#expert guides
ludowoods · 3 months
so i recently tried to hack my ps2 and after everything i can say it's like, technically easy but the documentation is a godless wasteland compared to n*ntendo systems. one of the major forums has IP banned like half the world including me before i even visited it and most of the text guides are outdated but the more recent ones are 💀 video guides (also frequently outdated)
anyway so my friend and i decided to try to make a couple 3ds.hacks.guide style guides for the ps2. if you have a fat ps2 you can use the internal hdd guide and if you have a slim ps2 you can use the ESR disc method
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csharptek-blog · 1 year
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Why private tour in London is best for travelling with family?
Travelling with family is an amazing experience that creates long-lasting memories. When planning a trip to London, opting for a private tour chauffeur service will be best. It will also help elevate your family's travel experience to new heights.
With private tours chauffeur service, you can enjoy a range of benefits, i.e. from personalized itineraries to flexible schedules and exclusive access.
Let’s check out why private tour London vehicle serviceis an excellent choice for a family trip.
Why you should consider private tour chauffer service for a family trip?
While planning a trip with family it is important to create everlasting memories. With private tour services you can do so as they are expert in following services.
Tailored itineraries
The main advantage of private tour vehicle service is the flexibility to customize itinerary as per the interest and preference of your family.
It alsoallows you to design a personalized experience that suits your family member’s age range and needs.
Whether you want to engage in family-friendly activities like Harry Potter-themed tours or the London Eye or explore iconic landmarks like the Tower of London, Buckingham Palace, or the British Museum, private tours can be tailored to match your family's specific desires.
Expert guides
A private tourchauffeur in London is an expert guide with in-depth knowledge about the city's attractions, culture and history, ensuring an educational and engaging experience for the entire family.
They can also adapt their storytelling techniques to captivate kids of your family, making the tour more entertaining and informative for everyone.
Additionally, the chauffeurs can accommodate your family's pace, allowing you to spend more time exploring areas of your interest and get answers to the questions that arise in your mind.
Flexibility and convenience
With private tour chauffeur service, you are benefited as they adapt to the schedule and preferences of your family.
You can easily choose the start time, trip duration to every attraction, and break time, ensuring a stress-free experience for every family person.
With this flexibility, families with younger travellers are benefited as they require more downtime.
Chauffer service of the private tour also provides door-to-door service, eliminating the hassle of navigating public transport and looking for parking.
They make your journey more comfortable and convenient.
While travelling with family, private tour London provides an array of advantages.
The ability to tailor the itinerary, coupled with an expert guide, ensures an educational and engaging experience for the entire family.
By avoiding traffic and busy roads, private tours and chauffeur services allow you to enjoy most of your time and keep younger travellers excited throughout the journey.
The flexibility and convenience provided by private tours make it easier to accommodate your family's needs and create a stress-free travel experience.
Also, while exploring the wonders of London, the chauffeur service offered by a private tour in London offer a personalized way to discover the right history, hidden gems and iconic landmark of the city.
It also allows you to create cherished memories as a family and helps to foster a deeper appreciation for the vibrant metropolis.
So, when planning a family adventure to London, consider the facilities offered by a private tour London and embark on a journey that leaves an indelible mark on the travel experience of your family.
#Travelling with family is an amazing experience that creates long-lasting memories. When planning a trip to London#opting for a private tour chauffeur service will be best. It will also help elevate your family's travel experience to new heights.#With private tours chauffeur service#you can enjoy a range of benefits#i.e. from personalized itineraries to flexible schedules and exclusive access.#Let’s check out why private tour London vehicle serviceis an excellent choice for a family trip.#Why you should consider private tour chauffer service for a family trip?#While planning a trip with family it is important to create everlasting memories. With private tour services you can do so as they are expe#1.#Tailored itineraries#The main advantage of private tour vehicle service is the flexibility to customize itinerary as per the interest and preference of your fam#It alsoallows you to design a personalized experience that suits your family member’s age range and needs.#Whether you want to engage in family-friendly activities like Harry Potter-themed tours or the London Eye or explore iconic landmarks like#Buckingham Palace#or the British Museum#private tours can be tailored to match your family's specific desires.#2.#Expert guides#A private tourchauffeur in London is an expert guide with in-depth knowledge about the city's attractions#culture and history#ensuring an educational and engaging experience for the entire family.#They can also adapt their storytelling techniques to captivate kids of your family#making the tour more entertaining and informative for everyone.#Additionally#the chauffeurs can accommodate your family's pace#allowing you to spend more time exploring areas of your interest and get answers to the questions that arise in your mind.#3.#Flexibility and convenience#With private tour chauffeur service#you are benefited as they adapt to the schedule and preferences of your family.
