappearing in a puff of smoke once more.
Yixing shakes his head, turning to look at the man, not even daring to look at me. He places his hand on the man's arm, and I watch as all his wounds heal as if time is sped up. Then, in the blink of an eye, he was perfectly healthy once more.
It made sense, now that I think about it, to have Yixing torturing someone. If someone didn’t want the person they were trying to get information out of to die, they would have to stop after a while and go easy on them. If you could just heal them instantly, the torturing never has to stop.
The man glares at Yixing, “I told you, I have no more information to give you.”
The warm cloud hit me once more. My mind feeling like someone placed a blanket over it. “He’s lying.”
The man glares at me, his eyes wide with hate... it’s unsettling.
“I knew it,” Yixing says, placing the metal in the torch's flame once more, setting it down, taking off the glove we wore to protect himself from the residual heat. Yixing purposely moved slowly, showing that he could do this all day and patiently wait as he kept searching for answers. He picks up a knife from the table, crouching down to look up at the man. “Tell me. Who hired your men to kill Nayeon,” His words dripping with so much hatred it was unsettling. All traces of the kind man I know weren’t there. Just coldblooded disgust.
“Why does it matter,” He says, “He said he just wanted her gone to see if we can get the fucking job done like he wanted. It was a practice run to see if he wanted to use us again for the future. He said he just picked someone at random from the street.”
I closed my eyes, trying to block out the smell and what was happening before me. My stomach was rolling, it was hard to keep everything in my stomach down as I spoke, so I only said a word. “Lying.”
A scream echos in the room, piercing my mind. Taking a deep breath, opening my eyes. I see that Yixing stabbed him in the thigh, his knife resting there.
“What are you,” The man screams at me, “Some Inhuman freak just like these guys?!”
A fist slams into his face, snapping his head to the side. “You’re talking to me,” Yixing growls, “And I said NOT to talk to her like that.” He twists the knife, making the man scream out once more.
“Who cares,” He bellows, “She was nobody! No one even knows she was killed because we covered it up so well! Hell, no one even noticed she was missing for days! All the while screaming for help from you all and someone named ‘Y/N’! Apparently you freaks and Y/N didn’t care enough to go looking for-”
My feet moved on my own. I was a few feet away, then I was standing in front of him, my left fist aching as he yelled out in shock. Before I could hit him again, clouded over in rage, I feel a hand grab the fist I was about to swing at him.I turn, seeing soft brown eyes looking into mine.
Yixing shook his head, and, for the first time since I entered this room, his eyes were the soft caring ones I knew. “Stop,” He murmured, “I can’t let you… you can’t become that. Please.”
I lowered my fist, gulping as my throat was suddenly dry. I look at the man in the eye, “Who. Did. It.”
“You know what,” He says, “Fuck it. He has his own force of Inhumans protecting him. You’ll never touch him. Kim Hyunshik.”
I knew the name. He is a wealthy businessman who makes money off his Inhuman testing facilities. Hypocrite at it’s finest.
Yixing looks at me as if none of this is happening, like he’s waiting to hear what’s been decided for dinner. Full of worry.
He nods, “Finally.” He turns, walking to the table, looking for something. Probably something to finish the job with. He knows where this is, so they can’t just let him go, after all “You should leave,” Yixing says, “You shouldn’t have to see this part.”
I turned, looking at him, before I sigh. I knew he’d say this, and truthfully I’m thankful. I don’t think I could stomach watching anyone die… or watching him kill. I hear movement behind me, and before I could turn, I feel an arm pull me close against a hard chest and a knife at my neck. I gasp, “Yixing!”
He turns, his eye widen. He takes another bladed weapon off the table. A look of pure loathing on his face, “Let. Her. Go.”
The man behind me laughs, “Do you really thing I’m so fucking stupid? We did recon, you know. We know that this,” He says, dragging the blade against my skin to form a thin cut, “Is her daughter, Y/N. We also know she is Inhuman. I also know I won’t make it out of here alive unless I do something drastic. Now, you let me go, or she will die. Be a shame, since she’s pretty, in a freakish kind of way.”
“Do you really think you’d get that far,” Yixing questions, glaring at him. His whole body tense, completely rigid but ready to move in a moments notice. He takes a step closer to us, “One of my brothers could be outside right now.”
“Stay away,” The man screams, pulling me closer. “We’re going to the door. If you move one inch, I’ll kill her. Throw your weapon to the ground.”
