#expect to see some of this on my dash soon... my queue is so ready lol
thebonerpit · 11 months
So... even though I never made a comment about it, I feel like I have to apologize for ever doubting 9-1-1 Eddie/Buck fans.
Let me explain.
I kept seeing this show on my dash & FYP, and usually in the form of Eddie/Buck content. I poked into some of the tags and I was bombarded by not only enthusiasm for the pairing but also quite a lot of people clamoring for it to actually happen in canon and that the creators were doing some serious queerbaiting. Now, I am a fandom grandma. I've been around the block, seen a lot of accusations of this exact thing, and if I'm honest 90% of the time the fans were truly just blowing things out of proportion. I've even done it myself! It's often really easy to pick out tiny details and say it's ~proof~ that your ship is meant to be. I fully assumed that was what was happening here too.
Then, I actually watched the show. And holy hell you are all right.
It's... it's kind of insane?! Not only do they just have ridiculous chemistry to begin with, but there are COUNTLESS moments that are absolutely there to hint at them maybe being more than friends. But of course, the show never actually goes there because ha ha what no the fans are crazy they're just reading into things too much. If I didn't know already, I would have been SURE that the beginning of season six was setting them up to be canon. It was just that on the nose. WILD.
And now I'm fucking invested and it's awful because I know it's never going to happen lmao. I'm letting myself be queerbaited and loving/hating every second of it!!
(OK but aside from that I'm honestly surprised by how much I enjoy the show as a whole. I mean it's not award-winning television lbr but Angela Bassett?? Hell yes. And I've had a lil crush on Peter Krause since 'Six Feet Under' so it's lovely to see him again. They do a fantastic job with the core cast in general.)
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scarlettroubles · 3 years
HPHM fanfic WIPs
I’ve actually been writing some fanfics for Eileen’s story as well as some Ryder Family lore for a while now but because of school I haven’t been able to get around to finishing any of them so I thought it would be cool to show you all some sneak peaks so enjoy!
In the Face of Fear chapter 2: of Faceless Strangers and Empty Halls
(The continuation to this fic)
She does not remember how long she has stood in this queue. Hell, she doesn't even remember what she's in line for anyway, not really. Logically she knows it's to get some important documents approved of before carting it off to the next sorry sod who was stupid enough to land themselves in this God forsaken place too. But she honestly couldn't bring herself to care. Politics, desk jobs, rules? She never cared for them really. Not even once.
She hated office work. Tulip had always found it dreadfully boring and the people who actually bothered with the crap even more so. So why did she take one?
The red head found herself racking her brain for answers as she waited oh so painstakingly for the queue to move and for her to be done with all this boring crap and lock herself in her boring little cubicle and bury her head under a shit ton of useless paperwork that, if she were lucky enough would hopefully suffocate her before this job did. But one look ahead of the line was enough for her to discern that it wouldn't be budging any time soon.
Why did she take this job? She hated the Ministry. Hated how suffocating rules and laws were. Sure, some were needed but that did not change the fact that Tulip Karasu did not like being restrained. So why the hell was she here? Working a dreadful job that was sucking the life out of her. Working for dreadful people who knew not the meaning of fun and only the meaning of responsibility, paperwork, and order and snuffing out the flame of good ol' fun chaos before it could really take spark. In a dreadful queue that was far too long to be normal with people and coworkers whose faces she always seemed to forget.
So why? Why here? She saw what this job did to people. How strict it made her parents. How high their expectations of her were and how they wouldn't accept anything less than perfect from their daughter. Despite most of the fog that clouded her tired mind she could still remember it so clearly... The promise she had made to herself so long ago. She had promised herself that she would never work here and would never be like her parents. Not if she could help it.
Did she finally resign to their wishes? Bowed like some obedient little servant and catered to their every whim? Had her fear of what she would do once she left Hogwarts finally override her logic?
Why did schools even do that? Why did the world do that? Telling students to make up their minds on what career to choose from such an early age? Tulip has seen what happened to the people that were unlucky enough to land themselves in a job that sucked the life out of them. She remembers how sometimes the most brilliant of students ended up having their spark extinguished as soon as they left school. Left to reminisce on their glory days and what could have been. The very thought of it made her tighten her hold on the documents in her hands.
Because everybody needs to know what they want to be at an early age. Everybody needs to know their place. They just have to have a place...
 It was one of Tulip's greatest fears.
 Ending up in a job that gave her zero satisfaction. A job that would end up isolating herself from everyone and everything because nobody wants to be friends with a traitor. A no good friend that turns on the other for their own gain. That's why Merula left-
Tulip was snapped out of her thoughts when she suddenly felt the sharp edges of the stack of documents she was carrying dig annoyingly into her side and moved to adjust them. Checking each one carefully to see if they've been ruined in any shape or form.
The last time she had presented a stack of reports that were ever so slightly crumpled and not properly organized to fit the pencil haired bastards ridiculously high standards she had been given such a withering gaze by her superior that she had felt herself visibly shrink just the tiniest bit. But the want to smack the arrogant sod and prank him mercilessly was stronger. 
How she wished she could pull out a heap of dungbombs or any other joke shop product and just reign full chaos upon this hellhole.
She looked up and, to her relief the line had actually moved significantly. In fact, She was only three heads away from being in the front of the line. Huh, that was...Weird.
Regrets of a Useless Man
(Context: A story told from Edward Ryder’s perspective and explores how he grew up mentored by his father, to becoming an Auror and meeting Julianna and to the tragedy that caused the Ryder Family to spiral down a path of grief and neglect).  
Edward remembers how often that word was hissed at him with such venom in his youth. How hard it would make him physically recoil, and if it wasn't the venom behind the words that stung, it was the pain and shock from the slap that would often follow next.
He remembers so clearly the sound of hand meeting cheek echoing so loudly within the Hunter's room of the Ryder Family Manor that day, and how the shadows in the dark room, the dancing fire in the hearth and the countless portraits of long dead ancestors were the only things to lay witness to it.
The day had started off simple enough. His father had brought him to the library for his afternoon studies on magical combat and magic theory. Edmund had forced the studies onto him when he was just 7, and Edward was now 12. Today though, Edward found it difficult to focus on reading the ink written words on the paper before him, he instead thought of the words his father said to him the day he had first started bringing him into this room every afternoon to ready him for what he claimed to the then 7-year-old, was his destiny.
"Your mother may think I'm being too harsh on you boy, but a child must learn sooner or later if he is to make his way in life. And you, Edward, my son…You will bring this family to glory. You will take back what once was mine... You will make me proud."
His father had made it his goal to have Edward become the next Head Hunter of the Hunters of Artemis. The group of bounty hunters and other unsavory individuals who were tasked in hunting down those The Ministry could not. Members were either recruited by the group's leader or were sentenced into joining it by The Ministry if they deemed the criminal guilty but useful elsewhere other than filling the empty cells up in Azkaban.
The title of headhunter used to be his father's. Back when Ryder was up against Ryder during the Wolves Rebellion. Edward remembers bits and pieces of the bloodshed. Their family's civil war had only recently ended after all. And although Edward was still young when the war was at its peak, he was there to see the ending of it. 
His father had lost a duel to the death for the title of headhunter against his own uncle and just when he was about to be killed, he was saved by his younger brother, Octavius Ryder, who would later become the next headhunter and finally put an end to their Family's civil war. While Octavius was hailed a hero by his family, Edmund Ryder was left crippled and was left to depend on a cane for the rest of his life. 
"Edmund's leg wasn't the only thing that was left crippled, his pride and soul got crippled too."
 His uncle Octavius had once told him that. And he knew it was true. Edward had seen the photos of his father back when he was younger. Before the Wolves Rebellion and before being damned to rely on a cane for the rest of his life. Edmund Ryder was a fierce and strong man. A man whose tall stature and commanding presence left his enemies either fleeing from the sight of him or hesitating to raise their wands. Knowing the moment they did, they would probably end up dead. But now though? Now Edmund Ryder was just a bitter old man who resorted to chasing his glory days and what he thought was rightfully his through his eldest son.
It was rather pathetic of him, to be honest.
"Get your head out of whatever childish fantasy you've ludicrously conjured, boy!" His father's sharp voice cut in. Snapping Edward out from his thoughts. He met his father's heated stare and could only sheepishly duck his head in apology. Silently hoping his father would let it go, just this once. He was a child after all, he could be allowed to be one every now and then couldn't he? But in Edmund's eyes, being a child meant close to nothing. He was just another soldier to train.
Edmund looked hard and long at his eldest son before letting out a huff and stood up from his seat. grabbing for his cane, he motioned for his eldest son to follow him. Edward looked at the door and calculated in his still youthful mind if making a mad dash for the door and hiding ‘til his mother came back from whatever social gathering his father had set up for her would be worth it. He knew it would not though. The first time he tried to escape his studies and sneak off to play with his siblings it hadn't ended well for either of them. 
And so, the child silently got up and dutifully followed his father out of the room and into the halls. He could feel the eyes of the animated portraits his family had kept for centuries dig into the back of his skull and Edward so very badly wanted to shrink and hide away. 
"You need to be reminded of what is at stake here, Edward." His father said as the steady clank of his cane meeting the floor echoed within the Manor with every step he took forward before taking a sharp left. And with that left, Edward knew exactly where his father was taking him to.
Expanded Ryder Lore: The Wolves Rebellion
(Sometimes, all it takes is a few words for a family to turn against one another. 
When the Ryder family finds themselves being requested an audience with a man named Gellert Grindelwald, Esteban Ryder and his brother, Orion Ryder decide to entertain the man and accept his request, not knowing that by doing so, a fight for the title of head hunter would soon take place. A fight where each family member would find themselves asking if they’d rather be a dragon or they’d rather be a wolf).
The Wolves Rebellion refers to a civil war that happened within the Ryder Family during the 1920s and lasted until the 1940s. It is regarded as one of the most bloody civil wars that happened within the Ryder family and nearly led to the House’s extinction. 
The fighting came about because of a speech. Not just any speech but one given by none other than Gellert Grindelwald, regarded to be one of the most feared and most powerful dark lords of his time. Grindelwald was just coming into power and was seeking out allies and followers all over the world in order to rally an army large enough for war. He had already managed to sway a majority of the influential pure-blood families in Europe to join his side, and was now looking for new allies in the British Isles. 
He had the Malfoy's, the Black's, and the Parkinson's families in his palm in an instant. As the dark lord was mulling over what family to sway to his side next, one name had managed to pique his interest, The Ryder Family.
The Ryder's were a feared and well-respected family known for their ferocity in battle and for their loyalty. Grindelwald had heard stories of the Ryder's toppling down many dangerous adversaries and mighty beasts, one of them being the very beast they had as their house crest, a dragon. But that wasn't what really got the dark lords attention, no. What got it were the rumors. Rumors of the family having a unique short of magic which came in the form of instinct. Instincts so strong they knew when to block a spell from an enemy before it was even shot, instinct that helped warn them of danger before it even took place, and as a seer, an ability that granted the man the ability to see visions of the future, Grindelwald was all too eager to see if the rumors were true and to see just how useful and alike his ability was with theirs. 
And so Grindelwald sent a letter to the Ryder family, requesting to have an audience with them. The Ryder's were definitely ticked off by such arrogance, but the head of the family at that time, Esteban Ryder and Head Hunter,  Esteban’s younger brother, Orion Ryder, had been hearing of this man for months now and decided to entertain him and accepted his request if not to just satisfy their own curiosity about this strange wizard from Germany.
The dark lord was welcomed into the Ryder Family's home in a show of good faith however Esteban, surrounded by his hounds and seated with his wife and 4 children by his side, demanded that the man get straight to the point about what he wanted. Grindelwald obliged to the man's demand and told them. And told him they did for not even a minute later did the Ryder's find themselves entranced by the man's honeyed words. 
As the man spoke of his vision and dream for a world where wizards and witches could be free and didn’t have to hide in the shadows, Esteban took a look across the room and let his eyes take in the faces of the rest of his family members, he felt a wave of unease wash over him and settle at the bottom of his heart as he saw the hunger that swam in their eyes that only grew larger with every pretty word and lie that left the dark lord’s mouth. 
For when the Ryder’s fled to the British Isles following Adrian Ryder and his family’s betrayal back in the 17th century, The family of hunters suddenly found themselves being hunted. The Ministry had been informed by the new fledgling American wizarding government, MACUSA of the Ryder family’s possible involvement with scourers and of their bloody history of hunting down mercenaries and dragons, and so The Ministry did what they did best. They killed those who they feared and nearly had the entire family exterminated like rodents. It was only when the Minister of Magic realized that the Ryder’s would be more useful to him alive than dead did he decide to spare them and cease the bloodshed. The Minister had the Ryder’s and their hunters swear loyalty to The Ministry and the once proud family of dragons found themselves reduced to loyal hunting dogs. 
Grindelwald knew damn well about the Ryder’s being reduced to such a sorry state and having their freedom stripped away from them so fucking easily. And cleverly used it to get them on his side. He told them, “why should you all be muzzled and treated like dogs when you are something so much mightier than that? You are dragons, and dragons do not cower in front of anyone.”
Grindelwald thanked Esteban and Orion Ryder for their time and bid them farewell, and as the dark lord left the family to contemplate on his words, he  also left with them a seed. A seed of doubt and malice that would soon sprout and dig it’s vile roots within the Ryder family that would cause them to have a power struggle that would leave body after body in its wake.
Two Lesbians and a Baby
(Context: A short story that takes place in the AU Eileen and Merula end up together during the Second Wizarding War).
“I thought you said not to get attached to the baby.”
Merula jumped in surprise from the voice behind her, causing her to jostle the baby cradled in her arms. She took a quick look down to make sure it was still sleeping and not getting ready to scream itself hoarse for having its nap interrupted and was relieved to find the little thing not making a fuss like it normally had these past few weeks of taking care of the insufferable thing.
The cursebreaker let out a sigh of relief. Glad that she didn’t have to deal with the nasty bugger before turning her attention to her wife and giving her her best withering glare. The kind that made most of her pathetic coworkers back at Gringotts cower beneath the powerful witch’s gaze. But Eileen, who had been married to Merula for 2 years and had known the Slytherin for far longer merely chuckled into her hand, completely unaffected by the threats and death glares her wife sent her at this point which was something Merula wasn't all too happy about.
“Have you gone mad Ryder? Of course I haven’t gotten attached to this pathetic, smelly little hell spawn!” Merula huffed as she straightened her posture and looked up at her dearly detested bastard of a spouse.
Eileen merely gave the shorter woman an amused look as she stared up and down at the way the Slytherin was unconsciously angling her body to better shield the baby from any potential danger. Her eyes softened as they landed onto the still sleeping bundle in her wife’s arms which only caused Merula to feel annoyance start to claw up her throat.
“If there’s anyone who’s getting attached to this thing it’s you! You’ve been acting all soft and dopey eyed these entire two weeks of caring for this brat! Honestly, the way this thing has gotten you wrapped around it’s tiny little finger is pathetic even for you, Ryder.’ Merula spat out venomously.
"Oh, and you haven't? I've seen the way you look at the little fella when you cradle him in your arms, or the way you give him one of your rare gentle smiles the few times you managed to wrangle a giggle out of him. Or how when he wakes up in the middle of the night and it's your turn to take care of him, you grumble about it but sing him back to sleep anyway. You may deny it but you secretly love caring for this little bundle of joy that you lovingly call a 'hell spawn'. 
“Face it Merl, you're completely enamoured with this little guy."
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percimmonhellyeah · 4 years
A New Friend - Logince Vore
Roman, the ruler of a noble elf kingdom, is injured, though a certain human is curious enough to take him back to their lab and help him.
Ship: Pred!Logan x Prey!Elf!Roman
Word Count: 3.1k
a/n: This was a request from @indecisive-loser on tumblr! He made this beautiful drawing of one of my other fics here and thought I’d make something back!
A cool summer’s breeze passed by, making the tree’s leaves rustle in the distance and the tall grass sway. There Logan stood in the grassy field and watched as the sun sunk down behind the earth. He sighed, trying to enjoy the moment before he headed back to his lab. He’d been studying the plant-life and wildlife around this field as he heard there was potentially a new species of frog or snake around the area. Discovering a new species would be one of his greatest achievements, of course if he actually found one. He’d been looking for one of these new snakes or frogs but he’s yet to see one. It was a bit discouraging, as he’d been looking in these fields for nearly a year now, but at least the place had plenty of other wildlife to study.
Logan looked over to his lab that hid among the trees in the distance, smiling at it. Another wind blew by, making the grass sway even more and brush at his sides. He took a deep breath in, taking that as his queue to leave the field and go back to his cozy lab, well as cozy as a lab can get. A yawn escaped his mouth as he walked across the field, letting his hands touch the tall grass. He’d been outside since six in the morning now that he thought about it. He glanced down at his wristwatch, checking the time. It was just about to become eight. He hummed realizing he’d been out the entire day, though it was a bit obvious with the tired look on his face. The air started to grow just a bit colder, waking him up a bit more. Soon, he was just at the edge of the forest, and he saw the small dirt pathway that led to his lab. To be honest, he kind of lived there since he spent so much time in it. It was his pride and passion to go there everyday to study the wildlife. Another yawn escaped his mouth as he looked over to the forest. He wanted to venture into the forest today, but something told him not to, at least until now.
As strange as it was for Logan to think this, he did feel some kind of presence nudging him to go deeper into the forest. He glanced over to the sky. The sun hadn’t fully set, and it would still be at least a bit sunny for another hour. Plus, he had a flashlight and a map of the place in case he was to get lost. A warmth flooded in him as he stepped into the forest, looking around. There wasn’t much to see at this time of night, at least from what he’s gathered looking around here countless times now. That was, until a small group of fireflies danced around a particular spot near a tree. The base of the tree had tall grass hiding it. He blinked at the unusual site. The grass was much taller than all the other grass surrounding it, and what was with the fireflies all gathering here? He glanced around again, seeing no other fireflies glowing anywhere else in the forest. With a slow step, he walked over to the tree and kneeled down. His hands reached over to the tall grass, pushing it aside. As soon as all the grass was out of his way, his eyes widened, and his mouth went ajar. It was an elf.
Logan never believed in the fae or magical creatures, but with what was in front of him, it was clear as day that they existed. The light from the fireflies illuminated the tiny elf. As he looked closer, he saw their pointy ears and beautiful brown hair. They wore a white shirt adorned with gold that was slightly ripped and had a small red sash across their body. Their pants were also ripped and worn down. What happened here? He got on his stomach, looking even closer, the fireflies now glowing brighter, and that’s when he saw it. Their back had a massive wound that was covered by the sash. Thankfully, it looked like most of the bleeding had stopped, but they were certainly in critical condition. If he left them out here, who knew what would come hurt them next.
Logan frowned at the site as he dug through one of his pockets. He soon pulled out a small clean rag, and, with a careful hand, he scooped up the tiny elf and stood up. He held them close to his chest and even through the rag, he could feel how cold they were. The sun was soon disappearing from the sky, the field and forest becoming darker and darker. A wind blew past him, making him shiver at the cold. He held the elf closer, trying to block as much of the wind as possible from their tiny frail body. The white light from the lab illuminated the path, making him smile. At least he knew he couldn’t get lost. Once he reached his lab, he entered and went over to his desk, ready to help the elf.
Warmth. It was warm when Roman woke up. His eyes fluttered open, and his head spun as he tried to get up. Where was he again? He was out on his daily walk through the forest then he blacked out. His thoughts scrambled to find out what happened until something caught his attention. Something soft and tight was wrapped around his body. He touched his back, his memories becoming clearer as he woke up. Soon, a softness brushed at his leg. Slowly, he sat up, looking down on the fabric he was sitting on. He blinked. Didn’t he pass out on the grass? Finally, he looked up seeing the bars of the small cage he was in and a human right next to it, tinkering with some liquids. His body shook for a second until he took in a deep breath. He had to admit, it was a scary sight to be so close to a human, but he needed to get back to his kingdom soon before everyone thought he was dead!
“Hey!” Roman yelled as he stood up, “Release me, you terrible beast!”
All of a sudden, the ground shook as the human turned to face him. He gulped as he stared right into their eyes.
“Oh, you’re awake,” they started, “Is your wound healing?”
He blinked, startled that they’d even ask such a thing. Humans were monsters! He took another look around. The room was filled with beakers and all types of glass tools. In the distance, there were some mice and other creatures locked in a cage. All of a sudden, his heart sunk as he looked back at the human that seemed to tower above him. He saw their white coat they had on over their black shirt and blue tie. They were a scientist.
“I said release me you beast!” Roman yelled again, trying to sound tough.
“Alright then, though you don’t need to yell.”
Roman backed away from the bars of the cage as the human opened the door. He dashed as soon as it was open until the human’s hand just stayed there, their palm open. He backed away again, wary. He didn’t want to get hurt once more, especially in the hands of a beast.
“I’m not going to hurt you,” the human said, “I’d just like a closer look.”
He looked back at the hand then at the floor, contemplating. Humans were nothing but monsters! Though, if they really intended to hurt him, they could’ve done it when they first found him. He was already unconscious at the time, so it would’ve been the perfect opportunity to kill him! Yet here he was with his back wrapped up and wound cleaned. He looked back up to the hand, making a decision. A deep breath entered his tiny lungs as he stepped closer to the opening of the cage. He shook a bit though soon calmed himself down as they stepped on to the human’s warm enormous hand. As careful as he could, he walked over their fingers and soon sat in the palm of their hands.
Roman grabbed onto one of their giant fingers as they moved their hands closer to their face. Their eyes scanned over his tiny form, making him back up, and eyed them back with suspicion.
“What’s your name? My name is Logan”
Roman blinked, certainly not expecting a human to ask for his name.
“I’m Prince Roman, and I demand to leave! My people need me, or my kingdom will crumble into chaos!”
“You’re royalty? How fascinating…” they said, “How about a deal? I’ll let you go by morning if I can research you.”
Roman put a hand on his chin as his mind swirled with all types of ideas. Should he trust Logan? Should he try to escape? All of a sudden, he started to shiver just a bit from the cold. Even with the warm palms underneath him, it wasn’t enough to warm him up in this big lab he was in. He squeaked when the hands soon cupped him in a bit more. A glance at Logan made his decision clear. As cold as their face was, there was just a hint of genuine concern. He looked back up again, taking in a deep breath.
“Alright, I’ll let you research me if it means I’m protecting my people from you.”
“I don’t intend to hurt you if that’s what you are saying… I was only going to ask questions about your species. Also, what exactly are you?”
From there, Roman ranted on about how marvelous elves were. They were practically humans, though much smaller. He yapped on about his kingdom and of course himself for hours on end, only stopping when Logan asked a specific question. As he continued to talk and talk, his tiny stomach grumbled. He blinked, realizing he hadn’t eaten anything that day. He looked up and he swore there was a faint smile painting Logan’s face.
“Are you hungry? I have some food,” Logan asked.
“Only a bit. I don’t think I’ve ever had human food before.”
Something in Logan suddenly made them smile more and almost look giddier. Their powerful hands brought Roman closer to their chest as they walked over to a cabinet. Soon, they opened it, revealing jars upon jars of some kind of red substance. A small loaf of bread, at least that’s what he thought it was called, laid on the bottom shelf. Logan grabbed the loaf of bread and a jar out of the cabinet, now sitting at a table nearby. He looked at the jar’s contents, never having seen something like it before.
“It’s called jam.”
Roman blinked as Logan spoke. Soon, their hand laid flat on the table, him now taking the hint and climbing off. He hugged himself. It was still a bit cold in the lab, but he’d certainly been in much colder weather. He must’ve been in Logan’s hands too long and got used to their warmth. A clank rang in his ears when Logan opened the jar of jam and spread it on to a small piece of bread, which he assumed was for him. His feet shuffled backward as they handed the piece of bread to him. A deep breath entered his lungs, his legs a bit shaky, though he quickly calmed himself down. With some hesitance, he took the bread and the jam on top and took a small bite. His eyes widened, captured by the flavor.
“This taste marvelous!”
“I know! I’m not one for sweets, but this always puts a smile on my face,” Logan said as they took their own piece of bread and spread some jam on it. Soon, they took a bite, Roman watching as they ate. He looked back down at his own bread and scarfed it down. He didn’t realize just how hungry he was.
“Would you like more?”
Soon, Roman nodded, a big smile forming on his face. He warmed up to the human quite a bit even though they only met that night. Something told him they would keep their word and not hurt his kingdom. Logan took another piece of bread and spread some jam on to it. They put it on a tea plate and slid it over to him. Quickly, he ripped off a piece of bread and munched on it, loving the flavor, and feeling in his mouth. He caught a glimpse of Logan smiling as he continued to eat their jam covered bread.
As Roman kept eating, he felt a warmth on his back followed by a light now casting a shadow down on the table. He turned around to see light filling the window nearby and he soon yawned. Were they both really up the whole night? Another yawn escaped his mouth, covering it with a hand. The bread he ate didn’t help much as it only made him even more tired. All of a sudden, he heard Logan yawn, too. He’d guess they’d been up for quite a while, probably longer than him. He looked back out the window as he touched the cloth that wrapped around his wound. He needed to go back to his kingdom, but his eyes were starting to grow heavy, wanting at least a nap.
“Are you tired?”
Roman just nodded and yawned as if on cue. Logan smiled more offering their hand. He scrambled on to it enjoying the small warmth from them. Soon, he looked up as they moved to a more comfortable plush chair and as they sat, a bit of hesitance and curiosity sprinkled on their face.