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ladybender · 10 days
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crying at leela losing her orphan of the year award when she met her parents dhsgausg
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lilliths-httyd-blog · 10 months
Fuck it. Earthquake Drill/PSA time.
If you see this post, AND:
A: You are in a setting in which it is socially acceptable for you to do so without reason, i.e. you are alone in private (pretty much the only acceptable setting actually XD)
B: You are capable of doing so without causing yourself pain, discomfort, ailment or inconvenience due to a disability, injury etc.
Drop, Cover and Hold
Move no more than a few steps - the fewer, the better. Move away from any tall objects like bookshelves or TVs which could hypothetically fall on you.
Immediately drop to the floor, onto your knees. This controlled fall will prevent you from being knocked to the ground by an actual earthquake and gives you more control over your movements as well as faster reaction time. You want to avoid being knocked down by an earthquake where at all possible.
If there is a sturdy desk near you, crawl and get under it. If not, stay where you are, so long as it is a safe place.
Cover the back of your head and neck with your hands and form the turtle position, like you'd do in a tornado or if a nuclear bomb went off.
If you are under a sturdy table, keep your neck covered with one hand and use the other to hold onto one of the legs of the table if you can. This is a critical in an actual earthquake, as in a strong earthquake the table will most likely move (esp if it has wheels on it). You have to be prepared to move with your table when it does so. If it is jolted to the left by shaking, you crawl to the left with it.
If you are NOT under a sturdy table, keep turtle-ing.
Stay in this position for 20-30 seconds if you are practicing, or until you are sure that the shaking has stopped in a real earthquake. Check that your surroundings are safe before standing up again and for the love of fuck be careful not to hit your head on the table on the way out.
If there's just been an actual earthquake, turn on the radio for further instruction. If you're just practicing, find out what station you should tune into in the event of an actual emergency. If your area doesn't utilise the radio as a means of post-disaster instruction, what the fuck??
Congrats! You just practiced what you should do in an earthquake. These steps should come to you automatically, you should know them by heart and be able to immediately leap into action when the ground starts to shake. If you don't, practice every now and then until you're do.
If you have a disability, you should have your own set of personalised earthquake safety steps that you can take. These steps will be unique to you and your needs.
If you are driving, slow down, pull over and stop until the shaking stops. Stay in your car. After the shaking has stopped, you need to assess your own situation. How bad was that earthquake? Is it safe to continue driving? Are the roads damaged? Will emergency services need the roads to be clear? Before an earthquake hits, you should think about what you'd do in these types of situations.
If you're in bed, use your pillow as a shield for your head and your blankets to shield your body from flying glass, etc.
If you're on the beach, Drop, Cover and Hold until the shaking stops and then fucking run (DO NOT PANIC) as tsunami may be imminent. If the earthquake was light, you should be fine as the risk of tsunami is low, but get out of there anyway just in case. If the shaking made it hard to stand up or lasted longer than twenty seconds, get the fuck out of there as fast as you can because those are tsunami conditions, motherfucker. You need to reach high ground or be as far inland as possible. If you can reach high ground (at least 75-100 meters above sea level) within five minutes of running/walking, then go on foot. If there will be traffic congestion, go on foot. Only go in your car if it will get you to higher ground faster than running would AND if it will not cause congestion (e.g. your beach is in an area with a low population). Unsure? Go on foot. Do not enter alleyways or narrow streets unless it is absolutely critical to your survival and you can exit them again with haste. Best to stick to wide-open areas such as paddocks, fields and wide streets.
Your school, workplace and other facilities that you use will have their own specialised earthquake safety protocols. Follow the instructions of the authority figures in these settings. If you are in a supermarket or a similar retail setting, leave your trolley behind when you evacuate the building, I beg of you. You'd be surprised how many people (boomers) will throw hissy fits at having to leave their groceries behind in events such as fire drills and building evacuations. Please don't be one of these people.