I close my eyes, trying to remain calm, “It’s… he’s not lying.”
That only made Yixing even angrier at the man. He complies instantly, dropping the knife and kicking it far away, a bitter look on his face. “Just don’t do anything you’ll regret. Don’t hurt her.”
The man and I inch closer to the door, this room was larger than I saw initially as now there was a good 10 meters between Yixing and the two of us, as we now reach the door. He opens it, I feel him chuckle. He looks back at Yixing, but leans down and whispers in my ear, “Look at that fool, how much he cares for you. He’s a fucking idiot, thinking that there was an outcome of this that would actually let you live.”
I didn’t feel any pain at first, because of the adrenaline and shock. I felt a pinching from just under right ear to the middle of my neck. He cut the carotid artery, as I see blood just shoot from me. My chest was warm, as the next second I watch him throw the knife at Yixing. He lets go of me and I fall to my knees, my hand reaching up to my throat, trying to stop it as I fall onto my side. My eyes fill with tears as the pain finally sets in. If I could have screamed, I would. The cut was so deep I feel my blood go down my own throat.
The next few seconds feel like decades. The man runs out the room, and I think I remember hearing Yixing yelling out. I turn onto my back, my eyes having trouble staying open.
I blink, and I see Yixing look at me. He looked at me with fear, his eyes tearing up. He then places his hand on my throat and the cool comfortable feeling washes over me. I reach up, touching his face, leaving a smear of blood from it’s path. I can breathe again, finally, though my breaths were quick and full of panic. “Yixing,” I cry out, before coughing up blood. The taste of copper in my mouth was strong. Tears falling from my eyes as he shakes his head. I wanted to tell him it’s ok, that I’m fine.
“Y/N,” He wailed, pulling me up and wrapping his arms around me, not caring that my blood was currently soaking the both of us. “Y/N, I’m so sorry,” He says, just holding me close. His arms tight around me, and I cried, terror still with it’s firm grip on me.
A few moments and I hear footsteps coming down the stairs beyond the door. “Yixing,” Minseok quaked, looking in. His eyes were wide with worry as he scans the room. He looks at us, the puddle of blood under me and all over the room, “What the fuck happened?”
Before either of us could answer, more people show up. “The man has been dealt with,” Sehun says before turning the corner. He looks down, and not a second later does Jongin and Baekhyun come too.
Yixing suddenly stands, pulling me up with him. “Are you ok? Can you stand?” I nod, tears still streaming from my eyes. Before I could thank him, he turns and glares at Jongin. He lets go of me, and in two short steps, the space between Yixing and Jongin is gone. In a flash, Jongin was sent back by the force of the punch that hit his face. His back meets against the hallway wall.
“What the fuck,” Jongin fumed, wiping blood from his bleeding nose.
“He got loose,” Yixing growls darkly, grabbing Jongin’s shirt and shoving him back against the wall, closing the space between them once more. “Because she was there, she was almost killed. All because you couldn’t have more fucking patience! What if I wasn’t there? What then? SHE WOULD HAVE DIED! HE SLIT HER FUCKING THROAT!”
“I’m sorry,” Jongin apologises, “Ok, I’m sorry! I didn’t know! This has never happened before, the people who go there usually stay there until you’re done with them! How did he get free?”
“I don’t care,” Yixing snarled at him. Slamming him back against the wall.
Jongin glared at the older man, “It’s not my fault YOU failed to keep her safe!”
I break myself out of the trance I was in, walking forward. I can’t let this happen any longer. I can’t let it escalate any further.
“Y/N” Sehun says, about to try to stop me, but Minseok grabs his arm, making him stay still. The older man gives the maknae a look, making the youngest stay put.
I place my hand on Yixing’s arm. They both looked at me, their gazes softening at me. “I forgive him.”
I looked at Yixing, “I said, I forgive Jongin. So stop. Now. I made the decision to come here. I made the decision to get closer to him. I made the decision to STAY after I was teleported there.” I cross my arms trying to desperately keep my voice still and even, failing miserably. “So, if you want to blame anyone, you can either blame me or the man who did it.”
“Well, Minseok hyung froze him as he was going down the stairs,” Sehun says, “So, well, let’s just say all three of you can each have a piece of him to blame.”
The air was still tense as Baekhyun puts an arm around my shoulder to comfort me. Everyone was looking between me and Yixing.
Jongin smiles at me, “Um, I think it’s best if Yixing and I talk this out… alone.”