“Would you like to sleep in my storage stomach? I doubt the table would do much good.”
“Human’s have storage stomachs?”
“Some do… This should be my final experiment with you, but you don’t have to if you don’t want to, though I assure you it’s completely safe. I’ll let you go right after if you do want to do the experiment.”
Roman looked down with a hand on his chin. He could just be let go now, but he’d risk getting attacked again with how tired he was. But Logan’s offer did sound quite relaxing… He’d never been in a storage stomach before, and it would certainly be a lovely story to tell back home. A deep breath filled his lungs as he looked back up to them.
“Alright, I’ll do it. How shall we uh… start?”
“I’ll open up my mouth so you can crawl in. If anything goes wrong just tell me. I’ll do the rest. Are you ready?”
Logan’s hands moved up closer to their lips. Roman stared in awe at the sight, shaking from the fear and excitement that ran through him.
Finally, Logan’s mouth opened, and his jaw dropped at how marvelous their mouth looked. Their teeth were nearly a perfect white and their tongue looked as soft as the grass in the fields. As he came closer, a warm breath rolled over him that smelled of mint and jam. Not a scar or scratch lined the inside of their cheeks. The tongue soon rolled over their teeth, waiting for him to crawl in. He took in one more deep breath as he looked around, and soon crawled on to the soft tongue.
A strong warmth hit him as he was pulled inside, feeling even more of their breath wrap him. Carefully, he turned around so he could face the outside of their mouth. The light coming from the lab shone into their mouth, illuminating the entrance of their throat he’d soon be going down. Another breath washed over him, the warmth so inviting. He took one more good look around their mouth before they slowly closed it, darkness now surrounding him.
Soon, the tongue pinned Roman to the roof of Logan’s mouth. A small hum came out from him as their tongue squished his tiny body. The miniscule bumps on the tongue trailed his face. He held on to it, hugging it and cuddling into it. The tongue soon went down as he heard a hum from Logan. His face warmed up, almost matching with the heat that was in their mouth. Thank goodness they couldn’t see him, or he might’ve fainted! He cuddled more and more into the soft slimy flesh and let himself relax. Soon, a squeak escaped his mouth as he felt them start to tilt their head back. For a moment, his heart stopped, an instinctual fear kicking in. He took in a deep breath as he slid down to the entrance of their throat. The tip of their tongue curled over his head, giving him one last lick as he was finally gulped down into their throat.
The throat muscles was quick to massage at Roman’s tiny form, making him hum even more. It was a tad bit tight, but he didn’t mind it much, especially since he hadn’t relaxed this much in quite a while. Running a kingdom was hard work after all. Soon, he was squished even more into the muscles, certain it was Logan pressing their neck. Though soon, the pressure disappeared. A loud heartbeat and deep breathing rang in his ears as he continued to go down, deeper into their core. Finally, his legs squirmed into a much larger place, followed by the rest of him plopping down into their stomach.
Roman’s heart raced, trying to take everything in. To his surprise, there was a small blue glow coming from the mucus that lined their storage stomach, allowing him to see. With a gentle step, he stood up walking around in absolute awe. He pressed a hand into the stomach walls, entranced at his hands sinking into the folds. As soon as he pulled away, his hands started to glow from the mucus that stuck to him.
“Are you alright?” Logan’s booming voice echoed throughout the stomach.
“Yes! I’m alright!”
He continued to look around, exploring. Other than the mucus, there was no stomach acid in sight. He guessed he was right to trust the human. He took in a deep breath as he laid down, letting the warmth lull him to sleep. A yawn escaped his mouth as he snuggled into the folds.
“Hey, Logan?”
“Thank you for saving me. I’m not sure what I would’ve done without you…”
There was a small silence between both of them until Logan spoke.
“It’s… no problem. Sleep well, Roman…”
And with that, Roman’s eyes closed, relaxing into the walls of his new friend, falling asleep.
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quinn-tessence · 4 years
Paint me like one of your French girls
Part 2
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This goes out to all the artists in this heart warming Joker community, who still find so much inspiration in our beloved character. Thank you for sharing with us how you see Arthur/Joker through your eyes, your creative vision brings so much joy and comfort through these troubling times! 🙏🤡❤
Summary: you accept Joker's invitation against your better judgement, even after he'd broken into your home and caught you red handed. His rhetoric makes you fall into his degraded sense of civic duty. So does his sly but chivalrous demeanor, a different shade of the Arthur you used to know. You're in for a revelation that seals the deal.
Length: 7k ish, gradual build up
Warnings: a touch of Theodore Twombly, splashes of Arthur and heavy strokes of Joker, mentions of mental conditions, flirty fluff, oh smut, yes, yes, keep readin'
As his scent still lingered, the yellow street lights engulfed the room as you stood naked at the window, facing the portrait you'd painted. Maybe it had only been the light reflecting off its surface, but you could have sworn it was looking right through you.
Did this really happen? You thought to yourself as you stepped down from your high, hoping this had not just been one more of your self induced vivid fantasies. But the flammable cocktail he'd left lingering in your studio was a stark reminder.
Arthur had come at last, even if one year late, but it had been Joker breathing down your neck, intoxicating you with whispers of your most ardent desires. A butterfly in the path of a flame you were, the attraction to him primal, insatiable, frightening. Was this really Arthur? He was surely the Clown Prince of Crime, and that was not something sweet Arthur could have maneuvered while pumping himself full of antidepressants.
‘I'd put my mouth on you’ resounded against your temples, his purring whispers a delicious catalyst for a continuous pulsating sensation throughout the night. 'Cause that's how I imagine you every night' had been the least expected confession, had he lied to just get you hooked, he'd been successful. As you tried to drift away, you'd force yourself to resist the urge and keep yourself untouched for him. Agonizing as that was, how he'd stirred the embers in your mind had made any of your attempts futile. No substitute would do.
Tick, tock. You hadn't heard your bedside clock ticking for years, but today it was thumping, a metronome to steady your breath as you woke. The only sensible action was to take charge and keep yourself busy. He was going to get what he wanted, clearly he had made the alternative impossible with his mischievous schemes. But he had been thinking of you all night as well, and that was one aspect up to be exploited.
A few minutes to 9 PM, a pinup doll you'd never seen before was staring right back at you in the mirror. His spine tingling whispers had made you work on yourself on commission. He had one demand and it was up to you to fill up the rest of the canvas to impress.
The street was empty as you walked out on the dot. Swiftly, 3 SUVs pulled up in front of your alley, and your heart leapt to your throat.
Here comes the devil. Dashing. Elegant. Ravishing in that pristine makeup, green eyes piercing your whole body as he swaggered closer, his body ambling, almost floating on air. Your art made him no justice compared to the original. Any shades of color you might have painted before would pale in comparison to how they contoured him in the flesh, and the makeup uneven, yet always perfect. Smoke fuming from his mouth, his heels screeched the pavement as if to warn you danger is nearing, yet your knees grew weaker with each step he took.
He was… just as slim as you remembered, but somehow a bit taller. Instead of Arthur’s timorous gazes, a devilish smirk crowned his beautiful jawline enough to make you forget even your name. You couldn't help but wonder why the dress as his gaze systematically reduced any fabric covering your skin to irrelevance. The emerald green eyes had already made you whimper in silence, this wasn't going to get any easier.
‘Hi Y/N. Glad you decided to come tonight.’ An eyebrow twitch accompanied his words as a much needed release from hypnosis.
‘Hi, Joker. Not sure if I had a choice in accepting your invitation.’ An unmistakable vibration in your voice immediately made his deep, long dimples contour his well defined face. The sexiest dimples you'd ever seen in a man, you were certain.
‘Of course you did. You had one week to consider, and here you are. I must admit, you are your finest work of art so far. Is all of this for me?’
‘I have a date later and I thought I’d dress to impress. The fella seemed to have some serious intentions.' The thump of your heartbeat could easily be heard by his armed men keeping watch. Thankfully, they minded their business.
‘What a lucky fella. He'd better, or else I know a few guys who can straighten him up'
An eyebrow twitch followed by a tongue in cheek chuckle, he tried to distract your noticing by running a hand through his slick green hair, but his shy gaze fell to his feet. Hi, Arthur…
‘In this case, we'd better be on our way before we get all of us in trouble. A couple precautions before we go. I'll need to wrap this around your eyes to protect the location we're headed to. It'll be a 30 minutes drive. Sadly, I’ll have to jump in another car, for both our protection. If anything happens on the road, I’ll be the main target and my guys are sworn to keep you safe. But we took care of a few things and Gotham should be teeming with crime tonight, enough for us to have a safe journey. Are you ready?’ his hand extended, your primary instincts shameless traitors. As you touched his fingertips, you went all in.
You both hopped into one SUV, his proximity to you nerve wrecking, the warmth of his slender body radiating against your prickled skin. The way he had been staring into your eyes for a few seconds was making you question reality. Shutting your eyes as he wrapped his tie around them didn't help clear the waters.
‘Tell me if it's too tight.’
‘Wouldn't that be the point? Don't untighten it.’
‘Miss Y/L/N... Here you are, blindfolded in the backseat of my SUV, about to drive off with Gotham's most wanted. Knowing your inner circle, I’d have wagered they'd advise you to keep better company. Good thing I’m not a betting man.’
‘Well, a certain gentleman had made a promise last night, if I remember correctly'
‘Indeed he had. I'm not going to hurt you'
‘That was not the promise...' you forced the corners of your mouth to not betray your titillating reaction.
‘Wasn't it?’
An endearing giggle helped cut the tension in your core, but you gently startled at the feel of his fingers caressing your cheek and rushing over your lower lip, the ever present smell of nicotine flooding your nostrils, the lack of eyesight heightening your other senses. Somehow he made this feel like a dream.
‘See you soon'
A 30 minute drive with only the voice of Frank. Thoughtful touch, making you feel close to home even while venturing into a world of batshit crazy. Blindfolding you might have been for protection, but it served another more tantalizing purpose. And processed you did, but not at all did it help with the anxiety. If anything, Joker had poured gasoline on the bonfire he had started the night before.
The cars stopped and the door opened, your hand touched softly, you were descending from the car and carefully directed forward by his arms. You’d been right about his scent, and it drove you mad as he helped you watch your step.
‘Open your eyes'
The venue, a vineyard outside Gotham, with a manor and view of the lake. Breathtakingly elegant and conveniently out of police jurisdiction. A coquette set up on the front terrace in an open space foyer, the breeze rustling the flowers that dangled from it. As beautiful a venue, in reality he was still the center piece of this canvas, the white streaks of makeup, his green hair, the contrasts of his suit, that never ending cigarette. Unethical, dangerous, beautiful. What was he doing to you?
‘Welcome to my summer retreat. Glad you decided to join me, miss Y/L/N.’ He pulled a chair for you, elegantly inviting you to sit.
‘If we’re so intimately acquainted, why are you calling me by my last name?’
‘I like the taste of it on my lips. I like kitten more, but you know, pleasantries and all.’
He'd called you that before. Arthur was there, but Joker was clearly behind that lewd smirk and tantalizing choice of words. Tingles started running up your thighs without warning, in sync with the rhythm of his cues.
‘Pleasantries are for strangers'
‘Oh! Well then. We already see eye to eye' the clicking of glass betrayed a slight tremor in his hands as he poured a little more wine than necessary.
‘Cheers, thank you for having me here. How could I decline the invitation?’
‘I didn't know if you'd accept the invite one year later.’
‘And yet you took the risk'
‘How could I not be intrigued by the artist who paints me as a primary subject? You can imagine my surprise when I found out you were the same Y/N from the pharmacy queue. Why did you move out?’ As gallant as he was, he sure knew how to cut straight to the point.
‘I... I wasn't in a good place, I needed to uproot myself. So I quit the force, moved out, became a full time artist and painted my view of the world. That gives me fulfillment, I had been searching for it in the wrong place, I guess.’
‘Can’t argue with that. Fascinating. Tell me more.’
‘How far back should I go that you don't already know?’ His eyes moved away for a second, then returned with an intensity to freeze one's bones to the core.
‘It would mean so much more if I heard it from your lips rather than my trusted informants’. ’
That sweet white wine was a dangerous catalyst to unleash to him your widest smile, comforted by the verified honesty of his stories and his sharing of turmoil at the world. He'd also been an artist, although his conditions had been a detriment to his success in a comedy career, and support for him nonexistent at best.
You were just as fluent in Arthur's tragic life as he was in your tumultuous one. You’d been reduced to tears in your late nights when processing his fall into madness and how helpless he had been. All alone. That utter feeling of pain and grief had fueled your inspiration through all those months. But now the makeup made him look younger, the furrows of life less visible on his skin, that deep sorrow hidden under a thick layer of overconfidence, and if that was what he wanted to show you tonight, the last thing you'd do was force him otherwise.
A couple hours flew within minutes, the food half nibbled, his elbows on the table, his eyes every shade of the sea amidst a storm, devouring your every twitch as you spoke. Each time you'd meet them, he'd watch you languidly, dissecting your every reaction, the corner of his mouth slowly arching his dimples into existence. You had already sunk deeply in the sight of him chuckling and occasionally strolling his delicate long fingers through his green locks. He was so real and close to the touch, his presence so electrifying, it gave you fever.
And yet he made you feel comfortable. It had been a long time since a man had done so well and so naturally, you had forgotten how sweet the shivers were. And here was Arthur, that once shy, flustering man, igniting fire after fire in your gut with each elegant note of his voice and moves of his slender body. You couldn’t tell if the spark in his eye was his, or a reflection of your flaming self.
‘My turn to share?’
‘Yeah maybe I should stop talking for a while now, sorry, I got a bit carried away.’
‘Nonsense. You're my guest, why would I have brought you here if I didn't want to hear your stories?’
‘Well if you insist, I could think up a few reasons… aaand here I go, I’m so sorry, that was a bad joke, I swear it's the wine speaking…', your hand went straight to your face in a desperate attempt to hide your tipsy embarrassment.
Typical of you to screw this up, atta girl, you thought to yourself, feeling how your cheeks had turned the color of your dress. You weren't lying, the wine had had a woozing effect, but you were drunk on him instead. As you shyly lifted your eyes, a hungry wolf was lurking beneath the painted blue diamonds, eyes as deep as an ocean, eyebrows creasing his forehead in long, deep wrinkles. It wasn't fair how the red razor sharp grin cut through his cheeks like furrows, his crooked teeth exposed enough to make you bite your lip in shame of your sassy comment.
‘That's… one description, but not the one I’d choose… When you come out from under there, I have a surprise for you. Come with me inside for a minute.’
That red dress suddenly shrunk tightly on your chest, the fabric a suffocating shroud for your skin. Guided through the gliding doors, an elegant galley of your work hung against a red brick wall. You felt a knot in your throat, your eyes watering.
‘This part of the house is my little sanctuary. Where I come to spend time with you, with how you see me through your eyes. I started collecting those the minute I felt alive through your art, immortal, legendary. You’re fueling my ego, you know?’
This was more of a shock than a surprise. A shock at your naivety than at his right to purchase your public art. He had kept all your thank you cards, even if you'd thought you'd written them for different clients. He called them your letters. They were to him, and about him, so he found it appropriate. Was this just incredibly romantic, or was it the schizoid paranoia from his official diagnosis?
Right then, the realization finally struck, and it struck with the sound of a thousand church bells between your temples. You’d shared such intimacy with him for months, and he’d been financing your bohemian lifestyle since you’d left the force. This was his big night, just as much as yours, it was clear as you looked into his eyes to see sweet Arthur from the pharmacy line. Yet his shy gaze betrayed anything but an expectation to cash in that cheque. You were ignoring all the red flags again, the rush of emotion rendering you incapable of clear thought.
And yet, your body was yearning to shed its covers and unravel your latest masterpiece to absorb his reaction through every pore, but you gave into your superficially cautious thoughts. As he stood next to you in admiration, he lit a cigarette and passed it over after puffing almost halfway. You’d never thought the sight of red marks on a cigarette would be the catalyst to set you ablaze in your choice of men, but you'd been ironically wrong. The very close presence of this clown felt nothing like fear and anxiety, even more so as he was fidgeting so sweetly. An adorable irrational fear of a possible rejection had kept a never ending cigarette between his lips, and your heart coiled at seeing a painted Arthur before you.
‘I hope you don't mind. If a fire broke out tomorrow I'd save these first. You saw me when I needed to be seen, and the way I needed to be seen. Your art is breathtaking. Nothing humbles me as admiring it.’
You felt as light as a feather as his hand extended once again, and carried you back to the foyer to pour the last glass of wine.
‘I gotta be honest with you, kitten. I’m not an easy guy to be around. My mind is a twisted place, and past treatments were … debilitating, to say the least. Fate took me off those by force, just to feel much better afterwards, ironically. I switched my treatment for a couple conditions in the meantime. You see, having difficulty distinguishing reality from imagination could be quite inconvenient in my line of business. Else, I'd be back in Arkham by now.’
For a deranged criminal, he was exquisitely refined. His posture, his attire, the cigarette between his fingers were radioactive. This deceitfully feeble man had once bashed in the brains of a man twice his size with a pair of scissors and a wall, the police records had been detailed enough to make your stomach churn. His slim, delicate body was a dangerous trap for those who questioned his ferocity and agility coupled with his multiple mental conditions. The 3 Wall Street guys had had no idea what a catalyst they were about to be. And yet, here he was. Delicate and gentle, maybe even vulnerable.
‘Back? Why back?’ you asked despite knowing every little detail.
‘Not an easily digestible subject, I’m sure you'd agree. That's a conversation for another time, but here I am, flesh and blood, thinking as clearly as daybreak. In most aspects.’
That wine must have had no effect on him, as he continued to control the conversation, steering it with refinement, clearly more cautious than yourself.
‘What aspects are not clear?’
‘Is this an interrogation, kitten?’ his wide gaze from under long eyelashes coupled with the pet name off his lips were utterly debilitating.
‘Not at all, I am intrigued. Please tell me more'
‘If the lady insists. What’s unclear? Well some minor details. Like my future, my life, the next target, evading the police, you.’ His emeralds confidently strolled along the lines of your face, particularly the curve of your lips. Not at all distracting.
‘I can understand the others, but me?’
‘You see me for who I want to be. I’m not always Joker, that's for my men, my criminal nightlife. You knew me before all this, and you paint that man wearing this Joker outfit. Sometimes I wish it were so, but most times I am convinced that it must be otherwise.’
He swallowed hard and emptied his glass.
‘So you see how your artistic depiction of me is what I want to see when I look in the mirror, not what they say on TV. It's kept me from going too far, it gives me a level of restraint that this Joker makeup laughs at, and I really prefer that to any straight jacket. I like this new man I’ve become, but I can't allow him to overwhelm the old me. Whomever that was.’
As he spoke, there was a sweet sadness to his voice that proceeded to melt you from the inside, furthering the utterly irresponsible, delicious plunge. He was forcing himself to smile even through the most painful truths, like a tic developed through years of practice, but his voice faltered here and there, trying to stifle his bouncing knee. All you wanted was to cup his cheek and caress him through the anxiety that had been crippling the body of both his whole life. He reached out for another cigarette before you could fulfill that thought.
‘I… am flattered, to say the least. I wasn't sure what to expect of tonight, but I will have another glass of wine, please. If there's any left in this beautiful vineyard.’
‘Coming right up!’
He danced nimbly into the kitchen, Sinatra serenading an audience of hanging grapes and the two of you.
Impressed was an understatement. Where was that psychopathic, vicious killer clown that all the headlines had been about for the past year, that your friends had tried to warn you of? Joker had been a gentleman so far, none of his known crimes had tainted that opinion of him, not even Murray to be quite frank. He wasn't half as ruthless as he had been demonized to be. How he spoke so caringly about his men, they were not just his goons, he trusted them, and they trusted him. This didn't make your coming here any wiser, not in the eyes of society. But your mind was already made up.
He soon returned with a new bottle, poured a glass and extended his hand.
‘Voulez vous danser avec moi, mademoiselle?’ That pristine makeup and red suit molded him into the most alluring devil coming to claim you. Speaking in French had sealed the deal.
‘Biensur, monsieur.’
Strolling you across the terrace on The Way You Look Tonight, leaning you onto his chest, his palm on the small of your back, gently intrusive. The warmth of his body engulfed yours, his cheek on your temple, he had you craving for a heavy dose. He was such a good dancer, you felt like a feather in his delicate arms as he turned you a few times then leaned you backwards to lift your thigh in a shy attempt to test your responsiveness. The innocence of his smile quickly altered into curiosity as his fingers brushed over your garter. A glimmering spark coated his devilish eyes and an eyebrow twitch marked the epitome of nonverbal cues.
‘Where did you learn French?’
‘From old movies on the telly. Unfortunately, my extensive knowledge of French will end here. I'd always fall asleep through the romantic dancing, so I don't know what comes next.’
‘What a terrible waste of a beautiful evening that would be…’
‘It would… But I've also prepared for tonight, kitten, in many ways.’ You whirled at his directive once again.
‘You did indeed. I appreciate the effort.’
‘Hah, I’m sure you do…' he chuckled to himself mischievously. 'I know I am putting you in an awfully strange position by being here and showing you all this. I'd like to know you're comfortable, all things considered. I wouldn't want to overwhelm you.’
‘Yes, how thoughtful indeed. Especially after how you left me last night.’
‘Ohhh yes, I did that, didn’t I?’
‘My dating rulebook had a few pages torn out, so I had to skip a couple chapters in my preparation. Perhaps you could fill me in on the content of those missing pages…’
He hadn't expected you to make the first move, the surprise in his eyes at seeing you instinctively biting your lip was palpable, but the tension in your core had overstepped any boundaries.
‘… I wouldn't want to drag you down. I'll catch up. What page are you on right now?’
As you spoke, you were dancing him inside the mansion, towards the main art room. Tantalizing him, your lips grazing over his, locking eye contact intensely, then shying away. His intrigue at your little game etched a smirk across his face, his fingers sinking into the flesh of your waist, very gently contouring the girdle holding your stockings.
‘I have an advanced edition. The page that cautions against wearing lace for a long time.’
‘Lace?… oh. Ohhh! I see! Yeah, I remember that. In the missing pages, they strongly advised removing all other clothes for easier access to the lace…'
Your back sensually turned to him, his fingers lowered your back zipper, the feel of burning wet lips on your neck snatched a deep moan from yours as a hum vibrated against your ear. In a swift second, you were in his arms being carried in front of his gallery, and as soon as the stilettos touched the ground, your dress was framing your ankles at his careful directive.
‘Oh... The advanced edition must have a copy of my journal in the writers' room’ his eyes gleaming, he took a step back to revel in the sight of his freshly lace garnished gallery.
‘Not really. Seeing how you wrapped me up in a tight bow, I found another way of adding a… touch… of myself.’
A wide grin across his face, he was visibly panting. His hands straight to the top of his teal shirt in a desperate attempt to get some fresh air. The light emanated from the frames of his portraits contoured your body as he approached with careful steps, as if a predator stalked its prey, strolling hungry eyes all over your curves.
‘And here I was, thinking I’d seen the best of you yesterday. Look at you… you're worth every damn risk in the book. Tell me, have you been a good girl last night?’
He slowly ascended the 3 steps leading to the art wall where you stood in your unholy red lace lingerie, stockings hanging from your girdle insolently. Your pedestal, that was. Colin was right, reality beats fiction every god damn time. If he only knew.
‘I clearly haven't. I should have called the cops on you. Yet you break in and rake me up with your mischievous whispers, you make me dress up for you and bring me here, to all this, and then claim you don't want to overwhelm me. You're acting like a gentleman but you're really a sneaky bastard, aren't you?’
Shamefully you put all the blame for your descent into his madness on him, as if you’d taken no part in this tantalizing game. In his ascent, he had gained the advantage right back, towering over you in all his colorful splendor. In that very moment, he knew you were his. The corners of his mouth arched so intensely that no amount of makeup could cover Arthur's arousing wrinkles any longer. He knew very well that he was the devil coming to claim what was his, and his gentle demeanor had shifted drastically to reflect that and scorch you. His inquisitive eyes onto the soft edges of the red brassiere, his tongue strolling over his lips lusciously, you were soon humming to yourself.
‘I… I am about to fuck you into next month. I hope you cancelled your plans, pussycat.’
His bluntness made it clear that Arthur had left you at the mercy of this clown, yet every atom of your body craved him.
‘How gallant… What about your criminal activities?’
‘I'm taking a small vacation. My men will shake things up enough to keep your buddies doing overtime. As for being a gentleman, I’m done with that for tonight.’
‘What if I say no?’
‘I made sure you wouldn't do that last night’
The moment you felt his ragged breath against your skin, you melted away in his arms, like gold in a fire pit. You gave in completely to his hungry lips trembling as he kissed you, his whole body as tense as a string, savoring you with heavy gulps. The intensity of his grip, the weight of his body, the shivers in his flesh betrayed the end of a painful anticipation that he'd yearned for. The bitterness of his makeup was the first shock, the second was his body weight heavy against you, the third the most unnerving, ohhh la la! If one lit a match you'd both combust in flames.
‘How about we skip the pleasantries, mm?’ he whispered in between heavy gulps of you, far from asking for permission.