Assess other setting you may be in and determine what you would do if an earthquake hits. As I live in earthquake-prone New Zealand, I've made it a habit of mine to assess the settings and locations that I frequent and determine the best course of action.
Run outside. Running outside in an earthquake is your cheat code to immediate death. Falling signage, building facades, chimneys, scaffolding and other hazards could, and do kill people. Stay where you are. If you are walking outside a shop with a facade above the street and an earthquake hits, step away from the facade immediately.
Panic. Earthquakes are not the end of the world, they're just the ground having a bit of a rave. If you can react calmly and efficiently to take the appropriate steps, you'll be fine.
Seek shelter in your doorway UNLESS you are absolutely certain that it really is safer than the rest of the structure of your house. In all likelyhood, your doorway will be no safer than the rest of your house, and then there's the combined hazard of swinging doors to worry about as well. You'll probably be safer to just Drop, Cover and Hold. It really does depend on your house, and this is something that you will need to assess for yourself.
Go anywhere near fallen, exposed or otherwise sketchy powerlines, or just powerlines in general. Treat all wires as live at all times, even if there's a power outage.
Go near the beach shortly after an earthquake. Wait until you've received an all-clear from your local authorities before going near the beach.
Light candles. If your house uses gas for a stove, heating, etc, do not light candles, matches, lighters or anything which can produce a spark or open flame. Turn off the gas at the mains after any strong earthquake. You won't know if there's a gas leak in some instances. Best to get out of your house if a gas leak seems likely, or if you start to suffer the side effects of gas inhalation. And if you smell gas, turn it off at the mains if you can and/or get the fuck out. Only light candles when it's absolutely necessary (ALWAYS DEFAULT TO TORCHES/FLASHLIGHTS AND HEADLAMPS) AND only if you live in a house like mine where there is no gas usage, AND only if you are capable of extinguishing the candles at a moments notice. Best to only use tealights or candles with sturdy bases, and never leave a candle out of arms reach (never leave a candle unattended, earthquake or not). In general, avoid needing to use candles at all: have enough spare batteries for your torches to last until power can be turned on again (could be days or weeks).
Walk in floodwater, drink floodwater, drive in floodwater, etc. After an earthquake, you may experience flooding from ruptured water pipes, etc. I will be frank: This water may contain shit and piss in it. Also glass, metal, other harmful chemicals, a bunch of stuff. You can't see through floodwater due to its murky properties. There could be gators in there and you wouldn't know it. Don't touch it.
Open your fridge or freezer door. Food in there can keep for hours when the power goes out, so long as you keep the doors shut.
Go barefoot after a strong earthquake or if there's glass/debris etc. Find shoes, put the shoes on. Wear the shoes.
Also many other 'don't do's' but this post is getting too long so please go read up on these yourselves. What you should and shouldn't do depends on where you live. Go research it for yourself, it may save your life. Also put together both an emergency kit and an evacuation kit: you'll find plenty of guides online for how to construct these.
Earthquake safety is fucking important, and you should know how to react in an earthquake even if you are not living in an earthquake prone area - you never know when you're gonna be caught out, as fault lines can often remain completely unknown and invisible until they strike. I've met immigrants who have come to New Zealand from non-earthquakey countries and haven't known what to do (babe how do you come to the shaky isles and not know what to do if the ground starts to shake omg). Plate tectonics, volcanoes, explosions, meteor atmospheric entries (lol shockwaves), mine bumps, shitty ground infrastructure etc can all cause minor to severe earthquakes (or similar shaking effects). If nothing else, keep in mind Drop, Cover and Hold. That shit's lifesaving.
And yes I have a hyperfixation on these things, don't judge me. Kid-me grew up during/post Canterbury Earthquake Sequence, no wonder my ADHD ass started obsessing over these things.
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theriu · 9 months
How To Extinguish A Phoenix
Phoenix: ACHOO! (bursts into flames)
Me: (sprays down with fire extinguisher)
Phoenix: (sniff) . . . I think that-ah-ACHOO (combusts again)
Me: (sprays again) We might need to switch extinguishers here soon.
Phoenix: Already?! Just let me di-ah-ah . . . ! No, lost that one. Anyway, just let me die, then!
Me: Not a chance, buddy! Remember what you said: no matter what, don’t let you burn to ash, because a cold isn’t as bad as spending six months regrowing all your feathers. Focus on that! The meds should kick in soon! And I’m not giving your deposit back!