“Wait,” I start, but then they both vanish in thin air.
Baekhyun sighs, “Well, let’s get you cleaned up, Noona.”
Baekhyun, Sehun and Minseok all stayed close to me as get myself sorted. They waited in the bathroom as I showered and changed, telling stories about one another, trying to give me a sense of normalcy. I held myself together, barely, as they attempted to be a distraction for me for the next few hours.
At dinner, Minseok informed everyone what happened.
“So that’s why Jongin and Yixing are missing,” Junmyeon mutters, rubbing his temples. He glances over at me, “I’m glad you’re ok, though. Is the man gone?”
“After Minseok hyung froze him, I had to carry the pieces out,” Kyungsoo explains. He smiles, looking at the eldest, “You did a real number on him.”
“What we were working on didn’t go too well either,” Chanyeol complains loudly, “Today has been pretty shit all around!”
Minseok shrugs, “I suppose you could say today really fell apart.”
Junmyeon laughed, making everyone else groan out. Jongdae claps Minseok’s shoulder, “Hyung, I love you like a brother but these lame jokes need to stop.”
After a few minutes, I manage to slip out of the room relatively unnoticed. Walking away from the dinning room, I pretty much bump into Jongin, who’s sporting a black eyes and a split lip.
“Jongin,” I say, looking at his face, “Did he-”
“That was from what you saw in the hall, he didn’t hit me anymore after,” He explains, holding his hands up in defence. “Though he did refuse to heal my face, which sucks, but I suppose that’s what I deserve.”
“Jongin, I’m so sorry,” I explain, looking down to the ground.
He shakes his head, “Don’t be. Yixing was right, I should have waited. He’s always gotten the information we needed from people. I just should have trusted him.”
“Good,” I said, “Because now I can do this.” I swing my arm back and hit him like I did Sehun, putting my full power behind it.
“Ow,” He exclaims, “What was that for?”
“Stop acting, I know I didn’t hurt you,” I yell. “I can’t believe you’d say that to Yixing!”
He shakes his head at me, “What exactly are you angry at me for?”
“About him failing to protect me,” I yell, shoving him. “He already feels so guilty about my mother and then you go and say that shit! I’m only alive BECAUSE of him! He’s been avoiding me for two weeks because of that, and now he probably won’t ever speak to me again!”
“I’m sorry,” He sighs, running a hand through his messy hair. “Yixing doesn’t get angry a lot, so when he does… you know you’ve screwed up. This all could have been avoided if I waited, and I’m sorry. I’m sorry that happened to you.” He looks up at me, a small grin on his face, “You could go talk to him. He’s expecting me to bring him some food since I said I would, so he’ll open his door.”
I nod, “But… um… where is his room?”
A few moments later after ending the discussion with Jongin, telling him I meant what I said when I told him I forgave him, I find myself staring at a metal door. The air was colder in the clock tower as I try to settle my nerves. Finally building up the courage, I knock on the door. I lace my hands together, behind my back, playing with my fingers as I hear footsteps from the other side.
“Jongin,” He asks, “I thought you’d be lazy and just teleport here.” The handle of the door shifts as it begins to open. “You hate climbing all these st…”
I look up at his surprised face, seeing him completely clean with wet hair. I quickly step into the room so he couldn’t shut me out. “So… uh, this is what’s up here.”
He didn’t say anything, so I turned to look back at him. He was wearing black sweatpants and a grey tank, looking like he was going to rest or sleep soon. He was tense the moment he saw me, trying not to look in my eyes. I felt awkward, like I’m invading his personal space, but I knew if I didn’t do this now, he’d make it very difficult to do this later.
He finally looks at me, but not directly “Y/N, I don’t thi-”
“No,” I say, my voice as hard as stone. “You’re not going to try to convince me not to talk to you, you’re going to listen to me and not push me away,” I demanded, trying to look confident. “You’ve avoided me for weeks, you’re not doing that this time!”
“I didn’t try to avoid you,” He mutters, looking towards the ground like a dejected puppy.
The second I feel the warm feeling in my head, I throw my hands in the air, furious. “You’re lying. Don’t lie to me, Yixing. Just talk to me. Please!”
A few moments of silence. It was uncomfortable and somehow deafening, as I stared at him and he looked to the floor. He sighs, shutting the door, before going over and sitting on his bed. He looks down at his hands, before looking up to me and finally meeting my eyes. His whole demeanor just screams broken.
“Alright,” He says calmly, “Let’s talk.”
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