The taste of his mouth, a mélange of cigarettes, wine, bitter makeup, each flavor made your limits become optional. Lace was suddenly no longer a threat for your breasts, as his fingers bared your chest for his delight, quickly followed by his painted thin lips. Something about him made you feel like a dangerous woman. Devouring you whole, shoulders, neck, breasts, his makeup brushed faded color tracing his steps, little moans escaping his throat at the taste of your skin. To your left, a full gallery of your ardent attempts to bring him back. You’d been afraid for so long to articulate your feelings for him even to yourself, always denying the possible realization of this moment. But his warm tongue strolling along your navel was a check mate to your insecurities, and now your body was his canvas, painting you in shades of Joker.
As he got on his knees, you felt yours would weaken in an instant, the heels of your stilettos working their way to penetrate yours.
‘I think we should take the advice in the rulebook and avoid exposure to lace for too long, don't you?’ his nimble fingers removed the lace panties and his tongue invaded your core before you could object. As if.
Fuck yesss… you exhaled a touch too loudly.
‘Oh dear, where are your manners, young lady?’ as if he wasn't speaking with a mouthful.
The sight of his green hair falling over the red jacket, his wide eyes pinned on yours, his mouth gobbling at you had been your usual suspects for the past year. But you'd imagined Arthur under the makeup, and these darkened eyes betrayed another beast altogether, a hungry, voracious beast. A surprisingly crafty one, within seconds he'd made you purr uncontrollably.
An outpour of sensation washed over you, body and mind together feeling so sensual and wanted, he was controlling your body with his tongue even as he knelt before you. You’d been intoxicated by the smell of cologne, cigarette and faint gasoline, your finger tips tracing the freshly applied white makeup and green dye on his temples. Soon enough, the slick bastard was maneuvering your clit, exposing and tasting it to his own pleasure. For a second, he moaned as he lost himself in your folds, the sounds of him enjoying what he was doing to you made you pulsate on his tongue. He'd rattled you down to your heels, you were panting so hard you were afraid you would tumble.
‘Joker… I’m gonna fall…’
‘Now now… let me finish this first, then you can fall for me, kitten.’
It hadn't even crossed your mind to make that connection, but you were once again red-handed. You couldn't help but let out a silly school girl giggle as he got up and lifted you in his arms, so much stronger than his slim complexion let see, carrying you to the large sofa, gently laying you in a corner.
‘Is this better?’
Your eyes the size of two full moons, you nodded.
‘Keep those devils on, will you?’ winking at the red soles of the Louboutins you'd chosen for the occasion. You nodded once more with beggar eyes.
‘The taste of you… mmm how I’ve yearned for it… I wasn't joking about your cancelled plans. Don't say you weren't warned' he whispered as he kissed you, his taste and yours mingled on his lips were an aphrodisiac. You nodded obediently one last time.
Kneeling once again between your thighs, he proceeded to unbutton his vest, then his shirt, yet maintaining eye contact. Damn, that new treatment must have been making miracles. You had never been intimate with Arthur before, but you couldn't miss that it was Joker in between your thighs. You’d be shamelessly lying if you said you didn't want him to take you just like this, a painted, deranged clown that had been stalking you for months, the danger an essential part of the thrill.
As he bared his chest, a deep purple covered part of his left ribcage underneath the teal shirt, his nightlife trade in violence etched onto his body, causing you to frown with genuine concern. That must have been why he seemed to flinch and change course at the thought of baring his body to you. In his own time.
You trembled as his warm breath spread over your clit, sinking his tongue in whatever he'd made of you already. The intense eye contact would be enough stimulant to answer your burning curiosities, but he had his to satisfy. Savoring each slurp, he was masterfully tensing you up like a guitar string ready to pop at the next twirl, and those diamonds around his eyes only served to plunge you into the ferocity of his curious gazes. You were a ball of ache to feel his flesh slither inside you, tongue, fingers, cock. The thirst you’d felt for him for so long was strikingly visible in your quivering body and four octave moans, his palms strolling across the red lace all the way up to your breasts. How insatiable he was in his exploration, each touch a stronger confirmation that you were really, finally his.
A soft stroke of his tongue over his lips yanked you out of any distraction, an uncontrolled twitch of your knees betraying a futile instinct of self preservation. Your reflexes had been off by around a year, though. You whined and moaned and shivered under his velvet lips as he strolled them down your breasts, your ribs, your belly button, feeling the jolts in your body and reveling in them as he hummed. Each kiss he carefully peppered onto your prickled skin sent you into a maddening spiral, your core a backdraft aching for him to extinguish. How ironic. You had grown up petrified of those nightmares of a dreadful clown chasing you down to eat you whole. Who would have thought these terrors would develop into consuming yearnings 20 years later?
The high that came with his virtuosity made the fabric of reality feel hazy, your fingers tangled in his green hair an anchor to the real world, where it seemed as if your body had been designed for him to unlock. With each feathery stroke he'd have you yearning for more, contorting in lust as he tasted you for his own pleasure. Your fingers on his white temple, he seemed intrigued by the beggar look staring right at him, so he buried his tongue deeper.
‘This tastes exactly how I imagined it…’
This hungry wolf kept on controlling your whole body through his tongue, slurping each drop of pleasure he brought. The narcissist in him was feeding off each reaction he ignited, reveling in the fact that he was the cause of all this hot mess, and you were falling like rain on a scorching mid summer day.
‘You rascal... Is this your MO, you threaten your prey 24 hours before the inevitable?’
‘I usually take ‘em by surprise'
Fire and ice collided in your core into an outwash of sensation and your eyes drowned in the back of your head as he gentry filled you up with one finger ‘Ohh… right there…’. It was too much to bear as his tongue played with your flushed bud and his finger stroke at your deepest well of intense pleasure. Never would you have thought Arthur capable of pleasuring a woman so exquisitely, but here he was, proving you wrong in the most delicious way you'd never imagined.
He was an artist after all, a nimble dancer who was born with music in his veins. And what is dancing than making love set to music? How he constantly drained you of every drop of pleasure with his skillful tongue, as if he'd finally found his vocation. The tenderness of his touches betrayed a long lasting want for you in his arms, a haunting want that he'd finally captured and was now close enough to taste.
‘Oh God, this is too good, please keep going' your voice had turned into beseeching cries.
‘Yes, please…’
‘Mmm… Right here?’
‘Y… yes… don't stop please', the words poured out as if coming from the sweetest place of ecstasy, the beggar look and pulsating muscles a dead giveaway.
‘Come for me, pussycat, and look at me as you do...’
His command to come for him tipped you off the edge instantly, he had released the hold on the leaning rollercoaster, his tongue twirling and stroking your flushed bud. His piercing eyes gleamed as your skin went aflame and you combusted in his mouth harder than you’d ever had before. Your mind was devoid of thought as you let yourself sink into his fervent caresses. He held you down as you bucked and convulsed in blissful agony pinned onto his finger, he sank his nose and tongue into your cunt, prideful for making you come so soon. You felt flushed, ravaged, trembling from all joints, your eyes in the back of your head unable to contain their fluttering any longer. His starved frenzy had eased into careful strokes with a soft tongue, comforting you through the dwindling climax.
‘Whoa, hello there, pussycat… how I love hearing you purr like this for me’
He climbed up to you gently, the widest, proudest grin imaginable etched on his face as he smacked his lips. The lower half was smudged enough for his mouth to be visible under a glistening coat of you, and there it was. The scar that you'd specifically left out of the composite sketch. It was very old, a part of him, his face branded uniquely. As much as the clown costume spewed fire down your spine, you so badly wanted to see Arthur without it once again.
‘I'm gonna…’
‘Come again?’
His nimble fingers were skillfully riding you fast towards another orgasm, your core still highly sensitive after your first one.
‘That's it kitten, give this joker what he wants. You're so damn beautiful, I want all of you'
His savory whispers lifted you to your peak, then his lips kissed you through your implosive ecstasy as your whole body quivered under his. The taste of you on his lips should be his new cologne from then on. After he’d seeded those thoughts the night before, it wasn't at all surprising how your body overreacted to his touches. Murmuring softly in your ear, he slowly released the grip as you descended from the second high. Your palms caressed his jawline, the feel of paint covering his skin a contradiction you'd never felt before. But here he was, teaching you what you didn't know how.
‘There there, I’ll let go now'
‘No, don't, please. Give me more…' You begged, commanding respect as the highly virtuous, dignified lady you were in that moment.
His smile as wide as on Christmas morning, his eyebrows raised, a chuckle exulting his whole body, he clearly hadn't expected that reaction so soon. Cat's out of the bag now.
‘Well well well… Look at you beg!'
‘I didn't beg…!'
‘But you will'
You should have known better than falling into that again, but you were too distracted with unbuttoning his red pants and finding the real culprit for your sleepless nights. If you'd known Joker from so many accounts, this had not been in any police record. But boy, it should have been, you wouldn't have thinned your art exhibitions to avoid being found, what a ridiculous thing to do!
With a swift motion, he was already in between your thighs. Lowering his white briefs and positioning himself at your glistening entrance, he was massaging with the tip, testing your sensitivity. This surely wasn't the same gallant gentleman who'd wooed you so far, this was another animal who was toying with his food, and you had willingly stepped into his lair.
‘Is that a threat or a promise?’
His eyes squinted in the dim light, a smug smile to his ears and your whole body jolted at the feel of him entering you all the way down, groaning with eyes in the back of his head.
‘Knowing me, what’s the difference?’
You molded so well on him as he filled you up and some more, his arms locking you down for his pleasure. Careful and gentle at first, his knees deep in the couch the more he'd bury himself into you, his face immersed in your hair gulping your scent, his tongue nibbling your ear.
‘And now I’m inside you. All the way inside you', his hand caressing your jawline, shyly brushing over your gaping mouth before kissing you.
Releasing yourself to him had been the epitome of the most ardent desires clawing out of you progressively. You‘d craved each and every word he was whispering in your ear as he was having you. His size filled you all the way in, you must have been molded to him or else you could not fathom how you'd never felt so awash as you did with Joker. He was going there, working exquisitely to get his little prize again, and it was terrifying how familiar he had become with your sweet spot in under an hour. Perhaps you'd anticipated this moment for months on end that his slightest touch would just keep you hooked in a state of blissful tension. His slim body felt heavy over you, his sharp pelvis bones grinding against your inner thighs, his protruding ribs over yours.
And yet he was so beautiful, no other man had ever awakened such riveting feelings inside your gut so effortlessly. The amount of torment this man had felt throughout his life, and yet he was still capable of making you feel such heart warming bliss in his arms. As he'd wrapped you around him tight, his palm on your cheek, his forehead to yours, it was clear you weren't just tonight's fuck. He had longed for you, and you were finally his. And his you were.
‘I'd asked myself so many times why you kept painting me, and what would you think about when you did that… Am I on the right track?’
You were a broken record of enticing approvals, your mind and body in ecstatic agony. This was not the same man from Pogo's Comedy Club, or the same man on the police car for that matter. This man was phlegmatic, charismatic and gallant enough to be a dirty flirt, and so goddamn dashing in his suit and makeup. Everything about him was such a contradiction it was driving you rabid.
Getting plowed you screamed and panted heavily, your core soaking him whole. His strokes were taking you to the edge, had they been delicate so far, now they were progressively vicious as he heard you whimper. Your mind was a sweet void, a deep abyss of shivers and tingles shrouding you in free fall, your dry lips pleading him to keep going.
As he bit his lips, his facial features turned aggressive, his eyes dark with lust. You moaned as he laid you down and fucked you hard and deep, hitting your sweet spot rhythmically, your cries fuel to his ego. The sneaky bastard was grinning at the sight of his kitten crumbling under his pleasure, so damn proud of himself.
‘You've been thinking about this for a while, haven’t you?’
Your five senses were invaded by his forehead sweaty onto yours, his eyes a hypnotizing flood of green murky waters, the smell of ammonia and cigarettes filling your nostrils, his husky voice whispering softly as his cock rummaged your sweet spot.
‘You want to be my precious little slut doll, don't you? Come for me.’
Oh god… a new set of pleasure waves rushed through your flesh progressively. Something about the way he cursed sent you into a spiral, how it tipped you over into another outpour of muscle spasms. Under tight grips, he fucked you the way you needed to be fucked, fast and hard, without a pinch of mercy, his cock growing stronger under your spastic contractions, Arthur must have left the building completely. You slowly shed every ounce of ecstasy as he trailed his eyes down your body, his breath ragged, his voice purring little silent curses.
You're here, really here, you're mine, all mine, his voice whispered right before his sea green eyes disappeared in the back of his head and you felt a strong throb rushing through you as he spilled himself into you, shuddering, panting, gasping for air. His moans in pleasure were an aphrodisiac you’d never believed you'd get a taste of. But here it was, and all you wanted was to savor it at your discretion again and again.
As he descended from his high, his body felt heavy and his heart galloped against your chest, yet his lips still lingered on your skin, peppering it with red traces of himself. Joker had ousted the whole world from your senses, leaving only himself under your skin, his embrace the safest shelter for both.
‘If you only knew…’ he whispered as he lay his face to rest in the nuzzle of your neck ‘… just how many times I’ve played this in my head, kitten… If there's one good thing out of my condition, it's that my imagination can be blissfully vivid.’ His fingers deciphered your face gently, grabbling the warmth of the skin. ‘But every time I’d wake hopeful, you weren't there. And that's when it was most cruel and bitter…’The faltering of his voice played the piano tiles of an innocent, tormented concerto that filled the room despite the windy night.
‘But I am here now, Arthur'
‘You are… yes, you are…’
The sweetness of his soft lips deliciously covering your face until reaching your mouth, he'd been right when predicting your fall for him, and what a rhapsodic fall he'd triggered. The silence of his tight embrace said more than you'd ever dared hope for, but a playful hum lingered in his throat as the words murmured indelibly.
Someday when I’m awfully low, when the world is cold
I will feel a glow just thinking of you, and the way you look tonight
His husky voice gave you shivery prickles, and a chuckle escaped you remembering the direction of Sinatra's lyrics, what a master of anticipation Arthur had become.
*Knock knock*
Arthur's voice froze in an instant, your heart almost bursting into his palm, he placed a finger over your lips to shush you.
A voice with a British accent apologized for the intrusion and set your mind at ease, but had clearly set Arthur on edge. By his puzzled reaction, he had meant his promise of a vacation and an interruption couldn't be a good omen.
‘Ahhhh shit, Gary! He wouldn't bother unless it was important. Stay here, kitten, I'll be right back. COMING!'
Untangling himself from you proved difficult for both as he kissed your lips one last time while tucking himself back into his pants. You'd covered half your face with the first pillow to stifle your giggles as he stumbled putting his shoes on, seemingly willing to greet Gary with his lower face smudged in a most decadent mixture of you both.
‘Arthur… that suit won't cover the lower half of your face, you know?’
An eyebrow twitch stopped him in his haste to ponder at your hint, the realization of it spreading a most endearing smile of the night onto his face. Your heart coiled at his complicit chuckle of needing to put Joker back on as he'd forgotten him for a second.
Two minutes later he bowed gracefully, his makeup shamefully half applied over the initial mess.
‘Gary's my best man, he's seen worse of me. But what’s a valiant knight to do if not protect his sweet damsel's virtue?’
A wink and a quick peck on the lips, so comfortingly as if you'd known each other for ages, and off he went.
As he will, undoubtedly…
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a-n-conrad · 4 years
Fighting and Flirting (Bakugo x Reader)
Chapter 19: Finals
[Summary: As you all get your results for the written portions of your finals, it’s time for you to get ready for the practical portion. Would you be able to measure up to one of your teachers or not?]
“Katsuki!” You shout, bouncing over to his desk excitedly, “How’d you do? I got sixth in the class!”
“Katsuki?” You hear Kirishima mutter under his breath, though you pay it no mind. You’re too excited about your test results to really care, “When did that happen?”
“Good job, dumbass,” Katsuki responds. Despite the teasing tone, he looks a little proud, “It’s a good thing you actually paid attention while we were studying. You almost caught up to me.”
“Wait, what did you get?”
“Woah, I definitely chose the right tutor!”
“You didn’t choose anything, I offered to help you study.”
“Hmmm, true,” You smile at him, before replying in a very singsong tone, “Thank you, Katsuki!”
“Whatever, loser.”
You skip off to go talk to Shoto and Deku about the written exams. You were going to hold onto the pride of doing well as long as you could before you had to get ready for the physical exam.
- - - - -
Bakugo had to admit that she was kind of cute when she was excited. He was pretty impressed with how hard she worked to get her grade, too. She really did work hard on all of their study sessions, and obviously it paid off. 
As she skipped away, excitedly bragging to her other friends about her score, and how she managed to catch up after forgetting to study, he felt someone tap him on the shoulder. As he turned around to find a very confused looking Kirishima, he knew he was in for a few questions. Especially when Mina and Denki joined him.
“Dude, since when does (Y/N) call you ‘Katsuki’?” Kirishima asked though Bakugo knew he was implying something else with the question.
“I told her she could while we were studying. There’s nothing weird about it, I was just getting sick of hearing her refer to me by my family name.”
“Oh, so you wouldn’t mind if we called you by your given name?” Denki asked, with an annoying smug look on his face. Bakugo knew he was being baited, but since when did that stop him from giving in.
“Don’t you fucking dare, Pikachu!”
“Oooooh,” Mina had a comment this time, “So you do have a soft spot for her. Are you guys dating?”
“No,” Bakugo responded a little too quickly, “and I have no idea what you’re talking about. I don’t have a soft spot for anyone.”
“Suuuure, dude. But if you and her are hanging out like that, does that mean she isn’t dating Todoroki?”
“Of course they aren’t dating,” Mina responds first, “Trust me, they don’t have the right chemistry. I’m pretty sure they see each other as siblings.”
“Mina, I know you have some weird girl sense or whatever, but I don’t think you can just see stuff like that,” Denki argued, “But hey, if Bakugo isn’t dating her and Todoroki isn’t dating her, maybe I still have a shot!”
“Like hell you do, idiot,” Bakugo found himself cutting in, feeling weirdly angry at the implication of Denki dating her. Was this what jealousy feels like?
“I knew it!” Mina seemed pleased with herself, and as she high fived Denki, Bakugo got the feeling they had planned something, “You totally have a crush on her, don’t you?”
“Go to hell, Racoon-eyes.”
“Oh, come on, dude,” Denki said, “Just tell her.”
“Yeah, I gotta agree, man,” Kirishima adds in, “You really should just tell her.”
“Whatever,” Bakugo mutters, before sitting back in his seat. He really wasn’t in the mood to listen to a relationship lecture from the three of them, but maybe they were right. If she wasn’t dating Todoroki or anyone else, he might have a chance. 
- - - - -
Before you knew it, it was time for you to take the practical part of your final exam. You had all passed the written exam, but you had a feeling that the practical portion would be a little harder. And since you hadn’t been told what this part would be yet, you weren’t sure what to expect.
And the look on Aizawa’s face when he got ready to explain it all to you didn’t help your nerves. You knew that you all had driven him insane this term, and you worried that maybe this was his chance for revenge. With the USJ attack, the number of injuries and dumb decisions at the sports festival, and the fact that three of your classmates took it upon themselves to catch a serial killer. Aizawa had to be really sick of all of you. And you just had to hope that he wouldn’t take that out on you during the finals.
Sadly, as Aizawa described the exam, your hopes were entirely dashed. You’d be paired up, aside from one group of three, and then pitted against one of the teachers. As Aizawa lists the teams and which teacher you’d be faced against, it seemed as though he purposely faced you against the teacher that would give you the hardest time possible.
You were in a group of three, with Jirou and Kota up against Present Mic. Obviously Aizawa had paired you all up against him on purpose. This set up looked like a quirk-based one, though you could see a few that weren’t. Like how Bakugo and Deku were paired up. It was obvious that Aizawa did that to test their ability to get over their personal problems. He really was trying to test all of your limits. Or he just really hated you all.
He gave you some time to get your plan together while you waited for the other teams to go. To be honest, as much as you knew about Present Mic’s quirk, you really weren’t sure how you’d either get past him or capture him. To be honest, you’d probably just have to think of a plan in the middle of it. Pressure always made you think a little quicker, and knowing your environment would help you figure out how Kota’s quirk could help you. Since his was kind of environment-based, it’d help to see where you were before you started thinking up a plan.
To be honest, when you watched the first fight you got a little concerned. The first matchup, Kirishima and Sato versus Cementoss, ended up with your classmates failing. Their quirks both had time limits and that worked against them. But obviously, even with the limiters put on the teachers, you were really going to have to fight for your grade. However, the next few matches did a bit to help boost your confidence. Tsu and Tokoyami worked together incredibly well with their strategy, though you had to admit that the way Tsu used her quirk at the end was a little disturbing. Iida and Ojiro managed to beat their teacher, too. Shoto and Momo had a bit of trouble with Aizawa at the beginning, but they managed to make up for it soon enough. Uraraka and Aoyama managed to beat Thirteen despite their nausea-inducing quirks. The only other pairing that failed was Mina and Denki, though you had to admit that facing them up against Principal Nezu was borderline cruel.
Soon enough it was time for you and your teammates to start your fight. To be honest, you were a little concerned that Present Mic might go a little rougher on you than the other teachers had, Considering that before you were matched up, Jirou had made a comment about how Present Mis was just an announcer. Either way, as you stood in the middle of a forest with Jirou suggesting that you run for the gate and avoid Present Mic entirely, you knew that it wasn’t going to be an easy fight.
Just as the three of you started moving, the ground started shaking. The trees blew back as a wave of piercing sound washed over you.
“Oh, fuck,” You yelp, throwing your hands over your ears. Jirou followed suit. Neither of you could move as the soundwaves started to make your ears bleed.
“Kota, can’t you have the birds attack him or something?” Jirou shouted, barely managing to be heard over the screeching of your teacher.
Kota signs a response, something to the degrees of “The birds will be scared away by him.”
“Jirou, can you drown him out?” You ask, trying to cover your ears even more.
“No, my sound waves aren’t loud enough to drown him out. Unless you can boost them?”
“I can, but not for very long. I don’t think we’d be able to make it to the gate in time, and even if we could, we wouldn’t be able to get past him in time.”
You had to think. What could Kota talk to around here? There weren’t any birds and all the other animals had been scared away. All there were around you were trees. And bugs. Bugs!
“Kota, does your quirk work on bugs?”
He nods.
“Kota, could you get the bugs to attack him?”
“Only if you can drown him out for a little,” he signs.
“Perfect,” You grin at him, before turning to Jirou, “We’re going to drown out Present Mic for long enough for Kota to get the bugs to attack him. And then we run for it.”
She nods and the two of you prepare to drown him out. As Jirou launches her own soundwave attack, you focus on boosting her sound, drowning the screeching out was a less painful, but louder deep sound wave. Kota whispers something to a centipede as you do. You just have to hope that it works. Kota shoots you a thumbs-up, and you stop. Your ears were ringing, and as Present Mic’s screeching started up again, they started hurting even more.
It took a few moments, but eventually, the screeching stopped. You wondered if the bugs really worked or if he just got tired. Either way, that was your queue to run for the gate.
On your signal, the three of you sprinted. You hoped that you could make it to the gate before Present Mic started up again. As you made it out of the forest, you could see that gate. It wasn’t all that far. And right in front of it, was Present mic, completely covered in bugs and unconscious. Obviously, Jirou’s legs gave out at some point, since she was being carried by Kota as the three of you reached the gate. 
“Hell yeah, guys,” You jumped through the gate, “That was amazing, Kota!”
“Thank you,” he signed after setting Jirou down, still refusing to make eye contact.
- - - - -
The next two fights actually went pretty fast to you. Shoji and Hakagure managed to pass against Snipe, though his quirk blocked their stealth abilities. And somehow Mineta managed to beat Midnight, though Sero, who was his partner, was knocked out for most of the fight. You had a feeling only Mineta passed, and that thought made you want to drop-kick him more than you ever had before.
The last fight was the one you were really worried about. Deku and Katuski up against All Might. You knew they hadn’t talked at all about strategy, and the two of them had pretty contradictory fighting styles, so there was no way there were going to agree on what to do. And knowing Katsuki, he was about to run head-on into a fight he couldn’t win. 
As the fight started, they were instantly bickering. Katsuki heads off without Deku, though Deku follows behind despite his partner’s attempts to ditch him. Obviously Deku was trying to pitch a strategy, but Katsuki didn’t really seem like he was listening at all. The fighting got even worse as Katsuki knocked Deku to the ground, the two of them shouting at each other as Katsuki started walking away.
The fighting interrupted, though as All Might destroys an entire street of their city-themed arena, knocking the boy back purely with the shockwave. Deku tries to run, but Katsuki insists on fighting, which leads to a few moments you can’t even watch. Katsuki isn’t holding back, and All Might isn’t about to let him off easy. At least, no more than he has to. 
You knew that Katsuki wanted to prove himself with this fight, but there was no way he was winning with his strategy. You had faith in him, but you’d have to be an idiot to think that a first-year high school student, no matter how powerful, could beat the number one hero in a fight. Obviously Deku knew that too since it seemed like he was attempting to make a run for the gate.
Somehow, despite the battle they were facing, the boys still seemed to have time to fight, as they shouted at each other, and as you flinched, watching as Bakugo was about to be crushed, Deku rushed in. You would be lying if you said you weren’t surprised when Deku Punched Katsuki, before dragging him away. It seemed as though All might let his guard down for a moment, but you knew that wasn’t the end of the fight.
They continue to bicker in the alleyway, but it seems like they come up with some sort of compromise as Katsuki passes Deku one of his gauntlets.