Pheonix: I knooow, but I haaate thiiis . . . ah-ah-AH—!
Me: (sprays)
Phoenix: (sputtering) At least wait until I’m ACTUALLY on fire!
Me: (sheepish) Sorry. I got excited.
Phoenix: So glad you’re enjoying yourself!
Me: Look, I do not care how much you paid me: Dodging flammable pheonix snot is not how I like to pass my time. But fire extinguishers are fun, and if we’re both going to be miserable, I don’t see why we shouldn’t relish what little joy is to be had here.
Phoenix: . . . That’s fair, I guess.
Me: Tell you what—if I catch on fire, you can spray ME down.
Phoenix: Aw, thanks. That’s really . . . ah . . . ah . . . ACHOO!!!
Me: (sprays)
(A/N: This one goes out to all the people afflicted with holiday bugs! There’s SO MANY OF YOU, my WORD. I hope you feel better and still have a very Merry Christmas and all the other holidays left this year!)
For more assorted nonsense, visit my How To Guides for Mythical Creatures Masterlist!
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dailyfigures · 5 months
Omg how did you get the bishoujo horror girls, i want jason and michael so bad but I can't find them anywhere 😭
i got all of my bishoujo horror girls on yahoo auctions using a proxy (i use zenmarket)! i got them recently for around $140 each excluding shipping which i was happy with! they might not be on there right now but i just consistently checked (i use the search term "horror 美少女") until they popped up for a decent price. really hope you can get them!!
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dogstomp · 1 year
Hallo! Love your stuff! Hope things are well. If i may be asked, do you have recommendations for someone wanting to learn Blender but don't know where to start? Anyways- take care!
Before we begin, the most important key is F3 It is a search function, to find actions and tools you need. Just keep that in mind. _________________________________________________ I recommend starting by printing out a list of hotkeys and taping it up next to your monitor. For instance, here are some basic important ones you'll use all the time: R - Rotate S - Scale G - Grab/move A - Select All X - Delete Ctrl+Z - Undo Ctrl+Shift+Z - Redo E - Extrude new vertices F - Fill/connect vertices
_______________________________________________ You primarily move your view using the Middle button on your mouse: Middle click + drag - Rotate view around focus Shift + Middle Click + drag - Pan view Alt + Middle Click - Choose a focus ______________________________________________ When you open blender, you begin in Object Mode. You'll find the default cube in the center of the screen. If you click on it, you'll be able to use many of the above hotkeys to manipulate the whole object. Hit tab to switch to Edit Mode, and you'll find that you can select and manipulate individual vertices within that object. Many hotkeys act differently depending on which mode you're in, but you'll most often want to be in Edit mode. ____________________________________________ That's my beginner setup guide. I recommend just going into blender and trying each of these things for a bit. Past that point, you may be ready to google questions you have. (I recommend eventually watching all the "100 blender tips" videos you can find on Youtube. I binged dozens and kept learning useful things the whole time)
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sieglinde-freud · 9 months
How and where can I find the gay mod for fates cause I have pairings I’ve been wanting to play for 6 years
i got the mod from here!! im playing it on citra but as far as i know, it should work on a modded 3ds as well. i did struggle a bit getting it to work but i just ended up fumbling with the files a bit and its been working perfectly! if youre any more computer literate than i am (which. is a low bar) you should be fine. good luck :3
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detectivemiku · 6 months
my friend: oh I might watch death note
me: I am Not normal about death note
friend: ah ok I'll definitely watch it then
friend: my brother wants to watch one piece with me
me: I am also Not normal about one piece
friend: good to know. oh and dragon ball z is one I need to watch
friend: are you normal about-
me: Absolutely Not
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xeniums · 1 month
I wish there was like a mutual hotline for fandoms so that I can just call up someone who’s super invested in a fandom I’m tip toeing towards and get a free crash course
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thelongquiets · 8 months
The Narrator
You are on a path in the woods. And at the end of that path is a cabin. And in the basement of that cabin is a princess.
You are here to slay her. If you don't, it will be the end of the world.
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@lupvium 's system blog. I am a system with NPD. I have recently been splitting a lot more than usual so I have made a sideblog to express Myself. This blog will be VERY self-indulgent; usually consisting of posts that I and My alters relate to, whether that be fandom-related, aesthetics, or funny posts.