Katsuki launches a full-power attack against All Might, holding his attention fully on him as Deku approaches from behind. You start to piece together their plan as Deku uses Katsuki’s gauntlet to attack All Might, and Bakugo starts to flee towards the gate, Deku running behind him.
You hoped they’d make it, but you should’ve realized that would have been too easy as All Might catches up them and starts attacking them, focusing most on Katsuki as he does. At one point, he even picks up Deku to use as a weapon against Katsuki.
You look away for a little while, sick of seeing your friend and the boy you have a crush on being absolutely destroyed by All Might, but you can hear a few of their last-ditch attempts. At one point Katsuki launches Deku into the air, only for him to be slammed back into the ground. After a few more explosions, Katsuki gets knocked out entirely.
Deku’s the one to save the fight but knocking All Might back with a full-power punch, and grabbing Katsuki’s unconscious body. Despite his injuries, Deku drags Katsuki through the escape gate, winning the fight for both of them.
- - - - -
Finals were done for the day. Most of you had passed, and your classmates had gone home by now. But Katsuki and Deku hadn’t gotten out of the nurse’s office yet. You told Shoto to go ahead without you, and after a few minutes of arguing with you, he eventually did, though not until you promised to make Katsuki walk you home.
You had been sat outside the nurse’s office the entire time, waiting for them to be released. You were starting to get nervous until Katsuki finally walked out the door.
“Katsuki, thank god, are you alright?”
“Of course I am,” He muttered, “Deku’s fine too if you’re waiting for him. The old lady’s just holding him for a talk, he’ll be out in a few minutes.”
“Oh,” You respond, “I wasn’t really waiting for him.”
“I wanted to make sure you were alright. I wasn’t sure you’d be fine, but you took a little longer than I expected to get out of the office,” You say.
“Yeah, they kept me long for some goddamn reason.”
“Hm, yeah, I guess they just have to be overly cautious,” You say, “It wouldn’t look very good if All Might broke someone’s skull. I mean, after all of Deku’s injuries, I’m sure they’re a little on edge.”
 “I guess.”
The two of you stand there awkwardly for a moment before Katsuki realizes something, “Hey, where’s Icyhot?”
“Oh,” You really can’t think of a good lie to tell him, “He left a little while ago. He didn’t want to wait with me.”
“You know you didn’t have to wait right?”
“Yeah. I know.”
“God, you’re an idiot.”
“But you’re still going to walk me home, right?”
“Of course I am, dumbass.”
Taglist @thatpersonwithissues @ohnosiren
[Author’s Note: Writing fight scenes is actually really weird to do with a bunch of Shimejis crawling around your screen, but I swear these are the only reason I don’t fall asleep when I write at midnight.]
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serendipityjxmn · 4 years
I Hate You, Park Jimin!
Chapter 9
Words Count: 5.7k
TW: Very slight smut
Link to Chapter 8
Link to Chapter 10
Summer holidays had officially started for me and it’s been a week since I’ve seen Jimin as well as that... ‘incident’. He had been very busy ever since after the fundraising event. I found myself constantly glancing at my phone for a single text or call from him. Maybe he disappeared because he decided it was not ‘it’ with you, a voice in my mind said. I shook my head, trying to dismiss the thought.
I tried to bring my focus back onto my work. I was in a bookshop, doing my second part-time job. I decided to take on two jobs this summer because I knew that I have nothing else to do because I’m such an antisocial.
Shit. I cursed as the books I held in my hand were supposed to be on the top shelves but I was too short to reach it yet I was lazy to hunt for a chair. I resulted into tiptoeing but my hand still couldn’t reach it.
Suddenly someone hovered over me and his hand easily placed the books on the shelf. I could smell his cologne and it was familiar. I turned around and saw Jeon Jungkook, his face half covered in a face mask. He was wearing a large black hoodie and a black baggy pants with brown Timberland shoes.
“Hey.” He said as he pulled down his mask.
“Hello Jeon Jungkook.” I said as I bent down to take out more books from the box. “What are you doing here?”
“I was just passing by...” he took the books from me and started filling up the top shelf.
“You’re doing two part time jobs?”
I shrugged. “Yeah- well I don’t have a life.”
“Hey, no worries. I totally get it. We’re no different.”
I smiled at him.
“When are you off for lunch?”
I glanced at my watch. “How about.. now?”
He grinned. “Awesome.”
There were two guys on a table opposite ours when we entered the restaurant. One of them looked up as Jungkook and I took a seat at the table.
I looked up but regretted immediately as the guy across winked at me. Unknowingly I made a disgusted face.
“Is he bothering you?”
What? I looked at Jungkook. Then I looked at the guy again. This time he was making a kissy face. That was disgusting. How dare he! What if Jungkook was my boyfriend? He’s lucky that he wasn’t though. I quickly turned my gaze back at Jungkook and nodded slowly.
Jungkook suddenly moved his seat slightly to he left without turning his back. What is he doing?
“Is he still in your sight?”
Now I understood his intention. He was trying to block the guy from making eye contact with me. I smiled at him, feeling touched. “Just a little bit more to the left,” I said as I smiled fondly at him.
He moved and I nodded, signalling that the guy was now completely out of my sight.
“Good. You can now eat comfortably.” He smiled at me.
“Its nothing. I just personally don’t like guys doing disgusting acts like that. It may look small but it makes women uncomfortable and that shouldn’t happen.”
I melted. He was such a gentleman. I liked the fact that he did not engage with the stranger because frankly the guy would stop if he had given a death glare. Jungkook doesn’t do violence. I gleefully ate my food at the thought. Unlike someone... the guy might lose his two teeth by now. I shuddered remembering the fundraising event.
Jungkook came and visited me at the bookstore almost every single day after that, mainly about an hour before lunch. As a result, we had lunch together almost everyday. We grew much closer as I practically see him 24/7 since we also had most of the shifts at the cafe together too. Ah Young came by too sometimes. She matched well with Jungkook too so I was happy about that.
I put on my favourite pyjama dress and sat cross legged at the edge of my bed. I glanced at my phone. Empty. Just how busy is he..? A small part of my heart sank a little as it may occur to me that he might not want to see me anymore. Not even as a study partner.
Was it because we had some intimate moment and he decided that I was not it? The thought depressed me so I shook my head, trying to dismiss it. I reached for the hairdryer on my bed table and proceeded to dry my hair. My hair was long, stopping just after my mid-back. I fondled at the thought of dying my hair a different color just to add some.. ‘spice’ in my life. Yes, Kim Hana’s life is that boring. Hmm.. let’s decide on that later.
My phone chirped. My heart raced a little in anticipation. It lit up but the name that came up wasn’t the name that I wanted. It was Jungkook.
Jungkook: Still up?
Hana: Dead asleep.
Jungkook: Oh, so I guess you’re the astral projection of Hana then. Hey there! Nice to meet you!
I chuckled.
Hana: Did you seriously just made a reference of Doctor Strange?
Jungkook: Knew you’re the one ;)
I rolled my eyes.
Hana: Go to sleep Jeon Jungkook.
Jungkook: I can’t :(
Hana: Reason?
Jungkook: Can’t stop thinking about you.
I rolled my eyes again. Jungkook had always been flirty but I knew more that he was just joking. I don’t think I’ve ever had that spark with him. Unlike with that someone.. wow. Again, Kim Hana, stop it.
Hana: I’m going to sleep. Goodnight!
I locked my phone and laid myself on the bed. My phone buzzed.
Jungkook: Goodnight Hana. Dream of me ;)
I rolled my eyes again for the third time. I didn’t reply. I closed my eyes and soon drifted to sleep.
I groaned as I slumped myself on top of my bed. Today had been another long day. I was dragged around the whole day by my father, attending meetings here and there and having lunch and dinner with clients. My jaw hurts from all the fake smile I had to put up as dad introduced me to every single person known ever.
I had been going to the office every day since summer started due to dad’s orders. He wanted me to have a look at the office and grasp the idea of handling business. He also wanted me to be introduced to most of the key people so that it’d be easier for him to hand down the business to me. This had always been my path. I knew it since I was little which was also the reason why I had to study business managament.
Problem is the ‘so called internship’ - although it was barely an internship as I didn’t get ordered around to do errands because everybody knew I was the CEO’s son. I wish it was kept private though. The amount of people kissing my ass made me shudder - anyway, it took my time away from Hana. I didn’t get a chance to see her at all after the fundraising event.
I reached for my cellphone from my pocket. I sat up immediately and pressed Hana’s numbers. I glanced at the clock telling me it was almost midnight. Shit- what if she’s already asleep? Too late though, she answered after a few ring.
“Hello?” Her voice a bit raspy. Shit- did I wake her up?
“Were you asleep?”
She grunted. Fuck- now I felt guilty. Even more guilty when I found her voice sounded sexy and alluring. “What do you want~” she asked in a voice so soft, I had to curse seeing how much it made my heart skip.
I cleared my throat. “Aren’t we going to study?”
She groaned. She didn’t answer immediately and by the sound of it, I imagined she was trying to sit up. Her voice sounded clearer now. “You said with your own mouth, if I remember correctly - who the fuck studies during summer holidays?” She quoted me. I pictured her glaring at me. I chuckled.
“I get it. But you do study, right?”
“Of course I do.” She replied, sounding almost affronted.
“Then there should be no problem of me joining you right?”
She went silent for a few moments before answering. “Okay but-“
“I’ll pick you up at 12 tomorrow.” I said and hung up before she could say anything. I smiled in triumph.
I sat myself on the floor, trying to calm myself down. I woke up extremely early today just because 1) I could barely sleep due to nervousness which I had no idea where it came from 2) Due to Jimin saying he’d pick me up which means that he’s taking me somewhere but I had no idea where and it’s making me anxious. Plus, I have been wrecking my brain trying to decide on my outfit. I have absolutely no idea where he’s taking me!
He’s probably just gonna take you to a library for a study session, a voice popped in my mind. I pouted at the thought.
Ah- screw it. Since it’s summer, anything would be acceptable I guess. So I decided to put a blue-white striped shirt paired with black skirt. Next, I hunted for my black sling bag. I was curling my hair at the end to give it a wavy look when the door bell rang. I jumped and almost burned myself with the hair straighteners.
With one last look in the mirror, I dashed to open the front door. There stood Park Jimin, looking godly as ever, wearing a casual striped blue shirt that almost looked similar to mine with khaki cargo short pants. His height towered me while his right arm propped against the door frame.
“Hi.” He said.
I blushed. Hana! Get your senses together! “Hello.” I replied in a small voice, looking down.
“You’re ready?”
I nodded. I locked my apartment and we both made our way to the elevators. While we were waiting, a group of girls joined to queue with us. I glanced at them and they were oggling Jimin off! I felt a pang of jealousy. I glared at them.
Jimin seemed oblivious to their whisperings, as always. The elevator arrived and the doors opened. Suddenly, I felt his firm hand placed at the small of my back, pushing me forward into the elevator. I gulped at the sensation of his small touch.
The girls’ expression fell a little as they saw his hand on my back. I expected him to drop his hand during the elevator ride but he didn’t. I tried hard not to fan my ego. The elevator came to a stop after a few seconds and we exited the room. He led me to his car, his sleek black Audi R8.
“Have you eaten?” He asked as soon as we both settled in.
I shook my head. He didn’t say anything in reply and just sped off.
I don’t have much experience of being Jimin’s passenger in his car but I really liked riding with him. I love that I get to stare at his handsome features in silence. He was very focused on driving.
My eyes fell on his lips. I unknowingly gulp as I long for its taste against mine again. I had missed his touch a lot. Ever since the ‘intimate incident’, I found myself thinking about him so often. Worse of all, I was craving for his touch again. I wondered what had kept him busy these few weeks.
“I’m sorry I had been busy.” He said abruptly without looking at me, as if he had been hearing my thoughts.
I didn’t know what to answer so I just remained silent.
“I was..” he trailed off.
I waited.
“My father wanted me to come to the office. Looking around.. getting to know the business.. and all.” He sighed.
Ahh.. I nodded. I guess that’s what had been keeping him busy. He was working at his father’s company. Must be so nice to have an internship set without having to graduate first, a promising job, a future. I, on the other hand had no idea what’s to come for me.
“What are you thinking?” He asked.
I looked up and he was staring straight at me. We were stopping at a traffic light.
“N-nothing.” I looked down.
“That’s too bad. I was hoping that you were thinking of me.” He said so casually but I almost choke at his words. My eyes went round as I looked at him. He was smirking. Jerk, I thought.
We soon arrived at a restaurant. I didn’t catch the name of it because Jimin led me quckly inside. We walked past several tables because the restaurant was full. Still, we managed to grab an empty table. The waitress came and handed us the menus.
My jaw practically dropped because I literally had no idea what I’m looking at. Traditional Italian Cuisine... Italian? He brought me to an Italian restaurant? I drew a breath. That’s it. I gave up. I put down the menu.
He looked up. “You have your choices already?”
“I’m not hungry.”
He gave me the are-you-kidding look. Then he proceeded to smoothly place an order for the both of us. I had no idea half of the names of the menu.
“Anyway,” he started, fingers tapping on the table. “Since you owe me.. the study session. I figured that it’s only fair that you let me decide what I want to do with that session.”
I frowned. “It doesn’t work that way.”
“Now it does.” He smiled a gritted smile at me.
I narrowed my eyes at him but figured that there was no use to argue with him.
“So what have you been doing during summer?”
I shrugged. “Part time jobs.”
“What? That’s it. I took two so I was busy day and night.”
He frowned. “You’re still working with that guy?”
I rolled my eyes. “That guy has a name. And his name’s Jeon Jungkook.”
“You have a beef or something with him?” I frowned. He almost sounded as if he’s.. jealous. “He’s a great friend.”
“He may not be as nice as he appears to be.” He said.
I wanted to reply back but the waitress came and served our meal. I had no idea what the meals are but they smelled nice.
“Eat.” He said and started with his food.
“Bossy.” I glared at him. “And you’re just being judgemental.”
“If the turns out to be a jerk, don’t say I didn’t warn you.” He said nonchalantly.
What is wrong with him seriously? It was almost as if he knew something. “Well you’re a bad boy and here I am, having lunch with you as if this is the most normal thing ever.”
He stopped eating mid-way. “So you also think of me as a bad guy?” He scoffed. “Just like everyone else.”
I froze. I felt my heart fell at his words. Was it possible that Park Jimin was conscious about what people think of him? I never took him as one that does. He seemed to not give a fuck about what anyone thinks of him.
“I’m-“ I lost words.
“Nevermind. Just continue eating.” He said and we just ate in silence after that.
I felt guilty. I was restless trying to figure out how to make up to him. Truthfully, sometimes Jimin can be a bit overbearing. He could be very playful, flirty, intimidating, yet sensitive at the same time. A simple conversation with him can turn sideways at any second. I don’t know if I can keep up.
“I don’t give a crap about what anyone else says about me. But I thought-“ he scoffed, as if the idea he had somewhat seemed laughable now.
“Jimin.” I called as I put down my cutleries. I’ve had enough. “Jimin look at me.” I paused as I waited for his eyes to meet mine. “I’m not afraid of you.”
He held my gaze steady. His lips curled slightly. “Nice knowing that.”
“I mean- I used to be. But after we spent some time together, I think you’re just- as normal as every other guy. Someone I can punch, smack or annoy the hell out of.”
His face finally broke into a smile. God- finally! I patted myself at the shoulder mentally. “I’d like to taste how strong your punch is.”
“Uh... you might regret saying that.” I raised a brow at him, as if challenging him.
“We’ll see.”
God his smile was addictive.
Once we were done eating, I took Hana somewhere else. It wasn’t that far because the drive was kind of short. She gasped when we were nearing the place.
“No!” She glanced at me as I reversed the car into a parking lot.
“What?” I said, already going out of the car.
Hana was beside me within seconds. Her face practically lit up at the sight in front of her. It looked so fucking adorable I almost wanted to lean in and plant a kiss on her lips.
“I’m-“ she started but appeared to be lost in words. “I can’t believe you’re taking me to an amusement park!” Suddenly, she jumped towards me and threw hands around me. I think my lungs just stopped working. I stilled but I knew my heartbeat was racing far too rapidly. She realized my stiffness so she quickly backed away.
“Sorry.” She muttered, feeling embarrassed of herself.
“That excited, huh?” I raised my brow at her.
“I am- yes! Oh my god let’s go!” She screamed and was so quick to make her way to the entrance.
There were a LOT of people since it was summer. The queue line was far too long. So I left Hana’s side and approached one of the staff behind the counter, whispered a few things and handed something under the table. This act is not to be encouraged, ladies and gentlemen. We were granted immediate entrance after that.
Hana gave me a judging look and I bet my ass that she was going to lecture me about it but for some reason decided not to. Probably because she was too excited to care.
She stared at the surrounding in awe. She then looked down on the map that was given to every visitor at the entrance. Her brow creased and I knew she was ranting, trying hard to decide on where to go but I couldn’t focus on her words.
It was as if everything was muted around us. My gaze only fixated towards her. I had never known it before but Kim Hana was really attractive. I mean, yes she’s pretty and I know most of the guys at college would agree too because she actually has a number of admirers but she was too busy to care about them.
Her dark brown hair was long, wavy at the end. Her skin was fair and she’s a good head shorter than me. Her eyes were light brown, almost hazel in the sunlight. Her eyes that seemed cold as ice sometimes, but can be twice as sweet around the people she’s comfortable with. Her nose is sharp and her lips.. her pink lips.. the one I’m dying to taste again.
I momentarily wondered what her ideal type was. Slowly, I raised my phone and switched to camera. I sneakily took a candid shot of her while she was still immersed in the map.
“What do you think?” She asked.
“H- huh? What?”
She narrowed her eyes at me. “Screw it! Let’s just go!” She screamed then she took my hands and gripped my wrist as she dragged me towards the rollercoaster.
“I’m so excited!” She made tiny little jumps that made her look so adorable. She’s like a little baby. Unknowingly, my lips curled into a smile. I made a good choice of bringing her here.
And so for the next hour she dragged me here and there riding all sorts of things. I learnt that she was scared of heights but at the same time these rides thrilled her. I just shook my head at her.
“Do you want ice cream?” I asked as we passed by an ice cream stall.
Her eyes widened in excitement. “Really? Yes please!”
“What do you want?”
“I’ll have mint chocolate.” She grinned at me.
I scrunched my nose. “Who on earth likes mint chocolate flavour?”
“It’s good!”
I simply rolled my eyes. I turned towards the midde aged man and ordered vanilla and mint chocolate ice cream.
“Vanilla for you, sir.” The man said as he handed my ice cream.
“And chocolate for the girlfriend.” He said as he handed hers. I felt something tugged my heart as the man said girlfriend. I had no idea why.
“He’s not my boyfriend.” She clarified immediately. I felt a tiny bit of disappointment.
“Oh really? You look so well together that’s why. Pardon me.”
I had no idea why but I suddenly placed my hands around her arms, pulling her closer towards me. “Yeah, she’s actually my fiancee.” I said and quickly steered her away from the stall before she could say anything else.
I looked at her and saw her cheeks were pink.
“Yah- what are you saying~” she said softly as she pushed me away lightly.
“Trying to give you hints.” I smirked at her and she stilled, obviously stunned at my words. I like seeing her all flustered. She cleared her throat, trying to compose herself. We then stopped at one of the standing table to finish our ice cream.
“Why did you suddenly bring me here?” She asked suddenly in between her licking. I couldn’t look for long. Otherwise, I might have the wrong idea.
I shrugged. “I’ve always wanted to come here.. just never had the time or the person to go with.”
She nodded slowly. “Me too.”
I peeked at her underneath my lashes. She always seemed oblivious to my stare. As the wind blew her hair gently, I felt the familiar tug at my chest again. I was starting to become skeptical of it. I was sure it had something to do about my feelings towards Kim Hana. Am I really falling for her? Or am I just liking her presence around me?
We ate our ice cream in silence. The crowd was deafening, there were kids running around screaming everywhere, groups of families chaotically trying to take pictures but none of that seemed to bother me. All the noise felt as if it was tuned out and all there is was the comfortable silence with Jimin. I momentarily wondered if he felt it too. I can’t help but felt as if I was on a date with him.
Briefly I remembered his remark about my so-called crush towards him and him saying I would admit to it one day. Heck- if he really meant his words, trying to make me fall for him, I’m so ruined.
Suddenly he stood up. His hand no longer holding his ice cream. He must’ve already finished it. He held his hand out to me. “Let’s go.”
Huh? What? “Where?” I frowned at him, still hesitating to take his hand.
“Just come on.” He pulled my hands and I frantically tried to bite the last of my ice cream as he steered me through the crowd. After minutes of pushing ourself through the crowd, Jimin finally stopped. I looked up and gasped in horror.
“Oh no no- you are not bringing me to a haunted house.” I shook my head frantically.
“It’s fun!” He grinned at me. He tugged me forward and I desperately tried to pull away from me but his hand firmly clasped mine.
“No- Jimin no, you are not dragging me in there-“ I warned him.
It was of no use. Moments later, I found myself standing before a dark entrance with a slanted sign saying ‘Haunted House’. He dragged me inside and it was one of the worst moment in my life. There were literal human in there scaring us! I wish I could meet the person who first came up with the idea of scaring people so that I could strangle said person.
It was horrifying but somehow it felt less so because Jimin was there all the time to protect me. Half of me hated his ass for dragging me and fearlessly coursing through the maze inside but half of me also felt touched because he had never once let go of me or left me. Or perhaps he couldn’t let go of me because I clung to him so tightly, my grip of his hands so tight I thought it might went blue but I was too scared to think.
Nearing the exit, some Bloody Mary popped out suddenly and I screamed the hell out of my lungs. Jimin wasn’t surprised so he just casually walk past, hand gripping mine firmly. But I guess the ghost didn’t feel satisfied so she spooked me from behind.
I immediately clung onto Jimin’s back because I was so panicked. I thought I lost my voice from screaming. He was laughing as we exited the haunted house while I was a total wreck. I no longer cared how I look like. I glared at him, my hands still gripping tightly the shirt on his back.
He then stopped laughing. He turned around and grabbed my hand so I was no longer gripping his shirt while staring down at me.
My mind went blank as he gazed down at me fondly. His other hand then went over my face and he gently fixed my hair. I gulped. It was again as if there were only two of us in the universe.
“I’m sorry.” He said softly.
I went speechless for a moment. How could this Park Jimin be the same Park Jimin who is rude, obnoxious, insufferable and cocky? He was so gentle I’m starting to doubt his bad boy reputation. “It’s okay.” I replied.
Then he smiled. God- when I said his smile was addictive, I was not joking. “Though not so much. I had fun seeing your reaction.”
I smacked his arms and he laughed. “Don’t you dare bring me to a haunted house again!”
“Sure, sure.” He replied half-heartedly. I narrowed my eyes at him. “Okay, okay, let’s take one last ride okay? One that you’ll obviously like.”
My eyes lit up in excitement.
“Let’s ride the Vikings.” As soon as he said that, I screamed in excitement and immediately headed towards it, jumping every now and then. I laughed as he got stuck in the crowd. Eventually, he reached me. We queued for a while before it reached our turn.
“Ready?” He asked me as we sat ourselves at the seats. We were seating at the most end row because it was the most thrilling - I think.
I nodded enthusiastically, grinning wide at him. Must’ve been contagious because he grinned back at me.
The ride began to kick back and the tension built as everyone went quiet. “This... is... so... fun!!!!!” I screamed when the Vikings descended quickly after that.
Mid-ride, I felt raindrops on my hand. Oh- shit. It’s going to rain! At first, the rain was drizzling. As the Vikings started to slow down, it started to pour. I looked at Jimin in panic but he was just laughing at the situation.
“Jimin it’s not funny! We’re going to get drenched!” As soon as we were set on the ground, we quickly exited the ride. Most people were frantic trying to take shelter. The both of us took cover near the standing table with shades over it.
“We are soaked!” I looked at myself as my shirt hugged my curves. I looked at Jimin. He was eyeing me a bit differently than usual. His gaze was sensual, it made me hot despite the cold rain.
“I know.” He replied, his voice low. I noticed his wet shirt was stuck on his body too. I couldn’t tear my eyes away from the trace of his chest and toned abs underneath. He stepped closer to me.
I gulped but didn’t break contact with his eye. It was as if I was inviting him closer to me.
He took another step forward and leaned closer, his face now only inches against mine. Although the proximity between us was damn close, he didn’t proceed to inch his face further which was driving me crazy. There was a silent competition between us, trying to see who would give in first.
The sound of the pouring rain was loud on our ears but the noise in my head was louder. In the end, I gave up. I crashed my lips against his first.
I could sense him smiling against the kiss. Jerk. But at that time, I couldn’t care less about my pride.
He deepened the kiss and I smiled. I guess we both lost against each other. Within seconds my hand was in his hair, his was firm on my waist. I broke the kiss to gasp for air but he was quick to attack my neck with wet kisses and I inevitably moaned.
His kisses and touches were arousing me. I arched my back, shoving my breast higher towards him. I was getting bold with my advances. It was probably the thrill and adrenaline rush from the rides that I became more daring in my actions. I pressed my hips against his and I could feel his hardened crotch against mine.
“Hana-“ he broke the kiss, gasping for air as his eyes searched mine.
I smirked at him and bit my lower lip seductively. My hands held his biceps as I started to grind myself against him. I could see his surprised expression at my brazen move.
“Fuck-“ he tilted his head back as pleasure coursed through him. My breath hitched from the excitement of grinding against this Godly creature named Park Jimin.
His hand went towards my breast and he grazed against them teasingly earning a moan from me. I want him to touch me..
“God- Hana stop- we’re in public.” He said although his own voice was cracking.
Shit! Realization hit me. I was so lost in the moment that I forgot where we were. I looked around. Thank God the rain was so heavy nobody could see anything.
“I’m sorry. I was just caught in the moment.”
“Are you sure it’s not because you have a crush on me?” He cocked one side of his eyebrow.
“Shut up!”
He laughed. “I don’t think the rain would be stopping soon. I’d say we just run through it. I’ll bring the car around.”
I was still blushing red thinking about my bold advances so I just quickly nodded.
“Here.” He extended his left hand at me and I sheepishly took it. “Ready? 3, 2, 1!”
And we were running in the heavy rain and to be completely honest, I was soaked down to the underwear. He left me by the ticket counter near the entrance so that I may take cover from the rain while he disappeared to retrieve his car.
He came by few minutes after that and I quickly got in the car. The water was dripping wet from my body the car seat was drenched within seconds. I looked at Jimin guiltily.
“What?” He asked without looking at me. How does he even know I was looking at him?
“Your car seat...”
He glanced for a brief second. “Don’t worry about that. I’ll send you the invoice after 3 working days.”
“Jimin!” I cried at him. I felt really guilty for wetting the seat especially because it was a freaking expensive car but he still had the nerve to joke about it.
“I told you don’t worry about it. It’ll dry.”
“Really? It won’t affect anything? Any stain after that or something?”
“No it doesn’t. Unless the rain was made of coffee or something.”
I heaved a sigh of relief. I didn’t dare to lean my back against the backrest as I tried to minimise as much casualty. The car then veered into an expensive looking residential apartment area. This is not my house area, I frowned.
The rain was still heavy here but Jimin drove straight into the lower ground parking lot and we were saved from the rain.
“Where is this?” I asked but didn’t earn any reply from him as he reversed the car into a parking lot.
“Come.” He simply said and exited the car. I did too.
He then led me into an elevator that looked too extravagant and exquisite for a parking lot. He pressed the button and the doors closed. He turned to look at me.
His lips curled as if trying to stiffle a smile. “Nothing.”
I narrowed my eyes at him but decided not to press further. I was still curious on where he’s taking me. The elevator reached level 30 and Jimin exited so I just followed suit.
Could it be.. that he’s bringing me to his place? I wondered. At the same time, I was nervous as fuck. He turned right and then stopped in front of a door. He punched in his passcodes then gestured me to enter the house.
I was stunned by the view that greeted me. It was a luxurious apartment full of expensive furnitures and sophisticated interiors. I gulped as I take in the sight.
“This is my apartment.” He said as the doors closed behind us.
“Jimin..” My eyes widening by the second.
“You’re rich.” I said matter-of-factly.
“Uh... thanks?”
“No, I mean, you’re rich, rich.”
Link to Chapter 10
Posted on 200615 2:09PM
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readyplayerhobi · 5 years
Caramel Latte
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; Hoseok x Reader
; Genre: Fluff
; Word Count: 2k
; Synopsis: You take Hoseok to a popular convention as a birthday present and get to see him in his element for once.
; A/N: Short and sweet, don’t expect much from it! :)
Peppermint 01
Saturday mornings are normally for sleeping in. Or at least, they are at Hoseok’s place you’ve discovered. He liked to either game or watch films till the early hours of the morning with you before crashing in bed for the next few hours. The lack of work the next day meant that he fully engaged in his night owl activities, even if you preferred to be in bed by 11. 
Recent events mean that sometimes he’ll change it up a little and go to bed at 2am instead of 3am, only he’ll spend that remaining time entertaining himself with you instead. Apparently, you were a worthy enough distraction to break him away from his important gaming sessions.
What that means normally, is that you can’t raise the man until at least 10am. Sometimes even 11. Or, after that intense StarCraft session he’d had the other month, 1pm. You’d soon discovered that your boyfriend sleeps like a rock and is nigh on impossible to wake until he’s ready, but you can never find it in yourself to be annoyed at him when he sleeps so cutely.
Dark hair a messy pile on his head, soft lashes creating dark shadows on his cheeks while his lips pursed out in the sweetest pout. And that’s to say nothing of the odd positions he gets himself into during the night hours. Yes, he’s a cute sleeper along with being a very, very deep sleeper.
But not today. Today, Jung Hoseok had woken far earlier than you had. In fact, by the time you were blinking blearily at the clock on the hotel bedside table he’d already showered and was halfway into his clothes. 
It takes you a few moments to recognise what you’re looking at before you’re sighing and rolling your eyes with a slight smile. A month ago, for his 31st birthday, you’d surprised him with tickets to GeekinCon, the largest pop culture convention in the country. It was ridiculously expensive, but it had been worth it to see his face light up with sheer excitement in a way that you’d never seen before.
He hadn’t even been this excited when you’d gotten together, or the first time you’d slept together. Which had made it all the more sweeter when he’d bounced, no vibrated, on the sofa next to you with the biggest smile on his face.
The last month had thus been spent with Hoseok frantically spending his free time constructing an outfit to wear. You hadn’t particularly understood what on earth he was on about at first, until he’d shown you pictures and you’d realised with growing horror that your awkward boyfriend, so shy that he flushed just being looked at, wanted to dress up as one of his favourite comic book characters.
And not only that, he’d wanted you to dress up too.
You hadn’t wanted to, but it was hard to say no when you’re notoriously timid and nervous boyfriend was so willing to do it. So you’d said yes, and he’d happily made a costume for you too.
Which meant that you spend the next hour getting ready and carefully applying makeup to match the character he’d chosen. But you have to admit, it’s completely worth it as you both stand in front of the full length mirror that hangs on the back of the bathroom door and you get to see the blindingly white smile of Hoseok’s, the heart shape taking over while his eyes narrowed into crescents of pure happiness.
God, you were so whipped for this guy.
He’d chosen to dress as Doctor Strange, meaning that he had a rather magnificent looking red cape over his blue outfit and an intricate looking chain around his neck. You weren’t familiar with the comics, but you’d seen the film and thought he looked pretty damn good either way.
Benedict Cumberbatch, eat your heart out.
And he also looked rather dashing with the white streaking through the sides of his hair, the top gelled back off his forehead. He’d had to forego the whole moustache business, but still. Hoseok made a rather enchanting Steven Strange.
Given the short time frame and the amount of time he’d spent on his own, and boy was it a surprise discovering that he could sew and all that, your own costume was much simpler. The Scarlet Witch from the film universe, made easier as all it had truly required was buying matching clothing. He’d made mutterings that the purists wouldn’t like it, but you didn’t understand what he was on about honestly.
It just made him happy to have you dress up with him, so you did it.
You thought it looked nice though, and the red leather jacket was pretty enough that you were pretty positive that you were going to wear it after the convention. It was easily recognisable who you both were thankfully and you were just content that he was.
The next hour is spent just getting into the convention centre itself, waiting in the queue before finally being let loose in the cavernous halls. You’ve never been to one before, and you can’t help but look around in admiration at the sheer scale of everything.
The main floor is split into booths, with each one being occupied by a different company or series. Some are purely sales booths, hawking their posters and figurines to the legions of equally geeky people walking around while other booths are gargantuan monoliths to the game, film or television series they’re promoting.
They’re full on with a complete immersion of the senses with your eyes and ears being bombarded with lights and music, almost to the point of it all being a little overwhelming.
You see a full scale police car advertising some zombie horror game along with an incredible display of cool models at the Marvel stand, the very sight of it making Hoseok practically squeal with excitement. In fact, you seem to spend a lot of time taking photographs of him stood in front of a lot of the stuff while he smiles and poses brightly.
It’s cute, and his sheer enthusiasm for the whole event is infectious. 
“Come on, t-take a picture with me! We have to! It’s Thor’s hammer and Cap’s shield!” Hoseok says eagerly, gesturing to you before leaning forward and taking your hand. Your cheeks heat slightly at the sight of everyone waiting for you both to finish so they too can have a turn before you lift up your phone and turn it into selfie mode.
The screen fills with both your faces and you angle it until you have the models in view as well; Hoseok’s smile so vivid that it’s all you can see when your thumb snaps the photo. Before you can even say anything, he’s taken your phone and is pleadingly asking the next person to take a proper photo.
You’re beyond fascinated that your introverted boyfriend has suddenly become this extroverted ball of animation. He didn’t even stutter when asking that and you just look up at him with wide eyes as the photo is taken. The phone is handed back to you by the person, who you only just note is wearing a Captain America outfit.
“You two are cute together.” He says, grinning before standing in place while Hoseok’s reaches for your hand once more, fingers twining together before he’s pulling you through the crowd.
It’s only when he stops in front of the DC booth that you get a chance to run your hand along his arm, getting his attention as he looks down with a raised brow. A bit of his hair has slipped out of position and is laid against his forehead roguishly, causing you to reach up and move it out of the way.
“What’s up? Are you okay? Do you need the restroom? Are you hungry? I think the food place is over th-” You stop him with a hand to his chest, letting it rest there against the smooth clothing before your fingers play with the chains of his necklace idly.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you this happy. Or confident.” He pauses for a moment, lips pursing before they turn up in a bashful smile, his cheeks turning a soft golden pink as he looks down at your interlinked hands.
“I love these things. It’s...everything I love in one place. I’m too excited to be shy. Besides, everyone here is like me. Nerdy, and I think a lot of them want to pretend to be someone else too. And I get to share it all with you.” Hoseok looks around wistfully, biting his lip and you look around too.
There’s plenty of other people who are dressed up as their favourite characters, being stopped by random people for photographs as they pose happily. You’d both been stopped plenty of times already, and you’d watched with wide eyed amazement as Hoseok of all people had posed with plenty of vigour and excitement every time.
This was the man that was often too shy to take photos properly  with youand yet you were pretty sure that you had more photos today on your phone of him than from the last 9 months of dating. He really had become another person when he’d put on that cosplay, and you enjoyed his bout of self-confidence.
“That’s good, I’m glad that you’re happy and enjoying it. We’ll have to do this again then. Only you can have more time for your outfit.” Hoseok’s eyes brighten, the harsh lighting of the centre making them almost look like they sparkle as his smile spreads once more. You’re half convinced that he’s never going to smile again after today because he’s done it so much.
“Really? You’d really come back? Or go to another? With me? And dress up?” Snorting, you lean into him and push him towards the DC booth where a giant Batmobile is set up. Despite his avid arguments, you know that he secretly loves everything DC just as much Marvel.
“Yes, I’ll go with you again. This is nice, it’s like I’m seeing an unfiltered you. You cranked up to eleven. The you that I know and love but in public. And next time, I want to be Batgirl and you can be my Batman.” He looks dubious at that for a moment, eyes narrowing as you wait in line for the new photo op.
“I dunno...I don’t think I’d suit a Batman. I’m not...buff. Nor am I all,” He proceeds to make some unintelligible noises that are a few octaves below his normal voice, causing you to laugh. “No...I can be...ooh, Nightwing. He has a cool suit.”
“Sure babe, you can be whoever you want. As long as you keep smiling at me like that and looking this happy, I don’t care.” Hoseok looks at you for a moment, eyes scanning you over before he smiles big and presses his lips to your forehead firmly.
“I love you. Have I told you that today?” You smile and shake your head almost childishly, enjoying the way he looks at you so purely. Once you go home, you have no doubt that he’ll revert back to himself but for now, you just want to enjoy this outgoing Hoseok in his element.
“Well I do. I love you, and thank you.” His voice starts off strong before tailing off, cheeks reddening while his eyes lose their confidence as you stare at him firmly. There he is; your Jung Hoseok is still there. Just hidden for a little while.
That’s fine, you think to yourself as you tell him you love him too and wrap your arms around his waist, as long as you’re happy.
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mwdders · 5 years
Second chances.
Summary: You and Tom broke up 2 years ago because of your busy lives, you being in a popular girl band, him with his filming schedule, things ended mutually but you still love him and he still loves you. When you randomly meet at a party, will fate bring you back together?
Pairing: Tom Holland x reader
Warnings: Swearing (?) implied smut, alcohol
Word count: 4.5K
A/N: In this you’re the fifth member of Little Mix. I know this is awful writing but it took me ages so I’m posting it anyways.
You were attending a party Ariana Grande was throwing, it was very rare you ever attended parties with your busy schedule but your manager insisted saying it was good opportunity for you and the other girls to socialise with other people in the industry.
You sigh as you finish your hair, you weren’t sure if it looked nice or not but you’d spent the time and effort curling it, so you weren’t bothering changing it now.
“Your hair looks fine before you ask.” Perrie says as she sits on the bed applying her lipstick.
“Thanks, I was thinking if it looked okay.” She rolls her eyes, “It looks gorgeous. Stop fretting.” You just nod and apply a lipstick to match what you were wearing, a black dress, black perspex heels and a red clutch bag.
“Are you both ready? The cars here.” You turn to the door and see Leigh-Anne, looking gorgeous in a yellow two piece. “Yeah we’re coming.”
You exit the room and walk down the stairs, your mood was clearly not the best and you didn’t mean for it be bad, but you weren’t much of a party person, you hated any social gatherings.
“Cheer up darling, tonight will be great.” Jade says as you slide in the back of the Uber. “I hope you’re right.” She smiles and grabs your hand squeezing it lightly.
The drive to Ariana’s was short but familiar as you’ve been to her house before, what wasn’t familiar was the sound of loud music and paparazzi all lined up outside her gates and a long queue of cars down the road.
When the cameras spot your car they try and force their cameras up to the windows and take photos of whoever is inside. The driver presses the intercom and you’re let in through the gates as security stand next to the car to ensure no paparazzi get through while the gates are open.
Once at the top of the drive you get out the car, thanking the driver. You sigh looking up at the big house, “Come on! Don’t be glum, we’re going to have a good night.” Jesy grabs your arm, linking it with hers and drags you into the party, being with Jesy was probably a bad decision because she knows how to party and is the complete opposite of you. “Jess please don’t make me drink.” You sigh as she grabs two champagne glasses off the table by the door. “Oh come on Y/N! At least one, settle your nerves.” She hands you the glass and you take, nodding in agreement that one drink probably wouldn’t hurt.
You all continue your walk through the big house, up the stairs and into the party, you spot Ariana and Jesy drags you over, her hand still tightly gripped to your forearm so you have no choice but to follow her.
“Ariana!” Jesy gets her attention and she smiles widely, “Jesy, Y/N! So nice to see you both. Are Leigh-Anne and Perrie here?” You return her hug, “Yes, they’re here somewhere.”Your voice came out a bit quieter than you would of liked but you brushed it off. “Well ladies, enjoy yourselves. The bar is out back and help yourself to anything from the buffet in the kitchen. Go mingle.” You smile at her as Jesy drags you away, “Oh Y/N! The dogs are in my room if it all gets too much.” She says with a wink, you smile widely, Ariana knew about how you didn’t do too well in social situations from when you were on tour together and how the dogs always helped calm you.
You loosen the grip Jesy had on your arm but stay close to her as she walks outside to where most of the people attending the party were.
There were a lot of familiar faces jumping out at you but some were strangers. You smile at a few people you know and say a few hello’s here and there but not really speaking to anyone, until someone grabs your arm and pulls you in a hug, you’re startled slightly and pull back as quick as you can until you see it’s Tom, “What not happy to see me?” You laugh and hug him this time, “I am, just wasn’t expecting you to be here.” He chuckles, “I mean- I could say the same about you. Seeing you at a major party was last on my list today.” You shrug, “Its a band thing.” You say, “Oh makes sense.”
You take in his appearance and he looks dashing in black jeans, black shoes and a white jumper. “How’ve you been?” Tom asks and you answer honestly, things had been hectic, especially since you last saw Tom nearly 2 years ago after your break up. “Mad, honestly, I’ve not stopped, I feel like I’ve been on the run for 2 years. My body’s on overdrive.” He frowns slightly, “You always were overworked.” He turns to look around the room, “Yeah I suppose.” He then looks back at you, “Come on, let me introduce you to some people I’m here with.” He grabs your hand and pulls you through the crowd.
You spot who he’s leading you to and you gulp, you recognised everyone he was about to introduce you to and you were nervous. “Y/N!” Harrison yelled, causing everyone to turn to you. “So nice to see you.” He hugs you, which causes you to relax a little more. “Yeah you too Harrison.” Tom squeezes your hand again and you turn to him. “Y/N this is Jacob, Zendaya, Sebastian, Chris and Anthony.” You wave lightly in their direction, “Nice to meet you all.” Zendaya laughs, “Oh no, not another English accent I can’t understand.” This makes everyone around you laugh, “Sorry I’ll try my best to pronounce my words clearly.” You smile at her and she returns the gesture. “Y/N what are you doing back in the states? Thought you were done over here for a while?” Harrison asks, seemingly more interested in you than anyone else as everyone returned to the conversations they were having before. “Oh well-so did I! But we’re over here filming a music video.” He nods, “Well it’s nice seeing you, to be honest since you and Tom broke up it’s been boring, you were the fun one.” He jokes causing you to really laugh because you know he didn’t mean it, you were far from the fun one, you were the shy, quiet, not very outgoing one.
The sound of your laugh causes Tom to look up at you, he can’t help but smile, that was one thing that made him love you more, your smile, your laugh, the way you wrinkled your nose when you laughed, and how your eyes shone, he never really did move on from you, he just jumped straight into a new relationship and then another one, and another one, until he finally got with Zendaya and he was happy, but she wasn’t you.
“How long you here for?” Harrison’s asks you, “Around 2 months, we have a lot of writing sessions scheduled too so that should be fun.” He nods before being asked something by Jacob and turning away from you. You stand there awkwardly as everyone is having a conversation and you’re just listening like an outsider.
You decided to walk through the crowd a little more, see if there’s anyone else you know, although you wouldn’t normally do this not being a party person you felt confident enough, knowing that that the girls wouldn’t be far away and also Tom and Harrison are here, it also gives you chance to think things over.
Seeing Tom really threw you off, you hadn’t seen him in 2 years and although your relationship ended mutually, he took some getting over and you’d barley done that. You’d had one other relationship in the last 2 years, and that barley lasted, you compared everything about that relationship to your relationship with Tom and it was hard.
You knew he was with Zendaya now though so you wouldn’t do anything to jeopardise that, you wanted to see him happy, you wouldn’t ruin his happiness for selfish reasons, plus he’d moved on, you couldn’t risk everything for him to potentially not love you anymore.
You smile as you pass a few more people you know but one person catches you eye more that anyone else and you walk over a wide smile on your face. “Well well, look what the cat dragged out.” You giggle as you jokingly hit his arm. “Y/N, what a pleasure.” He turns around and hugs you, “Didn’t think I’d be seeing you so soon Mendes. You’ve only just left London.” He slings an arm around your shoulder, “Just can’t stay away from you.” You chuckle, “It’s nice to see a familiar face, even if it is a boring one.” He drops his arm and puts his hand on his chest, “Boring! How dare you.” He turns away faking hurt and you pull at his arm to turn him back, “You know I’m joking?” He crunches his nose but smiles at you, “Of course darling.” His eyes then dart across the room, “Oh you know your ex is here?” He points to Tom, “And he is eyeing you up.” You roll your eyes, “No he’s not. He’s with Zendaya.” Shawn sighs, “Yeah and does he look happy?” You turn in Tom’s direction and take in the image in front of you, Tom was leaning against a wall, Zendaya stood next to him, his hand linked with her’s but he wasn’t interacting with her, he was staring into space, as she spoke to Jacob, all he did was smile every now and then. “Seems to me, he wants you back.” Shaking your head you say, “No, he doesn’t.” You cross your arms over your chest, hugging them lightly, you needed a breather, “It was nice to see you Shawn but I’m gonna go inside for a bit.” You begin to walk away, “Hey, you okay? I didn’t mean to mention Tom, sorry if it upset you.” He says after you, “It’s okay.” You smile reassuringly but continue to walk inside, Tom notices you leaving, of course he did because all he’s done is keep his eyes on you since he knew you were here. He gives you a few minutes before following the way you went.
You make your way up to Ariana’s room, needing a minute, you tried to find the girls but no luck, tonight had gone completely different to how you thought it would, the party was surprisingly nice but seeing Tom really threw you off, you’d been in denial about still loving him but you knew now you couldn’t lie to yourself anymore.
You unlock Ariana’s bedroom door and you are immediately met with Toulouse and Myron jumping up your legs, “Hi babies.” You step into the room more and they follow you as you sit on the bed. Myron jumps into your lap and Toulouse lies next to you, sighing contently you stroke them both, immediately relaxing.
Your feelings were everywhere, you couldn’t think anymore about Tom and also what Shawn said. Did Tom want you back? You’d only witnessed him with Zendaya for a few minutes but you couldn’t help linger over what Shawn said about him not looking happy, he really didn’t.
A knock on the door interrupts your train of thought, you place Myron on the bed and stand up walking to the door, you open it to find Tom on the other side. “Hey- I was er looking for you.” He scratches the back of his neck nervously, “Here I am.” You giggle opening the door wider, allowing him in and then shutting it again. “Is everything okay?” He asks, sitting down on the bed, “Yeah I just needed a minute, you know me, I’m no good in social situations.” You sit next to him and he places a hand on your thigh, “Yeah I know.” You move slightly, not sure how to read his actions. “I wanted to talk to you, about something- well ab-about us, actually.” You scrunch your face up at this, “Not to be straight forward but, I didn’t think there was an us anymore.” You keep your eyes on your hands in your lap as you play with your fingers, it was a good distraction from Tom’s hand on your thigh.
“I know, but I, erm I don’t know about you but I kind of want there to be an us again.” Your eyes go wide at his words, and your cheeks deepen, “Ar-are you serious?” For the first time you look up at him and his brown eyes are already staring deeply at you, “Very serious. I’ve not stopped thinking about you for the last 2 years, I kinda get the vibe you feel the same.” You gulp, “I do. Tom, I-I still love you, but I know you’re with Zendaya and I don’t want to ruin that for you.” He shakes his head as you speak, “That’s my problem.” He then looks from your eyes to your lips, and back to yours eyes, you nod, knowing he’s asking permission to kiss you. He smiles cheekily before pressing his warm lips against yours and you kiss him back, faster than ever before because you’ve missed his lips, the warm feeling kissing him gave you, the way he made your tummy tingle and your skin get hot, you’d missed him.
He pushes you lightly and you lie down on the bed, and he slips between your legs and you wrap them around his waist, and put your arms around his neck, this kiss was deepening quickly and you knew you couldn’t take if any further no matter how much you wanted to, “Tom.” You mumble as you break the kiss but he only kisses you again this time biting your bottom lip making you moan slightly. “We can’t, not here.” You pull away again, and he groans dropping his head into the nape of your neck, he kisses the spot his lips meet and you giggle. “We still need to talk properly.” You say and although you didn’t want to put a dampener on the mood, you wanted to be cautious about jumping straight back into something with him.
“I know.” He sits up next to you but pulls you up so you’re sat in his lap. “I need to end things with Zendaya,” he sighs, “You do and that’s one thing, but we also need to talk about, why we ended things before, how stressful it all was.” He kisses your temple, “Things are going to be different this time i can feel it. We wouldn’t of come back to each other if it wasn’t.” He was right and you always hoped after you broke you would somehow find your way back to each other. “I agree.” You look at him, as his hands slowly make their way down your back and to your bum, pushing you down into his lap even more, his hips meeting yours, making the sexual tension in the air rise even more, especially when you can feel his erection against your thigh.
“Tom, I’m serious when I say I am not having sex with you in my friends bed.” You laugh, but it soon turns into a moan when he rocks his hips against yours, “You sure?” You groan again as he lies down, allowing you to fully straddle him and basically be sat on him, placing your hands on his chest. “Yes.” You whimper, as much as you wanted to grind your hips against him and rip his jeans off and ride him there and then you couldn’t, not in a house full of people.”Your choice.” He rocks his hips one more time and it takes everything in you not to have sex with him, “It is my choice.” You stand up but regret it as you feel how wet your pants now are. “Wet for me angel?” He comments, remembering from your relationship how it only took a little bit of contact and you were soaked.
“Shut up.” You mumble, he laughs standing up, heading towards the bathroom, “Doors that way Tom?” You say and point towards the door. “I know but I’ve got to sort this out.” He points down and you blush, “Go ahead.” He shuts the door behind him and you leave the room, knowing full well if you sit and wait for him, hearing his moans, would tip you over the edge and you’d go into the bathroom and sort his problem for him, so you stand outside the door patiently.
“There you are! I’ve been looking for you.” Perrie says as she see’s you stood outside the door, your eyes widen, Tom will be out in a minute and this is going to look completely wrong. “Sorry I needed a time out,” you say and try to grab the door handle behind your back but your too late as the door opens and Tom walks out, looking flustered but also you can tell
he’s been running his hands through his hair because it’s all messed up, looking like sex hair.
“Oh, Hey Perrie.” Tom says coolly, you groan, already seeing the look on Perrie’s face, “I see huh babe, you needed a time out.” She winks at you, “Pez it’s not like that.” She smirks, “Really? Cause he doesn’t have sex hair and your dress isn’t creased, no it’s not like that.” She comments but places her hands out, “In the end, it’s none of my business.” Tom wraps an arm around your waist from behind you and Perrie practically squeals, “Does this mean you’re back together?” You look up at Tom and he looks down at you, “Provisionally.” You let go of Tom as you hear footsteps coming up the stairs, you turn and lock Ariana’s bedroom door, putting the key back where you found it.