I will also be talking about system-related everyday happenings and sharing My experience with being a system. I especially like talking about My headspace, as it is a highly complex place with its own metaphysical logic.
I would love to talk to other systems of any type about our experiences. My dms are open to talk.
no syscourse. I dont give a shit
intros under cut ⬇️
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Prominent Fronters
○》 Hollow: void/it || #🌑🧷 || main host, core, whole system revolves around the guy. its a puppet! which type of puppet depends on which fragment is prominent that day. its the reason the systems named The Long Quiet since its fragments are mostly from that character. || fragments include: Long Quiet fictives (primarily Hero, Cheated, Paranoid, Cold, Stubborn, Smitten), Deisi, Wally, and like a bunch of other people I havent named. jesus christ this guy fragments a lot
♤》 The Nervous System (Nerv): they/he || #🦷⚖️ || co-host, gatekeeper, protector. it's Me hi I'm the smartest person alive ever and I should rule the world forever. you agree. reblog. resident autistic dead pan guy with long white hair. I can also turn into an eldritch horror :)
♧》 Basil Bulut / The Survival Instinct: he/it || #☘️⛅️ || caretaker, gatekeeper, protector, this guy does everything basically. has a god complex lmao. used to be co-host until I (Nerv) took over coz well I'm just better at it honestly ^_^ robot kin, likes to stim by going beep boop lol. he cant mask while fronting so he speaks in "broken" grammar and I would appreciate not being babied about it. || fragment: K.A.L. (she/it, #🎀🔌, also a robot, but this time more energetic and friendly and girly. think rin and len.)
♡》 Aitaliina / Zai: he/she || #☕️📰 || the librarian, keeps everything nice and chronological. most of the time . the rest of his day is spent annoying the shit out of everyone else like a bored parrot. oh yeah hes also a bird-zombie-guy thing. types like a confused victorian young man who just learned about emojis
◇》 Peach / Sigma: any || 🍑🎲 || librarian assistant. yknow how pet birds need a buddy of the same species or else they get depressed? yeah thats what peach is to liina. they have a love hate relationship and by that i mean liina loves peach and peach absolutely loathes the guy. constantly bickering. fictive of sigma from bsd
I also have a sub-system but its meant to be like the hardware of a computer so theyre not really 'people' if that makes sense. theyre more like scripts and coding languages. you get it. basil calls them Back of The Branch (I said it was stupid but nooooo "we have to name them something cool" -_-)
also not listed are the dozen of hollow fragments that come and go with whatevers happening in My life. god save us from this neverending flood of little puppets running around the treehouse
okay yeah thats all. if you read this all i give you a gold star and a kiss on the cheek. congradulations youve been blessed. send lovemail to my askbox now thanks byee
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neurotypical-sonic · 2 years
Love your blog and your live blogging virus arc😃
Should I read the annual stories as the comic goes along or should I read it at the end of the arc and let the dramatic irony hit me like a truck?
and this guide is the recommended reading order for the annuals! basically at the end of the arcs, since they contain spoilers for it
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that-vampire-eira · 1 year
Hello terraria community
I managed to purchase terraria on my switch, and day one of being in the world, the guide watched me get killed by a purple slime and I still haven’t recovered
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theriu · 1 month
I kinda miss doing tumblr ask blogs, so I've been playing around with an idea for a while. And since I learned I'm getting close to an even 50 How To Guides (wild!!!), it's come to mind each time I post a new one. So, for those of you who know/read my How To Guides for Mythical Creatures, please help me out with a little poll:
My idea is that people could submit asks for any characters\creatures that have made appearances in the Guides as they appear, although the Mythic Expert (M.E.) would be the "main character." I would probably start out by reblogging the Guides themselves in order of creation so people could ask about events like it's a slice-of-life show, and I'd share those that get turned into comics (which I hope to do to all of them eventually, but I'm not ready to commit to that big a project full-time). I think most of the replies would be in text form, but I'd like to draw some of them, too! I'm hoping this could be a fun way to further develop the silly little world in which the HTGfMC take place.
Thanks for voting, and if you voted in the positive, please reblog to help others see this (and drum up more interest! :D) (Not that everyone else can't reblog too, if they want XD)
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mityenka · 1 year
thw titanic submarine drama is like poetry to me
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