You smile as other guests pass by you, “I’m gonna go, find Harrison.” You look up at Tom, “Okay.” He glances around to make sure no one’s coming before he grabs your face in his hands and kisses you again, “Love you.” He mumbles which causes you to blush as he lets you go and makes his way down the stairs, disappearing from sight. “Perrie you can’t say anything to anyone.” You say before she can even say anything. “I know pet. I promise I won’t. But tell me, how do you feel about all this?” She asks and as she does you feel all warm inside thinking about actually being back together with Tom. “I’m so happy. Really, I- I didn’t think we’d work again but he kissed me and I felt everything fall into place. I’ve been so out of sync with myself these last 2 years and I think he was the reason why, I didn’t have him by my side.” You gush about Tom and you feel like a school girl with a crush. “I’m so happy for you’s.” She says and leans to hug you. “I always knew you were right for each other.” You giggle, “I hope so.” You stand up and make your way downstairs, following Perrie back into the party, you head straight outside and she heads for the bar.
The warm air hits you and you look around, you notice Tom talking to Harrison and you can’t help but smile. You walk over to the table where all the drinks are and you make a vodka and coke, taking a long gulp from the cup, you don’t notice Harrison stood behind you. “Someone tells me you’ve been up to no good.” You turn around at his words, “Shut up Haz.” You kaugh, “No, jokes aside I’m glad you’re back together. I like Zendaya, she’s a great friend but I think that’s all she’ll ever be to him; a friend.” You cant help but stare at him, watching his every move. “I hope so, I want to be with him again, so badly. He’s everything to me, it just took me 2 years to realise.” You smile at Harrison, “I’m glad you did realise though. I’ve already noticed a change in him, in just this last hour alone.” You blush and look down at your cup. “Oh he’s coming over, act natural.” Harrison jokes, “What are you two talking about?” He asks, standing next to you, “Oh nothing, just you.” You comment, “Really?” His eyebrow rises. “Yeah just how you’re perfect for me and I’m never letting you go again.” He’s cheeks turn pink and he smiles at you, “Couldn’t agree more darling.” He then notices Zendaya’s by herself for the first time, “I’m going to go and have an awkward conversation.” He coughs before walking over to her and sitting on the patio chair.
The party was nearing an end and you’d not seen Tom since your conversation with him and Harrison, in fact you hadn’t seen Harrison either. You were sat in the living room with the girls waiting for your car, you waited to find Tom and tell him you were leaving but your time was running out.
“Cars here.” Leigh-Anne says as she tiredly stands up, leaning on Jade for support. “You guys go, I’m just going to find someone and say bye.” None of them question you apart from mumbling for you to hurry up and not be too long.
You walk outside and thankfully see Tom with Jacob and Harrison, “Tom!” You shout gently across the patio, he turns to you and you wave, he smiles and excuses himself before walking over to you. “Hey darling, didn’t think you were still here.” He leans in for a kiss which surprises you, and you pull back, “Tom there are people around.” You put a hand on his chest, “There are but what’s the harm in me kissing my girl?” You eye him slightly, “You broke up with Zendaya?” He nods, “There wasn’t really anything to end, she knew things were mostly platonic and it ended nicely, I told her about you so things didn’t seem weird and she was really happy for us.” You bite your lip as you look up at him, “Really?” All he does is nod before kissing you, causing wolf whistles to sound from Harrison and Jacob. “Give it a rest you guys!” Harrison yells, causing you to pull away from Tom and laugh. “Dude.” Tom scolds as he wraps his arms around you pulling you into him.
You pull away from Tom, “I only came to say goodbye, me and the girls are leaving now.” He kisses your forehead and bobs his head, whispering in your ear, “Come back to mine.” You nod straight away without even thinking. “I’ll text the girls.”
You: to Perrie Edwards
I’m staying at Tom’s so go home without me, see you tomorrow babe xx
“Done, you ready to go now? Because these shoes are killing me.” You comment, “I am yeah. Harrison, let’s go. Jacob, see you tomorrow man.” Tom points at Jacob and they do a bro handshake mid air, some weird shit you’d never seen before, you shake your head at their antics and start walking away, dragging Tom with you, although once you exit through the front door you have to follow him because you have no clue how you’re getting back to his. “I called an Uber already so it should be here.” You cling to his hand as you walk down the hill to the gates, it was late now so there were no paparazzi outside which was nice for a change.
You see a black Range Rover pulled up and Harrison jumps in the front and you and Tom jump in the back, Harrison tells the driver the address and you’re soon driving down the streets of L.A.
“Baby.” Tom shakes you lightly and your eyes flutter open, you look around and see you’re still in the back of the car, “We’re here, you fell asleep.” You shuffle out the car, and lean against Tom you didn’t even realise you’d fallen asleep. “Thanks mate.” Harrison says to the driver as Tom unlocks the door, to his house.
It was just how you remembered, big white fence, black door, big windows, a table by the front door, with a photo of him and his parents and another of him and his brothers, one of Tessa and one of you and him, you pick it up and smile, “You kept this?” Your voice is quiet, “Of course I did.” He chucks his keys in the bowl and walks down the hall, leaving you to smile at the photo.
You follow his actions and walk down the hall to the kitchen, you’re shocked slightly when you get him talking funny, until you turn the corner and see Tessa sat by his feet.
“Oh my god.” You say and she immediately runs to you, jumping all over you, you sit down and she leaps into your lap, “Hi Tess.” You scratch her ears and kiss her head as she licks your face, you’d missed her almost as much as you’d missed Tom.
“How?�� You turn to look at him, “I didn’t think she lived with you here.” He smiles as his dog gushes over you, “She didn’t. But after we broke up, I spent more and more time out here and I couldn’t live without her so I bought her out here and this is where she lives now.” You stand up and walk over to him, “I’m so happy.” He wraps his arms around you, “Me too.” You kiss his cheek before walking away and down the corridor, “Where are you going?” He questions, “To bed, I don’t know about you but I am tired!” You walk up the stairs and into the room you remember is Tom’s, again it was still the same, big bed with crisp white sheets, hard wood floors, with matching furniture, very simple but very Tom.
You unzip your dress and step out of it, taking your heels off and tying your hair up, you sigh and walk over to the drawer, taking out one of his t-shirts, “Oh I see how it is, make yourself at home love.” Tom says as he stands in the doorway watching you, “It’s like I never left.” You slip the material over your head and jump into bed, he laughs at you but follows suit, undressing down to his boxers, turning the light out and then joining you.
“This is nice, I love you. I’m so glad you came back to me.” He lays beside you, arms around your waist, head nuzzled into your neck, “I love you too. ” You snuggle down deeper into him, feeling sleep take over, you were happy again, in Tom’s arms, finally feeling at one with the world.
This is shitty I know, don’t hate me
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meightaboot · 4 years
Dragon airplanes
Imagine dragons offering to take people across the world, wizards building specilized platforms and harness to allow more people to fly at once, the process becoming popular and as common as charting a ship. Picture this, you are at a medieval equivalent of an airport, you have your bag of holding, there’s a bunch of people in line checking in with the staff, marking their magic items and weapons and having their haversacks and bags turned inside-out incase the passenger is holding cursed items or questionable arcane components. One particular passenger has quite the collection, a mean-looking goliath is slowly putting away weapon after weapon, pausing each time and looking at the guard sheepishly, hoping that she could at least keep something on her, but rules are rules, it takes a lot of sideglances to convince the giant to part with her favourite warhammers. There’s a few wizards with familiars that are being told off and asked to unsummon them, they can always conjure their turtles or whatever later, but you know what people are like when it comes to their pets, just come on there’s like 17 other people waiting behind, get moving. You hear a bard trying to talk his way out of trouble for bringing a sentient gem with him, he almost convinces the security to let him pass before the gem starts cursing loudly and revealing some embarrasing secrets, the bard, red-faced, tries to shut it up to no avail. There’s some shouting and arguing coming from the antimagic section, where a druid and her polymorhed friend have their forms dispelled and promtly fall out of the pocket of a previously nervous, now panicking halfling. Looks like a party of adventurers only wanted to buy one ticket. You’re peering out of the tower, watching dragons and people of all sizes rush from place to place outside, working hard to keep this place running smoothly. The airfield grows dark as an ancient bronze dragon passes overhead, landing carefully among the crowd of workers, kicking up dust and flipping over a few flying whelps that didn’t expect a gust that strong all of the sudden. Ogres and giants stroll over to assist the dragon’s landing, holding and securing the carriage on its back. The queue you were waiting in is now moving, people are being lead outside. You step out into the field, following the crowd, folk are chatting and gasping in amazement at the sight of the enourmous creature of legend before them. The dragon itself is not at all noble or dignified, it looks tired, you can see it talking to a few smaller bronze dragons, a soft smile present on its face. Everyone’s on board and you hear the dragon mutter out the same phrases it says every flight.  “Welcome aboard and thank you for contacting “Bronzed Wings” for your travel, I am Ralassyrth I will be your pilot for today, keep your limbs, tails and anything or anyone you sneaked on board tight and secured, this will be a bumpy ride. Magic users accompaning us will ensure your safety and will provide snacks and books to occupy your time while we fly. Everyone buckled in? Great, let’s go, this is my last flight this week I want this done as soon as possible” The dragon takes off, beating its humongous wings, taking a few sharp twists and turns around the mountain peaks. It soars on forward with a box full of creatures of all kind on board. Inside the carriage everything is calm though, the magic keeping everyone bound to the floor, it’s a bit shaky but at least you won’t fall out of the window while that mad dragon dashes through terrain doing barrel rolls. One would question the safety of this type of transportation. What if magic fails? What if you’re attacked mid-flight from in or outside the carriage? So many things can go wrong. ...But then you recall that you’re in the presence of an ancient fucking dragon, several high level magic users and probably at least 5 different adventuring parties armed to the teeth and ready for anything. Yeah I think you’ll be alright --- oh wow this turned into a short story, that wasn’t planned whoops Dragons are dope Here’s a few worldbuilding bulletpoints
. Probably only run by metallic dragons, ‘cus who the hell in their right mind would trust a chromatic dragon. (well maybe a green or blue, but the rest are shifty as fuck) . Detect magic or antimagic security control of somekind
. Enchanted seats or cabin, or hell maybe they use doorways to pocket dimensions, if they’re portable?
. 2-4 wizards could accompany the flight to cast featherfall/fly/teleport if the enchantments fail. Druids too, for wildshape and goodberries. . Powerful mindcontrolling creatures/spells/magic that try to hijack the dragon-plane or the people on board, especially if the dragon is small and young . This is a lot more complicated than straight up teleportation. That raises the question, why are people using dragons over teleporting? Is it expensive? Dangerous? Illegal?
Anyhow, I came up with this when I was bored on the plane, you’re welcome
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chrysaliseuro2019 · 5 years
Shaken And A Little Bit Stirred
Our three weeks in Greece has gone by in the wink of an eye. We have loved all of it. While Milos has been our least favourite (but still very enjoyable), Folegandros was scenically stunning and the town intimate and magical. Little streets and alleys lead into squares and while tourists have definitely found it, it’s lovely to see the locals having hung on to their little houses, out on their porches in the evenings chatting away. The tourist crowd are mainly couples or families so no pumping dance music to detract from the gentle vibe.
The Peloponnese is a must-see and I hope this has come through in the blog. As a tourist in July wanting to go where the crowds aren’t this is the place. And there is something for everyone; history buffs, museum enthusiasts, hardy hikers or beach sloths. So much to see, so much to do and a month there would not feel too long.
But today we leave and it’s a mega travel day so up and about doing chores. First off was shuffling the odd piece of still damp washing on our balcony washing line (one of the small and welcome creature comforts of an extended holiday) to take full advantage of sun and breeze. Then packing of cases which is becoming increasingly strategic commensurate with additional purchases, followed by getting the hotel to print out our flight boarding passes. Breakfast, then the final odds ‘n sods into the cases in readiness for our lift from Hotel Riga’s to the port.
Hotel Rigas was delightful. While only 2 stars, the room and balcony were enormous. But the bathroom this time was the size of 2 telephone booths and only room for one person due to an oversized awkwardly placed door which to close you practically had to stand on the toilet. Fortunately after 36 years of marriage, modesty is a concern long forgotten. The staff were the real standout with brother Panos and Christos the front office charmers. But the real star of the show was the housekeeper, who when we returned to the room after our first day out, had hung up our clothes, put things away in cupboards and done a through tidy up. It felt like mum had been in doing a Spring clean . I wanted to pay her one way fare to Fergie Street.
Ferry due to leave at 11.25am and arrived only 10 minutes late which was a relief. Systematic disembarkment for the Milos foot passenger and car arrivals followed by and orderly boarding by those leaving. This was in stark contrast to the Athens leaving fiasco necessitating dashing hither and thither avoiding a reversing oil tanker, taxis, buses, boxes on the wharf, cases, the passenger carrying a canary in a cage and a lot of agitated passengers. Piraeus Port Authority could do worse than do a study trip to a few islands for a few tips on traffic management.
Ferry went via nearby islands Sifnos & Serifos gradually filling on its way to Piraeus. Happily the sea was calm and the boat steady with the 4 hours passing quickly and uneventfully. Food onboard was also worthy of mention for the wrong reason. We shared a smoked turkey, cheese and mayo sandwich. The less said about that the better.
The TVs were showing some FINA Watersport competitions including the Greeks versus the Sth Koreans at water polo. It was Goliaths vs The Punes. The score of 13-2 representative of the physical strength imbalance. Chris was surprised the Punes didn’t turn tail and head straight back to Sth Korea when they caught sight of their opposition. Next on were the prissy-glittery-glammed-up teams of synchronised swimmers. We were half watching it (Chinese coming first followed by the Japanese, who we thought only average, then Ukraine) when the TVs changed to another station. Because all Greek discussion is loud and intense (and our Greek has not progressed beyond yassas and efcharistó) we had no idea whether it was the Midday Show, a regular news bulletin or some current affairs show. With no more synchronised swimming our books got 100% attention until we docked at 3.30pm.
Things were going too well for them to last. So they didn’t. With our ferry due at Piraeus at 3.30pm and our flight to Rome via Trieste due to depart at 7.10pm it was going to be a bit tight to take a train so we’d contacted a car transfer company which sends quotes. First quote arrived on Tuesday for £65 then decreased incrementally over the 3 days to £30. There seemed to be no time limit as to when you could accept the offer so we made sure the ferry was (a) going at all and (b) not delayed before we committed. As soon as we sailed we booked the transfer and emailed the driver to confirm the booking advising what ferry we were on expecting someone to be there when we arrived
Needless to say they weren’t. Port of Piraeus is not our happy place. Meanwhile my phone reconnected to the internet and I received a message from our niece asking if we were ok after hearing about the earthquake. I didn’t think anything more of it.
Meanwhile I put in a phone call to our organised driver who knew nothing of the booking and said he would call me back. Five minutes and no call back so I called him back only for it to ring out. Chris called him but the +44 English prefix probably gave it away cos he didn’t pick up that call either. So several calls to the company who didn’t seem be able to sort a driver resulting in my ire being raised about taking bookings that can’t be filled etc. We await a refund. But the bigger problem was time was on the wing and it was now 4.30pm so we went in search of a taxi.
Taxis in the port area were all pre booked so we found a taxi rank and asked the price. €80/$120!! Tell them they’re dreaming! Already pissed off about pre-booked driver no-show I got into a debate with the driver saying “We would take the taxi and trust the metre”. His bluff was ”It would be more expensive”. I countered “That would work better for you and we’ll take our chances”. His final response was “Take the bus lady” so we walked off in principle. (Think Chris reading my mood thought silence was his safest option.) I asked his mate also in the taxi queue but it was clearly a cartel cos he looked sheepish as he quoted the same which saved him losing face in front of his thieving mate. At this stage I thought my principles might cost us dearly with a missed flight (and I’d have a lot of apologising to do and a lot of extra Holmesglen shifts to cover the cost of lost flights) when we tried to flag down a taxi joining the rank who waved us off. But sometimes sticking to your guns pays off because a little modern Mercedes came around the corner driven by a taxi angel called Lorenzo who stopped as we waved him down. Quote €50. Deal! As he was loading the bags Lorenzo excitedly asked us if we’d felt the earthquake. So this explained the change of TV programming and the text message checking in on us. At around 2pm central Athens had experienced a 5.6 earthquake followed by aftershocks. We googled it and sure enough it was Athens’ first earthquake since the one in 1990 which resulted in 146 deaths and many more injured. Lorenzo who was driving through the city at the time said you don’t feel the movement of an earthquake when driving so he wasn’t aware what was happening. He said people were running out of buildings and dropping to the ground causing him to wonder if it was a terrorist attack. Fortunately there seemed to be no damage and deaths this time.
We were finally on our way to the airport with Lorenzo who determined the usually fast freeway route was jammed (we assumed as a response to the earthquake) taking 1.45 hours so the slower coastal route was a better option. The traffic around Piraeus was appalling but this bloke had the same traffic mindset as Chris....never, ever, ever sit in a traffic jam. We belted down bumpy narrow backroads made even narrower with cars parked on either side as we avoided the bottleneck around the port. The traffic was still heavily congested but our driver took every advantage of space by cutting in at the front of queues, forming extra turning lanes etc. It was quite the performance.
Not only was he determined to deliver us to the airport on time, he loved a chat. He was an Albanian in his mid 30’s married to a Greek with with two primary school aged children. He had been a semi professional soccer goalkeeper and along with taxi driving worked as a goal keeper coach. He proudly told us that only goal keepers can coach the skills of goal keeping. Lorenzo kept us entertained with stories saying when he was young he was popular because he wanted to play keeper whereas it was usually the fat kids who were lumped into that role because all the aspiring Ronaldos wanted to be the goal kicking stars. Another one we enjoyed was that his father used to regularly dink him 24 kilometres on the back of his pushbike in Albania to see a soccer match. The distance wasn’t the only issue as the roads built by the Italians post WW2 hadn’t received any attention from the communist government leaving them rutted, potholed and crumbling. Lorenzo and his dad’s bums must have been black and blue after those 48 kilometre round trips. He was also very interested in our lives so by the time we arrived at the airport at 5.50pm we were thoroughly relaxed with our faith in taxi drivers restored. We happily handed him €60 which he thought generous. We felt certain we were on the better end of that deal.
Flight to Trieste had a Rome stopover. The first leg to Rome left on time and was fine. After landing when the seat belt lights were switched the bloke beside me on the window side stood impatient to get off and leaned all over the top of me breathing heavily - he was not a small man. Usually I would get up too but with leg room being tight and row 24 being towards the back of the plane I stayed seated waiting for the 23 rows ahead to get themselves organised. This did not please bully boy next to me. After putting up with him literally right over the top of me panting I eventually stood at my middle seat. He took this as an opportunity to lean over me attempting to reach up into the luggage hold to drag his oversized case down. With the two irksome experiences at Piraeus still rankling I was not in the mood to be hassled. I refused to move and pushed back against him thwarting his attempts. When I finally moved out toward the aisle he reached over and dragged the case down telling me to move off before the people from the row in front. I told him in no uncertain terms I wasn’t moving until they were out of their seats in to aisle. Could excuse him if he was a peasant or had another flight to catch, but indeed he was well dressed and did not go to transit when we got off. That made 3 strikes with the no-show and thieving taxi driver so my patience was sorely tested.
Fortunately for everyone, probably most of all Chris who’s cage doesn’t generally get as rattled as mine, we had a spare seat for the next flight.
Landed at Trieste just before 11pm so had been on the go for 12 hours. Luggage arrived quickly making a dash to catch the 11.15pm train possible. We arrived at the station with the train pulling in. However we hadn’t had a chance to purchase tickets and with the machine caught in a loop, the train stopping for less than a minute and the guard less than helpful with advice we had to let it go. The only tip he gave us was not to buy the tickets on train as they were €50 more expensive that way (sounds to me like a euphemism for fine). Gave up on the train, taxis €60 (A$100) so not prepared to pay that. Instead we waited and caught the bus whose ticket machine also wasn’t working. No machine =no pay. Suited us. Took 45 minutes to get to TriesTe central station but enjoyed talking to a young helpful Slovenian man who had lived in Sydney for 3 months and a young Romanian woman who works as a purser on one of the small cruise boats that was hit by the big liner in Venice recently. Fortunately for her she was on leave at the time.
Grateful that Chris had booked our hotel not 5 minutes walk from Central Station. To top it all off our room stunk off cigarette smoke and the window shutters refused to open. Night manager couldn’t open them either so a quick move into neighbouring room which proved to be far nicer. Needless to say both knackered. Hope the travel Gods go gently on us tomorrow.
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eerythingisshaka · 6 years
The Coffee Prince Pt. 2
(T’Challa x Reader)
*Part 1*
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Word Count: 3k
Plot:  Stuck in your ways of living, one day at the coffee shop, you run into a tall dark roast that threatens to wake you up from your romantic hibernation.
You are unphased and not listening when you get up and see this 6’0 man picking up his drink and turning towards you.  He makes his way to the side table, and your heart literally stops pumping for a split second from the anxiety.  He hasn’t seen you yet and he could easily leave very soon without your acknowledgment,  What if he doesn’t recognize you?  The L’s you could take outweigh the dubs by a mile.
You get up to go get an unnecessary sugar packet.
“Excuse me,” you say.
He looks to you and gives you a crooked smile.
“Ahh, how are you today, Ms. Macchiato.” He says while stirring his coffee.
You spontaneously start ovulating at his title for you.  He remembered your order, and made it a pet name for you!
You smile goofily as your heart threatens to fall out of your chest, “Yeah, that’s me!  How have you been….Thomas?”  Your voice rises an octave as you coyly played like you couldn’t remember one of the few things tied to him from your one engagement.
He furrows his brow at your statement.  “Ohh, you must have me confused with some other American coffee drinker.”
“Oh?  So that accent makes you from where, Boston?”
You both laugh.  Your mouth is getting dry from anxiety, so you sip your drink.  
“Gah! Fuck!”  You sputter some of the liquid down your chin, tongue hanging out fanning it.  The drink was scalding hot still.  
‘Thomas’ gets a napkin and hands it to you, concern clouds his face.
“Are you all right?  Should I go get you some water or…”
Heated with embarrassment noe more than the coffee, you shake your head trying to speak clearly.  “It’th fine, thankth.”  You say with a scalded tongue.
“Please, sit a moment.  I’ll be right back.”  He touches your arm to guide you back to a table and makes his way to the register.  You keep fanning yourself, mortified by your not so graceful behavior.
“Ok, come on, get your thit together.  You are a queen goddeth.  Anyone would be lucky to dick you down proper.”
You take a deep breath and look off to one side and see an old white woman shaking her head looking at you.  Of course that last sentence would come out clear as a bell, but you gave her a look of ‘and?’ while she continued eating her oatmeal.
‘Thomas’ comes back with cold Fiji water, cracking it open before handing it to you.
You take it in you hand with shock clearly displayed cross your face, ‘Thomas’ sits down across from you and notices your expression immediately.
“Is something wrong with it?  Is something in it?”  He leans to look at the bottle clutched in the hand.
Why did he have to be so cute when he scrunches his face with worry?  You snap out of it and try to relax again.  “No, it’th juth uh, you know they have free water cupth, right?  Like, you didn’t have to pay for one”
He waves his hand in protest, “It’s nothing.  I mean, you don’t need lukewarm tap water, this is better for you.”
You say before taking a sip, “Well that was very thweet of you.  I owe you one.”
“Don’t worry about that.  I can’t standby while you’re in pain.  Though, the temporary speech impediment is kind of cute, I must say.”
“What do you mean?  Thith ith my real voice.  I wath juth trying to impreth you with perfect diction last time.”  You say, blowing your coffee, batting your eyes.
He chuckles, “Right, and I’m from Boston.”
You smile and look out the window for a second.  The high you feel from being in his company makes it hard to come back down to the reality that you have to make conversation, and you’re suddenly lost for words.  You want to know more about him but don’t want to come off as nosy or interrogative, or too eager, though you could smile at him giddily all damn day  But this is a cute guy, who is clearly attentive, splurging on some fresh H2O.  Ask him something!  Get some personal shit out the way!
You face him to see his round, gorgeous eyes looking at you.  You can’t read his expression before he looks down at his coffee again.
“What is your name, by chance?  I don’t think I got it before.” he asks before puckering his lips, that look like they’ve never known ash, to take a sip.
“Oh, it’s (Y/N)” you say.
“Ah, (Y/N) that’s a beautiful name.  It doesn’t seem too difficult to me.”
You practically melt at him saying your name.  You’d never want a different one long as those lips spoke it.
“Well, it shouldn’t be.  But people sense something has more than 2 syllables and their mind just flips.”
“Does it have any meaning behind it?”
“Mmm, not that I know.  I’d have to Google.  But all I know is my mom just liked it.  But what about you, ‘Thomas’?”  You say with a goofy grin, resting your chin on your hand.
“Yes, my name is T’Challa.”
“Yes, that’s right! First try!”  He holds his hand up for a high five.
The world seems to go into slow motion when connecting your palm to his.  His hand is a skyscraper compared to yours, trying to memorize the feel of his hand through the little contact you had.
“What can I say, I’m a pro!”
“Very nice.  Impaired tongue and all!”  He pauses a moment before continuing, “Have you got time for a walk around to get some air?  It’s so beautiful outside.  May be nice…”
You look at your phone and see you should've been back at your desk 15 min ago.  
“Uh… actually I do need to go…”
“Bast! Well that’s ok. Maybe our paths can cross again in the future?”
Your face fallen, “Yeah, hopefully so.  Thanks again for the water…”
You start to get up and leave, “Ah, Miss (Y/N)?”
You turn to him, “Mhm?”
“Do you think I could call you sometime?  If it’s not too forward, we could arrange meeting outside of your work hours so it’s more convenient?”
You heart jumped into your throat at the proposal.  He’s asking for your number!  
“Sure thing!  I would love that.  Just let me know or I’ll call you whichever.  Cool!”
You back up to leave before you add anymore positive phrases to your long phrase affirming his invitation.
You step out the door of the shop and do a little Tiffany Haddish ‘she ready’ dance.  You couldn’t wait to fill Tavia in on the details.  T’Challa, T’Challa, the name just rolls off the tongue.
“Miss (Y/N)!  I thought you trying to dine and dash but …”
T’Challa was standing behind you for God knows how long, struggling to hold back his smile.
You straighten up, mortified.  Could he possibly be any more handsome and you be anymore a dork?
“Oh, no.  Um, what do you mean?”  you stammer, folding your arms to look semi-normal.
He pulls out his phone.  “We actually need each others numbers to call each other right?”
You still didn’t exchange numbers!  Thinking of how much of a mess you are you say, “Yeah, sorry!  Of course, allow me.”
You take his phone and type it in with your name saving it.
Handing it back, T’Challa takes it and puts it in his pocket, eyes never leaving your face as he gives you a closed mouth smile.
“You have a good rest of your day, (Y/N).  I look forward to connecting with you soon.”
He turns and strides down the sidewalk away.  As much as you hated to see him go, you loved watching him leave.  Was the dip in his gait put on or natural?  Either way, you loved it.
Later that day you go home, light as a feather.   You lowkey hate how some male attention could give you such an array of hormonal bliss that you felt like a traitor to the sisterhood.
Your roommate hadn’t gotten home yet so, you take the time to cook yourself some food, even though your hunger was honestly minimal.  Whenever you got really excited in any emotional direction, your appetite just goes south.  But you earned a meal today, so why not celebrate with dinner.  You look up a bookmarked recipe on your phone for some baked chicken with steamed vegetables and curl up to some Grown-ish as you work.  The episode with Yara Shahidi’s character obsessing over the relationship status of her and Cash was queued up.  Seeing her send literally 30 text messages to Cash saying an unintelligible number of things made you cringe hella heavy.  Why would she get caught up with a college athlete anyway?  You knew where this episode was going, as you turn back to seasoning your food.
While binge watching, you only eat about half of your food, which is better than nothing.  You have more energy than you know what to do with though, so with the extra living room space, you decide to knock out a little yoga to center yourself.   Laying out your mat and queueing up YouTube you switch to a yoga channel for beginners and put a chill playlist on shuffle.  You close your eyes as the instructor tells you to be present in today’s practice, breathing deeply and exhaling equally.  The practice started off simple enough with some cat-cows and downward dogs, but the intensity picked up soon once some planks and chair poses were thrown in.  You perspired like a Pinocchio meeting a woodpecker but pushed through each pose with a little motivation in your head.  If T’Challa could see me now.  Each challenge you faced, you thought of him being under you while you planked, over you while you did a bridge.  Once the poses were over you’d curse yourself for being so silly but hey, it worked.
During the cool down, the instructor tells you to get into happy baby pose, which you welcome with a deep sigh, wiping your brow.  You didn’t expect such an intense workout, so luckily you didn’t go ham on your food.
You hear the lock turn on the door, and in walks in Tavia.
“Well damn, bitch, am I interrupting something?!”
You look between your legs at Tavia, “Nah girl, I’m almost done.”
“You sure?  Cuz looks like you just getting started to me.  Why are you spreading your legs for anyone who walk in here?”
You roll out of your pose, grabbing your water. “Nothing, it’s been a minute since I got my mat out so…”  you say taking a sip.
Tavia takes a seat in a easy chair across from you, taking off her shoes.  “Mmhm, so what else is it bitch, cuz the fact that you ain’t posted up here smashing some cookies, watching Chocolate City or some other trash got me almost concerned.”  She says, faking her best concerned face.
You roll your eyes,  “It’s nothin!  Really, but I mean, I may have ran into someone today, but that’s not why I’m over here ‘pussy poppin’’ like you say.”
“Uh-uh.  How juicy is this?  I was drinking tonight anyway but lemme know should I grab my bottle right now?”
You look at her sideways and give a slight nod.
Tava screams like the Holy Spirit just caught her as she runs with her hands raised over to the fridge.  She gets out her moscato and runs back to her seat.  
“Uh, I don’t get a glass?”  You ask offended.
“No ma’am, you got talking to do.  You can’t talk and drink at the same time.” Tavia says with a tongue pop.
“ANYWAY, so I’m going to the coffee shop on my break, right?” You say excitedly.
“Right, ‘break’.” Tavia says clutching the bottle while doing air quotes.
“Listen, plenty of them folks go and do whatever on company time.  I need some caffeine to get through the mess.” You say defensively.
“Whatever, continue!”
“Ok, so I’m getting my shit, and just as I’m bout to leave, HIS order gets called.”
Tavia’s body melts into the chair as she exclaims, “Whaaaaa??”
“YES! By the way, his name is T’Challa.”
“BITCH, you talked to him??”
With a little dance you confirm, “Hell yeah, fucking right!”
Tavia gets up to do a quick celebration twerk with you, passing the bottle. “Go head girl!  Ok, so how did you go up to him?  What did he say?”
Your face hurt from all the cheesing, “I just walked past him and he was like, ‘Hey, don’t I know you?’  and I said, ‘I hope so, cuz trying to know you.’  And eventually he remembered, so we got a table and talked about real surface level stuff, then I told him I gotta go back to work, so he was all ‘Well, I can’t have you walk out here without seeing you again.  Put your number in.’ So I did, and that’s really about it.”  You say content with your ‘story’.
Tavia was on the edge of her chair during your entire explanation until she said, “You gave him your number?”
You nod proudly, “Mhm!”
Tavia throws her hands in the air, “Girl!  You ain’t gonna be nothing but a booty call then.”
Ou screw your face up at this admission.  “Whatchu mean?  He ain’t hood actin’,  I just gave you the clipped version of how it went down.  Why you think that?”
Tavia sighs, “You gotta get his number, so you have control.  But since it’s the other way around, you gonna be waiting for him to call, and then when he does at 11pm, you gonna be showing off your wingspan and upset cuz he ain’t called you since.”
“Tavia, calm down.  It ain’t even been a day.  I’m not tryna wild like that, and he don’t seem the type.”  You say with less spirit than before.
“And if that’s what you wanted, you know I’m down for you; hit a split on the dick shawty act up!  But I know you for real want some committed peen, so I’m just giving you worst case before it slaps you in the face, ok?” Your good vibes from earlier are coming down faster than guillotine so you decide to dismiss yourself.
“Don’t be upset girl.  You still did your thing, and milk him for all it’s worth either way.  Hate the game, not the player!”  
You roll your mat up and go back to your room.  Your eyes go straight for your phone.  You think back to the articles you read on dating.  People usually wait 3 days to call right?  Or is that just after the first date?  What’re the rules for the phone exchange?  He could’ve texted you right there to have his number, but he didn’t so, could Tavia be right?  And if she was, is it so bad?  Dick is dick, and it sure hasn’t been present in your life.
You go to pick up your phone, opening up to the main menu.  
Missed Call (1) Voicemail (1)
Your heart thumps in your chest as you check the number.  It’s just digits, not one of your known numbers.  You walk across your floor couple times before listening to the message, calming yourself down and for the first time hoping it was just a bill collector.  You select the number and dial before closing your eyes to center yourself like the yoga instructor told you.  A few rings pass before you realize what you may have done.
Your pulse literally stops as your eyes fly open at the voice on the other line.  You accidentally hit call back instead of call voicemail.
“Miss (Y/N)  Is that you?”  T’Challa says.
“Yeah, hey, how are you doing?”  You say in as steady voice you can muster as you pull at your hair in frustration.
“I missed you earlier.  Uh, your call, I mean.  Well, I called you.  Did you get my message?”
So that was him on that voicemail.  You didn’t want to lie but you didn’t want to look weird calling without context either.
“Uh, yeah. I did.  Thanks for calling by the way.”
He could’ve called to say he didn’t want to see you again.
“Please, I should be thanking you for offering your time.  So do you know when you would like to do it?”
Heat crawls from neck to your cheeks, out of your pits, from your nani, all at once. Do what?!  Is he inviting you somewhere or asking a favor?
“Uh, how does Saturday sound?”  You freeze at the anticipation of his answer.
“That’s great!  I have no problem with that.  We will try for 5pm?”
You nod like he can see you before responding, “Yeah, that’s good to me.  I can’t wait.”
You could practically hear T’Challa smiling as he said, “Wonderful.  Forgive me for the time of the hour, I hope I didn’t wake you.”
You sit on the bed to keep from falling under your buckling knees.  “Not at all, I was just turning in so I didn’t want to leave you hanging.”
“You’re too kind.  I will see you then, if not at the shop first!  Good Night (Y/N).”
“Good night T’Challa.”  You press the red symbol and take the deepest breath you’ve done all day.  How erotic did that sound ‘goodnight, T’Challa’?  Geez just call him back to come over and get it over with already, you thought.  
You turn off the light and lay in your bed electrified with that same energy from before.  You almost forgot, but you pick up the phone and push for voicemail this time and listen:
Hi, I hope this is the right number.  (Y/N), I’m just calling to see if you would come with me to the music festival this weekend.  I don’t know if you heard about it or if it is your thing, but it sounds like a nice time.  We could just walk around, enjoy the sounds.  Uhh, just let me know when you get the chance, or I may see you at our favorite place.  (laughs then clears his throat)  Umm, but yeah, sorry for the long message.  This is T’Challa by the way.  Hope to hear from you soon.
Your phone prompts you to save or delete the message and you carefully save it before you listen a couple more times.  Putting your phone away you turn on your side, squeezing your legs together to bring yourself back down again.  You remind yourself that this is still just nothing more than two people meeting up at a public place with a bunch of other people.  No one has claimed nobody yet.  But like Tavia said, gotta milk it for what it’s worth, and how you feel right now is pretty damn priceless.
Part 3
Other Works
King Kil’mawalls  
N’Jadaka’s Helpful Hands
Some Weeks Are Better Than Others
The Coffee Prince
Commencement Day
My Ragtag
@sweetpeachjones@scrumptiouslytenaciouscrusade@hairhattedghooligan@universalbri @therevolution-willbelive @you-like-this-chain @sarcastic-sunshines @airis-paris14
groovybbyy and nyeebey, yall here too! I just can’t tag you for some reason <3</p>
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To Infinity and Beyond: What to Expect in Toy Story Land
As a cast member, one of the best things about constantly being surrounded by Disney is knowing what’s real and what’s rumor. It was an awesome feeling scrolling through Facebook and seeing all these crazy rumors about what was happening in Disney World and knowing they weren't true (but sometimes wishing they were). I loved being in the know, and just as my program was ending, Toy Story Land was just beginning.
I moved back home the week Toy story Land opened, so I really wish I could've stayed just to go on opening day…But ill make it back down there soon to see what it’s all about. In the mean time I’ll live vicariously through all my friends that are still Making Magic. Through the help of Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook and all these beautiful tools to post everything they are doing, my friends have kept me up to speed on how totally immersive Toy Story Land is, and it is definitely next on my to do list. I still think Andy’s Lunchbox was a lame idea and Disney World is more than deserving of our own Pizza Planet…But its fine. I’m not bitter.
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From what I’ve seen and heard, Toy Story Land’s ultimate success has been in the atmosphere. The incredible, larger than life characters that are scattered throughout “Andy’s Backyard” are the perfect size to make everyone feel like they’re a toy.
“Toy Story Land…what an immersive area. From the moment you walk in you are treated like a toy! Your imagination gets to go places no where else in the parks takes you! Also, the Slinky Dog roller coaster is just enough more than a family coaster to keep the adults wanting more and just enough not to scare the lil ones. Such a perfect ride. My only negative would be that the “land” itself wasn’t as big as I had imagined it. It feels very small, and I assumed with me being a “toy” in a  backyard, that it would feel huge!” -Victor, Server at Disney’s Contemporary Resort
“I think it perfectly captured the essence of being shrunken down to toy size right down to the benches in the land. The benches made of popsicle sticks that still had colorful stains on them were my absolute favorite. It definitely met my expectations and slinky dog dash exceeded them! It’s a fun ride for the entire family and has children feeling like they’re on an exciting thrill ride without it being too overwhelming. I think it’s 100% worth visiting!” -Carlee, QSFB at Epcot’s World Showcase
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Disney thinks of everything, I know my opinion is biased but...it’s true. Before I started my program, I hadn’t been to Disney in years. A lot had changed by the time I earned my ears and took my first trip through the parks. One of the biggest changes I noticed were the queues. Imagineers have gone out of their way to make almost every second of waiting in line both interactive and entertaining, and apparently it’s no different with the new attractions in Toy Story Land.
“One of the things I loved most about Toy Story Mania wasn't the ride itself but the queue. I always loved walking into Andy's room and with the size proportions actually getting the chance to feel like a toy. It was absolutely amazing getting to walk into Andy's Backyard and getting that same feeling/perspective in an even larger sense with such a big area. I also thought the queue for slinky dog did an awesome job of setting up the Story for the attraction with Andy's toy roller coaster building kit and walking through that. The ride itself had several surprises and I especially enjoyed the huge singing Wheezy animatronics at the end.” -Ron Server, at Disney’s Contemporary Resort
I’ve talked to so many people since the new attractions opened and there’s been a mixed bag of reactions. My last week in Florida, Disney was hosting a random selection of cast members to be chosen to test ride Slinky Dog Dash and Alien Swirling Saucers. Everyone was waiting for the email with their date and time and people were begging for shift swaps to go to opening day. That was a really cool perk for cast members, but everyone had different reviews about the rides. But none were as ready for it as my friend Kristin and especially Eric, who are both College Program employees. They both definitely went in with high expectations.
“Slinky dog dash to me is the cousin of Seven Dwarfs Mine Train. Its fun and at certain points, faster than expected. It has a lot going for it for the family perspective, but alien swirling saucers is clearly meant for the little toys. While the theme is enjoyable, alien swirling saucer needs a little more for the big kids. While it’s true that toy story land is family friendly to include younger kids in mind since the film is geared towards them, all the kids that originally watched the first toy story are just like Andy in the third film, in their 20s. It would’ve been nice to have a few more young at heart but “grown up” rides or other qualities to go off of. Given that, toy story is a fun spot to hit, but once you do it the first time, the second and third will feel just like another amazingly well themed area that Disney has pulled off but won’t be as busy as some of the other rides, like Rock ‘n’ Roller Coaster, located at Hollywood Studios.” -Kristin, Bus Greeter
“While the new rides don’t deliver top notch thrills like Rock ‘n’ Roller Coaster and Tower of Terror, they are a genuinely fun pair of rides.
The thing that impressed me most about the land is definitely the theme inside of the land. The story behind toy story land is that you’re being shrunk down to the size of a toy in Andy’s backyard and it does truly feel like you are the size of a toy. Between the giant wooden fence and the massive footprints on the ground from Andy’s shoe, it is an extremely immersive area of the park. And Disney didn’t skip on the small details either whether it be the fun Easter eggs you can try to find throughout the land or the fact that the railings near alien swirling saucers spell out their famous “Oooooh”
Toy story land in my opinion lives up to the hype and it adds in a new element to a park that was desperate for a jolt of new energy. I think this land will be warmly welcomed by fans of Disney and toy story and it is the perfect thing to hold crowds over until the real star of the future for Hollywood Studios, Star Wars: galaxy’s edge, opens late next year.” -Eric, Seater at the Sci-Fi Dine in Theater
The question I asked all these Cast Members was, “Is it worth it?” Is it worth the two and three hour lines, is it worth working through the masses of people? I think the general consensus was yes. It completely lives up to the hype. The expectations of high speed crazy rides in Disney World will always be let down. Disney targets “Safe-D Begins With Me” and entertainment for children. Are you really surprised the rides aren’t crazy? But their ultimate goal of making every guest feel completely transported into the world of Woody and Buzz was met with flying colors. And Hollywood Studios needed this more than any other area of Walt Disney World.
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bleucommelhiver · 6 years
update + plans for 2018
Update cause it’s been a hot minute since I’ve talked about my projects and filled any requests. To all the new followers, hello, and welcome! I am a notoriously slow writer - I wish it wasn’t so, but alas - so please be patient with me.
I uh - also haven’t checked my inbox since nov? oct? AND IT’S BECAUSE LOOKING AT THOSE UNFILLED PROMPTS MAKES ME FEEL GUILTY. I’m sorry if you sent me a message! I haven’t been purposefully ignoring you, just, y’unno, my whole inbox.
requests closed open only for HCs & 5 word challenges - since starting this blog, I’ve became a little sidetracked with my main projects, namely Wayward Children, as such, I’m no longer accepting requests for anything except HCs & 5 word challenges - sorry!
outstanding requests in the queue will still be filled - I will reach out to the requesters when I am ready to fill them to gauge interest. If you submitted through anon, please send me another anon saying you’re interested.
5 word challenge fills to resumed feb jan 2018 - or earlier if I finish my other projects.
wayward children - roadmap for 2018 is 1 chapter every 1.5 months max; expect an update jan 2018; updated jan 21
cabin fever - next chapter feb 2018; around 5 chapters planned.
Things to look forward to/currently working on:
glaive angst - secret santa due dec 23
holiday fluff drabble - secret santa due dec 23: link
crack!fic drabbles - gifts for friends; you can look forward to ravus, ignis, noctis, ardyn, prompto, or something like that. It will all be crack, maybe slightly romantic, mostly crack. >> 1 more to go!
wayward children ch. 5 - ok, I’ll be straight with you, this chapter has been done for a while, but I’m not 100% happy with it so I’ve been sitting on it. I’ll do a final edit in the coming weeks, maybe add a scene or two and then hit the goddamn publish button.
cabin fever ch. 2 - I have chapter two outlined and I AM SO FUCKING EXCITED FOR THIS. To anyone who was expecting them to fuck anytime soon...sorry, but it’s going to be a bit, BUT there will be some sexy stuff happening. Maybe solo, maybe involuntary (not dub-con or non-con, but you’ll see), who knows!
I strike out projects as I complete them, so those of you checking on my #status tags from time to time will know where I’m at without me spamming up your dash.
I hope 2018 will be an even better year for ya’ll!
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The Alphabet of Love // Rafael Casal
Here I am, this was not the first thing in writing queue but it just begged to be written.
I blame Ren ( @alexanderhamllton ) for turning me into Rafa trash and thank Charley ( @always-blame-jefferson ) for listening to my ideas.
My other stuff is here!
Requests are always  open!
Word Count:3743, I’m not even sorry.
The Alphabet of Love
A is for Airport.
That’s where you first met.
You being a writer and he being a singer, there weren’t many ways you could meet but on that fateful afternoon your paths met quite forcefully when someone bumped on you on the busy airport, spilling your hot coffee all over your shirt.
“Oh my, I’m so sorry.” You looked up to see a blonde-ish man profusely apologizing.
“It’s no problem.”
“Here, take this at least.” He said, taking a shirt from his carry-on bag.
“You don’t want to spend your flight with a wet, transparent shirt.”
Looking down, you could see that you light blue shirt had become slightly see through due to the spilled drink.
“Thank you.”
The meeting was short lived as your flight was announced over the intercom system, making you smile at the man one more time before leaving.
His shirt smelled of cologne and books.
B is for Brooklyn.
That’s where you worked.    
For now at least.
As a writer, you moved around a lot due to your job and since your new novel was set in Brooklyn, you had moved there to research. One, surprisingly sunny, autumn day you were walking through the streets, trying to find inspiration to write again when you caught sight of a familiar blonde head getting into a cab.
No way.
Brooklyn was also a place Rafael liked to visit once in a while; it had this feeling of home he couldn’t explain. Bored, he decided to visit Daveed at the Richard Rogers. As he got into the cab, he turned to look out of the window and saw a familiar face.
Coffee girl.
As much as he wanted to talk to you again, the cab sped down the road before either of you could say a word.
C is for Chance.
That’s what brought (Y/N) and Rafael together once again; It seemed fate was hell bent on bringing them together.
Daveed, Rafa and some other people who had arrived early for the day’s show were lounging in Daveed’s dressing room when a frantic Lin walked past the open door.
“He must’ve forgotten that someone was visiting today.” Remarked Pippa.
A few minutes later they all gathered backstage on Lin’s request, apparently someone important was visiting, Rafa stuck to the back of the small crowd.Who could it be?
No fucking way, (Y/N) thought when she looked towards the back of the room and saw him again.
“Everyone this is (Y/N) (Y/L/N), the bestselling writer and my college friend.” Lin said giddiness evident in his voice. ”She is researching for a new book and watching the show too, so just go on about your stuff as usual.”
While she remained talking to Lin, a rapid conversation that was a mixture of English and Spanish, Rafa pulled Daveed aside.
“Coffee girl is (Y/N).”
“Dude, you spilled coffee on her? Really?”
“Yes, he did. And he also owes me a new cup of coffee.” You said, cutting into their conversation. “By the way Daveed, I’m a huge fan.”
The three talked and walked around the theater until it was time for Daveed get ready; then it was just the two of you. Looking closely Rafa could recognize the shirt you were wearing; it was the same one he gave to you a week ago.
“About that cup of coffee, I know this really good place on Brooklyn if you still want it.” You smiled when he said that, it was weird the way the connection you felt to him after knowing the man for less than a day.
“Friday afternoon?”
“It’s a date.”
D is for Date.
That’s what they went on that Friday.
(Y/N) were beyond nervous, you hadn't had a date in a while, after your career had picked up three years ago, the dating scene was the last thing in your mind.  It had been too long since you had felt the thrill that came when you got ready for a date, the flutter in your heart that accompanied looking at someone you liked.
Rafael was jittery waiting for you outside of the coffee shop. After the disastrous end his last relationship had, dating wasn't something he wanted to get back to so soon but then you showed up and stood beside Lin, all wide eyed and smiling, talking to everyone and he swore it was sign from above.
Down the street he could see you coming, wearing a bright orange dress and his heart skipped a beat.
"Hey there." Your smile was so bright it could stop a war, at least on Rafael's mind.
"Hello." He replied.
The afternoon flew by, the couple sat in the table, talking until the coffee closed and they were forced to go their separate ways.
E is for Eager.
Rafael couldn’t wait to see her again; you had left him with your phone number and the promise to see him again.
Currently he was sat on Daveed's couch, staring at his phone like a love sick teenager.
"Just call her already man." Said Anthony, the man had decided to join them for the afternoon and had been nagging him about (Y/N).
From Rafa
To (Y/N)
Hey, what are you doing?
From (Y/N)
To Rafa
From Rafa
To (Y/N)
From (Y/N)
To Rafa
I'll meet you there.
F is for Finnish.
"You speak Finnish?"
"And seven more languages, but yes, Finnish is one of them."
The couple laid on the couch, bodies entwined, talking. Somehow the conversation had drifted to (Y/N)'s books and how she translated them to all the languages she knew when they were done, just so she could see them with other eyes.
Rafa knew he was falling when his heart stopped upon seeing your eyes light up while you talked about all the other languages you wanted to learn, he loved the way your passion for languages and learning seeped into your voice and made your speech speed up, the tiny dimple in you left cheek and the dash of freckles across the bridge of your nose.
He loved you.
G is for Glad.
No one had seen either of them so happy before.
Wherever you went, people watched. It was rather uncommon to see two people so happy, so obviously in love with each other.
Every once in a while you visited the Richard Rodgers theater again, for research obviously, that meant that so did Rafa visit. Truth was you had taken an unexpected liking to not only the people but the place as well, the atmosphere had trapped you and refused to let go. What was supposed to be one stand-alone book had quickly turned into a trilogy, you sat in Daveed's dressing room once again, Rafa by your side, discussing how the first book was going to end, your boyfriend had insisted in co-writing the books with you.
"Look at them." Said Chris from the doorway. "They're so happy, it's beautiful."
Lin was standing beside Chris looking at his friends; he had never seen you so happy before. Since you didn't have any close family, he decided to pull a "big brother" move and held Rafa's arm as he went to follow you out of the room.
"If you hurt her, I'll end you." The seriousness in his voice surprised Rafael.
"I won't."
H is for Hospital.
That wasn’t the call (Y/N) had been expecting.
Since your boyfriend was away on business, he was calling you more often than the usual (he usually called you at least three times a day), so when your phone rang your mind automatically went to Rafa but an unknown number was showing up on the caller ID.
“Is this (Y/N) (Y/L/N)?” A male voice spoke from the other end.
“Yes. Who am I talking to?”
“This is Justin Vega, I am a nurse from the New York community Hospital and you’re listed as one of Rafael Casal’s emergency contacts, he has been in an accident…”
The rest of his words fell on deaf ears as your phone clattered to the ground. This must be some sick sort of joke from the universe; it wouldn’t dare taking away the man you loved. You were vaguely aware of Lin and Daveed entering your apartment and taking you to meet Rafa.
I is for I love you.
Rafa could hear commotion outside of the curtains they had placed around his bed, he wished to get up and see what was happening but his pounding head and broken leg made everything more difficult. In a flurry, curtains opened to reveal a frazzled looking (Y/N), the haze in his mind cleared just a little bit upon seeing her face.
“I love you.” Were the first words to leave her mouth.
“I love you too.”
J is for Jell-O
The other day he still had to stay in the hospital for observation due to the risk of a concussion and of course you had stayed by his side. Now you regretted the decision a little as you were faced with hospital food, one of the things you hated the most; the bright red gelatin practically stared at you from the tray and you began playing with it.
“What are you doing with the food?” Rafa was glad for anything that was an excuse to distract him from the awful food.
“The gelatin is bouncy. Look!” to illustrate the point, you hit the red thing your spoon. This turned out to be a bad idea because the cup bounced too much, hit you tray, throwing it to the ground. In a valiant effort to save your food, Rafa ended up dropping his tray too.
“I’ll go get us some food.” You said, happy for the fact you didn’t have to eat the hospital food anymore.
“I love you (Y/N).”
“I know.”
K is for Kiss.
You wished he didn’t have to leave again.
After the accident, Rafa had managed to get a few weeks off of work to recuperate but now life was calling again and he had to go back to his house in LA. He spent so much time with you in Brooklyn that you nearly forgot his place of residence was all the way across the country.
“I will call you every day.”
Your eyes were watery, and so were his.
“I love you (Y/N)”
“I love you Rafa.”
You kissed him one last time before he disappeared into the departure gates.
L is for Long-distance.
Skype calls were not being enough, despite spending at least one hour every night talking to him, his absence was taking its toll on you. Your visits to the theater weren’t as animated as before and your smile was less bright.
On the night of your one year anniversary, your Skype call had a little more tears than the usual. The conversation went just like every day but you longed to see his face again.
“I miss you Rafa.”
“I know love, I miss you too.”
The sound of his voice was enough for a fresh wave of tears begin.
M is for Music.
“Hear me out, a music festival in Georgia.”
That week you were supposed to meet Rafa somewhere but his schedule was tight and so was yours. Your new book was finished, your editor had loved the collaboration you did with Rafa and it was on the first stages of development, which meant a lot of meetings so Rafael had proposed that you meet halfway this weekend to do something you both loved.
Once your eyes met in the crowded airport, it was like in the movies. You dropped the bag you were holding, running to his arms.
How you had missed him, your life with him was like one song, the moments you were together being the most perfect chords.
N is for Napping.
More often than not, Daveed would find the couple asleep. time or place didn’t matter, if given more than five minutes and relative quietness, they both be asleep. It was endearing to see them laying on the couch, laptops forgotten, bodies tangled.
Every cast member, company members as well, had at least three different pictures of them, in varied occasions, asleep.
O is for Oxygen.
(Y/N) was the air he breathed.
How had he managed to live without you for so long was one of his most recurring thoughts.
Every time he looked at you, saw your smile, your eyes, the way you danced when you thought he wasn’t looking, every time you did basically anything he felt like a piece of his heart broke of and attached itself to you.
It became increasingly difficult to tell you goodbye, too know it would be days, maybe even weeks, before you saw each other again.
P is for Proposal.
A few days later, Rafael made a big decision.
“Move in with me.” He said over the video chat.
“What? Are you serious?”
“As a heart attack. If you got your mail today, which I’m sure you did, there is a black box within your apartment right now.”  You should have known that he had something to do with the strange package you had received that morning. “Now open it.”
Inside the box there were two things: a small silver key and plane tickets.
“Oh my, yes! Of course!”
One week later he drove her to their home.
Q is for Question.
You were an unusually early riser on weekends, they were your free days and you liked to enjoy them to their fullest, so you put on some quiet music and began making breakfast for the two of you, when Classic by Mkto began playing, you quietly began to sing and dance along with it.
The smell of pancakes woke Rafael up. You were dancing around in the kitchen, wearing one of his shirts, he had never been more in love with you. His feet carried him to the bedroom and back in a few seconds.
"Hey there." You could feel his arms wrap around your waist from behind so you turned off the stove and turned to face him.
"Marry me." The words were mumbled so quietly against your lips that you nearly didn't catch them.
"I'm being serious here (Y/N)."
"So am I."
R is for Real.
"There you go." Said Vanessa placing the final bobby pin on your hair.
A few months later you stood in a wedding dress, fidgeting nervously as Vanessa, your maid of honor, fixed your hair. You could hear Lin enter the room and stop in his tracks.
"Mi hermana, estás tan linda."  
Lin was taking her down the aisle on what was the best day of her life, he and Vanessa had become her family when she didn't have one so to have them with her today only added to the amazing day, Daveed was Rafael's best man and he was elated for his friends, with time he began to see (Y/N) as his sister too.
As you swayed to the sweet sound of Ed Sheeran's Tenerife Sea, your eyes met Rafa's and the rest of the world disappeared. It was surreal the way you both were feeling.
If there was a way to freeze one moment of your life to live in it forever, this was the one you'd pick. This was real, this was you life.
S is for Someday.
"How many kids do you want?"
"Someday I'd love to have three at least."
You and Rafael were laying down on the grass in Central Park, watching the clouds and just talking about life. It was one of the rare moments your mind was completely relaxed, nothing about the whirlwind that your life had become due to the fact that your new book series was turning into a tv series could even bother you right now.
You made plans for your future because you knew that you had all the time in the world.
T is for Thor.
It was a day like any other, you were finishing your morning run through one of the many parks in LA when suddenly your legs flew out from under you, when you recovered from the fall you could see a beautiful dog sniffing away at your legs. As if a light bulb had gone off in your head, you scooped up the little guy in your arms and began walking with renewed energy.
"Love, I'm home!"
The unusual quietness in the apartment threw Rafa off, then you exited the laundry room with a nervous face and alarms began blaring in his mind.
"So you want the good news or the bad news first?"
"Bad news first." He braced himself for impact.
"Well, the bad news are, actually it's just one bad news, our son made the biggest mess in the bathroom."
"Our son?"
The question was answered in the form of a puppy excitedly running out of the laundry room and on to his legs.
"I've named him Thor."
U is for Universe.
"So? What's the result?" Came Vanessa's voice over the phone.
"It's positive. I'm going to be a mother."
That conversation had happened a week ago, your period had been mysteriously missing and you knew what it could  mean, so you dialed Vanessa's phone to wait for the results with you. Now as you got ready for your date night, you thought of a way to tell him about your pregnancy. Tonight's date was rather simple, a picnic and stargazing. Your dress did little to hide the already showing small baby bump.
The basket filled to the brim with food was soon empty, Rafa stared at (Y/N).
"Why are you looking at me like that? I'm eating for two, you know?"
The cat was definitely out of the bag now.
V is for Valerie.
Your baby was growing healthily, a considerable bump now on display. Last week you had found out that you and Rafa would be proud parents to a baby girl.
You had made the trip down to New York to see Lin's final bow as Hamilton and catch up with the friends you had made. Currently you, Luz, Vanessa, Pippa, Jazzy and Reneé were sat in a table on the same coffee shop where your first date with Rafa had been, brainstorming names for your daughter.
"... I suggest Valerie."
Something clicked when you heard the name and you quickly sent your husband a text.
From (Y/N)
To Rafa
From Rafa
To (Y/N)
W is for Won’t.
A very bad thing has happened.
You scream into the night, waking Rafa up. Your abdomen feels like it is on fire, and you scream even more upon the sight of your bloody sheets, moments later your body decides to shut down instead of dealing with so much pain.
Lin didn't expect to wake up in the middle of the night with a call from a very frantic Rafa, the first few minutes of the call were spent trying to calm he down; then Lin called Daveed and Luz so they could go to the hospital as well. He sped to the hospital with Vanessa by his side.
You were as pale as the sheets around you, so many things attached to your body. It made Rafa's heart clench knowing that he'd have to tell you what happened to your daughter, he prepared himself once again when he felt you stir.
Your mind eases into consciousness again, the first thing your eyes saw were Rafa's hands, holding yours tightly.
"You're up." He said, the sheer happiness in his face was enough to calm you down just a bit.
"What happened?"
"The doctors said that you had a spontaneous abortion, they couldn't save Val."
No, no, how could this have happened? You had taken all of the necessary precautions for your pregnancy, only visiting the set once a week, resting enough, eating the right foods. How?
His eyes filled with tears and so did yours, your baby was dead. You cried for a long time, clinging on to him.
"Hey, look at me love. Remember when we got married, what did I tell you?"
"Us against the world."
Those words reassured you that no matter what happened, together you'd go through everything.
X is for multiplication.
Rafa made it his job to multiply the joys in your life.
The first few weeks after that were extremely difficult but he was by your side every step of the way.
When you didn't feel like doing anything the entire day, he'd call everyone to postpone your agenda (and his agenda as well), just so you could spend the day in bed, watching Friends again.
When you felt like crying, he'd hold you and cry with you.
He took you to your favorite places, bought your favorite foods, did everything he could to make you happy again.
Everyone around the both of you did what they could to help. Lin called everyday, he talked to you both for at least an hour, with his tight schedule you knew how much his time meant. Daveed gifted you with tickets to your favorite Broadway show, Pippa baked you the tastiest banana bread you had ever eaten.
And little by little, life moved on, like it always does.
Y is for Year.
It was winter again.
You were taking a walk in the park with Thor, he wasn't as active as he used to be. The past year had been an emotional roller coaster but you had made it out alive and well in the end.
You were living in London now, working in Mary Poppins with Lin while Rafael taught a course in Oxford. The city was what you needed to move on, soon enough you were happy again. On Fridays, Lin, Vanessa, Rafa and you went to nights out in the city.
Slowly, you allowed yourself to dream again.
Z is for Zeitgeist, the movie.
After many years, you had finally convinced Rafa to watch it.
Everything was set, the popcorn was ready, Netflix was loaded and Noah was blissfully asleep in his bedroom. After many years, you hadn't managed to leave London, it had grown in you and became your home. Your books were still best sellers and Rafa was successful in anything he tried to do.
Sure, there were fights, there were scream and tears but it was love.
You wouldn't have it any other way.
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So you wanna start a roleplay blog?
I’ve been asked twice now how to start a roleplay blog, so I am just going to post this here for future reference. I will be explaining this all as if you are starting with zero experience. I hope I don’t come off condescending because that’s not my intention at all!
I suppose the process is different for everyone, but here is how I personally make a roleplay account. First thing is first-- start a new blog. You can make a side blog of course, but consider this first: If you send any memes to people it will have to be from your main or anonymously and you’ll have to specify each time who the meme is from. It’s a bit more difficult to see your notes, who’s tried contacting you, etc. I’ve seen people start a side blog just to get frustrated and move to a main blog which means extra work in the long run. It’s simple enough, gmail is free. But in the end it is your choice, so side blog or main-- make a blog. That’s step one.
Then I find a theme and customize it, put up my rules page, go to my settings and open my inbox to allow for messages and submissions, etc. Your rules page should have things like what you’re willing to RP, your stance on shipping, things like that. I include my name, age and time zone but that’s optional. I personally include it just so people know when to expect me to be awake/asleep, and my age so people know I am of age to potentially smut. It’s very important not to RP sexual things with even 17 year olds. If you’re over age, you can get in serious legal trouble. Here is one of my rule pages so you have an example of what you might want to include.
You can explore that blog all you want as a guideline. Though I’m far from perfect it’s at least a jumping off point.
So then after you get your blog together and have your theme worked out, follow people. You already know where the masterlist is, so it’ll be easy to find people to interact with! You can make a promo for yourself, it doesn’t have to be fancy. I’ll reblog it here if you contact me again, and I’ll add you to the masterlist too! Then it can be a little scary-- approaching people to roleplay. What I like to do first is reblog a few memes for people to send me, and I also send out memes to other people. This is a very easy going fandom. I’ve roleplayed at least a dozen characters on tumblr over five years and I’ve seen all sorts of fandoms. Some can be very hard to get into, but this is not one of them. After that, you’re pretty much on your feet and ready to go!
A few personal tips, totally optional but use them if you like:
Follow Meme/Prompt blogs. Just one or two active ones to get fresh memes on your dash to reblog.
Queue things. I like to queue memes so they spill out automatically during the day so if I am out, or asleep, people still have the opportunity to send me something to answer when I get back online. You can also queue pictures and things that would be relevant to the character you are playing, also commonly known as your muse. You, yourself, behind the screen-- you are known as the mun.
I like to tag my writing with people (also known as threads) and then link to that tag so people can see all of your responses in one place. That makes it easy for people to get a sample of your writing, as well as for people to look for a response from you. It’s as simple as tagging it ‘rp’ but you can get fancier than that if you like. I’ve tagged it under interactions, response, correspondence, etc.
If there is anything else you want to know, please don’t hesitate to ask me! I hope to see you on my dashboard soon. ❤︎
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tailsbeth-writes · 7 years
Always the Sidekick - Prose
I wrote this piece for a genre fiction class at university, it’s a romantic short story. It’s one of the few stories I’m actually quite happy with and might even consider continuing.
Word Count: 2609.
The park had well and truly taken autumn in. Across the wet grass, lay leaves in shades of brown and yellow. The smell of pumpkin spice lattes was in the air, it really was the best time of year. Today my wellington boots had been taken on their first outing; their traditional green didn’t particularly coordinate with my red rain mac. However, I could not care less as my appearance was not my speciality. With my mousy brown hair complete with blunt fringe to my milk bottle glasses, I was not what you’d call typically attractive. I was content with my lot though, as long as I could get to my favourite bench with a notebook and pen, I was happy.
It was the best spot for people watching, it was right in the middle of the park. To your left was a large pond where children would attempt to feed swans and nearly kill them and to your right were the multi-courts where men would make fools of themselves on a daily basis in an attempt to woo the opposite sex, usually with dire results. I sat there for my lunch hour and marvelled at the awesomeness of humanity before my best friend Jenny arrived. I love her to pieces but thanks to her gorgeous good looks, my favourite bench became the viewpoint of frenzy for the sporting lads. She walked up in high heeled boots, a black tulip skirt which extenuated her curves precisely and a white chiffon blouse that didn’t leave much to the imagination. The cherry on top of it all was her blonde wavy hair which bounced lightly with every step.
‘April darling, how are we today?’ I loved the way Jenny spoke, so silly yet sophisticated.
‘I’m pretty excellent, how are you?’
‘So tired, rushed off my feet as usual. Glad to get a break.’
‘I just don’t know how you manage it, I wouldn’t dream of such a busy job.’
‘Well, April my dear, not all of us are content with spending our days in a library.’ Despite Jenny and I being the same age, she’s always spoke down to me a little. I never cared what she said about my job though, I loved it. Her job sounded like an absolute nightmare to me, she worked at a law firm which meant she was always busy and always had to look her best. ‘It’s all about reputation’ Jenny told me time and time again. Whereas at my work, I spent hours sorting out books full of magic and romance, I wore whatever I pleased and I got a full hour for lunch. With those stats, I’d never see the appeal of Jenny’s job.
‘What’s for lunch today then?’ Jenny enquired as usual, looking for the plastic lunchbox.
‘Roast chicken sandwich, last night’s leftovers.’ I handed it over to a starved Jenny.
‘Oh you treat me so well April!’ She declared before she took a huge bite out of the sandwich. From the size of her waist, you’d never guess Jenny had a massive appetite.
‘Are we still doing dinner tomorrow night?’ She asked between bites. Fridays were probably my favourite day. I had a half day at work, I’d pick up sushi as a treat on the way home and then I’d settle down to a good book or a Netflix marathon for the afternoon. The nights were usually planned by Jenny, with her job she managed to blag us theatre ticket most weeks. However, this dinner wasn’t one of our usual Friday nights. It was a set-up, a casual reminder that I was still single and apparently needed to find a boyfriend.
‘Was that tomorrow night? I forgot about that. I might actually be working.’
‘You’re kidding me right? Remember tick tock, you’re not getting any younger pumpkin.’
‘Thanks for that gentle reminder Jen, you aren’t ei-‘
‘April Louise Hollander, you are going to eat dinner with me and some lovely male company whether you like it or not! Trust me; I’m doing it for your own good. Also it’s a work thing, you’d be the bestest for coming.’ I knew there would be some form of blackmail; I was always the sidekick to her little plans.
‘As I’ve told you time and time ag-‘
‘April, just be there.’ She interrupts again. I’ve not paid much attention but she’s finished her sandwich and brushed off the crumbs. I didn’t even bother trying to reply this time.
‘I better get back to the office; they’ll be lost without me. Remember 7 o’clock tomorrow at that fancy Italian place, wear something nice. Ciao darling!’ And with that she marched off on her heels, already screaming orders down the phone.  I had been looking forward to Friday, I was going to marathon Breaking Bad. Now I’d spend the afternoon trolling my wardrobe. Help.
Friday mornings at the library were always fun. A couple of classes from the local primary school would come in and if there wasn’t much work to do I got to help out with the kids. They reminded me of myself at that age, always raring to start a new book. I brought out a table full of new books and they cheered as they scrambled to find the best choice. Their adorable little smiles were enough to make my day. On the other hand, on my bus home I saw a bunch of students glued to their phones and tablets. I understood you could read books on those too but the majority of them were playing addictive games or swiping through possible mates like baboons. What happens to us as we grow up? Does the world of fiction lose its appeal to jabbing away at a piece of plastic and metal? I got off my usual stop and walked a few metres down the road to pick up my Japanese feast of sushi and bubble tea.
My flat was in the building next door, on the third floor. It was small and cosy, ideal for me and my pet fish Oscar, named after Mr Wilde of course. Normally I’d have got straight into my pyjamas, unluckily I had to choose a suitable outfit for Jenny’s high standards. Queue a clichéd montage of chucking clothes around my bedroom. Fashion was never my thing; I was about comfort and practicality not designer labels. I reckoned simple and elegant-ish was my best bet. As I turned to the mirror, I imagined an eagle-eyed Jenny staring back at me.
‘Are you really going to wear that tonight? Why do you even own that?’
‘I don’t actually care Jenny.’
‘Well you obviously care my dear; otherwise you wouldn’t be imagining me in your mirror now, would you?’ I let a little frustrated scream out. Imaginary or not, Jenny did have a point though. I did care. I’ve seen the looks of disgust that Jenny’s colleagues give me when I turn up to a champagne party in my doc martens and no make-up. This time it was almost like a date, she’d mentioned male company. I hadn’t had a boyfriend since university, three years ago. I genuinely did want to try, while I had Hermione’s smarts, I unfortunately didn’t have Emma Watson’s good looks. Tonight was going to be different; I ran out to Primark and bought a little black dress. I braved my contact lenses and risked burning my hair with my straighteners. Make-up wasn’t my best friend, but I tried my hardest to not make it look like war paint. I, of course, made a few April-esque touches, a deathly hallows necklace and forest green brogues. It might have just been a dinner date but as I gazed in the mirror, I could have been ready for a ball.
I definitely preferred London at night time. The twinkling street lights bounced off the reflective skyscrapers that melted into the indigo sky. My taxi driver wasn’t very chatty which I was thankful for tonight. My mind was too busy buzzing with expectations to talk about the weather.  Jenny would giggle like a school girl over her carbonara at the dashing gentleman opposite her. Meanwhile I’d be enthralled in conversation with a boyishly handsome chap who happens to have a passion for Doctor Who. As I dissolved into my day dreams, I barely noticed the taxi screeching to a halt. Jenny practically pounced on me as I stumbled out the cab into the nippy air.
‘April, my darling, you’re a new woman! Where’s the milk bottles? And are you wearing make-up? I love, love, love it!’ She was grinning from ear to ear at my apparent transformation.
‘Aw, you’re very sweet.’ I felt my cheeks redden as she spoke.
‘I wish you dressed like this more often, speaking of which, where is this delight of a dress from? I never knew you owned such a thing.’
‘Primark, only a tenner actually!’ Jenny’s face dropped in repulsion, the idea of being seen dead in anything less than £50 freaked her out. Her grin returned as she took in my whole look once more.
‘Not my usual taste, but you work it.’
‘You sure I look alright? I’m way out my comfort zone here.’
‘Of course you look alright, more than alright! Do you not think you look fab?’ I had to agree with Jenny. I’d gone through my Cinderella transformation from drab to fab except my fairy godmother came in the form of Primark and YouTube tutorials. I gave her a courageous smile.
‘God damn it, I do look fab Jenny.’
‘Great, glad we can agree on that. The boys said they’re going to be a tad late unfortunately so we’ve just to head inside.’
‘Okay, after you.’ I followed Jenny’s lead. After all the commotion of my new look, I hadn’t taken in Jenny’s outfit for the night. Her hair sat in a subtle up do and a creamy fur shawl sprawled over her shoulders. Her dress was a figure hugging scarlet number, which finished just after the knees and her shoes were a classic pair of black heels. As usual, Jenny looked like an absolute bombshell. I felt rather lucky to be friends with someone so glamourous.
As soon as the restaurant door opened we caught the smell of the incredible menu. Chatter surrounded every table. The place was packed. It was a Friday night in London after all. Everything appeared to be draped in white; the tables, chairs and even the walls. Spaghetti Bolognese was off the menu for me then. We got seated straight away as we had reservations. Jenny briefed me on tonight’s mission; we had to show the representative from this company a good time essentially. He was bringing along an intern which is where I came in, I was the distraction while Jenny spoke business. Whilst this was technically work for Jenny, we agreed we were going to have a good time ourselves. Therefore the first order of the night was cocktails. Our waitress brought over two martinis and we clinked our glasses together.
‘Do you feel like you’re in Sex and the City right now?’ Jenny giggled.
‘You took the words right out my mouth.’
‘I think we could give Carrie and the girls a run for their money frankly.’ We chuckled as sophisticatedly as we could. A joint this fancy didn’t feel like it welcomed belly laughs.
‘Excuse me ladies, I do believe you’ve been waiting for us.’ We looked up from our drinks to see our delicious male company had arrived. Jenny got up to shake their hands.
‘You must be Michael? So nice to finally meet you. This is my friend April.’ Michael stretched a freshly tanned hand over to me, his chocolate coloured eyes slithering into mine. Behind him stood a tall redhead who smiled delicately at us.
‘Nice to meet you girls, this is Eric.’ Eric tottered over and shook our hands. His hands were slightly clammy, nerves were tugging at him.
‘Great to meet you both.’ I drank in his polite expression, it was very welcoming. We all took our seats, Eric sat to my left. His navy cord blazer grazed my skin as it fell on his chair.
‘What are we drinking ladies?’ Michael enquired. Every word was like silky caramel; Jenny stuck to every syllable while it was far too sickly for me.
‘Martinis, we can move onto a bottle of wine if you’d prefer.’ Jenny had to vaguely remind herself this was a professional dinner. Michael had other plans.
‘Of course no, martinis it is! Waiter!’ He glanced around and waved his hand in the air, Eric stared at his lap. He looked as uncomfortable as I felt. A baffled waitress finally came over.
‘Six martinis please!’ Michael demanded.
‘Why six?’ Eric innocently asked.
‘We’ve got catching up to do! It’s Friday night after all!’
‘Christopher Eccleston’s your favourite doctor? Really?’
‘Wow, very controversial.’ I sipped my third martini, never losing grip with Eric’s bubblegum blue eyes. They made my insides feel cosy. That could have also been the alcohol. Jenny had gone to sit at the bar with Michael to have shop talk. Her legs stretched in front of the bar stool to keep Michael at a safe distance. She’d got over his caramel tones and was getting to work.
‘So how long have you known Jenny? I wouldn’t say you’re typically matched.’ I rolled my eyes at the world’s most frequently asked question.
‘Most people think the same. We’ve been inseparable since primary school, she shared her dolls with me when nobody else would. I don’t think she quite realised what she’d got into. We’ve been through semesters abroad with nothing but letters to each other and we’re still going. I know she comes across as ridiculous most of the time but that’s part of the magic of Jenny. It’s just kind of amazing that over ten years later, we still meet at a park bench every day for lunch and it’s not boring yet. God, sorry, I’m babbling now!’
‘Nah, don’t worry about it. I think you two are sweet. A bit mad but sweet.’ I looked down at my drink, my cheeks felt rosy. Sensing my awkwardness, he changed subject.
‘Do you have a favourite park bench in mind? I’m a bit of a people watching enthusiast myself.’ My mouth may have gawped open a little. It was like someone had taken my day dreams and moulded them into my perfect man.
‘Seriously? People watching is my favourite thing ever. You know Waverly Park, how the path cuts right through the middle? The bench right next to the pond and multi-courts.’
‘I don’t think I’ve been there, I’ll need to check it out sometime. If you’d let me of course.’
‘Suppose, but I’ll have to share between the hours of 12 and 1 on weekdays.’
‘Those terms are fair enough.’ His endearing gaze turned me to jelly. His movements were careful, his long fingers ever so slightly rubbed up against mine on the table. He picked up my pendant and edged a smile.
‘Harry Potter fan?’
‘Yeah. I must seem like a massive geek with this thing on.’ I mustered hesitantly.
‘Oh really?’ He smirked and got something out of his coat pocket, a wallet with the Hogwarts crest on it. I let out a slight gasp. Eric laughed lightly at my shock. He placed the tattered wallet back in his coat.
‘Massive geeks should stick together, well I think so anyway.’ He declared. Before I even realised, the space between us was gone as he kissed me gently.
‘I could not agree more.’
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